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A42559 Status ecclesiæ gallicanæ, or, The ecclesiastical history of France from the first plantation of Christianity there, unto this time, describing the most notable church-matters : the several councils holden in France, with their principal canons : the most famous men, and most learned writers, and the books they have written, with many eminent French popes, cardinals, prelates, pastours, and lawyers : a description of their universities with their founders : an impartial account of the state of the Reformed chuches in France and the civil wars there for religion : with an exact succession of the French Kings / by the authour of the late history of the church of Great Britain. Geaves, William. 1676 (1676) Wing G442; ESTC R7931 417,076 474

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Peter did and although his Doctrine was so often condemned by the Popes yet it could not be rooted out of the minds of men for Matthew Paris writeth Math. Paris Hist Anglor Math. Westm that all France was affected with this Doctrine and Matthew of Westminster at the same time saith That the Doctrine of Berengarius had corrupted all the English Italian and French Nations So that the Berengarians that is the Preachers of the true Faith which the Romanists call Heresie against the rising errours did not lurk in a Corner Sigeb Gemblac Chroni And Sigebert in his Chronicle saith that there mere many disputations among divers persons both for him and against him both by word and by writing Thuan. Hist in Epist Dedicat. Thuanus also hath noted that in Germany were many of the same Doctrine and that Bruno Bishop of Trevers banished them all out of his Diocess but sparing their Blood And John Tossington a Franciscan in his confession set forth Anno 1380. saith thus The Heretical sentence which is raised of the dreams of Berengarius affirmeth openly that all the Fathers of the Church and Doctors of the second thousand years as they speak that is who have been within 380 years have been after the loosing of Satan and the Doctrine which we saith he hold to be the Faith of the Church Usher ca. 3. concerning the blessed Eucharist they say it is not right but an errour and heresie and the tares of Satan being let loose To defend the words of the former Recantation which was given in the Synod at Lateran unto Berengarius these flatterers of the Romish Idol have devised a new distinction of oral manducation viz. That oral eating is either visible or invisible And they called the opinion of eating Christ 's flesh visibly the errour of the Capernaites and they said the eating of Christ 's flesh with the mouth invisibly was the explication of Christ But the Fathers of higher antiquity condemned all oral eating as Capernaitism neither were the Capernaites so subtle as to make such distinctions yea surely Christ would have made his correction according to their errour Mark what St. Augustine saith August Tract 27 in Johan who abideth not in Christ and in whom Christ abideth not without all doubt he neither spiritually eateth Christ 's flesh nor drinketh his blood albeit carnally and visibly he with his teeth do press the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ And Tract 28. What is it They are Spirit and Life they are spiritually to be understood Understandest thou them spiritually they are Spirit and Life Understandest thou them carnally so also they are Spirit and Life but not to thee They understanding spiritual things carnally were scandalized Here St. Augustine opposeth carnal eating unto spiritual eating and he saith that carnally men eat not the flesh of Christ but the Sacrament of his flesh Philip the first succeeded his Father Henry This Henry had caused his Son Philip to be crowned King being but seven years old and gave him Baldwin Earl of Flanders for Tutor and Regent of the Realm He lived but a little time after his Son 's Coronation The King 's Minority passed quietly by the wise government of Baldwin who having accompanied his Pupil to the Age of 15 years dyeth and leaveth him his Realm in peace Baldwin left two Sons Baldwin and Robert with their Mother Richilde Then their Unckle Robert the Frison pretended the Inheritance to belong to him and supplanting his Nephews seizeth on the Earldom of Flanders and King Philip forsakes Baldwin's Children at their need forgetting the good Offices he had received from their Father Now William Duke of Normandy is received King of England and Crowned in a solemn Assembly of the English and homage is done unto him as their lawful Lord Anno 1066. He had encountred King Harold and overcome his Host in that place where afterward was builded the Abbey of Battle in Sussex The day after the Battle very early in the morning Odo Bishop of Baieux sung Mass for those that were departed being slain in the Battle Before this time Priests were forbidden to marry but could not be restrained from their liberty In the Year 1074. Pope Gregory VII otherwise Hildebrand in a Synod at Rome condemned all married Priests as Nicolaitans He directed his Bulls as they called them to Bishops Dukes and other Powers declaring every one to be no Priest that had a Wife His Bull was sent into Italy and Germany This Decree being proclaimed through all Italy he sent many Letters unto the French Bishops commanding that they should upon pain of an everlasting curse put away all the Women from the Houses of Priests But the residue of the Clergy stoutly withstood the Pope 's decree and would not agree thereunto Then there arose such a Schism in the Church that the people would not send their Priests unto the Bishops but did elect them among themselves and put them in Office without the knowledge of the Bishops And Nauclerus saith that both Priests and people did oppose the Pope 's decree and that not only in Germany but in France also Yea Gebuiler a late Papist testifieth that in those times 24 Bishops in Germany and France with their Clergy did constantly maintain the liberty of Priests marriage If other Nations had followed the like concord and constancy of these German and French Ministers the devilish decree of this Hildebrand had been avoided About this time at Nantes a Letter was presented unto a Clerk as directed from Hell in it Satan and all that fry gave thanks unto all the Popish Clergy Math. Paris Hist because they were not wanting to do their wills and pleasures and because by negligence of preaching they had sent so many souls to Hell as no Age preceding had seen so many After the death of Hildebrand Victor the third Abbot of Cassa was made Pope not by the Election of the Romans or Cardinals but was thrust in by the aid of his Harlot Mathilda and the Normans that were of his faction He being established began to defend Gregorie's pranks against the Emperour and others But the hastiness of his death shortned his malice When Gregory and Victor were dead the Bishops of Germany and France considering the calamities of the Church by that unhappy schism Avent Annal. li. 5. met at Gurstung to end the controversie There Conrade Bishop of Vtrecht made a long Oration in the Assembly The Papal party had chosen Gebhard Bishop of Salisburgh to speak in their name but when he heard the Oration of Conrade he would not open his mouth to speak on the contrary At length a Synod was convocated at Mentz whither came the Emperour the Electors and many Dukes Peter Bishop of Portua and Legate of Clemens and many Bishops of Germany and France There the faction of Hildebrand by common suffrage was condemned as contrary unto Christian piety and a decree was published
equity and honourableness of the cause and chiefly with a Vision as they say from Heaven took the whole business upon him and travelled to Rome to consult with Pope Vrban the second about the advancing so pious a design Some think that the Pope first secretly employed this Hermit to be his Factor and to go to Jerusalem to set on foot so beneficial a Trade for the Church of Rome because the Pope alone was the gainer by this great adventure and all other Princes of Europe came off losers Pope Vrban had called the Council of Clermont in France forementioned where met many Princes and Prelates to whom he made a long oration which was to this effect First he bemoaned the miseries of the Christians in Asia and the vastation of those holy places Next Tyrius li. 1. c. 15. he encouraged the Princes in the Council to take Arms against those Infidels and to break their bonds in sunder and to cast their cords far from them as it is written to cast out the Handmaid and her Children Otherwise if they would not help to quench their neighbours houses they must expect the speedy burning of their own and that these barbarous Nations would quickly over-run all Europe Now to set an edge to their courage he promised to all that went this Voyage a full remission of their sins and pennances here and the enjoying Heaven hereafter Lastly he thus concluded Gird your Swords to your Thighs O ye men of might It is our parts to pray yours to fight ours with Moses to hold up unwearied hands to God yours to stretch forth the Sword against these Children of Amaleck Amen This motion was most chearfully entertained so that the whole Assembly cryed out God willeth it Sabell An. 9. lib. 3. A speech which was afterward used as a fortunate Watch-word in their most dangerous designs Then many took a cross of red cloth on their right shoulder as a badge of their devotion And to gain the favourable assistance of the Virgin Mary to make this War the more happy her Office was instituted containing certain prayers which at Canonical hours were to be made unto her One observeth that it is enough to make it suspicious that there were some sinister ends in this War Tho. Fuller Hist sacri belli because Gregory VII otherwise called Hildebrand and by Luther in his Chronology Larva Diaboli the worst of all that sate in the Papal Chair first began it but death preventing him Vrban the second whom Cardinal Benno called Turban for troubling the whole world effected it Now a great controversie was in Christendom about the investiture of Bishops whether the right lay in the Pope or in secular Princes Now the Pope diverted this question out of Princes Heads by opening an issue another way and gave vent to the activity of their spirits in this Martial employment and in the mean time quietly went away without any corrival concluding the controversie for his own profit Moreover he got a Mass of Money by it He had the office to bear the bag and what was put into it as contributed to this action from pious people and expended but some few drops of the showers he received As the Pope so most of the Clergy improved their Estates by this War Aemil. de gest Franc. p. 109. For the secular Princes who went this Voyage sold or morgaged most of their Estates selling for Gold to purchase with Steel and Iron and the Clergy were generally their Chapmen Godfrey Duke of Bovillon sold that Dukedom to the Bishop of Liege and the Castle of Sartensy and Monsa to the Bishop of Verdun Baldwin his Brother sold him the City of Verdun Daniel in Henric 1. Yea by these sales the third part of the Feoffs in France came to be possessed by the Clergy who made good bargains for themselves and had the conscience to buy Earth cheap and Heaven dear Many Prelates and Fryars left their pastoral Charges and Covents to follow this business The total sum of those pilgrim Souldiers amounted to three hundred thousand The French Dutch Italian and English were the four Elemental Nations whereof this Army was compounded But France contributed more Souldiers to this Army than all Christendom besides The signal men were Hugh sirnamed le Grand Brother to the King of France Godfrey Duke of Bovillon Baldwin and Eustace his younger Brothers Stephen Earl of Bloys Father to Stephen afterwards King of England Reymund Earl of Tholouse Robert Earl of Flanders Hugh Earl of St. Paul Baldwin de Burge with many more besides of the Clergy Aimar Bishop of Puy and Legate to the Pope and William Bishop of Orange Out of the farthest parts of Italy Boemund Prince of Tarentum and Tancred his Nephew both of the Norman seed though growing on the Apulian soyl led an Army of twelve thousand Men. Many Souldiers also went out of Lombardy England also the Pope's pack-horse in that Age sent many brave men under Robert Duke of Normandy Brother to William Rufus now King of England after the Death of his Father as Beauchamp and others whose names are lost All these Princes being called up by Pope Vrban gathered together great Armies at divers times and places unto that War After many difficulties and the loss of many men they arrived in Palestine and Jerusalem was won by the Christians and twenty thousand Turks therein slain on July 15. Anno 1098. Robert the Norman refuseth the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Godfrey of Bovillon is chosen King In this choice that they might know the nature of the Princes the better their Servants were examined on Oath to confess their Master 's faults The Servants of Godfrey protested their Master 's only fault was this That when Mattens were done he would stay so long in the Church to know of the Priest the meaning of every Image and picture that Dinner at home was spoiled by his long tarrying All admired hereat and unanimously chose him their King In the latter end of this Century Bruno Chanon of the Church of Colen and Rhemes bare the praise of Learning and Holiness and was Master of the Schools by whom the order of the Carihusians was begun The Cistercian Order was begun Anno 1098. by Robert Abbot of Molisma as Sigebert saith Godfrey of Bovillon dyed having reigned one year wanting five days After his death the Christians with a joynt consent sent to Baldwin his Brother Count of Edessa a City in Arabia the Lord whereof had adopted this Baldwin to be his Heir and entreated him to accept of the Kingdom which honourable offer he courteously embraced Anno 1100. He was a Prince of the largest size higher by the Head than his Subjects Bred he was a Scholar entred into Orders and was Prebendary in the Churches of Rhemes Liege and Cambray but afterwards turned secular Prince but Baldwin put not off his Scholar-ship with his habit but made good use thereof in his Reign Century XII
Charles the second King of Sicily and Apulia dyed also After the death of Pope Gregory X. the first conclave was in Arezzo where the Pope dyed The Guards lasted but one night for the same night the Cardinals entred they agreed to chuse Pietro Farantasio a Burgundian and Dominican Fryar Pope who took upon him the name of Innocent V. Innocent was crown'd in Rome forty days after his Election After the death of Innocent which happened in the year 1276. six months exactly after his Election Alexander V. who succeeded him being created in Rome with all the formalites of the conclave revoked the order established by Gregory concerning the affairs of the conclave though in due form it had the approbation of a general Council Divers other succeeding Popes were all created according to the order observed before the time of Gregory X. King Philip the third dyeth having reigned fifteen years and lived forty of his first Wife Isabel he had Philip and Charles remaining Philip his eldest Son was King of France after him Charles was Earl of Valois of Alanson and of Perche Father to that Philip of Valois who in his course shall succeed to the Crown Fryar John of Paris a Doctor in Divinity of the Order of predicants wrote about the year 1280. Joann Paris in Tract de potest Regia Papal in pro. In his Tract of the Royal and Papal power he saith I am of opininion that truth it self hath made a medium here namely that it is not utterly impossible that Clergy-men have Dominion and Jurisdiction in Temporal matters but yet it belongs not unto them by reason of their profession and as Christ's Vicars and the Apostles successors but is convenient for them to have it by the grant and permission of Princes if so be they have bestowed it upon them out of devotion or if they have got it by other means And in the eighth Chapter he sets down this conclusion Whence it appears that seeing Christ as Man had no power nor jurisdiction in Temporal matters the Priest be what he will hath not received any power over them from Christ inasmuch as he did not give unto them what he had not in himself Philip the fair now King of France was advised by the Princes and French Barons not to suffer the Pope to make any Ordinances belonging unto his Kingdom Du. Tillet en Padvis sur les libertez del eglise Gallicane p. 5. without the Council of him and his nor any new and unwonted thing to be brought in thither So saith Mr. John du Tillet in his advice concerning the Liberties of the Gallican Church And it is the very counsel which Eudeas Duke of Burgundy gave him which is yet to be seen in the Treasury of Chartres This King loved Justice and Learning wherein he was well instructed for that Age. His Wife Joan builded in her name that goodly Colledge of Navarr Peter Morone an Hermit was chosen Pope and assumed the name of Celestine V. a Pope little practised in politick or Ecclesiastick affairs The Cardinals in short time by reason of the many errours that he fell into by his insufficiency for the Popedom made several Instances to him that he would spontaneously be pleased to renounce the Papacy and not expose the Church to so many perils Hereunto they were stirred up by the instigation of Benedetto Gaetano who was afterwards Boniface VIII Who was a Cardinal of great Learning and Experience but so extreamly ambitious of the Papacy that he left no Stone unturn'd to compass his designs And because he saw he might easily bring it about if Celestine would renounce he perswaded Celestine to resign laying it to him as a scruple of conscience telling him that at the day of Judgement it would be imputed to him if any ill did happen to the Church Gaetano likewise suborned some of Celestine's friends to make an hole corresponding with that part of the chamber in which the Pope's bed stood from whence they cryed all night long with a most dismal voice as if it had been the Judgement of Heaven Celestine Celestine lay down the Popedom for it is a charge too great for your abilities Celestine hereupon resigneth the Papacy in the sixth Month after his creation and returned to the Cell from whence he came The same day in which Celestine renounced the Cardinals without the form of the conclave chose the said Gaetan with open Votes He being declared Pope and having assumed the name of Boniface VIII began his Reign with so much insolence and Tyranny that in a short time he gain'd the Title of Nero II. A great Assembly meet in the City of Gramont Anno 1296. Where Adolph the Emperour Edward King of England the Duke of Austria John Duke of Brabant the Earl of Juliers and his Son John Earl of Holland and Henuault Robert Earl of Nevers William Henry and Guy of Flanders unanimously resolve to make War against King Philip. The colour was to maintain Guy Earl of Flanders unjustly afflicted by Philip who had violently taken and stoll'n away his Daughter and detained her against the right of Nations refusing to restore her to her Father It was decreed that Guy should begin by force and be well seconded by the Emperour and the English But before they come to Arms Pope Boniface should make the first point by the lustre of his Authority This Pope commandeth Philip by his Nuncio to restore to the English and Flemmings what they demanded and for not obeying he cites him to appear at Rome upon pain of Excommunication Philip sends an honourable Embassage to Rome by the Arch-Bishop of Rhemes and the Earl of St. Paul to lay open his right against the Deputies of the King of England and the Earl of Flanders who were then at Rome to complain as being wronged All parties being heard Boniface decreeth that Philip should yield unto Edward and to Guy all they demanded both in Guienne and Flanders charging the Arch-Bishop of Rhemes to signifie this Bull unto the King upon pain of Excommunication for not obeying Philip being undaunted prepares to defend himself invades Flanders and defeats the Flemmings seizeth upon all Flanders and the Earl of Flanders is forsaken by his confederates Guy with his children and followers are imprisoned in sundry places in France under sure guards Philip getting Flanders and uniting it to the Crown of France He comes to Gaunt where he is received as their Soveraign appointing James of Chastillon Lord of Leuse and Condè for Governour and Lieutenant-General and so returneth to Paris The people of Flanders being oppressed revolt from Philip. All the Cities Gaunt excepted make an offensive and defensive League against King Philip and for their Earl's delivery At Bruges the French are slain by their Hosts The Nobility joyn with the people Philip prepares an Army of 40000 Men but even at his entry into Flanders returns again His sudden retreat incensed this mutinous people more
Robert a French-man by name and Nation a Franciscan by profession the longer he was in that Order he loved the Fryars the worse A Treatise in his name is Printed with the Prophecies of Hildegardis Pope Clement VI. sent a Letter to the King of England in behalf of the French-men whilst he lay at the siege of Calais which siege he continued from the third of September Anno 1346. till the third day of August next ensuing upon which day it was yielded up to the said King Edward and subdued unto the Crown of England The King of England returneth an answer to the aforesaid Letter of the Pope Then by the intercession of two Cardinals Ambaldus and Stephanus a Truce was concluded betwixt England and France for a time In the year 1350. dyed Philip King of France after whom succeeded his Son John in the Kingdom Petrarch Epist 18. Petrarcha vir omnium soeculorum memoria dignissimus Pignor Symbol Epist 14. At this time flourished Francis Petrarch a Florentine Arch-Deacon of Parma a sententious Poet and Oratour He calleth Rome the Whore of Babylon the School and Mother of Errour the Temple of Heresie the nest of Treachery and seemeth plainly to affirm that the Pope was Antichrist declaring that no greater evil could happen to any Man than to be made Pope In one of his Epistles he directeth his Speech to Babylon in France that is to Avignon thus Shall I call thee a famous or infamous Whore who hast plaid the Harlot with the Kings of the Earth Indeed thou art the same that the Evangelist saw in the Spirit sitting upon many Waters the people and the Nations are the Waters upon which thou fittest Whore know thy habit a Woman cloathed in purple and Scarlet and Gold and pretious Stones having a Golden Cup in her hand full of abomination and uncleanness of Fornication Dost thou not know thy self Babylon unless that deceive thee which is written in her Fore-head Great Babylon and thou art little Babylon little indeed in compass of Walls but in vices and compass of infinite lusts and passions and multitude of all evils thou art greatest And what followeth agreeth unto thee and no other Babylon the Mother of Fornications and abominations of the Earth If thou wilt yet dissemble mark what followeth And I saw the Woman drunken with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Witnesses of Jesus Why art thou silent either shew another drunken with this Blood or deny that thou art drunken if thou canst for the Vision must be true The life of Petrarch is written by Papirius Massonus Many resorted to him from France and all Italy About this time Hayabad a Franciscan preached in Avignon before Pope Clement that he was commanded by God to declare Catal. Test verit li. 8. that the Church of Rome is the Whore of Babylon and that the Pope and his Cardinals are the very Antichrist and that his predecessours Benedict and John are condemned When the Pope challenged him he said he was commanded in a Vision to speak so and therefore he durst not fail to speak it John Rochetalada another Franciscan preached the same and is said to be one of them who were burnt at Avignon Anno 1353. At the same time Gregory de Arimino opposed the Doctors in the Articles of Justification by works and of free will At Paris he taught that man hath free will to do evil but no good without special grace and that we are justified by Faith only And he said the Schoolmen deserve to be called Semipelagians Andreas de Castro and John Buridan two famous Men at that time agreed with him Then Eudo Duke of Burgundy perswaded the French King that he should not receive into his Realm the new Decretals and Extravagants His sage advice is extant among the Records of France A new War arose between King John of France and Edward the third King of England The Pope sent the Cardinal of Peregort to these two Princes being ready to fight to calm this storm John being the stronger demanded that Edward should give him four Hostages and as one vanquished should remain at his mercy and discretion Edward was content to yield up all that he had taken from him but without any blemish to his honour Edward encourageth himself and prepares to fight the French and vanquisheth them at Poictiers King John is taken prisoner and his Son Philip by Edward the Black Prince Son to Edward the third King of England they are brought to Burdeaux and from thence sent into England where they are lodged in the City of London in the Duke of Lancaster's house under a sure Guard Many others of the Nobles of France were also taken Captive 1700 Gentlemen were slain in this Battle among which were 52 Lords King John continued five years a prisoner for he was taken in September Anno 1356. and delivered in May Anno 1361. There hapned in France a certain contention between the French Prelates and the Fryars of Paris The French Prelates assembling in the City of Paris caused by the Bedles to be called together all the Students Masters and Batchellors of every faculty with the chief heads of all the Religious Houses and Fryars of the University of Paris Who being all congregated in the Bishop of Paris his house where there were present four Arch-Bishops and twenty Bishops the Bishop of Biture preached to the Students of Paris against the Fryars He told them that true charity would compel them to provide for their flocks to withstand errours that they were bound to give their lives for the flock committed to their charge That no Man ought to busie himself with what belonged not to his Office For thereby saith he all Ecclesiastical Order is dissolved He shewed how the Dominican and Franciscan Fryars did usurp what belonged to the Prelates They charged the Fryars for preaching against their wills throughout all their Diocesses and for hearing confessions saying that they have the Pope's priviledge to bear them out therein Then stood up another in the publick place and read the priviledges of both the orders and afterwards read the constitution of Pope Innocent III. written in the fifth of the Decretals Which constitution was repugnant and contrary to the aforesaid priviledges Then rose up the Bishop of Ambian a great Lawyer who discoursing from Article to Article there proved by good Law that the said constitution stood in it's full force and vigour and ought not to be infringed by the Fryars priviledges in any part and therefore by vertue of that constitution the Fryars ought not so misorderly to hear confessions enjoyn pennance and preach in Churches without special licence of the Bishop of the Diocess and leave from the Curate of the Parish unto whose words none of the Fryars replyed at that time So the Bishop proceeding to the conclusion desired the University to assist them in that case wherein they were all determined to stand
company with a base Saracen-Jester whom she preferred before a King The Emperour and the French King besiege Damascus but some of the Christians corrupted with Turkish Money perswaded the King of France to remove his Camp to a stronger part of the Walls which they long besieged in vain and returned home at last leaving the City and their honours behind them The French Proverb was verified of this Voyage Much bruit and little fruit Many thousand Christians perished in this adventure The French King coming homeward was taken prisoner by the Fleet of the Grecian Emperour and rescued again by Gregory Admiral to Roger King of Sicily When he was arrived in France his Wife was in open Parliament divorsed from him He gave her back again all the Lands in France which he had received with her in portion Herein he did nobly but not politickly to part with the Dukedoms of Poictou and Aquitain which he enjoyed in her right for hereby he dismembred his own Kingdom and gave a torch into the hands of Henry II. King of England who afterwards married her to set France on fire St. Bernard was condemned among the vulgar sort for the murtherer of those that went this Voyage and it was an heavy affliction for his aged back Bern. de consider li. 2. ca. 1. to bear the reproach of many people In his book of Consideration he maketh a modest defence of himself whither we refer the Reader Upon the departure of the Emperour Conrade and King Lewes Noradine the Turk much prevailed in Palestine Peter de Bruis a priest at Tholouse preached in sundry places against the Popes and the Doctrine of Rome calling the Pope the Prince of Sodom and Rome he called Babylon the mother of Whoredoms and confusion He preached against the corporal presence of Christ in the Sacrament Morn myst Iniqu against the sacrifice of the Mass he condemned the worship of Images prayers to Saints single life of priests pilgrimages multitude of Holy-days c. The fore-named Peter Abbot of Clugny wrote against him This Peter de Bruis began to preach about the year 1126. Guilerm lib. 3. ca. 5. After him his Disciple Henry a Monk continued preaching the same Doctrine Guilerm an Abbot writing the life of St. Bernard saith of this Henry That he denied the grace of Baptism unto Infants he despised the prayers and oblations for the Dead the excommunication of Priests the pilgrimage of Believers the sumptuous buildings of Churches the idleness of Festival-days the consecration of chrism and oyl and all the ordinances of the Church He sheweth them that the people sent for Bernard to come against him but he refused until Albericus Bishop of Ostia was sent Legate against him and he perswadeth Bernard to go with him to Tholouse And then Bernard wrote his 240. Epistle unto Hildefonsus Count of St. Giles against this Henry Certain it is as the proverb is Bernard saw not all things and howbeit he wrote bitterly against him yet he commendeth him as a learned man and he was so reverenced that the people did follow him De Bruis was burnt at Tholouse and Albericus carried Henry into Italy Their Books were burnt In Palestine King Baldwin was poisoned by a Jewish Physician And Almerick Brother to King Baldwin succeeded to the Crown In the Church of Jerusalem one Almerick was Patriarch a French-man born though little fit for the place King Almerick against his promise invadeth Egypt but his perjury was punished with the future ruine of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and himself dies of a bloody-flux Baldwin his Son the fourth of that name succeedeth This Baldwin IV. had excellent Education under William Arch-Bishop of Tyre a pious man and excellent Scholar skilled in all the Oriental Tongues besides the Dutch and the French his Native Language Tho. Fullers Hist Holy War li. 2. ca. 38. a moderate and faithful Writer For in the lattter part of his History of the holy War his eye guided his hand till at last the taking of the City of Jerusalem so shook his hand that he wrote no more Treasurer he was of all the Money 's contributed to the holy War Chancellour of this Kingdom employed in several Embassies in the West present at the Lateran Council the Acts whereof he did record Cardinal he might have been but refused it Lewes the French King caused his Son Philip to be crowned at Rhemes at the Age of 14 years Anno 1179. He betrothed him to Isabel the Daughter of Baldwin Earl of Henault King Lewes having thus disposed of his affairs died Anno 1180. The Title of Augustus was given to Philip his Son and successour In the beginning of his Reign he purged the corruptions that were then prevalent among the people viz. Blasphemies Plays Dicing-houses publick dissoluteness in infamous places Taverns and Tipling-houses He expelled the Jews dispersed throughout his Kingdom and given to griping usury and albeit they obtained a return for Money yet in the end he banished them out of all the Territories of France The Patriarch of Jerusalem being arrived in France Anno 1184. with the Prior of the Hospital of Outremer Rigordus de gestis Philippi Augusti and the Grand Master of the Templars to demand succour of King Philip Augustus against the Saracens he sent out a Mandamus to call a general Council of all the Arch-Bishops Bishops and Princes of the Realm which was holden in the City of Paris Philip also calls a Parliament at Paris they diswade him from the Voyage but he fighteth against all difficulties Great charges were imposed upon such as went not the Voyage to pay the tenth of all their revenues both Temporal and Spiritual called for this occasion the Saladines Tenths Richard I. King of England and King Philip of France laying aside their private dissentions unite their forces against the Turks King Richard was accompanied with Baldwin Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Hubert Bishop of Sarisbury Robert Earl of Leicester Ralph de Glanvil late Chief-Justice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. His Navy he sent about by Spain and with a competent number took his own Journey through France Roger Hovedon in Ricard 1. At Tours he took his Pilgrim's Staff and Scrip from the Arch-Bishop His Staff at the same time casually brake in pieces which some construed a token of ill success Likewise when He and the French King passed over the Bridge of Lyons on the fall of the Bridge this conceit was built That there would be a falling out betwixt these two Kings which accordingly came to pass At Lyons these two Kings parted their Trains and went several ways into Sicily At Messana in Sicily these two Kings meet again where King Richard beheld his Navy safely arrived Tankred a Bastard born was at this time King of Sicily who secretly applyeth himself to the French which King Richard easily discovered Mean time the Citizens of Messana did the English much wrong wherefore
third was that the Pope could not give general licence to hear confessions so but that the Parishoner so confessed was bound to reiterate the same confession made unto his own Curate Which he proved by divers places of the Canon Law The fourth opinion was that the Fryars by the Licence of the Pope and of the Bishops might lawfully hear confessions and the people might be of them confessed and absolved But yet notwithstanding it was just honest and profitable that once in the year they should be confessed to the Curates although confessed before to the Fryars because of the admininistration of the Sacraments especially at Easter of which opinion was William de monte Landuno The fifth opinion was that albeit the Fryars might at all times and at Easter also hear confessions as the Curates did yet it was safer at the time of Easter to confess to the Curates than to the Fryars And of this opinion was Richard of Armagh Arch-Bishop and Primate of Ireland In the time of Pope Clement VI. John King of France invented the Sect and Order of those Monks Sympson Eccles Hist p. 391. which are called Stellati whose manner is always to wear a star upon their Breast signifying thereby that there is nothing in them but the light of perfection and the clear shining of good works yea that they themselves are the light of the World Item That they shall rise again at the last day all shining and glistering as the most clear and pleasant stars according as it is written Dan. 12.3 They that turn many unto Righteousness shall be as the stars for ever and ever After the death of Pope Clement VI. succeeded Innocent VI. before whom the aforesaid Richard of Armagh published nine Articles against the begging Fryars This Pope builded Walls about Avignon and founded an house of Carthusian Monks without the City Pope Vrban V. succeeded him Anno 1364. Nicholas Orem made a Sermon before the Pope and his Cardinals on Christmas-even in which he rebuketh the Prelates and Priests of his time declaring their destruction not to be far off by certain signs taken of their wicked and corrupt life He proveth the Popish Clergy to be so much worse than the old Synagogue of the Jews by how much it is worse to sell the Church and Sacraments than to suffer Doves to be sold in the Church In the year 1370. Peter Belfort of Lemousin who took the name of Gregory XI was created likewise at Avignon who thought good to transfer the Apostolical Chair from Avignon back again to Rome a thing almost incredible for so many French Popes succeeding one another they had so weakned the Italian party that there were scarce any Italian Cardinals among them all and of the French there were more than twenty Several reasons are alledged to have moved Gregory to this resolution but particularly these following The first was that he saw all Italy in Arms not only by the Wars betwixt Venice and Genoa but by a resolution several Cities had taken to shake off the yoke of their servitude and re-establish themselves in a state of Liberty which he believing to be occasioned by the absence of the pilot from the Vessel of Rome he began to think of resettling his pontifical residence in Italy The second was That one day reprehending a certain Bishop his familiar that he left the Bishoprick to follow the Court the Bishop confidently replyed And you who are Pope of Rome why are you in France Hist of Cardin. part 3. lib. 1. Why are you so long from the place where your Church doth lye Others will have it that a Letter from St. Bridget whom the Pope lookt upon as a true Saint contributed much in which she advised him as from God to return to Rome He gave order for twenty Galleys to be ready in the Rhone pretending to go somewhither else with them because he suspected that the French who had so much advantage by the residence of his Court in France would obstruct it if they had the least notice of his removing the See to Rome But indeed they took not the least Alarum at all the preparations which were made as not imagining that a French Pope would put such an affront upon his Nation So that they had no notice of it till the Pope was at Sea being passed as far as Genoa and from Genoa to Cornetto where being weary of his Galleys he made the rest of his Voyage by Land and being arrived at Rome he began to apply fit Medicines and specifical to the maladies of Italy But he dyed Anno 1280. of a great distemper in his Bladder after he had sate six years in France and five in Italy It is reported that at the hour of this Pope's Death the palace of the Pope at Avignon was set on fire and could not be quenched Bale's Pageant of Pope's till the greatest part thereof was burnt Afterwards ensued the greatest schism and division that ever hapned in the Popedom King John dyed Anno 1364. to whom succeeded his Son Charles the fifth of that name King John dyed in England for the French King had an earnest desire to see the King of England again because he had so honourably entertained him whilst he was his prisoner So he went and was entertained very Royally But shortly after he fell sick and dyed at London His Body was conveyed over into France and buried in the Town of St. Denis the King of Cyprus being present at his Funerals Charles V. called the Wise was crowned at Rhemes together with his Wife the Daughter of Peter Duke of Bourbon He made his younger Brother Philip Duke of Burgundy who had been prisoner with his Father in England Many Lords in Gascoign revolted from Prince Edward unto the French King Prince Edward after his great victories had carried himself roughly toward the Noble-men his Subjects But the French King besides his excellent Wisdom was also gentle and courteous insinuating himself into the affections of all men The Duke of Anjou marching with his forces from Tholouse easily recovered all the Towns and holds that were pertaining to the English in those quarters The King of England lost all his whole Seignory of Gascoign the people partly rebelling and partly yielding themselves willingly to his enemy Poictiers also yieldeth to the French The men of Rochel yield also unto the French King Charles dyed of poison taken long before He was a Prince so wise and politick Frossard's chronic in Charl. V. Anno 1380. that fitting in his Gown at Paris in ease and quietness he recovered many things by counsel and policy which his predecessours had lost in the field to their Enemies And among other vexations which hapned to King Edward at his last Voyage that he intended into Britain for the rescue of his men besieged when he was forced back by the extremity of Weather this one thing troubled him above the rest that he must make war
with such an enemy as never bare Arms nor came into the field it is reported that he said he never dealt with any enemy which used so little armour and put him to so much trouble For King Charles after he came to the Crown never put on Armour himself but managing all his affairs by Wisdom and policy committed the execution thereof to his Brothers In the time of Charles V. a Book was written in France called The Vergers Dream Review of the Counc of Trent lib. 6. ca. 6. first in Latin then translated in French by his command In the seventh and eighth Chapter whereof the Clergy-man and the Knight confer together on this wise I call saith the Clerk and account the Decrees and Decretals of the Holy Fathers of Rome to be good Law which oblige every true Christian as a Subject and Son of a Holy Church our Mother To whom the Knight replyeth If the terms of Rome be Decrees or Decretals Ordinals or Constitutions touching the Temporal affairs of Kings Princes or other Secular Lords you Clerks among your selves shall call and account them Law if you please But the truth is That no Man can establish or ordain any thing where he hath no power nor Authority So as the King of France hath no power to make a Law or Ordinance to bind or tye the Empire so neither can the Laws of the Emperour bind the King of France and his Subjects And a little after I hold it therefore a frivolous thing and very ridiculous that the Holy Father should make any Decree Decretal or constitution about Temporal matters In the thirteenth years of the aforesaid Charles V. Charles IV. Emperour of Germany came into France by Cambray to do certain pilgrimages at St. Denis and elsewhere and so was conveyed with honourable men unto St. Quintin and from thence to Paris Mathias a Bohemian abode a long time in Paris and was called Pariensis he wrote a large Treatise of Antichrist in which he proveth that the Pope is the Antichrist He inveigheth against the Clergy for negligence in their callings and calleth them the Locusts mentioned in the Revelation He complains that every City and almost each man had his proper Saint or Saviour besides Christ the Images and Reliques that are set up in Churches to be adored he calleth the Invention of Antichrist He saith the worship of God is not tyed to persons places nor times he rebuketh the Cloysterers for contemning the Lay-men and calling themselves the only Religious he refuteth the merit of works and calleth them the cause of salvation sine quâ non In the end he prophesied Catal. Test Verit That God will once again send Godly preachers who in the zeal of Elias will openly disclose Antichrist unto the eyes of all the world After the death of Pope Gregory the Church began to be miserably torn with new schismes which began to arise betwixt the French and Italian Cardinals each Nation choosing it's own Pope and in it's own manner The French not able to digest the affront they received from Gregory in transporting the See from France into Italy departing privately from Rome they removed to Fondi and being arrived there they used many invectives and Satyrs against Vrban VI. whom they had already with the Italian Cardinals elected in Rome They pretended that they were forced to it by the people of Rome otherwise it was never their intention to make an Italian Pope For these reasons the Chair in their Judgements being vacant by the favour of Joan Queen of Sicily who was their friend Il. Cardinalismo part 3. lib. 1. they chose another Pope one Roberto a Cardinal with the Title of the Holy Apostles He was of Geneva and particularly of the Antient Family of the Conti in that City he took upon him the name of Clement VII From Fondi Clement removed with his Cardinals to Avignon where he was obeyed by the French and Spaniard These disputes lasted long the Legitimate Pope at Rome and and the Anti-Pope at Avignon firing their Bulls upon one another and sending them forth into all parts of the World The adherents of both sides set forth several defamatory Libels calling one another Schismatick Heretick Tyrant Thief Traytor Wicked Sower of Sedition Son of Belial and such like Stuff of which there are two Treatises extant at this day one of them written by Dr. John de Ligni in favour of Vrban against Clement and the other by the Abbot of St. Vast in favour of Clement against Vrban Whilst Clement was contriving which way to remove the Pope who resided in Rome he dyed Anno 1392. and was buried in Avignon He being dead Boniface IX who was Pope at that time in Rome writ a Fatherly Letter to the French Cardinals exhorting them to desist from their Schism and return to their obedience to the Holy Mother the Church of which he was he said the lawful Head But the French laughing as it were at such perswasions chose a successour to Clement which was Pietro della Luna who took the name of Benedict XIII who had argued very much in Clement's justification and that was the principal point upon which he was chosen by the Cardinals who concluded that he who defended another's cause with such ardour would doubtless more vehemently defend his own Whilst this Anti-Pope had his residence in Catalonia in the Castle of Paniscola administring the Sacramentss and conferring of dignities He was condemned together with the Cardinals which elected him by the Authority of a general Council Afterwards he assembled a Council at Perpignan where he created several Cardinals and commanded them after his death to follow his orders which were to choose another Pope without losing of time which they did For this Anti-Pope being dead at Paniscola the Cardinals chose one Giles Mungot a Chanon of Barcelona in his place calling him Clement IX who at the Instance of King Alphonso created Cardinals forthwith and began to Act in every thing as the true Popes use to do But afterwards upon Pope Martin the fifth's accomodation with King Alphonso Giles being commanded renounced the rights of the Papacy and was declared Bishop of Majorca and the Cardinals which he had created were likewise forced to renounce their Cardinalitial dignity Charles VI. succeeded his Father in the Kingdom of France at the Age of 12 years he was crowned in the year 1380. married in 1384. he falls into a Phrensie Anno 1393. and dyes Anno 1422. Charles the Wise left two Sons viz. this Charles VI. and Lewes Duke of Orleans And Charles VI. had three Sons Lewes John and Charles and one Daughter named Katherine These three Sons were Daulphins one after another in their Father's Life And Katherine was married to Henry V. afterwards King of England a mournful gage of an horrible confusion for this Realm Century XV. CHarles VI. having called a Council at Paris to consult about the schism which then was in the Popedom
renounce Gregory was hereupon declared Legate Della Marca and went to his charge but he dyed soon after at Ricanati of discontent John and Gregory being removed there remained a third still which was Benedict XIII who declared that he would never renounce Hereupon Sigismund the Emperour went in person to the Kings of France and of England to advise with them about forcing Benedict to a renouncing also Sigismund having received a satisfactory answer from these two Princes he went to Narbon and discoursed personally with Ferdinand King of Arragon whose Subjects paid obedience to Benedict But Benedict still alledged that he was the true Vicar of Christ saying that Constance was not a place convenient for the liberty of an Ecclesiastical Council seeing that John had been condemned and deposed from the Papacy by those very persons who had been formerly his Friends and received him to the Pontifical dignity The Princes of Spain observing the pertinacity of Benedict concurred with the opinion of the Council which was managed by five several Nations viz. Italy Germany England France and Spain What these Nations had done was approved and published by a Trumpet or a publick Notary Then Benedict's cause being discussed he was at last deposed and declared void of the Papacy no reckoning being made of the absent Scots and Count d'Armignac who continued their obedience to him About this time John Huss and Jerome of Prague his Disciple were condemned and burnt for Hereticks On Novemb. 8. Anno 1417. thirty two Cardinals entred the conclave with thirty others for the several Nations which is six a piece and on the 11 th of the same Month which was the Feast of St. Martin about three in the Morning Cardinal di san Gregorio called Oddo Colonna before was created Pope with great satisfaction to the people The Emperour presently went into the conclave and having thanked the Cardinals kissed the Pope's Feet The Pope embraced him and thanked him for his great industry in that affair This Pope would needs be called Martin because his Election hapned on that Saint's day Then all the French Cardinals left Benedict and came in unto Martin the Scots and d'Armignac did the same and all Christendom except Paniscola which remained divided Martin being desirous to put an end to the Council Anno 1418. he made a publick Assembly after which by common consent but especially of Sigismund Ibaldo Cardinal of St. Vito by order from the Pope pronounced these words of dismission Domini ite in pace and so all had liberty to depart Then Martin hastned to Rome travelling by Milan as the nearest way He sate fourteen years and dyed of an Apoplexy Febr. 20. Anno 1431. When Benedict had sate thirty years and was dead his Cardinals chose Pope Clement VIII but he compounded with Martin and so the schism was ended Henry V. King of England had invaded France and soon after at the Battle of Agin-Court ten thousand French-men were slain Anthony Duke of Brabant with his Brother Philip Earl of Nevers were also slain by the English Bow-men These were Brethren to John Duke of Burgundy Charles Duke of Orleans and Lewes of Burbon the Earls of Richemont Ew and Vendosme the strongest pillars of the Orleans faction with many other Noble-men and Gentlemen were taken prisoners and carried into England Lewes the Daulphin dyeth soon after this defeat The Emperour Sigismund cometh into France making shew of the great desire he had to make a peace betwixt the French and the English The English take all Normandy and Rhoan is besieged and taken and all the Isle of France yieldeth to King Henry even to the Gates of Paris France was now strangely divided into divers factions The King's Authority were for the Queen and the Burgundian Piccardy Burgundy and many other Towns in Bry Champagne and Beausse obeyed them absolutely after the great massacres that had been lately done in Paris Only Sens adhered to the Daulphin Charles The Prince of Orange of the Burgundian Faction makes War in Daulphinè and Languedoc to cross the affairs of Charles who notwithstanding had the greatest part of the Countrey at his devotion with the friendship of Avignon and the Earldom of Veness The English possessed all Normandy and a great part of Guienne But Rochel Poictiers St. John de Angelo Angoulesm Fontenay and some other Towns acknowledged the Daulphin All Anjou was his Avergne Berry Burbonois Forrest and Lionois obeyed him He likewise took upon him the Name of Regent The Duke of Britain leaves the English and joyns with the Daulphin The people grow in dislike with the Duke of Burgundy and the Parisians mutiny against the Burgundian faction and kill his Servants At length a peace is made betwixt the Daulphin and the Burgundian Anno 1419. but soon after the Daulphin causeth John Duke of Burgundy to be murthered in his presence This John had slain Charles Duke of Orleans traiterously and now he is treacherously slain by Charles the Daulphin Philip Son to John Duke of Burgundy stirs up great troubles against Charles the Daulphin in revenge of his Father 's death By his means Isabel an unkind Mother makes War against Charles her Son and peace with Henry V. King of England then a Capital Enemy to the State She gives him her Daughter Katherine in Marriage and procures King Charles VI. her Husband to declare Henry his lawful Heir and to disinherit his only Son Charles from the Realm of France But in the midst of these occurrences Henry V. dyeth in the vigour of his age and spirit on the last day of August Anno 1422. and Charles VI. the French King dyed fifty days after on the 22. of October the same year After his Funerals Henry VI. an Infant Son to Henry V. is proclaimed King of France and after is crowned King at Paris Charles VII after the decease of his Father Charles VI. took upon him the name of King of France notwithstanding the pretension of the English He was 21 years old when he began to reign and reigned 39 years The beginning of his reign was troublesome till he was installed King and thereby acknowledged of all the French Afterwards he reduced the Cities subdued by the English to his obedience beginning with the City of Paris and so proceeding to the rest of the Realm expelling the English from all except Calais In the close of his Reign he had many Domestical discontents which hastened him to his Grave after the happy events of all his difficulties At this time flourished John Gerson a divine of Paris he was present at the Council of Constance and in some written Treatises highly commendeth the decree Bishop J●el's preface to his defence of his Apol●gy Bishop Bedel Waddesw ●e●● p. 107. that the Bishop of Rome should be subject to the Council and saith The thing is worthy to be written in all places for a perpetual memory He was the most learned Man of his time and the only Doctor and Leader of
the confession but gave order that a confutation thereof should be read and no Copy given The Pope was displeased with the Emperour for meddling in Religion but especially for promising a Council He writes to all Princes that he would call a Council though he never meant it and his collusion is discovered by many The Protestants likewise do write to all Princes praying them not to believe the calumnies raised against them and to suspend their Judgements until those that are accused have place to acquit themselves publickly And therefore they will desire the Emperour that he will call a godly and free Council in Germany as soon as might be and not use force until the matter be disputed and lawfully denyed The French King answered with very courteous Letters in substance giving them thanks for communicating unto him a business of so great weight He shewed them that he was glad to understand of their innocency and did approve the instance they made that the vices might be amended wherein they shall find his will to concur with theirs that their requiring a Council was just and holy yea necessary not only for the affairs of Germany but of the whole Church that it was not necessary to use Arms where the controversies may be ended with Treaties The Emperour promiseth the calling of a Council within six months The Pope resolveth to make an Alliance with France to be able to withstand the Emperour After the Assembly of the Protestants at Smalcald the French King Treateth with the Landgrave of Hassia at the Pope's request about the Council The Pope is displeased for the proposal of Geneva for the place of the Council Anno 1534. Pope Clement VII dyeth and Cardinal Farnese is created Pope and named Paul III. He maketh a shew that he desireth a Council he perswadeth the Cardinals to reform themselves The custom is that in the first days the Cardinals obtain favours easily of the new pope Therefore the Cardinal of Lorrain and other French in the name of the King desired him to grant to the Duke of Lorrain the nomination of the Bishopricks and Abbacies of his Dominion The Pope's Answer was that in the Council which should be called shortly it was necessary to take away the faculty of nomination from those Princes that already had it which was some blemish to the Popes his predecessours who had granted them A Bull is made for the convocation of the Council at Mantua May 27. 1537. The Pope prayeth the French King and all other Kings and Princes to be there in person The Protestants approve not the Bull of convocation The Duke of Mantua makes a Grant of his City and afterwards recalleth it The King of England opposeth the Council by a publick manifest Then the Pope sent out a Bull for the convocation of the Council at Vicenza The Legates went to Vicenza at the time appointed and the Pope to Nizza in Provence at the same time to speak personally with the Emperour and the French King which he gave out was only to make peace between those great Princes though his principal end was to draw the Dukedom of Milan to his own house Anno 1538. The Council intimated is suspended during pleasure The Emperour gave order for a Dyet to be held in Germany where Ferdinand thought good inviting the Protestant Princes to be there in person and promising publick security unto all Cardinal Farnese hearing of this conclusion made without his knowledge went immediately away and passing by Paris obtained of the French King a severe Edict against the Lutherans which being published was executed in that City and after through all France with much rigour King Francis commanded that all should be appeached who had Books differing from the Church of Rome that made secret Conventicles that transgressed the commandments of the Church and especially that observed not the Doctrine of Meats or prayed in any Tongue but the Latin and commanded the Sorbonnists to be diligent Spies against them Afterwards understanding the Emperour 's cunning who assayed to incite the Pope against him he caused the Lutherans to be really proceeded against and commanded that a form to discover and accuse them should be instituted in Paris proposing punishments to the concealers of them and rewards to the Delators This was done Anno 1542. The Emperour gave divers orders to the Prelates of Spain and the Low-Countries and commanded that the Divines of Lovain should assemble together to consider of the Doctrines which were to be proposed which they reduced to XXII heads without confirming them by any place of Scripture but explicating Magisterially the conclusion only Th● French King also Assembled at Melun the Parisian Divines to consult of ●●● necessary positions of the Christian Faith to be proposed in th●●●uncil where there was much contention For some desired to propose the confirmation of whatsoever was constituted in Constance and Basil and the re-establishment of the Pragmatick Sanction And others doubting that the King would be offended by destroying the Concordat made between him and Leo which would necessarily follow gave counsel not to set that disputation on foot And afterwards because there were divers opinions in that School concerning the Sacraments unto which some gave effective Ministerial vertue and others not every one desiring that his opinion should be an Article of Faith nothing could be concluded but that they should keep themselves within compass of the XXV heads published two years before The Council is appointed to be in Trent and thither the Legates are sent While they meet in Trent to convince Heresies by a Council in France they did the same by force of Arms against a small remainder of the Waldenses Inhabitants of the Alpes of Provence who as hath hath been said before maintained a separation from the See of Rome with divers Rites and Doctrine These Men after the Reformation of Zuinglius enlarged their Doctrine by his and reduced their Rites unto some form at the same time when Geneva embraced the Reformation Sentence was pronounced against these many years before by the Parliament of Aix which had never been executed The King now commanded to execute the Sentence The President mustered together as many Souldiers as he could in the places bordering upon them and in the Pope's State of Avignon and went with an Army against these poor Creatures who had neither Weapon nor thought otherwise than by flight to defend themselves those that could They went not about to teach them or by threats to make them leave their Rites and opinions but first of all filling all the Countrey with Rapes slew as many as stood to their mercy because they could not fly without sparing young or old They rather razed the Countries of Cabriers in Provence and of Merindol in the County of Viinoisin belonging to the Pope and all other places in those Precincts More than 4000. persons were slain They that fled to the Woods and Mountains partly were famished
of Provisions The Duke of Parma marcheth away into Flanders in good order The King assaulteth Clermont takes it and sacks it The Duke of Parma departing leaves aid of men and promiseth supply of money to the League The King marcheth toward Picardy Grenoble in Dauphiné after a long siege returns to the King's obedience The King assaulteth Corby and takes it The Parliament of Burdeaux who with much ado had been brought to the King's obedience make complaints for the King 's persevering in Calvinism The King studieth how to conserve the affections of those of his party and to keep them in obedience He recalls the Duke of Espernon to the Army and other Popish Lords to reconcile them unto him The Viscount of Turenne obtains of Queen Elizabeth of England that she should send the King one hundred thousand crowns That she should send 6000. Foot into Bretagne for the relief of the Prince of Dombes That along with him she should send Horatio Palavicino a Genovese who for Religion was fled into that Island to perswade the States of Holland and the Princes of Germany to assist the King with men and money on their Part. She promised likewise that if the Duke of Parma should return again into France she would assist Grave Maurice and the Hollanders to make a strong diversion by entring into Brabant and Flanders Now the party of the League make a disgust against the Duke of Mayenne which is fomented by the Spaniards And the Lords of the house of Lorain grow jealous one of another and the Duke of Nemours lays aside the Government of Paris The Duke of Mayenne dispatcheth President Jeannin to the King of Spain and the Sieur des Portes to the Pope to solicite aid The Chevalier d'Aumale goes to surprize S. Dennis and without resistance enters with all his men but the Governour with only thirty Horse chargeth and routs the Enemy and d'Aumale being thrust through the throat falleth down dead Those that were curious observed that he fell dead before the door of an Inn whose sign was the Espeè Royale a Sword embroid●red with golden Flower-de-luces and that his Body being laid upon the Bier in the Church of the Friers of St. Dennis his carkass the night following was all gnawed and mangled with Rats Pope Gregory XIV assigneth fifteen thousand crowns by the Month for the service of the League and Marsilio Landriano a Milanese is chosen Legate for the Kingdom of France Chartres is besieged and surrendered to the Baron de Biron The Duke of Mayenne receives Chasteau Thierry with the composition of twenty thousand crowns Then the Popish Princes and Noblemen following the King did solicite his Majesty to turn to the Romish Religion Anno 1591. The Petitions made to the King to provide for his dutiful Subjects of both Religions to prevent the new attempts of the Pope and his adherents to the prejudice of the Crown of France were the cause of two Edicts made at Mante in the beginning of July The one confirmed the Edicts of Pacification made by the deceased King upon the troubles of the Realm and dissannulled all that passed in July 1585. and 1588. in favour of the League The o●her shewed the King's intent to maintain the Catholick Religion in France with the Ancient Rights and Priviledges of the French Church The Court of Parliament of Paris resident at Chalons and Tours having verified these Edicts had dissannulled all the Bulls of Cardinal Gaetan's Legation and other Bulls that came from Rome on March 1. the Proceedings Excommunications and Fulminations made by Landriano terming himself the Pope's Nuncio as abusive scandalous seditious full of impostures made against the holy Decrees Canonical Constitutions approved Councils and against the Rights and Liberties of the French Church They Decree that if any had been Excommunicate by vertue of the said proceedings they should be absolved and the said Bulls and all proceedings by vertue thereof burnt in the Market-place by the Hang-man That Landriano the pretended Nuncio come privily into the Realm without the King's leave or liking should be apprehended and put in the King's Prison And in case he should not be taken he should be summoned at three short daies according to the accustomed manner and ten thousand Franks given in reward to him that should deliver him to the Magistrate Prohibitions being made to all men to receive retain or lodge the said pretended Nuncio upon pain of death And to all Clergy-men not to receive publish or cause to be published any sentences or proceedings coming from him upon pain to be punished as Traytors They declared the Cardinals being at Rome the Archbishops Bishops and other Clergy-men which had signed and ratified the said Bull of Excommunication and approved the most barbarous and detestable Parricide traiterously committed upon the Person of the late deceased King Henry III. to be deprived of such Spiritual Livings as they held within the Realm causing the King's Proctor General to seise thereon and to put them into his Majesties hand forbidding all persons either to carry or send Gold to Rome and to provide for the disposition of Benefices until the King should otherwise Decree Du recueil de l'Histoire de la ligne That of Tours added this clause to the Decree They declared Gregory calling himself Pope the fourteenth of that name an enemy to peace to the union of the Roman Catholick Church to the King and to his Estate adhering to the Conspiracy of Spain and a favourer of Rebels culpable of the most inhumane and most detestable Parricide committed on the Person of the most Christian and Catholick King Henry III. of famous memory The Parliament of the League did afterwards condemn and cause those Decrees to be burnt at Paris which were made against the Bulls and Ministers of the Romish See So one pulled down what another built up The Cardinal of Vendosme begins to raise a third party of Catholicks to make himself Head of them and thereby to bring himself to the Crown Scipio Balbani is sent to Rome by the Cardinal of Vendosme to treat with the Pope and to communicate his design unto him The Cardinal of Lenoncourt gives the King notice of the designs of the Cardinal of Vendosme The High Chancellour thereupon perswades him to turn to the Romish Religion Charles Duke of Guise having been long kept Prisoner at Tours escapes at noon-day and fleeth to Bourges and then meets with the Duke of Mayenne The Council of Sixteen falls into an emulation with the Parliament of Paris and with the Council of State chosen by the Duke of Mayenne Brigard who had been imprisoned upon suspicion of Plots against the League being escaped the Judges that made his Process are by the people in Arms tumultuously put in Prison and by the Council of Sixteen are caused to be strangled in the close Prison and the next day their bodies are hanged at the Greve with infamous writings on their Breasts The Duke
of Mayenne posts to Paris to appease this tumult and causeth Louchart Auroux Hamelin and Emmonot four of the chief of the Council of Sixteen which were most guilty to be strangled The King marcheth into Normandy layes siege to the City of Roven The Duke of Parma with the Spanish Army marcheth to relieve that place They fight at Aumale the King is wounded his men routed and he is put hard to it to save himself Villars the Governour of Roven sallying out enters the trenches and gains the Artillery The Duke of Parma retiring the King returns to Roven and reneweth the siege The Duke of Parma also returns to bring relief and the King's Forces being wasted he riseth from the siege and marcheth to the Banks of the River of Seine Those of the League begin to think of a peace The Catholicks of the King's party are displeased that the peace should be treated by the Sieur de Plessis a Hugonot The Mareschal de Biron is killed with a Canon shot before Espernay The King wept bitterly at the news of his death The Baron de Biron to revenge the death of his Father scales a great Tower at Espernay and takes it but is sorely wounded and the Town is delivered up into the hands of the Duke of Nevers Governour of th●t Province August 9. 1592. Now the King desireth a reconciliation with the Catholick Church by way of agreement not by way of pardon The King takes Dreux and being constrained by the importunities of his own Catholick party who threaten to forsake him resolves to change his Religion And being instructed by the Archbishop of Bourges by René Benoist Curate of S. Eustache of Paris and of some other Doctors desires to be admitted into the bosom of the Romish Church And on July 25. he went to Mass at St. Dennis and made a publick and solemn Profession to the said Arbhbishop assisted by Charles Cardinal of Bourbon Archbishop of Roven and Nephew to the deceased nine Bishops with many other Prelates and Religious men protesting to live and die in the Romish Religion swearing to defend it against all men Having made profession of his Faith he performed all Ceremonies requisite in so solemn an Act and then he received absolution and blessing with wonderful joy and acclamation of the people Presently after this Act the King sent the Duke of Nevers the Marquess of Pisani and Henry of Gondy Bishop of Paris to the Pope to yield obedience by them to the See of Rome to beseech him to allow of his Conversion and to countenance it with his own blessing Whilst Elizabeth Queen of England upon account of Religion did with so great expences relieve the French King a strong rumour was spread in England that he either would or had already changed his Religion hereupon was Thomas Wilkes sent over into France to understand the certainty thereof But before his arrival the King had made a publick Profession of the Popi●h Religion at St. Dennis as hath been before expressed although some Papists of Religious Order● at that time plotted against his life But he ingenuously declared unto Wilkes the causes that moved him to forsake his Religion And Morlante the French Agent in the mean time telleth the Queen all the very same things and with fair and specious words offereth her all kindness in the King his Masters behalf The Queen being much troubled and disquieted in mind snatched up her Pen and a while after sent this Letter to him Alas what deep sorrow Cambden hist of Q. Eli●abe●h what vehement grief what sighs have I felt at my heart for the things which Morlante hath told me of Alas is the world come to this pass Was it possible that any worldly matter should make you quit the fear of God can we expect any happy issue of such a fact or could you think that He who hath hitherto with his own right hand upholden and preserved you would now forsake you It is a very dangerous thing to do evil that good may come of it Yet I hope a sober spirit will put you into a better mind In the mean time I will not omit to make it a principal part of my prayers the recommending you to God beseeching him that the hands of Esau may not lose you the blessing of Jacob. Whereas you do Religiously and solemnly offer me your friendship I know to my great cost I have well deserved it neither should I repent that had you not changed your Father Verily from henceforth I cannot be your Sister by the Father for the truth is I shall ever more dearly love and honour my own Father than a false and counterfeit one which God knoweth very well who I beseech him bring you back again to a better mind Subscribed Your Sister if it be after the old manner as for the new I have nothing to do with it Elizabeth R. Yet notwithstanding a Contract was made between him and the Queen at Melun in the Month of August to make War offensive and defensive against the Spaniards And the Queen recommended again and again the Reformed Religion and the Professours thereof to his Care and Protection by Sir Robert Sidney He promised Th●t as he had been hitherto their Protectour so he would not for the future fail them though most of the Nobler sort of them had forsaken him On August 26. Peter Barrier born at Orleans was taken Prisoner at Melun where the King then was by the discovery of a Jacobin Florentine to whom he had confessed himself in Lions He confessed that seduced and perswaded by a Capuchin of Lions and afterwards confessed by Aubry Curate of St. Andrews des Acts at Paris by his Vicar and by Father Varade a Jesuite he was come thither expresly to murther the King The Priest revealing this Crime incurs no Ecclesiastical censure The wretch was found seized of a sharp knife with two edges He was pinched with hot Pincers his right hand burnt off holding the said knife his arms legs and thighs broken and his body burnt to ashes and cast into the River Upon a general surceasing of Arms the King assembled some of the chief of the Realm at Mante especially to hear the complaints of such as stood in doubt of the King's change in Religion and were grieved at divers contraventions of his Majesties Edicts whereby they suffered wrongs in all Provinces For the Partisans of Spain continually exclaimed of the incompatibility of two Religions in France and many were of opinion That the King ought not to be admitted but he should promise expresly to banish all such as made Profession of any other Religion than that which he did embrace or at least to abolish all publick Profession But the King employed all his care to unite his people in concord Vitry desiring to be the first that should re-enter under the King's obedience as he had been the first that had separated from it brought back the City of Meaux Aix
could not be cleared before his death the thing to his great grief remained unperfect In the end of the year 1611. the suit between the University of Paris and the Jesuites was decided Monsieur Servin concluding for the University against the Jesuites to whom these four Articles were propounded to be by them subscribed 1. That the General Council was above the Pope 2. That the Pope hath no Temporal Power over Kings and could not by Excommunication deprive them of their Realms and Estates 3. That Clergy-men having heard of any Attempts or Conspiracies against the King or his Realm or any matter of Treason in confession are bound to reveal it to the Magistrate 4. That Clergy-men are subject to the Prince or Temporal Magistrate Anno 1612. by a Decree of the Court of Parliament a certain Book written in Latine by Gaspar Scoppius entituted Ecclesiasticus tending to the Rebellion of Subjects against Sovereign Power and containing an infinite number of execrable blasphemies and scandalous assertions against the glorious memory of the deceased King Henry IV. was burnt by the Hang-man publickly in the Palace-yard Near this time flourished Arnald Ossat a French Cardinal His and Cardinal Perron's French Letters are esteemed useful both for the understanding of Ecclesiastical and State affairs He was Schola● to Peter Ramus One gives him this character Cardinalis Ossatus Vir eruditione prudentia integritate suavitate morum eximiè conspicuus Gassend de vit Piereskij li. 1. Whilst M. Du Moulin lived in Paris he was invited by many Universities to accept of the Chair of Divinity but the Church of Paris would never part with him The University of Leyden did most constantly court him considering him still as a member of their Body They began in the year 1611. and offered him the place of Arminius then newly dead And not only the Curators by frequent addresses to the Church of Paris and to him but the States by their Ambassadours and the Prince of Orange by his Letters did from time to time demand him Before the death of King Henry IV. Du Plessis desired leave of that King to retire himself which the King unwillingly granted withal desiring him to come sometimes to Court. Being returned to his Government at Saumur he began his work of the Mystery of Iniquity Anno. 1607. which he finished in nine Months Then he began to set on those great Volumes of Baronius to which he intended a Confutation Du Perron was much pressed by the King to answer Du Pless●● His Friends told him that the Action at Fountainbleau was little to his Credit and if Du Plessis should die it would be then too late to answer him because men would be ready to say he durst not do it in his life time wherefore he promised and undertook the business and going to Rome sequestred himself from other business to perform it promising the Pope at his arrival in France to Print his answer which he said was risen to a great Volume Upon his return the King demanded of him when he would Print it he told his Majesty that he stayed but for some Manuscripts from Rome Which answer the King seeing his delays used as a Proverb to some undertakers whose work went not forward making idle excuses to him Yes saith the King I see you stay for Manuscripts from Rome too Casaubon who was about the Cardinal wrote to Monsieur Du Plessis concerning this answer telling him that it was finished and that himself had seen it Du Plessis desired Casaubon to give him from him the same Counsel which Christ did to Judas in the Gospel What thou dost do quickly But this Volume of answer never appeared the Cardinal after the King's murther accounting himself to be disengaged from his promise Du Plessis turned his Mystery of Iniquity into Latine which he dictated so fast that his Amanuensis had much ado with his pen to keep pace with him After the horrid Murther of the King he took so good order as to keep the people about his Government in quiet and as soon as he had received an Edict for the Regency of the Queen-Mother he administred the Oath of fidelity to all the Clergy and People within his jurisdiction making a speech unto them in which he desired them to forget the distinguishing names of Papist and Protestant Afterwards a dissention arose between Monsieur Du Moulin Minister of the Church at Paris and Tilenus Professour at Sedan about the effects of the union of the natures in Christ The making up of this difference was by a National Synod held at Tonneinx referred to Monsieur Du Plessis who proved the happy Authour of a full reconciliation between them in the year 1614. Yet had this difference like to have broke forth again the year following by indiscretion or malice rather of some particular persons had not Monsieur Du Plessis in time stopped its progress In the year 1615. King James sent by Sir Theodore Mayerne to invite Du Moulin into England to confer with him about a Method of uniting all the Reformed Churches of Christendom to which he had been often solicited by Monsieur Du Plessis The issue of which voyage was That King James resolved to send Letters to all Protestant Princes to invite them to Union and desired the French Churches to frame a Confession gathered out of all those of other Reformed Churches in the which unnecessary Points might be left out as the means of begetting discord and dissention Two Months before Du Moulin's coming into England Du Perron had made an Oration in the States assembled at Blois where he had maintained that the Pope had power to depose Kings and had used King James very ill and having published it in Print he sent it to his Majesty To answer that Oration King James made use of Du Moulin's service for the French Language and it was Printed the first time in French while Du Moulin was in England in that year 1615. before it was Printed in English The King going to Cambridge carried Du Moulin along with him and made him take the Degree of Doctor The Doctor at his return into France Landed at Bullen where Monsieur de Compagnoles was Governour for the Duke of Espernon It was the time when the French Princes began to stir against Mary the Queen-Mother of France And because the Prince of Conde was courting the Reformed Churches to joyn with him in that design the Doctor was suspected as having taken that journey to procure help from England for the Princes Wherefore Campagnoles was charged to arrest him at his Landing which he did and committed him to the Guard of two Souldiers seized upon his Trunks and Papers and searched them But after two daies he released him desiring him to tell no man of the wrong he had done him The Doctor finding at his return that the Protestants began to engage with the Princes against the Queen-mother and in effect against the King who was then declared Major
the League between the French King the Duke of Savoy and the Venetians negotiates another between himself and the Princes of Italy The Spaniard spreads abroad defaming Libels against the League of France Venice and Savoy Those great losses which the Protestants had sustained for some preceding years in Bearn and Languedoc alwaies kept them waking especially after the Peace of Montpelier they well perceiving that those small ●outs which they had suffered did threaten their Party with an utter destruction The Spaniards therefore laboured very much to get the Sieur de Soubize and Rohan who were the only eminent persons to Command their Arms. Their design took effect These two Brothers being met at Castres resolved to raise those of their Party the one by Sea at Guienne and the other in Languedoc The attempt upon the Fort of Blavet otherwise Port S. Lewes of which we have spoken before was an effect of that resolution as also the endeavours of the Duke and Duchess of Rohan began at the same time in Languedoc to draw in more Towns in to their Party But the Marquess de Ragny was sent in all haste into Languedoc with certain Regiments to oppose the first Commotions and to employ many persons of discretion to assure himself of the Counsels of the chief Towns and by this means most of them kept within their duties Soubize publisht a Manifest which sounded an Alarm to all the Protestant Party making them to believe that their utter ruine was concluded on in the King's Council That the loss of their Religion was inevitable if they did not defend themselves by Arms and that the raising of Fort Saint Lewes built by Rochel was a sign of it He suggested to them that the Catholicks were of opinion in most of their Bcoks that they were not obliged to keep Faith with Hereticks Most were taken with these reasons because the Duke of Rohan clapt into some Towns certain Gentlemen and Captains of his own Religion to encourage them and to stir up the Popular Ministers who after this looked for nothing but when to rise not considering that the insurrections which they were carried to were contrived by the Spaniards who pretended not to make use of them but only to divert and draw off the King's Arms from Italy That fomentation which the Spaniard gave to the Hugonots whereby to force the King to draw off his Army from the Valtoline obliged the French King to do the like by the Spaniard in assaulting the Common-wealth of Genoa The Pope sends the Cardinal Barbarino in the quality of a Legate into France to negotiate the Peace between the French King and the King of Spain The Hugonots by the Spaniards instigation arm themselves very potently against the French King The Duke of Rohan took the Command upon himself of those Forces in Languedoc Soubize those in Poictou Although Soubize had been repulsed from before the Port of Blavet yet by that means he made himself master of six great Ships which were the King 's and the Duke 's of Nemours which gave him opportunity of doing very considerable damages He had formerly got together about eleven Ships of War and many Shallops and small Boats and with these roved up and down the Coasts of Poictou and Guienne as hath been before hinted at The Duke of Rohan got together about two thousand men near Castres He gave out that the Rochellers had taken Arms and sworn a League with the Churches of his Party that he might by this pretence get a like interest in some other Towns which he had an eye upon And accordingly he went to Puilaurens Ruel Soreze St. Pauls Leviate and Briteste and made the Consuls swear to the Confederacy afterwards he came to the Gates of Lavaur to surpr●z● it but his design took no effect The Count of Carmain Governour of Foix got into Ruel and Soreze after the other had forsaken them and so dealt with the Consuls that they confessed their faults and protested not to take part with him any more A Process was made in the Parliament of Tholouse against him and all his Adherents The Marquess de Cragny and the Count of Carmain marched against the Duke and whilst those who made the first Encounter were at it the rest got into Vianes who were however so closely pursued by the Marshal's Forces that the Regiment of Normandy was hard at their heels entring into the Town with them Thus he remained Master of Peyresquade where there were about one hundred and fifty of the Rebels Souldiers killed and hurt all which the Duke of Rohan beheld from a Fort in Vianes where he then was from which time forwards he began to despair of doing any great matters for the future especially since he saw himself so closely followed and that the Cardinal had taken such a course in Languedoc that the King could have raised more men in twenty four hours than the Duke in a whole month Soubize finding little assurance on the main Land had fortified himself in the Isles of Reé and Olleron it was the more important to remove him thence because otherwise it would be impossible to reduce Rochel unto its obedience so easily and abundantly might he recruit them with necessaries from those fertile Islands but the Duke of Montmorency the King's Admiral made himself Master of the Isle of Reé after a three daies Combate with a great deal of obstinacy on both parts The Duke of Montmorency Landed at Olleron where he met with no resistance The Sieur de Soubize haying withdrawn himself into England lived at a House called Burgate in Hampshire near the New Forest for divers years after The whole Province was now setled in quiet both by Sea and Land of all which King Lewes was informed who received the news with much joy Cardinal Barbarini Legate from the Pope arrived in France and came to Marseilles where he was received with great honour 〈◊〉 also at Lions according to the Orders sent by the King He came to Paris on May 21. and entred in great pomp He is bound by the Laws of the Kingdom before he officiate the Function of a Legate to present the Brief which the Pope hath given him for the employment to the Parliament of Paris The Pope having omitted in this Brief to give the King the title of King of Navarre the Parliament refused to acknowledge it and obliged him not to proceed any further in the business till that were amended The Legate coming to Paris alighted at St. James de Haut-pas where the Clergy of the City the concourse of the Court and other Officers to the number of twelve thousand went to salute him and receive his Benediction After this the Prelates of Paris came to pay their respects to him There was a little dispute in what habit they should appear before him the Legate desiring they should be in their Rochets and Camall covered over with a Mantlet as a mark that they had no power in
another little Town near to Saint Aubin and put all the Souldiers in it to the sword Then they marched against certain places which the Duke of Rohan had resolved to defend but the fear which the Inhabitants and Souldiers apprehended on sight of the Army made them open their Gates so they entred without resistance Then they became Masters of Corconne and Aubenas Montmorency pursued the Duke of Rohan and constrained him to flight he maintained the fight about two hours and saw about an hundred of his Souldiers killed fifteen of his Guard seven or eight Captains slain and divers others wounded In fine he saw at the years end that he had very little advanced his design The Rochellers now send to the King of England to demand succour Order was given for the Rigging out a Fleet in behalf of the Rochellers and the Command to be given to the Earl of Denbigh The King goes from Rochel to Paris to dissipate those Factions which began to rise thereabouts by the Hugonots in Picardy Champagnie and Brie Richlieu Commandeth the Army in his Majestie 's absence The English Fleet being now ready to hoise sail for Rochel the King resolveth to return thither The Rochellers are summoned by an Herauld to surrender to the King but their minds and answers were full of insolency so that the King bent all his thoughts to prepare for the fighting with the English Fleet at their first coming About the eleventh of May they were descried two Leagues off the point of Coreille An order was resolved on by the King assisted with his Generals and Sea Captains and so delivered to the Commander of Valencay who distributed it among the Officers The English attempt to relieve Rochel but in vain and when the Rochellers were embarqued after the exhortations of their Ministers and their Captains had solemnly sworn to pass the Bank in spite of all opposition or die in the attempt they were struck with such faint-heartedness that not a man durst stir his hand and Vincent their Minister could no longer speak unto them as himself confessed in a Letter to a friend of His. The English Fleet now departeth whereupon great dissentions arise among the Rochellers Then the King sent another summons to them to yield Breton Herauld at Arms was commanded to do it in form with his Coat of Arms who went into the City required them to lay down their Arms assured them of Pardon for their past Crime and threatning them with the contrary in case they should now refuse it But they being animated by their Preachers the Town continued obstinate in their insolencies After a feigned Treaty between the King and the Rochellers the Town was reduced by Famine to extream miseries The Cardinal perswaded his Majesty to settle divers Catholick Preachers in the Hugonot Provinces and wrought upon the Duke of Tremoville to forsake the Protestant Religion The Rochellers when they saw there was no hopes of succour from the English and that they died by thousands of the Famine made divers proposals of accommodation Since the last six months there had died about ten thousand of the Famine The Cardinal declared to them they must not think of any other condition than absolutely to submit to his Master's will At last they chose twelve of the principal among them most of which could hardly creep to beg his Majestie 's pardon to assure him that they would live and die in the obedience which they owed to him without demanding any other conditions than what his Majesty should please to give them The King granted them the pardon which they desired and the Sieur of Herbaut Secretary of State read the Patent to them by which his Majesty pardoned their Rebellion discharged them of all Acts of Hostility ordained that they should be restored to their goods granted them the Exercise of their Religion in the City and commanded that all the Souldiers in the City should enjoy the same Grace and that the chi●f Captains and Gentlemen should go out with their swords by their sides and the Souldiers with Cudgels in their hands but first they were to swear never to bear Arms against his Majestie 's service Rochel yielded up to the King Upon October 30. the Duke of Angolesm the Marshal de Scomberg the Sieurs de la Curce Vignolle Hallier St. Chaumont and divers other Lords fourteen Companies of the Regiments des Guardes and six of Swisses began about six in the morning to enter into Rochel The King placed himself upon the Fort de Beaulieu to see the Forces march into the Town They who Commanded these Forces seized on all the Gates of the Town the Ramparts Cannon and Munition and sent away the Souldiers the English by Sea and the French by Land who looked more like ghosts than men There were as many Citadels as Gates and as many Castles as Towers and this was it that made the City be esteemed impregnable especially seeing it had an outlet by Sea which could never have been broken up but by his Majestie 's extraordinary power and prudence yet all served but as Trophies raised to his Majestie 's glory On November 1. the King made his entrance into the City Those poor Creatures of the City prostrated themselves as he rode by them that they might the more acknowledge the mercy he had shewed them He had his Arms on and rode in on Horse-back without any Ceremony only four Companies of his Guards two of Swisses his two Troops of Light Horse Armed Cap-a-pe his Dragoons and the Life-guard marched before him all the Nobility following him without any order to avoid the disputes of Precedency Administrat of Card. Richli●u The Inhabitants cast themselves on their knees as his Majesty passed along the Streets crying God save the King who hath been so gracious unto us And he frequently saluted those who seemed to be of the better sort among them But those submissions and acknowledgements were much more increased when they received the ten thousand Loaves of Bread which the King distributed among them the same day together with divers other Alms. But when they saw that there came three thousand Carts laden with Wheat and other Provisions into the Town with a proportionate number of Beasts and Cattle which his Majesty commanded to be brought and sold at the usual rates of the Army they then confessed that he knew how to pardon as well as to vanquish The King alighted at S. Margarite's Church which had been Consecrated by the Bishop of Burdeaux and where the Cardinal had with divers Ecclesiasticks that morning celebrated Mass by way of doxology for that happy Victory He was received by the Archbishop assisted by the Clergy and divers other Religious who sung the Te Deum and the King himself also sang it with great devotion About two daies after the King caused the Hoast to be carried in Procession which was performed with a pompous Devotion He also wrote to the Archbishop
King Richard took Messana by assault seized on most Forts in the Island Tankred gave to our King what rich conditions soever he demanded to pacifie him Worse discords daily encreased betwixt the Kings of England and France King Richard slighting the King of France his Sister whom he had promised to marry King Philip hasted presently to Ptolemais Richard followed with more leisure and took Cyprus in his way Cursac reigned then in Cyprus who killed the English that landed there But King Richard speedily over-ran the Island bound Cursac with silver fetters The Island he pawned to the Templars for ready money and there took to Wife his beloved Lady Beringaria Daughter to the King of Navarr The City of Ptolemais was taken the Houses which were left with the spoil and Prisoners were equally divided betwixt Philip and Richard Here the English cast down the Ensigns of Leopold Duke of Austria who had fought so long in assaulting this City till his Armour was all over gore-blood save the place covered with his belt But King Richard afterward paid dearly for it King Richard caused seven thousand of his Turkish Prisoners to be put to death and Saladine in revenge put as many of our Captives to death But the French King reserving his Prisoners alive exchanged them to ransom so many Christians Philip the French King Odo Duke of Burgundy Duke Leopold most of the Dutch all the Genoans and Templars side with King Conrade King Richard Henry Count of Champaigne the Hospitallers Venetians and Pisans take part with King Guy But King Conrade's side was much weakned by the departure of the French King About that time Conrade King of Jerusalem was murdered in the Market-place of Tyre Now King Guy exchanged his Kingdom of Jerusalem for the Island of Cyprus which he had redeemed from the Templars to whom he had pawned it Henry of Champaign was chosen King by the procurement of King Richard who after many notable exploits done in Palestine and a peace made with Saladine in his return passing through Germany in a disguise was taken Prisoner in Austria sold and sent by Duke Leopold to Henry the Emperour At last he was ransomed for an hundred and forty thousand marks a sum so vast in that Age that to raise it in England they were forced to sell their Church-plate to their very Chalices After this Money Peter of Blois made an Apostrophe to the Duke or Emperour sending this good prayer Bibe nunc Avaritia Dum puteos argenteos Larga diffundit Anglia Tua tecum pecunia Sit in perditionem And now thou basest Avarice Drink till thy Belly burst Whilst England pours large silver showers To satiate thy Thirst And this we pray Thy Money may And thou be like accurst King Richard after eighteen Months imprisonment returned into England And in Austria the Duke with his Money built the Walls of Vienna But God punished the Dominions of Leopold with fire and water and by famine for the Ears of Wheat turned into Worms A Gangreen seized on the Duke's body who cut off his Leg with his own hand and dyed thereof who by his Will caused some thousand Crowns to be restored again to King Richard Soon after Henry King of Jerusalem as he was walking in his Palace fell down out of a Window and broke his neck Roger Hoveden tells us that near about this time there was in the City of Tholouse a great number of Men and Women whom the Pope's Commissioners viz. Peter Cardinal of St. Chrysogon and the Pope's Legate with the Arch-Bishops of Narbon and Biturium Reginald Bishop of Bathe John Bishop of Pictavia Henry Abbot of Clareval c. did persecute and condemn for Hereticks of whom some were scourged naked some chased away some compelled to abjure Now sprang up the Doctrine and name of them which were then called Pauperes de Lugduno which of one Waldus a chief Senator in Lyons were named Waldenses they were also called Leonistae Insabbatati about the year of our Lord 1170. It happened on a day as divers of the principal men of the City assembled together consulted upon divers matters that one of the company fell down and dyed suddenly the rest of the company looking on This Waldus being terrified at the sight of it was converted and presently reformed his Life He ministred of his Goods large Alms to the Poor he purchased a Bible studied the Scriptures instructed himself and his Family with the true knowledge of God's word He admonished all that resorted to him to repentance and amendment of Life He gave out to them that were ready to learn certain rudiments of the Scripture which himself had translated into the French Tongue for he was both Wealthy and Learned The Popish Prelates threatned to excommunicate him but he neglecting their threatnings said God must be obeyed rather than Man At length they drave both Waldus and all his adherents out of the City The Articles of the Waldenses I find in order and number to be these 1. That only the Holy Scripture is to be believed in matters pertaining to Salvation c. 2. All things to be contained in Holy Scripture necessary to Salvation 3. That there is one only Mediator that other Saints are in no wise to be made Mediators or to be invocated 4. They rejected purgatory asserting that all men either by Christ are justified to Life or without Christ be condemned and besides these two neither any third or fourth place to be 5. That all Masses viz. such as be sung for the dead be wicked and are to be abrogate 6. That all Mens Traditions are to be rejected at least not to be reputed as necessary to Salvation c. That constrained Fasts difference of Meats such variety of degrees and orders of Priests Fryars Monks and Nuns superfluous Holy-days so many sundry benedictions and hallowing of Creatures vows peregrinations with all the Rabblement of Rites and Ceremonies to be abolished 7. The supremacy of the Pope usurping above all Churches and especially above all politick Realms and Governments not to be acknowledged neither that any degree is to be received in the Church but only Bishops Priests and Deacons 8. The Communion under both kinds to be necessary to all people according to the Institution of Christ 9. That the Church of Rome is Babylon spoken of in the Revelation and the Pope is Antichrist 10. They reject the Pope's pardons and indulgences 11. They hold the Marriage of Priests and Ecclesiastical persons to be pious and necessary in the Church 12. That such as hear the Word of God and have a right Faith are the true Church of Christ John Arch-Bishop of Lyons excommunicated Waldus and all his followers They were dispersed into divers places of whom many remained long in Bohemia who writing to their King Vladislaus to purge themselves against the slanderous accusations of one Doctor Austin gave up their confession with an Apology for their Christian profession defending with strong and
was John XXII He was a Cistercian Monk he sate in that seat eighteen years This John believed that the Souls do not enjoy the presence of God before the day of Judgement He sent two Preachers to Paris the one a Dominican the other a Franciscan to assert and maintain the same Heresie But one Thomas an English Preacher withstood the Pope and the Pope threw him into prison Hereupon the French King summoned a Council unto his palace in Vintiana Sylva the whole Assembly subscribed against the Pope Immediately the King sent to Pope John to reform his errour and to set the Preacher at liberty which he did Some say that the Divines of Paris made him to recant his errour publickly Append. to Martin Polon in Joann 22. sub Ann. 1317. This John XXII erected the Church of Tholouse in France to an Arch-Bishoprick divided the Diocess of Tholouse into six Bishopricks the Bishops whereof should be suffragans to the Arch-Bishop of Tholouse and turned six Villages into Cities viz. Montauban Rieux Lombez-Abbey St. Papoul Lavaur and Mirepoix He created two Bishopricks within the Arch Bishoprick of Narbon the first at Limoux whose Seat he translated to Alet not long after the second in the Abbey of St. Pons setting out their Diocesses He divided also the Bishoprick of Alby into two and created one at Castres He erected divers others besides which are reckoned up in particular by the Authour of the continuation to Martinus Polonus Clement V. predecessour to this Pope had ordained that Emperours by the German Princes elected might be called Kings of the Romans but might not enjoy the Title or right of the Empire to be nominated Emperours without their confirmation given by the Pope Wherefore because Lewes of Bavaria being chosen Emperour used the Imperial dignity in Italy before he was authorized by the Pope the said Pope John therefore Excommunicated the Emperour who often desired of him a Treaty of peace which the Pope refused to hearken to At the same time divers learned Men disallowed the doings of the Pope as William Ocham whose transactions were afterward condemned by the Pope for writing against that See and Marsilius Pativinus who wrote the Book entituled Defensor pacis which was put into the hands of the said Emperour wherein the controversie of the Pope's unlawful jurisdiction in things Temporal is largely disputed and the usurped Authority of that See is set forth to the uttermost Some Writers say that a great cause of the variance was for that one of the Emperour's Secretaries unknown to the Emperour had likened in divers of his Letters the Papal See to the Beast rising out of the Sea in the Apocalypse At length when the Emperour after much suit made to the Pope at Avignon could not obtain his Coronation from him he went to Rome where he was received with great honour and both he and his Wife were both crowned by the consent of all the Lords and Cardinals there and another Pope was there set up called Nicholas V. Not long after Pope John dyeth at Avignon after whom succeedeth Benedict XII Anno 1335. This Man was as uncourteous to the Emperour as John had been he renewed the curses against him bereft him of all Regal Dignity and by his sentence deprived him of the Dukedom of Bavaria Hereupon the Emperour cometh into Germany and assembleth the Princes Dukes Nobles Bishops and other learned men in a Council at Franckford where he caused an injunction to be dispatched wherein he affirmed the sentence pronounced against him unjust and that his Excommunication did no way bind him Wherefore he commanded upon great penalties that no man should obey his censures and interdictions in that behalf which injunction caused great alterations in Germany especially among the Clergy some holding with the Emperour others with the Pope Dante 's a man of profound Learning at that time wrote a Book called The Monarchy wherein he favoured the Emperour for which he was afterward condemned and his Book held for Heresie And other great men wrote Books and Treatises defending the Pope's supream Authority Charles IV. Brother to Philip the long succeeded in the Kingdom of France being the last Son of Philip the Fair. He dyed Anno 1328. having reigned six years leaving the Crown to the second royal Branch of Capets whereunto the order of the fundamental Law did lawfully call them Philip the Hardy had left two Sons Philip the fair and Charles Earl of Valois of whom it is said that he was the Son of a King Brother to a King Unckle to a King Father to a King and yet no King Philip the Son of Charles of Valois is saluted and proclaimed King of France and anointed and crowned at Rhemes according to the usual custom Near the beginning of his Reign De Serres Hist in vit Philip. de Valois the Courts of Parliament and all the Soveraign Judges assembled from all the Provinces made a general complaint against the Clergy of France accusing them of sundry abuses and namely that against the right of their charges they intermeddled with the politick jurisdiction The suit was vehement and famous for the greatness of the parties The King to reconcile this quarrel calls a general Assembly of his whole Realm at Paris The cause was pleaded before him with great liberty by Peter de Cugneriis this is He whom in derision they call M. Peter Cugnet who is in the great Temple in Paris noted with a little Monkey's head placed betwixt two pillars to put out the Candles being odious by reason of his pleading and as coldly defended by Peter Bertrand both famous Advocates in those times The issue was doubtful and Philip seriously exhorted the Prelates to reform themselves and in reforming the abuse to avoid these popular complaints refering the matter to a further hearing This Pope Benedict took from the Emperour the Senatourship of Rome he first took upon him to usurp the presentments of all Bishopricks He abridged many unlearned men of Priesthood He reformed many Sects of Monks He commanded that all his Chaplains should lye in one Dormitory together and should have no other Revenues than for Dyet and Apparel He published certain Acts against the Dominicans he kept divers Concubines And leaving great store of Treasure to the Church he dyed Anno 1342. of whom these verses were made Iste fuit verò Laicis mors vipera Clero Devius a vero turba Repleta mero Clement VI. born in Lemonia by profession a Benedictine called before Peter Rogers being Abbot of Fisca succeeded Benedict at Avignon This Man Excommunicated all the Princes Lords and Bishops that consented to the doings of Lewes the Emperour He made Avignon part of St. Peter's patrimony He ordained that the Jubilee should be kept every fiftyeth year after the manner of the Jews and so it was kept at Rome Anno 1350. Now there were great Wars in France between Edward III. King of England and the King of France
Pinnaces and one Traversin in condition to sail But the Vessels were unladed and the Gentlemen and Souldiers safely landed in the Citadel The French King having been sick after his recovery comes to Rochel to drive the English out of Reé The Duke of Buckingham resolves to make his last attempt upon the Citadel of St. Martin The English began an assault but were repulsed It is said that the besieged took all the Ladders of the English fifty Prisoners of which were divers Captains and Officers that they had killed four or five hundred without losing above eighteen or twenty men and some few wounded among which were the Sieurs de Sardaignes and Gran Val who being shot through the bodies died within a few daies after The English doubting their Trenches would not secure them forsook the one half of them and shortly after resolved to go back for England The Marshal de Schomberg shortly after landeth there with fifty Barques about three in the morning without being discovered by the Enemy These being conjoyned with other Souldiers fell upon the English and routed them Their Horse were lost in the Marish Their Cornet and twenty four Colours and four Cannon were taken About five hundred were killed on the place besides those that were drowned in the Sea Many Gentlemen of quality and Officers were killed And as the French History saith three thousand Arms were taken in the Field and above one thousand five hundred Souldiers laden with the spoils It is reported that the English scarce carried off one thousand men the rest being either dead with sickness or killed and most of them also died soon after their return into England by reason of the discommodities they there endured After the King had obtained this signal Victory against the English he bent all his thoughts toward the besieging of Rochel The order of the whole Circumvallation was prescribed by his Majesty He raised thirteen Forts and several Redoubts upon the Trenches the Circuit of which were three Leagues or thereabout all out of Musket or Falcon shot but not of Cannon This Circumvallation being finished cut off all relief by Land and shortly after they were blocked up by Sea too At this time the Duke of Rohan finds means to make an Assembly in the Ville d'Vsez where divers of their Deputies met together and as he had no less Eloquence than Courage he perswaded them to whatever he had a mind to They approved of those succours which he had negotiated in England as just and necessary and they assured him not to enter into any Treaty of Peace with his Majesty without the Consent of the English and his own in particular Whereupon they deputed some of the chief of their Party to go to the Towns of Languedoc and Guienne they also wrote to those of Dauphiné and Vivarez to encourage them to unite with them for the good of the Cause They drew up the form of an Oath to be sworn by the Consuls the Governours of Towns Lords and Gentlemen who would engage with them An union very strange which divided Members from the Head and so separated Subjects from their Prince After the Duke of Rohan had used all his devices and seen the English Land at Reé he took up Arms and appeared in the Field He summoned the Duke of Savoy to send those Forces which he had promised but he could not obtain them All that he could draw from him was a promise of fifty thousand crowns Those Towns which were delivered up to him were Nismes Vses St. Ambrose Alets Anduse le Vignan St. Hippolite St. Jean de Grandamenque Samens la Salle and other smaller places and with those Forces drawn together he took during this year Realmont Renel Naves Mazares Pamiers Castres Soyon and other Towns upon the Rhofere and in Vivarez and more he had done if the Cardinal under the King's Authority had not prevented him It cannot be imagined with how much care and trouble he kept those together who were engaged in his Party how low he was fain to stoop to work upon the meaner sort of people how many impertinencies he was forced to bear how many inconsiderate discourses he was necessitated to hear and to how much constraint he was compelled to subject himself He hath since protested to divers of his friends that there is no care like that of retaining a mutinous people in that order which is necessary for him to make them follow who would raise any advantage to himself by their revolt Then the King by the advice of Cardinal Richlieu sent the Sieur Galland Privy Counsellour to his Majesty toward those Hugonot Towns which the Duke of Rohan had attempted to revolt that he might confirm them in their obedience This man was one of their own Religion which gave the King reason to hope they would be directed by him Having received his Commission he went directly to Montauban the chief Town of their Party next unto Rochel and by which most of the other Towns would be guided Upon his first arrival be called the Inhabitants together he gave them his Letter of Credence writ by his Majesty to them and began to confirm them in their obedience He laid before them the duty of Subjects toward their Prince the miseries and calamities which they had suffered whilst they fell off from their obedience he represented to them the disasters which would inevitably fall upon them if they should revolt he informed them of the small reason they had to believe the Duke of Rohan's promises or the aid of the English Fleet which he said could not hinder the relieving of the Isle of Reé His words so wrought on them that they subscribed a Declaration which they delivered to him in which they professed to live and die in that Loyalty which they owed unto his Majesty And all the other Towns unengaged in the revolt did the like And his Prudence was so successful that the Towns of Briateste Castres Pamiers Puylaurens Mazares St. Amand Cabarede Mazares Masdazil Arlat and many others made the like declarations under their hands and Seals But the misfortune was that having left divers Factious Spirits of Monsieur de Rohan's Party in Castres Pamiers and some other of those Towns before named they remained not firm to those resolutions he had insinuated to them by which means the Duke of Rohan soon after became Master of them The King unable to stop the D. of Rohan's proceedings by fair means makes use of force He commanded an Army to be raised and committed the Conduct of it to the Prince of Conde sending him a Commission of Lieutenant General of his Forces in Languedoc Dauphiné Guienne and Lyonnois He divided the Army into two parts the Prince of Conde had the better half the other being committed to the Duke of Montmorencie's care then Governour of Languedoc Soyon a strong place upon the Rhone was assaulted and in two daies forced to surrender The Prince also stormed
of Paris that a publick than●sgiving might be made and himself returning to Paris passed by Nostre Dam des Ardilliers that there he might pay his Vows for to his Devotions there he ascribed his first Victories as that of the relieving Reé upon which the whole success depended The King before he left Rochel published a Declaration wherein was contained that the Roman Catholick Religion should be freely Exercised there both in the City and Government of Aulnis That the Churches which had been lately destroyed thereabouts should be re-edified and restored to them in whose Possession they formerly were together with all their appurtenances That a sufficient maintenance should be given to such Curates as had not means to live on out of those lands which belonged to the Town-house That the Religieux de la charitè les Religiouses Hospitaliers should be re-established in the Hospitals of the Town to attend upon all sick persons That a Cross should be raised in the Castle-yard at the Foot of which an Inscription of the taking the City should be inscribed and that every first of November a Procession general should be made to give God thanks for his mercies That the Church-yard Consecrated in the Lands of Coreille where those of the Camp who died during the siege had been buried should still be conserved to that use That a Covent of Religieux Minimes should be built there who might pray unto God for them and perpetuate the memory of the thing The King took this course to keep Rochel in obedience He deposed the Mayor and discharged the Shrievalty and Commonalty of the Town without hopes of restauration He ordained that the most Seditious persons of the City should forsake it and among others Guison Mayre Godefray Salebret and Deserbrieres not so much as excepting the Dame de Rohan who was carried to Niort by the Sieur de Lannay Lieutenant des Gardes des Corps Next he revoked all the Priviledges and Charters heretofore granted to the City He commanded the Walls the Ramparts and the rest of the Fortifications to be razed and the Ditches to be filled up leaving only the Towers de S. Nicholas de la Chains de la lantern standing with that part of the Wall toward the Sea to preserve the Town from Pirates He appointed also that no stranger should have an House or Family in the Town without his Majestie 's permission had and obtained or that any Hereticks as the Protestants were called should return to their former dwellings And for the better keeping them in their obedience he ordained that there should be an Intendent of justice in the City Country and Government of Aulins who should see the Execution of his Ordinances and have an eye to that which concern'd his service all which was inserted in the said Declaration He then commanded the Inhabitants to be disarmed and that certain Regiments should remain in the Town until it were quite demolished After all these things he returned to Paris where he was magnificently received the Companies of the City making Orations unto him The expences of the Siege of Rochel are said to have amounted unto forty millions of Livres Then Monsieur the Prince the Dukes of Montmorency and Vantadour who Commanded his Majestie 's Forces in Languedoc became Masters of the Field and before the end of the year repossessed themselves of all those places in a few daies which were capable of being forced The King in the year following having resolved upon going into Italy commits the Government of the State to the Queen his Mother And before he goeth into Piedmont he compelleth the Hugonots in Languedoc to lay down their Arms and to declare in form before his Parliaments and Judges that they will live in all duties and obedience hereafter His Majesty caused his Declaration to this purpose to be read in Parliament himself being present which put a stop to all the Hugonots affairs until after the taking of Suze Whilst the King is in Italy the Duke of Rohan takes Arms in the Sevennes And with the assistance of the Cities of Montauban Nismes Millaut Castres Privas Vsetz and some others had got such a body of an Army together as therewith he hoped to maintain himself in that little angle of the Kingdom and either presently to obtain some advantagious Conditions or to expect a more favourable time for the re-establishment of his depressed Party In the mean time he treated secretly with the King of Spain from whom he had also obtain'd a promise of some supply of money But the King who had intelligence of his practice returning with the same celerity out of Italy into France in the most violent heats of Summer with which he had passed out of France into Italy in the greatest extremity of Winter presented himself before Privas one of the Hugonot Cities in June which at his first coming he carried by assault after which Aletz another of the same Principles surrendered without resistance The Duke of Rohan observing what a terrour the taking of these two places had infused into his whole Faction and knowing on the other side that a Peace with Italy and England was already conclued began to apprehend at last he should be totally deserted by all his Confederates and Friends and left alone to bear the shock of all his Majesties Victorious Arms which made him in time seriously apply himself to his mercy to avoid the severe effects of his justice A Peace was concluded in July 1629. with the Duke of Rohan which all the other Cities of his Party likewise accepted except Montauban which for some daies stood out but afterwards was surrendered to Cardinal Richlieu who settled all things in peace to the great happiness of the King and the whole Kingdom The next year the French King procured from the Pope the Cardinals Hats to be bestowed on the Archbishop of Lions and Monsieur Bagni the Pope's Nuntio Now new stirs are at Court occasioned by the discontents of the Queen-Mother and the Monsieur The Queen-Mother professeth open hatred to the Cardinal she directly opposeth all his Counsels which how well soever they succeeded she still found matter enough to render them suspected to the King and to discredit them by sinister interpretations The Duke of Savoy was grown by this time sensible of the dishonourable Peace he had concluded at Suze to which the loss of Montferrat stuck mainly in his stomach The Duke therefore seizeth upon all the French in his Territories not so much as excepting the Merchants and Religious Orders The Marshal of Crequi hereupon advanceth to Pignerol with one thousand Horse six thousand Foot and some Cannon and reduced the Town and Citadel to the obedience of the French King And the passages from France to Piedmont were open after the reducing of certain Towns of the Duke of Savoy In short time the King makes himself Master of all Savoy The Cardinal offered all sorts of submission to the Queen-Mother to