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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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that countre slewe doune right The kyng then made a lord that Awbryke hight Erle of that countre that durst not Scottes withstande Wherfore he gaue Robert Mowbray that lande ¶ And made hym erle of Northumberland The kyng then sent vnto euery shire Iustices to sitte throughout all the land Of all lordshipis and knightes fees enquere What temporales he had to knowe he had desire And what perteined vnto his royall croune And what the churche had of deuocion ¶ Vnto his soonne eldest then generate All Normandy he gaue in heritage And England whole to Wyllyam nominate His second soonne gaue with all thauauntage And to Henry his third soonne young of age Therldome gaue then of Gloucester sea With the honour of slede for euer in certente ¶ He dyed the yere a thousand four score and ten And of his reigne twenty yere and four tho At Cane buried in thabbey that hight then Sainct Stephēs abbey by Cane that stādeth so His doughter Ade afore had maried tho Vnto therle Stephē of Bloyes a prince of might Of warres wyse and a full manly knight The C .xxiij. Chapiter ¶ Wyllyam Rufus kyng of England reigned thirtene yere and began to reigne in the yere of our lorde a thousand four score and ten dyed that yere a thousand one hundred three HIs soōne Wylliam Rufus as he deuised Was crouned then with great solempnitee But after soone duke Robert was auised To clayme England by his priorite And Normandy also as for his proprete As he that was his eldest soone and heire With hoste full greate in England game repeire ¶ And made greate warre vpon his brother so Three yere all out betwene theim so continued Till at last thei bothe betwene theim twoo Did condiscende as well to theim perteined With whole herte and will nothyng feined The iudgement of kyng Philip of Fraunce To vndergo and bide his ordinaunce ¶ In whiche meane while his brother erle Hēry The castels all belongyng to the croune As high constable of England properly Then seazed had in his possession As his office by good dereccion Asked of right and of good consuetude To kepe theim sure to the crounes excelsitude ¶ The kyng Philip by his auised parliament Gaue iudgement betwene the brethren twoo As kyng Wyllyam their father full ment All Normandy Robert should haue euer moo And Wyllyam England frendes should bee so And liue in peace without any clayme And either other releace and whole disclayme ¶ Th erle Henry of England then constable Deliuered all the castels and citees right To kyng Wyllyam his brother enheritable As he was bound and fully so had hight Duke Robert then his brother a worthy knight To England came to sport hym with his brother At whiche tyme either was glad of other The C .xxiiij. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Malcolyn of Scotland warred in England for his wife 's right pretendyng that she was right heire of England and afterward he did homage to kyng wyllyam Rufus for the realme of Scotland His Malcolin of Scotlād greatly claimed T To haue England then by his wifes right Margarete suster of Edgar heire ꝓclamed Of England whole that expelled was by might Of kyng Wyllyam conquerour by vnright So for his right the Northland he destroyed And home he went again nothyng annoyed ¶ But then the kyng and his brethren twoo To Scotland rode and wasted sore the land Till Malcolyne came and did his homage By letter wrytten and sealed I vnderstand Whiche Hardyng gaue in to kyng Henryes hād Without reward or any recompence Of mayne labour his costagis and expence ¶ The duke Robert went home to Normandy And kyng Malcolyne his soonne then Edward Warred again Northumberland in hie But erle Robert that kepyng had and ward Of Northūberland with hym then faught full hard Byside Alnwike at Malcolyne well were slain There Malcolyne and Edward his soōne certain ¶ Whē quene Margret so of that tidynges knewe She eate neuer meate for sorowe dyed anone At Dunfermelyn buryed as then was dewe But nowe she is there shryned in fleshe and bone Workyng miracles as sayeth many one Entombed faire and in the firetree translate Of whiche abbey nowe is she aduocate ¶ The Scottes then made Dunwalde so their kyng Malcolynes brother that to it had no right But Dunkā sonne of Malcolyne that knowyng With helpe of kyng Wyllyam and royall might Of Scotlande so droaue hym awaye to flight And crouned was as chronicles vnderstande And homage made to wyllyam for his lande ¶ Sone after kyng Dunkan of Scotland slayn By treason was and Dunwall restitute Vnto the croune of Scotlande then agayne Whome Edgare then by succoure and refute Of kyng Wyllyam droue out all destitute Of any helpe and crouned was in Scotlande To kyng Willyam did homage for his lande ¶ Of whose homage Iohn Hardyng gaue that letter Full clerely made written well and sealed The whiche also with other letters better That by reason maye not be repeled The whiche yf he would haue enbeseled The kyng Iames vnto his waryson A M. marke hym hight of his discrecion ¶ And in his tyme Roes that Richarde hight The kyng of Wales in battayl strong was slayn Besyde the castell of Brekenham then full right Fro whiche tyme forthe theyr kynges seazed full playn And princes called they were soth to sayn The kyng with hoste on Robert Monbraye rode Who with the kyng faught of his traytourhode ¶ And discomfite helde Bamburgh castell then And the kyng enduryng full .vii. yere Consentyng with the lordes that so began For to depose the kyng of his croune clere And duke Robert his brother with great power To croune and make the kyng of all Englande With Normandy to ioyse I vnderstande ¶ The kynge exiled Anselme of Cauntorbury Tharchebyshop that withstode his wronges Doen to the churche and to the prelacie To the commons also that theim belonges Seuētene tounes with also many churches amōges And abbeys foure he wasted and confounde The newe forest in Hamshire for to founde ¶ He buylded the Newcastell vpon Tyne The Scottes to gaynstande and to defende And dwell therin the people to enclyne The towne to builde and walle as did append He gaue theim ground golde ful great to spend To buylde it well and wall it all aboute And fraunchised theim to paye a free rent out ¶ The rentes frutes to tharchbishop ꝑteinyng And to the byshoppes of Wynchester Sarum And also .ix. abbeys lyuelod conteynyng In his handes leazed and held all and some But for his workes buylynges held eche crome With whiche he made then westmynster hall And the castel of Newecastell withall ¶ That stādeth on Tyne therin to dwel in warre Agayne the Scottes the countree to defende Whiche as men sayd was to hym mekill deer And more pleasyng then otherwyse dispende And muche people for it did hym cōmende For cause he dyd the commen wealthe sustene Of marchers vnnumerable to mayntene The
C .xxv. Chapiter ¶ This kyng Willyam Rufus taxed so sore the commons that they'might not mayntene tilthe for whiche fell great derth and great myschiefe and moren of catel for defaute of food for whiche the commons wer glad of his death GReat tallage of England then was raysed In so ferforth that tilthe of land was leyd Of which sued mischiefe nothyng praysed For faute of food morayn of bestiall frayed And death of people for hunger sore arayed A kyng woteth not what harmeth housbandrye Housbande to pill and taxe outragiously ¶ To Godis dome haue no consyderacion Howe that this kyng on huntyng as he stoode Vnder a tree and as writynges maketh mencion Walter Tyrel at his game in that wood Shotyng at a dere of whiche he drewe no bloode But stroke the kyng vnto the dethes wounde That there anone he died vpon the ground ¶ At Wynchester then buried anone The date was then of his reygne .xiii. yere For whome the folke no sorowe made nor moone He hurte theim so with taxe and tallage here Of Christ a thousande an C. and three yere clere Whose death the folke in no wise did complayn Were they all therof bothe glad and fayn The C .xxvi. Chapiter ¶ Henry the first kyng of Englande and duke of Normandy● reigned .xxxvi. yere and died in the yere of Christe a thousande C. and .xxxix. HEnry his brother that first was of that name was crouned thē with al that honour might be He recōsiled saynt Anselne that cam hame Who crouned Maude his wyfe full fayre free That doughter was full of benignitee To kyng Malcolyne saint Margarete that quene Of Scotlande whiche afore that tyme had been ¶ On whom he gate Willyam Richard Mold Whose goodnesse is yet spoken of full wide If she were fayre hir vertuous manyfolde Exceaded farre and vices she set aside Debates all that engendred were of pride She staunched hole with all beneuolence And visited sycke and poore with diligence ¶ The presoners also wemen eke with childe And in gesene lyuyng ay where aboute Clothes and meate and beddyng newe vnfiled Wyne also and ale she gaue without doubte Where she sawe nede in countrees al throughout These crosses all that yet bee moste royall In the hye wayes with gold she made theim all ¶ Kyng Edgare thē hir brother was of Scotlād That to kynge Henry then made homage The byshop of Duresme then toke on hande The duke Robert to gone in message To make hym clayme Englande his herytage The whiche he dyd anon withoute delaye As they accorded vpon a certayne daye ¶ But Anselne byshop of Caunturbury And also quene Maude then made them well accorde The kyng to paye thre M. marke yerely To duke Robert withoute more discorde And counsayled then the kyng as was recorde To loue the lordes that made the discencyon Betwyxte his brother and hym by conuencyon ¶ The kyng Henry warred Robert Estenuyle The eldest sonne of Roger Mountgomery And his brother that was so called that whyle And create Earle of Shrewysbury Who his castell of Arundell helde for thy And Shrewysbury also and the cytee With other mo castels in his countre ¶ Whiche to the kyng he yelde by conuencyon He and his brother to passe to Normandye With all theyr men without discencyon To theyr father Roger Mountgomerye That earle was there of Bolesmo manly The kyng went then to Caue and to Baxhous Helde them with force and herte full couetous Whiche towres Robert the duke of Normandy Asked of hym to haue delyueraunce And his money of thre thousand marke yerely Whiche he ought hym by the hole concordaunce Whiche he agayne sayde and stode at variaunce Wherfore they fell on warre and toke the felde With hostes greate full sore faught vnder shelde ¶ At Tenarthbray that is in Normandye Where Nigell then of Albany that hyght Toke duke Robert in batayll manfully And brought him bound vnto the kyng with might For which that kyng anone there made him knight And gaue hym landes that were forfet afore By Robert Stutuyle in Englande for euermore ¶ He gate also a castell besyeged longe Whiche he scalyd with noble polycie And to the kyng it gaue though it were wronge For whiche the kyng gaue hym anon in hye The landes all that forfet were only By Robert Monbray earle of Northumberland In his brothers tyme as I vnderstande ¶ The same Nygell that hyght Albanye A sonne had then whome the kyng Henry Roger Monbray dyd call euer after ay Thus Albany was chaunged morally Vnto Monbray for the lyuelod onely Whiche Monbray had afore of herytage These Monbrayes nowe rose fyrst of hye corage ¶ This kynge Henry then seazed Normandye And made his sonne Willyam duke of that lande And home came to Englande then in hye And in the yere of Chryste to vnderstande A thousande hole an C. and ten on hande His doughter Maude he maryed to Henry That Emperour was then of Romanye He put his brother duke Robert in straite warde And many other that were of his cognisaunce Where he released couenauntes and forwarde Afore wryten of his enherytaunce That betwene them myght make any dystaunce And founde hym euer in all royall estate By good auyse and councell ordynate ¶ Whiche duke ordred was so for he forsoke The realme of al the lande of Ierusalem When he was chose therto and nought it toke For couetyse to haue this Englyshe realme For he forsoke that fortune as men dyd deme Agayne goddes wyll and his hye ordynaunce For chosen he was by all chrysten creaunce ¶ For at wynnynge of Ierusalem Where prynces many kynges and dukes were He was the worthyest of any realme And bare hym beste in knyghtly dede of warre At all assautes moste knyghtly dyd hym beare The honoure all and fame he had euermore And chosen was there to be kynge therfore ¶ Men saide that God gaue hym suche punyshmēt His brother to put hym in greate myserye Vnto his death agayne his owne entente For he forsake Chrystes owne monarchye In whiche he was borne for man lyste to dye The chrysten fayth to mayntayne and encrease For couetyse his brother to discreace ¶ The yere of Chryste a thousande was ful cle● And an hundreth also and therwithall eyghtene When good quene Maude was deed laide on be● At Westminster buryed as well was sene For heuynesse of whiche the kyng I wene To Normandy then went vnto his sonne The duke William there with hym dyd wonn● ¶ The third yere after to England came agay● The duke his sonne Willyam of Normandye His brother Rycharde also the sothe to sayne And earle Rycharde of Chester in company With many other lordes in shyppes them bye Vpon the sea were dreynt in greate distresse Of the whiche the kyng had then great heuinesse ¶ Which duke Williā had wed y● doughter then Of Fowke Tailboys Earle of Angeou had bene With whome a C .lx. knyghtes with many men And
he came vnto his presence Anone he putte hym in sore prisone To tyme he had by his magnificence The castell of Lyncolne vnto his croune And putte hym then to fyne and greate raunsom So variaunt he was alwaye of hight Fro euē to morowe that no man trust hym might The fiftene yere of the same kyng Stephen Th erle Geffrey of Angeou decessid A noble prince as all menne did beleuen Henry his soonne of persone well encressed Of childishe wit also full relesed And of age he was then fiftene yere To Scotland came kyng Dauid to require ¶ Of his socour and of his supportacion England to gette that was his heritage Who made hym then full greate consolacion And with hym came without fee or wage With full assent of all his baronage Vnder baners kyng Dauid made hym knight Vpon the felde again kyng Stephen to fight ¶ But suche treaty was made and good accorde That kyng Stephen to Henry shoulde retourne As very heire without more discorde At his decesse to Henry whole retourne The croune of England without more soiourne Who died then after in his .xix. yere At Feuersham buried he was full clere ¶ Of Christes date was then a thousande yere And an hundreth fyftye and eyght also His wyfe and he there buried both in feer The whiche he found whyles he was lyuyng so And reigned here in muche trouble and wo And had this realme without any ryght For themprise Maude that fayre lady bright The C .xxix. Chapiter ¶ Henry fitz Emprice kyng of Englande and erle of Angeou duke of Normandye and Guyen by .xxxvi. yere and beganne to reygne the yere of oure Lorde a thousande a hundreth .lviii. and dyed the yere a thousande an hundreth and .xciiii. HEnry therle of Angeou was tho In this meane tyme had bē in Normādy And set his rule therin for frende or foo And crouned was at London worthely With all the lordes of his hye monarchie And made hym then theyr feautee and homage The prince of Wales also for his heritage ¶ He wedded then a lady fayre and bright Dame Alianor the dukes doughter of Guyen And heyre therof and lady by all right Possession had with all the profytes then And welbeloued was she with her men Deuorced fro the kyng Lewes of Fraunce That hyr had wed to wyfe of his puysaunce ¶ And on her gatte two doughters fayre gente But for sibrede and consanguinitee They were departed by papall iudgement On whome kyng Henry by Christes decree Gatte sonnes foure of great humanitee Henry Richarde Geffrey and Iohn also Elianor and Ihone his doughters two The C .xxx. Chapiter ¶ Howe Malcolyne the seconde kyng of Scottes made homage for Scotlande for therldome of huntyngdon IN this meane whyle kyng Dauid then so dyed To whō Malcolyn Hēryes sōne was heire Whiche Henry was erle notified Of Huntyngdon without any dispayre Of that erldome bothe good and fayre And sonne was to this noble kyng Dauy That wedded had erle Waldens doughter onely ¶ To enioye therldome by her enheritaunce That gat on her this Malcolyne that was kyng Of Scotlande nowe of mighty hye puysaunce That homage made for his enherityng Vnto Henry that then was of Englande kyng For all Scotlande and also for Huntyngdon Whiche seruices both were due vnto the croune The C .xxxi. Chapiter ¶ This kyng Henrye exiled Thomas becket byshop of Cauntorburye HE maried then his sonne the young Henry To the doughter of the kyng of Fraunce He exiled then Thomas of Cauntorbury Out of Englande and many of his aliaunce For cause of his rebellious gouernaunce And as he came fro Rome by Fraunce awaye With language fel he prayed the kyng that daye ¶ The poyntes to mende and so to Englād went For which the kyng was with hym sore displeased That then he sayd had I had men that ment Myne honeste I were not thus diseased With suche a clerke thus greued and vneased Therfore three knightes Raynold le Fitz Vrsy Hughe Moruyle hym slewe with Robert Tracy ¶ But kyng Malcolyne died that was full true Of his homage at Westchester ensealed To kyng Henry dooen so as it was due For it should not be gaynsayd ne counselled Nor afterwarde of Scottes be repeled To whiche Malcolyne Willyā his sonne heyre Was crouned kyng of Scotlande then full fayre The C .xxxii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kynge Wyllyam of Scotlande wente in to Normandye with kyng Henry of Englande the seconde as his liegeman THis kyng Wyllyam then rode with hoste full stronge The Northrē lād he brent sore distroyed By east and west of both Merches of Englande The lorde Vesty with it was anoyed The lorde Vnfreuyle with syckenesse so accloyed With power great at Alnwike with hym faught Wher he was takē in batayll sore and caught ¶ Whō to the kyng to Londō then thei brought Vnto kyng Henry with great honoure Then had the kyng tydynges he liked nought His sonne Henry by kyng Lewys socoure Besieged Roan with hoste great and rygoure For when the kyng to Normandy then went The kyng Wyllyam with hym his labour spent ¶ And Dauid also his brother with al his might That erle was then create of Huntyngdon And Robert ferers erle of Leycester so hight And Roger clare with theim of great renoume Of Gloucester that erle was in possession With other lordes and the siege sone remeued And his cytee of Roan full well rescued ¶ The siege and saute perdoned and forgeuen At the prayer of kyng Lewys of Fraunce Within fewe yeres in peace and rest to liuen He crowned his sonne without distaunce Kyng of Englande and gaue hym gouernaunce And at the feast of his coronacion He sewed afore hym for his consolacion The C .xxxiii. Chapiter ¶ This yonger Henry reigned but .iiii. yeres and died before his father wherfore he is not accompted as kynge because his father outlyued hym and reigned after his death ANd to hī said sōne thinke I do you honour A kynge to serue you thus nowe at youre meate He aunswered hym full vnthankefully that houre And sayd it was no reproue ne forfete An erls sonne to serue the kynges sonne at meate For whiche the father Henry to Irelande went Tyll young Henry the kyng was dead and spent Then came Henry and had the gouernement The father and kyng was then admytte agayn And reigned then and had the regiment And but .iiii. yere his sonne reygned soth to sayen Wherfore he is among kynges certeyne Not accoumpted by no chronicler For his father was kynge afore and after clere The C .xxxiiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Wyllyam of Scotlande made his homage to kyng Henry the seconde THe kyng Wyllyam at his daye assigned To Yorke came to do there his homage That made it then nothyng it repugned But for his due dette then for his heritage Of Scotlande whole by veraye due knowlage Of his barons and by his euydence Agayne it founde he then no
trewe defense ¶ The kynge Henry then cōquered all Irelande By papall dome there of his royaltee The profytes and reuenues of the lande The dominacion and the souerayntee For errour whiche agayn the spiritualtee They helde full longe would not been correcte Of heresyes with which they were infecte ¶ He founded then the priory of Newstede Within Shirwod and Waltham founded newe Afore were secular without hede Whiche regular he made in order due And other two houses of order trewe He founded there for his soule to praye Where was holy seruyce kepte euery daye ¶ Geffreye his sonne the thyrde gotten and bore That duke of Britayne was hole create By his wyues right to enioye for euermore Whiche was a prince of royall great estate At Parys dyed that Arthure create To sonne and heyre and Isabell the fayre His doughter was without any dispayre ¶ In the yere of Christ a thousande clere An hundreth and sixty also and one Baudewyn the thyrde died taken priesoner By the Sarysens that were his mortall foone Of his body that yssue then had none To whome his brother Almarike did succede To Ierusalem and there was kyng in dede ¶ By treason of therle Triples then The Christen hoste that had foule betrayed When Bawdewyn was so taken through that false man That great people of Christē had thē reised And on the felde nothyng to be praysed To the Sarysyns went with all his power And discomfyt the chrysten hoost full clere The C .xxxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe Geffrey Plantagenet otherwyse called Plantageneth Earle of Angeou elder brother of Bawdewyne and Almaryk shoulde haue ben king of Ierusalem afore and so by consequens thys kynge Henrye shoulde haue be kynge of it BVt yf ryght had lynally procede Geffray Plantagenet Earle of Angeou The elder brother of Bawdwyn so in dede And of Almaryk with mykell blysse and ioye Whiche Geffray so Earle of Angeou Shulde haue be kyng afore of all that realme Both of Surry and also Ierusalem ¶ When duke Robert Ierusalem forsoke For couetyse to haue and ioyse Englande Godfray Boleyne the realme of Surry toke And of Ierusalem eke I vnderstande And erowned was to be kynge of that lande That duke had bene afore of all Loueyne A noble prynce and a worthy Chyefteyne ¶ A thousande was an hundreth sixty syxtene Withoute yssue of his body cōmynge Dyed to whome his brother as was sene Bawdwin succeded and of that realme was king That ruled the lande as was full well semyng Full worthy accompted amonge all estates That chrysten fayth susteyned without debates To whom his sonne king Bawdewin did succede The seconde was that had so borne that name A noble Prynce of all marcyall dede And in that lande greate honoure had and fame Whiche on his wyfe gate without blame A doughter then had vnto his heyre That lande to haue enheryte and repayre Whom then earle Fowke of Angeou wed to wife And kyng was of that lande then by her ryght On whome he gate thre sonnes in his lyfe Worthy knyghtes and men of greate myght The eldest Geffray Plantagenet hyght That gate this same Henry fytz Empryse Kyng of Englande of noble and hye enterpryse The .ii. sonne of Fowke was Bawdewin that thirde Dyed prysoner as it is expressed afore Without yssue of his body betyd The third sonne then of Fowke laste was bore Hyght Almaryk whiche two were kynges thore Where erle Geffrey their elder brother had ryght That suffred them to ioye that lande by myght ¶ Which Almaryk dyed kyng so of that realme After whome then reygned his sonne Bawdwyn That fourth was of that name of Yerlam That impotent was without medecyn To mayntayne warre he myght no more enclyne Who called was Bawdewyn Paraliticus For with the palsye stryken was he full hydeous The C .xxxvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe that kyng Henry the seconde was very heyre of Ierusalem and by consequens Rycharde of Yorke shoulde be the same Wherfore he sent to kynge Henry his crowne His banner also of his armes full fayre Of Ierusalem that were of great renowne As to hym that was then the very heyre Of earle Geffray eldest sonne full fayre Was to kyng Fowke and to his wyfe the quene Doughter and heyre to Baudewin the .ii. clene ¶ This fourth Bawdewyn called Paraliticus This message sent the yere of Christe a thousand An hundreth ful foure score and thre ryght thus When Henry was requyred to haue that lande Whiche he proroged and sent agayne his sounde He shulde be there yf that the kyng of Fraunce And he myght well accorde of gouernaunce ¶ He went so forth anon to Normandye With hoost full great with kyng Philyp to treat Of that voyage and warre accorded on hye But then the death hym felly ganne reherte Wherfore anon he satte vp in his seate And to his sonne Rycharde greate sōme he gaue Thether to go that holy lande to saue ¶ And then he dyed at Pount Euerard buryed The sorowe of herte and great contricyon A prynce chrysten fully notifyed Withouten pere in all comparyson Of worthy knygthode and manly renowne A thousande yere an C lxxx and fourtene And of his reygne was syxe thirty clene The C .xxxvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Richard king of England duke of Normādy earle of Angeou reygned .x. yere and beganne the yere of Chryst a. M. an C lxxxxiiii dyed the yere M CC. and .iiii. RYchard his sōne to kīg thē was crowned By Bawdewyn archbyshop primate Of Cauntorbury of England that stound That ruled the churche then by lawe ordynate His brother Geffray of baste so procreate Archbyshop was of Yorke then newe electe The Northren churche vnder him to be protecte ¶ The lorde Lueye that Godfray Lucye hight Afore hym bare a royall pyllyon And Iohn Marshal his spores of gold ful bright Willyam Maundeuile his mighty hye crowne That earle was then of Almarle vp and downe Of his wyues ryght willyam Marshal bolde Earle of Strigeyll the scepter bare of golde ¶ Willyam Patryk that was then Longspee That Earle was then create of Salysbury A staffe of golde for constable then was he Of Englande hole to haue the regeny By ryght of his offyce of constablery For yf the lande were voyde none heire knowe To kepe the realme by his offyce hym owe. ¶ This ylke Willyam was earle also create Of Gloucestre by whiche that offyce grewe To hym of ryght for he was generate Of Roberte Clare earle of Gloucestre trewe Foure Barons bare by theyr seruyce full dewe Aboue his hed then in processyon A cloth of golde by good direccyon ¶ Earle Dauyd then that tyme of Huntyngdon Brother of the kyng Willyam of Scotlande And Iohn the earle of Morten of renowne Kyng Rychardes brother as I vnderstone Ryght worthy lordes that tyme of this lande And Robert Ferrers earle of Leycester tho Thre swordes bare afore the kyng there so Syxe Earls then and Barons of estate A cheker
bare with Iueles full royall And clothes ryche that were well ordynaté For that ylke feste and state imperyall Fro South vnto the Septentrionall Where then none suche accompted of rychesse As there were then as wryten is expresse The C .xxxviii. Chapiter ¶ How kyng William of Scotland made homage for Scotlande and then after his coronacyon at Westmynster he went to Fraunce and so to Ierusalem by the assent of the Kynge Phylippe THe bishop of Duresme on his right hande The bishop also of Bathe on his left syde The kīg of Scottes Willyā for Scotlād Made hym homage and feaute leege that tyde Kyng Rychard then to Fraūce with muche pride Anone so yode tharchebishop Bawdewyne With hym then went worthy clerkes and fyne ¶ Sir Rauf Fulgence erle of Perche then also Robert Ferrers erle of Lecester then With erles fell and barons many moo Of all this land went many a worthy then Of England and Scotland many a manne Of Ireland Wales Guyan and Normandy Then with hym went in that voyage on hie ¶ The kyng Philip shippid his hoste at Iene The kyng Rychard tooke the sea at Marsile With all his hoste without other meene Within short tyme arriued vp in Cisile Wher he full faire receiued was that while By kyng Tancred soonne of Wyllyam Whiche Wyllyā wed his suster Iohan by name ¶ The kyng Rychard twoo Isles ther cōquered Byside Cisile to his suster theim gaue To hir lyuyng and bade hir not bee fered For he should se hir dower she should haue Longyng to the right that she should craue And at Meschyne kyng Rychard then did make A Bastell strong the Sarsyns for to wake ¶ And sailed furth to Cipres then hy sea Wher his mother hym mete with dame Barnage The kyng his doughter of Nauerne faire free Whom ther he wed in lawfull mariage At Lymosyn in his pilgremage A citee great full of all habundaunce Whiche by assaute he gate of his puysaunce ¶ The kyng Rychard rode then to Nichosie And gate the citee with force and might The citee also of Cheryn mightely Wher his doughter and heire he toke full right To Buffenet and Baffe that were full wight To Dendamour and Candor his citees He went anone with greate felicitees ¶ He gate theim all all the realme throughout And toke the kyng Isaak and hym slewe And wed his doughter vnto the kyng full stout Of Ierusalem whose wife was dedde then newe That Sibill hight that doughter was mēne knewe Of Almarike kyng of Ierusalem The brother of Geffrey of Angeou hir eme ¶ This kyng Rychard that realme of Cipris wāne To whome the lordes echeone did their homage And anone by sea with many a manne To Acres wher in that ilke voyage He toke a ship of high and greate auantage Of ablementes for warre and ordinaunce The whiche he had with hym in gouernaunce ¶ But fiftene Sarsyns there he dreyncte And twoo hundred he kept that ship to gnie To Acres then wher kyng Philip full feyn● Had sieged long without remedie But kyng Rychard of Acres toke in hie The stronger syde and gaue it greate affraies Late and erly bothe by nightes and dayes ¶ He gate it sone with his greate ordinaunce And on the walles his baners full hie he sette The kynges armes he sette vp also of Fraunce And kyng Guyes armes of Ierusalem well bette The duke of Oistrich Lympold without lette Set vp his armes after aboue theim all Whiche kyng Rychard did cast doūe ouer that wall ¶ With wages greate and riches manifold He ryched his mēne rode throughoute all Surry The citees all and castelles that he would He gate with force and came again in hie To castell Pilgrym whiche kyng Philip pleinly Beseged had full long and went his waye Whiche Rychard beseged in greate araye ¶ To the whiche there was no waye but one full straite On a cawsey with dikes depe and wyde Strongly walled with towres on to wayte With many drawe bridges wher none might go ne ryde Strongly cheined with barris on eche side Whiche castell then he gate in dayes ten With battaill sore wher he sleugh many menne ¶ The cheynes of yrone he stroke vp with his axe Bothe at Acres and at castell Pilgrym And brent theim all as thei had been of waxe Cheynes barres with muche might that tyme The Sarasyns also he slewe with muche gryme The kyng Philip fell sicke and home would gone To Fraunce anone and toke his menne echeone ¶ Vnto the duke of Burgoyn theim to lede To bide for hym vpon the warres there And home so went to Fraunce without drede Wher then he made greate warre and muche dere In Normandy and Guyan fouly hym bere Against his othe and his greate assuraūce At their passage by couenaunt and concordaunce The C .xxxix. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Rychard sold the realme of Cipres to Statyn once an other tyme to the kyng Guy● Lezinaunt to resorte to hym to his heires in de faute of issue of theim HE sold Cipresse to kyng Statyn of might An other tyme to Guy Lizenaūt full bold For great riches the resort again of right And for greate sommes of innumerable of gold His prisoners he raunsomed sore and sold But with his hoste full well he distribute All that he gate vnto their greate refute ¶ Ioppen he gate and it repaired newe He and the duke of Burgoyn full sore sought On the Soudan and felly did pursue To castell Assure fro whens he fled vnfought But kyng Rychard that of no perill rought Was hurt right ther with dartes venemous Fiue woundes sore mortall and perelous ¶ The droue hym then into Ierusalem And layed a sege about the citee rounde And kyng Rychard hard howe fro Egipt realme Came strong vitail and ryches in that stounde With full greate hoste the Christen to confounde By night he came and there theim discomfete With worship greate and farpassyng profite ¶ Gase he buylded full faire and Ascaloyn To the templers to whome afore thei longid He deliuered and made hym redy boun For to assayle the citee and haue fongid With might of menne laddirs full well hongid Engynes and gonnes greate stones for to cast Whiche to haue wonne thei were full like at last ¶ The Soudan out by night then stale awaye And Christen menne the citee gate anone And kyng Rychard with all the hoste his waye Toke to the Flum of Cedar on his foon He folowed fast with hoste as he might goon With the Soudan faught putte hym fro that feld And mightely fro hym he rest his sheeld The C .xl. Chapiter ¶ Howe the Soudā toke a trewce with kyng Rychard after he had putte hym to flight wonne his citee and castels in Surry Kyng Rychard gaue Ierusalem and that realme of Surry to his susters soonne Henry erle of Campanya with the heire Sibill to his wife and homewardwas takē prisoner in Oistrich but in his gift of Surrry 〈◊〉
his entente For they disobeyed the lettre whiche he sent For they had chosen mayster Stephan Langton An worthy clarke of all disposicion ¶ Whom kyng Iohn then wold not admytte For Romayn bull ne for the prelates prayer But prisoned some and some to death commytte Some he exiled and theyr eyen clere And all personnes and prelates in fere He then put out and seazed theyr benefice Through all the lande as his mortall enemyes The Romyshe byshoppe curssed hym openly And all the realme fully did enterdite That sacramentes none therin should occupie And to the kyng of Fraunce without respite He wrote his letters so full fayre endite To take Englande hole in gouernaunce For kyng Iohn his great misgouernaunce ¶ Many erles also and many great barons Vnto the kyng of Fraunce wrote openly To sende his sonne Lewes the rebellions To helpe to whome they promysed sikerly To croune hym kyng of England worthely If that kyng Iohn would not his trespasse amēd Vnto the churche in whiche he had offend ¶ Wherfore that kyng of Fraūce to England sente His sonne Lewes with hoste and power strong With whom many lordes susteyned his entent And other some maynteyned kyng Iohn in wrōg Thus stode this lande Englande Wales longe Hole enterdite frō all holy sacramentes That none was done without priuelegementes ¶ Lewes the sonne of kyng Philip of Fraunce Had castelles fees and citees many one At his good rule and full wyse gouernaunce In Englande then well mo then had kyng Iohn Tyll on a daye to lordes he made his moone By whose coūcel vnto that Romishe bishop he wrote His letters meke as best he could theim note ¶ Besekyng hym of mercy and of grace Of forgeuenesse and absolucion His defautes all to mend and his trespasse And vndirguage all his punysion For to release thenterdiccion For whiche the Romishe bishop as he that letters see Wepte fore hauyng full greate pitee ¶ Thenterdiccion fully he releassed And to the kyng of Fraunce anone sent To ceasse the warre the peace to be encreassed Betwene hym and kyng Iohn bayssent To whiche he would put so all his entent To Lewes then he sent thesame message And of Englande to haue his hole costage ¶ And for Lewes with Lordes of Englande Obeyde not the byshops commaundement He sent Gwalo his legate I vnderstande To cursse Lewes and all of his assent Then died kyng Iohn in Christen hole entent At Croxton abbey and buried was full fayre At Worcester with lordes and great repayre ¶ Some bookes sayen he poysoned was to dead Of plummes so syttyng at his meate In thabbey of Cistews at Swynsheade With whiche a monke there hym did rehete Wenyng of God greate thanke to gette At Newerke died at Worcester sepultured In chronicles as is playnly scriptured ¶ He gate a sōne that Hēry of Wynchester hight And other after and Richarde was his name That erle was of Cornwayle of great might A Worthy knight and of right noble fame These sonnes on his wyfe that noble dame And gate Isabell the wyfe of Frederyk Emperoure of Rome a lorde full poletyk ¶ In his tymes were these earles in Englande Geffry Maundeuile earle of Essex than Syr Quincy as I can vnderstande Earle of Winchester that was a manly man And the earle of Cornewayle that was than Roger of Clare then earle of Gloucester That in Englande was none his better ¶ Roger Bygot earle of Northfolke then That Marshall was that tyme of Englande Henry Bowne then earle of Herforde as I can Conceyue was then Constable of the lande Aryght worthy knyght of his hande And Dauyd then was of Huntyngdon Willyam Marshall earle of Penbroke full boon ¶ Randolfe of Chester the earle of good estate Robert Veer of Oxenforde full wyse Willyam Groos of Almaryk generate Willyam Lōgspee earle then of great enterpryse In actes marcyall a man knyghtly and wyse Of Salysbury a mighty lorde that daye Through all Englande knowen of greate araye ¶ Willyam the earle of Arundell that hyght Awbeny by his surname full well then knowe At Wimondham in Northfolke buryed ryght Father was of Philyp full yonge vnknowe That full curteous was both to hye and lowe That after hym was earle of Arundell As chronycles wryten can clerely tell ¶ This kyng Iohn dyed in hole creaunce The yere of Chryste a. M was then knawe Two hundreth .xxi. by remembraunce In chronycles as I haue red and sawe And full cumbreous bothe to hye and lawe At Worcester buryed in good araye As a prynce royall of reason ought that daye The C .xliii. Chapiter ¶ Henry the thyrde kynge of Englande duke of Normandye and Guyen and Earle of Angeou that beganne to reygne the yere of Chryste a thousande CC. xxi and dyed in the yere a thousande CC .lxxiii. and of his reygne the .lvi. yere ¶ In his tyme was a batayl at Lincolne where Earle Raudolfe of Chester discomfyted Lewys that sonne of kyng Philyppe of Fraunce HEnry his sonne then was of .ix. yere age At Gloucester crowned with the dyademe By the Legate Gwalo the Baronage Stephan of Langton helpyng as did well seme Archbyshop then as the byshop coulde deme The same yere then the kyng with Lewys faught Besyde Lincolne where Lewys was nere caught ¶ Foure C. knyghtes of Lewis there was slaine Th erle of Perche was slayne on Lewis syde And many fled with Lewys soth agayne Th erle Randolf of Chester knowen wyde The felde there gate that daye with mikell pryde And Lewys then all his ryght relesed And home he went with mony well appesed ¶ In the seconde yere he wedded Alyanor Therls doughter of Prouynce good and fayre Whose elder syster kyng Lewys wed afore This earle was then famed amonge repayre The noblest prynce without any dispeyre That tyme alyue through all chrystente Of all honoure and greate nobilyte And Iohn the sonne of Dauyd of Huntingdon That of Huntyngdon Chester earle had bene Without chylde dyed his erldome to the crowne Then sezed were to tyme that it was sene Howe his systers myght them departe betwene The parliament graunted that wardes to the kyng That helde of hym by knyghtes seruyce doyng ¶ To make statutes at Oxenforde ordynaūce By whiche there shulde none alyence enheryte And put the kyngvnder the gouernaunce Of certayne lordes wysest moste parfyte Whiche after made amonge them great dispyte And batayles stronge greate contrariaunce Through all the lande by longe continuaunce The C .xliiii. Chapiter ¶ Of the byrthe of Edwarde his eldest sonne and heyre was in the .xxix. yere of his father and in the yere of Chryste a thousande CC .xxxix. Howe Symonde Mountforte Earle of Leycester was create HIs eldest sonne and heyre that Edward hyghe At Westmynster of Chrystes incarnacyon The yere a thousand CC .ix. and .xxx. ryght Whome the legate Otho by informacyon Baptyzed in funt saynt Edmondes confirmacy 〈…〉 To hym then made as the churche deuysed In his baptime holy then autoryzed
hym noyed But werre theim aye to tyme thei were distroyed For he saied thus thou shalt neuer fynd theim trewe But whiles thei bee in thy subieccion dewe ¶ At Burgh vpon the sande he died anone And to London caried then daye by daye At Westminster buried with muche mone With quene 〈…〉 garete he had thē soōnes tway Thomas Bro 〈…〉 ton erle of Northfolke gay And marshall of England the other of Kent Edmond Wodstok was erle in all entent ¶ This noble kyng died in Iuly the third daye And toward heauen he then tooke his waye The yere of Christ a thousand south to saie Three hundred whole and seuen by calculacion And of his 〈…〉 ne and coronacion Fiue and thirty not fully whole complete When he so went vnto the blisse so swete The C .lxix. Chapiter ¶ Edward the second kyng of England began to reigne the yere a thousand three hundred and seuen the eyght daye of Iuly and was deposed the yere a thousand thre hundred twenty and sixe and of his reigne nyntene yere EDward his soōne prince of Wales lord At Carnaruan of his mother bore Was croūed kīg by good whole cōcord Of all the lordes that were assembled thore At Westminster as was his father afore And at the feast of thassumpcion Of our lady he sent for Peers Gauerston ¶ Whom then he made therle of Cornwaile Again the will of all the baronage Whom his father exiled for misgouernaile The third yere after for his misused outrage The lordes rose of ire and greate courage And heddid hym as for an hie traytour That wasted had and spent the kyng his tresour ¶ And in that mean while kyng Robert Bruys had ge● All Scotland nere wherfore that kyng Edward To Scotland went at Bannokesburne thei me● And faught full sore till slain was the vaward And discomfited was the midelward And to the rereward kyng Edward hym drewe For greate socour wher he had battayl newe ¶ Whiche kild was doune sauf fewe that led the kyng To Dunbarre then fleand with hym away Ther was therle of Gloucester slain fleyng The lord Clifford and all the lordes that daye Th erle of Herford to Bothuile fled his waye Th erle Edmond of Arundell and erle of Valence Therles of Warwike Oxenford take at defence ¶ This battaill was the yere of Christ smitten A thousand whole three hundred and fiftene On midsomer daye and of his reigne thē written The seuenth yere by chronicle as is seen Then was Vmfrey erle of Herford frethed clene And enterchaungid for kyng Robertes wife That holden was in England then full ryfe The C .lxx. Chapiter ¶ Of the relesse that kyng Edward made to Robert Bruys at Dūbarre whiche relesse Iohn Hardyng deliuered in to the tresorye in the dayes of kyng Henry the fifth at Boys Vincent in Fraunce with other for whiche he gaue hym Godyngton that the quene hathe nowe PAtrike Dūbarre erle of Marche that daye To kyng Edward was leege mā lōg afore To his father and trewe had been alwaye Sent kyng Edward to Barwik but therfore He toke of hym a relesse for euermore Of his seruice that due was to the croune Anentes kyng Bruys to execute his treason ¶ Whiche relesse the maker of this booke Iohn Hardyng brought with other euidence And to the kyng Henry the fifth it toke With other mo afore at Boys Vincent Perteignyng to England royall regiment And nought he hath vnto his sustenaunce As oft a fore here in his remembraunce The C .lxxi. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Robert Bruis toke all the lordes of England and sleugh many at Stryuelin bridge distroied the Marches and bete doune castelles therin KYng Robert Bruys toke Robert Vmfreuile Erle of Angeos Henry then lord Percy Th erle of Marche and also that lord Neuile Acton and Scropen and also the lord Lucy At Stryuelyn bridge fightyng mightely In the vaward of the forsaid battaill Taken prisoners and raunsomed for auaill ¶ Thē kyng Robert that Marchis whole distroied The castelles wanne and bet theim to the ground And all Scotland afore that he had noyed Obeyed to hym and were his lieges bounde And maintened well thē furth all Scotlād groūd The bishoprike of Duresme all throughout Northumberland he brent with hoste full stout ¶ Two cardinales that B. of Rome to Scotlād sent To treate a trewce a twene the kynges twoo And for to stall Lewes Beamount present Bishop of Duresme that then was sacred so Whose brother was Henry lord Beaumont tho Licensed and graunted by the kyng of Fraunce To bee liege menne to Edwardes whole plesaūce ¶ But sir Gilbert Midelton theim mette And sir Walter Selby misruled knightes A litell fro Duresme their waye forsett And robbed theim openly on the lightes And to Midford castell led theim fourth rightes And held theim ther in mighty and strong hold To tyme thei had their iwels and their gold ¶ Whiche knightes twoo robbed the lād about That castell held by force and rebellion A quarter of a yere with rebelles stout But thei were take within that garison And to the kyng sent by that enchesone That hanged were ▪ as traytours all should been On galowes hie that all might theim seen ¶ Then after soone sir Gosselyn Deynuile His brother Robert with twoo hundred in habite As thei were friers went about in exile Robbyng the land in full greate dispite The bishopes places of Duresme in circuite Thei spoiled clene leuyng nothyng in theim But walles bare whiche thei would not claime The C .lxxii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the lordes of England with powre royall dur 〈…〉 not ryde into Scotlande passyng fourtene mile England was so at vnder that tyme. THerle Edmond then of Arundell Wardein of the Marches then constitute Th erle Robert of Angeos Vmfreuile Of his landes hauyng no refute Th erle Dauid of Athell destitute Of his erldome the lord Percy full hardy The lord Neuell the lord Beaumont manly ¶ With all the power of the North contree Distroyed then Scotland and brent Vpon the March vnto Lyntell Lee Whome sir Walter Wareyn by whole assent Of Iames Douglas pursued as thei went With great power alwaye at their side That thei were fain again to England ride ¶ But sir Walter Wareyn and Douglas With their power brent all Northumberland Tyndale became Scottes and false then was And rode with theim brent through all the land To Alerton and so rode home to Scotland Through the West March brent it all through out And home thei went without any doubt ¶ The castell then of Berwyke and the towne Kyng Robert gatte after strong greate defence By treaty with peace Spaldyng and treason The Wendesoaye before Easters reuerence Wher that traitour without long suspence Betrayed the towne and into Scotland went By Scottes slain as to a traytour appent The C .lxxiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Edward laied siege to Barwyke and for sooke the siege and went South for Robert Bruys had destroyed
sufficience Of people stronge at Orwell with her lande Where lordes many her mette I vnderstande ¶ To London then she hir sonne tho wrote The councellours and traitours for to take That ruled had in mykell mysryote The kyng Edwarde her lorde also hir make And in prieson to kepe theim for hir sake Wherfore they voyded out of the citee then The quenes enemyes echone ay when when ¶ The kyng then fled into the west countree She and the prince full sore hym then pursued And at Bristowe she headed as men might see Syr Hugh Spenser the father that was renewed And syr Hugh his sonne that was transumed In hye estate and erle had be create Of Wynchester wher he stode all mate ¶ Syr Hugh Spēser his sonne at Herforde take Was headed then and vnto London sente So was Edmond there headed for hyr sake That was erle of Arondel there present His hed smote of for treason so was shent Theyr hedes set vp in dyuerse sere place In recompence of all theyr great trespasse ¶ And at London they heded the Chaunceler With dyuers other whiche they founde vntrewe So dyd they also the kynges tresourer And there set they a parlyament all newe But fyrste they put the kyng as all men knewe In Killyngworth there to be holde in warde To tyme they se howe lordes wolde awarde ¶ At which parlyamēt .iii. bishoppes erles thre Thre Barons also thre Banarettes electe To Kyllyngworth to ryde with the cominalte All homage leege by parliament hole directe To surrender vp without any reiecte The which they dyd for his mysgouernaunce With heuy chere and mournyng countenaunce ¶ The kyng full sad with wordes well auysed Thanked them all knowynge his hye trespasse And that he was of rule not well prouysed To the pleasure of God whiles he had space Ne cōmon wele to kepe in-euery case Ne to his wyfe had bene a trewe husbande But falsly had her exyled oute of lande ¶ Mekely he prayed the lordes at parlyament His sonne to admytte vnto the regyon Syth he vnable was to the regyment And foule had ruled the lande withoute reason He them besought for gylte of his caryon His sonne were not refused ne chastyzed But set in rule by councell well aduyzed ¶ These lordes twelue with heuy countenaunce Reported vnto the quene and lordes all The sorowfull chere and wordes with repentaunce Of kyng Edwarde as then it was befall His prayer meke and his desyre fynall Of whiche the lordes in that same parlyament Reioysed were of his noble agrement The C .lxxvii. Chapiter ¶ Edwarde the thyrde kynge of Englande and of Fraunce beganne to reygne the yere a thousand thre hundreth twentye and syxe and dyed the yere a thousande thre hundreth thre score and seuentene and of his reygne one and fyftye yere EDward his sonne that prince of wales was In tender age that time of .xiii. yere Was crowned on saint Brice day begā than The yere of Christ was then accompted clere A thousande hole thre C. and syxe and .xx. were Whose father then had reygned .xix. yere oute And in his twenty yere withouten doute ¶ From the third daye of Iuly by computacyon Of the yere vnto sayncte Brycez daye So muche in his twenty by relacyon He reygned had then put downe for aye From Kyllingworth to the castell of Berkeley By nyght he was caryed and translate From wyfe and chylde forsake and repudyate Where he was slayne with an hote brenning spyt Through his towayle vp to his herte within In September his bowelles brent for hete That deed he was without noyse or dyn On saynt Mathewes daye so they dyd hym bre● The fyrste yere was it then accompted wonne Of kyng Edward the third that was his sonne ¶ At Gloucester entombed fayre and buryed Where some say god shewed for him great grace Sith that tyme with miracles laudifyed Ofte tymes in dyuerse many case As is wryten there in that same place For whiche kyng Richard called the seconde To translate hym was purposed hole and sounde ¶ Sir Iames Douglas in Englād with an hoste Destroyed the lande wherfore the kyng Edward With Frenche henauldes Englysh for that moste In myghty hoste great then came northward The seconde yere of his reygne to regarde Whome in Stanhope parke he besieged then That compted were of Scottes ten M. menn● ¶ By .xv. dayes that syege there endured He helde them in they myght not passe oute But through a mosse that all men trowed was sured So depe of myre and brode it was aboute No siege was layde for there they had no doute By which that Scottes cast them what so betyde To escape awaye in the nyghtes tyde But Iames Douglas their flekes fell dyd make Whiche ouer the mosse echeone at others ende He layde anon with fagottes fell ouer the lake There gate awaye and passage to pretende On whiche by nyght they led their horse vnkend And home they went to Scotlande harmelesse Wherof the kyng was heuy there doutlesse ¶ When they were ouer that quaking mosse mire They drewe the flekes ay after as they went That Englyshe should not them sue ne conquere This was a poynt of warre full sapyent But on our syde there was by consequent But lytell wytte that lefte the myre vnwatched And by good watch that Scottes myght haue be cached ¶ And in the yere a thousande ●ompted clere Quene Isabell her doughter maryed Dame Iane of the towre to Dauid Bruis her pere Kyng Robertes sonne and heyre hole notifyed At Berwyk towne the seconde daye signifyed Of Iuill and of kyng Edwarde then was thre By cause of whiche the kynge in pryuite The C .lxxviii. Chapiter ¶ Of the relesse that kynge Edwarde made in his tender age to kynge Robert of his seruyce of Scotlande whiche Iohn Hardinge delyuered to kyng Edwarde the .iiii. at Leycester with a patent by which the earle of Dunbar bound him and his heyres to holde his landes of that kinges of Englande BY councel of his mother the Mortymer were Relesed there the hole soueraynte And seruyce dewe that to the crowne then ●t Berwike then without autorite Or any parlyament in especialte In tender age and youthes intelligence In his third yere so of his hie regence ¶ He sent 〈…〉 th then to Henauld for a wife A bishop 〈…〉 other lordes temporall Wher in chaumbre preuy and secretife At discouerit dischenely also in all As semyng was to estate virginall Emong theim selfes our lordes for hie prudence Of the bishop asked counsaill and sentence ¶ Whiche doughter of fiue should bee the quene Who counsailled thus with sad auisement Wee will haue hir with good hippis I mene For she will bere good soonnes at myne entent To whiche thei all accorded by one assent And chase Philip that was full feminine As the bishop moost wise did determyne ¶ But then emōg theim selfes thei laugh fast ay The lordes then saied the bishop
suche a prince of reason ought to bee ¶ And Motreux toke he then to syr Iohn Gray That then was made erle of Tanōiruile A manly knight in armes proued aye And lorde Powes was by his wyfe that whyle And emes sonne vnto therle Vmfreuile Two better knightes I trowe there were not thā Of theyr estate sith tyme that they began ¶ At siege of Meloyn and of all other citees After folowyng the kyng of Scotland lay The prince of Orenge withouten lees The duke Embarre his sonne and heire alway That suster sonne then was full freshe and gay To kyng Henry at Meloyn full well arayed The kyng of Fraūce with banner hole displayed ¶ The siege helde fro Midsomer to Christmasse When kyng Henry at his palayce royall Of Turnels fayre besyde the bastell pereles Of Saynt Antonye helde his hole imperiall Where then he feasted these kynges princes all Where then therles of Suffolke and of Kyme With ten men helde the iustes by all that tyme ¶ But whyles the kyng Henry was so in Fraūce The duke Robert that was of Albany Layd about Barwike of great puissaunce Sixty thousande of Scottes cruelly Assayled the towne echedaye by and by The capitayn was syr Robert Vmfreuyle A knight of the garter had ben long whyle The CC .xviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the duke of Albany besieged Barwske and therle Douglas Rokesburgh in heru●ste in the seuenth yere of the kyng and howe Henry Percy erle of Northumberland rescowed Barwike and Roliesburgh with .vii. score M. mē for trust it true there is no lorde in Englande that may de fende you agayn Scotlande so well as he for they haue the hertes of the people by North and euer haue had and doute it not the North parte bee your trewe legemen THey shot their gonnes and with their ladders scaled But nought auailed thei wer so wel of bet When they our hoste sawe anone they vnscaled That stale awaye by night without let For feare our hoste vpon theim shulde set At Baremore then with .vii. score thousande men For which the Scottes fled fro that duke home then ¶ Vpon the night and let hym there alone With his owne men and no mo of weike power Yet rode he to Norham nere theim anone And brent the towne our hoste and he then wer But two myle of and durst not come no nere Wherfore he rode home then into Scotlande Our hoste more sone retourned to England ¶ Then syr Robert Vmfreuile with the garyson Of Barwike with his countremen Folowed after the Scottes with his penoun On the hynder ryders and many of theim then He toke homewarde and slewe squyers ten Within Scotlande besyde Cherneside towne And to Berwike came with his garyson ¶ Th erle Douglas then hight syr Archebalde Whiche his one eye had lost at Hamyldon That semed hym well ay after manyfolde At Shrowysbury for his correccyon He loste one of his stones for his raunson His syege then lefte at Rokesburgh where he laye And with the duke of Albany rode awaye ¶ The Earles two of Douglas and Dunbarre For trewce sent to Roberte Vmfreuyle Wardeine of the este marche full wyse and warre He wolde none take with them then for no while Syth they the trewce had broken and did fyle He shuld them holde the warre to they were faine To seke peace then at the kyng agayne ¶ The kyng was then in Fraunce hole regent And Parys had and all the lande aboute Troies in Champaine Mews in Bry had hent With all citees townes and castelles stoute In all that lande and countree there throughout Of Mewis he made sir Iohn Graye capitayne That was lorde Powes by his wyfe certayne ¶ That tyme syr Raufe Crōwel was gouernour Of kyng Charles and Isabell the quene By kyng Henry ordeyned theyr protectoure Who kept them at Boys vincent as was sene In royall wyse as to them dyd parteigne The kyng busy that tyme in his conqueste For to set rule in Fraunce coulde haue no reste ¶ In this meane whyle sir Robert Vinfreuyle Wardeine of the March thought then full great shame The king in Fraūce doing so well that while He made the warre on Scottes to haue a name Two yere complete he wrought thē mekell shame Thest Marche hole of Scotlande then he brent And market townes echeone or that he stente ¶ Howyk Selkirke Ied worth all Dunbarre Laudre also with all Laudre dale The forestes also fro Berwyk that were farre Of Eteryke Ied worth and eke all Teuidale And all the villages in them both great small And none helpe had but of his countre men Of the bishopryke of Northumberlande then ¶ In this mean time that Scottes had great paine Wherfore therls of Douglas and Dunbarre To London came and toke a trewce full fayne As Vmfreuyle them hight afore the warre That to the kyng they shulde it seke of farre Of whiche he kept his hoste then full two yere For with his warre he waste the marche full clere The CC .xix. Chapiter Howe the Kynge and the Quene came into Englaude in the eyght yere of his reigne THe .viii. yere of his reygne at Cādelmasse The kinge came home and brought with hym the quene That he had wed at Troys in Chāpein doutlesse Afore the lordes of Fraunce as then was wel sene The duke of Clarence as men well it mene He made regent of Fraunce in his absence To occupye ryght as his owne presence ¶ The earle of Salisbury the Mountague He made gouernoure then of Normandaye Th erle of Kyme a knyght of his full trewe Marshall of Fraunce he made full openly The lordes all he ordeyned there to lye Hym to comforte and to bene attendaunt To hym in all that myght hym be pleasaunt ¶ This prynce of princes in England thē abode To somer after eche daye in busynesse To ordeyne for his passage and his rode To Fraūce agayne in which tyme then doutlesse I sawe two knightes afore hym then expresse That none might them accorde or treate to peace Ne iustyce none of fyghting might them cease ¶ The lordes then greatly counsayled the kyng To make them fynde suretye to kepe the peace The kyng answered anon without tarying I shal be youre borowe nowe or I cease For of this thyng I may not longe you prease But what case fall that slaine is one of you That other shall dye to god I make a vowe ¶ They heryng this anon they were accorde By frendes that treated that time betwene them two And after that they were no more at discorde This was a Iustice of peace that coulde do so His offyce kepte without borowes moo For when he dyed Iustyce of peace bode none But baratours theyr office kepte anone ¶ And at the Easter then in his xv yere The duke of Clarence thenemies had espyed At Bangy then for whiche his menne in fere He sembled and thyther faste he hyed On Easter euen he wolde not bene replyed With whome were
tyme lo there came Wyllyam Stanley to aide theim with .iii. M. mēne and euen at the verie same tyme the residue of kyng Richardes men were put to flight Thē Richard fightyng alone in the middest of all his enemies was ouerthrowne slain In the meane tyme therle of Oxēford in the foreward after he had fought māfully a litle while put the residue to flight of whō he slewe a greate nōbre But agreate nombre more whiche folowed Richard more for feare then for loue helde their handes from fightyng went awaie without hurte for that thei loked not for his safegard but rather for his destruccion There were slain at this conflicte not many more then one thousand of the whiche these were noble menne Ihon duke of Norffolke Walter Feris Robert Brachyngbury Richard Radcliffe and many other more And within twoo daies after Wyllyam Catisby lawyer with certain other of his felowes was put to death at Leicestre and emonges those the ranne awaie was Fraunces Louell Humfray Stafford with Thomas his brother and other more that ranne into sanctuary at Colchestre in Essex There was of the captiues a greate nombre because that when Richard was slain euery manne cast doune his wepon and yeld hymself to Henry of the whiche the more parte would haue dooen so at the begynnyng if it had not been for feare of kyng Richardes spies whiche thē wādered in euery place And emongest these the nobles were the erle of Northumberlande the erle of Surrey of the whiche therle of Surrey was put in prisone this other as a frend was receiued in to fauour Henry at that felde loste not aboue an hūdred menne emongest whom the chief was Wyllyam Brādone whiche bare Henryes bāner This battaill was fought in the .xxii. day of the moneth of Auguste inthe yere of oure Lorde a thousand cccc .lxxxvi. the conflict indured more then .ii. howres Richard might as the fame went asaued hymself if he would afled awaie for those that were about hym when thei sawe his menne from the begynnyng fight but faintly and that some were ronne awaie vnto the other parte suspected treason and willed hym to flie and when the mater was manifest that all hope of victory was past thei brought hym a swi●te horse He puttyng a sied all hope and trust that was in fleiyng made as it was saied this aunswere that this daie he would haue ether an ende of battaill orels of his life suche was his greate audacite and manfulnes whiche because he did se certainly that in this daie he should ob 〈◊〉 the kyngdome quietely all daies of his life or ●●s lose bothe for euer he entred in emōgest theim as it was declared before intendyng vtterly ether to lose all orels to wynne all And so the wretehe dyed hauyng the ende that all suche were wont to haue whiche in the stede of lawe honestie and all godlynes folowe their owne appetite vyllanye and all wyckednes And plainly this is an example whiche cannot be expressed to feare theim whiche will not suffer one howre to bee otherwyse spēt then in cruelte mischief and all deuillishe fasshiōs Henry when he had thus obtained the victorye he fell downe on his knees and with many praiers thankes referred all to the goodnes of God Thē after he stode vp beyng wounderfully replenished with ioye went vp vpō alitle hill and there gaue two greate comendacions to his souldyours commaundyng theim that were hurte to be heled and the dede to bee buryed afterward he gaue immortall thankes to his noble capitains promisyng theim that he would neuer forgette their benifite The multitude in the meane tyme with one voyce one mynd proclaimed hym kyng Whē Thomas Stanley sawe the he toke kyng Richardes croune whiche was founde emongest the spoyle and by by putte it vpon his head as though he had been then created kyng by the eleccion of the people as it was wonte to bee in the olde tyme and this was the first token of his felicite After this kyng Hēry with his compaignie and carriage went to Lecestre toward night to bed whether after he had refresshed his compaignie well for the space of twoo daies that thei might the better goo toward London Kyng Richardes bodye was brought naked ouer a horse backe the hed and the armes hāgyng on the one side and the legges on the other caried in to the grey freres of Lecester and surely it was but a myserable sight to loke vpō yet it was good inough cōsideryng his wretched leuyng and there without any solempnite was buryed twoo dayes after He raygned twoo yeres twoo monethes one daie he was but of a small stature hauyng but a deformed bodie the one shoulder was higher then the other he had a shorte face a cruell looke whiche did betoken malice guyle and deceite And while he did muse vpō any thing stāding he would byte his vnder lippe continually whereby a māne might perceiue his cruell nature within his wreched bodie striued and chaffed alwaie with in hym self also the dagger whiche he bare aboute hym he would alwaies bee choppyng of it in and out he had a sharpe and pregnaunt witt subtill and to dessimule and fayne verie mete He had also a proude and cruell mynde whiche neuer went from him to the houre of his death whiche he had rather suffer by the cruell sworde though all his compaignie did forsake hym then by shamefull flight he would fauoure his life whiche after might fortune by sickenes or other condynge ponyshemēt shortely to perishe ¶ Henry the seuenth HENRY THE SEVENTH OF that name kyng of England First after that he had obteined his kyngdome and heritage by force of armes entended to stablishe all thynges extynguish sediciō and before he departed from Leycester caused ser Robert Willoughby knight to bryng the yoūg erle of Warwike the duke of Clarēces soōne before his presence whom kyng Richard to that tyme had kept at Sheryhuttō in Yorke shire fearyng muche least that by this young erle some occasiō might bee taken of renuyng battaill whiche entended nothyng more then to liue in peace and quietnes And so this erle was brought to hym at his commaundement conueighed to London and there cast in holde In the self same place also of Yorke shire was Ladie Elizabeth eldest doughter to the fornamed kyng Edwarde whom kyng Rychard her vncle would haue maried sore against the mynde and consent of the same ladie In so muche also that the people were sore against it and accompted it not onely as a reproche infamie to the kyng hymself but also to his counsaill the did agre to his naughtie purpose Albeit God of his infinite mercy preserued the ladie whiche shorte tyme after was brought to London to her mother In this time the kyng drawing nighe to London was there accepted of his citezens streyghte after his cōming moste roially of all parties saluted after the moste louing fassion the they could
reigned xxxiii yeres Ryueall reygned vxii yeres Gurgustius reygned xv yeres Scicilius reygned xiiii yeres Kyng Iago reigned x. yere Kyng Kimar reigned .xx. viii yere Gorboniā reigned .xi. yere Clotane with his feldes reigned x● yeres Dūwallo reigned .xl. yeres Dūwallo was the first king of Bryteine that was croned with golde This tēple was s Poules churche in Lōdon Bolyn Gurgwyn reigned xxx yeres Howe Irelande was hold of this kyng his heires Guytelyn reygned .x. yere Sicilius reygned .xxiiii. yeres * Rymar kynge * Danius kynge Moruyle reygned .xvii. yere Gorbony● reygned .x. yere Arthegall * Eledoure kyng reygned v. yeres * Arthegall reygned 〈◊〉 yere Eledoure reigned xiii yere Iugen and Peredour reigned vii yere together Paradour reigned by hym self iiii yeres Eledour reigned .x. yeres Gorboniā kyng of Brytaine Morgan reigned .xiiii. yere Emnan kyng reigned .vii. yere Kyng Iuall reigned .xx. yere Kyng Rymo reigned xvi yere Kyng Gerēnes reigned xx yere Kyng Catellus reigned x. yere Kyng Coile reigned xx yere Kyng Porrex Kyng Cheryn Fulgen Fulgēce Eldred Androge Vryan Elynde Dedancius Deto●● Gurgūcius Merian Bledudo Cappe Owen Sicilius all these reigned eche of theim .ii. yeres Bledud Gabred cantor Archiuall Eldoll Redon Redrike Samuel Pirry Penisell Capre eche of these reigned two yeres Howe Hely the soonne of Elyngwellus made the Isle of Hely Kyng Hely reigned .xl. yere Kyng Lud reigned .xl. yere This palays is nowe the bishop of Londōs palays beside Poules Cassibalayn reigned .xxxiii. yere Temancius reygned .xvii. yere Kymbelyne Guyder reigned xi iiii yere Aruiragus reigned xl.iiii yere 〈◊〉 Wher of Gloucester was so named Vaspasian Agrestes Howe Galway had fyrst the name of kyng Gadelus The regall of scotlande The subieccion of Scotlād Coylus reigned xiii yere Lucyus kyng Seuerus kyng Getā king of Britain chosen by that Romayns Bassian reygned vii yere Caranse reigned liii yeres * Allectus kyng reygned .iii. yere Asclepiadote reygned .x. yere Kyng Coylus reygned .xi. yere Constaūce kyng reygned xv yere Constantyne reygned .xxxiiii. yere Sorcerie Constātine first graūted to the. b. of Rom● that primacye Octauius Kyng Traherne Maximian reigned in all xxx .iiii. yere The .xi. M. vyrgins Gracian kyng Constātyne reigned .x. yere Constaūce kyng Vortiger kynge of Britayn reygned .xviii. yeres * Wednysdaye wherof it was named Vortymer kynge of Britayne The craft pollicye of Engist Englāde wherof it was so named Vter Pendragō kyng of Brytain Kynge Arthure The saynt Graall what it is The death of kyng Arthure * Aurelius Conan kīg of Britayne reygned thre yere * Vortiper king of Britayne reygned vii yere Malgo kīg of Britayn reygned .xxii. yere * Carreys kīg of Britayne reygned thre yere Cursyng Howe that Britons were kyn glesse xx yere A lamen tacion of that maker of this booke to that lordes Mat ▪ xii The coūcel of the maker to duke Richard of Yorke Homage of the Scottes A murder of Mōkes Cadwall lxi yeres reigned The subie●cion of the Scottes Subiecctō of Scottes Oswold Oswy kyng of Northūberlande Kynge Cadwal Cadwalader kyng Subierciō of that Scottes * A greate plage Mat .xii. Roome pence Etheldred Kyng Cuthred Segbert kyng Kynulph kyng Ignoraūce in those dayes Kyng Egberte 〈◊〉 Tythes firste graūted to the clergy in Englande Kyng Ethel bert Kyng Elfride Alurede kyng Supersticion Superset cyonsnesse with dāpnable ydolatrye Homage of the Scottes Rebellyō of the Scottes Homage of the Scottes Guy of Warwicke Kyng E●mōd reigned ●i yere Homage of the scottes Edrede kynge of Englāde Rebelliō of the Scottes Homage of the Scottes Edwyn kynge Edgare Homage of that Scottes Thoffice of a king Edwarde marter kynge of Englande Ethilrede kyng A wonderfull token Edmonde Ironesyde reigned kīg of Englād thre yere * Kno wt kynge of Englande and of Dēmarke Homage of that Scottes Herold Kyng Hard kno wt ▪ King Edwarde that 〈…〉 cōfessou Th erle Goodwyn Homage of that Scottes Ignorance and supersticyon * Herolde kynge of Englande duke Good wins sōne Duke Willyā of Normandye Homage of the Scottes Kyng W●lliam Rufus Homage of the Scottes Homage of that Scottes Homage of that Scottes Kyng Henry the first Homaeg of that Scottes * Homage of that Scottes * Homage of that Scottes Kyng Stephan Homage of the Scottes kyng Hērye the seconde Homage of that Scottes Raynold fitz Vrsy Hughe Maruile Robert Tracy Homage of that Scottes Subieccion of that Scottes Homage of that Scottes Kyng Rycharde the fyrst called Cure de L● 〈…〉 Homage o the Scottes Ihōkyng of Englande The piteous lamē table storye of king Ihō who by the Roomyshe byshop and his adherētes was most sham fully vylanously abused as by this hystory doeth appeare Kyng Henry that thirde Homage of the Scottes Battaile of Lewes The battaill of Euesh 〈…〉 Kyng Edwarde the fyrst after that conquest The homage of that kynge of Scotlande to kyng Edwarde A restraint of lādes to be geuen to the clergye Howe a chronicle was feygned to make Edmond the elder brother This was to Henry the fyfth Homage of the Scottes Submyssion of the Scottish kyng al his lords vnto kīg Edward the first Howe the Scottyshe kynge all the lordes of Scotlād made homage vnto dyng Edwarde The deathe of Edward the first Kyng Edward the second The battaille of Bānokesburne Gilbert Mideltō robbed that cardinalles Edward the thyrde Homage of that Scottes Kyng Iohn of Fraūce A battaill in Spain Kyng Richard the seconde Insurrec * The batail of Rot●ote bridge * The batayl of Otturborne Blancke chartres Kyng Richard his voiage in to Irelāo Kyng Henry that fourth The kynges voiage into Scotlande The kynges voyages into Wales Robyn mēdmarket The conceyte of the maker Lorde Co●ham King Hēry that sixte The duke of Gloucester protectour of Englād The duke of Bedfordregēt of fraūce The cōce●● of that maker touchynge kīg Iames. Kyng Richardes wife sent home again into ●raunce The caste● of Dunbretayne The tyme to beginne warre in Scotlande Frō Barwyke to Dōbarre .xx. Haddingtosie xii Edēburgh xii Lythko xii Sterlyng .xii. Frō Edēburgh to Leith i to Blaknesse .ix. to Sterling xiiii Frō Sterlyng to the doune of of Monteth .iiii. Frō Sterlynge to Falklād .xxx. The first yere Howe Hēry that duke of Somersette lefte kyng Hēry the .vi. and fled to kyng Edward and after repented fled againe to Hēry the .vi. The discomfitur of Henry the sixt The duke of Somerset taken beheded The takynge of Hēry the xyxte ▪ The coynynge of royalles nobles The sixt yere The .ix. yere King 〈◊〉 ●y 〈◊〉 vii The prophecye of Henrye the vi of kyng Henry the vii The .xix. yere * T●e descripcion of Edward the fourth The descripciō of Richarde the thyrde The exhortacyō 〈◊〉 kynge Edward 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The desc●ipciō of Edward 〈◊〉 fourth 〈◊〉 〈…〉 ion 〈…〉 h●●●s wife The oration of that duke of Buckynghā ▪ made ●o the cy 〈…〉 of London Howe and after what maner the two sōnes of king Edward were destroyed The murtherynge of kynge Edward his chyldren The garde fyrste ordeined by kīge Henry the vii The sweating sickenesse The cōmocion made by the lord Louell and the lorde Stafforde Themurde ryng of the erle of Northūberland 〈…〉 The kyng of Scottes slain of his subiectes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Perkyn warbeck * The blacke Smyth The .xii. pere of Hēry the .vii. 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 all 〈…〉 done The noble wise saiyng of Hēry the seuenth The .iii. yere The .iiii. yere The .v. yere The .vi. yere 〈…〉 〈…〉 The .lx. yere The .x. yere The .xi. yere The .xii. yere The .xiii. yere The .xiiii. yere The .xv. yere 〈…〉 〈…〉 viii The .xix. yere The .xx. yere The .xxi. yere The. xxii yere The .xxiii. yere The. xxv yere The. xxvi yere The. xxvii yere 〈◊〉 xviii 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 xxix yere The. xxx yere
¶ The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre frō the first begynnyng of Englāde vnto that reigne of Edwarde the fourth where he made an end of his chronicle And from that tyme is added with a cōtinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme now first emprinted gathered one of diuerse and soundrie autours of moste certain knowelage substanciall credit that either in latin or els in our mother toungue haue writen of the affaires of Englande ❧ LONDINI ❧ In officina Richardi Graftoni Mense Ianuarii 1543. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum RG ¶ The dedicacion of this present woorke vnto the right honorable lorde Thomas duke of Norffolke by thenprynter Richard Grafton LOrde Thomas of Norffolke duke moste gracious Of noble auncestrie and blood descended A captain right woorthie and auenturous And frō Scotlād euen newely retended Wher Englandes querele ye haue reuenged In the behalf of our noble kyng Henry I wyshe you all health honour and victorie ¶ And because it hath pleased almightie God In the right title and quercle of Englande To vse your stocke as an iron rod Wherewith to scourge the falsehood of Scotland In whom is no truthe ne holde of any bande Ihon Hardynges chronicle as me thought was Moste mete to bee dedicated to your grace ¶ For Hardyng a true herted Englysheman An esquier valiaunt hardie and bolde And not vnlearned as the time was than Serched out of chronicles bothe late an olde All that euer by thesame hath bee told How frō the begynnyng Scotlāde dooeth reigne Vnder kynges of Englande as their soueram ¶ And Hardynges owne self hath the partie bee That from Scotlande oft tymes hath brought Their seales of homage and fealtee Vnto the kyng of Englande as he ought Vnto whom the Scottes then sued and sought Yeldyng to liue in humble subieccion Of Englandes gouernaunce and proteccion ¶ But that people of their propre nature Hath euen from the first been so vntowarde So vnstedfast inconstaunte and vnsure That nothyng maie possibly bee more frowarde So haue thei continued from thens foorthwarde Neuer gladde to bee in quiet and rest But to defeccion aye readie and prest ¶ Wherefore Thon Hardyng to his lorde maister Whom in his tyme he serued without blame Edwarde first duke of Yorke and after Kyng of this realme the fourthe of that name In this chronicle affermeth of thesame That thei will rebell till by prouision The kyng of Englād shall haue made theim both ¶ And in deede Englād hath oft been cōstreigned one The Scottes slackenesse in dooyng their homage To pricke forewarde whē thei would haue refreined With that sharpe spurre of marciall forceage And to abate their wantonnesse of courage With the iron rodde of due correccion As oft as thei attempted defeccion ¶ For the Scottes will aye bee bostyng crakyng Euer sekyng causes of rebellion Spoyles booties and preades euer takyng Euer sowyng quereles of dissension To burne and steale is all their intencion And yet as people whom God dooeth hate curse Thei alwaies begynne and euer haue the woorse ¶ Englande hitherto hath neuer lacked power As oft as nede wer the Scottes to compell Their duetie to dooe and menne of honour Englande hath had as stories dooe tell Whiche whensoeuer the Scottes did rebell Wer hable at all tymes theim to subdue And their obedience to England renue ¶ Emōges the whiche noumbre your noble father In the twelfth yere of Henry the seuenths reigne By aunciente recorde as I can gather Beeyng of suche credence as cannot feigne Yode into Scotlande their pryde to restrein With sēbleable power as bookes dooen auowe And like commission as your grace had now ¶ That season he did so valiauntely The Scottes vanquishyng and puttyng to flight That thei ranne awaye moste shamefully Not hable of hym tabide the sight Nor hable to sustein the brunt of his might Soondrie castelles he raced down to the grounde Whiche to the honour of Englande did redound ¶ Kyng Iamy also makyng greate braggue and vaūte Hauyng his armie not a myle of that daie Your father as a captain valyaunt Made in a moment for feare to runne awaye The Scottish kyng sēding foorth heraldes tway Chalenged your father with many a proude woorde Battayle to wage and trye it by the sworde ¶ And choose thou sir Earle ꝙ kyng Iamy then Whether we shall fight armie against armie Orelles I and thou trye it manne for manne For sparyng bloodshed of either compaignie That if it chaunce me to haue the victorie Nought shall I demaunde for Englandes losse thine Sauig Barwike toune for euer to bee mine ¶ Then to the heraldes saied this noble knight Shewe to your kyng that in this place purposely Battayle for to wage my tentes haue I pight I am not come to flee but to fyght sharpely As where he standeth he maye see with his eye And fyrst where he would bloodshed saued to bee Therof am I no lesse desirous then he ¶ Secundarily where it is his likyng That I a poore Earle and of meane estate Maye combattre with hym beyng a kyng That our two fightes may ceasse all debate He dooeth me honour after suche highe rate That I must nedes graūt my selfe bound in this case Humble thankes to rēdre to his grace ¶ Now as for the towne of Barwike it is knowē Which your lorde requireth in case I bee slaine Is the kyng my souereins and not mine owne So that graunte therof in me dodeth not remain But thys maie ye bear worde to your lord again My person and lyfe aduenture I shall More precyous to me then the round worlde all ¶ When kyng Iamy by his heraldes twoo Spedefullye returnyng had due knowlage Muche otherwyse then he loked for thoo Of the Earles stout aunswer and message Fled out of hand and would no battayle wage So that your father retourned home victour With coumfort laude praise ioye and honour ¶ The same your father in the fyfth yere Of our moost noble kyng Henry the eyght When hys grace and his armie at Turney were And the same kyng Iamy of Scotland streyght Agaynst England his banner dyspleyght Vanquished the Scottes with your helpyng hād Slew there king Iamy and brought him to England ¶ Agayne in the .xv. yere of the same reygne Your selfe in proper personne full courageous Set forth against the Scottes without dysdeygne Lyke a captayne valyaunt and venturous Wher ye brēt Iedworth a toune right populous Wyth diuers victories that your grace then had Whiche made all Englande to reioyse be glad ¶ The yere folowyng also as bookes testify The Scottes came with an houge power Of .lx. thousande men vnder the Duke of Albany Besiegyng Warke castel thynkyng it to deuour But heryng that your grace dyd approch that houe The Scottes trembled and so dyd theyr Duke And cowardly fled to their shame and rebuke ¶ Sembleably by thys your last viage Nowe thys last October and Nouember Made into Scotlande to
dilygence Agayne mischeues to fynde and make defence ¶ And in the yere .viii. C .lxxx. and eyght All his ryches in fyue partes he ganne deuyde One parte to men of warre to kepe his ryght An other parte to lande tyllers in that tyde The husbandry to mayntayne and to guide The thyrde parte all churches wasted to restore The .iiii. vnto the studye for theyr lore And to the Iudges and men of lawe well lerned The fyfte parte full wysely he dispende To holde the lawe in peace truly gouerned Disposed thus he was the realme tamende This was a kyng full greatly to commende That thus could kepe his lande from all vexaciō And not to hurte his cōmons by taxacyon ¶ For truste it well as god is nowe in heuen Who hurte the poore people and the cōmontee By taxes sore and theyr goodes fro them reuen For any cause but necessytee The dysmes to paye compell of royaltee Though they speake fast mumble with the mouth They pray full euyl with hert both north south The yere of Chryste .viii. C. lxxx and thyrtene The duke Hastyne of Danes euer vntrewe Destroyed the lande with hostes proude kene By Easte and Weste that all the lande did rewe Whome the kyng in batayle felly slewe After diuerse batayles amonge them smyten In sondry places there as it was well weten ¶ In euery shyre the kyng made capitaynes To kepe the lande with folke of theyr countree And shippes many galaies longe with Chieftaīs And Balyngers with bargys in the sea With whiche he gate ryches greate quantyte And at a flud was called Vthermare He slewe an hoste of Danes with batayle sare The C .xi. Chapiter ¶ How duke Rollo a panyme gate Normandye of whome all the dukes of Normandye be lynally discended ANd in the yere .viii. C .lxxx. and senentene The duke Rollo of Denmarke nacyon A Painim stout with mighty hoste kene In Englande brent without any delacyon Whome Alurede by good supportacyon Droue then agayne vnto his nauy ryght And of his men a thousande he slewe in fyght ¶ Whiche Rollo then landed in Normandye Of whome all dukes of that prouynce discent And wan that lande with swerde full manfully And duke there was made of hole entent By processe after and by the kynges assent Of Fraunce whose doughter he wed vnto his wyfe And christen man became so all his lyfe ¶ At charters fyrste he seged so the towne Where they wtin our ladyes smocke then shewed For theyr banner and theyr saluacyon For feare of whiche full sore in herte he rewed All sodaynly and vnto Roan remoued Where then his wyfe dame Gylle was dede and buried Without chylde betwene them notifyed ¶ But then he wedded Pepam the syster fayre Of duke Robert of Normandye and Roone On whome he gate William his sonne heyre That after hym was duke therof anone When yeres many were passed and ouergone But nowe at this to ceasse I wyll enclyne Tyll afterwarde I shall tell forth theyr lyne ¶ Kyng Alurede the lawes of Troye and Brute Lawes Moluntynes and Marcians congregate With Danyshe lawes that were well constytute And Grekyshe also well made and approbate In englyshe tongue he dyd then all translate Whiche yet be called the lawes of Alurede At Westmynster remembred it in dede ¶ And in the yere .viii. C .lxxx. and eyghtene Then Alurede this noble kyng so dyed When he had reygned .xxix. yere clene And with the Danes in batayls multiplyed He faught often as Colman notifyed In his chronycle and in his cathologe Entytled well as in his dyaloge ¶ That fyftye batayls and syx he smote Somtyme the worse and somtyme had the better Somtyme the felde he had at his note Sometyme he fled awaye as sayth the letter Lyke as fortune his cause lefte vnfeter But neuerthelesse as ofte when so they came He contred them and kepte the lande fro shame The C .xii. Chapiter ¶ Edwarde the fyrste kyng of Englande reygned xxiiii yere and dyed the yere of Chryste .ix. C. and xix EDwarde his sōne so crowned was anone Of Westsex then by all the parlyament Protectour was made againe the fone Whiche warred sore in Englande by assent The yere .viii. C .lxxx. and fyftene spent Earle Athylwolde he exyled into Fraunce For he a nonne had rauyshed to his vsaunce ¶ But after that this same earle Athylwolde With Danyshe hoste Mers and Estanglande Destroyed sore both kyng Edwarde full bolde Slewe Ethalwode and his hoost I vnderstande Discomfet hole and droue them out of lande And made all kynges of Englande his subiectes For so he thought it was his very dettes ¶ He sommoned then at London his parliamēt Where he deposed the kynges euerychone Of all Englande and made them by assent Dukes and earles thence forwarde so anon In euery kyngdome then he ordayned one And in some thre he made by ordynaunce And all kyngdomes foringed by gouernaunce ¶ And he to be the kyng of all englande Proclaymed hole to voyde all varyaunce Discorde and warre that many yeres had stande Whyles seuen kynges had the gouernaunce Ther might no lawe ne peace haue perseueraūce Wherfore he toke of euery Duke homage Of Earles also and of the Baronage ¶ Scotland and Wales he warred sore in dede Tyll they became his men and made homage For souerayne Lorde of Britayne as I rede The kynges then dyd for theyr herytage For all theyr men and for their vasselage To ryde with hym where that euer he gooe In warre and peace agayne frende and fooe ¶ Duke Ethelrede of Mers and also his wyfe Elfled that hyght Westchester then repayred That wasted was by Danes warre and strife Whiche Roomaynes first builded had and feired In tyme when thei to this lande repeired Of Roomayne werke whiles thei here occupied That citee first full freshly edified ¶ Thē faught the kyng with Danes at Wodefeld sore In Mers also at Herford with greate pain Wher victorye he had of theim euermore Again he faught with Danes soth to sain At Towcester and laid theim on the plain In Yorkeshire also he slewe the Danes downe And voided theim all out of his region The C .xiii. Chapiter ¶ This kyng made an vnion of all the realmes and called it Englande and after it failed neuer of that name THis noble kyng thus made an vnion Of seuē realmes that stode three hūdred yere Sixe and thyrty also in greate deuision And warres many as Colman saieth full clere Fro Gurmond had driuen out Carreis here Whiche was the yere fiue C .iiii. score thirtene Vnto the yere of Christ nine hundred nientene ¶ These erles all and dukes then held the lawe As shryues nowe in shires dooen and maintene That the commons ouerlaied full sore with awe And sore oppressed their states to sustene Wherfore he voided theim out of office clene And shryues made through all his region Whiche haue not forgete extorcion ¶ This noble kyng Edward thelder hight When he
with greate disoayne And slewe them downe in batayle with great payne For whiche therle Edryk sent to kyng Knowte To Englande to come with hoost great and stout ¶ This ylke kyng knowte that sonne was to kyng Swain To England cam with host great power Whome Ethylrede then met and faught agayne In batayle stronge droue him home full clere With whome Edryk then fled as dyd apere Into Denmarke as a false traytoure vntrewe Purposyng so to come agayne all newe But kyng Ethelred in the meane tyme then dyed The yere of Chryste a thousande and thyrtene And reygned had as Colman notifyed Thyrtie and eyght in warre and intene Euer ne we and newe vexed as was sene His owne lande fled for drede of en myte Without socoure fro it he was fayne to flee ¶ Thus was he chastysed for his mothers gylt Accordyng well to holy trewe scrypture For cause that she his brother had slain spylt And lyke the wordes of saynt Dunstane full sure That sayde it was a punishyng full pure Oute of the realme to be dryuen and expelled In whiche by syn he had so hye excelled The C .xvii. Chapiter EDmond Ironeside gotē generate Of his first wife a dukes doughter of Englād After Ethelrede his father was ꝓrogate Vnto the crowne of all this royall lande Men called hym so as I can vnderstande Where euer he rode armed was he ay Oppressours all to chastyce in his waye ¶ Kno wt of Denmarke assayled ofte this lande So in this tyme that euer he armed went To vse the feate of armes I vnderstande As to knyghthode full well it dyd appent Thus Colman sayth and Flores that he ment But syxe batayles agayne kyng Kno wt he smote With victorye as Flores hath it note ¶ But then to voyde the greate effusyon Of chrysten bloude they two together accorde To fyght them selfe for full conclusyon Within an yke of Seuerne by concorde Withouten warre or any more discorde And who so then myghte get the victorye Reioyse the realme and all the monarchye ¶ And at theyr daye and place so assygned They armed met with strokes knyghly set With speare and swerd eyther other so repugned With axe and dagger eyther on other bette Eyther of them tryste the ouerhande to gette But at laste kyng Kno wt to hym alayde These wordes there and thus to hym he sayde ¶ Wolde god Edmonde thou were so couetouse As I am nowe and as myne herte now wolde And in this case as glad and desyrous We shulde not longe this batayle thus holde And to our men great gladnesse manifolde Yf thou the halfe of Denmarke had with me And I the halfe of Englande had with the. With whiche they both the wepons fro thē caste And eyther other in armes gan them embrace That both theyr hostes amarueled were ful faste What it dyd meane to ceasse in so lytell space But when they knewe betwne them the case They kneled all and Chryste they laudifyed With herte deuoute the eche of them so victoryed ¶ Their realmes both they parted then in two By hole accorde betwene them so concorded And loued euer as brethren after so As chronycles haue well hole recorded Fro that tyme forth no more then they discorded This ysle where they faught hyght Clyues Of cōmon langage as then it dyd them please ¶ But Edryk of Lyncolne euer vntrewe Reconsyled home by Edmonde was agayne By subtyll meane this good king Edmond slewe In pryde wyse without wounde or mayne But in what fourme I can not wryte nor sayne When he had reygned that tyme fully .iii. yere Buryed he was but where no man durste spere ¶ But in the yere of Chryste a thousande so He dyed awaye accompte and syxtene Vnknowen to his people and Lordes tho For whom they made great dole as thē was seen But neuerthelesse it myght no better bene This false Edryk so falsely it couered That openly it was not then discouered The C .xviii. Chapiter KYng Kno wt reigned in Englād thē anon And wedded had quene Eme of England Ethelrede wife which gate him loue anon In Englande of all the estates of the londe Of cōmons also that were both fre and bonde On her he gate a sonne that harde Kno wt hight On his fyrste wyfe had Swayne Herold ryght ¶ He sent Edmonde and Edwarde that sonnes two Of Edmōd Ironeside to Swithen to kīg Kno wt To slee or lowse to kepe in pouerte so That they should neuer haue power in nor oute To claime England neyther with hoost ne route Whome he sent forth then into Hungry To the emperoure with letters worthely ¶ Besechyng hym to noryshe them and saue Declaryng hym whose sonnes that they were The whiche he dyd full worthy and gaue Vnto Edmonde his owne doughter dere Whiche Edmonde then dyed and she in fere Without chylde wherfore Agas his coosyn Doughter of Herry he gaue to Edwarde fyne ¶ Of whiche Edwarde called Edwarde thexyl● Came Edgare then called Edgar Athelyng But Kno wt it let hym self then crounyng That to London to hold his Christmas With his houshold went then with greate solas ¶ Wher erle Edrik to kyng Kno wt hym cōfessed That he had slain kyng Edmond Ironeside His owne leege lorde with cruell death impressed To gette his loue and with hym dwell and bide For vnlikely it was to goo or ride Twoo kynges together in Englande He saied was not accordyng in the land ¶ The kyng his woordes well herd and cōceiued And howe he asked a reward for his mede There made hym tell howe he his lorde disceiued Afore the lordes as he had dooen in deed The whiche boldely he did without dreed Hauyng no shame to aske a greate reward For whiche the kyng lordes gaue whole award ¶ To hang hym on the toure duryng his liue To he were dedde that all folke might hym se And his treson there openly to shriue And after that to hang there till he dye For whom then was emong the commons truily A greate biworde as many one that woundre rōne As did on therle Edryke of Strettoun ¶ The kyng went to Norway and it conquered And droue the kyng O 〈…〉 f out of that land And held it so by conquest of his swerd Full worthily he gouerned euery land To peace and lawe he kept theim as he faund And in his domes was rightwyse and stable And to the poore alway merciable ¶ Kyng Malcom of Scotland thē did homage To hym and furth became for euer his manne So did the kynges of Wales of hye parage And all the North West Occian For their kyngdonies and for their landes than And in his tyme moste he was redoubted Of all princes and in all londes loaued ¶ To Roome he rode in royall goodly wyse And there was with the bishop greately commed As Christen prince by papall whole aduise The cardynalles foure whiche the bishop had sed At Malburgate foure mile fro Roome extende With
all thyng To you present and take this halfe golde rynge Whiche ye gaue hym of almesse and charyte And bade vs say that ryght sone ye should him se ¶ Whiche ryng he set together there anone And that ylke place he called ay after hauerynge And that same place where they it braste alone He called ay after that tyme Claueryng In Essex be bothe fayre standynge Where that he made two churches of saint Iohn Theuangelyst and halowed were anon ¶ Sone after that he dyed and went to blysse But fyrste he made duke Herold protectoure Of his cousyne to gouerne and to wysse Edgar Athelyng full yonge a gouernoure Whome he ordeyned to be his successoure As very heyre to Edmonde Ironesyde But thus Herolde then set all that asyde When he had be kyng .xxiiii. yere He dyed the yere a thousande syxtye and fyue At Westminster canonyzed is full clere All newe he made the churche there in his lyue All were he not ryght heyre as men in stryue A confessoure he is full hye in heuen With God to dwell euermore and beleuen Herolde by strength then crowned was for kynge Forsworne that was vpon the euangelystes For to crowne Edgar Athelynge And hym protecte and defende in all wyse Vnto his age that none the realme suppryse This was his othe of whiche he was forswore All yf he made Edgar an Earle therfore ¶ The earle Tosty then of Northumberlande That brother was vnto the kyng Herolde By kyng exyled out of the lande To Englande came with kyng Herold full bold Of Norwaye then in Chronycle as is tolde But kyng Herolde of Englande with them met At Staūford brydge to death they both wer bet ¶ Besyde yorke was this batayl ful sore smyten Where kyng Herolde of Englande had the felde And slewe Herolde Harngrey as was wryten Kyng of Norwaye and earle Tosty vnder shelde That neuer after myght armes welde And thousandes fell of Danes and Norwayes He kylled there that daye as Flores sayes A yere he reygned whom Willyam Conquerou● That duke was then of all fayre Normandye Hym slewe in batayle for his ymagyned erroure Agayne hym that he dyd so cruelly And not wolde mende ne yet satisfye The duke Willyan so the felde then conquered With strokes sore for whiche the lande was ferd This kyng Herolde at Waltam whiche he found Of foure score chanons full fayer was buryed At the hye aulter as a kyng was crownde All yf he were intrusor notifyed And in batayl slayne and victoryed Of gentylnesse the Conquerour bad so All yf he were afore his mortall fo ¶ Willyam Conquerour kyng of Englande and Duke of Nor mandye beganne to reygne the yere of Chryste a thousande .lxvi. and reygned .xxiiii. yere and dyed the yere a thousande lxxxx and the sayde Conqueroure founded the Abbaye of Batayle for the soules of the people slaine there the fourenene daye of October in the yere of Chryste a thousande thre score and syxe The C .xxi. Chapiter THe .xiiii. daye of October accompted The duke Wyllyam that was of Normandye At London was crowned and annoynted In trone royall to hauethe Monarchye By his conquest and his victorye Withoute tytle of ryght to hym discente But onely of his tryumphall entente ¶ The yere of Chryste was when Alurede hym crowned Tharchbyshop of Yorke hye primate A thousande hole .lxvi. well founde Quene Mawde his wyfe to hym assocyate He crowned also that tyme in her estate The abbay of batayle that then he bounded And for the soules there slayne he founded ¶ He called it so then for a memorye Of his batayle by whiche Englande he gate In token of his myghty victorye That Englande there he had so well ouerset To praye for the soules slayne as was his det Whiche abbaye is in Sussex in that stede Where the batayle was and the people dede ¶ The South part of England then he rode And dalt it largely vnto his menne The North again hym rebelled then abode With help of Danes in that countre were then And Scottes also that false wer when and whē But kyng Wyllyam that worthy conquerour Discomfite theim with long and sore labour ¶ To Normandy he went then right anone And with hym had Edgar called Athelyng Edwyn and Morkar afore that were his fooen For cause they should not then make more risyng In his absence while he were ther abidyng But at his home commyng with hym again He brough theim all of whiche the folke were fain ¶ Gospatrik that then was erle of Cumberland That not again stode king Malcolin in his werre When he distroyed therldome and his land But hym withdrewe out of waye full ferre Wherfore the kyng as saieth the chronicler Hym disherited and gaue to Rauf Mesthyne His erldo meto whom menne did enclyne The C .xxii. Chapiter ¶ Homage of Scotlande dooen to kynge Willyam conquerour at Birmithi in Scotland and also howe the kyng of Fraunce scorned the kyng Wyllyam he quit it hym after THen rode the kyng into Scotlād anone And brent the land vnto Abirnythy Where kynge Malcolyne submitted hym with great mone And homage leege hym did full humbly And amended there all his iniury Then went he furth to Duram wher he offred And to the churche he gaue great good vncoffred ¶ He thē his lawe and peace alwaye proclaymed Officers made in euery shire about And so held on to London vnreclaymed Wher his iustice he sett that land throughout The kyng of Fraunce thus scorned hym out of doubt That kyng Wyllyam in Gesine had lyen long And tyme hym wer been kyrked with good songe ¶ When he this hard to Fraunce he went anone There to bee kirked he offrid his candill bright A thousand townes he brent as he did gone At theim he prayed the kyng of Fraunce to light His candill then if that he goodly might Whiche at his kirkehale and puryficacion To Mars he thought that tyme to make his oblaciō ¶ Edwyn therle proclamed of Leicester After decesse of Algary his father dere And erle Morcare his brother that after Dyed bothe twoo Lucy their suster clere Of Leicester then and Lyncolne bothe in fere The coūtesse was whome kyng William maried To Iue Tailboys erle of Angeou magnified ¶ To kyng Wylliam then came full glad again At Wynchester he held his parliament Wher he then slewe for wrath and greate disdain The duke Waldiue that no harme to hym ment But onely for he counselled and consent To erle Edgar to gette his heritage Of England whole and made to hym homage ¶ Who duke was then of Northumberland And erle create was also of Huntyngton By chronicles olde as menne can vnderstand Entitled whole as of all Northampton Beheded was at Wynchester towne Whose hedde together grewe to the necke again Buried at Crowland for sainct the soth to sain ¶ The kyng then made as I vnderstand The bishop then of Duresme that Walter hight Erle proclamed of Northumberland Whom at Catteshede
Ierusalem he reserued the resort to hym to his heires THe Soudā toke a trewce with kyng Richard For thre yere whole to bye all marchandise And sell and passe saufly thitherward To the sepulcre in all maner wyse With entercomen as then it did suffice And home he went for cause his brother Iohn Then purposed had for to bee crouned anon ¶ He sent his mother and wife to Cisile And of Acres he made then capitain The baron bold sir Rychard Vmfreuile Ierusalem to Henry erle of Champein With all Surry to haue and to demain And made hym kyng therof without delay For his susters soonne he was without nay ¶ For the marquis Wyllyam Mountferrate That kyng therof was by his wife enherite Was slain in Tire his citee by debate All sodeinly for cause of greate dispite Vetulo de Mount his brothers death to quite His bretherne twoo to Tire with power hath sent That slewe hym there by Vetulo his assent ¶ Whose wife he gaue to Henry his cousyn For she was heire of Ierusalem He made kepers in euery place full fyne And homeward came then by the sea stream Hoostyng by diuerse countres and realme To Romany Tuskan and Lumberdy In to Oistrich and there was take in hye ¶ Thēperour led home thē to Mēske he brought In strong ward brought to tyme that his finaūce Was fully payed emong his commons sought Of holy churche vnto ful greate greuaunce The marchaūtes also thē made great cheuisaūce Of all the shryues was take full greate riches Through all England to raūsom with his highnes ¶ And home he came Iohn his brother chastised And his fautours emprisoned all full sore To Normandy then went and there supprised The kyng Philip and werred hym euer thore That stroyed his land of Normandy afore Against his othe and his hie assuraunce Whilest he labored vpon the miscreaunce ¶ He then appeled the kyng Philip to fight Thei twoo alone hand for hand in feld That he was false of his promise and hight Whiche kyng Philip graunted but not it held But cowardly with royall hoste hym beld Vpon hym came all sodeinly to fight Within three dayes then for their brothers right ¶ Beside Gysours thei faught with hostes sore Wher kyng Rychard had the victorie Kyng Philip fled fro his baner thore With muche shame reproffe and vilanie Kyng Rychard segid a castell then in hie That Caluce hight not ferre fro Lymosyne Wher hurt he was full sore and dyed fyne ¶ An arblaster with a quarell hym smot As he about the castell went to spie But then he made therto a saute full hote On euery syde about full cruelly And gatte the place so then full myghtely And slewe theim all without any grace Agayn hym so that holden had that strong place ¶ He shroue hym then vnto abbots three With great sobbyng and hye contricion And wepyng teares that pitee was to see Mekely askyng penaunce and absolucion That it might please God at his peticion To forgeue his offences tyll domysday So afterwarde in blysse he might been ay ¶ He quethed his corps then to bee buried Al Fount Euerard there at his fathers feete To whom he graunted and made it notifyed Traytour he was and false of his behete His herte inuyncyble to Roan he sent full mete For their greate truth stedfast great constaunce His bowelles lose to Poytou for deceyuaunce ¶ Whose soule from the body dyd departe And into heauen went where is eternall ioye Because from synne he did conuerte Longyng for that blessed daye To see Christ that for his synne dyd paye That crucyfied was vpon the roode Redemyng his synne by the shedyng of his blode ¶ And of his reigne he died the .x. yere And in the yere of Christes incarnacion A thousande hole two hundreth and .iiii. clere As written is by clere computacion Who in his life had hole dominacion In Normandy Guyen Cypers and Surry Whose honoure shone aboue all other clerely The C .xli. Chapiter ¶ Iohn kyng of Englande duke of Normandy and Guyan 〈◊〉 erle of Angeou began to reygne the yere M CC. and .iiii. and reigned .xvii. yere and died the yere M CC .xxi. HIs brother Iohn was kyng then of Englande And crouned was at westminster ful faire By all estates and lordes of his lande And sone therafter deuorced full vnfayre From his wife wedded that there afore was heyre Vnto therle of Gloucestre full wyse That sonnes had that tyme of great enterprise ¶ For cause of whiche and of consanguinitye Deuorce was made and toke another wyfe Dame Isabell therles doughter fayre and free Of Englande and his heyre knowen ryfe Whiche after made hym ful great warre stryfe For she was wyfe of Hugh Brune of Toreyn The Viscount then toke fro hym a virgyne ¶ Wherfore Hugh Brune nomore of hym wolde hold But warred hym on euery side aboute Tyll he hym toke with other many folde And slewe theim all were thei neuer so stoute In his first yere a taxe he tooke full out Of eche plough land thre shyllynges fully payed For whiche the people bitterly for hym prayed The C .lxii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Wyllyam of Scotlande did homage leege to kyng Iohn at Lyncolne the duke Arthure of Britayne all the lordes of Irelande did the same IN his first yere kyng Wylliā of Scotlād Made hys homage in Lyncolne his citee And Arthure duke of Britayne I vnderstande Sone after made hys homage feautee At London then with great humilitee The prince of Wales there made his homage For Wales then that was his heritage ¶ The great a Neele and Makmurre also And al the lordes and kynges of Irelande Therles also of Vlster did right so Of Ormond and Desmond for there lande And all estates there as I vnderstande Wer sworne to hym and to hym did homage For theyr lyuelodes and theyr heritage ¶ The kyng Philip confedered with Arthure To rebell sore agayne his eme kyng Iohn And graunte hym men power stronge and sure To gette Guyan Poytou and Angeou anon Wherfore kyng Iohn to Normandy gan gone And there he tooke Arthure duke of Britayn In castell Mirable dyed in mykell payne ¶ Dame Isabell the suster also of Arthure In the castell of Bristowe was then holde And died there in pryson then full sure As kyng Iohn hir vncle so it wolde A lady of greate beautee she was hold Beshet in pryson in paynes strong So endeth her life for sorowe liued not long ¶ Thus slewe he both Athure and Isabell The chyldren of his brother duke Geffrey To ioye the croune of Englande as men tell Wherfore moste parte of all his landes that daye Beyonde the sea forsoke hym then for ay Retournyng to the kyng of Fraunce in hye To holde of hym and his perpetually ¶ Bishop Hubert of Cauntorbury tho died Wherfore kyng Iohn vnto the couent sente To chose his clarke whiche they refused denied Wherfore the kyng was wroth in
¶ Symond the sōne of earle Symond Moūtfort Came oute of Fraunce for ferdnesse of that quene To kyng Henry whome he gaue great comforte He gaue hym then his man for ay to bene Of Leycester the earldome fayre and clene With the Stewarde of Englande in herytage Whiche is an offyce of greate priuelage ¶ And wed his doughter dame Elyanore To Willyam Marshall earle of Penbroke After whose deathe she auowed chastyte for euermore But he her maryed and her betoke For all her vowe as sayeth the booke To Earle Symond Mountfort to be his wyfe Notwithstandyng that she vowed chastyte her lyfe ¶ Tho dyed Lewelyn the prynce of Wales then Betwene his sonnes Gryffyth and Dauid grewe Greate discencyon and stryfe ay when and when And dame Beatryce the kynges doughter trewe To earle Symonde of Britayne wedded newe The yere of Chryste a thousand was accompted Two hundreth moo fourty and one amounted The C .xlv. Chapiter ¶ The 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 of Lancaster and of Leicester long after in the yere of his father one and thirty and in the yere of Christ M. iiC xli THe same yere then Edmond his soōne was At Lācastre that yere of Christ thē writē A thousand whole twoo C and fourty mo bore And one therto in Flores as is wryten And in the yere next after then ouersetten The kyng his doughter Margaret then maryed To Alexaunder kyng of Scotland notified ¶ At Yorke citee wher he then did homage For Scotland whole and Isles apperteinyng Then dyed ●hemperour full sage Wherfore the lordes of Almaignie variyng Some chose Rychard kyng Henryes brother beyng And some that kyng of Castile would haue algate But erle Rychard of Menske had all the state ¶ Then rose discorde betwene the kyng Henry And certain lordes of mighty greate power Symond Mountfort vpon hym toke boldly To bee cheftein to hold the feld full clere At Lewis faught of christ then was the yere A thousand twoo hundred and sixty accompted And foure also so muche more amounted ¶ This erle Symond had then the kyng Henry And his brother Rychard themperour In his kepyng and ward wer hold strongly But prince Edward was sette in Herford toure And erle Henry of Herford that was floure Themperours soonne at Herford with hym laye A myle about disported theim euery ●aye ¶ Fro whens at last with horse thei brake awa 〈…〉 And to Wigmour castell thei came in hie To sir Roger Mortymer wher he laye That theim receiued then full gladly And so thei assembled with greate hoste manfully And held the feld the lordes fast to theim drewe And at Euesham thei stroke a battaill newe ¶ In the yere of Christ a thousand was tho Twoo hundred mo sirty also and fiue When prince Edward faught with his foo Symond Moūtfort and raught hym fro his liue The feld discomfited there anone as bliue With help of erle Gilbert then called Clare And other lordes with hym that were thare ¶ He slewe many and some awaye exiled And some he held in prisone and distres He toke out then his father as is compiled His eme Rychard holden in greate dures And all his frendes of his hie worthynes He socoured euer and with his gold supported And wher it want with his woord theim cōforted The C .xlvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe Robert Ferrers erle of Darby was dishe rite and many other of their compaignie RObert Ferrers that erle was of Darby Disherite then for his insurreccion With many other at Chesterfeld in hie Faught with Edward of their presumpcion And fled awaye with greate confusion Vnto the Isle of Axholme and fro thens Vnto Lyncolne and spoyled the citezens ¶ Fro thens to Ely thei went anone Wher prince Edward thisle proudely assailed Thei fled fro it soone to Yorkeshire gan gone In freres clothis that were full long tailed Robbyng their fooes when thei of good failed And other some to Kilyngworth then fled To Henry Hastynges who then the castell had ¶ Wher then that kyng great siege laied all about But nought auailed so strongly thei defende And for ther was in euery shire throughout So greate robbery and nothyng amende The kyng was fain for lordes then to send By whose aduise he ordeined for that case That all disherite and exiled should haue grace ¶ All disherite should buye their landes again To paye for theim gold as thei might accorde With theowners so that no man should payen More then the land were worth by greate recorde In seuen yere whole and if thei might concorde For lesse money so it exceade a yere The value of the yerly rent full clere ¶ Robet Ferrers erle of Derby then The soonnes also of erle Symond exclude That perpetuall iudgement fully then Neuer to redeme their landes but been exclude So that theowners be not with theim delude Vnto a daye that fifty thousand pound Be paide of nobles whole and round ¶ Edmond the soonne of the same kyng Henry Was weddid first vnto dame Auelyn Erle Willyam his doughter of Almarle womāly None issue had neither male ne feminine Then was he wed to Blaunche that quene full fyne Of Nauerne and so of Lancaster create With Leicestre also therle denominate The C .xlvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Edward theldest soōne heire of kyng Henry the third and his brother erle Edmond of Lancaster and of Leicestre went to Ierusalē with greate power whiche twoo princes were coūted the semeliest of all the hoste of Christendome HIs brother Edward and he associate To Ierusalem their voiage thē auowed Two semely princes together adioynate In all the world was none theim like alowed So large faire thei were eche manne he bowed Edward aboue his menne was largely seen By his shulders more hie and made full clene ¶ Edmond next hym the comeliest prince aliue Not croke backed ne in no wyse disfugured As some menne wrote the right lyne to depryue Through great falsehed made it to bee scriptured For cause it should alwaye bee refigured And mencioned well his yssue to preuaile Vnto the croune by suche a gouernaile ¶ But prince Edward and he held fourth their waye To Ierusalem so did themperour Rychard his eme and Henry his soonne full gay To Cisile came by sea through many a shoure Edward with hym then had his wife that houre Elianour doughter of the kyng of Aragon A princesse faire at his eleccion ¶ The kyng Lewes also then thither went And in his waye dyed and expired Sainct Lewes nowe is named by all assent Of holy churche as it is well enquired Approued trewe as reason well required But Edward prince and Edmōd abode two yere With werres greate and mighty strong power ¶ For nacions all vnto prince Edward drewe And to Edmond his brother for their semelines And greate māhode whiche in theim that thei knewe Sir Charles that brother of king Lewes doubteles Kyng of Cisile of noble worthynes By the Soudan was chasid without beld Whome prince Edward socoured had the
as the rose in Maye To Raufe was wed that was lorde Mortymer Of whome that earles of Marche become full clere ¶ Then went the kyng and quene to Gasc●yne And Gwyan to set that lande in pees And so forth then he went to Aragon To sporte them with theyr father there no lees To Gwyan then agayne for his encrees He came anone and set in peace that lande And so came agayne to Englande The C .l. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kyng dyd atteynt his Iustices and sette enquery of peace breakers ryouters oppressours extorcyoners and of the vsurye of Iewes HIs Iustyces all by lawe he dyd attaynt For wrong domes false iudgement For couetyse that false were then faynt To helpe the poore cōmons to theyr entent He set Iustyces in heyre by all assent That called was that tyme Troilebaston For to enquere of all extorcyon ¶ Of Ryouters fyghters and baratours Of market beters that raysed greate debates Of peace breakers and all the susteynours That were with theim of preuy assocyates Of oppressours of all the pore estates And all that were then founde culpable Emprysoned were or by theyr pursse excusable ¶ Of Iewes within this lande that was abidyng Great plaintes were made of Okoure and vsury Howe they dyd waste the folke by suche winning And preuy bondes made without measure In payne of double or elles forfeture The king thē voided for whiche that church a disme Hym graunted so dyd the cōmons a quindecyme ¶ Rys Ap Madoke a warre in Wales gan take Agayne the kyng that great warres had sustened And prynce hym called of Wales without make Who then at Yorke by lawe full wel mainteyned On galous hye as to hym well apperteyned Was drawen and hanged his hed vpon the towre was set anon as rebell and traytoure The C .li. Chapiter ¶ Howe Edmonde Earle of Lancaster and of Leycester kept Gwyan and wed quene Blaunche of Nauerne the kynges syster of Fraunce and therfore he bare the labell in his armes for dyfference fro the kynges of Englonde euer after KYng Edward sent his brother thē ful dere To kepe Guyā and with him strōg chiualry Who gouerned there that land without pere To hye honoure as made is memorye In Fraunce sore dred amonge the aduersarye And other landes lyeng there all aboute Aboue all men he was there moste bedoute For euer he put them to the worse in felde In armes ay he had the victorye And in Parys at Iustes vnder shelde Far passyng was and dyd ay notably That for his manhode and famous chyualrye In so ferforth that all landes hym commende For his manhode whiche so in hym they kende ¶ He wed dame Blaunche of Nauerne that was quene King Philip sister that was ful good faire Of whome he gate Thomas of Lācaster I wene And Henry his brother that afterwarde was heire And earles both they were without dispayre Of Lancaster and also of Leycestre As Flores hath expressed well by lettre ¶ For whiche weddyng and noble alyance He and his heyres bare for a difference Englande armes with labell hole of Fraunce By whiche all men maye haue intellygence That Edmonde was yonger in existence Then kyng Edward though some say that cōtrary And from the truth yet haue they wyll to vary The C .lii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the fyue portes toke the nauy of Fraunce on the se● in batell THe kyng of Fraūce a nauy great then sē● Vpon Englande to warre in great aray Which that .v. portes toke on the sea shent And people greate there slewe dreynt that daye Theyr shyppes all by batayl and affraye Were take and brought then into Englande With capitaynes many and lordes of that lande ¶ Kyng Philyp then at Parys in parlyament Somonde Edwarde afore hym to appere Surmittyng hym of robbery felonoment Vpon his flete so done by tymes sere For faute of aunswere foreiuged hym there Destroyed his land in eche place where he might But kyng Edwarde then went to Fraunce ryght ¶ And gate agayne his landes euerychone And sought ay where vpon the kyng of Fraūce But he fled euer and batayle wolde geue none Sone after so Philyp by ordynaunce A trewce toke by good ordynaunce For all his landes beyonde the sea To set in peace with all tranquilyte The C .liii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Morgan and Madoke his brother were sette in the towre for rebellyon in Wales made by comforte of kynge Phylip of Fraunce IN Wales Morgan made war great distaunce And Madoke also his brother ful vntrew For whiche the kyng with all his ordenaūce To Wales went faught with them all newe At straytes great whiche tho traytours knewe Yet were they take and put in sore pryson Within the towre for theyr rebellyon ¶ The kyng Philyp had sent then golde to wa● On England then with sir Thomas Turbiruile Who was espyed by sotell meanes afferre And heded was anon for all his guyle His wyt not holpe hym then ne yet his wyle He dyed with shame repreef and vilany Engendred all of mede and surquedrye The C .liiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Earle Edmonde was Leuetenaunt of Guyan and warred vpon the kyng of Fraunce and defyed hym by letter for he brake the promyse made to Edwarde his brother kynge of Englande SIr Edmōd erle of Lancaster thē ful trewe Leuetenaūt then of Guian all throughout On whom that king Philip then rode al new And brake the trewce with hostes great and stout Wherfore he went to hym without doubte To se howe that it myght be well defende He bade hym thus set to his knee and amende ¶ Wherfore in ire he gaue hym vp homage The whiche he ought for his lande that he helde And aunswered hym agayne of great corage From hens forwarde I shall you holde the felde And at my power eche daye vnder shelde Proue howe ye do vnto my lorde greate wronge The whiche I shall amende or it be longe And so departed withoute more langage And into Guyan came with all his myght And to his brother wrote made hym knowlage And bade hym come with power for to fyght With spere and bowe for other writ of ryght Maye not be got within the courte of Fraunce For to recouer his hye enherytaunce ¶ Eche day thēce forth with bāners hole displeyed He helde the felde and kyng Philyp warred And leters sent hym defyals and vmbrayde Of hys suraunce and othe that he had erred And castelles gate f●ll many not differred Kyng Edward sent his brother then suppowaile The Frenche partye to warre and assayle The C .lv. Chapiter ¶ Howe syr Roger Mortymer was made Earle of Marche at Kyllyngworthe and set the rounde table of a thousande knyghtes and as many ladyes ANd in the yere a. M. was full then Two hundreth also syxty and nyntene When syr Roger Mortymer so began At Kelyngworth the rounde table as was sene Of a thousande knyghtes for disciplyne Of yonge men after he coulde deuyse Of turnementes and iustes to
exercyse ¶ A thousande ladyes excellynge in beaute He had there also in tentes hye aboue The iustes that they myght well clerely se Who iusted best there for theyr lady loue For whose beautie it should the knyghtes moue In armes so etchone other to reuie To geate a fame in playe of chiualrie ¶ This Mortimer was then lord Mortimer But in these iustes he held great feastes eche daye By fourty dayes conteined whole and clere At whiche one part of ladyes faire and gaye Gaue hym the price of fame of all that playe Wherfore the kyng to encrese his estate Proclamed hym erle of Marche there create The C .lvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe Edmond erle of Lancaster and of Leicester faught at Bayon with the power of Fraunce and was slain there sir Wyllyam Valence erle of Pē broke was dedde ther and many other lordes in the yere a thousand twoo hundred four score sixtene BVt erle Edmond the kynges brother dere With twenty sixe baners proud stout The fifth daye of Iune was accompted clere Of Christ his date a thousand yere all out Four score and sixtene with out doubt At Bayon faught with the Frēchemenne certain Wher he in that feld that daye like a knight was slaine ¶ Sir Williā Valence erle of Pēbroke was thē Sir Iohn Rychmond and many other baron Sir Iohn saynct Iohn right a full manly māne Thenglishe hoste felly ther was bore doune By a busshement laied by colucion That brake on theim sore fighting in the feld Out of a wode in whiche that daye were beld The C .lvii. Chapiter WHen Iohn of Gaunt that sone of king Edwarde For cause his brother that duke was of Clarēce None yssue male had then that menne of herd But female by all intelligence When kyng Rychard in his greate excellence None yssue had he would haue been his heire Apparaunt then by act in perlyament feire ¶ The whiche Thomas Wodstok duke of Gloucester And all nobles of England ther present Proclaymed then by wrytyng and by letter Howe that therle of Marche then in perlyament Vnto the kyng was then heire apparaunt Wher duke Iohn in diuers places made Feined chronicles that shewed were full brade ¶ Howe this Edmond thelder soonne of kyng Henry Broke backed and bowbacked bore Was vnabled to haue the monarche And Edward so the younger kyng therfore Shuche chronicles then he feined full sore And putte in place of diuers religion To make his soonne right heire of this region ¶ But when kyng Henry this chronicle shewed It was defect and clerely sette at nought And vnderfoote cast doune and eke stroyed The contrarie by chronicles truly wrought Was proued trewe and then his title he sought By resignement and renunciacion By depoisale and playne coronacion ¶ It is not true that croke backed he hight For valyaunt he was in all his doynges And personable with all to euery mannes sight Although false chronicles haue other saiynges Kyng Alexander of Scotland then dyed That wedded had the kynges suster Margarete And Alexander his sonne beyng in thesame stede Who with Margatete his wife on the sea perished The C .lviii. Chapiter ¶ How Florēce erle of Holād his persuers boūd hym to vide the iudgement of the kyng Edward if he should be kyng of Scotlād FLorence therle of Holand his compeers That claimed then the croune of Scotlād After the death of Margaret as pursuers Came to kyng Edward then of England Requeryng hym in God his name all weldand As he that was of Scotland souereigne lord To trye the right and sette theim in accorde ¶ For whiche he sette at Norham a parliament After Easter then next folowyng In the kirke of Norham to that entent That all Scottes and other that were pursuyng Might ther appere their titles claymyng At whiche parliament the pursuantes theim bond At his decree and iudgement to stond ¶ By one letter with all their seales ensealed Whiche doublid was thei gaue vnto the kyng The other part for it should not be repeled Thei kept with theim selfes alwaye abydyng Which lettre Iohn Hardyng maker of this boke To kyng Hēry delyuered that gaue hym in recōpēce The manoure of Gedyngtō w e all that appurtenēce ¶ For whiche manoure then the cardinall Of Wynchester vnto the quene disposid In hir dower and fro hym toke it all When that the kyng by death was deposid Hym recompence he promised and composid But nought he had but might that prīce haue lyued He durst full eiuill his excellence haue greued ¶ An other letter duble in like wyse The saied heires deliuered to the kyng That other part as shuld of right suffice Semblably with theim was remainyng By whiche thei bound theim self by their sealyng Hym to delyuer the kyng his castels all To kepe to tyme his iudgement were byfall ¶ Of whiche iudgement without possession Of castell strong throughout ther all the lande He might not well dooen execucion Wherfore the heires to hym so their theim bound Whiche letter also Iohn Hardyng toke on hand And did deliuer so then at Boys Vincent For the saied reward together by one entent The C .lix. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Edward made sir Iohn Balyoll kyng of Scotland AND in the yere of Christ his incarnacion A thousād whole two hūdred four scoure And therto three by verye computacion At the feast of sainct Michael set afore The kyng Edward to Scotland came therfore Wher twenty then chosen were of England And other twenty persones also of Scotland ¶ By whose aduyse all other rightes excl ude The kyng iudged to Iohn Bailyol the croune That was discent as clearely was conclude Of theldest doughter of Dauid of Huntyngdon As chronicles make therof good mencion Margarete wedded to Aleyne of Galawaye Whose doughter was kyng Iohns mother that day ¶ That Dernegull hight and was Iohn Bailiols wyfe Whose sonne heire kyng Iohn was thē cround That Bailioll hight that knowen was full ryfe In that mynster of Skone within Scotland groūd Syttyng vpon the regall stone full sound As all the kynges there vsed had afore On saynt Andrewes daye with all ioye therfore ¶ At Christmas nexte after the same kyng Iohn To Newcastell to kyng Edwarde came His homage made and feautee leege anone Of his free wyll without any blame And with greate ioye agayn retourned hame But then that Scottes chose theim .xii. lords by assēt To rule the kynge Iohn by their entent The C .lx. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Iohn of Scotlande made confederacye with Fraunce agayn Englande WHiche made him then to make confederacy With kyng Philip of Fraunce and aliaūce Perpetually to be contributorie Ether with other by strong great assuraunce Englande to warre with al theyr hole puyssaunce The kyng Edwarde seynge this hye falshede To Barwike came with hoste and great māhede ¶ At the nonnes of Barwyke then he laye And layde a siege about on euery syde At after Easter but flemynges then that daye
The Leden hall there helde full strong that tyde Which with wylde fyre was brent might not byde That same night then syr Wyllym Duglas yald Barwyke castell to kyng Edwarde and salde The C .lxi. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Iohn of Scotlande surrendred his homage to kyng Edwarde and disclaymed to holde of hym IN this same tyme .vii. erles of Scotlande Sieged Carleile and so to Hexham brent And home again harmeles out of Englād They went anone and none harmes hent Worse to haue dooen was there entent But then kyng Iohn surrendred vp his homage To kyng Edwarde for hym and his linage ¶ By letters whiche the kyng Edward then sent To abbeys great in Englande of recorde To be remembred of his false entente Renoūcyng kyng Edwarde for his souerayn lord The seuen erles at Dunbarre by concorde Then sieged it fro whiche earle Patrike went And graunted to holde of hym at his entent The C .lxii. Chapiter ¶ Of the battayle of Dunbarre where that kyng Edwarde preuayled WHiche castell so then the kyng rescowed And droaue therles there out of the felde And much people vnto the deth ther bowed Without helpe there slayne vnder shelde To Ronkesburgh the kyng Edward so held That sone was yelde to hym without stryfe Their good saufe also and theyr lyfe ¶ So he forth to Edenburgh went anone That yelden was on thesame condicion Then was Stryuelyn voyde and lefte alone Without defence or any garyson That Edwarde toke in his possession Whiche kyng Edwarde toke into his power And saued the people both farre and nere ¶ Then came therle of Vlster with great power Of Iryshemen and so to saynt Iohns towne The kyng thē went with host through Fyfe ful cher And brent that shire throughout both vpō downe When then kyng Iohn by good direccion To Edwarde sent and prayed hym then of peace And to his grace submytte hym or he would cease ¶ Thē kyng Edwarde toke his submyssion At Brighyn then vpon the water of Taye And gaue hym there his realme without condiciō Of Scotlande so to hym and his for ay The lordes all made hym homage that daye The .x. daye was of Iuly and in the yere Of kyng Iohn then the .iiii. was counpted clere ¶ And therupon he sent hym to the toure Of London then with certeyne rebelles moo Kyng Iohn he kept in worshyp and honoure Like his estate where he would ride or god Ten myle about for his disport there so Then kyng Edwarde on the mountaynes went That monthes there bee called in theyr entent ¶ And as he came homewarde by Skone awaye The regall there of Scotlande then he brought And sent it forth to Westmynster for ay To be there in a cheire clenely wrought For a masse preaste to sytte in when he ought Whiche there was standyng besyde the shryne In a cheire of olde tyme made full fyne ¶ Thē made the kyng Iohn Wareyn his regēt That erle was then of Sussex and Surray And treasorer he made at his entent ●ugh Cressyngham and Wyllyam Ormesby The chiefe iustice through Scotlande generally His chaunceler at Skone and tresorer Abydyng wer to rule the land full clere ¶ Thē went kyng Iohn to Flaūders for socoure Of the dukes of Geldre and Brabant And also of the noble Emperoure That hym had hight great helpe socoure then But none he had and home agayn he want For in that meane tyme whyle he in Flaūders abode Wyllyam Valoys all Scotlande ouer rode ¶ He slewe the iudge and the chaunceler Thofficers also and the chaumberleyn The Capitaynes and the treasorer And gatte the lande fro Englyshmen agayn And slewe theim all with cruell death and payn Wherfore the kyng vpon the Maudeleyn day At Fowkirke fought with Scottes in great aray ¶ Where Scottes fled and fourty M. slayn And into Fiffes he went and brent it clene And Andrewstoune he wasted then full playn And Blakmanshire Menteth as men mene And on the ford of Trippour with hoste I ween To Bothbile Glascowe and to the towne of Are And so to Lanarke Longhmaban Anand thare ¶ Whiche all he had euer wher he came And then he wed kyng Philippes suster Margarete A fayre lady and full of noble fame Hir sonne and heire Edwarde Carnauan hete A mayden wed kyng Philippes doughter swete Whom his father then prince of Wales create Duke of Cornewayle erle of Chester nominate ¶ Then went the kyng to Scotlande agayn And wan the lande and had there all obeysaunce Sauyng Wales that would not hym obeyn But fled hym euer for drede of mischaunce He ordeyned then by statute ordinaunce That none should bee the prince of Wales more Excepte of the kyng his eldest sonne first bore The C .lxiii. Chapiter ¶ How the byshop of Rome at the suggestion of the Scottes wrote to kyng Edwarde vnder this fourme ANd in the yere a thousande CCC one Bishop Boniface at that Scottes suggestiō To kyng Edward by lettre wrote anone Chargyng hym then vpon his beneson For to delyuer the Scottes out of pryson Whiche in Englande he had holden with wrong And his officers call home that there had be long ¶ Alledged all howe Scotlande hole was holde Of Peters churche of Rome nought of hym But by great wrong and oppression bolde He theim ouerled with warres sore and brym And theim compelled in payn of lyfe and lymme To become his men the realme of hym to holde By homage leege whether they wold or nolde ¶ And bad hym also afore hym then appere At the courte of Rome his right there for to shewe And yf it myght beknowe his right were clere Without delay by iudgement iuste and trewe He shulde it haue by execucion due By sensours of theyr churche and hole sentence For to obeye his hie magnificence The C .lxiiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Edwarde wrote agayn an aunswer of his lettre THē kyng Edward wrote vnto hym agayn An aunswere by his letters meke and due All his tytles and duties full playne Nought in fourme neuer in effecte to sue Nor in his courte no iudgement to pursue Remembryng well his fatherhede Nowe Brutus had Albian and dyd it possede ¶ In Hely tyme whiche to his sonnes he deuyde Vnto his sonne Locryne fyrste propogate He gaue Logres that hath this tyde To Albanacte the seconde procreate He gaue Albanye Scotlande nowe denomynate And to Cambre his yongest sonne he gaue Cambre that nowe is Wales to ioye and haue ¶ To kyng Locrine of Logres and to his heires The soueraynte and homage ay reserued Of Albanacte and Cambre and all theyrs Perpetually Troyan lawe obserued By which lawes Bryton hath bene conserued Sith hitherwarde without interrupcyon Afore the tyme that Rome had prescrypcion ¶ Afore the tyme also that Chryste was bore By many yeres the kynges of Logres had Scotlande by eschete for faute of heyres thore And remeued kynges that were there knowen bad And other kynges there made with hertes glad
mikell of Yorkshire discomfited that archebishop of Yorke his clergy at Milton on swale THe kyng Edward began to siege Berwyk like And wonne it had but false tales it let And tidinges newe that nought the kyng did For Robert Bruys the kyng of Scotlande mette With the bishop of Yorke and hym ouersette Wherfore he loste the siege and went awaye But Bruys had stroyed England in fell araye ¶ To Borough brydge by east and west he brent And home agayne with many a prysoner Without harme or lette of his entent With mykell good but in Myton medowe nere To Swale water laye then with great power Walter Wareyn among the hay kockes bushed Vpon the byshop sodenly with Scottes yssued ¶ And .xv. hundreth Englyshe there he slewe And home he went with kyng Edward full glad With prysoners many mo then men knewe The byshop fled fro the felde full woo bestad With his clerkes that then were full mad For whiche therle Thomas of Lancastre there And kyng Edward depatted halfe in werre The C .lxxiiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe at the nexte parliamente after Thomas of Lancaster and Leycester erle and certayne lordes exiled the twoo Spencers out of the land but then that Spencers made great persecucion with the kyng agayn the lordes and slewe the erle of Lancaster and the other lordes AT the parliamēt thē at westminster next hold Erle Thomas that then was called ful trewe Th erle Vmfrey of Herford that was bold Th erle of Marche full manly as men knewe The Monbrey also Percy and Clyfford drewe All armed came and two Spencers exiled Out fro Englande neuer to be reconsyled ¶ But sone the Spencers came to that kyng again Syr Hugh the lorde and syr Hugh his sonne And put therle of Marche in great disdayn Roger his sonne that with hym did wonne Appeched hym then of hye treason Agaynst the kyng wherfore the kyng hym sent Into the toure tabyde the parliament ¶ Then went the kyng and Spencers both two With hostes full great to Burton vpon Trent Where the lordes laye and sparled theim then so That north they went then wayes by one assente To rayse mo men they trust in theyr entent The Spencers two fully for to destroye Who all the realme full cruelly did noye ¶ At Borinbrig syr Andrewe Hertlaw met With erle Vmfrey of Herford and hym slewe And toke the erle Thomas without let And to the kyng that then to Pountfret drewe Where then were sette vpon hym iudges newe Th erle Edmound of Arondell for iustice And syr Robert Mapilthorpe his enemyes ¶ There he was headed anone vpon the hyll And buryed was there in a chapell fayre Henry his brother stode at the kynges wyll Whom the kyng graunted to bee his heyre That wedded then Alyce without despayre The doughter and heyre of therle Henry Lacy Of Lyncolne so graunted by the kynges mercy ¶ Wyllyā fitz Wareyn many another knight In diuers shyres some hanged and some head That hold with hym or with his compeers right Syr Bartholomewe Badelismore without rede Drawen and hanged and put to foul dead Roger Clyfford and Iohn Monbraye barons Headed then were for theyr rebellions ¶ Th erle of Marche syr Roger Mortymer His sonne Roger foriuged were for treason And by the kyng of death pardoned were And put were then in perpetuall pryson Into the towre for that same encheson Fro that tyme forth the Spencers other excede The quene was but an hand mayden in dede ¶ To tyme the kyng to her brother hir sent And also his sonne Edwarde to dooen homage For Guyen so to haue at his entente And for they dwelled so long in that viage The kyng theim had suspecte of theyr message By councell of the Spencers theim exiled As in chronicle pleynly is compiled ¶ The kyng then made and playnly did create Andrewe Hertlawe erle then of Carlele Whiche tyme the kyng Robert full fortunate Rode all the east Marche full proudly and well The byshopryke and Yorkeshire euery dele Andrewe Hertlawe erle of Carlele absent To Lancastre hym drewe in false entente ¶ The kyng Robert was passed home agayn With prayes greate and many prysoners Fro Humber north the people downe were slayn Of whiche the kyng and all his councelers Blamed therle Andrewe and his compeers For he had men enough with hym arayed The Scottes all that might haue slayn frayed ¶ He hight the kyng haue brought to hym great powers Into yorkshyre held nothing his hight Therfore the kyng by counsell of the Spencers Gaue charge to take hym either by daye or night Or kyl hym downe wher they mete with hym might To all shryues was sent this commaundement Fro Trent northwarde by writtes maundemēt The C .lxxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe syr Roger Mortymer the younger wente oute of the toure of London went into Fraunce to the quene of Englande and to the prince Edwarde hir soonne and also howe the lorde Lucye tooke syr Andrewe Hertlawe erle of carlele and headed hym at Carlele for treason THen ●r Roger the yongest Mortimer Made his kepers dronke and went away Out of the toure by night other in feer And into Fraunce anone he toke his waye Vnto the quene Isabell in poore araye And bode with her at hyr gouernaunce All tyme that she was soiournyng in Fraunce ¶ And then Antony Lucye lorde of Cokirmouth Syr Robert Lowther with other many in feere At Carlele toune as knowe was full couth Toke syr Andrewe Hertlawe with mekill stee● They put on hym he toke royall power In truce takyng with therle of Murrey Withouten power in trayterous araye ¶ In wrongyng of the kynges hye estate And of his right full great derogacion And howe he toke greate golde immoderate Of kyng Edwarde through cauelacion To bryng hym power for his supportaciō Agayn the kyng Robert that then destroyed His lande full foule and had hym self anoyed ¶ And howe he had the people hole withdrawe With hym Westwarde by false confederacie Betwene hym and therle of Marrowe Couened fully before cast traytorie Wherfore they drewe hym first all openly And hanged after and to London sent Vnto the kynge his head for great present The C .lxxvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe the quene Isabell treated mariage of one of the doughters of therle of Henaulde for hir sonne Edwarde to haue to wife by thauice of her brother kyng Charles came to Englande with great power and toke that kyng and slewe his counsell for treason THere by aduise and good consyderacion Of the kyng of Fraunce her brother dere Quene Isabell accorded for supportacion Hir sonne should wed one of the doughters clere Of therle of Henauld that fyue then were Through whose succour she hir sonne Edward Toke then the sea to Englande warde ¶ Erle Edmond of Kent then with her came Kyng Edwardes brother syr Aymer valence Erle of Penbroke whiche came with hir fro hame And Mortymer the yonger in hir presence Henauldes and Frenche with great
couth Full mekill skyll of a woman alwaye That so couth chese a lady that was vncouth And for that mery woordes that came of his mouth Thei trowed he had right great experience Of womanes rule and hir conuenience ¶ Kyng Robert Bruys smitten in lepry dyed To whom his soonne Dauid then did succede And crouned was for kyng and notified His wife also was crouned quene in deede Kyng Edwardes suster she was then as I rede Sir Roger then that was lord Mortimer With Isabell the quene was holden dere ¶ Through hardinesse of whiche he wasted clene The kyng his tresour as was notified For whiche Henry erle of Lancastre for tene Rose with greate hoste as then was fortified To haue withstand and clerely haue replied The wantonnes of Roger Mortymer That was that tyme the quenes playfeer ¶ But treated he was to sitte in rest and peace Notwithstandyng at the coronacion Of kyng Edward chose he was without lees His custode then for good informacion Of the kyng his persone and preseruacion But quene Isabell and the Mortimer Would not suffre ne while that so it were ¶ Edmond Wodstok that then was erle of Kent By kyng Edward of Carnaruan create Whose brother he was by quene Isabelles entēt And Mortimer his mighty and greate estate Arested was and stode repudiate At Winchester foriudged in parliament And hedid there again the common assent ¶ A brother he had hight Thomas of Brothertō Erle of Northfolk and marshall of England That of his death made none execucion For lordes all the greatest of the land Full sory were but nought thei tooke on hand Fro noone till euen without the castell gate He stoode condempned as a repudiate ¶ Whome then at euen a boye of the marshalse Stroke of his hedde for whome the lordes than And commons all displeased were inwardly At Notyngham sone after thei began Wher Mortimer therle of Marche then Arested were and his soonne sir Roger And to the toure of London sent thei were ¶ On sainct Andrewes daye thei wer drawe and hong At London so by dome of the parlyament At Westminster holden by processe long Sir Simond Bedford was of their assent Drawe and hanged therfore thei went And fro the quene his mother he resumed His landes all for she had so consumed ¶ His treasour foule and all his greate riches He putte hir to hir dower and nomore To liue vpon at the frere minours doubtles Wher she had not been brought before And there she dyed and buryed is therfore At London nowe full feire and reuerently Wher she had dwelt long full honourably ¶ Edward Baylioll to claim Scotland thē went And with hym went sir Gilbert Vmfreuile Claimyng to bee erle by his whole entent Of Angeous then as chroniclers compile Sir Henry Beaumont also went that while His heritage to gette and to conquere Therledome of Boughan should bee his clere ¶ Henry Percy with Edward Bailioll went Galoway to claime as for his heritage By shippe thei went all whole by one assent At Rauensporne and landed with greate corage At Kincorne wel in Fyfe by all knowlage Dauid Strabolgy erle of Athellis by right With theim thē went for his landes ther to fight ¶ Thei were accōpted twoo M. fightyng menne And fiue hundred byside the mariners At their landyng their shipis thei brent right then And bored some and sanke at good leysers Thei thought theim self of good strong powers Thei toke none hede of shippis home again But landeway ride for all the Scottes dain ¶ Thei toke none hede nor yet consideracion Of thousandes many ne of greate multitude As lordes dooe nowe of commons congregacion But putte their cause to god his hie excelsitude And in their owne handes solicitude At Kincorne then faught with therle of Fyffe Discomfit hym and fled awaye with life ¶ His menne were slain vpon the feld echeone Thē Robert Bruys the bastard soōne their Guyde The lord Seton with power came anone And newe battaill theim gaue with mekell pryde That noumbred were ten thousand on their side Whiche slain were all for thei would take none Saufe the chiefteynes that fled awaye alone ¶ The kyng Edward Baylioll with his power To Dunfermelyne abbey then furth so went Wher in Glasinore that Scottes then sembled were Fourty thousand full proud in their intent And all were slain without suppowelment Th erle of Marre and therle of Murray Th erle of Carryk and Menth dyed that daye ¶ And after soone at Deplyng More mette Sir Neel Bruys with ten thousand in feer That slain were there and to therth doune beet The Englishe had the feld that daye full clere Their ordinaunce was to take no prisoner Wherfore thei slewe the Scottes without mercie Lest newe bataill came on theim in hie ¶ At these battailles afore that been wrytten Sixty thosaund Scottes slain and mortefied Were more with prees as afterward was weten Then with mānes hand thei were so feel multiplied Echeone on other of pride so reuied Without rule of marcill gouernaunce Thei smored were by their contrariaunce ¶ And but twoo knightes thirty thre squiers Whiche ther were dedde of the Englishe power In foure battailles faught with axe swerd speris At Diplyng Moore fro tyme the soōne rose clere To three after noon as saieth the chronicler Within seuē dayes thei smote these .iiii. battailies As chronicles make full clere rehersailes ¶ Thē wēt thei furth vnto sainct Iohns towne That was replete and full of all vitaile And kept the toune with manly direccion Archebald Douglas and erle Patrik no faile Of Dunbarre then the toune began tassaile With thirty thousand but there thei were well bet With cast of stones and greate defence ouerset ¶ The citees then and tounes to the sea side At their costage to Scotland sent a flete To helpe our lordes and get theim good that tide And with the shippis of Scotland for to mete And so thei did and sore theim all to bete And brought theim home and some with wildfyre brēt In Taye water and some thei sanke shent ¶ Wherfore the Scottes the siege then forsooke Thenglish lordes at Skone the kyng did croune Edward Baliol the soonne was who will looke To Iohn Baliol kyng of that region Whome then afore Henry Beaumount brought Frome Baliol wher he was lord in Fraunce As his aunceters had been of remembraunce ¶ This kyng Edward Baliol his fooes sought And at Rokisburgh faught ▪ with therle of Murrey Discomfited theim in battaill sore ther fought And to Duresme sent hym fro thens awaye Ther to bee kept in siker strong araye Then sir Archbald Douglas and erle Patrike Then of Dunbar their kyng thought to bee swi 〈…〉 ¶ Thei toke with hym a trewce to Candylmasse From October in trust of whiche he sent Thenglishe lordes to England home expresse Trustyng he had been sure in his entente All was falshede that the two erles ment For they vphelde Dauid in tendre age Kyng Robartes sonne
Seyng the youth then of the Mortimer That erle of the Marche by trewe direccion Was then and heire of England then moste ner● To kyng Richarde as well then did appere Consydred also the might of duke Henry They chose hym kyng there durst none it deny ¶ Th erle of Northumberlande then had sent His power home by councell of duke Henry So did his sonne Henry that truly ment Supposyng well the duke wolde not vary From his othe ne in no wyse contrary And he and his kepte all theyr power Tyll he was crouned kyng as it did appere ¶ Therles two then of Northumberlande Of Worcester and syr Henry Percy And the●●e also of Westmerlande Councelled hym then fro his oth not to varye And though at eue he did to theim applie On the morowe by a pryue counsayl He would be crouned kyng without fayle The C .xcvii. Chapiter ¶ Henry the fourth kyng of Englande and of Fraunce was electe by that hole parliament the morowe after Michelmasse daye the yere of our Lorde a thousande thre hundreth foure score and nynetene and reigned .xiiii. yere died at Westmynster the .xix. daye of Marche in the yere of Christe a thousande foure hundreth and .xiii. and of his owne reygne the .xiiii. yere THis duke Henry by great loue of the land Of many lordes and of the commontee Tharchebyshop Arondell toke on hande To croune hym then in royall maiestee On saynt Edwardes day with great solempnitee But kyng he was the morowe after Mighelmesse His reygne begynnyng that day without distresse ¶ Th erle of Warwike and therle of Arondell That exiled were and the Lorde Cobham eke With all theyr frendes that kyng Richard did expell The dukes frendes of Gloucester nought to seke Whiche then began for to encrease and eke Through all the realme with kyng Henry to stād To croune hym kyng that tyme of all Englande ¶ An hundreth thousande cryed all at ones At Westmynster to croune hym for kyng So hated they kyng Rychard for the nones For his mysrule and wrong gouernyng For taxes and for blanke charters sealyng For murder of duke Thomas of Woodstoke That loued was well more then all the floke ¶ The great parliament then he made rehersed The dukes of Almarle Excestre and Surry He depryued and the iudgement reuersed That then was made gaue full wylfully Agayne Woodstoke and Warwyke for enuie Arondell and the lorde Cobham full trewe Whiche was reuersed and reuoked newe ¶ The duke of Almarle was then erle Rutlande The duke of Surry erle of kent was agayn And eke the duke of Excester I vnderstande Of Hungtyngdon therle was to be fayn The marques eke of Dorset was full bayn Of Somerset erle agayn to bene He chastised theim no feller as was sene ¶ Th erle of Gloucester was lord Spencer Then set agayn to his first estate The kyng then made his eldest sonne full clere The prince of Wales in parliament hole create Duke of Cornewayle and erle denominate Of Chester also that then was yong of age But yet he was that tyme of hye courage The C .xcviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kyng gaue the Constablerie and the Marshalsee to therles of Northumberlande and Westmerlande wyth certayn landes and how syr Robert Vmfreuile was made knight of the Garter capitayn of Rokesburgh faught on fote on Fulhoplewe and wan the feld with victorie and was made lorde Vmfreuile AT this tyme that kyng graūted by parliamēt The Constablery certayn of Englande In heritage so at his coronoment To therle then of Northumberlande Also of Man thifle I vnderstande To holde of hym and of his heyres alwaye By seruyce royall as wrytten was that daye ¶ And to therle of Westmerlande also The Marshalsee of Englande then he gaue All Richemond fee that was in Englande tho By patent also for terme of life to haue The lordes all he pleased so God me saue With office ay orels with lande or rent With liberall herte as to a prince appent ¶ And whyles that parliament so did endure The Scottes rode by North and sore had stroyed In Cokedale then where Vmfreuyle had cure That with theim faught had theim sore anoyed At Fulhaplowe on fote he theim acloyed For there he toke syr Richard Rotherforde His sonnes fyue full fell of dede and worde ¶ Syr Wyllyam Stiwarde also he toke The lorde of Gordowne he put to flight And Willibarde the felde there then forsoke And prisoners brought home well mo at night Then he had men with hym the felde to fight For whiche the kyng hym had ay after in cherte Consyderyng well his knightly aperte The C .xcix. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kyng Henry remeued kyng Richard from place to place by night in preuey wise in whiche tyme theries of Kent Salisbury and Huntyngdon the lorde Spencer and syr Raulfe Lomley were headed THe kyng thē sent kyng Richard to Ledis There to be kepte surely in preuitee Fro thēs after to Pykeryng wēt he nedes And to Knauesburgh after led was he But to Pountfrete last where he did die Bothe therles of Kent and Salisbury Th erle of Huntyngdon and Spēcers sothelye ¶ And syr Raulfe Lomley with mo in company After Christmasse thought to haue slayn the kyng They were distured and fled awaye in hye But they were slayn at Circester fleyng By the commons with theim there fyghtyng Therles of Kent and of Salysbury And syr Raulfe Lomley in theyr companye ¶ The lorde Spencer take was vpon the sea At Bristowe was headed and decollate Th erle also of Huntyngdon did flee And brought vnto the countesse of estate Of Herforde then who had hym forth algate To Plasshe where she made men hym hede Without counsayll of any lorde or rede ¶ Syr Thomas shelly set full hye in pride And Mawbleyn with Ferebye drawe and honge Syr Barnard Brockeys was heded theim beside The byshop also of Carleile theim among In Westmynster his life there to prolonge Perpetually by iudgement was commytte Among his brethren in order for to sytte The CC. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Richard was brought deade frō Pountfret to Powles and after buried at Langley for menne shoulde haue no remembraunce of hym And howe syr Robert Vmfreuyle faught with that Scottes at Redeswere and had the felde and the victorye IN march next after kig Rychard thē was dede Fro Poumfret brought with great solempnyte Men sayde forhungered he was lapped in lede At Poules his masse was done and diryge In hers royall semely to royalte The kyng lordes clothes of golde there offerde Some .viii. some .ix. vpon his hers were proferde ¶ At Westminster then dyd they so the same When truste he shuld there haue buryed bene In that mynster lyke to a prynce of name In his owne tombe together with the quene Anne that afore his fyrste wyfe had bene But then the kyng hym faste to Langley sent There in the freres to be buryed secretement ¶ On Michelmasse day next after his coronaciō
cōuersaunt His shadowe so obumbred all England That peace and lawe kept continuaunt In his absence throughout all this land And els as I can seyne and vnderstand His power had been lite to conquere Fraunce Nor other realmes that well were lesse perchaūce ¶ The peace at home and lawe so well conserued Were croppe and rote of all his hie conquest Through whiche the loue of God he well deserued And of his people by North South Est West Who might haue slain y● prince or downe him kest That stode so sure in rightfull gouernaunce For common weale to God his hie plesaunce The CC .xxiiii. Capiter ¶ Henry the sixte kyng of England and of Fraunce that fled in to Scotland without cause on Palmesondaye the thirty and nyne yere of his reigne and of Christ a thousand foure hundred three score and one began to reigne the yere of Christ a thousand foure hundred twenty and twoo HEnry his soōne thē not .iii. quarters olde That borne was at s Nicholas daie afore At Windesore so as that realme thē would Vnto the croune succede as he was bore All England hole by might of lordes thore The duke of Gloucester then disired To haue the kepyng of the kyng enspired ¶ The bishop of Wynchester it withstode With all the lordes there hole of his assent Then would he haue been as for that next of bloode Leuetenaunt then of England and regent The bishop aye withstode all his entent That chaūceler was by that fifth kyng Henry made And so furth stode and in thoffice bade ¶ For cause he was so noyous with to dele And office would he haue and gouernaunce Wherfore thei made hym for the common wele Protectour of the realme by ordinaunce To kepe the land fro mischief and varyaunce The kyng of Fraunce for sorowe then dyed The quene his wife also as was notified ¶ The lord Cromwell lost therof nothyng For he had bothe theim in his gouernaunce And home then came when buryed was the kyng Charles of Fraunce with worthy ordenaunce Quene Isabell also with purueaunce Accordaunt well to their royall estate With costages greate as was preordinate ¶ The first daye of the moneth of Septembre He gan to reigne then was a thousand yere Foure hundred as I can remember Twenty and twoo accompted then full clere As I finde write in the chronicler But not crouned for tendernes of age Nor yet anoynte for dred of youthes outrage ¶ The duke of Bedford stode so furth ay regent The duke of Gloucester here was so protectour The bishop of Wynchester by perlyament Was chaunceller and hiest gouernour Of the kyng his persone and his greate socour His godfather and his fatheres eme And supportour was moost of all this realme ¶ The regēt then of Fraunce wed Anne his wife The duke his suster of Burgoyn good and faire The duke of Brytain hir suster knowen rife Had wed afore without any dispeire Whiche was lady of greate repeire ▪ Whiche dukes twoo were sworne and aliede With the regent to stand strongly fortified The CC .xxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe the regent with lordes of Englād smote the vattaill of Vernoyle in Perche in the third yere of kyng Henry that .vi. ¶ Th erle of Boughan and therle Douglas Th erle of Wigton with power of Scotland And lordes of Fraunce to gether assembled was Wher the regent with lordes of England At Vernoyle in Perche as I can vnderstand Faught with theim sore slewe the Scottes cruelly And bade theim thynke emong on Bawgy ¶ The regent had the felde and victorie With greate honour and laude full comfortable Therles were ther with hym of Salisbury Of Suffolke also that were full honorable The lord Wiloughby full fortunable The lord Scales of greate and hie corage With many other of the baronage ¶ Th erle of Ewe and his brother manly Faught in that feld and gate aworthy name And many mo did tho full doughtely I dare well saie was none therfore to blame All other also whiche that were worthy of fame I would haue wrytē if I had knowen their mede But to heraldes I will commit their deede ¶ Thei sleugh therles of Boughan Douglas And of Wigton of Scotland that wer there The lord of Enermeth of Scotland then was With greate people that dedde then there were Our Englishmenne full manly theim bere The regent was there that daye a lion And faught in armes like any champion The CC .xxvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe Mountague erle of Salisbury layde siege to Orle aunce and was slayne there THerle of Salisbury then Mountague With great power layd siege to Orliaūce Wher slayn he was for whō men sore gan rewe So manly was his knightly diligence He laboured euer in marciall excellence Vnto the tyme as would th ende of fate With a quarell was slayne infortunate ¶ And buried was in Englande that yere With greate worshippe and hie solempnitee Richard Neuell had wed his doughter clere And erle was made that tyme by her in fee The regent then of great nobilitee By counsell of the duke then of Burgoyn Kepte Fraunce full well without any essoyn ¶ Then died his wife and wed then sone agayn The countee seynt Paules sister of Fraunce That leegeman was to kyng Henry certayne To the regent sworne as by full greate assuraūce With true seruice and all trewe aliaunce He kepte bothe Fraunce and eke all Normandy In peace and rest full well and worthely ¶ Th erle Richarde of Warwike kepte the kyng By all this tyme sith the duke was dead Of Excester that first hym had in kepyng Th erle Richard in mykell worthyhead Enfourmed hym but of his symplehead He coulde litle within his brest conceyue The good from eiuill he could vneth perceyue The CC .xxvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kyng was enoynted and crouned in England in the yere of Christe a thousande CCCC and .xxix. and of his reigne the .viii. yere And afterwarde he was crouned in Fraunce the yere a thousand CCCC and .xxxi. and of his reigne the .x. yere in whose presence the regent ceased of his office for whiche he was wroth with the cardinall is vncle for asmuche as the kynge was there presente therfore there shulde bee no regente THe kyng then in his .viii. yere in Englande At Westmynster vpō saynt Leonardes daye The sondaye then as I can vnderstande And of Christ was then a thousande full I saye Foure hundreth and .xx. and .ix. no naye He crouned was with all solempnitee By whole assent of lordes and commontee ¶ Then of his reigne accompte the .x. yere To Fraunce he went wher then at saynt Denys His fathers eme the cardinall full clere Hym crouned fayre with bishoppes there full wise The regent was there with suche seruice As was due of reason and to hym appent The duke of Burgoyne also obedient ¶ The duke also was there of Britayne The counte saynt Paule and the duke Embarre Th erle of Foys with other lordes of Guyan
Wherfore the duke loste his great auauntage And was no more then after defensour But then he fell in a greate errour Moued by his wyfe Elianor Cobham To truste her so men thought he was to blame ¶ He waxed then straunge eche day vnto that kyng For cause she was foriudged for sossery For enchaunmentees that she was in workyng Agayne the churche and the kyng cursedly By helpe of one mayster Roger Donly And into Wales he went of frowardnesse And to the kyng had greate heuynesse ¶ Wherfore the lordes then of the kinges coūsaile Made the kyng to set his hye parlyament At Burye then whether he came without fayle Where in parlesey he dyed incontynent For heuynesse and losse of regyment And ofte afore he was in that sykenesse In poynt of death and stode in sore destresse ¶ When of the kyng was .vii. and twenty yere Then he so dyed in full and h 〈…〉 creaunce As a christen prince of royall bloude full clere Contryte in herte with full greate repentaunce With mouth confessed to Goddes hye pleasaunce Vnto the earth that is all fleshe his neste His body went his soule to heauens reste ¶ And of the kyng the .xxix. yere In Maye ▪ the duke of Suffolke toke the sea On pilgramage to passe as dyd apere With Brigauntes then with compassed enmyte Hym slewe and heded with full great cruelte Agayne assuraunce of the kynges proteccyon That worthy were the death for insurreccyon ¶ That same yere then at the hye parlyament Was made a playne and a hole resumpcyon Of all the landes by sad and hole aduysement Whiche the kyng had geuen of his affeccyon To any wyght by patent or conccssyon Then taxe ceased and dymes eke also In all Englande then raysed were no mo The CC .xxxiii. Chapiter ¶ The duke of yorke was made protectour and chyef of councell the thyrty yere of kyng Henry the sixte and the Earle of Salisbury was chaunceller of Englande THe duke of Yorke then made was protectour And gouerned wel but .ii. yere not endured Discharged he was with passing great mur mour Of cōmons hole amonge them thē ensured To helpe hym so with power auentured For he was set the comon wele to auayle By his laboure and his hole counsayle ¶ But ay the better that he to God was set The more were other by worde and dede The contrarye to laboure and to let His good purpose to pursue and to spede So that he had no hap for to procede For sotell menne hym let ay at the ende The cōmon wele to mayntene and amende ¶ The Earle Richard also of Salisbury So was disposed in all thynges to the same Whiche was the cause of theyr death fynally For whiche of ryght ne muste folowe blame Their lyues well kepte had bene without shame For tho princes two died in their kynges right For the publike wele of eche Englishe wight ¶ The .xxx. yere this was then of the kyng When they the kyng then had in gouernaunce And ruled hym well in all maner thyng And made good rule and noble ordynaunce Auoyding all misrule and misusaunce For worshyp of the kyng and of his realme Without doubte or any other probleme The CC .xxxiiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the Earle of Northumberlande the duke of Somerset and the lorde Clyfforde were slayne at saynte Albones the thyrty and .iiii. yere of his reigne where that duke of yorke the Earle of Salisbury and the earle of Warwike toke the kyng 〈◊〉 kept hym in good rule the twenty two days of Maye that was then the Thursdaye next of Pen teco●t the yere of Christ a thousand foure hūdred lv THei were put by from all their good entent And straūge were hold after many a daye To the thirty yere and thre by hole consent At sainct Albones then vpon the thursdaye Accompted then next afore Witsondaye Thei slewe the duke Edmond then of Somerset For cause he had the realmes we le so lette ¶ Th erle then of Northumberland was there Of sodein chaunce drawen furth with the kyng And slain vnknowne by any manne ther were The lord Clifford ouer busie in werkyng At the barres theim mette sore fightyng Was slain that daye vpon his owne assaut As eche manne saied it was his owne defaute ¶ Th erle of Wiltshire with fiue hundred menne Fled fro the kyng full fast that tyme a waye The duke of Buckyngham was hurte there then The kyng thei tooke and saued in good araye To Wistminster with hym thei tooke the waye And ruled hym well in all prerogatife As kyng of right without any strife The CC .xxxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe that lord Audely faught with therle of Salisbury at Bloreheth at Mighelmas terme in the thirty and eight yere of his reigne ¶ Yet were these lordes voyde fro that kyng again The duke of Yorke and therle of Salisbury Th erle also of Warwike nought to layn Without cause I can not remembre why But at Bloreheth the lord Audely in hie With therle of Salisbury faught full sore Th erle preuailed and Audely slain was thore ¶ The thirty yere and eight of the kyng And so he went to Ludlowe on his waye The duke of Yorke in Wales had shippyng To Ireland then he went full well awaye Therles of March and Salisbury that daye And of Warwike as God it had purueighed To Calais went their waye no thyng denied The CC .xxxvi. Chapiter ¶ Of the battaill of Northampton wher the Earle of March therle of Warwike preuailed led the king to Westminster kept hym there the yere of his reigne right and thirty and the yere of Christ a thousād foure hundred nyne and fiftie and slewe the duke of Bokyngham therle of Shrowisbury tresorer of England the lord Beaumont sir Thomas Percy lord Egremond and led the kyng with theim to London and gouerned hym full well and worthely the tenth daye of Iuly AT Couentree the king in his parlyament Proclaimed theim all thre for rebellours But afterward all three of one assent At Northampton came as worthy warriours In somer after to been the kyng his socours Wher then the duke of Buckyngham theim met With power greate and trust haue theim ouerset ¶ Th erle of Shrewesbury was with hym thore The lord Baumount with hym was also The lord Egremount full stout in feate of warre Whiche foure were slain with mikell people mo Beside Northampton on the Thursdaye tho The third daye of the moneth of Iuly And in the reigne of the kyng eight and thirty ¶ Thei saued the kyng kept hym sauf sound With greate honour therle of Marche Edward Th erle also of Warwike in that stound And with hym rode so furth to London ward Full worshipfully thei kept hym thens forward In all state royall as did append And as his menne vnto hym did attend The CC .xxxvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the battaill of Wakefeld wher the North partie preuailed was the fifth daye of Christmasse and of the kyng his reigne
maryage for the humylytie or basenes of stocke that the lady was of he wold no prynce or kynges to haue knowne of it no not so muche as her owne father Rycharde the earle for the whyche cause when it was blased abrode euerye man dyd meruayle greatelye kynges and prynces were dyspleased and grudged at it and sayde playnelye that it was not for hys honoure so to dooe and beganne to reproue the foresayde maryage shamefullye and for that he was led rather by blynde Cupyde than by anye reason they dyd incessaūtlye reproue the same And ether thys was the cause of the sedycion whyche afterwarde dyd ryse betwyxte kynge Edwarde and the earle of Warwycke or els the pryuie enuye and malice whiche was in both theyr hertes nowe brastynge out wherby an occasiō or quarel might be picked For Edward after that he had got his kyngdome as it was openly knowne by the erle of Warwykes meane and helpe begonne to suspect hym for that he was in such authoritee so that he woulde haue plucked somewhat frome him diminished his powre wherby he myght haue ruled all thynges at his owne pleasure both in hys owne countree in other nacions So that a man may see it ofte chaunceth that frendes will geue very seldome condygne rewarde to a mans deseruinges yea eftsones when a greate benefite is bestowed or cōferred vpon theim thei will like ingrate persons nothyng cōsider it Of this the earle of Warwycke was not vnknowing the whiche although he loked for better thankes a more ample benefite at his hādes yet neuertheles he thought best to dissēble and cloke y● matter vntill such oportunitie might be had wherby he myght considering the wylfulnes of the kynge exprobrate vnto hym the pleasures that he had done for him And it is verye true and euidēt that king Edward dyd make serche in his house for a thing that touched much his honestie wher the earle in dede was a man that loued women well and had great fantesie to their company But what soeuer it was ether euell wyll or desire of the empire that theyr league shuld bee infringed or broken after that the earle had sure knowledge by the letters of hys frendes that the king had got him a wife priuely and that al that he had done with king Lewis in his embassad for the ioyning of this newe affinitee was but frustrate and in vain he was so ernestly moued with it that he thought best that the kynge shuld be deposed frō the crowne and as one not worthy of such a kingly offyce But to oure purpose The earle of Warwyke beyng then sore vexed and moued wyth the kynge least that in this his furoure hys intēt beyng rashely gone aboute shulde bee broughte to no good ende he determined so lōge to suffer beare suche iniuries vntyll suche tyme that he myghte brynge his matters to passe as he wolde haue thē whiche shortly after came into Englande and salutyng the kynge dyd hys message vnto hym makinge hym selfe to bee ignoraunte of that maryage And after that the earle throughe the licence of the king went into his shyre of Warwike partly to take his pleasure and partly for the preseruation of his safetie and helth whyche was the yere of oure lorde God a. M CCCC .lxvii. and the. vi yeare of the reygne of kynge Edwarde In the whiche yeare George Neuell brother to the earle was made archebyshoppe of Yorke after the dyscease of Wyllyam late archebyshoppe before him beeynge the .lii. byshoppe that had possessed that rome and Phylyppe duke of Burgoyne dyed the same yeare and Charles hys soonne was made duke a manne bothe for manhode and valyantenes in warre moste exellente Thys Rycharde as we sayde before was in hys shyre of Warwycke and there callynge to hym George the archebysshope of yorke and Iohn Montacure Marques hys brethren bothe and after long communycation had of many thinges the space of .ii. or .iii. dayes at length gettynge meete occasion to speake of the kynge and hys doinges dyd shewe hys mind to theim desyrynge theim by all the wayes that he coulde possyble to take kynge Henry hys part and to helpe him to the crowne saiynge after this wyse and maner Brethren it is not of anye lyghtenes of mynde but of playne iudgemente that I am moued to speake of kynge Edward and king Henrye Thys Henrye is a very godlye manne and loueth theim that bee hys faythfull subiectes and doth cōsyder also who taketh paynes for him whyche hathe a soonne borne by nature to bee of greate worthynes prayse and free lyberalitee by whome euerye manne maye perceaue muche god lynes whyche helpeth hys father nowe beynge in thraldome and captiuitee as muche as in hym lyeth And as for kynge Edwarde he is a man full of contumelye and ingratytude geuen all to pleasure euell wyllynge to take anye paynes and promotynge rather theim that come of nought than noble and auncient men Wherefore I thyncke it wyll come to passe shortlye that eyther he wyll destroye all nobilitee or elles nobilitee destroye him But before al other we shulde fyrste enterprise to reuenge oure cause whych haue fyrste taken hurt at hys handes For he as I am sure you knowe it bothe after that he was kynge dyd fyrste pryuelye gooe aboute to defyle oure dygnitee and then after dyd openly intende our confusyon and losse of honoure as thoughe he was not broughte to that dygnitee by vs and not we by hym and therfore euen now of late when I went ambassadour to Fraunce I was had in no regard whereby the estimation whiche all kynges haue conceaued of vs partely gotten by our auncetours partly by our owne trauailes peines shal nowe be extynguished vtterly nothinge sette by And by these ꝑsuacions he wonne his brother the archebishoppe his hert brought him to be of his minde but he could not so sone nor easelye persuade the Lorde Marques for at that first he would by no meanes be moued to worke treason at any hād against kyng Edward but at the last whē the earle had promysed him the helpe powre of many noble prynces he was cōtented to kepe warre The which Marques as he was vnwilling to consent to this at that fyrst so dyd he at the time of warre holde more of king Edwardes side thē king Henryes as it shal appere more plain hereafter the which was both destruccion to him his .ii. brethren After this the earle of Warwike a man of greate wytte perceauing George the duke of Clarēce brother to kīg Edward to beare no great good wyl toward his brother that king what so euer the matter was first to proue hym and to knowe his minde begāne to complain a lytle of the king his doinges then after that the duke was in the same tale wyth hym again shewed him also what iniuries he had taken at his brothers hand he beyng somwhat bolder to speake brake his mynde more at large
not beleue to the entente that he myghte the more enbouldē certaine of his compaigny then despayryng and geuyng theimselfe to flight beganne to make a newe hoste and with many faire promyses did wowe his brother in lawe Thomas Stanley to take his parte but when that said Thomas would by no meanes fight or rebell agaynste kyng Edwarde then seeyng it was tyme to gooe one waye and he mistrustyng that he was not able to resiste the power of hys enemyes fled wyth the duke of Clarence his soonne in lawe to Excetre and whē he had taried there two or three dayes seyng that he lacked al thynges necessarye for warre purposed to gooe to Lewes the kyng of Fraunce with whom at his ambassate into Fraunce was veraye well acquaynted and beloued trustyng ether to haue some helpe of the kyng or els to incense hym wholy to fight against hym and so toke shippe at Dartmouth both he and the duke with a greate nombre of theyr familie and sayled with the wynde to Normandie where the chiefe lord of that towne entreteyned hym most royally in al the hast certified that kyng Lewes of his cōmyng thither And that kyng meruailyng greatlye at that noble actes that that erle had doen was mynded thorowly to helpe hym in all that he could when he knewe that he was lāded in Fraūce was glad of it sent to hym certayn of his nobles to shewe hym that he did wishe to haue an occasion wherby he might helpe hym at this time would gladly dooe for him desieryng hym to come to Ambassy where the kyng laye which Ambassy is a manour place of that kynges set vpō the ryuer syde of Loire the duke also his sonne in law and that it should not bee for his losse or harme This was that .ix. yere of kyng Edwardes reigne when the erle fled to Fraunce and of our Lorde a M CCCC and .lxxx. But this greued kyng Edward that thei wer fled for because many of the people and cōmunaltee was desyrous to see hym and thought that the sonne had been goone from theim and out of this worlde when he was absent And in suche estimaciō and honour was he had of the people that thei worshipped honoured none but hym or at the least none more then hym In so muche that his only name was euery mannes song voyce especially of the cōmē people when they made triumphe abrode in that stretes Wherby the moste parte helde of the earle his syde and bare hym more fauoure in theyr hartes then kyng Edward Wherby the kyng was in feare and daunger both of his owne countremen that wer in his realme and of theim that were abrode in Fraunce but before all other he did prouide for that erle his cōmyng And first he sente to Charles the duke of Burgom his brother in law desiryng him that he would manashe Lewes the kyng with whom he had made a league of peace not to aide the erle of Warkwike or that duke his sonne in lawe neither with mony nor with mē The which Charles wrote to that kyng of Fraūce thretened hym many thynges if so that he mainteyned or helped theim And when the kyng of Fraūce had red his letter aūswered again saied that he might lawfully would sauyng his league truce helpe his frēds that wer valiaūt noble men as the earle was and settyng nothyng by all his thretenyng braggyng wordes sayd it shoulde bee neither greate peyne nor coste to hym Whē these tydynges came into England that kyng was veraye sorie for that cause searched priuely in his realme who wer frēdes to his enemies And for feare by that reason of the examinaciō of theim that wer prisoners in his hand some did take sentuarie and some came to the kynges side And emonges theim the lord Marques Montacute offered hymself to the kyng again to helpe hym in his warres whom the kyng gladly receaued for because that by him mo would leane to his side In this meane season the erle of Warwike the duke went to Ambassy wher the kyng of Fraūce was by the way the people came veraye thicke to see hym because they harde so muche speakyng of his noblenesse when he came there the kyng receaued hym moste gently to whō shortly after the erle did breake his mynd and shewed the cause of his commyng To whome the kyng promysed all that he coulde dooe for hym to the vttermoste extente of his power Sone after quene Margarete the wife of Henrye that .vi. came to theim with her sōne prince Edward and the earle of Penbruck and also of Oxēforde the whiche a lytle before sayled ouer to her After they cōmuned together as concernyng that safegard of their bodies a league was made thorowe the kyng of Fraunce his counsel And first lady Anne the doughter of the earle was maried and despoused to prynce Edwarde the quenes soonne Also the erle and the duke promysed faithfullye that they woulde not geue ouer vnto suche tyme that kyng Henrye the .vi. or Edwarde his soonne were proclaymed kyng of Englande after kyng Henry that the erle and the duke should ouersee and gouerne the realme by the wyll and apoyntmente of the quene Margarete and her sonne prince Edwarde vnto suche tyme that the forenamed prince wer of lawfull age and habilitee the whiche they promysed faythfully to obserue and dooe as they wer apoynted And besydes these many other condicions were made aswel for that reason did so require as the busynes that was at that tyme. When this league of truth faithfulnes was thus made the kyng Lewes holpe the erle with mēne harnes and nauie that he might the surer go to Englāde And Rhenate also the father of y● quene Margarete gaue hym mēne harnyse to his power So that he hauyng no small nombre of men did take shippe at Sayne mouth ther tariyng hard word from Englād by letters that he should come ouer in all the haste that there were so many that would take his parte that he shoulde haue no nede to bryng any with hym for they wer redy in harneyse at the water side willyng to helpe hym in al that they could and not they onely but many noble men princes would helpe hym both with mony men harneyse with all that they could dooe When he had receaued these letters he purposed to go forth and take the oportunitee of the tyme. And because that the quene was not redy to set forth he the duke of Oxēford and the duke of Penbruch went before with parte of that hoste nauye to trie what chaūce thei shuld haue that if all thinges should chaunce well the quene and the prynce should folowe and come vnto Englande Therfore the Earle and the Duke thanking the king as highly as they coulde for that he had doone so much for theim dyd take their leaue and sayled vnto Englande with all their
armie Then the Duke of Burgoyne not contented that the earle shoulde bee holpen of the king of Fraūce agaynst king Edward prepared a great nauye of shippes aboute the costes of Normandye that he might take hym cōming towardes Englande yet neuerthelesse the Earle escaped all daungers and landed safe he and all his menne at Dartmouth frome the whiche place he sayled to Fraunce halfe a yere before After that the Earle came to lande he made a proclamacion in king Henry the .vi. name that all they that were of lawfull age shoulde make battayle agaynst Edwarde duke of Yorke whiche agaynste all ryghte and lawe at that tyme had the crowne The whiche when it was doon it cannot be spoken howe soone it went aboute all the realme that he was come and had made this proclamacy on at the whiche also is not to be expressed howe many thousandes of menne came to hym The Earle hauing all this power greate armie went streyght to London whome when Edwarde perceyued to drawe nighe he fledde for the tyme trustyng to haue hym at some vauntage but at the laste he was dryuen to that ende that he had no mynde to get any hoste to resyst his enemies but beyng in greate daunger of his owne lyfe fled with the duke of Gloucestre his brother vnto a towne night the sea called Lye and there taking shippe sayled into Flaunders to Charles the Duke of Burgoyne with greate daunger and parell of his lyfe by the reason of the boisterouse cruel winde Elizabeth his wyfe beyng then greate ●●th childe dyd take sentuarye at Westmynster where she was broughte in bedde with a m●n chylde whose name was Edward After that the earl 〈…〉 newe of the going awaye of kyng Edward he made haste to London and hearing of the tumulte and busynesse that was in Kente and that all the villages and suburbes there were spoyled piteously a lytel before the going awaye of that kyng pacified theim and sette all thinges in good ordre agayne by the doing of the whiche benefyte he was the more louingly accepted of theim all and that doon came to the towre there deliuered kyng Henry the .vi. out of prisone geuing hym his robe of maies●ye broughte hym to Poules the people reioysing on euery syde and there thanked God for that it had chaunsed as they wolde desired And this was the yere of our Lorde a. M .iiii. C. foure score and one that kyng Henry beganne to reigne So that king Henry so often vanquyshed began to reigne nowe likely shortely after to faule againe The which fortune chaunsed to hym by many mennes opinions because he was a very simple and innocent man and that he had rather in godlinesse vertue excell other then in honoure and rule so that for the loue that he had to religion he loked for no dignitee or honoure whiche chaunseth to fewe that wil not seke for it or regard kepe it when they haue it But his enemies saide he was a coward had not the herte or manlynesse to bee a kyng or meete for that offyce So that who soeuer despiseth that the cōmune people alloweth maruaileth at is accompted for a mad man contrariwyse he that doeth agree to theim and in their tale he is a wise man where in dede suche wisdom as it is comēly saide is foolishnesse before God Also some saide it was the will of God that it should so bee for his graundfather Henry the fourth gotte it by violencye and force of armes so that it coulde not bee longe enioyed of hym but that faute of the graundesire did redounde on the nephewes But nowe to that matter After this king Henry held his parlyament at Westmynster the .xxvi. daye of Nouembre in the whiche Edwarde is declared openly tray toure to his coūtree bycause he had taken that crowne to him and all his goodes geuen away in like maner al theirs that did take his parte and so iudgement was geuen on theim to dye Furthermore all that decrees statutes and actes of that forenamed Edward were broken of none effecte And then that earle of Warwike as a man that had deserued much of his coūtre was made gouernoure ouer all that realme to whō he did take the duke of Clarence as felowe to hym So by that meanes that realme was brought to a new state cleane transformed altered To this parliament came the lorde Marques Mountacute the which excusing his treason that he did take kyng Edward his parte saing it was for feare of death had his pardone ▪ Truely yf this man had taken kyng Edwardes part had stand to his side manly he had not been so sore an enemie and hurted so much his frendes as he was being a false fained and coloured frende for those thinges that we be ware of and knewe before to bee pernicious dooe lesse hurte vs. But nowe quene Margarete being in Fraunce prayed euery daye from that time the Earle went into England for the victorie the whiche when she knewe was obteined by the king his letters that came to her shortely after did take shyppe towardes England but thorowe that sharpnesse of the wether and greate tempestes she was constrayned to lande and to differre her iourney to an other tyme. At the same tyme Gaspar the earle of Penbruch went to Wales to his Earledome where he founde lorde Henry the Earle of Richemonde his brothers sonne a chylde of ten yere olde there kepte prysoner but lyke a noble man of the erle willyam Harberte his wyfe whome we spake of before that Edwarde had made hym erle and then after taken in batayl was behedded at the cōmaundement of the earle of Warwike This is that Henry the whiche when Richard the thirde brother to Edward was ouercome and vanquished had the gouernaunce of the realme of whome this is to bee beleued that after that he came to his kingdō sent as one by god to quench and put awaye the greate sedicion and stryfe that was betwixte Henry and Edwarde seyng that he minded nothyng so muche as that whome lady Margarete the onely doughter of Iohn the fyrste Duke of Somerset dyd bryng for the beyng but fourtene yeres of age the whiche althoughe she was maryed after to Henry the duke of Bucking ham his sonne and after that to the earle of Derby yet she neuer broughte for the chylde after as thought she had doone her parte when she hadde borne a manne chylde and the same a kynge of a realme Gasper the earle of Penbruch tooke thys chylde Henrye from the earle Harberte hys wife and brought hym soone after to London to king Henry the syxte whome when the kynge had beeholded longe holding hys peace and maruailing at the goodlye wytte of the chylde sayde in thys wyse to the nobles that were at that tyme present Loo thys is he thys is he I saye to whome both wee and oure aduersaries shall geue place to in possession And by
traitours to be bestowed gyuen abrode also the banished menne that fled as rebelles and false to their countree to bee brought in that if any grudge or eiuill will wer betwixt any one or other of the nobilite that ther it should bee forgottē turned to loue lastly that certain mony should bee payed to the kyng towardes that greate charges of his werre When he had thus studied determined to liue quietly set his realme in good ordre Charles the duke of Burgoin sēt for aide to hym against Lewes the Frēche kyng so that he could neuer bee at rest but one thyng or other shuld disquiet hym for he could not deny hym helpe consideryng the benefites that he had receiued of hym at diuerse sūdry tymes before that that he nowe fought against his dedly enemie whiche aided the erle of Warwike bothe with menne mony to come against hym Wherfore he assēblyng his coūsaill together shewyng theim the matter sent woord to the duke that he would kepe one piece or parte of a battail agaīst the kyng For in deede at that same tyme there was mortall battaill betwixt the duke Lewes that kyng because that the same Lewes was a very harde manne churlishe also hurtefull aswell to his frēdes as to his foes many Frēchmen abhorryng his cōdicions did consent to hold with that duke And emong many other one Lewes of Lucēburge did apoinct with the duke to dooe mischief to hym one waye or other so that the kyng was bothe in daūger of his owne coūtree menne also of the duke beyng a straūger The duke shewed this to kyng Edward that he might the soner allu●e entise hym to battaill And vpō this kyng Edward toke his voiage to Fraūce takyng besides his tribute that he had certain mony of the lordes commons of the realme which thei of their owne gētlenes gaue vn to hym to the sustenaūce maintenyng of his armie And for that the kyng called that tribute leuiyng of mony beneuolēce whiche neuerthelesse was giuen with an eiuill will of many one But he vsyng suche gētle fassions towardes theim praiyng theim so hartely of their assistaunce that thei could none other wise dooe but geue it hym Whiche whē he had he gathered his armie whiche was .xx. M. went to Caleys the .iiii. daye of July Whō Charles that duke did mett reioysyng gretely at his victory did instantly desire hym that he would sticke stoutely to this battaill that he might haue of that Frenche kyng that he had lost by hym But when Lewes that kyng hard that Edward came with his armie he encreased the nombre of his people as muche as he could the more nigher the daunger that he was the sooner hastely he came vpon theim And with this armie he sent foorthe Robert of Stoteuill a noble capitain to the coostes Atrebatium to resyst the power of the Englishe menne And the kyng hym self taried at Siluanect castyng with hymself what waye he might make a league of peace betwixt that duke that kyng of England hym Heryng therfore that that king was gone to Atrebates he sēt ambassodours to hym for peace whose myndes when that kyng had knowē although he had foūd but litle frēdship at his hādes in tymes past yet consideryng that all his substaūce treasure was wasted in ciuile battail that he was not hable to maintein a newe hoost if nede shuld be nor yet vnneth sustein theim whom he had vnder his bāner thought best euē for pure necessite to leaue to peace growe to atonemēt with Lewes that kyng The whiche thyng he might dooe also sauing his honour cōsideryng that bothe the duke Robert of Lucēburge aforenamed had not dooē accordyng to their promise So that at the desire of the ambassadours he went to speake with the kyng at Pinquinake a toune in Ambiā shire wher noble mēne dooe assēble together there found y● kyng Thē bothe that kynges after due salutaciō either to other had long communicaciō at the last a peace was cōfirmed stablished for many yeres for the a●●emēt wherof the Frēche kyng gaue vnto Edward toward his charge cost lxcv M. crounes from thēs forth yerely l. M. crounes After that truce made mony paid kyng Edward wēt to Caleis from thēs to Englād In this battaill none was slain sauyng onely that duke of Exceter the whiche māne was in sētuary before cōmaunded to folowe y● kyng was put to death cōtrary to that promise made This was the yere of our lord M CCCC .lxxv. frome that tyme foorth Lewes that kyng payed duely his raunsome to Edward vnto the laste yere before he dyed at what tyme he denyed the paymente as though he knewe before his laste dayes But the duke of Burgoyne and Roberte of Lucenburgh after they had knowen that Edwarde had made a league wyth Lewes the kynge they freted sore with hym and wrote sharpe letters of thretenyng and tauntyng hym saiyng that he was the cause that they reuenged not theimselfes of the kyng Whose fyrye and thundryng wordes the kyng no more passed vpon then of the turnyng of his hāde And as for Lucenburgh he was taken prysoner and for his proude and malicious writyng behedded at Lutece Thus kyng Edward beyng in quietnes both in his countre and abrode also although he mighte wel thynke hymself to lyue so perpetually for that he had been so great a conquerour yet consideryng that the erle of Richemōde was of nigh affinitee to Hēry the .vi. he was not out of feare daunger Therfore he thought ones to attempte the duke of Britayn agayn with giftes promyses faire wordes that he might haue y● erle whō he thought to rule as he would after that his auncestrie was geuen The ambassadours came to the duke with a great substaunce of mony that their request might bee the honestier they shewed the duke that they came to desire the erle of hym that he mighte marye the kynges doughter so that by affinite al euil wyll grudge might be forgotten and sedicion vtterlye reiected although they entended not so to cause al suche thynges to bee forgotten but by the death kyllyng of hym The duke after longe and muche deniyng theim at the laste thorowe muche entreatyng and also great rewardes that was brought gaue the earle to theim sendynge a letter to the kynge in prayse and commendation of hym not thynkynge that he commytted the lambe to the woulfe but the soonne to the father The ambassadours was verye glad that they had got hym and sayled into Englande in all the haste they coulde But the earle knowynge well that he wēt to hys death for sorowe and care that he conceaued in hys mynde was caste in an agewe When he was goone one Ihon Chenlet suche a man as could not bee found agayne in al the countre in great fauour with the duke hearing of
And to bee sure of all enemyes as he thought he sent for .v. thousande menne of the north against his coronacion whiche came vp euell apparelled and worsse harneyssed in rustie harneys neyther defensable nor scoured to the sale whiche mustered in fynesoury felde to the great disdayne of all the lokers on The fourth daye of Iuly he came to the towre by water with his wife and the fyfte daye he created Thomas Lorde Haward duke of Norffolke syr Thomas Haward his soonne he created Earle of Surrey and Willyam lorde Barkeley was then created erle of Notyngham and Fraunces lorde Louell was then made Vicount Louell and the kynges chaumberlayne and the lorde Stanley was deliuered out of warde for feare of his sonne the lorde Straunge whiche was then in Lancasshyre gatheryng menne as menne saied and the saied lorde was made Stuard of the kynges hou sholde like wyse the archbyshoppe of Yorke was deliuered but Morton bishop of Ely was deliuered to the duke of Buckingham to kepe in warde whiche sent hym to his manoure of Brecknoke in Wales from whence he escaped to kyng Richardes confusyon The same nighte the kyng made .xvii. knightes of the bathe The nexte day he rode throughe Londō with great pompe in especiall the duke of Buckinghā was richely appareled his horse trapped in blewe veluet enbroudered with the naues of cartes burning of golde whiche trapper was borne by footemē frō the grounde with suche asolēpne fassyon that all menne muche regarded it On the morowe being the .vi. day of Iuly the kyng came toward his coronaciō into Westminster hal where his chapell all the prelates mytred receaued hym And so they in ordre of processyon passed forward After the procession folowed therle of Nor thumberlād with a pointlesse sweard naked the lorde Stanley bare the Mace of the constableship The erle of Kent bare the second swerd on the right hand of the kyng naked The lord Louell bare an other swerd on the lefte hand Then folowed the duke of Suffolke with the Sceptre and therle of Lincolne with the balle and crosse After theim folowed the newe Erle of Surrey with the swerd of estate in a riche skabard On the ryght side of hym went the duke of Norffolke bearing the croune then folowed kyng Richard in a Circot and robe of purple veluet vnder a canable borne by the barones of that fyue portes going betwene the bishoppes of Bathe and Duresme The duke of Buckingham with the rod of the high stuard of Englande bare the kynges traine After hym folowed the erle of Hunting don bearing the quenes sceptre and the Vicount Li●●e bearing the rod with the doue And the erle of Wilshere bare the quenes croune Then folowed quene Anne doughter to Richard erle of War wike in robes lyke to the kyng betwene two bysshoppes and a canabie ouer her hed borne by the Barones of the portes On her hed a rich coronal set with stones and pearle After her folowed the countesse of Richmond heire to the duke of Somerset whiche bare vp the quenes traine After folowed the duchesse of Suffolke and Norffolke with coūtesses baronesses ladies many faire gentilwemē in this ordre they passed thorough the palaice entred the abbay at the west end so came to their seates of estate And after diuerse sōges sol●ply song they both discended to the high altare were shifted from their robes had diuerse places open frō the middle vpward in whiche places they were anointed Then both the kyng the quene chaunged theim into cloth of gold ascended to their seates where the cardinal of Cauntourburie other byshoppes theim crouned according to the custome of the realme geuing hym the scepter in the left hād and the balle with the crosse in the ryght hand the quene had the sceptre in her right hand the rod with the doue in the left hand On euery side of the kyng stode a duke before hym stode therle of Surrey with the swerd in his handes And on euery side of the quene stāding a bishop a ladie kneling The Cardinal song masse after paxe the kyng the quene discended before the high altare they wer bothe houseled with one hoste deuyded betwene thē After masse finished they bothe offred at saint Edwardes shrine there the kyng lefte the croune of saint Edward and put on his owne crowne And so in ordre as they came they departed to westminster hal so to their chambres for a ceasō duryng which time the duke of Norffolke came into the hal his horse traped to the ground in cloth of gold as high mershall and voided the hall About .iiii. of the clocke the kyng quene entred the halle and the kyng sate in the middle and the quene on the left hand of the table on euery side of her stoode a countesse holding a clothe of pleasaunce when she list to drinke And on the right hād of the kyng sat the byshop of Cauntourbury the ladies sat all on one side in the middle of the hall And at the table againste theim sat the Chauncelloure and all the lordes At the table next the cupborde sate the Maire of London And at the table behinde the lordes sate the Barones of the portes And at the other bordes sate noble and worshypfull personages When all persones wer sette the the duke of Norffolke earle Mershal the earle of Surrey constale for that daye the lorde Stanley lorde Steward Sir willyam Hopton treasourer and sir Thomas Percie comptroller came in and serued the kyng solemplye with one dishe of golde and another of syluer And the quene all in gylte vessell and the bishop all in siluer At the seconde course came into that hall sir Robert Democke the kynges champion making a proclamacion that whosoeuer woulde saye that kyng Richarde was not lawfullye kyng he woulde fight with hym at the vtteraunce and threwe downe his gauntlet thē all the hall cried kyng Richard And so he did in thre partes of the halle and then one broughte hym a cup of wyne couered when he had dronke he caste oute the drinke departed with the cuppe After that the herauldes cryed alargesse thryse in the halle so went vp to their staige At the ende of diner the Mayre of London serued the kyng quene with swete wyne and had of eche of theim a cuppe of golde with a couer of gold And by that tyme that all was done it was darkenight And so the kyng retourned to his chaumbre and euery man to his lodging When this feaste was thus fyneshed the kyng sente home all the lordes into their countrees that woulde departe excepte the lorde Stanley whome he reteyned tyll he hearde what his soonne the lorde straunge wente aboute And to suche as wente home he gaue streyghte charge and cōmaundement to see their countryes well ordred and that no wronge nor extorcion should bee done to his subiectes
been required by Thomas Hutton purposely sent to hym from kyng Richard in message with monye efte sones to imprisone the saied Henry erle of Richemoūt and there continually to kepe and holde the same frome cōminge into Englande yet with all gladnesse and fauoure inclined to the desyre of Henry and aided hym as he might with menne monye shypes and other necessaryes But Henry whyle he might accordynglye appoynte and furnyshe hym selfe remayned in Brytayne sendyng afore the foresayde Hughe Coneway and Thomas Ramney whiche two were to hym very trewe and faithful to beare tidynges into Englande vnto his frendes of his commynge to the ende that they myghte prouydentlye ordre all thynges aswell for the commodyous receauynge of hym at his comminge as also foreseynge suche daungers as myghte befalle and aduoydinge suche trappes and snares as by Rycharde the thyrde and hys complyces myght bee sette for hym and for all his other company that he should bryng with hym In the meane tyme the frendes of Henrye with all care studye and dilygence wroughte all thynges vnto their purpose belongynge And thoughe all this were as secretlye wrought and conueyed as emonge so greate a nombre was possible to be yet pryuye knowledge therof came to the eares of kyng Rychard who althoughe he were at the firste hearynge muche abasshed yet thought best to dyssemble the matter as thoughe he had no knowledge therof whyle he myghte secretly gather vnto hym power and strengthe and by secrete spyall emonge the people get more perfyght knowledge of the whole matters and chiefe autoures contryuers of the same And because he knewe be chiefe princypal of theim as vnto whō his owne conscience knewe that he hadde geuen moste iust causes of enemytee he thought it necessary first of all to dyspatche the same duke oute of the waye Wherfore vnto the duke he addressed letters enfarced and replenyshed with all humanytee frendshippe famylyaritee and swetenesse of woordes wyllyng and desyryng the same to come vnto hym with all conuenyent spede And ferther gaue in commaundemente to the messenger that caryed the letters that he shoulde in his behalfe make many high and gaye promyses vnto the duke by all gentle meanes persuade the same to come vnto hym But the duke mystrustyng the fayre woordes promyses so sodenly offred of hym of whose wylye craftes and meanes he knewe sondrye exsamples afore practised desyred the kynges perdon excusyng him self that he was deseased sicke and that he might be asserteined the if it possyble wer for hym to come he would not absent hym self frō his grace Thys excuse the kyng would not admitte but eftsones directed vnto the duke other letters of a more roughe sorte not wythoute manacynge and threatenynge onlesse he woulde accordynge to hys dutye repayer vnto hym at hys callynge whereunto the duke plainely made aunswer that he woulde not come vnto him whom he knewe to be hys enemye And immedyatelye the duke prepared hym selfe to make warre agaynst hym and perswaded all hys complyces and partakers of hys intente wyth all possyble expedycion some in one place and some in another to sturre agaynste kynge Rycharde And by thys meanes in maner at one tyme and houre Thomas Marques of Dorcester reysed an armye wythin the country of Yorke beyng hym selfe late come forthe of sāctuarye and by the meanes and helpe of Thomas Rowell preserued and saued frome perel of death Also in Deuonshyre Edwarde Courtenay wyth hys brother Peter byshoppe of Excetter reysed in lyke maner an armye and in Kent Rychard Guyl ford accompanied wyth certayn other gentylmen caysed vp the people as is a foresayde all thys was done in maner in one moment But the king who had in the meane tyme gathered together gret power strēgth thynkyng yt not to be best by pursuyng euery one of hys enemyes to dysparkle hys cōpaygnie in smal flokes determyned to let passe all the others withal his whole puisaunce to set vpon the chiefe heade that is to saye the Duke of Buckynghm̄ so takyng his iourneye from Londō he went towardes Salisbury to th entent that he might sette vpon the said duke in case he might haue perfight knowledge that the same laye in any felde embatailed And nowe was the kyng within twoo dayes iourney of Salisbury when the duke attempted to mete hym beyng accompaignied with great strength of Welshmen whom he had therunto en forced coherted more by lordly commaundement then by lyberall wages and hyre whiche thyng in deede was the cause that thei fell from hym and forsooke hym Wherfore beyng sodenly forsaken of his menne he was of necessite constrained to flee in whiche dooyng as a manne cast in sodeine and therfore greate feare of this the sodeine chaunge of fortune by reason of thesame feare not knowyng where to become nor where to hyde his hed nor what in suche case best to dooe he secretly conueighed hym self into the hous of Homffraye Banastar in whom he had conceaued a sure hope and confidence to finde faithfull and trustie vnto hym because thesame had been thē was his seruaunt entendyng there to remayne in secrete vntill he might either reise a newe armie or els by some meanes cōueigh hym self into Brytein to Henry erle of Rychemount But assone as theothers whiche had attempted thesame entrepryse against the kyng had knowledge that the duke was forsaken of his compaignie and fled and could not bee foūde thei beyng stryken with sodein feare made euery māne for hym self suche shift as he might and beyng in vtter despayre of their health and life either gotte theim to sāctuaryes or deserte places or els assaied to escape ouer sea many of theim in deede arryued sauely in Britain emong whom were these whose names ensue Peter Curteney bishop of Exceter with his brother Edward erle of Deuonshire Thomas marques of Dorcestre with his soonne Thomas beyng a verye yoūg chylde Ihō Bourshere Ihon Welshe Edward Wooduyle a stoute manne of armes and brother to Elizabeth the quene Robert Willoughby Gyles Dawbeneye Thomas Harondell Ihon Cheiny with his twoo brethren Wyllyam Berkeley Wyllyam Brandō with Thomas his brother Rychard Edgecome and all these for the moste parte knightes Also Ihon Halwell Edwarde Poyntz an excellēt good capitain Christopher Vrswicke but Ihon Moorton bishop of Ely at theself same tyme together with sondrye of the nobles and gentlemen sailed into Flaundres But Richard the kyng who was nowe come to Salisbury and had gotten perfight knowledge that all these parties sought to slie the realme with all dyligence and hast that might bee sent to all the porte tounes theraboute to make sure steye that none of theim might passe vntaken and made proclamacion that whosoeuer would bryng hym knowledge where the duke of Buckynghm were to bee had should haue for his rewarde if he were a bōdeman his frebome and if he were fre his pardon and besydes that a thousand pounde of moneye Furthermore because he vnderstode by
promysed hym ayde vpon the truste wherof he beganne to make redye his shippes that they might with all expedicion bee redy to sayle that no tyme should be loste In the whiche tyme kyng Richard was agayn retourned to London had taken dyuerse of theim that wer of this conspyracy that is to say George Browne Roger Clyfforde Thomas Selenger knyghtes Also Thomas Ramme Robert Clyfford and dyuerse other whom he caused to be put to death After this he called a parliament wherin was deereed that all those that were fled oute of the lande should be reputed and taken as enemyes to the realme and all their landes and goodes to bee forfayte and confiscate And not content with that preade which was no smal thyng he caused also a great taxe and some of monye to be leuyed of the people For the large giftes and lyberalytee that he first vsed to buye the fauoures frendshippes of many had now brought him in nede But nothing was more like then that Thomas Stanley shoulde haue bene reputed takē for one of those enemies because of the woorkyng of Margarete his wife which was mother vnto Henry erle of Richemoūt the which was noted for the chiefe hed worker of this cōspyracy But for asmuch as it was thought that it was to small purpose that wemen coulde dooe Thomas beynge nothyng fauty was dely●ed and cōmaūded that he should not suffre Margarete his wyfe to haue any seruaūtes about her neither that she should not go abroad but be shut vp and that from thence foorth she should sende no message neyther to her soonne nor to any of her other frendes wherby any hurte mighte be wrought agaynst the kyng the whiche commaundemēt was accomplyshed And by the authoryte of the same perliament a peace was concluded with the Scottes whiche a lytle before had skyrmyshed with the borderers Which thyng brought to passe the kyng supposed all conspiracye to bee clene auoyded for asmuche as the duke with other of his compaignie were put to death and also certen other bannyshed Yet for all this kyng Richard was daylye vexed and troubled partelye mystrustynge his owne strength and partely fearyng the commyng of Henrye with his compaignye so that he lyued but in a myserable case And because that he would not so continue any lenger he determyned with hym selfe to put awaye the cause of this his feare and busynesse either by pollecye or elles by strength And after that he hadde thus purposed with hym selfe he thought nothyng better then to tempte the duke of Britayn yet once again eyther with money prayer or some other speciall rewarde because that he had in kepyng the erle Henry moste chiefly because he knewe that it was only he that might delyuer hym from all his trouble by delyueryng or imprisoning the sayed Henry Wherfore incontmentlye he sente vnto the duke certein Ambassadoures the whiche should promesse vnto hym besyde other greate rewardes that they broughte with theim to geue hym yerely all the reuenues of all the landes of Henry and of all the other lordes there beyng with hym yf he woulde after the receyte of the ambassadoures put theim in prysone The Ambassadoures beynge departed and come where the duke laye could not haue communicacion with hym for asmuch as by extreme sicknesse his wyttes were feble and weake Wherfore one Peter Landose his Treasourer a manne bothe of pregnaunte wytte and of greate authoritee tooke this matter in hand For whiche cause he was afterwarde hated of all the lordes of Britain With this Peter the Englishe ambassadoures had communicacion declaring to hym the kynges message desyred hym instantlye for asmuche as they knewe that he might bring theyr purpose to passe that he woulde graunt vnto kyng Richardes request and he shoulde haue the yerely reuenues of all the landes of the sayed lordes Peter considering that he was greatly hated of the lordes of his owne nacion thoughte that yf he myght bring to passe thoroughe kyng Richarde to haue all these greate possessyons and yerely reuenues he should then bee hable to matche with theim well ynough and not to care a rushe for theim whereupon he aunswered the ambassadoures that he would doo that Richard dyd desire yf he brake not promesse with hym And this did he not for any hatred that he bare vnto Henry for he hated hym not for not longe before he saued his lyfe where the earle Henry was in greate ●eoperdye But suche was the good fortune of Englande that this craftye compacte tooke no place for whyle the letters and messengers ranne betwene Peter and kyng Kichard Iohn Bishoppe of Ely beinge then in Flaundres was certifyed by a preest whiche came oute of England whose name was Christopher Vrswicke of all the whole circumstaunce of this deuyce purpose Wherupon with all spede the sayed byshop caused the saied preest the same daye to cary know ledge therof into Britayn to Henry erle of Richemounte willing hym with all the other noble men to dyspatche theim selues with all possible haste into Fraunce Henry was then in Veneti whē he heard of this fraud without tariaunce sent Christopher vnto Charles the Frenche kyng desiring lycence that Henry with the other noble men myght safely come into Fraunce the which thing being sone obteigned the messenger retourned with spede to his lorde and Prince Then the earle Henry setting all his businesse in as good staye ordre as he mighte talked lytle and made fewe a counsail herof for the more expedicyon hereof he caused therle of Penbrucke secretly to cause all the noble men to take their horses dissembling to ride vnto the duke of Bretain but when they came to the vttermost partes therof they should forsake the waye that led theim toward the duke and to make into Fraunce with all that euer they might Then they dooing in euery thing as they were biddē loste no tyme but so sped theim that shortely they obteygned and gate into the coūtie of Angeou Henry then within .ii. dayes folowyng being then styll at Veneti tooke .iiii. or fyue of his seruauntes with hym and feigned as thoughe he woulde haue ryden therby to visyte a frende of his and forasmuche as there were many Englishmenne lefte there in the toune no manne suspected any thynge but after that he had kepte the ryghte waye for the space of fyue myles he forsooke that and turned streyghte into a woode that was thereby and tooke vpon hym his seruauntes apparell and putte his apparell vpon hys seruaunte and so tooke but one of theym with hym on whome he waited as thoughe he had bene the seruaunte and the other the maister And with all conuenyente and spedy haste so sette forthe on theyr iourney that no tyme was loste and made no more tariaunce by the way then onelye the baitynge of theyr horses so that shortly he recouered the coastes of Angeou where all his other companye was But within foure dayes after that the Earle was thus escaped
first hearyng of this the kyng was but litle moued but after that he was certified by the letters of his frendes that it was true he was in greate feare for that he had neyther an armye prepared nor harnyes for theim but because the mattier required haste least that by long taryeng his aduersaries power might bee encreased and multiplyed he commaunded the Duke of Bedforde to mete theim with three thousande mēne whiche were harnysed but barely for theyr breste plates were for the moste parte lether And he hym selfe in that meane tyme would gather vp an hoste where he might in euery place The duke hauyng his mē nigh to the tētes of his enemyes cōsulted with certain of his cōpaignie by what waye he mighte traine theim to peace withoute bloodde shedyng After the whiche deliberation aduisement had it was decreed that certaine shoulde proclaime openly that all thei should haue their pardonne that woulde leaue battaile The whiche proclamation auayled muche for the Lorde Louell eyther for some feare or mystrust that he had in his people or feryng hym selfe of his owne behalfe fledde pryuely in a night from his compaignie to Lankeshire ther remained a space with syr Thomas Broghton knight And when hys army had knowledge therof thei also submittyng theim selfes all to the Duke asked pardonne for their heinous offence The Lorde Stafforde also hearyng this was in a great agony and for feare dyd take sanctuarye at Colname .ii. miles from Abindon But because that sanetuary was not a defence for traytours he was taken from that place and behedded and his brother was ꝑdoned because he was thought not to haue done it of his owne will but thorowe the counsaill and perswasion of his brother After this businesse was asswaged and Yorke shyre set in peace and quietnes the Kyng went to London and shortelye after that to Wynchester where the Quene his wyfe was deliuered of a Prynce called Arthure and from Wynchester he retourned agayne to London Sone after it chaunsed that one syr Richard Symond preest borne by nature to be a traytour and sedicious personne and yet well learned had a chyld called Lambert Symenel to bee hys scholar by whome he inuented this crafte and disceat that he woulde make the chyld kyng of England and hym selfe archebyshoppe or some hygh potestate in the realme for he knewe verely that many menne supposed kyng Edwardes chyldren to bee fled into some straunge place and that Edwarde the Erle of Warwyke sonne to the Duke of Clarence ether was or should bee put to death shortly And to the ende he myght the better bryng hys purpose about he taught the chyld bothe learnyng good maners and also to order hym selfe as one linially descendyng from a hygh progenie Sone after the rumoure was that the younge Earle of Warwyke was dead in prysonne And when the preest heard of this he intendyng therby to bring his matters aboute chaunged the chyldes name and called hym Edwarde after the younge Earle of Warwyke the whiche were boothe of one age and then sayled into Irelande there opening his mynde to certain of the nobilitee whome he knew to beare but lytle fauoure to Kyng Henry where he was promysed ayde of the Lorde Gerardine chauncellour of all that countree and all that he coulde dooe Whyche Lorde fyrst callyng all hys frendes and louers together desyred their helpe in restoryng the yong Earle to his herytage And dyd sende certain into Englande to desire theym that were kynge Rychardes frendes to continue in their loue and faythfulnes towardes hym and helpe hys nephiewes chylde to his ryghte And that hys power myghte bee the stronger to ouercome hys enemyes he desyred Lady Margarete syster to kynge Edwarde and wyfe to the Duke of Burgondy to further hys purpose with her helpe whyche lady beyng then in Flaunders promised him by the messaungers that she would not onely maintaine his entente with large mony and substaunce but with all the laboure and peynes that she myght occasion other to be of the same conspiracie When kynge Henrye was certified of thys he was sore greued that by the meanes of suche a myscreaunte personne so great sedicion should bee neuerthelesse the kynge consideringe that it shoulde bee to the destruccion of manye menne yf that he shoulde fyghte with his enemies in open feelde called hys counsayle together at the Charter house besyde Rychemounde and there consulted to pacifie thys matter wythoute anye more dysturbaunce Where fyrste it was decreed that all thei shoulde bee pardoned for their offences and treasons latelye commytted whiche hath frome that tyme borne theim selfes vpryght towardes their kinge leaste that syr Thomas Broghton whyche kepte the Lord Louell from the king a great tyme wyth other despeyring of theyr pardon shoulde haue made some sodaine insurrection agaynst hym Further more that men shoulde not thyncke but that the Duke of Clarence was in Englande it was appoynted that he shoulde showe hym selfe abrode wherby the opynion that he was in Ireland myghte bee frustrate and accompted as a lye Also it was further determyned that the Ladye Elysabeth wyfe to kyng Edward the .iiii. shoulde lose al her landes because she had submitted her selfe and her doughters wholye to the handes of kynge Rychard contrary to the promyse made to the Lordes and nobles whyche at her desyre lefte al that they had in Englande and fledde to kynge Henrye in Brytayne and there dyd sweare hym to marye her eldeste daughter as she wylled theim to dooe But her purpose did not frame as God would Thys quene buylded a Collage in Cambrydge and gaue landes to the maynteyning of the same whiche at thys houre is called the quenes Collage When thys order and determynacion of the kynge was ended he wente to London and the nexte Sondaye folowynge he caused the young Earle to bee broughte out of the Tower through the streetes to Poules And there to shewe hym selfe to euerye bodye and taske with the chiefe and noble menne that were thoughte to haue conspyred agaynste kynge Henrye for thys cause that they myghte perceaue the Iryshe menne to moue battayle vnaduysedly and cause stryfe vppon no iuste occasion howebeit all thys nothyng auayled for the Earle of Lyncolne the Duke of Suffolkes soonne and nephewe to kynge Edwarde coulde not suffer kynge Henrye thus to reygne but as a traytoure sayled into Flaūders to the Ladye Margarete takynge wyth hym Syr Thomas Broghton with certayne other Where also the Lorde Louell landed twoo or three dayes before And there they beynge all together determyned that the Earle of Lyncolne and the Lorde Louell shoulde goo to Irelande and there attend vpon the counterfeyte Earle and brynge hym to Englande with all the power they myghte agaynste kynge Henrye So that yf their dooynges had good successe that then the foresayde Lambarte misnamed the Earle shoulde by the consente of the counsayle be deposed and the true Earle to bee delyuered oute of pryson and enherite his right and iuste
tytle of his dominion But the kyng not mistrusting any man to bee so foolysh hardy as to fyght in such a cause or anye so vndyscrete especiallye of hys realme as to beleue it dyd onelye mynde the suppressynge of the Iryshe menne and theyr enterpryse to subdue Yet hearynge that the Earle of Lyncolne with other were fledde and gooen to hys aduersaries he caused the borders to bee dilygentlye kepte that none other myghte escape or geue theym socoure and commynge to the abbaye of Sayncte Edmundes Burye it was certified that the Lorde Thomas Marques was come to excuse and pourge hym selfe before hym for certayne thynges that he was suspected to whome the kynge dyd sende the Earle of Oxford to take him commynge and conueyghe hym to the Towre of London for thys cause that yf he were his frende as he was in dede that he should not bee myscontented to suffer a lytle imprysonmente for the safetie of hys kynge yf he were not hys frende there to tarye that he myghte haue no damage or hurte by hym And so the kynge wente forthe to Norwyche and tariynge there Christemas daye went after to Walsingham and from thence to Cambridge and so streyght to London In this tyme the erle of Lincolne the lord Louell had got about two thousande Germaynes wyth Martyn Swarte to be theyr captayne and so saylynge to Ireland came and made the fornamed Lambarte kyng of Englande at Deuelynge And so wyth the greate multitude of Iryshe menne aswell naked and vnarmed personnes as other that the Lorde Gerardyne had vnder hym they sayled into Englande and landed for a purpose wythin a lytle of Lancastre trustynge there to bee ayded of Syr Thomas Broghton the chiefe authoure of thys conspiracie The kynge not slepynge hys mattiers but mystrustynge that such thynges shoulde chaunce sente certayne Knyghtes throughe all the Easte parties to attende the commynge of hys enemyes and gatherynge all hys hooste together went hym selfe to Couentree where he beynge it was certified hym that the Earle of Lyncolne was landed at Lancastre wyth the newe kynge Whome the kynge appoynted to meete after the consente and agremente of hys counsayle and to goo vppon theym wythoute anye farther delaye least that theyr power by long sufferaunce should bee augmented and multiplyed And so after suche aduisemente taken he went to Notingham and there by a lytle woodde called Boures he pytched hys tentes To whome shortelye after came the Lorde Talbote Earle of Shrowesburye the Lorde Straunge the Lorde Cheiney wyth a greate armye of menne and manye other noble menne whose names here after ensue Rauff Longforde Ihon Montigomery Henry Vernone of Pek Rauff Shurley Godfrey Folgehan Thomas Gryfley Edwarde Sutton Humfrey Stanley an other Humfrey Stāley Wyllyam Hugton Wyllyam Meryng Edward Stanope Geruase Clifton Brian Stapulton Henry Wylloughby Wyllyam Perpoyntes Ihon Babyngton Wyllyam Bedyll Robert Brundell Ihon Markham̄ Wyllyam Merbury Edwarde Aborogh Wyllyam Tyrwite Ihon Hussey Robert Shefilde Wyllyam Newporte Roger Ormeston Thomas Tempest Wyllyam Knyuett Henry Wyllaybet Lord Edward Hastyngges Ihon Dygby Simō Digby Haringtō Richarde Sachenerell Ihon Vyllers Edwarde Fyldyng Thomas Polteney Nicholas Vaux Thomas Gryne Nicolas Griffin Edmund Lucy Edwarde Belknap Robert Throgmarton George Graie of Ruthin Guide Wolstone Thomas Fynderye Dauid Phillips Thomas Cheiney Robert Cotton Ihon Saint Ihon Ihon Mordant Thomas Terell Ihon Raynsford Robert Paynton Robert Danyell Henry Marney Edmunde Aroundell Also there came frō the ferdest partes of his realme other noble men as these George Oglye Rauff Neuill Richard Latemere Wyllyam Bulmere Ihon Langforde Wyllyam Norrys Ihon Neuill of Thortinbridge and Ihon Wyllyams The erle of Lyncolne in the meane season went forth softely with his compaignie into Yorkeshire without hurte or discommoditie of any māne that dwelt therabout trustyng partely therby ꝑtely also bycause he was well knowen and acquainted emong theim that he should get greate ayde and socour there But when he perceiued very few or none to folowe hym and that he could not seyng his enemies were so nigh hand and he also so far entred in safegard with his hoste returne bacward yet he thought it best to abyde taste the chaunce of battaill and so muche that rather because he sawe Henry within twoo yeres before accompaign●ed but with a fewe and small sorte of souldiers ouercome kyng Richard whiche brought with hym a greate hoste of well armed menne Wherfore he beeyng now in a greate hope of victory toke his iorney thens towarde Newarke there to sette his souldyours in araye and mete the kyng whom he knew well though not to bee paste .ii. dayes iorney from hym But before he could come thither kyng Hēry whiche was surely certified of all thynges that he did or wēt about came to Newarke alitle before the euen that thei should fight on that morowe other wyse then the erle loked for and there tariyng not long went forth three myles ferther and sette his tentes and taryed all night Of whose commyng although therle knewe yet he went foorth lustely of his tourney and came that night to a village nigh to his enemies which is called Stooke and there pitched his tentes The next daie the kyng so sone as he had sette his souldyours in due ordre and araye went forwarde with all spede to the place where the erle with all his laye To the whiche place when he was come had appointed the felde which was moste mete for the battaill to bee fought in by by gaue place for his enemies to come foorth and prouoked theim to battaill But as ready as he was to prouoke so readie wer thei of their owne courage to come foorth so that of bothe parties thei ranne to battaill and fought moste egerly in whiche tōflicte it did euidently appere that the Germaines whiche were sette in the forewarde whose capitain was Martine Swarte were nothyng woorse in manlynesse and cheualry which thei gotte chiefly by daily and long exercise then the Englishemen And the Ireshmen although thei fought verie lustely yet by the reason that thei ware not harnes accordyng to their fasshiō and custome were discomfcited and beate downe bothe more in nōbre and soner then all the other Yet was this battaill so earnestlie boldly fought for a whyle of bothe parties that it could not bee wel discerned to whiche syde the victorie would incline But at the last the kynges forewarde which there abode all ieoperdie so lustely couragiously ranne vpon their enemies that they were none hable to resist or abyde their power so that all aswell Germaines as Irish men were there slain orels made to flie of the whiche none at all could escape awaie Whiche battaill whē it was thus dooen all mēne might se of what boldnes audacitie these rebelliōs were For their capitaines Ihon erle of Lincolne Frācis Louell Thomas Broghtō Martine Swart Thomas Gerardine neuer gaue backe one foote but were slaine all in the same place where thei began first to fight
many honest menne that he came but of a lowe and course parentage and he was named Peter War becke whiche thing also the kynges frendes certified hym by their letters and writynges to hym more plaine and euidentelye Therfore when the kyng had knowen the matter wholy aswel by his frendes as by his spies sent foorth purposelye for the same he caused it to bee proclaimed openly aswell in other regions countrees as in England that the disceate and deuelish crafte might appere euident to euery manne And firste he sent ambassadours to Philyp the chiefe capitaine in Flaundres and to his councell because he was but of a younge age whiche were sir Edward Poninges knight and sir William Varame preest and lawyer that they might shewe euidently howe falsely the younge manne hath vsurped the name of Richarde duke of Yorke whiche was kylled with his brother Edward in the Towre of London at the cōmaundement and will of kyng Richard his vncle as euery man coulde testifye and affirme most surely Also that he was borne of a poore stocke and an obscure famulie in Tornace and there named Perkin Warbecke and therfore that it woulde please hym his councel not to suffer theim selfes to bee blynded or seduced with suche mere impostures and craftie illusions nor yet to aide hym at any hande to cause sedicion or strife consideryng that he had no iuste title to the enheritynge of the same And that they would the rather bee his frendes nowe because that he helped Maximilian theyr kyng the yere before againste the power and violencye of the Frenche menne where as he of hym selfe was not hable to refyste theyr myghte and stronge power When the Ambassadours had dooen their message they were gentely entretayned of hym and had their request that he woulde not for the loue that he oughte vnto the kynge no nor any of his counsaile helpe thesame Perkin any thinge at all Neuerthelesse yf the quene Margaret would persiste and continewe in her malice towardes the kyng whome the Ambassadour sir William Varame had reproued and checked sore for bringing vp of suche monsters and commune plagues to the publike weale in his oration that he made vnto Philippe and his counsayle it was not in their power to withstande it for because that she might doo in her owne herytage all thinges at her owne wyll and pleasure Whiche quene entended fully to arme this Perkin with a stronge compaignye of menne against kyng Henry After that kynge Henrye dyd heare of this he purposed to pacyfye all this busynesse that was like to chaunce by wytte and policye and streight dyd sende foorthe certaine spies whiche shoulde fayne theim selfes to haue fledde vnto the Duke and by that meanes searche foorthe and knowe the whole entente of theyr coniuracion and after what waye they framed theyr matters Other also shoulde promyse a pardon and remyssyon vnto syr Roberte Clyfforde and Willyam Barley for their offence cōmitted to the kyng And when they had so dooen many of theim returned to Englande and broughte the names of certayne that were chief of the same conspiracye Other taried vntyll suche tyme that sir Robert Clifforde came to Englande agayne And when the kyng had knowen the chief capitaines of this tumulte by his spyes that were there with theim he caused all them to bee attached brought to London before his presēce whose names wer sir Iohn Ratclyffe syr Simon Monforde syr Thomas Thwarte knightes William Dabeney Roberte Ratcliffe Richard Lesey with many other Also certaine preestes and religious menne as sir William Richeford and Thomas Poynes bothe monkes of sainct Dominikes order sir William Sutton sir William Vrseley Deane of Poules Robert Layborne Other that were giltie of the same crime hearing that many of their compaignie wer taken fledde and did take sanctuarye And the other that were taken wer condempned all of treason of the whiche there was heded sir Simon Monford sir Robert Ratcliffe and William Dabeney as authours chiefe capitaines of this busines The other were pardoned and the Preestes also for their order that they had taken Also sir Iohn Ratcliffe was pardoned of his lyfe but after that he came to Calisse there caste in prisone he was behedded because he corrupted the kepers with many promises to haue escaped out of the same Shortly after sir Robert Clifford trusting to find fauour grace at the kynges hande came to England of whose cōming when the kyng was certified he went streight to the towre of London there taryed tyll suche tyme the syr Robert Clyfford came whiche thyng he vsed vnder this pretence that yf sir Robert Clifford had accused any man to hym of the treason that then euerie suche person mighte bee called thether withoute anye suspectiō of anie euel and there streight to bee cast in holde but before I goo furder I wyll shewe the opinion that many men conceaued of the knightes goynge to Flaunders Some men helde this opinion that kyng Henrye dyd sende hym as a spye to Flaunders and therfore he came the soner into his fauoure Neuerthelesse this is not lyke to bee true by diuerse reasōs Fyrst that it tourned to the great infamye and hurt both of hym selfe and his frendes Secondarly that he was not in so greate fauoure with the kyng as he had ben in tymes past for because that he was giltie in that part Therfore the saied sir Robert now comming to the king after his retourne into England kneled mekelye downe at his feet and desired pardō of his grace and after that beyng enquired of the coniuration and examined who wer the authours of this mischiefe he pronounced saied that William Stāly whome the kynge made Earle was one of the chief when he had so saied the kyng was greatly dismayed greued that he should offend whō he had made chief of his priuie chamber considering also that he had founde great kindenes hertofore at his hande and that he dyd ouercome kyng Rychard chiefly by his helpe and meanes So that the kyng coulde not bee perswaded that he was any suche offender had not it bene shewed him after by manifest tokens and apparēt argumentes the it was true as he saied Whom the king thē caused to be taken and examined of the matter after the which examinacion he was proued to be an offender Then the kynge doubtynge what to dooe with him dyd consult and breath a lytle with him selfe for he feared that his brother lord Thomas by whom he had shewed great kyndnesse woulde take it greuously also yf he shoulde remitte that faulte other would abuse his lemtee and trespace more highly Albe it at the laste he wylled that he shoulde suffer for his offence and so caused hym to bee behedded The cause that their loue as mē reporte dyd chaunge into hatred was this The lorde Wylliā consideryng that he saued the kyng and brought hym to this realme to be gouernour thought he could neuer bee recompensed for hys
wealth partely that this Parkyn if his matters goo well forwarde would rewarde theim as thei would desire and enriche their realme moste plentefully by his liberalite partely also that Henry the kyng perceiuyng their kyng to assist hym would gladly paie tribute to hym for a peace and concord to bee had When this counsaill was gyuen the kyng did gladly folowe it and that his loue might bee more apparent to the people he caused ladie Katherine doughter to therle of Hūtley his nigh kinsemā to be maried to hym After this was dooen the kyng willyng that this Perkyn should reigne in Englāde hastened his iourney towarde the borders there cōmyng proclamed openly the all should bee pardoned the would beare with the duke of Yorke fight in his quarell and that mēne might for feare submitte theim selfes thei burned spoyled killed with out all mercie as ferre as thei did go but the kyng perceiuyng that no Englishemen came to aide this young duke that his souldiours wer so loden with praies spoiles that thei would not gladly go further he returned backe to Scotlād cariyng with hym infinite goodes riches And when this duke came to Scotlande again consideryng the greate distruccion and losse of the Englishmen that none came to aide hym to the entēt that his iuglyng of his countrefeict dignite might not be perceiued he saied verie craftely with a loude voice Oh wretch and stonie hearte that I am not moued with the losse and death of so many Englishemen of myne and at that woorde he desired the kyng that he would not molestate his realme herafter with suche cruel tormentyng and fieryng To whom the kyng shaped hym this aunswere right shortely Truely sir me thynke you take charge and thought of an other mannes realme and not of your owne because that I coulde se no manne that woulde take your parte and helpe you with his power whē you were now last emong theim And for this cause the kyng did litle esteme hym after that tyme countyng hym incōstant vnstable and speakyng woordes not agreyng to his promise When the English lordes and captaines hearde of this busines thei wer in greate feare fled for safegade of their life 's euery manne to his castell and holde and gatheryng an axmie to withstand their enemies certified the kyng in all post haste of the Scottes enterprise whiche hearyng prepared an armie in all the hast to fight against theim But the Scottes beyng lodē with their praies and spoiles that thei had were gone backe to their countre ere the Englishe menne could bee readie And this was the first commocion busines of the Scottes against the Englishemen When the Scottes were thus gone and the kyng certified of it he thought not to suffer theim lenger leste that by long tariyng deferryng of the matter thei should take heart and so with more fearsenes inuade the realme again And assemblyng his counsaill together shewed theim that it was for the proffite of the publique weale to warre against his enemies to whom thei all agreed right gladly and for the mainteinyng of this battaill there was leuyed a certain summe or tribute to be paid on euery mannes hed whiche paiment although it was but easie and small yet many of the commen people grudged to paie it At this parliament also and conuocacion there was certain lawes actes and statutes confirmed and made as thought moste expediēt for the publique weale And after this was dooen the kyng prepared to fight in all the haste and gatheryng an armie made Giles Dabeney graund capitain ouer theim and in his goyng to Scotlande there beganne sodenly ciuile battaill in the realme whiche was for the paiment of this money for that the Cornishemen whiche made this insurreccion beeyng but poore could not well paie this tribute And so they gatheryng all together one Michael Ioseph Smyth and Thomas Flāmoke did take vpon theim the gouernaunce of all this compainie And seyng theim greued sore that they should paye so muche did more and more incense theyr myndes againste their prynce Albeit they layde this faulte and cause of exaction to Ihon Mortō bishoppe of Cātorbury and Ruigenald Braye because they were chief of the kynges house Thus they preparyng theim selues to warre whē they had aswell sufficiente viandrye as all other thynges ready they tooke theyr iourney to Welles and from thence entended to go to London When the kyng was shewed of this by his auditours that they wer vp and that the lorde Twychet and the lorde Audely with other of the nobylitee had taken their partes he thought fyrste to scoure his realme of suche rebelles and traytours ere he would fight against the Scottes And therfore he caused Giles Dabeney to returne backe agayn then goyng vpon the Scottes whose armye he encreased and multiplyed with many pycked and freshe warryers that he might the better with lesse laboure ouercome these rebelles Also least that the Scottes might nowe hauyng good oportunite inuade the realme again in this time of ciuile battyle he caused lorde Thomas erle of Surrey a puissaunt and most redoubted warryer whome he had taken prysoner at the ouerthrowe of kyng Richard and a litle before that had set at libertie and made treasourer of Englāde after the death of Iohn Dynham to gather a bond of men at Durham there to kepe of the Scottes yf they should chaunce to come vntyll suche tyme that that Cornyshe menne beyng pacified and subdued he might send to theim the forenamed Giles agayne with all his power and armye When as the nobles hearde of this busynes they came to London euery mā with as many as they could make to ayde the kyng yf nede shoulde be In the which compaignie there was the erle of Essex the lorde Mongey the erle of Suffolke Richard Thomas William Say lorde Haward the erle of Surrey his sonne a noble young man of stoute courage Robert Lytton Thomas Bande Robert Clyfforde Wyllyam Dauers George Verye Thomas Terell Richard Fizlewes Ihon Baynsforth Thomas Mōtigomery Ihon Wyngfilde Roberte Brougthon Iames Terell Iames Huberte Ihon Wyndham Robert Fenys Wylliam Carye Robert Drurye Ihon Audely Robert Wyngfild with his brother Richarde Robert Brandon Thomas west de lauare Thomas Fenis Dacres Dauid Owen Henry Rosse Ihon Deuenysse Henry Selenger Ihon Paulet Ihon Burshere Thomas Woode Mathewe Broune Thomas Troys Wylliam Sandes Edmūde Graye of Wiltone Ihon Verney Thomas Brian Richard Poole Thomas Harecourte Ihon Hampden Edward Barkeley Willyā Bolongue with his sonne Thomas Henry Haydon Robert Clarence Philip Calthorpe Robert Louell Ihon Shaye Thomas Frouwike with many other of lower degree that wer moste noble cunnyng warryers In this meane space Charles the Frenche kyng commyng from the warres that he had at Naples with Ferdinande sente Ambassadours to the kyng for a peace and league of amitee to bee confirmed When the kyng was enformed of their cōmyng and that they were at Caleis he sente certayn of his nobilitie
to mete theim commyng and to kepe theim purposely at Douer vntyll suche tyme that this busynesse were ended that they might not knowe of it in any wise And nowe the Cornyshemenne gooynge from Welles where they had theyr graunde capitayne lorde Audeley went to Saulisbury and frō thence to Wynchester and so to Kent where they looked for helpe but they were deceaued for the earle of Kent and the lorde of Burgone Poole the lorde Cobham Thomas Burcher Edwarde Ponyng Richard Gilforde Wyllyam Scotte Iames Cromer Ihon Peche Iohn Darel Henry Wyat Rychard Haulte Ihon Fogge and other were ready to withstande theyr power and to cause the people to beare trewe heartes to theyr kynge For the whiche many of the Cornyshe men faynted and had lesse mynde to fight and for feare fled priuely in the nyght from their compaignie But the captaynes perceauyng they coulde haue no helpe at theyr handes trusted to theyr owne power and brought theim to Blackeheath feld nigh London and there pytched theyr tentes in the playn to byd battail to the kyng if he would mete theim or els to inuade the cytie whome the kynge perceauyng to be there readye to fight he caused Henry Burschere erle of Essex Edmunde Polam erle of Suffolke and Richard Thomas three noble warryers to besiege theim on both sydes wyth two wynges and so came hym self in the myddest sendyng before Giles Dabeney with a greate power And after his commyng thus to the felde bothe the erles and Richard Thomas sette vpon theim violently and at the first brunt put theim to flight and killed aboute two thousande that res●sied and tooke prisoners more then could bee told and emonges theim the Captaynes which shortely after wer put to death But this Michael Ioseph was a mā of suche stoute courage valiaūtnesse that he neuer fainted or once gaue backe vntyll such tyme he was stryken downe and kylled openly When this battaile was ended the kynge loste but thre hundreth in all his compaignye that wer kylled at that presente Also the prysoners that were taken he pardoned sauyng the captaynes and first autours of that mischief whose quarters he would haue to bee put on stakes and set in dyuerse places of Cornewell that theyr naughtie dooynges and foolishe entrepryses might bee a document for other hereafter to beware but because there were many of that coūtree that would gladly haue renewed battaile yf they might haue had some Capitayn and that they wer nothyng abashed for the ouerthrowe of theyr late insurreccion he turned his mynd so that thei wer not had thither nor their quarters set vpō any stakes there Whē this busines was in hād the kyng of Scottes being certified of it by certain spies thought best to inuade Englande againe and burned all the waye as he did before lest that the kyng should prouoke hym to it of force because he had dooen so muche hurte to it before and thus came to Durham and there burned all aboute entending also to wynne Norham Castle whiche the Bishoppe had furnished a litle before with menne and vitaile sufficiently so that he coulde haue none accesse into that castell And this was the bishop Foxe that was bishop of Exeter and for his godlines and verteouse liuing after that made bishoppe of Welles and Bathe Whiche bishop nowe being in this businesse certified the kyng of it in all the haste and also therle of Surrey that was then in Yorke shyre with a greate army of menne To whome the Erle came shortly after with his compaignye and after hym folowed other noble menne of all quarters euery one bringīg for his habilitee as many as he could to aide the bishop and fight in the defence quarell of theyr kyng And in this compaygnie was there many Lordes therle of Westmerland Thomas Dacres George Graunge Rafe Neuel Richard Latimer George Lumley Iohn Scroppe George Oglie Thomas Baron of Hilton Henry Clifford William Coyners Thomas Dercy Also knightes Sir william Percy and thre other of that name as Percy Bulmery Gascogne Penington Sir Rauffe Bigot Sir Rauffe Bowes Sir Rauffe Elaker Sir Thomas Appar Sir thomas Thwarton Sir Thomas Stranguishe Sir Ihon Constable Sir Ihon Ratcliffe Sir Ihon Sauell Sir Ihon Gouer Sir Musgraue Sir Iohn Waller Sir Iohn Aloder Sir Iohn Euerinham Sir Brian Stapelton Sir Thomas Vortell Sir Marduke Constable Sir Christopher Pikeringe Sir Christopher ward Sir Walter Stringlande Sir Roger Bellinghā Sir William Heron Sir Rauffe Graye Sir Nicholas Ridley Sir Walter Griffit Sir Ihon Heron Sir Rauffe feneuike Sir Thomas Graye Sir Christo Curwen Sir Robert Varcoppe Sir Rouland Tempest Sir Iames Medcalfe With many other Capitaynes althoughe not so noble in degree yet as valiaunte in martiall feactes and prowesses of warre The Scottes hearing of the Earle of Surrey that he was cōming and at hande with a greate power then beseging this forenamed Castell whiche they coulde by no meanes ouercome they fledde streighte backe to Scotlande whome the Earle folowed as longe as his vyttailles serued and after that returned backe to Durham theyr abiding vntyll such time he knewe furder of the kynges pleasure And in this meane space one Henrye Hailes was sente Ambassadoure frome Ferdinand vnto the kyng of Scottes for a generall peace to bee had with hym and the Kyng of Englande for he loued hym well and kyng Henrye also to whose soonne the younge Prynce Arthure he woulde haue geuen his doughter Ladye Katheryne in mariage that by affinytee and kyndered of blood their loue might continue for euer So this Henrye entreated hartelye the King of Scottes for a peace and when he had some hope in it he wrote vnto the kyng of Englande that it would please hym to sende one of his nobles to helpe to conclude this matter with hym and the Scottes The kyng because he had been in greate trouble and then veraye desierous of peace he sent the byshoppe of Durham to hym in all the haste So that this Henrye and the bishop reasoned with the Scottyshe ambassadours as concernyng this peace to be had albeit thei could not agree because that kyng Henrye desiered to haue Perkyn Warbecke that was the cause of all this busynes and had so greatly disquieted his realme whome the kyng woulde not delyuer although he might of ryghte consideryng his falsehode and deceyte that he had vsed with hym Therfore after that they had reasoned much of this matter could bring it to no ende yet a truce was taken for certain yeres of this condicion that the same Perkin Warbecke should bee conueyghed oute of Scotland not to tary there longer Whyle this was dooinge kyng Henry caused the Ambassadours of the Frenche kyng to bee brought to hym which as it is shewed before wer stopped at Douer of their iourney vntill suche tyme that the insurreccion of the Eornish men was ceassed and hearing that they came for a peace and league to bee made graūted theim it right gladly So that nowe beīg reconciled with .ii.
brought to passe thei went bothe together into Kent And there beganne this young feloe to tell priuely to many that he was the erle of Warwicke and had gotte out of the tower by the helpe of this monke To the whiche when he perceiued credence geuen he declared it openly and desyred al men of helpe But or euer this sedicion beganne to goo foreward the heddes and principalles of thesame wer taken and casle into prysone Of whiche the one was condempned to death and the other condēpned to perpetuall pryson and darkenesse For at that tyme here in Englande was so muche attrybuted to prestes and al religious mē that though they had committed felonie murder yea or treason they should not haue bene therfore condempned to death Moreouer whosoeuer could reade though it wer neuer so lytle what crime soeuer he had committed saue treason should by his booke bee saued and therfore it was inuented that if the default wer so great that another manne shoulde suffer death for thesame he should onely be burnt in the hande wherfore he the had committed thefte should bee marked in the hand with this letter T. if he had committed murdre with M. and after that yf he were deprehended in lyke cryme then there should no fauour at all more then to other menne bee shewed Whiche acte was made and confyrmed by this kyng Henry in the second yere of his reigne and takē of the Frenchemen whiche are wonte if thei take any suche to cutte of one of his cares and let hym go Whiche priuiledges of bookes made thefes both bolde plentie thorowe out all the coastes and parties of this his realme of Englande But nowe to my matier again Perkyn of whom we spake muche before whyles he was in the towre corrupted many of the kepers partly with giftes and partely with fayre promyses so that they were all agreed saue the leuetenaunt whome he fully determined to kyll that he and the erle of Warwike should gooe theyr waye out of the toure and afterwarde to make the best shyfte that they could for theim selfes But this his purpose came not to full effecte For it was knowne within shorte tyme after for the whiche he and his felowes all of the same counsayle were hanged by the neckes And the earle of Warwike because he was foundegyltie in thesame defaulte was behedded whiche was dooen in the yeare of oure Lorde a thousand foure hundreth and .xcix. and in the .xiii. yeare of this kyng Henry his reigne The nexte yere after was here in Englande a a greate plague wherof menne died in many places vereye sore but especiallye and mooste of all in London For there died in that yere aboue thyrtye thousande Wherfore the kynge sayled ouer to Caleis and there taryed a greate while In his beyng there came ouer to hym Philippe Erle of Flaunders and was receaued of hym as louyngly as could bee thought and also or euer they departed the league whiche was made betwene theim two not longe before was renewed Sone after when the plague was slaked the kyng returned agayne into Englande and was no soner come thyther but there met him one Gasper Pons sente from Alexander the byshoppe of of Roome which brought with hym indulgences and perdo●es whereby he made the kyng beleue that he and his should flye streight to heauen but those could not bee graunted withoute a greate somme of money the whiche the rather that he might obteyne he promysed parte of it to the kyng hymselfe so deceauyng both the kyng and the people In this same yere was burnt a place of the kynges whiche he after buylded vp againe and named it Richemount Aboute this tyme died three bishoppes here in England Ihon Morton bishop of Cantourbury Thomas Langton bishop of Wynchester and Thomas Rotherham bishoppe of Yorke Also in this yere there were greate maryages made for kyng Henry had geuen his doughter ladye Margarete to the kyng of Scottes and his sonne prince Arthur to Ladie Katherine doughter to Ferdinande kyng of Spayne whiche mariages were made specially for this cause that he might liue in peace with those kynges in his olde age After this prynce Arthure that came to Londō purposely to bee maryed went to Wales agayne with his lady and wife to ouersee all thynges well there and to the entente he might not miscarye or go out of the waie in rulyng his domimon he had with hym many noble mē as first Richard Poole his nighe kynsman which was made chief of his priuie chaumbre and Dauid Philippe husher of his halle Also he had of his counsaill certayne knyghtes as Wyllyam Vdall Richarde Croft Peter Neuton Henrye Varnam Thomas Englefelde And other besides theim as Ihon Walestone Henry Marine Wyllyam Smyth preest chief of his coūsayle late bishop of Lincolne syr Charles Booth a lawer then byshop of Herforde A litle before this mariage Edmūd Poole erle of Suffolke sonne to ladye Elizabeth the sysler of kyng Edward was accused for killyng of a mā although the kyng pardoned hym whō he might iustely haue condē●ed for that offence yet because he was rayned at the barre whiche he thought a great main and blemishe to his honoure tooke it heuely and shortely after fled to Flaunders wtout any passeporte or licēce of the kyng to quene Margarete his aunte but he returned again so excused hymselfe before the kynge that he was founde fautles in any thyng that was obiected vnto hym Also when this mariage was kepte at London with great pompe solēnitee this Edmunde fled again to Flaunders with his brother Richard either for that he had been at great charges at thesame mariage and so farre cast in debte that he was not hable to paye either because the quene Margarete his aunte had allured hym orels for eiuill will enuie that the kyng should prosper so well Whē it was knowen that he was gooen the kyng certified there of he feared that some busynes should ryse by his meanes was sory that he had pardoned hym for his offēce lately cōmitted But sone after that the erle came from Flaunders syr Robert Cursone knight capitaine of Hāmes castel feignyng hym selfe to bee one of that conspiracye wente purposely to espye what the quene entended against kyng Henrye whyche afterwarde for his so doynge was in greate fauoure wyth hym For the kynge was so vigylaunte and circumspecte in all his matters that he dyd knowe theim namelye that either bare hym eiuill will or woorked any in theyr mynde whom he caused to bee attached and caste in holde And emong theim Wyllyam the erle of Deuonshyres sonne whiche maried ladie Catheryne daughter to kyng Edward was taken and another Wyllyam brother to Edmonde earle of Souffolke Iames Tyrell Ihon Wyndham But these two wylliams were taken rather of suspection then for any offence of gyltines Wherefore Wylliam this Earles sonne of Deuonshyre after the death of kynge Henrye was deliuered had in
dyd lye And shortlye after folowed his wife quene Iohan. After they two had cōmoned of many thinges together at the laste they beganne to treate of a league and perpetuall amitee to bee had And firste Kynge Henrye desired to haue Edmonde Poole banished man vnder his captiuitee and bondage To whome the Earle aunswered saied that it was not in his power to restore hym yet after muche entreating and praiyng the kyng graunted at the laste that he shoulde hee sente to hym righte shortly After thus for prolonginge of time that he might haue his desyre he brought Philyp the Earle to London and there shewing hym his citie retourned frome thence with hym Then Edmonde Poole seyng that there was no more hope to bee had in foren Princes and trusting that kyng Henry would put hym at libertee came to Englande willingly to proue his gentlenes that yf vpon this expectacyon and hope he were deceiued yet he might at the laste dye and be buryed in his natiue countree weare when he had receyued this garment he did send Balthesar Castillio a Mantuan borne vnto kyng Henry whiche receiued of the knightes a garter in token that he should be a knight of the same ordre When this busines was dooen Lewes the Frenche kyng mistrustyng that he shoulde neuer haue manchild maryed his eldest doughter Lady Anne to Frances Valese Dolphine Duke of Engosye which was sure a litle before to Charles the kyng of Castell And when kyng Henry knewe of this he thought beste to mary his doughter Lady Mary to this Charles kyng of Castell which mariage was confirmed and made at Calise by the byshop of Winchester the ambassadours of Flaunders the Ladye beyng but .x. yeres of age And now were the thre yeres expired at whiche tyme kyng Henry thought his fatal daye to draw nyghe Therfore to the entente that the people myghte wyshe and praye for hym after his deathe for his kindnesse that he shewed to theim he caused a generall pardon to bee geuen vnto all offendours sauinge onely theues and murderers because that they dyd not offende hym but another manne For this goodnesse shewed to the people processyon was in euerye place of the Realme for the safegarde of the kyng Neuerthelesse his time was come the God would haue hym so that he died the .xxi. daye of Apryll in his palaice of Richemoūde the whiche was the yere of oure Lorde a thousand fyue hundreth and eyght His corps was buryed at Westminster in a chappell the whiche he caused to bee buylded He reigned thre and twentye yeres and more then seuē monethes liued .lii. Also he had by his wife the quene .viii. children .iiii. menchildren .iiii. women children of the whiche .iii. remained aliue Hēry prince of Wales ladie Margaret ladie Marie He was a manne of bodie but leane spare albeit mightie strong therwith of personage stature some what higher then the meane sorte of menne be of a wondrefull beautie and faire complexion through al his bodie of a merie laughyng countenaunce especially in his cōmunicaciō thinne tethed thinne heared of witte in all thynges like Salomon of a princely redoubted stomake and in greate affaires and matters of weightie importaunce verie wittie For suche thynges as he went aboute he did theim warely not without greate deliberacion breathyng Besides this he was sobre moderate buxome bounteouse without all pride highnes of stomake in so muche that he was hard rough with theim the were noted of that crime for no man had so great autorite with him that either durst or could dooe any thyng as his owne fātasie did serue hym without the consent agrement of other Yea he kept this point so wel that he would not suffre his owne mother to haue her will For this was his saiyng * that a kyng was a ruler that should rule not be ruled He was also verie iust defended the matters causes of many poore people frō the power of greate menne And so liuyng all his tyme in vertue renowne glorie and valiauntnes of merciall prowesses gaue vp his ghoste at the laste whiche vndoubtedly is in that place where euerlastyng ioye and gladnes remaineth for euer and euer ¶ Henry the eyght OVRE MOSTE GRACIOVS souereigne lorde kyng Henry the eyght the soonne of Henry the seuenth beganne his reigne the .xxiiii. daie of Appryll in the yere of our Lorde M ccccc ix was crouned at Westminster in the feast of the natiuite of sa●net Ihon Baptist then nexte folowyng Aboute the midle of the moneth of Iuyn the 〈…〉 nges highnes was maried and the .xxi. daie of thesame moneth he came frō Grenewiche by land so roade through Graschurch strete to the towre with whom came many noblemen and gentlemen well apareled but specially the duke of Buckyngham̄ whiche roade in a goune of goldsmythes woorke a thyng of greate richesse and so the kyng ●ested there from Thursdaie till Saterdaie in the whiche season he created certain knightes of the Bathe And vpon Saturdaie aboute foure of the clocke at after noone the kyng came ridyng through cornehill in moste honourable wise before whom roade thesaid knightes of the Bathe in blewe lōg gounes with hoodes vpō their shoulders spreade after the maner of masters of arte and tasselles of white and blewe silke fastened vpon one of their shouldres The duke of Buckyngham̄ roade next before the kyng except the mayre of London certain sergeauntes and herauldes The whiche duke roade in a long goune of nedle woorke right costly and riche bare a litle white staffe of siluer in his hand in signe and token that he was high and chief steward of the feast of coronacion And thesaid duke had aboute his necke a broade and flat close chein of a newe deuise not before vsed fret with precious great rubies and other stones of greate value And ouer the kyng was borne a riche canapie by the foure barones of the foure portes and there folowed seuen foloers wherof the first was trapped in the armes of sainct Edwarde the second in the armes of sainct Edmond the third in the armes of S. George the fourth in the armes of Englād the fifth in the armes of Fraūce the sixth the. vii in sondry trappors of riche cloth of gold with costely deuices After the foloers came a gentlemā ledyng a spare horsse moste richely garnisshed And after hym sir Thomas Brandon then maister of the kynges horsse right well goodly apointed and well horssed and richely trapped the whiche horsse with the apparell was to the kyng belongyng And when the cōpaignie was thus with all honoure passed ymediatly ensued a goodly compaignie of gentlemen well apointed And after theim came the quene sittyng in a horsse litter alone clothed in a riche mantell of tissue in her heare with a circulet of silke golde and perle aboute her head But whē her grace was a litle passed
people on bothe parties wer distressed and taken prisoners and aboue the nombre of thirty M. slaine In the .iiii. yere was Edmond de la Poole behedded and aboute the moneth of Auguste Syr Thomas Kneuet beynge chyefe capytaine of the kynges greate shippe called the regent and a few shyppes mo sette vpon a great Caricke and other shippes of the Frenche kyngs liyng then nere vnto a toune of Britaine named Brest where after a longe and cruell fight thesaide Caricke regent being clasped together with hookes and cheynes as the maner of fyghtinge vpon the see betwene enemies is sodeynly thesaied shippes with other were set on fyre and brent so feruently that before they mighte bee losed or disseuered the shippes with the men vpon bothe parties were consumed with violence therof so that fewe escaped whiche were of the poraill But thesaide sir Thomas Kneuet with many other gentlemen of this land and also of fraunce were brent on whose soules Iesu haue mereyt This yere also after haruest wheate roase sobeinly of pryce for where for the more parte of the yere it was not solde aboue sixe shillīges .viii. d. a quarter After haruest for so muche as wheat was so sore blasted and striken was of so smal yelde it was solde for .xii. s. and .xiii. s .iiii. d. a quarter In the .v. yere the kyng besieged Turwin and discomfited the power of Fraunce at Boemy and tooke the citees of Turwyn and Turney But in the meane season the kyng of Scottes espiyng his tyme inuaded Englande with an hoste of an hundred thousande menne with whome the Earle of Surraye beynge the Kynges Leuetenaunte encountred and by the helpe of the Lorde Hawarde his soonne slewe the sayde kynge with a leuen Earles and wanne the felde For the whiche noble facte the kynge created hym afterwarde Duke of Norffolke and his soonne Earle of Surrey In the .vi. yere a peace was concluded betwene Englande and Fraunce And on saincte Denis daye the Frenche kyng maried the Lady Mary the kynges sister And he died on newe yeres daye after And therfore the kyng sente for her againe by the duke of Suffolke and other In this yere in the moneth of Februarye was borne Lady Mary the kynges doughter at Grenewiche In Aprill the Frenche Quene came in to Englande and was maryed to Lorde Charles duke of Suffolke This yere Ladye Margarete quene of Scottes and syster to the kynge fledde into Englande and laye at Harbottell And she was deliuered of a doughter named Margaret And came to London in Maye and taried there a hole yere In this yere was suche a froste that all menne myghte passe with cartes betwene Westmynster and Lambeth This yere on Maye euen was an insurreccyon of younge persones against Aliens of whiche diuers were put to execucion and the residue came to Westmynster Halle with halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned And the .xviii. daye of Mayeyquene of Scottes retourned into her countree againe This yere in Octobre the admiral of Fraunce came into England and Tourney was deliuered to the Frenche kyng In this yere at Frankforde Charles the fyfte was chosen Emperoure And the Earle of Surrey was sent to Ireland In this yere the kyng and the Frenche kynge met at the campe betwene Arde Guines where were greate triumphes And after the kynge and the Emperoure mette and the kyng went to Graueling with the Emperoure And the Emperoure came to Caleys with the kyng had greate chere and the kyng retourned This yere the duke of Buckyngham was beheaded at the toure hyll the .xvii. daye of Maye And in Iune the Cardinall wēt to Calays to entreate a peace betwene themperoure the French kyng and ●aried there to Decembre without any thinge concluded This yere the fridaye before Penthecoste that is to wytt the sixte daye of Iune Charles the emperoure was honourably receiued into the Cytee of London of the Maire Aldermenne and cominaltye oure saied soueraigne Lorde accōpaignieng hym And fro London he went to Windesore and sat in his stall of the Garter And from thens went to Hampton and sayled into Spaine Duringe whiche tyme the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morleys in Brytaine and after landed at Caleys and entred Picardye and brent tounes and castelles and besyeged Hesdyn but because of wynter he reysed his syege and retourned This somer the duke of Albany was entring England with a greate armye but when he heard that the Earle of Shrewisburye was comminge to fyghte with hym he tooke a truce for vi monethes In this .xiiii. yere Christian Kynge of Denmarke came into Englande in Iune Also the Earle of Surrey brent Iedworth and many other townes in Scotlande This yere also the Turke besieged the Rhodes and on Christmas daye he tooke it The Duke of Suffolke wente into Fraunce with ten thousand menne and passed the water of Som̄e withoute battayle and tooke and destroyed many townes and in Decembre retourned The same yere the duke of Albanye besieged the castell of Warke and hearing of therle of Surreys comming with a greate armye he cowardely sledde In the .xvi. yere there came oute of Scotlande the byshop of Dunkell and other ambassadours vnto that kynges maiestie And on saynt Mathews daye was the French kyng taken by themperour A mutyng in Norffolk and Suffolke for paymēt of mony A peas concluded betwene Englād and Fraunce And the French kyng was deliuered in Marche This yere was the coyne enhaunced In the .xviii. yeare the citee of Roome by the viceroy of Naples and the duke of Burbon the same dake beinge fyrste slaine was taken and almost distroied And Clemēt the .vii. than byshop of Rome diuers Cardinalles there found were taken and broughte in captiuitee and vnder the rule of Charles the Emperoure This yere also the Cardinall went into Fraunce with greate pompe In October the great master of Fraunce came to London with great triumphe In this xix yere was the sweatyng sickenesse for the which cause ther was no watch at midsomer In the .xx. yere was the Cardinall deposed of the chauncellourshyp and a peace betwene the Emperour and the kyng concluded In the .xxi. yere was holden a parlyament wher was refourmed diuerse enormitees of the clargye In the .xxii. yere was a man boyled in Smith feeld for poysoning The cardinal dyed on saynct Andrewes euen In the .xxiii. yere Gryffeth Rice was behedded for treason In October the kyng wente ouer the sea and met the Frenche kyng at Caleis In the .xxv. yere in Apryll was a Nonne called the holy mayde of Kent ii Monkes and two Freers hanged and behedded for treasō blasphemye and ypocrysie This yere a peace was concluded wyth Scotlande In this xxvi yere was holden a Parlyamente at Westminster wherin emong other moost godly and necessary statutes it was ther decreed and enacted that the kynges maiestie should be from thensforth
accordyng to the lawe of God taken reputed as supreme heed of this his realme nexte and immediatly vnder Chryst This yere the erle of Kyldare died in the Towre and his sonne rebel led and slewe the byshop of Dubelyn wherfore the kyng dyd send sir Wylliam Skeuynton thether This yere was graunted to the king the fyrst frutes and the tenthes of all spirituall possessyons In Iune was the byshoppe of Rochester and sir Thomas Moore behedded for deniyng the kyng to be supreme hed of the church of Englande This yere wer .iii. Monkes of the Charterhouse executed for the same offence In this .xxvii. yere in Ianuary dyed lady Katheryn princesse dowager and is buryed at Peter borowe This yere quene Anne was attaynted of treason and was beheded And the kynge maried lady Iane Seymer And in October beganne a fololyshe commocion in Lyncolnshyre another in Yorke shyre by the meanes of Lord Darey lord Husey sir Robert Cōstable Robert Aske Which only by the kynges wysedome his discrete counsayle were appeased withoute bloode shedynge In this .xxviii. yere the Thamis was ouer fro 〈…〉 in December wherfore the kyng and the quene rode throwe London with a goodlye companye This yere also syr Fraunces Bygot lord Darcy syr Robert Constable and other beganne a newe co●spyracie and thei were attaynted and putte to death in Iune In February was Thomas Fytzgarred and fyue of his vncles hanged drawen quartered And on saynt Edwardes euen Prynce Edwarde was borne at Hamptō court The. xxiii daye of October dyed quene Iane and is buryed at Wyndsore In this .xxix. yere in Maye was Frere Foreste hanged and brente in Smithfeelde for treason heresy with the Image of Daruell Gathern In thys yere all ydolatry was forbyddē And dyuers ymages that had engynnes to make their eyes other lymmes to styre wyth many other disceates wer destroyed And all Freers and Monkes chaūged their garmentes In this .xxx. yere in Decēber was the Marquis of Ereter the Lord Montacute and syr Edward Neuell behedded for hygh treasō duly proued In May the cytesyns of Londō mustred al in bright harneisse with coates of whyte clothe and whyte sylke wyth chaynes of golde in thre great armyes to the great wonder of straungers Nowe for a fynal cōclusiō as touchīg this most noble exellēt prince and for the closing vp of this presēt werke If that his highnes had by al the space of his reigne heretofore whiche hath bene .xxxiiii. yeres done no more but only these three thynges as in dede his grace hath done a great infinite nōbre of moste prudente beneficial thynges bothe for the quietnes of his realme wealth of his subiectes that is to saie the extirpyng abholyshyng of the vsurped authoritee of the B. of Rome out of all his dominions and restoring vnto vs the holy most blessed worde of God the is to saie the whole scripture in our Englishtongue to th entent chiefly that we mighte knowe oure dutie to almightie God oure obedyence to our prince and hys successours kynges of thys realme lyue a godlye and Christen life one with another Secondarely in takynge a waye all supersticion and ydolatrye whiche was a thyng moost detestain ▪ the sight of God And thirdlye and laste of all the dissoluynge of cloisters and suppressynge all conterfete and false religion which so long as thei cōtinued wer not only teachers preachers of false and supersticious doctryne but also wer euer the autours begynners of all mischiefes commocions For reformacion I saye of which thynges who is hable to rendre woorthy thankes and prayses to his highnes And therfore to conclude infinite thankes be geuē to almightie God that so hath wrought by his speciall grace in the hearte mynde of his hihgnes let earnest prayers and supplicaciōs incessantly be made of all his faythful subiectes for the preseruacion of his highnes in mooste triumphant honoure and wealth and ouer vs longe to reigne rule And that when nature shall geue place to death in his grace that then thesame giftes of prudence pollecie and godly iudgement that his highnes is so plentifully endewed with maye yet be planted in the personne of that goodly ympe and mooste flory shyng braūche prynce Edwarde that the same maye finishe mainteine that whiche his noble father and our souereigne lord kyng Henry the eyght hath moste graciously begōne To this all true Englishe heartes saie Amen LONDINI In officina Richardi Graftoni Cmm priuilegio ad imprimendum solum per septennium Numeri .xxvii. Salphaat 〈…〉 ke 〈…〉 orn in Gaūt 〈…〉 y● 〈…〉 〈…〉 y● 〈…〉 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 Edmoūd duke of yorke Thomas of wood stoke duke of gloucester Mat. 〈…〉 vii Edward prince of Wa 〈…〉 the eldest sonne of kynge Edward the .iii. Duke of Yorke The tytle of the kinges of Englāde to Scotland and Ireland Godfray● Boleyn Robert cur those Out of old bookes cōmeth newe knowledge The dukes wyfe named Cecely Kyng Dioclesyā and Albyne his wyfe This chronicle is not true Saul was the fyrste kyng in the thyrde age This s●e 〈…〉 that our chronicle is false in the beegynnyng Brutus The o●acyon of the authoure for that makyng of this booke The names of false goddes The armis of Brute Brutus Dute of oldbokes cōmeth new wisedome Adam The gene●a●ion of ●●ute 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 h. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 th 〈…〉 m. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cely. Saturne Iubiter Dardanus Eriotonus Troilus Ilis Ilyon Hercules Lamadone Priamus Achilles was Priamus brother Lamedō shewed to Iason vnkindnesse Hector Troilus Dephebus Helenus Parys came of Pryamus Greekes Anchyses Eneas Ascaneus Eneas Euādre Latene Turnus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Siluius the father of Brutus The praise of Brute Howe Brutus slewe his father Helenus Priamus Anchises Pandras Brutus Anacletus 〈…〉 onꝰ Pandras The pillers that Hercules made of brasse Diane the Goddes Corneus capitain of that Troyās Goryne The armes of 〈…〉 e Maryan chronicler Corneus Gogmagog Coryn This Isle Briteyne Corneus London 〈…〉 The lēgth and bredth of the Isle of Bryteyne Howe Brutus deuided this ysle Thre sonnes of Brute Locryne 〈◊〉 Albanacte Brutus ordered the people to sowe corne Locryne * The death of Albanact The ryuer of Humbar wherof it tooke that name How Lo●yn was 〈…〉 e in betrayle by hys wy●e Gwendolyne The ryuer of Seuerne wherofit tooke the name Guendolena Maddā kyng of Britain that is Englād Scotlande Howe the one 〈…〉 to be kynge Mēpryse kyng of Britaine The wretched end of Mempryse Ebranke reygned ▪ lx yeres The Castell of Dūbrytayne in Scotlād The castel of Ediburgh The castell of Bamburgh That is yorke Brutus greneshilde reigned xii yeres Leyle kyng of Britain reygned .xxv. yeres The cytee of Carleile by whō it was buylded Rudhudebras kynge reygned xxxix yeres Bladud reigned .xx. yeres Stāforde A manne decked in fethers Leyr kyng Cordell quene of Fraunce Morgan Cōdage is that which we nowe call Walis Condage
greate meyne hym mette greate honour As if he had been of Roome themperour ¶ At his commyng again into England He gaue Norway vnto his soonne sir Swayne And to Herold his soonne as I vnderstand England he gaue of whiche he was full fain And to Harknowt Denmarke he gaue certain And so dyed in Christen whole creaunce At Shaftisbury buryed by his ordynaunce ¶ The yere of Christ a thousand so was than And thirty foure also truly written When he had reigned fro the tyme that he began Eightene yere whole as well it was wrytten With the darte of death whē that he was smitten In whose dayes the land was inquiet Full of riches and of welfare whole replete The C .xviij. Chapiter ¶ Herold kyng of England the soonne of kyng Kno wt reigned fiue yere and dyed in the yere a thousand and .xxxix. HErolde his soonne was crouned then in deede By Loofrike that duke of Leiscestre By Londoners in Flores as I reede By Danyshyr also as saieth the letter That strong werre then and of power greater Then other lordes of Englishe nacion At London made was this coronacion ¶ Alurede the soonne of kyng Ethelrede With fifty sailes landed at Southampton Wher kynge Herold with hoste hym met in deede Redy to fight with hym for the croune But certain lordes of Englondes region Betwene theim treated that Alurede went again To Normandy to duke Robert full plain ¶ But afterward as Alurede so rode Fro his mother vnto the kyng Herold The duke Goodwyn on Gyldismore hym bode With people greate of nombre manyfold And slewe his menne downe there as he would And led hym furth to Ely and hym slewe As traitour false that euer had bee vntrewe ¶ Some chronicle saieth he putte out bothe his eyen Fro whiche he dyed sone for pain and woo Some other sayin he slette his wombe full keen The lengest gut to a stacke he nayled tho Led hym about the stack ther with muche wo Till all came out that was his wombe within Thus sleugh thei hym with sobteltie and gyn ¶ His mother quene Eme Edward then sent To Normandy to duke Wyllyam anone That hir cousyn was to kepe he were not shent By kyng Herold of his cruelty alone Warnyng hym of the treasō that Herold had dooen For whiche cause Herold hir exild Out of England and Edward also hir child ¶ To Flaundres she fled then full sore amoued To erle Badwyn hir cousyn nie of bloodde Declaryng to hym howe Herold had distroyed Hir soonne Alurede that heyre of England stood And exiled hir without socour or good And Edward also hir soonne heire of England His brother children also awaye in vncouth land ¶ Wherfore therle to kyng Hardknowt then wrote All hir compleynt and of his socour prayed And he should help with all his might God wote It were amendid of that she was affrayed He came anone in warre full well aryed Into Flaundres his mother for to please Hir for to socour and sette hir hert in ease ¶ In whiche meane while the kyng Herold dyed At Westminster and buried was full feire After he had reigned as it is notified Fiue yere reigned without any heire Of his body gotten after hym to repeire England to gouerne wherfore the lordes by assēt To kyng Hardknowte then into Flaundres sente ¶ To bee their kyng sith Herold was a gone To please hym with and his mother to comfort Who came to England furth with anone And crouned was with all the whole disport That lordes conde as Flores dooeth report Thus kyng Hardknowt was kyng of Englande than Who worthily that tyme to reigne tho began ¶ This kyng began his brothers death to venge On erle Gowyn that erle was then of Kent That peased was for he should not reuenge With riche giftes whiche that he on hym spent With meekenesse lowe swore that he was sent To dooe that thyng on pein of high treson By kyng Herold charged without reason ¶ Through good and giftes mighty hie riches And of his kyn that meekely hym obeyed And by acquaintaūce that thei made then expresse Vpon the holy euangelis sworne vndelayed The kyng graūted hym his grace was well payed To make hym of his coūsell of gouernaūce Without more wrath or any discordaunce ¶ He maried then his sister Gunylde to Henry Themperour that falsly was accused Of synne and cryme vsed in auoutry With a young manne the whiche hir excused After the lawe of the land that was there vsed By battaill of his hand that then their flewe His accusour approuyng hym vntrewe ¶ For the whiche she would nomore come in his bed But lyued sole euer after so hir life For good ne gold for aught that he hir beed For loue ne threte for betyng ne for strife With hym dwellyng forthwarde as his wife In all thynges els euer at his gouernaunce Bothe daye and night in womanly pleasaunce ¶ Kyng Hardknowt then his doughter maryed Vnto a duke of the Danishrie At Lambirgh dyed at his feast magnified Emong his lordes and all his prelacie And putte hym whole in God his high mercye And charged theim his brother Edward to croūe To reioyse the land of Englandes region ¶ This was the yere of Christ then inscriued A thousand whole fourty also and one When that he had reigned as was subscribed The twoo yere whole whē he was thus wyse gone For whom was made that tyme full muche mone At Wynchester byside his father buryed With lordes all thither full well accompaignied The C .xix. Chapiter ¶ Kyng Edwarde the confessour kyng of Englād reigned twenty and foure yeres that began the yere of Christ a thousand fourty and one and dyed the yere a thousand sixty and fiue EDward his brother sōne of kīg Ethelrede was crowned then kyng of Englande The yere of Christ a M. then in dede Fourtye one as Flores could vnderstande To whom the kyng Swayn of Denmarke lande The tribute whiche he had fully relesed And warres all betwene theim ceassed ¶ To sende hym then the hole Englyshe nauy Agayn Magnus that kynge was of Norwaye That helde it so by wrong and tirannie Whiche Edwarde sente anone in great araye With lordes knightes and squiers freshe gaye With archers many by whiche he gate his lande Of Norwaye hole and seazed it in his hande ¶ Erle Eustace of Boleyn that had wed Edwardes suster on his mother syde To Edwarde came at Douer sore bested Where then his men a burges slewe that tyde Wherfore therle Goodwyn set full of pryde Asked the kyng to haue delyueraunce Of therls men to byde his ordynaunce ¶ Notwithstandyng that Burges slewe his knight For that same cause wherfore he it denyed But made peace then as he therle had hight Of Boleyne so his brother in lawe alied For whiche therle Goodwyn sore replied And warred sore vpon the kyng eche daye With his sonnes fyue in full great araye ¶ Not cōsideryng that kyng
ladyes many were drowned as was sene And then the kyng wed Hadelyse the quene The duke Godfrey daughter that was of Loreyne Of his mournyng to comforte him agayne ¶ And in the yere a thousande fully accompte And an C. twenty and also fyue Themperour Henry the death surmounte And passed to God fro Maude that was his wife Who to her father king Henry came belyfe Abode with hym in Englande then ▪ two yere Maude Empryce was called then full clere ¶ And in the yere of Chrystes incarnacyon A thousande was an C. twenty and seuen When kyng Henry in greate prosperacyon His doughter Maude thempryce to neuen The earle Geffrey Plantagenet euen Earle of Angeou the sone of Fowke Tailboys So maryed had of fame that had the voyce ¶ On whome he gate a sonne that Henry hyght By surname called Henry fitz Empryce Then dyed his eme Alexaunder forth ryghte The kyng of Scottes a prīce of great enterpryce That homage dyd for Scotlande as suffyce So dyed then to whome Dauyd succede His brother was saint Margarete sonne in dede ¶ That to kyng Henry made his homage And then to Maude the foresayde Empryce By hole assent of all his Baronage By letter wryten and sealed as maye suffyce which Iohn Hardīg in Scotland brought of p̄ce with many mo for foure C. marke and fyftye At biddīg cōmaundement of the with king Henry ¶ Cadwalan prynce of Wales at Wadeyet In batayle faught where kyng Henry him slewe And greate people of Wales that there forset Were slayne that daye to hym that were vntrewe Of whiche batayl Wales maye alway rewe The yere a thousande an C. and thyrtye And there tyll two as made is memorye ¶ Then went the kyng to Normandye agayne And there abode and kepte all Normandy To tyme he dyed of whome that lande was fayne But Englande then of it was full heuy When he had reygned so full worthy He dyed in the syxe and thyrtye yere At Boys Leon of his reygne then full clere ¶ Of Chrystes date was then a thousande yere An hundreth also and. ix and thyrtye moo Buryed at Redynge as well it doth appere In the abbaye whiche there he founded so Of monkes blake where euer they ryde or goo That pray for hym for quene Maude his wyfe Who eyther other loued withouten stryfe The C .xxvii. Chapiter ¶ Stephan of Bloys kynge of Englande reygned .xix. yere beganne the yere of Chryst a thousande C. and. xxxix and dyed in the yere a thousande C .lviii. STephā of Blois his sister sōne was croūd A manly mā was thē of great power And king was made of England that stound Withoute stryfe or any maner warre To Normandy he went and seazed all there and gaue it to his sonne syr Eustace And made hym duke therof with great solace ¶ Thus Eustace then duke of Normandy To Parys went to kyng lewys of Fraunce His homage made for his lande so in hye And put oute then with greate contraryaunce The offycers that dyd to Maude pleasaunce And wed the suster of kyng Lewes to wife For supowaill of it without strife ¶ The kyng Stephā to Englād thē home came And tidynges had howe kyng Dauid had distroied The North parties dooen full muche harme Wherfore he brent Edenburgh then and noyed And the countree aboute he sore accloyed For wiche Dauid his soonne to Henry then sent To bee his manne thens furth at his entent ¶ To whome kyng Stephan therldō of Hūtyngton Then gaue and erle therof hym so create Who then for it by verey due reason His homage did as it was ordinate Whiche Hēry dyed and neuer had kynges estate For whiche the Scottes seyn thei owe no seruice To Englishe kynges but onely of this wise ¶ Kyng Stephan then bet the castell doune In England so that stode hym to defence His menne thei gaue to their enheritesoun And all foon for cause of their offence He disherite with might violence Diuers erles and lordes he disherite And many other of his frendes enherite ¶ The yere of Christ a thousand was then gone An hundred thirty and eight also Kyng Stephan brake all his othes a none That he had made vnto the barons tho For whiche thei rose full sore again hym so And warred hym felly on euery side And he on them also with mikyl pryde ¶ The yere a thousande an C. thyrty and nyne Maude Empryce in England claymed her right With earle Robert of Gloucestre her brother fine And earle Randolf of Chester with all his might Syr Bygot earle of Northfolke then hyght Awbrey Ver then earle of Oxenforde And Willyam Bawne that then was earle of Herforde ¶ Willyam Legroos earle of Almarle tho Robert Louell Willyam lorde Percy Kyng Dauyd her eine and many other mo Of earls and barons that were full hardy The castell then Lyncolne gate on hye The cytee helde of Lyncolne with also With hoste full greate lyggyng with them so ¶ Where then the kyng y● castell seged longe Tyll he it had by treaty and conuencyon And bode therin with power greate and stronge Tyll Maude and he as made is mencyon With stronge batayles and great discencyon Besyde Lyncolne where then she had the felde And Stephā taken hurt sore through his sheld To Brystowe then earle Roberte Clare hym led And in the towre there kepte in stronge pryson The Empryce Mawde with power that she had To Wynchester then she rode segyng the towne Where the quene Maude as made is mencyon Kyng Stephā his wyfe it rescowed with batayl sore And toke the earle Clare his eme thore The C .xxviij. Chapiter ¶ Thenterchaunge of kyng Stephan and of tht duke Robert Clare duke of Glocester FOr which cause thē to haue hir eme again Themperesse and quene Maude accordid To enterchaunge that kyng so then full fain For erle Robert without more concordid This enterchaunge thus made and recordid The kyng hir sued vnto Oxenford Fro whens she went by night to Walyngford ¶ Vpon the frost in the wynter season In her smocke alone with hir vncle dere That none hir knewe of theim without the towne So like hir smocke and the snowe was in feer The kyng knewe not in what place that she wer For Oxenford he gate and Awbray slewe Of Oxenford that was an erle full trewe ¶ The kyng Stephan a castell then began At Wilton where kyng Dauid with power And erle Robert of Glocester that was then Hym droue awaye out of that place full clere And bet it downe to the ground full nere To Walyngford the kyng with power went Themperesse to sech was his entent ¶ Hir partie then droue hym then awaye With greate slaughter of menne and occ●sion And euery lorde on other made greate affraye And spoyled other through al this region By greate impression and cruell sore raunson The kyng treated with erle Randolf full trewe But false then was his treaty as menne knewe ¶ For when
Whiche that land couth there gouerne mikel better And seruyce dyd to Logres ofte by letter ¶ Also the same Iohn Baylioll I made Kyng of Scotlande as lawe and reason wolde Who made homage to me with hert full glad And afterwarde was false manyfolde He stroyed my lande with hostes stoute and bolde Wherfore I made hym warre tyll he were fayne To my presence to come and hym obeyne ¶ Where then for trespasse and rebellyon He surrendred to me and to my heyres The realme of Scotlande also the crowne The lordes of all Scotlande for them theyrs Made me homage for theyr proper landes By theyr letter wryten and theyr bandes ¶ Wherfore then hauyng therof possessyon The pryde of my subiectes and insolence Where I dyd fynde theyr false rebellyon As ryght and lawe wolde be my regence I chastysed ay at myne intellygence Wherfore please it to youre fatherhede Myne aunciente rightes to haue cōmend in dede The C .lxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe the lordes wrote to the byshop of Rome for the same cause THe date was of this letter a. M. yere Thre hundreth also one the. viii daye of Mayr And of his reygne .xxix. clere With that the lordes in Englande were that daye By theyr letter and the byshop dyd praye The kynges ryght not to put in questyon Of eldest tyme longyng to his crowne ¶ For in theyr letter the bishop they did remēber They wolde not suffer his disherityson His crowne so foule to hurte and dismembre His royalty to put in questyon For desyre of his rebels false suggestyon The whiche ryghtes for death or lyfe mayntaine They wer so bound they could none other meane ¶ So seased the byshop and the mater lette And kyng Edwarde then in to Scotlande went Through all Catnesse destroyed it in greate hete The monthes hye oute ysles strayte he shent Tyll they obeyed all hole his regiment And wyntred then at Dunfermlin abbey Where saint Margarete is worshpped euer ay The C .lxvi. Chapiter ¶ Of the batayle of Argyle where Vmfreuyle tooke Wyllyam Waleys and Iohn Waleys ANd then therle of Angos Robert Vmfreuile That regēt was of Scotlād cōstitute Toke william Wales then at Argyle His brother Iohn also without resute With rebelles mo that were all destytute By batell sore there smyten full cruelly Where Vmfreuile then had the victorye ¶ And to London them brought to iudgement Where they were drawē hanged on galowe tre And quartred then their quarters home were sēt At certayne townes hanged vp there to be Theyr traytourhede and falshede for to se Theyr heddes also full hye vpon the towre At London brydge were set to great terroure The C .lxvii. Chapiter ¶ How Peirs of Gauerstone erle of Cornwaile was exyled ANd in the yere a thousand .iii. C. and fyue He exyled out Peyrs Gauerston of Cornewayle That Earle was then for treason knowen ryue And in the yere after without any fayle Earle Robert Bruis of Carrike ganne assayle Earle Iohn Comen of Bongham at Dunfryse And slewe hym there in feueryere whē it did fryse ¶ Bycause he wolde not to hym there assent To be crowned then kynge of Scotlande And forthe he fled to se who wolde consent And many one drewe to hym in that lande Became his men and made syker bonde To whome Walter Wareyne the yonger sonne Of therle of Surrey that then dyd wonne ¶ With the lorde Vesty that had his syster wed That fro her went vnto this Robert Bruys Eyther of other were fayne for they were fled Out of Englande their liuyng had such Guris For their ryotous lyuyng and male auentures Thus went they aboute harkening euery where Who were foes and who their frendes were ¶ All Scotland through this Robert wēt about On fote to spye who wolde with hym holde And who wolde not he warred them all oute And kylled them downe in places manifolde And muche harme dyd in chronycle as is tolde And with hym was alwaye Walter Wareyne That with hym went through mountaynes woode and playne ¶ On nightes they lay in woodes in moūtaine At morowe on theyr foes came downe and kyll On day they were thousādes at euen but twayne There knews no moo at euē where they drewe tyl So were they euer at nyght of lodgyng wyll For drede of guyle and of greate traytourye They lodged them on nyghtes full priuely ¶ But on the feaste of the Annuncyacion Of our lady saynt Mary the virgyne Robert Bruys with greate supportacyon Was crowned at Skone as he coulde ymagyne To whom great folke with good wyl did enclyne Full glad of his welfare his coronacyon With greate hoste came to Perch with prosperacion The C .lxviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe syr Robert Vmfreuile Earle of Angeou and syr Aymer Valence Earle of Pēbroke discomfyted kyng Robert Bruys besyde saynte Iohns towne and put hym vnto the flyghte ON the morowe sir Robert erle Vmfreuile Of Angeous then that regent was by north The Scottes sea and Aymer Valence that while Erle of Pēbroke by south the water of Forth Wardayne was of Scotlande forsoth That daye faught with kyng Robert Bruis Beside Iohnstoune where he fled wtout rescowes ¶ Vnto the Kentir many Scottes there slaine Where then they toke the wyfe of kyng Robert And his brother Nygell the sothe to sayne And the earle of Athels myght not a sterte And sent them to the kyng with full glad hert Whome the kyng kepte after theyr estate At London well together conso●yate ¶ Henry Percy toke the brethren two Of kyng Robert Alexaunder Thomas that hight To the Iustes them sent that hanged were tho His other brother at London hanged ryght Kyng Roberte then sieged the Percy full wyght But Vmfreuyle hym anon rescowed And the syege from hym anone remoued ¶ Kyng Robert Bruys faught with Aimer Valēce Earle of Penbroke and put hym to the flyght At Methfen so and slewe with violence All Englyshemen in batell there downe ryght Th erle of Gloucester Gylbert Clare that hight Thre dayes after he syeged hym in Are But kyng Edward therle then rescowed thare ¶ The king Edwarde with hoost hym sought full sore But ay he fled into woodes strayte forest And slewe his men at straytes daungers thore And at marreys and mires was ay full prest Englyshmen to kyll without any rest In the mountaynes cragges he slewe ay where And in the nyght his foes he frayde full sere The king Edward with hornes hoūdes him soght With mēne on fote through marris mosse myre Through wodes also moūtēs wher thei fought And euer that kyng Edward hight men greate hyre Hym for to take and by might conquere But thei might hym not gette by force ne by train He satte by the fyre when thei in the rain ¶ The kyng Edward for anger fell in accesse And homeward came full sycke and sore annoyed And bade his soonne he should for no distresse No trewce take with Scottes that sore
to whom they did homage ¶ Syr Iames Douglas erle Patrike Dūbare With all theyr helpe at the Candilmasse On Edwarde roase the Bailiol or he were ware And slewe all that they found doutlesse That fayn he was to Englande to flee helpelesse At Marche after he entred then Scotlande With thesame lordes then of the north lande ¶ On both sydes they rode and fast destroyed And to Berwike Edwarde Bailol came And sieged it and felly was annoyed To whiche Edwarde of Englonde with great fame Came with his hoost and laye there at thesame The Douglas then and Dunbare with power Northumberlande all through brent full clere The C .lxxix. Chapiter ¶ Of the battayle of Halidon hill and howe Edwarde Bayliol did homage leege to kyng Edwarde of Englande TO Halydon hill they came with their prayes Barwike castell and towne so to rescue Wher to oure hoste ful oft they made frayes Both day euen and morowes or day dewe But then the kyng of Englande to hym drewe The kyng also of Scotland with his might Full sore that daye in batayll did they fight ¶ Where Edwardes two had al the victorye The royaltes of all Scotlande there wer slayn Thyrty thousande with theim liggand by Of men of armes and archers dead certayn Then in the yere next after soth to sayn At newcastell Edwarde kyng of Scotlande His homage did to the kyng of Englande ¶ For whiche that cōmons of Scotlād on hym rose And slewe his men that he into Englande came And gatte an hoste and rode vpon his fooes Through Anand through Kylay Conyngham Carrike and Glascowe slewe al that he foūd at hame The kyng Edwarde of England with power Through Lowthian so did to Stryuelyn clere ¶ And both met there with great gladnesse And home they came destroiyng all the waye Another yere in Iule for to redresse Scotlande agayn with hostes they gan a fraye At saynt Iohns towne they met in great araye And ther they made therle of Athelis regent Whome the commons felly slewe and shent ¶ Kyng Edwarde sent after in another yere In Maye Henry Lancastre a noble knight To Scotlande with an hoste of good power And afterwarde he came with mekill might To saynt Iohns towne on the monthes right Through Murrey to Elgyne Giluernes Rosse Throughout mounteynes woddes myre mosse ¶ Kyng Edwarde then came home into Englāde And proclaymed his sonne Edwarde nominate The prince of Wales thens forth I vnderstande Henry Lancastre the younger he create Erle of Derby to beare the hole estate Wyllyam Mountague erle of Salisbury Of Northampton Wyllyam Bowne full manly ¶ Of Gloucester he made Hugh of Awdely Of Suffolke then he made Robert Hufforth Of Huntyngdon Wyllyam Clinton gay Whiche erles the kyng toke with hym forth With many a worthy knyght bothe of south and north And with the quene so vnto Andwarpe And there abode by all the wynter sharpe ¶ With great people and worthy chyualrye Agayn the kyng of Fraunce to clayme his right And wrote his title vnto that Romishe bishop on hie The duke of Barre and other lordes of might The quenes frendes then socoure had hym hight Where then the quene of hyr sonne Lionell Delyuered was as chronicles do tell ¶ He cherished then Flaundres that they forsoke Theyr naturall lorde and swore feautee To hym and his theyr power they betoke To byde and dwell vnder his souerayntee Because they sawe in hym suche humanitee He chaunged his armes in banners and penons And in his seale quartred of both regions ¶ And in the yere then of his reygne thyrtene His armes chaunged and called kyng of Fraūce He rode in Fraunce on warre as then was seen A thousande tounes he brent by his puysaunce The kyng of Fraunce without variaunce Sent hym worde that he wold with hym fight But at the poynt he did not as he hight ¶ For at that tyme in sonder they were a myle He fled awaye kyng Edward held the felde Two dayes after he sued and Vmfreuile Of hym had sight and then he founde his sheld By whiche he knewe his couenaunt he not held Wherfore the kyng to Brabant went agayn The dukes three of Barre Earle and Brabayn ¶ The parliamēt thē at Westmynster was hold Wher they graūted hym the .ix. lābe flees shaue Of the commons but the churche nomore wold Hym graunt but one dysme of theim to haue For which he graūted generall perdone and gaue The .ix. lambe slees shaue graunt was two yere To helpe the kyng his right to conquere The C .lxxx. Chapiter 〈◊〉 ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde smote the battayle on the sea at Sluse besyde Brydges howe the kyng firste rode into Fraunce and quartred his armes with the armes of Fraunce and sent to kyng Philip to trye the ryght betwene theim two ANd in his yere next after then fourtene At Sluse that kīg faught with the Frēch nauy Fro noone to eue to the morowe as was seen Where all wer drouned slayn myghtely And kyng Edward to Fraunce went hastely With hoste full great destroied the lande brent The cytee of Turnais besieged and shente ¶ Then wrote he to the kyng Philip of Fraunce Not namyng hym kyng of that lande But to Philip of Valoys for greuaunce Willyng alone they two to take on hande To fyght for the cause and for to stande Who hath the better for euer to holde Fraunce Withoute warre or any more dystaunce ¶ Or elles they two eyther with an C. knyghtes And yf these wayes please hym not to excepte Come with his hoste all his strongest wyghtes To the cytee of Tournay none excepte At a certayne daye iustly to be kepte And who the felde maye get brooke well Fraunce Withoute more stryfe or any varyaunce ¶ The kyng then wrote vnto kyng Edwarde agayne That he wolde not for the letters fight Whiche touche not kyng Philyp in certayne But Philyp Valoys as sheweth well to syght To whiche he wolde set neyther daye ne highte But when he thought it were for his honoure He shulde hym chase awaye without socoure ¶ Out of his land which wrongfully he sheweth Agayne his fayth feautye made and homage To his auncesters by letter as it sheweth Vnder his seale of hole and good knowlage For Guyan and his other herytage And fro Turnace into Brabane agayne The kyng Edwarde in wynter dyd remayne ¶ To byde the byshoppes rule and disposicyon Of good accorde for then two cardynalles To take a trewce by good prouisyon Duryng two yere betwene them generals And all theyr frendes that were princypalles Then came the kyng to Edwarde into Englande His offycers newe made I vnderstande ¶ To the trewce then taken at Maltrete The dukes two of Burgoyne and Burbone In the kynges soule of Fraunce swore and hete Truly to kepe for frendes or for foone And duke Henry of Lancaster sad as stone Willyam Bowne Earle of Northhampton And Willyam Mountague full hye of renoune
it there moste clere Where these fyue lordes came armed by one assēt Appealed the duke of Irelande of greate entent The archbyshop of Yorke that hyght Neuyle And Michell poole earle of Suffolke that whyle ¶ Sir Nichol Brēbyr of London that was Mayre Tresilyan also and syr Symonde Bourley Whiche they exyled some they honge vnfeyre Some they heded that tyme that was full gaye Holt and Belknap exyled were awaye In to Irelande for hye contryued treasone Agayne the kyng and his royall crowne ¶ The earle Douglas the earle of March also Northumberlande by west the newe castell Vnto Morpath norwarde dyd mikyll wo At Otturborne as chronycles dyd tell Henry Percy with small hoste on hym fell And slewe Douglas many put to the flyght And gate the felde vpon his enemyes ryght ¶ He sent the lorde syr Thomas Vmfreuyle His brother Robert also sir Thomas Grey And sir Mawe Redmayn beyond that Scottes that whyle To holde them in that they fled not awaye Wherfore the Scottes releued agayne alway Through which Henry was take there anone To Dūbar led for whom was made great mone ¶ The felde was his all yf that he were take The Vmfreuyle Grey Ogle and Redmayne Helde the felde hole that myght so for his sake And knewe nothyng whetherwarde he was gayn The Earle of Marche with preuy men alane Full priuely to Dunbarre with hym rode And kepte hym there for he was greatly ferde ¶ The Douglas all that many were that daye Laboured full sore with wyles and great wyt Hym to haue slayne for euer and ay For Douglas death so sore they rewed it This batail was on saynt Oswoldes daye cōmyt The .xii. yere of the kyng and of Christes date Thirtene C. foure score and eyght socyate The C .xci. Chapiter ¶ Howe the quene Anne dyed and howe kyng Rychard went fyrste to Irelande with his hooste ANd in the yere a thousand .iii. C. and mo Foure score fourtene quene Anne died The .xviii. yere was of the kyng then so And buryed was as well is notifyed Of all vertue she was well laudefyed To womanhede that myght in ought appende At Westminster she is full well commende ¶ At Michelmasse nexte after folowyng In that same yere the kyng to Irelande went With greate power hoste therin warrynge Vpon Makmur with all his hole entente And on the greate Aneell by one ascent Of his lordes where Makmurre greate Aneel To him obeyed and made hym homage leel ¶ The earle of Marche syr Roger Mortymer The kynge made then Leuetenaūt of Irelande That yonge was then and home he came that yere And great hoshoulde helde as I can vnderstand Far passyng kynges of any other lande For whiche the voyce on hym rose and name Through christendom he bare then furth that fame ¶ And in the yere a thousande as was then Thre hundreth eke foure score also syxtene Of his reygne the .xviii. yere was then At Alhalowmasse kyng Rychard as was sene At Calys wed dame Isabell the quene Kīg Charles doughter that then was kīg of Fraūce At Christmasse crowned by gouernaunce ¶ And in Smithfelde great iustes tornement Of all realmes and dyuers nacyon Of Englyshe Iryshe and Walshe present Of Scottes also were at the coronacyon And iusted there with greate cōmendacy on By .xiiii. dayes iusted who so wolde Henry of Derby bare hym then full bolde Henry Percy and Raufe his brother gaye Robert Morley and syr Iohn Grene Cornewell Heer Nichol Hauberke and eke syr Mawburney Walter Bytterley syr Thomas Blankeueile Syr Hugh Spencer and Iamco saunz fayle Heer Hans heer Iohn the lorde fitz Walter Blaket Dynmoke and also the lorde Spencer ¶ Vmfreuyle and his brother Roberte Vmfrey Stafforde and syr Rychard Arundell These .xx. helde the felde within full sinert Agayne all other that wolde with Iustes mell Of what nacyon he were that man can tell Of in any lande the knyghtes iusted thare And squyers also without that well them bare The C .xcii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kyng arest the duke of Gloucester the Earles of Warwyk and Aroundell and foreiuged them for treason and made fyue Dukes a Marquis and foure Earles and watched daye and nyghte with Cheshyre men for drede of insurreccyon THe yere of Christe a. M. was so then Thre C. eke foure score also seuentene At mydsomer the kyng with many a man At Plashe toke Thomas of Wodstoke full kene Of Gloucester the duke that was full clene That smyten was in fell and great syknesse And in the towre hym put in great distresse ¶ Whome sone he sente to Calyce secretely And murthered hym in the prynces inne By hole aduice of his councell priuely And in eche shyre of which he did greate synne His confessyon of treason more and mynne Of .ix. poyntes fayned he then proclaymed To staunche the folke that for hym cryed claymed ¶ He then arest Thomas earle of Warwyke And Earle Rycharde of Arundell no lees The lorde Cobham full trewe and also manlyke Foringed them by strength of men and prees The earle of Warwyk his name for to distresse Vnto this●e of Man in sore prison Of Arundell therle hedded for treson ¶ The lord Cobham in to prisone perpetuall In the towre to abide for euer more At Mighelmasse next so then did bifall The kyng then held his greate parlyament thore At Westminster wher the kyng mustred sore At the Blakeheth an hundred thousand menne To make the commons for to dred hym then ¶ At whiche parlyamēt he made therle of Derby Duke of Herford therle of Rutland also Of Almarle duke therle of Kent duke of Surry Th erle of Huntyngton duke of Excester tho Th erle Marshall he made and no mo Duke of Northfolke thus were there dukes fiue Of newe create and none was substantiue ¶ He made therle of Somerset marques Of Dorset then sir Iohn Beaufort that hight Of poore liuelode that was that tyme doubtles Foure erles next he made in mantiles full right With swerdes girt the lord Spencer on hight That create was then erle of Gloucester Thomas Percy also erle of Worcester ¶ The lord Neuell then erle of Westmerland Wyllyam Scrope erle of Wiltshire create That Chamberleyn was then I vnderstand And tresourer of England ordinate These foure erles were thus consociate Then all these dukes and erles with many mo Of lordes young he had aye with hym ¶ Bishopes thirtyne he held then furth eche daye Barons many and many a worthy knight To greate nombre and squiers freshe and gaye And officers well mo then nedid right In eche office by tenfold mo to sight Then were afore for then he had eche daye Twoo hundred menne of Cheshire wher he laye ¶ To watche hym aye wher so euer he laye He dred hym aye so of insurreccion Of the commons and of the people aye He trusted none of all his region But Chesshire menne for his proteccion Wher euer he rode with arowes and
I was aboute to saye taken aswell as before God I mente it coulde deserue but thanke and yet taken as I wene it would myghte happen to turne me to lytle good and you to lesse Then longed the duke muche more to were what it was wherupon the byshop saied In good faith my lord as for the late protectoure ●ith he is now kyng in possessyon I purpose not to dispute his title but for the welthe of this realme whereof his grace hathe nowe the gouernaunce and wherof I my selfe am a poore membre I was aboute to wysh that to those good habilitees wherof he hath already righte many litle nedyng my prayse yet mighte it haue pleased God for the better store to haue geuen hym some of suche other excellent vertues mete for the rule of the realme as oure Lord hath planted in the persone of your grace there lefte of againe Of whiche woordes the duke perceauyng that the byshop bare vnto hym his good hearte and fauoure mystrusted not to entre more plaine cōmunicacion with hym so farre that at the laste the byshoppe declared hym selfe to bee one of theim that would gladly helpe that Richard who then vsurped the croune mighte bee deposed if he had knowen howe it myghte conuenientely bee broughte to passe the suche a persone as had true title of inheritaunce vnto the same might bee restored therunto Vpon this the saied duke knowing the bishoppe to bee a manne of prudence and fidelitee opened to hym all his whole hart and entent saying my lorde I haue deuised the waye howe the bloodde both of kyng Edward and of kyng Henry the syxte that is lefte beyng coupled by maryage and affinitee maye bee restored vnto the croune being by iuste and true title due vnto theim both for kyng Richard he called not the brother of kyng Edwarde the fourth but his enemye and mortall fooe The waye that the Duke had deuysed was this that they shoulde with all spede and celerytee fynde meanes to sende for Henry earle of Rich mounte whome the rumoure wente immediatlye vpon knowledge of kynge Edwardes deathe to haue bene deliuered oute of prysone with Fraunces Duke of Brytaine the same Henry to helpe with all their power and strength so that the saied Henry woulde fyrste by his feithfull othe promise that ymmediatly vpon obteigning the croune he woulde mary and take to wyfe Elyzabeth the elder doughter of Edward the fourth The byshop of Ely ryghte well alowed bothe the deuyce and purpose of the duke and also the maner and waye howe the matter shoulde bee broughte to effecte and founde meanes that Reynold Breye seruaūr with Margarete mother of the saied Henry then maried to Thomas Stanley came to the duke in to Wales and the dukes mynde throughlye perceaued and knowen with greate spede retourned to the saied Margarete aduertisyng the same of all thinges which betwene the duke and hym concerning aswell the cōmon weale of the realme as also the aduauncemente of her and her bloodde had been debated Nowe it came so to passe that the duke of Buckyngham and the ladye Margaret mother to the saied Henrye had bene in communicacyon of the same matter before and that the saied lady Margarete had deuised the same meane and waye for the deposycion of kynge Rycharde and bringyng in of Henry her sonne the whiche the Duke nowe brake vnto the byshop of Ely wherupon the●e rested no more forasmuche as she perceaued the duke nowe willyng to prosecute and further the sayed deuice but that she should fynde the meanes that this matter myghte bee broken vnto Quene Elizabeth the wyfe of kyng Edwade the fourthe then beynge in the Sanctuarye And hereupon she caused one Lewes that was her physicyan in his owne name and as thoughe it came of hym selfe to breake this matter vnto the quene saying that yf she would consent and agree therunto a meane might bee founde howe to restore agayne the blood of kyng Edwarde and kyng Henrye the syxte vnto the croune and to bee aduenged of kynge Rycharde for the murther of kyng Edwardes chyldren and then declared that there was beyonde that see Henry Earle of Richemounte whiche was of the blood of Henry the sixte whome yf she woulde be content that he marye Elizabeth her eldest doughter there shoulde of his syde bee made righte many frendes and she for her parte myghte helpe in lyke maner wherby no doubte it shoulde come to passe that he shoulde possesse the croune by moost rightfull inheritaunce Whiche matter when she heard it it liked her excedingly well in so much as she counceled the saied phisicyan to breake the same vnto his maistresse the ladye Margaret knowe her mynde therein promisyng vpon her woorde that she would make all the frendes of kyng Edwarde to take parte with the sayed Henrye yf he woulde be sworne that when he came to the possessyon of the croune he woulde immediately take in maryage Elyzabeth her eldest doughter or elles yf she lyued not that tyme that then he would take Cicile her yongest doughter Whereupon the sayde Lewes retourned vnto the ladye Margarete hys maystresse declarynge vnto her the whole mynd and entent of the quene So that thē it was shortly agreed betwene these two wemen that wyth al spede thys matter shold be set forwarde in so much that the lady Margarete brake thys matter vnto Reynolde Bray wyllynge hym to moue and set forwarde the same with all suche as he shoulde perceaue eyther hable to doo good or wyllynge thereunto Then had the quene deuysed that one Chrystopher whome the foresayde Lewes the Physicyan had promoted into her seruyce shoulde bee sente into Brytayne to Henrye to geue hym knowledge of theyr myndes here and that he shoulde prepare and apoynt hym selfe redye and to come into Wales where he shoulde fynde ayde and helpe ynonghe readye to receaue hym But then shortly after yt came vnto her knowledge that the Duke of Buckingham had of himselfe afore entended the same matter whereupon she thoughte yt should be mete to sende some messenger of more reputacyon and credyte then was thys Chrystopher and so kepte hym at home and then sente Hughe Conewaye wyth a greate some of monye wyllynge hym to declare vnto Henrye all thynges and that he should hast hym to come and to lande in Wales as is aforesayde And after hym one Rycharde Guilforde oute of Kente sente one Thomas Ramey wyth the same message the whyche two messengers came in maner bothe at one tyme into Brytayn to the Earle Henrye and declared vnto hym all theyr commyssiōs The whiche message when Henry had perceaued and throughly heard it reioysed his harte and he gaue thankes vnto God fully purposyng with al conuenyente spede to take his iourney towardes England desiryng the aide and helpe of the duke of Brytayne with promise of thanckfull recompence when God should sende hym to come to his ryghte The duke of Britayne notwithstanding that he had not longe after
sorowe to the Englishe men for thei cried out of the kyng and saied it was not for his honour so to dooe but the kyng as a wise manne moste prudent prince saied it should be the death of many noble puisaunt capitaines if he should continue thesame battaill therefore it might be to his sore reproche if it wer in his power not to tendre as well the health of his cōmons as his owne whiche saiyng did somewhat coule pacifye their grief And after this dooen the kyng returned backe to Calise for because it was enformed hym that one Richard the named hym self the sonne of kyng Edwarde had made an insurreccion in Flaūders through the counsaill of lady Margarete the quene to fight against hym which thyng kyng Henry consyderyng did the more spedely hasten to conclude a peace And the condicion of this peace to bee made was this that the Frenche kyng should paye to kyng Henry a certain summe of meny the whiche was leauyed by the ambassadours for the cost and charges that the kyng was put to in that battayll and also should yerely for a certain space paye or cause to bee payde to the kyng of Englād for a full recompence x●v thousand crounes The whiche Frenche kyng after that beyng in warre with the Italians payd the said tribute to the most noble prince and our souereigne lorde kyng Hērye the. v●● sonne to Henry the seuenth for a full recō 〈…〉 cion and frendship to bee had for euer This was the yere of our Lorde a thousand foure hundreth foure score and thirtene and the seuēth yere of his reigne Also in this inuadyng besiegyng of Bonony whiche we spake of before there was none killed sauyng onely syr Ihon Sauage whiche goyng out of his tent with syr Ihō Riseley was taken priuely rydyng about the walles of the toune and there because he would not yelde was slain of the Frenche men albeit the other syr Ihon Rysely fled and escaped their daunger After this the kyng went frō Calis to England again yet that he might not be wtout some trouble or busynes quene Margaret of Spaine whiche euer watched to do hym a displeasure perceauyng that the erle with his cōpaignie could not haue suche successe in their businesse as she would haue wished theim she inuēted a new way to worke treason against him There was a certain yoūg mā of Tornace very beautiful faire in coūtenaunce of a pregnaunt witte whiche yoūg mā was called Peter surnamed Warbecke for his cowardnes nycknamed of the Englishe men called Perkyn which yoūg mā trauaylyng many countrees could speake many lāguages for his basenes of stocke birth was knowen of none almost Therfore the quene thynkyng this yoūg man to bee mete whō she might feigne to be the duke of Yorke and sōne to her brother kyng Edward kept hym a certain tyme with her priuely and tellyng hym what he should be that he might the rather persuade mē to be the kynges sonne did send hym into Irelāde after what time she knewe that kyng Henry had apointed to fight against the Frenche kyng where he was honorably receaued taken of euery manne as a prynce for whose right they promysed all to fight and helpe hym in all that they could After this it came to the Frēche kynges eare that such an one was in Ireland for whō the kyng did send to see caused hym to be brought before him when he came into his p̄sence the kyng accepted hym gladly after a princely fashiō intreteined hym But after the he came in loue with the kyng of England the sayd Charles did dimisse the yoūg mā would no lōger kepe hym least that some inconueniencie or cause of strife should chaunce thorough it Wherfore the young manne went to Flaunders agayne to the quene Magarete whiche quene did receaue hym with suche gladnesse that she coulde not well rule her selfe for this cause onely she dyd shewe her selfe so ioyfull and merye that menne mighte perswade theim selfe that this was Richard the kynges soonne and vpon that cause truely men did the more reuerence to the younge manne and that more firmely beleue hym to bee the righte heire sonne to kyng Edwarde Also after this rumour blased abrode aswel in England Fraunce as Flaundres there beganne great sedicion to spryng and firste they that were long in sanctuary for the greate offences that they had commytted and other that wer cast in pouertie gathered a compaignie of mē and sayled ouer into Flaunders to the counterfaicte Edwarde otherwise named Peter also many of the noble men conspired together and to the entent they might bryng their purpose wel about they did send certain to the Quene Margarete to knowe when thesame Edwarde might come conueniently into Englande the thei beyng certified of thesame might the more easely receaue bryng hym into the realme So that by the consent and agrement of theim all syr Robert Clyfforde knight Wyllyam Barley wer sent to shewe all their myndes aduyce as concernyng the newe founde duke to the Quene Margarete Whome the Quene did accepte gladlye and persuaded theim that it was true that was publyshed of Rycharde the duke and streight vpon shewed theim thesame Peter whiche was muche lyke Richarde praysyng his vertues and qualitees that he had wonderfullye The said Robert whē he had seen thesame yoūg manne beleued surely that he was of the kynges bloode and wrote to Englande to his coumpaignye and felowes of his conspiracie that he knewe hym to bee the kynges soonne by his face euery proporcion of his body And when these letters came vnto Englande the chief capitaynes of this businesse did openly diuulgate and publyshe that it was trewe that was spoken and saied abroad of the Duke but it was dooen by suche a crafte that no manne coulde tell who was the authoure of that rumoure When the kyng perceiued that many men did geue credence to his vaine fable he thought beste for his owne safegard to prouide a remedy for it also mystrusting that some conspiracye had bene made bicause that sir Robert Clifford had fled priuely into Flaundres commaunded certain knightes that were chosen and piked menne of warre with a bonde of menne to kepe the borders surely the no manne might escape or sayle ouer the sea without a pasporte or licence geuen by hym Also that men myghte not contynue in the false perswasion and belefe that they had conceyued of the duke he caused certain spies to search in all the citees of Belgike to knowe of what progenie this mysnamed Richarde was and to geue theim highe rewardes that would shewe the verite and truth of the same matter So that they sailynge into Fraunce euerye manne dyd gooe into a contraye quarter and enquired diligently for hym and at the length certain of theim came to a towne called Tornace and there were certifyed by the testymonye of
so doyng and wher as the kyng also remembring this benefyte dyd make hym his chiefe chamberlayn and gaue hym the hyghest promocions that he had he lytle regarded them and loked for some greater rewarde wherfore the king perceauynge that was sore greued with hym and so thei bothe dyd fall at debate and hatred eche wyth other Also at this time the king thought best to vse some asperite in correcting the offēces of his subiectes because the some had taken suche heart and audacitee to them the thei feared not to speake euel of his maiestie with most spiteful and contumeleous wordes trusting euer that the fayned Rychard duke of York now lately rysen from death to lyfe on gods name should claime the crowne enheret his counterfeted fathers possessions when such persōs had suffered due ponishment for their offences other learning by their neighbours mischaunce to beware dyd frome the tyme beare theim selfes as true faithfull subiectes assysted him with al their power at what time he required help of thē After the death of this William Stanley Giles Dabeney was chosen and made chiefe chāberlain And now the kyng was in a good staye for his realme sauyng that Ireland was not wel weded of the pernicious sede the was sowed by the young mā Perkin Warbeck and his secte Wherfore he sent sir Henry Deny late abbot of Lanktō abbey thither made him chauncellour ouer al that I le and Edward Ponyng to serch all places that the forenamed Perken was in to punish thē extremely in the example of other the were giltie of that crime but when thei heard of this thei fled for the most part into woddes marysh places for the defence safgard of them selfes there consultyng to kepe open warre agaynst hym whiche Edwarde after that he persued theim many times and coulde neuer try it wyth them because thei wer so disparsed as foren and wilde people he returned backe and suspectinge that the earle of Kyldare was the occasion of this attached him at the counsayl of the erle his euel willers and brought him as prisoner to England Wher when he was arained and certain matters of treason laied to his charge he aduoided thē all clerly quite him selfe whome the kynge dimissed and sente hym to Irelande there to bee gouernour and captayne ouer theim as he was before So that now the kyng beeyng oute of all feare of battayle dyd take hys progresse to shyre there to recreate his spirites and solace him selfe with his mother lady Margarete wyfe and countesse to the Earle of Darby Yet when the king was thus delityng hym selfe Perken Warbecke could not moderate or rule hym selfe although so manye suffered and were put to execucion for his mischife but to proue again the chaunce of battel gathered a great armye of men aswell prisoners slaues sānctuary men as other came into Kent because the wind so serued ther caused certayne to land to enquire yf the Kentish men would bear with him with whō the Kentish mē working guiles promised the thei would assist him yf he his cōpanie would land ther. Albeit the same Perkē fearing the thei meaned falshode and craft would not descende him selfe but caused certain of his souldiours to lande whiche persones beynge a pretye way from their shippes wer sore beatē and put to flight and many of theim taken prisoners after wer condempned to dye Wherfore Perkē failing of his purpose fled backe to Flaunders and there consulted with his frendes vntyll suche time he had been better prepared bothe of men and counsayle The kynge herynge that hys enemyes had made ētraūce into his realme left of his progresse purposed to go to London but beynge certified the next day after how wel thei had sped continued went forth of his progresse sendyng to theim Richard Gilford to geue thankes and promise of a good turne herafter for the good seruice that thei had done him in those tumultes and assaultes of his enemies Also that thei might not haue any accesse herafter into those parties the king commaūded the lordes to bee defēded strōgely with bulwarkes other sure munimētes fortresses of the whiche this same Perken beyng certified hastened the more to renue battaill against the kyng that he might not haue longer space through his delaye to dooe all these thynges for the defence of his realme and so came to Irelande with all his armie and there tariyng a space sailed to Scotlande for ayde and succour of kyng Iames trustyng to finde grace at his hand to whom he spake after this maner I thinke it is not vnknowē to you moste noble kyng in what ruine the stocke of Edwarde the fourth of that name is now of late whiche if you dooe not know and it please your grace so to take me I am his soonne by the power of God preserued a liue at this houre from the mightie hand of a tiranne For my father when he died apointed his brother Richard duke of Gloucestre to bee our gouernour ꝓtectour Albeit he was rather a destroyer of our progenie then a mainteiner of it for he wyllyng to be kyng hymself and depriue vs of our right and title commaunded that we should bothe bee slain and dispatched out of this worlde Therfore he hauyng then full power to ordre vs at his will did cause my brother to bee destroyed and because that he might bee without some parte of that offense and not shewe hymself all a tirāne he caused me to bee conueighed to some straunge and foren countree and there to bee desolate of all comforte and helpe And so kyng Richard did hold his croūe by dispatchyng away of vs two so that I could not tell by the reason of my tendre age what I was vntill now of late that myne aunte ladie Margarete beyng in Flaūders did shewe me what I was after she had seen me and to the entent I might recouer again my fathers possessions she hath geuen me for her power a bonde of mēne wyllyng me the I should desire the helpe of externe nacions and countrees And so I am come to you for succoure whō as it is reported will helpe at all tymes euery manne in his right and in case bee I shall finde you fauorable to me you shall binde me and all myne neuer to thynke ourselfes hable to make you amendes When he had thus saied the kyng promised hym that it should neuer repente hym of his commyng to hym and bad him to take a good hearte after this the kyng assemblyng his counsaill together asked what thei thought best in that matter and whether any deliberacion should bee takē of it or no. To whom some of theim that were w●sest aunswered that it were folishenes to go fur 〈…〉 in suche a matter consideryng that he was but a painted and feigned duke and had no right to England Other also saied that it was for diuerse causes moste profitable to the cōmen
great fauour wyth the kinges sonne Henrye the eyght but shortly after whan he beganne to exercyse hym selfe agayne in marciall feates of warre he sickened of a dysease called Plureses and died therewith whyche because it was straunge and vnknowen to the phisiciās it was incurable He lefte one sonne behynde hym alyue to vphold the name of that auncetree The other Wyllyam brother to Edmunde the earle of Suffolke had also greater fauoure showed hym in pryson then he had before And as for Iames Terel and Ihō Wyndham because they were traytours and manifestly accused of the same wer put to death and behedded But when the earle of Suffolke heard of thys he was in great despayre wyth hym selfe that he should neuer frame hys matters wel and so wente all aboute Germanye and Fraunce for ayde and socour prouyng yf he coulde fynde any helpe at their handes whom when he perceaued to showe no token of loue towardes him in that behalfe he made hym subiect to that prynce of Flaūders but hys brother Rychard beyng an experte man dyd so wysely order and behaue hym selfe in that businesse that he was not greatlye founde gyltie in any poynt of that matter The kyng not yet beyng out of all feare of his enemyes perceauyng that many sanctuary men loked for a fayre daye desired of Alexander byshop of Roome that all traytours and banished men should not be saued by any sanctuary and that such as were ther in holde should take theim herafter as no refuge and socoure to them yf thei once gooe out whych thyng after the byshoppe had graunted it was to the ease and quietnes of al the realme When the kynge had all hys busines so well ended and broughte in a good staye Prynce Arthure dyed halfe a yeare or lesse after that he had maried ladie Katheryn for whose death ther was great lamentynge It is reported also that ladye Katherine feared suche lyke chaunce euermore for because that after she had taken her leaue of her parentes and sayled towardes England she was tossed lōg in the sea wyth the violence of the water the wynd ere the shyppe coulde haue any lādyng Not longe after the quene was broughte ni bedde with a doughter and died vppon the same which daughter also taried but for a season after her mother Ther departed also within short space after Reynalde Bray a man for iustice so commēdable that yf any thyng had bene done agaynste good lawe or ryght he would streyghte reproue the kyng for it Of the same vertue was Ihon Mortō bishoppe would do in al thinges as he did in reprouing the kinge for the reformation of thinges amisse which bishop died .ii. yeres before About the tyme also dyed Henry bishop of Cāterbury whose roome Williā Warrā bishop of Lōdon supplied and in the byshop of Londons place was elected William Barons after whose deathe succeded Rychrde Fiziames byshop of Chichester In this yere which was the .xvi. of hys reygne and of our lorde M ccccc and .ii. yeres the kynge dyd kept his parliament wherin manye thynges were dereed and made for the publike commodytee and emong other thynges it was determyned that theues and murderers duly conuicted by the lawe to dye should be burned in that hand and quit yf thei could read on the booke any one worde Furdermore it was decreed that the people should paye certain mony to the kyng and that the goodes of theim that were banished and fled should be disparsed and set to sale Also the preestes were commaunded to pay mony for the maintenaunce and sustentacion of the common weale And now the kyng drawyng nigh to age and consideryng the great battayles that he had in tymes past which as it was thought came of ouer muche welthines prouided a remedy ryght shortly for it And to the entent that menne shoulde not thynck that he would oppresse them or do thē wrong for of all people he hated oppressours therfore he deuised with hym selfe by what honeste meane he might do it thus deuising called to minde that English mē dyd litle passe vpō the obseruaciō of any lawes that were made in so much the yf such a thynge should be called to accompte he thoughte manye men as well lordes as other of the lay fee would bee founde fautie And so searchyng ouer the statutes that he had made punished them a lytle by the pursse that had transgressed theim After that he appoynted two commyssioners to receaue the forfeictes the one Richarde Hempson and the other Edmunde Dudley booth lawers of the temporaltee whiche personnes for the desire to please their king had no respect how thei got the monye so thei myght haue it ether by ryght or wrong Albeit the kyng hauyng pitee of his people after that he perceaued they were sore punyshed and polled vnknowyng to hym restored to them their mony of whom it was exacted vniustlye and depryued thē of their offyce that had so vniustly executed it In this yere dyed quene Elisabeth of Castell wyfe to Ferdinand kyng of Aragone without any yssue of mā chyld so that the heritage dyd fall to lady Iohan her eldest daughter by Ferdinand whiche after was maried to the Earle of Flaunders thē made by this mariage also chiefe gouernoure ouer all that countree Shortly after about the .xiii. day of Ianuary which was the yere of our lord M ccccc and fyue thys Earle hauyng a nauye prepared sayled out of Flaunders with his wyfe to Spayne but he had not set forth longe ere the wether beganne to chaunge and tempestes to ryse so that at the last fearsenes of the wynde dyd dryue them to the coastes and borders of Englande wher he landed at an hauē or porte called Wynmouth sore againste the mynd and consent of all his companie which knewe well that the same landyng should bee the occasion of long tariyng there When it was kno●n that he was thus landed there came agreate nomber of harnissed men to proue yf he were the kynges frende or no whiche when thei perseaued hym to bee his frende and entended nothing but loue and frendeshippe Thomas Trencharde the chiefe of that compaignie went to the kyng desyring hym yf it would witesalfe hym to take a lodging at his house whiche was euen nigh at hand trusting therby to haue thāke of the kynges master whom he certifyed in al the haste of his commyng Also Iohn Caroe desired hym that he woulde not gooe vntyll suche tyme that he had spoken with the kyng his louing and feithfull frende consideringe that he was within two or thre dayes iourney of hym So that at length although he layde many excuses to haue been gooen and departed at their instance taried there with theim And when the kyng was enfourmed of his cōminge he reioyced highly and sente certaine of his nobilitee to bring hym where he was Wherfore this Erle seing no remedy but that he must nedes tary he went streight to Windesore where the kyng