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A14052 The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duche [and] Frenche with the commune names that herbaries and apotecaries vse. Gathered by William Turner. Turner, William, d. 1568. 1548 (1548) STC 24359; ESTC S104970 42,493 124

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The names of herbes in Greke Latin Englishe Duche Frenche wyth the commune names that Herbaries and Apotecaries vse Gathered by William Turner To the mooste noble mighty Prince Edward by the grace of God Duke of Summerset Erle of Hertforde vicount beuchamp lord Semour vnele vnto the Kynges highnesse of Englande gouernour of his moste royall person and Protectour of al his realmes dominions and subiectes lieuetenaunt generall of al his maiesties armies boeth by lande and sea Treasurer and Erlmarfhal of England Gouernoure of the Iles of Gerneley and Iersey Knyght of the garter William Turner his seruaunte wisheth prosperitie boeth of bodie and soule IN a certain litle boke whiche I set furth .iiii. yeres ago and somthynge more which I dedicated vnto the Kynges Grace that nowe is I promised that if I perceyued that he woulde take in good worth that litle treaties to set furth an herbal an other boke also of fishes Partly to fulfyl this my promise streight way after I began to labour to make vp a latin herbal whiche thynge I haue finished .ii. yeres ago but when I had intēded this yere to haue set it furth axed the aduise of Phisicianes in thys matter their aduise was that I shoulde cease from settynge out of this boke in latin tyll I had sene those places of Englande wherein is moste plentie of herbes that I might in my herbal declare to the greate honoure of our countre what numbre of souereine strang herbes were in Englande that were not in other nations whose counsell I haue folowed deferryng to setout my herbal in latin tyl that I haue sene the west coūtrey which I neuer sawe yet in al my lyfe which countrey of al places of England as I heare say is moste richely replenished wyth al kindes of straunge and wōderfull workes giftes of nature as are stones herbes fishes and metalles when as they that moued me to the settyng furth of my latin herbal hearde this so reasonable an excuse they moued me to set out an herbal in Englishe as Fuchsius dyd in latine wyth the discriptions figures and properties of as many herbes as I had sene and knewe to whom I could make no other answere but that I had no such leasure in this vocation and place that I am nowe in as is necessary for a mā that shoulde take in hande suche an interprise But thys excuse coulde not be admitted for both certeine scholars poticaries and also surgeans required of me if that I woulde not set furth my latin herbal before I haue sene the west partes and haue no leasure in thys place and vocation to write so great a worke at the least to set furth my iudgemēt of the names of so many herbes as I knew whose request I haue accōplished and haue made a little boke which is no morebut a table or regestre of suche bokes as I intende by the grace of God to set furth here after if that I may obteine by your graces healp such libertie leasure with a cōueniēt place as shall be necessary for suche a purpose Thys litle boke cōteineth the names of the moste parte of herbes that all auncient authours write of both in Greke Lattin Englishe Duche and Frenche I haue set to also the names whiche be cōmonly vsed of the poticaries and cōmon herbaries I haue tolde also the degrees of so many herbes as Galene the chiefe Doctour of al phisicians hath written of and because men should not thynke that I write of it that I neuer sawe and that Poticaries shoulde be excuselesse when as the ryghte herbes are required of thē I haue shewed in what places of Englande Germany Italy the herbes growe and maye be had for laboure and money whereof I declare and teache the names in thys present treates Whiche howe profitable it shall be vnto al the sicke folke of thys Realme I referre the matter vnto all them whiche are of a ryght iudgemēt in phisicke Thys small boke of myne I dedicate vnto your grace signifiyng therby onely what mynde I beare vnto your grace desirynge you to take thys in good worth tyll that I maye haue leasure and occasion to write some greater more worthy worke to your highnesse whō almightie God long continue in all vertue and honoure to his pleasure Amen From your graces house at Syon Anno Dom. M. CCCCCxlviij Martii .xv. Abies ABies is called in greke Elate in english a firre tree in duch Ein dannen in french Sapin it groweth in the alpes naturally and in certeyne gardines plāted and set by mannes hande boeth in Englande and in Germanie Abrotunum Abrotonū is called in greke Abrotonon in englishe Sothernwod in duche Alfrush in frenche Auronne There are two kyndes of Sothernwod the male and the female The male groweth plentuously in gardines in Englande but the female dyd I neuer see growing in Englande it is founde in Italy in plentie inough Sothernwod is hote and dry in the thirde degree Absinthium Absinthium is called in greke Apsinthion in englishe wormwod in Duche wermout in french Absince or Aluyne There are three kyndes of wormwod beside the commune wormwod wormwod pontike called in latin Abunthium ponticum in englishe maye be also called wormwod gentle it is called of Mesue and of the Potecaries of Germany Absinthium romanum the Coloners call it graue crut the Freses call it wylde rosmary The beste bynde of thys wormwode gentle or pontike that I haue sene came from Rome an other kynde of the same is to be had in Anwerp and thorowe al Germany in plentie The seconde kynde is called in latin Absinthium marinum and Seryphum it groweth cōmonly in diches whereinto the salte water vseth at certeyne tymes to come it is plentuous in Northumberlande by holy Ilande and in Northfolke beside Lin at Barrowe in Brabant and at Norden in est freslande Some take thys herbe agaynst the trueth for pontike wormwod The thirde kynde is called in latin Absinthium santonicum I neuer se the herbe but ones it maye be called in englishe frenche wormwod Oure commune wormwod is called in latine Absinthium rusticum And here is to be marked that they are farre deceiued that vse this for pōtike wormwod I report me to Galene xi Methodi medendi whether it be so or no. Pontike wormwod is hote in the fyrste degree and dry in the thirde Sea wormwod is hote in the seconde degree and dry in the fyrste frenche wormwod is weaker then Sea wormwod is Acanthium Acanthium is called in greke Acanthion it is named of some herbaries carduus asininus I haue not hearde the name of it in englishe but I thynke it maye be called in englishe otethistle because the seedes are like vnto rough otes or gum thistle or coiten thistle because it is gummy and the leaues haue in thē a thynge lyke cotten which appeareth when they are brokē It groweth in gardines in Bonony I haue also sene it in
grasse Asclepias Asclepias is called of the Herbaries Hirundinaria of the duche men Schwalbenwirt and of some poticaries Vincetoxicum It groweth in Germany in highe mountaynes and in stony grounde amonge busshes I haue not sene it in England it may be called in englishe Swallowurt Asparagus Asparagus is of .ij. kyndes the one kinde is called in latin asparagus altilis or asparagus alone of the Poticaries sparagus in Englishe Sperage in Duche Spargen in french Esperage it groweth very plentuously in the Ilandes of cast Freeseland but in Englande it groweth no where els that I knowe but in gardines The other is named in latin Corruda or asparagus syluestris I neuer sawe thys kynde but onely in Italy in the mounte aperune it maye be called in englishe pricky Sperage because it is all full of pryckes Asplenum Asplenum or asplenium named in greke asplenon or Scolopēdrion in duche Steinferne is called of the poticaries Citterache It maye be called in englishe Citterach or Scaleferne or Fingerferne Thys herbe groweth communely in greate rockes and in moyste walles it is very muche in big he Germany besyde Embis hath and besyde S. Goweris I heare say that it is also plētuous in the west countrey here in Englād Astragalus Astragalus is called in lowe duche lande Erde nut in Berglande Erdeklin it may be called in english peaserthnut It groweth in the mountaynes of Germany and hath leaues and stalkes lyke a pease blacke litle rotes with knoppes lyke acornes Fuchsius toke thys herbe to be apios but the discription agreeth not Astragalus hath a nature to drye I haue sene thys herbe of late in Coome parke more astringēt thē it of Germanie Atractilis altera Atractilis altera named of the poticaries Cardo benedictus and so is it also named in Englishe it groweth no where in Englande that I knowe but in gardines It dryeth humours by nature Atriplex Atriplex called in greke atraphaxys or Chrysolachanō in english Orech or Orege in Duche Milten in Frenche arroches is moyste in the seconde degree and colde in the fyrste it groweth in gardines in some Cornefieldes Auena Auena named in greeke Bromos in englishe Otes or hauer in duche Haber or hauer in french auoine is somthing of a colde nature and a stoppyng Bacchar Bacchar or Baccaris is the herbe as I thynke that we cal in english Sage of Hierusalem but I wyll determine nothynge in thys mattertyl I haue sene further Let lerned men examine and iudge Balanus myrepsica Balanus myrepsica is called of the Poticaries Ben and so may t it be also named in englishe it scoureth and cutteth wyth a certeyne astriction It groweth not in Europa that I haue hearde tel of Ballote Ballote named of some marrubiastrum or marrubium nigrum is named in english stynkyng Horehound or blacke Horehound in duche stynkend andorne in frenche marrubin nore it groweth in hedges communely in euery countrey Barba Hirci Barba Hirci named in greeke Tragopogon or Come groweth in the fieldes aboute London plentuously and it groweth muche in the middowes of Colon and in many places in duch land The duch herbe hath some bitternes in the roote a whyte seede but oures is swete and hath blacke seede therfore oures is the better herbe It maye be called in englishe gotes bearde Bellis Bellis or Bellius named in Englishe a Dasie is called of the Herbaries Cōsolida minor in duch Massible and Cleyn Iritlossen in french Margarites or Petit consyre Dasies growe in al grene places in greate plentie Beta Beta named in greeke Seutlon Teutlon is called in Englishe a Bete in Duche Mangolt in frenche Porree on Iotte It is called of Plenie and Theophrastus Sicula Betes growe in England as farre as I knowe in gardines only Betonica Betonica called in Greeke Cestron or Psychotrophiō is named in englishe Betony or Beton in duche Betonien in frenche Betoine it groweth muche in woddes and wylde forestes Betony is hote and drye Betonica Pauli aeginete Betonica Pauli is a litle herbe growing not higher then Peny ryal wyth leaues also lyke Peny ryal wyth seedes in coddes lyke Bursa pastoris it groweth plētuously in Germany about Bon and in Englande in a parke besyde London it maye be called in englishe Paules Betony or wodde Peny ryal Betula Betula or as some wryte it betulla is called in greeke Semida in englishe a birch tree or a birke tree in duche ein birck baum in frenche bouleau ou beula It groweth in woddes and forestes Blitum Blitum is named in greeke blitō or bletō in duch maier in frēch dublite I neuer saw it in Englād but in my lordes gardine and there it was vnknowen It may be named a blete Blete after Galene is colde moyste in the seconde degree Botrys Botrys is called in english Oke of Hierusalem in duche trauben krante in frenche pijmen as some teache It groweth in gardines muche in Englande Brassica Brassica is named in greeke krambe in englishe colewuries cole or keele in duche kol in frenche chauls in the Poticaries latin caulis Brassica marina Brassica marma is called in greke krambe thalastia in duche meer kole in frenche soldana I haue not seene it in England but I thynke that it groweth plētuously in Englande It may be called in english seafolfote it groweth plentuously in east Freeslande aboute the bankes of diches whereinto the salt water cometh at euery ●●●ynge tyde it groweth also much in middowes by the seasyde whiche are somtyme ouerflowed with the salte water Brassica syluestris Brassica syluestris groweth in Douer cliffes where as I haue onely seene it in al my life It may be named in english sea cole Bryon thalassion Bryon thalassiō named in latin Muscus marinus is of two sortes the one is described of Dioscorides to be very small after the maner of heires thys kynde is of two sortes The one kynde is called Vsnea marina it may be called in english sea mosse it groweth aboute stones and shelles in the sea An other of the same kynde is called of certeyne Herbaries Corallina Both these haue very smal braūches the first like wod the other lyke stone The other kynde is described of Plenie Theophrastus to haue leaues lyke letties and thys kynde is called in englishe slauke It groweth in the sea about shelles and stones also It coleth and byndeth Bryonia Bryonia called in greeke Ampelos leuce in english bryonie or wylde Neppe in duch wylde Kur●●● teufels Kirs it is named in frenche C●●●nree and de fen ardant It groweth in many places of Englande in hedges It scoureth awaye and dryeth vp Buglossum Buglossum called of the Poticaries borago is called in englishe borage in duche borretsch in french borache borage is moyst and warme I ●are saye that there is a better kynde of Buglosse founde of late in Spayne but I haue not seene that kynde as yet The commune buglosse that we vse is not cirsion as
maydweede Pastinaca Pastinaca is called in greke Staphilinos in englishe a Carot in duche pasteney in frenche Cariottes Carettes growe in al countreis in plentie Peplis Peplis groweth by the sea syde not far from Venice It is very like vnto wartwort but that it is shorter thicker and spred vpon the grounde It may be be called in english sea wartwurt Peplum I neuer sawe peplum but once in Bonony it had litle smal leaues lyke tyme and in other facion lyke spourge wherfore it may be called spourge tyme in englishe tyl we cā fynde a better name Periclymenum Periclymenum is called of the herbaries and poticaries Caprifolium and Matrisylna in english wod bynde and Honysuccles in duch walt gylgē in frēch Cheure fuelle Wodbyne is commune in euery wodde Personata Personata is called in greeke Arceion or prosopion in english a Bur in duche grosse kletten in frenche Glerteron or Gluteron The Herbaries cal it Lappam maiorem It groweth cōmōly about townes villages Pecasites Petasites is called in the South partes of Englande a Butter bur in the North it is called about Morpeth Eldeus the duch cal it pestilentz krante It groweth in broke sydes and in moyste middowes whiche are ouerflowen some tyme wyth the water It dryeth in the thyrde degre Petroselinum Petroselinum named in latine Apium saxatile is not our cōmune persely as many haue beleued but it is an other herbe as I do thynke whiche is called in some places of Italy Imperatoria Whiche may be called in englishe stone persely or Lumberdy persely I neuer sawe it in England neither in Germany sauynge onely dry I proued oftē in Germany but I coulde neuer make the seede growe there For lacke of thys mē maye vse the seede of pilletory of Spayne called masterwurt or the seede of Angelica Stone perseley hath seede hote and drye in the thyrde degree Peucedanum Peucedanum is called in duch harstrang it groweth plentuously in Germany beside Erensfielde ouer agaynste Byng and also in the middowes beside Mence called other wyse Maguncia Phalaris Phalaris is founde in many places of Italy It hath seede like Panicum wherfore it maye be called in englishe petie panicke or because it is partly lyke grasse and partly lyke corne it maye be called grasse corne Phasiolus Phasiolus otherwyse called Dolichos maye be called in englishe longe peasen or faselles in duche it is called Welshe bonem or faeselen in frenche phaseoles Faselles grow in great plētie in Italy about Pauia Phu Phu is called in englishe setwal of other some Capones tayle in duche Garten baldriane in frenche Vertentrete The poticaries in Germany cal it Valerianam There are two other kyndes of Valeriane besyde thys Of the whiche the one is growing about water sides and in the moyst plasshes and in morish groundes and it is called in englishe wylde Valerian The other kynde is called Valeriana greca and thys is oure commune Valerian that we vse agaynste cuties wyth a blewe floure Phyllitis Phyllitis as Cordus iudgeth is the herbe whiche we cal in englishe Hartes tonge the duch cal Hirtzē zuingē the french mē Lang de Cerfe the poticaries Linguā ceruinam To whose iudgemente I rather assent then to Ruellius Fuchsius Hartes tonge groweth in welles and olde walles Picea Picea is called in greeke as Theodore Gaza turneth pitys after Ruellius pence and it is called in duch rottē Dan wherfore it maye be called in englishe a red fure tree Pinus Pinus as Theodore translateth is called in greeke Pence in englishe a pyne tree in duch Ein forthen in french Vng pin Pines growe fayrest in gardines There groweth one fayre one in Richmund Pine nuttes are hote and dry Piperitis Piperitis called also Siliquastrum after the iudgemente of Fuchsius is the Herbe whiche is called in englishe Indishe peper in duche indisshouer pfefer If thys herbe be not it that it is takē for the yealow seedes whiche nughte to be whyte do onely hynder The herbe groweth in certeyne gardines in Englande Pistacia Pistacia are called of the poticaries Fistica they may be called in english Fistikes or Festike nuttes I neuer sawe the Fistike tre sauing only in Bonony the leaues were somthyng rounde and ful of red spottes Pisum Pisum is called in greeke Lecithos in english a pease in duch Erbes or Erwiten in frenche Puis They growe communely in the fieldes Pityusa Pityusa is called of some Herbaries Esula minor and in englishe Spourge but it oughte to be called litle Spourge or Lintspourge for it hath smal leaues like Flax or an other herbe called Linaria whereby the one is ofte taken for the other but the difference is knowen by thys verse Esula lactescit Linaria lac dare nescit The other kinde of this whiche groweth almoste into the heighte of a smal tree groweth a myle beneth Colon in a watery closse whiche is ofte ouerflowen wyth the Rhene It maye be called in englishe Spourge gyant Plantago Plantago is called in greeke Arnoglossos There are two sortes of Plantaginis the one is called in englishe alone Plantaine or waybread or great waybread The other is called Rybwurte or Rybgrasse and of some Herbaries Lancea lata They are cold and dry in the seconde degree Platanus Platanus is called in englishe a playne tree in frēch playne I neuer saw any plaine tree in Englande sauing once in Northumberlande besyde Morpeth and an other at Barnwel Abbay besyde Cambryge Polium I haue sene Polium of two sortes the one had hore leaues with the figure of time and the other had leaues lyke wyld Tyme but they were a greate dele lōger and greater Polium maye be called in englishe Poly The fyrst kynde dyd I see in Italy The second in the Alpes of Rhetia beside Cure It is hote in the second and dry in the third Polygonatum Polygonatū is called of Herbaries Sigillum Solomonis in englishe Scala celi in duch wisz wuriz It maye be called in englishe white wurte it groweth plentuously in the woddes of Germany but I neuer sawe it out of a gardine in Englande Polygonum Polygonum is called in latine Sanguinaria There are two kindes of Polygonū the former kinde is called in englishe knotgrasse or swyne grasse in duche Weggrasz wegorat or wegtede in frenche de la corrig●●●e The seconde kynde whiche is called Polygonum femina is called in Englishe thycke Shanegrasse or short Shaue grasse The firste kynde groweth in highe wayes the seconde kynde groweth in many places by water sides some time amōg the corne Knotgrasse is colde in the seconde degree Populus Populus is of two kyndes the fyrste kynde is called in greeke Leuce in latin Populus alba in englishe whyte Popler or white Esptree in duch wisz sarbach Thys kynde is cummune about the bankes of the floude Padus The seconde kynde is called in greeke Aigeiros in englishe alone a popler or an Asp tree or a blacke popler Porrum Porrum is named in greke