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A61733 The life and gests of S. Thomas Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford, and some time before L. Chancellor of England extracted out of the authentique records of his canonization as to the maine part, anonymus, Matt. Paris, Capgrave, Harpsfeld, and others / collected by R.S., S.I. Strange, Richard, 1611-1682. 1674 (1674) Wing S5810; ESTC R14349 107,722 368

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the greatest rigour of Pennance and pouerty then to see them seated on the highest Thrones of Monarchs When infine those two great Patriarchs S. Dominick and S. Francis peopled the world with so many quires of Angells and brought Euangelicall perfection out of vnknowne retyrements and solitudes to the Common habitation of men Our country of England though separated by nature from the rest of the world was not excluded from that vniuersall influence of deuine grace wherwith it please'd God to bless those times The blood of the glorious Martyr S. Thomas of Canterbury as the true seed of the Catholique Church was not spilt in vayne and being in this age yet fresh and warm brought forth speciall fruit both in Lay and Clergy But in all none more eminent then another S. Thomas another Chancellor of England another Prelate another Champion of Ecclesiasticall libertyes and though not slayne by the sworde yet lost his life in the cause Thus the mercy of God powr'd downe sweet showers of deuine blessings upon that Kingdome by the mirits of his H. Martyr yet his iustice layd not downe the sword of due reuenge for that bloody sacriledge nor was it yet satisfyed with the personall disasters of that vnfortunate King Henry the second who hauing found as many Absoloms as he had Sonns ready to teare the Crowne from his gray hayres and to bury him aliue who had giuen them life after he had seen two of them lead him the way to his graue followd not long after and left the other two his Curse for inheritance of which they had each one theyr share by succession The former of whome was Richard the first third Sonn of the aforesayd King who though otherwise a valiant and great Prince and therfore surnam'd Coeur de Lion yet for that curse entayld vpon him by his father and much more if there were true cause of deseruing it had his Crowne torne from his head by a violent and vntimely death And that it might not fall to a more innocent hand left no child but a brother farr worse then himselfe who that his royall purple might be of a more lasting tincture gaue it the second dye with the blood of his Nephew Arthur next heyre by birth to the Crowne of England as Sonn of Geffrey Earle or Duke of little Britannie in France which Geffrey was fourth Sonn of Henry the second King of England And though it is not certaine that Arthur was murderd by his Vncle 's owne hands as the French do tell vs yet all agree that Arthur was put in prison in Rouen by his vncle King John and neuer appeard after the manner of his death is best knowne to God alone before whose invisible eyes all things lye visible Howeuer King John fift Sonn of Henry the second and surnam'd Sans terre makes the land his owne and on this wrong builds all his right which he euer mannag'd withan equall tenour as weakly as wickedly Till at last calld to an account by a stranger for oppressing his country left the world like an Outlaw and a poore child to pay his forfeyt Who though otherwise most innocent could not altogeather plead not guilty being he claymd all his right from so great injustice In the midst of this dismall and dark cloud our morning starr first appeard in the hight of this horrid storme which threatned no less then a totall destruction of the nation it pleasd God to giue a pledg of attonement between heauen and earth to bless the world with our glorious S. THOMAS CANTILUPE as a Rayn-bow after a deluge of blood and misery whose birth not like another Benjamin purchasd his life with his Mothers death but finding his country in Agony restord life Neyther was he onely a Common benefitt and happy presage to the plublique but a speciall blessing and reward of his fathers loyalty who when the greatest part and power of the kingdome eyther out of personall offence and hatred of the deceased king would yett pursue him in his image or led by interest the common Idoll of the world thought sitt to combine with the stronger party and rather adore the preualent might and fortune of an a inuading forraigner then to support the weaknes both in yeares and forces of theyr natiue Prince Yett William lord Cantilupe father of our glorious Saint lookd vpon the present state of things with another eye and was resolu'd to lay downe his life and fortune at the feet of iustice leauing the euent to the diuine ballance whether he stood or fell being secure of victory which euer crownes them who sacrifice them selues to truth and loyalty Wherfore as a person of eminent ability and honour he giues strength to the better but lesser party and as he euer maintaynd his fayth inuiolable to the fa●her though a Prince of most odious and lawless gouerment he could neuer forgett the respect of soueraignty so he continu'd the same vnto the sonn with all the disaduantage of humane interest The Barons with theyr French Protectour were not only masters of the field both in strength and number but also many months possess'd of the head Citty of the Kingdom a thing euer held of highest consequence as being the ordinary residence and Court of Kings whosoeuer winns it seems to weare the Crowne The little king at nine yeares of age being sollemnly Crownd at Glocester was in a manner Confind to that Citty and other two Bustow and Worcester though some other particular places and Castles in seuerall parts of the kingdome stood firmly to him And chiefly Lincolne which was our Orleans where a lady not inferiour to the french sheepardess in Courage as she was farr aboue her in birth and quality defended the Castle of Lincolne the space of a whole yeare against Gilbert de Gant a prime Commander of the french forces though he had possessd himselfe of the Towne and pressd the Castle with a vigorous siege The kings honour Besydes his interest was Conceiu'd to be not a little Concern'd in the reliefe of so much fidelity especially of so rare and vnusuall example in the weaker sexe The Lord Cantilupe therfore with other Nobles of the Royall party accompany'd likewise by the legate of the see Apostolique with what power they could make marchd forth vpon this designe Being arriu'd within 8. miles of Lincolne they all Confessd and receiud the holy Eucharist with a plenary Indulgence which the Legate granted them and sollemnly declard the aduerse faction separated from the Communion of the holy Catholique Church Thus armd and encouragd from heauen they fall on with such irresistible violence that though the defendants exceeded the assaillants farr in number besydes the aduantage of theyr walls and trenches the Towne was soon ground with a totall defeat of the Enemy THOMAS Earle of Perche a person of highest nobility and Command in the Barons army allyd to both the Crownes of England and France being with many others slaine vpon
we must so commend this as to leaue the other in its due reuerence and esteem To come now to our B. S. THOMAS his father was William Lord CANTILVPE a person for his worth and greatnes often mentioned in the English History and Records of Heralds The father of this Lord was also another william who ioyntly with his Sonn stood euer firme in the Barons Warrs to both the Kings whose fauovr in employments of highest trust and honour they well deserued Though as a knowne Historian of those Matt. Paris times affirmes theyr family receiud not so iust a measure as theyr meritt requird Yett the father of our Saint bore no less a charge in court then that of great Master or Lord steward of the kings house Which as in other kingdoms so in this of England was euer esteemd of chief fauour and dignity being the eye and hand of the king not onely at a distance and in absence but commanding all in his very presence and in a manner seated vpon the same throne Neyther was this honour or whatsoeuer else they receiud from theyr soueraigns aboue the rank of theyr birth and quality The Cantilupes or Cantelowes vulgarly so calld from the originall Champ de Loup or Campus Lup● were a noble family of speciall note and eminency among those braue Aduenturers who-followd the Norman conquerour in his enterprize of our English Monarchy and purchasd him that crowne with the hazard of theyr liues and fortunes And as they brought with them a fayre inheritance of estate and honour so still continud theyr course with successiue increase as great riuers the further they goe the more they dilate themselues with the reception of other streames The Heyres generall of the Strong-bowes and Marshalls Earles of Pembroke of the Fitz Walters Earles of Hereford of the Breoses or Breuses Lords of Abergauenny left theyr estates and greatnes by right of marriage vnto the Cantelupes Such being the Paternall line of S. THOMAS and his father a person of so high command and creditt the king vpon an exigence being to make a voyage into france could not think of a more powerfull and faythfull hand beyond all exception and enuy to intrust with his crowne and kingdome then VVilliam Cantelupe it was an equall and happy match between this Lord and the Lady Millescenta countess of Eureux and Glocester Mother of our Saint She was daughter of Hugh lord Gournay and the Lady Iuliana sister to Reginald Earle of Dammartin and Boulogne The Gournay's were of the prime nobility of Normandy neerly allyd to the soueraigne Dukes of that country and as neer to our gloirous and blessed King Edward the Confessour The counts of Dammartin were of an inllustrious family in france matchd with the greatest Princes of Europe And this Reginald vncle to the Lady Millescent in right of his wife lda grandchild to Stephen king of England became Earle of Boulogne which title he trāsferrd againe with his daughter Matilde marry'd vnto Philipp Earle of Clermont onely brother to Lewis the 8. king of france and vncle to S. Lewis This the allyance and desent of that noble Lady She was first marry'd to Almerick Montfort Earle of Eureux in Normandy as also of Glocester in right of his mother Mabelle eldest daughter heyre to william Earle of Glocester Grandchild to Henry the first king of England This Almerick being head of that illustrious family of the Mōtforts descended from Robert surnam'd the Pious king of france and dying without issue was the last of that race in Normandy leauing his noble and vertuous Confort the Lady Millescente to be blessd with a happyer and more fruitfull marriage especially in this her sonn who alone illustrated that renownd family with more honour then all the greatnes and titles of theyr famous Ancestres III. CHAPTER Of his Childhood and domestique Education TO looke into the infancy or Childhood of Saints may seeme as little pertinent to theyr meritt as to the glory of God that part of the life of man being Commonly held for a meer Prologue or dumb show before a tragedy of miseryes a dreame or slumber before the soule awake to the light of reason a state of Neutrality betwixt man and beast as vncapable of prayse as blame and onely happy in this that it is vnsensible of all vnhappynes Yett experience and reason teaches vs that this twylight of life is not so dark but that we may read sundry characters though written in a small letter by the hand of God This mute part of the age of man is not so speechless but that it fore-tells vs much of what will follow In fine euen childhood it self hath not so little of the man but that it is capable of deep impressions both of grace and reason as the louely and sweet variety of colours in many flowers receiue theyr first tincture in the very root and the value of Pearles depends much vpon the first dropps of dewe which falls into the shell when thy are newly engendred That the divine Prouidence hath a speciall eye vpon the infancy of man is an vndenyable truth both in humane and diuine history neyther doth this onely consist in certaine prodigyes and dedemonstrations of a power aboue the reach of nature but also and that most vsually in a particular fauour and protection of the diuine hand by connaturall meanes of Education and other circumstances to with draw from euill and lead to vertue The whole sequele of our S. THOMAS his life clearly shewes how highly he was priuiledg'd with both these blessings from heauen A nature he had eleuated aboue the Common strayn a minde full of generous heat and vigour euer tending to a higher sphere like a fire without smoke or mixture of grosser elements which mett with soe noble a temperature of body that though of a prosperous and liuely habitude he neuer knew in his whole life what any thing meant which was not agreeable with the purity of Angells He the first fruit of that happy marriage was borne at a Mannour of his fathers in Lincolnshyre Hameldone by name where he alsoe receiud the Sacrament of Baptisme regenerated therby to the pretious adoption of the Children of God In memory wherof Edmund Earle of Cornwall sonn to Richard once king of the Romans and a great admirer of out saints perfections built there an Oratory to the honour of God and his in the which Oratory our Lord is sayd te haue wrought frequent Miracles by the intercession of the same saint Besydes him his Parents were blessd with a numerous offspring of 3. Sonns and 3. daughters which like so many young Oliues enuironnd theyr table to theyr great loy and the latter were all bestowd in an honorable wed-lock To cultiuate duely these hopefull endowments both of nature and grace by a Good education was the care and endeauour of his pious Parents who as in his infancy they had prouided him of vertuous Nurse the Process of his