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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07858 The hunting of the Romish foxe Presented to the popes holines, with the kisse of his disholy foote, as an odoriferous & redolent posie verie fit for his grauitie, so often as he walketh right stately, in his goodly pallace Bel-vidêre. Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. 1598 (1598) STC 1823; ESTC S101468 27,735 82

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THE HVNTING of the Romish Foxe Presented to the popes holines with the kisse of his disholy foote as an odoriferous redolent posie verie fit for his grauitie so often as he walketh rightstately in his goodly Pallace Bel-vidêre Mat. 3. 2. Repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hand EST PERI●T ET NVENTA Imprinted at London by Richard Bradocke Anno. 1598. To the right worshipfull M. William Cardinall M. Humphrey Porfrie M. Edward Sianope and M. Iohn Ferne Esquires and foure most worthy pillars of her Maiesties Counsell established in the North paerts of England DEcay of pure religion and dissolute life right worshipfull haue euer beene so great an eye-sore to the Godly and well affected magistraites as none can be ignorant or stand in doubt thereof that will seriously peruse the holy Scriptures and histories ecclesiasticall Holy Moses was so feruent in Gods true religion that when he sawe the Israelites worshipping and dauncing before the molten Calfe his wrath waxed so hote against them that he cast the two tables of the testimonies out of his hands and brake them in pieces euen the tables of stone which were written with the finger of God himselfe King Ezechias bracke in pieces the brasen Serpent which God himselfe commaunded Moyses to set vp And this he did for this sole and onely respect because euen vnto his dayes the children of Israell did burne incense to it For which and the like religious factes it is saide of him in holy write that hee walked vprightly in the sight of God so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Iuda neither were there any such before him The Prophet Elias was so constant and couragious in true religion that hee was not afraide to tell Achab that idolotrous king that hee and his fathers house did trouble Israel in that they had forsaken the Lord and followed after Baalim In which couragious spirit he procured fyre to come from heauen and to consume the messengers which the wicked king Ahazias sent out against him because he reproued his adolatry done to the Idoll Beel-Zebub that god of Ekron in which spirit the psalmoghaphe Dauid cryed out that the zeale of Gods house had eaten him vp and that the rebukes of them that rebuked God and his truth were fallen vpon him In which spirit S. Paule sharpely reprooued the sorcerer Bar-Iesus calling him the child of the Deuill because he sought to auert Sergius Paulus the proconsull frō the faith of Chrisi Iesus in which spirit S. Peter smot Ananias with sodaine death because he told a leasing to the holy Ghost In which spirit S. Iohn forbiddeth to receiue him into our house or once to salute him that is an enemie to the worde of God Which being true as it is true indeede I cannot but from the depth of my heart lament the iniquitie apostasie of these latter daies in which daies they who professe the faith of Christ in shewe of wordes doe indeede denie the faith doe indeede crucifie againe the sonne of God and make a mocke of him in which daies false prophets come in sheepes clothinge but are inwardlie rauening wolues in which daies as S. Bernard saith the beast mentioned in the reuclation to whome a mouth was giuen speaking blasphemies sitteth in Peters chay●e at Rome as a Lyon reddy to take his pray in regarde whereof that I may in some measure of my small talēt cōcurre with others of better skill for the redresse of intollerable errours of late yeares crept into the Church I haue with great watchings painfull studies and nightly lucubrations founde out the secrete Caues Dennes and holes to which the Romish Foxe that deuoureth the innocent Lambes of Christes foulde resorteth vsually and hideth himselfe therein from time to time couertly For the profitable hunting of which Foxe in waye of Christian merry desport I haue prouided foureteene couple of well mouthed Romish houndes who all followe the sent roundly with a lustye crye euen to the gates of Rome Which treatise I haue principally compiled for the common good of the vulgar sort and of other younge studentes who either for wante of bookes or for lacke of time or other defectes can not so easilye espie the subtile waies of this Romish Foxe or finde out his secrete dennes In it the ignorant shall easilye finde much necessarye Doctrine for their better instruction in the truth In it the waueringe and doubtfull sorte shall finde inough for their confirmation in it the constant and found Christians shall not wante matter for their spirituall consolation in it the Papistes themselues if they will read it shall finde inough either for their spedy conuersion or for their greater condemnation all which I haue comprised in so small a roome as euery one may carrye the same in his bosome which treatise I dedicate to your worshippes for these two speciall causes First because I would giue some externall signe of a gratfull minde for your manifould kinde christian courtesies towardes me againe for that your worships zeale in fauouring all faithfull subiects and good christians specially the preachers of Gods holye word hath worthilye deserued farre greater thinges if my smal power could afford the same I do it the rather because your rare zeale in furthering Gods true religion vertue and in punishing vices disloyaltie doth this day shewe it selfe as a lanterne in these North partes where none are more contemned none more hardely dealt withall whether in court or countye if neuer so small a surmise can he pretended against them then the preachers of Christs holy gospell where none are lesse regarded none lesse fauoured euen with some placed in authority then those that are sounde in religion for ward in her maiesties affaires where mal-contents and disloyall recusants shal find more fauour in one houre then zealous Chrystians true hearted subiectes in a whole yeare Happie therefore is this Realme of England that bath a princesse so zealous for the maintenance of God true religion● so carefull for the peace of her people so mercifull to all offendours so bountifull to all well deseruing subiects most noble Queene Elizabeth And happie yea thryse happy are these North-Parts which in these latter dayes are blessed with such zealous prudent painfull well affected gouernours Go forward therefore as ye happily haue begunne most faithfull seruants to God and the Queene Let nothing be more deare to you then the loue of God and his religion nothing more ioyfull then the faithfull seruice of your naturall soueraigne nothing more laborious then to minister iustice indifferently as well to the poore as to the rich so shall God be glorified your Prince honoured and your natiue country receiue comfort in your well doing Accept this small present I pray your worships with such minde as I do exhibit the same And so I humbly take my leaue Your worships most bounden Thomas Bell. 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