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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06886 A declaration of thee power of Gods worde concerning the holy supper of the Lord, confutynge all lyers and fals teachers, whych mayntayne theyr maskynge mass inuented agaynst the woorde of God, and the Kynges Maiesties most godly proceadynge compyled anno d[omi]ni M.D.XLVIII Mardeley, John. 1548 (1548) STC 17317; ESTC S104366 26,391 72

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¶ A declaration of thee power of Gods worde concerning the holy supper of the Lord confutynge all lyers and fals teachers whych mayntayne theyr maskynge masse inuented agaynst the woorde of God and the Kynges Maiesties most godly proceadynge compyled Anno dn̄i M. D. XLVIII Ezechi ii ¶ Theyr fathers haue broken my couenaunte euen to thys day and they to whom I send they ar chyldren wythout all shame of such an hart as cannot be reclamed SAinct Thō saith y ● worl● malignaune Is sore infected in great ●eoperdyt through vaynglory which is repungnaūt To gods preceptes hys lawe and veritie For people they be of soch malignitie and corrupt mindes seducig what the● may Al godly proceadinges vtterly to delay Maruel not you bishops prelates of dig nitie Though in y e zeel of Phynes also Helias I stomock your sturdines so ful of impietie thus stubburnly to stād against our Iosias which to reforme hys church brig it as it was To her primer state yet seduce ye what ye maye Hys godly reformacion vtterly to delaye This practyse you that s●●tful generaciō Under cloked ypocrisy your graūtshire to mayntayne much after your brother Iudas is your● cō uersacion w t your lowsy ●urkig to play legerdemayn your craft is ꝑceiued because ye cōuay not cleane Yet are ye not ashamed seducing what ye maye His godly reformaciō vtterly to delay What c●science had your forefathers to put in theyr treasurye the. xxx siluer plates which was for blood the pryce But no cōscience at al had those beastes so bloody To murther the son of god accordīg theyr practyse such lyke ar our spiritual leaders ● their de uyse Whych be not ashamed seduce what they may his godli reformaciō ●●terli to delay Sought they not by al meanes vtterly to quenche The fayth of christes moost glorious resurrectiō and as y ● damosel y ● inquisitiue wēche to haue trapped peter she asked him a questiō do not these biting beares so ful of cō●ē●iō wythout al shame inuent what they maye His godly reformaciō vtterly to delay These waged souldiours they shuld surmyse a lye That christ was stolne they being a slepe this exercise our ministers doth vse oc●p● by their hyrede sophisters to blemish kepe this heauēl● veritie frō vs hongrie shepe And as shameles lyers seduce what they may His godly ꝓcedīges vtterly to deley Great is y ● diligē●e labour study of these whorish apostals apostels I shuld say which vnder y ● similitude of vertue ●o holi lyke popish ypocrites craftely do thei play yet of their duble delīg ashamed are not thei by al subtil meāes to seduce what thei may His godly procedinges vtterly to deley But truly they labour trauel in vayn Lyke besheles of gods wrath to kyck spew and spurne yet shal the truth haue his passourth playn though they wold kyl head hange burne for the word of god shal not in vayn turne but shal worke gods wil seducet what they maye ▪ His godly precedinges vtterly to deley Christ sayth the tree is knowē by y e fruyte Thē must ye be iudged at the eye ymynēte By youre subtyll sleyghtes though ye seame mute Yet worke ye heythny she lawes and rytes pestelente mayntaynīg mysteris of madnes bitormēt And tyrable terrours seducīg what ye may His godly reformacion vtterly to delay A plant set was in the corrupte councell Of your alic●ēt graūt syre of soch laudatiō That yf al your ●ugling shuld you yet fayl That shuld bring you to your estemacion this captyue you mēs cōsciēces by collusiō Wyth your venemous vanities seducyng what ye maye Thys most godly reformaciō vtterly to de laye Go lytle boke god send the good successe In their harres mindes which wil y ● puse and not to be blamed bicause y u doest expres theypocrisi of soch as gods word doth abu se Thy name manifest here y u doest refuse Yet in this myter who that applyeth hys mynde Thy holy name wryttē therin shal he fynd To the hyghe excellent and most gracious Prynce Edward Duke of Somerset Erle of Hertforthe viscounte Beane Campe. Lorde Semer Gouerner of the Kynges Maiesteis person and Protector of al hys realmes hys leauetenaū te general of al hys armyes boht by lande by sea treasoroure and Erle marshall of England Gouernour of the Ylles of Gernsey Iersey and knight of the most noble order of y ● garter ¶ Ihon Mardeley wysheth grace peace abundaunce of knowledge in gods truthe securitie of body wyth long lyfe in the lyuinge God Thorowe Christe Iesus oure onely sauioure COnsyderynge redupted and moost noble prynce howe prone and ready the malig ners of gods veritie ●e w t all theyr exacte diligence to depraue and say yll aswel of the true doctrine of that infallable and syncier truth as al so of thee teachers preachers of the same it hath in manner cōpelled me ●oundering the great dysceatfulnesse and sturdynesse of the se wycked wordlinges whych bee so pernyscyously bent to blynde y e people of god wyth lyes old wy fe ●●ables to depresse holde dow ne the gospel of christe and styl to vpholde and mayntayne mannes inuencyons dreames tradiciōs Thus moste gracious lord hath in maner coharted me to set fourthe th●s symple worke touchyng the most holy body and bloud of christ whyche is the food of oure soules and confortable pledge of our saluacion sertyfyenge the true beleuers to be made heyres of eternal lyfe and the partakers of all christes merytes Death and resurrection the whych moste sacred mysterie hathe bene bothe learnedly and pythely by soundrye notable clerckes and learned menne devulgated vnto the congregacyon as well in theyr Sermoones as in wrytynges therein confutyng all errours and false opynyons whyche the vngodlye malygners haue seduced thee people in and yet doo bothe by wryt●nge and preachynge contrarye vnto the instytution of Christe the symple meanynges of the Scriptures and the Kynges Maiesties mooste godlye proceadynges where of youre gra ce is a fortherer of the same I haue most redoupted lord as one moste vnworthy and indynge wythout profound knowledge of learning confes me far vnhable to enter in the discussing of so hygh a matter yet albeyt I haue according vnto the talente whych I haue receaued not hydyng it in the grounde as dyd that euel seruaunte but to y ● measure and vnderstāding which I haue receaued of god by y e gyfte of hys spyryte I wyll lyke vnto ruthe the mohabite grayne some parte aswell vpō the land of scrip ture as vpon auncient Doctours approued and thē so gathered as it were in a bundell together the true vnderstanding of this mystical meate of christes body bloud Declaring the right vse therof as by the worde of God shalbe playn lye approue and for bycause as yet this holy misterie hangeth as it were in a ballaunce and not the true weyghe therof as yet