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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33621 An abridgement of the Lord Coke's commentary on Littleton collected by an unknown author; yet by a late edition pretended to be Sir Humphrey Davenport, Kt. And in this second impression purged from very many gross errors committed in the said former edition. With a table of the most remarkable things therein.; Institutes of the laws of England. Abridgments. Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634.; Littleton, Thomas, Sir, d. 1481. aut; Davenport, Humphrey, Sir, 1566-1645, attributed name. 1651 (1651) Wing C4906; ESTC R217258 305,227 456

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succedunt res humanae ubi negliguntur divinae Fol. 64. b. Sex horas somno todidem des legibus aequis Quatuor orabis des Epulisque duas Quod superest ultro sacris largire camenis Sect. 86. and 87. Nota in old Books and Records the Homage which a Bishop Abbot or other man of Religion doth is called fealty for that it wanteth these words cieo deveign vostre home But yet in judgement of Law it is Homage because he saith I do to you homage c. and so of a Woman Argumentum ab inconvenienti plurimum valet in lege Non solum quod licet sed quid est conveniens est considerandum nihil quod est inconveniens ē licitum Sect. 89. and 90. Nul fer homage mes tiel que ad estate in fee simple ou en fee taile en son drt. dem ou en droit dun auter Si un home ad severall tenancies queux il tient de severall seignieurs per homage donques quant il ft. homage a un des seignieurs il dirra en le fine de son homage fait salve la foy que ido doy a nature seignieur le Roy a mes auters seignieurs Non Corporation aggregate of many persons capable shall do homage because that homage must be done in person and a Corporation c. cannot appear in person But an Abbot in nature of a sole Corporation shall do homage because the Covent are all dead persons in law Vide c. fo 66. b. * lib. 4. 11. l. 7. 10. Contra negantem principia non est disputandum A Parson or Vicar of a Church that hath a qualified fee and yet to many intents upon the matter but an estate for life can neither receive homage nor do homage as a Bishop c. that a fee absolute may Tenant per le Curtesie c. ne ferre homage c. per ceo que il adonque nad estate forsque per terme de vie Et Nota. He that cannot receive homage in respect of the weakness of his estate in the Seigniory shall not do homage if he hath a like estate in the tenancy fo 67. a. vide lib. c. Primogenita filia tantum faciet homagium Domino pro se omnibus sororibus suis Quia omnes sorores sunt quasi unus haeres de una haereditate 14 H. 3. tit Praerog 5. Every tenant in common shall do severall services If homage be parcell of a Tenure it is a presumption that the Tenure is by Knights service unless the contrary be proved CHAP. II. Fealty Sect. 91 92 93 and 94. TEnant for years shall do Fealty Littl. fo 29. nu 132. Sciendum est quod non per procuratores nec per literas fieri poterit homagium sed in propria persona tam domini quam tenentis capi debet fieri Bract. lib. 2. fo 8. Mes le Seneschal del Court le Signieur ou Baylife poit purender fealtie pur le Seignieur Item tenant a terme de vie ferre fealty encore il ne ferre homage Sic vide diversitatem The tenant must do fealty in person because he must be sworn unto it and no man can swear by the Common Law by Attorney or Proctor fo 68. 8. Whosoever is above the age of 12 years is to take the Oath of Allegiance and he is to be sworn in the Tourne unless he be within some Leet and then in the Leet CHAP. III. Escuage Sect. 94. SCutagium id est servitium scuti Nomina si nescis perit cognitio rerum Bracton saith Item scutagium dicitur quòd talis praestatio pertinet at scutum quòd assumitur servitium militare fol. 68. b. Every Tenure by Escuage is a Tenure by Knights service Sed non è converso But note here the wisdom of Antiquity Mavult enim princeps domesticos quam stipendiarios bellicis apponere casibus lib. rub Quant le Roy fait royall voiage en escoce c. donque il que tient per un fee de Chivaler c. covient erre oue le Roy per 40. jours bien convenablement array pur le guerre sic de caeteris c. In the ancient Treatise De modo tenendi Parliamentum tempore Regis Edw. filii Regis Etheldredi it appeareth That Comitatus to wit an Earldom constat ex viginti feodis unius militis quolibet feodo computato ad viginti libratas Baronia constat ex 13. feodis 3. parte unius feodi militis secundum comput ' praedictam unum feodum militis constat ex terris ad valentiam 20. l. fol. 79. a. A Marquisdome consists of the Revenue of two Baronies which amount to 800 Marks And a Dukedom consists of the Revenues of two Earldoms viz. 800 pounds per annum fol. 79. b. Note That the relief of a Knight and all above him which be Noble is the fourth part of their yearly revenue as of a Knight 5l which is the fourth part of 20l c. Edward the eldest Son of King Edw. 3. called The Black Prince was the first Duke in England after the Conquest and Robert Vere Earl of Oxford in the reign of R. 2. was the first Marquis Et Dominus de Bellomonte was the first Viscount created by King H. 6. A voyage Royal is not only when the King himself goeth to War as Littleton here saith but also when his Lieutenant or Deputy of his Lieutenant goeth He that holdeth by Castle gard or Cornage holdeth by Knights service and yet he shall pay no Escuage because he holdeth not to go with the King to War Sir Richard Rocgesly Knight did hold Lands at Seaton by Seargeanty to be vantrarius Regis the Kings fore Footman when the King went to Gascoigne donec per usus fuit pari solutarum precii 4d. that is untill he had worn out a pair of shooes of the price of four pence And this service being permitted to be performed when the King went to Gascoigne to make war is Knights service See an ancient Record Rot. de finibus Termino Mich. 11. Edw. 2. If the tenant peravaile goeth with the King it excuseth all the means c. For one tenancy shall pay but one Escuage F.N.B. 83 84. Sect. 96. Albeit the Tenure is That he which holdeth by a whole Knights fee ought to be with the King c. to do a corporal service yet he may finde another able man to do it for him But it may be objected That in some particular cases the tenant might finde a man but not when he himself is able without all excuse or impediment To this it is answered That sapiens incipit a fine And the end of this service is for the defence of the Realm and so it be done by an able and sufficient man the end is effected 2. Seeing there are so many just excuses of the tenant it were dangerous and tending to the hindrance of the service if
he hath a Deed or if it be by parol then an action upon his Case or an action of deceipt c. The proces whereby the vouchee is called is a Summon ad Warr. whereupon if the Sheriff return that the vouchee is summoned and he maketh default Mag. Cape ad valentiam is awarded when if he make default again then judgement is given against the Tenant and he over to have in value against the vouchee But if the Sheriff return that he hath nothing then after Writs of Alias and pluries a Writ of sequatur sub suo periculo shall be awarded c. and the demandant shall not have judgement to recover in value because the vouchee was never warned Vide Libr. Fo. 101. b. When the tenant being impleaded within a particular jurisdiction as in London c. Voucheth one to warr and prayes that he may be summoned in some other County out of the jurisdiction of that Court this is called a forrain voucher By the Civil Law every man is bound to warrant the thing that he selleth or conveyeth albeit there be no expresse warrant but the Common Law bindeth him not unlesse there be a warranty either in Deed or in Law for Caveat emptor c. There be three kindes of disclaimer i. e. in the Tenancy in the bloud and in the Seigniory F.N.B. 197. 151. b. In the case of Homage Auncestrel which is a special warranty in Law by the authority of Littleton the Lands generally that the Lord hath at the time of the voucher shall be liable to execution in value whether he hath them by discent or purchase But in the case of an expresse warranty the heir shall be charged but only for such Lands as he hath discent from the Auncestrel which created the warranty F.N.B. 152. And note the Lands of the vouchee shall be liable to the warranty that the vouchee hath at the time of the voucher for that the voucher is in lieu of an action and in a Warr. Cartae the Land which the defendant hath at the time of the Writ brought shall be liable to the warranty Fo. 102. a. Upon a judgement in debt the Plaintiff shall not have execution but only of that Land which the Defendant had at the time of the judgement for that the action was brought in respect of the person and not in respect of the Land Vide Lib. c. If a man give Lands in Fee with warranty and binde certain Lands specially to warranty the person of the Feoffor is hereby bound and not the land unlesse he hath it at the time of the voucher 32. E. 1. voucher 292. Sect. 146. En Chesc ' case lou le Seignior poit disclaymer c. Et de ceo poit disclaimer en Court de Record son Seigniory ē extinct le rerant tiendra del Seignior procheine Paramount c. Meliorem conditionem Ecclesiae suae facere potem praelatus deteriorem nequaquam and again Ecclesiae suae condici melior facere possunt sine consensu deteriorem non possunt sine consensu Expedit reipublicae ut sit finis litium vide fol. 103. a. If an action of Debt upon an Obligation against an Abbot the Abbot acknowledgeth the action and dieth the successor shall not avoid Execution though the Obligation was made without the assent of the Covent for he cannot falsifie the Recovery in an higher action Et res judicata pro veritate accipitur and this is but a Chattel 7 Reg. 2. tit Abbot 7. Sect. 147 and 148. If the tenant make a feoffment in fee upon condition and dieth his heir performeth the condition and re-entreth the Homage ancestrel is destroyed in respect of the interruption of the continuance of the privity and estate 1. Mich. 14 15 El. Tenant que fist homage al pere ne ferre homage al fits fo 103. b. vide le except a ce rule Sect. 149 150 c. Fealty est incident a chesc ' atturnment del tenant grant le seigniory est grant None shall do homage but the tenant of the Land to the Lords of whom it is holden fol. 104. a. 8 Ed. 4. 27. b. * The recovery of the seigniory differeth from the alienation of the Lord which is his own act or the descent of the seigniory to the heir which is an act in law for that by the Recovery the state of him that received the homage is defeated for it shall not lie in the mouth of the tenant to falsifie the recovery which was against his Lord c. for that the tenant had nothing therein c. If a man had made a Lease for years to begin at Michaelmas reserved a rent and he had suffered a Common Recovery before Michaelmas the Recoverer should distrain for rent which the lessor before the recovery could not 28 H. 8. Dyer 41. fol. 104. b. The tenant ought to seek the Lord to do him homage c. for this service is personal c. but rent may be paid and received by other and therefore a tender of the rent upon the land is sufficient fo 105. a. CHAP. VIII Grand Sergeanty Sect. 153. GRand Sergeanty est lou home tient ses terres del Roy per les services que il doit faire en son proper person com de port le banner del Roy out sa lance c. Ceo tenure en ten per service de Chivalry mes le livery paiam al Roy pur reliese le value ouster les charges reprises des terres pur an S. 154 158. Magna Sergeanty i. e. Magna Servitium because it is greater and more worthy than Knight service for this is Revera servitium Regale and not Militare onely This Tenure hath seven special properties 1. To be holden of the King onely 2. It must be done when the tenant is able in proper person 3. This service is certain and particular 4. The Relief due c. differeth from Knights service 5. It is to be done within the Realm 6. It is subject to neither Aid pur faire fits Chivaler or file mariage And 7. it payeth no Escuage fo 105. b. 11 H. 4. 34. F.N. B. 83. There were divers Lords Marshals of England before the reign of R. 2. yet King R. 2. created Tho. Moubrey Duke of Norfolk and first Earl Marshal of England per nomen Comitis Marischalli Angliae in Rot. pat 20. R. 2. Thesaurus Regis rospicit Regem Regnum And Census Regis est anima reipub fol. 106. a. Dyer 4 El. 213. Where the Grand Sergeanty is to be done to the Royal person of the King or to execute one of those high and great Offices there his tenant cannot make a Deputy without the Kings license c. But he that holdeth to serve him in his War within the Realm or by Cornage may make a Deputy fol. 107. a. vide libr. c. qu. CHAP. IX Petit Sergeanty Sect. 159. PEtit Serjeanty est lou home tient c. del