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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B21038 The history of His sacred Majesty Charles the II, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, defender of the faith &c. begun from the murder of his royall father of happy memory & continued to this present year, 1660 / by a person of quality. Dauncey, John, fl. 1663.; Davies, James. 1660 (1660) Wing D292 74,871 224

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of the Spaniard with an Army of ten thousand men so that they intend with his assistance if they could not obtain their desires by fair means to have forc't it Thus these differences were arrived to such a height that nothing but a Civil war was like to ensue which made his Sacred Majesty of England use his utmost endeavours to compose stay this breach before it came to an utter overflow to which effect he dayly went to fro be twixt the King the Princes endeavouring to bring them to a reconciliatiō urging by his own example the miseries and calamities that must necessarily fall upon every mans head by a Civil War telling the King that the late example of his Royall Father of happy memory might be an inducement to him to be at peace with his Subjects rather then embroil his Kingdomes in a bloudywar by which though he might for the present gaine the better yet in the end he would stil be sure to have the worse Yet these Arguments and his Majesties earnest endeavours for peace and reconciliatiō produced nothing but only contracted an unjust odium upon him from both parties for his good will the Princes believing that he counselled the King against them and the Cardinal against him So that he lost the love of both by endeavouring to mak them love one another yet notwithstanding the ill successe he had this Noble Prince still pursues his pacifick intentions til such time as he gains a conference between the King Cardinall Princes but this proves ineffectuall For the Princes heightned with the aid they expected from the Duke of Lorain instead of coming to an accord only exasperate differences Yet his Sacred Majesty ceases not but endeavours to bring them yet to a peaceable compliance in order threunto procures another Conference where he himself would be Moderatour but this proves as ineffectuall as the former For the Prince of Conde was above all others outragious and would come to no agreement except Mazarine were first banished France and the French King as violently persisted in his resolution against it alledging That he had approved himself both a faithfull servant and an able Minister of State So in stead of agreement both sides prepare for War yet are both sides equally angry exasperated against his sacred Majesty for his good will toward them and the Nation the one and other party imagining that both he and his Mother had given counsels opposite to their designes But that which above all exasperated the Princes against his Majesty of England was the sudden luke-warmness of the Duke of Lorain in the business For though he had drawn off his Army as though he had complied with their resolutions to come to a battel yet being sent for by the Princes to advance towards Paris he refused to come which made the Princes believe there had been some underhand dealing with him and that which most of all encreased their jealousies that King Charles had a hand in it was this The Duke of Beaufort coming to the Camp of Lorain to desire him in the name of the Princes to come up and fight found there his Majesty his brother the Duke of York in private conference with Lorain who withdrawing when Beaufort appeared Beaufort finding the Duke's aversness to the enterprize confirmed him and he confirmed the Princes of the King of England's endeavours whereby he had withdrawn Lorain from their party This coming to the peoples ears who were absolute favourers of the Princes and inveterate enemies to Mazarine so extreamly incensed them against the English Princes that they threaten violence and indignities to their persons are not afraid to affront the Queen their Mother in her Coach which made his Majesty to avoid the popular fury retire himself from the Lovure to St. Germane Nor is the Cardinal less incensed though under a more politick vail For though both Princes and People might imagine believe that his Majesty had counsel'd things opposite to their intentions yet the Cardinal very well knew that he had advised the King as the best course to consent to his departure out of the Kingdome and that if he had endeavoured to draw Lorain from their party 't was only out of a desire he had to expedite their agreement he therefore resolves to thwart him in all his designs And so he did to the utmost of his endeavours For his Majesty though suspected by the Prince in his several conferences with Lorain to have endeavoured to divert him from them was only transacting with him for the recovery of his Kingdome of Ireland out of the hands of the English Republick to which effect several Articles were drawn up between the Duke of Lorain and the Lord Taaff two of which were 1. That the Duke of Lorain should transport an Army of 10000. men at his own charge into Ireland there to joyn with such as should be found Loyal for the Recovery of his Majesties Rights in that Kingdom 2. That the Duke of Lorain should by his Majesty be invested with the power and Title of Protector Royall of Ireland These Articles though drawn up never came to be signed the cause of which some have imagined to be the disability of the Duke to performe the Enterprise without the Aid of some other Prince but we may in more reason guess it proceeded from the strenuous endeavours of Mazarine his Majesties so lately made-enemy to divert the Duke's Army then from any other cause Many in England upon hearing of these Propositions made to the Duke of Lorain which I must confess some believe to have never proceeded any farther then discourse of the Duks feared his Majesties too great inclination to the Romish Religion which fear his after retirement at St. Germain's convinced there was no need of For here he spent his time wholly in Piety and Devotions according to the best worship of the Church of England never forgeting to pray for those his Enemies who were not only content to have deprived him of his Kingdoms but continually belched forth both slanders and maledictions against him His Majesty having staid at S. Germains till such time as the heate of the popular fury was over which decreased still towards them as they found Mazarine more averse to him returned again to the Lovure where during his abode his brother the Duke of Gloucester who had a long time been detained by the Juncto of England in the Isle of Wight and was lately permitted by them to go to his Sister the Princess Royal in Holland came to him accompanied from the Hague by Sir Marmaduke Langdale and Sir Richard Greenvile he was at his arrivall at Paris honourably received by the King of France and Queen Mother and courted according to his birth by the rest of the Grandees and Peers of the Kingdome Likewise during his Majesties abode here arrived his Quondam Preserver Mrs. Jane Lane who after she had taken leave of
that distinction that hath either heard of or know him will confesse him to be but if they will not let them be convinced by that saying of a worthy Gentleman long time an attendant upon his Majesty who having given me a large account of his virtues at length concluded That Tully himselfe if now alive could not sufficiently expresse his praise Gentlemen it is to you in Generall that I present this History that you may see and be sensible to whom you have been loyal and then I believe that you will judge that your loyalty hath found it's just reward in being loyal to so just a Prince and if any of you have suffered for him read but his sufferings and you cannot value your own Yet I intend not this at all to his pretended Tavern friends which I believe whilst they are so are so onely there and indeed I cannot looke upon these as faithful Subjects for how can that man be loyal to his Prince who hath not the power to be true unto himselfe Drunken Subjects though never so loyal will prove the ruine both of themselves and their Soveraign Gentlemen let those that are truly loyal joyn their Prayers with mine for the happiness of his most SACRED MAIESTY since in his we must necessarily conclud our own and more then ours our COVNTRIES To the Readers in general Courteous Readers IF in this History I have displeased any person they cannot be so much displeased as I am sory I have endeavoured to please all nor have I more then Justice enforced me to favoured any I have laboured as J professed to write impartially where J have not done so J am confident there will not want Carpers Jf in some particulers affection hath swayed me though J confesse it a fault yet it brings it's excuse What loyal subject can relate his Soveraigns sufferings without a passion what Free born English man's heart begins not to rise within him when he does but think of those Tyrannies Oppressions his Native Countrey hath of late groaned under where J have been bitter it has been with reason where sweet with a great deal of Justice Yet one thing J shall desire the Reader to take notice of that when J speak of the presbyterians J mean not those moderate people who are as truly loyal as they are godly but some amongst them like wolves in sheeps cloathing such as Straughan and Kerry in Scotland who onely pretend themselves to be Presbyterians but are in their proof found Sectaries these are the Flea-bitten Cleargy the Sowers of strife and sedition and a scandal to those to whom they pretend to be Brethren To conclude that all the Subjects of this Land may with one heart and voice agree together for the Restauration of our afflicted Soveraign but of our more afflicted selves to just Rights and Priviledges is the earnest prayer of A Hearty well-wisher to his Countrey THE HISTORY OF CHARLES the II. Third MONARCK of Great Britain c. THe Histories of Englands late opressours have already cloyd and overladed the exuberant Press whole Volums daily coming forth either of the Actions of the late long Parliament or the life of their aspiring Generall Cromwell which though adorn'd with all those flatteries that could possibly proceed from the most beneficed pens yet cannot in the least justifie their actions to the more sober sort of people for though their memories may here smell sweet to some who have rather tasted of their favour then suffered under their opression yet do they but render them to the sufferers more infamous and to the Neuter ridiculous like the extolling of Don Quixot's Chivalry And though there have been some who have adventured to set them out to the life and paint them in their own colours yet have many of these as farr exceeded the bounds of Truth as the others came short of it rather exasperated by their own or to please their fellow sufferrers into so great extreams have either side been lead out of fear or flattery anger or passion Moderation and Impartiality are the chiefest virtues of an Historian and therefore he who writs an History should chuse such a subject to write on where neither fear nor gain can induce him to flatter anger or passion or to too much bitternesse Most of our modern Historians have proposed to themselves either profit advantage or employment by their Works which hath made them run into their so many grosse errours and flatteries whilst had they only endeavoured to represent things persons and actions impartially they had gained to themselves farr greater honour of true Writing I have chosen a subject to write of which I conceive may lead me to a mediocrity the Persons afflictions may induce me to pity him but they will in most mens judgments restrain me from flattery Nor need I out of fear I being now though unwillingly out of his reach mince the truth of his if any bad actions I confesse the Task I undertake is highly adventurous my pen may slip times may change however my heart shall guide me to an impartiality CHARLES the II. Heir apparent to the Crown of Great Britain and Jreland and crowned King of Scots whose History I intend to treat of was born on the 29. of May 1630 to the great joy of the King Queen and indeed the whole Nation for never yet had England a Prince born of so noble an extract and grand Alliance his father by lineal right desent King of Great Britain and Jreland his mother daughter to that thrice illustrious Prince Henry the Fourth King of France and worthily sirnamed the Great and Maria de Medicis By his Grandmothers side was he near allied to the Kings of Denmark by the marriage of his Aunt the noble Princesse Elizabeth to the Elector Palatine of Rhene King of Bohemia and afterwards by the marriage of his Royal Sister the Princesse Mary to the Prince of Orange Thus was he allied to most of the most potent Princes in Christendome And happy might this Nation have been under his Government if we may believe the vogue of that wisest of men Solomon who pronounces that Kingdome blessed whose Prince is the son of Nobles He was some years after his birth according to the ancient Customes of England for the Kings Eldest Son invested Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and was in his minority brought up under the care of the Earle of Newcastle till in the year 1646. the Lord Hopton's Army in which he was being near inclosed by Sir Thomas Fairfax Generall of all the Parliaments Forces in the Devizes of Cornwall and the King his Fathers affairs being in a desperat condition all over England he was by the serious advice of his best friends perswaded to take shipping and depart for the Scillies from whence he was by the Parliament invited to return to London but he thought it safer for his Person to depart from thence to his Sister at
the Hague till the Royall affairs in England might gain a better posture which he did and there found a reception answerable to his Birth Not long after the King his Royall Father being in danger to be inclosed in Oxford by General Fairfax who returning out of the West had designed to block it up took care for his safety and attended only by Mr. Ashburnham or as some say attended on him went privily our thence and threw himselfe upon the Scotch Army then at Newark who shortly after notwithstanding his confidence of them for a sum of money delivered him up most perfidiously and traiterously to his implacable Enemies the English Army These after many pretences of Treaties and seeming willingness to come to an accord with him on that black day the 30. of January 1648. most villaniously and trayterously beyond the imagination of the World murder'd him Thus far is a short view of those hardships and afflictions undergone by this noble Prince during his Fathers Life Reign we will now proceed to those he hath since ran through which we may more properly and particularly call his Own Among which the Chief and greatest and from whence all his other miseries flowed as from their spring head was the deprivation of his Kingdome Royalties For that part of the Parliament of England which had usurped the whole power or more were not onely content to take a way his fathers life but by their Proclamation deprive him of all right in the Government of those three Kingdomes which they take upon themselves contrary both to the Word of God the Fundamental Laws of the Nation and his own undoubted right by birth he being lineally desended from that Family which had successively governed England for above three hundred years He was at that time of his Fathers death at the Court of his Sister the Royal Princesse of Orange in the Hague in expectation to hear rather of the Conclusion of a Treaty then of his murder to which effect he writ by the Lord Seymour the following Letter to him some short time before his Death For the King SIR HAving no means to come to the knowledge of your Majesties present condition but such as I receive from the Press or which is as uncertain reports I have sent this bearer Seymour to wait upon your Majesty and to bring me an account of it that I may withall assure your Majesty I doe not onely pray for your Majesty according to my duty but shall alwayes be ready to doe all which shall be in my power to deserve that blessing which I now humbly beg of your Majesty upon Sir Your Majesties Most humble and most obedient Son and Servant CHARLES Hague Jan. 23. 1648. And here he staid till he heard the heart breaking news of his Fathers Murther then shortly after he took his Iourney to the Queen his mother in France hoping there to get aid but found none which might render him in a capacity to revenge his Father's Death or demand his own right by force and in vain it was to think of any fair means to attain it Yet there wanted not some friends of his in England who willing to demonstrate how ready they were to adventure themselves for him his right as far as their weak abilities would strech caused under hand a Proclamation to be printed proclaiming him King of England Scotland France and Ireland and advising all his good Subjects to give all due Allegiance to him but the low condition of the Royalists then in England and the great strength and potency of the Parliaments Army made this Proclamation unvalid and those who at a fit opportunity would willingly have complied with it were forced to direct their Obedience to the contrary Goal But though England prov'd thus defective to his interest not so much I dare say in Allegiance as power Yet Jreland is at his Devotion for the Marquess of Ormond and the Lord Inchiquin having made a peace with the Quondam Rebels he is by joynt consent both of Papists and Protestants proclaimed King in most towns of that Nation Dublin and London-Derry only excepted which were kept from their Allegiance the one by the Lieu. General Iones the other by Sir Charles Coote who joyntly strove to justifie the Parliament of Englands late actions He being thus proclaimed there is solemnly invited to come over to them to which invitation his Mother earnestly adds her desires but the best of his friends and Counsellours as earnestly disswaded him upon reasons drawn both from prudence and Policy since in probability the design not succeeding it would utterly ruine his hopes with all the Protestant party then stedfast to him both in Scotland and England or that if he would needs venture himselfe with this party they desired him at least to attend whether by any good event of theirs there might be any probability of successe 'T is supposed that this Council swaied with him more out of his real affection to the Protestant Religion then any other Politick reason Yet he immediately after took a journey to the Isle of Iersey which startled some as though he had intended to have proceeded thence for Ireland but that suspition proved unnecessary he was accompanied hither by his Brother the Duke of York who was lately come to him out of Holland and many other Nobles Gentlemen the Islanders immediately upon his arrival most joyfully proclaimed him King and the Lord Iermyn Earle of Yarmouth was made Governour of that Island who constituted Sir George Cartwright his deputy Governour The King sends from hence his Royal command to the Governour of Gernsey Island which was then wholly subjected Cornet Castle only excepted to the Parliaments sorces requiring him to surrender the said Island to him and that his good Subjects there might have liberty to return to their due obedience but his command proved ineffectual Many affirm but how true I know not that the reason of the Kings removal to this Island was out of design to surprize Dartmouth and some other places in the West by the Levellers help who having then made a defection from the Parliaments Army in England were say they to have joyned with the Royalists for the intents and purposes a foresaid but whether so or no I cannot affirm though I can certainly tell this that were it so it proved uneffectual for the Levellers were soon overpowred and quell'd Whilst King Charles was hear expecting a Messenger from the States of Scotland came news of the unfortunate overthrow of the Marquess of Ormond his Army by Lieu. General Iones before Dublin which caused a generall sorrow among all his followers for there had been great hopes expectations of that Army it amounting to no lesse then twenty two thousand men was esteemed able not onely to have taken Dublin but likewise to have resisted Cromwell's then new comming Army in the field yet whether by the carlessness of the Commanders or security of the
made a debate whether they should make any more addresses to the King So impudent were they even after the treaty was concluded with him but there were found but thirty of these malevolent persons so the major part of the Votes carrying it in the affirmative it was resolved that another message should be sent unto him to invite him to make all possible speed to his Kingdome of Scotland protesting that they would venture Lives and Fortunes in assisting him to regain his Rights Kingdoms but they not only debar him from having those whom he chiefly favoured to wait upon him but likewise prohibit the Duke Hamilton the Earls of Lauderdale Seaforth and many other persons of qualities return to Scotland and they nominate such persons as they thought fit out of their own Gang to be officers of his houshold there The Juncto then siting and Governing in England had certain intelligence all along of the proceeds of the Treaty between his Majesty and the Scots together with their Propositions to assist him in the recovery of his Rights in England by some who sate in the Parliament of Scotland betrayed their counsells and earnestly solicited the English to assault Scotland before they were themselves assaulted and invaded to which effect they prepare an Army without any just pretence which they give to Oliver Cromwell to command making him Generalissimo of all the Forces of that Commonwealth in the room of Sir Thomas Fairfax whose Commission was between taken away and laid down Some time before his Majestie 's departure from Holland into Scotland newes was brought of the unfortunate loss of all Prince Rupert's Fleet most of his ships being either taken sunk or burnt by General Blake Admiral to the English Navy so though the Treaty was concluded with Scotland his Majestie 's affairs went every where else to wrack At length all things being in a readiness his Majesty about the beginning of Iune 1650. took shipping at Sheveling in Holland and after a tedious storm and narrow escape of some English Vessels which lay in wait for him arrived at Spey in the North of Scotland Some Lords are sent down to receive him and to accompany him to Edenbrough where two stately houses are richly provided and furnish't to entertain him He was all along the Countrey entertained with the General joy of all the people severall presents being given him by the Towns as he came along Aberdeen presented him with 1500. l but the Committee of Estates and Kirk fearing that such diet would prove too unwieldy to their pleasures sent an injunction to several places requiring them that what ever moneys they had to bestow they should bring it to such treasuries as should be appointed by them Thus they permit not the Subjects to shew their good will to their Soveraign nor him to receive it Nor were the States Kirk as yet content with those hard conditions but they send him new propositions to Dundee to sign which after some reluctancy he performed for indeed he could do no otherwise being now in their clutches The Parliament and Committee of Estates in Scotland had while they expected his Majesties arrivall been consulting about the framing of an Army every fourth man in the Kingdome is ordered to be trained and sixteen thousand foot and six thousand horse to be raised for his Majesties present service Of this Army the Earle of Leven is made General of the Foot and Holborn Major General David Lesley Lieutenant General of the Horse and Montgomery Major General the place of Generalissimo was reserved for the King though he never went into the field with the Army His Majesty being come to Edenbrough is received by the Parliament and Committee of Estates Kirk with infinite complements and expressions of fidelity affection and with great acclamations of joy from the people and on the 15. of Iuly is again solemnly proclaimed King at Edenbrough Crosse but his coronation yet defer'd by reason of the then troubles For the English Army notwithstanding the Scots had expostulated them the unjustness of invading their Countrey was advanced upon the borders at Muscleborough the Scots under Montgomery with a small party set upon the English Army but were worsted and so the two Armies moved at a distance one from the other till they came as far as Dunbar where the Scots had got a considerable advantage by reason of a passe and brag'd they had got the English in a pound but whether by their own carelesnesse and over security or the over-reaching courage and valour of the English I cannot tell a totall losse they had there the passe gain'd from them themselves wholly routed and dispersed I am the shorter in relating the passages between these two Armies in regard that though the King was made Generalissimo yet he had no influence upon the Army which might rather be called the States or Kirks then the Kings for though he was there present and bore the title of King yet they had the whole power and made and revoked Lawes and Orders The King was then with the States at Saint Iohnstons when the newes of this losse and that of the Death of his Sister the Princesse Elizabeth arriv'd much about the same time and some have been bold to affirm that the latter grieved him more then the former in regard of the imperiousness which 't was probable the States of Scotland would have usurped had the successe answered their minds And sufficiently imperious were both they and the Kirk already notwithstanding the ill fortune of their affairs for so great was their insolency towards his Majesty in their earnestness to purge his house in extorting Declarations from him against his own party and proceedings in usurping the whole government of affairs to themselves in placing guards of their own creatures upon his Person c. That his sacred Majesty no longer able to suffer such intollerable affronts abuses went secretly away accompanied only with four horse towards the North of Scotland where the Marquess of Hunt ley the Earls of Seaforth and Atholl the Lords Ogilby and Newburgh with the Gourdons were ready to appear for him with a considerable party Scotland was at this time not only perplexed with a forreign enemy in her bowels but with civill distempers divisions for in the West there was a party under the cōmand of Straughan Kerr who declar'd against the actions of the Committee of Estates for their too much hast and precipitation in the Treaty with the King for their receiving him before he had given any evidence of a real change That they believed his profession of the cause and covenant was counterfeit and therefore refused to submit to his power These men were purely for the Kirk against the King's Authority Another party there was in the North under the Command of Huntley Atholl Seaforth c. who declared purely for the Kingly Authority disclaiming and disowning all power or order of
Count D' Fuensaldaigne his Embassadour to his Majesty of Great Britain then resident as I said before at Colen inviting him into the Low Countries and assuring him in the name of his Catholick Majesty all possible service and assistance which invitation his Majesty gratiously accepted and soon after took his journey from Colen towards Flanders being come to Bruges the place appointed for his reception he was received with all honours imaginable and conducted to a Pallace purposely provided for him where he hath for the most part ever since remained Hither the Duke of York came accompanied as aforesaid having first in his way touched at Brussels where he was magnificently entertained and complemented by Don John to whom he freely proferd his service in the Wars which was accepted with a great deal of thanks and though he had not at first a command given him corespondent to that which he left in the French Army yet was his prudence courage valour conduct in no less respect as afterwards by the Spaniards esteem of him appeared From thence he went to wait on his Majesty at Bruges where he was received with an affection correspondent to the near Alliance with his sacred Majesty Before his Majesties departure from Colen there hapned a discovery of one of those persons who under pretence of waiting upon him Captain Manning by name discovered unto the Protector all his Designes and Counsels who being found out was by his Majesties Command sent to a strong Castle adjacent to Colen there to be kept close prisoner But all the Court being highly incensed against him for his perfidiousness one of his Majesties Servants though contrary to order pistol'd him as he was lighting out of the Coach at the Castle gate giving him less then the due reward of his so abominable treachery The Duke of York being arrived as I said at Bruges was highly carressed by all the persons of quality there resident and his Majesty who notwithstanding Cromwells earnest endeavours either to dispatch disable or make slaves of his loyal Subjects had nevertheless some true friends in England who were still ready to venture lives and estates for his so just cause had got together a considerable number of such English and Scotch whose Loyalty had banished them from their habitations who were ready at all occasions to assist both his Majesty and themselves for the recovery of his their just rights estates but the continuall advice which Cromwell alwaies had from those treacherous persons which he maintained about his Majesty made all enterprizes tending to the regaining of his Kingdoms and redeeming of his subjects liberty ineffectuall This Army which his Majesty had quartered near the sea side to be ready on all occasions for transport was afterwards since there was no apparent hopes that his Majesty might make any successfull use of them imployed in the service of the King of Spain For his Majesty of Spain had then great need of men in Flanders the English Protector having according to Articles agreed upon between him and the French King sent over sixthousand foot for his assistance in his wars against Flanders in consideration of which help the English were to have Dunkirk which was agreed on to be beleaguer'd by the joynt-forces of France and England Whilst in the mean time the Protector Cromwell is by a parcell of a Parliament of which Sir Thomas Withrington was Speaker invested with his power and installed in Westminster-Hall and now he conferrs those dignities which were formerly the Kingly rewards of loyalty upon his copartners and followers and whether in mockery of that Government which he had so violently endeavoured to abollish or out of perjured intention to setle it in himself which he swore not to endure in another he established a Pageant House of Lords who though then made to rule and domineer over the Nation yet were formerly most of them persons not fit to be Servants to some mean Mechanicks This was that Government which he had so Solemnly sworn against but when men have once forgot their Loyalty to their Soveraign what vices will they not run into But to return again to Flanders The English and French Armies had according to the articles concluded on betwixt them beleagure'd Dunkirk which Don Iohn knowing to be a place of great importance and an inlet into Flanders by sea for English Forces used his utmost endeavours to raise the sieges to which effect he levied what Forces he could either by his own or his Majesties influence and having made up a considerable Army himselfe in person accompanied by the English Dukes of York Glocester together with those Forces formerly addicted to his Majesties Service advanced towards the joynt-force of the French and English then beleaguring the Town who understanding by their scouts of his approach left such Forces in the leagure as might secure them within from a sally and drew up towards Don Iohn who had encamped near Evernes the French and English were notwithstanding those forces they had left in the trenches much more numerous then the Spaniards both in horse and foot which made them the more resolved in the Encounter for though the others came to raise the siege yet the besiegers were the first Assaulters The first brush began with a Forlorn hope of English Infantry consisting of above three hundred who desperatly charged upon a party of the Spanish Foot which had advantagiously drawn themselves upon a rising ground and seconded by Lockart's Regiment commanded by Lieutenant Colonell Fenwick and some other additional supplies of English Infantry routed not only them but the other bodies of Spanish Foot drawn up on the same manner In this charge Lieutenant Colonell Fenwick received his mortall wound some other English Commanders were slain outright The Spanish Cavalry seeing their foot so easily put to a rout began likewise to flie nor could by any endeavours be perswaded to stand whereupon the French Horse who had all that while stood still and seen the English do execution on the Enemies foot with a full career pursue their flying Enemies of whom they found little opposition but only what was made by the thrice valiant Duke of York's Regiment who for a time made the whole French Army to stand and saved the lives of many of their flying Friends which else had been sacrificed to the Enemies fury whilst in the mean time they dedicated their own lives or persons to their safeties For after they had made a very noble gallant resistance over powred by numbers having no supplies to refresh their wearied bodies they were forced to yeild to their Enemies numbers or trust to the swiftness of their horses heels but very few of them escaped among which were the Dukes of York Glocester though the first was not heard of till three daies after which made some suspect that he was taken by the French Forces but by Turine after at a fit opportunity nobly
all means possible to keep down hatred to their Tyrannies makes the people naturally desire his restauration and him whom before they thought justly expulsed they think it both Justice and Charity to reinstate as much considering it to be their own as his interest experience having taught them the difference between the Government by one gentle Prince and many Rusticks Thus far did these mens devisions invest his sacred Majesty with the love of his people who in the mean time lives retiredly at Bruges expecting either what the good will of his subjects might do for the restoring him to his right or what the success might be of that Treaty which was then the grand action of Europe in agitation between those two potent Monarchs France and Spain from whose joynt-forces he might expect so great a supply as might have reinstated him in his Dominions by force a course most of all opposite to his Majesties nature who even in private things never attempts any thing by violence which he can obtain by intreaty Yet great hopes had the Royalists both in England and aboade that this Treaty would produce some good effects yet it went on very slowly after a great deal of tediousness came to a cessation and from that to an interview between the two grand Officers of State Don Lew is de Hare Count de Olivares chief favourite to his Catholick Majesty and Cardinall Mazarine chief Minister of State to the most Christian King these being met upon the Frontier his sacred Majesty of great Britain was invited thither by Don Lew is de Haro His Majesty received this invitation at Diepe in Normandy whither he had privately withdrawen himself as likewise had his Brother the Duke of York to Calice that they might be in a readiness to have come over into England upon any fit opportunity they having received many invitations from their friends here about that time when Sir George Booth was up in Cheshire and all England in a manner gaping for him But Sir George being as I said before overcome his Majesties and the whole Nations hopes fail'd and the Phanatick power still continued Paramount His Majesty therefore from Diepe begins his journey towards the frontiers of Spain which journey he intended to make privately and being first come to Roan he was there nobly entertained and feasted by Mr. Scot an English Merchant who accompanied his Majesty to the Protestant Church about three miles from the City where with a great deal of Devotion and Attention he heard a Sermon From Roan his Majesty accompanied with the Marquess of Ormond the Lord Digby Mr. Oneen took Post steering their course directly for Bayonne neer which the two great officers of state were to meet not staying in any place but endeavouring by all means possible to travel undiscovered as was before resolv'd Being come near to the end of his Journey advice was sent to Don Lewis de Haro of his Majesties approach who immediately accompanied with a gallant Train came forth to meet him and being come near unto him Don Lewis alighted from his horse and notwithstanding the place where they met was very durty kneeling down he clapt his hands about his Majesties Knees and with a great deal of humility kissed them His Majesty was from hence conducted with becoming Ceremonies to the place appointed for his accomodation Don Lewis riding all the way bareheaded by him where he was entertained with all possible splendor and gallantry Many overtures and propositions there passed between his Majesty and Don Lewis de Haro touching what aid and assistance might be granted him by his Catholick Majesty for the regaining of his rights Kingdoms his Majesty endeavouring by all means possible to promote and further the present Treaty between France Spain and to bring it to a happy conclusion by the Marriage of the King of France to the Spanish Infanta it tending so much to his interest that 'till the conclusion of it nothing could be effected by those Princes which might any way promote his right or possession To all his desires or propositions the noble Count de Olivares returned pleasing answers carried himself with so much respect towards him that he could not have been more submissive to the Catholick Majesty of Spain his Master His Majesty having some time been treated here returned back again through France being accompanyed some part of his way by Don Lewis and repassing the rest privately by Post as he had formerly passed it till he came to Charinton and Paris where his Mother was with whom he staid some few dayes though he was not now Courted and carressed by the French Nobility as formerly and then returned to his residence at Brussels His Majesties private departure from Brussels his privacy during his whole journy made it certainly believed that both he his Brother the Duke of York who lay at Callis were come over into England that they lay hear concealed expecting according to the event of things either to discover or secure themselves nay so certain was the belief even those in power had of it who had not so good intelligence as Oliver Cromwell that many persons were aprehended for them and particularly one Mr. Colt was taken for the Duke of York and kept in prison for him till such time as certain news arrived in England of the Dukes return to Brussels Several other persons likewise suffered imprisonment forbeing suppos'd tobe like either his Majesty or his Brother His Majesty living retired at Brussels the continuances of the differences in England among those who had usurped his power doth still highly promote his interest For though Lambert had routed Sir George Booth and by it declared absolutely against a Free Parliament for which as the undoubted right of the Nation Sir George Booth and his party took up Arms yet the people could not be content but now once put in the way they began violently to hanker after their long lost Liberty Nor could the turning out of the Rump for so had the people out of disgrace termed the Juncto which then sate whom they inveterately hated any whit now sweeten them in their slavery but they continually murmured out agravated their oppressions one to another though they came to no violence yet 't is suspected it was more out of the hope they had that Generall George Monck who was then marching with his Army out of Scotland should assert their Liberties which somewhat allayed the popular fury then out of any fear or Cowardise But in the mean time their expectations seem'd utterly to fail them for the Rump had by their industry so inveigled most of the Army from Lambert that by their help they return and take their seats in the House and dissolve his Committee of Safety cōmanded the Souldiers of his Army to repair to their appointed Quarters Order Generall Monck to bring up his Army to London in all which they are punctually obeyed