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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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yere of Christ 896 Anni regum Angli 25 and was crowned with the imperiall Dyademe by Formosus the pope Raimitis kinge of Spaine .xix. yeres He caste his brother Alphons in prison and berefte him of his sight because he denied the faith of christ The yere of the worlde 4858 Stephene the .vi. was ordeined pope Anni regum Angli 26 which so enuied the name of his predicessour Formosus The yere of Christ 897 that he abrogated and dissolued his decrees and taking vppe his bodye after it was buried cutte of his head and fingers of his right hand and commaūded them to be cast into Tyber and then buried his body in a priuate sepulchre Which cruell dede some attributed to Sergius that laboured for the bishoprike together with Formosus In Rome were .v. popes within the space of .iii. yeres that is Boniface the .vi. Stephene the .vi. Romanus Theodorus the seconde Iohn the .ix. who reigned .ii. yeres and then suceded Bennet the .iiii. Charles being of iust age Anni regum Angli 27 toke on him the kingdome of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4861 The yere of Christ 900 who for his modestee sinceritee and innocencie of life was surnamed simple and was nothinge framed of nature for worldlye businesse and troubles of warre and therfore he ceassed alwaye frome warrefare and gaue him to quietnesse EDwarde the elder sonne of Alurede Anni regum Angli 1 beganne his reigne ouer the more part of England gouerned this lande well and nobly .xxiiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4892 The yere of Christ 901 In knowlage of good letters he was not to be compared to his father But in honour worship and marciall prowes nothinge inferiour And was also veraye profitable to the common weale in buildyng and repairyng many castles townes and cyties whiche were rased and broken by the Danes He in his time adiuigned to his lordeshyp all thys iland sauynge onely Northumberlande whiche was possessed of the Danes Uuido the Lumbarde ended his lyfe after whom Beringarius obteyned the kingdome of Italy But the Lumbardes not beynge content wyth one ordeyned for theyr kyng a valiaunt and merciall yonge man named La●thbert the soonne of Uuido Arnolph emperour of Germanye died of the lousie euyl Anni regum Angli 2 Edwarde of England made warre against Constantine kinge of Scottes and forced him to desyre peace The yere of the worlde 4863 The yere of Christ Shortly after he quieted the Welsshemen Anni regum Angli 3 Lewys the sonne of Arnolph The yere of the worlde 4864 The yere of Christ 803 was chosen emperour of Germanye He was neuer crowned wyth the imperyall Diademe at Rome For Beringarius the Lumbarde held from him by force the dominion of Italy Constantine the thyrde of that name was ordeined king of Scottes and reigned .xl. yeres Anni regum Angli 5 Alexander The yere of the worlde 4866 The yere of Christ a man wholy addicte to all filthye liuynge was made emperoure of Constantinople Lanthberte the sonne of Uuido was sla●ne by treason as he was in huntinge After whom the Italyans chose Lewys the sonne of Boson to theyr kyng Adeluoldus the brother of kyng Edward of Englande beynge excited of the Danes of Northumberlande made warre vpon his brother whom Edwarde vanquysshed and so egrely pursued that he constreygned hym wyth manye of the Danes to forsake the lande and flye to Fraunce Sergius a man rude vnlearned verye proude and cruell Anni regum Angli was ordeyned byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde 4867 The yere of Christ He commaunded the bodye of Formosus to bee taken out of the sepulchre and cast into Tyber In this tyme wythin the space of .ix. yeeres hadde been in Rome .ix. byshops of the whyche Bennet the .iiii. re●gned .iii. yeres And none of any estimacion or learnynge but all cruell malicious and proude At whyche tyme the byshops of Rome settynge a syde all honestye beganne to be openlye naughte as Platyne that wryteth theyr lyues dooeth greatly complayne Constantine a man of good dysposicion was auctorysed emperour of Constantynople who by treason was immediatly deposed Romaines soueraygne captayne of hys armye vsurped the imperiall auctoritye .39 yeres Adeuoldus the brother of kynge Edwarde wyth a company of Danes landed agayne in Englande where after sore fyghte in the whyche Adelwalde was slayne peace was concluded betwene Edwarde and the Danes Rollo the Dane made sure the prouynce of Normandye that was geuen to him by the Frenche kynge and renued the league whiche euer after he kepte fyrmely The Hunnes or Hungares molested all partes of Europe with most cruell warres The yere of the worlde 4868 The yere of Christ 907 Anni regum Angli 7 The Bauares encountrynge wyth the Hunnes were chased and slayne with their capitayne Luithbalde The Hunnes subdued the Bulgares and made theym tributarye The yere of the worlde 4869 The yere of Christ 908 Anni regum Angli 8 The Hungares brake into Almayne wher they spoyled the lande The yere of the worlde 4870 The yere of Christ 909 and put to flyght Lewys the emperoure Anni regum Angli 9 Not longe after they perced Italy and ouerrennynge the countrey fylled euerye place wyth murder bothe of man woman and chylde wyth whom Beryngaryus mette in the fielde and was put to flight Edwarde of Englande vanquished Ericius chyefe lorde of the Danes The yere of the worlde 4871 The yere of Christ 910 Anni regum Angli 10 whyche possessed Northff and Southff and subdued that prouince to his signorye The yere of the worlde 4872 The yere of Christ 911 In thys tyme a noble woman named Elfleda syster to kynge Edwarde Anni regum Angli 11 gouerned the prouynce of myddle Englande The woman whan she had ones assayed the paynes that women suffer in trauailyng with childe euer after hated the embrasynges of hir husbande saiynge that it was not semely for any noble woman to vse suche fleshely lykyng wherof shulde ensue so great sorow and payne A great noumbre of Danes whyche in tyme of Alurede were dryuen out of thys lande retourned into the weaste countrey of Englande whiche hauynge worde of the kynges comyng against theim after certayne robberyes fled into Irelande Chunrade nephewe to Lewys the .iii. and Duke of east Fraunce was by the counsaile of Otto Duke of Saxone made emperour and was the laste emperour of the stocke of the great Charles Anni regum Angli 12 After whom The yere of the worlde 4873 The yere of Christ 912 the empyre was transferred to the Saxones Anni regum Angli 13 Arnolde Duke of Bauarye The yere of the worlde 4874 The yere of Christ 913 Burchard Duke of Swaue Euerharde Duke of East Fraunce and Gis●berte of Loraine rebelled against Chunrade the emperoure whom by his wysedome and policye he broughte to dewe obeysaunce Beringarius of Italye toke prysoner Lewys The yere of the worlde 4875 The yere of Christ 914 whyche was set vp as kynge agaynste
.iiii. monethes About this time as witnesseth Polidore and as it semeth most agreeinge with other histories greeuous and cruell warre began betwene king Edwarde of England and Philip of France for takinge of certayne shippes of Normandie Philip summoned kinge Edwarde to appeare at his parliamente but he thereat disdeigned and yelded vp into his handes the Duchie of Guyan entendinge ere it were longe to make claime to the whole dukedome of Normandie Philip sent Raulfe Nele the constable of France with a mightye power againste the Gascoines whiche by the syde of Englishemen defended them so manfullye that great hurt was done on both partes Adoulphus the emperour endeuoured to depriue Albert of his duchie of Austriche Anni regum Angli and certaine other landes The yere of the worlde 5154 The yere of Christ 1293 for which cause was betwene them fierce warre King Iohn Bailol of Scotlande came to Newcastel and did homage to king Edwarde The Welshemen by the ●●ering of Modoke and Morgaine rebelled against the kinge who sped him towarde them in al hastie wise and shortlye brought that vnstedefast and vnruly people to a newe reclaime and ▪ then commaunded their woodes to be cutte to the grounde After whiche time he helde them in more rest and quyet The Frenchmen with a company of ships arriued at Douer robbed the towne and were chased thens wyth the losse of many of their men Charles de Ualots kinge Philippes brother besieged the castell of Rion in Gascoyne wherein were sir Iohn seint Iohn and Iohn de Britaine Englisshe capitaines Michael Paleogolus emperour of Grece ended his life whom the Grecian priestes suffered to be vnburyed because that at the counsayle of Lyons be agreed to the Romaine church in procedinge of the holy ghost Celestine bishop of Rome .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 21 he resygned the papacie to Boniface the The yere of the worlde 5255 The yere of Christ 1294 viii whiche reygned .viii. yeres .ix. monethes Andronicus Michaell emperours of Constantinople Madoke which caused the Welshmen to rebell was hanged drawen and quartered at London Iohn Bailol king of Scottes ▪ contrarie to his allegiance by the exci●ing of the Frenchmen rebelled agaynst kinge Edwarde Dinus Mugellanus Lamfranke Balbus the gatherer of Catholicon and Rabi Gerundentis ▪ flourished King Edward wanne from the Scottes the castels ▪ of Barwike Dunbarre he slewe of the Scottes aboue .xl. thousande and toke prisoners sir William Douglas sir Simon ●e Fre●sel the erle Pairike sir Robert Le Bruze with many other of name He conquered also Edenbourough ▪ where he founde the regaul insignes of Scotland that is the crowne the sceptre and the cloth of estate Iohn Bailol king of Scottes with his sonne Edward came to Mont Ros where he voyde of all kinglye ornamentes with a white rodde in his hande came before king Edwarde and resigned all ryghte and tytle that he had or might haue to the crowne of Scotland and made him a charter therof Also shortlye after at Barwike all the nobles were sworne to be true subiectes to hym in times coming In this meane time the Englishemen susteined many stormes in Gascoyne and Guyan Sir Hugh Gr●ssinghā was made regent of Scotland Boniface the .viii. was bishop of Rome whiche by hys trecherie and falshode caused his predecessour Celestine to forsake his byshoprike He reared also deadlye warres in Italy Kynge Edwarde sailed into Flaunders to rescue Guye theyr Ecle Anni regum Angli 23 The yere of the worlde 5257 The yere of Christ 1256 which was greuously ouerset by the Frenche kynge so that he had wonne from hym muche of his landes Shortly after kynge Edwardes comynge a peace was concluded for .ii. yeres and then he went to Burd●ur The ●cottes by the intisement of the Frenchemen and leadyng of one Wylliam Wallace rebelled and put the Englishemen to much trouble and losse of many men amonge the which was sir Hugh Gressingham The electours chose Albert Duke of Austria to be their emperoure and deposed Adoulphus because he was not of power to mainteine the imperial maiestee Kynge Edwarde vanquisshed the Scottes The yere of Christ and nere to a towne called Fankirke Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5253 slewe of theim in one battayle 32000. at whiche tyme as some write were slaine of the Englishemen but barelye .xviii. persons After this ouerthrow the Scottes yelded the Scottysshe historye referreth this to the next yere folowyng Kynge Edwarde for a fynall peace to be had betweene Englande and Fraunce toke to wife Margaret the sister of Phillip the Frenche king A league and truce 〈◊〉 graunted to the Flemminges which continued not long For the Flemminges of Brugis while theyr Duke Gu●e and his sonne were kepte in prison by the Frenche kynge set vpon the Frenche capytaines and put them to a great afterdeale The bishoppe of Rome vsed great cruel●●● towarde the house of Columnēses and toke from them theyr castels Kyng Edward hearynge of the vntrouth and rebellyon of the Scottes Anni regum Angli 25 made his thirde vyage againste theim ▪ The yere of the worlde 5265 The yere of Christ 1298 wherin he behaued hym so knyghtly that in shorte space he subdued a great parte of the lande and toke the castell Estriualine with other holdes made the lordes sweare to him feauitee and homage Adoulphus and Alberte contendyng for the imperiall auctorytee on the mountaine Hansenbull fought a cruel battaile wherin Adoulphus was slayne and Albert succeded in the empyre and reygned .x. yeres He desyringe to be crowned with the imperiall Diademe of the byshop of Rome could not obteine it For Boniface saied to him that his election was frustrate withoute his auctoryt●e whiche helde the power of bothe swoordes that is of ecclesiastical and ciuile iurisdiction Boniface made the sixt boke of the decrees The kyng of Englande gaue to Edward his sonne the principate of Wales The yere of the worlde 5260 The yere of Christ 1299 Anni regum Angli 26 and i●ig●ed therto the Erldome of Cornwall Iames kynge of Arragon and Sicilie ended his lyfe Wherefore Robert Duke of Calabre and sonne of that Charles whiche contented with the Arragons for Sicilie inuaded Sicilie and toke Cathina but the Sicilians fauourynge more the parte of the Arragons withstode Robert and in a battaile on the sea vanquisshed and toke Phillip his brother slew many of hys souldiours The Flemminges of Brugis were soughten with of Otho Duke of Burgoyne in the quarell of the Frenche kynge who by the ayde of the Frenchemen slew of them xv thousande The yere of the worlde 5261 The yere of Christ 1300 Friderich of Arragon beyng ordeyned kyng of Sicily Anni regum Angli 27 subdued to hym the countrey of Calabre Gr●●● rufflyng and vnquietnesse was in Hetruria the space of .ii. yeres Charles of Ualois was appoynted of the byshoppe of Rome to be defendour of S. Peters patrimonie Boniface the eight ordeined fyrst a Iubilei
examples brefely in al princely vertues he was so excellēt that few noble men before his time can be to him compared At the beginninge he was chefely ordered by sir Roger Mortimer and his mother Isabell. Robert kinge of Scottes sent his defiaunce to yonge kinge Edwarde and inuaded the borders of England Kinge Edward made preparacion toward Scotland at which time fel great variance betwene the archers of Englande and the souldiours of sir Iohn of ●eynalde and shortly after the English army being in the borders was so sore distressed for lacke of forage and other necessaries that they were all in great daunger By the treason of sir Roger Mortimer the Scottes escaped without battaile wherby the kinge loste that vyage and all hys charges By the counsayle of sir Roger Mortimer and the olde queene king Edward made a dishonourable peace with the Scottes For he restored to theim all auncient wrytinges charters and patentes whereby the kynges of Scotland had obliged thē to be s●udaries to the crowne of Englande with other like vnprofitable conditions Lewys the emperour at the instance of many noble mē of Italye came to Millaine where he according to the ancient custome was crowned with a Diademe of yron Iohn the bishoppe of Rome excommunicated Lewys and disanulled his election because he vsed imperial diggnitee in Italy before he was auctorised by him Thys variance continued well nere .xx. yeares in whyche the emperour profered often times to make entreatie of concorde and peace but the stife necked tyranne of Rome wolde neuer bende The writinges of bothe partes concerning this controuersie remaine at these dayes in the which the byshop feareth not to make his auaunte that he had full power to create and depose kinges and emperours at his pleasure and at the same tyme were many learned men whiche did greatly disalowe the byshop of Romes doynges amonge the whiche was Occham a man in his dayes of great fame A boke also was made by a learned man and geuē to the emperour which was called defensor pacis that is the Defēdour of peace wherin this controuersy is disputed and the bishop of Romes vnlawfull tyran nie sette forth to the vttermost A great cause of this variance as some write was bicause one of the emperours secretaries vnknowing to the emperour in cerayne of his letters had called the bishop the beast risyng out of the sea alluding to the place of the Apocalips Castrucius gouernour of Luke and Accius of Millain iuignyng their puisaunce vanquished and slew the Florentines ¶ Lewys the emperour was receiued into Rome wyth great honour and crowned with the imperial Diademe of Stephene de Columna a cardynall Castrucius recouered the citie Pistorinall and shortly after ended his lyfe One Peter was made Antipape by the emperoure against Iohn whiche was all this tyme in Frāce Lewis retournyng to Germanie lefte byshop Peter at Luca. Charles the Frenche kinge dyed wythout issue after whom the kingdome of Fraunce by right of inheritage was due to kinge Edwarde of Englande for so much as he was the sonne of Isabell the syster of Charles But they defeited him of his righte saiynge that the crowne of France was neuer wont to come by successyon to the woman but to the issue male Dauid the yonge prince of Scotland maried Iane the suster of king Edwarde Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde 5289 The yere of Christ Dulcinus and Duuandus heretikes ¶ Phillip of Ualoyes by the counsaile of the .xx. pyeres and specially of Roberte of Artois was made kynge of Fraunce and reigned .xv. yeres He made warre vpon the Flemminges whiche rebelled against Lewys their Erle and them vanquished in a stronge battaile and restored Lewes to the possession of his landes after he had beaten downe and destroyed the towne of Cassell ¶ Orcanes the seconde kinge of Turkes reigned .xxii. yeres He wanne Brusis from the Grecians while Cantazuzenus and Paleologus contended for the empyre The yere of the worlde 5290 Edmund Erle of Kent The yere of Christ 1329 Anni regum Angli 3 vncle to king Edward of Englande beyng falsely accused of treasō was by sir Roger Mortimer put to death Prince Edwarde was borne at Woodstocke which in processe of tyme grewe to a noble and famous man and was in his days counted the flower of chiualry through out all the worlde ¶ After the death of Robert 〈◊〉 Bruze Dauid his sonne viii yeres of age succeded in the kingdome of Scotland and riegned xixix yeres Sir Roger Mortimer was accused for dyuers poinctes of treason The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1330 Anni regum Angli 4 and namely that he was ouer familiar wyth the olde quene Isabell the kinges mother for whiche accusacions he was shortly after beheaded Robert Erle of Artois a man of great power in Frāce was banished the realme for a certaine plea whiche as men thought he made by vnlawful meanes to the Erledome of Artois who not long after came into England and excited king Edward to claime the crown of Frāce The citisyns of Pise and Luca in Italye whych were brought in subiection to the emperour claymed againe their libert●e After the emperoure was departed from Italie Boniface Erle of Pise toke Peter the Antipape and presented him to Iohn of whom he was cast in pryson and shortly after dyed The Germaines solde the citie of Luca to a noble man of Gean The yere of the worlde 5292 Edwarde Bailoll the sonne of Iohn Bailol Anni regum Angli 5 late king of Scotlande The yere of Christ 1331 by lycenee before purchased of kinge Edwarde entred Scotlande claimynge the crowne by the ryghte of his father where he vanquysshed the Scottes and was crowned king at Sconoe Iohn king of Boheme entring Italy brought vnder his subiection Brixia Bergamum Luca Parma Rhegium and Mutina Anni regum Angli 6 Kynge Edward went into Scotland with a great power and as witnesseth the Englyshe histories at a place called Haldoune hill gaue to the Scottes batayle The yere of the worlde 1293 The yere of Christ wherin he obteined a triumphant victorye So that he slewe of theim .viii. Erles .900 knightes and Baronettes .400 Esquiers and .32000 common souldyours and of the Englyshmen were slaine onely .xv. persons at the same viage he wan the towne of Edenbourgh and Barwike with many other castelles and gaue the gouernaūce of Scotlande to Edwarde Ba●lol betwene whom and the Scottes were foughten many batayles with great dyuersitie and change of fortune The younge king Dauid fled into France After this time the Scottes so often rebelled that king Edwarde made .iii. vyages into that lande wythin the space of .iiii. yeares and with greate manhode alwaye vanquished his enemies Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5294 The yere of Christ 1333 and caused theim to sweare to him feaultie and homage In these battailes were slaine well nere all the nobilitye of Scotlande wyth infynyte numbre
great pillage and praye Anni regum Angli 9 Mathias kinge of Hungarye by the incensynge of the byshop of Rome made sharpe warre vpon George king of Boheme the space of .vii. yeere continually and added to his seignory a geat part of the kyngdome of Boheme Anni regum Angli 10 The grudge The yere of the worlde 5431 The yere of Christ whiche the Erle of Warwike had conceiued against king Edwarde for the foresaide mariage declared it selfe openly so that he al●ed him with the Duke of Clarence the kinges brother and by their meanes in ce●sed so the Northenmen that they dyuers tymes rebelled and tourned the kyng and the realme to muche trouble but shortly the kinge so demeaned hym selfe that the rebelles were suppressed Wherefore the Erle of Warwike perceiuyng his parte to be weakened fled with the Duke of Clarence and other into Fraunce Mahomet emperour of the Turkes inuaded the sle Enboea and destroied the great citie called Nigropony and not lōg after Isaac his capitaine entring Hungary and Croacia toke with theim a great noumber of prisoners The Duke of Clarence the Erles of Warwike Penbroke and Orforth landed at Dartmouth to whom by meanes of proclamacyons that were pub●ysshed in the name of kyng Henrye th● commons gathered in so gret companies that Edwarde fearyng his par●e fledde into Flanders to the Duke of Burgoyne Than was Henrye the .vi. set at large and agayne proclaymed kinge by m●n●s of the Erle of warwike with other and Edward proclaimed vsurper of thecrown ●ut that continued n●t longe The yere of the worlde 5432 The yere of Christ 1471 Kyng Edward retournyng out of Flaunders Anni regum Angli 11 arriu●d in the North part of Englande with a vera● small companye of souldyers but by meanes that he vsed and thorough his brother the Duke of Clarēce who turned now to his part he came so puisauntly to London that he entred the citie and toke kyng Henry in the byshoppes palaice and than w●̄t against the Erle of warwike whom he vanquished slew with his brother Marques Mountague nere Barnet .x. myles from London Shortly after at Tewkisbury he ouertherw queene Margaret the wyfe of Henrye In whiche battaile was taken the saied Margaret with Edward the ●rince h●r sonne the Duke of Sommerset and dyuers ●ther Kynge Edwarde rec●iued his regalitie and was againe taken for kinge Prince Edward the sonne of Henry was put to death A commocion steered by the bastarde Fancōbridg and the commons of kent and Essex Henrye the .vi. was putte to death in the Tower and buried at Ch●rtesie The king of Portugal passed the sea into Afrike where he subdued to him .ii. cityes of Mauritania called Tynga and Argilia Sixtus the .iiii. byshop of Rome .xiii. yer●s Mathias kinge of Hungary was chosen kinge of Boh●me The yere of the worlde 5433 The yere of Christ 1472 Anni regum Angli 12 The Uenecians with the ayde of the byshop of Rome Anni regum Angli 13 and the kynge of Napl●s made s●re and fyer●e warre vpon the Turkes The yere of the worlde 5473 The yere of Christ 1473 and put theim oftentymes to great domages on the s●a coastes of their dominion yet dyuers times the● were chased and ouerthrowen with g●●t losse of men Iames k●nge of Cipres departed out of this lyfe leauyng a●ter him a yong sonne begotten of his wyfe a Uenecian borne by whiche menes the Uenecians obteined the gouernaunce of his kingedome and not longe after when the childe died possessed the kingdome of Cipres About this time Cassanus kinge of Persie made sore warre vpon the Turk●s The yere of the worlde 5435 The yere of Christ 1474 whom they discomfited in two great battailes but in the ende Mahomets by po●lice o●te●ned the vpper hande and made league wyth them Uariaunce betwene Charles duke of Burgoyne and Lewys kinge of Fraunce The duke of Burgoyne besieged Nussia but when Friderich the emperour mette there with him hauing a great power after leage made he left the siege and departed Anni regum Angli 15 Kinge Edwarde of England went ouer the see with a great armye to ayde the duke of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde 5436 The yere of Christ but by the earnest suite of the frenche kyng a peace was concluded betwene England and fraunce for .vii. yeres For performance w●erof king Lewys gaue to Edward 7●000 crownes of golde and yerelye after for the space of .vii. yeres .50000 crownes In Spayne after the decease of Henry the .iiii. hapned great diuision and variaunce For Ferdinande the son of Iohn kinge of Arragone whiche had t●ken to wyfe the sister of Henrie the .iiii. and Alphons of Portugall maintening the quarell of Iohan the doughter of Henry deuided the kingdome betwene them At the citee Trident a childe named Simon was murdered of the Iewes of that citee in derision of the passyon of Christ. For which mudrer and vilanie the Iewes suffred great and worthy punishement Charles duke of Burgoyn inuaded the prouince of Lorayne with great power The Zubilei was ordeyned by the bishop of Rome to be euery xxv yere The turkes in the countree called Mundania or Walachie were vanquyshed and slayne and in lyke maner agayne in the lower Mi●ia ouerthrowen and chased About this time at Ingolstade and Tubing in Ge●manie were founded certayne scholes and colleges and a litle before at Basile and F●●burge Anni regum Angli Charles of Burgoyn● leading an armye agai●nst the Switzers at a place called Gr●nses The yere of the worlde 5437 The yere of Christ was by th●ym va●quished chased and lightned of his tents and other p●●uiance 〈◊〉 Murthen he was agayne ou●rthrowen and shortly thervpon at Nans●s by Renatus Duke of Loraine coming with a cōpany of Argentines and Switzers agaynst him was vtterly vanquished and slaine after whole death Lewis king of France recouered ●gain all that before time he had graunted to the sayde Duk● Charles by cōposicion or otherwise and endeuoured also to bring to his lordship Burgoyne and Flanders but that labour of his engendred great warres For the Burgonions forsoke the doughter of Charles Mathias of Hungary w●nne a strong forte from th● Turkes by the riuer Sane Iohannes de Monte regio the noble astromer was famous The yere of the worlde 5438 The yere of Christ 1477 Maximilian Duke of Austria Anni regum Angli 17 and sonne to Friderich the emperoure ledde a great army into Flaunders and coupled to him in mariage Mary the onlye doughter of Charles duke of Burgoyne lately deceased The bishop of Rome and king Ferdinande of Naples arrered warre agaynst the Florentines in Italy Cathub●ius the great souldaine of Egipte and Arabi● The yere of the worlde 5439 The yere of Christ 1478 George duke of Clarence Anni regum Angli 18 brother to kinge Edwarde of Englande was secretly put to death wa● drowned in a barell of Malmesey within the tower of London A death this yeare in the citre of London The
.iiii. by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had lōg caused great diuision was knitt● together in one About this tyme Francisce Louel and Humfrey Stafforde r●●elled in the North which commocion was quieted by the pollicie of the Duke of Bedforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Nicolas an heremite of Helu●ci● and Hiernomous S●nonarola that had the spirite of prophecie Anni regum Angli 4 were famous Ferdinand king of Spaine by knightly force and man ●o●e conquered againe the kingdome of Granade and chased from thens the Sarasens Warre betwene the Uenecyans Sigismund Duke of Austrich The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1447 A great businesse in England by meane of a priest called Rycharde Simon Anni regum Angli 5 whiche takyng with him a yonge childe called L●mbert fledde into Irelande ▪ and feigned to the nobles of that countree that he had brought wyth him the younge sonne of the Duke of Clarence nephew of king Edwarde the .iiii. lawefull heyre to the crowne ●f Englande wherwith the Irisshemen beyng excited alied with theim Margaret the syster of Edwarde an● dyuers noble men of England which gathering which theim a great power of Irishemen Englyshmen Germaines entred the lande and at Stoke mette with king He rye and his hoste and there fought a strong battail● in the whiche was slaine the Erle of Lincolne Francis Louell Thomas Broughton Thomas Gerardine of Irelande and Martine Swarte a Germaine which wer● chiefe capitaynes of the rebelles Rycharde the pryeste and Lambert the counterfeited king were taken in the fielde Fabian seemeth to auouch this to be dooen in the yere of our lorde 1487. Warre betwene Britaine and the Frenchemen Charles of Fraunce forsoke Marg●ret the daughter of M●ximilian whiche was to him f●aunced This yere was a fielde ●oughten in Flaunders by the lorde Daubene● in the quarel of Maximilian the emperours sonne and Erle of Flaunders In Englande was a taxe arrered of the tenth pen●e of mens landes and goodes by menes wherof the cōmons rose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 5490 and slewe the Erle of Northumberlande Anni regum Angli 6 For whiche cause Chamberlaine their capytaine with dyuers other were after hanged at Yorke Maximilyan recouered the parte of his Duchie of Au●strich which Mathias kyng of Hungarye had with holden from him a good season Anni regum Angli 7 The kinge of Scotes was slaine in battayle by the nobles of his realme The yere of the worlde 5452 The yere of Christ 1491 and Iames his sonne ordeined kynge in his place Maximilian by his deputie as the maner is of greate princes maried Anne the daughter of Frances Duke of Britaine after the death of her ●ather but that mariage notwithstanding Charles of Fraunce found such meanes that he toke her to his wi●e in open mariage and by her obteined the dominiō of Britaine For whych cau●e was great grudge and malice betweene him and Maximilian and so much the more because Charles did repudiate Margaret his daughter whiche was to him f●aunced and betrothed Kinge Henry arriued in Fraunce with a great army The yere of the worlde 5453 The yere of Christ entēding to ayde the Britaines against the French king but Charles by entreatie concluded peace Anni regum Angli 8 the condicion wherof was that he shulde pa●e to kinge Henry foorthwith for his expenses and charges in the warre a greate summe of money and yerely after as a certayne tribute 25. thousande crownes after whiche agreement Henrye retourned into England The Turke with a great power bothe by sea and land inuaded the inhabytantes of the hilles in Greece called Ceraunil and theim subdued to the Turkishe empire Certaine new ilandes were found in the Oeceā se first by Amerin●s U●spucyu● after by Christophorus Columbanus Ther were driuen ou● of Spaine by commaundement of the kinge .125 familyes of the Iewes of the whyche 30 thousande dyed of the pestylence in their iourney as they were departyng Alexander the .vi. byshop of Rome .xl. yeares a blouddie and cruell tyranne ¶ Maximilian succeded his father Friderych in the empyre Anni regum Angli 9 and reigned ▪ 27. yeres The yere of the worlde 5454 The yere of Christ 1493 Charles o● Fraunce made clayme to the kyngdome of Naples and Sicilie Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5455 The yere of Christ 1494 and for that cause went into Italye with a great army wher in short space he conquered Naples and compelled kinge Alphons to forsake the countrei and than retourned into France and in his iournye was encountred by the Ueneciās ▪ which endeuoured to stoppe his passage where after sore fyght to the losse of bothe partes he toke an other way About this tyme beganne the foule scabbe and horible sic●●nesse called the Frenche p●ckes The yere of the worlde 5456 The yere of Christ 1495 Anni regum Angli 11 Dyuers gentilmen in Englande appeached of treason and for fauouring the conspiracie of Perkin Warb●ck● of the whiche some were pardoned some put to death Perken Warbecke whiche by the coūsaile of Margaret of Burgoyne named him selfe Rychard● of Yorke kinge Edwardes seconde sonne arriued in ken●e wher● he was driuen backe by the vplandishmen and other inhabitauntes of the countrey with losse of dyuers of hys men Ferdinand the sonne of Alphons was restored againe to the kyngdome of Naples immediatly after the departure of the Frenchemen Sozimus and I●son lawiers Alexander Benedictus and Antonius Bemuenius phisicions Iohannes Nauclerus Raphael Uolateranus Robertus Gaguinus historiographers Rodulphus Agricolo a man of excellent learning Iohanes Iouinianus Pōtanus Petr●s Crinitus Stephanus Niger Ambrosius Calepinus Philippus B●r●oldus flourished Blanch Mary the princes daughter of Insubria was maried to Maximilian Uladisaus the kynge of Polonies sonne obtayned the kingdomes of Hugarye and Boheme He made league with Maximilian the emperour The Scottes brake into the North partes of Englande by the excityng of Perkin Warbeck The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1496 Anni regum Angli 12 dyd much harme to the borderers In Italy a stone of wonderful biggenesse fell out of the ayre whiche by the violence of the ●al as some say brake in .iii. great pieces the coloure of thys stone was ●s it had been burned with fyre In these dayes preached at Florentia in Italye a frier called Hierome Sauouarola whose sayengs were these that Italy should be purged with the scourges of God for the manyfolde off●nces of the princes as well of the clergie as the laitee and that ●ft●● the subuersion of the citees of Florence and Rome shuld folow a reformaciō and redresse in the church ▪ and moreouer that one shuld come ouer the Alpes like to Cyrus which shuld su●uert and destroy Italye Anni regum Angli While king Henrye of Englande made preparacion fo●warre into Scotland The yere of the worlde 5458 The yere of Christ 1467
withall crueltie for Selinus the Turke e●pelled his father out of his kyngdome withal his brothers an knismen and after dyuers gret battailes vanquysshed chased and slew two Souldaines and annexed A●gypte and Araby to his kingdome Sir Edwarde Hawarde lorde admirall of Englande throughe his to muche hardnesse was slaine in Britaine after whō his borth●r sir Thomas Haward was made admyrall by the king The nauyes of England Fraunce meting at Britain Bay fought a cruell battaile in the whiche the regent of Englād a Carike of France beinge crapeled together were burnte and their capitaines men al drowned the Englyshe capitaine was sir Thomas Kn●ue● who had with him .700 men in the French Carik was sir Piers Morgan with .900 A parliament was holden wherin i● was determined that the kinge hym selfe shoulde personally inuade the realme of Fraunce Warre betwene the Polonians and Mosconites Kyng Henry of Englande Anni regum Angli beyng confederate with the emperour and the kinge of Spaine The yere of the worlde 5474 The yere of Christ 1513 passed with a great power into France where hauing in wages vnder his banner the emperour Maximilian and all the nobilitye of Brabante Flaunders and Hollande he discomfited and abashed the whole power of France and conquered Terwine and the great city of Turney whiche is saied to haue in i● as many towers as ●her be days in the yere In this citie the kinge builded a goodly castell or tower with excedyng costes and kepte ther a garrison certaine yeres after The lord Chamberlayne of Scotlande inuadinge the borders was discomfited by sir Wylliam Bulmer In this meane time the kyng of Scottes notwithstandyng that he was sworne on the sacramēt to kepe peace perced this land with a mighty armye but by the good diligence of the quene and the pollicy manh●de of the Erle of Surrey the kinges lieuetenāt he was him selfe slayne with a .xi. of his Erles and the Scottes discomfited but not without great losse of Englyshemen Sir Iohn Wallop burnt diuers villages townes in Normandye Anni regum Angli 6 A peace concluded betwene Englād and Franc● and on S. Denis day was Lewys the French king coupled in mariage with ladye Mary the kinges sister The yere of the worlde 5475 The yere of Christ 1514 on newe yeres day folowinge he ended his lyfe wherfore kynge Henry sent agayne for his sister by th●●uke of Suffolke and other Rycharde Hunne this yeere was h●●ged in Lollars tower Frauncis the first of that name The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1515 succeded in the kyngdome of France Anni regum Angli 7 This man is grea●ly praysed of al writers in those dayes for his singular humanitee fauouring of learned men He maynteyned the warres which king Lewis had begunne and alied him with the Dukes of Gelrie Leigie and Burgoyne which did him due homage He would also haue ben confederate wyth the bishop of Rome but he fayled of his purpose for shortly after betwene the bishop of Rome themperour the king of Spayne the Swi●zers and other was made a pri●ye league and confederacie agaynst the Frenchmen Uenecians Lady Marye kinge Henries doughter was borne at Grenewiche Lady Mary the kinges sister before maryed to the frenche king ▪ retourned into Englād and shortly after was maryed to the duke of Suffolke A great battayle foughten betwene the Switzers and the Frenchemen in the which the frenche kinge was in so great dāger that the brayne of his owne men sper●led in his face and him selfe was t●rise striken with a spere but in the ende of the f●ght by helpe of the Uenecians other whiche came in good season the 〈◊〉 were discomfited and slayne and the citee of Mill●yne yelded to the french kinge An horrible sedicion in Hungary by a company of souldiours and robbers that had the signe of the crosse for theyr badge and cognisaunce which minded to destro● al the nobilite and gentlemen Brixta ge●●n vp by composicion to the frenchmen A peace concluded betwene the ●mper●ur the kinges of Fraunce and Spayne and the Uenecians wherby that cru●ll warre cease● A solemne met●●g at Uienna of the emperour the king of Polonie and of Hungarye whiche by maryage we●e confederate Margaret the quene of Scottes king Henries elder syster fled into England la●e at Hareb●ttell where she was deliuered of a childe called Margarete In Maye she came to London where she taryed a hole yere before she departed into Scotland The yere of the worlde 5477 The yere of Christ 1516 This yere was so great frost in England that men might esely passe with cartes ouer the riuer of Thames from Westminster to Lambeth Anni regum Angli 8 Mathewe bishop of S●donon and cardinall of Swyshes came as Ambassadour from the emperour to king Henry Charles Arch duke of Austrich was ordeyned king of Spayne On May euen in the citee of Londō Anni regum Angli 9 was an insurrection of prent●les and yong persons agaynste straungers The yere of the worlde 1478 The yere of Christ 1517 of which diuers were put to execu●ion and the resydue came to Westminster with halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned This is named ill May daye Lady Marg●ret the kinges sister returned into Scotland Iohannes Frauncis Picus of Mirandula a knight of excellent 〈◊〉 and learning was famous and in the presence of Leo bishop of Rome made a vehement oracyon exhortinge him to refourme the vicious noughtye li●e of the clergy Many dyed in England of the sweating sicknesse and especially about London Lewys about this time succeded his father in the kingdomes of Hungary and Boheme A great famine and pestilence in many places The terme kept one daye at Oxenford and adiourned agayne to Westminster The cardinall Camp●ius the bishops legate came frō Rome in ambassade to king Henry and was receyued with great pompe by meanes of the cardinal of Englād Thomas W●lsay which was then of great auctoryty in this realme The admirall of Fraunce came into England as ambassadour with a great cōpany of gentilmen The citee of Turney was deliuered agayn into the french kinges handes for the which he should paye 60000● crownes and for the castell that the kinge had buylded 40●000 and .23000 poundes Turneys which the cite ought for their libertees and francheses A peace concluded betwene the kinges of Englande Fraunce and Castile for terme of their liues The Spaniardes vanquished The yere of the worlde 5479 The yere of Christ 1518 chased and slewe Aenobarbus with his brother in Afrike Anni regum Angli 10 A sedicion in Pannonie by meanes of the bishoppe of Uesbrune The emperour held a counsayle at Auguste Selinus the great Turke after he had with continual and blouddye warre conquered Egipt Syrie Phenecia Palestine Coele and chased out of Arm●nie the king of Persie as a sodayne tempeste or storme retourned into Europe and besieged the citee Belgradum or Taurodurum Martine Luther wrate first to
hym by the Italians Anni regum Angli 14 and depriued him as well of his regallye as of his syght Charles kinge of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4976 The yere of Christ 915 by the manhod of his knightes recouered to the lordshyp the prouince of Lorayne Anni regum Angli 15 The hungares wasted the countrey of Almaine Ordonius reigned in Spayne .v. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Elfleda pryncesse of Mertya The yere of the worlde 4878 The yere of Christ 917 whyche hadde tamed the Welsshemen and in dyuers battayles chased the Danes ended hir lyfe After whose deathe Edwarde helde that prouince in his owne hande The Hungares leuynge Almayne came into Lorayne The yere of Christ 918 and the countrey annexed therunto Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 4879 whyche they spoyled without mercye At Nottyngham two kynges that is to saye The yere of the worlde 4880 The yere of Christ 919 of Scotlande and of Wales Anni regum Angli 19 yelded theym to kynge Edwarde of Englande and chose hym for theyr chyefe lorde and soueraygne Chunrade the emperoure gaue place to nature and by his brother Euerharde sent the imperiall insygnes to Henrye Duke of Saxone ▪ and hym appoincted to be emperour Anni regum Angli 20 Henrye the fyrste was proclamed emperour The yere of the worlde 4881 The yere of Christ 920 Thys man was of greate vertue wysedome and sobrenesse and for hys woorthynesse in armes marueylously praysed at his election repined Arnolde Duke of Bauarye whom with wise counsayle and gentyll exhortacion he appeased This Henrye was the fyrste emperour of the Saxones and was neuer crowned of the Romaine byshoppe neither had the dominion of Italye Anni regum Angli 11 In Spayne Santius surnamed the grosse The yere of the worlde 4882 The yere of Christ was kynge xi yeeres He was so wonderfull fatte of bodye that he was neuer in healthe Wherfore to healpe he yode to Abdemarus kynge of Sarasens whyche in the science of phisike was verye expert In the meane season Ordonius by treason vsurped the crowne But Santius by h●alp of the Sarasens recouered hys kyngdome and punisshed the rebelles The yere of the worlde 4883 The yere of Christ 922 Roberte Duke of Guyan Anni regum Angli 22 and brother of E●do laste king of France contrarye his trouth and allegiance ceased certayne cities and holdes of the inherytance of kynge Charles and was by him vanquyshed and slayne Henry emperour of Germaine ouercame the Hungares The yere of the worlde 4884 The yere of Christ 923 The Sarasens of Afryke inuaded and robbed the countrey of Calabre and Poyle Anni regum Angli 23 possessed dyuers cyties of the Romayns and the prouince of Boneuente and consulted betwene theim selfe of the vtter destruction and deuastacion of Rome whom Iohn the .x. beynge than byshoppe by the healpe of Romanus the emperoure of Grece and Laudolphe Duke of Boneuent as witnesseth Lyuthbert put to flyghte and slewe of theim a great noumbre But Blondus referreth the occasyon of thys inuasyon of the Sarasens to Romanus and the Duke of Boneuent and affirmeth thys victorye to be atchyued by Albericus Erle of Hetruria After the death of Rollo Duke of Normandye succeded hys sonne William whiche was of great auctorytye amonge the Frenchemen The yere of the worlde 4885 The yere of Christ 924 Charles kyng of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 24 retournynge from the victorye which he had obteined against Robert Duke of Guyan by treason was taken cast in prison and lately slaine by Heberte Erle of Uermend●ys and brother in lawe to the sayed Duke of Guyan Henrye emperour of Germanye made league wyth the Hungares and shortly after recouered from the Frenche men the prouince of Loraine Rodolphe Duke of Burgoyne prouoked of the Italyans entred Italy and ouercame Beringarius whom he depriued of all kingly auctoritye and reygned as kyng of Italie .iii. yeres ADelstane after the death of Edwarde hys father beganne his reigne in Englande He was a prince of woorthie memorye valiant and wyse in all hys actes Anni regum Angli 1 and broughte thys lande to one Monarchie The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 925 For he expelled vtterly the Danes subdued the Scottes and quieted the Welsshemen Flaunders by treason murdered Beringarius of Italy For whyche cause the .iii. daye after he was slayne of a souldiour of Beringarius named Milo Anni regum Angli 2 Symeon kynge of Burgares wyth dyuers inuasaons The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 926 vexed sore the Grecyans whose furye to appeare Romanus the emperoure gaue the doughter of his son Christofer in maryage to Peter the son of Symeon and by the aliance was with him at peace Salarde Duke of the Hungares brake into Italy and destroied with fyre the cytie Pau●e Burcharde Duke of Swa●e whiche came to ayde Raulffe kyng of Italye was slaine at Millaine For whyche cause Raulffe left Italye and retourned into France After whom Hugo Duke of Dorleance was proclaymed kinge of Italye Constantine kinge of Scottes rebelled and disquieted with often inuasions the costes of England and beynge ouercomen and made subiecte to Abelstane swore to be his lege man Whyche thynge dyuers kynges of Scotlande after hym in lyke maner perfourmed But of thys homage dooynge the Scottyshe cronicle maketh no mencion Algina wyfe of Charles the symple hearynge of the murder of hir housbande and mistrustynge the Frenchemen fled secretely wyth hir sonne Lewys into England to hir brother Adelstane Raulffe Duke of Burgoyne after the departynge of Algina and hir son Anni regum Angli 3 by agreement of the lordes of France The yere of the worlde 4888 The yere of Christ 927 was ordeyned kyng and reygned after some writers .xii. yeres but more verely .ii. yeres Uuido Marqueo of Tuschia imprysoned Iohn byshop of Rome Anni regum Angli 4 and commaunded him to be beheaded The yere of the worlde 4889 The yere of Christ Henrye emperour of Germanye subdued the Sclau●●es and toke the cytye Brenneburgh He made tributarie to hym the people of Dalmacye and vanquysshed the Bohemes Ethylstane or Athelstane kynge of Englande after the death of Sytheryus kinge of the Danes in Northumberlande ceased that prouynce into hys owne handes and put out of possessyon his sonne whyche fledde to Constantyne kynge of Scottes The yere of Christ 929 Lewys ▪ the sonne of Charles the simple Anni regum Angli 5 after the deathe of Raulffe The yere of the worlde 4890 was desyred of the nobles to retourne out of Englande with his mother Elgina and toke possession of the kingedome of Fraunce wherin he reygned .27 yeares Ethylstane of Englande gaue hys daughter Edyth to Otho soonne of Henrye whyche Otho was afterwarde emperour Leo the .vi. byshoppe of Rome .vii. monethes And after hym Stephene the seconde .ii yeres The yere of Christ 931 The people called Redarii rebelled and refused the dominion of Henrye the
first kyng of Nauarre After whome reygned his sonne ●arsias which fought also prosperously against the Sarasēs and augmented his kyngdome Otho ▪ emperour of Almaine Anni regum Angli 4 spedde hym towarde Italy The yere of the worlde 962 The yere of Christ 4923 to quiete the furye of Beringarius and Iohn whiche in a sedicion was made bishoppe of Rome and whan he came into the citee was of all the people saluted by the name of Augustus and by the whole consente of the Italians proclaimed emperour The yere of the worlde 963 The yere of Christ 4924 The emperour depriued Beringarins Anni regum Angli 5 and Adelbert his sonne of the kyngedome of Lumbardye and condemned theim to banishmente the tone to Austriche the tother to Constantinople Otho aduertised Iohn the byshop of Rome to refourme his noughty lyfe and forsake the concubines whyche he nourished openlye but all was in vayne Wherefore Otho called a counsayle by aucthority whereof Iohn was condemned and fearing his punishment fled into desert and one Leo was chosen bishop The Romaynes beinge the kinsmen of Iohn deposed Leo Anni regum Angli 6 and set Iohn agayne in the bishoprike The yere of the worlde 4925 The yere of Christ 954 Which with in short space was taken in aduoutrye and slayne After that the people contrary to the minde of Otho chose Bennet But he forced theim to adm●●te Leo and depose the foresayd Bennet At whiche tyme the electyon of the b●shoppe was transferred frome the people and ●largys of Rome to the emperours Bennet the .v. was byshop of Rome .vi. monethes and after him Leo the eight one yere Alphons the .v. kynge of Spayne reigned 37. ye ares he profered his syster in mariage to a prynce of the Sarasens to the entent he shoulde ayde him agaynst the kinge of Cor●uba But the mayden would in no wyse be coupled with the Heathen Pagane Iohn the .xii. byshoppe of Rome .vii. yeres He was taken and caste in prison Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4927 The yere of Christ 966 by Ioferde Erle of Campayne through the counsayle of Peter prouost of the citee King Duffus reygned among the S●cottes .iiii. yeares and was slayne by the treason of a noble mā called Danewalde After his death appeared no sonne moone nor sterre in the firmament the space of .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 10 Otho the younger was sente for to Rome by his father and there crowned proclaimed partaker of the empyre The yere of the worlde 4929 The yere of Christ 968 Anni regum Angli 11 Otho expelled the Sarasens out of Italye whiche of longe time hadde holden by force the mounte Gargarus from whens as out of a castell they oftentymes inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 4930 The yere of Christ 969 He subdued also the Grecians whiche inhabyted Calabre and made them tributary The people of Constantinople hearing the ouerthrowe and discomfiture of their Grekes in Italye leyde all the wighte of that domage to Nicephornus theyr emperour because he denyed to giue his doughter in maryage to the yonger Otho Wherfore by the consente and ayde of hys wife and sonne The yere of the worlde 4933 The yere of Christ 972 he was murdered in the night season Anni regum Angli 14 and Iohn his sonne chosen in his place to be emperour which reigned .vi. yeres A signe appeared in the element lyke fyre Iohn emperour of Constantinople gaue his syster in mariageto the younger brother Otho Cu●ine a vicious and wicked tyran reigned among the Scottes He defloured his owne systers and rauished other mens wifes and doughters wherfore he was slayne the .v. yere of his reygne Bennet the v● bishop of Rome was caste in prison by Cynthius a citisin The yere of the worlde 4934 The yere of Christ 973 that was at that time of great power in Rome Anni regum Angli 15 Edgare king of England tamed the Welshemen whiche re●elled and spoyled the countrey of Glamorgan Otho the emperour gaue place to nature after whom succeded his son named also Otho who reigned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 4936 EDwarde the sonne of Edgare by his firste wife Anni regum Angli 1 beganne his reigne ouer this realme of England The yere of Christ 975 contrary the minde and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her aliance In all kindes of honest vertue this man mighte be well compared to his father and began his soueraigntee with such modestie myldenesse that he was worthilye fauoured of all men excepte onely Elfride which euer maligned agaynst hym for so much as the desire● to haue the gouernance of the realme for her owne son Egelrede All the time of this Edwarde was great discorde betwene the priestes and monkes of Englande Because Edgare in his time had expelled certayne seculer priestes out of their colleges and geuen the possession thereof to monkes In which controuersie throughe certaine counterfayte● miracles the monkes had the vpper hande The yere of the worlde 4937 Otho the emperour subdued Henry duke of Bauarye The yere of Christ 976 Iohn emperour of Constantinople Anni regum Angli 2 after he had expelled the Ro●olanes out of Bulgarye and annexed that prouince to his owne signorye and for his victorye triumphed was by treason of certain of his sabiectes poysoned· B●silius and Constantine the .ii. sonnes of Romanus were made emperoures of the easte Anni regum Angli 3 whiche inuaded and spoyled the countrey of Surie The yere of the worlde 4938 The yere of Christ 977 and expellinge the Sarasens recouered the yle of Crete Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xxv yeares In his tyme he D●nes 〈◊〉 in ●ngus with a great company and wasted the countrey veraye sore with whom the Scottes mette and after sore fighte and great slaughter by the manhode of one Hay ▪ an v●landishe man and his .ii. sonnes obteyned the victorye Thys Kenneth was slayne by meane of a lady called Fenella because she had poysoned Malcolme prynce of Cumber The emperour of Germany vanquished the Bohemes and wasted their countrey Edwarde kinge of Englande while he was hunting in new forest by chaunce loste his company and rode alone to refreshe him at the castell of his stepmother Alphrede where he was by her counsayle trayterouslye murdered as he satte on his horse After his death god shewed for hī diuers myracles Wherfore he is noumbred amonge the saynctes and martyres Before the death of this Edward appeared in this lande a blasinge sterre of a marueylous greatnesse ▪ EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kynge Edgare and Alfrede Anni regum Angli 1 was ordeyned kinge of Englande The yere of the worlde 4939 The yere of Christ 978 He was goodly of shape and visage but wholy geuen to idlenesse and abhorred all princelye exercises a louer of riote lecherie and dronkennesse ▪ and vsed extreme crueltee towarde his subiectes hauinge his eares open to all vniust complaintes In
power and ruled muche this lande Anni regum Angli whiche vniustlye slewe Alfrede the sonne of Etheldrede and brother of Edwarde and vsed extreme crueltie toward the Normaines whiche accompanied the saide Alfrede when he came out of Normandye 〈◊〉 visite his mother Emma The emperour Henry ouercame the Bohemes made them tributary Peter kinge of Hungarie for his lecherie and crueltee was depriued of his royall aucthoritye of Aba and fledde for ayde to Henry emperour of Germany Humfrei the Norman and brother of Drogon succeded in the Erldome of Pu●l Hardikinitus ended his lyfe after whose death the Danes were beaten slaine and driuen oute of this lande into theyr owne countrey .28 yeres after Sueno began fyrste to reigne EDwarde the sonne of Egeldrede or Etheldrede The yere of the worlde 5004 The yere of Christ by the aduyse of Godwine and Leofricus Erle of Chester after the deathe of Hardikinitus was sente for out of Normandie Anni regum Angli 1 to take on hym the gouernance of this realme of England whiche he guided with muche wysedome and iustice .24 yeres From whom issued as oute of a fountayne verie godlynesse mercy pites and lyberalitee towarde the poore gentilnesse and iustice toward all men And in all honest life gaue most goodly example to his people He discharged the Englisshemen of the greate tribute called the Dane gelde whiche was often before tyme leuied to the impouerishyng of the people He subdued also the Welshemen whiche rebelled made warre vpon their borderers Peter kynge of Hungarye was agayne restored to his kyngdome and Aba or Alboyne by the healpe of the emperour Henrie expelled Magnus kynge of Norway hearynge of the deathe of Hardikinitus with a great puisance inuaded Denmarke and expelling Sueno the lieuetenante subdued the countrey to his signorie By which meane Denmarke became subiect to the Northgaynes Michaell Calaphates whiche was adopted by Zoe with great vnkyndnesse sent hir in banisshemente Wherfore he was bereft of his sight and put from the empyre After whome Constantine Monomathus was made emperour of Constantinople and maried Zoe the empresse He reigned .xii. yeres Anni regum Angli 2 The Romains depryned Bennet the .ix. of hys byshoprike and ordeined in hys place Siluester the iii. Bennet ▪ The yere of the worlde 5005 The yere of Christ within short space after beyng restored to his fee fearyng to be againe depryued sold hys roome to one Iohn an archedeacon who was called Gregory the .vi. Makbeth reigned among the Scottes .xvi yeres whiche at the beginnyng dyd many thinges to the profyte of the realme but after he became a cruell tyranne and was vanquisshed and slayne by Malcome by the ayde of the Englishemen The yere of the worlde 5008 The yere of Christ 1047 By the counsaile of Erle Godwine Anni regum Angli 5 and Robert byshop of Canturburye Emma the mother of kynge Edwarde of Englande for vniust accusacions was put to great iniuries and was deliuered by miracle passing ouer .ix. plough shares burnyng hote as fyre without hurt or domage Certaine pyrates of the Danes entred Englande at the hauen of Sandwiche whiche were chased and dryuen to their ships Henrye the emperour hauyng knowlage of the discorde betwene the bishops in Rome went thytherwarde with a stronge armye Where he assemblyng a synode condemned the .iii. troublous monsters Bennet Syluester and Gregorie and made Switgerus byshop whiche was named the .ii. Clemente of whome he receiued the imperyall Diademe and prohibited the Romaynes thensfoorthe to chose anybyshop Whiche thing was after cause of moste deadly warres Clement was byshop .ix. monethes and after hym Damasus 23. daies The yere of the worlde 5009 The yere of Christ and than ●eo the .ix. syxe yeres Nere about this tyme in Englande fill passyng greate snowe The yere of the worlde 5011 The yere of Christ 1050 after whiche ensued a greate morialyte● of men Anni regum Angli 8 mooreine of cattayle and by lyghtnynge the corne was wonderfully brent and wasted Sanctius the .ii. kyng of Castile not beynge contented with his owne kyngedome The yere of Christ 1051 inuaded Legio Anni regum Angli 9 and expelled his brother Alphons The yere of the worlde 5012 who fled to the Sarasens He subdued also Portugal and Galyce and chased Garsias Eustace Erle of Bolongne came into Englād through whom variance happened betwene kynge Edwarde and Erle Godwine The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1052 who perceiuyng Anni regum Angli 10 that he coulde not withstande the kynges malyce fled into Flaunders and was outlawed Edwarde repudiated hys wyfe the doughter of Erle Godwine Gysulphus Erle of Puel inuaded the citee Boneuent And by force toke and withhelde the tribute whiche the churche of Babenberge payeth yeerely to the Romayne bishop Leo bishoppe of Rome hauing ayde of the emperoure went with an armie against Gysulphus Anni regum Angli 11 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and at the fyrste encounter was of hym vanquyshed and taken prisoner But shortly after he was sent agayne sauefely to Rome William bastarde Duke of Normandye aboute this tyme came with a goodlye company into Englande and was honourably receiued to whom the kyng made great chere and at his retourne enriched him with great giftes and pleasures ▪ and as some write made promyse to hym ▪ that if he dyed withoute issue the same Willyam shoulde succede him in the kingdome of England Erle Godwine was reconsiled to kynge Edwarde and called from banisshmente Anni regum Angli 12 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and for hys trueth and good a bearynge gaue for pledges hys .ii. sonnes Byornon and Toston whiche were sent to the Duke of Normandye to be kept Anni regum Angli 13 The Scottes rebelled against kyng Edwarde Wherfore Edwarde Erle of Northumberlande assembled an hoste entred the lande subdued the Scottes The yere of the worlde 5016 The yere of Christ 1055 chased the kynge out of his realme and gaue the kyngdome to Malcolme or Malcoline sonne of the kynge of Cumbres whiche the Scottyishe historye setteth after this tyme in the yere of our lord .1061 As Erle Godwine sate at the table with kyng Edward it hapned one of the cuppe bearers to stumble recouer agayne so that he dyd sheade none of the drynke whereat Godwine lowgh and sayed Nowe that one brother hathe susteigned that other With whiche wordes the king calling to minde his brothers death that was slaine by Godwyne behelde the Erle saiynge so shoulde my brother Alphrede haue holpen me ne had Godwine ben Godwyne then fearing the kynges displeasure to be newly kendled after many wordes in excusing him selfe saied so mought I sauelye swallow this morsell of bread as I am giltlesse of the deede But as soone as he had receiued the breade forthwith he was choked Uictor bishop of Rome .ii. yeres Anni regum Angli 14 Algarus Erle of Oxenford The yere of the worlde 5017 The yere of
Christ through euil coūsaile was wythout gylte banyshed and fled into Wales and shortly after was reconsiled to the kyng Theodora gouerned the empyre of Constantinople .ii. yeares Henrie emperour of Germanie departyng out of this life committed his yonge son to the tuicion of Baldwine ▪ Erle of Flaunders Sewarde Erle of Northumberlande dyed of whom it is redde The yere of the worlde 5018 The yere of Christ 1057 that whan he sawe well he shoulde dye Anni regum Angli 15 he caused his armoure to be put on hym and so armed at all places sittynge in a cheire sayed that so it became a noble man to dye and not liyng as another meane person Henrye the .iiii. beyng yet a chylde was ordeyned emperour of Germanie and reigned .50 yeres In his tyme by meane of trouble sedicion and warre the Romayne empyre so greatly was appayred that neuer after it could be restored to the prystinate maiestye nor recouer againe the former might and puisaunce The causers whereof were the byshoppes of Rome whiche vexed well nere the whole worlde with moste cruell and deadly warres and specially Hildebrande called Gregory the .vii. The Saxones vnder the leadyng of Duke Otho rebelled The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1058 and by Ecbert the emperours capitayne Anni regum Angli 16 were vanquisshed and brought in subiection Michaell surnamed the elder emperoure of Constantinople one yere Great businesse and rufflynge in Rome for the election and deposicion of certayne byshops as Stephene the .ix. Bennet the .x. Nicolas the .iii. Andrew king of Hungary was vanquished of one Bela and depriued of his kingdome The emperours armie whiche came to rescue was ouerthrowen kyng Andrewe slayne and the Marques of Thurynge constreigned with hunger and famine to yelde hym selfe to hys enemyes Bela by force toke on hym the crowne and reigned .iii. yeares Isacius Murdered Michaell emperoure of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 5020 The yere of Christ 1059 and reigned in his place .iiii. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Algarus Erle of Mertia whiche was before Erle of Oxenforde beyng maliciously accused was exiled oute of this lande by king Edwarde the seconde time and fledde againe to Griffine Duke of Wales Wherwith Edward was greuouslye displeased and sente Harolde the eldest sonne of Godwine which was than of great power to warre vppon the saide Griffine who spoyled the countrey of Wales expelled Griffyne out of his lordship and by his policie reconsiled erle Algarus to kynge Edwardes grace and fauour Anni regum Angli Philip the first of that name The yere of the worlde 5021 The yere of Christ was ordeined kynge of Fraunce He maried Bertha the wife of Baldwine erle of Holande and had by her certayne children whom after he had repudiate and coupled to him ●ertr●dam the wife of Fulco whome he affectioned that all thinges were done at her becke and commaundement and would not forsake her vntil he was constreigned by Urbane the bishop of Rome to take to him his firste wife Baldwine erle of Flaunders assembled an army and made towarde Spayne against the Sarasens and subdued Gascoyne to him and to the yonge emperour Godfrey erle of Puell in Italye in his deathe bedde neglecting his owne bretherne made Bagelarde his heir and successour which was immediately driuen out of his lordshippe by Robert Guiscarde Godfreis brother who after made him selfe erle of Calabre and Puell Otho duke of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 19 In this yeare of our lorde after the computacion of the Scottes Malcolme or Malcolme recouered the crowne of Scotlande and reigned .35 yeres The yere of the worlde 5022 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 20 Alexander the .ii. was ordeyned bishoppe of Rome at which time the bishoppes of Lumbardie woulde haue aduanced to that sea one Cabolus The yere of the worlde 5023 The yere of Christ by meanes wherof ciuile warre was arered and great armies gathered on bothe partes In fine after sore fighte and great murder the fautours of Cabolus were chased and he him selfe hardly escaped This ruffling continued a long space Otho bishop of Coleine by priuy meanes conueighed Henry the emperour from the ordring guydinge of his mother and set him in full power to rule after his owne mynde The empire at this time was chiefelye gouerned by bishops Otho Marques of Thurynge gaue firste title of hys possessions to the bishop of Mense Henry the emperour of Germanie reuored Salomon to his fathers kyngdome of Hungarye and gaue to him in maryage his owne syster After which tyme Salomon reygned .xiiii. yeres Harolde the sonne of Erle Godwyne went into Normandie The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1063 Anni regum Angli 21 where he made faythfull promyse to Duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kingdome to his behalfe on whych condicion he brought with him at his retourne his brother Tasto Isacius emperour of Constantinople shoore hym selfe a monke after whom reygned Constantine .vii yeres Sanctius kinge of Spayne Anni regum Angli 22 was murdered by one of his housholde seruauntes The yere of the worlde 5025 The yere of Christ 1064 Wherefore Alphons the .vi. whom he had before expelled was agayne restored to his kyngdome Tosto enuiyng his brothers prosperity vsed muche vilany toward him and kinge Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5026 The yere of Christ 1065 Anni regum Angli 23 for the whiche he was forced to leaue the lande and flye into Flaunders The noble king Edwarde finished his last daye when he had reigned 23. yeres .vii. monethes and odde dayes He purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pi●ked out of them a certayne which were most profytable for the commons and therfore were they called the common lawes For restitution wherof hapned diuers commocions and insurrections in this lande HArolde the eldest sonne of Godwine Anni regum Angli 1 being of great power The yere of Christ 1066 in Englande and therwith valiant and hardie The yere of the worlde 5027 toke on him the gouernance of this lande nothing regarding the promise that be made to William of Normandye Wherfore when William sent to hym ambassades admonishing him of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene them Harolde would in no wyse surrendre to him the kingdome whyche wyllyam claymed not onely for the promise that was made to hym but also because he was next of king Edwardes bloud In this meane time Tosto which fledde out of the land stered agaynst his brother the king of Norway who entringe the Northe partes of Englande wyth a great puysaunce discomfited .ii. erles that gaue to him battayle ▪ But Harolde makinge haste to rescue his people slewe the kynge and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworship to their shippes When Willyam Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meane bringe Harolde to fulfyl hys promyse nor by treaty to yeld to hym the kyngdome by force he
entred the lande To whom Harold gaue strong and sharpe battayle in the ende wherof William by pollicie obteyned the victory chased the Englyshmen slewe Harolde and toke on him the gouernaunce of this lande This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arryual of the Saxones or Anglis in which space they reigned diuersly First beganne the kyngdome of Kente the yere of our lorde .475 vnder Engistus and after that .vi. other kyngdomes at sundrie tymes toke their beginning which al at the last were brought into one monarchie and subiect to the weast Saxones by king Adelstane the yeere of our lorde .ix. hundred thirtie and eight whiche monarchie continued .129 yeres debatinge of thē fiue and twenty yeres which space the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde The ende of the seconde booke ¶ The thyrde booke Anni regum Angli 1 WYLLYAM DVKE OF Normandie surnamed conqueroure The yere of the worlde 5028 The yere of Christ 1067 bastard son of Roberte the .vi. duke of that duchy nephew vnto kinge Edward the confessour beganne his dominion ouer this realme of England the .xv. daye of October and reygned xxi yeres one moneth wyth great seueritee and cruelnesse towarde the Englishemen bourdeininge them alwayes with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flye out of the lande some to Scotlande some to Denmarke and other countreys And for so muche as he obteyned his kingdom by force and dente of sworde he changed the whole state of gouernaunce of this common weale and ordeined new lawes at his owne pleasure profitable to him selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and gilefull riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified a fayre speker and great dissimuler a mā of comely stature but some deale fatte in the bealy stern of countenaunce and stronge in armes and great pleasure in hunting and making sumptuous feastes The towne of Exiter anr the Northumbers rebelled which both were subdued and greuously punished The yere of the worlde 5029 The yere of Christ 1068 Anni regum Angli 2 Kinge Willyam buylded .iiii. stronge castels twaine at Yorke one at Nottingham an other at Lincolne whiche garisons he furnished with Normains The yere of the worlde 5030 The yere of Christ 1069 Canutus king of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 3 being steered vp by certaine Englyshe outlawes inuaded the Northpartes of Englande and entred euen to Yorke From whens he was chased by Wyllyam forced to flie to his countrey Henry the emperour inuaded the countrey of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5031 The yere of Christ 1070 Otho duke of Bauarie vanquished the Thuringes vexed sore Saxonie with diuers inuasions Godfrey succeded his father in the kingdome of Lohayne The Scottes with theyr kynge Malcoline inuaded Northumberlande and robbed the countrey Endochia and her sonnes ruled Constantinople .vii. mone thes Romanus surnamed Diogines maryed Endochia possessed the empire The yere of the worlde 5032 The yere of Christ 1071 Anni regum Angli 5 Otho Duke of Bauarie whiche had often rebelled againste the emperoure Henrie submitted him selfe and obteyned pardon Willyam king of Englande made such warre vpon the Scottes The yere of the worlde 5033 The yere of Christ 1072 Anni regum Angli 6 that he forced Malcoline to sweare to hym both homage and fealty Willyam by the counsayle of the Erle of Herforde caused the money and riches of the abbeies to be brought into his treasourye He made also the newe forest in the countrey of Southampton which to bring about he cast downe dyuers townes and churches the space of .xxx. myles and replenisshed it with wylde beastes and made sharpelawes for the mayntenaunce and encrease of the same Great contencion was betwene Lanfranke byshop of Canturburye and Thomas of Yorke for the primacie whiche at lenghte was iudged to the Archebishopryke of Canterbury The Saxones for certayne iniuries to them done The yere of the worlde 5034 toke armes against the emperour Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of Christ 1073 Demetrius kynge of Ruscia expelled his brother oute of the kingdome desyred ayde of the emperour Henrie The Saxones were quyeted and reconsiled to the emperour Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 5035 The yere of Christ Gregorye the .vii. beyng made byshop of Rome ordeyned contrarye to the lawe that was made by Henrye the iii. that no emperour shoulde haue to dooe with the eleccyon or confyrmacion of the Romayne byshoppe and excommunicated all them that receiued any spyrituall promocions at the emperours hand and made other in their places where as before tyme the emperour had full power to ordeine such byshops as were within his dominion With these ordinaunces Henrie the iii● beyng than emperoure was greatlye dyspleased This Gregorye decreed also that priestes shoulde haue no more wyfes and that they whiche all readye had shoulde be diuorsed and that no man shuld thensforthe be admitted to priesthode but they vowed perpetuall chastitee Against this decree repugned the byshoppes and pryestes of Germanie and withstode it a good season Aboute this tyme the people of Galloway and shortlye after the Murrais and other rebelled in Scotlande and robbed the countreis which were brought to obedience Michael the sonne of Constantine Dukas The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ was ordeyned emperoure of Constantinople and reigned vi yeres Anni regum Angli 9 Salomon kyng of Hungarye vanquisshed and ouercame the Hunnes whiche with an huge great armye entred the boundes of Pannonie And after that inignyng battayle wyth the Greekes and Bulgares obteyned the victorye But at the laste fill greate debate betwene hym and a noble man of hys countrey called Ge●sa of whom after sore fyght he was vanquyshed and depryued of his kyngdome and than reigned Ge●sa .vi. yeres Henrie the emperour sped hym with an armye against the Saxones the secounde tyme which by the stee rynge of certayne Prynces refused his empyre whome he constreigned by force to submit theim selfe and sharpely punisshed the chiefe capitaines of that conspiracie The yere of Christ 1076 Gregory byshop of Rome excommunicated the emperour The yere of the worlde 5037 because he woulde not obey his ordinances Anni regum Angli and depryued hym of the imperyal title and assoyled the people of theyr othe of allegiaunce wyllynge also the princes of Germanie to chose a new empero ur By whiche meanes dyuers prynces rebelled and the countrey was wonderfully spoyled and vexed with ciuyle warres Dyuers byshoppes of Germanie calling a counsaile did excommunicate Gregorye as a cruell tyranne and misse liuer The cruell tyrannie outragious pride diuellisshe sorcery and detestable lyfe of this Gregory is sette foorthe at large by Beno the cardynal where ye maye see the very picture of his crueltye Roger Erle of Her tforde and another named Raulffe conspired against kyng Wylliam of Englād being then in Normandye whiche both were by him outlawed
priestes and monkes beinge as lordes of the worlde were euen more to mainteyne warre with princes then to teache the word of god professed to forsake whooly the worlde and geue them onely to preachyng Whose holy pretensed purpose their folowers in processe of time turned to most dyuelyshe supersticion Phillip the emperour when he had in diuers battailes vanquyshed his enemies Anni regum Angli 5 besieged Coloine The yere of the worlde 5156 The yere of Christ and chased from thens Otho whiche fled to kyng Iohn of England his vncle The bishoppe of Rome denounced kyng Iohn with his whole realme a cursed Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5157 because he wolde not admitte Stephene Langhton to the bishoprike of Canturburie The yere of Christ 1206 But he little regarded hys fulmynacion and obeyed hym nothyng the rather At thys tyme in Southff a fyshe was taken lyke to a man and was kepte lyuyng .vi. monethes after vpon the lande with rawe fleshe and fishe Agreement made betweene the byshoppe of Rome and Philip the emperour Kinge Philip of Fraunce subdued to him the coūtrey of Normandie The yere of the worlde 5168 The yere of Christ 1207 Anni regum Angli 7 whiche sens the time of Charles the simple that is the space of 30● yeres was not in the possessiō of the kinges of Fraunce The yere of Christ 1128 About th is time the Irishemen Anni regum Angli 8 and shortly therupon the Welshemen rebelled The yere of the worlde 5169 whom king Iohn constreined to redeme peace with great summes of money Henrie emperour of Constantinople augmēted the empire of Grece Philip emperour of Almaine was murdered by the treason of the erle of Palatine The yere of Christ 1129 Othe a duke of the Saxones Anni regum Angli 9 was made emperour and crowned with the imperiall Diademe by Innocente bishop of Rome The yere of the worlde 5170 The Uenec●ans subdued Corcyra Mothonum Coronu● and many other ilandes Kinge Iohn sailed into Normandie where after certaine sayrmishes he made peace with Philip of France for .ii. yeres The mayres and shyreffes beganne first in the citee of London The yere of Christ 1210 Otho the emperour inuaded certaine citees Anni regum Angli 10 which Innocent the bishop The yere of the worlde 5171 affirmed to perteyne to the churche of Rome Wherfore he excommunicated the emperour and depriued him of all imperiall auctoritee causing the electours to chose Friderich king of Sicilie and nephew to Fridericus Barbarossa The yere of Christ Ppilip king of Fraunce made warre vpon Fernande Duke of Flaunders The yere of the worlde Anni regum Angli 11 because he alyed him with kynge Iohn of Englande The welshemen rebelling were brought in subiection The Englishemen whiche were sent by king Iohn to ayde the erle of Flaunders chased the Frenchemen and in the hauen of Scluse compassed toke their whole nauie of ●hips which was in noumbre .1020 sayle The yere of the worlde 5173 The yere of Christ 1212 ¶ Frederich the seconde king of Sicilie Anni regum Angli 12 and Duke of Suaue after that Otho was expelled by the byshoppe was ordeyned emperour and reigned .23 yeres Though this man was endued with many noble and princely vertues and tendered the wealth of the empyre excedingly yet was he vexed with most shameful iniuries by the bishops of Rome which in his tyme most aboundantly declared their outragious enuy pryde and malyce This Friderike was skilfull in diuers lāguages as in Greke Latin Almaine and the Sarasens tongue he fauoured good letters excellently ▪ and furthered muche the studie therof By his procuremente the Almagest of Ptolomei was translated out of the Sarasens tongue into Latine wherby the knowlede of astronomy which of long time ▪ no man hadde professed in Europe was called againe to light He warred first against Othy his predicessour by the counsaile of the Romaine bishop but in the ende he receiued the same rewarde that other dyd before him Gazari Patareni Leoniste Almaricus Carnot●nsys and many other heretikes were in these dayes Anni regum Angli 13 Kinge Iohn of Englande beynge overset in warre by Phillyp of Frāce The yere of the worlde 5174 The yere of Christ 1213 submitted him to the byshop of Rome by whō amonge other thinges he was bounden that as well he as his heires shuld euer after be feudaries to the see of Rome and pay for yerely tribute 1000. markes and moreouer to holde the title of the crowne by the byshops of Rome here may you se that the bishops of Rome in theyr so often cursinges did not couet to reconsile the soules of mē to god but to subdue princes to their tiranny but this iniunction was not kept at anytyme by the kinges of this realme Friderich the emperour made league with Phillip of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 14 The yere of the worlde 5175 The yere of Christ At Tourney a cruell bataile was foughten betwene Otho late emperour and Phillip of France in the quarel of kinge Iohn of Englande where the two princes encountred eche other so fiersly that they were bothe vnhorsed but in the ende Otho forsoke the fielde and Ferraunde Erie of Flaunders Reignold of Bol●ine and 28. other men of name were taken prisoners Shortly after entrety of peace was made betwene the kinges of Englande and France Anni regum Angli 15 A synode holden at Rome The yere of the worlde 5176 The yere of Christ wherin communicaciō was had for the recouery of Hierusalem Alexander succeded William in the kingedome of Scotlande and reigned .34 yeres At the beginning of king Henrys reign in England was variance betwene this Alexander of Scotlande and him but after thei were alied by mariage ¶ Peter was emperour of Constantinople .v. yeres he came to Rome and was annointed of the bishop Shortly after he besieged the citie Dyrachi●● desperyng to obteine it entreted a peace with Theodorus Duke of Epirus who not withstanding his promysse layed priuy waite in the wooddes of Tempe where he toke the emperour and cast him in prisō after which time Ioles the wife of Peter gouerned the weast empyre Great strife and variance hapned in England betwen king Iohn the nobles and commons of his realme The yere of the worlde 5177 The yere of Christ 1219 Anni regum Angli 19 because he wold not vse the lawes of ▪ S. Edwarde other auncient liberteis which the people required whom the king had dyuers times appeased with faire wordes and promisses but because the lords perceiued them to come to smalle effect they pursued him so hartlie that he was gladde to send for ayde to Flaunders and in like maner the nobles with their alies sent for Lewis the soonne of Philip of Fraunce and him saluted as king and maineteyned in warre against king Iohn to the great hurt of this realme of England During the time of this warre king Iohn ended his lyfe
a charge but by the helpe of his mother Blaunch he quieted his enemies and reigned .xliii. yeres The abbot of Ursburge an historiographer Petrus de Uineis a lawier were famous Anni regum Angli 12 Friderich the emperour toke his vyage toward Asia The yere of the worlde 5190 The yere of Christ 1229 where he behaued him so knightly that he recouered Ierusalem and diuers other citees which he repaired and fortified and thā made peace with the Souldaine for .x yeres King Henrye of Englande sayled with an army into Britaine agaynst Lewis king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5191 The yere of Christ 1230 Anni regum Angli 13 where after spoyling of the countrey a peace was cōcluded betwene the two yonge princes The yere of the worlde 5192 The yere of Christ 1231 Notwithstanding the great vilanie that Gregory byshop of Rome had shewed to Friderich the emperour as well by inuadinge his landes while he was absent ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 and spreading a false rumour of his death in Asia as also in reiecting his louing letters and publishinge him to be an enemy of Christian religion an d no lesse to be hated than a Sarasen or Turke Yet ceassed not thys gentyll prince at his returne to entreat meanes of concord whiche he could not obteyne vntil he had payed to the bishop in the of penaunce .120000 ounces of golde and than was he agayn proclaimed emperour of Almayn king of Sicilie Blondus Platine Sabellicus and other Italian historiographers cast al the faut vpon the emperour and make him worst of all men But the abbot of Ursberge whiche was in those dayes sheweth the pride auarice and stubbourne frowardnesse of the Romayne bishop Uariaunce chanced betwene the studentes of Paris the citisins in so muche that the scholars were mynded to haue departed from the citee A great discencion and ruffling betwene the bishop of Rome and the citesins for their auncient liberties customes and gouernance of their citee wherof ye may read in Blondus De inclinatione Romani imperii the .vii. booke by what meanes the bishoppe extorted from theim their libertees The Welshemen aboute this time rebelled Great harme was done in the citee of London with fyre The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1232 Anni regum Angli 15 Uariance kendled betwene king Henry of Englande and his lordes The yere of the worlde 5194 The yere of Christ 1233 Anni regum Angli 16 because he put from his seruyce English men and trusted straungers as wel in his counsaile as other offices nere about him The citie Uerona came agayne to the obedyence of the emperour Theobalde of Campaine was kinge of Nauerre The emperour retourned the .iii. tyme into Germanie and warred in Austrich against the Hungares wher he toke Macheria Gaza and Uienna whiche he ordeyned to be the imperiall citie and there made his sonne Chunrade Cesar. Edwarde of Pountnay was ordeyned byshop of Canturbury Anni regum Angli 18 Kynge Henry beganne the foundacyon of S. Iohns hospytall in Oxenforde The yere of the worlde 5196 The yere of Christ 1235 In this yeere fell verye vnseasonable weather of thūder lightning ▪ and erthquakes wherof ensued a famine and pestilence Kyng Henry put from him the strāgers and receiued the Englysh men to their offices The Irishemen rebelled The Iewes dwelling in Norwych were accused for steling of a childe whom they purposed to crucifie Friderich the emperoure maried Isabell the syster of kinge Henrie of Englande King Henry toke to wyfe Elenour the doughter of the Erle of Prouince Anni regum Angli 19 The yere of the worlde 5197 The yere of Christ 1236 In Englande appeared as it were hostes of men fighting in the element The statute of Merton was first inacted ▪ or after some in the thyrteth yere of this kinge Henrie Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5198 The yere of Christ 1237 Theobalde king of Nauarre Almarith Erle of Moūtfort Henrie Erle of Campaine with a great multitude of souldiours went into Asia where at the beginnynge they wente forwarde prosperously and gathered muche prayse but in the end betwen Ptolomais and Gaza thei were vanquisshed of the Turkes and a great noumbre slaine Myllaine and certaine other famous cities of Italy rebelled againste the emperoure whiche he vanished and brought in due obeisaūce And therfore was againe cursed of Gregorye and proclaimed an heretike Whiche thyng caused great trouble in Italye Deadly warre betwene the citie of Gean and the Uenecians for the I le of Crete ¶ Bela the .iiii. succeded his father Andrew in the kyngdome of Hungary and reigned 3● yeres The Uenecians ouercame certaine Grecians whiche hadde beclipped the cytie of Constantinople with a hard siege The yere of the worlde 5199 The yere of Christ 1233 The Rhodes became subiect to Uenice Anni regum Angli 21 At the Uniuersitee of Parys it was concluded that no priest vnder payne of deadly synne coulde haue .ii. benefyces The yere of the worlde 5200 A clerke of Oxenforde or more verily a certaine souldiour feignynge him selfe mad The yere of Christ 1239 Anni regum Angli 22 enterprised to haue slaine king Henry of England but he was taken put to deth The yere of the worlde 5201 The yere of Christ 1240 Partes were taken in Italie for the emperour and the bishop of Rome they whiche fauoured the bishop Anni regum Angli 23 were called Guelphi the other Gibelini of whiche discencion rose most cruell and deadly warres For the byshop promyssed eternall lyfe to all theim that fought against the emperour and desyred healpe of the Englyshemen and Frenchemen He called also a generall counsaile ▪ wherin he depriued the emperour of his auctoritie and ordeyned Salue regina c. and that belles shoulde be ronge at the consecracion of the sacramēt and to the praise of our Ladie with suche other ioyly thinges The emperoure toke .ii. cardinalles and kepte theim in prison at Amalphia he subdued Rauenna and the Seneses came to his parte The yere of the worlde 5202 The yere of Christ 1241 After the death of Gregorye Colestinus was bishop of Rome .xviii. dayes Anni regum Angli 24 and than was the see of Rome voide xxi monethes The great Cahan prince of the Tartarians after he had wan from the Turkes much of the east landes with an arme of 500000. men inuaded Hungary with whō Be la their king encountring was vanquished and fled into Dalmacia Than the Tartarians conquered Uacia Uaradinum Stridoniam wyth other places so distroyed the countrey wyth sword and fyre that the inhabitauntes were constreigned for hunger to eate their owne children whiche crueltee contynued thre yeeres And at the last the heythen Pagaines being forced with ●emyne were faine to departe out of the countrey Iames kinge of Arragon Friderich the emperour subdued to him Fauercia Parma Bononia and transferred the studentes from Bononia to Padua Henrie king of Englande
of Christ 1253 Alexander the .iiii. was bishop of Rome .vii. yeres He was so muche occupied in mainteining the ciuile warres betweenes the Guelphes and Gybelynes that he sent abrode preachers to steere men agaynst the Gibelines to the great disturbance of all Italie He excommunicated also Manfrede the sonne of Frideryche Nayles yelded to the bishoppe The Gibelines were driuen out of their countrey The Florentines vanquysshed the Pisanes and subdued Uolate●ra The yere of the worlde 5215 The yere of Christ 1254 Manfrede founde meanes Anni regum Angli 37 that he was proclamed and crowned king of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5216 The yere of Christ 1255 Alphons kynge of Castile gaue Elenour his daughter in mariage to prince Edwarde Anni regum Angli 38 the sonne of kyng Henry of Englande to whom hys father gaue the principate of UUales and gouernance of Gulan and Irelād UUherof began first that the kinges of England ordeined theyr eldest sonnes princes of UUales Alphons the .ix. and sonne of Ferdynande was kynge of Castile .xxviii. yeres About this time certaine noble mē of the hous of Cumminges rebelled against the kyng in Scotland and held him in prison a certaine time Uariaunce betwene the electours of Germanie for the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1256 parte named Alphons kynge of Castile Anni regum Angli parte Rycharde the brother of kynge Henrye of Englande but because neither of theim was receiued by the whole empyre the imperial auctoritee was counted ●oide the space of .xvii. yeres The king of Scottes 〈◊〉 his quene came into Englād Dyuers lordes of Almaine came into Englande and did homage to syr Rycharde Erle of Cornwall and the kinges brother who vpon ascencion day after was crowned kyng of Romaines at Aquisgrane Anni regum Angli 40 The yere of the worlde 5218 The yere of Christ by the bishoppe of Coloine and other of his friendes King Henry went into UUales to subdue Lewline whiche with his UUelshemen rebelled against hym and hys sonne prince Edwarde Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquine Bonauenture and Peter Hispanus were famous Anni regum Angli 41 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Great variaunce betwene kynge Henrye and the Londyners in so muche that the Maior Aldermen and shyriffes were depriued of theyr offices and the gouernance of the citee committed to certayne persones of the kynges appoynting The secte of S. Augustines armites began For so much as kyng Henry had promised oftentimes the restitucion of certaine aunciēt lawes and ordināces whiche were more easie and commodyous to his people and by his longe delaye brought nothing to effect the lordes of England began to murmure and grudge against hym wherfore to appeace theyr malyce he helde a parliament at Oxenforde whiche was after called the madde parliament because manye thynges were therin enacted againste the kynges prerogatiue whiche proued after to the confusion of the realme and death of manye noble men For the confyrmaciō of these actes were chosen .xii. pieres called Douze pieres ▪ whiche had auctoritee to correcte the breakers of theyr ordynaunces These pieres transposed and altered many thynges according to theyr owne pleasure greatly to the discontentynge of the kynges mynd and disquieting of the whole realme as in the Englishe histories doeth appeare Rycharde the kynges brother returned out of Almaine into England Anni regum Angli 42 The yere of the worlde 5220 The yere of Christ Manfrede fortified the citee of Sen●s with a great garrison against the bishoppe of Rome Ecelinus whiche fauoured the Gibelines vanquyshed the byshoppes armie and toke his legate Brixia was geuen vp to Ec●linus Deadly warre betwene the Uenecians and Genoways for the possession of a church in the citee of Ptolomais in Ph●nicia Guye duke of Florentia The yere of the worlde 5221 The yere of Christ The Florentines fauouring the part of the Gnelphes went part of them to Luke part to Bononi Anni regum Angli 43 and forsoke their owne citee whiche shortlye after beinge inhabyted with a few indifferent persons was brought in the subiection of Manfrede and the Gi●elines and fortified with their fa●●ours This facion of Guelphes and Gibelines continued in Italie almost to our time Michael Paleolo●us a noble man of Grece depriued William of his principate of Achaia and by the helpe of the Genowais nauie toke Constantinople slew Baldwine the emperour put to deathe the son of Theodorus Uattaris and vsurped the imperiall auctoritee .xxxv. yeres The Uenecians ouercame the Genowais at Ptolomais and toke .xxiiii. of their ships and galleis King Henrie of England fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a final peace on this condicion that Normandye Angeowe and Cenomanna shuld euer after be in the possession of the frenchemen and the king of England to haue Guyan and that Lewis should geue to king Henrie for hys expenses in warre .150000 crownes and for yearelye tribute a .100000 after which peace fynyshed the kynge retourned into England De●dly warre betwene the bishop of Argentine and the citisyns wherein the bishoppe him selfe fought manfully like a valiant champion All the countrey of Hetrucia was brought vnder the subiection of Manfrede and the Guelphes expelled Anni regum Angli 44 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1261 About this time mortal warre was reared betwene Alphons king of Castile and Richarde the kinges brother of Englande because they bothe affected the empire of Germanie Alphons suspectinge the treason of his two brethren Henrie and Friderich expelled them out of his reelme of the which the tone fled into Affrike the tother into France entending to excite the people of bothe those nacions to inuade Castile Urbane the fourth was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres He first ordeyned the feast of Corpus Christi with great plōtie of pardone Anni regum Angli 45 King Henrie of England pulished at Ponles crosse the bishop of Romes absolucion for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyn the articles made in the parliament holden at Oxenforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1262 for which cause the Barones of Englande beganne to vtter their malice whiche they had long before conceiued agaynst the kinge and caused an insurrection that continued .iii. yeres The Barones of England armed them agaynst theyr kinge Anni regum Angli 46 The yere of the worlde 5224 The yere of Christ and al this yere houered about London and other places without any notable act of rebellion sauing that they robbed and spoyled alianes and certaine other persones whom they knewe to be agaynst theyr purpose Urbane bishop of Rome obteined of the Frenche kynge that his brother Charles the earle of Angeowe and pr●●ince might come into Italy with an army against Māfrede where the saide Charles was proclaimed kinge of Sicilie and Naples by whiche meanes that kyngedome came first to the Frenchmen This yere was an exceading dearth in Scotland wherof A●ho
kinge of Norway and Denmarke toke occasion to inuade the landes of Scotlande to the great terrour of the kinge and the whole realme but not longe after at Largis he was discomfited in a great battayle and loste xxv thousande of his men wyth all his shyppes sauinge foure Anni regum Angli 47 Fiue hundred Iewes were slayne by the citesins of London because one Iew would haue forced a christian man to paye more then two pense for the vsurie of .xx. s. for a weke The yere of the worlde 5225 The yere of Christ 1264 After the death of Acho Magnus reigned amonge the Danes Hugh Le Spenser with the citisins of London spo●led and burnt the manoures of Richarde the kinges brother whiche hither to had ben a great staye of the warre betwene the king and his nobles Nere to Lewis king Henrie and his Barones fought a cruell battaile in the whiche he him selfe with Richarde his brother kinge of Romaines sir Edwarde his sonne and other noble men to the noumbre of xxv were taken and of the commons were slaine aboue .20000 The king ▪ and his brother were deliuered vpon firme promise made to perfourme the actes of the forenamed m●dde parliament for suertie whereof prynce Edwarde remained as pledge Uenceslaus the fourth king of Boheme Clement bishop of Rome .iii. yeres ix monethes Debate and variance betwene Simon Mountforte Erle of Leicester The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1265 Anni regum Angli 48 and Gilbert de Clare erle of Gloucester the chiefe capitaines of the Barones whiche turned to their great euell For prince Edwarde being now set at libertee alied him with the Erle of Gloucester and gatheringe to him a great power warred so fiercelye vpon Simon of Leicester that in the end he and Hugh Spenser with many other of the nobles were slain in battaile And the same yere was holden a parliament at Winchester where all the statutes made before at Oxenforde were foredone and al writinges made for the confirmacion of the same cancelled and broken The citee of London was in great daunger to haue bene vtterly destroied by the king for great ●re and displeasure that he had kendled toward it because of the forenamed commocion This yere was such infinite noumbre of wormes in all partes of Scotlande that floures herbes leaues and fruites of trees were consumed therwith Manfrede in Italy was vanquyshed slayne by Charles the Frenche kynges brother who toke possessiō of the kyngdome of Sicilie and Boneaent and for the same became feudarie to the Romaine bishoppe and paied to him yerely tribute By daiely suite and labour of friendes to kyng Henrye for the Londoners The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1266 he lastly graunted his pardon Anni regum Angli 49 But so that thei shulde geue to hym for all transgressions and offences the summe of .20000 markes and than to receiue againe theyr libertees Kynge Henrie besieged the castell of Kenelworth whiche Henrie Hastinges defended agaynst hym the space of halfe a yere and than gaue it vp into his handes Chunradinus Duke of Suaue the sonne of Chunrade and nephew of Friderich and righte heue as wel to the imperiall cro wne as to the kingedome of Sicilie came with a huge armie into Italy to recouer his fathers kingdome of Sicilie which the Romaine bishop bad wrongfully geuen to Charles the Frencheman The olde franches and libertees of London with a new graunt for the shire of Midleser Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5228 The yere of Christ 1267 were confirmed by a parliament at Northhampton where also many noble men that had taken part with the Barones were disherited of their landes and therfore fledde to Eli● Friderich the kinges brother of Spaine whiche was banished his coun●trey came out of Afrike with a great companye of Sarasens and arriued in the sea costes of Sicilye where in the quarel of Chunradine he subdued the whole ilande sauinge three citees called Panormus Siracuse and Messana Banducar or Bendago souldaine of Egipt ouercame the christians The Genowais spoiled wasted a citee of Crete called Canea The gentlemen of Englande which fled to Ely The yere of the worlde 5229 The yere of Christ robbed did much harme to the countrei next adioignynge Anni regum Angli 51 Chunrade the Duke of Sucuia which in the beginning of his warres had prosperous successe in Italie encountring with Charles was vanquished and taken toward whom the bishop of Rome vsed much espiteful villanye In him ceassed the Dukes of Sueuia Anni regum Angli 52 Gilbert de Clare Erle of Gloncester for vnknowen displeasure aliyng him selfe with the exiled gentilmen The yere of the worlde 5230 The yere of Christ 1269 other nobles of England rose against the kinge helde the citee of London but by the diligent labour of sir Rychard king of Romaines and the bishop of Reines an agremente was made betwene the king and him The bishops see of Rome by meane of a discencion betwene the cardinalles was voyde the space of .ii. yeres Uariaunce betweene the felowships of goldsmithes and tailours of London Anni regum Angli 53 caused great ruffling in the cite The yere of the worlde 5231 The yere of Christ 1270 and manye men to be slaine for which riotte .xiii. of the chiefe capitains were reigned cast and hanged Aleine S●uch was discharged of his mairaltee by the kinge and St●phene Edw●rth made constable of the tower and cu●tos of the citee The disherited gentlemen were reconsiled to the king Lewis king of Fraunce and his three sonnes Philip Iohn and Peter with a great nauie sailed into Afrike against the Sarasens where by his pollicie and manhode they toke the citee of Thunes but by reason of the vnholsome countrey a pestilence infected his host of the which the king him selfe died The riuer Thames was so hard frosen from the feast of S. Andrewe to Candelmas The yere of the worlde 5132 The yere of Christ 1271 Anni regum Angli 54 that men and beastes passed ouer on fote from Lambeth to Westminster The citee of Londō with the reuenues was geuen to prince Edwarde Gregorie the .x. was bishoppe of Rome .iii. yeres Warre betwene the Uenecians and people of Bononie Philip the sonne of S. Lewys kynge of Fraunce reygned .xv. yeres Othacarus the .v. king of Boheme he was a valiaunt prince a man of great prowes and d●syrous of warre whom neither counsayle sayled in daungerous enterprises nor courage in aduersitie and misfortune By his wife Margaret he was Duke of Austrich When the electours profered to make him emperour he refused it sayinge that it was a greatter thinge to be kinge of Boheme than emperour of Rome At his entre he warred vpon Bela king of Hungarie and him vanquyshed and wanne the prouince of Stiria The yere of the worlde 5233 The yere of Christ 1272 Prince Edward of England sailing into Asia against the Infideles by his
pollicye and manlye actes so demeaned him selfe Anni regum Angli 55 that oftentimes he put the Turkes to gret shame disworship for despite whereof they subourned a false Sarasen by whose treason he was putte in greate daunger as his life For he was wounded with a venemous darte and therof was sicke longe after Ephren a Greke of Constantinople and Ptolomois of Luke in Italie historiographers Stephene the .v. was king of Hungarie .ii. yeres He by the ayde of the Germaines ouercame Othacarus kinge of Boheme and subdued Buda to hys kingdome The Tartarians conquered and ouerrode all Persia. At Grenewich beside London was a lambe yened hauing two perfite bodies and but one head Anni regum Angli 56 The yere of the worlde 5234 The yere of Christ 1273 Richard kinge Henries brother and king of Romaynes finished his life and was buried at Hayles A counsayle called at Lions in Fraunce by Gregorie the Romaine bishop against the Grecians for the proceding of the holy ghost and for communication to be had for the recouerie of the holy land Michael emperour of Constantinople submitted hym to the church of Rome Hulderich king of Carinth solde his principate of Carinthia and the countreys of Carniola Marchia Sclauonie with other to Othacarus kinge of Boheme for which landes was after warre betwene Othacarus and the emperour Rodulph of ●abishburge was ordeined emperoure of Almayne This man neuer receyued the imperiall dya●eme nor entred into Italie For he vsed to recite to hys familiars the fable of the fo●● that sayde to the Lyon be was a ferde to enter into his denne because he perceiued the steppes of many beastes goinge inward but of none that retourned out agayne And so he sayed manye emperours haue entred Italie with great pompe and glory but by the meanes of the bishop they retourned euel handled with great iniuries At the citee of Form●ul●●●n Italie the Gibelines slewe wel nere .8000 of the Guelphes King Henrie of England departed out of this life Anni regum Angli 1 EDwarde the firste of that name after the conqueste surnamed Longeshanke The yere of the worlde 5235 The yere of Christ began his reigne ouer this realme of Englande and reigned xxxiiii yeeres He was muche troubled with the rebellion of the Welshemen ▪ and Scottes and also with warre in Fraunce Of stature he was taule and mightie of bodie but nothinge grosse His eyes were somewhat blacke and in tyme of anger semed fierye of so noble and valiant hart that his courage neuer fainted in most hard and daungerous enterprises of witte excellente of great towardnesse 〈◊〉 apte to euerye thinge that he him selfe applied He hated extremelye the insolent presumpcion of priestes whiche he thought onely to rise of aboundaunce of riches he was a su●e friende and at idle times muche geuen to huntinge He profited greatlye his realme with newe and holsome lawes to the redressing of many enormities and specially of the false dealing of bakers and millers Ladislaus the fourth was kinge of Hungarie syxtene yeeres Alexander kinge of Scottes did his homoge to Edward of England The yere of the worlde 5236 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 2 Innocent the .v. was bishop of Rome .vi. monethes Honorius the .iiii. fiftye dayes Iohn the one and twentieth .viii. monethes The bishoppes see was voyde .vi. monethes And then Nicholas the thirde made bishop He wreasted from the emperour of Almaine al the countrey of Bononie Flaminia in the emperoures name toke from Charles kinge of Sicilie the gouernaunce of H●truria Warre betwene the Uenecians and the citee Ancon The yere of the worlde 5237 The yere of Christ 1276 King Edward entred again into Wales against Lewline and forced hi m to desire mercie and grace Anni regum Angli 3 Ladislaus king of Hungarie made warre to the people called Comam and them vanquished He vsed hym vnhonestly toward his wife keping other strumpets at his pleasure The citee of Rome was werie of the dominion of their bishoppes The statute of Mortmane was first enacted by kinge Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5238 The yere of Christ 1277 Anni regum Angli 4 Michael Tonie was hanged drawen and quartered for treason Nicholas bishop of Rome endeuoured to erect .ii. newe kingdomes in Italie for his two nephewes He vsurped the power of a senatour in Rome and would suffer non other to be created Deadly warre was reased betwene Rodulph the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and Othacarus king of Boheme Anni regum Angli 5 whiche enc●untring in the fieldes of Austriche foughte a sore battayle wherein the emperour obteined the victorie and Othacarus was slain Whose sonne Albert the emperour gentilly entreated and made him Duke of Austriche Reformacion was made in Englande for clippinge of the kinges coyne Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5240 The yere of Christ for whiche offence .284 Iewes were put to execution Halfepense and farthinges were firste coyned in England ¶ Uenceslaus was the .vi. kinge of Boheme who for his holinesse is noumbred among the sainctes Discencion in Rome for the election of the bishop Anni regum Angli 8 Martine the fourth was bishop of Rome .iiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 5242 The yere of Christ In his firste yeere was borne a childe of a woman that was verie familiar with him all hear●e and armed with clawes lyke to a beare Wherof when the bishop had knowledge he caused all the images of beares in his palaice to be raised out for a manif●● profe that he was perswaded that such fauoures as the woman doth conceiue in time of her conception shal be represensed in the childe at hys byrthe Michael Paleologus emperour of Grece was excommunicated by the Romaine bishop for breaking certain promises that he made in the counsayle of Lyons The Sarasens vanquished the Scythes and Armenians nere to Ganal● and after great slaughter wanne the citee Peter king of Arragon sailed into Afrike with a great nauie and brought from them muche riches and praye He endeuoured also to recouer the kingdome of Sicilie ▪ wherto he made claim by the right of his wife Constāce the daughter of Manfrede Anni regum Angli 9 Dauid the brother of Lewline prince of Wales vnkindly and traiterously excited his brother agaynst king Edward of England The yere of the worlde 5243 The yere of Christ The citee of Pis● was destroyed by the Germaines Tongader the Tartarian first receiued the law of Mahumet He conquered Babilon by the helpe of the Armenians About this time Wilhelmus Placentinus and Taddeus phisicions were famous And likewise Guydo Bonatus an astronomer The people of Sicilie detesting the pride auarice effeminate wantonnesse of the Frenchmen by the counsaile of a noble mā called Iohn Piochi●●us in one night slew all them that were within the iland in like maner was it doone in the citee of Form●ul●● shortlye after whiche murder the king of Arragon entred
Sicilie and subdued to him a great part of that ilande The yere of the worlde 5244 King Edwarde sent a company of souldiours into Wales The yere of Christ 1283 Anni regum Angli 10 vnder the ga●ding of the erles of Northumberlande and Surrei of the which companye manye were slayne and sir Ro●er Clifford taken prisoner ▪ The Welshemen subdued certaine castelles and holdes Peter king of Arragon after he had conquered a great part of Sicilie toke on him the imperiall crowne therof and was for that cause cursed by the bishoppe of Rome his kingdome of Arragon proclaymed to be open to euery man that would inuade it Charles the younger was vanquished and taken in battayle on the sea Philip king of Fraunce ▪ in the quarell of his brother Charles king of Sicilie proclaymed warre agaynst Peter of Arragon Lewline prince of Wales Anni regum Angli 11 was slaine by Roger Mortimer The yere of the worlde 5245 The yere of Christ 1284 and his head set vpon the Tower of London Sanctius the .iiii. reigned in Spayne .xi. yeres Charles king of Sicilie ended his life William Marton chauncellour of England about this time buylded Marton colle●ge in the vniuersitee of Oxeforde Dauid the brother of Lewline prince of Wales was taken and beheaded The yere of the worlde 5246 The yere of Christ 1285 Anni regum Angli 12 and diuers boldes and castelles of the UUelshemen geuen to the Englishe lordes Prince Edward of Canaruan was borne in wales Laurence Duket a citisin of London was founde deade and hanged in the church of S. Marie Bowes Philip king of France fought a strong and cruel battaile with Peter king of Arragon nere to Gerunda in the whiche Peter receyued a wound wherof he died shortly after leauing two sonnes Friderich whom he ordeined king of Arragon and Iames to whom he gaue Sicilye These two brethren mainteyned their fathers warre agaynst the Frenchemen Philip king of Fraunce ended his lyfe Kinge Alexander of Scotlande brake his necke by falling of a horse Leauing no heyre male after hym The realme contynued without kinge vi yeres .ix. monethes Honorius the .v. was bishop of Rome .ii. yeres He endeuoured to toke the kingedome of Sicilie from the king of Arrogon The new woorke of the church of Westminster vnto the ende of the quiece Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1286 begon in the third yere of the third Henrie and continued in buyldinge .66 yeeres was fynished The Pisanes were vanquished by the Genowais and in a battayle on the sea loste .50 gallies and shippes and 12000. souldiours The order of the Carmelites beganne of Albert Patriarke of Hierusalem Philip for his beautie surnamed the fayre ▪ reigned in Fraunce .xxviii. yeres This man because of warre that he had with the Duke of Gelderlande and other reared great taxes and paimentes throughout his lande as well of the clergie as laitee Rodulph the emperour subdued to his obedience the Suitzers which before were subiecte to the Erle of Sauoy Pseudo vanquished Friderich tamed the Snaues This yere was enacted by king Edwarde the statutes called ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 Additamenta gloucestrie The yere of the worlde 1248 The yere of Christ 1287 In the countrey of Heluccia a woman was deliuered of a childe that hadde two perfite bodies from the nauill vpwarde and an other womanne bare a childe the fact wherof was like to a man and the bodie to a lion The bishoprike of Rome was voyde .x. monethes Anni regum Angli 15 King Edwarde of Englande sayled to Bordeux The yere of the worlde 1249 and from thens rode into Frāce The yere of Christ 5288 The summer this yere was so exceding hote that men died for extreme heat and yet was wheate so plenteous that it was sold at London for xl d. a quarter Nicolas the .iiii. was bishop of Rome ▪ iiii yeeres Great bayle fel in England after that ensued so continuall raine Anni regum Angli 16 that the yere folowinge The yere of the worlde 5250 wheate was solde for .xviii. d. a bushell and so encreased yerelye the reygne of this kinge and his sonne till it was lastlye solde for .xl shillinges a quarter Peace agreed betwene the Frenchmen and Arragons The Florentines with great slaughter vanquished the G●bell●es of Arentine in Italie The citee Triple was taken and destroied by the Souldaine of Egipte and the christyans slayne in most cruell wise Ries a Welsheman rebelling against Pain● Tiptost warden of that countrey The yere of the worlde 5251 The yere of Christ 1290 Anni regum Angli 17 was by the erle of Cornewall in the kinges absēce taken drawen hanged quartered About this time the Iewes were expelled wholy out of this realme Charles the yonger which was prisoner a longe time in Arragon receyued the kingedome of Sicilie and for the same was feudarie to the Romaine bishop The Souldaine of Babylon conquered the citee of Asia called Tite Sidon Barutum and raised them euen with the earth whiche were before inhabited with Chrystian people He besieged in like maner the citye of Pt●lom● is called also Acres or Acon and the same being forsaken of the christians with great cruelte burnt and destroied By this meanes were the christians vtterly chased out of Surie .190 yeres after they firste wonne Ierusalem vnder Godfrei of Bolo●ne Ladislaus king of Hungarie was slaine by the Comanes and then succeded Andrewe the thirde whiche reygned ●ii yeres Rodolph emperour of Almaine ouerthrew wel nere 60. castelles and holdes in the prouince of Thuring and by that meanes quieted the countrey of Germanie Andrewe king of Hungarie subdued Austrich Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 5252 The yere of Christ 1291 Alexander kinge of Scotland as is before sayd dyed without issue male wherof ensued great discord among the Scottes whiche toke parte with Iohn Bailoll and Robert Bruce making claime to the crowne and shortly after deadlye warre folowed betwene the .ii. realmes of England and Scotland The election of the king of Scottes was committed to the iudgemente of kinge Edward of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1292 Anni regum Angli 19 who after sufficiēt profe made to the Scottes that he was chiefe head and soueraigne of the realme of Scotlande by all their consentes toke full possession of the same ●and then caused Iohn Bailol to be ordeyned kinge because he descended of the elder doughter of Erle Dauid kinge Wylliams brother A●oulphus was chosen emperour of Almaine and reigned .vii. yeres He was vnfortunate in all thinges that he went about therwith so nedye and poore that when he had receiued of king Edwarde of Englande .100000 markes to ayde him against the Frenche king he spente the money vpon his housholde and had not wherwith to fulfill his promisse when time required By discentio● of the cardinals the bishoprike of Rome was voyde .ii. yeres and
in Rome in the solemnysyng wherof the fyrste daye he shewed hym selfe to the people in his pontificalibus and gaue free remission of synnes to as many as came to Rome out of all partes of the worde the seconde daye beyng arayed with imperiall insignes he commaunded a naked swoorde to be caried before hym and saied with a lowde voyce Lo● beholde the power and auctorite● of both swoordes Othomannus a man of vnknowen byrth steered with desyre to beare a rule toke on hym the kyngdome of the Turkes and subdued to his seignory a great part of Bithynia and other countreis of him descended linially the kynges of Turkes to this daye whose generacion hathe wrought much scathe to the Christians UUarre was reuiued betwene Fraunce and Flaūders in the which the Flemminges were put to great damage and losse of men shortly after peace was concluded Anni regum Angli 28 New faccions rose in Italie where The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ as before 〈◊〉 they were called Guelphes and Gibelines so were they nowe called Al●i and Nigri by the which Italye was wonderfully disquieted with sedicion and warre At this tyme sprange a new heresie not vnlike to the A●nabaptistes the folowers wherof were named Fra●●●cel● ▪ Tamor Can the sixt Emperoure of the Tartarians 〈◊〉 Cathay a prince exceding riche Henricus de Gandano Arnoldus de Uilla noua Gordonius Mundinus Scotus The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and Dante 's the poete liued at this time Anni regum Angli 29 Boniface ▪ for his priuate displeasure dyd excommunicate kyng Phillip of France proclaimed him not to be kyng Phillip set at libertee Sarra a noble man whome the bishop had depriued of all his landes and possessions In this yere the Scottysshe historie maketh mencion of a great ouerthrow geuen by the Scottes to the Englishemen at Roslyng and that kyng Edward beyng therwith meued perced the realme of Scotlande and wente through all the lande from the north to the southe partes therof and forced them all to sweare to hym homage and feaultee whiche seemeth to be the same conquest that we spake of in the .xxv. yere of his reigne Boniface crowned and confyrmed Albert in the empire on this condicion that he would take on him the crowne of Fraunce and expell Phillip but the .ii. prynces wyselye agreed betweene theim selfe and contemned the tyranny of bishop Boniface Uenceslaus whiche of the Hungares is called Ladyslaus the sonne of the kyng of Boheme reigned in Hungary .iii. yeres Anni regum Angli 30 Boniface bishoppe of Rome was cast in prisō by Sarra whom he had expelled out of the citee The yere of the worlde 5264 The yere of Christ in whiche pryson he dyed Of this byshop it is wrytten that he entred into the bishoprike lyke a foxe reigned lyke a woulfe and died lyke a dogge Anni regum Angli 31 Bennet was bishop of Rome .viii. monethes The yere of the worlde 5225 The yere of Christ he assoyled the Frenche kynge the byshoprike was voyde .xi. monethes Uenceslaus the .vii. kynge of Boheme for his dronkennesse and lechery was slaine in Mora●ia The yere of the worlde 5266 The yere of Christ 1305 Anni regum Angli 32 Faccions sedicions commocions and deadly warres in most miserable wise tourmēted the countrey of Italy Sir Robert de Bruze the Scotte stole priuilye oute of Englande and fledde into hys countrey where he slewe the Erle sir Iohn Cummyn because he hadde in certaine letters ●etrayned hym to kyng Edward as going about to steere vp the Scottes to a new rebellion Seraph or Melecnasser Souldaine of Aegypte he was sor● ou●●set by the Tartarians ¶ Otho Duke of Bauarie was ordeyned kynge of Hungary 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 The yere of Christ 1306 Clemen●e the 〈◊〉 was bishop of Rome .viii. yeres Anni regum Angli 33 He transferred the bishoppes see of Rome The yere of the worlde 5267 from Italye into Fraunce where it continued the space of .74 yeres A great sedicion in Paris betwene the noble men and the commons for enhau●sing of rentes Wylliam Wallaice which had done so many 〈◊〉 asures to kynge Edwarde in Scotlande was 〈◊〉 and hanged The nobles of Scotlande in a 〈◊〉 at W●estminste●r voluntarily swore to be true to the king of Englande and to kepe the lande of Scotlande to hys vse against al persons At the coronacion of Clement byshop of Rome by the fall of a walle the Duke of Britayne was slayne and kynge Phillip of France maimed A carbuncle was striken out of the bishops miter whiche was in value worth vi thousande crownes The byshop ordeyned .iii. cardynalles whiche as it were .iii. senatours shoulde gouerne the countrey of Italye to hys beho●lffe He gaue also the ilande of Sardinia to Friderike kynge of Sicilie to the entent he should expel the Sarasens The emperour Albert ordeined his son Rodoulph king of Boheme and expelled Henry the Duke of Carinth The Scottes by the counsaile of the Abbotte of Stone Anni regum Angli 34 purchased a dyspensacion of the byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1307 for the othe that they had made to the kynge of Englande and ●hose to their kinge Robert Le Bruze When king Edwarde hard of this treason he wente with all hast into Scotlande where in a playne nere to S. Iohnes towne he encountred vanquished and chased sir Robert le Bruse and all the ●●wer of Scotlande and toke manye of the noble men prisoners amonge the whiche were certayne bishops and an abbotte that were armed in the 〈◊〉 contrarie to their trouthe and al●giance Robert le Bruze fled into Norway Henrie that was expelled by the emperour was againe made king of Boheme All the templares were put downe in France and their goodes and possessions throughout all Christendome geuen by the bishoppe of Rome to the knyg●●e● of s. Iohn Baptiste This order was destroyed for their d●sta●le he●e●ie and other enor●●t●es The hospitelars recoue●ed Rhodes from the Sarasens Conti●●i●g the war in Scotland the noble kinge Edwarde ended his life who at his death charged his lordes to bo●e his bodie till the fleshe seuered from the bones and then to burie his fleshe in Englande and kepe still the bones and as often as the Scottes rebelled to assemble the people and carie with them his bones trusting that if they were present that froward people should the soner be vanquished EDward the second sonne of the first Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5269 The yere of Christ and prince of Wales Anni regum Angli 1 begane his reigne ouer England and reigned .xviii. yeres This Edwarde was fayre of bodie but vnstedfaste of maners and disposed to lightnesse For he refused the company of his lordes and men of honour and haunted amonge villaines and vile personages He gaue him selfe also to ouer muche drinkynge and lightlye woulde disclose thinges of great couns●yle and besides that he was geuen to these vices of
nature he was made much worse by the couns●ile and familiarit●e of certaine euell disposed personnes as Pi●rse of Gaueston Hugh the Spensers and other whose wanton counsaile he folowing gaue him selfe to the appetite and pleasure of the body nothing ordering his common weale by sadnesse dyscrescion and iustice whiche thinge caused first great variance betwene him and his nobles so that shortly he became to them ●dible and in the ende was depriued of his kingdome This Edwarde toke to wyfe Isabell the doughter of Philip the fayre king of France The Scottes did homage to kinge Edwarde at Dumfreis Otho king of Hungarie was taken and cast into prison by a noble man called Ladislaus ¶ Alphons the .xi. kinge of Castile reigned .xl yeres Robert was king of Naples Iohn nephew to Albert the emperour slewe his owne vncle betwene the two riuers of Heluecia called Risa and A●ula nere to Rhine the place to this daye is called kinges fielde where the quene of Hungarye buylded an abbey After the death of Albert was great vnquietnesse in Italie for euerie citee desired a peculiar gouernoure And Philip of France was put in hope by the bishop of Rome to obteine the empire and therfore came into Italye wyth a great power and toke manye townes but failed of his purpose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1309 Henrie the .vii. was ordeined emperour of Germanie and reigned .v yeres .viii. monethes Anni regum Angli 2 He was a noble and victorious prince therewith gentill liberall and of great iustice and honestye He assembled .iii. mig●tye ar●●●es of the whiche one he sent agaynst the Duke of Wirtenburge from whens he toke 72. cast●●s An other he sent with his sonne Iohn into Beheme to obtein that kingdome the third him selfe led into Italie against the citees Bri●ium Florence Cremons and other rebelles which fauoured the Guelphes to whom he brought suche terrour and feare of his name as ●ew●mpe ours b● do●e before ti●●e At Millaine he was crowned wyth a crowne of yron The crouch friers came first into Englande Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 5271 The yere of Christ 1310 So great a dearth 〈◊〉 Scotlande that the common people did eate horse fleshe and other vnaccustomed meates to sust●ine their liues Charles was chosen king of Hungarie and reigned xxxiii yeares He hadde successiuely .iii. wifes Marye the doughter of the king of Polonie Beatrix the doughter of Henrye the emperour and ●elisabeth the daughter of the Duke of Boheme of the laste he receyued iii. sonnes Ladislaus Lewes and Andrew Robert Le Bruze began to be of power againe in Scotlande discomfited sir Iohn Cummin Erle of Bucham and certaine other whiche helde on the Englishe part A counsaile holden at Uienna The yere of Christ 1311 where the name of the templares was abolished Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5272 Roberte Le Bruze expelled the Englyshmen out of a great part of Scotland and inuaded the borders of Englande Anni regum Angli 5 At Rome Henry the emperoure receyued the imperyall Diademe of the cardinals The yere of the worlde 5273 The yere of Christ 2312 He assigned certaine lieuetenantes to the cities of Lumbardye The Flemminges rebelled against kinge Philyp of France The pride and tirannye of Piers of Gaueston caused grudge and malice betwene king Edwarde of England and his nobles so that for this cause the saied Piers by suite of the nobles was twise or thrise banished the realme and styll called againe by the kinge Wherfore in thys yere the lordes beyng confederate slew him beside war wike to the great discontentyng of the kinges mynde ¶ Iohn the emperous sonne was king of Boheme Of Andronicus and his successours emperours of Cōstantinople I finde no certaintie howe longe time they reigned I wyll therfore name as many of theym as I know gessing as nie the time as I can Egnacius saieth that Michaell Paleologus reygned about .xl. yeares next to hym he setteth Audronicus which had longe contencion with the younger Andronicus Blondus setteth betwene theim Carolo●oannes Anni regum Angli 6 Henrye the emperour besieged the cytie Florence The yere of the worlde 5274 The yere of Christ he made peace with Friderich king of Sicilie and ledde an armye against his mortal enemy Roberte Duke of Naples Not long after he was poisoned by a monke whyche in ministring the sacrament gaue him poyson The Englishemen encountred Robert Le Beuze his Scottes at Estriualin Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5275 The yere of Christ wher was foughten a strong but taile in the ende wherof the Englyshmen were discomfited and so egrely pursued by the Scottes that many of the noble men were slaine as the Erle of Gloucester sir Robert Clifforde sir Edmunde of Maule with other lordes to the nomber of .xlii. and knyghtes and baron●●tes 67. beside .xxii. men of name whiche were taken prysoners and .10000 other common souldiours slaine or after the Scottishe historye .50 thousand after this time the forenamed Robert Bruze reigned as kinge of Scotlande The ci●●syns of Pise in Italy chose for theyr Duke a noble man called N●●uicio ¶ Lewis the leueuth sone of Phillip Le Beaue was ordeined kyng of France and reigned .ii. yeres He led an armye against the Fleminges but he atchiued nothing worthy memory A vilayne called Iohan Tanner in dyuers places of England named him selfe the sonne of Edward the first and saied The yere of the worlde 5276 The yere of Christ 1315 Anni regum Angli 8 that by a false nourse he was stollē out of his cradell and Edwarde that was nowe kinge put in hys place But shortly after he was conuict of his vntrouth and confessed that he dyd it by the mocion of a familyar spirite The Scottes inuaded Irelande and kept warre with the Irish men the space of .iiii. yeres Lewys was emperour of Almaine .33 yeres betwene him and Friderich Duke of Austrich was longe warre For part of the electours chose Friderike part Lewis of Bauarie These two Cesars with their armyes mette first at Frankforde but thei i●igned not in bataile than Leopalde a Duke of Austriche comynge to healpe hys brother profered battayle to Lewes but he gaue backe and fled to Eslengham wher was betwene theim a sore conflict so greatly to the losse of bothe partes that neyther of them claimed victorye The byshoprike of Rome after the death of Clemente was voyde .ii. yeres .iii. monethes The castell of Berwyke was yelden vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng The yere of the worlde 5277 The yere of Christ 1316 Anni regum Angli A great moreine of beastes in Englande and therwith pestilence and other sickenesse Philippe the .v. for his heyghte surnamed the Longe was made king of Fraunce and reygned .vi. yeres The Scottes entred the borders of Northumberland and most cruelly robbing and hariyng the countrey Anni regum Angli 10 The yere
of the worlde 5278 The yere of Christ spared neyther man woman nor childe To this mischye●● was ioygned so exceding dearth scarcitee that wheate was solde for .iiii. markes a quarter the common people did eat horsefleshe and diuers other vile beastes and many dyed for hunger At the same time was a great dearth in Fraunce Robert le Bruze leauing Iames Douglas gouernour of Scotland went into Irelande to ayde his brother Edwarde King Edward assembled a newe hoste and went into Scotland where he layed siege to Berwike But in the meane time the Scottes by an other way inuaded the borders of England and wasted the countrey euen to Yorke wherby Edward was constr●yned to breke hys siege and retourne with great daunger At this time sir Hugh the Spensers the father and the sonne were of great power in Englande and by the feuour of the king practised suche cruelty and bare them selfe so haughtly and so proude that no lord of this land might gainesay thē in any thing that they thought good whereby they were in greate hatred and indignacion amonge the nobles Iohn the .xxii. was bishoppe of Rome xviii yeres He was a cruel and wicked tiranne geuen only to heaping vp of riches and vexed greatly the emperour he proclaymed them heretikes which taught that Christe and hys apostels had no possessions in this worlde Albert and Lewis encountred the second time at Brusco a riuer of Alsacia where Lewes was f●ine to forsake the fielde Anni regum Angli 12 The lordes and nobles of Englande detesting the outragious pride of the Spensers The yere of the worlde 5280 The yere of Christ whereby they wroughte dayly both great dishonour to the king and hinderance to the common weale in suche wise conspired agaynste theim that they caused the king halfe agaynst his mind to remoue from him the Spensers and banyshe theym the realme The Irishemen by the ayde that they had out of Englande droue the Scottes out of their lande at whyche time manye of the noble men of Scotlande were slayne amonge the whiche was Edwarde le Bruze the kinges brother In Italy Huguicio Duke of Py●e vanquished the people of He●curia at the mountayne called Catinum The yere of the worlde 5281 The yere of Christ 1329 Kinge Edwarde contrarie to the minde of his lordes reuoked the Spensers from banishmente Anni regum Angli 13 and set theym in like auctoritee as they before had bene to the greate disturbance of the realme and not long after pursued the Barons and chased them so egrelye from place to place that in shorte space he put to death about the nombre of xxii of the greatest men of his realme The Flemminges made league with the Frenchmen Italie was miserablye tourmented with diuers commocions and sedicions of the Guelphes and Gibelines In all these debates the Guelphes fauoured the byshops partye and the Gibelines the emperour or some other noble men The yere of Christ 1321 After that kinge Edward hadde put to deathe manye of his lordes The yere of the worlde 5282 Anni regum Angli 14 he ordeyned M. Roberte Baldoke a man of euel fame to be chaunceller of Englande The two noble men whiche contended for the empyre of Germanie ioyned in battayle betwene Milberge and Oetingen where Lewys obteyned the victory and Friderich was disconfited and taken The leipres or lazars by the counsayle of the Iewes poysoned diuers wels in France and were therfore put to shameful death In Englande the sonne appered as bloud Anni regum Angli and so continued .vi. houres The yere of the worlde 5283 The yere of Christ 1322 Lewis the emperour ordeyned in the cities of Italye certayne deputyes to gouerne the same to his behoulfe The Scottes inuaded the realme of Englande Rainerius Lampertus de Rāponibus Ioannes Andree lawiers Uarignana Platearius phisicious Raimundus Lull●us Franciscus Maronis Nicholaus de Lyra and William Occham were famous The citisins of Luke and Pyse in Italy expelled Huguicio with his sonne Nerius and toke for their gouernour one Castruciꝰ which was before time imprisoned in the citee of Luca by the forenamed Huguicio Charles the third and sonne of Philippe the fayre began his dominion ouer France and reigned .v. yeres Kinge Edwarde with a mightye armie entred Scotlande Anni regum Angli 16 but with syckenesse and other mysfortunes that chaunced amonge his souldiers The yere of the worlde 5284 The yere of Christ 132 he within shorte space was forced to retourned into Englande wherof sir Iames Douglas and the Scottes hauing knowlage pursued him in suche wise that they slewe many Englyshemen and had wel nere taken the kynge Charles of Fraunce warred vpon the landes of king Edwarde in Gascoyne and Guyan Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 5285 The yere of Christ 1324 and toke ther many townes and castels Kinge Edwarde sent his wife Isabell to entreat with her brother Charles for peace or as Frosard sayth the quene her selfe fearing the tirannie and mischiefe of the Spensers fled with her yong son Edward into France and was gentelly receyued of her brother whych made great promise to ayde her agaynst the iniurie tiranny of the Spensers Robert duke of Puell after he had obteyned the citye of Gean expelled the Gibelines from Soana Galaeceus chased the Guelphes out of the citee called Uercelle Anni regum Angli 18 Charles king of France The yere of the worlde 5286 The yere of Christ 1325 partly being corrupted with money partly fearing the manassinges of the bishop of Rome whiche was in lyke maner bribed with riche giftes by the Spensers forsoke his sisters quarel and commaunded her to auoyde his lande Quene Isabell by the ayde and healpe of sir Iohn of Heinalt Anni regum Angli 19 with a small company of Henowayes The yere of the worlde 5287 The yere of Christ 1326 retourned into Englande to whom the nobles and commons gathered in great noumbre and pursued the kynge the Spensers and other enemies so narowly that shortly after they toke them and kept the king in prison at Bar●clei where not longe after he was murdered by sir Roger Mortimer sir Hugh the Spensers Iohn Erle of Arundell Robert Baldoke and other tirannes whyche of longe time had greued the realme they put to worthye punishement EDward the thirde after the deposinge of his father was crowned kinge of Englande and reygned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 5288 The yere of Christ 1327 Anni regum Angli 1 This man besyde al other giftes of nature was endued with passing comely beauty and fauour of witte prouident circumspect and gentil doing nothing without great wisedome and consideracion He was a man of excellent modestie and temperaunce and aduanced suche persons to high dignities as did most passe other in integritie and innocency of lyfe In feates of armes he was very experte as the noble prowesse by hym atchieued doe well declare Of his liberalitee clemencie he shewed many great
of the common people Kyng Phillip of Fraūce made great preparacyon for a viage into the holy lande Bennet the .xii was bishoppe of Rome .vii. yeares He by the counsaile of Phillip king of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5296 The yere of Christ confyrmed the censours and cursinges that Iohn hys predicessour had published against Lewys the emperour Mastinus Scaliger lorde of Uerone Brixia and Pergamum in Itali subdued of him Parma Luca and Patalum against him conspyred the Uenecians Florentines and dyuers princes of Italye betwene whom were ●o●ghten dyuers batailles greatly to the losse of bothe partes but in the ende peace was made with Scaliger on this condicion that he shoulde forsake Patanye Brixia and Pergamum holde in his possession Uerone Uincence Parma and Luca. Warre was proclaymed betwene the kynges of Englande and Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5297 The yere of Christ 1336 The bishop of Rome beyng in France Anni regum Angli 10 sent ambassade to Rome requiryng of the people that the .ii. senatours whiche before tyme were created to gouerne the citie in the name of the emperour myght hensforth be ordeyned in the bishoppes name and gouerne the cytie to his beh●ulfe whiche was grraunted and that dignitie geuen for the space of .v. yeres to Stephene de Columna a cardinall some write that the byshop him selfe had certaine yeres before vsed the auctoritie of a senatour in the emperours name and now required it in his owne T●uleros a diuine Cinu● Olradus Paulo● Perus●nus lawyers M●cheus Syluaticus Nicolaus de Rhegio phisicions and S Roke liued at this tyme. About this tyme as Fabian mencioneth by reason of scarcitie of money was suche plentie of vytailes and other m●rcim●nies in thys realme of Englande that the lyke had not be● le●n For a quarter of wheate was sold for .ii. s. a fatte gose for .ii. d. a pigge for a penye a fatte oxe for .vi. s. v●ii d. a fatte shepe for .vi. d. and .viii. d. vi pigeons a penye King Edward Anni regum Angli 11 for the expedicion of his warres against the Frenche kynge The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1337 sent ambassadours into the partyes beyonde the sea to alye wyth him the Erle of Heynalde and others lordes whyche obeied not the Frenche kyng Where by meanes of Iaques Dartuel he hadde great comfort of the Flemminges and dyuers lords and princes of the empyre Kinge Edwarde sent a company of men in ships to conquere the towne of Gagaunt which vanquished the Flēminges that were set ther by the Erle to stoppe his passage into Fraunce Kyng Edwarde for more sure stablishement of amytie betwene hym and the Holanders The yere of the worlde 5299 The yere of Christ 1338 Selanders Anni regum Angli 12 and Brava●●ers sailed to Antwerpe wher he concluded the mat●●er with his aliaunces ▪ and by the consent of the emperoure Lewis proclaymed vicare general of the empyre The yere of the worlde 5300 The yere of Christ 1359 The kinge of Englande Anni regum Angli 13 ouer and besyde a great army of Englishe souldiours hauing with him well nere the whole power of the empyre began to entre the borders of the french kinges dominion ▪ and made claime to the whole realme of Fraunce as his rightfull inheritaunce and for more auctoritee named him selfe kinge of france and entermedled the armes of England with the armes of Fraunce as it remayneth to this daye In this passe time a certayne of Frenchmen had entred the hauen of Southampton and robbed the towne and vpon the sea had taken .ii. great Englysh shippes called the Edward and the Christofer Franciscus Petrarcha was famous in Italye made poete Laureat in Rome Diuers robbinges bickeringes ▪ and small battailes were betwene the Frenchmen and the Flemminges the Henoways and other frendes of kinge Edwarde Anni regum Angli 14 King Edward saylyng toward Flaunders The yere of the worlde 5301 me to the hauen of Sciuse mette with the frenche kinges nauye The yere of Christ where was foughten a cruell batayle wherof the king of Englande had the victorie and the french flete that was in noumbre .400 sayle was wel nere al destroyed and the souldiours taken slayne and drowned so that of .33000 there scaped not one Shortly after the king besieged Turney continuinge the time of whiche siege diuers outridinges and enterprises were ventured by the Henoways Almains and other his frendes to the great hurte of bothe partes but the more fell still to the Frenchemen At the ende of .xi. wekes a peace was agreed vpon for the space of .xii. monethes ▪ and kinge Edward retourned into Englande In this passetime the Scottes by steringe and ayde of the frenchemen recouered a great part of that land and in most cruell wise vexed the englyshe garisons Bennet bishop of Rome ▪ saying that the whole empire was fallen into his handes ▪ because it was of long time voyde for he reputed Lewys as no emperour ordeyned rulers ouer the citee of Italye at his will and pleasure by whom Luchinus and Iohn his brother obt●ined the gouernance of Myllayne Mastinus Scalaget of Ue●on and Uincentia and other of dyuers other places at his appoinctment Robert Stewarde gouernour of Scotlande and Wylliā Douglas cōquered Berth St●tueline Edenbourgh and other holdes from the Englyshemen After the deth of Iohn duke of Britain Anni regum Angli 15 mortal warre ensued betwene Charles de Bloyes The yere of the worlde 5312 The yere of Christ 1341 and Iohn earle of Mountfo●te for the possession of that Dukedome Iohn of Mountfort was taken and caste in prison at Parys ▪ but the warre was still mainteined by his wife a womā of valiant courage who with the ayde of the Englysh●men defended her housbandes quarell vigorouslye and with a great stomacke Alexander Ramsel a Scotte inuaded the borders of Englande Edward Bailoll fled out of Scotlande into Englande and left all the gouernance of the realme that he helde to the vse of kinge Edwarde Kinge Edwarde went towarde the Scottes but for so muche as he was disprouided of vitayles for his armye at the request of the lordes of Scotland he made league for .iiii. monethes King Dauid of Scotland retourned out of Fraunce into his owne countrey The erle Gaul●ier of Manny a noble hardy knight was sent of kinge Edwarde to ayde the countesse of Britaine agaynst Charles de Bloys where he by his manhode and pollicie atchieued many enterprises The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1342 Clement the .vi. by the labour of kynge Philyppe of France succeded Bennet in the bishoprike of Rome Anni regum Angli 16 He was in like maner a mortall enemy to Lewis the emperour and cōfirmed the sentences published against him before time and stered many princes of great power to make warre vpon him ▪ but the emperour dooinge lyke for lyke inuaded the possessions of the churche of
Rome and ordeyned therein many deputees and rulers at his pleasure King Dauid of Scotland with muche cruelt●e diuers times vexed the englyshe borders and destroyed the towne of Durham wherfore kinge Edwarde sped hym thitherwarde in all haste but a peace was entreated for ●i yeres without any notable battaile Kinge Edwarde sente Robert Dartoys Erle of Rych●mount with the countesse of Britaine into her countrei who wasted and destroyed those partes veray sore and shortly after died of a wound that he receyued at the citee of Uannes Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 5304 The yere of Christ 1343 Clement bishop of Rome toke vpō him to geue diuers bishoprikes and benefices which than fel voyde in Englande wherwith the king was greatly discontented In so much that he sent out commissions and streight commaundementes that no man should present or induct any suche person ▪ that so by the bishoppe was promoted without the agremente of the kinge because it touched his prerogatiue Whan Lewys the emperour at the instance of his nobles with great humilitee made diuers meanes for entreatie of concorde with Clement the bishop his outragious pride prescribed to him so shameful and vnworthye conditions as vneth the vilest slaue in the world would haue condescended vnto amonge the whiche were that he should openly acknowlage his errours and dysobedyence therwith to resigne the empire neuer to receyue it but at the bishops pleasure and moreouer to yeld him selfe his children with al his goodes into his handes Kinge Edward with a strong armye sayled into Britaine and besi eged the citee of Uannes Renes Nauntes toke the towne of Dynant By meane of two cardinalles peace was concluded for a certayne space Anni regum Angli 18 The order of the garter The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1344 first inuēted and ordeyned by king Edwarde The erle of Derby was sent by king Edwarde wyth a company of englishe souldiours to make warre in Gascoyne where he wanne the towne of Bargarath the rioll with many other townes and castelles before Anberoche the erle of Derbye by the pollicie of Walter of Manni ▪ with a thousande Englishemen disconfited and slew .x. thousand Frenchmen and Gascoynes and toke prisoner the erle of Lay their chiefe capitayne with dyuers other nobles and subdued the countrey Iohn duke of Normandy the sonne of king Philippe The yere of the worlde 5306 The yere of Christ 1345 Anni regum Angli 19 came with a great army into Gascoyne against the erle of Derby Godfrey of Anicourte was banished out of Fraunce and fled to king Edward whom he incensed and stered to inuade Normandie Iaques Dar●uell a great friende of kinge Edwarde was murdered at Gaunt in Flaunders G●ulter duke of Athenes vsurped tirannie at Florrence .x monethes whom Angelus Acciolus expelled and restored them to their libertee The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1346 The king of England with his son prince Edwarde sayled into Normandye and ouerrode spoyled Anni regum Angli 20 and destroyed the countrey before him euen to Parys and gathered wonderful riches of Pray whiche he sente into England Shortly after he encountred the french kinge me to the forest of Cress●e where he had not in his host the ryght man in comparison of the frenche armye and obteyned of them a noble and triumphant victorye by the manhode of his archers In that battell was slayne the floure of the chiualrie of Fraunce for there fell on that part the kinge of Boheme with ten other great princes foure score banners .1200 knights and mo than .30000 of the common souldiours after this victorye king Edwarde went toward Cales and besieged the towne the space of a leuen monethes Bishop Clemēt with most dispituous wordes enueyghed in a sermon against Lewis the emperour caused certaine of the electours to chose a newe emperour While king Edward besieged Calys Dauid of Scotland by exciting of the frenche kinge warred vpon the borders of England But the Quene assembled a strōg armie as well of the clergye and priestes as the other commons and nere to Durham toke in bataile the king of Scottes prisoner with many of his greatest lordes and erlee and slewe one and other 15000. souldyoures After this victorie the Englishemen tooke the castell of Rorhurgh subdued Anandale Galloway Mers Teuida Twedale and Ectrike forest The warre was quickened againe in Britaine and sir Charlos of Bloys taken prisoner by the Englyshemen but the warre continued fiercely The yere of the worlde 5302 The yere of Christ 1347 Anni regum Angli 21 betwene his wife and the forenamed Counteise of Mouuntforte Charles king of Boheme was chosē emperour while Lewys was yet a liue who not longe after dyed After the deathe of Robert kinge of Sicilie and Apulya his doughter Iohan toke to her husbande Andrew the sonne of Lewys kinge of Hungarye whom not longe after she murdered and maried Lewys Duke of Tarent Edwarde Bayloll and the Erle of Northumberlande spoyled Louthiall and Cliddisdale in Scotlande Lewis king of Hungarye came with a strong army in to Italye to reuenge his sonnes death where he chased the queene Iohan and obteined her kingdome of Apulia Diuers of the cities of Germany vehemētly withstode the tiranny of the Romaine byshop toward Lewis their emperour Nicolas a man of vnknowen byrthe takynge on hym great auctoritte in the cytie of Rome expelled the senatours and saied he woulde restore the citye to her pristynate libertie But shortly after he was taken of Charles the emperour and sent into Fraunce to the byshop About this tyme the emperour solde the Duchy of Orliance and Delphinoys to the French kynge Cales was yelded vp to kinge Edwarde of Englande Lewys whan he had subdued to him the kyngdome of Apulia Anni regum Angli 22 retourned to Hungary The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1348 ¶ Peter the first was ordeined kinge of Spaine He passed all his predicessours in crueltie manslaughter and other myschefe he put to death all the nobylitie and the chiefe of his affinitie and kynred Wylliam Douglas the sonne of Iames Douglas wan againe certayne landes in Scotlande that the Englysh men had subdued A great and wonderfull famyne and pestylence raged throughout all the worlde In Italye scante the .x. person of an hundred was left on liue In the city of Parys in Fraunce dyed .50 thousande In. S. Denys .1400 in one yere A treason was conspired by the capytaine of Cales to betraye it againe to the Frenchmen The hystory wherof declareth wonderfully the great manhode pollicy lyberalitie and gentylnesse of the noble kynge Edwarde reade Frosarde the .156 ca. c. of his first boke Certaine of the electours of Germanye agreed not to the election of Charles The yere of the worlde 5310 The yere of Christ 1349 Anni regum Angli 23 and therfore profered the empire to king Edwarde of England who refused it as
in Picaroye in Bry in Campaine and destro●ed and spoyled well nere all the countrey Moreouer the kings of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandy Thus was the realme of France miserably beset at this time on all sides Anni regum Angli A finall peace was concluded betwene the kynges of England and of Fraunce on this condicion The yere of the worlde 5321 The yere of Christ that kinge Edwarde should haue to his propre possession the countreys of Gascoyn and Guyon Poyters Limosin B●leu●le Exanctes Cales Guines and diuers other lorshippes townes castels and all the landes to theym belongyng without knowlaging of any soueraigntee obeisāce homage or subiection for the same and that the king of Fraunce shoulde pay for his raunsome .30000 scu●●s King Iohn retourned into Fraunce The Nonnes of S. Brigettes order began first The citye of Bononia in Italy which belonged to the lordes of Millaine came to the possession of the churche of Rome by the treason of one Aulegianus in rewarde wherof the towne of Firmium was geuen to hym Greuous warre betwene the citesins of Pise Florence The Duchye of Burgoyne tel by heritage to king Iohn of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 35 The yere of the worlde 5322 The yere of Christ The warre cōtinued stil in Britaine betwene Charles de Bloys and the countesse of Mounfort and her sonne Iohn Erle of Mountfort After the peace cōcluded betwene England France remayned diuers felowships of robbers called companions that liued only by rauen and pillage which wasted and robbed the countre of Fraunce in most cruel wise and could not be expelled by any meanes but in sundry conflictes ouercame the lordes of Fraunce They vered and disquieted also Italy and Germanie and robbed in those partes verie sore The yere of Christ 1362 A great death and pestilence in the realme of Englād Anni regum Angli 36 The yere of the worlde Urbane the .v. beynge ordeyned bishop of Rome at Auignon sent Aeg●dius his cardinall and legate with a great puisance into Italy who by his meanes incensed Lewys Gonzaza Nicolas Estensis Francisce Cacrarius agaynst Bernabas lord of Millayne in suche wyse that he was of them sore beaten and in the ende so vanquisshed and wounded in battel that he scantly escaped the daunger With those exaumple other being sore abasshed submitted them to the church of Rome Thusmekely and godly came that wicked church to her great possessions whiche her patrones will nedes father vpon the godly emperour Constantine In England as Fabian writeth were sene castels and hostes of men in the ayer Melchella souldaine of Egipte Amuraies kinge of the Turkes vsing the ships of the Genowayes passed Helespoute and arriued in Europe The yere of the worlde 5324 The yere of Christ 1363 Anni regum Angli 37 where he conquered the townes of Hadrianopolis and Calliopolis with other citees and with a great puisāce ouerthrewe them which encountred him at his coming A great wind in Englande wherwith steples and towers were ouerthrowen King Iohn of France came into England and shortely after dyed at the Sauoy in London Prince Edward toke possession of the duchy of Guyan and Aquitane Charles the .vi. or after some .v. was ordeyned kynge of France The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1364 He was of witte righte sage and subtile Anni regum Angli 38 that well appeared all his life time For althoughe he kepte him priuy in his chambre taking his plesure and sport yet he conquered agayne that which his predecessours had lost armed in the fielde and theyr swordes in theyr handes Sir Bertram of Clesquy in the quarell of the French kinge ●ye to Coch●r●l vanquyshed and toke prisoner a capitayne of the king of Nauarre called the Captall de Beuffe and slewe a great nombre of his souldiours Albergothus Balens Angelus lawiers Iohannes de Lineriis an astronomer Iohannes Bocarius Heuricus de Hassia were famous Charles de Bloys encountred with Iohn Mountfort which long before hadde striuen for the duchye of Brytaine of whom he was vanquyshed taken and slayne many Frenchmen and Britaynes which toke his parte After whiche time the erle Mounfort had quiete possession of that Duchye Henry the bastard not susteyninge the iniury and cruell tirannye of Peter hys brother kinge of Spayne by the counsayle and comfort of the Romayne bishop and ayde of the Frenchemen and Arragones expelled hym out of the realme and toke on him the crowne Charles gaue to his brother Phylyppe the Duchy of Burgoyne Dampeter of Spayne fled to prince Edward of Aquytayne Anni regum Angli 39 The yere of the worlde 5326 The yere of Christ 1365 to whom he made complaynt of the violēce of his brother Henry that expelled him out of his kingdome There was an heretike burned in Spire whose opinions were these that Christ in the time of his passiō was so forsaken of his father that he doubted of his saluacyon that Christ on the crosse for wonderfull tourmentes and peynes cursed his mother that bare him the erth that receyued his bloud that a man may so much profit in this life that he nedeth not to fast and pray Prince Edward entred Spayne The yere of the worlde 5327 The yere of Christ 1366 with a gret puisance where he ouercame the Spaniards and Frenchmen in a stronge and fierse battaile Anni regum Angli 40 and expelled Henry the bastarde settinge Peter in his former estate as kynge of Spayne But not lōg after the princes returning home Henry repayred his army and warred vpon his brother so fiercely that in the ende he vtterly vāquished him and put him to death and then withoute resistence possessed the kingdome of Spayne Uinceslaus was ordeyned the .xii. king of Boheme by his father Charles the emperour Witcliffe about this time was famous in Englande who for speaking agaynst the vsurped power of the Romayne bishop and other enormities thā accustomed in the churche was called an heretike Kinge Edwarde of England gaue commaundement that Peter pence shoulde be no more gathered payed to Rome The yere of the worlde 5328 The yere of Christ 1367 Prince Edward to arrere a fowage set great taxes and imposicions vpon the people of Aquitaine Anni regum Angli 41 whyche thing the erle of Arminake of Bret of Berigort and other nobles would not in any wise consent vnto but appealed to the french king for remedy and in suche wyse perswaded him that he contrary to the league summoned the prince to appere at Parys by meane wherof the peace was broken open warre agayne proclaymed betwene both princes to the great mortalitee and desolacion of the people on bothe partes but the more losse domage fell alway to the kinge of Englande In so muche that in the ende he lost the more parte of the landes whiche was graunted him by the composicion and agrement of peace And fortune whyche the space of .xl. yeares had pleasantly smiled vpon
kinge Edwarde now in his later dayes frowardly frowned chāged her copye The yere of the worlde 5329 The yere of Christ 1368 Charles the emperoure yode toward Italy with hys wife and children Anni regum Angli 42 In his iorney he subdued to the empire of the citees of Luke and Miniate whych a certaine time had rebelled were in subiection the one to Pise the other to Florence The duke of Lancastre arriued at Calys and entred Fraunce with a company of souldiours where not far from Arde the duke of Burgoyne lodged within a myle of his army with a great power the space of xviii daies and neuer profered battaile but lastly stole away priuylye in the nighte and then entred the Duke further into Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5330 Urbane bishop of Rome retourning into France left Iohn Haucuth an englisheman The yere of Christ 1369 Anni regum Angli 43 as hys chefe capitaine to defende the right of the churche against the rebels and other enemies and not longe after dyed Phyllyp Duke of Burgoyne toke to wyfe Margaret doughter of Lewys Erle of Flaunders Queene Phillyp of England dyed whiche was a woman of great sanctimony and bulded the college in Oxford called Quenes college Sir Robert knoles entred the realme of Fraunce with a stronge army and passed euen by Parys ranged in batayle and throughtout the countreys of France robing and spoilyng as he went without any notable bataile at whiche viage by reason of discention that ha●ned in the Englyshe hoste dyuers men were slaine and taken prisoners of their enemnes Sir Bertam of Clesqui a noble and valyant knyghte was ordeined Constable of Fraunce He wanne againe many cities townes castels and holdes in Po●cters Limosin ▪ and other countreys from the kyng of England and restored theim to the signorye of Fraunce Gregorye the .xi. byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli Kyng Dauid of Scotlande makyng prouisiō to go on pylgremage to Ierusalem ended his lyfe ¶ Robert Stewarde succeded Dauid of Scotlande and reigned .xix. yeres Charles the emperour by meanes of giftes whiche he promysed the electours obteined his soonne Uinceslaus king of Boheme Anni regum Angli 45 to be made Cesar The yere of the worlde 5332 The yere of Christ 1371 and caused them of the empyre to sweare to hym feaultie and homage The Erle of Penbroke comyng on the se to rescue the towne of Rochell was encountred with a flote of Spaniardes whiche king Henrie of Castile had sent to ayde the Frenche king Of these Spaniardes after cruel fight the Erle was taken with sir Guiscarde de Angle and other to the noumbre of an .160 personnes and the more parte of his men slayne and drowned Kynge Edwarde beyng sore displeased with the takyng of the Erle of Penbroke sent hys soonne the prince into Fraunce who by contrary wyndes was kepte on the sea the space of .xi. weekes and than retourned agayne into Englande Amurates kinge of Turkes inuaded Seruia and Bulgaria Lazarus king of Seruia was slayne in battaile and Amurates not long after murdered of his owne seruaunte The yere of the worlde 5333 The yere of Christ 1342 Anni regum Angli 46 Bertram of Clesqu● Constable of Fraunce warred so fiercely vpon Iohn Erle of Mountforte Duke of Brytayne bycause he semed to fauour the kyng of England that he was forced to forsake his landes and fly to kinge Edward ▪ and that Duchy was well nere all seised to the vse of the Frenche kynge Iohn of Gaunte Duke of Lancaster entred by Cales into France and passed throughout the reamle by Uermendois and Campaine iust to Burdeaur in Aquitaine without batayle Not withstandyng the great hurt and domage they dyd to the townes and countreys as they passed The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1373 Pazaites the .iiii. kynge of Turkes Anni regum Angli 47 The Genowayes for certaine disworship doen to them inuaded and spoyled the contrey of Cypres and conquered the citie of Famaugusta Thei constreigned also their king Petrine to pay vnto theim a great tribute the space of certaine yeres Diuers entreties of peace were made betwene the king of Englande and Fraunce ▪ by meane of the byshoppe of Rome but none was concluded Anni regum Angli 48 The yere of the worlde A great dearth ve●ed the countrey of Italye .ii. yeres The yere of Christ 1374 The yere of the worlde The people of Florence desirous of lybertie Anni regum Angli 49 gaue occasion to many cyties of Italye to for sake the byshoppe of Romes domynion The yere of Christ 1375 wherby ensued great tumultye and warre in all the countrei The people that fyrst rebelled were the Tybernates the P●rusines Tudertines Spole●āes E●gubines the citisyns of U●●erbium Foroliuium and Asculum Many wonderfull sickenesses fell amonge the people as well in Italye as in Englande wherof they died merua●lously Warre and rufflyng betwene borderers of Englande and Scotlande The Duke of Britaine by the healpe of Englishemen recouered againe many castels and townes Gregory the .xi. contrarye to the minde of the Frenche kyng departed out of Fraunce and retourned to Rome 70. yeres after the byshops see was first transferred out of Iataly into Fraunce Anni regum Angli 50 The yere of the worlde 5337 The yere of Christ 1376 Byshop Gregory excommunicated the Florētines but they lytell regarded his course and cōs●eignedtheir prestes to minister diuine seruice Prince Edwarde of Englande departed out of this life who was in his tyme the floure of chiualrye Andronicus expelled his father from the imperiall dy●gnitie of Constantinople whom the Uenec●ans restored againe to the empyre Whereby ensued great warre betwene Uenice and Genoway for the one toke part with the father the other with the sonne Kinge Edwarde the .iii. ended his life in Richemonte the .xxii. daye of Iune The yere of the worlde 5338 The yere of Christ 1377 The duke of Angeow the constable of Frāce Owen of Wales with many other of the frenche parte made sore warre in Gascoyne Guyan Poyters and Britaine and conquered agayne diuers castels townes citees subiecte before to the king of England Owen of Wales besieged Mortaine a yere an halfe ther was slayne by the treasō of one of his seruauntes RYcharde the .ii. the sonne of Prynce Edwarde of Wales was ordeined king of England being as yet but a seuen yeres of age Anni regum Angli 1 in bounty and lyberalitie he farre passed all his progenitours but he was ouer muche geuen to rest and quietnesse and loued lyttel deedes of armes and marcyall prowes and for that he was younge he was most ruled by young consaile and regarded nothynge the aduertisementes of the sage and wyse men of his realme For the chiefe about hym were of no wysedome nor estimacion which thing turned his land to great trouble and of him selfe in fine to extreme myserye The Frenche king sent a
to London The yere of the worlde 5420 The yere of Christ 1459 Anni regum Angli 37 where because Andrew Trollop a capitayn of Cales the night before the battaile should haue bene fledde wyth a company of the best souldiours to the kinges parte the duke of Yorke the erles of March Sa●esbu●y and Warwike mistrusting them selfe to be to weake departed wyth a priuye companye and fledde the duke into Irelande the iii. Erles into Gernesey after to Calys without anye notable battaile The yere of the worlde 5421 The yere of Christ 1460 Th● .iii. Erles coming from Calis with a puissaunte armie Anni regum Angli 38 the .ix. day of Iuly me●●e kinge Henrye at Northampton and gaue to him a stronge battayle in the ende wherof the victory fell to the Erles and the kinges host sparcled chased and many slayn among the which was the duke of Buckingham the erle of Shreusburye the lorde Egremont with other and the kynge taken in the field● The duke of Yorke retourning into Englande made suche clayme to the crowne that by consent of a parlyament h● was proclaymed heyre aparant and al his progenie after him Margaret the quene in this meane time in all haste possible had gathered a companye of Northenmen and nere to a ●owne in the north called Wakefeld in a c●uel fight discomfited and slew the Duke of Yorke with his sonne the erle of Rutlande the ●rl● of Salesburye was taken prisoner with diue●s other noble men The quene with her retinew Anni regum Angli 39 nere to S. Albones dyscomfited the Erle of Warwike and the duke of Northefolke The yere of the worlde 5422 The yere of Christ 1461 and delyuered king Henry her h●usband Great distencyon and ciuile warre at Mens in Germany for election of their byshop Dietherus de Ess●nberge and Ad●lybus de Nassaw were bothe chosen the byshop of Rome fauoured more Adolphus because Dietherus was again him in dyuers thinges and woulde not condiscende to his mynde ¶ Edwarde Erle of Marche and eldest son to the Duke of Yorke came vppe to ●●onbon wyth a myght●e power of M●rchemen accompanyed wyth the Erle of Warwyke and by agrement of a co●nsaile was proclaymed kinge of Englande and called Edwarde the .iiii. Shortly thervpon he pursued king Henry toward Yorkewher he gaue a sore bataile to the king and his company Thys fight was s● cruell and fierce that in the fielde and chase were slaine .32 thousande of the commons bysyde men of name of the whiche were the Erles of Northumberlande Westmerland the lorde Clifford Andrew Trolley and other to the noumbre of a .xi. and kinge Henrye loste all and was fayne to flee the lande whan ●e hadde reigned .xxxviii. yeres .vi. monethes Quene Margaret with the younge prince fledde to her father the Duke of Angeo● EDward the .iiii. began his dominiō ouer the realme of Englande and reygned .xxii. yeeres He was a man of ●oble courage and gret wit Anni regum Angli 1 but in his time was muche trouble and 〈◊〉 in the realme About this time the nobles of Fraunce bycause theyr kinge Lewys refused the company of his lordes and vsed the counsaile of vi●laines rose against● him in great noumbre and met in plaine battaile at Charters where the king was ouercome his mē chased and he forced to flee for his sa●egarde to a castell named Mountcher but ●●ortly after an greement and concorde was made betw●ne theim which cōtinued but for a time for the ki●g re●ourned to his ●ide demeanour and oppressyon of hys subiectes Anni regum Angli 2 Mahomettes emperour of Tu●ky beside the empires of Constantinople and Trapezunce whyche he sub●erted The yere of the worlde 5424 The yere of Christ 1493 toke from the Christians .xii. kingedomes conquered 200. cyties He also by force of armes wrested from the Uenecians the sland of Calays and obteined Scobra by composicion he m●inteyned war on the sea many yeere against the Christian people he conquered Capha the citee of Ponte The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1464 Anni regum Angli 4 assailed the Rhodes and lastly after he had taken Hyorunte in●aded Italye The Turke conquered Poloponesus Pontus in winning wherof he greatly endomaged the Uenecians The lorde Mountague hauinge the rule of the North discomfited kinge Henry comyng out of Scotland wyth a great power to recouer the crowne thys is called the battaile of Exham in the whiche was taken the Duke of Somerset the lorde Hungerfourde the lorde Roos whiche were a●ter put to ●eathe with many other Kynge E●ward was secre●ly maried to Elisabeth late wyfe of sir Iohn Graye ▪ at whiche mariage was none present but the kinge his spouse the Duch●s of Bedford the priest two gentill women and a yong man to healpe the priest to masse for which mariage rose gret variance betwene the kinge and the Erle of Warwike his chiefe friende and mainteinour Paule the second● was made bishop of Rome He was couetous cruel iniurious rude and nether learned him selfe nor yet fauoured learned men He endeuoured to stee●e Christiā princes to warre agaynst the Turkes as dyuers of his predicessours hadde dooen to the intent he myght vnder that pretence gather money Friderich the emperour was besieged in the tower of Ui●●na by his owne citisins The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1465 Anni regum Angli 5 from whens he was deliuered by G●orge kinge of Boheme This yeere the coignes were altered and new made in England by Edwarde the fourth as the royall the halfe royall the angell the halfe angell and the ferthing the gr●●es were made of lesse value than they were by eight pence in an ounce Dyuers of the nobles of France forsoke the dominion o● L●wys and cleaue to his younger brother Charles whiche made claime to the crowne of France by the wil of his father ▪ but after they had taken the citye of Rho●● in Normandy and bene a good space before the citie of ●aris a peace was agreed vpon by condicion wherof the kinge granted to his brother the Duchy of No●m●ndy takynge 〈◊〉 th● principa●e of Burg●s 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the Duke of Bargoine he gaue ●●rone Roya and the citi● Moncideriu●● with Guinary● th● E●ledome of Bolome for his perpetual possess●ō with other princ●s it was agreed as they desyred It was not longe after but that Charles the kynges brother was againe depri●ed of the Duchy● of Normandye Henrye the .iiii. kynge of Castile by●wene whom and his brother Alpho●s was arreysed warre for the kyngdome in the whiche the more parte of the nobilite fauoured the younger brother Anni regum Angli 6 Iohn Galea●ius after Frauncisce Sfortia was made Duke of Myllaine The yere of the worlde 5427 The yere of Christ The bishop of Rome condemned the kinge of Boheme for heresie and depriued him of his kyngdome The Turkes inuaded Stiria The yere of the worlde 5430 The yere of Christ 2469 and toke frō thens
Uenecians made league with the Turke Greuous warre betwene Maximilian and Lewys of France for the possession of Burgoyne at Doubl●●hey encountred in a strong battaile where Maximilian obteyned to the victory Lewis was ●anquished and lo●● a great noumbre of his men Asambecus called also Ussancas●n king of Armense Mede Parthia and Mesopotamia after many other victories ouerthrewe the Turkes with great slaughter of men Mahomet the turke besieged Rhodes Anni regum Angli which was so manfully defended that he lost all his labours with many of his men The yere of the worlde 5440 The yere of Christ 5479 Maximilian made league for .vii. yeeres with Lewis the French king A wonderfull deluge of water wherof ens●●d a great famine well nere in all Europ● and after that a sore pestilence Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5441 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 21 The Turke Mahomet besieged Hydrunie in Calaper ●nd with great power inuaded Italye The yere of the worlde 5442 The yere of Christ 1481 Shortly after he ended his life The Scottes this yere beganne to steere agaynst whō king Edward sent the duke of Gloucester and certayne other which retourned without any notable battayle The Scithes with a great noumbre of Iewes in their company inuaded the North partes of Germany Anni regum Angli 22 Thebishop of Rome and the Uenecians made war against Hercules of Ferrare The yere of the worlde 5443 The yere of Christ 1482 and Ferdinand of Naples to the great vnquieting of Italy Pazaites kinge of Turkes .xxx. yeres betwene hym ●nd his brother Zizinus was fierce warre in so much● that he chased him out of Turkie and forced him to fle● to the Rhodes Marie the wife of Maximilian being with child rode on hanting and by great misfortune fel from her horse wherof she toke her deth leuing after her a sonne called Philip and a doughter named Margaret Kinge Edwarde of England making● great prouision for warre into France Anni regum Angli 23 ended his life The yere of the worlde 5444 The yere of Christ 1483 leauing after him two sonnes ▪ Edwarde the prince and Richarde duke of Yorke with .iii. daughters EDwarde the .v. of the age of a .xi. yeres beganne his reigne ouer the realme of Englande the .xi. day of April This Edward was neuer crowned but cruelly mu●dered by Richar● duke of Gloucester his vnaturall vncle who after vsurped the crowne and was called Ry●harde the .iii. At this time was famous Pi●us Mirandula George Ualla Herm●la●s Barbarue Politian Gaza Platine Sadellicus Pomp. Letus Aldus Manuc●us Marsylius Ficinus Iohannes de Monte Regio Pazai●tes the Turke cōquered certayne townes in Walachie and then made warre vppon the souldayne of Egipt of whom he was often vanquished put to ●lighte with great slaughter of his men Margaret the doughter ofMaximilian was betrothed to Charles the eldest sonne of Lewis kinge of Fraunce and brought into Frāce with great pompe and royalte Peace betwene Uenice and Ferraria RIcharde the .iii. brother vnto Edwarde the .iiii. through manye cruell deedes lastlye obteyned the crowne of Englāde First to compasse his wicked and diuelishe purpose he put to deathe those noble men whiche he thought wold not consent to his minde in all thinges the other he corrupted with riche gyftes than by his vntrouth and falshode he wrested from the quene Elisabeth being than in sanctuarye Richarde her yonger sonne and brother to the prince thirdly he caused to be publyshed at Paules crosse by one doctor Sh●a that Edwarde the .iii. his elder brother was not rightlye begotten of his mother but by aduoutry and therfore that neither he nor his children had right to the crowne or as some write he caused to be published that the prince and his brother were not rightfully begotte of quene Elisabeth and therfore the right of the crowne to be his whyche in fine he toke vpon him and to make a perfite work of his crueltee shortely thervpon shamefully murdered the two yonge children in the tower of London 〈◊〉 vsurped the crowne .ii. yeeres .ii. monethes .ii. yeres The yere of the worlde 5445 The yere of Christ 1484 Charles the eyght king of France after the decease of his father Lewys warred agaynst the Britaines Anni regum Angli 2 Innoc●nt the eyght bishop of Rome .viii. yeres he was geuen to ●rinkinge and bollinge and without shame openly aduanced his bastardes to great riches honour dignitee Grudge betwene kinge Richarde the .iii. and his nere friende the Duke of Buckyngham In so much that for displeasure therof the duke conspired with diuers othe● noble men agaynst him and entended to bring into the lande Henrye Erle of Richmonte as rightfull heyre to the crowne This Henry had fled before into Britayne fearinge the cru●ltye of Edw●rde the .iiii. For whyche conspiracie the sayd duke of Buckingham with diuers other was shortly after taken and put to death Henry Erle of Richmount ayded wyth the Britaines entended to arriue in Wales but his nauye was so sca●ered with a contrarye wynde that he was fayne to gyue backe againe into Britaine for that tyme dyuers noble men detestyng the tyranny of kynge Rycharde fled into Britaine and there alied theim with the Erle of Rich●mounte The noble prince Henry Erle of Richmounte wyth a smalle company of Frenchemen landed at the hauen of Mylborne Anni regum Angli 3 whose comynge beyng ones knowen The yere of the worlde 5446 The yere of Christ 1485 dyuers noble me● with their retinew forsaking Rycharde gathered to him in great noumbre so that his strengthe in short space gretly encreased at a village nere to Leiceter called Bosworth he mette wyth his enemyes where betwene theim was foughten a sharpe battaile in conclusyon kinge Rycharde with dyuers other was slayne and Henry obteined a noble victorye after whiche conquest he was immediatly proclaimed king of Englande KYng Henry the .7 begā his reigne ouer this relme of Englād Anni regum Angli 1 and continued .23 yeres a prince of marueilous wysedome and pollici and of great iustice temperaunce and grauytye He so behaued him in the tyme of his reigne that notwithstanding many and gret occasions of trouble vnquietnesse and warre he kept his realme in right good order and pollicy wherfore he was greatly estemed and reuerenced of foraine princes The sweating sicknes●e beganne first in Englande of the which a wonderfull multitude died for lacke of good kepyng Anni regum Angli 2 Frederich the emperoure made Maximalian his sonne partaker of the empire The yere of the worlde 5446 The yere of Christ 1486 Not longe form this time Maximilian after the death of hys wyfe was taken by the Flemminges ca●● in prison wherof ensued great war mortalitie and pers●cucion in Flaunders Ugnerus after he had slaine his bretherne was made kynge of Persye Armenye and Media Kynge Henry of Englande toke to wyfe Elisabeth the eldest daughter of Edwarde the
Leo bishop of Rome cōcerning the vse of pardons and in certayne priuate disputacions called in doubt diuers thinges cōcerning the bishops primacy for whiche after he was troubled and lastly proclaimed an heretike vnder the defence mayntenaunce of Friderike duke of Sa●onie he preached wrate agaynst his power All Germanye soone after forsoke the byshoppe of Rome and so was the hole state of religion by his meanes altered among them Philippe Melanc●on and Pomerane men of excellent learninge but infected with the p●stylente heresies of Luther wrate sondrye workes agaynst ●he catholyke doctrine The emperour Maximilian ended his life after whō was chose by the princes electours of Germany The yere of the worlde 1480 The yere of Christ 1519 Anni regum Angli 11 Charles the ▪ v Duke of Austrich and Burgoyne king of Spaine and nephew to Maximilian betwene him and the frenche king the warre was re●ued Trouble in Ireland wherfore the erle of Kildare was discharged of his office ●●●eputye and the erle of Surrey sent thither who brought the erle of Desmount and other to good confirmitee and order Huld●r●cus duke of Wittenberge was ●xpelled out of his heritage Solemannus the .xii. emperour of the Turkes succeded his father Seuinus and subdued Gazelles which rebelled in Syrie As kinge Henry was at Canturbury with the quene in a redinsse to haue passed the sea The yere of the worlde 1481 The yere of Christ 1520 Anni regum Angli 12 he harde of the emperours coming with whom he mette at Douer accompanied him to Canturbury where after the emperoure had saluted the qu●ene his aunte he toke shippinge into Flaunders King Henry passed ouer to Calis and mette with Frācis the Frenche kinge at th● campe betweene Arde and Guynes wher was great triumphes and many goodly sightes in so sumptuous maner as the like had not bene sene Immediatly after he met with the emperour with whom he went to Grauelin and the emperour returned with him to Calia where he had gret chere and feasting after which time they de parted and king H●nry retourned in●o the realme The emperours souldiours gatte the towne of Mewzon The yere of the worlde 5482 The yere of Christ 1521 Anni regum Angli 13 and besieged the noble cit●es of Messiers Turney The french king toke the towne and castel of Heding from the Burgonians The admiral of Fraunce toke the towne of Fontraby in Bis●ay The towne and castel of Turney was yelded to the emperour The Duke of Buckyngham was beheaded at London the .xvii. daye of May. The cardinall of England went ouer the sea to entreat a peace betwen the emperour and the French king At Bruges he communed with the emperour and at Cales consulted with the Frēch ambassadours tyll December But he brought nothing to passe Lewys king of Hungary maried Mary the emperour Charles sister and Ferdinand Duke of Austrich the emp●rours brother toke to wife Anna the syster of Lewy● th● forenamed kinge of Hungary Warre betwene Leo byshop of Rome and the French kinge the byshops souldyers wanne Myllayne from the Frenchemen In the assemble that was holdē at Wormacia the princis electours and other princes of Germany expounded diligently to the emperour the dyuers and sundrie bourdeins wher with that countrey was charged by the see and clergye of Rome and proposed to him well nere an 110. artycles The excellent clerke Bude●s Zasius Alciatus Pirckaimerus Peutingerus gret lawiers Cop●s Linaker the Englysheman M●nardus Brisso●us Massa phisicyons Tonstall byshop of Durham Moore Rychard pace Polydore Uergil Oecolampadius Zuinglius Hutten Capio Egnacius P●llicane Uadian Scepe●us Mosellanus Cord●s E●ricius many other mē of great learnyng were famous in these daies The Frenchmen robbed the Englysh marchantes and other the kinges subiectes on all pa●tes of the sea Solemanne the great Turke conque●ed the citye B●lgrade the moste sure and stronge Garrison of the Chrystians The Frenche king attached the Englyshmens goodes at Burdeau● and deteyned the kynges 〈◊〉 and the Frenche Queenes dower The Genoways ●elded theim to the emperour and forsoke the Frenche kinge All F●enchmen were attached in the cytie of London and cast in prison The cardinall rode through London to Douer to mete with the emperour beynge accompanied with .ii. Erles xxxvi knyghtes an 100. gentylmen .viii. byshoppes .x abbo●es The yere of the worlde 5443 The yere of Christ 1522 thirtye chapelleines all in veluet and satin Anni regum Angli 14 and 700. y●men Charles the .v. emperour of Rome came into England and was honorably receiued into London by the Maier the aldermen and commons of the cytie the kynge hym self accompaniyng hym from th●ns he went to Wyndsore and satte in the stall of the Garter After great feastyng ●ustes honorable interteinment he departed to Hampton and sailed from thens into Spaine During● this time the Erle of Surrel lorde admyrall brent Morles in Britaine and than retourned into the realme Not longe after hauing an armye appoincted to hym by the kinge he passinge ouer to Caleys perced Picardye and brent dyuers townes and castels He besieged Hesdynge but because winter dr●we nere he raised his siege and retourned home The Duke of Albanie beganne to enter this land with a great armye but whan he harde that the Erle of Shreusbury was comyng to geue him bataile he toke a truce for .vi. monethes and departed A pestilence in Rome whiche consumed an 100. thousande Leo the tenth byshop of Rome dyed not without suspicion of poisonyng After whom succeded Adrian one yere who was in lyke maner poysoned The lorde Rosse and lorde Da●res of the Northe burned the towne of Kelse● in Scotland with fourescore villages and ouerthrew eyghtene towers of stone withall their bulwarkes The emperours souldiours wan Gean from the frenchemen and the war continued cruelly betwene the emperour and the Frenche kynge The emperour Charles king Henry of England Ferdinande Duke of Austrich the byshop of Rome the cyti● of Uenice ▪ and dyuers other in Italye were confederate against the Frenchemen The Turke besieged Rhodes and on Chrystmas day● toke it The lorde Marques Dorset warden of the Easte Marches ●rent dyuers villages holdes and other places in Scotlande The citie of Myllaine was dexed with a sore pestilence The yere of the worlde 5484 The yere of Christ wherof dyed .50 thousande within the space of .iiii. monethes Anni regum Angli 15 Christierne kyng of Denmarke and his wyfe Isabell beyng driuen out of his realmes by his vncle Friderike Duke of Hoiste and his owne subiectes for his notable crueltie● ame into England and were honorably receyued and interteined of the kynge Sharpe warre and often skyrmyshes betwene the borderers of Englande Scotlande and Fraunce The Erle of Surrey brente .37 villages in Scotlande and haried the countrei frō the east marches to the weast and ouerthrew dyuers holdes and castelles The Frenche king prepared a great army to send int● Italye against the Duke of Myllaine The Duke of Suff.
Shortly after the vertuous lady queene Iane his mother dyed in childbedde was buried at Windsor An assemble was holden at Wittenberge wherin the preachers of Germany agreed concernynge the controuersy of the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christe Sir Thomas Percy syr Stephē of Hamelton sir Iohn Bulmer and his wife William Lomley Nicolas Tempest and the abbottes of Ierney and Riuers also the lord Darcy the lord Husey Robert Ask wer condemned and put to deathe for high treason Iames kyng of Scottes maried ladie Magdalene the Frenche kynges eldest daughter Frier Forest was hanged and brent in Smithfielde for treason and heresie with the image of Daruell Gathern of Wales The yere of the worlde 5499 The yere of Christ 1538 in whiche idolle the Welshemen had a greate confidence and feigned of him many straunge thynges In the moneth o● december the Marques of Excester the lorde Mountacute and sir Edwarde Neuell were beheaded for treason that was layd to their charges Sir Nicholas Carew maister of the horses was beheaded for treason Pilgremage and idolatrie were forbydden dyuers images al●o hauynge inginnes to make theyr eyes open and shutte and other partes of theyr bodye to steere and many other false iuglynges as the bloudd of hayles and suche lyke wherwith the people of longe tyme had been deceiued were espied out and destroyed Abbaies were suppressed and all friers monkes channons nunnes and other sectes of religion were roted out of this realme for theyr iniquitie and naughtinesse In Ma●e the citisyns of London mustred al in bryghte harneis with coates of white silke and clothe Anni regum Angli 31 and chaines of golde in three great battailes The abbottes of Redinge Glastenburye and Colchester wyth dyuers other were atteinted of treason and put to death It was ordeined that suche religious persons as were discharged of their profession might purchase pursue and be sued in al maner of accions Auctoritee was graunted to the kyng by acte of parliament to nominate and make bishops and bishoprikes by his letters patentes or other writinges The landes and profites of all abbaies heretofore dissolued or that hereafter should be dissolued were assured to the kynges hyghnesse and his heyres The greate Onele of Irelande inuaded the Englisshe ●ale and brent almoste .xx. myles within the same wherfore the lorde Graie beynge deputie there assembled a stronge power and droue hym backe Duke Friderike of Bauerie Palsgraue of Rhine the Marshall of Duke Iohn Friderike electour of Saxonie with certaine other came to London by whome the mariage was concluded betwene Kyng Henrie and the lady Anne sister to the Duke of Cleue who in Decembre was receyued into the realme with great triumphe and sumptuous prouision The commons of Gaunt rebelled and were brought in subiection and cruelly handled by the Emperour The acte made for the abolishynge of opinions concernyng the .vi. articles was publisshed with greate rigoure and extremitee Whiche ye maye reade in the actes of the pa●liament holden the .xxxi. yere of the kyng Anni regum Angli 32 In this yeare was so great a h●ate and drought that in many places the people wold haue geuen one busshel for the grindynge of an other The yere of the worlde 5501 The yere of Christ 1540 and dyuers great ryuers were dryed The byshoppe of Chichester and doctour Wilson were deliuered out of the tower vpon the kynges pardon Many died of hot● burning agues and of the laske in all partes of this realme The religion of the knyghtes of the Rhodes was dyssolued by acte of parliament By commaundement of kinge Henrie certaine learned men were apoincted to set foorth an vniforme introduction into the latine tongue whiche onely shoulde be taught in all scholes the vse of all other grammers beynge sette a parte Barnes Hierom Garrarde priestes were forced to recante at S. Maries spitle in London Lorde Cromwel late before created Erle of Essex and Water lorde Hungerforde were beheaded the .28 day of Iuly The .xxx. day Robert Barnes Thomas Garrarde Wylliam Hierom priestes were burned The same daye Thomas Abell Edwarde Powel and Richarde Fetherston were hāged drawen and quartered for mainteinyng the byshop of Romes auctoritee and deniyng the kinge to be supreme head of the churche of Englande Kyng Henrye by auctoritee of the clergie was diuorsed from his pretenced mariage made with the ladie Anne of Cleue and maryed shortlye after the ladie Katherine Hawarde where they were sworne to bee true prisoners and than were delyuered to the custody of dyuers noble men whiche honourably i●tertained them In this season an heraulde of England rydyng on the borders syde to doo a message was mette by certayne rebelles which cruelly against all lawe of armes slew him in his coate armure But they for this moste vengeable deede were s●nt to the kyng the yere folowyng who worthily executed them for that offence After the ouerthrowe of the Scottishe army the kyng of Scottes dyd not long enioy his lyf● for he died incontinent after leauynge his queene with chylde who was delyuered of a mayden At Newe yeares tyde the Scottes that were taken by Ca●li●e were by the kyng sent home agayne with greate gyftes vpon condicion to agree to certaine articles for the welth of bothe realmes The Burdeux fl●te was arested in Gascoyne and lykewyse the ●renchmen h●re and at the I le of Wight wer taken seuen shippes laded with marchandise of the frenchemen Wherevpon the ambassadours of bothe parties were restreined after dyuers requestes proponed to the ambassadour of France ce●tain respite was graunted to knowe his maysters mynde who wolde not agree to any reasonable demandes nor yet receiue the kynges herald who came with honorable and indifferent conditions of peace for whiche causes and most specially for the common profite of Christendom seyng the French kyng had entred in league with the Turke and procured hym to make warre vpon Christendome and also that he withholdyng from kyng Henry his tribute he with the emperour Charles ioyn●tely proclaymed warre agaynste the frenche kynge In the meane tyme a parliament was holden at London in which an act was made wherby the common pe●ple were restreigned from r●dyng the holy scripture and in li●u of it was sette foorth by the kynge and his clergie a doctrine for all his subiectes to folowe to the whiche all bookes that were repugnaunte by auctoritee of the saied parliament were condemned In thys parliamente was graunted a subsidie to the kynge of .ij. s̄ of the pounde of goodes and .iii. s̄ of landes to be paied in thre yeares Anni regum Angli 35 Thomas Becon Wysedom The yere of the worlde 5504 The yere of Christ 1543 and Shingleton wer forced to recante openlye at Paules crosse The Abrine a lorde of Ireland with diuers of the wild Irishe submitted them vnto Kynge Henrie King Henry maried lady Katherine Latimer at Hampton court About this time the Sacre of Diep a shippe royal and the minion of Englande foughte a cruell fyght
of Christian and politike gouernemente when yeres sh●ul●e make ripe those fruites of vertue which euen in his tender age appeared to be sowen in hys royall herte Under this Kynge in the the tyme of hys minoritye hys vncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde protectour with the rest of the counsel gouerned this realme By wh●me to the furtheraunce of gods worde and true religion commissioners were sent into al partes of the realme with commaundement to take all Images oute of churches for auoydinge of Idolatrie and to cause al persons to leaue the superstitiouse vse of beades Wyth these commissioners were sente certein godlye learned preachers which dehorted men from superstition and enstructed them to geue theim selfe to true and vnfayned worshyppyng of god in heart and mynde with due obedience towardes theyr prince This yere order was taken that the pompous and superstitious maner of goyng in processi●n shuld be lefte and no more vsed The last day of Iuly Steuen Gardiner Bisshoppe of Winchester was sent prisoner to the towre of London And about the same tyme Doctour Smith of Oxford recanted openly at paules crosse diuers articles conteyned in twoo bookes whiche he had made one for the defence of the sacrifice of the Maise an other to proue that vnwritten verities oughte to be beleued vnder payne of damnation Shortlye after the Lorde Protectoure and Erle of Warwike wente into Scotlande with a stronge army requiringe the Scottes to fulfyll their promise made before to kynge Henry concernynge the mariage of theyr younge Quene with noble prynce Edwarde hys sonne But the Scottes alwayes vnfaithfull of promisse stubb●rnel●e came againste them with a greate puisaunce And not long after the two armies encoūtred in the feldes of Muscleborow● at a place called Pinkersloughe the englishmen not thinckynge as then to haue battaile And because the fronte of the Scottishe army was so terribly set with pikes our horsemen that gaue the firste on set were enforced to recule with losse of certen gentlemen whiche reculynge muche abashed our footemen But yet by the great wisedome and pollicye of the capitaynes and the good stomake of our souldiours wherewith god had at that present strengthed them they gaue a new onset and without any notable fight discomfited the Scottes and optayned a noble victorie At this tyme were slaine of the Scottes betwene thyrtene and fouretene thousande and not passynge an hundred Englysshemen This yeare dyd the pestilence so rage in the Citie of London that men fell to buryeng their deade early in the mornynges and late in the euenynges whervpon a commaundemente was geuen to all curates that they shoulde bury none before .vi. in the mornyng nor after vi at nyght and that a bell should ryng .iij. quarters of an houre or more After Myghelmasse was holden a parliament wherein chauntries were giuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at his pleasure It was also ordeyned in this parliam●nt that the body and bloude of Christe shoulde be receyued of all persones in bothe kyndes breade and wyne And an order was appoynted for the auoidyng of sturdy vagabundes and beggars In this meane whyle Peter Martyr a Florentine borne and of excellent knowlege in diuinitie being sent for by Thomas Cranmer archebyshop of Canterbury came into Englande ▪ in Nouember and shortely after was made reader of diuinitie in the vniuersitie of O●forde for his excellencie and soundenes in doctrine Also in this parliament were repealed certain bloudy statutes made in the tyme of kynge Henry the eight Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1548 emongest whiche the statute of sixe articles was one The fifte day of Februarye the aboue named duke of Somerset with the reste of the counsaylours of the realme dyd wryte vnto the Scottes in the kynges name a very longe and piththy Oration exhortynge theim to embrace peace but in vayne as afterwarde appeared to the great losse of bothe realmes In this February hotte persecution beganne agayne in Fraunce and especially at Paryse for the doctrine of Martyn Luthere where as in the meane whyle in Englande mens wyttes were occupied in dyuysynge howe to abolyshe the masse vtterly In Aprile folowynge Martine Bucer beeynge sente for by the marques of Brandenborough one of the princis electours came frome Strawsborough in Germany to Aus●orough and was there of hym and other at his appoyntemente entreated and perswaded by fayre woordes and promyses by roughe wordes and threatenynges and by all meanes possible to geue his consent to a booke called Antididagma whiche the Papistes had bene in hande with frome the yeare of our Lorde a thousande fiue hundred fortye and two to this present● yere a .1548 and hadde as nowe made it perfect as they thought But al this not withstanding Bucer departed not geuyng consent to theyr boke but not without danger of his lyfe This boke was fyrst pende against that boke of reformation of religion which Herman byshop of Coleyn caused to bee drawen and was afterwardes sette forth in his name But yet when they had made it as perfect as they coulde and had confirmed in it all popery welmoste it coulde not be allowed by Gods vicar of Rome bicause there were in it some thynges graunted to the contrary parte The fyrst day of October Edmunde Boner byshop of London was depriued of his byshoprike and put in prison in the Marshalsey for that he obstinately stode in the defence of popisshe supersticion and Nycholas Ridley byshop of Rochester was by the kynges authoritie transl●t●d to London The fourth day of Nouember was a parliament holden at Westminster vpon prorogation wherin was authorised a boke of an vniforme order of common praier and administration of the sacramentes in the englishe tongue Also the mariage of priestes was in the same parliament made laufull Moreouer the acte made in the .xxxii. of the reigne of kyng Henry the eight concernyng contractes of matrimonie was in this parliament repealed for that many beastly persons maliciousely enterpreting the same did by obtaynyng the firste carnall copulation take frome honest men their despoused wyues Sir Thomas Seimour lord Seimour of Sudley high admyrall of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 3 was by parliament attainted of treason for which his head was striken of at the tower hill in London the .xx. of Marche It was sayd that he fought to distroy the yong kynge Edwarde his neuewe and to make hym selfe kynge but moste men thynke he dyed innocent in that matter In Aprile Martine Bucer and Paulus Fagius men of excellent learnyng after many letters sente to theim from Thomas Cranmer archbyshop of Cantorburye came into Englande and were frendly receyued of the kyng hymselfe of the whole nobilitie welmoste and of the people also And after they had a while refreshed thē selues with the archebyshop of Canterbury they were bothe sente to Cambri●ge there to teache the trewe doctrine of Christe In Maie
feates of armes of all men moste ignoraunt His crueltie made him odious to his subiectes and his cowardise encouraged straunge enemyes to inuade his kingdome By meanes whereof this lande was sore afflicted with warre famine and pestilence In his time decayed the noble king●dome of Englande and became tributary to the Danes Lothayre kinge of France inuaded Lorayne and spoyled the countrey nere to Aquisgrane At whych tyme Otho the emperour was so sodaynly by him distressed that hardly he escaped the daunger who shortlye after assembled a stronge armye and recouered the prouynce of Lorayne Wherfore Lothayre returned to Paris ▪ whom Otho pursued entred the lande of Fraunce and burnt and destroyed the countrey about Parys But in his returne as he passed the ryuer Axona he was greatlye endamaged ▪ bothe by the vyolence of the water and also by the Frenchemen whiche set vpon his rear●warde and slewe ma●● of his souldiours The emperours of Greece coming with an army into Italye The yere of the worlde 4940 The yere of Christ 979 destroyed Math●ra conquered the citye ●arum Anni regum Angli 2 and slew the citizyns thereof After whiche time the countrey of P●●l and Calabre by agremente was restored againe to them The yere of the worlde 4941 The yere of Christ 908 Otho the emperour goinge towarde Italy Anni regum Angli in his iourney inuaded Sclauonie and Dalmacie and with greate praye and riches came to Rome The Danes arriued in sundry places of Englande as in the I le of Thenet in Cornwall and Suffer 〈◊〉 after many domages by them done and ryche giftes receyued of the kinge they retourned into their owne countrey Otho the emperour entendinge to subdue the countrey of Puel and Calabre to the Romayne empire The yere of the worlde 4942 The yere of Christ 981 Anni regum Angli 4 ledde an army agaynst the emperours of Greece At whiche tyme his hoste was discomfyted ▪ and he hym selfe taken as he fled in a litel fisher bote of certayne Pyrates and caryed into Sicilie From whens when he was after delyuered he tourned all his wrathe vppon the people of Boneuente which in the foresayde battayle trayterously forsoke him and were chiefe cause of that discōfiture whose citee he toke spoyled and destroyed Otho the .iii. of that name Anni regum Angli 7 after the death of his father by the consent of the nobles of Germanye The yere of the worlde 4945 The yere of Christ 984 was admitted emperour beinge but a childe and reygned .xiiii yeres notwithstandinge the malyce of Henry duke of Bauarie and other which a certayne space repined Iohn the .xv. and his successour Iohn the .xvi. byshop of Rome for theyr crueltie and wickednesse were sla●ne of the Romaines The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 985 Crescentius Anni regum Angli 8 vnder the name of consull toke on hym the gouernaunce of the citee of Rome Lewys the .vi. and last kyng of the pr●ge●●● of Pipine was made kyng of France and reigned as some wryte iii. yeres ●ut more verely one yere The yere of the worlde 4948 The yere of Christ 987 Anni regum Angli 10 Hugh the sonne of Robert The yere of the worlde 4949 The yere of Christ 988 who descended of Hugh Legraunt Erle of Paris Anni regum Angli 11 vsurped the crowne of Fraunce Charles Duke of Loraine the sonne of Lothayre The yere of the worlde 4950 The yere of Christ 989 and vncle to Lewys the laste kynge Anni regum Angli 12 as moste rightfull heyre made clayme to the crowne of Fraunce But at the citee Laone by the treason of the bishop Auseline he with hys wyfe was geuen into the handes of theyr enemies whiche sent him to Orliaunce there safely to be kept The Danes p●rced this lande in so manye places that the kyng Etheldrede was to seke Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde 4951 The yere of Christ 990 to whiche cost he should fyrst goe to withstande his enemies In conclusyon for auoyding of further danger he was campelled to appeace theim with great summes of money But whan the money was spente they felt to newe robbyngs and than the kynge gaue to theim more money but they ceassed not to spo●le the lande and lastly besieged London Elfri●●s ▪ a●mirall of Englande tra●●rouslye fledde to the Danes and after beynge reconsyled fled to theim the seconde tyme. Wh●le this persecution continued in England by meane of a bishop named El●h●gus a peace was concluded at whiche time as Polidore 〈◊〉 the kynge made his lande tributarie to the Danes the payment wherof from the summe of .x. thousande poundes in fewe yeres was raysed to .50 thousande The blo●●dye fluxe the burnyng feuer with dyuers other maledies 〈◊〉 the people throughout al England Anni regum Angli 16 Otho the emperour comyng to Rome was receyued of Crescentius and the other Romaynes The yere of the worlde 4954 The yere of Christ 993 with greate obeysaunce Anni regum Angli 18 Otho ordeyned Gregorye the .v. bishop of Rome The yere of the worlde 4956 The yere of Christ which was a Saxone borne UUhan Otho was yet scarcely departed out of Italye Crescentius and the Romains findyng theim selfe greeued with the election of Gregorye expelled him out of the citee and chose in hys place Iohn the .xvii. a Grecian and a man excedyng riche Crescentius foreseing trouble and warre to be at hand repa●red and fortified the walles and gates of the cytee The yere of Christ 996 The emperour re●●urned againe into Italie and besieged the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4957 Crescentius and the newe byshop Anni regum Angli fled for theyr sauegarde into the mounte Adrian From whens they were by strenght taken and Crescentius put to death and Iohn the bishop bereft of his sight Gregorye was agayne aucthorysed byshop who by the consente and counsayle of Otho ordeyned the princes of Germayne electours of the emperour whiche order and maner is kept to this day Richarde the second of that name was ordeined Duke of Normandie who for his manlinesse policie in warre was greatly praysed ●●●eldrede kynge of Englande toke to wyfe Emma she syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandye The yere of the worlde 4959 The yere of Christ 998 Anni regum Angli 21 whiche for hir beautie was called the flower of Normandie Roberte the sonne of Hugh Capet Anni regum Angli 22 begane hys reigne ouer the land of France This was a vertuous man and cunning in many sciences The yere of the worlde 4960 The yere of Christ 999 muche geuen to study and fauoured well good letters He made dyuers ●y●●nes sequences and respondes and builded many churches and castels In the beginnynge of hys reigne by the ayde of Rycharde Duke of Normandye he r●●ored Erle Bowcharde to his castel of M●●ion The yere of Christ 1000 Stephene was made the fyrste kynge of Hungary Anni regum Angli and reigned ●9
yeres The yere of the worlde 4961 Alphons kyng of Spaine besiegeyng the citee Uese●m was wounded with an arrowe and thereof dyed after whom was chosen U●remunde that reigned .x. yeres Ege●rede ▪ kyng of Englande being greatly enhaunced in his owne minde for the mariage of the Dukes sister of Normandye sente sorthe into all partes of his realme secrete and streicte commissions chargyng the rulers that vpon a certaine daye and ho●re assigned the Danes whiche proudlye vsed great crueltee in the land should be sodeinely slaine And so was it dooen Whiche thinge was after cause of great misery Constantine reigned amonge the Scottes .iii. yeres by meane of hym and Malcolme the s●onne of Kenneth the realme of Scotlande was miserably tourmented with ci●ste warre Henry Duke of Burgoyne ended hys lyfe The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ who for so muche as he died without issue Anni regum Angli 25 by hys will ordeined Robert kyng of Fraunce to be hys heyre But the Burgoynes refusing to be vnder his dominion rebelled and were by hym vanquisshed and brought in due obeysaunce Sueno or Suayne kyng of Denmarke hearing of the murder of the Danes in England and beyng sore moued therwith landed with a strong armie in dyuers partes of this realme so cruelly withoute mercy and pitee spoyled the countrey and slewe the people ▪ that the Englysshemen were brought to most extreme and vnspeakeable miserye but yet after a certaine space a peace was entreated for whiche the Englisshmen payed .30000 poundes howbeit diuers princes of the Danes stil continued wastyng the land in dyuers places Grime reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres agaynste hym Malcolme made fierce warre for the crowne whiche was appeased by the counsaile of a byshop called Fothadus Henrye Duke of Bauary The yere of the worlde by the consent of the princes electours of Germanye Anni regum Angli 26 was ordeyned emperour The yere of the worlde 4964 who was famous as well for hys godly wisedome as for his marcyall prowes and manye notable victoryes that he knyghtlye atchiued of his enemyes At his fyrste entre he subdued certayne rebelles as the Bohemes the Uandales and quieted Loraine and Flaunders Anni regum Angli 28 Godfrey succeded Otho in the Dukedome of Lorayne The yere of the worlde 4966 The yere of Christ 1005 Anni regum Angli 29 A great famine and pestilence afflicted almost the whole worlde The yere of the worlde 4967 The yere of Christ 1006 The Sarasens The yere of the worlde 4968 deuidynge theyr hostes in two sundrye partes Anni regum Angli landed in Italye toke Capua The yere of Christ 1007 and besyeged Barum Againste whome Urceolus Duke of Uenice and Gregory a capitaine of Constantinople ioygninge together theyr puisaunce went in all haste and obteyned of theim a noble victorye The Turkes toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4970 Anni regum Angli The citisins of Adria vexed the borders of Uenice The yere of Christ with robbing and pillyng the countrey whom Uiscolus with so great murder vanquished that neuer after they attempted to inuade thyr neyghbours The Scottes not susteigning the tiranny of theyr kyng Grime rose vp against him wherof ensued much trouble in Scoctlande Malcolme vanquished and slewe Grime toke on hym the kyngdome and reygned .xxxi. yeres to hym the lordes of Scotlande graunted fyrst the wardes and mariage of theyr heyres Henrie the emperour fyrste founded the byshopryke of Babenberge in Germayne The yere of the worlde 4972 The yere of Christ 1011 Anni regum Angli 34 Ferdinande the son of Sanctius Erle of Cast●le was made kynge of Spayne He maryed the daughter of Alphons kyng of Legio and syster of Ueremunde whereby he was king of ●egio in the ryght of his wife Sueno or Suaine kynge of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 35 repented hym of the former couenauntes made with the Englissheme●● and thinkyng to atteine the whole dominion of this land The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1012 with a stronge armie entred fyrst Northumberland than myddle Englande or Mertia and so wente forthe tyll he came to the citee of London whiche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kente At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despeiryng of all recouery not ones proferynge to resiste his enemies with hys wife and children fledde to Richarde Duke of Normandy And than possessed ●ueno the whole kyngdome of this realme About this tyme Olauus and Onetus .ii. capytayns of the Danes inuaded Scotlande vanquisshed kynge Malcolme and subdued Murraye but not longe after Malcolme repatred his armye discomfited the Danes slewe Onetus Henry the emperour of Germany yode toward Rome where he was annoyncted emperour 〈◊〉 the bishoppe The yere of the worlde 4974 The yere of Christ 1013 Anni regum Angli 36 and then takyng with hym the imperiall Diademe marched with his armie towarde C●pua He vanquysshed the Sarasens and forced theim to forsake Italye he pursued also with great wrath Bubaganus a capytain of the emperours of Constantinople whiche fauoured the Sarasens He wanne the citee Tro●● whiche the Grecians had builded where sometime Annibal pitched his campe Camus another capitaine of the Danes inuaded Scotlande and nere to Farre was disconfited and slayne the place at this day is called Camustand Canutus by commaundement of Sueno brake againe into Scotland The yere of the worlde 4975 The yere of Christ 1014 with whom the Scottes fought a terrible battayle Anni regum Angli 37 to the great domage of both patees after which battale a peace was agreed S●a●e the Dane after much scathe done to the realme of Englande ended his lyfe And then succeded Canutus his sonne but the Englishmen sent agayne for Etheldred out of Normandy who by the helpe of the Normaynes and present assistence of his commons expelled Canutus Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothinge Anni regum Angli 39 The yere of the worlde 4977 The yere of Christ 1016 that mighte be destroyed wyth swoorde and fire In this tyme kynge Etheldrede ended his life when he had reygned .38 yeres After whose death variaunce fell betwene the Englishemen for the election of their king for the citisyns of London wyth certayne other named Edmunde the sonne of Etheldrede ▪ a yonge man of lusty and valiant courage in marciall aduentures bothe hardie and wise and could very wel endure al prines Wherfore he was surnamed Ironside But the more parte fauoured Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene this two martiall princes were foughten many great battayles in the which eyther parte spedde diuerslye to the great slaughter of them that toke theyr partes But lastly it was agreed that the two captaynes shuld trye theyr quarel betwene them selfe ▪ onely In w●●c●e 〈◊〉 although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hande yet he condescended to deuide the realme and make Canutus felow with him in the kingedome whiche agreement was at last concluded IN this time
of Constantinople was shaken with most terrible erthquakes innumerable houses and towers wer cast to the grounde Anni regum Angli 24 and chiefely the palaice of the great Turke in so much that he was forced to flee to an other place many of the people were destroyed with tempest Charles duke of Gelria renued his warre with the emperour and inuaded the Brabansois Ismael Sophie king of Persie Armenie and Hir●ania became christened and vanquished the turkes in diuers great battailes The noble king Henry the .vii ended his life at Richmount the .xxi The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1509 day of Aprill THe renowm●d prince Henry the ●ight being .xviii yeres of age succeded his father in the gouernāce of this realme Anni regum Angli reygned in great fame and noblenesse 3● yeres Of personage he was ●aule and myghtie ▪ in witte and memory excellent of such maiesty tempered with huma●itie and gentylnesse as was comly in so great a prynce In konwlege of good letters he farre passed all kinges of Englande before this time For his magni●ice liberalitie he was renowmed throughe all the worlde In his time was great alteracion of thinges within this realm For he reformed and altered the state of the commō weale ●n many thinges by making diuers most honest and godly lawes to the great profite as wel of hym selfe as of hys people He abolyshed the vsurped power of the byshop of Rome He redressed the state of religion diminished supersticion and idolatry ●orbade pilgremage pulled downe abbeys and monasterys and roted out the sedicious sectes of religion which maintened false woorshipping of god and greatly aduanced and set foorth the true knowlege of goddes woorde and al other honest learnynges and sciences He fonded .ii. colleges one at Oxenforde an other at Cambridge and set vp dyuers free scholes in other partes of the realme· The knowledge of good letters by continuall warres beyng neglected and driuen out of Italy encreased gr●tly in Germany Fraunce England and Scotlande For augmenting and furthering wherof Margaret the kinges grandmother builded .ii. coll●ges in Cambridge In like maner Wylliam byshop of Lincolne and Rycharde of Winchester builded .ii. other in the vniuersitie of O●enforde of the which one is called Brusennose the other Cor●s Christi college Kynge Henrye maryed the lady Katherine late wyfe to his brother Arthur hauingthe dispēsacio● of Leo bishop of Rome but not without great murmuring of the Cardinalles and dyuers learned men of other realme Lewys king of Fraunce vanquished the Uenecians toke the cities Brixia Bergamū Crema and Crem●na and subdued theim to his dominions Maximilian recouered from the Uenecians Uerona Padua Teruisium and diuers other townes and cities Dyuers ambassadours came to kinge Henry of Englande The citie of Pise was brought in subiection to the U●necians Iulius byshop of Rome by force of armes toke Rauenna Imola Fauēcia Forliui and other possessions of the churche which were witholden by the Uenecians The byshoppe of Rome beyng reconciled to the Uenecians The yere of the worlde 5471 The yere of Christ 1510 toke Mutina and Mirandula Anni regum Angli 2 which he restored to Frances Picus lorde of that citie Ioachim Marques of Brandenburge toke all the Iewes within his dominion of the whiche .38 were br●nt and .ii. beheaded beceuse thei martyrised the sacrament● of the aulter Empson and Dudley whiche in the time of king Henrie the .vii ▪ had been great rulers were put to deathe to stoppe the murmuryng and grudg of the people against theim Bugia in Afrike was conquered of the Spaniardes The famous and gret lerned man maister Erasmus of Roterodame flourished by whose benefyte and diligēce as wel diuine knowlege as al other good learning was marueilusly furthered and augmented The woorshipfull clerke doctour Collete whiche builded the fre schole of Paules in Londō liued at this time and by his diligent preaching first beganne to open the slouthfulnes and negligence of the clergy of this realme in those daies A sedicion at Ertford in Germany by occasion wherof great displeasure was kendled betweene the byshoppe of Mens and Friderich Duke of Saxonie in so much that the matyer was lyke to haue been decyded by d●nte of swoorde had not the emperours auctoritie stopped their rage Henry the first sonne of kynge Henry the eyghte was borne on newe yeres day● for ●oie wherof a great iustes was kept at Westminster and on S. Mathewes day folowyng the childe dyed Kynge Henrye of England sent the lorde Darsy Anni regum Angli 3 wyth a goodly company of men into Spaine The yere of the worlde 5472 The yere of Christ to ayde the king his father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwene theim wherfore shortly after he retourned home againe The same time sir Edward Poyninges accompanied with the lorde Cly●ton and dyuers other was s●nt into Gelderlande with .xv. C. archers to ayde to ●rynce of Castile at the requ●st of Margaret Duches of Sauoy regent of Flaunders Sir Edmunde Hawarde and lorde Thomas Haward toke Andrewe Barton and .150 Scotes with .ii. greate shyppes The citie Bononie forsoke the byshoppe of Romes dominion The king of Scottes required his ships that were lately taken to be restored accordynge to the leage But answere was made by kinge Henry that the mattyer perteined nothing to the league because that Andrew Barton was a pyrate and robber on the seas The .xv. daye of Ianuarye was a parlyamente in the whiche two fiftenes and two dismes of the clergye were graunted to ayd the kinge in his warres that he entended against the French kinge By the auctoryty of the emperour and the french king a counsai●e was indicted at Pise which was after transferred to Myllaine The lorde Marques Dorset with dyuers other lordes and knightes was sent of king Hēry into Spaine Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1512 with an armye of 13●00 men who a good parte of the summer dyd much harme in Gutan by spoiling the countrei but in the winter he retourned by menes of a 〈◊〉 whiche chansed amon ge his men Sir Edwarde Hawarde admyrall of England with a great nauy scoured the seas and then went toward Brytaine The citie Briria gaue vp to the Uenecians which was shortly after recouered and dispoyled by the Frenchmen and the Uenecians beaten and slayne At the same t●me was Rauenna robbed and pilled On easter day a great battaile was foughten nere to Rauenna bytweene the Frenche kinge and the byshop of Rome in which the byshops armye was dyscomfited and 160●0 of his souldyours slaine Kynge Henry sent foorth a nauie of .xxv. ships among the whiche the regent a ship royall was chiefe Not onely all partes of Europe was disquyeted wyth the warres of the Uenecians but also the countreis of Asia Per●y and Armeny were vexed with most cruel and deadly warres wherin the hethen tyrannes infe●ted ech other