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A16941 A discouerie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia. 1594 Very preiudiciall to the discentes and successions of the auncient nobilitie of this realme. By Yorke Herault.; Discoverie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia. Part 1. Brooke, Ralph, 1553-1625.; Leland, John, 1506?-1552. Laboryouse journey and serche of Johan Leylande, for Englaundes antiquitees. 1599 (1599) STC 3834; ESTC S106718 60,269 98

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second Earle of Sussex and Arundell father of William the third Earle which had issue by Maude coheire of Ranulfe Earle of Chester William the fourth Earle and Hugh that was the fift Earle both dying without issue After which time that honour of Sussex lay dead vntill that king Henrie the eight in the 21. yeare of his reigne created Robert Radclife Earle of Sussex Pag. 234. IN this succession of Albeneys Earles of Sussex you haue taken great paines making fiue of that surname to haue beene Earles both of Sussex and Arundell when as you can prooue but foure in all to haue beene Earles of that familie and but two of them Earles of Sussex viz. William whom king Henrie the second made the first Earle of Sussex and Hugh his sonne who died without issue in the 27. yeare of king Henrie the third for that VVilliam whom you call the fourth Earle of Arundell I deeme as yet neuer borne And the first VVilliam which married Queene Aelidise the widow of King Henrie the first who you say was both earle of Sussex and Arundell I make great doubt of thinking you not able to make proofe he was Earle of either For sure I am that his owne deed doth shew the contrarie that he was onelie Earle of Chichester and not of Arundell and Sussex which to manifest I haue here set downe his deed as followeth GVilielmus Comes Cicestriae c. William Earle of Chichester to the Bishop of Norwich and to all faithfull children of our holie mother the Church and to all men as well French as English c. Knoweye that I haue giuen and granted to God and to the Church of Saint Maries in Thetford and to the Monkes there seruing God for the the soules of my father and mother and Queene Aelidise my wife and the health of our children in pure almes the lands that were Godricks in Ridlesworde and in Guareshall which belonged to Garestorpe which land the same day that I made this grant one Robert held Witnesses Raph the Chaplaine and Hubert de Montecaniso with manie others Lastly where you say that after the familie of the Albeneyes were extinct the Earldome of Sussex lay dead vntill he 21. yeare of king Henrie the eight who then created Robert Radcliffe Earle of Sussex To that I answere it did not lie dead all that while for after the death of Hugh de Albeney 1242. king Edward the first in the 18. yere of his reigne made Richard Fitz-Allen Earle of Arundell knight at which time he also girded him with the sworde of the Earldome of Sussex In whose issue it continued diuers discents and then by attainture fell vnto the crowne As in my booke entituled the Nobilitie of England which I meane shortly God willing to publish you may see at large RIchard Earle of Clare builded the Castle of Tunbridge hauing had the said Tunbridge in exchange for Brionie in Normandie for his grandfather Godfrey base sonne of William the second Duke of Normandie was Earle of Aniou Brionie Pa. 243 THis discent of Godfrey Earle of Aniou and Brionie is forreine and bredde beyond the Seas in Normandie from whence you haue had little intelligence therfore not so much to be condemned for mistaking the right father of the saide Godfrey making him the sonne of William the second duke of Normandy when as he was sonne to Richard the first Duke of Normandie Which fault notwithstanding I woulde wish you to amende in your next edition and also to take away from this Richard his grandchilde the title of Earle vntill such time as you haue a better commission for making of Earles And for your warrant to doe this you shall haue both the booke of Domesday and diuerse charters of William the Conqueror wherein the said Richard was a witnesse by the name onely of Richard Fitz-Gilbert without any other title of honor THe Creuecueurs so named de crepito-corde builded the Castell of Leedes of which familie the first was Robert who had issue Daniell that was father to Robert who had issue Hamon which married the daughter and heire of the Baron of Folkestone and by her had issue Hamon the father of Robert who wanting issue gaue his patrimonie to King Edwarde the first Pag. 244. THe familie of Abrinces were Barons of Folkestone from whom by marriage the same went to Hamon de Creuecueur and by his daughter to Iohn of Sandwich whose grandchilde by his sonne Iohn named Iulian carried that title to Iohn Seagraue Pag. 259. TO reconcile your contradictions in these two titles of Leedes Castle and Folkestone I thinke it a verie harde matter for in the first you say That Hamon Creuecueur who marryed the daughter and heire of the Baron of Folkestone had issue Hamon that succeeded him which Hamon had issue Robert who dying without issue gaue his patrimonie to king Edwarde the first And after in the title of Folkestone you affirme the contrarie saying That the same Hamon had issue a daughter that carried Folkestone by her marriage to Iohn of Sandwich By which thus still ouermuch busying your selfe in matters passing your skill it maketh you so forgetfull that oftentimes you are faine to vtter matters incoherent and much contradictorie Wherefore vnderstande that Hamon Creuecueur who you say married the daughter and heire of the Baron of Folkestone had issue Hamon who succeeded his father and he had issue Robert which died without issue and foure daughters Eleonor married to Bertram Criell Agnes to Iohn of Sandwich Isolde to Nicholas Lenham and Isabell to Henrie Hawt Of which foure daughters you haue left out the first and two last naming but onely the second married to Iohn of Sandwich who was not the daughter of the first Hamon as you affirme but of the second whom you haue casscered out of this discent And whereas in the title of Leedes castle you say that the last Robert Creuecueur dying without issue gaue his patrimonie to K. Edward the first Before I answer there unto I first demaund of you how that may be When your selfe in the title of Folkstone haue set downe the said Roberts sister to carie Folkestone by her marriage to Iohn of Sandwich which was a part of the said Roberts patrimony And for direct proofe that the said Robert did not giue his patrimony to king Edward the first as you haue said it appeareth by an inquisition taken after the death of the saide Robert in the thirtieth yeare of King Edward the first that his foresaide foure sisters were his heires and that Eleonore the eldest had for her part of her brothers inheritance the Mannor of Estwell in Kent and Agnes the second sister had Folkestone the other two had other landes that descended to the said Robert from his auncestors which I take to be his patrimonie HVbert de Burgo was made Earle of Kent by king Henry the third and died without issue Pag. 262. IF this be true that Hubert de Burgo
had issue Richard Earle of Clare which was slaine by the Welshmen This Richard had issue three sonnes Gilbert Earle of Clare that dyed without issue Roger Earle of Clare created Earle of Hertford by Henry the second and Robert his third sonne from whom the familie of Fitz-Walters discended Roger begat Richard Earle of Clare Hertford who marryed Amicia yongest daughter and heire of William Earle of Glocester Pag. 350. YOur historicall reportes are very changeable for in the title of Haresfield Pag. 312. you tell vs that Richard was Earle of Clare in William the Conquerors time and now here you affirme that Gilbert his sonne was the first Earle of Clare of that familie And againe in the title of Dunmowe there haue you set downe this Robert the third sonne of Earle Richard truely to be the sonne of the first Richard that came into this land with William the Conqueror but here will you haue him to be great grand-child to the same Richard Which by no meanes the now Earle of Sussex will consent vnto because thereby he shall loose two of his greattest auncestors with their wiues they being the daughters and heires of Saint-Lyce Earle of Northampton and the Lord Lucy which were both marryed the one to the said Robert and the other to Walter his sonne as more plainely doth appeare by the true discent here following Richard sonne of Gilbert Earle of Angy in Normandye was Lorde of Tunbridge and Clare in England by the gift of William the Conqueror and had issue Gilbert Earle of Clare Roger that dyed without issue 1173. and Robert who was Sewer to king Henry the first and Lord of Dunmow by the said kings gift He maryed Matilda de Sainct-Lice lady of Bradham and had issue Walter Lord and Baron of Woodham that had to wife Matilde the daughter and coheire of Richard Lucy Lord chiefe Iustice of England in Henry the seconds time Of which Walter the honorable familie of Fitz-walters tooke first their surname He dyed 1198. leauing the second Robert his sonne to succeede him who dyed in the 19. yeare of king Henry the third So that by this your mistaking you would cut off the first Robert and Walter his sonne making the second Robert to be the first that came from the maine line of the familie of Clares And for proofe hereof I wish you to examine Gemiticensis who will affirme the same to be true that I haue here said GEffery Magnauill made Walden the seate and head of his honor and Earledome Pag. 342. THe dignitie and Earledome of the Magnauills whilest they were honored with the title of Earles was Essex and not Walden Well that familie might be Lordes and owners thereof but that neuer the head of their honour and Earledome Wherefore if your Author so write hee did it rather like a nouice then an Herauld and your discretion may be suspected in that you played not rather your parte to teach him to speake more Herauld-lyke then to bring in his absurd tearmes for a testimonie amongst Earledomes and Honors THe first Earles of Essex of the Norman race was Geffrey Magnauill commonly called Mandeuill sonne of William by Margaret heire of Eudo the Sewer who was slaine in battell in king Stephens time There succeeded him two sonnes Geffrey and William from whome by a daughter that honour went to Geffrey Fitz-Pieres whose two sonnes Geffrey and William succeeded in that honor Geffrey dyed yong slayne at the Tilte William tooke parte with Lewis of Fraunce against king Iohn and dyed without issue 1227. After whome succeeded Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Constable of England who had marryed their sister Pag. 343. YOur vndiscreete wordes vsed in this place may make those noble personages deceased to be called in question for that which nature abhorreth but it were better your penne should prooue a false witnesse then so heynous a matter true Shall we surmise as you write in this page that Humfrey de Bohun sonne of Henry did marrye his owne mother Assuredly we might seeme in so dooing not onely ouer-credulous but also irreligious Yet you say here Humfrey Bohun marryed the sister and heire of William Magnauill Earle of Essex who dyed without issue 1227. Which by no meanes we may beleeue because the match were against nature if it be true that Henry Bohun marryed with that sister and heire of William Magnauill aforesaid which is so vndoubted a trueth that voluntarily it drops out of your owne penne Pag. 479. of your booke in the title of the Earles of Hereford Besides that it is most euident that the saide Henrie in the right of his wife aboue mencioned was the first Earle of Essex of that familie as appeareth by a Charter of king Henrie the thirde in the 25. yeare of his reigne concerning lands that he gaue to the Abbay of Westminster whereunto the said Henrie was a witnesse by the name of Henrie de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex and Constable of England And further to manifest that it was not Humfrey the sonne of this Henrie that married with Matilda Know you that she died 1236. in the one and twentie yeare of king Henrie the third which was during the life of the said Henry her husband and foure years before he was a witnesse to the kings Charter aforesaide AFter the death of the familie of Bigots and Vffords Richard the second aduanced Michael De-la-Poole from a Marchant to the Honour and dignitie of Earle of Suffolke and Lorde Chauncellor of England King Henrie the sixt created William his sonne first Marques and after Duke of Suffolke He was beheaded on the Seas and left issue Iohn who married the sister of king Edward the fourth Pag. 357. VVHat is it that you will not vndertake to write and publish of a meane person when you verie vniustly haue wrōged that honorable familie of De-la-Pooles reporting Michael De-la-Poole the first Earle of that name to haue beene aduaunced by Richard the second from a Merchant of Hull Pag. 549. to the dignitie of Earle of Suffolke he being a knight of the noble order of the Garter by the Satutes whereof none can bee elected vnlesse hee be borne gentle three discents both of father and mother Also it doth appeare by an inquisition taken the 9. of Edwarde the third that sir William De-la-Poole knight Banneret father of this Michael was sonne and heire of sir William De-la-Poole knight All which testimonies might haue satisfied you or any other reasonable person both to haue thought and written more reuerentlie of him But not herewith contented you after depriue him the saide Michaell both of his sonne and eldest grandchild which succeeded him in the said dignitie the one after the other by the names of Michaell the second and Michaell the thirde placing in their rowmes as immediate successor and son to the foresaid first Michaell William De-la-Poole duke of Suffolke his second grandchilde In both which points howe much you haue
succession of these Earles saying That from the first Hugh in Henry the first time succeeded in direct line from father to sonne Hugh that tooke parte against king Henry the second c. To this I answere that you were in a Labyrinth not able to finde out what issue there was betwixt the first and second Hugh And to vnfolde this your error I affirme that the first Hugh and those that you say succeeded betweene from father to sonne to that Hugh whome you name the second were all but one person for he that was Steward to king Henry the first and was after made Earle of Norffolke by king Stephen was the same person that liued in the time of king Henry the second and that tooke part with the yong king against his father Thirdly where you affirme that the last Earle Roger surrendred all his honors and almost all his inheritance vnto king Edward the second it seemeth a matter vnto me very vnlike that the said Roger dying in the life of king Edward the first could in the reigne of king Edward the second make any such surrender But here haue you done very wisely in leauing out the cause of the kings displeasure against the said Roger for therein would you haue disclosed your owne error But because I would not haue you ignorant of the same king Edward the first in the fifteenth or sixteenth yeare of his reigne required this Roger Bygot Eerle of Norffolke Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester and Humfrey de Bohun then Earle of Hereford to goe with him into France whose request these three noble persons refused whereupon at the said kings returne againe into England he forced Gilbert de Clare and Humfrey de Bohun the yonger sonne of the soresaid Humfrey to marrye with two of his daughters without either land or money and the said Roger Bygot to appease the kings indignation did make ouer vnto him most part of his landes with the office of Marshall of England And this was done by king Edward the first and not by Edward the second as you haue here set downe KIng Edward the third gaue the Earledome of Cambridge vnto Edward of Langley his fift sonne Afterwardes Richard his yonger sonne enioyed the same honor by the fauour of king Henry the fift But he being disloyall and vngratefull plotting the death of that most excellent prince was beheaded and the Earledome of Cambridge vtterly decayed with him Pag. 381. THe Earledome of Cambridge vtterly decayed not with Richard of Conesborough yonger sonne of Edmond of Langley Earle of Cambridge and Duke of Yorke who was executed in the third yeare of Henry the fift as you say but was after reuiued againe in Richard his sonne whome king Henry the sixt in the fourth yeare of his reigne created Earle of Cambridge and after Duke of Yorke Regent of Fraunce and protectour of England HVntingdon had these Earles Syward and Walthe of his sonne after whome by Maude his daughter that honor came first to Simon Sant-lize Earle of Northampton After that to Dauid brother to Alexander king of Scots for Maude was marryed to to them both and had issue by both Whereupon as the princes fauour and fortune changed sometimes the Sant-lizes and sometimes the Scots enioyed this honor vidz Henry the sonne of Dauid then Simon Sant-lize sonne to the first Simon And then Simon Sant-lize the third who dying without issue William king of Scots brother of the foresaid Malcolme succeeded whome Dauid his brother followed and had issue that succeeded him Iohn his sonne surnamed Scote that was Earle of Chester and dyed without issue leauing for his successor Alexander the second which marryed the daughter of king Henry the third who possessed this honor but a while Pag. 387 BEfore I enter to open your errors in this succession of the Earles of Huntingdon I would entreate you of this number of eleuen Earles to put out fiue of them at the least And because you shall take them right I will first nominate vnto you those which ought to stand beginning with Walthe of Earle of Northumberland vnto whome William the Conqueror gaue in mariage with Iudith his neece the Earledomes of Huntingdon Northampton This Walthe of had issue Maude who was giuen in marriage vnto Dauid brother to Alexander king of Scots which Dauid was after a witnesse to the Charter of king Henry the first touching landes and liberties that the said king gaue vnto the Cittie of London by the name of Dauid Earle of Huntingdon After the death of Dauid the foresaid Maude was marryed againe to Simon Sant-lize a Norman gentleman who had with her the Earledome of Northampton Dauid before named had issue Henry who in the life of his father was Earle of Huntingdon and dyed in the 18. yeare of king Stephen leauing issue three sonnes Malcolme William and Dauid Malcolme being king of Scottes rebelled against king Henry the second for which cause the king seised into his handes the Earledome of Huntingdon After the said Malcolmes death William his brother succeeded him in the kingdome of Scotland He likewise rebelled against his Lorde king Henry the second and being taken prisoner was caryed into Normandie Anno 1174. Where he compounded to pay for his raunsome ten thowsand markes and to release all his title and interest of the Earledomes both of Huntingdon and Northumberland After which king Henry gaue the Earledome of Huntingdon to Dauid the third sonne of Dauid Earle of Huntingdon before mentioned Which Dauid was a witnesse to the Charter of king Richard the first of landes that he gaue to the Abbey of Peterborough Anno 1189. by the name of Dauid Earle of Huntingdon He dyed in the second yeare of king Henry the third and left issue Iohn his sonne surnamed Scotte who succeeded him which dyed without issue in the 22. yeare of king Henry the third Thus haue I rightly set downe the succession of the Earles of Huntingdon vnto Iohn surnamed Scotte which vnlesse you can by good authorities disproue as I assure my selfe you cannot I hope you will not onely confesse your error but will abate in your next impression those fiue which in deede were neuer Earles of Huntingdon vidz Syward who was but Earle of Northumberland then the three Simons Sant-lizes that were Earles of Northampton onely and lastly William king of Scottes Ashbye de-la-zouch was sometimes belonging to Alane de-la-zouch Baron who bare for his armes a Shielde gules tenne bezants He by marrying the daughter of Roger Quincie Earle of Winchester greatly increased his inheritance But calling in question of lawe Iohn Earle Warrin who would haue his cause tryed by sworde and not by lawe he was by him slaine in the kings courte at Westminster Anno 1279. and within a fewe yeares after the daughters and heires of his grand-childe caryed this inheritance by marryage to the familie of Hollands who were Barons a long time whose inheritance passed to the Louels and
Ebroice● soun● to Mabel the secōd daughter Earle of Glocester who dying without issue the inheritāce came to the yongest daughter Amicia that was wife to the Earle of Clare and had by him issue Gilbert Earle of Clare Glocester who had issue Richard father of Gilbert the second which had issue Gilbert the third that was slaine at Sterling in Scotland but during the nonage of this Gilbert the third Rafe de Mounthemerye who had marryed Ioan of Acres the kings daughter and widowe of Gilbert the second was for a while called Earle of Glocester Afterwardes this honor as some say came to Peter of Gaueston a Gascoyne by right of his wife which was daughter to Gilbert the second He dying without issue this honor discended to Hugh Spencer sonne of Eleonor second daughter of Gilbert aforesaid Hugh Spencer being executed this title came to Hugh Audley who had marryed the widowe of Gaueston Pag. 275. YOu heere charge the Heraldes with thrusting vpon you one Earle that you cannot finde nor thinke as yet euer to haue bene borne And sure I suppose this was but a flourish of your flowing stile whereby you loue to girde at Heraldes Yet graunt they did obtrude some such Earle you are euen with them for you force on them here two Earles of Glocester which neuer attained vnto that dignitie vidz Peter de Gaueston and Hugh de Spencer Wherefore the better to satisfie you and those that haue written Peter Gaueston to be Earle of Glocester and to haue succeeded Raphe Mont-Hermerye I affirme that the said Raphe Mont-Hermerye sate in Parliament in the 27. yeare of king Edward the first as Earle of Glocester and continued in all Parliaments by that name vntill the last yeare of the said kings reigne when yong Gilbert de Clare his wiues sonne came of age who the next yeare after being the first yeare of K. Edward the second was placed in Parliament by the name of Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester He continued in that dignitie vntill he was slaine at Sterling in Scotland in the sixt yeare of the same kings reigne which was a yeare after the said Peter Gaueston was beheaded by the Earle of Warwicke Which I hope is sufficient proofe against the said Peter And touching Hugh de Spencer that he was euer Earle of Glocester I vtterly deny the same and therefore now it standeth you vpon being in the affirmitiue to proue it otherwise neither I nor any other are bound to beleeue you Lastly where you haue made Sibill to be the onely daughter and heire of Robert Fitz-Hamon and wife to Robert Earle of Glocester called the Consull I deny not onely that the one had euer any such daughter named Sibill but also that the other euer marryed any such wife And for proofe hereof I will desire no other then your owne Author the booke of Tewkesbury which you haue so greatly wronged IF it please you to beleue our Heraulds Hertford had these Earles Roger who was also Earle of Clare and those Clares whome we haue said to be Earles of Glocester for Richard Clare who dyed 1262. is plainely named by Florilegus to be Earle of Glocester and Hertford Pag. 309. TO this your scoffing sporte that you make your selfe vpon the credite of Herauldes I answere that there is great reason and so I hope all men will acknowledge that her Maiesties Heraulds inuested officers of Armes who at their creations and admittances into their offices are solemnly sworne to be true in all their reportes and haue their imploiments in the greatest affaires betweene Princes should be beleeued in matters of their owne profession before others not of like experience And touching this Roger whome you haue brought vpon the Stage by the name and title of Earle of Hertford I saie it resteth in you to make proofe of your affirmation the Herauldes being quite against you whome you notwithstanding so iniuriously traduce and yet produce as Authors of your owne fantastique assertions And for your better direction herein I will here inserte the saide Rogers deede by which it is very manifest that he was Earle of Clare and not of Hertford ROgerus Comes de Clare confirmauit donationem H. Comitis Cestr. quam fecit Sanctae Werburg super Ecclesia de Deneford terram Ecclesiae cum decimis de molend omnibus pertin precipuè illam virgatam terrae quam Adeliza de Claro-Monte aura sua dedit praefatae Ecclesiae c. HAresfield the Patrimonie of Richard Earle of Clare in William Conquerors time Pag. 312. THat there was one Richard Fitz-Gilbert in the time of William the Conqueror which held Haresfield of the king it is manifest by the booke of Domesday but that he was euer Earle of Clare and that Haresfield was his patrimonie I vtterly deny And for proofe hereof I say that he being the first of his name that euer came into this realme and that possessed any landes here could haue no possessions left vnto him by his Auncestors which might be said to be his patrimonie And where you nominate the said Richard to be Earle of Clare that are you not able to proue for in diuers Charters of William the Conqueror and William Rufus the said Richard is a witnesse by the name of Richard Fitz-Gilbert Dapifer as also in the booke of Domesday by the name of Richard sonne of Earle Gilbert And this doe you your owne selfe confesse against your selfe in the title of Clare in your booke Pag. 350. Dunmow was the towne of the Fitz-walters who issued from the familie of the Clares Iuga daughter of Raphe Baynard founded a Monasterie there 1103. But William Baynard of whome Iuga did holde forfaited the Barony of Dunmowe to the king through fellonie King Henry gaue the same to Robert sonne of Richard sonne of Gilbert Earle of Clare with the Castle of Baynards in London Pag. 332. HEre haue you made Gilbert the grandfather of Robert Fitz-Richard to be Earle of Clare which Gilbert neuer arriued in England till your penne conducted him hither but was slaine in Normandie by Raphe Waceio Anno 1033. Which was 33. yeares before the Norman Conquest And Richard his sonne was the first of that familie that came into England with William the Conqueror who had issue Gilbert and this Robert to which Robert king Henry the first gaue the Towne of Dunmowe by the name of Robert fitz-Fitz-Richard his Sewer As witnesseth your Author of Dunmowe whome you alledge though very vnfaithfully for had you alleadged the same truely and put downe what king Henry he was which gaue to the said Robert Dunmowe as your Author doth you should then haue disclosed your owne error and saued me a labour RIchard sonne of Gilbert Earle of Angy in Normandie for his seruice in the Conquest was by the Conqueror aduanced to the honor of Clare He had issue Gilbert who succeeded his father and was the first that was called Earle of Clare Who
said Walleron But to reforme this your errour I wish you to vnderstande that the foresaid Walleron had issue Robert Earle of Millent Worcester and Lord of Ponttadomara which Robert did remaine heere in England and maried an English woman named Mauld Lady of Estrumenister Moreys and Rydlestone And by her had issue Henrie Peter Mabell and Mary the two sonnes and the youngest daughter dying without issue Mabell the eldest daughter was married to William de Vernon alias Ryduers Earle of Deuonshire and had issue Bauldwyn Earle of Deuonshire and Mary first married vnto Sir Robert Courteney by whom she had issue of whom all the Courteneys are descended After she married Peter de Prouz a noble Gentleman of Deuon to which Peter the said Robert Earle of Millent and Worcester did by his deede giue in franke marriage with the said Marie his grand-child the third part of all his Land in England and vnto Bauldwin his gran-child by his daughter Mabell all his Land in Normandie with the Mannors of Estrumenister Moreyes and Riddleston in England So that heere you are not onely found to faile in your affirmation that there was not any Earle of Worcester betweene the said Walleron in King Stephens time and Thomas Percy who had that dignitie of Richard the second But also in saying his issue returned to their auncient Patrimonie in Normandie when it is manifest that his sole heire continued here and left issue of whom are discended many of our noble Families at this present THe first Lord of Gillesland was William Meschines brother to Ranulfe Earle of Carlell Pag. 604. AS you did begin at the first so haue you in your Booke continued vnto the ende making to some Nobles vnnaturall mariages and to others vnlawfull issue In this place you haue made the sonne to be brother to his owne father by affirming William Meschines Lord of Gillesland to be brother to Ranulph Earle of Carlell And to prooue that the saide William was sonne of Ranulph Earle of Carlell and not his brother I will first for the better vnderstanding of the reader hereof set downe a briefe of the said Williams discent beginning at Hugh Lupus his vncle the first Earle of Chester whose sister Margaret was married to Ranulph Earle of Carlell and by him had issue two sonnes Ranulph the first of that name and thirde Earle of Chester and William Mischines Lord of Gilleslande and that this is true which heere I haue incerted reade this Deede following which done I trust you will not onely recant your errour but also acknowledge from whence you haue receaued the trueth hereof NOtum sit omnibus me Ran. Comit. Cestrae concessisse quando feci transferri corpus Hugonis Comitis auunculi mei a cimiterio in Capitulum c. Be it knowne vnto all mem That I Ranulph Earle of Chester haue graunted at such time as I caused the body of Hugh the Earle my vncle to be translated from the Church yard into the Chapter house That on the day of my death I should giue togither with my body to the Church of S. Werburge Vpton in pure Almes free from euery thing for the soule of the foresayd Hugh and the health of my soule and the soules of all my kinsfolkes And whereas Hugh the Earle before had graunted to the Church of S. Werburge at the feast of the translation of the same the Priuiledge of a Fayre I also do graunt and confirme the same Moreouer William Meschinus my brother hath geuen the Church of Destart Mathew of Ruelant hath giuen the Church of Thurstanestone c. An inforced Conclusion WHen as I had collected readie for the Presse so many of your defectes and errors published in your so highly commended Britannia as might well haue satisfied the worlde that I vndertooke not this worke in vaine nor yet without good cause me moouing thereunto Then was I stayed in the printing thereof by the disturbance and indirect dealing of your friendes the Stationers who heretofore haue made no small gaine of your foure former Impressions and thereby constrayned abruptly heere to make an ende suppressing a great part of my first pretended purpose yet before I doe ende I thinke it my duetie heere to put the Nobilitie in minde that your Booke now going in hand may be both seene and alowed before it goe to the Presse by such as haue both skill and authoritie so to doe I meane the Earle Marshall and not to passe as before it hath done to the preiudice of so many honourable Families And to the ende the worlde may know with whose plumes you haue heretofore fethered your nest besides the Heraults I haue hereunto annexed a New-yeeres gyft dedicated to king Henrie the eight in the. 37. yeere of his reigne by that worthy and learned Englishe Antiquarie Maister Iohn Leyland concerning his sixe yeeres trauayle and laborious Iourney for the search of Englandes Antiquities vpon the sayd Kinges commission and charges by which it may appeare vnto the indifferent Reader who was the first Author and contriuer of this late borne Britannia either he whose name is cleane razed and blotted out or you that haue both taken the tytle and whole credite thereof to your selfe Also I may not heere let passe the wordes of Maister Iohn Bale in his declarations vpon the same worke dedicated to King Edward the sixt which are these following Blessed be the man which shall set this worthy worke abrode and contrarywise Cursed be he for euer and euer that shall in spight of his Nation seeke thereof the distruction Iohn Leylands nevv yeeres Gyft giuen of him to King Henrie the. viii in the. 37. yeere of his reigne concerning his laborious Iorney and search for Englandes antiquities WHere as it pleased your Highnesse vpon very iust considerations to encorage me by the authoritie of your most gratious Commission in the XXXV yeere of your prosperous reigne to peruse and diligently to search all the Libraries of Monasteries and Colledges of this your noble Realme to the intent that the Monuments of auncient Writers as well of other Nations as of your owne Prouince might be brought out of deadly darknesse to liuely light and to receiue like thankes of their posteritie as they hoped for at such time as they employed their long and great studies to the publique wealth Yea and furthermore that the holy Scripture of God might both be sinceerely taught and learned all maner of superstition craftie coloured doctrine of a route of Romane Byshops totally expelled out of this your most catholique Realme I thinke it now no lesse then my very duetie briefly to declare to your Maiestie what fruite haue sprung of my laborious iourney and costly enterprise both rooted vpon your infinite goodnesse liberalitie qualities right highly to be esteemed in all Princes and most specially in you as naturally your owne well knowne proprieties First I haue conserued many good Authors the which otherwise had bin like
A DISCOVERIE OF CERTAINE ERROVRS PVBLISHED IN PRINT IN the much commended Britannia 1594. Very preiudiciall to the discentes and successions of the auncient Nobilitie of this Realme By Yorke Herault Quam quisque norit artem in hac se exerceat TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE ROBERT EARLE OF ESSEX Earle Marshal of England Viscount Hereford and Bourchier Lo. Ferrers of Chartley Bourchier and Louayne Knight of the most Noble order of the Garter c. Lord generall of her Maiesties Forces in her Realme of Irelande And to all other the Nobilitie of England RIght Honorable hauing vpon deligent search apprehended within the compasse of my profession and science of Heraldry certaine errours in descentes and successions such as may be scandolous to the gray heares of Antiquitie and preiudiciall to the branches of our Nobilitie I thought it my duetie to present them as Captiues at your Honors feete being the vndoubted Champion of trueth and the worthy Marshall of all Heroike magnanimitie and honour vnto whom I humble my selfe for a fauourable censure and protection of this my poore seruice As no childe is so deformed but the father commonly hath a naturall affection towardes it so these errours will no doubt be both fathered and fauoured of the Author whose reputation for Learning is so great and beard of Antiquitie lately growne so long that the goodly Britannia Mother of vs all is become his daughter trayned vp and taught to speake Latine in his Schoole onely she lisps and makes no good congruitie in these principles of Herauldy For which I challendge him not that my exception and challendge is about the wordes and tearmes of our Arte that is the least but touching the falsifiyng of Noble discentes depriuing some Nobles of issue to succeede them who had issue of whom are discended many worthie families Naming others to haue but one sole Daughter and heyre when they had diuers Sonnes and Daughters Denying Barons and Earles that were and making Barons and Earles of others that were not mistaking the Father for the Sonne and the Sonne for the Father affirming legittimate children to be illigittimate and illigittimate to be legittimate those to be basely borne who were in deede discended of very honourable Parentage assigning Armes and ensignes of Honour to others not their owne Lastly the framing incestious and vnnaturall mariages making the Father to marrie his Sonnes wife and the Sonne his owne Mother These and such like matters of importaunce are the errours that I haue examined and attached to abide your Honours censure and reformation For whom with bowed hart and knee I pray to God for all increase of honor harts contentment and happie victorie Your Honours in all duetie Ra. Brooke Yorke Herault at Armes TO MAISTER CAMDEN WHere as You expect thankes at the handes of her Maiesties Heraults for entermedling so sparingly and gently with that which appertaineth to their profession Contrarie to your expectation and answerable to your deserts my selfe being the most vnable haue vndertaken to answere your vnkinde speeches as also your vntrue and erronious writing touching matters of our profession and science published in your Britannia In deede you dealt but sparingly and after a sort gently as you say in the handling of our misteries at the first but in your fourth and last Edition though your Preface spake as it did sparingly still yet your Booke hath swelled with large additions of Herauldrie in which you haue by your patience been too busie and venterous except your proceedinges in those poyntes had been more firmely grounded vpon experience And I doubt not but the grouth and encrease of your Booke hath sprung from some of those Heraults labours which you so much holde in scorne Nay it can not be denyed but since the death of Glouer late Somerset Herault 1588. you haue gleaned not onely handfuls but whole sheaues out of his industrious collections being reserued in the Librarie of that Honorable Lord Treasurer deceased and by that meanes incommoned to your vse and free recourse I would his Gloues might haue fitted your handes in such sort as you might haue smoothly carried them away his Notes I meane I wish you had neither misunderstood nor misreported as contrariwise you haue in such palpable maner that me thinks euer hereafter you should distrust your selfe in the search of such mysticall poyntes without the aduice of an Herault better experimented then your selfe I prognosticate alreadie what entertainement in these mine aduertisementes I shall haue It will be obiected from your selfe that I vnderstande not your Booke I confesse mine intelligence not so great but my feare is the greater and my care the more to vnderstande you by helpes so that the trust in my selfe is the lesse And this suspition I hope will force me to make sure worke in that I vndertake Valure they say may be too bolde and Learning too full of quillities the one standing more vpon the brauerie of his fyght then the goodnes of the quarrell the other more vpon the generalitie of his knowledge then the trueth of his cause The mother tongue of euery Nation as you affirme is the best conseruer of Originall names And your selfe endeuour to get a more ample credite in Historie by auouching that you haue read ouer many home-bredd Historinas By your example therefore I am induced to beleeue that English Authors and English Heraults though they haue concealed their trauayles from the worlde and not published a Rapiamus generall vpon euerie light occasion are to be credited for the trueth of English successions discentes and reportes of all honorable designementes Againe who is more vnfit to describe the trueth of actions in their proper nature then such affectate Nouices as haue their mouthes and pennes running ouer with the foaming Muste of vn-refined Eloquence who chouse rather to let the trueth of the matter slip then to abate one title of their selfe-pleasing phrase Therefore I haue heard meny great statsmen affirme that the Court hath affourded more absolute Wisemen for any actiue employment in the Common-wealth then the Schooles which falleth out especially because to these proceedinges of the one in Arte there hath not been added some lecture of discretion to qualifie the same withall which is to be had dayly by examples and practise in the other And doubtles for a meere Scholler to be an Historian that must take vp all by hearesay and vncertaine rumors not being acquainted with the secretes and occurrences of state matters I take it as many others affirme with me verie vnfit and dangerous I hope you will in some sort acknowledge this to be true if indifferently you take a viewe of these errours by your selfe committed a man of so rare knowledge and singular industrie Yet no one man so generally well seene in all thinges but an inferior person in some one speciall matter may goe beyonde him In regarde whereof contemne not these few Collections of mine wherein I haue not vaunted my Learning
but cleared the trueth according to the oth and profession of an Herault vnlesse learnedly with trueth you confute the same Vntill then I bid you farewell A DISCOVERIE OF DIVERS ERRORS PVBLISHED IN PRINT ANNO 1594 preiudiciall to the discents and successions of most of the auncient Nobilitie of this Realme TVtburie castle was built by Henry Lo. Ferrars a Norman vnto whome William the first gaue large possessions which Robert Earle Ferrars and Derbie his grand-child by his sonne Robert lost by reuolting the second time from king Henrie the third Pag. 447. THe Catholike credite of your great learning which might haue beene a clubbe to daunt the courage of vnlettered Heraulds and cause them to retire the fielde from encountring with you hath beene the drumme that hath summoned me out not as a champion but as a defendant by my oth and profession for the triall of the truth and defence of the vnspotted honour of Armes and auncient Nobilitie The sacred bodie of my sweete and natiue Countrie Britannia I embrace The phrases of your scholler-like language I esteeme as gorgeous ornaments vpon a Matrone that is naturallie beautifull the reliques of industrious Leyland together with his farre-fetched and deare bought Antiquities I admire almost I had saide adore but for religion sake Onlie the disgrace of auncient Herauldie wherwith England hath much flourished in former age the empeachment of manie illustrious families the misreport of many honorable discents and the daungerous errors auouched by your lowd-sounding pen I must repeale and reuerse with a writ of Quo warranto least in time the countenance of your world-wondred and selfe-conceited knowledge cause naked truth to be helde in scorne of others as it is in captiuitie by your selfe My humble requestis that the honourable beholders of our combat blush not nor the scholasticall Readers bite the lippe to see an English Herauld encounter with an antique Hercules Let not the fore-running breath of deepe renowmed science blow vp the weight of long experience you may enioy the reputation of Artes but in Armes and Herauldie we except against your skill And because I intend onely a freedome of truth in matter of mine own profession you shal vnderstand that I wil not intermeddle with any other the commendable discoueries of Antiquitie beeing without the lists and compasse of mine exception but onelie where the auncient pedegrees of honourable families are either clipped or strange feathers imped into their traines there am I bold to note the defects and to declare the excesse that may make a worthie progenie seeme some monstrous ofspring if the truth bee not vnfolded What cause I haue to vndertake this charge may appeare by these fewe erronious slippes gathered out of manie in your Britannia In the detection whereof I haue not followed your Methode a long by the Riuers side from shire to shire and towne to towne for that were a iourney too tedious and out of my way but I haue fastened first vppon that noble Ferrarian line whose present issue so glorious at this time seemeth to commaund a redresse of that iniurious obscuritie wherewith your superficiall skill or rather ignorance hath somewhat eclipsed the former excellencie thereof First therefore I am prest to encounter you at the castle of Tutburie in the honour of whose founders I am to spend my first breath and valour to the ende I may reuiue the race of them which you haue ouerthrowne by falsifying and extinguishing foure discents in seuen If you demaund how I answere in making Robert Earle Ferrars grand-childe of Henrie Lord Ferrars the Norman to bee that Robert which did forfait all his landes to king Henrie the third when in truth it was the said Roberts great great grand-child And therefore to build vp againe this honourable discent and succession of the Earles Ferrars which you haue ruinated I will first begin with Henry Lord Ferrars the Norman vnto whom by the booke of Domesday William the Conquerour gaue manie large possessions in the counties of Stafford Leicester Bedford Glocester Oxford Bucking and Barkshire He had issue Robert Earle Ferrars who founded the Abbay of Muriuall in king Henrie the first his time and died the 19. of king Stephen whose eldest sonne William Earle Ferrars and Lord of Tutburie being slaine in his lodging in Lumbards streete in London without issue Robert his second son succeeded and was Earle Ferrars Lord of Tutburie and Oucam He kept the towne of Leicester for king Henrie the second against the yong king and had issue William Earle Ferrars and first earle of Derbie who maried Margaret daughter and heire of William Peuerell Lord of Nottingham and died the 12. of Henrie the thirde leauing issue William the second Earle Ferrars and Derbie his sonne who tooke to wife Agnes the third sister and coheire of Ranulph Earle of Chester and Lincolne and died 1242. vnto whome succeeded the thirde William Earle Ferrars and Derbie who maried Margaret daughter and coheire of Roger Quincy earle of Winchester On whom he be got Robert Earle Ferrars and Derbie who in the fiftie yeare of king Henrie the third was taken prisoner at the battell of Chesterfield and imprisoned in the castle of Chipenham where he for the obtaining of his liberty made assurance before Iohn Chishall then Lord Chancelor of England of all his lands except Chartley and Bolbroke to Lorde Henrie sonne of the king of Romanes William Valence Earle of Penbroke Iohn earle Warren Surry William Beauchamp earle of Warwicke Roger Somery Thomas Clare R. Walleron Roger Clifford Hamon le Strange Bartholomew de Sudley Robert Bruse Barons his suerties for the paiment of 50000. poundes on a day at one entire paiment to Lord Edmond the Kings sonne Which day paiment being broken and not performed the said Lord Edmond by the surrender of the sureties aforesaid tooke possession of those his lands and enioyed the same during his life and after left them to his heires the same being then valued at two thousand pounds by the yeare And this is that Robert whom you verie vntruly haue set downe to be grand-child to Henrie Lorde Ferrars that liued in the time of the Norman conquest he being the seuenth in line all discent from him as by your owne words in the title of Derby pag. 430. it may appeare where you confesse William to be the father William the grandfather of this Robert that forfeited his lands in king Henrie the third his time Now to let you knowe the inconuenience arising hereby It is the concealment and losse of three most notable inheritrices that were married vnto three of these Ferrarian Earles The first was the daughter and sole heire of William Peuerell Lord of Nottingham whose sonne was honoured with the title of earle of Notingham The second was the sister and coheire of Ranulph Earle of Chester and Lincolne who inriched this familie with the Castle and honour of Chartley. The third being the daughter and coheire of
to discend to Thomas Bullen in right of his mother that doe I also denye and for proofe thereof say that the said Iames being both the first and last Earle of Wiltshire of that surname did by his attainture forfaite the same to king Edward the fourth by reason whereof the said honor reuerted to the crowne and there remained vntill king Henry the eight of his meere grace and great fauour did bestowe the same vpon Sir Thomas Bullen grandfather to our most gracious soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth And thus was Sir Thomas Bullen aduaunced to this dignitie and not as in any right discended to him from Iames Butler Earle of Wiltshire from whome he did not discend TOtnes the auncient possessions of Iudeall surnamed de Totnes afterwardes it came to William Briwer a Noble man by one of whose daughters it came to the Bruses and from them by a daughter to George Cantelup Lord of Abergeuenny whose daughter did cary the same by maryage to the Barons Zouches in which name it remained vntill Iohn Baron Zouch was banished for taking parte with Richard the Tyrant Pag. 135. TO that part where you affirme George Lord Cantelup of Abergaueny to haue issue a daughter and heire maryed vnto the Baron Zouch I answere that the said George had no daughter at all but dyed without issue as by his office taken after his death in the first yeare of king Edward the first it doth plainely appeare and therefore haue you greatly erred in making him to haue issue a daughter IN the time of king Richard the second Torbay was the seate of the Briwers who were in those dayes men of great account Pag. 136. IT seemeth vnto me very strange that you will affirme Torbay to be the Seate and habitation of the honorable familie of Briwers in the time of king Richard the second when as you are not able to proue any of that surname to liue in almost an hundreth and fiftie yeares before for William Briwer the last of that progeny dyed without issue in the beginning of the raigne of king Iohn leauing his fiue sisters his heires of whome are discended many of our Nobilitie now liuing HAccombe was in times past the Mansion of Iurdan Fitz-Stephens a famous knight His daughter and heire Cecilie did marrye into the familie of the Archdeacons from whome in processe of time that possession came by Hugh Courtney vnto the Carewes For Iane the sole daughter and heire of Peter Courtney was maried to Nicholas Baron Carew and had issue diuers sonnes Pag. 136. HAccombe was neuer the Mansion or possession of Fitz-Stephens but alwayes the seate and inheritance of the familie of Haccombs and did continewe in that surname vntill their heire generall was maryed to Archdeacon And for proofe that these were two seuerall families Haccombes bare for their Armes argent three Bends sables Fitz-Stephens was an other familie alwayes seated at Norton in the countie of Deuon and neuer at Haccombe and did beare for their Armes gules an Eagle displayed golde But because I see you are at a stand I will heere helpe you with an excuse giuing you to vnderstand that about the reigne of king Edward the second there was one Stephen de Haccombe who dwelling at Haccombe had a sonne named Waren which happily might be called Waren filius Stephani de Haccombe And so I thinke that worshipfull familie of Carewes will confesse to whose iudgement I referre my selfe in this point and you to be corrected as also to say whither Nicholas Baron Carewe did euer marye with Iane the daughter and sole heyre of Peter Courtney Which Peter by my bookes as yet had neuer other father then your selfe EXceter had three Dukes vidz Iohn Holland Earle of Huntingdon made Duke of Exceter by king Richard the secōd his halfe brother by the mother he was dispossessed of that honour by king Henry the fourth and Thomas Beauford of the house of Lancaster set in his place Yet afterwardes Iohn Holland sonne of the said Iohn recouered his fathers honour which he left to his sonne Henry who had issue one onely daughter maryed to the familie of Neuils Pag. 139. IN this place haue you committed a dangerous error to the hazard of disinheriting many honorable families by publishing in print that Henry Holland duke of Exceter had issue one sole daughter and heire maryed to the familie of Neuills when as it is manifest that after his depriuation by Act of Parliament the first of Edw. the fourth he was found drowned in the sea the 12. yeare of the said kings reigne without any issue and therefore no such daughter of his could be maryed to Neuil as you affirme And that you may the better knowe the said Henry Holland as also his coate of armes I wish you to see his tumbe where he lyeth buryed in the South-side of Saint Peters Church at Westminster which you haue heretofore auouched to be the tumbe of Iohn of Eltham Earle of Cornewall But if you will take good viewe thereof you shall finde him that lyeth thereon to weare on his head a Dukes crowne no fit ornament for Iohn of Eltham being but an Earle and to beare in his shielde the armes of England within a border of Fraunce The which shielde and armes to be the said Henry Hollands it doth appeare by diuers his deedes yet extant with their seales affixed to the same VVIscombe appertained to William Baron Bonuill who in right of his wife did augment his inheritance with the barony of Harington and left behinde him one sole daughter named Cecilie who by her maryage transported both those titles with their possessions vnto the Greys Marquis Dorcet Pag. 140. HEre you make William Lord Bonuile that maryed the daughter and heire of the Lord Harington to dye without issue male leauing one sole daughter maryed to Graye Marquis Dorcet when as in trueth the said William had issue a sonne that succeeded him in his dignitie and no daughter at all And if you would knowe his name I answere William who caryed both the title of Lord Bonuile and Harington and had to wife Katherine daughter to Richard Neuill Earle of Salisburie by whome he had issue Cecilie his daughter and sole heire maryed to Thomas Gray Marquis Dorcet Which Cecilie you would haue to be sister to her father and daughter to her grandfather by which mistaking the father for the sonne and the sonne for the father you haue obscured and made vnperfect this discent of the Lord Bonuills of whome many honorable families at this day are discended BAldwin Riuers was by king Henry the first made Lorde of Twifferton and Plymton and after Earle of Deuonshire He had issue Richard that succeeded him who had issue Baldwin and Richard both Earles successiuely which dying without issue that honor came to their fathers brother called William of Uernon This William had issue Baldwin who dyed before his father leauing issue by Margaret daughter
and to bee a witnesse to the said kings Charter touching the foundation of the Abbay of Selbie by the name of Edward Earle of Salisburie Which proueth that Patrike his grand-childe was not then the first Earle of Salisburie of that familie as you affirme Secondly where you hold for a certaintie that Walter the sonne of Edward aforesaid before his monasticall profession left issue to succeede him Patrike his sonne To that I answere that Sybill his wife after the death of the said Walter her husband took vpon her the habit of a Nunne and hauing continued in that estate but one moneth perceiuing her selfe to be with child forsooke that order again and afterwards was deliuered of a son which was named Patrike who was after steward to Maude the Empresse by whose meanes king Henry the second in the 28. yeare of his reigne confirmed vnto the said Patrike the earledom of Salisburie Thirdly concerning your affirmation that William sonne of the said Patrike had but one only daughter named Ella maried to William Longa-Spatha who in her right was Earle of Salisbury and did beare her Armes To this I say you do hereby greatly preiudice the honorable familie of Howards for the said William had not onely two sonnes but also two daughters as appeareth by the booke of Bermondsey in Southwarke viz. Patrike William Mabell and Ella Mabell was maried to Nigell Lord Mowbray of whom all the Howards with many others are discended Ella was maried vnto William Longa-Spatha base sonne to Henrie the second who afterward by the speciall fauour of King Richard the first in the 9. yeare of his reigne was made Earle of Salisburie and not in right of his wife as you would haue it And where you say the said William Longa-Spatha and Ella had issue William who succeeded his father in that dignitie and left issue the third William which lost that Earledome through displeasure of King Henrie the third I answere that I maruaile howe you can inuent two so great vntruths as first to affirme these two last Williams to be Earles of Salisburie when neither of them both were euer Earles either of that or anie other place And that the saide William did vse or beare the Armes of his wife I take it you haue no other proofe for the same then your owne bare imagination which with you is verie great Lastly where you affirme Henrie Lacie to bee Earle of Salisburie in right of his wife the daughter and heire of the last William Longa-Spatha I say that neither hee the saide Henrie nor any other of his Surname were euer at anie time honoured with that title or Earledome And nowe to manifest the mariage of the Lorde Nigell de Mowbray with Mabell daughter of William Fitz-Patrike I will set you downe for proofe the said Nigels deed which is as followeth SCiant presentes futuri quod ego Nigellus dominus de Mowbray dedi concessi c. Know ye that I Nigell Lord Mowbraw haue giuen and confirmed from my Mannor of Bensted in Surrey which I had in mariage with Mabell my wife heire of William Fitz-Patrike the Church of Bensted to the canons of Southwarke in whose possession I found the said Church confirmed by Richard Bishop of Winton c. TOuching the Earles of Winchester as our Herauldes report after that Clito the Saxon was by the Normans depriued of his auncient dignitie King Iohn made Saer de Quincie Earle of Winchester who vsed for his Armes a Fesse with a Labell of fiue points as wee haue seene in his Seale but Roger his sonne bare seuen Losenges golde voyded in a field Gules He hauing no issue male by Helene his wife the eldest daughter and Coheire of Alane Prince of Galloway in Scotland that honour lay dead A great while after Hugh de Spencer was honoured with that title by King Edward the second whose sonne for treason lost both that dignitie and his life After that by the bountie of king Edward the fourth Lewis of Bruges a Belgian Baron of Gruthuse and Prince of Stenhuse enioyed this title with the Armes of Quincies Which title after the death of King Edwarde aforesaide he surrendered againe to King Henrie the seuenth Pag. 197. VVHom you vnderstand by the terme of our Heralds I knowe not my selfe being one of her Maiesties Heralds do approue for truth that Seer de Quincy was Earle of Winchester and did vse in his shield for his Armes a Fesse and a Labell of 13. points and not of 5. as you misreport to haue seene in his seales And to proue my assertion true I haue diuerse deedes with the Seales of the saide Quincies in my custody made aswell in the reigne of king Richard the first as in the times of king Iohn and Henry the third As for Hugh Spencer he was made Earle of Winchester high Treasurer of England in the 15. yeare of King Edwarde the second and in the 19. yeare of the said kings reigne hee was executed at Bristow by Queene Isabell so that the dignitie ceased in himselfe and not in his sonne as you affirme who neuer had or was possessed of that dignitie Lastly where you say that King Edward the fourth did giue to Lewes of Bruges the Earledome of Winchester with the Armes of Quincies I answere you haue not onelie misreported the same but also shewed your selfe to be very ignorant in matters of Armes for those Armes giuen by Edward the fourth to Lewes of Bruges were neither the armes of Quincies nor any thing at all resembling the same And for proofe hereof I pray you let vs a little compare them both togither first the armes giuē by K. Ed. 4. to the said Lewes were Azur ten mascles gold the armes of Quincies were Gules 7. masclesgold Bruges did beare in his armes a canton Gules charged with a Lion passant gardant of the second Quincy had neither Canton nor Lion in his Armes So that here is neither colour nor charge to induce a man of any iudgement or knowledge to thinke or say that this gift of Edward the fourth was the Armes of Quincy And for better proofe hereof I will here insert the wordes of king Edwardes graunt concerning the gift of the said Armes REx omnibus c. Sciatis quod c. Lodouicum Brugensem principem de la Gruthuse dominum de Spieres de Aemsted de Oestamp in Comitat. Winton praefecimus Creauimus insigniuimus ac per praesentes praeficimus Creamus insignimus vnà cum armis insignib armorum modo forma hîc depict in gallico sic discernundis Il port d' azure a dix mascles d'or en orme de vn canton de nostre propre armes de Angleterre c ' est ascauoir de gules vn Leopard passant d'or armé d'azure pat 12. Edw. 4. LAnheron was the seate of the familie of Arundels or de Hirundine that is of the Swallow for Arondell is in French a Swallow Those of
the Parliament Anno 25. of Henry the sixt by the name of Robert Lord Mollens And after the death of the forenamed Walter the said two Roberts were both at one time of the Parliament Anno 29. of Henry the sixt the father by the name of Robert Lord Hungerforde senior and the sonne by the Name of Robert Hungerforde Lord Mollens Iunior Which I take to be so strong a proofe as vpon the sight hereof you will recant and subscribe to the same VVIdehay was the auncient seate of the Barons Saint Amend whose inheritance and dignitie came to Gerald Braybrooke in right of his wife And Elizabeth his grand-child by Gerald his sonne transported the same to William de Beauchampe who left issue but one onely sonne which was a bastard Pag. 207. VVHat an vngodly course is this you take to depriue noble men both of their honor and honestie framing to some vnnaturall mariages falsifying the discentes of other and making legitimate heires illegitimate which abuses by reason of my oath taken at my creation I may not let passe without telling you thereof Vnderstand therefore that where you affirme William Beauchamp Lord Saint Amond who maryed Elizabeth grand-childe to Gerald Braybrooke to haue issue one onely sonne and he a Bastard therein doe you greatly both wrong and scandalize him for he had in lawfull matrimonie by his said wife Richard Beauchamp Lord Saint Amond his legitimate sonne that succeeded him in the dignitie of Saint Amond and maryed Anne the daughter of Sir Walter Wrotesley knight And therefore very vntruely haue you charged the said William to haue had any such Bastard THe Barons of Windsore tooke their original from William the sonne of Other that was Constable or keeper of Windsore Castle in the time of king William the first from whome also are discended the Fitz-Geraldes in Ireland Earles of Kildare and Desmond as Robert Glouer called Somerset the most studious and skilfull in Heraldie of all that societie hath proued Pag. 213. HEre would you impeache the credite of that worthie Officer of Armes Robert Glouer in making him the Authour of your imagined dreames he hauing vnder his owne hand in the Petigree of the honorable Lord Windsor both denyed that William de Windsor was sonne to Other keeper of the Castle of Windsor as also that the Earle of Kildare and Desmond were discended from the said William By which your vntrue misse-alledging the said Somersets workes to serue your turne you shewe your selfe very vngratefull towardes him out of whose bookes in the custodie of the late Lorde Treasorer you gathered the flowers wherewithall you haue made your vnperfect garland which you in your last edition so much haue boasted of But here would I not that you or any other should misconceaue my meaning that I thinke or iudge Somerset Herald hath written or set downe in his said bookes any of these vntruthes but rather that you not rightly vnderstanding them nor able to discerne the true vse of his trauels haue thorough ignorance committed these your errors in affirming William de Windsor to be sonne to Other and auncester to the Earles of Kildare and Desmond in Ireland of which two pointes you cannot prooue any one for the originall auncester of these before spoken of was Walter the sonne of Other and not William sonne of Other for Walter had two sonnes William of whome are discended the Lordes of Windsor and Gerald who was auncester to the Geraldines Earles of Kildare and Desmond And where you make William de Windsor to be sonne of Other therein are you also deceiued for the same William you speake of was sonne of Walter and grand-childe to Other as doth appeare by the Charter of king Henry the second here following HEnricus rex Angliae Dux Normanniae Aquitaniae Comes Andegauiae Archiepiscopis Episcopis c. Henry king of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and Earle of Aniou to all Archbishops Byshops c. Knowe ye that I haue giuen and graunted to William de Windsor as his inheritance all the landes which before were the possessions of William sonne of Walter his father and of Walter sonne of Other his grandfather Wherefore I will c. that he hold it as his fee and inheritance c. peaceably freely and honorably euen as his father and grandfather held the same in the time of king Henry my grandfather and of my predecessors in woodes and plaines c. Witnesses William my brother Reignald the Earle and Ioceline Baillol c. VVIlliam Rufus king of England made William Earle Waren first Earle of Surrey whose armes were a shield gold checked azure He had issue a sonne and a grand-childe of the same name succeeding him but the last had issue onely a daughter who marrying first with William sonne of king Stephen and after with Hamelin base sonne of Geffrey Plantagenet honored both her husbands with this title Hameline begot on her William Earle of Surrey who marryed the eldest daughter and coheire of William Earle of Penbrooke widow of Hugh Bygot This William was father of Iohn who begat William father of Iohn Afterwardes king Henry the fourth aduaunced Thomas Beauford to that title and dignitie making him after Duke of Exceter and Lord Chauncellor of England Pag. 223. ALthough I omit here to tell you that the first William Earle Warren was made Earle of Surrey by William Conquerour and not by VVilliam Rufus yet will I by your patience put you in minde of an other error by you here cōmitted of more importance which is if you remember in the title of the Earles of Norffolke Pag. 370. You there haue made Roger By got Earle of Norffolke to be husband vnto Maude the eldest daughter and coheire of VVilliam Marshal Earle of Penbrooke and now in this place you make the said Maude to be the widowe of Hugh Bygot father of the foresaid Roger which I take to be incest for the sonne to marry his owne mother And therefore least all their modest posteritie might blushe at such an incestuous Oedipus as your poeticall fansie hath brought vpon the stage I would wishe you to correct this your tragicall fable KIng Richard the second made Thomas Holland Earle of Kent being his halfe brother by the mother Duke of Surrey who being atteinted Thomas Beauford was aduanced to that dignitie by king Henry the fourth and after made Duke of Exceter and Chauncellor of England He dyed as Walsingham saith Anno 1410. Pag. 223. VVHere you say that Thomas Beauford after the attainder of Thomas Holland was aduaunced to the dignitie of Duke of Surrey and dyed Anno 1410. as VValsingham saith To the first I answere the said Thomas Beauford was neuer dignified with the title of Duke of Surrey by K. Henry the fourth or any other king And to proue the same I finde that the saide king in the 13. yeare of his reigne did create the said Thomas Earle of Dorset in which
Earle of Kent dyed without issue as you here report hee did then doth the now Lord de La-ware wrong to quarter the said Huberts Coate of Armes pretending thereby to bee his heire But whether the said honourable person doth wrong therein or you wrong him in so saying Let vs examine this matter a little better First it doth appeare in a summons of the Nobilitie of this realme for the leuying of an army against Llewellin Prince of Wales in the fift yeare of king Edward the first that Iohn de Burgo Baron of Lammale grandchilde to Hubert by his sonne Iohn was by the name of Iohn sonne of Iohn de Burgo called thereunto Also by an inquisition taken after the death of the said Iohn in the same kings reign it was found that Deruergulda the wife of of Robert Fitz-Walter Lord of Woodham and Hawise the wife of Robert Greylie of Manchester were the daughters and heires of the said Iohn de Burgo and that the foresaide Hawise did holde of the inheritance of Hubert de Burgo her great grandfather the Mannor of Werkerley in Northamptonshire and the Mannor of Portland in Essex Which discent being thus farre prooued to Greyley I doubt not but you will confesse that Ioan the onelie daughter of the saide Robert Lord Greyley was married to Iohn Lord de La-ware Which done I hope you will yeeld your selfe to haue erred herein and acknowledge the said noble person now to be right heire and that the said Hubert died not without issue as you very daungerously haue affirmed he did HErbert married the sister of William Earle of Hereford and in her right was Lord of Deane from whom is discended the noble familie of the Herberts From hence also if we shall credite the heraulds and Escucheons of Armes Anthonie Fitz-Herbert that great lawier and Lord chiefe iustice of England tooke his originall But I thinke he rather descended from the worshipfull familie of the Fitz-Herberts in Derbishire Pag. 267. YOur often and suspitious obiections whereby you call in question the credit of her Maiesties Heraulds as though you iudged them scarce worthy to be belieued doth proceed as I suppose from a malignant humour in you rather then from any grounds or sufficient reasons that might moue you thereto But I trust those of discretion will sooner giue credit vnto them in matters that they shall auerre by good warrantise and authoritie then to you who ground your contradicting arguments vpon heare sayes and opiniatiue imaginations And where you charge the Heraulds to haue made Anthonie Fitz-Herbert that was Lorde chiefe Iustice of England to bee discended from that familie of Herberts which married the sister of William Earle of Hereford I say they haue done therein like honest and learned Officers of Armes and those that haue or shall deriue the saide Anthonie or anie of that familie of Fitz-Herberts from anie other originall then that aforesaid they haue and shall erre from the trueth IN the time of king Edward the first the barons of Winterborne were the Bradstones from whom by the Ingeldesthorpes and Neuils the Viscount Montacute and the Baron of Wentworth are discended Pag. 271. YOur Barons of Winterborne must be turned out of the plurall into the singular number and where you make them Barons in the reigne of king Edward the first therein are you much deceaued for Thomas Bradston the first and last Baron of that surname began his dignitie at a Parlement holden at Westminster in the 21. yeare of king Edward the third and dyed aboute the 34. yeare of the said kings reigne leauing issue a daughter and heire marryed to Poole who had issue a daughter and heire marryed to Ingeldesthorpe which likewise had a daughter and heire marryed to Neuill Marquis Montacute who hauing diuers daughters his heires one of them was marryed to Browne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and an other to Stoner of whome the Lord Wentworth is discended So that hereby it may appeare that the Vicount Montacute and the Lord Wentworth are discended from Bradston by these foresaid three seuerall families whereof you haue left out Poole the first of them without which the other cannot discend from Bradstone And thus haue you through ignorance obscured and made vnperfect this honorable discent to the preiudice of many worthie families discended of the same SVdley was lately the seate of Giles Baron Chandos whose father Edmond Bruges was created Baron Chandos by Queene Elizabeth because he was discended from the auncient familie of the Chandos out of which familie issued Iohn Chandos Baron de Santo-Saluatore that famous warriour Pag. 272. YOu thinke by your perswasions to make men beleeue you haue seene that which God knoweth you were neuer neare by many a mile otherwise I take it you would not doe as heere you haue done making Edmond Bruges father of the now Lord Chandos to be the first Baron of his surname and that hee was created into that dignitie by Queene Elizabeth Because say you he was discended of the auncient familie of Chandos So that here is both a cause lay de downe a time for a colour and shadowe to this your vntrue imaginatiō to the no small preiudice of that honorable house But to manifest these your delusions and to restore againe this honorable person to his right knowe you for certaintie that Iohn Bruges the grandfather of the now Lord Chandos was the first Baron and not Edmond his father as you very vniustly haue written And for proofe here of I affirme that the said Iohn was created Baron Chandos by Queene Mary at her manner of Saint Iames the eight day of Aprill in the first yeare of her reigne 1553. as by his letters patents bearing date the same day and yeare aboue said it may appeare Which being true I would now gladly knowe heere of you how you can make good that Edmond Bruges was the first Baron and had his creation by Queene Elizabeth OVr Heralds haue thrust vpon vs William Fitz-Eustace to be the first Earle of Glocester But I suppose there was neuer any such borne I haue read in the historie of Teukesbury that aboute the time of the Conquest Bithricke a Saxon was Lorde of Glocester who was much hated of Maude the Conquerors wife because he before that despised to take her to his wife In reuenge of which disgrace she caused him to be imprisoned and dispossessed of all his honors and landes Whose titles and possessions were after giuen to Robert Fitz-Hamon the son of Hamon of Corbule whose onely daughter and heire named Sibill was marryed to Robert Fitz-Roy base sonne to king Henry the first Who was made the first Earle of Glocester commonly called the Consull of Glocester This Robert had issue William who had issue three daughters which caryed this honour by marriage vnto three families Isabell the eldest marrying with Iohn sonne to K. Henry the second honored him with that title who being after king made Almericke de
erred to the great preiudice of the honourable Lord viscount Monta-cute the Lord Cobham and the Baron Wentworth with manie other now liuing descended of the same honourable familie the true discent here following will explaine Michael De-la-Poole Lord Wingfield Earle of Suffolke and knight of the noble order of the Garter sonne and heire of Sir William De-la-Poole knight Banneret and of Katherine his wife sister of sir Iohn Norwich knight had issue Michaell De-la-Poole the second Earle of Suffolke who died at Haresflew 1415. leauing issue two sonnes Michaell De-la-Poole Earle of Suffolk that died at the battell of Agincourt in the 3. yeare of Henry the fift without issue William De-la-Poole Marques and afterward Duke of Suffolke who was beheaded on the seas 26. of king Henrie the sixt whom you make sonne to his grandfather Michaell the first of that name And for the better satisfying of the world that this Michaell De-la-Poole the first Earle of Suffolke of that familie was not basely descended nor a marchant of Hull as you and others after you haue written I haue hereto added a deede of the said Michaels before he was Earle which doth proue his father mother brother sister and children MIchael De-la-poole dominus Wingfield c. I Michael De-la-Poole Lord Wingfield doe confirme certaine landes to the religious house of Saintcleare neare vnto Kingstone vpon Hull the which lands were before giuen by sir William De-la-Pole knight my father to pray for the good estate of king Richard and for Michaell De-la-poole Iohn Thomas William Richard and Margaret my children and for sir Edmond De-la-Poole knight my Brother and Margaret Neuill my sister and for the soules of sir William De-la-Poole my father and Katherin my mother c. Witnesses Alexander Archbishop of York Henrie Percie Earle of Northumberland Thomas Sutton Robert de Hilton and Walter Fawconbridge knights with manie others Dated at Hull the first of March the seuenth yeare of the reigne of King Richard the second HEngham the Barons thereof were called the Barons of Rhia who discended from Iohn Marshall nephew of William Marshall Earle of Penbroke by his brother to whome King Iohn gaue the lands of Hugh Gurney a traitor togither with the daughter and coheire of Hubert de Rhia From the Marshals the same came to the Morleys and from them by the Louels to Parker now Lord Morley Pag. 360. NOw comming to speake of the Barons of Rhia let mee by your patience put you in minde of a late conference had before the now right honourable Earle marshall of England concerning the true coates of the two families of Bygot Earle of Norfolke and Marshall Earle of Penbroke Master Garter hauing before that time set downe and quartered in diuerse noble personages atchieuements for Marshals coate quarterly gold and vert a Lion passant Gules a coate latelie deuised and for Bygots coate perpale golde and vert a Lion rampant Gules neither of them both being in truth their right coates My selfe being commaunded to say what I knew touching these matters shewed for Marshals coate one faire deed with a seale of Armes thereto of Iohn Marshall father of William Marshall Earle of Penbroke and Anselme that was father to Iohn Marshall Baron of Rhia on which seale was written Iohn Marshall and in his shield or escucheon a bend fuzulie Also I shewed a transcript of an other deed of the said Iohn in which was written Iohn sonne of Iohn the Kinges Marshall with the same Armes of a bend fuzulie testified vnder the hand of an Officer of armes long before that time deceased Lastly I shewed an old roll of Armes wrought in colorus in Henrie the thirds time wherein was the same coate viz. Gules a bende fuzulie golde and ouer the heade thereof written the name of Marshall All which proofes notwithstanding your selfe being there then present verie stedfastlie denied the same to bee the coate of Marshall Earle of Penbroke affirming that bend fuzulie to be the peculiar coate of Marshall Baron of Rhia who was as you then said of no consanguinitie to Marshall Earle of Penbroke For further maintaining of which your speach you then shewed two newe petegrees lately contriued and made by your consent declaring the saide two Marshals to bee seuerall families and not one Since which time perusing well your Britannia fol. 360 I finde the same there auouched by yourselfe for truth which at that time you so confidently denied before the said Earle Marshall viz. That Iohn Marshall Baron of Rhia was nephew to William Marshall Earle of Penbroke by his brother which is quite contrarie to your speeches before vsed By this your information of these Marshals to be seuerall families without which you had no colour to maintaine your errour for that the Barons of Rhia alwayes vsed for their coate of Armes the said bend fuzulie the right coate of Marshall is like now to bee neglected and the Lion in the parted field vsed in stead thereof the same being the peculiar coate borne by Marshall and Bygot when they were Marshals of Englnd and not belonging to anie one priuate name as by many other good proofes it may appeare And because I would not haue any heareafter to stand doubtfull which of vs both are to be beleeued touching these two Marshals to bee discended of one parent I will here set downe the record that doth warrant the same Which being proued I trust you will shew vs some reason why the yonger brother did beare the bend fuzulie if not discended to him from his father That done I will then shew you proofe howe and when both the elder Marshall and Bygot did beare the Lion on the parted field which you missed to find in Master Somersets Notes and Master Leylands twelue bookes lent you by master Iohn Stow in whose custodie I haue seene diuerse of them being most excellent and rare works touching the description of this Countrey written not vpon here-say and reportes but vpon his eye-sight and long trauell from towne to towne and place to place vpon the Kings charge and Commission which Bookes I wish might bee published in the right Authours name EX Rotulo cartarum de Anno quinto Regis Iohannis Iohannes Mariscallus nepos Guilielmi Marescalli comitis Penbroc Habet terras in Norfolke Suffolke quae fuerunt Hugonis de Gornaco proditoris regis terram quae fuit Hugonis de Angee in Norfolke Kantelee Castre c. Testibus I. Norwich Episcopo Gulielmo Marescallo Comit. Penbroc Galfrid filio Petri Comit. Essex Roberto filio Rogeri Hugone de Neuill Dat. apud Merleberge 16. Ianuarii KIng Stephen gaue Norwich to his sonne William from whom king Henrie the second tooke it againe and kept it himself although that Henrie his sonne called the yong King had when hee had aspired vnto the crowne with great protestation promised the same vnto Hugh Bygot whom he had drawne vnto his faction Bygot notwithstanding following the yong kings side who
coulde not containe his hope offered touching the kingdome within the bounds of right and reason grieuouslie afflicted this citie And afterward being made Earle of Norfolke he is thought to haue builded that Castle vpon a high hill neare to the Church which being maruailous deepely entrenched about was in those dayes thought impregnable But Lewis the Frenchman to whom the seditious Barons of England had sworne their fidelitie easilie tooke the same by composition We thinke in deed that Bygot did build this Castle because we haue seene their Lyons saliant in the same forme engrauen in stone as the Bygots vsed them in their seales before they obtained the honour of Marshals Pag. 363. IF your wordes here had beene but coniecturall or gathered by reports as in many other places they are you should haue lesse discredited your selfe then by affirming you had seene that which in truth you did neuer see for where you say We thinke that the Bygots builded this Castle because wee haue there seene Lions saliant in the same forme engrauen in stone as the Bygots vsed in their seales before they obtained the honour and office of Marshall certaine it is that on the said Castle there are no Lions saliant nor any such Ensigne or token as the Bygots did beare in seale or shield or any Armes at all And for that you did of late as before vpon conference had before the now Earle Marshall of England affirme the saide Lious saliant vpon the Castle walles of Norwich to bee the true Armes of the Bygots before they came to bee Marshals of England my selfe hauing seene diuerse deedes of the said Bygots to prooue the contrarie the Seales whereof were Shieldes charged onelie with a plaine Crosse which coate you then auouched to be the Armes of Vlster whervpon I for my better satisfaction therein did ride to Norwich for to search the truth of your speach and going into the said castle I founde ouer the first gate two great stones fixed of some yarde square and vppon each of them a Lyon passant cowardie their tayles turning vnder their bellies and comming ouer their backes but in no Shielde or Escucheon And seeking more diligentlie all other places about the saide Castle I did finde ouer the hall doore other two like stones with a Lyon also vppon each of them but contrarie to the former for these were passant regardants with their tayles ouer their backes and the endes in their mouthes yet neither in Shielde nor Escucheon And therefore no such coate armour is there vppon the Castell of Norwich as you sayde you had seene that the Bygots did vse in their Shieldes and Seales In consideration of this my great paines and iourney I desire but that you will from hencefoorth make a difference betweene the Antique fictions of a caruers braine and the right ensignes of our auncient Nobilitie which you say Were in King Henrie the thirds time but euerie mans owne inuentions they being long time before the honorable rewardes and tokens of valorous persons VVOrmegay commonly called wrongay was giuen by William the third Earle Warren and Surrey to Reignald de Warren his younger brother by whose grandchilde Nicholea daughter of William his sonne it was forthwith translated to the Bardolphs who bare for their armes in a shield Azur three Cinkfoyles golde a great part of whose inheritance togither with the dignitie fell to William Philips and by his daughter vnto the viscount Beaumount Pag. 369. YOur bare imagination cōcerning the gift of Wormegay by William Earle Warren to his yonger brother is nothing probable for Reignald de Warren had the same by marriage with the daughter heire of William de Wormegay not by any gift of his brother And where you affirme the said Reignald had a grandchild by his sonne William named Nicholea married to Bardolph I say he neuer had anie such grandchild but two others called Beatrix and Isabell which Beatrix was married to Bardolph as by the testimonie of seuerall deedes here following it may appeare NOtum sit omnibus tam praesentibus quam futuris quod ego Reginaldus de Warren c. Be it knowne vnto all men aswell present as they that shall be hereafter that I Reignald de Warren haue giuen my church of Plumbtō to the Canons of Southwark for the health of my soule and of Alice my wife William my sonne Isabel the Countesse my mother and William Earle Warren my brother and of William de wormegay father of Alice my said wife c. SCiant praesentes futuri quod ego Gulielmus de Warren c. Let those men know that are present and they that shall come hereafter that I William de Warren do giue and confirme to the Canons of Southwarke thirtie Acres of land in ●otis●ray for the health of mine owne soule my father Reignald my mother Alice and my wife Beatrix my sonne Reignald and my daughters Beatrix and Isabell and for all my auncestors c. VVIlliam the Conquerour made Raph the first Earle of Norfolke who as I haue saide stirring vp newe Rebellion had for his successor Hugh Bygot Earle of Norfolke who had the third pennie of the said Countie as appeareth in his Charter of creation giuen him by king Henrie the first whose stewarde he was After whom in direct succession from father to sonne followed Hugh that tooke part with Henrie the yong king against king Henrie the second his father Roger which flourished in king Iohns time Hugh who died in the yeare of our Lord 1225. Roger who in right of his wife brought into his familie the Honor of Marshall of England for he married Maude the eldest daughter and one of the heires of William Marshall Earle of Penbroke by whom he had issue Roger earle of Norfolke who being wounded with running at the tilt died without issue and Hugh Bygot Lord chiefe Iustice being slaine in the battell of Lewis his sonne Roger was placed after his vncles death in the Earldome of Norfolke and dignitie of Marshal who incurring the displeasure of king Edward the second was inforced to passe ouer all his honours and almost his whole inheritance to the king Pag. 370. THe errors herein are these first you say that Hugh Bygot was Earle of Norfolke and had the third pennie of that Countie as appeareth by his Charter of creation giuen him by king H. the first For answere I say you haue not seene nor can proue any such Charter as you here auouch neither was he the said Hugh or any of that familie Earle before the first yeare of king Stephen who then made him Earle of Norfolke because he being present at the death of king Henrie the first testifie before the Archbishop of Canterburie and other the Barons of this realme that hee heard king Henry vpon his death bed say his will was that his Nephew Stephen and not Maude his daughter should succeede him in his kingdome of England Secondly where you reckon a confused
Saint-mawres Pag. 399. BY ayming at successions without sure grounde you still misse the marke whereat you doe shoote as here when you say That the daughters and heires of the grand-childe of Alane Baron Zouch were marryed to the families of Holland Who long time continued in the name and title of Barons you being not able to proue but one of those daughters marryed to Holland and he no Baron nor any of his posteritie other then of your making And where you say That the said Hollands inheritance discended to the families of the Louells and Saint Mawres I answere Well may you dreame of such a succession but neuer can you produce any testimony for the same For had you knowne the trueth hereof you would haue said that both Holland Saint-Mawre maried the two daughters and coheires of Zouch and not haue made Saint-Mawre to discend from Holland when there was neuer any such matter NOw let vs come to the Earles of Warwicke And to let passe Guare Morindus Guy that bare the bell of England and others of like account whome the fruitefull wittes of our Herauldes were brought a bed with all at one byrth c. Pag. 438. BY this may all men euidently see your malicious and disdainefull humour against her Maiesties Herauldes of Armes in that you cannot be contented in many other places of your booke to make doubt and question of their reportes and dooings whether the same may be credited yea or no but heere most iniuriously and falsely you charge them to haue brought forth for Earles of Warwicke Guare Morindus Guy the bel-ringer and many others of that rancke of which though Rouse of Warwicke and others haue written of Guy yet are not you able to iustifie that the Herauldes were Authors of any such suspected Chieftaines And in that you make your worship mery with The fruitefull wittes of our Herauldes supposed by you To haue bin brought a bed with those imagined Earles all at one birth I wonder that so cunning a midwife should make vs the reputed fathers of those which we neuer wrapped vp within the sheets or leaues of our Recordes But such a midwife such a nursse are you as haue not onely changed other mens children in the cradle and sophisticated the reportes of worthie Authors but also most vngratefully haue charged the parents and first collectors of many sounde notes helpefull to your credite and labours as the inuentors of your misreportes whereby you haue not onely falsified in your booke many things concerning the discents of noble families imagining of your owne braine diuers nobles to haue bene that neuer were extinguishing the memoriall of others that were But also most vntruely haue made her Maiesties Herauldes the Authors of feigned stories and legends of lyes when beside concealement of many fauours receaued from the Heraulds you cease not to carpe at them from whose workes you haue borrowed the substance of your Herauldy and the groundes of your skill in discents therefore owe them good wordes at the least for your owne credite least they should call for their lent feathers againe and leaue you naked of your Armorie as Esops crowe EArles of Leicester were of the Saxons first Leofrike who was Earle there in the yeare of our Lorde 716. to whome in right line succeeded Algare the first Algare the second Leofrike the second Leofestan Leofrike the third who lyeth buryed at Couentrie Algare the third whose sonnes were Edwine Earle of March Morkar Earle of Northumberland and Lucie his daughter who first was marryed to Iuon Talboys borne at Aniou after to Roger de Romara of whome was borne William de Romara Earle of Lincolne when male issue of the Saxons fayled and the naeme of a Saxon became dispised Robert de Beamont a Norman Lord of Pont-Audomare and Earle of Millent was created Earle of Leicester by king Henry the first After him succeeded his sonne surnamed Bossu then his grand-childe called Blanchmaine and his grandchildes sonne named Fitz-Parnell all Roberts This Fitz-Parnell so called of Parnell his mother the daughter and onely heire of Hugh Grantmaismill dyed without issue Within a fewe yeares after Simon de Mountford who was discended of the kings of Fraunce Robert Fitz-Parnels sisters sonne enioyed this honor After that Ranulfe Earle of Chester had it not by right of inheritance but by the princes fauour Then Almericke the sonne of Simon de Montford and after him Simon de Mountford his sonne whome being banished king Henry the third sent for out of Fraunce and honoring him wich the Earledome of Leicester and other great promotions marryed him to his sister he rebelling against his soueraigne Edmond surnamed Crouchbacke Earle of Lancaster yongest sonne to king Henry the third had this honor giuen him by his brother Afterwardes this honor lay hid as it were a long time amongst the titles of the familie of Lancasters And Maude the daughter of Henry Duke of Lancaster being marryed to William of Bauare Earle of Holland Zeland c. Added moreouer to him the Earledome of Leicester she dying without issue it came againe to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster who had marryed Blanch the other sister of Maude Since that it continuaed to be all one with Lancaster vntill the sixt yeare of Queene Elizabeths reigne when she made Robert Dudley Earle of Leicester Pag. 404. HEre will we not stand to examine the trueth of your Saxon Earles but receaue them as mattter indifferent to fill vp a roome in your booke And touching these other Earles of Leicester I say your wittes haue misconceiued and brought forth Rainulph Earle of Chester Almarike Earle Mountfort Simon his sonne William of Bauare and others which as yet were neuer Earles of Leicester with whose vntimely byrth you were so payned as it seemeth that you quite forget foure other Earles that were rightly inuested and succeeded in that dignity vidz Thomas Henry grand-children to king Henry the third by his sonne Edmond After Henry succeeded the second Henry his sonne And after him his grand-childe by his daughter Blanch called Henry of Bullingbrooke who was after king of England by the name of Henry the fourth And therefore I would intreate you to leaue out in your next and fift edition your first foure Earles here mentioned in which doing you should make roome for the other foure whome very iniuriously you haue thrust out of their right place of succession HInckley if our Heraults deceaue me not had for Earles thereof Hugh Grantmaisuill great Steward of England during the reigne of king William Rusus and of Henry the first he had issue two daughters Petronell that was marryed to Robert Earle of Leicester who in her right was high Steward of England And Alice marryed to Roger Bygot c. Pag. 399. TRuely I must needes confesse that her Maiesties Herault hath deceaued you and contrary to your expectation hath answered some of your vntruthes but that the Heraults doe affirme Hugh
I haue brought these honorable Families descended of the Lord Wake to their right and auncient Auncestor Gilbert de Gaunt the first Earle of Lincolne whom you would haue obscured by making him to die without heires male he hauing issue two sonnes as before in this place I haue mentioned THis Countie of Lyncolne boasteth of her Earles after Egga and Morcar Saxous William de Romara a Norman borne of Luce sister of Morcar and Roger Fitz-Gerald de Romara to whom being dead for neither his sonne vvho died before his father nor his grand-childe vsed this tytle Stephen substituted Gilbert de Gand vvhose daughter and heire Symon S. Lice married and succeeded in this honour but he being dead Ranulph Earle of Chester William de Romara his brother by the mother for Luce had novv the third time married Ranulph the second of Chester obtained this inheritance and honour of king Henrie the third Pag. 420. FIrst where you affirme Symon de Sanctolice to haue been Earle of Lincolne in right of Alice his vvife daughter of Gilbert de Gaunt Earle of Lincolne I denie that there was euer any of the Sanctolices Earles of Lincolne as by their seuerall deedes extant is to be prooued wherein they write themselues onely Earles of Northampton and not of Lincolne Secondly you say that Ranulph of Chester the second maried Lucy the mother of William Romara Earle of Lincolne and begot on her Ranulph who succeeded his father in the Earledome of Chester and obtayned of Henrie the third the Earldome of Lincolne In which saying you haue brought your selfe into a laborinth of errours for if you meane by second the second Earle of Chester his name was Richard and not Ranulph If by that word second you meane the second of that name the second Ranulph maried not Lucy but Alice the daughter of Robert Earle of Glocester and had issue by her Hugh Againe if you confesse that you mistooke the thirde Earle for the second and so meant Ranulph the first to haue been the same that married Lucy Mother to William Romara and begot on her the second Ranulph whom king Henrie the third made Earle of Lincolne that is impossible to be true that the second Ranulph should be made Earle of Lincolne by king Henrie the third he being dead almost an hundred yeeres before the said king came vnto the Crowne But to helpe you out of this perplexitie and that your selfe and others may be warned for falling into the like errour hereafter I will set you downe what I finde by Recorde and Euidences touching the same which is that Ranulph the first of that name and thirde Earle of Chester had issue the second Ranulph fourth Earle of Chester halfe brother to William de Romara who married Alice daughter to Robert Earle of Glocester otherwise called the Consull and had issue Hugh the fift Earle of Chester father of Ranulph the sixt and last Earle of Chester of that familie vnto whom Henrie the thirde gaue the Earledome of Lincolne And for proofe that it was this last Ranulph to whom king Henrie the thirde gaue the Earledome of Lincolne and not Ranulph his grand-father who you say was brother to William Romara peruse these two Deedes following HVgo Comes Cestriae omnibus Baronibus suis et ministris c. Hugh Earle of Chester vnto all his Barons Ministers and people aswell French as English and to all the faythfull of the holy Church aswell Cleargie as Laytie and aswell these that are present as they that shall come hereafter greeting Know ye that I haue geuen and confirmed by this my present Writing vnto the Church of S. Augustine of Grimesby and to the Chanons there seruing God all those Almes which Ranulph Earle of Chester my father did giue and confirme vnto them by his Writing c. Witnesses Richarde sonne of the Earle Ranulph de Vir Hachet de Ridefort c. RAnulphus Comes Cestriae et Lincolinae omnibus Christi fidelibus c. Ranulph Earle of Chester and Lincolne vnto all the faythfull people of Christ vnto whom this present writing shall come sendeth health in the Lord. Be it knowne vnto you that I haue graunted and by my present writing confirmed to God and the Church of S. Augustine of Grimesby and to the Canons there seruing God for the health of my soule and of my father and mother c. The fourth part of that Mannor which Hugh de S. Paule helde of Ranulph my grand-father c. which Ranulph Earle of Chester my grand-father gaue vnto them and which Hugh my father confirmed according as their writing witnesseth which the Canons then had and seauen Roddes of Land c. euen as the writing of Gilbert of Turfs and the confirmation of William Romare which they then had doe shew Wherefore I will and straightly commaund that the foresaid Canons may freely and quietly possesse the same c. Witnesses Iohn the Earle my Nephew William of Cantelup Fulco Fitz-Warin Baldwyn de Ver Henrie de Ferraris THe first Lord of Couentrie was Leofrike from whom by Luce his Neece daughter of Algar his sonne it passed to the Earles of Chester for she married the first Ranulph of Chester c. Pag. 434. FRom Lincolne to Couentrie is a long and wearisome Iourney especially when the traueller is ignorant of the way and wanteth a guide as heere it seemeth you did when you past from the one to the other and setting downe the successions of the Earles of Lincolne and Lords of Couentrie where in the first you haue made Luce daughter of Algar the Saxon to be wife to Ranulph the second Earle of Chester and after in the other not farre distant to be wife to Ranulph the first Earle of Chester the one being the father and the other his sonne But how lawfull a thing it is for the father to marrie his sonnes wife or the sonne his owne mother as your wordes in these two places import I referre my selfe to the iudgement of the indifferent readers COncerning the Lordes of the Isle of Wight After that William Fitz Osberne was slaine in the warres in Flaunders and his sonne Roger banished this Lordship came into the Kinges handes and king Henrie the first gaue this Island vnto Richarde Riduers Earle of Deuonshire with the fee of the mannor of Christ-church where the sayd Richard buylded a Castell as he likewise did at Caresbroke But his sonne Bauldwyn was driuen thence in the troublesome times of king Stephen when there were so many Kinges or Tyrants in England as there were Lordes or keepers of Castles of the which euery one challenged the priuiledge of Coyning money and other rightes and royalties of the Crowne yet his successors did after enioy the same againe At length Isabell wydow of William de Fortibus Earle of Albemarle and of Holdernes the sister and heire of Bauldwyn the last Earle of Deuonshire of that familie with much entreatie passed ouer all her right by
her deede to King E. 1. Pag. 710. THis is quite Camme from your wordes before in the tytle of Earles of Deuon Pag. 144. for there you affirme Bauldwyn Ryduers to be made the first Earle of Deuonshire by king Henrie the first And now in this place you make Richard father of the said Bauldwyn to be first Earle of Deuon in the same kinges time which Richard must needes be vnderstood to be that Richard which was father to Bauldwyn whom you say was driuen from the Isle of Wight in king Stephens time as in mine answere before to the Earles of Deuon more at large it doth appeare Thus your wordes in one place being meerly repugnant to those in an other what credite may any geue to your writinges THe owners of Skelton Castell were first Robert de Bruse a Norman who had issue two sonnes Adam that was Baron of Skelton and Robert Lord of Auandale in Scotland from whose posteritie came the Kings of Scotland Peter Bruse the fift in succession from that Adam died without issue and left for his heires his sisters Agnes marid to Walter Faulconberg Lucy married to Walter Twenge from whom is descended the Baron of Lumley Margaret maried to Robert de Roos and Ladrina to Iohn Bella-aqua men of great accompt in that time Page 556. WHat thankes you looke for I know not but well assured I am in this place as in many others you haue deserued none for few or none of the Noble Families with whom you haue had to deale with or to write off but that you haue iniured them in some one poynt or other And now that we are come to speake of the last Peter Bruse Baron of Skelton who dyed 14. Kalendes of October 1273. I pray you let vs examine a little that honorable the Lord Lumley his discent whom in your owne conceipt you haue made much beholding vnto you for adding to him one Auncestor such as I dare boldly say neither he nor any other as yet euer knew or heard of I meane Walter Twenge who you say married Lucy the sister and coheire of Peter Bruse Baron of Skelton was Auncestor to the now Baron of Lumley But that you may the better reforme this with many other your faultes I will for your better instruction manifest vnto you the name true husband of the said Luce which was Marmaduke Twenge a noble Baron in king Edward the first his time who died in the Kalendes of March 1284. and was buried by his said wife Lucia in the Church of Gwisborne founded by Robert Bruse the Norman his wiues Auncestor 1129. DAnby came from the successors of Walter Twenge to the Latymers which were afterward Barons Latymers of Danby from whom it passed by mariage vnto the Willoughbyes which inheritance with the honour Ralph Neuill the first Earle of Westmerland did purchase for his younger sonne George Neuill in whose issue it remayneth to this day Pag. 556. THat Danby was the possession of Walter Twenge and that from his successors it came to the Latymers who were after Barons of Danby I answere as before in the title of Skelton That there was neuer anie such Walter yet borne and then no such successors of his could carrie the same to the Latymers as you verie vntruly haue heere set downe for proofe hereof I referre me to the iudgement of the honorable Lord Lumley himselfe who hath this discent most exactly set downe by that worthy and late Officer of Armes Sommerset Herault And to the other That Ralph Neuell Earle of Westmerland did purchase the said inheritance and honour of Iohn Lord Latymer of Danby for his younger sonne George I graunt for true that he purchased the Landes but not the dignitie for Iohn Neuill that solde the said landes had no fee simple in the dignitie to sell but onely an estate for tearme of life therefore can you not rightly say that Ralph Neuill Earle of Westmerland did purchase the dignitie which George his sonne enioyed But more agreeable to the trueth had it been if you had said that George sonne of Ralph Neuill in regarde that he had the Landes whereof the dignitie of Latymer was erected obtained the honour by the Kinges free gyft and fauour otherwise that title and dignitie had been extinct for seldome shall you finde that the Kinges of this Realme did euer create or inuest any into a Baronie which tooke the name of dignitie from an others peculiar place of inheritance or possession THe Barony of Burford descended from the posteritie of Theodericke Saij to Robert Mortimer and from his posteritie to Geffrey Cornwall that came of Richard Earle of Cornwall and King of Romanes his of spring hauing continued Barons thereof to this day Pag. 455. I Doe much pittie you that in such high sayles of learning you should haue so little ballace of discretion You haue a great facilitie and a rare gift in the creating and making of Barons with the dash of your penne But it argueth how shallow you are in the true definition of a Baron in that you will publish in print that the familie of Cornwalles were Barons of Burford you being not able euer to make proofe of any one of them to haue had that dignitie Notwithstanding diuers of that surname haue been Knightes of which number king Henrie the sixt did erect Sir Iohn Cornwall to be a Baron and Peere of this Realme by the name and title of Lord Fanhope which Iohn was both the first and last Baron of that familie and therefore it standeth now with your credite to make proofe of these your Barons of Burford which I thinke wil be too hard and difficult a matter for you to doe KIng Stephen made Walleron Earle of Millent brother to Robert Bossu Earle of Leicester the first Earle of Worcester whose children left the Realme and returned to their auncient patrimonie in Normandie And that dignitie lay voyde vntill Richard the second bestowed it vpon Thomas Percy who was after slaine by King H. 4. Pag. 445. IS it possible or do you thinke to perswade any senscible man to beleeue that this late borne Britannia was of your owne collection you as it seemeth not vnderstanding the same No assure yourselfe for who knoweth not that the contentes thereof are neither taught nor learned amongst children in Schooles and your selfe neuer employed els where to attaine the knowledge thereof Many learned thinke it more fitter you had waded within the compasse of your owne profession and knowledge in which your errours would not so apparently haue been descried as heere they are In this Title of Earles of Worcester you make Walleron to be the first Earle of Worcester and that his issue did depart this Realme to their auncient patrimonie in Normandie By which if it were true then were there none of that progenie to be looked for heere in this Realme of England to the great preiudice of many honorable Families descended of the