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A01802 A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island together with a briefe history of their liues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity. By F.G. subdeane of Exceter. Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633. 1601 (1601) STC 11937; ESTC S103158 367,400 560

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〈◊〉 was all that countrey which now belongeth vnto the Bishops of Winchester Lincolne Salisbury Oxford Bristow Wels Lichfield 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 and he notwithstanding that he gouerned also the Mercians or Saxons of Mid-England who for a while had not any Bishop peculiar vnto themselues he I say 〈◊〉 called the Bishop of the West Saxons Birinus was the first Bishop of this so large a territory Of him sée more in Winchester The second was Agilbert a French man In his time Kenwalchus king of the West Saxons caused this huge 〈◊〉 to be diuided into two parts the one of which he left vnto Agilbert vnto the other he caused one Wina to be consecrate appointing Winchester to be his Sée and all the West countrey his iurisdiction After Agilbert there was no other Bishop of Dorchester a long time He departing into France Wina and his successors Bishops of Winchester gouerned that Sée also or part of it at least For it happened not long after that Oswy king of Mercia erected an Episcopall 〈◊〉 at Lichfield and placed one Diuma in the same He had all Mid-England for his Dioces so had sixe or seuen of his successors butill the yéere 678. at what time a Bishop was 〈◊〉 at Sidnacester one Eadhead He dying within one yéere Ethelwine succéeded Then these Edgar Kinebert Beda calleth him Embert and acknowledgeth himselfe much holpen by him in the 〈◊〉 of his Ecclesiasticall historie He dyed 733. 733. Alwigh 751. Ealdulf he died ann 764. 764. Ceolulf he died 787. 787. Ealdulf After Ealdulf the Sée continued void many yéeres The yéere 872. Brightred became Bishop In the meane time viz. the yéere 737. another Sée was erected at Legecester now called Leicester but soone after remooued to Dorchester and one Tota made Bishop there Then these Edbertus consecrate ann 764. Werenbert He died 768. Vuwona suceeded him as hath Florilegus Other put him before Werenbert He liued ann 806. 〈◊〉 He died 851. Aldred consecrate 861. or rather as Matth. West reporteth ann 851. The yéere 873. he was depriued of his Bishopricke 〈◊〉 consecrate 873. Halard by king Alfred appointed one of the Guardians of the realme to defend it against the irruption of the Danes ann 897. Kenulfus or rather 〈◊〉 consecrate ann 905. together with sixe other Bishops by 〈◊〉 the Archbishop 〈◊〉 vnto him the Dioces of Sidnamcester was also committed which had now continued void almost fourscore yéeres and his See for both established againe at Dorchester He was a great benefactor to the Abbey Ramsey and died the yéere 959. Ailnoth consecrate 960. 〈◊〉 or Aeswy 〈◊〉 Eadnoth slaine by the Danes in battell 1016. Eadheric he died 1034. and was buried at Ramsey Eadnoth He built the Church of our Lady in Stowe and died the yéere 1050. Vlf. He was a Norman brought into England by Emma the Quéene of king Ethelred sister to Richard Duke of Normandy She commended him vnto her sonne Saint Edward and found meanes vpon the death of Eadnoth to aduaunce him though a man very vnlearned vnto this Bishopricke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1052. He and all the 〈◊〉 that through the 〈◊〉 of Quéene Emma possessed the chiefe places of 〈◊〉 in all the realme were compelled to depart the land This man amongst the rest going to the Councell of Uercels to complaine vnto the Pope of his wrongfull vanishment 〈◊〉 farre soorth bewrayed his owne weakenesse and insufficiency as the Pope was determined to haue displaced him 〈◊〉 his Bishoprick vntill with giftes and golden eloquence 〈◊〉 perswaded him to winke at his imperfections It seemeth 〈◊〉 died the yéere following 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 was consecrate the yéere 1053. 〈◊〉 1067. and was buried in his Cathedrall Church of Dor chester 1. Remingius de Feschamp THe last Bishop of Dorchester and first of Lincolne was 〈◊〉 a monke of Feschamp that as Bale noseth was the sonne of a priest Unto this man William the Conquerour for diuers good seruices done vnto him had promised long before a Bishopricke in England 〈◊〉 it should please God to send him 〈◊〉 He was as good as his word and the yéere 1070. preferred him to Dorchester voide by the death of the former Bishop The consideration of this gift comming to the Popes eare he woulde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it symony and as a 〈◊〉 actually depriued him of his Bishopricke But at the request of Lanfrank the Archbishop of Canterbury he restored him to his ring and crosyer againe Soone after his first preferment he began to build at Dorchester and intended great matters there But order being taken in a Conuocation at London by the kings procurement that Episcopall sées euery where should be remoued from obscure townes to greater cities he diuerted the course of his liberality from Dorchester to Lincolne Lincolne at that time saith William Malmsburie was one of the most populous cities of England of great resort and traffique both by sea and land Remigius therefore thinking it a fit place for a Cathedrall church bought certaine ground vpon the top of the hill neere the castle then lately built by William the conquerour and began the foundation of a goodly church The Archbishop of Yorke endcuoured to hinder the execution of this worthie designement by laying challenge to the iurisdiction of that country This allegation though friuolous was a meane of some charge vnto the Bishop who not without gifts was faine to worke the king to be a meanes of cleering that title 〈◊〉 fabrike of the church being now finished and 21. prebends founded in the same al which he furnished with Incumbents very wel esteemed of both for learning and conuersation He made great prouision for the dedication of this his new church procuring all the Bishops of England by the kings authoritie to be summoned thereunto The rest came at the time appointed which was May 9. 1092. Onely Robert Bishop of Hereford absented him selfe foreseeing by his skill in Astrology as Bale and other affirme that Remigius could not liue vnto the day prefixed which also he foretold long before It fell out according vnto his prediction that 〈◊〉 died two daies before the time appointed for this great solemnity He was buried in that his owne new built church This Remigius was a man though of so high and noble a mind yet so vnreasonable low of stature as hardly hée might attaine vnto the pitch and reputation of a dwarfe So as it séemed nature had framed him in that sort to shew how possible it was that an excellent mind might dwell in a deformed and miserable body Besides this worthy foundation at Lincoln he reedified the church and Abbey at 〈◊〉 as also the Abbey of Bardney By his perswasion king William the conquerour erected the Abbeyes of Cane in Normandy and Battell in Susser vpon the very place where he had ouerthrowne king Harold in battell and so made a passage vnto the conquest of the whole 〈◊〉 The superstitious and credulous posterity ascribe diuers miracles vnto the holinesse of this Bishop wrought not in his
which being deliuered he departed into voluntarie exile and bewailed there the miserie of his country vntill such time as king Swanus being dead and Ethelred returning all troubles were appcased So it pleased God to suffer him at last to end his daies in peace the yéere 1020. when he had béene Archbishop about seuen yéeres 29. Agelnothus alias Aethelnotus AGelnothus surnamed The Good was the sonne of an Earle called Agelmare and is said to haue beene Deane of Christchurch in Canterbury which at that time was replenished for the most part with canons wearing the habite and garments of monks but in profession and manner of life differing much from them Therefore when as in that same terrible tithing of the Danes mentioned in the life of Elphege all the monks were slaine except onely fower the canons that were now the greater number gaue vnto their gouernour the name of Deane From this place Agelnoth was taken to be Archbishop Going to Rome to fetch his pall he bought as one reporteth an arme of that blessed father Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo for an hundred talents of siluer and bestowed it vpon the church of Couentry He sustained great paines and cost in repairing his church and monastery destroied and burnt by the Danes and by his good aduise directed king Knute that fauoured him excéedingly vnto many honourable enterprises He died at last hauing sate Archbishop 17. yéeres and vpward October 29. anno 1038. 30. Eadsin EAdsin was a seculer priest and first chapleine vnto king Harold who preferred him to the Bishopricke of Winchester Thence he was remooued to Canterbury soone after the death of Agelnoth He continued Archbishop almost 12. yéeres All which time he was so oppressed with sicknesse as he could not attend his pastoral charge but was faine to commit the same to another and he made choice of one 〈◊〉 Abbot of Abingdon whom he termed sometimes Vicarium 〈◊〉 sometimes 〈◊〉 and sometimes Archiepiscopi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He discharged not his duty according to the trust reposed in him for he abused much not onely his authoritie but also the goods yea and person also of the Archbishop that committed the same vnto him In regard whereof though 〈◊〉 besought the king and other about him very earnestly that he might succéede him not knowing belike how ill he was vsed so well as they yet they would not condescend thereunto but bestowed vpon him the Bishopricke of Rochester Henry Huntingdon saith he was consecrated Archv. But he is mistaken out of all doubt Edsinus departed this life October 28. 1050. was buried in his owne church and after his death made a Saint 31. Robert surnamed Gemeticensis RObert a Norman succéeded by the fauour of king Edward the Confessor with whom he became acquainted at what time he was exiled into Normandy He preferred him first vnto London and then presently after the death of Eadsin vnto Canterburie This man is said to haue laid the first foundation of the Normans conquest in England perswading the king to make Duke William his heire wherunto when the king had condescended himselfe became the messenger of this good tidings vnto the Duke taking Harold with him peraduenture to that purpose that he might so hamper him with an oth as indéed he did and so barre him from all possibilitie of the kingdome This oth Harold afterward broke but he sped thereafter loosing his life and ill gotten kingdome both togither The Archbishop now assuring himselfe of the fauour not onely of the king present but of him also that was to succeede could not indure that any should beare so great sway as himselfe in court and therefore began to deuise how he might ouerthrow Emma the kings mother who onely séemed to ouertop him He began therefore to beate into the kings head that was a milde soft natured gentleman how hard a hand his mother had held vpon him when he liued in Normandy how likely it was that his brother came to his death by the practise of her and Earle Godwyn and lastly that she vsed the company of Alwyn Bishop of Winchester somwhat more familiarly then an honest woman néeded The king somewhat too rashly crediting these tales without any further examination or debating of the matter seased vpon all his mothers goods and committed her to prison in the Nunry of Warwell banished Earle Godwyn and his sonnes and commanded Alwyn vpon pain of death not to come foorth of the gates of Winchester The Quéene made the best friends she could to be called to her answere But the Archbishop so possessed the king as other tryall of her innocency might not be allowed then this She must walke ouer nine plowshares red hot in the midst of the Cathedrall church of Winchester If either she perfourmed not this kind of purgation or were found any thing at all hurt she and the Bishop both should be estéemed guilty If otherwise the Archbishop was content to submit himselfe to such punishment as they should haue endured To make short the Quéene lead betwéene two Bishops in open sight of all the people perfourmed as all our histories report this hard kind of purgation and so acquit herselfe and Alwyn the Bishop of these crimes obiected The king then greatly bewailing the wrong done to his mother asked her forgiuenes vpon his knées restored both her and the Bishop vnto their goods and former places and lastly to make some satisfaction for his fault committed would needes be whipped by the hands of the Bishops there present and receauing thrée stripes of his mother was by her cléerely forgiuen and the wrong promised for euer héereafter to be forgotten Emma now and the Bishop to shew themselues thankful vnto God for this miraculous deliuerance for a perpetual memorial of the same gaue each of them vnto the monastery of S. Swithun nine Mannors in remembrance of the nine plowshares This gift of theirs the king confirmed and gaue moreouer two Mannors of his owne to wit Meones and Portland Now to returne vnto the Archbishop he doubting of the successe of this matter vnder pretence of sicknesse held himselfe at Douer and assoone as he heard how the world went well knowing England would prooue too hot for him he got him ouer into his owne country to the Abbey of Gemetica where he was brought vp and there ouercome it is like with shame and sorrow within a short time after ended his daies and was buried in the Monastery aforesaid hauing beene Archbishop about the space of two yeeres or scarcely so much 32. Stigand STigand was chaplaine vnto king Edward the Confessor and preferred by him first vnto the Bishopricke of the East Saxons at Helmham 1043. and after vnto Winchester the yeere 1047. He was a man stout and wise inough but very vnlearned as in a manner all the Bishops were of those times and vnreasonable couetous Perceiuing the king highly displeased with Robert the Archbishop he thrust himselfe into his roome not expecting either his death depriuation
or other auoydance without any performance of vsuall ceremonies And whether it were that he mistrusted his title to Canterbury or inercusable couetousnesse I cannot tell certaine it is that he kept Winchester also together with Canterbury euen vntill a little before his death he was forced to forgoe them both Many times he was cited vnto Rome about it but by giftes delayes and one meanes or other he droue it off neuer being able to procure his pall thence so long as king Edward liued William the Conqueror hauing slaine king Harold in the field all England yéelded presently vnto his obedience except onely Kentishmen who following the counsell of Stigand and Egelsin the abbot of S. Augustines gathered al their forces togither at Swanscombe néere Grauesend and there attended the comming of the king who doubted of no such matter euery man holding a gréene bough in his hand whereby it came to passe that he was in the midst of them before he dreamed of any such businesse toward He was greatly amased at the first till he was giuen to vnderstande by Stigand there was no hurt meant vnto him so that he would graunt vnto that contrey their ancient liberties and suffer them to be gouerned by their former customes and lawes called then and til this day Gauelkind These things he easily yeelded vnto vpon this armed intercession and afterward very honourably performed But he conceiued so profound a displeasure against Stigand for it as he neuer ceased till he had reuenged it with the others destruction A while he gaue him very good countenance calling him father méeting him vpon the way when he vnderstood of his repaire toward him and affording him all kinde of gratious and fauourable vsage both in words and behauiour but it lasted not long The first signe of his hidden rancour and hatred towarde him was that he would not suffer himselfe to be crowned by him but made choise of Aldred Archbishop of Yorke for which he alleaged other reasons as that he had not yet receiued his pall c. But the matter was he was loth in that action to acknowledge him for Archbishop Soone after his coronation he departed into Normandy carrying with him Stigand and many English nobles vnder pretence to doe them honour But in truth he stood in doubt least in his absence they should practise somewhat against him And namely Stigand he knew to be a man of a haughty spirit subtile rich gracious and of great power in his countrey Presently vpon his returne certaine Cardinals arriued in England sent from the Pope as legates to redresse as they said certaine enormities and abuses of the English clergy Stigand by and by perceiuing himselfe to be the marke that was specially shot at hid himfelfe a while in Scotland with Alexander Bishop of Lincolne and after in the Isle of Ely At last perceiuing a conuocation to be called at Winchester he came thither and besought the king in regarde of his owne honour and the promise made vnto him at Swanscombe which was not to be offended with him or any other for their attempt at that time to saue him from the calamity he saw growing toward him which he could not impute vnto any thing so probably as his vndeserued displeasure The king answered him with very gentle words that he was so farre from endeuouring to take any reuenge of that or any other matter as he loued him and wished he knew how to protect him from the danger imminent But that which was to be done at that time must be done by the Popes authoritie which he might not countermaund So do what he could he was depriued of his liuings by these legates The causes alleaged against him were these First that he had held Canterbury and Winchester both together which was no very strange thing for Saint Oswald had long before held Worceter with Yorke and S. Dunstan Worceter with London Secondly that he had inuaded the Sée of Canterbury Robert the Archbishop being yet aliue vndepriued And lastly that he presumed to vse the pall of his predecessor Robert left at Canterbury and had neuer receiued any pall but of Pope Benedict at what time he stood excommunicate for simony and other like crimes In the same conuocation many other Prelates were depriued of their promotions as 〈◊〉 Bishop of Helmham brother vnto Stigand diuers abbots and men of meaner places All which was done by the procurement of the king that was desirous to place his countrymen in the roomes of the depriued for the establishment of his new gotten kingdome Poore Stigand being thus depriued as though he had not yet harme inough was also clapt vp presently in prison within the castell of Winchester and very hardly vsed there being scarcely allowed meate inough to hold life and soule together That was thought to be done to force him to confesse where his treasure lay whereof being demaunded he protested with great othes he had no mony at all hoping belike so to procure his liberty the rather and then to make himselfe mery with that he had laid vp against such a déere yéere He died soone after of sorrow and griefe of minde or as other report of voluntary famine 17. yéeres after he first obtained the Archbishopricke After his death a little key was found about his necke the locke whereof being carefully sought out shewed a note or direction of infinite treasures hid vnder ground in diuers places All that the king pursed in his owne coffers The bones of this archbishoply entoombed at this day vpon the top of the north wall of the Presbytery of the church of Winchester in a coffin of lead vpon the north side whereof are written these words Hic iacet Stigandus Archiepiscopus he was depriued ann 1069. and died within the compasse of the same yéere 33. Lanfrank STigand being yet aliue but depriued as is beforesaid Lanfranke was consecrate Archbishop This Lanfrank was borne at Papia in Lumbardy twenty myles from Millayn where being brought vp in learning and now come vnto mans state he determined to trauaile Through France he came into Normandy prouoked by the fame and great reports he had heard of Eluin abbot of Becco Upon the way thitherward it was his hap to be encountred with théeues that spoiled him of all he had bound him and threw him into a thicket where he might haue perished with cold and hunger had not God sent some extraordinary company that way that loosed him hauing laien there onely one night Thence he got him vnto the monastery of Becco and for very want and penury was faine to become a Reader of Logike there vntill he was admitted to the place of a monke Soone after that he was made Prior of Becco whence in regard of his singular wisedome and great knowledge in all good learning that those times could affoord he was called by Duke William to be abbot of S. Stephens in Cane a monastery that the said Duke had founded Now
one Christian name 50. Walter Raynolds RObert Winchelsey being dead the monks of Canterbury elected for his successour one Thomas Cobham that was Deane of Salisbury and Prebendary of Yorke a man of such vertue and learning as he was commonly called by the name of the good Clerke The king Edward the second was desirous to preferre vnto that place Walter Raynolds Bishop of Worcester whom he fauoured singularly for his assured fidelity and great wisedome Before therefore that the saide Thomas Cobham could get away to Rome the king vnderstanding of his election sent thither in all post haste earnestly requesting the Pope to finde meanes that this Walter might be made Archbishop He glad of such an occasion to exercise the vtmost of his vsurped authority without any more adoo thrust in the said Walter Raynolds into that Sée pretending that he had reserued the gift of the Archbishoprick for that time vnto himselfe before it fell Cobham a while stoode vpon the right of his election but perceauing to how little purpose it was to stirre with so mighty aduersaries as the Pope and the king both at once was content to accept of the Bishopricke of Worcester which the other left This Walter had béene a Courtier a long time Chapleyne first vnto Edward the first and Parson of Wimberton then by Edward the second whose schoolemaster some say he was made Treasurer and Chauncellour of England and preferred to the Bishopricke of Worcester the yéere 1308. The buls of his translation were published in Bowe Church Ianuary 4. 1313. He receaued his pall Febr. 17. following and was installed with great pompe and solemnity April 19. in the presence of the king the Quéene and many nobles The first thing he did after his comming to Canterbury was to take order by giuing pensions and diuers sums of money at Rome that appeales made from him to the court there should finde no fauourable intertainment He precured also eight seuerall Buls containing so many great and extraordinarie priuileges The first gauc him authority of visiting all his prouince so as he should haue procurations euery where and yet his charges borne The second to visite monasteries and all other exempt places The third to absolue and restore to their former state two hundred Cleargy men that had incurred irregularitie The fourth to dispense with the Minoritie of a hundred Clearks and enable them to take spirituall liuings The fifth to absolue a hundred of such as by striking any Cleargy man had fallen into the danger of excommunication The sixt to grant forty pluralities The seuenth to require the gift of any one dignitie or spirituall promotion in any church or college where he should visite The eight to grant pardon of a hundred daies in any place where he should visite preach giue almes or kéepe hospitality Being thus armed he perfourmed his visitation trauailing himselfe in the same till by the Barons wars he was hindered and sent for vnto the Court by the king That warre being ended and execution done vpon diuers of the nobles that had rebelled Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford was apprehended and brought to the barre to be arraigned for the like fault All the Bishops of England almost were then at London The Archbishops of Canterbury Yorke and Dublin hearing of it in great haste hied them thither and hauing their crosses borne before them entred the court by violence tooke the prisoner from the barre and carried him away with them Much adoo there was about this matter a good while the stir was not quight ended when the Quéene rising against her husband and setting vp her sonne to 〈◊〉 the kingdome at last procured him to be deposed This our Archb. then shewed himselfe a very weake man He was content a while outwardly to stand with the king as beside the common duty of a subiect he was bound to do by benefites receaued infinite but first vnderhand he aided the Queene with great sums of money and at last vtterly for sooke him his lawfull prince his master his patron that had aduaunced him by so many degrées vnto an estate so honorable It pleased God that 〈◊〉 timorousnesse should be his destruction By the Quéene aforesaid of whom he stood so greatly in awe he was commanded to consecrate one Iames Barkley elected Bishop of Excester He did so but for his labor was so threatned taunted and reuiled by the Pope that saide he had reserued the gift of that Bishoprick vnto himselfe as for griefe and anger togither he died when he had sate Archbishop 13. yéeres 9. moneths and thrée wéekes He was buried in the south wall of Christs church in Canterbury néere the Quier where his tombe is yet to be seene with an inscription which I haue read long since but I thinke is now defaced This man was but meanly learned yet very wise of good gouernment except when for feare and want of courage he neglected his dutie He gaue vnto his Couent the Manour of Caldcote and the wood of Thorlehot 51. Simon Mepham SImon Mepham Doctor of Diuinitie Canon of Chichester Prebendary of Landaff and Parson of Tunstall a Kentish man borne one very well learned as learning went in those daies was then elected by the monks approoued by the king and affoorded consecration by the Pope at Auinion the yéere 1327. The first thing he did at his returne home was that he excommunicated all the authors of the death of Walter Stapleton Bishop of Excester as they had well deserued Soone after he began to wrangle with his monks of Canterbury about certaine land They complained them vnto the Pope who sent a Nuncio to Canterbury to heare and determine of this controuersie He condemned the Archbishop in seuen hundred pound charges After this he began to visite his prouince in like sort as his predecessors had done before him The Bishop of Excester Iohn Graundson resisted him for what cause I finde not appealed to Rome and would not suffer him so much as to enter into his Cathedrall Church much lesse to visite in the same These two repulses he tooke so tenderly as being yet scarcely returned home he fell sicke and died October 12. 1333. at Magfield His body was conueighed to Canterbury and laid in a marble fombe vpon the North side of Saint Anselmes chappell He sate Archbishop fiue yéeres and somewhat more 52. Iohn Stratford THe Pope who now tooke vpon him to dispose of all Bishoprickes at his pleasure was content at the kings request to nominate vnto Canterbury Uoid by the death of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iohn Stratford Bishop of Winchester This Iohn Stratford hauing long and to good purpose studied the Canon and ciuill Law was called to the Archdeaconry of Lincolne Being famous for his learning and good gouernment of that iurisdiction Walter the Archbishop made him his principall Officiall and Deane of the Arches and king Edward the second shortly after that appointed him Secretary and so one of his priuy counsell It chaunced he was
Embassadour vnto the Pope at what time the Bishop of Winchester died and he at the request of Walter the Archbishop bestowed that Bishopricke vpon this Iohn Stratford then present with him This was done without the kings priuity who desired to haue preferred vnto that place Robert Baldock his Chauncellor Therefore taking it very ill that either the one should giue or the other dare to take it without his knowledge he was content to giue eare vnto Robert Baldock who plotted many deuises a while how to kéepe him from it and after how to make him weary of it He was consecrate vpon the Sunday called then 〈◊〉 tribulat iustorū which he thought boaded vnto him how in the whole course of his life he should find nothing but continuall trouble It fell out according to that ominous prediction Neuer I thinke any Archb. either before or after him giuing so little cause dooing his indeuour to please was more encombred with vndeserued and often crosses He had no sooner set foote into this Bishopricke of Winchester but the king who at that time was altogether ruled by the said Robert Baldock caused all his goods to be seased and his liuings to be sequestred to his vse Moreouer he caused him to be summoned by certaine strange kind of writs to appeare I know not where and when for feare he was faine to hide himselfe proclamation was made that no man should dare to harbor him or giue him any kind of entertainment by meate lodging or otherwise Hauing endured these miseries the space of a yéere he intreated the Archbishop to be an intercessor vnto the king for him who relating vnto him how dishonorable a thing it was for him to persecute a true subiect so terribly both for an other mans fault and an other mans pleasure too he was soone woonne to receiue the poore Bishop to his grace and laid all the blame of that iniury vpon Robert Baldock Being thus restored he grew dayly more and more into the kings fauour whom he serued both diligently and faithfully to the last hower When all other forsooke him euen Walter the Archbishop of whom he had deserued so notably this good Bishop would neuer be allured vnto the contrary part by any meanes in so much as the Quéene and Roger Mortimer began to deuise how they might make him away This he being certified of hid him selfe and was faine so to hold him selfe close a long time In the ende the king being dead and all his fauourites or partakers either executed or otherwise consumed the Quéene and her sonne king Edward the third wel knowing they had nothing to lay against this man but that he was true and loyall to his Prince they were content not onely to receiue him to their fauour but also to make him Lord Chauncellor of England Simon Mepham the Archbishop being then dead soone after the king was also content to write earnestly vnto the Pope to preferre him vnto that Sée of Canterbury He did so as before I haue said And the monkes thinking it good to make a vertue of necessity they forsooth elected him also About this time it hapened that King Edward the third began to lay claime vnto the crowne of Fraunce and passing the seas with a great power to iustifie his claime he thought good to commit the gouernment of the realme here at home vnto the Archbishop He beside other generall promises of faithfulnes diligence c. In the charge deliuered vnto him assured the king he should want no money to expend in this exploit whereunto all kind of people shewed them selues so willing to yéelde what helpe they possibly might as he tooke vpon him to discerne the king might commaund of them what he list He was not deceiued in this coniecture For no sooner was the king ouer the seas but infinite summes of money were collected with the very good liking of all people This money which all men thought would haue maintained the charge of that warre two or thrée yéeres the king being yoong and so easie to be either mistaken or deceiued was spent in lesse then one yeere The Archbishop meruelling thereat 〈◊〉 the king by letters to remooue from him such as had had the disposing of his treasure for that without imbesilling and falsehood it was impossible so much money should be so soone consumed The king on the other side he put the Archbishop in minde of his promise and called vpon him continually for more money He well knowing how hard it would be to collect any reasonable summe so soone after so liberall contribution as had béene lately yéelded fell to perswading the king to accept reasonable conditions which he heard the French King had offred him and to come home The king either was or seemed to be excéeding angry with this motion yet knowing there was no remedy but he must get him home his money being now spent and his credite amongst the vsurers stretched to the highest pinne He tolde his souldiers on the one side that the Archbishop had betraied him vnto the French king who no doubt had hired him to detaine their pay in his hands and on the other side made his creditors beleeue that the Archbishop had taken vpon him the discharge of all his debt as hauing now gathered money sufficient for that purpose So the discontentment of these people being either alaied or cast vpon the Archbishop it was deuised that for the farther countenance of this plot the king should step ouer into England sodainly and cast into prison the Archbishop togither with the Bishop of Chichester the Chauncelour and the Bishop of Lichfield the Treasurer To London he came secretly in a night caught the two Bishops and sent them to the Tower but the Archbishop by meere chance was gone from Lambhith elsewhether the day before and hauing some inkling afterwards of that was meant vnto him got him to Canterbury and there stood vpon his guard A knight was sent vnto him to require him to make present paiment of a certaine huge sum of mony which the king said he had taken vp of outlandish merchants vpon his the Archbi credit or else to get him ouer the seas immediately vnto them and to yéeld them his body till the debt were satisfied for that so the king had vndertaken he should being animated thereunto by his owne promise Soone after there came certaine messengers from the duke of Brabant desiring to speake with the Archbishop and when he refused to conferre with them cited him by writings to make payment of certaine great summes of money which they alleaged he ought to the Duke for money the king of England had receaued This citation they fixed vpon the high crosse at Canterbury with many ceremonies Now the Archbishop perceauing what a terrible tempest was growing toward him for he was charged not onely with the debt of many thousand pounds more then euer he should be able to make but with horrible treason that might
called was consecrate Bishop an 1265. at Rome where it is said he paid vnto the Pope 6000. markes for his consecration and so much more vnto Iordanus the Popes Chauncellor Presently vpon his returne he was suspended by Ottobonus the Popes legate for taking part against the king in the Barons wars he enioyed a small time his honor so déerely bought the yéere 1268. he died in Italy and was buried there at Uiterbium 44. Nicholas de Ely RIchard Moore a Doctor of Diuinity was then chosen Bishop But Fryer Peckham at that time Archbishop of Canterbury tooke exception against him for holding of many benefices And said that a man of such conscience as were fit for that place would rather content himselfe with lesse liuing then load himselfe with the cure of so many soules He being refused Nicholas de Ely hauing béene scarcely one yere Bishop of Worcester was called to this church He sate 12. yéeres died an 1290. his body was buried at Wauerly his hart lieth entoombed in the South wall of the Presbytery with this inscription Intus est cor Nicholai Episcop cuius corpus est apud Wauerley One of his name was first Chauncellor then treasurer of England about the yéere 1260. I assure my selfe it was he 45. Iohn de Pontissara ABout this time the Pope began to take vpon him the bestowing of Bishoprickes for the most part euery where This Iohn de Pontissara was placed by him vpon his absolute authority He was a great enimy vnto the monkes of his church whose liuing he much diminished to encrease his owne He died the yéere 1304. hauing sate néere 24. yéeres and lyeth buried in the North wall of the Presbytery His toombe hath this Epitaphe engrauen Defuncti corpus tumulus tenet iste Ioannis Pountes Wintoniae presulis eximij Obijt anno Dom. 1304. 46. Henry Woodloke HEnry Woodloke succéeded him Robert Winchelsey Archbishop of Canterbury being banished the realme by king Edward the first who charged him with treason this Bishop became an intercessor for him and in the request he made to the king in his behalfe chaunced to call him his good Lord which the king tooke so haynously as by and by he caused all the Bishops goods to be confiscate and renounced all protection of him How he recouered the kings fauour againe I finde not Not long after the said king dying by the permission of the foresaid Archbishop he crowned king Edward the second Ianuary 22. 1307. and died an 1316. the 13. yéere of his consecration 47. Iohn Sendall VVAlsingham called this man Iohn Kendall he was Chauncellor of England and died 1320. hauing scarcely sate fower yéeres 48. Reginaldus Asserius THe Pope then thrust in Reginald de Asser his legate the king being very angry that the Pope tooke so much vpon him in these things He was consecrate by the Bishop of London Walter the Archbishop refusing to afford it vnto him sate little aboue two yéeres and died an 1323. 49. Iohn de Stratford IOhn de Stratford Doctor of Law succéeded When he had continued in this seat 10. yeeres an 1333. He was translated to Canterbury Sée more of him in Canterbury 50. Adam Tarlton alias de Orlton ADam de Arlton Doctor of law borne in Hereford was consecrate Bishop of Hereford September 26. 1317. In a parliament holden at London an 1324. he was accused of treason as hauing aided the Mortimers with men and armor against the king When he should haue béene arraigned a thing till that time neuer heard of that a Bishop should be arraigned the Archbishops of Canterbury Yorke and Dublin with their Suffragan Bishops came vnto the barre and violently tooke him away Notwithstanding the accusation being found true his temporalties were seased into the kings hāds vntill such time as the king much deale by his machination and deuise was deposed of his kingdome If he which had béene a Traytor vnto his Prince before after deserued punishment for the same would soone be entreated to ioyne with other in the like attempt it is no maruell No man so forward as he in taking part with Isabel the Quéene against her husband king Edward the second Shée with her sonnes aud army being at Oxford this good Bishop stept vp into the pulpit and there taking for his text these words My head grieueth me he made a long discourse to prooue that an euill head not otherwise to be cured must be taken away Hauing gotten the king into their power he fearing least if the king at any time recouered his liberty and crowne againe they might receiue condigne punishment counselled the Quéene to make him away Whereunto she being as ready and willing as he to haue it done they writ certaine letters vnto the kéepers of the old king signifieng in couert termes what they desired They either not perfectly vnderstanding their meaning or desirous to haue somewhat to shew for their discharge pray them in expresse words to declare vnto them whether they would haue them put the king to death or no. To which question this subtill foxe framed this answere Edwardum occidere nolite timere bonum est If you set the point betwéene nolite and timere it forbiddeth if betwéene timere and bonum it exhorteth them to the committing of the fact whereupon the king was made away and most pitifully murthered by thrusting a hot spit into his fundament And who then so earnest a persecutor of the murtherers as this Bishop that when diuers of his letters were shewed against him eluded and auoyded them by sophisticall interpretation and vtterly denied that he was any way consenting to that haynous fact How cleanely he excused himselfe I know 〈◊〉 But sure I am he was so farre from receiuing punishment as within two moneths after viz. in Nouember 1327. he was preferred vnto the Bishopricke of Worcester sixe yéeres after that he was translated thence to winchester by the Pope December 1. 1333. at the request of the French king which king Edward taking in very ill part for that the French king and he were enimies deteined from 〈◊〉 his temporalties till that in a parliament at the sute of the whole cleargy he was content to yéeld them vnto him He sate Bishop of Winchester 11. yeeres 7. moneths and 17. daies and being a long time blind before his death departed this life July 18. 1345. 51. William Edendon THe same yeere William Edendon was consecrate Bishop a man in very great fauour with King Edward the third being treasurer of England he caused groats and halfe groats to be coyned the yeere 1350. coyne not séene in England before but they wanted some thing of the iust sterling waight which was the cause that the prices of all things rose then very much And where as many other times the like practise hath béene vsed in so much that fiue shillings hath now scarce so much siluer in it as fiue groats had 300. yéeres since no maruell if things be sold for treble the price
thereof vnto the poore No doubt but he that bestowed thus much in publike bestowed also very much in priuate that all the world knew not of 30. Iames Stanley IAmes Stanley Doctor of Duinity and brother vnto the Earle of Darby succeeded him Other good I finde none reported of him but rather much euill He was made Bishop the yeere 1506. and enioyed that preferment eight yeeres and a halfe of which time he spent very little or none at Ely But liued all the sommer time at Somer sham kéeping company much there with a certaine woman in very 〈◊〉 me 〈◊〉 and all the winter he would be with his brother in Darbyshire So drownd in pleasures he passed his time without doing any one thing woorthy commendation or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 31. Nicholas West IN the moneth of October 1515. Nicholas West Doctor of Diuinity became Bishop of Ely He 〈◊〉 borne néere Fulham being the sonne of one Iohn West a baker This Bishop as I finde noted kept daily in his house an hundred seruants of which to the one halfe he gaue yéerely 〈◊〉 markes wages and the rest forty shillings euery one being allowed fower yards of cloath for his winter liuery to make him a gowne and three yards and a halfe for a coat to weare insommer Daily he gaue at his gate warme meate and drinke to two hundred poore folke and moreouer in 〈◊〉 of dearth distributed diuers summes of money vnto the poore He gouerned the Dioces of Ely seuentéene yéeres and sixe moneths At last falling into the kings displeasure for some matter concerning his first marriage the griefe 〈◊〉 as it is thought cast him into a disease which being the woorse able to sustaine because of a fistula that he had néere his fundament He yéelded vnto the necessity of Nature Aprill 6. 1533. He lieth buried in a chappell very sumptuously built by himselfe in the South east part of the Presbytery of Ely 32. Thomas Gooderich AYéere and 14. daies the Sée of Ely was voide after the death of B West In which time I finde that 〈◊〉 Nicholas Hawkins Doctor of Law was elect vnto the same It is like he died before he could be consecrate for he neuer enioyed it I am sure The 20. day of Aprill 1534. Thomas Gooderich Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate and sate 20. daies aboue 20. yéeres He built a faire gallery in the North side of the pallace of Ely and otherwise in that house bestowed much cost He died at Somersham of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tenth of May 1554. and lieth buried almost in the middle of the Presbytery More would be said of him but I had rather you should heare it in other mens words then mine For I now grow néere the time of which I meane to speake little as iudging it neither safe to reprehend nor séemely to praise though truely those men whose memoryare fresh and diuers their friends liuing This therefore that I finde written vpon his toombe I will impart vnto you and concerning hun no more Thomas Goodricus annis plus minus 20. huius 〈◊〉 Episcopus hocloco 〈◊〉 est Duobus Angliae 〈◊〉 regibus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 foris 〈◊〉 apud exteros principes saepe legatus 〈◊〉 quidem cum 〈◊〉 Edwardo eius nominis sexto aliquandiu 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 magnus tandem factus Angliae Cancellarius Chariorne 〈◊〉 propter singularem prudentiam an 〈◊〉 populo propter integritatem abstmentiam fuerit ad 〈◊〉 est per quam difficile In English thus Thomas Goodrich for 20. yéeres Bishop of this Church 〈◊〉 buried in this place A man very acceptable vnto two noble kings of this realme in many actions both concerning the church and common wealth For abroad he was often imployed in embassages to forraine Princes and at home after he bad béene of the priuy Councell a while vnto king Edward the sixt of that name he was made at last high Chancellor of England Whether he were more déere vnto his Prince for his singular wisedome or more beloued of the commonalty for his integrity and abstinence it is euen very hard to say He died the 10. of May 1554. 33. Thomas Thirlby AT what time it pleased king Henry the eight to make the church of Westminster a cathedrall Sée he appointed for the first Bishop of the same who also was the last Thomas Thirlby Doctor of Diuinity The yéere 1550. he was 〈…〉 by 〈…〉 vnto the Bishopricke of Ely but also 〈◊〉 of her priuy Councell After her death 〈…〉 the reformation intended by our grand 〈…〉 Elizabeth he was committed to the tower 〈…〉 from his Bishoprick by act of parlilament Hauing 〈◊〉 a time of imprisonment neither very sharpe nor very long his friends easily obtayned licence for him and the late secretary Boxall to liue in the Archbishops house where they had also the company of Bishop Tonstall till such time as he died The Archbishop intreated them all most kindly as considering no doubt the variablenes of this mutable world how possible it was for God that so lately had set him vp to cast him downe as he had done those men He liued in this sort the space of 10. yeres and vpwards taking more pleasure I assure my selfe in this time of his imprisonment for so some men will needes estéeme it then euer heretofore in the middest and fullest streame of his highest honors He departed this life at Lambhith August 26. 1570. and lieth buried in the middle of the chauncell there at the head of Bishop Tunstall vnder a marble stone 34. Richard Coxe BIshop 〈◊〉 being remooued from his place by 〈◊〉 as is before said Richard Coxe Doctor of Diuinity was appointed thereunto by her Maiesty that now 〈◊〉 and was consecrate December 21. 1559. He was borne in Buckingham shire in king Edwards daies Chauncellor of the University of Oxford Deane of Westminster and Christchurch in Oxford 〈◊〉 vnto the saide king Almosner vnto him and as Bale also reporteth of his priuy Councell All 〈◊〉 Maries time he liued in Germany He was Bishop of Ely seuen moneths aboue 21. yéeres and departed this life July 22. 1581. He lieth buried 〈◊〉 Bishop Goodrich vnder a marble stone vpon which though much of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I 〈◊〉 these 〈◊〉 Vita 〈◊〉 vale 〈◊〉 vita 〈◊〉 Corpus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Interra Christi gallus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Da Christe in coelis te sine fine sonem 35. Martyn 〈◊〉 THe Sée hauing continued voide almost 20. yéeres it pleased her Maiesty at last to appoint vnto the same Martyn Heton Doctor of Diuinity and Deane of Winchester who was consecrate in the end of the yere 1599. long and happily may he well enioy the 〈◊〉 The valuation of this Bishoprick in the Exchequer is 2134 l. 18 s. 5 d. halfe farthing and the third part of a farthing in the Popes bookes 7000. ducats The Bishops of Lincolne THe Bishop of that Dioces whereof Lincolne is now the Sée sate 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 a place distant from Oxford about 10. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
of his funerals but also the building of his toombe Chappell and all did also see toombe and Chappell destroyed and the bones of the Bishop that built them turned out of the lead in which they were interred Concerning this man many other Bishops of this Church if any desire to vnderstand more I must referre them to a discourse heretofore written by me in Latin of them which is in many mens hands though neuer published 40. Richard Foxe Soone after the death of Bishop Stillington Richard Foxe Bishop of Exceter was appointed his successor and so continuing for thrée yéeres was translated first to Durham and after to Winchester Sée Winchester 41. Oliuer King OLiuer King Doctor of Law and principall Secretary to the king became Bishop of Exceter the yéere 1492. and succeeding him in this Church as well as Exceter was translated hither Nouember 6. 1495. He pulling downe the old Church of the Abbey of Bathe began the foundation of a faire and sumptuous building but at the time of his death left it very vnperfect His successor bestowed some cost on it and William Bird the last Prior there endeuouring what he might by him selfe other to see it finished had euen brought it to perfection when the dissolution of the Abbey had almost ouerthrowen what before was set vp It is great pitty that some good man or other whom God hath enabled vndertaketh not the finishing of it a worke then which I thinke nothings is to be performed with so little cost that were more likely to be pleasing to Almighty God acceptable vnto men memorable with all 〈◊〉 This man sate Bishop eight yéeres and is thought to lye buried at Windsor in a little Chappell vpon the South side of the Quier ouer against which place vpon the enterclose of the Quier I find written vnder the pictures of king Henry the sixt and his sonne king Edward the fourth and Henry the seuenth this that followeth Orate pro domino Olmero King iuris professore ac illustri Edwardi primogeniti Henry Sexti 〈◊〉 Regum Edw. quarti Edw. quinti Henr. 7. principali Secretario 〈◊〉 ordinis Garterij Registrario huius Sancti Collegij Canonicqanno Dom. 1489. postea per dictum illustrillimum Regein Henry 7. ann 1492. ad sedem Exon. commendato 42. Hadrian de Castello POpe Innocent the eight hearing of a certaine dangerous 〈◊〉 raised vp against Iames the third king of Scots thought good to send into Scotland one Hadrian de Castello as a man for his wisedome and other good parts likely to appease those 〈◊〉 Being at London he was certified of the king of Scots death whom his own subiects had 〈◊〉 in battell So resting him selfe a while there he grew into acquaintance with Iohn Moorton the Archbishop of Canterbury He much delighted with his learning and discreete cariage commended him so effectually vnto the king Henry the seuenth as he thought good to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his Proctor for the dispatch of all his causes at Rome In that place he behaued him selfe so as the King at 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 of his paines and fidelity was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto the Bishopricke of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the yeere 1503. and then the yeere following of this See Pope Alexander the sixt in the meane time a little before his translation hither had made him Cardinall Here he continued 12. yeeres vntill that the yeere 1518. he was depriued of this and all other promotions vpon this occasion A Cardinall of Rome called Alfonso Petruccio consptred with certaine other Cardinals the death of Pope Leo 10. Amongst them this our Hadrian was content to make one mooued thereunto as P. Iouius affirmeth not by any grudge or priuate displeasure but onely by an ambitious 〈◊〉 that surely he should be Pope 〈◊〉 were once dead A certaine witch or wise woman as we call them hauing heretofore foretold him very strangely diuers things that had happened to him selfe other of his friends tooke vpon her to assure him that after the death of Pope Leo it should come to passe that a certaine old man named Hadrian borne of meane parentage preferred onely for his learning wisedome and other good parts should be aduaunced vnto the Papacy These particularities Hadrian was perswaded could agree to none other but him selfe For he being borne at Corneto a poore fisher towne of Hetruria of meane or rather very base parentage onely by vertue and good deserts rose by many degrees vnto the preferments before mentioned The witches prediction fell out true but in an other For Hadrian a Dutchman the sonne of a Erelver of Utright that had beene schoolemaster to Charles the fift 〈◊〉 fell out to be the man that succeeded Leo by the name of 〈◊〉 the sixt What became of this Hadrian afterward or when he died I find not 43. Thomas Woolsey VPon the depriuation of Hadrian Cardinall Woolsey held this Bishopricke in Commendam fower yéeres euen till that resigning it he tooke Durham Sée more of this man in Yorke 44. Iohn Clerke IOhn Clarke Doctor of Diuinity and Master of the 〈◊〉 was consecrate the yéere 1523. A man much emploied 〈◊〉 embassages He died in the end of the yeere 1540. being poisoned as it was supposed in Germany when he went Embassadour to the Duke of Clyue to render a reason of the 〈◊〉 diuorce from the Lady Anne of Cleue his sister He is 〈◊〉 in the Mineries at London 45. William Knight VVIlliam Knight Doctor of Lawe and Archdeacon of Richmund a man likewise much emploied in embassages by king Henry the eight sate sixe yéeres died September 29. 1547. and was buried vnder the great Pulpit which he caused to be built for his toombe In the 〈◊〉 place of Welles there is a goodly crosse erected partly by this man as this inscription engrauen witnesseth Ad honorem 〈◊〉 omnipotentis commodom pauperum mercatum Welliae freqnentantium impensis Gulielmi Knight Episcopi Richardi Wooleman huius ecclesiae Cathedralis olim Decani hic locus erectus est Laus Deo pax viuis requies defunctis Amen Ann. Dom. 1542. 46. William Barlowe VVIlliam Barlowe Doctor of Diuinity sometimes 〈◊〉 Chanon of Saint Osythes hauing béene Bishop of Saint Dauids the space of tenne yéeres or there abouts was translated hether to succéede Bishop Knight and continued here all the daies of R. Edward In the beginning of Queene Mary he was forced to leaue his countrey Bishopricke and all to liue exiled in Germany vntill that by her death the most happy aduauncement of our now Soueraigne he was at once restored to his Countrey and preferred to the Bishoppricke of Chichester There he liued about the space of tenne yeeres and dying the yéere 1569. was buried in his owne Church 47. Gilbert Bourne BIshop Barlow being forced to forsake his Bishopricke here Gilbert Bourne Doctor of Diuinity was appointed thereunto by Queene Mary The nonage of that good king Edward the sixt giuing opportunity to those horrible sacrileges that robbed the cathedrall churches of England of
in th 12. yéere after his consecration died and was buried at Crediton in his owne church 990. ALfredus whom Dicetus calleth Alfricus abbot of Malmesbury was consecrated Bishop installed at Crediton He was taken for a learned man and wrote two bookes the one intituled de rebus coenobij sui and the other de rerum naturis In his time king Etheldred endowed the Bishopricke of Saint Germans with lands liberties and priuileges The Danes made a fresh 〈◊〉 vpon all Deuonshire and Cornewall burned spoyled the Abbey of Drdolphus at Tauistorke besieged Exceter and being remooued from thence were fought withall at Pynhow about 3. 〈◊〉 from the city and ouerthrowen Alphredus after he had beene Bishop about 9. yeres died an 999. was buried in his owne church ALwolfus as Dicetus writeth was the next Bishop In his time Sweno king of Denmarke by inticement of one Hugh then Earle of Deuonshire came with a great hoste and besieged the city of Exceter tooke it and burned it and with great cruelty vsed the people vntill in the end Almarus Earle of Deuonshire and the gentlemen did yéeld and submit themselues and so obtayned peace This Alwolfus about the 15. yéere of his Bishoprick 1030. died was buried in his owne church LIuyngus procured the county of Cornwall to be added vnto his Dioces he was consecrate 1032. and after became Bishop of Worcester Sée more there The Bishops of Exceter FIrst Leofricus a man descended of the blood and line of Butus brought vp in the land of Lotharingia or Loreine was so well commended not onely for his nobilitie but much more for his wisedome and learning that king Edward the Confessor had him in great fauour and made him first one of the prinie Councell then Chauncellor of England and lastly the Bishopricke of this Dioces being voide he was preferred thereunto By his meanes the Bishops See was remooued from Crediton to this citie of Exceter The yeere 1049. or thereabout king Edward the Confessor comming to Exeter together with his Quéene tooke order that the monks of Saint Peters should be placed at Westminster as before is mentioned and remooued the Episcopall See from Crediton to this citie It is remembred that himselfe taking the Bishop by the right hand and Edeth his Quéene by the left led him vp vnto the Altar of his new church and there placed him in a seate appointed for him This Bishop obtained of the same king much good land and many notable priuileges for his church He made biuers statutes and amongst other things he ordained that all his Canons or Prebendaries should lodge in one chamber and take their diet at one table He appointed them likewise a steward that should prouide them victualls daily and once in the yéere deliuered them new clothes This kinde of gouernment saith William Malmesbury he learned in Lorraine and it is saith he continued by the posterity although by the corruption and luxury of our time somewhat altered and decaied After that he had well and woorthily ruled his church and Diocesse by the space of thrée and twenty yéeres he ended his daies in peace Anno 1073. and was buried in the Cemitory or churchyard of his owne church vnder a simple and a broken marble stone which place by the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of his Church is now within the South Tower of the same whereof of late Anno. 1568. A new monument was erected in the memory of so good worthy and notable a personage by the industry of the writer hereof but at the charges of the Deane and Chapter OSbertus or Osbernus a Normaine borne and brother to an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 William was preferred to this Bishoprick the yéere 1074. He was Bishop 30. yéers toward his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 blind died 1103. and was buried in his owne Church H. Huntingdon and others that 〈◊〉 him make mention of one Gaufridus Bishop of Erceter about this time but they are mistaken It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bishop of Constantia that ioyned with Odo 〈◊〉 of Kent c. VVIlliam Warewest a Normaine borne and Chaplaine both to the Conqueror and his two sonnes William and Henry a very graue and a wise man hauing béene much imployed in sundry Ambassayes was preferred at last vnto this Bishopricke by king Henry the first and consecrate thereunto in August 1107. together with 〈◊〉 other He first began to enlarge his Church as aboue I haue mentioned obtained from the king Plympton Brampton and Saint Stephens in Exceter Brampton he gaue to his Cathedrall Church and it was afterwards alotted vnto the Deane for a part of the corps of his Deanery Saint Stephens with the Sée belonging to the same he reserued to him selfe and to his successors who thereby are Barons and lords in the Parliament As for Plympton he gaue it vnto a Monastery which he built there for Reguler Cannons In his later daies he became blind which imperfection notwithstanding the king thought good to send him Embassador vnto Pope Paschalis the second and he dispatched the bussnesse commended vnto him to the Kings great 〈◊〉 Not long after his returne hauing small ioy of the world he gaue ouer his Bishopricke became one of the reguler Canons of his owne house at Plympton where he died 1127. and was buried He was Bishop about 20. yéeres RObert Chichester Deane of Sarisbury was consecrated Bishop ann 1128. He was a Gentleman borne very zelous and deuout in his religion according to the manner of those daies He went often in Pilgrimage sometime to Rome sometime to one place sometime to another and euer would bring with him some one relike or other He was also a liberall Contributer to the buildings of his church After that he had continued two and twenty yéeres he died the yéere 1150. and was buried in his owne Church RObert Warewest nephew to William Warewest his predecessor and Deane of Salisbury was consecrate Bishop by Theobaldus Archbishop of Canterbury ann 1150. After that he had occupied this Sée nine yeres or thereabout he died ann 1159. was buried at Plympton by his vncle BArtholomeus Iscanus otherwise Bartholomew of Exceter was consecrated Bishop of Exceter ann 1159. or rather as it séemeth to me 1161. He was called Iscanus of Isca which is one of the ancientest names of this City a meane Citizens sonne but very well learned wrote sundry bookes as of Predestination Fréewill Penance and others He was estéemed also very deuout holy and a painfull Preacher Matthew Paris in his report of the yéere 1161. telleth a long tale of a certaine strange apparition or reuelation which happened vnto him in the countrey as he visited his Dioces He was a great aduersary of Thomas Becket I marueile that any such thing might be credibly reported of him After he had béene Bishop about fourteene yéeres ann 1184. he died but where he died or was buried it appeareth not IOhn the Chaunter of the Cathedrall Church of this City and Subdeane of Sarum was consecrated Bishop
Lordship Thus by policy he purchaseth the mannor of Bishops Clist by a deuise gayneth Cornish wood and by power wresteth the patronage of Sowton from the true ownor This Bishop after he had occupted this See about 23. yeeres died July 22. 1280. and was buried in his owne church in a sumptuous tombe of Alabaster standing vpon the South side of the entrance into the Lady chappell Upon it this Epitaphe following is yet to be séene Olim syncerus pater omni dignus amore Primus Walterus magno 〈◊〉 hic in honore Edidit hic plura 〈◊〉 laude statuta Quae tanquam 〈◊〉 seruant hic omnia tuta Atque hoc collegium quod Glaseney plebs vocat omnis Condidit egregmm pro voce data sibi somnis Quot loca construxit 〈◊〉 quot bona 〈◊〉 Quam sanctam duxit vitam vox dicere quae scit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 gens Exomensis Et chorus turbae quod natus in hac fuit vrbe Plus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 festum 〈◊〉 Gabrielis Gaudeat in 〈◊〉 pater iste fidelis PEter Quiuill ann 1281. was consecrated Bishop of Erceter He first instituted a Chaunter and a Subdeane in this Church To the one he impropriated Painton Chidleigh and to the other the rectory of Eglosheyl in Cornewall He was a liberall and a speciall Benefactor to the Hospitall of Saint Iohns in Exceter as well in goods as in liuelyhoods He first began to enlarge and encrease his Church from the Chauncell downewards and layed the foundation thereof In his time ann 1285. Walter Lichlade the first Chaunter was slame in a morning as he came from the morning seruice then called the Mattens which was woont to be said shortly after midnight vpon which occasion the king earne vnto this City and kept his Christmas in the same And thereupon a composition was made betweene the Bishop and the City for inclosing of the Church yard and building of certaine gates there as appeareth by the said composition bearing date in festo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mariae 1286. The king at 〈◊〉 sute of the Earle of Hereford who at his 〈◊〉 here was lodged in the house of the Gray Friers which then was neere the house of Saint Nicholas obtained of the Bishop that they should be remooued from thence to a 〈◊〉 wholesome place without South gate whereof after the kings departure grew some controuersie because the Bishop resused to performe his promise made to the king This man also impropriated the parish of Saint 〈◊〉 and the 〈◊〉 of Stoke Gabriell and vnited the same to the office of the Chauncellor of the Cathedrall Church that the said Chauncellor should continually read a lecture within the said City of Diuinity or of the Decretals In the eleuenth yeere of his Bishopricke he died being choked in drinking of a 〈◊〉 ann 1292. He was buried in the middle of the Lady Chappell Upon his toombe is written 〈◊〉 tegit Petrum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Franciscanes or Gray Friers of this City imputed his death to his hard dealing with them For whereas he had promised the king to prouide a conuenient place sor them to build their house in and had willed their warden named Deodatus to seeke out and make inquiry for the same yet notwithstanding when he had so doone because the same was in his Sée swaruing from his said promise he vtterly denied to performe the same being diswaded by Peter Kenefield a Dominicane or a blacke Frier and 〈◊〉 vnto the said Bishop For he enuying the good successe of the Franciscanes aduiseth the Bishop that in no wise he 〈◊〉 permit them to enioy the place which they had gotten 〈◊〉 saith he as vnder colour of simplicity they créepe into the harts of the people and hinder vs poore Preachers from our gaines and liuings so be ye sure that if they put foote 〈◊〉 your Liberties they will in time find meanes to be 〈◊〉 from out of your Liberty and iurisdiction The Bishop being soone diswaded vtterly forbiddeth them to build or to doo any thing within his Sée or liberty About two yéeres after the Bishop kept a great feast vpon the Sundaynext before Saint Francis day And among others was present with him one Walter Winborne one of the kings chiefe Justices of the bench who was present when the Bishop at the request of the king made promise to further helpe the Franciscanes He now in their behalfe did put the Bishop in mind thereof and requested him to haue consideration both of his owne promise and their distresse The Bishop misliking this motion waxed angry and did not onely deny to yeeld thereunto but wished himselfe to be choked what day soeuer he did consent vnto it It fortuned that the same weeke and vpon the day of Saint Francis eue the Bishop tooke a certaine Sirope to drinke in too hasty swallowing thereof his breath was stopped and he foorthwith died The Franciscanes hearing thereof made no little adoo about this matter but blased it abroad that Saint Francis wrought this miracle vpon the Bishop because he was so hard against them THomas Bitton Deane of Welles the yere following was elected Bishop and the See of Canterbury being voyd He was consecrated by I. Roman Archbishop of Yorke He left no memoriall of any great things done by him sauing that he continued the building of his church Fourteene yéeres after that he had occupied this See he died September 21. 1307. and was buried vnder a faire Marble inlayed with brasse before the high aultar VVAlter Stapleden a man learned wise and of great parentage was consecrate Bishop of Exceter March 18 1307. The inthronization or installation of Bishops was a Ceremony of great Solemnity in these 〈◊〉 the particularity whereof it shall not be 〈◊〉 once for all to describe in this man At Eastgate he alighted from his horse and went on foote to Saint Peters church All the way where he should passe being laid and couered with black cloth on each hand he was conducted by a gentleman of great 〈◊〉 and Sir Hugh 〈◊〉 who 〈◊〉 to be 〈◊〉 of this 〈◊〉 went next before him At broade gate he was receaued by his Chapter and Quier in their ornaments with Te Deum and so caried into the church The vsuall Ceremonies being performed there at his pallace a great feast was prepared for the entertainement of such noblemen and other parsonages of account as repaired hither at that time It is incredible how many oxen tunnes of Ale and Wine are said to haue béene vsually spent at this kind of solemnity Euen so much as the whole yéerely reuenue at this time would not suffice to pay for This Bishop was greatly in fauour with king Edward the second who made him first of his priuy Councell then Lord Treasurer of England and imploied him in diuers Embassages of great importance The yéere 1329. he was sent Embassadour to the French king and ioyned in commission with the Quéene for the conclusion of a peace betweene these two princes That
died 1195. 35. Iohn de Constantijs Deane of Roane was consecrate at Stratford October 20. 1196. He died the yéere 1198. 36. Mangere Deane of Yorke and Chaplaine vnto king Richard the first was consecrate 1200. He was one of them that excommunicated king Iohn and interdicted the 〈◊〉 at the Popes commaundement the yéere 1208. Thereupon he was faine to flie the 〈◊〉 and died at Pontiniac in France 1212. the yéere before the rest of his brethren were called home 37. Walter Gray Bishop of Lichfield was translated hether 1214. and 1216. to Yorke See more of him there 38. 〈◊〉 sometimes a Monke and after Prior of Worceter succeeded He remoued the body of Saint Wulstan into a sumptuous shrine and the church being now throughly repaired since the burning of it in Bishop Sampson time he hallowed the same very solemply dedicating it vnto the honour of the blessed virgin Saint Peter Saint Oswald and Saint 〈◊〉 This was done 1218. in which yeere also he died 39. William de 〈◊〉 Archdeacon of Buckingham was consecrate October 7. 1218. He gaue vnto the Prior and Couent Wyke with the 〈◊〉 as also the parsonage of Sobbury and died the yeere 〈◊〉 40. Walter de 〈◊〉 the sonne of William Lord 〈◊〉 succeeded 1237. A man as of great birth so of no lesse stomack and courage He often opposed himselfe against the couetous practises and shifting deuises of the Pope and his officers The first yeere of his preferment Otto the Popes Legate at a Conuocation sought to take order for the 〈◊〉 of such as enioyed any benefices against law not beeing dispensed withall thinking belike it would prouoke many to the purchase of dispensations they cared not at what rate He counselled the Legate to take farther aduise of the Pope before he proceeded too far in this matter saying there were many of great birth whom it concerned and they were either old such hauing liued long in very worshipfull state to 〈◊〉 them now so lowe he thought it very hard or else they were yong and lusty and had rather venture their lines in any desperate course then suffer their liuing to be deminished I speake this quoth he by mine owne experience At what time it was mine owne case I was of the same minde Hauing said thus much he put on his Myter and sate him down againe Other were about to second him when the Legate seeing no good was to be doone in this matter bid them trouble themselues no farther the Bishop of Worceters aduice was good and he was determined for this time to follow it Another time to witte the yéere 1255. 〈◊〉 another legate demaunded of the cleargy of England a huge summe of 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 not onely bought the kings consent thereunto but dealing priuately with many priuate 〈◊〉 men promising some and threatning other had made a very 〈◊〉 canuasse The matter being proposed when no man opening his mouth the 〈◊〉 assured himselfe the game was gatten this Bishop suddenly rose vp and exclaimed 〈◊〉 against this horrible exaction saying at last he would suffer himselfe to be hanged rather then he would euer consent vnto it Other then following his example this impudent 〈◊〉 was sent away with a sleeuelesse answere The yeere 1257. he was sent ambassador into Fraunce The yéere 1254. he tooke great paines to worke a peace betwéene the king and the Barons in whose behalfe when he had offered the king conditions as he thought most reasonable which might not be accepted he addicted himselfe vnto their party 〈◊〉 them to fight valiantly in the cause and promised heauen very confidently to them that should dye in defence of the 〈◊〉 For this he was after iustly excommunicated by the Popes legate He died February 5. 1267. at what time repenting much this fault of disobedience vnto his Prince he humbly 〈◊〉 and receiued absolution from that excommunication 41. Nicolas de Ely was consecrate in the beginning of the yéere 1268. and translated to Winchester before the 〈◊〉 of the same yéere Sée more in Winchester 42. Godfry Giffard succéeded He beautified the pillers of the East part of the church by enterlacing little pillers 〈◊〉 marble which he fastened with rings of copper guilt 〈◊〉 died 1304. hauing sate Bishop 34. yéeres fower moneths 〈◊〉 daies 43. William de Geynsborough Doctor of Diuinity was the 26. reader of Diuinity of his order in Oxeford Thence he trauelled to Rome and became Lector sacri palatij 〈◊〉 the Pope bestowed vpon him this Bishopricke He was a great learned man accounted in those times and writ much 44. Walter Reynald sometime schoolemaster vnto king Edward the second first Treasurer then Chauncellor of England became Bishop of Worceter 1308. and was 〈◊〉 to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury 1313. Sée more there 45. Walter 〈◊〉 succéeded 46. Thomas 〈◊〉 Doctor of Diusnity Cannon and Subdeane of Salisbury was elected Archbishop of Canterbury 〈◊〉 Hauing contended a while with the aboue named Walter 〈◊〉 whereof see more in Canterbury he was glad in the end to accept of this Bishopricke into which he entred March 31. 1317. He was a great learned man writ much and was moreouer so honest and vertuous a man as he was commonly called by the name of the good Clerke He lieth buried as one deliuereth in the North I le of the body of his church which Ile he caused all to be vaulted 〈◊〉 at his owne charge I should gesse by some shadow of the 〈◊〉 armes yet to be 〈◊〉 that his toombe is that which we see vpon the south side of the chappell standing on the North side of the body of the church 47. Adam de Orleton Doctor of Lawe was consecrate Bishop of Hereford September 26. 1317. translated to Worceter in Nouember 1327. and then December 1. 1333. vnto Winchester See more there 48. 〈◊〉 Mont-acute cousecrate 1333. was by the Pope translated to Ely 1336. See Ely 49. Thomas 〈◊〉 consecrate 1337. 50. Wulstan de 〈◊〉 Prior of Worceter consecrate 1338. He built the Priors great hall and the bridge of Brandsford vpon Twede two 〈◊〉 aboue Powike 51. Iohn Thorsby Bishop of Saint Dauids was translated to Worceter 1349. and in October 1352. from thence to Yorke See Yorke 52. Reginald Bryan consecrate Bishop of Saint Dauids 1349. the yéere 1352. was translated hither He was by the Pepes gift translated to Ely the yeere 1361. but died before his translation might be perfected by acceptance He lyeth buried by the North wall of a little chappell vpon the North side of the body of the Church as I gather at least wise by his armes engrauen vpon a faire toombe there 53. Dauid consecrate 1361. 54. Iohn Barnet Treasurer of England was consecrate 1362. 〈◊〉 hence to Welles 1363. and 〈◊〉 to Ely 1366. Sée Ely 55. William Wittlesey nephew vnto Simon Islip Archbishop of Canterbury was first Bishop of Rochester 〈◊〉 to Worceter 1363. and then the yéere 1368. to Canterbury Sée more of him there 56. William de Lynne
The king Queene eleuen other Bishops and many nobles being present He died August 27. 1285. hauing continued Archbishop scarcely 6. yeeres 38. Iohn Romano THe 28. of Nouember following viz. 1285. a cannon of Yorke was elected Archbishop and shortly after consecrate at Rome Because his father was a Romane borne he was called by the name of Iohn Romane This man was of base parentage but very learned He built the crosse I le on the North side of the church toward the pallace and a goodly steeple in the middle of the church all at his owne proper costs He built much in the hospitall of Saint Peter and with his owne hands laide the first stone of the great body of the church vpon the South side of the same He liued not to bring that noble worke to any perfection being taken away by death March 15. 1295. when he had continued in that Sée little more than 10 yéeres The yéere before he died he excommunicated Anthony Beake Bishop of Durham being one of the kings Councell and at that time beyond the seas in his seruice Whereat the king being highly displeased the Archbishop thought it his best course to put himselfe to his mercy He did so and was saine to 〈◊〉 the kings fauour with 4000. markes The indignation of a Prince is death saith the Wise man And likely ynough it is that the 〈◊〉 of his displeasure and the trouble that ensued it might soone cause some incurable disease that tooke him away He was buried in his Cathedrall church which with goodly building he had much augmented and beautified 39. Henry Newerk THe Deane of Yorke Henry de Newerk was then chosen Archbishop the seuenth day of May following He was consecrate at home in his owne church about a twelue moneth after to wit in the beginning of the yeere 1297. He had enioyed that honour but two yeeres when by death he was forced to leaue the same 40. Thomas de Corbridg AFter him succéeded Thomas de Corbridge Cannon of Yorke a great learned diuine He denied the king to haue the disposition of a certaine spirituall promotion that fell in his gift wherewith the king was so greatly displeased as he violently tooke from him three Baronies as one saith I thinke he meaneth Mannors appertaining of old vnto his See and detained them so long as this Archbishop liued which was indeede but a short time He sate in all but three yeeres seuen monethes and ten daies Whether it be that few mens minds are so great as to sustaine the burthen of a princes displeasure or that God which promiseth a reward of long life vnto those that 〈◊〉 honour vnto their superiors in his iust iudgement do soonest cut of such as are backward in this duety So surely it hath fallen out for the most part that those Bishops that haue presumed most in opposing themselues against their princes haue least time indured and euer quickly bene taken away whereof I could yeelde infinite examples This Thomas Corbridg died at Lanham the yeere 1303. and was buried at Southwell 41. William de Greenfield HE that then succéeded William de Greenfild was Canon of Yorke and Chauncellour of England vnder king Edward the first A great and wise councellor very eloquent and not vnlearned After his election he was faine to awaite the Popes pleasure two yéeres before he could obtaine consecration which at last he receiued of Pope Clement the fifth anno 1305. But it cost him 9500. markes beside the charge that he was at while he lay in the Popes court a suter By reason of these immoderate expenses he became so bare that at his first returne into England he was faine to make two collections amongst his cleargy in one yeere the first he called a beneuolence the second an aide He was a great fauourer of the templers euery where oppressed in those daies especially by the Pope Philip the french king When he had sate nine yéeres eleuen monethes and two daies he departed this 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 December 13. 1315. and was buried in his cathedrall church in the porch of Saint Nicholas 42. William de Melton SOne after Greenfields death before the end of the yéere 1315. William de Melton Prouost of Beuerly and Canon of Yorke was elected at the instance and earnest request of the king Edward the 2. With the Pope he found no more grace then his predecessor had done vnder two yéeres sute consecration coulde not be had It was at last affoorded him September 25. 1317. at Auinion Almost 23. yéeres hée gouerned the Sée of Yorke and that very woorthily attending diligently not onely the affaires and businesse of his church but also his owne priuate actions indeuoring by chastitie fasting prayer almesdaedes hospitalitie and vertuous behauior like a good pastor to teach and instruct as well by example of life as preaching and doctrine He was very good to his Tenaunts but carefull to preserue and rather to increase then any way to unpaire the state liberties and reuenues of his Church Yet was he not carelesse of the preferment of his seruants and kinred whom as occasion serued he pleasured and aduanced to very good places amongst the rest and by the Popes licence he purchased to a brothers sonne the Mannor of 〈◊〉 Kingsclere and Wentworth which till that time belonged to the Archbishops of Roan He bestowed great cost vpon the shryne of Saint William and finished the west part of the body of his church with the expences of 700. markes He enclosed also a place called the old 〈◊〉 at Yorke with a goodly wall He deceased Aprill 22. or as one deliuereth Aprill 5. 1. 340. at Cawood hauing sate 22. yéeres and almost 7. moneths in which time he had béene successiuely Treasurer and Chauncellor of England His body lieth buried néere the 〈◊〉 in Saint Peters Church 43. William de Zouche VVIlliam de la Souch Deane of Yorke succéeded He had much to doe with one William Kilsby that contended with him two whole yéeres for this Archbishopricke He was consecrate at last by Pope Clement the 6. at Auinion an 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 1346. king Edward going into France left this man his 〈◊〉 heere The Scots taking aduantage of his absence came with a great armie into England At a place called Bewre Parke néere 〈◊〉 crosse they were mette by this Archbishop and diuers of our Nobilitie October 17. where our men so valtantly behaued themselues as the Scots were cuerthrowne two Earles 21. knights and an 〈◊〉 number of other slaine many also taken prisoners and amongst the rest Dauid le 〈◊〉 then king This Bishop a little before his death began the foundation of a Chappell on the south side of the church intending to be buried in the same but being taken away before it could be brought to any perfection he was laied before the altar of Saint Edmund the Confessor He died August 8. 1352. 44. Iohn Thursby THe yéere 1349. Iohn Thursby Bishop of Saint 〈◊〉 was translated
non vendam neque donabo neque impignerabo neque de nouo infeudabo velaliquo modo alienabo in consulto Rom. Pontifice sicut me Deus admuet c. With what ceremony the crosse was woont to be deliuered sée before in William Courtney pag. 104. This Archbishop died February 15. 1502. the second yéere after his translation at Lambhith His body was conueighed to Feuersam by water conducted with 33. watermen all apparelled in blacke a great number of tapers burning day and night in the boate and from thence was caried to Canterbury where it was buried in the middle of the place called the martyrdome vnder a faire marble stone inlaid with brasse He bequeathed to his Church a siluer image of 51. ounces waight and appointed 500. l. to be bestowed in his funerals He built the most part of Otford house and made the yron worke vpon the coping of Rochester bridge 67. William Warham VVIlliam Warham a gentleman of an ancient house was borne in Hamshire brought vp in the Colledge of Winchester and chosen thence to New Colledge in Oxford where he procéeded Doctor of Law Intending then to vse and put in practice the knowledge he had gotten at the Uniuersity he became an aduocate or Doctor of the Arches and soone after Master of the Rolles While he was in that office King Henry the seuenth sent him Embassador to the Duke of Burgundy to perswade him that he should not beléeue the false reports of his Duchesse and to signifie how notably she had abused him and all the world in setting vp two counterfeits against him Lambert that made himselfe the Earle of Warwicke who was then to be séene in the Tower safe ynough and Perkin Warbeck whom she had taught to name him selfe Richard Duke of Yorke that was certainly knowen to haue béene murthered by his wicked vncle long before In this businesse he behaued himselfe so wisely as the king greatly commended him for the same and the Bishopricke of London happening to be void soone after his returne home he procured him to be elected thereunto He had not beene Bishop there two whole yéeres when Henry Deane the Archbishop died to whose place also by the kings speciall indeuour he was aduaunced He was inthronised March 9. 1504. with woonderfull great solemnity The day before his comming to Canterbury the Duke of Buckingham that was his high steward came thither attended with seuen score horse to sée all things in a readinesse The said Duke had also the office of chiefe Butler and therefore being vnable to doo the duties of both he deputed Sir George Bourchier vnto the Butlership Him selfe tooke great paines to sée that nothing might be wanting requisite for the performance of this ceremony in most magnificent manner The next day which was Sunday he met the Archbishop ouer against Saint Andrewes Church and dooing low obeysance vnto him went before him to Christ church At the great gate néere the market place the Prior and Couent receiued him honorably and caried him to the Church whether he went from Saint Andrewes Church barefoote said masse there and was placed in his throne after the accustomed manner From Church he was attended by the Duke as he was thetherward The cheere at dinner was as great as for money it might be made Before the first messe the Duke him selfe came ridinginto the hall vpon a great horse bare headed with his white staffe in his hand and when the first dish was set on the table made obeysance by bowing of his body Hauing so done he betooke him to his chamber where was prouision made for him according to his state With the Archbishop sate the Earle of Esser the Bishop of Man the Lord Aburgauenny the Lord Brooke the Prior of Canterbury and the Abbot of Saint Augustines The Duke at his table was accompanied with the Lord 〈◊〉 Sir Edward Poynings the chiefe Justice of England named Phineux Sir Wilham Scot Sir Thomas Kemp and others A great many other guests were serued in other places noble men and knights at one table Doctors of Diuinity and Law at another and Gentlemen of the country at a third besides an infinite number of meaner calling placed by them selues according to their seuerall degrées But to let passe these matters and to come vnto his gouernement all the time of King Henry the seuenth vnder whom he liued Archbishop some thrée yéeres he enioyed all manner of prosperity being in so great fauor with his Prince as no man greater He dying and his sonne Bing Henry the eight succeeding Cardinall Wolsey that was then but Almosuer and Deaue of Lincolne diued so cunningly into the bosome of the yong king as by and by he ouertopped the Archbishop and quickly wound him out of all authority First by the kings meanes he got from him the Chauncellorship of England Then being Cardinall and the Popes Legate a latere by speciall commisson he set vp a new court called Curia 〈◊〉 vnder colour whereof he drewe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of iurisdiction throughout England into his owne hands and appointed Officials Registers c. in 〈◊〉 Dioces who tooke vp all causes and suffered other 〈◊〉 to whom the iurisdiction of right appertained to sitte still without either regard or profit This deiection of the Archbishop wherein men estéemed him for the time very vnhapy fell out to his great good the others immoderate greatnesse was the cause of his destruction At what time the K. 〈◊〉 to be diuorced from his first wife D. Catherine she 〈◊〉 choice of this our Archb. Nicholas West Bish. of Ely two lawyers and of I. Fisher 〈◊〉 of Rochester and Henry Standish Bishop of Assaph Doctors of Diuinity to assist and direct her in that sute they did so and behaued themselues in such sort as neither the king had cause to be offended with their ouerforwardnes nor she to blame their stacknes or negligēce But the Cardinall that was ioined with Cardinall Campeius in commission wherein they were authorised by the Pope to examine the circumstances of that cause he I say being more slacke in his procéedings then the king expected he should so incensed him against him as shortly after he was content first to take the aduantage of a Premunire against him then to cause him to be arrested of high treason whereof sée more in Yorke Soone after the Cardinals death there was a conuocation held wherein the cleargy was aduertised that they all had fallen into apremunire by yéelding vnto the Cardinals power legantine neuer allowed by the king They determined therefore to redéeme the penalty they had incurred with the paiment of 118. thousand pounds whereof the prouince of Yorke should pay eightéene thousand and Canterbury the rest which was 100000. l. When this gift was to haue béene presented they were certified that the king would not accept of the same except they declared in a Canon that he was supreame head of the church Long this matter was hammering But at last they
cogitation falling a sléepe it séemed vnto him he sawe Saint Peter crowning yoong Prince Edward that liued in exile at that time in Normandy and furthermore to shew how he should raigne 24. yéers and die at the last without issue This Bishop then as he thought asked him who should raigne next whereunto this answere was made The Kingdome of England is Gods Kingdome and he shall prouide a King for it This dreame reported by very Auncient writers and falling out iust according to the prediction may be an example vnto vs not altogether to neglect and despise the admonition of dreames which often fall out strangely This Bishop whether Brithwold or Ethelwold died the yéere 1015. 32. Elsinus or Eadsinus ELsinus or Ealsinus otherwise called Eadsinus was first Chaplaine vnto King Harald and by him preferred to the Bishopricke of Winchester from whence the yéere 1038. he was translated to Canterbury sée more of him in Cant. 33. Alwynus HE was of very great authority with Emma the kings mother that fauoured him so much as many suspected them for liuing ill together Robert the Archbishop of Canterbury acquainted the king with this rumor Whereupon the king presently imprisoned Alwyn and dealt little better with his mother with whom also he was otherwise offended for allowing him so scantly in time of his minority She séemed to purge her selfe by miracle offring to walke vpon nine plow shares red hotte to prooue her innocency which shée is said to haue performed and so was restored to the fauour of her sonne againe Alwyn also was set at liberty and Robert the Archbishop their accuser whether for shame or feare I cannot tell was glad to get him out of the realme What else is to be deliuered of this Bishop this his Epitaphe containeth Hic iacet Alwyni corpus qui munera nobis Contulit egregia 〈◊〉 Christe rogamus Obijt anno 1047. He lieth entoombed vpon the North wall of the Presbytery in Winchester with 〈◊〉 of his predecessors before mentioned Sée more of him in Robert Archbishop of Canter bury 34. Stigandus HE was chaplaine vnto Edward the Confessor and by him preferred to the Bishopricke of Elmham whence that Sée was shortly remooued to Norwich 1043. In the short time he staied there not past fower yéeres he had much adoo with one Grinketell that by money found meanes to cast out Stigand and placed himselfe He could not kéepe his hold long For Stigand quietly recouered it againe and held it till that the yéere 1047. he was translated to Winchester from whence also he was remooued to Canterbury in the yéere 1052. But whether he 〈◊〉 his title to Canterbury Robert the former Archbishop being yet aliue or whether insatiable couetousnes prouoked him thereunto I can not tell he retained still Winchester notwithstanding his preferment to Canterbury which was the cause of his vndoing at last For the Conqueror who came into this realme while he was Archbishop being desirous to place his owne countrey men in all roomes of speciall authority and besides hauing a priuate grudge at Stigand for forcing him to yéeld Kentish men their ancient liberties whereof sée more in Canterbury procured him to be depriued of both his Bishopricks vpon this point that he had contrary to the lawe held them both together He lieth intoombed at Winchester with Wyni the first Bishop inclosed as it séemeth to me with him in the same coffin vpon the North side thereof is written Hiciacet Stigandus Archiepiscopus He was depriued an 1069. and died a prisoner in the castle of Winchester soone after 35. Walkelyn SOone after the depriuation of Stigand Walkelyn a chaplaine of the kings was consecrate Bishop of Winchester viz. an 1070. He fauoured not monkes but displaced them where he might and put in secular priests in their roomes He died Ianuary 3. 1097. So he continued Bishop 27 yéeres In his time to wit the yéere 1079. the Cathedrall church of Winchester that now standeth began first to be built 36. William Giffard AT this time lay Princes euery where tooke vpon them to bestowe Bishoprickes giuing inuestiture and possession of them by deliuering the ring and the crosier Pope Gregory the seuenth first withstood Henry the Emperour in this case and made him at last glad to yéeld vnto canonicall elections King Henry the first taking vnto himselfe the like authority placed diuers of his chaplaines in Bishoprickes without election commanding the Archbishop to consecrate them Amongst diuers other he appointed this William Giffard Bishop of Winchester and required Anselme the Archbishop to consecrate him Anselme vtterly denied to afford consecration either vnto him or any other in the like case The king sent then vnto Girard Archbishop of Yorke whom he found nothing strange But Giffard saith Matthew Westminster timens rigorem Sancti Anselm spernit consecrationem eius stood so much in awe of Saint Anselme as he durst not but reiect the offer of the others consecration The king angry hitherto with the Archbishop onely was now much more incensed against this Giffard and in great displeasure banished him the realme In the ende the king and the Archbishop grew to this agréement that the gifts of the king already passed should be ratified and his clerkes nominated to Bishoprickes haue consecration vpon promise that hereafter he should not disturbe canonicall elections and vtterly renounce his pretended priuiledge So after much adoo he was consecrate together with diuers other an 1107. He sate 21. yéeres and dying Ianuary 25. 1128. was buried at Winchester in his owne church howbeit I sée no memoriall of him there at all 37. Henry de Bloys THis man was brother vnto king Stephen first Abbot of Bermondsey then of Glastonbury and Nouember 17. 1129. consecrated Bishop of Winchester yet not preferred to these places for fauour onely and regard of his nobility for he was very learned He writ many things both in prose and verse if Bale say true and amongst the rest one booke extant conteining an history of the finding of king Arthurs bones in the abbey of Glastonbury at what time himselfe was Abbot and a speciall dooer in that action If in all the stures and contentions betwixt his brother and Maud the Empresse concerning the kingdome he stucke close vnto his brother it is no great maruaile Yet true it is that his brother being taken prisoner by the Empresse ann 1141. he accursed and excommunicate all those that stoode against her whom no man doubted to be the true inheretrice of the crowne By his meanes notwithstanding his brother recocouered quickly his liberty and kingdome In the meane time the Empresse being iealous of the Bishop came sodainly to Winchester and the Bishop doubting her comming to be to no other end but to surprise him went out at one gate as she entred at another Within a fewe daies hauing gotten force about him he returned to Winchester in an vnhappy houre For whether by his direction or no it is not certaine but by