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A41429 The Royal College of Physicians of London, founded and established by law as appears by letters patents, acts of Parliament, adjudged cases, &c. : and An historical account of the College's proceedings against empiricks and unlicensed practisers, in every princes reign from their first incorporation to the murther of the royal martyr, King Charles the First / by Charles Goodall ... Goodall, Charles, 1642-1712. 1684 (1684) Wing G1091; ESTC R8914 319,602 530

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enjoyne all Iudges and Iustices of us our heires and successors to act and performe accordingly any Acte Statute Lawe Vsage or Provision whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding AND WEE WILL and by these presents for us our heires and successors Doe ordaine and declare that all and every the Fynes Penalties Forfeitures and Amerciaments hereafter to be sett adjudged imposed or inflicted upon any person or persons whatsoever by force or colour of these presents or of any the Letters Patents or Acts of Parliament aforesaid or by force or colour of any Acts Ordinances Decrees or Constitutions made or to bee made by vertue of these presents or any the Graunts or Authorities aforesaid before any Action bée commenced or any Levy or Execution bee had or made thereof respectively the said severall penalties and forfeitures of Tenn pounds and five pounds per Mensem above mentioned allwayes excepted shall bée reported to and approved of by the Court or Corporation of the said President and Fellowes of the Kings Colledge of Physitians aforesaid to bée held by vertue of these presents or by any fifteene or more of the Fellowes of the same Colledge for the tyme beinge then present att such Court whereof the President or in his absence the Vice-president for the tyme being to bée one and then entered and registred in the Common Register Booke of the same Colledge And that from and after such approbation and entry thereof it shall and may bée lawfull to and for the President and Censors or Vice-president and Censors of the same Colledge of Physitians for the tyme being in the absence of the President or any thrée of them whereof the said President or in his absence the Vice-president for the tyme being to bée one by Warrant under the hand of the said President and Censors or Vice-president and Censors for the tyme being in the absence of the President or any thrée of them whereof the said President or in his absence the Vice-president for the tyme being to bée one duely made and directed to any Officer and Officers of the same Colledge in this behalfe to bée appointed to Commit and send every such person and persons soe offending and on whome any such Fyne Penalty or Amerciament shall be imposed sett or inflicted as aforesaid or by whom any forfeiture shall bée made as aforesaid to any of our Goales or Prisons except our Tower of London within our said Citty of London or the Suburbs thereof for the tyme being there to remayne untill he or they shall pay and satisfie unto the said President and Fellowes of the same Colledge of Physitians and their Successors for the tyme being the severall and respective fyne or fynes penalty or penalties forfeiture or forfeitures Amerciament or Amerciaments for which hee or they respectively shal bee soe Committed or charged as aforesaid or otherwise by like Warrant to levie all and every such fyne and fynes penalty and penalties forfeiture and forfeitures Amerciament and Amerciaments by distresse and sale of any of the Goods and Chattells of any or every such person or persons respectively offending as aforesaid rendering the overplus to bee ymployed and disposed as hereafter in and by these presents is directed PROVIDED allwayes that if any person or persons on whome any Fyne Penalty or Amerciament shall be sett or imposed as aforesaid shall find or conceive himselfe grieved thereby That then it shall and may bee lawfull to and for every such person and persons within one Moneth after such approbation and entry thereof made as aforesaid or sooner to appeale unto such person and persons for his or their releife therein as in and by these presents are hereafter nominated constituted and impowered in that behalfe AND Wée will and by these presents for us our heires and successors Doe make ordeyne constitute and appoint our right trusty and right welbeloved Cosin and Councellor Edward Earle of Clarendon our High Chancellor of England our right trusty and welbeloved Sir Robert Foster Knight Cheife Iustice of our Court of Kings Bench Sir Orlando Bridgman Knight and Baronett Cheife Iustice of our Court of Common Pleas and Sir Matthew Hale Knight Cheife Baron of our Court of Exchequer the present Visitors of the said Colledge and Corporation and the Lord Chancellor of England or Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England Lord Cheife Iustice of the said Court of Kings Bench Lord Cheife Iustice of the said Court of Common Pleas and Lord Cheife Baron of the said Court of Exchequer hereafter for the tyme being from tyme to tyme and for ever hereafter Visitors of the same Colledge and Corporation AND Wee doe by these presents for us our heires and successors give and grant unto them the said Visitors hereby constituted and every or any two or more of them full power and authority to receive entertaine heare examine adjudge and determine alter mitigate reverse or confirme all and every such Matter Cause Complaynt Iudgment Decree or Sentence whatsoever which att any time hereafter shall come or bée brought before them or any two or more of them by way of Appeale hereafter to be made by any person or persons whatsoever for or concerning any Fyne Penalty or Amerciament or other matter or thing whatsoever according to the tenor true intent and meaning of these presents as to them or any two or more of them shall seeme just and fitting AND to that end that it shall and may bee lawfull to and for our said Lord High Chancellor of England Lord Cheife Iustice of our said Court of Kings Bench our said Cheife Iustice of our said Court of Common Pleas and our said Cheife Baron of our said Court of Exchequer now being or any two or more of them and to and for all and every other Lord Chancellor of England or Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England Lord Cheife Iustice of the said Court of Kings Bench Lord Cheife Iustice of the said Court of Common Pleas and Lord Cheife Baron of the said Court of Exchequer hereafter for the tyme being or any two or more of them from tyme to tyme to send for remove or cause to come before them or any two or more of them all and every such Cause Complaynt Iudgment Decree and Sentence and all or any the proceedings thereof respectively whereupon or wherein any Appeale shall bée made to them or any two or more of them as aforesaid and from tyme to tyme to order and appoint certaine dayes tymes and places for the hearing and adjudging thereof and to summon heare and examine upon Oath or otherwise all and every person and persons that know or can say or testifie any matter of fact or other thing conduceing to the manifestation or discovery of the truth of the matter in question to the end a just and cleare judgment and determination may be had and made therein AND FURTHER to act proceed performe
LIbrum hunc cui Titulus The Royal College of Physicians of London founded and established by Law c. dignum censemus qui typis mandetur D. Whistler Praeses Tho. Witherley Johan Atfield Edvardus Browne Tho. Alvey Censores THE Royal College OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON Founded and Established by Law As appears By Letters Patents Acts of Parliament adjudged Cases c. AND An Historical Account of the College's proceedings against Empiricks and unlicensed Practisers in every Princes Reign from their first Incorporation to the Murther of the Royal Martyr King Charles the First By CHARLES GOODALL Dr. in Physick and Fellow of the said College of Physicians LONDON Printed by M. Flesher for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard 1684. To the Right Honourable FRANCIS LORD GVILFORD Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England and one of his Majestie 's Most honourable Privy Council My Lord 'T Is now no less than seven years since I adventured the prefixing of your Lordship's name to a Book written in defence of the College of Physicians against a bold and impudent Libell published with design to expose that Learned Society to contempt Since which time I have not onely had the honour of being made one of their Members but have been entrusted with the search of their Records and received encouragement to publish a Collection of their Royal Patents Acts of Parliament Trials with and proceedings against Empiricks that so the Adversaries of this Society might be convinced of the reason and Justice of their actings against those illiterate and vile Impostors whose practice by Act of Parliament is declared to be To the high displeasure of God great infamy to the faculty and destruction of many of the King's Liege people Your Lordship knows very well the grounds which first moved that noble and renowned King Henry 8. in the tenth year of his Reign to constitute this Royal foundation whose Princely wisedom herein was highly approved by Act of Parliament in the 14 15. years of his Reign in which the King's Letters Patents and all and every Graunt Article and other thing contained and specified therein were approved graunted ratified and confirmed About seventeen years after a second Act of Parliament was granted to this Society by the same King of glorious memory for enlarging of their Privileges with the addition of many new ones In the first of Q. Mary being but 29 or 30 years from the 14 15 H. 8. a third Act of Parliament was made in confirmation of the forementioned Statute and many more privileges of great moment were added to the former Queen Elizabeth and King James of ever glorious memory and his Sacred Majesty now Reigning whom God long preserve from all traiterous Associations and Conspiracies of bloud-thirsty and malicious men have by their several Royal Patents granted them farther Liberties Powers and Privileges by reason of the great increase of unskilfull illiterate and unlicensed practisers of Physick in London and within 7 Miles thereof who now my Lord are arrived to that height of impudence not onely in their publick writings but even in the King's Courts of Judicature that they dare adventure to question the Authority of an Act of Parliament though owned as such by those Royal Testimonies already named by the Chief Justices and Judges of the King's Bench and Common Pleas such as Popham Coke Fleming Foster Walmesly Warburton Daniel Williams Tanfield Crook Littleton c. in their several Books of Reports and in their resolutions of several questions relating to the College of Physicians wherein they gave their opinions by an order from K. James directed to the Right honourable Thomas Lord Ellesmere Lord Chancellour of England which opinions are inserted in this book c. by its being printed in several Statute books and Abridgments of the same which were published even in that King's Reign in which they were enacted by Robert Redman Thomas Berthelet Wyllyam Mydylton Thomas Petyt and Thomas Powel Printers to his Most Excellent Majesty and since in all the Statute books and Abridgments that have been Printed to this time Nay more than this In the Rolls Chapel and in the Journal books formerly collected by that famous Antiquary Sir Robert Cotton and preserved by Sir John in his Father's Library and in the Journal books of the Right honourable the Earl of Clarendon which I had the honour to look over I find 36 Acts of Parliament passed in that Session of 14 15 Hen. 8. At the end of the twenty fourth this is inserted Item diverse communes petitiones rem publicam concernentes exhibite erant dicto Domino Regi in Parliamento predicto cum suis responsionibus quarum tenores sequuntur sunt tales Amongst which upon the same Roll the 33th is an Act concerning Physicians and after the 36th is entred the King's Commission to Cardinal Wolsey Printed p. 12. of this book which finisheth that Roll of Parliament In which it is thus expressed Reverendissimus Dominus Legatus Cancellarius Acta omnia in presenti Parliamento pro bono publico edita facta ex mandato Domini Regis recitari publicari jussit Quibus ex ordine per inicia recitatis lectis singulis per Clericum Parliamenti responsione secundum annotationes Regie voluntatis declarativas à dorso scriptas facta c. Add to this that excellent and learned account given by the Lord Chief Justice Hales why the Royal Signature might not be entred by the Clerk of Parliament in his transcript of the Original Rolls under this Act of Parliament and nine others passed in that Session in a late Judgment given against Huybert As likewise the testimony of the Lord Herbert of Cherbury in his excellent book of the Life and Reign of King Henry 8. drawn out of his Majestie 's Records In which he acquaints us with the more famous Statutes enacted in the Parliament of 14 15 Henry 8. amongst which we find this relating to the College of Physicians Now my Lord from these Authorities and many others of the like kind We should be in some hopes that these men being formerly driven from their old plea of 34 35 of Hen. 8. c. 8. An Act made against Surgeons for their unconscionable dealing with their Patients and for giving liberty to all such who practise for Piety and Charity without taking money or gain as appears by a Judgment given against Butler p. 258 and from this their late Plea of Nul tiel Record that our profession might flourish and that as King James hath expressed it in his Royal Patent by rejecting such illiterate and unskilfull Practisers those that were Learned Grave and Profound Practisers in that Faculty should receive more bountifull reward and also the industrious Students of that profession would be the better encouraged in their Studies and endeavours But that we have to deal with a sort of men not of Academical but Mechanick education who being