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A11862 The booke of honor and armes Jones, Richard, fl. 1564-1602.; Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633, attributed name.; Saviolo, Vincentio. 1590 (1590) STC 22163; ESTC S116992 81,597 191

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The Lord Scroope The Earle of Essex The Earle of Ormond Sir Christopher Hatton Lord Chauncelor of England The Earle of Sussex The Lord Buckhurst Other degrees of Knighthood in England CAP. 8. THree other sorts of Knights there are in England but because they weare no garment badge or signe to shewe the difference of their degree from other Gentlemen they are not noted or known to strangers for Knights Yet among our selues wee knowe them right well for euerie man hauing that dignitie is called Sir As Sir Thomas Sir Iohn Sir William c. But here is to be noted that Knights are not borne but made either before a Battaile to encourage them to aduenture their liues or after the fight as an aduancement for their valour then shewed or out of warre they are made for some notable seruice done or some good hope of vertues that doo appeare in them These Knights are made either by the King himselfe or by his commission and royall authoritie giuen for that purpose or by his Liutenant in the wars who hath his royall absolute power for that time And this order may be resembled to that which the Romanes called Equites Romanos differing in a sort but in some other sort doth agree with it for seldome in all poynts one Common wealth doth agree with an other nor long any State accordeth with it selfe Equites Romani were chosen ex Censu which is according to their substance and riches Euen so be Knights in England for the most part according to the yearely reuenew of their lands being able to mainteine that estate yet all they that had Equestrem Censum were not in Rome Equites no more are all Knights in England that may dispend a Knights land or fee but they onlie to whom it pleaseth the King to giue that honor In Rome the number of Equites was vncerteine and so is it of Knights in England at the pleasure of the Prince Equites Romani had Equum publicum but the Knights of England find horses themselues both in peace and warre Census Equester among the Romanes was at diuers times of diuers valewe but in England who so euer may dispend of his free lands fortie pounds starling of yearely reuenew by an old lawe either at the Coronation of the King or mariage of his daughter or at the dubbing of the Prince Knight or some such great occasion may bee by the King compelled to take that order and honor or to pay a fine which many rich men not so desirous of honor as of riches had rather disburse Some also who for good respect are not thought worthie that title and yet haue abilitie neither bee made Knights though they would and yet pay the fine of fortie pounds starling which as siluer is now prised is 120. pound currant monie Wherof this word Knight is deriued or whether it signifieth no more but that which Miles doth in Latin which is Soldier I know not Some hold opiniō that the word Soldier doth betoken a waged or hiered man to fight Caesar in his Commentaries called Soldiers men deuoted and sworne by band or oath to serue the Capteine which order if the Almaines did followe it may bee that they who were not hiered but being of the Nation vppon their owne charges and for their aduancement and by such common oath and band that did followe the warre were perhaps called Knights or Milites and now among the Almaines some are called Lance-Knights as Soldiers not hiered although they bee well neere all hiered Or it may bee that they which were next about the Prince as his Gard and seruants picked and choyse men out of the rest being called in the Almaine tung Knighten which is as much to say as Seruants these men being found of good seruice the word afterward was taken for an Honor for a man that professeth Armes Now our language is so altered that hard it were to giue iudgement thereof But sure it is wee in our English doo call him Knight whom the French doo call Cheualier and the Latin Equitem or Equestris ordinis Touching the making of these English Knights the manner is this Hee that is to be made Knight is striken by the Prince with a Sword drawne vpon his backe or shoulder the Prince saying Soys Cheualier and in times past was added S. George And when the Knight riseth the Prince saith Auancé This is the manner of dubbing Knights at this present and that terme dubbing was the old terme in this poynt and not creating These sorts of Knights are by the Herehaults called Knights Batchelers Of Knights of the Bath AT the Coronation of a King or Queene there are made Knights of the Bath with long and curious Ceremonies whereof I am not perfectly enformed Of Knights Bannerets THese Knights are made in the field onlie with the Ceremonie of cutting away the point of his Standerd and making it as it were a Banner he being before a Batcheler Knight shall then become of greater degree allowed to display his Armes in a Banner as Barons do and the wiues of all these three degrees of Knights shall be called Ladies as Barons wiues are The Order of the Toson and the originall thereof CAP. 9. THe number of Knights that were at the first admitted into this Order was 31. who ought bee of noble bloud men of good merite and without reproach The chiefe or head of this companie is he vnto whom the succession of the Dukedome of Burgondy doth lawfullie discend Whosoeuer entereth into this Order shall renounce all other Orders of Knighthood of euerie Prince Companie or Religion Yet out of that lawe are excepted all Emperours Kings and Dukes vnto whom is dispensed that they may weare the Badge of this Order if they bee chiefe and Soueraines of their owne Order But to the end the truth may appeare a generall Counsell of Knights shall bee called to consent vnto that dispensation The Soueraine of this Order hath authoritie himselfe alone to giue and bestowe the Ensigne of the Order which is a Coller of gold wherein are the Armes of Burgondie hauing the Toson of gold hanging thereat This Coller the Soueraine and euerie of the Knights is bound to weare daylie and failing thereof shall incurre a penaltie But in time of warre or great affaires to weare the Toson onlie shall suffice Or if by mishap the Cheine doo breake it is lawfull for mending thereof it may be carried to the Goldsmith Or if any Knight trauailing by the way shall doubt to be robbed he may without offence lay by or hide his Cheine Yet is it not lawfull to encrease the quantitie of the said Cheine nor adde thereunto any other stones or workmanship and most of all it is vnlawfull to sell it engage it or exchange it These and many other Statutes and ordinances the Knights of this noble Order are sworne to obserue and keepe And many of them haue been sith the first institution enlarged altered or
he confessed The King gaue sentence he should bee drawne and hanged Anno. 1384. Regni Rich. 2. A Combat was fought betweene Sir Richard Wooduile and one other Knight borne in Spaine After the third blowe giuen the King staied the fight Anno 1441. Regni Henr. 6. A Combat was graunted vnto Iohn Viscount borne in Cipres and Thomas de la Marshe bastard sonne vnto Philip King of France in the raigne of King Edward the 3. at Westminster Certaine Combats for Triumph Honor and Loue of Ladies brought before the Kings of England CAP. 11. IN the former Chapter wee made mention of the Ceremonies appertaining to Combats for life as they were ancientlie vsed Nowe I thinke fit for the furniture of this worke brieflie to remember some speciall exercises of Armes brought before the Princes of this realme for Honor and loue of Ladies onlie and among the rest as actions most worthie memorie wee will touch certeine particular Combats or as they are commonlie called Triumphs Iusts and Turniaments performed before our present Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth a Prince of so great magnanimitie and wisedome as by imitation of her most noble and princelie vertues the Court of England both for Armes and learning hath in her raigne excelled all others Triumphs before King Edward the third IN the raigne of King Edward the third a royall Iust was holden at Lincoln by the Duke of Lancaster where were present certeine Ambassadors sent by the King of Spaine for the Ladie Ioane daughter to the King who should haue been married vnto that King of Spaine but meeting her on the way she died Anno. 1348. A Triumph was holden at Windsor before the same King Edward whereat was present Dauid King of Scots the Lord of Tankeruile and the Lord Charles Valloys who by the Kings license was permitted to runne and had the prize Anno. 1349. IN Smithfield were solemne Iusts in the same Kings raigne where was present a great part of the most valiant Knights of England and France Thether came also noble persons of other Nations as Spaniards Ci●riots and Armenians humblie desiring aide against the Pagans Anno 1361. A Triumph before King Edward the fourth IVsts were againe holden in Smithfield where Anthonie Wooduile Lord Scales did runne against the Bastard of Burgondie Anno. 1444. A Triumph before King Henrie the sixt ONe other notable action of Armes was persosonallie performed in Smithfield betweene a Knight of Spaine called Sir Francis le Aragonoys and Sir Iohn Astley Knight of the Garter For after the said Sir Francis had wonne the honor from all the men at Armes in France he came into England and made a generall Challenge but by the great valour of Sir Iohn Astley lost the same vnto him The memorie of which action remaineth with Master Garter principall King of Armes Triumphs before King Henrie the seuenth AT Richmont was holden a solemne Triumph which continued a whole moneth where Sir Iames Parker running against Hugh Váughan was hurt and died 1494. ONe other Triumph was in the same Kings dayes performed in the Tower of London Anno. 1502. Triumphes before King Henrie the eight BVt farre exceeding al these was that magnificent Iusts Turniments at the meeting of the two excellent Princes King Henrie the eight of England K. Frances the French King who choosing vnto them xiiij others did challenge to runne at the Tylt and fight at the Turney and Barrier with all commers The Chalengers were The King of England the King of France the Duke of Suffolke the Marquis Dorcet Sir William Kingston Sir Richard Iernegan Master Nicholas Carew and Master Anthonie Kneuet with their Assistants Sir Rowland Sir Giles Capell with these were so manie other French Gētlemen as made vp the number aforesaid For Defenders thether came Monsieur de Vandosme the Earle of Deuonshire and the Lord Edmond Howard euerie of thē bringing in a faire Band of Knights well armed This most noble Challenge of these two mightie Kings accompanied with xiiij other Knights of either Nation seuen they caused to bee proclaimed by Norrey King of Armes in England France Germanie Anno 12 Hen. 8. ONe other most memorable Challenge was made by the same King who in his owne royall person with William Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Kneuet Edward Neuell Esquire answered all commers at Westminster The King called himselfe Cuer loyal the Lord William Bon voloir Sir Thomas Kneuet Vailliant desir and Edward Neuill Ioyous penser Defenders were The Lord Grey Sir William a Parr Robert Morton Richard Blont Thomas Cheyney Thomas Tyrrell Sir Rowland Christopher Willoughby the L. Howard Charles Brandon the Lord Marquis Henrie Guilford the Earle of Wiltshire Sir Thomas Bullin Thomas Lucie the Lord Leonard the Lord Iohn Iohn Melton Griffith Doon Edmond Howard Richard Tempest After this Challenge was ended the prize appointed for the Challengers partie was giuen vnto Cuer Loyall among the Defenders to Edmond Howard ANother solempne Challenge was proclaimed and performed by certaine English Knights vz. Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seymour Sir Francis Poinings Sir George Carew Anthonie Kingston and Richard Cromwell Anno. 1540. Of like Actions in Armes sith her Maiesties Raigne these doo seeme most notable as appeareth by the memorialls of M. Clarentieux a Gentleman verie diligent in her Maiesties seruice and carefull to obserue things to the Honor of her Maiesties Court. ONE solempne Iust Turniment and fight at the Barrier was holden at Westminster wherein the Duke of Norfolke the Earle of Sussex the Earle of Warwicke the Earle of Leicester the Lord Scrope the Lord Darcie and the Lord Hunsdon were Challengers and with great honour answered all Commers The Defenders names are not extant A Royall Challenge was also there proclaimed before her Maiestie wherein were Challengers the Earle of Oxenford Charles Howard Sir Henrie Lee and Christopher Hatton The Defenders were The Lord Stafford the Lord Henrie Seymour Edward Harbart Sir George Carie Thomas Cicill Henrie Gray William Howard Sir Ierome Bowes Henrie Knowles Henrie Kneuet William Norris Richard Bulkelcy Thomas Kneuet William Knowles Rafe Lane George Delues Robert Colsel Lancelot Bostocke Brian Ansley Henrie Mackwilliams Thomas Bedingfield Thomas Moore William Worthington Richard Blunt Thomas Conyngesby Robert Alexander Roger Clopton This Triumph continued three daies The first at Tilt the second at Turney and the third at the Barriers On euerie of the Challengers her Maiestie bestowed a Prize for the receiuing whereof they were particularlie led armed by two Ladies vnto her presence Chamber The Prize at the Tilt on the Defenders partie was giuen vnto Henrie Grey At the Turney vnto the L. Henrie Seymor at the Barriers vnto Thomas Cicill Before them went Clarentieux king of armes in his rich coate of Armes This magnificent Combat was performed Anno 1571. AN honourable Challenge was likewise brought before her Maiestie by the Earle of Arundell calling himselfe Callophisus who with his Assistant Sir William Drewrie challenged all commers Anno 1580
of the weapon cap. 7. How manie waies victorie is gained cap. 8. What was ancientlie due vnto such as were victorious in publique Combat cap. 9. The third Booke WHat sortes of men ought not bee admitted in triall of Armes cap. 1. Whether a Bastard may challenge a Gentleman to Combat cap. 2. Of restitution of Honor. cap. 3. Of the disequalitie of Gentlemen cap. 4. Of Iniurie done with aduantage cap. 5. Of Iniuries euill offered cap. 6. Of Satisfaction cap. 7. What satisfaction is to bee giuen vppon an Iniurie by deedes cap. 8. Other meanes of Pacification and composition cap. 9. Of satisfaction to be giuen vpon words cap. 10. How the giuing of satisfaction is a thing not reproachfull cap. 11. The fourth Booke OF Nobilitie accompanied with great dignitie cap. 1. Whether a King may challenge an Emperour to Combat cap. 2. Whether a quarrell betweene two Emperours may be decided by particular Combat cap. 3. Of the equalitie and disequalitie of great Nobilitie and of the priuiledges due vnto all men professing Armes cap. 4. Certeine Questions Opinions and Iudgements vpon accidents happening in trialls and exercises of Armes cap. 5. Of the honor gained or lost by being disarmed in sundrie places and of sundrie peeces cap. 6. Of honor gained or lost by the hurts giuen or taken in Combat for life or in Triumph cap. 7. Of Iusts and Turniamens and how the accidents in such exercises are to be iudged cap. 8. The manner of Combats as they were auncientlie tried in England cap. 9. Certeine Combats for life graunted by the Kings of England cap. 10. Certaine Combats for Triumph and Honor performed before the Kings of England cap. 11. The ceremonie appertaining to deliuerie of Prizes at Iusts Turniaments before the King cap. 12. The fifth Booke OF what qualitie a Gentleman professing Armes ought to be cap. 1. Of Knighthood cap. 2. Of the originall of Knighthood giuen as dignitie and what Princes haue authoritie to make Knights cap. 3. The Ceremonie at the making Knights about the yere of our Lord 1020. cap. 4. The Ceremonies at the disgrading Knights in those dayes cap. 5. How manie degrees of Knighthood haue been of them how manie are yet extant cap. 6. Of the Order of the Garter cap. 7. Other degrees of Knighthood in England cap. 8. The order of the Toson and originall thereof cap. 9. The order of S. Michael cap. 10. The Order of the Anunciata cap. 11. Knights of the Band. cap. 12. Knights of S. Iago cap. 13. Knights of Calatraua cap. 14. Knights of Alcantara cap. 15. Knights of Montesio cap. 16. Knights of Redemption cap. 17. Knights of S. Iohn in Ierusalem of some called Knights of the Rhodes and now Knights of Malta cap. 18. Knights Teutonici cap. 19. Knights of the Sepulcher cap. 20. Knights of S. Marie cap. 21. Knights of S. Lazaro cap. 22. Knights of S. Steuen cap. 23. Ceremonies in degradation of Knights cap. 24. The Authors Intention cap. 25. The Authors Conclusion cap. 26. FINIS THE BOOKE OF Honor and Armes VVhat a Combat is and the originall thereof CAP. 1. A COMBAT is a single fight of one man against another for trial of truth either els of diuers men as two foure sixe tenne or more equallie and indifferentlie agreed vppon to fight on horsbacke or foot without aduantage in number of persons or disequalitie of weapons These kind of fights seeme to be first vsed of great Princes who desiring to end publique Contention and warre did mutuallie consent to determine the same by their owne priuate vertue and aduenture of life as did Golias and Dauid the Horatij and Curiatij with diuers other who fighting onlie in person for the publique cause therby saued the effusion of much bloud and the liues of many most worthie Captaines and valiant Soldiers And albeit the cause and occasion of these Combats was publique respect yet each particular Gentleman or other person professing Honor and Armes ought sufficientlie bee moued therevnto for defence of his owne particular reputation which respect and haplie also some publique occasion mooued the Combat of Aeneas with Turnus of Menelaus with Alexander of Pulfius with Varenus of Robert Mountfort with Henrie Earle of Essex in England yea Kings and Princes haue of late time done the like as Charles the third King of France with the King of Hungarie Alfonso King of Spaine with Richard Earle of of Cornwall and King Alfonso with King Ranier These particular fights were first vsed among the people called Lombardes as appeareth by the lawes written by Aliprandus one of the Kings that gouerned that Nation yet true it is that the Combats of those People and in that Age were tried with no other weapons but onelie certeine shields and staues of wood vnlesse it were for cause of infidelitie Neither seemeth it that the chiefe occasion of their fight was respect of Honor nor that the vanquished should become dishonored or Prisoner vnto the vanquisher as since hath been vsed Of the order of challenging and defending CAP. 2. FIrst is to bee considered that all Iniuries are either by words or by deeds and that in euerie Iniurie by words the Iniurer ought bee the Challenger but in an Iniurie by deedes the Iniured ought to challenge as for example Simon saith to Austen thou art a Traitor Austen answereth Thou liest then doth it behooue Simon to mainteine his words and consequentlie to challenge Austen to the Combat An Iniurie by deedes is thus Simon giueth a hurt a cut or other violence vnto Austen whereat offended he saith Thou hast done me offence violence iniurie or such like speach Simon answereth Thou liest Then behoueth it that Austen do challenge Simon and force him by fight to mainteine the hurt he offred Wherfore as a rule or maxime in matter of Honor it is speciallie to be noted that whosoeuer is truelie and lawfullie belied must of force become Challenger to mainteine that he spake or did and wherevppon the Lie is giuen him And although some men rather to shewe the dexteritie of their wits than the valour of their mindes will at such occasion vse many superfluous words whereby further speach of offence doth followe and so take opportunitie to giue the Lie vnto whom the hurt by hand was giuen yet the true and precise reason of Honor is that he who gaue the blowe hurt should without further dispute be challenged vnlesse he denie the doing thereof with offer of satisfaction Thus appeareth brieflie that whosoeuer is lawfullie belied ought by Armes to challenge mainteine and proue that which he affirmed or did in preiudice of the honor or person of the Iniured For what cause the partie belied ought to challenge and of the nature of the Lie CAP. 3. FOr so much as in ordinarie triall by lawe and ciuill Iudgements whosoeuer standeth accused by deniall of such accusation is free from condemning vntill further proofe be made euen so in euerie imposition by speach contrarie to
other Herehaults cried aloud saying This is the Helmet of a disloyall and miscreant Knight Then was brought thether a Bason of gold or siluer full of warme water which being holden vp the Herehaults with a loud voyce sayd What is this Knights name The Purseuants answered that which in trueth was his name Then the King of Armes sayd That is not true for he is a miscreant and false traitor and such a one as hath broken the ordinance of Knighthood Thereunto answered the Chaplins Let vs giue him his right name Then spake the Trompets What shall be done with him To which words the King answered Let him bee with dishonor and shame banished my kingdome as a vile and infamous man that hath done offence against the honor of Knighthood When the King had so said the King of Armes and other Herehaults cast the warme water on the disgraded Knights face as though he were a new baptized saying Hencefoorth thou shalt be called by thy right name Traitor Then the King together with twelue other Knights put vppon them mourning garments declaring sorowe and comming vnto the Knight disgraded put him downe the stage not by the staiers he mounted vp when he was made Knight but threwe him downe tyed vnto a rope Then with great ignomie he was brought vnto the Altar and there laied groueling on the ground and ouer him was read a Psalme full of curses These were the Ceremonies vsed at the degradatiō of Knights in the time of Sir Tristram Sir Lancelot and other famous Knights who were no doubt men very valiant in Armes but by meanes of writers that haue added vnto their acts many vntruths their prowesse and enterprises are holden as fables How many orders and degrees of Knighthood haue been and of them how many yet extant CAP. 6. 1 THe first and most noble order both for antiquitie and honor is that of the GARTER 2 The next to it is that of the TOSON 3 The third is that of S. MICHAEL 4 The fourth is that of the NVNTIATA 5 There is also one newe order of Knighthood in France called the Order of S. ESPRIT whereof I am not fullie enformed All these Knights be called Knights of the Coller in signe they excell others in Honor and reputation as those Orders whereinto Emperours Kings and Princes doo enter Next to these in dignitie are 1 The Knights of the BAND 2 The Knights of S. IAGO 3 The Knights of CALATRAVA 4 The Knights of ALCANTARA 5 The Knights of MONTESIO 6 The Knights of REDEMPTION 7 The Knights of MALTA 8 The Knights TEVTONICI The third sort of Knights are 1 The Knights of the SEPVLCHER 2 The Knights of SANTA MARIA 3 The Knights of S. LAZARO 4 The Knights of S. STEFFANO These may bee called rather Knights of Superstition than persons of Honor. Among these wee make no mention of Knights of the Round Table neither haue wee set downe the Knights of Amadis de Gaule nor of Orlando Furioso Yet doo I suppose some part of those stories to bee matters of trueth although writers haue added vnto them things incredible By which meane the histories themselues are holden fabulous Wee haue not here spoken of the Knights of the Starre nor of them which were called Knights of the Spurre which orders are extinct or not regarded The Knights Templers were also long since cleerelie suppressed Of the Order of the Garter CAP. 7. EDWARD the third King of England after he had obteined many great victories King Iohn of France King Iames of Scotland being both prisoners in the Tower of London at one time and King Henrie of Castile the bastard expulsed and Don Pedro restored by the Prince of Wales did first erect this Order in his Kingdome Anno 1350. vppon no weightie occasion as is reported Notwithstāding the same is and long hath been in so great honor as Emperours Kings and Princes haue desired to bee of that companie accompting it great Honor. The number of this Colledge or fellowship is 26. Knights and when any of them dye another is chosen by consent of the companie The Soueraine of the Order is the King of England his heires and successors This Order was dedicated to S. George as the Aduocate of those Knights The custome was long that these Knights yeerely held a feast at the Castle of Winsor where is also the Church founded by the same King Edward who likewise gaue great stipends to certeine Priestes to serue there It is not commonlie knowne what was the occasion that mooued the King to make this Order but thus haue I heard it vulgarlie reported That King Edward dauncing with the Queene and other Ladies of his Court tooke vp a Garter that happened to fall from one of them whereat some of the Lords smiling the King said vnto them that or it were long he would make that Garter to bee of high reputation Vpon this ground it is sayd the Order tooke beginning Euerie yeare all the Knights on the feast day of S. George are bound to resort vnto Windsor or such other place as by the Soueraine shall be appoynted The principall Officers apperteining to this most honorable Order are these The Prelate The Chancellor The Register The King of Armes named Garter and the Vsher called the Blacke Rod. Which places are presentlie furnished with these persons viz. Doctor Cooper Bishop of Winchster Prelate Master Iohn Wolly Esquire one of her Maiesties priuie Counsell Chauncellor Doctor Day Deane of Winsor Register Master W. Dethicke chiefe King of Armes Garter Master William Norris Esquire Vsher. The Statutes of this great Order are remaining with the sayd Master Garter a Gentleman verie studious in his facultie and carefull to preserue the Records belonging vnto the Nobilitie of England From him I receiued the names of these Knights of the first institution of the GARTER which I found in an auncient booke of his written in the French tongue The first Knights of the Order King Edward Soueraine The Prince of Wales his sonne The Duke of Lancaster The Earle of Warwicke The Capteine de Buch. The Earle of Stafford The Earle of Salisburie The Lord Mortimer Sir Iohn Lisle Sir Bartholmew de Bourchesh Sir Iohn Bewchamp The Lord of Mahun Sir Hugh Courtney Sir Thomas de Holland Sir Iohn de Grey Sir Richard Fitzsimond Sir Miles Stapleton Sir Thomas Walle Sir Hugh Wortesley Sir Neel Loring Sir Iohn Chandos Sir Iames Dandely Sir 〈◊〉 de Holang Sir Henrie Eme. Sir Fauchet de Prichcourt Sir Walter Pauelly The names of those that are presentlie of the same most noble Order The Queene of England Soueraine The King of Spaine The Duke Casemirus The Vice Conte Montacute The Earle of Shrewsburie Earle Marshall of England The Lord of Honsdon Lord Chamberlein The Earle of Warwicke The Earle of Hontingdon The Lord Bourleigh Lord Threasurer of England The Lord Grey The Earle of Darbie The Earle of Pembrooke The L. Howard of Effingham L. Admirall of England The Lord Cobham