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A13983 A continuation of The collection of the history of England beginning where Samuel Daniell Esquire ended, with the raigne of Edvvard the third, and ending where the honourable Vicount Saint Albones began, with the life of Henry the seventh, being a compleat history of the begining and end of the dissention betwixt the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster. With the matches and issue of all the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and vicounts of this nation, deceased, during those times. By I.T. Trussel, John, fl. 1620-1642.; Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. Collection of the historie of England. 1636 (1636) STC 24297; ESTC S107345 327,329 268

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haec licentia sit omninò irrita Gulielmus Haywood Capell dom RR. P. Archiep. Cant. A CONTINVATION OF THE HISTORY of ENGLAND Liber tertius RICHARD the Second RIchard the second borne at Burdeaux sonne of Edward the blacke Prince and Ioane the daughter of Edmond Earle of Kent and grandchild to Edward the third being eleven yeares olde was crowned King at Westminster the 21. day of Iune 1377. by Simon Sudbury Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of whose Coronation the Duke of Lancaster per nomen Iohannis Regis Castiliae Legionis Dux Lancasteur put his clayme as Earle of Lecester to have the place of Earle Marshall of England as Duke of Lancaster to carry the Sword at the Coronation called Curtana as Earle of Lincolne to be Carver that day all which to be executed by himselfe or his sufficient Deputie which with the fees thereunto belonging were confirmed unto him and hee accordingly did them and there in person execute the place of high Marshall at such years As this King was then of the minde of man is like unto the potters earth apt to be wrought into any fashion and then which way soever it hardeneth by custome it seldome swerves from the same The gouernance of the King at the first was committed to certaine Bishops Earles Barons and Iustices but either by nicenesse and feare of discontenting the King or negligence to discharge their duty or both every one was more ready to please him with delightfull conceits then with profitable counsell to doe him good for smoothe and pleasing speeches need small endevour and alwayes finde favour whereas to advise that which is most meet is a point of some paines and many if not most times but a thanklesse office Hereupon two dangerous evills did ensue Flattery brake in and private respects as eversince it hath done did passe vnder publike pretences At his Coronation he Created foure Earles Thomas Woodstocke King Edward the thirds youngest sonne Earle of Buckingham and Northampton Thomas Mowbray younger brother of Iohn Lord Mowbray was created Earle of Nottingham Gifford Angolisme a Gascoigne Earle of Huntington and Henry Piercie sonne of Henry Lord Piercy was Created Earle of Northumberland In the beginning of this Kings raigne the French on the one side and the Scots on the other did cruelly infest this Land the one making depredations in the Isle of Wight harying the same and attempting the Castle from whence they were manfully repulsed by a Captaine whose name I will forbeare because in some Authors I finde him stiled by another appellation The other forraged the Country round about and burnt the Towne of Rocksborough This course of each side spoyling the English they both French and Scots combining continued by sea untill Iohn Philpot Citizen and Alderman of London lamenting the misery of the times occasioned by common neglect of scouring the Coasts and scouring the seas whereby the Merchant durst not traffique abroad for feare of Pyrats which hovered in every corner but especially of one Mercer a Scottish Rover who had drawne together a great flect of French Scottes and Spaniards and with them did robbe and spoyle all they met and did great mischiefe complayned hereof to the Kings Councell and demonstrated to them the daily wrongs sustained by the sayd Mercer imploring their ayd but receiving from them no reliefe he at his owne proper costs victualed and manned forth a company of tall shippes himselfe in person going with them to sea and in short time tooke the sayd Mercer and recovered all the prises formerly taken with fifteene Spanish Bottoms well fraught with riches besides many French and Scottish ships For which action hee encurred the hard censure of most of the Noble men from whom hee seemed to have snatcht by this his fortunate attempt the native cognisance of true nobilitie Amongst whom Hugh Earle of Stafford nettled with the generall commendations given to Philpot for this designe publikely at the Councell table objected against him the vnlawfulnesse of the act without authoritie being but a private man to attempt to levy armes But Philpot with a kinde of vndaunted resolution not only justified the act as though not altogether lawfull yet very expedient being done for the honour of God and the King and the security of the republicke but retorted the objection of improvidence and slothfull neglect upon the Earle and the rest of the Councell so that they were much to seeke for a reply and hee returned with the generall applause of the Citizens and most of the Courtiers The King of France presuming of the Kings minoritie with some Spanish ayde landed in the Southwest part of England and ransackt and burnt the townes of Plymmoth Dartmoth Portsmoth Rye and diverse other Coast townes and marched further into the mayne untill by the Earle of Cambridge the Kings vncle and the Earles of Salisbury and Buckingham and their forces they were encountred and beat backe unto their shippes About that time also by the King of France his instigation Alexander Ramsey a brave Scot with forty of his country-men in the night surprised the Castle of Barwicke and intended to have falne upon the Towne But the inhabitants suspecting some treason by the noyse they have endevoured to prevent mischiefe hewed downe the stayes of the draw-bridge on the towne side so that when the Scots let fall the Bridge the chaynes breaking the Bridge fell into the ditch by meanes whereof the Scots were imprisoned by their owne conquest yet as well as they were able they fortified them in the Castle which presently was besieged and assaulted and though valiantly defended was with some losse at length surprised upon the taking whereof not one man but the Captaine Ramsey was spared In the third yeare of this Kings raigne it was concluded that to avoide unnecessary charge the tutelage of the King should bee committed but to one man and by the whole consent of the Parliament dissembled this office was deputed to Lord Thomas Beuchampe Earle of Warwicke and a competent pension was assigned him out of the Kings Exchequer for his paines and care thereabouts to be taken But the King being plunged in the gulfe of pleasure did immoderately bend himselfe to advance and favour such persons as were reprovable for life and generally condemned for deboshment and this was the cause of two great inconveniences for many of the younglings of Nobilitie observing the secret favours and distastes of the King gave over themselves to a dissolute and dishonest course which findeth some followers when it hath no furtherancers much more when it doth flourish and thrive by countenance and abetement The King also by favouring these was himselfe little favoured and lesse loved by many For it is as dangerous to a Prince to have evill and despised adherents as to be evill and despicable himselfe The chiefe actors in this scene were Nevill Archbishop of Yorke Robert Uear Earle of Oxford Michael Delapoole Robert
King should take the revenews of his land untill he was satisfied of such sommes of money as hee had received out of the Kings coffers for the payment of the garrison of Calice And he further sayd That the King commanded upon paine of his high displeasure that no man from thenceforth should presume to petition the King in behalfe of either of those Dukes to alter this Decree The sentence thus read the King called the exiles before him and tooke of them a solemne oath that they should never converse together nor willingly come into each others company lest common discontent should draw first reconcilement and after desire of revenge But this pollicie is ever weake to prevent such purposes for oathes are often spurnd aside when they lye like rubbe●… to stoppe the way to honour or revenge Therefore the Princes of the Realme have with more safetie for the most part abolished the use of abjuration and either by death extinguish the power or by pardon alter the will of great offendors from entring into desperate and dangerous attempts which men in miserie and disgrace with more vehemency begin and with more obstinacy continue When the Samnites had so enclosed the Roman Legions that they had neither space to fight nor meanes to flye and without fight had enforced them to yeeld they sent for advise to one Pontius an antient Ruler of their State what to doe with them His answer was that the Romans should bee permitted to depart without losse or derision But this not pleasing those that were either cruell or covetous Pontius was the second time consulted with whose answer then was That the Romans should bee generally slaughtered and not one spared This contrarietie of advise brought Pontius into suspition of dotage which he suspecting came in person and maintained both to be advantageous The first by an unexpected favour might provoke the Romans to a perpetuall friendship the second would deferre the warres for many yeares The third Counsell quoth he there cannot be given that may be fafely followed yes say the Samnites to grant them their lives but to take away their armes and bootie This is a way replies old Pontius which can neither win friends nor weaken enemies but may increase fury but not diminish force So that that course of punishment is out of course which doth neither reclaime the minde of man nor restraine the might from mischievous endevours The Duke of Norfolke with great griefe and perturbation of minde now ●…ving it to bee true that greatnesse abused by whispering untruthes draweth if discovered certaintie of destruction departed into Almaine and from thence travailed to Venice where shortly after hee ended his dayes It is observed that this Duke was banished the same day of the yeare wherein the Duke of Yorke by his contriving was strangled at Calice The Duke of Hereford tooke his leave of the King at Eltham where foure yeares of his exilement were strooke off The Dukes deportment was with that moderation that in his countenance he made shew neither of sorrow or stupiditie and at his departure let not fall any either intemperate or unseemely sillable The Commons much lamented his departure not sparing to exclaime that it was against the Law of armes the custome of the Realme and all Iustice that hee should bee exiled who had honourably endevoured to maintaine his appeale according to the law of the field Their affection was the more excessive by reason the ground of his speech was against those that the people hated and he was the only survivor of the popular faction The Duke of Hereford sayleth to Callice and from thence to Paris where hee was honourably received by the King of France and in short time found that favour with him that hee was offered for wife the only Daughter of Iohn Duke of Berry Vncle to the French King But the King of England upon notice thereof made such meanes that the Mariage was stopt Many things hapned this yeare which were interpreted to presage the revolt of the people which hapned the yeare following observation likewise was taken that when King Richard brought his first wife with him out of Beanne shee was no sooner on shore but such a tempest arose as the like thereof had not beene seene in many yeares before wherein many shippes and amongst them the ship the Queene came in was cast away The like storme and the like losse did betide when the King brought his second wife out of France Many prodigies are likewise storied to appeare about these times both strange and fearefull I dare not avouch them all to be true neither will I detract all truth from such things so antiently reported Many are perswaded that these things which are fatally allotted though they are unavoidable yet are they some times foreshowne not so much that we may prevent them as that we should prepare our selves against them About this time died Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster who was buried on the North side of the high Altar of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul in London he was a man advised and wary liking better safe courses with reason then happy by hazzard neither unrespective nor ambitiously carefull of his owne glory Hee carried himselfe towards the King in termes honourable enough for a moderate Prince and yet not so plausible as an uncollected man might desire whereby nothing hapned unto him extraordinary either in prejudice or preferment This Iohn of Gaunt so named of the place where hee was borne fourth sonne of Edward the third did write in his stile Iohn sonne to the King of England Duke of Aquitaine and Lancaster Earle of Richmond of Darby Lincolne Leicester and high Constable of England hee married three Wives Blanch Daughter and coheire of Henry first Duke of Lancaster by whome hee had issue Henry afterwards King of England Philip married to Iohn King of Portugal Elizabeth married to Iohn Holland Duke of Exceter His second wife was Constance daughter and one of the Coheires of Peter King of Castile by whom he had issue Katherin●… married to Henry son of Iohn King of Spaine His third Wife was Katherine daughter of Payne Rurt King of armes and Widow of Sir Otes Swinford Knight by whom hee had issue Iohn Bewford Earle of Somerset and Marquesse Somerset Henry Bewford Bishop of Winchester Thomas Bewford Earle of Dorset and Duke of Exceter Ioane married to Ralph Nevill Earle of Chester and afterwards to Robert Ferrers Lord of Ousley all these Children though borne before espousall by a Bull from Rome were made legitimate hee lyeth buryed in Pauls After his death the Dutchy of Lancaster did lineally descend to his eldest sonne the Duke of Hereford But as the nature of man is prone to hate those whom hee hath injured the King seized all the lands and goods of the deceased Duke and endevoured to perpetuate the banishment of the young Duke revoked the Letters patents granted and consented unto
hold of the opportunitie the Kings absence presents unto us For in enterprizes which never are commended before atchieved delayes are dangerous And safer it is to bee found in open action then private Counsell For they that deliberate only to rebell have rebelled already Hereupon the Confederates returne for England to provide armes and prepare necessaries against the Dukes arrivall who presently acquaints the King of France that hee intended to goe to visit his kinsman Iohn Duke of Britaine and obtained from him Letters of safe conduct there hee waged some souldiers with whom from Callice he made for England giving forth at his comming aborde that hee only endevoured to regaine the Dutchy of Lancaster and the rest of his lawfull inheritance which King Richard wrongfully detained from him with him came Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury and Thomas heire to Richard late Earle of Arundel the residue of his retinue exceeded not twenty launces so that it is hard to judge whether was the greater marvaile either that hee durst attempt or that hee did prevaile with so small a company But his confidence was in the favour and assistance of the people in the Realme Hee for a time did beare up for England but not in a straight course but hulling about the shore making show to land sometimes on one coast sometimes on another thereby to discover what forces were in readinesse either to receive or resist him In the meane time Edmond Duke of Yorke the Kings Vncle and Vicegerent having intelligence of the Duke of Herefords designe Convoked Stafford Bishop of Chichester Lord Chancelor William Scroope Earle of Wiltshire the Lord Treasurer Sir Iohn Bushy Sir Henry Greene Sir William Bagot Sir Iohn Russell and others of the Kings privy Councell and entred into Counsell what was best to be done Where it was concluded deceitfully by some unskilfully by others and by all pernitiously for King Richard to quit the Sea coasts to leave London and to make the randevow at Saint Albones to gather forces to oppose the Duke who was lately landed about the Feast of Saint Martine without any resistance or rub at Ravenspur in Holdernesse whose side was by nothing more advantaged then by that dissembling and deceitfull deliberation of the Kings Councell upon his arrivall Henry Piercy Earle of Northumberland and Henry surnamed Hotspur his sonne the Earle of Westmerland the Lords Nevill Rosse and Willoughby and many other personages of honour came unto him whose accession both increased reputation to their cause and was a great countenance and strength to the Dukes further purposes But first they tooke an oath of him that hee should neither procure nor permit any bodily harme to bee done to King Richard and thereupon they pawnd to the Duke of Hereford their honours to joyne with him in all extremitie to prosecute the Kings mischievous Councellors The Common-people desperate upon new desires head and headlong flocked to these Noblemen The better sort for love to the Common-wealth some upon lenitie and itching desire of change others to repayre their distressed and decayed estates who all setting up their rests upon a generall disturbance were in conceit then most safe when the common state was most unsure So betweene the one and the other the number in short time increased to thirty thousand able souldiers The Duke finding successe to favour him not only beyond expectation but even above his wish Hee followed the chanell whilst the current went strong and cutting off unnecessary delayes with all celeritie he hasted to London that possessing himselfe thereof being the chiefe place within the kingdome for strength and store hee might best there make the seat of Warre and be easiest accommodated with provision and amunition In this expedition no opposition was seene nor hostilitie showne but in his passage the Gentlemen of best ranke and qualitie joyned themselves unto him som for affection others for feare but most in hope of reward after victorie every one though upon causes dislike yet with like ardent desire contending lest any should seeme more forward then they In every place also where hee made stay rich gifts and pleasant devises were presented unto him with large supply of necessaries farre above his necessitie The common people with showtes and acclamations gave their applause extolling the Duke as the only man of courage saluting him King with contumelious termes depraving Richard as a simple and sluggish man a dastard a niddie and altogether unworthy to beare rule without rule rayling at the one and without reason flattering the other The Duke was no niggard of his complement nor negligent of popular behaviour knowing the common people are much delighted with affable gestures accounting that for courtesie which the severer sort reckon abasement At London hee was richly and royally entertained with Processions and Pageants and many triumphant devises and showes and the unable multitude who otherwise could not by their words wishes and wills did testifie their loving affection towards him At which time there appeared not any memory of faith or allegiance to King Richard But as in sedition it alwayes appeareth as the most swayd all went The Duke of Yorke was mustering at Saint Albones for the King But as the people out of divers Countries were drawne thither many of them protested that they would doe nothing to the prejudice of the Duke of Lancaster who they affirmed was unjustly expelled his Country and unlawfully kept from his inheritance Then the Earle of Wiltshire Sir Iohn Bushy Sir William Bagot and Sir Henry Greene forsooke the Duke of Yorke and fled to Bristol intending to passe the Seas i●…o Ireland to the King These foure were they that were supposed to have taken of the King his kingdome to farme and therefore were so odious to the people that their presence turned away many of the Subjects hearts Nay it is probable that more for displeasure taken against them then against the King the revolt was enterprised For they being the only men of credit and authoritie with the King under false cover of obedience they wholly governed both the Realme and him abusing his name either against his will or without his knowledge insomuch that hee was cleerely innocent of many things which passed under his Commandement But the people could not indure that two or three should rule all not because they were not sufficient but because they were in favour and they distasted the King in that hee permitted them whom hee might have bridled or to runne without respect at least for that hee was ignorant of that hee should have knowne and by conniving at their faults made them his owne and opened thereby the gappe to his destruction For it is as dangerous to a Prince to have hurtfull hatefull Officers in eminent places as to bee hurtfull and hatefull to himselfe The Duke of Yorke either amazed at the sudden change or fearing his adventure if hee should proceed to resistance gave over the cause and
King answered that hee little regarded titular circumstances but contented himselfe with hope that his Cousin would bee a gratious Lord and good friend unto him and accordingly upon the day appointed which was upon the day of the translation of King Edward the Confessour the Duke of Hereford with all accustomed Ceremonies was by the Archbishop of Canterbury sacred and annointed and Crowned upon the very same day that the yeare before hee had beene banished the Realme Hee was annointed with an oyle which a religious man had given to Henry the first Duke of Lancaster grandfather to the King by the Mothers side when hee served in the warres of King Edward the third in France together with this Prophesie that those Kings which should bee annointed therewith at their Coronation should bee the Champions of the Church Duke Henry delivered this Oyle in a golden Violl to Prince Edward eldest Sonne of King Edward the third who locked up the same in a barred Chest in the Tower with a ticket of the prediction with intent to bee therewith at his Coronation annoynted But hee dying before his Father it remained there either not remembred or not regarded untill this present yeare wherein the King being on his voyage into Ireland and making diligent search for the Iewells and Relickes of his Progenitors found this Violl and Prophesie And understanding the mistery thereof was desirous to bee annoynted againe with that oyle But the Archbishop of Canterbury perswaded him that both the fact was unlawfull and the president never seene that a King should be annointed twice Whereupon the King tooke the Violl with him into Ireland and when he yeelded himselfe at Flint The Archbishop of Canterbury demanded it of him and receiving it reserved the same untill the Coronation of Henry the fourth who was the first King that ever was annoynted therewith To discourse either of the authoritie or certaintie of these Prophesies I presume not but this is observed many of them faile or are fulfilled in another sense then as they are ordinarily conceived and taken During the time of this Kings raigne execution by fire was first put in practise within this Realme for Controversies in point of religion in any other matter hee did make the Church as much Champane as show himselfe Champion of the Church But afterwards his successors were entituled Defenders of the Faith And how in action the first receiver of that Title did verifie the same I referre to the report of those times Vpon mature consideration it was found that the title derived from Edmond surnamed Crouchbacke to Henry would upon examination appeare but a jeere for that the said Edmond was neither eldest Sonne to Henry the third nor yet a deformed person but a proper Gentleman and a brave Commander in the field and so respected of his Father that hee gave him both the heritage and honours of Simon Mumford Earle of Leicester of Ferrare Earle of Darby and of Iohn Baron of Monmoth who to their owne ruine had displayed seditious ensignes against the King under which Leicester was slaine at the battaile of Euesham and to engratiate him to Blaunch the Queene of Navarre hee first Created him Earle of Lancaster and gave unto him the Countie Castle and towne of Lancaster with the Forrests of Wiresdale Lonsdale Newcastle beneath the Linne the Mannor Castle and Forrests of Pickering the Mannor of Scalby the Towne of Glocester of Huntingdon c. and made him high Steward of England with many priviledges and other titles of Honour Therefore King Henry upon the day of his Coronation caused to bee Proclaimed that hee claimed the Crowne of England first by right of Conquest Secondly because King Richard had resigned his estate and designed him for his Successor Lastly because he was of the blood royall and next heire male to King Richard Haeres malus indeed cryed Edmond Mortimer Earle of March to some of his familiars and so is a Pirat to a Merchant when hee dispoyleth him of all that ever hee hath This Edmond Earle of March was Sonne to Roger not long before slaine in Ireland and had beene publickly declared heire to the Crowne in case King Richard should have died without issue as descended by his Mother Philip from Lionel Duke of Clarence who was elder Brother to Iohn Duke of Lancaster King Henryes Father and therefore the said Edmond thought himselfe as in truth he was neerer heire Male to succession of the Crowne Then hee that by colour of right clayming it carried it by dint of force But the condition of the time was such that hee supposed it was in vaine for him to stirre where King Richard could not stand whereupon he dissembled either that hee saw his wrong or that hee regarded it and chose rather to suppresse his Title for a time then by untimely opposing himselfe to have it oppressed and depressed for ever he withdrew himselfe therefore from London to his Lordship of Wigmore in the West parts of this Realme and there settled himselfe to a quiet and retired life hee counted it a point of wisdome to meddle with nothing whereof any man was chargeable to render account in revenewes he was not great in apparell moderate in company and traine not excessive yet in all these honourable and according to his degree so that they that esteemed men by the outward apparance only could see in him no great show of witte or courage to be feared or of wealth or honour in his estate to bee envied And thus whilst that a greater enemie was feared hee passed unregarded making himselfe safe by contempt where nothing was so dangerous as popular opinion and raked up those coles in securitie for a time which afterward set all the Realme on fire King Richard being now deposed was sent after his resignation to Leeds in Kent but afterwards to Pomfret Castle where wee leave him THE LIFE AND RAIGNE OF KING HENRY THE FOVRTH HENRY surnamed Bullingbrooke Duke of Hereford and Sonne of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster fourth Sonne of King Edward the third beginning his Raigne the 29. of September 1399. presently after his Coronation Created his eldest Sonne Lord Henry being about thirteene yeares of age Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and soone after Duke of Aquitaine hee made also many new officers his second Sonne Thomas he made Lord high Steward of England appointing the Earle of Worcester his Assistant during the minoritie of the said Thomas the Earle of Northumberland Lord high Constable the Earle of Westmerland Marshall of England He was Crowned at Westminster the thirteenth of October following being Munday the day kept in cōmemoration of St. Edward the Confessor The Dukes of Yorke Surrey Albemarle with the Earle of Glocester bare the Canopie over him which office the Barons of the Cinqueports doe at this day execute Sir Thomas Dymock was Champion and armed cap-a-pe road about the Hall challenging any that should gainsay the Kings
King Henries armes and plucked away his Cognizance from those that as his servants attended upon her and having there with somewhat eased her swolne heart shee with the Lords departed to Wallingford and from thence to Abington stirring up by the way the people to take armes in ayde of King Richard At length they came to Cicester and there tooke up their lodgings The Duke of Surry the Earle of Salisbury in one Inne the Duke of Exceter and the Earle of Glocester in another Inne the Army encamped in the fields The Bayliffe of the Towne suspecting what was true that these guests were no good subjects besets the house where the Duke of Surry lay who with his retinue growne desperately bold made strong defence against the assaylants The Duke of Exceter and his Company had not force enough to rescue their Companions Whereupon a Priest of their consort supposing thereby to divert the Townsmen from the assault set divers houses on fire but the fire more inflamed the townsmens furie and made them insist more obstinately in the attempt swearing not to rescue their losses but revenge them and quench the flames with the Traytors blood The Earle of Exceter and they that were with him perceiving the force of the assaylants to increase and that it was impossible for a few so to sustaine the fury of so many obstinately bent they fled out of the backside towards the Campe intending to bring the Army to the reskue But the souldiers having heard the alarum and seeing the fire within the Towne supposing the King was entred with his forces were strucke with a sudden and causlesse feare and wanting Commanders of courage to confirme them they disbanded and fled and whilst every one sought to save one they brought themselves all to confusion The Duke of Surry and his company manfully maintained the fight with great bloodshed on all sides from midnight untill three of the clocke the next after-noone and then being inferiour in number and fortune the Duke and the Earle of Salisbury were both wounded to death and taken and that evening dying their heads were strooke off and sent to the King to London There were then taken prisoners Sir Bennet Sherley Sir Bernard Brockas Sir Thomas Blount and twenty eight Lords and men of note who were afterwards upon King Henryes comming to Oxford sent thither unto him and there executed The Duke of Exceter with Sir Iohn Sherley fled into Essex from whence many times they attempted to have escaped to France but by contrary windes were driven backe againe and then lurking in secret places the Duke was taken and lead to Plashey and there beheaded There wanted not some in those times that made conjectures that now the Duke of Glocesters death was brought to bee reckoned for who by Exceters counsell and contrivance in the same place had beene wrongfully apprehended An example for those which square out their actions by the crooked line of their pleasure or power to other mens disprofit or disparagement but punishment of such impietie though it bee prolonged doth never faile but commeth at length and then surely though perhaps slowly This Duke of Exceter was a man of high Parentage great power and honourable Alliance Created Earle of Huntington in the eleventh yeare of King Richard now deposed in the one and twentieth hee was Created Duke of Exceter and upon the resignation of the place and release of the right thereto by Aubery de Vere Earle of Oxford was made that yeare Lord Chamberlaine of England and married Elizabeth the Daughter of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Blaunch his wife by whom hee had issue Richard that dyed young Iohn afterwards Duke of Exceter Earle of Huntington Edward that dyed without issue and a Daughter named Constance first married to Thomas Mowbray sonne and heire of Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke and after to Iohn Lord Gray of Ruthyn hee was popular and openly praise-worthy but his secret actions were hardly censured hee was partaker of all his brothers vices and of counsell to many of them yet somewhat more circumspect and close and not so much partaker of his prosperitie as violently carried with the torrent of his misery Thomas Spencer Earle of Glocester fled toward Wales but in the way was taken and beheaded at Bristoll hee married Constance Daughter of Edmond of Langly Duke of Yorke and had issue Richard that dyed young Elizabeth dyed young and Isabell who was borne seven moneths after her Fathers death and was first married to Richard Beauchamp Earle of Worcester by whom shee had issue Elizabeth her second husband was Richard Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke cosin german to her first husband by whom she had issue Henry afterwards Earle of Warwicke The counterfeit of King Richard flying into Scotland was apprehended committed to the Tower and from thence drawne and hanged and quartered and one Ferby and an other of K. Rich. Chaplaines with him divers others of all sorts Lords and Gentlemen with a great number of common souldiers were in other places put to death insomuch that the King though otherwise of a moderate and peaceable disposition seemed in this too too vindicative of his owne injurie or rather in maintaining the injury that hee had done The heads of the chiefe Conspirators were pitched upon poles and set over London bridge lamentable spectacles of heads and quarters of unfortunate dismembred wretches were visible in many parts of this Realme putrifying above ground not all for desert but many to satisfie either the malice or want of King Henryes friends Insomuch that some of those of deepest apprehension openly gave forth That in short time there would be just cause to wish King Richard againe as being more tolerable to indure the crueltie of one then of many and to live where nothing then where any thing might bee permitted was most safe The Abbot of Westminster in whose house and head this Conspiracy tooke life and light hearing of these disasters going from his Monastery Grange neere Westminster was taken with a dead Palsie and suddenly dyed speechlesse And although in this enterprise accident gave policie the checke and by a strange fortune which wisdome could not prevent overturned the project yet it is apparant that this Abbot first moved the stone that rowling along was likely toturne King Henry out of his Chaire The Bishop of Carlile was condemned for his treason but the extremity of his passion closed up his dayes and prevented the violence and shame of publicke execution King Richard as afore having abdicated his Regalitie did but a short time injoy that sweet securitie wherewith hee so flattered himselfe For first his goods which hee had given in satisfaction of the wrongs by him done were shared amongst his enemies and hee removed first to the Tower of London and then from thence to the Castle of Leeds in Kent and from thence to Pomfret where being kept in straight Prison innocent and ignorant of this offence
and love of thy Subjects who whilst they have wealth so long shalt thou have obedience but being made poore by oppression will be ever ready to stirre and make insurrections And so turning about said God blesse thee and have mercy on mee and so hee gave up the ghost in a Chamber of the Abbot of Westminster which the servants there called Ierusalem the twentieth of March 1412. in the fortieth sixe yeare of his age when hee had raigned thirteene yeares sixe moneths lacking ten dayes His body with all Funerall pomp was conveyed to Canterbury and there solemnly buried Hee had beene twice married his first wife was Mary Daughter and coheire of Humphry de Bohan Earle of Hereford Essex and Northampton and Constable of England shee died anno 1394. and was buryed at Canterbury hee had issue by her Henry his eldest Sonne who succeeded him Thomas Plantagenet his second sonne who was Created Duke of Clarence in the eleventh yeare of his Fathers raigne hee was slaine at Bongy bridge in France by the Duke of Orleance this Thomas tooke to Wife Margaret Daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent and Widow of Iohn Beuford Earle of Pomfret who dyed without issue Iohn Plantagenet his third Sonne was made Duke of Bedford the eleventh yeare of his Fathers raigne and Earle of Richmond and Lord of Kendall hee married to his first Wife Anne Daughter of Iohn Duke of Burgondy who dyed without issue his second Wife was Ioquellyne Daughter of Peter Earle of Saint Paul and by her had no issue shee was after married to Richard Woodvile Earle Rivers and had issue Elizabeth Wife to King Edward the fourth This Iohn as Constable of England determined the Controversie betwixt Reignold Lord Gray of Ruthen and Sir Edward Hastings for the bearing of the armes of Hastings and at Vernoyle together with the same Towne tooke the Duke of Alanson prisoner and with the losse of two thousand one hundred private souldiers slew of the advers part five Earles two Vicounts one and twenty Barons seven thousand French and two thousand five hundred Scots and dyed at Paris and the fourteenth of September 1435. was buried at Roan under a sumptuous Monument which when Lewis the eleventh King of France being advised by some of his Nobles to deface Hee said What honour will it bee to us or you to demolish the Monument a●…d pull out thereof the bones of him whom in his life-time neither my Father nor your Progenitors were of abilitie to make budge one foote backward wherefore let his body now rest in quiet which if hee were alive would have disquieted the proudest of us all such respect to well-got honour hee obtained in the mindes of his enemies Humphry Plantagenet fourth Sonne who was stiled Humphry by the grace of God Sonne Brother and Vncle to Kings hee was Duke of Glocester Hennalt Holland Zealand and Earle of Penbrocke Lord of Freezland great Chamberlaine of England Protector of the Realme and Defender of the Church of England Hee had two Wives the first was Iaquet Daughter and heire of William Duke of Bavaria who being before betrothed to Iohn Duke of Brabant was divorced from this Humphry before issue His second Wife was Elianor Daughter of Reignold Lord Cobham of Sterburghe in Surry who for Sorcery and poysoning was much defamed hee was found murthered in hss bed at Bury in Suffolke and was buried at Saint Albones in Hartfordshire Blaunch King Henryes eldest Daughter was married as afore at Collen to William Duke of Bavaria after his death shee was married to the King of Arragon and afterwards to the Duke of Barre but dyed without issue Philip second Daughter of King Henry was married to Iohn King of Denmarke but dyed without issue King Henry was of a middle stature well proportioned and formally compact of a quicke conceit and active spirit of great resolution and courage In his later dayes with courtesie and affable cariage hee purchased a great deale more love and respect amongst the Nobilitie then hee had in all the beginning of his raigne with his austeritie and rigorous courses and redeemed from the common people a great portion of good opinion which he by his impositions and taxes had formerly lost among them But if their payments had beene more and his exactions greater in my opinion they were not undeserved that were so ready to alter the due course of succession to joyne hands with him in the deposing of the rightfull and naturall Leige-Lord whose only fault that could bee truly objected was this that hee had beene too bountifull to his friend too mercifull to his foes but most unrespective of himselfe THE LIFE AND RAIGNE OF KING HENRY THE FIFT HENRY the Fift surnamed of the place of his birth which was a Towne in Wales upon the River of Wye Monmouth tooke upon him the Regality over England the twentieth day of March and the next day was proclaimed King and the ninth day of Aprill hee was Crowned King at Westminster by Thomas of Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury with all usuall rites and Ceremonies After the solemnitie past the next day hee caused all his wonted Companions to come into his presence to whom hee used these words It is sufficient that for many yeares together I have fashioned my selfe to your unruly dispositions and have not without some reluctation in the very action followed you in your debosht and swaggering courses I have to my sorrow and shame I may say to thinke of it irregularly wandered in all rude and unseemely manner in the vast wildernesse of ryot and unthriftinesse whereby I was made almost an alian to the hearts of my Father and Allyes and in their opinions violently carried away by your meanes from grace by keeping you company therein I have so vilified my selfe that in the eyes of men my presence was vulgar and stale and like the Cuckow in Iune heard but not regarded One of you being convented before the Lord chiefe Iustice for misusing a sober-minded Citizen I went to the publike Sessions house and stroke him on the face and being by him deservedly committed to the Fleet for which act of justice I shall ever hold him worthy the place and my favour and wish all my Iudges to have the like undaunted courage to punish offendors of what ranke soever it occasioned my Father to put mee from my place in Councell appointing it to bee supplyed by my younger Brother how often have I by your animation committed thefts even on my Fathers and my owne Receivers and robd them of the mony provided for publicke appointments to maintaine your midnight revellings and noone beselings But it is time now to give a period to these exorbitant and unbefitting courses and to salve the wounds my intemperance hath made in my reputation and to turne over a new leafe and not only to decline the company of such misleaders of yours but desert their conditions of all
by craftie subtiltie to accomplish first they worke upon the inconstancy of the Duke of Britaine and his Brother Arthure by King Henry the fift Created Earle of Yewry these two by gifts had promises things that blind the eyes of the treasonally minded wife they suborned perfidiously to deliver over into their possession the Castle of Crotoy and Yernye and what the English had wonne by true manhood and valour they stole away with craft and trechery but little to their praise or profit for the English before the garrisons were settled fell upon Crotoy and tooke the prey out of the Leopards jawes and like unkind hosts made them pay too deere a price for their lodgings Crotoy thus regained the Regent straightly begirts Yenrye and by secret myning fierce assaults and violent batteryes so shooke the walls that composition was made to yeeld it up if not relieved by a certaine time The Regent was throughly resolved to set up his rest and to abide battell what forces soever should appeare and thereof permitted the besieged to send notice to the French King The Duke of Alanson thereupon with sixteene thousand French approached but when he perceived the English were ready prepared to receive him according to the French fashion at that time to bragge much and doe little hee wheeled about to Vernoyle whereas perjury is the concomitant of every other sinne hee joyned it to his cowardise swearing to the Townsmen that hee had put the Regent to flight and had beaten him out of the field and reskued Yenrye by this false report hee got Vernoyle Whilst the Regent had Yurye surrendred unto him which being strengthened and furnished hee followed the cowards to their conny-borrough at Vernoyle who by the encouragement of some fresh companies of Scots come unto their succour came to a battell in the field where the English with the losse of two thousand one hundred common souldiers and two of the Nobilitie Lord Dudley and Lord Charleton got the glory of the day and slew of their enemies five Earles two Vicounts and twenty Barons and above seven thousand other of the French besides two thousand seven hundred Scots lately arrived The Duke himselfe with the Bastard of Alanson the Lord of Hormyt and divers other French and Sir Iohn Turnbull and two hundred Gentlemen besides common souldiers were taken prisoners This battell was strooke the twentie eight day of August Vernoyle hereupon without battery or assault upon promise of safetie of life only was delivered and there of Sir PHILIP HALL made Captaine and sufficient garrison left him from thence the Armie marched to Roan and from thence to Paris both which places were at strife which should exceed other in freedome of welcome and loving entertainment to the Regent This overthrow so weakened the new King that hee was enforced to quit the country and went to Poyteers where hee established his high Court of Parliament and laboureth his owne establishment The valiant Earle of Salisbury with ten thousand men taketh in the strong Towne of Maunts the towne of Saint Susan le fort St. Bernard and others from thence hee went into Angeou where hee performed such heroicke acts that his very name grew terrible in all France for instance The new high Constable perfidious Richmond in hope to doe some what to advance the reputation of his new Office with fourty thousand men layeth siege to the good towne of Saint Iames in Bevion the garrison whereof consisted but of six hundred English who being droven to some extremitie bravely I might say desperately at one time sallied forth crying Saint George a Salisbury the French men fearing that they had some token given that Salisbury was come to the reskue or that hee was behind in the Towne with more forces were so suddenly affrighted that the craven cowards casting away their weapons ranne all away saving some few that yeelded themselves prisoners leaving all their tents fourteene peeces of Ordnance fourty barrells of Powder three hundred Pipes of wine two hundred Pipes of Bisket and flower two hundred pieces of Raisins and Figges five hundred barrells of Herrings much Armour and some Treasure At this time Sir Iohn Montgomery and Sir Iohn Falstaffe with two thousand men entred into Ainon and Mayne and tooke the Castles of Beamont Vicount Teune Sillye Osce Courceriers Ronsey Vasike Couetenement and very many others so that it appeareth at that time it was but for the English to aske and have so pittifully were the French Cowde with the Regents prosperitie The French were come to their old course of fraud and had compounded with a Gascoyne Captaine there for the delivery of Alanson to the enemy notice being given hereof the Lord Willoughby and Sir Iohn Falstaffe with two thousand men were sent to spoyle she Market who encountering with the chiefe Merchant Charles de villiers who with two hundred horse and three hundred foot were come to the place appointed for their entry tooke and slew them all except some few horse which saved themselves by flying away The Lord Willoughby with his troopes returned to the Earle of Salisbury who victoriously proceeded taking in and demolishing above fourty Castles and strong piles the newes thereof in England caused publike Processions and generall thanks-giving to God in London and other places Neverthelesse an unkind variance and a jarre betwixt the Protector and the Bishop of Winchester Lord Chancellour arising endangered the quiet of the Common-wealth for the appeasing whereof the Regent having substituted the Earle of Warwicke Lieutenant generall in his absence came into England where a Parliament being convoked hee therein discreetly arbitrated and compounded all differences betwixt the Protector and Winchester and to the comfort of the Councell and content of all stinted the quarrell In honour whereof the King of England kept a solemne feast at which time the Regent dubbed the King Knight who invested with that dignitie many of his servants and Created Richard Sonne of Richard late Earle of Cambridge Duke of Yorke and restored Iohn Mowbray to the Dutchy of Norfolke In the meane time the Earle of Warwicke conquered many strong pieces in Mayne and made preparation to fight a set battell whereunto hee was challenged by the French but they said never the sooner for a hasty word their hearts were in their heeles and in stead of comming on to fight they tooke their flight another way a day before the prefixed time of battell All things peaceably settled in England the regent with the Bishop of Winchester returned into France where at the intercession of the Duke of Burgoyne the Duke of Alanson was ransomed for two hundred thousand Crownes The Bishop of Winchester returned to Callice where hee was invested with the Hat habit and dignitie of a Cardinall I dare not thinke because hee was a Clergie man that hee ambitiously affected or otherwise contracted for that place But the advantage of a Bull from the Pope was
engratiated he not only supplanted him from the place but procured it for himselfe to the no little hart-burning of the Duke of Yorke and his friends but hee had wit in his anger and rested silent The towne of Mauns according to the agreement is not given up The King of France prepares to besiege it but upon the motion of the Marquesse order is given for the present surrender thereof now no man in grace with the King but hee none can have any favour from the Queene but by him the extent of his power over-reacheth all the Councell hee gets of the King the Wardship of the body and lands of the Countesse of Warwicke and of the Lady Margaret sole Daughter and heire of Iohn Duke of Somerset afterward Mother to King Henry the seventh The Kings facile nature and flexible condition was the occasion that many enormities encreased and many things made worse that might have beene better if observed and stopt in the beginning The Duke of Glocester for his moderation and provident care in all things stiled good and for his paines in delivery of his mind honest is an eye-sore to an ambitious minion and an imperious woman shee will no longer admit any curbe to her vast desires of empery shee is as well able to advise the King as all his Councell to what purpose then needeth a Protector The Duke of Glocester must therefore bee removed and excluded not only from command but Councell and to adde to affliction shee permitted if not procured divers sinisterly affected to informe against him whereof the new Marquesse and the Duke of Buckingham were not the most backward and the Cardinall Bishop of Winchester and Archbishop of Yorke would not bee much behind one objection was made against him that he had caused divers persons to be executed contrary to the judgement of the Court denounced and against the law of the land in these cases provided his too much zeale of execution of justice if zeale in that point may be justly termed a crime made him subject to be censured to have perpetrated a criminall offence But to avoid tumultuary partakings for he was generally well esteemed howsoever by purblind observers deemed worthy taxe it was concluded by those that maligned his sincere and just proceedings that hee should without any publicke denuntiation of his offence bee privately convicted and condemned to which end a Parliament by the procurement of his enemies unwitting to the King is called at Bury to which the Duke of Glocester resorting is on the second day of the Session by the Lord Beamond then high Constable abetted by the Duke of Buckingham arrested and put to Ward all his followers without exception sequestred from him whereof thirty two are committed to severall prisons the next day after his commitment hee is found in his bed murthered yet shewed the same day being the foure and twentieth day of February publickly making show as though hee had dyed of an impostume but all indifferent persons that saw his corps could not but deeme he dyed of an unnaturall cause his corpes were the same day conveyed to Saint Albones and there buried five of his meniriall servants Sir ROGER CHAMBERLAIN Knight MIDDLETON HERBERT ARTZIS Esquire and IOHN NEEDHAM Gentlemen were condemned to bee drawne hanged and quartered But the Marquesse of SVFFOLKE to make a show to the world of his having no finger in the businesse brought their pardon and delivered it at their proposed place of execution some criticall observers have affirmed the stile of Gloucester as ominous and make instance of Hugh Spencer Thomas of Woodstock and this Duke Humphry but it may be well collected that this Dukes death gave a prodigious presage of the ensewing Calamitie of the Common-wealth sometimes in quenching of smoke men burne their fingers in the fire so the Queene casting to preserue her husbands honor and her owne regalitie in making away this honest Duke affected that which discretion should have most labored to prevent which was the decay of the house of Lancaster which was vnlikely to have chanced if this Duke had lived For his primogeniture would haue kept backe the Duke of Yorkes claime to the Crowne this Richards father being but the fift sonne of Edward the third Humphry Plantagenet was the fourth sonne of Edward the third Duke of Gloucester Earle of Hennault Holland Zeland and Pembroke Lord of Frisia great Chamberlaine of England he married two wives Iaquet from whom he was divorced and Elianor daughter of Reginald Lord Cobham by whom before marrage he had a daughter called Antigona married to Henry Gray Lord of Tanckervile but no issue legitimate The new Marquesse of Suffolk by the great fauour of the King But more desire of the Queene is created Duke of Suffolk which brought him within the compasse of Contempt of the Kings surviving Vncle The Duke of Yorke who now beginning to sucke the venome of his kinswoman the Lady Cobhams sorcery and awakened with his brothers losse her disgrace and his owne disrepute having by consanguinitie and affinity a faire meanes to draw a partie observing that they onely sat at the stearne that were vnable yea vnworthy to use the oare of the common-wealth and that all affares of state were meerly managed by the Queene and her fauourite the Duke of Suffolk the King being as a Cipher but at their pleasure to make a number did amongst his familiars privily whisper his title and right to the Crowne and afarre off as in a landskip to make a show of desire to see the flourishing encrease of the white Rose And so politikly carried his intent that all things were provided to further his proiect ere his purpose was published during this plotting Henry Bewford the rich Cardinall Bishop of Winchester takes his leave of this world and leaves more riches behind him then either good deeds or glorious name he was more noble in blood then notable in learning of high looke and haughty stomacke constant in nothing more then malice and mischiefe and that chiefly employed against good Duke Humphry his desires were insatiable for mony still coveting more but misimploying nothing in expence for he only horded to make others rich and himselfe poore what his ends were except he was perswaded never to dye no living man did know and had he desired to have measured his greatnesse by his goodnesse he had never been administrator to his owne good name for that dyed long before him without which we leave him to be seconded in the Bishopricke of Winchester by a more deserving Prelate which was William Wanfleet so stiled of the place he was borne in but his name was Pattern of the worshipfull family whereof he was descended The fifth of August following dieth Iohn Holland Duke of Exceter Earle of Huntington and Iuory in Normandy Lord of Sparr Leivetenant generall of the Dutchy of Aquitaine Admirall of England and Constable of the Tower of London he married
succeeded in the Earledome 2. Iohn the second was Created Marquesse Mountague 3. Thomas married the Widow of the Lord Willoughby 4. George was Archbishop of Yorke and Lord Chancellor 1. Ioane the eldest Daughter was married to William Fisz-Allen Earle of Arundell 2. Cecily was married to Henry Beuchamp Duke of Warwicke 3. Alice was married to Henry Lord Fitz-Hugh 4. Elianor to Thomas Stanley Earle of Darby 5. Katherine to William Bonvile Lord Harrington and 6. Margaret to Iohn Vere Earle of Oxford Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke tooke to wife Cecily Daughter of Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland and had issue eight Sonnes and foure Daughters 1. His eldest Sonne Henry dyed young 2. Edward afterwards King of England 3. Edmond Earle of Rutland slaine with his Father 4. Iohn dyed young 5. William 6. Thomas 7. George after Duke of Clarence 8. Richard surnamed Croutchbacke after King of England 1. Anne his eldest Daughter was married to Henry Holland Duke of Exceter 2. Elizabeth married to Iohn de la Poole Earle of Suffolke 3. Margaret married to Charles Duke of Burgundie 4. And Vrsula The Earle of March having tidings of his Fathers death encreaseth his Army and borne up with two wings desire of revenge and expectation to raigne hee tooke his leaue at Shrowsbury of the Inhabitants intimating to them at his departure the murther of his Father and Brother the destruction intended of himselfe and Familie and downfall of all that wisht well to his part if not heedfully prevented hee craved therefore their utmost assistance and their neighbours which they accordingly performed and then with some good strength presently tooke the field and having advertisement that Iasper Earle of Penbrooke with the Earles of Ormond and Wiltshire with a great power of Welch and Irish did follow after him hee suddenly marcheth backe againe and in a plaine neere Mortimers Crosse on Candlemasse day in the morning hee gave them battaile and with the slaughter of three thousand and eight hundred put the Earles to flight Owen Teuther who had married Queene Katherine Mother to Henry the sixt and divers Welch Gentlemen were taken and at Hereford beheaded The Queene encouraged by the death of the Duke of Yorke with a power of Northerne people with an intent to undoe what was done in the last Parliament marcheth towards London but when her souldiers were once South of Trent as if that River had beene the utmost limits of their good behaviour they did most licentiously forrage the Country harrowing burning and spoyling the same as if they had beene in the most barbarous land of heathens Approaching Saint Albones they were advertised that the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of VVarwicke were ready to give them battaile The Queenes Voward hasteth to passe thorow Saint Albones but were saluted from the Market place with such a showre of arrowes that they were for safeguard glad to retire and sought to passe by another way which but not without some blowes they did and encountred with their enemies in the field who perceiving the maine battaile to stand and not to move by the trechery of Lonelace who with the Kentish men led the Van. the Southerne men turned afide and fled and by the Northerne prickers were slaughtered untill night saved their backes When night was come the residue despairing of each others well-meaning shifted away The Nobles about the King perceiving how the game went withdrew themselves The Lord Bonvile comming in a complementall manner to the King saying It grieved him to leave his Majestie but necessitie for safeguard of his life enforced it was importuned and Sir Thomas Kiryell like wise by the King to stay hee passing his royall word that their stay should not endanger their bodyes upon which promise they stayed but to their cost for such was the inplacable fury of the Queen that hearing Baron Thorpe was by the Commons beheaded at Highgate she the day after the battell being Ashwednesday caused both their heads to bee smitten off at Saint Albones whose death reckoned with the rest maketh up of the slaughtered the number of three and twentie hundred The King was advised to send one Thomas Hoe that had beene a Barrester to the Victors to thanke them for their paines and to tell them that hee would gladly come to them if with convenience it might be done The Earle of Northumberland appointed divers Lords to attend him to the Lord Cliffords Tent where the Queene and young Prince met to their great joy it was now observed that victory alwayes fled from where the King was present At the Queenes request he honored with the order of Knighthood thirty that the day before fought against the part where hee was the Prince likewise was by him dubbed Knight Then they went to the Abby where they were entertained with Anthems and withall an humble Petition to be taken into the Kings protection thereby to bee freed from the tiranny of the loose souldiers which was promised and Proclamation accordingly made but to small purpose for the Northerne men said it was made in their bargaine to haveall the spoyle in every place after they had passed the River of Trent and so they robbed and spoyled all they could come at which gave just cause of dislike to the indifferent-minded which only wisht the quiet and peace of the Country not respecting which Rose the red or white prevailed for now began that distinction by those Badges for the factions of Yorke and Lancaster to bee worne The Londoners hearing of this disorder were warned to looke to themselves and they were resolved since there was no more assurance in the Kings promise to keepe the Northerne men out of their gates The gentlenesse and tendernesse of a King not accompanied with courage and severitie is both hurtfull to himselfe and his estate In the Kings name the Londoners are sent to to send over to the Campe certaine Cart-loades of Lenton provision The Maior accordingly provides and makes all things ready but the Commons rose about Cripplegate and by strong hand say or doe what the Maior or his officers can they kept the Carts from going forth of the Citie The Maior sends the Recorder to the Kings Councell and knowing the predominancy of the Queenes passion if never so little troubled they entreat the Dutchesse of Bedford and the Lady Scales with all the Fathers of the Church resiant about London to intercede for him and excuse his not using force considering how apt the multitude was to take fire upon the least flash and how dangerous it might bee in these doubtfull times to raise their fury that would not easily bee allayed it was well advised to send women to entreat women for they so prevailed That some of the Lords of the Councell with a guard of foure hundred good souldiers were appointed to goe for London to enquire and certifie the truth of these things But before they set forth divers
That hee would rather die like himselfe then live and have to doe with such usurping disloyall and ill-conditioned base Turne-coates The King taking notice of his head-strong resolution with his two Brothers and all their forces Vnited marcheth towards London where after some little show of resistance the Weathercocke Citizens moving like the eares of standing corne altogether which way soever the wind blew received him with great applause and lowd acclamations of welcome delivering up unto him the miserable King Henry like a ball to bee bandied with the racket of his pleasure into what hazard he pleased The Earle of Warwicke with all his forces warily followed them at the heeles but could never find opportunitie as hee expected either upon advantage to cut off their rere or hinder their approach to London And having certaine intelligence that King Edward was entred London and King Henry reimprisoned hee encamped at Saint Albones aswell to refresh his souldiers as to take counsell what course to take and how to dispose of their journey King Edward being advertised of the Earle of VVarwicks approach thinking it not fit to have him to advance too neere London drew out his forces and with them marcheth to meet his Adversary The resolution was equall on both parts to set up their rests upon the hazard of that encounter upon Easter eve the King with his power lodged in Barnet towne the Earle of VVarwicke encamped upon the hill betweene Saint Albones and Barnet the Campes each in sight of other Early on Easter day in the morning an unfit day chosen for so unpleasing a service to God The souldiers on both sides are put in array The Earle of Warwicke appointed the command of the right wing which consisted of horse to his Brother the Marquesse Mountacute and the Earle of Oxford The least wing likewise consisting of horse was led by the Duke of Exceter and the battell consisting of Bills and Bowes was conducted by the Duke of Somerset The Voward on the Kings part was commanded by the Duke of Glocester The battell in which was King Henry was led by King Edward himselfe and the Lord Hastings brought on the rere There wanted on neither side befitting encouragement to incite the souldiers to show themselves valiant and each one to doe his endevour to conquer the exhortations ended the fight began and with great valour and resolution on both sides maintained by the space of six houres without any disadvantage on either part appearing untill King Edward gave order to certaine fresh troopes of Rutters for that purpose reserved to charge the now wearied battell of the enemy which the Earle of Warwicke observing alighted from his horse with a desperate courage hee entred amongst his Adversaries whom his brother the Marquesse Mountacute in hope to reskue followed and so were both enclosed and slaine And with their fall fell the victory to King Edwards part who being assured thereof leaving his Brothers to Marshall the field and to take order for the quartering the souldiers he with King Henry in his company went on the spurre to London and there at Evening-song in Saint Pauls Church offered his Banner and the Earle of Warwicks Standard On King Edwards part was slaine no man of extraordinary note but the Lord Cromwell Sonne and heire of the Earle of Essex and the Lord Barnes Sonne and heire of the Lord Say On the other part were slaine the Earle of Warwicke the Marquesse Mountacute and three and twenty Knights on both sides fell foure thousand six hundred and odde The bodyes of the Earle of Warwicke and his brother were stripped starke naked and put in one coffin and the next day brought to London where in the body of Saint Pauls Church they lay by the space of two dayes bare visaged This Earle of Warwick commonly stiled the Great Earle of Warwick whose usuall phrase was That hee had rather bee able to set up or pull downe a King then bee a King was Richard Nevill Sonne and heire of Richard nevill Earle of Salisbury who married the Daughter of Richard Beauchampe the sixt Earle of Warwicke in whose right hee was Earle of Warwicke and in his owne Earle of Salisbury and Lord Mounthermer hee was great Chamberlaine and Lord high Admirall of ENGLAND Lord Warden of the North-Marches towards SCOTLAND and of the Cinque-ports Captaine of Callice and high Steward of the Dutchy of Lancaster hee had issue two Daughters ISABELL married to GEORGE PLANTAGGNET Duke of Clarence and ANNE first married to EDVVARD titulary Prince of Wales and after to Richard the Vsurper Iohn Nevill Brother to the said Earle was first Created Lord Mountague after that Earle of Northumberland upon the attainder and banishment of Henry Piercy Earle thereof But upon his returne into England and restoring in blood Nevill surrendred his graunt of the Earledome of Northumberland and was Created Marquesse Mountacute hee married Isabell Daughter and heire of Sir Edmond Inglesthorpe Knight and had issue George Nevill Created Duke of Bedford but aftere degraded by Act of Parliamhnt and five Daughters who after their Brothers decease which dyed without issue were Coheires of his estate Anne married to Sir William Stonhurst Knight Elizabeth married to Thomas Lord Scroope of Risdale Margaret married to Sir John Mortimer Knight Lucy married to Sir Thomas Fitz-Williams Knight Isabell married to Sir William Huddleston Knight and all these Daughters had issue After these Brothers had beene made a spectacle of mortalitie and the subject of their spectators spight scorne or pitie three dayes in that manner they were permitted to be carried to the Monastery of Bissam and there in one grave buried amongst their Ancestors Queene Margaret when it was too late with some French forces landed at Waymouth where having unwelcome tidings of this disastes znd that the Duke of Excester supposed slaine was strangely recovered and had taken Sanctuary at Westminster shee with her Sonne conveyed her selse to Bewly in Hampshire where shee tooke Sanctuary having sent her souldiers into Wales to Jasper Earle of Penbrooke who with the Duke of Somerset Thomas Courtney Earle of Devon Iohn Lord Wenlocke and some others repaired thither unto her Amongst these it is resolved once more to bring their forces together into the field and hazard one stroke more From Bewley the Queene and the Earle of Somerset speed towards Bristoll intending with what powers they could raise in Glocestershire to march to VVales to joyne with Penbrooke who was gone thither to make preparation accordingly The King made acquainted with these overtures resolves if possible to crosse the conjunction and followes Queene Margaret with a great power so close that neere Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire hee overtakes her forces who resolutely turne and make head against the Kings power where Somerset on the Queenes part leading on the Van did performe the part of a good Commander and a stout souldier maintaining the fight for a long time resolutely and bravely But
if the Duke of Britaine were disturbed wherupon K. Lewis rested satisfied though not contented whilst K. Edw. forslowed no time to acquaint the Duke of Britayne with all the passages some think that had not the desire of compassing the E. of Richmond and Pembrook now in the D. of Britaines countries bin a better motive then any respect unto the D. the French K. might have had better successe in his requests K. E. to give K. Lewis a tast of his respect towards him notwithstanding his deniall of the proposition for the Duke of Brittaine sends a messenger unto him to acquaint him with trechery of the Constable against him and to carry the more credit of the truth of what was intimated hee sent two letters written with the Constables owne hand which were sufficient testimonies to accuse and convince the Constable of those crymes wherewith afterwards King Edward charged him The mony to be payd by the Articles is borowed of the Parisians so willing they were to see the Englishmens backs accordingly payed over the hostages are delivered wherupon the army retiers to Callice frō thence are trāsported into England performance of the agreement to the content of both parts made the hostages are with great prōises rewards redelivered Some forbeare not to say that K. E. lost more honour in this voyage then hee had purchased in nine victories before gotten but they were such as measure kings actions by the crooked level of their own erroneous fancies But those of better understanding affirme that it had bin a great error in judgement for the K. to be longer absent frō his so late conquered kingdom but great wisdome policie in him to take hold upon such an occasion to come off so fairely with a match for his daughter which had it taken effect had sufficiently recompenced his charge trouble But private men must not dispute the actions of Princes And further to examine the reason of what in this kind at this time was done might give occasion of discourse but not instruction King Edward being returned into England not unmindful that a great storme might follow though but a smal cloud as yet appeared dispatched Embassador to the Duke of Brittain to perswade with him to have the young Earle of Richmond sent over unto him for that he desired to match him in mariage with the Lady Cecily his younger daughter this faire overture of marriage or rather the feeling mediation of Angels wherof some store were sent but more promised so prevailed with the D. That upon the receipt of the sum sent the E. of Richmond is delivered to the Embassadors who thence conducted him to S. Malos where whilst they staied for a wind by the cunning advise and plotting of the D. treasurer who as it may be by the sequel gathered not wel pleased not to have bin treated withal according to that court custome with a feeling respect a more then ordinary proportion or common gratuity being inseparably incident to his treasurers place more scorne to be so neglected then love to Richmond The young L. escapes into Sanctuary From whence nor promises nor prayers could procure him Neverthelesse upon Peter Londoys his promise he should be safely kept there The Embassadors without their marchandize or mony departed to the no little discontent of the K. who greived much that the lambe had escaped his woolvish intention But being taught the rule what he could not avoyd he made shew to receive willingly he for that time said little At Christmas following he created his eldest son Ed. Prince of Wales D. of Cornwale and E. of Chester his second son Duke of York giving the order of knighthood to the son heire of the E. of Lincolne many others He created foure and twenty knights of the Bath upon the creation of the Prince of Wales whereof Bryan chiefe Justice and Littleton a Iudge of the common Pleas were two Thus whilst K. Edw. in England lived in peace quiet the turbulent D. of Burgoyne never constant but alwayes in contention reaped the triple fruit therof this yeare at three several times The first at Ganson where he lost some honour but more wealth The second at Morat where he lost more honour and many men The last at Nancy where he not only lost men mony reputation but life also by the Switzers whom he had driven to a desparate resolution then not in hope to escape but to sell their lives when submissiō would not be accepted at the deerest rate they fought prevailed Now begins Rich. D. of York to set on foote his untill then close contrived divelish devises to compasse the attainment of the crown of England for the first seene of the ensewing tragedy to facilitate his passage he secretly begins to with draw the Kings affection from his brother George Duke of Clarence and to that purpose susurreth unto him that some of Clarence followers were sorcerers and Nigromancers and that they had given forth speeches that one one whos 's Christen name began with the letter G. should dishinherit his children and carry the crowne of England and to put some varnish upon this suggestion one of the Duke of Clarence his servants which came with him out of Ireland from Dublin where the Duke was borne is in his Masters absence he being then in the country by the procurement under hand of Glocester endighted arraigned condemned and executed at Tiborne for conjuration and all within the space of two dayes hereof the Duke of Clarence being thereto irritated by his brother Glocester grieuously complaines to King Edward who insteed of giving redresse suspecting now the truth of the Duke of Glocesters buzz tooke an occasion likewise by Glocesters advise howsoever he made a glozing shew to Clarence of being jealous of his honour and disliking of the kings disrespect as he termd it of his brothers abuse frame a colour to commit Clarence to the Tower where his loving Brother Richard not as it was feared without the Kings privitie tooke that order that hee should not for so hee faithfully promised him upon his first commitment lye long in prison before hee would procure his release That he was drowned in a but of Malmesey and then layd in his bed to perswade the people that he dyed of discontent This George Duke of Clarence was Earle of Warwicke and Salisbury Lord of Richmond and great Chamberlaine of England he married Isabell daughter and coheire of Richard Nevill the great Earle of Warwicke by whom hee had issue Edward afterwards Earle of Warwicke who dyed without issue and Margaret married to Sir Richard Pole knight who had issue Henry Lord Mountayne and Reginald Pole Cardinall The Pestilence about this time raged with that fury in most parts of this kingdome that the sword in fifteene yeeres before devoured not so many as that did in foure moneths The King upon some present occasion sent to
the Citizens of London a privie seale for the loane of five thousand markes for a yeere which were presently provided and at the time prefixed as orderly repayed which with the royall entertainment he gave them upon invitation at Windsor and the store of venson sent by him with them to make merry with their wives at home won the harts affectiōs of the Londoners both male female That from thence forth no pleasure was denied that they could procure him The Scots make an inrod into Northumberland against whom the Duke of Gloce. was sent with some power but they were retreated before his comming Iames King of Scotland shortly afterward sent Embassadors to treat of a marriage between his eldest son Iames Duke of Rothsay Cecily the kings second daughter This overture for a match was by King Edward his councell embraced and divers great sums of mony as part of her portion were delivered to the Scots but with this proviso that if the marriage did not take effect that the provost and Marchants of Edenborough should be bound to repay the same This Iames K. of Scotland was too much wedded to his own opinion couldnot endure any mans advise how good soever it were that he fancied not he would seldom aske counsel but never follow any by reason wherof such of his counsell as more respected the honour of the kingdom the publike good then what should be pleasing to his private conceits or peculiar fancy did divers times reape exilement and ill will for truth speaking and well meaning so that the way to win his favour could not be found out or followed but by flattery whereby few or none but thrasonicall parasites and camelion timepleasers would follow the court or continue their places therin hence came it that many ignoble affronts were offred to the King of England more disrespects done to his own nobility Insomuch that his brother the Duke of Albany was enforced to ●…and on the Country and to fly for refuge into England where he was by King Edward respectively entertained From him was the King of England truely informed of the weake disposition of King Iames wherewith King Edward was so much incensed that hee made speedy preparation of a competent army which being sufficiently accōmodated withall necessaries for the field under the conduct of Richard Duke of Glocester accompanied with the Duke of Albany they marched towards Scotland The Duke in the way tooke in Barwick and besieged the Castle which was resolutely defended by the Earle Bothwell The Duke perceiving no good to be done against the Castle but by famishing them having sufficiently taken course to secure the towne from sallies leaving the Lord Stanley behind to continue the siege he with the residue of the army marched toward Edenbrough where within the Castle of Maydens the King of Scotland had immurde himselfe The nobility of Scotland observing the miserable spoyle that the English army did the impossibility to prevent it by opposition endevored by humble submission to procure a peace at least a cessation from wars which with much importunitie they obtained at the hands of the general under these conditions 1 That ful satisfaction should be presently given to the English for all damages and wrongs done by the late incursions 2 That the D. of Albany whose friendship the general laboured to be made firme unto him should be fully restored to grace place whatsoever had bin taken or withheld from him by the king his brother and an abolition of all former discontents betwixt them 3 That the Castle of Barwick should immediately be surrendred into the generalls hands from thence no reduction either of that or the town attēpted 4 That all such sums of mony as had bin upon the proposition of the mariage as aforesayd delivered should be repayed or that befitting security should be given by the Provost Citizens of Edenborough for the orderly repayment therof at the Tower of London at some reasonable time before the day prefixed in case K. Edw. should signifie unto them that there should not be any further prosecution of the said proposition of marriage Al which except the first article were accordingly performed A Generall pardon and loving letters from the king are sent unto the Duke of Albany with an authentick instrument under the common seale of the Provost and Citizens of Edenborough for the performance of that part that belonged to them to the D. of Gloc. who upon the receipt therof the surrender of the Castle of Barwick with all ordnance and amunition therin of which and of the towne the Lord Stanley with a competent number of Souldiers to gard the same being made Captaine The generall with the rest of the army joyfully returned for England leaving nothing undon by the way to endeer himselfe to the good opinion of the Captaines the applause of the common Souldiers The faire proceedings in the Scotish expeditiō did not bring so much content to the K. of England but the dishonorable forgetful breach of oath of the French K. did much more molest and trouble him For he had received certaine intelligence from his Embassador leidger that the French K. not onely denied the paiment of the annual tribute of 5000. crowns agreed upon sworne to upon the ratification of the late conluded peace betwixt the kings kingdoms of England France But had also married the Dolphyn of France to the Lady Margaret daughter of Maximilian the son of the Emperor And therby notoriously infringed both the Article concluded for a match betweene him and the Lady Elizabeth K. Edwards daughter therby brokē his faith for the performāce thereof so solemnly plighted which much incensed the King of England so much the more by how much the care to provide a fitting match for his daughter when he deemed it to be past was now to begin to be taken hee resolves therefore to vindicate this unsufferable disgrace offred his daughter by punishment of the French kings periury herewith acquaints his Councell who unanimously conclude open wars to be proclaimed and provision to be prepared to prosecute the same to the uttermost in this businesse the Duke of Glocester was not slacke but daily though he knew it needlesse did inculcate to the King his brother how much it did import his honour to draw his sword and not to sheath it untill Lewis for expiation of his jniury had submitted his Crowne to the rightfull owner and given the King of England possession thereof And did make proffer both of purse and person to give him assistance therin to the uttermost preparation for the invasion of France is making in every place to which the King is very proclive But whilst he is intentive in the businesse hee is suddainly attached by the hand of death and without Glouc. hand though not without his wish upon the ninth of Aprill 1483. at Westminster departed this mortall life
all places provide such as had Castles or Piles of strength furnish them with men and amunition And others use their best meanes that money and men may bee got in readinesse against the Earles arrivall Bishop Morton who had gained opportunitie against the Duke of Buckinghams will to convey himselfe into the Lowe-Countryes is not slacke by Letters and private messages to conjure all such as hee knew either to hate or envy King Richard or to have loved King Edward to lay to their helping hands with all their might in this conjuration Now whether amongst so many through some false brothers treachery or out of his watchfull jelousie over Buckingham it is uncertaine But King Richard hath intelligence of the designe and politickly dissembleth it but secretly giveth order as it were but to take a muster to draw his forces together amongst whom hee suddenly comes and having appointed his carriages to follow him hee marcheth away without acquainting any of the Commanders with any particular place whither hee lead these forces In the meane time first by proffer of friendship by faire termes the King did solicite the Dukes presence at London where the King kept his standing house But receiving from him but delatory put offs The King then sent a peremptory message by the tye of his alleageance to come away which was returned with this resolute answer That hee would not if hee could avoid it have any conversation with an ungratefull per jured inhumane butcher of his owne flesh and blood so that now preparation to offend and defend by the sword is made on both parts The King holds on his march whereupon all the conjurators in every quarter are in overt commotion Thomas Marquesse Dorset preserved from slaughter by the only favour of Sir Thomas Lovell against the Kings will forsaketh Sanctuarie and in York-shire laboureth to raise forces The two Courtneys in Devon and Cornwall take the same course and they are seconded in Kent by Guilford and Rame so that civill combustion is in every quarter of the Realme King Richard notwithstanding severs not his forces but keepes on his march towards Buckingham who having notice thereof both readily and willingly setteth forward bending his course thorow the Forrest of Deane intending at Glocester to have passed Severne and so to have joyned forces with the two Courtneys and the Westerne Confederates but by the long continuance of wet weather the waters thereabouts were risen so high that Severne was broken out and had overflowne all the Countries so that it was a thing impossible for the Dukes forces to bee transported which the Welch-men drawne thither more for feare then love tooke advantage of saying it was a prodigious token of their ill successe in the enterprise and secretly by night slipt away from him whose example the residue followed so that the Duke upon this disbanding was left to shift by himselfe whereupon hee dismist all his followers and without or Page or Foot-man repayred to the house of one Humphry Bannister who dwelt neere Shrowsbury presuming there he might safely lodge in obscurity untill better fortune should smile the rather for that the many extraordinary favours formerly done to the said Bannister and his father before him might justly challenge willing entertainment during his secret stay there if not more The newes of this disaster added wings to the other conjurators to disperse their powers and flye some to Sanctuary others to unknowne places all of them making the best shift they could to escape but they sped best which conveyed themselves into Britanny Amongst whom the Marquesse Dorset John Lord Wells the Bishop of Exceter and his brother Sir John Bourchier Sir Edward Woodvile brother to Queene Elizabeth Sir Robert Willoughby Sir Giles Daubeney Sir Thomas Arundell Sir John Cheney and his two brethren Sir William Barckley Sir William Brandon and his Brother Thomas Sir Richard Egmond Hollowell and Poynings Captaines were chiefe King Richard having intelligence that the enemy was fled sent order presently to lay all the Ports with strict charge that none should goe on borde or come on shore without especiall warrant Hee likewise made publick Proclamation that if any one could bring tydings of the Duke of Buckingham who was now proclaimed Traitour and all his lands and goods seized into the Kings hands so that the Duke might bee apprehended if the person were a bondman hee should bee manumitted if a freeman hee should have a generall pardon and a thousand pound currant English coyne Whilst these things are thus in agitation King Richard hath information from Hutton his Leiger Embassadour in Britaine That the Duke thereof not only refused to keepe the Earle of Richmond in restraint of libertie Bu was seeming forward to give him his assistance to prosecute his intendmentt which was to worke some exploit in England Wherefore the King tooke especiall order for the present rigging and preparing his Navy to stop if possible the Earles landing in any Port of England In the interim whether feare to offend the law or greedy Covetousnesse to gaine the thousand pounds it is yet disputable but Bannister like an ungratefull servant perfidiously discovered his Master the Duke of Buckingham to Iohn Mitton then high Sheriffe of Shropshire who thereupon apprehended him in a little Grove neere Bannisters dwelling house and conveyed him to Shrowsbury where King Richard lay from whence upon All-Soules day hee was conveyed to Salisbury and then and there without arraignment or legall proceedings in the Market-place beheaded Whether Bannister received his proclaimed reward is uncertaine but that Gods judgements appeared afterwards against him and his is very remarkable for hee was afterwards hanged for man-slaughter his eldest daughter is debauncht by one of his Carters and his sonne and heire in a desperate lunacy became his owne butcher and was so found by the Coruors inquest This Henry Duke of Buckingham was Earle of Stafford Hereford Northampton Lord of Brecknocke Kimbolton and Tunbridge and high Constable of England Hee married Katherine Daughter of Richard Woodvile Earle Rivers by whom he had issue three Sons and two Daughters 1. Edward who by Henry the seventh was restored to blood and succeeded in his Fathers honours 2. Henry the said King Created Earle of Wilts 3. And Humphry that dyed young 1. Elizabeth married to Robert Radcliffe Lord Fitz-Waters 2. Anna married first to Sir Walter Harbert and afterwards George Lord Hastings Earle of Huntington Vpon the twelfth day of October the Earle of Richmond with fourtie ships and five thousand waged Britons tooke the Seas But that evening by the rage of an impetuous tempest the whole Navy was dispersed The ship wherein the Earle was with one only little Barke after they had endured the rage of the tempest eight and fourty houres was driven upon the coast of Cornwall where hee giveth expresse commandement that none should dare to take land untill the fleet were drawne together But after hee had huld up and downe the shore
by the space of a day and a night and never a Vessell appearing observing an hourely encrease of armed souldiers upon the Coasts by Poole being assured they were none of his partakers because no tokens before agreed upon at his approach to bee used were presented The wind blowing a fresh gale the Earle hoisteth sayle and returning toward France arrived in Normandy From whence he dispatcheth messengers to the French King Charles the eight by whom hee readily received a safe conduct together with a liberall quantitie of French Crowns to beare his charges on the way whereupon the Earle sent his shipping about whilst hee by easie journies came by land into Brittaine where hee received the newes of the Duke of Buckinghams death and the dispersing of the Confederates forces which somewhat troubled him at first But afterwards hee was much comforted at the sight of the Marquesse Dorset and those brave Commanders that were come with him And presently they enter into consultation what course was to bee taken in their beginning and progresse of the intended action amongst whom it was then generally concluded That King Richard as a Tyrant and a Traitour should be proscribed That Richmond should take upon him the Regall Dignitie then by Richard usurped That Richmond should publickly make a solemne protestation to take to Wife the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter of Edward the fourth That all the Nobles Gentlemen and others of the English Nation there present should doe homage and sweare allegiance to the Earle of Richmond as to their Soveraigne Lord And each to other enterchangeably give assurance upon the seale of their salvation alone and together with others to prosecute Richard and protect Richmond to the expence of the last drop of blood in their bodyes and the profusion of all their substances This thus concluded on upon Christmasse day before the high Altar in the great Church of Reimes the Earle of Richmond gave oath to marry the Lady Elizabeth immediatly after hee was quietly seated in the government of England And thereupon all the Lords and Knights there present the Bishop of Exceter showing them the way did doe him homage And in the same place each to other religiously did vow taking the Sacrament thereupon never to surcease prosecuting warre against Richard the Vsurper untill his deposition or destruction Relation hereof being made to the Duke of Britain he voluntarily made offer to furnish the Earle with all things necessary for the enterprise all things are accordingly providing in those parts whilst King Richard makes a diligent enquiry after all those that might bee suspected to bee favourers or furtherers of Richmonds association many of them are apprehended amongst whom Sir George Browne and Sir Roger Clifford with foure Gentlemen more are executed at London Sir Thomas Sentleger who had married Anne the Duke of Ezceters Widow the Kings owne sister and Thomas Rame Esquire were executed at Exceter And at an Assises held at Torrington for the Countie of Devon Thomas Marquesse Dorset and all such as were with the Earle of Richmond were indicted of high Treason and at the Parliament which presently followed all those so indicted were attainted and all their lands and good seized upon Thomas Lord Stanley is enforced to purge himselfe by oath and to sweare that hee then was altogether innocent of any trecherous practise against the King and unacquainted with any his Wives courses touching the succouring her Sonne yet neverthelesse hee is commanded to keepe her close and not to suffer any to have libertie to write to or confer with her A truce is concluded betwixt England and Scotland to continue for three yeares And for the better settling of amitie and concord betwixt the two kingdomes a Marriage is treated of betwixt the Duke of Rothsay the King of Scots eldest Sonne and the Lady Anne de la Poole King Richards Sisters Daughter formerly married to John de la Poole Duke of Suffolke John Earle of Lincolne the said Annes Brother King Richards Nephew is likewise the Daughters of Edward the fourth being excluded proclaimed heire of the Crowne of England Suspition seldome but slumbers never sleepes And a guiltie conscience is ever-more broad waking The jelousie of Richmonds Title and the horrour of King Richards conscience for the murther of his two innocent Nephewes so justly affright him that his sleepes are evermore interrupted with fearefull dreames insomuch that hee did often leape out of his bed in the darke and catching his sword which alwayes naked stucke by his side hee would goe distractedly about the Chamber every where seeking to find out the cause of his owne occasioned disquiet And in the day time hee alwayes would hold his hand upon his Ponyard as though hee would not bee behind-hand to requite the stroke of a sword with a stabbe his braines were still working and his cogitations hammering out strange stratagems for Massacres There must be no stone left unremoved whereupon Richmon might have footing Embassadours are sent to the Duke of Britaine with instructions upon any termes to procure or purchase his Person to bee delivered unto them But the Duke by extremitie of sicknesse was falne into that weaknesse that the Embassadours could have no audience Whereupon they addressed themselves to Peter Landoyes chiefe Treasurer to the Duke and his great Favourite They having found out the length of his foot by the experience of other mens successe that negotiated with him They so annointed him with oyle of Angels and large promises of the King of Englands ready willingnesse to make more ample satisfaction for any courtesie therein by him to be done That he resolutely undertaketh that the Kings pleasure shall bee in that point procured what injoyned this Treasurer that at Saint Mallowes not long before had countermined King Richards Enginers and preserved the Earle from the danger of the plotte That now hee should undertake to ingulph him in that quagmire from whence so lately hee had freed him cannot easily bee conjectured except that the eminencie of his place farre transcending his descent or desert had brought him into the generall hatred of those whom either hee by his inward power with the Duke had any wayes injured a course too common amongst those of like condition and qualitie or otherwise had not given that fulnesse of content that was expected And thrust him into the contempt of his betters by birth that scorned to have such a bubble to take place before them or into the envie of all such that would but could not obtaine like favour and preferment or into the hatred of the Commons who seldome or never thinke or speake well of Officers in like place that purchase their Masters favours by filling his coffers and emptying their purses And that hee could not devise a better meanes how to arme himselfe strongly against the machinations and excursions of such incertaine enemies but by the friendship and protection of so potent a Monarch as the King of
his teeth with haire on his head and nayles on his fingers and toes with a viperous strength enforcing as it were his passage through his mothers wombe whom afterwards he shamed not to accuse of adultery but as one that then wrought journy-worke with the Divell his manners and qualities seconded the feature and lineaments of his body and members which were much deformed being hooke shouldred splay footed and goggle eyd his countenance sower the composure of his face little and round his complexion swarfie his left arme from his birth drye and and withered Nature supplied these deformities of the body with a strong brayne a quicke apprehension a good memory and a most fluent tongue which he seldome exercised but to the abuse of credulitie And with the sweetnesse of his delivery hee could so prevaile with such whom he ment to worke upon that he would ofentimes as it were infatuate them and enforce their beliefe of his oathes and protestations which were by Saint Paul and wishing God to damne him if hee did not performe his word which at the time of the speaking was no part of his thought sometimes against the hearers knowledge and conscience hee was neither morally honest nor religiously good He usd to make authority the stawking horse to his will and his will the sole commander of his conscience the largenesse whereof could without any scruple swallow murther of brother Nephewes wife and neerest friends nay attempt rape and incest with his owne brothers daughter yet did with artificiall dissimulation so cover his dishonest and abhominable intentions that not many could discover them Who or whatsoever opposed his aspiring pride or profitable pleasure was by his plotting cunningly and covertly taken away or removed Hee was so throughly perfect in the Hypocriticall art of simulation and dissimulation that hee would use most complement and shew greatest signes of love and courtesie to him in the morning whose throat he had taken order to be cut that evening He held it for a maxime in policy that halfe doing in any thing was worse then no doing And therefore whatsoever he once attempted hee went through with it howsoever it seemed to others unnaturall and unchristian He used the instruments of his bloudy plottes as men doe their Candles burne the first out to a snuffe and then having lighted another tread that under foote yet howsoever his birth were proaigious and life monstrous yet his death was not dishonorable For though his cause were bad he fought bravely and dyed fighting leaving behind an ample testimony of his great valour and little grace with the end of his raigne by the sword which he had used for the moving of civill dissention betwixt the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster which had beene so long drawne and so often bathed in the blood of Christians was happily sheathed And the passage to concord prepared whilst this poore Island that had beene imbroyled with warre and her companions had leasure to call to minde the many murthers stratagemes slaughters overthrowes and calamities which through their unnaturall division of the two Roses she had sustained and thereby she found that from the time that Richard Duke of Yorke who was slaine in the battaile at Wakefield seeking to anticipate the time allotted unto him by authoritie of the Parliament whereby the Crowne was entayled to him and his issue to gaine the possession thereof and from whence all those praerecited miseries did proceed untill the death of the usurper there were slaine fourescore Princes of the blood royall and twice as many natives of England as were lost in the two conquests of France The dissension that fell was betwixt the house of Yorke descended from Lionel borne at Antwerpe Duke of Clarence second sonne of Edward the third and the house of Lancaster issued from Iohn of Gaunt the third surviving but otherwise fourth sonne of the same King the first giving for his cognizance the white Rose the other the Red. Lionell Duke of Clarence married to his first wife Elizabeth daughter heire of William Burgh Earle of Vlster and to his second wife Violenta of Galens Viscount of Mislaine by his first wife he had issue Philip sole only childe which Philip was married to Edmond Mortimer Earle of March and Vlster who had issue by her 1 Roger March the fourth Earle of March 2 Sir Edmond Mortymer that married the daughter of Owen Glendore 3 Sir Iohn Mortymer beheaded 3. H. 6. 1 Elizabeth married to the Lord Percy stiled Hotspur Philip first married to Iohn Hastings Earle of Pembrook and afterward to Richard Earle of Arundel and lastly to Iohn Lord Saint-Iohn dyed without issue Roger the fourth Earle of March 1387. nominated by King Richard the second successor to the Kingdome of England who married Elianor daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent by whom he had issue two sonnes and two daughters 1 Edmond his eldest sonne who succeeded him in the Earldome 2 Roger died leaving his father 1 Anne who was married to Richard Earle of Cambridge sonne of Edmond of Langley Duke of Yorke 2 Elianor married to Edward Courtney Earle of Devonshire Richard of Conisborough married Anne sister and heire of Edmond Mortymer and had issue Richard Duke of Yorke This Richard was the first mover of the faction against the the house of Lancaster the bearer of the red rose He married Ciceley the daughter of Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland and had issue 1 Henry that dyed before his Father 2 Edward of that name the fourth King of England 3 Edmond Earle of Rutland slaine at Wakefield by the Lord Clifford 4 Iohn that all dyed young 5 William and 6 Thomas 7 George Duke of Clarence murdered as afore 1 Anne the eldest daughter was first married to Henry Holland Duke of Exceter and after to Sir Thomas Sayntleoger 2 Elizabeth married to Iohn de la poole Duke of Suffolke 3 Margaret married to Charles Duke of Burgundy 4 Vrsula never married and thus was the title of Yorke derived Iohn of Gaunt so named of the place where he was borne fourth sonne of King Edward the third married three wives the first 1 Blaunch daughter and coheire of Henry first Duke of Lancaster by whom he had issue 1 Henry Plantagenet borne at Bullingbrooke 1 Philip married to Iohn King of Portingall and 2 Elizabeth married to Iohn Duke of Exceter 2 The second wife was Constance daughter and one of the Coheires of Peter king of Castile by whom he had issue Katherine afterward married to Henry sonne of Iohn the King of Spaine 3 His third wife was Katherine daughter of Payne Ruet aliàs Guyen King of armes and the relict of Sir Otes Swinford knight by whom hee had issue but before marriage 1 Iohn surnamed Beauford Earle of Somerset 2 Henry Bishop of Winchester 3 Thomas Branford Earle of Dorset 1 Iohan Branford first married to Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland and then to Robert Ferrers Lord of Ousley This
doings only the King was utterly undone Then was demanded of the Nobilitie and Commons of the Realme what they judged of the substance and truth of these Articles who all agreed that the crimes were notorious And that the King was worthy for the same to bee deposed from his Princely dignitie The Noble men partly corrupted by favour part awed by feare gave their voices And the Commons who commonly are like a flocke of Cranes as the first flye all followers did the like Commissioners are appointed by both houses who pronounced sentence of Deposition against King Richard in manner and forme as followeth In the name of God Amen Wee Iohn Bishop of Asaph Iohn Abbot of Glassenbury Thomas Earle of Glocester Thomas Lord Barkley Sir Thomas Erpingham and Sir Thomas Gray Knights and William Thirning Iustice Commissioners for the causes hereafter specified By the Lords Spirituall and temporall and the Commons of the Realme of England representing all the States of our Kingdome specially deputed sitting in place of judgement considering the manifold perjuries and cruelties and many other the crimes and offences by Richard late King of this Realme committed and done contrarie to good government in the Realmes and dominions aforesaid during the time of his raigne Also considering the Articles which were openly exhibited and read before the said States which were so publike notorious manifest and famous that they could nor can by any shift or cover be concealed or avoyded considering also the Confession of the sayd King acknowledging and reputing and truly upon his certaine knowledge judging himselfe to have beene and to bee altogether insufficient and unskilfull for the rule and government of the Realme and Dominions aforesaid and not unworthy to bee Deposed for the notorious demerits by the said Richard first acknowledged and after by his will and mandate before the said States published and to them opened and declared in the English tongue upon these and other matters which were done concerning the same businesse before the said States and us by the delegation place name and Authoritie to us in this part committed in pursuance whereof Wee pronounce decree and declare the said Richard to have beene and bee unprofitable unable and altogether unsufficient and unworthy for the rule and government of the said Realmes and in regard and respect of the premisses worthy to bee deposed from all kingly dignitie and honor if any such dignitie and honor remaineth in him And for the like cautele We do depose him by our sentence definitive in this Writing inhibiting from henceforth expresly all and singular Lords Archbishops Bishops Prelats Dukes Marquesses Earles Barons Knights Vassales and all other persons whatsoever of the said Realmes heretofore the subjects of the same and every of them that from henceforth none obey or intend to obey the said Richard as King or Lord of the Dominions aforesaid And afterwards the same Commissioners by the conse●…t and suffrage of both houses were constituted Procurators joyntly and severally for all the States of the Realme to resigne and surrender unto King Richard for them and all other homagers of the Realme all the homages and fealties which were both due and done unto him as King and Soveraigne And also to declare unto him all the premisses concerning his Deposition Now Henry Duke of Lancaster that hee might bee reputed or reported at the least not to attaine the kingdome by intrusion and wrong was counselled by his friends to pretend some lawfull challenge or claime thereunto And being in power it was no sooner advised what was to bee done but it was presently devised how to doe it So a Title was drawne from Edmond sonne to King Henry the third whom they nicknamed Crookbacke affirming that he was the eldest sonne of King Henry and that hee for his deformitie was put from his right of succession which was for that cause given to King Edward the first To this Edmond the Duke was next of blood by his mother Blanch sole Daugter and heire to Henry Duke of Lancaster and Sonne to the same Edmond This cunning conveyance was perceived by most but seeming not to perceive it was a point of friendship in some and of obedience in the rest Therefore the Crowne of England being supposed unpossessed both by the resignation and also by the deposition of King Richard Duke Henry arose from off his seate and standing in the most view of the assembly making the signe of the Crosse on his forehead and brest said as followeth In the name of God Amen I Henry of Lancaster claime as my right the Crowne and Realme of England with all the Dominions and appendices to the same as being lineally descended by the right of lyne from the blood Royall comming from that good Lord King Henry the third and through the right that God of his grace hath sent mee by his assistance and the helpe of my ready kindred and noble friends have adventured to recover the same which was in point of destruction for want of good government and orderly distribution of justice therein and therewith reseated himselfe Then was it demanded in both Houses upper and lower whether they did consent that the Duke should raigne over them who all with one voice accepted of him for their King Then the Archbishop of Canterbury tooke him by the hand and placed him in the Throne of estate the Archbishop of Yorke assisting him and all the Parliament testifying their owne joy and wishing his Then the Archbishop of Canterbury upon this place of Scripture 1 Reg. 9. 17. See this is the man whom I spake to thee of this same shall raigne over my people did make a paraphrasticall exposition which ended the Duke was generally proclaimed King by the name of Henry the Fourth King of England and France Lord of Ireland The Common people voide of cares not searching into sequels but without difference of right or wrong inclinable to follow the mightie with showtes and cl●…mours gave their applause not all upon judgement or faithfull meaning but only upon received custome at first to flatter the Prince whatsoever hee bee But lest the humour thereof should allay by delay it was forthwith Proclaimed that upon the thirteenth of September next ensuing the Coronation of the King should be celebrated at Westminster These matters being thus dispatched the proclaimed King rose from his Seate and went to Whitehall where hee feasted the Assembly royally yet hee made no show of statelinesse or pride or change of deportment in this so great change of fortune Vpon Wednesday following the before-remembred Procurators went to the deposed King to the Tower and declared to him the admission of his resignation and the manner of his Deposition and in the name of the States of the Realme did surrender backe the Homage and Fealtie formerly due unto him with this attestation that no man from thenceforth would beare unto him faith and allegeance as due to a King The
that rightfully for want of issue it should devolve unto him That the Bishop should dicover the same and make it knowne to the King and the Councell afterwards the Queene being dead and Iohn of Gaunt during the weaknesse of the King did take upon him so much that hee gave just cause of suspition to the lookers on of his ambitious affecting the Crowne The Bishop first in silent and secret manner by way of ghostly counsell diswaded the Duke from nursing the least hope of ever attayning the Crowne and witha●… used his best perswasions to him to content himselfe privately to live without further intermeddling then needs must with the affaires of the kingdome And then hee would keepe unrevealed what otherwise by●…ye of dutie to his profession he must and would discover which would redound much to the Dukes disparagement This so nettled the Duke that passion confounded reason and in the height thereof hee waded as farre as hee durst for feare of undergoing the censure of the Church for reviling one of the Fathers thereof Neverthelesse hee did not so temper his words but that hee gave just occasion to the Bishop to provide for his safetie and to looke to himselfe hereof hee gave intimation to the rest of the Bishops And so it chanced that within short time after a Parliament is convoked wherein the Kings necessitie of present supply of money is much prest But the Clergie unanimously affirme that without their Brother the Bishop of VVinchesters presence they neither can nor will consult of any thing and therefore crave that hee might bee permitted to come The King being told that hee being a principall member of the house of Parliament could not with conveniencie bee excluded Whereupon hee is sent for The Bishop upon notice of the Kings pleasure repaireth to London but in that obscure manner and with that small retinue that hee ministred occasion of commiseration to the beholders which so incensed the Duke of Lancaster that hee not only continued his indignation against the Bishop of VVinchester but openly did oppose all the Bishops in generall protecting and countenancing VVickliffe a man of more zeale then discretion in all his over-bold and undutifull carriages towards them In the meane time VVinchester having sufficiently learned that the King now in his declining time did so dote upon Alice Pierce that in a manner hee was altogether governed by her complies himselfe wholly to her and so effectually aut prece aut pretio or both made his way with her that mauger all what the Duke could say or doe to the contrary after two yeares being kept out of his livings by her meanes the Bishop is restored fully to whatsoever had beene taken or was detayned from him The Parliament dissolved the Bishop commeth to VVinchester where as well by the Citizens as Pryor and Covent hee is joyfully with kinde welcome and generall procession received and entertained Then and there also hee receiveth of the Executors of his Predecessors Bishop Edington satisfaction for the summe of one thousand one hundred sixtie two pounds tenne shillings and for the valew of one thousand five hundred fiftie sixe rother beasts three thousand eight hundred seventie sixe Weather-sheepe foure thousand seven hundred and seventeene Ewes three thousand five hundred twentie one Lambes and one thousand one hundred twentie seven Swine formerly recovered against them for d●…apidations before the Officiall of VVilliam VVitesley Archbishop of Canterbury King Edward being dead and Alice Pierce being banished the Court Iohn of Gaunt confident now to worke his malitious designes against VVinchester taking the advantage of his Nephew King Richards infancie musters afresh his old forces and with small addition of some new surmised cavillations reinformes and againe accuseth the Bishop of VVinchester But the Dukes malice was not more discernable but the Bishops innocencie was every way as perspicuous By meanes whereof hee escaped all the Gauntish machinations and by the helpe of his truest friend his open but full purse hee obtained a generall Pardon under the great Seale of England and together with that from thenceforth a quiet and unperturbed estate during which time hee made preparations to forward his preintended goodly buildings providing himselfe of all needfull materials and furnishing himselfe with some of them and all his chiefe workmen for stone-worke out of France having made tryall of his Artificers skill in their owne Countrey where at Roven hee built a stately conventuall Church and furnished the same with all needfull and befitting ornaments and maintenance And now having in readinesse all requirable utensells his first worke was the building of a Chappell at Tytchfeid where his Father Mother and sister Perrot were buried endowing the same with proportionable maintenance for a Priest to performe the Ceremonies in those dayes used for the benefit of the soules departed Hee founded at Southwicke in the Countie of Southampton neere the Towne of Wickham the place of his birth as a supplement to the Priory of Southwicke a Chauntry with sufficient aliment and all other necessaries for five Priests for ever Hee bestowed twentie thousand Markes in orderly repairing the houses belonging to the Bishopricke He discharged out of prison in all places of his Diocesse all such poore prisoners as lay in execution for debt under twenty pounds about which hee expended two thousand pounds Hee sufficiently amended all the high wayes from Winchester to London on both sides the River Hee procured large immunities to the Sea of Winchester and purchased lands thereto to the valew of two hundred Markes per annum with a Licence in Mortmaine for two hundred pounds per annum more In the eleventh yeare of the Raigne of Richard the Second he receiueth from the Kings owne hands the great Seale of England and is made Lord Chancellor whereby it appeareth that King Richard was not altogether so voide of judgement in the choice of his Officers of eminencie as the Writers of his time would seeme to make him At his returne from Court hee called all his Officers to account amongst whom hee remitted the summe of foure thousand pounds in which they were arere and gave to every one of them respectively a generall release of all demands untill that time Hee likewise remitted unto the tenements of the Bishopricke all such customary payments of knowledge money as were by his Officers affirmed to bee due unto him in the whole amounting to the summe of five hundred and twentie pounds But now as if whatsoever was done before had beene but an essay of what hee intended to doe after hee began to lay the foundation of that magnificent structure in Oxford at that and till this time called new Colledge And upon the fift day of March Anno Dom. ●…379 hee in person layd the first stone thereof And afterward having finished and sufficiently furnished the same with all befitting accommodations and endowed with proportionable meanes for the liberall maintenance of a Warden Threescore
the Towne the starved multitude began to upbraid the Commanders and to tell them that they must bee famished to death for their obstinacies and with threatning speeches they told them they would if they would not compound for their redemption upon any termes enforced therefore to give way to their implacable furyes the Commissioners concluded that after the nineteenth day of that instant Ianuarie the Citie and Castle of Roane should bee delivered to the King of Englands hands and that all should submit to the Kings mercie and should pay to him three hundred thousand Skutes of gold every two to bee of the valew of the English Noble Every Souldiour to sweare never to beare armes against the King of England That the starved creatures expulsed should bee admitted entrance and receive reliefe during the time prefixed if not before that time reskonsed Vpon the day agreed upon Sir Guy de Butler and the Burgesses delivered up the keyes of the Citie and Castle craving grace and favour The Duke of Exceter was appointed to take possession of the fame who accordingly entred with his souldiers The next day after being Friday the twentieth of Ianuary the KING triumphantly made his entry with foure Dukes tenne Earles eight Bishops sixteene Barons c. Hee was received with the Clergie with two and fourty Crosses and by them was conducted to our Lady Church where after publicke Thankes-giving hee tooke homage and fealtie of the Burgesses and inhabitants making proclamation that all that would come and acknowledge him to bee their Liege-Lord should enjoy the benefit of his protection and retaine their possessions whereupon many came in and many Townes were surrendred The Duke of Britaine fore-casting the danger of having too potent a neighbour except a friend plant neere him upon safe conduct obtained came to Roane where a League is agreed upon that neither should make Warre upon other except upon denuntiation thereof sixe moneths before any attempt this concluded the Duke returned Whilst the King lay at ROANE to perfect all things the Duke of CLARENCE tooke VERNON and NAVNT making Sir WILLIAM PORTER Captaine of the first and the Earle of MARCH of the other The Earle of SALISBVRY tooke in HVNFLEVV which was afterward given to the Duke of CLARENCE Munster de Villiers Ewe New-Castle whereof Sir PHILIP LEECH was made Captaine An Overture agreed upon for an interview betwixt the King of ENGLAND and the Dolphin of FRANCE fayled through the Dolphins default which displeased King HENRY who had in expectation thereof gone from Roane to Eureux from whence hee sent the Earle of Warwicke to take in la Roche Guyon which hee accordingly but not without some losse did and thereof made owner of the Kings free gift Sir Guy de Bolyleere lately Captaine of Roane In all places the Kings Commanders prevailed and by constraint or consent all pieces of strength that were sommoned opened their gates unto the English and it is worthy the observation that when there is as now there was a mutuall intercourse of discreet direction and diligent execution warlike designes faild but prosper on the other side where there is want of skill to Command and want of will to obey nothing can thrive and these wants now hid so clowded the affayres of France that all lay at six seven The Duke of Burgoine solicites an interview betwixt the Kings of England and France Embassadors on both sides are sent King Henry is content to come to Maunt so as the French King came to Ponthoys which is consented to King Henry kept his feast of Whitsontide at Mounts where he made the stout Gascoyne Captaine le Buife Earle of Longevile Sir Iohn Gray Earle of Tanckervile and the Lord Bourcher Earle of Ewe upon the last of May at the day appointed King Henry accompanied with the Dukes of Clarence Glocester and Exceter his Vncle Bewford the great Clerke and rich Bishop of Winchester with the Earles of March and Salisbury with a thousand men at armes entred the place appointed The French Queene her Husband being taken with his phrenzie which the Duke of Burgoine and the Earle of Saint Paul and a company of faire Ladyes amongst whom as a baite to entangle the Kings youthfull affection the Queenes beautifull Daughter the Lady Katherine throughly instructed and gorgeously attired presented her selfe with whose sight though the King was ardently taken yet with that moderation hee behaved himselfe that though hee were resolved to make the enjoyment of her for wife a chiefe Article to be granted yet hee made no such apparant show thereof but that the other things requirable to bee concluded at this treatie should bee first agreed upon but nothing was affected for the Dolphin under-hand had made meanes to the Duke of Burgoine to hinder all agreement which King Henry observing at their departure told the Duke of Burgoine That hee would have his demaunds and the Lady or else drive the King out of his kingdome and make the Duke seeke another Dukedome The treatie becomming fruitlesse and dissolved the Dolphin and the Duke upon the sixt of Iuly are reconciled and the Articles thereof signed and sealed In the meane time a Conspiracy in Roane was timely discovered and wisely prevented and the Conspiratours upon examination and proofe duly punished By direction from the King the Earle of Longevile did valiantly surprise the Towne of Poynthose with fifteene hundred men there being at that time within the Towne a thousand Launceeres and two thousand Arcubalisters but had not the Earle of Huntington come in good time to second them their valour opprest by multitude could not have made good what they had atchieved neither could they both have long subsisted had not the Duke of Clarence come to their reskue who to recompence the brave spirits of the first entrers gave the spoyle of the Towne amongst them From thence the Duke marched to Paris and there stayed by the space of two dayes but perceiving no show of sally to be made he returned to Ponthoys King Henry comming thither after hee had sufficiently furnished the same with victuals and artillerie hee with his maine Army marched further into the country and in the way forced the Castle of Vanion Villeirs but at the intercession of divers Ladyes the garrison were permitted without armes or weapon to depart Hereof was appointed Captaine Iohn de Burgh upon approach of the Armie which was upon the last of August to the Castle of Gysors the only peece that now stood forth in those parts the Garrison there made a sally and much hindred the English in their sitting downe by reason of the inaccessible passage thorow the Marishes which in a manner surrounded the same yet at length when they perceived the Kings resolution not to depart without conquest and calling to minde that no place had bin of strength sufficient to withstand his power they agreed if not reskued by a day which they were not to deliver
betweene whom an accord was made in case the King of France and his Peeres with the Commons would approve thereof They being to that purpose by the Duke of Burgoyne solicited willingly gave their consent and appointed the Duke of Burgoyne to send his Embassadours sufficiently authorized to meete with King HENRYES Embassadours at Troyes in Campaygne and to that end the King of England was earnestly entreated so to doe who thereupon sent his Vncle the Duke of Exceter the Earle of Salisburie with others to the number of five hundred Horse to the Duke of Burgoyne who from thence came together with them to Troyes upon the eleventh of March were in that manner received as where affection and loving desire are the entertainers There it was quickly concluded that the King of England should speed himselfe to Troyes there to bee espoused to the faire Lady Katherine and to have assurance of the Crowne of France after the decease of the diseased Charles Whereupon with a guard of fifteene thousand choice souldiers accompanied with the Dukes of Clarence and Glocester with the Earles of Warwicke Salisbury Huntington Longevile Tanckervile and Ewe the King of England came to Troyes upon the eighteenth day of May where hee was met by the Duke of Burgoine and divers of the French Nobility who attended him to the Pallace where the Queene with her Daughters the Dutches of Burgoine and the Lady Katherine gave him Princely entertainment where after some little pause whilst the intercourse of complement was passing betwixt the French and the English the King addressed himselfe to the Dutchesse of Burgoine demanding of her in befitting termes if shee thought her Sister Katherines affection was free and not in bondage to any to whom the Dutchesse with a gracefull smile made answer that shee durst pawne her soule her Sister till that houre shee first saw his highnesse was as free as any Virgin might bee but how shee stood affected now shee referred him to her owne answer opportunitie giving way as when mindes are willing it may bee easily apprehended the Lady Katherine was by the King interrogated how shee stood affected to marriage shee answered shee was to bee disposed of by the King otherwise if shee might have the libertie of her owne will shee would give him a more full answer and so making offer to depart King Henry with an amiable voice said Give but your consent and I will by Gods leave make all the rest agree or leave them landlesse or livelesse and thereof rest assured by this pledge of my faith and so tendered unto her a Ring of great price which she not without some blushing received and making a Courtly conge unto him left him and hee the company being come to his lodging hee gave order to his Commissioners to make speed in their consultations and not to give the least way to any procrastinations Whereupon that speed was used in their conferences that upon the twentieth day of May the Lady Katherine was affianced unto him in Saint Peters Church after this the two Kings with their Privie Councellours divers times met and all points of accord were reduced to a certaintie and concluded to which agreement the Kings and all present made faith for the performance and the Duke of Burgogny for his particular made oath as followeth I Philip Duke of Burgoignie for my selfe and my heires upon the holy Evangelists of God sweare to Henry King of England and Regent of France under King Charles that wee shall humbly and faithfully obey King Henry in all things which concerne the Crowne of France and the Common-wealth thereof and after the decease of our now Soveraigne Charles shall remaine faithfull leigemen to the said King Henry and his Successours for ever neither shall we admit or allow of any other Lord or supreme King of France but Henry of England and his heires neither shall wee counsell or consent to any thing that may bee prejudiciall to the said King Henry or his Successours or may bee damagefull to his life or limme but shall with all speed give notice thereof and endevour to prevent it The morrow after Trinitie Sunday being the third of Iune the Marriage with all bef●…ting Ceremonies was solemnized and the King of England named and proclaymed heire and Regent of the Realme of France of this accord and the Articles subsequent the French King sent Copies all over France and King Henry the like to England in these words Henry by the grace of God King of England heire and Regent of France and Lord of Ireland to bee perpetually remembred of all Christians under our obeysance doe notifie and declare that whereas there hath bin divers Treaties betwixt our royall Father King Charles for peace and quiet to bee established betwixt the Realmes of France and England which have proved fruitlesse considering the many detriments thereby fallen not only to those Realmes but the disturbance of holy Church we have now concluded with our said royall Father for removing all distractions and accorded that our said royall Father and his ever to bee honoured Queene Isabell shall be entituled the Father and Mother of us and reverenced and respected in all things as such alliance shall require That the said King Charles shall during life hold and enjoy in peace and tranquillitie his royall Dignitie Crowne and Revenewes of all France And that all Writs Processe and Commissions and such like proceedings shall passe under his Name and Seale as King And that his Queene Isabell in case shee survive him shall keepe her estate and Title and all such rights and revenewes as were formerly enjoyed by Blaunch Queen Dowager to Philip Grandfather to King Charles That Queene Katherine should with all convenient speed bee sufficiently endowed in England with twenty thousand Markes per annum That during the life of Charles King Henry should not assume the Title of King of France and that the French King should write and entitle him our thrice noble Sonne Henry King of England and heire of France That after the death of Charles the Crowne of France would really and entirely remaine to King Henry and his heires for ever That in regard of the inabilitie of King Charles by himselfe to rule and manage the affaires of the kingdome King Henry should bee Regent and governe the ●…ame as to him should seeme expedient for the Kings honour and the commoditie of the Realme and Common-wealth That the estate of Parliament in France should retaine all accustomed priviledges power and authoritie That King Henry should to his power faithfully assist both Peeres and people to regaine all such things as did of right belong unto them and should protect all the preheminences priviledges and possessions of the Crowne of France That King Henry should support the Subjects of France against all forraine enemies and labour the suppression of all intestine debates and civill warres and endevour the increase of the prosperitie and peace of
end of August following In which time the truce began to be forgotten for the French awaiting all occasions of advantage by secret plots and devises had cunningly possessed themselves of divers Castles places of strength justifying their actions and affirming that what was politickly obtained without blows was no infringement of the Truce And afterwards they perfidiously conveyed 200. men at armes into the Castle of Roan presuming to have surprized it but being discouered they were all taken and either executed as traytours or ransomed The Regent knowing these coles would quickly kindle speeds him to his charge and preparation on both sides is made for war wherein he found the Duke of Burgoine lesse forward then he had used to be whereby the Regent found his affection did slacke but would not seeme to take notice thereof The Lord Talbot having payed his ransome commeth to the Regent bringeth with him 700. tryed souldiers They take the field on both sides in warlike manner making shews of encounter but twice together being provoked by the Regent to fight the French slunke away in the darke as not daring to abide the hazard of a battell The Peasants of Normandy pretending to shake off the English yoke which never had beene made insupportable rudely armed themselves and in outragious manner drew towards Cane but having neither power to command nor honesty to obey they were by the Earle of Arundel and the Lord Willoughby encountred and easily overthrowne with the slaughter of 1000. of them the rest were all taken whereof the chiefe Leaders were executed as traytors and the baser sort upon submission and acknowledgement of their errours permitted to depart to their severall homes But the Earle and the Lord Willoughby being now in the field and having intelligence that le Hire had besieged the Castle of Gorbury drew thither with intent to have succoured it but finding themselves too weak they made account to have retired to Beavoys but being descried they were pursued by le Hire who having advantage charged the Earle perceiving no safetie but not to hope of help resolved to win or dye fought valiantly but the Earle is dangerously wounded by the shot of a Culvering which caused the Lord Willoughby to retyre and convey the wounded Earle to Beavoys where within three dayes hee dyed say the Historians but the Harrolds say he dyed and was buried at Lewis in Sussex he married Mawd the Daughter of Sir Robert Lovell and had issue Humphry that succeeded him and Avitie married to Iames Butler Earle of Ormon and Wiltshire After the death of Arundel the Lord Willoughby dispierced his forces to their former garrisons but stayed himselfe there The Duke of Burbon taken at the battell of Agincourt after eighteene yeares imprisonment paying 18000 pounds for his ransome the same day hee was enlarged dyed at London Charles his Son who had married the Sister of the Duke of Burgoyn succeeded his Father Betwixt the two brother-in-lawes an unnaturall jarre was raysed but by the mediation of Mary Dutchesse of Berry they are reconciled by whose labour and industry with the helpe of the Duke of Burbon a reconciliation is likewise wrought betweene the French King and Burgoyne The jealousie between the Regent and the Duke of Burgoyne now was publickly discerned Whereby those that cald to mind the great charge that Henry the Fift gave on his death-bed carefully to retaine that Dukes amity laboured an enterview betwixt them to remove all scruples on either part which was obtained and Saint Omers was the place agreed upon where both Dukes being arrived they both standing too punctually on points of Honour who should give prioritie of visitation the Duke of Bedford as the Sonne Brother and Vncle of a King and Regent of France pretended it dishonourable for him to begin and the other challenging the same as of right belonging to him to have the first place the same being within his own Dominions The wisest in some points are foolish they both departed more discontented then before the haughtinesse of the spirit of the one and the great stomacke of the other being unable to give way to their unruly passions And hereupon the Duke of Burgoyne made choice rather to enter league with him that had murthered his Father then to keepe his oath with the King of England or the bond of love so often plighted with the Regent his friend and Brother-in-law And upon the receipt of a blancke Charter under the French Kings Seale to insert what Conditions of peace hee would hee proved renegado and falsified his faith to England lost his reputation to the world and sold himselfe slave to perpetuall ignomy The Towne of Saint Dennis by the perfidiousnesse of Mathew Gougley was betrayed to the Bastard of Orleance but the Lord Talbot presently beguirt the same with a siege to raise which the bastard Orleance drew great forces together but before their approach the Towne was given up and beatento the ground The inhabitants of Pontoys neverthelesse rebell and thrust out the English garrison whose examples did set the Parisians mindes on worke to tread the same steps but the Regents vigilancie over them hindred their intentions But now began the bright light of Englands glory to be ecclipsed those glorious beames of victory which they formerly had obtained every day more and more to decline The triple twine being cleane untwisted for the thrice renowned wise and circumspect Iohn Regent of France Duke of Bedford Aniou and Alanson Earle of Mayne Harecourt Dreux Richmond and Carlile and Vicount Beamond the Atlas whose shoulders kept the realme of France from sliding from their allegiance sworne to King Henries Father and Sonne upon the fourteenth of September 1435. at Paris exchanged all his glory here for the fruition of a more sempiternall felicitie in another place he was buried at Roan in our Ladies Church Whereat the Nobilitie of Normandy much repined as seeming desirous to have had some place of their owne territories to have been honoured by giving sepulture to so nobly deserving a Patriot unto them Yet such was their levitie that within few yeares after in the Raigne of Lewis the Sonne of Charles they instantly desired to have the Monument erected over him to bee demolished alleaging it was dishonourable to have so arch an enemy to France interred in the Metropolitan Citie of that Province But Lewis answered God forbid I should give way to so dishonourable an act as to molest the quiet of his dead bones that living would if offended have molested all here and it savours of too much basenesse to insult upon a dead Lyon Hee had two wives the first was Anne Sister of the Duke of Burgoyne the second Iaqueline daughter of Peter Earle of Saint Paul but had issue by neither No sooner was his death divulged but infinite alterations followed aswell in England as France Edmond Duke of Somerset as much affecting Soveraigne command underhand laboured to
succeed in the Regency but the Duke of Yorke was appointed the Vncle being preferred before the cousin to the King which made the young duke to endevour what he could to crosse the new Regent in all the designes abroad and to under-value at home whatsoever was never so well atchieved else-where still plotting against him For ambition is a passion that will never suffer a man to sleep without dreaming of revenge or to wake without inventing stratagems to compasse desired ends Paris making sayle whilst the gale blowes turneth Traitour and not only rebelleth but inhumanly abuseth the English within their power and after it had remained 17. yeares in the possession of the English yeelds to the Constable who by composition gave the English leave to depart other Towns tread in the same steps whose course the Normans would have followed but that the Lord Talbot with some other his associats did with great discretion warlike behaviour slaughter some 5000. of the rebellious crew and therby kept the rest in awe Private envy all this time hindred publick good and the emulation betwixt the Dukes of Yorke and Somerset too long delayed the presence and supplyes of the new Regent that in the interim the French grew Citie merchants buying and selling Cities Towns and Forts to whom would give most but the English were no good chapmen would not sell honor to buy treason But now the Regent with 8000. new souldiers arrived at Harflew from thence marcheth to Roan where he won the title not undeservedly of equall holding the skale of justice keeping the ballance so even and upright that the partiall observations of those whom Somerset had placed as spies over his actions could not give intelligence of just cause to calumniate The revolted Duke of Burgoyne pretending title to the Towne of Callice assoone as the spring approacheth with an Army of forty thousand men most of them Artificers and tradesmen whom he easily engaged to the wars by his authority and show of advantage to them to have a Towne so convenient for any Trafficke to be at their disposall passeth over the water at Graveline and there assaults the poore Bastile of Oye mand but with fifty men twelve of them having sold their lives very deere killing ten for one being slaine the residue submitted whom together with the Fortresse the Duke gave to the Gantoys which place they beat downe and hanged nine and twenty of the souldiers and would have done the like to the rest had not the Duke stayed their cruelty The Piccards besieged the Castle of Saint Marke Sir Iohn Gedding being Captaine thereof who having endured two hot assaults and seeing no possibilitie to hold it yeelded upon composition to have their lives and lims saved which Castle was demolished likewise From thence they beguirt Callice with a siege and upon a first approach perswaded themselves to carry it by assault wherof they made three strong ones but they found by their repulses that they reckoned without their host and were well pleased to keepe after within their trenches not daring so much as to attempt to hinder the shipping that every day with provision entred the harbor The Duke of Burgoin sent the Lord Croye to besiege the Castle of Guiesne where hee got little honour and did lesse harme many attempts were made to stop the chanell of the Haven and to build a Bastile to stop the passage of boats but they were prevented in the execution and made fruitlesse In the meane time Penbrocke the Harrold brought a defiance to the Duke of Burgoyne giving him to understand from the Duke of Glocester the Protectour that he would God sending him wind weather either there or in any other place the Duke would appoint in his own Dominions give him battell if hee would but abide it to whom the Duke of Burgoyne answered I shall be sure to stay for him here untill I have my will of this Towne wherewith the Harrold departed the Duke of Burgoyne calleth a Councell and whilst they are debating what is best to be done the Callisians make a sally of horse and foot the foot falling upon the Bastile lately erected to hinder the passage of the river for Boats whilst the horse give the alarm to the Campe the Bastile is carried by force with the slaughter of eight score of the Burgonians and many prisoners with all the Artillery provision carried to Callice from wence issued then fresh forces to favour the retreat of the horse who with the losse of twenty horse and 120 men returned which stroke such an amazement amongst the Burgonian Bores they were incapable of any understanding what to doe and thereupon a faire gale of wind blowing the hearts of the bread and butter fed Flemings were so amated that they presently rumored the approach of the Duke of Yorke and after the rumour was once up the fame increased the number and the certainty of the sight of eight hundred sayle was affirmed so that those that seemed not to be daunted with the newes were suspected to bee traytours to the Duke of Burgoyne the Dutch upbraid the Piccards the French the Gantoys nay the most resolute of the Councell told the Duke of Burgoyne that the stay might give opportunitie to the enemie to beleaguer his Leguer and to set downe betwixt him and FRANCE and then they should bee coopt up and bee charged both before and behind which so did take the Duke of Burgoyne that presently in a fury raging like the Persian that threatned the Tempest and whipt the Sea he sent to the Lord of Croy and both of them that night quit their quarters and in that hast departed that they left a great part of their best Ordnance and all their provision for the reliefe and helpe of the besieged It seemed they had some reason to run for the next day being the seven and twentieth day of Iuly the Duke of Glocaster landed at Callice with five and twenty thousand good fighting men and finding the enemy recoyled forrageth all the Countries adjacent and for the space of sixe weekes harrowed all the parts of Flanders Artoys and Hennalt and so returning by Saint Omers Arde and Guyens comforting his friends and terrifying his enemies with great and rich booty they arrived at Callice But the want of bread whereof they could not be furnished all the way did bring divers diseases amongst the Army whereof more dyed then were slaine upon any Camisado by the enemy for encounter they had none all the way The Duke of Yorke returneth into England to the rescue of Rocksboro Castle defended by Sir Sir Ralph Gray and besieged by the King of Scots with thirty thousand men who having advertisement of the Earle of Northumber lands approach the Dukes safe returne fled with no lesse losse then dishonour and enough of both A truce is desired betwixt England and Burgoyne and obtained the meeting is appointed at
Gravelin wherefore the King came the Bishop of Winchester Iohn Duke of Norfolke with Humphry Earle of Stafford and others For the Duke appeared his Dutchesse the Bishop of Arras and the Lord of Croys where truce for a very small time is concluded on and for lesse kept This yeare was memorable for the death of three great Princesses Katherine Queene of England and Sister to the King of France The old Dowager of Henry the fourth King of England Daughter of the King of Navar and Mother to the Princes of Britaine And the old Countesse of Armanacke Daughter to the Duke of Berry and Mother to the Duke of Savoy which all dyed within eight and fourty houres the one of the other The fury of fighting growing cold Traffick for townes was againe set on foot and Harflew sold For the recovery whereof the Duke of Somerset with the Lord Talbot and a brave company of souldiers beset it both by land and water there being within to defend it Sir Iohn Estontvile and his brother with six hundred men and upward the Earles of Ewe with the Bastards of Orleance and Burbon with foure thousand men came to the reskue but so well were the English entrencht that the French could neither succor their friends nor annoy their enemies and so as they came they returned Whereupon the towne was surrendred upon composition About this time the Dutchesse of Bedford followed Queen Katherines example making election for an Husband of a gallant young Gentleman but of small meanes yet fortunate only enough by being affected one Sir Richard Woodvile whom she took to Husband to the great discontent of her French friends but especially her Vncle the Bishop of Terwine but she cared not who was vext so her selfe was pleased and God not offended who blest her and made her Mother of many children and amongst the rest of the Lady Elizabeth afterwards married to King Edward the fourth Iames King of Scots which before had bin fifteen yeares prisoner in England and from thence released with a Wife a great dower and many honourable presents yet proved ingratefull was murthered by certaine his traiterous subjects in his bed-chamber by night who being found out were cruelly tortured The Duke of Burgoine having attempted the unworthy traffick of bartering for Callice with mony but not able to compasse it being infinitely desirous to bee Master of it when neither force nor fraud could prevaile attempts it by a strange pollicy but of like successe to the former for hee was perswaded by a rediculous practise so to cut a ditch that hee might at his pleasure drowne both the Towne and Countrey about this hee imployed much labour and more cost but this fantasticall fancy of a flood vanished away like his Flemmish army at the siege there of like a vapour The Lord Talbot besieged Tanckervile and hath it after foure moneths lying before it simply rendred unto him In leiw whereof the French King in his owne person layes siege to Monstrew fault Yonne Whilst the Duke of Yorke was providing for the reskue of this Towne hee was discharged of his office by which meanes Sir Thomas Gerrard had the more colour to sell not lose the Towne which the King of France making his owne contract with him bought of him for rewards and preferment both promised but how performed I know not only having sold his honour with his charge hee lived disgraced and discarded in much discontent an exile in France where hee died This yeare is a Parliament holden at Westminster in which were made many good and profitable acts aswell for the preservation of peace at home as for provision to maintaine the warres abroad Arthur Constable of France and Iohn Duke of Alanson besieged the Towne of Auranches whither the Lord Talbot came and offered them battell which they refusing hee marched in despight of them none daring to make resistance into the Towne from whence next morning he sallyed out and having made a greatslaughter amongst them tooke divers prisoners and retreated at pleasure the French being well contented so to bee rid of him The French the next morning were called from the siege pretended for Pautou de Santrelis for the Hire had sent Letters unto them that they had the promise of divers Bourgers of Roan when their watch-night came to let them in they wisht therefore the Constable to meet them at Rize a place within foure leagues of Roane here of the Lord Talbot having notice covertly marcht to Roan and from thence though wearied with a bad journey marcheth before day to Rize where he surprizeth the French taketh the Lord Fontaines Sir Allaine Geron and many other the Hire by the helpe of his horse though not unwounded by him that pursued him escaped and so Talbot returneth to Roan with a faire bootie and full instructions to discover the Traitours who convicted had the reward of their treason The sixtday of November the Earle of Warwicke who seven times having beene abourd and still beat backe by tempestuous and contrary winds landed at Hoinflew with a thousand fresh souldiers came to Roan whither the Duke of Yorke was come downe and from thence returned for England The Duke of Burgoine taking advantage as hee thought of a still water with tenne thousand men besiegeth the Towne of Crotoy to relieve whom the new Regent sent the Lord Talbot with five thousand men whereof the Duke having notice upon their approach retyreth with his power except foure hundred with whom hee had manned a Bastileo by him there erected to Abvile but the Bastilio is soone gained and all the souldiers either taken or slaine The valiant Talbot sent the Duke word that if hee would save his Countrie of Piccardy from vastation that hee should come into the field where hee attended him and would give him if he dared to come battell But the Duke of Burgoine was not in the fighting humour neither loved to bee too neere so cholericke an enemy that would strike if hee might come at him and therefore from Abvile secretly conveyes himselfe to Amiens Twenty dayes together did the Lord Talbot with fire and sword passe thorow Piccardy and Arthoys destroying all that stood in his way and so returneth unencountred Sir Thomas Kiryel seized upon the Dukes Carriages and Ordnance and having left in Crotoy victual enough for six hundred men for a whole yeare hee brought the rest to the Earle of Warwicke who thankfully received them Henry Earle of Mortaine sonne to Edmond Duke of Somerset arrived with three hundred Archers and three hundred Speares and past thorow Normandy to Mayne and tooke in his March by assault the Cattle of Saint Anian wherein were three hundred Scots and French-men the Scots hee slew all and hanged the French-men for that they had sworne fealty to England and broke it hee tooke likewise the Castle of Algarche and by meanes of an Ambush taketh the Lord of Camerois comming
France to peruent the groweth of so rancke a mischiefe sendeth the Dolphine with a puissaunt army who tooke the Earle with his youngest sonne and both his daughters and gained the Countries of Arminack Louergne Rouergue Moulessenoys with the Cities of Seuerac and Cadeack chasing the bastard of Arminack out of the Country by meanes whereof the marriage was then deferd and afterward disanuld The Christian Princes casting their contemplatiue lookes upon the misery of France for the present groning under the three arrowes of Gods vengeance Fire Sword Famine and the danger of England to be embroyled hereafter in the like wherof there were already discerned to many sumeptomes like themselues did by their severall Embassadors labour a peace betweene these two powerfull Kings and prevaile so farre That at a dyet at Tours in Touraine there appeared for the King of England William de-la-poole Earle of Suffolke Doctor Adam Milyes Keeper of the privy seale Sir Robert Rose and others for the King of France Charles Duke of Orleance Lewes Earle of Vendosme Perce de Bresse stuard of Poyton and Bartram Beavar Lord president of Presignry there came Embassadors likewise from the Emperor the Kings of Spaine Denmarke and Hungary to be mediators The assemblies was great and the expences greater every day then other each one striving to exceed the other in entertainment for the honor of their Masters many meetings were had many motions made but as one waue brings on another one quere encreased many doubs no full conclusion is made onely a truce for eighteene moneths is agreed vpon In the meane time the Earle of Suffolk stretching a point of his Commission beyond his direction withoutthe knowledge of his fellow Commissioners plotted a marriage with thekins woman of the French King the King of England in which businesse the Earle of Suffolke was so intentive and made such large vnnecessary proffers that he did not escape the aspertion of being bribed by the King of France to that businesse an enteruiew betwixt the two Kings of England and France is agreed upon without warant of King Heneryes part to be betweene Charters and Roane The Commissioners returne where nothing is forgotten by Suffolke that might illustrate the beauty and lovelinesse of the proposed Bride or the great vtilitie that might redound to both Kingdomes by the consummation of this marriage the King was easily induced to give credence to the relations but diuerse of the Kings Councels especially the Duke of Gloucestor opposed and give reasons against the proceeding first that her discent was not royall not her dignities but barely titular and all her fathers titles but disputable alleaging that Duke Rayner Father of Margarite the much commended Lady was but by himselfe stiled King of Scisill Naples and Ierusalem without any penny profit or foot of possession of any those places Next that his Pouerty was such that he could not subsist without continuall reliefe from his friends wherof his sonne in law must be euer a furtherer then the Duke obtruded the dishonor that would redound to the King if he should forsake the Duke of Arminacks daughter to whom he had in that ceremonious manner beene publirkly affiranced and the dangerous consequence of breach of faith and neglect of the friendship of so potent a neighbour and lastly the vnsufferable losse by the surendring and releasing his Title to the Dutchy of Anions so unadvisedly proffered by the capitulation of the Duke of Suffolke but all this while hee but laboured against prejudice for though it could not bee denyed but that his reasons were undeniable and better then could bee given to the contrary yet they must not have place of beliefe because Suffolkes affirmation and negotiation must not bee undervalued Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington is Created Duke of Exceter Humphry Earle of Stafford Duke of Buchkingham Henry Earle of Warwicke Duke of Warwicke and the Earle of Suffolke Marquesse of Suffolke The new Marquesse honourably accompanied fetcheth the Lady Margaret from FRANCE and shortly afterward she is Married at Southwicke in Hampshire and Crowned Queene of England at Westminster on the thirtieth day of May How advantagious this match was for the Crowne of England may bee gathered when shee brought not a penny portion the charge of comming being defrayd by the Marquesse who had towards the discharge thereof the full Fifteene granted to the King in the late Parliament and in exchange of her Person the Dutchie of Anion the City of Mauns with the whole Countie Mayne and so the best Props of the Dutchy of Normandy are surrendred into the hands of the French but affection is blind and what shall- be shall-bee youth rides in post to be married but in the end findes the Inne of repentance to bee lodged in The Duke of Arminiack in requitall of the King of Englands kind usage of his Daughter is a meanes to expell the English out of the whole Dutchy of Aquitan And it is to bee feared that God was displeased with the match for after the consummation thereof there was a quotidian consumption of the Kings Friends both in his owne Land and Forraine parts intestine warres are kindled at home and rebellion is rise in all parts abroad and which is most grievous of all after the slaughter of many thousands of his Christian subjects the confusion of his Vncles and their Posteritie almost the Deposition of himselfe the inhumane butchery of his Son the Queene must be sent home againe in as much misery and contempt as shee was now received with pompe and acclamations During the time of the truce as well to bee partakers of the jollitie of the Court at this time as to visit their familiars and friends the Regent and chiefe Commanders resort to England and there put the King and Councell in mind to provide a cloake ready though Sunne shone bright lest it should raine Whereupon a Parliament is assembled wherein is especiall provision made for the furnishing of all the Frontier townes but principally the places of Normandy To which end levies of men and money are made and all things usefully-necessary are prepared But a sparcke of fire is fallen amongst the flaxe which though little and unseene at first grew to an unquenchable flame for the Duke of Yorke being at first chosen Regent for five yeares and at the expiration thereof returning was received nec merito with great love and commendation After the death of the Earle of Warwicke who succeeded him in the Regency hee againe as a man well-deserving the place is sent over with the like Authority and instructions for other five yeares but Somerset which envied the Duke of Yorkes first advancement and still was full of peccant humours against his continuance of that place so undermined Yorke that by the meanes of the new Marquesse whose favour from the King and Queene now was beyond mediocrity and into whose more inward familiaritie Somerset was now
two wives Anne daughter of Edmond Earle of Stafford by whom he had issue Henry that succeede in the Dukedome his second wife was Anne daughter to Iohn Mountacute Earle of Salisbury by her he had issue a daughter Anne married to the heire of Westermerland Iohn Nevill by whom she had no issue Then she was married to Thomas Nevill brother of Ralph the father of her first husband by whom she had issue Ralph the third house of Westmerland and her third husband was Iames Earle Dowglasse by whom she had no issue Before the time of truce was expired the divell cast a bone by meanes of an overforward Curre that set all on snarling For Sir Francis Suryens and Araganois thought worthy to be admitted into the honourable societie of the Garter taking advantage of the securitie the French Garrisons did sleepe in sodainely upon our Lady day eve in Lent at night surprised a Frontier Towne belonging to the Duke of Brittaine called Fougeirs ransaking it killing the inhabitants and caried away all the spoyle the Duke advertiseth the French King lying at R●…unes thereof who by his Embassadors complaine both to the King of England and the regent Somerset the fault is all layd upon the Aroganoys who did it without warrant or wit the King or Councell nether advising or approving what was done neverthelesse for restitution or satisfaction a meeting is appointed at Lanveirs where the Commissioners treat of the businesse But whilst they talke of this newes are brought to the regent That the French by a stratagem of a Carter that with a load of hay comming over the draw-bridge caused the axeltree to breake and whilst the porter was ready to helpe the Carter the Porters braines were beaten out and the Towne of Ardes surprised and the Lord Fauconbridge Captaine thereof taken prisoner restitution is demanded by the English they are answered with their owne language what was done was neither by the privitie or porcurement of the French King or any of his Councell so they hold fast on both sides their ill gotten bargaines and from thence forward the truce on both side is broken all things grow worse and worse The French King assembleth a mightie army and dividing it into three parts imployeth every one in a severall quarter who according to direction get possession of Louviers Gerbury and Vernuele all which by composition attended twenty dayes to be reskued but none came This warre is begun before the terme of truce expired the English gave the first occasion and are payed with their owne coyne whilst the new Regent which like the sonnes of Zebede presumed of more abilities then he had knowes not where to begin nor what to say or doe makes ready to recken the Townes lost but newes is brought of a conspiracie against him in the same Towne he goes about to suppresse that whilst the enemie is at another towne ready to carry it without speedy succor whereupon he giues Command to such troopes to march as he thinks fit but they in steed of putting his Command in execution expostulate the reason of such directions then calls he to Councell but there is more time spent in chiding and finding fault then in debating for the amending of what is out of square whereby his proceedings as it were make a parenthesis to a discourse betweene the good government of the Duke of Yorke and the bad event of the murthered Duke of Gloucester Thus perplexed the regent in a desperate case complaines of want of Councellors talkes much to no purpose does many things to as little proofe or profit so having tir'd himselfe to no end retires himselfe to his Chamber and there with more deliberation then discretion debates with himselfe what is best to be done The Cocks now begin to ctow upon their dunghill which but a while before were cowed by the English if staying or Cravend by themselves if they fell a running Constance Guisard Gahard Pontean sa meare S. Loe Festampo Newcastle Tongue Moleor Argenton Lisseux and some other peices in Normandy are reduced to the Crowne of France Maulisson in Guyen upon notice of their defections arme against their Garrison and set open the gates to the Earle of Foys who enters and taketh it This is seconded by the Citizens of Roan who vexed the regent and the Earle of Shrousbury more within then the French army abroad and enforced them to make composition to have liberty with bag and baggage to march to Cane and to procure by a certaine day divers adiacent strong peices to be surrendred unto the French and untill the same were delivered the Earle of Shrousbury and the Lord Butler the heire to the Earle of Ormond to remaine pledges who were sent to be safely kept in the Castle of Eureux Succors are sent for into England but an unexpected occasion diverted the passage of them for the necessitie of present meanes to suppresse an insurrection made by rebells in Ireland for the effecting whereof the Duke of Yorke is with an army sent thither where he so behaved himselfe that he not only suppressed the insurrection but purchased the good will and affection of the Irish nation firme to him and his for ever after The Frenchmen now throughly flesht assault Harflew but are by Sir Robert Curson for along time valiantly repelled but in the end fearing to be forced he makes composition to depart with body and goods Fougers and Sir Iames de Benron are likewise received by the Duke of Britaine A fresh supply of fifteene hundred men under the conduct of Sir Thomas Kiryell are sent over who did as much as with so small an handfull could be expected taking in some Townes but marching with the rest of the army towards Bauguenx at a place called Formigney he was encountred by the Earle of Cleremont and seven thousand French and Scots at first the French were driven to recoyle and lost two peeces of their ordnance but the Constable of France with foure hundred men at armes and eight hundred archers came to the reskew and being fresh so beat upon the tyred English that they with the losse of three thousand seven hundred threescore and thirteene besides divers prisoners gave proofe that it was not altogether unpossible but that the English might be overcome which hitherto in France for many yeares they never had been Sir Thomas Vere and Captaine Goughe escaped to Roven The French King with an army royall besiegeth Cane which is bravely defended till the Dutches importuneth her husband to take pitie of her and his children to give over the Towne her entreaties his childrens teares so far prevaile that he moves the surrender to Sir David Hall whowas there in right of his Master the Duke of Yorke owner of Cane who knowing that there was no great Correspondency betwixt the Duke of Somerset and his Colonel boldly told the Duke that he had the charge of that Citie delivered to
they fled which ever since hath beene called Loose Coate field in this place were slaine of the Earles part ten thousand and odde of the Kings side thirteen hundred but no man of marke Sir Robert Wells with all the prisoners then taken were there presently executed Sir Robert beheaded the other hanged which were threescore seven The report of this disaster turnes Clarence and his father in Law to Exceter from whence having dismist their army they fled to Dartmouth from thence they shipped to Callis having their Ladyes and divers Gentlewomen in their Company intending there to goe on shore but their expectation was frustrated for whilst he was about to land he was saluted with a great shot from the platforme which assured them there was no going on shoare there without apparant danger whereupon the Earle by messenger entreated Mounseir Vocleer the Earles Deputie leiftenant there But to give way to the Ladyes to land the Dutchesse of Clarence being then in travaile which Vocleer uncourteously refused and like the hedghog kept his Captaine out of his owne lodging not doing or permitting to be done any the least office of humanitie but denying the sicke and tender Ladies all courtesie and comfort wherefore the Earle was enforced to put againe to Sea Whilst King Edward for this so discourteous usage of the Earle sent the ungratefull Gascoyne a patent of the Captaines place of Callice under the great Seale of England And the Duke of Burgoyne gave him an annuitie of one hundred pounds per annum during life Notwithstanding Warwick being at Sea received intelligence from Vocleer whom it seemes did love the Earle in the second place but himselfe in the first That the Duke of Burgoine plotted his destruction whereupon the Earle kept the Seas and tooke all the Burgonians he cold meet making prize of their ladings wherewith he landed in France and from Deepe by the French Kings solemn invitation he went to the Castle of Amboyes where the King then kept his Court. And there the Ladies wants are supplied and honorable welcome and liberall entertainment given to the Earle and all his company The newes of the Earle of Warwickes being at the French Kings Court drew thither Queene Margaret and her sonne Edward with Iasper late Earle of Pembrock for this Iasper having beene attainted of treason William Lord Harbert was created Earle of Pembrook but being slaine William his sonne succeeded in the Earledome This Iasper and others with him who were lately broke out of prison in England and fled thither joyne in confederation with the Earle of Warwick and a solemn oath passeth betwixt the Duke of Clarence the Earles of Warwicke Oxford and Iasper of Pembrook never to deserte one the other during life nor desist to the uttermost of their best abilities to procure the releasment of King Henry and his restoration to the Crowne of England and to give the better Countenance to this confederation Prince Edward is married to the Earle of Warwicks daughter But therein the Earle of Warwick sitting in his ownlight overshot himselfe and by overdoing in policy to strengthen his part both himselfe and partakers are undon The water intended to drive the Mill being drawne to drowne the same for the Duke of Clarence after he had taken into his owne more serious consideration the purposed end of this match he easily perceived that that being seconded with the intended prosecution of the warres against King Edward would if succesfull prove the utter overthrow of his Brothers and the finall extirpation of the house of Yorke From hence arose and not without just ground the Dukes distrust of his owne fortunes For the prevention of which mischiefe hee inwardly became lesse forward to the businesse and began to cast about how to come fairely off from his Father-in-law propinquitie of blood proving a stronger incentive to affection then contracted affinitie though never so much combined with solemne promises and overt protestations From henceforth underhand he gives perfect intelligence to King Edward of all proceedings against him and withall assures him that he was resolved upon his comming into England to play the part of a loving Brother and as hee did now in heart decline the confederation so he would then cleane desert their cause herewith when King Edward acquainted his Brother the Duke of Yorke hee said hee alwayes thought as much for hee that at one time had turned Traitour to his Soveraigne would at another prove trecherous to his friend but wee may saith he presume better hereafter of our Brother The French King having furnished the new Confederates with men money and amunition and with necessary shipping They all went aborde and falling downe to the mouth of the river of Seyne they descried the Burgonians with a strong fleet prepared to interrupt their sayling forth Whereupon the Lords strike sayle and call to Councell But during their time of such consultation a strong Southwest wind comes from land with a terrible tempest of raine by fury whereof the Burgonian Fleet was driven to Sea and severed many of them being driven on ground in Scotland The storme being ceased having set the Queene and Prince with his Wife on shore Warwicke with his Complices hoise sayle and with a merry gale arrive safely at Dartmouth from whence hee gave notice to his partakers of his arrivall King Edward presuming of the strength of the Burgonian Fleet and their watchfulnesse had omitted preparation either to impeach his Adversaries landing or to affront them being landed by meanes whereof the Lords land at ease and having a cleere passage march forward in good array making Proclamation in every place where they come in King Henryes name to command all his loving subjects to bee ready both with purse and person to give him assistance against the Duke of Yorke who like a tyrant and an usurper withheld from him his Crowne and Patrimony by this meanes in few dayes his Army greatly encreased wherewith in good order and by easie marches keeping his men alwayes in action by exercising them and fitting them to their weapons hee made towards London upon notice of whose approach on the Sunday next after Michaelmasse day one Doctor Goddard a Chaplaine of the Earle of Warwicke appointed to preach at Pauls Crosse did so set forth the pious intention of the Earle his Master that endevoured the restoring of a wronged King to his liberty and Dominion and to free the kingdome from an Vsurper that his pithy perswasions prevailed so farre with his Auditory that none reproved him for his boldnesse but so approved of his Sermon that divers put their ghostly Fathers advice in practice insomuch that the Marquesse Mountacute who had as was pretended on King Edwards behalfe levied sixe thousand men about London found them all enclinable to goe with him to the Earle of Warwicke and accordingly went and joyned with him so suddenly and easily will the vulgar bee seduced This
where advised thereto by his Councell hee sent great Warwickes Brother the Archbishop of Yorke to bee kept prisoner in the Castle of Guisnes and the Earle of Oxford who had submitted himselfe upon pardon of life only to the Castle of Hams and layed all the Ports for the stopping of the Earle of Penbrookes going out of England which hee neverthelesse afterwards did with the young Earle of Richmond King Edward much displeased with the escape of the Earle of Penbrooke but more of that of Richmond by how-much the one could but abet the other might lay claime sent his Letters over to the Duke of Britaine whither those two Earles had found meanes to convey themselves and were in Britanny by him kindly entertained intimating therein his earnest desire either to have them sent over to him or at least watchfully kept from attempting any thing which he had iust causte to suspect they would to his prejudice by their being at liberty with many promises of thankfull respect for this courtesie if granted and for an earnest thereof sent him a token worthy the receiving which so prevailed with the Duke that the two Earles were debard each others company and all their English attendants taken from them and Britons appointed in their places which somewhat satisfied the King of England but gave no content to the English Gentlemen in France A Parliament is called at Westminster wherein all acts formerly made by him are confirmed And those that King Henry after his redemption of the Crowne had abrogated were revived And an ordinance made for the confiscation of all their lands and goods that had taken part against him and were fled with a restauration of all such as for his part had beene attainted both to blood and patrimony Towards his charges in this Parliament a competent summe of mony is voluntarilie given and in respect thereof a generall pardon is granted The Duke of Burgoyne not willing that his courtesies formerly done to his brother in law should be thought upon and willing to ingulph him in the warres of France That he in the meane time might have the better opportunitie to worke some malicious stratagem against the French king sends over Embassadors with ample instructions to solicit the King of England to set on foot his title to the Crowne of France making great offers with protestations to ayd and assist him therein both with purse and person The Embassadors have audience and after much debating the poynt amongst the privy Councell it was thus amongst them concluded 1 That the Crowne of France was not ambitiously affected But the title thereof legally Challenged as the unquestionable right of the now King of England 2 That the French warres if orderly pursued alwayes enriched English Souldiers 3 That France being made the seat of the war it would keepe them from making invasion on England and hinder them from supporting any against the King of England 4 That the French King had in an unsufferable fashion given an affront to the King of England in ayding and abetting Queene Margaret and her trayterous complices against him and prohibiting any his true subiects to reside within his territories And in continually sending combustible stuffe to feed the fire of rebellion which had so disquieted the common-wealth of England 5 That the King of France infested the Duke of Burgonies Countries with warres who was a friend and Collegue with the King of England and one that was in league with him both offensive and defensive Therefore this proposition from the Duke of Burgoin to vndertake the warres against France was to be approved of as being both lawfull and behoofefull for the honour of the King and the good of the Kingdome But the meanes how to pursue the warre being once undertaken was an other cause considerable For treasure the sinewes of warre was wanting and to procure a supply by Parliamentary courses would take up too much time They were therefore driven to find out and set on foote a proiect till then unheard of which was to draw by way of benevolence from the subject a seeming voluntary howsoever often very unwillingly payed contribution Thereby to supply the want of mony for the pursuance of these warres To this end divers Commissioners are assigned with letters to the knights and Gentlemen and severall instructions are sent into every County who did therein so effectually Comply themselues to doe the King service that by their perwasions most men of abilitie did enlarge their contributions to this so faire an enterprise and readily departed with their mony And a Kings kys to a sparing and therefore a rich widdow amongst many others drawne in by Court holy water to make oblation brought in twenty pounds more then was demanded for that being but twenty she gave forty It is almost a matter of admiration in these dayes how in those dayes The King could out of this little Island be furnished with able men for his warres old men women and children with sufficient meate to put in their mouthes the Cleargy and Schollers with competent maintenance and the markets with necessary provision considering the infinite number of those in the late Civill broyles slaughtered the paucitie of Ploughmen and husbandmen the want of farmers and the indigency of Cattell wherewith to stocke their farmes infinite quantities of ground lying unmanurde or tilled and the pastures and downes without sheepe or Cattell The generall spoyle and wastment which the Souldiers wheresoever they came and that was almost every where in this kingdome made and the generall ceasing and neglect of commerce or trafficke the shipping not daring to stir abroad the danger being so great to be robbed and spoyled either by hombred pirates or forraine foes yet such was Gods great mercies that every one of these respectively were supplied and did subsist without any notable defect or extraordinary want Henry Holland Duke of Exceter and Earle of Huntington dishinherited by act of Parliament with Henry Duke of Somerset and Thomas Earle of Devonshire in the fourth yeere of King Edward the fourth was this yeare found dead stript naked betwixt Dover and Callice but how hee came by his death no inquiry could bring to light he married Anne daughter of Richard Duke of Yorke and sister to Edward the fourth but had no issue by her she was after married to Sir Thomas Saytleoger and had issue by him a daughter to George Mannors Lord Rosse of H●…mlack Provision for this French expedition of all things necessary being throughly made aad order taken for the quiet government of the kingdome in his absence and the stop of incursiones if any should by the Scots be made King Edward with an army of fifteene hundred men at armes and all of the nobility and Gentry gallantly mounted and wel attended with fifteene thousand archers on horsebacke eight thousand common souldiers whereof five thousand were sent to Brittaine and three thousand pioners to attend the ordnance and
besieged 1422. A Parliament in the Kings absence called The birth of Henry the sixt The Dolphin besieged Cosney An. 1422. R. 9. King Henry dieth The Duke of Bedford made Generall of Normandy The Duke of Glocester Protector Ann. 1422 R. 1. The Dolphin proclaimed King Pont Melon surprized by the French An. 1422. R. 3. Reduced by the Earle of Salisbury The league renewed with Burgoine A conspiracy at Paris Preventtd and punished The French defeated Ann. 1422 R. 2. The King of Scots marieth the Duke of Somersets Daughter Crotoy lost and recovered The English are victorious at Vernoyle 1424. The reduction of Vernoyle An. 14. 24. R. 3. The French frighted with the name of Salisbury A jarre betwixt the brothers in England drawes the Regent into Ergland The young King knighted The Regent returnes to France Burgoyne by letter disswades Glocester from his new wife The name of Salisbury a bugbeare to the French 1426. Ponterson taken by the English Mounts retaken 1427. An. 1427. R. 6. The pollicy of the French The death of Salisbury the downfall of the English good fortune Both wind Sun against the English The French every where revolt The Regent defies the French King The Armies on both sides in array An. 1428. R. 7. 1429. Henry the sixt Crowned The constancy of the Lord Barbason Ann. 1429 Reg. 8. Charles attempts Paris But disappointed retreats The Regent desirous to cope with King Charles An. 1430. R. 9. The Earle of Britaine defeated 1430. The Pusil Ioane taken Proceeded against Burned King Henry in person goeth into France King Henry returnes for England after a Truce concluded The Regent having buried the sister of Burgoyne marrieth a second wife An. 1432. R. 11. The Peasants in Normandy rebell The Duke of Burbon receiveth liberty of body out of prison and losse of life all in one day At St. Omers the Dukes of Bedford and Burgoyne meet and depart without conference 1435. The death of the Regent Emulation betwixt the Vncle and Nephew thwart the businesse in France Ann. 1435 R. 12. Callice besieged by the Duke of Burgoyne The Duke of Burgoyne retreats from Callice An. 1437. R. 13. 1437. The death of three great Ladyes The King of Scots murthered Ann. 1439 R. 14. A Parliament at Westminster Roan attempted but with losse to the French An. 1437. R. 16. Ann. 1437 Reg. 15. The Lord Talbot harroweth Piccardy 1438. Famine in England Pestilence in Paris 1439. An. 1439. R. 18. Ponthoys taken by the English Ponthoys succoured The French King braved by the Regent but is patient Treaty for a peace Ann. 1441 Reg. 20. The Duke of Orleance released The Earle of Saint Paul forsaketh the English An. 1442. R. 20. The Castle of Cornhill surprized by a stratagem Vnnaturall dissention betwixt brothers An. 1442. R. 21. Ann. 1442 Reg. 21. King Henry betrothed to the Earle of Arminacks Daughter An. R. 22. A truce agreed upon The Earle of Suffolk transends his Commission An. 1444. R. 22. 23. King Henry marrieth Duke Rayners Daughter 1444. The Regent comes for England An. 1416. R. 24. Glocesiers destruction plotted 1448. The Cardinal of Winchester dies William Wanfleet consecrated Bishop of Winchester An. 1430. R. 26. The truce broken by the English Ardes surprised An. 1449. R. 27. The Duke of Yorke sent into Ireland The English overthrowne An overbold but true language An. 1450. R. 27. Suffolke traduced The Parliament adjourned from Black-fryers to Lecester and then to Westminster Suffolke committed to the Tower A Parliament summoned Mortymer incites the many to insurrection The grievances of the Commons tendred to the Parliament Captaine Mend-all his private petition The two Staffords defeated and slaine The forme of Iacke Cades Warrant The captaine of the rebells slaine The Bishop of Salisbury murthered An. 1452. R. 29. A Parliament The Duke of Yorkes policy to cloake his intention Yorke raiseth forces in Wales The King sends to the Duke of Yorke Yorks answer Yorke dismisseth his army Yorke takes the oath of allegiance Burdeux is reduced Shrowsbury with his fourth sonne and his naturall brother slain at Chattillon 1453. Ann. 1453 R. 30. The Queene delivered of a Sonne Norman the first Lord Maior that went by water to Westminster to take his oath The Queenes Attourney with others slaine in a fray The Duke of Yorke writeth to the King Ann. 1454 R. 33. First battell at St. Albones The Duke of Somerset slaine 1455. Ann. 1455 Reg. 33. The Duke of Yorke conveyeth the K. to London Yorke made Protector of the King The Merchant strangers rifled An invasion attempted by the French Sandwich plundered The Scots make an inroad The Sheriffs of London in trouble for the escape of the Lord Egrimond Ann. 1455 Reg. 33. The Duke of Yorke with the Earles of Salisbury and Warwick betake themselves to their severall strengths The General agreement amongst the Nobilitie by the mediation of the King An. 1449 Strange apparitions An. 1459. R. 34. Sonne against father 1459. Subjects against Soveraigns Father against Sonne A fray An. 1458. R. 34. Three great Carricks taken worth 10000. 2. Battailes fought The Lord Audley slaine The Duke of Yorke flyeth An. 1428. R. 38. A Parliament The Earle of Warwicke with 25000. men taketh the field 3. Battell at Northampton Warwicke possest of the Tower An. 1459. R. 39. The Duke of Yorke puts in claime The Duke of Yorke to be proclaimed heire to the Crowne and Protector 4. Battell at Wakefield Young Rutland butchered The Earle of Salisbury beheaded Ann. 1458 R. 34. 1461. Fift battell at Mortimers crosse Sixt battel second at Saint Albones The Lord Bonvile and Thomas Kiryell beheaded by the Queene contrary to the Kings promise 30. Knights made Prince Edward dubbed Knight The Families of Yorke and Lancaster distinguished by the red Rose and white The Archbishop of Canterbury animated the Duke of Yorke to take upon him the Crowne Ann. 1460 Reg. 1. The Dukes title to the Crowne double An. 1460. R. 2. Edward leaveth London Lord Fitzwalter slaine at Ferry-brig 1461. The Lord Clifford slaine Ann. 1461 Reg. 2. The Earle of Northumberland with 36776. English slaine at Caxton field Edward the 4. Crowned An. 1461. R. 24. An. 1462 R. 2. An. 1642. R. 2. Conquet and Ree taken and pillaged by the Earles of Essex and Kent Sir Ralph Piercy slaine The Earle of Somerset taken prisoner An. 1464 R. 3. King Henry brought prisoner to the Tower The Earle of Warwick sent into France An. 1466 R. 6. Of Thomas Lord Scales of Nucells An. 1466 R. 9. The Lord Stafford forsakes Pembrooke Sir Hen Nevil slaine Ann. 1469 R. 9. King Edward taken prisoner King Edward escapes An. 1470 R. 10. The Lord Wells and Sir Thomas Dymock beheaded Ann. 1470 R. 10. Loose Coatefield Warwick entertained by the French King Visited by Queene Margaret Ioyne inconfederacy against King Edward Prince Edward married to his daughter The Burgonian Fleet dispersed Doctor Goddards Sermon at Pauls crosse King Edward enforced to forsake the land King Edward in danger of Pirates King Edward craveth succour of the Duke of Burgoyne Queene Elizabeth taketh Sanctuary at Westminster Rebells of Kent suppressed by Warwicke King Henry set at libertie A Parliament The Crowne entayled upon Clarence The Queene delivered of a Sonne An. 1471. R. 11. King Edward is admitted into Yorke An. 1471. R. 11. Warwicke entrencheth at Coventry King Edward entreth London An. 1471. R. 10. Warwicke slaine An. 1472 R. 11. Marquesse Mountacute Queene Margaret taken prisoner Prince Edw. slaughtered King Henry murdered Ann. 1472 R. 12. An. 1473. R. 13. A Kings kys to a rich widdow procured 40. where but 20. was expected An. 1474. R. 14. The Duke of Exceter found dead Ann. 1474 R. 4. King Edward writes to the French King * 300. crowns in gold and 30. yards of red velvet The duke of Burgoyn excuseth his breach of promise The Constable repromiseth ayd An. 1474 R. 14. Burgoyne departeth promising speedy returne The policy of the French King King Edward sends an Herald of armes to Lewis * S. Leoger Burgoyne retornes displeased The French Kingliberally rewardeth the good carriage of the English The manner of the internew of the 2 Kings King Edward could not be drawne from ayding the Duke of Brittayne A. 1475. R. 15. King Edward attempteth by a colourable pretence to procure Richmands person to be delivered to him Delivered to the Embassadors Escapeth into Sanctuary An. 1477. R. 17. Clarence drowned An. 1480. R. 22. An. 1483. R. 23. An. 1483. An. 1483. R. 1. An. 1484. R. 1. An. 1484. R. 2. Humphry Duke of Buckirgham slain at St. Albones 1455. Humphry slain at Northampton 38. H. 6. 1460. An. 1484 An. 1484 R. 1. An. 1484. Reg. 2. Richmonds ex hertation Battaile 1. Anno 1455. Dukes 1. Earles 3. Lords 1. Knights 11. Esquires 18. 5641. Battaile 2. Anno 1459. Lord 1. Knights 7. 2411. Knight 1. Battaile 3. Anno 1459. Duke 1. Earle 1. Lord 1. Viscount 1. Knight 1. Lord 1. Battaile 4. Anno 1469. Duke 1. Earles 2. Knights 8. Battaile 5. Anno 1491. Knight 1. Battaile 6. Lord 1. Knights 3. Battaile 7. Anno 1491. Earles 4. Lords 9. Knights 22. 37046. Battaile 7. Anno 1463. Knight 1. 107. Anno 1464. Duke 1. Lords 3. Knights 20. 2024. Battaile 8. Anno 1469. 5009. Earles 3. Lords 3. Knights 11. Battaile 9. Anno 1470. Knights 〈◊〉 10000. Battaile 10. Anno 1471. Earle 1. Marquesse 1. Lords 3. Knights 2. 10000. Battaile 11. Anno praedict A Prince Dukes 2. A Marquesse A Lord Prior An Earle A Baron Knights 20. Esquires 37. 1092. Battaile 12. Anno 1485. King 100. Duke 1. Lord 1. Knights 3. * Knights eldest Sonnes * Of coat-armour and Ancestry
A CONTINVATION OF THE COLLECTION OF THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND BEGINNING WHERE SAMVEL DANIELL Esquire ended WITH THE RAIGNE OF EDVVARD the third and ending where the honourable Vicount Saint ALBONES began With the life of Henry the seventh being a compleat History of the beginning and end of the dissention betwixt the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster With the Matches and issue of all the Kings Princes Dukes Marquesses Earles and Vicounts of this Nation deceased during those times By I. T. Sequitur non passibus aequis Ascanius Virgil. LONDON Printed by M. D. for Ephraim Dawson and are to bee sold in Fleet-street at the signe of the Rainebowe neere the inner Temple-gate 1636. TO THE HONORABLE REVEREND AND RIGHT Worshipfull Sir IOHN BRAMSTON Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of his Maiesties Bench Sir WILLIAM IONES Sir GEORGE CROOKE Sir ROBERT BARCKLEY Knights the Learned Iudges of that Court. LIcence mee I humbly beseech your Reverend fatherhoods with the contrite penitent Ingeniously to acknowledge my Errour which is over-much presumption in undertaking more in publishing but most in thus presenting this my Collection But withall to appeale from the barre of Rigor to the borde of favour and thereat to obtaine this extenuation of censure That being it was begun with a good intent prosecuted to a seeming good end and is now in all befitting humblenesse presented to procure protection that I may passe without publicke reprehension And sithence words and writing are not reall according as they are spoke or writ but as they are appoved by others Let your noble dispositions but make a favourable exposition of what is done And then I am confident I shall untoucht passe the pikes of scorne and reproofe In earnest expectation whereof humble and hearty prayers to God the giver of all good gifts for our long lives in health and hearts ease here and sempiternall happinesse hereafter shall not want daily to bee powred out by him that hourely rests Your Lordships reallest in all service and duty IOHN TRVSSELL To the Courteous Reader MY naturall propension to the reading of History was the occasion that I left no Chronicle of this land that purse or prayer could purchase or procure unperused whereby I found that verified that Prince Henry now with God complained of which was that of all Nations the English were most blame-worthy That being inferiour to none for praise-worthy atchievements yet were surpassed by all and leaving the memory of those their praise worthy actions to posteritie This I tooke to heart but every way unable to remedy it I rested silent untill of late it came into my mind That that part of the History of great Britaine which was most intricate and troublesome which was the beginning of that Story was happily begun and as ingeniously followed by that every way well deserving Gentleman Samuel Daniel And therby all those rubbes and blancks which the deluge of time had raised and left on the plat-forme were made smooth or taken away and that Vicount Saint Albones had so sufficiently perfected that of all other the most doubtfull if not dangerous peece of Pater times to bee undertaken the happy Conjunction of the so long severed Houses of Yorke and Lancaster and that many others reverend and judicious men had by way of Annuals pursued the History unto the blessed Vniting of the two neighbour but long before divided Kingdomes of England and Scotland so that now there wanted nothing to make the History compleat for so much as was requisite untill that time but only the passages from Richard the second to the period of Richard the third a great part whereof was-likewise accurately done by Sir Iohn Heywood and Sir Thomas More so that now with little labour that gap might easily be filled up and the History made Whereupon I have adventured to adde my peece of ordinary valure to those rich remnants of three pild Velvet by enterviewing the times of Richard the second Henry the fourth Henry the fift Henry the sixt Edward the fourth Edward the fift and the Vsurper Richard the third Wherein though I prove but a botcher yet as the old saying is better a course clout then a hole out And to cleere my selfe though not à toto yet à tanto from that aspersion that happily might bee cast upon my endevours that howsoever not ignorant of my owne manifold imperfections yet like blind bayard I should over-boldly venture to tread in that Maze which ought not to have beene undertaken but by a more able body and a more active braine and thereby have forgetfully brought my selfe within the number of those over-forward Writers which Doctor Heywood in his Epistle Dedicatorie to his first three Norman Kings affirmeth hath sullied the beautie of the English History Give mee leave gentle Reader I beseech thee as before I have yeelded the reason that incited mee to the undertaking of this worke so to give thee an account of my proceeding therein First I have forborne to assume unto my selfe the libertie of an Historian to obtrude upon thee any thing of my owne invention quia malui aliena imprudenter dicere quàm propria impudenter ingerere And for that History is or ought to bee a perfect register of things formerly done truely ot at least warrantable by probabilitie I have pro posse meo examined though not all yet without touch of Arrogance I may speake it the most and best that have written of those times and culling out the truth as neere as I could gather it like an Eccho Voces quas accepi fidelissimè reddidi Secondly I have pared off these superfluous exuberances which like Wennes upon a beautifull face disgrace the otherwise gracefull comlinesse of the countenance I meane 1. Matters of Ceremony as Coronations Christenings Marriages Funeralls solemne Feasts and such like 2. Matters of Triumph as Tiltings Maskings Barriers Pageants Gallefoists and the like 3. Matters of Noveltie as great inundations sudden rising and falling of prizes of Corne strange Monsters Iustice done on petty offenders and such like executions with which the Cacoethes of the Writers of those times have mingled matters of state And lastly I have inserted the matches and issue of all above the degree of a Baron that have ended their dayes during those times with the number of slaine during the division of the two Roses which how farre it may conduce to the better understanding of the History I leave to thy capacitie and my selfe to thy courtesie and expecting a favourable censure rest thine IOHN TRVSSELL April 24. 1635. Perlegi hoc Opus Hystoricum duobus voluminibus comprehensum cui titulus A Continuation of the Collection of the History of England c. quod quidem in toto continet folia 418. aut circiter in quibus nihil reperio sanae doctrinae aut bonis moribus contrarium quo minùs cum utilitate publica imprimi possit Sub ea tamen conditione ut si non intra triennium typis mandetur
the Archbishop of Yorke ro greater grace and familiaritie then before These Triumvirs incence the King agalnst the Nobles that wore best deserving partly upon disgraces desertfully done unto them partly upon malitious emulation to see others so generally beloved except of the King and themselves so contemptible And that their private spleene might carry some shew of publike respect they suggested to the King hee was but halfe yea not halfe a King For sayd they if wee respect matters of State you beare the sword but they sway it you have the show but they the authority of a Prince using your name as a colourable pretext to their proceedings and your Person as a cipher to make their number the greater by the addition thereof without which they could be nothing neither are you any thing more by being so placed Looke you to the duties of your Subjects and you shall finde it is at their devotion for you cannot command nor demand but with such limitations and exceptions as they please to propose And for your privat actions your bounty the most to bee observed good vertue in a Prince is restrayned your expences measured and your affections confined to frowne and favour as they shall please to prescribe you what Ward is so much under government of his Guardian Wherein will they or can they more abridge you Except they should take from you the place as they have done the power of a Prince And in this we thinke they may justly bee feared having so great might and meanes to give wings to ambitious mindes Power is never safe when it doth exceed Ambition is like the Crocodile growing as long as it liveth or like the Ivie which rising at the foot will overpeere the highest wall it is already growne from at sparke to a flame and more then time it is such increase were stayed For such over-ruling Princes presage their overthrowing and such cutting them short hath turned to cutting them off their mindes are suspitious their power dangerous and therefore the opportunitie must warily be prevented The Kings youth and weakenesse made him apprehensive and framed his minde to a full but needlesse feare hee was much moved with the removall of his Chancellor and Treasurer out of their offices and the Duke of Ireland out of the Realme supposing it a restraint to his regall authoritie not to have absolute power in all things to give and forgive at his pleasure when these privy incensers perceived the Kings honour once sharpned they so plyed him with plausible perswasions that though naturally hee was of no cruell disposition yet they drew him to many violent and indirect courses partly upon negligence to search out the truth partly upon delight to bee flattered neither did they long deferre their stratagems At first it was plotted that the Duke of Gloucester and certaine others of that part should bee invited to supper in London and there made away Sir Nicholas Brember who had beene late Maior of the Citie whose abundance of wealth supplied the want of honest qualities in him was a busie agent in that butcherly businesse But Richard Exon then Maior discovered the plot and thereof warned the Duke to avoid the present perill and afterwards to bee wary of the like Richard Earle of Arundle and Thomas Earle of Nottingham commanded at Sea the Kings fleet and tooke an hundred sayle of the enemies shippes well fraught with Wines and well appointed for fight they also relieved and fortified Brest and demolished two Forts the enemies had placed against it The Earles in this service for their valour and curtesie got great reputation and their actions did by so much appeare the more honorary by how much the infortunate insufficiency of other Generalls before by whose either rashnesse or cowardise or both many souldiers had beene defeated and every yeare had beene famous before for one losse or other At their returne the King more inclinable to revenge displeasure then reward desert for it is troublesome to bee gratefull but revenge is pleasant and preferred before gaine entertained them with strangenesse of speech and by his countenance seemed hee was ill pleased for that they had deserved so well About this time the Duke of Ireland repudiated his wife whose mother Isabel was daughter to Edward the third and tooke in her place a Vintners daughter a Bohemian The King little regarded this indignitie done unto his Cousin german though by her often petitioned for redresse And in this so great confusion of State let it passe unreproved as obscured with greater vices But Gloucester her Vncle tooke it in disdaine as an indignitie offered to the blood royall and intended revenge and so much did intimate to the Duke of Ireland who plotted under hand the destruction of Gloucester the one openly and manlike persecuted his enmitie but the other cowardly and covertly and therefore the more dangerously Gloucester was neerer and greater in blood Ireland in favour this being uncle to the King that bearing himselfe as the Kings fellow The one pretended all hee did for the honour of the State the other for humour of the King much malice did passe but in opposition of such equall powers there is seldome small difference in harmes The terme assigned the Duke Uear for his departure into Ireland is past and lest his stay might breed some stirre in England hee still shewed himselfe busie for preparing for his journey and at last though long first made a show of setting forth The King went in great state to accompany him to ship and the Earle of Suffolke with Iustice Tresilian and the rest of that side either for favour followed or for feare durst not stay behind Together they went to Wales and there the Dukes Irish journey was finished There they debate in Councell how the Lords might best bee suppressed many plots were invented all that were worst pleased well without respect of danger or disgrace but few stood without likelihood of event to their desires and therfore none was fully concluded on At length they leave Wales and come to Nottingham Castle where the high Sheriffes of every County are summoned to appeare and strictly interrogated with strength if need should re-require they were able to backe the King with against the Lords the King was generally answered that the Commons did so favour the Lords and were so well resolved of their dutifull love and loyaltie to their Soveraigne that they durst make promise of no power to bee raysed against them Then they were commanded to elect no Knights Citizens or Burgesses for the Parliament but only such as the King should approve whereto they sayd it was an hard matter in times of suspect to robbe the people of their antient priviledge for choosing Knights and Burgesses for the Parliament and after some few other matters which were either unseasonably moved or unreasonably obtained to small purpose the Sheriffs were licenced to depart Then were assembled Tressilian chiefe
increased by the report of the ill-affected multitude The King calleth his Councell where it is much debated whether were most convenient for the King in person to goe or to send his Generall it was disputed that wholly to subdue Ireland stood neither with possibilitie nor pollicy for if it were quiet in possession the governour might grow to that greatnesse that hee might make himselfe absolute Monarch thereof and therefore it was better to hold it certaine by feeble enemies then uncertaine by over-potent friends But how should those bogges and woods which are more impregnable then the best fortified Townes in other Countries be compassed or conquered And if the purpose were only to represse those Savage people the warre was not so waighty as should draw the King in person into the field And therefore it was most convenient for him to stay in some place from whence hee might sh●…w his readinesse then t●… bee present indeed But others were of opinion and that not without good ground that to subdue and people Ireland was a matter neither difficult or dangerous but acceptable and honourable to God and the King For this Realme of England is truly storied to have beene as unpassible for bogges and woods as Ireland But the Conquerours kept not their souldiours idle in garrison whereby the bodyes might bee made diseased and so unfit for labour or hard travaile But they held as well them as the Natives continually in action either in exercising their armes or in raysing fortifications or making mightie high wayes or else in drayning and piling of bogges by which meanes the countrey was made habitable and the wayes passible and the people found it better to preferre subjection with plentie before liberty with penurie That the Romans kept many more large territories in quiet Obedience so long as there was amitie amongst themselves without either feare or danger of popular Governours either by severing them into divers small Provinces or assigning to every province divers Officers of inferiour rankes as Lieutenants and Provosts whereof one was able to retaine the other or by making their offices but annuall But chiefly by retayning their wives and children as pledges of their dutifull obedience That the danger was the more to be feared lest a weake enemy whilst hee is contemned should gather strength and to bee able to stand upon tearmes of withstanding That it was a pittifull policie for assurance of peace to make all waste like a Wildernesse and in stead of men to have domination of nothing but trees and beastes That by so doing the King should lose the revenew of a fruitfull Countrie and the benefit of wealthy subjects which are the surest treasure of a Prince That hereby also the Majestie of his estate would be impayred For as Solomon sayth the honour of a Kingdome consisteth in the multitude of subjects That the Countrie being unfurnished of people was open to all Nations invasions and a great meanes to invite forraine and unsent-for guests Lastly if none of these respects would move the King was bound in conscience to reduce those wilde people to the true knowledge and worship of God who did then either prophanely contemne him or superstitiously serve him These reasons so prevailed with the King that hee gathered a mighty Army with intention to goe in person into Ireland But all his provision was at the Subjects charge And where in times of danger a discreet Ruler when necessitie shall enforce his absence will give least cause of distaste unto his people This King in peace having beene no provider for warre was forced to offend when hee should have beene most carefull to winne their favour About the Feast of Pentecost hee set forward on his voyage mith many men but few souldiers hee carried with him all his Treasure jewels plate and kingly roabes with him also the Duke of Anmerle and the Duke of Exceter with diuers of the Nobles and many Mitred Prelates amongst whom was the Abbot of Westminster a chiefe favourite Hee also tooke with him the sonnes of the Duke of Glocester and Hereford whose favourers hee chiefely suspected When hee came to Bristow whether upon some matter or meere malice at first it is uncertaine it was put into the Kings head That Henry Piercy Earle of Northumberland with some other intended some disloyall attempt against him And therefore did not tender their service unto him in this expedition Hereupon he by his Pursevant commanded rhe Earle with all his power that could conveniently be raysed to come unto him in person to Bristoll The Earle by letter returneth answer desiring thereby his Majestie to take it into his more serious cogitation that it was inconvenient for the Irish service to draw men from such remote places in regard the rebells were neither so many nor so mightie but that the King had strength sufficient at hand to suppresse them That it was dangerous to disfurnish the North parts of their strength thereby to offer opportunitie to the Scottish borderers who were uncertaine friends in extremitie and assured to bee enemies upon any such advantage to make an inrode therefore craved to be excused at that time for not attending The King conceiving his command in this to bee contraried yea contemned would not stand to reason the matter though he had small reason things being as they were not to have done so but in an unadvised heate proclaims the Earle and all his Confederates Traytors and commands all their lands and goods to be seised to his use The Earle much stomacking this disgrace makes good the information breakes out into open hostilitie whilst the King proceeds in his voyage for Ireland where upon his first arrivall all things succeeded prosperously the King obtaining many Victories yet without battaile For the Irish not being under one government were divided into many factions so that seldome three sects joyned their strength and study to one point so that whilst they fought one by one they were all easily subdued or slaine In the meane time some of the Nobilitie of England with most of the common people groning under the burden of their oppression taking advantage of the Kings absence conspired to cut off that authoritie that would not bee confined and to bestow it upon some other who was likely to repayre what Richard had ruined resoluing if they fell short of their wish they would sell that with glory in the field which with certainty in peace they could not injoy The only man upon whom they all pitcht was Henry Duke of Hereford not upon any motion or desire of his But because hee was of the blood Royall and next heire male by discent to the succession of the Crowne of whose valour and vertue honourable proofe had beene made The only surviving man of qualitie that had stood up against the King for the behoofe of the Common-wealth for which hee had suffered much both in honour and state This attempt pleased as possible to prove and
of necessitie to bee followed Letters are secretly dispatched to the Duke whose speedy returne into England they importune affirming that aswell for the publike good of the Realme as for their owne particular safeties they were forced to use force against their King soliciting him to be pleased but to make the head and they would furnish the body with an able army to expell the misgoverned King from his unbefitting government and to settle the Crowne upon his head who was more apt and able to manage the same That they would not only helpe him in bare wishes and advise but would joyne hearts and hands to adventure their lives so that the perill should bee common to all the glory only his These Letters were cunningly compilde and closely conveyed by such as had more then common interest in the Dukes respect Amongst whom was principall Thomas Arundel late-Archbishop of Canterbury the sonne of Robert Earle of Arundel and Warren who had beene first Bishop of Ely and then Archbishop of Yorke and lastly of Canterbury who being amongst others the Bishops in the higher house of Parliament at what time the Duke of Glocester the Earle of Warwicke and the Earle of Arundel the brother to the Archbishop were convented at least questioned because Clergie men by the Canons are commanded not to be present at any tryall or judgement of life and death hee with the rest as they before had used departed the house upon this occasion being absent hee with his brother were condemned of high treason and after his brothers execution the Archbishop was banished the Realme his goods forfeited and seized and his place conferd upon Roger Walden The Archbishop with his Confederates by severall wayes and in strange disguises came to Paris and in the house of one Clomigey where the Duke sojourned met together where having obtained privacie and silence the Archbishop used these words or the like in sense Wee are sent unto you right high and most noble Prince from the chiefe Lords and Peeres and people of our kingdome who grone under the burden of tyrannous oppression Yet not to vindicate injuries against our Soveraigne upon private wrongs or displeasures nor upon desperate discontent to set the State in combustion to put the King in feare the kingdome into a flame nor to second the ambitious designes of any particular person But to open unto you the deformities and decayes of our dissected estate and to implore your ayde for the stay of the precipitate ruine of the same The remembrance of your honourable atchievements and your deserved reputation thereby gained in our country doth nothing else but make remembrance of our present basenesse bitter unto us Our victorious Armies have heretofore beene famous and renowned not only in the Ilands adjoyning but in all parts of Europe yea in Asia and Africa against the Infidels and Barbarians so that all Christian Princes have beene willing to imbrace our friendship or unwilling to provoke us to hostilitie But now both Welch and Scots whom wee have so often beaten and brought upon their knees doe not only scorne and deride us but the weake and miserable Irish have shaken off their shackles and glutted and enriched themselves with our blood and spoyles with these wee are now enforced to fight not for glory but for leave but to live in so much as we are pittied by our friends flouted by our enemies and hated of our selves it is confest that King Richard hath led and sent great powers into these Countreys but after such a manner that they have much wasted the kingdome with their maintainance but have by armes neither relieved our friends or revenged us on our enemies And no marvaile since all our discreet and diligent Commanders the sinewes and nerves of an Army are either beheaded banished or buried in disgrace and obscuritie and the managing of martiall affaires is committed without respect of abilities or desert to the conduct and counsell of such as can best comply with the Kings variable disposition Amongst whom antient Nobilitie is esteemed but as a vaine bubble vertue and sufficiencie are but a trappe to ensnare their possessours it is a griefe to mee to speake it but it helpeth not to hide that which every one seeth our Ancestours lived in the highest pitch of perfect liberty and wee of dejected servilitie being used not like subjects but abjects yea flat slaves not to one onely unrespective Prince but to many his proud and presumptuous favourites not alwayes the same but every day fresh ones And no sooner have we contented one but new greedy stomacks are provided whose extortion and exactions have devoured more by bribes then the enemy with the sword what unwonted nay what unheard-of projects are now invented and daily practised without either measure or end yea oftentimes without need but if any bee it proceedeth rather from riotous expence then necessary charges great summes of money are every minute pilled and pulled from the honest minded subject to bee unprofitably wasted upon prodigall spendthrifts and if any man impugne these most insupportable taxations or but speake in the defence of the libertie of a subject Then either by surmised imputation of capitall crime or by aggravation of small causes by far-fetcht circumstances and strayned constructions or else by open crueltie and force his life or libertie or both is called in question it were too tedious too odious too frivolous to produce particular examples The lamentable losse of your noble Vncles and other honourable friends and your owne present estate cannot easily bee forgotten nay I presume there is no man of ranke or fashion within the Realme who either in his owne person or children or in his deere friends or neere allyes but may easily finde that no man hath certaintie to enjoy the safeguard of his goods or the use of his liberty or suretie of his head but rich men of the one and good men in the other are continually in hazard This is our case but what is the remedie wee have patiently suffered and sued humbly for ease But our patience hath procured increase of punishment and our complaints more stripes By the one our livings by the other our liues are daily devoured Now therefore are wee unwillingly compelled to endevour to shake from our shoulders this too too uneasie yoke and submit our lives and estates to the command of some more moderate and worthy person not so much for the griefe of our miseries which are past nor for the paine of our present distresses as for feare of worse dangers which are most likely to follow the chiefe of the antient Nobilitie The King hath cut off the Commons hee hath pared to the quick and still he harroweth the Countrey as if now but newly conquered whereby our nakednesse is bared to our Adversaries and wee are made utterly unable either to recover that which is lost or to retaine that little that is left To whom shall wee now complaine from
preferred present securitie before dutie with danger giving occasion thereby to bee suspected to favour the Duke of Lancasters proceeding and thereupon all the other Councellors either openly declared for the Duke or secretly wished his welfare And abandoning all private directions and advise adjoyned themselves to the common course hoping thereby of greater safetie In the meane time Duke Henry being at London entred into consultation with his Confederates what way was best to take amongst whom it was then concluded finally to uncrowne King Richard and constitute Duke Henry King in his stead And to that end open warre was proclaimed against King Richard and all his partakers as enemies to the peace and quiet of the kingdome Pardon also was promised to all those that would submit themselves to follow the present course otherwise no favour to bee expected Not one of the Nobilitie durst oppose himselfe in these designes some unwilling to play all their estate at one cast kept themselves at libertie to bee directed by successe of future event others consented in termes of doubtfull construction with intent to interpret them afterwards as occasion should change But the most part directly and resolutely entred into the action and made their fortunes sharers with Duke Henryes in the danger though not in the Honour to whom Duke Henry used this speech I am as you see at your procurement returned and by your meanes have undertaken armes to vindicate our common libertie hitherto wee have prosperously proceeded But in what termes we now stand I am altogether unacquainted As a private man I would bee loath to bee reckoned being by you designed to bee a King a Prince I cannot bee esteemed whilst another possesseth the Crowne your Title likewise is in suspence whether to be termed Rebells or Subjects untill you have made manifest that your Allegeance was bound rather to the state of the Realme then the person of the Prince Now you are they that have both caused this doubtfulnesse and must cleere the point your part still remaineth to bee acted your vertue and valour must adde strength to this action Wee have already ventured so farre that all hope of pardon is drowned so that if wee shrinke backe and breake this enterprise no mercy is to be expected but butchery and gibbets if wee delay the enterprise wee shall lose the opportunitie that now is offered and give occasion of advantage to our adversaries The peoples blood is up now on our sides and nothing is wanting but our care and your diligence let us therefore now not trifle more time in talking but let us strike whilst the iron is hot let us resolutely set forward and possesse our selves speedily of all parts of the Realme so shall wee be either able to keepe out our concurrent or else to entertaine him little to his liking Hereupon troopes of men are speedily sent into all quarters of the kingdome to keepe King Richards partie from drawing to an head The vulgar as men broken with many burthens readily entertained the first commers and were not over-curious to side with the stronger Duke Henry pursued the Treasurer and his complices to Bristoll where hee found the Castle fortified against him but in foure dayes hee forced it and therein surprised the Lord Treasurer Sir Iohn Bushy and Sir Henry Greene whom the common people eagerly pursued to execution no defence could bee admitted no excuse heard no respite obtained but still their rage continued crying against them that they were Traytours blood-suckers that had abused the King and undone his Subjects to enrich themselves And through their clamorous and importunate instance the day following the Earle of Wiltshire with the rest were beheaded This Earle of Wiltshire was William Lord Scroope in the twenty one yeare of Richard the second Created Earle of Wiltshire and made Lord Treasurer hee purchased the Isle of Man and dyed without issue Sir William Bagot whilst the other went to Bristoll posted to Chester and pursuit being made after the most hee alone escaped into Ireland This execution partly because it pleased the people and partly because it excluded all hope of the Kings pardon caused them to cleave more firme unto the Duke which greatly increased both his hope and glory as having offers of so large ayde and so little need In the meane time the newes of the Dukes arrivall and occurrences thereupon part true part false and all enlarged by many circumstances as fame increaseth by going was related to the King hee then being intangled with other broyles in Ireland at the receipt whereof hee caused the Sonnes of the Dukes of Glocester and Lancaster to be imprisoned at the Castle at Trim and for the speedier dispatch to goe into England left most of the provision behinde hasting and shuffling together as his present hast did enforce being both unskilfull and unfortunate himselfe and voide of all good direction from others and with more haste then good speed he tooke shipping and within the space of three nights with the Dukes Aumerle Exceter and Surry the Bishop of London Lincolne and Carlile and some others hee arrived at Milford haven in Wales in which countrey-men he reposed his chiefe trust for safetie But when hee saw that contrary to expectation that as well there as in all other places the people flocked to the Duke and fled from him and those that were with him were all wavering and some revolted all his devises were disturbed and hee resolute what course to take on the one side he was confident his cause was right his conscience being cleere from any great bad demerit on the other side hee saw the adversaries great strength and the whole power of the Realme bent against him And being more abashed by the one then incouraged by the other hee was perplexed in uncertaine termes either where to stay or whither to stirre wanting both knowledge and resolution himselfe in cases of such difficultie and obnoxious to unfaithfull counsell Some advised him to march further into the land before his owne forces fell from him alledging that fortune seconds valour That in all places hee should finde some who of dutie for favour or hire would joyne with him others perswaded him to returne into Ireland and from thence to returne when sufficiently strengthened But the King unacquainted with martiall affaires rejected both counsells and in taking a middle course which alwayes in extremes of that kinde is the worst hee resolved to stay in Wales to attend to what head this humour would rise The Duke upon advertisement of the Kings landing with great power speeds to Chester whereupon Thomas Piercy Earle of Worcester steward of the Kings houshold to vindicate the proclayming his brother the Earle of Northumberland traytor openly in the Hall before all the Kings servants broke his staffe of office and departed to the Duke willing the rest to shift for themselves in time hereby hee lost his reputation on
right to the Crowne of England The King likewise made Sir Iohn Shirley Lord Chancellor Iohn Norbury Esquire Lord Treasurer Sir Richard Clifford Lord privie Seale Vpon the fourth of October the Lord high Steward by his Fathers command sate in the Kings Hall at Westminster and caused Proclamation to bee made That any that could claime any Office at the solemnization of the Kings Coronation should preferre their Petitions whereupon divers claimed Offices and Fees And those to whom the rights of such clayme 's appertained were admitted accordingly The Parliament was prorogued to the morrow after Saint Edwards day upon their reassembly it was enacted that the inheritance of the Crowne and Realme of England and of all the Dominions to the King of England appertaining should bee united and remaine in the person of King Henry and in the heires of his body lawfully begotten And that Prince Henry his eldest Sonne should be his heire apparant and Successor in the premisses and if hee should die without issue then they were entayled to his other Sonnes successively in order and to the heires of their bodyes so that nothing was left undone that the wit of man could invent and authoritie refulcitate for the setting of the right to the Crowne in him and his heires In this Parliament were deprived of their dignities the Dukes of Surry Aumerle and Exceter The Marquesse Dorset and Earle of Glocester underwent the like sentence The Inheritance of the kingdome settled and some exemplary punishments of some the late Kings ill counsellers made A motion was made in Parliament what should bee done with the deposed King Thomas Merckes the Bishop of Carlile a man that used both libertie and constancie in a good cause In his private judgement having never allowed these proceedings but dissembled his dislike till fit time to declare it being in a place to bee heard and by the order of the House not to be interrupted of any rose up and with a grave countenance and settled courage sayd This question right Honorable concerneth a matter of great consequence and waight the determining whereof will assuredly procure either quiet or turmoile both to the publike State and our particular consciences Therefore before any resolution thereof bee given I beseech you to take into your more serious consideration these two things First whether King Richard bee sufficiently deposed or not secondly whether King Henry bee by Iustice and good advisement seated in the succession In the first point is to be examined whether a King by lineall succession being Crowned annoynted and lawfully invested may upon imputation either of negligence or tyrannie bee deposed by his Subjects secondly what Richard had omitted in the one or committed in the other that might deserve that heavy judgement I will not dispute what may bee done in a popular or consular estate in which though one beareth the Title and honour of a Prince yet he hath no Supreame power of a King But in the one the Nobilitie and chiefe men of state in the other the people have greatest prerogative in neither the Prince of the last sort was the Common-wealth of the Lacedemonians who by that forme of government which Licurgus framed oftentimes fined sometimes fettered their Princes sometimes put them to death such were the petty Kings in France in Caesars time who were oftentimes arraigned and executed and as the Prince of the Leodienses Ambiorix confessed had no greater power over their subjects then their subjects had over them and of the second condition were the Roman Emperors at the first being subject to the censure of the Senat And such are now the Emperours of Germany whom the other Princes by their Aristocraticall power doe not only restraine but sometimes remove such are the Kings of Denmarke and Sweveland who are many times by their Nobilitie dejected either into prison or exile Such are the Dukes of Venice and some other free States of Italy And the chiefest cause why Lewis Earle of Flaunders was lately expelled was for assuming unto himselfe the Cognizance of life and death which authoritie was never incident to his dignitie In these and such like governments the Prince hath not absolute Regalitie but is himselfe subject to that power which is more transcendent then his whether it bee in the Nobilitie or multitude But if the Soveraigne Majestie bee in the Prince as it was in the first three Emperours and in the kingdomes of Iudea and Israel and is now in the kingdomes of England France Scotland Spaine Muscovia Turkie Tartary Persia Ethiopia and almost all the kingdomes of Asia and Africa although for his vices hee bee unprofitable to the Subjects yea hurtfull yea untolerable yet can they neither hazard his power nor harme his Person either by judiciall proceedings or by force for neither one nor all Magistrates have any authoritie over the Prince from whom all Authoritie is derived and whose only presence doth silence and suspend all inferiour jurisdiction and force And for power what subject can assist or counsell or conceale violence against his Prince and not incur the high heinous crime offensonry or treason it is a common saying thought is free free indeed from punishment of secular Laws except byword or deed it break forth into action yet the secret thoughts against the sacred Majestie of a Prince without attempt without endeavour have bin adjudged to death And somewho in auricular confession have discovered their treacherous devises against the King in person have for the same bin executed All laws do exempt a madd man from punishment because their actions are not governed by their will and the will of man being set apart all his deeds are indifferent neither can the body offend without a corrupt or erronious minde yet if a mad man but draw his weapon upon his King it hath beene adjudged worthy death And lest any man should surmise that Princes for the maintenance of their owne safetie and soveraigntie are the only authors of these judgements Let us examine with consideration the patternes and precepts to this purpose set forth in the Sacred text Nabucadonezer King of Assyria wasted all Palestine with fire and sword oppugned the holy Citie a great while and at the last expugned it slaughtered the King burnt the Temple carryed away the holy Vessells and Treasure and permitted the souldiers with unmercifull crueltie to spoile and ransacke all the people with fire and sword and whom from thence had escaped and the pestilence had spared hee led captive into Chaldea and there erected his golden Image commanding those that refused to worship it to bee cast into the fiery Furnace notwithstanding God calleth Nabucadnezer his servant and promiseth him wages for his service And the Prophets Ieremiah and Baruke did write unto the Iewes to pray for the life of him and of Balthazar his sonne that their dayes upon earth might bee as the dayes of heaven and Ezechiel with bitter termes upbraideth the disloyaltie of Zedechiah
inflicted on any only the Earle of Sarum and the Lord Morley who had beene in especiall grace with King Richard These two were committed but at the intercession of their friends they were quickly released the rest but especially the Duke of Aumerle and the Duke of Exceter the Governour of Callice hee received freely to favour Aumerle was Cousin german to both Kings Exceter halfe Brother to King Richard and Brother-in-law to King Henry as having espoused his Sister the Lady Elizabeth The greatest crime they could enforce against them was their being firme to King Richard because they did not only stomacke his dejection but stirre more then others and assay to raise forces on his behalfe The Dukes confessed the first accusation affirming they were unfortunately faithfull to King Richard but as they that are once false prove seldome after firmely sound so they that have approved themselves true to one Prince may bee the better trusted by another The King did rather admit this as a defence then remit it as a fault affirming that such examples were not to bee misliked of Princes and did afterwards by curtesie and liberalitie endevour to make them firme and faithfull unto him This fact was diversly interpreted according to mens severall dispositions some admiring the Kings moderation others disallowing his confidence And though these meanes have to that purpose prevailed with some yet the common course may move us to conjecture that there is small assurance to bee had in reconciled enemies whose affections for the most part are like to glasse which being once crackt will never bee otherwise then crazed and ever unsound During this time of Parliament held at Westminster the Archbishop had convoked a Synod which was held in Pauls Church to whom the King sent the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland who declared to the Clergie that they were not sent to them from the King to require any moneys from them but to acquaint them with the Kings resolution which was to confirme all their priviledges and immunities unto them and to joyne with them as they should desire him in the punishment of all hereticks and opposites to their religion received for which so doing hee craved but their supplications to God for the safetie of him and his posteritie and prosperitie of the kingdome which was by all there present religiously promised Now to palliate all prejudice and hard opinion which other Princes might happily conceive of these his proceedings Hee dispatched Embassadours to divers his bordering neighbours intimating to them respectively both by what Title and whose favour hee had obtained the Kingdome To Rome he sent the Bishop of Hereford Sir Iohn Cheney Knight and Iohn Cheney Esquire to France the Bishop of Durham and the Earle of Worcester into Spaine the Bishop of Saint Asaphs and Sir William Par into Almaine the Bishop of Bangor and others most of these Princes as in a matter which little concerned them either in point of honour or hatred seemed to take no notice of what was done or were easily perswaded that all was done well But Charles of France was so disquieted with this dishonourable dealing with his Son-in-law that his passion upon the first relation thereof put him into his old fit of phrenzie but recovered thereof hee provided for to revenge the injury Many of the Nobilitie of France were forward to set a foot this enterprise but especially the Earle of Saint Paul who had married King Richards halfe Sister so that defiance is sent and on both sides preparation for warre is made These novelties much animated the Aquitains being under the English command some were grieved at the infamous blemish of disloyaltie which was cast upon the Nation others feared their being made a prey to the tyrannie of the French against whom they had cause to suspect that England being distracted by civill factions either would not attend or could not bee able to beare them out But the Burdisians were principally perplexed with King Richards wrongs because hee was borne and bred in their Citie The Frenchmen generally were nothing displeased at this discontentment of the Aquitanes supposing that opportunitie was now offered to regaine the possession of the Dutchy of Guian if either power or pollicie were seasonably applied Hereupon Lewis Duke of Burbon came downe to Angiers who from thence solicited the chiefe Townes of Guyan by faire speeches and large promises to change their allegiance but the Lieutenant there Sir Robert Knowles withall diligence industry laboured to suppresse the mutinous to stay the doubtfull to confirme the good and to retaine all in due obedience and order But hee prevailed very little his armie being but weake and the people stiffenecked Neither did Burbon much prevaile due consideration being had how heavy the yoke of France was above the subjection of the English having beene well acquainted with the tributes and taxes wherewith the Frenchmen were usually taxed who had in every Country assigned Lieutenants and Treasurers the one to draw the blood the other the substance of the slavish-made subjects whose cruelty and covetousnesse laid hold without exceptions of all the one tormenting by force the other by law Thus like a ship that the tyde driveth one way and the wind another betwixt obedience and revolt stood the Aquitanes they were willing enough to displease the English but most unwilling to indanger or undoe themselves by adhering to the French upon advertisement whereof the Earle of Worcester with a Company of able and willing souldiers is sent into Guyan who not by unseasonable exprobrating their fault but by reason convincing it partly by his wisdome and credit and partly by his authoritie and power so terrified the wavering multitude that he won them to his opinion and kept their allegeance The graver sort with respect of dutie and faith the rest with regard of feare and danger Then hee tooke their oathes for obedience unto King Henry and planted garrisons in places of import without molestation if they remained dutifull and yet of force sufficient to keepe them under if they should attempt to rebell and then returned to England there showing a faire example of moderation in seeming rather to have found then made the Aquitanes dutifull Subjects This stirre no sooner stinted when another more desperately dangerous did arise For divers who had dissembled or did repent the furtherance they had used to the advancement of King Henry conspired to compasse his destruction whether for favour to King Richard as the nature of man is to behold sudden miseries with the eyes of pitie or for envie to King Henry as commonly wee can endure excessive fortune no where so little as in those that have beene in equall degree with our selves or whether upon distaste received in the late Parliament or in disdaine to see others goe before them in the Princes favour it is uncertaine many sought to revenge their unjust anger with revolting There was in those times an Abbot
Saint Albones and Waltham without presence of the Nobilitie or confluence of the Commons and without the expence of a dinner after the celebrating of the Funerall But Henrie the fift caused his body to bee taken up and removed to Westminster and there interred amongst the Ancestors with Queene Anne his first wife in expiation of his Fathers violent and unfaithfull dealing it was not amisse in regard of the Common-wealth that hee was dead yet they who were actors in his death had small reason to reckon it among their good deeds These accidents attend such Princes as being absolute in power will bee too resolute in will and dissolute in life Humphry the Sonne and heire of the Duke of Glocester in his returne out of Ireland where King Richard had left him prisoner dyed of the plague at Chester the newes whereof kild the Dutchesse his Mother about this time dyed Thomas Mowbray the exiled Duke of Norfolke who had outlived his honour hee married two wives both named Elizabeth the first the Daughter of the Lord Strange who dyed without issue the second Sister and coheire of Thomas Fitz●…llayne Earle of Arundel by whom hee had issue Thomas and Iohn Margaret and Isabell. In this yeare also deceased Iohn Duke of Britaine who had taken a Wife Mary Daughter to King Edward the third but by her hee had no issue Also this yeare dyed Edmond Duke of Yorke surnamed of Langley the first sonne of Edward the third his reputation hee kept unblemished and honour untainted hee was not carelesse of good fame nor greedy of greatnesse wary and circumspect in his behaviour not desirous of other mens wealth nor too parcimonious of his owne hee did not by obstinate opposing himselfe against the torr●… of the time rashly hazard his fame or fall but by moderation attained safely that degree of praise which others aspiring unto by desperate courses wonne an ambitious death without further profit Hee married two Wives the first was Isabell second Daughter and coheire of Peter King of Castile by whom hee had issue Edward Duke of Albemarle Richard Earle of Cambridge and Constance first married to Thomas Spencer Earle of Glocester and afterwards to Thomas Holland Earle of Kent his second Wife was Ioane Daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent and Sister and coheire of Edmond Earle of Kent but by her had no issue King Charles though Lucidus per intervalla yet sensible of dishonour moved with his Daughters disgrace made preparation to invade England and brought downe his Army into Piccardy but upon the certaine relation of King Richards death hee gave over the enterprise and sent over Embassadours into England to treate or rather intreate that his Daughter with her Dowry might bee restored to him againe King Henry gave them audience and answer that hee would speed Commissioners to Callice to commune and conclude with them both of this and other waighty affaires concerning both the Realmes whither hee sent Edward Duke of Yorke and Henry Earle of Northumberland The French King sent the Duke of Burbon and certaine others to Bulloigne These Commissioners often met sometimes at one place some-times at the other The Frenchmen instantly required their Kings Daughter to bee restored without the doing whereof they had no order to treat of any thing The Englishmen made a proffer to have a match betwixt Prince Henry and the Lady alleaging that there was no disparagement of birth nor disparitie of yeares betwixt them but thereto they would give no consent neither would they agree to the proposition of a perpetuall amitie But in the end it was concluded that Queene Isabell should bee redelivered to her Father but sauns Dowry because the marriage betwixt her and King Richard was never consummate by reason whereof she was not Dowable upon the Treatie of the marriage the surcease from Armes was agreed upon in King Richards dayes for thirtie yeares which was now mutually confirmed for the terme of these yeares unexpected Shortly after King Henry sent the Lady Isabella under the conduct of Thomas Lord Piercy Earle of Worcester in royall estate to Callice being accompanied with a brave troope of honourable Personages of both sexes shee carried with her all the Iewells and Plate which she brought into England with a great surplusage of rich gifts bestowed upon her by the King At Callice shee was received by Valerian Earle of Saint Paul Lieutenant in Picardy and by him conducted to her Father who afterwards gave her in marriage to Charles sonne to Lewis Duke of Orleans and so was rest or rather respite of warre in France procured But the fire and fury of the late sedition was hardly quenched when the Welchmen upon advantage of the doubtfull and unsettled estate of King Henry brake forth into a defection before the King could either lay the groundworke of his Authority or the people frame themselves to a new obedience and having beene taught that common causes must bee maintained by concord they sought by assemblies to establish an association and to set up their owne principalitie againe They Created for their Prince Owen Glendor a fellow of a turbulent spirit and factious disposition and apt to stirre up sedition and strife and though hee was of no great estate by birth he was stout in stomacke of an aspiring spirit and wit somewhat above the ordinary ranke of those untrained people bold crafty agile and as hee li●…t to bend his minde mischievous or industrious in equall degree in desires immoderate and rashly adventurous more desirous to doe then circumspect what to doe in his younger yeares hee was a student at the Innes of Court at London and being incensed by a verdict given against him for tithe of land betwixt him and the Lord Gray of Ruthin and by nature being a man not of the mildest disposition by this provocation hee was made savage and rough and determined either to repaire or revenge his losse by setting the whole State on fire Also his expences had beene too excessive for a great man to continue which brought him to barenesse too base for a meane man to endure and therefore hee was necessitated to doe or dare something more then ordinary And more danger hee thought there was in orderly dealing then in hazarding rashly and now opportunitie is presented for troublesome times are most fit for such attempts And some likelihood there was whilst the King and his Nobles were at variance that harme might bee easily wrought to them both upon these causes his desires were founded and upon these troubles his hopes But that his ambitious humour might beare some pretext of honest meaning hee pretended to his Countrymen the recovery of their freedome the desire whereof is so naturally pleasing That birds will rather live hardly abroad in the cold fields then bee daintily dieted in a warme cage and that now occasion was fitly offered or else never to bee expected to ridde them of their servilitie falsly entituled peace whilst the Kings
a meane descent and but a poore scholler in the now but new founded Colledge of Saint Maryes in Oxford at length came to bee Chaplaine there and stepping on by degrees attained to the Deanry of Yorke and finding the ginge of the Court made such use thereof that hee thereby got to bee Lord Treasurer of England And after that Richard the second had banished Thomas Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury the Realme who in Parliament before but minùs justè was attaint of Treason VValden was Consecrate and authorized Archbishop of Canterbury and so for the space of two yeares continued but after a deposall of King Richard Arundell by King Henry was restored and by Pope Boniface Roger was pronounced an intruder who now being Archbishop but without a Bishopricke as afflictions seldome come uncoupled hee was called to account for the Treasurership and though hee produced his quietus est yet were all his temporalties seized and hee imprisoned yet from thence being delivered by the charitable condition of the now Archbishop hee led a private life but then was made Treasurer of Callice and then with great hope of rerising hee was promoted to bee Bishop of London The Duke of Orleans besieged the Townes of Burgh and Bloy in Gascoygne with a great power but after eight weekes siege and the losse of six thousand of his souldiers hee raised his siege and departed The Lord Camoyes being arraigned before the Earle of Kent for that day Lord high Steward upon supposition without ground which some forgetfull persons had accused to have plotted the Kings surprisall by Pirats upon the Thames in a ship whereof he had the charge was by his Peeres acquit and restored to his goods lands offices and the Kings fauour Northumberland and Bardolfe after they had beene in Wales France and Flaunders to raise a power against King Henry returned backe to Scotland where after they had continued a yeare with a great power of Scots and strangers they returned into England recovered divers Castles formerly belonging to the Earle to whom great multitudes of people resorted wherewith they came into Yorkeshire making great spoyle by the way making proclamation That they were come for the comfort of the English and the reliefe of the Common-wealth therefore willed all that desired to retaine their libertie to repaire unto them Sir Thomas Rokesby high Sheriffe of Yorke having leavied the power of the Countie with that only upon Bramham More gave the Rebells battell wherein Northumberland was slaine Bardolfe taken but wounded to death and the rest put to flight This Henry Earle of Northumberland had two Wives the first was Margaret daughter of Ralph Lord Nevill of Raby by whom hee had issue Henry Hotspur slaine as afore Sir Thomas Piercy Sir Ralph Alane that dyed young His second Wife was Maud daughter of Thomas Lord Lucy by whom hee had no issue This yeare a Parliament began in which the Commons preferred a Petition to the King and the upper house therein expressing their desire that the King might have the temporall possessions which the Bishops and Clergie consumed in unnecessary courses the value thereof they pretended would bee sufficient maintenance for one hundred and fiftie Earles one thousand five hundred Knights sixe thousand two hundred Esquires and one hundred Hospitalls for maymed souldiers besides them already erected They craved likewise that the Clerkes convict should not bee delivered to the Bishops prison and that the Statute made in the second yeare of the King against Lollards might bee repealed which ●…avoured of too much curiositie and too little charitie The King upon advised consideration justly distasting their distempered zeale denied their Petitions and in person commanded them upon paine of his indignation from thenceforth not to presume to trouble their braine about any such businesse In this Parliament the King moved in every yeare wherein there was no Parliament kept to have allowed him a tenth of the Clergie and a fifteenth of the Laytie the Bishops assented but the Commons would not agree thereto Sir Robert Vmfrevill the Vice-Admirall of England with tenne men of warre entred the Forts in Scotland lying there fourteene dayes together landing every day on one side or other taking great preyes and doing greater hurt hee burnt the great Gallyot of Scotland and many ships over against Lyeth and carried away with him fourteene tall ships laden with Corne and other Staple commodities which at his returne hee sent to the Markets round about which brought downe the prises of all things and purchased to him the name of Mend-market Hee likewise made a road by land into Scotland and burnt Iedworth and most part of Tiuidale The King Created his sonne Thomas Duke of Clarence his brother Thomas Beufort third sonne of Iohn of Gaunt hee Created Earle of Dorset upon some distaste taken not given against the young Prince whose youthfull carriage was well-neere censured by the graver sort to bee wilde and uncivill the King removed him from the place of President of the Councell and gave it to his third sonne Iohn and giving too much eare to his severer Councellours against the said Prince hee made at least-wise was said to make a misconstruction of all his actions seasoning the same with jealousie that hee ambitiously affected the Crowne and that he would not stay the leisure of time to have it after the Kings death but would use some stratagem though with the losse of his Fathers life to take present possession thereof To feed this suspition all the youthfull actions of the Prince are set on the tentours and exemplified beyond the degree of wildnesse his merriments are termed ryots his company are stiled Swaggerers his behaviour branded with dissolutenesse and his words and gesture dangerous Whereupon a vigilant eye is carried over him and a note taken of all his followers and Fashions The Prince all this while innocent would not seeme though hee had intelligence of thus much to take notice of these passages but continued his sporting merriments with his old companions amongst whom as in all ages some such have beene there were those that would dare and doe many forgetfull prankes the blame whereof still was laid on the Prince his shoulders whose greatnesse was able to countenance their great follyes which hee many times and not unwillingly did undergoe At length being informed that two things were necessary for a Christian to observe Credit and Conscience the one for his acquaintance sake the other for his owne and that hee would bee censured to bee cruell to himselfe if that hee neglected the opinion of others as relying only on the assurance of his owne Conscience hee resolved to give this satisfaction to the world that such as had given his Father intimation of any sinister intention on his part were in an error undeniable hee first by severall Letters of his owne both inditing and writing expostulated with such as hee knew to bee guiltie of doing ill offices
Garter and sate in their Stalles at the solemnitie of the Feast The Emperour after the departure of the Duke stayed to mediate a peace betweene England and France which the King being advertized of the hard escape of his men in Normandy would not listen unto Neverthelesse the Emperour very politickly awaited his time where to take his best hint to perswade an agreement which might fortunately have beene found had not newes come of the besieging of Harflue so all was dasht The new Constable with a great power suddenly clapt downe before the Towne when the Viceadmirall of France brought up the whole Navy with intent whilst the Constable should assaile it by land to have entred the Towne by the water side But the Duke of Exceter defended the Towne valiantly by whose valour and indefatigable diligence they were defeated of their expectation King Henry in person was preparing to Sea with all speed but being by the Emperour disswaded he sent his Brother the Duke of Bedford accompanied with the Earles of March Oxford Huntington Warwicke Arundel Salisbury Devonshire and divers Lords and Barons with two hundred sayles to the reskue of Harflue they made sayle for Rye and not without some crosses at Sea upon the feast day of the Assumption of our Lady came to the mouth of the river Seyne Vpon notice of the approach of the English Navy Narbon set forward and got the mouth of the Haven The Duke sent before his strongest Ships two French Ships advancing too forward were layd aboard and taken The fight was continued and resolutely maintained untill the English having sunke five hundred vessels one and other and taken three great Carricks of Genoa wonne the harbour and notwithstanding some opposition made by the Gallies which had the advantage with oares to runne out of the reach of the Artillery of the English they relieved Harflue Vpon notice hereof the Duke of Arminacke raysed his siege and departed to Paris leaving somewhat more then a little provision of amunition behind him which they of Harflue tooke and stowed up for them The Duke of Bedford having finished what hee came about returned to the King who with the Emperour gave him great but no more then deserved commendation Whilst these broyles were honourably managed abroad two too uxorious husbands the Lord Strange and Sir Iohn Trussell of Warmingham in Cheshire who had married the Daughter of Sir Iohn Strange most dishonourably fought in maintaining their wives folly forgetfully striving for place at a Sermon in Saint Dunstons Church in the East by occasion whereof there was much partaking on both sides whereby the Congregation was much disturbed a great tumult raysed some slaughter and more bloodshed done the delinquents were committed to the Counter the Church suspended and upon examination the Lord Strange was found guiltie and by the Archbishop of Canterbury adjudged to penance which was thus performed all the Lords servants in their Shirts from Saint Pauls Church where the sentence was given followed the Parson of Saint Dunstons after them the Lord bare-headed with a waxe Taper in his hand the Lady bare-footed the Archdeacon Reignold Renwood following last went to Saint Dunstons in the East where at the rehallowing thereof the Lady filled all the vessells with water and according to the sentence shee offered to the Altar an Ornament of the value of tenne pounds and the Lord a Pixe of silver of five pounds There was then belike in use no commutation of penance Surely I am perswaded that if they might have bought out their penance for money they would have trebled their offerings I could wish that such severitie of discipline might now bee practised against such delinquents wee should then have devotion with more humilitie and lesse striving for places in the Church The Emperour desisteth from further mediation of peace with France and entreth in a League defensive and offensive with King Henry wherein only the Pope is excepted which concluded upon the the nineteenth of October Anno 1416. hee returned towards Germany King Henry accompanied him to Callice whither the Duke of Burgondy came to confirme the League concluded onbefore by the Earle of Warwicke and other the Kings Embassadours and him concerning Flaunders and Arthoyes only from Midsommer 1416. untill Michaelmasse following where it was prolonged further till Michaelmasse 1419. which gave occasion of suspition to France that the Duke was no firme friend of theirs The Emperour takes his journey to Holland the Duke returnes to Graveling and King Henry to Dover where he landed on Saint Lukes Eeve upon his arrivall hee sent new Embassadours viz. the Earle of Warwicke the Bishops of Salisbury Bath and Hereford the Abbot of Westminster and the Pryor of Worcester to the Councell of Constance whither the Emperour in person likewise went in this Councell it was decreed that England should have the title of the English nation and should-bee accounted one of the five principall Nations which often before had beene moved but never granted till then and herein were all Wickliffes positions condemned At this Councell the Antipope Iohn was prescribed and all his goods and Treasure amounting to the summe of 750000. were seized The Parliament by reason of the Emperours being in the Land prorogued began againe the nineteenth of October wherein towards the prosecution of warres in France was voluntarily granted unto the King from the Clergie two whole tenthes and from the Laitie a whole Fifteene In this Parliament during the Kings absence Iohn Duke of Bedford was made regent of the Realme having out of the Kings coffers allowance of one thousand pounds per annum and fourty pounds a year out of the fee farme of Exceter Whilst King Henry is preparing for invasion the French-men had waged divers Carricks and other great Ships of the Genoaes and Italians which jpyning with the French fleet lay at the mouth of the River of Seyne under the command of Iaques Bastard of Burbon to barre all succour from Harflew Iohn Earle of Huntington Son to the Duke of Exceter beheaded at Ciceter is sent to Sea to skowre the Coasts who encountring with the Bastard Burbon after a long fight took the said Bastard three of his great Carricks with all the money for the halfe yeares pay for the fleet and bowged three other Carricks and dispersing the rest cleered the mouth of Seyne and returned to the King at Southamton And upon the 23. of Iuly the King with the Dukes of Clarence and Glocester the Earles of Huntington Warwicke Devonshire Salisbury Suffolke and Somerset The Lords Rosse Willoughby Fitzhugh Clynton Scroope Matrevers Bourcher Ferrers of Groby and Ferrers of Chartley Fanhope Gray of Codnor Sir Gilbert Vmphrevile Sir Gilbert Talbot and a brave well-furnished Army from Portsmouth tooke shipping and upon the first of August landed in Normandy neere to the Castle of Foncke The Kings Army consisted of five and twentie thousand five hundred and eight and twenty fighting
and the like was granted to the Queene of Ierusalem and her sonne Lewis for Anjou and Mayne the Duke of Britaine being their Proxie for the obtaining the same From Alanson the Earle of Salisbury was sent to Falays to view the strength thereof and to keepe the inhabitants from comming forth the King with his Army followed and entrenched themselves to avoide excursions and incursions The King made his approaches to his best advantage and though it was in the hard of Winter made provision sufficient for his men both against cold and hunger whereupon the besieged concluded if succour came not before the second of Ianuary next following to yeeld the Towne the succour not comming the Towne was yeelded but the Castle held out into which the Governour and most of the best able men were gotten but being fiercely followed and kept in continuall action by assaults and myning they were driven to make composition of surrender if not reskued before the sixt of February the souldiers to depart with their lives only and the Captaine to bee ransomed The prefixed time come the Castle was surrendred and the Captaine detained prisoner untill the Castle was sufficiently repaired his name was Oliver de Many The King leaving for Captaine there Sir Henry Fitzhugh returned to Cane to put in execution a Proclamation formerly made that if the inhabitants of Normandy that were fled returned not by a day to them prefixed to grant their lands to his souldiers thereupon hee gave to the Duke of Clarence during life the Vicounties of Ange Orber and Pontinz Oe Mere with all the lands of those that were not returned according to Proclamation All the whole Lent the King lay at Bayeux with part of his Army but the residue were volant upon exploits abroad The Kings Navy still kept the seas scowring the Coasts daily taking the French Bottomes they met but upon the sixteenth of Iuly such a storme took them that had they not by Gods good favor falne in with Southampton the whole Navy had beene in great danger yet in that Haven two Ballingers and two great Carrickes laden with Merchandize were drowned and the Mast of one of the great shippes was with the storme blowne over the Towne wall when the fury of the tempest was past the Earles of March and Huntington wa●…ted over to Normandy and landing there marched up the country to the King The Earle of Warwicke and the Lord Talbot besieged the strong Castle of Dampfront The Duke of Clarence at that time tooke Courton and Burny and in the first placed Captaine Aubyn and Captaine William Houghton in the other hee likewise appointed in Chombis Captaine Iames Nevill in Bechelovin for Captaine the Earle Marshall in Harcourt Captaine Richard Woodvile in Fantgernon for Captaine Iohn Saint Albon in Crevener Sir Iohn Kirby to whom the same was after given for ever in Anvillyers Captaine Robert Hornby in Bagles Sir Iohn Arthure was made Captaine and also of Fresny Sir Robert Brent lately made Vicount was Captaine The Duke of Glocester with the Earle of March and the Lord Codnor march into the Isle of Constantine wherein hee likewise placed Captaines of such places as hee tooke in as at Corentine the Lord Botreux at Saint Lowe Captaine Reignold West at Valoignes Captaine Thomas Burgh at Pont done Captaine David Howell at Hay de paps Sir Iohn Aston at Saint Savior Sir Iohn Robsert lately made Vicount at Pantarson Sir Robert Gargraus at Hambery the Earle of Suffolke to whom afterwards the King gave that and Brokevill at Auranchos Sir Philip Hall at Vire the Lord Matreius who was likewise Captaine of Saint Iames de Bumeron And so having taken in the whole Iland except Chereburg hee returned to the King but was sent backe to the siege thereof which held out about the space of five moneths though in the meane time all warlike stratagems and meanes were used to take it at last they made composition that if not rescued within threescore and two dayes to surrender and stand to the mercy of the King In the meane time the Duke caused his Campe to bee strongly fenced with Rampiers and Bulwarkes leaving nothing for the safeguard thereof either unforeseene or unprepared And whilst hee was providing thus the Dolphin and the Duke of Burgoigne by the mediation of the Pope and his Cardinalls were fully reconciled and began to consult about the relieving their besieged Friend The King to prevent any danger that might betide his brother had taken order with the Lieutenant in the West-country of England to send over two thousand men out of those parts whom when the besieged at Chierburgh perceiued at Sea to approach they presumed of succour but their hope failing they surrendred both the Towne and Castle whereof the Lord Gray of Codnor mas made the Kings Lieutenant for the time but afterwards the King made Captaine thereof Iohn Bromley Esquire and for his hardy valour and commendable forwardnesse both at this siege and other places hee gave him the order of Knighthood gave him faire possessions in the Iland and made him Constable of Bossevile de Rosse This was the same partie that at Corby by his valour recovered the Lord Staffords Colours from the French and for the remembrance of that service had an honourable adjunct to his armes The King intending to prosecute his intendments to the full being of equall spirit to dare and power to doe had sent for his Vncle the Duke of Exceter who with fifteene thousand men within few dayes of Trinity Sunday came to the King by whom hee was commanded to besiege the Citie of Eureux which hee tooke in and appointed Captaine thereof Sir Gilbert Halsall The Earle of Ryme then also tooke in the strong Castle of Milley le Vesko The siege of Roan was the next thing attempted which place was now fully fortified and furnished for defence both with men and amunition Thither for the more safetie had all the neighbours conveyed all their riches as being their sole place of refuge now The King to have his passage cleere layed siege to the Citie of Loveirs which upon these conditions that if they were not relieved within seven dayes then the souldiers to serve King Henry the inhabitants to remaine there as subjects to England only all such Gunners as had discharged any piece of Ordnance to bee hanged no succour appearing at the day the Covenants were performed accordingly The King marched to Pont de Larch where hee arrived the seven and twentieth of Iune There was a stone-bridge which hindered the approach to Roane being exceeding strongly guarded King Henry devised therefore floates of wicker covered with beasts hides by which the Duke of Clarence with his quarter passed the River and then layd siege to the Towne on that side but to prevent the inconvenience that might come by the River dividing the Army there were more such Floates made and other devises with
hogsheads and Pipes fastened to firre powles and Barges and such like conveyances with which hee past over his men at pleasure in the meane time hee caused divers souldiers that could swim to make show of passing the River three mile of another way to which place the French-men drew all their forces but were deluded whereupon presently the Fort at the bridge-foot was surrendred and the souldiers taken to the Kings grace From thence the Duke of Exceter with certaine horse was sent to view the places about Roane and with him Windsor the Herrald which sommoned the Citizens to surrender the Towne and to submit themselves to the Kings mercy but they proudly returned answer they received none from England nor none they would give the English and instantly made a sally forth but were beaten in with the losse of thirtie of their men The Towne of Loviers the King gave to his brother Clarence who made his Deputie there Sir Iohn Goddard after the returne of the Duke of Exceter the Roanions fired the Suburbes demolished all Churches Chantryes and Hostells leaving nothing without the Citie which upon the last of Iuly the King straightly besieged The Kings quarter was the Charteux the Duke of Clarence at Saint Gervays the Duke of Exceter at Port Saint Dennis Betweene the Duke of Exceter and the Duke of Clarence lay Earle Marshall to whom were joyned the Earle of Ormond the Lords Harington and Talbot from the Duke of Exceter towards the King were encamped the Lords Rosse Willoughby Fitz-Hugh and Sir William Porter with the Northerne Prickers the Earle of Salisbury and Mortaignes quarter lay at the Abbay of Saint Katherine Sir Iohn Gray was lodged against the Chappell of Mount Saint Michael Sir Philip Leech Treasurer of the Army kept the hill next the Abby and the Baron Carew held the passage on the river of Seine with whom was Squire Ienito Dortoyes on the further side the river were quartered the Earles of Warraine and Huntington the Lords Nevill and Ferrers Sir Gilbert Vmphrevile with his Company lay before the Port de Ponte A great chaine of iron set upon piles and a new forced bridge for passage from one Campe to the other was made over the River The Earle of Warwicke was sent to Cawdbecke standing betwixt Roane and the Sea The Earle of Warwicke sent Sir Iohn Bromley and George Vmphrevile with an hundred Archers and two hundred Bill-men to a little Castle called the Strowe and in the way were met by eight hundred French Whereupon Sir Iohn Bromley casting his Bow-men in a limasson or loose ring and his Bill-men in two squares which in close order marched towards the enemy who seeing the number to appeare so small gave on in that disorderly manner that their Captaine the Lord of Estrisles was slaine before any of his company could come to the reskewes The Bow-men opening their order delivered such a shole of arrowes even in the middest of their enemies that they stood amazed untill they were awakened with a second The Bow-men as long as the arrowes lasted kept the enemy aloofe but at length they were enforced to make use of their slaine enemies weapons with which they closing to the Bill-men made it appeare that they could make use of more weapons then one and after three houres fight the French fainted and gave the English leave to take the spoyle of two hundred that were slaine and the ransome of two hundred more taken prisoners in this fight was slaine George Vmphrevile and thirtie more all the rest being hurt more or lesse amongst whom Sir Iohn Bromley was hurt in the face and body They were not able to goe forth of the field but continued there all night and in the morning some fresh men being come to them they marched to the Castle and so plyed them with assaults and minings that at length the besieged were glad to suffer the English Navie to passe by to Roane whereof one hundred Sayle passed by and likewise they gave hostages that they would not inter-meddle to ayde or assist Roane any way but to follow her fortune to render if shee did wherewith Sir Iohn Bromley went into the Castle with two Esquires and a Surgeon and the Company backe to the King by this time the Duke of Glocester was come to the Campe and quartered before the Port Saint Hillary neerer the enemy by fourty roades The Earle of Kilmayne with sixteene hundred Irish armed after their fashion came from Harflew where they landed to the King who were by him assigned for quarter the North side of the Armie upon the way that commeth from the Forrest of Lyons This charge the Earle joyfully accepted and as proud of the employment did many brave exployts to the more damage of the enemy then all the troopes of Horse The Kings Cousin-german the King of Portugall likewise sent a Navy of well appointed Shippes to the mouth of the River of Seine to stoppe all passage of succour to Roane There were in Roane two hundred and tenne thousand persons at the beginning of the siege which made them so confident that they sware each to other never to deliver up the Citie as long as they could hold Sword or handle Pike The King acquainted herewith stopped all passages both by land and water casting deepe Trenches and raysing Bulwarckes to hinder all sallyes or receipt of reliefe The French in the meane time made many attempts upon divers pieces in the Kings hands as upon Kilbuife Eureux and Loviers but were repulsed with great losse but more disgrace Before Roane no enterprise is left unpractised no pollicie unattempted how either partie might indamage other But now the many mouthes within the Citie had devoured a great part of their provision and for the better saving of the rest a great number of aged impotent creatures were turned out of the Gates whom the English would not suffer to passe the Trenches betwixt which and the walls the miserable people starved and dyed without helpe of friend or foe Vpon Christmasse day in honour of the birth of our Saviour the King relieved and suffered to passe as many as were at first put out but suffered others that were thrust out a second time to famish except relieved by the Towne The unwonted noyse of Bells ringing gave the King occasion to expect an enemie at his backe for prevention therefore of that danger hee gave order to Sir Robert Bapthorpe Controller of the Army to provide a deepe Trench well staked and with bastils to round the Campe and to make defences both behinde and before to withstand all sudden approaches The Famine began now to rage pittifully within the Citie and the Dolphins promise to relieve them now past hope of performance a Parlie is desired and obtained but fruitlesse at the first the demaunds of the besieged being more then stood with the Kings honour or pleasure to give consent unto but upon the Commissioners returne into
both town Castle to the King The souldiers of the garrison and many of the Burgers tooke an oath of fidelitie to the King of England and remained there still the Earle of Worcester was made Captaine thereof The well defenced Castle of Galiard strong both by scituation art after six moneths siege was surrendred to the Duke of Exceter and thereof the King made the Lord Rosse Captaine all the Country of Velquesseine submitted the King putting in men of valour and trust into the chiefe holds as into Gourney Sir Gilbert Vmfrevile the Earle of Worcester at Newtye the Castle of Dumall yeelded to the Earle of Warwicke was given him by the King so that now all Normandy Mount Saint Michael only excepted was reduced to the possession of the King of England which had beene detained wrongfully untill then from him ever since the yeare 1207. The Dolphin all this while notwithstanding the agreement sealed and settled as might bee thought being perswaded that the Duke of Burgoyne was a barre to his ambitious desires studied not so much to stop the overflowing current of the King of Englands victories as the effecting of his owne ends of revenge against the Duke a miserable thing when one mans rising is grounded on the desired overthrow of another To that end therefore covering his private malice with the long roabe of publike service hee made show of removall of all rank our betwixt the Duke and him and to that end appointed a meeting of all the Peeres at Mountstrew al fault you where the Duke was barbarously murthered whilst hee humbled himselfe in reverence to the Dolphin on his knee which act was by so much the lesse to bee pittied in the Duke by how much hee in the like kind upon the like enterview had caused Lewis the Duke of Orleance to bee murthered But this recrimination of Burgoyne for the murther of Orleance can bee no excusation of the Dolphins perfidious treachery Hereupon Philip Earle of Caraloys the heire of Burgoyne did forbeare for a time the company of his Wife the Dolphins sister but upon due consideration of her pliable and obsequious disposition and the religious admonition of his Mother-in-law and exhortation of his chiefest Councellours hee gave her ever after all requirable respect and observance and turned his justly incensed anger against the Dolphin but without show of choler or distemperature either in words or gestures howsoever his kindred and allyes thretned revenge But this distraction settled at home and danger threatned abroad drew a double feare of destruction upon the quieter minded Nobilitie who used the imployment of their uttermost endevours to procure a reconciliation betwixt the Queene and the Dolphin and a pacification of the King of England and by their mediation Embassadours are sent to Gysors where King Henry lay who gave them audience and honourable entertainment and was pleased to condescend that Commissioners might have communication but no cessation of warre No sooner were they returned but hee drew his forces to Maunt where hee divided them into three parts sending the Duke of Glocester with one part to Saint German in lay which was delivered unto him The Duke of Clarence with another was sent to Mountjoy which after some show of great resistance was given over unto him The third under the conduct of the Duke of Exceter went to Mewlancké which was strongly defenced and compassed in with the great river of Seine but by the invention of woodden towers reared upon boates bridges and floates the French-men were so terrified that for want of succour at the time agreed upon they surrendred the Towne and gave hostages and oath to remaine true subjects to the King of England and so were permitted to remaine there still The many rivolets cut out and running in the severall Forts and Castles as aforesaid might have much drayned the great river of the Kings Army had not daily supplies from all forraine parts drawne by the generall report of his honourable usage of souldiers of men and amunition and money out of his Dominions been broughtunto him but such was his providence and his officers obedience and care that nothing wanted that was needfull or necessary But now the new Duke of Burgoine a wise and politick Prince having debated with himselfe what course to take to revenge his Fathers murther and being assured that if he should oppose the Dolphin and the Dolphin him the King of France would lose by both and King Henry would carry away all he endevoured to propose an overture of Peace betweene the two Kings which hee was the more likely to obtaine by reason of his powerfulnesse amongst the Peeres and the assurance of the Lady Katherines readinesse who had more power over her Mothers affections then her owne to joyne with him in any thing that might conduce to her obtaining the effect of her wishes which was aswell the love of King Henry as the peace and quiet of her Father and country besides the advantage the Duke had of the Dolphin who was now observed to be more cunning and revengefull then wise and valiant and by the late murther made obnoxious to the disesteeme of his neerest friends Embassadours are againe sent from the King of France and the young Duke of Burgoyne who were returned with gratious countenance and some tokens of courtesie to the Duke but withall a kind of intimation that there was small hope of obtaining any thing at his hands concerning truce if not desired by the Lady Katherine whose innocencie as he said knew not how to abuse his credulitie as the others had done whilst these things are in agitation his armyes lay not idle The Earle of Salisbury tooke in Fresney The Earles Marshall Huntington with their powers entred into Mayn and approaching Mentz they were encountred by the power of the Dolphin whereof they slew five thousand and tooke two hundred Prisoners These tidings being brought to Roane whither the King was come to solemnize the Feast of Christs birth thanks-givings to God were publikely made and in the instant thereof arived other Embassadors from the King and Queen of France who having audience the tenour of their embassage delivered a Letter from the Lady Katherine to the King of England was secretly by the Bishop of Arras delivered the Contents whereof being considered the King openly said That hee would wipe away the disrepute cast-upon his actions as though hee should bee the cause of effusion of so much Christian blood as every day was likely to bee made if the warres should continue for his quarrell and would turne the same upon the King of France and his Adherents if either they made not Propositions such as with safetie of his honour might bee granted or did not condiscend to such Articles as hee would reasonably tender them hee therefore returned the Embassadours with good content and sent the Earle of Warwicke and the Bishop of Rochester to the Duke of Burgoyne
France by impartially administring justice to all That King Henry in places of Iustice and charge should place persons generally taken for wise faithfull and fit to administer and manage those things unto them committed That King Henry should speedily endevour to reduce the Dolphin and the Earle of Arminacke and all their confederates to their due obedience to the Crowne of France That King Henry should cause all persons of what degree condition or qualitie soever to take a corporall oath for their true obedience to K. Charles during life and after his death to King Henry and his heires and to admit no other King or Regent nor conspire any thing against his or their Persons or estates but disclose all mischiefes plotted or intended for his or their hurt or losse That all possessions King Henry should gaine from any Rebell to King Charles except in Normandy should bee to the use and benefit of the French King But upon voluntary taking the before-mentioned oathes to be tendred and taken then to retaine their possessions freely That after the death of King Charles the Dutchie of Normandy and what else had beene conquered by King Henry should returne to the obeysance of the Crowne of France That King Henry should not overburden his Subjects of France with impositions but in cases of urgent necessitie and then the same to bee assessed and levied according to the Custome and manner of France and not otherwise That after the death of King Charles the two Realmes of France and England should Soveraignely be ruled but by one man and not to admit two Kings and that neither Crowne should bee subject to other but each of them to retaine and enjoy their particular customes priviledges liberties immunities lawes and preheminencies That diligent observation be used to retaine both Nations in fraternall concord and mutuall friendship as brethren and friends That neither King should conclude any peace or make any truce with the Dolphin except they and the Duke of Burgoyne all three consented thereto That none shall bee placed about the French Kings person but French-men such as hee by his Councell should make choice of and should reside wheresoever in the kingdome at his pleasure And lastly that both the Kings under their great Seales and all their Peeres Prelates Cominalties Gentry and Corporations under their usuall seales shall ratifie and confirme the Articles of agreement and shall all sweare to observe them to their uttermost abilities and power These thus concluded were proclaimed publikely both in England and France the Kings with their Nobilitie present solemnly sworne to the observation of them This caused a solemne Procession upon the fourteenth of Iune following in London and a Sermon at Pauls Crosse being Friday wherein the Preacher amongst other things affirmed that for perpetuall manifestation of this so honourable an accord that the old Seale was to bee broken and a new great Seale to bee made wherein the Kings Title as Regent of France and heires apparant to the Crowne thereof and three Flowre-de-luces instead of sixe formerly borne in the Scutcheon of armes was to be engraved There was likewise a private League contracted betweene king Henry and the Duke of Burgoyne to this effect That the Duke to the uttermost of his best abilities should endevour the continuation of the former agreements That one of the Dukes Sisters should bee matched to one of the Kings Brothers that after the death of Charles hee should doe fealtie to the King of England That King Henry should prosecute the murtherers of the Dukes Father with all extremitie And that if any of them or the Dolphin should in any place be taken that they should not bee delivered without condigne punishment without the consent of the two Kings and the three estates of both kingdomes That the Duke should have assurance of lands for the annuall payment of the fee of twenty thousand pounds Paris to him and his Wife and the heires males betwixt them to be begotten And that King Henry upon the receiving his homage should confirme the same This thus finished King Henry invites the King and Queene of France with the Duke and Dutchesse of Burgoyne with all the Nobles of France there to a stately banquet the Ceremonies whereof ended hee made unto them so pithy and patheticall Oration declaring therein the utilitie of the union of the two kingdomes his right to them on the surer side with protestation of as true love and affection to France as if a native thereof and promises of tender regard to bee alwayes by him extended towards them with all filiall respect and dutifull observance to his Father and Mother-in-law and the true performance of all and every part of the Agreement And so perswading them to mutuall love and friendship amongst themselves and truth and loyalty to their Soveraigne And so with an expression of detestation of the late murther of the Duke of Burgoyne and giving assurance of his desire to procure the revengement thereof he concluded The next day following Iames the young King of Scots arrived And upon the fourth day of Iune King Henry with the French King the King of Scots the Duke of Burgoyne the Prince of Orange one and twenty Earles five and fou●…y Barons with many Knights and Gentlemen with an Army consisting of French English Scottish Irish and Dutch to the number of sixe hundred thousand marched towards the Dolphin and upon the seventh day layd siege to the Towne of Seins that sided with the Dolphin which after foure daies siege yeelded and thereof the Lord Benvile was made Captaine From thence they removed having the Duke of Bedford in their company who had brought out of England large supplies of men and money to Monstreau en falte Yon which was taken by Escalado here the murthered Duke of Burgoyne being buried and from thence his Sonne caused his boues to be taken up and carried to Digeon in high Burgoyne and there enterred by his Father Philip The Castle held out and during the siege thereof King Henry Created an Officer of armes to bee king of Herolds over the English men and entituled him Garter whom hee had formerly sent with offers of mercy to the Castle but was by the Captaine thereof reproachfully upbrayded for punishment of which his presumption a gibbet was erected and in view of Mounsieur Guitry the Castle Captaine twelve of his friends were executed Whereupon the Castilians treated for peace but the King in eight dayes together would not vouchsafe a parle so that after they had borne the brunt of six weekes siege they were enforced with saving of lives simply to yeeld The Earle of Warwicke was appointed to examine by poll all the prisoners and others that yeelded to find out any that had bin privy or parties to the murther of the Duke of Burgoine and was afterward made Governour both of Castle and Towne From thence the King marched to Melun upon Seine which was besieged the
thirteenth of Iuly the Captaine whereof was Barbason a Gascoyne a skilfull souldier and of approved valiancy And as Hanniball in warre was not more ready to invent stratagems then Quintus Fabius to prevent them so King Henryes counsell could not bee more wily to winne then Barbason was warie to defend The King by land and water stopped all passages making use of his before-mentioned floates to passe his souldiers over the River yet Barbason sallied out and fell upon the Earle of Warwickes quarter where if hee had not beene the more valiantly resisted The Duke of Burgoynes men had tasted of their fury The Duke of Bavier another of King Charles Sonin-lawe but his Dutchesse was dead with seven hundred well-appointed Horse-men came to the Campe which were presently listed under the Kings pay Barbason countermined some and stopt other mines made by the English and fought hand to hand in the Barryers with King Henry yet notwithstanding all his circumspect care and praise-worthy diligence when hee found hee was to fight against the two bitter arrowes of Gods wrath Famine and Pestilence hee humbled himselfe to the King who pardoned all that were not guilty of the forenamed murther whereof Barbason being suspected and others that were found faultie were sent to Paris under the conduct of the Duke of Clarence whom King Charles made Captaine of Delea that Citie and was accordingly admitted into the possession of all the strength thereof And presently thereupon both the Kings with their Queenes the Duke of Burgoyne and his Dutchesse with a royall traine came thither where they were most magnificencly entertained the French King was lodged in the house of Saint Paul and the King of England in the Castle of Louer Here the three States of France anew under their hands and seales in most authenticke manner ratified the former agreement the instruments whereof were delivered to the King of England who sent them to bee kept in his Treasurie at Westminster Now King Henry began to exercise his Regency and as a badge of his authoritie hee caused a new coyne which was called a Salute to bee made whereon the armes of France and England were quarterly stamped Hee there heard the Appeale of the Dowager of Burgoine against the Dolphin whose Advocates in his behalfe made large offers for satisfaction but they were adjourned to another day Hee placed and displaced divers officers and appointed the Duke of Exceter with five hundred men to the guard of Paris Sir Gilbert Vmfrevile was made Captaine of Melun and the Earle of Huntington of Bloyes de Vinces King Henry awarded out Processe against the Dolphin to appeare at the Marble table at Paris which hee not obeying sentence was denounced against him as guilty of the murther of the Duke of Burgoyne and by the sentence of the Parliament the Dolphin was banished the Realme The King with his beloved Queene Katherine the sixt of Ianuary left Paris and came to Roane where hee received homage of all the Nobilitie aswell such as were enobled by descent of the French as such as were dignified by desert of the English And making Thomas Duke of Clarence Lieutenant generall of France and Normandy and his Deputie in Normandy the Earle of Salisbury Having finished his Christmas he with his Queene went to Amiens and from thence to Callice and thence landing at Dover came to Canterbury and afterward thorow London to Westminster where the Queene upon Saint Mathewes day the fourth of February with all ceremonies rites and accustomed solemnities was Crowned The King of Scots sitting at dinner in his Estate but on the left hand of the Queene the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Kings Vncle the Bishop of Winchester being on the right hand all were serued with covered messes of silver but all the Feast was fish in observation of the Lent season King Henry by his ghostly father being instructed that the surest stone that can bee layd for the foundation of future felicitie must bee digged out of the quarry of Pietie first visited many places for devotion by way of Pilgrimage and then tooke his Progresse thorow the Land and knowing that great evills may grow out of the smallest causes if neglected hee by the way reformed all misdemeanours whereof he received notice hearing with a diligent eare the complaints of his poore subjects taking order for the administring of Iustice to high and poore neither sparing the great for might nor the meane for misery And shewing that Examples are the best Lectures and Vertue the best example after hee had set his ministers a copy thereof Hee gave meeting to the Queene at Leicester where they kept their Easter In the meane time the Duke of Clarence making a road into Aniou with the garrisons of Normandy came to the City of Ampers where hee knighted Sir William Rosse Sir Henry Goddard Sir Rowland Vider Sir Thomas Bewford his naturall Sonne And retutning home laden with prey was advertised that the Duke of Alanson intended to intercept his passage hee therefore sent the skowt-Master Andrew Fogosa to discover the face of the enemy who being a trecherous Lombard and having beene corrupted by the enemy at his returne reporteth their number to bee but small meanly armed and worse ordered so that if presently charged there could bee no resistance The Dukes credulitie caused him to draw all his horses together leaving the strength of the field his Bowes and Bills behind with them hee makes towards the enemy the traitour leading to a straight where by his appointment an ambush was layed that the Duke could neither retreat nor flee which perceiving the Duke with a valiant courage told the Earle of Tanckervile that their chance was very hard when no meanes was left but to sell their lives at the dearest rate to their enemies and so setting spurres to his horse charged upon the enemy but over-layed with multitude and over-wearied with fight The Duke of Clarence the Earle of Tanckervile the Lord Rosse the Earle of Angus Kyme Sir Iohn Lumley and Sir Iohn Verend with above two thousand English slaine The Earles of Somerset Suffolke and Pearch Sir Iohn Berckley Sir Ralph Nevile Sir William Bowes and threescore Gentlemen were taken prisoners The Bastard Clarence having an inckling of the Lombards treachery brought on his Archers whom the French perceiving to approach fled with their Prisoners leaving the dead undispoyled by which meanes the Lord Fitzwater and some others were found wounded and almost stifled amongst the carkasses The bodyes of the dead were by the foot-men buried except the Duke of Clarence who by Sir Iohn Beauford his base sonne the Duke dying without other issue wac conveyed to England and buried at Canterbury besider his father This happened upon Easter Eeve The King was at Beverly when he had notice of his brothers death and presently thereupon hee dispatced away Edmond Earle of Mortaigne into Normandy making him Lieutenant thereof Then calls hee his
high Court of Parliament to Westminster wherein hee enforced the necessity of speedy pursuance of the Dolphin and his Adherents and easinesse of revenging the losse of his brother and their friends and allyes in case they would furnish him with money men and amunition being in readinesse provided Whereupon the Clergie cheerefully granted two tenths and the temporalty readily one fifteene and for that the Kings hast could not well stay the wonted course of collection thereof The Bishop of Winchester layed forth to bee received againe of the Designes of the spiritualty twenty thousand pounds so willing was the rich Cardinall to have his brother Clarence death revenged The King thus provided with money sent his brother the Duke of Bedford with the Army to Callice consisting of foure thousand men at armes and foure and twenty thousand Archers himselfe about the middle of May followeth and safely arriving at Callice hee hasted to relieve Charters whom the Dolphin with seven thousand men had besieged and comming to Maunt heard that the Dolphin was retired to Tours The Duke of Burgoyne who had received and feasted the King with his Father and Mother-in-law at Monstruell and from thence came with the King to Maunt went backe to Piccardy to resist the insolencies of Sir Iaques de Harcourt The King of Scots with the Duke of Glocester about the eight of Iuly besieged Dreux which upon the eight of August compounded That if they were not reskued before the twentieth of that moneth to deliver up the Towne the souldiers with their goods to march whither they would upon which day no reskue came they had all leave to depart except one Searle an Englishman fled thither for Treason out of Roane whom they presently executed and the Towne was delivered to the King of Scots whereof the Earle of Worcester was made Captaine and Sir Henry Mortimer Bayliffe The King pursued the Dolphin from place to place but hee was too flit of foot to bee easily overtaken In the way King Henry surprized the Towne of Baugency but tooke them all to mercy that craved it the like he did at Rugemounte from thence victuall failing hee went to Orleans and from thence to Vignei Sainct Yon where hee stayed awhile to refresh his men and from thence to Paris and having there fitted himselfe with supplies hee went and fate downe before Meuix in Brye a Towne no lesse well victualed then manned and no better furnished then fortified neverthelesse after many assaults the besieged forsooke the Walls and drew into the Market place where they began workes for their defence from whence being likewise beaten the King had possession of that and all the Fortresses in the Isle of France in Lonvaus in Brye and in Champayne The Duke of Bedford in the Kings absence called a Parliament in England in which was granted to the King towards the maintenance of his warres one Fifteene to bee payed in such moneyes as at the time of the graunt were current Vpon Saint Nicholas day Queene Katherine was brought to bed of a Sonne at Windsor who was by the Duke of Bedford and Henry Bishop of Winchester and the Countesse of Holland Christened by the name of Henry whereof when the King had notice out of a propheticke disposition hee sayd Good Lord I Henry borne at Monmouth shall small time raigne and much get and Henry borne at Windsor shall long Raigne and lose all but Gods will be done Divers Frenchmen under the leading of Oliver de Many who had given faith never to beare armes against the King of England entred Normandy and did rob and spoyle the countrey But being by the Earle of Suffolke encountred hee was after a long and desperate fight taken and all his Confederates rowted the King notwithstanding his breach of faith put him not to death but sent him prisoner to England where he dyed The Dolphin layed siege to Cosney who made composition that if they were not reskued by the King of England within tenne dayes to surrender The King was so intentive to the reskue that hee over-heat himselfe with travell and comming to Senlis found himselfe so distempered that hee was enforced to remaine there and send his brother Duke of Bedford to prosecute the dissigne who effected the same the Dolphin upon his approach raised the siege and dishonourably retired into Berry whereof in mockage hee was after called King of Berry the Queenes untimely visit who not long before having taken shipping at Southampton with a gallant Company of freshmen raysed and furnished at her owne charge under the conduct of the Duke of Bedford was come into France and had met the King at Paris where hee left her but shee having notice of his sicknesse was come unto him did much increase the Kings Fever insomuch that by the perswasion of the Doctors and direction of the Kings Councell against her owne will and the Kings desire whose ardent affection unto her could hardly brooke her absence shee left the King who after her departure growing worse and worse was removed to Bloys where within few dayes hee yeelded up his conquests to the all-Conquerour who sent him Crowned with never-dying victory to place of ever-living glory Somewhat before his departure out of this world hee made the Duke of Bedford Lieutenant generall of Normandy and Regent of the kingdome of France And the Duke of Glocester Protector of England and his sonnes person exhorting all to bee true and friendly to the Duke of Burgoyne to bee at unitie amongst themselves to bee loyall to their young Prince to bee seruiceable to his dearely beloved Queene to hold and preserve what he by his valour and Gods assistance had wonne never to conclude contract of amitie with the Dolphin or the Duke of Alanson untill they had submitted themselves to the Kings grace and so giving God thankes for all his former favours and blessings bestowed upon him hee dyed the last of August 1422. in the eight and thirtieth yeere of his age when hee had raigned nine yeares five moneths and foure and twenty dayes his body was carried to Westminster and there buried amongst his Ancestours his character appeareth best when it is referred to his recollection of himselfe for as hee was in youth the most untowardly so in his riper yeares hee approved himselfe of great noblenesse and vertue his stature was tall his personage slender but very strong active he was saith Walsingham modestus vultu actu magnanimus of courage invincible and fortunately victorious in all his battells never receiving checke in any of nature liberall of disposition affable of a generous spirit of infatigable constancy hee was wise and provident in Councell in judgement upright and just in his speech sober in countenance majesticke in comportment magnanimous borne and bred for conquest of life unreprovable and in his death generally greatly lamented in briefe his deeds gave cause of admiration to contemporaries and imitation
and to others as having spirit to dare and a power to doe bravely hee was married to Katherine Daughter of Charles the sixt King of france whose company shee enjoyed but two yeares and three moneths by whom hee had issue only Henry that succeeded him in the Crowne her affections after tyed her to Owen Theodor a Gentleman of no extraordinary linage but absolute for the lineaments of his body by whom shee had issue three sonnes Edmond Iasper and Owen Edmond was after Earle of Richmond and maried Margaret daughter and sole heire of Iohn Duke of Somerset who had issue King Henry the seuenth Iasper was Earle of Penbrocke and after Duke of Bedford shee dyed in Southwarcke and was buried at Westminster THE LIFE AND RAIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SIXT HENRY the sixt borne at Windsor an infant of nine moneths old began his Raigne the last of August Anno Dom. 1422. The government of the Realmes preappointed by the Father on his death-bed and after confirmed by the Nobilitie was committed to Humphrey Duke of Glocester The guard of his person to Thomas Duke of Exceter and Henry Bewford Bishop of Winchester and to Iohn Duke of Bedford was appointed the Regency of France This triple twyne untill the time unhappily untwisted kept the wheeles in orderly motion that guided the Clocke of good government in this Realme so that there was in the beginning of their proceeding no disproportion or disagreement betwixt them but all things were continued advisedly and well The Protectors knowing that it is trechery to wisdome in managing great affayres not to bee directed by the clew of advise made choice of grave and discreet Councellours by whose approvement he made provision of all things necessary aswell for quiet governing the English as for retayning the conquered parts of France in obedience and further conquest of such as yet were refractary leauing nothing undone that might conduce to the honour and happinesse of the estate of the young King and the Realme The Regent of France was not backward on his part but endevoured all that was possible to second the Protectours care But the death of Charles the sixt and the proclaiming the Dolphin King of France by the name of Charles the seventh gave the Regent just cause to suspect the tergiversation of the French Whereupon hee encreaseth the Garrisons and sufficiently furnisheth all places of import with men and amunition exhorting the Normans to continue constant according to their fealtie made to the King of England On the other side the new King of France makes provision in all places to draw his forces together And in the meane time sends the Lord Granvile to Pont Melan who surprised the same putting all the English souldiers to the sword for revenge whereof and the recovery of the Towne the Regent sent the ever to be commended Commander Thomas Montacute Earle of Salisbury with convenient forces thither who for the space of two moneths so straightly beleagred the same that the Lord Gravile surrendred the same and sware but fleshly to bee true man to the King of England Hereof was Sir Henry Mortimer made Captaine and Sir Richard Vernon of the Castle From thence hee marched to Seyne which hee tooke by assault and put all the souldiers except the Captaine Sir William Maryn to the sword and thereof made Captaines Sir Hugh Godding and Sir Richard Aubemond the first of the Towne the other of the Castle The Regent the Duke of Burgoyne and Iohn Duke of Britaine meet at Amiens and renewed the old league and further inlarged it to bee defensive and offensive respectively And knowing that affinitie for the most part is the truest entertainer of friendship and an unquestionable obligation of amity the Regent afterward marrieth Anne the Sister of Burgoyne at Troys In the meane time the Parisian conspired to have let in the new King into Paris but the day before the night appointed for his admission the Duke with his power entred apprehended the Conspiratours and put them to publike execution which done hee furnished all the Forts and places of strength with Englishmen sent Sir Iohn Falstaffe who tooke in Pacy and Coursay two strong Castles whilst hee with his forces tooke in Traynells and Bray upon Seyne The Constable the while with all the new Kings forces layed siege to Cravant in Burgoyne But the Regent and the Duke of Burgoyne sent their forces under the conduct of the never-sufficiently to bee praysed Earle of Salisbury who having with great difficultie and small losse passed the river of Yone seconded by the Burgonians set upon the French and after a long and doubtfull fight put the French to flight slaying about eighteene hundred Knights and Gentlemen of note and three thousand common souldiers Scottish and French there were taken Prisoners The Constable of France who had lost an eye the Earle of Ventadour Sir Alexander Merdyn Sir Lewis Ferignye and two and twentie hundred Gentlemen of the English part were slaine Sir Iohn Gray Sir William Hall Sir Gilbert Halsall one of the Marshalls of the field Richard ap Maddocke and one and twentie hundred souldiers one with another From hence the Earle led his forces to Montaguillon and sate downe before it and after five moneths siege tooke it whilst the Duke of Suffolke tooke in the two strong Castles of Coucy and le Roche The Protector in the meane time ransomed and enlarged the young King of Scots who for many yeares had beene prisoner taking Homage and Fealtie of him from the Crowne of Scotland the tenour whereof is thus recorded I IAMES STEVVARD King of SCOTS shall bee true and faithfull unto you Lord HENRY by the grace of GOD King of ENGLAND and FRANCE the Noble and superiour Lord of SCOTLAND and to you I make my fidelitie for the said kingdome which I hold and claime of you And I shall beare you my faith and fidelitie of life and limme and worldly honour against all men and faithfully I shall acknowledge and shall doe you service due for the Kingdome of SCOTLAND afore-sayd so GOD mee helpe and these holy Evangelists And with consent of all the Nobilitie gave him to wife the Lady Iane Daughter to the deceased Duke of Somerset and Cousin german to the King with a large Dowrie besides many great and rich gifts bestowed by the Mother Vncles and other her kinred but no courtesie or bounty could keepe him from proving unfaithfull and unthankfull The Protectour with his accustomed provident circumspection to prevent dangers that want of supplies might bring to the Army sent over to the Regent tenne thousand well-furnished souldiers with all things whereof hee might stand in need with which fresh succours hee wonne and valiantly conquered many Townes Castles and places of strength whose power the French-men not able to withstand began to fasten the foxes tayle to the lyons skin and what they could not by courage compasse they attempted
the King made show of readinesse to fight yet hee turned faces to the left hand and marched away The Regent followed him but could not overtake him till hee came neere Senlys where the King was encamped The armies on both sides were embattailed and kept in array as long as it was light and so againe the next day the Dukes light horsmen and the Normans made many attempts and provoked some skirmishes as it were to give the French a taste of their resolution but the King not willing further to provoke such forward Cavaleeres in the dead of the night wheeled about and fled to Bray The Duke forecasting that this was but a plot to draw him further from Paris of whose fidelitie hee had no great assurance followed no further but with great griefe to the souldiers returned thither Whilst hee lay there hee received intelligence That his brother the Cardinall was with some forces at Dover in prosecution of some pact formerly made betwixt Pope Martyn and him ready to transport them into Boheme to arbitrate a point of Religion by the sword hee thereupon writes to him and to his brother of Glocester thereby intimating to them the wants hee had of present supply with such forcible reasons perswading that hee prevailed and the Cardinall with his forces raysed to another place and purpose came to the Regent to Paris The Regent now the stronger by these new forces having intelligence that the King of France was marched into Champaigne followeth him and finding him encamped upon the Mount Pihal betweene Senlis and Champaygne hee pitched in sight of them and hourely provoked him to come downe by the Norman horse who braved him to his trenches beating backe such as came forth to skirmish without need of seconds when thus in sight of each other they had laine for a time the Regent expecting to bee charged they having double the advantage of the number the French follow their last copy and silently retired to Crispis The Regent perceiving their irresolution to fight licenced the Cardinall to goe his pretended journey with his forces whilst hee and his marched backe to Paris of whose constancy hee was and not without cause ever warily jealous yet gave them no cause of discovery thereof Vpon Saint Leonards day the sixt of November 1429. King Henry being not full eight yeares old was with great solemnitie sacred-annointed and Crowned King at Westminster at whose Coronation were made thirtie sixe Knights of the Bathe about which time the French King by the instigation of that shee impostour Le pusill who had bewitched the credulity of those times and was for the more part esteemed as a prophetesse and shee againe to give some colour to settle this opinion did dare and doe many things beyond the reach modesty strength of a Woman riding manlike astride and in armour making show of manhood and giving forth in speeches not without some ostentation that shee was a messenger sent from God to reconquer out of the hands of the English whatsoever they had now in possession there By the subtile working of this Medean Virago The French King was received into Champaigne and Senlis and Bravoys were zaunz blowe or battery rendred unto him whilst the Lord Longevile tooke by surprise the Castle of Aumarle and slew all the English there The Castle of Galiard was rendred upon composition where in an iron grated chamber they found the Lord Barbason who having sworne to bee true prisoner could not bee induced to come out of that place untill Captaine Kingston to whom hee had given that oath was upon safe conduct recalled to acquite him which was accordingly done A rare example of constancy in him considering how little conscience the rest of his Nation at that time made of an oath yet it may not bee forgotten that of those that were sworne at Harflew either to send their ransomes agreed upon or to render their bodyes prisoners at a day prefixed at Callice of seventy three not one Gentleman fayled but either sent his ransome or yeelded their bodyes to the Kings mercy The French Kings Councell were resolved that the only way to weaken the english was to disunite the bond of friendship hitherto kept firme betwixt the Regent and the Duke of Burgoine to this end are many messengers sent unto him from the French King whereby hee first laboureth to cleere himselfe of the murther of his Father next hee maketh large offers of preferments and assurances of free pardon of all offences past and his royall promise of love and friendship during life hereof the Duke certifieth the Regent but withall giveth him a touch of his unkind denyall of Orleance subjection unto him The Regent giveth him many thankes for his kind notice and exhorteth him to continue firme as hee had given promise and hee should have no just cause given him to repent him of being in league with England Neverthelesse hee tooke order to prevent haddywist and so to provide that if the worst should follow the worst hee might bee assured of the maine which hee reckoned Normandy hee the lesse reguarded the by though hee willingly would neglect no part of the whole He therefore appointed the Bishop of Terowen Chancellour of the Realme of FRANCE under King HENRY with a competent number of men to guard Paris whilst hee departed into Normandy and at Roane called a Parliament in which hee inculcated the great benefits that redounded to that nation by the friendship of the English what large freedomes they had how infinite rich they might grow by holding good correspondency with that Nation whereby their Wives and linnen cloth might fairely bee exported to England and Wooll and lead and other staple commodities from thence freely bee imported to them setting out at large all the commoditie by their loyalty they might have and the discommodity they should reape by the other hee concluded with the rightfull claime to the Seigniory of Normandy to his Nephew and King by lawfull inheritance from Rollo the hardy first Duke thereof hee now therefore requested that they would confirme their constancy to the Crowne of England with manifestation of their true affection to him and so they should bee assured of protection and defence against all opposers In the meane time King Charles that slipt no advantage that close working might bring to passe having underhand sounded the affection of the Parisians and finding them wavering presuming by the Regents absence if he did but appeare before the walls to carry the City hee drew all his forces thither and used all possible meanes by escalado battery burning the gates and what else sudden invention guided by furious desire to carry it could effect but all to no purpose for such was the vigilant care and hardy resolution of the Commanders and souldiers in defending the same that the King whom a little fighting for his part would fill his stomacke sounded the retrait and with some losse but
more dishonour leaving his slaine and maimed souldiers behind him all save the Pusil impostor who being hurt in the leg and almost stifled with mire in the ditch was by Guisio Thierborne a servant to the Duke of Alanson drawne up and conveyed after the King to Berry who in the way received the submission of the Inhabitants of Laigny The Regent returning to Paris so effectually with words and gesture expressed his true acknowledgement of thankfulnesse for their good service generally and every ones faith in the particular that the Parisians publikely professed Friends to King Henry Friends to Paris enemies to England enemies to the Parisians Philip Duke of Burgoine commeth to Paris where it is concluded in Councell that hee shall remaine for the safeguard of the Citie whilst the Regent infinitely desirous to affront King Charles in the field makes head against the usurper but no certaine newes could be brought where he was in prison the Regent in his March regained Saint Dennis with divers other Fortlets adjoyning The Bastard of Clarence layd siege to the Castle of Sorsy which after sixe moneths siege was yeelded unto him Sir Thomas Kiryel with foure hundred English-men issued out of Gourney in Normandy and wasted the Country to the suburbes of Clerimont all along The Earle of Britaine with his forces meet them neere Beavoys who not liking to charge them with his horse observing some disadvantage in the place or fearing their stakes caused his men to dismount and to charge them on foot but their entertainment was such that the English made shift with their owne horses to follow them flying taking two hundred prisoners and slaying six hundred and so victoriously returned The Duke of Suffolke having payed his ransome and set at libertie besieged the place whereof the Lord Rambures was chiefe which after foure and twenty assaults hee caused to be rendred simply unto him Sir Stephen le Hire with Captaine Franquet with three hundred men marching toward Champayne which was beleagred by the Duke of Burgoyne the Earles of Arundell and Suffolke were encountred by Pusil Ioane and foure hundred with her who fiercely charged them but being by the close order of the English debard from breaking in shee like a Masty curre not daring come too neere stood baying untill shee had drawne out the garrisons of Laigny and other Forts which all fell upon the English and made a great slaughter amongst them and tooke the Captaine prisoner who being presented unto her for shee was reverenced as a Commander in chiefe because hee would not humble himselfe unto her upon the knee like her selfe against law of armes and rule of reason shee caused his head to bee cut off and all his souldiers taken prisoners cruelly to bee slaine From thence shee sped her to Campayne into which with her company shee entred the same as yet not being besieged round Vpon Ascention day at night this Amazonian Virago sallyed out upon the Lord Bawdoe de Noyels quarter where shee did but little hurt and was repulsed though her plot was to have fired his lodgings two nights after by the same place the Bridge towards Montdrider with five hundred men at armes shee sallyed out againe but being discovered by Sir Iohn of Lutzenborough her company was defeated and shee taken and presented to the Duke of Burgoyne who sent her to the Regent who sent her to the Bishop of the Diocesse who after judiciall proceeding against her as a Sorceresse and deceiver of the King and his subjects by her seeming show of sanctitie and her inhumane cruelty against the King of England and his subjects was after her many delayes of promise of discoverie of secret practises and lastly of her fained pregnancie burned at Roane The siege still continued before Campaigne whither the Regent sent the Earle of Huntington and Sir Iohn Robsert who brought fresh supplies of all things But Philip the Duke of Brabant being dead and the Duke of Burgoyne going thither to take possession of the Dutchie as undoubted heire Sir Iohn of Luxborough was left in his stead to prosecute the siege who contrary to the wills of the English and against the opinion of the major part of the Councell raised the same and departed whereby hee left the besieged meanes how to have therewith famine relieved but the Pestilence raged very hot in the Towne The game at Chesse amongst the souldiers playd gave checke sometime to the French and sometime to the English the one in one place prevailing the other doing in another place the like and so it continued wavering in doubtfull ballance a long time The young King of England was by his Councell advised for it was by them resolved that his presence would be a good motive to retain his friends in their former fidelity and reduce the backsliders to their sworne allegiance to goe with armed power in person into France To this end upon St. Georges eve he took shipping at Dover and landed on Sunday being St. Georges day at Callice with a wel-appointed Army from thence by easie marches went to Roan and from thence to Paris where he was by his Vncle the Bishop of Winchester and Cardinall of Eusebius with all wel-beseeming Ceremonies and observances Crowned King of France receiving the oathes of homage and Fealty of all the Nobilitie of France present and all the Citizens and inhabitants of that Citie and of the places adjacent It was very observable amongst strangers and not without some admiration that so small an Iland as England under the governance of so tender an infant should so long and upon so good termes contend with so large potent and populous a kingdome as France But such at that time was the vertue martiall valour of the English Nation That they knew no meane betwixt death and victory alwayes preferring an honorable death before a lingring servitude This moved Eugenius the Pope and all the Christian Princes so often to make Overtures of reconcilement betwixt these two kingdomes but could effect nothing but an imperfect truce for six years which agreed upon King Henry returnes for England and landeth at Dover the 11. of February The six yeares truce was scarce openly proclaimed when an unexpected accident gave occasion of breach thereof and which was worse of the amitie betwixt the Regent the Duke of Burgoyne For his Sister the Lady Anne being dead without issue he too suddenly married the young Lady Iaqueline Daughter to Peter Earle of St. Paul at Terwy●… from whence before the solemnitie of the Feast were fully finished he posted to Callice to punish the insolency of some of the garrison there who pretending want of pay had restrained the Merchants from venting their Woolls foure of the faulty souldiers he executed 110. he banished the Towne and many more hee punished by imprisonment from whence with his new Bride on Midsommer eve hee departed for London where he stayed untill the
Petitioning the King for exemplary punishment to be inflicted upon such that had plotted or consented to the dishonourable release and resignation of Anion and Mayne whereof by name they did instance the Duke of Suffolke Iohn Bishop of Salisbury Sir Iames Fynes Lord Say and others This Petition was seconded by the Lords of the upper House whereupon to give some satisfaction to the Houses the Lord Say Lord Treasurer is sequestred from his place The Dukes Offices are all discarded and himselfe formally banished for five yeares but with an intent after the multitude which are quickly forgetfull of what is not ever in sight had put out of mind the hatred conceived against him to have revoked him But God did otherwise dispose of him For when hee was shipped in Suffolke with intent to have wasted over into France hee was met by an English man of Warre taken and carried to Dover Sands had there his head chopt off on the side of the long boat which together with the body were left there on the sands as a pledge of some satisfaction for the death of Humphry This William de la Poole married Alice Daughter and heire of Sir Tomas Chaucer who had issue by her Iohn who succeeded him and William Whilst these things are in agitation the Duke of Yorke though in Ireland began to spread his nets in England to catch such as either through disgraces were discontented or otherwise envious at the unworthy preferment of ill-deserving persons or such as were any way ill-affected with the present government ever suggesting by the way his Title to the Crowne as descended from Philip Daughter and heire of George Duke of Clarence elder brother of Iohn of Gaunt great Grandfather of Henry the sixt Then is it privatly whispered 1. That the King was simplie of a weake capacitie 2. The Queene incorrigibly ambitious 3. The Privie Councell if wise yet not honest enough for their places 4. That through their inabilities all France was lost And that God would not blesse the usurped possession of King Henry the sixt Amongst others that were caught with these reportative engines The Kentishmen swallowed downe the hooke and are taken therewith which being observed by an Instrument of the Duke of Yorkes called Mortimer he taketh his time and telleth the many that if they will bee ruled by him hee will put them into a course to worke a generall reformation both in Court and Country and free them for ever from those great and insupportable burthens of taxations so often upon every slight occasion obtruded upon them The people are so taken with these promises of reformation and freedome of impositions that they draw to a head and make Mortymer otherwise Iacke Cade their Leader who stiling himselfe Captaine Mend-all marcheth with no great number but those well-ordered to Black-heath where betweene Eltham and Greenwich hee lay by the space of a moneth exercising his men and sending for whom hee pleased and for what he pleased in that majestick manner as if hee were Lord Paramount of all Kent nay of London also To him resort fresh Companies of all sorts and from all parts Then he presents unto the Parliament then assembled at Westminster the complaints of the Commons and a justification of the cause of their assembly to be for the glory of God the honor of the King and the good of his faithfull subjects And first whereas it was generally voiced That the Countie of Kent should be depopulated and made a wild Forrest for the death of the Duke of Suffolke they justifie their innocency of the fact and therefore crave the aversion of any such sentence or decree Then they make remonstrance 1. That the Queenes Fauorites share among them the revenewes of the Crowne whereby the King is enforced for the supportation of his present estate to taxe and burthen the Commons with many great and vnusuall payments to their utter undoing and the generall impoverishment of the Kingdome 2. That the Lords of the blood royall are sequestred from the Kings presence and the places of Councell are supplyed by persons of poore condition who to enrich themselves make sale of justice 3. That the Commons have their commodities daily taken from them for the purveyance of the Kings houshold for which they are not payed nor any assurance for payment thereof given but Court promises 4. That upon the apprehension of any man for treason or felony before conviction the Kings meniall servants beg the goods and lands of the impeached Whereupon indirect and unlawfull proceedings are used by subornation of witnesses embracery of Iurors And great mens Letters to the Iudges whereby Iustice is perverted and the innocent after attainted and if not executed yet perpetually imprisoned to their undoing and the enriching of such Court Barratours 5. That the Commons can have no legall proceedings in their law suites so that the rightfull owners of inheritance dare not if opposed by any Courtier or their Favourites maintaine their titles or attempt the recovery of their interest or maintenance of their possession how just soever 6. That the treachery of making sale of the Kings possessions in France have brought to beggery many thousand English who now for want of imployment are ready to starve or steale whilst these Towne-robbers are suffered to enjoy the benefit of their traiterous compositions and are opulent and mighty 7. That the Kings Collectors and other accomptants are much troubled in passing their accompts by new extorted fees and by being enforced to procure a late invented Writ of quorum nomina for allowance of the Barons of the Cinque-ports and there suing out their quietus at their owne charge without allowance from the King 8. That the Sheriffes and under-Sheriffes let to farme their Bayliwicks whereby those that buy deere being to make a saving bargaine are compelled to sell deere whereby they so fleece and sharke upon the poore Commons that they are hardly able to subsist 9. That such Bailiffs under colour of the greenwax out of the Exchequer doe levy greater summes then are by the record justifiable yet maintained 10. That the Officers of Dover Castle did usually upon feyned actions doe arrest through the shire forcing poore people to give their demaunds rather then they would bee at that expence to goe to the Court and there dance attendance at pleasure by meanes whereof they are often driven to spend more then the thing demanded to the great vexation of the Commons 11. That they cannot have the freedome of election of Knights of the shires Citizens and Burgesses for the Parliament but by letters from the Favorites of the Court to their friends and retainers the Knights Citizens and Burgesses are chosen and commonly such as to please the Courtiers displease the Commons 12. That the Collectours offices are bought and sold at the pleasure of the Iustices of the peace taking bribes of some that are of a soft disposition to be spared and taking bribes
on the other side of turbulent spirited men to have leave to execute the place 13. That they are too much troubled with too often comming to attend the generall Sessions being enforced in many places to make five dayes journey to the place where they are kept hereof they made complaint and crave redresse and that speedily The Captaine likewise for his owne particular after protestation made to live and die in the quarrell of the King and in justification of his being Soveraigne and undoubted Lord and of affirmation of his desire of the Kings welfare and prosperitie of the Realme maketh Petition that the King would be himself not live of the almes of his poore Cōmons whilst his proud Courtiers ryot out the revenewes of the Crown to that end hee craveth that the King wil resume into his own hands all the demeasne lands rights and profits of the Crowne now sold or leased or farmed or otherwise disposed of 2. That his Majestie would be pleased to call backe and into favour to receive the truly noble Prince the Duke of York now exiled from his presence and with him the right honourable the Dukes of Exceter Buckingham and Norfolke and the antient Noblemen of the Realme by the undue practises of Suffolke and his complices commanded from his presence And that all their antagonists and ill-willers might bee banished the Court or bard their place in Councell and displaced of their Offices 3. That condigne punishment might be impartially inflicted upon all the plotters contrivers of the Duke of Glocesters death their associates abettors and of all such as were the causes of the death of the Dukes of Exceter and Warwicke with the irrecuperable losse of the Kings possessions in France 4. That there mightbe a generall amotion of corrupt officers an abolition of the green Wax and other instruments of extortion out of the Exchequer a qualification of the rigor of proceeding in the Kings bench an inhibition of unequall purveyance of provision for the Kings houshold a cessation of proceedings against the offenders of the Statute of Laborers and a present execution of the Promooters Slegge Cromer Isell and East whom he pretended by wrongfull informations to have abused the King and wronged his subjects These bills of intimation and petition are sent from the lower House to the upper from whence the examination of the circumstances are committed to the Lords of the Kings privy Councell who having throughly perused them and maturely examined the particulars explode them as frivolous and conclude the promovers and authors there of proud and presumptuous rebells Whereupon the King is solicited by his privy Councell to punish the unlawfull attempt of these rebellious pretenders rather by force then entreaty This advise is seconded by the Queen whom she perceived now they principally aimed at though not as yet in overt termes discovered The King drawes his forces to Greenwitch from whence he appointed divers namelesse Lords to assaile the rebells but they were told by their followers that they would not fight against their friends as only laboured the reformation of abuses and the punishment of such traytors about the King as the Lord Say the Kings Chamberlain was whose name was rife in every mans mouth as well on one side as other to be reproched whereupon the L. Chamberlaine is presently cōmitted to the tower until other forces come the King Queen retire to London from whence within two daies being nowful 15000. strong the King in person marcheth towards Captaine Amend all who politickly withdraweth his forces to Senock wood upon notice where of the King retireth to London But the Queen thirsting after their ruine that plotted hers sends the two Staffords Sir Humphry William with many gallants to follow the rebels these proud of imployment make more hast then good speed for they found Iacke Cade in good order ready to receive them who in the first encounter slew Sir Humphry afterwards his brother put all the rest to ●…ight The Kings forces being at Blackheath could not by threats or entreats bee enforced or perswaded to goe to the reskues But hearing of the discomfiture of the Staffords and the forward Courtiers they began to whistle treason wishing the Queene and her favourites in Staffords roome or that the Duke of Yorke were in England to ayd his Cousin Mortimer never ownd to be of the house of March untill now But all expressing their backwardnesse to make resistance many of them steale to the Kentishmen and others from Sussex and Surrey encrease his number whom he ordereth restraineth from forraging or taking any thing by force or without payment yet how or from whence he had provision of food for this numerous company or mony to provide it had not some Londoners underhand given him assistance might have beene wondered But hee returneth againe to Black-heath and encampeth where the Kings army lay the night before who were now falne downe to Green-witch The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Duke of Buckingham are sent to expostulate with the rebells and their Captaine about their demmand a miserable time the while when two such peeres must be imployed in such a manner to so meane a person and a rebell But now beeing together Iack Cade with a sober composed countenance and great moderation expressed himselfe in very good termes but without show of reluctation or cessation from armes except the King in person would heare the grievances of the subject and passe his Princely word for reformation of their wrongs thus setled if not peremptory resolution made knowne to the King who was in doubt of his owne forces as being unsure of his owne Souldiers faith marcheth presently to Killingworth Castle in Warwickshire where he fortifieth and victualleth as suspecting to be besieged having left nor power nor Commander of note behind but onely the Lord Scales who with some forces were left to gard the Tower The Kentish Captaine taking advantage of the Kings departure commeth to Southwarke where he orderly quartereth his men earnestly exhorting his Souldiers to be Examples of that in themselves that they made pretence to find wanting in others and to be regular and modest and to Commit no outrage either in or about their lodging he himselfe kept the watch and kept all things faire and square The next morning they marched to London-bridge where they made shift with their swords to cut the ropes of the draw bridge no force being used for resistance and so in good order they march by London stone vpon which the Captaine strooke his sword saying Loe Mortymer is now Lord of London The Maior of London Sir Thomas Chalton standing upon the threshold of his doore with a bold countenance as though he had power enough if he would to represse him told the Captaine that if he should attempt any thing against the quiet of the City that he should feele hands enough about their eares to stop them before they
in Sussex Surry and Wilshire but were soone appeased without much hurt done only the Wilshire men upon the nine and twenteth day of Iune drew William Askots Bishop of Salisbury from the high altar celebrating Masse in Edington Church in his albe with his stole about his necke to the top of the hill and their inhumanly murdered him Their rage having blinded their reason banisht humanitie and drowned all pitty they stripped him naked every one of his tenants striving to have a peece of his bloody shirt not as others to have the relikes of the Martyr to celebrate his memory but as glorying in their owne villany they having the day before robbed his carriage and taken the sum of ten thousand marks The French King taking hold of these disorders in England winneth out of their hands all whatsoever was in their possession in France no succour though often and earnestly by writing and Messengers required being sent unto them so that England at this time suffred a totall eclipse of glory in France They every day loosing more or lesse untill they had nothing left in France to loose but the Towne of Callice and the Castles of Hames and Gnynes so that King Henry the Fifts propheticke declaration that what Henry of Monmouth got in France Henry of Windsor should lose was now verified The Duke of Somerset having so well discharged his place of Regency that hee had lost but few men but consumed much Treasure and kept never a Towne commeth into England and at a Parliament which began at Westminster the sixt of November was put under arrest upon notice whereof the commons of London despoiled his house at Black-fryers and ransacked the same making havocke of all things untill Proclamation was made on pain of death that no man should meddle with any the Dukes houses or stuffe and one for disobeying the Proclamation was beheaded at the Standard in Cheape The Duke of Yorke under pretence of comming to this Parliament came out of Ireland and at London had private conference with Iohn Duke of Norfolke Richard Earle of Salisbury the Earle of Devon and other his assured Friends where it was resolved to keepe the chiefe purpose the pretence to the Crowne secret and only make shew of his endevours to bee bent to remove those from the Councell of the King that had so dishonoured the Realme and wasted the revenewes of the Crowne in losing so many good Townes in France and doing nothing worthy their place or credit they held about the King whereof the Duke of Somerset must bee the chiefe man to bee instanced and the rather for that hee was in great contempt of the Commons and was the only hee that opposed the Duke of Yorke in all things The Duke having layed the foundation of this his so long intended enterprise sent divers Letters unto the King wherein hee intimated the many unworthy proceedings plotted against him by his enemies whereby they had well-nie if hot altogether withdrawne his Majesties affection from him and though hee were and was ready to lay downe his life at the Kings command as a testimony of his ever to continue loyalty yet by their secret and dishonourable practises they had besmeared his honour with suspition of his integrity which was a griefe unutterable and an injury unsupportable That his patience abused might turne to furie neverthelesse his only request was to know his accuser and either to have libertie to defie him and make good his challenge by the law of Armes or bee permitted to take that course for the reparation of his Honour as was appertaining to his condition and birth To this the King maketh answer that hee would take his complaint of wrongs into consideration and endevour to give him faire satisfaction but withall somewhat blames him for the death of the Bishop of Chester by his meanes suspected to bee slaughtered and of dangerous speeches uttered by his servants tending to rebellion concluding that notwithstanding any thing said or done to the contrary he did take and esteeme him as a faithfull subject and a loving kinsman The Duke of Yorke not herewith satisfied intending at once both to promulgate his protestation and display his colours departeth into Wales and there levieth men making his colour for the good of the Common-wealth and the removing the bad Councellers that sought the ruine of his subjects from the Kings Councell Newes hereof being brought the King with the Duke of Somerset now enlarged with an Army marched towards Wales whereof the Duke of Yorke having notice by his Scoutes which way the King came by a contrarie way marched towards LONDON but having from thence received advertisements that hee would bee prohibited entrance hee past the River Thames at Kingstone bridge and marched into Kent expecting there to find many friends at least partakers and encamped upon Burnt heath The King in his pursuit came to Blackheath and there pitcht his Tents From whence the King sent the Bishops of Winchester and Ely the Lord Rivers and Richard Andrews the keeper of the Privie Seale to know the cause of this Commotion and to make offer of reconcilement if the Dukes Demaunds were consonant to reason The Duke made answer that there was nothing intended that might bee prejudiciall to the Kings person his Crowne or Dignitie nor to the hinderance of any good man but to remove certaine blood-suckers evill disposed persons oppressours of the poore and infamous impostors from about the King but especially Edmond Duke of Somerset whom if the King would bee but pleased to commit to Ward untill by a legall tryall in Parliament hee might receive judgement of such treasonable crimes as should then and there bee proved against him that then he would not only dismisse his Army but come unto his presence as a true and loyall subject in dutie was bound so to doe and to tender him all befitting service Hereupon the Duke of Somerset is committed to prison the Duke of Yorke dismisseth his Army and commeth in person to the King where finding the Duke of Somerset in the Presence hee chargeth him with Treason The Duke of Somerset denieth the accusation and recriminates the Duke of Yorke to have conspired the death of the King and the usurpation of the Crowne The King removeth to London and the Duke of Yorke as a prisoner rode before the King but the Duke of Somerset at liberty which ministred much occasion of heart-burning amongst the friends of Yorke The King calleth a Councell at Westminster where the Dukes are earnest in accusing each other Somerset instantly craved of the Councell that the Duke of Yorke might by compulsion or otherwise bee made to confesse his Conspiracy and to doome him to condigne punishment and his children taken as enemies to their country as the only meanes to represse the so much to bee feared civill dissention This hee with great show of vehemency urged but not how true soever to
the point of beliefe for the most of the Councell suggested his innocencie first by his voluntary submission when he had power sufficient either to have kept the field or to have assured his retraite then by his request made not for himselfe but for the ease of the poore Commons next his carefull and honourable endevours both in France and Ireland where if he had had any such traiterous intent he had the pan by the stale and might have kept it But while the Councell are debating this at the very instant the Earle of Kendall and the Lord Lespar crave present admission to the Borde and audience as Embassadours from Burdeux for businesse of great import and speedy dispatch they being admitted declare to the Kings Councell how readily and really the inhabitants of Burdeux are to submit their obedience to the Crowne of England if they might but bee assured to bee defended by it they therefore offer upon the appearance of an Armie in Gascoygne if come before the plot bee discovered to yeeld all up unto them To second this commeth a constant urged report that Edward Earle of March Sonne and heire to the Duke of Yorke with a great power of March-men made a speedy march towards London These newes troubled the Queene those the Councell it is therefore resolved on That the Duke of YORKE lest private dissention should hinder publicke designes of such consequence as the reduction of GASCOIGNE should in the presence of the KING and his Nobilitie and all the Congregation at the high Altar at Pauls take his oath of submission and allegiance to the King of England which he accordingly did and so had liberty to depart to his Castle of Wigmore After his departure the Earle of Shrewsbury with about three thousand men was sent to Gascoyne who arriving in the I le of Madre passed forth with his power and tooke Fronsacke and other pieces But having received in the nightinstructions from Burdeux hee makes all speed thither and was entred therein before the French had notice of his comming so that many of them were slaine by the Lord Espar in their beds shortly after the destruction of Burdeux there arrived at Blay the Earle of Shrowsburies Sonne Sir Iohn Talbot with the Bastard of Somerset with divers others with two and twenty hundred men furnished and victualed by whose meanes Burdeux is well mand with English and provided for at full whilst the Earle was not idle but went from place to place to receive the offred submission of all places whither hee came and having taken Chattillon he strongly and sufficiently fortifieth and furnisheth the same The French King rayseth an Army and forthwith besiegeth by his Commanders Chattillon to the reskue wherof the Earle maketh all possible speed with eight hundred Horse appointing the Earle of Kendall and the Lord Lespar to follow with the foot In his way hee surprised a Tower the French had taken and put all within it to the sword and meeting five hundred French-men that had beene forraging hee slew a great number of them and chased the rest to the Campe upon whose approach the French understanding which way the enemy came they left the siege and retired to a place which they had formerly trenched and fortified whither the Earle followeth them and resolutely chargeth them so home that he got the entry of the Campe where being shot thorow the thigh with a Harquebush and his horse slaine under him his sonne desirous to relieve his Father lost his owne life and therein was accompanied with his Bastard brother Henry Talbot and Sir Edward Hall and thirty other Gentlemen of name the Lord Molynes with threescore others were taken prisoners the rest fled to Burdeux but in the way a thousand of them were slaine Thus on the last day of Iuly at Chattillon the thrice honourable Earle of Shrowsbury the first of that name gave the last testimony of his true service to his King after hee had employed the same to his never-dying Honour in the parts beyond the Seas by the space of foure and twenty yeares hee had married two wives The first was Matild daughter and sole heire of Thomas Nevill Lord Furnivall by whom he had issue Iohn that succeeded him in the Earledome Sir Christopher Talbot and Sir Humphry Talbot Knights His second wife was Margaret elder Daughter and Coheire of Richard Beuchamp Earle of Warwicke by whom hee had issue Iohn Talbot in right of his Wife Vicount Lisle slaine with his Father Sir Humphry Talbot slaine at Mount Sinay Elizabeth married to Iohn Mowbray Earle of Norfolke and Elianor Wife to Thomas Boteleer Lord of Sudley Castle And a naturall sonne slaine as afore with his Father his body was buried in a tombe at Roan in Normandy with this inscriptioa Here lyeth the right noble Knight Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrowsbury Weshford Waterford and Valence Lord Talbot of Goodritch and Orchenfield Lord Srange of Blackmere L. Verdon of Acton L. Cromwell of Wingfield L. Lovetoft of Worsop L. Furnivall of Sheffield L. Fauconbridge knight of the noble orders of St. George St. Michael and the golden Fleece great Marshall to K. Henry the sixt of his Realme of France The Earle of Kendall the Lords Mountferrat Rosayne and Dangladas entred into the Castle of Chattillon which they made good against the French by the space of ten dayes and then without hope of succour delivered it upon composition to have liberty to depart to Burdeux Now the tyde turned againe the Gascoynes levitie being as ready to open the gates to the French as they were but little before to the English by meanes whereof in short time the French recovered againe all Gascoyne except Burdeux which the French King in person layeth siege unto and at length hath it surrendered upon condition that both garrisons and inhabitants with all their substance might safely depart for England or Callice and that the Lords Lespar and Durant with thirty others whose names were expressed upon paine of death should never after be found in the territories of France the neglect of which oath within few yeares after caused Lespar to leave his head behind him there whilst the rest in safetie came to England this losse of Aquitane was palliated by the happy delivery of the Queene of a Sonne who was Christened The King and the Dukes beginning to bandy one against the other gave a beginning to that faction whose end was not procured without the deplorable losse of so many thousand Englishmen and now as a praeludium to that tragedy upon Saint Bartholmewes day an antient custome being that the Maior of London and the Sheriffs should be present in giving prizes to the best Wrastlers at the wrastling place neere More-fields The Prior of Saint Iohns being there to see the sport a servant of his not brooking the disgrace to bee foyled before his Master against the custome of the place would have wrastled againe and with foule
Queen with the Duke of Somerset some few others taking with them the young Prince fled to the Bishoprick of Durham The King was taken and as a prisoner conveyed to London At their comming thither the Tower of London is yeelded unto the Earle of Warwicke by his souldiers the Lord Scales in disguised apparell endevoured to escape is taken by the Watermen and by them without due course of Law or orderly proceeding beheaded and his corps carelesly left upon the sands Tho Thorpe one of the Barons of the Exchequer upon whose advise the Lancastrians much relyed in the habit of a Monke his or owne shorne purposely to fly to the Queen is taken and committed prisoner to the Tower The Duke of York at this time being neither idle nor asleepe being advertised of this good successe leaveth Ireland and posts to London where by the advise and consent of the York faction he thought fit to discover the head of that ambitious serpent that hitherto had bin covered in the grasse of reformation and so that in the Kings name he summoneth a Parliament which being assembled in the presence of the Lords in the upper House he placeth himselfe in the Imperiall seate and with great courage and a confident brow hee layeth open his rightfull claime and Title to the Crowne of England as being the Sonne and heire of Anne Daughter and heire of Roger Mortimer Earle of March Son and heire of Philip the sole Daughter and heire of Lionell Duke of Clarence the third Son of Edward the third and elder Brother of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Father of the usurper Henry the fourth grand Father to Henry the fift who was Father to him that untruly stileth himselfe King Henry the sixt He further related that God had not blessed this unlawfull usurpation for by meanes thereof the Common-wealth had suffered so many and so grievous calamities that had not God been the more mercifull the same had bin overwhelmed by the multitude and grievousnesse thereof that though Henry the fift had made many conquests in France and Normandy yet as of ill-gotten possessions his heire could not take any benefit by them And how much heaven is at this time offended with his government wee may well feare if wee but call to mind the cruell butchering of so many honourable great Lords in defence of his title abroad the slaughter of so many thousand of his loyall subjects in maintenance of his quarrell the inutterable exhaust of the treasure unnecessarily consumed in France Normandy and else-where The civil broiles at home the losse of all formerly got in France and those parts the losse occasioned by the excursion and depredations of the Scots and French And lastly the oppressions extortions and violence daily unsufferably practised by the tiranny of an insolently ambitious woman upon the meaner sort of people And then concluded that he craved no favour from them except that justice did warrant his claime nor would expect or desire the possession of the Crowne except his descent were undisputable and his Title without just exception and for his owne particular he presumed that since vertue might be as bold to challenge its due as vice is apt to borrow of insinuation he might without offence put in his claime and demand allowance thereof This being a businesse of import required deliberation and mature consideration but in conclusion the Duke having before hand by his agents prepared the Lords Spirituall and few of the Nobilitie present that were not on his part the Burgesses were easily perswaded and that was generally resolved and enacted accordingly That King Henry during his life should retaine the name and honour of a King That the Duke of Yorke should be proclaimed Heire apparant to the Crowne and the Protector of the Kings person his Land Dominions and Country That at any time any King Henryes Friends Allies or Favourites in his behalfe should attempt the disanulling of this act that then the Duke should have present possession of the Crowne No sooner was the Parliament dissolved when the Duke dispatcheth Letters into Scotland requiring in the Kings name the Queene the Dukes of Somerset and Exceter and all other of the Nobilitie that remained in that kingdome with all speed to repaire to his Presence to London But they were otherwise resolved And having gotten together of English and Scots to the number of eighteene thousand men they marched into England The Duke of Yorke with his younger Sonne the Earle of Rutland with the Earle of Salisbury leaving the King in the custodie of the Duke of Norfolk and the Earle of Warwicke marched towards the Queene and approaching neere her Army at Wakefield the Dukes Scow●…s being returned certified him that the enemy farre exceeded their power in number and all warlike preparation Whereupon the Earle of Salisbury advised the Duke to retire and attend the comming of the Earle of March who was gone into Wales to raise the Marchmen But it being appointed that here his ambitious desires should come to a period The pride of his former victory and overweening of his souldiers valours made him deafe to all counsell of forbearing the field and hastened on by his destiny from Sandall Castle hee marched to Wakefield greene where the Lord Clifford on the one side and the Earle of Wilts on the other were placed in ambuscado The Duke of Yorke supposing that the Duke of Somerset who had the battell had no more forces but what were with him valianly and in good order marcheth towards him but being entred within their danger the Ambushes on both sides broke out upon him and slew him and three thousand of his side the rest with number and confusion overborne fled the Earle of Salisbury is taken prisoner and harmelesse Rutland that came thither but to see fashions is made a sacrifice for his Fathers transgression and kneeling upon his knees instructed by his infant feares with teares begging life is unmercifully stabbed to the heart by the Lord Clifford in part of revenge as he sware of his Fathers death The Queene unwilling to bee behind hand in crueltie as unlike a mercifull woman as he an honourable gentleman in cold blood without due forme of tryall causeth the Earle of Salisbury and as many as were taken prisoners to bee beheaded at Pomfret Castle and to have their heads as it were in scorne to be placed on poles about the walls of the Citie of Yorke an incitement as it were to make all interessed in the shame to adde spurres to the speedy course of vindicative desires and to draw on revenge to the uttermost This Richard Nevill Earle of Salisbury was third Sonne of Ralph Nevill first Earle of Westmerland by Ioane his second wife Daughter of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster hee married Elianor Daughter and heire of Tho Montague Earle of Salisbury had issue foure Sons six daughters 1. Richard the eldest was restored and
Northerne men that long looked to have the ransacking of London came unto the gates and would have entred had not the Citizens valiantly repelled them and with the slaughter of some three or foure they were sent to carry word to the Campe that the Earle of March with a great Army was marching towards them neither was it a fiction For at Chipping-Norton by Cotsall the Earle of Warwicke having drawne together as many of his scattered troopes as hee could find met with the earle of March and his victorious troopes which being joyned they hasted towards London and were joyfully received upon the eight and twentieth day of Februarie and upon Sunday the second of March the Earle of Warwicke mustered all this Army in Saint Iohns fields and having cast them in a ring the Leader read unto them the agreement of the last Parliament and then demanded whether they would have King Henry to raigne still who all cryed No no then they were askt whether they would have the Earle of March eldest Sonne of the Duke of Yorke by that parliament proclaimed King to raigne over them and with a great clamour they cryed yea Then went there certaine Captaines and others of the Common Councell of the Citie to the Earle of March to Baynard Castle whom they acquainted with what was passed whereof hee expressed himselfe in some termes as unworthy of the place and unable to execute it yet hee thanked God for the gift and them for their good wills And by the advise of the Archbishop of Canterbury and theanimation of the Bishops of London Exceter and the Earle of Warwicke he resolved to take it upon him And the next morning he went in Procession at Pauls and offered there and after Te deum sung he was with great royalty conveyed to Westm. and there in the great Hall seated in the Kings seat with the Scepter of Saint Edward in his hand And then the people whereofthere was a great Concourse were alowd demanded if they would acknowledge him to bee their King to which with great willingnesse they cryed Yea yea Then taking homage of divers Noble men then present hee was with Procession and great State conveyed to the Abby there and placed in the Quier as King whilst Te deum was singing that done hee offered at Saint Edwards shryne and then returned by water to Pauls and was lodged in the Bishops Pallace Vpon the fourth of March hee was generally proclaimed King by the name of Edward the fourth THE LIFE AND RAIGNE OF KING EDVVARD THE FOVRTH EDWARD Earle of March borne at Roan in Normandy Sonne and Heire of Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke by Cecily Nevill Daughter of Ralph Earle of Westmerland and Ioane Daughter of Iohn of Gaunt by Lady Katherins Swinford upon the fourth day of March rode in State to the Church of Saint Paul in London and there made his Oblation And after Te Deum sung hee was with great solemnitie attended to Westminster and there being placed in the great Hall with the Scepter Royall in his hand before a confluence of people there assembled well knowing with what baite to angle to catch the many Hee makes a solemne declaration of his right to the Crowne of England challenging it to belong unto him by a double Title The first as Sonne and heire to Richard Duke of Yorke the rightfull Heire of the same The second as elected by Authority of Parliament upon King Henryes forfeit hereof Neverthelesse he was resolved to wave both Title and right by either except the people would willingly approve of his proceeding therein and lovingly allow of his Claime Whereupon it was againe publickly demanded of the assembly if they would unanimously admit and acknowledge the said Earle to bee their King and Soveraigne Lord whereupon all with one voice cryed Yea yea King Edward King Edward Thereupon hee went from thence to Westminster Abby and entred the same with solemne Procession and there as King offered and afterward by the name of Edward the Fourth was proclaimed King throughout the Citie of London In the meane time King Henry in the North was raising what powers hee could to stopthis Torrent But the Earle of March great in the favour of that great beast of many heads the multitude presuming of their ready willingnesse to assist him makes preparation to encounter King Henry To Edward resort men of all ages and condition the one making tender of their persons the other of their patrimonies to be spent at his devotion and for the support of his cause by which meanes he suddainly was furnished with a puissant and well accommodated army And being perswaded that no other meanes would serue for direction of his claime but the sword he resolued to set up his rest and by battaile to give a certaine determination to the question Vpon the twelfth of March his forces marched from London and by easie journeys came to Pomfret Castle where he rested and from thence the Lord Eitz-walter with some companies was sent by him to guard the passage at Ferry-brigg to stop the enemies approch that way King Henry likewise advanceth forward and sends his power under the conduct of the Duke of Somerset the Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Clifford Whilst himselfe Queene and sonne stay at Yorke The Lord Clifford very early on Palme Saterday in the morning with a troope of Northerne Prickers falls upon those that had the guard of the passage at Ferry-brig and defeated them with the slaughter of the Lord Fitzwalter and the bastard of Salisbury The Earle of Warwicke hearing of this defeate postes to the Earle of March his Campe and in his presence killing his horse said Sir I pray God have mercy on their soules which in the beginning of your enterprise have for your love lost there lives The enemie hath won the passage at Ferrybrigg There is no hope now but in God yet let him flye that will flye when kissing the Crosse of his sword he sayd by this good signe I will stand by him that will stand by me fall backe fall edge The Earle of March no whit amated but somewhat moved with Warwicks resolution presently made Proclamation that all such of his company as were unwilling to stay or afraid to fight should at their pleasure depart But to those that would abide he promised good reward Adding withall that if any that stayed should after turne his backe or flee That he that should kill such a Changeling should have double pay Then gave he order to the Lord Fauconbridge and Sir Walter Blunt to lead on the Vowarde who in their March about Dindingdale encountred with the Lord Clifford who formerly in cold blood had slaugtered the young Earle of Rutland him with Iohn Lord Nevill sonne and heire of the Earle of Westmerland they slew with most of their companies putting the rest to flight The next day likewise the Duke of Norfolke being dangerously sicke
shee went on shore but speedily resorted againe to shipbord and by tempest was beaten to Barwicke Erom whence with the encrease of some few Scots leaving the Prince at Barwicke she with the king her husband marched into the Bishopricke of Durham having by the way in Northumberlaine somewhat more encreased their army To them resorteth the so late reconciled and now newly revolted Duke of Somerset Sir Ralph Peircy and divers of King Henryes welwishers who altogether made shew of a competent army But their disorderly burning and spoyling wheresoever they went whatsoever they could come at lost the goodwill of many and purchased the ill will of more King Edward to be prepared to meet the enemie at every turne makes preparation both by Sea and Land he sends Vicount Mountacute into Northumberland with Commission to raise forces whom King Edward in person followeth with his whole power leasurely but hasts some Companies after the Vicount to prevent any attempt of the Bishopricke men in case they should prove trecherous with these the Vicount marcheth towards King Henry and by the way encountreth the Lord Hungerford at Hegley-More but he with the Lord Rosse upon the first charge ran away leaving Sir Ralph Peircy alone with his owne regiment who there with them died valiantly fighting Mountacute having intelligence that King Henry was encamped in Levels plaine neer the River of Dowell in Hexamshire marcheth thither by night and set upon him in his Campe. The Northerne men with a desperate resolution receive the charge But were in the end with great slaughter overthrowne Henry Bewford Duke of Somerset the Lords Rose Mollins Hungerford Wentworth Hussey and Sir Iohn Finderne Knight with many others are taken prisoners King Henry escaped but very hardly The Duke of Somerset was presently beheaded at Exham he was never married but had a naturall sonne named Charles Somerset who was afterward created Earle of VVorcester The other prisoners were sent to New-Castle and there beheaded Thus was the White Rose in every place dyed red with the blood of the Nobilitie and the red Rose turnd pale with the horror to view the calamities occasioned by this dissention King Edward came to Durham and from thence sent the Earle of VVarwicke and others into Northumberland to reduce such Castles and forts as yet held out for King Henry which effected King Edward marched to Yorke King Henry shifting from place to place is at length discovered and in the manner of a notorious offender with his legges tyde under the horse belly without other company then Doctor Manning Deane of Windsor taken with him is by the Earle of Warwicke brought to the Tower of London a suddaine and strange alteration of estate when he that was the most potent Monark for Dominions that ever England had was not now the Master of a Molehill nor owner of his owne liberty so various are the changes and chances of this transitory life His distressed and disconsolate Queene with her sonne are driven once againe to fly for shelter into France K. Edward to raise some with ruine of others distributeth the Lands and Possessions of those that held with King Henry amongst his owne favorites and followers having the better to palliate his proceeding therein first made Proclamation that whosoever of the contrary faction would come in and submit should be received to grace and restored to their patrimonies King Edward having as it were a breathing from martiall imployments knowing that he was to deale with a people more easily to be drawne then driven addicted his courses altogether to endeer himselfe to their good affections and the better to settle in their minds a good opinion of his after-government he applied himselfe to accomplish those things whereof report had given out his predecessors have beene neglective in And first he began to set the beame even that was to carrie the scale of Iustice in equall point of right and to that end in Michaelmas terme in the second yeare of his raigne three dayes together hee sat publickly with his Iudges in Westminster-Hall on the Kings-bench to acquaint himselfe with the orders of that Court and the proceedings therein and to observe what deserved reformation in that Court either at bench or at barre He likewise ordered the Officers of his Exchequor to take more moderate fees and to be more intentive of their duties for the benefit of the subject then their owne unjust gaine And not under colour of preserving the Kings revenewes to enrich themselues and undor the subjects thereby wronging both King and people Then he complies himselfe to the multitude and publickly with such extraordinary shewes of unusuall congies and complements from a Soveraigne entertaines them That he thereby tyes their pliable tongues to set forth his uncessant commendation drawing out their loves to the largest extent He daily frequentes the Councell Table which he furnished for the most part with such as were most gracious amongst the Citizens and were most facile either to give dispatch or Court holy water to petitioners These he imployes about references and businesses of private consequence whilst misteries of state were intimated only to such whom he selected to be of his more private Cabinet Councell with whom now he adviseth how to encrease his forraine correspondence and advance his estate with some linck of faire alliance with such that might stand him instead and be a comfort or countenance in his proceedings as occasion should fall out For which purpose the fittest meanes is concluded to be some match to be made with France By which all meanes of succour might be withdrawne from his femall persecutor Queene Margaret and assistance drawne to persecute her husband and such as should oppose his Soveraignty For the better effecting whereof the Earle of Warwick is made choice of and imployed by the King into France to treate of a match betwixt King Edward and the Lady Bona daughter to Lewis Duke of Savoy and sister to the Lady Carlote Queene of France Vpon the first proposition this motion was readily embraced and was willingly assented unto on all parts And Mounseir Dampmortyn with some others are incontinently sent into England for the full accomplishment thereof but before his arrivall the game is changed and a new triumph turned For upon the first of May the King had taken to wife the Lady Gray the widdow of Sir Iohn Gray of Groby slaine at the last battaile of Saint Albons a Lancastrian she was daughter of Richard VVoodvile Baron of VVymington and Iaquet daughter of Peter of Luxenborough Earle of Saint Paul the widdow of Iohn Duke of Bedford sometimes Regent of France a sharer with her daughter of troubles to ensue upon their marriage for as the marriage of the mother gave the first cause of distast to the Duke of Burgoyne whose severing after from the English was partly if not principally the overthrow of our Conquest in France so this match of the daughter
newes and the generall acclamations that went through all places of King Henry and a Warwicke caused King Edward to distrust his owne souldiers and fearing the tyde would turne his heart failing him in the dead of the night only with eight hundred of whose constancy hee was assured most of them the Lords Rivers Hastings and Sayes retinue hee posted from besides Nottingham toward Lincolnshire but having notice that Warwicke to impeach his retreate had sent his light horsemen before and followed himselfe with the body of the Army with great hazard and losse of his carriages which were sunke in the sands he past the Washes and came to Lynne from whence with the Duke of Glocester the Lord Scales and about seven hundred men without any change of rayment or other necessaries or other victuals but what they brought on horsebacke with them or what they had left their horses for in the Towne they set sayle bending their course for Holland The Lord Chamberlaine stayed behind aswell to make what provision hee could for the better accommodation of the King to carry with him as to take order with such of their followers as were to stay behind whom hee entreated to temporize things standing as they did till the wind came about againe which hee affirmed would bee very shortly but upon the first faire gale that blew with King Edward to open their sayles on his behalfe whilst hee was upon this negotiation fortune that makes a tennis ball of the greatest thus playd her part with King Edward No sooner was hee past ken of shore but certaine Easterlings enemies both to England and France were descried to have them in chase so that the Mariners were driven to clap on all their canvasse to beare up for the next shore of Holland The Easterlings plyed after them so close that the English durst not take land but where their landing might bee favoured by some Fort or Towne so that they were forced to fall lower then the first Coast and came to anchor before a Towne in the Netherlands called Alquemare as neere it as with conveniencie they might the ebbe being falne too low to enter the Haven The Easterlings whose ships were of greater burden came as neere them as they durst for feare of running on ground intending at the next flood to lay them aborde But in the interim the Lord Hastings being landed in Holland making enquiry after King Edward but receiving no tydings of his being come on shore presently dispatcheth Curryers to all the Maritine Townes thereabouts to give notice that Edward King of England was upon the Coasts to visit his Brother-in-law and Sister the Duke and Dutchesse of Burgoyne The Lord Gronteer Governour of Alquemare being hereof informed suspecting what was true that the King of England was aborde those shippes that the Easterlings had chased in Hee presently mand out a Boate unto them with these messages that the King of England was in league with that Country and his subjects and shipping should ride safe in that harbour without impeachment of any man and therefore commanded them in the Dukes name not to disturbe the English in their landing as they would run the hazard of the Cannon from the Towne by which meanes the King was permitted quietly to come on shore and was honourably entertained by the Governour who conducted him to the Hage where they stayed the comming of the Duke King Edward having now almost in a miraculous manner past the pikes in his owne Kingdome and the perills both of Seas and Pirates presuming that Gods providence had protected him for some good purpose Hee by the advise of his Sister who in all things exprest her selfe a dutifull Wife to her Husband but a deere friend to her Brother did intimate unto the Duke that hee had now under God none to relie upon in this l●…s extremity but himselfe and therefore hee earnestly doth sollcite him for present succours which hee obtaineth but whilst forces are raising to secure King Edwards returne out of Holland his Queene Elizabeth forsaketh the Tower and secretly taketh Sanctuary at Westminster upon report of Warwicks approach who made the more hasty march for London for that hee was informed That some seditious persons about Kent such that only awaited opportunitie to fish in troubled waters more out of greedy desire to gaine bootie then get glory had plotted the pillaging of London from which they were hardly restrained notwithstanding the carefull resolute and industrious courses of the Maior and his Compeeres These Scatter-goods played reaks about Limehouse places adjoyning untill the Earle of Warwick suppressed them and made exemplary punishment to bee inflicted upon many of them to the great content of the more sober-minded people And much commendation from the Citizens for his care of the Cities safety Execution of these pillages done VVarwicke commeth to the Tower which two dayes before the Maior by a bloodlesse stratagem had entred and did now make good on the the behalfe of King Henry who was by him removed out of his hold of durance into his owne lodging and there served according to his state which the Earle of VVarwicke as the more sensible of the two did more congratulate then the King himselfe King Henry upon the sixt day of October accompanied with the Archbishop of Yorke the Prior of Saint Iohns the Bishop of London the Duke of Clarence the Earle of Warwicke and other Nobles with great solemnitie was conducted through London to the Bishops Pallace where hee rested untill the thirteenth of that moneth on which day hee went in solemne procession about Pauls Church wearing his imperiall Crowne the Earle of Warwicke bearing up his traine and the Earle of Oxford the Sword before him in whom it appeared that mortality was but the stage of mutabilitie The next day as the usuall adjunct of like proceedings in all usuall places about London King Edward was proclaimed an Vsurper and all his partakers and abettors Traitors to God and the King whereof Iohn Lord Tiptoft Earle of VVorcester as a partaker with King Edward was made the first example and on that day beheaded at Tower-hill Hee had to wife Elizabeth sister and heire of Sir VValter Hopton Knight by whom hee had issue Edward who after did succeed him in the Earledome The high Court of Parliament as a cloake to cover all bracks of eruption in the State is assembled at Westminster wherein King Edward and all his knowne friends and followers are attainted of high Treason and all their lands and goods seized on to King Henryes use And like a Well with two buckets whereof one came up full to be empticd the other goes downe empty to bee fill'd one Parliament set up an Edward and puts downe Henry and the next acknowledgeth Henry and explodeth Edward George Plantaget Duke of Clarence is by the authoritie of this Parliament adjudged to bee heire to Richard Duke of Yorke his father and that
Dutchy was likewise settled upon him notwithstanding the primogeniture of Edward and his heires The Crowne of England was likewise entayled for want of heires males of the body of King Henry upon Duke George and his heires for ever so proclive was the Parliament to give consent to whatsoever by the Earle of Warwicke on the behalfe of King Henry in which Well hee alwayes interwove some threds that might seeme for the strengthening of his Sonne-in-lawes good respect towards him was proposed By which meanes Clarence was kept within the Verge hitherto of the Earle of Warwickes devotion Iasper Earle of Penbrooke and Iohn Earle of Oxford are fully restored to Honour and lands Clarence and Warwicke are made Governours of the King and kingdome and all things both in Parliament Court and Councell consented unto and concluded on as they would propose and appoint The Queene is sent for into France but shee as if appointed not to tast any of the cup of her Husbands fairer fortunes is kept backe by contrary windes so that during the Winter season against the Kings will and her owne desires shee is kept on the other side the Sea Elizabeth Queene to King Edward is in the meane time in the Sanctuary at Westminster delivered of a Sonne christened by the name of Edward Warwicke that nothing might seeme to bee left undone that might conduce to the good of the Common-wealth and advantagious to their proceeding sent divers Companies over to Callice from thence to infest the Duke of Burgoines Dominions And it is not unworthy the observation the peoples levitie that whom as yesterday they had proclaimed Traitour and despightfully traduced That the bruite of his returne into England was no sooner spread but the Earle of Warwickes Cognizance the Beare and the ragged Staffe was worne in every mans cap yea Monsieur Vocleere was contented to surrender his new Patent and accepted of his former deputation now confirmed and weare the Earles Livery which he was pleased to vouchsafe him notwithstanding his former uncivill and unrespective demeanour both towards him and the Ladyes in his company The Duke of Burgoyne being sensible of this storme which was likely to fall upon him both from the French King and the Calliceans if not warily prevented wisely so wrought with the Duke of Clarence That the truce formerly concluded betwixt him and King Edward should in all things bee ratified and confirmed the Kings name only altered to Henry But with this cautionary restriction that no ayde should bee given to his Brother-in-law King Edward And hereof assurance by oath is given Neverthelesse within short time after whither by the Duke or Dutchesses meanes it is doubtfull but by one of theirs Edward was furnished with eighteene tall ships and two thousand Dutchmen and with fifteene thousand Florens of gold Thus furnished hee tooke land at a place called Ravenspur in Yorkshire in which place hee found but cold entertainment Neverthelesse as one that had no other hope left but that little stay hee had taken hold of hee made a wary march to Yorke where likewise hee found no great expression of welcome so that he was enforced most unlike himselfe to make use of the Divels sophistry and by most execrable oathes to winne beliefe the sooner amongst the Inhabitants of Yorke hee seriously vowed according as hee had prepublished in his passage thither That hee only challenged the benefit of his birth-right which was the Inheritance of the Dutchy of Yorke unlawfully with strong hand with-held against him utterly disclaiming any intention hee had to lay any claime to the Crowne of England which hee seemed ingeniously to acknowledge to bee King Henryes indubitable right The Citizens credulitie was such that they upon these protestations and upon taking the Sacrament to use the Citizens fairely and to bee true liegeman to King Henry permitted him entrance which before they utterly denyed him But hee was no sooner entred but that hee gave them a sufficient taste of his intendment which was not to want any thing whereof in that place hee might bee by any meanes furnished And having well refreshed his men and furnished himselfe with what men money and victuals the Citie could affourd him having left a sufficient garrison to keepe the Citie to his owne use Hee marched towards London waging by the way all the souldiers that either threats promises or money could winne or procure The Marquesse Mountacute whose actions and carriage were alwayes reserved and obscure from the vulgar yea so disputable and doubtfull amongst his owne Brothers and Allyes That none but himselfe could expatiate them Hee now when hee had power sufficient to doe it did not impeach King Edwards passage about Pomfret but suffered him to passe by him not fought with for which hee was much condemned by his Brother and deservedly for had Edward beene then but a little shaken hee had dyed at roote Being come to Nottingham divers of the Nobilitie came to him making tender of their service but with this proviso that hee would resolutely take upon him the stile and Title of King and accordingly take his State which hee without much contradiction was contented his former oath to the contrary being no scruple to his conscience to consent unto And as a river running farre from its first rising is still augmented by the accesse of other brookes and waters falling into it so King Enwards Army encreased by marching onward to a great number The Earle of Warwicke upon notice of these proceedings leaving King Henry at London hasted towards his Towne of Warwicke from whence he sent to the Duke of Clarence to advertise him of these occurrences desiring his speedy accesse thither where hee would abide his comming But the Duke lingring out the time and made not that speed that was expected and the businesse in hand required which gave cause of suspition of his tergiversation whereupon Warwicke with his forces withdrew toward Coventry where hee strongly entrencheth and fortifies himselfe whither King Edward followeth him and often provoked him to issue forth But hee wisely not being very confident of his souldiers fidelitie or courage as yet untried refused keeping himselfe close within his Trenches Whereupon King Edward marcheth to VVarwicke perswading himselfe that that course if any thing could would draw the Earle to fight But when that prevailed not hee bent his course towards the Duke of Clarence who with his forces made show to give him battell But when both their Armies were in sight the Duke of Glocester so wrought betweene them that they were both overtly reconciled as they privately were before and their forces were conjoyned The three brothers now by faire promises and liberall offers assayed to win the Earle of VVarwicke to embrace faire offers of favour and reconcilement but hee readier to bee broken then bent in stead of embracing these proffered courtesies upbraided the Duke of Clarence with perjurie and degenerate cowardlinesse returning them answer
Canonize a Clergie man caused him to leave it undone so that for want of one to disburse the money King HENRY lost a Feast day and his name a place in the Almanacke it is most evident his integritie of life was such that his Confessour a grave and reverend Doctor confidently avouched That in tenne yeares together in all which time hee monethly at least received his Confession hee never could gather that hee had in thought word or deed committed that that in his thought might deserve the injunction of penance His continencie was such that before his marriage hee would permit no Woman to have any thing to doe in his Chamber nor ever would touch woman but by way of orderly salutation and that so seldome that it was taken for a great grace to them so by him saluted At a Christmasse time a Maske of Women being presented unto him whereof some of them showed there at this day too commonly used naked breasts hee left the presence crying Fie fie Ladyes in sooth you are to blame to bare those parts to the eye of man that nature appointed modestie to conceale Hee was so farre from Vindicative disposition of injuries or affronts offered to his Person that hee would give thankes to God that did so permit men to punish his transgressions in this life that so hee might escape the punishment for them hereafter Hee was so watchfull over his words that he was never heard to sweare oath his greatest and most earnest asseveration being for the most part forsooth forsooth or Verely verely Hee was so farre from Covetousnesse that when the Executours of his Vncle stiled the rich Bishop of Winchester made offer unto him of two thousand pounds of free gift hee refused it wishing them to take care of orderly performance of their dutie in duly accomplishing the Testatours Will and not to consume the estate left them for better uses in bribery or unnecessary donations Hee was so religiously affected that hee duly observed his Canonicall obedience to the strictest injunction of the Church and at times of fast thereby commanded hee not only observed the abstinence prescribed but used other uninjoyned meanes of mortification by wearing Faire shirts next his skinne and tying himselfe to that austerity of life and strictnesse of discipline that the strictest and most religious penitentiary could doe no more Hee was so inclinable to pittie that when hee spied the quarter of a Traitour set over one of the gates of London upon a pole hee caused the same instantly to bee taken downe and buried saying I will not have such crueltie executed against a Christian after death for my sake it is enough if not too much that hee received the punishment of death for his offence His patience was such that to one that strooke him when hee was taken prisoner hee only said forsooth you doe wrong your selfe more then mee to strike the Lords annointed To another that when hee was in Prison had drawne blood of him with a weapon when after hee was at libertie and the partie that had given him the wound was brought before him hee freely pardoned him saying Alas poore soule hee strooke mee more to winne favour with others then any ill-will hee bare mee of that happy memory that hee never forgot any thing but injury Lastly his courage in a good cause appeared in this that being a little before his death in a peremptorie manner demaunded by the Duke of Gloucester why hee had held the Crowne so long unjustly from the rightfull heire boldly thus answered My father was Crowned King of England and quietly without contradiction enioyed the same as my Grandfather his Father had hald the same before him and I but a child was Proclaimed undubitate heire thereto and was accordingly sacred and Crowned King without interruption first of England and afterwards of France all men to me as to my ancestors swearing and doing fealty and homage and so I have held England wel-ny Thirty nine yeares And therefore I may say with the holy King and Prophet David My lat is fallen in a faire ground yea I have a goodly heritage my helpe is in the Lord which will save the upright in heart His pious intention for provision for competent maintenance for Prophets and Prophets children appeareth by his testamentary appointment for the building and endowing Kings Colledge in Cambridge and Eaton Colledge by Windsor And other like Donations appointed by his last Will. King Edward presently after the interment of King Henry drawes his forces toward Sandwitch in Kent where some of the followers of Fauconbridge to the number of eight or nine hundred had in the Castle thereof strongly fortified themselves Who upon notice of the Kings approach in Person sent Sir George Brookes unto him with this message that if hee would vouchsafe them which they humbly desired his gratious Pardon so as they might bee assured to have their lives limmes and liberty saved they would surrender into his hands the Castle with their shipping and all things therein and submit themselves in all obedience to his command and sweare which hitherto they never had done from thenceforth for ever to continue his faithfull loyall and obedient subjects But if this mercy were denyed them they were resolute to fight it out to the last man fire the shipping and sell their lives at the deerest rate neither were they so destitute of promised assistance that they had any just cause to despaire of their relievement if they should abide the hazard being sufficiently victualed to hold out for six moneths of being besieged The Councell having throughly debated of the proposition by the Kings appointment and by the instigation of the Duke of Glocester they advised the King to attonement with them and hee accordingly granted their request and marching to Canterbury there sealed and from thence sent by the Duke of Glocester who now began to affect popularity and endeere himselfe to souldiers their generall Pardon who bringing it unto them forgot not to acquaint them with what difficultie hee had obtained the same at the Kings hands Vpon the receipt thereof both Castle and ships to the number of thirteene are delivered up to the Duke for the Kings use But how this composition was observed may bee imagined when Fauconbridge who was comprised in the same Pardon was afterwards taken and executed at Southampton And Spicing and Quintine the Captaines that assayled Algate and Bishopsgate at London and were Commanders and in Sandwitch Castle at the surrender thereof were presently beheaded at Canterbury and their heads sent to bee placed on poles on those gates at London they had severally assaulted And by a Commission of oyre and terminer divers both in Essex and Kent were arraigned and condemned for this rebellion but more for that put to fine ransome then death to the great impoverishing of the Yeomen of Kent and undoing the Gentlemen of Essex The King upon Whitson eve returneth to London
garde the Carriage came downe to Dover whither the Duke of Burgoine had sent five hundred skutes or flat bottombd boates to transport the horse to Callice yet notwithstanding that helpe it was above two and twenty dayes before the Kings forces were all past over to Callice Before the Kings departure from Dover because hee would witnesse to the world his faire and legall proceeding hee sent an Harold named Gorter a Norman by birth with a letter of defiance in faire and fitting termes requiring the French King to yeeld unto him the Crowne of France his unquestionable inheritance by the French King unjustly detained from him which if he should dare to deny that then he was to expect from England but what the extremity of the sword and the Calamities of warre could bring upon him and his Country This letter the French king read and withdrawing himselfe caused the Harold to be brought to his presence to whom in private he gave this answer That the Duke of Burgoyn and the Constable by whose trayterous instigation and not of his owne inclination he knew the King of England intended to visite France would but delude him for they were dissemblers and impostors And therefore said it would conduce more to the honor and content of the King of England to continue in league with mee though an old adversary then to hazard the fortune of the warres upon the promised assistance of new-come deceivers such as those two will prove And so Commend me to the King thy Master and say what I have told thee and so with an honourable reward dismissed the Harold who returned to the King of England to Callice And there returned the French Kings answer This advise though from an enemie if followed had saved the King of England a great deale of mony For the Duke of Burgoyne notwithstanding his promise in the word of a Prince not to faile was not at the time and place appointed ready with his forces which should have beene by pact and promise two thousand Lanceers and foure thousand stradiots or light horse Whereupon the Lord Scales is by the King of England sent to the Duke to put him in minde of his promise and to hasten his comming with his promised forces But the journey was to little purpose onely it occasioned the Duke with a small Troope of horse to come unto the King of England formally to excuse himselfe for beeing so backward in that he having with his forces beene embroyled in the siege of Nants could not depart thence without infinite disgrace if neither Composition or submission were enforced which now notwithstanding because hee would not too much trespasse upon his brother in lawes patience to have longer expected hiscomming he was by the obstinacy of the besieged enforced to do But promised to supply all defects both with his presence and power and that speedily The Constable likewise by letters perswades the King of England to proceed in the action and not to doubt from the Duke and himselfe but to be sufficiently accommodated every way and seconded King Edward thus encouraged marcheth on But in his way found no performance of promises either on the Dukes or Constables part For the first did not at their comming to Peroone accommodate the souldiers with victuall or lodging in that manner as was requisite and expected And the other in steed of surrendring up of S. Quintayns according to the agreement made a sally out upon such as were sent from the King of England to receive the same playing upon them with their great ordnance Whereupon King Edward comparing the last dayes words with this dayes actions began to suspect the truth of the Kings description of the Duke Constables condition and from thence forward stood upon his own gard and gaveno further credence to any of their protestations which the Duke of Burgoyne resenting pretending earnest occasions for the hasting forward of his forces and promising speedy returne with them taketh his leave and departeth wherewith the English are displeased and King Edward not a little disquieted The French King having intelligence of the Dukes departure forcasting the worst suspecteth that the Duke was with an intent to returne gone to bring on his power well knowing that if they should unite their forces his Crowne was in great hazard to be pluckt from him Neverthelesse hee thought that winter being so neere they could not well keepe the field howsoever being his crafts Master and politicke enough to worke his own ends which hee seldome fayled in he resolved with himselfe to assay what might be done to mediate a peace with the English in Burgoins absence And yet so to retreate that if it tooke not effect he might disclaime the knowledge of the overture he therefore privately dispatcheth a messenger in show of an Herhought indeed hee was a fellow neither of Office or estimation and not knowne to any of the Kings houshould but to Villeers the Master of the horse who onely was acquainted with the plot and partie This Counterfeit pursevant at armes with a Coate made of a Trumpets banner rowle ad dressed himselfe to the King of England and upon admission to his presence insinuates the French Kings desire which was to have Commissioners on both parts consigned to conferre of the means to reconcile the differences betwixt the two Kings at least-wise to conclude the cessation from warres for some time and so well this messenger delivered his arrand That it was credited and his request granted and with a reward and a letter of safe conduct for such as should be imployd from the French King in this businesse is returned and an Herhaught likewise from King Edward is sent to King Lewis for the like letter of safe conduct to bee sent for those that from the English Campe should be imployed in this negotiation which is accordingly granted and at a village neere Amiens the Commissioners meete For King Edward appeare the Lord Howard Sir Anthony Chalenger and Doctor Morton after made Lord Chancellor of England For King Lewis came the Admirall of France the Lord S. Peirs and Heberg Bishop of Eureux After long conference the Articles of peace were concluded on to this effect 1 The French King was to pay presently to the King of England threescore and fifteene thousand Crownes And from thence forth annually pay fifty thousand Crownes during the life of King Edward 2 That within one yeere the French King should send for the Princesse Elizabeth the king of Englands daughter ioyne her in marriage to the Dolphine And for their maintenance for nine yeeres the French King agreed to allowe them fifty thousand crownes per annum and that time expired they should peaceably be invested in the possession of the Dutchy of Gayen for the better supportation of their estate 3 That the Lord Howard and Sir Iohn Cheney Master of the horse should remayne in hostage there untill
the army had altogether quitted France and were returned into England and a generall peace for nineyeers wherin Burgoine and Brittaine are included if they will accept thereof The way made the easier for the compassing this so profitable a conclusion by Lewis his offring to every Saint a Candle for he distributeth sixteene thousand crownes amongst King Edwards Councellors and favorites two thoutwo thousand Crownes to Hastings the Kings Chamberlaine and to the Lord Howard Sir Iohn Cheney Sir Arthur Chauenger or Sellinger and Mountgomery theresidue besides great store of Plate and jewels distributed amongst inferior officers of the Court. The motives that induced King Edward the sooner to condesend to this accord were 1 The vacillation and instabiltie of the Duke of Burgoyne and the Constable they never performing any the agreements really concluded on 2 The extremitie of winter approching the present want of fodder and the not having any strong place or fort to shelter the souldier in The impossiblitie of raising any more great forces for reliefe if necessitie should require to be seconded the late Civill warres having almost eaten out the most and best souldiers in England 4 The emptinesse of the Treasury and alwayes of supply being taken off The Duke of Glocester onely whose braines were busie at worke about great designes the easie compassing whereof hee deemed unpossible in case the warres with France were not pursued opposed this accord neverthelesse it proceeded and notice therof is presently sent to the Duke of Burgoyne who thereupon onely with fifteene hundred horse posts to the English Campe At his first arrivall he discovers his inward passion by his outward countenance But he came to late too prevent what was done King Edward perswades him to enter into the peace according to the reservation But Charles reprocheth K. Edward for entring into such a truce saying that K. Edwards predecessors had with their armies performed many brave notable exploites upon the French purchased thereby fame and reputation and that he had brought his souldiers but to show them the Country returne as they came adding therwithall That to make it appeare to the world that he was able without the helpe of the English to subsist of himself he disclaimed any benefit by that truce or any other reconciliation with the French untill three months after the English had remained in their owne Country But when King Edward not well pleased with this French bravado retorted unto him the base and forgetfull neglect both on the Constables part and his of not being their words Masters The Duke in a great snuffe returnes to Luxenburg from whence he came For the better confirmation of what was agreed upon and setling of amitie betwixt the two Kings an interview is desired but before the same is effectuated the French King sends unto the English armye an hundred Tun of Gasooyne wine to be drunke out amongst the private soulders and therewith free licence at pleasure for Commanders and Gentlemen of ranke and qualitie to recreate themselues in Amiens where they were freely and fairely entertained by the Burgers at the kings expresse commandement The commanders in chiefe at their returne were well rewarded with jewels and plate for their faire deportment and the orderly carriage of their Souldiers during the aboad there and not without good cause for hadnot their behaviour bin the better the number of those that were there had bin sufficient to have done much mischiefe or made themselves Masters of the town A place of interview of these two Kings is agreed on against the time appointed all things are orderly prepared readily fitted at the charge of the French king by the English Carpenters foure of the bed Chamber on both sides are appoynted to search the contrary end of the roome to prevent traps or instruments of trechery lest any thing might bee pottedor practised to the preujudice of their Masters They returne certifyingl mnia bene the Kings advanace themselves K. Edward being come in sight of the place maketh a stand as being told the omission of any circumstance in point of honour might reflect upon not wisely forecasting all passages of state and knowing to attend the first offer of the ceremony would much take of frō the dignity of his state which although King Lewis perhaps did apprehend yet hee would not stand to straining of curtesie and fearing to loose the faire opportunity to give two blowes with one stone free himselfe from their presence whose breath was to hot for his company weaken therby the arme of an overweening neighbour he gave the K. of England the advantage to come at his pleasure whilst first to the bar appointed for conference And there did attend King Edwards leasure he had in his company Iohn Duke of Bourbon with his brother the Cardinal and was attended with 800. men at armes King Edward comes with his brother the Duke of Clarence Glocester wanting moderation with patience to admit a Court complement in the sight of an army with a French man excused his not comming the Earle of Northumberland the Lords Chamberlaine and Chancellor and at his backe his whole army in battaile aray The kings lovingly embrace each other court cringes complements of courtesie reciprocally passe which finished they with their nobles then present all take their oathes upon the holy Evangelists in all things pro posse to observe the articles of accord concluded on as afore Then all were cōmanded to withdraw themselves whilst the two kings fall into private conference concerning the Dukes of Burgoyne and Britany Lewis leaves not a string untoucht that might make muficke for his profit And having felt the K. of Englands pulse not to beate over strongly on behalfe of his brother in law that on his part he desired but respit until he might receive answer of a message he would send to the D. that if he refused to accept of the benefit of the accord he would leave him to the French K. pleasure he leaves further speech of him earnestly importnes that Britayn might be left out of their articles which K. E. utterly denies affirming that he had found the D. an open hearted opehanded friend to his in his extremity therfore would not now leave him unregarded Lewis observing Ed. countenance in delivery of those words thought it no policie to strain that string any higher but with all curtesie takes his leave giving many kind words some tokens of favour to some noblemen all the officers so departeth yet after he was gone not throughly disgesting the K. of Englands defence of the D. of Britaine he makes a second motion unto him to the former purpose by letter from whom he received this resolute answer that if the French K. desired the friendship of England he should not molest the D. of Britayne for he was resolved in person to come at any time for his defence
over-forward to Cope with his conversation that he would omit no place or time convenient but he would expresse himselfe in a most affectionate manner to be most desirous to injoy it the Bishop at times of conference would so order his Communication that he seemed rather to follow then lead the Duke into any discourse which either concerned the commendation of Henry the sixt or Edward the fourth And would therein so temper his speech that hee would not deliver further or more then what hee was assured the Duke could not well contradict But ever modestly without either arrogating or derogating to the Honor of the one or other But if at any time any passage in their talke intervened that might any way reflect upon the now King hee would make suddaine stoppes saying he had beene fomerly too forgetfull that way and had waded to farre in relation of occurrences in the world more then did become his Coate but now hee was resolved to leave those courses and wholly to apply himselfe to his bookes and beades and meditate on the next world Neverthelesse the Duke after many protestations of secrecy importuned the Bishop but to expresse his opinion of the condition of King Richard and the validity of his tirle to the Crowne of England telling him withall that hee was resolved to entreat and presumed he should obtaine it his faithfull and secret counsell in a busines that neerely concerned him as one upon whose Religious honesty and every way sufficiency hee would altogether rely Adding further that to that end he had procured leave from the then Protector to have the Bishop committed to his courtesie whereby hee might with the more conveniency and safetie conferre with him thereabouts And the Bishop might be assured of more safety and respect then in another place The Bishop gave him many thankes for this his undeserved favour desiring the continuance of them But withall told him that Princes were like fire howsoever at a distance they gave warmth yet kist they would burne the lippes And therefore saith hee I love not to talke of them as being a thing not altogether out of danger For though the words in themselves deserve no reprehension yet are they ever subject to other mens misconstruction or misinterpretation and seldome if at any time passe according to the intention and meaning of the speaker but as they are taken But this added more oyle to the flame of the Dukes desire to be resolved of the Bishops verdict of the before past proceedings and his judgement of occurrences to follow And the more cautious the Bishop was in his relations the more eager and earnest was the Duke to be thoroughly informed of both and at length hee prevayled with his importunitie so farre that one evening after supper sitting privately together the Duke having engaged his honour as swearing by his George and his soule by calling his maker to witnesse that whatsoever at that time the Bishop should deliver unto him should for ever be buried in silence and never goe further The Bishop stood off no longer but demonstrated at large that the late Protectors proceedings were discommendable his Ambition unsufferable his bloody designes intolerable his usurped government tyrannicall and the Honour and quiet of the Kingdome in apparant ieopardie And then with great earne●…nes both of speech and gesture he further said Royall Sir I adjure you by the faith you owe to God by the honorable respect you beare to your progeny by your oath made to Saint George the patron of that honorable order of the Garter whereof you are a deserving companion by the true affection you carry to your native Countrey and your due love to vertue and integritie bee not averse but bravely second that faire and honest course that I shall propose unto your grace For thereby tyrannous usurpation may be suppressed Iustice advanced and future peace everlastingly established which God of his infinite bountie will vouchsafe to accomplish if you will with what convenient speed you may procure or provide a fit and undisparagable match for the eldest daughter of King Edward our late King And if with possibilitie it may be obtained let him be such a person as may revnite the long since severed bearings of the red Rose and the White then will all intestine broyles be pacified and every one shall freely enjoy the happy benefit of the now so much desired blessed Concord This speech was not so soone ended but the Duke elevating his eyes to heaven put of his Cappe And sayd To thee oh heavenly father sole giver of every good and perfect gift from the altar of my humblest heart I render all possible praise and thankes for that thou ●…ast given ability through thy gracious spirit to this thy servant to invent a fiaer meanes whereby thy glory may be propagated innocency preserved and inhumanity punished the good quiet of thy people procured and every true patriot have just cause to rejoyce in thee And then putting on his Cap againe he sayd to the Bishop At what time my brother in law for I presume it is not unknowne to you that King Edward and I did marry two sisters left this life I began to revolue with my selfe how little respect or favour after such my marriage I had received at his hands notwithstanding any so neere affinity besides propension of love to doe him all acceptable service and his little humanitie showen to me made me as little reckon of him and lesse of his children Then the old Proverbe comming into mymind That that Realme often rueth where children raigne and women beare sway I could not but be perswaded That much mischiefe and perturbation would betide the whole Kingdome if either the young King were suffred to sway the Scepter or the Queene mother to have the government and the rather for that her brothers and children by a former husband although not extract of very ancient Nobilitie assumed more unto themselves in managing of the state affaires then either the deceased Kings brethren or any other Peere of the Realme whereupon to prevent a further mischiefe I thought it very requisite both for the advancement of the publike good and my owne particular interest to insinuate and partake with the Duke of Glocester whom I then reputed as free from simulation or dissimulation and as tractable without doing injury and iust without showing cruelty as now to my shame I may speake it and to my griefe I have proved him to be a perjured dissembler and a pittilesse tyrant And thereupon I sided with Glocester and by my sole labour and industry without the least suspicion I protest of what after hapned he was at the first Councell held after the death of King Edward procured as partly you my Lord Bishop know to be made Protector both of King and Kingdome whereunto he had no sooner attained but by like policy he got into his custody his two innocent Nephewes the King and the
Duke of Yorke Then he begins to solicite me and sometimes by entreaties he endevoreth to perswade and then againe with minatory words to enforce me and the Lords present by constraint as it were to permit him to take upon him the execution of the Regall state and government of this Kingdome untill the young King were ripe and able to undergoe the burden thereof and beare the loade upon his own shoulders at least wise untill he should attaine to the age of foure and twentie yeeres which project of his in regard the example was without president And that would be as strange if not more to have an ambitious mind to disinantell himselfe of a place of that eminent power of Command one obtained as for him at that instant to effect it I seemed not well to relish it and the rather for that I found by the countenance of all there present he was as then unprovided of seconds at the table to backe his proposition He thereupon not altogether unprovided of his baytes to fish with to give some colourable pretext of reason for what he had moved he produced many seeming authenticke instruments and resolutions upon depositions of credible witnesses subscribed by the Civilians and Canonists the most famous in these times for judgement and learning by whom it was resolved and so adjudged that the children of Edward the fourth were to be reputed illegitimate and no way capable of the inheritance of the Crowne which overture then unfeinedly I speake it I thought as reall and true as now I know the deponents names were counterfeited and the whole businesse forged These depositions and resolutions thus by him produced were read and thoroughly by us at the Councell table debated and long discussed upon untill the Protector himselfe stood up and sayd My Lords as on the one part I and your Lordships are most willing that King Edwards children should receive no injury so on the other side I beseech you doe not you bethe occasion that I suffer apparant wrong For this point being thus cleered that my brothers sonnes are not inheritable behold me the unquestionable and undoubted heire of Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke my deceased but deere father who was by authoritie of the Parliament adjudged and so proclaimed lawfull heire of the Crowne of England whereupon we silly seduced men thinking all had beene Gospell that had beene delivered gave consent that in regard the Duke of Clarence his son by reason of the former attainder of the father besides the obtruded illegitimation of him too was likewise disabled too carry the inheritance to accept of the bramble for our King and Soveraigne Lord the which I was rather induced to doe by how much he had often with solemne protestations both publike and private given me his faithfull promise that the two young infants should no way be abused but that they should have sufficient assurance for maintenance such as I and the rest of the nobility should well like and approve of which how well he hath perfomed judge you when he was no sooner by my procurement from a private person made Protector and from a subject sole Soveraigne but he cast the ladder by by which he had climed to this preferment changing his manners with his honours And not onely denied me to enjoy the liberty of my undoubted right as touching the Earldome of Hertford unjustly detained from me by his predecessor King Edward And which at our first conference about these proceedings this Richard with many execrable oaths and promises had assured me but kept touch in nothing with me of what was formerly concluded betwixt us But in liewe thereof I was entertained with flowtes and uncurteous language giving out as though I had never furthered but rather hindred his most waighty designes yet this foule Ingratitude and his undeserved unkindnesse I patiently for a seasonunder-went But when I had received certaine notice of the unnaturall murther of his two naturall Nephewes I was so transported with scorne and indignation that I had very much to doe to temper my passion from publicke revenge of their death and my owne disgrace in his owne Court untill weighing the doubtfulnesse of the event I deemed it the safest way with patience to waite a fitter opportunity and in the meane time to take out a coppy of his dissimulation and that I might with the more safty worke upon his owne scene I framed my cariage and countenance at all times towards him in that manner as though I knew no pipe to dance after but his never crossing him in any point nor seeming to dislike or distast though much against my nature any thing he moved or did And by this meanes I obtained libertie to retire my selfe to this place But in my journey homewards by the way I had many strong conflicts in my mind which way to begin to worke that I might make this usurper to acknowledge his error and to pull of the lyons skin from his hoglike backe First I thought with my selfe that there was a faire path beaten for me he being now by the murther of his tender Nephewes growne despicable to God all good men to lay hold of the Garland in regard there was not one whom I could then call to remembrance either of power or pretence sufficient to debar me from enioying it being no way unprovided of meanes men or mony for imployment And in this Conceit I continued a while untill that afterwards that came into my mind that to come in by way of conquest would prove both hard and hazardfull In regard that most of the Nobilitie and Gentlemen would oppose me therein if for no other end or reason but onely for the preservation of their tenures and titles which in a conquerors hands are liable to his disposall And then and there that embrions conceit of Conquering continued so formles Then my fancy suggested to me that the Lord Edmond Duke of Somerset my grandfather was within degrees lineally descended from Iohn of Gaunt for Edmond Beuford Earle Moryton was sonne of Iohn surnamed Beauford of Beauford in France which came to the house of Lancaster by Blaunch of Arthoyes wife to Edmond first Earle of Lancaster sonne of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster That my mother being his eldest daughter I was next heire to Henry the 6. And hereupon I set up my rest thereon to lay a foundation whereupon to erect my building But as God would have it whilst my braines were busie and as I rode debating with my selfe how to the best advantage I might set my engines going betwixt Worcester and Bridgnorth I accidentally encountred Margaret Countesse of Richmond the true and only heire of my Grandfathers elder brother Iohn Duke of Somerset who married Margaret daughter and heire of Sir Iohn Beauchamp of Bletsoe kinght By whom he had issue one onely daughter Margaret who married Edmond of Haddam sonne of Owen Tewder by Queene Katherine and halfe brother by the mother
marriage betwixt Iohn of Gaunt and Katheryne Swinford was approved of and the issue borne before the espousalls made legitimate by act of Parliament and confirmed by a Bull from Rome This is the Catalogue of the pedegree of the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke betwixt whom the competition for the Crowne of England was the occasion of expence of so much blood Although the Crowne of England upon the decease or deposition of Richard the second without issue was jure haereditario to descend to Edmond Mortimer the younger the Sonne of Philip Daughter and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarence the third Sonne of Edward the third yet his cosin Henry of Bullingbrooke Duke of Hertford and Sonne and heire of John of Gaunt the younger Brother of Lionell of Clarence taking advantage of the peoples forwardnesse and his kinsmans being generally distasted was Created and Crowned King From the yeare of our Lord 1399. untill the fourth of March 1460. In three Descents the slips of the red Rose in the line of Lancaster did beare sway but not without some interruptions and hazard For though Edmond Plantagenet Duke of Aumerle Sonne and heire of Edmond of Langley set not the White Rose claime on foot yet as maligning the prosperitie of Henry the fourth hee was a maine stickler in the conspiracie against him intended to have beene executed at Oxford But the eruption of Yorke never was manifest untill Richard Plantagenet Sonne of Richard of Bonysborough Anno 1455. drew his Sword to make good his claime to the Crowne of England And from his time I shall endevour to drawe a Compendiary of the times and places of the severall battells betweene these two houses strooke and the slaughter on both sides made The three and twentieth day of May at Saint Albones in Hertfordshire Richard Duke of Yorke gave battell to King Henry the sixt on whose side was slaine Edmond Duke of Somerset Henry Earle of Northumberland Humphry Earle of Stafford Thomas Lord Clifford say some others John with divers Knights and Esquires to the number of 37. with five thousand common souldiers and Henry himselfe was taken Prisoner on the Dukes part only sixe hundred in the totall 5641. A Battell was fought at Bloarheath in Shropshire the thirteenth day of September betweene the Lord Audly Lieutenant to Henry the sixt and the Earle of Salisbury in which Audly was slaine and his Army overthrowne at this battell was slaine in all two thousand foure hundred men with Sir Thomas Dutton beside six other Cheshire Knights and two Esquires thereof in all 2411. Sir Osbert Mountfort with twelve Gentlemen of his company was taken at Sandwich and carried to Ricebanke and there beheaded by the Lord Fauconbridge The Earle of Wiltes at Newbery causeth twenty Yorkists to bee hanged and quartered The tenth of Iune in the thirty eight yeare of the King at Northampton was a battell fought wherein was slaine Humphry Duke of Buckingham John Talbot Earle of Shrowsbury Thomas Lord Egremond John Viscount Beamond and Sir William Lucy with tenne thousand and thirty men slaine The Lord Skales is slaine upon the Thames seeking to escape by the Earle of Warwicks men The thirtieth of December at Wakefield was a battell strooke wherein the Queene prevailed with the slaughter of two thousand eight hundred persons not numbring Richard Duke of Yorke Edmond Earle of Rutland a child and the Earle of Shrowsbury taken prisoner but afterwards beheaded Sir John Mortimer and Sir Hugh Mortimer the Dukes base Vncles Sir Davy Hall Sir Hugh Hastings Sir Thomas Nevill Sir William Parry Sir Thomas Parry Sir Richard Limbricke Knights then likewise slaine on Candlemasse day vpon the plaine neere Mortimers crosse in Hereford-shire a field was fought betwixt the new Duke of Yorke and the Earles of Penbrooke and Wiltes wherein the Duke prevailed with the slaughter of 3800. men but no man of qualitie but Sir Owen Tyther that had married Queene Katherine Vpon Shrovetuesday the seventeenth of February at Saint Albones the second Battaile was fought betweene Queene Margaret and the Duke of Norfolke and others wherein were slaine two thousand three hundred men besides the Lord Bonvile Sir Thomas Keryell Sir John Gray and Baron Thorpe The most cruell and deadly Battaile of all others during the rage of this unnaturall division was fought at Towton or betweene Towton and Saxton within foure miles of Yorke the nineteenth day of March being Palme Sunday wherein were slaine of English-men Thirty five thousand ninetie and one and of strangers one thousand seven hundred fourty five besides two hundred and thirty slaine the day before at Ferry Brigge with the Lord Fitzwater and the base brother of the Earle of Warwicke The most remarkable men that fell in this bloody fight were Henry Piercy Earle of Northumberland The Earle of Shrowsbury The Earle of Devon John Lord Clifford The Lord Beamond The Lord Nevill The Lord Willoughby The Lord Wells The Lord Rosse The Lord Gray The Lord Dacres The Lord Fitz-Hugh The two base Sonnes of Henry Holland Duke of Exceter Sir Thomas Mollineux Sir Otes Beckingham Sir Aubrey Trussell Sir Richard Piercy Sir William Heyton Sir Jervoys Clifton Sir Foulke Hamys Sir Thomas Crackenthorpe Sir James Crackenthorpe Sir William Throllop Sir Andrew Throllop Sir Walter Harle Sir John Ormond Sir William Mollyns Sir Thomas Pigot Sir William Norborough and William Burton Knights The Earle of Devonshire there taken Prisoner with three other Knights were beheaded at Yorke and so may be reckoned amongst the slaine so that the account of the whole number besides those that died after of hurts then received thirty seven thousand fourty and six At Hegley More the Lord Mountacute charged and put to flight two thousand Lancastrians who were on foot to march to Henry the sixt at which time Sir Ralph Piercy with one hundred and seven were slaine the residue flying gave alarum to the Kings Army and upon the 15. of May in a plaine called Livels neere the water of Dowill in Hexam shire the battaile was fought against Henry the sixt by the Lord Mountague Generall for Edward the fourth wherein were taken Prisoners Henry Duke of Somerset The Lord Rosse The Lord Mollins and The Lord Hungerford Sir Thomas Wentworth Sir Thomas Hussey Sir John Finderne and sixteene Knights more executed at Hexam and Yorke Sir William Talboys titulary Earle of Kime or Angus and not Kent as Master Martin relateth Sir Ralph Nevill Sir Ralph Gray and Sir Richard Tunstall were taken afterwards but beheaded The number slaine is uncertainly set downe the most of our common Writers not naming any only faabian saith about two thousand so that I make that my skale to reckon by At a place called Danes more neere the Towne of Edgcot within foure miles of Banbury was a great Battaile fought upon Saint Iames his day the five and twentieth of Iuly wherein were slaine
five thousand men William Harbert Earle of Penbrooke Sir Richard Herbert and eight Knights more are taken and beheaded at Banbury The Earle Rivers and Sir John his Sonne are beheaded at Northamton The Earle of Worcester John Tiptoft at London The Lord Willoughby at Doncaster The Lord Stafford at Bridgewater The Lord Wells and Sir Robert Dymocke were beheaded in the march but uncertaine where Neere Stamfort in Lincolnshire was a Batraile fought the first of October wherein were slaine ten thousand men but no men of note but Sir Robert Wells and Sir Thomas de land those that were put to flight for their more ease to escape cast away their coates whereupon it was called Losecoate field Vpon the fourteenth day of Aprill being Easter day upon a Plaine talled Gladmore Heath betweene Barnet and Saint Albones The Earles of Warwicke Oxford and the Marquesse Mountacute Commanders in chiefe on behalfe of Henry the sixt against Edward the fourth there was a terrible battell fought wherein were slaine ten thousand three hundred men amongst whom were the Earle of Warwicke the Marquesse Mountacute the Lord Cromwell the Lord Say the Lord Mountjoy Sir Henry Bourchier Sir William Terrill Vpon the fourth of May being Saterday Prince Edward with his Mother Queene Margaret to redeeme Henry the sixt gave battaile to King Edward wherein Queene Margaret was taken Prisoner and Prince Edward was slaine in cold blood There were slaine at this incounter John Somerset Marquesse Dorset Thomas Courtney Earle of Devon Thomas Lord Wenlake Sir Jo●… Delves Sir Edward Hampden Sir Robert Whittingham Sir John Lewkner and three thousand others Edmond Duke of Somerset John Lonstrother Lord Prior of Saint Johns Sir Thomas Tresham Sir Jervoys Clifton Sir Richard Vaux Sir William Harvye Sir Thomas Fielding Sir Robert Lewknor Sir Thomas Lirmoth Sir William Vrman Sir John Seymor Sir Thomas Roose Sir Thomas Fitzhony Sir Robet Flamden were taken and executed in Tewkesbury the one day and Sir Humphry Audley Sir William Crymby Sir William Cary. Sir William Newbourgh were likewise with Henry Tresham VValter Courtney Iohn Flory Lewis Miles Robert Iackson Jame's Gower Iames Delves heire of Sir Iohn Delves beheaded there the next day This was the last battell that was fought in the dayes of King Edward the fourth but not all the bloodshed about this quarrell For at London by the treason of Bastard Fauconbridge there were seven hundred and eighty of his partakers and three hundred and twelve Citizens Londoners slaine Vpon Redmore Downe neere Bosworth in Leicestershire on the twentie two of August was the twelfth set Battaile in this unkind quarrell fought wherein King Richard the Vsurper was slaine and with him on his part John Duke of Norfolke Walter Lord Ferrers Sir Richard Radcliffe and Sir Robert Brackenbury with foure thousand and eight And on Richmonds side Sir William Brandon and 180. with him After this Battell there was a conjunction of the so long severed Rose branches Neverthelesse the enemy to Englands quiet would not suffer the gate of concord to stand quite open but raised up Impostors and counterfeits to interrupt the same But since the cause of the dissention by the Vnion of the Red and White in Henry the seventh and the Lady Elizabeth their so happy enter-marriage was taken away what occasion of expence of blood did after fall out within the Realme ought under favour bee it delivered rather to bee imputed to the effect of treasonable machinations then to any just occasion of the Roses Title And therefore I purposely omit to intermix the number of those that were slaine since Bosworth field amongst those that are to bee reckoned up in the generall slaughter in the twelve Battells and the occasions of expence of blood intervening by skirmishes and accidentall meanes and content my selfe with the only recapitulation of the severall numbers of Kings Princes Dukes Marquesses Earles Barons Vicounts Bishops Mitred Prelates Knights Esquires Gentlemen and private souldiers That during the rage of these civill warres which followed that breach of the due course of succession attempted by the intrusion of Henry the fourth fell under the alternate fortunes of the Victors sword untill that ever to bee blessed reuniting the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke whereby righteousnesse and Peace did kisse each other and Mercy and Truth which I pray God ever to continue established the Crowne of England in an hopefull and happy descending Line And as Henry the seventh conjoyned the Roses so hath King James of ever-blessed memory united the predivided kingdomes of England and Scotland espousing their Vnion to our Soveraine Lord King Charles to Gods glory the Churches good and his Subjects great comfort HENRY the Roses IAMES the Kingdomes knit And CHARLES of both partakes the benefit Oh! thou of Iesse flower of Iudah Lyon In his dominion plant the peace of Syon And never let hearts quiet follow those That shall the holding of this Knot oppose But let thy best of blessings wait on them That zealously shall guard his Diadem The totall of private souldiers that perished in the time of these civill warres and suffered the punishment of immature death for taking part on the one side or the other is Fourscore foure thousand nine hundred and ninetie eight persons besides Kings two Prince one Dukes tenne Marquesses two Earles one and twentie Lords twentie seven Vicounts two Lord Pryor one Iudge one Knights one hundred thirty nine Esquires foure hundred forty one The number of the Gentrie is every way so uncertainly reported that if I should endevour to set downe a generall of what is particularly related I should but give occasion of further question then I am willing should bee moved for a thing of so little moment and therefore willingly omit it And the rather for that they are for the most part included in the number of the private souldiers as aforesaid set downe to bee slaine to which but adde the number of six hundred thirty and eight the totall of all the persons of eminencie not therein accounted and then there appeareth in all to have beene slaine Fourescore five thousand six hundred twenty and eight Christians and most of them of this Nation not to bee repeated without griefe nor remembred without deprecation that the like may never happen more Pax una triumphis innumeris potior FINIS An. 1377. R. 1. Ann. 1378 R. 3. Anno. Dom. 1376. R. 2. An. 1380. R. 2. Anno 1381. R. 3. The Earle of Warwicke made sole Tutour to the King Scroop Lord Chancellor removed Ann. 1381 R. 3. Ann. D. 1382 R. 4. An. 1382. R. 4. In 〈◊〉 celebratione depr●…ersum Digito ●…abijs admoto c. Ann. 1382 R. 5. The Maior slayeth Wat Tyler Perditus pernitiosus praesbyter The Lord chiefe Iustice slaine by rebells The Bishop of Norwich suppresseth the rebells in Norfolke Cambridge spoyled by the rebells Ann D. 1382 R. 5. Anno. Dom. 1384. R. 6. An.
beat him from his horse whom the Kings guard notwithstanding the King cryed out to the contrary slew out-right and with his fall the maine battaile of the French first gave ground then turned their backes and lastly flung away their weapons and fled The Kings rere being come up they all fell upon the rereguard of the French which confisted of the greater number but the weakest men and the worst armd but their courage with long standing was dropt to their knees so that many of them humbled themselves thereon and submitted to mercy the rest presuming that the English with three houres fight for so long the battaile continued could not be able to follow manfully ran away In the mean time certaine of the French horsemen of those that ran first away led on by Robinet Bondile and the Captaine of Agincourt presuming to redeeme their credit from running away from souldiers by fighting with boyes set upon the Pages and Laundresses and sicke souldiers that were left in the Campe who gave such a lamentable shreeke that King Henry supposed either that the Constable had reallied his troopes or that some fresh succours had beene come howsoever he supposed he must have a second fight he caused therfore all the arrowes that were sticking in the field to bee gathered and the stakes to bee plucked up and prepared ready to bee againe used amongst whom was found the Duke of Yorke miserably hacked and slaine the sight whereof and the danger of a second charge made King Henry give order that the prisoners should bee all slaine saving such as were principall men and those were all bound backe to backe and so left neither could the King be for this justly taxed of cruelty for this killing his enemies in cold blood when the number of the prisoners exceeded his souldiers and the uncertaintie of either their honestie or the enemies hardiment that were then expected to charge them could give the King no assurance of safetie without their slaughter Then the King againe embattelled his weary but willing souldiers upon whom the Earles of Marle and Fauconbridge with six hundred brave men at armes which had stood still all day gave a brave charge and had they had more number they would have troubled K. Henry but being so few and the stakes having galled so many of their horses they were quickly dispatched but to their honour it is recorded that they fought valiantly and died honourably all being slaine or taken and slew more of the English then the whole Army had done The King being satisfied by the skowtes that no enemy was to bee seene caused the Army in their array as they were to give God thankes for the victory causing the Clergie present to sing the Psalme of David in exitu Israel de Egypto and made Proclamatïon that every one at the verse non nobis domine sed nomini tuo da gloriam to kneele upon their knees and the horsmen to bow their bodies and then singing te deum and other holy hymnes they marched to the enemies Campe where they found plenty of all things with which having well refreshed themselves the King gave them liberty to make booty and take the spoyle Next day came Mountjoy and foure Harralds more to have leave to give the dead buriall and to know the number of the slaine which after hee had feasted them at their Country-mens cost he granted unto them with whom the English Harrolds were appointed to search who made returne that there were slaine 10000. and odde whereof 126. were of the Nobilitie bearing Banners of Knights and Gentlemen of Coat-armour 7874. whereof 500. were Knighted the night before the battaile and of the common souldiers about 1600. amongst the slaine of the Nobilitie were Charles le Brets high Constable Iaques of Chatilon Admiral of France the great Master of France the Master of the Crosse-bowes the Dukes of Alanson Brabant Bar the Earles of Neuers Marle Vaudmount Beamont Grand per Rousey Fauconbridge Foys and Lestreuck There were taken prisoners Charles Duke of Orleance Iohn Duke of Burbon the Lords Donvert Fosseux Humiers Roy Cawny Hamcourt Noell Bonciqualt and many others On the English part were slain Edw Duke of York the Earle of Suffolk and not full 600. of all who were all buried in Christian buriall But Philip Earle Choroloys was out of charity enforced at his own cost to bury in a square plot of ground of his owne of 1500. yards in three graves by poll accounted 5800. odde souldiers yet sent many yet alive though grievously wounded to Vall mersens de dieu King Henry having well refreshed himselfe and souldiers and laden them all with spoyles of great valew and rich prisoners in faire order marched to Callice From whence on the sixt of Nouemb. with his prisoners which according to their oathes rendred themselves from Harflue as those taken at Agincourt with the dead corpes of the Duke of York and the Earle of Suffolke whereof one was buried afterward at Fordinghey the other at new Elme He set sayle and arrived at Dover the same day after his landing he gave straight order that no ballad or songs should be made or sung more then of thanks-giving to the Lord for his happy victory and safe returne and that nothing that might tend to ostentation or boasting of the valiant or cowardly act of any in that service should be either said or sung Neverthelesse the shame of his ildaring thoughts did so vilely vex the Dalphin that he died suddenly Thomas Duke of Exceter Captaine of Harflue with three hundred English made a road into Normandy and returning laden with prey was encountred by the Earle of Arminacke with five thousand horse who tooke their booty from them over-night but in the morning when they endevoured from out the vantage of a thicke enclosed Orchard wherein they had rested all night to march away They were eftsoones charged by the French whom with a desperate resolution they entertained and in that manner behaved themselves that they not only escaped safe to Harflue but recovered a great part of the lost bootie and made a great slaughter of their enemies and returned without much losse Sigismond the Emperour cousin German to King Henry accompanied with the Archbishop of Remes Embassadour from the French King arrived at Callice to whom were sent thirty great shippes to waft him over At Dover the Duke of Glocester with a brave company of Gallants upon his approaching to land with their swords drawne stept up to the knees in water saying If hee came as the Kings friend or for his honour to move ought hee should bee welcome But if as Emperour hee claimed any jurisdiction they were ready to resist him to the death Whereupon the Emperour renounceth all Imperiall authority and is received with all befitting honour he was afterwards with Albert Duke of Holland who was lately likewise arrived at Windsor elected Companions of the noble order of the