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A01216 A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices, against her Maiestie and her kingdoms and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments & conuictions of the said late Earle, and his adherents, as after: together with the very confessions and other parts of the euidences themselues, word for word taken out of the originals. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. 1601 (1601) STC 1133; ESTC S100347 53,454 126

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should holde of him the honour and state of Viceroy of Ireland And that the proportion of souldiers which Tyrone should bring or send to Essex were 8000 Irish. With which concurreth fully the testimony of the said Iames Knowde who being in credit with O●●●● Mac Roory chiefe of the Omoores in Lemster was vsed as a Secretarie for him in the writing of a letter to Tyrone immediatly after Essex comming into England The effect of which letter was To vnderstand some light of the secret agreement betweene the Earle of Essex and Tyrone that he the said Owny might frame his course accordingly Which letter with further instructions to the same effect was in the presence of Knowde deliuered to Turlagh Macdauy a man of trust with Owny who brought an answer from Tyrone The cōtents whereof were That the Earle of Essex had agreed to take his part and that they should ayd him towards the conquest of England Besides very certaine it is testified by diuers credible persons that immediatly vpon this parley there did flie abroad as sparckles of this fire which it did not concern Tyrone so much to keep secret as it did Essex a generall and receiued opinion that went vp and down in the mouthes both of the better and meaner sort of Rebels That the Earle of Essex was theirs and they his and that hee would neuer leaue the one sword meaning that of Ireland till he had gotten the other in England and that he would bring them to serue where they should haue other maner of booties then cowes and the like speaches And Thomas Lee himselfe who had bene as was before declared with Tyrone two or three dayes vpon my Lords sending and had sounded him hath left it confessed vnder his hand That he knew the Earle of Essex and Tyrone to be one and to runne the same courses And certaine it is also that immediatly vpon that parley Tyrone grewe into a strange and vnwoonted pride and appointed his progresses and visitations to receiue congratulations and homages from his confederates and behaued himselfe in all things as one that had some new spirite of hope and courage put into him But on the Earle of Essex his part insued immediatly after this parley a strange motion and proiect which though no doubt hee had harbored in his brest before yet for any thing yet appeareth he did not vtter and breake with any in it before he had bene confirmed and fortified in his purpose by the combination and correspondence which hee found in Tyrone vpon their conference Neither is this a matter gathered out of reports but confessed directly by two of his principall friendes and associats being witnesses vpon their owne knowledge of that which was spoken to themselues The substance of which confessions is this That a litle before my Lords comming ouer into England at the castle of Dublin where Sir Christopher Blunt lay hurt hauing bene lately remooued thither from Reban a castle of Thomas Lees and placed in a lodging that had bene my Lord of Southamptons the Earle of Essex tooke the Earle of Southampton with him to visit Blunt and there being none present but they three my Lord of Essex told them he found it now necessary for him to go into England and would aduise with them of the manner of his going since to goe he was resolued And thereupon propounded vnto them that he thought it fit a cary with him of the army in Ireland as much as hee could conueniently transport at least the choise of it to the number of two or three thousand to secure and make good his first deseent on shore purposing to land them at Milford hauen in Wales or thereabouts not doubting but that his army would so increase within a small time by such as would come in to him as hee should be able to march with his power to London and make his own conditions as he thought good But both Southampton and Blunt disswaded him from this enterprise Blunt alledging the hazard of it that it would make him odious and Southampt on vtterly disliking of that course vpon the same and many other reasons Howbe it thereupon Blunt aduised him rather to another course which was to draw forth of the Army some 200. resolute gentlemen with those to come ouer so to make sure of the Court and so to make his owne conditions Which Confessions it is not amisse to deliuer by what a good prouidence of God they came to light for they could not bee vsed at Essex arraignement to charge him because they were vttered after his death But Sir Christopher Blunt at his arraignment being charged that the Earle of Essex had set it downe vnder his hand that he had bene a principall Instigator of him to his treasons in passion brake forth into these speeches That then he must be forced to disclose what further matters he had held my Lord from and desired for that purpose because the present proceeding should not be interrupted to speake with the Lord Admirall and M. Secretarie after his arraignment and so fell most naturally and most voluntarily into this his confession which if it had beene thought fit to haue required of him at that time publikely he had deliuered before his conuiction And the same confession he did after at the time of his executiō constantly and fully confirme discourse particularly and take vppon his death where neuer any man shewed lesse feare nor a greater resolution to die And the same mattter so by him confessed was likewise confessed with the same circumstances of time and place by Southampton being seuerally examined thereupon So as nowe the worlde may see how long since my Lord put off his vizard and disclosed the secrets of his heart to two of his most confident friends falling vpon that vnnaturall and detestable treason whereunto all his former Actions in his gouernement in Ireland and God knowes howe long before were but Introductions But finding that these two persons which of all the rest hee thought to haue found forwardest Southampton whose displacing hee had made his owne discontentment hauing placed him no question to that ende to find cause of discontentment and Blunt a man so enterprizing and prodigal of his owne life as himselfe termed himselfe at the Barre did not applaud to this his purpose and thereby doubting how coldly he should find others minded that were not so neere to him And therefore condescending to Blunts aduise to surprize the Court hee did pursue that plot accordingly and came ouer with a selected companie of Captaines and voluntaries and such as hee thought were most affectionate vnto himselfe and most resolute though not knowing of his purpose So as euen at that time euery man noted and wondred what the matter should be that my Lord tooke his most particular friends and followers from their companies which were countenance and meanes vnto them to bring them ouer
house and tooke vpon him charge to keepe it and make it good as a place of Retraict for those which issued into the Citie and fortifying and barriccadoing the same house and making prouision of Muskets Powder Pellets and other munition and weapons for the holding and defending of it and as a busie forward and noted Actor in that defence and resistance which was made against the Queenes forces brought against it by her Maiesties Lieutenant And further to prooue him priuie to the plot it was giuen in Euidence that some fewe dayes before the Rebellion with great heat and violence hee had displaced certaine Gentlemen lodged in an house fast by Essex house and there planted diuers of my Lords followers and Complices all such as went foorth with him in the Action of Rebellion That the afternoone before the Rebellion Merricke with a great company of others that afterwards were all in the Action had procured to bee played before them the Play of deposing King Richard the second Neither was it casuall but a Play bespoken by Merrick And not so onely but when it was told him by one of the Players that the Play was olde and they should haue losse in playing it because fewe would come to it there was fourty shillings extraordinarie giuen to play it and so thereupon playd it was So earnest hee was to satisfie his eyes with the sight of that Tragedie which hee thought soone after his Lord should bring from the Stage to the State but that GOD turned it vpon their owne heads ¶ The speaches of Sir Christopher Blunt at his execution are set downe as neere as they could be remembred after the rest of the confessions and euidences HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT HEERE FOLLOW the voluntary Confessions themselues such as were giuen in euidence at both the seuerall arraignments taken forth word for word out of the Originals Whereby it may appeare how God brought matters to light at seuerall times and in seuerall parts all concurring in substance And with them other Declarations and parts of the euidence ¶ The Confession of Thomas Lee taken the 14. of February 1600 before Sir Ioh. Peyton Lieutenant of the Tower Roger Wilbraham Master of the Requests Sir Anthony Saintleger Master of the Rolles in Ireland and Thomas Fleming her Maiesties Solicitour generall THis examinate saith that Tyrone sent a message to this Examinate by Iames Knowd whom this Examinate by the Marshals warrant in writing had sentto Tyrone before himselfe went to Tyrone that if the Erle of Essex would follow his plot he would make him the greatest man that euer was in England and that when Essex and Tyrone should haue conference together for his assurance vnto the Earle of Essex Tyrone would deliuer his eldest sonne in pledge to the Earle And with this message this Examinate made the Earle of Essex acquainted before his comming to this Examinats house at that time when this Examinate was sent to Tyrone This Examinate sayeth he knew that Essex Tyrone and the Marshall Sir Christopher Blunt were all one and held all one course Thomas Lee. Exam. per Ioh. Peyton Roger VVilbraham Anthony Saintleger Thomas Fleming ¶ The Declaration of Sir William VVarren 3. Octobris 1599. THe said Sir William came to Armagh the last Friday being the 28. of September from thence hee sent a messenger in the night to Tyrone to Dungannon signifying his comming to Armagh as aforesaid and that the next morning hee would meete Tyrone at the Fort of Blackwater where accordingly the said Tyrone met with him and after other speeches by further discourse the said Tyrone told the saide Sir William and deliuered it with an oath that within these two moneths hee should see the greatest alteration and the strangest that hee the saide Sir William could imagine or euer saw in his life and said that he hoped before it were long that he the said Tyrone should haue a good share in England Which speeches of the alteration Tyrone reiterated two or three seuerall times William Warren Certified from the Councell of Ireland to the Lords of the Councell here ¶ The declaration of Thomas Wood 20. Ianuarij 1599. taken before the L. Buckhurst L. high Treasurer the Earle of Notingham L. high Admirall Sir Ro. Cecill principal Secretary and Sir I. Fortescue Chancellour of the Exchequer THe said Wood saith that happening to be with the L. Eitzmorris Baron of Licksnaw at his house of Licksnaw betweene Michaelmas and Alhallowtide last the saide Baron walking abroad with the saide Wood asked of him what force the Earle of Essex was of in England Hee answered he could not tell but said he was well beloued of the Comminaltie Then said the Baron that the Earle was gone for England and had discharged many of the Companies of Ireland and that it was agreed that he should be King of England and Onele to be Viceroy of Ireland and whensoeuer hee should haue occasion and would sende for them Onele should sende him 8000. men out of Ireland The said Wood asked the Baron how he knew that He answered that the Earle of Desmond had written to him so much Thomas Wood. Confessed in the presence of Tho. Buckhurst Notingham Rob. Cecill Io. Fortescue ¶ The Confession of Iames Knowd taken the 16. of February 1600. before Sir Anth. Saintleger Master of the Roules in Ireland and Roger Wilbraham Master of the Requests OWney mac Rory hauing secret intelligence of the friendship betweene the Earle of Essex and Tyrone wrote to Tyrone desiring him to certifie him thereof whereby he might frame his course accordingly and not doe any thing contrary to their agreement which letter my selfe did write by Owneys appointment for then I was in credite with him In which letter he also desired Tyrone to send him some munition The letter with instructions to that effect was in my presence deliuered to one Turlagh mac Dauie o Kelly a man of secrecy sufficiencie and trust with Owney and he caried it to Tyrone Before whose returne Owney grew suspicious of me because I sometimes belonged to M. Bowen and therfore they would not trust me so as I could not see the answere but yet I heard by many of their secret counsell that the effect thereof was That the Earle of Essex should be king of England and Tyrone of Ireland Afterwards I met with Turlagh mac Dauie the messenger aforesayd and asked him whether hee brought an answere of the letter from Tyrone He sayd he did and deliuered it to Owney And then I asked him what he thought of the warres He told me he had good hope the last yeere and had none this yere his reason was as he said that the Earle of Essex was to take their part and they should aid him towards the conquest of England and nowe they were hindred thereof by meanes of his apprehension I dwelling with the Tanist of the Countrey my mothers cousin germain heard him
speake sundry times That nowe the Earle of Essex had gotten one of the swords he would neuer forgoe his gouernement vntill hee became King of England which was neere at hand I saw a letter which the Earle of Essex writ to Owney to this effect That if Owney came to him he would speake with him about that which if hee would follow should be happie for him and his Countrey Iames Knowd Exam. per Anthony Saintleger Roger VVilbraham ¶ The declaration of Dauid Hethrington an ancient Captaine and seruitor in Ireland 6. Ianuary 1599. Taken before the L. Buckhurst L. high Treasurer the Earle of Notingham L. high Admirall Sir Robert Cecil principall Secretary and Sir Iohn Fortescue Chancellour of the Exchequer HE the sayd Dauid Hethrington riding into the edge of the Countie of Kildare about the end of the first cessation fortuned to meete with one Iames Occurren one of the horsemen of Master Bowen prouost Marshall of Lemister who told him that the sayd Iames Occurren meeting lately with a principall follower of Owney mac Rory chiefe of the Moores Owneys man asked him what newes hee heard of the Earle of Essex To which Iames Occurren answered that he was gone for England whereunto he sayd Nay if you can tell me no newes I can tell you some The Earle of Essex is now in trouble for vs for that he would doe no seruice vpon vs which he neuer meant to doe for he is ours and we are his Dauid Hethrington Confessed in the presence of Tho Buckhurst Notingham Rob. Cecil Io. Fortescue ¶ The first Confession of Sir Ferdinando Gorge Knight the 16. of Februarie 1600. taken before Sir Thomas Egerton Lord Keeper of the great Seale the L. Buckhurst L. high Treasurer the Earle of Notingham Lord high Admirall and Sir Rob. Cecill principall Secretarie HE saith the Earle of Essex wrote a letter to him in lanuarie complaining his misfortune that hee desired his company and desired his repaire vp to him by the second of Februarie That he came to Towne on Saturday seuen-night before the Earles insurrection and that the same night late he visited the Earle Who after complements told him that he stood on his guard and resolued not to hazard any more commandements or restraints that he desired him to rest him that night and to repaire vnto him againe but in such sort as it might not be noted That he had bene with the Earle two or three times that weeke and on Saturday being the seuenth of February the Earle tolde him that hee had bene sent for by the Lordes and refused to come deliuering further that he resolued to defend himselfe from any more restraint He further saith that it was in question the same Saturday night to haue stirred in the night and to haue attempted the Court But being demanded whether the Earle could haue had sufficient company to haue done any thing in the night he answered that all the Earles companie were readie at one houres warning and had bene so before in respect that he had meant long before to stand vpon his guard That it was resolued to haue the Court first attempted that the Earle had three hundred Gentlemen to doe it but that he the saide Ferdinando Gorge was a violent disswader of him from that purpose and the Earle most confident in the party of London which he meant vpon a later dispute first to assure and that hee was also assured of a partie in Wales but meant not to vse them vntill he had bene possessed of the Court. That the Earle and sir Christopher Blunt vnderstanding that sir Walter Raleigh had sent to speake with him in the morning the saide sir Christopher Blunt perswaded him either to surprise sir Walter Raleigh or to kill him Which when hee vtterly refused sir Christopher Blunt sent foure shot after him in a boat That at the going out of Essex house gate many cried out To the Court to the Court But my Lorde of Essex turned him about towards London That he meant after possession of the Court to call a Parliament and therein to proceed as cause should require At that time of the Consultation on Saturday night my Lord was demanded what assurance he had of those hee made account to bee his friends in the Citie Whereunto he replyed that there was no question to be made of that for one amongst the rest that was presently in one of the greatest commaunds amongst them held himselfe to be interessed in the cause for so hee phrased it and was Coronell of a thousand men which were readie at all times besides others that hee helde himselfe as assured of as of him and able to make as great numbers Some of them had at that instant as he reported to vs sent vnto him taking notice of as much as he made vs to knowe of the purpose intended to haue intrapped him and made request to know his pleasure Ferd. Gorges Exam. per Th. Egerton C. Sr T. Buckhurst Notingham Ro. Cecill ¶ The second confession of Sir Ferdinando Gorge the 18. of February 1600. All written of his owne hand And acknowledged in the presence of Sir Thomas Egerton L. Keeper of the great Seale the L. Buckhurst L. high Treasurer the Earle of Notingham L. high Admirall and Sir Ro. Cecil principall Secretarie ON Tuesday before the Insurrection as I remember I was sent vnto by my L. of Essex praying me to meete my Lord of Southampton Sir Charles Dauers Sir Iohn Dauies and other his friends at Drury house where I should see a schedule of his friends names and proiects to be disputed vpon Whither I came accordingly and found the foresaid Earle Sir Charles Dauers Sir Iohn Dauies and one Master Litleton The names were shewed and numbred to bee sixe score Earles Barons Knights and Gentlemen The proiects were these Whether to attempt the Court or the Tower or to stirre his friends in London first or whether both the Court and Tower at an instant I disliked that counsel My reasons were that I alledged to them First to attempt both with those numbers was not to bee thought on because that was not sufficient and therefore aduised them to thinke of some thing else Then they would needs resolue to attempt the Court withall desired in mine opinion But I prayed them first to set downe the maner how it might be done Then Sir Iohn Dauies tooke inke and paper and assigned to diuers principall men their seuerall places Some to keepe the Gate some to bee in the Hall some to bee in the Presence some in the Lobby some in the Guard-chamber others to come in with my Lord himselfe who should haue had the passage giuen him to the Priuie chamber where he was to haue presented himselfe to her MAIESTIE Ferd. Gorges Knowledged in the presence of Tho. Egerton C. S. Tho. Buckhurst Notingham Ro. Cecill The confession of Sir Iohn Dauies taken the 18. of Februarie 1600. before the Earle of Notingham L. high
great Seale out of the window Some other cried there Kill them and some other sayd Nay let vs shop them vp The Lorde Keeper did often call to the Earle of Essex to speake with them priuately thinking still that his meaning had beene so vntill the Earle brought them into his backe Chamber and there gaue order to haue the further doore of that Chamber shut fast And at his going foorth out of that Chamber the Lorde Keeper pressing againe to haue spoken with the Earle of Essex the Earle sayd My Lords be patient a while and stay heere and I will goe into London and take order with the Maior and Shiriffes for the Citie and will be heere againe within this halfe houre And so departed from the Lord Keeper c. leauing the Lord Keeper c and diuers of the Gentlemen Pensioners in that Chamber guarded by Sir Iohn Dauis Francis Tresham and Owen Salisburie with musquet shot where they continued vntill Sir Ferdinando Gorges came and deliuered them about foure of the clocke in the afternoone In the meane time wee did often require Sir Iohn Dauis and Francis Tresham to suffer vs to depart or at the least to suffer some one of vs to go to the QVEENES MAIESTY to informe her vvhere and in what sort we were kept But they answered That my Lord meaning the Earle of Essex had commanded that we should not depart before his returne which they said would be very shortly Thomas Egerton C. S. Edward Worcester Iohn Popham ¶ The examination of Roger Earle of Rutland the 12. of February 1600. taken before Sir Thomas Egerton L. Keeper of the great Seale the L. Buckhurst L. high Treasurer the Earle of Notingham L. high Admirall Sir Robert Cecill Principall Secretary and Sir Io. Popham L. chiefe Iustice of England HE saith that at his comming to Essex house on Sunday morning last he found there with the Earle of Essex the Lord Sandys and the L. Chandos and diuers Knights and gentlemen And the Earle of Essex tolde this Examinate That his life was practised to bee taken away by the Lord Cobham and Sir Walter Raleigh when he was sent for to the Counsell And the Earle said That now he meant by the helpe of his friends to defend himselfe And saith that the deteining of the Lord Keeper and the other Lords sent to the Earle from the Queene was a stratageme of warre And saith That the Earle of Essex told him that London stood for him and that Sherife Smith had giuen him intelligence that hee would make as many men to assist him as he could And further the Earle of Essex said That he meant to possesse himselfe of the Citie the better to enable himselfe to reuenge him on his enemies the Lord Cobham Sir Robert Cecil and sir Walter Raleigh And this Examinate confesseth that he resolued to liue and die with the Earle of Essex and that the Earle of Essex did intend to make his forces so strong that her Maiestie should not be able to resist him in the reuenge of his enemies And saith that the Earle of Essex was most inward with the Earle of Southampton Sir Christopher Blunt and others who haue of long time shewed themselues discontented and haue aduised the Earle of Essex to take other courses and to stand vpon his guard And saith that when the Earle of Essex was talking with the L. Keeper and other the Lords sent from her Maiestie diuers sayd My Lord they meane to abuse you you loose time And when the Earle came to Sherife Smiths hee desired him to send for the Lord Maior that hee might speake with him And as the Earle went in the streetes of London this Examinate sayd to diuers of the Citizens that if they would needes come that it was better for their safetie to come with weapons in their hands And saith that the Earle of Essex at the end of the streete where Sherife Smith dwelt cried out to the Citizens That they did him harme for that they came naked and willed them to get them weapons And the Earle of Essex also cried out to the Citizens That the Crowne of England was offred to be solde to the Infanta And saith that the Earle burned diuers papers that were in a little Casket whereof one was as the Earle sayd An historie of his troubles And sayth that when they were assaulted in Essex house after their returne they first resolued to haue made a sallie out And the Earle sayd that he was determined to die and yet in the end they changed their opinion and yeelded And sayth that the Earle of Southampton sir Christopher Blunt and sir Iohn Dauies aduised the Earle of Essex that the Lord Keeper and his company should be deteined And this Examinate sayth that he heard diuers there present cry out Kill them kill them And sayth that he thinketh the Earle of Essex intended that after he had possessed himselfe of the Citie hee would intreat the Lord Keeper and his company to accompany him to the Court Hee sayth hee heard Sir Christopher Blunt say openly in the presence of the Earle of Essex and others how fearefull and in what seuerall humors they should finde them at the Court when they came thither Rutland Exam. per Th. Egerton C. S. T. Buckhurst Notingham Ro Cecill Io. Popham ¶ The Confession of William Lord Sandys of the parish of Sherborne Cowdry in the Countie of Southampton taken this 16. of February 1600. before Sir Iohn Popham L. chiefe Iustice Roger Wilbraham Master of the Requests and Edw. Coke her Maiesties Atturney Generall HE saith that hee neuer vnderstood that the Earle did meane to stand vpon his strength till Sunday in the morning being the eight of this instant Februarie And saith that in the morning of that day this Examinat was sent for by the Earle of Essex about sixe or seuen of the clocke and the Earle sent for him by his seruant Warberton who was married to a widowe in Hampshire And at his comming to the Earle there were sixe or seuen Gentlemen with him but remembreth not what they were and next after of a Noble man came my Lord Chandos and after him came the Earle of Southampton and presently after the Earle of Rutland and after him Master Parker commonly called the Lord Mountegle And sayeth that at his comming to the Earle of Essex he complained That it was practised by Sir Walter Raleigh to haue murdered him as hee should haue gone to the Lord Treasurers house with Master Secretary Herbert And saith that he was present in the Court-yard of Essex house when the Lord Keeper the Earle of Worcester Sir William Knollis and the Lorde Chiefe Iustice came from the QVEENES MAIESTIE to the Earle of Essex And the Lord Chiefe Iustice required the Earle of Essex to haue some priuate conference with him and that if any priuate wrongs were offered vnto him that they would make true report thereof to her MAIESTIE who no
now shall be declared After he perceiued that foure moneths of the Summer and three parts of the army were wasted hee thought nowe was a time to set on foot such a peace as might be for the Rebels aduantage and so to worke a mutuall obligation betweene Tyrone and himselfe for which purpose he did but seeke a commodity He had there with him in his armie one Thomas Lee a man of a seditious and working spirit and one that had bene priuately familiar and intirely beloued of Tyrone and one that afterwards immediatly vpon Essex open rebellion was apprehended for a desperate attempt of violence against her Maiesties person which he plainly confessed and for which hee suffered Wherefore iudging him to be a fit instrument he made some signification to Lee of such an imploiment which was no sooner signified then apprehended by Lee. Hee gaue order also to sir Christopher Blunt Marshall of his army to licence Lee to goe to Tyrone when hee should require it But Lee thought good to let slip first vnto Tyrone which was neuerthelesse by the Marshals warrant one Iames Knowd a person of wit and sufficiencie to sound in what termes and humours Tyrone then was This Knowd returned a message from Tyrone to Lee which was That if the Earle of Essex would followe Tyrones plot hee would make the Earle of Essex the greatest man that euer was in England and further that if the Earle would haue conference with him Tyrone would deliuer his eldest sonne in pledge for his assurance This message was deliuered by Knowd to Lee and by Lee was imparted to the Earle of Essex who after this message imployed Lee himselfe to Tyrone and by his negociating whatsoeuer passed els prepared and disposed Tyrone to the parley And this imploiment of Lee was a matter of that guiltinesse in my Lord as being charged with it at my Lord Keepers onely in this nature for the message of Knowd was not then knowen that when he pretended to assaile Tyrone he had before vnder hand agreed vpon a pariey my Lord vtterly denied it that he euer imploied Lee to Tyrone at all and turned it vpon Blunt whom he afterwards required to take it vpon him hauing before sufficiently prouided for the security of all parts for he had granted both to Blunt Lee pardons of al treasons vnder the great seale of Ireland and so himselfe disclaiming it they being pardoned all was safe But when that Tyrone was by these meanes besides what others God knowes prepared to demand a parley nowe was the time for Essex to acquite himselfe of al the Queenes commandements and his owne promises and vndertakings for the Northern iourney and not so alone but to haue the glory at the disaduantage of the yere being but 2500. strong of foote and 300. of horse after the fresh disaster of sir Coniers Clifford in the height of the Rebels pride to set foorth to assaile and then that the very terror and reputation of my Lord of Essex person was such as did daunt him and make him stoope to seeke a parley and this was the end he shot at in that September iourney being a mere abuse and br●●●ry and but inducements onely to the Treaty which was the onely matter he intended For Essex drawing now towards the Catastrophe or last part of that Tragedy for which he came vpon the Stage in Ireland his Treasons grew to a further ripenesse For knowing how vnfit it was for him to communicate with any English euen of those whom hee trusted most and meant to vse in other Treasons That he had an intention to growe to an agreement with Tyrone to haue succors from him for the vsurping vpon the State here not because it was more dangerous then the rest of his treasons but because it was more odious and in a kind monstrous that hee should conspire with such a Rebell against whom he was sent and therfore might aduenture to alienate mens affections from him he draue it to this that there might bee and so there was vnder colour of treaty an interuiew priuate conference betweene Tyrone and himselfe onely no third person admitted A strange course considering with whom he dealt and especially considering what message Knowde had brought which should haue made him rather call witnesses to him then auoid witnesses But he being only true to his own ends easily dispensed with all such considerations Nay there was such carefull order taken that no person should ouerheare one worde that passed betweene them two as because the place appointed and vsed for the parley was such as there was the depth of a brooke betweene them which made them speake some lowdnesse therewere certaine horsemen appointed by order from Essex to keepe all men off a great distance from the place It is true that the secrecie of that parley as it gaue to him the more liberty of Treason so it may giue any man the more libertie of surmize what was then handled between them inasmuch as nothing can bee knowen but by report from one of them two either Essex or Tyrone But although there were no proceeding against Essex vpon these treasons and that it were a needlesse thing to load more treasons vpon him then whose burthen was so great after yet for trueths sake it is fit the world know what is testified touching the speaches letters and reports of Tyrone immediatly following this conference obserue also what ensued likewise in the desseignes of Essex himselfe On Tyrones part it fell out that the very day after that Essex came to the court of England Tyrone hauing conference with Sir William Warren at Armagh by way of discourse told him and bound it with an oath and iterated it two or three seuerall times That within two or three moneths he should see the greatest alterations and strangest that euer hee sawe in his life or could imagine and that bee the said Tyrone hoped ere long to haue a good share in England With this concurred fully the report of Richard Bremingham a gentleman of the Pale hauing made his repaire about the same time to Tyrone to right him in a cause of land sauing that Bremingham deliuers the like speach of Tyrone to himselfe but not what Tyrone hoped but what Tyrone had promised in these words That hee had promised it may bee thought to whom ere long to shew his face in England little to the good of England These generalities comming immediatly from the report of Tyrone himselfe are drawen to more particularitie in a conference had betweene the Lord Fitz Morrice Baron of Liksnawe in Munster and one Thomas Wood a person wel reputed of immediatly after Essex comming into England In which conference Fitz Morrice declared vnto Wood that Tyrone had written to the traiterous titularie Earle of Desmond to informe him that the Condition of that Contract betweene Tyrone and Essex was That Essex should be king of England And that Tyrone
should be sent against him And being asked what against the Queenes forces he answered that must haue beene iudged afterwards But being further asked whether he did aduise to come vnto the Court ouer night He saith no. For Sir Ferdinando Gorge did assure that the Alarum was taken of it at the Court and the Guards doubled Being asked whether hee thought any Prince could haue endured to haue any Subiect make the Citie his Mediator or to gather force to speake for him He saith he is not read in stories of former times but he doth not know but that in former times Subiectes haue vsed force for their mediation Being asked what should haue bene done by any of the persons that should haue beene remoued from the Queene He answered that he neuer found my Lord disposed to shed blood but that any that should haue bene found should haue had indifferent triall Being asked vpon his conscience whether the Earle of Essex did not giue him comfort that if he came to authoritie there should bee a toleration for Religion He confesseth he should haue bene to blame to haue denied it Chr. Blunt This was read vnto Sir Christopher Blunt and afterwards signed by him in the presence of vs who are vnder written Io. Herbert Nicho. Kemp. VVil. VVaimarke VVil. Martin Robert Andrewes Iohn Treuor Th. Thorney ¶ The second Confession of Sir Christopher Blunt the same day viz. the 18. of February taken before M. Iohn Herbert second Secretarie of Estate and subscribed by him in the presence of Nicholas Kemp Counsellor at Law Thomas Thorney his Surgeon and William Martin Robert Andrewes and Randolph Bull Citizens SIr Christopher Blunt after the signing of this confession being told that he did not deale plainly excused himselfe by his former weakenesse putting vs in minde that hee said once before that when he was able to speake he would tel all trueth doth now confesse That foure or fiue dayes before the Earle of Essex did rise hee did set downe certaine Articles to bee considered on which hee sawe not vntil afterward he was made acquainted with them when they had amongst themselues disputed which were these One of them was Whether the Tower of London should be taken Another Whether they should not possesse the Court and so secure my Lord and other men to come to the Queene For the first concerning the Tower he did not like it concluding that he that had the power of the Queene should haue that He confesseth that vpon Saturday night when M. Secretary Herbert had bene with the Earle and that hee saw some suspicion was taken hee thought it in vaine to attempt the Court and perswaded him rather to saue himselfe by flight then to ingage himselfe further and all his company And so the resolution of the Earle grewe to go into the Citie in hope as he saide before to finde many friends there Hee doeth also say that the Earle did vsually speake of his purpose to alter the gouernement Chr. Blunt Exam per. Io. Herbert Subscribed in presence of Nico. Kempe Tho. Thorney Rob. Andrewes VV. Martin Randolph Bull. ¶ The Declaration of the Lord Keeper the Earle of Worcester and the L. Chiefe Iustice of England VPon Sunday being the eight of February last past about ten of the clocke in the forenoone the Lord Keeper of the great Seale the Earle of VVorcester Sir VVilliam Knollis Comptroller of her Maiesties Householde and the Lord Chiefe Iustice of England being commaunded by direction from the QVEENES MAIESTIE did repaire to the late earle of Essex his house and finding the gate shut against them after a little stay they were let in at the wicket And assoone as they were within the gate the wicket was shutte vpon them and all their seruants kept out At their comming thither they found the court full of men assembled together in verie tumultuous sort The Earles of Essex Rutland and Southampton and the Lord Sandys Master Parker commonly called Lord Mountegle Sir Christopher Blunt Sir Charles Dauers and manie other Knights and Gentlemen and other persons vnknowen which flocked together about the Lorde Keeper c. And thereupon the Lorde Keeper tolde the Earle of Essex that they were sent from her MAIESTIE to vnderstand the cause of this their assembly and to let them know That if they had any particular cause of griefe against any persons whatsoeuer it should be heard and they should haue iustice Hereupon the Earle of Essex with a very lowd voice declared That his life vvas sought and that hee should haue beene murthered in his bed that he had beene perfidiously dealt vvith that his hand had beene counterfaited and Letters vvritten in his name and that therefore they vvere assembled there together to defend their liues with much other speech to like effect Hereupon the Lord Chiefe Iustice sayd vnto the Earle That if they had any such matter of griefe or if any such matter vvere attempted or purposed against him he vvilled the Earle to declare it assuring him that it should be truely related to her MAIESTIE and that it should be indifferently heard and iustice should be done vvhomsoeuer it concerned To this the Earle of Southampton obiected the assault made vpon him by the Lord Gray Whereunto the Lord Chiefe Iustice sayd That in his case iustice had beene done and the partie imprisoned for it And hereupon the Lord Keeper did eftsoones vvill the Earle of Essex that vvhatsoeuer priuate matter or offence hee had against any person vvhatsoeuer if hee vvould deliuer it vnto them they vvould faithfully and honestly deliuer it to the QVEENES MAIESTY and doubted not to procure him honourable and equall iustice whomsoeuer it concerned requiring him that if hee would not declare it openly that hee woulde impart it vnto them priuatelie and doubted not but they would satisfie him in it Vpon this there was a great clamour raised amongst the multitude crying Away my Lorde They abuse you They betray you They vndoe you You lose time Whereupon the Lord Keeper put on his Hat said with a loud voice My Lord let vs speake with you priuately and vnderstand your griefes And I command you all vpon your allegiance to lay downe your vveapons and to depart vvhich you ought all to doe being thus commanded if you be good Subiects and owe that duetie to the QVEENES MAIESTY which you professe Whereupon they all brake out into an exceeding loud shout and cry crying All all all And whilest the Lord Keeper was speaking and commanding them vpon their allegiance as is before declared the Earle of Essex and the most part of that Company did put on their hats and so the Earle of Essex went into the house and the Lord Keeper c. followed him thinking that his purpose had beene to speake with them priuately as they had required And as they were going some of that disordered Companie cried Kill them And as they were going into the great Chamber some cried Cast the
doubt would reforme the same And sayeth that this Examinat went with the Earle and the rest of his company to London to Sherife Smithes but went not into the house with him but stayed in the streete a while and being sent for by the Earle of Essex went into the house and from thence came with him till hee came to Ludgate which place being guarded and resistance being made and perceiued by the Earle of Essex he said vnto his company Charge And thereupon sir Christopher Blunt and others of his company gaue the Charge and being repulsed and this Examinat hurt in the legge the Earle retired with this Examinat and others to his house called Essex house And on his retire the Earle said to this Examinat That if Sherife Smith did not his part that his part was as farre foorth as the Earles owne which mooued him to thinke that he trusted to the Citie And when the Earle was after his retire in Essex house he tooke an yron Casket and broke it open and burnt diuerse papers in it Whereof there was a booke as he taketh it and said as he was burning of them That they should tell no tales to hurt his friends And saith that the Earle saide That he had a blacke bagge about his necke that should tell no tales William Sandys Exam. per Ioh. Popham Roger VVilbraham Edw. Coke ¶ The Examination of the Lord Cromwell taken the 7. of March 1600. by Sir I. Popham L. chiefe Iustice Christ. Yeluerton her Maiesties Sergeant and Fr. Bacon of her Maiesties learned Councell AT the Sherifs house this Examinate pressed in with the rest and found the Earls shifting themselues in an inner chamber where he heard my L. of Essex certifie the Company that he had bene aduertised out of Ireland which hee would not nowe hide from them that the Realme should be deliuered ouer to the handes of the Infanta of Spaine and that he was wished to looke to it Further that he was to seeke redresse for iniuries and that he had left at his house for pledges the Lord Keeper the Earle of Worcester Sir William Knollis and the Lord chiefe Iustice. Edw. Cromwell Exam. per Io Popham Chr. Yeluerton Fr. Bacon ¶ Sir Christopher Blunt knight at the time of his arraignement did openly at the Barre desire to speake with the L. Admiral and M. Secretary before whom he made this Confession folowing Which the Earle of Southampton confirmed afterwards and he himselfe likewise at his death HE confesseth that at the Castle of Dublin in that lodging which was once the Earle of Southamptons the Earle of Essex purposing his returne into England aduised with the Earle of Southampton and himselfe of his best maner of going into England for his securitie seeing to goe hee was resolued At that time he propounded his going with a competent number of souldiers to the number of two or three thousand to haue made good his first landing with that Force vntill hee coulde haue drawen vnto himselfe a sufficient strength to haue proceeded further From this purpose this Examinate did vse all forcible perswasions alledging not only his owne ruine which should follow thereof and all those which should adhere to him in that action but vrging it to him as a matter most foule because hee was not onely helde a Patron of his Countrey which by this meanes hee should haue destroyed but also should haue layed vpon himselfe an irreuocable blot hauing bene so deeply bound to her MAIESTIE To which disswasion the Earle of Southampton also inclined This desseigne being thus disswaded by them then they fell to a second consideration And therein this Examinate confesseth that hee rather aduised him if needes hee would goe to take with him some competent number of choise men He did not name vnto him any particular power that would haue come to him at his landing but assured himselfe that his Armie would haue bene quickly increased by all sorts of discontented people He did confesse before his going that hee was assured that many of the Rebels would be aduised by him but named none in particular ¶ The Examination of the Earle of Southampton after his Arraignement taken before the Earle of Notingham Lord high Admirall Sir Robert Cecill principall Secretarie and M. Iohn Herbert second Secretary of Estate SIr Christopher Blunt being hurt and lying in the Castle of Dublin in a chamber which had bene mine the Earle of Essex one day tooke me thither with him where being none but we three he told vs he found it necessarie for him to goe into England and thought it fit to carie with him as much of the Armie as he could conueniently transport to goe on shore with him to Wales and there to make good his landing with those till hee could send for more Not doubting but his Army would so increase in a small time that hee should bee able to march to London and make his conditions as he desired To which proiect I answered that I held it altogether vnfit aswell in respect of his conscience to God and his loue to his countrey as his duetie to his Souereigne of which he of all men ought to haue greatest regard seeing her Maiesties fauours to him had bene so extraordinarie Wherefore I could neuer giue any consent vnto it Sir Christopher Blunt ioyned with me in this opinion Exam. per Notingham Ro. Cecil Io. Herbert ¶ The speaches of Sir Chr. Blunt at the time of his death as neere as they could be remembred March 18. 1600. MY Lords and you that be present Although I must confesse that it were better fitting the little time I haue to breath to bestow the same in asking God forgiuenes for my manifold and abominable sinnes then to vse any other discourse especially hauing both an imperfection of speech and God knowes a weake memorie by reason of my late grieuous wound Yet to satisfie all those that are present what course hath bene held by me in this late enterprise because I was sayd to be an Instigator and setter on of the late Earle I will truely and vpon the perill of my soule speake the trueth It is true that the first time that euer I vnderstoode of any dangerous discontentment in my L. of Essex was about three yeeres agoe at Wansted vpon his comming one day from Greenwich At that time he spake many things vnto mee but descended into no particulars but in generall termes After which time he neuer brake with me in any matter tending to the alteration of the State I protest before God vntill he came into Ireland other then I might conceiue that he was of an ambitious and discontented mind But when I lay at the Castle of Thomas Lee called Reban in Ireland grieuously hurt and doubted of my life hee came to visit mee and then began to acquaint me with his intent As hee thus spake the Sheriffe began to interrupt him and told him the houre was past But my
The Earle of Essex his Confession to three Ministers whose names are vnder written the 25. of Februarie 1600. THe late Earle of Essex thanked God most heartily That he had giuen him a deeper insight into his offence being sory he had so stood vpon his iustification at his arraignment for he was since that become an other man He thanked God that his course was so preuented for if his proiect had taken effect God knowes sayde hee what harme it had wrought in the Realme He humbly thanked her Maiesty that he should die in so priuate manner lest the acclamation of the people might haue beene a temptation vnto him To which he added That all popularitie and trust in man was vaine the experience whereof himselfe had felt He acknowledged with thankfulnesse to God That he was thus iustly spewed out of the Realme He publikely in his prayer and protestation as also priuately aggrauated the detestation of his offence and especially in the hearing of them that were present at the execution hee exaggerated it with foure Epithetes desiring God to forgiue him his great his bloodie his crying and his infectious sinne which word Infectious he priuately had explaned to vs that it was a leprosie that had infected farre and neere Thomas Montford VVilliam Barlow Abdie Ashton his Chaplaine The confession of Blunt 3. The confession of Th. Lee. In the confession of Blunt at the barre he did there declare that he had Essex his particular warrant to send Lee and afterwardes was desired by Essex to take it vpon himselfe and that they both had pardons The relation of sir Wi. Warren certified vnder his hand frō the Councell of Ireland to the Lords of the Councell here The report of Ri. Bremingham to the Councell of Estate in Ireland The confession of Tho. Wood. The confession of Iames Knowde The declarations of Da. Hethrington Iames Knowd and others The confession of Th. Lee. The Earle of Southampton and sir Christopher Blunt The substance of that which is confessed by Southampton and Blunt touching Essex purpose to haue transported into England the armie of Ireland and the changing of that dessein into the other dessein of surprising the Queene and the Court. The speach of Sir Christopher Blunt at his arraignement and the occasion of the falling into the aforesayd confessions The place of Generall of the horse in the armie of Ireland was conferred by Essex vpon Southampton contrary to her Maiesties expresse commandement The declaration of sir He. Neuell The confession of Blunt and Dauis The declaration of Sir Henry Neuil and Confession of Sir Ferdinando Gorge The confession of Blunt The cōfessions of sir Charles Dauers 1. 2. Sir Io. Dauis 2. Sir Ferdin Gorge 2. Sir Christopher Blunt 2. Southampton at the barre Sir Henry Neuels declaration The confession of Blunt 3. Confession of sir Ferdinando Gorge The confession of the Erle of Rutland The declaration of the L. Keeper the Earle of Worcester the L. chiefe Iustice vnder their hands The othe of the L. chiefe Iustice Viua voce The declaration of the Earle of Worcester Viua voce The confession of the Earle of Rutland The L. Sandis The confession of the Erle of Rutl. Essex confession at the Barre Some question was made by the earle of Essex whether he might chalenge any of the Peers But answere was made by the Iudges that the law had that reputatiō of the Peeres that it trusted them both without othe and chalenge The testimony of the 3. Diuines vnder their hands The confession of Blunt at his death which is set downe in the ende The Earle of Essex came the same day to the Court in England * The titulary Earle that is in rebellion This weaknes was in respect of his hurt receiuedin charging her Maiesties forces at Ludgate This Examination as appeareth by the date was taken after Essex arraignment but is inserted to shew how the speech of the Realme to be solde to the Infanta which at his arraignment he deriued frō M. Secretary at Shr. Smiths house he said was aduertised out of Ireland And with this latter concurre many other examinations
receiued ouernight and so concluding that Allarme was taken at Court hee thought it to bee in vaine to thinke of the enterprise of the Court by way of surprize but that nowe his onely way was to come thither in strength and to that ende first to attempt the Citie Wherein hee did but fall backe to his owne former opinion which hee had in no sort neglected but had formerly made some ouertures to prepare the Citie to take his part relying himselfe besides his generall conceipt that himselfe was the darling and mynion of the people and specially of the Citie more particularly vpon assurance giuen of Thomas Smith then Shiriffe of London a man well beloued amongst the Citizens and one that had some particular command of some of the trayned forces of the Citie to ioyne with him Hauing therefore concluded vpon this determination now was the time to execute in fact all that he had before in purpose digested First therefore hee concluded of a pretext which was euer part of the plot and which hee had meditated vpon and studied long before For finding himselfe thankes bee to God to seeke in her Maiesties gouernement of any iust pretext in matter of state either of innouation oppression or any vnworthinesse As in all his former discontentments hee had gone the beaten path of Traytours turning their imputation vpon Counsellours and persons of credit with their Soueraigne so nowe hee was forced to descend to the pretext of a priuate quarrell giuing out this speach howe that euening when hee should haue bene called before the Lordes of the Councell there was an Ambuscado of Musketers placed vpon the water by the deuise of my Lord Cobham and Sir Walter Raleigh to haue murdered him by the way as hee passed A matter of no probability those persons hauing no such desperate estates or mindes as to ruine themselues and their posteritie by committing so odious a crime But contrariwise certaine it is Sir Ferdinando Gorge accused Blunt to haue perswaded him to kill or at least apprehend Sir Walter Raleigh the latter whereof Blunt denieth not and asked Sir Walter Raleigh forgiuenesse at the time of his death But this pretext being the best hee had was taken and then did messages and warnings fly thicke vp and downe to euery particular Nobleman and gentleman both that euening and the next morning to draw them together in the forenoone to Essex house dispersing the foresaid fable That hee should haue bene murdered saue that it was somtime on the water somtime in his bed varying according to the nature of a lye Hee sent likewise the same night certaine of his instruments as namely one William Temple his Secretary into the Citie to disperse the same tale hauing increased it some fewe daies before by an addition That he should haue bene likewise murdered by some Iesuits to the number of foure and to fortifie this pretext and to make the more buzze of the danger hee stood in hee caused that night a watch to bee kept all night long towards the street in his house the next morning which was Sunday they came vnto him of all handes according to his messages and warnings Of the Nobilitie the Earles of Rutland Southampton and the Lord Sands and Sir Henry Parker commonly called the Lord Mountegle besides diuers Knights and principall Gentlemen and their followers to the number of some three hundreth And also it being Sunday and the houre when hee had vsed to haue a Sermon at his house it gaue cause to some and colour to others to come vpon that occasion As they came my Lord saluted and imbraced and to the generalitie of them gaue to vnderstand in as plausible termes as hee could That his life had bene sought and that hee meant to goe to the Court and declare his griefes to the Queene because his enemies were mightie and vsed her Maiesties name and commaundement and desired their helpe to take his part But vnto the more speciall persons hee spake high and in other termes telling them That hee was sure of the Citie and would put himselfe into that strength that her Maiestie shoulde not bee able to stand against him and that he would take reuenge of his enemies All the while after eight of the clocke in the morning the gates to the Streete and water were strongly guarded and men taken in and let foorth by discretion of those that helde the charge but with speciall caution of receiuing in such as came from Court but not suffering them to goe backe without my Lords speciall direction to the end no particularitie of that which passed there might be knowen to her Maiestie About 10. of the clocke her Maiestie hauing vnderstanding of this strange and tumultuous assembly at Essex house yet in her Princely wisedome and moderation thought to cast water vpon this fire before it brake forth to further inconuenience and therefore vsing authoritie before she would vse force sent vnto him foure persons of great Honour and place and such as hee euer pretended to reuerence and loue to offer him iustice for any griefs of his but yet to lay her Royal commandement vpon him to disperse his company and vpon them to withdraw themselues These foure Honourable persons being the Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England the Earle of Worcester the Controller of her Maiesties houshold and the Lord chiefe Iustice of England came to the house and found the gates shut vpon them But after a little stay they were let in at the wicket and assoone as they were within the wicket was shut and all their seruants kept out except the Bearer of the Seale In the court they found the Earles with the rest of the company the court in a maner full and vpon their comming towards Essex they all flocked and thronged about them whereupon the Lord Keeper in an audible voice deliuered to the Earle the Queenes message That they were sent by her Maiestie to vnderstand the cause of this their assembly and to let them knowe that if they had any particular cause of griefes against any persons whatsoeuer they should haue hearing and iustice Whereupon the Earle of Essex in a very lowd and furious voyce declared That his life was sought And that hee should haue bene murdered in his bed And that he had bene perfidiously dealt withall and other speeches to the like effect To which the Lord Chiefe Iustice saide If any such matter were attempted or intended against him it was fit for him to declare it assuring him both a faithfull relation on their part and that they coulde not faile of a princely indifferencie and iustice on her Maiesties part To which the Earle of Southampton tooke occasion to obiect the assault made vpon him by the Lord Gray which my Lord Chiefe Iustice returned vpon him and saide That in that case iustice had bene done and the partie was in prison for it Then the Lord Keeper required the
Lord Gray and Sir Walter Raleigh Captaine of the Guard called to the Sheriffe and required him not to interrupt him but to suffer him quietly to finish his prayers and confessions Sir Christopher Blunt said Is Sir Walter Raleigh there Those on the scaffold answered Yea. To whom Sir Christopher Blunt spake on this maner Sir Walter Raleigh I thanke God that you are present I had an infinite desire to speake with you to aske you forgiuenes ere I died both for the wrōg done you and for my particular ill intent towards you I beseech you forgiue me Sir Walter Raleigh answered that he most willingly forgaue him and besought God to forgiue him and to giue him his diuine comfort protesting before the Lord that whatsoeuer Sir Christopher Blunt meant towards him for his part he neuer had any ill intent towards him And further saide to Sir Christopher Blunt I pray you without offence let me put you in minde that you haue bene esteemed not only a principall prouoker and perswader of the Earle of Essex in all his vndutifull courses but especially an aduiser in that which hath bene confessed of his purpose to transport a great part of her Maiesties Armie out of Ireland into England to land at Milford and thence to turne it against her sacred person You shall doe well to tell the trueth and to satisfie the world To which he answered thus Sir if you will giue me patience I will deliuer a trueth speaking now my last in the presence of God in whose mercie I trust And then hee directed himselfe to my Lord Gray and my Lord Compton and the rest that sate on horsebacke neere the scaffold When I was brought from Reban to Dublin and lodged in the Castle his Lordship and the Earle of Southampton came to visite me and to be short he began thus plainely with me That hee intended to transport a choise part of the Armie of Ireland into England and land them in Wales at Milford or thereabouts and so securing his descent thereby would gather such other forces as might inable him to march to London To which I protest before the Lord God I made this or the like answere that I would that night consider of it which I did And the next day the Earles came againe I told them that such an enterprise as it was most dangerous so would it cost much blood as I could not like of it besides many hazzards which at this time I cannot remember vnto you neither will the time permit it But I rather aduised him to goe ouer himselfe with a good traine and make sure of the Court and then make his owne conditions And although it be true that as we all protested in our examinations and arraignements we neuer resolued of doing hurt to her Maiesties person for in none of our consultations was there set downe any such purpose yet I know and must confesse if we had failed of our ends we should rather then haue bene disapointed euen haue drawne blood from her selfe Frō henceforward he dealt no more with mee herein vntill he was discharged of his keeper at Essex house And then he againe asked mine aduise and disputed the matter with me but resolued not I went then into the Countrey and before he sent for me which was some tenne daies before his Rebellion I neuer heard more of the matter And then hee wrote vnto mee to come vp vpon pretence of making some assurances of land and the like I will leaue the rest vnto my confessions giuen to that honourable Lord Admirall and worthy M. Secretary to whom I beseech you sir Walter Raleigh commend me I can requite their fauourable charitable dealing with me with nought els but my prayers for them And I beseech God of his mercy to saue and preserue the Queene who hath giuen comfort to my soule in that I heare shee hath forgiuen mee all but the sentence of the Lawe which I most worthily deserued and do most willingly imbrace and hope that GOD will haue mercy and compassion on me who haue offended him as many wayes as euer sinfull wretch did I haue lead a life so farre from his precepts as no sinner more God forgiue it mee and forgiue mee my wicked thoughts my licentious life and this right arme of mine which I feare me hath drawen blood in this last Action And I beseech you all beare witnesse that I die a Catholike yet so as I hope to be saued onely by the death and passion of Christ and by his merits not ascribing any thing to mine owne works And I trust you are all good people and your prayers may profit me Farewell my worthy Lord Gray and my Lord Compton and to you all God send you both to liue long in honour I will desire to say a few prayers and imbrace my death most willingly With that hee turned from the rayle towards the Executioner and the Minister offering to speake with him he came againe to the raile and besought that his conscience might not be troubled for he was resolued which he desired for Gods sake Whereupon commandement was giuen that the Minister should not interrupt him any further After which he prepared himselfe to the blocke and so died very manfully and resolutely ¶ An abstract out of the Earle of Essex Confession vnder his owne hande VPon Saturday the 21. of February after the late Earle of Essex had desired vs to come to him as well to deliuer his knowledge of those treasons which he had formerly denied at the Barre as also to recommend his humble and earnest request that her Maiesty would bee pleased out of her grace and fauour to suffer him to die priuately in the Towre He did marueilous earnestly desire that we would suffer him to speake vnto Cuffe his Secretary Against whome hee vehemently complained vnto vs to haue bene a principall Instigator to these violent courses which he had vndertaken Wherein he protested that he chiefly desired that he might make it appeare that he was not the onely perswader of these great offences which they had committed but that Blunt Cuffe Temple besides those other persons who were at the priuate conspiracie at Drury house to which though these three were not called yet they were priuy had most malicious and bloody purposes to subuert the State and Gouernment Which could not haue bene preuented if his proiect had gone forward This request being graunted him and Cuffe brought before him hee there directly and vehemently charged him And amongst other speaches vsed these words Henry Cuffe call to God for mercy and to the Queene and deserue it by declaring trueth For I that must now prepare for another world haue resolued to deale clearely with God and the world and must needes say this to you You haue bene one of the chiefest instigators of me to all these my disloyall courses into which I haue fallen Testified by Tho. Egerton C. S. Th. Buckhurst Notingham Ro. Cecil