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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08538 An epitome of Ortelius his Theater of the vvorld, vvherein the principal regions of the earth are descrived in smalle mappes. VVith a brief declaration annexed to ech mappe. And donne in more exact manner, then lyke declarations in Latin, French, or other languages. It is also amplyfied with new mappes wanting in the Latin editions; Theatrum orbis terrarum. English. Abridgments Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1601 (1601) STC 18857; ESTC S120945 62,009 264

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a temple of death In these temples alters were erected to the Gods of the yeare to monethly Gods to Arte pouertie The inhabitants of this prouince did in tymes past excel in nauigation they do not now degenerate from their anceters Their chief comodities rise of salt fish This was the last I le knowne in the world as antiquitie belieued And there they said the Sunne beeing weeried with running his dayly race descended into the Ocean sea tooke rest therefore this I le is of Statius called the Sunnes bed GADES FRANCE THe realme of France as now it is limitted hath on the north syde the narrow seas that deuyde it from England westward it hath the west Ocean in the southwest it ioyneth to Spaine directly south it bordereth vpon the Mediterraneum sea On the Eastsyde to begin from the south downward vnto the north it bordereth first vpon Sauoy then on the Countie of Burgundie otherwise called La Franche Countè so along by Lorraine vpon Luxembourg Heualt Årtois This goodly kingdome is aboundant in corne and wyne al sortes of frutes hauing plenty of cattel and foule wanteth not all other necessarie thinges mynes it is not renowmed to haue yet is it moste ritch opulent beeing situate in the middest of the chief countries of Europe hauing trafike on all sydes It shal not be needful to shew the three parts wherein Ceasar recounteth it to haue bene deuyded of oldtyme seeing both the limitts and inhabitants are since altered At this present it is deuyded into eight prouinces which are vnder eight continual courtes of Parlament The first is the prouince of France otherwise called the I le of France wherein the citie of Paris is situate In which citie the first courte of parlament resideth The second prouince is Languedoc the parlament whereof is in Tholouse The third Guienne whose parlament is in Bourdeaux The fowrth is Normandie whose parlament is in Roan The fist is Burgundie whose parlament is Dijeon The sixt is Dauphinè whose parlament is in Grenoble The seauenth is Prouence whose parlament is in Aix The eight is Britannie whose parlament is in Renes and vnder these eight prouinces all France is conteyned limitted for recours of iustice vnto these parlaments FRANCE GASCONIE THis prouince of Gasconie is situate on the southwest syde of France reatching on thesaid syde vnto the Pireney mountaines by the which France Spaine are deuyded On the east syde it hath Languedoc and on the north Guienne and Arminac The people are valiant warlyk The country is very plentiful of all thinges but it chiefly aboundeth in wyne where with it not only serueth it self but sundry other countryes in Europe besydes In the tyme of Carolus Magnus it was called the kingdome of Gascony In this country thesaid Charles the great marching against the Saracins of Spaine did lose in a battaile forty thowsand men in which battaile his noble nephew the Earle Roland was slaine This country was first subdued vnto France by Dagobert the first of that name In the yeare of our lord 1155 both it and all Aquitaine came to bee subiect vnto the crowne of England through the mariage of King Henry the second of that name with Elinor daughter and heyr vnto VVilliam Duke of Aquitaine And it was lost in the yeare of our lord 1453. in the 31 yeare of the raigne of King Henry the sixt so as it remayned vnder the obeisan●e of England about 300 yeares GASCONIE POICTOV THis prouince of Poitou called in Latin Pictauia is detryded into two partes to wit the Superior Inferior The vpper Poitou is that which stretcheth east-ward towards the countries of Towrs Berry the nether Poitou is that parte which westward extendeth it self to the Ocean sea It is a country frutefull in Corne Cattel rich in wynes furnished with great store of fish And the great aboundance of wyld beastes fowle doth cause the delightfull sportes of hunting hauking to bee here much vsed The chief citie of this prouince is called Poitiers having a notable vniuersitie chiefly for study of the Ciuil law this citie is of great antiquitie as appeereth by the Theatre Aquaduct monuments which are there yet remaining POICTOV BRITANNIE BRitannie called in tyme past Armorica bordereth eastward vpon the country of Maine and a parte of Aniou towards the north it hath the narrow sea a parte of the country of Constantin towards the west the maine Ocean towards the south the country of Poitou It is reconed in two partes to wit the higher the lower Britany There are in it nyne Bishoprykes which are deuided into three distinckt quarters Three of these which are Cornuaille S. Paul Treguiers do speake the British tongue the inhabitants are called Cornubians Other three to wit those of Dol Renes S. Malo do speake the French tongue The third beeing those of Nantes Vannes and S. Brieu do speak both French and British The principall townes in Britannie are Nantes and Renes but in Renes resydeth the courte of Parlament for the whole prouince The chief hauen of all Britany is that of Brest It is not to bee omitted that the hauen of S. Malo is garded with mastiues which beeing thereto trayned do there kepe diligent night watch It is generally a pleasant fertile country the earable land beeing as good as can be desyred hauing also plenty of wood pasture exceeding great store of medow ground There are in it mynes of Iron lead in some places siluer fyne salt is there boyled through the heat of the Sun And the country through the many comodities thereof the sea trafike is very welthy BRITANNIE NORMANDIE NOrmandie hath on the north syde thereof the narrow seas that seperate England France on all sydes els ir is enuyrond with seuerall countries prouinces of France From whence this Duchie taketh name the name it self of Normandie doth declare to wit North-mandie that is the dwelling or region of the men of the North for from Norvvay othewise North-vvay came Rolo afterward called Robert with his Northmen and of Charles the simple King of France hee and his people obtayned heere there habitation about the yeare of our Lord. 9 12. This prouince of Normandie is a moste pleasant fertil soile so wel furnished of all necessaries as sildome any place better It hath great store of flesh and fish of corne and vvood much wyne it hath not there growing but is furnished with great store by the riuer of Scine which coming through Paris passeth by Roan the chief citie of this prouince All the corne feilds as also the high wayes passages are set planted about with frute-trees espitially aples peares which yeildeth great aboundance of tider perry The riuer of Seine as a foresaid passing by Roan falleth into the sea at Haure de grace or nevvhauen where ships arryuing do
tempestes is free from foule contagious mistes According to a vulgar saying three thinges in Spaine are for the rarety of them very memorable to wit A bridge ouer the which water runneth which vsually runneth vnder bridges entending thereby the aquaduct of Segouia A towne enuyroned with fyre meaning Madrid the walles whereof are of flint And a bridge whereon ten thowsand beastes are continualy pastured which is vnderstood by the riuer Guadiana which running into the earth hydeth it self the length of seauen leagues then coming foorth againe holdeth his course as before SPAINE PORTVGAL THis country of Portugal is enuyroned about with other countreys of Spaine except on the west syde for their it bordereth vpon the great westerne Ocean It is in Latin called Lusitania taking this name as is said from Lusus sonne vnto the nynteenth King of Spaine Sundry faire riuers do take their courses through this region of which the riuer Tagus now called T●lo is the principal was of old tyme more famous for that his sandes along by the banck sydes were mingled with gold The whole country is wel inhabited and albeit Portugal hath litle or no wyne yet Algarbe which is ioyned reconed with it yeildeth very good wynes Mountanous it is not neither reported to haue mynes This kingdome began about the yeare of our Lord 1100 in this sorte Henry an Earle of Loraine coming into Spaine shewed himself very valiant had many victories against the Saracins for the which Alfonsus the sixt King of Castilia gaue him his base daughter Tyresia in mariage bestowed with her this country vpon him Of these twaine came Alfonsus the first King of Portugal the first that gat out of the handes of the Saracins the citie of Lisboa He also ouercame in one battaile fyue Kinges in memorie whereof he bore in his armes fyue shieldes as in the armes of Portugal do yet appere This kingdome albeit but litle yet hath it enlarged it self in glory fame euen to the farthest boundes of the world by the great trade of spices other pretious wares from the east Indies hath bin moste mightely enriched This trade began in the raigne of King Iohn he second and hath continued with exceeding comodite the augmentation of sundry tytles of other crownes kingdomes This realme of Portugal after the death of Henry first Cardinal lastly King who succeeded Sebastian that was slaine in Africa became with whatsoeuer belonged vnto it to bee vnder the obeysance of Philip the second King of Spaine so remaineth ioyned with the other kingdomes of Spaine in one entyre monarchie PORTVGAL ANDALVZIA THis countrie hath on the east syde Granada on the west Algarbe on the north the prouince called Magistratus S. Iacobi on the south the straight begining of the Mediteraneum sea comonly called the straight of Gibraltar On either syde this straight are two moste high mountaines to wit Gibraltar in Andaluzia whereof that straight taketh name and Abyla in Mauritania These two mountaines are of many called the columnes of Hercules yet there are that affirme the columnes of Hercules to haue bin two pillers of brasse in the temple of Hercules which was in the I le of Gades now called Cadiz or Cales in which they say was grauen the charges which the building of the said temple did coste howbeit the certainty is altogether vncertaine whether the two pillers of Hercules were these two mountaines or two artificial pillers of brasse This countrie of Andazulia is the moste fertil parte of all Spaine for aboundance of all sortes of fruits great plenty of other necessary thinges The inhabitants are courteous ciuil very opulent It is replenished with almoste 200 syne townes but the great ritch citie of Siuil is the Chiefest citie of all this prouince The name it hath of Andazulia is growne but by corruption for the right name is Vandazulia of the Vandules that heere made there habitation when by the Gothes they were chased out of other partes ANDALVZIA VALENCIA THe Kingdome of Valencia bordereth on the east syde vpon the Mediterraneum sea is on all other sydes enuyroned with other countries of Spaine The chief citie of this realme is also called Valencia of this citie the whole country taketh name Some authors do witnes it receaued the name of a Kingdome in the yeare of our Lord 162. There are two principal mountaines in this country the one called Mariola the other Penna G●lofa which do produce many sortes of medicinal herbes for which cause diuers phisitions apothecaries repaire thether for simples There is in this country at a place called in the spanish tongue ●uriol a myne of siluer And in a place called Aioder there are stones found stryped with golden vaines At the promontorie of Finistrat are certaine mynes of Iron though of no aboundance About Segorbia is a quarry out of which marble in tymes past was taken sent to Rome In Piacent Alablaster is found in sundry places great store of Allum Red-Oker Lyme Chalk This country yeildeth fyne wool which as is said cometh of the race of cotsold sheepe transported out of England into Spaine by licence of King Edvvard the fowrth in the fift yeare of his raigne There is great comoditie made in this country by the making of certaine earthen vessels which the Spagniards call Procellana This country was long inhabited of the Moores vntil at last King Iames after a long siege constrayned them to leaue the citie of Valencia out of the which there departed at once more then fyfty thowsand in number who caried with them all their riches left the citie voyd both of people and welth There is not as is thought any corner of the world so replenished with goodly gardens abounding with such rare excellent flowres herbes as is this countrie of Valencia VALENCIA GADES THe Spagniards call at this present this Ile Cadiz corruptly it is called Caliz It is as deuyded into two partes so seemeth two Iles. In the lesser is now the Citie of Cales in the greater was Iulia Gaditana Augusta which as Strabo saith was called Naples The Citie of Cales is now a Bishops sea By moste auncient authors it appeereth that this I le was found out by the Phenitians others hold that after them the Geryons inhabited heere whose cattel was taken away by Hercules In this I le was a temple of this Hercules which for the founder for Antiquitie religion riches was very famous This Church saith Mela is become holy because the bones of Hercules are here buried In the Temple of Hercules Ceasar did behold the picture of Alexander the great as Sueton telleth vs. There was a well which at ful sea yeilded salt water and at the ebbe fresh Sundry temples the pagans buylded in this I le as a temple of Iupiter a temple of Iuno a temple of Saturne a temple of old age
for his soldiers in those partes In this territorie was by a gentleman of the cittie discouered in our tyme the very lyke earth both in cooler kynde which is found in the I le of Lemnos the which phisitians do call Terram Lemniam of the Turk is so greatly esteemed that it is not permitted for any man to take thereof but licence of those that haue farmed it THE TERRITORIE of BLOIS MAINE THe countrie of Mans or Maine hath on the south syde Aniovv on the west Britannie on the north Normandie on the east Vendome It is a countrie hauing therein many woodes forests therefore more apt for chase nouris hing of beastes then for corne or pasturage yet is it not vnfurnished of corne feildes faire vineyardes The cittie of Mans is the chief of all the townes of this duchie It is faire populous seated pleasantly the soile about it beeing made the more fertile through the riuers of Haygne Orne and Satre which ioyning together neere this cittie do all in one enter afterward into the riuer of Loire In the chief churche of this cittie of Mans was christened in the yeare of our lord 1133. Henry sonne vnto Geoffrey suruamed the faire earle of Anion and of Maine the which Henrie as heyre vnto Maude his mother daughter vnto Henry the first King of England came after to enioy thesaid kingdome by the name of K. Henry the second MAINE LANGVEDOC BY this Map is described the maritime parte of the countrie of Languedoc as also a parte of the maritime syde of Prouence The prouince of Languedoc is in that parte of France that of old tyme was called Galia Narbonensis It hath on the east syde thereof the riuer of Rhone on the west syde Gasconie on the south the mountaines that denyde it from Arragon a parte of the midland sea on the north the countrie of Quercie In fertillitie it aprocheth vnto that of Prouence according to the neernesse of the place lying on the west syde thereof beeing seperated from it by the riuer of Rhone Tholouse is the chief cittie of all this countrie therin is kept the parlamental court which is accompted the second of all France consequently the next after that of Paris Montpellier is also of fame for the renowmed vniuersitie espetially in the study of phisick There is also the citties of Nimes Narbone sundry others both of importance antiquitie as the ruynes or remainder of diuers moste ancient edifices do declare LANGVEDOC THE I LE of FRANCE THe french do properly call this the I le of France wherein the citrie of Paris the towne of S. Denis c. are situate It is not properly an I le but somwhat compassed about with the riuers of Marne Se●ne and Oyse It taketh the name of France as Andrew Thenet telleth vs because the Frankes or Franch-men that came out of Germany when France had the name of Galia the inhabitants were called Gaulos did here make their first setled abode their chiefs did heer begin to take vpon them the tytles of kinges The countrie is aboundant in graine yeildeth exceeding store of poultrie other comodities About the cittie of Paris espetialy towards Mount martyr that kynde of morter for building called plaster of Paris is found This exceeding great moste famous cittie also called Lutetia took the name of Paris after Paris a King of the Celtes though some haue fabulously affirmed it to come of Paris the Troyan It is deuyded into partes Cittie Towne Vniuersitie the cittie is in an I le of the riuer of Seine people do pas by bridge to the towne on the one syde to the vniuersitie on the other This vniuersitie was erected by Charles the great at the solicitation of Alcuinus who was scholer vnto Venerable Bede and afterward preceptor vnto this Emperor and with other learned men came out of England vnto Paris and there in the streetes demaunded yf any would buy wisdome offring to sel it them for the giuing of them a place wherein to vtter it This cittie is the chief seat residence of the kinges of France the court of Parlament About 2 leagues from hence is the towne of S. Denis where in a goodly monasterie the sepulchres and monuments of the ancient kinges of France are to bee seene THE I LE of FRANCE DAVPHINEY THis prouince long since a parte of the kingdome of the Allobroges hath on the northsyde thereof the territorie of Lions on which syde lieth the base or low parte of Dauphiney whereof the cittie of Vienna is the chief on the west syde it is bordered with the Rhosne on the east it ioyneth to Sauoy on the south vnto Prouence this parte is called high Dauphiney the metropolitane cittie thereof is Embrun howbeit Grenoble is the parlamental capitall cittie of the whole countrie It is said that neere vnto this cittie is a fountaine out of the which their issueth both fyre water the which is a moste wonderful woork of nature incomprehensible to all philosophers In the Mountaines not far from this aforesaid cittie is the great chief how 's of the Carthusians who take their name of those cold snowie mountaines of Carthusia The people of Dauphiney beeing annexed vnto the crowne of France not by war or conquest but by amitie haue obtayned to accept no gouernour but of the blood royal of that realme The country in some places is very fertil yeilding store of corne wyne the moste infertil places do yeild great aboundance of chest-nuts with the which both cattel people are nourished so aboundant they are in cattel that they are able to furnish therewith other aioyning prouinces DAVPHINEY THE SIGNIORIE of FLORENCE THis Signiorie of Florence the chief parte of Tuscane is in the hart of Italy in the middest thereof is the ritche beautiful cittie of Florence In this cittie in the yeare 1464 died Cosmo de Medicis a woorshipful citizen thereof from whome the Duke that now possesseth both the cittie countrie and his predecessors are descended This Cosmo for his great wisdome welth credit was such that it may be thought there was neuer any priuate man to wit without some tytle of honor to be vnto him compared The cittie of Florence by the goodly edifices which therin he erected hath bin greatly beautified The moste faire sumptuous Church of S. Laurence he there builded as also the Church of S. Mark the monasterie of S. Verdiana He built for himself so faire a dwelling how 's that the best masters in Architecture do admyre it In the Fesulian hilles hee built the monasterie of S. Hierome and another called the Abbadia In Mugelo he built a monasterie of S. Francis In Fresoli Carregi Cafayolo Tribio places in the country there abouts he built 4 magnifical palaces and in Ierusalem he built an hospital for pilgrims