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A57983 A relation of the death of David Rizzi chief favorite to Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland; who was killed in the apartment of the said Queen on the 9th of March 1565. Written by the Lord Ruthen [sic], one of the principal persons concerned in that action. Published from an original manuscript. Together with an account of David Rizzi, faithfully translated from Geo. Buchanan's History of Scotland. Ruthven, Patrick Ruthven, Lord, d. 1566.; Buchanan, George, 1506-1582. Rerum Scoticarum historia. English. Selections. aut 1699 (1699) Wing R2397B; ESTC R218070 27,471 52

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she had read enough and commanded her to stop which Action was accounted by all to be rather insolent than new for they were not ignorant how arrogantly he used to carry himself to her frequently reproving her with more sharpness than her Husband durst adventure to do Few days after this the Cause of the Exiles was warmly debated in Parliament where some to gratify the Queen moving they might be punished as Traytors and others affirming they had done nothing which deserved so great Severity David in the mean time surrounded the Members one by one and endeavoured to penetrate the intention of each towards those that were banished if he should be chosen President by the rest of the Assembly not doubting openly to discover that the Queen would have them condemn'd and that whoever should oppose her would not only take pains to no purpose but incur her High Displeasure A RELATION Of the Death of DAVID RIZZI Chief Favorite to MARY Queen of Scots c. Written by the Lord RUTHEN IN the first the Lord Ruthen of Scotland a Man of forty and six Years was visited by the Hand of God with great trouble and sickness having two Infirmities the one called the Inflammation of the Liver and the other the Consumption of the Reins and Kidneys wherethrough he kept his Bed continually by the space of three months and was under the cure of Physicians as of the Queen's French Doctor Dr. Preston and Thomas Thompson Apothecary and was so feebled and weakned through the Sickness and Medicines that scarcely he might walk twice the length of his Chamber unsitting down In this mean time the King Husband to the Queen's Majesty of Scotland conceived hatred against an Italian called David Riccio and about the 10th day of February the said King sent his dear Friend and Kinsman George Douglas Son to Archibald sometime Earl of Angus and declared to the said Lord Ruthen how that the said David Riccio had abused him in many sorts and lately had staied the Queen's Majesty from giving him the Crown Matrimonial of Scotland which her Majesty had promised to him divers times before Besides many other Wrongs that the said David had done to him which he could not bear with longer and behoved to be revenged thereof And because the said Lord Ruthen was one of the Nobility that he confided and trusted most unto in respect that his Children and he were Sisters Children therefore he desired his Counsel and Advice what way was best to be revenged on the said David The said Lord Ruthen hearing the Message aforesaid gave answer to George Douglass that he could give no counsel in that Matter in respect he knew the King's Youth and Facility for he had sundry of the Nobility that had given him counsel for his own Honour and Weal and immediately he revealed the same again to the Queen's Majesty who reproved them with great anger and contumelious words So the said Lord Ruthen would have no medling with his Proceedings until the time he could keep his own counsel The said George departed with the said Lord's Answer to the King about the 12th of February The said King hearing the Answer was very miscontented and said It is a sore case that I can get none of the Nobility that will assist me against yonder false Villain Davie The said George answered The said Fault was in your self that cannot keep your own counsel Then the King took a Book and swore thereon that what Counsel soever the Lord Ruthen should give him he would not reveal neither to the Queen's Majesty nor to any others and immediately directed the said George to the said Lord Ruthen again declaring what Oath the King had made Notwithstanding the said Lord Ruthen was eight days thereafter e're he would give any counsel therein howbeit the said King sent the said George to him every day three or four times After eight days were past the which was toward the 20th day of February the said Lord Ruthen perceiving that the King 's whole Intent was but only the slaughter of Davie the said Lord resolved in his mind and considered that he had a good time to labour for certain of the Nobility his Brethren that were banished in the Realm of England and in Argile and specially the Earls of Argile Murray Glencarn and Rothes the Lord Boyd and Ocheltrie and Lairds of Pittarro and Grange with many other Gentlemen and Barons Wherefore so soon as the said George was directed again from the King to him the said Lord Ruthen answered That he could not meddle with the King's Affairs without that he would bring home the Noblemen before rehearsed who were banished only for the Word of God And after long reasoning and divers days travelling the King was contented that they should come home into the Realm of Scotland so that the said Lord Ruthen would make him sure that they would be his and set forward all his Affairs The said Lord gave answer to the King and bad him make his own Security and that he should cause it to be subscribed by the aforesaid Earls Lords and Barons Immediately thereafter the King directed the said George Douglass to the said Lord Ruthen with certain Articles which he desired the said Lord to put in form of Writing to be subscribed by the Lords banished the which the said Lord caused to be put in form And having consideration that the said King desir'd them to be bound to him the said Lord caused to be drawn certain Articles in the said Lords Names for the King's part towards them which the King himself reformed with his own hand in the Margent like as it is to be produced The Articles being penned for both Parties and the King reading and considering the same he was contented therewith and subscribed his part and delivered it to the said Lord Ruthen who sent the other Articles to the Earl of Murray and the remanent being within England and to the Earl of Argile and the remanent being with him in the West who subscribed the same and sent them to the said Lord Ruthen to be kept till their meeting with the King and every one to have their own part The Tenour whereof followeth Certain ARTICLES to be fulfilled by James Earl of Murray Archibald Earl of Argile Alexander Earl of Glencarne Andrew Earl of Rothes Robert Lord Boyd Andrew Lord Ocheltrie and their Complices to the Noble and Mighty Prince Henry King of Scotland Husband to our Sovereign Lady Which Articles the said Persons offer with most humility lowliness and service to the said Noble Prince for whom to God they pray c. Imprimis THE said Earls Lords and their Complices shall become and by the Tenour hereof become true Subjects Men and Servants to the Noble and Mighty Prince Henry by the Grace of God King of Scotland and Husband to our Sovereign Lady That they and all others that will do for them shall take a leyal and true part with
the said Noble Prince in all his Actions Causes and Quarrels against whomsoever to the uttermost of their Powers and shall be Friends to his Friends and Enemies to his Enemies and neither spare their Lives Land Goods nor Possessions 2. Item The said Earls Lords and their Complices shall at the first Parliament and other Parliaments that shall happen to be after their returning within this Realm by themselves and others that have Voice in Parliament consent and by these Presents do consent now as then and then as now to grant and give the Crown matrimonial to the said Noble Prince for all the days of his Life And if any Person or Persons withstand or gainsay the same the said Earls Lords and their Complices shall take such part as the said Noble Prince taketh in whatsoever sort for the obtaining of the said Crown against all and whatsoever that let or deny as shall best please the said Noble Prince 3. Item The said Earls Lords and their Complices shall fortify and maintain the said Noble Prince in his just Title to the Crown of Scotland failing of Succession of our Sovereign Lady and shall justify and set forward the same at their utmost Powers And if any manner of Person will usurp or gainsay the just Title then the said Earls Lords and their Complices shall maintain defend and set forwards the same as best shall please the said Noble Prince without fear of Life or Death and shall seek and pursue them the Usurpers as shall please the said Noble Prince to command to extirp them out of the Realm of Scotland or take or slay them 4. Item As to the Religion which was established by the Queen's Majesty our Sovereign shortly after her arrival in this Realm whereupon Acts and Proclamation was made and now again granted by the said Noble Prince to the said Earls Lords and their Complices they and every of them shall maintain and fortify the same at their uttermost Powers by the help supply and maintenance of the said Noble Prince And if any Person or Persons will gainsay the same or any part thereof or begin to make Tumult or Uproar for the same the said Earls Lords and their Complices to take a full true and plain part with the said Noble Prince against the said Contemners and Usurpers at their uttermost 5. Item As they are become true Subjects Men and Servants to the said Noble Prince so shall they be leyal and true to his Majesty as becometh true Subjects to their natural Prince and as true and faithful Servants serve their good Master with their Bodies Lands Goods and Possessions and shall neither spare Life nor Death in setting forward all things that may be to the Advancement and Honour of the said Noble Prince 6. Item The said Earls Lords and their Complices shall labour at the Queen of England's hands for the relief of the said Noble Prince his Mother and Brother by themselves and such others as they may procure to the uttermost of their power that they may be reliev'd out of Ward or remain in England freely or repair into Scotland as they shall think most expedient without stop or impediment to her self her Son their Servants and Moveables 7. Item The said Earls Lords and their Complices shall by themselves and others that will do for them labour and procure at the Queen of England's hands that the said Noble Prince may have her kindness good-will and assistance in all his Majesty's honourable and just Causes against whatsoever Foreign Prince Certain Articles to be fulfilled by the Noble and Mighty Prince Henry King of Scotland Husband to our Sovereign Lady of his Majesty's mere Clemency and good will to James Earl of Murray Archibald Earl of Argile Alexander Earl of Glencarne Andrew Earl of Rothes Robert Lord Boyd Andrew Lord Stuart of Ocheltrie remaining in England c. Item FIRST The said Noble Prince shall do his good will to obtain them one Remission if they require the same for all Faults and Crimes by-past of whatsoever quality or condition they be And if that cannot be obtained at the first time shall persevere in suing of the same until it be obtained and at the last shall give them a free remission of all Crimes so soon as we are placed by their help and supply to the Crown Matrimonial And in the mean time shall stop and make Impediments so much as lieth in us that they be not called nor accused for whatsoever Crime And presently remits and forgives the aforesaid Earls Lords and their Complices all Crimes committed against us of whatsoever quality or condition they be and do bury and put the same in Oblivion as they had never been And shall receive them at their returning thankfully and with heartiness as others our true and faithful Subjects and Servants 2. Item We shall not suffer by our good wills the foresaid Lords and their Complices to be called or accused in Parliament nor suffer any Forfeitures to be laid against them but shall stop the same at our uttermost Power And if any Person or Persons pretend otherwise we shall neither consent to the holding the Parliament nor yet shall grant to their Forfeiture willingly but shall stop the same to our uttermost Power as said is 3. Item That the said Earls Lords and their Complices returning within the Realm of Scotland we shall suffer or permit them to use and enjoy all their Lands Tackes Steedings and Benefices that they or any of them had before their passage into England And if any manner of Persons do make them Impediments in the peaceable enjoying of the said Lands Steedings Tackes Benefices and Possessions it being made known to us we shall fortify and maintain them to the uttermost of our Powers to the obtaining of the same 4. Item As to the said Earls Lords and their Complices Religion we are contented and consent that they use the same conform to the Queen's Majesty Act and Proclamation made thereupon shortly after her Highness's return out of France And if any Person or Persons pretend to make them Impediment thereunto or to trouble them for using the same Religion we shall take part with the aforesaid Earls Lords and their Complices at our uttermost Power And after their returning upon their good bearing and service to be done to the said Noble Prince shall by their advice consent to the stablishing the Religion now professed and shall concur with them if any persons do withstand them Item We shall fortify and maintain the said Earls Lords and their Complices as a natural Prince should do to his true and Obedient Subjects and as one good Master should fortify and maintain his true and natural Servants against whatsoever in all their just Causes Actions and Quarrels All this while the King kept secret from the Queen's Majesty the whole Proceedings and as her Majesty sought by subtil means to learn of him what was in his mind so crafted he with her to
promised for their security and to that effect sent for the Lord Simple and desired him that he would pass to Dunbar with a Writing of the Lords which he granted to do and received the same with a Copy of the Articles that the King received before and promised to do his utter diligence to get the same immediately sped if it were the King and Queen's Majesties pleasure so to do After the Lord Simple's coming to Dunbar having presented the Lords Writing to their Majesties he was evil taken with the Queen's Majesty who caus'd him to remain three days he reported at his returning that there was no good way to be looked for there but Extremity to the Earls Lords and Gentlemen who had been at the Slaughter of David notwithstanding her Majesty's promise made before At that time her Majesty being in Dunbar wrote to all Earls Lords Barons to meet her in Haddington Town the 17th or 18th of March and likewise directed universal Letters charging all manner of men betwixt 60 and 16 to be there day and place aforesaid being in Arms in fear of War and also sent divers charges to the Lord Eskin Captain of the Castle of Edenburgh to shut up the Town unless the Lords departed out of it In this time it was declared to the Earl of Murray that if he would sue Address to the Queen's Majesty he would obtain the same who shewed the same to the Lords who counselled him to write to her Majesty to that effect which he did and received her Majesty's Answer with certain Articles In this time the Earl of Glencarn and Rothes took their Appointment of the Queen's Majesty The Earl of Morton Lord Ruthen and remanent their Complices perceiving that the Queen's Majesty was willing to remit the Lords banished into England and Argyle and bare her Majesty's whole rage against them that were with the King at the Slaughter of Davie thought best to retire themselves into England under the Queen's Majesty of England's Protection till such time as the Nobility of Scotland their Peers understood their Cause for they have done nothing without the King's Command as is before mentioned and doubt not but their Cause shall be found just and honest whensoever the same be tried and lament the extream handling contrary to Order and Justice that they may not compear for fear of their lives in respect that her Majesty hath caused a Band to be made and all Earls Lords and Barons that resorted to her Majesty to subscribe the same that they shall pursue the said Earl Morton Lord Ruthen and Lindsay and their Complices with Fire and Sword which is against all Order of the Law And on Saturday the 22d of March her Majesty hath caused to be summoned the said Earl of Morton Lords Ruthen and Lindsay the Master of Ruthv●n Lairds of Ormyston Brinston Halton Elvelston Calder Andrew Carr of Faldomside Alexander Ruthen Brother to the Lord Ruthen Patrick Murray of Tippermure William Douglas of Whittingham Mr. Archibald Douglas his Brother George Douglas Lyndzay of Prystone Thomas Scot of Cambysmichet of Perth William Douglas of Lochleven Iames Ieffert of Shreffal Adam Eskin Commendator of Camskinnel Mentershfear of Kars Patrick Ballenden of Stenehouse Brother to Justice Clerk Patrick Wood of Conyton Mr. Iames Magil Clerk of Registers with others to compear before her Majesty and secret Council within six days under the pain of Rebellion and putting them to her Horn and eschetting and bringing of all their moveables Goods the which like Order is not used in no Realm Christened nor is it the Law of Scotland of old but new cropen in and invented by them that understand no Law nor yet good practise and how her Majesty hath handled the Barons of Lothian our Brothers it is known and in likewise our poor Brethren of Edinburgh Merchants and Craftsmen and how they are oppressed by the Men of War God knoweth who will put remedy hereto when it pleaseth him best and how the Lords and Barons Wives are oppressed in spoiling of their Places robbing of their Goods without any Fine for the same it would pity a godly Heart And where her Majesty alledgeth that night that Davie was slain some held Pistols to her Majesties Womb some stroke Whiniards so near her Crag that she felt the coldness of the Iron with many other such like Sayings which we take God to record was never meant nor done for the said Davie receiv'd never a Stroke in her Majesty's presence nor was not stricken till he was at the farthest Door of her Majesty's utter Chamber as is before rehearsed Her Majesty makes all these Allegations to draw the said Earl Morton Lords Ruthen and Lindsay and their Complices in greater hatred with other foreign Princes and with the Nobility and Commonalty of the Realm who have experience of the contrary and know that there was no evil meant to her Majesty's Body The eternal God who hath the rule of Princes Hearts in his hands send her his Holy Spirit to instruct her how she should rule and govern with Clemency and Mercy over her Subjects Written at Berwick day of March 1565. Buchanan Fol. 211. IN the first place she took care that the Body of David which had been buried without the Doors of the next Church should be removed by night and placed in the Sepulchre of the last King and his Children Which unworthy and unexempled Action gave further occasion to disadvantagious Reports of her For what said they can be a more manifest Confession of her Adultery than to make as far as in her lies a sordid Villain who had nothing commendable in himself nor had done any thing useful to the Publick equal in the last of all Honours paid to Men with her Father and Brothers and which seemed yet to be almost a great Indignity to put an impure Fellow Raskal as it were into the Arms of the late Queen Magdalen de Valois In the mean time she never ceased from menacing her Husband deriding him with bitter raillery and using the utmost of her Power to extinguish his Authority with all Men and to render him as contemptible as she could Strict inquiry was made concerning the slaughter of David Many of those who were suspected to be concerned were banished to different places more were fined in Sums of Mony and some who had hardly any part in the Action and for that reason thought themselves secure were punished capitally with death for the principal Persons engaged in that Affair had either escaped into England or concealed themselves in the mountainous Countries of Scotland All Offices of the Magistracy and Places of Trust were taken away from every one who was in the least suspected and conferred upon their Enemies And a Proclamation was published forbidding men to say that the King had any knowledg or part in the death of David But this notwithstanding the publick Calamities was entertained with a general Laughter In April following these Disturbances being a little calmed the Earls of Argile and Murrey were receiv'd into Favour the Queen retired into the Castle of Edinburg the time of her lying in approaching and on the 19th of June a little after nine she was brought to bed of a Son who was afterwards called James the 6th Equinoctialem It was reported that one John Damiette a French Priest who was accounted a Magician had often admonished him David that having got much Wealth he should be gone and so secure himself from the hatred of the Nobility who were too strong a Party for him and that his answer was That the Scots were more ready to talk than to fight And that a few days before his death being advised to beware of the Bastard he said That so long as he lived the Bastard should not have such Power in Scotland as to cause him to fear He thought the Earl of Murrey was meant by that Name But whether this Warning was fulfilled or eluded so it was in fact That George Douglass a Bastard of the Earl of Angus gave him the first Wound Buchanan L. 17. FINIS * To the Earl of Murray * Author of the following Relation † The Duke of Guise and Cardinal of Lorrain * The Queen
every day before Dinner and after Dinner ye would come to my Chamber and pass time with me and thus long time ye have not done so and when I come to your Majesty's Chamber ye bear me little company except Davie had been the third Marrow and after Supper your Majesty hath a use to set at the Cards with the said Davie till one or two of the Clock after midnight and this is the entertainment that I have had of you this long time Her Majesty's answer was It was not Gentlewomens duty to come to their Husbands Chamber but rather the Husband to come to the Wive's Chamber if he had any thing to do with her The King answered How came ye to my Chamber at the beginning and ever till within these few Months● that Davie fell in familiarity with you or am I failed in any sort of my Body or what disdain have you at me or what Offence have I made you that you should not use me at all time alike seeing that I am willing to do all things that becometh a good Husband to do to his Wife For since you have chose me to be your Husband suppose I be of the baser degree yet I am your Head and ye promised Obedience at the day of our Marriage and that I should be equal with you and participant in all things I suppose you have used me otherwise by the perswasions of Davie Her Majesty answered and said that all the shame that was done to her that my Lord ye have the weight thereof for the which I shall never be your Wife nor lie with you nor shall never like well till I gar you have as sore a Heart as I have presently Then the Lord Ruthen made answer and besought her Majesty to be of good comfort and to treat her self and the King her Husband and to use the Counsel of the Nobility and he was assured her Government should be as well guided as ever it was in any King's days The said Lord being so feebled with his Sickness and wearied with his Travel that he desired her Majesty's pardon to sit down upon a Coffer and called for a drink for God's sake so a French man brought him a Cup of Wine and after that he had drunken the Queen's Majesty began to rail against the said Lord Is this your Sickness Lord Ruthen The said Lord answered God forbid that your Majesty had such a Sickness for I had rather give all the moveable Goods that I have Then said her Majesty if she died or her Barn or Common-weal perished she should leave the revenge thereof to her Friends to revenge the same upon the said Lord Ruthen and his Posterity for she had the King of Spain her great Friend the Emperor likewise and the King of France her good Brother the Cardinal of Lorrain and her Unkels in France besides the Pope's Holiness with many other Princes in Italy The said Lord answered that these noble Princes were over-great Personages to meddle with such a poor man as he was being her Majesty 's own Subject and where her Majesty said that if either she her Barn or the Commonweal perished the said Lord Ruthen should have the weight thereof the said Lord answered that if any of the three perished her Majesty's self and her particular Counsel should have the weight thereof and should be accused as well before God as the World for there was no man there within that Palace but they that would honour and serve her Majesty as becometh true Subjects and would suffer no manner harm to be done to her Majesty's Body than to their own Hearts and if any thing be done this night that your Majesty mislikes charge the King your Husband and none of us your Subjects which the King confessed was of verity In the same instant one came knocking fast at the Queen's Chamber-door declaring that the Earls Huntly Athol Bothwel Cathness and Sutherland with the Lords Fleming Levingstone Secretary Tillibarn the Comptroller and Laird of Grant with their own Servants and Officers of the Palace were fighting in the Close against the Earl of Morton and his Company being on the King's Party The King hearing the same would have gone down and the Lord Ruthen staid him and desired him to intreat the Queen's Majesty and he would go down and take order amongst them So the said Lord passed to the Close born under the Arm and before his coming the Officers were dwong into their Houses and the Lords were holden in at the Gallery Door by the Earl of Morton and others being with him and were constrained to pass up to the Gallery and to their Chambers So the said Lord Ruthen passed up to the Earl Bothwell's Chamber where he found the Earls of Huntley Sutherland Cathness the Laird of Grant and divers others to whom he shewed that the whole Proceeding that was done that night was done and invented by the King's Majesty 's own devise like as his Hand written was to shew thereupon and how he had sent for the Lords that were banished in England and Argyle who would be there before day And because there was some Enmity unreconciled betwixt the Earls of Huntly and Bothwell and the Earls of Argyle and Murray and their Colleagues the said Lords promised in their names that it should be mended at the sight of two or three of the Nobility they doing such like to them whereupon the said Earls of Huntley and Bothwell gave the Lord Ruthen their hands and received his for th' other part and after they had drunken the said Lord Ruthen took his leave of them and passed to the Earl of Athol's Chamber accompanied with the Earls of Cathness Sutherland and the Laird of Grant and found with the said Earl the Comptroller Secretary Mr. Iames Balfour and divers others and because of the Familiarity and Kindness betwixt the Earl of Athol and the Lord Ruthen the said Earl began to be angry with the said Lord for that he would not shew him what Enterprise soever that he had to do whose answer was that it was the King's Action and the King's Devise and that none of them had further medling therewith than the King had commanded like as his Hand written did testify Yet the said Earl enquired further upon the said Lord Ruthen why he would not let him wit thereof the said Lord answered it was the King's Secret and feared if he had given knowledg thereof he would have revealed it to the Queen's Majesty which might have been a hindrance of the purpose and caused the King have holden me an unhonest man for my part The said Earl perceiving that all that was done was the Kings own deed desired the said Lord Ruthen to pass to the King and get him leave to pass to his Country and so many as were presently in the Chamber with him In this mean time the Earls of Bothwell and Huntly taking a fear of the other Lords returning out of England
all highest pain and charge that after may follow And on the morrow after which was Sunday the 10th of March the King directed a Letter subscribed with his hand making mention that it was not his Will that the Parliament should hold for divers Causes but discharged the same by the Tenor thereof And therefore commanded all Prelats Earls Lords Barons Commissioners and Barrowis and others that are warned to the said Parliament to depart from Edenburg within three hours next after that Charge under the pain of Life Lands and Goods except so many as the King by his special command caused to remain which Letter was openly proclaimed at the Market-Cross and fully obeyed The Gates being locked the King being in his Bed the Queen's Majesty walking in her Chamber the said Lord Ruthen took air upon the lower Gate and the privy Passages and at the King's Command in the mean time Davie was hurled down the steps of the Stairs from the place where he was slain and brought to the Porter's Lodg where the Porter's Servant taking off his Clothes said This hath been his Destiny for upon this Chest was his first Bed when he entred into this place and now here he lieth again a very ingrate and misknowing Knave The King 's Whiniard was found sticking in Davie's side after he was dead but always the Queen inquired of the King where his Whiniard was who answered that he wit not well Well said she it will be known afterwards On the morrow which was Sunday March 10. the King rose at eight of the Clock and passed to the Queen's Majesty's Chamber where he and she fell to reasoning of the Matter proceeded the night afore the one grating on the other till it was ten a Clock that the King came down to his Chamber and at his coming from her she desired him to let all the Ladies and Gentlewomen come unto her which the King granted and at his coming down shewed the same to the Earl of Morton and Lord Ruthen who were not contented with the same and shewed the King that they feared that the Queen's Majesty would traffick by them with the Lords and all other that would do for her like as it followed indeed For instantly her Majesty wrote some Writing and caused them to write others in her Name to the Earls of Argile Huntly Bothwel Athol and others After that the King had dined on Sunday he passed up to the Queen's Majesty's Chamber where the Queen made as she would have parted with Barn and caused the Midwife come and say the same So her Majesty complained that she could get none of the Gentlewomen to come up to her Scots nor French The King sending this word to the Earl of Morton and Lord Ruthen all were let in that pleased At the same time the Queen's Majesty thought that the Lord Ruthen would do her Body harm and sent Iohn Simple Son to the Lord Simple to the said Lord Ruthen to enquire what her Majesty might lippen unto in that behalf Whose answer was that he would no more harm to her Body than to his own Heart if any Man intended to do otherwise he should defend her Majesty Body at the uttermost of his Power And further the said Lord said her Majesty had experience of his mind in that Night's proceeding when he suffered none come near her Majesty to molest and trouble her The said Iohn Simple brought this Message to the said Lord Ruthen at two of the Clock Afternoon on Sunday sitting then in the King 's utter Chamber at his Dinner At four of the Clock the King came down to his Chamber where the Lord Ruthen shewed him that the Queen's Majesty was to steal out among the throng of the Gentlewomen in their downcoming as he said he was advertised So the King commanded him to give attendance thereto which he did and put certain to the Door and let no Body nor Gentlewoman pass forth undismuffled After about 7 or 8 of the Clock the Earls of Murrey and Rothes with their Complices came out of England and lighted at the Abbey and were thankfully received of the King and after certain communing the Earl of Murrey took his Good-night of the King and passed to the Earl of Morton's House to Supper Immediately thereafter the Queen's Majesty sent one of her Ushers called Robert Phirsell for the said Earl of Murrey who passed to her Majesty whom she received pleasantly as appeared and after communing he passed to the Earl of Morton's House again where he remained that Night At this time the King remained communing with the Queen's Majesty and after long reasoning with her she granted to lie with him all Night he coming to her Chamber and putting all men out of his utter Chamber except the Waiters of his Chamber and made a complaint that her Gentlewomen could not go forth at the door undismuffled at the King 's coming down He shewed the said Earl of Morton and Lord Ruthen the whole manner of his proceedings with the Queen's Majesty which they liked no way because they perceived the King grew effeminate again and said to him we see no other but ye are able to do that thing that will gar you and us both repent Always he would have the said Earl and Lord to rid all the House conform to the Queen's Majesty's desire which they did and the said Lord Ruthen passed and lay in the King's Wardrobe and after he was lien down George Douglass came to him and shewed him that the King was fallen asleep The said Lord caused George to go to wake the King and after that he had gone in twice or thrice finding him sleeping so sound he would not awake him Thereat the said Lord was very miscontented the King slept still till six in the morning that the Lord Ruthen came and reproved him that he had not kept his Promise to the Queen's Majesty in lying with her all that Night His answer was that he was fallen on such a dead sleep that he could not awaken and put the blame to William Tellor one of his Servants that permitted him to sleep But always said he I will take my Night-gown and go up to the Queen The said Lord Ruthen answered and said I trust she shall serve you in the Morning as you did her at Night Always the King passed up being Monday the 11th of March at six of the Clock to her Majesty's Chamber and sat down on the Bedside she being sleeping or at least made her self so and sat there by the space of one hour e're she spake word to him Then when her Majesty waked she enquired of the King why he came not up yesterday night conform to his Promise He answered he fell in so dead a sleep that he awaked not afore six Now saith he am I come and offered to lie down beside her Majesty but she would not suffer him for she was sick and said she would rise incontinent Then the King fell
to cross David's Designs if the Marriage should succeed with the consent of the Queen of England and of the Nobility of Scotland the first that he should lose the Honour of being accounted the Author the second that provision would be made for the Security of Religion whereas if the Queen would join her self with the Council of Trent he promised himself Honours Benefices infinite Treasures and uncontrouled Authority For these reasons he left nothing unattempted to precipitate the Marriage and effected it the Scots being not well pleased and the English most highly offended Fol. 209. In the mean time David finding the Court cleared of the principal Persons of the Nobility that he might confirm his intemperate hopes of Power còntinually laboured by rash Advice to excite the Queen to use the coercive Power of the Sword against the Heads of the several Parties assuring her that if a few were removed the rest would not dare to attempt any thing But conjecturing that the Queen's Guards being Scotsmen would not easily consent to the Murder of the Nobility he made it his principal business to turn them out from that Post and to introduce Foreigners which has almost ever been the rise of all Tyranies into that Body To that end a motion was first made to send for Germans that Nation being esteemed to be of great fidelity to their Masters but David having attentively consider'd the matter concluded it to be more commodious for the carrying on of his Designs that Italians should be admitted to that Imployment being perswaded that Men of the same Nation with himself would not only be more intirely under his Power but that having no tincture of any Religion they would be also the most proper Instruments of embroiling Affairs and making no distinction between what is just and what unjust might easily be driven to perpetrate any kind of Villany besides which men indigent and wicked born and educated under Tyrants accustomed to unjust War and who being far from home esteemed nothing in Britain dear to them seemed most fit to support the Innovations intended To this end he began by degrees to send for vagabond Souldiers from Flanders and other Countries upon the Continent who came single and at different times that what was doing might not appear but to offend one of these was more dangerous than to offend the Queen In the mean time as the Power and Authority of David with the Queen increased daily so the King became daily more contemtible to her and to treat him yet with greater indignity David was substituted to sign divers publick Acts in the place of the King Fol. 209. The Queen not contenting her self to have raised David from the meanest obscurity and exposed him to the view of the People in this high degree of Elevation contrived another way of honouring him in a domestick and more familiar manner She had for some Months admitted more Persons than had been usual at her Table that David might have a place there with less envy on account of the number of those who received that honour not doubting by this shew of Popularity the numerous company and daily use the strangeness of the Spectacle would by degrees not only wear off but the Stomach of the stoutest be insensibly accustomed to suffer any thing At last David with only one or two more was permitted to eat with her yet that the straitness of the Place might in some measure diminish the Envy of the Action they sometimes eat in a little Closet and sometimes in David's Chamber But instead of lessening the Publick Envy by these means they increased their own Infamy confirmed former Suspicions and afforded matter for sinister Discourses Another thing fell in also to inflame the minds of Men already disposed to believe the worst that David for surpassed the King in rich Furniture Cloths number and goodness of Horses which Indignity seemed so much the greater by how much his Face contributed more to destroy the effect of every Ornament about him than any of those Advantages to grace his Person Therefore the Queen since she could not correct the faults of Nature endeavours by heaping Honours upon him to advance him into the highest Order of Men that the Meanness of his Birth and his personal Deformity might lie concealed under the cover of a fortuitous Nobility but most especially that by this means having a right of voting in the publick Assemblies he might be enabled to manage those Councils as the Queen should direct And because it was thought necessary to advance gradually and that he might not seem to be an indigent and mercenary Senator their first attempt was made upon a Lordship called by the Seots Malvil and situated near Edinburgh The Possessor of the Lordship with his Father-in-law and such Friends as were thought to have the most influence upon him were sent for to the Queen who endeavoured to prevail with the Lord to deliver up his Possession quietly and to induce his Father-in-law with the rest of his Friends to perswade him so to do But this way not taking effect as was desired the Queen interpreted their refusal as an affront to her and which was more pernicious David was highly offended The People for these things were not done in the dark began to deplore the present Evils and to expect worse every day If men of the most antient Families and Honour might be expelled from the Seats of their Ancestors at the will of an indigent Rascal The old men called to mind and frequently mentioned the time when Cockeran after the barbarous Murder of the King's Brother was advanced from a Porter to the Earldom of Marr and filled the whole Kingdom with Fire and Sword which Desolation terminated in the Death of the King and almost total S●●bversion of the Kingdom To these things which were publick men in private Discourses added many more as is usual in undecent and scandalous cases But the King resolving to credit nothing save what he should discover by himself being informed that David was gone into the Queen's Chamber he went to the Door of which he always carried a Key and contrary to custom finding it to be bolted within he knocked but no one answering he departed in a great rage and being agitated by most violent Passions passed the greater part of the Night without Sleep Fol. 210. About that time Letters were brought from the Queen of England in which many things concerning the present state of Affairs in Scotland were kindly and prudently treated with a gentle and affectionate admonition to her Kinswoman to lay aside her Passion and to entertain more moderate Counsels The Queen understanding that the Lords knew such Letters were arrived and that no one doubted the Contents called divers of them to her hoping the favour would be interpreted to proceed from inclination and began to read them in their presence But as she was in the course of her reading David openly admonished her that