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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07909 A vvatch-vvoord to Englande to beware of traytours and tretcherous practises, which haue beene the ouerthrowe of many famous kingdomes and common weales. Written by a faithfull affected freend to his country: who desireth God long to blesse it from traytours, and their secret conspiracyes. Séene and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Quéenes iniunctions. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1584 (1584) STC 18282; ESTC S112941 79,185 110

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Norvvich Gentleman who stoode mute at his arraignement but at the gallowes confessed himselfe to be the chéefe conspiratour and that none had deserued to die but he for that he had procured them With him was executed Thomas Brooke of Rolsebie Gentleman the thirtie day of August and George Redman of Cringlefoord Gentleman was likewise executed the second day of September The eight day of August Iohn Felton who before had béen condemned in the Guild Hall of London for hanging a Bull at the gate of the Bishoppe of Londons Pallace was drawne from Newgate into Paules Churchyarde and there hanged on a gallowes newe set vp that morning before the Bishops Pallace gate and being cut downe aliue he was bowelled and quartered The first day of Iune Iohn Storie a Doctor of the Cannon Lawe who had béene a great persecutour of Gods flocke in the raigne of Quéene Marie hauing béene before condenmed of high treason was drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there hanged bowelled and quartered his head set on London Bridge and his quarters on the gates of the Cittie The eleuenth day of Februarie Kenelme Barney and Edward Mather were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and Henrie Rolfe from the Marshalsea in Southwarke to the same place of execution where they were all thrée hanged bowelled and quartered for treason Barney and Mather for conspiracie and Rolfe for counterfeiting the Quéenes Maiesties hand The sixtéenth of Ianuarie the Lord Thomas Haward Duke of Norfolke was arraigned in VVestminster Hall before George Lord Talbot Earle of Shrewesburie high Steward of England for that day and there by his Péeres found guilty of high treason and had iudgement accordinglie So on the second day of Iune following in the morning betwéene the houres of seuen and eight the said Thomas Haward Duke of Norfolke was beheaded on a Scaffolde set vp on the Tower hill The two and twentie day of August Thomas Percie Earle of Northumberland late of Topcliffe who had béene before attainted by Parliament of high treason as being one of the principall conspiratours in the late rebellion in the North and now brought out of Scotland whether he had fledde was beheaded at Yorke about two of the clocke in the after noone on a newe Scaffolde set vp for that purpose in the Market place The eight and twentie day of Nouember Iohn Hall Gentleman and Oswalde Wilkinson late of Yorke and Gaoler of Yorke Castell being before arraigned and condemned of high treason were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there hanged bowelled and quartered The sixtéene day of Iune Thomas Woodhouse a Priest of Lincolneshiere who had béen long prisoner in the Fléet was arraigned in the Guild hall of London and there condemned of high treason who had iudgement to be hanged and quartered and was executed at Tiborne the ninetéene day of Iune Cuthbert Mayne being condemned of high treason the thirtie day of Nouember was drawne hanged and quartered at Lawnceston in the prouince of Cornewall The third day of Februarie earlie in the morning Iohn Nelson being condemned of high treason against her Maiestie was drawne from Newgate to Tiborne and there hanged bowelled and quartered The seuentéene day of Februarie one named Thomas Sherwood hauing béen before condemned of high treason was drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and was there hanged bowelled and quartered William Lacie and one Kirkman a Priest being condemned of high treason were drawne hanged and quartered at Yorke Euerard Haunse alias Ducket an obstinate and a wicked Traitour hauing béene condemned of high treason was drawne from Newgate to Tiborne and there hanged and quartered according to his iudgement The first day of December Edmund Campion Iesuite Ralphe Sherwin Alexander Briant Seminarie Priests were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne where they were hanged and afterward were bowelled and quartered for high treason On Monday the eight and twentie day of Maie Thomas Foord Iohn Shert and Robert Iohnson Priests who were copartners with Campion in his traiterous enterprises were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne where they were hanged bowelled and quartered for high treason On wednesday following being the thirtie day of May Luke Kirbie William Filbie Thomas Cottam and Lauraunce Richardson who were likewise of Campions confederacie were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there hanged bowelled and quartered for high treason Iohn Slade and Iohn Bodye two obstinate and notorious Traitours being condemned of high treason Iohn Slade was drawne hanged and quartered at VVinchester on Wednesdaye being the third daye of October and Iohn Bodye executed in like manner at Andouer on the Saturdaye following Edward Arden Esquier being condemned of high treason was drawne from Newgate into Smithfield where he was hanged bowelled and quartered And Iohn Sommeruile who should haue béene executed with him being condemned for the same offence destroyed himselfe in Newgate the day before William Carter a Stationer by Occupation for printing of traiterous Bookes and other notorious offences was drawne from Newgate to Tiborne where he was hanged bowelled and quartered On Wednesday being the twelfth day of February Haddocke Fenne Hemerfoord Munden and Nutter were all fiue drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne where they were hanged bowelled quartered for high treason Fraunces Throckmorton Esquier for diuers traiterous practises attempted against the Quéenes Maiestie was arraigned and condemned in the Guild hall of London and afterward on the tenth day of Iulie he was drawne from the Sessions house in London to Tiborne where he was hanged bowelled and quartered Héere maiest thou O England as in a Glasse behold the successe of treason from time to time by these so many and sundrie examples héere offered vnto thée whereof full many remaine freshe and quicke in remembrance thou maist discerne how God who placeth Kinges and Princes in their seates and Signories and by whose appointment they haue their ruling on earth dooth sharply chastise such wicked braunches as deale otherwise then beséemes them with their Princes and Gouernours Be their mindes neuer so hautie be their deuises neuer so subtill yea and let them worke neuer so closelie his eye discerneth them and séeing their secrete intentions is against them whome he hath annointed he bringeth them and their practises to open view that the world maye sée their vnduetifull dealing and by the punishment which he woorthelie imputeth to such offendours the rest may learne and dispose themselues to better gouernement But let me England come a lyttle néerer thée and order the matter so as thou mayst finde thy selfe touched in déede Perhappes thou wilt saye these thinges are doone and past and they were but a certaine fewe that thus haue offended and being iustly scourged for their misdemeanours they are now quite worne out of remembraunce in hope there remaineth none such
Lordes Knightes and other to the number of thrée score and fiue were taken All these were condemned by the iudgement of Andrew Herkeley Earle of Carlile and on the two and twentie of March following Thomas Earle of Lancaster was beheaded and Warin de Lile William Tochet Thomas Manduit Henrie Bradbourne William Fitzwilliam the younger and William de Cheyney Barons were hanged and quartered at Pomfret Iohn Mowbray Roger Clifford and Goceline Deynvile were drawne and quartered at Yorke Bartholmew Badlesmere at Canterburie Henrie de Mountfort and Henrie Willington at Bristow Iohn Clifford and Roger Elinbrough at Glocester William Kerdife and Henrie Chies at London Frances de Aldham at VVindsore Thomas Culpeper at VVinchelsea The rest of their complices were bestowed in diuers prisons Andrew Herkeley Earle of Carlile vnder colour of peace feigned a mariage which by the King his Nobles was reputed for Treason wherevpon he was apprehended by his trustie fréend Sir Anthonie de Lucy and afterward was disgraded of the Earledome by the taking the swoord from him and cutting off his spurres then was he hanged and quartred at Carlile his head being sent to London and his quarters to foure partes of the land Hugh Spencer the elder and Hugh Spencer his sonne were verie troublesome persons to the Realme and caused many seditious treasons to arise daily but the Father was taken at Bristowe where he was drawne to the Gallowes in his Armour and so hanged then was he taken downe and beheaded and his body hanged vp againe and after foure daies his body was cutte in péeces and cast to the Dogges to be eaten but his head was sent to Winchester Hugh Spencer his sonne was brought to Hereforde where he was condemned without aunswere and was drawne and hanged vpon a paire of Gallowes thirtie foote hie and afterward was headed and quartered Simon Reading and Robert Baldocke Bishoppe of Norvvich and the Kinges Chauncelour who were pertakers with them in their traiterous rebellions the saide Simon Reading was drawne and hanged on the same Gallowes but ten foote lower and Robert Baldocke died in Newgate with many tormentes And many of their confederates were executed in other places so that but fewe of them escaped without punishment In the raygne of King Edward the thirde ROger Mortimer for consenting to the murthering of the Kings Father and many other notorious treasons was condemned at VVestminster in the presence of the whole Parliament and afterward was drawne to the Elmes and hanged on the common Gallowes where he hanged two dayes and two nightes by the Kinges commaundement there were hanged with him Sir Simon de Burford Knight Sir William Burford that was Iustice and Iohn Deuerel Esquier who was desirous to haue made open confession of the Kinges Fathers cruell death but he could not be suffered The Londoners sought to kill Iohn of Gaunt the Kings Sonne Duke of Lancaster for a word which he had spoken against their Bishoppe wherevpon the King deposed the Mayor and Aldermen of London and appointed other in their places and Sir Iohn Minsterwoorth Knight with others were drawne and hanged for the same In the raigne of King Richard the seconde BY the wicked perswasions of Iohn Ball a seditious Préest the Commons of Kent and Essex rebelled against the King chusing for their Captaines in their rebellion Watte Tiler and Iacke Strawe They came to Blacke Heath and so on to London and entred the Cittie on Corpus Christi day where they destroyed many goodly places of the Nobles and others as the Sauoy Saint Iohns by Smithféeld the Manour of Highburie by Yseldon and the Temple where the Prentises of the Lawe were lodged for the increase of their Studie They tooke out of the Tower of London where the King was then lodged Simon Sudburie Archbishop of Canterburie Lord Chauncelour of England Robert Halles Priour of Saint Iohns and Treasorer of England William Apelton a Frier Minor the Kinges Confessour and Iohn Legge a Seriant of the Kinges and beheaded them all on the Tower Hyll They beheaded diuers other in many places as Sir Iohn Cauendishe Lord chéefe Iustice of England the Priour of S. Edmundes-burie and other Richard Lions a famous Lapidary of London was drawne out of his house and beheaded in Chepe They beheaded all men of Lawe as well Prentises and vtter Barresters as Iustices and all Iurers that they might get into their hands They spared none whome they thought to be learned were it neuer so lyttle especiallie if they found any to haue pen and inke they pulled off his hoode and cried out all with one voice hale him into the stréetes and cut off his head The King to pacifie their furie offered them peace on condition they would cease from burning of houses and slaughter of men which the Essex men tooke and returned home but the Kentish men remained burning and killing styll as before Wherevpon the King sendeth Sir Iohn Newton Knight to Wat Tiler their Captaine to intreate him to come talke with him about his owne demaundes the Knight hauing doone his message Wat Tiler mallepartlie aunswered that he would come at his owne pleasure neuerthelesse he followed softlie after the Knight and when he came néere Smithféeld where the King tarried his comming the same Knight was sent againe to méet him and vnderstand his requests Wat Tiler séeing the Knight come néere vnto him on horse backe proudlie saide it had become him better to be on foote in his presence the Knight aunswered that it was no harme sith himselfe was also on horsebacke therewith Wat Tiler drew his Dagger and offering to strike called the Knight Traiteur wherevpon the Knight drew his dagger too and aunswered him that he lyed The King séeing the Knight in daunger commaunded him to alight on foote and to deliuer his Dagger to Watte Tyler whose proude minde would not be so pacified but would néedes run on the Knight wherevppon there came to the King William Walwoorth the Mayor of London and many other Knightes and Esquiers who affirmed that it would be a shamefull reproch if they should suffer the Knight to be murdred At last the King commaunded the Mayor to arrest the Rebell which Mayor being a man of verie valiaunt courage arrested Wat Tyler on the head with such a mighty stroke as he caused him to fall downe greatly astonied then a number more enuironed the Rebell round about and gaue him so many woundes as he had no life left in him c. Iacke Strawe being likewise taken when at London he should lose his head by the iudgement of the Maior confessed as followeth The same time sayth he that we came to Black Heath when we sent for the King we purposed to haue murdred all Knightes Esquiers and Gentlemen that should haue come with him and to haue led the King royallie vsed vp and downe that with the sight of him all men especiallie the common people might