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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04477 A sermon made in latine in Oxenforde in the raigne of King Edwarde the sixt, / by the learned and godly father Iohn Iuel, late Bishop of Sarisburie, and translated into Englishe, by R.V. Dedicated vnto the Bishop of London, as appeareth in the Commentarie of Ma. Caluine, vpon the Galathians, in Englishe. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Vaux, Robert. 1581 (1581) STC 14609.5; ESTC S106654 14,237 44

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¶ A Sermon made in latine in Oxenforde in the raigne of King Edwarde the sixt by the learned and godly Father Iohn Iuel late Bishop of Sarisburie and translated into Englishe by R. V DEDICATED VNTO the Bishop of London as appeareth in the Commentarie of Ma. Caluine vpon the Galathians in Englishe 1. Cor. 9.16 Wo is vnto me if J preache not the Gospell Jmprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote dwelling in S. Nicholas shambles within the Nevv-rentes at the signe of the Lucrece M. Doctor Humfrey in his Booke which he writeth of the life and death of Iuel Pagina 49. QVam autem in templo Diuae Mariae concionē habuerit quàm latinè qùā comptè quàm Theologicè me silēte ipsa loquetur Oratio cuius exemplū mutilum vt potui aliquantulum recognitum correctius exhibere malui quàm omninò supprimere quae Concionatores multa vtiliter cōmonefacit progradu Baccalaureatus suscepto recitata videtur verbis ex 1. Pet. 4. desumptis dominica intra Octau Ascensionis But what maner of sermon he made in S. Maries Church in how excellent Latine he made it how finely how like a Diuine he did it his matter shal shew notwithstanding I holde my peace the vnperfecte example whereof beinge as well as I coulde somewhat perused and amended I had rather sette out then altogether suppresse it or keepe it backe which profitably putteth in mind and warneth preachers of manye things and seemeth to haue bene preached when he toke his degree of Bachelaure in Diuinitie the wordes being taken out of the first Epistle of Peter the 4. Chapiter vpon the Sonday within the Octauois of the Ascension A learned and Godly Sermon made in the Latine tongue in S. Maries in Oxenford vpon the Sonday after the Ascention in the raigne of King Edward the sixt by the famous and excellent Clearke Maister Iuel late Bishop of Sarisburie and done into English by R. V. The text If any man speake let him talk as the wordes of God 1. Pet. 4.11 BRethren beloued in Christ I haue chosen these wordes chiefly out of that Epistle of S. Peter which are accustomed to bee reade vnto the people this day because that whereas I must preache in Latine according to the custome of this place and time the same in mine opinion seemed to belong properly to this assembly The which that they may be plainlier and better vnderstande of you all I must repeate a fewe wordes from the beginning of this whole Epistle Wherefore we must call to mynd because in those firste tymes christian Religion was shutte out euerye where as pernitious to mens soules and an infection of common wealthes and that it seemed greate godlinesse to roote oute the bringers in of newe Religion least I saye that Christian men and those that were Godlye shoulde in that season vtterlye bee discouraged and caste awaye all hope Saynt Peter doeth so instructe them with this Epistle that they shoulde consider no newe or vnwonted thing to haue happened that Christe himselfe hath suffered farre bitterer and vnworthyer thinges that they shoulde not be faynte harted lastlye that the waye to glorye is by afflictions and crosses And to that purpose hee warneth the people by themselues and the Bishoppes also what belongeth to eache of them to take heede of Concerning that whiche belongeth vnto the people he sayth that they haue spente tyme ynough before vpon wickednesse and that now they ought to chaunge their life with their Religion That godlinesse is placed not in outwarde shewe and titles but in soundnesse of life and innocencie of manners That it is an ill thing with mouth and tongue onelye to worshippe GOD and to gyue oure mynde and soule to worshippe the Deuill and to disagree from Idolators not in life and manners but in wordes and profession onely And because they hadde departed from the moste aunciente Ordinaunces and lawes of their forefathers and that they being but a few had stirred all kinde of menne agaynste them hee warneth them that they yet woulde in all kynde of duetyes practyse charitie among themselues one towarde another leaste they shoulde bee deuyded at any tyme by any dissention of myndes or studyes That this is onelye the token of Iesus Christe whereby the bondestaues of the Deuill maye bee knowne from the Children of GOD. That so it shall come to passe shortelye that all the whole worlde shall imbrace the Gospell and the heauenly doctrine and that the enemies and the haters of the crosse of Christ whome godlines coulde not mone may through shame be ouercome and returne to themselues And the Bishops hee warneth that in those moste harde times they see to their office with all diligence and care and that they looke about them diligently that y e Congregation take no harme And that it is not a sporting matter but a very greate burthen that they haue taken vpō them And therfore if they preache at any time to the people that they speake as the wordes of God and that they so behaue themselues that others which heare thē may thinke that they heare not men but the messengers and interpreters of the word of GOD. This is the portion of scripture that I iudged most fit for this time and place For because therefore that partely we are entred into the holy ministerie partly as I hope we haue alreadie directed the course of our studies to that point we shall be taughte in this place how this heauenly office is to be garnished that our labor may in time to come be very profitable to the churche of God and the holy Gospell bee moste largely spread abroade But that this may be done the more orderlye and leaste I should wander or go out of course in my speaking I thinke it good to touche these three poyntes in few words First That a Preacher should speake secondlye What he shoulde speake Thirdly How he should speake that it maye bee vnderstanded First that hee is scantly a good preacher which neuer speaketh any thing to the Congregation secondly that a Preacher must set forth vnto the people not old wiues fables but y e worde of God and last of al that that same word of God must be handled reuerently and worthilye according to the dignitie of the matter But that God almightye woulde lighten all your hartes and my voice with his holy spirite and that some fruite may come hereof vnto vs all I desire of you that you wil helpe my weakenesse with your deuoute prayers First of all I commend vnto your deuotion the vniuersall Church of Christ dispersed throughout the whole worlde and as now it falleth out in many places miserably afflicted and namely this our Church of England and Irelande and in the same for our noble King Edward his Maiestie his most noble Sisters Marie and Elizabeth the priuie Counsayle the rulers ecclesiasticall and politicall and all the people of England both Vniuersities chiefly this Vniuersitie of Oxenforde the Chauncelor y e Vicechaunceler the Proctors Robert Noruent
President of Corpus Christi Colledge Doctor Raynald Maister of Merton Colledge and all the scholers in both these Colledges Ye shall giue thankes vnto God almightie for King Henry the seuenth and Henry the eight Kings of noble memorie for Humfrey Duke of Glocester c. that of his infinite goodnesse he hath kindled those lightes to the nourishing of good letters and spreading abroade of Religion And ye shall praye that it woulde please him to raise vp others hereafter like vnto these to gather vs all to their societie into the bosome of Abraham Let him that speaketh speake as the wordes of God To the end that the pith of these wordes may be the better vnderstanded because I must intreate both of Pastors and before Pastors I haue vsed this diuision To shew first that a Pastor should speake often next of all that hee should speake out of the holy scriptures last of al That he should speake grauely and modestly according to the worthines of the matter And surely concerning the office of Pastors as yet I see not sufficiently what I shold speake or not speak For to speake that which hath bene before so often spoken were not only hatefull but out of season and to speake nothing of so great slouth and dastardie of our times I am much afrayde mighte seeme to shew a sluggard and a dastarde Truely in this case if the voyce of the immortall God might be hearde there were no neede at this time of my voyce For that I maye saye nothing beside all the scriptures doe sufficiently warne vs of our duetie God himselfe hath commaunded nothing at any time eyther more often or else with more weightie wordes than that his people shoulde be instructed to know him themselues and godlinesse Thou son of man sayth God in Esay Crie and cease not crie oute aloude lifte vp thy voyce as a Trumpet and shewe vnto my people their wickednesse How oft doth Christ crie Go yee Teache ye Preache ye the Gospell to euerie creature Wo vnto mee sayth the Prophet because I haue kepte silence Wo vnto me sayth Paule if I preache not the Gospell But such is either our securitie or daintinesse beside that wee haue stopped our eare against wholesome counsaile that we account it as a reproche if a man warne vs of our dutie Neuerthelesse whatsoeuer it seemeth to vs this hath seemed to God a helpe both very firme and verye great to the making vp of his Church For so hath GOD brought vs out of darkenesse into light so hath he restored vs being deade vnto life so hath he broughte vs being prisoners and captiues out of hel into heauen so hath he broken the powers of the Diuell so hath he broughte vs back agayne into his owne power and dominion so hath he spreade abroade the fame of his name into all landes For if Christ if the Apostles if the Prophets had held their peace in what case had we now bene in what religion had there ben any where what worship of God hadde there bene That we beholde the light that we haue escaped out of bondage that wee are accounted and be the sonnes of God all that I saye wee owe vnto the preaching of the worde of God Let vs not deceaue our selues brethren let vs not deceaue our selues Our matters are not so firmly established that they cannot fall Except we take heede excepte we looke about except we put to studie diligence all thinges will easily slide and fall into their former estate A lampe excepte you put oyle oft in it will soone be out The victorie is kept euen by such meanes as it is gotten For what engines doth not the deuill now vse what craftes doth hee not practise what way doth he not take to ouerthrow the Churche of God Hee keepeth scoutwatch alwayes he is neuer weried hee hath broughte in so many vices so much ignoraunce so great blindenesse that there is no place in whiche a Preacher ought to be idle And as if the sunne were taken away from the world all thinges should be left darke disparkled and confounded so if the voyce of the Pastor bee taken out of the Church religion is left at sixe and seuen it is left blinde troubled all thinges are mingled with error susterstition and Idolatrie of so great weight is it to be a stewarde of the house of God The Gospel religion Godlinesse the health of the Churche dependeth of vs alone This is our office this we take vpon vs this we professe And excepte wee doe this wee doe nothing wee serue to no vse It is not ynough to knowe I wote not what learning The Deuils perhappes knowe more then any of vs all It belongeth vnto a Pastor not so muche to haue learned many thinges as to haue taughte muche Lette it shame vs that the basest kynde of men euen Coblars and Porters doe that whiche belongeth vnto them and wee whiche oughte to giue light to al other are idle and do nothing For God would not haue vs idle bellies but hee woulde haue vs both bee interpreters of his minde ministers of Iesus Christe Atturneyes of the people before the Lorde of Sabaoth the lighte of worlde salte Angels and the sonnes of GOD and so to bee called And we are appoynted to gouerne not dumme Cattell not wylde Beastes but the flocke of the Lorde but the sonnes of GOD but the brethren of Christ If any of these shall perishe thorowe our default his blood shall be required at our handes If these thinges alone were stil set before vs in oure eyes and myndes wee woulde not so caste from vs careleslye and vnaduisedlye the safegarde of our Bretheren and of our selues wee woulde not so cast from vs the blood of Christ There is no cause why anye shoulde saye Wee speake to them that are deafe the people giue no eare wee laboure for them whiche are vnthankefull we preuayle not we cast that whiche is holye vnto Dogges Wee giue Pearles to Swine Wee knowe that otherwhile these thinges are truely spoken and it greeueth me exceedingly that they may be so truly spoken against those that be Christian men Yet for all this we may not therfore hold our peace but speake so much the oftener so muche the sharper so much the hotter For looke how muche the disease is more perilous so much the more needeth there a Phisition Neyther can wee iustly complayne of the peoples stubbornesse while we our selues doe all the while nothing Let vs doe our indeauor and leaue the successe vnto the Lorde Then shall they if they be of so frowarde a minde that they will not heare die in their owne sinne But there is no cause why we shoulde bee in dispayre of the peoples saluation God himselfe husbanded the Vine which for Grapes broughte out wilde Grapes GOD himselfe hath all the daye long stretched out his handes to a rebelious and ouerthwarte people