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a19368 Memorable conceits of diuers noble and famous personages of Christendome, of this our moderne time; Divers propos memorables des nobles & illustres hommes de la chrestienté. English Corrozet, Gilles, 1510-1568. 1602 (1602) STC 5795; ESTC S105084 127,092 418

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that it was giuen vnto him by king Edvvard the Confessour he required diuerse great Princes of Fraunce and elsewhere to aide him in that enterprize both with mē and mony Amongst others he prayed the Earle of Flaunders whose sister he had marryed to aide him in that exploit The Earle demaunded of him what part he should haue in the kingdome of England if the duke should conquer it● The duke answered him That he would send him wor● thereof in writing After which the Duke being now readie to depart out of Normandie vpon his intended voyage he caused a faire peece of white parchment without any writing within it to be folded and closed vp in forme of a letter vpon the which for an inscription he caused to be written these two verses sending them in way of a scoffe to the Earle of Flaunders Beaufrere d'Angleterre aurez Ce que cy dedans trouuerez Faire brother of England your portiō shall bee That which here within written you shall see Another conceipt of VVilliam the Conquerour at his landing in England VVHen the same Duke had passed the seas to the conquest of England the first fortune that befell him in his landing was that in leaping out of his shippe he fell flat vpon the sands and the first part of his bodie that touched the ground were his hands The which accident some of his people interpreting to be a signe of ill fortune ●ush quoth he out aloud assure your selues my maisters that this is the seizin an●d possession of this kingdome which God hath giuen me and it is his wil that I shal take it with both my hands because by the aide both of him and you I make no doubt but to conquer it And his successe was answerable to his hope for he came to be king and left the Crowne of England to his posterity Of king L●vvis the grosse and Baldvvin Earle of Mons. KIng Lewis the grosse h●auing appointed the duke VVilliam of Normandie to be Earle of Flaunders Baldvvin Earle of Mons in Heynault pretending right thereunto said vnto the King That he had wrong done him for that the Earledome did appertaine vnto him He demaunded with great instance to haue the combat graunted him against those that should dare to auerre the contrarie The king said vnto him It is against me thē that you must haue the combat for the Seignorie which you claime and striue for is mine owne proper right and inheritance He that contendeth against his Lord and maister must needes haue the worst of the quarrell A braue speech of king Levvis the grosse THe same king of Fraunce taking part with Hely Earle of Maine against Henry king of England in a certaine battell fought between thē found himselfe farre seuered frō his people A certain English knight seeing him and being in hope to make himselfe rich by taking the king prisoner he laid hold vpon the reines of the kings horse with intēt to stay him and began to cry with a loud voice The King is taken The king being valiant and of a noble courage at one blow with his sword ouerthrew the knight dead to the ground seeing him fall he said It is not one man alone that in Chesse play can giue the king the mate Of an inuention found by king Levvis to punish the Earle of Vermandois LEvvis king of Fraunce the sonne of king Charles the simple desiring to be reuenged for the death of his said father who dyed in the castle of Peronne being there imprisoned by H●bert the Earle of Vermandois his subiect And being at Laudun with a great assembly of the Lords and Nobles of Fraunce whom he had reconciled vnto him he vsed a fine deuice to bring about his purpose for he had caused one to be attired like an Englishman who being well instructed in that which he had to do came i●post to the Court and required to be instantly admitted to the presence of the kings Councell for the deliuerie of certaine letters to the king frō the king of England The partie being entred into the Councell chamber presented the letters to the king which himselfe had before caused to be written And as the Secretarie read them to the King with a soft and low voyce the King began to smile wherof the Princes and Lords there present demaunded the occasion Now I see well quoth the King that the English are not a people of any great wisedome for our cousin Harmant king of England hath written me here that there is in his countrey a labouring man who hauing inuited his maister to his house to dine with him caused him to be slaine he hath sent to demaund your counsell my maisters what punishment this fellow hath deserued Thibaut Earle of Bloys was the first that gaue his sentence saying That albeit the man was worthie of many grieuous torments yet the most ignominious and shameful death that he could adiudge him was that he ought to be hanged and strangled on a Gibbet To this sentence all the rest of the Lords there present did consent and the County Hebert of Vermandois also who had no sooner ended his speech but he was apprehended by the kings Officers there prouided in a readinesse And the King said vnto him Hebert thou art this wicked labourer which hast caused thy Lord and maister the king Charles my father to be put to death now therefore receiue the punishment which thou hast iustly deserued and which thou hast denounced against thy self This said Hebert was hanged on a Gibbet vpon the toppe of a mountaine nere Lodun which at this day is commonly called mount Hebert Of the wine which Philip Augustus king of Fraunce presented to the Barons and Captaines of his army PHilip Augustus king of France cōducting his armie against the Emperour Otho in the yeare 1214. being by necessitie constrained to ioyne battell with him he tooke a great cup or bowle of gold which he caused to be filled with wine sops of bread After turning himself to the Princes and great Lords of Fraunce which were with him he said vnto them My friends and companions in Armes you which are resolued to liue and dye with me this day take ech of you one of these lops of bread dipt in wine and eate the same as I haue done before you He had no sooner spoken the word but the cup was emptie in an instant And immediatly the battell being ioyned he gained the victorie at Bouines where the Emperour was put to flight and the Earle of Flanders with diuerse other great Lords remained prisoners The titles vvhich the king Saint Levvis of Fraunce gaue himselfe THe king S. Levvis being demanded by certain of his Lords with what title he would chuse to be honoured in imitation of the old Romane Emperors and of other forrain kings the kings of France his predecessors who for some notable acts or victories had purchased vnto thēselues diuerse titles of honours he answered the
MEMORABLE CONCEITS OF DIVERS NOble and famous personages of Christendome of this our moderne time LONDON Printed for Iames Shaw 1602. TO THE TOWARDLY YOVNG Gentleman Maister Walter Rawleigh sonne and heire apparant to the honourable Sir Walter Ravvleigh Knight Lord VVarden of the Stanneries Captaine of her Maiesties Guard Lieutenant of the Countie of Cornevvell and Gouernour of the Isle of Iarsey SIr hauing a great desire by some meanes to signifie my affection vnto you I thought I could not better do it nor find a more readie meane thereunto then by preferring and dedicating this little Pamphlet vnto you the which containing most rare and excellent examples of wise and wittie sayings and notable instructions to vertue and vertuous actions I suppose cannot more fitly be presented then vnto you in whose young yeares doth alreadie appeare a most towardly inclination and hopefull expectation both of wit and vertue such as your riper yeares I doubt not will bring to an excellency of perfection To the furtherance wherof albeit this smal Treatise shall perhaps be able to adde little accesse in regard of the plentiful helpes wherewith you are alreadie furnished to that effect yet it may be that both the pleasure and the profite thereof may in some sort proue worthie both of your labour in reading and perusing of it and of my affection in offering it vnto you Not doubting therefore but it shall be accepted as pleasingly as I haue presented it willingly most humbly I take my leaue Your Worships euer to be commaunded I. S. The names of the Popes Emperours Kings Lords and others mentioned in this Booke A ABbot of Baigne 20 Adrian Pope 21 Albert Emperour 32 Alexander Seuerus Emperour 38 Alexander the third Pope 1. 2 Alexander the fift Pope 11 Alexander the sixt Pope 215 Alfonsus ksng of Naples 104. vnto 119 Anna Queene of Fraunce 92 Anthony Panormitane 112. 132 Anthony du Prat Chancelor of France 196. Anthony Agnello and his interpretation 204. Apothegme of an Englishman 186 Archbishop of Collaine 18 Attila king of the Gothes 51 Aulilie 46 Ayme duke of Sauoy 144 B BAiazet the great Turke 125 Barba widow to Sigismond the Emperour 31 Bartholomew of Aluian 156 Battels at Guingate and Fornoue 161 Bayard Captaine 163 Bertrand Guesclin Constable of Fraunce 152. Benedict the twelfth Pope 103 Bishop elect of Senlis 162 Bishop of Seruia 213 By-word of three Nations 199 Blanch Dutchesse of Orleance 70 Borso duke of Ferrara 143 Boniface the eight Pope 6. 7. 8 C CAesar Borgias duke of Vrbin 146 Calixt Pope 11 Cardinall Cossa 10 Charles Martell 119 Charles the Great Emperour 23 Charles the bald Emperour 25 Charles the fift Emperour 41. 220 Charles the sixt king of France 75 Charles the eight king of France 90. 91 Charles duke of Burgundy 199 Chabanes great maister of Fraunce 227 Chiniton or Kniton king of England 203. Clement the fourth Pope 5 Clement the seuenth Pope 179 Clouis king of Fraunce 45 Clotair the first king of Fraunce 51 Columna Ascanius 158 Columna Prosper 158 Conrade king of Naples 130 Constantine Ducas Emperour 42 D DAnt the Italian Poet. 165 Duke of Millaines cooke 184 Dutchesse 218 Dutchesse of Burbon 217 E EArle of Arminacke 272 Earle of Lazaran 126 Earle of Nassaw 215 Earle of Petillan 142 Edward king of England 67. 68. 71. 72 Elenor Countesse of Foix. 173 Elizabeth of B●heme 188 Emanuell king of Portugal 21 Embassadours of Sicily 128 Embassadours of Venice 192 Englishmens oath 75 F FErdinand king of Naples 132 Flemings mocke 103 Foole to king Alphonsus 202 Foole to the duke of Austrich 189 Foole to the Marquesse of Guast 221 Foole to the duke of Millain 233 Fo●ques the fifth Earle of Aniow 134. 135. Frauncis the first king of Fraunce 101. 102. Frauncis Phaebus king of Nauarre 174 Francis of Burbon Earle of Anguien 220 Fredericke the Emperour 178 Fredericke the first Emperour 23 Fredericke the second Emperour 3 Fredericke the third Emperour 32. 35 Fredericke Marquesse of Mantua 208 French Gentleman 180 French Gentlemen 165 French Knights 162 G GEin Ottoman a Turke 207 Gentleman of Genoa 160 Gordian the younger Emperour 38 Godfrey of Bollogne 125 Gonnor Dutchesse of Normandie 187 Great Captaine 206. 207 Gregorie Pope 9 H HEnry the first Emperour 42 Henry of Lancaster king of England 73. Hire a French Captaine 155 I IAmes of Genouillay Lord of Assier 192. Iohn king of Fraunce 71 Iohn duke of Brittaine 137 Iohn Galeas duke of Millain 138. 150 Iohn of Ionuille 181 Iohn de Maingre Marshall of Fraunce 147. Iohn of Saintré 148 Iohn Gonzaga 209 Iohn of Menu a Poet. 225 Ierome an Italian 140 Innocent the fourth Pope 3 Innocent the eighth Pope 14 Iouian Pontanus 174 Iulius the second Pope 14. 15 Iulius Cardinall of S. Angell 17 K KAtherine Queene of England ●00 King of England 231 L LAdie of Heluin 183 Lamorabaquin king of Tartaria 126 Lewis king of Fraunce 58 Lewis the grosse king of Fraunce 56. 57. Lewis the 4. king of France 61. 62. 63. Lewis the 11. king of Fraunce 76. vnto 87. and 182. 227. Lewis the 12. king of Fraunce 92. vnto 100. Lewis sonne to king Philip. 169 Lewis duke of Orleance 73 Lewis Sforza 213 Lord Sforza 197. 198 Lord of Trimouille 216 M MAreschals Antrehan and Cleremont 166 Margaret Dolphinesse of France 229 Marcus Barbaricus duke of Venice 143. Martian the Emperour 37 Maurice Earle of Aniow 135 Maximilian the Emperour 38. 39 Medices Cosme 212 Medices Lawrence 211 Miles bishop of Chartres 19. 20 N NArses 151 O OTho de Varis 17 Otho the third Emperour 37 P PAnormitans 5 Parmesan 223 Peter of Bresay Seneschall of Normandy 88. 89 Peter Earle of Sauoy 148 Philip the first king of Fraunce 53 Philip Augustus king of France 60. 170 Philip the faire king of Fraunce 65 Philip of Valois king of Fraunce 66. 70 Philip duke of Burgundy 142 Philip the hardie duke of Burgundy 137 Philip of Villars great Master of R●●odes 144 Philip of Moruiller President 200 Philip Lantgraue of Hessen 179 Pius the second Pope his sentences 12 Prochetta Archbishop of Genes 6. R RAimier king of Arragon 124 Raphael a painter of Vrbin 210 Rene king of Sicily 131 Robert king of Sicily 177 Roboald duke of Frize 44 Rodericke Gonthier 141 Rodolph the Emperour 31 Roger king of Naples 122 S SAladine king of Asia 123 Sanctius brother to the king of Spain 175. Septimius Seuerus Emperour 37 Sico Chauncellor of Millaine 213 Sigismond Emperour 27. 29. Souldier of Nauarre 166. Soliman the great Turke 121. 145 Sophia the Empresse 191. T TAlbot an English captaine 156. 185 Theodosian Emperour 191 Theodosius Emperour 25. 26 Thierry captaine 47. 48 Thomas Caraffa Earle of Mathalon 146 Tiberius Constantine Emperour 43 Tiphamy wife to Bertrand Guesclin 167 V VAquery President of Paris 230 Venetians and their opinion 186 Vladislaus king of Hungary 129 Vrban the fifth Pope 170 VV VVAlaque Dracocles 129 VVilliam duke of Normandy 54. 55.
being abashed they soone withdrew themselues frō his presence Of the shame which Aulilia did vnto her sonne Thierrie whereby she was a cause of his victorie THierry being Generall for the Emperour Zenon in Italy and hauing bene defeated by Odo●cer king of the Herules fled towards Rauenna On the way being met by his mother Aulilia and she perswading him to returne againe to the field and to renue the battell and seeing him to make a difficultie so to do She said vnto him my sonne beleeue me and assure thyself thou hast neither castle nor fortres where thou canst be safe except I take vp my clothes and suffer thee to returne againe into my belly from whence thou hadst thy first being Thierry being both ashamed and enflamed at this speech of his mother reassembled his armie returned to the place of battell and finding his enemies in disorder by reason of their first victorie he charged in vpon them and defeated them Fevv vvords vvell spoken and vvell taken cause great matters be put in execution Of the good counsell which a Gentleman gaue vnto the same Thierry Lieutenant to Zenon the Emperour vnder the couerture of a Fable by meanes whereof Thi●●●y made himselfe king of Italy THierry was accused vnto the Emperour Zenon by some enuious persons that he affected the Empire whereupon the Emperour sent for him home to Constantinople there held him prisoner till such time as being put to his triall he purged him selfe Within a while after he was againe accused for the same matter being commaunded by the Emperour to make his repaire vnto him who was purposed to put him to death he sent a messenger to the Emperours Court vnto one Tolomee his great friend and familiar to vnderstand his opinion if he held it good for him to come to the Court or not Tolomee in regard of his oath made vnto the Emperour durst not reueale the secret of the Emperours purpose vnto the messenger of Thierry but appointing him to attend the Emperor at dinner time he streightly charged him to marke well what he should heare him there say to the intent he might rehearse the same vnto his maister that sent him The next day the Emperour sitting at his table and keeping open state Tolomee who was one of his nearest fauorities deuising with him of many things as they were at meate let fall this fable of set purpose The Lion quoth he being chosen king by the other beasts they all came to do him reuerence the Hart which is a goodly beast approching to salute him with the rest and bending himselfe before him the Lion tooke him by the hornes purposing to deuoure him but the Hart drew away his head with that strength and force as he escaped and saued himselfe The Reinard seeing the Lion to frown to grow in a great rage because the Hart had escaped him did promise the Lion to cause the Hart to come backe againe And vpon the matter he did so flatter the Hart with so many sweet and sugred words that he drew him backe againe to the Lion to whom he doing reuerence as before the Lion seized vpon his horns and the other beasts falling also vpon him so as he was soone deuoured The Reinard pulling out his heart did secretly eate it Each of the beasts sought very earnestly for his heart to make a present of it to the king but the same not being to be found the blame was laid vpon the Renard with great threats and stripes Alas quoth the Reinard I am wrongfully punished for the Hart had no hart at all for if he had had any he would neuer haue returned to be slain and deuoured This tale being marked and vnderstood by the messenger he returned to Thie●●y to whom he recited what he had heard whereby he was aduertized not to returne any more to the Emperour and within a while after he made himselfe king of Italy A sentence of king Attila and his titles ATtila king of the Gothes was wont to say That the griefe which he had conceiued in loosing of riches was greater then al the pleasure that he euer took in possessing of them Amongst many other titles which he esteemed excellent he chiefly bore this to be called The feare of the world and the scourge of God The words of Clotarius king of Fraunce at the time of his death CLotarius the first of that name king of Fraunce at the time of his death fell into these speeches saying often Vuach Auach How great is this King of heauen that thus killeth and causeth to dye the most great and mightie Kings and Princes of the world To men that are too much in loue with the world the tast of death is very bitter The sentence of Pope Zacharie concerning the electing of the King of Fraunce PEpin Maister of the Pallace of the king of Fraunce sent his Ambassadours to Pope Zacharie to haue his aduice whom he held to be most worthie to be King either him who for the profite and common good of the Realme did expose himselfe to all turmoile and trauell or him that liuing in idlenesse and slouth had no care or regard of the Common-wealth neither to augment it nor to defend it The Pope returned him in writing this answer That he was the fittest person to raigne and to be entitled King which tooke vpon him the charge and managing of the publique affaires both for the defence of the Realme and for the maintaining of iustice The French being informed of this answer deposed their king Childericke and thrusting him into a Monasterie elected Pepin king of Fraunce in his stead The pleasant message of Philip king of France to VVilliam duke of Normandy and king of England with his answer PHilip the first of that name k●ng of Fraunce being resolued to make warre against VVilliam the ba●stard Duke of Normandie that conquered England who had lien long sicke of a great swelling in his belly sent him word That he neuer before heard of any woman in Normandie that lay so long in childbed as he had done and that if he might vnderstād the time of his vpris●ng he would prouide him of lights against his Churching The Duke returned him this answer That he would not faile to let him vnderstand of his vprising and that he meant to come in person into Fraunce where himselfe would cause a solemne Masse to be song at his Churching and that for lights he would prouide a thousand Torches without waxe whose s●aues shold be of wood and a thousand launces tipt with steel to giue fire to those torche● By the Torches without waxe and of wood he meant houses tovvnes villages vvhich he vvould set on fire and by the launces he meant men at armes Of the letters of promise which the same William Duke of Normandie sent vnto the Earle of Flanders THe same VVilliam Duke of Normandie hauing a determinatiō to make a conquest of England as being his right in
greatest victorie which I euer obtained was against the diuel at such time as I was baptized in the church of Poissi And therefore the greatest honour which I would haue done me is that men should cal me Levvis of Poissi Of the same Levvis A Certaine priuate friend of his did blame him for that in writing his priuate and familiar letters he did not entitle himselfe king of Fraunce but Loys of Poissi To whom he said I am like the king which mē chuse with the Beane at Twelfetide who commonly doth obserue the feast of his royaltie in the euening His meaning vvas that the Crovvne vvhich he expected vvas the kingdom of heauen and by the euening he meant the end of this mortall life The desire that Saint Levvis had to cut off all blasphemies out of his kingdome KIng Levvis hauing caused one who had blasphemed the name of God to be marked in the lippes with a hote burning iron and hearing that some of his subiects did murmure at it he said openly in the hearing of a great multitude I wold to God that I my selfe were so marked with a hote iron on my lippes on the condition that there were no oathes nor blasphemies vsed within my realme Whensoeuer he began to speake or to do any thing and especially when he was set in Councell the first thing he vsed to do was to blesse himsel●e with the signe of the Crosse in calling vpon the name of God For his saying was that his mother had so taught him euen from his infancie Of the instructions vvhich the king Saint Levvis of Fraunce gaue vnto his sonne Philip. MY sonne the first lesson which I giue thee is To loue God with all thy hart with all thy strēgth and with all thy soule Offend not God in any case Suffer any torments rather then sin Take patiently whatsoeuer aduersitie God shall send thee and thanke God for it acknowledging that thou hast deserued it Confesse thy selfe often to some good man a Minister of the church Be diligēt to heare the deuine Seruice song in the Church of God Obserue carefully the good customes of thy kingdome but take away such as are euill Raise not any Taxes or Tallages vpon thy subiects but vpon great necessitie Entertaine those into thy seruice who feare God loue iustice and hate couetousnesse Desire not that thy Iudges should giue iudgement for thee in any cause against thy subiects farther then reason and truth will iustifie Preserue the cities and townes of thy kingdome in their franchises and liberties wherein thy predecessours before thee haue maintained them Giue the Benefices and Offices of thy kingdom to good men and such as are capable of them Moue not warre against any Christian and if any offence be committed thou oughtest to pardon it being required In places of iustice and iudgment see thou prouide such as are good men and godly Make diligent enquirie of thy houshold seruants whether they be addicted to couetousnesse or to prodigalitie Be thou such a one in thy life and conuersation as men may take good example by thee For as the head is such commonly are the members Take good heede that the expences of thy house be moderate and in measure And the blessing of God be alwaies with thee A notable saying of Philip the faire king of Fraunce PHilip le bel king of Fraunce hauing a certaine quarrell against Pope Boniface the eight wherof hath bene before spoken and being vrged by some to take reuenge of the Bishop of Palmers who was the principall procurer and perswader of the contentiō between thē he made thē this answere That it was a greater glorie for any Prince of courage and magnanimitie to pardon those of whom he might easily take reuenge then to execute reuenge vpon them Of king Philip de Valois vvho confirmed the lavv Salique by the Scriptures CHarles le bel king of Faunce being deceased without heire male Edvvard the third king of England intitled himselfe King and inheritour of Fraunce in the right of his mother Isabel sister to the said king Charles Philip de Valois being the next heire male opposed himself against the title of king Edvvard and obtained the kingdome by colour of the law Salique which excludeth women from the Crowne of France and as the common saying of the French is suffereth it not to fall to the distaffe And amongst many authorities cited for the iustification of that law he alleadged for one these words of the holy Scripture Consider the Lilies of the field hovv they do grovv and do neither labour nor spinne Of the Latin verses vvhich king Edvvard and king Philip de Valois sent each to other AFter that king Edvvard of England had quartered the Armes of Fraunce with those of England had ioyned the three flowers Deluce in a field Azure with the three Lions Or in a field of Gules the report goeth that he sent to king Philip d● Valois these foure verses which howsoeuer they might be thought of in that age at this day are held but barbarous vz. Rex sum regnorum bina ratione duorū Anglorū r●gno sum rex ego iure paterno Matri● iure quidem Francorū nuncupor idem Hinc est armorum variatio facta meorū TO these verses of king Edward king Philip replyed in other sixe as good stuffe as the former Praedo regnorum qui diceris ess●duorum Francorū regno priuaberis atque paterno Matris vbique nullumius proles non habet vllum Iure mariti carens alia mulier est prior illa Succendunt mares huic regno non mulieres Hinc est armorum variatio stultatuorū The ansvver of king Edvvard the third to those that required him to send aide to his sonne the black Prince at the battell of Cressie THe same Edvvard king of England in the field foughten betweene the armie of England and the French power vnder Philip de Valois at the battell of Cressie in Ponthieu where the French had a notable ouerthrow being told by an English knight that his sonne the Prince of VVales who had the conduct of the maine battell of the English and the Noblemen which were there with him were very fiercely assailed by the French and did desire his Maiestie to come to their succour with the Reareward whereof the king himselfe had the leading The king demaunded of the knight saying Is my sonne dead or hurt or striken down No Sir said the knight but he is hardly bestead Returne then quoth the king to them that sent you hither and tell them That my pleasure is they send no more to me for any aide as long as my sonne is liuing but let him alone this day win his spurres For if God so will my meaning is that the honour of this day shall be his This message did so encourage the English that they caryed away the victorie By vvinning of his spurres he meant he should get him the honour of a hardie Knight because one
of the Ceremonies at the dubbing of a new Knight is to tye on a paire of gilt spurres Of tvvo Latine verses made by king Philip de valois against king Edvvard BEcause king Edvvard was supposed contrarie to his faith and allegiance to haue inuaded the realme of Fraunce king Philip to taxe him with it made these two verses Anglicus Angelus est cui nunquam credere fas est Dum tibi dicit aue tanquā ab hoste caue Howbeit some say that this was Pope Alexander the third at such time as the English went to Rome to excuse and purge themselues to the Pope of the death of Saint Thomas of Canterburie whome they had caused to be slaine The bold speech of Blaunch the daughter of king Charles the faire THe same king Philip on a time speaking very bitterly to the Ladie Blaunch Duchesse of Orleance daughter of king Charles the faire touching the succession of the realm of Fraunce she said vnto him very liberally and boldly Sir if I had had a paire of stones you durst not haue vsed those wordes which you haue now vttered but you had smarted for it Meaning that if she had bene a man as she vvas a vvoman she should haue bene king of Fraunce The speech of king Iohn of Fraunce to the Prince of VVales vvhen he vvas taken at the batell of Poytiers IOhn king of Fraunce being prisoner in the battell of Poytiers to the Prince of VVales was conducted to the English campe where his supper was prepared for him at the which the Prince serued him with his head vncouered The king prayed him diuerse times to sit downe with him but the Prince excused himselfe saying that it did not beseeme the vassal to sit nere his Lord. The king said vnto him my purpose was to haue bestowed a supper on you this night but the fortune of warre would that you should giue it me The cautelous answer of king Edward to king Iohn IN the time of truce accorded betweene Iohn king of Fraunce and Edward king of England the English men for a summe of money got by composition the castle and towne of Guines to be rendred vnto thē whereof king Iohn being aggrieued complained to the king of England and told him that he had brokē the truce contrary to the compact betweene them whereunto king Edward made this answer I haue not quoth he broken the truce for there was not any article contained in the Treatie betweene vs that did prohibite or defend vs from traffiquing together or to debarre vs or our subiects from the trade of merchandize each with other The commendations which Edvvard king of England gaue to Charles the fifth king of Fraunce THe same king Edvvard hauing taken the seas with a fleete of ships wherein were foure thousand launces and eleuen thousand Archers with intent to go and raise the siege of the French before Tours in Aquitaine he had the wind so contrarie that he could not proceede nor prosecute his intended voyage into Fraunce wherefore returning much discontented into England he vsed these or such like words of king Charles the fifth There was neuer yet said he any king in Fraunce who vsed lesse to beare Armes then this Prince and that without once stirring out of his chamber but onely by sending and writing of letters did so much trouble his enemies or my selfe either as he hath done The Cartels which Henry king of England and the duke of Orleance sent to each other LEwis duke of Orleance sonne to king Charles the fifth after that the truce was accorded betweene the French king Charles the sixth and Henry of Lancaster king of England the said Duke being young of yeres and desirous of glory contrarie to the alliance which was made with the said king of England sent vnto him a Cartell of Armes with a chalenge of combate betweene them two and a hundreth Knights on ech partie who for the loue of their Ladies should trye their valour and prowesse each against other and that they which did best should haue the honour of the victorie Vnto which Cartell the king of England made this answer We are not determined to breake the truce much lesse will we violate or disanull the league of amitie and alliance made betweene vs neither do we meane to admit any equalitie betweene our royall Maiestie and your Lordship Howbeit seeing you are disposed to combat I can be content to accept and make it good man to man to the intent we may auoid effusion of bloud and not either for our Ladies or for vaine glorie but onely for the honour increase and preseruation of our Realmes Countries Territories and Dominions The true valour and magnanimitie of men is not to hazard their persons and liues but onely for the good of their countrey or for their honour or for the safetie of their liues The Oath vsed to be taken by the English men to their King at their going to the warres FRoissard reporteth that when the English in former times came into Fraunce to make warres they had this custome that the Captaines putting their hands into the handes of the king of England did solemnly sweare to obserue inuiolably these two things The one was that to no man liuing but to amongst themselues they would neuer reueale the secrets of their voyage and enterprize And the second that they wold neuer make nor consent to any treatie or accord with their ene●●●es without the priuitie and good liking of the King and his Councell The choise of king Charles the sixth CHarles the fifth on a time hauing shewed vnto his son afterwards called Charles the sixth a Crowne of gold richly set with precious stones and a helmet of steele faire gilt demaunded of him which of these two he would most willingly haue if he were put to make his choise His answer was that he would rather chuse the Helmet then the Crowne The like affection did he bewray at his new comming to the Crowne of Fraunce For when the Officers of his house shewed him the rich treasures and precious moueables of his father lately deceased and did afterwards bring him to the sight of the goodly Armories wherein were all sorts of Armes swords Corcelets Headpeeces and other furnitures fit for the warres he said all aloft Of the two quoth he I had rather haue these Armes then the riches which my father hath left me The Sayings and Sentences of king Lewis the eleuenth KIng Lewis the eleuenth after the battell of Mountleherry against the Count of Charolois bethinking himselfe of the Duchie of Burgundie and how the same was aliened in fee from the Crowne of Fraunce to the auncestours of the said Count of Charolois Dukes of Burgundie descended of a younger sonne of the bloud royall of Fraunce he brake into these speeches Men say quoth he that Charles the fifth was called Charles the sage but they had little reason to tearme him so for it was but a foolish part to giue
to the king of Fraunce Charles the seuenth to shew him in what estate the affairs of the warres then stoode and that for default of victuals money and other necessaries the French had lost certaine townes battels to the English The king willing to entertain the Captaine in good familiar sort shewed him all his delicate preparations of his pleasures and delights the sports the Ladies and the banquets wherewith he recreated himselfe and withall demaunded of him how he liked them The Hire very freely and liberally answered him saying Sir I neuer in my life saw Prince that lost his patrimonie more pleasantly then you do That man is to be reputed mad senselesse that vvill sit playing vvhilest his house is a burning A prompt and readie ansvver of an English Captaine the Lord Talbot TAlbot an English Captaine hauing besieged the citie of Orleance in the time of king Charles the seuenth the citizens fell to practise with the duke of Burgundie to yeeld themselues vnder his obeissance whereupon the Duke wrote to the said lord Talbot wishing him to leaue the siege and the rather for that his long abode before that place might be a great dammage and preiudice vnto him The lord Talbot suspecting the practise then in hand would not cōsent to the Dukes motion but sent him this answer I do not meane to beat the bush and that another shall haue the birds This speech in some histories is attributed to the duke of Bedford Regēt of France vnder Henry the 6. king of England The ansvver of Bartholom●w Aluiano to king Levvis the tvvelfth BArthelm●w Aluiano a Captaine of the Venetians and Generall of their armie at the battell of Agnadell was there taken prisoner by the French and presented to king Lewis the twelfth who demanding of him vpon what ground or reason he bore armes against him the said Barthelmevv made this answer Sir I haue vndertaken the warre against you for two speciall reasons The first is for discharge of my dutie to my countrie The second is for that hauing to deale against so great and puissant a Prince as you are if I had obtained the victorie my renowne and fame had bene eternall and being vanquished I shall haue neuer the lesse honour and reputation with them of my countrey when they shall enter into due consideration of your greatnesse and excellencie for the hardinesse couragious boldnesse which I had to resist against you shall turne to my glorie and honour Men of haughtie courage do not attempt other then great actions the issue vvhereof cannot but turne to their honour A tyrannicall Sentence of Prospero Colonna PRospero Colonna being Colonel of the Italian men at armes which were within Millain a citizen of Millain came to complaine vnto him of the exactions and pillaging of his soldiers vnto whom he said Millain is like vnto a bird from which if one pull away the feathers she bringeth foorth others much more faire and beautifull The ansvver of an Italian to Ascanio Colonna AScanio Colonna hauing many goodly liuings and possessions in Romania arriued in a certaine towne of his own where all the chief men came vnto him to salute him to do him reuerence onely one citizen excepted who being very rich yet no Gentleman had one only son an honest faire conditioned young man who being singularly endued with all the gifts and graces wherewith nature cold enrich him was not inferiour but rather excelled all others there inhabiting Seigneur Ascanieo inuited that same citizen to supper at the end whereof he demaunded of him to haue his sonne to serue him promising to preferre him and aduaunce him highly The citizen said vnto him no sir I will not that he shall serue you for I remember me of an old Prouerbe which withholdeth me from condescending hereunto What Prouerbe is that said Seigneur Ascanio The citizen answered Hearken sir and I will repeate it vnto you Male è chi gli serue Peggio è chi gli disserue Beato è chi non gli conosse That is to say Ill is he that serueth Worse is he that cannot please But happy is he that knoweth neither An excellent comparison made by a G●ntleman of Genua LEwis Sforce being determined to exact a great summe of money by compulsion vpon the citie of Genes sent an Ambassadour thither to negotiate this businesse who being inuited by a chiefe personage of the Citie to dine with him and walking into the garden of that citizen his house there they two fell into communication of that matter the Gentleman Geneuois seeing the herbe Basell said vnto the Ambassadour My lord Ambassadour stroke your hand along vpon and after smell vnto it which he did and confessed that the sauour of it was most sweete and odoriferous My Lord quoth the Geneuois againe straine the herbe in your hand and then smell to it which he did likewise and said that it yeelded a very bad and lothsome sent Wherupō the Geneuois said vnto him My lord if the duke Lewis wil gently stroke the hand of his puissance ouer this citie without any violent dealing he shall find it to yeeld a good sauor very obedient vnto him but if he come to oppresse it to force it by compulsion surely it will yeeld but a sharpe and ill tast by disobedience and rebellion The admonition of certaine French Captaines giuen to their souldiers IN the battell of Fornoue giuen by the potestates of Italy to king Charles the eight at his returne from the conquest of Naples the French Knights passing by the rankes of the battels as they were doing their deuoit in the thickest presse of their enemies and fearing lest the couetousnesse of the souldiers might make the French loose the victorie they cryed vnto their souldiers Remember the battell of Guinegare This was a battell foughten in the time of king Levvis the eleuenth against Maximilian king of the Romanes the which the French lost by giuing themselues to the pillage Of a French Knight vvhich taxed the Normans RAault the Dane who was afterwards the first duke of Normandy comming into Fraunce with a great armie there was sent against him Robert Earle of Aniou Marshall of Fraunce who demaunded of one Hastingue a Dane likewise being then Countie de Chartres whether he thought best to giue battell vnto Raault or not and what was his aduice therein Hastingue for some reasons disswaded him But a certaine noble Knight which caried the Banner of Fraunce perswaded the Marshall to the contrary saying My Lord did you euer see a wolfe seize vpon a wolfe or one foxe make war against another foxe Inferring hereby that they were both of one nation and that therefore it was very vnlikely that the one would hurt the other THe Elect of Senlis encouraging the French men at armes against the Flemings in the battell of Bouines vnder the king Philip Augustus amongst other words said It is not the part of any noble and valiant Knight to make the
VVilliam Rufus king of England 123 Z ZAchary Pope A Table of the chapters of this Booke OF the power of God chap. 1. Of Loue. chap. 2. Of Faith chap. 3. Of Hope chap. 4. Of Adulation and flatterie chap. 5. Of Ambition chap. 6. Of Enuie chap. 7. Of Couetousnesse and couetous persons chap. 8. Of Prodigalitie chap. 9. Of Lying toungs and presumptuous speeches chap. 10. Of Silence and words deliuered in conuenient season chap. 11. Of Indiscretion and want of wisedome chap. 12. Of Knovvledge of a mans self chap. 13. Of Amitie and friends chap. 14. Of Liberalitie magnificence chap. 15. Of Nobilitie and magnanimitie chap. 16. Of Goodnesse and humanity chap. 17. Of Honour and vvell doing chap. 18. Of Exercise and industrie chap. 19. Of VVrath chap. 20. Of Patience chap. 21. Of the praise of Riches chap. 22. Riches reproued chap. 23. Of Lavves and customes chap. 24. Of Fame and glorie chap 25. Of Short and sickly life chap. 26. Pouerty contemned chap. 27. Pouertie commended chap. 28. Of Beautie chap. 29. Of Presumption and boldnesse chap. 30. Of Pietie and mercie chap. 31. Of Libertie and bondage chap. 32. Of Ignorance chap. 33. Of Doctrine and a good vvit chap. 34. Of Abstinence and continence chap. 35. Of Prudence chap. 36. Of Strength chap. 37. Of Iustice and iudgement chap. 38. Of VViues and mariage chap. 39. Of Fortune chap. 40. Of Kingdoms Magistrates chap. 41. Of Captaines in vvarre chap. 42. Of diuers and ready ansvvers chap. 43. Of Vertue chap. 44. Of Death chap 45. Of Felicitie chap. 46. MEMORABLE Conceipts of diuerse Noble and famous personages of Christendome of this our moderne time Of Pope Alexander the third of that name and the Emperour Fredericke the first surnamed Barbarossa THE Emperour Frederick the first hauing had lōg warres with Pope Alexander the third and hauing driuen him for feare of him to forsake Rome and to flie disguised in the habite of a cooke ●nto Venice the said Pope of a long ●ime serued there in the place of a Gardiner within the Monasterie of ●ur Lady of Charity till such time as ●omming to be known to the Duke and Senate of Venice they tooke him thence and hauing with great solemnitie and magnificence conducted him in all his Pontificall ornaments to the Church of Saint Marke and he there hauing bestowed his blessing vpon them they guarded him from the power of the Emperour who in the end being brought to reason and reconciled vnto him came to doe him reuerence at the entrie of the said Church of Saint Marke in Venice and there offering to kisse his feete the said Pope set his foote vpon the Emperours necke saying It is written Thou shalt walke vpon the Aspe and the Basilisque and thou shalt tread vpon the lion and the dragon whereunto the Emperour as he lay prostrate at the Popes feete answered Not to thee but to Saint Peter do I this honour and to his successour do I yeeld my obeysance The Pope replied Both to me and to Saint Peter A Sentence of Pope Alexander THe same Pope being accustomed highly to commend the institution of the single life of Priestes and to blame their vsing of concubines was wont to vse this speech God hath forbidden vs to get children and the Diuell hath giuen vs Nephewes in their stead Of Pope innocent the fourth and the Emperour Fredericke the second IN the yeare of our Lord one thousand two hundred forty and fiue there fell great contentions and deuision betweene Pope Innocent the fourth and the Emperour Fredericke the second in so much as the Pope in the Councell of Lions denounced sentence against the said Fredericke to depose him from the Empire and the Emperour in despite sent certaine verses to the Pope who returned him answer in the verses following Fredericke Emperour to the Pope Roma diu titubans varijs erroribus acta Corruet mundi desmet esse caput Rome that hath long stood staggering in great daunger With sundrie errours tossed and distracted Shall now to ruine and worlds great Commaunder Shal cease to be reputed or respected The Pope to the Emperour Nitcris inassum naue● submergere Petri Fluctuat at nunquā mergitur illa ratis In vaine thou seekest S Peters shippe to drowne T' will neuer sinke though tost be vp and downe Fredericke Fatavolunt stellaeque docent auiumque volatus Quòd Fridericus ego malleus orbis ero The destinies will the starres foretel the flying fowles foreshew That Fredericke shall crush the world and keepe Rome vnder awe The Pope Fata volunt Scriptura docet peccata loquuntur Quòd tibi vita breuis poena perēnis crit The destinies will the Scripture tels thy sins they do foreshow Thy life but short thy punishment endlesse tormenting wo. Of Pope Clement the fourth and the Panormitanes THe Panormi●anes sent their Embassadours to the Pope to purge themselues from the guilt of the conspiracie whereof they had bene accused as parties in that famous murder of all the Frenchmen in Sicilia called the Sicilian Euensong These Embassadors hauing prostrated thēselues at the Popes feete beganne to say vnto him Lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon vs and graunt vs thy peace The Pope knowing them to be naturally mutinous and seditious told them that they did as the Iewes did to Christ who hauing saluted him with Hosanna in the highest yet after many torments did crucifie him To rebellious flatterers a seuere rigorous answer is best befitting Of the same Pope Clement his nephew THe said Clement caused a nephew of his who had three Prebends to resigne two of them and to keep one onely And albeit he was very earnestly sollicited by many persons that he would suffer his nephew to enioy the said Benefices and to preferre him to more rather then to take those from him He made them this answer He is not worthy to be the successour of S. Peter who giueth more to his kindred then to the poore members of Christ. A princ ipall part of the goods of the Church is in right due to the poore Of Pope Boniface the eighth and his sprinkling of ashes on his Cardinals THere was in time past a certaine famous faction in Italy between the Guelphes and Gibellines in the which Pope Boniface the 8. fauoured the party of the Guelphs Now it happened that on an Ash-wednesday the Pope being to put Ashes vpon the heads of the Cardinals and Bishops according to the vsage and institution of the Church of Rome one Prochet Archbishoppe of Genes who was of the faction of the Gibellines and therefore hated of Boniface came to present him selfe on his knees before the Pope to receiue of his ashes then Boniface both changing the ordinarie words vsed in that ceremonie and casting the ashes in to the Archbishop his face whereas the Pope should haue said Memento homo quòd cinis es in cinerem re●●erteris that is