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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08067 [A briefe cronicle and perfect rehearsall of all the memorable actions hapned not onelie in the Low Countries, but also in Germanie, Italy, Fraunce, Spaine, England, Turkie, and other countries since the yeare of our Lord 1500 to this present yeare 1598.] 1598 (1598) STC 18433; ESTC S119983 17,172 72

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Lisbon for Gronie whereof the like had neuer bin heard of which was the Fleete that meant to haue done great hurt to England and the Low Countries but God mercifully deliuered vs out of their hands In Iuly the muteny at Gertrudenberge was appeased The xiiij of September the Earle of Lec ester died in England The same moneth Sir Thomas Candish an English Gentleman came out of Indie with a ship laden with gold and siluer hauing sayled round about the world The vij of October there was great mutenie in Vtrecht where Captaine Clarehagen was stabbed but died not of that wound About this time the Prince of Parma besieged Bergen vp Zome and went from it againe not without both losse and shame About this time Sir Martin Shenk made a Sconce aboue the towne Bommell vpon Voorne The xix of Nouember the Prince of Parma departed from Bergen vpon Zone after hee had besieged it for the space of sixe weekes The xxv of September Bon was deliuered vp to the Prince of Parma In October the Earle of Mansfelt besieged Watchtendour and the xx of December hee agreed with the souldiers that they should issue out all armed with Ensignes displayed The thirteenth of December the Duke of Guise was slain by the king of France which the Guisart meant to haue done to him and the next daie the Cardinall of Guise his Brother was likewise slaine year 1589 This yeare Gertrudenberge was besieged by the States long battered but in the end they left it off the Souldiers within it solde the towne for fifteene moneths pay vnto the Prince of Parma which they deliuered vpon the tenth of Aprill The thirteenth of Aprill the Prince of Parma tooke the house of Lobben but within three dayes after hee lost it againe The seuenteene of May the Spaniard tooke the sconce of Deeueren by Heusden The twentie two of May the Prince of Parma tooke the house of Hemart The twenty fiue of Iune he tooke the house of Blienbeeke The sixteene of Iuly he tooke the houses of Proyen Brakel but now are left againe and cleane burnt with the Dorpe The fifteene of Iuly the Prince of Parma besieged Heusden and from thence hee went with shame enough into France The first of August Henry the third King of France was murthered by a Frier The eleauenth of August Sir Martin Shenke was drowned by Nimmegen thinking to haue taken the towne The twentie foure of August the enemie tooke the house of Heel in Bomelsweert year 1590 This yeare vppon the fourth of March Graue Maurice tooke the towne of Breda by meanes of a ship of turfes wherin were about 70. mē their leader beeing Captaine Argier of Lambrecht The xxvij of September Hemert was yeelded to Graue Maurice The third of October hee likewise tooke the house of Heel The xxix of October Steenberghen was yeelded to the States The same yeare in the moneth of March Graue Charles came before the Sconce of Seuenbergen with a great force thinking to take it but with shame and losse of almost 1000 men he was constrained to leaue it year 1591 In Paris victuals were so deare that it was compared to the destruction of Ierusalem for a townesman therein constrained by hunger hung his wife and children which done he set a bill vpon his own breast wherin he wrote the cause of that action then hanged himselfe for at that time within the towne they eate Horses Asses Dogges Cats Rats Vine leaues a pound of butter was solde for two Crownes and an Egge for twelue solx and great numbers died for hunger The same yeare vppon the twenty sixe of May Sutphen was besieged and deliuered into the handes of Graue Maurice The thirty one of May Deuenter was besieged and after it had receaued 3700 shotte against it they yeelded it vnto the States The twentie eight of Iune Graue Maurice went before Delffile with three and thirtie great peeces and the second of Iuly it was yeelded vnto him The fift of Iuly hee came before the Sconce of Opslach and with 160. shot battered it which was yeelded to the States Vpon the seauenth of Iuly the souldiers therein issuing disarmed The next day Graue Maurice went to the Sconce of Immentil and after 36. shot at the same they yeelded it vnto him vpon the eleauenth of Iuly The twenty foure of the same month fiue Cornets of horse of the Prince of Parmas troupes were ouerthrowne in Betue wherof one was the Prince of Parmas Guard The twenty sixe and twenty seuen of Iuly the Prince of Parma left the Sconce of Knodseburg The xix of September Graue Maurice desieged Hulst which the xxv of the same month yeelded vnto him The xiiij of October Kimmeghen was belieged and th xxii of the same month yeelded to Graue Maurice This yere Steenwicke yeelded vnto Graue Maurice year 1592 vppon the fift of Iuly The xxjj of September Couerden yeelded to the States This yeare vppon the xxviij of March year 1593 Graue Maurice with a great power went to besiege Gertrudenberge and the vij of Aprill the enemy yelded vp the Steelhofes Sconce by composition The xxiiij of Iune the Bulwarke was takē by force by Captaine Haen and Buury whereby the towne was forced to yeelde to Graue Maurice who let the souldiers issue out with their armes but no colours The xiiij and xxj of May Graue Maurice with 120. companies of foote xxvj Cornets of horsemen departed from Swool to releeue Couerden which had bin besieged for the space of sixe months together by the Earle Harman and Verdugo but hearing of the states forces they left their forts and departed and so the towne was deliuered The xxij of Iuly Graue Maurice tooke the towne of Gronning This yeare vppon the xxviij of March year 1595 about nine of the clocke a● night the diche by Gorcum by a high water brake through and ranne vnder the Papendrecht The xxiij of Iuly they began to digge without the spuyport of Dort to enlarge the towne The eleauenth of August foure fortie Dunkerkers and Spaniards were hanged by Roterdam The 2 of September Earle Phillip of Nassau passed at Ramsburg ouer the Lip with fiue hundred men where with other Earles hee fought most valiantly with Monsieur Dragons regiment in which sight the said Earle Phillip and the yong Earle of Solmes were slaine yet Dragon lost thrice as many men as Graue Maurice did This yeare the seauenteene of Aprill Albertus Cardinall of Austria wan Callis from the French King year 1596 The thirtie of Iulie the Englishmen with certaine Holland and Zealands ships by force took the town of Cadyz Malis in Spaine which they spoiled pilled and burnt bringing great treasure from thence The sixteene of Iuly there was a Comet or blazing starre seene in the Low Countries The seuenteene of August the Cardinal tooke Hulst in Flanders by composition after he had lost 6000. of his best souldiers before the towne This yeare vppon the twentie foure of Ianuarie year 1597 Graue Maurice with sixe thousand men met the enemy at Tuelsheheyde by Turenhoult where he set vppon them being a great number who beeing aduertised of his comming fled away whome he followed and hauing ouertaken them he slew of them to the number of two thousand men among the which their Generall the Earle of Ferrara was one The eleauenth of March the towne of Amyens in France was by treason deliuered to the Cardinall for the King of Spaine The nineteene of August the towne of Renisberg by composition was yeelded to the States The twentie foure of August the Cammille Sconce yeelded to Graue Maurice The second of September the towne of Meurs yeelded by composition vnto Graue Maurice FINIS
in trailes The same yeare vpon Palmesonsonday at Konlen there were 2. children borne that cloue fast together hauing two Heades two Armes and two feete maiden Children but dead borne Vpon Saint Andrewes day the same yere a shippers wife o● Moerbeke baked a loafe of breade o● pure wheate and when she drewe i● out of the Ouen it was as blacke as pitch year 1523 This yere in the month of March there was so great a storme of thunder lightning that there fel hailestones as big as hennes egges and of diuers colours The same yeare Rodes was againe wonne from the Turkes year 1524 This yeare there was 5. thousand houses burnt in the towne of Troy in Champania year 1525 This yeare during the besieging of Pauia there rose great trouble in Germanie for preaching of the Gospell by Martin Luther The same yeare the Emperour Charles married the king of Portingales Daughter in the Towne of Ciuill in Spayne year 1526 This yeare vppon the 25 of Februarie happened the fearefull and cruel battaile before Pauia betweene the Emperour Charles and Francis king of Fraunce wherin the king of Fraunce was taken prisoner year 1527 This yeare vppon the seauenth of May Phillip eldest son to Charles the Emperour was borne at Valedolet in Spaine The same yeare the citie of Rome was besieged and taken by the Emperour Charles the Pope taken prisoner and in scaling the walles the Duke of Burbon was slaine year 1528 This yere vpon the 6. of March 1500. Guelders and many Citizens of Vtrecht robbed and spoyled the Towne of Hage in Holland This yeare the Ilande Peru was first found out The same yeare vppon the first o● Iune the Bishop of Vtrecht took● the towne of Vtrecht from the Guelders slaying and imprisoning al● the Captaines and souldiers drowning two Prebends and beheadin● two Citizens year 1529 This yeare in the moneth of Iulie the Frenchmen bearing th● imperiall armes by subtiltie took● the towne of Myllan The same yeare the Turke besieged Vienna with an Armie of tw● hundreth and fiftie thousand men The same yeare vppon Michaelmas day in the Euening there die● many people of the sweating sicknes in Anwarpe year 1530 This yeare vppon the two 〈…〉 F●bruary the 〈◊〉 Charles was crowned king of ●●●bardie within the towne of Bononia where the Emperour kissed the Popes foote The same yeare vpon the twentie foure of March the first stone of the foundation of the Court of Parliament at Machelen was laide which before was holden in the Pallace The same yeare vppon the fift of Nouember foure hundred foure Parishes were drowned in the low-Countries year 1531 This yeare the Emperour came to Collen where Ferdinand his Brother was crowned king of Romains The same yeare in the moneth of August about Saint Laurence day there was a Comet or Blazing star seene in the Low-Countries The same yeare and moneth there was a fish taken vpon the Sea side in Holland of sixtie eight 〈◊〉 lo●g 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 being thirteene foote broad The same yeare there happened an Earthquake in Portingale that cōtinued for the space of eight daies wherby 1050. houses within Lisbon fell downe This earthquake happened sometimes seauen or eight times a day which made the Citizens for feare to leaue the towne lie in the open fields year 1532 A woman in Germanie beeing great with child killed her husband in the night time and eate vp his left side with the arme the rest of the dead body she boyled and kept it to eate The same yeare ouer the towne of Munster in Westfalie there was a man all armed seene in the aire year 1533 This yeare Henry the eight king of England repudiated his wife Katherin daughter of Ferdinand king of Spaine and married his second wife called Anne of Bullen The same yeare Charles Duke of Guelderland with fiue thousand men ouerthrew the power of the Earle of East Freesland beeing of fifteene thousand men The same yere vpon the sixt of October about twelue of the clocke at night our Lady Church in Andwarp was burnt The same yeare the Towne of Breda was increased and made greater by Henry Earle of Nassau who likewise founded the Castle year 1534 This yeare vpon our Lady euen in the month of March there assembled great numbers of men women both of Holland and Zealand called Anabaptists that ment to passe through Harlame to goe to Munster but at blacke water they were taken and most of them burnt punished The same yeare vpon Mary Magdalens day there was more then one thousand houses burnt in Breda The same yeare Iohn van Layden principall of the Anabaptists with his company tooke the Towne of Munster driuing out the Bishop and all the spiritualty but beeing besieged by the Emperours troupe and constraind by hunger it was wonne from him Iohn Van Layden with his associates were executed The same yeare the towne Cleruaus in France was spoyled with thunder and in three houres cleane burnt The same yere the towne of Montalbon in France was in three houres space cleane burnt consumed with fire The same yeare the Anabaptists ranne naked through the towne of Amsterdam and made great vprore year 1535 This yeare the Emperour with a great Armie sayled into Africa where he draue the Barbarians out of the towne of Tunis and restored Muleasses to his kingdome againe The same yeare a Gentleman being aliue suncke into the earth because hee would not sell corne to the poore people at a reasonable price This yeare Henry the eight King of England in despight of the Pope because he would not consent to the deuorce of Queene Katherin permitted Luthers doctrine in England year 1536 This yeare vppon the ninth of May the towne of Delft was burned and consumed with fire in the space of three houres The same yere died Erasmus of Roterdam year 1537 This yere Francis king of France with fifty thousand men tooke the towne of Hedding The same yeare and moneth the Earle of Buren burnt the townes of Saint Paul and Mutterell besieged Turwin year 1538 This yeare Henry King of England suppressed diuers Abbies and Cloysters in England keeping all their lands to himselfe year 1539 This yeare vppon the second of May Isabell Queene of Spaine and Empresse and Daughter to the king of Portingale died at Toledo in Spaine year 1541 This yeare the Emperour came out of Spaine and at Gaunt hee punished diuers rebels and therein made a goodly Castle The same yere the Summer was so hote that the Riuer of Rhiin in some places was dried vp so that men past ouer it on foote the like did the Riuer of Seine in Fraunce and the Figges in Flanders were as ripe vppon the trees as if they had come out of Spayne year 1542 This yeare vppon the twentie foure of Iune warres were againe proclaimed betweene the Emperour and the King of France The same yeare in the moneth of Iulie vpon Saint Iames day Martin Van Rosse with
tooke Dornicke by composition after hee had many times assalted it The twentie nine of October Duke Mathias went out of the Low-Countries year 1582 This yeare vpon the ninteene of Februarie the Duke Alenson by ship at riued in Andwarpe and the twenty two of the same moneth hee was sworne Gouernour of the Countrie of the States The eighteene of March the Prince of Conde was shotte into the heade within the towne of Andwarpe by one Iohn Iauregni The ninteene of Aprill the Prince of Parma besieged Andenard tooke it for want of aide The twentie three of Aprill Monsieour de Tion Tempel and Monsieour de la Guard tooke Aelst The eleauenth of Iulie Nicholas Zalcedo thought to haue slaine the Duke of Alenson but hee was taken and brought to Paris where vppon the twentie two of October he was torne in peeces by foure horses The second of August the Scots that lay in Liere betraied the towne and deliuered it to the Prince of Parma The fifteene of August the Duke Alenson was receiued into the town of Gaunt as Earle of Flaunders The xxiii of September Lochem was deliuered by the Earle of Hollocke wherin were three Earles The same moneth the Prince of Parma tooke Nieuenhouen year 1583 This yeare the seuenteene of Ianuarie the French furie happened in Andwarpe where the Duke Alenson vnder pretence of a muster meant to haue betraied it in the which enterprise he lost fifteene hundred Frenchmen besides hurt men prisoners and but 83. Burgers slaine The thirteenth of Februarie the new Burse of Andwarpe was burnt In August the Spaniards tooke Dixmuyden and in December they besieged Ipre The twenty foure of October the Spaniards tooke Sas by Gent. The thirteenth of October the baylie of Wast deliuered the land of Wast to the Spaniards and they of Andwarpe cut the Diches year 1584 In this yere in the month of Februarie Aelst was deliuered to the Prince of Parma The twelfth of April the Prince of Parma tooke Ipre The tenth of Inne the Prince of Parma besieged the sconce of Lillo but hee was forced to leaue it with shame The tenth of Iuly the Prince of Parma tooke Liefekins hooke The same day the Prince of Orange was slaine in Delf by one Balthazer Gerrats the same month the States lost Herentales The sixteene of August Dermond was deliuered to the Prince of Parma The twentic six of September the towne of Gaunt for want of victnals yeelded to the Prince of Parma year 1585 This yeare Graue Holocke tooke Hertogenbosh but hec was forced to leane it againe with some losse of his men The same yeare vppon Saint Matthews euening the bridge by Calco was fully finished The tenth of March Brussels for want of victuals agreed with the Prince of Parma The fourth of Aprill the ships that were set on fire and sent by them of Andwarpe to fire the bridge entred vnder it and did much hurt The same time the Hollanders and Zealanders took in Liefskins hooke S. Annes hooke and Venten The seauenteene of Iuly the towne of Mechelen for want of victuals yeelded to the Prince of Parma The tenth of August an agreement was made betweene England and the Low Countries The eleuenth of August the Prince of Parma receaued the Golden Fleece at the bridge of Calloo on Brabant side The twenty seauen of August the Prince of Parma entred into Andwarpe The second of September the bridge was broken The ninth of Nouember the Diches of the Castle of Andwarpe were digged againe year 1586 This yeare about the beginning thereof the Earle of Lecester came into Holland and the sixt of Februarie after was proclaimed Gouernour The sixt of Iune the towne of Graue by composition yeelded to the Prince of Parma The twenty nine of Iune he tooke Venlo likewise by composition The sixteene of Iuly the Englishmen tooke Axel in Flaunders The seuenteene of Iuly the Prince of Parma besieged the towne of Nuse and the xxvj of the same hee tooke it by assault The tenth of December at Limer a village lying by Tienen there rained blood vpon the Ise in a gentlemans Orchard and it fell so hot that there with the Ise hissed as if one had thrust a pipe of Lead into it sunke at the least a foot deepe into the Ise year 1587 This yere vpon the xvij of Ianuarie the Frenchmen traiterously yeelded vp the Castle of Woud by Bergen The same month the towne of Deuenter was betraied to the Spaniard by Sir Edward Stanley The fourth of Iuly the towne of Gelder was betraied by a Scot called Patron The last of Iulie Rye was solde in Andwarpe for twelne Guilders wheat for fifteene guilders the quarter The ninth of August the towne of Sluce yeelded to the Prince of Parma after he had shot 16000 Cannon shot at the towne The same yere died Augustus Lantgraue of Saxon. year 1588 This yere the Queene of Scots was beheaded in England Not long before that the Earle of Lecester returned againe into the low Countries The same yeare hapned the trouble before Medenblicke The same time the Lord of Buckhurst came into the Low Countries in the Queene of Englands behalfe The same yeare in Iune the Earle of Hollocke tooke the house of Loon the Sconce of Enghelen in the water that goeth to Bosch where Houtepen was slaine and died at Hertogenbushe The sixt of Iuly there was contētion in Vtrecht betweene the Earle of Newenare and the Magistrates Burgers About August September there was much talking of peace wherevpon the Queene of England sent her Ambassadors out of England into Flanders at the request of the Prince of Parma but it was all but treason The twenty six of October at Layden were executed Iaques Valmar Cosmo de Pescarenges Nicholas Mauld and some for the same cause banished out of the towne The twentie three of December Shenk tooke Bon. About this time the Prince of Parma prepared diuers ships and flatte bottomed boates at Andwarpe and at Dunkerke which did little profit or aide to the Spanish Fleet. The xxvij of Februarie 1588. a woman in Dort was deliuered of iiij men children at a birth that were all liuing and christned their names being Abraham Isaac Iacob and Samuel The tenth of March Gertrudenberge fell in a muteny The xij of Aprill the Earle of Lecester was discharged of his gouernmēt by open placart About this time died the king of Denmarke The twentie eight of Aprill a woman in Dort was deliuered of three children at one birth and christned Abraham Sara and Susanna About the middle of May the Prince of Parma thought to haue put out of Dunkerke with a great Fleet of Ships but the Hollanders kept him in At the same time the Queene of England prepared her Nauy in a readines made great preparation for the wars although in the meane time a peace was intreated of The thirteenth of May a great Armie of Spanish ships set out of