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A14151 The practyse of prelates. Compyled by the faythfull and godly learned man, Wyllyam Tyndale Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1548 (1548) STC 24466; ESTC S105209 56,056 134

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popes cleane contrary And the pōpe of hys consecratyon was after his old worldly fation How be it yet he is made a saynte for his worshyppyng of the holy seate of sainct peter not that seate of peter which is Christs gospell but an other lyed to be peters is in dede cathedra pestilencie a chayr of false doctrine And because he could no skyll of oure lordes gospell he sayde of matens with oure lady saye they If any mā vnderstād the laten let hym reade his lyfe compare it vnto the scriptur thē he shal se such holynes as were here to long to be rehersed And euery abbay euery cathedral church did shrine thē one God or other mingled the lyues of the very saintes wyth starke lyes to moue men to offre which thyng they call deuocion And though in all their doinges they oppresse the tēporalty their comē wealth be greuous vnto the rych and paynfull to y● poore yet they be so many so exercised in wyles so subtyl so knit sworne together that they cōpasse the tēporalty make thē beare thē whether they wil or wyll not as the euye doth the oke partly with iugglinge besyde that with wordly polycy For euery abbot wyl make him that may do most in the shyre or wyth the kynge the stuarde of hys landes geue hym a fee yerely and wyl lēd vnto some feast other that by such meanes they do what they wyll And lytle master parsō after the same maner if he come into an house the wife be snoutefaire he wil rote him self there by one craft or other ether by vsīg such pastime as the good man doth or in beinge benefycyall by one waye or other or he wyll lend hym and so bryng hym into hys daunger that he can not thruste hym oute when he wolde but must be cōpelled to beare him ād to let hym be homely whether he wyll or not ¶ An ensample of practyse out o● oure owne chronycles Take an ensāple of their practise out of our owne stories Kyng Herolde Kyng Herold exiled or banished Robert Archbisshope of Canterburye For what cause the Inglysh polychronicon specifieth not Robert of cāterbury But if the cause weare not sum what suspect I thynke they wolde not haue Passed it ouer with scylence Thys Robert gat hī immediately vnto kynge Wylliam the conqueroure then duke of Normandye And the pope Alexander sente duke Wylliam a baner to go and conquere Ingland and cleane remission vnto whosoeuer wold folow the baner and goo wyth kynge Wyllyam here marke how streight the pope folowed-Christs steppes ād his apostles Remission of sīnes to conquere englande they preached forgeuenes of synnes to all that repented throw Christes bloude shedyng the Pope preacheth forgeuenesse of synnes to all that will slea their bretheren bought with Chrystes bloud to subdue them vnto hys tyrānie What so euer oth●r cause duke wyliā had against kynge Herold thou maiest be sure that the pope wolde not haue medled yf Herold had not troubled hys kingdom ●●e neyther shuld duke willyam haue bene able to conquer the land at that tyme except the spyritualtie had wroughte on hys syde What bloud did that conquest cost England thorowe whych almoost all the lordes of the Inglysh bloude were slayne ● the Normandes became rulers and all the la●es were chaunged into Frenche But what careth the holy father for sheading of laye mens bloude It were b●tter that .x. hundred thousand laye knaues loste theyr liues then that holy church shuld louse one ynch of her honour or sainct Peters seate one iote of her ryght Ancelmus And Ancelmus that was bysshoppe in shorte time after neuer left striuinge with that myghtie prince kynge Wyllyam the second vntyll he had compelled hym maugre hys teth to delyuer vp the inuestiture or election of bysshops vnto sainct Peters vycare whych inuestiture was of old tyme the kynges duet●e And 〈…〉 when the sayde kyng Wyllyam 〈…〉 the tribut that pryestes gaue 〈…〉 to their bysshops for theyr whores 〈…〉 dyd not Raffe bisshop of Chich● 〈…〉 goddes seruice as they call it 〈…〉 the church dores with thornes thorow out al hys di●cese vntyll the kynge had yelded hym vpp● hys trybute agayne For when the holy father had forbidden pryestes theyr wyues the bysshop permitted thē whores of their owne for a yearely tribute do yet in all lādes saue in Ingland where they maye not haue any other saue mennes wyues onely And agayne for the election of Steuen langton archbysshop of Canterbury what miserye and wretchednesse was in the royalme a longe ceason Thē was the land interdited many yeares And when that holpe not then Irelande rebelled agaynst kinge Iohn immedyatly Note and not wythout the secrete workinge of oure Prelates I dare well saye But fynally when neyther the interditing nether that secrete subtiltie holpe ▪ whē Ihon wold in no meanes consent the saint peters vicar shuld raygne alone ouer the spiritualtye ouer all that perteyned vnto thē and that they shulde synne do all mischefe vnpunisshed the pope sent remissyō of synnes to the kynge of Fraūce for to go and conquere hys land 〈◊〉 ▪ of synnes to cōquere Wherof king Ihō was so sore afrayd that he yelded vp his croune vnto the pope sware to hold the lād of hī ād that his successours shuld do so lykewise And agayn in Kyng Richardes dayes the second Thomas Arundell archbysshop of Cāterbury chaūcelare was exyled with the Earle of Darbye Thomas Arūdell The outwarde pretēce of the varyaunce betwene the Kynge ād his lordes was for the delyueraunce of the towne of Braste in Brytayne But our prelates had an other secret mystery a bruing They coulde not at they re owne luste slea the poore wretches which at that tyme were conuerted vnto repentaunce and to the true faith to put their trust in christs death bloudsheadyng for the remission of their sinnes by the preachinge of Iohan Wyclefe As sone as the archbysshop was out of the royaume Practyse the Irishmen began to rebell againste kynge Rychard as before against Kynge Ihon But not hardelye withoute the inuisyble inspyration of them that rule bothe in the courte and also in the consciences of al men They be one kingdom sworne together one to helpe an other scatered abroade in all royalmes And howe be it that they stryue amonge them selues who shal be greatest yet agaīst the temporall powr they be always at one though they dissēble it and fayne as thogh one helde againste the other to know theyr enemies secretes to betray them with all They cā inspyre priuelye into the brestes of the people what myschefe they lyst no mā shal know whēce it cōmeth Their letters go secretly frō one to an other thorow out all kyngdōs Saīct peters vicar shall haue worde in .xv. or .xvi. dayes frō the vttermost part of christendom The
holye church as any Thomas euer was seyng he was as able the newe Thomas Then the newe Thomas as glorious as the old toke the mater in hāde and persuaded the kinges grace And ●hen the kinges grace toke a dyspensatyon for hys othe made vppon the apoyntment of peace betwene him and the French king and promysed to helpe the holy seate where in Pope Peter neuer sate But the Emperour Maximilian myght in no wyse stand still lest the frenchmen shuld money hym get ayde of hym seynge the Almaynes refuse not money whēce soeuer it be profered then quod Thomas wolfse Maximli● Oh and lyke youre grace what an honoure shulde it be vnto youre grace if the emperour were youre sodyare So greate honoure neuer chaunced any kyng christened It shulde be spoken of while the world stode The glory honour shall hyde and darken the coste that it shall neuer be sene though it shulde coste halfe youre realme Dixit factum est it was euen so And thē a parliament and then paye and then vpon the Frenche dogges ▪ with cleane remission of all his sinnes that slew one of them Remision of synnes ▪ or if he be slayn for the pardons ▪ haue no strēgh to saue in thys life but in the lyfe to come only thē to heauen strayght wythout felynge of y● paynes of purgatorye Then cam oure kyne with all hys might by se and by lande and the Emperour wyth a strong army and the Spanyardes and the pope the Uenecyans all at once against king Lewes of fraunce As sone as the pope had that he desyred in Italy then peace immediatlye And frenchmen were chrysten men and pytie yea and great synne also were it to sheade their bloud and the frenchkinge was the most chrysten kyng agayne And thus was peace concluded and oure Inglyshmen or rather shepe came home against winter and lefte theyr fleces behynde them Wherfore no smal number of them whyle they sought them better raymente at home were hanged for theyr laboure ¶ Why the kinges syster was turned vnto fraunce WHen this peace was made oure holye Cardynalles and Bysshoppes as their olde Gyse is to calke and caste .xl ▪ L. yea an hundred yeare before what is lyke to chaunce vnto theyr kingdome considered how the Emperour y● now is was moost like to be chosen Emperour after hys graundfather Maximilian for Maximilian had already obteyned of dyuerie of the ELECTOURS that is shulde so be They cōsidered olso howe mightye he shuld be first Kyng of Spayn with all that perteyneth therto which was wont to be v. vi or .vij. kyngdōs then Duke of Burgoyne Earle of Flaūders of Hollande Zelande and Braband wyth all that parteine therto then Emperour ād hys brother Duke of Austrych and hys sister quene of Hungrye Wherfor thought our prelates if we take not hede betymes oure kyngdome is lyke to be troubled we to be brought vnder the fete For thys mā shal be so myghty that he shall with power take out of the french kynges handes out of the hādes of the Uenetians and frō the Pope also what soeuer parteyneth vnto the empyre ād what soeuer belongeth vnto hys other kyngdōs and dommions therto And then he wyll come to Rome and be crouned there and so shall he ouerlooke our holye father and see what he doth And then shall the olde heretykes ryse vp agayne say that the Pope is Antichryste and styrre vp agayne and bryng to lyght that we haue hyd brogh● a slepe with muche cost payne and bloudeshedyng more then thys hundred yere longe Considred also that hys aunte is quene of England and hys wyfe the king of Englāds sister consydred the old amitie betwene the house of burgom the old kinges of ēglōd so that they coulde neuer do ought ī fraūce with out theyr helpe last of all cōsidered that course of marchaūdise y● īglād hath ī those parties also the naturall hart that ēglishmē bear to frēchmē Wherfore if we shall vse oure old practyse and set the french king agaynst hym Then he shall lyghtelye obtayne the fauour of the king of Ingland by the meanes of hys Aunte and hys wyfe and ayde wyth men and money Wherfore we must take hede betimes and breake thys amytie Whych thinge we maye by thys oure olde craft ●easely bringe to passe Let vs take a dispensation breake thys maryage and turne the kinges sister vnto the French king Yf the frenche Kynge Practyse gette a male of her then we shall lyghtly make our kyngepro tectoure of fraunce and so shall Inglande and Fraunce be coupled together and as for the quene of Inglande we shall trymme her well ynough and occupye the kynge with straunge loue and kepe her that she shall beare no rule And as the godd●s had spoken so it came to passe Our fayre yong doughter was sent vnto the old pocky king of fraunce the yeare before our mortall ēnemye and a myscreaunt worse then a Turke and disobedient vnto oure holy Father and no more obedient yet then he was cōpelled to be against his wyll The cause of the iourney to Calyce IN shorte space thereafter Thomas wolfse now Cardinall and Legate a latere and greatlye desyrous to be Pope also thought it exceading expedient for his many secrete purposes to bring our Kyng and the Kyng of Fraunce that now is together both to make a perpetual peace and amitie betwene them and that whyle the two kynges and their lordes dalyed together the greate cardinalles and Bisshoppes of both parties mighte becraye them both and the Emperour and all Chrysten kinges therto Then he made a iourney of gentelmen arayed all together in sylk so much as th●ir very showes and lynynge of theyr boutes much more lyke their mothers then mē of warre yea I am sure y● many of theyr mothers wolde haue bene ashamed of so ny●● and wanton aray how beit they went not to make war but peace for euer and a daye longer But to speake of the Pompouse apparell of my lorde hym selfe and of hys chaplaynes it passeth the .xij. apostles I dare swere that if Peter and Paule had sene them sodenly ād at a blush they wold haue bene harder in beleue that they or any such shuld be theyr successours then Thomas ●●dimus was to beleue that Chryst was rysen agayne from death When all was concluded betwene the kyng of Fraunce and ours that Thomas wolf●e had deuised and when the prelates of both parties had cast theyr peny worthes agaynst all chaunces and deuysed remedyes for all mischeues· Then the ryght reuerend father in God Thomas cardinall ād Lega●● wolde go se the young Emperoure newlye chosen vnto the roume and haue a certayne secrete communicacion wyth some of his prelates also And gatte him to bridges in Flaunders Prelates where he was receaued with great solempnitie as belongeth vnto so mighty a pyllar of Christes church and was saluted at the