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A17967 The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 4626; ESTC S107499 318,133 586

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to excommunicate them only but also to put them from the empyre so that one can thynke no honestye in these dedes of the Romysh byshoppes specially yf ye ponder and way all the causes and reasons All these were excommunicated in a rowe and yet were they myghtye and wyse Emperoures that haue brought to passe great and notable thinges Henry the fourth a Franke. Henry the fyfth a Franke. Friderick the fyrst a Schwabe Philippe sonne to Frederick the fyrste Otho the iiii duke of Brunswig Friderick the .ii. Henry the .vi. sonne Conradus Fridericks sonne The yeare of Christe M.CC.xii. Otho beyng come agayne into Germany though he knew that the princes myndes were set agaynst him yet poynted he a day of parlament at Norinberg and admonyshed the princes that they shulde not graunt the bishops of Ro. that authoritye that they shulde put downe Emperoures at theyr pleasure for the empyre pertayneth not to Romysh byshops but to the Germane princes He brought some princes to his mynd with this admonition and fell vpon Herman erle of Thuryngen the father of erle Lewys to whome S. Elysabeth was spoused For erle Herman to do the Byshoppe of Rome pleasure set hymselfe agaynst the Emperour as a man condemned wyth byshoppe of Romes excommunicatyons and curses But afterwarde was Otho forsaken of all the princes except one erle of March in Misen For Fryderycke the yonger enemy to Otho was alreadye come into Germany besyde that by the byshoppe of Romes procurynge was the Frenche kynge in armes agaynste Otho But whan tydynges came to Otho of Frideryckes commyng he prepared hym to go agaynste hym into Alsasse and was wyth hys hooste at Brysacke howe beyte beynge destytute of all the ayde of hys he was constrayned to flye into Saxony But than repayring an hooste and beyng holpen of the kynge of Englande he went into low Germany agaynst the Frenche kynge of whome he was ouercome and dyed afterwarde the yeare M. CC. xviij He lyued wythout the tytles of thempyre .v. yeares Friderick the .ij. the .xxiiij. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christ M. CC. xiij was chosen Emperoure Friderick the .ii. of that name the sonne of Barbarossa kinge of Naples and Cicily and duke of Schwaben whan Otho was put downe and was crowned Emperoure at Achen He raygned seuen and twenty yeares Yet before he dyed was he depryued fyue yeares of the Empire by Innocentius the Bysh of Rome Noman can pitye ynough the case of thys laudable Emperoure that he was endued wyth many and noble vertues and yet in the mean season suffred he moost extreme and heuy persuinges of Romane byshops He was verye well learned in many languages For he knew perfectly the Latine Greke Germane and Saracens languages Besydes thys set he forth also the disciplines of good sciences He brought to passe that the boke of Ptolome called Almagestū was translated out of the Saracens language into Latyn and by that meanes the doctryne of Astronomye whyche noman had taughte many yeares before in Europa was brought to lighte Hys fyrste warre had he in Germanye agaynste Otho the .iiii. by the bishop of Romes counsel but he had the same rewarde for it that other Emperours afore him haue had The seconde warre had he in Brabant agaynste the duke of Brabant and Othoes adherentes and restored Lorain againe to the Germane empyre The yeare of oure lorde M. CC. xx was Fridericke crowned of Honorius the .iii. Emperoure Two erles in Tuscia had taken in some cityes that belonged to the empire the which whan Friderick had taken agayne the erles that were driuen out fled to Honorius bysh of Ro. who toke them in hys defence and commaunded Friderick to restore thē into the possession of the cityes that he had taken from them But whan Friderick refused that Honorius excommunicated hym settyng asyde all the former loue The yeare M. CC. xxii came Friderick again into Germany and holding a parlamēt at Wyrtzpurg he made Henry his yonger son felowgouernoure of the empyre and was crowned at Achen But afterwarde was the same Henry taken by his father because he had made a leage with certayn cityes of Lombardy agaynst the father while the father liued yet died he of y e filthinesse of the prison Though the city Hierusalem was now loste yet possessed the Christians other great and mighty cytyes in Siria But whan the power of the Turkes grewe dayly more more and the fortune of y e Christiās went back Ioannes came to Rome who had yet the title of y e king of Hierusalē and desyred ayde of Honorius the byshop of Rome and optayned by Honorius that Friderick who was accursed was absolued Wherefore Fridericke and the Germane princes consented frelye to make an armye for the delyueraunce of the cytye Hierusalem and the kyng of Hierusalem gaue Iole hys doughter in maryage to Friderick the Emperoure Whereby it commeth that yet at this houre the kynges of Sicily ascrybe to them the title of the realme of Hierusalem Fridericke the Emperour than went wyth a great army well furnyshed to Hierusalem and wyth hym many princes of Germany among the which was also Lewis y ● landtgraue to whom S. Elisabeth was maried the same dyed in that settynge forth at Brundusium The yeare M. CC. xxviij went Fridericke to Hierusalem and dyd hys busynesse so that the Souldane gaue hym frely agayne not only Hierusalem but many other cytyes there about Friderick was crowned at Hierusalem the yeare M. C C. xxix He caused the citye Hierusalem to be made sure agaynste the power of the enemyes He made treuce with the Souldane for ten yeres All thys shewed he by a letter to the byshop of Ro. and requyred absolucion of the curse for by thys Gregorye was he accursed also I wote not for what title in the kingdome of Sicily But it was a small matter for the byshop of Rome to deny to the Emperoure the absolution for this gyle also or rather iniury had he done to Frederick being absent For he set y ● Italian cities against him toke in by force some cityes in his patrimonial realme Naples By thys constraynt was Friderick driuē to come back agayn into Sicilye and to rescue his realme come by inheritaunce from feare of daunger Although the bysh of Ro. had ben sore dissoial against the Emperour in his absence yet required he absolution so lowly that he promysed he wolde holde the kyng dome of Sicily of him by fealtye Besydes this also caused he the princes of Germanye to come into Italy that at the least by them myght the debate betwen hym and the Emperour be alayed Therfore dyd Gregorius absolue the Emperour agayne the yeare of Christe M. CC. xxx After y c came the Emperour Friderick the thyrd time into Italy and warred in Eastenrich agaynst the Hungarians toke the eyty Vienne the which that she shuld be remain an emperial city he wold haue
thinhabitances of thesayd contry of Coppenhagen denyed them their requsst kyng Christiane beseged the sayd citye wyth such power and troubled them so sore on euery syde that no victualles might come at them by no maner of meanes In so muche that wythin short space victualles waxed so scant and famme so increa●led wythin the cyty that they were glad to vse dogges fleshe for theyr meate and also cattes And when thys prouisyon dyd also fayle them and no deliueraunce eppeared of no part for they hoped that Frederike the Palatine who had taken to wyfe the doughter of kyng Christierne as before is mentioned should haue moued battayll agaynst the Duke of Holstone whyche came not to passe they yelded vp the cyty to the chosen kynge Christian aboue mencyoned Durynge thesayed siege the kynges souldiours ouercame Warborough and toke that false Capytayne of the Lubekes called Markes Mayer prysoner who wyth hys brother Gerard Mayer and a Danysh pryeste was quartered shortly after After that thesayd Christian had ouercome and subdued the hole kyngdome of Denmarke accordyng to the duety of all godlye kynges and prynces he directed all hys doynges and procedynges to thys ende that the worde of God myghte be purely and syncerely preached and taughte to hys pore subiectes in all partes of hys dominions But when he perceyued the preuy practises which the Bishoppes of that lande for they were in a maner the mightyest of both the kyngdomes of Denmarke and Norway imagined and purposed to worke against hym to hyndre his godly enterprise and to mayntayne their Idolary he toke them all seuen for so many were they in nombre and deposed them from their power and dignitie so that they were not able any more to make diuision sedicion or commotion within his kyngdome as they were wonte to do When this was done he sent messengers to Wit tenbourgh and called for the right honorable and well learned doctor Iohn Bugenhaghe borne in the dominion of Pomerlande who is yet at thys daye preacher of Goddes worde and minister or curate at the parysh Churche at Wittenbourgh as he was then This godly man came at the kynges request and by the helpe of God establyshed in bothe the kyngdomes the preaching of the Gospell and the true ministracion of the Sacramentes very frutefully so that within the space of thre yeres for so long was he by about the kyng all the paryshes of the lande which were aboue .xxiiii. thonsande in nombre were prouided and furnyshed with preachers and ministers hauing Super attendenres ordeyned and appointed ouer them to haue the ouersyght of them and to haue an earnest respecte and a watchefull eye to their doctrine and conuersation of lyuing He crowned also kyng Christian at Coppenhaghe in the presence of all his nobles with the kyngly crowne of the land of both the kyngdomes And after this at the kinges request he prouided and furnyshed the high Scole or vniuersitie of Coppenhaghe with Lecures and Reders of holy scripture and of all other laudable sciences For the better increase and furnyshyng whereof he called for certayne learned men frō Wittenbourgh although the lande was not all voyde of suche men before To the mayntenaunce of whiche Godly order and institucion of doctrine as wel in the Churche as in the vniuersytie the kyng gaue large gyftes and appoynted great liuynges And he set such an order in both the kyngdomes that his subiectes may be glad and geue God hygh thankes that of his goodnes he woulde sende them suche a kyng God sende hym longe to reigne among them and styrre vp the like in many other regions to the praise and sanctifycacion of hys moste holy name Amen Henry the eyght kyng of Englande had his imbassadours certayne monethes at Wittenbourgh whiche accordynge to the kynges request caryed wyth them in Englande certayne wel learned doctours to preache the Gospell of Christ within hys Realme and dominions whereof the hole congregacion of Christ thoroughout all Germany conceiued a speciall reioysynge and comforte But alas their ioye was not longe permanent for the saied kyng within two yeares after repelled them and caused some of them to be put to death as here tikes And Englyshe men haue had a certayne prophecy of great antiquitie that when saynt Georges daye should fall on good frydaye whiche is in the yeare of oure lorde MD. xlvi the worde of God shoulde myghtely increasse and taken place among them which I praye God graunt vnto thē to his prayse and glory This yere in England also the lorde Darcy syr Fraunces Bygot Syr Robert Constable other began a newe conspyracy whiche were attaynted and put to death in Iune This yere in October in England also on saynt Edowardes euen was Prince Edowarde borne at Hampton Court whiche was proclaimed anoynted kyng of Englande the .ix. yere of his age as shal be declared hereafter in due place This yere the .xiiij. daye of October also dyed Quene Iane mother to the saied Prince Edward and was buried at Winsor This yere did Iames the kyng of Scotlande puyssaunt kyng Iohn of Portingale Sonne to the excellent kyng Emanuell had a great conflicte and victory agaynst the infideles in the Realme of Cambaia or Guzuratum lyeng in the Indes For after that he had by his capitaines specially by Nonne a Cugria who was ruler and gouernour of the kinges army in the Indes destroyed the coastes lieng towardes the Indysh sea subiecte to the kyng of Cambaia and when the same kyng was not able to resyste hym although he was of power to brynge foure hundred thousand men in Campe he made a gentle agrement with the Portyngalles and delyuered them two mighty cities with all their abilyties priuiledges liberties and dominions whereof the one is called Bazaim and the other Dium this the stronger and the other the rycher Whiche haue both vnder them about a syx hundreth Villages with certayn smal townes and srutesul landes contayning in length about a .lxxx. myles or leaques wherof the king hath yerely an C. thousand crewnes at the least in bare tribute besydes the woode whence for the mooste part all the prouision is takē that is occupied for the shyppes in the Indes with other aduauntages In those partes caused the kyng of Portingall the Christian fayth to be planted and at the last kyng Badur of Cambaia for so was he called when he was inuaded by kyng Dey who was kynge of the Scythians and of the Tartares fled with all his treasure mother wyfe and chyldren into the Cytie of Dyum whiche he had geuen vp before desyrynge succour and defence against his enemy So that by this meanes the king of Portyngall had obtayned the moste parte of all the lande of the Indes vnder his tuition and defence without any notable shedyng of bloude These actes are described at large by the sayed kyng in a
their lande the flyeng sorte couered that lyght of the Sune in so muche that thinhabiters of the lande were cōmaunded to go furth and to take gather thē that crept on the grounde which they did continually during the space of thre wekes gatheringe euery daye about 2400. quarters in a quarter of a myle for in euery quarter of a myle were appointed thre hundreth persons men and womē and euery hundreth persons gathered euery day 800 quarters during the space of 3. wekes And they came into Isebredge ouer the brydge with such a power as though they had ben an hoste of warriours that woulde haue entred into the towne In so much that the Magestrates commanded the inhabitauntes of the same towne to make resistaunce agaynst them before the gate with besomes and bromes and to swype them into the water as they came whiche they ded in suche sorte as they couered all the water with grasherppers that no water coulde be sene Thus did they resiste them kept them also from the brydge by the space of .iii. wekes after this the said locustes or grashoppers turned into the fieldes and there destroyed and wasted the corne and the grasse vndoynge in a maner all the people of the lande so that after thys the peopel resysted them no moore butt onelye trusted to the mercy of god with instaunt feruēt prayer The sayde Locustes or grashoppers were littell at the begynnyng and krepyng but afterwarde they grewe and began to flye doyng great hurte throughout the sayde lande In the meane season the Emperoures maiestie and the kyng of the Romaynes set furth a commaūdement that noman shuld be founde in dronkenes horedome aduoutery vsury and blasphemy but he should be punyshed by death and forfayte all hys goodes In a littell towne called Albers lyeng besydes Lyndawe in the Dukedome of Zweyburgh was this yere founde two clusters of grapes growynge vpon one braunce hauyng a long read bearde whiche was a wonderfull syght The same yere in flaunders and the countrees there about was a great scacitie of corne so that there was a great dearth in the lande And there dwelled besydes Beke aboue Gand a certayne farmer well prouided and stored with corne vnto whome his neyghbours came lamentyng and intreatyng hym to sel them some of his corne who refused so to do neuertheles he sent none away comfortles that had nede for he lent and delyuered vnto euery man accordyng to their necessite on this condicion that they should rendre and repaye hym agayne at the next haruest on this condicion did he lende corne to dyuers nedy persons After whiche tyme it chaunced that his corned fyelde beyng sowed was by Gods grace so multiplied and increassed that on euery stalke grewe an exceding nombre of eares laden with corne so that thorough the blessyng of God he was well rewarded By this may we see that the sayeng of Salomon is an vndoubted verite namely he that taketh pitie on the pore lendeth vnto the Lorde vpon vsury and loke whatsoeuer he layeth out it shalbe payd hym agayne There was also this yere a wonderfull vision sene and heard of many within the towne of Wittenbourgh in the Lande of Saron the .xviii. daye of September early in the mornyng betwene foure fyue of y ● clocke For there appeareth in the ayre a figure and lykenes of a dead corse or beere couered ouer with blacke cloth and a read ribband auer the same and there went before the coarse six men with trompettes and a greate multitude of people folowed with croked instrumentes and trompettes blowyng whyche made a greate noyse in the ayre insomuche that many in the towne whiche laye yet in their beddes were thereby awaked out of theyr slepe thynkyng that the sayde trimblyng had bene in the towne After this the black cloth vanyshed awaye from the boere whiche then was couered ouer with awhyte cloth then appeared besydes the beare a man armed in harnas shewyng hym selfe very angry and pullyng the whyte clothe from the beere he rent it in twaine wynding the one half about hys arme and so pressyng it harde to hys body Wyth this the coarse vanyshed away The man armed dyd also apeare a lyttell whyle after so in lyke maner banished away After this were althynges quiet as before God graunte euery Christen man to remembre thys wonderfull sygne with feare for it is to be feared that it is a fearefull warnyng sent vs of God In Englande the nyntene day of Ianuary was the Erle of Surrey beheaded as was mencioned the yere before The seuen and twenty daye of the same moneth Henry the eyght kyng of Englande c. ended hys lyfe and was buried at Windsore Edwarde the syxt kyng of Englande c. succeded his father in the gouernaunce of his royalmes and dominions and was crowned the nintene day of February in the nyneth yere of hys age Vnder the sayde kyng in the tyme of his minorite his vncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset was made lorde Protectour of all hys Royaulmes dominions and subiectes and Gouernour of his maiesties persone who with the residue of his maiesties Counsayll gouerned the realme with great mercy and gentilnesse by whome to the surtheraunce of goddes worde and true religion cōmissioners were sent into al partes of the Realme with commaūdement to cause all Images to be taken out of churches for auoydyng of Idolatry and to wyll men women to leaue the vse of beades hauyng with thē also godly and learned preachers assigned whiche do exorted them to geue them self to true and vnfained worshippyng of God in the hart and minde with due obedience to their prince Richard Smith a doctour of diuinite recāted opēly at Paules crosse within y e citie of Lōdon diuers articles cōtained in two bokes which he had made one for the defence of the sacrifice of the Masse an other to proue vnwritten verities to be beleued vnder payne of damnacion This yere also in Enland commaundement was geuen that processions should be no more vsed This yere also in England the duke of Somerset then Lorde Protectour and the Erle of Warwyke went into Scotlande with a strong army requiring the Scottes to fulfyll their promyse made before to kyng Henry concernyng the mariage of their younge Quene with the younge kynge of Englande but the Scottes stubbournely came agaynst them with great puissaunce And not longe after the two armyes encountred in the fieldes of Muscleborough at a place called Pinker slough The Englyshe part not thynkyng as than to haue battayle at whiche tyme because the front of the Scottyshe armie was so terrybly set wyth pykes the Englyshe horsemen which gaue the fyrst onset were fayne to recule backe with losse of certayn gētylmen whiche reculing much abasshed the English footemen but yet by the great wysedome and dilygence of the Lord Protectours grace and the valiaunt hart and courage of the Earle of Warwike they
Maximilian d 〈…〉 th Maximilian warreth against the Venecians Lewis kyng of Fraunce Iulius the by shop of Rom. was discomfited in a battaill by the citie Rauennas vpon Easter daye What Electors chose Charles that now is Emperoure Martine Luther ▪ Charles y ● Frances the French king taken The commotion of vplan●y●h m●n Schapler Twelue articles of the sedicious rustikes Thomas Mynter Iohn Ocal●padius Huldrich Zwinglius renew the doctrine of Berengarius ●ndreas ●arolestadius Rome taken by Burbon With what an ●●ost Sol 〈…〉 yd be 〈…〉 ge ●iēn● Charles is crowned Emperour at Bonony by the bysh of Ro. The parliament of ●usborow An ouerflowyng at Ro. Clemens the vij is taken Ferdinande kyng of Hungary A Comete sene The Switzer warre within themselues The parliament holden at Regēspurg Prophecies of recouering Constantinople and of roting the Turkes out of Europa Laurentius Miniatensis an Astronomer A Comete sene Writers of Histories Cronicles What the mutacions of kyngdomes de signifye Agathias Ctesias The conuocation or counsaill holden at Ramsburgh The duke of Saxon agreeth not to the election of y e kyng of the Romaines The seconde breakyng in of Soliman into Germany Guns assaulted of the Turke by the space of .xij. daies The wall of 〈◊〉 falleth 〈…〉 e by it ●elfe Anthony de Leua Andrewe de Aurea The citie of Corona takē The Emperourre turned into Italy to the Pope The Pope meteth themperour at Bononia Battell moued in England against the Scottes The death of Iohn duke of Saxon. Iohn Frederick duke of Saxon. A Comete or blasing starre ●●●● A great in●●●cion of wat●● in Hollād Seeland c. Christerne k●n● of D●● 〈…〉 ke after h●● retur●●ta 〈…〉 oure 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 l. A mōstruous Calfe borne by y e sea coste aboute Lindowe The Emperour Charles retourneth from Genua into Spaine Newe Indes or Ilandes plentyfull of golde and siluer founde out by the Spāyardes A solēpne cōmunycacyon holdē at Massilia betwene y e Pope the French kinge The duke of Orleans marieth the Popes cosyn The Euangelycal bōd is opened by y e french kyng Another Comete or blasing starre apeared Shiltagh burned downe to y e ground A great Pestilence in Germany A great earthquake tempest of wind Kynge henry the .viii was d●uorsed frō hys fyrste wyfe maried to an other 1534. The Anabaptystes t●ke the Cytye of Mynster in Westphale The Anabaptystes make them a kyng Knypperdullynge c. kregh tynge Philip Landgraue of Hessen The Citie of Minster besieged by y ● bi●hop Scarcitye of victualles in Mynster The Anabaptistes eate lether couerynges of bookes Philip landgraue of Hessen goeth about to set his vncle into his owne land agayn Philip y ● palatine put to flyght and wounded Hulderike duke of wi●tēberg restored to his o●●● d 〈…〉 ō A peace graūted vnto y ● ●an●g●a ●e on them perours behalf The lādgraue retourneth into his owne lande A cōmēdatiō of liberalyty boldenes in y e landgraue a cōmēdatiō of pacience mekenes in thēperour y e kyng of Hungary The death of Frederike kyng of Dēmarke A straunge thing or tokē happened about y ● dead corps of the kynge The erle of Oldēboroughe ● y ● Lubekes inuade y ● dukedom of h●lsa●es The death of George weuer markes mayer A peace concluded betwene the towne of Lubeke and the dukedom of ho sure The captaynes of Lubeke desyrous to inuade dēmarcke A newe war ●● A wōderfull apparitiō in Dēmarke Henry king of Ingland excōmunicated by the pope The Pope hath ●● authority ouer Ingland king Hēnry forsaketh y t Pope A bokt sett furth vp kinge henry againste the primacpe of y e Pope King Henry ioined in cōfederatin̄ with y t Princes mayntainers of ● gospel Ireland rebe●●eth against their prince Pope Clement dyeth Paule y ● ▪ iii. chosen to be Pope Sophi p●in●● of y ● Persians ●●●●●beth y ● Turk Imbrai bassa Imbray bassa with hys host slayne The Turke cometh againste y ● sayde Sophy The turke cōpassed aboute of the Periyans The Turke escapeth ●a ro●e●● with a lewe Barbarossa inuabeth the kyngdome of Tunyse Barbarossa suodueth Affryca the lesse Kynge Altzachenus expelled from Tunyse The 〈◊〉 of Breda burned Great tempestes of wind Waters ryuers excedingly increassed ●● y ● ●ande of Pole The duke of Millā marieth y ● dough●●r 〈…〉 y ● kyng Denmarke Themperour prepareth an armada towardes Affrica The kingdō of Tunise rec●●●red b● the pe●our Barbarossa ex●●lled frō Tunise Kyng Altzachenus restored to hys kyngdome of Tunise The castell of Golleta reserued for themperour Themperour returneth frō Affrica Barbarossa inuadeth the Ile of Minorca The Affricanes attempte rebellion Andrewe ●e Aurea apointed to kepe y e Affricanes in awe The sect of the Anabaptistes in creas●eth The Anabaptistes ●●kem●●●w 〈…〉 ● go naked The Anabaptistes within 〈…〉 e ●pp●●lled The madnes of the Anabaptistes The Anabaptistes beleued that Minster was new Ierusalem A woman would conterfet Iudith The kynge 〈…〉 ing and knipperdulling taken The kyng of the ●●baptistes with his cōsellers put to death Christian duke of Holston chosen to be kyng in Denmarke The count of Hoya and the Erle of Teckelborough slayne Louedayes kept in Hungary The kyng of Poles maried the daughter of ●erd●●anto kyng of Bohemy The death of the Duke of Mylan The duke of ●a●er marieth the daughter of Denmarke ●ir Thomas more Chauncelour of England and y ● byshop of Rochester beheaded The monkes of the charter house A wonderful tempest Neuer suche a tēpest sene Quene Katherine dow●ger dieth Quene Anne Bullyn be headed Que. Iane Semour maried to the kyng of Enland The citie of Geneue besieged Preachers of the Gospel ordeyned ●● Sa●●● Iulius Lesar builded Clausa Rodani The French kyng claymeth the succession of Mila●e It is the condicion of an ap● to countr●faite all y ● is done in his ●●ght Aprai●● of the author The Emporoures complaynt to the Pope agaīst the Frenche kyng The Empeperoures request The Popes aunswere The Emperoures retourne from Rome A trap●one put to death at ●po●s The Count of Nassowe Perone besyeged The Euangelical bond The Synode or conuocatiō of Wittenborough Swinglius cōsenteth not with Luter in the opinion of the Sacramēt A new peace concluded betwene the sea townes of Eastlande Denmarke The citie of Copenhage beseged by y ● kyng D●g●es and 〈…〉 Coppenhagh yelded vp to● kyng Warborough taken Markes mayer taken and quartered Ag●●ly e●●ple for all kynges and conquerours The practise of papistes All the byshoys of Dēmarck deposed Iohn Bugen hagh Thepreachig of the gospell instituted in Denmarke xxiiij thousād parishes in Denmarch Norway furnyshed with preachers The coronation of Lhristiane siyng of Denmarck The vntuersitie of Luppenhaghe furnyshed with mēlearned in y ● scripturs Liuinges appointed for preachers ●●d●●s in Dē 〈…〉 Thimbassadours of England at Wittenbourgh Doctour ●●n●● An olde prophecy of Enland The Lorde Darcy with other Edwarde the sy●t borne The death
of Quene Iane The kyng of Scottes marieth the daughter of Fraunce The cōquest of the kyng of Portingals Indes The Christē faith planted in the kyngdome of Cābaia The heath of Erasmus A preuy conspiracy in Germany against the Gospell Henry the younger duke of Brunswyke The death of George duke of Saxon Pop●r● abolyssed in the ●●nde of 〈◊〉 The ●●oole 〈…〉 gh rest●●●d Heding beseged taken The lady regēt inuadeth Picardy S. Paule beseged and destroyed Turwyne beseged 〈…〉 Iohn Crisp● 〈…〉 A● ho●●●ble 〈…〉 Misfortunes happened harmes done by the meanes of the tēpest A collection for the pore Frere Forest A cousi●lta●●on holden at Rome against the Turke The Emperours ●●●raun●●●●to ●ic● The entraunce of the Pope into Nice described the religious rabl● The Emperoure kisseth the Popes 〈…〉 e. A peace concluded betwene the Emperour Fraūce ▪ Leonora 〈…〉 N● 〈…〉 ded Barbarossa Bisana ta●en The shipwrach of Barbarossa The Castell N 〈…〉 urg ●●ylord Th● Marquea of Brādenburg The death of y e duke of Gelders Auarice punyshed The lorde marquish of ex●ter ● the ●●rd mōtacute beheaded Barbarossa robbeth y e ●e ●e●●ās Italians goodes vpō y e see Barbarossa b 〈…〉 th C● ▪ stel●ou● The dalmacians flye to y e Turckes betrai their felowe soudiars y e Castel Barbarossa wynneth Castel nouo The spaniat des Italyans feight māfully Theēperoures wi●dieth An insurrecciōat Gent ▪ Embassadoures out of Fraunce into Spayne The ●perour cōmeth into Flaūderstho ●ou Fraunce An ābassage out of ostēricke into beam Latine Wr●tislauya The Turcke carieth away lxxx thousād christē mē into turckye A blasynge sterre The laerned in Turcky acknowledg our Christen relligiō to be y ● best The ●urch headeth ▪ priestes A miracle The Emperour at paris The frēch kyng craftily seketh y e e●perour d●●t * or be rowed * or boote * stp●●an * or shippe The ●p r●rs cōplaint to y ● ●i●h of Ro. The Emperoure cōmeth to Gent. ● castel builded in Gent. Ferdinādus cometh to y ● Emperoure in to flaūders 〈…〉 A cōmunicacion at Wor Phil. Melā Ioh. Ecke Wheter ther remain sines in y t saintes Christiās after baptisme Rom. viii A day at haganouwe The Emperour● 〈…〉 ly forbedeth good bokes to be readde But what is wōne ●● persecutyon The marque s 〈…〉 ●●ādā 〈…〉 recea 〈…〉 y ● word ●● God God befenheth his flock The 〈…〉 of y ● burning mortherers 〈…〉 clipse 〈…〉 Wyne both 〈…〉 good cheape Vnderstand The true king of Hungary kynge Iohn The kyng of Hungary dyed * Latine B●da Ferdinandꝰ would take in the kyngdome of Hūgary The Emperour comith to Norenberg The parliament holden at Regensburg 〈…〉 D●●●s i●●ter 〈…〉 The Pope 〈…〉 hall One of his croked pi●pes hyndereth all that thegodly had go●e about ● greate while before and those me● of greate nobilitie besydes the excelent learned The prince● that receaue the worde of God after y e parliament holden at Regensburg Doctor Eckius vse ▪ h●he ●cuel his masters conning that is lying ▪ The beu●ls 〈…〉 ●●●al 〈…〉 ●owes 〈…〉 es 〈…〉 ●●●●● is pro●●d●●●r ▪ Money is geuen to sēd an armye against the Turke Iohn Weyda kynge of Hungary dy●●● The Turke● Bassa ●esegeth Pest * ●●● Alb● ▪ greca ▪ A notable 〈…〉 ordi 〈…〉 lost 〈…〉 Hungary Willyam of Rogendorpe 〈…〉 ▪ The Turke ▪ ●eweth lxxx Christians in peeces for a pastyme The Turke breaketh hys promesse and excercyseth tyranny 〈…〉 an 〈…〉 l yeare The turcke ●●●eth ▪ ●xx thousand mē 〈…〉 The Turke geueth ●alē tyne Te●eck his reward The Turke taketh certayn Castels in ▪ The Turke assaulteth the citie of fyuechurches The Turck hatha●arm● in Pelopo●e so The Emperour and the Pope to gether at Luke The Emperoures passage to Algier Duke Henry of Saxon dieth 〈…〉 s 〈…〉 r 〈…〉 〈◊〉 in Histr●● is taken in An armye against the Turck Pest is beseaged of our men Duke Maurice in Ieoperdy of takynge ●●e of Duke Maurice Ie 〈…〉 en 〈…〉 eth māfully to delyuer his master A sicknesse in the Camp The grenous●ie● of y e sicknes in Duga ●● Warre betwene y e Duke of Saxon Brunswick The duke of Brunswyke flyeth Woluenbutel is beseged Woluenbutel is vntapled for .iii. peares The mening was y ● they shuld at the length repēt them of their ioznep and go hom and winue no thing They fly out of the Castel ouer the walles ditches The Gospel is preached in the land of Brunswick 〈…〉 pr●nces and 〈…〉 〈…〉 the Gospell Duke William ●● Baier 〈…〉 th to v 〈…〉 Grassehoppers A earth●●a●e in 〈◊〉 An earthqua●e in 〈…〉 ye ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 ple The Bra 〈…〉 〈…〉 ll ●●to the land of Gulick The kyng of Scotland dyeth A Councell kept at Nure●burg Another counsel appoynted at Spyer An army sent by them p 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 land 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 The city of Tremetz taken The French king and the Duke of 〈…〉 le●e pro 〈…〉 their marshial affaires The Ladye Mary sendeth an army againste the Duke of Cleue The Cleueuers approche towardes ▪ the Brabanders 〈…〉 nflict 〈…〉 e the C●eue●ers 〈…〉 ders The victory of the Cleueners The slepe of themperour The s 〈…〉 〈…〉 f the 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 he 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 nd 〈…〉 th 〈…〉 〈…〉 d● 〈…〉 de Hungary inuaded by the Turke The death of doctor 〈…〉 A wōderfull birth besides Basell ▪ Wonderfull visions sen● The interpretacion o● the vision The councel of ●p●re 〈…〉 〈…〉 With their ordinaunce The kyndnes of Switchers A counse●lour o● Nurrenburgh taken 〈…〉 Scotland ●●uaded by ●●g●●thmen Bullyn beseged 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The Palatine a fauorer of Goddes worde Popery pa●● downe the Gospel preached in the palatines iurisdiction 〈…〉 g 〈…〉 Poles 〈◊〉 〈…〉 p 〈…〉 o 〈◊〉 〈…〉 pro 〈…〉 〈…〉 d and 〈…〉 e. Henry duke of Brunswike goeth about to recouer his land The ●ount● of Deckelenbourgh inu●ded for the Golpell 〈◊〉 ●●ll beseged Philip Landgraue of Hessen Capitaine of the Euangelicall confederation Duke Maurice of Saxō Duke Maurice seketh ● ▪ meanes to make a peace 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 by 〈…〉 i 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The Landgraue 〈…〉 qui●eth an othe of duke Hen 〈…〉 cōpany The lande of Brunswike taken in againe and sworne of newe to y e confederatiō The Erle of Shauēburgh deposed Rithbergh geuen vp 〈…〉 th of 〈…〉 che 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 The Ruler of 〈…〉 har● 〈…〉 ed by y e Marquis of Brandenburgh The fury o the Turke The death of the Duke of Orleans Wonderfull apparitions and visions A conuocatiō at Franke forth The death of Ma●ten Luter The buriall of doctor Martine Luter Alphonse dia si a trayterousmurther The good doctor Iohn Diasy murthered The Emp 〈…〉 com 〈…〉 Rai 〈…〉 sburgh The 〈…〉 ion beg 〈…〉 at Rainsburgh The begynnyng of the emperours warres agaynst the Germanes Duke Maurice prepareth 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 A cruel murther Duke Maurice ●●gm●●●● to 〈…〉 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 A peace betwene Englande and Fraunce The stewes put downe in London ☝ ☝ Anne Askewe Iohn Lassels burned Shaxton recanted Thomas duke of Northfolke Henry his sodne attainted A plague of locustes and grashoppers A godly commaundement A prodigious grape A wonderful miracle A wonderful ●ision The Erle of Surrey beheaded The death of kyng Henry the eight of England ▪ c. Edward the syxt byng of England Images and beades put downe abolysshed in England A recantaciō of Doctor Smith Processions l●●t in Englande An hoost of men sent out of Englande into Scotlād Chaunteries geuen to the ●●ng of England The Cōmumō ordeined to be receiued in both kindes Latimer set at libertie The death of the ●renche King 〈…〉 ▪ The Emperour retourneth out of Germany into Flaūders The Duke of Saxon captiue Leonora retourned to themperoure The sonne of Ferdinando marieth them perours daughter The eldest sonne of the Turke 〈…〉 keth insurr●●tion ag●ynst his father Argiers takē 〈…〉 A ●●m●●ociō●● cor●●●all The masse Images put downe in Englande The byshop of Winchester committed to thei our of ●o 〈…〉 The mariage of priestes graunted lawfull An insurrection at Norwiche The rebelles in Cornwal 〈◊〉 Deuonshere subdued The byshop of London deposed and cōmitted to prison The duke of Somerset cōmitted to the tour of Lōdō The death of the Pope A wonderful vision sene besydes Brunswyke Capitayne Gambold slayne 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 The duke of Somerset delyuered out of 〈…〉 A generall p 〈…〉 ●etmene Englande ● Frannce Bullayne delyuered 30 one Boocher A wonderful miracle oftor ue fallyng downe from the element A moste ●●●nnicall persecution A moste T●annicall persecution
dominiōs of thesaid Electour which mē did first inuade Voyt land there toke the townes vilages and liberties pertaining tothe Electour piteously spoyling roauingburning destroieng many men young olde And specially therwas an execrable madnes murther cōmitted vpō an honest Curate minister that feared God at Newechurche whom when thesaid husbād mē had mostcruelly martyred murthered and sawe that he was fatte they cut him in peces after the maner of a fatte Swyne casting the peces from one to another and sayeng Lo brother there hast thou a good roastyng pece of an hogge Of whiche innocent bloud are gilty all they that do helpe or consent to the sayde murtheryshe and intestine warres whereof doutles God wyll take vengeaunce in tyme conuenient Nowe when the matter as it was fyrst begonne and purposed against the Electour his dominiōs for Duke Maurice had bene first with the kynge in Bohemy toke effect and apeared euidently as though the kyng woulde ouercome and take in all the Landes and dominions of the Electour Duke Maurice exalted hymselfe with his army and first toke the townes lyeng to warde the mountaynes and then he went with thesayde Bohemians and husband men to besege the towne of Zwickowe But least I be demed to stande to muche in myne owne conceite and to take vpon me to Iudge other wise than it becometh me in this matter I will set hereafter the true Copye of his lettres whereby he required and admonyshed the towne of the Electour to yelde them selues vnto hym by the cōsentes whereof men of honestie and vnderstanding may easely perceyue what good grounde and sure foundacion he pretended in these affaires By the grace of God we Maurice duke of Saxō Land graue of During and Marquis of Myssene aduertyse you our welbeloued and trusty counsayl and commons of Saron c. That forasmuche as the myghty Prince our Cosyn Duke Iohn Frederike the Elder hath ben founde negligent in doing of hys dutie and it is manifest that men are about to bryng you from the house of Saxon into the power of straungers and we beyng a borne prince of Saxon hauing also parte in the lande wyth our for sayd Cosyn and be charged by earnest commaundement of the Emperoures Maiestie our moste gracious lorde for the auoydyng of greuous penalties and corrections and also by the losse of our Regaltie and preeminēce our seiues to take the same land in possession or elles to permitte and suffre other to do the same whereby oure owne Landes and dominions must nedes come in daunger and destruction Wherfore we require you to sutmitte your selues vnto vs as Prince of Saxon and to receyue vs accordingly with due solempuisation And we are prone graciously inclined to desen de you in the Christen religion wherein ye bee and lyke mayer your bodyes goodes and possessions and to leaue you by youre olde liberties and priuiledges And when the matter or controuersy betwene the Emperoures Maiestie the Romyshe kynges Maiestie and our forsayde Cosyn shall come to an agreement we shalbe ready as touchynge the landes whiche we shall haue taken in possession of hys by the knowledge and wyll of their Maiesties and as muche as maye be done without their preiudice thorough our owne dominions to be intreated ordered accordyng to ryght and reason But yf ye should refuse so to do it should apeare vnto vs as though ye would wylfully be put from the house of Saxon whiche may not be suffered of vs. Wherefore we require herein your directe aunswere by the bearer of the letter in hast whyle oure enemy is at hande that we may auoyde the daunger Geuen in our Towne of zwickowe the syxt daye of Nouēber Anno a thousand fyue hundreth fourty and syxe Duke Maurice of Saxon. Manu propria When zwickowe had yelded vnto him the syxt day of Nouember he toke also the townes lyeng there about and consequētly Aldenbourgh Ilenbourgh Grymme Torgawe c. the .xvi. day of Nouember duke Maurice sent a Trompetter with two lettres the one to the Deputie and the other to the Communaltie of Witten bourgh directed betwene thre foure of the clocke at after none before the Elue gate but before the lettres were receyued the suburbes were set on fyre whereby was sygnifyed that they intended to stande to their defence The same daye dyd he also aduertise thinhabitauntes of Torgawe whiche lay in gareson for the defence of Wittenburgh that oneles they woulde come home by the next daye before Sunne set he would sende their wyues and chyldren after them and besydes that depriue them of all their goodes The ende of the Appendix or addition compyled by Maister Iohn Funke Brefe Annotations added vnto the premisses gathered out of dyuers historiographers IN the sayd yere of our lorde MD. xlvi apeace was concluded betwene Englād and Fraunce whiche on Whitsondaye was proclaimed For conclusion whereof the Viscount Lisse high Admiral of England with the Byshop of Duresine and a goodly company of Gentylmen went out of Englande into Fraunce after whose retourne Monsure Denball high Admirall of Fraunce the Byshop of Eureux and two Erles came into Englande with the Sacre of Depe and .xij. galleyes and were honorably receiued The saide yere also in lent before was the Stewes at London put downe and abolysshed by the kynges commaundement the .ix. daye of Iuly was burned at London in smithfielde Anne Askew a gentill woman Iohn lassels of the kynges preuy chambre Iohn Adlam tayler of Suffolke and Nicolas Belenyam priest for opinions consonaunt to the trueth and contrary to the acte of the syx Articles At whiche tyme al so Doctour Nicolas Schaxton somtime Byshop of Salisbury recanted and denied the trueth whiche before he had professed Whiche thing also one Doctour Crome whiche had bene a great and famous preacher had done at Paules Crosse the xxvij daye of Iune before affirming openly that he had bene seduced by noughty bookes c. In England also in Nouember was the duke of Northfolke and his sonne the Erle of Surrey attaincted of treason for the which his sonne was put to execution in Ianuary after and hym selfe cōmitted to the Towre where he doeth yet remayne IN the yere of our lord God MD. xlvij there were in Germany dyuers and wonderfull innouacions of thinges chaūces of warres chaūges of fortune yeldynges of Princes ouerthrowinges and subuersions of townes and castelles fallinges of great men conuocatiōs of Synodes and counsayles which I do here omitte partely to auoyde prolixite and partely for that the certaintie of suche thinges taken by heare say onely is oftentimes deceiuable Trusting to haue occcasion and oportunitie hereafter to declare and set furth the same matter at large The inhabitauntes of the countie of Tiroll and Isebredge were this yere sore plaghed with wonderfull locustes and grashoppers both creping and flyeng whiche were there in suche aboundaunce that the creping sorte couered all
gaue a newe onset and without any notable fyght discomfited the Scottes and obtayned the victory At this tyme were slayne of the Scottes betwene thirtene and fourtene thousand and not passyng an hundred Englyshemen After Mich●lmas a Parliament was holden in England wherein chaunteries were geuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at hys pleasure It was also ordeined that the sacrament or communion should be receiued of all men vnder bothe kyndes of breade and wyne This yere also anone after the kynges coronatiō Maister Hughe Latimer a famous preacher who had bene long detayned in miserable captiuite for y e Gospels sake by the procurement of the Popishe by shoppes was deliuered and set at lybertie In this yere the last day of Marche Fraūcis the Frenche kyng ended his lyfe in the .xxxiii. yeare of his reigne after that he had admonyshed his onely sonne Henry of the thynges pertaining to his kingdome and commended hym to true officers and seruauntes After whome succeded the same Henry being the seconde of that name His body was caried after .x. dayes to the brydge of S. Clodoalde and from thence to the suburbes of Paris into the Churche called the virgine of the fieldes where by the commaundement of the kyng were brough the bodyes of Frauncis the Dolphyne Duke of Britaigne who dyed in the yere of 1536. before in the moneth of August And of Charles his brother Duke of Orleans whiche dyed in the yere of our lorde 15 45. in the moneth of September that they myght accompany the body of their father to his buriall And so were the sayde thre bodyes brought with great pompe and solempnitie into the Churche of the blessed virgin at Parys and from thence to S. Denis where they were buried the body of the father being layde betwene his sonnes This Frauncis the Frenche kyng was hyghly commended for diuers singular giftes bothe of the mynde and of the body wherewith he was endued but chiefly for his humanite and clemencie whiche he vsed towardes all men He was beneficiall to mē endued with vertue and liberall to men of lernyng For by his benefite were the Latine Greke and He brue tonges restored agayn to their puritie in Fraūce whereof he entertained norished publike professours ordeining for them most ample stipendes ▪ his other actes are here omitted to auoide prolix●●e In the moneth of December at Paris was S. Michaels bridge broken by the great power violence of the waters so that the East part thereof fel downe quite the houses which were built theron were ouer throwen with a great parte of them that were annexed vnto them IN the yere of our Lorde 1548. in the moneth of Iuly themperour sent an army of Spanyardes priuely to inuade the citie of Conitaunce ▪ while the legates of Constaunce that were sent to August vnto themperour to intreate for peace were not yet retourned homewarde For he intended quite to extinguish the citie because they professed y ● Gospell Wherfore the sixt day of August early in y ● mornyng the said army inuaded y ● citie ouercame the basse towne which ioyneth to y ● great bredge cōmonly called Peter housen When this was obtayned and ouercome at their first assaulte some fell to spoiling and rouing some to deflouring of virgin●s and honest matrones some gat thē to the bridge and there made a bartaill with the citesens whiche were constrained to re●ule back into the citie being ouerpressed with the multitude of their enemies vnto whō they barred y ● gates of the bredge The bridge was ful of Spanish warriours against whō the citesens could nothing preuayle vntil many peces of artillery whiche kept the bridge being losed by chaunce but yet not without the will of God per sed the gate ouerthrewe the enemies put thē in such feare y t they fled euerychone setting the bridge on fyre also Peterhousen least the citesens should haue folowed pursued after them So that Constaunce sawe in one daye y ● iuste punishmēt of pride the singular benefite of God towardes his electe would to God they had not vnthankefully forgotten this great benefite Themperour after that he had in Germany set all thinges in ordre propounded a certain fourme in religion after the prescripte whereof they should liue while a counsaille were decreed hauing committed the Landgraue of Hessen in safe custody re retourned into Flaunders bringing with hym the Duke of Saxon captiue Thither came Leonora Themperours sister late Quene to the Frenche king departed This yere Maximiliane the first sonne of Ferdinandus king of the Romaines toke to wife themperours daughter This yere also y ● king of Spayne leauing his brother Maximiliane as gouernour in his absence departed out of Spayn into Italy went frō thence to Trident into Germany so at y ● last came into Flaūders to his father thēperour The same yere towardes the spring time the first begottē sonne of y ● Turke which was gone ouer to y ● king of y ● Persiās because he thought his brother should be by his father promoted before hym to the Empyre assembled an army of Persianes and made insurrection against his father and inuaded the borders of Turkie nere vnto the lande of Persia and had ouercome many places vntyll his father beyng armed with fyue hundred thousande souldiours came thither and caused the Persianes being striken with feare to recule But they hauyng set on fyre all the townes and villages by the whiche they fled the space of fyue dayes brought their enemy whiche folowed and pursued after them too greate pennury in so muche that an hundred thousande of his men being dead thorough pouertie famine and pestilence he was constrained of necessitie to returne thither agayne from whence he came ▪ A certayne king in Aphrica toke Argieres and the other places there about with certayne castels and strong holdes whiche themperoure vsed for the defence of Spayne and also certaine strong holdes in the coastes of Portingall towardes the sea occeane In Englande at Easter was there a great coniunction of rustikes in Cornuall by p●pysh priestes There was also great disputation in the Parliamēt that yere for putting downe of the masse And Images were put downe in al churches thorough out Englande to auoyde Idolatry This yere the last daye of Iuly Stephen Gardiner byshop of Winchester in Englande was committed to the Towre of London for papisme and this sedicious opinion that the kynges maiestie in his minoritie or none age coulde not make or ordeine any lawes in his Realme as did Iosias other godly vertues princes and gouernours in their dominions This yere the mariage of priestes was graunted lawfull in England by the Lawes of God to the vtter abolyshement of all Papisticall sodomitry This yere in august was a great insurrection of rustikes at Norwiche one kite a rustike beyng their