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A14783 Albions England a continued historie of the same kingdome, from the originals of the first inhabitants thereof: and most the chiefe alterations and accidents there hapning: vnto, and in, the happie raigne of our now most gracious soueraigne Queene Elizabeth. VVith varietie of inuentiue and historicall intermixtures. First penned and published by VVilliam VVarner: and now reuised, and newly inlarged by the same author.; Albions England. Book 1-12 Warner, William, 1558?-1609. 1597 (1597) STC 25082A; ESTC S119589 216,235 354

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chap. 10. pag. 45 The Storie of Iupiter and Calisto chap. 11. pag. 49 Of Cacus his secret Thefts and Tyrannies and how he was lastly discouered and slaine by Hercules pag. 53 Of the honour done to Hercules in Italie and of Queene Marica on whom he was supposed to beget Latinus Grandfather to Brute chap. 12. pag. 55 How Hercules vanquished King Picus and fell in loue with Iole p. 56 How Hercules ouercame the Tyrant Diomedes and gaue him to be eaten of his owne horses and how in Lycia hee betooke himselfe to ease and effeminacie pag 57 Of the tragicall end of Hercules and Deianira chap. 13 pag. 59 The occasion and circumstances of the third and last warre at Troy The destruction thereof and banishment of Aeneas pag. 61 Brute his petigree from either Parent his Exile from Italie and ariuall in this Isle then called Albion pag. 62 The third Booke HOw Brute named and manured this Iland built Troy-nouant or London and at his death deuided the Isse between his three Sonnes chap. 14. pag. 63 How Locrine ouercame Humbar and his Hunnes fell in loue with Estrild and of Queene Guendoleine her reuenge on him Estrild and Sabrin pag. 64 Of King Leir and his three Daughters pag. 65 Of Porrex and Ferrex and how Queene Iden murthered her sonne Porrex chap. 15. pag. 67 How and when the Scots and Pichts first entred Brutaine and of their Originals pag. 68 Of Belinus and Brennus their Contention Attonement renowmed Acts and death of Brennus chap. 16. pag. 69 Of the kindnes shewed by King Elidurus to his deposed Brother Archigallo pag. 76 How Iulius Caesar after two Repulses made the Brutaines tributarie to the Romaines chap. 17. pag. 77 The Fable of the old man the boy and the Asse pag. 80 The Birth of our Sauiour Iesus Christ. chap. 18. pag. 81 How Guiderius his brother Aruiragus ouercame the Romaines how Aruiragus was reconciled to the Romaines and married the Emperours Daughter pag. 81 How Queene Uoada vanquished the Romanes and of hers and her Daughters deaths pag. 82 Of the first Christian King in Brutaine how the Crowne thereof became Emperiall and of the Marriage and Holiday in Hell pag 85 Of the extreame distresse and thraldome that the Brutaines were brought vnto by the Scots and Pichts and how they were relieued by the King of little Britaine chap. 19. pag. 87 How King Vortiger intertained Hengistus and his Saxons how they droue Uortiger and the Brutaines into Wales and planted themselues in Britaine pag. 88 Of King Arthur and his Chiualrie pag. 90 How after the death of King Arthur the Saxons altogether subdued and expelled the Brutaines and of Cadwallader their last King pag. 91 The fourth Booke THe Storie of Curan and Argentile chap. 20. pag. 93 Of King Sigibert his tyrannie miserable end chap. 21. pa. 98 Of the amorous King Osbret slaine by the Danes who vnder Hungar and Hubba did warre and win much of England pag. 99 Of the politick and couragious Kings Alured and Adelstone and how they vanquished and chased the Danes pag. 100 How Egelred by treason of his mother became king and how all the Danes were murthered in one night pag. 101 Of the extreame thraldome wherein the English liued vnder the Danes How Swayne king of Denmarke and Canutus his sonne wholly subdued England to themselues chap. 22. pag. 102 Of the precepts that King Egelred on his death-bed gaue to his son Edmond Irneside pag. 103 Of the noble warre betwixt Edmond Irneside and Canutus of their Combat Attonement and friendly partition of England betwixt them c. pag. 105 Of the holy king Edward his vertuous and valiant gouernment Of the treacherous Earle Goodwin and of his End How king Harold was slaine and England Conquered by William Duke of Normandy chap. 22. pag. 107 Of the holy king Edward and of his sayings pag. 111 The fift Booke HOw king William Conqueror altered the lawes and gouernmet in England Of Edgar Athelstone and of his mother and Sisters entertainement in Scotland And of the restoring of the English royall blood chap. 23. pag. 113 Of King Henrie the second of Thomas Becket and of his death pag. 114 Of King Richard the first his Victories his imprisonment in Austrich his reuenge therfore and of his death chap. 24. pag. 117 Of King Iohn and how he was poysoned by a Monke pag. 118 A Tale of the beginning of Friers and Cloysterers pag. 119 Of a blunt Northerne man his speeches pag. 120 How king Edgar wowed the Nunne and of his pennance therefore pag. 121 Of the warres betwixt King Henrie the third and his Barons chap. 25. pag. 123 Of the vertuous and victorious Prince king Edward the first and of his counsell giuen to his Sonne c. pag. 124 Of king Edward the second his euill gouernment Of good Thomas Earle of Lancaster of his conference with an Hermit pa. 125 How lecherous Turgesius the Norwegane hauing conquered Ireland was by certaine young Gentlemen in the habites of Ladies slaine and Ireland so recouered chap. 26. pag. 126 Of amorous king Dermot and his Paramour the Queene of Meth in Ireland and of Ireland conquered to England pag. 129 Of the Hermits speeches to Earle Thomas of Lancaster chap. 27. pag. 131 How King Edward the second for his euill gouernement was deposed and his Parasites put to death chap. 28. 136 Of King Edward the third his Victories and noble Gouernement pag. 137 Of the magnanimitie of a Scottish Lady Sir Alexander Seitons wife at the besieging of Barwicke pag. 138 Of the troublesome Raigne of king Richard the second and how he was deposed by Henry surnamed Henry of Bolingbroke Duke of Hertford and Lancaster c. pag. 140 The sixt Booke OF king Henry the fourth of the Rebellions in his time and of Richard the seconds death chap. 29. pag. 142 Of the victorious Prince king Henry the fift Of Queene Katherine and Owen Tuder pag. 143 Of the wowing and wedding of Vulcan and Venus and of the strife betwixt Venus and Phoebus chap. 30. pag. 146 How Pan wowed and was deceiued chap. 31. pag. 152 Of Mercurie his successes loue pag. 154 Of Mars his Censure of loue and women and of Iupiters Sentence and sayings pag. 156. and 157 Of the troublesome Raigne of King Henrie the sixt how he was lastly deposed And of King Edward the fourth chap. 32. pa. 158 Of King Richard the third and of his Tyrannies pag. 160 How Henry Earle of Richmond ouercame and slew King Richard the third chap. 33. pag. 161 Of the vniting of the two hous 〈…〉 Lancaster and Yorke by intermariage pag. 163. The Seauenth Booke OF the great difficulties ouerpassed by Henrie the Seauenth heire of the Line of Lancaster or euer he attained to the Crowne chap. 34. pag. 164 Of the like great difficulties ouerpassed by his wife Queene Elizabeth heire of the Line of Yorke or euer the same two houses by their intermariage were vnited pag. 166 Of
conclude by Combacy to winne or loose the Game Within a little Island neare round which the Armies stand The Kingly Champions trie their Force by fighting hand to hand They spur their Horses breake their Speares beat at Barriars long And then dismounting did renew a Battell braue and strong Whil'st eyther King thus Martially defends and did offend They breathing King Canutus said we both I see shall end E●e Empire shall begin to one then be it at thy choyce To fight or part With it their Knights crie out with common voyce Deuide most valiant Kings deuide enough ye haue of Fight And so the Champions did embrace forgetting malice quite Partition equally was made betwixt these Princes twaine And Brother-like they liue and loue till by a deu'lish traine Earle Edricus a Traytor to the Father and the Sonne Did murther Edmund and his head supposing to haue wonne The fauour of Canutus so presenting sayd O King For loue of thee I thus haue done Amazed at the thing Canutus sayd and for that thou hast headed him for me Thy head aboue all English heads exalted it shall be The Earle was headed and his head poold vp for all to see Of England Danske Norway then Canut was perfect Lord And in this triple Regiment all with vertue did accord Harold Hardi-knought his sonnes each th' other did succeede Of either which small certaine Fame of well or ill we reede Saue by their Raigns to Engl●sh-men did grieuous thraldō breede But after Hardt-knought his death the Danes were chased hence Not intermedling with the state of England euersince CHAP. XXII OF foresaid Egelred his Sonnes Alured and his brother Was Edward King for Goodwins guile had made away that other Religious chaste wise fortunate stout francke and milde was hee And from all Taxes wrongs and Foes did set his Kingdome free By ouer-ruling of his Lords intreating long the same Least dying Issuelesse he leaue succession out of frame He tooke to Queene a Damsell faire howbeit by consent In vowes of secret chastitie their louing liues they spent The Father of this maiden-wife he sitting by the King And seeing one that stumbled but not falling vp to spring Did laughing say the brother theare the brother well hath eas'd His meaning was the Stumblers feete And haddest thou so pleas'd So had my Brother quoth the King bin easing vnto me The traitrous Earle tooke bread and sayd so this digested be As I am guiltlesse of his death these words he scarcely spoke But that in presence of the King the bread did Goodwyn choke His sonne Harold by Hardi-knoghts late daughter him suruiues He crossed by contrary winds in Normandie ariues Where Goodwins sonne did take an oth Duke VVilliam vrging so To keepe vnto the Duke his vse when Edward hence should go The Crowne of England claimed by Adoption and by blood But Harold after Edwards death not to his promise stood And for he was in wealth in friends in blood and Armor strong And title had his Mothers right he forced not the wrong But arming him against the Duke so vrged vnto wroth Did seaze the Crowne vnto himselfe contrary to his oth Whil'st VVilliam therfore works for war King Harold had not rest For Harold Hare-foote King of Danes and Norwaies much opprest The English with his puissant Bands But Harold him assailes And after fearce and doubtfull fight most valiantly preuailes And with the Norgaine Prince he slew his people almost all When for deuision of the spoyle did much contention fall Betwixt the King and English-men and many a noble Knight Not onely murmur and maligne but did forsake him quight Such malice growing VVilliam with his Normanes taking land Found hot hot spur Harold prest in Armes his puissance to withstand And either Battell Marshalled as either Captaine wild The King of England eagerly the Normane Oste behild And with his cheerefull speeches thus his men with courage fild See valiant War-friends yonder be the first the last and all The Agentes of our Enemies they hencefoorth cannot call Supplies for weedes at Normandie by this in Porches groe Then Conquer these would Conquer you and dread no further Foe They are no stouter than the Brutes whom we did hence exile Nor stronger than the sturdy Danes or victory er while Not Saxo●●e could once containe or scarce the world beside Our Fathers who did sway by sword where listed them to bide Then doe not ye degenerate take courage by discent And by their burialles not abode their force and flight preuent Ye haue in hand your Countries cause a Conquest they pretend Which were ye not the same ye be euen Cowards would defend I graunt that part of vs are fled and linked to the Foe And glad I am our Armie is of Traytours cleered so Yea pardon hath he to depart that stayeth Mal-content I prize the minde aboue the man like zeale hath like euent Yeat troth it is no well or ill this Iland euer had But through the well or ill Support of Subiects good or bad Not Caesar Hengest Swayn or now which neretheles shall fayle The Normane Bastard Albion true did could or can preuaile But to be selfe-false in this Isle a selfe-Foe euer is Yeat wot I neuer Traytour did his Treasons S●ipend mis. Shrinke who wil shrinke let Armor's wayte presse downe the burdned earth My Foes with wondring eyes shal see I ouer prize my death But since ye all for all I hope a like affected bee Your Wiues your Children liues and Land from s●●uitude to free Are Armed both in shew and zeale then gloriously contend To winne and weare the home brought Spoyles of Victorie the end Let not the Skinners daughters Sonne possesse what he pretends He liues to die a noble death that life for freedome spendes As Harold hartned thus his men so did the Normane his And looking wishly on the earth Duke William speaketh this To liue vpon or lie within this is my Ground or Graue My louing Souldiers one of twaine your Duke resolues to haue Nor be ye Normanes now to seeke in what you should be stout Ye come amidst the English Pikes to hewe your honors out Ye come to winne the same by Launce that is your owne by law Ye come I say in righteous warre reuenging swords to draw Howbeit of more hardie Foes no passed Fight hath spead ye Since Rollo to your now-Abode with Bands victorious lead ye Or Turchus Sonne of Troylus in Scythian Fazo bread ye Then worthy your Progenitors ye Seede of Pryams sonne Exployt this businesse Rollons do that which ye wish be done Three People haue as many times got and forgone this shore It resteth now ye Conquer it not to be Conqured more Fot Normane and the Saxon Blood conioyning as it may From that consorted Seede the Crowne shall neuer passe away ●efore vs are our armed Foes behind vs are the Seas On either side the Foe hath Holdes of succour and for ease But that Aduantage
shall returne their Disaduantage thus If ye obserue no shore is left the which may shelter vs And so hold out amidst the Rough whil'st they hale in for Lee Whereas whil'st men securely sayle not seldome shipwracks bee What should I cite your passed Acts or tediously incence To present Armes your faces shewe your hearts conceiue offence Yea euen your courages deuine a Conquest not to faile Hope then your Duke doth prophecie and in that hope preuaile A People braue a terren Heauen both Obiects wroth your warres Shall be the Prizes of your Prow's and mount your fame to Starres Let not a Traytors periur'd Sonne ex●rude vs from our right He dyes to liue a famous life that doth for Conquest fight By this the furious Battels ioyne a bloody day to eyther And long they fight the victory inclining vnto neyther At length the English had the ods who keeping close aray Vnto the Duchie Forces gaue no entraunce any way Who fayning feare and Martially retyring as opprest The English so became secure and follow on disperst To which aduantage furiously the Normanes did returne And got a bloody victorie In vayne the English spurne Amidst the Pikes against the pricke King Harold then was slayne From whom began the Normanes sole but soone conioyned rayne For second Henry Mawd her Sonne freed Englands blood agayne Since when and euer may they so that Of-spring ruled vs Of whose Coniunction in the Crowne the Genalogue is thus King Edmund Irn-side Issue had Edward the Out-law he Had Margaret Mawd by Malcolme thē the King of Scots had she Mawd to the Conqueror his Sonne first Henry Mawd did bei●e This second Mawd the Angeos wife had second Henry heire EDward King Harolds Preregnant of the same Change foretold Who present and succeeding times thus dying did vnfold It is a world to note quoth he the wayes that men adore And how Hypocrisie hath bred of Godlike Deuils store That speake to seeme that seeme to shift that shift to spoyle by guile That smooth sooth yeat deceiue with Scriptum est meane while But let them heaue their hands to Heauen they haue their hier in Hell That seeme deuout to cloake deceit and say but doe not well The Rich are retchles in their willes their liking is for law The Poore repine and Goods not theirs by idle shiftings claw The Lords and Landed ouer-rent and cunningly the same The Parasite doth ouer-reach and beares away the game One riseth by anothers fall and some doe clime so fast That in the Clowdes they doe forget what Climates they haue past But Eagle-winged mindes that fly to nestle in the Sunne Their lofty heads haue leaden heeles and end where they begun It is a common point on which the aged grossely ronne Once to haue dared sayd and seene more then was euer done The Youth are foolish-hardie or lesse hardie then they ought Effeminate phantasticall in few not few are nought At Cyprus not the wanton Saint nor yeat her wylie Sonne Did want her Orgies nor at Rome did Vesta lacke her Nonne The Lampsacens gaue Pryapus his filthie Rites and Create To Ioue his Bulles and Si●ilie to Ceres tithed Wheat The Thracians with their Bacchanales did Lybers Temple fill And Italie did blood of Babes on Saturnes Altars spill And fatall wreathes of Myr●ill boughes were sacred vnto Dys In fewe there was no Pagane God his Sacrifice did mis. But English-men nay Christian men not onely seeme prophane But Man to Man as Beast to Beast holds ciuill dueties vayne Yea Pulpits some like Pedlers packs yeeld forth as men affect And what a Synode shall conclude a Sowter will correct The rude thus boasting Litrature one Schisme begets another And grossely though a Sehis●●e yeat hath cach Schismatike his Soother Meane while the learned want their Meed none with profit heares The tedious Doult whose artles tongue doth preach to weary eares Here could I enter in a Field of matter more than much But gesse that all is out of frame and long time hath bin such And what shall be let time disclose This onely will I touch A Greene Tree cut from withered Stock deuided Furlongs three From proper Roote it shall reioyne and after fruitfull bee Thus sayd the King And thus doe some expound that Prophesee The Tree this Land the Stock and Roote the thralled English line King Har●ld and the VVilliams twaine the Furlongs some define Henry the Normane that begot on Mawde his English Queene Mawde second Henries Mother was the Trees Returne to greene King Stephen first though not so firme did in this Turne proceede But second Henrie perfectly restalled VVodens Seede THE FIFTH BOOKE OF ALBIONS ENGLAND CHAP. XXIII ASsisted by the former Bowne persist my Muse and tell How by the Normane Conquest here an other world befell New lawes not Labyrinths as now through wrested Quirkes came in New Lords also at whom for most our auncient Crests begin The English sinke the Normanes swimme all topsie turute was Vntill the Conquerour had brought his whole command to pas Then was one Edgar sonne vnto the out-law Edward he To holy Edward had been heire had not King Harold be And VVilliam pleading too by sword admits no milder law So Edgar in his soonest flight his safest issue saw Who with his mother daughter to the King of Hungarie And Sisters did attempt into his Grandsiers Realme to flie Thus Englands hope with Englands heir in one same Barke did sayl When desprate from their villanage was English blood of baile 〈◊〉 God that to the hopeles is not helples if he please Did driue the storm-beate English ship into the Scottish seas Wheare cast a shore King Malcolme soone had notice of the wracke And did become a gracious Lord vnto their present lacke And Agatha a Votarisse tooke Margaret to Queene Protects her brother euen by Armes against King Williams teene Vntill by warre and wise conuay he so to passe did bring That Edgar reconciled was vnto the English King In credit though withheld his Crowne and thus at least did good His flight Scotch-queen'd his Sister she regraded Englands blood For let we Edgar gainst the haer preserued as exprest And either VVilliam luckie Knight at armes interred rest And set first VVilliams yongest sonne first Henry on the Throne Through him the royall English and the Normane bloods grew one On Mawd Scotch Malcomes daughter by the foresaid Margaret he Had Mawd that solie did suruiue her drowned brothers three Her Empresse to the Emperour then newly being ded Did Geffrey Plantaganet the Earle of Anioy wed And she vnto Plantaganet did second Henry beire Of England Angeo Gascoyne and of Normandie the heire Yeat Stephen first VVilliams daughters son whō th' Earle of Bloys did marrie Did with the Empresse and her son now King now Captiue varrie But lastly tyred and inter'd all England by his death Was quietly second Henries who was lawfulst heire by birth With Hengests blood our droupen Muse it
list No like immortall she-Egge Chucke of Tyndarus his wife The wracke of Dardane walles shal mooue to vs like costly strife Thy husband no Atrides is or were it he were such The Idane ball Iudge did not more but I would doo as much For why thy selfe a richer cause of warre art worthy so Whome to continue euer frend I carelesse am of foe My Kingdome shall containe thee that containest me and it Yea though we be condemned Loue or armour shall vs quit Loues lawe at least adiudgeth barres cleere bookes to pleade in breefe Prescription to obiections how his passions bee our cheefe For none doth liue not passionate of loue ire mirth or greese I waite thee in the neerest woods and thether watching watch Doe waite escape of all things els my selfe doe care dispatch Let onely Loue sweete Loue perswade if more remaine to wowe I hope I wish not more be done than what you meane to doo This read and red her cheekes and to his reede alreadie bent Not casting further doubts vnto her Paramour she went Conueyed into Leynister Not many weekes ensewe When Morice King of Meth returnes and what had hapned knew A whitle-winde in a w●irle poole roost that paire of doues quoth he The single state is double sweet at price too decre I see How wowe we woe and won how loth we fowle doubt we faire And onely then lacke women faults when men their faultes forbeare The diuell goe with her so that I with credite might forgoe her But such doth sinne with sauour he is flouted that doth owe her I may not put it vp vnlesse I put vp many a mocke Fowle fall that H●rrolde causing that my G●itrone is the smocke He worth and wronged and his wrong a common quarrel made Assisted by the Irish Kings did Leynister inuade King ●●rm●te whom his subiects then and long ere then did hate Was left defencelesse desprate of his life depriu'd his State And fled to England wheare the Pope imbulled had of late England for Irelands Conquest So the Exile welcome was As aptest Instrument to bring that Stratageme to passe For but to be reseated was the Fugitiues request And then to tribute part and leaue to English men the rest King Henry yeat in warre else-where did freely license any To make aduenture for themselues so Dermot sped of many Earle Strang●ome the Geraldines Fitz Stephans Reymonde and Moe worth Knights of Wales for most did take the taske in hand And to the Crowne of Englands vse made Conquest of that Land But should you aske how Dermot sped Father he sped too well And nothing else the Irish bookes doo of his Leiman tell Alone obserue what changes heere through onely lust befell And note our England surfetteth in greater sinnes than it The onely cause that I am Earle an Exile heere doo sit The County thus concluded and the Hermite answered this CHAP. XXVII TO lose an Earldome and to liue an exile what it is I cannot tell but not to haue what may bee lost were blis I will not speake of Coiture nor of Conception naither It fits I should for neuer made I Grandsier of my Father But mine experience at our birth begins it birth I speake How than doe we no creature worlds lesse helpefull or more weake From birth our Infancy throughout we liue as not aliue To others diuersly a care we sencelesse how we thriue No sooner we vncradell be we females be we boyes But we affect so many and God wot such foolish toyes And are so apt for daungers and vnapt to shift the same As aptly vanities by terme of childishnes we blame Thence growe we to more strength and sence still senceles howbeit Of vice or vertue bettring by correction not by wit Gamesome not caring who takes care nor can we saue or git Next but demies nor boyes nor men our daungerous times succeede For vanities erst aymed at we shortly act in deede Wilde roysting wanton loue or else vnthriftie shots and game Doe cuppell ere we finde our fault distresse vnto defame Perhaps experience beating vs doth bid vs lay to thriue The first degree to which say some is warely to wiue But wiued if our Sainct become as not vnlike a Shroe Then is that first degree to thrift the third degree in woe Or be it she be constant wie well intertayning faire Doe graunt her silence patience and what vertues els be rare Yeat by how much more shee deserues so much more we desire To please and profite such an one for whom on hers we tire Our selues and sences yea perchance labour the most we may Much labour is too little that should houshould charge defray We aged carke to liue and leaue an ouerplus in store Perhaps for Spendals so amidst abundance liue we poore Our heires waxe sickishe of our health too long our here abod Meane while the neerer to our graues the further wee from God Grippell in workes testy in words lothsome for most at length And such at fourescore as at foure for manners witte and strength Thus Infancie is feeble and our lustie youth vnstayde Our manhood carking and our age more lothed than obayde And thus from first to last our liues be fruiteles and vnqueate But you perhaps expect I should of nouelties intreate I haue no tales of Robin Hood though mal-content was he In better daies first Richards daies and liu'd in woods as wee A Tymon of the world but not deuoutly was he soe And therefore praise I not the man But for from him did groe Words worth the note a word or twaine of him ere hence we go Those daies begot some mal-contents the Principall of whome A County was that with a troope of Yomandry did rome Braue Archers and deliuer men since nor before so good Those took from rich to giue the poore and manned Robin Hood He fed them well and lodg'd them safe in pleasant Caues and bowers Oft saying to his merry men what iuster life than ours Here vse we Tallents that abroad the Churles abuse or hide Their Coffers excrements and yeat for common wants deuide We might haue sterued for their store they haue dyest our bones Whose tongues driftes harts intice meane melt as Syrens Foxes stones Yea euē the best that betterd thē heard but aloofe our mones And redily the Churles could prie and prate of our amis Forgetfull of their owne when their reproofes had proofe as this * It was at midnight when a Nonne in trauell of a childe Was checked of her fellow Nonnes for being so defilde The Lady Prioresse heard a stirre and starting out of bed Did taunt the Nouasse bitterly Who lifting vp her hed Sayd Madame mend your hood for why so hastely she rose That on her head mistooke for hood she donde a Channons hose * I did amis not missing friends that wisht mee to amend I did amend but missed friends when mine amis had end My friends therefore shall finde me true but I will
Vpstarts and all Were ouercome So Spencers both from heauen to hell did fal Put to a fowle and shamefull death with others that misled The King in Out-rages more great than earst in England bred Prolers Blood-thirstie Parasites Make-shifts Bawdes did thriue Nor was an ancient English Peere vnbanisht or aliue For forraine and domesticke Swords Plague Famine and Exile Did more than tythe yea tythe the Tythe of men within this I le Of Baldricks Hoodes Tabrides and Furres from Knights disgraded tore Attaintures of Nobilitie and Armes reuersed store So many Spurres hewen off the heeles and Swords broke ouer head Were through a King so light and lewd a Councell neuer read The King in prison and depos'd tyrannised he dide By Trecheries of Mortimer that ruld the Roste that tide Whilst Edward in Minoritie his Fathers throne supplide CHAP. XXVIII THIS third of that same Name as yet in Nonage for a time Although a King was vnder-kept by some that ouer-clime Queene mother proude Mortimer familiar more than should Did and vndid more than they might not lesse than as they would Till Edward better counselled hong Mortimer the death Of many a Peere who Earle of March and haughtie for his birth Was Lord of nine skore dubbed Knights his other traynes except For greater pompe than did his Prince this Lord of VVigmore kept But more he had bene happie though lesse hautie in his Halls More honour in humilitie than safetie in walls Proud Climers proue not monuments saue onely in their falls The senselesse pride of Fooles therefore whome reuerently we ride Should lessen at the least because that earth their earth shall hide The Countrie purg'd of Fleecers and of Flatterers the Court The King became a Mars for Armes a Iupiter for Port Th Olymp●ds the Pythea and the prowesse of the Earth Did seeme euen now and not but now to haue in him their birth East South and North gaue ayme farrc off admiring so the West As if that Mars discarding them had set our Realme his Rest. Philip Valois Dauid Bruz of power and courage more Than any French or Scottish Kings since or of long before Confedrate with three other Kings and Princes farre and neere Warre all at once on Edward but did buy their warring deere Dauid debelled left his land but lastly did returne And whilst our King did war in France much did he spoyle burne And proud of mightie Troopes of men of vnresisted prayes And Edwards absence prosperously he on aduantage playes Vntill not sending hence for helpe the Queene did muster Knights And with the Foe though tripled-wise victoriously she fights The Scots for most did perish and their King was Prisner taine And Scotland wholly for a pray to England did remaine Meane while was Paris scarcely left to rescue Philips Goale Whom Edward ferrits so from hold to hold as Fox from hoale That Melancholie he deceast and valiant Iohn his sonne Was crowned King of France and then the wars afresh begonne But after many fieldes vnto the Foes continuall wracke The French King captiuated to the English Monarke backe His Victor sayles the Prince of VVales Edward surnamed blacke The flower of Chiualrie the feare of France and scourge of Spaine Wheare Peter dispossest of Crowne was crownde by him againe Fower yeeres the French eleuen yeres was the Scotch K. prisners heere Whose the Dolphines ransomes were as great as good their cheere PRince Edw. Iohn of Gaunt all their Fathers sonnes might boaste Of famous Sier and he of sonnes matchlesse in any Coaste Howbeit King and Prince at last misled by counsell ill Through Taxes lost a many hearts that bore them earst good will Thence finding Fortune contrary to that she was before Yeat either dying seaz'd of French and Scottish Conquests store Yea Callice late and Barwick yet of their Exployts is lest Though Sonne before the Sier and both of liues long since bereft When Barwick was besieged and stood brauely at defence Sir Alexander Seiton theare chiefe Captaine had pretence To linger forth the Siege till Scots should draw the English thence In rescue of Northumberland and therefore sent his sonne A Pledge of treated Truce and when the guile-got Truce was done And Barwick not releeued nor resigned as it ought Two sonnes of Seiton were before the walls besieged brought They ready for the Iybbet and their Father for his Graue For eyther he must yeeld the Towne or them he might not saue In griefe he then his Countries cause and Childrens case reuolues But partiall vnto either he on neither Choyce resolues To be a loyall Subiect and a louing Father too Behooued him but both to bee was not in him to doo Nature and honour wrought at once but Nature ouer-wrought And but his Ladie it preuents to yeeld the Towne he thought O what pretend you Sir quoth she is Barwick woorth no more Than error of such loue I ioy that I such Children bore Whom cruell Edward honoureth with such a cause of death For that especiall cause for which we all receaue our breath Euen for their Countries cause they dye whose liues for it be dewe Why see their faces constantly she did their faces viewe The same my Seiton seeme so farre from dreading any woe As if they skornde that Barwicke should redeeme them from the Foe Full deere they were to me vnborne at birth and borne and now And Mother like I moane their death and yet their death allow Moe Sonnes and such you may beget your honour if you staine Defected honour neuer more is to be got againe Preuent not then your selfe your Sonnes and me so great a blis Adiew dye sweet Sonnes your soules in heauen shall liue for this With such perswasions did she win her husband from the walls And Edward executes their Sonnes and to assault he falls So long that Barwicke yeelds at length and still vs master calls THese were the dayes when English armes had eu'rie where request And Edw. knights throughout the world had prick praise for best Not Knights alone but Prelates too Queenes whereof were twain The quondam in esse Queenes by Armour honour gain By Warre the Queene that was did cease her husbands tragicke Rayn And by the Queene then being was the Scotch King Prisnet tayne It followes then that as the Pawnce doth circkle with the Sonne So to the vice or vertue of the Prince are people wonne O that our Muse might euermore on such a Subiect ronne But Vulcan forgeth other Tooles and sharpneth deadlier swords For little els then ciuill warres our following Penne affords French Expeditions badly thriue whereof we cease to speake Not forraine but Domestick warres grew strong to make vs weake Melpomen here might racke her wits Sylla Marius hate Pharsalian Fields were gentle Frayes regarding this debate The second Richard sonne vnto the blacke Prince Edward dead Was crownde an Infant and from him the Stratagem was bread The bace attempts of Ball
her Homager may England Scotland call Which ouer-passe not now possest in this Accompt we shall Of either Land the Marches and much more for most now Ours The warlike Picts possessing Here built Castles Towns Towers 〈…〉 tes Scots and Romaines then our Lords oft daunting with their Powers T●●●●stly ciuil Strife Scots disskingdom'd thē frō Hence Whom Orkney Ilands as is sayd haue harbour'd euer sence The Br●●aines by these Picts of long opprest with thraldome sore To be deliu'red of such Foes did Saxon Aides implore So playing as did Aesops Horse that angrie with the Hart To be reueng'd did craue in ayde of Man to take his part Till when the Horse was neuer back't nor bitted Either now He hauing suffered would haue helpt but then he knew not how The Brataines hauing called so the Saxons to their aide Could not be rid of them to whom they had themselues betraide But by the same were they at length debelled into VVailes Each of whose Kings of long time Three in Englands Monarch failes The Saxons getting Brutaine thus which they did England name At once of them in seuerall Parts Seauen Kings did rule the same All which by VVesterne Adelstane in Monarchie was got Which since saue Iron-sids the Danes once Deuidēt chang'd not Fiue Irish Kingdōs likewise add now drown'd in Englands Crowne The Seauenteenth was the Isle of Man in Ours now also downe Our Mandeuil here cited of Earle Mandeuil exact In Stephens Raigne so famous Man in Scots Possession sack't And with the Spoyle of al that Isle thence and his Brother pack't Consent of times Names and Records affirme may seeme no lesse But Monteacute Count Salsburie it wonne and did possesse Of Percies after Stanlies next and still gesse I holds Man From honorable long Descents and from they first began All loyall hospitalious lou'd still powre-full and I pray That in that Noble house those Termes may neuer-more decay This Man was diuers hundred yeares a Kingdome and not small Rul'd Hebrides the Orcades to Thul the Islands all And chances there and Changes worth the note did oft befall As how the naturall Incolants the Iselanders subdew Them Norses ●rish them them Scots and English them in few Beauchamp the Earle of VVarwick first and last and but a while Was King of VVight Sixt Henries Gift that Honor and that I le VVhich added Eighteene Kingdoms al possest ieke Englands Stile These now thus couched all in One saue Parcell Scots withhold Of Penthland and some barren Isles subdu'd to Man of old Since hath one Monarch ruled vs hath rendered secure VVhereas Pluralitie of Kings did euer Losse procure Twise ioyn'd our Ilanders in one when twise did Caesar faile Disioyning He Picts Saxons Danes and Normaines did preuaile The Spanyard in Conceit deuoures our Countrie in no hope But of Disiunctiues who thinks he lesse loue their Prince than Pope Let France admonish England turn'd Religion turnes not Spayne From thirsting France Neutralitie brought late-lost Calice Baine And Spanish't-French liue Peasants-like that French did Princes raign Our Elders illy did they well for so should not be done Much lesse to causeles Armes against their Prince ought Subiects ron So badly brook't this Spanyards fam'd Espousall with their Queene That euen at VVestminsters Law-Barres were harnest Pleaders seene Fear'd with the trooped Bands y t wold that Banes with swords forbid Of which were pittied those that dide the Rest winkt-at and hid Their meaning had it Praise had not the Manner bin in fault The Manner now doth hold may none in selfe-same Meaning hault But arm'd be euery hand and heart hence Englishly to beate Spayn that our Bodies wold inthral Rome that our Soules doth threat Yeat which hath blinded bridled and beguil'd them many a day Their Inquisition wish I from the Spanyards rid away What good remaines to wish the Pope this that had none bin borne From him to steale his ill-got Coyne from vs to ship our Corne. The best things brought from Rome to vs conuert troe I to ill But new Rome left of old Rome now abreuiat we will CHAP. LXXIV WHen Stafford and his double Charge to Italie were come In health and rich for hence brought they in Coine no little Some With Iewels of rare estimate and else-what of great worth For Mandeuil they seeke and him at last did listen forth That in Constantinople yet he was a Marchant saide And thither Staffords Letter was to him with speed conuaide Purporting only that himselfe at Rome his comming staide Meane while in Rome the Mistris once of all the world they view Such wonders couch't in Ruins as vnseene might seeme vntrew Once was it compast as is read with fiftie miles of wall Now some to twentie some to lesse in that accompt doe fall It hauing Towers so many as the yeare hath dayes in all From fortie miles was water brought in Pipes o● Arches thether Were vaulted walkes through euery Streete gainst Sunne and rainy weather The sumptious Bathes with Pallaces thereto of rare delight The roomesome Ponds where very Ships some Festiuals did fight The Trophie Arches where to life Triumphants were purtraide The Statures huge of Porphyrie and costlier matters made The Theaters Pyramides the Hill of halfe a mile Raisde but of tribute Pot-sheards so to boast their Power long while The Obelisks of one whole Stone neere fortie yards or more Huge Pillers caru'd in Masonrie with Prowse of Knights before The stately Bridges sometimes Eight now fewer Tyber crosse The Thirtie goodly Gates of which is now of number losse The huge Colosses Conduites and else-what that shew'd a State Beyond beleefe of ruin'd Rome in part repair'd of late They wonder at how the world could yeeld such Pomp debate Though some the seauen inclosed Hils did ancient Rome containe Lye waste or Vine-yards more doth yeat of Maiestie remaine Euen in the Rubble of the old than in the now renew'd Though Rome retaines a Statelines nor fairer Pyles are view'd The round Pantheon once the House of all the Heathen Gods Stands yet a Temple but lesse deckt for rich by too much ods On Auentine the down-fals are of Temples store to see On Tarpie of the Capitol were wont their Guild to bee On Palantine of Pallaces on Caelius signes of Playes Quirinall Exquell Viminall of Bathes shew braue decayes These Hils with Vatican and old Ianiculum ore-past Shew we how Rome did rule was rul'd and ruin'd at the last FRom Ianus called Noe of some ●aphet of some Noes Sonne And Iaphets sonne of others Rule in Tuscan first begonne Raign'd in sixe hundreth twentie yeares of Latines Twentie one Son of the Eight of which was Brute first Soueraign of our Throne The last of these Numitor was whome Romulus did kill And building Rome slew Remus there to lord-it at his will * This Citie then Receptacle for all how vile skils not Of Italie by one and one the Sixteene State-Lands got Tarquinius raign'd the Seauenth in Rome
nor till her our humbled sailes we strike For should we at her Grandsier reare our Colome yet too poore We could not write as Hercules on his Beyond no more For he lackt search our Muse hath Kend an Ocean is in store Euen matter that importeth worth coparing all before THE SEVENTH BOOKE OF ALBIONS ENGLAND CHAP. XXXIV NOw let vs poste-alone to Mars and Mercury repa●r At least so farforth as wee maye without controwlment daer Richard the third Henry the Seauenth last subiects of our pen Was slaine was crownde with hate with loue as worste as best of men So not with Yorke and Lancaster doth wonted enuie raigne Nor can Aeneas Off-springs now of Orphansie complaine But that Cadwalladers Fore-doomes in Tuders should effect Was vnexpected saue that God doth destinies direct Els Owen Tuder had not wiu'd Fift Henries noble Queene Nor had they of their bodies Earles Penbrooke and Richmon seene Nor Margret Somersets sole heire to Richmon had beene weade Nor they the heire of Lancaster Henry the Seuenth had bread Nor he of Yorks Inheritrix Elizabeth had sped Nor they vnited either house all other titles dead Yeat eare this vnion Either so ariued to their right As Psiches on an errant sent to Hell by Venus spight Worse Ferrymen than Charon Hoods contagious more than Styx Worse Porters than fowle Cerberus were pleas'd past stood betwix How therefore Either dangerously their Labyrinth did passe Shall not be ouerpassed Thus their seuerall fortune was Henries the fourth the fifte and sixt successiuely did raigne Vntill fourth Edwards sword to him did lawfull Empier gaine Lancastrians droupe the Yorkests had their long expected day Sixt Henry and the Prince his sonne by stabbes were made away The foresaid Margaret sole heire of Somerset earst wife Of Tuder Earle of Richmond had by him a Sonne in life To whom from her the Crowne-right of Lancastriās did accrewe He from his English foes himselfe by secrete stealth withdrewe To little Brutaine wheare he found the Duke a frendfull trewe This Henry Earle of Richmond now poore Lancasters Remaine Was by fourth Edward practis'd home by many a subtell traine Whome once the gentle Duke beguilde with promises vnment Deliuered to the English-men with whome he homewards went Forsaken Ladd for yet he was a Ladd what did remaine But certaine death so to assure his foes vncertaine raine Which to establish many a Prince of his Allies weare slaine But him eare broughta-boorde the Duke aduised better stayd And him as if by c●●●nce escapte to Sanctuarie conuaid The Lambe so rescued from the Wolfe that priuiledged place Assured him till Edwards death and then he hoped grace But he that was Protector of his murthered Nephewes than Vsurped England and became a Monsture not a man Richard the third omitting all his tyrannies beside To be possessed of the Earle by many a message tride Great wealth was sent greater assum'de but nothing might preuail The gracious Duke abhord to set his guiltles frend to sayle But furnished with money men and armor shipt him thence To winne his right yeat churlish Seas did lett such kind pretence Full hardly Richmonds threatned Ship escapt our armed Shoore For Richard of the Riuall got intelligence before Return'de the Duke did sicken and Landoise did beare the sway And he for Masses great was brib'de Earle Henry to betray Yeat through wise Bishop Murtons meanes by stealth he scap'te away In trauell then from Brutaine to his Grome himselfe was Grome By interchaunged rayment till to Anger 's they weare come The French King pittying his distresse pretended asked aide And secrete platformes for his weale his English friends had laide Henry in France at home his Friends bester them and the Foe Meane time with hope with fraud with feare imployde his witts also Now of the Earles conspiracy the totall drift was this Elizabeth the daughter of fourth Edward vow'd he his And she was vow'd to him if God with victory him blisse Our wounded Englands healing balme for thus thereof ensew'de The factious Families vnite the Tyrant was subdew'de And thence the surname Tuder doth Plantagenet include AS hardly as her husband did Elizabeth escape For why like Stratageme for both did bloody Richard shape Whilste that her Father liued now a King and now exilde Her Crosses then did happen from such victors as weare milde But now the same that murthered her Brothers to be King That did withfraud begin and then with bloud conclude ech thing That flattred friends to serue his turne and then destroyde the same That was her Vncle yeat did hate her Mothers very name That thought he liued not because his Neeces weare vndead Theis now and blame her not in her a world of terror bread But of vnpriuiledged bloud yet had he store to spill Yet sanctuaries weare not forc'te yet but expecting ill Theareofte the Queene her Mother Shee and Sisters would reporte Their happie and vnhappie da●es the fewer of first sorte Happy was I the olde Queene said when as a Maide vnweade Nor Husbands weale nor Childrens woe mistempered my head Yeat I beloued loued and so left that free estate And thought me happyer than before for louely was my Mate Iohn Gray a sweet Esquier for his prowysse dubbed Knight Was as behoued all my ioy who slaine in factious fight Your Father Daughters late my Lord and Husband now in earth From me had many a secrete curse as motyue of his death Lancastrian was my husband and that faction had the wourste So to releeue my Widdowhood I kneel'd to whom I curste Edward for Henry was depoes'de and Edward seaz'd the Crowne I wot not for what forme of mine did raise me kneeled downe And gaue me chearefull wordes and tooke me curteously aside And playd the ciuell Wanton and me amorouf●y he eide His plea was loue my sute was Land I plie him he plies me Too baece to be his Queene too good his Concubine to be I did conclude and on that point a while we disagree But when I was his Queene sweete King not for I was his Queene But for himselfe and for the loue that passed vs betweene I held me happiest vnderheauen yea when his aduerse Line Discrowned him I had inough that I was his he mine Then after fortunes often change he died and I suruiue A life exceeding death for griefe and greefes Superlatiue My heart ah Sonnes my heart deare Hearts was dead eare yee did die Too yong weare yee to censure of your vncles tyranny Then wept shee and her daughters wept their onely talke alwaies Was passed ioyes or present woes nor hope they better daies But in Earle Richmonds good successe that now a power did raise Too soone had Richard notice that Earle Henry would ariue By precontract his eldest Neece Elizabeth to wiue And well he knew in Yorks descent she was immediate heire And Henry like in Lancaster a Match for him to feare Which to preuent he flattered his Neeces from their mother Who fearefull Ladies
obedient Eares and Eyes The rather for knowne Humorists Sots noted Mal-Contents Here innouate and each one to a diuers Sect conuents Too much irreu'rent in and to the Church and Sacraments But leauing these retier we to ill-drifting Rome and Spayne Whō doth our Queene next vnder God frō Europs Spoyle detayne THE TENTH BOOKE OF ALBIONS ENGLAND CHAP. LIV. IN Scotland France Netherland whilst Phillip and the Pope Did Swordes and ciuill Tumults broach of prizing them in hope Her Highnes through the highest Power inabled was to ayde Those Countries to defend her owne and Phillips to inuayde Of Scotland first and then of France and Belgike shall be saide When first of othe● things shall be this short Remembrance made It is a saying auncient not autenticall I win That who-so England will subdew with Ireland must begin Imagine Stukelies onely name includeth all that 's ill He forging worth and to our State Maleuolent in will Of bounteous Pensions was therefore possest in Spayne long while Vntill for it a Nature was in Stukelie to begile The King whom he had cozen'd long him purpos'd to exile Then for the Pope the Fugitiue a welcome Agent was For nothing ill might worke vs ill hath Spayne and Rome let pas Of him he had an Armie that for Irelands Conquest sayles When through a fight in Barharte that Expedition fayles But how had guiltles England then deseru'd such hostile Spight Her Rebell why relieued they why arm'd they him to fight Why did why doe I aske that know the Spanyard so ambitious The Remaine Prelate pompious and which more is auaticious Why did I say Pope Pius Bull and Gregories Calfe disqueate Our Sou'raigne and her Subiects that did neuer them mis-treate Vnles for Princes to giue Lawes to theirs be to offend Proud Spayne and Rome if so as so let God the Quarrell ende What else had England done whē they did foster there with more Our Traytor Moereton sent from them to stirre an here-Vprote Which cost the North two northerne Earles and their Consorts full sore He whispring how that Bull had made Anathema our Queene Deptiu'd her all Authoritie discharg'd her Subiects cleene Blest all her Foes curst all her Friends left England Anies praye And all for damned that did ayde or her in ought obaye So arrogant malitious and mischieuous is that Bull That Belzebub the Prince of hell appeares in it at full Why sent they it by Felton to be bishoped at Paules Why fe'ed they Fitz-Morrice that in Ireland marshal'd Brawles Saunders that false seditious Priest that fortified theare Why march't hee with their Ensignes Why did they those charges beare They shooke our Hiue forst vs forth to sting thē when they fee'd False Desmond and the Rebell now that as the rest shall speede For God against all Traytors hath assured wrath decreede These Sturres and more in Ireland and a many Treasons heere Haue they abetted to the King of Catholikes full deere More than his paper Pellets too the Pope hath been at cost His Alchumie a dram to win a pound of Gold hath lost Was it for loue they did erect Receptacles for Ours Or so by schooled Treacheries to adde vnto their Powrs Their Iesuists our Iudasses act so remote from Loue As Faiths Relaps Rebellion and to Rege-cide they moue Story insatiate of the blood of Martyrs and a many Blood thirstie Priests bloodier than whom nor hath nor might be any Tutting their Naturall Princes death and Ruine of our State Doe they and then did nourish when twixt vs seem'd no debate That Spanish-Iewish Atheist and Lop-heauie-headed Leach Vnworthy a Physitions name fowle Lopas we impeach And Parret that aspyring Knight hence bryb'd for duties breach Hence haue been poysned of our Peeres whom Bribes could not ore-reach But what are these and more than these to it the Guizian Scot Fatall to Seas of blood and to her owne by earned lot Did with our Foes against our State and Soueraignes life complot Wherein King Phillip and the Pope especially weare hot Here but in Reuerence of her Sonne an happie Prince in all Religion Peace his Subiects Loue of Emperie not small Precelling his Progenitors a Iusticer vpright Yea ouer-long it weare we should Particulars resight How Nature Wit and Virtue decke his body words and minde Or if his Fames Deminatiue in any thing we finde It is but part of Maiestie through Puratizme declynde Yea if for him whom and deseru'd we haue so firme a frend It might I say be spoke not thus of Marie should we end Her Fauoures vnto Dauid Rize offensine to the King His Highnes Father but for him in Storie would we bring With hers and Bothuels double wrong to Eithers married Bead How they wrought Paricidie how the treacherous Couple wead How odious to their Owne with hard escape of liues they flead How since our Prisnor blood she sought much through her was head Yea all that Buchanā doth wright should largely here be read Yeat not her Infancie should be vpbraided with the blood Of many thousand slaughtred Soules when periur'd Scots withstoode Her Marriage with Prince Edward which Eight Henrie swore thē to When they esteem'd vs Hereticks so Papists Oathes vn-doe But for th' aforesaid Reuerence touch we but Hers and Her That indirectly heer did her abortiue Clame prefer CHAP. LV. KIng Iames the fourth that fayld his faith and lost for it his life Had Iames the Fift by Margaret our Daughter and his Wife Fift Iames through Melancholy ends for Ours gainst him good chance And left this Marie whom the Scots an Infant wead to France Thus from Seuenth Henries Daughter she her Title did aduance But howsoere by blood or by our Lawes she here could clame T' is sure too soone and treacherously she did preferre the same And first and last vnto our Queene her selfe a Foe did frame Our Marie was no sooner dead but that her G●izards arme And into Scotland Locusts-like in her Pretext did swarme Whilst she in France did vndertake our royall Armes and Stile Behoou'd therfore our Queene to stand vpon her Guard meane while Lord VVilliam Graie our English Mars not Martiall more than wise Did with an Armie hence pack thēce our dāgerous Neighbour Guise Nor died few of Either part whilst Marie thus would rise Since when the League did oft her Right with wrong too much surmise Of Cōquests Spayne of Cōuerts Rome our Queene doth cheefly ba●r Gainst her therefore they chiefely wrought Conspiracies and Warre And not for Maeries Title or her any virtuous Giftes Thinke that they her inleagued but from her to plot their Driftes Her selfe meane while false-Paradi'zd besybbing Aesops Croe Vain-glorious through the Foxes gloze did ende her song in woe Sufficeth what is said before to shew wherefore she flead Here was she taken whom if Scots had taken had been dead Put vnder Guarde and so was meete should one that quarreld Ours And not her selfe alone but had Abbettors forren Powrs Yeat