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A13726 The historie of Italie a boke excedyng profitable to be redde: because it intreateth of the astate of many and diuers common weales, how thei haue ben, [and] now be gouerned. Thomas, William, Clerk of the Council to Edward VI. 1549 (1549) STC 24018; ESTC S118381 242,070 462

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ordeined 21. Electours of the empire 50. Empire deuided 15.46 Empire chaunged 48. Ende of the Romaine kinges 10. Ende of the Lumbardes reigne 20. Ende of the house of Normans in Sicilie 121. Ende of the house of ●ue●ia in the dominion of Naples 125. Ende of the hous of Durazza 132. Ende of the house of Arragon in Naples 135. Emanuel emperour 96. Ea●as 8. Eneas Siluius eod Ercole 211.212 Ezelino di Romano 98. F. Facion of Italy fol. 1. Faunus 8. Federico 206.215 Federike .122 kynge of Sicilie 127.135 Feedyng in Italy 2. Ferdinando 133. Ferdinando kyng of Spaine 136. Ferrandino 135. Fertilitee of Naples 11● Fier breaking out of the earth 113. Florence destroied and reedified 140. Florentines customes 1●8 Florentines common wealth constituted 141. Francesco Maria. 215. Francesco 204.206 Francesco Donato 112. Francis Petrarcha 60.127 Francis Dandolo 101. Francis Foscaro 106. Francis Sforza 181.196.198 Fresco. 209. GAlba Sergius 11. Galeasso di Montefeltro 214. Galeazzo Galerius 14. Galienus 13. Garmaldus 19. Gasparo di Uicomercato 181. Gates of Rome 24. Gensericus 16. Gensualdus 19. Gentilmen of Italie 3. Gianfrancesco 205. Giangaleazo 193. Giouanni 89.91 Giouanni Dandolo 99. Giouanna prima 127. Giouanna ii 130. Giouanni Torrigiani 90. Giouanni 192.197 Giouanni Maria. 194. Giustiniano 90. Giudice di Ginarcha 169. Godfrey 117. Gonzaga 203. Gordianus 13. Gothes 15. Graners and Arsenales 36. Gratianus 14. Grimoaldus 19. Guelfes and Ghibelines faction 141. Guglielmo Ferrabach 116. Guglielmo Guido 204. Guido Conte di Urbino 214. Guido Ubaldo 215.216 Gundebalde 16. Gundibertus 19. HEad of Tyber 23. Helius Pertinax 12. Henrico imperatore 121. Hilles in Rome 25. Hill Testacchio 35. Hippodromus 36. Historie of Naples 114. Honorius 14. Hospitalles in Uenice 82. Hospitalles in Florence 138. Hotte baines 113. Hugo Conte d' Arli 48. Hunes fol. 15. Hunfredo 117. Husbandmen of Italie fol. 5. I. IAcopo Contarini 99. Iames Tiopolo 97. Iano king of Cyprus 177. Iano Fregoso 184. Ianus 8. Images put out of churches 44.46 Ingratitude of people 175. Iohn Acton 62. Iohn Soranzo 100. Iohn Gradenico 103. Iohn Delfino eodem Iohn Mocenigo 109. Iohn Sharpe 149.210 Iouinianus 14. Italian customes and nature folio 3. Iubilie 58.60 Iulius Cesar fyrst emperour 10. Iuliano di Medici 215. Iulius Phillippus 13. Iulianus Apostata 14. Iunipertus 20. K. KYndes of marble fo 37 Kynges of Naples intitled kynges of Ierusalem 122. Kyng Alfonse taken prisoner 132. L. LAwes of Uenice 81.88 Ladislaus 130. Laurence di Medici 155 215. Latinus 8. Latinus Siluius 8. Laimpertus 20. Lewis the .12 kyng of France 135. Leather coined for money 110. Leonardo Loredano 110. Libertee of straungers in Uenice 85. Liberalitee 107. Lionello 210. Lodouico Moro. 198. Lorenzo Tiepolo 99. Lorenzo Ce●so 103. Lucchino 192. Lucius Tarquinius 10. Luigi Gonzaga 103. Luigi 204.205 Luitprandus 20. Lumbardes fol. 15. M. MAnfredo 56.124 ▪ Macrinus 12 ▪ Marcello 88 ▪ Marino Morosini 97. Marino Giorgio 100. Marino Falerio 102. Marco Cornario 103. Marco Barbarico 110. Marie 129. Marcus Aurelius Antonius 12. Martino Torrigiani 190. Matilda 52.201 Mattea Magno 191. Mauritio 89. Maximus 12. Maximianus 16. Merchandise of Italie fol. 2. Merchantes of Italie 4 ▪ Michele Morosini 105. Michele Steno 106. Millayne situate 188. Millaynes name 189. Morea 108. Morbus Gallicus 135. Murder 129. Mutio father to Frauncis Sforza 196. N. NApoleone 190. Narses 17. Naumachiae fol. 29. Nero. 11. Nerua 11. Nicene counsaile 43. Nicolo Trono 108. Nicolo Marcello 109. Nicolo 210.211 Nobilitee suppressed 149. Numitor. 9. Numa Pompilius 10. OBeliskes folio 33. Obelerio 90. Obierto Flisco 182. Obizone 209. Octauianus Augustus 10. Oddo 215. Odoacrus 16. Ordelaffo Falero 94. Orso 88.91 Orso Baduaro 92. Orso Orseolo 93. Orio Malipiero 96. Originall of Mantua 201. Originall and successe of the citee of Ferrara 208. Otho the fyrst 115. Otho the .ii. eodem Otho Lucius 11. Ottone Orseolo 93. Ottone 190. Ottone Uisconti eodem P. PAolo Lucio 87. Passerino 202. Pasquale Malipiero 108. Patriarke Uitellesco 132. Partharus 20. Peter kynge of Aragon 126. Peter Fregoso 180. Philippo Torrig 190. Philippo Maria .194 descriued 195. Pietro Gradenico 91.99 Pietro Candiano 92. Pietro Tribuno eodem Pietro Baduaro 92. Pietro Orseolo eodem 93. Pietro Barbolano 93. Pietro ●olano 95. Pietro Ziani 97. Pietro Mocenigo 109. Pietro Lando 112. Pietro Aluigi 213. Picus 8. Pinamonte 202. Plague of pestilence 60. Pleasures of Italie folio 2. Plinies death 113. Policie 65.164 Porches in Rome 31. Poore people 82. Poyson that worketh not till a tyme. 185. Practise of a prelate 153. Present astate of Rome 37. Priestes mariage 52. Prince Edward of England 126. Prisoners in Uenice 83. Probus 13. Proca 9. Proctours and treasure of Uenice 80. Pyllers in Rome 32. Pyramides 34. Q. QUeene Iohans housband strangled 127. Queene Iohan hanged 129. R. RAchis or Lachis 20. Rafael Adorno 180. Raimpertus 20. Rainoldes comyng to Naples 132. Raufe Duke of Burgoyne 48. Rebellion in Sicile 125. Realme of Naples 6. Renulus 9. Resort of straungers into Italy 2. Reuenew of Uenice 76. Richarde kyng of Englande 165. Rinaldo 209. Rineri Zeno. 98. Riuer of Tyber 22. Robert 127. Roberto Guiscardo created Duke 117. Rodoaldus 19. Roger .119 intitled kyng of Sicile 120. Rome destroied .iiii. times 17. Rome gotten 130. Romoaldus 19. Romulus 9. Romulus first kynge of Romaines 9. Rotharius 18. S. SAincte Peters churche 40. Saiyng of Fuluius eod Sarasines comyng into Italie first 11● Saturnus 8. Sebastian Ziani 95. Sepulchrum Bac●hi 36. Seruius Tullius 10. Seuerus 12. Sicile conquered by the Normaines 118. Siluius Posthumius 8. Site of Italy fol 1. Site of Uenice 73. Sordello 2●2 Sophia 17. Supremitee of the churche 44. Shiftyng and poysonyng of Romaine bishoppes 50. Slaughter of Frenchmen 125 States of Italie 6. State of Genoa 160. T. TAcitus 13. Tancredi the Normain 116. Tancredi 123. Tarquinus Priscus 10. Teia 17. Temperature of Italy fol. 1. Temperature of Naples 113. Temple in Rome 31. Testament broken 195. Theatres 30. Thermes in Rome 28. Theodolinda 18. Theodoricus 16. Theodorius 14.16 Thomas Beckette 55. Thomas Mocenico 106. Title of the kyngdome of Ierusalem 126. Title of the seconde line of the house of Angio. 128. Titus 11. Tullus ●ostelius 10. Turke conquered in Italie 1●4 Trade and customes of Genoa 161. Tra●anus 11. Treasure founde vnder the grounde 118. Tribuno Memmo 9● Tyberinus 9. Tyberius 11. Tyrannie 190. U. VIlla 43. Ualentino Borgia 215 Ualentinianus 14. Ualens 14. Ualerianus 13. Uandales fol. 15. Uarius Heliogabalus 12. Uenetian astate 73. Uespasianus 11. Uiage into the holy lande 53. Uitale Candiano 93. Uitale Falero 94. Uitale Michaele eodem 95. Uirius Gallus 13. Uisconti 190. Uitellius 11. Walles of Rome 23. Warres of Uenice 81. Wild beastes in Florence 138 Wiues of Florence 139. Wiues of Myllaine 188. Women of Italie fol. 6. Wounder 163. ¶ Thus endeth the table of this present boke sette out by letter The circuit of Italie The facion of Italie Temperature of Italie
The site of Italie Merchandise Pleasures ▪ Feedyng in Italie Resort of straungers into Italy Gentilmen Merchantes Artificers Husbandmen Women The edificacion of Rome The fyrste king of the Romains The ende of the Romaine kinges Consules The firste emperour Donacion of Constātine Gothes Uandales ▪ Hunes Lumbardes Diuidyng of the empyre Rome destroied .iiii. tymes Desiderius The ende of the Lumbardes reigne Elecion of the emperour The head● of Tyber Ponte di S ▪ Angelo Ponte del Castello Ponte Sisto Ponte rotto Ponte de Pisona Ponte di S. Bertholomeo Ponte di quatuor Capora Ponte di S. Maria ▪ Sublicius Palatinus Fabricius Cestius Januclensis Vaticanus Elius Miluius Porta de popolo flu tuentana Flaminia P. Pinciana Collatina P. Salaria Quirinalis Aegonalis P. di sant ' Agnese Uiminalis Figulensis Numentana P. di San Lorenzo Tiburtina Exquilina P. Maggi ore Neuia Labicana Prenestina P. di San Hioanni Celimōtana Asinaria P. Latina ▪ P. di S. sebastiano Appia Capena Triumphalis P. di San Paolo Trigemina P. Portese di Ripa P. di S. Pancratio Aurelia P. del Torrione P. Portusa P. di Beluedere di San Piero. del Giardino di S. Peregrino P. del Castello Posterula Auentinus Capitolinus Palatinus Celius Exquilius Viminalis Quirinalis Transtyberim Vaticane Porta Septimiana Subtus Janum Fontinalis Janiculum Aqua Appia Aqua Martia Anfeia Traiana Claudia Pli. li. 36. nat histor Auiena Triuiana Virginia Opinions of the decai of the antiquitees Adrians curtesie and wisedome Arcus Constantini Arcus Titi. Arcus Se●eri Arcus Domitiani Theatrum Amphitheatrum Coliseo Arena Circu●● Pantheon S. Maria Rotonda Templuni Romuli T. Pa●is T. Jani T. I●idis T. Minerue T. Palladis ▪ Structiles ▪ Columna Traiani Piazza Colonna La Guglia Sepulchrū B●cchi The saiyng of Fuluius Kyndes of Marbles Peter the ●postle Siluester .1 The donacion of Constantine Ualla againste the donacion ▪ Nicene counsaile Marcus Iulius Liberius Felix .2 Damasus Hierome Syritius Supremacie of the churche Gredori●s .2 Images put out of churches Gregorius ● Charles Martell ▪ Zacharias ▪ Chilperike deposed Stephanus .2 Paulus Images Constantinus .2 Stephanus .3 Adrianus Leo .3 Thempire diuided Stephanus .4 Pascalis ▪ Gregorius .4 Sergius ▪ ● Iohannes .8 Adrianus .2 Iohannes .9 Adrianus ● Stephanus .6 Chaunge of the empire Berengarius .1 Berengarius .2 Raulfe Duke of Burgoyne ▪ Hugo C●nte d' Arli Berengarius .3 Iohannes .11 Agapitus .2 Otho Iohannes .12 Iohannes .13 Benedictus .6 Bonifatius .7 Gregorius .5 Electours of the empire Cesar. Augustus Benedictus .8 Benedictus .9 Shiftyng and poysonyng of Romayne bishops Leo .9 ▪ Stephanus .9 Nicolaus 2. Alexandre .2 Gregorius .7 Priestes mariage Uictor .3 Pascalis ▪ Matilda U●age into the holy lande Gelasius .2 Calixtus ● Innocen●ius .2 Eugenius .3 Adrianus ▪ 4. Alexander ● Thomas Beckette ▪ Lucius .3 ▪ Celestinus ▪ 3 ▪ Innocen●ius .3 Honorius .3 Gregorius 9. Innocentius .4 Cardinall hattes Urbanus .4 Manfredo Clemens 4 Gregorius 1● ▪ Nicolaus .3 Martinꝰ .4 Honorius .4 Celestinus 5. Bonifa●ius .8 yere of Iubili● Benedictꝰ .11 Clemens .5 Iohannes .22 Benedictus ▪ 12 ▪ Frauncis Petrarke ▪ Clemens Iubiley ▪ Iubiley Plague of pestilence Innocentius .6 Urbanus ● ▪ Gregorius 11. 1●76 Sir Iohn Acton ▪ Urbanus .6 Cardinals sacked and baked Bonifa●●us .9 Annates Innocentius .7 Gregorius 12. Alexandre .5 Iohannes .23 Martinus 5. Eugenius .4 A wittie policie Nicolaus .5 Amideus Calixtus .3 Alfonse Pius 2● Paulus .2 Sixtus .4 Innocentius .4 Alexander .6 Pius .3 Iulius .2 ▪ Leo .10 Adrian .7 Cleme●s ▪ 7 ▪ Paulus .3 Poore people Hospitals Prisoner● Paolo Lucio Lawes Marcello Orso 737 Deodato .737 Domenico Menicaccio .747 Mauritio 7●2 Giouanni .768 Obelerio ▪ 78● Angelo ▪ Particiaco .792 Giustiniano .810 Giouanni ▪ 813. Pietro Gradenico ▪ 82● Auogadori Orso Particiaco ●65 Belles Giouanni ●84 Pietro Landiano 890. Pietro Tribuno .893 Orso Baduaro .915 ▪ Pietro Candiano 938. Pietro Baduaro .956 Pietro Candiano .958 Pietro Orseolo .973 Uitale Candiano 97● Tribuno Memmo ▪ 975. Pietro Orseolo 9●7 Ottone Orseolo .1007 Pietro Barbolano .1026 Orso Orseolo .1030 Domenico Orseolo .1031 Domenico Flabenico 1031. Domenico Contarini .1042 Domenico Siluio .1068 Uitale Falero 108● Uitale Michele .1095 Ordelaffo ▪ Falero .1098 Domenico Michele .1115 Pietro Polano .1130 Domenico Morosini ▪ 1147. Uitale Michele 1●●4 ▪ Sebastian Ziani ▪ 1171 ▪ Emanuel ▪ Crueltee Orio Malipiero 1180 Arrigo Dandolo ▪ 1194 Pietro Ziani .1203 Iames Tiepolo .1225 Marino Morosini .1247 Crueltee Ezelino di Romano Rinieri Zeno 12●0 Lorenzo Tiepolo .1267 Iacopo Contarini ▪ 1275. Giouanni Dandolo .1281 Piet●● Gradenigo .1290 Marino Giorgio .1312 Iohn Soranzo .1313 Fraunces Dandolo .1329 Bartholomeo Gradenigo .1340 Andrea Dandolo ▪ 1343. Marino Falerio .1354 Iohn Gradenico .1355 Iohn Delfino .1356 Lorenzo Celso 13●0 Marco Cornaro .1365 Andrea Contarini ▪ 1367. Michele Morosini .1383 Antonio Ueniero ▪ 138● Michele Steno .1400 Thomas Mocenigo 1413. Fraunces Foscaro 14●4 Liberalitee Pasquale Malipiero 14●7 Christofero Moro 14●2 Morea Nicolo Trono .1471 Cyprus wonne Nicolo Marcello 147● Pietro Mocen●go .1474 Andrea Vendramino .1476 Iohn Mocenigo 1478. Marco Barbarico 1485. Agostino Barbarico 1486. Leonardo Loredano 15●1 Douchemens hall in Uenice Antonio G●imani Andrea Gritti Petro Lando Francesco Donato Castell Nouo Temperature of Naples Plinies death Hotte baynes Fire breakyng out of the erth Fertilitee of Naples 829. The fyrste comyng of the Sarasines into Italie 845. 864. Otho the firste 964. Otho the ii 100● Tanered● the Normain Guglielmo Ferrabach Drogone Hunfredo Godfrey Bagelardo Robert Guiscardo Roberte created Duke Treasure founde vnder grounde 〈◊〉 conquered by the Normains Bishoppe of Rome besieged 108● Roger. 1094. Guglielmo .2 Roger .2 The citi● of Naples gotten by the Normains Roger entitled kyng of Sicile ▪ 11●9 Guglielmo iii. William deposed William restored Guglielmo iiii 1191. Tancred● ▪ 1191. Guglielmo .5 1195. End of the house of Normains Henrico .6 Imperato●e 119● Federike ▪ 122● ▪ the kynges of Naples entitled kynges of Ierusalem 1229. Carroccio ●eather ●oygned for money ▪ 1250 ▪ Conrade Crueltee ▪ Corradino neri heire vnto Conrade 1254 ▪ Manfredo 1265. Ende of the house of Sueuia in the dominion of Naples Carlo Duca d' Angio 1268. Corradino beheaded ▪ Crueltee Rebellion in Sicile Slaughter of Frenchmen Peter kynge of Aragone Charles sonne take prisoner Crueltee 1274. Title of the kyngdome of Ierusalem 1276. Carlo 2. Prince Edwarde of Englande Federike kyng of Sicile 1309. Robert 1342. Petrarcha Bocchaciꝰ Giouanna prima Quene Iohans Husbande strangled 135● ●itle of the seconde lyne of the house of Angio. 1●●1 Quene Iohan hanged Marie Carlo .3 Murder 13●6 Ladislaus ▪ 1370. Rome gotten .1408 Rome the secounde tyme gottē by Ladislaus 1414. Giouanna ● 141● ▪ Alfonse adopted heire to Quene Iohan. Discorde 1424. 1434. Ende of the house of Durazzo Alfonse Kyng Alphonse taken prisoner Patriarke Uitelesco Rainoldes comyng to Naples 145● Ferdinando The Turke in Italie Couetousnesse .1489 1494. Alfonse .2 Ferrandino Morb●● Gallicus 1496. Federike Ende of the house of Aragone in Naples Lewys the .12 of Fraunce 1501. Kynge Ferdinando of Spaigne Charles the .v. Emperour 1515. 1528. 1547. The circuit of the citee Bridges Arno. Edifices Wilde beastes Hospitalles ▪ The Academie Women Florence destroied and reedified 1080. Diuision Guelfi and Ghibellines faction Florētines common wealthe constituted 1308. ●326 1328. Nobilitee suppressed 1357. Iohn Sharpe Common people 138● 1390 ▪ 1400. 1409. 1414 ▪ 1428. 1432. 1464. Cosmo di Medici Practise of a prelate 1486. Laurence d' i Medici ▪ 1495. 1495. 1530. 1532. 1534. Cittadella Duke Cosmo ▪ Wonder ●58 19●9 Policy 1100 ▪ 1127. 1146. 1190. Richarde kynge of England 1194. 1201. 1204. 120● 1216. 122● ▪ 1222. 1227. 1238. 1243. 1251. 1●57 1258. 1261 ▪ 1266. 1●70 1376. 1282. Giudice 1284. 1289. 1290. 12●● 1294. 1295. 1296. 12●● ▪ 1304. 1306. 1●12 1315. 1318 ▪ 133● Policie 1332. 1335. 1338. 1339. 1340. 1344. 1345. 1346. 1350. 135● 1356. 1363. 1370.1372 1373. 1378. Ingratitude of people 1381. 1383. 1389. 1396. 1397. 1398. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1402. 1403. Bouciquart 1409. 1413. 1415. 1416. 1421. 1422. 1437. 1434. 1436. 1442. 1443 1444 ▪ 1447. 1454. 1458. 1459. 1490. 1462. 1464. 1466. 1475. 1476. 1477. 1478. 14●● 1487. 1488. 149● 149● 149● 1501. 1502. 1506. 1507. 15●● 1512. 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517. Poyson that worketh not till a time 1519. 1521. 1522. 1524. 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1536. 1546 Andrea Doria Wiues of Millaine Millaine S●●●ate Castell of Millaine Millaines ●ame Attila 1161. Giouanni Torrigiani Tiranny Martino Torrigiani Philippo Torrig Napoleone Uisconti ▪ Ottone Ottone Uisconti Matteo Magno Galeazo ●●ene Lucchino Giouanni Bernabo Galeazo Giangaleazo 1402. Giouann● Maria. 1433. Philippo Maria. Philippo Maria descriued Testament ●●oken Francesco Sforza Mutio father to Fraunces Sforza Galeazo ▪ Giouanni Lodouico Moro. Francesco 1063. Matilda Sordello Pinamonte Passerino Gonzaga Luigi Gonzaga Guido Luigi Francesco 1407. Gianfrancesco 144● Luigi Federico Francesco Federico ●520 1539 ▪ Francesco 700. 1020 ▪ Azo 1. Aldobrandino Azo .2 Crueltee Fresco. Crueltee Obizone Azo .3 Rinaldo Obizone .2 Nicolo Alberto ▪ Nicolo Lionello Borso Nicolo Ercole Alfonso Ercole ▪ Galasso di Montefeltro .1345 Conte Guido .1428 Oddo .1440 Federico ▪ 1444. Guido Ubaldo 14●2 Ualentino Borgia .1503 Francesco Maria .1504 1514. Iulianio di Medici Laurence di Medici 1522. Guido Ubaldo .2 1538. 1547 ▪
great feastes and honor sent home with .x. galleis of the common wealthes fyrste binding him selfe to certaine articles aswell for the paiment of a yerely tribute as also for the citee of Famagosta whiche remained in the Genowaies possession ¶ About this tyme were so many commocions in the citee for chosing of theyr Dukes that I thinke there was neuer so muche alteracion of rulers in one cōmon welth for the tyme. And because the rehersall therof wolde occupie a greatter roume than my purpose dooeth here allow it shall suffise to saie that as longe as the rule of the common wealth consisted in the wil of the multitude neuer was so inconstant an astate as that of Genoa For amongest other in the chaunge betwene Domenyke di Campo Fregoso and Nicolas Guarco were .iii. Dukes in a daie Fregoso deposed in the mornyng and Adorno incontinently made and at after noone Adorno deposed and Guarco made Wherfore as superfluouse to treate of all the Dukes elections I woulle hensfoorth speake no more of theyr chaunges without great cause ¶ The Moores of Barbarie in this tyme scoured all the middle seas robbyng and spoilyng all that euer thei coulde take Wherfore the Genowaies with dyuers others made suite vnto the Frenche kynge for an enterprise to be made against the kynge of Tunise Whiche the Frenche kyng graunted and sent the Duke of Bourbon● as generall not onely with a greatte power of Frāce but also with aide that was sent him out of Englande in whose company the Genowaies sent .40 galleis and .xx. shippes of theirs vnder the leadyng of Iohn Centurione And theyr Chronicle maketh mencion how our Englishe archers behaued them selfes at theyr landyng in Barbarie so wel that the Moores gaue theim pla●e wheras without theim the armie shoulde haue had muche adooe to lande The ende of whiche iourney was that the kynge of Tunise released all Christian slaues wherof there wer a noumbre in his realme and paied the Christians .10000 duckates with promyse to trouble the seas no more ¶ From the yere .1390 till .1396 was so muche adooe for makyng and deposyng of Dukes that Antoniotto Adorno had been .iiii. tymes Duke besides .viii. or ix others that had been put in and out the meane tyme with so muche bloudshed burnyng and spoilyng that at length for veraie desperacion the citee sent ambassadours to Charles the .vi. Frenche kyng besechyng hym to take the dominion therof into his handes Who at theyr request sent the Counte of sainct Paule and the bishop of Meaux to be rulers there and to receiue the fortresses into his possession whiche immediately were deliuered to them feaultie sworne by all the subiectes ¶ The Frenche Gouernour had not been there fully a yere but the sectes of Guelfes and Ghibellines renued so sore that after muche burnyng spoilyng and kyllyng in the countrey theraboutes the Ghibellines entred into the citee and from the .xvi. of Iulie to the .v. of September fought daie by daie with the Guelfes and fortifiyng the one halfe of the citee against the other they neuer ceased till bothe parties were tyred with the fury of theyr owne bloudde and flambe For amongest their feightyng it was a common matter to set one an others house on fyre so that the losse that the common wealth susteigned in this rage was esteemed muche more than a myllion of golde ¶ The bishoppe of Meaulx than gouernour of the citee for feare of his owne life fledde in the middest of this furie So that whan it was past the Frenche kynge sent thither in his steede one Collarde a counsailour of his who by the Genowaies was honourably receiued He gouerned not muche more than a yere but by meane of a new secte called La Scorzola he was faine to habandone the citee leauyng theim together by the eares after theyr old maner feightyng and burnyng amongest theim selfes daie by daie whiche ceased not till the comyng of Bouciquart marshall of Fraunce who beyng the kynges lieuetenant entred into Genoa with a thousand souldiours and incontinently proceded against the steerrers of the common wealthe causyng two of the chiefe of the citee Battista Boccanegra and Battista de Frauchi to be taken brought to the palaice and beheaded Boccanegra vpon whose death the people beganne suche a crie that they whiche had the other in kepyng lette hym go so that whan the rumour was past Bouciquart in a great rage caused the chiefe officer of the wardes head to be stricken of because through his mens negligence happened the escape ¶ Than did Bouciquart also fortifie the little castell now called Castelletto and put a garrison into it and whan he had taken aswell from the men of the countrei as of the towne all kynde of armure theyr swordes excepted than spared he none of theim But for euerie occasion of any importaunce woulde behead the offendour without any respect to his qualitee or kinne And his procedynges were suche that the Frenche kyng confyrmed hym in that office for terme of life to the great contentacion of the citesins who in his rigorous iustice founde greater ease than in the softe procedynges of the other gouernours whose gentilnesse gaue libertee to the presumptuouse multitude to doe what thei wolde whiche was theyr owne destruction ¶ Than Iano kynge of Cyprus who had been borne bredde vp well intreated in Genoa laied siege to the citee of Famagosta intendyng to gette it from the Genowaies but an armie of .18 sa●●e was incontinently made thither vnder the leading of Bouciquart who not onely raysed the siege but also constreigned the kynge to paie their charges and atchieued diuers other enterprises on the costes of Soria neuerthelesse in his retourne the Uenetians mette with hym and puttyng him to flight toke .iii. of his galeis and yet was the mattier so handled that the warre betweene the Uenetians and Genowaies ceassed for this time In dede Bouciquart in his owne quarell defied the Duke of Uenice and Carlo Zeno capitaine of the Uenetian galleis to feight either hande to hande or number for number but he was not aunswered ¶ This Bouciquart for the space of .viii. yeres ruled the common wealth of Genoa by whiche tyme the citee of Serezana with the countee about came to the obedience of the Genowaies Because they were of them selfes no more able to resiste the Florentines and Bouciquart solde to the common wealthe the Porte of Ligorno besides Pisa for .26000 duckates ¶ By his tyme also Benedict the .xii. Scismatike bishop of Rome came to Genoa and was there triumphantly receiued And the office of S. George was than deuised whiche endureth to this day ¶ The Siotes also rebelled in so muche that Bouciquart with .vi. galleis went thither and reduced them to their former obedience ¶ Finally couetyng to haue the rule of the astate of Millaine he made an armie of .6000 footemen and .5000 horsmen and not mistrustyng any alteracion in
confyrmed in the same as vicare of the empire ¶ Within two yeres after Ramondo Torrigiani bishop of Como and Patriarke of Aquileia retourned with a great armie to dryue Ottone out and did muche hurte in the Milanese territory But at laste he receiued a sore discomfiture by Ottone through helpe of the families of Duarosi and Palauisini whiche houses together with those of Lampugnani descended of the Goti and those of Pietrasanta comen out of Tuscane those of Porri of Caimi of Bossi of Marliani and of Triulsi were all at that time most noble and puissaunte in Millaine ¶ After the death of Ottone his brother Iacopo hauyng a sonne named Tibaldo and Tibaldo a sonne named Matteo who for his lusty courage and deedes was surnamed Magno the reputacion and state of the Visconti beganne to grow more and more For this Matteo gatte Alexandria Pauia Tortona and manie other townes ¶ Finally this Matteo puttyng Pietro Visconti in pryson whom after he deliuered beyng aduertised howe the same Pietro conspyred with the chiefe of the Torrigiani to driue him out of his astate and mistrustyng his owne power to defend the same committed the whole to Alberto Scoto lorde of Piacenza and fledde hym selfe into the marishes of the lake of Garda where he lyued longe time of his onely labour of fishyng He had .iiii. soonnes by his wife Bona Cosa the fyrste named Galeazo so called because in the nighte of his birthe the cockes crowed more than thei were wonte the secounde Giouanni the .iii. Stefano and the .iiii. Lucchino ¶ This Galeazo succeded his father and goyng afterwardes with Henrie the emperour to Rome was there made capitaine of the light horsemen and about that tyme begatte two sonnes the one called Azone and the other Marco His courage was so great that whan the emperour Lodouico di Bauiera requyred a certaine summe of money of the Mylanese Galeazo withstode it Upon displeasure wherof Lodouico toke hym prisoner and banished his sonnes Azone and Marco But at length at the instaunce of Castruccio Lucchese Galeazo was deliuered And finally beyng in company of the same Castruccio at the siege of Pistoia sickened and died in the towne of Pestia ¶ After whose death Azone and Marco for a certaine summe of money paied before hand obteined of the emperour Lodouico the restitucion of the state of Myllaine And so Azone as elder brother hauyng the dominion Marco in his name gatte the citee of Lucca and his vncle Lucchino the citees of Bergamo Bressa and Pauia wherby Azone became great and so high of stomacke that remembryng the iniuries doen to hym by the emperour Lodouico whan he wold haue passed through Myllaine as lorde of all Italy he closed the gates against hym refusyng to accepte him for his better Therfore not without good cause was he bothe feared and esteemed specially for his approued valiautnesse for beyng sent of his father to helpe Castruccio he fought with the Florentines neere to Fucecchio discomfited and pursued theim euin to the gates of Florence and laiyng siege to the citee remaigned there idell certaine daies for no man durst issue out to meddle with hym Whiche was the fyrst enterprise of the Visconti against the Florentines ¶ After whiche Azone through helpe of Castruccio became lorde of the Alco Pascio and of Bologna and as some saie beyng in campe on a daie after he had broken his fast puttyng his sallette on his head whiche before had lien on the earth there issued out an adder that glyded downe alongest his face without dooyng hym any hurte wherof it folowed that the Visconti vsed the adder in theyr armes And thoughe it so maie well be true yet this seconde opinion of the adder dooeth not so muche satisfie me as the fyrst ¶ Finally Azone diyng without issue his vncles Lucchino and Giouanni rested in his place and were confirmed in the astate by Benedetto the .xi. bishop of Rome as vicares of the churche with condicion that after the death of the emperour Lodouico di Bauiera the state of Myllaine shoulde be holden of the dominion of the churche ¶ Lucchino as elder brother toke vpon hym to gouerne and proued a veray rightuous and mercifull man He granted reconcilement vnto many of the citesins before tyme confyned by Azone and builded many deuoute places in Myllaine He gatte many townes part by force and part with loue and in maner renued the walles of Bergamo at his owne coste He reformed many thynges in Bressa and so finally died ¶ After him his brother Giouanni succeded who incontinently called home Matteo Bernabo and Galeazo sonnes of his brother Stefano before time banisshed by Lucchino ¶ And all be it that this Giouanni was an archebishop yet beyng more geuen to armes than to the churche thorough the valiantnesse of Galeazo he gatte Parma Lodi Cremona Bergamo Genoua Sauona and many other townes and finally died leauyng his astate diuided betwene Bernabo and Galeazo ¶ This Bernabo helde warre longe tyme with the bishoppe of Rome for the citee of Bologna that together with Genoua had rebelled against hym and finally toke for Bologna a great summe of money and forbare Genoa because it had been before redeemed at his handes for the summe of .600000 duckates But some saie he was enforced to lette it alone by reason that in one selfe tyme he was troubled of the Romish legate of Philippino di Gonzaga and of Cane della Scala for the thynges of Bressa where he had been ones discoumfited ¶ He had to wyfe one of the daughters of Mastino della Scala a woman that for hir vnreasonable pride was surnamed La Reina the Queene And had by hir .14 children wherof .iiii. were sonnes To Lodouico the eldest he gaue the citee of Cremona To Carlo Parma To Ridolfo Bergamo and to Mastino Lodi ¶ The rest beyng daughters he maried on this wyse La Verde vnto Le●poldo Duke of Austria graundfather to the emperour Federico the thyrde La Taddea to the Duke of Bauiera La Valentina to Peter kyng of Cyprus La Catherina to Giangaleazo Visconti his nephew L' Antonia to Federico kynge of Sicilia La Maddalena to the Duke of Bauiera againe L' Agnesa to Francesco Gonzaga La Lisabetta to Ernesco Duke of Monaco in Bauiera L' Angiolella to Federico the younger And La Lucia to Lodouico Duke of Angiers eldest sonne to the Frenche kynge And after to Baldasar Marques of Misna and finally to Edmonde Erle of Kent sonne to the kynge of Englande And with the mariage of euerie of these daughters he paied all .100000 duckatꝭ ¶ Besides these he had .iiii. bastarde daughters Bernarda Ricciarda Lisaberta and Margherita And fiue bastarde sonnes Ambrosio Nestore Lancilotto Galeotto and Sagramoro ¶ On the other syde Galeazo begatte on his wyfe Bianca daughter of Amone Duke of Sauoie a sonne named Giangaleazo and a daughter named La Violante whiche afterwardes was maried to Lionell Duke of Clarence and sonne to the
Placentine of whiche there perished at one time with the fall of an holow banke aboue 50. persons so that what with one thyng and what with an other beyng also a man knowen full of abhominacion in all kinde of vices and specially in the vnnaturall in conclusion he became hated of all men insomuche that the Conte Giouanni Aguzzolo and the Conte Augustino di Pallauicini with certaine of theyr kynne and friendes conspired against hym and at theyr tyme appoincted findyng hym with a small garde in his owne hous in Plancense slew him hangyng afterwardꝭ the deade body out at a window for a spectacle vnto the people ¶ Finally these gentilmen foreseeyng the daunger that for this doyng might folowe vnto them in case the state shoulde continue of the churche practised before with Don Ferrando Gonzaga to see whether he wolde backe them by receiuyng the stronge citee of Placense vnto the emperours behoufe so that beyng at a poinct with him the mattier was so handled that the nexte night after the Dukes death there were secretly receiued into the towne .800 of the emperours men and so the citee wonne without stroke strickyng ¶ All the money plate iewelles and stuffe that coulde be founde of the Dukes to the value of .30000 crownes and vpwardes were diuided amongest the confederates and the Conte Giouanni Aguzzolo who kylled the Duke his owne handes allowed by the emperour .20 men for his garde ¶ Finally the bishop of Rome being hereof aduertised incontinently caused Parma to be fortified and furnished with men of warre and tempted by corrupcion of money to haue had one of the gates of Placense deliuered hym by nighte but his practise was discouered and certaine Spaniardes therfore taken and hanged And euer sens for more than this halfe yere the emperours power vpon the Placentine and the bishoppes on the Parmesane haue kept diligent watche and warde loking euery houre for open warre What it woull proue to he best knoweth that gouerneth all ¶ Of the astate of Urbine THe citee of Urbine standeth almoste on the toppe of the Appe●yne hylles in maner betwene the marke of Ancona Tuscane the people wherof as Plinie writeth haue ben surnamed Metaurensi and it seemeth to haue taken name of Vrbes Binae two townes For who that well considereth the proporcion of it shall iudge by the miter facion therof that it hath been two townes ioigned together and the middell whiche is a holow descent betwene two hillꝭ is the sklenderest part of the citee ¶ The Dukes palaice is a verie faire house but not so excellent as the Conte Baldasar in his Courtisane doeth commende it ¶ The Dukes dominion is two citees Vrbine and Pesaro his reuenew passeth not .60000 crownes by the yere But his auncestours for the most parte serued other astates as the Duke that now is also doth wherby they kepte muche greatter portes than their owne habilitee wolde beare ¶ Amongest other this Dukes father builded an house within a mile of Pesaro called Imperiale whiche in mine opinion is one of the best deuised litle thynges that may lightly be founde It standeth on the syde of an hyll and hath prospect bothe to the citee and to all the valey it hath many fine little chambers goodly open vaultes and excellent faire fountaines But that whiche most of all pleased myne eye was that being of a great height you may out of the highest gardeine ●yde about on the toppe of the house which is very faire paued with bricke and railed on bothe sides with fine pillers and railes of white marble ¶ As for the edificacion of Urbine or other notable memory before the yere .1345 I finde nothyng mete to be written At whiche time by reason of the variaunce betwene bishop Clement of Rome and the emperour Lewis of Bauarie who to make their parties stronge made diuers new lordes in Italy Galasso di Montefeltro was made vicare for the emperour in the citees of Urbine and Eugenio against the bishop of Rome and his adherentes in whiche his succession continued enheritours vnto the yere .1444 that Federike after made Duke obteigned the astate The occasion wherof was that Guido Conte di Vrbino hauyng no heire male by his firste wife feigned that he had gotten a Concubine with childe and so secretly toke the sonne of his nere kinnesman Bernardino della Corda whiche euen than was newly borne and namyng it Federike caused it to be nourished as his owne ¶ Not longe after his wife died and mariyng agayne engendred a sonne named Oddo who in deede succeded the father in his astate But he was so viciouse of liuyng and so busie with gentilmens wifes that in a sodein rumour of the people he was slaine and a Protonotary called Carpesiano with him ¶ Wherupon this Federike the putatiue sonne by the whole voice of the people was elected their prince who in his youthe had ben verie well brought vp specially in feates of armes in the exercise wherof he loste one of his eyes ¶ This Federike was not onely valiaunte but also verie well learned and so happie a man that in his tyme he was generall of .viii. seuerall armies and died capitaine of the Uenetians armie in the fielde before Ferrara ¶ The bishop of Rome for his worthinesse made hym Duke the kyng of Englande not onely gaue him money but also made hym of the Garter For whiche curtesy all Englishe men haue a certaine priuilege of freedome in his dominion and the Frenche kyng made him also of his order Besides that there was none astate in Italy but that at one tyme or other presented hym with some worthy gifte ¶ And aboue all the rest his fidelitee seemeth to me most worthy of commendacion For whan Francesco Sforza was forsaken of all his other friendes and pursued with 20000. men he onely receiued him and therby putte him selfe and his whole astate in ieopardy which he determined rather to lose than to seeme an vnfaithfull friende and in effecte mainteigned Sforza till time serued him to recouer ¶ After the death of Federike his sonne Guido Vbaldo of the age of .xii. yeres succeded who reigned quietly about .xxi. yeres till the comyng of Valentino Borgia sonne of Alexandre the .vi. bishop of Rome that fyrst by suche crafte gatte the astate into his handꝭ that Guido Vbaldo was faine to flee disguised in plowmans clothyng Neuerthelesse through the good will of his subiectes he recouered his astate in shorte tyme againe But Ualentines force was suche that at length this Duke toke suche treasure as he had and fledde to the Marques of Mantua whose sister he had maried there diyng without issue ended the house of Montefeltro that had reigned in Urbine the space of .157 yeres ¶ Valentino Borgia helde it but a verie smalle space for shortly after his fathers death Iulie the seconde bishop of Rome persecuted him and brought the house of Borgia to naughtes and thervpon gaue
all straungers to hym ¶ In conclusion the Frenchemen toke Rauenna with diuers other citees of the bishops whiche they enioyed not longe For the bishop immediately gatte into his league the emperour the kyng of England the Germaines and the Suizers So that the Frenche kynge beyng vexed on all sides was easily constreigned to forgoe his conquestes and dominions in Italie specially through force of the Suizers that vnder the leadyng of theyr Cardinall Sedunese came in great numbre to the bishops seruice who rewarded theim with the title of defendours of the churche and gaue them a gilt sword and an hatte of maintenaunce ¶ Somewhat before his death he established his cousin Francesco Maria Duke of Vrbine ¶ Leo the .x. of the house of Medici a Florentine borne was a pleasant man of nature and gaue him selfe more to humanitee and pleasures of this life than either to religion or to encrease of dominion ¶ He encreased muche the reputacion of his house but because he expulsed by force Francesco Maria Duke of Urbine out of his astate and placed in the same fyrst his brother Iulian and after his nephiew Laurence the worlde accused hym of tyrannie For he attempted to dooe the lyke vnto the Duke of Ferrare but he preuailed not ¶ Some ill was suspected of hym for his to muche delicatenesse in bringyng vp of children and for his opinion of immortalitee ¶ Adrian the .vii. by contencion amongest the Cardinalles happened to be elected reputed of theim for an ignoraunt man though some other had a good opinion bothe of his vertue and learnyng But because his life was nothyng courtely or agreable to the Cardinalles either through gods visitacion or as most men thinke thoroughe theyr poyson practises he was soone dispatched ¶ Clement the .vii. brother vnto Leo the .x. immediately after his election toke parte with the Frenche kyng against the emperour So that whan the frenche king was taken before Pauia the family of Colonna which hath ben alwaies imperiall through helpe of Don Hugo Moncada beganne to warre with the bishop and after diuers subtill practises and persuasions so handled the mattier that they entred into Rome and missed but a little to haue taken the bishop who hearyng the rumour sodeinly fled to Castel Sant ' Angelo Wherfore after the bishop had drawen Don Hugo Moncada to his parte the Colonnesi endured cruell warre to theyr great domage ¶ Than came the Duke of Bourbone who was slaine with the shotte of an handgun from the wallꝭ of Rome ▪ but the emperours armie wherof he was capitaine toke the citee by assault sacked spoyled and burned it and for the space of .xv. daies vsed suche triumph that for theyr passetyme thei woulde make suche Cardinallꝭ and prelates as were theyr prisoners ride scornefully about the towne vpon asses with theyr faces to the tayle and so streictly besieged Clement that he was faine to geue theim .400000 dukates for his raunsome and to yeld the castell into the emperours handes ¶ But within lesse than .iii. yeres after the emperour came him selfe into Italie and hauing made peace with the bishop receiued of hym the imperiall crowne in Bononia with so great triumph and pompe that the like hath not been hearde of in our daies Duryng the whiche there came ambassadours to Clement with letters from Preter Iohn̄ of great commendacions desyre of amitee and vnion of religion ¶ Before theyr departure from Bononia the emperour graunted the bishop his armie against the Florentines and concluded the mariage of his bastarde daughter to Clementes nephiew Alexander di Medici that afterwardes was Duke of Florence But ere the Florentines would lose theyr libertees they susteigned a notable warre for the space of .xii. monethes ¶ And lyke as by force he oppressed the Florentines so by treason he subdued Ancona For vnder pretence of amitee and counsaile persuadyng them that the Turkes armie by sea was comyng against theim he sent a capitaine of his called Bernardin who with certaine men of warre was receiued into the citee and so vsurped the dominion for the churche ¶ In this bishops tyme happened suche a sodeine rage of water in Rome that the high toures were drowned and a great numbre of people with infinite richesse lost so that the bishop hym selfe had muche adooe to escape it whiche maie well be thought a plage of god sent for the abhominacion that reigneth there ¶ Finally Clement mette with the frenche kynge at Marseiles in Prouaunce and there concluded the mariage that folowed betwene Katherine Clementꝭ neece and Henrie now frenche kyng than but secounde sonne to the frenche kynge Shortly after whose mariage Clement died ¶ Paule the .iii. that now is bishop before the tyme of his election helde hym selfe so indifferent betwene the factions imperiall and frenche that no man could know to whether part he was most inclined ¶ In the beginnyng of his tyme he procured all Christian princes to warre against the Turke so that the emperour that Uenetians and he made an armie by sea vnder the leadyng of Andrea Doria who mette with Barbarossa besydes Corfu but they foughte no battaile though the Christians were more in noumbre and better furnisshed than the Turkes whether Andrea Doria were blame woorthy I can not tell But ones the Uenetian Galeon a notable shippe was lefte alone in the middest of the Turkishe nauie that assaulted hir .iiii. or v. houres and yet at length came cleane awaie in despite of theim all ¶ This bishop went to Nisa in Prouaunce where by his procurement the emperour and frenche kyng mette and concluded a peace whiche dured not longe ¶ Than died the Duke of Urbine Incontinently vpon whose death the bishop made warre to the younge Duke Guido Vbaldo for the state of Camerino and constreigned him for a little summe of money to geue ouer the astate In in whiche the bishoppe establisshed his owne sonne Pietro Aluigi Duke ¶ After this vppon a light occasion the bishoppe made warre to Ascanio Colonna thiefe of that familie and Peter Aluigi beyng generall of the bishops army handled Ascanio Colonna and his adherentes so cruelly that they were faine to abandone theyr owne townes and castelles and to liue in exile as banished men till by the emperours meanes they were restored to the bishops fauour and absolucion ¶ This Paule to exalte his owne bloudde by consent of his Cardinalles exchaunged the Duchie of Camerino with the churche for the citees and territories of Placentia and Parma Wherof he inuested his forenamed son as Duke whose behauiour was suche that he continued not fully two yeres for the nobilitee of the same detestyng his wicked life and tyrannie conspyred against hym and slew hym in his owne house in Placentia yeldyng that citee the next daie into the emperours handes ¶ The bishop sent a fayre armie bothe of horsemen and footemen to succcour the emperour in his enterprise against the Germaines and made his sonnes sonne called the
kynge of Englande At the sumptuouse feaste of whose mariage Petrarcha hapned to be present How be it some haue written that she was maried to the Frenche kynges sonne with the dower of an .100000 crownes But how so euer it were hir husbande lyued not passyng fiue monethes after the mariage and shortly thervpon the father Galeazo also died ¶ After whose death his sonne Giangaleazo growen to sufficient yeres diuided the state with his vncle Bernabo on this maner He kept to hym selfe Pauia Tortona Alexandria Nouara and the other townes neere vnto the Alpes with the one halfe of Myllaine and gaue vnto Bernabo Parma P●accuza Cremona Lodi Crema Bergam● Como and the other halfe of Myllaine with this aduauntage that for as muche as Bernabo was the more aunciente he should dwell in Myllaine and Giangaleazo in Pauia Thus beyng agreed after a certaine tyme Giangaleazo was aduertised by his wife howe Bernabo hir father and his vncle had diuers tymes sought his death to ridde hym out of the state so that Giangaleazo incontinentely determined to preuente hym and goyng vnto Millaine vnder pretence of pastyme or of some other busynesse Bernabo to honour hym the more issued out against him and so was taken died in prison and parte of his sonnes slayne parte banished Whiche acte onely excepted though it was not yet all against reason this Giangaleazo in all his doynges was accompted so worthy noble and valiaunt a prince that of the people he was called II Conte di Virtu that is to say The E●le of vertue For he was not onely beautifull of personage but also lerned eloquent wise hardy and lyberall And was the fyrst that euer was inuested Duke of Millaine paiyng therfore to the emperour Vinceslao an .10000 duckates After the obteinyng of this honour he encreased his astate by the gettyng of Verona Vicenza Padoa and Bologna ¶ He discomfited the armies of the leage made betwene the Florentines and Bologniese with other their confederates at Casalecchio and broughte the Florentines at length to that takyng that had he not died the rather they muste nedes haue yelded to benne his subiectes ¶ He ouercame Antonio della Scala and buylded the fayre palayce in Pauia with that goodly librarie that yet is seen there walled the parke about beyng of a great circuite and edified the Charterhouse that to this houre amongest the beautifull buildynges of the worlde may be rekened one of the rarest ¶ He brought Italy into suche feare that the Pisani the Senesi the Perugini the Ascesiani and the Lucchesi willyngly became his men so that he founde him selfe lorde ouer .29 citees and thought to haue ben kynge of Italy if death had not so soone taken him ¶ He had two wifes the one called Lisabetta doughter to the kynge of Boeme by whom he had a doughter named La Valentina maried afterwardes to the Duke of Orliens with the dower of the Erledome of Aste that hath ben cause of no small trouble in Italie and the other wife named Caterina de Visconti by whom he had two sonnes Giouanni and Philippo Maria. ¶ He had one bastarde called Gabriello who afterwardes solde Pisa to the Florentines ¶ Finally this notable prince at Marignano died and accordyng to his owne order was from thense caried to the saied Charterhouse besides Pauia and there buried ¶ Than succeded in the astate Gia●ma●●a the eldest sonne whose dealynges were so greuouse to the Milanese without any their deseruyng that hearyng masse on a daie in the churche through the fury of the people and of his owne men together he was slayne firste causyng his mother to die in prison for ofte warnyng him of that that happened in dede ¶ He was wonte to say many times in excusyng of his errours that in a great house it was necessary there shoulde growe men of diuers sortes and that he therfore vsed the contrary of his fathers doinges so that through his crueltee and his death together many citees rebelled in suche wi●e that the Milanese were constreigned to call the sonnes of Bernabo to the Douchy who enioied the same vntill that Philippo maria recouered the dominion and driuing them out mette with one of them called Nestore in a skirmish and slew him ¶ This Philippo was first lorde of Pauia and had maried Beatrice the doughter or as other say sometime wife of Fazino Cane della Scala for none intente but because she was enheritour of many fayre lordeshippes beyonde the Pò and had also verie muche money By meane wherof sleayng Crabrino lorde of Verona he gatte that citee to him selfe ¶ He was constreigned to yelde Bologna Furli and Imola to the bishop of Rome Neuerthelesse he gatte Genoa though afterwardes he loste it againe ¶ He lykewyse toke Bressa whyche beyng recouered against him by the Uenetians caused betwene them verie longe and cruell warre Wherin on the Uenetian side were capitaines Francesco Carmignuola Giouanni Malauolta Gianfrancesco Gonzaga and Nanni Strozzi a Florentine knight And on the side of Philippo against the Uenetians were Francesco Sforza Agnola da Pergoletto the one and other Nicolo Guerriero and Piccinino and one Fierauante da Perugia with the helpe also of Alfonso kynge of Naples who beyng before tyme brought prisoner to Philippo by the Genowaies and by hym restored to libertee lyke a faythfull friende for a great whyle after succoured hym in all his businesse ¶ Thus whan Philippo had finyshed the enterprise againste the Uenetians and by meane of those his capitaines gotten Piacenza Como and Lodi he made the Marques of Monferrato so afearde of hym that wyllyngly he yelded vnto Philippo's handꝭ Vercelli Alexandria and Aste And Nicolo da Este of Ferrara came to visite hym renderyng Parma that before had ben taken from Ottone and knowlageyng hym selfe to holde the citee of Reggio in fee of Philippo ¶ The citeee of Florence fearyng the power of this man entred in leage with the Uenetians whose two armies vnited togethers were foughten withall by certaine of Philippo's capitaines in the Countie of Faenza and there ouercomen ¶ Notwithstanding that the same victory was of much lesse importaunce than that whiche the noble Florentine Cosmo di Medici obteigned in the plaine of Anghiari against the army of Philippo ledde by Nicolo Piccinino towardes the Florentine damage for the whiche victory Cosmo at his retourne to Florence was called father of his countrey ¶ But for all that those warres had neuer ende as long as Philippo liued who finally fell out with the forenamed Alfonse kyng of Naples and by force restored the Queene Giouanna to hir possession ¶ He receiued into Myllaine Martine the .v. bishoppe of Rome as he retourned from the counsaile of Constance and maried his daughter Bianca vnto Francesco Sforza ¶ Finally findyng hym selfe fallen in great aduersitee what thoroughe blindenesse that toke hym in his age what through the losse of Genoa and what through the discoumfiture of his armie at Casale Maggiore
Calimaco a simple man And further that one Luca Totio a banished Romaine had ben seen with a noumbre of banisshed men in the wooddes there by Upon whiche enformacions he caused diuers men of reputacion to be taken aswell courtiers as other and without any matter or good grounde of suspicion put theim to suche terrible tourmentꝭ that it wold greeue and gentill hert to heare it ¶ He attempted the winnyng of Tolfa fyrst by treason than by siege and lastly whan he could not so get it he purchased it for .7000 dukates ¶ Likewyse he assaulted the citee of Rimino to haue taken it from the familie of Mala●esta but he failed of that enterprise ¶ He vsed verie great Symonie and whan any bishoprike fell he would translate the bishops from one see to an other for the gaine of theyr fyrst fruites by reason wherof he gathered a great treasure and delited verie muche in iewelles ¶ Finally he persuaded all men to kepe their children at schole till thei could write and reade and no longer and died sodeinly ¶ Sixtus the .iiii. was bothe learned and eloquent and contrarie to his predecessours nature delited in learned men ¶ He did his beste to succour the princes that were driuen out of theyr countreis by the Turke as the quene of Bossina the Paleologi the Despoti and diuers other And yet did he vniustly bothe reise warres him selfe and also cause other princes to dooe the lyke ¶ Fyrst he beganne with the Florentines because they had emprisoned his nephiew a Cardinall and had hanged the archebishop of Pisa for killyng of Iuliano di Medici ¶ He made warre to Ferdinando kyng of Naples because he had not ayded the Duke of Ferrara against the Uenetians ¶ He made warre also to the Uenetians and gathered all the astates of Italie into a leage against theim leauyng theim excommunicate whan he died ¶ He leuied many dismes and subsidies of the clergie through all Christendome and was verie beneficiall to his owne kynne and friendes ¶ Finally by his tyme Macomet the .ii. emperour of the Turkes had taken Otronto in Puglia and prepared hym selfe to the conquest of Italie Wherfore the bishop made hym readie to flee into France and had fledde in deede if God by preuentyng of that enterprise had not set a staie to the Turkisshe furie with Macometes death ¶ Innocence the .iiii. assoyled the Uenetians and trauailed muche to agree the Christian princes together Neuerthelesse because his last predecessour had released to the kyng of Naples certaine pretended duties of the churche therfore procuryng fyrste certaine astates of the realme to rebell he moued warre against Ferdinando and at length constreigned him to agree at his owne appoinctment ¶ He pacified also a great contencion betweene the families of Colonna and Orsina whose variaunce had been cause of no small fyre bloudde and spoyle He had a sonne and a daughter whom he left verie riche and was neuerthelesse reputed bothe liberall pitifull ¶ Alexander the .vi. was a Spaniarde borne and a great philosophier He entred in league with Alfonse king of Naples against Charles the .viii. Frenche kynge who than prepared hym selfe to come into Italie Neuerthelesse Charles power was suche that the bishop not onely gaue hym passage but also receiued hym in Rome honourablie And yet mistrustyng the frenche kynges hygh courage seyng he feared but little the ecclesiasticall power the bishop withdrew hym selfe into Castel Sant ' Angelo though by fayre entreatie he came out againe and yelded all his dominion at the kynges will and besides that deliuered hym Zizimo brother to the great Turke that before was the bishoppes prisoner ¶ But ere euer Charles retourned out of the realme of Naples which was within lesse than halfe a yere after the bishop had wrought a new league against him wherin the emperour Maximilian the kyng of Aragone the Uenetians and the Duke of Mylaine were his collegꝭ So that Charles in his retourne towardes France was fought withall and sore handled ¶ Finally Charles beyng thus departed this bishop beganne to waxe hygh and imaginyng how to extoll his owne name he created his son Valentino Borgia Duke causyng hym fyrst to renounce his cardinall hatte whiche at his fathers creacion was geuen hym and than made he hym capitaine of an armie sent into Romagnia where fyrst he warred against Katherine ladie of Imola and Furli and not onely toke hir iust possessions from hir but also sent hir prisoner to Rome and than proceded further against the other lordes theraboutes So that hauyng chased awaie the families of Manfredi Ordelaffi Malateste Feltrani Veranei and diuers other in maner of no lesse astate than princes he gatte into his possession the countreis of Romagnia and Marca d' Ancona with the dukedomes of Vrbino Camerino and Spoleti Of all the whiche his father entitled hym Duke and entred into so great a pride with his sonnes prosperitee that he woulde saie to hym eyther a Caesar or nothyng ¶ Through coumfort wherof beyng geuen to ouermuche couetousenesse in hope of empyre he poysoned diuers riche Cardinallꝭ to haue theyr goodes and amongest his other practises he appoincted poysoned coumfettes for a Cardinall that dined with his father but the father hym selfe was serued of the wronge boxe and died And the sonne not longe after slaine in the middest of all his glorie notwithstandyng that by his fathers tyme he was coupled in mariage with the daughter of the Duke of Ferrara ¶ Pius the .iii. died within a moneth not without suspicion of venim ¶ Iulie the .ii. beyng a man more geuen to armes than to praier more like Iulius Caesar than Symon Peter was wont to saie that Maximilian had been meete to be bishop and he emperour ¶ Fyrst he procured suche a league against the Uenetians that they had neuer a foote of grounde lefte theim on the maine lande so that he had for his parte Rauenna with the other citees of Romagnia ¶ He destroied the familie of Borgia and quieted muche the ciuile sedicion that had longe time reigned in the Romaine nobilitee ¶ He made warre against the Bentiuogli that thā were lordes of Bononia and hauyng chased theim awaie entred into that citee with lyke triumph as the auncient Romaine conquerours were wont to dooe into Rome ¶ Many tymes he woulde goe armed hym selfe specially in the enterprise against Lodouicus Picus of Mirandula ¶ Finally fearyng the frenche kyngꝭ to muche prosperitee he entred in league with the Uenetians and the kyng of Spaine against the Frenche kyng whiche was occasion of the notable battaile of Rauenna fought on Easter daie where on bothe sides were slaine aboute 30000. men For as I haue been crediblie enformed whā both battailꝭ were ioigned Spaniardes on the one syde and frenchemen on the other the Duke of Ferrara that came on the frenche parte shotte of his artillerie amongest the thickest and slewe a multitude aswell of his friendes as enemies but thei were