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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09904 Direction for search of records remaining in the chancerie. Tower. Exchequer, with the limnes thereof viz. The Kings remembrancer. Lord Treasurers remembrancer. Clarke of the Extreats. Pipe. Auditors. The first fruits. Augmentation of the reuenue. Kings Bench. Common Pleas. Records of courts Christian. For the clearing of all such titles, and questions, as the same may concerne. With the accustomed fees of search: and diuerse necessarie obseruations. Cui author Thomas Powell, Londino-Cambrensis. Powell, Thomas, 1572?-1635? 1622 (1622) STC 20166; ESTC S115034 19,939 102

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profits thereof 6. All names of all Collectors of Subsidies Fifteenes Dismes Taxes generally To call them to accompt 7. There is likewise in the said Originall or at least should be all Pardons of course granted of Grace for Manslaughter by which though the Life be pardoned yet the Goods of the party so pardoned be forfeited So thereby Processe may goe forth to enquire what Goods or Chattels hee had at the time of the doing of the Offence 8. Also vnder the Title of Diem claufit extremum are all the names of such persons as after whose deaths the Escheator hath found any Office or Title for the King by Knights Seruice c. And in how many Shires the said Office was found and before what Escheator That in case one Office make no mention of any Tenure for the King whereby he should haue a Right yet then they may examine all the other Shires whether there bee any Tenure for the King in them Also there are or should be all Recognizances forfeited to the King in Chancerie and Charters of Denization And these bee the Contents of the Originall for the most part which though it were dis-vsed in the Lord Chancellor Cromwels dayes yet it was restored to his former vse afterwards Now I returne to shew what other Records besides the Originall are with this Remembrancer viz. All manner of Accompts of With all processe vpon these Accompts Sherifes Escheators Commissioners Searchers Stewards Baylifes of Franchises Fermors All Gaugers London only excepted Accompts for Workes Buildings and Reparations for the King Prest Moneyes And what is not in the other Remembrancer Also here are all Extreats out of The Kings Bench. The Common Pleas. The Clarkes of the Market Iustices of Peace and Assise Iustices of Gaole Deliuerie Iustices of Sewars To be by him deliuered to the Clarke of the Extreats All other Extreats or Penalties from any other the Kings Iustices or Ministers other then what are formerly assigned to the other Remembrancer All Writs of Priuiledge of such as haue cause of Priuiledge here on this side All Recognizances of the Exchequer as well as on the other side All Euidences Deeds and Writings sealed concerning the King which are to bee inrolled in the Exchequer as well here as on the other side All Letters Patents as well here as on the other side at the pleasure of the Patentee All Processe against Commissioners ad certificandum ad seisandum c. other then what concerne Customes Merchandizes All Processe vpon Patents of Fermors made and recorded here All Records of Vtlaries certified to the Barons the Processe whereupon hee makes and deliuers to the Escheators All Inquisitions Offices and Transcripts other then what were formerly assigned to the other Remembrancer passe through his hands to the Parcell-maker All Taxes of payment of the Accompts of Sherifes Escheators and Baylifes entred here All Amerciaments afferred in Court All Summons of Accomptants All Neglects of their Apparances All Amerciaments for mis-returne of Writs All Awards of Writs according to their returne thereby to note the Defaults A Booke made at euery Termes end of all Iudgements of any Debts discharged to be by him deliuered to the Clarke of the Pipe for the parties discharge The Booke which is commonly called Nomina villarum made about the ninth of King Edward the second Wherein is contayned the Names of all the Hundreds and Villages of England with the Names of all the then Owners of them excepting some few Shires vncertified or lost The Booke of all Knights Fees The Booke of the Aide of the Prince The Surueyes of diuerse the Kings Lands taken of late yeares There are with this Remembrancer as with the other diuers Records viz. Rentalls Leidgers Surueyes Accompts of Religious Houses brought thither vpon speciall seruice of the King And lastly here are the Accompts of Assessements and other proceedings touching Romish Recusants But this Limne is taken away from this Remembrancer and made lately a seuerall Office of it selfe OBSERVATION FOR search in the two Remembrancers FIrst in regard their Records lye in seuerall and differing places there is thereby great difference in the manner and charge of search of the same Next you shall vnderstand that within the said seuerall Remembrancers there are seuerall Clarks who haue peculiarly and properly the keeping of seuerall Records And that the Records of these Offices are not as those in Chancery common to all the Clarks alike especially for the Lord Treasurers Remembrancer who hath vnder him diuerse Secondaries and Clarkes appointed to their seuerall Records distinctly But it shall suffice that I bring you to the Office wherein you may promise your selfe to finde these Records paying Fees for search as followeth FEES OF SEARCH WITH the two Remembrancers At tho Exchequer at Westminster For search of the Red Booke on the Kings Remembrance side as followeth For opening the Chest ij s For the Attorney who sheweth it if hee goe of purpose to Westminster to shew it iij s iiij d Otherwise it may be the Attorney will take lesse viz. j s For search on the Lord Treasurers side For search of any thing in the Tenure-house their Liguli Inquisitionum and Gills Bookes vj s viij d For search of all other things generally in the Office in London as in Chancerie For search at Westminster generally according to their paines in search no certaine Fee For search in Vacation time at Westminster your Attorneyes Fee at least iij s iiij d Besides the Vshers for opening the doores And for more certaintie I referre you to their owne Tables of diuerse Fees which are or should be in their Offices to be seene publiquely I hauing onely set downe the Fees of mine owne practise herein And this shall suffice for the two Remembrancers THE CLARKE OF THE EXTREATS WITH the Clarke of the Extreats are All Extreats of the Greene Waxe vpon Fines Amerciaments Forfeited Recognizances c. Whatsoeuer is extreated and directed to all the Sherifes of this Realme of all such summes of Money as be lost and forfeited within their seuerall Bayliwikes to the intent that they should leuie the same for the King And thus much shall suffice for the same Records which are here and by transference to be found elsewhere vt supra THE PIPE THE Records here are some as ancient as in the time of King Henry the second The Clarke of the Pipe who by Office hath the execution by Summons of the Pipe of all Debts determined vpon all the Kings Debtors of what kind soeuer hath accordingly the Making Entring and Recording of All Processe of Summons Processe of Extent against all the Kings Debtors Also The Booke called the Booke of Iudgements which is said to be likewise with the Lord Treasurers Remembrancer All Leases of any the Kings Lands being but Quillets vnder the Rent of fiue pounds yearely and past vnder the Exchequer Seale and Custodie For if they be aboue fiue pounds per annum Rent Or
Parcell-maker 10. All Writs of Allowances sent from the King by Mittimus vnder the Great Seale 11. The Assignements of Auditors in some cases to take Accompts 12. A Booke of some of the ancient Lawes of S. Edward 13. The Booke commonly called Doomes-day made in the time of the Conqueror consisting of two Volumes viz. 1. The one contayning Suffolke and Norfolke 2. The other contayning all the rest of the Shires THE INSTITVTION OF this Booke ANd this Booke was made for the reducing of the Estates of all the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Bodies Politique and Ciuill that then were to hold immediately of the said Conqueror and so consequently it containes as followeth THE CONTENTS OF Doomes-day Booke 1. THe ancient Demesne Lands of the Crowne 2. The Lands of the then Lords Spirituall and Temporall Religious Houses Societies Fraternities Bodies Politique and Ciuill c. For the most part by the Yard Hide Oxe-gauge Carucate Selion c. 3. Their Fayres Markets Priuiledges Liberties and Customes c. With diuers other things of like nature And you shall vnderstand what a Yard-Land and what a Hide contayneth by the same Author and how many Hides were then in England And consequently how many Knights Fees and how they were in propertie of the Church or Temporaltie appeares by the same Booke The Fees of search with the Chamberlaines or their vnder Chamberlaines For search in the Round Treasurie Treasurie of the Olde Treaties Treasurie of the three first Edwards viij s ij d For Copie of any thing in any of them euery sheet j s For search of Domes-day Booke vj s viij d. For Copie of any thing in it to be written in the old Saxon Letter euery Line iiij d For search of the Ordinarie Records which belong vnto them as Chamberlaines onely concerning their Tallies c. as with the Remembrancers at their Office OBSERVATION Where note that they haue the keeping or rather the conseruing of the old Records of other Courts and other things as they are a part of the Kings Treasurie and the Fees of Search and Copies are the greater because they are diuided amongst many hands CLARKE OF THE PELLS OR CLERICVS PELLIVM WIth the Clarke of the Pells are All Receipts Payments To the King for what cause soeuer for or by whōsoeuer payd The Fees of Search At no certaintie but respectiuely to their paines And thus much for the Receipt Side NOW NEXT THe Office of the First Fruits and Augmentation of the Reuenues offer themselues For as for the Officers omitted there is no Record with them which may not be found with some other of the Officers formerly mentioned The Controller of the Pipe hath onely the controlment of what is with the Clarke of the Pipe The Foreigne Opposer maketh vp his Docquet and deliuereth it to the Clarke of the Pipe The Parcell-maker who gathereth together the Offices post Mortem and maketh a Booke of the Parcells is but a Retayler of Records and they are elsewhere as is formerly declared The Marshall hath nothing peculiar to himselfe which is matter of Record The Vsher his Office consists more in knowing the number then the nature of the Records The Clarke of the Nihils onely offers his emptie Purse to the Clarke of the Pipe And therefore I passe these ouer and addresse my selfe to that which requires the Remainder of my Lampe THE FIRST FRVITS OFFICE WITH the Remembrancer of the First Fruits and Tenths are 1. The Valuation of all Bishoprickes Denaries and Ecclesiasticall Promotions vvhich ought to pay First Fruits and Tenths 2. All Bonds for securitie of the First Fruits and Tenths be here kept and made 3. All Processe for the same 4. All Lands belonging to most of the Religious Houses certified into this Office though not by way of Suruey yet in very distinct and exact manner for the most part about the sixe and twentieth yeare of Henry the eight Whereunto as it is said the Gouernors of such Houses were ledde being perswaded by the Lord Cromwell That what they brought in thither should bee restored and confirmed vnto them in auoydance of the Premunire And that what was omitted should be taken and reputed as concealed from the King FEES For search of Valuations xij d For view of either Booke the whole being deduced into two which concerne Lands belonging to any Abbeyes iij s iiij d THE COVRT OF AVGMENTATION THIS Court contaynes all the Records of the Lands of all Religious Houses as well the greater as the lesse which at the time of their Dissolutions could bee brought into the Kings hands As 1. Accompts 2. Surueyes 3. Surueyes vpon Accompts 4. Leidger Bookes 5. Rentalls 6. Leases 7. All other particular Euidences 8. The Pleadings Presentments and Proceeding in their Courts before dissolution with others the like 9. And lastly the Surueyes taken vpon the Accompts of most of the said Lands vpon and after their said Dissolution The Fees of search in the Augmentation Court For Search and Copie as in the Rolls of Chancerie except it be out of Terme time and then as in time of Vacation with the Remembrancers THE KINGS BENCH THE Records of the Kings Bench are distinguished according to the seueral Limnes thereof The Limnes of the Kings Bench bee two The Records are accordingly of two sorts viz. Pleadings vpon all Actions personall and some mixt Actions Pleadings and Businesses of the Crowne THE PROTHONOTORIES SIDE THe Records on this side are Pleadings vpon all manner of Actions personall Attaints Appeales Inrolments of Purchases of Estates of Free-hold purchased which may be there inrolled as well as in the Chancerie or other Courts at the pleasure of the Purchasers And in the Red Booke in the Exchequer you shall find that the King vsed to sit in person here to entertaine and answere Foreigne Negotiations Treaties and Controuersies in Religion and Ciuill Businesses But the more ancient of these are with the Chamberlaines of the Exchequer And the latter are with the Keeper of the Kings Royall Paper as I take it The Records on this side which are kept in the proper Treasurie are as ancient as from the beginning of the harmelesse King Henry the sixt till this present Of which onely the Records of one yeare and a halfe last past are vnlocked vp and lye open to bee searched in the lower Treasurie and some few yeares more in their vpper Treasurie Fees of Search in the Kings Bench. For Search of euery Terme in the vpper Treasurie iij s iiij d Besides the Keepers Fees of the Treasurie which are little more then those of the Common Pleas Treasurie as in Common Pleas. For Search of euery Terme of a yeare and a halfe past vj d THE CROWNE OFFICE THE Crowne Office in which are contayned the Pleas of the Crowne Businesses of the Peace and Good Behauiour Indictments Presentments Attainders Recognizances of diuerse sorts Informations vpon Penall Lawes and Vtlaries of Offendors and Malefactors c. I doe aduisedly pretermit