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england_n earl_n king_n robert_n 7,874 5 8.8832 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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maletalent ¶ But whē the good erle Thomas this herd he ansuerd in this maner and said lordis quod he if we gone toward the north the northeren men will say that we go toward the scottis ̄ so we shall be holden traitours for cause of distance that is betwen kyng edward ̄ Robert the brus that made him kīg of scotland and ther fore I sai as touchyng my self that I will not go no ferther in to the north than to myn own castell of Poūfret ¶ And wen sir roger Clifford herd this he arose vp anone in wroth and drew his swerde on high suore by almyghty god and by his holi names but if that he wold go with them he shuld him sle ther. ¶ The nobull and gentill erle Thomas of Lancastre was sore adrad said fair sirs I will gon with you whither so euer ye me bidde ¶ Tho went they to gedres in to the north ̄ with them they had vij C. men of armes and come to Burbrugge ¶ And when sir Andrew of herkela that was in the north cūtre thurgh ordynaunce of the kyng for to kepe the cuntre of scotland herd tell how that Thomas of lancastre wos discomfited and his ꝯpanye at Burton vpon trent he ordyned him a strong pouer and sir Symond ward also that was tho shereue of yorke and met the baronnes at burbrugge and anone they breke the brugge that wos made of tre ¶ And whan sir thomas of Lancastre herde that sir Andrew of herkela had brought with him such a pouer he was sore a drad and sent for sir andrew of herkela and with him spake· and said to him in this maner ¶ Sir andrew quod he ye mow well vnderstond how that our lord the kyng is lad and misgouerned by moch fals councell thurgh sir hugh the Spenser the fadre and sir hugh his son and sir Iohn̄ erle of Arundell and thurgh master Robert Baldoke a fals piled clerke that now is in the kynges court duelling Wherfore I pray yow that ye wold cum with vs with all the pouer that ye haue ordened and help to distro the venym of England and the tratours that bene therin and we will yeue vn to yow all the best parte of .v. erledoms that we haue and holdeth and we will make vn to you an oth that we wil neuer done thyng with out your councell and so ye shall bene eft as well with vs as euer wos Robert of Holand ¶ Tho ansuerd sir Andrew of herkela and said sir Thomas that wolde not I done ne consent ther to for no maner thing ye might me yeffe without the will and commaūdement of our lore the kyng for than shuld I be holden a tratour for euer more ¶ And when that the nobull Erle Thomas of Lancastre saw that he wold not consent vn to him for no maner thing sir Androw he said will ye not consent for to distroye the venym of the reame as we be consent now at one worde sir Androw I tell the that or this yere be gone that ye shall be take and hold for a traitor and more than ony of yow hold vs now and in wors deth ye shall die than euer did any knyght of Englond And vnderstand well that ye did neuer thyng that sorer ye shall you repente and now goth ̄ dothe what you good liketh And I wyll put me in to the mercy of god ¶ And so went the fals traytour tirant and as a fals for sworin maij for thurgh the noble Erle Thomas of Lancastre he vnderfenge the armes of chiualri and thurgh hī he wos made a knyght ¶ Tho myght men see archeris drawe them in that one side and in that other and knyghtes also and foughten tho to gedre wonder sore and also among other sir Humfrey de Boughon Erle of herford a worthy knyght of renoune thurgh all cristyndome stode fought with his enmys vpon the bruge and as the nobull lord stode and faught vpon the brugge a thefe a ribaude skulked vnder the brugge fersly with a spere smote the nobull knyght in to the foūdement so that his bouell is comen out a bout his fete ther. ¶ Alas for sorow for ther was slayn the flour of solace of comforth and also of curtesie ¶ And sir Roger of Clifford a nobull knyght stode euer and faught well worthely him defendid as a nobull baron But at the last he was sore wounded in his hede sir willm of Sullay and sir Roger of bernefeld wer slayn at that bataill ¶ When sir Androw of herkela saw that sir Thomas men of lancastre lassed and slaked anone he and his compani comen vn to the gentill knyght sir Thomas of Lancastre said vn to him in high yelde the tratoure yeld the. ¶ The gentill Erle ansuerid tho and said Nay lordis trators be we none and to you will we neuer vs yeld while that our lyues last but leuer we haue to be slain in our treuth than yeld vs vn to yow ¶ And sir Androw ayen gard vpon sir Thomas componi yollyng as a wode wolfe ̄ saied yelde you tratours takē yeld you And said with an high vois beth war sires that none of yow be so hardy vpon lyfe and limme to mysdone Thomas bodi of Lancastre ¶ And with that word the good Erle Thomas wēt ī to the chapell said kneling vpon his knees ̄ turned his visage towardes the crosse and said Almyghty god to the I me yelde holli I put me vn to thy merci And with that the vileyns and ribaudes leped a boute him on euery syde as tirantis wode turmētours and dispolid him of his armurie and clothed him in a robe of rey that was of his squyers liueira and forth lad him vn to yorke by water ¶ Tho myght men se moch sorow ̄ care for thee gentill knyghtis fled in euery side ̄ the ribaudis ̄ the vileyns egreli them discried and gried an high yeld yow tratours yeld you ¶ And when they wer yolden they wer robbed bounde as thefues Alas the shame and dispite that the gentill ordir of knyghthod ther had at that bataill and the land was tho with out law for holy chirche tho had no more reuerance than it had bene a brodell hous and in that bataill was the fadre ayens the sone and the vncle ayens his nepheu For so moch vnkyn denes was neuer seyn before in Englond as wos that tyme among folke of one nacion ¶ For on kynrad had no more pitte of that other than an hungri wolfe hath of a shepe and it wos no wonder ¶ For the gret lordis of englond wer not all of one nacion but wer medled with other nacions that is for to say some Bretans some Saxōs som Danys some Pehites som Frensshemen some Normans some Spanyardis some Romans some Henaudes some Flemmyng and other diuerse nacions the which nacions