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A29601 Britanniæ speculum, or, A short view of the ancient and modern state of Great Britain, and the adjacent isles, and of all other the dominions and territories, now in the actual possession of His present Sacred Majesty King Charles II the first part, treating of Britain in general. 1683 (1683) Wing B4819; ESTC R9195 107,131 325

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by the Conversion of many of the chiefest Roman Senators began to hearken to the Admonitions of such as taught that Religion here in Britain the Fountain whereof understanding to be at Rome and not knowing of any Ecclesiastical persons in Britain of Authority sufficient to establish here a New Church sent Elvanus of Avallonia and Medwinus of the Province of the Belgae with Letters to St. Eleutherius then sitting in St. Peters Chair desiring from him more perfect Instruction and a greater Authority for setling the common Affairs of Christianity St. Eleutherius together with the same Messengers one of which to wit Elvanus he is said to have consecrated a Bishop sent over to him two Reverend Prelates whose Names were Phaganus and Diruvianus commissionating them not only to instruct and Baptize the King and such others as should embrace the Christian Faith but also to order and establish all Ecclesiastical Affairs in the Kingdom But whereas the King desired that his Messengers might bring with them the Roman Laws according to which he would order the Civil State of his Kingdom the holy Bishop sent him word that those Laws were not necessary for the Constitution of a Christian Common-Weal since that in them many things were established that ought not to be observed by the Professors of Christianity These Messengers being arrived the King his Queen his Sister St. Emerita and his whole Family were washt in the Laver of Baptism whose good Example a great number of his People soon followed A Testimonial of this Conversion is yet remaining in the Library of Sir John Cotton being a Coin of this King bearing his Image his Name LVC and the Sacred Sign of the Cross the common Badge of Christianity This done these four holy Men employd themselves in Preaching the Gospel of CHRIST through all the Provinces of the Kingdom disputing daily with the Druids and by the help of the Kings Authority and Zeal abrogating their abominable Superstitions whose horrid Sacrifices of humane Blood had caused the Romans long since to prohibit them in Gaul and consecrating Priests and Bishops and designing for Episcopal Sees those Places where formerly the chief of the Druids whom by a Title borrowed from the Romans our Historians writing in Latin frequently term Flamines and Archiflamines had their Residence The Names of the Cities that were then in Britain compassed with Walls and fortified with Towers and Gates for each of which a Bishop was intended are as followeth 1. Cair Guintwick now Winwick in Lancashire 2. Cair Mincip Verolam near St. Albans 3. Cair Liqualid now Carlile 4. Cair Meguaid now Meivod in Montgomeryshire 5. Cair Colun now Colchester 6. Cair Ebranc now York 7. Cair Seiont afterwards Cair Custeint near Carnarvon 8. Cair Caradoc in the Borders of Shropshire 9. Cair Grant now Cambridge 10. Cair Maunguid now Manchester in Lancashire 11. Cair Lundein now London 12. Cair Guorthigirn in Radnorshire 13. Cair Ceint now Canterbury 14. Cair Guiragon now Worcester 15. Cair Peris now Portsmouth 16. Cair Daun now Doncaster in Yorkshire 17. Cair-Legio now Westchester 18. Cair Guricon now Warwick 19. Cair Segeint now Silcester in Hampshire 20. Cair-Leon on Usk in Monmouthshire now quite demolished 21. Cair Guent now Winchester 22. Cair Britto now Bristol 23. Cair Lerion now Leicester 24. Cair Draiton now Dragton in Shropshire 25. Cair Pentavelcoit now Ilchester in Somersetshire 26. Cair Urvac now Wroxcester in Shropshire 27. Cair Calemion now Camelet in Somersetshire 28. Cair Lindcoit now Lincoln Three of these were designed to be Metropolitical Cities the Title of Archbishops not being then in use viz. London York and Cairleon upon Vsk the first whereof was York being at that time not only a Colony of the Romans but the Place where the Emperours Palace and Courts of Judicature were kept The first Metropolitan of London was St. Theanus for whom the King built a Church in the place called Cornhil which was consecrated to St. Peter In the Year of CHRIST 186. the holy Prelates Phaganus and Diruvianus going to Rome obtained a Confirmation of all they had done in Britain from St. Eleutherius from whom at their Return hither they presented the King with an hallowed Crown These Holy men being now come back there were more Churches built particularly that of Westminster which which was even from its first Foundation deputed for the Burial of our Kings and that of Winchester to which the King granted great Immunities setling on it ample Revenues and placing therein Monks living according to the Rule delivered by St. Mark the Evangelist Nor was the Devotion of King Lucius content only to build Churches and Monasteries but he erected also Seminaries of Learning of which that of Bangor was most remarkable wherein at the coming of St. Augustin into England there were more than two thousand Monks Christian Religion being thus setled in Britain King Lucius out of his Zeal to propagate the Gospel is said to have relinquished his Crown and passed over into Bavaria and Rhaetia together with his Sister St. Emerita where being Crowned with Martyrdom he was buried at Curia or Chur after whose Death the Romans suffered no more British Kings within their Province St. Phaganus and Diruvianus travelling over the whole Island teaching and baptizing the Inhabitants visited the Isle of Avallonia where they built another Oratory dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul and having established there a Succession of twelve persons in memory of St. Joseph and his Companions are supposed there to have ended their Dayes Anno Domini 191. Persecution under Dioclesian The Christian Faith thus setled in Britain flourished here unmolested by any Persecution till the Year of our Lord 286. when Dioclesian being now in the third year of his Reign took for his Companion in the Empire Marcus Valerius Maximianus These two Emperors the former whereof assumed the Surname Jovius as the other did Herculius designing wholly to extirpate Christianity out of the World raised a more dismal Persecution against the Professors thereof than ever any of their Predecessors had done and this their supereminent Cruelty they extended so far that the Isle of Britain which in former persecuting Emperors times had been exempted from participating with the Sufferings of other Nations was now made a Scene of Blood and the very first Theatre whereon these bloody Emperours began to Act those Tragedies whereat Mankind stood amazed The first that suffered under their cruel Edicts was our glorious Protomartyr St. Albanus who being an Inhabitant of Verulam descended of an illustrious Roman Family and the Emperors Procurator in Britain courteously tho himself yet a Pagan entertained a certain reverend Christian Priest named Amphibalus then newly come from Rome into Britain by whom being converted to the true Faith he lent him at his departure his own Military Cassock woven with Gold that he might the better escape for which being accused before the Judge constituted for that purpose and owning himself
named Lucius whence the Title of Primogenitus Ecclesiae rightfully belongs to the King of Great Britain but given to the Church the first Christian Emperor even the famous Constantin here born of there-nowned British Lady St Helena by whose Example and Encouragement the Faith was generally received throughout the whole Empire The Independency and Absoluteness of his Authority holding of none but GOD and having in his own Dominions neither Superiour nor Equal The Eminence of his Royal Dignity State and Titles his Realm not having been only stiled an Empire and his Crown Imperial but this Island both in antient and later Times having been regarded as another World whereof the Monarch is sole Lord and Emperor The Martial Exploits and Achievements of his Ancestors abroad amongst whom is the first Christian Worthy and first Founder of Martial Knighthood the famous King Arthur in whose Heroick Acts there is Truth enough all that is thought fabulous being rejected to render him renowned to all posterity The Gallantry and and Stoutness of his People arising from their Freedom the Plentifulness of their Country and Generality of their Wealth His long-lined Royal Extraction wherein His Majesty now Reigning excels all the Monarchs of the Christian if not of the whole World The Hospitality and Magnificence of his Court than which no Court in Christendom is served with more punctual Attendance and State The Diversity of Nations and differing maternal Tongues subject to his Command The admirable Laws and Constitutions of his Government The Greatness of his Power by Sea and Land both Offensive and Defensive These and many other his Prerogatives considered We may well be permitted to affirm that besides the Preeminence he may challenge by his just Right to the Crown of France the Monarch of Great Brittain except the Precedency which he as all other Christan Princes acknowledges to the Emperor if he go not before yet at least ought not to come behind any King whatsoever CHAP. XII Of Succession to the Crown of Great Britain THE Monarch of Great Brittain has Right to the Imperial Crown of this Island by Inheritance according to the Laws of GOD and Nature and the fundamental Constitutions of the Realms of England and Scotland which both agree in this That upon the Death of the King the next of Kindred tho born out of the Dominions of Great Britain or born of Parents not Subjects of Great Britain is immediately King before any Proclamation Coronation Publication or Consent of Peers or People The Rule of Inheritance given by GOD himself to the People of Israel is this If a man dy and have no Son then he shall cause his Inheritance to pass unto his Daughter And if he have no Daughter then ye shall give his Inheritance unto his Brethren Agreeably to which Rule the Crown of Great Britain descends as an inalienable Heritage from the Father to the eldest Son and his Heirs for want of Sons to the Eldest Daughter and her Heirs for want of Daughters to the Brother and his Heirs and for want of Brethren to the Sister and her Heirs And so unalterable is this Course of Descent that no Act no Crime no Attainder of Treason can bar the next of Blood from being King in the instant of Time his Predecessor does not so much dye as by a State Metempsychosis transmit his Life his Breath or his Soul into the Nostrils the Body of his Successor For Hereditary Monarchy being as it has been clearly demonstrated an immediate Ordinance of GOD founded in the Prime Laws of Nature and the Laws of GOD and Nature being as all Christians acknowledge absolutely immutable it is a Madness to think that any Act of Parliament can change this unchangeable Law or with the least Color of Justice alter the Right of Succession This was well known to all our ancient Parliaments that were neither over-awed by any prevailing Faction seduced by designing Intreaguers nor yet vainly flattered themselves with an Omnipotent Power to create and annihilate Kings In one of which the States of the Realm unanimously answered King Edward the IIId asking their Advice in matters relating to the Crown That they could not consent to any thing in Parliament that tended to the Disherison of the King and his Heirs or the Crown whereunto they were sworn From whence Sir Edward Cook concludes That it is a Law and Custom of Parliament that no King can alien the Crown from the right Heir tho by consent of the Lords and Commons And elsewhere affirming King Johns Resignation of the Crown to the Pope to have been utterly void he alledges this Reason Because the Royal Dignity is an Inherent inseparable to the Royal Blood of the King descendable to the next of Blood to the King and cannot be transferd to another And altho by the Treasons and Conspiracies of ambitious disloyal and designing Persons the Crown has now and then been transferred from one Family to another yet does it appear in Story that since the time of the Norman Conquest the right Heir was never yet kept out beyond the second Descent And to the Honor of English Parliaments we can aver that never any Usurper tho armed with Power laid claim to the Crown in Parliament but by pretending to be of the Right Line nor did ever the Parliament allow of such Pretence if false but when awed by Fear and a vast Army And whenever the Terror of such armed violence being removed the true Heir was enabled to claim his Right the Parliament notwithstanding all such pretended Acts readily submitted themselves to their legitimate Prince as being bound thereunto by the Laws of GOD and Nature Thus altho Henry Duke of Lancaster backt by an Army of fourty or fifty thousand men under Pretence of a feigned Title from Edmund Crouch-back forced his Natural Soveraign King Richard the IId first to resign and afterwards to be deposed from his Crown which waving his former pretended Title he caused to be entailed upon himself his four Sons and the Heirs of their Bodies by Act of Parliament whereby he thought to have secured it to his Posterity for ever Yet notwithstanding these cautious Provisions seconded by the Valor and prodigious Success of that noble Prince Henry the Vth. when in the year 1460. this Entail was alledged against Richard Duke of York laying claim in Parliament to the Crowns of England and France as being the next Heir to Lionel Duke of ●larence elder Brother to John of Gaunt of whom the House Lancaster was descended the Duke of York unanswerably replied That if King Henry the IVth might have obtained the said Crowns of England and France by Title of Inheritance Descent or Succession he neither needed nor would have desired or made them to be granted to him in such wise as they be by that Act Which said he taketh no place neither is of any force or effect against him that is right Inheritor of the said Crowns as accordeth with the Laws
of Portugal Her Name Catharina Name originally Greek signifies a Woman of excelling Purity and Chastity She had for Father John the IVth Genealogy King of Portugal and is lineally descended from John of Gaunt King of Castile and Leon Duke of Lancaster and fourth Son to Edward the IIId King of England as here appeareth John of Gaunt besides several other Children had a Daughter named Philippa married to John the Ist tenth King of Portugal by whom she had Issue Edward the eleventh King of Portugal Alphonso the Vth. twelfth King of Portugal Emanuel second Son who Succeeded his Elder Brother John the IId dying Issueless and was the fourteenth King of Portugal Edward Infante sixth Son Catharina married to John Duke of Braganza and after the Death of her Uncle Henry the seventeenth King of Portugal true Heir to the Crown from which she was barred by the Arms of Philip the IId King of Spain Duke of Braganza John Duke of Braganza who in the year 1640. recovered his Inheritance and reigned over Portugal by the Name of John the IVth The Infanta Donna Catharina Queen Consort of Great Britain Her Majesties Mother was Donna Lucia Daughter of Don Gusman el Bueno a Spaniard Duke of Medina Sidonia lineally descended from Ferdinando de la Cerde and his Wife Blanche Daughter to St. Lewis King of France who relinquished to her his Right and Title to Spain derived to him by his Mother Blanche eldest Daughter and Heir of the Spanish King Alphonso She was a Lady of that admired Magnanimity and Prudence that the King her Husband trusted so much of the Reins of Government to her masculine and politick Spirit as occasioned a jesting Spaniard to say That it was not the Portugal Force but the Spanish Policy which kept that Kingdom from the Catholick King The Queen of Great Britain is the only Sister of Don Alphonso the VIth the two and twentieth King of Portugal born in the year 1642 and hath one Brother more named Don Pedro born 1648 and now called Prince Regent of Portugal Birth She was born the fourteenth of November 1638 at Villa Vicosa in Portugal her Father who tho right Heir to the Crown of Portugal was then only Duke of Braganza being the most potent Subject in Europe for a third part of Portugal was even at that time holden of him in vassallage Marriage Having been most carefully and piously educated by Mother she was at the Age of two and twenty desired in marriage by Charles the IId King of Great Britain And the Marriage not long after concluded by the Negotiation of Sir Richard Fanshaw Ambassador of his Majesty of Great Britain in the Court of Portugal and of Francesco de Melo Conde de Ponte Marquis de Sande Extraordinary Ambassador from the King of Portugal being solemnized at Lisbon on the twenty third of April 1662. being the Festival of St. George Patron both of England and Portugal she embarkt for England and was by his Excellency Edward Earl of Sandwich Vice-Admiral of England safely conducted by a Squadron of Ships to Portsmouth where being met by the King she was remarried to him From Portsmouth she was by his Majesty brought to Hampton-Court where she continued till the three and twentieth of August following when coming up thence by Water she was with great Pomp and Magnificence received at Chelsey by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London who waited on her thence by Water to Whitehal The Portion Portion brought by her Majesty was eight hundred Millions of Reas or two Millions of Crusadoes amounting to about three hundred thousand Pounds Sterling the City of Tangier on the Coast of Africk and the Isle of Bombaim nere Goa in the East-Indies together with a Priviledg that any Subjects of the King of Great Britain may trade freely in the East and West-India Plantations belonging to the Portugueses Her Jointure Jointure agreed upon by the Articles of Marriage is thirty thousand Pounds Sterling per Annum to which the King as a Testimony of his great Affection to her has added ten thousand Pounds per Annum more Arms. Her Arms as Daughter of Portugal are Argent five Scutcheons Azure Cross-wise each Scutcheon charged with five Besants Argent Salterwise with a Point Sable The Border Gules charged with seven Castles Or. This Coat was first worn by Don Alphonso the first King of Portugal as well in memory of a signal Victory obtained by him over five Kings of the Moores as in honour of the five Wounds of our blessed Lord and Saviour who just before the Battle appeared crucified unto him a voice being heard as once to Constantin the Great In hoc Signo vinces before which time the Portugal Arms were Argent a Crosse Azure Her Majesty is a Personage endowed with rare Perfections both of Mind and Body a Lady of transcendent Piety Modesty and Charity and many other eminent Vertues CHAP. XV. Of the present Princes and Princesses of the Royal Blood of Great Britain THe Glorious Martyr CHARLES the Ist King of Great Britain had by his Queen Henrietta Maria Daughter to the most Christian King Henry the IVth four Sons and five Daughters His Sons were 1. CHARLES-JAMES born at Greenwich on the thirteenth of May 1629. baptized immediately by Dr. Web one of his Majesties Chaplains then in attendance and afterwards a Bishop in Ireland lived not above two hours 2. CHARLES our present Soveraign whom GOD long preserve 3. JAMES now Duke of York and Albany 4. HENRY born at Oatlands on the twentieth of July 1640. declared by his Royal Father Duke of Glocester but not so Created till the thirteenth of May 1659. He lived till above Twenty and dyed unmarried the thirteenth of September 1660. almost four Months after His Majesties happy Restauration bereaving thereby these Nations of those fair Hopes which had been generally conceived from his Noble and Princely Endowments His Daughters were 1. MARY born the fourth of November 1631. married on the second of May 1641. to Count William of Nassau Eldest Son to Henry Prince of Orange to whom she was the February following conveyed by her Mother into Holland The Prince her Husband dyed in the beginning of November 1650. leaving her Great with child soon after whose Death she was delivered of a Son being the present Prince of Orange Coming into England to see her Brother whom the Divine Bounty had miraculously restored to his Throne she here ended her dayes the twenty-fourth of December 1660. being little above nine and twenty Years of Age. Her Loss was exceedingly bewailed by All who had the honour to know her as being a Lady of universal Goodness and Charity 2. ELIZABETH born on the eight and twentieth of December 1635. a Princess of incomparable Virtues and Abilities Dyed the eighth of September 1650 at Carisbrook in the Isle of Wight of Grief for the Murther of her Father 3. ANNE Born the seventeenth of March 1636. Dyed very
King or Queen who actually Reigns the Subjects of that Kingdom are bound by Law Duty and Allegiance to obey the next immediate and lawful Heir either Male or Female upon whom the Right and Administration of Government is immediately devolved And that no Difference in Religion nor no Law nor Act of Parliament made or to be made can alter or divert the Right of Succession and Lineal Descent of the Crown to the nearest and lawful Heir according to the Degrees aforesaid nor can stop or hinder them in the full free and actual Administration of the Government according to the Laws of the Kingdom but obliged also His Majesty for the preservation of the Peace and Tranquillity of that Kingdom with Advice and Consent of the said Estates of Parliament to declare That it is High Treason in any of the Subjects of that Kingdom by Writing Speaking or any other manner of way to endeavor the Alteration Suspension or Diversion of the said Right of Succession or the debarring the next lawful Successor from the immediate actual full and free Administration of the Government Nor is it to be doubted but that the Commons of England who now begin to grow sensible of those Precipices of Ruine whereinto they were ready to tumble through the Contrivances of of those malicious Incendiaries that by terrifying the People with panick Fears of Popery and Arbitrary Power endeavoured to kindle a Fire of Rebellion in this Nation will whenever it shall please His Majesty to call a Parliament shew themselves no less Zealous than the Scots have done to assist and defend according to their Oaths the Kings Rights and Priviledges the chiefest whereof upon which all the rest depend as on a Corner Stone is the unalterable Hereditariness of the Monarchy and thereby defeat the Designes of those cursed Achitophels who labor by involving us in Confusion to establish their beloved Democracy the very worst of Tyrannies CHAP. XIII Of the present Monarch of Great Britain His Name Surname Genealogy Birth Baptism Court Education Departure out of England Coming into Scotland Escape from Worcester Restauration Coronation and Marriage Name THe now-reigning Monarch of Great Britain is CHARLES the Second of that Name His Name of Baptism in Latine written Carolus in English CHARLES in the German Language Karle is contracted from Car-eal which is it self an Abbreviation of the old Teutonick Gar-edel and signifies All or wholly Noble Not improperly then was this Name given to this Prince whose Subjects may justly glory in the Enjoyment of that Happiness for which Salomon pronounces a Land blessed that their King is the Son of Nobles Surname Tho Surnames are neither used by Soveraign Princes nor necessary to them as they are to other inferior persons whose Surnames preserve the Memory of their Relations and Families yet as Bourbon and Austria which were but the Possessions of their Progenitors are now generally esteemed the Surnames of the Present French and Spanish Royal Familyes So Stuart or Steward the Abbreviation of the Saxon Word Stedeward signifying the same as Locumtenens in Latin and Lievtenant in French which was originally but the Name of Office to Walter Son of Fleance by the Daughter of Gruffyth ap Lhewelyn King of Northwales and Progenitor to Robert the IId King of Scotland from whom our present King is descended who was by King Malcolm Canmore created Grand Seneschal or High Steward of Scotland has by Prescription of Time and long Vulgar Error so far prevailed as to be accounted the Surname of the now-Royal Family of Great Britain and of many other Families descended from him Nor is this Name unfit for any King as being in his Kingdom the Steward Lieutenant or Vicegerent of Almighty GOD. Our Soveraign Lord the King Genealogy now reigning does for Royal Extraction and long Line of just Descent excell all the Monarchs of the Christian if not of the whole World being lineally and lawfully descended from and by Right of Primogeniture next Heir unto the British Saxon Norman and Scotish Kings and Princes of this Island his Grandfather King James who by along Descent of Royal Ancestors was was derived from Malcolm Canmor King of the Scots and the Lady Margaret his Wife Sister and Sole Heir of Edgar Atheling the last surviving Prince of the English Saxons joyning the Saxon and Scotish Titles to the British and Norman already united in the Person and Posterity of Edward the IVth King of England He is from the first British Kings the hundred thirty ninth from the Scotish in a continued succession for almost two thousand years the hundred and ninth from the Saxon the forty sixth since the Norman Conquest the twenty sixth from the Uniting of the Royal Families of York and Lancaster the eighth and since the Union of England and Scotland the third sole Monarch He is the first that was born Prince or Heir apparent of Great Britain and hath in his possession larger Domininions than any of his Royal Ancestors His Father was Charles the Martyr and his Mother the Princess Henrietta Maria Daughter to Henry the Great Sister to Lewis the XIIIth and Aunt to the present Lewis the XIVth most Christian Kings a Lady who needeth no other Character than what is found in the seventh Chapter of that unimitable Book compiled by him that best knew her From these two Royal Stocks he hath in his Veins some of all the Royal Blood of Europe concentred This most Excellent Prince was born on the twenty ninth of May 1630. at the Royal Palace of St. James's Birth near Westminster over which there was the same day at noon by thousands seen a Star impending and soon after the Sun suffered an Eclipse which was by some even at that time regarded as a sad Omen that the Power of this Prince should for a while be eclipsed and that some Subject signified by the Star should have more than ordinary Splendor Baptism On the twenty seventh of June following he was baptized by Dr. William Laud then Bishop of London afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury who was in the year of our Lord 1644. by a pretended Ordinance of the rebellious long Parliament barbarously murthered for his Fidelity to his Soveraign His God-fathers were his two Uncles the most Christian King Lewis the XIIIth and Frederick Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine then called King of Bohemia represented by the Duke of Richmond and Marquess of Hamilton his Godmother being his Grandmother Maria de Medicis then Queen-Mother of France whose Substitute was the Dutchess of Richmond He had for his Governess Mary Countess of Dorset Wife to Edward Earl of Dorset In May 1638. he received the Order of Knighthood Court being immediately after made Knight of the Garter and installed at Windsor About which time he was by Order not Creation first called Prince of Wales having all the Revenews of that Principality with divers others Lands annexed and the Earldom of Chester granted unto
him and holding his Court apart from the King In the eighth year of his Age being taken from the Charge of his Women Education he had for Governor William then Earl afterward Marquess and lately Duke of Newcastle and after him Thomas late Earl of Berkshire and for Tutor or Preceptor Dr. Brian Duppa then Dean of Christ-Church in Oxford soon after Bishop of Chichester after that of Salisbury and lately of Winchester In October 1642. the two Houses having out of their superabundant Loyalty and great Zeal for the preservation of their Soveraign raised an Army to divest him of his Soveraignty he was with his Father at the Battel of Edge-Hill and not long after was at Oxford committed to the Care of William Marquess of Hertford whom after his own happy Restauration he restored to the Dignity and Precedency of Duke of Somerset In the fifteenth year of his Age he was sent by his Father into the West of England to perfect an Association begun there in the end of the foregoing Summer And not long after there was a Marriage proposed between him and the Infanta Joanna eldest Daughter to the King of Portugal since deceased Departure out of England The year following Barnstable being taken and Exeter besieged by the Rebels he withdrew from Devonshire into Cornwall from whence he passed into the Isle of Scilly and thence to the Queen his Mother being at St. Germains near Paris In the year 1648. a Considerable part of the Royal Navy encouraged thereto by Captain Batten formerly Vice-Admiral to the Earl of Warwick being put into his Power he endeavored to rescue the King his Father out of the impious hands of his rebellious Subjects But failing of Success he was forced to retire to his Sister at the Hague where not many Months after upon the sad News of the barbarous Murther of his Royal Father he was first saluted King soon after proclaimed in Scotland and most Towns of Ireland being yet under nineteen years of Age. In the latter end of the year 1649. he received being then in Jersey Coming into England a Message from the Committee of Estates of Scotland brought by Mr. George Windram of Liberton and the March following met the Scotch Commissioners at Breda in Holland and about the beginning of June 1650. being invited by a solemn Message from the Estates of that Kingdom he took Shipping at Scheveling and having escaped the danger both of a sudden Storm that cast him upon certain Danish Islands and of a Fleet of English Vessels sent out under Popham to intercept his passage arrived at the Spey in the North of Scotland from whence all along his way to Edenborough he was entertained with the general Joy of the People several of the Towns by which he passed making him considerable Presents On the fifteenth of July he was again solemnly proclaimed King at Edenborough Cross and was the first of January following crowned at Scoon the accustomed place for Coronation of the Kings of Scotland Escape from Worcester Being invaded by an Army from England he was forced to quit that Kingdom and try his Fortune in this which he entred the sixth of August 1651. and on the twenty second of the same Month came to Worcester where on the third of September was fought that fatal Battel in which tho his Majesty acted with such marvellous Gallantry and Conduct that he wan applause from his very Enemies yet he unfortunately lost the Day and his whole Army himself not without a Providence unparalleld in History escaping the Hands of his blood-thirsty Enemies who not only by publick Act promised a Sum of Money to those that should discover him but likewise threatned the Penalty of High Treason to any that should conceal him For being in the very Heart England and a thousand pounds set upon his head he was forced to wander about in disguise for six Weeks and to appear in many Places and Companies before he could find a fit opportunity of Transportation During which time tho he were seen and known to many person divers whereof were excessively indigent and therefore liable to be tempted by the proposed Reward divers of the Female Sex and so not only most unapt to retain a Secret but also very subject to be terrified by the threatned Penalty and divers besides all this of the Roman Religion which alone the very Principles thereof having been alwayes clamored against as reputed to teach nothing but Treachery and Disloyalty to Princes and the Lawfulness of breaking Faith with Hereticks might have made his Majesty afraid to trust them yet was he still most miraculously preserved and at length by one Tetershal since a Captain in his Majesties Navy whose Wife suspecting the Business was so far from disencouraging him that she said She cared not if she and her little ones begged their Bread so the King were in safety transported from Bright-hemstead neer Shoram in Sussex to Feccam neer Hauvre de Grace in Normandy whence he posted directly to Rouen and having thence dispatched Letters to the French Court he was met the Queen his Mother the Duke of Orleans and many Persons of Quality and by them conducted to Paris where with his Royal Brothers and divers of the British Nobility Clergy and Gentry he was for some years received and treated as King of Great Britain There by his Excellent Wisdom and Address mediating with the Prince of Conde and the Duke of Lorrain then in the Head of two great Armies against the French King he quenched the newly-kindled Fire of an universal Rebellion raised against him and was a Means of restoring Cardinal Mazarine who had for fear of the Princes of the Blood withdrawn himself to Colen to his former Authority and Greatness In the year 1654. His Majesty understanding that upon a Treaty of Peace between the French King and Oliver Cromwel then stiling himself Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland one of the chiefest Articles insisted upon by the Usurper was the excluding of him with his Relations and Followers out of France to prevent a ceremonious Expulsion voluntarily departed thence into Germany making his first place of Residence at the Spaw whence after a few Moneths he went to Colen where was discovered the Correspondence between Thurloe Cromwels Secretary and Manning one of the Kings Secretaries Clerks who for giving weekly Intelligence to the Usurper of the Transactions in his Majesties Court was deservedly shot to death After the Rupture between Cromwel and the King of Spain he was by Don John of Austria who being Governor of the Low-Countryes for his Catholick Majesty sent the Count of Fuensaldagne to offer him in the name of the Spanish King all possible Service and Assistance invited into Flanders where making his Residence for the most part at Bruges he continued till a little before Sir George Booths Rising in Cheshire when he removed privately from Bruxels to Calais whence having notice