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A95888 Gods arke overtopping the worlds waves, or The third part of the Parliamentary chronicle. Containing a successive continuation and exact and faithful narration of all the most materiall parliamentary proceedings & memorable mercies wherewith God hath crowned this famous present Parliament and their armies in all the severall parts of the land; ... Collected and published for Gods high honour and the great encouragement of all that are zealous for God and lovers of their country. / By the most unworthy admirer of them, John Vicars.; God in the mount. Part 3 Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. 1645 (1645) Wing V309; Thomason E312_3; ESTC R200473 307,400 332

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Awake up our glorie awake Psalterie and Harp and let us all awake right early thus to blesse and magnifie the Lord. For through our God wee shall doe valiantly and it is he that shall tread down our enemies under our feet But now to goe on About the beginning of this November our most prudent Parliamentarie Statists wisely considering and most circumspectly advising on the inveterate malice and mischievous designes of the Oxonian Atheists against the Parliament and Cities of London and Westminster as hath been foreshewn they therefore past an Ordinance of Parliament wherein they declared that they held it most fit and necessary for the better setling and securing of the state of this distracted and much dilacerated Kingdome that all such Committees as were then nominated in the said Ordinance all Colonells Captaines and other Officers and well-affected persons inhabitants of the Counties of Hampshire the Town and Countie of Southampton Surrey Sussex and Kent shall and may associate themselves and mutually ayd succour support and assist one another in the mutuall defence and preservation of themselves from the inroades and outrages of the Kings Corm●rants and have power thereby given them to raise forces of horse and foot to suppress and expell all such forces as are or shall be raised in the said severall Counties to levie war against the Parliament or that shall make any insurrections or shall plunder or destroy any of his Majesties good subjects in those Counties And the Lord Generall the Earl of E●●ex was thereby desired to grant a Commission to that most valiant and renowned Commander Sir William Waller to command in chief as Serjeant Major Generall of all such forces raised in the said Counties the happie and successfull issues of which said association you shall now shortly have in their succeeding proper places And that the world might see and all Malignants mouthes be stopt if it were possible to doe it the godly and Christian care of this most renowned and pious Parliament not onely at home but abroad also providing for the welfare of forein English Plantations our most prudent and provident Parliamentarie Senators set forth an Ordinance of Parliament whereby that most noble renowned loyall and pious patriot Robert Earl of Warwick was made Governour in chief and Lord high Admirall of all those Islands and Plantations inhabited planted or belonging to any of his Majesties the King of Englands Subjects within the bounds and upon the coasts of America which said Ordinance for the Readers better satisfaction and full content therein I have thought fit heer to insert and interlace An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT Die Jovis Novemb. 2. 1643. VVHereas many thousands of the natives and good Subjects of this Kingdome of England through the oppression of the Prelates and other ill affected Ministers and Officers of State have of late yeeres to their great griefe and miserable hardship been inforced to transplant themselves and their families into severall Islands and other remote and desolate parts of the West-Indies and having there through exceeding great labour and industry with the blessing of God obtained for themselves and their families some competent and convenient meanes of maintenance and subsistance so that they are now in a reasonable well setled and peaceable condition But fearing lest the outragious malice of Papists and other ill-affected persons should reach unto them in their poor and low but as yet peaceable condition and having been informed that there hath been lately procured from His Majesty severall grants under the great Seale for erecting some new Governours and Commanders amongst the said Planters in their aforementioned Plantations Whereupon the said Planters Adventurers Owners of Land in the said forein Plantations have preferred their Petition unto this present Parliament that for the better securing of them and their present Estates there obtained through so much extreame labour and difficulty they might have some such Governours and government as should be approved of and confirmed by the authoritie of both Houses of Parliament Which Petition of theirs the Lords and Commons having taken into consideration and finding it of great importance both to the safety and preservation of the aforesaid Natives and Subjects of this Kingdome as well from all forain invasions and oppressions as from their own intestine distractions and disturbances as also much tending to the honour and advantage of His Majesties Dominions have though fit and doe heerby constitute and ordaine Robert Earle of Warwick Governour in chiefe and Lord high Admirall of all those Islands and other Plantations inhabited planted or belonging to any His Majesties the King of Englands Subjects or which hereafter may be inhabited planted or belonging to them within the bounds and upon the coasts of America And for the more effectuall speedier and easier transaction of this so weighty and important a businesse which concernes the well-being and preservation of so many of the distressed Natives of this and other His Majesties Dominions The Lords and Commons have thought fit that Philip Earle of Pembrook Edward Earl of Manchester William Viscount Say and Seale Philip Lord Wharton John Lord Roberts Members of the House of Peeres Sir Gilbert Gerard Knight and Baronet Sir Arthur Haselrigg Baronet Sir Henry Vane junior Knight Sir Benjamin Rudyer Knight John Pym Oliver Cromwell Dennis Bond Myles Corbet Cornelius Holland Samuel Vassall John Rolls and William Spurstow Esquires Members of the House of Commons shall be Commissioners to joyn in ayd and assistance with the said Earl of Warwick chief Governour and Admirall of the said Plantations which chief Governour together with the said Commissioners or any four of them shall heerby ●av● power and authority to provide for order and dispose all things which they shall from time to time finde most fit and advantageous to the well-governing securing strengthning and preserving of the said Plantations and chiefly to the preservation and advancement of the true Protestant Religion amongst the said planters inhabitants and the further enlargement and spreading of the Gospel of Christ amongst those that yet remain there in great and miserable blindnesse and ignorance And for the better advancement of this so great a work It is heerby further ordained by the said Lords and Commons That the aforesaid Governour and Commissioners shall heerby have power and authority upon all weighty important occasions which may concern the good and safety of the aforesaid Planters to call unto their advice and assistance therein any other of the aforesaid Planters Owners of Land or Inhabitants of the said Islands and Plantations which shall then be within twenty miles of the place where the said Commissioners shall then be and shall have power and authority to send for view and make use of all such Records Books and Papers which doe or may concern any of the said Plantations And because the well-setling and establishing of such Officers and Governours as
that Postern-gate but about 200 of them were taken prisoners and much ammunition and armes besides many fat beeves sheep and other provision which was then provided for the next dayes Market with good store of other pillage and the Souldiers who before had resolved to be in no Drapers debt for new-cloathes borrowed as much cloath as would serve their turn of other kinde neighbour Cormorants who at the first word gave them no deniall therein and thus by the time that they had made a diligent search through the whole Town for their enemies which were left behinde they got much other fraight for their vessells and sent home also a good quantitie of hay and provender with their other prizes to welcome home brave Captain Sydenham with his horse who was then likewise gone Eastward from Pool to Winborn to demand that Town also but his main purpose was to keep the Warham alarm from them at Winborn and so to farther Captain Layes design which as aforesaid he bravely effected and returned safely to Pool About the 28th of this November also it pleased our good God so to order and dispose of things by the wisdome and providence of our ever to be honoured Worthies in Parliament that the most noble and renowned pious and valiant Earl of Warwick was by an unanimous consent of both Houses voted to be Lord high Admirall of England an honourable title fit to be invested on so honourable trustie and noble a personage and indeed I cannot exactly say whether the title more honours him or he the title but this I am sure of the title is most like to be more honoured and the Kingdome the better secured by him whose actions are and ever have been most like himself honourable pious and faithfull Much also about the aforesaid time came credible information by severall Letters to London out of Warwickshire that Serjeant Major Bridges Governour of Warwick Castle had sent our severall parties of horse from the Castle at severall times which brought in from within two miles of Banburie out of the Lord Sayes grounds at lest a 1000 sheep which the Banbury garrison had stoln from the poore inhabitants of the Countries and places adjacent And also that they had surprized an hundred horse of the enemies taken a Serjeant Major and some other Officers and to the great comfort and content of the Inhabitants of Gloucestershire had lighted upon an high Sheriff commonly called the Task-Master Generall who had layd many heavie impositions and taxes upon the Country-people of those parts making their lives grievous unto them Also that understanding that a company of ragged Welch-vermine were come into Worcestershire and intended to nestle and fortifie themselves in Caughton-House belonging to Sir Robert Throgmorton a great Papist the said brave Governour sent thither about 80 Musketteers who speedily possessed themselves of the House fortified it very strongly and since that sent fifty horse thither beside to make the said House a more strong and complete garrison for part of his Souldiers the better to free and secure those parts from the plunderings and rapines of the enemies forces And certainly had all the Parliament Commanders been as faithfull courageous and active as this most valiant Commander was and as the ever to be renowned Colonell Massie governour of Gloucester Colonell Wardlow governour of Plimouth and the governour of Pool valiantly to watch and lay hold on advantages as these have done from time to time the enemie had been in a lower estate and condition than now they are and wee might have put a more speedie period to this warre But wee must most wisely ascribe the event of all things to the all-disposing hand of our most wise God who thus orders it giving over some to cowardize and others to treachery that so he may the more wea● us from relying too much on the arme of flesh and cause us to trust more unto and to see far more in the Creator than in any creature-props and 〈…〉 About the 30th also of this foresaid November came certain information to London by Letters out of Cheshire that Sir William Brereton that most famous and successfull pious Patriot and Sir Thomas Midleton that most loyall and valiant Commander went on very successfully in those parts and that after they had taken Hol●-Castle the draw-bridge over the river Dee Harden-Castle and the Town of Rexham by which meanes they made stop of all provisions out of Wales going to the relief of Chester Sir Thomas Midleton went out with a partie into Flintshire and that the Town and Castle of Flint presently were surrendred unto him and after that that the Town and Fort of Mostin and foure pieces of Ordnance in it were also surrendred to him whereby they garrison'd their men in all the Townes about Chester the Country coming in unto them as also many Gentlemen of note and qualitie and that with very much freeness About the foresaid time also our most renowned Parliamentary Statists passed an Ordinance of Parliament for the better encouraging of all Merchants Masters of Ships Mariners and others to be approved of and appointed thereunto by the most noble Earl of Warwick Lord high Admirall of England that should set forth any ships or pinnaces to Sea wa●likely appointed equipped and manned at their own proper cost and charges that in recompence of the same and their adventures therein they should have and enjoy to their own proper uses all such ships ammunition goods moneys and Merchandiazes which they took or surprized by sea or by land intended or designed against the Parliament and their adherents in this Kingdome or for the relief of the rebells in the Kingdome of Ireland or that had carried or whom they should take carrying any supplies to the intents aforesaid And also that so much money should be paid to them or their assignes by the Treasurer of the Navie for the time being as should enable them respectively to victuall their ships and pinnaces for so many moneths as they shall employ them at Sea in this service accounting twenty ●●lings to each man for moneths victualls and not exceeding forty 〈◊〉 to every hundred tu●●s burthen of their respective 〈…〉 every voyage Thus wee 〈…〉 and mercy of our good God to counsell 〈…〉 our most honoured Worthies to 〈…〉 fare of the Kingdome both by sea and by land ever magnified and praised be his holy and great Name for it And thus having by Gods providence and gracious assistance carried on the historicall Narration of Gods Ark even the holy Cause of our pious Parliament in all this Moneths victorious Voyage and having now thus happily arrived to the end thereof I shall heer now desire the godly Reader to give me leave a little while to cast anchor and to make a short stay of recapitulation of and profitable rumination on the rare and rich mercies of this Moneths voyage thereby to see what holy merchantlike
improvement wee can make of this our voyage for the honour of our good God in briefly observing and admiring the menacing molestations and shrewd brushes and disturbances which the advers waves and boysterous billowes rocks and sands of most wicked and ungodly proud presumptuous enemies of this Ark labouring to overtop or overturn it yet now by the Lords almightie and irresistible power and sweet protection all those proud waves were broken the rocks removed and the devouring sands securely evaded Both in the good hand of God first Uniting and associating the Counties of Hampshire Sussex Surrey and Kent and ordaining renowned Sir William Waller Commander in chief over them Secondly In the Parliaments pious care and providence for the welfare of forein English Plantations Thirdly In causing a considerable number of English-Irish-Protestant Souldiers transported out of Ireland and landed at Bristoll to fight against the Parliament to revolt from the Kings designes by them and really and readily to turn to the Parliaments-side against the Parliaments enemies Fourthly In that brave defeat given by the Parliaments forces in Shropshire and Cheshire to that proud and unsuccessfull upstart Lord Capell Fifthly In the most successfull pious and renowned Earl of Manchesters spoyling and bereaving of that pernicious Town of Newark of their provision the taking of Bullingbrook-Castle the declining and perishing condition of proud and Popish Newcastles armie and the notable defection of the Gentrie of ●orkshire and other Northern-Counties from the Kings partie Sixthly In the admirable contrary effects which the wisdome of the Lord our God caused the accursed Cessation of armes in Ireland to bring forth which mainly appeared in the Parliaments perfecting and producing their former long intended new Broad-Seal of England and the hopefully happie effects thereof Seventhly In renowned Sir William Wallers brave prize taken about Newbery The most excellent effects which the loss of Stamford-Mount at Plymouth produced And renowned Colonell Rigbies famous victorie at Thurland Eighthly The brave atchievements and victorious performances of the little Town yet greatly renowned Garrison at Pool in Dorsetshire Ninthly The happie re-establishment of the renowned Earl of Warwick in the place of Lord high Admirall of England for the singular securitie and safety of the Kingdome as well by sea as by land Tenthly The brave exploits of the valiant Governour and Garrison of Warwick Castle Eleventhly The most successfull proceedings and brave atchievements of those two renowned Colonells and Commanders Sir William Brereton and Sir Thomas Midleton Twelfthly and lastly the most prudent and provident Ordinance of Parliament granting out Letters of Mart by Sea for the better hindrance of the accursed designes of our Oxonian adversaries in the rebellious and most bloudy Kingdome of Ireland And now tell mee good Reader dost thou not see plainly by all these premised passages and apparent prints of Gods providence The Lord sitting as a most prudent and propitious Pilot at the Stern of his Ark and graciously and gloriously carrying it on safely and securely through the midst of all these molesting and raging waves of wicked men and all their most desperate and devillish designes against it whereby wee may and must most justly and ingenuously acknowledge with the sweet Psalmograph the holy Prophet David Thou O Lord art our safe and secure hiding-place Thou alone dost preserve us from troubles Thou dost encompasse us with songs of deliverance But to proceed The first thing wherewith I shall begin this Moneth of December shall be that happie and blessed business to this Kingdome of fully confirming and setting on foot the new Great Seal of England But before I come to the present relation of what was more fully setled and confirmed therein Give me leave good Reader to acquaint thee with what formerly past about it in Parliament namely That about the midst of October last when as the Commons debating on the speedie putting it in execution they considered a collection of certain Acts then read setting forth the power and use of the great Seal of England and reviewed their former votes touching the absence of the other great Seal at Oxford the substance of which former votes having relation to what was then farther agreed upon I have thought fit heer to insert Resolved on the Question 1. That the great Seal of England ought to attend the Parliament 2. That the absence of it hath been a cause of great mischiefes to the Common-wealth 3. That a remedie ought to be provided for those mischiefes 4. That the proper way is by making a New great Seal And they then proceeded to some farther votes touching the same which were to this effect Resolved on the Question That the great Seal at Oxford be disanull'd and what ever act or thing hath passed under it since it was carried away from the Parliament to be voyd and of none effect and that an Ordinance of Parliament be forthwith drawn up to that purpose By which Vote those late thundring Proclamations against the Parliament and well-affected Subjects of the Kingdome and the many new honours conferred on c. and many others at Oxford for their good service in withholding his Majestie from his Parliament and fostering this unnaturall rebellion against the Parliament Kingdome thereby occasioning the death of many thousands of his Majesties good and loyall subjects will fall flat to the ground Also resolved on the Question That Commissioners of both Houses of Parliament be forthwith appointed viz. Three of the House of Peeres and six of the House of Commons if the Lords so think fit to have the trust of the new great Seal which is to reside with the Parliament for the use of the Parliament and Kingdome And lastly resolved on the Question That the House of Peeres be forthwith desired to nominate such members of their House to joyn with a proportionable number of the Commons House as Commissioners for the said New great Seal and that all businesses proper to the Seal be dispatched by them or by order of both Houses All which was accordingly ratified not long after as was manifested in the Ordinance of Parliament for the great Seal forementioned After which long and serious agitation consultation and debates in both Houses of Parliament a Declaration from both Houses now fully resolved on and the Lord Ruthen Earl of Kent being with full approbation of both Houses chosen and made a Commissioner thereof in stead of the Earl of Rutland first chosen who upon some scruples of conscience objected by him was acquitted of that service and the Ordinance of Parliament accordingly altered The new great Seal was now I say delivered to the Commissioners of both Houses of Parliament for the putting thereof into due execution viz. To the Earl of Kent and the Earl of Bullingbrook for the House of Peers Mr Saint John Sollicitor Generall Mr Serjeant Wilde Mr Prideaux and Mr
I therefore earnestly beseech thee good Reader in the pages fore-cited to correct and amend with thy pen also this so materiall mistake therein The Authors promise of part of Requitall for the foresaid favour ANd in part of requitall of thy fore-desired friendly favour I shall good Reader both promise as I hope I have now in this third Part performed more care for the future And also hasten out for thy full content the fourth Part of this Parliamentary-Chronicle which I intend if the Lord permit to compleat and bring up to the very present time of its immediate publication with all the most famous admirable and almost incredible Victories and Successes of this last Sommer and Autumn-Season I having even now almost quite finished and fitted the said promised fourth Part for the Printers Presse if at least I find as I hope I shall this my present third Part so courteously accepted as to make the speedier way for the comming forth thereof and so consequently for the compleating of this so fair and famous a History Thyne J. V. FINIS An Exact Table of all the most materiall Passages of this third Part of the Parliamentary-Chronicle A THe Arke and Parliament compared together Page 1. The Assembly of Divines petition the Parliament 2. The Assemblies petition for Reformation 4 Apprentices provided for 31 The Authors gratefull remembrance of Gods goodnesse to him 37 The Associated Counties cared for 55 The Isle of Axholm taken 147 The Bishop of Armagh his memoriall 153 The famous Victory at Alsford 185 Axholm Island taken 202 The famous defeat at Aulton 95 The Earl of Argyle in Scotland 230 The Isle and Fort of Ayremouth taken 234 Abington taken by the Lord Roberts ibid. Arundell Castle besieged and taken 122 Association of Hampshire Surry and Sussex 57 Army of the Earl of Newcastle declining 67 Ammunition conveyed to Gloucester and how 200 A●lesbury to be betrayed 135 Advance of the Scots into England 136 B. Burleigh-house taken 7 Colonell Brown beats the Kentish Rebels 13 Sir William Brereton wins Houghton Castle 18 Beverly pittifully plundred 30 Bullenbrook Castle taken 67 A new Broad Seal 71 The Scots march from Barwick into England 137 Burlington taken 154 Biddle-house taken 167 Bradfords Victory obtained by Colonell Lambert 168 Burleigh house garrison active 171 Sir William Belfore in Hampshire 172 Bredport taken 175 Burleigh-house in Dorsetshire 176 Colonell Beares brave defeat given to the Enemy 182 Colonell Bellasis beaten 200 Basing-house defeated 209 Banbury Forces beaten 211 Sir William Breretons brave performances 84 The enemy ●●ated at Budely 217 Col. Boles slain 97 Belvoir forces beaten 110 Major Gen. Brown made Commander in chiefe of 3 Counties 249 Major Gen. Brown much honoured 251 Sir William Belfore at Lime 257 Bewley-house taken 17 Sir Bazill Brooks plot discovered 118 A Bristoll ship taken 124 Banstable shakes off the Cavalerian yoake 265 Beverton Castle taken 236 A brave Bonefire of Popish trinkets 128 Bloody Sir John Byron 129 Burton upon Trent taken 131 Bodmin in Cornwall taken 297 Beggars must be no carvers 303 C. Colonell Cromwell beates the Earle of Newcastle 6 Col. Cromwell takes Stamford in Line 7 Clubmen in Lincoln beaten 8 Col. Cromwels Letter shewing his Victory at Gainsbrough 8 Generall Cavendish slain at Gainsbrough 9 Canterbury Malignants rise 15 City Malignants Imprisoned 27 A Covenant or Oath to be taken in London 24 A Commission to Sir Wil. Waller 28 Sir Alexander Carews plot at Plymouth 29 Care taken for Apprentices 31 Christs-Hospitall relieved by the Parliament 37 Cambden Cormorants beaten 49 The Kings Cormorants beaten at Newport Pannell 55 The Lord Capell beaten at Wem 62 Cessation in Ireland justified by the King 68 Contrary effects to the Irish Cess●tion 71 A Councill of State for the 3 Kingdomes 147 Sir William Constables good service in the North. 154 The Covenant taken the manner how 157 Sir William Constables good service at Yorke 160 Cheshire much aimed at by the King 161 Church-government 162 Covenant taken in Leicester 169 Chester-bridge in Yorkshire taken by Sir William Constable 171 The Earl of Carberies pride and cruelty 177 The E. of Carbery quite vanquisht 181 Cathedral at Westminst reformed 184 Cawood-castle taken 202 Crowland regained 203 Correspondence with the Swedes 204 Commissioners for the New Broad scale 88 Carnarvan Town and Castle taken 224 Covenant taken by the House of Peers 90 Commanders in Arms take the Covenant 90 Covenant sealed with loan of 100000 l at London 90 The Earl of Callender stirs in Scotland 230 The L. Crawford saluted by Sir Wil. Waller 98 Canterbury Minister reformed 101 Cawood Castle in Yorksh taken 233 Chippingham Garrison taken 237 A Chain of gold bestowed by the Parliament on Capt. Swanley 248 The Kings Commanders catcht at Cards and Dice 112 Compton-house taken 251 3 Children in one bed miraculously preserved 254 Coventry Forces take Holt-house 117 Coventry forces take Bewley-house ibid. Citizens of London invite the Parliament to a Feast 124 Covenant to be taken over the whole Kingdome 157 A Collection for sick and wounded souldiers by an Ordnance 33 Leiut Gen. Cromwells due praise 273 Major Gen. Crafords valour 273 Croyland subdued 132 Cholmmy-house taken 285 A brave defeat given to the Enemy at Chard 296 D. A rich Danish ship taken 20. Delinquents woods to be cut down 36 A brave defeat given to the Enemies of Cambden 49 A great design against London 52 The Kings Declaration justifying the Irish cessation 68 Defection of the Northern Counties from the King 68 A Declaration touching the great Seal 72 A Declaration touching the cessation in Ireland 70 A brave Defeat given to the Enemy by Col. Rudgeley 78 A Declaration consented to by England and Scotland 142 The Parliaments Declaration sent to Oxford 152 Divers Delinquent Lords c. names 153 Da●by Forces take Kings Milus 156 The Parliaments Declaration tooke good effect at Oxford 175 Delinquents reclaimed 174 Durham fled unto by Newcastle 228 A brave Defeat given to the Enemy by Col. Fox 216 The Kings Declaration against the Covenant 91 Deserters of Oxford 92 Lord Digby beaten at Plymouth 94 The Enemy beaten at Dunscot 95 The Famous Defeat at Aulton 95 The Devizes molested by Col. Massye 237 The Lord Denbigh takes Russell-Hall 239 A brave Defeat given to the Enemy at Nottingham 240 The Lord Denbigh against Dudley Forces 251 The great Danger and Deliverance of Col. Mitton ibid. The Lord Denbigh wins Oswestree 260 The Danes our underhand Enemies 116 The Danes vexed by the Sweeds 117 The great Design of the Royalists 121 Darbies brave activity 265 A desperate Designe against Nottingham 133 E. England likned to the Sea 1 Embassadors sent from France into Scotland 54 English-plantations taken care of 58 English-Irish Souldiers revolt from the King 61 England and Scotland consent in a Declaration 142 Exploits of the Parliaments Forces 155 Explaits of Pool ibid. Exploits of Warwick Castle 156 Exploits of Sir Thomas Fairfax ibid. Exploits of Pool
against Prince Rupert 163 Exploits of Col. Massye about Glocester 92 Exploits yet more of Colonell Massyes 227 Englands just objurgation 229 Englands great wonder to Gods great glory Anno 1644. 237 Enemy bravely beaten at Oswestree 266 The low Ebbe of the Parliaments Army 22 Estates of Malignants sequestred 153 Enemy bravely beaten at Lyme 241 A brave Defeat given to the Enemy at Evesham 295 F. The Fellowship a brave ship taken by the Parliaments Forces 27 Fuell provided for for the City of London 35 The Lord Fairfax his Victory at Hull 38 Sir Thomas Fairfax at Horn-Castle 47 France sends into Scotland 54 A brave Fight at Stamford 75 Sir Tho. Fairfax 156 Lord Fairfax Victorious at Hull 163 The Lord Fairfaxes Forces conjoyned with Sir Tho. Fairfaxes 202 L. Fairfax and the Scots conjoyned 210 Fidelity of the Scots to England 211 Col. Fox Victorious at Budely 217 Forces of Northampton beate the Enemy 95 Sir Thomas Fairfax stormeth Gains-borough 102 Sir Thomas Fairfaxes Valour at Marston-Moor Fight 274 Sir Tho. Fairfax compared to Julius Caesar 284 Foy in the West taken 297 G. Gally-slaves of Sathan are Wicked Men. 2 Gods glory is our Alpha and Omega ibid. Gainsbrough won 6 Gainsbrough taken again 51 Lord Gorings Letter intercepted and read in Parliament 155 Lord Generalls just praise 167 Gallows set up at Oxford and the cause 174 Sir Richard Greenviles defection from the Parliament 174 Gloucesters good condition 182 Gloucester releived with necessaries 192 Sir John Gell Victorious at Muck-bridge 199 Gloucesters Ammunition how conveyed thither 200 The Lord Generals advance with his Army 228 Gainsbrough stormed by Sir Thomas Fairfax 102 Grafton house taken 103 The Lord Generalls Mercifull Proclamation 235 The Lord Grey of Grooby his brave carriage at Leicester 257 The Lord Generall successefull in the West 264 3 Garnsey Gentlemen mightily preserved 122 Greenvill beaten at Plymouth 265 Government of the Church 162 Greenland-house taken 285 Lord Grey of Grooby and Sir John Gells forces take Wellney Fort. 287 The Lord Generall victorious in the West 296 Greenvils house at Tavestocke taken 297 H. Sir Edward Hales taken prisoner 15 Houghton Castle in Cheshire taken 18 The Earl of Hollands trunk seized on 27 Hull besieged 30 Hull remarkably preserved 31 Horn-castles famous Victory 42 Hulls victory related by Sir John Meldrums Letter 39 Hampshire Surry and Sussex Associated 57 30 or 40 of our Horse beate 1000 of the Enemies Horse 65 Hilsey house taken 167 Lord Hastings vexes the honest inhabitants of Leicester 169 Hinckly house 170 Sauls house decreaseth Davids house increaseth 173 Haverford west in Wales strangely taken 180 The Lady Hopton and two hundred prisoners taken 194 House of Peers take the Covenant 90 Sir Ralph Hopton writes to Sir William Waller 99 Sir Ralph Hoptons low ebbe 253 Hollanders underhand Enemies to the Parliament 116 Sir Tho. Holts house taken 117 Hildsden house taken 131 Sir Robert Harlow puls down a mighty crucifix at Christs-Hospitall in London 290 I. Capt. Johnsons brave courage 45 Intelligencers and Spies voted against 49 Irish Massacree 69 About 1500 Irish Rogues cast away at Sea by a storm 172 A Land storm also on the Irish ibid A Welch jest 179 Captaine Jordans good successe at Sea 182 The Lord John brother to the Duke of Lenox slain 190 Irish Rebels accorded with by the King 248 Justice of God prosecutes the wicked 249 K. The Earl of Kingstone slaine 7 Kentish Malignants rise in Rebellion 11 The King sends Letters into Scotland 54 The 3 Kingdomes to have one Councill of State 147 King Milus taken 156 The Kings great ayme at Cheshires County 161 The Kings children cared for by the Parliament 175 Kentish-mens brave behaviour at Alsford 193 Kents memorable gratitude to God 232 The Kings party unsuccessefull ever since the Irish cessation 102 The Kings Forces frighted 234 The Kings ungodly agreement with Ireland 248 The King pursued by Sir William Waller 248 L. Sir Michael Levesey at Yawlden in Kent 14 Londoners Petition against a pretended peace 23 Londoners take an Oath 24 A Loan of an 100000. l. to be raised in London for the Scots 38 Lincoln taken 51 Letters sent by the King into Scotland 54 London must be starved up 55 A Letter sent from Oxford to the Parliaments Lord Generall 152 A Letter from the Lord Goring intercepted and read in Parliament 155 Leicestershire men victorious at Hinckly 170 Col. Lamberts brave victory at Bradford 168 Col. Lambert again Victorious 171 Col. Laughorn in Penbrookshire 77 London Regiments brave valour at Alsford 193 Col. Lambert beats Bellassys in Yorkshire 200 Captain Layes Valour at Wareham 81 Solemn League or Covenant farther pressed 88 London petitions the Parliament for the setling of the State Committee 225 Lyme stormed by the Enemy and bravely repulsed 228 Lymes condition related 231 Lymes brave carriage against Prince Maurice ibid. Lymes valour testified by the Enemy 240 Lymes seige wholly raised 243. 252 Lyme bravely beats the Enemy 241 The Kings Letter to the Lord Mayor of London 121 Generall Lesleyes carriage at Marstone Moore fight 273 Col. Lamberts valour 274 Laystolk Garrison quitted 132 Col. Laughorns brave performances in Pembrookshire 294 Lyme garrison gives the Enemy a brave defeat 296 M Malignants of London imprisoned 27 Sir John Meldrum at Hull 39 Captain Moodies brave courage 45 Earle of Manchester victorious at Horncastle 42 Colonel Massies good service at Tewksbury 48 Earl of Manchester takes in Lincolne 51 Earl of Manchester takes Gainesborough 51 Earl of Manchesters care for the associated Counties 55 Malignants estates sequestred 153 Kings-Milus taken by Darby Forces 156 Members of Parliament that tooke the Covenant their names and number 157 Milford-Haven taken 161 Colonell Mitton beates Prince Rupert 161 Colonell Massey still victorious 183 Malignants mouthes stopt 194 At Munk-bridge Sir John Gell victorious 199 Letters of Mart granted against the Parliaments Enemies 84 Earl of Manchester again victorious at Lincoln 217 Colonell Massies brave exploits about Gloucester 92 Colonell Massey at Wotton garrison 93 Colonel Massyes just praise 227 Sir Thomas Middletons brave performances 84 Montrosse beaten in Scotland 230 A Message sent from England to Scotland 236 Col. Massey victorious 236 Malmsbury taken by Colonell Massye ibid. Colonell Massey still Victorious 237 Colonell Massies good services rewarded by the Parliament 237 Morpeth-castle taken by the Scots 247 Colonell Mitton his great daunger and deliverance 251 Two Maids had three of their hands shot off together 254 Gods mercy to Manchester in the midst of her misery 258 Malignants in London their Flea-biting 260 Marston●Moores most famous victory described 269 Sir John Meldrum stormes Gainesborough 103 Monuments of Superstition to be demolished 222 The Earl of Manchesters labour and vigilancy at York fight 273 A learned and godly Ministry to be ordained 287 Captain Moultons brave performances in Pembrookeshire 294 N The Earle of Newcastle beaten from Gainesborough 6 Mewcastle besiegeth Hull 30 Newcastle in great straites
W. Wicked men compared to the Waves of the Sea 1 Lord Willough by of Parham wins Gainsbrough 6 Sir Thomas Walsingham taken prisoner by Kentish Rebells 12 Sir William Waller hath his Commission to advance 28 Sir John Wollaston chosen Lord Mayor of London 34 Sir John Wollastons fidelity cleared by a great tryall 35 Woods of Delinquents cut down 36 Wem Forces beat the Lord Capell 60 Lord Willoug●by of P●rtham takes B●llingbrook Castle 67 Sir William Waller apprehends the Lord Saulton 75 Warwick Castles Exploits 156 Whi●by in Yorkeshire taken 156 Col. Waights good service 171 Westminster Cathedrall bravely reformed 184 Sir William Waller at Winchester 192 Whitechurch in Dorcetshire taken 195 Isle of Wights love to Sir William Waller ibid. Waltham house taken by Colonell White-head 201 Sir William Waller heats the Enemy at Basing 299 The Earl of Warwick made Lord high Admirall of England 83 Warwick Castles brave Service ibid. Sir John Winter beaten from Newnham 93 Wotton Garrison spoiled by Colonell Massey ibid. Sir William Waller sends a present to the Lord Craford a 〈◊〉 of Sacke 98 At Wantage the Kings Forces are frighted 234 The Women of Lymes admirable courage at that siege 246 Sir Will. Waller pursues the King 248 10000. l. Proffered to Capt. White to be a taitor to his Country 106 Col. Waight beats the Kings Cormorants of Belvoir 110 Sir William Waller takes Shudley Castle 250 Weymouth taken by Sir William ●elfore 257. Western affaires going on successefully 258 Wives and children of souldiers slain or maimed provided for 259 Windsor-castles brave exploits about Redding 113 Sir William Waller takes Arundell Castle 122 Winsby fight 133 Windsor Castle to be betrayed 135 Weln Ferry and Fort taken 287 Western parts hopefully reduced to the Parliament 298 Our enemies as Whales caught in Gods net 301 Wait and believe is a Christians duty 303 Y Goods service done at York by Sir William Constable 160 York is Newcastles last shelter 209 The Yoke of Cavalerian slavery Shaken off by Barnstable ●65 〈…〉 Marston-Moor Victory 291. FINIS Imprimatur Jan. 31. 1644. Ja. Cranford Psal 107. 23 24. England fitly likned to the Sea The wicked and ungodly rable to the raging waves of the Sea The Parliament and Assembly of Divines compared to the Ark of God God the Pilot The Ark over-topping the waves The wicked are Satans Gally-slaves The Authors two former Voyages in this English-Ocean Gods glory is ought to be the Alpha and Omega of all mercies The Authors third Voyage An Apologie for the pretermissiō of some preceding Parliamentarie-Mercies in the third Part of the Parliamentary-Chronicle and which come now to be heer related July 1643. A recitall of some former Parliamentarie-Mercies omitted in their proper place in the former Narration The Assembly of Divines petitiō the Lords and Commons in Parliament for speedy reformation of some speciall evills among us A copie of the Petition of the Assembly of Divines delivered to both houses of Parliament July 19 1643. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Parliaments Answer to the Divines Petition A fan gale to carry on the Ark of God Gainesborough in Lincolnshire won by the noble Lord Willoughby of Parrham The p●izes taken Colo. Cromwell raises the Newcastelian forces from besieging Gainesborough The Earl of Kingstone slain in a pinnace by Newcastles Cavaliers The Town of Stamford taken by Colonell Cromwell Return of our Monethly fast dayes prayers Burleigh-house in Lincolnshire taken by Colonell Cromwell A parly sounded by Colonell Cromwell Burleigh house stormed A parly sounded from within the House The House taken and the priz The great providence of God in the preservation of our Souldiers in this victorie 400 Clubmen come to ayd the Cavaliers discomfited and fiftie of them slain by ours Col. Cromwels own relation of his brave victory over the enemie at Gainesborough Siege A hot skirmis● at a hill The hill gained by the Lincolners The fight most fiercely begun Ours rout the enemies horse Ours have them in chase five or six miles Generall Cavendi●sh charges the Lincolneers most fiercely Colo. Cromwell charges him as bravely Generall Cavendsh slain Gainesborough relieved Another skirmish with the Newcastelians on the other ●ide of Gainesborough Newcastles whole Armie appeares Ours retreat and safely recover the Town The rising of the Kentish Malignants The new oath or Covenant is pretended to be the cause of this insurrection The main end of imposing this Oath The main plot of the Ke●tish Malignants Seven-Oakes is their Rendevouz Their chief Ringleaders Sir The. ●●lsingham and Captain Rolf taken prisoners by these Rebells And in great danger of their lives Sir Hen. V●●e sent into Kent by the Parliament with a Declaration of pardon to appeale them Col. Brown sent also into Kent with forces both horse and foot from London This Kentish insurrection was a part of Tompkins and Challenors conspiracie The Cities great care and providence The Rebells flie from Senock to Tunbridge The Rebells Petition the Parliament Their Petition rejected whiles they were armed Colo. Brown charges the rebells A hot skirmish for at least three houres space Col. Browns most valiant and resolute courage The Rebells are put to f●●ght Prisoners taken The slain on both sides Their Priests were the principali fomenters to this rebellion About 5000 of them were assembled at Tunbridge The Inhabitants of Tunbridge desperate Malignants Sir Michael Levesey also at Yawlding his good service against those rebells Sir Michael plants his Ordnance against the Town yet endeavours by treatie to appease them The Town very much sleights Sir Michael A remarkable passage of Gods providence against the rebells in Yawlding Master Godfrey in Sir Michael his name fairly appeaseth the rebells The prize found in the Town Yawlding set in good order and quiet Canterbury Feversh●m malignants began then to rise also The well-affected partie of Canterburie appease this insurrection The Major of Fevershams carriage in the business Sir Geo. Sands taken prisoner The Major of Canterburie marcheth on to Sittingborn Sir Ed. Hales his Grandson a Captain of these rebells taken prisoner The heads of the Rebells brought to London and imprisoned Houghton Castle in Cheshire taken by Sir Will Breretons forces A Proclamation from Oxford to starve the Citie of London The Cities care and providence to prevent this plot of the impious Oxonians The L. Major and two Sheriffs of London take the Lievtenantship of the Tower by authoritie of Parliament A just brief touch of the due praise of Ald. Penningtons happie Majoraltie Alderm Pennington only made Lievtenant of the Tower of London A succinct most gratefull review of all the Parliamentarie-Mercies of this moneth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gods Ark above the worlds waves Je● 5. 22. Psal 46. 1 2. August 1643. A ship of about 300 tun bound from Denmark to Newcastle laden with arms and ammunition taken at Sea A true Copie of the Inventorie and particular prize and goods taken out of
Namptwich Sir Wil. Brereton followes Capell and makes him retreat to Wem The Lord Capell soundly beaten at Wem All this Relation was written and attested by a very pious Souldier of this action Divers rare passages of Gods providence preservation of our forces in this defeat Thirty or forty of our horse and Dragoons chase and beat a thousand of their horse Psal 62. 9 10. The renowned Earl of Manchester spoiles Newark of provision Bullingbrook-Castle taken by the Lord Willoughbie of Parrha● The declining condition of the Earl of Newcastles armie The defection also of the Gentrie of Yorkshire from him A yet farther defection of other Northern Counties from the Kings partie The Cessation of armes in Ireland a main cause of this foresaid defection The Kings Declaration from Oxford justifying that abominable Irish Cessation Mark this well ô English-Malignāts touching this Irish Cessation Mark this also and admire it Almost tw● hundred thousand Engl●sh Protestants butchered in that most barbarous Irish-Massacre Mark this also And this too and tremble at it Isaiah 5. 20 The contrary effects of the Irish Cessation A New-Broad S●●l of England Sir Wil. Waller apprehends the Lord Saulton a Popish Scotish Lord at Newbery and 4000 li in money with him The brave fight at Stamford Mount neer Plimouth and the excellent effect it produced A proper note and fitly applyed Pools brave performances Captain Layes undaunted resolution at the Town of Warham Warham prepares to encounter the Poolians The Poolians politick carriage in approaching the Town Pool-men enter the Town of Warham The enemies flie Prisoners taken Prizes taken The Poolians victorious and safe return The Earl of Warwick made Lord high Admirall of England The brave exloits of the most valiant and faithfull Governour and garrison of Warwick Castle The valiant brave performances of Sir Wil. Brereton Sir Thomas Midleton An Ordināce of Parliament granting Letters of Mart to Merchants and Seamen against the enemies of the Parliament The Arks safe arrivall at the end of this Monethly voyage The holy-Merchant-like improvement of this Moneths voyage to Gods glorie A Summarie recitall of all the rare and rich mercies of this Moneths voyage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gods little flock preserved thus in his Ark gives all the honour to God alone December 1643. A New Great Seal of England The New Great Seal of England confirmed The names of the Commissioners The manner of the Solemnity of the delivery of the New great Seal of E●gland to the Commissioners The Solemn-League or Covenant to be farther pressed where not yet taken The House of Peers take the solemn League and Covenant The Earles Lords that took the Covenant at westminster Commanders in Armes Knights and Gentlemen also take this Covenant The Covenant sealed in the City of London with the Loan of an 100000●● The main end of this holy League and Covenant Oxford Spiders suck poyson out of the herb Grace GODS Ark carried on prosperously notwithstanding all advers blustring blasts against it Many deserted Oxford took the Covenant The brave exploits of renowned Colonell Massie at Gloucester Colonell Vavasor beaten from Tewksbery Sir John Winter frighted from Newnham Wotton garrison also dissolved discomfited by Col. Massey A plot against the Citie of Gloucester prevented The manner of discovering the plot Sir John Winters plot defeated A brave defeat given to the Lord Digbie at Ply●●uth The Town forced to a retreat The enemie put to a retreat The enmie soundly beaten The slain and prisoners taken A brave defeat given to the enemie at Dunscot neer Tociter by the Northampton forces The most famous defeat given to the L. Craford at Alton is Surrey The manner of their ordering the business They marched at night The secret carriage of their march The Lord Craford and 300 horse got out of the Town The slain and prisoners taken in the pursuite The Town begirton all sides with our horse and foot The enemie is beaten out of their trenches Our men enter the Town A very fierce fight for the space of neer two houres The enemie fought valiantly Lievt Colonell Boles slain in the fight The Town is totally taken Major Shambrock shoe with a pistoll in the church after quarter given The prisoners and prizes taken The slain on the enemies side The slain on our side Above 500 of the prisoners take the Covenant and served under Sir William Waller Sir Wil. Waller sends the Lord Craford a hogs head of Sac● The Lo Crafords Letter to Sir 〈…〉 Sir Ral Hoptons Letter to Sir Wil Waller A remarkable passage of Gods providence Mr John Pi●s departure out of this life A plot to convey away the young Duke of Gloucester and the Ladie Princess Elizabeth to Oxford discovered and prevented The triumphant return of the trained Bands of London and Westminster with their prisoners The prisoners they brought The brave company that went out of the Citie to meet them An excellent Ordinance of Parliament for the conservation of the good government of the Citie of London The brave exploits of valiant Colonell Sydenham of Pool The notable reformation at Canterbury in the Cathedrall in Kent Austine first Bishop of Canterbury Christ and the 12 Apostles Twelve more Popish Saints Picture of God the Father and the Holy-Ghost Pretty sport with a Prebendaries wife of Canterbury As good sport also with her husband the Prebendary himself Seven figures of the Virgine Mary A Cathedrall Petty-Canon shoots his fools bolt at this work Thomas Becket a Romish Saint an English traytor Gainesborough stormed by Sir Tho. Fairfax and Sir John Meldrum and a brave prize taken The Kings partie most unsuccessfull ever since the Irish Cessation Pious Serjeant Major 〈◊〉 Skippon and his brave Londoners at Grafton-House Grafton-house stormed by the Londoners and brave Northampton forces Grafton-house taken and the rich prizes and spoiles therein An Ordināce of Parliament enabling the Militia for the City of London to send forth two regiments unto Sir Wil. Waller A notable plot against Nortingham Castle Colonell Hutchinso Governour of Nottingham Castle his constancy and fidelity to God and his Cause * The offers to Captain White was 10000li. and 100 to his Officers to procure it A Pack of Cavalerian plots A brave defeat given to the Belvoir Cormorants by Colo. Waight Governour of Burleigh-house Colo. Waight sends the enemie a challenge Capt. Plunket a most wicked and bloudie Irish-Rebell slain Colo. Waights brave resolution at a second charge The enemy is put to flight The prisoners and prizes taken A most worthy act in Colonell Waight after the fight The siege of Plymouth deserted The enemie resolves to storme Plymouth A very fierce encounter on both sides At least one hundred of the enemies slain and not above 16 of ours The Siege quite deserted and 660 of the sick enemies left behind Major Generall Basset his ingenuous cōfession touching this siege The horrible malice mischiefe of the Kings