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A10743 Of the state of Europe XIIII. bookes. Containing the historie, and relation of the many prouinces hereof. Continued out of approved authours. By Gabriel Richardson Batchelour in Divinitie, and fellow of Brasen-Nose College in Oxford. Richardson, Gabriel, d. 1642. 1627 (1627) STC 21020; ESTC S116159 533,401 518

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king of England William the first son to Iohn the third William the second son to William the first the last Duke of Cleve Gulick and Bergen and Earle of Marck continued in the line masculine and descended from Adolph the tenth He deceased in the yeare 1609 without issue After his decease the estates hereof were controversed betwixt the Emperour Rodulph the second pretending the prerogatiue and right of the Empire vpon the failing of the male issue and Wolfang Prince of Nuburg and George-William Duke of Prussen descended from the eldest daughters of Duke VVilliam the first by the favour and armes of neighbouring Princes Gulick besieged and taken established in the possession hereof George-VVilliam Duke of Prussen son to Iohn Sigismond Marquesse and Electour of Brandenburg and to Anne daughter to Albert Duke of Prussen and to Mary-Leonor eldest daughter to William the first Duke of Cleve and Wolfang prince of Nuburg son to Philip-Lewis Count Palatine of Nuburg to Anne-Magdelin second daughter to Duke William the first and sister to Duke William the second Dukes of Cleve Gulick and Bergen and Earles of Marck in the yeare 1616 and at this present THE PALATINATE OF THE RHIIN IT likewise lyeth on both sides of the Rhijn so named frō the Counte-Palatines or Princes thus stiled aunciently seated in those parts and in continuance of time by gift purchase marriage armes becomming Lords hereof How these by litle litle became seazed of the countrey reade Franc Irenicus in his 3 booke 54 55. chapters Who were these first Paltzgraues it is not agreed vpon Trithemius nameth Count Palatines before the raigne of the Emperour Charles the Great Others accompt their beginning from the time of this Emperour Irenicus more probably from the Emperours of the German race house of Saxony They were not more aunciently Princes or hereditary and but onely chiefe Iudges amongst the Dutch or Presidents in their courts of judicature thus entitl'd appointed by the Emperours and continuing during pleasure The first of these whereof there is any certaine mention was one Henry living in the raigne of the Emperour Otho the third appointed one of the six first Electours of the Empire After him the Counte Palatines Electours follow Sigifrid Counte Palatine of the Rhijn and Elector son to Adelheild by a former husband wife vnto Henry the first Electour Ezeline Conrade sons to Sigifrid Lutolphus son to Ezelin Conrade in the raigne of the Emperour Henry the fift Frederique son to Frederique with the one eye Duke of Schwaben and nephew to the Emperour Conrade the third Henry surnamed the Lion Duke of Saxony Bavaria Henry son to Henry surnamed the Lion Engerus Henry the fourth Hitherto the order was confused Otto the second Duke of Bavaria vpon his marriage with Gertrude daughter vnto Henry the fourth created Counte Palatine of the Rhijn and Electour by the Emperour Frederique the second He deceased in the yeare 1259. Lewis the second Duke of Bavaria Electour Counte Palatine of the Rhijn He dyed in the yeare 1294. After the decease hereof these two Estates of Bavaria the Palatinate became againe divided as they haue continued ever since Lewis his younger son succeeding in the part of Bavaria since called the Dukedome of Bavaria and contayned betwixt the Danow and the Alpes and Rodulph his eldest son in the Electourship and the Palatinate of the Rhijn together with Nortgow aunciently part of the Dukedome of Bavaria and then first seperated and from the possession of these princes named since the vpper Palatinate or the Palatinate of Bavaria Rodulph eldest son to Lewis the second Electour and Counte Palatine of the Rhijn His younger brother Lewis succeeded in the Dukedome of Bavaria created afterwards Roman Emperour from whom the present Dukes of Bavaria are descended Adolph surnamed the Simple Electour Coute Palatine of the Rhiin eldest son to Rodulph His younger brother Robert Rodolph were also stiled Electours a chiefe cause of his surname of Simple Rupert son to Adolph the Simple Electour Counte Palatine of the Rhijn Rupert the second son to Rupert the first Hee was afterwards created Roman Emperour Lewis the third surnamed with the beard son to the Emperour Rupert From Stephen of Bipont his younger brother descended the Dukes of Zweibruck or Bipont as also the moderne Electours the house of Lewis the third becomming afterward in Otto-Henry extinguished Lewis the fourth son to Lewis the third Philip son to Lewis the fourth Lewis the fift son to Philip. He dyed without heires Frederique the first son to Philip and brother to Lewis the fift He also dyed without heires Otto-Henry son to Rupert brother to Lewis the fift and Frederique the first the last Electour and Counte Palatine of the Rhijn of the house of Lewis the third deceasing with heires after whom succeeded in Electourship the house of Stephen of Bipont Frederique the third Duke of Zimmeren son to Iohn the secōd son to Iohn the first son to Frederique Earle of Spanheim sonne to Stephen of Bipont son to the Emperour Rupert the house of Lewis the third failing in Otto-Henry in the yeare 1559 succeeding in the Electourship Palatinate He was stiled Frederique the third in regard of Frederique surnamed the Victorious younger son to Lewis the third who although not Electour had notwithstanding vsurped this title in the minority of Philip Electour of whom he was Guardian Lewis the sixt son to Frederique the third Frederique the fourth son to Lewis the sixt governed in his minority by Iohn Casimir Count Palatine of the Rhiin and Knight of the honourable order of the Garter in England son to Frederique the third and brother to Lewis the sixt Frederique the fift son to Frederique the fourth Electour and Count Palatine of the Rhiin chosen King of Bohemia against the Emperour Ferdinand the second whose wife is the most illustrious princesse Elizabeth sister to his Maiestie Charles King of Great Britaine THE LANGRAVE-SHIP OF ELSATS THis tooke the name from the river Ill the chiefe of the country The State was begun in the raigne of the Emperour Otho the third the first Lantgraue after Irenicus being one Theodoric In the raigne of the Emperour Frederique the second the male succession of these Lantgraues failing by meanes of daughters it became divided betwixt Albert the second Earle of Habspurg Albert Earle of Hohenburg Lewis Earle of Ottingen The Earle of Hohenburg shortly after vpon the marriage of Anne his daughter vnto Rodulph afterwards Emperour son to Albert the second Earle of Habspurg surrendred his part vnto that familie By this meanes the house of Habspurg afterwards of Austria became seazed of two parts hereof contayning now the vpper Elsats the Free Cities excepted The rest comprehēding at this day the lower Elsats the Earle of Ottingen sold vnto the Bishop of Strasburg whose Successours now hold the same vsurping the title of Lant-graues of Elsats The
of the Estates incorporated this great Dukedome with the Crowne of France never from thence to be severed which the male issue hereof extinct in Henry the third Lewis the thirteenth of the house of Bourbon and Navarre now raigning Isabella of Austria Princesse of the Lowe Countries the heire generall rejected by the vertue hereof at this day enjoyeth Their religion was alwayes Christian and Catholique instructed in this faith vnder the Romans before their comming into this Province Their government vntill their vnion with the crowne of France was Monarchicall first vnder kings then vnder dukes Their Princes follow Conan an English Briton placed here by Maximus in the yeare and raigne aforesaid Grallon after some son to Conan Salomon the first son to Grallon Auldran son to Salomon the first Budic the first son to Auldran Hoel the first son to Budic the first Hoel the second son to Hoel the first Alain the first son to Hoel the second Hoel the third son to Alain the first Salomon the second son to Hoel the third In this prince Iudicael the last K. of Basse Bretaigne dying without heires for since the last disbourdments hither of the Britons vntill this time the estate hereof was divided into two kingdomes the whole became vnited vnder one Prince Alain the second grandchild to Salomon the second He deceased without heires the last king of Bretaigne of the house of Conan Daniel Dremruz Budic the second Maxence Iohn Reith and David Wa chiefes of their factions the kingdome being then rent into many petty tyrannies the occasion of the after conquest hereof by Charles the Great After that the kingdome became againe recouered from the French Neomene formerly Lieftenant here Gouernour of the Province for the Emperour Lewes the godly chosen about the yeare 841. Heruspee son to Neomene slaine by Salomon his successour Salomon the third the murtherer of Heruspee son to Rivaillon brother to King Heruspee Hee was likewise slaine by Pastenethen Gurvant brothers to Heruspee and sons to Neomene in the yeare 874 the last king of Bretaigne Alain surnamed le Rebre son to Pastenethen after long misery and contention for the kingdome succeeding in the gouerment hereof the Normans who had invaded the province being vanquished and his competitours slaine and subdued THE DVKEDOME OF BRETAIGNE REfusing the more envious name of king he tooke vpon him onely the title and stile of Duke since followed by all the succeeding Princes Iuhael and Collodoch sons to Alain le Rebre An Inter-regnum for certaine yeares by meanes of the Norman or Danish invasion and tyranny miserably wasting and subduing the Country Alain surnamed Barbetorte son to Mathuede Earle of Porrhoet and of the daughter of Alain le Rebre the Normans being driuen out Drogon ●on to Alain Barbetorte slaine yong by the treason of Fouques Earle of Aniou in whom ended the house of Alain le Rebre Conan Earle of Renes descended from king Salomon the third his Competitours Hoel and Guer●ch naturall sons to Alain Barbetorte successiuely contending being vanquished and slaine Geffrey sonne to Conan the first Alain the third sonne to Geffrey the first Conan the second son to Alain the third He dyed sans issue Hoel the fourth son to Alain Earle of Cournovaille in the right of his wife Havoise sister to Conan the second Alain the fourth surnamed Fergent son to Hoel the fourth Conan the third son to Alain the fourth Eudon Earle of Ponthieure in the right of his wife Berthe daughter to Conan the third Conan the fourth sonne to Eudon and Berthe aforesaid Geffrey the second third son to Henry the second king of England in the right of his wife Constance daughter to Conan the fourth Arthur the first son to Geffrey and Constance He dyed young and vnmarried after the French relation murthered by his vnnaturall Vncle Iohn King of England jealous of his better right to that kingdome Peter de Dreux in the right of his wife Alis daughter by a second marriage to Constance aforesaid He first made the Dukedome subject vnto the soveraignty and homage of the French kings Iohn the first son to Peter de Dreux and Alis Iohn the second son to Iohn the first Arthur the second son to Iohn the second Iohn the third son to Arthur the second He dyed without heires After the decease hereof the right was controversed betwixt Iohn Earle of Montfort yonger son to Arthur the second aided by Edward the third King of England and Charles de Blois husband to Ioan la Boiteuse daughter to Guye second son to Duke Arthur the 2 d assisted by Philip de Valois French king neither side yet prevailing Iohn the fourth surnamed the Valiant son to Iohn Earle of Montfort aforesaid sole Duke of Bretaigne after the decease of Charles de Blois his competitour thorough the aide and valour of the English ouerthrowne and slaine at the battaile of Auray Iohn the fift son to Iohn the fourth Francis the first son to Iohn the fift He deceased without heire male Peter brother to Francis the first He dyed sans heires Arthur the third Earle of Richmond and Constable of France second sonne to Iohn the fourth He also deceased without issue Francis the second son to Richard Earle of Clisson third son to Iohn the fourth He deceased in the yeare 1488. Charles the eight French king in the right of his wife Anne heire of Bretaigne daughter to Francis the second He dyed without issue Lewes the twelfth French king in the right of Anne of Bretaigne aforesaid daughter to Duke Francis the second marryed vnto him after the decease of King Charles the Eight He deceased without male issue Francis the first French king and the third of that name Duke of Bretaigne in the right of his wife Claude eldest daughter to king Lewes the twelfth and Anne aforesaid With consent of the estates of Bretaigne in the yeare 1532 he inseparably vnited the Dukedome to the crown of France Francis Daulphin of Vienne eldest son to king Francis the first and of Claude crowned Duke of Bretaigne in the yeare 1539. He dyed yong before his father Henry the second French king son to King Francis the first and Claude Francis the second French king son to Henry the second Charles the ninth French king brother to Francis the second and son to Henry the second Henry the third French king brother to Francis the second and Charles the ninth and sonne to Henry the second the last French king of the house of Valois and in whom ended the line succession of the Dukes of Bretaigne After his decease the line masculine of the house of Valois and Bretaigne being extinguished the right hereof was questioned betwixt Henry the fourth King of France and Navarre and Philip the second king of Spaine pretending the title of his daughter Isabella now Princesse of the Low countreyes descended of Elizabeth daughter to King Henry the second By the aide of the English the Spaniards
Diets neither yeelding any ayde or service to the Emperour with the provinces of Flanders Artois subject only to their owne princes the Dukes of Burgundy Austria THE EARLEDOME of HOLLAND and ZEALAND THey were thus named from their low maritime situations Vexed with the pyracyes of the Normans about the yeare 857 for their better defence they were first giuen with this title together with the neighbouring countrie of the Frisons vnto Theodoric son to Sigebert prince of Aquitania by the Emperour Charles the Bauld By Arnulph their fourth prince quitting the French alleagiance they were first made subiect to the fief and soveraignttie of the Dutch Emperours In Iohn the second they became added to the house of Hainault In VVilliam the third to the house of Bavaria In Philip the Good to the familie of Burgundy In Philip the second to the house of Austria wherein now the right remaineth In the raigne of Philip the second king of Spaine and the third of that name Duke of Burgundy occasioned thorough their difference in Religion and the rough goverment of his Spanish officers together with the provinces of Vtreicht Over-Ysel Gelderland VVest-Freislandt Groningen they shoke off the yoake of their princes after about 40 yeares warre treated withall and acknowledged as free estates by his son Philip the third Their Princes follow Theodoric son to Sigebert prince of Aquitania first Earle of Holland and Zealand and Lord of West-Freisland in the raigne by the gift of the Emperour Charles the Bauld Theodoric the second son to Theodoric the first Theodoric the third son to Theodoric the second Arnulph son to Theodoric the third slaine against the Frisons with whom still rebelling this prince his successours had often and continuall war Hee made subject these provinces to the soveraignety of the German Emperours Theodoric the fourth son to Arnulph Theodoric the fift son to Theodoric the fourth He dyed sans issue Florentius the first son to Theodoric the fourth and brother to Theodoric the fift Theodoric the sixt son to Florentius the first In the minority hereof Rupert Earle of Flanders second husband to his mother Gertrude and protectour herevnto being overcome driven out the countries hereof are vsurped seazed vpon by Godfrey surnamed le Bossu Duke of Lorraine slaine by treason in the yeare 1075 accompted by some amongst the Earles of Holland Zealand Florentius the second son to Theodoric the sixt Theodoric the seaventh son to Florentius the second Florentius the third son to Theodoric the seaventh Theodoric the eight son to Florentius the third Hee deceased without male issue Ada daughter to Theodoric the eight marryed vnto Lewis Earle of Lossen driven out by William Earle of East-Friesland She dyed without heires William the first Earle of East-Freisland brother to Theodoric the eight and vncle vnto Ada Earle of Holland Zealand Lord of West-Freisland Florentius the fourth son to William the first It was Margaret daughter herevnto and wife to Herman Earle of Henneberg who is so famous in the Dutch histories for her monstrous birth of 365 children christned altogether by the names of Iohn Elizabeth by Guy Suffragan of Vtreicht deceasing vpon the same day with their mother in the yeare 1276 and buried at Losdun neere vnto the Hage whose monument epitaphe are there yet to be seene William the second son to Florentius the fourth He was elected Roman Emperour slaine by the rebellious Frisons Florentius the fift son to William the second He marryed vnto Beatres daughter to Guy Earle of Flanders by whom he had in way of dowry the whole right given vnto him which the Earles of Flanders chalenged in the Iland of Walcheren Zealand for a long time controversed betwixt the two houses Meyerus in his historie of Flanders would haue him to haue beene the first Earle of Holland who should take vpon him the title and name of Earle of Zealand Iohn the first son to Florentius the fift Hee marryed vnto Elizabeth daughter to Edward the second King of England deceased without issue in the yeare 1300 the last Earle of Holland Zealand Lord of West-Freisland of the house of Aquitaine Iohn the second Earle of Hainault son to Iohn d'Avesnes Al●ide or Adelheide daughter to Florentius the fourth sister to the Emperour William Earle of Holland Zealand Lord of West-Freisland William the third son to Iohn the second William the fourth son to William the third slaine at Staveren against the Frisons in the yeare 1345 sans issue Margaret eldest daughter to William the third sister to William the fourth the last princesse of the house of Hainault She marryed vnto the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria William the fift younger son to Margaret of Hainault to the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria Hee dyed phrenetique without issue noted for his rebellion disobedience towards his mother His elder brother Stephen succeeded in the Dukedome of Bavaria from whom haue descended the present Dukes of Bavaria Albert son to the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria of Margaret of Hainault younger brother to William the fift William the sixt son to Albert. Iaqueline daughter to William the sixt Shee dyed without issue the last princesse of the house of Bavaria Countesse of Holland Zealand Hainault a●d Lord of West-Freislandt Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy son to Iohn Duke of Burgundy of Margaret daughter to Albert sister to William the sixt Charles surnamed the Fighter Duke of Burgundy sonne to Philip the Good slaine by the Switzers Lorrainers before Nancie Marie daughter to Charles surnamed the Fighter the last princesse of the house or name of Burgundy Countesse of Holland Zealand Hainault and Lord of West-Freislandt Shee marryed vnto Maximilian the first Arch-duke of Austria and afterwards Emperour of the Romans Philip the second son to Maximilian Mary and afterwards the first of that name king of Spaine in right of his wife Ioane eldest daughter vnto Ferdinand the fift Elizabeth Kings of Castile Aragon Charles son to Philip Ioane aforesaid heire of the houses of Burgundy Austria Spaine and the fift of that name Emperour of the Romans Philip the third of that name Duke of Burgundy the second of the name King of Spaine son to the Emperour Charles the fift vnder whose government the provinces of Holland Zealand and West-Freisland first revolted The Bishopricke or Lordship of Vtreicht NAmed thus from the city Vtreicht The estate was first occasioned by one Willebrod an Englishman the Apostle of those parts vpon his conversion of the country from Paganisme instituted first Bishop hereof about the yeare 611 and during the Regency of Pepin the Fat Majour of the Palace in France The Successours of this Willebrod in continuance of time by the liberality of the French Kings of the German Emperours haue attayned vnto as well the temporall as the spirituall iurisdiction of the countrey together with Over-Ysel
eldest daughter to Edward surnamed the Outlaw eldest son to Edmund Ironside King of England by which meanes the right of the house of the Saxons Edgar Atheling the only son of Edward deceasing vnmarried and without issue descended vpon the Kings of Scotland the posterity hereof and Margaret continued herein vnto our times and the vnion of the two kingdomes in Iames our late Soveraigne of happy memory He first as is thought brought into Scotland the titles of Earles Barons with others borrowed from the neighbouring English with whom vnder Edward the Confessour during the vsurpation of Macbeth he had for a long time remained He was slaine at the taking of Anwick Castle in Northumberland after some yeares warre maintained against William the Conquerour and the Normans occasioned through his protection and ayde of the banished English Donaldus the fourth son to Duncanus yonger brother to Milcolumbus the third vsurping the kingdome by the aide of Magnus king of Norwey He was driven out by Duncanus naturall son to Milcolumbus the third Duncanus the second naturall son to Milcolumbus the third slaine by the treason of Macpendirus Earle of Merne corrupted by Donaldus the fourth liuing then exiled amongst the Westerne Ilands He thus murthered Donardus the fourth resumed the kingdome vanquished and taken prisoner not long after by Edgar the right heire son to Milcolumbus the third and Margaret ayded by his vncle Edgar and the English Edgar son to Milcolumbus the third and Margaret daughter to Edward surnamed the Outlaw His sister Maude was marryed vnto Henrie the first king of England yongest son to the Conquerour vniting hereby the royall blood of the Saxons with that of the Normans Hee deceased without issue Alexander the first son to Milcolumbus and Margaret and brother to Edgar He also deceased sans issue David the first brother to Edgar and Alexander and son to Milcolumbus and Margaret succeeding in the yeare 1124. He annexed to the Crowne of Scotland the Earledomes of Northumberland and Huntingdon acruing through his marriage with Maude daughter to Earle Waldeofus He recouered likewise Cumberland and Westmoreland from the English taken from his predecessours by William the Conquerour restored vnto him by the liberality of king Stephen Milcolumbus the fourth son to Henrie prince of Scotland son to king David Vnable to withstand the ambition and greater power hereof he quitted Northumberland Westmoreland and Cumberland vnto Henry the second king of England retaining onely the Earledome of Huntingdon of all his English possessions left for a time vnto his successours He deceased without issue vnmarried VVilliam brother to Malcolme the fourth Taken prisoner at the battaill of Anwijck to procure his libertie peace with the English he did homage and sweare fealty vnto king Henry the second for the Crowne of Scotland Alexander the second son to William Alexander the third son to Alexander the second He deceased in the yeare 1285 without heires of his body or not long surviving The whole issue hereof and of king Alexander the second and William extinguished their contended for the soveraignety Iohn Balliol Lord of Galloway son to Iohn Balliol and Dornagilla daughter to Alan Lord of Galloway and Margaret eldest daughter to David Earle of Huntingdon brother to king William great vncle to Alexander the third and Robert Bruce Lord of Annandale son to Robert Bruce and Isabell second daughter to David Earle of Huntingdon and sister to Margaret both parties challenging a chiefer right and interest before the other Balliol as descended from the elder sister and Bruce as nearer by one degree to Earle David The Scots not able to determine the controversie or without armes Edward the first king of England is chosen vmpire After 6 yeares vacancy the right is adiudged on the behalfe of Balliol by king Edward with condition of his acknowledgment and homage to the English Crowne Iohn Balliol Lord of Galloway king of Scotland by the arbitration of king Edward the first He did homage to king Edward at the towne of Newcastle vpon Tine according to the agreement made betwixt them Discontenting his subjects through this his English subjection to regaine their lost loues or after my Scottish Authours provoked with some disgrace iniuries receiued from Edward he renounced not long after his homage and fealty sworne to the English warred vpon by Edward and after some ouerthrowes vnable to withstand so valiant and great a Monarcke forced to resigne into the hands hereof the whole right and interest he had or might claime to the Crowne of Scotland imprisoned afterwards in the towre of London and set at liberty by the mediation of Pope Boniface the eight and sent ouer to his inheritance and possessions in France where in a private fortune he dyed After this king Edward the first of England made a full conquest of the Scots whō he kept vnder hard subjection during his whole raigne although not without sundry defections and rebellions of this fierce stirring nation moued by William Walleys Robert Bruce and others most commonly to their losse He deceasing through their great victorie at Banocks-bourne neare Striueling obtained against Edward the second and the English and the tumults disorders hapning in England during the raigne of this weake and vnfortunate prince the Scots againe recouer their libertie Robet Bruce formerly crowned in the raigne of Edward the first is confirmed king Robert the first son to Robert Bruce lord of Anandale competitour of the kingdome with Iohn Balliol king of Scotland by right of warre his birth and the voluntary cession of Balliol the restorer of the Scottish name and liberty after a victorious and happy raigne deceasing in the yeare 1329. David the second king of Scotland son to Robert the first In the minority hereof Edward Balliol son to Iohn Balliol invadeth and by the helpe of the English obtayneth the Scottish Crowne to be held by him vnder the homage and protection of Edward the third king of England opposed by the faction of David Balliol and his Enhlish after long miserie and war being thrust out king David recovereth his almost lost kindgome taken prisoner shortly after at the battaill of Nevills crosse neere Durham invading England in favour of his auncient friends the French distressed through the many victories of Edward the third and the English He deceased without issue in the yeare 1370 the second and last king of Scotland of the house and name of Bruce Robert the second the first of the familie name of the Stewarts descended from Walter created Stewart of Scotland by Malcolme the third which name of office grew afterwards a surname to his house and ofspring king of Scotland in right from his mother eldest daughter to Robert the first and sister to Dauid the second Since this time the name and house of Stewarts haue still worne the regall Crowne of the Scottish dominions Iohn the second called Robert after his inauguration the name of Iohn as
Athelstan had for his share the countries of Kent and of the South East-Saxons and Ethelwolf the rest of England with the praerogatiue and title of Monarch or chiefe king of the whole At the same time likewise Burdred commaunded Mercia but substituted and vnder the right of Ethelwolf and the English Monarches Ethelbald and Ethelbert kings of England sons to Ethelwolf Hereof Ethelbert inherited Kent with the East and South-Saxons the portion of his vncle Athelstan The rest with the right of chiefe king or Monarch of the English fell to the lot of Ethelbald the elder brother This last tooke to his incestious bed his stepmother Iudith daughter to Charles surnamed the Bauld king of West-France widdow to his father Ethelwolf married after his death which hapned shortly after to Bauldwin the first Earle of Flanders He deceasing his brother Ethelbert remained sole king of the English Ethelbert sonne to Ethelwolf after the decease of Ethelbald sole Monarch of England Ethelred the first king of England brother to Ethelbald and Ethelbert During the troublesome raigne hereof through the advantage of the warres of the Danes the East-Angles shake off the yoake of the English Monarches creating holy Edmund their king martyred by Hungar Hubba two Danish Captaines and succeeded vnto by princes of this merciles Pagan Nation After stout resistance and many battails fought he was at last slaine against the Danes Alfrid king of England fourth sonne to Ethelwolf brother to the three preceding Kings Great was the valour amongst other vertues of this vnparaleld and matchles princes if not altogether vanquishing yet repressing the furie of the raging and vnconquerable Danes threatning now an vtter destruction of the English nation brought to a low ebbe through their long restles invasions frequent victories depopulations tyranny He founded or rather renewed the most auncient aud renowned Vniversity of Oxford and first parted the land into shires tithings and hundreds deceasing in the yeares 901. Edward surnamed the Elder king of England son to Alfred He made subject the East-Angles and all other parts possessed by the now languishing and droping Danes excepting Northumberland held yet by princes of that natiō Athelstan king of Englād son to Edward He twise vanquished in fight Constantine king of the Scots assisted with the Irish subdued the Britons of Cumberland with the remainder of the Danes inhabiting Northumberland made the Welsh tributary and confined the Cornish within the River Tamar their present bounds the greatest and most victorious of the English Monarches before his time deceasing in the yeare 940. Edmund the first king of England son to Edward and brother to Athelstan The Danes of Northumberland revolting he againe brought vnder annexed that province to his immediate government He also quite ouerthrew the kingdome of the Britons of Cumberland killing the two sons of Dummailus their last king whose country hee gaue vnto Malcolme the first king of Scotland with condition of homage to the English Crowne and of his defence of those Northerne parts against the Danish intruders Edred King of England son to Edward and brother to Athelstan He the third time tamed and brought vnder the ever restles rebellious Danes of Northumberland Edwy King of England son to Edmund the first Against this prince nothing gratious with his subjects Edgar his brother next successour vsurped the dominion of the still vnquiet Northumbrians Mercians Edgar King of England surnamed the peaceable in regard of his quiet raigne not molested with forraigne or domestique warres nor ordinarie in those tumultuous stirring times son to Edmund brother to Edwy He remitted the taxe of money imposed by Athelstan vpon the Welshmen for a tribute of wolues Edward the second king of England son to Edgar surnamed the Martyr from the manner of his death murthered by the treachery of his stepmother Elfrida coveting the kingdome for her son Ethelred Ethelred the second king of England son to Edgar Elfrida halfe brother to Edward In his time the Danes who had laine still during the late raigne of his victorious praedecessours subdued or beaten home through the high valour of Alfred Athelstan and other succeeding English Monarches renew their wonted outrages on all sides with furie vnresistable pillaging spoyling the countrie encouraged by the quarrells factions and bad affection of his disloyall subjects withdrawing or forslowing their aides or betraying his armies after much calamity and affliction compounded withall by Ethelred and not long after vpon Saint Brice his festivall and in the yeare 1002 massacred in one day by the commaund hereof and a joint conspiracy of the English drawing on a more sharpe revenge dreadfull warre of the nation vnder Sueno Canutus their potent much incensed kings not ending but with the English Monarchy of the West-Saxons and the finall conquest hereof by Canutus After a long but miserable raigne he deceased in the yeare 1016. Edmund the second from his hardie valour surnamed the Iron-side son to Ethelred the second succeeding his father in the kingdome of England in his vnfortunate warre with the Danes Having fought sundry stout battailes and one single combate with Canutus in the I le of Alney by Glocester comming to an agreement with the Dane he parted with him the kingdome of England contenting himselfe with the more Southern moity hereof deceasing after a seaven moneths raigne a short time for so many braue acts which in that space he atchieued in the yeare 1016 about 567 yeares after the first arrivall of the Dutch vnder Hengist some 197 yeares since the name beginning of the kingdome by Egbert Edmund Iron-side thus removed out of the way the whole kingdome of the English tyred out with long miseries of war yeelded to Canutus and the Danes whose estate and succession followeth during their rule government over the English THE KINGDOME OF ENGLAND VNDER THE DANES COncerning this Nation wee haue more fully related in the discourse of Germany They were a Dutch people for thus their Dutch dialect or language doth manifest Their name we conjecture from the bay Codanus Iland Codanonia of Mela now the Sundt Iland of Zelandt where and in the adjacent countries the Nation since their first mention hath alwayes continued When they begun we finde not Iornandes is the first of auncient authours by whom they are named living in the time of the Emperour Iustinian the first Their Countrey then he maketh to be the neighbouring Scanzia or Scandia most probably now Hallandt Schonen and Bleking or the part in that Continent of the present Denmarke We adde the Ilands of Zeland Funen with others lying in the straights of the Sundt Afterwards the exact time we know not they spread into the bordering Cimbrain Chersonese in the maine land of Germany taking vp the left roomes of the Iutes English departing into the Iland of Britaine vnder Hengist By the raigne of Charles
the Great king of the Frenchmen vnder their king Godfrey wee finde them in Aymonius extended Southwards in the Chersonesse as far as the riuer Eydore dividing them from the Saxons beyond the Elb the present bounds now of Denmark from the land of Holstein and the German Empire In the yeare 787 and raigne of Brithric king of the West-Saxons agreeing with the 20 yeare of Charles the Great we first heare of them in England with three ships landing in the South-West parts hereof not so much attempting a conquest as making a discouery of the country In the next raigne of Great Egbert they first to any purpose invaded the Iland arriuing at seuerall times in the Iland of Lindisferne in the North in Wales and in the I le of Shepeye in Kent not without much difficulty driuen out by Egbert He deceasing they fell on with greater power and rage in the raignes of his sons Ethelwolf and Athelstan and of the succeeding English Monarches sons to Ethelwolf laying waste and beating downe all before them and subduing the Provinces of the Mercians East-Angles and Northumbrians where the English Governours or Princes being either slaine or beaten out they erected petty tyrannies of their owne Nation omitting no kinde of barbarous cruelty vpon the miserable and distressed inhabitants By the wisdome patience and great valour of learned Alfred this violent torrent is somewhat asswaged and the edge of their fury abated By Edward surnamed the Elder the East-Angles are recovered and vnited againe to the English Empire By Athelstan Northumberland or the rest of England the Danes being either wholy expulsed by him or made subject to his government mixing amongst and ioyning in alliance with the English By Edmund the first and Edred the Danes rebelling in Northumberland are againe vanquished and reduced into the English obedience after whom we heere read no more of them during the more peaceable raignes of Edwy Edgar and Edward surnamed the Martyr and vntil Ethelred the second In the vnfortunate raigne of this Prince they begin afresh their intermitted pyracies war which after the treacherous massacre of the Nation by Etheldred they maintained with a more eager pursuit and bloudie revenge managed in person by Swaine and Canutus their powerfull kings In the yeare 1016 both sides wearied with their continuall fights and mutuall butcheries they come to a composition with the English and the kingdome is divided betwixt the reconciled kings Canutus son to Swaine and Edmund Ironside son to Etheldred The death of the Iron-side hapning in the same yeare put shortly an end to this division and a beginning to the Monarchie of the Danes after whom the English loath as before any more to hazard submitted voluntarily to Canutus and the Danish government The time from the first arrivall of the Danes in the raigne of Brithricus king of the West-Saxons vnto the conquest of England by Canutus was 229 yeares The male issue of Canutus fayling in his son Hardi-canute the English in the person of Edward surnamed the Confessour resume the soveraignty the Danes thrust out The kings of England follow of the Danish descent off-spring Canutus surnamed the Great king of England Denmarke Norweye and Sweden son to Swaine He tooke to wife Emme sister to Richard the third Duke of Normandy widow to king Ethelred mother to Edward the Confessour Peace his kingdome established hee vnburthened the land of the multitudes of his Danish souldiers contented with a large salary at the request of Emme sent back into their Country Hauing governed with much piety iustice moderation for the space of 19 yeares hee deceased in the yeare 1035 buried at Winchester Harold king of England naturall son to Canutus intruding in the absence of his brother Hardi-canute to whom England with Denmarke had beene allotted by the will of Canutus He deceased without issue in the yeare 1040. Hardi-canute king of England son to Canutus Emma He deceased likewise sans issue in the yeare 1042 the last prince of the Danish bloud The house of Canutus being thus extinguished the Crowne of England all Danish forraine bloud by a present Decree of the States excluded returneth againe vpon the English Edward for his Saint-like life surnamed the Coufessour son to Ethelred Emma is sent for out of France where with Richard William Dukes of Normandy he had soiourned during the Danish vsurpation by a generall consent succeedeth in the kingdome to whom besides his nearenesse in regard of his English descent the right of the Danes did seeme in a manner to appertaine being halfe brother to the late deceased king THE KINGDOME OF ENGLAND recovered by the English or VVest-Saxons EDward surnamed the Confessour king of England son to king Ethelred the second Emma Daughter to Richard the second Duke of Normandy succeeding in the yeare 1042 Edward surnamed the out-law eldest son to Edmund Ironside the right heire remaining then in Hungarie passed ouer by the practise of Queene Emma very gracious in the subjects eyes or for that liuing in too forreine remote parts He deceased in the yeare 1066 marryed but hauing neuer vsed the company of his wife reputed in those blind times amongst his many true noble vertues deserving his accompt and name of Saint the last in the line masculine of the house of the West-Saxons Edward deceased Edgar Ethelinge the true heire son to Edward surnamed the out-law neglected as too young a forreiner borne in Hungary Harold son to Goodwin Earle of Kent Duke of the West-Saxons without either choyse or dislike of the irresolute English intrudeth into the Gouernment well approved for his great valour other Princely vertues befitting a king Harold king of England son to Goodwin Duke of the West-Saxons Earle of Kent succeeding in the yeare 1066 opposed by Harold Haardread king of Denmarke challenging the Crowne in the right of his Danish succession and by William surnamed the Bastard Duke of Normandy pretending the donation of Edward the Confessour The Dane vanquished slaine at Stamfordbridge in Yorkeshire with his torne and wearied troupes adventuring shortly after his person and the fortunes of the English against the Norman at the great battaile neare Hasting in Sussex he there most vnfortunately within the first yeare of his raigne lost both his kingdome and life the last English or Saxon king succeeded vnto by William the Conquerour and the Normans whose turne now falleth in the last place THE KINGDOME OF ENGLAND vnder the Normans THe word Normans or Nortmans signified Northerne men with the Dutch of which Nation and language they were The name was common to the Danes Norvegians and Swethlanders or to whatsoeuer German people inhabiting towards the Pole Artique and the North taken vp or giuen vnto them from such their more Northerly situation An ancient Frencb Historian liuing in the raigne of the Emperour Lewis the Godly about which time we finde them
wherein his father with the Normans had conquered the English annexing Normandy to his English Crowne his borther Robert being surprised in battaile and detayned prisoner during life He deceased in the yeare 1135 the first English-Norman king Stephen Earle of Mortaigne yonger son to Stephen Earle of Blois and Champaigne by Adcla daughter to the Conquerour king of England by the power of his faction the advantage of his sexe and the pretended will of king Henry vpon his death-bed opposed by Maude the onely legitimate daughter surviuing issue of Henry formerly wife to Henry the fourth Emperour of the Romans After long trouble warres betwixt the two sides a peace at length is concluded Stephen is continued in the possession of the Crowne to returne after his decease vpon Henry Fitz-Empresse son to Mande and to the heires of the first Henry Henry the second son to Geffrey Plantaginet Earle of Aniou in France Maude the Empresse daughter to Henry the first and Maude daughter to Malcolme king of Scotland and S t Margaret descended from king Edmund surnamed the Iron-side In this prince the surname of Plantaginet was first deriued vpon the house of England continued vnto Edward sonne to George Duke of Clarence the last Plantaginet or of the male issue hereof the rest extinguished during the ciuill warres betwixt the houses of Yorke and Lancaster put to death by king Henry the seaventh He marryed vnto Eleanor daughter and sole heire to William Duke of Aquitaine Guienne and by armes voluntary submission made first subiect the factious and devided Irish king of England Duke of Normandy Aquitaine Guienne Earle of Aniou The dominion title of Ireland he had given vnto his yongest son Iohn Maude his eldest daughter was married vnto Henrie surnamed the Lyon Duke of Saxony and Bavaria from whom are descended the present Dukes of Brunswyck and Lunenburg in Germany bearing the same armes with the more auncient kings of England Richard the first king of England Duke of Normandy Aquitaine Guienne Earle of Aniou son to Henrie the second He accompanied Philip surnamed Augusts king of France with other Latine princes towards the East for the recoverie of the Holy Land renowned for his victories against Saladine Sultan of Aegypt and the Infidels Not the least in that journey amongst his other conquest was that of the Cyprio●s whom occasioned by some hostile and churlish carriages of Cursar their king against his distressed and weather-beaten Fleete he in few daies subdued exchanging that Iland with Guy of Lusignan for the kingdome or title of Hierusalem remaining in the house of Guy for many descents vntill the vsurpation thereof by the Venetians He deceased without issue Iohn king of England Duke of Normandie Aquitaine and Guienne Earle of Aniou and Lord of Ireland which last title he first added yongest son to Henry the second opposed by Arthur Duke of Britaine son to Geffrey his elder brother and Constance inheretresse of that house He lost Normandy Aniou Touraine and Maine with Poictou part of the Dukedome of Aquitaine to Philip the second surnamed Augustus French king pretending their forfeiture holding of the French kings in fee vpon the decease of Arthur whom he surmised to haue beene murthered by Iohn forsaken in those troubles by his disloyall Nobility refusing their aydes and betrayed by the natiues of those countries better effected to the French Ingaged at once in three dangerous warres against the Pope Cleargie the French king and his rebellious subjects to make his peace with the Pope his more potent adversary and the chiefe authour of those evils Innocentius the third then succeeding in the Papacy he enthralled his Crowne to the tribute and vassallage of the sea of Rome Henry the third son to Iohn succeeding in the left dominions of his father and in his warres against the French and his traiterous English Barons Edward the first son to Henry the third He subdued the Scots and annexed the Welsh to his English kingdome Edward the second son to Edward the first He marryed vnto Isabel daughter to Philip the fourth French king deposed by a joint conspiracy of his disloyall Queene subjects pretending his bad government and vices Edward the third son to Edward the second Isabel of France The male issue of Philip the fourth extinguished in Charles surnamed the Faire in right from his mother daughter to Philip the next heire generall he made claime to the rich kingdome of France assuming the title hereof and quartering his English armoryes with the French Lillies continued still in his successours Hauing vanquished the French in two memorable battailes at Crecy and Poictiers taken Iohn their king prisoner he in the end nothwithstanding fortune changing lost to that enimy all Aquitaine and Guienne the remainder of the English possessions in that Continent Calais excepted yeelded vp by the treacherous inhabitants ill affecting the English government and coveting a revnion with France He deceased in the yeare 1378. Richard the second king of England France and Lord of Ireland son to Edward prince of Wales eldest son to Edward the third deposed by Henry the fourth without issue Henry the fourth king of England France Lord of Ireland son to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster fourth son to Edward the third the first prince of the Lancastrian family whose vsurpation and vniust title gaue occasion afterwards to those long and miserable warres betwixt his house Yorke Henry the fift king of England France and Lord of Ireland eldest son to Henrie the fourth The field of Azincourt won and the vnfortunate French vnder a lunatike and weake king being devided into two great factions of Burgundie and Orleans by the aide of Burgundie hauing married Catharine the French kings daughter he is made Regent of France during the malady and indisposition hereof and declared his next successour to the Crowne Charles the Dolphin his son disinherited Henrie the sixt king of England France and Lord of Ireland son to Henry the fift Catherine of France Crowned French king at Paris in the yeare 1431. In the raigne hereof Richard Duke of Yorke layd claime to the Crowne of England in the right of the house of Clarence elder brother to Iohn of Gaunt father to king Henry the fourth ayded by Richard Nevile Earle of Warwick and other potent nobility the effect whereof was a bloody civill warre continued with variable fortune for the space of 25 yeares betwixt the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke the slaughter of the greatest part of the blood royall of both factions the deposing murder of this holy and just prince the irrecoverable losse of France by these tumults the establishing of the kingdome in Edward the fourth his succession the house of Yorke Edward the fourth son to Richard Plantaginet Duke of Yorke which Richard was son to Richard Earle of Cambridge sonne to Edmund Duke of Yorke fift son
to king Edward the third by Anna his wife daughter to Roger Mortimer Earle of March son to Edmund Mortimer Philippa daughter and sole heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence third son to king Edward king of England and France Lord of Ireland by conquest and the right of his house Edward the fift king of England and France and Lord of Ireland son to Edward the fourth deposed and afterwards murthered by his vnnaturall vncle Richard the third deceasing without issue Richard the third son to Richard Duke of Yorke and yonger brother to Edward the fourth He was slaine at Bosworth field against Henry the seaventh the last king of the name of Plantagenet Henry the seaventh king of England France and Lord of Ireland son to Edmund Earle of Richmund and Margaret his wife daughter to Iohn Duke of Somerset sonne to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster by Catherine Swinford the next and almost onely surviuing person of the house of Lancaster butchered in the late warres The better to assure the kingdome to his posterity and to prevent all future quarrells he tooke to wife Elizabeth eldest daughter to king Edward the fourth vniting in his issue the vndoubted rights of both factions of Lancaster Yorke Henry the eight son to Henry the seaventh He made Ireland a kingdome and first assumed the title of Defendour of the faith Edward the sixt king of England France and Ireland son to Henry the eight Mary Queene of England France and Ireland daughter to Henry the eight sister to Edward Elizabeth of famous memory Queene of England France Ireland sister to Edward Mary Iames of happie memory the sixt of that name king of Scotland in the yeare 1602 the whole issue of king Henry the eight being extinguished in Elizabeth succeeding in the kingdome of England and the dominions therevnto belonging son to Henry Stuart Lord Darly and Mary Queene of the Scots daughter to Iames the fift son to Iames the fourth Margaret eldest daughter to king Henry the seaventh the first sole Monarch of Great Britaine and of the neighbouring Ilands Charles king of Great Britaine France Ireland whom God long preserue sonne to Iames of happie memorie In this sort the Iland of Great Britaine having suffered so many alterations is at length now become devided into two onely kingdomes governed by one Monarch but not any wise depending or subordinate to another the kingdome of England lying vpon the South of the river Tweede Solwey Frith and the kingdome of Scotland lying beyond The kingdome of England our present subject hath beene formerly devided into 52 Shires or Counties Kent Sussex Surrey Barkeshire Hantshire Wiltshire Somersetshire Dorsetshire Devonshire Cornwall Glocestershire Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Bedfordshire Hartfordshire Middlesex Essex Suffolke Norfolke Cambridgeshire Huntingdonshire Northamptonshire Rutlandshire Leicestershire Lincolneshire Nottinghamshire Darbyshire Cheshire Staffordshire Warwickshire Worcestershire Shropshire Herefordshire Monmouthshire Glamorganshire Brecknockshire Radnorshire Caermardenshire Penbrokeshire Cardiganshire Merioneihshire Caernarvonshire Anglesey Denbighshire Flintshire Lancashire Yorkeshire the Bishopricke of Durham Westmoreland Cumberland Northumberland Of these Kent retayneth yet the auncient name Essex Sussex haue bin thus called from the East South-Saxons Midlesex from the situation of the English or Dutch inhabitants planted betwixt the West South East Mercian Saxons Devonshire or Denshire from the Danmonij the auncient British inhabitants Westmoreland from the more Westerne position and quality of the countrey being hilly and full of fruitles wasts named Mores by the Northerne English Northumberland from the English kingdome of Northumberland whereof it was a part Rutlandshire most probably from the ruddie colour of the soile Barkeshire from the wood Berroc after Asser Menevensis Glamorganshire from the word Mor signifying the sea with the Britons or Welsh vpon which it lyeth Wiltshire and Somersetshire from Wilton and Somerton decayed townes sometimes the chiefe of the Shires Anglesey from the English since the possession hereof by the Nation Suth-rey or Surrey signifyeth with the English the Southerne kingdome a part of the kingdome of the South-Saxons Suffolke Norfolke the more Southerne and Northerne people compared thus together the parts sometimes of the kingdome of the East-Angles The occasion of the names of Cornwall and Cumberland we euen now related Merioneth was the auncient name given by the Welsh The reason hereof we finde not The rest haue beene named from the chiefe townes of each devision Their descriptions follow L. D. THE THIRD BOOKE Contayning the Chorographicall description of England KENT BOunded vpon the South and East with the English channell and the German Ocean vpon the North with the river Thames from Essex and vpon the West with Surrey and Sussex The country is hilly shaded with hedge-rowes woods populous and fruitfull planted with a frugall and industrious inhabitant The aire is thick and in many places agueish and vnholsome for this cause or in regard of some bad vapours from a wet cold and vnhealthfull ground Places of better note are Canterbury vpon the river Stour Darvernum of Ptolemy Durovernum of Antoninus Durovernia of Beda the chiefe towne and an Archbishops sea the Primate of the kingdome founded by Ethelbert the first Christian king of Kent in the person of S. Austine the Apostle of the English Vpon the Ocean Reculver a country village Regulbium of the Notitia the Station of the 1 Cohort named of the Vetasii Sandwich a Cinque Port. In the neighbouring fields stood the towne Rhutupiae of Ptolemy and Rhitupae of Antoninus the tract of whose streets are yet discovered by a more thin growth of corne in those places named S. Augustines crosse by the vulgar people a famous port of the Romans and the Mansion of their 2 d Legion surnamed Augusta drawne hither in the waine of that Empire from Isca Silurum now Caer Leon in South-Wales to defend the coast against the pyracies and incursions of the Saxons North hereof lyeth the I le of Tenet Thanatos of Ptolemy made by the river Stour here dividing and falling into the Ocean with two branches or channels The foreland a promontory of the Iland is named Cantium by Ptolemy in some editions corruptly Nucantium and Acantium Dover vnder the cliffs and where they divide Dubris of Antoninus and Dubrae of the the Notitia the Station of a foot company of the Tungricani a noted passage into France and one of the Cinque ports defended with a spacious and strong castle mounted vpon a high and praecipitous rocke commaunding the subject Ocean The Constable hereof is Warden of the Cinque ports The straight of the sea betwixt this and the Continent named by the French Le Pas de Calais by the Latines Fretum Caletanum containeth about 30 miles in breadth At the castle of Deale a low shore in the way towards Sandwich Caesar is thought to haue landed when he first invaded Britaine Along the cliffs Folkeston Hide a cinque port
name and accompt they at this day continue Henry the first king of Castile son to Alfonsus the eight He dyed without issue Ferdinand the third son to Alfonsus the ninth king of Leon and of Berengaria yonger sister to Henry the first deceased in right from his mother king of Castile Blanche elder sister to Berengaria then wife to Lewes son to Philip the French King refused His father deceasing hee succeeded likewise in the Kingdome of Leon. After this last vnion the two Kingdomes were neuer againe seuered incorporated into one entire state knowne now by the name of Castille Leon. He recouered from the Moores the countries of Andaluzia and Murcia contayning then the petty Kingdomes of Murcia and Sivillia with part of the Kingdome of Cordova In the raigne hereof and yeare 1239 began the famous kingdome of Granado by Mahomet Aben-Alhamar King of Cordova vpon the surprisall of that city by Ferdinand remouing hither his royall seate Alfonsus the tenth King of Castile and Leon son to Ferdinand the third He was that famous Astronomer whose workes are now extant with vs the framer of the Tables of Alfonsus named from him The German Electours diuided he was chosen by his factiō Emperour of the Romans against Richard Earle of Cornwall brother to Henry the third King of England detained notwithstanding at home during his whole raigne with civill warres against his vnnaturall son Sanctius much more happy in the loue of the Muses then of his subiects Sanctius the third king of Castile and Leon the rebellious son of Alfonsus the tenth Ferdinand the fourth son to Sanctius the third Alfonsus the eleauenth son to Ferdinand the fourth Peter the first son to Alfonsus the eleauenth He was driuen out for his cruelty and was restored againe by Edward named the Blacke Prince son to Edward the third king of England Destitute of the English succours not long after he lost both his kingdome life overcome and slaine by his brother Henry Henry the second brother to Peter the first and naturall son to Alfonsus the eleaventh Iohn the first king of Castille Leon son to Henry the second opposed by Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster pretending the right of Constance his wife daughter to Peter the first In this prince by his marriage of D. Maria Diaz de Haro daughter and inheretresse to Don Lopez Diaz de Haro last prince of Biscaia and Guipuscoa these seigneuries were annexed to the crowne of Castille Comming to composition with Iohn duke of Lancaster hee marryed his sonne Henry vnto Catherine daughter to the other by agreement created vpon the marriage prince of Asturia which title occasioned from the English whose eldest sons are named princes of Wales hath ever since bin continued in the heires of Castille or Spaine Henry the third son to Iohn the first He married vnto Catherine daughter to Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster Iohn the second son to Henry the third Henry the fourth son to Iohn the second He deceased without heires of his body Elizabeth queene of Castille Leon sister to Henry the fourth She married vnto Ferdinand the fift king of Aragon Sicily In the raigne hereof the countreyes of Granado Navarra the French Moores being expulsed became annexed to the house hereof and incorporated with Castille and the whole Spaine the kingdome of Portugall excepted vnited vnder one Monarch Naples likewise was then conquered from the French and the house of Ferdinand the bastard and the rich new-found world first discovered added to the dominion hereof Philip the first Arch-duke of Austria and Duke of Bungundie son to the Emperour Maximilian the first Mary Dutchesse of Burgundie king of Castille Leon in right of his wife Ioane eldest daughter to Ferdinand the fift and Elizabeth kings of Castille Aragon Philip deceasing and Ioane of Aragon his Queene in regard of her frenzy and indisposition being vnfit to governe Ferdinand the fift in the minority of Charles the fift reassumed againe the kingdome of Castille Charles the fift son to Philip the first and Ioane of Aragon after the decease of his grandfathers Maximilian the first Emperour and king Ferdinand the fift elected Emperour of the Romans and succeeding in the kingdomes of Castille Leon Aragon Naples Sicily Hierusalem and of the Indyes the Dukedomes of Austria Burgundy and the dominions of the low-countries He added vnto these in Italy the great Dukedome of Milan after the decease of Francis Sforcia without heires according to the composition made betwixt them and in the Netherlands the Provinces of Vtreicht Over-Ysel Zutphen Gelderland Wearyed with long sicknes and the burthen of so great an Empire he voluntarily surrendred all his estates vnto his younger brother Ferdinand and his son Philip the second cloistering himselfe vp in the monastery of S t Iustus in Estremadura where in a private fortune he dyed Philip the second son vnto the Emperour Charles the fift lord of all the kingdomes and possessions belonging to the house of Burgundy Spaine The German Empire and the dominions of Austria were left vnto his vncle Ferdinand Sebastian king of Portugal being slaine in Afrique by the Moores at the battaile of Alcacar and his vncle Cardinall Henry not long after surviuing by the great captain Don Ferdin̄d Alvares de Toledo in the yeare 1580 he cōquered that kingdome the first Monarch of Spaine since king Rodericus and the Gothes To giue a checke vnto this sudden and over-great prosperity the Low-countries in his time revolted eight of whose richest provinces Holland Zealand Vtreicht Over-Ysel Gelderland Zutphen West-Freisland Groninghen haue now by armes freed themselues from the Spanish yoake and subjection Philip the Third son to Philip the second succeeding in the dominions conquests of Spaine The Netherlands were assigned by his father vnto his sister Isabella marryed vnto Albert Arch-duke of Austria Philip the fourth son to Philip the third now king of Castille Spaine and of the many provinces subject to the great Empire hereof THE KINGDOME OF NAVARRA THe Kingdome hereof was first begun amongst the Pyrenean Mountaines in the parts whereabout now standeth the towne of Suprarbe by the Vascones the naturall inhabitants or rather by certaine remnants of the shipwrack'd and flying Christians in that great invndation of the Moores retreating amongst the safer rocks and shelters hereof The exact time when it begun is not set downe Onely thus much is agreed vpon that Garcias Ximinius the first king dyed in the yeare 758 some 42 yeares after the first erection of the kingdome of the Asturians or Leon. It was first entituled the kingdome of Suprarbe then the chiefe towne of those mountainous parts Afterwards it tooke the name of Navarra most probably vnder Innicus Garcias at what time first descending from the mountaines where the former kings had kept themselues immur'd they tooke in Pampelona and the plaine countrey from the Moores By the raigne of Sanctius the Great
surnamed the Stammerer joynt Kings created in the minority of Charles the Simple Lewis the second deceasing Carloman raigned alone who dyed not long after Lewis the third surnamed le Fay-neant sonne to Carloman His raigne was but short deposed for his slought many vices and shorne Monke of Saint Denys Charles surnamed the Fat son to Lewis the Auncient King of Germany and Emperour of the Romans called in by his faction elected King of West-France in the minority of Charles the Simple Hee was deposed not long after and deprived of all his estates dying in great misery and want nere vnto Constance in Germany in the yeare 889. Eudon guardian to Charles the Simple son to Robert Earle of Aniou son to Witichind prince of the Saxons in the raigne of the Emperour Charles the Great in the minority of his pupill after the Emperour Charles the Fat created French King After some two yeares raigne he was likewise deposed by this factious vnconstant nation succeeded vnto by Charles the Simple By meanes notwithstanding of this election there followed afterwards long quarrels and contention for the kingdome betwixt his kindred the house of Aniou and Charles the Simple and his issue during the whole Caroline line a chiefe pretence of Capets vsurpation Charles the Simple the legitimate son of the Emperour Lewis surnamed the Stammerer He had warres with Robert Earle of Aniou brother to King Eudon in regard of the election of Eudon pretending right to the kingdome and slaine by him in a battaill After a short and troublesome raigne caught imprisoned at Peronne by Hebert Earle of Vermandois and forsaken by the nobility hee resigned the kingdome to Rodulph Duke of Burgundy Transiuraine Rodulph Duke of Burgundy Transiuraine son to Conrade Earle of Burgundy Transiuraine brother to Robert the first Earle of Aniou vncle to King Eudon vpon the imprisonment and forced resignation of Charles the Simple elected French King Lewis the fourth son to Charles the Simple and Elgina daughter to Edward surnamed the Elder and sister to Athelstan Kings of England surnamed the Forreiner for that during the captivity of his father and the vsurpation of Rodulph he lived exiled with his vncle Athelstan in England after the death of the vsurper called home and restored to the kingdome Hee had wars with Hugh surnamed the Great Earle of Paris Majour of the Palace son to Robert the second jealous of the popularity greatnes and the ambition of that house Lothaire son to Lewis the fourth In the raigne hereof Hugh Capet heire of the house of Aniou son to Hugh the Great begun againe to renew the auncient quarell of his family touching the kingdome the which not long after he obtayned Lewis the fift son to Lothaire He dyed young without issue the last French King of the house of Charles the Great Hugh Capet son to Hugh the Great Earle of Paris and Majour of the Palace after much quarrell betwixt the houses of Aniou and of Charles the Great thorough a long basenes slougth and pusillanimity of the degenerate princes of that line the present dislike of Charles Duke of Lorraine the next heire the long greatnes and still growing popularity of his house his flattery and crafty insinuations with the nobility and people and religious pretences and of his right and succession to King Eudo and Rodulph in the yeare 965 elected king by this wavering nation Charles Duke of Lorraine excluded caught afterwards by him and imprisoned during life Robert son to Hugh Capet Henry the first younger son to Robert preferred by his father before Robert his elder brother succeeding in the Dukedome of Burgundy Philip the first son to Henry the first Lewis the sixt son to Philip the first Lewis the seaventh son to Lewis the sixt About the raigne of this prince dyed Iohn de Temporibus by the stiffe consent of the French and German writers reported to haue lived from the Emperour Charles the Great vnto this time for aboue the space of 300 yeares Philip the second surnamed Augustus sonne to Lewis the seaventh Lewis the eight son to Philip the second Lewis the ninth surnamed the Saint son to Lewis the eight Philip the third son to Lewis the ninth Philip the fourth surnamed the Faire son to Philip the third Lewis the tenth surnamed Hutin son to Philip the Faire Hee deceased without male issue Philip the fift surnamed the Tall brother to Lewis the tenth Hee also dyed without issue male Charles the fourth brother to Lewis Hutin and Philip the Tall. He also deceased without male issue Philip the sixt surnamed of Valois the next prince of the blood of the line masculine succeeding by the pretence of a Salique Law In the raigne hereof began those long and fierce wars betwixt the French Edward the third King of England descended of Isabel daughter to Philip the fourth pretending in this right for the kingdomes the issue whereof was the great overthrowes of the French at the battails of Crecy and Poictiers the captivity of Iohn French King and the restitution of Normandy and other parts of France taken from the English by King Philip Augustus lost notwithstanding not long after to King Charles the fift with Aquitaine Guienne vntill that time still held by the English nation Iohn French King sonne to Philip the sixt taken prisoner in the English warres by Edward Prince of Wales son to Edward the third at the battaile of Poictiers Charles the fift son to Iohn He recovered againe the countries of Normandy Aquitaine and Guienne and whatsoever else the English held in the continent of France the towne and forts about Calis onely excepted Charles the sixt son to Charles the fift In the raigne hereof fell out that fatall discord betwixt the houses of Orleans and Burgundy by the advantage whereof the weakenes of this phrenetique king and their victory at Agincourt Charles the Dolphin disinherited and Henry the fift King of England having married Catherinne his daughter made Regent of France the English again got seazed of the chiefest parts of the kingdome hereof Henry the sixt King of England being afterwards crowned king of France at Paris Charles the seaventh son to Charles the sixt After long trouble warres Philip the Good and the faction of Burgundy reconciled hee againe cleered France of the English the towne countrey of Calis excepted Lewis the eleaventh son to Charles the seaventh Charles the eight son to Lewis the eleaventh He dyed sans issue Lewis the twelth Duke of Orleans and Valois the next prince of the blood of the line masculine Hee marryed vnto Anne Dutchesse of Bretaigne and deceased without heire male Francis the first Duke of Engoulesme the next prince of the blood of the race masculine He marryed vnto Claude Dutchesse of Bretaigne daughter to Lewis the twelth Anne and incorporated Bretaigne to the crowne of France Henry the second son to Francis the first He wonne the towne countrey of
this time for the most part continuing entire and vnder one became scattered as hath beene before related into sundry lesser peeces and names Brunswijck and Lunenburg being erected into the Dukedomes before mentioned Westphalia vsurped by Philip Bishop of Colen whose successours still hold the title of Dukes hereof the parts beyond the Weser by Bernard Bishop of Paderborn the Palatinate of Saxonie by Herman Lantgraue of Duringen Lubeck being annexed to the Empire and other parts otherwise carried Bernard the third descended of the familie of Anhalt sonne to Albertus Vrsus Marquesse of Brandenburg created Duke Electour of Saxonie by the Emperour Fredericke Barbarossa after the proscription of Henry the second surnamed the Lion He had the towne and little country of Wittenberg given vnto him by the Emperour Conrade the third his seat and of sundry the succeeding Dukes which part although lying without the riuer Saltza and the bounds of the ancient hath since notwithstanding obtained the account name of Saxonie called now the Higher Saxonie Albert the first sonne to Bernard the third Albert the second sonne to Albert the first Rodulph the first sonne to Albert the second Rodulph the second sonne to Rodulph the first Wenceslaus brother to Rodulph the second Rodulph the third sonne to Wenceslaus He died without issue male Albert the third brother to Rodulph the third He deceased without issue in the yeare 1422 in whom ended the Duke Electours of Saxonie of the house of Anhalt Fredericke the first surnamed the warlike Lantgraue of Duringen Marquesse of Meissen and Count Palatine of Saxonie created Duke Electour of Saxonie by the Emperour Sigismond By this meanes after so many flittings the title and dignit●e of the Electours and Dukes of Saxonie hath become quite remoued out of the ancient and true Saxonie confined within Duringen Meissen and the country about Wittenberg the only possessions of the moderne Dukes Fredericke the second sonne to Fredericke the first Ernest the first sonne to Fredericke the second Fredericke the third sonne to Ernest the first Hee deceased vnmarried Iohn brother to Frederick the third and sonne to Ernest the first Iohn-Fredericke sonne to Iohn the first He was taken prisoner in the Protestants warres in the yeare 1547 by the Emperour Charles the fift by whom he was depriued of his Electourship conferred vpon Duke Maurice his Dukedome and patrimony yet continuing in his house Maurice Duke of Saxonie of a younger house sonne to Henry Duke of Saxony sonne to Albert brother to the Electour Ernest the first appointed Electour in the place of Iohn Fredericke by the Emperour Charles the fift He died without male issue Augustus Duke Electour of Saxony brother vnto Maurice Christian the first son to Augustus Christian the second sonne to Christian the first deceasing in the yeare 1611 without heires Iohn George brother to Christian the second Duke Electour of Saxonie in the yeare 1616. The DVKEDOME of BRVNSWIICK This was sometimes a part of the ancient Dukedome of Saxonie The Estate as before was occasioned by meanes of the proscription of Henry surnamed the Lion Duke of Saxonie and Bavaria who being depriued of all his large possessions and honours by the Emperour Fredericke Barbarossa and afterwards by the mediation of his father in law Henry the second king of England being againe reconciled vnto the Emperour had the two citties of Br●nswijck and Lunenburg with their countries restored vnto him which left by him vnto his sonnes William and Henry with the title of Earles were afterwards in their persons erected into Dukedomes by the Emperour Fredericke the second In memory of their English descent the Princes hereof and of Lunenburg haue still since borne the armes of the first Kings of England in their escotcheons which thē were only two Lions rampant The Princes followe Henry Earle of Brunswijck sonne to Henry surnamed the Lion Duke of Saxonie and Bavaria created afterwards Duke of Brunswijck by the Emperour Fredericke the second He deceased without issue male succeeded vnto by Otho son to his brother William Duke of Lunenburg Otho Duke of Lunenburg sonne to William Duke of Lunenburg and grand-child vnto Henry the Lion duke of Saxonie and Bavaria after the decease of his vncle Henry without issue male succeeding likewise in the Dukedome of Brunswijck by the gift of the Emperour Fredericke the second By lands partly bought and partly giuen vnto him by the Emperour Fredericke the second hee much augmented the dukedome hereof in circuit and revenues Albert the First sonne to Otho the first duke of Brunswijck His brother Iohn succeeded in the Dukedome of Lunenburg the two Dukedomes being againe divided Albert the second sonne to Albert the first His brother Henry succeeded in the part of this Dukedome lying beyond the wood Hartz called afterwards from the seat of the prince the Dukedome of Grubenhagen continued in his successours vnto Wolfang and Philip in whom the line was extinguished Magnus the first sonne to Albert the second Duke of Brunswijck Hee became also Duke of Lunenburg the house of Iohn brother to Albert the first being extinguished in Otho and William Magnus the second surnamed with the chaine Duke of Brunswijck and Lunenburg sonne to Magnus the first Henry Duke of Brunswijck and Lunenburg sonne to Magnus the second William Duke of Brunswijck and Lunenburg sonne to Henry Vpon composition made with his vncle Bernard sonne to Magnus the second he yeelded vp vnto him the Dukedome of Lunenburg continued in his posterity William Duke of Brunswijck sonne to William Henry Duke of Brunswijck sonne to William the second Henry Duke of Brunswijck sonne to Henry Iulius Duke of Brunswijck sonne to Henry the younger Henry Iulius sonne to Iulius Duke of Brunswijck Hee married vnto Elizabeth daughter to Frederick the second and sister vnto Christierne the fourth kings of Denmarke Fredericke-Vlric and Christian Administratour of Halberstat sonnes to Henricus Iulius and Elizabeth sister to Christian the fourth king of Denmarke The rest of the princes of this house stiled likewise Dukes of Brunswijck but not continuing the house their lines being extinguished in regard of their number and to avoid confusion wee haue purposely omitted which methode we will obserue in the orders of the rest of the German Princes The DVKEDOME of LVNENBVRG How this state was first begun and occasioned we haue shewed in the Dukedome of Brunswijck The order of the Princes continuing the house follow William first Earle of Lunenburg afterwards Duke sonne to Henry the Lion Duke of Saxony and Bavaria Otho Duke of Lunenburg son to William His vncle Henry deceasing without male he succeeded likewise in the Dukedome of Brunswijcke Iohn Duke of Lunenburg sonne to Otho Duke of Brunswijck and Lunenburg His brother Albert succeeded in Brunswijck the two Dukedomes againe divided Otho Duke of Lunenburg sonne to Iohn Otho and William Dukes of Lunenburg sonnes to Otho the Elder They both deceased without issue male by which meanes after the custome of Germany
and Charles the Simple the onely left legitimate issue of Charles the Bald being then young and vnfit to governe he got seazed of Italy and the Roman Empire the title still afterwards continuing in his successours Forsaken and deposed by his inconstant nobility hee died in extreame want and misery in the greater Augia neere Constance a memorable example of the incertitude of this transitory and earthly happinesse succeeded vnto by Arnulph Arnulph Emperour of the Romans and King of Germany naturall sonne to Carloman brother to the Emperour Charles the Fat Lewis Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany sonne to Arnulph He deceased without issue Conrade the first sonne to Conrade brother to Lewis the last Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany of the house of Charles the Great He deceased in the yeare 919. Henry the first surnamed the Fowler Duke of Saxonie by the choise of the Dutch and the assignement of Conrade the first elected Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany the Caroline line here being extinguished and that succeeding in France being excluded as strangers Otho the first surnamed the Great sonne to Henry the first Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany Otho the second sonne to Otho the first Otho the third sonne to Otho the second Wanting heires and for prevention of all future claime of the French and Italians by the aid and authority of Pope Gregory the fift a Dutchman and of the cittizens of Rome hee made the Empire of the Romans and the kingdome of Germany to bee perpetually electiue and entailed them vpon the German nation After this Prince the state hath ever since for the space of 627 yeares remained electiue continued chiefly in foure Dutch families of Franconia Suevia Lutzenburg and Austria where now it resteth He died in the yeare 1000. Henry the second Duke of Bavaria the first elected Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany Conrade the second Duke of Franconia Henry the third sonne to Conrade the second Henry the fourth sonne to Henry the third Falling out with and excommunicated by the Popes hee was lastly by their curse depriued of all imperiall and kingly dignitie his sonne Henry the fift authorized and set vp against him dying afterwards in great distresse and poverty Henry the fift the vnnaturall sonne of Henry the fourth the last Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany of the house of Franconia after long quarrells with the Popes deceasing in the yeare 1124. Lotharius the second Duke of Saxonie Emperour of the Romans and king of Germanie He deceased in the yeare 1137. Conrade the third Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany sonne to Frederick surnamed the Ancient Duke of Suevia Fredericke the first surnamed Barbarossa Duke of Suevia sonne to Frederick with the one eye brother to the Emperour Conrade the third Henry the sixt sonne to Frederick Barbarossa Philip Duke of Suevia brother to Henry the sixt slaine by Otho Count Palatine Otho the fourth sonne to Henry surnamed the Lion Duke of Saxony and Bavaria chosen Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany against Philip by the contrary faction of Pope Innocent the third enimie● the house of Suevia after the decease of Philip crowned at Rome Excommunicated shortly after through the inconstancy and iniury here of he became forsaken and depriued of all dying in a private state at Brunswijck in the yeare 1218. Frederick the second Duke of Suevia sonne to the Emperour Henry the sixt in the yeare 1212 chosen against Otho the fourth after long warres and contention with the Popes deceasing in the yeare 1251 the last Emperour of the Romans and king of Germany of the house of Suevia During the raigne hereof beginne the faction of the Guelphes and Gibelines amongst the Italians whereof these later sided for the Emperours the other for the Popes occasioned by the quarrells hereof the side of the Popes through the power and authority of that sea at length prevailing and the Emperours quite dispossessed of Italy the title onely remaining William Earle of Holland elected Emperour of the Romanes and king of Germany during the raigne of the Emperour Fredericke the second thorough the authority of the sea of Rome and the immense charge of Pope Innocent the Fourth enimie to Fredericke the second He was slaine the yeare 1257 in his warres against the rebellious Fris●●s Richard Earle of Cornewall brother to Henry the third king of England and Alphonso the tenth king of Castille and Leon chosen Emperours of the Romanes and kings of Germany by their factions the Electours being divided R●d●lph the first Earle of Habsp●rg after long disorder and vacancie in the yeare 1273 chosen by the ioint consent of the Electours the founder of 〈…〉 family of Austria and the first Emperour of the Romanes and king of Germany of that house Albert the first Duke of Austria sonne to the Emperour Rodulph the first and Ad●lph Earle of Nass●● chosen one against the other Albert prevailing by whom Adolph was slaine in battaile Henry the seaventh Earle of L●●ze●burg elected after the decease of Albert. Lewis the fift Duke of Bavaria elected Emperour of the Romanes and king of Germanie opposed by Fredericke Arch-duke of Austria Charles the fourth king of Bohemia and son to the Emperour Henry the seaventh elected during the raigne of the Emperour Lewis excommunicated by the Popes Iohn the two and twentieth Benedict the tenth and Clement the sixt thorough the authority hereof After the decease of Lewis being againe disliked by the Electours Edwarde the 3 d king of England is designed who refusing the Empire as did afterwardes Fredericke Lantgraue of Duringen Gunther Earle of Schwartzenburg is elected dying shortly after vnto whom he againe succeeded for the space of 33 yeares By this prince in the yeare 1356 the Golden Bull was ordained containing the maner of chusing the Emperours Wenceslaus king of Bohemia son to the Emperour Charles the fourth deposed for his floth and many other vices Fredericke Duke of Brunswijck elected after Wenceslaus slaine shortly after at Frislar by the teason of the Bishop of Me●t● Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhijn He made warre in Italie for the recovery of that province but with vnfortunate successe that Italians every where now shaking of the yoake of the Empire favoured by the Popes iealous of the neighbourhood and greatnesse of the Germanes Iodocur Marques of Moravia vncle to Wenceslaus elected after Rupert His raigne was but short not lasting fullie six moneths Sigismond king of Hungarie and Bohemia son to the Emperour Charles the fourth and brother to Wenceslaus the last Emperour of the Romanes and king of Germany of the house of Lutzenburg He deceased in the yeare 1437. Albert the second Archduke of Austria and king of Hungary and Bohemia son in law to the Emperour Sigismond From this prince the house of Austria haue ever since possessed the Imperiall and Royall Diademe Fredericke the third Archduke of Austria Emperour of the Romanes
l. 3. v. T. Livij Hist. Rom. li. 5. 38. Iustini Hist. lib. 20. 24. Plutarchum in vitâ Furij Camilli Pli. Nat. Hist. lib. 3. c. 1. c. Cornelium Tacitum de moribus Germanorum de Boiis Beati Rhenani Rerum Germanicarum li. 1. 2. de Boioarijs * v. infra a Bauldwin Earle of Flanders Emperour of Constantinopl c. b William the Conquerour D of Normandye K of England c. c Henry of Lortaine first Earle of Portugall c. d Charles Duke of Aniou King of Naples and Scicily c. e Charles Martel K. of Hungary sonne to Charles the Lame K. of Naples descended from Charles D. of Aniou etc. f Guy of Lusignan king of Hierusalem afterwards of Ciprus by the guift of Richard the first K. of England g Godfrey of Buillon D. of Lorraine and king of Hierusalem etc. h v. Ant. Mag. Geog. in Gal. lia c. * v. C. Iul. Caes. com Belli Gall. lib. 6. c. 8 9. c. a Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 3. c. 4. b Baron Annal Eccl. Anno Christi 118. c v. P. Ber. Co. Rerum Germ. lib. 3. d Magdeburg Cent. 1. l. 2. c. 2. e Baron Ann. Eccles. Ann. Christi 95. f Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 5. c. 1. g v. P. Or●s lib. 7. cap. 19. h v. suprà i The French Aunals k Ibidem l Ibidem m Marian. de Rebus Hispan l. 12. c. 1. n Confession Wald. per Balt. Lydium o Ioach. Cam. de frat Orth. Ecclesijs c. * v. La● description gouernement des Respubliques du Monde par Gabriel Chappuy● en France a Les Recherches de la Fran. par Estienne Pasquiet * v. Les Antiquitez Recherches de France par Andre du Chesne * v. L. Histoire de France par Bernard de Girard Seigneur du Haillan en le Roy Pharamond les Recherches de France par Estienne Pasquier a En la terre Salique aucune portion de l' haereditè nè vienne à la femme L. Histoire de France par Barnard de Girard Seigneur du Ha●llan en le Roy Pharamond * 〈◊〉 in fr● * v. C. lul Caes. Comment belli Gallici lib. 1. c. 3. lib. 7. cap. 4. Ptol. Geog. l. 2. cap. 7. 8. 9. Histoire de Lyon par Claude de Rubys Pauli Merulae Cosm. p. 2. l. 3. c. 4. a Iurassus Clau. Ptolomaei b Rhodanus Caesar Comm. belli Gallic lib. 1. c. 3. c. Araris Caesar. Com. bel Gall. ●●b 1. c. 4. c. Isara Ptol. lib. c. 10. Druentia Pt. ●●b 2. c. 10. f Gatumna Cae. ●om bel Gall. ●●b 1. c. 1. c. g Ligeris Caes. Com. bel Gal. ●●b 7. cap. 5. c. Sequana Caes. Com. bel Gal. ●●b 1. c. 1. c. Matrona Caes. Com. bel Gal. ●●b 1. c. 1. Tabuda Ptol. ● 2. cap. 9. Scal●is Caesar. Com. ●el Gal. l. 6. cap. 2. Plin. ●at Hist. li. 4. c. 7. Sabis Caes. Co. ●el Gal. l. 5. c. 8. m Mosa Caesar. Com. bel Gal. ●●b 5. c. 8. a Gallia Caesar Com c. Celtogalatia Ptol. Geog. l. 2 c. 7. * v. Livii Hist. l. ● Plutarch in vit Furii Camilli Claud. Marcelli C. Plin Nat. hist. lib. 3. c. 15. l. 4. c. 17. Eutrop. lib. 3. hist. Rom. Carolum Sigonium in Fastos Triumphos Consulares Iacobi Dalechampii Annotationes in lib. 3. c. 15. in lib. 4. c. 17. C. Plinii Nat. hist. b Quod placidiot esset Romano vestitu vteretur Iacobi Dalechampij Annot in l. 4. c. 17 Plin. Nat. Hist. Dionis l. 46. c Gallos traditur famâ dulcedine frugū maximeque vini novâ cum voluptate captos Alpes trans●jsse agrosque ab Hetruscis antea cultos possedisse T. Liv. hist. l. 5. d Rubicon híc fluvius quondam Ital●ae finis C. Plin. Nat hist. l. 3. c. 15. Rubicon fluvius labitur inter Ariminum Casennam fluitque in Adriaticum mare Circa originem Rucon vel Rugon vocant cum longius provectus est mare versus Pisciatello Iacobi Dalechampii in Pli. Nat. hist. lib. 3. c. 15. Annotationes * Strab. Geog. l. 4. Claud. Ptolem l. 2. c. 7. et● * v. T. Livii Hist Rom. l. 5. Caij Iul. Caes. comment bel Gallici Strab. Geog. l. 4. Luc. Flori hist. Rom l. 3. c. 2. Herodoti Clio. * v. T. Li● Epitom l. 61 Lu. Flor. Hist Rom. lib. 3. c. 2. Strab Geog. li. 4. Caij Iu. Caes. Com. Bel. Gal. Pomp. Mel l. 3. Plut. in vuâ Iu. Caesaris Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. 4. c. 17 Am. Marcellini● lib. 15. Cassiod Chro. Imperato●bus Honor. et Theodosio Sigonium in Fastos Triumphos Romanorum Iacobi Dalechampij Annotat in li. 4. c. 17. N. Hist. Plinij a Comata Plin. Nat. Hist. l. 4. c. 17. Comata quorum populi Belgae Aquitani et Celtae Pomp. Mel. li. 3. Comata sic appellata quòd incolae studiosius comam alerent Iacob Dalechampij in l. 4. c. 17. Plin. Annotationes * v. C. Iul. Caesar. Com. Bel. Gall. lib. 1. c. 1. Strab. Geog. l. 4. Plin. Nat. Hist. l. 3. c. 5. l. 4. c. 17. a Ante Augustum Aquitania inter Garumnam fluvium contenta item in tres partes devisa Gallia Belgicam Celticam Aquitaniam Augustus Caesar in 4. partes Galliam devisit ita vt Celtas Narbonensi Provinciae tribueret Aquitanos eosdem cum lulio faceret ijsque auctis decem alias gentes intra Garumnam Ligerim inhabitantes reliquum in duas partes tribueret vnamque Lugduno ad●ungeret vsque ad superiora Rheni alteram Belgis Strab. Geog. lib. 4. * v. Clau. Pt. Geog. l. 2. c. 7. Strab. l. 4. Pl. Nat. Hist. lib. 4. c. 19. Pomp. M●l l. 3. Caes. Comm. Bel. Gall. l. 7. c. 2. 3. 4. 28. 32. Interpretationes Montani Petri Birtij in Ptol. Geog. lib. 2. c. 7. b Aquitani vnde nomen Provinciae Plin. N. Hist. lib. 4. c. 19. a Beginning after Caesar and Mela at the Garumna but according vnto Strabo Pliny and Ptolomy at the Loire * v. Claud. Ptol. Geog. l. 2. c. 8. Strab. l. 4. Plin. N. His. l. 4. c. 1 8. Pomp. Mel. l. 3. Iul. Caes. Comm. Bel. Gal. l. 1. c. 12. l. 3. c. 3. 5. lib. 5. c. 21. l. 6. c. 2. 3. 7. 8 lib. 7. c. 3. 5. 18. 19. 20. 22. 26. 27. 28. 29. 36. c. Interpret Montani P. Birtij in Claud. Ptol. lib. 2 c. 8. b Most probably extended further in regard of the strength and power of the people v. Caesar Co-Bel Gal. * v. Claud Ptol. Geog. l. 2. c. 9. Strab. l. 4. Plin. Nat. Hist. l. 3. c 5. l. 4. c. 17. Pomp. Mel. l. 3. Caes. Comment Belli Gallici lib 1 c 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 19. lib 2 c 2 7 8. 10 11 lib 5 c 1 lib 6 c 2. 12 lib 7 c