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A58844 Scrinia Ceciliana, mysteries of state & government in letters of the late famous Lord Burghley, and other grand ministers of state, in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, and King James, being a further additional supplement of the Cabala.; Scrinia Ceciliana. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.; Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598.; Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586.; Throckmorton, Nicholas, Sir, 1515-1571. 1663 (1663) Wing S2109; ESTC R10583 213,730 256

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since ignominy had made him unfit for his Majesties service I am of opinion that the fair usage of him as it was fit for the Spanish examinations and for the questions touching the Papers and Dispatches and all that so it was no good preparative to make him descend into himself touching his present danger and therefore my Lord Chancellor and my self thought not good to insist upon it at this time I have received from my Lord Chief Justice the examinations of Sir William Mounson with whom we mean to proceed to further examination with all speed My Lord Chief Justice is altered touching the re-examination of the Lady and desired me that we might stay till he spake with his Majesty saying it could be no casting back to the business which I did approve My self with the rest of my fellows upon due and mature advice perfected our Report touching the Chancery for the receiving whereof I pray you put his Majesty in mind at his coming to appoint some time for us to wait upon him all together for the delivery in of the same as we did in our former Certificate For the Revenue matters I reserve them to his Majesties coming and in the mean time I doubt not but Master Secretary Winwood will make some kind of Report thereof to his Majesty For the conclusion of your Letter concerning my own comfort I can say but the Psalm of Quid retribuam God that giveth me favour in his Majesties eyes will strengthen me in his Majesty service I ever rest Your true and devoted Servant April 18. 1616. To requite your Post-script of excuse for scribling I pray you excuse that the Paper is not gilt I writing from Westminster Hall where we are not so fine Sir Francis Bacon the Kings Attorney to Sir George Villiers touching the proceeding with Somerset SIR I Have received my Letter from his Majesty with his marginal notes which shall be my directions being glad to perceive I understand his Majesty so well That little Charm which may be secretly infused into Somersets ear some few hours before his Tryal was excellently well thought of by his Majesty and I do approve it both for matter and time only if it seem good to his Majesty I would wish it a little enlarged For if it be no more but to spare his blood he hath a kind of proud humour which may over-work the Medicine Therefore I could wish it were made a little stronger by giving him some hope that his Majesty will be good to his Lady and child and that time when Justice and his Majesties Honour is once salved and satisfied may produce further fruit of his Majesties compassio which was to be seen in the example of Southampton whom his Majesty after attainder restor d and Cobham and Gray to whom his Majesty notwithstanding they were offendors against his own person yet spared their lives and for Gray his Majesty gave him back some part of his estate and was upon point to deliver him much more he having been so highly in his Majesties favour may hope well if he hurt not himself by his publick misdemeanor For the person that should deliver this message I am not so well seen in the Religion of his friends as to be able to make choice of a particular my Lord Treasurer the Lord Knolles or any of his neerest friends should not be trusted with it for they may go too far and perhaps work contrary to His Majesties ends Those which occur to me are my Lord Hay my Lord Burghley of England I mean and Sir Robert Carr. My Lady of Somerset hath been re-examined and His Majesty is sound both a true Prophet and a most just King in that scruple he made For now she expoundeth the word He that should send the Tarts to Helwish's wife to be of Overbury and not of Somerset But for the person that should bid her she saith it was Northampton or Weston not pitching upon certainty which giveth some advantage to the evidence Yesterday being Wednesday I spent 4 or 5 houres with the Judges whom His Majesty designed to take consideration with the four Judges of the Kings Bench of the Evidence against Somerset They all concurre in opinion that the questioning him and drawing him on to tryal is most honourable and just and that the Evidence is fair and good His Majesties Letter to the Judges concerning the Commendams was full of magnanimity and wisdome I perceive His Majesty is never less alone then when he is alone for I am sure there was no body by him to informe him which made me admire it the more The Judges have given day over till the second Saturday of the next term so as that matter may indure further consideration for His Majesty not only not to lose ground but to win ground To morrow is appointed for the examination of Somerset which by some infirmitie of the Duke of Lenox was put off from this day When this is done I will write more fully ever resting Your true and devoted servant May 2. 1616. Sir Francis Bacon the Kings Attorney to Sir George Villiers of Account and Advice to His Majesty touching Somerset's Arraignment SIR I Am far enough from opinion that the Redintegration or Resuscitation of Somersets fortune can ever stand with his Majesties honour and safety and therein I think I exprest my self fully to his Majesty in one of my former letters and I know well any expectation or thought abroad will do much hurt But yet the glimmering of that which the King hath done to others by way of talke to him cannot hurt as I conceive but I would not have that part of the Message as from the King but added by the Messenger as from himself This I remit to His Majesties Princely judgement For the person though he trust the Lieutenant well yet it must be some new man for in these cases that which is ordinary worketh not so great impressions as that which is new and extraordinary The time I wish to be the Tuesday being the even of his Ladies Arraignment For as His Majesty first conceived I would not have it stay in his stomack too long lest it sowre in the digestion and to be too neer the time may be thought but to tune him for that day I send herewithal the substance of that which I purpose to say nakedly and only in that part which is of tenderness for that I conceive was His Majesties meaning It will be necessary because I have distributed parts to the two Serjeants as that Paper doth express and they understand nothing of His Majesties pleasure of the manner of carrying the Evidence more than they may guess by observation of my Example which they may ascribe as much to my nature as to direction therefore that His Majesty would be pleased to write some few words to us all signed with His own Hand that the matter it self being Tragical enough bitterness and insulting be forborn and that
Duke of Chastillherault over all They raise Forces against the Regent are Routed 139. A Couragious Answer from Queen Elizabeth to the French Ambassadour and the Audience adjourned 140. She sends a Ring to Marshal Montmorancy his wife 141. The Bishop of Rhemes Ambassador from France is offended that the doctrine of Rome is said to be contrary to Christs deducing consequently that his Mr. should be reputed no Christian and how that Speech was salved The Cardinal Chastillons Wife comes over 141 142. The Reason of the Cardinals coming into England Ships sent by the Queen to preserve the Bourdeaux Fleet. The Queen of Scots Case not defensible and the Consequence thereof 144. Matters about the Queen of Scots Chastillion highly commended 144 145. The Cause of the Queen of Scots to be heard here 146. Passages touching the differences between the King and the Prince of Conde Pag. 147. Matters against the Queen of Scots very bad 148. Sir Henry Norris claims the Lord Dacres Lands 149. Three manner of wayes proposed for ending the Scottish differences 150. Spanish Treasure stayed ibid. 151 156. The Parliament of Scotland declares the Queen of Scots privy to the murder of her Husband 152. D'Assonvill comes over Without Commission and desires Conference with the Spanish Ambassadour but denied 153. Hawkins his Return to Mounts Bay from the Indies with Treasure The Queen of Scots at Tetbury under the charge of the Earl of Shrewsbury 153. The French Ambassadors Currier searched and the Reason of it 154. The Prince of Conde slain in Battel against the King 157. The 13th of March had two great Effects 158. Differences in Scotland accorded 159. But not observed 160. Sir William Cecil laments the misfortune of France means made to accord with the Low Countries Scottish Nobility reconciled 61. Original Letters intercepted by persons of credit in the FrenchCourt of advertisement concerning the Queen of Scots and the Duke of Anjou Pag. 161. That the said Queen should transfer her title on the said Duke to learn more truth hereof and advertise with speed The Queens Ships far excel others 162. The Queen of Scots excuseth her Transaction with the Duke of Anjou 163 164. A Rebellion in the West-part of Ireland and the Spaniards aid feared 164. My Lord of Shrewsbury strucken with a Palsie and a Phrensie 165. The Parisians execute two Merchants whom the King had pardon'd The English Ambassador taxed for dealing with the Kings Rebels 166. The Earl of Desmond's great Rebellion in Ireland but dispersed 167 168. An Italian sent hither upon a Devilish attempt An Insurrection in Suffolk Queen Elizabeth desires to be rid of the Queen of Scots 169. The Queen offended at the Duke of Norfolk about his Marriage Sir William Cecil his good Friend therein my Lords of Arundel and Pembroke confined to their Lodgings about it and so is the Lord Lumley My Lord of Huntington joined with the Earl of Shrewsbury in the custody of the Scots Queen 172. The King of Spains designs with the Irish. Pag. 173. The grand Rebellion in the North and the pretences thereof and their numbers and names 174 175. A Report of the death of the Count Nassau the Northern Rebellion scattered and their Ring-leaders fled 176. Extracts of Letters out of the north The two Rebellious Earls in Liddesdale but flee from thence The Countess of Northumberland and her attendants robbed in Scotland The Earls flee with about 50. horse Westmerland changeth his coat of plate sword and travails like a Scottish borderer many others taken 177 178 The Regent of Scotland takes the Earl of Northumberland and others The Lord Fernhurst and Bucklugh aiders of them p. 178 The Murther of the Regent of Scotland at Lithgo by Hambleton of Bothwell Hall The Earl of Sussex his wise and noble carriage The Hambletons strongly suspected for the murder and why 179 180 The French Embassador makes 3 demands of the Queen in behalf of the Queen of Scots p. 181 Sir William Cecil names to the Queen Mr. Francis Walsingham and Mr. Henry Killigrew to succeed Sir Henry Norris in France p. 182 The Earl of Sussex goes again into Scotland The Bishop of Ross writes a Book in defence of the Queen of Scots and dangerous against Queen Elizabeth Pag. 183. The Earls of Worcester and Huntington made Knights of the Order p. 184 The Earl of Sussex and the Lord Hunsdon enter Scotland with fire and sword 50. Castles and 300 Villages burnt p. 184 185 The Lord Scroop Warden of the West Marshes makes great devastation in Scotland The Castle of Hume surrendred to the Lords of Sussex and Hunsdon and well fortified for the Queens service A great part of the Scotish borderers obediently adhere to their King and offer dependance upon the Queens Majesty The contrary part act rebelliously A great meeting of Lords on both sides at Edenburgh in Armes to try who shall have the authority p. 186 187 Simon Musgrage General of the horse routs the Lord Maxell is in some distress by him but is relieved by the Lord Scroop 's forces and the Maxwels and several other Lords escaped by flight Drumlangricks servants and tenants although pretended favorers of the King and Queen cruel to the English Dumfriese a Receptacle of English Rebels p. 187 188 The Queen of Scots desires cessation of Armes the Bishop of Ross plots against the Queen p. 189 Sir Henry Norris to be revoked and Mr. Walsingham to go in his place ibid. The Marshal of Berwick betray'd by the Bishop of St. Andrews and other Lords who under colour and treaty with him intended to have slain him he destroys the Hambletons Castles and houses Pag. 190. The Earl of Southampton for complyance with the Bishop of Ross is committed close prisoner to the Sheriff of London The fond Lord Morley withdraws to Lovain p. 191 The French King mediates for the Queen of Scots the Queen keeps some Castles in Scotland until her subjects of England should have satisfaction p. 191 192 Sir William Cecil and Sir Walter Mildmay are sent Commissioners to the Scotch Queen and they like not the message The Lord Coke to King James touching tryal of Duels out of England occasioned by putting to death of Doubty beyond the Seas by Sir Francis Drake that crime tryable only before the Constable and Marshal of England p. 193 194 H. THe History of the Reign of King Henry the 8th King Edward the 6th Queen Mary and part of Queen Eliz. p. 194 195 I. Exquisitely begun but left imprfect Two Copies of Letters from King James to the Lords touching abatement of his houshold charge and the means of redresse p. 198 199 From the King to the Lord Bacon in commendation of his book caled the Organon To Sir Thomas Coventry Atturney General commanding him to prepare a pardon of the whole sentence pronounc'd against my Lord Bacon p. 200 201 S. SIr Philip Sidney to the Queen diswading her from her marriage with Mounsieur most elegantly and judiciously penned p. 201 202 203 A most quaint Speech made by the Lord Bacon then Sollicitor General at the arraignment of the Lord Sanquir as well in extenuation as aggravation of the murder of Turner 209 210 c. The Countess of Shrewsburies Case touching the Marriage of the Lady Arabella and her refusal to be examined therein 212 213. T. SIR Nicholas Throckmorton Ambassador in France to Q. Elizabeth touching a free passage for the Q of Scots through England into Scotland several Politick Reasons urged on both sides between him the Queen of Scots and the Queen-Mother of France 214 215 216 c. FINIS ERRATA PAge 72. line 16. for bnt read but. p. 89. l. 22. for Twilknam r. Twitnam p. 97 l. 3. for fortunas suas r. fortunae suae p. 116. l. 3. for Moleneux r. Molineux p. 120. in fine for name r. named p. 130. l. 9. for what r. with and l. 7. for not r. now p. 137. l. 12. for to r. to be p 165. l. 6. for there r. here p. 173. l. 9. or 10. for over r. fromus p. 182. l. 14. for inferrior r. inferior p. 208. l. 18. for Holladour r. Hollander and in the same line for le r. he p. 211. l. 21. for Luedia r. Suedia p. 224. l. 26. for Abeville r. Abbeville 27 E. 3. Cap. 1. 4 H. 4. Cap. 23. These that follow are but indigested Notes Entertainment above ordinary To know the cause thereof Her Majestie much mislikes of the Prince of Conde and Thadnur Lords of France The Lords of the Council do all they can to cover the same Her Majesty being a Prince her self is doubtful to give comfort to subjects Our Ambassador to comfort them nevertheless as occasion serves Expectation of the Queens marrying with the Archduke Charles In Scotland all quiet the Scotish Queen still in Loughlevin and in health Murray ruleth quietly as Regent Original lettere intercepted by persons of credit in the French ourt of Advertisement concerning the Q of Scots and Duke of Anjou That the said Scotish Queen should transfer her Title on the said Duke To learn more truth hereof and advertise with speed This precisely denyed by the other side To send a trusty person to Marcells 19. Febr. 1616. Note before this Statute Criminal Causes were often adjudged in Parliament
which you wrote unto the Queens Majesty touching the speech that was uttered unto you by the King there concerning the Cardinal Chastillon for that as I wrote unto you the same letter by casualty was burned before it was thoroughly read and perused and hitherto I have not heard your answer to the same We have been here of late much occupied in the conference with the Commissioners of Scotland wherein there hath been eight or nine several Sessions the sum of the matter is this the Queens party began at York to accuse the Regent and his party whereunto they made their answer and defence after which the Queens party by replication maintained their accusation and then the conference there stayed whereupon the Regent being here with the Queens Majesty vehemently charged was driven for his defence to disclose a full Fardel of the naughty matter tending to convince the Queen as devisor of the murther and the Earl of Bothwell her Executor and now t●e Queens party finding the burthen so great refuse to make any answer and press that their Mistriss may come in person to answer the matter her self before the Queens Majesty which is thought not sit to be granted untill the great Blots of the marriage with her husband the murtherer and the evident charges by letters of her own to be the deviser of the murther be somewhat razed out or recovered for that as the matters are exhibited against her it is far unseemly for any Prince or chaste ears to be annoyed with the silthy noise thereof and yet as being a Commissioner I must and will sorbear to pronounce anything herein certainly although as a private person I cannot but with horror and trembling think thereof In your letters of the 25. you recommended unto me a cause of your own between you and one Brabrook wherein you write that one Tettersall your Atturney should have informed me but herein I have not a good while now dealt withall but whensoever any shall I shall be glad to shew you my friendship to my power sic de caeteris I am sorry to understand of the sickness of your Son Mr. William Norris and therefore I would be glad to hear from you of his recovery for indeed I do heartily like him and his condition I have also dealt with my Lord of Norfolks grace in your matter for your right to the Lord Dacres Lands wherein his Grace at the Council-table openly promised his favor I pray you Sir commend me to my good Lady your wife if there be any good Charte of France made since Mr. Oliver Trunkets impression having no date I would be glad to have one to behold therein the particular voyages and passages of these contrary powers And so I end Yours as your own W. Cecil Hampton-Court 14. Decemb. 1568. To the right honorable Sir Henry Norris Knight the Queens Majesties Ambessador resident in France SIR THis bearer your servant came hither the last of December with your letters of the 25. and 26. of the same wherein he used good diligence and for the contents thereof her Majesty is very well satisfied with the diligence of your advertising being before by reason of contrarious reports in great suspence what to think for this French Ambassdor now being here useth an ordinary manner to write unto her Majesty in a certain general sort of the news of that Country as favorably as he may on the Kings behalf as reason is he should but yet not without danger of discrediting himself by reporting untruths As I conjecture by your advertisements it is likely that God hath already permitted some great effect to be wrought about this Christmas time by some Battail stricken betwixt the two Armies and howsoever it is I do not doubt but you will advertise and therein the will of God is to be obeyed with thanks or with patience as it pleaseth him to give his grace or to chastise By your letters also it appeared that the Prince of Orange at the writing thereof was still in the French Kings Dominions and yet the common report at the same time was that he was departed towards Germany whereof the Duke of Alva's friends in the Low Countries began to make some triumph The matter of the Queen of Scots remains in these termes upon the accusation produced by her Commissioners against the Earl of Murray they have for their defence shewed so much matter to charge her with the procuring of the murther of her husband as thereupon motion is made on her behalf for covering of her honor to have some appointment betwixt her and her subjects which is communed of secretly by two or three manner of wayes that is to say That she should affirm her resignation of her Crown to her Son as it hath been made and live here in England Or else her self and her Son to joyn in Title and the Earl of Murray to remain Regent Or thirdly her self to remain in Title Queen and to live here in England secluded and the Earl of Murray to continue Regent which matters have so many pikes as the venture is great to take hold of any one of them nevertheless in the mean time outwardly she offereth to prove her self innocent so she may be permitted to come to the Queens presence and answer for her self which is thought to be the more earnestly required because it is also thought assured it will be denyed and now what is like to grow to be the end thereof surely I cannot well guess for as for my self I finde my insufficiency to wade so deep and the violence of the stream so great as without good company assisting in Council I dare not venture to make any passage and so wishing you and my Lady and yours a fortunate good year I end Here is a stay made of certain treasure that came out of Spain to pass into Flanders which we take to be Merchants and not the Kings as is alleadged if it shall prove Merchants we may be bolder to take the use of it upon good Bonds for an interest Yours assuredly W. Cecil Jan. 3. 1568. SIR I Heartily thank you for the last letters of the first of this moneth wherein you did well deliver us from some perplexity being by the French Ambassador here otherwise advertised to the advantage of the Cardinalists his letters are dated the 30 of December from the King and I marvel to perceive by your letters that the skirmish should be the 23. and the advise should not come to you before the 28. for thereby it seemeth the Camp should be so far off as in four or five days tidings could not come but this I think may be said that evil news are brought to that Court slowly at the least they are uttered slowly Of this accident of Arrest you shall be by her Majesties letters fully advertised at the signing whereof her Majesty said that she would have sent a Gentle-man expresly to the King but she considered that being sent
I know your Son Mr. William and other your servants hereto doth advertise you and therefore I pray you to bear with my shortness for I am almost smothered with business We look to hear of the apprehension of more of the Rebels I send you extracts of our letters out of the North as of late time they have come Yours assuredly W. Cecil Windsor-Castle 7. Jan. 1569. To the right honorable Sir Henry Norris Knight the Queens Majesties Ambassador c. Advertisements from Lyexham 22. Decemb. 1569. THe two Rebellious Rebels went into Liddesdale in Scotland yester-night where Martin Elwood and others that have given pledges to the Regent of Scotland did raise their forces against them being conducted by black Ormeston an Out-law of Scotland that was a principal murtherer of the King of Scots where the fight was offered and both parties lighted from their horses and in the end Elwood said to Ormeston he would be sorry to enter deadly send with him by bloodshed but he would charge him and the rest before the Regent for keeping of the Rebels and it he did not put them out of the Country the next day he would do his worst against them whereupon the two Earls were driven to leave Liddesdale and to flye to one of the Armestronges a Scot upon the batable on the borders between Liddesdale and England the same day the Liddesdale men stole the horses of the Countess of Northumberland and her two women and ten others of their Company so as the Earls being gone the Lady of Northumberland was left there on foot at John of the Sides house in a Cottage not to be compared to many a Dog-kennel in England at their departing from her they went not above fifty horse and the Earl of Westmerland to be the more unknown changed his Coat of Plate and sword with John of the Sides and departed like a Scotish Borderer The rest of the Rebels are partly taken in the West Borders of England and partly spoiled by the English and Scotish Borderers By letters of the 24 The Rebels be driven to change their names their Horses and apparel and to ride like Liddesdale men The Regent of Scotland will be this night upon the Borders of Liddesdale The Earl of Cumberland the Lord Scroop and Mr. Leonard Dacre have shewed themselves very Honorable and diligent in their service at the Rebels entring into the West Marches and upon the scaling of the Rebels there be great numbers of them taken there There be in every of the Marches against Scotland sundry Bands of Horsemen and shot laid if they shall enter into the Realm again By letters of the last of December The Regent of Scotland is gone from Jedworth to Edenburgh and hath taken the Earl of Northumberland and six of his men with him Before his departure from Jedworth he sent for the Gentlemen of Tividale to come before him where all came saving the Lord of Farnehurst and the Lord of Bucklugh whereupon the Regent rode towards them but they hearing thereof suddainly rode away Robert Collingwood Ralph Swynton with others of their company were taken in East Tividale and delivered to the Regent who re-delivered them to their takers and charged them for their safe keeping Egremont Ratcliff with certain with him remain about Liddesdale And it is thought the Countess of Northumberland the Earl of West-merland Norton Markenfield Swynborne and Tempest are removed out Liddesdale to the Lords of Fernhurst and Buckclugh SIR I Doubt not but the report of the cruel murther of the Regent in Scotland will be diversly reported in those parts and diversly also received by some with gladness and by some with grief as I am sure it shall be of you the manner of it was thus as I have been advertised the 22. of the last moneth the Regent coming thorough the Town of Lithgo which is in the midway between Sterling and Edenburgh having in his company about a hundred persons was stricken with a Courrier about the Navell with the Pellet coming out about his Hucklebone which also slew a horse behinde him and of this wound he dyed the next day afterward within night the murtherer was one Hambleton of Bothwell-Hall who lay secretly in a house to attempt this mischief having shut the doors towards the street in such sort as no man could enter on the foreside to take him and so he escaped on the backside where he had a horse to serve his turn although he was pursued what is like to follow miserably to that Land I dare not judge but do fear that the death of so good a man will prove Initium multorum malorum At the writing hereof I know not what is done or intended but some write from thence That the Earls of Marr and Morton and other friends to the young King are come to Edenburgh and do in the Kings name preserve the State and do purpose to have the Land ruled by four Regents and one to be a Lieutenant for the wars to execute their directions a matter more probable in talk than in effect as I shall hereafter understand more so will I write It happend that at this time Sir Henry Gates and the Marshal of Berwick were at Edenburgh having been at Sterling with the Regent the Fryday before for the demanding in the Queens Majesties name of the Earl of Northumberland and other the Rebels and by direction of the Regent they attended at Edenburgh for answer to be given the day of his death which now is as our Lawyers call it sine die Mr. Randolph went from hence towards Scotland the 29. upon knowledge of the hurt and doubt of his life The same day also came Montlnet to her Majesties presence with the French Ambassador bringing his letters dated the 27. of December at which time I think they understand not of the stay of our Rebellion The sum of Montlnets message consisted upon these two heads request for restitution and liberty of the Queen of Scots and a declaration of the Kings inclination to peace with his subjects and their disguising with him by treating and suing for peace and yet amassing of new Forces in Almaine and seeking also to surprise the Kings Towns as Burdeaux and otherlike whereupon the King requireth the Queens Majesty not to favor his Rebels if they should seek any further succours from hence as they have done as persons unworthy of any favor They have made great instance to be answered for the first matter but the Queens Majesty hath hitherto deferred them but I think upon Monday next they shall have audience I forgat to shew you that in the request for the Queen of Scots he desired liberty to go to her and from thence to pass into Scotland which thing would not be granted unto him Upon the death of the Regent the Earl of Sussex and Mr. Sadler were admonished to stay there for that it was thought good that Mr. Sadler should have gone from thence into Scotland
that Business 28. 29. 30 31 32 33 c. His advice to Sir George Villiers concorning Ireland wherein three Propositions are acutely scan'd 1. Touching the Recusant Magistrates of Towns there 2. About roducing the Number of the Council from Fifty to twenty 3. That a means may be found to re-enforce the Army by 500. or 1000. men without increase of Charge 67 68 69. From him to the Duke when he first became a Favourite with somo directions or his demeanor in that eminent place ranked into eight material Heads with an ample and quaint gloss upon each of them most elegantly pen'd 43 44. Again to him upon sending his Pattent for Viscount Villiers with several Avisoes and incidently a Censure of the Cecils the Father and the Son Pag. 70 71. Sends the King a Certificate from the Lord Coke 72. Sends to the King an Essay of History of His Majesties time 9. Desires the History of Brittain may be written for three Observations 7 8. Sixty four years old in Age and three years and five months in misery desires neither means place nor imployment but a total remission of the sentence of the Upper House by the example of Sir John Bennet 81. To the King touching the Plantation of Ireland as formerly of the Union as being Brother thereunto 6. To the Earl of Salisbury touching his Book of the advancement of Learning saying He is but like a Bell-ringer to awake better spirits 9 10. Several Letters to great Personages in sending unto them his Book of advancement of Learning and the presenting of it to the King 10 11. To Dr. Plafer touching the Translating of it into Latine with many excellent Reasons to that Inducement 11 12. To Sir Thomas Bodley upon sending the same Book 13. To divers Friends upon sending unto them some other of his Books 13. 14 15 16. To Mr. Savil touching the Education of Youth and the improving the Intellectual Powers Pag. 17. A Factious Book stiling the Queen Misera Faemina the addition of the Popes Bull. 21. The business of the Commendams and the carriage of the Judges therein related to the King 76 77. Three Examples of great Calamity Demosthenes Cicero and Seneca A Discourse concerning his own Books 78 79 80. A learned and ample Discourse touching a Digest to be made of the Laws of England from 82. to 86. To the Earl of Devonshire a Letter Apologetical touching a common fame as if he had been false or ungrateful to the Earl of Essex something long but exquisitely pen'd from 87. to 104. A discourse touching Helps for the Intellectual Powers by Sir Fran. Bacoa Faber quisque fortunae suae an insolent saying except it be interpreted as an hortative to correct sl●th and not as it soundeth an high imagination for any man to fathom all Accidents Faber quisque Ingenii sui more true and more profitable Divers manner of instances in Improvements not only in the body of man but in his mind and spirit and therein not only in his Appetite and Affection but in his Powers of Wit and Reason The Will most manageable and admitteth most Medicines for Cure The first is Religion 2. Opinion and Apprehension 3. Example 4. When one affection is corrected by another And lastly a Confirmation of all by custom and habit Five Rules for exercises Pag. 97 98 99 100 Sir Francis Bacon to the King modestly Apologetical intimating his former services and his present low condition after the sentence pronounced against him by the Lords Implores the King that he that hath born a bag may not in his age be forc'd to bear aWallet nor he that desired to live to study may not be driven to study to live 101 102 103 104 C. CEcil Sir William to Sir Henry Norris Ambassadour in France about his Entertainment there being Extraordinary and what the Reason should be Sha'ne Oneal sues to be received into the Queens favour 105 106. Taxes Mounsieur de Foix for breach of promise in not delivering Lestrille The News of the death of the King of Scots and the manner of it Earl Bothwell suspected 107 108. Callice demanded to be restored to the Queen according to the Treaty of Cambray More of the business of the murder of the King of Scots words which touch't that Queen but fit to be supprest Pag. 109 111. If Callice be not delivered 50000 l. is to be forfeited 110. Matters in Flanders go hard against the Protestants 111. Those of the Order of France if life or honour be touched to be tried by Kings and others of the same Order ibid. Marriage of the Queen of Scots to Bothwell the prime of the Nobility against it 112. The French Kings Letter touching Callice ill resented by the Queen The Queen of Scots married the 15th of May. 113. Bothwell prosecuted for the murder defended by the Queen and the Hambletons the Queen under restraint Sha'ne Oneal slain in Ireland by certain Scots 114. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton sent into Scotland to Negotiate a Pacification The two Factions of the Hambletons and Lenox's 115. The Prince of Scotland Crowned at Sterling the 29th of July 116. Queen Elizabeth offended with the Scotch Lords Murray like to be made Regent Advice to Sir Henry Norris touching his Expences 117. Murray made Regent my Lord of Sussex with the Emperour all Judges Officers c. At Antwerp compelled to attest the Catholick Faith 118. Bothwell reported to be taken at Sea 119 120. Dunbar rendred to the Regent the Keeper thereof adjudged to a new Punishment Pag. 120. Expectation of Marriage between the Queen and the Archduke Charles 121. Troubles in France between the Prince of Conde and the King 121 122. The Queen of Scots noted by the Parliament there to be privy to the murder of her husband 123. The Earl of Desmond and his brother in the Tower 125. Fishermen of Diepe taken at Rye with unlawful Nets 126. The Popes Ministers preferre the State of their corrupt Church before the Weal of any Kingdom 128. The Earl of Sussex his return The Prince of Orange his Son to be sent into Spain and doubted Egmond and Horn must follow ibid. Emanuel Tremelius sent into England by the Elector Palatine The Prince of Orange refuseth to be judged by the Duke of Alva The Hambletons continue their Faction The death of Sir Ambrose Cave 129. Beaton sent from Scotland into France for 1000. Harquebusiers Money and Ordnance 131. Devilish practice against the Queen The Scots Queen removed to Bolton Castle her demands of the Queen denied 133. The Queen of Scots submits her Cause to be heard and determined in England 134 135 136 c. What preparations in France intended for Scotland Great expectation of the success of matters in the Low Countries Pag. 137. Unhappy but incredible News out of Flanders The Duke of Norfolk the Earl of Sussex and Sir Walter Mildmay Commissioners in the North about the Queen of Scots business 138. She makes Arguile and Huntley Lieutenants and the