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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22766 The boke of Magna Carta with diuers other statutes, whose names appere in the nexte lefe folowynge, translated into Englyshe.; Laws, etc. England.; Ferrers, George, 1500?-1579.; England. 1534 (1534) STC 9272; ESTC S122094 155,124 406

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The boke of Magna Carta with diuers other statutes whose names appere in the nexte lefe folowynge translated into Englyshe ⸫ ☞ Facessat calumnia ⸫ ☞ Anno Dn̄i 1534. ¶ A Table declaryng the names of all the statutes cōteyned in this boke as they stande in ordre ⸫ THe great chartour folio .i. He chartour of forest folio .x. Merton folio .xiiii. Marlebrydge folio .xviii. Westmynster fyrste folio .xxx. Gloucestre folio L. Exposicyons of Gloucestre fol .lvi. Westmynster secounde folio .lvii. Westmynster thyrde folio C. Wynchestre folio C .i. The statute of merchaūtes fo C .v. The statute of relygious fol .c. ix The statute of champartye fol .c. x. Vyewe of francpledge folio .c. x. Assyse of bread and ale fol .c. xii Artycles for the clergy folio .c. xiii Impanellyng assyses fo .c. xviii Iniquisicyon vpon the statute of wynchestre folio .c. xx Circumspecte agatis folio .c. xxi Artycles agaynste the kynges prohybicyon fo .cx. xi Dystresses of theschequer fol .c. xxii Diffinicion of conspiratours fo .c. xxiii Leuyeng of fynes folio .c. xxiiii Fynes makyng attorneys fo .c. xxvii The statute of defendynge ryght or resceyte folio .c. xxviii The statute of vouchyng fo .c. xxix The statute of yorke folio .c. xxx The kynges prerogatyue fo .c. xxxiii Doynge of homage fol .c. xxxviii The statute of wardes relyefes fo 139. Dayes in the benche fo .c. xl The statute of bigamy fol .c. xl The statute of toyntenātes fo .c. xlii Dayes in a wryt of dower folio .c. xlv The statute of Eschetours fol .c. xlvi The statute of sh●ryfes fol .c. xlvii The statute of Irelande fo .c. xlviii Quo warran to the fyrst folio .c. l. An ordinaunce of measures fo .c. l. A statute for theschequer fol .c. li. The statute of Essoynes fo .c. lv A statute of the pyllorye fol .c. lvi Breakers of prysons fo .c. lviii Of trespassers in parkes fol .c. lviii The wrytte of consultacion fol .c. lix The offyce of Coroners fol .c. lx The statute of proteccyons fo .c. lxi● The fourme of leuyeng fynes fo .c. lxiii The statute of Ga●elette fol .c. lxiiii The statute of knyghtes fo .c. lxv The statute of waste fol .c. lxvi Of weyghtes measures fo .c. lxviii Of Forstallours fo .c. lxviii The statute of pryses folio .c. lxix Of purchasyng lybertes fol .c. lxx A statute of the leape yere fo .c. lxxi Of persones appealled fo .c. lxxix The extent of a maner fo .c. lxxiii Quo warranto the secoūde fo .c. lxxiiii An ordināce of inquestes fo .c. lxxvii An ordināce of the forest fo .c. lxx●viii Of conspiratours fol .c. lxxix Of measuryng lande fo .c. lxxx The sta of Acton Burnell fol .lxxxi. Artycles vpō the chartours fo .c. lxxxiii And after foloweth a bryef colleccyon of the reygnes of the kynges of Englande with a propre table wherby on● may lyghtly fynde out the pryncypall matters conteyned within this boke ⸫ ¶ Faultes escaped in the pryntynge ⸫ IN the. 11. lefe the last lyne on the fore syde for lene rede leue the. 17. lefe the secounde lyne on the baksyde for lese rede leasse the. 17. lefe the. 23. lyne on the foresyde for more rede mere the. 23. lefe the. 24. lyne on the foresyde for Se rede So. the. 24. lefe the. 9. lyne on the baksyde for so moued somoned the. 26. lefe the. 6. lyne on the foresyde by the death is twyse put in and the. 11. lyne on the foresyde for countre rede courte the. 57. lefe the. 8. lyne on the foresyde for verely rede yerely the. 75. lefe the secound lyne on the foresyde for counte rede cuntre the. 76. lefe ye. 4. lyne on the foresyde after this worde haue rede power ye. 82. lefe the. 4. lyne on the baksyde for had put rede hath put hymself the. 86. lefe the. 3. lyne on the foresyde for handes rede landes the. 88. lefe the. 22. lyne for fayned rede fyned the. 95. lefe the laste lyne on the baksyde for clothe rede garment the. 114. lefe the. 21. lyne on the foresyde after this worde hereafter rede lye the. 119. lefe the. 10. lyne on the foresyde for merchaunt townes rede market townes and so in dyuerse other places of the boke the. 121. lefe and 19. lyne after spirituall rede goodes the 138. lefe the fyrste lyne on the foresyde for make rede do the same lefe in the. 5. lyne after the worde your rede man the 144. lefe and fyrste lyne on the baksyde for and rede had the same lefe and. 5. lyne after this worde called rede indicauit the. 148. lefe and. 15. lyne for this worde lande rede offyce the. 156 lefe the fyrste lyne on the foresyde after he rede the sheryfe the. 158. lefe the. 13. lyne on the foresyde after hath rede broken the same lefe and. 19. lyne for vnto rede after the. 160. lefe 28. lyne for one rede any the. 162. lefe 21. lyne for he rede hue the. 169. lefe and. 19. lyne after aswell rede vpon the. 178. lefe 8. lyne on the baksyde for this word escheate rede estate ⸫ ¶ The great Chartour made in the .ix. yere of kyng Henry the thyrd and confirmed by kyng Edwarde the fyrste in the .xxviii. yere of his reygne EDwarde by the grace of God kynge of England lorde of Irelande duke of Guyan To all archebyshops byshops abbottes pryours erles barōs iustyces sheryffes reuys offycers and to all baylyffes and other his faythfull subiectes greatynge We haue sene the greate Chartour of the lorde Henry somtyme kynge of Englande our father of the lybertyes of Englande in these wordes ¶ Henry by the grace of god kynge of Englande lorde of Irelande duke of Normandye and Guyan and erle of Angeoy To all archbyshops byshops abbottes pryours erles barons sheryffes reuys offycers and to all baylyffes and our faythfull subiectes whiche shall see this present chartour gretyng Knowe ye that we vnto the honour of almyghty god and for the saluacyon of the soules of our progenytoures and successoures kynges of Englande to the aduauncement of holy churche and amendement of our realme of our mere and fre wyll haue gyuen and graunted to all archebyshops byshops abbottes pryors erles barons and to all fre men of this our realme these lybertyes vnder wrytten to be holden and kepte in this our realme of Englande for euermore ¶ The fyrst Chapiter FIrste we haue graunted to god by this our present chartour haue confirmed for vs our heyres for euermore that the church of Englande shal be free and shall haue all her hole ryghtes and lybertyes vnhurt We haue graunted also and gyuen to all the fremen of our realme for vs and our heyres for euermore these lyberties vnderwryten To haue and to holde to them and to theyr heyres of vs and ou● heyres for euermore ¶ The secound Chapiter IF any of our erles or barons or any other our tenauntes that doo hold of vs in chyef by knightes s●●uy●e
as appertayne to vs and our heyres we shall obserue And all men of this our realme aswell spirituall as temporall as muche as in them is shall obserue the same agaynst all persones in lyke wyse And for this our gyfte and graunte of these lybertes and of other contayned in our chartour of lybertes of our forest The archebysshops byshops abbottes pryors erles barons knyghtes freholders other our subiectes haue gyuen vnto vs the .xv. part of all theyr moueables And we haue graunted vnto them on the other part that nether we nor our heyres shall procure or do any thyng wherby the lybertes in this chartour contayned shall be mynys●●● or brokē And if any thyng be procured by any persone contrarye to the premysses it shall be had of no force nor effecte These beyng wytnesses Bonyface archebyshop of Canterbury and byshop of London and other Gyuen at westmynster the .x. day of February the ix yere of our raygne We ratefyeng approuynge these gyftes and grauntes aforesayd confirme and make stronge al the same for vs and our heyres perpetually And by the tenor of these presentes do renew the same wyllyng grauntynge for vs and our heyres that this chartour in all and synguler his artycles for euermore shal be stedfastly surely and ●●●●olably obserued And if any artycle in the same chartour contayned yet hytherto peraduenture haue not ben obserued nor kepte we wyll and by our authoryte royall commaunde that from hēsforth they be surely obserued These beyng wytnes R. archbyshop of Canterbury prymate of Englande A. bysshop of Duresme and other Gyuen at westmynster with our owne hande the .xxviii. day of the moneth of March the xxviii yere of our reygne ¶ The chartour of the forestes EDward by the grace of God kyng of Englande lorde of Irelande duke of Guyan to all archbyshops bysshops abbottes pryors erles barons iustyces sheryffes prouostes minystres and to all our bayllyffes and faythfull subiectes greatynge We haue seen the chartour of the lorde Henry our father sometyme kynge of Englande concernyng the forest in these wordes Henry by the grace of god kyng of Englande lorde of Irelande duke of Normandye of Guyan c̄ as in the begynnyng of the great chartour ¶ The fyrst Chap. FIrst we woll that all forestes which kyng Henry our graundfather aforested made shal be vyewed by good and lawfull men And if he haue made forest of any other wood more then of his owne demeane wherby the owner of the wood hath hur● we woll that forthwith it be put out of the forest And if he haue made forest of no manis woo● but of his owne then we woll that it remayne forest styll Sauyng the comon o● herbage and of other thynges ī the same forest to them which before were accustomed to haue the same ¶ The .ii. Chapiter MEn that dwell out of the foreste fromhensforth shall not come before the iustyces of our foreste by no comon somons oneles they be impledyd there or be suretyes for some other that were attached for the forest ¶ The .iii. Chapiter ALl woodes which haue ben made forest by kynge Rychard our vncle or by kyng Iohan our father vnto ou● fyrste coronacion shall be forthwith put out of forest onles it be our demean wood ¶ The .iiii. Chapitre ALl archebyshops byshops abbottes pryors erles barons knyghtes other our freholders ▪ whiche haue theyr woode● in forest shall haue theyr woodes as they had them at the tyme of the fyrst coronacion of kyng Henry out graundfather so that they shal be quyte for euer more of all purprestures wastes and assartes made in those woodes syns that tyme vnto the begynning of the secound yere of our coronacion And those that fromhensforth do make purpresture without our specyal lycēse or make waste or assarte in the same shall aunswere vnto vs for the same wastes purprestures and assartes ¶ The .v. Chapiter OUr rangers shall go thorough the foreste to make regarde as it hath ben accustomed at the tyme of the fyrste coronacion of kyng Henry our graundfather and none otherwyse ¶ The .vi. Chapiter THe inquerye or vyew for lawynge of dogges within our forest shal be made fromhensforth when the regarde is made that is to saye euery .iii. yere then it shal be done by the vyew and testymony of honest men not otherwyse And he whose dogge is not lawed and so founde shal be amercyed and paye for the same .iii. s. And fromhensforthe no ore shal be taken for lawyng of dogges And such lawyng shal be done by the assyse comonly vsed that is to say that .iii. clawes of a forefo●e shall be cutte of by the skynne But frōhensforth such lawynge of dogges shall not be done but in places where it hathe ben accustomed from the tyme of the fyrst coronacion of the foresayd kynge Henry our graundfather ¶ The .vii. Chapiter NO foster or walker fromhensforth shall make scot all or gather garbe of o●es or any corne lambe or pygge nor shal make no gatheryng but by the syght and vpon the othe of the .xii. rangers when they shall make regarde ¶ The .viii. Chapiter NO swanymote fromhensforth shal be kepte within this our realme but thryse in the yere fyrste the .xv. daye before Myghelmas when that our gest takers and walkers of our woodes com togyther to take geste in our demean● woodes And about the feast of sayncte Martyne in wynter when that our gest takers shall receyue our pawnage And to these two swanymotes shall com ou● fosters verders gest takers and none other by dystres The thyrd swanymote shal be kept in the begynnyng .xv. dayes before the feaste of saynct Iohan Baptyste when that our gest takers or walkers do mete to hunte our deere and at this swanymote shall mete our fosters verders and none other by dystres Moreouer euery .xl. dayes through the yere our fosters and verders shall mete to see the attachmentes of the forest aswell for grenehue as for huntyng by the presentmēt of our fosters And they that by them afore were attached And the sayd swanymotes shall not be kepte but within the countyes in which they haue ben vsed to be kepte ¶ The ix Chapiter EUery fremā may put a geste in his owne wood within our foreste at his pleasure and shall take his pawnage Also we do graunte that euery freman may dryue his swyne frely and without impedymêt through our demean woodꝭ there to a gest thē in theyr owne woodes or els where they woll if theyr swyne rarye one nyght or lye within our forest they shall not be hurte therfore nor lese no thyng therby ¶ The .x. Chapiter NO man fromhensforthe shall lose nother lyfe nor mēbre for kyllynge of our deere but if any man be taken therwith conuyete for kyllynge of our deere he shal be greuously raunsomed if he haue any thynge wherof And if he haue nothyng to lese he shal be unprysoned a yere and a daye And
of wastes distrucciōs done by eschetours or subeschetours in the landes of wardes as of houses woodes parkes warrens of all other thynges that fall into the kynges handes The kyng wyll that he which hath sustayned damage shal haue a wrytte of waste out of the chauncery agaynst the eschetour for his acte the subeschetour for his act if he haue wherof if he haue not his mayster shal be aunswerable by lyke payn cōcernyng damages as is ordeyned by the statute for them that do wast in wardshyps 19. Frōhensforth where the eschetour or the sheryfe sease landes into the kynges handes where there is no cause of seyser And after whē it is founde no cause the profytes taken in the meane tyme haue ben styll reteyned and not restored when the kynge hath his oustre ie mayne The kynge wyll that if hereafter any landes be so scasyd after it be out of his handes by reason that he hath no cause to cease nor to holde it the issues shal be fully restored to hym to whome the lande shal remayne and which hath susteyned the damage 20. It is ordeyned that no goldesmyth of Englande nor none otherwhere with in the kynges dominyon shall not fromhensforth gylde nor cause to be gylded no maner of vessell iewell or any other thynge of golde or syluer except it be of the very best alaye that is to wyte golde of a certayne alaye and syluer of the sterlyng alaye or of better after the discrecyon of hym to whome the golde belongeth and that none gylde worse syluer then sterlyng And that he suffer no maner of vessell of golde or syluer to depart out of his handes vntyl it be assayed by the wardeyns of the crafte and further that it be marked with the lybardes hed And that they worke no worse golde thē of the towch of parys And that the wardeyns of the crafte shall go from shop to shop among the goldesmythes to assaye if theyr golde be of the same towche that is spokē of before And if they fynde any other then of the towche aforesayd the golde shal be forfayte to the kynge And that none shal make rynges crosses nor lockes And that none shall set any stone in golde except it be naturall And that grauers or cutters of stones of seales shall ▪ gyue to eche theyr wheyght of syluer as ferforth as they can vpon theyr fidelite And the iewelles of base golde whiche they haue in theyr handes they shall vtter as fast as they can And from hensforth if they bye any of the same worke they shall bye it for to worke vpō and not to sell agayne And that all the good townes of Englande where any goldesmythes be dwellyng shal be ordered accordynge to this estatute as they of London be And that one shall come from euery good towne for all the resydue that be dwellyng in the same vnto London for to be assertayned of theyr towche And if any goldsmyth be attaynted hereafter because that he hath done otherwyse then before is ordeyned he shal be ponyshed by imprysonment shal make fyne at the kynges pleasure And nothwithstandyng al these thynges before mēcioned or any poynte of thē both the kyng his coūsell all they that were present at the making of this ordinaūce wyll intende that the ryght prerogatyue of his crowne shal be saued to hym in all thynges ¶ Finis THe names and reygnes of al the kynges of Englande frō the tyme of kynge Edwarde the confessour sone to Etheldrede vnto our most excellent and victoryous prynce kyng Henry the eyght and howe long they reygned and where they be buryed ⸫ 1. EDwarde sone of Etheldrede reygned xxxiii yeres and .xxxix. wekes and is buryed and translated at westmynster 2. Harolde son of Goodwyne reygned xl wekes and two dayes and was slayne by wyllyam Conquetour 3. Wyllyam the conquerour duke of Normandy began his reygne the .xiiii. daye of Octobre the yere of grace M .lxvii. and was crowned the .xxv. daye of Decembre then nexte folowyng dyed the .ix. daye of Septembre and reygned x● yeres ●i monethes and .xxii. dayes and is buryed at Cane in Normandye in the same monastery wherof he was foundour som bokes say that wyllyam cōquerour dyed the xi day of Septēbre 4. Wyllyam Rufus the conquerours sonne beganne to reygne the .ix. daye of Septēbre the yere of grace M lxxxxvii and was crowned the .xxvii. day of Septembre next folowynge dyed the fyrste day of Auguste the yere of grace M. C. and so reygned .xxii. yeres .xi. monethes and .xvii. dayes and is buryed at wynchestre and this kynge made the great a●le at westmynster and perfourmed the buyldyng of the towre of Londō which Iulius Cesar began and the kynge of Scottes dyd homage vnto hym 5. Henry the fyrst of that name brother to Wyllyam Rufus began his reygne the fyrst day of August the yere of grace M. C. and was crowned the .v. daye of Auguste next folowyng and dyed the secounde daye of Decembre and reygned xxxv yeres .iiii. monethes and .xi. dayes And is buryed at Redynge And in the tyme of this kyng beganne the ordre of chanons and the ordre of templets 6. Stephen sone to Henry the fyrst began his reygne the secounde day of Decembre the yere of grace M. C .xxxv. And was crowned the .xxvi. daye of Decembre nexte folowynge And dyed the .xxv. daye of Octobre And reygned .xix. yeres .xi. monethes and .xix. dayes And is buryed at Feuersham 7. Henry the secounde sone of Maude Empresse and of Geffray plantagenet Erie of Ange●y began his reygne the .xxv. daye of Octobre the yere of grace M .liiii. And was crowned the .xx. daye of Iulye And reygned .xxxiiii. yeres .ix. monethes two dayes And is buryed at Fountuerard in Normandye And in the tyme of this kynge was founde the sem●les cote of our lorde And in the tyme of this kynge was slayne Thomas archebyshop of Canterbury 8. Rycharde the fyrste sone of Henry the secounde beganne his reygne the .v. daye of Iuly the yere of grace M. C. lxxxi● And was crowned the thyrde daye of Septembre nexte folowynge And dyed the .vi. day of Apryl And reygned .ix. yeres .ix. monethes and .xxii. dayes And is buryed at Fountuerarde in Normandye And in the tyme of ●his kynge the Iues were slayne and bannyshed out of Englande 9. Iohan brother to the sayd Rychard began his reygne the .vi. day of Apryll the yere of grace M. C .xcix. And was crowned the .xxvi. daye of Iuly nexte folowyng And dyed the .xix. daye of Octobre And reygned xvii yeres .vii. monethes And is buryed at worcestre And in the tyme of this kynge the royalme was interdyted And the cyte of London with a great multytude of men burned And in the tyme of this kyng began the ordres of freres minors carmelytes preachers that is to wyte grey whyte and blacke And the kynge of Scottes dyd homage vnto hym And this kynge