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A02464 Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane in Portingall and against his slaunderous inuectiues An aunswere apologeticall: for the necessary defence of the euangelicall doctrine and veritie. First taken in hand by M. Walter Haddon, then undertaken and continued by M. Iohn Foxe, and now Englished by Iames Bell.; Contra Hieron. Osorium, eiusque odiosas infectationes pro evangelicae veritatis necessaria defensione, responsio apologetica. English Haddon, Walter, 1516-1572.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. aut; Bell, James, fl. 1551-1596. 1581 (1581) STC 12594; ESTC S103608 892,364 1,076

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determine vpō an other Emperour to be chosen And when Themperour sent Embassadours to the Pope to be receaued into fauour The Pope drew him out an Instrumēt with these cōditions annexed to witte that he should confesse the errors and heresies of his Princes and Cytties which were none at all that he should depart frō his Empyre and should committe hymselfe his Children and all his goodes and possessions to hys mercy and from thenceforth should neuer meddle with any of them without hys permissiō and sufferāce Which articles albeit Thēperour was not vnwilling to yealde vnto yet because the Pope perceaued that the States of the Empyre woulde not accepte it hys owne sacred holynes vpon Easter day appoynteth an other Emperour Charles 4. At the last Ludouick beyng poysoned not without the procurement and practize of this most mercifull Clement departed thys lyfe as Ierome Marius doth record within a yeare after the Election of this Charles in the yeare 1347. At the length the same Charles whom the Pope annoynted Emperour contrary the ordinaunce of all the States to th end to confirme the dignitie Imperiall to hys sonne and hys Successors so ioyneth in league with the Electors what with fayre promises bribes that he passeth ouer the reuenewes of Th empyre to the Electors this did he to establishe the Succession in hym and hys posteritie as Aeneas Siluius doth report Agayne the Electors bound the sayd Charles by oathe that he shoulde neuer require restitution of those reuenewes agayne which the Electors do enioy euen to this day By meanes whereof it came to passe that the Romayne Empyre beyng thus embased and the Reuenewes of the same empayred The Turkishe outrage hath long sithence freely possessed a great part of Christendome without resistaunce and is like to preuayle further yet for as much as the power and force of the Christianes beyng rent asunder and skattered abroad there is now none other power or Potētate that is eyther able or dare aduēture to withstand the mighty puyssaunce of that outragious furye And the verye cause of all these mischiefes haue for the more part issued out frō that pestilent sincke of Rome who building hys rauenous neast with none other furniture more then with the scrappes that heé skrapeth together through violent seditious partaking of factions and dissentions of Princes hath brought Christendome to so small a handful now at the last that the Christian Princes iarring alwaies emōgest thēselues do seeme that they will neuer be willīg to be at one and agreé togethers for prouisiō to be made against the Turckes nor will be able at any tyme to make their partyes good agaynst the cōtinuall inuasuones and Roades whiche this Tyraunt doth dayly make into Christendome But we haue shewed Recordes and examples sufficient whiche if be not true Let Osorius himselfe confute them by hys Antiquitie whereof he vaūteth so singuler a skill But if they be most true as they be in deéde if he shall neuer be able to disproue thē where is now become that wonderfull obedience to the lawfull Magistrate where is that consideration of the Maiestie which as he sayth refuseth no ordinaunce of the higher power but doth yelde that vnto Cesar that belongeth to Cesar that vnto God that is due vnto God he addeth moreouer For we beleeue according to the testimony of Paule that lawfull Magistrates are so established by the ordinaunce of God that he that resisteth the lawfull aucthoritie outh to be adiudged not so much to resiste man as to resiste God himselfe If these wordes were as hartyly and vnfaynedly vttered as you professe honorably in wordes I meruayle thē frō whēce came that so cruell rebellion of that Ecclesiasticall Seignorie agaynst the Superiour powers and from whence those mōstruous turmoyles of Empires and so execrable alterations of States these many hundred yeares came at the first The principall causes of all whiche tumultes commotiōs and alterations ●prang from no where els then fromout that boyling fornace of the Popes canckered contumacye agaynst their liege Lordes and Emperoures From hence came the warres of the Emperour Henry the 4. 5. then of Fridericke 1. and 2. from hence the battell of Ludowicke of Bauiere and Ludowicke of Austriche In which vproares the Maiestie of the kyngdomes was not onely violated the power of the same weakened Princes combatyng against ech other like the brethren of Cadmus destroyed but Churches also were miserably torne and many godly consciences driuen into greéuous anguish of minde and most perillous staggering vncerteintie through these outragies of the Byshops who to extoll and enlarge their false forged dominion conceaued by as false forged opiniō were in effect the very cankers and botches of the Church and of all Europe besides What stroake then shall the authority of Paule who forbiddeth all resistaūce beare amongest these ruffling Prelates who delightyng and sporting them selues priuely to seé Princes and their Subiectes together by the eares and to rende and teare a sunder common weales and the publique peace and tranquilitie of the Church with Ciuill discentiōs seditious Bulles and pestilent Libelles who through their priuiledges and immunities exemptyng them selues from publique Iustice and Ciuill Lawes do vse abuse Monarches and Tetrarches lyke bondeslaues after their owne lust and pleasure do blesse them curse them commaunde them intreate them rewarde them punish them allow disallow set vp set downe treade vpon with the heéles yea with their Papane power and Maiesticall prerogatiue cast downe into hell betray thē poyson thē how true this report is the Grecian Frēch and Germany Emperours playne patternes of their fury doe euidently and aboundauntly declare the smart therof felt Chilpericke the French kyng whom the Pope deposed from his kingdome and thrust into a Monckery Henry the 2. kyng of Englād whose Princely crowne takē frō his head you reteigned by the space of foure dayes Iohn kyng of England who was first driuen out of his kyngdome by Pope Innocent 3. at the length poysoned by a Monke Henry 7. Emperour of Germany whom ye destroyed by poyson as ye did Victor likewise whose lyfe also a certeine Relligious lozell of your owne order cut short of a white or a blacke Moncke for he was a Dominicane Friar by ministryng vnto him the Sacrament dypped before in deadly poyson What shall I say of Phillippe the French kyng agaynst whom Pope Boniface 8. did procure Edward kyng of England to mainteyne mortall warres what shall I speake of Henry 6. Emperour of Rome agaynst whom as rebelles reuolted the Byshop of Collen and Leodicensis in which tumult Leodicensis was slayne And for breuities sake to passe ouer infinite other Dukes and Princes of Sycile Arragon Tuscane Calaber Naples Venice Germany Fraunce England Boheme Italy Rome Emperours Kynges Princes Marquestes Dukes Counsellours Senatours Consuls whom I dare auow were neuer more horribly molested in all their whole lyues then
also in S. Seuerines Church at Burdeau● so that the same Rodd wh was once tourned into a Serpent is tourned now into threé Rodds The multiplying of whiche Rodd seémeth not much vnlyke the Toath of Saincte Appolyne here with vs in England of the which a certein Abbot of Almesbury named Andrew doth make relation For it chaunced on a tyme that as Edward thē king of Englād was greuously tormented with the toath ach he commaunded by generall proclamation that all the teéth of S. Appolline that were reserued for Reliques within all the Churches of his Realme should be brought vnto him there were such a multitude of one poore Relique of S. Appolline his teéth Raked together that two or threé Toones were skarse able to receaue them when they were throwen together on a heape I Haue abused thy leasure perhappes gentle Reader longer then was conuenient in reckonyng vpp this Raggemarow of rusty Reliques howbeit I haue not rehearsed the thousandth part of the lyke religious Ragges So farre and so wide hath this pestilent canker crept ouer all the partes of Christendome that almost there is no Cathedrall Church Parish Church Mounckery Abbay Fryerhouse Selle Brotherhood or neuer so litle a Chappell but is poysoned with some contagion of this Serpigo And I would to God that the lyke endeuor were generally employed that Iohn Caluine perfourmed in seéking out those Reliques wherof I haue made mētiō that a generall view might be taken of all the Reliques remayning in all Christendome in Monasteries Selles Shrynes Boxes Caskets Glasses and such lyke deuises that the world might be made acquainted with them It is incredible to be spoken what legerdemaine Iuggling and peéuish pelting what monstruous lyes aud crafty packing what horrible forgery and apish halting would appeare to be fostered by these rakers of Reliques and fab●ing Fathers But I will not deteigne theé Reader in these tryfles any longer Onely this by the way I wishe theé not so to interprett my trauayle herein as though I would that all reuerence vsually ascribed to the true monuments and true Reliques of Martyres and other godly personages should be vtterly suppressed such especially as is meéte and conuenient for them But hereof neuerthelesse must be had a double consideration First That we defraud not Christ of his due honor and worshipp transferring the same ouer to Saintes and their monuments Next That we vaunte not to the gaze counterfeites for truethes and falshoods for verityes and abuse not the simplicitie of the vnlettered vnder the visor of true Religion Which kinde of fraude as is of all other most execrable so is there not any one more dayly frequented at this present by the rowled generation Howbeit this is no new griefe of a yeare or two continuaunce but is an olde wound long lurking euen emongest the boanes and gnawing dayly vpon the Synowes of all Christendome Of the which Augustine complayneth greuously in his owne tyme in his booke De Opere Monachorum writing on this wise He hath skattered abroad so many hipocrites vnder the weede of Mounckes in euery place gadding lyke Vagabounds about the Countries sent to no certein place remaining no where settled in no place nor making abode any where Some carry about the Reliques of Martyrs if they be not rather the boanes of other dead men but they do all begg they doe all rake for money all make gaynefull marchaundise either of their cloaked holynesse or of their deceiptfull needynes c. But of Reliques hath bene sufficiently spoken now for the confutation of the which what shall I neéde to say any more sithence to the sound witted Reader this may suffice that I haue made him an open shew onely of these mockeryes and trumperies The controuersies which concerne the strongest pillers of their Religion being on this wise dispatcht now that we be escaped out of these crabbed rowgh and vnsauery subtiltyes of disputation I seé no cause to the contrary but that I might make an end of this booke sauing that there remaine yet a fewe dregges in the cloasing vp of Osorius cauillations that are not lightly to be passed ouer though also they apperteigne not so necessarily to the cause as to require any speciall aunswere Whereof I purpose neuerthelesse to speake somewhat by Gods grace And first touching his solemne protestation wherein he accurseth and denounceth himselfe for a damned creature if he haue written any thing in his booke fayningly and counterfetly or colorably Lett vs heare him speake in his owne words I doe here protest before Iesus Christ Iudge of the quick and the dead that if I do not write the trueth which I do determine vpon which I iudge to be true and which I doe vnfainedly and firmely beleue to be the true and vndoughted Religion that he will exclude me from entraunce within that heauenly Citty and possession of that euerlasting glory not suffer me to enioy his glory world without end c. In which protestatiō I doe easily beleue you Osorius though you hadd neuer made so deépe a Protestation Neither doe I suppose that you doe dally with vs in these matters contrary to the very meaning of your minde but vtter in deéde the very bottome of your thought according as you haue cauilled in these bookes But this sufficeth not to haue your phrase of wryting agreé outwardly with your profession vnlesse your minde within differ not nor be discrepaunt from the right rule of trueth Neither doth it matter so much that you haue vttered in writing according as the fancy of your mind hath carried you but you ought rather to be well aduised that your hart be so instructed wtin as it may conceaue that which is wholesome sound that your penn be not violently whyrled at Randone by the vayne suggestions of your brainesicke headd to endite false matter instead of the trueth For herein consisteth the whole substaunce of our controuersie not in the vtteraunce of thinges which are conceaued in minde but in the discouerye of the meaning and sence of the trueth Such as in tymes past did persequute the Gospell of Christ and such as at this present doe seéke the ouerthrow thereof euen whiles they doe embrue their bloudy hands with goare of the Saintes being seduced by glauering conceipt of colorable error did and doe thinke to doe good seruice herein to God Not much vnlyke vnto them of whom we heare mention made in S. Paule and whereof the number is infinite at this present Which hauing zeale but not according to knowledge doe seéme to erre very much in the affection which they seéme to beare to godlynes but wander altogether out of the way in their choyse lyke as seémeth to haue happened at this present to Osorius in defending this cause of the Popes supremacy of Purgatorye of the Sacrifice of the Masse of Pardons of Reliques and worshipping and of many other Misteries of the Romishe counterfettes wherein I doe confesse that
of the very bowels of Hystories and philosophy wherein I do not so much mislike with him for his good councell But whereunto were these glorious flooryshes framed more for Queéne Elizabeth then for anye other Potentate or Prince of the world then for the King of Portingall or for his proper pigsnye the Pope When or in what place hath our soueraygne Lady whose Princely mildenes doth surmount all her Predecessors in lenity and temperaunce so demeaned her selfe in all her most fortunate and prosperous calme of happy Reigne that her Maiesty may seéme to stand in neéd of this your Philosophicall persuasions more then any other Prince Wherein hath she euer vaunted her Royaltye in such sort that she must be enstructed by this Portingall Solon to haue regard to the slippery state of this fickle life Declare a good fellowshipp Osorius what matter haue you noted at anye time or heard of by report done by her Maiesty wherin you may iustly reprehend want of wisedome in counsell or lacke of clemēcy in iustice beseéming the most vertuous prince of the world I will boldely also adde hereunto wherein this mayden Queéne may not worthely compare with the most mighty and auncient Monarche of most famous memory And if you thinke that this litle Isle of England is so voyd and barreyne of councell that Kinges and Queénes must of necessitye be enstructed of Osorius How happened it that you did not vtter your skill and signifye your good will rather to Queéne Marye her graces Sister whom you might haue persuaded to temperaunce and lenity whenas she executed Tyrannye without all measure and meane in shedding her owne subiectes blood where was thē this Portingall Clawbacke whiche should haue remembred the Queéne of humayne weakenesse and imbecillity that was so forgettfull of all humanity and her owne fraylty Reioyse therefore Elizabeth our most noble and vertuous soueraigne for this your Alcion dayes you may well seé nowe howe muche you be indebted for this your most prosperous raigne For if that mighty Macedō King Phillipp were so ioyously affected in his sonne Alexanders behalfe that it chaunced him to be borne in the time of the famous philosopher Aristotle why should not ye rather clappe your handes for ioy in respect of your most happy happynesse more then Alexāders felicity whom it happeneth to raygne now in the time of this notorious Solon the eighth wise in number or the third Cato of this age who is able to replenish your eares with most wholesome preceptes of life and fashion your fayth with true catholicke institution and doctrine who if your Maiesty will vouchsafe to beleue his lessons is able to direct your grace by lyne and by leuell to know the difference betwixt true religion and false howe your highnesse ought to discerne betwixt true and false Prophets how you ought to cōceiue of Purgatory of pardōs of auriculer cōfession of compulsary single life of the sacrifice of the Masse of Images Pictures and Reliques of Saynctes Who cann restore your owne person to her auncient freédome from out of that Tyrannous bondage of false flatterers wherein your grace is now holden captiue To with that of a freé Queéne you may at the last become a seruile bondmayd of the Pope For vpon this onely bunch of thraldome hang all the Keyes of Osorius freé Manumissions And therefore sith the matter is come to this passe what remayneth Most renowmed and vertuous Queéne but that you finde meanes to send for this new Solon by all meanes possible and assigne him a place emōgest the chiefe of your priuye councell and alter the whole state of your Realme after his directiō and appoyntment who will guyde your Maiestye on this wise First that renouncing this Religion whereunto you haue bene enured euen from your Cradle you may now straggle away to the trimme Traditions of the Romish Religion which Osorius doth mayntayne that where as you haue begonne in the spirite you may end afterwardes in the flesh that you may banish the scriptures from your subiectes hearing That you may conuert your publique preaching into mumbling Massing That your subiects may beginn to learne to call vpō God in an vnknowen toung that excluding that righteousnesse which doth consist in the fayth of Iesu Christ your people may be noosled in confidence and assuraunce of theyr owne workes and merites that you should dispoyle the communion of the one part of the Sacrament that you should dissolue lawfull marriages of Christes Ministers That in your owne Realme you should establish a kingdome to the Pope of Rome that he may gouerne your scepter and you carry his Crosier That he may haue full skope in your kingdome to distribute benefices to geue Byshopprickes to exact first fruites tenthes and yearely pencions that after he hath once swept away the cropp of English Golde you may come after gather the drosse Finally that you make a cleare dispatch of these Lutheran Heretiques kill them spoyle them ●●ll England full of fagott fier so that the English blood being spilte and the name of English Nation being vtterly rooted out the Portingalles may freély be propt vpp in theyr possessions Surely this is notable councell Osorius and right well beseéming your dignity which whatsoeuer colourable shew it pretend in wordes doth in trueth and in deéd sound and breath forth nothing els but slaughter and bloud For hereof you can not be ignoraunt that this Romish counterfait could neuer be receiued into this Region without wonderfull disturbaunce of the state and losse of many liues And for this cause I suppose you directed your bloody and murtherous Inuectiues to our noble Queéne whereunto if she would haue bene pliable the whole Realme had bene long sithence replenished with fire and flame wherewith you would haue made boanefiers with the blood of many good Preachers But you come to late gentle Synon with these fables and bables and may keépe your breath to keale your potage The late lauish lewdnes of Queéne Maryes madd daies hath made vs to well acquaynted with that Romish Iennett to graunt him any grasing within English soyle or to permitt any pasture for such a popish palfray Christ Iesu be thanked for euer and euer now that this Romish Ruffler is excluded we liue in godly calme who as now cann neuer hope to haue anye footing here before concorde be exiled and peace vtterly banished Wherefore if that your superexcellent Byshopp of Rome be rauished with so hott a zeale of Ambicion that he can not reigne without a kingdome if he will follow my simple councell either lett him seéke out for some straunge vnknowen Islandes where he may rule ouer such as do not know him or els lett him chaūge the state of his Religion In like maner I would aduertize Osorius if he be of that courage that he can not stay the outrage of his quill but must neédes presume to perke and preach to kings and to Queénes