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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11433 Fortunes fashion pourtrayed in the troubles of the Ladie Elizabeth Gray, wife to Edward the fourth. Written by Tho. Sampson. Sampson, Thomas, poet. 1613 (1613) STC 21686; ESTC S104563 18,630 48

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FORTVNES FASHION Pourtrayed in the troubles of the Ladie Elizabeth Gray wife to EDWARD the fourth Written by Tho. Sampson ANCHORA SPEI LONDON Printed for William Iones and are to be sold at his shop at White-crosse streete end by the Church 1613. TO HIS MANY WAIES INDEERED FRIEND Mr. Henry Pilkington of Gadsby in the Countie of Leicester Gentleman SIR this Tragicall history being no fiction but a true relation of the many troubles of a distressed Queene I offer to your patronage for two especiall causes the one for the long continued loue betweene vs the other for that I know your name is a sufficient protection for it and me against the many find-faults that this age is pestered with who themselues being not able or too idle to do any thing worth the reading yet are composed of such a snarling substance that nothing can escape their eye or eare without a scoffe how euer it displeaseth such I care not if it content you I haue my desire not doubting but when you are wearied with more serious studies you will at some times peruse this And so I leaue you to liue happily Your assured friend THO. SAMPSON The Argument for the better vnderstanding of the Readers WHen Henry the sixt king of that name in England was by the Earle of Warwicke and others thought vnmeete to gouerne the kingdome and Edward the fourth claimed the Crowne in a battell neare to Saint Albans Henry the sixt was taken prisoner in the 39 yeare of his reigne Anno Dom. 1461. All king Henries forces were slaine or put to flight amongst whom was slain on king Henries part one Sir Iohn Gray husband of this Lady Elizabeth Gray of whose troubles this historie now discourseth This Lady was after maried to king Edward the fourth she was daughter to the Lady Iaquet daughter to Peter Earle of Saint Paul neece to the Lord Lewis of Leutzenbrugh which Lady Iaquet was first married to Iohn Duke of Bedford and Regent of France and afterward she was married to Sir Richard Woodvile Lord Riuers by whom she had this Lady Elizabeth and others When king Edward was setled in his kingdome and had imprisoned Henry the sixt in the Tower of London the Earle of Warwicke was sent into France to intreate a marriage betweene King Edward the fourth and the Lady Bona daughter to Lewis Duke of Sauoy and sister to the Lady Carlot then wife to the French King in whose Court this Lady Bona then was which motion was well liked of by the French King and all things sorted to the Earle of Warwicks desire But in the meane time while these things were working in France King Edward going to his Mannor of Grafton in the countie of Northampton in the time of the Kings remaining there this Lady Gray was an humble suter to the King that she might haue her Ioynter giuen her which because her husband was slaine on King Henries part was since his death detained from her King Edward liked her so well that after many amorous discourses she was married to him at Grafton where first he fancied her The Kings mother and many of the Nobilitie did dislike of this mariage because she was a widow and his subiect This King was married to this Lady Gray before the Earle of Warwicke was returned from France which some say who will talke much and know little was the cause of the warres afterwards betweene the King and the Earle But the Earles hatred against the King was for another cause as in the Chronicles you may reade What troubles and griefe happened to this Queene in the time of her husband the Kings life and after his death you may imagine You see her newly risen out of her graue and in the extremity of her griefe speaking as followeth The troubles of the Ladie Elizabeth Gray wife to Edward the fourth SOmetime I was vnhappie was that time Wherein I liu'd and neuer tasted ioyes That did not wither ere they were in prime Honors are such vncertaine fading toyes I was king Edwards wife a wofull Queene As in this history may plaine be seene O had my loue in my first choice remaind How happie had I bene from griefe how free Of wofull haps I neuer had complaind But that must needs be that the fates decree The Cottage seated in the dale below Stands safe when highest towers do ouerthrow My youth was blest in loue with equall choice The matter fit prepared for loues fier In which while I consum'd nere did my voice Nor thoughts consent to wish my fortunes higher Thus in the valley whil'st my loue did rest My loue though lowly none more highly blest But fatall powers with vnreuersd decree Whom hecatombs of prayers may not perswade To adde one minute to the blisse they see Or spare one day what but a day was made Their course is fixt and cannot be preuented They best abide their might that are contented Whose power in me distressed erst was knowne When Edward fourth of name obtaind the Crowne And put sixt Henry from his regall throne Raising himselfe by casting others downe Greedy Ambition endlesse in desiring On others ruine foundeth her aspiring There first began the groundworke of my woe There lost I him that had my prime of loue And then the prime of sorrowes I did know In prime of ioy which did more sorrowes moue The daintiest palate with exactest skill Distasts the relish of the bitter pill There was my husband slaine on Henries part Then was I left a widow desolate Yet once againe loue chose another dart Whose golden head I thought would raise my fate King Edwards loue I meane but what ensude The Crowne I gain'd I euer after rewde To Witchwood forrest when this King did go For his delight to hunt the fearfull Deere He went to Grafton thence my second woe Did spring it was my hap then to be there Attendant on my mother in which space I was an humble Suter to his Grace That he would please to pitie my estate That I might haue my Ioynter giuen me Seeing my hopes were then so ruinate That I was like to taste of miserie Such was my case except it were relieued At my complaint he very much was grieued And mou'd with pitie did commiserate My cause my selfe he seem'd to fancie then With gracious words lamenting my estate Bad me take comfort ô the wiles of men He courted me and I at last did yeeld My honor sau'd that he should win the field A King to woo his subiect in such sort As no dishonor by his loue might rise Blame me not then if to that princely port I was contented to be led as prize Where honor grac'd with regall maiestie Was Pilot to my ship in ieopardie Though long he sude I granted at the last To be his wife such shew of honest loue His princely heart did seeme to haue embrac'd I was content the nuptiall sports to proue No wanton lust did harbour in my thought
What should I do or whither should I flie But still in danger of my mortall foe To wish for death the end of earthly woe Two yeares he reign'd in feare and bloudie strife In which meane time in Sanctuarie I Did shroud my selfe to saue my wretched life And linger out my dayes in miserie Though death farre better was in such a case My womans heart could hardly death embrace His breach of faith his odious cruelties First caused Buckingham to leuie armes And in the North it caused mutinies Men sought to ' venge the many grieuous harmes That wrongfully they saw him dayly do To all estates as well to friend as foe This made Earle Richmond find so many friends When he layd claime vnto the English Crowne Who doth not wish all tyrants speedie ends Who will not helpe to cast a tyrant downe The King of Kings that all mens acts doth see Will neuer let such men vnpunisht be Not long before Earle Richmond came to shore King Richard sent to me perswading men To make excuse for what was done before With promises of gracious proffers then They layd long siege vnto my weake defence With vowes and oaths to cleare him from offence With kindest promises of future good To me or any one that I could name I well considering in what case I stood Grew milder and at last did seeme to frame My selfe as pliant to their masters will Yet was my heart free from one thought of ill The Eagle towring in the loftie skie If he vnto his prey do kindnesse vse Vnder whose stroake their life or death doth lie Were it not madnesse in them to refuse His profferd fauour since they must obay His will because they cannot scape away Such was my case although not so considered He was the Eagle that was mounted hie I and my friends the prey discomforted Stood at his will to liue or else to die Our safeties he did proffer gold and loue I was content our better haps to proue He did desire but that I would conceiue A good opinion of his deeds to come And not my selfe so fondly to deceiue Mistaking things that then were past and done Alas I knew it was then in his power To date our liues one day or but an hower My secret foes if any such there were They knew or at the least they might haue knowne I wisht Earle Richmond well and ioyd to heare That Richards state should soone be ouerthrowne I did procure my friends with power and will To aide the Earle King Richards bloud to spill Which though in secret to my friends I said I durst not but seeme pleased to forgiue All former faults although in heart I praid That cruell Richard might no longer liue To bathe in bloud full oft on bended knee With teares I praid that I his death might see What should I hold you in a long discourse Faire words preuaild and I did giue consent Knowing our fortunes hardly could be worse I with my daughters to his pallace went Where he did giue cōmand and straightly charge Our welcome should be great our freedome large I knew the time was neare and then at hand That Henry Earle of Richmond meant to trie In warlike battell with a valiant band Either to winne the Crowne or else to die I knew what Noble men would take his part I gaind him friends and gaue to his my heart I ioyd to heare that Richard lost the field Who did not pray to see his ouerthrow He being slaine who did not freely yeeld Each man was glad and wisht it might be so Of Yorke and Lancaster then grew the vnion Whose former strife wrought many mens cōfusion The conquering King according to his oath Was married to my daughter presently Which to helpe forward no man seemed loth But all were aiders as fidelitie Did bind them to performe this being done I ioyd once more to haue a King my sonne Foole that I was to glorie in the thing Which prou'd to me vnpleasant in the end I like the swan before my death did sing As litle knowing what they did intend That secretly conspir'd to worke my fall And sodainly did turne my sweete to gall Henry the 7. The second yeare of this King Henries raigne The Councell did decree that wretched I The more to aggrauate my griefe and paine Should lose my lands and liue in penurie Because I did accept in outward show Of Richards kindnesse They did litle know How easily a captiuated man Will yeeld to him that is his conqueror And gladly please in any thing he can The fury of a sauage tormenter Especially in such a case as this Where wil might hurt but could not help my wish I had too lately knowne his bloudy mind I was vnable to withstand his force I knew no place of safetie where to find My state was like to grow from bad to worse Which made me willingly accept the good That he did vow to me and to my blood Alas what could a silly woman do My female frailtie might haue colourd this I feard to taste the furie of my foe Because my strength was all too weake for his I timorously did feare the bloudie slaughters That he might do to me and to my daughters What hurt or danger to Earle Richmonds plot Could my dissembled peace with Richard be What face so faire but that a fault or spot A partiall Iudge will say he there doth see It 's better die and not to liue at all Then be so weake with euery blast to fall When I was grac'd with fauour of my King Whilst he did liue that did support and stay Those whom I pleasde into his grace to bring All then was iust that I would do or say He being gone and that I was declining At my estate how many were repining Had I bene cruell couetous or strange When poore distressed suters to me cride From good conceit to bad then might they change Had I the needy naked soule denide Of any helpe that then was in my power Then had I liu'd too long if but an hower But if my heart did pitie widowes teares The fatherlesse if I did helpe to right And set the needie free from many feares Wherewith they were opprest by men of might To all estates since I was then a friend Why should their gratefulnesse so quickly end And more then so not onely to forget Good turnes once done but to requite them ill That well deseru'd of all in each respect So farre so blindly to be led by will Or vile ingratitude the filthiest sinne That euer humane creatures liued in If this had hapned in a land vnknowne Where I had neuer liued as a Queene Had this bene done by any but my owne My griefes should lesse in all respects haue beene What made the mightie Caesar wish to die The griefe that Brutus was his enemie I thought all stormes of misery were past My daughter being married to the King I thought my pleasures then would euer last I neuer lookt for any change of thing My innocencie would not let me feare The grieuous censure that was then so neare Bermondsey Abbey in Southwarke neare London With wounded heart the remnant of my dayes In th'Abbey of Bermondsey in teares I spent Still death I wisht and hated those delayes That fearfull frailtie did to me present I cald for death and weary was to liue For well I knew life could no pleasures giue And when the end of all my griefes drew nie And that my date of life was neare expired With willing heart I was content to die And Atropos I earnestly desired To cut the threed that did prolong my life Because in me all sorrowes were so rife My corps being dead to Windsor was conuaid And there interred fitting my degree Euen in that place where my deare Lord was laid There at this day the tombe is yet to see Vnto which place now I my griefes haue told I must returne and shroud my selfe in mold Then did this Queene returne vnto her rest And vanisht leauing to my memorie Here to relate what she to me rehearst In which recitall if infirmitie Cause me forget that which I should haue spoken Imagine that which I haue now forgotten If such the world in former times hath beene That highest states most subiect were to fall How true said she that late was Englands Queene When she her selfe at that time was in thrall Loe yonder milk-maid liues more merrily It was the saying of Queene Elizabeth when she was prisoner in the time of Queen Mary Then I that am of noble progenie Not to be great is therefore to be sure From fortunes wracke for this we dayly see The highest trees do sharpest stormes endure When those that planted in the valley be Do seldome feare and neuer feele the frowne Of boisterous stormes that others doth cast downe A vertuous life suruiues when cruell death Hath soule from earthly body seuered And hath bereft vs of our vitall breath Yet worthy deeds should be remembered Succeeding ages should them deifie Whose liues and deaths were full of pietie But what auaileth it to haue bene great Or what to haue bene friendly vnto many When they shall come to sit in sorrowes seate Themselues shall seldome be relieu'd by any For misery hath many lookers on And some that pitie but adiutors none This Queene was by descent of noble blood Of vertuous life yet in obliuions graue How long hath she in darke obscurenesse stood Shall good deserts such cold requitall haue Vngratefull minds that were by dutie bound Her name and fame vnto the world to sound Queenes Colledge which of her did take the name In Cambridge as a monument doth stand A worthy deed deseruing endlesse fame VVhich to maintaine she gaue sufficient land And some which in that Colledge haue bene bred Might wel haue raisd her fame though she be dead Thus haue you heard although abruptly pend The fortunes of this Queene and of her friends Princes as well as beggers do depend On the Almighties will what ere he sends None can preuent or alter his decree So firme so sure his secret iudgements be FINIS