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A06134 The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time. VVherein is also set downe the beginning, continuance, succession, and ouerthrowes of kings, kingdomes, states, and gouernments. By Lodovvik Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16619; ESTC S108762 565,858 746

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the first king borne of those that were called Galli for hitherunto the lineal sucession of Francus endured 36 After him his sonne Robert raigned 34. yeeres In the beginning of whose time the kingdome of Hungarie beganne 37 Henry the sonne of Robert succeeded and raigned after his father 30. yeeres 38 Philippe the first of that name and sonne to Henry raigned 49. yeeres In whose time beganne the kingdome of Bohemia In the time of this Philippe the first two most famous men and worthie Captaines tooke their voyages the one named Godfrey of Bullen with an armie from Fraunce into the holy Land which was Ierusalem so called after Christs time on earth this warre is called bellum Sacrum the sacred warres against the Saracens Reade Tilius Chronicles of the French kings where you shall finde a Catalogue of the nobles peeres and gentlemen of France and of diuers other countreys that went on that voyage with Godfrey of Bullen to Hierusalem the other Captaine came to England William the bastarde of Normandie afterward called William Conquerour of whom our English chronicles can testifie But I wil briefly passe ouer the kings 39 Lewes sirnamed Crassus raigned 28. yeeres 40 Lewes sirnamed Iunior 43. yeeres 41 Philippus Augustus sirnamed Deodatus 43. yeeres In whose time the Iewes were banished out of Fraunce 42 Lewes the eight of that name 4. yeeres 43 Lewes the ninth sirnamed Holy 43. yeeres 44 Philip the 3. sirnamed Audax son to Lewes 9. 15. yeres 45 Philippus the 4. sirnamed Pulcher the faire and sonne to Philip the thirde raigned 28. yeeres In this kings raigne began the kingdome of Ottoman the Turke 46 Lewes the 10. sirnamed Vtinus king both of Fraunce and of Nauarre raigned almost 2. yeeres 47 Philip the 5. sirnamed Longus raigned 5. yeeres 48 Carolus Pulcher king of Fraunce and Nauarre 7. yeeres Now after this Philip the first of the house of Valois began in the 1328. yeere of our Sauiour whose line hath continued euen frō this Philip of Valois the first king of that house vntill Frances Valois last king of Fraunce and the last of that stocke which continued 263. yeres whose names successiuely are here set downe in Tilius Chronicles as followeth 49 Philip of Valots the first king of that name 22. yeres 50 Whose eldest sonne named Iohn was the first Dolphine of Fraunce which to this day doeth continue Hee raigned after his father king of Fraunce 14. yeeres 51 Carolus the 5. sirnamed the wise raigned 18. yeeres Whose brother named also Philip was made duke of Burgūdy About this time Iohn Wicleue opened much falshoode yet vnknown of Papistrie both disputing writing against it 52 Carolus the sixt sirnamed Bene amatus raigned 42. yeeres this ordeined first the 3. Floure deluce This time raigned in England Richard the second 53 Charles the seuenth raigned 38. yeeres This king commenced warre against England at what time Henry the 5. raigned who subdued all Fraunce and was crowned king in Paris 54 Lewes the eleuenth raigned 23. yeeres 55 Carolus the eight raigned 14. yeeres 56 Lewes the 12. raigned 17. yeres in France being the 1500. yeere of our Sauiour Christ Reade of this king Arnoldus Ferronus all his thirde booke which hee onely wrote of this Lewes the 12. At what time raigned in England Henry the 7. Thus farre briefly Iranne ouer the state of France omitting many thinges willingly and wittingly which I particularly touch in the historie of Spaine for I tooke not in hand to write at large or to set foorth great volumes of superfluous histories but onely as I saide before to note the antiquities and first beginning of kingdomes and to marke the errours of prophane histories in many things dissenting from Moses from Daniel and from the Propheticall writings who opened all Chronicles for they coulde not agree in the chiefest pointes of all true Chronicles neither the Romanes in the building of Rome from whence they ground their histories neither the Greekes by their Olympiads neither the Persians of Cyrus time neither Spaine in their accompt of A. E R. A neither the Arabians of their Hegyra In fine vnpossible it is to finde the trueth of Antiquities in prophane writers without conferring of the same with the Sacred histories of the Prophets who reueiled the trueth of time by their Iubilees A BRIEFE FOR BRITAINE SEeing that I haue written of other countreys I can not tell how to answere my countreymen well if I should not also somewhat speake of the Britains though in trueth many haue sufficiently written of the comming of Brutus vnto this land of his kingdome and succession of kings and continuance which though of some denied which do now as they then did in the time of Halicarnassaeus who after he had trauailed his histories from Sempronius Fabius Pictor and from M. Cato and proued euidently the comming of Aeneas into Italy of his kingdome and posteritie in Alba longa vntill Romulus being 17. discents after him yet some gens inuidiosa Traianis as Halicarnassaeus calleth them seemed not to allow the historie though they knewe it themselues also read it by so many proued because they would be named antiquaries and the credite of the histories should come from them Such was Polidor Virgil in his history of Britaine such was Berosus in the historie of Hetruria being two strangers and such was Manethon to write of Spaine So there were among the Iewes Talmudists who among other matters which they wrote for they were the onely men among the Iewes would also by this credit that they had amōg the people write what they listed that they became thereby very fabulous in their histories So among the Egyptians their superstitious priestes filled their bookes with lies and so of diuers other countreis men wrote rather fables then histories of their coūtreys But these are reiected from sound approued authors tanquam Mithici for in reading of histories I find nothing so readie as errors in antiquities of countreys and in original of nations And surely it is not to be wondered at concerning the antiquities of time euen from the beginning of the world and the late beginning of writers from Cyrus time or rather Alexanders time for in the first age from Adam to the flood no trueth is had nor knowen but onely by Moses in the Genesis and 1650. yeeres frō the flood vnto the time of the Olympiads men wandered in no true accompt of time nor of histories excepting that which is written in the bookes of Moses and the Prophets nothing seemed sound nor certaine but cōiectures and fained fables as in the historie of the Chaldeans Assyrians Aegyptians and diuers other nations many things are written which is named Mythycum very licentiously and to liberally and after the time of the Olympiads how vntrue prophane historians wrote vntil Daniels time who seeth it not Since which time a briefe of al true
kept the Saracens in some awe and gaue diuers ouerthrowes vnto them during his time After whom succeeded Raimiris the first of that name and 9. king of Astura and Legio he raigned sixe yeres In his time Abderana king of the Saracens sailed with a nomber of ships from Affrica and inuaded many places in Italie and vsed great crueltie of whose tyrannie and spoiles euery where you may reade in the Historie of the Saracens I name none here but such as troubled Spaine whose historie I haue in hande during the time that they raigned in Spaine This time Theophilus helde the Empire at Constantinople and Lewes sirnamed the Godly the sonne of Charles the great was king of France and Emperour of Rome as his father was Now succeeded in Spaine Ordonius the first of that name who raigned king after Amiris 10. yeres During which time the Normanes and the Danes rushed into France and annoyed the countrey much burnt Antwerpe and afflicted the Friseans most miserablie All this while the cruel Saracens were no where quiet especially in Italy where they spoiled and killed all that they came vnto with sword and fire euen vnto the very gates of Rome burning all the suburbes of the citie About this time Anno 838. the Danes inuaded England but they were to their great losse ouerthrowen and vanquished by Egbertus at which time died Lewes king of Fraunce sirnamed the Godly After this Ordonius succceded Alphonsus the thirde of that name sirnamed the Great he raigned as a wicked cruel king who to auoyde suspition of his tyrannie fained a conspiracie to bee done of his owne brethren against him and therefore caused that all his three brethrens eyes should be plukt out thinking thereby with lesse danger to gouerne his kingdome Then succeeded Garsia who raigned 3. yeres after whom Ordonius the second of that name folowed king of Astura and Legio This king also vsed crueltie and caused 4. of the chiefe noblemen in the Prouince of Castile to be imprisoned and in prison to be slaine for which cruel fact the Prouince of Castile reuolted from Ordonius and they elected foure Iudges to gouerne the Prouince of Castile since which time which was 900. yeeres after Christ kings beganne a kingdome in Castile for now was Spaine gouerned as England was by 7. kings the gouernment whereof was called Heptarchia and therefore I wil passe ouer the time and infinite quarels and toiles which continued for a long rime in Spaine First betweene the Vandols and the Spaniards after betweene the Gothes and the Spaniards and then last betweene the Saracens and the Gothes CHAP. V. From the time that the Saracens possessed Hispaine vntill the time of Ferdinandus the great and Alphonsus king of Arragon which were the onely first two kings that possessed all Hispaine from the first Monarchie of their kings which was 2400. and odde yeeres so base a Countrey was Hispaine and conquered so many times vntill Ferdinandus time AT what time in diuers Prouinces of Hispaine dwelt seuerall kings which then gouerned and possessed Hispaine whose names are these that follow The first king after the inuasion of the Saracens which was driuen out of the kingdome was Pelagius who raigned twentie yeeres in Astura Phafilla Pelagius sonne raigned two yeres and was slaine by a beare in hunting Alphonsus sirnamed Catholike the first of that name raigned 19. yeeres His sonne Phroilla succeeded his father in Astura and Legio and raigned twelue yeeres and after was by his brother Aurelius slaine Veramundus Phroillas sōne succeeded but was forced to flie by Sillo which gouerned the kingdome after Phroilla 6. yeeres Mauregatus a base sonne of Alphonsus the Catholike tooke the kingdome of Austria by the meanes of the Mauritanes and raigned three yeeres Veramundus the sonne of Bilmarus which was sonne to Alphonsus raigned two yeeres Alphonsus the seconde sirnamed the Chaste raigned thirtie and six yeres This king raigning the Saracens spoiled and wasted all Sardinia and Corsica After him succeeded Raimirus the first of that name and raigned sixe yeeres in whose time Abderana king of the Saracens with an huge armie vsed great crueltie and tyrannie in many places After him Ordonius the first which raigned also tenne yeeres after whom Alphonsus the thirde sirnamed the great which raigned 46. yeeres Then succeeded Carsia the first of that name and raigned three yeres After whom succeeded Ordonius the second who vsed tyrannie in Castile the onely cause of their reuolting and of the change of their gouernment in chusing first to them foure Iudges and after erected kings At what time the kingdome of Castile beganne Reade Ritius more of this historie Then succeeded Ordonius Phroilla the seconde which raigned two yeres and after him Alphonsus the fourth which gouerned in Astura and Legio fiue yeeres Raimirus the second of that name raigned nineteene yeres this caused his brother Alphonsus eyes to be pluckt out and after to bee in close prison for that Alphonsus denied to become a Christian. In this Raimirus time the Hungarians ouercame Lodowicke king of Germanie and both Luitboldus duke of Bauaria and Burgardus duke of Thuringia were slaine at that time of the Hungarians Ordonius the thirde of that name raigned fiue yeeres and Sanctius the first of that name raigned 11. yeeres king of Astura Raimirus the thirde being a childe obtained the kingdom and raigned 25. yeeres by whome Abdera then king of the Saracens in Spaine was vanquished but Luiterus saith that one Ramirus king of Galatia vanquished the Saracens and their king whome he named Abdamara This time Enechus Countie of Bigora gaue a great ouerthrow to the Saracens and made the Saracens to forsake their cities and to flie from many partes of Spaine This Enechus founded then the kingdome of Nauarra as Ritig affirmeth Then succeeded in Spaine Veramundus the third who raigned 17. yeere This king after he had once or twise vanquished the Saracens yet they so preuailed that he was vāquished and ouerthrowen his citie of Legio assaulted and taken Lusitania possessed againe and the most places of Spaine wonne againe which the Saracens lost before This time the kingdom of Polonia beganne Alphonsus the 5. reigned 37. yeeres during which time the Saracens entred into Italie tooke Capua assaulted Barū destroyed many places and spoiled cities In this Alphonsus time the kingdome of Hungarie beganne in whose time reigned in Fraunce Hugo Capetus the first king of the Gaules Veramūdus the 3. of that namereigned after Alphōsus 6. yeres and Ferdinandus gouerned at Astura and Castile 40. yeeres Sanctius the 2. king of Castile and Alphonsus the 6. king of Astura the one reigned 13. yeres the other seuen yeeres but Sanctius being not contented with the kingdome of Castile draue Alphōsus out of his kingdome and possessed both Legio and Astura who fledde to Toletum to the king of
chiefly the French men flourished in famous renowne and in whom all the lawes relikes and monuments are established NOwe I will goe forward with the histories of Fraunce and speake of Dagobertus who when he had raigned 14. yeeres died Aemilius saith 16. yeres for he raigned 2. yeres in Austrasia is buried in S. Denis which he himself had builded the seconde of that name and the twelfth king after Pharamundus succeeded This was called Lewis the first of that name This time raygned king of the Gothes Sisenandus who was by them and of Dagobertus aduaunced to gouerne the Gothes The Emperour Constantinus surnamed Iunior was by his stepmother Martina poysoned after hee had reigned foure moneths for that shee practised to haue her sonne Emperour who reigned with his mother two yeeres and then the treason of Martina was founde which was in this sort reuenged his nostrels were cutte and his mothers tongue was taken out and so were both least againe they might bee forgotten and bee receiued to the Empire banished from Constantinople By this time died Sigibertus king Clodouaens brother who adopted before his death Ildebertus the sonne of Grimoaldus supposing that he should haue no heire of his bodie but his wife being with childe when he died had a sonne named Dagobertus who was sent to a Monasterie in Scotland secretly to be brought by Grimoaldus for which cause Clodouaeus waged warre with Ildebertus the king and with his father Ildebertus was slaine in the field in battell and his father taken and put in prison in Paris where he died at what time Clodouaeus appoynted his owne sonne Childericus king in Austrasia This time in Fraunce the famine was such that the king Clodouaeus ooke all the gold and siluer which his father Dagobertus had set vp in Saint Dennis and other places and all the treasures out of the Temples in Fraunce to helpe the poore of Fraunce After Clodoueus had reigned seuenteene yeeres succeeded Clotarius the third of that name hee died and is buried with his father in S. Dennis and in Beroaldus table named Dagobertus the second who reigned foure yeeres After whome succeeded his brother Theodoricus who was in the first yeere of his raigne banished out of his kingdome for his incontinencie After him Hildericus Theodoricus brother was elected king of all Fraunce he reigned 12. yeres Beroaldus saith fiue he was slaine in hunting by one Bodillus whome the king had before most cruelly caused to be bound to a stake and to bee whipt with rods which he requited to the king with death Which newes being heard of Theodoricus the kings brother being before as you heard banished returned from a Monasterie and tooke againe the kingdome of Fraunce and reigned fourteene yeeres The kingdome of the Saracens had not onely vexed and molested the East kingdomes but also afflicted and persecuted the West countries and had diuers and sundry battels with the Emperours the Gothes and the Longobards and are nowe become nations most mightie and strong in all the West of whom reade Diaconus de gestis Longabardorum After these thinges reigned Clodouaeus the thirde of that name who reigned foure yeeres after whom Hildebertus Clodouaeus his brother succeeded and reigned eighteene yeeres but here some of the good and the best writers doe disagree for the state of Fraunce aswell for the names of their kings as also for the historie it selfe as some following Tritemius and some imitating Paulus Aemilius that one Chronicle cries against another During the reigne of Hildebertus Muhamad the Saracen inuaded Armenia and entred into Affrica for nowe the kingdome of the Saracens grewe so mightie and so strong that they troubled all the Nations of the worlde as you may reade in their histories This time reigned ouer the Longobardes Chimibertus and ouer the Gothes Vitiza for these two kingdomes florished nowe in Germanie and beganne to match the Empire After this reigned king in Fraunce Dagobertus the seconde of that name foure yeeres after whome Lotharius Dagobertus his brother reigned two yeeres some say seuen yeeres Beroaldus in his table affirmeth that for these two yeeres Fraunce had no king therein crowned but Interreges were appointed after which Chilpericus surnamed Daniel by the ayde of Carolus Martellus was crowned king of Fraunce and reigned fiue yeeres After him gouerned Theodoricus surnamed Cala the sonne of Dagobertus the seconde hee reigned fifteene yeeres Anastasius the seconde surnamed Artemius helde the Empire for two yeeres and after Theodosius the thirde of that name other two yeeres This time Gizid the twelfth Amiras who reigned foure yeeres and his sonne Euelid after him played their partes in Asia and in Europe as sometime the Scythians were wont to doe they laide siege to Constantinople but were thence expelled by hunger and colde and with all their whole nauies were burned and destroyed vpon the seas In the time of this Theodoricus the Cities of Italie beganne a newe regiment vnder Dukes euery Citie elected and made a choise of one gouernour vnder whom and to whom they liued as to their king laying aside the last kinde of gouernment called magistratus exarchatus This time the Scots and the Picts quieted themselues within their limittes and spared their often inuasions into Englande at what time Ceolulphus reigned in that part of Englaud called Northumberland With this king Beda a learned man amōgst the Britaines was in great reuerence and honour and dedicated to him the historie of the Church in English and by Bedas meanes Ceolulphus deliuered the gouernment to his vncle Egbertus and became a Moncke In the time of this king the Saracens which inhabited in diuers partes of Affrike and Spaine were driuen thence foorth to the number of foure hundred thousand by Edo at what time they inuaded Fraunce and were so miserably persecuted euery way that they lost Abdimarus their king with a great number of the Saracens but more is written of this in their owne historie Now to Hildericus the third of that name surnamed Stupidus the sonne of Theodoricus Cala who reigned nine yeres and after was by consent of all the princes of Fraunce deposed from his kingdome and in his place gouerned eighteene yeeres Pipinus during which time Hildericus liued priuately and secretely in an Abbie By this time died Carolus Martellus a great Prince of France and lieth buried among the kings at S. Denis Of whose valure fame and courage not onely in Fraunce but euery where Reade of this Noble Martellus and of his diuers worthy and renowmed victories ouer the Saracens in Paul Aemilius in the beginning of his 2. booke after whom succeeded Carolomanus which then yeelded all his signories and titles of dignities vnto Pipinus who presently thereupon called a Parliament of all the Princes and Barons of France to stablish lawes and decrees for the receyuing of the
much Pope Leo that Rome by Fraunce and Fraunce by Rome became strong The Popes of Rome after this time by meanes of their religion receiued into Fraunce into Spaine into Britaine into diuers partes of Germany and into other kingdomes of Europe beganne againe to reuiue their Empire vnder the Pope and brought the Emperour subiect to the Pope made kings and princes to creepe to the Pope and entised all Europe vnder his crosse yeelding homage and paying tribute vnto him as to their chiefest and onely Monarch of the world for before the Popes time the Emperour of Rome subdued and conquered all nations and forced all kingdomes to pay tribute vnto Rome Nowe the Pope subdued the Emperour and made him his general lieutenant after the Emperour he substituted the king of Fraunce and the king of Spaine martiall of the fielde to fight for him that he became so great that though he called himself seruus seruorū yet would he be compted and esteemed lord of lordes for he would binde and he would lose he would curse and he would blesse hee would forgiue sinnes and pardon offences he kept the keyes of heauen and of hell Who ruled like lordes and commaunded like kings but the Pope and Mahumet of equall antiquitie and of like nature the one in Arabia the other in Rome two mōsters of the world and two enemies of Christianitie whom wee leaue a while and turne to Fraunce where the Empire remained this time And for that the kingdomes of the Danes of the Sueuians of the Noruegians and other nations of the North beginne now to flourish and also for that the state of Fraunce are now become acquainted with al writers as diuers Chronicles are extant thereof I wil only therefore set downe briefly their kings and their names frō Carolus the great vntil the time of Lewes the 12. of that name rather for that the histories of Fraunce are now familiarly knowen by reason of their warres and of the greatnesse of their kingdome then while they were yet strangers by the name of Neumagi first and after Sicambri and then Franci and last Galli Beside other names as Cimbri with the Romaus Galatae with the Greekes after called Gaulgreekes in Asia Belgae while they dwelt in Germanie Armeni while they were in Armenia and Scythae before they came out of Scythia But how so euer writers vary in their names they agree that they were called Celtes Galli and Franci which name they helde from Francus time because they were of long continuance all other names were giuen to them according to the countreys that they dwelled in But let vs returne to Charles the great who after hee had raigned 46. yeeres he died after whom his sonne Lewes sirnamed the Godly succeeded and gouerned Fraunce 26. yeeres This was also crowned Emperour after his father by Pope Steuen the fourth of that name at what time Michael sirnamed Curoplates was Emperour of Constantinople who sent ambassadours to Lewes for conclusion of peace for the Saracens about this time tooke Creete and possessed it and vanquished in two or three battels the Greekes and subdued many townes in Asia This king Lodouicus now consecrated Augustus appointed his three sonnes to haue seuerall gouernments the one called Lotharius whom hee sent into Italy as a king to rule and to order the States of Italy the second sonne named Pipinus he sent to gouerne in Aquitania the third after his owne name Lewes whom also hee sent as king ouer the Noricanes After Lewes died his sonne Lotharius succeeded and held the Empire 15. yeeres vntill his brethren commenced warre against him and such terrible and bloodie warres that all Fraunce was weakened thereby and all the blood of Carolus extinguished for in these warres were slaine aboue 100000. of the floures of Fraunce on both sides But in fine they agreed amongst themselues that Lotharius should hold the Empire and gouerne ouer Italy and other nations in the East and Carolus sirnamed Caluus should be king in Fraunce and the thirde sonne should possesse in Germanie and in Hunnia vnder the name of a king This Carolus Caluus raigned king in Fraunce 38. yeeres hee imprisoned close in a monasterie his brothers childrē which was Pipinus and Lewes After this Carolus died in Mantua being poisoned by Sedechia a Iew and his owne Phisition then succeeded Lewes sirnamed Balbus who raigned two yeres and was created Emperour by Pope Iohn in Fraunce He had two sonnes by his concubine named Lewes and Charlemaine they both succeeded their father as kings of Fraunce Lewes died in the fourth yere of his raigne and Charlemaine in the fift yere After whose death the Danes and the Normanes inuaded Fraunce and filled all Fraunce with blood Carolus the thirde of that name sirnamed Crassus after these two brethren raigned fiue yeeres Beroaldus saith 7. yeeres About this time the Danes gaue sundry battels in England and were often vanquished but still they continued their warres vntill they made a conquest of all the East partes of England This time Odo the sonne of Robert duke of Anioy raigned in Fraunce and gouerned it 9. yeeres In whose time the schole in the Vniuersitie of Oxeford was builded by Alfredus king of Northumberland in the yeere of Christ 895. By this king the Floure deluce was first appointed in the ensigne of Fraunce then Carolus sirnamed Simplex raigned 27. yeeres this was the sonne of Balbus But to auoyde tediousnesse according to my promise I wil passe ouer the rest of the historie and of the names of the rest of the kings of Fraunce vntill Lewes the 12 for I may not stand long to entreate of euery countrey for that I write of many countreys onely touching the antiquities of kingdomes their continuance their beginning and ending the time of their gouernment and the names of their gouernours committing to your view this compendious abstract of all Chronicles and all their histories which would make infinite volumes to be read in those Chronographers that largely wrote of them 31 Rodulphus duke of Burgundie and after king of France raigned 2. yeeres 32 Lewes who fled into England with his mother named Oginia returneth now into Fraunce and raigned with Rodulphus 10. yeres But he raigned king in the whole 27. yeeres 33 Lotharius the sonne of Lewes the 4. by Gerberga the sister of Otho the Emperor he raigned 31. yere In whose time the kingdome of Polonia began in the yeere of Christ 963. 34 Lewes the fift of that name raigned 1. yeere Hitherunto haue raigned from Faramundus 34. kings now raigned after this Lotarius these many kings which you see here vnder written in this table which hitherto continued in the line of Francus and now I will set downe the first king of those that were naturally borne Galli the thirde name of the kings of Fraunce 35 Hugo Capetus raigned 9. yeeres This was
time the Hunnes people from Scythia made seuen seuerall iournies from Scythia to Pannonia and at last seated themselues whose chiefe captaine was named Arpat of this reade more in Ritius and in Bonfinus Now in Arabia reigned Muhamat the 18. Amiras at what time gouerned in Constantinople Constantine surnamed Copronimos as Emperor and Aistulphus reigned king of Lumbardie was at that time the thirtie one king in number the which had reigned kings in Lumbardie This Lumbardie is a pleasant fertil countrie called of some the Paradice of all Eorope which reacheth from the Alpes to the riuer of Rubicon But to Arabia againe where nowe reigned Habdallias the ninetenth Amiras of the Saracens this reigned twentie one yeeres and gathered an armie of eightie thousand inuaded Cappadocia vnder captaine Salimie who was appointed Generall ouer the Saracens This Amiras vexed the Christians sore the Arabians waxed so mightie at home and abroade that almost no place was free from the Arabians they had warres this time with the Armenians and with the Turkes who yet had not erected their Empire vp but were such scattering infidels and like in all maner of life and liuing to these Saracens and to the Scythians which dispearsed them selues ouer all the whole worlde as Caterpillers to destroy and spoyle all Nations and Countries one succeeding the other Mady succeeded Habdallias this was the twentie Amiras who reigned nine yeeres in the which time hee prepared an armie for warres against Asia but hee was then intercepted and returned into Arabia without any thing done howe be it Aaron his sonne inuaded Armenia and Ithuma entred Asia and was slaine with all his armie by the Romanes Againe Aaron the sonne of Mady entred into Asia and gote diuers victories and constreined Eirene with her sonne Constantine the Emperour to seeke peace and to pay tribute vnto the Arabians After Mady succeeded his sonne Moses and reigned Amiras one yeere after whom folowed Aaron the brother of Moses he reigned twentie three yeeres during which time the Arabians inuaded Cyprus subdued Cappadocia tooke two notable Fortes and strong Castles Amachan in Armenia and Sebasan this time florished in Fraunce Charles the great to whom this Amiras sent many rich presents withal a mighty huge Elephant This Arabian prince had such great victories that Nicephorus the Emperour had much adooe to escape from his hand in Crason which is a Towne in Phrygia besides the Arabians had spoiled Sardinia and destroyed Corsica and also the Saracens that were nowe dispersed into al Countries specially into Spaine where they gouerned as kings and in Fraunce where likewise they bare such great sway and soueraigntie that Charles the great was well contented for the time to conclude a peace with Abumalach king of the Saracens Well to finish shortly his great exploites of long histories I passe to the 23. Amiras Muhamad the sonne of this Aaron the twentie three Amiras of the Arabians in whose time great ciuill warres began in many Countries that hee had much a dooe to keepe his owne Countrie from ciuill inuasion for fiue yeeres After him succeeded in Arabia Habdallias the third of that name and the twentie foure Amiras this reigned 17. yeres During this time the Saracens gaue two great ouerthrowes to the Greciās at what time they tooke the Isle of Creete spoiled Palestina possessed many Regions diuers countries wasted much the countrie betweene Vtica and Carthage so that the Arabians waxed the only nation in strength force in all the East kingdomes for by this time Africa which was ful of the Saracens was forced to yeeld to them aswel as Spaine for still came from Arabia supplies to euery Countrie and place where the Saracens had planted them selues aswell in Europe and Africke as they did in Asia for nowe Abderana king ouer the Saracens in Africa was not contented to liue quietly ouer his people in Africa neither Abumalach nor yet Aigolandus with whom Charles the great had long and terrible warres could be satisfied with any one kingdome of the world vntill at length God so strengthened the Christians that they were sore afrighted and amazed by the meanes of these infidels that they ioyned together their power and force and were by Gods prouidence after 800. yeeres deliuered from the tyrannie of these cruell Saracens Now reigned king in Fraunce Lewes surnamed The holie sonne to Charles the great who succeeded his father both in the kingdom of Fraunce in the Empire of Rome which was taken away into Constantinople vntill the time of Charles the great at what time Leo the 3. of that name and the 30. Pope of Rome renued the Empire and was called Imperium Romanorum nouum Nowe in Arabia reigned Muhamat the twentie fiue Amiras for fourtie yeeres during which time the Saracens rushed into Italie spoyled and destroyed the countrie with sword and fire at what time they came to the suburbes of Rome and did great harme spared no place but as Blondus affirmeth Ferro flamma totam deuastarunt Italiam this time the Danes inuaded England in the time of Edelbertus who valiantly resisted the Danes and constreined them with great losse and slaughter to retire reade more in Polidore of this After this time the Saracens began in many places to bee slacke and specially in the most part of Europe though in Spaine they continued vntill the great Ferdinandus time but for that the Saracens are sufficiently spoken of in the historie of Spaine I will therefore here no further proceede therein onely laying downe so many as reigned kings in Arabia called by the name of Amiras from Mahumet the first prophet and prince vntill Muhamat the twentie fiue Amiras which continued 253. yeeres these names followe in this sort as you see set here downe Mahomet reigned nine yeeres the first Amiras of the Saracens Ebubezer 2. Amiras three yeeres Haumar 3. Amiras twelue yeeres Hoaman 4. Amiras tenne yeeres Muhamias 5. Amiras 24. yeeres Gizud 6. Amiras three yeeres Habdalla 7. Amiras one yeere Maruan 8. Amiras one yeere Habemelech his sonne twentietwo yeres Vliud nine yeeres Zulzimim three yeeres Haumar the 2. of that name two yeeres Gizud the 2. foure yeeres Euelid his sonne eighteene yeeres Gizud the 3. one yeere And his sonne Eices after him reigned one yeere Maruan the second sixe yeeres Abubalas fiue yeeres Haldalla twentie one yeeres Mady nine yeeres Moses the sonne of Mady reigned after his father one yeere Aaron the younger sonne of Mady reigned after his brother Moses twentie three yeeres Muhamad the sonne of Aaron reigned fiue yeeres Habdalla the 3. reigned 17. yeeres Muhamat the 25. Amiras reigned fourtie yeeres Thus farre I thought good to write the beginning of Mahomets kingdome and his successours in Arabia and of the Saracens spread from Arabia vnto Africke and vnto Europe and nowe a litle of the Turkes historie and that briefely OF THE GREAT TURCKE
predecessours in so much that hee was compared vnto Cyrus king of Persia for his valure vnto Alexander the great for his victories and conquests who visited in like maner as Alexander did India Aethiopia Scythia and other farre kingdomes from Rome and hauing stayed persecution in most places hee comforted the Christians so that the Gospel beganne to florish among the Barbarous people in Armenta and in Persia. Hee reedified great and chiefe Cities as Nicomedia in Bythinia and also Bizantium in Thracia and made it equall to Rome in all points and named it after his ownename Constantinople for there was nothing in Rome but this Emperour builded the like in Constantinople in so much that it was called newe Rome the onely Citie of fame and renow me in all the East countries To this Towne many of the best learned men both Greekes and Iewes haue come and dwelt there here nowe religion florished Christians reioyced and all learned men of the world frequented Againe Constantine caused a temple to be made by the oke of Mambre this is nowe Terebinthus a place from Hebron distant fifteene furlongs and from Ierusalem 250. furlongs To this place the Phoenicians and the Arabians were wont once euery yere to come to traffique and to marchandize with the Iewes they kept a solemne feast in memorie of Abraham the Patriarch and offered in sacrifice after the lawe of Moses eyther an oxe or a goate or else a sheepe or a Cocke Euery nation honoured this place the Iewes in memorie of Abraham the Gentiles in memorie of the Angels that there appeared vnto Abraham the Christians in memorie of CHRIST IESVS the Sonne of GOD being there then the thirde Angel seene of Abraham before hee tooke flesh of the Virgine Marie well nigh two thousand yeeres This place also Constantine adorned and beautified with many monuments It were long to rehearse the goodnesse of this Emperour and to repeate his care and doings in all partes of the worlde for the Church hee caused a Synod at this time to beehad at Nice in Bythinia where were gathered together three hundred and eighteene Byshops in the which the heresie of Arrius was condemned At what time Athanasius was appointed Byshop of Alexandria to succeede Alexander who deposed Arrius The Arrians persecuted this Athanasius so that hee was forced to flee for succour to the Emperour Constantine This time succeeded in Antioch after Tiranus the nineteenth byshop Vitalis the twentieth after him Philogonus the twentie one after him Paulinus after him Eustachius whose place after hee was banished for the Gospel the Arrians occupied In Rome Marcus the seconde of that name was Byshop after whom succeeded Iulius the third In his dayes the Armenians and the Indians receiued Christianitie yet in Persia vnder king Sapores the Christians were sore persecuted the Magi of Persia perswaded Sapores the king to punish Simeon the Archbishop of Seleucia for that he was a friende to the Romanes By this meanes great persecution beganne in Persia against the Archbyshop Simeon and Vstazanes an olde man and likewise the kings tutour for that they would worship not the sunne after the manner of the Persians Likewise Pusices a noble man of the Court of Sapor with his daughter a faire virgine did suffer torments for the trueth Anania and Azadis the Kings eunuches and Tarbula the sister of Simeon in like sort suffered violent death and on that very day the Iewes by the commandement of Magi being by the king licenced brought an hundred Christians some of them were Byshops some Elders and some of other orders of the Church which for that they would not worship the sunne wereslaine with the sword It is written in Eusebius in the Ecclesiasticall histories of Her Zozamenis that two hundred and fiftie Byshops were put to the sworde by commaundement of Sapores the king for their constancie and faith in CHRIST IESVS whose names though not all yet some as I founde in the historie I set downe which are these 1 Barbasymes 2 Paulus 3 Gaddiabes 4 Sabinus 5 Mareas 6 Mocius 7 Manfriandes 8 Hormisdas 9 Papas 10 Iacobus 11 Romas 12 Maares 13 Agas 14 Bochres 15 Abdas 16 Abdiesus 17 Dausas 18 Abranims 19 Agdelas 20 Sabores 21 Issaac and 22 Dausas These were taken captiue and brought before the Magistrates and for not worshipping the Sunne according to the Persians maners the king commaunded that they should be put to the sword To this king Sapores Constantinus the Emperour wrote in fauour of the Christians which Epistle is extant in Eusebius in the life of Constantine Thus much I thought good to set downe among other wickednesses and tyrannies that reigned among the Romane Emperours Hee that will see more of persecution and heresies let him reade Eusebius Nicephorus and others and hee shall satisfie himselfe therein I thought it fitte to annexe thus much of persecution to the Romane Emperours and to Popes as to the authours of all persecutions in all Countries OF THE ANTIQVITIE OF Spaine and of the originall of their kings and of their contiuuance from Tubal vnto Hispanus During which time they were called by diuers seuerall names as Caetubales Hiberi Celtiberi and Hesperij of which I shall briefly speake in their places I Haue almost placed and followed all Iaphets sonnes and nowe I come to Hispaine where Tubal tooke possession which name is interpreted to be Hispaine by Iosephus I will bee as short as I can for that I would faine come to England and yet France is vpon my way where I must of necessitie stay a little to speake of them very briefly Spaine was deuided in olde time but into 3. Prouinces into Lusitania which is now called Portingale into Tarraconenses where the two Scipios builded a citie and named it Tarracon after the name of the Prouince and into Baetica which is so called by the riuer Baetis This Prouince is now named Andolasia or Granado The Romanes at what time they were lords of Spaine made no other diuision but high and low Hispaine by the name of superior inferior Hispania After it was deuided into sixe Prouinces in this sort named as foloweth 1 The first Prouince called Terracon 2 Called the Prouince of Carthage 3 Lusitania which is Portingale 4 Gallacia 5 Baetica which is Andolisia or Granado 6 Called Tingitana a Prouince being within Affrica Of these 6. Prouinces 2. of them are called Consulares prouinciae which is Betica Lusitania the other 4. called Presidiales Spaine is cut from Fraunce Eastward by the mountaine Pyrenaeus which doeth extend it selfe from the South vnto the North along betwene France and Spaine On the West Spaine hath the ocean sea and on the South the middle land sea This countrey is very barren in some places specially from Hercules pillars to the mountaine Pyrenaeus in other places it aboundeth in all kinde of good things for wines oliues yron