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A17513 A iustification of the Church of England Demonstrating it to be a true Church of God, affording all sufficient meanes to saluation. Or, a countercharme against the Romish enchantments, that labour to bewitch the people, with opinion of necessity to be subiect to the Pope of Rome. Wherein is briefely shewed the pith and marrow of the principall bookes written by both sides, touching this matter: with marginall reference to the chapters and sections, where the points are handled more at large to the great ease and satisfaction of the reader. By Anthony Cade, Bachelour of Diuinity. Cade, Anthony, 1564?-1641. 1630 (1630) STC 4327; ESTC S107369 350,088 512

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Vicar or Vicegerent be applyed giuen or sold to whom he thinkes good A quaint deuise but without all this purgatory pardons pilgrimages Masses for the dead c. are to no purpose If Saint Pauls doctrine of Iustification by Christs merits onely stand then haue we no merits if no merits no sup●rerogation if no super-erogatory merits then no pardons if no pardons surely either no purgatory or no deliuerance by the pope from thence and then a great deale of the popes income is cut off But horres●o ref●rens rather then that earthly treasure be diminished the spirituall and heauenly treasure and worth of Christs merits be diminished the sound Doctrine of Iustification corrupted mans free-will merit supererogation pardons and other gainfull doctrines appendant thereunto deuised magnified and established Saint Paul said 1 Tim. 6.6 9 10. Godlinesse is great gaine these men make great gaine to be godlinesse He saith They that will be rich fall into temptations snares foolish and hurtfull lusts and that the loue of mony is the root of all euill which while some haue coueted after they haue erred from the faith Alas that they that hold the chiefest places in the Church should be of that number §. 13. I omit Crucifixes Beads Amulets Graines Medals and other things of great vertue sent from the pope to be hanged about peoples neckes or otherwise worne about them 1 Cor. 3.12 as defensatiues against euill spirits and other dangers which though they may be thought to be but hay and stubble yet when your Mida● hath touched them they are taken for pure gold and of great vertue farre fetched and deare bought §. 14. To omit these and many other things I will speake onely of extraordinary exactions and in our Countrey onely An. Dom. 1245. Regis 29. or especially Matth●w of W●stmi●st●r ●n his booke called Flores Historiarum writing of King Henry the thirds t●me sa●th that the K●ng vpon search through euery County of England found the Romane reu●nues to amount to threescore thousand markes by yeare equall to the Kings reuenues And yet the popes exactions were so great besides Pag. 195. that our Nobles made complaints thereof both by words an● writing in the Coun●ell of Lyons shewing the ●ntollerable grieuan●es oppressions of the popes Officers most impudently violently done that by the popes Commiss●on co●mand with a non obstante which took away all lawes or rights and authenticke writings The pope for the present put off his answer being busied with excommunicating F●edericke the Emperour But afterwards enraged with anger and disdaine at their complaints he multiplied their oppressions without measure or end So that a Parliament was called to take some course to saue the land from vtter spoyle and ruine of the pope Pag. 206 207. and all men reioyced to see the Kings courage and constancy hoping now they should be powerfully deliuered from the iniuries of the Court of Rome And first seuerall letters were sent to the pope and Cardinals wr●tten by the Bishops and by the King and by the Abbots and Priors and by the Earle Richa●d and all the Nobles with him all humbly petitioning to spare the exhausted Realme of England and recall the grieuances which in their letters they rehearsed which letters were penn●d in such pittifull sort that they were able to soften an heart of yron saith the story But they receiued hard answers Pag. 209 210 217. and drew more misery still vpon them For the pope shortly after demaunded of euery Beneficed man in England resident on his charge a third part and of non residents an halfe of their goods for th●ee yeares which prouoked all Christ and in England to hate and curse the pope And diu●rs Noblemen of France to wit the Duke of Burgundy the E● le of Britaine the Earle of Saint P●ul and many other conspired against ●im and b●gan a Sch sme which t●● pu●lished in writing which is extent in ●he ●●ory and in M●●●● 〈◊〉 ●erswading all men to reforme and liue after the fashion of the Primitiue Church Anno 1247. But the State and Clergy of England wrote againe to the pop● and Cardinals for ease from these exactions giuing notice also of a dangerous Shisme else like to foll●w This caused the pope somewhat to mitigate the exaction in England and draw downe to ●l●uen thousand markes to be payed for his present necessities Which summe our Bishops thought best to grant to auoyde the Roman greater persecution But out of this payment they left out all the Abbots of England pag. 219. to be deeplier fleeced by the Court of Rome At the same time also the pope got vp sixe thousand markes in Jreland and in other Countries what could be raked vp pag. 210 After all this new exactions came vpon the English especially vpon the Abbots and exempted persons pag. 222. Of one Abbey of S. Albans the popes Officer demaunded foure hundred markes which yet the pope was afterward induced to mitigate Math. Paris in vlla Henrici tertij See also Speeds Chron. in Henry 3. nu 52 57 60. anno 1234. In the same Kings raigne Mathy Paris saith that by the popes mandata de prouidendo for illiterate Italian Clerkes and Gratiae expectativae to wit in giuing Benefices as they fell voyd to Italians that neuer came at them but had the yearely reuenues thereof in mony brought into Jtaly to them there went out of the land yearely more treasure then the Kings reuenues amounted vnto And because it was not possible that the English of themselues should be alwayes funished with money to be sent in such summes out of the land the popes Merchants as they called them that is men sent hither for that purpose supplied them with money vpon vsury and the Roman Farmers and Proctors like greedy Harpies scraped vp all into their hands to the great impouerishing and misery of the English So that holy men with heart-breakings teares and deadly groanes singultu cruentato saith Paris professed it were better for them to die then to see such miseries vpon their Nation and vpon holy men the Daughter of Sion becomming such an impudent Harlot Against which Robert Grosthead Bishop of Lincolne opposeth himselfe writing to the Pope his Epistle is extant in Mathy Paris that his detestable abhominable soule-murdering actions did euince him to be an Hereticke worthy of death yea to be Antichrist and to sit in the chaire of pestilence next to Lucifer h mselfe and that he had no power to excommunicate such as resisted these his actions Paris telleth further that King Henrie requiring the Prelates to binde themselues to the Popes Merchants for a great summe of money they replyed English Prelats counted it rather Martyrdome to dye against the Pope then for him that they would rather dye then suffer such oppression holding it a more manifest Martyrdome to dye in such a cause then was the death of Thomas Becket
was taken the souldiers slaine foure hundred Albigenses burnt the rest hanged and the like executions were done in many other Cities and Castles But the City Tolous though besieged could not then be taken Remond Earle of Tolous was a great man neere in blood to the King of France in the 2. degree he had married Joane once Queene of Sicilia sister to Iohn King of England by whom he had a son called also Remond who was the last Earle of Tolous and after the decease of Joane he married Elenor sister of Peter K. of Araegon He was strong therfore in bloud affinity and confederacy and n Armoricanus philippid●● lib. 8. one saith he had as many Cities Castles and Townes as the yeere hath daies He had many great prouinces vnder him Bertrandus o Bertrand de gest●s Tulosar fol. 32. col 4. reckons them thus Tenebat Cemes Tolosanus comitatum Tolosae comitatum de Sancto Egidio Prouinciam Delphinatum comitatum venaissimi Ruthenensem patriam Cadurcensem Albigensem Tolosae circumvicinas Iudiciarias linguam Occitanam lata dominia intra vltra Rhodanum Aquitaniam But because he was a great defender of the Albigenses and was one of their Religion himselfe The pope proscribed him and exposed him to extirpation and ruine and to be a prey to Simon Montfort with his pilgrimes p So sai●h ●●m Marian ●●●ch h●span lib. 1. cap. 2. The Earle therefore gathering an Army of an hundred thousand was very likely to haue vtterly ouerthrowen Simon had not the vnexpected death of the King of Aragon intercepted by ambush quite discouraged and dissolued the Albigenses Army so that they could not be stayed by their Captaines from running away q Vsher ibid. §. 34. seq Some write that the Albigenses lost 15000 fighting men some say 17000 others say 32000 r Hist Albig lib. 1. cap. 11. By this meanes Simon now able to take the City of Tolous sendeth for the King of France his sonne to come and haue the honour of taking the City who came accordingly tooke it and dismantled it beating downe the towres thereof §. 7. Yet this great mifortune cast not downe the Albigenses but their courage and power was still so great that new Croisadoes and Jndulgences were sent abroad to gather new crossed souldiers against them anno 1213 by whose aide Simon wonne many other Castles and townes And now in a Councell of many Bishops was Simon declared Lord of all the Countries and Dominion● gotten by this holy warre and possession shortly after giuen vnto him by Lewis eldest sonne of the King of France and confirmed also by the pope in the Councell of Lateran anno 1215. §. 8. Yet for all this while Simon made a iorney to Paris to the King and stayed there about honourable Ceremonies and making marriages for his children Remond was returned to Tolous and ioyning with many Aragonians that were come to reuenge the death of their King tooke the City and many other Castles anno 1217. Vpon the newes whereof Simon returned and for recouering of the City besieged it but was most strangely and suddenly slaine with a stone which a woman threw out of an Engin. Whereupon the siege brake vp that town remained and many other townes and Castles returned vnder the obedience of old Remond Earle of Tolous Againe anno 1219. The King of France sent his sonne now the second time taking vpon him the signe of the crosse with a great Army against the Albigenses who slew of them 5000 and besieged Tolous againe but in vaine The Albigenses also retouer many Castles Againe anno 1221 King Philip of France sent 10000 footmen and 200 horsemen against them still without fruit of their labours In the yeere 1223. by the popes appointment Vsh d cap. 10. §. 46. was a Councell held at Paris by the popes Legate two Archbishops and 20 other Bishops against the Albigenses and King Philip of France at his death appointed 20000 pounds or as some write 100000 pound to be bestowed in winning the Albigenses lands saith ſ Rigord pag. 225. Rigordus For now the Albigenses had recouered the strong City head of the warre Carcasson and many other Castles which their enemies had wonne and held 14 yeeres t Math. Paris hist an 1223. pag. 306. And were now growne so powerfull in Bulgaria Croatia and Dalmatia that among many others they drew some Bishops to their partie But on the other side Remond the Earle of Tolous § 9. submitted himselfe ●nto the pope vpon his oath that he would endeuour to root out the Albigenses the pope restored him Yet when he came before the Legat in a great Councell of French Bishops and there claimed restitution of his lands according to the popes grant Simons sonne came also and claimed the same lands as wonne by his father and assured by the pope and also by the King of France hereupon the Legat demurred Vsher ib §. 51. seq Math. Paris hist pag. 319. seq and vnderhand procured the King of France Lewis to to gather a great Army of crossed souldiers to winne from the Albigenses the Citie of Avignion a place of theirs of great strength and thought to be invincible The King mak ng peace with the King of England by mediation of the pope raiseth a great army anno 1225 of 50000 horse and innumerable foot and marcheth towards Avignio● then being in the power of the Earle of Tolous and being denyed entrance besiegeth it The warlike Earle defended it brauely Hee had very prouidently before the kings comming withdrawen all kind of prouision out of the Countrey round about into the City to furnish them within and disfurnish them without and now by often sallies hee mightily afflicted them killing at one time 2000 at another 3000 being helped by the breaking of a bridge and the pestilence daily wasted great numbers So that the King though he had sworne neuer to depart till he had taken the City went aside to an Abbey not farre distant to auoyd the pestilence where he dyed shortly after as some write out of his wits The Legat the more easily to winne the City kept secret the Kings death and despairing to preuaile by force attempted to doe it by fraud He cunningly perswaded the City to send vnto him 12 of their Citizens to conferre about some good conditions giuing them his oath for their safe returne but when the gates were opened to receiue them so returning his Army rushed in and tooke the gate and finally the City contrary to his oath giuen For the Pope or himselfe by the popes authority could easily enough dispense with such oathes Thus the city of Avignion which could not be taken in three monthes siege and assault by the power of the King of France Math. Paris hist an 1228. 〈◊〉 237. was easily taken by the fraud and periury of his Holinesse holy Legat. §. 10. In the
1213. and 1220. §. 4. The twelfth Chapter sheweth there were many of the Waldenses Religion in England Matth. Paris in anno 1174. some burnt in anno 1174 saith Math Paris and in King Henry the second his time many were grieuously persecuted in England saith Thomas Waldensis an English man Waldens de Re sacram lib. 6. tit 12. cap. 10. Wiclife taught their very doctrine and greatly spread it in England Also in Saxony and Pomerania and in the Diocesse of Eisten in Germany ib. cap 11. were many Waldenses they had twelue Pastors knowen besides the vnknown Yea as Trithenius reports they were in such numbers and so spread in Germany that they could trauell from Colen to Milan in Italy and euery night lodge with hostes of their owne profession §. 5. The thirteenth Chapter shewes many in Flaunders the fourteenth in Poland Sigonius de Regno Italiae lib. 17. Rainer in summa fol. 18. the fifteenth in Paris it selfe the sixteenth in Italy as writeth Sigonius Rainerius saith in anno 1250. The Waldenses had Churches in Albania Lombardy Millan Romagnia and also in Vicence Florence and Val Spoletine Anno 1280. there were many Waldenses in Sicilia saith Du Haillan Roger Haillan in the life of Philip. 3. Sigonius lib. 17. King of Sicilia made constitutions against them and Pope Gregory the ninth persecuted them in Jtaly especially in Millan as saith Sigonius So did Honorius and Boniface the 8. The seuenteenth Chapter sheweth Rainerius de forma haereticor fol. 10. an 1250. the Waldenses had Churches in Constantinople Philadelphia Slavonia Bolgaria Digonicia by the testimony of Rainerius and they were spred into Livonia and Sarmatia Vignier histor Biblio thec part 3. pag. 130. as Vignier sheweth Sectionis 3. Subsectio 4. § 1. The Waldenses continued aboue 400 yeeres vntill Lutherrs time and after § 2. Jn England by meanes of Wiclife § 3. His doctrine and many followers Oxford Diuines § 4. The story of Iohn Hus Ierom of Prage and Bohemian affaires § 8. and 9. The continuance of the Waldenses after Luthers time Luther wrote a Preface to one of their bookes Letters passed betwixt them and Oecolampadius Bucer Caluin c. Antiquus Enough Sir of their spreading but except you shew also their succession and continuance till Luthers rising you can haue no hope to satisfie Antiquissimus I haue shewed Councels consultations persecutions massacres and mighty warres against them whereby many thousands of them haue beene burnt slain rooted out banished wasted Vsher ib. cap. 10. §. 64. but yet the maruellous hand of God still appeared in preseruing multitudes of them in diuers and many places in the middest of all their grieuous and continuall persecutions their doctrine was still preserued preached beleeued spred continued and deliuered to posterity Your a Thuanus hist sui temporis in praefatione Thuanus writing but the other day saith Supplicia parum prof●cerunt Persecutions or punishments preuailed little They were slaine banished spoyled of their goods and dignities and scattered into diuers Countries rather then conuicted of errour or brought to repentance Surely as the persecution of the Apostles at Ieru●alem quenched not the Gospell but b Acts. occasioned the spreading thereof in Samaria and remoter parts so did the persecutions of the Waldenses in some parts of France occasion their spreading into other parts and other Countries as Germany Bohemia Polonia Livonia c. as c Thuanus ib. Thuanus there sheweth §. 2. In Britany or England the Waldenses doctrine was quickly receiued by many Haply by means of the entercourse of the English people with the great Earle of Tolous his subiects by reason of the d Before subs 3. §. 4. affinity betwixt those Princes for in the yeere 1174 and in Henry the seconds time there was persecution and burning of them as e Subs 2. § 6. Mathy Paris and Thomas Walden haue recorded But that doctrine was more generally receiued and had fuller passage in King Edward 3 raigne when f See Archb. Abbot against D. Hill Reason 1. §. 25 Fox i●●ita Wicl ●● Iohn Wiclife a learned Doctor of Diuinity g Bailiol Colled●● Master of a Colledge in Oxford and publike Reader of Diuinity in that Vniuersity taught it there with the great liking applause of the hearers and approbation of the whole Vniuersity For the Vicechancellour Proctors diuers Preachers and Batchelors of Diuinity tooke part with him And when Buls came thicke from Rome against him and his Doctrine First from Gregory 11. anno 1378. And afterwards from Gregory the 12 whereby he was to be condemned for an Hereticke The whole Vniversity gaue a testimony in fauour of him vnder their seale in their Congregation house in these words among others h Anno 1406. Octob. 5. God forbid that our Prelats should haue condemned a man of such honesty for an Hereticke c. §. 3. This mans doctrine as the said Bulles of the two Popes did say agreed with the doctrine of Marsilius Patavians and Johannes de Ganduno i Abbot ib. This Marsilius a very learned man in that Age about the yeere 1324 had written a booke entituled Defensor Pacis in defence of the Emperor Lewis of Bauier who was mightily laid at by three Popes successiuely demōstrating the supreme authority of the Emperour and beating down the iniquity of the Popes vsurpations ouer Christian Princes and generall Councels shewing that things are to be decided by the Scriptures that learned men of the Laity are not to be debarred voyces in Councels that the Clergy and pope also are to be subiect to Princes That the Church is the whole company of the faithfull that Christ is the foundation and head of the Church hath not appointed any one to be his Vicar that Priests may be married as well as other Christians that S. Peter was neuer at Rome that the Popish court or Synagogue is a denne of theeues that the doctrine of the Pope is not to be followed because it leadeth to euerlasting destruction The popes being informed that this was also Wiclifes doctrine must needes condemne him or yeeld themselues guilty Many other positions were attributed vnto him also some bad enough and vndoubtedly false as had been before to the Waldenses and the Primitiue Christians but what hee truely held may be seene in his owne workes that remaine and in Mr. Foxe writing his life and in Catalogo testium veritatis lib. 18. Gabr. Powel De Antichrist● In Prafatione n. 25. The summe whereof Mr. Gabriel Powel a diligent searcher and obseruer deliuereth thus Hee taught that there ought not to be one supreme Bishop in the Church that the pope is not only not Christs Vicar but also that he is Antichrist that his priuiledges bulles dispensations and indulgences are not onely idle and vnprofitable but also wicked and impious that to spirituall men is not to be giuen the politicke Dominion
Pope had actually pronounced published by his Bull Elizabeth to be excommunicated and deposed that since that publication all her actions were by the Law of God disanulled and to be held for nought her Magistrates were no Magistrates her Lawes no Lawes Yea some of them denied not in publike hearing that they were sent for no other cause into England than to absolue euery one particularly from their obedience to the Qu. as the Bull had absolued all in generall and this they did in taking confessions of their Reconclliation to their Church priuately and promising absolution from all mortall sinne so doing most safely and secretly These Seminaries were not erected to teach true Religion and points of doctrine necessary to saluation for those might bee taught and learned in all places without such cost but principally to fit young wits and fiery spirits to become instruments to vphold the Papacy with the dominion greatnesse Camd. ib p. 844. alibi passim and wealth thereof and to regaine those that were fallen from it though it were with the destruction of Kings dissipation of kindomes bloodshed murthers insurrections treasons poysonings massakers and many other euils as the histories following will declare most plainly and by their owne confessions may appeare 1. This story and the rest of the treasōs against Q Elizabeth are set out at large by B. Carlton in his booke entituled A thankful remembrance whose chapters I here note in the margent To come therefore to the Plots and Treasons practised against Queene Elizabeth effects of the Popes excommunication The first was The rebellion in the North stirred vp by one Nicholas Morton a Popish Priest the chiefe leaders within the land were the Earles of Westmerland and Northumberland who were to ioyne with the Duke of Norfolke entending a marriage betwixt him and the Scottish Queene thereby to make clayme to the Crowne of England Queene Elizabeth being deposed by the Popes Bull. With them also was to ioyne the Duke of Alua with his power from the Low-Countries the Earle of Ormond at the same time raysing tumults in Ireland and all procured by Pope Pius 5. who also secretly wrought the mindes of many English by one Ridolph a Gentleman of Florence Camden Annal. an 1568. p. 146. an 1572. p. 227. an 1569. p. 158 166 vnder colour of Merchandise by whom the Popes Bulles letters and money to wit an hundred and fifty thousand crownes were conueighed for the managing of this businesse The Pope further promising to the King of Spaine to engage all the goods of the Sea Apostolike Chalices Crosses and holy vestiments to further it But God preuented this mischiefe for the Northerne Earles preparations being discouered and rising before the other associats were ready were dispersed the Duke of Norfolke taken and put to death and the whole plot defeated to the great griefe of the Pope and the Spaniard The King of Spaine said before the Cardinall of Alexandria the Popes Nephew that neuer any conspiracy was more aduisedly begunne more constantly concealed nor more likely to prosper than this For that an Army might be sent out of the Low-Countries in 24. houres space which might suddenly haue taken the Queene and the City of London vnprouided restored the Popes authority and set the Queene of Scots in the Throne especially hauing so mighty a faction within land and Stukely an English fugitiue made Marquesse of Ireland by the Pope vndertaking at the same time with the helpe of 3000. Spaniards to bring all Ireland to the Kings of Spaines obedience and with one or two ships to burne all the English Nauy This story is written at large by Hieronymus Catena in the life of Pius the 5. and printed at Rome anno 1588. by the same Popes authority and priuiledge by which we come to the knowledge of the whole plot B. Carlton ib. c. 3. Camden ib. pag. 72. 2. I passe by the treasonous leagues made by the Earle of Ormonds Brethren with Iames Fitzmorice of Desmonds Family and others to serue the Pope and Spaniards designes against Queene Elizabeth And the Earle of Darbies sonnes with Gerard Hall Rolston and other Darbishire mens conspiracy to set vp the Queene of Scots And other conspiracies of B. Rosse Henry Percy c. and of Powel and Owen for the Queene of Scots Also of don Iohn of Austria his plotting to marry the Q. of Scots and put downe Elizabeth with the fauor of the Pope and Guises for these plots miscarried in their Infancy Thomas Stukely hauing rioted out his State in England Ibid. cap. 4. Camden Annal. part 2. pag. 193. 229. passed to Rome and made Pius 5. beleeue that with 3000. Italians he would driue the English out of Ireland and burne the Queenes Nauy Pius dying Gregory 13. employed Stukely to get Ireland for his bastard sonne creating the said Stukeley Marquesse of Lagen Earle of Wexford and Caterlogh Vicount of Morough and Baron of Rosse famous places in Ireland and made him Generall of 800. Italian souldiers But Stukeley comming by Portugal ioyned with the King in a warre in Africa that the King afterward might goe against England with Armes as he against Ireland but in Africa they were both slayne and two other Kings died also at the same battell 1572. Whereupon the Spanish King turned his forces prepared for England to subdue Portugall Note here the Popes zeale not to win soules to Christ but Kingdomes to their Bastards Note also two Popes proceed in malice and malediction against Queene Elizabeth and one English fugitiue makes them both fooles And note thirdly how God can diuert the great preparations of puissant Princes and turne their wise policies into foo●ishnesse Nicholas Sanders D. of Diuinity Ibid. cap. 5. Rea●e Camd. A●nal par●t 3. pag. 371 372. hauing written a witty and wicked booke to maintaine the Roman visible Ecclesiasticall Monarchy comes into Ireland 1579 with the Popes legantiue authority and a consecrated banner with three shippes to ioyne with the rebels against Queen Elizabeth where much mischiefe was done supplies sent of men money and armour from the Pope and Spaniard but after diuerse yeeres diuerse fortunes the Earle of Desmond chiefe of the rebels wandering and poore was killed by a common Souldier and D. Sanders for griefe ran mad and finally died miserably being hunger-starued Ibid. cap. 6. See Camdens Annals p. 315. c. Anno 1568. began the Seminaries deuised by Cardinall Allen an Englishman as Sanders was first at Doway for English fugitiues but remoued to Rhemes by the Guises and another erected at Rome by Gregory 13. In them were trayned vp many fit instruments for Rome and Spaine traytors to England issuing out thence when they were fitted as Campian Parson Sherwin Kirby Briant and multitudes of others not in the habits of Priests but of Gallants Seruingmen Summoners or any other the better to insinuate into company and peruert men without danger of discouery
Cap. 7. 1583. Camden Annal part 3. p 370. 7. Someruile bewitched by the wicked seditious bookes of the Iesuits sought to come into the Queenes presence to kill her and by the way set vpon one or two with his drawne sword but was taken and hanged as was also Ardern his father in Law 8. Among other mischieuous bookes one exhorted the Ladies and maids of honour to doe as Iudith did to Holofernes 1584 See Camd. Annal ib. p. 398. 9. Francis Throgmorton practised to deliuer the Q. of Scots Vpon discouery whereof Thomas L. Paget and Charles Arundell fled into France the Earles of Northumberland and Arundell commanded to keepe their houses and 70. Priests whereof some were condemned to dye were sent out of England whereof the chiefe were Gasper Heywod Iames Bosgrate Iohn Hart Edward Bishton c. 10. Bernardine Mendoza Embassadour from the K. of Spaine was commanded to auoyd England for treasonable practices with Thr●gmorton and others to bring strangers into England and depose the Queene This Mendoza had made two Catalogues One of the Hauens of England fit to land forces in the other of all the Noble men that fauoured the Romish Religion 11. Cap. 8. Queene Elizabeth purposed to set the Queene of Scots at liberty and sent Sir William Wade to her to conferre of the meanes and was ready also to send other Commissioners to effect it but a strange accident hindred it One Creighton a Scottish Iesuit being taken by Dutch Pirats tore certaine papers and cast them into the Sea but they were blowne backe into the shippe gathered brought to Sir William Wade who peeced them againe and they discouered new practises of the Pope Spaniards and Guises to depose Queene Elizabeth and King Iames and set vp the Queene of Scots and marry her to some English Lord to be chosen by the Catholikes and confirmed by the Pope their children to succeed them to this purpose were to be employed Cardinall Allen for the English Ecclesiastikes Sir Francis Inglefield for the Laikes and the Bishop of Rosse for the Queene of Scots 12. William Parry a Welshman 1585. Reade the whole story in Camden Annal. part 3. p. 391. Doctor of the Ciuill Law sought occasion to kill the Queene insinuating into her fauour by telling her that hee had found out treasonable intents in Morgan and other fugitiues who practised her destruction and that hee had conferred with them closely to finde their purposes and keepe her safe desiring her leaue to doe so still and to haue accesse vnto her to discouer what he found But Parry himselfe in good time being suspected accused taken imprisoned and examined by graue Counsellors at last freely confessed that in France and from Rome by Cardinall Como he was confirmed that it was lawfull and meritorious to kill the Queene and especially by D. Allens booke written against the Iustice of England and that hee was imployed to that purpose for which he was executed Cap. 9. Camd ib. part 3 pag 399. 13. Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland though pardoned for his rebellion 16. yeeres before restored and made Earle by the Queenes mercy yet practised with Mendoza and Throgmorton to put downe Elizabeth and set vp the Queene of Scots and being imprisoned killed himselfe with a Pistoll was found dead the dore bolted on the inside oh mischieuous Popishnesse the ruine of many Noble houses Camd. ib. p 431. seq Reade it there at large 14. Sauage also vowed to kill the Queene as did also George G●fford a pentioner hired by the Guise for a great summe of money and perswaded by Doctor Gifford Gilbert Gifford and Hodgeson Priests that it was lawfull and meritorious 15. And Ballard a Priest walking in a souldiers habit and calling himselfe Captaine Foscue promised an inuasion by the Pope Spaniard Guise and D. of Parma he told Babington of the Queenes death to bee acted by Sauage perswaded him to see the Queene of Scots fauour and drew more heroik Actors as they called them into the conspiracy Tilney Tichburne Abington Barnewell Charnocke besides others for other purposes Windsor Salisbury Gage Trauerse Iones Dun. And they practised how to stirre Ireland to draw Arundell and his brethren and Northumberland to their side and call Westmerland Paget and others home But Sir Francis Walsingham found out all the plot by meanes of one Gifford a brother false to them but true to the State so that when the proiect was ripe and the Queen made acquainted the Traytors though fled and dispersed were taken conuicted and executed Cap. 10. Camd. ib. p. 483. 16. Anno 1587. Many discontented persons still continually haunted the Queene of Scots like euill spirits tempting her L'Aubespineus the French Embassadour lieger went about by treason to free her mouing William Stafford whose mother was of the Queenes Bed-chamber to kill the Queene by poyson Gun-powder or rather sword Trappius the Embassadours Secretary perswaded Stafford and Moody but Stafford reuealed all to the Queenes Councell Trappius was intercepted going into France The Embassadour being called before the Councell denied all but Stafford affirmed it to his face The Lord Burleigh told him though he were not punished yet he was not iustified 17. Shortly after Camd. ib. part 4. pag. 843. William Stanley and Rowland Yorke became Traytors Yorke being made Captaine of a Sconse neere Zutphen betrayed it to the Spanyard and Stanley betrayed to them the rich fenced Towne of Deuenter and sent for Priests to teach his English and Irish the Popish Religion being in number 1300. calling them The Seminary legion as the Seminary Priests ordained to defend the Romish Religion Not long after Yorke was poysoned Stanley tossed from place to place ignominiously and his fellowes some died for hunger some stole away himselfe was neuer trusted for the Spaniards vsed to say Some honour might bee giuen to a traytor but no trust and hee found too late he had most of all betrayed himselfe 18. The maruellous climactericall Cap. 11. 72. See the whole history hereof in Camdens Annales part 3. pag. 513. seq Meteranus Hakluits voyages Speeds chron and fatall yeere as some called it 1588. whereupon the superstitious built great hopes brought forth the Spanish Armado a Nauy by them termed inuincible furnished with the best experienced and famous Captaines and souldiers from Spaine Italy Sicily America and all other places to be gotten to conquer England by huge force which had before beene vainly attempted by false treachery It consisted of 130. shippes 19290. souldiers Mariners 8350. chayned rowers 2080. Great Ordnance 2630. Vnto which the Prince of Parma in Flanders was to adioyne his forces building shippes and brode vessels to transport 30. horses a peece with twenty thousand vessels with 103. companies on foot and 4000. horsemen and among these were 700. English fugitiues These were blessed by the Pope and with the Catholikes prayers and intercessions to Saints and for greater terror to the
Kings Princes and Nations and of the whole Church their hopes should not haue beene so often deluded who sought and promised to themselues at least some tollerable reformation from him neither should there haue beene such a Rent among the Churches of Europe when euery Nation seeing Rome would doe nothing was constrained to looke to it selfe and make if not a perfect reformation yet as good as it could and as neere to the Word of God and the custome of the Primitiue Church as time and meanes would afford For if it be obiected that the intended Reformation is not perfect as appeareth by the differences of some Reformed Churches yet surely first th● Reformers mindes were good who with all their hearts and endeuours sought it and secondly the coniunction of all Nations Wits Learning and other meanes by a free generall Councell which might ouer-rule the Pope and all other particulars was onely hindred by the Pope and his Faction But 3 surely the Reformation was most laudable and necessary if it had effected no more but this as one of them wrote in answere to Cardinalll Sadolet that they freed themselues from the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome and had constituted in their Countries somewhat better forme of the Church which before was most vntollerable both to Princes and People Such a Reformation as many former Ages had with greeuous sighes and grones wished and desired hungred and thirsted after but all in vaine because the truth in Europe had not yet shined out of darknesse of which our Sauiour had said ye shall know the truth Ioh. 8.32 and the truth shall set you free Therefore 1 Our late Princes 2 all the orders of the Kingdome and 3 all the people haue seene and felt the goodnesse of God and are bound to be most thankfull to him except they be of all men the most insensible and vngratefull for their great blessing following the Reformation of Religion in England 1 The Princes that they reigne now in their owne right they are not the liege-men and Vassals of the Pope that haue not their kingdome Precariò at the pleasure of another as Bayliffes of another mans inheritance that they and their Reuerend Clergy are at vnity neither fearing excommunications nor depositions from other that they diuide the care of placing Ministers with their Bishops challenging to themselues without feare that part which is due to them and concerneth the temporalls and leauing that part of the care to the Bishops which toucheth spirituals and all things which proue them to be true Kings For this blessing Kings are behoulden to Gods truth which is a friend to them which establisheth them and is with all care and diligence by them to be established Alas for those former times Inas See Polydor hist Angl. lib. 5. pag. 86. wherein amongst our Kings glorious Ancestors one led away with blinde superstition hauing zeale but not according to knowledge did of his owne accord when no necessity compelled him make his Kingdome tributary to Gregory the third King Iohn Bishop of Rome Another brought into desperation by aduerse crosses yeelded vp his Kingdome of England and Ireland to Pope Innocent 3. By whom he had bene miserably embroyled and was compelled to be content to be the Popes steward or Baily O horrid blindnesse of those times O sucessors of Peter egregiously resembling Peter in their doings O what a griefe surprized not onely the Barons Nobles and all subjects of the Realme but also the Kings and Princes throughout Europe as euery one was more wise and better then other to see the fall so heauy so foule of so great a Prince The speaches which some of them vttered at the newes of so inhumane example are committed to writing for perpetuall memory as witnesses also of their most iust both indignation and amazement Yea the speach of that vnfortunate King is extant in the writers of those times most worthy to be deeply setled in all Princes hearts After that I was reconciled to God saith hee and subjected my selfe and my Kingdomes alas for sorrow to the Roman Church nothing came to me prosperous But al things contrary Post quā ut dixi Deo reconciliatus me ac mea regna proh dolor Romana subjeci ecclesiae nulla mihi prospera sed contraria omnia aduenerunt 2 The Clergy and people of England liue happily The Bishops elect neede not run beyond the Alpes to buy their confirmation of the Pope for great summes of money nor purchase their Palles with the waight of gold nor run to Rome euery 3 yeares or as oft as the Pope list that is as oft as he thirsteth after English coyne Now they haue no such care as in times past the Bishops of England had to take vp the best benefices for Italians In which benefices as Mathy Paris saith neither lawes nor order were kept nor releefe for the poore nor hospitality nor preaching of Gods word nor necessary ornaments or repair of Churches nor care of soules nor diuine or deuout prayers as was fit and as was accustomed in the country but in their buildings the walles and roofes fell downe or were pitifully rent and torne Now the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury feareth not new Bulles from the Pope to suspend him from collating any benefices vntil 300 Romans be prouided for by benefices next falling void as it fell out anno 1239 to Edmund the Archbishop by Buls sent from Gregory 9. The Pope hauing promised it to the Roman citizens who at that time little fauored him 3 The Ecclesiasticall controuersies arising in England by a very ancient Canon wherof S. Cyprian also maketh mention are determined in England The collectors of Peter pence and other contributions the Roman visitors proctors and farmers the Marchants of Indulgences or pardons to men according to their wealth the dispencers of vowes and Institors of legitimation to make men capable of orders the Caursine Vsurers that liued at Rome but drew thither all the wealth of England lending to English Nobles others vpon morgage of their lands or other extreme vsuries money to satisfy the Pope and his Harpies The bringers of Buls for new extortions The witty Mice-catchers Muscipulatores as the Story cals them such as Petrus Rubeus and many others conning Artificers to drain money from men for the Pope and sixe hundred such like greedy and greeuous Arts by the vnvtterable benefit of the truth of Religion their names are now scarse heard of and should be vtterly vnknowne were it not for the monuments and histories of former ages Neither doth now any Legat à latere any messenger from the Popes side exercise any Rauin for money in England as many did heretofore and some with execrable hunger of gold as we read of one of them Otto sent by Gregory 9 who after three yeeres raking together of money by most detestable Artes at last departing hence left not so much money in the whole Kingdome as he either carried with