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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18769 The vvorthines of VVales vvherein are more then a thousand seuerall things rehearsed: some set out in prose to the pleasure of the reader, and with such varietie of verse for the beautifying of the book, as no doubt shal delight thousands to vnderstand. Which worke is enterlarded with many wonders and right strange matter to consider of: all the which labour and deuice is drawne forth and set out by Thomas Churchyard, to the glorie of God, and honour of his Prince and countrey. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. 1587 (1587) STC 5261; ESTC S105094 65,030 110

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must I write to furnish foorth this booke Some Shieres doe part at Waters tryall showes There who so list vpon the same to looke Dulace doth runne along vnto the Hay So Hartford shiere from Breakenoke parteth there Brennick Deelyes Thlauenny as they say At Tawllgath méetes so into Wye they beare From Arthurs Hill Tytarell runnes apace And into Oske and Breakenoke runnes his race Nere Breakenoke Towne there is a Mountaine hye Which shewes so huge it is full hard to clime The Mountaine seemes so monstrous to the eye Yet thousands doe repayre to that sometime And they that stand right on the top shal see A wonder great as people doe report Which common brute and saying true may bee But since in deede I did not there resort I write no more then world will witnesse well Let them that please of those straunge wonders tell What is set downe I haue it surely seene As one that toyld and trauayld for the troth I will not say such things are as I weene And frame a verse as common voyces goeth Nor yet to please the humors of some men I list not stretch nor racke my termes awry My muse will not so farre abuse the pen. That writer shall gayne any blot thereby So he haue thanke in vsing ydle quill He seekes no more for paines and great good will ¶ Ludloe Towne Church and Castle THE Towne doth stand most part vpon an Hill Built well and fayre with streates both large and wide The houses such where straungers lodge at will As long as there the Councell lists abide Both fine and cleane the streates are all throughout With Condits cleere and wholesome water springs And who that lists to walke the Towne about Shall finde therein some rare and pleasant things But chiefly there the ayre so sweete you haue As in no place ye can no better craue The Market house where Corne and Cates are sold Is couered ore and kept in finest sort From which ye shall the Castle well behold And to which walke doe many men resort On euery side thereof fayre houses are That makes a shewe to please both mynd and eye The Church nere that where monuments full rare There is wherein doth sondrie people lye My pen shall touch because the notes I finde Therein deserue to be well borne in minde Within the Quere there is a Ladie layd In Tombe most rich the top of fayre Touchstone There was bestow'd in honour of this mayd Great cost and charge the trueth may well be knowne For as the Tombe is built in sumptuous guise So to the same a closet fayre is wrought Where Lords may sit in stately solemne wise As though it were a fine deuice of thought To beautifie both Tombe and euery part Of that fayre worke that there is made by arte Against that Tombe full on the other side A Knight doth lye that Iustice Townesend hight His wife likewise so soone as that she dyed In this rich Tombe was buryed by this Knight And trueth to tell Dame Alice was her name An Heire in deede that brought both wealth and land And as world sayth a worthie vertuous Dame Whose auncient Armes in colours there doth stand And many more whose Armes I doe not knowe Unto this Knight are ioyned all a roe Amid the Church a Chantrie Chappell stands Where Hozier lyes a man that did much good Bestow'd great wealth and gaue thereto some lands And helpt poore soules that in necessitie stood As many men are bent to win good will By some good turne that they may freely showe So Hoziers hands and head were working still For those he did in det or daunger knowe He smyld to see a begger at his doore For all his ioye was to reléeue the poore Another man whose name was Cookes for troth Like Hozier was in all good gifts of grace This Cookes did giue great lands and liuings both For to maintaine a Chauntrie in that place A yéerely dole and monthly almes likewise He ordaynd there which now the poore doe mis His wife and he within that Chappell lyes Where yet full plaine the Chauntrie standing is Some other things of note there may you see Within that Church not touched now by mée Yet Beawpy must be nam'd good reason why For he bestow'd great charge before he dyde To helpe poore men and now his bones doth lye Full nere the Font vpon the formost side Thus in those daies the poore was lookt vnto The rich was glad to fling great wealth away So that their almes the poore some good might do In poore mens boxe who doth his treasure lay Shall finde againe ten fold for one he leaues Or els my hope and knowledge me deceiues THE Castle now I mynd here to set out It stands right well and pleasant to the vewe With sweete prospect yea all the field about An auncient Seate yet many buildings newe Lord Presdent made to giue it greater fame But if I must discourse of things as true There are great works that now doth beare no name Which were of old and yet may pleasure you To see the same for loe in elders daies Was much bestow'd that now is much to praise Prince Arthurs Armes is there well wrought in stone A worthie worke that fewe or none may mend This worke not such that it may passe alone For as the tyme did alwaies people send To world that might excéede in wit and spréete So sondrie sorts of works are in that Seate That for so hye a stately place is méete Which shewes this day the workmanship is greate Looke on my Lords and speak your fancies throw And you will praise fayre Ludloe Castle now In it besides the works are here vnnam'd A Chappell is most trim and costly sure So brauely wrought so fayre and finely fram'd That to worlds end the beautie may endure About the same are Armes in colours sitch As fewe can shewe in any Soyle or place A great deuice a worke most rare and ritch Which truely shewes the Armes the blood and race Of sondrie Kings but chiefly Noble men That here in prose I will set out with pen. Sir Walter Lacie was first owner of Ludloe Castle whose Armes are there and so followes the rest by order as you may reade Ieffrey Genyuile did match with Lacie Roger Mortymer the first Earle of Martchy an Earle of a great house matcht with Genyuile Leonell Duke of Clarence ioyned with Ulster in Armes Edmond Earle of Marchy matched with Clarence Richard Earle of Cambridge matcht with the Earle of Marchy Richard Duke of Yorke matcht with Westmerland Edward the fourth matcht with Woduile of Riuers Henry the seuenth matcht with Elizabeth right heire of England Henry the eight matcht with the Marquese of Penbroke These are the greatest first to be named that are there set out worthely as they were of dignitie and birth Now followes the rest of those that were Lord Presidents and others
in the hall windowe All that followes are Armes of Princes and Noblemen The great water called Teā comes 17. mile frō a place called the Whitehall neere vnto Begyldie in the County of Radnor The Forrest of Brenwood is west from the towne The Chace of Mocktrie and O●kley Parkes stāds not farre from thence A deuice of the Lord Presidents He gaue great possessions large liberties and did incorporate them with many goodly freedomes That Towne hath bin well gouerned a lōg while with two Bayliefes twelue Aldermen and fiue and thirtie Commoners a Recorder a Townclarke assistant to the sayd Bayliefes by iudiciall course of lawe weekely in as large and ample maner for their triall betweene partie and partie as any Cittie or Borrowe of England hath The poore haue sweete lodgings each one a part to himselfe An Hospitall called S. Iones A Guyld that King Edward by Letters Pattents gaue to the Bayliefs and Burgesses of the towne The Aldermē are Iustices of the Peace for the time being A deuice of the Author called Reasons threatning The Author borne in Shrewseburie Shrewseburie the marshes of Wales Reasons threatning is done The priuie blowes that Reason giues For feare of shame slouthfull men are well occupied Newe buildings makes old deuice blush Labour reapes reward Many well borne and rich in Shrewseburie Diuers Almes houses in Shrewseburie and hath bin there mainteyned in old time Shrewseburie and Wales are like in courtesie Fayre wordes and reuerence is a common thing there Good nature and good maners shewes good mynds Stout behauiour is rather abhorred then embraced Many of wales wealthie men in Shrewseburie A deepe deuice the foundation of Shrewseburie The Castle built in such a braue plot that it could haue espyed a byrd flying in euery streate A matter to be marked A Knight lyes crosselegged in S. Maries his name is Leyborne Of the same of Churches Of the Riuer of Seuarne A notable Riuer called Seuarn running vnder two faire bridges of stone There is a bridge called Welshbridge which shewes Shrewseburie to be of Wales The Castle though old and ruynate stands most braue and gallantly Maister Prince his house stāds so trim and finely that it graceth all the Soyle it is in Here is the way to Meluerley to Wattels Borrow where Ma. Leighton dwelles to Cawx Castle Lord Staffords and to Maister Williams house Aldermen in Scarlet orderly in Shrewseburie and two Bayliefes as richly set out many Mayor of some great Cities Great costly banquetting in Christmas and at all Sessions Sizes A matter of trafficke to be noted and cōsidered of London compared to the flowing Sea The great must maintaine the smal Ludloe is set out after Ozestrie and Bishops Castle doth front in Wales Of a notable market a meruclous matter Poore folkes makes fewe words in bargayning The blessednesse of plaine people A rare report yet truely giuen of Wales You must reade further before you finde Ludloe described The Authors forgetfulnesse clensed A pleasant and artificiall peece of groūd Maister Aston was a good and godly Preacher A Friery house stood by this ground called the Welsh Fryers In Shrewseburie were three Fryer houses A briefe discourse of auncient tyme. The occasion of buylding strong Holds Wales hath a wonderfull number of Castles A description of Denbighshiere A conceyted toy to set a broach an earnest matter Being Muster-maister of Kent more chargeable then well cōsidered of there Chirke Castle a goodly and princely house yet Keeryock a wondrous violent water Maister Iohn Edwards hath a fayre house nere this Newe Bridge on the Riuer Dee A straūge nature of a water There is a poole in Meryonethshiere of three myle long rageth so by storme that it makes this Riuer flowe Ruabon Church is a fayre peece of worke This Gentleman was called Iohn Bellis Eytton Offaes Dyke Wats Dyke Robert Howell lyes there a Gentleman In Maylor are all these Gentlemen Maister Roger Pilsons house at It●hlay Maister Almmer at Pantyokin Maister Iohn Pilson of Bersan Maister Edward Iones of Cadoogan Maister Iames Eaton of Eatton Maister Edward Eaton by Ruabon Maister Owen Brueton of Borras Maister Iohn Pilson of Haberdewerne Maister Thomas Powell of Horsley Maister Iohn Treuar of Treuohn Agene all praise of all Gentlemen inhabiting of any Countrey Holt Castle an excellent fine place the Riuer of Dee running by it Maister Hues dwelles there Maister Euan Flud dwelles in Yale in a fayre house Castle Dynosebraen on a wooddie hill on the one side Greene Castle on the other A Bridge of stone very faire there stands ouer Dee Maister Lakon Ma. Thlude of Yale The names of the Riuers of Denbighshire Keeriock parts Shropshere Dēbighshere before Chirk Dee at newe Bridge and Thlangothlen Aleyn in the valley of Yale Clanweddock in the fayre vale of Dufrin Cloyd Cloyd receiues Clanweddock and Elwye by Saint Asse Istrade by Denbigh Raihad comes to the Vo●●ney Keynthleth comes into Rayhad The Castle of Wrythen is yet outwardly a marueilous faire and large princely place There is a Poole here abouts that hath in it a kynd of fish that no other water can shewe A Riuer called Aleyn in the valley of Yale The valley of Yale The Earle of Kent lyes here An Anckres in King Henrie the fourths tyme buryed here The pleasant vale of Diffrin Cloyd The Vale throughly described Three Riuers in this Vale. A naturall secret touched Thomas Salesburie of Lleweni Robert Salesburie of Bachenbid Foulk Lloyd of Houllan Piers Holland of Kynmel Piers Owen of Abergele Edward Theleall of Beren William Wyn of Llamuaire Elis Price of Spitty Iohn Middleton The strongest Castle seate that euer man beheld Marke wel the situation and buylding of the same A practise by the Author proued A great glorie giuen to Denbigh The Abbey of Valey Crucis Castle Dynosebraen A goodly bridge of stone here The Towne and the bridge with the vyolent Riuer before that Towne A little spoke of Fluntshiere The Author fell sicke here The writer takes here breath till a better season serues