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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69688 The negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, the great Cardinall of England containing his life and death, viz. (1) the originall of his promotion, (2) the continuance in his magnificence, (3) his fall, death, and buriall / composed by one of his owne servants, being his gentleman-vsher. Cavendish, George, 1500-1561?; Cavendish, William, Sir, 1505?-1557. 1641 (1641) Wing C1619; ESTC R223198 84,018 137

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a meeting and received him with much joy and reverence and so passed forth with my Lord in communication untill wee came neere the said Standingfield which is a religious place standing betweene the English French and Imperiall Dominions being a Newter holding of neither of them Then there we waited for my Lord le Count Brian Captaine of Picardy with a great number of Stradigatts or Arboncies standing in array in a great peece of greene Oates all in harnesse upon light horses passing on with my Lord in a wing into Bulloigne and so after into Picardy for my Lord doubted that the Emperour would lay some Ambushment to betray him for which cause he commanded them to attend my Lord for the safety of his owne person to conduct him from the danger of his enemies Thus rode hee accompanied untill hee came nigh to Bulloigne within an English mile where all the worshipfull Citizens of Bulloigne came and met him having a learned man that made an Oration in Latine to him unto the which my Lord made answer and that done Monsieur de Bees Captaine of Bulloigne with his retinue met him on horseback with all his Assemblie Thus he marched into the Towne lighting at the Abbey gate from whence he was conveyed into the Abbey with procession and there they presented him with the Image of our Lady commonly called our Lady of Bulloigne where was alwayes great offerings That done he gave his blessing to the people with certaine dayes of pardon Then went he into the Abbey to his lodging but all his traine were lodged in the high base Towne The next day after he had heard Masse he rode to Muterell where he was in like manner saluted by the worshipfull of the Towne all in livery alike where also a learned Oration was made to him in Latine which his Grace answered againe in Latine And as hee entered in at the gate there was a Canopie of Silke imbroydered with like Letters as his men had on their coates And when he was alighted his Footmen had it as due to their Office There was also made Pageants for joy of his comming who was called in the French tongue whither ever he rode or came Le Cardinall de Patifagus and in Latine Cardinalus Patifagus who was accompanied all that night with the Gentlemen of the Country thereabouts The next day he tooke his journey towards Abovile where he was in like manner entertained and conveyed into the Towne and most honourably welcommed with divers kindes of Pageants both costly and wittily contrived to every turning of the streetes as he rode through the Towne having a Canopie borne over him richer then at Muterill and so conveyed him to his lodging which was a faire house newly built with Brick at which house the French King Lowis was married to the Kings Sister which was married after to the Duke of Suffolke In this Towne of Abovile hee remained eight or nine dayes where resorted unto him divers of the French Kings Counsell every day continually feasting and entertaining him and the other Lords At the time of his departing out of the Towne he rode to a Castle beyond the water called by some Le Channell Percequeine standing adjoyning to the said water upon a great Hill and Rock within the which there was a Coledge of Priests The scituation whereof was much like to the Castle of Windsor in England and there he was received with a solemne procession conveying him first to the Church and then to the Castle upon the Bridge over the water of Some where King Edward the Fourth met with the French King as you may reade at large in the Chronicles of England My Lord was no sooner seated in his lodging but I heard that the French King would come that day to the City of Amience which was not above six English miles from thence And being desirous to see his comming thither I tooke with mee two of my Lords Gentlemen and rode presently thither And being but strangers wee tooke up our lodging at the signe of the Angell directly over against the west dore of the Cathedrall Church de nostre Dame where wee stayed in expectation of the Kings comming And about foure of the clock came Madame Regent the Kings Mother riding in a very rich Charriot and with her within was the Queene of Navarre her Daughter attended with a hundred or more of Ladies and Gentlewomen following every one riding upon a white Palfrey also her guard which was no small number And within two dayes after the King came in with a great Shot of Gunnes there was divers Pageants made onely for joy of his comming having about his person and before him a great number of Noblemen and Gentlemen in three companies The first were of Swithers and Burgonians with gunnes The second were Frenchmen with Bowes The third were le Carpe-fall Scottishmen who were more comely persons then all the rest The French guard and Scottish had all one Livery being apparalled with rich Coates of white Cloath with a rich guard of silver Bullione of a handfull broad The King came riding on a rich Jennet and did alight at the said great Church and was conveyed with procession to the Bishops Pallace where hee was lodged The next morning I rode againe to Picegueny to attend upon my Lord and when I came my Lord was ready to goe on horsebacke to ride towards Amience and passing on his way hee was saluted by divers Noble personages making him Orations in Latine to whom my Lord made answer ex tempore Then was word brought him that the King was ready to meete him wherefore hee had no other shift but to light at an old Chappell that stood hard by the high way and there hee newly apparrelled himselfe in rich array and so mounted againe upon an other Mule very richly trapped with a foote cloath of crimson velvet purled with gold and fringed about the edges with a fringe of gold very costly his stirrops of silver guilt the Bosses of the same and the checkes of his Mules bit were all guilt with fine gold and by that time hee was mounted againe in this gorgious manner the King was come very neere within lesse then an English quarter of a mile his guard standing in array upon the top of an high hill expecting my Lords comming to whom my Lord made as much hast as conveniently hee could untill hee came within a paire of Buts length and there hee stayed The King perceiving that caused Monsieur van de Mount to issue from him and to ride to my Lord Cardinall to know the cause of his tarrying and so Monsieur van de Mount being mounted upon a very faire Jennet tooke his race with his horse till hee came even to my Lord and then hee caused his horse to come aloft twice or thrice so neere my Lords Mule that hee was in doubt of his horse
after the King had taken this strong Towne and taken possession thereof set all things in good order for the defence and preservation thereof to his Majesties use then hee retyred from thence and marched towards Turney and there layd siege in like manner to which he gave so fierce assault that the Enemies were constrained to render the Towne to his Majestie At which time the King gave unto the Almoner the Bishopricke of the same Sea towards his paines and diligence susteined in that journey And when he had established all things according to his princely minde and pleasure and furnished the same with men and Captaines of Warre for the safegard of the Towne hee prepared for his returne to England But now you shall understand by the way that whilst the King was absent with a great power in France the Scottish King invaded England against whom the Queene sent a great Army the Earle of Surrey being generall where he overthrew the Scots at Blamston called Hoddenfield where the King of Scots was slaine with divers of his Nobility and eighteene thousand men and they tooke all his munition for warre By this time the King returned into England and tooke with him divers Noble personages of France being prisoners As the Duke of Longuido Viscount Clerimond with divers others that were taken in a skirmish And thus God gave him victory at home and victory abroad being in the fift yeere of his raigne Anno Dom. one thousand five hundred and thirteene CHAP. IIII. The Kings promoting his Almoner being made Cardinall and Lord Chancellor of England THe King being returned into England the Sea of Lincolne became voyd by the death of Doctor Smith late Bishop there which Bishopricke the King gave to the Almoner Elect of Turney who was not negligent to take possession thereof but made all speed for his Consecration the solemnization thereof being ended hee found a way to get into his hands all his predecessors goods whereof I have seene divers parts that furnished his house It was not long after but Doctor Bambrige Archbishop of Yorke dyed at Rohan in France being there the Kings Ambassadour unto which Sea the King presented the last new Bishop of Lincolne so that he had three Bishopricks in his hands at one time all in one yeare given him Then prepared he againe for his translation from the Sea of Lincolne to that of Yorke as he did before to his Installation After which Solemnization done and being then Archbishop and Primus Angliae thought himselfe sufficient to compare with that of Canterbury and did thereupon advance his Crosses in the Courts and every other place aswell in the Precinct and Iurisdiction of Canterbury as any other place And forasmuch as Canterbury claimeth a superioritie over Yorke aswell as over any other Bishopricke within England and for that cause claimeth an acknowledgement as in ancient obedience of Yorke to abate advancement of his Crosses to the Crosses of Canterbury Notwithstanding Yorke not desisting to beare the same although Canterburie gave Yorke a cheeke for the same and told him it was presumption by reason whereof there ingendered some grudge betweene them But shortly after he obtained to be made Cardinall and Legatus de Literis unto whom the Pope sent the Cardinalls Cap and certaine Bulls for his authority in that behalfe whereupon he was Installed at Westminster in great Triumph which was executed by all bishops with their Mitres Cappes and other ornaments And after all this he was made Chancellour of England and Canterbury who was the Chancellour was dismissed Now he being in the Chancelourship and endowed with the promotions of Archbishop and Cardinall de Litera thought himselfe so fully furnished that he was now able to surmount Canterbury in all Iurisdictions And in all Ecclesiastical powers to Convocate Canterbury and all other Bishops spiritual persons to assemble at his Convocations where he would assigne and take upon him the conversion of all Ministers and others within their Iurisdictions and visited all the spirituall houses in their Diocesse and all manner of spirituall Ministers as Commissioners Scribes Apparators and all other necessarie Officers to furnish his Courts and did convent by convention whom he pleased through this Realme and Dominion and all other persons to the glory of his Dignitie Then had he two great Crosses of silver whereof one was of his Archbishopricke and the other of his Legasie borne before him wheresoever he rode or went by two of the tallest Priests that he could get in this Realme And to the increase of his gaine he had in his hand the Bishopricke of Durham and S. Albons in Commendum Also when Doctor Fox Bishop of Winchester dyed he did surrender Durham to the King and took himselfe to Winchester He had also as it were in Farme the Bishopricks of Bath Worcester and Hereford for the Incumbents of them were strangers Hee had also attending upon him men of great possessions and the tallest Yeomen for his guard in the Realme CHAP. V. Of the Orders and Offices of his house and Chappell ANd first for his House you shall understand that he had in his Hall three Boards kept with three severall Officers that is to say a Steward that was alwayes a Priest a Treasurer that was ever a Knight and a Controller that was an Esquire Also a Confessor a Doctor Three Marshalls three Vshers in the Hall besides two Almoners and Groomes Then had he in the hall-kitchin two Clarkes a Clarke Comptroller and a Surveyor over the Dresser A Clarke in the Spycerie which kept continually a Messe together in the Hall Also he had in the Hall-kitchin two Cookes and labourers and children twelve persons Foure men of the Scullery two yeomen of the Pastry with two other Past-layers under the yeomen Then had he in his Kitchin a master Cooke who went daily in Velvet or Satin with a gold chaine besides two other Cookes and six Labourers in the same Roome In the Larder one Yeoman and a Groome In the Scullery one Yeoman and two Groomes In the Buttery two yeomen and two groomes In the Ewry so many In the Sellar three Yeomen three Pages In the Chandery two yeomen In the Wayfary two yeomen In the Wardrop of Beds the Master of the Wardrop and twenty persons besides in the Laundery a yeoman and a groome and thirteene Pages two yeomen Purveyours and a groome Purveyor In the Bakehouse two yeomen and groomes In the Woodyard one yeoman and a groome In the Barne one yeoman Porters at the Gate two Yeomen and two Groomes A Yeoman in his Barge and a Master of his Horse a Clarke of the Stables and a Yeoman of the same a Farrier and a yeoman of the Stirrop a Maltlour and sixteene Groomes every one of them keeping foure Geldings Now will I declare unto you the Officers of his Chappell and singing men of the same First hee had there a Deane a great Divine and a man