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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07132 The Roman martyrologe according to the reformed calendar faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by G.K. of the Society of Iesus.; Martyrology. Rome Catholic Church.; Du Tielt, Guillaume, engraver.; Keynes, George, 1553-1611.; Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1627 (1627) STC 17533; ESTC S112359 160,108 650

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her Monastery was renowned for the vertue of Abstinence and Miracles ¶ And in other places of many other Saintes Martyrs and Confessors and Holy Virgins to whose prayers and merits we humbly commend our selues ℟ Prayse be to God In this manner the reading of the Martyrologe is alvvaies to end B The second Day THE Octaue of S. Stephen the Protomartyr At Rome the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs who contemning the Edict made by Diocletian the Emperour commanding That such as had any sacred Bookes should deliuer them vp made choice rather to deliuer theyr bodyes to the Executioners then to giue Holy things to dogges At Antioch the passion of Blessed Isidore Bishop At Tomis in Pontus of Asia of three holy Breethren Argeus Narcissus and Marcellinus a youth who being taken among the new Souldiers and refusing to serue was vnder Licinius the Empe●our beaten almost to death and for a long tyme starued in pryson at last drowned in the sea finished his Martyrdome but his two brethren were beheaded At Millane of S. Martinianus Bishop At Nitria in Aegipt of Blessed Isidore Bishop and Confessour The same day of S. Siridon Bishop In Thebais of S. Macarius of Alexandria Abbot C. The third Day THE Octaue of S. Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist At Rome in the way called Appia the birth-day of S. Anterus Pope who suffered vnder Iulius Maximinus was buryed in the Church-yard of Callistus The same day of S. Peter who at Aulona was crucifyed In Hellesponte of the holy Martyrs Cirinus Primus and Theogenes At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Gordius a Centurion in whose praise is extant an excellent Oration made by S. Basill the Great vpon his festiual day In Cilicia of the holy Martyrs Zosimus Athanasius a Notary Theopemptus and Theonas who suffered a famous Martyrdome in the persecution of Diocletian At Padua of S. Daniel Martyr At Vienna in France of S. Florentius Bishop who in the tyme of Gallienus the Emperour was banished and there ended his Martyrdome At Paris of S. Genouefa Virgin who consecrated to God by S. Germā Bishop of Auxerre was famous for her wonderfull vertues and miracles D. The fourth Day THE Octaue of the holy Innocents In Candia the birth-day of S. Titus who by S. Paul the Apostle was ordayned Bishop of that place where after he had faythfully performed his office of preaching made an holy end was buryed in the Church of which by the Blessed Apostle he had byn made Bishop At Rome of the holy Martyrs Priscus Priest and Priscillianus Clarke and of Benedicta a Religious woman who in the raigne of the most wicked Iulian were martyred by the sword Also of Blessed Dafrosa wyfe to S. Fabian Martyr who after the killing of her husband being first bannished was lastly vnder the same Prince beheaded At Bolonia of the Saints Hermes Aggaeus and Caius Martyrs who suffered vnder Maximian the Emperour At Adrumetum in Affrica the Cōmemoration of S. Mauilus Martyr who in the persecution of Seuerus the Emperour being by Scapula a most cruell Gouernour condemned to be deuoured of beasts receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome Moreouer in Affrica of the most famous Martyrs Aquilinus Geminus Eugenius Marcianus Quinctus Theodotus and Triphon At Langres of S. Gregory Bishop famous for miracles At Rhemes in France of S. Rigobertus Bishop and Confessour E The fifth Day THE Vigill of the Epiphany of our Lord. At Rome of S. Telesphorus Pope who vnder Antoninus Pius after many labors obtayned a glorious Martyrdome for the Confession of Christ. In Aegypt the Commemoration of many Holy Martyrs who in the persecution of Diocletian were killed in Thebais by diuers kinds of torments At Antioch of S. Symeon Monke who liued many yeares standing in a pillar was therof surnamed Stylites whose lyfe and conuersation was wonderfull In England of S. Edward King renowned for the vertue of Chastity and working of Miracles At Alexandria of S. Sincletica whose famous actes S. Athanasius hath left wrytten At Rome of Aemiliana Virgin aunt to S. Gregory Pope who being called vnto God by her sister Tharsilla before departed went this day to our Lord. The same day of S. Apollinaris Virgin F The sixt Day THE Epiphany of our Lord. In the territory of Rhemes the Passion of S. Macra Virgin who in the persecution of Diocletian by commaundement of Rictiouarus Gouernour being cast headlong into the fire and receauing no hurt had her breasts cut off afterward afflicted with a loathsome imprysonment being also rolled vp and downe vpon sharpe potsheardes and burning coales in prayer departed to our Lord. In Affrica the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs who in the persecution of Seuerus tyed to a stake where consumed with fire At Reines in Britany of France of S. Melanius Bishop and Confessour who after innumerable signes of his vertues hauing his eyes cōtinually fixed vpon heauen gloriously departed out of this world At Geris in Aegypt of S. Milamon Anchoret who whilest he was drawen to haue beene made Bishop against his will in prayer gaue vp his soule to God G The seauenth Day THE bringing back of the Child Iesus out of Aegypt The same day the birth-day of Blessed Lucian Priest of the Church of Antioch and Martyr who famous for learning and eloquence suffered at Nicomedia for the Confession of Christ in the persecution of Maximinus and lyeth buryed at Helenople in Bithynia whose prayses are wrytten by S. Iohn Chrysostome At Antioch of S. Clerus Deacon who for the glory of his Confession being seauen tymes tortured and pyned long in pryson at last beheaded ended his Martyrdome In the Citty of Heraclea of the holy Martyrs Felix and Ianuarius The same day of S. Iulian Martyr In Denmarke of S. Canutus King Martyr At Pauia of S. Crispin Bishop and Confessor In Dacia of S. Nicetas Bishop who by preaching the Ghospell of Christ made milde and meeke most fierce and barbarous Nations In Aegypt of S. Theodorus Monke who was famous for holynes of life in the time of Constantine the Great of whome S. Athanasius maketh mention in the lyfe of S. Antony A The eyght Day AT Beauuais in France of the holy Martyrs Lucian Priest Maximian and Iulian of which the two last were by presently beheaded but blessed Lucian who came with S. Dennis into France after a great slaughter of his fellowes not fearing with a stoute voyce still to confesse the name of Christ at last receaued the same sentence of death which the former had suffered Also of Saint Eugenianus Martyr In Libya of the holy Martyrs Theophilus Deacon and Helladius who being f●●st most cruelly torne and then rolled vpon sharp potsheards at last throwne into the fire rendred vp their soules to God At Hierapolis in Asia of S. Apollinaris Bishop who vnder Marcus Antoninus Verus florished for sanctity and learning At Naples in Campania the birth-day of S. Seuerine Bishop brother to Blessed Victorinus