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A07328 The reigne of King Henry the Second written in seaven bookes. By his Majesties command. May, Thomas, 1595-1650.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1633 (1633) STC 17715; ESTC S122115 72,475 216

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Quirinus could 'gainst Tatius doo What Tullus then 'gainst Alba wrought and now Who does not Numa and Aegeria know How king Porsenna did for Tarquin come How ●…ocles kept the bridge how Claelia swumme The worthy deedes of her beginning age Gave to her after greatnesse faire presage Her greatnesse after gave this age renowne And made her infant honours clearely knowne Their noble deedes in Ireland gave presage Of her full conquest in this later age Her conquest now shall their first deedes renowne As long as Ireland serves the English crowne The yeare before when first the Westerne windes Blew on the waters when all various kindes Of flowers beganne to beautify the spring In aide of D●…rmot Leinsters banish'd King To whom that promise was ingag'd before The brave Fitz-Stephans lanching from the shore Of Wales with three tall ships accompany'd With his stout brother by the mothers side Fitz-Gerald safely crost the Ocean And with their Souldiers landed at the Banne A little creeke neere Wexford then scarce nam'd But ever since by his arrivall fam'd The ●…ext day after on the selfe same shore Maurice de Pendergast with two ships more Part of Fitz-Stephens company arriv'd And there by joyfull Dermot were receiv'd Who by that Prince his guidance and his aide With th' English colours and their armes display'd With dauntlesse courage able to supply The want of number in their company To Wexford martch'd which by assault they wonne The country neere together with the towne Dermot Mac Morough for such valour show'd Vpon Fitz-Stephans thankefully bestow'd There planted they that towne of all the rest Was first by English victory possest And has a lasting colony remain'd Which through all changes ever has retain'd The English manners their attire and though With Irish somewhat mixt their language too When famous Strongbow had in Wales receiv'd The newes of what Fitz-Stephans had atchiev'd With ●…resh supplies unto the Irish shore He sends his friend the valiant Reimond ore And shortly after with farre greater bands The noble Earle himselfe in Ireland lands Within the bay of Waterford which towne The next day after by assault he wonne Thither king Dermot came and brought with him His beautious daughter Eua Irelands gemme The pretious cause which drew the Earle so farre The faire reward of his victorious warre This beautious Lady when her father fled For aide to England then was promised To noble Strongbow and with her for doure Th' inheritance of Leinsters regall power Which here the King performes and with as high A state as might befit their dignity The marriage rites are celebrated now Mars smooths the horrours of his wrinckled brow And folds his bloody colours up a while The Paphian Queene in that delicious smile With which she charmes the Thracian God appeares His purple robe the pleased Hymen weares While Dermot gives with right of all those lands His beautious daughter into Strongbow's hands Nor was this marriage mannaged alone By those two Deities but from his throne Great Iove look'd downe and made that knot to be A worke belonging to his Deity By which himselfe did into union bring Two spatious lands and by that marriage ring Which noble Strongbow to his bride combin'd To Englands crowne the Realme of Ireland joyn'd A Ladies love when Dermot was decay'd In state and power first brought this forraigne aide And to his native land did him restore A Ladies love had banish'd him before And of his crowne and countrey him bereft The King of Meth had in an Iland left While he farre off into the land remov'd His faire but wanton Queene who long had lov'd This Dermot●…einsters ●…einsters king with flames unchast His love on her as her 's on him was plac'd Her Lords departure from her seife or fame Had Dermot learn'd and to the ●…land came Where soone he gain'd his wish a willing prey From thence he tooke the wanton Queene away Then as when once the ●…rojan Paris came And stole from Greece that farre renowned Dame 'T was not her husbands strength alone that sought Revenge a cause o●… that foule nature brought All Greece in Armes the Princes joyn'd in one And drew a thousand ships to Ilion So when this Prince his fatall Hellen gain'd The land was mov'd her wronged lord complain'd T'ambitious Rhotherike Connaughts King who claim'd The stile of Irelands Monarch and had aim'd At conquest of the land he wondrous glad Of such a faire pretence as now he had Rais'd his owne forces and 'gainst Leinsters King Did all th' incensed neighbour-Princes bring Whose force when Dermot could no way withstand Bereft ●…f all his strengths he fled the land And to great Henry's royall Court whom fame Then spoke the greatest king in Europe came The King that then remain'd in Aquitaine This Irish Prince did gladly entertaine Whom after feasting and magnificent Rewards bestow'd he with free licence sent To England there to gather without let What voluntaries he from thence could get In Southerne Wales Earle Strongbow then remain'd Fitz-Stephans too whose aide the King obtain'd On faire conditions to Fitz-Stephans he If wonne did promise Wexfords seigniory On th' Earle his daughter Eva to bestow Which promises were both performed now The marriage feasts of Strongbow now were done The revells ended all and Mars begunne Againe his threatning colours to display When th' Earle and old king Dermot ganne to weigh What acts remained further to be done And leaving there sufficient garrison Through Leinster all along they tooke their way For Dublin bent the countrey open lay To their victorious armes on every side No foe durst meete them or their force abide Proud Rhoderike himselfe swell'd with the stile Of universall Monarch of the I le Was glad to lurke within his proper bounds And keepe those safe retreates the boggy grounds Which in his owne peculiar Connagh lay Thus unresisted Strongbow kept his way Till he at last to Dublin came which soone By force and terrour of his name he wonne Faine would my Muse in this faire field proceede Of Irelands conquest and each noble deede A●…cheived there of trophees rais d to fame The armes of England and great Henry's name Faine would she sing but Beckets fatall jarre Againe revives and from a nobler warre Drawes backe her eager flight and turnes againe Her song ●…riumphant to a tragicke straine By this King Henry in his active mind Great deedes and forreine conquests had design'd Secure from trouble as in vaine he thought Since Beckets peace and reconcilement wrought That might twixt State and Clergy rise at home When lo from England swift-wing'd fame was come And to his grieved eare sad tidings brought What reakes his stout Archbishop there had wrought Since last he did his dignity obtaine And to his See return'd in peace againe That 'mongst his fellow Bishops some of late He did suspend some excommunicate For actions past before from whence it plaine Appear'd old grudges were reviv'd againe As al●… that were
to the place Which by those factious stirres that must ensue Shall both the King himselfe and Becket rue But now when hee deny'de to give assent Vnto those lawes proposde in Parliament The King was moov'de the other Bishops all Fearing his wrath from Becket's party fall Hee stiffely stands alone although to gayne Him to his side the King had striv'de in vayne Pope Alexander though hee knew the cause To bee his owne and g●…eatly fear'd those lawes Yet since his Papall diade●… did stand On doubtfull te●…mes and th' Emperours strong hand Did then support the Antipope he strove In every thing to keepe King Henryes love He therefore wrote to Becket to assent Without all clauses to the Kings entent Becket repaires to Woodstock to the King Humbly submits himselfe and promising That he now freely without any clause Of reservation would accept the Lawes Is by the King receiv'd to grace againe Who much rejoyces thinking that the maine Opposer of him now was growne his owne A Councell straight he calls at Clarendon Assur'd that all the Bishops now would signe What he propos'd to them the rest encline To his desire Becket revolts againe Seemes to repent his promise to complaine That he in that had rashly sinn'd before A●…d in that kinde resolues to sinne no more The King deluded and enrag'de at this So unexpected a revolt of his Threatens th' Archbishop but a Princes threats Cannot prevaile with him nor all th' entreats Ofth ' other Bishops and those Peeres that love The quiet of the State have power to moove His resolution now the fatall wound Was growne past cure nor must this kingdome bound The maladyes of such a spreading sore King Henry's fill'd with gr●…efe and scorne the more His great soule weighs the meannesse of his foe The more his wrath fed by disdaine doth grow He grieves yet scornes to grieve so when a net Which treacherous hunters in the woods have set To b●…●… snare for smaller beasts doth stay By chance a noble Lyon in his way The royall beast with greater shame then greife Teares his base bonds and almost scornes releife The more King Henry calls to minde how he Had raisd this Becket from a low degree Against the wills of all he still doth finde More fuell for his wrath-enflamed minde At last resolv'd he cites him to appeare Before his Iudges and to answer there Vpon accompt for such large summes as he When Chancellour of England formerly Had from the King detayn'd for Seignioryes Vnjustly held for proud enormityes And disobedience in a high degree Vnto the King his state and dignity To these will Becket scarse vouchsafe replyes But being no Layman at their Courts denyes At all to answere or obey their doome From thence appealing to the Court of Rome But that discharg'd him not the Parliament Then at Northhampton did with one consent Confiscate all his goods the Bishops there Pronounc'de him by the mouth of Chichester To be a perjur'd and a factious man Disclaim'd him for their Metropolitan And all obedience to him Becket now Weary'd with these calamityes that grow And fearing worse disgraces every day 〈◊〉 secret me●…nes at last to scape away And from the kingdome in disguise is gone To plead his cause before the Papall throne Oh what unwearyed Muse at large cantell Each severall jarre that from that day befell How Becke●… to the Pope resign'd his Pall How in his wrath king Henry banish'd all Beckets allyes and kinne how oft 'gainst Rome In contestation he was forc'd to come The Papall power against the royall right How oft it was debated in the sight Of Christendome how Henry by entreats Sometimes and sometimes like a King with threats Main●…ain'd his cause how oft the dreadfull doome And interdicting thunderbolt of Rome Was fear'd in England and for Beckets jarre Whole nations likely to be drawne to warre How oft did forraigne Princes interpose Some to increase the wound and some to close How many vaine Commissions had beene spent How many fruitlesse Legacies were sent How many dayes of bootlesse parleys set How of●… with him the King in person met Seven yeares had past since this debate beganne Six●… yeares had Becke●… as a banish'd man At Pontinew and Saint Columba liv'd Maintain'd by Lewis of France who oft had striv'd Or seem'd to strive and so had Flanders Lord In vaine till now in making this accord But now accord although in vain●… is made For though King Lewis and Bloy●…es Earle perswade King Henry all offences to forget That pa●…t before and Becket to submit Though both agreement make and Becket bee With Henry's leave returned to his See The Church from thence no lasting concord findes Seldome is factious fire in haughty mindes Extinguish'd but by death it oft like fire Supprest breakes forth againe and blazes higher This end ends not the strife nor drawes more nigh The Churches peace but Beckets tragaedy THE REIGNE OF King HENRY the Second The Fourth Booke The Argument of the fourth Booke Th' o●…casion heere and Noble deeds are showne That first brought Ireland to the English Crowne From Wales Earle Strongbow and Fitz-Stevans bring In aide of Dermot Leinsters banish'd King Their forces ore Archbishop Becket slayne D●…oes with his blood his owne Cathedrall staine King Henry sends to plead his innocence Before the Pope to England goes from thence Himselfe in person into Ireland sailes In which his power without a warre prevailes And gaines that land without the aide of swords In royall state he feasts the Irish Lords And heares the w●…nders of that I le thence he To England sailes and th●…nce to Normandy FAire Floras pride into the Earth againe Was sunke cold Winter had begun his reigne And summond beautious daylight to restore To night those howers which he had stol'n before King Henry then in Normandy resolv'd To make abode and in his thoughts revolv'd Th'a●…aires of Ireland tidings daily came From thence and spread his valiant servants fame What noble actions they had there atchiev'd How many townes already were receiv'd By that small strength which they transported ore From Southerne Wales unto the Irish shore Fame had already fill'd his Princely eare With what Fitz-Stephens what Fitz-Girald there What noble Raimond had with handfulls wonne And private men against a Land had done Be●…des what great Earle Strongbow's actions were 〈◊〉 was already growne the Ilands feare Fame is not onely due though lowder farre She needes must speake of those to deedes that are By potent Monarchs or huge armies done That change the worlds estate and overrunne With speed the farthest spreading Emperies No deedes of worth can fame at all despise Though done by few and those the meanest men Nor did she onely sound Romes glories then When Pompeys lawrell'd Charriot show'd at once The vanquish'd VVest and Easterne nations Nor when great Caesar's triumphs did extend F●…om farthest Thule to Cyrenes end She did record Romes infant honours too What poore
Lest noble Henry should triumph ore none But onely sonnes and subjects of his owne And you most gracious Soveraigne borne to be Th'admir'd example of true piety To your deceased Father with an eye Secure may read your vertues contrary In Henry's sonnes and read it Sir true story That brands their names will sound your endlesse glory King Iames whilest living did behold and blest Your piety of what you since exprest No little part the wondring people all Beheld and honour'd at his funerall But most of all is what we daily see Your pious truth to his deare memory So may our Princely Hope let God above Be pleas'd young Charles by your example prove And such unto your selfe hereafter be As you to blessed Iames in piety The foes in this great combination ty'd Invade King Henry's lands on every side While Scotlands King fall's on Northumberland While Chesters Earle and Fulgiers armed stand To seaze the townes of Brittaine Lewis of France With young King Henry all their force advance For Normandy attempting to surprise Vernoul a towne that in the confines lyes Thus like a Lyon rows'd on every side Old Henry's prudence must at once provide For all assaults and first in person he To succour Vernoul martches speedily Which Lewis of France by treachery that day Had tane but left it straight and fled away The English King pursues and in his course Surprises many forts of his by force Nor durst the King of France of all the time That warre endur'd in field encounter him But making short incursions as for prey Would never stand the tryall of a day From thence with winged speed old Henry goes To meete in Brettaine with his rebell foes But Chesters Earle and ●…ulgiers durst not bide His puissance but fled and fortify'd Themselves within the castle Dole which he Str●…ightly besieg'd and wonne it speedily There Chesters Earle into his hands he got With fourescore other prisoners of note While thus in France the conquering King proceedes Heavens potent hand assists their valiant deedes That loyall warres for him in England made The Northerne parts does Scotlands King invade To whose resistance their most able men The noble Lucy Lord chiefe Iustice then And Bohun Constable of England bring And stay the progresse of that warrelike King There whilest with loyall and couragious hearts They guard the North in Englands Easterne parts Arise warr●…s fiercer where with numerous bands Of warlike Flemmings furious Leister lands With him does Bigot Earle of Norfolke joyne There their rebellious forces they combine To wast their native soyle the wofull fame Of which to brave Bohun and Lucy came Who hea●…ing this conclude with Scotlands King A speedy truce and all their forces bring Into the Easterne parts where fates provide Fresh strength to succour injur'd Henry's side The loyall Earles of Gloster Arundel And Cornewall there are met provided well Of all munition in their just designe With noble Lucy and Bohun to joyne The Lords all met to Farneham march away There was the tryall of that bloody day Ordain'd there Leister with his Flemish troopes Comes to encounter them with different hopes Though aequall fury the two armies fought The Flemmings prey the English freedome sought To chase from thence the forreiners away Long doubtfull stood the tryall of the day When thus the lo●…all Lords their souldiers cheere Now let your truth and loyalty appeare Brave Englishmen nor is it Henry's right 'Gainst rebells armes for which alone you fight And to revenge your wronged Prince although That were engagement great and high enough You fight lest England should be made a spoyle To vagrant theeves or more your native soyle Here suffer conquest by a forreine sword And after ages in blacke leaves record The fatall field of Farneham fortune meant In this to keepe your valours innocent Though rebell Leister make a civill warre He frees you from it since his souldiers are All forreiners in fight you neede not feare To wound at all your native countrey there Nor shed your kindreds blood the foe frees you From those foule crimes which he intends to doe Fight 'gainst his Soveraigne friends and native land What great advantage on our side doth stand Our armes are loyall 'gainst a forreine foe His warres both civill and rebellious too Such speeches from the Lords had raysed high The English vertue they all wish'd to dye Rather then see what else they sadly fear'd On one side Englands woefull state appear'd On tother side the justice of so brave A cause fresh vigour to their spirits gave The Flemmings armed with resolve as great Whose desperate fortunes on that day were set And no hope left beyond came fiercely on Breathing out nothing but destruction To gaine the price of their adventures there Or to their foes to leave a conquest deare So neere the flockes fight hungry beasts of prey So fight brave dogs to chase the wolves away As then the English and the Flemmings fought How many tragedies that day were wrought How were the fields with slaughter cover'd ore How was th'adjoyning river stain'd with gore At last bright ●…ustice rose and by the lawes Of God and nature ballancing the cause Gave a full conquest to the English side But so the desperate Flemmings fell and dy'd As in their deaths it plainely might appeare With what resolves they had encountred there Ten thousand of them in the field were slaine Their great Commander Leisters Earle was tane With him his Amazonian Countesse too Was taken prisoner and many moe Who by the conquering Earles were speedily Sent out of England into Normandy And to old Henry brought where then he lay With joyfull newes of that victorious day One of the strongest propps young Henry had And bold'st supporter of a warre so bad Is now remov'd ambitious Leister he Who most had sooth'd the sonnes impiety And 'gainst the father beene most insolent Is at his mercy now a prisoner sent The King forbeares revenge and does disdaine With any show of cruelty to staine The joy of this successe but keepes him there As warre had made him onely prisoner But Englands wretched state by one successe Could not be rescu'd wholly from distresse Gainst which so great conspiracies did aime For second newes from thence to Henry cam●… By Richard then elect of Winch●…ster That other forces had arrived there By that rebellious Earle of Norfolke brought By whom outragious mischiefes had beene wrought And th' Easterne parts of England much annoy'd That stately Norwich was with fire destroy'd That greater woes are feared every day That th' Earle of Flanders then at Gravelin lay With young King Henry purpos'd to invade England with all the strength that they had made The King is mov'd to heare his countreys woe And to her rescue straight resolves to goe In person then with his accustom'd speede By which he found his actions still succeede For all his acts and march●…s still did show Such speede that Lewis of
and that th' old King would seeme For such a savour much oblig'd to him A reverend Bishop he to Henry sent Who signify'd the Christian King's entent To worke that pious and Religious peace That warres so sad and impious now might cease Twixt sonnes and Father nature made the way And joyfull Henry nam'd the meeting day ●…ho though successefull ever in that warre Was still a father not a conquerer Then to Gisors with joy he goes to whom King Lewis of France and yong King Henry come Where though no perfect un●…on could be wrought For young Prince Richard was not thither brought Who still was fiercely warring in Poictou Yet something 's done and as a prologue now To that faire peace which afterward ensu'd A truce both Henryes and King Lewis conclude Fierce Richard though King Henryes second sonne Yet borne to sit on Englands royall throne Had all the time of these unnaturall jarres Against his father made victorious warres Within Poictou in which few townes remain'd But that Prince Richard the whole land had gain'd This is that Heroe who by deedes of fame Shall gaine through all succeeding times the name Of Lions-heart whose deedes as farre shall sound ●…s lyes the farthest Verge of Christian ground Who by deserved honours fetch'd from farre Shall wash the staine of this rebellious warre From off his sacred memory againe And conquests great 'gainst Saracens obtaine From him the dreadfull Saladine sh all fly Philip of France his envious enemy Shall feare the force of his victorious hand And rue it oft he in his time shall stand Th' ecclipse of other Christian Princes fame And only terrour of the Pagan name After the true concluded at Gisors Into Poictou with all his martiall force The old King Henry marches 'gainst his son At whose arrivall every fort and towne Which Richard not by love but force had gain'd Straight yeild themselues into his Fathers hand Whose Marches almost no resistance finde When young Prince Richard with perplexed minde Had heard his father's comming and successe He stormes and taxes of perfidiousnesse King Lewis of France and young King Henry that Had thus forsaken their confaederate But yet resolves too proudly not to yeild At all but stand the tryall of a field Against his father and with impious hopes ●…nto the field drawes all his Martiall Tropes From whence Kings Henry's army was not farre And now too neere approach'd the wicked warre Some pious Souldiers ' gann those mischiefes feare Which they should act as well as suffer there Richard's great heart began to yeild to shame And feele the reverence of a fathers name Sometimes his stubborne courage rais'd him high Sometimes againe relenting Piety Check'd those proud thoughts and in so bad a cause Told him how great a crime his valour was Yet had not Piety alone the power To curbe his spirit his father every houre Encreast in men and Iustice with a tide Of strength flow'd in to vindicate her side Why stood'st thou out Richard so long a time T is now too late to free thy selfe from crime Though thou submit the world may justly say It was not true repentance but dismay Thou could'st no longer cheere thy fainting troopes And not thy resolution but thy hopes Forsake thee heere that act will termed be Despai●…e which had before beene piety But thanke the weakenesse of thy army now That made thee see though late and disallow That horrid guilt before that lives it cost Or blood by thy impiety were lost Strucke with remorse at last young Richard throwes His late rebellious armes aside and goes To his offended father to present Himselfe a sad and humble paenitent There on his knees for that unkind offence He pardon craves no other eloquence But teares and sighs his griefe had power to use No other pleas were strong in his excuse The royall father meetes with teares of joy Those teares and pardons him the noblest way With kinde embraces liftes him from the ground And in his rich paternall love had found Instead of chiding him for what was done A way to praise him by comparison That of the brothers he submitted first As if the father had forgot that erst He aequall to the rest astray had gone Remembring Richards paenitence alone So much King Henry's wondrous goodnesse wrough●… On Richard's noble nature as it brought Fr●…sh teares from him and though it pardon'd more Did seeme to aggravate th' offence before Yet such encouragement from thence he tooke As thus when teares would give him leave he spoke Sir your preventing grace has tane from me So farre the neede of all apology As I should only speake my thankfulnesse If any language could so much expresse But that my dutious deedes shall better show And for the first true service I can doe Vouchsafe me leave great Sir to goe and winne My yet offending brothers from their sinne Let me be there employ'd I shall prevaile In that when other advocates will faile When forreine Princes for their owne close ends Shall faintly speake when false and factious friends In their misdeedes shall flatter them shall I By true example check impiety I that have sinned happily in this To make them know how good our Father is Which most accurs'd I had not grace to know Till by offending I had found it so More had he utter'd but King Henry there Cut off his speech almost or ejoy'd to heare That thing propos'd which was his chiefe entent And then with faire and kind encouragement For that designe dispach'd his Sonne away Himselfe resolv'd in Normandy to stay And thankefull Richard with a joy as high Goes to performe the pious Legacy THE REIGNE OF King HENRY the Second The Sixt Booke The Argument of the sixt Booke Betwixt Ambois and Tours the Sonnes are brought To meete their Father perfect peace is wrought A Peace is made with France and Scotland too From Normandy the two King Henryes goe Great signes of joy in England every where Are show'd to welcome their arrivall there The King his Realme of England doth divide Into six circuits and for each provide Iudges Itinerant what great resort Was seene at onee in Henry's stately Court His happinesse his power and high renoune His daughters royall marriages are showne Old Henry does refuse the proffred Crowne Of Palaestine to take Henry the sonne Rebells againe and does repentant dye The third sonne Geoffrey's w●…full tragaedy NOw did victorious Henry's wish succeede With such effectuall diligence and speede Had young Prince Richard with his Brothers wrough●… That both of thē he to their father brought Betwixt Ambois and Tours there first of all Are di●…ontents and jarres unnaturall By 〈◊〉 King Henry's prudence made to cease There first is wro●…ght a full and finall peace The sonne●… a●…e taught to hate their impious crime A●…d vow o●…edience for the future time Nor does th●… fathers wisedome thinke he does E●…ugh if for the present ●…e compose This fatall strife but carefull to prevent
So long a title to two Crownes can show Then to the North with puissant Armes he makes A prudent Voyage and by Conquests takes To keepe entire his kingdomes ancient bounds From Malcolme King of Scotland all those grounds That to the Crowne of England did belong No Cities could withstand no forts so strong But yeild to Henryes force there with the rest Newcastle Carleill he againe possest But least injustice any staine should be To his great deedes in thankefull memory Of what King Malcolme in the warres had done For th' Empresse Mawde he gives him Huntingdon A midd-land County rich and fitter farre For the b●…hoofe of both from whence no warre Nor troubles could arise and which before Had beene possess'd by Malcolmes Ancestor Yet did one deed with sad injustice blot The reputation he before had gott Whilest too must thirsting for encrease of lands He seiz'd out of his brothers Geoffrey's hands The Earldome of Aniou forgetting both The sacred tyes of Nature and of Oath That Oath which once so solemnly he swore His Father Geoffry Anious Earle before Knowing that Henry was by birth to be Both Englands King and Duke of Normandy Had given that Earldome to his second sonne Geoffrey and put him in possession Of three the strongest Castles in the Land But falling sicke when deaths approching hand He felt mistrusting that hi●… eldest Sonne The potent Henry might when he was gone Diss●…ize young Geoffrey made his Barons sweare For at his death Prince Henry was not there That his dead corps should not enterred be Till Henry had beene sworne to ratify His will Prince Henry though unwillingly Yet rather then his fathers hearse should lye Vnbury'd still that Oath b●…fore them tooke Which afterward when Englands King he broke And though possessed of so many lands And large estates out of his brother's hands That Earledome tooke by force of armes away And did in lieu a yearely pension pay But though the King could for that oath obtaine A dis●…ensation from Pope Adrian A higher power it seem'd would not dispense But afterward in kinde did recompence ●…hat foule misdeede for when King Henry meant To Iohn his yongest sonne the governement Of those three Castles thence his eldest sonne Tooke first pretence for that rebellion Against his father so what injury Impiety had wrought Impiety Reveng'd and scourg'd by an unnaturall sonne What was 'gainst nature by a br●…ther done Yet could not Henry's deedes of highest fame Teach stubborne Wales to tremble at his name Or feare t' offend him by rebellious warre Till she had felt him there a conquerer And beene herselfe enforced to implore His grace and favour with one triumph more T'en●…ich his conquering head not all her great Rough woods could yeild her souldiers safe retreat Nor could those high and craggy mountaines bee Of proofe 'gainst Henry's magnanimity Although the Welsh rely'd not on the aide Of hills and woods their Prince was not afraide To joyne in battell with the English strength Where though stout Owen and his powers at length Subd●…'de did yeild themselves yet so they fought That they true fame to Henry's conquest brought Who now triumphant backe to England goes And leaves strong forts to aw rebellious foes ●…o guard the coasts and marches and appeare ●…e lasting trophees of his conquests there Those large dominions which he held in France The fame alone of his great puissance Preserv'd from tumults from rebellions free Or feare of any forreine enemy King Lewis himselfe was there too weake a foe To doe him damage or his power orethrow Beyond the seas yet though each neighbouring state With envy trembled at the prosperous fate Of Englands King such moderation hee Had shew'd so rul'd his power with equity Seeking no lawlesse and unjust encrease That Europe then possest a happy peace This peace when feirce Enyo had beheld And saw all seedes of warre and faction quel'd She sigh'd and wept for nought could pleasing bee To that dire mayde but warres calamity Nought but dissention did to her seeme good No sights but feilds and rivers stain'd with blood Were her delightsome prospects into aire She mounts and fill'd with fury and despaire Shakes as she flyes her now-extinguish'd brand Which gives no blaze at all then taking stand Above the shore of fruitfull Normandy Vpon a lofty cliffe viewes from on high Great Henry's large dominions that extend From Scotland Northward to the Southerne end Of spatious rance which those high mountaines bound Nam'd from Pirenes death ore all that ground She sees and gnashes for disdaine to see No streaming Ensignes no hostility The murdrous swords to sythes were turn'd againe And cheerefull plowmen till the fertile plaine The heardsmen heare their bullocks gently lough And their owne folds the fearelesse shepheards know Am I then banish'd quite shall Peace quoth she Boast through these lands so great a victory Over Enyo will no power orethrow These nations quiet rest if heaven allow This lethargy and still would have it so I will descend and see what hell can doo A spatious cave there was not oft before Descry'd by mortall eye within that shore Which wealthy France doth to the North display And Brittaines Ocean bounds thither they say The wise Dulichyan Heroe by advi●…e Of beautious Circe came to sacrifice And there restor'd by blood of bullocks slaine To silent ghosts the use of speech againe Through that darke vault did Phoebus nere shoot ray Nor ever glided beame of cheerefull day The grove of Proserpine oreshadow'd quite That dismall shore and damps of drery night Condens'd the aire no birds those boughs did grace Nor with sweet musicke cheer'd the balefull place No Tritons play'd nor did blew Proteus feede His scaly ●…locke nor faire Halcyon breede Beneath the shelter of so sadd a shore But greisly fiends and furyes evermore In hideous shapes did to the cave repaire And ghosts sad●… murmurs did afright the aire Who in unnumber'd companies attend Thither the feirce Enyo did descend And all her strongest arts and charmings bring To hold converse with Hells infernall king The Feind himselfe was busy farre below And ranne with gnashing envy too and fro To finde out plotts of ruine and survey His Master-vices who fast chained lay In adamantine cavernes and from thence So pleas'd the great Creators providence To curbe their might for mankindes sake least all The world should in a quicke confusion fall With all their force at once and licens'd power They cannot goe for soone they would devoure All states all lands and worke more tragicke woe Then earthquakes fires or pestilence can doe Within their severall denns the Vices lay And ore the doores proud pictures did display What severall feates and conquests they had wrought What States what kingdomes they to ruine brought For of destroying housholds or the fall Of private men they made no boast at all And as sterne Aeolus is forc'd to locke The boistrous winds in caves of strongest rocke By Ioves
promise satisfy'de Which Henry freely gaue and did maintaine That he ere long would crowne his sonne againe And then young Margaret should full sharer be In all her Husbands state and dignity Then to performe what he had promis'd there Since these late-raised stormes allayed were Back into England Henry crost againe And in his noble breast ' gann entertaine The thought of Ireland's conquest now although He yet in person did not meane to goe But unto Dermot th' Irish Prince he gave Free leave from any of his Realmes to have What Voluntaryes he could carry ore That might hereafter to the Irish sho●…e Prepare his passage and begin the warres On fitter tearmes but not those high affaires Of Warre and Fame could keepe imperious Love From tyrannizing nor much lesse remoove His force that had before found entrance ther●… Againe to him did Rosamund appeare And what ensu'd declare my Muse resound The love of Henry and faire Rosamund Thou knowest it Erato thou that to give My pen a true intelligence did'st dive So lately downe into th' Elysian groves And there beheld'st the seat of tragicke Loves That farre renowned shade of Mirtles where The beautious troope of Love-slaine dames appeare And weare the markes of their sad ruines yet Vpon those gloomy grounds no flowers are set But such alone which as old Poets sing Did from wail'd deaths and tragike changes spring Such as the pale-fac'd Daffadill that from That too too beautious boy's selfe-love did come And purple Hyacinth that first tooke growth From that so much lamented Spartan youth Adonis short-liv'd flower of crimson hew That from faire Venus sprinckled Nectar grew Dooes there appeare by whom is sadly set The pining Clyties pale-leav'd Violet Thou Erato within that Mirtle grove Saw'st those fam'd Ladyes whom their owne sad love Or others love had ruin'd wandring there Thou saw'st the Theban Semele appeare W●…o too too late complain'd of amorous Iove And now condemn'd her owne ambitious Love There with the fatall shaft did Procris stand Who yet forgave her Lord's mistaking hand Faire Dido too of life and crowne bereft B●… whom the perjur'd Trojan's sword was left And there by Aspes destroy'd sent from above In all her gloryes to th' Elysian grove ●…at Cleopatra walk'd there thou did'st see The Lesbian Sappho sadd Eryphile Th●… wa●…ling Phaedra sham'd Pasiphaë C●…st ●…hisbe and incestuous Canace Wit●… them the much lamented Sestian Maide And thousands moe whom whilest thine eyes survey'd Thou saw'st the second Henry's Paramour Faire Rosamund within that gloomy bower Among the rest and now return'd relate The circumstances of her love and fate While those late stirres detain'd the King in France By power of Cupid's godhead or by chance To Court the beautious Rosamund had beene Brought up to waite on Elianor the Queene There did the longing eyes of Henry finde Their brightest blisse the wishes of his mind There met their bound and her at court to whom He had resolv'd the Court it selfe should come T was then too late for him to checke desire Or to suppresse so strong and sweet a fire When he had seene his love againe so soone A longer absence might perchance have done That cure on him short absence hurt him more And made his wound farre greater then before Absence not long enough to root out quite All love encreases love at second sight So fares it now with Henry who pursues His amorous wishes taught by Love to use All those rich aides that Nature could allow That birth and hight of fortune could bestow For him his persons worth his deedes of glory His royall gifts the strongest oratory Doe proudly pleade all subject-wits must move As second causes serve the will of love For him that he may his desires enjoy And great enough are his desires t' employ All aides in this faire suite you might descry The charmes of beauty power of majesty And all that ancient Poëts sung of Love When they ascrib'd it to Imperiall Iove When he a bull would for Europa be A shower of gold for beautious Danae A Swanne for Leda with a thousand moe Such shapes to woe and winne faire Dames why so Could he change shapes and gaine in them so much Because he was great Iove his power was such But why should Iove himselfe vouchsafe to take Such humble formes as these why should he make Himselfe a bull a swanne a golden shower Because so great was Loves commanding power And nothing else was shadow'd in those things But power of beauty and the power of Kings How oft in Court the royall Henry strove By secret favours to endeare his love To Rosamund yet to delude the eyes Of Elianor and her officious spies How many spyes a jealous Queene may finde Some bounty makes some Dames an envious minde Workes to that cruell office to betray And ruine her that is more grac'd then they Faire Rosamund so young and inocent She could not fully sound the kings intent Yet loves the grace he does her loves the thought Of that effect which her owne beauty wrought And though she feele no flames reciprocall Nor Cupid's golden shaft 'gainst her at all Had beene discharg'd she loves king Henry's flame As her owne trophee there 's no beautious Dame But in that kind's unjust they often strive To gaine love there where they refuse to give And spread their proudly charming nets t' enthrall All hearts but cherish few or none at all They joy that men are forc'd to make the suite Yet too much grudge that men should reape the fruite Of their desires and wish those hearts to have Which they resolve to ruine not to save But Cupid oft is just and by degrees while they foresee not workes his servants ease Making those beauties while they boast the fame Of firing hearts approach too neere the flame And be themselves at last the selfe-same way By which they meant to triumph made a prey The open Court in Henry's owne surmise Was thought a place too full of eares and eyes Too full of eminence to woo and winne A maid so coy so young and bashfull in That love that he to her had then declar'd By graces at the Court had but prepar'd Her mind and taught her how to entertaine That parley that must his full suite obtaine A faire retreat of greater privacy Remov'd from London then was sought where he Might lodge that jewell which he meant t' enjoy With other agents fitting to employ An ancient Dame skill'd in those arts was found To aide the kings desires of most profound And subtle wit of winning speech was she And such in all ●…he might be thought to bee No Beldame but wise Venus lurking in A Beldames shape faire Rosamund to winne False Venus for her ends has oft done so And once as Homer's wisest Muse did show She tooke the shape of an old Spartan Dame In Hellens brest to blow Loves powerfull flame And subtly winne her to the Trojan's bed Perchance this Dame
France would oft avow He thought King Henry did not goe but fly Prepares to crosse the seas from N●…rmandy And takes aboord besi●…es his faithfull men Those Lords with him that were his prisoners the●… Leister and Chesters Earles with many moe But when he hoys'd his sailes crosse windes gan blow The Seas grow rough as if the Seas conspir'd And windes to crosse what he so much desir'd King Henry sighes and lifting his sad eyes To heaven thus speakes oh God thou onely wise If my entents in E●…gland may succede If her afflicted state my pre●…ence neede And that my safe arrivall there may be Her health and cure of all her malady Then grant me passage thou whose onely becke Has power the windes and swelling Seas to checke But if my presence to her coast may prove More cause of woes and fiercer tumults move If my revenging hand may launce the sore Too deepe and make it greater then before Let these crosse windes still keepe me from that shore Oh let me never see my England more Rather then these my armes should onely gaine My right and not the nations peace maintaine Let me loose all and my unthankefull sonne Before his time po●…sesse her as his owne Rather then seat a long and tragicke warre Within her bleeding bosome farre oh farre Let my sad state from thence be banished Too much already has that Iland bled For Princes strifes and Soveraigneties dire love Oh if my landing may auspicious prove For Englands peace and quench all factious fire Let windes and Seas consent to my desire His pious prayer was heard the swelling Maine Smooth'd his rough face the wind turn'd faire againe And gave presage to his rejoycing minde Of what successe he should in England finde By which his navy soone is wafted ore And at Southampton safely set on shore Departing thence before he seeke his foes Or realmes sicke parts in Pensive wise he goes Himselfe to visite slaughter'd Becket's shrine Whether the Lega●…es did before enjoyne That paenitence or that 't were voluntary At three miles di●…ance off from Canterbury The King himselfe alighting from his horse Does barefoote thither take his pensive course Whil'st paines with his humiliation meete And ruthlesse stones doe cut his tender feete Leaving the peoples wondring eyes from thence A bloody tracke of his sharpe paenitence But when he came to slaughter'd Becket's shrine Oh there could worship greater then divine Have beene he had perform'd it on his face He prostrate fell and weeping kiss'd the place Which yet of Becket's murder bore the staine There with submissive praye●…s he strove to gaine Pardon for that which others wrought and he Was guilty of but accidentally But yet as if no teares could expiate Nor prayers could cleanse so foule a crime as that To such esteeme in that blind age's thought Was this supposed Martyr Becket brought The pensive King goes farther bares his backe And on his flesh refuses not to take Rod-stripes from each blind Monke that there did live Which they as freely to their Soveraigne give A strange example sure but let the sage Nor censure them nor Henry but the age But ere great Henry from that city went More glorious newes as if chang'd Fortune meant To recompence him for her threats so late And now on all sides make him fortunate Was thither brought to his rejoycing eare That Scotlands King was taken prisoner The warlike William who had made almost Without resistance on the Northerne coast So many inrodes such rich spoiles had wonne And so much wracke in severall places done Huge was his army but by different wayes D●…spers'd they sought securely for their preyes Ranging abroad and pillaging without Controll the townes and hamlets round about Five gallant Yorkshire Knights whom glorious Fame Was pleas'd to grace to Alnwicke Castle came To enter thither secretly they meant The misty weather favour'd their intent Vnseene they came although the strength were small For but foure hundred horse were they in all Such prize to them did friendly fame ordaine As greatest armies have beene proud to gaine A captive Monarch from the Castle towers They view'd farre off the scatter'd Scottish powers Whose armie 's greatest part from thence was gone And led by severall Captaines marched on To spoyle some other parts the Knights at last Who in their active thoughts did hourely cast Some brave designes by scouts that had descry'd The Scotts proceedings all were certify'd Which way King William with small guards abroade Was gone and thither with their troopes they rode Oretooke and charg'd him there the King although Amaz'd to meete so suddainly a foe Did not forget he was a King but made As brave resistance as the strength he had Would give him leave the trumpets sound in vaine To draw to rescue of their Soveraigne His stragling troopes whom sweetnesse of the prey Had carryed thence and scatter'd every way The Knights prevaile the King 's surprised there And to New-castle borne a prisoner Oh mocke of fortune he that enter'd late The English bounds so strong a Potentate Guarded with fourescore thousand Souldiers As if he sought to gaine by 〈◊〉 warres The Kingdome 's conquest not a meaner prey By this small troope is captive borne away Pleas'd with this newes triumphant Henry goes From thence to London where with all true showes Of joy and duty they receiv'd their King And with an army marches thence to bring The realmes sicke parts unto their former state No towne no fort how proud so ere of late And strongly mann'd durst now resist or stay His course fame opens him a bloodlesse way Huntingdon Castle 's yielded to his hands Nor durst Earle Bigot with his Flemmish bands That lately strooke such terrour through the land Resist his Lord but into Henry's hand Did freely yield Bungay and Fremingham His two strong forts and humbly kneeling came To sue for mercy which he there obtain'd The like did Ferrers Darbies Earle and gain'd His pardon too contented now to yield Those two strong Castles which he long had held As much stout Mowbray was enforc'd to doe And with himselfe resign'd his Castle too So did the forts then kept in Leisters name And to Northampton Duresmes Prelate came To give three Castles freely to the King Thither did then the Knights of Yorkeshire bring Their royall captive Scotlands King and there Presented him as Henry's prisoner Who could have hop'd to fin●…e such blest successe From such a warre what greater happinesse Could ore-joy'd Henry in his largest thought Have wish'd to see or all the starres have wrought So high a conquest gain'd by fame alone So many Castles without slaughter wonne No blood in purging of rebellion shed And in three weekes all England q●…ieted Without the sword no fields with slaughter stain'd What Prince ore sonnes and subjects ever gain'd So just and true a triumph or could see In civill warre a joyfull victory This conquest was ore hearts not