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A71319 Here begynneth the thirde and fourthe boke of sir Iohn̄ Froissart of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spaygne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flaunders, and other places adioynyng, translated out of Frenche in to englysshe by Iohan Bourchier knyght lorde Berners, deputie generall of ye kynges towne of Calais and marchesse of the same, at the co[m]maundement of our most highe redouted souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eyght, kynge of Englande and of Fraüce [sic] [and] highe defender of the Christen faithe. [et]c; Chroniques. Book 3-4. English Froissart, Jean, 1338?-1410?; Berners, John Bourchier, Lord, 1466 or 7-1533. 1525 (1525) STC 11397; ESTC S121319 1,085,124 670

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englande suche lyght companyons in comfortynge of themselfe of them that were abasshed sayd let these frensshmen come there shall not one tayle of them retourne agayne in to fraunce suche persones as were in det cared not for the payment therof were gretely reioysed of the comynge of the frensshmen wolde say to theyr credytours when they demaunded theyr det syrs holde you styll they forge in Fraūce new floreyns wherwith ye shall be payde and in the trust therof they lyued and spente largely and whē they myght not be trusted they wolde say what wolde ye haue of vs It were better for you that we sholde spende frely the goodes of this royalme rather thē the frensshmen sholde fynde it haue it and so by that meanes there was spente in outrage in Englande a M. poūde sterlynge IN this season the kyng of englāde was in the marches walles with hym the erle of Oxenforde by whom euery thynge was done in englāde wtout hym nothyng done chefe of the kynges coūsayle were syr Symon Burle syr Nicholas braule syr Robert tauylyon syr Robert beauchamp syr Iohn̄ salwen syr mychel de la polle also there was named the bysshop of Norwyche syr wyllyā Neuell broder to the lorde Neuel al these as it was sayd dyd with the kyng what they lyst as for the kynges vncles the erle of Cambrydge the erle of Buckynghā coulde do nothyng wtout it were agreable to the other before sayd this trouble differēce amōge thēselfe was well knowen in fraūce whiche gretly auaunced theyr iourney they wolde haue had the duke of Lācastre to haue withdrawē his iourney out of Castell but he toke no hede therof to let his voyage whē the lordes of englāde the prelates the people of the good townes cytees comons of the royalme were iustly credybly enfourmed how the frensshe kyng was redy to come in to englande to dystroy it then they drew togider to coūsayle thē the kyng was wryten vnto by his vncles that he sholde come to Londō certefyeng hym how the comons of his royalme were not cōtent with hȳ nor his counsayle the kyng his counsayle wolde not refuse the goyng thyder but so departed for the marches of wales where they had ben long the quene also so came to Wyndesore there taryed a certayne dayes then the kyng lefte there the quene so went to Westmynstre to his palace and there taryed thyder came to hym al suche as had to do there they toke coūsayle how they sholde be demeaned agaynst this iourney of the frensshe kyng then the erle of Salysbury who was a ryght valyaunt prudent knyght sayd before the kyng his vncles before al the prelates lordes of englande that were there p̄sent syr my souerayn lorde al ye my lordes other it ought not to be meruayled of our aduersary the frensshe kyng wyll come ryn vpō vs for syth the deth of the last noble puyssaunt kyng Edward of noble memory this royalme here hath ben in gret aduēture to haue ben lost dystroyed with the vyllaynes of y● same also it is well knowen in fraunce how we be not al of one accorde wherfore this trouble appereth the whiche is not lytel for he is but a foole that fereth not his enemyes as longe as the royalme of Englande was in vnyte the kyng with his people they with hym thē we prospered reygned vyctoryously nor we sawe nor founde none that dyd vs ony grete wronge wherfore it is now nedeful neuer more nede apperd in englande that we cōferme ourselfe to rest loue vnyte if we thynke to come to ony honour that we ordeyne at the portes hauens of englande suche prouysyon defence that our countrey receyue no blame nor domage THis noble royalme of Englande hath ben a lo●g● season in tryūphaunt floure euery man knoweth well a thynge that is in floure hath more nede to be wel kepte thē whē it is tourned to parfyte fruyte therfore we ought to se cōsyder how this royalme is in his flourysshynge floure for within this .xl. yeres knyghtes squyers therof bothe within the royalme wtout haue had more honoure then ony other nacyō therfore let vs put to our paynes that as long as we lyue we may kepe this honour thē euery mā sayd that it were good that it wereso The erle of salysburies wordes were wel herde accepted as the wordes counsayle of a noble valyaunt sage knyght all that was sayd by hym deuysed among thē I wyl not long rest theron for I thynke not to know al but I know wel that the towne of Caleys was kepte as I sayd before they ordeyned to kepe the hauyns portes where as they supposed that the frensshmē wolde aryue the erle of salysbury bycause parte of his lande marched nere to the yle of wyght whiche is ryght oueragaynst Normandy the coūtrey of ●aulx therfore he was set there with his mē archers of y● countrey the erle of deuynshyre to be at Hampton with CC. men of armes .vi. C. archers to kepe the hauyn the erle of Northūbrelande at Rye with CC. mē of armes .vi. C. archers the erle of Cābrydge at douer with .v. C. mē o farmes .xii. C archers his broder the erle of Buckynghā at Sādwyche with .vi. C. mē of armes .xii. C. archers the erle of stafforde the erle of penbroke were sent to Or wel hauyn with .v. C. mē of armes .xii. C. archers syr henry percy faulx percy were at yarmouth with .iii. C. mē of armes .vi. C. archers syr Symon burle was capytayne of Douer ca●●el al the hauyns portes bytwene the ryuer of Humbre Cornewal were refresshed with mē of war archers on the moūtaynes hylles costyng the see on the fronters agaynst flaūders fraūce were set watche mē watchers in dyuers maners I cā not tel how they had empty pypes fylled with sāde one set on another on the hyght of thē were places for mē to syr on whiche nyght day kepte watche lokynge in to the see they were charged that yf they saw the frensshe nauy aproche towarde the lāde thē to make fyers alofte on the hylles to styre the coūtrey to drawe to the coost where the fyers apered it was ordeyned that they sholde suffre the frensshe kyng peasybly to take lande al his to suffre hym to entre in to the lāde a .iii. or .iiii dayes so thē fyrst to go to the see where he landed to fyght with the shyppes to wyn them yf they colde to dystroy thē take al theyr prouysyon th●●● folow the frenssh●ē not incōtynēt to fyght with thē but to hary thē to kepe thē wakynge to kepe thē fro
of Sauoy the erle Dalphyn of Awuergne the erle of Geneue the erle of saynt Poule the erle of Ewe the erle of Longueuyle and other grete lordes of Fraunce in suche nombre that I can neuer name them all it was sayd there sholde passe in to Englande .xx. M. knyghtes squyers whiche to say trouth is a fayre company also .xx. M. crosse bowes with the Geneways and besyde them other .xx. M. of other men of warre and as then syr Olyuer Clysson was in Bretayne and ordeyned therfore his busynes and nauye and sholde brynge with hym the closure of the felde made of tymbre whiche they ordeyned to be set vp euery nyght when they were ones in Englande and with syr Olyuer Clysson constable of Fraunce sholde come out of Bretayne the best knyghtes squyers therin as the vycount of Rohan the lorde or Rays the lorde of Beawmanoyre the lorde de la Vale the lorde of Rochforte the lorde of Malestroyt syr Iohn̄ of Malestroyte and a .v. C. speres Brerons chosen men of warre for it was the constables entencyon that no mā sholde entre in to englande without he were a mā of armes chosen he gaue charge to the admyral sayng take hede ye charge not our shyppes with varlettes and boyes for they shall do vs more domage then profyte so that .ii. or .iii. knyghtes without they were grete maysters thoughe they hyred shyppes for theyr money yet they sholde haue but one horse ouer one varlet to say trouthe they ordeyned al theyr busynesses in good ordre and it was the opynyon of dyuers that yf they myght aryue all togyder in Englande where as they entended to lande that was at Orwell hauen howe they sholde sore abasshe the countrey so they sholde without doubte for the grete lordes spyrytuall and temporall and the people of the good townes were in grete doubte but the comons poore companyons cared nothynge therfore no more dyd pore knyghtes and squyers for they desyred the warre outher to wynne or to lose all and they sayd one to another god hath sent to vs a good season syth the frensshe kynge wyll come in to this coūtrey he is a valyaunt kyng we thynke this CCC yere passed there was not in fraunce a kyng of that courage as he is of he maketh his men good mē of warre blessyd maye he be syth he wyll come to vysyte vs for nowe we shall dye or elles be ryche it can be none otherwyse ¶ Howe the frensshe kynge taryed at Sluse with his grete oost to the entente to entre in to Englande Ca. iv IF the apparell for this voyage was grete and sumptuous in Flaunders and at Sluse in lykewyse was it in Englāde I haue shewed you somwhat therof here before wherfore I passe it ouer breuely yf the taxes and tallages were grete in fraunce in lykewyse they were in englande so that many a man sorowed longe after but bycause the comons sawe it was nedefull sayd it is not agaynst reason thoughe we be taxed nowe to gyue of our goodes to knyghtes and squyers to defende theyr herytages and ours There was raysed the same tyme in Englande for the defence of the countrey more then .ii. mylyons of floreyns and receyuours therof were the archebysshop of yorke broder to the lorde Neuell the erle of Oxenforde syr Nycholas Branbre syr Myghell Polle syr Symon Burle syr Peter Gauloufer syr Robert Tryuylyen syr Iohn̄ Beauchamp Syr Iohn̄ Salysbury and other of the kynges pryuy counsayle as for the kynges vncles there was nothynge done by them nor they wolde not medle therwith nor brynge the royalme in trouble but they toke good hede to maynteyne the honoure of the royalme to kepe the passages portes for they byleued surely to haue y● same yere the frensshe kyng with his puyssaūce to aryue in Englande so these sayd lordes and knyghtes receyued the taxes and dyd what they lyst the chefe of them he that had moost profyte was the erle of oxenforde for by hym euery thynge was done and without hym nothyng done so that after whē theyr busynesses were passed the people made trouble to knowe where the money became and some of the cytees good townes of Englande wolde haue accomptes therof with the ayde of the kynges vncles as ye shal here after when tyme shall be to speke therof for it shall not be forgotten out of the hystory ¶ Howe syr Symon Burle wolde haue had by his counsayle saynt Thomas of Cauntorburyes shryne remoued to the castell of Douer wherby he acheued grete hate Ca. lv SIr Symon Burle was capytayne of the castel of Douer and he herde often tymes newes out of Calays by the fysshers for they kepte styll theyr custome of fysshynge Somtyme before Boloyne before the porte of Whytsande and when other frensshe fysshers met with them they wolde tel eche other tydynges somtyme more then they knewe for the fysshers of the see what soo euer warre was bytwene Englande and Fraunce they dyd no hurte one to another but were as frendes aydynge eche other and bought solde eche with other fysshe if one sped better then another for yf they sholde haue made war one with another there durst none haue gone a fysshynge wtout conduyte of men of warre thus syr Symon Burle vnderstode by the fysshers that surely the frensshe kynge wolde passe ouer in to Englande and take landyng at Douer and at Sandwytche syr Symon byleued wel those wordes and thought it was true and so dyd all englande so on a daye he came to Cauntorbury and wente to the abbaye and there they demaunded of hym tydynges and he shewed as moche as he knewe and by his wordes he shewed that saynt Thomas shryne whiche is goodly and ryche was not there in surety bycause the towne was not stronge and he sayd that if the frensshemen sholde come thyder whiche by all lykelyhode they wolde do for Couetyse of wynnynge the robbers pyllers wolde robbe that towne and abbey chyrche and all they wyll cary awaye with them the shryne yf they fynde it here wherfore I wolde counsayle and aduyse you to cary it to the castell of Douer there it shal be in suretye thoughe al englande were lost then the abbot and all the couent toke his counsayle though he ment well in grete dyspyte and dyspleasure sayenge syr Symon wyll ye depose our chyrche fro our sygnory yt ye be afrayde make yourselfe sure for thoughe ye close yourselfe with in the castell of Douer forfere yet the frensshmen shall not be so hardy to come hyder to vs and so Symon Burle multyplyed so moche inwardes in maynteynynge his request the the comons of the countrey were sore displeased with hym and reputed hym not profytable for that countrey and ryght well they shewed after theyr dyspleasure as ye shall here in the story So syr Symon Burley wente to Douer agayne THe frensshe kynge came to Lysle to
of Bloyes and all their landes to the duke of Thourayn the frenche kynges brother Capi. C .lxxxii. ¶ Howe sir Roger of Spayne and sir Espaygne du Lyon spedde with the Frenche kynge and his counsayle for the Vycount of Chastellons busynesse and howe he was set in possessyon in the countie of Foize and of the money that he payde Cap. C.lxxxiii ¶ Of the great assemble that was made at Amyence of the Frenche kynge and his coūsayle and of the kyng of Englandes vncles on the treatie of peace Cap. C.lxxxiiii ¶ Howe sir Peter of Craon throughe yuell wyll by subtile crafte beate downe sir Olyuer of Clysson wherwith the kynge and his counsayle were sore displeased Cap. C.lxxxv ¶ Howe in great dilygence the Prouost of Parys pursued sir Peter of Craon Capi. C .lxxxvi. ¶ Of the great armye and voyage that the Frenche kyng purposed to make in to Bretayngne agaynst the duke bycause he susteyned sir Peter of Craonne and howe in that voyage the kyng fell sicke wherby the voyage brake Cap. C.lxxxvii ¶ Howe the duke of Thourayne brother to the Frenche kynge resigned the Duchy of Thouraynge in to the kynges handes and howe by exchaunge the kynge gaue hym the duchy of Orlyaūce and so euer after he was called the duke of Orlyaunce Cap. C.lxxxvii for .viii. Fo. CC.xxxiii ¶ Howe the dukes of Burgoyn and of Berrey vncles to the Frenche kynge had the gouernaunce of the realme and howe they chased and toke suche as gouerned the kyng b● fore Cap. C.lxxxix ¶ Howe sir Olyuer of Clysson constable of Fraunce departed out of Parys after the answere that the duke of Burgoyne had made hym and went to Mount le Henry and ●●●thens in to Bretayne Cap. C.xc. ¶ Howe the treatise whiche was accorded bytwene Englande and Fraunce for thre yeres was renewed Cap. C.xci. ¶ Of the aduenture of a Daunce that was made at Parys in lykenesse of wodhouses wherin the Frenche kynge was in paryll of dethe Cap. C.xcii ¶ Howe pope Bonyface and the cardynals or Rome sente a Frere a wyse clerke to the Frenche kyng Cap. C.xciii ¶ Howe the mariage was treased of the lorde Philyppe of Arthoyes erle of Ewel and the lady Mary of Berrey wydowe doughter to the duke of Berrey and howe he was admytted cōstable of Fraunce Cap. C.xciiii ¶ Of the forme of the peace made bytwene the Frenche kyng and the kyng of Englāde by meanes of the four dukes vncles to bothe kynges Cap. C.xcv. ¶ Of the dethe of pope Clemēt at Au●gnon and of the electyon of pope Benedic Capi. C.xcvi ¶ Of a clerke named maister Iohan of Warennes Cap. C.xcvii ¶ Howe the kyng of Englande gaue to the duke of Lancastre and to his heyres for euer the duchy of Acquitayner and howe the kynge prepared to go in to Irelande and the duke in to Acouitayne Cap. C.xcviii ¶ Of the dethe of quene Anne of Englande wyfe to kynge Richarde doughter to the kynge of Boesme and Emperour of Almayne Cap. C.xcix ¶ Howe sir Iohn Froissart arryued in Englande and of the gyfte of a boke that he gaue to the kyng Capi. CC ¶ Of the refuce of them of Acquitayne made to the duke of Lancastre and howe they sente in to Englāde to the kynge and his coūsayle shewyng hym the wyll of the hole coūtrey of Aequitayne Cap. CC.i. ¶ The deuyse and of the conquest that kynge Richarde had made in Irelande howe he brought to his obeysaunce foure kynges of that countray Cap. CC.ii. ¶ Of the ambassade that the kynge of Englande sent in to Fraūce to treate of the ●●●ryage bytwene the lady Isabell the Frenche kynges eldest doughter and hym selfe and of the louynge aunswere they hadde Cap. CC.iii ¶ Of a souper named Robert the 〈◊〉 howe he was sent to the treaties of the peace holden at Balyngham and howe he was after sente in to Englande to kynge Rycharde and his vncles Cap. CC.iiii ¶ Of the delyueraunce of the lorde de la Riuer and sir Iohn̄ le Mercier and howe they were putte out of prisone Capi. CC.v ¶ Of the peace that was had bytwene the duke of Bretaynge and syr Olyuer of Clysson Cap. ¶ Howe the kynge of Hungery worte to the Frenche kynge the state of the great Turke and howe Iohan of Burgoyne eldest sonne to the duke of Burgoyne was chiefe heed of the armye that went thyder Fo .cc.lxiii. ¶ Howe the erle of Ostrenaunt enterprised to go in to Fryse Cap. cc.vii ¶ Of the iudgement made in the Parlyament for the quene of Naples agaynste sir Peter of Craon Cap. CC.ix. ¶ Of the conclusyon of the maryage taken at Parys bytwene the kynge of Englande and Isabell eldest doughter to the Frenche kynge and howe the duke of Lancastre remaryed Cap. CC.x. ¶ Howe the great turke desyred the soudan and many other kynges Sarasyns to ayde hym with men of warre to resyst agaynst the christen men and howe many valyaunt sarasyns Came to hym out of farre countreis Cap. CC.xi. ¶ Howe the lorde of Eoucy and other lordes of the christen men about a .xv. hundred speares disconfyted a fyue thousande Turkes durynge the the siege before Nicopoly Cap. CC.xii. ¶ Howe the peace bytwene Englande and Fraunce contynewed and of the maryage of the kyng of Englande with the doughter of Fraunce Cap. CC.xiii ¶ Howe the erle of Heynaulte and the Erle of Ostrenaunt his sonne made a great armye of men of armes knightes and squyets to go in to Fryse Cap. CC.xiiii ¶ Of the armye that the Frenche kyng sent in to Fryse in the ayde of his cosyns and the lorde Valeran erle of saynt Poule and the lorde Charles de la Brethe were capitayns Cap. CC.xv ¶ Howe the maryage of the kynge of Englande to the doughter of Fraunce was ordred and howe the Frenche kyng delyuered his doughter to the kynge of Englande in his tent bytwene Arde and Calais Cap. CC.xvi. ¶ Howe the siege before Nicopoly in Turkey was reysed by Lamorabaquy and how the Frenche men were discōfyted and howe the hungaryons fledde Cap. CC.xvii ¶ Of the pouertie and misery that the christen knightes of Fraunce and other nacions endured in the cōmynge home to their countreis Cap. CC.xviii ¶ Howe the trewe tidynges of the batayle in Turkey was knowen in the Frenche kynges house Cap. CC.xix ¶ Howe the duchesse of Orlyaunce doughter to the duke of Myllayne was hadde in suspecte of the Frenche kynges syckenesse Capi. CC.xx. ¶ Howe the duke of Burgoyn the duches his wyfe tooke great dilygence to fynde the meanes to redeme out of prisone the Erle of Neuers their s●nne and the other prisoners beyng in Turkey Cap. CC.xxi ¶ Howe the Duke of Gloucestre subtelly sought out the meanes howe to distroy kynge Richarde of Englande his nephewe Cap. CC.xxii ¶ Howe the duke of Gloucestre was taken by the erle Marshall by the cōmaundement of the kynge Cap. CC.xxiii ¶ Howe the lordes of Fraūce retourned by see
other countreis The yonge kynge enclyned lightely to his wordes for he loued him with all his hart bicause they had been norisshed vp toguyder And this erle had great alyaunces with dyuers lordes and knightes of Englande for he dyde all his maters by the counsayle of sir Symon Burle sir Robert Treuelyen ser Nicholas Brambre sir Iohan Beauchampe sir Iohan Salisbury and sir Mychaell de la pole And also sir Thomas Tryuet and sir Wylliam Helmon were named to be of the same ꝑte so that by the dyffernes and discorde bitwene the kynge and his vncles and the nobles and commons of the realme many yuels came therby in Englāde as ye shall here hereafter in this hystorie IT was nat longe after that the erle of Cambridge departed out of Portyngale but that the kynge Feraunt felle sicke and so contynued a hole yere and dyed than he had no mo chyldren but the Quene of Spayne Than kynge Iohan of Castell was enformed of his deth and howe that the realm of Portyngale was fallen in to his hādes and howe that he was ryghtfull heyre thervnto by reason of the dethe of the kynge Sother was dyuers coūsayls kept on that mater and some sayd howe that the Portingales were so harde harted people that they wold nat be had without it were by conquest And in dede whan the portyngales sawe howe they were without a kyng than they determyned by counsayle to sende to a bastarde brother of the kynges a sage and a valyant man called Deuyse but he was a man of relygton and was mayster of the hospytals in all the realme They sayd they had rather be vnder the rule of this maister Denyse than vnder the rule of the kynge of Castell for they reputed hym no bastarde that hath good corage to do well Whan this mayster Denyse vnderstode the cōmens wyll of foure chiefe cyties of Portyngale for they hadde great affectyon to crowne hym kyng wherof he had great ioye and so wrote secretely to his frendes and came to Lurbone whiche is the kay of the realme The people of the towne receyued hym with great ioye and demaūded of hym if they crowned him kyng wheder he wolde be good to thē or nat and kepe the lande in their fraunchese And he aunswered and sayd he wolde be to thē as they desyred and that they had neuer a better kynge than he wolde be Than they of Luxbone wrote to Connubres to Pount de portugale and to them of Dourke These were the kayes of the Realme and so they determyned to crowne to their kyng this mayster Denyse who was a sage a valyant man and of good gouernaūce and was brother to kyng Ferant for they sawe well the realme coude nat be longe without a kyng as well for feare of the spay mardes as of the myscreātes of Granado and of Bongie who marched on them So these sayde townes and certayne of the lordes of the lande enclined to him but some of the lordꝭ sayd that it was nat mete a bastarde to be crowned kyng And the people of the good townes said that it shulde be so for of necessyte they must so do sithe they had none other and seyng that he was a valyant and a sage man bothe in wy●te and in dedes of armes And they toke ensample by kynge Henry who was crowned kyng of Castell by electyon of the countrey and for the cōmon profyte and that was done kynge Peter beynge a lyue So thus the electyon abode on this maister Denyse and solemynely he was crowned in the Cathedrall churche of Connubres by the accorde and puyssaunce of the cōmons of the realme And there he sware to kepe iustyce to do ryght to his people and to kepe and maynteyne their frauncheses and to lyue and dye with them wherof they hadde great ioye Whan these tidynges came to the hearyng of don Iohan kyng of Castell he was sore displeased therwith and for two causes The one was bycause his wyfe was enheryter there the other bycause the people by election hadde crowned maister Denyse kynge there Wherfore this kyng Iohan toke tytell to make warr and to demaūde of them of Luxbone the sōme of two hundred thousande florens whiche Ferant promysed hym whan he toke his doughter to his wyfe So than he sende the Erle of Terme therle of Ribydea and the bysshoppe of Burges in to Portyngale as his ambassadours to them of Luxbone whan they were at saynt prayne the laste towne of Castell towarde Luxbone Than they sent an haraulde to the kyng and to them of Luxbone to haue a saue conducte to go and come and to furnysshe their voyage whiche was graunted lightly so they came to Luxbone and so the towne assembled their counsayle toguyder and the ambassadours shewed why they were come thyder and finally sayde ye sirs of Luxbone ye ought iustely nat to marueyle if the kyng our souerayne lorde demaundeth of you the sōme of money that ye are bounde for And is nat cōtent that ye haue gyuen the noble crowne of Portyngale to a clerke a man of relygion and a bastarde It is a thynge nat to be suffred for by rightfull election there is non nerer to the crowne thā he And also ye haue done this without the assent of the nobles of the realme Wherfore the kyng our maister saythe that ye haue done yuell And without that ye shortely do remedy the make he wyll make you sharpe war● To the whiche wordes don Feraunt Gallopes de vyle fois a notable burgesse of the cyte answered and sayd Sirs ye reproche vs greatly for our electyon but your owne election is as moche reprouable for ye crowned in Spaygne a bastarde sonne to a iewe And it is clerely knowen that to the ryghtfull election your kynge hath no right to the realem of Portyngale for the right resteth in the doughters of kyng Peter who be in Englande maryed bothe Constaūce and Isabell maryed to the duke of I an castre to therle of Cambridge Wherfore sers ye may departe whan ye wyll and retourne to them that sent you hyder and say that our electyon is good whiche we wyll kepe and other kyng we wyll haue none as long as he lyste to be our kyng And as for the sōme of money that ye demaūde of vs we say we are nothyng boūde therto take it of them that were boūde therfore and of suche as had the profyte therof At this answere the kynge of Portyngall was nat present● howbeit he knewe well what shulde be sayd And whā these ambassadours sawe they coude haue non other answere they toke their leaue and departed and retourned to Cyuell where they lafte the kyng and his coūsayle to whom they shewed all the said answere Than the kyng of Spayne toke coūsayle what was best to do in this mater Than it was determyned that the kyng of Portyngale shulde be desied and howe that the kyng of Spayne had a good
Warwykeshyre and the lande of the erle of Salysbury they agreed soner then they of ferther countreys as they of the north and marches of Wales and of Cornewall al these rebelled and sayd We haue not sene none of our enemyes come in to this countrey why sholde we be greued and haue done no fawte yes yes sayd some let the bysshop of yorke be spoken withall and the kynges counsayle and the duke of Irelande who hathe .lx. thousande frankes of the constable of fraunce for the redempcyon of Iohan of Bretayne this money ought to be tourned to the comon profyte of all Englande ye and speke with syr Symon Burle Syr Wyllyam Helmen Syr Thomas Branbe Syr Robert Tryuylyen and syr Iohan Beauchampe who haue gouerned the kynge and the royalme yf they make a good accompte of that they haue receyued and delyuer it the comons shall sytte in rest and euery thynge payde as it ought to be ¶ When these wordes came abrode and to the herynge of the kynges vncles they were ryght gladde therof for that made well for them for al those before named were agaynste them Nor they coulde bere noo rule in the courte for them Wherfore they ayded the people in theyr oppynyons and sayd These good men that thus speketh are well counsayled in that they desyre to haue accompte and wyll not paye ony more money For surely outher in the kynges treasure or elles in theyr purses that gouerne hym there must nedes be grete treasure Thus by lytell and lytell multyplyed these wordes and the people beganne to waxe bolde to deny to paye ony more money by reason that they sawe the kynges vncles of theyr accorde and susteyned them ¶ And the archebysshop of Cauntorbury the erle of Salysbury the erle of Northumbrelande and dyuers other lordes of Englande put of this taxe for that tyme and deferred theyr counsayle to Myghelmasse after at whiche tyme they promysed to retourne agayne but the knyghtes and squyers suche as had thought to haue had money for the arrerages of theyr wages hadde noo thynge Wherfore they were in dyspleasure with the kynge and his counsayle They were apeased as well as myght be euery man departed the kynge toke no leue of his vncles nor they of hym THen the kynge was counsayled to drawe in to the marches of Wales and there to tary tyll he herde other tydynges and soo he was contente to doo and departed fro London without leue takynge of ony man and toke with hym all his counsayle excepte the archebysshop of yorke who wente backe in to his ●●ne countrey whiche was happy for hym for I thynke yf he hadde ben with the other he sholde haue ben serued as they were as ye shall here after But it is requysyte that I speke as well of Fraunce as of Englande for the matter requyreth it ¶ Howe the constable of Fraunce and dyuers other lordes and squyers of the royalme apparelled grete prouysyons to go in to Englande to wynne townes and castelles Ca. lxxxiii ANd when season of somer was come and the ioly moneth of Maye in the yere of our lorde god M.CCC foure score and .vii. In the same season that the duke of Lancastre was in Galyce and conquered there and that the kynge of Portyngale with grete puyssaunce rode abrode in Castell without ony withstandynge Thenne was it ordeyned in Fraunce as ye haue herde before howe the constable of Fraunce with one army and the erle of saynt Poule the lorde of Coucy and syr Iohan of Vyen with another armye the one at Lentrygnyer in Bretayne and the other at Harflewe in Normandy sholde the same season make a voyage in to englande with a .vi. thousande men of armes and two thousande crosse bowes and .vi. thousande other men of warre and it was ordeyned that none sholde passe the see to goo in to Englande without he were well armed and prouysyon of vytayles for the space of thre monethes with other prouysyon of hay ootes for theyr horses a daye was prefyxed amonge the capytaynes when they sholde departe and were determyned to lande in englande in two hauens at Douer and at Orwell thus the daye approched of theyr departure At Lentrygnyer prouysyon was made and put in to the shyppes for them that sholde passe from thens and in lyke wyse was done at Harflewe and euery man of war was payde theyr wages for .xv. dayes This iourney was soo farre forwarde that it was thought it coulde not haue ben broken ¶ Nor also it brake not by noo cause of the capytaynes that were ordeyned to goo in that voyage But it brake by another incydent and by a meruayllous matter that fell in Bretayne wherwith the Frensshe kynge and his counsayle were soore dyspleased but they coulde not amende it wherfore it behoued them wysely to dyssymule the matter for it was no tyme then to remedy it ¶ Also other tydynges came vnto the Frensshe kynge out of the partyes of Almayne as I shall shewe you hereafter when tyme and place shall requyre it But fyrst we wyll speke of the matters of Bretayne before them of Almayne for they of Bretayne fell fyrste and were worste reputed thoughe other cost more YF I sholde saye that suche matters fell in that season and not open clerely the mater whiche was grete peryllous and horryble it myght be a cronycle but n●o hystory I myght let it ouerpasse yf I lyst but I wyll not doo soo I shall declare the case syth god hathe gyuen me the knowledge therof and tyme and leysure to cronycle the matter at lengthe ¶ ye haue herde here before in dyuers places in this hystory howe syr Iohn̄ of Mountforde named duke of Bretayne and surely so he was by conquest and not by ryght lyne howbeit alwayes he maynteyned the warre and oppynyon of the kynge of Englande and of his chydren agaynst the frensshe kynge Also he had good cause soo to doo on his partye for without the ayde of englande he hadde not atteyned as he dyd nother before Alroy nor in other places Also ye haue herde here before howe the duke of Bretayne coulde not haue his entente of all the nobles of his countrey nor of all the good townes specyally of syr Bertram of Clesquy as longe as he lyued nor of syr Olyuer of Clysson constable of Fraunce nor of the lordes de la Vale and of Beawmanoyre nor the lorde of Rase of Dygnant the vycount of Rohan nor of the lorde of Rochforde for whereas these lordes enclyned nyghe all Bretayne folowed They were contente to take parte with theyr lorde the duke agaynst all maner of men excepte agaynst the crowne of Fraunce And surely I can not se nor ymagyne by what waye but that the Bretons pryncypally regarded euer the honoure of Fraunce it maye well appere by that that is wrytten here before in this hystory I saye not this by noo corrupcyon nor fauoure that I haue to the erle Guy of Bloys who hath
the prince of Wales house at saynt Andrewes in Burdeaux Another demaūded what mater was that I shall shewe you quod the other knyght for I was there present There was wyne brought on a day into the princes Chambre where as there were many lordes of Englande with hym whan the prince had dronke bicause sir Iohn̄ Chandos was constable of Acquitayne the prince sente hym his cuppe first to drinke and he toke the cuppe and dranke and made therof none offre firste to the Erle of Oxenforde who was father to this duke of Irelāde and after that sir Iohan Chandos had dronke a squyer bare the cuppe to the Erle who hadde suche dispyte that sir Iohan Chandos hadde drōke before hym that he refused the cuppe wolde nat drinke and sayde to the squyer in maner of a mocke Go to thy mayster Chandos and bydde hym drinke Shall I go said the squyer he hath dronke all redy Therfore drinke you sythe he hath offred it to you if ye wyll nat drinke by saynt George I shall cast the drinke in your face Th erle whan he herd that douted that the Squyer wolde do as he sayde and so toke the cuppe and sette it to his mouthe and dranke or at leest made semblant to drinke And sir Iohan Chandos who was nat farre thens sawe well all the mater and helde hym styll tyll the prince was gone from them Than he came to the Erle and sayde Sir Aubery are ye displeased in that I dranke before you I am Constable of this countrey I maye well drinke before you sythe my lorde the Prince and other lordes here are cōtente therwith It is of trouthe ye were at the batayle of Poycters but suche as were there knoweth nat so well as I what ye dyd the● I shall declare it ¶ Whanne that my lorde the Prince hadde made his voyage in Languedocke and Carcassone to Narbone and was retourned hyther to this towne of Bourdeaux ye toke on you to go in to Englande What the Kynge sayde to you at your cōmynge I knowe right well yet I was nat there He demaunded of you if ye hadde furnysshed your voyage and what ye had done with his sonne the Prince ye aunswered howe ye had lefte hym in good helth at Bourdeaux Than the kynge sayde What and howe durste ye be so bolde to retourne without hym I commaūded you and all other whan ye departed that ye shulde nat retourne without hym on payne of all that ye myght forfayte And you this to retourne I straitly commaunde you that within four dayes ye auoyde my realme and retourne agayne to hym For and I fynde you within this my realme the fifth day ye shall lese your lyfe and all your herytage for euer And ye feared the kynges wordes as it was reason and so auoyded the realme and so your aduēture and fortune was good for truely ye were with my lorde the prince a foure dayes before the batayle of Poicters And so ye hadde the day of the batayle fourtie speares vnder your charge and I had threfore Nowe ye mayese wheder I ought to drinke before you or nat syth I am constable of ● equytaygne The erle of Orenforde was a shamed and wolde gladlye he hadde ben thens at that tyme but he was fayne to suffre and to here those wordes This sir Iohan Chandos sayde to hym in opyn presence Therfore it is nat to be marueyled thoughe this duke of Irelande who is sonne to the sayd erle of Oxenforde be disdaynfull in folowynge the steppes of his father For he taketh vpon hym to rule all Englande aboue the kynges vncles Well quod some other why shulde he nat sythe the kyng wyll haue it so THus the people in the Realme murmured in dyuers places agaynst the duke of Irelande And he dyde one thyng that greatly abated his honour that was he had firste to his wyfe the doughter of the lorde of Coucy the lady Isabell who was a fayre Lady and a good and of more noble blode than he is of But he fell in loue with another damosell of the quenes of Englande an Almaygne borne and dyde so moche with pope Vrbayne at Rome that he was deuorsed fro the doughter of the lorde Coucy without any tytell of reason but by presumpcion and for his synguler appetyte and than wedded the quenes mayde and kynge Rycharde consēted there to he was so blynded with this duke of Irelande that if he had sayd sir this is whyte tho it had ben blacke the kyng wolde nat haue sayd the contrarye This dukes mother was greatly displeased with him for that dede and toke in to her cōpany his first wyfe the lady of Coucy The duke dyde yuell and therfore at length yuell came to hym and this was the first princypall cause that he was behated for in Englande euery thyng that turneth to yuell must haue a begynning of yuell This duke of Irelande trusted so moche in the grace and fauour of the kyng that he beleued that no man shulde trouble hym And it was a cōmon renome through Englāde that the● shulde be a newe taxe raysed through the realme that euery fyre shulde paye a noble and the riche to beare out the poore The kynges vncles knewe well it wolde be a harde mater to bringe about And they had caused certayne wordes to be sowen abrode in the cyties and good townes of Englande as to saye howe the people of Englande were sore greued with tares and talenges and howe there was great rychesse raysed and that the common people wolde haue accomptes of the gouernours therof as the archebysshop of yorke the duke of Irelande sir Symon Burle sir Mychaell de la Pole sir Nycholas Brāble sir Robert Try●●lyen ser Peter Golouser sir Iohan Salisbury sir Iohan Beauchampe and the maisters of the Staple of the wolles The commons sayd that if they wolde make a trewe accōpte there shulde be founde golde and syluer suffycient without raysing of any newe subsydies It is a common vsage none is gladde to pay money nor to opyn their purses if they may lette it THis brute and noyse spredde so a brode in Englande and specially in the cytie of London whiche is chyefe cytie in the realme that all the cōmons rose and sayde howe they wolde knowe howe the realme was gouerned sayenge howe it was longe syth any accompte was made Firste these londoners drewe theym to syr Thomas of Woodstocke duke of Gloucestre thoughe he were yonger brother than sir Edmonde duke of yorke The common people reputed the duke of Glocestre for a valyant and a sage discrete parson And whan they came before hym they sayde Syr the good cytie of London recōmaundeth them to you and all the people ingenerall requireth you to take vpon you the gouernynge of the realme For they knowe well it is nat vnknowen to you howe the kynge and the realme is gouerned The cōmon people complayneth them sore for the kynges counsayle demaundeth tayles
but right iustyce Than a seuyn of them all with one voyce answered and sayde Right redouted souerayne sayng your gracyous displeasure as for iustyce in your realme is right feble your grace knoweth nat all nor canne nat knowe your grace nouther demaundeth for it nor enquereth therfore and suche as be of your coūsayle forbere to shewe it you bycause of their owne profyte For sir it is no iustyce to cutte of heedes handes and fete suche maner of punysshmentes be nat laudable But sir good iustice is to kepe your people in ryght and to sette suche wayes and order as they myght lyue in peace that they shulde haue none occasyon to grudge or to make any commosyon And sir we saye that ye sette vs to longe a daye as to Mighelmas sir we may be neuer so well eased as nowe Wherfore sir we saye all by one assente that we wyll haue accompte and that shortely of them that hath gouerned your realme sythe your Coronacyon And we wyll knowe Where youre Reuenewes is become with all the taxes tayles and subsydies this nyne yeres paste and wheron they haue been bestowed If suche as are your treasourers make a good accompte or nere thervnto we shall be ryght ioyouse and suffre them to gouerne styll And if they can nat acquyte them selfe therin trewly they shal be refourmed by youre deputyes establysshed to that purpose as my lordes your vncles other With those wordes the kynge behelde his vncles helde his peace to se what they wolde saye Than sir Thomas duke of Gloucester sayde Sir in the request and prayer of these good people the commons of your realme I se nothynge therin but ryght and reasone Sir quod the duke of yorke it is of trouthe and so sayde all the other prelates and barons that were there present Than the duke of Gloucester sayde agayne Sir it is but reason that ye knowe where your good is become The kyng sawe well howe they were all of one accorde and sawe howe this chafe Marmosettes durst speke no worde for there were to many gret men agaynst them Well quod the kyng I am content Lette them be rydde awaye for sommer season cometh on and huntynge tyme whervnto we wyll nowe entende Than the kynge sayd to the people Sirs wolde ye haue this mater shortely dispatched yea sir quod they and that humbly we beseche your grace And also we beseche all my lordes here and specyally my lordes your vncles to be there at We are content quod they for the apeysyng of all parties as well for the kynge as for the Realme for oure parte lyeth therin Than they sayde agayne We desyre also the reuerende father in god the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury the bysshoppe of Lyncolne and the bysshoppe of Wynchester to be there They aunswered and sayde they were content so to be Than agayn they desyred all other lordes to be there that were there present as the erle of Salisbury and the Erle of Northumberlande sir Reynolde Cobham sir Guy Brian sir Iohn̄ Felton sir Mathewe Gourney and moreouer they sayd they wolde ordayne that of euery good cytie and towne in Englande there shulde be a thre or four notable persons and they shulde determyne for all the hole cōmontie of Englande Than this mater was determyned and to assemble the vtas of saint George at Westmynster And there all the treasourers collectours and offycers of the kynges to be there and to make there accomptes before these sayd lordes The kyng was content therwith and was brought to it by fayrenesse and nat byfore by the desyre of his vncles and other lordes It semed to hym behouable to knowe where his treasoure was become Thus amiably euery man deꝑted fro Wyndsore and the lordes went to London the treasourers and other offycers were sende for throughout the realme to come with their full accomptes on payne of dishonourynge losse of all that they had and lyfe ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the day of accompte came and there the officers appered in the presence of the kynges vncles commens of Englāde and howe sir Simon Burle was prisoner ī the toure of London and howe sir Thomas Tryuet dyed Cap. xciii THe day prefixed came that all ꝑtes apered at westmynster suche as shulde make their accomptes apered before the kynges vncles and suche other prelates and lordes with other as were assigned to here thē This accompte endured more than a moneth and some there were that made their accomptes nother good nor honourable suche were punisshed bothe by their bodyes and by their goodes sir Symon Burle was cast in arerage of .ii. C. and l. M. frankes bycause he was one of the gouernours in the kynges youthe And he was demaunded where this good was bestowed he excused hym selfe by the bysshop of yorke sir Wylliam Neuell sayeng howe he dyde nothyng but by their counsayle and by the kynges chamberleyns ser Robert Tryuilyen sir Robert Beauchampe sir Iohn Salisbury sir Nycholas Braule sir Peter Goufer and other And whan they were demaūded therof before the counsaile they denyed the mater layd all the faute in hym And the duke of Irelande sayd to hym priuely bytwene them two Sir Symon I vnderstande ye shal be arested and sette in prison and holde there tyll ye haue payed the sōme that is demaunded nothyng shal be abated Go your waye whether soeuer they sende you I shall rightwell make your peace thoughe they had all sworne the contrary I ought to receyue of the constable of Fraūce threscore M. frankes for the raunsome of Iohan of Bretaygne sonne to saynt Charles of Bloys the whiche sōme ye knowe well is owyng to me I shall present the counsayle therwith at this tyme. And fynally the kyng is our soueraigne lorde he shall pardon and forgyue it you clerely for the profet ought to be his and no mannes els Syr ꝙ sir Symon Burle if I thought nat that ye shulde helpe agaynst the kynge and to beare out my dedes I wolde departe out of Englande and go in to Almayne and to the kyng of Beame for thyder I coulde be welcome and so let the mater rynne a season tyll the worlde be better apeased Than the duke sayde I shall neuer fayle you we are companyons and all of one sect ye shall take day to pay their demaūde I knowe well ye maye pay and ye lyste in redy money more than a hundred thousande frankes ye nede nat feare the dethe ye shall nat be brought to that poynte ye shall se the mater otherwise chaunge before the feast of saynt Michell whan I haue the kyng ones at my wyll wherof I ame sure For all that he dothe now at this tyme is by force and agaynst his wyll We muste apease these cursed londoners and lay downe this slaunder brute that is nowe raysed agaynst vs and ours SIr Symon Burle had a lytell truste on the wordes of the duke of Irelande and so came before the lordes
ynoughe Thanne Roger Leau another Englysshe squyer auaunced forthe He bare syluer and sables quarterly in the myddes a crosse goules he touched the shelde of the lorde of sait Pye The first course they encountred so rudely that their horses were astonied for their speares helde The seconde course they taynted on their helmes and passed forthe At the thirde course Roger Leau was vnhelmed ranne no more THan auaūsed forthe a ryght gentyll knight of the nacyon of Heynaulte in the marchesse of Ostrenaunt but fro his youthe he had been brought vp in the courte of the noble kynge Edwarde of Englande This knyght was called sir Iohan Dambrety court he was brother to the good knyght sir Eustace He bare in his armure partie Golde and Ermyne He touched the shelde of sir Raynolde du Roye The fyrste course they taynted on their helmes that the fyre folowed The secōde course they entred so rudely that it was marueyle howe they scaped without dōmage for eche of thē were noble Iusters and feared nother payne nor dethe The thirde course sir Raynolde du Roye was rudely vnhelmed and sir Iohan Dambretycourt passed forthe his turne and came agayne to his place And sir Raynolde du Roye retourned to his company and shewed howe he wolde no more iuste that daye Than the Englysshe knight desyring to iust more sent to touche the shelde of sir Boucyquant They ran toguyder so fiersly strake eche other in their sheldes that it was marueyle they had nat ben pearced throughe the seconde course they taynted on their helmes and passed forthe and lost their speares The thirde course they mette so rudely that eche of thē was vnhelmed Than the Englysshe men drewe toguyder and sawe that it was nerehande nyght toke their leaues and deꝑted towarde Calais That nyght there was none other cōmunynge but of the iustes that hadde ben done that day The Frenche men wente to Margyson and deuysed there at their pleasure ON the thursdaye the fourthe day of the weke the Englysshe men being at Calais assembled togider all suche as had nat Iusted were come ouer the see for that entent They cōcluded to returne agayne to saynte Ingylbertes to do armes so they moūted on their horses and rode out of Calays and came to the place where as the iustes shulde be done There was redy the thre knightes of Fraunce in their pauylions and suche other as shulde serue them Fyrst there came in to the place a knight to Englāde called sir Godfray Eustace he touched the shelde of sir Boucyquant who incontyuent issued out of his pauylion redy to answere The knyghtes aduysed eche other and ran toguyder and taynted on their helmes and passed forthe their course and kept styll their staues The seconde course they strake eche other in the myddes of their sheldes their speares brake without any dōmage and passed forthe and came agayne to their places The thirde course eche vnhelmed other the Englysshe knight iusted no more for it was sayd to hym he had right valyauntly acquyted hym selfe and also that he must suffre other to iuste Than an Englysshe squier came forthe to iuste called Alayne Borowe he touched the shelde of the lorde of saynt Pye the knyght was redy to answere The fyrste course they taynted on their helmes that the fyre flewe out they passed forthe their course and returned agayne to their places the seconde course they brake bothe their staues The .iii. course they vnhelmed eche other The Englyssh man ran no more for it behoued other to iust after Than another Englysshe squyer called Scrope touched the shelde of sir Bouecyquant The fyrste course they crossed The seconde course they taynted on their helmes The thirde course Scrope was ouerthrowen thā he was releued and brought to his company and ran no more THan a knyght of Behaygne one of the quene of Englandes knyghtes called Herchaunce who bare in his armes syluer thre Gryffens fete sable armed azure He was demaunded with whome he wolde iuste he answered with Bouciquant Than they made them redy and ran toguyder but the knyght of Behaygne made a forfaite wherof he was greatly blamed that he demeaned his course so yuell The Englysshe men sawe well howe he had forfaite his armure and horse if the Frenche men wolde Of this course there was great cōmunycacyon bytwene the parties but finally it was pardoned the better to please the Englysshe men Than Herchaūce requyred agayne to iuste one course he was demaunded against whome he wolde ryn He sente to touche the shelde of sir Raynolde du Roy and he was redy to answere The fyrst course they mette in the myddes of their sheldes and sir Raynolde du Roye who was one of best iusters in the realme of Fraūce strake thother knight clene fro his horse in suche wyse that menne thought he had been deed Herchaunce with moche payne was releued and broght to his company The Englisshe men were nat displeased in that he was ouerthrowen bicause he ran the fyrste course so vngoodly So he ran no more that daye THan came in a squyer of Englande called Robert Storborne he touched the shelde of the lorde of saynt Pye who was redy to answere The fyrst course they taynted on their helmes The secōde course they strake in their sheldes and lost their speares The thirde course eche vnhelmed other the Englysshe squyer ran no more Than Iohn̄ Morlande touched the shelde of ser Raynold du Roy who was redy to answere The first course they taynted on their helmes The seconde course they encountred eche other that their horses were astonyed and loste bothe their staues The thirde course Iohan Morlande was stryken to the grounde he was releued and iusted no more Thanne another squyer called Iohan Moten he touched the shelde of Bouciquant the knyght was redy The first course they taynted passed forthe the seconde course they taynted on their helmes and lost their staues The thirde course Iohan Moton was vnhelmed He ranne on more that daye but gaue place to other Than Iaqueuyne Scrope touched the shelde of the lorde of saynt Pye who was redy mounted The fyrst course their horses crossed wherwith they were sore displeased The seconde course they taynted on their helmes that the fyre flewe out and lost their speres The thirde course Iaqueuyne Scrope brake his speare but the lorde of saynt Pye strake hym so rudely that he fell ouer his horse crope to the erthe he was releued and ranne no more that daye Than another squier cāe forthe called Guyllyam Maquelee He ran agaynst sir Boucyquaunt who was redy to answere The firste course they taynted on their helmes that the fyre flewe out the course was praysed of euery partie The seconde course they strake eche other in the sheldes loste their staues The thirde course they vnhelmed eche other so that bothe sate bareheeded in their coyfes They ran no more that daye for they had done yough Than another Squyer of
kynges opynyon to haue peace were at Balyngham in the treatie holden there the kynge sayd to Robert Our counsayle as nowe is nat here they be at Balyngham ye shall abyde here with me and whan they be retourned I shall speke with myne vncle of Burgoyne and with our chauncelloure and than we shall do in this mater as they shall aduyse me syr quod this Robert as god wyll so be it THe same weke the Frenche kynges counsayle returned fro Balyngham to Abbeuyle and brought with them the artycles of the maner of the peace whiche the englysshe men had deuysed and the maters were so weyghty that the treatie was put ouer tyll another daye vnto suche tyme as bothe kynges were aduertysed of eche others demaundes and their pleasures therin to be knowen Than on the frenche partie the frenche kynge drewe a parte his vncle of Burgoyne and the chauncellour and shewed them what enfourmacyon Robert the Hermyt had made vnto him and the kynge demaunded of them if it were a thynge lysytte and lawfull to beleue They studyed a lytell and at last sayde Syr we requyre youre grace lette vs se this hermyte and here hym speke and thervpon we wyll take aduyse Than he was sent for Whan he came before the kynge he made his reuerence Thanne the kynge sayd Roberte shewe vs here at length all the hole mater as ye enfourmed me before Sir quod he gladly Than as he that was nothynge abasshed rehersed all the hole mater as ye haue herde before Whan he had doone he departed Than the kynge asked of his vncle what was best to be done Syr quod he the chauncellour and I shall take aduyse agaynst to morowe Well quod the kynge so be it Than the duke and the chauncellour counsayled togyther on this mater They sawe well the kynge greatly enclyned to this Robertes wordes therfore they thought it good to aduyse the kynge to ioyne this Robert in cōmyssion with them to go agayne to Balyngham to the treatie of peace for they thought his langage so fayre and so swete that he shulde styrre the hartes of them that shulde here hym speke to haue peace and to shewe the deuyne vysion that he had to the lordes of Englande This they thought lawfull ynough to be done and the nexte day they shewed this to the king And than after whan the duke and the chauncellour wente agayne to Balyngham they had this Roberte with them And whan all the lordes frenche and englysshe were assembled togyder in counsayle than this Robert came before them and there well and wisely he declared all the vysion that he hadde on the see and affermed that it was inspyracyon deuyne sente by god bycause he wolde it shulde be so Some of the lordes of Englande toke good hede to this mater and enclyned therto as the duke of Lancastre the erle of Salysbury the lorde Thomas Percy and other the bysshops of Lyncolne and London but the duke of Gloucestre and the erle of Arundell toke no hede nor set nothynge therby Whan they were in their lodgynges they sayd they were but fantasies and wordes fayned by the frenchmen to abuse them all howe be it they determyned to write to kynge Rycharde the maner and sayenge of this Robert the Hermyte and thervpon sent a knyght called Rycharde Credon to kynge Rychardeꝭ who he founde in Kent at the castell of Leades and delyuered him letters sent fro his ambassadours in the marches of Calays wherin was conteyned the hole sayenge of this Robert The kynge tooke great pleasure in these letters and sayd howe he wolde gladly speke with this Robert the hermyte he beleued this vysion to be of trouthe Than the kyng wrote agayne to the duke of Lancastre and to the erle of Salysbury that if it myght be by any meanes that a good peace myght be taken bytwene hym and the frenche kynge their realmes and alyes for he sayde surely he thought that the warre had ouerlonge endured and that it was tyme to haue peace And ye haue herd here before howe the treaters bare them and how the lordes departed one fro another and howe the treuce was taken to endure for foure yere This was the entent of the lordes of the englyssh party except the duke of Gloucestre for he thought whan so euer he came in to Englande neuer to agree to any peace bytwene Fraunce and Englande He dyssimuled as moche as he might to th entent to please the king and his brother of Lancastre Thus by this meanes Roberte le Hermyte came to knowledge ANd as ye haue herde here before how the erle of Rutlande therle Marshall the archebysshop of Dunelyn the lorde Hugh Spenser the lorde Lewes Clyfforde and other had been sent in to Fraunce to treate for kynge Rychardes maryage and were retourned agayne in to Englande and brought the kynge good tydynges so that the kynge was well pleased as ye haue herde before Than Mychelmas came and the generall coūsayle began suche as englysshe men call the terme wherin all maters be debated and at the begynnynge of the sayd terme the duke of Lancastre returned out of Gascon in to Englande and had nat ben receyued there as he thought he shulde haue been as ye haue herde before So whan the duke of Lancastre was retourned the kyng made hym good chere Tydinges anone came in to Fraunce howe the duke of Lancastre was retourned in to Englande than the frenche kynge and his counsayle determyned to sende Robert the Hermyte into Englande with letters to the kynge who desyred to se hym and that the erle of saynt Poll shulde acquaynte hym with the kyng and with the lordes that they myght here hym speake of the busynesse of Surey and Tartary and of the greate Turke and Turkey where he had ben longe for it was thought that the lordes of Englande wolde gladly here speakyng of suche maters Than this Robert the Hermyte was warned to make hym redy to go in to Englande in cōmyssion wherof he greatly reioysed bycause he had neuer been there before So he had letters delyuered hym dyrected to the kyng of Englande and to his vncles Thus Robert departed fro Parys with seuen horses at the cost and charge of the frenche kynge and rode tyll he came to Boloyne and there tooke the see and aryued at Douer and spedde so in his iourneys that he came to Eltham and founde the kynge there and the Duke of Lancastre the erles of Salysbury and Huntyngdon the lorde Thomas Percy and for the honour of the frenche kynge he was well receyued and specyally of the kynge who desyred greatly to se hym Than he delyuered his letters of credence whiche were redde ouer by the kynge and the other lordes The duke of Gloucestre was nat the● he was in Essex at a Castell of his called Plasshey Whan this Robert had been with the kynge and with the duke of Lancastre at Eltham a fyue daies he departed thens to gose the
he was in wyl to do dedes of armes and that the turkes were on the felde haue gyuen knowlege before he assayled his enemyes to his hed capitayne the lorde Iohan of Burgoyne that he myght haue had the renome and honour of that enterprise Besemynge the erle of Ewe spake those wordes by enuy that he had to the lorde of Coucy for all that voyage he had no loue to him bycause he sawe howe the lorde of Coucy had the loue fauour of all his company and of other straūgers whiche he deserued ryght well to haue for he was ryght nere of the frenche Kynges blode and bare in his armes floure de lyces and also he was cōstable of Fraunce Thus there engendred a great hate and yuell wyll couertly bytwene the erle of Ewe and the lorde Coucy whiche hatred at last apered clerely wherby great myschefe fell the same seasone vpon the crysten men as ye shall here after ¶ Nowe we we shall leaue to speke any more at this tyme of this mater and retourne to speke of the kynges of Englande and of Fraunce ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the peace bytwen Englande and Fraūce contynued and of the maryage of the kynge of Englande with the doughter of Fraunce Cap. CC.xiii YE haue herde here before of the mariage of the french kynges doughter with the kynge of England the whiche tyme aproched nere and bothe parties well wyllynge excepte duke Thomas of Gloucestre he was nothynge ioyfull therof for he sawe well that by that maryage there shulde be great confyderacyons and alyaunces bytwene the two kynges and their Realmes to lyue in peace whiche he was lothe to se for he desyred rather to haue warre The same season the duke had aboute hym a knyght called syr Iohan Baquegay a secrete man and he set alwayes the duke to haue warre The same seasone also the duke of Guerles came in to Englande to se the kynge and his vncles and offred hym selfe to do any lawfull seruyce to the kynge that he myght do he was bounde therto by faythe and homage and he wolde gladly that the kynge shulde haue had watre rather than peace This duke and the duke of Lancastre had great cōmunycacyon togyder of the voyage that the erle of Haynalt and the erle of Ostenaunt his sonne wolde make in to Frese The same tyme Fyerebrase of Vertayne was in Englande sente thyder fro the erle of Ostrenant to gette men of armes and archers to go in that voyage to Frese The erle of Derby was desyred to go in that voyage in aydinge of his cosyns of Heynalt The gentle erle hadde therto good affectyon and sayde howe he wolde ryght gladly go in that voyage so that it pleased the kynge and his father Whan the duke of Guerles came fyrst in to Englande the Duke of Lancastre demaunded of him what he thought of that voyage in to Frese He aunswered and sayd that it was a parylous voyage and the Frese was a countrey nat lyghtly to be wonne sayenge howe in tymes past there had been dyuers erles of Holande and Heynalte that haue claymed their right there and gone thyder to haue put them in subiectyon but they haue always lost their lyues there affyrmynge howe the fresons are people without honour and haue no mercy they prayse nor loue no lorde in the worlde they be so proude and also their countrey is stronge for they be enuyroned with the see and closed in with isses rockes and marysshes no man can tell howe to gouerne them but them selfe I haue ben desyred to go in that voyage but I wyll nat and I counsayle my cosyn your sonne the erle of Derby nat to entre in to that voyage it is no iourney for hym I thynke my fayre brother of Ostrenant wyll go for he hath great desyre therto and wyll haue a bande of haynowayes with hym it shall be an aduenture if euer they retourne Whiche wordes caused the Duke of Lancastre to thynke that his sonne shulde nat go in that voyage and so shewed his sonne his entente and badde hym delaye that mater for the kynge nor he wolde nat that he shulde go Thus the duke of Guerles dyd lette the ayde that the erle of Haynalte shulde haue had of the erle of Derby Many thought it was nat well counsayled nor yet for none of their honours The duke of Guetles all his lyfe naturally was Enuyous presumptuous and proūde yet for all that Fierebrase of Vertayn lette nat his sute to gette ayde and dyd so his dyligence that he gate knightes and squyers and a two hundred archers But the erle of Derby excused himselfe whiche excuse he was fayne to take in gree and sawe well that his wyll was good to go if the kynge and his father had nat been Than the kynge for the auauncement of his cosyns of Haynalte made to be ordeyned in the ryuer of Thamyse vesselles and shyppes for the men that shulde go in that voyage to Frese to aryue at Encuse a towne in the countie of Haynalt at the entre in to Holande This towne standeth on the see within twelue leages by water of the realme of Frese THe same season was sente in to Englande fro the frenche kynge the erle Valeran of saynt Powle with certayne artycles concernynge the treatie of the peace and with him was sent Robert the Hermyte whome the kynge of Englande was gladde to here speke The erle of saint Powle founde the kynge of Englande and his bretherne the erles of Brenne and of Huntyngdon and the duke of Lancastre the kynges vncles at the manour of Eltham The kynge receyued him ioyously and herde well his message and sayd to hym a parte Fayre brother of saynt Powle as to the treatie of peace bytwene me and my fayre father of Fraunce I am right well enclyned therto but I all alone canne nat promote that mater True it is my bretherne and my two vncles of Lācastre and yorke enclyne ryght well therto but I haue another vncle the duke of Gloucestre who is ryght paryllous and a marneylous man he letteth it as moche as he can and dothe what he canne to drawe the Londoners to his opynyon I feare me to make a rebellyon in my realme and that he shulde reyse the people agaynst me whiche is a great paryll for if the people of Englande ryse agayne agaynst me and haue myne vncle of Gloucestre on their parte and suche other barones and knyghtes of the realme as be of his opynion my realme were loste without remedy for myne vncle of Gloucestre is so secerte that no man canne knowe his mynde Syr quod the erle of saint Powle it behoueth you to wynne hym with fayre swete and louynge wordes and gyue hym great gyftes if he demaunde any thyng graunt it him this is the way wherby ye shall wynne him ye must flatter hym tyll the peace be made and that ye haue your wyfe brought hyther to you and that doone than ye maye take other counsayle
ye shall be than of the puyssaunce to oppresse all your rebelles for the frenche kynge if nede be shall ayde you of this ye maye be sure In the name of god ye saye well and thus shall I do THe erle of saynt Powle was lodged at London and often tymes went to Eltham to se the kynge and the duke of Lancastre and had often tymes cōmunycacion on this maryage Th erle of saint Poule sayde howe the frenche kynge shulde come to saynt Omers and his vncles and bring with hym his doughter so that the kynge of England wolde come to Calais and so bytwene saynte Omers and Calays the two kynges shulde mete and speke togyther wherby by reason of syght and spekynge togyther shulde encrease loue and amyte and there these two kinges and their vncles shulde speke togyder without any other companye on the forme of the peace and if they conclude nat on some peace yet at leste the trewce myght be relonged to endure for thyrty or .xl. yere bytwene the two realmes and their alies This deuyse semed right good to the kyng and to his counsayle and hervpon the kynge and other lordes sente to Calays to make prouysyon and the kynge desyred his vncle the duke of Gloucestre to go with hym in that iourney and the duches his wyfe and his chyldren and in lyke wyse the Dukes and duchesses of yorke and Lancastre And so whan euery thynge was redy the kynge and the erle of saynt Powle departed fro Eltham and rode towardes Caunterbury and after them folowed all other lordes suche as shulde go in this voyage and suche as had been desyred The erle of saynt Powle passed the see fyrst to the entent to aduertyse the Frenche kynge and so passed to Boloyne and so to Paris and there declared to the frenche kynge and to his vncles howe he had spedde wherwith they were well content and so departed fro Paris and lytell and lytell aproched to the cytie of Amyence and the kynge of Englande and his vncles came to Calais with many lordes and ladyes And the duke of Burgoyne one of the frenche kynges vncles came to saynt Omers and by the meanes of the Erle of saynt Powle and Robert the hermyte the duke of Burgoyne came to Calays to se the kynge of Englande and his vncles ▪ where he was nobly receyued and there they coūsayled togyther on certayne artycles of the peace wherto the kynge of Englande lyghtly enclyned and for to say trouth he cared nat what he dyd so he myght haue his wyfe WHan the duke of Burgoyne had ben at Calais two dayes and had cōmuned with the kynge of Englande on the artycles of the peace the kynge sayd howe he wolde sende all the processe of the artycles ouer the see in to Englande to beshewed and declared there to the people for he sayde that nouther he nor all the lordes that were there of Englande coulde nat conclude fermely on no peace without the generall consentment of the people of Englande And more ouer the kynge sayde howe that he must fyrst go ouer agayne hym selfe and so retourne and therby make but one iourney That is well said quod the duke of Burgoyne for than at youre retourne euery thynge shall be concluded and perfourmed Thus the duke of Burgoyne and the erle of saynt Powle departed fro Calays and retourned to saynt Omers and fro thens to Amyence where they foūde the kyng and the quene and their doughter who shulde be quene of Englande The same tyme there was the dukes of Bretaygne and of Berrey in great araye And the kynge of Englande and his vncles and other lordes retourned in to Englande and their wyues taryed styll at Calays tyl their retourne ¶ In this meane season the voyage was made in to Frese by them of Haynalte Fyrst the erle of Heynalte Holande and of zelande and his sonne the Erle of Ostrenaunt as ye shall here after in this hystorie ¶ Howe the erle of Heynalt and the erle of Ostrenante his sonne made a great army of men of armes knyghtes and squyers to go in to Frese Cap. CC.xiiii Ye haue herde here before howe duke Auberte of Bauyer and Guylliam his sonne erle of Ostrenant had gret desyre to go in to Frese to conquere that countrey wherof the sayde duke Aubert by ryght succession of herytage shulde be erle and lorde therof and to auaunce the same iourney the erle of Ostrenant had sent Fyerebrace of Vertayne to haue some ayde of the englysshe men who spedde hym so well that kynge Rycharde of Englande for the honour of his cosyns sent certayne men of armes with two hundred archers vnder the guydyng of thre gentlemen one called Cornewayle another Colleuyll knyghtes the thyrde asquyer I knowe nat his name but I was well enfourmed that he was a valyaunt man of armes he hadde his chynne cutte of in a fray a lytell before and he had a chynne made of syluer tyed aboute his heed with a lase of sylke These englysshmen came to Encuse at their tyme prefyxed This duke A●berte and his sonne had a valyaunt man of their coūsayle called Gylliam of Croenbourge who greatly exorted theym to the warre for he hated greatly the fresones and had doone them many dyspyghtes and dyd after as ye shall here Thus the duke Aubert departed fro the Haye in Holande with Gyllyam his sonne erle of Ostrenant and so came in to his countrey of Haynalte to the towne of Monts and there he assembled togyther the thre estates of the countrey and there shewed vnto them the great desyre that he had to go in to Frese and the rightfull occasion that he had so to do and caused there to be openly shewed certayne letters patentes apostolykes and imperyalles ryght noble and autentyke sealed vnder leade lyole and entre by the whiche apered euydently the ryght and tytell that he had to the signory of Frese and than he sayd openly Lordes and valyaunt men my subgettes ye knowe well that euery man ought to kepe and defēde his herytage and that a man may laufully moue war● to recouer his lande and herytage ye knowe also the fresons ought by right to be our subgiettes and they be inobedyent and rebell agaynst vs and our sygnory as people without lawe or faythe and therfore good and dere frendes ye know well that without your ayde bothe with bodyes and goodes we canne nat fournysshe to bringe to execusyon so hygh an enterprise wherfore we desyre you in this busynesse to ayde vs that is to say with money and with men of warre to the entent that these inobedyent fresons maye be subdued and brought to obedyence These wordes or suche lyke spoken by the duke the thre estates by a cōmune acord graūted their lordes petycyon and request lyke suche people as greatly desyred and alwayes had done to do obedyent seruyce and pleasure to their lorde and prince And as I was enfourmed they caused him to haue in redy money
the see and entred in to the realme of Fraunce fro Calayesꝭ and so wente a longe in to the realme and foūde none to with stande me nor none that durst fyght with me in lyke wyse so dyd syr Robert Canoll and sir Hugh Caurell and Thomas of Graūtsome and syr Phylyppe Gyssarde and yet they had nat the nombre that I had with me and yet they were before Parys and demaunded batayle of the frenche kynge but they coulde neuer be aunswered nor founde any person that sayd any thyng to them and so they rode into Bretayne and so a longe through the realme of Fraunce fro Calais to Burdeaux without hauynge of any batayle or rencountre but I thynke surely who so wolde nowe make any suche iourney they shulde be fought with all for he that calleth hym selfe kynge in Fraunce is yonge hote and of great corage and enterprise he wolde surely fight what ende so euer fell therof and that is the thynge we desyre for we loue nothynge so well as to haue batayle for without it be by batayle and victory vpon the frenche men who be ryche els we shall haue no recouery but suffre with the losse as we haue done euer sythe my nephewe was kyng of Englande This thyng can nat longe endure in this estate but at laste the realme of Englande shall perceyue the mater repente it for the kyng taketh and shall take and reyse great tayles of the marchauntes wherwith they be nat content and yet they can nat tell where the good becometh Thus the kynge enpouereth the realme of Englande and gyueth to one and other largely and there as it is but yuell bestowed and his people vyeth the bargayne whiche shortely wyll growe to a rebellyon within the realme for the people begyn to clater and to murmure therat sayeng howe they wyll no lēger suffre nor beare it he sayeth to stoppe the peoples rumure that the trewce ones concluded bytwene him Fraunce that than he wyll make a voyage in to Irelande and enploye there his men of armes and archers and there he hath ben but with a small conquest for Irelāde is no lande of great conquest nor profyte the people they are but rude and yuell and a right poore countrey and inhabytable and looke what is wonne there in one yere is loste in another Laquynay Laquynay quod the duke all that I haue sayde is of trouth THus the duke of Gloucestre deuysed with his knyght with suche wordes and other as it was well knowen after He hated the kynge and coulde speke no good worde of him and though he were with his brother the duke of Lācastre as one of the greatest rulers of the Realme he toke no care therof And whan the kyng dyd sende for him he wolde come at his pleasure and sometyme nat a whyt And whan he came to the kynge he wolde be the laste shulde come and the first that wolde departe and in counsayle what he had ones sayd of his opynion he wolde haue it taken and accepted els he wolde be displeased and somtyme take his leaue and departe to his maner in Essex called Plasshey there was his chiefe abydynge This duke was a great prince and might well spende by yere a threscore thousande ducates he was duke of Gloucestre erle of Essex and of Buckingham and constable of Englande He was of so marueylous condycyons that the kynge douted hym more than any other of his vncles for in his wordes he wolde nat spare nor forbeare the kynge The kynge alwayes was humble and meke to hym and whatsoeuer he wolde demaunde the kynge wolde graunte it hym This duke had caused in Englāde to be done many cruell and hasty iugementes for he had caused to be beheeded withoute tytell of any good reasone that noble knyght syr Symon Burle and dyuers other of the kynges counsayle and chased out of Englande the archebysshop of yorke and the duke of Irelande bycause they were so nygh of the kinges counsayle and layde to their charge that they had counsayled the kynge wronge and ledde hym as they lyst and had spente the reuenewes of Englande at their pleasures This duke had two bretherne the duke of Lancastre and the duke of yorke These two were euer about the kynge wherat this duke of Gloucestre hadde great enuy wolde say to dyuers as to suche as he trusted as Robert bysshop of London and to other whan they came to him to Plasshey Frendes my two bretherne ouerchargeth greatly the kynges house it were better they were at home at their owne houses this duke by subtyle couerte wayes drewe to his acorde the londoners for he thought if he might be sure of them he shulde sone haue all the rest of the realme to his acorde This duke had a nephue sonne to the doughter of his elder brother called Lyonell duke of Clarence whiche doughter was maryed into Lombardy to the sonne of syr Galeas duke of Myllayne This duke Lyonell dyed in the cytie of Aste in Piemounte So this duke of Gloucestre wolde gladly haue sene his nephue sonne to the doughter of the duke of Clarence called Iohan erle of Marche to haue ben kynge of Englande and to haue had his nephue kynge Rycharde deposed for he sayd howe the kynge was nat worthy to holde nor to gouerne the realme of Englande This he wolde say to them that he trusted and he dyd so moch that he caused the erle of Marche to come to his house and than and there he dyscouered to hym all his entent and secretnesse and sayde howe he had determyned to make hym kynge of Englande and kyng Richarde to be put downe and his wyfe also and to be kept in prison dutynge their lyues and so he desyred effectuously the erle to accept his offre and good wyll sayenge howe he wolde do the beste he coulde to bringe it aboute and that he had of his acorde and alyaunce the erle of Arundell and therle of Warwyke and dyuers other prelates and lordes of Englande The erle of Marche was sore abasshed whan he herde the duke his vncle speke suche wordes howe be it lyke a yonge man he dissymuled the mater and aunswered wysely to th entent to please the duke and said howe he wold be glad to be ruled as he wolde haue hym but he sayd he wolde be well aduysed or he accepted suche promisse to sone and wolde take therin aduyse and delyberacyon And whan the duke of Gloucestre sawe the maner of the erle than he desyred him to kepe the mater secrete The erle answered so he wolde do Than therle departed as sone as he coude and so wente in to Irelande to his herytage and after he wolde neuer entende to the dukes treatie but alwayes excused him selfe wysely yet euer he kept the mater secrete for he sawe well the conclusyon shulde nat be good IT was sayd howe the duke of Gloucestre sought all the wayes he coude to set a trouble in Englande and to styrre the
he hadde dyned and was aboute to haue wasshen his handes There came in to the chambre foure men and caste sodaynlye a towell aboute the dukes necke two at the one ende and two at the other and drewe so sore that he fell to the Erthe and so they strangled hym and closed his eyen whan he was deed they dispoyled hym and bare hym to his beed and layde hym bytwene the shetes all naked and his heed on a softe pyllowe and couered with clothes furred And than they yssued out of the chambre in to the hall well determyned what they wolde saye and sayde openly Howe a palueysye hadde taken the duke of Gloucestre the same night sodaynly and so dyed These wordes anon were abrode in the towne of Calais Some beleued theym and some natte Within two dayes that the duke was thus deed the erle marshall appareled hym selfe in blacke bycause he was his nere cosyn and were many other knyghtes and squyers that were in Calays His dethe was sooner knowen in Fraunce and in Flaunders than in Englād The Frenche men were gladde therof For there was a cōmon brute that there shulde be no good peace bytwene Fraunce and Englande as long as he lyued And in all treaties bytwene Fraūce and Englande he was euermore harder and obstynaier than̄e any other of his bretherne wherfore they cared nat for his dethe In lykewise many men in Englande bothe knyghtes squyers and other officers of the kynges who were in feare of hym bycause of his crueltie All suche were gladde of his dethe They toke to recorde his cruell dedes by the duke of Irelāde whom he had exyled out of Englande Also of the deth of that valyant knight sir Symon Burle and of sir Robert Triuylien sir Nicholas Bramble sir Iohan Standysshe dyuers other The dukes dethe was but lytell regarded in Englande excepte but with suche as were of his opinyon Thus this duke dyed in Calais his body was enbaumed and seared in leed and couered and so sente by See in to Englande And the Shyppe that caryed hym arryued at the Castell of Hadley vpon Thamyse syde and fro thens caryed by chariot symply to his owne place at Plasshey and there buryed in the Churche Whiche the sayde duke hadde founded in the honoure of the hooly Trynite wherin were twelue Chanonnes to synge diuyne seruyce YE maye well knowe that the duchesse of Gloucestre and Affren his sonne and his two susters were sore discōfyted whan they sawe the duke brought thyther deed The duchesse had double sorowe for Richarde erle of Arundell her vncle was be heeded openly by the kynges cōmaundemēt in Chepesyde there was no lorde durst speke to the contrary the kynge beyng presente at the same iustyce doynge It was done by the erle Marshall who hadde to wyfe the doughter of the sayde erle of Arundell and yet he bounde his eyen hym selfe The erle of Warwyke was in great daunger to be beheeded but the erle of Salisbury who was in the kynges fauour desyred the kynge for his lyfe and so dyde dyuers other barons prelates in Englande The kynge enclyned to their requestes so that he myght be banysshed and putte in suche a place as he shulde natte come fro for the kyng wolde nat clerely forgyue hym He sayde he had well deserued to dye bycause he was of counsayle with the duke of Gloucestre and with the erle of Arundell to haue brokē the peace and truce taken bitwene Fraunce Englande For the whiche artycle the kyng sayd they had deserued to dye for the peace was taken bytwene the ꝑties on suche cōdycion that who so euer dyde breake it shulde be worthy to dye The erle of Salisbury who had ben the erle of Warwykes companyon dyuers tymes in excusyng of him said Howe he was an olde man and was desyred by the duke of Gloucestre by his fayre wordes Wherfore he sayd that he dyde was natte of his owne mocyon but by theirs Affyrming howe there was neuer none of the Beauchampes that euer dyd trayson agaynst the crowne of Englande Thus the erle of Warwyke for pytie was respyted fro dethe He was banysshed in to the ysle of Wyght And it was sayde to hym Erle of Warwyke ye haue deserued to dye as well as the erle of Arundell but for the great seruyce that ye haue done in tyme past to kynge Edwarde and to the prince his sonne and to the crowne of Englande aswell on this syde the see as byonde hath done you great ayde for the kyng hath pyte on you and hath graūted you your lyfe But it is ordayned by iudgement that ye shall go in to the ysle of Wight and lyue there as longe as ye can and shall haue suffycient of your owne to maynteyne there your estate soberly but ye maye neuer departe thens The erle toke this punysshement a worthe and thāked the kyng and his counsayle for sauyng of his lyfe and so made hym redy to go thyder at the daye apoynted In the whiche ysle was space sufficient for a lorde to kepe his estate enuyroned with the See Thus passed forthe these Iudgementes in Englande at that season whiche multiplyed dayly worse worse as ye shall here after WHan the dethe of the duke of gloucestre was knowē by the dukes of Lancastre and of yorke incōtinent they knewe well that the kynge their nephue had caused hym to be slayne and murdered at Calays As than these two dukes were nat toguyder eche of thē were at their owne plates They wrote eche to other to knowe what were best to do and so they came to London For they knewe well that the londoners were nat content with the dethe of the duke their brother Whan they mette there toguyder they tooke coūsayle and sayd Suche dedes ought nat to be suffred as to putte to dethe so hyghe a prīce as was their brother for ydell wordes and false reportes For they sayd though he spake oftentymes of the breakyng of the peace yet he neuer brake it And bytwene sayenge and doyng is great difference for by reason of wordes he ought nat to deserue dethe by suche cruell punycion these two dukes were in the case to haue put all Englande to great trouble and there were ynowe redy to counsayle them therto and specially them of the erle of Arundelles lynage and of the erle of Staffordes whiche was a great kynred in Englande The kyng as than was at Elthā and had sente for all suche as helde of hym in chiefe And he had redy assembled toguyder about London in Kent and Essexe mo than ten thousande archers And sir Iohan Hollande his brother was with hym and therle Marshall and the erle of Salisbury and a great nombre of lordes and knyghtes the kyng sent to thē of London that they shulde nat receyue the duke of Lancastre They answered and sayd They knewe no cause that the duke hadde done why they shulde refuce hym The duke of Lancastre was at Lōdon and
downe Vessell of golde and syluer ranne plentuously through the palays as though it had ben but of wode or erthe it was a sumptuous dyner And as I was enfourmed the frenche kynge gaue to his cosyn the kyng of Almayne all the vessell and plate of gold and syluer that was serued that day in the palays at the dresser or elswhere and all other hangynges and habylymentes in the hall and chambre whervnto the kynge retrayed after dynner and spyces and wyne taken This gyft was praysed and valewed to two hundred thousande florayns and more ouer there was gyuen to the other almayns great gyftes and goodly presentes of vessell and plate of golde and syluer wherof the straungers that were there had great marueyle of the state and puyssaunce great ryches of the realme of Fraūce These kinges thus abydynge in the cytie of Reynes their counsayles mette togyther dyuers tymes on the maters that they came thyder for as well for the maryage of the duke of Orlyaunces doughter with the Marques of Blancque bourges sonne as for the reformacyon of the churche At laste the maryage was concluded and openly publysshed through the cytie but as for the mater consernynge the popes there was nothynge knowen therof out of the counsayle for all that was concluded in the counsayle was kept secrete Afterwarde I was enfourmed how it was agreed that maister Peter Daylly bysshop of Cambraye shulde go in legacyon fro the frenche kynge and fro the kynge of Almayne to Rome to hym that was called pope Bonyface that he shulde submyt hym selfe to haue a newe electyon of a pope and in lykewyse to the other pope at Auygnon And if so be that any of them wolde nat agree therto to abyde the ordre of these two kynges he to be dysgrated all ryghtes of the churche to be kepte fro hym and the frenche kynge to comprise to his agrement his sonne in lawe the kynge of Englande and the kynge of scottes kynge Henry of Spayne kynge Iohan of Portugale kynge Charles of Nauer and the kyng of Aragon and the kinge of Almayne shulde compryse his brother Loys kynge of Hungery and all the realme of Boesme and Almayne to Pruce And it was ordeyned that whan this bysshop of Cambrey was retourned fro the sōmonyng of these two popes than he to go in to all the sayd realmes their alyes Thus these two kynges sware to holde without varyacyon or let Thus ended their counsayle at that tyme. The kynges and lordes departed amyably and euery man tooke leaue and departed and went home AT this counsayle at Reynes the duke of Burgoyne was nat nor wolde nat be● for he sayd before that it was but a payne and a thynge loste to gyue any thynge to the almayns for they kepe no promesse nor couenaūt howe be it for all the dukes wordes there was nothynge left for the mater went forthe as ye haue herde And anon after the bysshop of Cambraye made hym redy and tooke his waye to Rome Also the frenche kynge sent a great ambassade in to Englande to se the kyng and the quene and to shewe them of this mater and so they dyd And whan they retourned they shewed the frenche kynge howe the kynge of Englande wolde take the same way that the kynge of Almayne and the Frenche kynge wolde do So they were all concluded if nede were to be as newter Thus this mater stode in this case Kynge Charles of Nauer who was in Fraūce to se the kynge his cosyn trustyng to recouer his herytage of Normandy of the countie of Ewrus the whiche the Frenche kynge had taken fro hym as ye haue herde here before but he coulde nat attayne therto by no meanes what so euer he shewed or sayd And whan the kynge of Nauerre sawe that he lost his payne and labored in vayne he toke the mater in great dyspleasure toke his leaue as sobrely as he coulde nat well contente with the frenche kynge nor with his counsayle and so retourned in to the realme of Nauerre ¶ Nowe lette vs leaue speakynge of them and speke of other accydentes that fell in Englande wherby folowed so great yuell that the lyke hath nat ben written of in this hystory here foloweth the entre and begynnynge of the mater ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the erle Marshall in Englande apealed by gage of vtteraūce the erle of Derby sonne to the duke of Lancastre in the presence of the kynge and his counsayle Cap. CC.xxviii KInge Richard of Englande hadde a condycion that if he loued a man he wolde make hym so great and so nere him that it was marueyle to consydre and no man durste speke to the contrary and also he wolde lightly beleue soner than any other kynge of remembrance before hym and suche as were nere aboute hym and in his grace tooke no ensample of other that had ben great with the kyng before them as the duke of Irelande who was put out of Englande and also syr Symon Burle who by reason of suche counsayle as he gaue to the kynge he was beheeded and syr Robert Treuylyan syr Nycholas Bramble and other that had been of the kynges counsayle wherfore they suffred dethe for the duke of Gloucestre dyd all his payne to dystroy them and yet fynally he loste his lyfe as ye haue herde wherof suche as were than aboute the kynge was nothynge sory wherby some that were aboute the kynge rose in to suche pride that it was marueyle and in so moche that they coulde nat coloure nor hyde it and specyally the erle Marshall who was as great in the kynges fauoure as myght be and to the entente to please the kynge and to flatter hym he made the kynge beleue that he was a trewe faythfull and a secrete seruaunt and that he coulde nat endure to here any worde spoken agaynst the kynge and tolde the kynge many thynges to haue the kynges loue howe be it often tymes a man thynketh to be auaunced and is pulled backe and so it fortuned of the erle Marshall I shall shewe you howe ye muste knowe that the erle of Derby and the duke of Gloucestre deed had to their wyues two susters doughters to the erle of Herforde and of Northamton constable of Englande so the chyldren of the erle of Derby and the duke of Gloucestre were cosyn germayns by their mother syde and within a degre as nere of kynne by their fathers syde To say trouth the dethe of the duke of Gloucestre was ryght dyspleasaunt to many great lordes of Englande and often tymes they wolde speke and murmure therat whan they were togyder and the kynge than was so hygh vppon the whele that no man durste speke but the kynge knewe it for he had caused to be spoken abrode in the realme that what so euer he were that spake any word of the duke of Gloucestre or of the erle of Arundell he shulde be reputed as a traytour wherfore the people durst nat speke And on a
shulde nat be for their welthe but to their great dōmage for the kynge was sore enformed against them Whan they had this warnynge they stopped their cōmyng to the kyng and nat without good cause For they were shewed that if they came they shulde be in ieopardye of their lyues Whan the kynges counsayle sawe that therle and his son̄e came nat they sayd to the kyng Sir nowe ye maye se whyder we dyde enforme you of the trouthe or nat ye maye se therle and his sonne disdayneth to serue you for they wyll nat come at youre cōmaundement and that shall ye se if ye sende for them And I shall sende for them quod the kyng Than letters were written sente by notable messangers to therle to the lorde Henry Percy his son The content of the letters was that incontynent without delaye vpon the sight of those letters that they shulde come to the kyng and do their duetie as they were bounde to do These messangers iourneyed so longe that they came to fayre castell of the erles standyng on the fronter of Scotlande The messanger acquyted hym well in doynge of his message as he was cōmaūded Th erle reed his letters at length and than shewed them to his sonne Than they toke aduise to make the messanger good chere and to write agayn to the kynge in excusynge of them selfes howe they coulde nat come out of their countrey as at that tyme and howe that the kyng had men ynowe to acōplysshe his iourney besyde them The messangers retourned to the kynge and delyuered the erles lettre The kynge redde it the whiche answere was nothynge pleasaunt to the kynge nor to his counsayle and thanne for this cause and for other thynges that were layde to the Erles charge and to his sonnes they were openly banysshed the realme of Englande tyll the kyng dyd repeale them agayne This was publysshed through out all the cyties and good townes of Englande and specyally in London wherof the londoners had great marueyle nor they coulde nat knowe iustly for what cause it was for the erle and his sonne were reputed for noble and as valyaunt men as any within the realme Some sayd it cōmeth by some of the kynges counsayle that hateth them whiche counsayle wyll distroy the kyng at last peraduenture the erle and his sonne haue spoken some wordes vpon the kynge and his counsayle for the yuell gouernynge of the realme coulde nat be herde though they said the trouth and for their true sayeng nowe they be punisshed but we thinke herafter they wyll be punysshed that nowe iudge them Thus the londoners and other spake of this mater The erle had a brother a valiaunt knight sir Thomas percy who had of a longe tyme done many noble seruyces to the kynge of Englande whan the erle knewe that he and his sonne were banysshed the realme he toke it for an vnreasonable punysshment without cause Than he sente for all his frendes in the countrey suche as he coulde get togyther for many of his lygnage were with the kynge to go in to Irelande The erle toke counsayle of them what was best to do sythe the kynge had banysshed hym without cause Than he was counsayled to sende in to the realme of Scotlande and to desyre the king there that he and his sonne might abyde peasably in Scotlande tyll the kynge of Englande were apeased of his dyspleasure Thus therle sent to kynge Robert of Scotlande and the kyng the erle Archambalt Duglas and the other lordes of Scotlande condiscendyd lyghtly to the erles desyre sent the erle worde howe they shulde be gladly receyued and also if they neded of fyue or syre hundred speares if they were signyfied of the tyme they shulde be redy to serue them This message pleased greatly the erle and his lygnage and so the erle taryed styll in his countrey amonge his frendes for kynge Rycharde and his counsayle had so moche to do in sorte season after that they had no layser to do any dyspleasure to the erle nor to his sonne as ye shall here after in this hystory KInge Rycharde thus beynge aboute Bristowe than the state generally of all men in Englande began to murmure and to ryse one agaynst another and mynystrynge of iustyce was clene stopped vp in all courtes of Englande wherof the valyaunt men and prelates who loued reste and peace and were glad to paye their duetyes were greatly abasshed for there rose in the realme companyes in dyuers rowtes kepynge the feldes and hygh wayes so that marchauntes durste nat ryde abrode to excercyse their marchaundyse for doute of robbynge and no man knewe to whome to cōplayne to do them ryght reasone and iustyce whiche thynges were ryght preiudyciall and dyspleasaunt to the good people of Englande for it was contrary to their accustomable vsage for all people laborers and marchauntes in Englande were wonte to lyue in rest and peace and to occupy their marchaundyse peasably and the laborers to labour their landes quyetly and than it was contrary for whan marchauntes rode fro towne to towne with their marchaundyse and had outher golde or syluer in their purces it was taken fro them and fro other men and labourers out of their houses these companyons wolde take whete ootes bufes muttons porkes the pore men durste speke no worde these yuell dedes dayly multyplyed so that great complayntes and lamentacyons were made therof through out the realme and the good people sayde the tyme is chaunged vpon vs fro good to yuell euer sythe the dethe of good kynge Edwarde the thyrde in whose dayes iustyce was well kepte and mynystred In his dayes there was no man so hardy in Englande to take a hen or a chekyn or a shepe without he had payed trewly for it and now● a dayes all that we haue is taken fro vs and yet we dare nat speke these thinges canne nat longe endure but that Englande is lykely to be loste without recouery We haue a kynge nowe that wyll do nothyng he entendeth but to ydelnesse and to acomplysshe his pleasure and by that he sheweth he careth nat howe euery thynge gothe so he maye haue his wyll it were tyme to prouyde for remedy or els out enemyes wyll reioyse mocke vs our kynge hath sette his brother the erle of Huntyngdon at Calais therby peraduenture may be made some yuell treatie and bargayne for the towne of Calays with the frenche men and rendre in to their handes that thynge that is most necessary for the realme of Englande for if Calays were rendred to the Frenche men Englande was neuer so abasshed as it shulde be than and good cause why for than shulde be lost the chiefe key of Englande THus multyplyed the lamentacyons and murmurynge in Englande and the prelates and other ryche men of the realme came to London to dwell there to be in the better suretie They of the lygnages of suche lordes as the kynge had put to dethe and banisshed
¶ The preface of sir Iohan Bourchier knyght lorde Berners Sythe hystorie as I haue in my Preface vpon the fyrst volume of this cronycles declared is the wytnesse of tymes the lyght of trouthe the lyfe of remembraūce the maistres of the lyfe the messanger of olde season wherof innumerable cōmodyties growen I ne thynke the labours myspente that I at the highe cōmaundement of our moost redoughted soueraygne lorde Henry the cyght kyng of Englande and of Fraūce highe defender of the Christen faythe c. haue e●ployed aboute the translacyon of nowe the foure volumes of sir Iohan Froissa●t out of Frenche in to our Englysshe tong Certainly nat the boūtie of the same cronycles in whom are conteyg●●d the warres of these parties whiche warres d●sc●yued in Frenche by sir Iohan Froyssa●● ryght o●nately as many that haue great vnderstandynge in dyuers tonges in whome warres are written plainly saye for knyghtly feate● manhode and humanyte passe ryght moche the warres of farre countreis nor the great pleasure that thy noble countrey menne of Englande toke in redynge the worthy and knightly dedes of their valyaunt auncestours encorageth me halfe so moche as the princely exhorte whiche of all erthely kynges the very worshyppe and 〈◊〉 ou● foresaid gracyous soueraygne gaue me He who forthe manyfolde royall vertues in his highnesse foūde nat of two or thre small realmes 〈◊〉 is worthy to reygne and be kyng ouer the vnyuersall worlde ●elyteth in nothyng 〈◊〉 than to 〈…〉 I sayd the moost famous 〈◊〉 of his 〈◊〉 and subict 〈…〉 ou● with all 〈◊〉 So that it ●ought appere to euery mannes ●ight ouer what and howe worthy people has 〈…〉 and nowe his 〈…〉 lyaunt 〈◊〉 contende by vigorous vertue and manhode to folowe yea to passe them if they maye Truely the ymages as they vsed in olde tyme to erecte in worshyp and remembraunce of them that were discended of noble blode he beare halfe the wytnesse that the noble dedes sette out in hystorye done Whiche well appereth by the wordes of the prudent kyng Agesilaus who dying cōmaunded that neyther ymage nor picture to his resemblaūce shulde be made for if I haue sayd he any noble thyng famously done it shall beare wytnesse ynough of me if I haue nought done certainly all the ymages lytell aueylen as who saythe suche thynges inought be made in mynde of them that were but dastardes and neuer dyde worthy dede in all their lyfe Wherfore for the loue and honour that I beare to our moost puissaunt soueraygne and to do pleasure to his subie●tes bothe nobles and cōmons I haue endeuored me to translate out of Frēche as sayd is in to Englysshe the four volumes of sir Iohan Froissart and reduced them in to twayne Wherin if I haue erred I praye them that shall defaute fynde to cōsyder the greatnesse of the hystorie and my good wyll that aske nothyng elles of them for my great labour but of their curtesy to amende where nede shal be and yet for their so doynge I shall praye to god finally to sende them the blysse of heuen Amen ¶ Thus endeth the preface of sir Iohan Bourchier knight lord berners deputie of Calais trāslatour of this present cronycle and here after foloweth the table with the chapters as they stande in the boke by order c. ¶ Herafter foloweth the table of this present volume FIrst howe syr Iohan Bourchyer gouernour of Gaunt durynge the truse had newe vitayled the towne of Gaūt and howe a maner of people called comporselles dyd moche hurte in the Countrey Capitulo primo ¶ Howe the bridge of Taylbourcke was won by the frenche men and howe the englisshmen fortyfied them selfe agaynst the cōmyng of the frenchmen and howe the admyrall of Fraūce and his rout aryued at ●●●nborowe in Scotlande Capi. ii ¶ Howe the frenche men found a wylde countrey of Scotlāde and were yuell content with the admyrall and howe he pacyfied them with fayre wordes and howe Fraunces Atreman and his company had nerehande taken Ardenbourke in Flaunders Cap. iii. ¶ Howe the lorde of saint Albyne and Enguerante zendequyn saued Ardenbourke fro takynge and howe the quene of Hungery sent ambassadours into Fraunce to marry thetle of Valoyes to her eldest doughter Cap. iiii ¶ Howe the duchesse of Brabant wrote to duke Frederyke of Bauyere of the maryage of the yonge frenche kyng with her nese Isabell of Bauyer and howe the duke and the lady came to Quesnoy Capi. v. ¶ Howe Fraunces Atreman toke the towne of Dan and howe the frenche kynge wedded the lady Isabell of Bauyere and after wente and layde siege to Dan. Fo .vi. ¶ Howe dyuers burgesses of Sluse were behe ded and howe Sluse was chaunged for the lande of Bethune howe the siege of Dan contynewed longe Cap. vii ¶ Howe the gauntoyse fledde out of Dan by nyght howe the frenche men toke the towne and destroyed it and also howe the kynge dystroyed the countrey of the foure craftes Capi. viii ¶ Howe the frenche kynge departed oute of Flaunders and gaue leaue to his men to departe and howe he came to Parys to treate with the ambassadours of Hungry and howe the marques of Blanqueforte toke by strēght to his wyfe the same lady 〈…〉 Cap. ix ¶ Howe the duke of Burbone toke Bertuell in Poictou and also of the great assemble that the kynge of Scottes made to entre in to Englande Cap. x. ¶ Howe the frenche men and scottes was the castell of Vatley and dystroyed dyuers other townes in Northumberlande and howe they withdrewe agayne in to Scotlande whan they knewe that the kynge of Englande was cōmynge on them with a great puyssaunce Capi. xi ¶ Howe syr Iohan Hollande slewe syr Rycharde Stafforde and howe the erle of Stafforde came to the kynge to demaunde iustyce Capi. xii ¶ Howe the kynge of Englande caused to be dystroyed the churche of Mewreus in Scotlande and howe the barones of Scotlande aunswered the admyrall of Fraunce and deuysed to leaue Scotlande and to lette the englysshe men alone Cap. xiii ¶ Howe the kynge of Englande toke Edenborowe the chiefe tytle of Scotlande howe the duke of Lancastre was in purpose to retourne in to Wales to close in the frenche men and the scottes and what the frenche men and scottes dyd in the sayd countrey Cap. xiiii ¶ Howe the erle of Oxenforde brake the pursute that the kynge of Englande had thought to haue made into Wales after the frenchmen and scottes and howe the kyng retourned the same way that he came and howe the frenche men scottes determyned to retourne againe into Scotlande Cap. xv ¶ Howe the frenche lordes were in great paryll in scotlande and coude nat fynde the meanes to passe ouer thesee and how they shewed the erles Duglas and Morette the hardnesse that they founde in that countrey and what answere they made to them Cap. xvi ¶ Howe the admyrall enfourmed the frenche kynge and his counsayle of the state of Scotlande and
there to be holden Cap. C .i. ¶ Howe the kynge of Portyngale with his puyssaunce assembled with the duke of Lancastre and his puissaunce and howe they coulde nat passe the Ryuer of Dierne and howe a squyer of Castyle shewed theym the passage Capi. C .ii. ¶ Howe the tydynges spred abrode that the kynge of Portyngale and the duke of Lancastre were passed the ryuer of dierne and howe it came to the kynge of Castylles knowledge and howe certayne of the englysshe knyghtes came and tode before vyle Arpent and howe the kynge of Portugale and the duke of Lancastre determyned there to tary the cōmynge of the duke of Burbon Cap. C .iii. ¶ Howe the duke of Lancastre gaue lycence to his men and howe an haraulde was sent to the kynge of Castyle and howe thre knyghtes of Englande wente to speake with the kynge of Castyle for a saue conducte for the dukes men to passe thoroughe his countrey Capi. C.iiii. ¶ Howe these three knyghtes optayned a saue conducte of the kynge of Castyle for their people to passe and howe dyuers of the englysshe men dyed in Castyle and howe the Duke of Lancastre fell in a great syckenesse Capi. C.v. ¶ Howe syr Iohan Hollande the Duke of Lancasters constable tooke his leaue of the duke and he and his wyfe retourned by the kynge of Castyle who made hym good chere and howe syr Iohan Dambrity court went to Parys to accomplysshe a dede of armes bytwene hym and syr Boucyquant Cap. C .vi. ¶ Howe the duke of Burbone departed fro Auignon to go into Castyle with all his hoost and came to Burgus in Spaygne and there founde the kynge of Castyle And howe the duke of Lancastre herde those tydynge and howe the duke of Burbone departed fro the kyng and went streyght agayne in to Fraunce Capi. C .vii. ¶ Howe the erle of Foiz receyued honourably the duke of Burbon and of the great gyftes that he gaue hym and howe syr Willyam of Lygnac syr Gaultyer of Passackes company departed out of Spayne and of the incydent that fortuned in the towne of saynte Phagon Capi. C .viii. ¶ Howe the kynge of Castyle and his counsayle were yuell content with syr Willyam of Lygnac and syr Gaultier of Passackes company and howe the duke of Lancastre departed fro saynt Iaques to Bayon Cap. C .ix. ¶ Howe the erle of Armynake tooke great payne to treate with the companyons to departe out of the realme of Fraunce Cap. C .x. ¶ Howe the erle Reynolde of Guerles who had layde all his landes in guage wystenat what to do came for refuge to the archcbysshoppe of Coloygne his vncle who blamed hym and howe ambassadours went to Berthaulte of Malygnes Cap. C .xi. ¶ Howe the erle Reynolde of Guerles was maryed to Mary doughter to Berthalte of Malygnes by whome he hadde a doughter and after maryed agayne in Englande and hadde issue two sonnes and a doughter and howe syr Iohan of Bloyes wedded the eldest doughter of the Erle of Guerles and howe after the countie of Guerles remayned with the erle of Guerles yongest doughter Capi. C .xii. ¶ Howe these castelles of Gauleche Buthe and Null came to the duke of Brabant and howe the duke of Iulyers sustayned the Lynfars in his countre who robbed all maner of people and of the great assemble that the duke of Brabante made to go to Iulyers and howe he was dyscomfyced Cap. C .xiii. ¶ Howe the duke of Brabant dyed and howe the duke Guillyam of Guerles treated with the duchesse of Brabante to haue agayne the thre castelles and what aunswere he had and howe he made alyaunce with the kynge of Englande Cap. C .xiiii. ¶ Howe the duchesse of Brabante sent messangers to the frenche kynge complaynynge of the duke of Guerles and howe the kynge and his counsayle were sore busyed with incydentes that fell in the realme of Fraunce as well for the defyaunces of Guerles as the busynesse in Bretayne Cap. C .xv. ¶ Howe by a straunge fortune the kynge of Nauer dyed in the cytie of Pampylona and howe Charles his sonne was crowned and howe Vanchadore was besieged by the duke of Berrey and howe the duke of Burgoyne sente to the Duchesse of Brabante Cap. C .xvi. ¶ Howe the frenche men after they had brent and ryfled the towne of Seaull retourned to their garyson and of the ioye that the duke of Burgoyne and the duchesse of Brabant made for that dede and howe syr Iohan Boesme Launce dyscomfyted the englysshe men Capi. C .xvii. ¶ Howe syr Iohan Boesme Launce ledde these prisoners to Mount Ferante and howe they of the countrey were gladde whan they herde of this entreprise and howe Geronet and his company were sette to raunsome and delyuered by the money that Perot of Bierne lent hym Cap. C .xviii. ¶ Howe Geronet of Mandurāt with twelue of his company retourned to Mount ferant and howe Perot of Bernoys with four hundred speares wente to Mount Ferante and wolde nat entre in to the towne by none other way but in at the gate Cap. C .xix. ¶ Howe Geronet lette in Perot le Bernoys and his company in to the towne of Mount ferant wherof the countrey was a frayde and howe the kynge and his vncles beynge at Parys were therwith sore dyspleased and also the erle Dolphyn of Auuergne Cap. C .xx. ¶ Howe Perotte le Bernoys and his company tooke their counsayle and determyned nat to kepe the towne of Mount ferant and howe the sayd Perot and his company departed thens by nyght withall their pyllage and prisoners and wente and refresshed them in the towne of Ousac Cap. C .xxi. ¶ Howe they of the towne of Cleremounte made a skrimysshe with these pyllers that had taken and robbed the towne of Moūt ferant at the gates of the towne Cap. C .xxii. ¶ Howe the duke of Berrey marryed the lady Mary his doughter to the erle of Bloyes sonne and howe the same yere the sonne of the duke of Berrey marryed the lady Mary of Fraunce suster to the yonge kynge Charles of Fraunce Cap. C .xxiii. ¶ Howe after the departynge of the duke of Lancastre all that euer he had wonne in Galyce the frenche men recouered it in lesse than fyftene dayes and howe the Englysshe men that had ben there in that warre defamed and spake yuell of the coūtrey of Galyce and howe the Frenche kynge sente for the duke of Irelande Cap. C .xxiiii. ¶ Howe the constable of Fraunce wolde nat accorde that the kynge shulde goo in to Almaygne bycause of the incydentes of the realme and howe the duke of Bretaygne fournysshed his garysons and made alyaūce with the kynge of Englande and with the kynge of Nauerre and of the army made by the englysshe men Cap. C .xxv. ¶ Howe the Brabansoyes layde siege to the towne of Graue and howe the Constable of Fraunce tooke saynt Malo and saynte Mathewes and sette there men in garysone and howe the duke of Lancastre was
at Bayon greatly dyscomfyted in that he coulde get no maner of ayde Cap. C .xxvi. ¶ Howe the duke of Berrey sente letters to the duke of Lancastre to Bayon and howe the duke sente the copye of the same letters in to Foyze and in to Nauerre to the entent to haue them publysshed in Spayne and howe the duke of Bretaygne demaunded counsayle of his men in all his busynesse Capi. C .xxvii. ¶ Howe the duke of Bretayne delyuered vp the thre castelles of syr Olyuer of Clyssons and howe he receyued ioyously the lorde of Coucy and his company ambassadours fro the frenche kynge and howe the duke of Lancastre made great chere to syr Helyon of Lignacke seneschall of Xaynton abmassadoure fro the duke of Berrey Cap. C .xxviii. ¶ Nowe the kynge of Castyle sente his ambassadours to the duke of Lancastre to treate for a maryage to be hadde bytwene his sonne and the dukes doughter and howe at the request of the duke of Berrey a truse was made by the duke of Lancastre in the countreys of Tholousyn and Rouergne Cap. C .xxix. ¶ Howe the Dukes of Berrey and of Burgoyne departed to go to Bloyes and howe the duke of Bretayne came thyder and howe the dukes dyd so moche that they had hym to Parys in maner agaynst his wyll Capi. C .xxx. ¶ Howe Lewes kynge of Cycyle entred in to Parys in estate royall and howe the duke of Bretayne entred on the nyght of saint Johan the Baptyst the yere of grace a thousande thre hundred fourscore and seuyn and of a dede of armes done before the kynge at Moutereau fault yon bytwene a knyght of Englande called syr Thomas Harpyngham and a frenche knyght named syr Johan de Barres Capi. C .xxxi. ¶ Howe the duke of Bretaygne entred in to Parys and came to the castell of Loure to the frenche kynge Cap. C .xxxii. ¶ Howe the erle of Arundell beynge on the see more than a moneth came to the hauen of Maraunt a lytell fro Rochell and howe he sent a messanger to Perot le Bernoys that he and other capytayns shulde kepe the feldes Capi. C .xxxiii. ¶ Howe they of Marroys and Rochelloys were sore afrayde of the Englysshe men that were a lande and howe they of Rochell made ask rymysshe with theym and howe after the englysshe men had pylled the countrey about Maraunt they drewe agayne to the see with their pyllage whiche was great Capi. C .xxxiiii. ¶ Howe Perot le Bernoys and his companyons resorted agayne to their holdes with great pyllage and howe the duke of Guerles coulde haue no ayde of the Englysshe men to reyse the siege before Graue and howe the brabansois made a brige ouer the ryuer of meuse the whiche they of Guerles dyd breake bryn and dystroy as ye shall here after Capi. C .xxxv. ¶ Howe the Brabansoys passed the ryuer through the towne of Rauesten ouer the bridge there and so entred into Guerles Than the duke departed fro Nymay with thre hundred speares and came agaynst them and dyscomfyted them bytwene Rauesten and the towne of Graue Cap C .xxxvi. ¶ Howe the duke of Guerles after he had discomfyted the brabansoys he went agayne to Nymay and howe tydynges came to the frenche kynge and howe the kynge sent ambassadours to the kynge of Almayne Capi. C .xxxvii. ¶ Howe the frenche kynge gaue leaue to the duke of Bretaygne to retourne in to his countrey and howe the coūtrey of Brabant wolde nat consent to the kynges passage nor his army and howe the ambassadours of Fraunce spedde Capi. C .xxxviii. ¶ Howe the erle of Bloys sent to the frenche kinge two hundred speares and howe the duke of Lorayne and the lorde Henry of Bare came to the kynge and howe the dukes of Julyers and of Guerles knewe that the frenche kynge came on them Capi. C .xxxix. ¶ Howe syr Hellyon of Lygnacke made his reporte to the duke of Berrey and howe the lordes of Scotlande assembled toguyder in the cytie of Berdane and determyned to reyse vp an armye to entre into Englande and of an englyssh squyer who was taken by the scottes who knewe the secretes of bothe realmes Englande and Scotlande Capi. C .xl. ¶ Howe kyng Richarde yelded hym selfe to the erle of Derby to go to London Cap. Fo. CCC .xi. ¶ Howe the erle Duglas wan the penon of sir Henry Percy at the barryers vpon Newe castell vpon Tyne and howe the scottes brent the castell of Pondlen and howe syr Henry Percy and syr Rafe his brother tooke aduyse to folowe the scottes to conquere agayne the penon that was lost at the skrymysshe Capi. C .xli. ¶ Of the state of quene Isabell of Englande and howe she had all newe ꝑsones apoynted to wayte vpon her and howe kynge Richarde was sette in the towre of London Capi. CC .xlii. ¶ Howe sir Henry Percy and his brother with a good nombre of men of armes and archers went after the scottes to wyn agayne his penon that the erle Duglas had won before Newcastell vpōtyne and howe they assayled the scottes before Moūtberke in their lodgynges Cap. C .xlii. ¶ Howe the erle James Duglas by his valyantnesse encoraged his men who were reculed and in a maner disconfited and in his so doynge he was wounded to dethe Capi. C .xliii. ¶ Howe in this bataile sir Rafe Percy was sore hurte and taken prisoner by a scottiss he knyght Cap. C .xliiii. ¶ Howe the scottes wanne the batayle agayust the Englysshe men besyde Ottebridge and there was taken prisoners sir Hēry and sir Rafe Percy howe an Englisshe squier wolde nat yelde hym no more wolde a scottysshe squyer and so were slayne bothe and howe the bysshoppe of Durham and his cōpany were disconfyted amonge them selfe Capi. C .xiv. ¶ Howe sir Mathewe Reedman deparred fro the batayle to saue hym selfe and howe sir James Lymsey was taken prisoner by the bysshoppe of Durham and howe after the batayle scurrers were sent forthe to discouer the countrey Cap. C .xlvi. ¶ Howe the scottes departed caryed with them the erle Duglas deed and buryed hym in the abbey of Nimayes and howe sir Archambault Duglas and his company departed fro before Carlyle and retourned in to Scotlande Cap. C .xlvii. ¶ Howe the duke of Jullyers came and excused hym selfe of the defyaunce that his son the duke of Guerles had made to the Frenche kyng and so became his subiette and of dyuers reates of armes done bitwene the frēche men and the almaygnes before Rencongne Cap. C .xlviii. ¶ Howe the duke of Julyers and the archebysshop of Coloygne departed fro the Frenche kyng and wente to Nimaye to the duke of Guerles and howe by their meanes he was reconsyled and brought to peace with the Frenche kynge and with the duchesse of Brabant Cap. C .xlix. ¶ Howe the erle of Arundell and the knyghtes of Englande beyng on the see by fortune of the wynde came to the palyce besyde Rochell whose beynge there was signifyed to sir Loyes of
Xancere and of the departyng of the erle of Arundell Cap. C .l. ¶ Howe the admyrall of Fraunce was ordayned by the Frenche kynge and his counsayle as ambassadour to go to the kynge of Castile and howe the duke of Berrey sent to the erle of Foize to treate for a maryage bytwene the duke of Berrey the erles doughter of Bolonge Cap C .li. ¶ Howe Geffray Tete Noyre dyde chose a capitayne ouer his company and howe he made his testament and so dyed And howe the duke of Guerles departed fro his countrey to go in to Pruce and of the incydence that fell to hym in the lande of the duke of Stulpe where he was taken prisoner and disconfyted Cap. C .lii. ¶ Howe sir Johan of Vyen dyde his message to kyng Johan of Castyle fro the frenkynge and his counsayle and what answers the kynge of Castyle made to hym Capi. C .liii. ¶ Howe sir Loyes of Xancere went to se the erle of Foize at Orthays and howe before the duke of Lācastre at Burdeux there were dedes of armes done bytwene fyue Frenche men and fyue Englysshe men and howe the duchesse of Lancastre went with her doughter in to Castyle to kyng John̄ Cap. c .liiii. ¶ Howe the duchesse of Lancastre departed fro the kyng of Castyle and wente to Mantuell to bring her fathers bones to Ciuyle howe the Frenche kyng sent ambassadours to the erle of Foize to treate for the mariage of the duke of Berrey his vncle with therie of Boloyns doughter Cap. C .lv. ¶ Howe certaygne wyse men treated for a peace to endure for thre yere bytwene Fraūce and Englande and all their alyes aswell on the one parte as on the other by lāde and by see Cap. C .lvi. ¶ Of the ordynaunce of the entre of quene Isabell in to the towne of Paris Ca. c .lvii. ¶ Howe the lorde of Castell morant whom therle of saynt Poule had lefte behynde him in Englande retourned in to Fraunce with the charter of the truse sealed by kynge Richarde his vncles to endure thre yere by see and by lande Cap. C .lviii. ¶ The maryage of kynge Loyes sonne to the duke of Aniou to the doughter of kynge Peter of Arragone and howe he went with the quene of Naples his mother to Auignon to se pope Clement Cap. C .lix. ¶ Howe the Frenche kyng had desyre to go and visyte the farre partes of his realme and howe he went fyrste in to Burgoyne and to Auignone to se pope Clement Cap. c.lx. ¶ Howe sir Peter Courtney cāe in to Fraūce to do armes with sir Guye of Tremoyle and howe the lorde of Clary conueyed hym and by what occasyon he dyde armes with hym in the marchesse of Calis Cap. c.lxi ¶ Howe the iustes at saynt Inguelyert otherwyse called Sandyngfelde were enterprised by sir Raynolde of Roye the yonge sir Bouciquaūt and the lorde of saynt Pye Capi. C .lxii. ¶ Of the complayntes made to the Frenche kynge by the people of Languedocke in the towne of Besyers agaynst Beusache treasourer to the duke of Berrey of the great extorcyons that he had made and of his contessyon and of the cruell dethe that he hadde in the sayd towne Cap. C.lxiii ¶ Howe the Frenche kyng beynge at Tholous sent for the erle of Foize who came thyder and dyd homage to the kyng for the coūtie of Foize Cap. C.lxiiii ¶ Of the feate and couynaūt that was done bytwene the kynge and the duke of Thoutayne his brother whiche of them shulde sonest come to Parys fro Mountpellyer whiche is a hundred and fyftie leages a sonder eche of them but with one knight Capi. C .lxv. ¶ Of the dethe of pope Vrbayne of Rome called the Antepape howe pope Clement wrote to the Frenche kyng and to his vncles and to the vnyuersite and of the electyon of pope Bonyface by the cardynals of Rome Capi. C .lxvi. ¶ Of the yeldynge vp and takynge of the stronge castell of Vanchadore in Lymosyn of olde parteyninge to sir Geffray Teate Noyre Cap. C.lxvii ¶ Of the dedes of armes at saynt Ingylbertes continewyng thyrtie dayes agaynst all cōmers of the realme of Englande other countreis euery manne thre courses Capi. C .lxviii. ¶ Of the enterprise and voyage of the knyghtes of Fraunce and Englande and of the duke of Burbone who was as chiefe of that armye at the request of the genouoys to go in to Barbary to besiege the stronge towne of Affryke Cap. C.lxix ¶ Of a capitayne a robber and a pyller of the countre called Aymergot Marcell who helde a strong castell in the marchesse of Rouergne called the Roche of Vandoys and howe it was besieged by the vicount of Meauix and of the takyng therof and howe Aymergot was taken and brought to Parys Capi. C .lxx. ¶ Howe the Christen lordes and the geno●●ys beyng in the ysle of Conymbres at ancre departed thens to go and lay siege to the strong cytie of Affryke in Barbary howe they maynteyned the siege Cap. C.lxxi ¶ Howe after this aduenture and dōmage that fell to the christen men by reason of this assaute before the towne of Affryke that so many knyghtes and squyers were deed they maynteygned them selfe more wiselyer after than they dyde before and contynued their siege a longe season after Cap. c.lxxii ¶ Of a feest and iustes made by the kyng of Englande in London whyle the Christen knyghtes and squyers were at the siege before the towne of Affryke agaynst the sarasyns and howe this feest was publisshed in dyuers countreis landes Cap. C.lxxiii ¶ Howe and by what indydent the siege was reysed before the towne of Affryke and by what occasyon and howe euery man recourned to their owne countreis Cap. c.lxxiiii ¶ Of thenglyss he knyghtes that were sente to Parys to the Frenche kyng fro the kyng of Englande and his vncles to treate for a peace Capi. C.lxxv ¶ Of the dethe of kynge Iohan of Castyle and of the crownynge of kynge Henry his sonne Cap. C.lxxvi ¶ Of the army of the yonge erle Iohan of Armynake and of the voyege that he made in to Lombardy howe he dyed at the siege before the towne of Alexādre Cap. c.lxxvii ¶ Howe sir Peter of Craon fell in the Frenche kynges displeasure and in the Duke of Thourayns and after he was receyued by the duke of Bretayne Cap. C.lxxviii ¶ Of the dethe of the yonge erle Loyes of Chastellon sonne to therle Guye of Bloys Cap. C.lxxix ¶ Of the sodayne dethe of the erle Gascone of Foize and howe the erle of Chastellon cāe to his enherytaunce Cap. C.lxxx ¶ Howe the treatie of peace renewed at Towers in Thourayne bytwene the Frenche kynge and the duke of Bretayne and of the maryage of the doughter of Fraunce to the sonne of Bretayne and of Iohan of Bretayne erle of Ponthieur and the doughter of the duke of Bretayne Cap. C.lxxxi ¶ Howe the erle of Bloyes Mary of Namure his wyfe solde the countie
to Venyce and of the ysles they founde by the waye Capi. CC.xxiiii ¶ Howe after the retourne of the lordes of Fraunce the Frenche kynge entended what he myght to sette a concorde and peace in the churche Cap. CC.xxv ¶ Of the dethe of the duke of Gloucestre and of the erle of Arundell and howe the kynges vncles and the Londoners tooke the mater Cap. CC.xxvi ¶ Of the great armye that was made in the cytie of Reynes as well by the Emperoure as of the realme of Fraunce on the state of holy churche Cap. CC.xxvii ¶ Howe the erle Marshall in Englande apealed by guage of vttraunce therle of Derby sonne to the duke of Lancastre in the presence of the kynge and his counsayle Cap. CC.xxviii ¶ Howe kyng Richarde gaue sentēce wherby he banysshed out of Englande the erle of Derby forten yere and therle Marshall for euer Cap. CC.xxix ¶ Howe the erle of Derby departed fro Lōdon to go in to Fraunce and the erle Marshall went in to Flaūders and so in to Lombardy Cap. ¶ Howe the lorde Guyllyam erle of Ostrenaunt sent to his cosyn the erle of Derby certayne messangers and howe the erle came to Parys and howe he was receyued Capi. CC.xxxi ¶ Howe the treatie that had been at Reynes bytwene the Frenche kynge and the kyng of Almaygne concernyng the vnyte of the churche was folowed and howe the bysshoppe of Cambrey was sent by the sayd kynges to Rome and to Auignon to them that wrote them selfe popes to th entent that they shuld depose themselfe fro their papalytees submytte them to the order of these two kynges Cap. CC.xxxii ¶ Howe the Frēche kyng assembled the prelates and other noble mē or his realme with the vnyuersyte of Parys to take counsayle howe they shulde order pope Benedic at Auignon Cap. CC.xxxiii ¶ Of the answere of the duke of Lancastre to the knight sent to hym fro his sonne therle of Derby and howe the duke of Lancastre dyed Capi. CC.xxxiiii ¶ Howe the dethe of the duke of Lancastre was knowen in Fraunce the kynge of Englande wrote in maner of ioye to the Frenche kynge therof and wrote nothyng therof to therle of Derby who was the dukes son Capi. CC.xxxv ¶ Of the treatie of a maryage bytwene the erle of Derby the duke of Berreys doughter and howe kyng Richarde of Englande dyde lette it by the erle of Salisbury Cap. CC.xxxvi ¶ Howe kynge Richarde ordayned to go in to the marchesse of Irelande Cap. CC.xxxvii ¶ Howe the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury was sente in to Fraunce to therle of Derby fro the Londoners and other counsayls of Englande to haue hym to retourne in to Englande Cap. CC.xxxviii ¶ Howe the erle of Derby toke leaue of the Frenche kyng and went to his cosyn the duke of Bretayne Cap. CC.xxxix ¶ Howe the erle of Derby arryued in Englande and howe he was receyued of the Lōdoners Capi. CC.xl. ¶ Howe tidynges cāe to kynges Rycharde or the cōmyng of therle of Derby with great puissaunce Capi. CC.xli ¶ Howe kyng Richarde of Englande resined the crowne and the realme in the handes of the erle of Derby duke of Lancastre Cap. CC.xliiii ¶ Of the coronacyon of kynge Henry duke of Lancastre by the consent of the realme the maner of the feest Cap. CC.xlv ¶ Howe newes of the takyng of kyng Rycharde was knowen in Fraunce by the commynge thyder of the lady Coucy and howe the Frenche kynge was displeased Cap. CC.xlvi ¶ Howe the Frenche kyng reysed vp an armye to sende vpon the tronters of Englāde Cap. CC.xlviii ¶ Of the dethe of kynge Richarde of Englande and howe the ●reuse bytwene Englande and Fraunce was renewed and also of the deposycion of pope Benedic at Auignon Cap. CC.xlix ¶ Finis ¶ Howe sir Iohn̄ Bourchier gouernour of Gaunt during the truse had newe vitayled the towne of Gaunt And howe a maner of people called comporsels dyde moche hurte in the countre Capitulo Primo SIr Iohn̄ Bourchier who had the gouernyng of Gaūt vnder kynge Rycharde of Englande the capiteyns of the cōmontie of the towne as Peter de Boyes frāces Atreman and Peterle Myttre They prouyded surely for the warre and duryng the truse they had greatly vitayled and refresshed the towne with all prouision parteyning to the warre and also the castell of Gauure and other places vnder their rule In the same season there was a cōpany of rutters gadered togyder in the wode of Respayle and there they had fortifyed a house so that it coude nat lightly be wonne They were people chased out of Alos of Grantmount and out of other places in Flaūders and had lost all that euer they had and wyst nat how to lyue but by robbyng and pillyng wheresoeuer they coude gete it so that there was as than no spekynge but of these pygges of Respayle This woode is bytwene Reguays and Grauntmount Anghien and Lysen they dyde moche hurt in the lordship of A the in the lande of Floberge and of Lyssues and in the lande of Danghien and these pyllers were borne out by them of Gaunt for vnder the coloure of them they dyde moche hurt as in robbynge and sleynge They wolde go in to Heynalte and take men and women in their beddes and leade them to their forteresse and raunsome thē at their pleasure they made warre to euery man The capitayne of A the who was called Baudrius dela Mocte layde often tymes awayte for them but he coude neuer trappe them they knewe so many shyftes They were so feared in the frōters of Heynalte and Brabant that none durst go that waye in to the countre THe duke of Burgoyne on the other parte for the war● that he loked for he garnysshed and prouided for all his townes in Flāders There was capitayne of Bruges the lorde of Guystelles and of Courtrey sir Iohan Ieumount and sir Willyam of Namure As than sir Willm̄ of Guystels was lorde of Dan and of Courtray sir Iohan Ieumount and sir Peter of Neyper In lykewise in all the townes on the fronter of Fraunce there were men of warre set by the duke of Burgoyne In the towne of Ardenbourcke there was in garyson sir Guy of Pontaillyer marshall of Burgoyn sir Ryflarte of Flaunders sir Iohan of Ieumont sir Henry of Coynge the lorde of Montigny in Ostrenant the lorde of Longueuall sir Iohan Barnet sir Peter Baylleull Philpot Gany Raoleyn dela Foley and dyuers other These men of armes were two hundred and so they toke aduyse toguyder and were in wyll to ryde in to the foure craftes and distroy that countre for moche vitayle came fro thens in to Gaū● And so on a day they departed and toke that way and the same day that the frenche men were rydden forthe there was rydden forthe out of Gaunt a two thousande men mete for the warre and Fraūces Arreman was their capitayne And so sodainly they mette with the frenchmen in a village and whan
of armes the● done the Geneuoys and crosbowes that were in the shyppes shotte so rudely and so hole toguyder at them on the bridge that none of them durste scantely shewe any defence What shulde I make longe tale By force of assault the bridge on the ryuer was wonne and all that were foūde theron slayne and drowned none scaped thus the french men had the bridge of Taylbourc their siege was the easyer It was but thre leages fro faynt Iohn̄s Dangle and two leages fro Xauntes in the best countre of the worlde OF the losse of Tayllebourke they within Dynaudon other were sore dismayed as they had good cause for they had lost therby the passage of the ryuer howe be it yet they wolde nat yelde them They thought thēselfe in a stronge place and trusted on some rescue fro Burdeaux For it was shewed in all those fronters and englysshe forteresses that the duke of Lancastre or elles the erle of Buckyngham with two thousande men of armes four thousande archers shulde come to Burdeaux to fyght with the frenche men and to reyse all their siege Of this they greatly trusted but it fortuned otherwyse as I shall shewe you It was ordayned in Englande that the Duke of Lancastre and sit Iohan Hollande brother to the kynge Sir Thomas Percy six Thomas Tryuet the lorde Fitz water six Wylliam wyndesore sit Iohn̄ Fitzwaren and other barons knightes and squyers with a thousande speares and thre thousande archers shulde haue gone to Burdeaux to haue ben there all the somer and to haue refresshed Mortayne Boutuyll and other fortresses in Gascoyne and Lāguedocke and to fight with the Frenche men if they founde them in the countrey And after that they had taryed there a season than to haue gone fro thens in to Castell to Bayon and to Nauarre For they were in treatie with the kyng of Nauer This was ymagined in Englāde but all tourned to nought for whan they knewe the certaynte that the admyrall of Fraūce with a thousande speares of chosen knightes and squyers were come in to Scotlande Than they chaunged their purpose and durst sende none of their men oute of the realme for they doughted greatly the dedes of the frenche men and Scottes ioyned toguyder Also the same tyme there ranne a voyce through all Englande howe they shulde be the same Somer assayled with the frenchmen in thre ꝑtes One by Bretaygne for the duke there was become frenche And another by Normandye for the whiche as it was sayd The constable of Frāce made his prouisyon at Harflewe and Depe and so a longe the Scesyde to saynt Valeries and to Crotoy And the thirde by the Scottes so that for dought of this they wolde suffre no knightes nor squyers to go out of Englande but made prouisyon to defende their hauyns portes of the see The same season the Erle of Arundell Richarde was admyrall of the See and was on the See with a thre or fourescore great shyppes furnysshed with men of armes and archers And he hadde small shippes that ranne in and oute and viewed the boundes of the yles of Normandy to knowe tidynges ¶ Nowe lette vs leaue to speke of the duke of Burbone and of the siege of Tayllebourcke where as he laye a nyne wekes let vs shewe howe the admyrall of Fraūce toke lande in the realme of Scotlande and what chere they had made to them at their firste lodgynge _tHe Frenche army that went in to scotlande had wynde at wyll It was in the monethe of Maye whan the waters be peaseable and meke and the ayre softe and swete First they costed Flāders Holande zelande and Frise and at last aproched to the sight of Scotlande But are they aryued the● fell an harde aduenture to a yonge knyght of Fraunce a proper man of armes called sir Aubert Dāgyers The knyght was yong and of haute courage and to shewe his strength and lyghtnesse of body he lepte vp clene armed on the walle of the shyppe and in the lightynge his fete slypped and so fell ouer the borde in to the see so that he coulde nat be holpen For incōtynent he sanke downe bycause of the weight of his harnes also the ship sayled euer forthe Of this knightes aduenture all the barownes and knyghtes were sore dyspleased but there was no remedy And so longe they sayled that they arryued at Edenborowe the chiefe towne in Scotlande And whe● as the kyng in tyme of peace moost cōmenly laye And as soone as the erle Duglas and the Erle Morette knewe of their cōmynge they wente to the hauyn and mette with them and receyued them swetely Sayeng howe they were right welcome in to that countrey And the barons of Scotlande knewe ryght well sir Geffray de Charney for he had been the somer before two monethes in their company sir Geffray acquaynted them with the Admyrall and the other knyghtes of Fraunce As at that tyme the kynge of Scottes was nat there for he was in the wylde scottysshe But it was shewed these knight● howe the kyng wolde be there shortly wherwith they were well content and so were lodged there about in the vyllages For Edenborough thoughe the kynge kepte there his chefe resydence and that it is Parys in Scotlāde yet it is nat lyke Tourney or Valencēnes for in all the towne there is nat foure thousande houses Therfore it behoued these lordes and knyghtes to be lodged about in vyllages As at Donfer Me lyne Castell Dōbare Aluest and suche other Anone tidynges sprange about in Scotlande that a great nombre of men of armes of Fraūce were come into their countre Some therat dyde murmure and grudge and sayde Who the deuyll hath sente for theym What do they here Can nat we maynteyne our warre with Englande well ynoughe withoute their helpe We shall do no good as longe as they be with vs Let it be shewed vnto them that they may retourne agayne And that we be stronge ynough in Scotlande to maynteyne our warre without theym And therfore we wyll none of their company They vnderstande nat vs nor we them therfore we can nat speke toguyder They wyll anone ryffle and eate vp all that euer we haue in this countrey They shall doo vs more dispytes and domages than thoughe the Englysshe men shulde fyght with vs. For thoughe the Englysshe men brinne our houses we care lytell therfore We shall make them agayne chepe ynough We axe but thre dayes to make them agayne if we maye geate foure or fyue stakes and bowes to couer them ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the Frenche men founde a wylde countrey of Scotlande and were yuell content with thadmyrall and howe he pacifyed thē with fayre wordes And howe Fraunces Atreman and his company had nere hande taken Ardenbourcke in Flaūders Cap. iii. THus the scottes sayde in Scotlande at the comynge of the frenchmen thyder for they dyde sette nothynge by them but hated them in their courage and diframed theym in their
brent and rased downe for they sawe well that it was nat to be kept seyng that it was so farr in Englande as it was Than the admyrall scottes rode towarde Auwike in the lande of the lorde Percy lodged there about brent certayne villages and so came to another castell of therle of Northūberlandes standyng on the see syde but they assayled it nat for they knew well they shulde lese their payne And so they rode all about that fronter halfwaye bytwene Berwyke Newcastell on the ryuer of Tyne and there they vnderstode howe that the duke of Lācastre therle of Northūberlande the erle of Notingham the lorde Neuell and the barons of those marches of Northūberlande of the bysshoprikes of yorke Dyrham were comynge on them with a great power Whan thadmyrall of Fraunce knewe therof he was right ioy full and so were all the barons of Fraūce that were in his cōpany for they desyred to haue batayle but the scottes cared Iytell therfore there they were counsayled to returne againe towarde Berwyke bycause of their prouisyon that folowed them also to be nere their owne coūtre and there to abyde for their ennemyes So thadmyrall beleued thē and returned towarde Berwyke wherof sir Thomas Redman was capitayne with hym right good men of armes So the french men and scottes lay before the towne but assayled it nat so passed by the next day and toke the waye to Burbourcke to retourne to their owne countrees Tidynges was brought anon in to Englāde howe the frēchmen scottes were in Northum berlāde distroyed and brent the coūtre The kynge of Englande knewe rightwell before of their comynge wherfore the lordes were redy in the felde toke their way towarde the scottes Thenglysshmen had made that somer the grettest prouisyon that euer they made to go in to Scotlande bothe by lande water They had a .xxvi. vessels on the fee charged with ꝓuision costyng the frōters of Englande redy to entre in to euery hauen of Scotland And the kyng cāe him selfe acōpanyed with his vncles therle of Cābridge sir Thoin̄s Holand Ther was also therle of Salisbury therle of Atūdell the yong erle of Penbroke the yong lorde Spēsar therle of Stafforde therle Mysien so many barons knightes that they were four M. speres besyde them that were before with the duke of Lācastre therle of Northūberlāde therle therle of Notynghm̄ the lorde Lucy the lorde Neuell The lordes barons that were on before pursuyng the scottes were a two M. speares .xv. M. archers And the kynge the lordes were fyftie M. archers besyde varlettes The kyng folowed the duke of Lancastre so fast that he and all his host came in to the marches about yorke for on the way tidynges cāe to the kyng howe that his people that were before were likely to fight with the scottes in the marches of Northūberlande therfore he made the gretter hast so the kyng cāe at last to sait Iohn̄s of Beuerley in the marches of Dyrhin̄ And ther tidynges came to the kyng how that the scottes were returned in to their owne countre so all the men of warre lodged about in the marches of Northūberland ¶ Nowe shall I shewe you of an aduēture that fell in thēglysshe hoost wherby that voyage was broken mortall warre bytwene certayne of the lordes ¶ Howe sir Iohn̄ Hollande slewe sir Rycharde Stafforde howe therle of Stafforde came to the kyng to demaunde iustyce Cap. xii IN the marches of sait Iohn̄ of Beuerley in the dyoces of yorke The kynge of England was lodged with a great nombre of erles barons and knightes for euery man lay as nere the kyng as they might and specially his two vncles ser Thomas Holande erle of Lien and sir Iohan Holande his brother In the kynges company there was a knyght of Boesme was come to se the quene of Englande and for loue of the quene the kyng and the lordes made hym good chere His name was sir Myles he was a fresshe lustye knight after the vsage of Almaygne And so it fortuned besyde a vyllage nere to sait Iohans of Beuerley that there fell wordes bitwene this knight two squyers of sir Iohan of Hollandes brother to the kynge and to the wordes there came two archers of sir Iohan Staffordes The wordes so multiplyed that the two archers toke parte with the straunger and blamed the two squyers sayng Sirs yedo wrōge to medyll with this knight for ye knowe he is belongyng to the quene and of her countre ye ought rather to support him than otherwise Than one of the squyers sayd What enuyous knaue Hast thou to do thoughe I blame hym for his folly What haue I to do quod the archer I haue right well to do therwith for he is companyon to my mayster Therfore I wyll nat be in the place to suffre hym to receyue any villany yea quod the squyer if I thought thou woldest ayde hym agaynste me I wolde put this swerd through thy body made coūtnaūce as thoughe he wolde haue stryken him The archer stepped backe with his bowe whiche was redy bente And sette an arowe therin and drewe it vp and shotte agaynst the squyer that the arowe pearsed thoroughe body hart and so fell downe deed Whan the other squyer sawe his felowe deed he fledde awaye and sir Myles retourned to his lodgynge The two archers went to their maister and shewed hym all the aduenture Sir Richarde Stafforde sayde Thou hast done right yuell Sir quod the archer I coude do none otherwise without I wolde haue been slayne my selfe and I had rather haue slayne hym thā he shulde haue slayne me Well quod sir Rycharde Go thy waye that thou be nat founde and I shall entreate for thy peace with sir Iohan of Holande by my father or by some other So the archer deꝑted TIdynges anone was brought to sir Iohan of Holande that an archer of sir Richarde Staffordes had slayne a squyer of his that man that he loued best in all the worlde and it was shewed hym the maner howe And that it was for the cause of sir Myles the straūger Whan sir Iohan of Holande was well enfourmed of this aduenture he was ryght sore displeased and sayd I shall neuer eate nor drike tyll it be reuenged Than he lepte on his horse and toke certayne of his men with hym and departed fro his owne lodgynge It was as than right late and so rode in to the feldes and enquered Where sir Myles was lodged It was shewed hym he was lodged in the reregarde with the erle of Deuurynters and therle of Stafforde Than sir Iohan Hollande toke the waye thyder warde and sought to fynde sir Myles And as he and his men rode vp downe amonge the hedges and busshes in a straite waye he mette at aduenture with sir Richarde Stafforde and bicause it was night he demaūded who was there I am
quod he Rycharde Stafforde And I am Hollande quod the other and I seke for the. One of thy seruauntes hath slayne my best beloued squyer And therwith drewe out his sworde and strake Richarde Stafforde so that he slewe hym fell downe deed whiche was great pytie So he passed for the and knewe nat well what he had done but he sawe well one falle to the grounde Sir Richarde Staffordes men were sore dismayd whan they sawe their maister deed than they cryed A Holande Holande ye haue slayne the sonne of therle of Stafforde This wyll be heuy tidynges to the father whan̄e he knoweth therof Some of sir Iohan of Holandes seruauntes herde well these wordes and sayde to their mayster Sir ye haue slayne sir Rycharde Stafforde Well quod sir Iohan Hollade what than I had leauer haue slayne him than a worse The better haue I reuenged the dethe of my squyer Than sir Iohan of Hollande wente streyght to saynt Iohans of Beuerley and tooke the fraunchesse of the towne and abode there styll For he knewe well there wolde be moche a do in the hooste for the dethe of that knight And he wyst nat what the kynge wolde saye or do in the mater So to eschue all paryllce he tooke sentuarye in the towne of saynt Iohans of Beuerley TIdynges anone came to the Erle of Stafforde howe his sonne was slayne by yuell aduenture Thafie the erle demaunded who had slayne hym And suche as were by hym whan he was slayne sayd sir the kynges brother sir Iohen of Holande dyd slee hym And shewed hym the cause why and howe it was ye maye well knowe that he that loued entierly his sonne and hadde no mo but hym and was a fayre yonge knyght and a coutagyous was marueylously sore dyspleased and sente incontynent for all his frendes to haue their counsayle howe he shulde vse hym selfe in the reuengynge of his dethe The moost wysest man of his counsayle sayd Sir to morowe in the mornynge shewe all the matter to the kyng and desyre hym to haue lawe and iustyce Thus they suaged som what his yre and so passed that night And the nexte mornynge Rycharde Stafforde was buryed in the churche of the vyllage therby And at his buryeng were all those of his lynage barons knightes and squyers that were in armye And the obsequy done the erle of Stafforde and a thre score of his lygnage mounted on their horses and so came to the kynge who was well enformed of that yuell aduenture And so the Erle founde the kyng and his vncles toguyder and a great nombre of knightes with them Whan the erle came before the kyng he kneled downe and all wepynge sayde with a soroufull harte Sir ye are kynge of Englande and haue solemly sworne to kepe Englāde in all right to do iustyce ser ye knowe how your brother wtout any tytell of reason hath slayne my sonne and ayre Sir I requyre you do me right and iustyce or els ye shall haue no worse enemy than I wyll be And sir I wyll ye knowe the dethe of my son toucheth me so nere that and it were nat for brekynge of this voyage that we be in I shulde bring the host in to suche trouble that with honour it shulde be amended and so coūteruenged that it shulde be spoken of a hūdred yeres hereafter in Englande But as nowe I wyll cease tyll this voyage in to Scotlande be done for our ennemyes shall nat reioyse of the trouble of the erle of Stafforde The kyng answered Knowe for trouthe that I shall do you iustyce and reason as fatforthe as all my barones wyll iudge I shall nat fayle therof for no brother that I haue Than they of the erles lynage sayd Sir ye haue sayd well we thanke you therof Thus the lynage of sir Richarde Stafforde was apeased and so helde on their iourney in to Scotlande And all the iourney the erle of Stafforde made no semblant of the dethe of his sonne wherin all the barons reputed hym right sage ⸪ ⸫ ¶ Howe the kyng of Englande caused to be distroyed the church of meurous in Scotlande and howe the barons of Scotlande answered the admyrall of Fraunce and deuyied to leaue Scotlande and to let the Englesshe men alone Cap. xiii THus auaunsed forthe the kyng of Englande with seuyn thousande men of armes and threscore thousand archers All the strength of the realme of Englāde was there For it was sayd howe the admyrall of Fraunce wolde fight with thē and in dede he had great desyre and wyll so to do for he sayde to the barons of Scotlande or they came forthe Sirs make your sommons to gette as moche strength as ye can for if the Englysshe men come in to Scotlande I wyll surely fight with thē The scottes sayd as than howe they were content therwith howe be it after they toke other aduyse The kynge of Englande passed forthe so fary that he passed Duresme and Newe castell on the ryuer of Tyne and all the lande of Northumberlande and so at laste came to Berwyke wherof sir Mathue Redman was capitayne who receyued the kynge ioyfully and the kyng taryed nat ther long but passed forthe ouer the ryuer of Twede and toke his lodgynge at the abbey of Mewrous the whiche for all the warres that had been bytwene Englande and Scotlande had neuer no hurt nor domage but as than it was clene brnet and exiled For it was th entent of the englyssh men nat to retourne agayne in to Englande tyll they had distroyed all Scotlande bycause they were fortifyed at that tyme by the frenche men Whan̄e the admyrall of Fraunce knewe that the kynge of Englande was passed the ryuer of Twede and was entred in to Morlane in Scotlande Than he sayd to the barons of Scotlande Sirs why do we sytte styll Let vs go forthe and aduyse our ennemyes fyght with them It was shewed vs or we came here that if ye had out of Fraunce but one thousāde of good men of armes ye shulde be stronge ynoughe to fyght with the Englysshe men And I ensure you ye haue mo than a thousāde and fyue hundred cror bowes And surely the knightes and squyers that be here in my company ar parfyte men of armes and the floure of chiualrye and wyll nat flye but abyde suche aduenture as god wyll sende you and them TO these wordes answered the barones of Scotlāde who knewe so well the puissaunce of the Englysshe men that they hadde no wyll to fight with them Wherfore they said Sirs we beleue well that ye and your company be chosen men and of great valure But sir we haue knowledge that all the power of Englande is here there were neuer so many Englysshe men toguyder assembled as be nowe And ye wyll we shall bringe you in to suche a place that ye shall well se and aduyse theym And thanne if ye counsayle that they shall be fought with all it shall nat be
refused by vs. For surely sir all suche wordes as ye haue said we dyde speke them A goddes name quod the admyrall let me ones se thē And so anon after therle Dugles and other barons of Scotlāde brought thadmyrall vnto a highe mountayne and vnder the hyll there was a passage wherby thēglysshe host must passe on this hyll was thadmyrall with diuers knightꝭ of Fraūce in his company And there clerely they sawe the Englysshe men and all their puissaunce and ther they nombred them as nere as they coude to be a sire thousande men of armes threscore thousande archers and other Than all thynges cōsydred they sayd howe they were nat of puyssaunce suffycient to fight with the Englysshemen for they passed nat a thousande speares a .xxx. thousande of all other men and but yuell armed Than the admyrall sayd to the etle Duglas and to therle Morette Sirs ye saye but good reason thoughe ye haue no wyll to fight with the Englisshe men Therfore aduyse you what ye wyll do they are stronge ynoughe to ouer ryde all your countrey and to distroy it And sithe ye maye nat fight with them I pray you bring me throughe your countre by some priuye waye in to Englande if it maye be and we shall make them warre in some other parte as they do to vs here Sir ꝙ the barones that shall we well do for we knowe dyuers wayes TO thus the admyrall and the barones of Scotlande determyned to forsake Scotlande and to lette the Englyssh men alone and to go entre into Wales and to go to the cytie of Carlyle and there to reuenge them So they lefte the Englysshe men and toke the forestes and mountayns and as they rode throughe out Scotlande they distroyed all as they wente and brent townes vyllages and maners and caused all the men women chyldren of the coūtre to driue all their catayle and to go into that wylde forestes for they knewe well the Englisshe men wolde nat folowe them thyder And the kynge of Scottes wente in to the wylde scottysshe bicause he wes nat ī good poynt to ryde a warfare and they he taryed all the warre durynge and lette his men alone So the Frenche men and Scottes passed the highe mountayns bytwene Northumberlāde and Scotlande and entred in to the lande of Wales and began to brenne villages and dyd moche hurte in the Mombrayes landes And the erle of Notyngham the erle of Stafforde and the barone of Grasoppe and the Mosgr●ues landes and so they toke the waye to the cytie of Carlyle ¶ Howe the kyng of Englande toke Edēborowe the chefe cytie of Scotlande and howe the duke of Lancastre was in purpose to retourne in to wales to close in the frenchmen and scottes and what the frenche men the scottes dyde in the sayd countre Cap. xiiii THe admyrall of Fraūce was the erle of Graunt Pre and the lorde of saynt Croix sir Geffray of Charney ser Wyl lyam de Brume sir Iames of Boesme the lorde of Pegny the lorde of Hee s the lorde of Marnell sir Valeran of Rauenall the barone D●●ery the barone of Fountayns the lorde of Croye sir Brake of Braquemont the lorde of Landury and well a thousande speres of barons knightes of Fraunce And so they and the lordes of Scotlande rode in Northūberlande bytwene the mountayns on the fronters of Wales brennyng townes maners and countrees And the kyng of Englande and his vncles with barons and knightes of Englāde and their companyes entred in to Scotlande and brent and exyled on their parte And so the kyng came and lodged in Edenborowe the chefe towne in all Scotlande and there taryed fyue dayes and at his departyng it was set a fyre brent vp clene but the castell had no hurt for it was stronge ynough and well kept Whyle the kyng lay at Edenborowe thenglysshmen rode abrode in the countre and dyd moche hurt but they foūde nother man nor beest abrode for all was withdrawen in to the forestes In the Englysshe hoost were mo than a hūdred thousāde men and well as many horse wherof they had nede of great prouisyon and they foūde none in Scotlande but out of Englande there cāe to thē great plentie bothe by lande and by see Than the kyng departed fro Edēborowe and rode towarde Estruleyn a good towne wherin there was a great abbey of blacke monkes and moost cōmenly the kynges of Scotlande are there buryed The kyng lay in the abbey at their deꝑtyng abbey all was brent Than they passed the ryuer of Taxe whiche ronneth to saint Iohn̄s towne at the castell of Strulyn there was a great assaute but it wolde nat be wonne yet the towne and all the landes of the lorde Vercy they brent THe entent of the duke of Lancastre and of his bretherne was to passe through Scotlande and to pursue the scottes and frenche men for they knew well they were gone the waye to Wales to go to Carlyle And so they thought to enclose thē bytwene Englande and Scotlande and to fight with them at their aduauntage This purpose they thought veryly to holde Thenglysshe men spredde abrode in Scotlāde there was no resystence agaynst thē for the countre was voyde of all men of warre they were gone in to Englande with the admyrall of Fraunce And so there the Englysshmen brent the towne of saynt Iohn̄s where as the ryuer of Taxe rynneth and there is a good hauen to sayle thens ouer all the worlde and after they brent the towne of Donde The Englyssh men spared nother abbeys nor minsters but set all on fyre And so they of the vowarde ran to Bredan whiche is a cytie on the see syde It is on thentre of the wylde scottysshe but they dyd no hurte therto howe be it they of the countrey were right sore afrayed They of that cytie thought to haue assaute for they feared leest the kynge of Englande wolde haue come thyder and haue ouer ron all that countre THus in lykewise as the Englysshemen dyde in Scotlande so dyd the frenche men and scottes in Englande in the marchesse of Northumberlande and Wales they brent a great countre as they went out of Northumberlande and entred in to Wales whiche was otherwise called Wynslande and passed by the landes of the lordes of Graystocke and Clyfforde and brent in their voyage dyuers great villages for they were no men of warre in that coūtre as than for they were all with the kyng So they came to the cyte of Catlyle in Wales whiche was well closed with gatꝭ walles dykes It was a place that of auncyent tyme kynge Arthure loued rightwell bycause that there were great woodes and many dedes of armes there was done There laye in Carlyle in garison sir Lewes Clyfforde brother to sir Wyllm̄ Neuell and with hym sir Thom̄s Mosgraue and Dauy Holgraue his sonne and sir Dongorsse and dyuers other of the marchesse and fronters of Wales for the
cytte of Carlyle was chiefe cytie of all that countre and it was nede full for good men of warre to be the● for whan the admyrall of Fraunce came thyder he assayled the cytie by great force the whiche assaute was cruell and fierse So thus before the cytie there were many noble dedes of armes done ⸪ ¶ Howe the erle of Oxenforde brake the pursute that the kyng of Englād had thought to haue made in to wales after the frenche men and scottes And howe the kynge retourned the same waye that he came and howe the frenche men and scottes determyned to retourne agayne in to Scotlāde Cap. xv THe kyng of Englandes vncles knewe well what waye the admyrall of Fraūce and the scottes helde said how they thought it for the best to folowe theym and to serche tyll they myght fynde them and so to fight with them Sayeng howe they coude in no wyse escape them In this purpose was the duke of Lancastre and his bretherne and dyuers other of the great barons of Englande and the moost parte of the cōmons of the hoost And as than all their prouisyon was come as well by lande as by see and the kynge also was agreed to the same purpose and than on a night the erle of Oxenforde who was as than chiefe of counsayle with the kynge bare all the rule the kyng trusted no man so moche He turned the kyng cleue fro his purpose I can nat shewe you for what cause but the enformed the kyng as it was knowen after and said sir What thynke ye to do Wyll ye folowe the way that your vncles hath counsayled Sir knowe for trouth that if ye do so ye shall neuer returne agayne For sir the duke of Lācastre desyreth none other thynge but that ye were deed that he might be kyng Howe durst he coūsayle yor grace to go this wynter season in to a strange countrey Sir I wolde nat counsayle you to passe the moūtayns of Northumberlande for there be mo than .xxx. streightes and passages that if ye were closed in them ye shulde neuer come out agayne without daunger of the scottes Sir putte nat youre selfe in to that daunger what soeuer they saye to you If the duke of Lancastre wyll go lette hym go and haue the charge therof but by my counsayle ye shall nat go Sir ye haue done ynough for this one tyme. youre father was neuer so farre within Scotlande nor yet Kynge Edwarde youre graunt father Therfore sir this oughte to contente you and saue youre owne persone ye be yonge and lusty And suche there be that sheweth you sayre semblant and loueth you but l●tell The kynge gaue suche audyence to the sayeng of this erle that it went neuer out of his mynde as ye shall herafter THe next mornyng the lordes of Englande and their people ordred them selfe to deꝑte out of Scotlāde and to folowe their ennemyes to fight with them as it was concluded the night before Than the duke of Lancastre came to the king his nephue nat knowyng of the trouble and chaunge of his purpose ▪ and the kynge beyng in his malencoly assone as he sawe hym he sayd in great yre Certesse vncle of Lācastre ye shall nat attayne as yet to your entent Thynke you for all your wordes that we wyll lese our selfe folisshely I wyll nat beleue you nor yet your coūsayle for I se therby more domage than profyte to vs and to our people For if ye wyll make this voyage do it and ye lyste but as for me I wyll nat For I wyll retourne into Englande the nexte waye and all suche as loue vs wyll folowe vs. Than the duke of Lancastre sayd Sir I shall folowe you for ye haue neuer a man in your company that loueth you so well as I do also my bretherne And if there be any man wyll saye except your persone that I wolde any thynge otherwyse than well to you or to your people here is my guage to the cōtrarie So there was none that wolde speke any worde And the kynge helde his peace and spake to other of his seruauntes of other maters and orderyng hymselfe to returne into Englande the same way that he came and the duke of Lācastre departed fro the kynge right sore troubled in his mynde and returned to his cōpany and made newe ordynaūce for in the morning they had thought to haue folowed the frenchmen in to the marches of Wales but they dyde nat so for they retourned the next waye in to Englande Lo thus ye may se howe thetle of Oxēforde who was great with the kyng brake all this voyage and dyuers of the great lordes sayd that the kyng was yuell counsayled Seynge that all the prouisyon was come For they sayd they might well haue folowed the scottes in to Wales For in their so doyng they shulde euer haue drawen in to Englande warde And some ꝑsons that were wery of payne and trauell said howe that all thynges cōsidred they were better to retourne than to go any further Sayeng howe a great ꝓuision must be had to scrue suche an host howe it was yuell to passe the mountayns that wynter season wherby they sayd they might rather lese than wynne THus in his season brake vp the iorney and army of Englande and the kynge and his lordes retourned in to Englande the same way they came but they hadde distroyed the moost parte of the realme of Scotlande These tidynges came to the admyrall of Fraūce and to the scottes than they tooke counsayle what was best for them to do and so concluded to retourne agayne in to Scotlande for their vitails began to fayle and they were in a poore countrey for they had distroyed the marches of Carlyle and the landes of the barone of Clyfforde the lorde Maubray and the bysshoprike of Carlyle but the cytie they coude nat wynne And the frenche men sayd howe they had brent and distroyed in the bysshorike of Dyrhame Carlyle that was better worthe than all the townes in Scotlande So the frenchmen and scottes retourned in to Scotlande the same waye they came And whan they came into Scotlāde they founde the countrey distroyed but the people of the countre dyde sette but lytell therby and said howe with thre or four poles shortely they wolde make agayne their houses for they had saued moche of their catayle in the forestes But all that the frenche men tooke they were fayne to paye truely therfore and dere The frenche men were often in great daunger for the scottes and they were at many debates for vitayle And the scotes sayd howe the frenche men dyde them more demage than the Englysshe men had done when it was demaunded of them why so they answered and sayde howe the frenche men as they rode abrode they beate downe desoyled their cornes as whete barley and otes and wolde nat kepe the highe wayes but rather ryde throughe the corne Of whiche demages they said they
was made chefe ruler of all the meane Craftes in the towne of Gaunte whiche also was a great and a profytable offyce ⸫ ⸪ ¶ Howe sir Iohn̄ Froyssart auctour of this cronycle departed out of Fraunce and wente to the erle of Foiz and the maner of his voyage Cap. xxi IT is longe nowe sith I made any mencion of the busynesses of farre Countreis for the busynesses nerer home hath ben so fresshe that I lafte all other maters to write therof Howe be it all this season valyant men desyring to auaūce them selfe on the realme of Castell and Portyngale In Gascoyne in Rouergue in Quercy in Lymosyn and in Bygore Euery day they ymagined by what subteltie they coulde gette one of another by dedes of armes or by stealyng of townes castels fortresses And therfore I Iohn̄ Froyssart who haue taken on me to cronycle this present hystorie at the req̄st of the highe renomed prince sir Guy of Chatellon erle of Bloyse lorde of Dauesnes Beauuoys Destonhon of la Guede my souerayne mayster good lorde Cōsydring in my selfe howe there was no great dedes of armes likely towarde in the parties of Picardy or Flaūders Seyng the peace was made bytwene the duke and them of Gaunt And it greatly anoyed me to be ydell for I knewe well that after my deth this noble and highe hystorie shulde haue his course wherin dyuers noble men shulde haue great pleasure and delyte And as yet I thāke god I haue vnderstandyng and remembraūce of all thynges passed and my wyt quicke and sharpe ynough to conceyue all thinges shewed vnto me touchyng my princypall mater my body as yet able to endure and to suffre payne All thynges cōsydred I thought I wolde nat lette to pursue my sayde first purpose And to ●●tent to knowe the trouthe of dedes done in 〈◊〉 countrie● I founde occasion to go to the ●●ghe and mighty prince Gascone erle of Foiz and of Byerne for I knewe well that if I might haue that grace to come in to his house and to be there at leysar I coude nat be so well enformed to my purpose in none other place of the worlde for thyder resorted all maner of knightes and strāge squyers for the great noblenes of the sayd erle and as I ymagined so I dyd And shewed to my redoubted lorde the Erle of Bloyes myne entent and he gaue me letters of recōmendacions to therle of Foiz And so rong I tode without parell or domage that I cāe to his house called Ortaise in the coūtre of Berne on saynt Katheryns day the yere of grace M. thre hundred fourscore and eight And the sayd erle as soone as he sawe me he made me good chere and smylyng sayd howe he knewe me yet he neuer sawe me before but he had often herde spekyng of me and so he reteyned me in his house to my great ease with the helpe of the letters of credence that I brought vnto hym so that I might tary there at my pleasure there I was enfourmed of the busynesse of the realmes of Castyle Portyngale Nauar and Aragon yea and of the realme of Englande coūtre of Burbonoyse and Galcoyne And the erle him selfe if I dyd demaunde any thyng of him he dyde shewe me all that he knewe Sayenge to me howe thy storie that I had begon shulde hereafter be more praysed than any other and the reason he sayd why was this Howe that .l. yere passed there had been done more marueylous dedes of armes in the worlde than in thre hundred yere before that Thus was I in the court of the erle of Foiz well cherysshed and at my pleasure it was the thyng that I moost desyred to knewe newes as touchyng my mater And I had at my wyll lordes knightes squiers euer to enforme me and also the gentle erle hym self I shall nowe declare in fayre langage all that I was enfourmed of to encrease therby my mater and to gyue ensample to thē that lyste to auaunce them selfe Here before I haue recounted great dedes of armes takynge and sautynge townes and castelles and batayles and harde encountrynges and yet here after ye shall here of many mo the whiche by the grace of god I shall make iust narracion ye haue herde here before that whan the lorde Edmonde sonne to the kynge of Englande erle of Cambridge was deerted fro the realme of Portingale and had take shypping at Lustbourke and howe he had made c●u●nant that Iohan to recouer our herytage So thus we become byder paraduēture nat so many as ye wrote for but suche as I haue here be of suche good wylles that they dare well abyde the aduenture of batayle agaynst all those that be nowe present with the erle of Tryslmate and surely we shall nat be content with you without we haue batayle Suche wordes or lyke the Erle of Cambridge shewed to the kyng of Portingale or he departed the whiche kyng herde thē well howe be it he neuer durste gyue batayle on the playne of Saluence whafic he was before the spaynierdes nor they of the countre wolde nat gyue hym counsayle therto but sayde to hym Sir the puyssaunce of the kyng of Castell is as nowe so great and that by fortune or mysad ●enture that ye lese the ●elde ye lese than youre realme for euer Wherfore it were better ye suffred than to do a thyng wherby ye shulde haue domage and parell And whan t●e erle of Cambridge sawe it wolde be none otherwyse Here tourned to Lusenborne and aparelled his shyppes and toke leaue of the kyng of Portyngale and so toke the see with his company wolde nat leaue Iohan his sonne in Portingale with the kyng nor with the lady that he shulde mary with all The chylde was but yonge and so thus the erle reteurned in to Englande Thus was the dealyng as than of the iourney in Portyngale THe erle of Cambridge retourned in to Englande on the maner as ye haue her de before and shewed his brother the Duke of Lancastre all the dealynge of kynge Ferant of Portyngale The duke was sorie therof for he sawe thereby that his conquest of Castell was farre of and also kyng Richarde of Englande had abouth h●m c●ūsayle that were nat after his apetyte and specially the●le of Or●forde who was chefe in the kinges fauour This erle dyd set as great trouble bytwene the kyng and his vncles as he might and said oftentymes to the kyng sir ●fye wyll folowe the myndes of your vncles the duke of Lancastre the crle of Cambridge it shall well cost all the treasure in Englande about their warre in Spayne and yet they shall cēquere nothyng It were better for you to kepe your owne people and your money than to spende it abrode where as ye can gette no profyte and kepe and defende your owne he rytage wherin ye haue war●e on all sydes as well by Fraunce as by Scotlande rather than to enploy your tyme in
and therle of Foiz howe be it nowe they are in peace But the armynagoise and Labrisience wan but lytell by that warre For on a saynt Nycholas euyn the yere of our lorde a thousande thre hūdred threscore and two Th erle of Foiz toke in batayle therle of Armynake the lorde Dalbret his nephue and all the noble men that were with them and so ledde thē as prisoners to Ortaise wherby the erle of Foiz hath receyued ten tymes a hundred thousande frankes And it fortuned after that the father of the erle of Armynake nowe lyueng called sir Iohan of Armynake made a iourney toke this towne of Casseres and they had with them a .ii. hundred men of armes and so thought to kepe the towne by strength These tidynges whan they came to the knowledge of the erle of Foiz beynge as tha●●e at Panne He lyke a sage and a valyant knight called to hym two bastard bretherne of his ▪ called ● Arnalt Guyllam and sir Pier de Bierne and sayd to them sirs I wyll ye ryde incontynent to Cass●eres I shall sende you men on euery syde and within thre dayes I shal be with you my selfe and let none come out of the towne but that ye fight with thē for ye shal be stronge ynoughe And whan ye come there cause the men of the countre to bring thyder great plentie of wode busshes and fagottꝭ and choke the gates therwith and than wtout that make stronge barryers for I wyll that they that be within be so enclosed that they issue nat out of the gares I shall cause them to take another way These two knightes dyd his cōmaūdement and so wente to Palamuche all men of warre of Bierne folowed them and so they came before this towne of Casseres they that were within sette lytell by them but they were nat were howe they were enclosed within the towne so that they coulde nat issue oute at any gate And the thirde day the erle of Foiz came thider with fyue hūdred men of armes and as sone as he came he caused barryers to be made rounde about the towne also barriers roūde about his host bycause they shulde nat be troubled in the night tyme. so in this case they laye longe without any assaut in so moche that vitayle began to fayle them within for thoughe they had wyne great plentie they had nothyng to eate Nor they coulde nat flye awaye by the ryuer for it was as than̄e to depe Than they thought it were better to yelde thē selfe as prisoners than to dye so shamefully for famyne so fell in treaty Th erle of Foiz agreed to their treatie so that they shulde nat issue oute at no gate but to make a hole in the wall and go out therat to come one by one without armoure so to yelde them as prisoners It behoued thē to take this waye and so made a hole in the wall and issued oute one by one And there was the erle redy and all his people in order of batayle to receyue them as prisoners and euer as they came out the Erle sent them to dyuers castelles as prisoners and his cosyn sir Iohn̄ of Armynake sir Bernarde Dalbret and sir Manalt of Barlabason sir Raymōde de Benache sir Benedicke de la Corneyle and a twentie of the beste personages he ledde with hym to Ortaise and or they departed he had of them two hundred thousande trāke● and thus was this hole in the wall made than we wente to our supper And the nexte day we rode a longe by the ryuer of Garon and passed by Palamuche and than we entred in to the lande of the erle of Comynges and Armynake and on the other syde was the ryuer of Garon and the lande of therle of Foiz And as we rode this knight shewed me a stronge towne called Marteras the Toussa● ꝑteyninge to therle of Comynges on the other syde of the ryuer on the moūtayne He shewed me two castelles parteyninge to the erle of Foiz the one called Mountarall and the other Mountclare And as we rode bytwene these townes and castelles a longe by the ryuer of Garon in a fayre medowe this knight sayd to me sir Iohan I haue sene here many fayre scrimysshes and encountrynges bytwene the foizois and armynakes for as than there was no towne nor castell but that was well furnysshed with men of warre so they warred eche vpon other The armynakes agaynst yonder two castelles made a bastyde and kept it with men of warre and dyde moche hurt in the erle of Foiz lande But I shall shewe you howe it fortuned The erle of Foiz on a night sent his brother Peter de Bierne with two hūdred speres and with them a four hundred villayns of the countre charged with fagottꝭ moche wode and busshes and brought it to the bastide and than sette fyre theron and so brent the bastyde and all them that were within without mercy and sithe it was neuer made agayne So in suche deuyses we rode all that day a longe by the ryuer of Garon and what on the one syde and on the other we sawe many fayre castelles and fortresses All that were on our lyfte hande parteyned to therle of Foiz and the other syde parteyned to therle of Armynake And so thus we passed by Montpesac a fayre castell a strōge standyng on an highe rocke vnderneth was the towne and the highe way and without the towne a lytell there was a place called ala gardea and a towre bitwene the rocke and the ryuer whiche towre had a gate and a portcolyse of yron sixe men might well kepe this passage agaynst all the worlde for there coulde no man passe but two on a front what for the towre on the one syde the ryuer on the other syde than I sayd to the knyght sir here is a stronge passage and a myghtie countre it is true quod the knight and though thentre be stronge yet the erle of Foiz dyde conquere it ones and he all his passed the same waye with the helpe of the archers of Englāde that he had as than in his company and the great desyre that they had to passe in to the countre Come ryde nere me sir quod he I shall shewe you howe it was and so I rode iuste by hym ● and than he sayd Sir on a tyme the Erle of Armynake and the lorde Dalbret with a fyue hūdred men of warre cāe in to the countre of Foiz and to the marches of Pauyers And this was in the begynnynge of August whan men dyd gather in their cornes and the grapes were rype at whiche tyme there was great habundaunce in the countre Than sir Iohan of Armynake and his company lodged before the towne Sauredun a lytell leage fro the cytie of Pauyers And he sente to them of Pauyers that without they wolde bye their cornes and wynes and pay for them they said els they wolde brinne
castell Nantylleur standyng on these laundes nere to the castell Lameu And as he wente thyderwarde one shewed hym that the castell Nantylleur was voyde and they departed that kepte it Than̄e sir Garses taryed in the selde deuysed what was best than to do Than the seneshall of No besen sayd sir this castell of Nantylleur is in my bayliwyke and it ought to parteyne to the erle of Foiz I praye you let me haue it and I shall make it to be so kepte on my proper coste and charge that no man that wyll any hurte to the contrarye shall neuer entre therin Sir quod they of Tholous he sayeth well and he is a valyant man it were better he had it than another Well quod sir Garses I am content Thus the castell of Nātylleur was delyuered to the seneschall of Nobesen who incontynent rode thyder and founde it clene voyde Than he newly fortifyed that was broken and heset therin a capitayne a squyer of the countre called Fortefey saynt Poule than he retourned to the siege of Maluoysen where the duke was and also thyder was come sir Garses all his company and shewed the duke all that he had done This siege endured about a .vi. wekes and nighe euery day there was scrimysshinge at the barryers at laste they withoute stopped their water so that their sesterns began to drie and in sixe wekes their fell nat a droppe of rayne the season was so drie and hote and they wtout had ease ynoughe by reason of the fayre ryuer Whan they wtin sawe what case they were in they were sore abasshed for they sawe well they coude nat long endure Wyne they hadde plentie but fresshe water fayled them Than̄e they aduysed to fall in treatie with the duke so they dyde And Raymonde de lespee purchased a saue conduct to go in to the hoost to speke with the duke and so he dyd and sayd Sir if ye wyll be courtesse to me and to my company I shall render in to youre handes the castell of Maluoysen What curtesy wolde ye quod the duke that I shulde shewe you Departe your waye you and all yours in to your owne coūtreis and entre nat in to no forteresse that holdeth agaynst vs for if ye do and if I get you or any of you I shall delyuer you to Ioselyn that shall make your beerdes without any rasoure Sir quod Raymonde if we shall deꝑte shall we haue with vs all our bagges and baggages for that we haue wonne it by armes in great aduenture Than the duke studyed a lytell and sayd I am content that ye bere with you as moche as ye may beare in males and somers and none otherwise And if ye haue any prisoners that ye delyuer them to vs. I am cōtent ꝙ Raymonde Thus all they within deꝑted and yelded vp the castell to the duke of Anto we But Raymonde de lespe tourned and be came frenche and serued the duke of Aniowe longe tyme after and went with him in to Italy and there dyed in ascrimysshe before Naples whan the duke of Aniou the duke of Sauoy made their voyage Howe the garison castell of Lourde was cast downe and disconfyted by the great dilygence that the Erle of Foiz made Cap. xxiiii THus quod the knight the duke of Aniou gatte the castell of Maluoysen wherof he great ioye and made it to be kepte by a knyght of Bygore called sir Cyquart of Luperier after he gaue it to the erle of Foiz who kepeth it yet and wyll do as longe as he lyueth And he hath made capitayne there a knyght of Bygore one of his owne lynage called sir Raymon de Lane and whan the duke of Aniou had the possessyon of Maluoysen and had delyuered his countrey fro the Englysshmen and fro the pyllers of the conntre Than he wente and layd seige before the castell of Lourde Than therle of Foiz douted greatly the duke of Aniou bycause he cam so nere hym and wyste nat what he entended Than therle of Foiz assembled togyder knightes and squyers and sent thē aboute to dyuers garysons and sette his Brother sir Arnolde Guyllame in the towne of Morlens with two hundred speares in the towne of Panne and sir Peter of Cabeston in to the cite of Lestrade with other two hundred speares and sir Monant of Nōnalles went in to the towne of Hart let with a hundred speares and Arnolde Gehe rell in to the towne of Montgeberell with a hūdred speares sit Foulquant Dortery in to the towne of Sanetere with a hundred speares I Espaygne of Lyon was sente to the Mount Marson with two hundred speares There was no castell in all Bierne but that was well prouyded with men of warre and the erle himselfe laye styll at his Castell of Ortayse by his florens Why sir quod I hath he so great plentie of florens sir quod he at this houre I thynke he hath well to the nōbre of .xxx. tymes a hundred thousande There is no lorde lyuenge as now that is so large and lyberall in gyueng of gyftes as he is Than I demaunded of hym to what maner of people he was so lyberall he answered and said to straungers to knightes and squyers comyng through his countre and to haraldes and mynstrels and to euery man that speketh with hym there is none departeth fro him without some reward for if any refuse his gyfte he is nat content A saynt mary sir ꝙ I to what entent kepeth he so moche money wher dothe he get it Is his renenues so great to gader toguyder suche treasure sir I wolde gladly knowe this if it pleased you Well sir ꝙ the knight ye shall know it but ye haue demaūded of metwo thynges First ye haue demaūded of me to what entent he kepeth suche treasure I shall shewe you Th erle of Foiz alway douteth of the warre that he had with therle of Arminake also for the busynesse of his neighbours the frenche kyng and the kynge of Englande whom he wolde nat wyllingly displease For he hath alwayes dissymuled bytwene them duryng all the wary season vnto this present tyme for he neuer armed hym selfe for any of their parties He hath alwayes been euer in good case with bothe parties I saye to you so ye shall saye youreselfe whan̄e ye haue ones knowlege of hym and herde him speke ones knowe the order and state of his house ye shall se that he is at this daye the moost sage prince in the worlde And there is none so great a lorde nother the frenche kyng nor the kyng of Englande that wyll wyllingly haue his yuell wyll as for his other neighbours as the kyng of Arragon or the kyng of Nauer he estemeth them but lytell for he wyll fynde mo men of armes by reason of suche frendes as he hath gote with his giftes and money that he hath in treasure than bothe those kynges can do For I haue herde hym
of his house wher me was bycause I had brought with me a boke whiche I made at the contēplacion of Vmslance of Boesme duke of Luzenbourge and of Brabant Whiche boke was called the Melyader conteyninge all the songes baladdes rundeaux and vyrelayes whiche the gentyll duke had made in his tyme whiche by imagynacyon I had gadered toguyder whiche boke the erle of Foiz was gladde to se And euery night after supper I reed theron to hym and whyle I reed there was none durst speke any worde bycause he wolde I shulde be well vnderstande wherin he tooke great solace And whan it came to any mater of questyon than he wolde speke to me nat in Gascoyne but in good and fayre frenche And of his estate and house I shall somewhat recorde for I taryed thereso long that I might well parceyue and knowe moche This erle Gascone of Foiz with whom I was at that tyme he was of a fyftie yere of age and nyne and I say I haue in my tyme sene many knightes kynges princes other but I neuer sawe none lyke hym of personage nor of so fayre forme nor so well made His vysage fayre sanguyne smylyng his eyen gray and amorous where as he lyst to set his regarde in euery thyng he was so parfite that he can nat be praised to moche He loued that ought to be beloued hated that ought to be hated He was a wyse knyght of highe enterprise and of good counsayle he neuer had myscreant with hym He sayd many orisons euery daye a nocturne of the psalter matyns of our lady of the holy goost and of the crosse and dirige euery day he gaue fyue florens in small money at his gate to poore folkes for the loue of god he was large and courtesse in gyftes He coulde ryght well take where it parteyned to hym and to delyuer agayne where as he ought He loued hoūdes of all beestes wynter and somer He loued huntyng he neuer loued folly outrage nor foly larges Euery moneth he wolde knowe what he spended He tooke in his countre to receyue his reuenewes and to serue him notable ꝑsons that is to saye .xii. receyuouts and euer fro .ii. monethes to two monethes two of them shulde serue for his receyte For at the two monethes ende he wolde change and put other two in to that offyce and one that he trusted best shulde be his comptroller and to hym all other shulde accompt and the comptroller shulde accōpt to hym by rolles and bokes written and thaccōptes to remayne styll with therle he had certeyne cofers in his chambre out of the whiche ofte tymes he wolde take money to gyue to lordꝭ knyghtes and squyers suche as came to hym for none shulde departe fro him without some gift and yet dayly multiplyed his treasure to resyst the aduētures and fortunes that he douted He was of good and easy acquayntance with euery man and amorously wolde speke to thē He was shorte in counsayle and answers He had four secretaries and at his risyng they must euer be redy at his hande without any callynge And whan any letter were delyuered him and that he had reed it than he wolde calle them to write agayne or els for some other thynge In this estate therle of Foiz lyued at mydnight whan he came out of his chambre in to the hall to supper he had euer before hym .xii. torches brennyng borne by .xii. varlettes standyng before his table all supper they gaue a gret light and the hall euer full of knightes and squyers many other tables dressed to suppe who wolde There was none shulde speke to hym at his table but if he were called his meate was lightlye wylde soule the legges and wyngꝭ alonely and in the day he dyd but lytell eate and drike He had great pleasure in armony of instrumētes he coude do it right well hym selfe he wolde haue songes song before him he wolde gladlye se conseytes and fantesies at his table And whan he had sene it than he wolde sende it to the other tables bruely all this I consydred aduised And or I came to his court I had ben in many courtes of kynges dukes princes erles and great ladyes but I was neuer in none that so well liked me nor ther was none more reioysed dedes of armes than the erle dyde There was sene in his hall chābre and court knightes and squyers of honour goyng vp downe and talkyng of armes and of amours All honour ther was founde all maner of tidyngꝭ of euery realme and countre ther might be herde for out of euery coūtre there was resort for the valyantnesse of this erle Ther I was enfourmed of the moost parte of the dedes of armes that was done in Spayne in Portyngale in Aragon in Nauar in Englande in Scotlande and in the fronters and lymitacions of Lāgue docke For I sawe come thyder to therle while I was there knightes and squyers of all nacyons And so I was enformed by them by the erle him selfe of all thynges that I demaūded Ther I enq̄red howe Gascon therles son died for ser Espayn of Leon wolde nat shewe me any thing therof somoch I enq̄red that an aūcient squyer a notable māshewed the mater to me began thus True it is quod he that the erle of Foiz and my lady of Foiz his wife agreeth nat well toguyder nor haue nat done of a long season And the discorde bytwene thē first moued by the kyng of Nauar who was brother to the lady For the kyng of Nauar pledged him selfe for the lorde Dalbret whom the erle of Foiz had in prisone for the sōme of fyftie thousande frankes And the erle of Foiz who knewe that the kyng of Nauarr was craftie malycious in the beginnyng wolde nat trust hym wherw t the countesse of Foiz had great displeasur and indignacyon agaynst the erle her husbande sayd to hym Sir ye repute but small honour in the kyng of Nauar my brother whā ye wyll nat trust hym for fyftie M. frankes thoughe ye haue no more of the armynakes nor of the labrisyence than ye haue it ought to suffyce also ser ye knowe well ye shulde assigne out my dower whiche moūteth to fyftie thousande frākes whiche ye shulde put in to the hādes of my brother the kyng of Nauarr Wherfore sir ye can nat be yuell payed Dame quod he ye saye trouthe but if I thought that the kyng of Nauarr wolde stoppe the payment for that cause the lorde Dalbret shulde neuer haue gone oute of Ortayse and so I shulde haue ben payed to the last penny And sithe ye desyre it I wyll do it nat for the loue of you but for the loue of my sonne So by these wordes and by the kyng of Nauars oblygacion who became dettoure to the erle of Foiz the lorde Dalbret was delyuered quyte and became frenche was maryed in Fraūce to the suffer of the duke
Cambridge who had in maryage his cosyns to haue socour of thē These messangers were two knyghtes and a clerke sir Iohan Radyngos and sir Iohn̄ Dore and with them a clerke lycensiate in the lawe arche deaken of Lysbone These messangers dyd so moche by the see that they came to Hampton and there taryed a daye and there gate horses for they had none of their owne and so rode to London This was in the moneth of August And the kyng was in the marches of Wales a huntyng at his pleasure his vncles the duke of Lācastre therle of Cābridge sir Edmonde and sir Thomas erle of Buckyngham were also in their owne countreis a sportynge wherfore the kyng of Portyngales messangers had more to do so first they spake with the duke of Lancastre who was at Hertforde a twentie myle fro London The duke receyued them ioyously and opyned the letters that they brought him and the duke reed them thre tymes the better to vnderstande thē and than he sayd Sirs ye be right welcome in to this countre but ye be come in the worst tyme of the yere to haue spedy delyueraūce of your ambassade for the kyng and my bretherne are sparcled abrode here and the● and ye can haue no full answere tyll the counsayle come toguyder at London at the feest of saynt Mighaell But sythe the great parte of your message toucheth me and my brother therfore I will write to hym that he and I shal be shortely at London or therabout and than we shall take coūsayle toguyder Wherfore as nowe ye shall retourne to London whan my brother is come nere ye shall haue tidynges fro vs. The ambassadours of Portyngale were content and so retourned to London and were well lodged and toke their ease The duke of Lancastre forgate nat that they had sayd to hym and so incontynent wrote to his brother therle of Cambridge of that busynesse and whan therle had reed his brothers letters he prepared hym self and rode to Hertforde besyde Ware whe● the duke was and there they were thre dayes togyder in coūsayle and so ordayned to go to London as the duke had promysed to the ambassadours and so they came to London Than these two lordꝭ and they of Portyngale had great coūsayls bytwene them For the erle of Cābridge who had ben before in Portyngale was nothyng cōtent with kyng Ferant of Portyngale last deed for he sayd he made his warre but slackely and also agaynst t●●wyll of hym and all the Englyssh men he toke peace with the spanyerdes wherfore the erle sayd he had doute that at the counsayle at Myghelmas the cōmontie wolde nat agre lightly to make another vyage in to Portyngale for the iourney thyder before had cost greatly the realme of Englande and no ꝓfyte therby The ambassadours cōceyned well the erles wordes and sayde Sir than was than and nowe is nowe The kyng whom god pardon redouted greatly the fortunes of the worlde but the kyng our mayster that nowe is hath another mynde ymaginacion For if he fynde in the felde his enemyes thoughe he be lesse of power yet he wyll gyue the settyng on whatso euer fall therby And this sir we dare faythfully assure you and my lordes besyde that your quarell is clere to ouerron and to conquere the realme of Castell for the enherytaunce parteyneth to you and to your wyues to your chyldren to conquere it ye can nat haue so good an entre in to Castell as by Portyngale sythe ye haue all that realme according therto Therfore sir and one of you wyll come thyder with suche a suffycient nombre and by the ayde ye shall haue there ye shal be able to kepe the felde The duke of Lancastre answered Sirs this lyeth nat in vs but in the kyng in the realme but we shall do oure good wylles ye maye be sure therof Thus they ended their counsayle and the portyngalo is laye styll at London abydyng Mighelmas and the duke of Lancastre and the erle of Cambridge returned in to their owne countreis on the marches of the Northe Than came Myghelmas and the parlyament at Westmynster and the kynge approched and came to Wyndesore and so to Chertsey and the quene with hym and than to Stanes and also his chefe of counsayle the erle of Oxenforde for by him euery thyng was done and without hym nothynge The same season there was in Flaūders bytwene the duke of Burgoyne and the gaūtoise great warre And the● were newly retourned out of Flaunders in to Englande the bysshoppe of Norwiche sir Hugh Caurell sir Wylliam Helman sir Thomas Tryuet other who had in the same somer ben at the siege with the gauntoise before Ipre Than came the frenche kyng and closed them in in Burbonoise as is rehersed here before ī this hystorie but as than there was truse bytwene Fraunce Englande and Flaunders to endure tyll mydsomer after but the scottes had moche to do also there was at London the counsayle of Gaūt and they desyred to haue a gouernour to helpe to sustayne the kepyng of their towne They desyred one of the kynges vncles or els the erle of Salisbury So at this counsayle at London there were many counsayls as well for the flēmynges as for Portyngale Scotlande who made thē warre The duke of Lancastre drewe to that parte that he might haue a nōbre of men of warre and archers to go in to Portyngale And he shewed the lordes prelatꝭ and comons howe they were all bounde by faythe and othe to ayde hym and his brother to wynne the herytage in Castell and that he sayde they promysed whan the kyng his nephue was crowned it apered by their letters sealed and moreouer the duke complayned hym howe they of the realme dyd hym and his brother wronge in that whan his brother therle of Cambridge was in Portyngale that they kepte but smally the couynaunt that they had promysed For he sayd it was ꝓmysed to sende to hym thider two thousande speares and as many archers nothyng was done Wherby their quarell of the right of their enherytaunce was greatly hyndred The dukes wordes were well harde as it was reason And the moost notablest ꝑsons of that counsayle said howe he had right to speke as he dyd howe be it they sayd that the busynesses of the realme that touched them nere must first be ꝓferred Some wolde that his wyll shulde haue ben accomplysshed and some other said that it shulde be a great outrage to sende out of the realme two thousande men of warre four thousande archers to so long a iourney as ī to Portugale for the fortunes of the see be daūgerous and the ayre of Portyngale marueylous hote sayeng that if the realme of Englande shulde lese suche a company it shulde be a domage irrecuparable Howe be it all thynges alledged finally it was ordayned that the duke of Lancastre shulde passe the See with seuyn hūdred speares and four thousand
of Englande or out of Hungry or some other place and yesterdaye I came thens and suche thynges are fallen or suche other So thus the lorde of Corasse knewe by Orthon euery thynge that was done in any parte of the worlde And in this case he contynued a fyue yere and coude nat kepe his owne counsayle but at laste discouered it to the erle of Foiz I shall shewe you howe THe firste yere the lorde of Corasse came on a daye to Orthayse to the erle of Foiz and sayd to hym sir suche thynges are done in Englāde or in Scotlande or in Almaygne or in any other countrey and euer the erle of Foiz founde his sayeng true and had great marueyle howe he shulde knowe suche thyngꝭ so shortly And on a tyme therle of Foiz examyned hym so straitly that the lorde of Corase shewed hym all toguyder howe he knewe it and howe he came to hym firste Whan the Erle of Foiz herde that he was ioyfull and sayd Sir of Corasse kepe hym well in your loue I wolde I hadd suche a messangere He costeth you nothynge and ye knowe by hym euery thynge that is done in the worlde The knight answered and sayd sir that is true Thus the lorde of Corasse was serued with Orthon a long season I can nat saye if this Orthone hadde any mo maysters or nat But euery weke twyse or thrise he wolde come and vysite the lorde of Corasse and wolde shewe hym suche tidynges of any thyng that was fallen fro whens he came And euer the lorde of Corasse whan he knewe any thynge he wrote therof euer to the Erle of Foiz who had great ioy therof for he was the lorde of the worlde that moost desyred to here newes out of straunge places And on a tyme the lorde of Corasse was with the erle of Foiz and the erle demaunded of hym and said Sir of Corasse dyd ye euer as yet se your messangere Naye surely sir quod the knyght nor I neuer desyred it That is marueyle quod the Erle if I were as well acquaynted with hym as ye be I wolde haue desyred to haue sene hi wherfore I praye you desyre it of hym than to tell me whet forme and facyon he is of I haue herde you say howe he speketh as good gascone as outher you or I. Truely sir quod the knight so it is he speketh as well and as fayre as any of vs bothe do And surely sir sithe ye counsayle me I shall do my payne to se hym I can And so on a night as he lay in his bedde with the lady his wyfe who was so enured to here Orthon that she was no more afrayde of hym Than came Orthon and pulled the lord by the eare who was fast a slepe and therwith he awoke and asked who was the● I am here quod Orthon Than he demaūded fro whens comest thou nowe I come ꝙ Orthon fro Prage in Boesme Howe farre is that hens quod the knyght A threscore dayes iourney quod Orthone and arte thou come thens so soone quod the knight ye truely quod Orthon I came as fast as the wynde or faster hast thou than wynges quod the knight Nay truely ꝙ he Howe canste thou than flye so faste quod the knyght ye haue nothyng to do to knowe that quod Orthone No quod the knight I wolde gladly se the to knowe what forme thou arte of Well ꝙ Orthon ye haue nothing to do to knowe it sufficeth you to here me I to shewe you tidyngꝭ In faythe ꝙ the knyght I wolde loue the moche better and I myght se the ones Well ꝙ Orthone sir sithe ye haue so great desyre to seme the firste thynge that ye se to morowe whan yt ryse out of your bedde the same shal be I. that is sufficient quod the lorde Go thy way I gyue the leaue to departe for this nyght And the next mornynge the lorde rose and the lady his wyfe was so afrayd that she durst nat ryse but fayned her selfe sicke sayd she wolde nat ryse Her husbande wolde haue had her to haue rysen sir quod she than I shall se Orthone I wolde nat se him by my good wyll Well ꝙ the knight I wolde gladly se hym and so he arose fayre and easely out of his bedde sat downe on his bedde syde wenyng to haue sene orthon in his owne ꝓperforme but he sawe nothyng wherby he might saye Loyonder is Orthon So that daye passed and the nexte night came and whan the knyght was in his bedde orthon came and began to speke as he was accustomed Go thy waye quod the knight thou arte but alyer Thou promysest that I shulde haue sene the and it was nat so No quod he I shewed my selfe to the. that is nat so ꝙ the lorde why ꝙ Orthon whā ye rose out of your bedde sawe you nothynge Than the lorde studyed a lytell and aduysed hymselfe well yes truely quod the knyght nowe I remembre me as I satte on my beddes syde thynkynge on the I sawe two strawes on the pauement tumblyng one vpon another That same was I ꝙ Orthone in to that fourme I dyde put my selfe as than That is nat ynoughe to me quod the lorde I praye the putte thy selfe in to some other fourme that I maye better se and knowe the. Well ꝙ Orthon ye wyll do so moche that ye wyll lese me and I go fro you for ye desyre to moch of me Naye quod the knyght thou shalte nat go fro me let me se the ones and I wyll desyre no more Well quod Orthone ye shall se me to morowe take hede the firste thynge that ye se after ye be out of your chābre it shal be I. Well quod the knight I am than cōtent go thy way lette me slepe And so Orthone departed and the nexte mornynge the lorde a rose and yssued out of his chambre and went to a wyndowe loked downe in to the courte of the castell and caste about his eyen And the firste thynge he sawe was a Sowe the greattest that euer he sawe and she semed to be so leane and yuell fauoured that there was nothyng on her but the skynne the bones with long eares and a longe leane snout The lorde of Corasse had marueyle of that leane Sowe and was wery of the sight of her and cōmaunded his men to fetche his houndes and sayd Lette the dogges hunt her to dethe and deuoure her His seruauntes opyned the kenelles and lette out his houndes and dyde sette them on this sowe And at the laste the sowe made a great crye and loked vp to the lorde of Corasse as he loked out at a wyndowe and so sodaynely vanysshed awaye no man wyste howe Than the lorde of Corasse entred in to his chambre right pensyue than he remembred hym of Orthon his messangere and sayd I repent me that I sette my hoūdes on hym It is an aduenture and euer I here any more of hym for he sayd
myght haue an answere Laurence sayd the duke or this tyme ▪ I haue shewed you and yet agayne I say it that your comynge and these tydynges doth me grete pleasure and ye shall not departe fro me tyll ye be satysfyed of all your requestes well answered in that ye be come for syr sayd the squyer I thanke you then the duke called for wyne spyces so toke theyr leue wente to theyr lodgynge to Arcorch to the house of the Fawcon in London there they were lodged with Thomelyn of Colebrunque ANd it was not longe after but that the duke of Lancastre and the erle of Cambrydge his broder had counsayle togyder of that busynes ▪ of Castell and Portyngale wherof the erle of Cambrydge was well contente for he had ben in that countrey before more then a yere and he was glad to here of the condycyons tytles of the kynge of Portyngale and of the quene of Castell and sayd to his broder syr when kynge Ferrant lyued the Chanon Robsart and syr Wyllyam Wyndesore and dyuers other knyghtes that were there with me shewed me as it is nowe fallen for they sayd how they had herde dyuers of the same coūtrey murmure on the quene of Castelles tytle to Portyngale therfore I toke away with me my sone had no grete affeccyon to that maryage In the name of god sayd the duke the squyer that is here of Portyngale hathe declared all the matter and I thynke we can not haue so fayre an entre in to Castell as by Portyngale for the royalme of Aragon is ferre of and also the kynge there and his chyldren haue alwayes ben more fauourable to the frensshe partye thenne to vs Therfore it were not good syth the kynge of Portyngale maketh for vs this good 〈◊〉 to refuse it So on a day for this matter there was a parlyament holden at Westmynstre there it was accorded that the duke of Lancastre sholde haue at the costes of the royalme bitwene a M. .xii. C. speres of chosen men .ii. M. archers a M. of other yomen they were all paydein hande for halfe a yere therwith all the kynges vncles were well contente specyally the duke of Lancastre to whom pryncypally the matter touched as he that sholde be chefe of the armye and to dyspatche these ambassadours of Portyngale the kynge of Englande wrote to the kynge of Portyngale louynge letters conteynyng grete amyte that he wolde bere to Portyngale grete gyftes were gyuē to the mayster of saynt Iaques in Portyngale to Laurence Fongase who was alwayes with the duke of Lancastre with the erle of Cambrydge so on a day these ambassadours toke theyr leue of the kyng his coūsayle dyned that daye with the duke of Lancastre the erle of Cambrydge the nexte day they were delyuered as I vn derstode the duke of Lancastre sente letters to the kynge of Portyngale also by credence that he sholde sende a .vii. galeys an .xviii. or .xx. other vesselles to the porte of Brystowe on the fronters of Wales for hym his company to passe in to Portyngale so the ambassadoures departed wente to Hampton there founde theyr shyp that taryed for them so entred in to the see had wynde at theyr wyl so entred in to the hygh Spaynysshe see within .v. dayes they were in the hauen of the porte of Portyngale at whiche tyme the kynge was there and was ryght ioyfull of theyr comynge ANd there the grete mayster of saynt Iaques in Portyngale Laurence Fongase shewed the kynge his counsayle al that they had sene herde in Englande as well of the kynge as of his vncles delyuered theyr letters whiche certefyed al theyr saynges then anone after the kynge of Portyngale Who gretely desyred the ayde out of Englande to the entente to cause his enemyes to haue the more fere determyned with his coūsayle that mayster Alphons V●etat chefe patron mayster of all his shyppes and galeys in Portyngale that he sholde prepayre redy .vii. galeys and .xviii. other grete Chyppes to sayle in to Englande to fetche the duke of Lancastre his cōpany so Alphons was cōmaunded thus to do he incontynent dyd so and so on a daye departed fro the porte of Portyngale and in .vi. dayes he arryued at Brystowe at whiche season the lordes of Englande for the moost parte were aboute the marches of Wales for the kynge was there when the duke of Lancastre knewe of the comynge of these shyppes he was ryght ioyfull Then knyghtes squyers and al suche as sholde go with hym were sente for so that in the porte of Brystowe there were CC. vesselles with the flete of Portyngale redy apparelled for the duke and his company and the dukes entencyon was to haue with hym his wyfe his chyldrē to make with them some good maryages in castel in Portyngale or his retourne agayne in to Englande for he thought not shortely to retourne for he saw the busynes in Englande lykely to be harde and sharpe how the kyng his neuewe was yonge and had aboute hym peryllous counsayle wherfore he was the gladder to be gone or he departed in the presence of his bretherne he ordeyned his sone the lorde Henry erle of Darby his lieutenaunt of all that he had in Englande set aboute hym wyse sad counsayle he was a lusty yonge knyght was sone to the duches of Lancastre the lady Blaunche doughter to quene Phylyp of Englande I neuer sawe .ii. better ladyes nor of more noble condycyon nor neuer shal thoughe I sholde lyue this thousande yeres whiche is impossyble WHen duke Iohn̄ of Lancastre had ordred all his busynes in Englonde thē he toke leue of the kyng of his bretherne and so he wente to Brystowe there taryed a .xv. dayes shypped all his horses bagages mo then .ii. M. with hay lytter and fresshe water for them Then the duke entred in to a galey well apparelled had by hym a grete shyp yfnede were for hym for the duches Constaunce his wyfe who wente in this iourney with a good courage for she trusted then to recouer her herytage of Castell and to be quene there or she retourned agayne she had with her a doughter called Katheryne by her fyrst husbande .ii. other doughters Izabel and Phylyp whiche Phylyp was maryed to syr Iohn̄ Holande who was constable of the oost the marshall was syr Thomas Mor●aur who had also in maryage one of his doughters howbeit she was a bastarde was moder to the lady mercell damoysel Mary of saynt Hyllary of Hauman admyral of the dukes nauey was syr Thomas Percy also there was syr yon fythwaren the lorde of Lucy syr Henry Beaumond de poumins syr Iohn̄ of But nuell the lorde Talbot the lorde Basset syr Wyllyam Bea●champ syr Wyllyam Wyndefore syr Thomas
so he lepte on his horse a xx with hym and toke his penon before hym and rode out of the castell a grete galop to come to the Castellyans who as then were drawen in to a busshment and had made one of theyr company to ryde forthe on a genet and when syr Iohn̄ Ferrant saw the geneture he sayd to a squyer of his galop forth thy genet assaye to speke with yonder geneture then the squyer galopped forth and folowed hym nere euer lykely to take hym for he fled but softely before hym to the entente to brynge hym in to the busshment when he was nere them the busshment brake out at hym then he tourned quyckely his backe and they that chased hym cryed Castell and syr Iohn̄ Ferrant beynge vnder his penon seynge his squyer retourned in suche hast sayd they that chase my squyer be none of our company they be castellyans set on them crye Portyngale for I wyll fyght with them then he toke his spere ranne at them the fyrst that he met withall wente to the erthe and the seconde also of .xxv. Castellyans that were there x. of them lay shortely on the grounde and the other chased and some were ouertaken slayne and hurte and all this I was glad to se for I saw my delyueraunce and in a shorte season I was lefte all alone then I came to the knyght and saluted hym and as soone as he saw me he knewe me and demaunded of me fro whens I came what I dyd there then I shewed hym all myne aduenture and how the Castellyans chased me and toke me well sayd he and what knowe you of the kynge of Portyngale by my fayth syr sayd I to morowe he shall haue batayle at Iuberoth agaynst the kynge of Castel for he sente me in to this countrey to gyue warnynge therof to the knyghtes and squyers that knoweth it not to the entente that they sholde resorte to hym to morow sayd he ye truely syr sayd I and yf ye byleue not me demaunde of these Castellyans that ye haue taken then he demaunded of them tydynges they sayd howe surely the nexte day there sholde be batayle bytwene the .ii. kynges of whiche tydynges he was ryght glad and sayd openly to the Castellyans syrs for the good tydynges that ye shewe me I quyte you of your raunsomes departe when ye wyl so ye acquyte this squyer so thus he caused me to be quyted fro them and so they departed we y● same day retourned to ●onte then he made hym redy and departed thens at mydnyght I in his company and fro thens to the Cabase of Iuberoth whiche was a .vi. myles of that countrey and to eschewe encountrynges we rode somwhat out of our waye in the mornynge we herde that there sholde be batayle the same daye or we sawe the batayles when we approched the batayles were raynged in the feldes the kynge of Castell on the one partye the kynge of Portyngale on the other and at the fyrst we knewe not whiche were Castellyans and whiche were Portyngales tyll at the last syr Iohn̄ Ferrant Partelere sayd I byleue surely the gretter oost be the Castellyans then we rode forth fayre easely tyl we came nere and then we sawe well it was the Castillyans and I trowe some of the gascoynes brake out agaynst vs then syr Iohn̄ Ferrant sayd let vs auaunce forthe we se yonder our enemyes comyng on vs thē we strake our horses with the spurres rode cryenge Portyngale they folowed vs then when our company of portyngules sawe vs they came forth and rescued vs and for al that the batayles brake not theyr aray and so syr Iohn̄ Ferrant came to the kynge and acquyted hym that day with the best Thus syr I haue shewed you howe he dyd me grete courtesye for he delyuered me out of pryson and I had not ben at the batayle and he had not ben Therfore syr dyd he not me a goodly pleasure yes truely sayd syr Iohn̄ Dambrych courte and also by you he knew of the batayle that is true sayd the squyer then they rode forth tyll they had ouertaken theyr companuy came the same day to Connymbres ANd of the comynge of these Englysshe knyghtes the kynge of Portyngale was ryght ioyfull cōmaunded that they sholde be well lodged at theyr ease and when they were redy then Martyn of Coygne Ferrant Martyn Merle and the englysshe knyghtes wente to the kynge who receyued them ioyously thē the Englysshmen dyd theyr message presented the kynge with the Fawcons and greyhoūdes of the whiche the kynge had grete ioy for he loued houndes and hawkes then they thanked the kynge on the dukes parte for the goodly mules that he had sente to the duke and to the duches then he sayd that was but a small present another tyme I wyll sende them gretter gyftes this was but for aquayntaunce of loue as lordes ought to do one to another to nourysshe loue and amyte then wyne and spyces were brought and the knyghtes of Englande dranke and so toke theyr leue for that tyme retourned to theyr lodgynges to souper the nexte day they dyned at the kynges palace and the lorde Poynynges and syr Iohn̄ Bancell sate at the kynges table and syr Iohn̄ Dambrychcourt syr Iohn̄ Soultyer sate at another table with the barons of that countrey suche as were there and there was Laurence Fongase a squyer of honoure of the kynges who knewe ryght well all the knyghtes and squyers of Englande for he had sene them in Englande he made them the best chere he coulde they were well serued at this dyner and after dyner they were brought in to the counsayle chambre Then the englysshe knyghtes began to speke to the kynge and to .ii. erles that were there present the erle of Angose and the erle of Nauare and sayd syr and it lyke your grace besyde all the recommendacyons that the duke of Lancastre hath sente vnto you he gaue vs in charge to say to you that he desyreth sore to se you then the kynge sayd and I as glad to se hym and I requyre you that shortely we may se and speke togyder syr sayd the erles it were good that it were so for tyll ye be togyder ye shal not loue parfytely and then ye may take aduyse togyder howe ye may maynteyne your warres agaynst the kynge of Castel syr this is true sayd the knyghtes of englande then sayd the kynge let it be done shortely for if the duke desyre to se me in lyke wyse I desyre to se hym so then they fell in other talkynge for then the kyng charged his counsayle to agre and assygne a certayne daye when they sholde mete togyder and to assure the englysshe knyghtes therof and so they dyd it was agreed that the kynge of Portyngale sholde come to a cyte in his countrey called the Porte and that the duke of Lancastre sholde ryde
shewe that the iourney pleased hym and to approche the soner to his passage so the kyng approched and it was sayd in Flaunders and in Actoys they shall take shyppyng outher on Satterday monday or tuysday so that in euery day in y● weke it was sayd he sholde departe to morowe or the nexte day after and his broder the duke of Tourayne the bysshop of Beawuoys chauncellour of Fraunce dyuers other grete lordes toke theyr leue of the kyng at Lysl and they retourned to Parys it was shewed me howe the kynge had gyuen the gouernyng of the royalme to his broder the duke of Tourayne tyll his retourne agayne with the ayde of dyuers other lordes of Fraunce suche as were not ordeyned to go in to Englande as the erle of Bloys and other yet all the season the duke of Berry was behynde came but fayre easely for he had no grete appetyte to go in to Englande his longe taryeng was dyspleasaūt to the kynge to the duke of Burgoyne and to the other lordes they wolde gladly he had ben come styll grete prouysyon was made whiche was costly and dere a thynge not worth a franke was solde for .iiii. howebeit for all that money was not spared for euery man desyred to be well stuffed of euery thynge in maner of enuy euery mā to be better appoynted then other and thoughe the grete lordes were well payde theyr wages other poore companyons bought the bergayne for they were owynge for a monethes wages and yet coulde gete nothynge the treasourer of the warres and clarkes of the chambre of accomptes sayd syrs abyde tyll the nexte weke and then ye shall be payde and soo they were answered wekely yf ony payment were made to them it was but for .viii. dayes and were owynge .viii. wekes soo that some when they sawe the maner of dealynge howe they were soo euyll payde they were sore dyspleased and sayd surely this voyage shall be but of small effecte for by all lykelyhode when the money is gadered of the taxes then they wyl breke this iourney and retourne home agayne in to theyr owne countreys suche as dyd cast suche doubtes prouided therafter were wyse but the poore knyghtes and companyons suche as were re●eyned by the grete lordes spente all that they had euery thynge was so dere in Flaunders that harde it was to gete outher brede or drynke or yf they wolde sell theyr wages or armure there was no money to gete yf ony were bought it was dere there was soo moche people aboute Dan Bruges and Ardenbrughe and specyally at Sluse for when the kynge came thyder they wyst not where to lodge the erle of saynt Poule the lorde of Concy the dolphyn of Auuergne the lorde Dantoygne and dyuers other lordes of fraunce to lye more at theyr case lodgynge at Bruges somtyme went to Sluse to the kynge to know when they sholde departe and euer it was sayd to them within .iii. or .iiii. dayes or when the duke of Berrey is come and that we haue wynde to strue vs so euer the tyme passed and the day shortened and began to be foule and colde and the nyghtes longe wherwith dyuers of the lordes were not contente to tary so longe and also theyr prouysyons mynysshed ¶ Howe the kyng of Armony passed in to Englande in trust to fynde some meane of peas or good appoyntment bytwene the kyng of Englande and the kynge of Fraunce Ca. lvi THus in abydynge for the duke of Berrey and for the constable who were behynde then kynge Lyon of Armony who was in fraūce and had assygned hym by the kynge .vi. M. frankes by the yere to maynteyne his estate he toke on hym for a good entente to go in to Englande to speke with the kyng there and his counsayle to se if he myght fynde ony maner of peas to be had bytwene the two royalmes of Englande and fraūce and so he departed fro his lodgynge of saynt Albeyne besyde saynt Denyee alonely with his owne company and with no grete apparel Soo he rode to Boloyne and there he toke a shyp and so sayled forth tyll he came to Douer and there he founde the erle of Cambrydge the erle of Buckyngham and mo then a C. mē of armes and a .ii. M. archers who laye there to kepe that passage for the brute ranne that the frensshmen sholde lande there or at Sandwyche and the kynge laye at London and parte of his counsayle with hym and dayly herde tydynges fro all the portes of Englande when the kynge of Armony was aryued at Douer he had there good chere bycause he was a straūger and so he came to the kynges vncles there who swetely receyued hym and at tyme conuenyent they demaunded of hym fro whens he came and whether he wolde the kyng answered and sayd that in trust of goodnes he was come thyder to se the kynge of Englande his counsayle to treate for peas bytwene englande and Fraunce for he sayd that he thought the warre was not mete for he sayd by reason of warre bytwene these .ii. royalmes whiche hath endured so longe the sarazyns Iewes and turkes are waxed proude for there is none that maketh them ony warre and by occasyon therof I haue lost my lande and royalme and am not lyke to recouer it agayne without there were ferme peas in all crystendome and I wolde gladly shewe the matter that toucheth all crystendome to the kynge of Englande and to his counsayle as I haue done to the frensshe kyng then the kynges vncles demaunded of hym yf the frensshe kynge had sent hym thyder or noo he answered and sayd nay there is noo man that sent me but I am come hyder by myne owne mocyon to se yf the kynge of englande and his counsayle wolde ony thynge leane to ony treatye of peas then he was demaunded where the frensshe kynge was he answered I byleue he be at Sluse I sawe hym not syth I toke leue of hym at Senlyze then he was demaunded howe he coulde make ony treatye of peas and had no charge so to do and syr yf ye be conuayed to the kynge our nephewe and to his counsayle and the frensshe kynge in the meane season entre with his puyssannce in to Englande ye may happen therby to receyue grete blame and your persone to be in grete ieoperdy with them of the countrey then the kynge answered and sayd I am in suretye of the frensshe kynge for I haue sente to hym desyrynge that tyll I retourne agayne not to remoue fro Sluse I repute hym so noble and soo well aduysed that he wyll graunt my desyre and that he wyll not entre in to the see tyl I be come agayne to hym Wherfore syrs I praye you in the instaunce of loue and yeas to conuey me to speke with the kynge for I desyre gretely to se hym or elles ye that be his vncles yf ye haue auctoryte to gyue me answere
to all my demaundes then the erle of Buckyngham sayd syr kynge of Armony we be ordeyned here to kepe defende this passage and the fronters of Englande by the kynge and his counsayle and we haue no charge to medle ony further with the busynes of the royalme without we be otherwyse commaunded by the kyng but syth ye be come for a good entente in to this countrey ye be ryght welcome but syr as for ony ferme answere ye can haue none of vs for as nowe we be not of the coūsayle but we shall conuey you to the kynge wtout peryll or domage the kynge thanked them and sayd I desyre nothynge elles but to se the kynge and to speke with hym ¶ Howe the kynge of Amony retourned out of Englande of the answere that was made to hym Ca. lvii WHen the kynge of Armony was refresshed at Douer a day and had spoken with the kynges vncles at good leysure then he departed towarde London with a good conduyte that the lordes appoynted to hym for fere of ony rencountres so longe he rode that he came to London and in his rydynge thrughe London he was well regarded bycause he was a straūger and he had good chere made hym and soo was brought to the kynge who laye in the ryall at the quenes warderobe and his counsayle were in London at theyr lodgynges the Londonners were fore fortefyenge of theyr cyte When the comynge of the kynge of Armony was knowen the kynges counsayle drewe to the kyng to here what tydynges the kyng brought in that troublous season when the kynge of Armony was come in to the kynges presence he made his salutacyon and then began his processe on the state howe he was come out of Fraunce pryncypally to se the kynge of Englande whome he had neuer sene before and sayd howe he was ryght ioyous to be in his presence trustynge that some goodnes sholde come therby and there he shewed by his wordes that to withstande the grete pestylence that was lykely to be in englande therfore he was come of his owne good wyl to do some good therin if he myght not sent fro the frensshe kynge wyllynge to set some accorde and peas bytwene ye. ii royalmes englande and fraunce many fayre plesaunt wordes the kynge of Armony spake to that kynge of Englande and to his counsayle then he was shortly answered thus syr kyng ye be welcome in to this royalme for the kynge our souerayne lorde all we are glad to se you here but syr we saye that the kynge hath not here all his counsayle but shortely they shall be here and then ye shall be answered the kynge of Armony was contente therwith and so retourned to his lodgynge with in .iiii. dayes after the kynge was counsayled I thynke he had sente to his vncles to knowe theyr ententes but they were not present at the answere gyuynge to go to the palays of Westmynstre and his counsayle with hym suche as were aboute hym and to sende for the kynge of Armony to come thyder and when he was come in to the presence of the kynge of Englande and his counsayle the kynge sate downe and the kynge of Armony by hym and then the prelates and other of his counsayle there the kynge of Armony rehersed agayne his requeites that he made and also shewed wysely howe all crystēdome was sore decayed and feblysshed by occasyon of the warres bytwene Englande Fraūce and howe that al the knyghtes and squyers of bothe royalmes entended to nothynge elles but alwayes to be on the one parte or of the other Wherby the empyre of Constantynoble leseth and is lyke to lese for before this warre the knyghtes and squyers were wonte to aduenture themselfe also the kynge of Armony shewed that by occasyon of this war he had lost his royalme of Armony wherfore he desyred for goddes sake that there myght be some treatye of peas had bytwene the .ii. royalmes of Englande Fraunce To these wordes answered the archebysshop of Cauntorbury for he had charge so to do and he sayd syr kynge of Armony it is not the maner nor neuer was sene bytwene .ii. suche enemyes as the kynge of Englande and the Frensshe kynge that the kynge my souerayne lorde sholde be requyred of peas and to entre his landes with a puyssaunt army Wherfore syr we say to you that yf it please you ye maye retourne to the Frensshe kynge and cause hym and all his puyssaunce to retourne backe in to theyr owne countreys and when euery man is at home then yf it please you ye maye retourne agayne hyder and then we shall gladly entende to your treatye This was all the answere the kynge of Armony coulde gete there and so he dyned with the kynge of Englande and hadde as grete honoure as coulde be deuysed and the kynge offered hym many grete gyftes of golde and syluer but he wolde take noone though he had nede therof but alonely a rynge to the value of a C. frankes After dyner he toke his leue and retourned vnto his lodgynge and the nexte daye departed and was in two dayes at Douer and there toke his leue of suche lordes as were there and so toke the see in a passagere and aryued at Calays fro thens wente to Sluse and there he spake with the frensshe kynge and with his vncles and shewed them howe he hadde ben in Englande and what answere he had The frensshe kynge and his vncles toke no regarde to his sayenge but sente hym agayne backe in to fraunce for theyr full entencyon was to entre in to Englande as soone as they myght haue wynde and wether And the duke of Berre and the constable came to them the wynde was sore contrary to them for therwith they coulde neuer entre in to Englande but the wynde was good to goo in to Scotlande ¶ Howe the duke of Berre departed from Parys to come to Sluse and howe the constable of Fraunce toke the see and of the wynde that was cōtrary to hym Ca. lviii THus the duke of Berre herde masse in our Lady chyrche in Parys and there toke his leue sayd how he wolde neuer entre there agayne tyll he hadde ben in Englande howbeit for all his wordes he thought the contrary for he had no desyre therto for the wynter season was sore come on and all the waye as he came he had letters fro the kynge and fro the duke of Borgoyne in hastynge of hym certefyenge hym howe they taryed for noo thynge elles but for his comynge Soo the duke of Berre rode alwayes forwarde but it was but by small iourneys ¶ And the constable of Fraunce departed fro the cyte of Lentryngyet standynge on the see syde in Bretayne with grete nombre of men of armes and prouyson he had a .lxxii. shyppes and with hym he hadde the closure of the felde made of tymbre the constable and his company had good wynde at the begynnynge but when they
approched nere to Englande the wynde rose fyerse and grete and at the entre of margate at Tames mouthe the wynde was soo grete that whether they wolde or not theyr shyppes departed soo that .xx. abode not togyder and some were dryuen perforce into Tames and there were taken by the englyssh men and specyally there was taken .iii. or iiii shyppes laden with parte of the closure of tymbre ordeyned to close in the felde and certayne maysters carpenters and artficers with them and so they were brought to London wherof the kynge had grete ioye and so hadde all the Londonners and .vii. of the constables shyppes were dryuen with the wynde with all the prouysyon and taken in zelande and the constable and other lordes with grete payne came to Sluse to the frensshe kynge OF the constables comynge and his company the frensshe kynge was ryght ioyfull and the kynge sayd to hym ¶ Syr constable when shall we departe certaynly we haue grete desyre to se Englande wherfore I praye you auaunce forth all our busynes in hasty maner and let vs entre in to the see shortely myne vncle the duke of Berre wyll be here with vs within these two dayes he is at Lysle Syr sayd the constable we can not departe tyll the wynde serue vs for the wynde is so sore agaynst vs and soo straynable that the maryners saye they haue herde none suche of a grete season before Constable sayd the kynge I haue ben in my vessell and it pleaseth me gretely the ayre of the see I byleue I shall be a good maryner for the see dyd me no hurte in the name of god sayd the constable it hath done hurte to me for syr we were in grete peryll comynge fro Brytayne hyder the kynge demaunded hywe soo Then the constable sayd by fortune of the see and grete wyndes that rose agaynst vs in the fronters of Englande and syr we haue lost of our shyppes and men wherof I am ryght sory yf I myght amende it but syr it is without remedy for this tyme. Thus the kynge and the Constable deuysed togyder in wordes and alwayes the tyme passed and the wynter approched and the lordes laye there in grete colde and peryll THe flemynges gladly wolde not haue hadde them retourne agayne thrughe theyr countrey and they sayd one to another why the deuyll dothe not the frensshe kynge passe ouer in to Englande why taryeth he so longe in this countrey are we not in pouertye ynoughe thoughe the frensshe men make vs no poorer we thynke they wyll not passe in to Englande this yere for the royalme of Englande is not so easy to be wonne englysshmē be not of the condycyon of frensshemen what wyl they do in Englande when the englysshmē were in Fraunce ouer rode theyr countreys thē they hyd themselfe in theyr fortresses fled before them as the larke dothe before the hawke and in the towne of Bruges where as moost resorte was of the frensshmen they murmured were redy for waggyng of a rysshe to make debate and stryfe and al began by the frensshe lakeys who had beten and hurte some of the flemynges so that yf the honest men of the towne had not armed them and drawen in to the market place to appease the ryot there had not a lorde knyght nor squyer of Fraunce haue scaped vnslayne for the comon people of the towne bare a grudge in theyr myndes for the batayle of Rosebeque where theyr faders br●ther ne and frendes were slayne by the frensshmen god sent thyder at that tyme for the frensshmen the lorde of Guystell who as then was at Bruges when he vnderstode howe the comons wente to harneys he fered all sholde be lost without remedy howbeit he lepte on his hors with v. or .vi. with hym and rode into the stretes as he met with ony armed goynge to the marget place warde he sayd to them syrs whether goo you wyll you lose yourselfe haue ye not had warre youghe so that ye haue moche a do to gete your lyuynge retourne in to your houses there is nothynge to do ye may put yourselfe and your towne in suche ieoperdy that all shall be lost do you not knowe how the frenssh kynge and all his puyssaunce and armye is here in this countrey soo with fayre wordes he appeased theym and caused theym to retourne in to theyr houses whiche hadde not so lyghtly haue ben done yf he had not ben there the frensshmen there were in suche fere that they closed themselfe in theyr lodgynges there to abyde theyr aduenture ¶ Howe the voyage in to Englande was broken by reason of the wyndes of wynter and by counsayle of the duke of Berre Ca. lix SO fynally the duke of Berre came to Sluse to the kynge and the kynge sayd to hym a fayre vncle how gretely I haue desyred to se you why haue you taryed so long we had ben as nowe in Englande and fought with our enemyes if ye had ben come the duke began to smyle and to exscuse hymselfe and shewed not incontynent what laye in his harte fyrst he thought he wolde se what prouysyon and ordenaunce was made and to se the nauey that was named so goodly Soo they were there a .vii. dayes that euery daye it was sayd we shall departe to morowe howbeit surely the wynde was soo contrary that in no wyse they coulde sayle in to Englande wynter was well on it was past saynt Andrewes tyde it was no good season for so many noble men to take the see and many of theyr shyppes were redy crossed in a redynes to departe some were in theyr shyppes to be the formost sholde passe as syr Robert and syr Phylyp Artoys syr Henry of bare syr Peter of Nauare and dyuers other Then the kynges coūtayle drewe togyder to se howe they sholde perceyuer in theyr iourney but the duke of Berre brake all and shewed so many reasons reasonable that suche as had moost desyre to goo were gretely dyscouraged he sayd it was a grete foly to counsayle the frensshe kynge who in a maner was but a chylde to take the see in that season of the yere and to go fyght with suche people as we knowe not theyr condycyon nor the way thyder and as it is sayd it is an euyll coūtrey to make warre in for thoughe we were al there a lande yet they wolde not fyght with vs but when they lyst and we dare not then leue our prouysyon behynde vs for yf we do it wyl be lost and they that wyl make suche a voyage so ferre of hath nede to begyn in the harte of the yere and not in wynter call all the maryners togyder and loke yf they wyl not saye that my wordes be good for thoughe we be as nowe a thousande and .v. hundred shyppes yet or we come there we shal not be .iii. hundred then be holde what peryll we sholde put ourselfe in I saye it not bycause I wolde haue the
iourney lefte but I speke it by waye of counsayle and syth that the moost parte of the royalme enclyneth to this iourney therfore fayre broder of Borgoyne I wolde that you and I sholde go but I wolde not counsayle that the kynge sholde goo for yf ony mysfortune sholde fall it shal be layde to vs well sayd the frensshe kynge who was present at all those wordes yf none wyll go I wyll go Then the lordes began to smyle and sayd the kynge hath a couragyous wyll Howbeit they toke counsayle to deferre that voyage tyll Aprell or May nexte after theyr prouysyons as Bysquet powdred flesshe and wyne sholde be kepte saufely tyll then and there they ordeyned that the lordes and theyr companyes sholde retourne thyder agayne in the moneth of Marche anone this was knowen and so brake the voyage for that season the whicost the royalme of Fraunce a C.M. frankes xxx tyme tolde ¶ Howe kynge Charles of fraunce and the frensshe lordes retourned euyll contente fro Sluse and out of Flaunders where as theyr prouysyons were made to haue gone in to the royalme of Englande and of the feest that was made at London Ca. lx AS ye haue herde before there was made a grete apparell in Fraunce by the kynge there and the lordes with grete cost and charge with shyppes and galayes to passe the see in to englande to make warre there And howe this voyage was broken by wether and bycause that wynter was so nere hande Then it was ordeyned by the counsayle that the kynge and the lordes sholde retourne euery man to his owne home and euery thynge to abyde in the same state vnto the moneth of Marche or Aprell and then euery man to be redy at the kynges commaundement THen there myght well haue ben seene lordes and knyghtes soore dyspleased And specyally suche as were of farre coūtreys and had sore trauayled theyr bodyes and spente theyr money in trust to haue had a good season as the erle of Sauoy the erle of Army●ake and the erle Daulphyn of Awuergne and a C. other grete lordes that departed in grete dyspleasure bycause they had not ben in Englande in lykewyse so dyd the frensshe kynge but as thenne he coulde not amende it ¶ So thus departed all maner of people some mery and some gretely dyspleased and angry and the offycers abode styll there behynde for too make shyfte to sell theyr prouysyons for theyr maysters profyte and to take money for them yf they myght but they wyst not to whome nor where for it that coste a hundred frankes was solde for .x. frankes and for lesse money The erle Dalphyn of Awuergne sayd vnto me that by his faythe he hadde there prouysyons the whiche coste hym ten thousande frankes and when he retourned homewarde agayne he lost all togyther and soo sayd many knyghtes and squyers and other people of Fraunce ¶ And when these tydynges were knowen in the royme of Englande some were ryght ioyfull and gladde therof as suche people that doubted the Frensshe mennes commynge And some were angry and dyspleased therwith whiche was suche people as thought to haue some promocyon and profyte by them SO thenne there was made at the cyte of London a grete feest and thyther came all the lordes suche as hadde kepte the portes and passages of the royalme of Englande ¶ And then the kynge helde also a noble feest at westmynstre on Crystmasse day And there were thre dukes made ¶ Fyrste the erle of Cambrydge was made the duke of yorke The erle of Buckyngham his broder was made duke of Glocestre And the thyrde was the erle of Oxenforde and he was made the d● of Irelande This feest endured with grete reuelles and tryumphes ¶ So thus the people of the royalme of Englande as they thought themselfe that they hadde escaped a grete peryll and thenne dyuers of them sayd amonge themselfe that they wolde neuer sette more by the Frensshe men and they thought that all the assemble of the Frensshe men that was made at Sluse was but to fere the Englysshe men and to haue caused the duke of Lancastre and his company to retourne agayne out of Spayne ¶ Howe a squyer called Iaques le Grys was accused in the parlyament house at Parys before all the lordes there present by a knyght called Iohn̄ of Carongne and what Iugement was gyuen vpon them and howe they Iusted at vtteraunce in Parys in a place called saynt Katheryne behynde the temple And howe Iaques le Grys was confounded Ca. lxi IN this tyme grete brute there was in fraunce and in the lowe marches of a feate of armes that sholde be done at Parys in vtteraunce for soo the matter was Iudged in the parlyament chambre at Parys The whiche plee hadde endured a yere bytwene these two partyes the one was asquyer called Iaques le Grys and the other partye was a knyght called Iohn̄ of Carongne and they were bothe of the lande housholde of the erle Peter of alanson they were welbyloued of theyr lorde and specyally this squyer Iaques le Grys was byloued and trysted with his lorde aboue ony other persone in his courte or housholde and bycause that mortall batayle folowed bytwene them and they beynge bothe of one lordes housholde euery man hadde grete meruayle therof Soo that out of dyuers countreys grete multytude of people came to Parys at the daye of batayle for to se it I shall shewe you the hole matter I as was then enfourmed SOo it was that on a season this knyght called Iohn̄ of Carongne toke an entrepryse vpon hym to goo ouer the see for the auauncement of his honoure where vnto he hadde ben longe tyme to accomplysshe ¶ Soo he departed from his lorde the erle of Alanson to doo his voyage And also he toke his leue of his wyfe who as then was reputed a fayre lady and a yonge and he lefte her in a castell of his owne on the marches of Perche otherwyse called Argentuell and so entred in to his voyage and his wyfe laye styll at her castell in a wyse and sage maner ¶ Soo here beganne the matter by the deuylles temptacyon whiche entred in to the body of the squyer Iaques le Grys who was with the erle of Alanson his lorde for he was as one of his counsayle And so he determyned in his mynde to doo an euyll dede whiche he derely bought afterwarde Howbeit the euyll that he dyd coulde neuer be proued in hym nor he wolde neuer confesse it This squyer Iaques le Grys sette his mynde on the wyfe of the foresayd knyght Iohn̄ of Carongne in the absence of her husbande and he knewe well that she was in the castell of Argentuell but with her owne company and housholde seruauntes ¶ And soo on a mornynge he toke a good hors and departed from Alanson and so rode on the spurres with grete haste tyll he came to the ladyes castell and when he was thyder come the ladyes seruauntes made hym
Englande the good quene Phylyp whos seruaunt I was in myne yongth she was of ryghtfull gouernacyon cosyn germayne to the lorde Charles of Bloys she dyd put to her payne for his delyuerauce howbeit the counsayle of Englande wolde not that he sholde be delyuered the duke Henry of Lancastre sayd and other lordes of englande that yf he were out of pryson by hym myght be made many grete recoueraunces for the royalme of Fraunce for kynge Phylyp as then frensshe kyng was his vncles and they affyrmed that as longe as he were kepte in pryson theyr warre in to Fraunce sholde be the easyer howbeit for all those wordes that was shewed to the kynge by the good meanes of the noble and good quene he was set to his fynaunce to paye CC.M. nobles whiche was as then a grete some to be payde for lordes as then lyued in another maner thē they do nowe for as nowe men may pay more then theyr predecessours myght haue done for nowe they tayle theyr people at theyr pleasure and before they lyued but on theyr rentes and reuenues for as nowe the duchy of Bretayne wtin a yere or two is able to pay to helpe theyr lorde .ii. M. nobles or more The lorde Charles of Bloys layde to the kynge of Englande his .ii. sones in pledge for the sayd some afterwarde the lorde Charles of Bloys had so moche to do in pursuyng his warre for the duchy of Bretayne and to pay his souldyours and to kepe his estate alwayes hopynge to come to a good ende of his warre so that he was not able to quyte out his sones out of Englande for the holy man in pursuynge of his herytage dyed as a saynt in a batayle in Bretayne before aulroy by the ayde of the Englysshe men who were agaynst hym when he was deed yet the warre ended not but then kynge Charles of fraunce who in his lyfe doubted gretly the fortunes of the warres when he sawe that the erle Mountforde the Englysshe men seased not but styll wente forwarde wanne townes fortresses in Bretayne he fered that yf the erle Mountforde myght come to his entente of the duchy of Bretayne that he wolde not holde nor do homage to hym for he had promysed his alleageaunce to the kynge of englande who ayded alwaye hadde done to maynteyne his warre then he treted with the erle Mountforde his counsayle as it hath ben shewed here before wherfore I wyll speke no more therof but the erle of Moūtforde abode as duke of Bretayne with that he sholde do homage and holde soueraynte or the crowne of fraunce and by the same trety the duke sholde ayde helpe to gete delyuered out of pryson in englande his .ii. cosyns sones to the lorde Charles of Bloys whiche artycle he neuer dyd accomplysshe for alwayes he doubted that yf they retourned they wolde put hym to some busynes for the duchy of Bretayne fered lest they of Bretayne wolde receyue them as theyr lordes for they more enclyned to thē then to hym wherfore he wolde not speke for theyr delyueraunce Thus these .ii. chyldren abode so longe in Englande in pryson somtyme in the kepynge of the lorde Roger Beawchamp and the lady Sybyll his wyfe and somtyme with syr Thomas Dambrychcourte on a tyme the yonger Guy of Bretayne dyed then Iohn̄ of Bretayne abode styll in pryson alone he was often tymes sad of his beynge in pryson but he coulde not amēde it And often tymes when he remembred the losse of his yonge dayes as he that was of the moost noble generacyon of the worlde was lykely to lese he wolde often tymes wepe and wysshed hymselfe rather deed then a lyue for a .xxxv. yeres or theraboute he had ben in the daunger of his enemyes in Englande and coulde se noo maner of meanes of his delyueraunce for his frendes and kynne drewe of fro hym and the some that he laye for was so grete that he wyst not how it sholde be payde without god helped hym and the duke of Anioy for all his puyssaunce and prosperyte and that he had wedded his syster germayne by whom he had .ii. fayre sones Loys Charles for all this he dyd nothynge for hym Now shall I shew you howe this Iohn̄ of Bretayne was delyuered ¶ Howe Iohn̄ of Bretayne sone to syr Charles of Bloys was delyuered out of pryson by the meanes of Olyuer of Clysson the constable of Fraunce Ca. lxxii IT hathe ben shewed here before in this hystory how the erle of Buckynghā made a voyage thrughe the royalme of Fraunce came in to Bretayne the duke of Bretayne had desyred hym so to doo bycause parte of his countrey wolde not be vnder his obeysaunce there the erle of Buckyngham his company lay al y● wynter the begynnyng of somer 〈◊〉 in grete pouerte before Nantes Wennes tyll it was Maye then he retourned in to englande when the erle Thomas of Buckyngham his company laye before Wennes in lodgynges without There were dyuers skyrmysshes bytwene the englysshment frensshmen thyder came Olyuer Clyūon constabable of Fraunce to se the warre that was there made to speke with the englysshe knyghtes for he knewe them well for in his yongth he was brought vp amonge thē in Englande soo he made good company with them in diuers maners as noble men of armes wyll do eche to other as frensshmen and englysshmē haue alwayes done as then he had good cause so to do for he entended a purpose whiche touched hym ryght nere but he wolde dyscouer his entente to noo man lyuynge but alonely to a squyer that was there who had alwayes before serued the lorde Charles of bloys for yf the constable had dyscouered his entente to ouy man he had ben out of all hope to haue sped brought aboute his purpose whiche by the grace of god he atteyned vnto The constable coulde in no wyse loue the duke of Bretayne nor he hym longe tyme or they shewed it And where as he sawe Iohn̄ of Bretayne in pryson in englande he had therof grete pyte whē he sawe the duke of Bretayne in possessyon of the herytage of Bretayne when he thought that he was in moost loue with the duke then he sayd syr why do ye not put to your payne that your cosyn Iohn̄ of Bretayne were out of the kyng of Englandes pryson syr ye are bounde therto by othe promyse for syr when all the countrey of Bretayne was in treaty with you the prelates noble men good townes the cyte of Nantes Archebysshop of Reynes syr Iohn̄ Craon syr Boncequalte as then marshall of fraunce ●reted with you for the peas before Compercorentync than there ye sware that ye sholde do your full puyssaunce to delyuer your cosynes out of pryson syr ye haue done nothynge in that matter Wherfore be you sure the countrey of Bretayne loueth you the lesse oweth you the
smaller fauoure the duke to his demaūde dyssymuled sayd holde your peas syr Olyuer where shalde I gete .iii. or .iiii. M. frankes that is demaunded for theyr raunsomes Syr sayd the constable yf the countrey of Bretayne sawe that you were wel wyllynge to the matter they wolde be contente to pay a taxe ●a fowage to delyuer the pryson ers who are lyke to dye in prison without god helpe them sy-Olyuer sayd the duke as for my countrey of bretayne shall not be taxed for me my cosynes haue grete prynces of theyr lygnage as the frenssh kynge and the duke of Anioy they may helpe to delyuer them for they haue alwayes susteyned the warre agaynst me and when I sware to ayde to theyr delyueraunce myne entencyon was none otherwyse but that the frensshe kynge or theyr kynsmen sholde pay theyr raunsomes the constable coulde gete of the duke none other answere thus as I haue begon to shewe you The constable sawe clerely howe the erle of bu●kyngham the barons knyghtes of englande suche as hadde ben with hym in the voyage thrughe fraunce so in to Bretayne were nothynge contente with the duke of Bretayne bycause he wolde not open his townes to them lyke as he had promysed when he departed out of Englande but whyles the englysshmen lay before wennes in the subbarbes of Nanibont they endured grete pouerte for they hadde nothynge to ete and theyr horses dyed for fawte of foode The englysshmen were fayne to gather the thystelles in the feldes braye them in a morter tempre it with water and make ther of a paast so bake it to ete suche pouerte they endured and they sayd amonge themselfe the duke doth not acquyte hymselfe nobly agaynst vs syth we haue put hȳ in possessyon of the sygnory of Bretayne and yf we sholde do well we sholde take it fro hym agayne and gete out of pryson Iohn̄ of Bretayne his aduersary make hym duke the countrey loueth hym better then he that is now duke We can not better be reuenged of hym nor soner to cause hym to lese the duchy of Bretayne the constable of fraunce knewe ryght well what wordes sore murmuracyons the englysshmen had amonge themselfe agaynst the duke of Bretayne wherwith he was nothynge dyspleased for euery euyll worde that they spake he wolde it had ben .xii. Howbeit he made therof no semblaunt no more dyd a squyer of Bretayne to whome he had broken his mynde to go in to englande on his message this squyer was called Rollant and so it was that syr Iohn̄ of Harleton capytayne of Chyerbourge was with the constable at the castel Iosselyn vnder saufconduyte and there the constable made hym good chere and to his company and kepte the englysshmen as good company as he coulde the rather therby to gete theyr good wylles then the constable squyer auaunced forth spake to syr Iohn̄ Harleton before the constable sayd syr Iohn̄ ye sholde do me a grete pleasure to do one thynge for me whiche shall cost you nothynge syr sayd y● knyght for the loue of the constable though it be to my cost I am contente to do that I can for you what is that I sholde do syr sayd the squyer that I myght be assured to go in to Englande to semyne olde mayster Iohn̄ of Bretayne the grettest desyre that I haue in this worlde is to se hym by my fayth sayd syr Iohn̄ harlton it shal not be let for me but that ye shal go as soone as I am retourned to Chyerbourge I wyll go in to englande ye shal go with me I shal bryng you thyder for your request is not to be refused syr sayd the squyer I thanke you and I repute it for a grete curtoysy Thus this squyer wente with syr Iohn̄ Harlton to Chyerbourg and when he had made euery thyng redy he departed and entred in to the see with Iohn̄ Rollant in his company so came to London and brought the squyer to the castell where as Iohn̄ of Bretayne was who knewe hym not at the fyrst metynge at the last he called hym to his remembraunce so spake togyder there he shewed Iohn̄ of Bretayne howe that the constable of fraunce dyd wolde do his payne for his delyueraunce howe can that be sayd Iohn̄ of Bretayne syr sayd y● squyer I shall shewe you my lorde the constable hath a doughter to mary so that yf ye wyll swere promyse when ye be retourned in to Bretayne to take her to your wyfe he wyll delyuer you out of englande he hath founde well the meanes how syr howe say you wyll ye do thus ye truely sayd he ye shall retourne to the constable say in my name howe there is nothynge I may doo to be delyuered but I wyll do it as for his doughter gladly I wyll take her to my wyfe thus the squyer Iohn̄ of Bretayne departed passed out of englande retourned in to Bretayne recorded to the constable all that he had sene harde the cōstable who desyred the aduauncement of his doughter as to be maried so highly as to Iohn̄ of Bretayne was not neglygent in his busynes studyed for a meane in Englande to brynge aboute his purpose without he had founde out a meanes as he dyd he sholde neuer haue come to his purpose whiche was to gete the erle of Oxenforde on his parte who was most pryuy with the kynge of Englande as then but this matter was not shortly brought to passe for as longe as the duke of Lancastre was in englande and before his iourney in to spayne there was no dyscouerynge to the kynge of the tretye for delyueraunce of Iohn̄ of Bretayne for when the erle of Buckyngham retourned out of Bretayne the renome ran thrughe al the royalme how the duke of Bretayne had falsely acquyted hym selfe to the Englysshmen wherfore was spoken all the euyll that coulde be deuysed then Iohn̄ of Bretayne was brought in to the kynges presence and to his vncles then it was sayd to hym Iohn̄ of Bretayne yf ye wyll releue holde the duchy of Bretayne of the kynge of Englande ye shall be delyuered out of pryson and set in possessyon of the sygnory of Bretayne shall be ryght hyghly maryed in this countrey as ye ought to be for the duke of Lancastre wo●de haue gyuen hym to his doughter Phylyp in maryage who was after quene of Portyngale Iohn̄ of Bretayne answered that he wolde neuer agree to that tretye nor neuer wolde be enemye nor contrary to the crowne of Fraunce he sayd he was contente to take the duke of Lācastres doughter in maryage soo he myght be delyuered out of pryson out of englande whē they sawe he wolde do none otherwyse he was set agayne in pryson and after the erle or Oxenforde whom we called duke of Irelande sawe that the duke of Lancastre was gone out of englande in to Castell and
that the tretye of the maryage of his doughter with Iohn of Bretayne was passed for the duke of Lancastre had his doughter with hym in to Castell then he thought to ratrete the kyng of englande to gyue hym in rewarde for suche seruyce as he had done and entended to do Iohn̄ of Brtayne for yf he coulde gete hym of the kyng he was agreed with the constable of Fraunce to haue for his raunsome at two paymentes .vi. score M. frākes the fyrst .lx. M. to be payde as sone as Iohn̄ of Bretayne were sent delyuered in to the towne of Boloyne and the other .lx. M. to be payde at Parys whersoeuer he wolde haue it delyuered the duke of Irelande coueted these floreyns and dyd so moche with the kynge of englande that the kynge gaue hym Iohn̄ of Bretayne clerely wherof many in Englande had grete meruayle but they that lyst to speke wolde speke there was none other thynge the duke of Irelande caused hym to be delyuered in to Boloyne and there the constable had made redy euery thynge for hym dnd so he rode to Parys and there founde the kynge and other lordes of his lygnage who made hym good chere and the constable also who brought hym in to Bretayne and there Iohan of Bretayne wedded his doughter as he had promysed and when the duke of Bretayne knewe that Iohn̄ of Bretayne was retourned in to Fraunce and clene delyuered out of Englande by the ayde and purchase to the constable of Fraunce then he had the cōstable in double hatred sayd what weneth syr Olyuer of Clesson to put me out of myne herytage he sheweth wel the tokens therof he hath delyuered out pryson Iohn̄ of Bretayne and hath gyuen hym his doughter in marriage whiche thynges are to me ryght dyspleasaunt surely that shall I well shewe ones on a daye howe he hath not wel done peraduenture whē he taketh leest hede therof he sayd truely for he shewed it quyckely or the yere passed as ye shall here after in the story But fyrst we wyll speke of the busynes of Castell and Portyngale and of an armye on the see that the englysshmen made to come to Sluse HEre before ye haue herde how the frensshe kynges armye by the see to haue gone in to englande was broken vp in the same season not by the frensshe kynges good wyll for alway he shewed good courage to haue passed in to Englande and when he sawe howe the iourney brake he was more dyspleased then ony other and all the fawte was layde vpon the duke of Berre howbeit it was to be thought that he saw more depelyer in the matter then ony other in his counsayllynge to leue the iourney was for the honoure and profyte of the royalme of fraunce ▪ for who soo euer enterprysed to doo a thynge ought to regarde what ende may come therof and the duke of Berre had ben before so longe in englande in hostage for the kyng his fader had ben so cōuersaunt among the englyssh men had sene so moche of the countrey that he knewe by reason what effecte the goynge in to englande sholde haue come to the cause moost exscusable not to go was bycause wynter was so farre ronne But then it was sayd that the constable of fraunce the nexte somer sholde goo in to englande with a .vi. M. men of armes and as many crosse bowes for it was thought by hymselfe sayd howe that nombre was sufficy to fyght with the englysshe men by reason the constable ought to haue knowen it for he had ben nourysshed there in his yonge dayes whē these lordes were retourned in to Fraunce thē it was determyned to sende socours in to Castell to ayde the kynge there agaynst the kynge of Portyngale and the duke of Lancastre for it was thought that shortely there sholde be some dedes of armes for the englysshmen kepte the felde And it was consydered that they coulde sende noo men of warre thyder without grete cost and charge for the iourney was ferre of there was but lytell money in the kynges treasoury nor in treasourers handes for the some of money that had ben gadered of the people before in the royalme was spente wasted wherfore they studyed howe to gete more and soo a newe tayle and taxe was deuysed to ryn thrughout all the royalme of Fraunce to be payde incontynent without delay noysynge howe it was for the comfortynge of the kynge of Spayne and to dryue the englysshmen out of his royalme This tayle was publysshed in euery place and the kynges commyssyoners sente in to euery good towne and Cyte who sayd to the gouernours of the townes Syrs thus moche your towne is taxed at the whiche ye must pay incontynent then the rulers sayd syrs we shall gather this some and then sende it to Parys nay syrs not so sayd the commyssaryes we wyl not abyde so longe we wyll do otherwyse then so and commaunded in the kynges name a .x. or xii of the best of the towne to goo to pryson without they payde the some without ony longer delay the honest men fered the pryson and the kynges dyspleasure wherfore they drewe them togyder and payde the money incontynente and recouered it agayne of the poore mē thus they dyd in euery good towne so that there were so many tayles and taxes one after and ther for the fyrst was scante payde when another began thus in that season the noble royal me of fraunce was gouerned and the poore people ouer ledde So that many auoyded out of theyr townes and forsoke theyr herytages and houses for they were fayne to sell all that they had and some wente to dwell in Haynalte and in to the bysshopryche of Lyege where as there ranne no taxe nor tayllage ¶ Howe the duke of Borbon was chosen to goo in to Castell and dyuers other and howe syr Iohan Bucke admyral of flaunders was taken prysoner by the Englysshe men Ca. lxxii THen yt was deuysed what capytaynes sholde go in to Spayne Fyrst they apoynted the gentyll duke of borbone that he sholde be souerayne capytayne aboue all other or he departed there was apoynted .ii. other capytaynes to be in the vowarde and the duke of Borbon in the rerewarde with .ii. M. speres knyghtes squyers these .ii. capytaynes that sholde be in the vowarde were syr Wellyam of Lygnac syr Gaultyer hf Passac these .ii. lordes when they knewe that they sholde be the capytaynes of certayne men of armes to go in to Castel they prepayred thē selfe for that iourney then knyghtes and squyers were sente for all aboute the royalme of fraunce to go to Castell and the passages were opened as well in Nauare as in Aragon thenne knyghtes and squyers departed fro Bretayne Poycton Aniowe Mayne Torayne Bloys Orleaunce Beause pycardy borgoyne berre Awuergne fro all the boundes of the royal me of fraunce euery man toke theyr way to go in to Castell
of all the formest company syr wyllyam of Lygnac syr Gaultyer of Passac were leders to exalte theyr honoure they departed in good araye all theyr companyes in good ordre THus whyles these knyghtes squyers of the royalme of fraunce prepayred thē to goo in to Castell suche as were fyrst redy fyrst departed specyally they that were of farre countreys for there were many that desyred dedes of armes the same season the englysshmen were on the see bytwene Englande Flaunders wherof Rycharde erle of Arundell was admyral in his cōpany the erle of deuonshyre the erle of Notynghā the bysshop of Norwyche they were a .v. C. men of armes M. archers they had lyen at ancre a grete season abydyng some aduēture often tymes refresshed thē on the cost of englande aboute the yles of Cornewall bretayne Normādy they were sore dyspleased in that the flete of flaunders was scaped fro thē were gone to rochell specyally that the cōstable of fraunce was gone fro Lentrygner to sluse passed by Calays met not with hym for gladly they wolde haue fought with hym yet the constable had as many shyppes as they but they passed by thē by reason of the wynde the fludde that they had in the nyght tyme the englysshe nauy lay at ancre before Mergate at the Tames mouthe towarde Sandwyche abydynge theyr aduenture specyally abydyng for the shyppes that were gone to Rochell for they thought they wolde shortly retourne so they dyd for when the merchauntes of flaunders of rochel of Haynalte other places who for doubte of the englysshmen were conioyned togyder departed out of flauders they ꝓmysed eche other to go to retourne togyder to take eche others parte when they had all done theyr busynes in Rochel in the coūtrey of Xainton had charged theyr shyppes with wynes then as soone as they had good wynde they dysancred departed out of the hauen of Rochell toke theyr way by the see to goo in to flaunders to Sluse fro whens they departed they sayled so longe that they passed the rase saynt Mathewe in Bretayne without peryll or domage so costed base Bretayne thē nor mandy so came ryght ouer the Tames mouth where as the englysshe nauy lay the flemynges perceyued where they laye they in the hyghe shyppes sayd to theyr cōpany syrs aduyse you wel we shall be met by the englysshe armye they they haue perceyued vs they wyl take the aduaūtage of the wynde tyde we shal haue batayle or it be nyght that tydynges pleased not well al partyes specyally the merchauntes of flaūders of Haynalte of other countreys who had theyr merchaūdyse there abrode they wolde gladly haue ben thens yf they myght Howbeit syth they sawe no remedy but fyght they ordred thē selfe therto they were crosse bowes and other mē harneysed defensably arayed mo thē .vii. C amonge thē there was a valyaunt knyght of flaunders who was theyr capytayne was as then admyrall of the see set there by the duke of Borbone called syr Iohn̄ Bucke ryght sage hardy in armes had done before grete domage on the see to the englyghmen this syr Iohn̄ Bucke set euery thyng in good ordre decked his shyppes wel wysely as he that coulde ryght wel do it sayd syrs be not abasshed we are mē ynowe to fyght with the englysshe army the wynde wyl serue vs that euer as we be fyghtyng we shal aproche nerer nerer to Sluse we shall coost flaundres some toke good cōforte with those wordes some not so they put thēselfe in good ordre defence made redy theyr crosse bowes gonues THe englysshe shyppes aproched they had certayne galays fournysshed with archers they came formest rowynge with owers and gaue the fyrst assaulte and archers shotte fyersly and lost moche of theyr shotte for the flemynges couered them vnder the deckes wold not apere but draue euer forth with the wynde and whē they were out of the englysshe archers shot then they dyd let fly theyr quarelles wher with they hurted many then approched the grete shyppes of Englande the erle of Arundel with his company the bysshop of Norwyche with his so the other lordes they russhed in amonge the flemynges shyppes them of Rochell yet the flemynges crosse bowes defended thē selfe ryght valyaūtly for theyr patron syr Iohn̄ Bucke dyd euer comforte thē he was in a gret strong shyp wherin he had .iii. gonnes shotynso grete stones that where soeuer they lyghted they dyd grete domage euer as they fought they drewe lytell lytell towarde flaunders some lytell shyppes with theyr merchauntes toke the coostes of Flaunders the lowe water therby saued them for the grete shyppes coulde not folow them for lacke of water thus on the se there was a harde batayle shyppes broken sunken on bothe partyes for out of the toppes they cast downe grete barres of yron where as they wente to the botom this was an harde batayle well fought for it endured a .iii. or .iiii. houres when the day fayled they withdrewe eche fro other cast ancre there rested all nyght dressed theyr hurte men when the fludde came they dysancred drewe vp sayles and retourned agayne to the batayle with the englysshmen was Peter du Boys of Gaunt with a certayne archers maryners who made the flemynges moche a do for he had ben a maryner wherfore he knewe the arte of the see he was fore dyspleased that the flemynges merchauntes endured so longe alwayes the englysshmen wanne aduauntage of the flemynges so came bytwene Blanqueberg Sluse agaynst Gagant there was the dyscomfyture for they were not socoured by no creature nor also at that tyme there were noo shyppes at Sluse nor men of warre true it was there was a squyer a man of armes at Sluse called Arnolde the mayre when he harde howe there was batayle on the see bytwene the armye of Englande them of Flaunders he toke a barke of his owne and entred therin and with hym a certayne men of Sluse and twenty crosse bowes and rowed by force tyll he came to the batayle but that was at the poynte of the dyscomfyture for by that tyme the englysshmen were seased of the moost parte of the flemysshe shyppes and had taken syr Iohn̄ Bucke theyr capytayne his shyp all that were within it and when this Arnolde the mayre sawe the maner of that batayle he made his crosse bowes to shote .iii. tymes then retourned and was chased into the hauen of Sluse but the englysshmennes shyppes were so grete that they coulde not approche so nere the lande as the barke dyd and therby he saued hymselfe and his company THe men of the towne of Sluse were sore abasshed when they
and salutacyons when he was iustly enfourmed of the departynge of the frensshe kynge fro Sluse then he called his counsayle and sayd syr ye knowe well howe the duke of Lancastre is in Galyce and the duches our cosyne with hym and it is not vnknowen to you howe he was here and had counsayle togyder and howe it was agreed that I sholde haue his doughter in maryage so it is I wyll perceyuer in the same estate and wyll demaunde her honourably as it is reason and apertenent to suche a prynce as the duke of Lancastre is to me as kynge of Portyngale I wyll make that lady quene of Portyngale syr sayd they of his counsayle ye doo in this accordynge to reason for ye haue so sworne promysed well sayd the kynge then let vs sende for her to the duke then there was appoynted the archebysshop of Braschez and syr Iohn̄ Radyghen of Sar to go an that ambassade they were sente for to the kynge and so they toke on them that voyage with them they had a. CC. speres ¶ Nowe let vs speke of the syege that syr Thomas Moreaus marshall of the duke of Lancastres cost had layde before the towne of Rybadane and shewe what became theron I Byleue that they of Rybadane thought to haue ben comforted by kynge Iohn of Castell and by the knyghtes of Fraunce who lay in the towne of Valcolyue or elles they wolde neuer haue endured soo longe for I haue meruayle howe suche a sorte of vyllaynes coulde endure agaynst suche a sloure of archers men of armes and were not abasshed for euery day they had assaulte and it was sayd to syr Thomas Moreaus in maner of counsayle by the moost valyaunt knyghtes of his company syr leue this towne here then an euyl fyer may b●enne it and let vs go further in to the countrey to Maynes to Noye or to Besances alwayes we may retourne agayne when we lyst by my fayth sayd syr Thomas that shall neuer be sayd that vyllaynes haue dyscomfyted vs I wyll not departe hens thoughe I sholde tary here .ii. monethes without y● duke sende for me Thus the marshalles mynde oppynyon was to kepe styll there his syege the kynge of Castell who laye at Valeolyue and had sente specyally for ayde in to Fraunce he harde dayly howe they of Rybadane defended themselfe valyauntly wolde not yelde in the name of god sayd the Barroys of Barrers it gretely dyspeaseth me that we sent not thyder our frenssh men they wolde gretely haue recomforted the men of that towne and also I am not contente that I am not at the syege for then at the leest I sholde haue the honoure as these vyllaynes haue nowe surely yf I had knowen the trouthe of the strength of that towne I wolde haue refresshed it and haue put myselfe at aduenture therin as well god sholde haue sente me the grace to haue defended the towne as these vyllaynes do Thus he deuysed in the kynges presence and before the frensshe knyghtes who desyred dedes of armes Then it was sayd to the kynge syr sende a. C. speres in to these townes of Noye of Calongne for who so hath those ii castelles hath the .ii. sydes of the lande of Galyce and to go thyder dyuers dyd present thēselfe before the kynge as syr Trystram of Roy and syr Raynolde his broder syr Aulberte of Braquemont syr Trystrā of Galle syr Iohn̄ of castell Morant syr Barroys of Barrers The kynge herde them well was contente with theyr offres and sayd fayre syrs I thanke you of your good wylles howbeit ye maye not all go some of you must abyde styll with me for aduentures that may fall but at this presente tyme I desyre the Barroys of Barrers to take on hym that charge yf it please hym the knyght was ryght glad of that iourney for he thought he had lyen there to longe and sayd to the kynge syr I thanke your grace shall kepe defende it to my power and shall not departe thens tyll ye sende for me so be it a goodes name sayd the kynge we thynke to here shortely some tydynges out of fraunce as then the knyghtes knewe not of the frensshe kynges departynge fro Sluse but the kynge knewe it well ynoughe for the duke of Borbon had wryten to hym of all the busynes in fraunce howe he was apoynted to come in to Castell with .iii. M. speres and before hym to open the passages sholde come .iii. M. speres vnder the gydynge of syr Wyllyam of Lygnac and syr Gaultyer of Passac the frensshe knyghtes desyred the kyng to shewe them some tydynges out of Fraunce with a good wyll sayd the kynge THen the kynge sayd syrs surely the duke of Borbon is chosen pryncypal capytayne to come in to this countrey for the frenssh kynge and his counsayle hath apoynted hym to come with .vi. thousande speres knyghtes and squyers and also two valyaunte knyghtes are chosen capytaynes for to come before hym as syr Wyllyam Lygnac as syr Gaultyer of Passac they shall come fyrst with a .iii. M. speres as for the voyage by the see in Englande is broken vp for this season tyll the constable of Fraunce and the erle of saynt Poule and the lorde of Concy with .iiii. M. speres shall goo in to Englande this nexte Maye Howe saye you syrs to this sayd the kynge syr sayd they these be ryche tydynges we can haue no better for this nexte somer dedes of armes shal be wel shewed in your countrey yf there be .vi. M. apoynted there wyll come .ix. M. we shall surely fyght with the englysshmen they kepe as nowe the felde but we shal close them togyder or it be mydsomer syr these knyghtes that come are ryght valyaunt and specyally the duke of Borbon and the other are proued knyghtes and worthy to be gouernours of mē of armes anone was spred abrode in the towne of Valeolyue and abrode in Castell the grete comforte and ayde that sholde come out of Fraunce by the fyrst daye of Maye wherof knyghtes and squyers were ryght ioyous THus the Barroys of Barres departed with a .l. speres and rode to the castell of Noye tydynges came to the duke of Lancastres marshall howe the frensshmen were a brode rydynge with a .l. speres to come to reyse the syege before Rybadane When the marshal harde those tydynges he byleued it lyghtly for they that shewed hym therof affyrmed it to be true saynge how they had sene them ryde ouer the ryuer of Dorne toke theyr lodgyng at the towne of Arpent Then the marshal was in doubte toke coūsayle determyned to sende worde therof to the duke of Lancastre his lorde and so he dyd and he sente syr Iohn̄ Dambrecycourt and a heraulde who knewe all the wayes in Galyce and then the marshall made euer good watche and spyal for he doubted to be ascryed in the nyght halfe the dost watched euery nyght whyle the other slepte syr
vncles the duke of yorke and the duke of Glocestre and they were agaynst hym and all this varyaunce dyd ryse by the meanes of the duke of Irelande who bare all the chefe rule aboute the kynge and the comons of Englande in dyuers cytees knewe well of this dyscorde they that were sage men reputed it for a grete euyl and fered that moche trouble sholde growe therby but suche as were lyght persones made noo rekenynge therof some sayenge that it was for enuye that the kynges vncles hadde agaynst the kynge theyr nephewe and bycause they sawe howe the crowne of Englande began to growe farre of frome them and some other sayd how the kynge was but yonge and byleued yonge counsayle and howe that it were better for hym to byleue hys vncles who mente noo thynge to hym but al honoure and pro●yte nor to the royalme of Englande rather then to be ruled by the prowde duke of Irelande who neuer sawe ony thynge perteynynge to honoure nor neuer was in ony batayle Thus euery man dyffered from other in the royalme of Englande Whiche trybulacyons were well knowen in Fraunce wherfore they made this grete prouysyon to goo thyder with all theyr puyssaunce thynkynge to doo a grete feate on the other syde the prelates of englande were in hatred one with another as the archebysshop of Cauntorbury who was of the Neuelles blood with the archebysshop of yorke And yet they were countrey men borne but they hated mortally eche other bycause the lorde Neuell hadde the rule and gouernaunce of Northumbrelande and soo to the marches of Skotlande aboue the erle of Northumbrelande and his chyldren the lorde Henry and the lorde Raffe of Percy whiche rule the lorde Neuelles broder had gotten hym for he was one of the chefe aboute the kynge with the duke of Irelande ¶ Of the grete dyscordes that were in Englande after the brekynge vp of the Frensshe armye armye and how the gouernours about the kynge were constrayned by the comons of the good townes to make accomptes of suche money as was come in to theyr handes the season that they ruled Ca. lxxxii AS sone as the englysshmen knewe that the voyage by the see that the frensshmen sholde haue made beynge at Sluse was dasshed and broken Then in Englande began dyuers murmuracyons in sundry places and suche as loued euyll rule rather then good sayd Where be nowe these grete entrepryses and these valyaunt men of englande that were in the dayes of kynge Edwarde the thyrde and with the prynce his sone we were wonte to go in to Fraunce and put backe our enemyes in suche maner that none durst make batayle with vs yf they dydde they were soone dyscomfyted O What a dede was that when the noble kynge Edwarde aryued in Normandy and in Constantyne and passed thrugh the royalme of Fraunce and what goodly entrepryse he acheued in his waye and after at Cressy he dyscomfyted kynge Phylyp and all the puyssaunce of Fraunce and or he retourned he wan the towne of Calays But as nowe the knyghtes and men of warre in Englande doo none suche feates ¶ Also the prynce of Wales sone to this noble kynge dyd he not take the Frensshe kynge Iohn̄ and dyscomfyted his pyssaunce at Poycters with a smal nombre of people agaynste the people that kynge Iohn̄ hadde In those dayes Englande was fered and doubted and were spoken of thrughe al the worlde for the floure of chyualry but as nowe no man speketh of vs for nowe there is noo warre made but at poore mennes purses therto euery man is enclyned in Fraunce as nowe the kynge there is but a chylde and yet he hath done more agaynst vs then ony of his predecessours And also he shewed grete courage to haue come in to Englande the lette therof was not by hym but by his men The tyme hath ben sene that yf suche an apparell of shyppes had ben made at Sluse they sholde haue ben foughten withall in theyr owne hauen and nowe the noble men of Englande are ioyfull when they maye sytre at rest and suffre them in peas but yet for all that they suffre not poore men to be in rest but put them to busynes to paye money The tyme hath ben that grete conquestes haue ben done in fraunce without payenge of ony money but suche ryches as hath ben gotten there it hath ben spred abrode in the royalme where is become the grete fynaunces and tayles that hath ben gadered in this royalme with the kynges rentes and accostomed reuenues outher they haue lost it or taken fro them it is behouable that it be knowen howe the royalme of Englande is gouerned and howe the kynge is ledde it were not good that it sholde be longe or it were knowen for this royalme of Englande is not soo ryche nor so puyssaunt to bere lyke charges as the royalme of Fraunce dothe ¶ Also it appereth wel that we in this royalme of englande are febled of wyttes and of grace We were wonte to knowe euery thynge that was done in Fraunce a thre or foure monethes or the case fell wherby we myght conuenyently make prouysyon and resystence but as nowe we knowe noo thynge But the Frensshe men knoweth all our secretes and counsayles we cannot tell in whome is the fawte it wyll be knowen vpon a daye There be some preuy traytours and it were better it were knowen betymes then to late for it maye be knowen soo la●e that it wyll be past remedy THus dyuersely men talked in Englande as well knyghtes and squyers as the comons soo that the royalme laye in a harde case and grete peryll And the grete assembly that the kyng and his vncles and his counsayle hadde made with grete expence in dyuers maners to resyst the frensshe kynge beynge a Sluse redy to entre in to Englande suche knyghtes and squyers and other as were in a redynes wolde as then be payde of theyr wages and so for that entente there was a parlyamente somoned to be holden at London by the nobles prelates and comons of Englonde and pryncypally it was ordeyned that there sholde be reysed a grete tayle and subsydye thrughe out the royalme of Englande the ryche to bere out the poore This parlyament was remoued to westmynstre and thyder came all suche as were sente for and many moo to here tydynges ¶ There was the kynge and his two vncles Edmunde and Thomas with many other nobles of the royalme And amonge other thynges yt was sayd that in the kynges treasoure there was substaunce skante to maynteyne the kynges estate soberly Wherfore they of his counsayle sayd howe there must be leuyed a subsydye thrughe out all the royalme of Englande yf suche costes and charges sholde be payde as hathe ben done for the defence of the royalme of englande agaynst the frensshe men To this agreed well they of the bysshopryche of Norwyche and also the archebysshopryche of Cauntorbury and the countye of Essex the countye of Hampton and
ben good lorde vnto me and I haue hadde moche profyte by hym who was nephewe and nexte to the erle Loys of Bloys broder germayne to saynt Charles of Bloys and as longe as he lyued he was duke of Bretayne Truely I saye not this for no cause but all onely to declare the trouthe And also the gentyll prynce and erle that hathe caused me to wryte this story wolde in no wyse that I sholde swarue from the trouth NOwe to retourne to our purpose ye knowe well as longe as duke Iohan of Bretayne lyued he coulde neuer attayne to haue all his men in euery poynte to agree to his oppynyons And he sore fered them lest at the last they sholde haue taken hym and put hym in pryson in Fraunce Wherfore he departed out of Bretayne and wente in to Englande with all his householde and the lady his wyfe Iahan of Holande doughter somtyme of the good knyght syr Thomas Holande and thus a season he became seruaunt to kynge Rycharde of Englande and afterwarde he wente in to Flaunders to the erle of Bloys who was his cosyn germayne there taryed more then a yere and an halfe ¶ Fynally they of his owne countrey sente for hym and soo by good accorde thyder he wente ¶ And when he came in to his countrey there were certayne townes closed styl agaynst hym and rebelled and specyally the cyte of Nauntes But all his lordes knyghtes and prelates were all of his accorde excepte the lordes before rehersed and to haue the sygnory of them and to gete the fauoure and good wyll of the good townes and Cytyes and to put the Frensshe kynge in more fere bycause he wolde ouerpresse them with taxes and subsydyes as they dyd in Fraunce and in Pycardye whiche they wolde not suffre in Bretayne Therfore he sente vnto the kynge of Englande for socoure and ayde of men of warre and archers promysynge that yf the kynge of Englande wolde come in too Bretayne or elles one of his vncles with a grete puyssaunce of men of armes and of archers howe that his countrey of Bretayne sholde be opened redy to receyue hym and his company ¶ The kynge of Englande and his counsayle were gladde of those tydynges thought them good and concluded to sende thyder thē prouysyon was made and thyder was sente the erle of Buckyngham with .iii. M. men of armes and .viii. M. archers who aryued at Calays and passed throughe the royalme of Fraunce without ony resystence as it hathe ben shewed here before demaundynge noo thynge but batayle and so they came in to Bretayne trustynge to haue founde the countrey redy open for them to receyue and to refresshe them for ●●rely they had made a longe voyage Howbeit they founde it contrary dysposed for the duke of Bretayne was soo ledde by his men and so wysely entreated that they made a peas bytwene hym and the yonge Charles kynge as then in fraunce but with kynge Charles his fader he coulde neuer haue peas he hated hym soo sore The duke of Borgoyne who was one of the chese gouernours in the royalme of Fraunce ayded gretely to make this peas he was so desyred by the lady his wyfe bycause the duke of Bretayne was nere of theyr lygnage soo he was fayne to breke all his promyses with the Englysshmen for he coulde not be suffred to accomplysshe his couenaunt for the Bretons wolde not consent to yelde them to the kynge of Englande to make warre agaynst Fraunce they sayd they were neuer of that oppynyon nor neuer wolde be so that it behoued the Englysshmen to take theyr lodgynges in the marches of wannes where they suffered as moche pouerte as euer dyd men for one tyme and specyally theyr horses dyed for hungre and pouerte and soo in the tyme of somer they departed out of Bretayne as euyl contente with the duke of Bretayne as myght be and not without a cause And specyally the erle of Buckyngham and the barons of Englande that were in his company and when they were retourned in to Englande they made grete complayntes to the kynge and to the duke of Lancastre and his counsayle And then it was deuysed and ordeyned that Iohn̄ of Bretayne sholde be delyuered and to brynge hym with puyssaunce in to Bretayne to make warre there agaynst the duke of Bretayne and the Englysshe men sayd howe syr Iohn̄ of Mountforde knewe well howe they had put hym in possessyon of the sygnory of Bretayne for without vs he hadde neuer come therto And nowe to play vs this tourne to cause vs to trauayle our bodyes and to spende the kynges treasoure it behoueth vs to shewe hym his fawtes And we can not better be reuenged then to delyuer his aduersary and to brynge hym in to Bretayne For all the countrey wyll delyuer hym townes Cytees and fortresses and put the other duke clene that thus hathe mocked and dysceyued vs. ¶ Thus the Englysshe counsayle were all of one accorde and then Iohn̄ of bretayne was brought in to the kynges presence and there it was shewed hym howe they wolde make hym duke of Bretayne and recouer for hym all his herytage of Bretayne And he sholde haue to his wyfe the lady Phylyp of Lancastre so that he wolde holde the duchy of Bretayne in fayth and homage of the kynge of Englande the whiche poynte he vtterly refused But to take the dukes doughter in maryage he was contente But to swere to be agaynst the crowne of fraunce in noo wyse he wolde consente but rather to abyde in pryson all his lyfe WHen the kynge and his counsayle sawe that they withdrewe the grace that they hadde thought to haue shewed to hym and thenne he was delyuered in to the kepynge of syr Iohan Dambretycourte as ye haue herde before I haue made as nowe relacyon of all these matters bycause of the incydentes that folowed after and appered by the duke of Bretayne for the duke knewe well howe he was gretely out of the fauoure of the noble men of the royalme of Englande and also of the comons there And he ymagened that the hatred that they bare to hym was for the voyage that the erle of Buckyngham hadde made thrughe Fraunce to come in to Bretayne wenynge to haue founde the duke there and countrey open agaynst them as the duke of Bretayne hadde promysed whiche the Englysshe men founde contrary ¶ Also he sawe well howe the kynge of Englande hadde not wryten vnto hym soo amyably as he hadde done often tymes before And specyally as he hadde done before the erle of Buckynghams voyage ¶ And also he doubted that the kynge of Englande sholde delyuer Iohan of Bretayne to the entente to make hym warre ¶ Thenne the duke cast his ymagynacyon how he myght fynde remedy in this matter and to brynge it in to a good poynte And to doo his entente soo secretly that the Englysshe men sholde be well content and pleased with hym For he knewe well the man in the
vpon tayles aydes vpon aydes so that the realme hath ben more greued with tayles and other subsydies nat accustomed sythe the kynges Coronacyon than in fyftie yere before and it is nat knowen where the richesse is become Wherfore sir maye it please you to prouyde some remedy or elles the mater wyll go yuell for the commons cryeth out theron Than the duke answered and sayde fayre sirs I haue herde you well speke but I alone can nat remedy this mater howe be it I se well ye haue cause to cōplayne and so hathe all other people But though I be vncle to the kynge and sonne to a kyng though I shulde speke therof yet nothynge shal be done for all that For the kyng my nephue hath suche coūsayle as nowe about hym whome he beleueth better than hym selfe whiche coūsayle ledeth hym as they lyste But if ye wyll come to the effecte of your desyres it must behoue you to haue of youre accorde and agrement all the cyties and good townes of Englande And also some prelates and noble ꝑsonages of the realme and so come toguyder in to the kynges presens and I my brother shal be there And than ye maye saye to the kynge Ryght dere sir ye were crowned very yonge and yuell ye haue ben counsayled as yet hyther vnto Nor ye haue nat takenne good regarde to the busynesse of this your Realme by reason of the poore and yonge counsayle that ye haue aboute you Wherby the matters of your realme hath hadde but small and yuell effectes as ye haue sene and knowen ryght well For if God haddenat shewed his grace this realme had been loste and distroyed Therfore sir here in the prensens of your vncles we requyre youre grace as humble subiectes ought to desyre their prince that your grace wyll fynde some remedy that this noble Realme of Englande and the noble crowne therof whiche is discended to you from the noble kyng Edwarde the thirde who was the moost nobles kynge that euer was sythe Englande was firste enhabyted that it maye be susteyned in sprosperyte and honour and your people that complayneth to be kepte and maynteyned in their ryght the whiche to do your grace dyde swere the daye of youre Coronacion And that it maye please you to call togyther the thre estates of your Realme prelates and barownes and wysemen of your cyties and good townes and that they may regarde if the gouernyng of your realme that is past be well or nat And sir if they parceyue that it hath been well thanne suche as be in offyce to remaygne styll as longe as it shall please your grace and if they be founde contrarye thaūe they in courtesse maner to be auoyded fro your persone and other notable and dyscrete persones to be sette in to offyce First by your noble aduyse by the consent of my lordes your vncles and noble prelates and barones of your realme And sirs quod the duke of Gloucester whan ye haue made this supplycacion to the kynge he wyll thanne make you some maner of answere If he saye that he wyll take counsayle in the mater than desyre to haue ashorte day And peyse so the mater before hande to putte the kynge and suche marmosettes as be about hym to some feare Saye to hym boldely that the Realme wyll no lengar suffre it and that it is marueyle howe they haue suffred it so longe and I and my brother and the bysshoppe of Caunterburye and the Erle of Salisbury the Erle of Arundell and the erle of Northumberlāde wyll be by for without we be present speke no worde therof We are the greatest ꝑsonages of Englande and we shall ayde to susteyne your wordes For all we shall say howe your desyre is but reasonable And whan he hereth vs speke he wyll agre there to or els he dothe amysse and thervpon apoynt a tyme This is the best counsayle I can gyue you Than the Londoners answered and sayde Sir ye counsayle vs nobly But sir it wyll be harde for vs to fynde the kyng and you and all these lordes toguyder in one place Nay nay quod the duke it maye well be done saynt Georges daye is nowe within this syre dayes The kynge wyll be than at wyndsore ye knowe well the duke of Irelande wyll be there and sir Symon Burle and many other and my brother and I and therle of Salisbury shall be there therfore prouyde for y● mater ayenst that tyme. Sir quod they it shal be done and so they departed ryght well contente with the duke of Gloucester Than whan saynt Georges daye came the kyng and the quene were at Wyndsore and made there a great feest as his predecessours hadde done before the next daye after the feest of saynt George Thyder came the londoners to the nombre of threscore horse and of yorke as many and many othes of dyuers good townes of Englande they lodged in the towne of Wyndsore The kyng was determyned to departe to place a thre leages thens and whan he knewe of the commyng of the people to speke with hym he wolde the sooner haue ben gone He sayde he wolde in no wyse speke with them But than his vncles and therle of Salisbury sayd sir ye may nat with your honour thus departe The people of youre good townes of Englande are come hyder to speke with you Sir it is necessary that ye here them and to knowe what they demaunde and there after ye maye aunswere them or els take counsayle to aunswere them So thus full sore agaynst the kynges mynde he was fayne to tarye than they came into his pres●ns in the great hall alowe there was the kynge and bothe his vncles and the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury the bysshop of Wynchester and the Chaunceler and the erle of Salisbury the erle of Northumber lande and dyuers other There this people made their request to the kyng and a burges of London spake for them all named sir Simeon of Subery a sage man and well langaged and there declared well and boldely the effecte of thinformacyon that the duke of Glocester had shewed thē before as ye haue herde Whan the kyng had herde hym well he sayd Amonge you cōmons of my realme your requestes are great and long they are nat ouer soone to be spedde we shall nat be toguyder agayne a long season and also great parte of my counsayle is nat here present Therfore I saye vnto you gette you home agayne sytte in reste and come nat agayne tyll the feest of Myghelmas without ye be sente for at whiche tyme our parlyament shal be at Westmynster Than come bringe your requestes and we shall shewe it to our counsayle and that is good we shall accepte it and that ought to be refused we shall condempne But sirs thinke nat that we wyll be rewled by our cōmon people that shall neuer be sene as for our gouernynge nor in the gouernaunce of them that rule vnder vs we se nothynge
of Englande dukes erles barons and counsayle of the good townes Than it was sayde to hym Sir Symon ye haue alwayes ben a notable knight in the realme of Englāde and ye were well beloued with my lorde the prince And ye and the duke of Irelande haue had in a maner the gouernynge of the kyng We haue sene all your maters and well examyned them the whiche be nother good nor faire which gretly displeaseth vs for your owne sake It is clerely determynyd by the hole generall counsayle that ye must go to prison in to the towre of London there to remayne tyll ye haue brought into this chambre the money of the kynges and of the realmes that ye haue gathered the whiche as it apereth by the treasourers rolles draweth to the some of two hundred and fyfty thousande frankes Nowe loke what ye wyll say Than syr Symon was halfe discomforted and said Sirs I shall with a good wyll And also it behoueth me so to do to fulfyll yo● cōmaundement I shall go where as ye commaunde me But my lordes I require you let me haue a clerke assigned to me that he maye write all suche expenses as I haue layde oute in tyme past in Almayne in Beame in procurynge the kinges maryage And if there be any reast I beseche you let me haue the kynges grace and yours that I may haue reasonable dayes to pay it Sir quod the lordes we are content Thus syr Symon Burle was in prison in the towre of London THan the constable spake of ser Willyam Helmon and of sir Thomas Tryuet for they were nat greatly in the fauour of some of the barones of Englande nor of the commontie of the realme for the vyage that they made in to Flaunders For it was sayd that neuer Englysshmen made so shamefull a vyage The bysshoppe of Norwyche and sir Hughe Caurell that was as than capitayne of Calais were excused layde to the others charge howe they hadde taken money for the gyueng vp of Burbourcke and Grauelyng Some sayd that that dede was trayson they were sent for and sir Wylliam Helmon came but sir Thomas Tryuer was excused I shall shewe you howe ¶ The same weke that he was sente for beyng in his owne house in the Northe ꝑte he rode out into the feldes vpon a yonge horse that he hadde and spurred hym so that the horse ranne awaye with hym ouer busshes and hedges and at laste fell in a dyke and brake his necke and so sir Thomas Triuet dyed whiche was great dōmage and his dethe was greatlye complayned with many good menne of the realme yet for all that his heyres were fayne to paye a certayne somme of Floreyns to the Counsayle to the kynges behoue as they sayde But the chiefe encytyng of those maters came by the kynges vncles and by the generall counsayle of the coūtrey as it appered after in Englande For of trouthe thoughe the duke of Gloucestre was the yongest brother in age yet he was moost auncyent in the busynesse of the realme for he drewe to that opinyon that moost of the noble menne and prelates and the commons helde Whan that sir Them̄s Tryuettes cōposicion was made after his dethe by the maner as ye haue herde here before therby the penaūce of sir Wylliam Helmon was greatly asswaged He entred with the counsayle and by the meanes of the valyantnesse of his body and the good seruyce that he had done dyuers tymes for Englande as well in Bourdeloyes as in Guyen and in Picardye where he was alwayes proued a good knight There was nothynge layde to his reproche but takynge of the money for the delyueraūce of Burborcke and Grauelynge Than he excused hymselfe with fayre and swete wordes and made dyuers reasonable reasons sayd My lordes who so euer were in lyke case as we were in that tyme in the garyson of Bourburke I thynke wolde do as we dyd I haue herde sir Iohn̄ Chandos and sir Gaultier of Manny say dyuers tymes who were right wyse and of gret valure Howe that a man ought of two or iii. wayes chose the best waye and wherby most to endomage his enemyes And thus sir Thomas Tryuet and I beyng in the garysons of Bourburke and Grauelyng and sawe howe we were enclosed on all parties and no conforte aperyng to vs from any parte And parceyued well howe we coulde nat endure many assautes for they that laye about vs were as chosen men of armes as euer I sawe or I trowe any other Englysshemenne For as I knewe iustely by the reporte of our harraude they were at leest a syxtene thousande men of armes knyghtes and squyers and a .xl. thousande of other And we were nat paste a thre hundred speares and as many archers And also our garysone was of suche cyrcuyte that we coude nat entēde on euery place And that we well ꝑceyued by an assaut that was made vs on a daye For whyle we were at oure defence on the one parte they caste in fyre on the other parte wherby we were gretly abasshed and that our ennemyes right well parceyued And therfore to saye the trouthe the Frenche kyng and his counsaile wrought by great gētylnesse seyng the case that we were in to gyue vs trewse For if they had gyuen vs another assaute the nexte daye as they were ordayned to do I thynke they hadde taken vs at their pleasure yet for all this they courtesly treated with vs by the meanes of the duke of Bretayne who tooke great payne in that mater And where as we shulde haue gyuen theym money for our raunsommes if we hadde ben taken as it was lykely they gaue vs money wherby we dyde them dommage and it was in them to haue endomaged vs. We thought we conquered greatly on them whan we had of their money and departed oure selfe safe and withoute trouble and hadde with vs all that we had won in all the warre tyme on the fronters of Flaūders And my lordes besyde that to pourge me of all blame if there be any ꝑsone in Englande or without knight or Esquyer Except the ꝑsons of my lordes the dukes of Lācastre yorke Glocester that wyll saye and abyde therby that I haue done any vntrouthe to the kynge my naturall lorde or accuse me of any trayson I am here redye to receyue his gauge and to putte my body in aduenture by dedes of armes to proue the cōtrarye as the Iudge therto assigned shall ordayne These wordes and suche other and the valyauntnesse of the knighte excused hym greatlye and saued hym frome the parell of dethe And afterwarde he retourned agayne in to his fourmer estate and was after that a ryght valyaunt knyght and auaunsed in to the kynges Counsayle But as at that tyme sir Symon Burle was nat delyuered out of prisone for the kynges vncles hated hym gretlye and soo dyde all the commontie of Englande The ky●ge dyde all that he myght to haue hadde hym delyuered all the
seasone that he laye at Shene but his counsayle said it myght nat be for his rekenynges were nat clere Than the kynge departed and the duke of Irelande in his company and rode towardes Bristowe and the Quene with other ladyes and damoselles with her ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the kynge of Englande departed from London and howe syr Symon Burle was beheded at Lōdon and his nephue also and howe the duke of Lancaster was dyspleased Cap. xciiii FOr all that the Kynge departed from the marchesse of London yet the kynges vncles nor their counsayle departed nat but taried styll about London ye haue herde often tymes sayde that if the heed be sicke all the membres can nat be well the malady must first be pourged I saye it bicause this duke of Irelande was so great with the kyng that he ruled hym as he lyste He and sir symon Burle were two of the princypall coūsaylours that the kynge had for they hadde a longe season gouerned the kynge and the realme And they were had in suspecte that they hadde gadered richesse without nombre and the renoume ranne in dyuers places that the duke of Irelande and sir Symon Burle had a long season gathered toguyder money and sente it in to Almayne For it was come to the knowledge of the kynges vncles and to the counsaylours of the good cyties and townes of Englande that helde of their partie howe they had sente out of the castell of Douer by see in the night tyme in to Almayne certayne cofers and chestes full of money They sayd it was falsely and felonously done to assemble the rychesse of the realme and to sende it in to other straūge coūtreys wherby the realme was greatly impouerysshed and the people were soroufull and sayde that golde and syluer was so dere to gette that all marchandyse were as deed and loste and they coulde nat ymagin how it was but by this meanes THese wordes multiplied in suche wise that it was ordayned by the kynges vncles and by the counsayles of the good townes that were anne●ed vnto them that ser Symon Burle had deserued punisshment of dethe And also the archbysshoppe of Caunterbury sayd that in the season whan the frēche kyng shulde haue come with his armye in to Englande this sir Symon Burle gaue counsayle that the shrine of saynt Thom̄s of Caūterburye shulde haue been taken downe and brought in to Douer castell And the noyse was that he wolde haue had it so to th entent that if he had ben in any dāger to haue taken and stollen it and conueyed it out of Englād These maters were so layde to his charge that none excuse coulde be herde but on a daye he was brought out of the towre and beheeded lyke a traytour god haue mercy on his soule To write of his shamefull dethe ryght sore displeaseth me howe be it I must nedes do it to folowe the hystorie Greatly I complayne his dethe for whan̄e I was yonge I founde hym a gentyll knyght sage and wyse but by this enfortune he dyed HIs nephewe and heyre sir Richarde Burle was with the duke of Lancastre in Galyce the sameseason that this case fell in Englande and one of the most renoumed in all his hoost nexte the Constable for he was as souerayne Marshall of all the hoost and was chiefe of coūsayle with the duke ye may well beleue that whan he knewe of the dethe of his vncle he was sore displeased And also this gētyll knight sir Richarde Burle dyed in the same iourney on his bedde by reason of sickenesse as many other dyde as ye shall here after at place and tyme conuenyent Whan kynge Rycharde knewe of the dethe of this knyght as he was in the marchesse of Wales he was sore dyspleased and sware howe the mater shulde nat passe sithe they had so put to dethe his knyght without good reason or tytell of right The quene also was sorie and wepte for his dethe bycause he fetched her oute of Almaygne Suche as were of the kynges coūsayle douted greatly as the duke of Irelande sir Nicholas Brāble sir Thomas Tryuilyen sir Iohn̄ Beauchampe sir Iohan Salisbury and sir Mychaell de la Poule Also the kyngꝭ vncles had put out of offyce the archebysshoppe yf yorke named Wylliam Neuell brother germayne to the lorde Neuell of Northūberlande whiche bysshoppe had longe ben treasourer of all Englande And the duke of Gloucestre had charged hym to medell no more with the busynesse of the realme on payne of his lyfe but that he shulde go to yorke or therabout whe● it pleased hym in his benifyce and dwell ther and medell no further And also it was shewed hym howe the honoure of his lynage in that he was a preest excused hym of many great maters sore preiudiciall to his honour And also it was shewed hym that the moost parte of the counsayle of the cōmontie wolde haue had him disgrated and putte to dethe in lyke maner as sir Symon Burle was So he departed fro London and wente in to the Northe to dwell on his benifyce with this he all his lynage were sore dyspleased and thought surely that the erle of Northombrelande had brought that mater to passe for all that he was of his lygnage and were neyghbours In to his rome was chosen a right valyant a wyse a sage clerke the archebysshop of Caunterbury who was gretely in the fauour of the kynges vncles He was come of the Mountague and Salysburies and was vncle to the erle of Salysbury there was made of the kynges counsayle by the aduyse of all the comons therle of Salysbury the erle Rycharde of Arundell the erle of Northumberlande the erle of Deuonshyre the erle of Notyngham the bysshop of Norwyche called sir Henry Spenser the bysshop of Wynchestre chauncellour of Englande abode styll in his offyce and was with the kynges vncles the most renomed man in the counsayle nexte the duke of Gloceste was syr Thomas Mountague archbisshop of Caūterbury and well he was worthy for he was a dyscrete prelate toke grete payne to reforme the royalme and to brynge it in to the ryght waye and that the kynge shulde put from hym the marmosettes that troubled all the royalme often tymes he wolde speke with the duke of yorke in that matter the duke wolde saye to hym syr bysshop I trust the matters shall otherwyse fall lytell and lytell then the kynge my nephewe and the duke of Irelāde thinketh but it must be done accordynge to reason and to abyde the tyme to be to hasty is no good meane for surely yf we hadde nat perceyued them be tymes they wolde haue brought the kynge and the royal me in suche case that it shulde haue ben at the poynte of lesynge The Frensshe kynge and his counsayle knewe ryght well our dealyng and what case we were in and that caused that frensshe men to auaunce themselfe to haue come hyder so puyssauntly as they wolde haue done to haue
remedy that other Realmes shulde take ensample by his realme NOwe sirs I reporte me if I haue nat good cause to saye the the realme of Englande in this season was in great paryll and aduenture to haue ben lost without recouery For the kynge was moued agaynst his vncles and agaynst a great parte of all the great lordes of the realme and they agaynst hym And the cytes and good townes one against another And the prelates hadde great indignacyon one agaynst another so that none coude remedy it but alonely god Whan the duke of Irelande sawe that he had the agrement of the kyng and of the moost ꝑte of thē of the coūtrey of Wales than he came to the kyng sayd sir if ye wyll instytute make me your lieutenaunt I shall take a .xii. or a fyftene thousāde men with me and go to the marchesse of London or to Oxenforde your cyte and myne and there we wyll shewe our puyssaunce agaynst these Londoners your vncles who haue so great indignacyon agaynst you They haue putte to dethe some of your counsayle And sir outher by fayre wordes or otherwyse we shall bringe them to reason The kynge sayde he was content Sayeng I wyll and ordayne you to be the cheife souerayne of my Realme and to reyse vp men where ye can gette theym and leade them wheder ye thynke best to augment our sygnorie and realme And to the entent that euery man shall clerely se that the hoole Realme parteyneth to me I wyll that ye beare with you my banners and standerdes and other abylmetes of warre suche as I wolde beare my selfe in batayle And I thynke that if the people se my banners displayed they shall take corage and hardynesse to susteyne my quarell And I wyll ye punysshe suche rebelles as wyll nat obey you in suche wyse as all other maye take ensample by them I beleue all suche as shall se my banners waue in the wynde shall put them selfe vnder them and shal be afrayde to disobey our cōmaūdement These wordes greatly reioysed the duke of Irelande ¶ oHwe the kyng of Englande made his sōmons to drawe towardes London and howe sir Robert Tryuylyen was taken at westmynster and beheeded by the commaundement of the kynges vncles Capi. xcvi THe kyng made his assemble in the countrey of Wales and about the frōters of Bristowe a longe the ryuer of Syuerne Dyuers lordes and knightes were sende for some excused them selfe laufully and some came at the kynges commaūdement howe be it they douted leste great yuell shulde come of that enterprice In this meane season the kynge and the duke of Irelande had a secrete counsayle bytwene them and determyned to sēde some of their men in to the marchesse of London to se and to knowe howe the kynges vncles dyd and what they purposed to do they studyed whome they myght sende in that busynesse to knowe the trouthe than a knyght cosyn to the duke of Irelande and of his coūsayle called sir Robert Tryuilyen sayd sir ye make doute whome to sende that is trusty to London For the loue of you I shall take on me to do that iourney wherof the Duke thanked hym and lykewise so dyde the kyng Therwith this sir Robert Tryuilyen departed from Bristowe disguysed in maner of a poore marchaunt vpon a lytell Nagge and so came to London and tooke his lodgynge where he was vnknowen so taryed there a certayne space and lerned what he coulde At last he vnderstode that the kynges vncles and the newe counsayle of Englande wolde kepe a secrete Parlyament at Westmynster wherfore he thought to go and lye there to lerne what shulde be doone there And so he came and lodged at Westmynster the same daye that their counsaile began and lodged in an al●house right ouer agaynst the palys gate and there he was in a chambre lokyng out at a wyndowe downe in to the courte there he myght se them that went in and out to the coūsaile and he knewe nerehāde euery man but none knewe hym bycause of his apparel At last on a day asquyer of the duke of Gloucesters knewe hym for he had often tymes ben in his cōpany And assone as sir Robert Triuylien sawe him he knewe him well and withdrewe hym selfe out of the wyndowe The squyer had suspecious therof and sayd to hym selfe Me thynke I se yonder sir Robert Triuylen and to th entent to knowe the trouthe he entred in to the lodgyng and said to the wife Dame who is that that is aboue in the chambre is he alone or with cōpany Sir quod she I can nat shewe you but he hath been here a longe space Therwith the squier went vp the better to aduyse hym and saluted hym and sawe well it was true but he fayned hymselfe and tourned his tale and sayde God saue you good man I pray you be nat myscontented for I toke you for a farmour of myne in Essere for ye are lyke hym Sir quod he I am of Kente and a farmour of sir Iohan of Hollandes and there be men of the bysshop of Caūterburyes that wolde do me wrong and I am come hyther to complayne to the coūsayle Well quod the squier if ye come in to the palys I wyll helpe to make your waye that ye shall speke with the lordes of the counsayle Sir I thanke your ꝙ he and I shall nat refuce your ayde THan the squyer called for a potte of ale and dranke with him and payed for it and badde hym farwell and departed and neuer seased tyll he came to the coūsayle chambre dore and called the vssher to open the dore Than the vssher demaūded what he wolde bycause the lordes were in counsayle He answered and sayd I wolde speke with my lorde and mayster the duke of Gloucester for a mater that ryght nere toucheth hym and all the counsayle Thanne the vssher let hym in and whan he came before his mayster he sayde Sir I haue brought you great tidynges What be they quod the duke Sir quod the squyer I wyll speke a loude for it toucheth you and all my lordes here present I haue sene sir Robert Triuylyen disguysed in a vyllayns habytte in an alehouse here without the gate Triuylien quod the duke yea truely sir quod the squier ye shall haue hym or ye go to dyner if you please I am contente quod the duke and he shall shewe vs some newes of his mayster the duke of Irelande Go thy waye fetche hym but loke that thou be stronge ynoughe so to do that thou fayle nat The squier went forthe and toke foure sergiauntes with hym and sayd Sirs folowe me a farre of and as soone as I make to you a sygne and that I laye my hande on a man that I go for Take hym and lette hym nat escape Therwith the squyer entredde in to the house where Tryuylien was and went vp in to the chambre and as soone as he sawe hym he sayd Triuylien ye
and had no mynde to returne to the towne of Oxenforde but withdrewe thens as moche as they myght _wHan the duke of Gloucester sawe the the demeanour of his enemyes and sawe howe they fledde he hadde remorse in his consciēce wolde nat do the yuell he myght haue done for he knewe well that many of them that were there presente were there rather by constraynt and by insytacion of the duke of Irelande than for any good loue Therfore he sayd to his men Sirs the the iourney is ours I charge euery man on payne of dethe that ye slee no man without he make defence and if ye gete any knightes or squyers bring them to me His cōmaundement was done so that there were but fewe slayne without it were in the prease as they rode one ouer another In the chase there was taken lytell sir Iohan Beauchampe and sir Iohan Salisbury and they were presented to the duke of Glocester who was right ioyous of them Than the duke tooke the waye to Oxenforde and gaue leaue to all his men of warre to retourne to their owne houses thanked them of the seruyce they had done to hym and to his brother and sayd to the mayre of London and his company Sirs departe you all home agayne wherof they were all gladde Thus departed that armye ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the duke of Irelande his company fledde and howe the kynges vncles were at Oxenforde And howe sir Nycholas Brāble was beheeded howe the kynge was sent for by the bysshop of Caunterbury Capi. C. HOwe shall I shewe what became of the duke of Irelande and of sir Peter Golofer and sir Michaell de la Pole As I shewed before they saued thēselfe as it was nedefull for thē for if they hadde ben taken they had suffred dethe without mercy I can nat saye if they went to the kyng or nat if they dyde they taried nat long but departed the realme of Englāde assone as they coude as I haue herde reported they rode through Wales toke shypping at Carleon and sayled in to Scotlande came to Edenborowe and there they toke another shyppe sayled costyng Friselande and the yle of Theseley and the coūtre of Hollande and so came and arryued at the towne of Dondrest Than were they gladde and as I was enformed the duke of Irelāde had long before cōueyed by lōbardes moche golde syluer to Brugꝭ for feare of all casueltes for though he was great with the kyng yet always he douted the kynges vncles the cōmons of the realme Wherfore he made prouisyon before hande of money to ayde hym whan nede were and as it was shewed me the threscore thousande frankes that he had receyued for the redempcyon of the chyldren of Bretayne and specially for Iohn̄ of Bretayne for Guy was deed Whiche money as it was sayde he founde redy there at his cōmynge and he shulde receyue more In thre yere other threscore thousande frankes Wherfore he was nat abasshed for he had substaūce suffycient for a longe space And whan duke Aubert of Bauyer who had Haynalte Holande and zelande in gouernaunce vnder the erle Willyam his brother who as than was lyuynge Whan he vnderstode that the duke of Irelande was come as a fugetyue out of Englande in to the towne of Dordrest He studyed and imagyned a lytell and thought he shulde nat longe abyde there seynge that he was fledde out of Englande and had the yuell wyll of his cosyn germayns to whome he bare his loue and fauour And also he consydred howe the duke of Irelande had dalte but yuell with his cosyn germayen the lady Isabell of Englande who had been lady of Coucy Wherfore he commaunded the duke of Irelande bycause he hadde displeased his cosyns of Englande and had broken his laufull mariage and wolde mary another wyfe That he shulde departe out of that countrey and gette hym another lodgynge And that he shulde nat be suffred to abyde in no towne of that countrey Whan the duke herde that he douted that he shulde be taken and delyuered in to the handes of his enemyes And he humyled hym selfe greatly to them that were sente to hym and sayde he wolde gladly obey the duke Aubertes commaundement And so payed and trussed and entred in to a vessell and all his on the ryuer of Mornegue And dyd so moche by water and by lande that he came to Berette whiche towne pertayned to the bysshoppe of Trece There he was well receyued And there he taryed tyll he harde other tydinges Nowe let vs leaue spekyng of hym and speke of Englande AFter the endynge of this iourney that the kynges vncles had agaynste the duke of Irelāde besyde Oxenforde and that euery man was gone home The bysshoppe of Caunterbury and the two dukes taryed styll at Oxenforde I can nat tell howe long And there was beheededde the lytell Beauchampe and sir Iohan of Salisbury After that iustyce the two dukes retourned to Lōdon and there taryed a season to here some tidynges fro the kynge and they coulde here none but that he was at Bristowe Thanne the lordes at Westmynster by the instigacion of the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury determyned that it shulde be honourable for them to sende to the kynge to Bristowe and to shewe hym amyably that he hath ben a certayne spape agaynst the moost parte of his realme who loued hym better and are gladder to kepe his honour than suche marmosettes as he hath beleued by whom his realme hath ben in great trouble and peryll In this meane season was brought to Lōdon sir Nycholas Bramble who was taken in Wales as he fledde from the iourney to haue saued hym selfe of whose takynge the kynges vncles were right ioyfull and sayde howe they wolde make no stoore of hym but he shulde go the same waye as the other hadde done before he coude neuer excuse hymselfe but that he must dye He was beheeded without London his dethe was sore complayned of some men of London for he hadde been mayre of London before and had well gouerned his offyce and dyde one day great honour to the kyng whan he slewe with his owne handes Lyster wherby all the rebelles were disconfyted and for that good seruyce the kynge made hym knyght But in the maner as I haue shewed you he was beheeded by reason of the ouermoche beleuynge of the duke of Irelande AFter the dethe of sir Nicholas Bramble the kynges vncles sawe that all suche as they hated and wolde haue oute of the kynges counsayle were deed and fledde a waye Than they thought the kynge and the realme shulde be brought in to good order for thoughe they had slayne some of the kynges counsayle and chased theym awaye yet they coude nat take awaye the signorie of the kyng but thought to rule the realme in good forme to the honour of the kynge and his realme Than they sayd to the bysshop of Caūterbury Sir ye shall go lyke your selfe to Bristowe to
the kyng and there shewe hym what case the busynesse of his realme is in recōmaunde vs to hym shewe hym in our behalfe that he gyue no credence of lyght enformacion agaynst vs He hath beleued some to moche for his owne honour and for the ꝓfyte of his realme And saye also to hym that we requyre hym and so do all the good people of London that he wolde come hyder he shal be welcome receyued with gret ioye we shall set such coūsaile about hym that he shal be well pleased And we charge you retourne nat agayne withoute hym and desyre hym nat to be displeased thoughe we haue chased awaye a meny of traytours that were about hym for by them his realme was in great paryll of lesynge The bysshop sayd he shulde do ryght well his message and so departed and rodde forthe lyke a great prelate and so came to Bristowe and the kynge was there but with a priuye cōpany For suche as were wont to haue ben of his counsayle were deed and fledde awaye as ye haue herde before The bysshop was in the towne two nightes and a day or the kyng wolde speke with hym He was so soore dyspleased with his vncles for driuynge awaye of the duke of Irelande whome he loued aboue all men and for sleeynge of his knyghtes Finally he was so entysed that he consented that the archbysshop shulde come in to his presens Whan he came before hym he humyled hym selfe greatlye to the kynge and there shewed the kyng euery worde as the kynges vncles had gyuen hym in charge And shewed hym that if it were his pleasure to come to Londou to his palys of Westmynster his vncles and the mooste parte of all his realme wolde be ryght ioyeouse elles they wyll be ryght sorte and yuell displeased And sayde sir Without the comforte ayde and accorde of your vncles and of your lordes knyghtes and prelates and of your good cyties and townes of Englāde ye canne nat come to any of youre ententes He spake these wordes boldelye and sayde moreouer Sir ye canne nat reioyse so moche youre ennemyes as to make warre with youre frendes and to kepe youre Realme in warre and myschiefe The yonge kynge by reasone of the bysshoppes wordes beganne to enclyne howe be it the beheedynge of his knyghtes and counsaylours came sore in to his courage So he was in dyuers ymaginacions but finally he refrayned his displeasure by the good meanes of the quene the lady of Boesme and of some other wise knightes that were about hym as sir Rycharde Stoner and other Thanne the kyng sayd to the bysshoppe Well I am content to go to Lōdon with you wherof the bisshop was right ioyous and also it was to hym a great honoure that he hadde spedde his iourney so well WIthin a shorte space after the kyng departed lefce the quene styll at Bristowe and so came towardes London with the archbysshoppe in his company and so came to Wyndsore and there the kyng taryed a thre dayes Tidynges came to London howe the kynge was commynge euery manne was gladde Than it was ordayned to mete hym honourablye The daye that he departed fro Wyndsore the way fro Braynforde to London was full of people on horse backe and a foote to mete the kynge And his two vncles the duke of yorke and the duke of Gloucester and Iohan sonne to the duke of yorke the erle of Arundell the erle of Salisbury the erle of Northumberlande and dyuers other lordes and knyghtes and prelates departed out of London mette with the kyng a two myle fro Braynforde There they receyued hym swetely as they ought to do their soueraygne lorde The kynge who bare yet some displeasure in his herte passed by and made but small countenaunce to thē and all the waye he talked moost with the bisshop of Lōdon at last they came to Westmīster The kyng alyghted at his palis whiche was redy apparelled for him There the kyng dranke and toke spyces and his vncles also and other Prelates lordes and knyghtes Than some tooke their leaues The kynges vncles and the archebysshoppe of Caunterburye with the counsayle taryed styll there with the kyng some in the Palais and some in the abbey and in the towne of westminster to kepe the kynge company and to be nere toguyder co commune of their busynesse there they determyned what shulde be done ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe by the kynge and his vncles all the lordes of Englande were sente for to come to westmynster to a generall counsayle there to be holden Cap. C.i. A Generall Parlyament was ordeyned to be holden at Westmynstre and all prelates Erles Barons and knyghtes and the counsayles of all the good townes and cytees of Englāde were sent for to be there and all suche as helde of the kyng The archebysshoppe of Cauntorbury shewed to the kynges vncles counsayle that when kynge Rycharde was crowned kynge of Englande and that euery man was sworne and made theyr releues to hym and that whā he receyued theyr faythes and homages he was within age and a knyge ought nat to gouerne a royalme tyll he be xxi yeres of age and in the meane season to be gouerned by his vncles or by his nexte kynne and by wyse men The bysshop sayd this bycause the kynge as then was but newlye come to the age of .xxi. yeres wherfore he counsayled that euery man shulde be newe sworne and renewe their releues and euery manne newe to knowledge hym for their soueraygne lorde This counsayle was excepted of the kynges vncles and of all other of the coūsayle And for that entent all prelates and lordes and counsayles of good cyties townes were sent for to come to Westminster at a daye assigned Euery man came thyder none disobeyed so that there was moche people in London and at Westmister And kyng Richarde was in his chapell in the palys rychely apareyled with his crowne on his heed and the archebysshoppe of Caūterbury sang the masse And after masse the bisshoppe made a collasyon And after that the kyngꝭ vncles dyde their homage to the kyng kyssed hym and there they sware and ꝓmysed hym faithe and homage for euer And than all other lordes sware and prelates and with their handes ioyned togyder they dyde their homage as it aparteyned and kyst the kynges cheke Some the kyng kyst with good wyll some nat for all were nat in his in warde loue but it behoued hym so to do for he wolde nat go fro the counsayle of his vncles But surely if he might haue had his entent he wolde nat haue done as he dyde but rather haue taken crewell vengeaunce for the deche of sir Symon Burle and other knyghtꝭ that they had putte fro hym and slayne without desert as he thought Than it was ordayned by the coūsayle that the archebysshop of yorke shulde come and pourge hym selfe for he hadde alwayes been of the duke of Irelandes parte agaynst the kynges vncles
were departed out of their holdes and whyder he wolde set thē in any busynesse or nat Than he was answered and it was said to hym Sir the erle of Armynake wolde kepe them in wages occupy them in to Lombardy for as ye knowe well his suster is maryed there and before she had Gascone your son̄e for it is thought there shal be moche a do in Lombardy whervnto the erle of Foiz gaue none answere but fell in to other talkyng howbe it he thought neuerthelesse as it apered af● for he hādled the mater couertly I shall shewe you howe The erle of Armynake for any treatie that he coude do to them that were of the countre of Bierne or of the teneurs of therle of Foiz or suche as owed hym any fauour coude neuer cause any of them to agree to departe out of their garisons Nor wolde nat go nother to the erle of Armynake nor to Bernarde his brother in lawe For therle of Foiz who was full of great prudence consydred that these two lordes of Armynake there cosyns and with the labriciens were puissaunt men and sawe howe they gate them frendes on euery parte he thought they shulde nat be renforsed with them that ought to serue hym And one thynge that was reasonable the Erle of Foiz ymagined sir Espaygne de Leon shewed it me whan I was at Ortays in lykewise so dyde the erle of Compane capitayne of Carlot in Auuergne and also so dyde the Bourge of Englande They sayd howe the erle of Foiz regarded howe he had had open warre with them of Armynake thoughe it were peace bytwene them as than whiche was but a truese the whiche was dyuers tymes renewed bytwene theym Therfore he thought ●hat if the erle of Armynake had all those companyons vnder his gouernaunce his warres shulde be the fayrer So that the armynakes and the labricience with their alyes myght do hym a great displeasure This was the cause that suche as owed fauour to therle of Foiz wolde nat agte to the erle of Armynake Howe be it they made thē beleue that they wolde but they dyd but dissemble for they brake all their apoyntmētes howe be it they rode nat abrode so moche as they dyde before Wherby alwayes the Erle of Armynake thought to haue come to his purpose They that agreed to hym were Perotte de Bernoys who helde the stronge castell of Salucette whiche is chefe and soueraygne of all Auuergne and Lymosyne for their patesyng endured to Rochell And also Guyllyam of saynt Foye who helde the castell of Bonteuyll and also Margote Marcell who helde Loysse before saynt Flour in Auuergne and the Bourge of Compaygne and the Englysshe Bourge who helde Carlotte Margote Marcell sayde he was contente so that he myght haue in lykewise Perotte Bernoys and Geffray Teate Noyre who helde Vādachore who was souerayne aboue all other But he dyde but mocke and dissemble the mater for he disdayned to fall to any treatie of the erle of Armynakes or of any other For he thought his castell imprignable and well prouyded for seuyn or eyght yeres for he had a passage or two that coude nat be taken fro hym but that he myght issue whan he lyste to refresshe hym selfe and his company This Geffray wrote hym selfe in his saueconductes Geffray Teate Noyre duke of Vandachore erle of Lymosyn lorde and soueraygne of all the capitayns of Auuergne Rouergue and Lymosyn NOw let vs leaue to speke of these maters of farre coūtreis tyll we haue cause to returne therto agayne And nowe I wyll speke of matters nerer home as of myne owne nacyon as it hath ben shewed here before whan I treated of the ende of the warre of Flaunders and of the charter of peace that the duke of Burgoyne and the duchesse dyde gyue and graunt and sealed to them of Gaunt in the good towne and noble cytie of Tourney Therfore nowe to enforce our mater and history we wyll speke nowe of the warres of Guerles and of Brabant And I am quickened so to do bycause that the Frenche kyng and the duke of Burgoyne to whom the mater greatly touched by the insydentes that gendred therby were fayne to set to their hādes to the same warre and to come to the bottom therof And to contynue at length the true hystorie and mater I saye thus as foloweth ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the erle Reynolde of Guerles who had layde all his landes in guage and wyst nat what to do cāe for refuge to the archebysshoppe of Coleygne his Vncle who blamed hym howe ambassadours wente to Berthaulte of Malygnes Cap. C.xi. ALonge season it was that they of Guerles and they of Brabant had grete hatered toguyder and so dyd the countreis to them adioyninge by reason of certayne bondes one agaynst another And the moost hatered that the brabanders had to the duke of Guerles and to his heyres was for the towne of Graue whiche the dukes of Guerles had holden per force a longe season agaynst the brabansoys For they sayd bycause that the towne of grane stode on that syde of the ryuer of Muese towardes Brabant that the duke of Guerles helde it wrongfully before that tyme dyuers cōmunycacions had been and poyntmentes taken howbeit alwayes the guerloys stacke in their hertꝭ Also the guerloys hated the brabāsoys bycause of thre fayre castels that were on that syde the ryuer as Gaulech Buthe Nulle Whiche castelles the duke of Brabāt helde also peforce And by reasone as in redynge I shall begynne at the duke of Guerles These hatereddes were often tymes renewed bytwene them of Guerles and Brabant And it was supposed by dyuers knightes and squyers that knewe of their dedes of armes that if sir Edwarde of Guerles who was slayne by a marueylous incydent at the batayle of Iulyers by the shote of an archer that was with the duke Vyncelant of Boem duke of Lusenbourge or of Brabante If he had lyued with that that his men had had the vyctorie he hadde come to his entente in gettyng agayne the thre castelles for he was lo valiant a man and so hardy that he wolde haue conquered them agayne ¶ Nowe I wyll declare as I haue promysed how and in what maner these foresayd castelles came in to the signorie of the brabansoys and first I wyll begyn with the dukes of Guerles IN the tyme whan I wrote and ordayned this hystorie there was an Erle of Guerles called Raynolde and bycause that Guerles is no riche countre nor so great as the duchy of Brabant This erle came to his lande a yonge man and had a frewyll to dispende largely and thought full lytell of the ende that myght come after He cared for nothynge but for to accomplysshe his pleasure and haunted iustes and tourneys to his gret cost to gette hym renome And euery yere he spended four tymes as moche as the value of the reuenewes of his landes He borowed of the lombardes in dyuers places he
at length Than Berthaulte answered as he had deuysed in hym selfe the day before and sayd Fayre lordes I repute my selfe gretly honored my dough● also if we might come to so hygh an en●prise as the erle of Guerles desyreth And whan a mater is begon it wolde nat be prolōged I saye this bycause that alyaunce by maryage made bytwene the hyghe prince and redouted lorde the erle of Guerles and Mary my doughter pleaseth me rightwell ye make me request that his landes whiche at this presente tyme are so sore charged and layde to pledge in the handes of certayne lombardes and other by reason of this maryage shulde be quyt and that I shulde rydde hym out of dette And all thynges that are nowe darke I shulde make them clere I thanke god of his puissaūce that it lyeth in me thus to do I am in good wyll so to do But first or this couenaunt be fully agreed written or sealed that I maye be in suretie without trouble or debate that the chyldren comyng of my doughter maye be enherytours to the Erldome of Guerles as the lymites therof do stretche that if my lorde therle of Guerles fortune to dye before my doughter wtout issue bytwene them that than my doughter may enioye the herytage of Guerles duryng her lyfe and af● her dyscease to returne to the rightfull heyre And also I saye if my doughter haue heyre or heyres by my lorde therle and than she fortune to dye thoughe the erle than remacy againe the seconde tyme and haue issue by the seconde wyfe yet for all that my doughters heyre or heyres shall nat be disheryted how be it if it please the erle to remary agayne I am contente that he make his seconde wyfe a dower of all suche landes as he hath beyond the ryuer of Muse marchyng to the bysshoprike of Liege and to the duchy of Brabant and nat to charge the princypall signorie of Guerles And thus if the erles frendes and parentes and suche as be next of blode and haue any chalenge to the signory of Guerles with the good townes of the countrey wyll seale to vpholde these deuyses and couenaūtes than I am cōtent and wyll assent to this maryage ye may nowe answere to this if ye haue any charge so to do Than the knyghtꝭ answered whan they had a lytell counsayled toguyder Than one for them all sayd sir we haue well herde your answere but we haue none auctorite to confyrme nor to graunt so farforthe as ye demaunde But we shall retourne to our lorde therle and to his coūsaile and shewe hym your answere and demaūde and shortely ye shall here fro hym agayne Than Berthalte said sirs as god wyll so be it Thus they deꝑted out of the chambre ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the erle Raynolde of Guerles was maryed to Mary doughter to Berthault of Malignes by whō he had a doughter and after maried agayne in Englande and had issue two sonnes and a doughter howe sir Iohn̄ of Bloyes wedded theldest doughter of the erle of Guerles and howe after the coūtie of Guerles remayned with therle of Guerles yongest doughter Cap. C .xii. YE haue well herde all the answers demaundes bytwene the foresaid parties wherfore I speke no more therof But as ye haue herde whan therle of guerles messangers were returned home agayn The erle was hoote in the mater for he sawe well he coude as than do no better thā to mary Berthalt of Malygnes doughter he was so riche a man Than the erle and his counsaile made and deuysed writynges sufficient and therle set to his seale and his next frēdes and parētes in lykewise so dyd other knightes of Guerles and good townes And whan all was confyrmed and done as Berthaulte was content the maryage was made and the erles dettes payde and his Landes clerely quytte out of daunger Than the Erle toke newe counsayle and began a newe lyfe and state if he were called good before he was named better after for than he had well wherwith he lacked nothyng of that Berthault of Malygnes myght ayde hym The erle bare hym to his wyfe ryght honourably for she was a fayre lady good sage deuout prudent but they were nat toguyder past a four yeres but that the lady dyed And she had a doughter called Isabell whan therle of guerles was a wydower he was but yong Than he maryed agayne ryght highly For kynge Edwarde of Englande father to the good kyng Edwarde who beseged Tourney and wanne Ealis he gaue to this erle Raynolde a doughter of his named Isabell and by her this erle had thre chyldren two sonnes one doughter sir Raynolde sir Edwarde and Iane who afterwarde was duches of Guerlers For in lykewise as Bertram of Malignes had ymagined in the begynnyng whan his doughter maryed the erle of Guerles euyn so it fell for there was no trouthe kepte to hym For whan kynge Edwarde of Englande who was vncle to the erle of Guerles chyldren came first in to Almayne to the Emperour Loyes of Bauyers whiche Emperour instytuted kynge Edwarde to be his vycar generall throughe all the marches of the Empyre as it is conteyned in the begynnyng of this boke Than the coūtie of Guerles was made a duchy and the countie of Iulyers was made marques of Iulyers to augment their dignities And to come to our mater the duke Raynolde of Guerles nephue to kynge Edwarde dyed without issue and sir Edward of Guerles was maryed in Heynault and had to wyfe the yongest doughter of duke Aubert but the lady was so yonge that this sir Edwarde neuer touched her carnallye And so this sir Edwarde also dyed withoute issue who was a ryght valyaunt knight He was slayne in the batayle that was bytwene the duke of Brabant and duke Wincelant before Iulyers His suster Iane who was maryed to duke Guylliam of Iulyers had chyldren And she by successyon of her bretherne said and toke vpon her to be heyre to the duchy of Guerles and in lykewyse so dyde her eldest suster by the firste maryage For the two bretherne by the seconde maryage were bothe deed withoute laufull issue Wherfore she sayde she was enherytoure Thus fell the difference bytwene the two susters and some of the countrey wolde haue the one and some the other And the eldest suster was counsayled to mary in to some high lygnage that myght ayde her chalenge and defende her herytage Than there was treatie made by the bysshoppe of Coloygne that was than to the lorde sir Iohan of Bloyes For therle Loyes his brother as than lyued and the bysshoppe sayd that he shulde therby be duke of Guerles For by successyon of the two bretherne deed withoute issue male Therfore by right of mariage the right shuld retourne to her for none other coude chalēge any right but she And sir Iohan of Bloyes who alwayes had ben nourisshed brought vp in the parties of Hollande and zelande for there he
and after mounted on their horses and rode to the dukes castell called la Mote where they foūde the duke who came agaynst them and receyued thē right ioyously and sayd Howe they were all right hertely welcome and toke the lorde of Coucy by the hande and made hym good chere sayde Fayre brother ye be welcome I am gladde to se you in Bretayne I shall shewe you sporte of huntyng at hartes and flyeng with haukes or we deꝑte a sōdre Sir quod the lorde of Coucy I thanke you I and my company shall be gladde to se it There was shewed bytwene them great lykelyhode of loue and the duke brought hym to his chambre sportyng and talkyng of many ydell matters as lordes do often tymes whan they mete and haue nat sene toguyder longe before they wyll fynde many sondrie pastymes and specially I knewe four lordes the best entertayners of all other that euer I knewe That was the duke of Brabant the erle of Foiz the erle of Sauoy and in especiall the lorde of Coucy For accordynge to myne aduyse in all goodly pastymes he was a souerayne maister ● whiche brute he bare amonge all lordes and ladyes in Fraunce in Englande in Almaygne in Lombardy and in all places where as he had ben conuersant And in his tyme he had been sore traueyled sene moche in the worlde and also he was naturally enclyned to be gentyll thus whyle these lordes were mery talkynge toguyder there was brought spyces and wyne and so they dranke and than toke their leaues and retourned to their lodgynges Thus the mater went for the the fyrst day without makyng of any mencyon of any thyng that they were come for NOwe let vs somwhat speke of sir Helyon of Lygnacke whom the duke of Berrey hadde sent to the duke of Lancastre The knyght came to Bayon and a lyghted at his lodgynge and apparelled hymselfe to go and speke with the duke of Lācastre who knewe well of his cōmyng and sent right honourably two of his knyghtes to mete with hym and they brought hym to the duke And whan sir Helyon was in the dukes presens he kneled downe and saluted hym as it aperteyned The duke receyued hym right honorably and tooke hym vp in his armes toke hym by the hande and ledde hym in to his chābre for he mette hym in the hall Thanne the knyght delyuered his letters fro the duke of Berry The duke reed them and thanne he drewe to sir Helyon and the knight declared to him the cause of his cōmyng Than the duke answered right courtesly and sayd Sir ye be right welcome and sayd howe the mater was weyghtie that he was cōe for wherfore it requyred counsaile and delyberacion Thus sir Helyon taryed at Bayon with the duke of Lancastre more than a moneth and alwayes he was serued with fayre wordes And the duke alwayes foded hym forthe and made semblant that he had great affection to treate for this mariage with the duke of Berrey Howe be it the trouthe was cōtrary for all that he shewed was but dissymulacion and the cause that he was helde there so long with hym was for none other thing but that the brute therof myght ronne abrode and specially in to the realme of Castyle for there lay all his affection The duke sayde to sir Helyon Sir if I treat with the duke of Berrey to haue my doughter in maryage than̄e he must ioyne with me with all his puysaūce to encounter myne aduersaries of Spayne If he wyll recouer the heritage of my doughter whom he shulde haue to wyfe Than sir Helyon sayd Sir I haue no charge to confyrme any thynge so forwarde But sir if it please you or I deꝑte ye maye write all your pleasure by me and I shall returne shewe my lorde the duke of Berrey all your entent And I am sure he hath suche affection to the mater he wyll agree to euery thynge that he may do by reason I desyre no more quod the duke of Lancastre Thus sir Helyon of Lygnacke taryed a season at Bayon and had good chere made hym by the dukes cōmaundement ⸫ ⸪ ¶ Howe the kynge of Castyle sente his ambassadours to the duke of Lācastre to treate for a maryage to be had bytwene his sonne and the dukes doughter and howe at the requeste of the duke of Berrey a truse was made by the duke of Lancastre in the countreys of Tholousyn and Rouergne Cap. C .xxix. TIdingꝭ came in to the realme of Castyle in to dyuerse places and specyally to kyng Iohan of Castyle and it was sayde to hym Sir ye knowe nothyng of the treatye that is bytwene the duke of Berrey and the duke of Lancastre The duke of Berrey wolde haue in maryage the lady Katheryne doughter to the duke of Lancastre and to the lady Custance his wyfe And if this maryage take effecte as it is lyke to do it shal be a great alyaunce For the duke of Berrey is nowe as one of the chiefe rulers in the realme of Fraunce and is vncle to the kyng He shal be beleued what soeuer he saye or purpose to do as it is reason wheder is be by meanes of peace or longe truse On the other parte the duke of Lancastre is eldest of all his bretherne that be vncles to the kyng He shall also be beleued for he is sage and puyssaūt and by that it semeth the Englysshmen are wery of the warre This maryage bytwene the Duke of Lancasters doughter and the duke of Berrey is lykely to be a great meane to make a good peace bytwene Fraūce and Englande and than shal we here sticke styll in the warre for the duke of Lācastre wyll folowe and pursue his chalenge of the realme of Castyle and the right that he hath by his wyfe he shall gyue it to his doughter and so than shall we haue warre bothe with Fraunce and Englande These doutes were layde to the kynge of Castyle And at that tyme all the Frenchmen that had serued long in the realme of Castyle were retourned in to Fraunce and the chiefe of the kynge of Castyls counsayle sayd to hym sir take hede to vs. ye neuer had so great nede of good counsayle as ye haue at this presente tyme. For sir a peryllousmyst is lyke to be engendred bytwene you and the duke of Lācastre and that shall come by the meanes of Fraūce Howe so quod the kyng howe may that be In the name of god sir quod they the brute and renome spredeth throughe all this countrey and els where howe the duke of Berrey shall mary the duke of Lācasters doughter And sir ye maye be sure that shall nat be but by the meanes of a great alyaūce so that therby here after ye maye be as farre cast behynde by them as ye haue ben auaunced Whan the kyng of Castyle knewe those tidynges he was right pensyue sawe well howe his counsayle shewed hym the trouthe Than he demaunded rounsayle of
wanne the penon of syr Henry Percyes wherwith he was sore dyspleased and so were all the englysshmen and the erle Duglas sayd to sir Henry Perey syr I shall beare this token of your prowes in to Scotlande and shall sette it on hyghe on my castell of Alquest that it may be sene farre of Syr quod sir Henry ye maye be sure ye shall nat passe the boundes of this countrey tyll ye be met withall in such wyse that ye shall make none auaunte therof Well syr ꝙ the erle Duglas come this nyght to my lodgynge and seke for your penon I shall sette it before my lodgynge and se if ye wyll come to take it away As than it was late and the scottes withdrewe to their lodginges and refresshed them with such as they had they had fleshe ynough They made that nyght good watche for they thought surely to be a waked for the wordes they hadde spoken but they were nat For syr Henry Percy was counsayled nat soo to do The nexte day the scottes dyslodged and returned towardes their owne countrey and so came to a castell and a towne called Pouclan wherof ser Haymon of Alphell was lorde who was a ryght good knyght There the scottes rested for they came thyder by tymes and vnderstode that the knyght was in his Castell Than they ordeyned to assayle the castell and gaue a great assaute so that by force of armes they wan it and the knyght within it Than the towne and castell was brent and fro thens the Scottes wente to the towne and castell of Combur and eyght englysshe myle fro Newe castell and there lodged That day they made none assaut but the next mornyng they blewe their hornes and made redy to assayle the castell whiche was stronge for it stode in the maresse That daye they assauted tyll they were wery and dyd nothynge Than they sowned the retrayte and retourned to their lodgyng Than the lordes drewe to counsayle to determyne what they shulde do The moste parte were of the acorde that the next day they shuld dyssoge without gyuynge of any assaute and to drawe fayre and easly towardes Carlyle but therle Duglas brake that counsayle and sayd in dispyte of sir Henry Percy who sayd he wolde come and wynne agayne his penon let vs nat departe hence for two or thre dayes lette vs assayle this castell it is prignable we shall haue double honour and than lette vs se if he wyll come and fetche his penon he shall be well defended Euery man acorded to his sayeng what for their honour and for the loue of hym Also they lodged there at their ease for there was none that troubled theym they made many lodgynges of bowes and great herbes and fortityed their campe sagely with the maresse that was therby and their caryages were sette at the entre in to the maresses and had all their beestes within the maresse Than they aparelled for to saute the next day this was their entensyon NOwe lette vs speke of sir Henry Percy and of sir Rafe his brother and shewe some what that they dyd They were sore dyspleased that therle Duglas had wonne the penon of their armes also it touched gretly their honours if they dyd nat as syr Henry Percy sayd he wolde For he had sayd to the erle Duglas that he shulde nat cary his penon out of Englande and also he had openly spoken it be fore all the knyghtes and squiers that were at Newcastell The englysshmen there thought surely that therle Duglas bande was but the scottes vangarde and that their hoost was lefte behynde The knyghtes of the countrey suche as were well experte in armes spake agaynst sir Henry Percyes opinyon and sayd to hym Syr there fortuneth in warre often tymes many losses if the Erle Duglas haue wonne your penon he bought it dere for he came to the gate to seke it and was well beaten Another day ye shall wynne as moche of hym or more Syr we saye this bycause we knowe well all the power of Scotlande is abrode in the feldes and if we issue out and be nat men ynowe to fyght with them and peraduenture they haue made this skrimysshe with vs to the entent to drawe vs out of the towne and the nombre that they be of as it is sayd aboue xl thousande men they maye soone inclose vs and do with vs what they wyll yet it were better to lese a penon than two or thre hundred knyghtes and squyers and put all our countrey in aduenture These wordes refrayned syr Henry and his brother for they wolde do nothynge agaynst counsayle Than tydynges came to theym by suche as had sene the Scottes and sene all their demeanoure and what waye they toke and where they rested ¶ Howe syr Henry Percy and his brother with a good nombre of men of armes and archers went after the scottes to wynne agayne his penon that the erle Duglas hadde wonne before Newcastell vpon Tyne and howe they assailed the scottes before Mountberke in their lodgynges Cap. C.xlii. IT was shewed to sir Henry Percy to his broder and to the other knightes and squyers that were there by suche as had folowed the scottes fro Newecastell and had well aduysed their doynge who said to sir Henry and to syr Rafe Syrs we haue folowed the scottes priuely and haue discouered all the countrey The scottes be at Pountclan and haue taken syr Haymon Alphell in his owne castell fro thence they be gone to Ottenburge and there they laye this nyght what they wyll do to morowe we knowe nat They are ordayned to abyde there and sirs surely their great hoost is nat with them for in all they passe nat there a thre thousāde men Whan sir Henry herde that he was ioyfull and sayd Syrs let vs leape on our horses for by the faythe Iowe to god and to my lorde my father I wyll go seke for my penon and dyslodge theym this same nyght Knyghtes and squiers that herde him agreed therto and were ioyous and euery man made hym redy The same euenynge the bysshop of Durham came thyder with a good company for he herde at Durham howe the scottes were before Newcastell and howe that the lorde Percies sonnes with other lordes and knightes shulde fight with the scottes Therfore the bysshoppe of Dutham to come to the reskewe had assembled vp all the countrey and so was comynge to Newcastell But sir Henry Percy wolde nat abyde his comynge for he had with hym syre hundred speares knightes and squiers and an eight thousande fotemen they thought that sufficyent nombre to fyght with the scottes if they were nat but thre hundred speares thre thousande of other Thus they departed fro Newcastell after dyner and set forth in good ordre and toke the same way as the scottes had gone and rode to Ottebourge a seuen lytell leages fro thence and fayre way but they coulde nat ryde faste bycause of their fotemen And whan the scottes had
supped and some layde downe to their rest and were wery of trauaylynge and sautynge of the castell all that day and thought to ryse erly in the mornyng in cole of the day to gyue a newe assaute Therwith sodenly the englysshmen came on them and entred in to the lodginges wenyng it had ben the maisters lodgynges and therin were but varlettes and seruauntes Than the englysshmen cryed Percy Percy and entred into the lodgynges and ye knowe well where suche affray is noyse is sone reysed and it fortuned well for the scottes for whan they sawe the englysshmen came to wake them than the lordes sente a certayne of their seruauntes of fotemen to skrymysshe with the englysshmen at the entre of the lodgynges and in the meane tyme they armed and aparelled them euery man vnder his baner vnder his capytaynes penon The night was farre on but the mone shone so bryght as and it had ben in a maner daye it was in the moneth of August and the wether fayre and temperate THus the scottes were drawen to gyder and without any noyse departed fro their lodgynges went aboute a lytell mountayne whiche was greatly for their aduauntage for all the day before they had well aduysed the place and sayd amonge them selfe If the englysshemen come on vs sodaynly than we wyll do thus thus for it is a ioperdous thyng in the nyght if men of warre entre into our lodgynges if they do than we wyll drawe to suche a place therby outher we shall wyn or lese Whan the englysshmen entred in to the felde at the first they soone ouercame the varlettes and as they entred further in alwayes they foūde newe men to besy them and to skrymysshe with them Than sodaynly came the scottes fro aboute the mountayne and sette on the englysshmen or they were ware and cryed their cryes wherof the englysshe menne were sore astonyed Than they cryed Percy and the other partye cryed Duglas There began a cruell batayle and at the fyrst encountre many were ouerthrowen of bothe partyes And bycause the englisshmen were a great nombre and greatly desyred to vanquysshe their enemyes and rested at their pas and greatly dyd put a backe the scottes so that the scottes were nere dyscomfyted Than the erle Iames Duglas who was yonge stronge and of great desyre to gette prayse and grace and was wyllynge to deserue to haue it and cared for no payne nor trauayle came forthe with his baner and cryed Duglas Duglas And sir Henry Percy and syr Rafe his brother who had great indygnacion agaynst the erle Duglas bycause he had wonne the penon of their armes at the barryers before Newcastell came to that parte and cryed Percy their two baners mette and their menne there was a sore fyght The englysshmen were so stronge and fought so valyauntly that they reculed the scottes backe There were two valiaunt knightes of scottes vnder the baner of the erle Duglas called syr Patryke of Helborne and syr Patryke his sonne they acquyted them selfe that day valy auntly the erles baner had ben won and they had nat ben they defended it so valyauntly and in the rescuynge therof dyd suche feates of armes that it was greatly to their recommendacyon and to their heyres for euer after IT was shewed me by suche as had been at the same batayle as well by knyghtes and squyers of Englande as of Scotlande at the house of the erle of Foiz for anone after this batayle was done I met at Ortays two squyers of Englande called Iohan of Newecastell and Iohan of Cauteron also whan I retourned fro Auignon I founde also there a knyght and a squyer of Scotlande I knewe them and they knewe me bysuche tokens as I shewed them of their countrey for I auctor of this boke in my youthe had rydden nygh ouer all the realme of Scotland and I was as than a fyftene dayes in the house of erle wyllyam Duglas father to the same erle Iames of whome I spake of nowe In a castell a fyue leages fro Edenboro win the countrey of Alquest the same tyme I sawe there this Erle Iames a fayre yonge chylde and a suster of his called the lady Blaunche and I was enfourmed by bothe these parties how this batayle was as sore a batayle fought as lyghtly hath been harde of before of suche a nombre and I beleue it well for englysshmen on the one partye and scottes on the other party are good men of warre for whan they mete there is a harde sight without sparynge there is no hoo bytwene them as longe as speares swordes ares or dagers wyll endure but lay on eche vpon other and whan they be well beaten and that the one parte hath optaygned the victory they than glorifye so in their dedes of arme● and are so ioyfull that suche as be taken they shall be raunsomed or they go out of the ●elde so that shortely eche of them is so contente with other that at their deparrynge curtoysly they wyll saye god thanke you But in fyghtynge one with another there is no playe nor sparynge and this is trewe and that shall well apere by this sayd rencountec for it was as valyauntly foughten as coulde be deuysed as ye shall here ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the erle Iames Duglas by his valyātnesse incouraged his men who were reculed and in a maner discomfyted and in his so doynge he was wounded to dethe Cap. C.xliii KNyghtes and Squyers were of good corage on bothe parties to fyght valyauntly cowardes there had no place but hardynes rayned with goodly feates of armes for knyghtes and squiers were so ioyned to gyder at hande strokes that archers had no place of nother party There the scottes shewed great hardynesse and feught meryly with great desyre of honour the englysshmen were thre to one howe be it I say nat but englysshmen dyd nobly acquyte them selfe for euer the englysshmen had rather ben slayne or taken in the place than to flye Thus as I haue sayd the baners of Duglas and Percy and their men were met eche against other enuyous who shulde wynne the honoure of that iourney At the begynnynge the englysshemen were so stronge that they ●eculed backe their enemyes Than the Erle Duglas who was of great harte and hygh of enterprise seynge his men recule backe than to recouer the place and to shewe knightly valure he toke his are in bothe his handes and entred so in to the prease that he made hym selfe waye in suche wyse that none durste aproche nere hym and he was so well armed that he bare well of suche strokes as he receyued thus he wente euer forwarde lyke a hardy Hector wyllynge a lone to conquere the felde and to dyscomfyte his enemyes But at laste he was encountred with thre speares all at ones the one strake hym on the shulder the other on the breste and the stroke glented downe to his bely and the thyrde strake hym in the thye and sore
quod Reedman we shall accorde ryght well toguyder ye shall dyne this daye with me the bysshop and our men be gone forthe to fyght with your men I can nat tell what shall fall we shall know at their retourne I am content to dyne with you quod Lymsay Thus these two knyghtes dyned toguyder in Newcastell Whan the knyghtes of Scotlāde were enformed howe the bysshop of Durham came on them with .x. thousande men they drewe to counsayle to se what was best for them to do outher to deꝑte or els to abyde the aduēture All thynges consydred they concluded to abyde For they sayd they coude nat be in a better nor a stronger place than they were in alredy They had many prisoners they coulde nat cary theym awaye if they shulde haue departed And also they hadde many of their men hurte and also some of their prisoners whōe they thought they wolde nat leue behynde them Thus they drewe toguyder and ordred so their felde that ther was no entre but one waye and they sette all their prisoners toguyder And made them to promise howe that rescue or no rescue they shulde be their prisoners after that they made all their mynstrels to blowe vp all atones and made the greattest reuell of the worlde Lightlye it is the vsage of scottes that whan they be thus assembled toguyder in armes the foote men bereth about their neckes homes in maner lyke hunters some great some small and of all sortes so that whan they blowe all at ones they make suche a noyse that it may be herde nighe .iiii. myles of thus they do to abass he their enemyes and to reioyse them selfes Whan the bysshoppe of Durham with his baner and .x. M. men with hym were aproched with in a leage than the scott●s blewe their hornes in suche wise that it semed that all the deuyls in hell had been amonge them so that suche as herde them and knewe nat of their vsage were sore abasshed This blowyng and noyse endured a longe space and than cessed And by that tyme thēglysshmen were within lesse than a myle than the scottes began to blowe agayn made a great noyse and as long endured as it dyd before Than the bysshop aproched with his batayle well rainged ī good order came within the syght of the scottes as within .ii. bowe shot or lesse than the scottes blewe again their hornes a lōge space the bysshop stode styll to se what the scottes wolde do auewed thē well and saw howe they were in a stronge grounde greatlye to their aduauntage Than the bysshop tooke counsayle what was beste for hym to do But thynge well aduysed they were nat in purpose to entre in amonge the scottes to assayle them but retourned withoute doyng of any thyng for they sawe well they myght rather lese than wyn Whan the scottes sawe the Englysshe men recule and that they shulde haue no batayle They wente to their lodgynges and made mery and than̄e ordayned to departe fro thens And bycause that sir Rafe Percy was sore hurte he desyred of his maister that he myght retourne to Newcastell or in to some place where as it pleased hym vnto such tyme as he were hole of his hurtes Promysynge as sonne as he were able to ryde to retourne in to Scotlande outher to Edenborowe or in to any other place apoynted The erle of Mare vuder whom he was taken agreed therto and delyuered hym a horse lytter and sent hym a waye And by lyke couenaunt dyuers other knyghtes squyers were suffred to returne and tooke terme outher to retourne or els to paye their fynaūce suche as they were apoȳted vnto It was shewed me by the informacyon of the scottes suche as had been at this sayd batayle that was bytwene Newcastell and Octeburge in the yere of our lorde god a thousande thre hundred fourscore and viii the .xix. daye of August Nowe that there were taken prisoners of the Englisshe partie M. and .xl. men one and other And slayne in the felde and in the chase .xviii. hundred and .xl. and sore hurte mo than a thousande And of the scottes there were a hundred slayne and taken in the chase mo than two hundred for as the Englysshmen fledde whan they sawe any aduautage they retourned agayne and fought By that meanes the scottes were taken and none otherwyse Euery man maye well consydre that it was a well fought felde whan there were so many slayne and taken on bothe parties ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the scottes departed and caryed with them therle Duglas deed and buryed hym in the abbey of Nimays And howe sir Archambault Duglas and his company departed fro before Carlyle and retourned in to Scotlande Cap. C.xlvii AFter this batayle thus furnysshed euery man retourned And the erle Duglas deed body chested layde in a chare and with hym sir Robert Hart and Symon Glaudyn Than they prepared to departe So they departed ledde with them sir Henry Percy and mo than .xl. knyghtes of Englande tooke the waye to the abbey of Nimay At their de partynge they sette fyre in their lodgynges and rode all the daye and yet lay that night in the Englysshe grounde none denyed thē The nexte daye they dislodged early in the mornyng and so came that daye to Nimay It is an abbey of blacke monkes on the border bytwene bothe realmes There they rested and buryed the erle Iames Duglas The seconde daye after his obsequye was done reuerētly on his body layde a tombe of stone and his baner hangyng ouer hym Wheder there were as than any mo Erles of Duglas to whome the lande retourned or nat I can nat tell For I sir Iohn̄ Froissart auctour of this boke was in Scotlande in the erles castell of Alquest lyueng erle Wyllm̄ at whiche tyme he had two chyldren a sonne and a dought but after there were many of the duglasses for I haue sene a.v. bretherne all squiers bearyng the name of Duglas in the kyng of Scotlādes house Dauid they were sōnes to a knight in Scotlāde called sir Iames Duglas they bare in their armes golde thre oreyls goules but as for the herytage I knowe nat who had it As for sir Archambalt Duglas of whom I haue spoken before in this hysto●ie in dyuers places who was a valyant knight gretly redouted of the englysshmen he was but a bastarde Whan these scottes hadde ben at Nymaye abbey and done there all that they came thyder for Than they departed eche fro other and wente in to their owne countreis and suche as hadde prisoners some ledde them awaye with them and some were raūsomed and suffred to returne Thus the Englysshe men founde the scottes right curtesse and gentyll in their delyueraunce and raunsome so that they were well contente This was shewed me in the countrey of Bierne in the erle of Foiz house by a knyght named Iohan of Newcastell who was taken prisoner at the same iourney vnder the baner of the erle of
at a tyme sealed with my seale sente in to Fraunce whiche came to your knowledge in the whiche letter was contaygned defyaunce pertaynynge to your grace and to your realme with wordes vnreasonable out of the ryght style and vsage that princes and lordes defie eche other the whiche I wyll nat auowe the euer any suche wordes passed out of my mouthe nor by my cōmaundemente any worde touchynge or defamynge your name or signory and syr to veryfye that this myne excuse is of trouthe and that it maye be had out of all suspecte I shall declare the trouthe of euery thynge Syr by reason of the great alyaunce and seruyce that I haue borne to my ryght redouted lorde the Kynge of Englande at his requeste and his counsayls I sente in to Englande four of my knyghtes and delyuered theym my seale to seale to any thynge that they concluded vpon they sealed this letter and nat I for I neuer knewe before the sealynge of that letter what was conteyned therin Syr I requyre your grace accepte this excuse for this is trewe but sir as for the aliaunce and seruyce that I haue made to my lorde the kynge of Englande I wyll neuer breke it nor do contrarye to that he commaundeth me But syr at his request and cōmaundement I wyll defye you or any other whan it shall please hym who so euer they be except myne owne naturall lorde the kynge of Almayne to whome I am made seruaunte by my mouthe spoken and by myne handes in his But syr for the honoure of you consyderynge and in recompensynge the paynes and traueyls that ye haue susteyned in your iourney comynge hyder to knowe the foundacion and trouthe of the defyaunce I shall swere to you and kepe it that I shal neuer make warre agaynst you nor defye you but fyrste ye shall be signyfyed therof an hole yere before And sir me thynke this shulde suffyce you To this deuyse the duke of Guerles sayde I am well contente thus to do in this there in no dyshonour nor blame to me as I thynke THus on this poynte departed the duke of Iulyers from his sonne the duke of Guerles and with him the archebysshoppe of Coloygne and so they returned in to Iulyers and came to Endesker And whan tyme was they wente to the frenche kynge and shewed him all the poyntes and artycles before rehersed and sayd Syr loke what ye wyll do with the duke of guerles for other than this ye shall nat haue of hym The frenche kynge greatly desyred to se the duke of Guerles his cosyn by cause he had put hym to somoche payne wherfore the soner he enclyned to this treatye And the duke of Burgoyn who wolde also that the duches of Brabant and her countrey shulde a byde in rest and peace he toke payne to bringe this creatie to effecte and that the duke of Guerles myght come to speke with the kynge And also there was one thynge that made them the soner agre wynter aproched and the nyghtes began to be longe and colde and also the lordes of Fraunce were enfourmed that Guerles was no countrey to rest in in the tyme of wynter and also dayly they had reporte howe they loste of their men bothe knyghtes and squyers by the synsars almayns who dayly lay in wayte for them So many reasons and consyderacyons were layde and alledged that they fell to acorde and the duke of Guerles aproched and the duke of Iulyers his father the duke of Lorayne and the bysshop of Coloigne brought hym in to the kynges tente where there was with the kynge his thre vncles and his brother the duke of Tourayne the duke of Bare the erle of Marche the erle of saynte Pole the erle dolphyn of Auuergne the lorde Coucy and the constable of Fraunce There the duke of Guerles kneled downe before the kynge and as it was infourmed me the kyng toke hym vp and there valyauntly and wysely he exscused hym selfe of the defyaunce that he had made to the kynge And moreouer he sware that if euer he wolde defye the kynge or make warre to the realme of Fraunce that he wolde gyue the kynge knowlege therof a yere before and the countreys of Guerles and Brabante to be styll in the same case as they be in at that same presēt tyme. Thus the mater concluded bytwene them and the duke of Guerles supped with the kynge the same nyghte at his table he was greatly regarded bycause he had put the kynge to so moche payne and coste This treatie and conclusyon was put in writynge and sealed and whan all was done the lordes toke leaue to departe but or they departed the duke of Guerles demaunded of the kynge that all suche prisoners as the Frenche men had taken in that warre that he myght haue them delyuered franke and free He had his desyre they were delyuered Thanne the kynge demaunded of the duke that all suche prysoners as his men had taken in that voyage shulde be delyuered and rendred agayne Than the duke of Guerles excused hym selfe and sayde Syr that I can not do I am but a poore man and whan I knewe of your commynge I fortifyed my selfe the best I myght with men of warre knyghtes and squyes fro beyonde the ryuer of Ryne and other places and I promysed them that what so euer they wanne in this warre it shulde be their owne wherfore I can take nothinge fro them of that they haue wonne if I wolde I haue nouther puyssaunce nor power to do it for if I wolde shewe rygoure to theym they wolde make warre agaynst me wherfore sir may it please you to lette it passe for I canne nat remedy it The kynge sawe he coulde haue nothyng els he suffred it to passe and imagyned that he and his realme were riche ynough to encrease poore men wherfore he let it passe and spake no mo wordes and at their departure eche of theym well contented other Than it was ordeyned to dyslodge and to retourne the same way they came and than it was sayd that the frenche kynge shulde be at the cytie of Reynes at the feest of all sayntes and there to holde a great feest Thus euery man dyslodged and retourned ¶ Nowe lette vs speke of the englysshe army on the see ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the erle of Arundell and the knyghtes of Englande beyng on the see by fortune of the wynde came to the Palyce besyde Rochell whose beynge there was signifyed to sir Loys of Xanser and of the departynge of the erle of Arundell Cap. C.l. IN the meane seasone whyle the french kyng was in Guerles the englysshe army was on the see wherof the erle of Arundell was chefe capytayne and some tyme sayled forwarde and somtyme bacwarde as the wynde wolde serue them to seke for aduentures as it is well knowen Always lightly bytwene the feest of saynt Remey and all sayntes is a peryllous season for stormes and wyndes on the see and aboute the same
tyme there rose suche a tempeste that it sperkled abrode the englysshe nauy in suche wyse that the hardyest marynere there was sore abasshed so that perforce they were constreyned to seke for lande And the erle of Arundell with .xxvii. vesselles with hym whether they wolde or nat were fayne to caste ancre in a lytell hauen called the Palyce a two small leages fro Rochell and the wynde was so streynable on see borde that they coude nat departe thence Whanne tydynges therof came to Rochell they were in great dought at the fyrste leste the englisshmen wolde come on them and do them great domage and closed their gates and helde them shytte a day and a halfe Than other tydynges came to them fro them of Palyce howe the englysshemen were but .xxvii. vesselles and came thyder by force of wynde and wether and taryed for nothynge but to de parte agayne and that the Erle of Arundell was there and the lorde Henry Beamonde sir Willyam Helmen mo than thyrty knyghtes of Englande Than they of Rochell tooke counsayle what thynge was beste for them to do and all thyng consydered they sayd howe they shulde but easly acquyte themselfe if they went nat to skrymysshe with them The same season before the castell of Bouteuyll was syr Loys of Xansere mershall of Fraūce and had besieged within the fortresse Gylliam of saynt Foye a gascon and with the marshall a great company of Poicto● of Xayntone of Piergourt of Rochell and of the lowe marches for all were nat gone in to Almayne with the knig This sir Loys was soueraygne capytayne ouer all the fronters bytwene Mountpellyer and Rochell tyll the retourne of the lorde Coucy They of Rochell sent worde to the marshall of the englysshmens beynge at Palyce Whan he herde therof he was ryght ioyfull and sent to theym that they shulde make redy seuen or eyght galees and to man them forthe for he wolde come by lande and fyght with the Englisshmen They of Rochell dyd as they were commaunded and sir Loys departed fro his siege and brake it vp for he thought it shulde be more honorable for hym to fyght with the erle of Arundell and the englysshe men rather thanne to contyne we styll his siege Thus be wente to Rochell and all knyghtes and squyers folowed hym I can nat tell by what inspyracyon the erle of Arundell had knowledge howe the marshall of Fraunce with a greate puyssaunce of knyghtes and squyers was comynge to fyght with hym at Palyce whiche tydynges were nat very pleasaunte to the erle of Arundell howe be it the wynde was some what layde and the see aueyled Than the erle wayed vp ancres and sayled in to the see in suche good season that if he had taryed longe after he had been enclosed in the hauen and euery man taken for in contynent thyder came the galees of Rochell well manned and furnysshed with artyllery and gonnes and came streyght to the hauen of the Palyce and foūde the englisshe men departed They pursued after a two leages in the see and shotte gonnes howebeit they durst nat longe folowe for feare of enbusshmentes on the see Than the frenche shippes returned and the marshall of Fraunce was sore dyspleased with theym of Rochell that they sente hym worde so late The erle of Arundell toke the waye by the ryuer of Garon to come to Burdeaux and therby the siege before Bowteuyll was defeated for Gillonet of saynt Foy prouyded his garyson of that he neded in the meane tyme the the marshall went to fyght with the englysshe men NOwe let vs retourne somwhat to speke of the duke of Lancastre howe he was in treatie with the spanyardes and also with the Duke of Berrey for the maryage of his doughter The kynge of Castyle treated with hym for his sonne the prince of Castyle to the entent to haue a peace with the englisshe men Also the duke of Berrey treated to haue the duke of Lancasters doughter for hymselfe for he had great desyre to be maryed And the duke of Lancastre lyke a sage imagynat●●e prince sawe well howe it was more profitable for Englande and for hym to mary his doughter in to Castyle rather than to the duke of Berrey for therby he thought to recouer the herytage of Castyle in tyme to come for his doughter And if he shulde gyue her to the duke of Berrey and the duke fortune to dye his doughter than shulde be but a poore lady to the regarde of other bycause the duke of Berrey had chyldren by his fyrst wyfe who shulde haue all the profyte Also the duchesse of Lancastre enclyned to the kynge of Castyles sonne So that whan sir Helyon of Lignac was departed fro the duke of Lancastre and retourned to the duke of Berrey beynge as that in Almayne than the king of Castyls messāgers were well herde in suche wyse that their wordes were noted and their offers accepted and the couenaunte made and sworne bytwene Kateryn of Lancastre and the kynge of Castylles sonne and writynges and publike instrumentes and oblygatory bondes made and concluded with out re●le or repentaunce So that the duches of Lācastre after euery thyng set in ordre shulde bring her doughter Kateryn in to Castyle All this season the frenche kynge was styll in the fronters of Iulyers concludynge with the duke of Guerles as ye haue herde before and howe they departed And as the frenche men retourned it fortuned on the fronteres of Almayne on a nyght aboute mydnyght as the mone ●hone fayre certayne almayns robbers and pyllers that dyd sette nother by peace nor warre but alwayes sought for their aduauntage some pertaynynge to the lorde of Blaqueneuen and to sir Peter of Conebech they were well horsed and came and aduysed the french hoost and where they might haue most profyte and aduauntage and so passed by the lodgyng of the vycount of Meaulx and sawe no styringe and returned without any noyse makynge outher passynge or retournynge and came agayne to their enbusshe and shewed them what they had sene and founde● and incontynente these almayns came and entred at their aduauntage in to the frenchmens lodgynges and ouerthrewe I can nat tell howe many and toke .xiiii. menne of armes prisoners There was taken the lorde of Viesuile and the lorde of Mountkarell This aduenture the frenche men hadde the same nyght by reason they made but easy watche and were but yuell ordred The next day whan these tydinges were knowen howe the lorde of Viesuille and the lorde of Mountkarell were taken the frenche men were sore displeased and toke better hede after Whan the frenche kynge departed fro the countrey of Iulyers none taryed behynde euery man drewe to their garysons sir Guylliam of Tremoyle and sir Geruays Furrande and all other and the braban soys by the waye euery man wente home And in the retournynge of the frenche men it was ordeyned by great delyberacion of coūsayle that the frenche kynge who had ben vnder the
hym selfe Sayeng howe they of Armynake helde by force and nat of right the countie of Comynges the whiche herytage is by his mother and aunte to my cosyn of Boloyne I wyll well they knowe I shall mary her in so stronge a place and puissaunt to make warre with them for the herytage of Comynges For as nowe there is none to answere but a deed man THus whan the erle of Armynacke sir Bernarde his brother sawe that they coulde nat come to their purpose as long as her aunte lyued Than they sayde to the duke of Berrey that this lady shulde be a fayre maryage for Iohn̄ of Berrey his sonne And by their settynge on the duke sente suffycient and noble messangers in to Byerne to the erle of Foiz Desyringe hym that all yuell wyll might be sette aparte and euery thynge pardoned of tymes paste and that he myght haue the damosell of Boulonge for Iohan his sonne in maryage So that the erle of Boulonge father to the damosell dyde therto agree and assent Th erle of Foiz made good chere to these ābassadors but he excused hym for that maryage sayd howe the lady his cosyn was to yonge And also he sayde howe that whan the countesse of Boulonge her mother delyuered her in to his charge She caused hym to swere that he shulde neuer mary her in no place withher knowledge and consent And in no wyse he sayde he myght nor wolde nat breake his promyse nor othe and he sayd none ought to desyre hym thervnto This excuse the Erle made for he knewe well that his cosyn of Comynges who was with the erle of Vrgell her brother in the realme of Arragon wolde nat agree thervnto Thus the ambassadors of the duke of Berrey retourned without any thyng doyng to their purpose And whan they were gone as sir Espaygne du Lyon shewed me the erle sayde ah The duke of Berrey and his coūsayle myght well repute me for an ignorant whan he wolde haue me to enforce myne ennemyes Iohan of Berry is cosyn germayn to myne aduersaries of Armynake that bargayne shall I neuer make I shall rather mary her in to Englande It hath been spoken of to sir Henry of Lancastre erle of Derby sonne to the duke of Lancastre If I thought nat greatly to displease the Frenche kynge there shulde none other haue her but he as yet I knowe nat what I wyll do for I shall rather mary her at my pleasure than they of Armynake shulde haue her agaynste my wyll In me it lyeth to do or to leaue I nede nat to trouble my selfe in the mater Whan the duke of Berrey knewe the certēlie that the duke of Lācastre shulde mary his doughter to the king of Castyls son̄e that he coude nat breke that maryage in no wyse he was a .v. or sixe dayes so pensyue that none about hym durst demaūde what he ayled at last he declared his entent to thē of his counsaile than they said to hym sir if ye haue fayled of the duke of Lancasters doughter ye maye recouer another as great and as good as she is howe be it she is very yonge for your age Wherfore we can nat tell if the erle of Foiz wyll refuce it for that cause who hath the lady in his gouernaunce Ah quod the duke that is the doughter of the Erle of Boulonge the erle of Foiz hath refused Iohan of Berrey howe be it in the name of god let vs yet assaye Than the duke wrote to the Erle of Foiz signifyeng hym ryght swetely that he wolde sende to hym four lordes as therle of Xancere the lorde de la Ryuer sir Guy de la Tremoyle and the Vycount Dassey to treate with hym to haue for hym selfe in maryage the doughter of Boulonge beyng vnder his kepyng so it maye be to his pleasure and desyred the erle to sende hym an answere in writyng the hole of his mynde to th entent that his messangers shulde nat traueyle in vayne nor lese there payne The erle of Foiz receyued the messāgers that brought the writtynge ryght amyably and wrote agayne by them to the duke of Berrey sayeng howe he was right gladde of those tidynges wolde be redy to receyue the sayd lordes outher in Foiz or in Byerne so that the Erle of Boulonge and the coūtesse father and mother to the lady be agreed thervnto And at their retourne whan the duke of Berey herde his answere he was right ioyfull and all that wynter styll he pursued what here there that he myght attayne to this maryage the nexte somer after He coude nat bring his purpose aboute shortely for he knewe well the erle of Foiz was no man lightly to be wonne for he was sure he shulde haue many delays wherfore the duke thought to worke wysely sent specyall messangers to pope Clement who was cosyn and nere a kyn to the damosell of Boulōge The pope was right ioyouse whā he knewe that his cosyn might to highly be maryed as to the duke of Berrey vncle to the Frēche kyng Than the pope wrote to therle of Foiz signifyeng hym right honorably aduysinge hym that he shulde nat vary fro the treatie of that maryage for therby their lynage shulde be enhaunsed Thus the erle of Foiz receyued letters fro all parties he answered them all for right well he coude dissimule in suche busynesse He helde all the parties in good loue and fauour bothe the pope and the duke of Berrey yet there was nat the wysest of thē bothe nor of their counfayls that coude knowe perfitely what the erle of Foiz thought surely to do ¶ Nowe lette vs somwhat leaue speakyng of this mater and retourne to the siege of Vanchadore ye haue herde here before in this hystorie how sir Wyllm̄ Lignac and sir Iohn̄ Boemlaunce dyuers other knightes and squiers of Auuergne and Limosin had besieged the castell of Vāchadore and Geffray Tete noyre within But they coude nat wyn it by no maner of assaut for they within were prouyded of all thynges necessary for .vii. yere though they had no refresshyng They without ofte tymes wolde come out of their bastydes and scrimysshe Durynge the siege many feates of armes were done dyuers hurt on bothe ꝑtes And so it fortuned at a scrimysshe Geffray Tete noyre was there hym selfe auaūsed so forwarde that he was striken through the bassenet in to the heed with a quarell so that he was fayne to kepe his bedde wherw t all his company was sore displeased and the season that he lay there was no scrimysshīg of this hurt if he had ben well kept he might sone haue ben hole but he kept hym selfe but yuell and specially fro lechery the whiche he derely bought for it cost hym his lyfe but or he died he knewe well before there was no remedy but dethe For it was playnly shewed hym by reason of his yuell rule He was in ieoꝑdy of dethe for his hed
departed fro the cytie of Tholous with a fyue hundred horse and rode so longe that he came to Tarbe in Bygore and fro thence to Morloys in Bierne And the erle of Foiz who was signyfied of his comyng was ioyfull and cōmaunded all his offycers that the towne of Ortays shulde be well aparelled to receyue him for he sayd the marshals comynge pleased hym ryght well lodgynges for his men were made redy and the erle rode out in to the feldes to mete with hym and mothan thre hundred horses and there receyued hym with good chere And he was at Ortays a syre dayes and the marshall sayd to the erle howe the frenche kynge had great affection to se the countrey of Languedoc and to se hym Than the erle aunswered and sayd Syr the kynge shall be ryght welcome and gladde I wolde be to se hym yea but sir quod the marshall it is the kynges entension at his comyng playnely to knowe whether ye wyll holde you frenche or englissh for alwayes ye haue dissymuled out the warre for ye wolde neuer arme you for no desyre A sir quod the erle I thanke you in that ye haue shewed me somoche For syr though I wolde neuer arme me nor take no parte there hath been good cause why As for the warre bytwene Englande and Fraūce I haue nothynge to do therwith I holde my countrey of Bierne of no man but of good and the sworde What haue I to do to put my selfe in seruytude or in dyspleasure of one kynge or other yet I knowe well myne aduersaryes of Armynake haue done that in them is to bring me in the indyngnacion of bothe partyes for or the prince of Wales wente in to Spayne by the informacyon of the erle of Armynake the prince wolde haue made me warre he was so sore moued therto that he had done so and sir Iohan Chandos had nat broken his purpose but I thanke god alwayes I haue borne my selfe as mekely and as curteyssy as I coulde and shall do as longe as I lyue and whan I am deed let the maters go as they wyll Thus the erle of Foyze and the marshall passed the tyme togyder And at their departure the erle gaue hym a fayre courser a fayre mule and a nother good horse all thre togyther rychely sadylled and aparelled And he gaue to syr Roberte of Challus and to syr Rycharde Dolphyn to eche of them two hūdred frankes and to fyue other squyers to eche of them fifty frankes Than the marshall toke leaue to departe to Tholous And I syr Iohan Froysart was there the same tyme and wolde haue departed fro Ortays with hym but the Erle of Foyze wolde nat suffre me and sayd I shulde nat as than departe So it behoued me to byde his pleasure Sir Loys departed fro Ortays and rode to Tarbe and the lorde Dolphyn of Bygore conueyed him and sir Peter of Calestan one of the erle of Foiz knyghtes ABoute the same season there was at Burdeaux a dede of armes done before the duke of Lancastre by fyue englisshmen of his owne house and fyue frenche menne some of theym were of the marshall of Fraunce house Fyrst by ser Pecton Dallagnie a gascone englyssh agaynst sir Mores Mannigmente frenche Seconde bytwene sir Aragon Raymon englysshe agaynst the bastarde of Chauigny Frenche The thyrde bytwene Loys Malapus capytayne of Agremortes frenche agaynst Iaquemyn Corne de Cerfe englysshe Fourthe bytwene Archambalte de Villyers frenche and the sonne of the lorde of Chaumonte gascone englysshe The fyfte by Willyam Foucalt frenche against the brother of the lorde of Chaumont englysshe And to se these armes acomplysshed dyuers knyghtes and squiers of Bierne of therle of Foiz house toke their way towarde Burdeaux I wente with them in company bytwene Ortars and Burdeaux is but .xxiiii. myle There we sawe the sayde armes done before saynte Andrews in the presence of the duke of Lancastre and the duches their doughter and other ladyes and damosels of the coūtrey These knightes were nat all armed at ones but euery man by hym selfe with his felowe aparte their armes were thre courses with a speare thre strokes with a sworde thre with an are and thre with a dagger and all a horsehacke And this they dyd in thre dayes and none of all tenne hurte but sir Raymon slewe the bastardes horse wherwith the duke of Lancastre was sore dysplesed and blamed greatly the knight bicause he bare his staffe so lowe and the duke gaue the bastarde one of his horses Whan this was accomplysshed euery man deꝑted to their owne houses AN one after the duchesse of Lancastre ordayned to goo in to Castyle and to leade with her Katheryne her doughter who shulde haue in maryage the kynge of Castyls sonne And the duchesse entente was fyrste or she wolde entre in to Castyle to go to Mantuell where somtyme was the batayle bytwene kynge don Peter her father agaynste kynge Henry of Castyle and of sir Bertram of Clesquyn And there she purposed to make iuste enquiry where the kynge her father lay buryed and to dygge vp his bones and to haue them to the cytie of Cyuill and there to bury theym agayne rychly as it appertayned to a kynge In the begynnynge of Marche whanne the sonne beganne to mount and the dayes to encrease than the duches of Lancastre was redy with her doughter and so departed fro Burdeaux and went to Bayon and there the duke of Lancastre toke leaue of her and he retourned to Burdeaux And the ladyes rode forthe to Dape and there she was well receyued for the cyte of Dape was vnder the obeysaunce of the kynge of Englande There she rested two dayes and than passed throughe the countrey of Basquence and passed by the passe of Rouceualx and entred in to Nauerre and came to Panpilona and there founde the kyng of Nauer and the quene who receyued the duchesse honourably The quene of Nauer was suster to the kynge of Castyle The duches and her doughter were a monethe passynge throughe the realme of Nauer for they taryed with the Kynge and with the quene a certayne space and their costes and charges were borne and payed for Than they entred in to Spaygne and at the entre of the realme they founde of the kynge of Castyls seruauntes redy there to receyue theym acordynge as they were commaunded And than the yonge prince was called prince of Galyce ¶ Howe the duches of Lancastre departed fro the kynge of Castyle and wente to Mantuell to brynge her fathers bones to Ciuyll and howe the frenche kynge sent ambassadours to the erle of Foize to treate for the maryage of the duke of Berrey his vncle with the doughter of the erle of Boloyne Cap. WHan all these matters were renewed and the maryage confyrmed than the duchesse of Lancastre lefte her doughter with the king with her yonge husbande that shulde mary her who was of the age of eight yeres the duches toke leaue
of the popes And the nexte daye aboute nyne of the clocke all the cardynals that were there at that tyme mette with her and so passed the bridge of Rosue in grete estate the lady rydynge on a whyte palfrey whiche the pope had sent her Than she came to the popes palays in Auignon and there alighted and went to se the pope who sate in cōsystory in a chayre pontyficall The pope kyst her mouth bycause of lygnage Than the duchesse and her company wente to dyner with many cardynalles to the house of the cardynall of Thuryn nere to the popes palyce This was on a wednysdaye and the nexte daye they all dyned in the same house agayne I may well saye that the comyng of this lady to Auignon cost the pope the some of tenne thousande frankes The fridaye she supped in the palays and tooke her leaue of the pope and the saturday she departed and rode to dyner to Orange and there lay all night for her cosyn germayne was princesse therof The sonday she departed and he● caryage before and passed to Valance and than to Vien and so to Lyon sur le Rone and there rested two dayes than fro thens to Bres●e and so entred in to the countie of Forestes and passed through the countrey and so came to la Palesse in Burbonois and so to Quissy than to Hanche and so to Ryon in Auuergne and there rested two dayes or the duke of Berrey came thyder who came thyder on Whytsoneuyn and on Whytsonday betymes he maryed the lady This was a noble weddynge and a gret feest there was the erle of Boloyne the erle of Estampes and the erle Dolphyn of Auuergne this feest and iustes endured foure dayes All this I sir Iohan Froysart auctor of this boke sawe with myne eyen for I was there presente ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe certayne wyse men treated for a peace to endure thre yeres bytwene Fraunce and Englande and all their alyes aswell on the one parte as on the other by lande and by see Cap. C.lvi. YE haue herde here before howe there was a treuse taken bytwene all partyes and garysons bytwene the Ryuer of Loyr and the ryuer of Dordone and of Geronde vnto the feest of saynt Iohan Baptyst coūted as than in the yere of grace a thousand thre hundred fourscore and nyne This treuse dutynge there were some great men and sage on bothe partyes bothe of Englande and of Fraunce that busyed themselfe to treate for a peace to endure thre yeres both by water and by lande And the entensyon of them the treated in this mater was to comprise in their treatye for the frenche party all suche as were besyed with their warre First to haue comprysed the realme of Castyle holy as well by lande as by water and in lyke maner the realme of Scotlande And on the englysshe partye shulde be comprised all their alyes and the kynge and realme of Portugale and dyuers barones of hygh Gascon These entreatours had moche payne and trauayle or they came to their ententes for the scottes wolde in no wyse cōsent For whanne worde therof came to kynge Roberte of Scotlande fro the frenche kynge his owne persone wolde lyghtly haue greed therto for he desyred no warre On a daye he called before hym all the barones and prelates of Scotlande suche as ought to gyue counsayle in that mater for without their knowlege the kynge wolde do nothyng if he had done they wolde nat haue kepte it There openly was redde in all their presence the letters that the frenche kynge had sente thyder to the kynge and to the realme of Scotlande the entente wherof was that the frenche kyng wolde haue them of Scotland to be comprised with him 〈◊〉 to agre to a treuse for thre yeres by lande and by water bytwene Englande and theym This tydynges was harde to them and they sayde The frenche kynge canne do nothynge but to haue treuce whan it is tyme to make warre We haue in this yere ouercome the englysshmen and the season is ryght good and lykely that we shall ouercome them agayne the seconde tyme yea and the thyrde also There was great debatynge of the matter bytwene them but in no wyse they wolde consente therto Fynally they acorded to sende a bysshoppe and thre knyghtes in to Fraunce to the kynge and to his counsayle to the entent to breke the treaties and to shewe the good wyll of the scottes that they had to the warre The bysshoppe of saynt Andrews and syr Archambalte Duglas syr Willyam Lymsey and syr Iohan saynt Clere. These departed as soone as they myght and toke the see and arryued at Sluse and than rode to Parys and before the kyng and his counsayle they shewed their letters of credence sente in the name of all the barones and prelates of the realme of Scotlāde They were well herde and the frenche men percyued well the great affection that they hadde to procede and to contyne we the warre agaynste Englande howe be it the treatye was so farre past and promysed that it coulde nat be reuoked agayne Than the scottes were swetely answered howe there was no remedy but that they muste nedes procede to the peace Thus the frenche men tooke a treuse by meanes of suche as treated for the mater there were dyuers metynges bytwene the partyes at Balingham bytwene Boloyne and Calays So often they mette and debated the maters that a treuce was taken gyuen and acorded bytwene Englande and Fraunce for suche as were treaters of the mater were prelates gret lordes and wysemenne of bothe realmes and all their adherentes and alyes by see and by lande to endure fermely without dissymulacyon of any shadowe of male engyn the space of thre yeres The entreatours of the frenche partye were at Boloyne as the bysshoppe of Bayeur the erle Valery of saynt Pole sir Willyam of Melyn sir Nycholas Bracque and sir Iohan le Mercier And at Calays for the Englysshe parte was the bysshop of Durham sir Willyam Montague erle of Salisbury sir Wyllyam Beauchampe capitayne of Calais Iohan Lauon and Nycholas of Gaberthe and Richarde Roell clerke doctor in lawe These mette togyder in the myddes of the waye bytwene Calays and Boloyne at a place called Balyngham In this tyme great brute was in Fraunce and in other places of a great feest and iustes that the yonge kyng Charles wolde make at Parys at the fyrst entryng of Isabell the frēche quene agaynst whiche feest knightes squyers ladyes and damoselles apparelled them to be at that tryumphe Of the whiche feest I shall speke more here after and of the charter of the peace that was engrosed sealed bytwene the parties yE shall knowe that whan I sir Iohan Froyssarte authour of this hystorie was departed fro Ortays fro the erle of Foiz as ye haue herde here before and wente in cōpany with the lorde de la Ryuer and the lorde Guyllyam of Tremoyle who brought the yonge duchesse of Berrey
doughter to the erle of Boulonge to the duke of Berrey who wedded her in the towne of Ryon in Auuergne as it is conteyned here before in this hystorie for at all these maters I was present wherfore I maye well speke therof And whan I came to Parys I foūde there the gentyll lorde of Coucy a good lorde of myne who had newly maryed a yonge lady doughter to the duke of Lorayne Whiche lorde made me good chere and demaunded of me newes of the countrey of Foiz and Biern and of pope Clement beyng at Auygnon and of the maryage bytwene Berrey and Boulonge and of another great frende of myne and good lorde and mayster therle Beraunt dolphyn of Auuergne And to all his demaūdes I answered all that I knewe so that he was content Than he desyred me to go with hym in to Cambresys to a castell that the kynge had gyuen hym called Creue cure a two leages fro Cābrey and nyne leages fro Valensenes And so I rode in his cōpany And as we rode by the way he shewed me howe the bysshoppe of Bayeux and the erle of saynt Pole and other were at Boloyn sent thyder by the frēche kyng to cōclude the truce howe that for kyng Richarde kynge of Englāde there were at Calys the bysshop of Durham therle of Salisbury with other and howe they had been there the space more thanne a moneth abydynge for the ambassadours of Scotlande who were as than newly come thyder He sayde howe his cosyn the erle of saynt Pole had writen to hym therof and howe the frenche kynge had sente to the kynge of Scottes and to his counsayle that he shulde agree to the truce for the englysshe men wolde consente to no peace without the scottes were comprised in the same Thus we rode tyll we came to Creue cure and there I was with hym thre dayes Thā I toke leaue of hym and went to Valencennes and there I taryed fyftene dayes Than I wente in to Holande to se a gentyll lorde and good mayster of myne the erle of Bloyes and founde hym at Estōchoucke he made me good chere and demaunded of me some tidynges and I shewed him suche as I knewe I taryed with hym a moneth there and at Gede Than I retourned in to Fraunce to knowe the trouthe of the cōclusion that was taken bytwene Englande and Fraunce at Balyngham Also I purposed to be at the feest that shulde be at Parys at the entre of the Frenche quene to knowe the trouthe of all these maters I retourned throughe Brabaunt and so came to Parys eyght dayes before the feest began Than I fell in company with the lordes of Fraunce and of Scotlande suche as had ben at the makynge of the truce bytwene Englāde and Fraunce And I fell in acqueyntaūce with sir Guyllyam of Melyn who shewed me all the hole mater and howe the Erle of saynt Pole was passed in to Englande to se kynge Rycharde and to confyrme the truce that was graunted for thre yeres and that he shulde retourne agayne to be at the said gret feest Than I demaūded of the said sir Guillyam what lordes of Scotlande had been at the sayd treatie I demanuded it bycause in my youthe I had ben in Scotlande and serched all the realme to the wylde scottes And while I was there I taried a space in that court of kyng Dauyd of Scotlande there I had acqueyntaūce of the most parte of the lordes knightes of Scotlāde therfore I demaūded who had been there And this sir Melyn answered me and saide howe there had ben the bysshop of Bredon sir Iames and sir Dauyd Lymsay and sir Water of saynt Clere. I bare his sayeng awaye and dyde putte in writynge all that I hadde sene and herde And shall shewe the trouthe what I sawe knewe of this feest and of the fyrst entryng of quene I sabell in to Parys ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the ordynaunce of the entre of quene Isabell in to the towne of Parys Cap. Clvii THe sonday the twētie daye of Iune in the yere of oure lorde god a thousande thre hundred foure score and nyne there was people in Paris and with out suche nombre that it was marueyle to beholde And the same sondaye in the mornyng there was assēble made in the churche of saynte Denyce of noble ladyes of Fraunce suche as shulde accompany the quene and of suche lordes as shulde assyst the quenes lytters other ladyes And there was of the burgesses of Parys twelue hundred an horsebacke raynged in the feldes on bothe sydes of the way aparelled in gownes of one sute of clothe of Baudkyn grene and crymosyn And the olde quene Iane and her doughter duchesse of Orlyance entred fyrste in to Parys one houre before noone in a lytter couered well a companyed with lordes and passed through the hyghe strete of saynte Denyce and so rode to the palays and there taryed for the kynge That day these two ladyes went no further Than the frenche quene and the other ladyes set forwarde as the duchesse of Berrey the duchesse of Burgoyne the duches of Thourayn the duches of Bare the countesse of Neuers the lady of Coucy and other ladyes and damoselles all in good ordre all their lytters were aparelled as richly as myghte be But the duches of Thourayne had no lytter she rode a lone vpon a fayre pal frey rychly aparelled and she rode on the one syde by the quenes lytter and it was assysted with the duke of Thourayne and the duke of Burbone at the fore heed on bothe sydes And in the myddes on bothe sydes the lytter were the duke of Berry and the duke of Burgoyne and at the fete was the lorde Peter of Nauer and therle of Ostrenaunt The quenes lytter was richely apparelled and discouert Than nexte folowed on a ryche apparelled Palfrey the duchesse of Berrey she was assisted with the erle de la Marche and with the erle of Neuers and she rydinge a softe pace bytwene them bothe Than̄e folowed the lytter all discouered and open of the duchesse of Burgoyne and Margarete of Heynalte her doughter coūtesse of Neuers That lytter was assysted with the lorde Henry of Bare and the yonge erle of Namure called sir Guylliam And than the lady of Orlyaunce on a palfrey richely apparelled and the lorde Iames of Burbone and the lorde Philyppe Dartoys assysted the lady of Orlyaunce Than another lytter with the duchesse of Bare and the doughter of the lorde of Coucy Of other ladyes and damoselles that came after in chariottes and palfrayes and knightes that folowed there was no mēcion made And as for sergeauntes and offycers of armes had busynesse ynoughe to do to make way and to breke the preace There was suche people in the stretes that it semed that all the worlde had ben there AT the fyrst gate of saynt Denice entryng in to Parys there was a Heuyn made full of sterres within it yonge chyldren
Almayne besyde the Ryne called sir Seruays of Mirando These iustes were well contynued but there were so many knightes that one coulde nat rynne for another and the duste with rynnynge of their horses was so great that it troubled them sore The lorde of Coucy dyd maruelously well These iustes contynued tyll it was nyght than they departed the ladyes brought to their lodgynges The kynge with his company was brought to his lodgynge of saynt Pole and there was a supper for the ladyes with suche haboundaūce that it were harde to recorde it and the feest and reuell with syngynge and daunsyng tyll the next mornynge the sonne rysinge And the prise of the iustes of the aunswerers that had best done and lengest contynued was gyuen to the frenche kynge by consente of all the ladyes and iudgement of the harauldes and of the chalengers the Halze of ●launders bastarde brother to the duchesse of Burgoyne The knightes complayned of the dust so that some said they loste their dedes by reason therof The kynge made prouysion for it he ordeyned mo than two hundred barrelles of mater that watred the place wherby the groūde was well amended and yet the nexte day they hadde duste ynough and to moche Than the wednysdaye came to Parys the erle of saynte Pole frome oute of Englande he had made great haste to come to these iustes and feest and he had lefte behynde him in Englande sir Iohan of Chatell Morant to bringe the charter of the treuce with hym The erle of saynte Pole was well welcomed of the kynge and of all other lordes and the Quene and all other were glad of his comynge ON the wednysdaye after dyner euery man drew to the felde and the ladyes came thyder in goodly aray as they had done the daye before and mounted vpon their stages Than the iustes began fyersly and was well contynued tyll it was nyght Than euery person retourned and the ladyes had a great supper at saynte Polle Than the pryses were gyuen by consente of the ladyes and iudgement of the harauldes of the answerers the prise was gyuen to a squyer of Haynalte called Iohan de Flaron who was come thyder in the company of therle of Ostrenant and of the chalengers the prise was gyuen to a squyer of the duke of Burgoyns called Iohan de Pokerers And agayne the thursdaye iusted knightes squyers all togyther euery man payned hym selfe to do well and it endured tyll nyght And the ladyes supped agayne at saynt Polle and there the prise was gyuen of the vtter partie to sir Charles of Armoyes and of them within to a squyer of the quenes called Lons The frydaye the kynge made a dyner to all the ladyes and damoselles and aboute the ende of the dyner there entred in to the hall the kyng sytting at the table the duchesse of Berrey the duchesse of Burgoyne the duches of Thourayne the coūtes of saynt Polle the lady of Coucy and a great meny of other ladyes and damosels they brought in two knyghtes on horsebacke armed at all peces for the iustes with their speares on their thyes The one was sir Raynold of Roy and the other sir Bouciquant the yonger and there they two iusted goodly togyther Than came thyder other knightes ser Raynold of Troyes syr Gyllyam of Namure syr Charles of Armoyes and the lorde of Garancyers the lorde of Nantoyllet Lardenoys of Ostende and dyuers other all these iusted there the space of two houres before the kynge and the ladyes than they returned to their lodgynges That fryday suche ladyes and damosels as wolde retourne to their owne houses toke their leaues of the kynge of the quene and also suche lordes as wolde departe The kynge and the quene thanked them of the payne they had taken comynge to his feest ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the lorde of the Chateau Morante whom the erle of saynte Polle had lefte behynde hym in Englande retourned in to Fraūce with the charter of the treuce sealed by kynge Rycharde and his vncles to endure thre yere by see and by lande Cap. C.lviii AFter that all these lordes and ladyes were returned fro this greate feest to their owne houses than the lorde of Chastell Morant whome the lorde of saynte Polle had left in England retourned in to Fraunce to the kynge and to his counsayle and shewed forth the charter of the treuce sealed by kynge Rycharde of Englande and by his vncles and other to endure thre yere as well by see as by lande and the wordes in the charter sayd That whosoeuer breketh by any maner of cōdicion any poynte or artycle conteyned in that treatie shulde be taken and reputed as traytours and to rynne in a mortall punysyon And bycause that the lorde of Coucy was souerayne capytayne chosen by the kinge and his counsayle to defende and kepe the outwarde marches bytwene the ryuer of Durdone and the see and all the countrey of Iuuergne and Lymosyn The copy of this treatye was delyuered to hym to the entente that he shulde publysshe and shewe it to all them that wolde do any thynge to the contrary And also to the entent that they of Vandachor of Chalusset of Dorbesidousac and of the garysons the made warre for the englysshe tytle shulde haue knowledge of that treuce that they shulde make none excuse if they fell in the payne In lykewyse the marshall of Fraūce the lorde Loys of Xancer had also the copy therof whiche was ryght nedefull for he was gouernour of the outwarde marches of Languedoc fro the ryuer of Ronne and the bridge of Amyngnon and aboute the countreys and signories apendaūt to the ryuer of Dordone as the coūtreys of Beaucaire of Carcassone of Tholous of rouergne of Dagen of Querca of Bygore of Pyergourte and of Lymogines and in these countreys were dyuers garysons that smally regarded or obeyed any peace or truce but alwayes entended to make marre as the castell of Cullyer the stronge castell of Londre in Bygore on the fronters of Byerne they were greatly feared of their neyghbours ⸫ ⸫ ¶ The maryage of king Loys sonne to the duke of Aniou to the doughter of kynge Peter of Aragone and how he went with the quene of Napoles his mother to Auignon to se pope Clemente Cap. C.lix IN this tyme there was a treatye made of a maryage bytwene Loys of Aniowe sonne to the duke of Aniou who wrote himself kynge of Napoles of Cycyll and Iherusalem and erle of Prouynce and the doughter of kyng Peter of Arragon The quene of Napoles went to Auygnone to se pope Clement and there she founde the lorde of Coucy and had in her company her yonge sonne Loys The lorde of Coucy was ryght ioyous of her cōmynge The quene was receyued ryght honorably of pope Clement and of the cardynalles as she was well worthy for she was a noble woman and a dilygent in all her busynesse There she desyred the lorde of Coucye to helpe to conuey her sonne Loyes
duke and the duchesse And the duke caused to be proclamed a feest and a iustes to be holden at Dygnon and knightes squiers of Burgoyne of Sauoy and of other marches adioyning were requyred to be at this feest And so euery man ordred themselfe accordingly THus whyles the kynges prouisyon was a makyng to go to Auignon to Languedocke The duke of Burgoyne on his parte made great prouisyon to receyue the kynge and so dyde euery man in their marchesse that purposed to be at the feest at Dignon The same season other maters fell in Fraunce ye haue herde howe the duke of Irelande who was called erle of Oxenforde was banysshed oute of Englande by the vncles of kyng Richarde and speciallye the duke of Gloucestre had grettest dyspleasure to hym so that to saue hym selfe he was fledde in to Hollande and taryed there but a small season in the towne of Dordregh for he was fayne to departe thens For duke Aubert who was lorde of that towne and of Holande denyed hym the taryeng in his coūtrey for he wolde nat kepe hym agaynst the wyll of his cosyns germayns of Englande for all that the kynge of Englande had written for hym yet he was fayne to departe and to go to Trecte a fraunches towne for all maner of people payeng for that they take And the duke of Irelande had ynoughe to paye For besyde that he brought with him he had threscore thousande frankes out of Fraunce fro the Constable for the redempcion of Iohan of Bretayne And he was come to the Frēche kyng vnder saueconducte and was there with hym more than a yere The kyng made hym good chere bycause he was a straūger Howe be it trewe it was thoughe this duke was with the kyng yet the lorde of Coucy hated hym in his herie for he had good cause For though the duke in all affayres was prouyded of wytte honoure eloquence and of great largesse yet he had greatly trespassed agaynst the lorde of Coucies doughter who was his wyfe laufully spoused And forsoke her without any tytell of reason but by false and yuell temptacyon and disceyte was disceyued And toke another wyfe a damosell of the quene of Englandes of the countrey of Boeme the kyng and the quene of Englāde synfully consented therto And was dispensed by pope Vrbane of Rome at the instaūte desyre of the kynge and quene of Englande This synne greued greatly the conscience of the duke of Irelande And bycause the lorde of Coucy who was of the counsayle of Fraūce and well worthy so to be for he had done good seruyce was well able to do He ꝓcured so moche by meanes of his frendes as sir Olyuer of Clysson and the lorde de la Ryuer sir Iohan Marcyer and other That it was sayde to the duke of Irelande that he shulde departe out of Fraunce and to go and chose hymselfe another place to abyde in where he lyst so that it be nat in the realme of Fraūce and thyder he shulde surely be cōueyed The duke of Irelande sawe well howe he was dayly in paryll by meanes of the lorde of Coucy and his lygnage Wherfore he thought it shulde be beste for hym to go farre of rather than to abyde nere than he aduised to drawe in to Brabant and desyred the kyng to write to the duchesse of Brabant that it wolde pleace her to suffre hym pesably to abyde in her coūtrey The kynge wrote to his aunte the duchesse of Brabant and she condiscēded to the kynges desyre The duke of Irelande was conducted by men of the kynges to Louayne and there he taryed and somtyme he went to a castell nat farre of fro the towne of Louaygne the whiche he had borowed of a knyght of Brabant With the duke of Irelande was the archebysshop of yorke who in lykewise was banysshed out of Englande all for one cause This bysshoppe was one of the Neuelles of Englande who in the countrey of Northūberlande were puissaunt men bothe of landes and of lynage There taryed these two lordes at Louayne or there about as I herde saye as longe as they lyued For they coude neuer come to mercy nor peace with the kynge of Englandes vncles I can no farther speke of them ABout the feest of saynt Mychell the Frēche kyng departed fro his house of Beautie besyde Parys and lefte there the quene and toke his waye by Troy in Champayne to go in to Burgoyne his vncle the duke of Burbone and duke Loyes of Thourayne and the lorde of Cou●y and many other lordes and knyghtes in his company The kynge rode so longe that he came to Dignon The duke of Burgoyne and the erle of Neuers his sonne were come before to the Chatelon on the ryuer of Sayne whā the kyng was come to Dignon the duchesse of Burgoyne and the coūtesse of Neuers her doughter receyued the kyng ioyfully and all other lordes for loue of the kyng And to his welcomynge to Dygnon many ladyes and damosels were come thyder to se hym there was the lady of Sully the lady of Vergy the lady of Pagny and dyuers other fayre ladies and fresshe and well apparelled Than began feestynge daunsynge and carolynge These ladyes enforsed themselfe to daunce to syng and to make ioye for loue of the kyng and the duke of Thourayne the duke of Burbone of the lorde of Coucy Monday tuesday and wednisday all thre dayes ther was goodly iustes and prices gyuen to the best doers The kynge was eight dayes in the towne of Dignon in great triūphe and sporte The x. daye he toke leaue of his vncle the duke of Burgoyne and of the duchesse and their children Th entent of the duke of Burgoyne was shortely after to folowe the kyng his nephue and to go with hym that iourney The kyng deꝑted fro Dignon whan he had taken his leaue of all ladyes and damoselles and rode so long by his iourneys that he came to Vile neufe besyde Auignon There his house royall was apparelled for hym there was the cardynals of Amyens of Aigreuell of saint Marcell of Chatell neufe and mo than xiii other came and mette the kyng in the felde all were gladde of the kynges cōmyng THe duke of Berrey was come to Auygnon and was lodged in the popes palais but he cāe to Vyle neufe to the kynge and laye in the lyuere of arras called Amontays in the way to Mountpellyer The duke of Burgoyne arryued there the next day that the kyng came thyder by the water of Rone for the duke toke a barge at Lyonsur le rone Thus the kynge and these four dukes were togyder Than they determyned to passe the bridge of Auignon and to go se the pope And about .ix. of the clocke in the mornyng the kyng passed the bridge acompanyed with his brother and his thre vncles and .xii. cardynalles and so went to the popes palays and pope Clement was redy in his chambre of
consystorie syttyng in his chayre of papalyte Whan the Frenche kyng came in to the chambre and sawe the pope he enclyned hym selfe and whan he came nere the pope rose and the kyng kyst his hande his mouthe Than the pope sate downe and caused the kyng to syr downe by hym on a place purposely prepared for hym Than the dukes kyst the popes hande and sate downe amōge the cardynals Anone it was tyme of dyner than they drewe in to the popes great chambre where the tables were redy couered the pope wa●shed satte downe at a table alone and kept his estate The Frenche kyng satte downe at another table alone and the cardynalles and dukes satte downe in order The dyner was plentyfull after dyner they had wyne and spyces Than the kyng and the four dukes went in to their chābres eche of them had a chambre apparelled in the palays and there they taryed a certayne dayes The .v. day after that the kyng came thyder the yonge erle of Sauoy cosyn to the king and nephue to the duke of Burbone came thyder The kyng was right ioyfull of his cōmyng The Frenche kynge the duke of Thourayne his brother and the erle of Sauoye who were lyght of corage and of spyrite thoughe they were lodged in the popes palais nere to the pope and to the cardynalles yet for all that they wolde nat absteyne to daunce and to caroll and to make sporte amonge the ladyes and damoselles of Auignon And the erle of Genesne brother to the pope brought theym in aquayntaunce with the ladyes and damoselles of the towne The kynge gaue great giftes to the ladyes and damoselles wherby he had great laude and prayse THe pope and the cardinals were ryght ioyfull of the kynges beyng there as it was reason that they shulde so be for without the loue of the Frenche kynge their porte shulde haue ben but small For they cōsydred or ought to haue consydred that there was no kynge christned that were obedyent to them except it were for loue and fauoure and alyaunce of the Frenche kyng The kynge of Spaygne and the kynge of Scottes obeyed this pope Clement and the kynge of Aragon was but newly so determyned and that made the quene yolande of Bare who was cosyn germayne to the Frenche kynge elles he had nat done so for before the kynge of Aragon and his father before hym was as neuter Therfore this pope and cardynalles ought well to feest the Frenche kyng seynge their puyssaunce and profyte that they lyued by to kepe their estate came by meanes of the Frenche kyng Thus the kyng taryed there a certayne season in great ioye sporte And for ioye of the kynges cōmynge thyder the pope opyned his graces to all clerkes beyng in the courte for the space of a moneth And gaue the nomynacions to the kyng of all coledges cathedrals and to euery coledge two prebendes and reuoked all other graces before gyuen and wolde that the kynges graces shulde ꝓcede before as they dyd wherby many of the kynges clerkes were promoted Also the pope gaue graces to the duke of Thourayne the duke of Berrey the duke of Burgoyne and to the lorde Coucy all other were stopped that had ben graunted before The pope was so curtesse lyberall that for loue of the kynges cōmyng he graūted euery thyng that was asked WHan the kynge had ben there a certayne space the pope shewed hym his complaynt howe that the other pope of Rome greatly hyndred his ryght made moche trouble and diffrence in the churche The kynge herde hym well and promysed this pope Clement that after his returne agayne in to Fraunce he wolde entende to none other thynge but to bringe the churche in one accorde With those wordes the pope was greatly conforted The kynge toke his leaue and retourned to Vyle Neufe and so dyde his brother and vncles of Berrey Burgoyne And there on a daye the kynge made a dyner to all the cardynalles and to the erle of Genesne brother to the Pope After dyner they toke their leaues for the kyng sayd that the nexte day he wolde ryde towarde Moūtpellyer and he thanked them of the reuerēce that they had done to hym The cardynalles retourned to Auygnon Than it was ordayned that the kynge shulde departe the nexte daye his brother and the duke of Burbone in his company And so he dyd toke leaue of his vncles of Berey and of Burgoyne and sayde howe they shulde retourne in to their owne countreis for they shulde go no further with hym at that tyme For he sayde he wolde go to Tholous and sende for therle of Foiz to come thyder His vncles were cōtent therwith for as than the kyng had suche counsayle about hym that the duke of Berrey and the duke of Burgoyns voyces were nat herde without it were in small maters The gouernyng of Lāguedocke was taken awaye fro the duke of Berrey and deuyded in to Seneschaunces to the kynges profyte wherof the countreis and marchesse of Carcassone of Besyers of Narbone of Fonges of Bygore and of Tholous were greatly reioysed For before that season they had been sore oppressed with tayles that the duke of Berrey had reysed on them as ye shall here after whan the mater requyreth it Whan the duke of Berey the duke of burgoyn sawe that the kyng wolde go to Moūtpellyer and visyte Lāguedoc and wolde nat suffre thē to go in his cōpany they were sore displeased therwt. howbeit sagely they disymuled the mater sayde eche to other The kyng gothe in to Languedoc to make in●sycyon on thē that gouerned there to make a treatie with therle of Foiz who is the most proudest erle now lyuēg he neuer loued nor praysed any neyghbour that euer he had nouther Frenche kyng Englande Spaygne Arragon nor Nauer The kyng taketh with him of his counsayle no mo but Ryuer and Mercier Mōtague and the Beghe of Villayns Howe saye you to this brother ꝙ the duke of Berrey The duke of Burgoyne answered and sayd The kynge our nephue is yonge and he beleueth yonge counsayle they shall disceyue hym for surely the conclusyon shall nat be good and that ye shall se It must behoue vs to suffre for this p̄sente tyme but the tyme shall come that suche as coūsaileth him shall repent and the kynge also Let hym go on goddes name whider it shall please hym and let vs retourne in to our owne coutreis As long as we holde to guyder there is none shall do vs any wronge We are two of the chefe membres of Fraunce Thus these two dukes deuysed togyder the Frenche kyng departed the nexte day and toke the waye to Nymes and rode thyder to dyner The said two dukes taryed styll with the Pope thre dayes and the lorde of Coucy in lykewise the fourthe daye they departed rode in to their owne countreis and the kyng went fro Nymes and laye all nyght at Lunell Whan the kyng
and at Dousacke and what answere he had of the capitayns than the Vicount praysed moche Perotte le Bernoyes and Olyue Barbe and was as than out of doute and so contynued their siege THe siege beyng before the Roche of Vandoys euery day there was scrimysshing often tymes some hurte with shotte of the genouoys cros bowes for the genouoys were good shoters Thus the siege cōtynued a nyne wekes Thenterprice of the garyson was greatlye to the aduauntage of them within I shall shewe you the maner howe At certayne places they might issue out at their pleasure in dispyght of all their ennemyes for they shulde haue kepte them fro their issues they had nede to haue had mo than sixe M. men Thus durynge the siege Aymergot was ryght ymaginatife and consydred all thynges and sawe well howe he had nat done well but to tourne his dede in good maner and to th entent that the Roche of Vandoys shulde styll remayne with hym He sent in to Englande a varlet of his with letters of credence to the kynge of Englande and to the duke of Lancastre And of this purpose he brake his mynde to an vncle of his called Guyot du Sall a man of a thre score yere of age who had greatlye vsed dedes of armes and knewe moche of the worlde Whan Aymergote had shewed hym the maner howe he wolde sende in to Englāde this Guyotte was well agreed therto and sayde howe to sende a wyse man thyder coulde do no hurte Than they sente a varlet who had ben brought vp among them Aymergot enstructed hym and sayde We shall sette the out of this house in saue garde out of all peryll and thou shalte haue golde and syluer ynoughe Thou shalte go in to Englande with these letters one to the kynge another to the duke of Lācastre and the thirde to the kynges counsayle and all these letters are of credence Than they wyll demaunde of the the occasyon of thy cōmynge thyder And after thou hast made thy recōmendacion thou shalte saye that Aymergot Mercell their poore soudyour and subiecte and redy with good wyll to do them seruyce is enclosed and beseged in a lytell fortresse parteyning to the feaultie of Lymosyn belongyng to the kynge of Englandes herytage And they that lye at the siege traueyleth taketh great payne daylye to wyn vs that dothe defende the fortresse And the capitayne of them without is a lorde cosyn to the lorde of Coucy called sir Robert vycount of Meaulx set there by the Frenche kyng Therfore desyre the kynge his counsayle and specially the duke of Lancastre who hath the souerayne gouernaunce in Burdeloys and of the kyng of Englādes heritage in these ꝑties That it wolde please them to write and to cōmaunde the vycount of Meaulx to deꝑte fro the siege and to reyse his army And to write to the Vycount that he is about to breke the peace that was taken at Balyngham bytwene Boloygne and Calays And bycause I am in doute what aunswere the vicount wyll make to these letters for he is somwhat stronge and fro warde Therfore desyre that I maye haue in lykewyse letters fro the kyng and his counsayle and fro the duke of Lancastre to the duke of Berrey For if the duke of Berrey wyll incontynent the siege shall be raysed And for the more suretie desyre to haue with the some knight of honoure of the kynges house or of the duke of Lancasters suche one as the duke of Berrey knoweth and the other lordes of Fraunce And shewe hym fro me that I shall gyue hym a C. frankes Remembre all these wordes and do thy message acordingly and shewe thē that thou spekest withall that this lytell fortresse that I haue fortified if it maye abyde styll Englysshe It shall come well to poynte and specially to thē that wyll make warre in these parties for the kynge of Englande for the fortresse stādeth on the frōters of the countrey for therby maye be won at a season in Auuergne and Lymosyn two thousande frankes WHan Aymergot Marcell Guyotdu Sall his vncle had well enstructed this varlet and that the letters of credence were written and sealed and delyuerd The varlet departed by nyght and was well accompanyed and conueyed a fote to another fortresse ꝑteynynge to Aymergot called saint Soupery There he toke a horse suche as he wolde chose for he hadde a great iourney to ryde He rode forthe through the realme of Fraūce lyke a Frenche man of Auuergne and so came to Calais and acquaynted hym selfe with the Capitayne sir Iohan Beauchampe and shewed hym parte of his busynesse to the entent to haue the soner passage as he had So he came to Douer and than toke his iourney to Lōdon And it was his fortune that the kynge of Englande and his two vncles and the duke of Lancastre and the kynges coūsayle were the same tyme at the palais of Westmynster in counsayling for maters of Northumberlande for the scottes helde nat well the truese as complayntes were made The same tyme Aymergottes varlet came to Lōdon and there toke his lodgynge and shewed his host parte of the cause of his commynge His host brought hym to Westmynster and caused hym firste to speke with the duke of Lancastre who was in his chambre it was or he went to the counsayle there the varlet delyuered hym his letters the duke toke reed them Than he drewe hym a parte demaunded what credence he had Than the varlet shewed hym all the hole mater as ye haue herde here before The duke herde hym well and demaunded if he had any mo letters and he sayd that he had letters to the kyng and to his counsayle that is well quod the duke I shall cause the to haue audyence than the duke went to the counsayle And whan he sawe the hour and tyme he moued the varlettes mater and by the dukes aduauncement the varlet was sente for Than he delyuered to the kyng and to his coūsayle the letters they were opyned and reed and than he was demaunded what was his credēce and the varlet who was hardy and nat abasshed shewed the businesse of Aymergot Marcell right sagely and the better assured bycause euery man gaue hym good audiēce Whan he had said as moche as he wolde thā he was answered that the kyng wolde take coūsayle in the mater and make an answere Than he went out of the counsayle chambre and taryed tyll he had an answere THe aunswere was that the kynge wolde write to the vycount of Meaulx and also to the duke of Berrey accordyng as Aymergot had requyred and in lykewise so promysed the duke of Lancastre and whan the letters were writen there was a gentylman of the duke of Lancastres apoynted to bere these letters So they passed the see and with them went Derby an heralde the better to forther the mater bycause he was aquaynted with the lordes of Auuergne and specially with the duke of Berrey The
syr Geffrey of the chapell the lorde of Pierbuffier the lorde of Bonet sir Robert of Hanges sir Stephyn Sanxere sir Aubert de la mote sir Alaine of Champayn ser Geffrey Fresiers ser Rafe of Couffan the lorde of Bourke artysion sir Iohan of Crey bastarde sir Bertram de Sanache syr Pyncharde of Morlayne sir Trystram his brother syr Ayme of Cousay ser Ayme of Tourmay sir Foukes of Stanfours sir Iohan of Chateuas all these were knightꝭ And there dyed of squiers Foucans of Liege Iohan of Isles Blondelet of Areton Iohn̄ de la Mote Boūberis floridas of Roque the lorde of Belles brother to Willyam Fondragay Water of Cauforus Iohan Morillen Pier of Malnes Gyllot Villaine Iohn̄ of Lound Iohn̄ Perier Iohan menne Iohan of Lauay and Willyam of Parke There dyed mo than a .lx. knightes and squyers whiche wysely to consyder was a great losse And if the lorde of Coucy had ben beleued this had nat fortuned for and they had kepte their lodgynges as they dyd before they had receyued no suche domage ¶ How after this aduenture and domage that fell to the crysten men by reason of this assaute before the towne of Aufryke that so many knightes squyers were deed they mayntayned them selfe more wysely after than they dyd before and cōtynued their siege a longe season after Cap. C.lxxii OF this foresaid aduenture the knightes and squiers of the host were sore displeased and abasshed euery man bewayled his frēdes at nyght they drewe to their lodginges and made gretter watche than they had made before for dout of the sarazyns they passed that nyght without any other dōmage Of this aduenture the sarazins knewe nothyng for if they had knowen what case the Christen men had been in they might haue done them great dōmage but alwayes they feared the Christen men They durst neuer aduēture to auaūce thē selfe but by scrimysshing castynge of their dartes They that were moost renomed in armes of their partie was Agadyngore of Olyferne for he loued the doughter of the kyng of Thunes wherby he was moost fresshest and ioly in dedes of armes Thus contynued the siege before the towne of Aufryke In the realme of Fraunce Englande and in suche countreys as these knightes came fro they herde no maner of tidynges of them wherof their frendes were sore abasshed wyst nat what to saye nor thynke In dyuers places bothe in Englande Heynalte and in Fraūce there were processyōs made to pray to god for the ꝓsperite of these christen men Thentencion of the christen men beyng at the siege was to abyde there tyll they had cōquered the town of Affrike outher by force famyne or treatie The kyng of Cicyll wolde gladly it had ben so so wolde all other xp̄en yles adioynyng for this towne of Affrike was their vtter enemye and specially the genouoys toke great payne to serue the lordes to their pleasure to th ētent they shulde nat be anoyed by reason of their long siege To speke proꝑly it was a marueylous enterprice came of an highe corage of the christen knightes and squyers and specially the Frenchmen who for all the losse of their knightes and squiers pouertie that they endured yet they cōtynued styll the siege at their great costes chargꝭ without ayde or cōforte And the genouoys who were the first setters on that enterprice began than to faynt and dissymule for as the bruteran than they wolde haue ben gladde to haue made a treatie with the Sarazyns and to haue lefte the knyghtes of Fraunce and Englande and of other Christen countreys styll in that busynesse as I shall shewe you here after as it was enformed me ¶ Nowe at this present tyme lette vs leaue to speke of this siege of Aufryke and speke of a fest that the kynge of Englande made the same season in London ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of a feest and iustes made by the kyng of Englande in Lōdon whyle the Christen knyghtes and squyers were at the sege before the towne of Aufryke agaynst the sarazyns And howe this feest was publisshe in dyuers countreis and landes Cap. C.lxxiii YE haue herde before in this hystorie what a feest was holdē at Paris whā quene Isabell of Fraunce made there her first entre of the whiche feest tidynges sprede abrode in to euery coūtre Than kynge ●icharde of Englande his thre vncles ●●●yng of this goodly fest at Paris by the reportes of suche knyghtes squyers of their owne as had ben at the same fest Ordayned a great fest to be holden at the cyte of Lōdon where there shulde be iustes .lx. knyghtes to abyde all cōmers and with thē .lx. ladyes fresshely apparelled to kepe thē company these knightes to iust two dayes besyde sonday the chalenge to begyn the next sonday after the fest of saint Michaell As than in the yere of our lorde god M.CCC fourscore ten whiche sonday the said .lx. knightes .lx. ladyes at two of the clocke at after noon shuld issue oute of the towre of London and so to cōe a long the cytie through Chepe and so to Smyth elde and that daye .xii. knightes to be there redy to abyde all knyghtꝭ straūgers suche as wolde iust This sōday was called the sonday of the fest of chalenge And on the mōday next after the sayd .lx. knightes to be in the same place redy to iuste to abyde all cōmers curtesly to ron with rokettes and to the best doer of the out syde shulde be gyuen hym for a price a riche crowne of golde and the best doer of the in syde duely examyned by the ladyes in the quenes chambre shulde haue for a price a riche gyrdell of golde And the tuesday folowynge the knightes shulde be agayne in the same place and to abyde all maner of squyers straūgers and other suche as wolde iust with rokettes and the best iuster on the out syde shulde haue for his price a courser sadled and the chiefe doer of the in syde shulde haue a faucon the maner of this fest was thus ordayned and deuised and herauldes were charged to crye and publysshe this feest in Englande in Scotlande in Almayne in Flaūders in Brabant in Heynalt and in Fraunce the heraldes departed some hider and some thider These tidyngꝭ sprede abrode into dyuers coūtreys The heraudes had daye and tyme suffycient Knightes and squiers in dyuers coūtreys apparelled them selfes to be at this feest some to se the maner of Englande and some to iuste Whan these tidynges came in to Heynalt sir Wyllyam of Heynault erle of Ostrenaunt who was yonge and lyberall and desyrous to iuste Purposed in hym selfe to go to the feest in Englāde to se and to honour his cosyns kyng Rycharde of Englande and his vncles whome he had neuer sene before He hadde great desyre to be aquaynted with them and desyred other knightes and squyers to kepe hym cōpany and specially the lorde of Gomegynes bycause he was well acquaynted with
Englysshe men for he had ben dyuers tymes amonge them Thanne sir Wyllyam of Haynaulte purposed whyle he made his prouisyon to go in to Hollande to se his father Auberte erle of Heynaulte Hollande and zelande to the entente to speke with hym and to take leaue to go in to Englande He deꝓted fro Quesnoy in Haynault and rode tyll he came to Haye in Hollande where the erle his father was at that tyme. and there he shewed his father his purpose that he was in to go in to Englande to se the countrey his cosyns whom he had neuer sene Than therle his father answered and sayd Wyllyam my fayre son ye haue nothyng to do in Englāde for nowe ye be by couenaunt of maryage alyed to the realme of Fraunce and your suster to be maryed to the duke of Burgoyne wherfore ye nede nat to seke none other alyaunce Dere father quod he I wyll nat go in to Englande to make any alyaūce I do it but to feest and make myrthe with my cosins there whom as yet I neuer sawe bycause the feest whiche shal be holden at London is publisshed abrode wherfore syth I am signifyed therof shulde nat go thyder it shulde be sayd I were proude presuptuous wher fore in the sauynge of myne honoure I wyll go thider therfore dere father I requyre you agree therto Sonne quod he do as ye lyste but I thynke surely it were better that ye taryed at home Whan the erle of Ostrenaunt sawe that his wordes contented nat his father he wolde speke no more therof but fell in other cōmunicacion But he thought well ynough what he wolde do and so dayly sent his prouisyon towardes Calais Gomegynes the heraulde was sente in to Englande fro therle of Ostrenaunt to gyue knowlege to kynge Rycharde and to his vncles howe that he wolde come honorably to his feest at London Of those tidynges the kynge and his vncles were ryght ioyouse and gaue to the heraulde great giftes whiche after stode hym in great stede For after in the ende of his dayes he fell blynde I can nat tell if god were displeased with hym or nat in his dayes he lyued marueylously wherfore in his olde dayes and that he hadde loste his syght there were but fewe that were sorte therof Thus the erle of Ostrenaunt departed from Haye in Hollande and toke leaue of his father and so retourned to Quesnoy in Heynaulte to the coūtesse his wyfe THis noble feest wherof I make mēcyon was publysshed and cryed in dyuers places wherby knyghtes squyers and other aduaunsed them selfes to go thyder The erle Walleran of saynt Pole who as than had to his wyfe kyng Richarde of Englandes suster He prepared greatly to go in to Englande and so came to Calys And also the erle Ostrenaunt departed fro Heynaulte well accompanyed with knyghtes and squyers and so passed throughe the countrey of Arthoys and came also to Calis and there he founde the erle of saynt Poule and the shyppes passagers of Douer were there redy and whan the shippes were charged and the wynde good these lordes tooke the see howe be it as it was shewed me and I thynke it true that therle of saynt Poule passed first in to Englande before the erle of Ostrenaunt And whan he came to London he founde there the kyng and his brother in lawe sir Iohan Hollande and other lordes and knyghtes of Englande who receyued hym with great ioye and demaūded of hym tidynges of the realme of Fraunce He aunswered well wysely Than therle of Ostrenaunt passed ouer on a thursdaye and so cāe to Cauterbury and on the friday he visyted saint Thomas shrine and offred there in the mornyng and laye there all that daye the nexte day rode to Rochester And bycause he had so gret a company and cariages he rode but small iourneys to ease his horse And on the sondaye he rode to dyner to Dertforde after dyuer to London to be at the feest whiche began the same sonday ON the sonday nexte after the feest of saynt Michaell this feest and tryūphe shulde begyn and that daye to be done in Smythfelde iustes called the chalenge So the same sonday about thre of the clocke at after noone there issued out of the towre of London first threscore coursers apparelled for the Iustes and on euery one a squier of honour ridyng a softe pase Than issued out threscore ladyes of honour mounted on fayre palfreys ridyng on the one syde richely apparelled and euery lady ledde a knight with a cheyne of syluer which knightes were apparelled to iust Thus they cam ridynge a longe the stretes of London with great nombre of trumpettes and other mynstrelles And so came to Smythfelde where the quene of Englande and other ladies and damoselles were redy in chābres richely adorned to se the iustes and the king was with the quene And whan the ladyes that ledde the knyghtes were come to the place they were taken downe fro their palfreys they moūted vp in to chambres redy aparelled for thē Than the squiers of honour alighted fro the coursers the knightes in good order moūted on them than their helmes were sette on and made redy at all poyntes Than thyder came the erle of saynt Poule nobly accompanyed with knyghtes and squyers all armed with harnesse for the iustes to begynne the feest whiche incontynent beganne and there iusted all knyghtes straungers suche as wolde and hadde leysar and space for the nyght came on Thus these iustes of chaleng began and cōtynued tyll it was night Than knyghtes and ladyes withdrue them selfes the quene was lodged besyde Poules in the bysshoppes palace and there was the supper prepared The same euennynge came therle of Ostrenaunt to the kyng who was nobly receyued ¶ Nowe for these iustes on the sonday For the aunswerer without The erle Walleran of saynt Poule had the price And of the chalengers the erle of Huntyngdon There was goodly daūsyng in the quenes lodgyng in the presence of the kynge and his vncles and other barons of Englande and ladyes and damoselles contynuyng tyll it was daye whiche was tyme for euery persone to drawe to their lodgynges except the kyng and the quene who lay there in the Bysshoppes Palays for there they laye all the feestes and iustes duryng ON the nexte day whiche was mondaye ye myght haue sene in dyuers places of the cytie of London squyers and varlettes goynge aboute with harnesse and doynge of other busynesse of their maisters After noon kynge Richarde came to the place all armed richely apparelled accompanyed with Dukes erles lordes and knyghtes He was one of the inner partie Than the quene well accompanyed with ladyes and damosels came to the place where the iustes shulde be and mounted in to chābres and scaffoldes ordayned for thē Than came in to the felde the erle of Ostrenaunte well accōpanyed with knyghtes of his coūtrey and all were redy to iuste Than came the
erle of saynt Poule and other knyghtes of Fraunce suche as wolde iuste Than began the iustes euery man payned hym selfe to gette honour Some were stryken down fro their horses These iustes contynued tyll it was nere nyght Than euery ꝑson drewe to their lodgynges knyghtes and ladyes at the hour of supper euery man drewe to the courte There was a goodly supper well ordayned And as that day the price was gyuen to the erle of Ostrenaunt for the best iuster of the vtter partie and well he deserued it The price was gyuen hym by the ladyes lordes and herauldes who were ordained to be iudges And of the inner partie a knyght of Englande called sir Hughe Spenser had the price THe nexte daye Tuesday there was iustes agayne in the same place of all maner of squyers whiche endured tyll it was nyght in the presence of the kyng quene lordes and ladyes Than euery man drewe to their lodgyngꝭ as they had done the dayes before and at supper they retourned to the bysshoppes palais where the kyng the quene and the ladyes were There was a goodly and a costely supper and after great daunsynge contynuynge all nyght The wednisdaye after dyner they iusted in the same place all maner of knightes squyers suche as wolde iuste that was a sore and a rude iustes enduryng tyll nyght and than wtdrue at the hour of supper they resorted where they supped before The Thursdaye the kyng made a supper to all knyghtes and gentylmen straungers and the quene to all ladyes and damoselles Than on the friday the duke of Lancastre made a dyner for all knightes squyers straungers whiche was a goodly dyner And on the Saturdaye the kyng and all the lordes departed fro Lōdon to Wyndsore and therle of Ostrenaunt and the erle of saynt Poule with all other knightes and squyers straungers were desyred to acompany the kyng to Wyndsore euery mā rode as it was reason to the castell of Wyndsore Than there began agayne great feestꝭ with dyners and suppers gyuen by the king and specially the kyng dyde great honour to the erle of Ostrenaunt his cosyn whiche erle was desyred by the kyng and his vncles that he wolde be content to take on hym the order of the garter The erle aunswered howe he wolde take coūsayle in that mater Than he coūsayled with the lorde of Gomegines and with Fierabras of Vertan bastarde who in no wyse wolde discorage nor counsayle hym to refuce the order of the garter So he toke it on hym wherof the knightes and squyers of Fraūce suche as were there had great marueyle and murmured sore therat among thē selfe sayeng the erle of Ostrenaunt sheweth well that his courage enclyneth rather to be Englysshe than Frenche whan he taketh on hym the order of the garter and weareth the kynge of Englandes deuyse He sheweth well he regardeth nat the house of Fraunce nor the house of Burgoyne The tyme wyll come he shall repent hym selfe All thynges cōsydred he knoweth nat what he hath done for he was welbeloued with the frenche kynge and with the duke of Thourayne his brother and with all the blode royall in suche wyse that whan he came to Parys or in to any other place to any of them they euer made hym more honour than any other of their cosyns Thus these Frenche men euyll accused hym without cause for that he had done was nothyng contrary nor hurtfull to the realme of Fraunce nor to his cosyns nor frendes in Fraunce For he thought none otherwyse but honour and loue and to pleace his cosyns in Englande and to be therby the rather a good meane bytwene Fraūce and Englande if nede were Nor the daye that he toke on hym the order of the garter and his othe euery man maye well vnderstande that he made none alyaunce to do any preiudyce to the realme of Fraunce For that he dyde was but for loue and good company howe be it no man canne let the enuyous to speke yuell WHan they had daūced and sported them a certayne ●pace in the castell of Wynsore and that the kyng hadde gyuen many fayre gyttes to the knightes and squy●●● of honour of the realme of Fraunce and Heynaulte and specially to the yonge erle of Ostrenaunt Than euery man toke leaue of the kynge and of the quene and of other ladyes and damoselles and of the kynges vncles Than̄e the erle of saynt Poule and the Frenche men and the Henowayes and almaygnes departed Thus ended this great feest in the cytie of London and euery man went to their owne Than it fortuned as a none brute ronneth farre of The Frenche kynge his brother and his vncles were enfourmed by suche as hadde ben in Englande at the sayde feest of euery thyng that hadde been done and sayd nothyuge was forgotten but rather more putte to in the exaltyng of yuell dedes than fortheryng of good dedes It was shewed the kyng playnly how the erle of Ostrenaunt had ben in Englande and taken great payne to exalte and to do honoure to the Englysshe men and in helpynge forwarde the feest holden at London and howe he hadde the chiefe prise and honoure of the iustes aboue all other straungers and howe he had spoken so fayre to the Englysh men that he was become the kynge or Englandes man and had made scruyce and alyaunce with hym And taken on hym the order of the Garter in the chapell of saynt George in Wyndsore whiche order was fyrste stablysshed by kynge Edwarde the thirde and his sonne prince of Wales And howe that no man myght entre in to that confrary or company without he make seruyaunt or othe neuer to beare armoure agaynste the crowne of Englande Whiche promyse they sayd the erle of Ostrenaunt had made with oute any reseruacyon with these tidynges the Frenche kynge his brother and his vncles were sore troubled and greuously displeased with the erle of Ostrenaunt Than the Frenche kyng sayde Lo sirs ye maye●e what it is to do for hym It is nat yet a yere paste sythe he desyred me that his brother myght be bysshoppe of Cambrey And by these tidynges that gyfte were rather preiudyciall to the realme of Fraunce than auaūcement It hadde been better we had gyuen it to our cosyn of saynt Poule The Heynoways dyd neuer good to vs nor neuer wyll for they be proude presumptuous and to fierse Alwayes they haue owed better good wyll to the Englysshe men than to vs but a daye shall come they shall repent them We wyll sende to the erle of Ostrenaunt cōmaūdynge hym to come to vs to do vs homage for the coūtie of Ostrenaunt or els we shall put hym fro it and annexe it to oure realme They of his counsayle answered and sayde Sir ye haue well deuysed lette it be done as ye haue sayde It maye well be thought that the duke of Burgoyne whose doughter the erle of Ostrenaunt had to his wyfe was nothynge content with those tidynges for
alwayes he had auaunsed his sonne of Ostrenaunt towardes the kyng and his coūsaile This mater was nat forgotten but incontinent the Frenche kyng wrote sharpe letters to therle of Ostrenaūt who was at quesnoy in Heynaulte cōmaundyng hym to come to Parys to do his homage before the kynge and the other peeres of Fraunce for the coutie of Ostrenaut or els the kyng wolde take it fro hym and make hym warre Whan the erle had well ouersene these letters and parceyued howe that the Frenche kyng and his counsayle were displeased with hym to make his answere he assembled his counsayle as the lorde of Fountayns the lorde of Gomegynes sir Wyllyam of Hermes the lorde of Trassegnies the bayly of Heynaulte the lorde of Sancelles sir Rase of Montigny the abbot of Crispyne Iohan Sulbart Iaquemart Barrier of Valencennes These wysemen counsayled togider what answere might be made to the kynges letters There were many reasons alleged at last all thynges consydred they thought it for the best to write to the Frenche kynge and to his counsayle to take a daye to answere clerely to all maner of demaundes by the mouthe of certayne credyble ꝑsons and none by writyng And in the meane season they sente certayne notable personages to the erle of Heynaulte and duke Aubert of Holāde to haue their coūsayles what answere to make Thus they dyde They wrote swetely and courtesly to the kynge and to his counsayle so that with those fyrst letters the kyng and his coūsayle was well content Than therle and his coūsayle sent in to Hollande the lorde of Trassegines and the lorde of Sancelles Iohan Semart and Iaques Barrier They rode to the erle of Heynault and shewed hym the state of the countie or Heynault and the letters that the Frenche kyng hadde sent to his sonne the erle of Ostrenaunt the erle of Heynaulte had marueyle of that mater and said Sirs I thought neuer otherwyse but that it shulde come thus to passe Wyllyam my son̄e had nothyng to do to go in to Englāde I haue delyuered hym the rule and gouernaunce of the coūtie of Heynaulte he might haue done vsed hym selfe accordyng to the counsayle of the countrey Sirs I shall tell you what ye shall do Go to my fayre cosyn the duke of Burgoyn for it lyeth well in his power to regarde and to sette an order in all thynges demaunded by the Frenche kynge I canne gyue you no better counsayle With this answere they departed out of Hollande and came in to Heynault and there shewed what answere they had wherwith the erle his counsayle were content There was assigned to go in to Fraūce to the duke of Burgoyne the lorde of Trassegnies sir Wyllm̄ of Hermyes sir Rase of Montigny Iohan Semart and Iaques Barrier To shewe and declare all the processe and sute that they made at the Frenche courte shulde be ouer longe to resyte But finally all thynges concluded for all that the duke of Burgoyne coude do there was non other remedy but that the erle of Ostrenaunt must come personally to Parys and to knowe his homage due to the Frenche kyng for the countie of Ostrenaunt or els surely to haue warre The lorde of coucy sir Olyuer of Clysson toke great payne for the erles sake but sir Iohn̄ Mercier and the lorde de la Ryuer labored on the contrarye syde as moche as they might ¶ Nowe let vs leaue to speke any more of this mater and retourne to speke of the lordes knyghtes of Fraunce who were at the siege before the strong towne of Aufryke agaynst the sarazyns ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe and by what incydent the siege was reysed before the towne of Aufryke and by what occasyon and howe euery man retourned to their owne countreis Cap. C.lxxiiii YE haue herde here before howe the christen men had besieged the stronge towne of Aufryke by lande by see Settyng all their ententes howe to conquere it for they thought if they might wyn it the brute therof shulde sounde to their great honours and prayse and howe they myght there kepe them selfe toguyder and to resyst agaynst their ennemyes sayenge howe they shulde alwayes haue conforte of the Christen men and specially of the Frenche kyng who was yong and desyrous of dedes of armes consydring howe he had truce with the Englysshmen for two yeres to cōe the sarazyns feared the same wherfore dayly they made prouysyon for the towne and refresshed alwaies their towne with newe fressh men hardy aduenturers accordynge to their vsage Thus the season passed on and after the christen men hadde suffred the great losse of their companyons with lytell wynnynge or aduauntage on their partye all their hole hoost were in a maner dyscomforted for they coulde nat se howe to be reuenged Than many of theym beganne to murmure sayenge we lye here all in vayne as for the skrymysshes that we make therby shall we neuer wyn the Towne of Auffryke for if we slee any of them for eche of them they wyll gette agayne ten other They be in their owne countrey they haue vytayles and prouysyons at their pleasure and that we haue is with great daūger and parell What shall we thynke to do if we lye here all this wynter longe and colde nyghtes we shal be morfounded and frosen to dethe Thus we shall be in a herde case by dyuers wayes first in wynter no man dare take the see for the cruell and tyrryble wyndes and tempestes of the see for the sees and tempestes are more fierser in wynter than in somer and if we shulde lacke vytayles but eight dayes togyther and that the see wolde suffre none to come to vs we were all deed and lost without remedy Secondly though it were so that we had vytayles and all thynges necessary with out daunger yet howe coulde our watche endure the payne and traueyle contynually to watche euery night the parell and aduenture is ouer herde for vs to beare for our enemyes who be in their owne countrey and knowe the countrey may come by nyght and assayle vs to their great aduauntage and do vs great domage as they haue done all redy Thyrdly if for faute of good ayre of swete fresshe meates wherwith we haue been norysshed that mortalyte hap to fall in our hoost we shall dye euery man fro other for we haue no remedy to resyst agaynst it Also furthermore if the genouoys turne agaynst vs which are rude people and traytours they may be nyght tyme entre in to their shyppes so leue vs here to pay for the scotte All these doutes are to be consydred by our capytaynes who lye at their ease and regarde nat the case we be in ▪ and also some of the genouoys spared nat to speke and sayd in raylynge to the crysten men What men of armes be ye frenche men whan we departed fro Genne we thought that within fyftene dayes that ye had layen at siege before the towne of Aufryke ye shulde haue conquered
a voyage for you thanne to go to Rome with a great puyssaunce of men of armes and pull downe and dystroy that antepaye whome the romayns by force hath created and set in the seate cathedrall of saynt Peter if ye wyll ye maye well accomplysshe this voyage and we suppose ye can nat passe your tyme more honorably And syr ye maye well know that if this antepape and his cardynals knowe ones that ye be mynded to come on them with an army they wyll yelde them self aske mercy The kynge remēbred hym selfe a lytell and sayd howe he wolde do as they had deuysed for surely he said he was moche bounde to pope Clement for the yere past he had ben at Auygnon where as the pope and his cardynals made hym ryght honourable chere and had gyuen more than was demaunded bothe to hym selfe to his brother and to his vncles wherfore the kynge sayd it hadde deserued to haue some recompence and also at his departure fro Auignon he had promysed the pope to helpe to assyst hym in his quarell At that season there was at Parys with the kyng the dukes of Berrey and Burgoyne than it was agreed and concluded that the nexte Marche after the kynge shuld departe fro Parys and take the way towardes Sauoy and Lombardy and the erle of Sauoy to sende his cosyn Germayne with hym and the kynge to haue vnder his charge the duke of Tourayne his brother with four thousande speares and the duke of Burgoyne with two thousande speares and the duke of Berrey two thousāde the constable of Fraunce two thousande speares with the bretons raintoners and lowe marches the duke of Burbon a thousāde speares the lorde of saynt Poll and the lorde of Coucy a thousande speares all these men of armes to be payed in hande for thre monethes and so fro terme to terme And whan those tydynges were knowen in Auignon pope Clement and his cardynals were greatly reioysed and thought in a maner their enterprise atcheued Also the kinge was coūsayled nat to leaue the duke of Bretayne behynde hym but to sende and to desyre hym to prepare hym selfe to go with him in this voyage The kyng wrote notably to hym and sent his letters by a man of honour an offycer of armes signyfyenge the duke in his letters the state of this voyage Whan the duke had red these letters he turned hym selfe smyled and called to hym the lorde of Mountboucher and sayd Syr harke and regarde well what the frenche kyng hath written to me he hath enterprised to departe this next Marche with a great puissaunce to go to Rome and to distroy suche as take parte with pope Bonyface As god helpe me his iourney shall tourne to nothynge for in shorte space he shall haue more flax to his dystaffe than he can well spynne I thynke he wyll leaue soone his folyssh thought And also he desyreth me to go with hym with two thousande speares howebeit I wyll honour him as I ought to do and I wyll write to him ioyously bycause he shall be contente and shewe hym howe if he go in this voyage he shall nat go without me seyng it pleaseth him to haue my company howe be it sir of Moūtboucher I say vnto you I wyll nat traueyle a man of myne for all that the kyng hath purposed and sayd nothynge shall there be done in that behalfe The duke of Bretayne wrote goodly letters and swete to the frenche kynge and the officer of armes returned with theym to Parys and delyuered them to the kynge who redde them and was well contented with the aunswere ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the Englysshe knyghtes that were sente to Parys to the frenche kynge fro the kynge of Englande and his vncles to treate for a peace Cap. C .lxxv. THe wyll and purpose of the frenche kynge none wolde breke for it pleased greatly all the knyghtes squyers of Fraunce bycause they wyst nat where better to enploy their season and euery man prepared towardes that voyage and namely the clergy of all the prouynces of the realme ordayned and graunted a tayle to sende at their costes and charges men of warre with the kynge Howe be it this voyage tourned to nothynge as the duke of Bretayne had sayd before and I shall shewe you by what incidence About the feest of Candelmas came other tydynges to the Frenche kyng and to his counsayle whiche they loked nothynge for Certayne of the kynge of Englandes coūsayle and suche as were of his priuy chambre were sent nobly to Parys to the frenche kyng and they that were chefe of this legacyon was syr Thomas Percy syr Loys Clyfforde and sir Robert Briquet with dyuers other knyghtes in their company but I herde as than no mo named Whan these thre knyghtes were come to Parys to hym than the french kyng was desyrous to knowe what it myght meane that the kynge of Englande dyd sende so hastely of his counsayle to hym These knyghtes of Englande syr Thomas Percy and other alyghted in Parys in the streate called the Crosse at the signe of the castell The frenche kynge as than lay in the castell of Lowere his brother the duke of Tourayne with hym and his other thre vncles in other lodgynges in the cytie and the cōstable syr Olyuer Clysson It was nere hāde noone whan the englysshe men came to Parys and they kept their lodgynge all that day nyght after and the next day aboute nyue of the clocke they lept on their horses ryght honorably and rode to the castell of Loure to the kyng where he with his brother and vncles the Erle of saint Poll the lorde of Coucy the constable of Fraūce sir Iohan of Vien sir Guy de la tremoyle with dyuers other barons of Fraunce were redy to receyue the englysshe ambassadours who alyghted at the gate and entred in and there receyued them the lord de la Ryuer syr Iohan Mercyer sir Lyon of Lignach sir Peter Villers sir Willyam of Tremoyle and syr Marcell there they receyued them honourably and brought theym in to the chambre where the kynge taryed for them Than they dyd of their bonettes and kneled downe syr Thomas Percy hadde the letters of credence that the kynge of Englande had sente to the frenche kynge he delyuered them to the kyng who tooke them and caused the knyghtes to stande vp than they stepe some what backe The kynge opyned the letters and red them and sawe well that they had credence than he called to hym his brother and his vncles and shewed them the letters than his vncles sayd Syr call forthe the knyghtes and here what they wyll say Than they aproched and were cōmaunded to declare their credence than si● Thomas Percy spake and sayd Dere sir the entencyon of our souerayne lorde the kinge of Englande is that he wolde gladly that suche of his specyall counsayle as his vncles dukes of Lancastre yorke and Glocestre and other prelates of
and lordes of Spaygne drewe toguyder and determyned to crowne the yonge herytoure the prince of Galyce This prince Henry was crowned the nynth yere of his age and his wyfe doughter to the duke of Lancastre was a fyfteene yere of age Thus the dukes doughter by the lady Custaunce was quene of Castyle and lady and heritour to all the landes and seignories that kyng Dompeter kyng Henry and kyng Iohan helde excepte that the duke of Lācastre her father and his wyfe her mother had durynge their lyues whiche was a pensyon of a hundred thousande doreyns by yere And foure of the best erles of Spayne were pledges and dettours for the same Thus the duke of Lancastre sawe his two doughters one quene of Spaygne the other quene of Portugale bestowed ¶ Nowe lette vs speke of the yonge erle of Armynake and of the voyage he made in to Lombardy for the matter requyreth it and we shall leaue to speke of the kynge of Castyle ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the army of the yonge erle Iohan of Armynake and of the vyage that he made in to Lombardy And howe he dyed at the siege before the towne of Alexandre Ca. C .lxxvii. IT hath been shewed here before what great of fectyon the yonge Erle of Armynake had to go in to Lombardy with menne of warre to ayde and assyste his suster germayne and his brother in lawe her husbande the lorde Barnabo eldest sonne to the lorde Barnabo whome the duke of Myllayne had caused to be slayne marueylouslye And this duke of Myllayne was erle of Vertues and named Galeas Whose doughter the duke of Orlyaunce hadde to wyfe This sayd lady who was doughter to the olde erle of Armynake and suster to the yonge erle was greatly abasshed and disconforted and had no truste but on her brother She signified to hym all her estate her pouertie and necessyte and dōmage that she suffred And humbly requyred her brother that he wolde helpe to kepe and defende her agaynst the tyraunt the erle of Vertues who wolde disheryte her without any tytell of reason And to the request of his suster the erle of Armynake condiscended and sayde That what soeuer it shulde coste hym he wolde do his deuoyre to ayde his suster And all that he promysed he accōplisshed in dede for he had by the ayde of the erle Dolphyne of Auuergne made dyuers treaties in Auuergne Rouergue Quercy Lymosyn Piergourte Engoulmoys and Agenoyes and had bought certayne fortresses whiche had been kepte by the Englysshe men gascoyns and bretons suche as hadde made warre agaynst the realme of Fraunce vnder colour of the kyng of Englande and all suche as he hadde agreed withall hadde their pardons of the Frenche kyng and besyde that the kyng gaue golde and syluer to be gyuen amonge theym But they were all bounde to the erle of Armynake to go with hym in to Lōbardy to ayde hym in his warres there And euery man shewed hym selfe therto well wyllynge euery man drewe to the ryuer of Rosne and to the ryuer of Sosne The duke of Berrey and the duke of Burgoyne suffred them in their countreys to take vitaylles at their pleasure for they wolde gladly haue had them clene delyuered out of the countre And in that season vnder the kyng there ruled in the Dolphynry the lorde Engueram Durdyn And the kynge had written to hym commaundyng that these men of warre parteynyng to the erle of Armynake shulde pesably passe throughe the countrey and to haue that they neded for their money WHan the erle of Foiz beynge in Byerne in his castell of Ortays vnderstode howe the erle of Armynake assembled men of warre toguyder he began to muse for he was a man greatly ymaginatife Well he had herde howe the brute was that the erle of Armynake made this assemble to go in to Lōbardy agaynst the lorde of Myllaygne But bycause in tyme past the erle of Armynake and his predecessours before him and his brother Bernarde of Armynake had made hym warre therfore he douted lest the sayde assemble shulde tourne agaynst hym wherfore he thought he wolde nat be vnprouyded but prepared his fortresses with men of warre and made suche prouysion that if he were assayled to resyst it with all his puissaunce But the erle of Armynake nor his brother were nothynge of that purpose but thought surely to vpholde the treuce that was bytwene them and to atcheue his enterprice in to Lombardy There were many knyghtes and squyers Englysshe gascoyns bretons and other that were bounde to serue the erle of Armynake in his warres But if he shulde haue made warre agaynst the erle of Foiz they wolde haue taken the erle of Foiz parte and haue forsaken the erle of Armynake the erle of Foiz was so welbeloued with all men of warre for the wysedome largesse and prowesse that was in hym And whan̄e the duchesse of Thourayne was enfourmed howe therle of Armynake was redy to passe ouer the mountayns to entre in to Lombardy with puissaunce of men of warre to make warre agaynst the duke of Myllayne her father And howe that the Frēche kyng and his vncles the dukes of Berrey and Burgoyne consented therto bycause they wolde haue their countreis clene auoyded of the cōpanyons and routes of pyllars suche as had often tymes greued sore their coūtreys this lady thought nat to forgette the matter but wrote to her father the duke of Millayne all that she knewe to the entente that he shulde take hede to hym selfe and to his countrey The lorde of Myllayne was well enformed of the busynesse and prouyded for menne of warre where he might gette them and refresshed his townes cyties and castelles with vitayle and other munysiōs of warre and loked surely to haue warre with the erle of Armynake as they hadde in dede ABout the myddes of the moneth of Marche the moost parte of these cōpanyons were assembled toguyder in the marchesse of Auignon all a longe the ryuer of Rosne to the nombre of fyftene thousande horses and passed the ryuer and so entred in to the Dolphynny of Vyen and lodged abrode in the vyllages and some passed forwarde to haue the more easy passage thoroughe the mountayns whiche were peryllous to passe bothe for man and horse The erle of Armynake and his brother with certayne other knyghtes wente to Auygnon to se hym that was called pope Clemente and the cardynalles there And offred their seruyce to the pope to ayde hym agaynst the tyrantes the lombardes for whiche offre they were thanked And whan they had ben there an eight dayes and that great parte of their company were paste forwarde They tooke their leaue of the pope and of the cardynalles and prepared to folowe their men there the two bretherne departed a sondre the erle Iohan of Armynake and sir Bernarde his brother Than the Erle sayde Brother ye shall retourne backe to Armynake and kepe our herytage of Comynges and Armynake For as yet all the fortresses
and passed this transitory lyfe The next day whan it was knowen that the erle of Armynake was deed in Alexaunder in his bedde syr Iaques of Bierne wolde nat that his dethe shulde be vnknowen but caused it to be publysshed in the hoost by suche prisoners as he had to se what his enemyes wolde do They of the host were sore dyscomfyted as they well shewed for as than they had no capitayne to drawe vnto for they were but companyons gadred of all partes Than they sayd let vs returne and saue our selfe for we haue lost our tyme. Anon it was knowen in the Cytie howe the armynois were discōfyted and had no capytayne than they armed them and issued out a horsebacke and a foote and set on the hoost cryenge Pauy for the lorde of Myllayne There they were taken and slayne without defence The conquest and botye was great with the companyons that were come thyder with syr Iaques of Bierne the Armynage is yelded them selfe without defence and cast away armure and sledde and were chased lyke beastes Lo what a harde aduenture therle of Armynake and his company bad and where as his entente was to do well it tourned hym to great yuell If he had lyued fyue dayes lenger syr Iohan Acton had come to hym with fyue hundred speares and a thousande brigandyns a foote wherby he myght haue done many feates of armes and all lost by harde aduenture WHan the duke of Myllayn knewe the trouth that his enemyes were slayne and taken and specyally the erle of Armynake slayne he was ioyfull therof and loued syr Iaques de Bierne the better in his herte and made hym soueraygne ouer all his chyualry and made him chefe of his coūsayle The duke of Myllayne to auoyde his countrey of his enemyes gaue to euery prysoner that was a gentylman a horse and to euery other man a florayne and quyted them clene of their raunsomes but at their departynge he caused them to swere that they shulde neuer after arme them agaynst hym Thus these companions departed out of Lombardy and Piemount and entred in to Sauoy and in to the dolpheny and had suche pouertie that it was marueyle for as they passed euery towne was closed agaynst theym Anone euery man had spent his florayn some had pytie of them and dyd gyue them almes for charite and some rebuked and mocked them sayenge Go your wayes seke out your erle of Armynake who is drinkynge at a well before Alexaundre yet they were in more myschiefe whan they came to the ryuer of Rone they had thought lightly to haue passed ouer in to the realme of Fraūce but they dyd nat for the frenche kynge hadde cōmaunded all the passages to be closed and kept agaynst them wherby they fell in great daunger and pouertie After that they coulde neuer assemble togyther agayne Thus the yonge erle of Armynakes army brake a sonder his suster abode styll in as yuell case as she was in before Than the duke of Myllayne sent for a bysshop of his coūtrey and for suche as were most next to the erle of Armynake as had ben there with hym at that iourney and the duke cōmaunded that therles body shulde be baumed and sente to his brother syr Barnarde who was ryght sorowfull of those tydynges and good cause why but there was no remedy Than the erle of Armynake was buryed in the cathedrall churche of Rodays and there he lyeth IT ought to be knowen as it hath ben contayned here before in this history how syr Thomas Percy was sent by kyng Rycharde of Englande in to the realme of Fraūce and shewed well howe he had gret affectyon to haue a ferme peace bytwene Englande and Fraunce and specyally two of the kynge of Englandes vncles as the duke of Lancastre and the duke Edmonde of yorke but the kynges other vncle the duke of Glocestre and constable of Englande wolde in no wyse acorde to haue any peace with the french men without it were to the kynges honoure and theirs and that there myght be rendred agayne all suche cyties townes castels landes and sygnories whiche had been gyuen to the kynge of Englande and to his heyres whiche falsely had ben taken away by the frenchmen without tytell or reasone and besyde that the sōme of four thousande frankes whiche was owyng whan the frenchmen began the warre agayne And of this opynyon was dyuers lordes of Englande sayenge that to the dethe they wolde iustifye the same Many sayd that the duke of Glocestre had good ryght and reason to sustayne that opinyon but they dissymuled the mater couertely bycause they sawe the kynges mynde and affection enclyned greatly to haue peace But the poore knightes and squyers and archers of England rather enclyned to haue warre suche as had susteyned there estates by reason of the warre Consydre well than howe peace loue or acorde might be had bytwene these parties for the frenche men in their treatie demaunded to haue Ealays beaten downe to haue the sygnorie of Guysnes Hammes Marke and Dye all the landes of Froyton and the dependantes of Guysnes vnto the lymyttes of the water of Grauelyng and the frenche kynge offred to delyuer to the crowne of Englāde as moch landes in values in Acquytayn against whiche artycle that duke of Gloucestre helde and said The frenchmen wyll paye vs with our owne for they knowe well ynough howe we haue charters sealed by kynge Iohan all his chyldren that all hole Acquytayn shulde haue been delyuered to vs without any resorte or soueraynte to any man and all that euer they haue doone sythe hath ben by fraude and false engyn and nyght and day entende to no other thyng but to disceyue vs for if Calays and suche landes as they demaunde were delyuered in to their handes they shulde be lordes of all the see coste and than all our conquestes were as nothynge I shall rather neuer agree to peace as long as I lyue ⸫ ⸫ ¶ How syr Peter of Craon fell in the french kynges displeasure and in the duke of Thourayns after he was receyued by the duke of Bretayne Cap. C.lxxviii IN this said seasō there was a knyght of Fraunce of the countrey of Aniou a gentle knight and of noble extraction called syr Pyer of Craon marucylously well beloued and specially with the duke of Thourayne for aboute the duke no thynge was doone but by hym Also this knyght helde a gret astate about the duke of Aniou who was called kynge of Naples Cicyll Iherusalem and also he was ryche Asclaunder was brought vp on hym through the realme of Fraūce howe he had robbed the yonge kynge of Cycyll duke of Aniou for the whiche brute the sayd sir Peter absented him selfe fro the yonge kynge and fro his mather who had ben wyfe to the olde duke of Aniou howe be it he delte so that he was welbeloued with the frenche kynge and with his brother the duke of Thourayne Also the same
erle Dolphyn of Auuergne who had ben as an hostager in Englande and moche in the duke of Lacasters company and loued hym very well He came and humbly saluted the duke of Lancaster Whan the duke sawe him he enbrased hym in great token of loue and spake toguyder a lytell Than the dukes of Berrey and Burgoyne came to them the duke of Burbon the lorde Coucy and therle of ●aynt Poule came to the duke of yorke the erle of Huntyngton and to sir Thomas Percye and so ●ode talkyng togyder with amorous wordes tyll they aproched the cytie of Amyence Than the duke of Lancastre rode bytwene the duke of Berrey and the duke of Burgoyn Thus they rode all thre in a front makyng honour eche to other tyll they came to the bysshoppes palais where the kynge the duke of Thourayne was There they a lighted and the two dukes ledde the duke of La●castre vp the steres and the other dukes and lordes folowed Than the Frenche lordes came in to the kynges presence made their reuerence and lefte the Englysshe dukes standyng alone Than a lytell they enclined them selfe to the kyng than the kyng ca●e to them and toke them by the handes lytte them vp and spake swetely to them they to hym and other lordes of Fraunce fell in talkynge with the other lordes of Englande whan they had cōmaned a season they toke their leaue of the kyng his brother vncles and departed were conueyed to their lodgynges by the cōstable of Fraunce the lorde Coucy the erle of saynt Poule sir Iohan of Vyenne and other Lordes of the realme of Fraunce Than they toke their leaues deꝑted agayne to the kyng and the lady of Irelande doughter to the lorde Coucy was lodged in her fathers lodging all her cōpany IT was ordayned by the frēche kyng his counsayle before thenglysshe lordꝭ came to the cytie of Amyence whiche ordynaūce was publysshed and proclamed openlye to th entent that no ꝑsone shulde be ignorant therof but euery man to beware of ●re kyng of any artycle in the proclamacion on payne of lefyng of their heedes First that no maner of person make any riot or gyue any riotous wordes to any Englysshman also that no knight nor squier speke or make any chalenge of armes to any englysshman on payne of the kynges highe displeasure they to company with the with swete wordes and goodly behauour in that towne lodgyngꝭ or felde nor that the Frenche pages make any debate nor riotte in any place on payne of dethe And what soeuer any englysshman demaūdeth to su●●re them pesably to haue it that no ho●t nor vitayler demaunde any money outher for meate or drinke nor for other suche cōmen charges Also it was ordayned that no knight nor squyer of Fraunce shuld go by night tyme without torche or torches and that the englysshmen shulde go at their pleasure without any cōtrolement that if any frēchman mete any Englysshman in the night in any strete that they shulde swetely gently conuey him or thē to their lodgyng or to their company Also it was ordayned that in four places of the cyte four watches to be set of a thousande men in euery watche and that if any fyre happe to fall in the nyght by any incydence the watche in no wyse to remoue for no maner of cause but at the so wnynge of a bell all other people to drawe to quēche the fyre Also it was ordayned that no frēch knight nor squier for no maner of cause shulde presume to speke to the king wtout the kyng fyrst dyde call hym Nor also that the knightes nor squyers of Fraunce shulde talke nor comune toguyder as long as any of the Englysshe men were present But to fynde comunynge and pastyme with theym Also it was ordayned that all hostes and their seruauntes in anywyse shulde nat conuey or hyde any Bowes or Arrowes or any other thynge parteyninge to the Englysshe men without makynge of large amendes without it were gyuen them by the Englysshmen of their curtesy than to take it or els nat All these thynges were determyned by delyberacyon or good counsayle to do the Englysshe men the more honoure for they trusted of a good conclusyon of peace Nighe euery day a fiftene dayes toguyder these lordes were in counsayle and brought nothyng to cōclusyon for their demaundes were greatly different The Frenche men demaunded to haue Calais rased and beaten downe in suche wyse that no persone shulde dwell there after The Englysshe men wolde in no wyse agree to that treatie for it ought to be beleued that Calais was the towne of the worlde that the cōmons of Englande loued best for as longe as they be lordes of Calays They sayde they bare the kayes of Fraunce vnder their gyrdell Thoughe the lordes departed euery daye vnagreed yet they departed a sōder right amiably for euery daye they poynted to were agayne the nexte day bothe parties trustyng at last to cōclude on some good poynt The frenche kyng made thenglysshe men in that space thre notable dyners at his palais In lykewise so dyde the duke of Thourayne the duke of Berrey the duke of Burgoyne the duke of Burbone the lorde of Coucy and the erle of saynt Poule Eche of these made the Englysshe men a great dyner And for euery thyng that the Englysshmen toke in the towne was payd for and clerkes apoynted by the kynge and his counsayle to write euery thyng and euery man apoynted for their money to the chambre of accomptes It ought to be knowen that Iohan duke of Lancastre and his brother the duke of yorke for all that they were come thyder on trust of peace yet they had charge of the kyng of Englande and of his counsayle that what soeuer treatie they made in no wise they shulde nouther gyue nor take any maner of thynge MAny were of the opynion that the cōmynaltie of Englande rather enclyned to warre than to peace for in the tyme of good kyng Edwarde the thirde and of his son̄e the prince of Wales they had so many fayre and highe vyctories on the frenche men and so great conquestes with so moche money for raunsomes sellyng and patesynge of townes countreis that they were become marueylous riche for many suche as were no gentylmen of byrthe by reason of their hardynesse and valyaunt aduentures wan and conquered so moche golde and syluer that they became noble and rose to great honour And so such as folowed after wolde folowe the same lyfe how beit after that dayes of the sayd kyng Edwarde and the prince his sonne by the wysdome and highe enterprice of sir Bertram of Clesquy and by the ayde of other good knyghtes of Fraūce The Englysshmen were than agayne sore put backe The duke of Gloucestre sonne to the sayde kynge Edwarde and vncle as than to kyng Richarde than beyng at Amyence dyuers other lordes knightes and squyers were of
dissymuled the mater and sayd Sir as it shall please you but ye must haue also my brother of Burgoyne with you We wyll haue hym with vs quod the kyng for without hym we wyll make no voyage We wyll go in to Bretayne with suche an armye able to resyst all our ennemyes We maye se nowe openly that this duke loueth nor setteth by vs but lytell He is proude and presumptuous and we shall entende to nothynge tyll we haue brought hym to reasone Thus the Frenche kyng deuised with the duke of Berrey and manysshed greatly the duke of Bretayne and his assysters The duke of Berrey acorded to all his sayeng but he dissymuled for he thought the contrary THe Frenche kyng hadde great affection to be reuenged of the dispyte that was done to his cōstable wherfore he prepared hym selfe to go in to Bretayne and fyrst to go in to Aniou to distroye and beate downe sir Peter of Craons castel les for all that the duke of Bretayne sayd he had bought them yet the kyng and his counsayle sayd it was no poynt of the dukes heritage but that the duke sayde so to excuse and to susteyne sir Peter of Craon wherfore personally he was in the kynges indignacyon yet in the same season a treatie of maryage was had bytwene the duke of Bretaygnes son̄e and the kynges doughter IN the meane season whyle this voyage was thus ordred great brute therof spoken throughe all Frauce There retourned to Paris the bysshoppe of Noyon and the lorde de la Ryuer fro Foize and Bierne and there shewed the kyng and his counsayle howe they had spedde They were well herde but the voyage in to Bretayne busyed so the kyng and his counsayle that they had no leysar to entēde to any other mater And the kynge wolde gladly that the constable had ben hole that he might be able to ryde and or the kyng went fro Parys he cōmaunded to be beaten downe sir Peter of Craōs house that stode in the churche yarde of saynt Iohans and than the kynge dyde gyue the groūde to make a churche yarde of to burye in deed bodyes The Frenche kyng made his prouisyon in the waye to Aniou to Mayne to Bretayne and in to Thourayne on the ryuer of Loyre to the entent to go in to Bretayne none durst speke the contrary REnome was throughout all Paris and it was well knowen that sir Olyuer of Clisson cōstable of Fraūce whan he laye thus sicke of his hurtꝭ made his testament to the entente that his heyres shulde knowe the trouthe of euery thyng that he had and where it was His heyres were two doughters the one was maryed to Iohan of Bretayne erle of Ponthieur It was he that sir Olyuer had quytte out of prisone in Englāde and payde for hym sixscore thou sande frankes to the duke of Irelande as it hath ben shewed here before in this hystorie And his seconde doughter was or shulde be vicoūtes of Rohan by reason of her husbāde The somme of the testament mounted to the sōme of seuyntene hundred thousande frankes besyde his heritage Euery man that herde therof had great marueyle howe he shulde gather toguider suche richesse and specially the dukes of Berrey and Burgoyne their counsayls had great marueyle therof and spake largely sayd What the deuyll howe maye it be that the constable hath gadered to guider so many floreyns and suche mouable goodes the kyng hym selfe hath nat so moche It maye well be beleued and knowen that he hath nat won all this by no iust meanes Thus the mater passed but suche as loued hym nat thought neuerthelesse Thus all suche as the kynge had written vnto prepared them selfe to go with hym in to Bretaygne This voiage pleased nothynge the duke of Burgoyn he sayd this was a warre without reason and that the conclusion ther of coulde take no good ende nor the realme of Fraunce nor the duchy of Bretayne nor the lordes knightes and squyers in thē had nothynge to do with the warre bytwene sir Olyuer of Clysson and sir Peter of Craon What nede they quod he to take payne or traueyle to make warre in their quarelles We shulde rather suffre them and their owne mē to greue and make warre eche vpon other The duke of Berrey was of the same opinyon but they coude nat be herde nor beleued for the kyng was coūsayled contrary to their opinyons by suche as the kyng loued better than them These dukes coude nat tell howe to breke that enterprice and whan they sawe none other remedy they obeyed But that was slouthfully howe be it by the promocyon of the duke of Burgoyne the erle of Ostrenaunt was written vnto by the kynge to go with hym in this iourney with thre hūdred speares The erle who loued dedes of armes prouyded hym to go with the kynge and whan̄e he was redy and had assembled toguyder his company to his great cost and charge Than he was countermaunded agayne and that in no wyse he shulde styrre ⸪ ¶ Howe the duke of Thourayn brother to the kyng resigned the duchy of Thourayne in to the kynges handes and howe by exchaūge the kynge gaue hym the duchy of Orlyaūce and so euer after he was called duke of Orlyaunce Cap. C.lxxxvii IN the same season that the kyng was thus nighe redy to departe out of Parys to shewe that he toke that busynesse as to hym selfe there was an exchaūge made of landes gretly to the profyte of the duke of Thourayne for he resygned in to the kynges handes the duchy of Thourayne and the kyng gaue hym the duchy of Orliaunce in lyke maner as aūciently duke Philyp of Orlyaunce helde it whiche was four tymes better in value than the other was so thus fro hens forthe in this hystorie I shall name hym that was duke of Thourayne duke of Orlyaūce ¶ Whan sir Olyuer of Clysson was all hole and that he might ryde the Frenche kyng was right ioyfull and said howe he wolde tary no lengar and so on an euenyng he toke his leaue of the quene Isabell his wyfe and of the newe duchesse of Orlyaunce and of all other ladyes and damoselles and so dyde the duke of Orlaūce in lykewise Than they departed and rode to supper to Mōtague and the duke of Burbone the erle of Namure and the lorde of Coucy with hym There the kyng laye dyned there after dyner they departed and laye all night at saynt Germayns and there laye a seuyn dayes and as than the kyng was somwhat diseased and his phisicions wolde haue had hym to haue rested hym selfe but the kyng was so wyllyng in his iourney that he sayde howe he was moche better at his ease than he was in dede whiche he dyde to gyue corage to his men to set forwarde for as thā his two vncles the dukes of Berrey Burgoyne were behynde shewed well by their maner that the same iourney greued them nor they wolde nat haue gone
were in great daunger and also it was sayd that by their counsaile the kyng toke on hym the iourney in to Bretaygne wherby he fell in to that maladye of Fransey and had gyuen hym drinkes of poyson at their pleasure and howe that the kynges phisycions coude nat be herde nor beleued by reason of them Suche maters were layde to the lorde de la Ryuers charge and to sir Iohan Mercyer that they were delyuered out of the Castell of Loure in to the handes of the prouost of Paris and putte in to the castell of saynt Anthony in the kepyng of the Vicount of Achy who as than was Chateleyne there Whan it was knowen that they were there thā the cōmon brute ran that they shulde be executed to dethe But to saye trouthe there was no cause why to trouble them For suche as hated them coude fynde in their conscyence no cause why they ought to dye But euery daye they were borne in hande and it was sayd to theym Sirs thynke on youre soules for as for your bodyes are but loste for ye are iudged to dye and for to be beheeded In this case they were in Prisone a greate space The Begue of Vyllayns a ryght valyaunt knyght in armes of the countrey of Beance who was in prisone also for the same cause He had suche frendes and was so ayded that he was delyuered out of prison and was clene pardoned of all thynges And suche as were of his lynage as sir Barroys other counsayled hym to go in to Castyle where as he had fayre herytages by reason of his wyfe countesse of Ribydewe and as he was counsayled so he dyede And as soone as he might departed out of Fraunce went in to Castyle and the other two knightes remayned styll in prison in daunger of losyng of their lyues ALl the mouable and vnmouable godes and possessions parteyninge to sir Iohan Mercyer within Parys and without in the realme of Fraunce that myght be layde hande on was taken as goodes forfaite and gyuen to other persons his fayre house of the bridge of Aubumen in the dioces of Laon whiche had cost hym a great good was gyuen to the lorde Coucy with all the appurtenaūce I knowe nat wheder the lorde of Coucy desyred it or nat but sir Iohan Mercier was disheryted he and his heyres for euer Also the lorde de la Ryuer was sore handled Trewe it was all his mouables was taken awaye and suche landes as he had bought reseruynge to the lady of Mans his wyfe all her herytages whiche came by her by father mother Also he had a yonge damosell to his doughter of .x. yere or age who was maryed to a yonge gentylman called Iaques of Chastellon sonne to sir Hugh of Chastellon who had ben before maister of the crosbowes of Fraunce and he was heyre to his father and had fayre herytages and was lykely to enioye more howe be it agaynst the yonge mannes mynde he was dismaryed And maryed agayne to another gentylwoman at the pleasure of the duke of Burgoyne and of the lorde de la Tremoyle who toke on them that quarell more ouer the lorde de la Riuer had a sonne to his heyre whiche sonne was maryed to the doughter of the erle Dampmartyne And the erle had no mo children nor was nat lyke to haue whiche doughter was his heyre And the duke wolde haue broken that maryage haue maryed her vnto an heyre of blode But the erle Dampmartyne lyke a valyaunt knight wolde nat but sayd As long as the lorde de la Ryuers sonne hadde lyfe in his body his doughter shulde haue none other husbande and sayde he wolde putte her herytage in to suche mēnes handes that he trusted suche as wolde wrōgfully haue it shulde nat attayne therto Whan the erles mynde was knowen they let hym alone So that maryage stode styll but the fyrst maryage was broken and pope Clement made a dispensacyon wheder he wolde or nat for as at that tyme the pope had no more puissaunce in Fraunce Than suche as the gouernours wolde consente to The churche was so subiecte what by reason of the Scisme and by them that gouerned Fraunce Many men specially in the realme of Fraūce excused greatly the lorde de la Ryuer but all that wolde nat serue For none durst speke thoughe they sawe the mater neuer so clere Except all onely the valyāt lady Iane of Boloyne duchesse of Berrey Oftentymes the good lady wolde fall on her knees before her husbande holdynge vp her handes and sayeng Ah sir ye suffre to moche the enuyous to enforme you so wrongfullye agaynst the valyaunt knight The lorde de la Ryuer he hath clerely wronge there is none that dare speke for hym but I. And sir I wyll ye knowe that if he dye thus I shall neuer haue ioye in this worlde but I shall alwayes contynue styll in sorowe and heuynesse for he is a trewe and a valyant knight Ah sir ye cōsyder but lytell the fayre seruyce that he hath done to you or this tyme the paynes and traueyle that he hath hadde for you and for me to bring vs togyder in maryage I saye it nat for any thyng of bostyng of my selfe for I am but lytell worthe in comparyson to you But whan ye wolde nedes haue me ye remembre howe harde the erle of Foiz was to you with whom I was brought vp And if the swete wordes and wyse demeanour of the lorde de la Ryuer had nat been I had neuer come in to your company but I had ben rather as nowe in Englāde For the duke of Lācastre wolde haue had me for his sonne the erle of Derby and the erle of Foiz enclyned rather that waye thā to you Right dere sir ye ought to remēbre this for all that I say is true Wherfore I requyre you right hūbly that this gentyll knight who brought me to you haue no dōmage of his body nor of his membres The duke of Berrey who sawe his wyfe fayre and gentyll and loued her with all his hert and also knewe well that all she had sayd was true it molifyed greatly his herte towardes the lorde de la Ryuer and to apease his wyfe because he sawe she spake with good herte sayd vnto her Dame as god helpe me I wolde it had cost me .xx. thousāde frankes on the condycion the lorde de la Ryuer had neuer made forfette to the crowne of Fraunce for before this malady came to the kynge I loued hym entierly and tooke hym for a wyse and a sage knyght but sythe ye desyre so effectuously for hym I wyll do no dyspleasure to hym he shall fare moche the better at your instaunce and for your sake I shall do as moche for hym as my power may extende and rather at your desyre than and all the realme had spoken for hym for surely I se well it is almes to helpe hym and I beleue he hath no aduocate but you Thus
but they coulde nat be beleued So the two knyghtes remayned styll in prison in daūger openly to haue loste their heedes and by all lykelyhode so they had doone if the kynge had nat recouered his helth and by the meane of the duchesse of Berrey who made instante labour for the lorde de la Ryuer And the lorde Clysson was styll in Bretayne and made sore warre agaynst the duke there and the duke agaynst hym whiche warre cost many a mannes lyfe as ye shall here here after in this hystory TRewe it is this sycknesse that the kyng tooke in the voyage towardes Bretayne greatly abated the ioye of the realme of Fraunce and good cause why for whan the heed is sicke the body canne haue no ioye No man durste openly speke therof but kepte it priuy as moche as myght be and it was couertly kept fro the quene for tyll she was delyuered and churched she knewe nothynge therof whiche tyme she had a doughter The physycion mayster Guyllyam who had the chefe charge of healynge of the kynge was styll aboute hym and was ryght dyligent and well acquyted hymselfe wherby he gate bothe honour and profyte for lytell lytell he brought the kynge in good estate and toke away the seuer and the heate and made hym to haue taste and appetyte to eate and drinke slepe rest and knowledge of euery thynge howe be it he was very feble and lytell and lytell he made the Kynge to ryde a huntynge and on hawkynge And whanne tydynges was knowen through Fraunce howe the kynge was well mended and had his memory agayne euery man was ioyfull and thanked god the kyng thus beyng at Crayell desyred to se the quene his wyfe and the Dolphyn his sonne So the quene came thyder to him and the chylde was brought thyder The kynge made them good chere and so lytell and lytell through the helpe of god the kynge recouered his helthe And whan mayster Guyllyam sawe the kynge in so good case he was ryght ioyfull as reasone was for he had done a fayre cure and so delyuered hym to the dukes of Orlyance Berrey Burgoyne and Burbone and sayd My lordes thanked be god the kyng is nowe in good state and helth so I delyuer hym but beware lette no man dysplease hym for as yet his spyrytes be nat fully ferme nor stable but lytell and lytell he shall waxe stronge Reasonable dysporte rest and myrthe shall be moste profytable for hym and trouble hym as lytell as may be with any counsayles for he hath been sharpely handeled with a hote malady Than it was consydred to retaygne this mayster Guylliam and to gyue hym that he shulde be contente with all whiche is the ende that all physicions requyre to haue gyftes and rewardes He was desyred to abyde styll aboute the kynge but he excused himselfe and sayd howe he was an olde impotent man and coulde nat endure the maner of courte wherfore he desyred to returne in to his owne countrey Whan the counsayle sawe he wolde none otherwyse do they gaue him leaue and at his departing gaue him a thousande crownes and retayned hym in wages with four horses whan so euer he wolde resorte to the courte Howe be it I beleue he neuer came there after for whan he retourned to the cytie of Laon there he contynued and dyed a ryche man He lefte behynde hym a .xxx. thousande frankes All his dayes he was one of the greatest nygardes that euer was all his pleasure was to get good and to spende nothynge for in his howse he neuer spente past two souses of Parys in a day but wolde eate and drinke in other mennes howses where as he myght get it With this rodde lyghtly all physicyons are beaten ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the truse whiche was acorded bytwene Englande and Fraūce for thre yeres was renewed Cap. C.xci. AS ye haue herde here before in the bokes of this hygh and excellent hystory at the request of the ryght hygh and myghty prynce my dere lorde and mayster Guy of Chastellone erle of Blois lorde of Auesnes of Chymay of Beaumont of Streumehont of the Gode I Iohan Froysart preest and chapeleyn to my said lorde and at that tyme treasourer and chanon of Chymay and of Lysle in Flaunders haue enterprised this noble mater treatynge of the aduentures and warres of Fraunce and Englande and other countreys conioyned and a lyed to them as it may apere clerely by the treaties therof made vnto the date of this presente day the whiche excellent materꝭ as longe as I lyue by the helpe of god I shall cōtynue for the more I folowe and labour it the more it pleaseth me As the noble knyght or squyer louynge the feates of armes do perceyuer in the same and be therby experte and made parfyte so in laborynge of this noble mater I delyte and take pleasure ¶ It hath ben here before conteyned in our hystory howe truce was made at Balyngham to endure thre yere bytwene Englande and Fraunce and for that purpose the erle of saynt Poll the lorde of Castell Morant and syr Taupyn of Cauteuell ambassadours of Fraūce had ben in Englande with the duke of Lancastre and the duke of yorke for to vnderstande the kinges pleasure and the opynion of the cōmons of Englande for at the comunycacyon and parlyamente at Amyence they were at a poynte of agrement of peace vpon certayne artycles specifyed reseruynge the agrement therto of the cōmons of Englande thus these ambassadours were retourned in to Fraunce and were answered howe that at the feest of saynt Mychell nexte ensuynge there shulde be a Parlyament at Westmynster of the thre estates of Englande at whiche tyme the mater shulde be declared and a full aunswere made Whan tydynges was come in to Englande of the frenche kynges sycknesse that matter was greatly hyndred howe be it kynge Rycharde of Englande and the duke of Lancastre had great affection to haue had peace so that if they might haue had their ententes peace had ben made bytwene Englande and Fraunce But the cōmynalte of Englande desyred warre sayenge howe warre with Fraunce was more conuenyent for them than peace and of that opynyon was one of the kynges vncles Th● mas duke of Glocestre erle of Perces and constable of Englande who was welbeloued in the realme he enclyned rather to the warre than to peace And of his opynyon were the yonge gentylmen of the realme suche as desyred feates of armes But his brother the duke of Lancastre bycause he was eldest and of most puissaunce in Englande he thought and said that the warre bytwene Englande and Fraunce had endured longe ynoughe and that peace were more mete ▪ for by the warre cristende me was sore febled for the great turke Lamorabaquyn was with greate puyssaunce on the fronters of Hūgery wherfore he sayd it shulde be honorable to all yonge lusty knyghtes and squyers to take their waye thyder and there to exercyse dedes of armes LEtte
vs wysely consydre the duke of Lancasters wordes who spake them of good entent for he had greatly traueyled in the warres of Fraunce and conquered but lytell and sore traueyled his bodye brent and dystroyed the playne countreys in his waye and after his retourne sone recouered agayn he sawe this warre drewe neuer to n●ne ●nde but rather encreased Also he sawe that if fortune shuld turne agaynst the englyssh party that great dōmage therof shulde ensue and parceyued well that the kyng his nephue was enclyned moche rather to the peace than to the warre I Iohan Froysart auctoure of this hystory canne nat well saye whether this dukes opinyon was good or nat but it was shewed me that bycause the duke of Lancastre sawe his two doughters maryed in higher degree than hymselfe and out of the realme of Englande the one was quene of Spaygne the other Quene of Portugale This caused him gretly to enclyne to the peace for he knew well that the kynge of Spaygnes sonne who had maryed his doughter was as than but yonge and in daunger of his owne subgiettes and knewe well that if he shulde peasably enioye the herytage of Spaygne it was conuenyente that the englysshe men shulde kepe the peace with Fraunce for if the peace shulde be broken by any incydent than the Frenche men myght shortly be reuenged of the realme of Spayne for they had open entrees as well through Aragon and Chathalone as Bierne and Byskay for the lady yolant of Bare was quene of Aragone and she was good frenche and gouerned Aragon Chathalone Bierne and Byskay for the Vycount of Chatellon who was heyre to therle of Foiz had so sworne and promysed the frenche quene wherby the frenche men hadde many fayre entrees in to Spaygne without daunger of the kynge of Nauer who wolde nat wyllyngly dysplease the frenche kynge his cosyn germayne for as than syr Peter of Nauerre his brother was with the frenche kynge who alwayes apeased the frenche kynges ire and dyspleasure whan he had any to his brother the Kynge of Nauer for he was a true frenche man and neuer founde the contrary All these imagynacions the duke of Lancastre had in hym selfe and shewed his mynde to his sonne the erle of Derby though he were but yonge yet he was of great wysdome and lykely to come to great honour whiche erle had thre sonne Iohan Humfrey and Thomas and two doughters by the lady his wyfe doughter and heyre to the Erle constable of Englande erle of Herforde and Northampton by whiche lady he helde great herytage THe conclusyon of the parlyament holden at Westmynster by the thre estates of the realme A trewce was taken by see and by lande bytwene Fraunce and Englande their frendes and alyes to endure fro the feest of saynt Mychell to the feest of saynt Iohan Baptyst nexte after and suche cōmyssioners as the frenche kynge had sent to this parlyament were dyspatched and the charter of the truce sent by them sealed whiche treuce was well vpholden on all partyes The Frenche kynge was sore febled by reason of his syckenesse and the physicyon mayster Guyllyam Harselay was as than deed but whan he departed fro Crayell fro the kynge he ordeyned many receytes for the kynge to vse wherby in the wynter season he recouered his helth wherof all his louers and frendes reioysed with the hole cōmynalte of Fraūce for he was well be loued and so he and the quene came to Parys and helde their householde most parte at saynt Powle and somtyme at Loure and the longe wynter nyghtes they passed the season with daunsynge and carollynge and other reuels and dysportes The quene was acompaned with the duchesse of Berrey the duchesse of Orlyance and other ladyes The same season the Vycount of Chastellon was come to Parys who was newly entred in to the herytage of the erledome of Foize and of Bierne as ryght heyre and he releued the sayde erledom of Foiz and dyd his homage to the kyng but nat for Bierne for that coūtrey helde themselfe of so noble condycion that they helde seruyce to no man lyuynge Howe be it the prince of Wales said to the erle of Foiz that last dyed that he ought to releue of him and to haue his resorte to the Duchy of Acquitayne But alwayes the sayd erle denyed and defended it And it is to be thought that the chalenge that the prince of Wales made thervnto was by the settynge on and mouyng of Iohan erle of Armynake as it hath ben shewed here before in this history wherfore as nowe I wyll ouer passe it Whan this vicount of Chastellon called fro henseforthe erle of Foiz was at Paris with the frenche kyng he had there in his company with hym his cosyn syr yuan of Foize bastarde sonne to the laste Erle of Foize who was a goodly knyght The erle of Foiz or he dyed wolde haue made hym his heyre with a nother of his bastarde sonnes called Gracian who dwelte as than with the kyng of Nauer but the knyghtes of Bierne wolde neuer consent therto therfore the mater rested as it dyd and the erle dyed sodaynly as ye haue herde before Whan the Frenche kynge sawe this yonge knyght syr yuan of Foiz he lyked hym marueylous well also the kynge and he were moche of one age and by reason of the fauour that the kynge bare to this yonge knyght the erle of Foiz had the shorter spede and was delyuered of all his businesse and than departed in to his owne countrey and syr yuan abode styll with the kynge and retayned as one of his knyghtes of his chambre with .xii. horses all other thynges therto belongynge ¶ Of the aduenture of a daunce that was made at Parys in lykenesse of wodehowses wherin the Frenche Kynge was in parell of dethe Cap. C.xcii IT fortuned that sone after the retaynmge of this foresayd knyght a maryage was made in the kynges house bytwen a yonge knyght of Vermandoys and one of the quenes gentylwomen and bycause they were bothe of the kynges house the kinges vncles and other lordes ladyes and damoselles made great tryumphe There was the dukes of Orlyaunce Berrey and Burgoyne their wyues daunsynge and makynge great ioye The kynge made a great supper to the lordes and ladyes and the quene kepte her estate desirynge euery man to be mery And there was a squyer of Normandy called Hogreymen of Gensay he aduysed to make some pastyme The daye of the maryage whiche was on a tuesday before Candelmas he prouyded for a mummery agaynst nyght He deuysed syxe cotes made of lynen clothe couered with pytche and theron flare lyke heare and had them redy in a chambre The kynge put on one of them and therle of Iouy a yonge lusty knyght another and syr Charles of Poicters the thyrde who was sonne to the erle of Valentenoys and to syr yuan of Foiz another and the sonne of the lord Nanthorillet had on the fyfte and the
no man ¶ Nowe lette vs leaue spekyng of hym and speke of other busynesse as the mater requyreth ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the king of Englande gaue to the duke of Lancastre and to his heyres for euer the duchy of Acquytayne and howe the kyng prepared to go in to Irelande and the duke in to Acquytayne Cap. C.xcviii YE haue herde here before in this hystorie howe Trewce was taken bytwene Englande and Fraunce and there adherēces and alyes bothe by see and by lande For all that yet there were robbers and pyllers in Languedocke whiche were straungers and of farre countreis As of Gascoyne of Bierne and of Almaygne And amonge other sir Iohan of Grayle bastarde sonne somtyme of the Captall of Beuses a yonge and an experte knyght was capitayne of the stronge castell of Bouteuyll These capitayns of the garysons in Bigore and marchynge on the realme of Arragone and on the fronters of Xaynton and in the marchesse of Rochell and of the garyson of Mortaygne were sore displeased that they myght natte ouer rynne to countrey as they were accustomed to do For they were straitlye commaunded on payne of greuous punysshment to do nothyng that shulde soūde to the reproche of the peace IN this season it was agreed in Englande consyderynge that the kynge was yonge and that he hadde peace with all his ennemyes farre and nere excepte with Irelande For he claymed that lande of enherytaūce and his predecessours before him and was written kyng and lorde of Irelande And kynge Edwarde graunfather to kynge Rycharde made all wayes warre with the Irysshe men And to the entente that the yonge knyghtes and squyers of Englande shulde enploye them selfe in dedes of armes and therby to augment and encrease the honour of the realme It was concluded that kynge Rycharde of Englande shulde make thyder a voyage with puyssaūce of menne of warre And so to entre in to Irelande and nat to retourne agayne without they hadde an honourable composycion or conclusyon The same season it was concluded that the duke of Lancastre who had greatlye traueyled bothe by See and by lande for the augmentacyon and honour of the reralme of Englande shulde make another voyage with fyue hundred menne of armes and a thousande archers and to take shyppynge at Hampton or at Plommouthe and so to sayle to Guyane and to Acquitaygne And it was the entencyon of kynge Rycharde and by consent of all his counsayle that the duke of Lancastre shulde haue for euer to hym and to his heyres all the countrey of Acquitayne with the purtenaunces as kyng Edwarde his father had or any other kyngꝭ or dukes of Acquitayne before tyme had holden optayned And as kyng Rycharde at that tyme had reserued always the homage that he shulde do to the kynge of Englande to any kynges to come after But as for all the obeysaūces rentes lordshypes and reuenewes shulde parteygne to the duke of Lācastre and to his heyres for euer Of this the kyng made to hym a clere graunt confyrmed it vnder his writyng seale With this gyfte the duke of Lācastre was well cōtent good cause why For in that Duchy are landes and countreis for a great lorde to maynteygne his estate with all The Charter of this gyfte was engrosed and dewly examyned and paste by great delyberacyon and good aduyse of counsayle Beynge present the kynge and his two vncles the dukes of yorke and the duke of Gloucestre The erle of Salisbury the erle of Arundell the erle of Derby sonne to the duke of Lancastre And also therle Marshall erle of Rutlande the erle of Northūberlande the erle of Nottyngham the lorde Thomas Percy the lorde Spensar the lorde Beamonde the lorde Willyam of Arundell The archebysshoppe of Caunterbury and the archebysshoppe of yorke and the bysshoppe of London and other all these were presente and dyuers othe Prelates and barownes of Englande Thanne the duke of Lancastre purposed to make his prouisyon to passe the See to go in to Acquitayne to enioye the gyfte that the kyng hadde gyuen hym In lykewise great prouisyon was made for the kynges voyage in to Irelande and lordes and other were apoynted suche as shulde passe the See with the kyng had warnyng to make thē redy ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the dethe of Quene Anne of Englande wyfe to kynge Richarde doughter to the kynge of Boesme Emperour of Almaygne Capi. C.xcix THus as I haue shewed great preparacyons was made at the portes and hauyns where as the kynge shulde take shyppepynge for to go in to Irelande And in lykewyse there as the duke of Lancastre shulde passe to go in to Acquitayne Their voyage was lette and taryed the space of two monethes lengar than it shulde haue ben and I shall tell you why THe same season that all these preparacyons was made the Quene named Anne tooke a sickenesse wherby the kynge and all his lordes were ryght sore troubled for she was so sore sicke that she passed out of this worlde at the feest of Penthecost the yere of our lorde god a thousande thre hundred fourscore and fourtene of whose dethe the kynge and all that loued her ladyes and damoselles were sore troubled and in great heuynesse She was buryed at Poules in London and her obse●es done after at good leysar for the king wolde haue it done sumptuously with great habūdaunce of waxe tapers and torches so that the lyke hadde nat ben sene before The kynge wolde haue it so bycause she was the Emperours doughter of Rome and kyng of Almaygne The kynge loued her so entierly They were maryed yonge howe be it she dyed without issue Thus in one season the kynge the duke of Lancastre and the erle of Derby were wydowers And there was no spekynge of remaryeng nor the kyng wolde here no spekynge therof Thus the kynges voyage in to Irelande was somwhat retarded let howe be it the prouisyon and other lordes suche as shulde go with the kynge passed ouer the see and landed at Duuelyn whiche was alwayes Englysshe and there is an archebisshoppe who was with the kynge And anone after Mydsomer the kynge departed fro the marchesse of London and toke the waye throughe Wales huntyng and sportynge hym to forgette the dethe of his quene and suche as shulde go with the kynge sette forwarde Two of the kynges vncles Edmonde duke of yorke and Thomas duke of Gloucestre constable of Englande sette forwarde in great arraye so dyde other lordes as the erle of Rutlande sonne to the duke of yorke the erle marshall erle of Salisbury the erle of Arundell the lorde Wyllyam of Arundell the erle of Northumberlande lorde Percy lorde Thom̄s Percy his brother great Seneschall of Englande the erles of Deuonshyre and Notyngham and great nombre of other knightes and squiers Suche reserued as abode behynde to kepe the marchesse agaynst the scottes who were suche people as neuer kepte no truce nor promyse The lorde Iohan of Hollande erle of
Huntyngton was as than on his waye to Ierusalem and to saynt Katheryns mount and purposed to retourne by the realme of Hungry for as he passed through Fraūce where he hadde great chere of the kyng and of his brother and vncles he herde howe the kyng of Hungry and the great Turke shulde haue batayle togyder therfore he thought sure lye to be at that iourney On the othersyde the duke of Lancastre came to Plomouthe where his shippes laye redy And whan his men were come and his vesselles all charged and had wynde at wyll they toke shippyng and disancred and sayled towardes Burdeaux on the ryuer of Gyron NOwe lette vs speke of the kyng of Englande who had in his copany four thousande men of armes and thyrtie thousande archers They shipped at thre places At Brutowe at Holyheed and at Herforde they passed ouer daylye And in Irelande all redy there was a valyaunt knyght of Englande called erle of Ormonde He helde landes in Irelande and so dyde his predecessours but it was as than in debate The erle Marshall of Englande hadde the vowarde with fyftene hundred speares and two thousande archers The kynge of Englande and his two vncles toke shyppinge at Herforde in Wales Thus the army passed ouer without dōmage than they were lodged in Irelande by the apoyntement of the duke of Gloucestre cōstable of Englande and by the marshals all abrode in the countrey beyond the cytie of Duuelyn a .xxx. myle for the countrey was as than̄e inhabytable Howe be it they laye wysely and surely for feare of the yrisshe men as nede was or els they myght haue taken great dōmage And the kynge and his vncles were lodged in the cytie of Duuelyn and as it was shewed me all the whyle they were there they were largely prouyded of vitayls For the Englysshe men are suche men of warre as can well forage and take aduaūtage and make good prouisyon for thē selfe and their horses And what fell of this voyage I shall shewe you here after as I was enformed ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe sir Iohn̄ Froissart arryued in Englande and of the gyfte of a boke that he gaue to to the kyng Cap. CC. TRewe it was that I sir Iohan Froissart as at that tyme treasourer and chanon of Chymay in the erldome of Heynaulte in the diocese of Liege had great affectyon to go and se the realme of Englande whan I had ben in Abbeuyle and sawe that trewce was taken bytwene the realmes of Englande and Fraunce and other countreis to them conioyned and there adherentes to endure four yeres by See and by lande Many reasons moued me to make that voyage One was bycause in my youthe I hadde been brought vp in the court of the noble kynge Edwarde the thyrde and of quene Philyppe his wyfe and amonge their chyldren and other barones of Englande that as than were a lyue In whome I founde all noblenesse honour largesse and courtesy Here fore I desyred to se the countre thynkynge therby I shulde lyue moche the lengar for I hadde nat been there .xxviii. yere before I thought though I sawe natte those lordes that I lefte a lyue there yet at the leest I shulde se their heyres the whiche shulde do me moche good to se and also to iustifye the hystories and maters that I hadde written of them And or I toke my iourney I spake with duke Aubert of Bauyere and with the Erle of Heynaulte Hollande zelande and lorde of Freese and with my lorde Wyllyam erle of Ostrenaunt and with my right honourable lady Iahane duchesse of Brabant and of Lusenbourge and with the lorde Eugerant lorde Coucy and with the gentyll knyght the lorde of Gomegynes who in his youthe and myne had been toguyder in Englande in the kynges courte In lykewise so had I sene there the lorde of Coucy and dyuers other nobles of Fraunce holden great housholdes in London whan they laye there in hostage for the redempcion of kynge Iohan as than Frenche kynge As it hath been shewed here before in this hystorie THese sayd lordes and the Duchesse of Brabant counsayled me to take this iourney and gaue me letters of recommendacyon to the kynge of Englande and to his vncles sauynge the lorde Coucy He wolde nat write to the kynge bycause he was a Frenche man therfore he durste nat but to his doughter who as than was called duchesse of Irelande And I had engrosed in a fayre boke well enlumyned all the matters of Amours and moralytees that in four and twentie yeres before I hadde made and compyled whiche greatly quickened my desyre to go in to Englande to se kyng Rycharde who was sonne to the noble prince of Wales and of Acquitayne for I hadde nat sene this kynge Rycharde sythe he was Christened in the Cathedrall churche of Burdeaux at whiche tyme I was there and thought to haue goone with the prince the iourney in to Galycia in Spaygne And whan̄e we were in the cytie of Aste the prince sente me backe in to Englande to the Quene his mother For these causes and other I hadde great desyre to go in to Englande to se the kynge and his vncles Also I hadde this said fayre boke well couered with veluet garnysshed with clapses of Syluer and gylte therof to make a present to the kynge at my fyrst cominynge to his presence I hadde suche desyre to goo this voyage that the payne and traueyle greued me nothyng Thus prouyded of horses and other necessaries I passed the See at Calais and came to Douer the .xii. daye of the moneth of Iuly Whan̄e I came there I founde no man of my knowledge it was so longe sythe I had been in Englande and the houses were all newly chaūged and yonge children were become men and the women knewe me natte nor I theym So I abode halfe a daye and all a nyght at Douer It was on a Tuesdaye And the nexte daye by nyne of the clocke I came to Canterbury to saynt Thomas shrine and to the tombe of the noble prince of Wales who is there entered ryght richely There I herde masse made myne offrynge to the holy saynt and thanne dyned at my lodgynge And there I was enformed howe kyng Richarde shulde be there the nexte daye on pylgrimage whiche was after his retourne out of Irelande where he had ben the space of nyne moneches or there about The kyng hadde a deuocyon to visyte saynt Thomas shrine and also bycause the prince his father was there buryed Than I thought to abyde the kynge there and so I dyde And the next daye the kynge came thyder with a noble company of lordes ladyes and damoselles And whan I was among them they semed to me all newe folkes I knewe no ꝑsone The tyme was sore chaūged in .xxviii. yere And with the kynge as than was none of his vncles the duke of Lācastre was in Acquitayne and the dukes of yorke and Glocestre were in other busynesses so that I was at
the firste all abasshed for if I had sene any auncyent knyght that had ben with kyng Edwarde or with the price I had ben well reconforted and wolde haue gone to hym but I coulde se none suche Than̄e I demaunded for a knyght called sir Rycharde Seury whyder he were a lyue or nat and it was shewed me yes but he was at London Than I thought to go to the lorde Thom̄s Percy great seneschall of Englade who was there with the kyng so I acquaynted me with hym and I founde hym right honorable and gracyous And he offred to present me and my letters to the kynge wherof I was right ioyfull for it behoued me to haue some meanes to bringe me to the presence of suche a prince as the Kynge of Englande was He wente to the kynges Chambre at whiche tyme the kynge was gone to slepe and so he shewed me and badde me retourne to my lodgynge and come agayne and so I dyde And whan I came to the bysshoppes palays I founde the lorde Thomas Percy redy to ryde to Ospring And he counsayled me to make as than no knowledge of my beynge there but to folowe the court and sayd he wolde cause me euer to be well lodged tyl the kyng shulde be at the fayre castell of Ledes in Kent I ordered me after his coūsayle and rode before to Ospring by aduēture I was lodged in an house where was lodged a gentyll knyght of Englande called sir Wyllyam Lysle He was taryed there behynde the kynge bycause he had payne in his heed all the nyght before He was one of the kynges preuy chambre And whan he sawe that I was a straunger and as he thought of the marchesse of Fraūce bycause of my langage We fyll in acquayncaunce toguyder for gentylmen of Englande are curcesse treatable and gladde of acquayntaunce Than he demaunded what I was and what busynesse I had to do in those parties I shewed hym a great parte of my cōmynge thyder and all that the lorde Thomas Percy hadde sayd to me and ordred me to do He than answered and sayde howe I coulde nat haue a better meane and that on the Friday the kyng shulde be at the castell of Ledes And he shewed me that whan I came there I shuld fynde there the duke of yorke the kynges vncle wherof I was ryght gladde bycause I had letters dyrected to hym and also that in his youthe he hadde sene me in the courte of the noble kyng Edwarde his father and with the quene his mother Than on the Friday in the mornyng sir Wylliam Lysle and I rode toguyder and on the waye I demaunded of hym if he had been with the kynge in the voyage in to Irelande He answered me yes Than I demaunded of hym the maner of the Hole that is in Irelande called saynt Patrykes purgatorie if it were trewe that was sayde of it or nat Than he sayde that of a suretie suche a hole there was and that he hym selfe and another knyght of Englande hadde ben there whyle the kynge laye at Duuelyn and sayd howe they entred in to the hoole were closed in at the sonne goynge downe and abode there all nyght and the nexte mornyng issued out agayne at the son risyng Than I demaūded it he had any suche strāge sightes or vysions as was spoken of Than he sayd howe that whan he his felowe were entred and past the gate that was called the purgatorie of saynt Patryke and that they were discended and gone downe thre or four paces discendyng downe as in to a cellar a certayne hoote wapure rose agaynst them and strake so in to their heedes that they were fayne to syt downe on the steres whiche are of stone And after they had sytte there a season they had great desyre to slepe and so fell a slepe and slepte there all nyght Than I demaūded that if in their slepe they knewe where they were or what visyons they had he answered me that in slepyng they entred in to great ymaginacyōs and in marueylous dremes otherwyse than they were wont to haue in their Chambres and in the mornynge they issued out and within a shorte season clene forgate their dreures visyons wherfore he sayde he thought all that mater was but a fantasy Than I lefte spekyng any further of that matter bycause I wolde fayne haue knowen of hym what was done in the voyage in Irelande And I thought as thā to haue demaūded what the kyng had done in that iourney but than company of other knyghtes came and fell in communycacion with hym so that I lefte my purpose for that tyme. Thus we robe to Ledes and thyder came the kyng and all his cōpany and there I founde the lorde Edmonde duke of yorke Than I went to hym and delyuered my letters fro the erle of Heynaulte his cosyn and fro the erle of Ostrenaunt The duke knewe me well and made me good chere and sayde Sir Iohan holde you alwayes nere to vs and we shall shewe you loue and courtesy we are boūde therto for the loue of tyme past and for loue of my lady the olde Quene my mother in whose courte ye were we haue good remembraunce therof Than I thanked hym as reason requyred So I was aduaunsed by reason of hym and sir Thomas Percy and sir William Lysle By their meanes I was brought in to the kynges chambre and in to his presence by meanes of his vncle the duke of yorke Than I delyuered my letters to the kyng and he toke and reed thē at good leysar Than he sayd to me that I was welcome as he that hadde ben and is of the Englysshe courte As on that daye I shewed nat the kynge the boke that I hadde brought for hym he was so sore occupyed with great affayres that I had as than no leysar to present my boke The kyng was sore busyed there in counsayle for two great mightye maters First was in determynynge to sende sufficient messangers as therle of Rutlande his cosyn germayne and the erle Marshall the archbysshoppe of Dublyn the bysshoppe of Ely the lorde Loys Clyssorde the lorde Henry Beaumonde the lorde Hughe Spensar and many other ouer the See to Charles the Frenche kynge to treate with hym for a maryage to be hadde bytwene the kyng of Englande and the Frenche kynges eldest doughter named Isabell of the age of eyght yeres The secōde cause was the lorde de la Barde the lorde of Taryde the lorde of Pyntherne the lorde of Newcastell the lorde of Nesque the lorde of Copane and the counsaylours of Burdeux Bayon and of Daxe were come in to Englande and had quickely pursued their mater sythe the kynges retourne out of Irelande to haue an answere of the requestes and processe that they had put forthe to the kyng on the gyfte that the kynge had gyuen to his vncle the duke of Lācastre of the landes seignories lordshippes and baronyes in Acquytayne whiche they verifyed
to pertaygne to the kynge and realme of Englande They hadde alleged to the kynge and his counsayle that his gyfte myght nat passe so bycause it was vnprofytable and mutyle For they sayd all those landes helde of right and of the demayne of the crowne of Englande Wherfore they sayde they wolde nat disioyne nor disceuer thē fro the crowne They alleged furthermore many other reasonable causes as ye shall here after in this processe But thus to haue co●sayle of those two great matters the kynge had sente for the moost parte of the prelates and lordes of Englande to be at the feest of Maudelyntyde at a manner of the kynges called Eltham a seuyn Englysshe myles fro London And whan they had taryed at Ledes a four dayes the kyng retourned to Rochester and so to Elthame so I rode forthe in the kynges company ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the refuce of them of Acquytayne made to the duke of Lancastre and howe they sent in to Englande to the kynge and his counsayle shewyng hym the wyll of the hole coūtrey of Acquytayne Cap. CC.i. IN rydynge the waye bytwene Leades and Eltham I demaunded of syr Willyam Lysle and of syr Iohn̄ of Graily capitayne of Bouteuyll the cause why the king drewe to London warde and why that great counsayle shulde assemble at Eltham They tolde me and specially syr Iohan Graily rehersed to me playnly why the lordes of Gascon were come thyder and the counsaylours of the good townes and cyties thus I was enfourmed by this knight who knewe the trouth for he was often tymes amonge theym they and he were in a maner all of one countrey and fronter he sayde thus Surely whan the Duke of Lancastre came fyrst in to Acquytayne suffycyently fournysshed with charters and wrytinges engrosed and sealed with the great seale of Englande and enrolled and fermely decreed with full accorde of all prelates and lordes of Englande and also by consente of the duke Edmonde of yorke and Erle of Cambridge and of Thomas duke of Gloucestre though the sayd herytages might by succession haue come to them for Kynge Rycharde of Englande their nephue had as than no chyldren and these sayd two dukes were brethern germayns of father and mother to the duke of Lancastre whiche duke anone after he was come in to Acquytayne sente some of his counsayle to the cytie of Burdeaux to shewe to the Mayre counsaylours of the towne the fourme and tenoure of his request and for what cause he was come in to the countrey Whan they herde this they greatly marueyled howe be it they ioyfully receyued the kynges and dukes cōmyssioners for the honoure of the kynge to whome they ought their seruyce and obeysaunce Than they desyred to take coūsayle and so they dyd Than after they aunswered and said that the duke of Lancastre sonne to kynge Edwarde who had ben their lorde was welcome amōge them and none otherwyse for they sayde they had nat so farre forthe taken counsayle as to receyue hym to their souerayne lorde for they sayd that to kyng Rycharde their soueraygne lorde they had done feaultie and homage and as than he had made them no quytāce Than aunswered the cōmyssioners and sayd Syrs feare nat but that ye shall haue suffycient dyscharge in that behalfe so ye take the duke to your souerayne lorde for ye shall se by the content of the kinges charters that there shall neuer questyon be made therof in tyme to come Whan̄e they of Burdeaux sawe they were so nere touched they founde theym another socoure and sayd Fayre lordes your cōmyssion extendeth nat all onely vpon vs but in lykewyse to them of the cytie of Bayon and to the prelates and barones of Gascoyne and to all that be vnder the obeysaunce of the kynge of Englande ye shall drawe you towardes them and as they do and ordre thē we shall folowe the same Other aunswere the cōmyssioners coulde nat haue at that tyme of them of Burdeau● Than they departed and rode to Lyborne where the duke of Lancastre laye WHan the duke herde their aunswers he imagyned in hymselfe that the ●●synesse that he was come thyder for shulde nat be so sone atcheued as he trusted it shulde haue ben Than he sent his coūsayle to the cytie of Bayon and as they sped in Burdeaux so they dyd there other answere coude they haue none And fynally all the prelates and noble men counsaylours of cytes good townes in Gascoyne vnder the obeysaunce of the kyng of Englande conioyned them togyder and concluded in the forme and manner as I shall shewe you They sayde they wolde gladly receyue the duke of Lancastre in to their cyt●es townes and castelles as the sonne of kyng Edwarde and vncle to kinge Rycharde of Englāde so that at his entringes he shulde solemply swere that pesably and in good maner he and his shulde entreat the people with out enforsynge of any thynge and to pay reasonably for euery thynge that they shulde dispende and also to swere that he shulde nat oppresse nor cause to be oppressed the iurysdictyon of the Crowne of Englande by no maner of waye nor accyon The duke aunswered to this and sayd that he was nat come in to the countrey to greue or oppresse the people but wolde rather kepe and defende them agaynst all men as his herytage and desyred and requyred theym that the cōmaundement of the kynge of Englande myght be obserued and acomplisshed Than the hole countrey by a comune voyce sayd that in no wyse they wolde departe fro the crowne of Englande and that it was nat in the kynge of Englandes power to gyue them away to another lorde nor to put them fro the crowne of Englande These demaundes and denyenges were longe a debatyng bytwene the duke of Lancastre and the lordes and townes of Gascon And whan the duke sawe none other remedy than he made request to the countrey that the prelates and noble men and coūsaylours of the good townes shulde sende suffycient personages to the kynge of Englande and to his counsayle and howe he wolde sende in lykewyse notable persones of his counsayle and loke what so euer the kyng and his counsayle shulde determyne in that cause he promysed surely to abyde ther by whether it were with hym or agaynst him Than they of Gascon consydred well that his request was reasonable and agreed to do as the duke had desyred Than the duke rode to Burdeaur and was lodged in the abbey of saint Andrewes where he had ben lodged before tyme. Than they of the cytie of Bayon and Dar apoynted suffycient personages to sende in to Englande and the barons of Gascon vnder the kinges obeysaunce sent in lyke wyse Also ye shall knowe that whan the frenche kyng and his vncles vnderstode that the duke of Laucastre was peasably entred in to the cytie of Burdeaux and knewe nat for what entent nor whether he wolde kepe or breake the trewce Than he and his counsayle
heyres as myght dyscende of the Duke of Lancastre shulde conioyne theym by maryage to the chyldren of some kynge in Fraunce or of dukes of Berrey Bretaygne or erles of Foize or Armynake or kynges of Nauarre or dukes of Aniou or of Mayne and than they beynge beyonde the see peraduenture in the parties of Fraunce shulde clayme their enherytaunce and therby put the countrey of Guyen in dyscorde and to bring it to be against the crowne of Englande wherby the kynge of Englande than reygnynge and the Realme also shulde haue peraduenture ouer moche payne to recouer it agayne and so the ryght to be put farre of fro thence whervnto it shulde retourne and be as of the demayne of the Crowne of Englande Wherfore ryght dere syr and redouted lordes and noble counsaylours please it you to consydre all these poyntes and artycles which I haue purposed in your presence and determyne it as ye shall seme best for syr the full opynion of all the countrey is they saye they wyll abyde styll in the obey saunce of you ryght redouted lorde and kynge and in the demayne of the noble Crowne of Englande Therwith this offyciall helde his peace and the prelates and lordes eche of them regarded other Than they drewe togyther and aproched to the kynge fyrste his two vncles and the erles of Derby and Arundell Than they of Acquytayne were cōmaunded to departe tyll they were called agayne They departed and also the two knightes that were come thyder fro the duke of Lancastre Than the kyng demaunded counsayle what shulde be done and what aunswere shulde be made The prelates tourned the aunswere to the kynges vncles bycause the mater touched them rather than any other At the fyrst they excused them sayeng they myght nat well aunswere for the mater was cōmune and ought to be debated by cōmune counsayle and nat by lygnage nor fauour Thus they bode a good space but fynally the aunswere was layde on the duke of Gloucestre and he was prayed and requyred to saye his aduyse Than he aunswered and sayde howe it was a herde thynge to take a way or to dysanull the gyfte of a kynge confermed and sealed by the acorde of all his subgiettes and by delyberacyon of his specyall counsayle wherfore he sayde his subgiettes shuld be rebell that wolde nat obey for in that they wolde make that the kynge shulde nat be lorde of his owne enheritaunce if that he myght nat do with his owne what it pleased hym some glosed those wordes and some though● in their corage that the aunswere was nat reasonable but they durste nat saye agaynst it the duke of Gloucestre was so sore dred and the erle of Derby sonne to the duke of Lancastre was there presente who furthered those wordes and sayde Fayre vncle ye haue well sayd I am of your opinyon Therwith the counsayle began to breke and some murmured one with another and they of Guyen nor yet the duke of Lancasters knightes were nat called agayne at that tyme. Whan the kynge sawe all the mater he dyssimuled a lytell and it was his entensyon that they shulde assemble togyther agayne in counsayle after dyner to se if any other propre way myght be taken for the honoure of the crowne of Englande Than the kynge caused the bysshop of Caunterbury to speke of that he had gyuen hym in charge in the mornynge to speke of that was vpon the state of his maryage and to sende in to Fraunce The lordes were of accorde and named them that shulde go whiche were the archebysshoppe of Duuelyn the erle of Rutlande the Erle Marshall the lorde Beaumonde the lorde Hughe Spenser the lorde Loys Clyfforde and twenty knyghtes and xl squyers These were sent in to Fraunce to treat for the maryage of the frenche kynges doughter Isabell of eyght yere of age and yet she was all redy promysed to the duke of Bretayns sonne by a treatie that was made in Towrs in Thourayne Nowe beholde howe this myght be broken for the Frenche kynge and his vncles hadde sealed with the duke of Bretayne yet for all that thenglysshe ambassadours had their charge gyuen vnto them and so they departed out of Englande and aryued at Calays there taryed a fyue dayes and than departed in great araye and tooke the waye to Amyence and they sente before Marche the haraulde who had brought to them saueconducte goynge and comyng and besyde that the lorde Moncheuerell was sette to be their guyde and to se them serued of all thynges necessary ¶ Nowe we shall leaue to speke of them and retourne to our fyrste purpose NOwe as I haue shewed you before the counsaylours of the Cyties and good townes of Acquytayne prayed the kynge and his counsayle to whome they were boude to mayntayn their lyberties and fraunches as in the demayne of the Crowne of Englande as he was sworne to do affermynge that surely they wolde kepe their auncyente lyberties and wyll nat breke it for no maner of cause or condycion and in holdynge thus their opynyon foure partes of the counsayle and the cōmune voyce of the countrey reputed theym for valyaunt and worthy men But the duke of Gloucestre was of another opinyon for he wolde that his brother the duke of Lancastre shuld haue bydden styll in Acquytayne for he thought he was ouer great in Englande and to nere the kynge as for his brother the duke of yorke he cared nat for the duke of yorke was a prince that loued his ease and lytell busynesse Also he had a fayre lady to his wyfe doughter to the erle of Kent on whome was all his pleasure But the duke of Gloucestre was subtyle and euer demaunded somwhat of his nephue kynge Rycharde yet he was but poore for all that he was a great lorde and constable of Englande and erle of Hertforde of Perces and of Bokyngham and also he had yerely out of the kynges cofers foure thousande nobles and neuer rode on the kinges busynesse nor for the realme one daye without he knewe why and wherfore For these causes he was nat indyfferent for the maters of Acquytayne for he wolde haue had his brother of Lancastre to haue bydden still in Acquitayn for euer for than he thought he wolde haue shyfted well ynoughe in Englande As soone as he had sayd his sentence as ye haue herde before and that he sawe some murmured in the kynges chambre and that the prelates and lordes talked togyther two and two he issued out of the chambre and the erle of Derby with hym and came in to the hall at E●tham and made a clothe to be layde on a table and so sate downe to dynner and lefte all other styll talkynge togyther Whan the duke of yorke knewe that he was at dyner he went to kepe hym company and after dyner whiche he made shorte the duke of Gloucestre dyssymuled the mater and tooke his leaue of the Kynge syttynge at the table and so departed and toke his
horse and rode to London and the erle of Derby abode styll with the lordes that daye and the nexte daye Thus they of Acquytayne coulde haue none expedicyon nor delyueraunce I Haue delyght to write this mater at length bycause to enfourme you of the trouthe for I that am auctour of this hystory was presente in all these maters and this valyaunt knyght syr Rycharde Surye shewed me euery thynge And so it was that on the sonday folowynge all suche as had ben there were departed and all their counsaylours except the duke of yorke who abode styll about the kynge and the lorde Thomas Percy and syr Rycharde Sury shewed my busynesse to the kynge Than the kynge desyred to se my booke that I had brought for hym So he sawe it in his chambre for I had layde it there redy on his bedde Whanne the Kynge opened it it pleased hym well for it was fayre enlumyned and written and couered with crymson veluet with ten botons of syluer and gylte and Roses of golde in the myddes with two great clapses gylte rychely wrought Than the kyng demaunded me wherof it treated and I shewed hym howe it treated of maters of loue wherof the kynge was gladde and loked in it and reed it in many places for he coulde speke and rede Frenche very well And he tooke it to a knyght of his chambre named sir Rycharde Creadon to beare it in to his secrete chambre And the same sonday I fell in acquayntaunce with a Squyer of Englande called Henry Castyde an honest man and a wyse and coude well speke Frenche He cōpanyed with me bicause he sawe the kyng and other lordes made me good chere and also he had sene the boke that I gaue to the kynge Also sir Richarde Sury had shewed hym howe I was a maker of hystories Than he sayd to me as here after foloweth ⸫ ⸫ ¶ The deuyse and of the conquest that kyng Richarde had made in Irlāde and howe he brought in to his obeysaunce four kynges of that coūtrey Cap. CC.ii. SIr Iohan quod he haue ye nat founde in the kynges courte sythe ye came hyder no man that hath tolde you of the voyage that the kyng made but late in to Irlande and in what maner the foure kynges of Irelande are come in to the obeysaunce of the kynge of Englande And I aunswered no. Than shall I shewe you ꝙ the squyer to the entent that ye maye putte it in perpetuall memorie whan ye retourne in to your owne countrey and haue leysar therto I was reioysed of his wordes and thanked hym Than he began thus and sayd Sir Iohan it is nat in memorie that euer any kyng of Englande made suche appareyle and prouision for any iourney to make warre agaynst the yrisshmen nor suche a nombre of men of armes nor archers The kyng was a nyne monethes in the marchesse of Irelande to his great cost charge to the realme for they bare all his expēses And the marchaūtes cyties and good townes of the realme thought it well bestowed whan they sawe the kynge retourne home agayne with honour The nombre that he had thyder getylmen and archers were foure thousande knyghtes and .xxx. thousande archers well payde wekely that euery manne was well pleased but I shewe you bycause ye shulde knowe the tronthe Irelande is one of the yuell countreis of the worlde to make warre vpon or to bring vnder subiection For it is closed strongely and wyldely with highe forestes and great waters and maresshes and places inhabytable It is harde to entre to do them of the countrey any dōmage nor ye shall fynde no towne nor persone to speke with all For the men drawe to the woodes and dwell in caues and small cotagꝭ vnder trees and among busshes and hedges lyke wylde sauage beestes And whan they knowe that any man maketh warre agaynst thē and is entred in to their coūtreis than they drawe toguyder to the straytes and passages and defende it so that no man can entre in to thē And whan they se their tyme they wyll sone take their aduauntage on their enemyes for they knowe the countrey and are lyght people For a man of armes beyng neuer so well horsed and ron as fast as he can the yrisshe men wyll ryn a fote as faste as he and ouertake hym yea and leape vp vpon his horse behynde hym and drawe hym fro his horse for they are stronge men in the armes and haue sharpe weapons with large blades with two edges after the maner of darte heedes wherwith they wyll slee their enemy they repute nat a man deed tyll they haue cutte his throte and opyn his bely and taken out his herte and cary it awaye with thē some saye suche as knowe their nature that they do eate it and haue great delyte therin they take no man to raunsome And whan̄e they se at any encountre that they be ouermatched than they wyll departe a sonder and go and hyde theym selfe in busshes wodes hedges and caues so that no man shall finde theym Also syr Wylliam of Wyndsore who hath moste vsed the warres in those parties of any other englysshe man yet he coulde neuer lerne the maner of the countrey nor knowe their condycions They be herde people and of rude engen and wytte and of dyuers frequentacyons and vsage they sette nothyng by iolyte nor fresshe apparell nor by noblenesse for though their rleame be soueraynly gouerned by kynges wherof they haue plentie yet they wyll take no knowledge of gentylnesse but wyll contynewe in their rudenesse acordynge as they are brought vp Trouthe it is that foure of the princypall kynges and moste puyssaunt after the maner of the countrey are come to the obeysaunce of the kynge of Englande by loue and fayrenesse and nat by batayle nor constraynte The erle of Ormonde who marcheth vpon them hath taken great payne and hath so treated with them that they came to Duuelyn to the kynge and submytted them to hym to be vnder the obeysaunce of the crowne of Englande wherfore the kyng and all the realme reputeth this for a great and an honourable dede and thynketh this voyage well be stowed for kynge Edwarde of good memory dyd neuer so moche vpon them as kynge Rycharde dyde in this voyage The honour is great but the profite is but lytell For though they be kynges yet no man can deuyse nor speke of ruder personages I Shall shewe you somwhat of their rudenesse to the entente it maye be ensample agayne people of other nacyons I knowe it well for I haue proued it by them selues For whan they were at Duuelyn I hadde the gouernaunce of them about a moneth by the kynges commauudement and his counsayle to th entent that I shulde lerne them to vse them selfe accordyng to the vsage of Englande bycause I coulde speke their language as well as Frenche or Englysshe for in my youthe I was brought vp amonge theym I was with the erle of Ormonde
tyme I demaunded thē of their beleue wherwith they were nat content and sayd howe they beleued on god and on the trynite aswell as we Than I demaūded on what pope was their affection The aunswered me on hym of Rome Than̄e I demaunded if they wolde nat gladly receyue the order of knyghthode and that the kyng of Englande shulde make thē knyghtes accordynge to the vsage of Fraūce and Englande and other countreis they aunswered howe they were knyghtes all redye and that suffyced for theym I asked where they were made knyghtes and howe and whan They answered that in the age of seuyn yere they were made knyghtes in Irelande And that a kynge maketh his sonne a knyght and if the sonne haue no father alyue than the nexte of his blode maye make hym knyght And than̄e this yonge knyght shall begyn to iuste with small speares suche as they maye beare with their case and rynne agaynst a shelde sette on a stake in the felde and the more speares that he breaketh the more he shal be honoured I knewe their maner well ynough though I dyde demaūde it But than I sayd that the knighthode that they had taken in their youthe suffyced nat to the kynge of Englande But I sayde he shulde gyue theym after another maner They demaunded howe I aunswered that it shulde be in the holy churche whiche was the moost worthyest place Than they enclyned somewhat to my wordes Within two dayes after the erle of Ormonde came to thē who coude right well speke the langage for some of his landes laye in those parties He was sente to them by the kynge and his coūsayle They all honoured hym and he them Than he fell in swete communycacion with them and he demaunded of them howe they lyked me They aunswered and sayde well for he hath well shewed vs the vsage of this countrey wherfore we ought to thanke him and so we do This aunswere pleased well the erle of Ormonde Than he entred lytell and lytell to speke of the order of chiualry whiche the kyng wolde they shulde receyue He shewed it them fro poynt to poynt howe they shulde behaue them selfe and what parteygned to knyghthode The erles wordes pleased moche these four kynges whose names were these Fyrst the great Ancle kyng of Mecte The seconde Brine of Thomōde kynge of Thomonde The thyrde Arthure of Mackequemur kynge of Lynster The fourthe Conhue kyng of Cheueno Darpe They were made knightes by kyng Richarde of Englande in the Cathedrall churche of Duuelyn dedycate of saynt Iohan Baptyst It was done on our lady day in Marche as than it fell on a Thursday These four kynges watched all the night before in the churche and the nexte daye at highe masse tyme with great solēpnyte they were made knightes and with them sir Thomas Orphen sir Ioatas Pado and sir Iohan Pado his cosyn These kynges sate that day at the table with kyng Rycharde They were regarded of many folkes bicause there behauyng was straunge to the maner of Englande and other countreis and euer naturally men desyre to se newelties Than I sir Iohn̄ Froissart sayde Henry I beleue you well I wolde it had cost me largely that I had been there And surely this yere past I hadde come hyder and it hadde nat been for that I herde of the dethe of quene Anne of Englande whiche dyde lette me But one thynge I wolde desyre of you to knowe howe these four kynges of Irelande came so soone to the kynge of Englandes obeysaunce whan kynge Edwarde the kynges graunfather who was so valyaunt a prince and so redouted ouer all coude neuer subdue them nor putte them vnder and yet he had alwayes warre with thē and in that they are subdued nowe ye sayd it was by treatie and by the grace of god In dede the grace of god is good who so can haue it it is moche worthe But it is sene nowe a dayes that erthely princes getteth lytell wtout it be by puissaūce I desyre to know this for whan I shall cōe in to Heynalt of which countrey I am of I shal be examyned of this and many other thynges bothe by duke Aubert of Bauier erle of Heynalte of Holande and of zelande and also by his sonne Wyllm̄ of Bauyere who writeth hym selfe lorde of Frese whiche is a great countrey and a puissaunt whiche coūtrey the sayd duke and his sonne claymeth to haue by ryght successyon and so dyde their predecessours before them but the Fresons wolde neuer fall to any reason nor come vnder obeysaūce nor as yet do nat vnto this day than answered sir Henry Christall sayd Sir Iohan to shewe you the very trouth I can nat but as many a one saythe it is to suppose that the great puissaūce that the kyng had ouer with him and taryed there in their countrey nyne monethes and euery man well payed abasshed the yrisshe men Also the see was closed fro them on all partes wherby their lyuēges and marchaūdises myght nat entre in to their countreys thoughe they that dwell farre within the realme cared lytell for it for they knowe natte what marchaundyse meaneth nor they lyue but grosely and rudely like vnto beestes yet suche as lyueth on the marchesse of England and by the See coost vse feate of marchaundyse with vs and in to other places Kynge Edwarde of noble memorie in his tyme had to answere so many warres what in Fraūce Bretayne Gascone and Scotlande so that his people were deuyded in dyuers places sore occupyed wherfore he coude nat sende no great nombre in to Irelande But whan the Irysshmen sawe the great nombre of men of warre that kyng Rycharde hadde in Irelande this laste iourney The yrisshmen aduysed them selfe and came to obeysaūce And in dede of olde tyme there was a kyng in Englāde named Edwarde who is a saynt and canonysed and honoured through all this realme In his tyme he subdued the Danes disconfyted them by batayle on the See thre tymes And this saint Edwarde kyng of Englande lorde of Irelande and of Acquitayn the yrisshmen loued and dredde hym moche more than any other kyng of Englande that had been before And therfore our souerayne lorde kyng Richarde this yere past whan he was in Irelande in all his armories and deuyses he lefte the beryng of the armes of Englande as the lybardes flour delyces quarterly and bare the armes of this saynt Edwarde that is a crosse patent golde and goules with four white martenettes in the felde wherof it was said the yrisshmen were well pleased and the soner they enclyned to hym For of trouthe the predecessours of these four kynges obeyed with faithe and homage to the sayd kyng Edwarde and they repute kynge Richarde a good man and of good cōscience and so they haue done to hym faithe homage as they ought to do and in like maner as their predecessours sōtyme dyde to saynt Edwarde Thus I haue shewed you
the maner how the kyng our souerayne lorde hath this yere accomplysshed and furnysshed his voyage in Ireland put it in your memoriall to the entent that whan ye shall retourne in to your owne countrey ye may write it in your cronicle with many other hystories that depende to the same matter Than I thanked hym and sayd it shulde be done So I toke leaue of hym Than I mette with Marche the heraulde and I demaūded of hym what armes this Henry Christell bare and I shewed the heraulde howe this sir Henry had shewed me the maner of the kynges torney in Irelande and the state of the foure kynges who had ben as he sayd in his gouernyng more than fyftene dayes at Duuelyn The heraulde answered me and sayd Sir he beareth in his armes Syluer a cheuerne goules thre besans goules All these thyngꝭ I dyde putte in writynge bycause I wolde nat forgette them THus I taryed in the kynge of Englandes courte as longe as it pleased me nat always in one place for the kynge often tymes remoued to Eltham to Ledes to Kyngstone to Shene to Charsey or to Wyndsore aboute the marchesse of London And I was enformed of a trouthe that the kyng wrote to his vncle the duke of Lancastre for they of Acquitayne spedde so in their busynesse that their countrey abode styll to the crowne of Englande Than̄e it was concluded by generall counsayle of Englande that the gyfte that the kynge hadde gyuen to the duke of Lancastre must nedes abyde styll as his owne howe be it the duke of Gloucestre wolde that his brother myght haue enioyed the kynges gyfte but his saying coulde nat be herde in that case For they of the Realme of Englande bycause of doutes and casualtyes in tyme to come herde well the wordes of theym of Burdeaux and of Bayone And consydred well that yf the herytage of Acquitaygne were putte fro the Crowne of Englande it shulde be in tyme to come a great preiudice to the realme whiche they wolde in no wise shulde fortune for alwayes Burdeux Bayon and the frōters and marches of Gascon had kept augmented greatly the honour of the realme of Englande These thyngꝭ were well cōsydred of the wyse men of the kynges coūsayle the duke of Gloucestre absent for before hym no man durst speke so the mater abode in this case ¶ We shall leaue of this matter and speke of the kynge of Englandes ambassadours as the erle of Rutlande and therle marshall and other that were sente in to Fraunce to treate of the maryage bytwene kynge Rycharde their lorde and the doughter of Charles Frenche kyng who was but eyght yeres of age and I shall shewe you howe they spedde ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the ambassade that the kynge of Englande sente in to Fraunce to treate of the maryage bytwene the lady Isable the Frēche kynges eldest doughter and hym selfe and of the louyng answere they had Capi. CC.iii THese Englysshe lordes rode fro Calais to Amyence and to Clermount in Beauuosyn so to Parys and ī euery place they were well receyued by the cōmaundement of the frenche kyng They were lodged about that crosse of Tyrouer They were a fyue hundred horses The Frenche kynge was lodged at the castell of Lour and the quene and her chyldren at the house of saynt Poule vpon the ryuer of Seyne The duke of Berrey at the house of Nesle the duke of Burgoyne at the house of Arthoyse and the duke of Burbone in his owne house the duke of Orlyaūce the erle of saynt Poule and the lorde of Coucy at their owne houses The kynge had assembled there all his counsayle to the entent to make the better answere to thembassadours of Englande The kyng had cōmaūded that euery day there shulde be delyuered to these ambassadours two hūdred crownes of Frāce for their small expences and for their horses And the chiefe of these Englysshe lordes as the erle Marshall and therle of Rutlāde were often tymes with the kynge and dyned with hym they had as good there as coulde be deuysed for the loue of the kynge of Englāde These lordes desyred euer to haue an answere they were euer fedde forthe with fayre wordes For the noble men of Fraunce had great marueyle of the requestes of the Englysshe men And that the kynge of Englande wolde marry with Fraunce seynge that the warre had ben so cruell and so long endured And some of the Frenche kynges counsayle sayd howe maye our kyng agree to gyue his doughter in maryage to his aduersary or this treatie shulde be made We thynke we shall haue peace with Englande by some other wayes though it be nat by the meanes of maryage And as at that tyme there was a valyaunt knyght of the Frenche kynges counsayle called sir Raynalt of Corby He was a farre castyng man and consydred what myght fall in tyme to come Than̄e he sayd to the kyng and to his vncles My lordes and maysters A man shulde entre in at the ryght dore in to a house It semeth that kyng Richarde of Englāde wolde nothyng to you nor to the realme but loue and all fauour seynge that by reason of maryage he wolde alye hym to you Two tymes your counsaylours and his haue mette toguyder at Amyence and at Balyngham to treate for a peace yet they coulde neuer take no good conclusyon but on the state of a truce And sir it is well knowen that Thomas duke of Gloucestre kyng Richardes vncle is of a cōtrary opinyon against the king and his other two vncles the dukes of Lācastre of yorke The kyng nor other can nat make hym agre wyllingly to haue peace howe be it his puissaunce canne natte resyst the kynges power Therfore sir after myne opynyon receyue this offre and refuce nat this treatie and let these lordes haue suche aunswere as maye cōtent them Than the kyng and his vncles agreed therto and specially the duke of Burgoyne for he was so sore charged by reason of the warres that gladly he wolde haue peace and the prīcypall cause was bycause of Flaūders wherof he claymed to be lorde by reason of his wyfe bycause that countrey marched vpon Englande And also the hertes of the Flemynges were rather Englysshe than Frenche bycause of the entrecourse of marchaundyse bytwene England Flaunders by See and by lande THan it was concluded by the Frenche kynges counsayle that there shulde be as good there made to the Englysshmen as was before And whether it was by dissymulacyon or otherwyse the frenche men were determyned to make a good and a swere aunswere to the englisshe men and to put them in hope that the kynge of Englande shulde haue his desyre The quene and her chyldren laye at the house of faynt Powleꝭ and where as the Englysshe lordes desyred to se theym it was graunted to them and specyally to se her for whome their treatie was than it was shewed them that they muste be content howe so
euer they founde her for they sayde she was but a yonge chylde of eyght yere of age wherfore they sayd there coulde nat be in her no great wysdome nor prudence howe be it she was indoctryned well ynough and that the lordes founde well whan they sawe her The Erle Marshall beynge on his knees sayde to her Fayre lady by the grace of god ye shall be our lady and quene of Englande Than aunswered the yonge lady well aduysedly without counsayle of any other person Syr quod she and it please god and my lorde my father that I shall be quene of Englande I shall be glad therof for it is shewed me that I shall be than a great lady Than she toke vp the erle Marshall by the hande and ledde him to the quene her mother who had great ioy of the answere that she had made and so were all other that herde it The maner countenaunce and behauoure of this yonge lady pleased greatly the Ambassadours and they sayd amonge them selfe that she was lykely to be a lady of hygh honoure and great goodnesse Thus whan these lordes of Englande had ben at Parys a twenty dayes and their costes and charges payed for by the frenche kynge a reasonable aunswere was gyuen them so that they were put in great hope to bringe aboute that they came for howe be it the frenche men sayd it coulde nat be doone shortly bycause the lady was so yonge and also she was fyansed to the duke of Bretayns eldest sonne wherfore they sayd they must treat to breke that promesse or they coude procede any further in that mater and thervpon the frenche kynge and his counsayle shulde sende into Englande the next lent after to shewe howe the matter wente And whan the dayes begyn to encreace and waxe fayre Than the kynge of Englande to sende agayne in to Fraunce whome it shulde please hym and they shulde be welcome With this aunswere the englysshe men were contented and toke leaue of the quene and of her doughter and of the kynge and of all other and departed fro Paris and toke the same way they came and so retourned to Calays and than in to Englande and the two erles rode in post before their company to bringe tydynges to the kyng ▪ they rode fro Sandwiche to Wynd sore in lesse thanne a daye and an halfe The kynge was ryght ioyouse of their comynge and was well contente with the frenche kynges aunswere He set the mater so to his herte that he toke great pleasure therin and tooke hede to none other thynge but studyed howe he myght bringe it aboute to haue the frenche kinges doughter to wyfe ON the othersyde the Frenche kynge and his counsayle studyed daye and nyght howe they myght make this maryage with Englande to the honour of the realme of Fraunce There were many in the realme of Fraunce that sayd that if they had been called to these treatyes and our wordes herde the kynge of Englande shulde neuer haue the doughter of Fraunce for any maner of peace What good shulde it be for Fraunce seynge the trewce bytwene them endured but for two yere to come and than shall we fall agayne in warre and eche of vs hate other as we haue doone before The dukes of Berrey and Orlyance were of the same opynion and dyuers other lordes of Fraūce But the king the duke of Burgoyne and the chauncellour of Fraunce enclyned to this maryage and gladde to haue peace reseruyng alwayes the honour of the Realme The same tyme there was a squier in Fraunce of the nacyon of Normandy in the countrey of Caulx he had in his dayes ben sore traueyled in farre parties and as than he was newly retourned into Fraūce his name was Robert le menuot but as than he was called Robert the Hermyte he was relygyous and of good lyfe of the age of fyfty yere he had been at the treaties that was holden at Balyngham at whiche tyme he was well herde and howe he entred than in to that treatie I shall shewe you ⸪ ¶ Of a Squyer named Roberte the Hermyte howe he was sente to the treaties of the peace holden at Balyngham howe he was after sente in to Englande to kynge Rycharde and his vncles Cap. CC.iiii SO it was whan this Roberte the Hermyte returned in to Fraūce out of the parties of Surey and toke shyppyng at Baruch Whyle he was vpon the see a great tempest of wynde rose in suche wyse that they feared to be perysshed and euery man tell to make his prayers to god And at the ende of this tempest and that the wether began to waxe fayre and clere there apered to Robert the Hermyte an ymage more clere than Crystall and sayd thu● Robert thou shalte issue and escape this parell and all thy company for loue of the for god hath herde thyne orisons and prayers and he sendeth the worde by me that thou shuldest make hast in to Fraunce and go to the kynge and shewe him thyne aduenture and say vnto him that in any wyse he enclyne to haue peace with his aduersary kynge Rycharde of Englande and amonge them that be treaters of the peace preace thou forthe and shewe them thyne aduysyon for thou shalte be herde and say that all suche as be of the contrary opinyon against the peace shall bye it derely in their lyfe tyme in this worlde And therwith the clerenesse and voyce vanysshed away Than Robert abode in a great study but he remembred well what he hadde sene and herde by the deuyne inspyracyon And after this aduenture they had fayre wether and the wynde at their wysshynge and than aryued in the Ryuer of Gennes and there Robert the Hermyte toke leaue of his company and went by lande fro thence tyll he came to Auygnon And the fyrst thynge he dyd he went to the churche of saynt Peter and there foūde a good vertuous man a penytenser and of hym he was cōfessed and shewed hym all his aduenture and demaunded counsayle what was best to do Than his goostly father charged hym in any wyse that he shulde speke nothynge of this mater tyll he had shewed it fyrste to the frenche kynge and loke what counsayle the kynge dyd gyue him so to do This Robert folowed his counsayle and arayed hym selfe in symple habyte all in gray and so poorely departed fro Auygnon and iourneyed so longe that he came to Parys but the kynge was at Abbeuyle and the treatie beganne at Balyngham bytwene the frenche men and Englysshe men as ye haue herde before Than this Robert came to Abuyle and drewe to the kynge and a knyght of his acquayntaunce brought him to the kyng whiche knyght was of Normandy and was called sir Willyam Martell he was of the kynges priuy chambre Than Roberte the Hermyte shewed the Kynge all his hole iourney and aduēture The kyng herde hym well and bycause the duke of Burgoyne and syr Raynolde Corby chauncellour of Fraunce who were of the
duke of Gloucestre and so toke leaue of the kynge and of the lordes and came to London and the next day rode fyftene myle fro London to a towne called Brendwode and the next day to Plasshey and there he founde the duke and the Duchesse and their chyldren who ryght goodly receyued hym acordyng to his degre Than Robert delyuered hym his letters sent fro the frenche kyng And whan the duke sawe they were of credence he drewe this Robert a parte and demaunded what credence he had Robert aunswered hym and sayd syr I shall shewe therin to you at good leyser I am nat come to departe agayne so soone Well quod the duke ye be welcome This Robert knewe well ynough that the duke of Gloucestre was a sore dyslymulynge prince and contrary to any peace and thought it harde to breke hym fro his opinyon for he knewe well he was alwaies contrary to the peace whiche was well sene at the treaties at Balyngham for he neuer demaunded but to haue warre yet for all that Robert the Hermyte spared nat to speke to the duke on the forme of peace Alwayes he founde the duke colde in aunswers and sayd the mater lay nat in hym for he had two elder bretherne the duke of Lancastre and the duke of yorke to whome the mater partayned rather than to hym and also that if he wolde consent therto alone peraduenture the other lordes prelates and counsaylours of good townes wolde nat accepte it Well quod Robert the Hermyte for the loue of our lorde Ihesu Christ be ye nat contrarye to the peace for ye maye do moche and also ye se well howe the kyng your nephue enclyneth to the peace and wyll by maryage haue the Frenche kynges doughter by whiche coniunctyon shal be gret alyaunce of peace and loue Than the duke aunswered and sayd What though ye be beleued and herde at this tyme with the kynges and lordes of bothe realmes and that ye haue good audyēce with them and with their counsaylours the mater is so hygh and weyghty that it is conuenyent that greater personages than ye shulde me●le therwith I haue tolde you and often tymes I haue said that I shall neuer be contrary to the peace so it be to the honoure of the kynge and the Realme of Englande In tyme paste peace was taken bytwene the king our father and our brother the prince of Wales and kinge Iohan of Fraūce and the frenche party sworne and bounde vppon payne of sentence of the pope and yet it helde nat for the frenchmen fraudulently haue broken all couenauntes haue taken agayne possessyon of all the landes and lordeshyppes that were yelded delyuered at the peace makyng to our sayd souerayne lorde and father and to our predecessours and moreouer of the sōme of .xxx. thousande frankes that the redempcyon mounted vnto there is yet to paye syxe hūdred thousande frankes wherfore such maters to remembre troubleth sore our corages and we and many of this realme marueyle greatly howe the kynge our souerayne lorde leaneth to so yonge aduyse counsayle and regardeth none otherwyse the tyme passed and the tyme present but enclineth to alye hym by maryage with his aduersary and by that alyaunce dysheryte the Crowne of Englande his successours to come of the clayme of Fraunce Ah ryght dere lorde quod Robert our lorde Iesu Christ suffered passyon on the Crosse for vs all synners and pardoned his dethe to them that crucyfied him in lykewyse a man must pardon that wyll come to the glory of heuen and sir all yuell wylles hates and rancoures were pardoned the daye that the peace was made and sealed at Calays by our predecessours and nowe warres haue been a game newly renewed bytwene your men and ours I thynke surely through faulte on bothe parties for whan the prince of Wales duke of Acquytayne was retourned out of Spayne in to Acquytayne there were a certayne maner of people callyng themselfe companyons wherof the moste partye were englysshe men and gascons holdynge of the kynge of Englande and of the prince of Wales These people assembled them togyther and entred in to the realme of Fraunce without any tytell of reason wherby ensued mortall eruell warre greater than was before These companyons called the realme of Fraunce their chambre they were so set to do yuell dedes that they coude nat be resysted And whan the realme of Fraūce sawe and felte them so harmed by this people and sawe well the lengar they contynewed the more they multyplyed more hurte they dyd than kyng Charles of Fraūce sonne to kyng Iohan was coūsayled by his subgiettes to resyst subdue suche enemyes outher by warre or otherwyse and many great barons of Gascoyne came to the frenche kyng suche as said they were sore ouerlayde with their lorde the prince of Wales many iniuryes done to thē whiche they shewed to the frenche kynge they might nat nor Wolde nat suffre no lenger and so they beganne the warre bycause of their resorte to the prince of Wales Than this kynge Charles by counsayle of them and of his subgiettes enhardyed himselfe to the warre with these barones of Gascoyn for to mete against these companyons And in this newe warre many lordes retourned to the frenche kynge and dyuers lordeshyppes cyties townes and castels for the great oppression that the prince of Wales dyd to thē and consented to be done by his cōmyssioners Thus the warre was renewed wherby many great myschyefes haue fallen to the dystruction of moche people and countreys and the faythe of Christ sore febled and decayed the enemyes of god ryssen and coraged and haue all redy conquered moche parte of Grece the emperour of Constantynople hath nat the power to resyst the puyssaūce of the great turke called Basant Lamorabaquyn who hathe conquered the realme of Armony excepte all onely a towne standynge on the see syde called Tourche whiche the venysians and genouoys kepe agaynst the turke and the emperour of Constantyne the noble who is of your blode he was sonne to the emperoure Hugues of Luzignen and of my lady Mary of Burbon cosyn germayne to my lady the quene your mother he shall nat be able of longe to resyst the puyssaūce of this gret turke and if peace maye be had bytwene Englande and Fraunce as I trust by the grace of god it shall be than knyghtes squyers suche as demaunde for dedes of armes for their aduauncement shall drawe them to that parte and shall helpe kynge Lyon of Armony to recouer agayne his herytage and to put out the turkes for surely the warre hath ouerlonge endured bytwene Fraunce and Englande and surely who so euer it be that is or wyll be against the peace shall derely aunswere therto outher quycke or deed Howe knowe you that quod the duke of Gloucestre Syr quod Robert all that I say cometh by dyuyne inspyracyon and by a vysione that came to me vpon the see as I retourned fro Baruch●
in this warre that he wanne more than he lost He toke two tymes all the dukes vessell and plate of golde and syluer and dyuers other iewelles wherof he hadde great profyte The conclusyon of the warre and hate bytwene the duke of Bretayne and sir Olyuer Clysson was thus The duke of Bretayne lyke a great lorde as he was sawe well he coude nat come to his entent of sir Olyuer of Clysson and that he had ouer many frendes in Bretayne for sauyng their alegiaūce to the duchy of Bretayne All the bretons knyghtes squyers prelates and men of the good Cyties and good townes enclyned more to the lorde Clysson than to the duke And the highe barons dissymuled and had aunswered the duke that they wolde nat entremedle them with that warre but sayde they wolde gladly sette a peace and accorde bytwene thē Also the duke of Orlyaunce specially conforted couertly in many maner of wayes sir Olyuer of Clysson and he was alwayes ioyous whan he herde of his good spede in any of his entreprices The duke of Bretaygne who was a subtyle prince and ymaginatyfe and had endured moche payne duryng this warre and sawe well he was nat very well beloued with his owne people as the chyldren of the lorde Charles of Bretayne were the one called Charles of Bloyes who was slayne at the batayle of Alroy and Iohn̄ of Bretayne erle of Ponthieur and of Lymogines who had to wyfe the doughter of sir Olyuer of Clisson and the lorde Henry of Bretayne his brother and their suster the quene of Naples and of Hierusalem Also the duke sawe that he began to waxe olde that his chyldren were but yonge and ꝑceyued well he had no frendes in Fraūce except the duke of Burgoyne the duches his wyfe And he sawe well his chyldren shulde haue as fewe for by their mothers syde they came were issued of the membres and braunches of Nauer whiche generacion was nat ouermoche loued in Fraunce for the great myscheues that kynge Charles of Nauerre father to the duchesse of Bretayne had done in tyme past in Fraunce wherof the remembraunce as than endured And the duke sawe that if he dyed in that estate bothe with sir Olyuer of Clisson and with the erle of Ponthieur he than douted that his chyldren that were so yonge shulde haue ouer many great enemyes and also he sawe that the alyaunce bytwene hym and Englande began to waxe colde For he was enformed that the kynge of Englande shulde haue to wyfe the doughter of Fraūce thesame lady that was promysed to hym for his sonne and heyre The duke dyde cast all these doutes Than̄e all thynges consydered he ymagined to breke his herte without dissimulacion and make a ferme peace with sir Olyuer of Clysson with Iohan of Bretayne And wolde putte hym selfe at their pleasure to make amendes for all wrathes forfaytes and dōmages that euer they dyde to hym or to his men duryng the warre He wolde desyre nothynge but that they shulde take hym for duke of Bretayne and his children after hym accordyng to the artycles of the peace before made bytwene hym and the chyldren of sir Charles of Bloyes whiche charter of peace he wolde nat breke nor any artycle comprised therin And also to kepe and vpholde euery thyng that he had promysed to Iohn̄ of Bloyes his cosyn erle of Pō-Ponthieur And if he hadde nat his parte of the herytage of Bretayne suffycient he wolde putte the ordring therof without any dissymulacion to the vicount of Rohan and to the lordes of Dignan of Leon of Lauall and of Beaumont and of the lorde Iohn̄ of Harpeden Whan the duke of Bretayne had aduysed in hym selfe all this purpose without makynge of any man of his counsayle He called to hym his secratorie and in a chabre they two alone he caused hym to write a letter to sir Olyuer of Clysson as swetely amiably as coude be deuysed desyring hym that they might speke toguyder secretely on trust to haue good peace bytwene thē Whan this Letter was made deuysed and sealed Than he toke a secrete person cōmaundyng hym to go to the castell of Iosselyn and saye I do sende the to speke with my cosyn sir Olyuer of Clysson and salute hym fro me and delyuer hym this letter and bring agayne an answere And on payne of thy ly●e kepe this secrete and shewe no creature whider thou gost nor who dothe sende the. He tooke his iourney and spedde hym so well that he cāe to the castell Iosselyn The porters had marueyle whan they herde hym saye that he cae fro the duke of speke with their maister they wente and shewed their lorde therof Than he cōmaunded that the messanger shulde cōe to hym and so he dyde And well and wisely declared his message and delyuered his letter sealed with the dukes seale whiche sir Olyuer knewe ryght well and opyned reed the letter two or thre tymes the better to vnderstande it And in the redyng he had great marueyle of the swete wordes cretable and amyable that was comprised in the letter He studyed a season and at last sayd howe he wolde take aduyse and write agayne sir Olyuers men hadde great marueyle of this for before he had forborne no man of the dukes but outher he was slayne or putte in prisone Than̄e sir Olyuer wente in to his lecrete chambre and began to muse and ymagyn vpon these newes At last he apesed his yuell wyll in that the duke humyled hymselfe so moche towardes him and that he wrote so swetely yet he thought in hym selfe to proue the duke further or he aduentured hym selfe to go to the duke for he thought if he toke any hurte no man wolde bewayle hym if he lost hym selfe by folly Than he wrote a letter to the duke ryght swete and tretable but the conclusyon was that yf he wolde haue hym to come speke with hym that he shuld sende his son̄e and heyre to lye in hostage for hym tyll his retourne This letter was delyuered to the dukes varlet who retourned therwith to Wannes where the duke was there delyuered his letter The duke reed it and studyed a lytell and sayd I shall do it to the entence to treate louyngly with hym Than thē duke wrote a letter to the vycount of Rohan who was at the castell of Cayre Whan the vycount sawe the dukes letter he came incontynent to Wannes Than the duke shewed all his purpose and entencyon sayd Vycount you and the lorde of Mountbursier shall leade my son̄e to the castell Iosselyn and leaue hym there and bringe with you the lorde Olyuer Clysson for I wyll agree and make peace with hym The vicoūt sayd it shulde be done gladly So they toke the dukes sonne and heyre who was about the age of eight yere and ledde hym to the castell Iosselyn to the lorde Olyuer Clysson who receyued them ryght honorably And whan he sawe the chylde and the good affection
this tyme I wotte nat where better to enploye myselfe in any dede of armes wherin I wolde gladly knowe youre pleasure I wolde go in that honourable voyage with a hundred knyghtes and beare company with my fayre brother the duke of Burgoyne and my lady the duches shall can me gret thanke and many knyghtes and squyers of Haynalt wyll gladly holde me company Than duke Aubert as a man redy purueyed of aunswere sayd Guylliam what haste or wyll haue you to go in this voyage in to Hungery and in to Turkey to seke armes vpon people and countrey that neuer dyd vs any forfeyte thou hast no tytell of reason to go but for the vayneglory of the worlde Lette Iohan of Burgoyne and our cosins of Fraunce do their enterprise and do thy dedes aparte go thou in to Frese and conquere our herytage that these fresones by pride and rudenes do witholde fro vs and wyll come to none obeysaunte and to do this I shall ayde the. The wordes of the father to the sonne lyghtened greatly the herte of therle of Ostrenant who aunswered and sayd My lorde ye saye well and if it please you that I shall do that voyage I shall do it with ryght a good wyll ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the erle of Ostrenant enterprised to go in to Frese Cap. CC.vii THese wordꝭ bytwene the father the sonne multyplyed so moche lytell and lytell that the voyage in to Frese was taken and enter prised and one thynge helped moche the matter forwarde and that was The erle of Ostrenant had at that tyme aboute hym and nere of his counsayle a squyer of Haynalte called Ferebrase otherwise called the bastarde Vertayne a wyse man and a subtyll in feates of armes so that whan he herd of this he said to the erle Syr my lorde your father speketh well it is better for your honour that ye make this voyage rather than in to Hungery and ordayne you therto and ye shall fynde knyghtes and squyers of Haynalt and elswhere that wyll be gladde to kepe you company and shall ayde you to their powers to do this enterprise and if ye haue mynde thus to do I wyll counsayle you to go in to Englāde and to signyfy your enterprise to the knyghtes and squyers there and pray the kynge of Englande your cosyn that he wyll gyue lycence to knyghtes squyers and archers to go with you in to Frese at your wages englysse men be men of dedes and if ye haue them ye shall do your businesse the better And if ye may haue by prayer your cosyn therle of Derby in your company your voyage shall be moche the fayrer and your enterprise the more renomed The erle enclyned to those wordes for it semed to hym that his counsayle was good In lykewyse the lorde Gomegynes gaue hym counsayle and so dyd dyuers other These wordes anone spredde abrode in Haynalte Than there was acommaundement made to all knyghtes and squiers in Heynalt that none of theym shulde go out of the coūtrey to go in to Hungrey nor in to no place els bycause the erle of Ostrenant shulde ocupy them another waye and shulde leade them in to Frese We shall leaue speakynge of this busynesse and retourne to the voyage in to Hungery THus knyghtes and squiers in many parties had cause to awake and to take corage for the warres that were towarde in that season as well for the voyage in to Hungery as in to Frese The erle of Neuers auaunced his iourney and all knyghtes and Squyers were named and written that shulde go with him prouision was great and well ordeyned and for that he wolde be renomed in this voyage he was lyberall and mad great larges to many knyghtes and squyers that shulde go in his bande for the voyage was long and costely wherfore it was nedefull for thē to haue some ayde towardes their charges and the other lordes as the constable of Fraūce and the erles of Ewe and Marche the lordes Henry and Phylippe of Bare the lorde of Coucy the lorde Guy of Tremoyle the lorde Iohan Vyen admyrall of Fraunce Boucyquant marshall of Fraunce and Raynolde du Roy the lordes of saynt Powle of Mutterell and of saynte Pye the Hasell of Flaunders the lorde Loys of Brese his brother le Bourge of Montquell and other they were to the nombre of a thousande knyghtes and a thousande squyers all valyaunt men Euery man departed fro their owne houses about the myddes of marche and so rode forth by companyes and alwayes they founde the wayes open for the kynge of Almayne had cōmaūded through all his realme of Almayne and Boesme that they shulde haue all thynges necessary and that no vytayle shulde be witholden fro them These lordes of Fraūce thus rode forwarde to the ayde of the kyng of Hungery who shulde haue batayle with the great turke puyssaunce agaynst puyssaunce the twenty day of the moneth of May. These lordes passed Lorayne the countie of Bare the countie of Mountbelyart and the duchy of Burgoyn and entred into Ausay and passed the coūtrey and the ryuer of Ryn●●● many places and the countie of Fierte and so entered in to Austriche whiche is a great coūtrey and the entres and issues stronge and great desertes but they went with so good wyll and corage that payne and traueyle greued them nothyng The duke of Austriche made capytaynes in his countrey suche as made the lordes good chere and specyally to Iohn̄ of Burgoyne who was chiefe of that army All these lordes were apoynted to assemble in a cytie in Hungery called Bode ¶ Nowe let vs speke of other maters yE haue herde here before howe the kynge of England had sente in the same season suffycient ambassade to the frenche kyng and to his counsayle to haue to his wyfe Isabell the doughter of Fraunce whiche ambassadours were the archebysshop of Duuelyn the bysshoppe of Wynchester the erle Marshall the erle of Rutlande sonne to the duke of yorke the lorde Henry Clyfforde the lorde Beamonde the lorde Spenser and many other the frenche kyng had made them good chere and all his vncles and counsayls whiche ambassade were retourned in to Englande vpon good hope to atayne to their desyres The kynge of Englande for his parte all the wynter folowynge often tymes sent to the frenche kynge consernynge the sayd maters who was well enclyned to haue peace and to haue ende of the warre whiche had ouer longe endured These pursutes and treaties toke suche effect and the two kynges had writen so solemply eche to other that their maters drewe nere to apoynte so that suche ambassadours as were fyrst sent out of Englande in to Fraunce were than sente agayne and came to Parys and were lodged at the crosse of Tyroner and their men in the streat there aboute They were to the nombre of syxe hundred Thus they soiourned at Parys more than thre wekes ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the iudgemēt made in the parlyament for the quene
of Napoles agaynst syr Peter of Craone Cap. CC.ix. THe same seasone that the Englysshe men were at Paris quene Iane duches of Aniowe who wrote her selfe quene of Napoles and of Iherusalem was at Parys and pursued dylygently her busynesse She was a lady of great corage she pleted in parlyament for two causes The fyrst was for the herytage of the countie of Roussey agaynst the Erle of Brayne for Loys the duke of Aniou her lorde husbande had bought it and payed for it to a lady that was coūtesse of Roussey somtyme wyfe to the lorde Loys of Namure but afterwarde she was deuorsed fro hym for a reasonable cause as it was sayde The seconde sute this quene had was agaynst syr Peter of Craon she demaunded of hym the sōme of a hundred thousande frankes whiche she was redy to proue that he had receyued it in the name of his lord and mayster Loys kyng of Napoles Cysyll and Iherusalem her husbande whiche money was delyuered hym to haue payed in to Powell and or it was payed he herde howe his sayd mayster my husbande was deed Than he iourneyed no further but returned agayne in to Fraunce and kept styll the sayd sōme of money to his owne profyte and neuer made acompte to the sayde quene therof nor to her chyldren Loys and Charles but spente and wasted the money in pride and bobbans The quene layde to his charge that for faute of payment of the sayd money the realme of Napoles was loste and conquered by Margarete of Duras and by the heyres of the lorde Charles de la Paix by reason that suche soudyours as her husbande had to mayntayne his warres in Puell Calabre were nat payed their wages wherby many tourned to the Erle of saynt Seuyre and to Margarete of Duras and other departed and lefte the warres All these causes were put in to the Parlyament chambre at Parys where all causes were preposed shewed and demaunded and all the defences and aunsweres herde on all partyes Their plee had endured the space of thre yeres And though syr Peter of Craon were absent fro the parlyament yet his aduocates defended his cause and sayd though he had recyued the sayd sōme in the name of his lorde and mayster yet his mayster was as moche bounde to him as that sōme came to and more for the good seruyce that he had done to him This plee had endured so longe that it was necessary to haue a conclusyon and the lady made importunate sewte to haue iudgement The lordes of the parlyament consydred all thynges and sayd they wolde gyue no iudgement without both parties were present and syr Peter of Craon durste nat well apere in Parys bycause of the Kynges dyspleasure and the duke of Orlyance for the offence that he had doone to syr Olyuer of Clysson constable of Fraunce and without he were present they wolde gyue no sentence defynityue wher vpon the sayd lady pursewed to set hym clere in Fraunce and by her meanes he was pardoned so that he myght ryde and go where he lyst without any daunger except the sute that was bytwene her and hym for the sayd sōme of money So he was clerely dyscharged of all other charges and lordes ladyes made hym good chere I wote nat whether it were by dissymulacyon or otherwyse thus he was agayne at Parys holdynge as great estate as euer he dyd The same tyme he was apoynted to be one of theym to receyue and bringe the englysshe ambassadours to the kynge for he was a knyght that hadde sene moche and knewe moche honoure Than the daye was prefyxed that the iudgement concernynge the quenes maters shulde be determyned at whiche day there were present in the parlyament great nombre of the lordes of Fraunce to the entent that the maters shulde be the more autentyke There was the quene of Cicyll and Iherusalem and her sonne Charles prince of Thaurent and Iohan of Bloys called Iohan of Bretaygne erle of Ponthyeure and of Lymogynes and the dukes of Orlyaunce Berrey Burgoyne and Burhone and the erle of Brayne and the bysshoppe of Laon. And before theym the lady was herde to laye her tytell for the countie of Roussey And on the other parte there was syr Peter of Craon and many of his lygnage Fyrste iudgement was gyuen for the countye of Roussey and that was the herytage was remyssed and iudged in to the handes and possessyon of the erle of Brayne and to the heyres that shulde dyscende of the ryght braunche of Roussey reserued that the quene shulde haue agayne repayed to her all the money that kynge Loys her husbande hadde payed to the countesse of Roussey laste deed Of this iudgement the enherytours of the countie of Roussey to whom the herytage pertayned thanked greatly the lordes of the parliament Than suche as were ordayned to gyue the seconde sentence arose vp and sayde howe that by the sentence of the parlyament sir Peter of Craon ought to pay to the quene of Napoles duchesse of Aniowe the somme of a hundred thousande frankes in redy money or els his body to go to prysone tyll she were contented and satysfyed Of this iudgement the sayde lady thanked the lordes of the parlyament● and in contynent at the cōplaynte of the lady handes was layde on him by the kynges commaundement and so was ledde to the castell of Loure and there surely kepte So the lordes departed fro the parlyament Thus these two iudgementes were gyuen by the princypall occasyon of this lady duchesse of Aniou ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the conclusyon of the maryage ●aken at Parys bytwene the kynge of Englande Isabell eldest doughter to the frenche kynge and howe the duke of Lancastre remaryed Cap. CC.x. THe ambassadours of Englande were with the frenche kynge at Parys a xxii dayes and they had as good chere as coulde be deuysed and their maters tooke suche effecte that it was agreed that the kyng of Englande shuld haue in maryage Isabell the eldest doughter of kynge Charles and by vertue of procuracyon the erle Marshall fyaunced and espoused her in the name of the kinge of Englande and so she was called fro thens forthe quene of Englande And as I was enfourmed it was a goddly syght to se her behauour for all that she was but yonge ryght plesauntly she bare the porte of a quene ▪ Than all this mater concluded the englysshe men tooke their leaue of the frenche kynge and of the quene and of their doughter quene of Englande and of all other lordes and so departed fro Parys and retourned to Calays and so in to Englande The Kynge and other of his opynyon were glad of their retourne But who so euer was gladde of that maryage the duke of Gloucestre vncle to the kynge made no ioye there of for he sawe well that by reasone of that maryage and alyaunce peace shulde be bytwene the kinges and their realmes whiche greued hym without it shulde be greatly to the honour of the
mountante to the sōme of thyrty thousande pounde besyde the towne of Valencēnes who in lyke wyse dyd their deuoyre and also in the towne of Monts These thynges thus concluded the valyaunt princes the good duke Auberte and Giullyam his sonne erle of Ostrenant seynge the good wylles of his men was ryght ioyfull whiche was no meruayle for he sawe well that he was well beloued with his subgiettes and shulde be well fournysshed with money Than he had coūsayle to sende to the frenche kyng and to shewe him the enterprise of his voyage and to desyre ayde of hym and thyder was sent two valyaunt and wyse men that is to saye the lorde Lygne and the lorde of Ieumont who were two ryght valyaunt knyghtes and well beloued with the frenche men and specyally the lorde Lygne the kyng had made hym one of his chamberlayns and had hym in good fauoure he spake with the kynge and shewed hym the dukes entent and request to the whiche the kynge and his counsayle fauourably agreed specyally the duke of Burgoyner bycause his doughter was maryed to therle of Ostrenāt wherby he thought that in tyme to come after it shulde be to their profyte and to their heyres howe be it many great lordes and other spake of this iourney in dyuers maners Some sayd to what purpose dothe these heyno wayes desyre the kyng of ayde they haue ben in Englande sought for ayde there Hath nat the erle of Haynalt of late taken on hym the blewe garter to tye his legge withall which is the ordre in Englande it semyth therby he hath no great affectyon to Fraunce Than other that were ryght wyse answered and sayd Syr ye do wronge to say thus though the erle of Ostrenant haue taken the ordre of the garter yet for all that he is nat alyed with the englysshe men but he is fermly alyed with Fraunce Hath nat he in maryage the lady Katheryne doughter to the duke of Burgoyne whiche is a farre greater alyaūce than is a garter therfore neuer say but that he wyll loue and do pleasure to Fraunce by reason of his maryage rather than to Englande for y● garter wherfore the kinge shall do right honourably to ayde hym Thus the frenche men deuysed amonge them selfe and spake in dyuers maners both of that iourney and also of the iourney in to Hungery and in to Turkey agaynst Lamorabaquy and the turkes ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the army that the french kyng sente in to Frese in the ayde of his cosyns and the lorde Valeran Erle of saynt Powle and the lorde Charles de la Brete were capytaynes Cap. CC.xv THe frenche kynge assembled an armye of fyue hūdred speares as well of pycardes as of frenchmen and made capytayns ouer thē the lorde Valeran erle of saynt Powle the lorde Charles de la Bret who were valyaūt knyghtes and well expert in armes and they were apoynted to leade this company to the towne of Encuse in base Frese whe● as the assemble shulde mete and there to take the see to entre in to high Frese as they dyd Whan these two knightes the lorde Lygne and Iumont sawe the kynges good wyll and that these men of warre were dyspatched their wages payed they came to the kynge and thanked him and toke their leaue and retourned in to Heynalt to their lorde the duke Aubert and to the lorde Gillyam his sonne to whome they were right welcome for they had well sped There they shewed the good answere and good chere that they had with gyftes of great presentes whan duke Auberte knewe that the Frenche kynge had sente hym fyue hundred speares than he assembled all his noble men knyghtes squyers and other of Haynalt as the lorde of Vertayne seneschall of Haynalte who was a valyaunt man and greatly renomed in armes the lordes of Lygne and Comygnes who was made marshall and the lordes of Haureth of Nychelet of Lalyne of Hordayne of Chyne of Cantan of Quesnoy of Fleron and Iohn̄ his brother the lordes of Bouset and of Ieumont who were fresshe knightes on their enemyes also there was Robertle Rour and the lordes of Mōth●aulr of Foūtayns of Seuls and of Sars William of Hermes Pynchart his brother the lordes of Lens of verlamont of Ausealr of Trascigmes Octes Seaus●es Gyrarde his brother the lorde Dyctre and Iohan his brother Bridaulx of Montaguy Damaulx de la powle and Guy his brother the lorde of Mastynge syr Floridas of Villyers who was a valyaunt man and had doone many dedes of armes amonge the turkes and sarazins and sir Eustace of Vertayn Fierebras of Vertayne who was newly come out of Englande syr Rase of Montiquy the lorde of Rorsyn sir Iohan Dandr●gntes and Persant his brother dyuers other knightes and squiers All these he assembled at Monts and desyred them to go with hym and euery man to bringe with hym company acordynge to their degrees and that they wolde auaunce them to the towne of Encuse in base frese and theraboute and so to go with hym by seem to hygh Frese about the myddes of August next after there he sayd he wolde ●ary for them for he wolde go thyder before to moue the holanders and zelanders to serue hym in lyke maner Than these sayd knyghtes and esquyers of Haynalt without any contradictyon acorded to his desyre promysinge to do hym seruyce as his trewe subgiettes whiche they fulfylled in dede and dyligently prepared for the same so that by the begynnyng of the moneth of August in the yere of our lorde god a thousande thre hundred fourscore and syxtene they were all redy aparelled and assembled by companies at Anners there to take the water and fro thence to Encuse where the hole assemble shulde mete ¶ Nowe whyle this assemble was thus made in Haynalte it were to be demaunded if the ladyes and gentle women and other were ioyouse of this iourney We ought to say naye for than they sawe their fathers their bretherne their vncles their husbandes and their louers and frendes departe to that peryllous warre for some of them knewe well howe that in tyme paste the haynoways wente with their lorde in to Frese and neuer retourned agayne wherfore they feared leste it shulde hap so than to these as it dyd on their predecessours The duchesse of Brabant had defended all men in the countrey of Brabant no man to be so hardy to go oute of the countrey in that iourney The ladyes and gentlewomen of Haynalt desyred often tymes their frendes and louers to leaue that iourney but they coulde nat lette the mater howe be it they were sore displeased in their myndes with the basterde of Vertayne Fierebrase for they said he was one of the chyefe setters on of that busynesse Thus after that the duke Aubert and Guillyam his sonne had herde the aunswere of his men of Haynalte than he went in to zelande shewynge them his busynesse and they assented to his request by the chiefe settynge on of
was tyll Michelmas that the ꝑlyament at Westmynster shulde begyn And in the meane season great prouision was made at Calais and at Guysnes for the kynge and for other lordes sent fro the portes of Englande on that cost and great prouisyon was had out of Flaunders all came by see to Calais In lykewise for the Frenche kyng and for his brother the duke of Orlyaunce and his vncles other prelates and lordes of Fraunce great prouisyon was made at saynt Omers at Ayre at Tyrwyn at Arde at Mountoyre and at all other houses and abbeyes there about there was nothynge spared on bothe parties and specially the abbey of saynte Bertyne was well replenysshed of all thynges to receyue these kynges This ꝑlyament at Westmynster began at Mychelmas and it was ordeyned to endure .xl. dayes But it was abridged for the king wolde nat tary there but .v. dayes wherin he declared the thynges most necessary parteyning to the realme and specially that mater that touched hym selfe and the cause why he cāe fro Calais That done he retourned towardes Calais agayne and with hym his two vncles of Lancastre and Gloucestre and other prelates and lordes of Englande suche as were cōmaunded to go with him They spedde them so in their iourney that they came agayne to Calays The duke of yorke taryed styll in Englande and the erle of Derby to gouerne the realme in the kynges absence Whan the kyng of Englande was thus returned to Calais the lordes of Fraunce beyng in Picardy were aduertised therof Than the duke of Burgoyn and the duchesse his wyfe came to saynt Omers and were lodged in the abbey of saynt Bertyne As sone as the Frēche kyng knewe that the kynge of Englande was come agayne to Calais he sente to hym therle of saynt Poule to shewe hym what order was taken in Fraunce concernyng his maryage whiche the kynge of Englande was gladde to here Than̄e the duke of Lancastre and his sonne Beauforde of Lancastre The duke of Gloucester and Affren his sonne the erle of Rutlande the erle mashall erle of Huntyngton the kynges chamberleyne and many other lordes knyghtes squyers and ladyes rode with the Erle of saynt Poule to saynt Omers where they were well receyued of the duke of Burgoyne and of the duchesse and thyder came the duke of Bretaigne and had lefte the Frenche kynge at Ayre and his doughter with hym ye maye well knowe all the chere that coude be deuysed was made to the Englysshe lordes and ladyes and other at saynt Omers and the duchesse of Burgoyne made them a great dyner There was the duchesse of Lācastre and her sonne two doughters there was great gyftes gyuen of plate of Golde and syluer nothynge was spared in so moche that the Englysshe men hadde marueyle therof and specially the duke of Glocestre sayd to his coūsayle I se well there is great rychesse in the realme of Fraunce there was moche gyuen to hym to the entente to abate and to molyfie his rancour that he hadde agaynste Fraunce The lordes of Fraunce knewe well that he was alwayes harde to agre to the peace wherfore they shewed hym as moche token of loue and honour as they coude do He toke euer all their gyftes but alwayes the rancour abode styll in his hert for all that euer the Frenche men coulde do they coulde nat molifye his fell stomake for always he made herde answers as they treated for any peace The Frenche men be subtyle yet for all that they coude gette no hold of hym for his wordes and aunswers were alwayes so couert that they wyst nat howe to vnderstāde them Whan the duke of Burgoyne sawe his maner he sayde to his counsayle We lese all that euer we do to this duke of Gloucestour for as longe as he lyueth there shal be no sure peace bytwene Fraūce and Englande For he shall alwayes fynde newe inuencyons and accydentes to engender hate and stryfe bytwene bothe realmes for he entēdeth nor thynketh none other thynge If it were nat the truste that we haue in the kyng of Englande wherby here after to fare the better the kyng shulde nat haue to his wyfe our cosyn of Fraunce WHan the duke and duchesse of Burgoyne the coūtesse of Neuers the countesse of saynt Poule and the other lordes and ladyes of Fraunce hadde greatly feested the lordes and ladyes of Englande than there was cōmunicacion howe these two kynges shulde mete speke toguyder and howe the lady shulde be delyuered thervpon apoyntment was made and leaue taken on all partes The Englysshe ꝑtie returned to Calis to the kyng shewed what chere they had and what presentes had ben gyuen them These newes pleased well the kyng for he was gladde whan he herde any honour spoken of the Frenche kyng he was so in loue with hym bycause of his doughter whome he trusted to haue to his Quene Than anone after the Frenche kyng came to saynt Omers and was lodged in the abbey of saynt Bertyne and dislodged all other that were there before and had the duke of Bretayne in his company And than it was ordayned that the dukes of Berrey of Burgoyne and of Burbone shulde go to Calis to speke with the kynge of Englande SO they came to Calays and were ioyouslye receyued had as good chere as coulde be deuysed These thre dukes had secrete communycacion with the kynge and his counsayle so that many bothe of Fraunce and of Englande reputed that there was a peace concluded bytwene Fraunce and Englande And in dede it was nere at a poynt and the duke of Gloucester agreed well therto as at that tyme. For the kyng of Englande hadde promysed hym if he wolde agree to the peace to gyue his son Affren the erldome of Rochester in herytaūce and to make hym spende yerely in reuenewes two thousande pounde sterlyng and to gyue to hym selfe as soone as he came in Englande in redy money fyftie thousande nobles so that by reason of these gyftes the duke of Gloucestours hardnesse was well aleyed So that the lordes of Fraunce sawe well his opinyons were nat so obstynate as they were before for they founde hym than swete and meke Whan̄e euery thynge was ordeygned of that they came for they tooke leaue of the kynge and other and retourned to saynt Omers to the Frenche kynge and shewed howe they hadde spedde Than the Frenche kyng wente to the bastyde of Arde and the duke of Burgoyne to Mountoyre and the duke of Bretaygne to the towne of Esque and the duke of Berrey to Balyngham And in euery ꝑte all aboute there were pyght vp Tentes and Pauilyons and all the countrey full of people what of Fraūce and of Englande The kynge of Englande came to Guysnes and the duke of Lancastre with hym and the duke of Gloucestre to Hāmes Thus on a Fridaye beyng the euyn of Symon and Iude in the yere of oure lorde god a thousande thre hundred fourscore and sixtene about tenne
londoners agaynst the kynge So it was the same yere that the truce was made bytwene Englande and Fraunce to endure for thyrty yere and that the kynge was retourned agayne in to Englande with his yonge wyfe than the duke of Gloucestre enfourmed the Londoners and sayd Syrs make ye a request to the kynge and it shall be reasonable desyre that seynge he hath peace with his enemyes that ye may be franke and fre fro all subsydies and aydes that hath ben graunted this twenty yere past affyrmyng howe they were nat graunted but durynge the seasone of the warre for ye syrs quod the duke that be marchauntes are yuell entreated and sore oppressed to pay of euery hundred florens .xiii. and all these goodes are spent in ydlenesse in daūsynge and makynge of feastes and eatynge and drinkynge and all ye pay for wherby ye be sore traueyled and shewe you to the kynge howe ye wolde that the realme of Englande shulde be gouerned acordinge to the auncyent customes and ye may say that whan the kyng hath any nede or the realme or for the honour of the coūtrey and for the defence therof howe that ye wyll be redy to ayde it in suche wyse that the kynge and his counsayle shall holde them content Thus by the settynge on of the duke of Gloucestre the Londoners and the counsayles of dyuers other cyties and townes of Englande assembled theym togyther and on a day came to Eltham a seuen myle fro London where the kyng was and whan they came before the Kynge they made a request of all these foresayd thynges and wolde that it shulde haue ben acomplysshed incontynent And whan this request was made there was with the kynge no mo of his vncles but two the dukes of Lancastre and of yorke Than the kynge charged the Duke of Lancastre to make theym an aunswere and than the duke sayd to them syrs the kynges pleasure is that ye departe home euery man to his owne and within a moneth assemble agayne togyder at London or at Westmynster there the kynge wyll be with his counsayle and his nobles prelates and other and they they wyll be redy to here your requestes and loke what shall be thought necessary by his counsayle the kynge wyll graunt it you in suche wyse that ye shall all be well contente This aunswere pleased many of them but nat all for there were some that were of the opinyon of the duke of Gloucestre who wolde haue had a shorter answere but the dukes of Lancastre and of yorke apeased them with fayre swete wordes and so they departed for that tyme. But for all that they left nat their pursute so that the next moneth after they assembled at Westmynster there be ynge the kynge with his counsayle and than there was present the duke of Gloucestre who greatly enclyned to their demaundes but at makinge of the aunswere he spake nat all that he thought in his hert but dissymuled the mater to the entent that the kynge nor his bretherne shulde nat perceyue his mynde Than the duke of Lancastre made the aunswere to the londoners for the kynge and sayd ye syrs of London and other the kynge hath cōmaunded me to gyue you a determynable answere to your requestes in his name and his counsayle and by the consent of other prelates and noble men of his realme Sirs ye knowe well to the entent to eschewe all parelles and daungers that myght come to this Realme there was a generall graunt made by you and other of the good cyties and townes of Englande that there shulde be raysed a tayle on the state of marchaundyse in maner and fourme as it hath tynne nowe vpon a syxe yere that was to paye of euery hundred .xiii. and by reason therof the kynge graunted and sealed to you certayne fraunchesses the whiche he is nat in mynde to take fro you but rather to encrease it dayly acordyng to your desertes but where as ye nowe wolde repell agayne that ye ones wyllyngly agreed vnto and graunted therfore here openly he repelyth agayne all suche graces and grauntes as he hath made to you before this tyme. Beholde here all these noble men and prelates haue sworne and promessed to the kynge to ayde and sustayne all thynges lawfully gyuen and graunted therfore syrs considre well that the state of the king is great and chargeable and if it augment in one maner it mynyssheth in another for the rentes and reuene was turneth nat to the kynges profyte as moche as it hath doone in tyme paste the kinge and his counsayle hath ben at great coste and charge sythe the warres renewed bytwene Englande and Fraunce and great charge it hath been to the kynge for suche ambassadours as haue treated bytwene the parties as well here as beyonde the see also the pursuynge of the kynges maryage hath coste gret goodes And though there be nowe peace bytwene the realmes yet the charge is great of kepynge of the garysons in townes and castelles beynge vnder the kynges obeysaunce as well in Gascoyne Burdeloys Bayonois Bygore and the marches of Gyan and Calays also in kepyng the see and the portes and hauens of Englande in lykewyse it is chargeable the kepyng of the fronters of Scotlande whiche may nat be vnprouyded and also the marchesse of Irelande All these thynges and other consernynge the kynges estate and honour of the realme draweth yerely great coste and charge whiche is farre better knowen by the noble men of the realme than by any of you that medeleth but with your marchaundyse Thanke god●irs that ye be thus in peace and take hede that none paye without he be worthy and occupye the feate of marchaundyse and as well payeth the straungers as ye do ye be at a freer marte than they of Fraunce or Lombardy or other Realmes whyther as youre marchaundyse repayreth for they be tayled and retayled agayne two or thre tymes in a yere and ye passe by a reasonable ordynaunce sette and assessed vpon your marchaundyse THese wordes or suche lyke spoken by the duke of Lancastre apeased greatly the people who were sette to do yuell by the settynge on of other Thus they departed at that tyme without any other thynge doynge and the moste parte of theym were well content and suche as wolde the contrary made no semblante therof at that tyme. The duke of Gloucestre retourned to his maner of Plasshey and he sawe well as at that tyme he coulde nat brynge his purpose to passe but styll he studyed howe to make trouble in Englande and to fynde the wayes howe to renewe the warre in Fraunce and he had of his acorde his wyfes vncle the Erle of Arundell who desyred nothynge but warre and they had doone so moche that they had drawen to their acorde the erle of Warwyke TTHe kinge of Englande had two bretherne by his mother one called Thomas Erle of Kente and the seconde sir Iohan of Holande a valyaunt knyght who had to his wyfe the
doughter of the duke of Lācastre he was erle of Huntyngdon and chamberlayne with the kynge it was he that slewe the sonne of Rycharde erle of stafforde as ye haue herde here before in this hystorie The sayde Rycharde erle of Stafforde had a squyer to his sonne who was with the duke of Gloucestre This erle of Huntyngdon moste cōmonly was euer in the courte with the kynge his brother and he knewe more of the dealynge of the duke of Gloucestre than any other dyd for couertely and wysely he made enquery and also he douted greatly the duke for he knewe he was fell and sodayne and hyghe mynded and sawe howe he kept his enemye aboute hym for the dethe of the yonge Stafforde and the peace therof was neuer made but the grudge therof contynued styll The kynge loued well his brother and bare him against euery man and the kynge sawe well howe his vncle the duke of Gloucestre was euer contrary to hym and was euer about to conspyre agaynst him and to styrre the realme to rebellyon so the kynge and his brother of Holande wolde often tymes comune togyther The same seasone the frenche kyng had sent the erle of saynt Powle in to Englande to se the kyng and his doughter the quene and to norisshe loue for the truce was made in suche maner and cōdycion that their subgiettes myght repayre eche to other in dyspyte of all their yuell wyllers the kynge and the erle of Huntyngdon made them good chere as well for the honoure of the Frenche kynge as for that he had wedded their suffer At that tyme the Dukes of Lancastre nor of yorke were nat with the kynge for they began somwhat to dissymule for they sawe well that the people in Englande beganne to murmure in dyuers places on the state and rewle that the kynge kept and that the maters were lykely to go yuell They thought they wolde nat be at the kinges cōmaundement nor at the peoples And all this came by reasone of the duke of Gloucestre and his company The kynge of Englande spared nat to shewe therle of saint Powle the state that Englande stode in and howe he founde alwayes his vncle the duke of Gloucestre harde and rebell agaynst hym and shewed hym all thynge that he knewe Whan the erle of saynt powle herde the kynge say in that wyse he had great marueyle therof and sayde howe it ought nat to be suffred and sayd Syr if ye suffre this they wyll dystroy you it is sayd in Fraūce howe the duke of Gloucestre entendeth to nothynge but to breake the peace and to renewe the warre agayne and that lytell and litell he draweth the hertes of yonge men of the realme to his parte for they desyre rather warre than peace so that the auncyent wyse men if the warre beganne to styrre they shulde nat be herde nor beleued for reason right nor iustyce hath no place nor audyence where as yuell reygneth therfore prouyde therfore rather betymes than to late it were better ye had theym in daunger than they you These wordes of the erle of saynte Powle entered greatly in to the kynges hert and made hym sore to muse and after that the erle of saynt Powle was retourned in to Fraunce the kyng of Englande shewed all this mater to his brother the erle of Huntyngdon who said to the kynge Syr my fayre brother of saynt Powle hath shewed you the trouth therfore take good aduyse in this mater ANd as I was enfourmed aboute a moneth after that the erle of saynte Powle had ben in Englande and retourned in to Fraunce a paryllous fame and renome ranne vpon the kynge in Englande and in a maner there was a generall brewte that the erle of saynt Powles cōmynge in to Englande was to treate with the the kynge that the frenche men myght haue Calayes in to their handes This brute greatly troubled and moued the people in Englāde in so moche that certayne of London roode to Plasshey to the duke of Gloucestre and shewed hym of that matter The duke apeased nat their wordes but rather augmented it more and more Sayenge howe he coulde nat do therwith But sayd he was sure that the frēche men wolde it hadde coste theym all their kynges doughters so that they might haue Calais at their pleasure This answere set the Londoners a fyre and sayde howe they wolde speke with the kynge and shewe hym howe the realme was nat cōtent Well quod the duke shewe it hym in good maner and make doute that the people wyll nat be contente And marke well what answere he maketh and shewe me therof the nexte tyme I speke with you and thervpon I shall gyue you counsayle what ye shall do farther It maye well be that there be some false traytours counsayleth the Kynge to the same There is the erle Marshall who is Capytayne of Calays who hath been two tymes in Fraūce and taryed at Parys and he was one of the chiefe procurers in the treatie for the kynges maryage with the doughter of Fraunce And these Frenche men are ryght subtyle and can driue their purpose a farre of and lytell and lytell pursue their ententes and wyll gyue largely to bringe about their purpose ACordynge to the dukes counsayle the Londoners on a daye wente to Eltham to the kynge at whiche tyme there was the kynges two bretherne the erle of Kent and therle of Huntyngdon the erle of Salisbury and the archebysshoppes of Caūterbury and of Duuelyn his confessour the lorde Thomas Percy the lorde Lysle Richarde Credon Iohan Boulofer and dyuers other knyghtes of the kynges chambre There these londoners right wisely shewed the kynge their ententes in a meke hūble maner and sayde howe the brute ranne that the kynge was about to delyuer vp Calais into the Frenche mennes handes The kyng had great marueile of these newes for it touched hym nere to the hert But right sagely he dissymuled the mater for that tyme and apesed the Londoners and sayd howe all that noise was wronge for it was nothyng so But for trouthe he said the erle of saynt Poule was come in to Englande for none other entente but to sporte hym and was sent thider by the Frenche kynge to se hym and the quene his wyfe Other marchaundyse the kynge sayde there was none bytwene them and that the kynge sware by the faythe that he owed to god and to the crowne of Englāde and said howe he had great marueyle wherof suche wordes shulde ryse Than̄e the erle of Salisbury sayde Sirs ye good men of London Go home to youre houses and be well assured that the kynge and his Counsayle wyll do nor entende to do any thynge but that that shal be for the honour and profite of this his realme of Englande And who so euer hath fyrst brought vp these wordes are yuell coūsayled and shewe well howe they wolde gladly haue this realme in trouble to haue the people to ryse agaynst the kyng whiche thynge
ye of London ought to feare for by reason of the laste rebellyon ye were in great paryll to haue been all vtterly dystroyed For whan yuell people be vp gouerne iustyce nor reason than hath no place Those wordes apeased greatly the Londoners were contented with the kynges answere and so retourned to the cytie of London And the kynge taryed at Eltham ryght pensyue and full of displeasure by reason of the wordes that he had herde and had stylle about hym his two bretherne and other suche as he trusted beste for he thought hym selfe natte well assured amogne his vncles For he sawe well howe they absented theym selfe fro his Courte and kepte them at home at their owne houses so that he was halfe in doute of them and specially of the duke of Gloucestre And so kepte dayly aboute hym a garde of a thousande archers YT was enformed the kynge of Englande of a suretie that his vncle the duke of Gloucestre and the Erle of Arundell purposed with puissaunce of people to take the kyng and the yong quene and to putte them in to a castell there to be kepte surely in an honest maner with meate drinke other necessaries And also howe there shulde be set four gouernours in the realme as the duke of Lancastre the duke of yorke to rewle fro the Temmys northwarde vnto the ryuers of Hūbre and Thyne of Thay ronnyng by the cytie of Warwyke comprehendynge all the signories of Northumberlande and the boundes of Scotlande And the duke of Gloucestre had all the rule of Lōdon and of the londoners and of Essexe cōprehendyng all the boundes of the See and thider where as the ryuer of Hūbre entereth in to the see and also of all the portes and hauyns aboue London to Hampton to Cornwall And the erle of Arundell he to haue the rule of the landes mouynge fro London bytwene Sussexe and Kent Arundell Surrey Deuonshyre and Barkeshyre and of all the hole signories bytwene the ryuer of Thamyse and Bristowe the ryuer of Syuerne whiche departeth Englande and Wales And they shall holde and do iustyce and reason to euery man But their entencyons is if they can fynde any reasonable waye to moue agayne and to renewe the warre bytwene Englande and Fraunce and that if the Frēche kyng wolde haue agayne his doughter he shulde for sithe she is but eight yeres of age paraduēture whan she cometh to .xii. yeres she may repente her and refuce her mariage bycause she was maryed in her youth And also it was no reason to dismary her fro the heyr of Bretaygne as it was promised And if whan she cometh to perfyte age that she wyll nat refuce her maryage Than she must abyde by right styll quene of Englāde and to haue her dowrye but in no wyse she shulde be crowned Quene And that if the kynge dyed or she came to laufull age than they purpose to sende her agayne in to Fraūce to her father This was shewed to the king for suche wordes were spoken by dyuers Englysshe men and specially by the londoners who coude nat loue the kynge And they repented them that whan the cōmons of Sussexe Kent and Essexe were vp and came to London in that they dyde breake their purpose for as some of them cōfessed they were in mynde to haue slayne the kyng the erle of Salisbury the erle of Oxenforde and all the kynges counsayle And if they hadde so done by meanes of the rebellyon the londoners than̄e shulde soone haue made a newe heed And by meanes of the duke of Gloucestre to haue founde some person to haue had the crowne and gouernynge of the realme and therby to haue brought the realme into a better case than̄e it was in as than Thus the londoners and suche other of their secte dayly murmured and had many secrete coūsayls All this the kynge was enformed of and moost faute was layde vpon the duke of Gloucestre KIng Richarde was abasshed of tentymes whan he herde sawe suche couert hate and yuell wyll borne against hym Alwayes he made louynge countynaunce to his vncle of Gloucestre and to the lōdoners but it aueyled hym nothyng On a daye the kynge sayd to his other two vncles of Lancastre and of yorke Sirs on goddes name I requyre you to gyue me your aduise coūsayls I am dayly enformed of asuretie that your brother myne vncle of Gloucestre the erle of Arundell and their complyces are mynded to take me ꝑforce by the agrement of the londoners and purpose to close me in a Castell and to order my fyndynge by certayne porcion my wyfe s in lykewise who is but yonge and to seperate her fro me and to kepe her estate in another place Fayre vncles this is a cruell maner and it ought nat to be suffred as long as I maye withstande it ye haue doone me homage and sworne to be trewe to me in the presence of kynge Edwarde of good memorie my graūtfather at whiche tyme all the great prelates and lordꝭ of this realme sware to kepe and maynteyn me as their kynge a .xx. yere paste Wherfore fayre vncles for loue and charyte and by the othe and promyse that ye haue made counsayle me trewly as ye are bounde to do For as farre as I can ymagin myne vncle of glocestre entēdeth on none other thing but how he might renewe agayne the warre bitwene Englande and Fraunce And to breake the peace whiche we haue confyrmed bothe you and all other of the realme by sweryng and sealyng and by the same composycion I am ioyned in maryage to the doughter of Fraūce without thynkyng of any yuell ye knowe well that who soeuer dothe contrary to that he is sworne vnto hath sealed to the same so proued dothe yuell ought to be punisshed therfore bothe in body and goodes And also ye knowe well that I forbeare myne vncle of Gloucestre as moche as I may do and take no regarde to thretnyng whiche myght cost me derely Vncles ye are bounde to coūsaile me sithe I demaunde it with reason whan they herde the kyng speke thus sawe well howe the mater sore troubled his mynde and that it touched hym nere and also they know well moche of his sayenge was trewe they sayd Sir suffre and lette the tyme ryn and passe We knowe well our brother of Glocestre hath the moost paryllous heed brayne of any manne in Englande But we knowe well he can do no more than a man maye do if he buylde on the one syde we shall buylde on the other as long as ye wyll be ordred by our coūsaile ye shall nat nede to care for our brother He saythe often tymes many thyngꝭ wherof foloweth none effecte He all alone nor they of his counsayle canne nat breke the peace that is taken nor can nat enclose you in any castell We shall neuer suffre that nor to be seperated fro your wyfe For if he saye so and
thinke it he is foule abused Therfore sir we humbly beseche you to apeace youre selfe euery thyng shall turne well with goddes grace All that a man speketh cōmeth nat to effecte nor all that he sayth oftentymes he can nat accōplysshe Thus the dukes of Lācastre and yorke apeased their nephewe kynge Richarde THese two dukes sawe well that the busynesse of Englande began to be yuell and parceyued that gret hatered encreased dayly bytwene the kyng the duke of Glocestre And to th entent that they wolde nat entremedell bytwene them they departed fro the kynges court with all their company and seruauntes and so toke their leaue of that kyng for a tyme and went to their owne And the duke of Lancastre toke with hym his wyfe the lady Katheryn Ruet who hadde ben in company with the yong quene of Englande and went a huntyng of the dere as the vsage is in Englande and the kynge taryed about London But afterwarde the kynges vncles repented them that they deꝑted out of the courte for there fell afterwarde suche maters in Englande that all the realme was in trouble the whiche had nat so fortuned if they had ben about the kynge for they wolde haue founde other prouisyon for y● mater than they dyde that counsayled the kyng There were none of the kynges seruauntes but that greatly douted the duke of Gloucestre and wolde gladly that he had ben deed they had nat cared howe the gentyll knight sir Thomas Percy had ben long souerayne squyer of the kynges house that is in Fraūce mayster and seneschall for all the state of the kynge passed throughe his handes He than cōsydring the great hatereddes that encresed bitwene the kyng and his vncle of Glocestre and among other great lordes of Englande with whom he was welbeloued Like a sage knight he ymagined that the conclusyons coude nat be good Thā he gaue vp his offyce as honorably as he coulde and tooke leaue of the kynge and the kynge gaue hym leaue full sore agaynst his wyll howe be it he made suche excusacions that he departed and another set in his offyce The kyng had as than but yonge counsayle about hym and they greatly douted the duke of Gloucestre and oftentymes wolde saye to the kynge Ryght dere sir it is a perylous thyng to serue you for we haue sene suche as haue serued you in tymes paste and suche as were ryght synguler in your fauoure yet they haue had but small guerdone Sir Symon Burle who was a sage valyaunt knight in good fauoure with my lorde your father whome god pardone He had great payne and traueyle for your fyrst maryage yet your vncle the duke of Gloucestour caused hym to dye shamefully his heed to be stryken of lyke a traytour before all the worlde with dyuers other that he hath put to dethe as ye knowe well for all the puissaunce that ye were of ye coude nat saue them And sir we that sarue you nowe looke for the same rewarde For whan your vncle cometh to you the whiche is nat often we dare nat lyfte vp our eyen to loke vpon any persone he loketh so hye ouer vs. he thynketh we do hym moche wrōg that we be so nere about you as we be Wherfore sir knowe for trouthe that as long as he liueth there shall be no peace in Englande nor ye shall do no mā good Also he thretneth you yor wife to close you vp in a castell there to beholden vnder subiection to lyue by porcion sir ye be a kyng lost if ye take nat good hede to your self as for your wife nedeth nat to care she is yong and doughter to the frenche kynge They dare nat displease her for moche yuell might come therby in Englāde your vncle of Gloucestre to th entent to make you to be behated with your people hath sowen dyuers sclaūdorous wordꝭ vpon you throughout Lōdon and in other places sayeng howe ye be nat worthy to beare the crowne nor to holde so noble an herytage as is the realme of Englande sythe ye haue taken to your wyfe the doughter of the frenche kyng your aduersary Wherby he saythe ye haue greatly febled the signorie and realme of Englande and hath sore discoraged the hertes of the noble valyant knightes and squiers of the realme who haue alwayes valyantly cōtynued the warre and yet wolde do Thus they saye that ye haue brought the realme in great paryll and aduenture to be lost affyrmyng howe it is pytie that ye haue been suffred to contynue so long as ye haue done Also the Frenchemen bruteth that ye wyll put out of your armes tharmes of Fraūce wherwith the people are nat conte●t hateth you therfore And they thynke it trewe bycause ye were so redy gladde to take a truce they thynke more rather byforce than by loue for the noble men of the realme who haue serued and maynteyned the warres neuer agreed therto Also they saye that ye haue nat dilygently reuisyted nor ouersene the letters patentes gyuen accorded sworne and sealed by kyng Iohan somtyme frenche kyng and by his sonnes the whiche graūt his children lyueng was nothyng vpholden but craftely broken And the Frenchmen founde cautels and subtelties by wrongefull wayes to renewe agayne that warre And therby toke and vsurped all the right that your predecessurs had in that quarell and hath wonne therby landes and countreis in Acquitany with cyties castelles and townes And all this they saye ye take no hede of but haue loste it thoroughe your neglygence and hath shewed but poore corage and that ye doute your ennemyes and haue nat pursued the accydentes of the mater and the good and iuste quarell that ye had and as yet haue the whiche quarell your predecessours had as longe as they lyued First my lorde your father the prince of Wales and of Ac●tayne and also good kyng Edwarde your graūtfather who toke great payne and dilygence to augment their signories Thus sir the londoners saye and so dothe other that a day shall come that ye shall repent you Therfore sir we can no lengar hyde these wordꝭ fro you for they be daylye renewed ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the duke of Glocestre was taken by the erle marshall by the cōmaundement of the kyng Cap. CC.xxiii KIng Richarde of Englād noted well these sayd wordes the which was shewed hym in secretenesse lyke an ymaginatyfe price as he was within a season after that his vncles of Lācastre and of yorke were departed out of the courte than the kynge toke more hardynesse on hym and said to hym selfe That fyrste it were better for hym to distroye another rather than another shulde distroye hym thynkynge that shortely he wolde haue his vncle of Gloucestre in suche case that he wolde be assured of hym that he shulde do hym no displeasure after bycause he coulde nat bring about his purpose alone he dyscouered his mynde to such as he trusted best as to therle marshall his
pope Clement yet he had neuer ferme beleue on hym But the prelates of the realme of Fraunce and specially Guy of Roy archebysshoppe of Reyns the archebysshoppes of Sens and of Roen and the bysshoppe of Ostune they had brought the duke to beleue on pope Clement Than̄e it was aduysed by the kynges secrete coūsayle that if they purposed to bringe the Churche to rest and peace to haue the accorde of Almayne Than was there sente suffycient ambassadours and clerkes of bothe lawes as maister Philyppe of Playes was one in to Almayne to the kyng of Boesme and of Almayne who wrote hym selfe kyng of Romayns This mater went so forwarde that a day was sette that the kyng of Almayne and his counsaile and the Frēche kyng and his coūsayle shulde mete ꝑsonally at the cyte of Reynes This mater was done secretely bicause the prelates cardynalles archebysshoppes and bysshoppes shulde nat breke their purpose that they were about They made it be noysed that the metyng of these two kynges and their counsayls at Reynes was for non other purpose but to treate for a maryage to be had bytwene the sonne of the marques of Blanquebourge brother to the kyng of Almayne and the doughter of the duke of Orlyaunce And so by reason and vnder colour of that mater they wolde common of other In this same seasone dyed at Nesues in Heynaulte the lorde Guye of Chastellone erle of Bloyes and brought to Valencēnes and buryed at saynt Fraunces in the Freres mynours in a chapell called the Chapell of Orthais he had done moche coste in the closynge of the sayd Freres and whan he dyed he was so in dette that the countesse Mary of Namure forsoke al his goodes and durst nat take on her the admynistracyon of his testament but retourned to her dowrie of the lande of Chinay and of Beaumonde his other herytages went to the heyres The duke of Orlyaunce hadde the countie of Blois for he had payed whyle the erle Guye lyued two hundred thousande crownes of Fraūce and the landes of Hollande zelande Heynaulte wente to the duke Aubert of Bauyere erle of Heynaulte And the lande of Dauesnes of Landrecier and of Lonnon in terreasse fell to Iohan of Bloyes called Iohn̄ of Bretaygne And if the erle had nat solde the countie of Blois the sayd Iohan of Bretaygne shulde haue been his heyre therof Consydre what a dōmage a lorde or any other may do to his heyre by gyueng credēce to yuell counsayle god forgyue hym ¶ Nowe lette vs retourne to the busynesse of Englande ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the dethe of the duke of Gloucestre and of the exle of Arūdell and howe the kynges vncles and the londoners toke the mater Capi. CC.xxvi YE haue herde here before of the couert hates that was bytwene kynge Rycharde of Englande and his vncle Thomas duke of Gloucestre whiche the kynge wolde beare no lengar but sayd and also was counsayled rather to distroye another man than hymselfe And ye haue herde howe the kyng was at Plasshey by crafte and coloure brought hym out of his owne house to London And by the waye about .x. or a .xi. of the cloke in the nyght therle marshall arested hym in the kynges name And for all that he cryed after the Kynge yet the kynge made a deafe eare and rode on before and so the same nyght the kynge laye at the towre of London but the duke of Gloucecestre was otherwise lodged For byforce he was put in to a Barge and out of the barge in to a shyppe that laye in the Thamise and the erle marshall with hym and all his company And dyde so moche that the nexte day by night they came to Calais without knoledge of any man excepte the kynges offycers of the sayd towne yE maye well knowe whan̄e the takynge of the duke was knowen at Pla●hey by the duchesse and her chyldren they were sore troubled and abasshed and thought well that the matter went nat well The duchesse demaunded coūsaile what was best to do of sir Iohan Laquyham The knight answered that it was best to sende to his bretherne the dukes of Lancastre and of yorke that they myght fynde some meanes to apeace the kynges dyspleasure For he sayde he thought that the kyng wolde nat displease them The duchesse dyd as the knyght counsayled her and she sente incontynent messangers to these two dukes who were farre a sondre who whanne they herde therof were sored displeased and sente worde agayne to the duchesse that she shuld be of good cōforte For they sayd they knew well the kyng wolde nat entreat hym but by laufull iudgement for otherwise they coude nat suffre it but as thanne they knewe natte where he was The Duchesse and her chyldren were somwhat conforted with their answere The kynge the nexte daye wente fro the towre of London to Eltham and there taryed The same night was brought to the towre of London as prisoners the erle of Arundell and the Erle of Warwyke wherof they of the cytie of London had great marueyle and made therof great murmurynge but none durst saye nay agaynst the kynges pleasure But all maner of people knightes squyers burgesses of good cyties townes of Englāde said We haue very well suffred the duke of Lancastre and the duke of yorke bretherne to the duke of Gloucestre They maye prouyde for this whanne it please thē We thynke they wolde well haue prouyded for the mater if that they hadde knowen the kynges entent agaynst their brother of Glocestre but bycause they were nat dilygent in the cause the matter is come yuell and lyke to haue an yuell conclusyon WHan the duke of Glocestre was brought to the castell of Calys than he feared hym selfe greatlye said to the erle Marshall For what cause am I brought out of Englande hyder to Calais Me thynke ye holde me as a prisoner Lette me go abrode and se the fortresse aboute Sir quod the marshall that ye desyre I dare nat do it for I haue the charge vpon you on payne of my lyfe The kynge my soueraygne lorde is a lytell myscontente with you Wherfore ye muste take pacyence here for a seasone tyll I here other newes and that shal be shortely by goddes grace For sir as helpe me God I am right sorie for your trouble if I myght remedy it But sir ye knowe well I am sworne to the kynge wherfore I must obey and so wyll I do for sauynge of myne honoure The duke coude haue none other aunswere But by that he sawe he feared greatly his lyfe And on a daye he desyred a preest that sange masse before hym that he myght be cōfessed And so he was at good leysar before the sacrament with deuout herte and cryed God mercy and was sore repentaunt of all his synnes And in dede it was tyme so for hym so to do for his dethe was nerer to hym than he was ware of For as I was enfourmed whan
the erle of Derby his sonne and also the duke of yorke and his sonne Iohan erle of Rutlande The kyng loued the erle of Rutlande beyonde measure who dissymuled the dethe of his vncle the duke of Gloucestre shewed howe he wolde gladly se a good peace bytwene the parties said howe he knew well that his vncle dyde wronge oftentymes agaynst the kynge The londoners in lykewyse consydred the great myschiefe that myght fall in Englande by the discencyon bytwene the kynges vncles the kyng and their alyaunces Also they consydred syth the myschefe was fallen of the duke of Gloucestres dethe that there was no recouery therin they knewe well it was bycause the duke of Gloucestre had been to lauesse of his tonge and wolde haue styrred the realme to haue broken the trewce bytwene Englande and Fraunce Wherfore suche as were wyse men in the cytie dissymuled the mater and thought it was no tyme to a mende it as than they feared the puyssaūce of Fraunce and lesynge of their marchaundyse Than beganne to treate and went as a meane bytwene the king and the duke of Lancastre who was in many imagynacions for the dethe of his brother troubled him sore Also he sawe howe his nephue kynge Rycharde was alyed by mariage with the frenche kyng Also the duke of Lancastre had .ii. of his doughters out of the lande one quene of Spayne a nother quene of Portugale by whome he thought he shulde haue great ayde if he made warre agaynst his nephue kynge Rycharde All thynges consydred the duke chaunged his courage at the desyre of the londoners and of other prelates of Englande who were meane bytwene the kyng and hym and by their meanes the kynge was agreed with the duke and peace made with that the kinge promysed fro thens forwarde to be gouerned by the duke of Lancastre and to do nothyng but by his counsayle and aduyse whiche promesse the kynge nothynge fulfylled but was counsayled by yonge and wylde coūsayle whiche was to his hurte and great dōmage as ye shall here after in this hystory THus the kyng of Englande had peace with his vncles bycause of the dethe of the duke of Gloucestre Than he beganne to reygne more fiersly than he dyd before The kynge went and lay in Essex where as the duke of Gloucestre had the chiefe rule whiche ought to haue pertaygned to Affcen his sonne and heyre but the kynge toke all for the ordynaunce in Englande was the kynge to haue the warde of all herytours chyldren orphelyns vnder the age of .xxi. yeres and than they to haue their herytages Thus the kinge tooke the wardeshyppe of his cosyn the duke of Gloucestres herytour and the kynge toke the possession profyte of all the dukes lande and kepte the chylde with hym And the duchesse of Gloucestre and her two doughters were with the quene The duke of Gloucestr● by enherytaunce was constable of Englande the kynge toke that offyce fro the right heyre and gaue it to his cosyn the erle of Rutlande The kynge than kept greate state than euer he dyd nor there had nat ben no kynge before in Englande that spente so moche yerely by a hundred thousande nobles as he dyd In lyke wyse the kynge had with hym the heyre of the erle of Arundell who was beheeded at London And bycause a knyght that was belongyng to the duke of Gloucestre called Cerbe spake at a tyme certayne wordes agaynst the kynge and his counsayle he was taken and beheeded Syr Iohan of Quynghay was in great parell but whan he sawe that the maters went so dyuersely as they dyd he dyssymuled as moch as he might and departed fro the duchesse of Gloucestres house and wente and dwelt in other places ¶ In those dayes there was none so great in Englande that durst speake agaynst any thynge that the kyng dyd or wolde do He had counsayle mete for his appetyte who exhorted hym to do what he lyst The kynge kept styll in his wages ten thousande archers night and day that wayted on him for he reputed himselfe nat parfytely sure of his vncles nor of the lygnage of Arundell ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Of the great assemble that was made in the cytie of Reyns as well by the emperour as of the realme of Fraūce on the state of holy churche Cap. CC.xxvii THe same seasone there was a great assēble of gret lordes in the cytie of Reynes what of lordes of the empyre and of Fraunce to the entent to bring the churche to a peace and reste for the frenche kynge dyd so moche that at his request his cosyn the kynge of Almayne came to the cytie of Reynes with his counsayle and bycause they wolde nat haue it brewted that they assembled there all onely for the mater by twent the popes the one at Rome and the other at Auygnon they made it to be noysed that they came thyder to treate for a maryage of the sonne of the marques of Blācquebourge with the doughter of the duke of Orlyaunce This Marques was brother to the kynge of Almayne The frenche kyng lay at the archebysshoppes palayes and there was with hym the dukes of Orlyaūce Berrey and Burbon therle of saynt Powle and dyuers other hygh barones and prelates of Fraunce And whan the kinge of Almayne entred in to the cytie all the lordes and prelates and kynge Charles of Nauer who was in lykewyse there went to mete with hym and receyued hym honourably Fyrste they brought hym to our lady churche and after in to the abbey of saynt Remy there the kynge of Almayne laye and his lordes aboute hym And it was ordeyned by the frenche kinge that what so euer the kynge of Almayne spent shulde be at the frenche kynges cost The almayns had euery day delyuered theym ten tonne of herynge for it was in Lent tyme and eyght hundred carpes besyde other fysshes whiche was a great charge WHan the kyng of Almayne came first to the frenche kynge all the lordes went for hym to saynt Remy and so brought him to the kynges palays Whan these two kynges mette they made great honoure eche to other and great reuerence and specyally the frenche kynge for almayns of nature are rude and grose manered without it be to take their profyte therto they be experte and redy ynough All the lordes of Fraunce and of Almayne toke acquayntaunce eche with other with louyng wordes and countinaunce and the frenche kynge made the kynge of Almayne and his company a great dyner at one table there sate fyrst the patryarke of Iherusalem than the king of Almayne the frenche kynge and the kynge of Nauer there sate no mo at that table At the other tables sate the lordes and prelates of Almayne No lorde of Fraūce sate that day but sarued To the kynges borde the meate was brought by the dukes of Berrey of Burbone the erle of saynt Powle and by other great lordes of Fraūce The duke of Orlyaūce set euery man
day the erle of Derby and the erle Marshall communed togyder of dyuers maters at last amonge other they spake of the state of the kynge and of his counsayle suche as he had about hym and beleued them so that at the last the erle of Derby spake certayne wordes whiche he thought for the best wenynge that they shulde neuer haue ben called to rehersall whiche wordes were nouther vylenous nor outragyous for he sayde thus Saint Mary fayre cosyn what thynketh the kynge oure cosyn to do wyll he driue out of Englande all the noble men within a whyle there shal be none left it semeth clerely that he wylleth nat the augmentacyon of his realme The erle marshall gaue none aunswere but dissimuled the mater and toke it that he spake agaynst the kynge and thought in hymselfe that the Erle of Derby was ryght lykely to make great trouble in Englande bycause he was so great with the londoners and the dyuell was redy to styre his brayne and that thynge that shall fall can nat be eschewed SO he thought to shewe this mater to the kynge whan noble mē shulde be presente and on a day to please the kynge he sayde Ryght dere syr I am of youre lygnage and ame your lyege man and marshall of Englande Wherfore sir I am bounde to you by myne Alliegeaunce and othe sworne my handes in yours that I shulde be in no place hearynge any thynge contrarye to your mageste royall and shulde kepe it secrete I ought to be reputed as a false traytour whiche I wyll nat be for I wyll trewly acquyte me agaynst you and all the worlde The kynge loked on hym and demaunded and sayd Why say you these wordes we wyll know it My right redouted souerayne lorde quod the erle Marshall I saye it bycause I canne nat suffre any thynge that shulde be preiudyciall or agaynst your grace syr cause the erle of Derby to come before you and than I shall shewe you more Than the erle of Derby was sente for and the kynge cōmaunded the erle Marshall to stande vp for he was on his knee whyle he spake to the Kynge And whan the erle of Derby was before the kyng who thought none yuell than the erle Marshall sayde Syr erle of Derby I say to you ye haue thought yuell and spoken otherwyse than ye ought to do agaynste your naturall lorde the kynge of Englande whan ye sayde that he was nat worthy to holde lande or realme seynge without lawe or iustyce without counsayle of any of his noble men he distourbeth his Realme and without tytell or good reason putteth out of his realme and dystroyeth them who ought to ayde and susteyne him wherfore here I cast my gage and wyll proue with my body agaynst yours that ye are an yuell false traytour The erle of Derby was sore abasshed with those wordes and stepte backe a lytell and stode styll a season without demaundynge of his Father or of any other what aunswere he shulde make Whan he had studyed a lytell he stept forthe with his cappe in his hande and came before the kynge and the erle Marshall and sayd Erle Marshall I saye thou arte an yuell and a false traytour and that I shall proue my body agaynst thyne and in that quarell here is my gauge Th erle Marshall whan he herde howe he was apealed shewed howe he desyred the batayle With that the erle of Derby aunswered and sayde I sette your wordes at the kynges pleasure and other lordes that be here and I tourne your wordes to a mocke and myne to be true Than eche of these erles drewe to their company and lygnage so that the manner of takynge of wyne and spyces was lette passe for the kyng shewed hym selfe to be right sore displeased and so entred in to his chambre and left his two vncles without and all their chyldren and the erles of Salysbury and Huntyngdon his bretherne Than anone after the kynge sent for his vncles and entred in to his chambre Thanne the kynge demaunded of them what was best to do in this mater Syr quod they cause your constable to come before you and than we shall shewe you our opynyons Than the erle of Rutlande who was constable was sente for and whan he was come than he was commaunded to go to the erle of Derby and to the erle Marshall and to take suretye of theym that they go nat out of the realme of Englande without the kynges lycence The constable dyd as he was cōmaunded and than retourned agayne to the kinges chambre YE maye well knowe this matter greatly troubled the courte and many lordes and knyghtes were sore dyspleased of that aduenture and secretly they greatly blamed the erle Marshall but he made as though he had ser nothyng by the mater his hert was so proude presumptuous Thus the lordes departed for that day The duke of Lācastre what so euer coūtynaunce he made he was sore displeased with these wordes and he thought the kynge shulde nat haue taken the mater as he dyd but shulde rather haue tourned it to nothynge and so thought the moste parte of all the lordes of Englande The erle of Derby went and lay at London and helde his estate at his owne lodgynge and there were pledges for him the duke of Lancastre his father the duke of yorke the Erle of Northumberlande and dyuers other lordes And the erle Marshall was sente to the towre of London and there helde his estate These two lordes made prouysyon for that was necessary for them for their batayle The erle of Derby sent his messangers in to Lombardy to the duke of Myllayne syr Galeas for to haue armure at his pleasure The duke agreed to the erles desyre and caused the knight that the erle had sent thyder whose name was Fraunces to se all the dukes armorye And whan the knyght had chosen suche as he lyked than the duke furthermore for loue of the erle of Derby he sent four of the best armorers that were in Lombardy to the erle in to Englande with the knight to the entent that they shulde arme and make armure acordynge to the erles entente The erle Marshall on his parte sent in to Almayn and in to other places to prouyde him for that iourney The charge of these two lordes was greate but the erle of Derby was at moost charge The erle Marshall whan he beganne that busynesse he thought to haue had more ayde of the kynge than he had for suche as were nere aboute the kynge sayd to him Syr ye haue nothyng to do to medle bytwene these two lordes dyssymule you the mater and let them deale they wyll do well ynough Sir ye knowe well the erle of Derby is well beloued in the realme and specyally with the Londoners and if they se that ye shulde take parte with the erle Marshall ye were lyke to lose their loue therby for euer The kynge vnderstode well their wordes and knew well it was trewe he
than dissymuled the mater as moche as he coulde and suffred them to make their prouysyon where they lyst THe newes spredde abrode in dyuers countreys of the defyaunce bytwene the erle of Derby and the erle Marshall Many men spake therof in dyuers maners and specyally in Fraunce They sayd lette theym alone the knyghtes of Englande are ouer proude at length they wyll dystroy eche other for it is the worste nacyon in the worlde vnder the sonne for in that realme dwelleth the moste presumptuous people that canne be Other there were that spake more so berly and sayde that the kynge of Englande shewed no wysdome nor was nat well counsayled whanne for wylde wordes he to suffre suche two noble men of his blode to enterprise armes in defyaunce he shulde rather whan he herde the wordes fyrste haue sayde to them bothe ye are two lordes of my blode and lygnage wherfore I cōmaunde you bothe to be in peace and lette nouther hate nor rancoure engendre bytwene you but be frendes louers and cosyns togyther and if this lande canne nat contente you go in to what countrey ye wyll and seke aduentures of armes there If the kynge had sayde those wordes and apeased these lordes thus than he had done wysely The duke of Lancastre was sore dyspleased in his mynde to se the kynge his nephewe mysse vse hym selfe in dyuers thynges as he dyd he consydred the tyme to come lyke a sage prince and somtyme sayd to suche as he trusted best Our nephue the kynge of Englande wyll shame all or he cease he beleueth to lyghtly yuell counsayle who shall distroy hym and symply if he lyue longe he wyll lese his realme and that hath been goten with moche coste and trauayle by our predecessours and by vs he suffreth to engendre in this realme bytwene the noble men hate and dyscorde by whom he shulde be serued and honoured and this lande kepte and douted He hath caused my brother to dye whiche is one thynge to be noted and the erle of Arundell bycause they shewed hym trouthe but he wolde nat here them nor none other that wolde coūsayle hym agaynst his appetyte He canne nat better dystroye his realme than to put trouble and hatred bytwene the noble men and good townes the frenche men are right subtyle for one myschiefe that falleth amonge vs they wolde it were ten for otherwyse they canne nat recouer their dōmages nor come to their ententes but by our owne meanes and dyscorde bytwene our selfe And wese dayly that all realmes deuyded are dystroyed it hath been sene by the realme of Fraunce Spayne Naples and by landes of the churche as we maye se dayly by the two popes whiche is and shall be to their dystructyon also it hath been sene by the countrey of Flaunders howe by their owne meanes they are distroyed Also presently it is sene by the lande of Frece with whome our cosyns of Haynalt are in warre and howe the frenche men amonge theym selfe are dystroyed in lykewyse amonge ourselfe without god prouyde for vs we shall dystroy our selfe the apparaunce therof sheweth greatly Nowe the kynge suffereth that my sonne and heyre shall do batayle for a thynge of nought and I that am his father maye nat speake to the contrary for myne owne honoure and for my sonnes for my sonne hathe the body of a knyght mete to entre in to armes agaynst the erle Marshall howe be it take the best therof they shall neuer loue agayne togyder as they dyd before Thus said the duke of Lancastre ALl the seasone that these two lordes dyd prouyde to do dedes of armes at vtteraunce the duke of Lancastre came neuer at the kyng nor but lytell at his sonne and that he dyd for a polycy for the Duke knewe well that his sonne was marueylously well beloued in Englande both with noble men and with other and specyally with the londoners for they had promysed and sayd to hym Syr be ye of good comforte in this busynesse for howesoeuer the matter tourne ye shall scape with honour whether the kynge wyll or nat or all the Marmosettes aboute hym for we knowe well this mater is made and conueyed by enuy to the entente to driue you out of the realme bycause ye be well beloued with many men and if so be that ye departe in trouble ye shall entre agayne with ioye for ye ought rather to rule than Rycharde of Burdeaulx for they that wyll seke out the profoundenesse of the mater maye well knowe fro whence ye came and fro whence he came wherby they maye knowe that ye be more nerer to the crowne of Englande than Rycharde of Burdeaulx though we haue made to hym faythe and homage and haue helde hym for our kyng more thanne this twenty yere but that was by fauour and purchase of his grauntfather good kynge Edwarde who douted of this poynte that we nowe speke of and on a tyme great question was made bytwene kyng Edwarde your grauntfather by youre father syde and duke Henry of Lancastre your grauntfather by your mother syde the Lady Blaunche of Lancastre but the lordes of Englande that than reygned apeased the matter for kynge Edwarde was so valyaunt a man and so happy in all his enterprises that he had the loue of all his people poore and riche nor also your grauntfather of Lancastre wolde nothynge to the Kynge but well and good and serued the kynge in his tyme nobly and trewly so that he is as yet to be recommaunded These maters well consydred by kynge Rycharde he myght well repente hym that he is no better gouerned than he is Suche wordes these londoners spake thoughe they knewe but lytell of the trouth that they spake was of a synguler fauoure The erle of Derby receyued their wordes well a worthe and dayly prepared for the batayle and he desyred his frendes to be at that iourney and so euery man prepared hymselfe accordynge to the Erles desyre THe kynge all the season that these two lordes prepared for their batayle he had many ymagynacyons whether he shuld suffre them to fyght or nat Thoughe he were kynge of Englande and more douted than any other kynge before hym yet nyght and daye he kept about hym a garde of two thousande archers who were payed their wages wekely for the kynge trusted nat greatly in theym that were nexte of his blode excepte his brother the erle of Huntyngton and the erle of Salisbury and the erle of Rutlande his cosyn germayne sonne to the duke of yorke who was well in the kynges fauoure and certayne knyghtes of his chambre as for all other he cared lytell for Whan the day aproched that these two lordes shulde do their dedes of armes as they hadde promysed and had euery thynge redy prepared Than on a daye certayne of the kynges counsayle came to the kynge and demaunded what was his entencyon that these two lordes shulde do and sayde Sir wyll ye suffre theym to fyght ye truelye
quod the kyng why shulde they nat We wyll se their dedes of armes Paraduenture we shall knowe therby that we knowe nat as yet shulde be right necessary to knowe to the entente we shulde prouyde for it For there is none so great in Englande but if he displease me I shall cause hym to make me amendes For if I shulde any thynge submytte me to my subiettes they wolde soone ouercome me And I knowe for certaygne that some of theym of my blode haue hadde dyuers treatyse toguyder agaynste me and myne estate and the moost princypall of thē was the duke of Gloucestre For in all Englande was natte a worse hedde agaynst me than he was Nowe I shall haue peace fro hense forwarde for I shall do well ynough with all the other But sirs I praye you shewe me why ye make this demaūde to me Sir quod they we are bounde to counsayle you And sir we often tymes here wordes spoken that ye canne nat here For sir ye be in youre chambre and we abrode in the coūtrey or in London where many thynges be spoken whiche greatlye toucheth you and vs also Sir it were tyme to prouyde remedye and so ye muste do Sir we counsayle you for the best Howe so quod the Kynge Speke further and spare natte for I wyll do euery thynge parteynyng to reason and minyster Iustyce in my realme Sir quod they the renoume ronneth through out Englande and specially in the cytie of London whiche is the soueraygne cytie of youre Realme They saye ye are cause of this enterprice bytwene these two lordes and that ye haue sette the erle Marshall to fyght with the erle of Derby THe Londoners and dyuers other noble men and prelates of the realme saye Howe ye take the ryght waye to distroye your lygnage and the realme of Englande Whiche thynge they saye they wyll natte suffre And if the Londoners rise agaynste you with suche noble men as wyll take their parte ye shall be of no puyssaūce to resyst theym And also they haue you in a marueylous suspecte bycause ye be alyed by maryage with the Frenche kynge wherby ye be the worse beloued of all youre people And sir knowe for certayne that if ye suffre these two Erles to come in to the place to do batayle ye shall nat be lorde of the felde but the Londoners and suche lordes of their ꝑte wyll rule the felde for the loue and fauoure that they beare to the erle of Derby and the erle Marshall is soore hated and specially the Londouers wolde he were slayne And thre partes of the people of Englande saye that whan ye harde that wordes fyrst bytwene these two erles that ye shulde haue done otherwyse than ye dyd and that ye shulde haue broken the quarell and haue sayd Sirs ye are bothe my cosyns and lyegmen therfore I commaunde you to kepe the peace fro hens forthe And shulde haue taken the Erle of Derby by the hande and haue ledde hym in to youre chambre and haue shewed hym some signe of loue And bycause ye dyde nat thus the brute ronneth that ye beare fauour to the erle Marshalles partie and are agaynst the erle of Derby Sir consyder well these wordes that we shewe you for they be trewe Sir ye had neuer more nede of good counsayle than ye haue nowe Whan the kynge herde these wordes he chaunged countynaūce the wordes were so quickely spoken Therwith the kynge tourned fro them and leaned out at a wyndowe and studyed a certayne space and than he tourned agayne to them that had spoken to hym who were the archebysshoppe of yorke and the Erles of Salisbury of Huntingdon his bretherne and thre other knightes of his chambre than he sayde to them Sirs I haue well herde you and if I shulde refuce your counsayle I were greatly to blame Wherfore sirs consyder what is beste for me to do Sir quod one of theym that spake for all The matter that we haue spoken of is ryght peryllous ye muste dissymule the mater if ye wyll haue youre honour saued and to make peace And sir ye ought rather to entertayne the generaltie of your realme than the ydell wordes of two knyghtes But sir the brute thoroughe out all the Realme of Englande is howe the erle Marshall hathe greatlye trespassed and hath renewed to many yuell thinges and daylye reneweth and the realme taketh all his wordes in vayne and saith how that by his ydell words he wolde reise a ꝓcesse agaynst the erle of Derby and to bringe the lande in to trouble First They say it were better that he abode the payne and the erle of Derby to be quyte Sir we thynke that or they shulde arme thē to mete togyder that ye shulde sende to them cause thē to be bounde to abyde youre ordynaunce in this enterprise And whan they be furely bounde to abyde youre sentence than ye maye gyue theym this Iudgemente That within fyftene dayes after the erle Marshall to auoyde the realme without any truste euer to retourne agayne And therle of Derby in lykewyse to auoyde the realme and to be banysshed for tenne yere And whan he shall departe the realme to please the people withall release foure yere of the tenne and so let hym be banysshed for sixe yere without pardone This is the counsayle sir that we wyll gyue you For sir in no wyse let them be armed one agaynst another for the inconuenyentes that maye fall therby The kynge studyed a lytell and sayde Sirs ye counsayle me trewly and I shall folowe youre counsayle ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe kynge Richarde gaue sentence wherby he banysshed out of Englande therle of Derby for .x. yere and the erle Marshall for euer Capi. CC.xxix ANone after that this coūsayle was gyuen to the kynge he assembled great nombre of prelates grete lordes of Englande and they came to hym to Elthā there was his two vncles the duke of Lancastre and the duke of yorke The erles of Northumberlande of Salysbury and of Huntyngton Than the kynge sente for the erle of Derby and the erle Marshall and sette eche of them in a seuerall chābre The kynge shewed howe he wolde be a meane bytwene them and howe their wordes hadde greatly displeased hym and that they were suche that ought nat lyghtly to be pardoned Wherfore he wolde in all poyntes they shulde submytte them selfe and to abyde his ordynaunce in that behalfe Than he ordayned the constable of Englande and foure other great lordes to go to the erle of Derby and to therle Marshall to take their bondes to abyde the kynges ordynaunce These lordes came to the sayd erles and shewed them the kynges pleasure and how the kynge wolde take the matter on hym So they bounde them selfe to abyde the kynges order Than the kynge sayde I ordaygne and commaunde that the erle Marshall bycause he hath brought this Realme in to this trouble by reason of his wordes wherin he canne nat make profe That he ordayne
him selfe to auoide this realme of Englande and goo dwell in what place he lyste out therof And that he be banysshed in suche wyse that he neuer retourne agayne And also I ordayne that the erle of Derby our cosyn bycause he hathe displeased vs and that he is the chiefe cause of the banysshment of therle Marshall That within this fyftene dayes he auoyde the Realme of Englande and to be banysshed for tenne yeres without retournynge excepte we repeale hym agayne the whiche shall alwayes lye in our pleasure THis sentence greatly contented the lordes that were there present and they sayde the erle of Derby maye well ynoughe go and sporte hym out of the realme for two or thre yeres He is yonge ynoughe Thoughe he haue been sore traueyled in his dayes in farre countries as in to Pruce and to the holy Sepulchre to Cayre and to saynt Katheryns mount So he may do yet goo some other voyages to passe the tyme if he lyste he knoweth wyll ynoughe whider to go he hath two susters one quene of Spaygne the other quene of Portugale He maye well passe the tyme with them and also as nowe there is no warre Whan he cometh in to Spaygne he maye moue theym to make warre vpon the Sarazyns and to make a voyage in to Granade wherby he maye better employe his tyme than abydynge in Englande or elles he maye goo in to Heynaulte to his brother and cosyn the Erle of Ostrenaunt who wyll receyue hym with great ioye and retaygne hym sor he hathe warre with the Fresons and in Haynaulte he maye dayly here newes out of Englande and fro his children He can natte go amysse goo where he wyll And the kynge maye repeale hym agayne by good meanes whan it shall please hym for he is one of the fayrest floures in his garlande He shall nat be longe absente if the kynge purpose to haue the loue of his people But the erle Marshalle is in a farre worse case for he is banysshed without hope for euer to retourne agayne And to saye the trouthe he hath well deserued it for all this myschiefe is come by hym and by his wordes Thus dyuers knyghtes and squyers of Englande talked toguyder one with another the same daye that the kynge gaue the sayde iugemēt ⸪ ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the erle of Derby departed fro London to go in to Fraunce and the erle Marshall went in to Flaunders and so in to Lombardy Cap. ⸪ ⸪ WHan these two Erles sawe what sentence the kynge had gyuen theym they were ryght sore pensyue and good cause why The erle Marshall sore repented him of that he had said and done For whan he began the mater he thought otherwyse to haue ben borne out by the kyng than he was For if he hadde knowen as moche before he wolde neuer haue begon the matter Whan he sawe there was no remedy he made hym redy and made his exchaung fro London to Bruges and so cāe to Calays where as he had been capitayne and there toke his leaue and so went to Bruges and there taryed a fyftene dayes than to Gaunt and so to Maynges and finally to Colloigne ¶ Lette vs leaue spekyng of hym and speke or the erle of Derby who prepared hym selfe in lykewise to departe out of Englande accordyng to the kynges sentēce Whan his daye of departure aproched he came to Eltham to the kynge where as the duke of Lācastre his father was and the duke of yorke with them the erle of Northumlande and sir Henry Percy his sonne with a great nombre of other knyghtes and squyers of Englande suche as loued hym And were soore displeased of the fortune that he must auoyde the realme These lordes came thyder to se what ende the kynge wolde make in the mater of whose cōmyng the kynge made semblaunt to be right ioyfull and made them great chere and helde a great court Also there was the erle of Salisbury and the erle of Huntyngton brother to the kyng who hadde to his wyfe the duke of Lancastres doughter and suster to the erle of Derby These two lordes came to therle of Derby I knowe nat if they dissymuled or nat At the erles departynge the kynge humyled hym greatly to his cosyn of Derby and said As Godde helpe me it right greatly displeaseth me the wordes that hath been bytwene you and the Erle Marshalle But the sentence that I haue gyuen is for the beste and for to apease therby the people who greatly murmured on this matter Wherfore cosyn yet to ease you somwhat of your payne I release my Iudgement fro tenne yere to syxe yere Cosyn take this a worthe and ordyne you therafter The erle answered and sayd Sir I thāke your grace and whan it shall please you ye shall do me more grace All the lordes that were there were well contented with the kynge as for that tyme. Than euery man departed and some went to London with the erle of Derby The Erle made all his prouisyon at Douer to passe to Calays And the erle beyng at London or his departure was counsayled by his father for to go streight to the Frenche kynge and to his cosyns in Fraunce And accordynge to his fathers counsayle so he dyde or elles he wolde haue gone to the erle of Ostrenaunt his brother and cosyn Whan the Erle departed fro London there were in the stretes mo thanne fourtie thousande men wepyng and cryeng after hym that it was pytie to here And sōe said O gentyll erle of Derby shall we thus leaue you This Realme shall neuer be in ioye tyll ye retourne agayne But the daye of retourne is very longe for enuy falsehed and trayson hath putte you out of this Realme where as ye ought to abyde rather thā many other For ye are of suche lynage and of so noble blode that none ought to be compared to you And gentyll erle why shalle we leaue you ye neuer dyde nor thought yuell THus men women pituously spake He was nat conueyed out of the cytie with instrumentes but with lamentable wepynges And some sayd secretelye Cōsyder the order of these people what displeasure they take for a small occasyon Who so euer wolde styrre the Londoners to ryse agaynst the kyng he might than go seke further flye out of the realme rather than the erle of Derby but it is as nowe no tyme sithe the duke of Lācastre his father suffreth if we must nedes suffre it The mayre of Lōdon and a great nombre of the chiefe burgesses accompanyed therle of Derby out of the cytie Some rode to Dartforde and some to Douer and sawe hym take shippyng than they retourned And the erle of Derby or he came to Calais he hadde sent a knyght and an heraulde to the Frenche kyng and to his brother the duke of Orlyaunce and to the kynges vncles the dukes of Berrey of Burbon and of Burgoyn to knowe the kynges pleasure if he wolde suffre the
after he ordeyned him to go in to the realme of Hungery for the kynge of Hungery had written to the frenche kynge howe Lamorabaquy assembled great puyssaunce of men of warre of turkes arabyes tartaryes and suryens and of dyuers other of his secte to fyght with hym The erle of Derby the same season beynge at Paris in the house of Clyssone nere to the temple was wyllynge to go in to Hungery whiche shulde be the lesse coste to the Frenche kynge for he had euery weke redy payed him fyue hundred crownes of golde and the erle thought hym selfe moche bounde to the frenche kynge for that grace and whan that tydynges came fro the kynge of Hungery in to Fraunce the erle of Derby entended well to that mater and thought in hym selfe that voyage to be ryght honourable for hym to passe his tyme there wherby he shulde the lightlyer forget the tyme of his trouble and spake to them of his specyall counsayle and they counsayled hym to go in that voyage so that he knewe fyrst the duke of Lancastre his fathers pleasure in that behalfe Than the erle one of his knyghtes called Dinorth in to Englande to knowe his fathers pleasure This knyght came in to Englande and founde the duke of Lancastre at a Castell a twenty myle fro London called Hertforde There he shewed hym his sonnes entente And whan the duke vnderstode the mynde of the erle his sonne and the good wyll that he had to go in to Hungery to passe the tyme of his banyssment he was ryght well content and sayd to the knyght syr ye be welcome your wordes and my sonnes lettre requyreth counsayle● ye shall rest you here with vs a season and in the meane whyle we shall take aduyse and in the whyle ye may go and se my sonnes chyldren for ye muste beare tydynges of them to their father Syr quod the knyght ye say true So this knyght syr Dynorth taryed a season in Englande NOwe had the frenche kinge good occasyon to write to the kynge of Almayne and to his coūsayle in what case he had brought pope Benedic and the cardynalles The kynge than sent thyder a noble ambassade as the patryarke of Iherusalem syr Charles of Hangers and other knightes and they founde the kynge at Strawbourgh and dyd their message wherwith the kynge and his counsayle were well content and sayd howe they wolde determyne on that matter but they said they wolde gladly that the kyng of Englande shulde take the same waye the whiche they feared shulde be herde to do with this aunswere the ambassadours retourned in to Fraunce and shewed the kynge what they had doone and sene The frenche kynge than to th entent to bring his purpose to passe sente agayne in to Englande to kynge Rycharde and the messangers shewed the kynge the cause of their cōmynge The kynge gaue good herynge to the mater but as than he had nat the prelates of the realme nor the clergy with hym nor were nat so plyable to folowe his pleasure as they in Fraunce to folowe the pleasure of their kynge and this he shewed to the frenche kynges messangers howe be it he sayde he wolde do his deuoyre and so he dyd And so the messangers returned in to Fraūce and kynge Rycharde on a daye at Westmynster assembled all his prelates and clergy of Englande and whan they were there the kynge shewed wysely the dyfference that was in the churche and howe the frenche kynge by delyberacyon and aduyse of counsayle and by consent of the vnyuersite of Parys and other clerkes he was determyned to be newter and in lykewyse so are the kynges of Spaygne of Scotlande of Aragone and of Nauer and howe that all Almayne Boesme and Italy were of the same opynyon In lykewyse the kynge of Englande desyred that his realme shuld folowe the same Whan the prelates and the clergy who knewe nothynge why they were sent for herde that mater they had great marueyle and were sore abasshed some stode styll and spake no worde and some began to murmure and sayde Our kynge is become frenche he entendeth to nothynge but to dyshonour and distroy vs but he shal nat What wolde he bringe vs out of our beleue he maye do so moche that he shall haue yuell therof let vs nat folowe this opynion sythe the frenche kynge taketh that waye lette hym holde hym selfe newter and let vs holde styll our beleue and lette no man put it fro vs without there be greater apparaunce of a surer foundacyon than we se as yet Whan kyng Rycharde sawe the dyfference and murmurynge of the clergy he caused the bysshoppe of London to demaunde of all the clergy what was best to do They all aunswered that the matter was so great that therin requyred great counsayle and delyberacyon and so they departed and euery man went to his lodgynge And whan the londoners knewe the cause of that assemble and the request that the kynge had made they were than sore troubled agaynst the kyng for the people of Englande were so fermely set on the beleuynge on the pope at Rome that they wolde nat leaue it and sayde howe that Rycharde of Burdeaulx wolde distroy them all if he be let alone his herte is so frenche that he canne nat hyde it but a daye wyll come to paye for all that he shall repente hym and all suche as gyue hym suche counsayle What so euer the kynge sayd to haue his people newter they wolde in no wyse agree therto And the frenche kynge was nat well content with his sonne kynge Rycharde in that he had nat incontynent caused his realme to haue been newter but to saye the trouth the kynge was nat to blame therin And also suche accydentes fell soone after the whiche were so great and horryble that the lyke hath nat ben sene in all this hystorye vpon no kynge crysten except of noble kynge Peter of Lusygnen kyng of Cyper and Iherusalem whome his owne brother and the cypriens martyred ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the aunswere of the Duke of Lancastre to the knyght sent to hym fro his sonne the erle of Derby and howe the duke of Lancastre dyed Cap. CC .xxxiiii. WHan sir Dinorth Whom the erle of Derby had sente in to Englande to his father the duke of Lancastre and had his answere of the duke and had vysyted all the erles landes and had sene his chyldren four sonnes and two doughters than he toke his leaue and retourne in to Fraunce His aunswere was howe that the duke wolde nat counsayle the erle his sonne to go in to Hungery but whan he was wery of beynge in Fraūce than rather to go in to Castell to the kynge there and to his suster and if he lyste to go further than to go and vysite his other suster the quene of Portugale The erle redde his fathers letters two tymes ouer and studyed theron a season and syr Dinorth shewed him that the physicions and surgyons in Englande sayd surely howe
that the duke his father had on hym a paryllous sycknesse whiche shuld be his dethe these wordes gretly letted the erle to take on hym any maner of voyage but so taryed styll at Parys and often tymes he went and sawe the frenche kyng the duke of Orlyaunce and the kynges vncles and alwayes they made hym good chere so that he was moche bounde to them and he sayde to the kynge Syr ye do me so moche honoure and curtesy and shewe me so great sygne of loue that I knowe nat in all my lyfe dayes howe to deserue it but if euer I come in Englande my lady that quene your doughter to my power shall haue my seruyce I thanke you cosyn quod the kynge So it fell that aboute the feest of Crystmasse duke Iohan of Lancastre who lyued in great dyspleasure what bycause the Kynge had banysshed his sonne out of the realme for so litell a cause and also bycause of the yuell gouernynge of the realme by his nephewe kynge Rycharde for he sawe well that if he longe percepuered were suffred to contynewe the realme was lykely to be vtterly loste With these ymagynacyons and other the duke fell sycke wheron he dyed whose dethe was greatly sorowed of all his frendes and louers The kyng by that he shewed toke no great care for his dethe but sone he was forgotten Than certayne of the noble men of Englande sawe well howe the realme feblysshed sythe the duke of Lancastre was deed and the duke of Gloucestre his brother slayne and the erle of Arundell and the erle of Derby banysshed who ought than to be duke of Lancastre by ryght succession Than some sayde Nowe we shall se what the kynge wyll do it is tyme nowe that he repeale home agayne his cosyn of Derby and to pardone hym his yuell wyll though he haue no cause to be dyspleased with hym it were tyme he came and entred in to his landes as duke of Lancastre Suche wordes ranne a brode in the Realme in dyuers places and specyally in the cytie of London where the erle of Derby was a hundred tymes better beloued thanne the kynge howe be it for all the wordes and murmuryng that the kyng and his counsayle knewe of yet he dyd nothynge therafter but clene the contrary He was yuell counsayled for if he had incontynent after the dethe of the duke of Lancastre sente for the erle of Derby and at his cōmynge haue frendely welcomed hym home and haue called hym duke of Lancastre and haue taken hym as greatest personage in Englande nexte hym selfe and haue sayde howe he wolde be gouerned in all poyntes after his aduyse and counsayle and to do nothynge without his aduyse than the kynge had done well and lykely to haue contynued his estate as kynge of Englande and had nat receyued the yuell fortune that fell to hym shortly after as ye shall here after ¶ Howe the dethe of the duke of Lācastre was knowen in Fraunce the kyng of Englande wrote in maner of ioye to the Frenche kynge therof and wrote nothyng therof to therle of Derby who was the dukes son̄e Cap. CC .xxxv. TIdynges of the duke of Lancasters dethe came in to Fraunce kyng Rycharde of Englāde in maner of ioye wrote therof to the frenche kyng and nat to his cosyn therle of Derby howe be it the erle knewe it as soone as the Frenche kynge or soner by suche men as he had in Englande Than the erle apparelled hym and all his men in blacke and caused his obsequy to be done right honorably at the whiche was the Frenche kyng and his brother the duke of Orlyaunce and all the kynges vncles with a great nombre of prelates and great lordes of Fraunce For the erle of Derby was welbeloued with euery mā and many were right sorie of his trouble for he was a pleasaunt knight and an honest ꝑson curtesse and swete meke to euery man and euery man that sawe hym said howe the kyng of Englande was nat well counsayled that he repealed hym nat home agayne And truely to saye trouthe if the kynge of Englande had wysely regarded the mater and had ben well counsayled the mater had nat tourned agaynst hym as it dyde For the erle of Derby after the dethe of his father was right enherytoure to be duke of Lancastre and to haue been the seconde persone of the realme and by whom all the busynesse of the realme shulde chiefely haue passed Also the kynge and his counsayle ought to haue consydred howe often tymes the people of Englande hadde styrred and murmured agaynst hym and shulde haue knowen howe he was nat very welbeloued of the people nor of some knightes other and how that in the duke of Gloucesters dayes he was often tymes in daunger of his persone As whan the Londoners and the counsaylles of dyuers good townes in Englande cāe to hym to Eltham and there made their requestes that all subsidies and ayes gyuen and graunted within twentie yere shulde haue ben frustrate and fordone or els they were determyned by the consent of the duke of Gloucestre and other noble men of the Realme to haue taken the kynge and to haue sette another to haue reygned in his place and to haue putte the kyng and the Quene in to a place and so to haue hadde meate and drinke as long as they had lyued In somoche that the duke of Gloucester hadde desyred a nephewe of his sonne to the doughter of the duke of Clarence who was called Iohan erle of Marche That he wolde haue taken on hym the charge and gouernyng of the realme and that they wolde haue made hym kyng But the same erle excused hym selfe honestly therfro All these thynges were apeased and layde downe by the wyse sadde meanes and prudence of the sayde duke of Lancastre father to this sayd erle of Derby IF kyng Richarde had wysely consydred all these mats he had reigned in gretter ꝓsperite than euer he did before Kyng Richarde knewe all this well ynough and so by yuell counsayle the kynge caused by colour of loue the duke of Gloucestre to be taken and ledde to Calays where he was strangled and murdered Wherof great brute was throughe out all the realme with great grudge and murmuracyons so that it was at the poynt to haue deposed the sayde kyng Richarde Howe be it the duke of Lancastre lyke a sage and a prudent price for all that the duke of Gloucestre was his brother and that the murderyng of hym touched hym nere to his herte All thynges consyred and that he coude nat recouer agayne his brother wisely and amiably he apeased all these maters And the kynge his nephue more feared in Englāde than he was before All this the kynge ought to haue consydred and specially howe therle of Derby was better beloued with the people than any other man within the realme All these thyngꝭ wysely cōsidred after the dethe of the duke rf Lācastre the kyng shulde
haue repealed therle of Derby agayne in to the Realme but the kyng had no mynde so to do for he dyd clene the contrary for incontynent he sente his offycers in to all the duke of Lācasters landes and toke the profites therof to hym selfe and sayd that as longe as therle of Derby stode as a banysshed man that he nor none of his shulde receyue any reuenues of any landes within the realme of Englande And moreouer wherof the kyng was greatly blamed of suche as loued the erle and his chyldren The kyng gaue awaye landes parteynynge to the herytage of the duchy of Lancastre to some of his seruauntes suche as asked them for the whiche cause many knyghtes other in Englande spake and said The kyng sheweth well that he oweth no good wyll to his cosyn the erle of Derby sythe he wyll nat repeale hym home agayne and suffre his landes to be gyuen awaye where as therle and his chyldren shulde be great membres in Englande a good staffe for the kyng to leane by But he dothe the contrary for he driueth hym awaye so wyll kepe hym in this daūger and worse if he coude For he hath taken to hym selfe his heritage and causeth his offycers to medell with the dukes landes as thoughe they were his owne And if that poore tenauntes complayne of the iniuryes done to them in their lordes absence they can nat be harde there is none that wyll do them right Also it is but a small token of loue that the kyng beareth to the erle of Derby and to his chyldren for their herytage of Lācastre whiche shulde come to thē by right enherytaūce discended fro their grandame the lady Blanche doughter to duke Henry of Lancastre The kyng gyueth parte therof away where as it pleaseth hym suche landes as shulde fall to them by the right of the lady their mother who was doughter to the erle of Herforde and Northampton and cōstable of Englande The kynge gyueth parte therof at his pleasure This is to moche done agaīst all ryght and reason and to the displeasure of all the noble men of Englande this can nat longe endure vnamended Thus the prelates noble men and commons in Englāde cōmuned and murmured IN lykewise in the realme of Frāce suche men of honour as herde spekynge of this mater and hadde sene erle of Derby at Parys hadde great marueyle therof and sayd one to another As we thynke the kynge of Englande hath takenne to great a displeasure with his cosyn the erle of Derby who is the greattest man in Englad next hym selfe He is a gracious knyght curtesse meke and tretable and a man good to be spoken vnto The kyng of Englande knoweth some other thynge by hym than we do or elles the kynge is yuell counsayled And it is marueyle that the Frenche kynge and his brother the duke of Orlyaunce and the kynges vncles do nat attemper the mater for the erle is daylye amonge theym They shulde fynde best prouisyon in this case for the kynge of Englande wyll do more for thē than for any men bicause he hath maried the Frenche kynges doughter But sythe they do nothynge therin it is best we holde oure peace and lette it passe As for the Frenche kynge his brother and his vncles thought nothyng but good They honoured and loued greatly the erle of Derby and desyred moche his company and they sawe well he was a wydower and to marry and that the duke of Berry hadde a doughter a wydowe of two husbandes she was but yonge of a xxiii yere of age was named Mary Her fyrst husbāde was Loys of Bloys who died yonge and her secōde husbande was the lorde Philyppe of Arthoys erle of Ewe who died in his retourne in Hungry as ye haue herde here before This maryage was at apoynt to haue concluded for they in Fraūce knewe well that the duke of Lancastre was a great enherytoure in Englande and the Frenche kynge was well pleased therwith bycause his doughter was Quene of Englande for he thought that the company of those two ladyes togyder shulde be great pleasure to thē bothe sythe they were so nere of blode And therby the two realmes of Fraunce and Englande shulde be the surer conioyned toguyder in loue and peace whiche was trewe if it might haue been accomplysshed but kyng Richarde of Englande his coūsayle brake all that mater for the fortunes of this world whiche are marueylous nor a thynge that shall be canne nat be eschewed The whiche fortune of this kynge Richarde was so marueylous that it is harde to thynke theron The kynge myght well haue remedyed the mater if he had wolde but that that shall be shal be I shall shewe you what I Iohan Froissarte auctour of this hystorie Herde whan̄e I was but yonge in Englande in a place called Bertamstede whiche as at that tyme parteyned to the price of Wales father to this sayde kynge Rycharde it was in the yere of grace a thousande thre hundred thre score and two And bycause the same tyme the prince and the princes shulde departe out of Englande to go in to Acq̄tayne to kepe their estate there Kyng Edwarde his father and quene Phillyppe my maistres and Lyon duke of Clarence Iohan duke of Lancastre the lorde Edmonde who was after Erle of Cambridge and duke of yorke their chyldren were come to the said maner place to se the prince and princes or they departed And as than I was of the age of .xxiiii. yere and one of my said lady the quenes clerkes of her chambre And as I satte on a benche I herde a knyght talkyng and deuysinge among dyuers ladyes and damoselles of the Quenes and sayde to them There is a booke in this countrey called the Brust many men saye it is of marueylous prophycies But accordynge to that booke the realme and crowne of Englande shulde nat retourne to the price of Wales nor yet to the duke of Clarence nor that they shulde be kynges of England though they were sonnes to kyng Edwarde but this knyght sayd that accordyng to that boke the crowne of Englande shulde come to the house of Lancastre The same season whan this knyght spake these wordes this sayd Hēry erle of Derby was nat borne nor yet seuyn yere after but yet in my dayes the same wordes tooke effecte for I sawe after the same Henry erle of Derby kynge of Englande ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of a treatie of a maryage bytwene the erle of Derby and the duke of Berries doughter and howe kyng Rycharde of Englande dyde lette it by the erle of Salisbury Capi. CC .xxxvi. AS soone as kyng Rycharde kyng of Englande herde of the treatie of the maryage bytwene the erle of Derby and the duke of Berryes doughter that the parties were nerehāde accorded he toke those newes to great dyspleasure and sayd to the erle of Salisbury in whom he had great affyaunce ye must or dayne you to go in
to Fraunce with letters of credence to our father in lawe the Frenche kynge and to our frendes his brother vncles And shewe them fro vs that in no wyse they conclude any treatie or alyaunce of maryage with suche a traytour as is the erle of Derby who wolde betray his naturall souerayne lorde And for the remynaunt of the mater ye are wyse ynough do so therin that I maye can you thanke and that the maryage maye be broken The erle of Salisbury sayde Sir I shall do ryght well your cōmaundement But sir if it myght be broken by some other meanes or by some other persone I requyre youre grace it maye so be Sir quod the kynge excuse you natte for I wyll and also I praye you do this message whatsoeuer shall fall therof I shall sustayne you Well sir quod the erle sithe ye cōmaunde me so specially and that I se the mater toucheth you nere I shall do it thoughe I be lothe therto ye shall go quod the kynge and make haste or this alyaunce be concluded Than the Erle prepared for his departure The letters of Credence written and sealed he departed fro the kynge who was at that tyme at Leades and the Quene also The erle made haste and came to Douer and so toke the See and arryued at Calays and there founde the erle of Huntyngton who was capitayne of Calais and brother to the kynge The Erle shewed vnto hym all his busynesse and so taryed nat longe at Calays but roode to Amyence and so to Parys and all they waye that he rode he hadde good chere and was lodged at the whyte horse And whan he had chaūged him he wente to the kynge and to the quene and to that other lordes and delyuered his letters of credence Whan the kyng had reed the letters he toke the erle aparte and demaunded what was his credence The erle at length shewed his charge and named the Erle of Derby traytour agaynst his naturall lorde Whan the Frenche kyng herde those wordes he was in great displeasure for he loued so the erle of Derby that he wolde here none yuell spoken of him and toke the letters of credence agayne to the erle of Salisbury and sayd Erle we beleue you well ynoughe but our sonne of Englande is to sore moued agaynst oure cosyn of Derby and we marueyle greatly that his yuell wyll contyneweth so longe for we thynke he shulde be the better furnysshed if he were about hym and to be nexte of his counsayle Sir quod the erle of Salisbury I do but as I am cōmaunded That is trewe quod the kyng we are nat displeased with you paraduenture our sonne of Englande knoweth more than we do do your message as ye were charged and so he dyde and to the duke of Berrey also The duke gaue none aunswere therto but wente to the kyng and demaunded of hym what newes he hadde out of Englande The kynge shewed hym all as the erle of Salisburye had sayde Vpon those newes the kyng and his vncles assembled togyder secretely than the Frenche kynge sayd The kynge of Englande by lykelyhode douteth greatly therle of Derby or elles paraduēture he knoweth suche thynges as we knowe nat nor can nat come to oure knowledge And we ought rather to owe our fauoure to the kynge of Englande than̄e to the erle of Derby sythe the kynge is ioyned with vs by maryage And he wyll take it in great disdayne sythe we be enfourmed of his pleasure if we shulde do the contrary and marry the erle of Derby to the countesse of Ewe It behoueth vs rather to dissymule kepe these newes secrete tyll the erle of Salisbury be retourned Vpon this peynt the kyng and his vncles rested WHan the erle of Salisbury had done his message he tooke his leaue and departed The Frenche kynge was more displeased with his cōmyng than ioyfull for he delyuered agayne the erle of Salysbury his letters of credence and wolde nat kepe them he loued so well the erle of Derby who knewe of the erle of Salysburies beynge at Parys but he sawe hym nat for he was departed without spekyng with him and retourned to Calays and to in to Englande and shewed the kynge of Englande howe he hadde spedde Whan the erle or Derby knewe that the erle of Salisbury was departed fro Parys without spekynge with hym in his mynde he was soore displeased and thought the matter went nat well than his counsayle sayde to hym Sir shortely ye shall parceyue some other maters that ye haue nat herde of as yet thoughe it be kepte priuye fro you These Frenchmen are wyse and close It maye be so that the kyng of Englande and suche as be of his secte are displeased with that the Frenche kyng maketh you so good chere as he dothe And paraduēture it is spoken in Englande howe ye shulde mary the duke of Berryes doughter whiche pleaseth nat the kynge of Englande and therfore he wyll do what he can to breke that maryage and if it be so ye shall shortly here therof LOoke as they ymagined so it was for within a moneth after the erle of Salisbury was departed fro Parys suche of therle of Derbies parte as had the treatie of the sayde maryage in hande They spake agayne of the mater to the duke of Berryes counsayle who had their charge what they shulde answere They sayd sirs Whan my lorde the erle of Derby is in the kynges presence and the duke of Orlyaunce and his vncles presente than lette my lorde the erle of Derby speke hym selfe for we can saye no more to the mater Th erle of Derby who thought none yuell but thought those wordes hadde ben spoken to the entent to haue proched nerer to the poynt for the kynge and his counsayle made hym as good chere thanne as euer they dyde before The Erle thought to speke in the mater whan he sawe conuenyent tyme. And on a daye whan̄e he sawe the kyng and the lordes togyder he began to speke of this maryage Than the duof Burgoyne who hadde the charge to aunswere hym sayde Cosyn of Derby we haue nothynge to do to gyue in maryage ouer cosyn to a traytour With that woorde the erle of Derby was greatly abasshed chaūged colour sayd Sir I am here in the kynges presence I wyll answere to this I was neuer traytour nor neuer thought trayson if there be any persone that wyll charge me with trayson I am redy to answere nowe or whā it shall please the kynge here beyng present Nay cosyn quod the kyng I beleue ye shall fynde no man in Fraunce that wyll chalenge your honoure for the wordes that myne vncle hath spoken came out of Englande than the erle kneled downe and sayd Sir I beleue it well But god defende me and all my frendes and confounde all myne ennemyes The Frenche kynge toke vp the erle sayd Cosyn apeace your selfe euery thynge shall tourne to the best And
the realme they were gladde of all this and wolde that more trouble had ben in the realme and the cytezins of Lōdon who were ryche and lyued by their marchaundyse as well coraunt by see as by lande and kepte therby great estate and by ensample of them all the remnaūt of the realme lyghtly folowed they sawe well that as great myschiefe was lykely to folowe in the realme as was sometyme in kynge Edwarde the secondes dayes whan the lorde Spencer caused the kynge to put out of the realme the quene Isabell and Edward her sonne and wolde haue distroyed them and wyste nat why and so were out of the Realme more than thre yere but fynally whan the men in Englande and specyally the londoners sawe howe that the kynge was so asotted on this syr Hugh spenser they prouyded for a remedy for they sente secretly to the quene Isabell that if she coulde get thre hundred men of warre to come in to Englande she shulde fynde the greatest parte of the realme and the londoners redy to receyue her and to put her in possessyon of the realme whervpon the quene founde the lorde Iohan of Haynalt lorde of Beaumont and of Chynay and brother to the erle Guillyam of Haynalte who what for loue and pytie toke on him the vyage to brynge the quene and her sonne in to Englande with four hundred men of warre and so aryued in Englande and by the ayde of the londoners the quene atchyued her enterprise for without their ayde it wolde haue ben hard to haue come to passe and so kynge Edwarde was taken at the castell of Bristowe and set in prisone in the castell of Berkley and suche as fauoured him slayne and put to execusion and Edwarde his sonne crowned kynge at Westmynster All this the londoners ryght well remembred for they that were yonge herde this reported of their elders and some founde it in writynge and they sayd secretly one to a nother Our fathers and antecessours of olde tyme prouyded for these greate mischiefes and we thinke there was neuer greater cause than nowe at this present tyme for suffer this kyng Rycharde to haue his wyll and he wyll waste and dystroy all for sythe he was kynge there hath nat been in Englande suche prosperyte as was before he sheweth nat that the prince of Wales shulde be his father for if he had he wolde haue folowed his condicions and haue taken great pleasure in his prowes and nat to lyue in reste and ease as he dothe for he loueth nothynge but sporte and ydelnesse with ladyes and to be alwayes in their company and to beleue men of small reputacyon and to gather great rychesse and distroy the realme whiche thynges ought nat to be suffred And bycause that valyaunt man the duke of Gloucestre sawe clerely that the maters in Englande went nat as they shulde do by right and sawe howe dayly it was worse and worse and bycause he spake playnely therof the traytours that be about the kinge caused hym to be murthered and in lykewyse the good erle of Arundell and haue driuen out of the realme that valyaunt yonge knight Henry of Lancastre erle of Derby by whome the realme myght and ought to be counsayled and susteyned and by his four sonnes that he hath And yet for more crueltie besyde the dōmage that they cause the father to suffre out of the realme they dysenheryte the chyldren and the herytage that was their auntes the lady dame Blanche of Lancastre is dayly gyuen awaye to them that are nat worthy to haue theym And also bycause the erle of Northumberlande and his sonne the lorde Henry Percy haue somwhat spoken acordynge to reasone kynge Rycharde hath banysshed them it is well apparaūt that with in a shorte tyme there shall neuer a valyaunt man be lefte in the realme wherfore all wyll rynne to nought without remedy be founde shortely and we thynke the best remedy were to sende for the erle of Derby who leseth his season in Fraunce and whan he is come lette hym haue the gouernaunce of the realme that he may refourme all yuell and bringe it in to good state and lette them be punysshed that haue deserued and let Richarde of Burdeaux be taken and sette in the towre of London and all his fautes put in writynge in artycles of the whiche there wyll be founde a great nombre and by that tyme they be examined it shall be sene clerely that he is nat worthy to beare a crowne nor to kepe a realme for his owne de des shall confounde hym ¶ Howe the archebysshop of Caunterbury was sente in to Fraunce to the erle of Derby fro the londoners and other counsayls of Englande to haue him to returne in to Englande Cap. CC.xxxviii THus the londoners cōmunded togyder and nat al onely they but also in dyuers other places of the realme but the chyefe murmuracyon that the people were in was by the first set rynge on of them of London for the cōmons of London were as chefe and by them lyghtly all other cōmons wold be ruled and vpon the myschiefe that they sawe apparaunt in Englande they had dyuers secrete counsayles to gyther and with them certayne prelates and other knyghtes of the realme and they concluded to sende in to Fraunce for the erle of Derby and were determyned whan he were come to shewe hym the yuell gouernynge of kynge Rycharde and to put to hym the crowne and gouernynge of the realme of Englande and so to make hym kynge and his heyres for euer so that he wyll kepe the realme in all good vsages Than it was thought that he that shulde go in that message must be a wyse man and of good credence for they thought it shulde be a great mater to gette the erle of Derby out of Fraūce for they said that for any symple wordes of a meane messanger or for any letters he wolde gyue no faythe there to but rather thynke it shulde be to betraye hym Than the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury a man of honoure and prudence was desyred to do that message who for the cōmon profyte of the realme acorded to go at their desyres and ordeyned for his departure so wysely that none knewe therof but suche as ought to knowe it and so he toke a shyppe at London and but seuen all onely with hym and so past without any parell and came to Sluse in Flaunders and fro thens to Ardenbourge and so to Gaunte to And warpe to A the in Brabant to Conde and so to Valencennes and there toke his lodgynge at the signe of the Swanne in the market place and there taryed a thre dayes and refressed himselfe He rode nat lyke no bysshop but lyke a monke pylgryme and dyscouered to no man what he was nor what he entended to do The fourth day he departed and toke a man to be his guyde to Parys sayenge howe he wolde go a pylgrymage to saint More He dyd so moch that he came
thyder where as the erle of Derby was at a place called vyncetour besyde Parys Whan the erle of Derby sawe the bysshop of Caunterbury cōmynge to him his herte and spyrites reioysed and so dyd all suche as were aboute him for he thought well than to here some newes oute of Englande The bysshoppe shewed nat as than the cause of his cōmynge but dissymuled bycause euery man shuld nat knowe his entent and therfore to couer his busynesse he sayd openly he was come on pylgrymage to saynt Mors. All suche as were aboute the erle thought it had ben so Whan the bysshop sawe his tyme he toke a parte the erle of Derby alone in to a chambre and closed the dore to them Than the bysshop shewed the erle the debylyte of the realme of Englande and of the desolacyon therof and howe iustyce had no place to reygne for faute of a good kinge and howe certayne valyaunt men and prelates with the londoners and other ingenerall had deuised a remedy and for that cause he was sente thyder to hym to desyre him to retourne in to Englande and they wolde make hym kynge bycause that Rycharde of Burdeaulx had doone and consented to be done so many yuell dedes that all the people sorowed it and are redy to ryse agaynst hym and therfore syr nowe is the tyme or neuer for you to seke for your delyueraūce and profyte and for the welth of your chyldren for if ye entende nat to helpe your selfe and theym also none other wyll for Rycharde of Burdeaux gyueth to them of his chambre to other dayly parte of your enherytaūce and of your chyldrens of the whiche many valyaunt men and the londoners were sore dyspleased therwith if they coude amended it but they durst neuer speke tyll nowe But bycause the kynge hath yuell vsed hym selfe agaynst you and agaynst your vncle the duke of Gloucestre who was taken by nyght and conueyed to Calays and there murdered and the erle of Arundell beheeded without tytell of any good reason and the erle of Warwyke exyled and you banysshed and thus the realme of Englande is nere dysheryted of all noble men by whome the realme shulde be susteyned And also the kynge hath banysshed the erle of Northumberlande and the lorde Percy his sonne bycause they spake somewhat agaynst the kynges gouernaunce and his counsayle Thus they dayly encrease in doynge yuell and none dare speke agaynst it great parte of the realme haue pytie therof and therfore they desyre you to slepe no lenger but to take leaue of that frenche kynge and retourne in to Englande there shall you be receyued with ioy and all this that I haue sayd they wyll fyrmely vpholde for they desyre to haue none other kynge but you ye are so well beloued in the realme WHan the erle had herde the bysshops wordes at length he was nat hasty in gyuenge of aunswere but leaned out at a wyndowe lokynge downe in to a gardeyne and studyed a certayne space and had many imagynacions at last he tourned hym to the archebysshop and sayd Syr your wordes causeth me to study Lothe I wolde be to take on me this enterprise and lothe I wolde be to leaue it for I knowe well that it wyll be longe or I canne retourne in to Englande without it be by the same meanes as ye haue declared Lothe I wolde be to enclyne to your wordes for the Frenche kynge here and the frenchmen do to me and haue done wyll do if I lyst here to tary all the honour and curtesye that I canne desyre And if so be by reasone of your wordes and promesse of the londoners my good frendes that I shulde apply and agree to their wylles and desyre and that therby kynge Rycharde shulde be taken and dystroyed I shulde in that case beare great blame wherof I wolde be tyght lothe if any other meanes might be founde Sir quod the bysshoppe I am sent hyther to you in hope of all goodnesse call to you your counsayle and shewe them what I haue sayd and I shall also shewe them the cause of my cōmynge and I thynke they wyll nat counsayle you to the contrary That shall I do quod the erle for suche a weyghty mater requyreth counsayle Than the erle called to hym his counsayle suche as he trusted best Whan they were before hym than the erle caused the bysshop to shewe them all the mater and the cause of his commynge thyder Than the erle demaūded counsayle what was beste for hym to do They all aunswered with one voyce syr god hathe taken pytie of you howe so euer ye do refuse nat this bargayne for ye shal neuer haue a better and surely who so euer wyll enquyre of your lygnage and fro whence ye dyscended ye are of the ryght stocke and generacyon of saynt Edwarde somtyme kynge of Englande syr thanke the londoners your good frendes who wyll helpe to delyuer you out of daunger and haue pytie on your chyldren and of the desolacyon of the realme of Englande and syr remembre well what wrōges and iniuryes this Rycharde of Burdeaux hath done to you and dothe dayly for whan the maryage bytwene you and the countesse of Ewe was nere at a poynte dyd nat the erle of Salysbury breke it and called you traytoure in the presence of the frenche kynge and other lordes whiche wordes are nat to be pardoned but ye ought to desyre howe to be reuenged Sir if ye wyll nat helpe yourselfe who shulde helpe you syr take good aduyse herin ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the erle of Derby toke leaue of the frenche kyng and went to his cosyn the duke of Bretaygne Cap. CC.xxxix WHanne the erle herde his coūsaylours so ernestly counsayle him his spyrites opened and sayd Syrs I wyll do as ye wyll haue me for to haue your counsayle was the entente that I sent for you Syr quod they ye saye well and syr we counsayle you trewly to our power and as the matter requyreth Than as secretly as they coude they ordeyned for their departure Than it was deuysed howe they might passe the see or any knowledge therof shulde come in to Englande They deuysed that of two wayes they muste take one outher to go into Haynalte and in to Holande and there take the see at Dordright or els to go in to Bretaygne to the duke and there to take the see and so to lande at Plummouth or where as god wolde in Englande All thynges consydred they sayd the best way shulde be by Bretaygne and than they sayd to the erle syr go and take your leaue of the frenche kynge and thanke hym of the curtesy that he hath shewed vnto you and take leaue of the duke of Orlyance and of the kynges vncles and other and thanke theym all of the good chere they haue made you and desyre of the kinge to haue conducte to go in to Bretaygne sayenge that ye wyll go se the duke your cosyn to tary there a
season with hym The erle acorded to their counsayle and whan he was redy he wente to Parys to the kynge as he was acustomed to do for euer whan he came there was no dore closed agaynst him At this last tyme he spake wysely to the kynge and shewed hym howe he wolde go and sporte hym a season in Bretayne and to se the duke whome he called his vncle for he had had to his wyfe his fathers suster doughter to Kynge Edwarde The frenche kynge thought nothyng but well and so gaue hym lyghtly leaue Than the erle desyred to haue conducte to bringe hym thyder He graunted his desyre So to make shorte the Erle ordeyned all his busynesse by great wysdome and toke his leaue of all the lordes of Fraunce suche as were there as than and he gaue great gyftes to the kynges offycers and to offycers of armes and to mynstrelles and in the howse of Clysson he made a supper to all suche as wolde come to hym And the nexte daye he toke his horse and departed fro Parys and issued out at the gate of saynt Iaques and toke the way to Estampes A knight of Beawsey dyd guyde hym called syr Guy of Baygneux So longe they rode that they came to Blois and there they taryed an .viii. dayes for the erle had sente a knyght and his haraulde in to Bretayne to sygnyfie the duke of his cōmynge as reason was WHan duke Iohan of Bretaygne knewe that his nephewe the erle of Derby was cōmynge thyder he was therof ryght ioyfull for he loued alwayes the Duke of Lancastre and all his bretherne and sayde to the knight that brought him worde who was called Gillyam de la Pierre Sir why dothe our nephewe tary by the way that he cometh nat hyther streyght The knyght excused the erle as well as he myght Well quod the duke I sawe no man this seuen yere that I wolde be gladder to se than my nephewe the erle of Derby retourne to hym cause hym to come for he shall fynde my countrey redy open to receyue hym Of that aunswere the knyght was gladde and retourned as shortely as he coulde and came to Bloys and shewed the erle and his counsayle the dukes aunswere The next day they rode forthe and had payed for euery thynge and in the erle of Derbyes company was syr Peter of Craon who was banysshed out of the realme of Fraunce and all his castelles rentes and reuenues seased for the sōme of a hundred thousande frankes iudged to the duchesse of Aniou quene of Napoles by proces of the lawe Thus the erle of Derby came to Nauntes and there founde the duke who receyued him nobly and all his company Than syr Guy le Bayneux retourned in to Fraunce and the erle taryed with the Duke of Bretaygne who made hym as good chere as coulde be deuysed And all this seasone the bysshoppe of Caunterbury was styll with the erle and his coūsayle The duke spared nothynge vpon the erle nor vpon his men but shewed them all the loue of the worlde and yet the duke knewe well the dyspleasure that kynge Rycharde had agaynste the erle wherof he had pytie Whan the erle consydred the dukes good wyll and fauoure he dyscouered to hym parte of his busynesse as touchynge the duchy of Lancastre and suche herytages as the duke his father had in possessyon whan he dyed and desyringe therin to haue the dukes counsayle sayenge that he was nat repealed agayne by the kynge but gyueth dayly away parte of his enherytaunces wherby he shewed the duke that many noble men and prelates in Englande were nat well contente with the kynge and the realme therby in great dyfference In so moche that dyuers noble men and the londoners had sent to hym to haue hym to come in to Englande promysynge that they wolde make his peace with the kynge and set hym in his herytage Whan the duke herde that he sayd Fayre nephue where as be many wayes the best ought to be chosen By the kynge ye are in a harde case ye demaunde counsayle and I wyll counsayle you to gyue credence to your frendes in Englande the londoners are myghty and puyssaunt they and by the ayde of other prelates lordes and knyghtes of the realme shall bringe the kynge to agre to their desyres and nephewe I shall ayde you with spyppes and with men of warre to resyste the daungers vpon the see Of that offre the erle thanked the duke of Bretayne ⸪ ⸪ ¶ Howe the erle of Derby aryued in Englande and howe he was receyued of the londoners Cap. CC.xl. THus the duke of Bretaygne and the erle of Derby were louyngely concluded togyder and the erle taryed there a certayne space made as though he wold haue taryed styll there and in the meane seasone the erle made his prouysyon at Wannes And whan all thynge was redy the duke and the erle came thyder and whan the wynd serued the erle of Derby and his company tooke the see he had with hym thre shyppes of warre to conducte hym in to Englande and the further they sayled the better wynde they had so that within two dayes and two nyghtes they aryed at Plūmouth in Englande and issued out of their shyppes and entred in to the towne lytell and lytell the bayly of Plūmouthe who had charge of the towne vnder the kynge had great marueyle whanne he sawe so moche people and men of warre entre in to the towne But the bysshop of Caunterbury apeased him and sayd howe they were menne of warre that wolde do no harme in the realme of Englande sent thyder by the duke of Bretaygne to serue the kynge and the realme Therwith the bayly was contente and the erle of Derby kept hym selfe so priuy in a chaumbre that none of the towne knewe hym Than the bysshoppe of Caunterbury wrote letters sygned with his hande to London sygnyfienge the cōmynge of the erle of Derby and sente them by a suffycyent man in post who tooke fresshe horses by the waye and came to London the same daye at night and passed ouer the bridge and so came to the mayres lodgynge who as than was a bedde and as sone as the mayre knewe that a messāger was come fro the bysshop of Caunterbury he rose out of his bedde and made the messanger to entre in to his chambre who delyuered hym a lettre fro the bysshoppe of Caunterbury The mayre redde it and reioysed greatly of those newes and incontynent he sente of his seruauntes fro house to howse princypally to suche as were of counsayle of sendynge for the Erle of Derby They were all gladde of that tydynges and in contynent there assembled togyther of the moste notablest men of the cytie to the nombre of two hundred they spake togyder and helde no longe counsayle for the case required it nat but they sayd lette vs apparell our selfe and go and receyue the duke of Lancastre saythe we agreed to sende for hym the
archebysshoppe of Caunterbury hathe well doone his deuoyre seynge he hath brought hym in to Englande Than they dyd chose certayne men to go abrode to publysshe the erles cōmynge to lordes knyghtes and squyers suche as were of their party and mo than fyue hundred of the londoners tooke their horses and they had so great desyre to go forthe that they were lothe to tarye one for a nother The erle of Derby taryed nat longe at Plummouth but the nexte daye as soone as their horses were vnshypped they rode towardes London And all that season sir Peter of Craon and the bretons were styll with the erle The mayre of London they that hadde the gouernyng of the cytie were the fyrst that mette the erle in the feldes and humbly receyued him and euer as they rode forwarde they mette more people The fyrst daye they cāe and laye at Guyldforde a fyue and twentie myle fro Lōdon The next day a great nombre of the men women and chyldren of London and the clergy came to mete with the erle they had suche desyre to se hym And whan they cāe in to his sight they cried welcome noble erle of Derby duke of Lancastre God sende you ioye welthe and prosperyte Sithe ye wente out of Englande the realme hath ben in no prosperyte Nowe we truste ye shall bringe vs in to a reasonable estate for we haue lyued in great displeasaunce and desolacyon by the meanes of Richarde of Burdeaux and his counsayle and specially he ought moost chefe to be blamed For a kyng that shulde gouerne a Realme and people ought to haue suche discrecyon to knowe gode and yuell asondre otherwise he is nat worthy to gouerne a Realme And this Rycharde of Burdeaux hath done contrary whiche shal be well knowen and proued vpon him with suche wordes and other the people brought the erle to London The mayre rode cheke and cheke by hym whiche was great pleasure for the people to se and the mayre sometyme sayde to the erle Sir beholde howe the people reioyse of your cōmyng That is trewe quod the erle And alwayes as he rode he enclyned his heed to the people on euery syde Thus the Erle was brought on his lodgynge and euery man departed tyll after dyner Than the mayre and the notable men of the cite and dyuers other lordes and knyghtes prelates bysshoppes and abbottes suche as were in London cam to se the the erle Also the duchesse of Gloucestre and her two doughters came to se therle who were his cosyn germayns Affren their brother was with kynge Richarde more for feare than̄e for loue With these ladyes was the countesse of Arundell and her chyldren and also the countesse of Warwyke with dyuers other ladyes suche as were at London The people of London were so ioyfull of the erles cōmyng that there was no more workynge in London that daye than and it had ben Easter daye TO come to a conclusyon of this busynesse The people toke coūsayle and aduyse to ryde agaynst the kynge whom the Londoners named Richard of Burdeaux kynge without tytell or honour for the vyllaynes of London hadde the kyng in suche hate that it was payne for them to here spekynge of hym but to his cōdempnacion and distruction for they hadde treated the erle of Derby to be their kynge and he was moche ordred by their counsayle The erle of Derby toke on hym to be kyng and so to endure for euer he and his heyres and therto the Londoners dyde swere and seale And promysed that all the resydue of the realme shulde do the same so solempnely that there shulde neuer questyon be made therof after Also they promysed hym to aide and to assyste hym alwayes These promyses and boundes ones taken and concluded than it was ordayned that .xii. hundred men of London well armed shulde ryde with the erle towardes Bristowe and to do so moche that Richarde of Burdeaux myght be taken and brought to London and than to take aduyse what shulde be done with hym and to be iudged by the lawe and by the thre estates of the realme Also it was ordayned to make the lesse brute and sclaundre that the men of warre of Bretaygne suche as were come thyder with the erle shulde be retourned home agayne For it was sayde howe they hadde men ynoughe to do their dedes without them so that the erle had all the bretons before hym and thanked them of their seruyce that they hadde done hym and gaue them great rewardes so that they were well content and so retourned to Plūmouthe to the shyppes and so in to Bretayne ¶ Nowe lette vs speke of the erle of Derby who ordayned to ryde to Bristowe THe erle of Derby was cheife of that armye as reason was for it touched hym most nerest Thus he departed fro London and as he rode the countrey fell in to hym Tidynges cāe in to the kynges host of the cōmyng of the erle of Derby and of the Londoners many knyghtes squyers and other knewe it or the kynge hadde knowledge therof but they durst nat speke therof Whan the tidynges spredde more abrode suche as were next the kyng were in great feare for they knewe well the kynge and they bothe were lykely to fall in paryll bycause they hadde so many ennemyes in the realme and suche were thā their ennemyes that hadde made good face before For many knightes squyers and other suche as hadde serued the kyng before departed fro the courte without any lycence Some wente home to their owne houses some toke the nexte waye they coude streight to the erle of Derby to serue hym As soone as Affren of Gloucestre and Rycharde son̄e to the erle of Arundell knewe that the Erle of Derby and the Londoners were cōmynge they gote their men toguyder and departed and rode streyght to the erle of Derby whome they founde beyonde Oxenforde at a towne called Soucetour Th erle of Derby hadde great ioye whan̄e he sawe his cosyns and demaunded of the state of the kynge and howe they were departed fro hym They aunswered and sayde Sir at our departynge we spake nat with hym For as soone as we knewe of your commynge we lepte on our horses and departed to come to serue you and to ayde to reuenge the dethe of our fathers whome Richarde of Burdeaulx hathe caused to be slayne Sirs quod the erle ye be ryght welcome ye shall ayde me and I shall helpe you For it is behouable that oure cosyn Rycharde of Burdeaux be brought to London so haue I promysed to the Londoners and I wyll kepe my promyse for therto they wyll ayde me And we haue men ynowe to fyght with hym if nede be And if he wyll haue batayle he shall haue it ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe tidynges came to kyng Richarde of the cōmynge of the erle of Derby with great puyssaunce Cap. CC.xli IT was sayd to the kynge whan the mater coude no lengar be hydde Sir aduyse you well ye
haue nede of good Counsayle shortely for the Londoners and other cometh agaynst you with great puissaunce and hath made therle of Derby your cosyn their chefe capitayne they haue gote hym out of Fraūce This hath nat been done without great treatie Whan the kynge herde that he was sore abasshed and wyste nat what to saye for all his spyrites trymbled For thā he saw well the maters were lykely to go yuell agaynst hym without he coude gette puyssaūce to resyst them Than the kynge sayd Sirs make all our men redy and lende throughe out my realme for ayde For I wyll nat flye before my subiettes Sir quod they the mater gothe yuell for your men do leaue you flye awaye ye haue loste the one halfe and all the rest are sore abasshed and leseth coūtynaūce Why quod the kyng what wyll ye that I shall do Sir leaue the felde for ye are nat able to kepe it And gette you in to some stronge castell tyll sir Iohan Hollāde your brother come who is aduertysed of all this mater And whan̄e he is come he shall fynde some remedy outher biforce of armes or elles by treatie at leest to bring you in to some better case than ye be in at this present tyme. For if ye kepe the felde paraduenture some wyll forsake you and go to hym To this coūsaile the kyng agreed At that tyme the erle of Salisbury was nat with the kyng he was in his countre Whan he herde howe the erle of Derby with the Londoners and great puissaunce rode agaynst the kyng He ymagined that the matter was in paryll for hym and for the kynge and for suche as the kyng had ben counsayled by so he sate styll to here other tidynges Also the duke of yorke was nat with the kyng but his sonne the erle of Rutlande was alwayes with the kyng for two causes The one was kyng Richarde loued hym entierly And another was bycause he was constable of Englande therfore by right he ought to be with the kynge Whan the kyng had supped newe tidynges cāe agayne to hym sayeng Sir it is tyme to take aduise howe ye wyll order your selfe your puyssaūce is nat sufficient agaynst thē that cometh agaynst you It can nat aueyle you to make batayle agaynst them It behoueth you to passe this daunger by sadde aduyse and good counsayle And by wysedome apease them that be your yuel willers as ye haue done or this tyme and than correcte them after at leysar There is a castell a .xii. myle hens called the castell of Flynte whiche is stronge We counsayle you to go thider and close you within it tyll ye here other newes fro the erle of Huntyngton your brother and for other of your frendes and sende in to Irelande for socours And the frēche kyng your father in lawe whan he knoweth of your nede he wyll conforte you the kyng folowed that counsayle and apoynted them that shulde ride with hym to the castell of Flynt And he ordayned his cosyn erle of Rutlande to tary styll at Bristowe and that they shulde be redy to sette forwarde whan he sent to them and that he was of power to fyght with his enemyes The nexte day the kynge with suche as were of his housholde rode to the castell of Flynte and entred in to the castell without makynge any semblaunt to make any warre but to abide there and to defende the castell if they were assayled ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe kyng Richarde yelded him selfe to the erle of Derby to go to London Cap. CC.xli THe erle of Derby the londoners had their spies goyng and cōmyng who reported to them al the state of the kyng And also the erle knewe it by suche knyghtes and squyers as daylye came fro the kynges parte to therle who had sure knowledge that the king was gone to the castell of Flynt and had no company with him but such as were of his owne housholde and semed that he wolde no warr̄ but to scape that daūger by treatie Than therle determyned to ryde thyder and to do so moche to haue the kyng outher biforce or by treatie Than the erle and all his company rode thyder and within two myle of the Castell they founde a great vyllage there the erle taryed and dranke determyned in hym selfe to ryde to the castell of Flynt with two hundred horse and to leaue the rest of his company styll there And he sayde he wolde do what he coude by fayre treatie to entre in to the castell by loue and nat perforce And to bring out the kynge with fayre wordes and to assure hym fro all paryll excepte goynge to London and to promise hym that he shall haue no hurte of his body and to be meane for hym to the Londoners who were nat cōtent with hym Therles deuyse semed good to them that harde it and they sayd to hym Sir beware of dissymulacion This Rycharde of Burdeaux muste be taken outher quycke or deed and all the other traytours that be about hym and of his counsayle and so to be brought to London and sette in the towre the Londoners wyll nat suffre you to do the contrary Than the erle sayde Sirs feare nat but all that is enterprised shall be accomplysshed But if I can gette hym out of the castell with fayre wordes I wyll do it and if I canne nat I shall sende you worde therof and than ye shall come and laye siege about the castell And than we wyll do so moche by force or by assaute that we wyll haue hym quicke or deed for the castell is well prignable to those wordes accorded well the londoners So the erle departed fro the army and rode with two hūdred men to the castell where as the kyng was amōg his men right sore abasshed The erle came ridyng to the castell gate whiche was faste closed as the case requyred The erle knocked at the gate The porters demaūded who was there the erle answered I am Henry of Lancastre I come to the kynge to demaunde myne herytage of the duchy of Lancastre shewe the kynge this fro me Sir quod they within we shall do it Incontynent they went in to the hall and in to the ●ongyon where as the kyng was and suche knyghtes about hym as had long tyme coūsayled hym than these newes were shewed to the kyng sayd sir your cosyn of Derby is at the gate who demādeth of you to be set in possessyon of the duchy of Lancastre his enherytaunce The kynge than regarded suche as were aboute hym demaunded what was best to do They said sir in this request is none yuell ye maye let hym come in to you with .xii. persons in his company and here what he wyll say He is your cosyn and a great lorde of the Realme He maye well make your peace and he wyll for he is greatly beloued in the realme and specially with the Londoners who sente for hym in to Fraūce They be as nowe the
chefe that be agaynst you Sir ye must dissymule tyll the mater be apeased and tyll the erle of Huntyngton your brother be with you And it cometh nowe yuell to passe for you that he is at Calais For there be many nowe in Englande that be rysen agaynst you that and they knewe that youre brother were aboute you they wolde sytte styll and durst nat displease you and yet he hathe to his wyfe the erle of Derbyes suster by his meanes we suppose ye shulde come to peace and cōcorde The kyng agreed to those wordes and said Go and let hym come in with .xii. with hym and no mo Two knyghtes went downe to the gate and opyned the wycket and issued out and made reuerence to the erle and receyued hym with gracious wordes for they knewe well that they hadde no force to resyst them and also they knewe well the Londoners were sore displeased with thē therfore they spake fayre and sayde to the erle Sir what is your pleasure the kyng is at masse he hath sente vs hyder to speke with you I saye quod therle ye knowe well I ought to haue possessyon of the ouchy of Lancastre I am come in partie for that cause and also for other thynges that I wolde speke with the kynge of Sir quod they ye be welcome the kyng wolde be gladde to se you to here you and hath commaunded that ye come to hym all onely with .xii. persones The erle answered it pleaseth me well So he entred in to the castell with .xii. persones and than the gate closed agayne and the rest of his cōpany taryed without NOwe consyder what daūger therle of Derby was in for the kyng than myght haue slayne hym and suche as were with hym as easely as a byrde in a cage But he feared nat the mater but boldelye went to the kyng who chaūged colours whan he sawe the erle Than the erle spake aloude without makynge of any great honour or reuerence and sayd Sir are ye fastynge The kyng answered and sayd yea why aske you It is tyme quod the erle that ye had dyned for ye haue a great iourney to ryde Why wheder shulde I ryde quod the kynge ye must ryde to London quod therle wherfore I counsayle you eate and drinke that ye maye ryde with the more myrthe Than the kynge who was sore troubled in his mynde and in a maner afrayde of those wordes sayde I am nat hungry I haue no luste to eate Than suche as wereby who were as than gladde to flatter therle of Derby for they sawe well the mater was lyke to go dyuersly sayde to the kynge Sir beleue your cosyn of Lancastre for he wyll nothyng but good Than the kyng sayd well I am content couer the tables Thanne the kynge wasshed and satte downe and was serued Than the erle was demaunded if he wolde sytte downe he sayde no for he was nat fastynge IN the mean season whyle the kyng satte at dyner who dyde eate but lytell his hert was so full that he had no lust to eate All the countrey about the castell was full of men of warre They within the castell myght se them out at the wyndowes and the kynge whan he rose fro the table myght se them hym selfe Than he demaunded of his cosyn what men they were that appered so many in the feldes Th erle aunswered and sayde the moost parte of thē be Londoners What wolde they haue quod the kyng They wyll haue you quod therle and bringe you to London and putte you in to the towre there is none other remedy ye can scape none otherwyse No quod the kyng and he was sore afrayde of those wordes for he knewe well the Lōdoners loued hym nat and sayde Cosyn can you nat prouyde for my suretie I wyll nat gladly putte me in to their hādes For I knowe well they hate me and haue done long though I be their kynge Than therle sayd Sir I se none other remedy but to yelde your selfe as my prisoner and whan they knowe that ye be my prisoner they wyll do you no hurte but ye must so ordayne you your cōpany to ryde to Lōdon with me and to be as my prisoner in the towre of London The kyng who sawe hym self in a harde case all his spyrites were sore abasshed as he that douted greatly that the londoners wolde slee hym Than he yelded hym selfe prisoner to the erle of Derby and boūde hym selfe and promysed to do all that he wolde haue hym to do In lykewise all other knightes lquyers and offycers yelded to the erle to eschewe the daūger and paryll that they were in and the erle than receyued them as his prisoners and ordayned incontynent horses to be sadylled brought forthe in to the courte the gates opyned than many men of armes archers entred Than the erle of Derby caused a crye to be made on payne of dethe no man to be so hardy to take away any thyng within the castell nor to laye any handes vpon any ꝑsone for all were vnder the erles sauegarde and protection whiche crye was kept no man durst breke it the erle had the kyng downe in to the courte talkyng toguyder caused all the kynges hole housholde and estate to go forwarde as of custome they had done before without chaūgyng or mynisshynge of any thyng Whyle euery thyng was a preparyng the kyng and the erle cōmuned toguyder in the court and were well regarded by the Londoners And as it was entormed me kynge Richarde had a grayhounde called Mathe who alwayes wayted vpon the kynge and wolde knowe no man els For whan soeuer the kyng dyde ryde he that kept the grayhounde dyde lette hym lose and he wolde streight rynne to the kynge and fawne vpon hym and leape with his tore fete vpon the kynges shulders And as the kyng the erle of Derby talked togyder in the courte the grayhounde who was wont to lepe vpon the kyng left the kynge came to the erle of Derby duke of Lancastre and made to hym the same frendly coūtinaūce chere as he was wonte to do to the kyng The duke who knewe nat the grayhoūde demaunded of the kyng what the grayhounde wolde do Cosyn quod the kyng it is a gret good token to you and an yuell signe to me Sir howe knowe you that quod the duke I knowe it well quod the kyng The grayhounde maketh you chere this day as kynge of Englande as ye shal be and I shal be deposed the grayhoūde hath this knowledge naturally therfore take hym to you he wyll folowe you forsake me The duke vnderstode well those wordes and cherisshed the grayhounde who wolde neuer after folowe kyng Richarde but folowed the duke of Lācastre SO euery man lepte a horsbacke and departed fro the castell of Flynt entred in to the feldes Thus duke Henry of Lancastre who was no more called erle of Derby but duke of Lācastre rode by
the kyng and oftentymes talked togider and men of warre before behynde in great nombre and all suche as were of the kynges courte rode toguyder in a company That night they laye about Oxenforde The duke of Lancastre ledde kyng Richarde by no castelles nor good townes for feare of styring of the people but alwayes kepte the feldes Than the duke gaue lycence to a great nombre of his people to departe and sayd Sirs ye maye departe for we haue that we desyre the kynge can nat flye nor scape fro vs we our owne company shall bring hym to London and putte hym in sauegarde in the towre he and all his are my prisoners I may bringe them whider I wyll Therfore sirs go your wayes home tyll ye here other newes They dyde as the duke cōmaunded thē who toke the way to Wyndsore and came thyder and moost parte of the Lōdoners retourned to London other to their owne places the duke of Lācastre deꝑted fro wynsore wolde nat ride by Colbroke but toke the way by Shene so cāe to dyner to Chersay the king had desyred the duke that he shulde nat bringe hym London waye nor through the cytie and therfore they tooke that waye As soone as they had the kynge thus in their handes they sente notable ꝑsones to the yong quene who was at Ledes in Kent And they cāe to the lady Coucy who was seconde persone there next to the quene and sayd to her Madame make you redy for ye must deꝑte hens and at your departyng make no semblant of displeasure before the quene but saye howe your husbande hath sent for you for your doughter also This that we saye loke that you do accomplysshe on payne of your lyfe nor axe ye no questyons no further And ye shal be conueyed to Douer and there haue a shyppe that shall bring you to Boloyne the lady who douted those wordꝭ for she knewe well Englysshemen were cruell and hasty said sirs as god wyll I am redy to do as ye wyll haue me Anone she made her redy and horses were prouyded for her and for her cōpany So all Frenche men and women departed and they were conueyed to Douer at the next tyde they toke shippyng and had good wynde and so arryued at Boloyne ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Of the state of quene Isabell of englande and howe she had all newe ꝑsones apoynted to wayte vpon her and howe kyng Richarde was sette in the towre of London Capi. CC.xlii AS for the state of the quene was so tourned and broken for there was lefte nouther man womon nor chylde of the nacion of Frāce nor yet of Englande suche as were in any fauour with the kyng Her house was newly furnisshed with ladyes and damoselles and other offycers and seruauntes They were charged all that in no wyse they shuld nat speke of the kynge nat one to another Thus the duke of Lācastre departed fro Cherisay and rode to Shene and fro thens in the nyght tyme they conueyed the kyng to the towre of London and suche other knightes and squyers as the kyng wolde The nexte mornyng whan the Londoners knewe that the kynge was in the towre they were gretly reioysed but there was great murmuring among thē bycause the kyng was conueyed thyder so secretely They were angry that the duke had nat brought hym throughe London openly nat to haue done him honor but shame they hated hym so sore Beholde the opinyon of cōmon people whā they be vp agaynst their prince or lorde and specially in Englande amonge them there is no remedy for they are the peryloust people of the worlde and most outragyoust if they be vp and specially the Londoners and in dede they be riche and of a great nombre There was well in Lōdon a. xxiiii thousāde men in harnesse complete and thousande archers and they were hardy hygh of corage the more blode they sawe shedde the lesse they were abasshed ¶ Nowe lette vs somwhat speke of the erle of Rutlande constable of Englande sonne to the duke of yorke who was taryed at Bristowe and the lorde Spēser with hym who had his suster to wyfe Whan they knewe that the castell of Flynte was gyuen vp and the kynge taken and brought to London than̄e they thought surely the matters wente nat well for the kynge Therfore they thought no lengar to tary there and gaue leaue to al their men of warre to departe and the erle of Rutlande and the lorde Spenser rode toguyder with their owne seruauntes to Hull in the marchesse of Wales a fayre māner of the lorde Spensers there they taryed tyll they herde other tidynges And the duke of yorke laye styll in his castell medled with nothynge of the busynesse of Englande no more he dyde before he toke euer the tyme aworthe as it came howbeit he was sore displeased in his mynde to se suche difference within the realme and bytwene his nephues and blode ¶ Nowe let vs retourne to speke of kynge Richarde WHan the duke of Lancastre had set his cosyn kyng Richard in the towre of London and certayne of his coūsaylours and had sette sure kepynge on thē The fyrst thyng than that the duke he sent for the erle of Warwyke who was banysshed and cōmaunded to lye in the ysle of Wyght and discharged hym clene therof secondly the duke of Lancastre sent to therle of Northumberlande and to the lorde Percy his sonne that they shulde come to hym and so they dyde After he enquered and sought out to haue the foure companyons that had strangled his vncle the duke of Gloucestre in the castell of Calais They were so well sought out that they were all taken They were sette in prisone aparte in Lōdon than the duke of Lancastre and his coūsayle toke aduyse what shulde be done with kyng Richarde beyng in the towre of Lōdon where as kyng Iohan of Fraunce was kept whyle kynge Edwarde wente in to the Realme of Fraūce Than it was thought that king Rycharde shuld be put fro all his royalte and ioy that he hath lyued in for they sayd the newes of his takynge shulde sprede abrode in to all realmes crystened He had been kynge .xxii. yere and as than they determined to kepe him in prisone Than they regarded what case the realme stode in and dyd put all his dedes in artycles to the nombre of .xxviii. Than the duke of Lancastre and his counsayle went to the towre of London and entred in to the chambre where kynge Rycharde was and without any reuerence makynge to hym there was openly redde all the said artycles to the whiche the kynge made none aunswere for he sawe well all was true that was layde to his charge sauynge he sayd all that I haue doone passed by my counsayle Than he was demaunded what they were that had gyuen coūsayle and by whome he was most ruled he named them in trust therby to haue ben delyuered himselfe in
accusynge of them as he had doone before tyme trustynge therby to scape and to bringe them in the daunger and payne but that was nat the mynde of them that loued hym nat so as at that tyme they spake no more but departed and the duke of Lancastre went to his lodgynge and suffred the mayre and the men of lawe to procede They went to the Guyldhall where as all the maters of the cytie were determyned and than moche people assēbled there Whan they sawe the gouernours of the cytie go thyder they thought some iustice shulde be done as there was in dede I shall shewe you howe Fyrste the artycles that were made agaynst the kynge the whiche had been redde before hym in the towre were redde agayne there openly And it was shewed by hym that redde them howe the kynge hymselfe denyed none of them but confessed that he dyd theym by the counsayle of four knightes of his chambre and howe by their counsayle he had put to dethe the duke of Gloucestre and the erle of Arūdell sir Thomas Corbet and other and howe they had longe encyted the kynge to do those dedes whiche dedes they sayd were nat to be forgyuen but demaunded punycion for by them and their coūsayle the iustyce of right was closed vp through all the courtes of Englande Westmynster and other wherby many yuell dedes folowed and companyes and rowtes of theues and murderers rose and assembled togyther in dyuers parties of the realme and robbed marchauntes by the wayes and poore men in their houses by whiche meanes the realme was in great parell to haue ben lost without recouery and it is to be ymagyned that fynally the wolde haue rendred Calais or Guysnes or bothe in to the frenchmennes handes These wordes thus shewed to the people made many to be abasshed and many beganne to murmure and sayd These causes demaunde punycion that all other may take ensample therby and Rycharde of Burdeaur to be deposed for he is nat worthy to beare a crowne but ought to be depriued fro all honour and to be kept all his lyfe in prison with breed and water Though some of the villaynes murmured other said on hygh sir mayre of London and ye other that haue iustyce in your handes to mynyster execute iustyce for we wyll ye spare no man for ye se well the case that ye haue shewed vs demaūdeth iustyce in cōtynent for they are iudges vpon their owne dedes Than the mayre and other of the gouernours of the lawe went togyther in to the chambre of iudgement than these four knyghtes were iudged to dye and were iudged to be had to the foote of the towre where as kynge Richarde was that he might se them drawen alonge by the dyke with horses eche after other throughe the cytie in to chepesyde and than there heedes stryken of there and sette vpon London bridge and there bodyes drawen to the gybet and there hanged THis iudgement gyuen they were delyuered to execucyon for the mayre of London and suche as were deputed to the mater wente fro the Guyldhall to the towre and toke out the four knyghtes of the kynges whose names were called sir Bernarde Brokas syr Marelays mayster Iohn̄ Derby receyuour of Lyncolne and mayster Stell the kynges stewarde Eche of thē were tyed to two horses in the presence of them that were in the towre and the kynge myght well se it out at the wyndowes wherwith he was sore descomforted for all other that were there with the kynge loked to be in the same case they knewe them of London so cruell Thus these four knyghtes were drawen one after another a longe through the cyte tyll they came in to chepe and there on a fysshers stall their heedes were stryken of and set vpon London bridge and their bodyes drawen by the shulders to the gybet and there hanged vp This iustyce thus doone euery man went to their lodgynges Kynge Rycharde knowyng him selfe taken and in the daunger of the londoners was in great sorowe in his herte and rekened his puyssaunce nothynge for he sawe howe euery man was agaynste hym and if there were any that ought hym any fauour it laye nat than in their powers to do hym any ayde nor they durste nat shewe it Suche as were with the kynge sayde Syr we haue but small trust in our lyues as it may well apere for whan your cosyn of Lancastre came to the castell of Flynte and with your owne good wyll ye yelded you to hym and he promysed that you and twelue of yours shuld be his prisoners and haue no hurte and nowe of those twelue four be executed shamfully we are like to passe the same way The cause is these londoners who hath caused the duke of Lancastre your cosyn to do this dede had hym so sore bounde to them that he muste do as they wyll haue hym God dothe moche for vs if he suffre that we myght dye here our naturall deth and nat a shamfull dethe It is great pytie to thynke on this With those wordes kyng Rycharde began tēderly to wepe and wringe his handes and cursed the houre that euer he was borne rather than to haue suche an ende Suche as were aboute hym had great pytie and recomforted hym as well as they might One of his knyghtes sayd Syr it behoueth you to take comforte we se well and so do you that this worlde is nothyng the fortunes ther of are marueylous and somtyme tourne as well vpon kinges and princes as vpon poore men The frenche kynge whose doughter ye haue maryed canne nat nowe ayde you he is to farre of if ye myght scape this myschefe by dyssimulacyon and saue your lyfe and ours it were a good enterprise peraduenture with in a yere or two there wolde be had some recouery Why ꝙ the kynge what wolde ye that I shulde do there is nothynge but I wolde be glad to do it to saue vs therby Syr quod the knyght we se for trouthe that these londoners wyll crowne your cosyn of Lancastre as kynge and for that entent they sent for hym and so haue ayded hym and do it is nat possyble for you to lyue without ye consent that he be crowned kynge wherfore syr we wyll counsayle you to the entent to saue your lyfe and ours that whan your cosyn of Lancastre cōmeth to you to demaunde any thynge than with swete and treatable wordes say to hym howe that ye wyll resygne to hym the crowne of Englande and all the ryght that ye haue in the realme clerely and purely in to his handes and howe that ye wyll that he be kynge therby ye shall greatly apease him and the londoners also and desyre hym effectuously to suffre you to lyue and vs also with you or els euery man a parte as it shall please him or els to banisshe vs out of the realme for euer for he that leseth his lyfe leseth all Kynge Rycharde herde those wordes well and fyxed them surelye in
letters and wytnesse of all the prelates and lordes there beynge present Than Rycharde of Burdeaux retourned agayne in to the chambre fro whence he came Than the duke of Lancastre and all other lept on their horses and the crowne and ceptour were put in a cofer and conueyed to the abbey of Westmynster and there kept in the treasory And euery man wente to their lodgynges and abode tyll the day of parliament and counsayle shulde be at the palays of Westmynster ¶ Of the coronacyon of kyng Henry duke of Lancastre by the consent of the realme the maner of the feest Cap. CC.xlv IN the yere of our lorde god a thousande thre hundred fourscore nynetene the last daye of septembre on a tuysday began a parlyament at Westmynster holden by Henry duke of Lancastre at whiche tyme there was assembled prelates and clergy of the realme of Englande a great nombre and also dukes erles and barones and of euery towne a certayne Thus the people assembled at Westmynster there beynge presente the duke of Lancastre and there the same duke chalenged the realme of Englande and desyred to be kynge by thre reasones Fyrst by conquest secondly bycause he was heyre And thyrdly bycause Rycharde of Burdeaur had resygned the Realme in to his handes by his free wyll in the presence of certayne dukes erles prelates and barones in the hall within the towre of London These thre causes shewed the duke of Lancastre requyred all the people there present as well one as other to shewe their myndes and ententes in that behalfe Than all the people with one voyce sayd that their wylles was to haue him kynge and howe they wolde haue none other but hym Than the duke agayne sayd to the people Sirs is this your myndes and they all with one voyce sayde ye ye And than the duke sate downe in the syege royall whiche seate was reysed vp in the hall and couered with a clothe of estate so that euery man myght well se hym sytte And than the people lyfted vp their handes a hygh promysing hym their faythe and allegyaunce Thanne the parlyament cōcluded and the day was taken for his coronacyon of saynt Edwardes day the monday the .xiii. day of Octobre at whiche tyme the saturday before his coronacyon he departed fro Westmynster and rode to the towre of London with a great nombre and that night all suche squyers as shulde be made knyghtes the nexte day watched who were to the nombre of .xlvi. Euery squier had his owne bayne by him selfe and the next day the duke of Lancastre made theym all knyghtes at the masse tyme. Than had they longe cotes with strayte sleues furred with mynyuer lyke prelates with whyte laces hangynge on their shuldes And after dyner the duke departed fro the towre to Westmynster rode all the way bareheeded and aboute his necke the lyuery of Fraunce He was acompanyed with the prince his sonne and syxe dukes syxe erles and .xviii. barons and in all knyghtes and squyers a nyne hundred horse Than the kynge had on a shorte cote of clothe of golde after the maner of Almayne and he was mounted on a whyte cou●ser and the garter on his left legge Thus the duke rode through London with a great nombre of lordes euery lordes seruaunt in their maysters lyuery All the but gesses lombardes marchauntes in London and euery craft with their lyuerey and deuyse Thus he was conueyed to Westmynster He was in nombre a syxe thousāde horse and the streates hanged as he passed by and the same day and the next there were in London rynnynge seuen cundyttes with wyne whyte and reed That nyght the duke was bayned and the next mornynge he was confessed and herde thre masses as he was acustomed to do and than all the prelates and clergy came fro Westmynster churche to the palays to fetche the kynge with procession and so he went to the churche a procession and all the lordes with hym in their robes of scarlet furred with menyuer barred of their shulders acordynge to their degrees and ouer the kynge was borne a clothe of estate of blewe with four belles of golde and it was borne by four burgesses of the portes as Douer and other And on euery syde of him he had a sword borne the one the sworde of the churche and the other the sworde of iustyce The sworde of the church his sonne the prince dyd beare and the sworde of iustyce therle of Northumberlande dyd beare for he was as than constable of Englande for the erle of Rutlande was deposed fro that offyce and the erle of Westmerlande who was marshall of Englande bare the ceptour Thus they entred in to the churche about nyne of the clocke and in the myddes of the churche there was an hygh scaffolde all couered with reed and in the myddes therof there was a chayre Royall couered with clothe of golde Than the kyng sate downe in that chayre and so sate in estate royall sauynge he had nat on the crowne but sate bare heeded Than at four corners of the scaff olde the archebysshop of Caunterbury shewed vnto the people howe god had sent them a man to be their kyng and demaunded if they were content that he shulde be consecrated and crowned as their kynge And they all with one voyce sayd yea helde vp their handes promysynge him faythe and obeysaunce Than the kynge rose and wente downe the scaffolde to the hygh auter to be sacred at whiche consecracyon there were two archbysshoppes and ten bysshops and before the aulter the● he was dispoyled out of all his vestures of estate there he was anoynted in vi places on the heed on the brest on the two shulders behynde and on the handes Than a bonet was ser on his heed and whyle he was anoyntynge the clergy sange the latyny and suche seruyce as they synge at the halowing of the fonte Than that kinge was aparelled lyke a prelate of the churche ▪ with a cope of reed sylke and a payre of spurres with a poynte without a rowell Than the sworde of iustyce was drawen out of the shethe and halowed and than it was taken to the kyng who dyd put it agayne in to the sheth than the archebysshop of Caunterbury dyd gyrde the sworde about hym than saynt Edwardes crowne was brought forthe whiche is close aboue and blessed and than the archebysshop dyd sette it on the kynges heed After masse the kyng departed out of the churche in the same estate and went to his palays and there was a fountayne that ranne by dyuers braunches whyte wyne and reed Than the kyng entred in to the hall and so in to a priuy chamber and after came out agayne to dyner At the fyrst table sate the kynge At the seconde the fyue peres of the realme at the thyrde the valaunt men of London at the fourth the newe made knightes At the fyft the knyghtes and squiers of honour And by the kyng stode
the prince holdynge the sworde of the churche and on the other syde the Constable with the sworde of iustyce and a lytell aboue the marshall with the ceptour and at that kynges borde sate two archbysshops and .xvii. bysshoppes And in the myddes of the dyner there came in a knight who was called Dinereth all armed vpon a good horse rychely aparelled and had a knyght before hym bearyng his speare and his sworde by his syde and his dagger The knyght toke the kyng a lybell the whiche was red Therin was conteyned that there were outher knight squyer or any other gētylman that wold say that kyng Henry was nat right full kyng he was there redy to fyght with him in that quarell before the kynge or where as it shulde please hym to apoynte that byll was cryed by an haraulde in syxe places of the hall and in the towne There was none that wolde chalenge hym Whan the kynge had dyned he toke wyne spyces in the hall and than went in to his chambre Than euery man departed and went to their lodginges thus the day passed of kynge Henryes coronacyon with great ioy and feest whiche endured all the next day The erle of Salysbury was nat at this solēpnyte for he was in sure prison and the kinges coūsayle and dyuers other noble men and the londoners wolde that his heed shulde haue ben stryken of openly in chepe for said he had well deserued it for bearynge of letters and credēce fro Rycharde of Burdeaux to the frenche kyng and there to reporte openly that kyng Henry was a false traytoure whiche faute they sayd ought nat to be ꝑdoned Kyng Henry was more gentyll than so for he had some pytie on hym for therle excused hym and sayd that he dyd was by the kynges cōmaundement by the settyng on of the four knyghtes that were beheeded Kinge Henry beleued well the erles wordes but his coūsayle wolde nat beleue it but said and so dyd the londoners that he shulde dye bycause he had deserued deth Thus the erle of Salysbury was in prison in great daunger of his lyfe And syr Iohan Holande erle of Huntyngdon capytayne of Calais was well enfourmed of the hole mater and howe his brother kyng Rychard was taken and in prisone in the towre of London and had resygned his crowne and all howe Henry of Lancastre was kinge of Englande This erle of Huntyngdon what so euer dyspleasure he had for the trouble of his brother yet wysely he consydred the tyme and aduentures and sawe well that he was nat able to with stande all the power and puyssaunce of the realme Also the countesse his wyfe who was cosyn germayne to kynge Henry sayd Syr it must behoue you to passe your displeasure pacyently wysely and do nat that thynge wherby ye shall haue dōmage for the kyng may do you moche good and ye se that all the realme enclyneth to hym if ye shewe any dyspleasure to hym warde ye are but lost wherfore syr I requyre you and I coūsayle you to dyssimule the matter for as well kynge Henry nowe is your brother as kyng Richarde was therfore syr stycke and leane to him and ye shall fynde hym your good louer for there was neuer a rycher kynge in Englande than he is he may do to you to your chyldren great good The erle herde well the wordes of his wyfe and beleued her and enclyned hym to kynge Henry and offred hym humble obeysaunce and promysed hym faythe and trouthe The kyng receyued hym and had great ioy therof and he dyd so moche with meanes of his frēdes that therle of Salysbury was taken to grace and his excusacyons accepted and was clene pardoned ¶ How newes of the taking of kyng Rycharde was knowen in Fraunce by the cōmyng thyder of the lady of Coucy and howe the frenche kynge was dyspleased Cap. CC.xlvi WHan the lady of Coucy was aryued at Bouloyne she hasted her to go to Parys Great murmurynge there was in Fraunce of the sodayne incidentes that were fall in Englāde they knewe somwhat by marchaūtes of Bruges but whan the lady of Coucy aryued than the trouth was knowen She went firste to her husbandes house as it was reason Anon the frenche kynge herde worde howe the lady of Coucy was come to Parys Than the kynge sent for the lorde of Coucy who had ben all nyght with his wyfe Whan he was come the kynge demaūded of the state of kynge Rycharde of Englande and of the quene his doughter The lorde durst nat hyde the trouth fro hym but shewed hym playnely euery thynge as his wyfe had shewed hym whiche newes were sore dyspleasaunt to the frenche kynge for he knewe well the englysshmen were sore harde men to apease and so with dyspleasure the frenche kynge retourned agayne in to his olde sicknes of fransey wherof the nobles of that realme were sore displeased but they coude nat amende it Than the duke of Burgoyn said I thought neuer otherwyse for it was a maryage without good reasone the whiche I sayd playnly ynough whan the mater was fyrst spokē of but as than I coulde nat be herde for I knewe well the londoners neuer loued parfytely kynge Rycharde All this myschefe is engendred by the duke of Gloucestre it is tyme nowe to take hede what the englisshmen wyll do sythe they haue taken their kyng and put him in prison by all lykelyhode they wyll put hym to dethe for they neuer loued him bycause be loued no warre but peace they wyll crowne to their kynge the duke of Lancastre he shall so bynde hym selfe to them that whether he wyll or nat he shall do all that they wyll sayd moreouer nowe shall be sene what they of Burdeaux wyll do for there he was borne and was well be loued with them and also with them of Bayon of Dax and in all the lymytes of Burdeloys it were good that that constable of Fraūce sir Loys of Sanxere were signyfyed of this mater and that he drewe hym to that fronters there with him syr Raynolde of Barroys of Barreys and other barones and prelates and to treate with them and my brother the duke of Berrey to go in to Poictou to drawe to the fronters of Xaintes of Blaues and of mirebell wherby if they of Burdeaux wyll any thynge entende to our treaties that they may be receyued for nowe shall we haue them or neuer As he deuysed it was ordeyned the whiche was a substanciall deuyce for whan they of Burdeaux of Bayon and of Dax vnderstode that their kynge Rycharde was taken and sette in the towre of London and duke Henry of Lancastre crowned kyng they had gret marueyle therof and in the begynnyng wolde nat beleue it but lytle lytle they knewe the trouth therof Than the sayd thre townes were closed and no man suffred to issue out nor to entre in they were sore troubled and sorowfull and specyally the cytie of Burdeaux
Henry in Fraunce wherby they were soner aquaynted so they taryed at Douer tyll their horses were vnshypped and than they rode to Caunterbury And where so euer they bayted or lay their hostes were payed At laste they came to Eltham and there they founde kyng Henry and parte of his counsayle The kinge made them good chere for the loue of the frenche kynge Than they shewed the kyng the cause of their cōmynge The kynge aunswered and sayde Sirs ye shal go to London and there I wyll be within this foure dayes and assemble my counsayle and than ye shall haue aunswere of your demaunde That daye they dyned with the kynge and after dyner they rode to London and the sayde knyght of the kynges styll with them who sawe them well lodged The kinge acordyng to his promyse came to Westmynster these frenche knyghtes had knowlege of the kynges cōmynge thyder and made them redy to go whan they shulde be sent for The kynge had his counsayle with hym and than it was deuysed what answere they shuld haue than they were sent for and than it was shewed them that where as they desyred to se the quene their desyre shulde nat be denyed so that they wolde swere and promesse that nouther they nor none of their menne shulde speke any worde of that was fallen vpon king Rycharde for it was said to them that if they dyd they shulde rynne in great dyspleasure of the people and be in great parell of their lyues The two knightes sayd they wolde in no wyse breake the ordre that they had sette but obey their cōmaundement They sayd whan they had ones sene and spoken with her than they wolde retourne and departe Anon after the erle of Northum berlande brought theym to Haueringe of the bowre to the yonge quene who was there as than and with her the duches of Irelande doughter to the lorde Coucy and the duchesse of Gloucestre with her doughters and other ladyes and damoselles The quene receyued them swetely and demaūded of them howe the frenche kinge her father dyd and the quene her mother They sayde well and so cōmuned with her a gret season They kepte well their promesse for they spake no worde of kynge Rycharde Than they tooke leaue of the quene and retourned to London Than shortely after they wente to Eltham to the kynge and there dyned and the kyng gaue them fayre presentes and iowelles and ryght amyably they toke their leaue of the kynge who sayd to them Syrs ye may say whan ye come in to Fraunce that the quene of Englande shall haue no hurte nor trouble but shall alwaies kepe her estate as to her belongeth and shall enioy all her right for as yet she shall nat knowe the mutacyons of the worlde Of these wordes spoken of the kynges mouth the two knyghtes were well content and so departed and lay at Dertforde and the next day at Osprynge and so to Caunterbury and than to Douer And all their costes and charges commynge goynge the kynges offycers payed Than they tooke the see and aryued at Boloyne and so to Parys and there founde the kyng and the quene and shewed them all that they had sene and herde ¶ Nowe let vs somwhat speake of Englande ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe certayne lordes in Englande rose vp with an army to haue delyuered kyng Rycharde and to haue dystroyed kynge Henry and howe they were slayne Cap. CC xivii DIuers questyons and argumētes were made in Englande amonge noble men and counsayls of the good townes that Richarde of Burdeaux was deed slayne wherfore men spake no more of hym for well he had deserued it To these poyntes kyng Henry answered and sayd Nay quod he I haue pytie of his dethe I wyll neuer consent therto To kepe hym in prisone is suffycient I haue warrāted his lyfe and I wyll kepe my promyse suche as wolde haue had hym deed sayd Sir we se well ye haue Pytie on hym but ye do for your selfe a perylous thyng For as long as he is a lyue though he haue willyngly resigned to you the crowne of Englande and that euery man hath receyued you as kyng and haue made to you faythe and homage yet it can nat be but that there be in the Realme some that loued hym as yet do who wolde lightly ryse agaīst you if they might se any lykelyhode of his delyueraunce Also the Frenche kynge is sore displeased for his trouble he wolde soone be reuenged yf he myght and he is of great puyssaunce with suche ayde as he maye fynde in Englande The kynge aunswered and sayde As longe as I se nat the contrary or that the Frenche kyng wyll take no parte agaynst me I wyll kepe my promyse This aunswere that the kynge made had nerehande haue ben to his owne distructyon The erle of Huntyngton sir Iohan of Hollande brother to kyng Richarde who hadde to wyfe kynge Henryes suster coulde nat forgette the aduenture of his brother No more coude the erle of Salisbury and they had at Oxenforde secrete counsayle toguyder And they deuysed how they might delyuer kynge Richarde oute of the towre and distroye kyng Henry bring a trouble agayne in to the realme They deuysed to make a iustes of twentie knyghtes and twentie squyers to beholden at Oxenforde and howe they wolde desyre the kyng to be there priuely And whyle he shulde be syttynge at the table to slee hym For they had deuysed to haue hadde men ynowe to haue perfourmed their ententes and they had redy a preest called Maladyn who was a syngar in kynge Rychardes chapell to haue putte hym in the Kynges appareyle for he was lyke kynge Rycharde in fauoure And than they wolde haue made the people to haue beleued that kynge Richarde hadde been delyuered and returned in to his fyrst state and than̄e to haue sente worde of their dede to the Frenche kynge that he shulde incontynent haue sente in to Englande some socoure to them by the erle of saynt Poule or by some other As they had deuysed so they dyde begynne They caused a feest at Oxenforde to be proclaymed of twentie knyghtes and twentie squyers well accōpanyed with ladyes and damoselles They hadde also on their partie the yonge erle of Kente nephue to sir Iohan Hollande also another great lorde the lorde Spensar And they beleued to haue hadde on their partie the erle Iohan of Rutlande bycause kynge Henry had put hym out of the offyce of the Cōstable shyppe of Englande but he fayled theym for some sayde by hym they were bewrayed This feest prouyded for thau the erle of Huntyngton came to Wyndsore where the kyng was and humbly made his reuerence as he that thought to haue disceyued the kynge with swete wordes and to haue gote hym to haue come to this feest the whiche to do he desyred the kyng effectuously and the kyng who thought none yuell graunted hym so to do wherof the erle was ryght ioyouse and departed
shotte on bothe partes so that many were hurte Than the bayly with his great nombre came vpon them without sparynge for he had speciall cōmaundement fro kynge Henry that he shulde outher take thē quicke or deed if he myght ouercome them So finally the Erles menne were fayne to withdrawe in to the houses Than the bayly and his men enuyroned their lodgynges on all partes and specially where the two Erles were made there suche assautes that they entred ꝑforce There were many hurte and slayne Th erle of Hūtyngton defended him selfe valyauntly as longe as he myght But there were so many agaynst hym that there he was slayne and with hym the yonge erle of Kente for whom great sorowe was made in dyuers partes of Englande for he was a fayre yonge man and was there in maner agaynst his wyll but his vncle and the erle of Salisbury brought hym therto The men of Suscettour who were fierse agaynst thē strake of their heedes and sent them by a messanger to the mayre of London therwith to reioyce the kyng and the londoners Th erle of Salisbury and the lorde Spensar came to a lyke conclusyon for certayne knightes squiers of the kynges toke them where they were and strake of their heedes sente them to London many suche as were with them alyed were putte to execucion bothe knyghtes and squyers After that the realme was in good rest and peace ⸫ ⸫ ¶ Howe the frenche kyng reysed vp an army to sende vpon the fronters of Englande Cap. CC .xlviii. WHan easter was come the yere of our lorde god M. four hundred The frēche kyng his brother his vncles his counsaile vnderstode howe certayne Englysshmen of armes and archers shulde passe the see and come to Calais and to Guynes to Hāmes and to those fronters Than there was a cōmaundement made throughe Fraunce that euery knight and squyer shulde be redy to leape a hors backe and to go thider as they shulde be sente specially Bolonois and the see syde was well prouyded for The same tyme duke Iohan of Bretayne died behynde hym he lefte two sonnes a doughter The eldest son̄e shulde haue maried the frenche kynges secōde doughter for he might nat haue theldest bycause she was maryed in to Englande to kynge Richarde This treatie of maryage fyrst for the eldest doughter of Fraunce with the heyre of Bretayne was cōcluded at Tourse in Tourayn but afterwarde by the kinges cōsent and his coūsaile to th entent to marry her the more richely that mariage was broken with Bretayne she maried in to Englande And dyuers lordes in Fraunce said feared that no good shulde come therof but than they concluded for the secōde doughter Than after the dethe of the duke of Bretaine it was aduised that the duke of Orlyaūce with a certayne nōbre of men of warre shulde drawe to the marches of Bretayne to speke with the bretons with the coūsaylours of good townes to know what they wolde do with their heyre to desyre thē to delyuer him to be kept in the house of Fraūce The duke of Orlyaūce dyde acording to this deuyse with a certayne nōbre came to Ponthorson there rested and sente worde of his cōmyng to the lordes of Bretaigne Than prelates lordes coūsaylours of the good townes in the name of the thre estates of the countre assembled togider were determyned what aunswere to make and so they came to Pounthorson to the duke of Orlyaunce and there they made their answere all after one sorte and that was They said howe that their yonge lorde heyre of Bretayne they wolde kepe hym thēselfes in his owne countre Than the duke of Orlyaūce seyng it wolde none otherwise be he toke bōdes of the grettest lordes in Bretayne suche as had chefe charge of the countre that they shulde delyuer hym to the frēche kyng whā the childe shulde come to his age These writynges made and sealed than the duke deꝑted and returned in to Fraunce and shewed the kyng his brother howe he had spedde IT was well knowen in Englande howe the Frenche kyng hadde furnysshed his garysons cyties good townes castels on the fronters of Picardy and Bolonois and howe the frenchmen had closed so the passagꝭ ouer the water of Sōme that no marchandyse corne nor other thyng shulde nat passe Abuyle nor the marchaūtes of Englāde who were wont to go in to Frāce with their marchaūdise durst no more cōe there nor the frenche marchaūtes durste nat come in to Englande so that the fronters on bothe ꝑties were in gret ruyne desolacion and yet they made no warr̄ togyder for they had no cōmaūdement so to do Than it was said to kyng Hēry sir aduyse you well it semeth by the Frenchmen they wyll make you warre they make great prouisyon for shyppes at Harflewe and capitayns of their armye is the erle of saynt Poule and sir Charles de la Breth And it were to suppose that if the erles of Huntyngton and of Salysbury were a lyue and all suche as be dedde the Frenchmen than wolde soone passe ouer the see on trust to haue great alyaunce and ayde in Englande But sir as longe as Richarde of Burdeaux is a lyue you nor your realme shal be at no suretie I beleue that ye saye is trewe quod the kyng but as for me I wyll nat cause hym to be slayne for I haue so promysed hym and I wyll kepe my promyse without I ꝑceyue that he worke trayson agaynst me Well sir ●abqod they of his counsaill it were better for you that he were deed rather than a lyue For as longe as the frenche men knowe that he is lyueng they wyll enforce them to make you warre and wyll hope alwayes to bring him agayne in to his former estate bycause of his wyfe the Frenche kynges doughter The kyng gaue none answere but departed fro them as than and lefte his coūsayle cōmunyng togyder the kynge wente and toke a faucon on his hāde and passed ouer that mater ¶ Of the dethe of kyng Richarde of Englande and howe the truse bytwene Englande and Fraunce was reuewed And also of the deposicion of pope Benedic at Auignon Cap. CC .xlix. IT was nat longe after that true tidynges ran thoroughe London howe Richarde of Burdeaulx was deed but howe he dyed by what meanes I coulde nat tell whan I wrote this cronycle But this kynge Rycharde deed was layde in a lytter and sette in a chayre couered with blacke Baudkynne and foure horses all blacke in the chayre and two men in blacke leadyng the chayre and four kynghtes all in blacke folowyng Thus the chare departed fro the towre of London and was brought a long throughe London fayre and softely tyll they cāe into chepesyde where as the chefe assembly of Lōdon was and there the chare rested the space of two houres thyder came in and out mo than xx M. persons men and women to se hym
where as he laye his hedde on a blacke quisshen his visage open some had on hym pytie sōe none but sayd he had long a go deserued dethe Now cōsyder well ye great lordes kynges dukes erles barōs prelates all men or great lynage puissauce se beholde how the fortunes of this worlde are marueylous turne diuersly This kyng Richarde reigned kynge of Englāde .xxii. yere in great prosperite holdyng great estate signorie There was neuer before any kyng of Englande that spente so moche in his house as he dyd by a. C.M. florens euery yere For I sir Iohn̄ Froissart chanon treasourer of Chinay knewe it wel for I was in his court more tha a quarter of a yere togider he made me good chere bycause that in my youthe I was clerke seruaūt to the noble kynge Edwarde the thirde his grautfather with my lady Philyp of Heynault quene of Englāde his grandame and whan I deꝑted fro hym it was at Wynsore and at my departynge the kyng sent me by a knight of his called sir Iohn̄ Golofer a gob let or syluer gylte weyeng two marke of siluer within it a C. nobles by the which I am as yet the better and shal be as long as I lyue wherfore I am boūde to praye to God for his soule with moche sorowe I write of his dethe But bicause I haue cōtynued this historie therfore I write therof to folowe it In my tyme I haue sene two thingꝭ though they differ yet they be true I was in the cytie of Burdeux sytting at the table whā kyng Richarde was borne the whiche was on a tuisday about .x. of the clocke The same tyme there cāe there as I was sir Richarde Poūtcardon marshall as than of Ac●tayne he said to me Froissart write put in memorie that as nowe my lady pricesse is brought abeed with a fayre son on this twelfe daye that is the day of the thre kynges and he is son to a kynges son shal be a kyng This gētyll knight said trouthe for he was kynge of Englande xxii yere But whan this knyght sayd these wordes he knewe full lytell what shulde be his conclusyon And the same tyme that kynge Richarde was borne his father the prince was in Galyce the whiche kyng Dompeter had gyuen him and he was there to cōquere the realme Vpon these thyngꝭ I haue greatlye ymagined sythe for the fyrst yere that I cāe in to Englāde in to the seruyce of quene Philyppe Kynge Edwarde and the quene and all their chyldren were as than at Barcamstede a maner of the prince of Wales be yonde London The kynge and the Quene were came thyder to take leaue of their sofie the prince and the prīcesse who were goyng in to Acquitayne And there I herde an aūcient knyght deuyse amonge the ladyes and sayde There is a booke whiche is called le Brust and it deuyseth that the prince of Wales eldest son to the king nor the duke of Clarence nor the duke of Glocestre shuld neuer be kyng of Englāde but the realme crowne shuld returne to the house of Lacastre There I Iohan Froissart auctour of this cronycle cōsydring all these thynges I say these two knyghtes sir Richarde Pountcardon sir Bartylmewe of Bruels layd bothe trouthe For I sawe and so dyde all the worlde Rycharde of Burdeaux .xxii. yere kyng of Englande and after the crowne retourned to the house of Lancastre And that was whan kyng Hēry was kyng the which he had neuer ben if Richarde of Burdeaux had dalte amyably with hym for the Londoners made hym kyng bycause they had pytie on hym and on his chyldren Thus whan kynge Richarde had layne two houres in the chare in Chepe syde than they draue the chayre forwarde And whan the foure knyghtes that folowed the chare a sote were without London they lept than on their horses whiche were there redy for them And so they rode tyll they cāe to a vyllage called Langle a .xxx. myle from Lōdon and there this kyng Richarde was buryed god haue mercy on his soule Tydinges spredde abrode howe kyng Richarde was deed he taryed euery daye for it for euery man myght well consydre that he shulde neuer come out of prisone a lyue His dethe was long kepte and hydde fro his wyfe The Frenche kynge and his counsayle were well enformed of all this and the knightes and squyers desyred nothyng but the warre that they myght ryde vpon the fronters Howe be it the counsayls as well of the one realme as of the other toke their aduyse and thought it best to vpholde styll the truse that was taken before they thought it more ꝓfitable than the warre And a newe treatie was deuysed to be in the marches of Calais bycause the frēche kyng was nat in good case nor had nat been sythe he knewe of the trouble that kyng Richarde was in And yet his sickenesse doubled whā he knewe that he was deed so that the duke of Burgoyne had the chefe rule of the realme And he came to saynt Omers to Burbour● where the duke of Burbone was sir Charles de la Brest and Charles of Hangeers Iohan of Castell Morant and of prelates the patriarke of Ierusalem and the bysshoppes of Paris and of Beauoyes And on the Englysshe partie there was the erle of Northumberlande the erle of Rutlande the erle of Deuonshyre and the lorde Henry Percy the erles sonne and yuan of Fitzwaren and prelates there were the bysshoppes of Wynchester and of Ely The frenche men demaūded to haue agayne delyuered the yong quene of Englande but the Englysshe men wolde in no wyse delyuer her but sayd she shulde lyue styll in Englāde vpon her dowrie and that though she had lost her husbande they wolde prouyde for her another that shulde be fayre yong gentyll with whom she shuld be better pleased than with Richard of Burdeaux for he was olde and this shuld be the prince of Wales eldest sofie to kyng Henry To this the Frenchmen wolde nat agre for they wolde nat consent therto without licēce of the kyng her father who as than was nat in good poynt for he was farr̄ out of the way no medysyn coude helpe hym So that mater was layde aparte and the treatie of truse went forwarde in suche wyse that by cōsent of bothe parties they sware and were boūde to kepe the truse .xxvi. yere more to the four yeres that it had endured the whiche in all was .xxx. yere accordynge to the fyrst couenaūt and vpon this writynges were made and sealed by procuracyons of bothe kyngꝭ this done euery man returned to their own countreis ¶ I haue nat as yet shewed you what became of therle Marshall by whom fyrst all these trybulacyons began in the realme of Englande but nowe I shall shewe you He was at Venyce and whā he knewe that kyng Henry was kyng and kynge Rycharde taken deed He toke therof so great displeasure and sorowe that he layde hym downe on his bedde and fell in a fransy and so dyed Suche mischeuousnesse fell in those dayes vpon great lordes of Englande ¶ And in the yere of oure lorde god a thousande four hundred one lesse Pope Benedic at Auignon who had ben susteyned long by the Frenche men was as than deposed And in lykewise so was the kynge of Almaygne for his yuell dedes For the clectours of the Empyre and all the dukes and barons of Almaygne rose agaynst hym and sente hym in to Boesme where as he was kyng and they chose another a valyaunt and a wyseman to be kyng of Almayne and he was one of the Bauyers and was called Robert of Heleberge And he came to Coloygne where he was crowned with the crowne of Almayne for they of Ayes wolde nat open their towne to hym nor the duke of Guerles wolde nat be vnder his obeysaunce This newe kynge of Almaygne promysed to bring the churche to a vnyte and peace Howe be it the Frēche kynge and his counsayle treated with the legeoys who helde with the pope at Rhome And they dyde so moche by the meanes of sir Baudwyn of Mount Iardyne who gouerned a great parte of the bysshoprike of Liege who was a knyght of the Frenche kynges so that by his meanes at the desyre of the frēche kyng the countrey of Liege tourned to become neuter so that the Legeois sente to Rome for all the clergy that were there of their countrey to come by a certayne day or els to lese all their benefyces in the countre Whan they herde that they returned fro Rome and cāe to Liege And pope Bonyface who lost moche by that transmutacion sente a legate in to Almaygne to preche amonge them to cause them to retourne agayne to his parte but the legate durst nat passe Coloigne and sent letters to Liege Whanne those letters were reed the messanger was aunswered that on payne of drownyng he shulde no more comeon suche message For they sayd as many messanger as cometh with any suche message shal be drowned in the ryuer of Moeuze Finis totius Froissart ¶ Thus endeth the thirde and fourthe boke of sir Iohn̄ Froissart of the cronycles of Englande Fraūce Spayne Portyngale Scotlande Bretaygne Flaunders and other places adioynynge Translated out of Frenche in to maternall Englysshe by Iohn̄ Bourchier knyght lorde Berners deputie generall of the kynges towne of Calais and marches of the same At the hyghe commaundement of our moost redouted souerayne lorde kyng henry the eight kyng of Englande and of Fraunce and hyghe defender of the christen faythe c. The whiche two bokes be cōpyled in to one volume fynysshed in the sayd towne of Calais the .x. day of marche in the .xvi. yere of our said souerayne lordes raigne Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Rycharde Pynson printer to the kynges moost noble grace And ended the last day of August the yere of our lorde god M.D.xxv. ¶ Cum priuylegio a rege in dulto
doughters and as sone as they be wedded ye shal se bothe theyr puyssaunces ioyne togyder entre in to my royalme so gyue me to moche to do Then the frensshe knyghtes answered to comforte the kynge and sayd syr take no thought therfore for yf the englysshmen wyn on the one syde they lese on the other for we know surely that the frensshe kynge with mo then a. C.M. men of warre is as nowe in the royalme of Englande dystroyeth and conquereth the countrey and when they haue done brought al Englande in subieccyon then the frensshe kynge wyl take agayne the se or somer be past aryue at coulogne in galyce wyn agayne more in a moneth then ye haue lost in a hole yere the duke of Lancastre shal so be inclosed that he shal be fayne to fle in to portyngale so ye shal take vengeaūce of your enemyes for syr know surely that if the busynes offraūce had not ben so grete as it is for the voyage in to englande ye sholde haue had here or this .iii. or .iiii. M. speres of frensshmen for the frensshe kynge his vncles coūsayle haue grete affeccyon to cōforte ayde you to brynge your warres to an ende syr care not though the englysshmen nowe kepe the feldes wyn a lytel of your countrey Surely syr or it be the feest of saynt Iohn̄ baptyst they shal al be dryuen away the kyng toke these wor for good toke cōforte in thē the frensshe knyghtes sayd nothyng but as they thought was true for they reputed surely as then the frensshe kynge to be aryued in Englande so it was brewted in all Spayne Galyce and Portyngale surely the fourth parte of the tydynges that the englysshmen herde of pylgrymes merchauntes comynge fro flaunders was not shewed to the duke of Lancastre also the kynge of Portyngale for al that he wrote often tymes to the duke yet he somwhat dyssymuled was not ouer hasty to sende for the lady Phylyp to be his wyfe for his counsayle sayd to hym syr surely there is tydynges come out of Fraunce out of flaunders that the royalme of Englande is in a grete aduenture to be dystroyed and yf that be so what sholde it auayle you the comforte of the duke of Lancastre or to wedde his doughter it sholde nothyng auayle you wherfore couertly he delayed his busynes to the entente to se the ende of that matter howbeit by letters messagers he reteyned styll the duke in loue fauoure Nowe let vs leue a season to speke of the busynesses of Castell and Portyngale and let vs treate of the matters of fraunce ¶ Of the grete apparell of shyppes galeys that the frensshmen made on the see to passe in to Englāde Ca. liii THe apparel of shyppes galeys and vesselles that the frensshe kyng made to passe in to Englāde was so grete and sumptuous that the eldest man thā lyuyng neuer saw nor herde of the lyke the knyghtes and squyers reioysed when they departed fro theyr houses to go with the frensshe kynge in to Englande sayd nowe let vs go on these cursed Englysshmen who haue done so many euylles persecucyons in fraunce nowe shall we be reuenged for our faders bretherne and kynsmen whom they haue slayne and dyscomfyted surely it was more then .xii. wekes a doynge the pourueynge of suche prouysyons as the frensshe lordes made it was so grete that it was meruayle to consyder it it was sayd in all flaunders the kynge cometh to morowe and also men came thyder out of Gascoyne armynacke Comynges Tholowsyn and fro al the lymyttes of fraunce and all came lodged in flaunders and Artoys and when it came to the myddes of August that the voyage sholde approche and to the entente to make them of farre countreys to make the more hast to gyue ensample that the kynge toke his voyage with grete desyre the kynge toke his leue of the quene his wyfe and of quene Blaunche and of the duches of Orlyaunce and of the other ladyes of fraunce herde masse solemply in our Ladyes chyrche in Paris his entencyon was neuer to retourne agayne to Paris tyll he had ben fyrst in Englande so the kynge rode to Senlyse but al that season the duke of Berrey was styll in his coūtrey of Berre howbeit prouysyon was made in Flaunders at sluse for hym as it was done for other also the duke of Borgoyne was in his countrey so then he toke leue of the duches of his chyldren determyned to take his leue of his grete aunte the duches of Brabant so he departed out of Borgoyne rode in grete estate the admyrall of fraunce in his company syr Guy of Tremoyle so they came to Bruzelles there founde the duches other ladyes who receyued hym with grete honour .ii. dayes he taryed there with them then toke his leue fro thens he rode to Mons in Heynalte and there he founde his doughter the lady of Ostrenant duke Aubert his sone syr wyllyam of Heynalte erle of Oftrenant who receyued the duke with grete ioy so brought hym to Valencennes the duke was lodged in the erles palace duke Aubert in the lodgynge of Vycongnet the lady of Ostrenant fro thens the duke rode to Doway so to Arras there he founde the duches his wyfe taryenge for hym Then the frensshe kynge came to Compaygne so to Noyon fro thens to Perone to Bapalmes so to Arras dayly there came downe people fro all partes so grete nombre that the coūtrey was clene eten vp nothyng was lefte abrode in the countrey but it was taken wtout payenge of ony thynge so that the poore comon people that had gadered togyder theyr cornes had nothynge lefte them but strawe yf they spake therof they were beten or slayne theyr waters were fysshed theyr houses beten downe for fyer wood yf the englysshemen had aryued in the countrey they coulde not nor wolde not haue done so grete dystruccyon nor hurte then the frensshmen themselfe dyd they sayd to the poore men syrs we haue as nowe no syluer to pay but when we retourne we shal haue ynoughe then ye shall be clerely payde but the poore people when they saw theyr goodes taken spente away and durst not speke theragaynst they cursed bytwene theyr tethe sayenge go in to Englande or to the deuyll neuer retourne agayne ¶ Howe the frensshe kynge and his vncles aryued at Sluse in flaunders Ca. liiii THe frensshe kynge came to Lysle in flaunders his two vncles with hym the duke of Borgoyne and the duke of Borbon for as thē the duke of Berrey was behynde in his owne coūtrey and ordeyned for his busynes with the kynge at Lysle there was the duke of Bare the duke of Lorayne the erle of Armynacke the erle
be nat delyuered fro the companyons There is as yet the garyson of Lourde where as Peter Arnaulte kepeth vnder the kynge of Englande And also the garyson of Bounteuyll whiche is kepte by sir Iohan of Granley sonne to the Captall of Buse And thoughe it be so that as nowe we haue peace with the erle of Foiz yet it is good to doubte hym for he is cruell and hastye his thought is vnknowen therfore it is good that our landes be nat dyspurueyed Wherfore Brother for these causes other ye shall retourne home and ye shalle here often fro me and I fro you Sir Bernarde lightlye agreed to this purpose The deuyse semed good to hym Nor also he had no great affeccyon to go forthe in that iournay Than at his departynge the erle his brother sayde to hym Brother in youre retournyng ye shall go to our cosyn Raymonde of Thourayne who holdeth lande of the pope in the countie of Venus and maketh warre agaynst hym and my cosyn hath maryed his doughter to the prince of Orenge and shewe hym howe I am desyred of the pope to requyre hym to go with me in this voyage and I shall make hym my companyon in euery thynge and I shall tary for hym at the cytie of Gappe bytwene the mountayns Sir quod Bernarde I shall do your message Thus the two bretherne departed a sondre in the felde and neuer mette to guyder agayne after The erle of Armynake toke the waye to the cytie of Gappe in the lande of Ganos And Bernarde his brother went to the castell of Bolongne where sir Raymonde of Thouraygne was who receyued his cosyn ioyously Than sir Bernarde shewed hym the message that he had to saye fro his brother the erle of Armynacke with as fayre wordes as he coulde deuyse the rather therby to enclyne hym therto Than sir Raymonde aunswered and layd Fayre cosyn or your brother the erle of Armynake be entred farre in to Lōbardy and hath besieged any towne I shall folowe hym but as yet it is to soone for me and my men to go forwarde Write vnto your brother my cosyn that aboute the moneth of Maye I shall folowe hym by the tyme I trust to haue an ende of the war betwene myne vncle pope Clement and the cardinals at Auignon me who as yet wyll do me no ryght and kepeth awaye fro me ꝑforce that myne vncle pope Gregorie gaue me they wene to wery me but they shall nat They desyre knyghtes and squyers and gyueth theym pardons to make warre agaynst me but they haue no lyst therto For I canne haue mo men of warre for a thousande Floreyns in one daye than they can haue for all their absolucions in seuyn yere Fayre cosyn quod sir Bernarde that is trewe Kepe on your purpose I wolde nat counsayle you otherwyse And as ye haue aunswered me so shall I write to my brother therle of Armynake So be it quod sir Raymonde Thus they were toguyder all a hole daye Than̄e sir Bernarde departed and passed the ryuer of Rosne at the bridge Saynt Espyrite and so retourned in to Query and in to Rouergue by the mountayns and so came thyder as he wolde be and lefte the erle of Armynake his brother alone with his warre against the duke of Myllayne erle of Vertues Or he departed fro Bolonge he wrote to his brother all the newes that he knewe and the answere of sir Raymonde of Thourayne The erle of Armynake receyued the letters in the waye goyng to the cytie of Gappe He redde the letters and so passed forthe and made no great force of the matter WE wyll contynue to speke of the yonge erle of Armynacke and shewe his feate or I speke of any other mater And thus I say The good loue and great affection that he had to conforte his suster brother in lawe her husbande whom the erle of Vertues who called hym selfe lorde of Myllaygne falsely disheryted withoute cause or tytell● caused the erle ioyously to passe in his iourney as farre as Pyemount in Lombardy There was two great reasons that caused the erle of Armynake to assemble and to make that iourney at that tyme. The fyrste was that the realme of Fraunce therby was clene rydde of the routes of these companyons that hadde done moche hurte in the reaime and therby the countreys better assured than they were before The seconde reason was to ayde his suster for he had great pytie that she and her husbande shulde lese their herytage wherby they shulde lyue and maynteyne their estate and for these consyderacions he toke on hym this enterprice The capitayns of the companyons sayde one to another Lette vs ryde forthe merily agaynst these lombardꝭ we haue a good quarell and a inste tytell and we haue a good capitayne wherby our warre shal be moche the better And also we shall go in to the best countrey of all the worlde for Lombardy receyueth fro all costes the fatnesse of the worlde and the e lombardes be naturally euer riche and cowardes We shall attayne agaynst theym moche profyte There is none of vs that be capitayns but that shall retourne so ryche that we shall neuer nede to make warre more agaynst any man Thus the companyons de used one with another and whan they came in to a plentuous countrey there they wolde tary a season to refresshe them and their horses In the same season the good abuēturous fought of Englande sir Iohan Hacton was in the marchesse of Florēce and made warre agaynst the florētyns in the quarell of pope Bonyface of Rome for they were rebell agaynst the popes cōmaundement and so were also the Perusyns The erle of Armynake thought that if he might get this Englysshe knyght to take parte with hym he shulde haue a great treasure of hym bycause of his wysedome valyauntnesse The erle wrote to hym signyfieng hym all the hole mater of his enterprice desyringe hym of his ayde Whiche letter was sente by a discrete person to sir Iohan Hacton beyng in the marchesse of Florence and had a two thousande fyghtynge men He receyued the letter and redde it And whan he hadde well vnderstande all the substaunce therof he was ryght ioyfull and aunswered and sayde That his owne warre ones atchyued he wolde do nothyng after tyll he were in the company of the erle of Armynake The messanger sayde Sir ye saye well I requyre you write your mynde to my lorde the erle of Armynake he wyll the better beleue it With ryght a good wyll sir quod the knight it is reason that I so do Than the Englysshe knyght wrote and delyuered the letter to the messangere who retourned and came agayne to his lorde and founde hym as than in the marchesse of Pyneroll where was gret treatie bitwene hym and the Marques of Salues who shulde be alyed with hym to ayde him in his warre agaynst the duke of Myllayne erle of Vertues THe tidynges that the erle of