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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A83999 Englands satisfaction in eight queries; concerning the true place, office, and power of a king, according to Gods word. 1643 (1643) Wing E3046; Thomason E105_14; ESTC R17568 12,050 15

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deteine the thing to be graunted if the Oath be refused by him to whom the Graunt is intended and every Grauntee is subject to the Grauntor according to the Covenant of the Graunt there can be no fee-simple estate in the Grauntee of the thing graunted but the fee-simple estate of the thing graunted is in the grauntor The Kingdome or Common-wealth of England is the grauntor the King of England is the grauntee the Crowne of England is the thing graunted so that the fee-simple estate of the Crowne of England is the Common-wealths of England to dispose of according to the Custome and Lawes of the Land which is by Covenant and Graunt to the Prince in being and after whose decease by custome but not by right of inheritance to the next in or of bloud and so from one generation to another in like manner So that this regall power in the 1 Sam. 8. doth not at all belong to a King of England therefore if the Lord was wrath and did exceedingly punish the Kings of Israel for exercising this regall power before the light of the Gospel wherein is revealed a greater light of libertie unto the members of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2. 7. 9. 10. Vnto you therefore which beleeve in Christ Jesus he is precious for by him yee are a chosen generation a royall Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar people that yee should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkenesse into his marveilous light Revel 5 9 10. And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the Booke and to open the Seales thereof for thou wast slaine and hast redeemed us to God by thy bloud and hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests How much more then shall Kings under the knowledge and light of the Gospel incurre the wrath of God if they be found guiltie of oppression and tyranny against the beleeving members of the Lord Christ themselves professing the same faith and acknowledging the same knowledge the Lord is no respecter of persons but the soule that sinneth shall dye A King of England may not by this regall power demand and command of and from the people as the Kings of Israel neither by the Lawes of God nor by the Lawes of the Land neither are the people of England bound to that slavish obedience as the people of Israel were but the people of England both by the Lawes of God and by the Lawes of the Land are freed from such a slavish obedience and therefore both according to the Lawes of God and the Land may lawfully deny and refuse to submit because it is an unlawfull imposition and where the demand and command is unlawfull the deniall or refusall is lawfull 6. Quest How shall we know when a King doth transgresse against his Oath and breake his Covenant and what is the remedy Ans A King doth trangresse his Oath and breake his Covenant when that his demands are beyond the Nationall Law which by vertue of his Oath as it is a breach thereof is oppression and when a King doth command of and from the people such things as are opposite unto and against the fundamentall Lawes of the Land which by vertue of his Oath as it is a breach thereof is tyranny which lawfully begets in the Common-wealth an absolute deniall and refusall to such demands and commands and so the peace of the Land is endangered the onely remedy to preserve the same is for the King to call a Parliament that is to send out his Writs to the Commons to choose their Knights and Burgesses who by vertue of the Kings Writs and the Commons voyces for them are Parliament-men and as Arbitrators are to decide all differences in Church State and Common-wealth whose conclusions and determinations together with the Kings assent consent and signing are binding Lawes both to King and people 7. Quest How farre may or ought a King lawfully to deny to assent consent and signe their determinations and conclusions Answ A King as he sits in the Lords throne may and as he is intrusted by God over the people ought to deny to assent consent and signe their determinations if the same shall either be dishonourable to the glory worship and service of the Lord or injurious to the good of the Common-wealth and no further for it is his office to be as or more forward and carefull for both as any other man both by the Lawes of God and the Land as he is the great Minister of the greatest trust for both by taking the same charge upon him 8. Quest But if a King shall deny to consent assent and signe the Parliaments determinations although honourable to the Lord and good and beneficiall to the Common-wealth then what is the Kings offence benefit or danger and their power as they are Parliament-men and so the body representative of the Land Answ If a King shall deny to assent unto that which is lawfull before God and man and contend against it and in stead of consenting unto them to dissent from them and in stead of signing their determinations to seperate himselfe from them and make warre against and upon them he doth thereby breake the peace which as he sits in the Lords throne of Majestie he ought to keepe maintaine and preserve and also thereby he breakes and wilfully violates his Oath and Nationall Covenant by which he enjoyes the Crowne and so is an offender both against God and man by both for both he is entrusted betwixt both Adam did not transgresse untill he was advised by Eve Gen 3. 6. And the woman said ver 13. The Serpent beguiled me because a King doth nothing without advise therefore he cannot transgresse but by the evill advice of evill Counsellors who with Eve are beguiled by that old Serpent the Devill and such Counsellors was 1 King 12. 13 14. Rehoboams young Cavaliers and such evill Counsellors was Chap. 22. 6. Ahabs foure hundred Balls Prophets who were beguiled by the Devill who said ver 22. I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets and also such advisers had Pharoah Gen. 7. 11 12. Jannes and Jambres who had the Devils helpe and by him did that they did in their withstanding of Moses and so such are all they that doe advise the King against the good advice of his grave and wise Elders the Parliament Long agoe these Counsellors were branded out and foretold by the Apostle Paul 2 Tim. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. In the last dayes perillous times shall come men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers unholy without naturall affection truce breakers false accusers fierce despisers of those that are good traytors headdy high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God having a forme of godlinesse in their mouths but denying the power thereof in their hearts ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
who as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so doe these also resist the truth Men of corrupt minds reprobates concerning the faith but they shall proceed no farther for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as Jannes and Jambres By which warre if the King get the better these wofull advisers will advise him that then he need not submit to the legall power according to his Covenant and Oath but may rule by that unwarranted unlawfull forbidden and often punished regall power of his owne will both in Church State and Common-wealth and so have all his Subjects to be his slaves as all tyrannicall Kings have that so doe as in prevention in a foretelling way of such an evill in these latter dayes wise propheticall Solomon as a remedy against such an evill and to make knowne the lawfulnesse of a violent power against such sayes in a high and commanding language Pro. 25. 5. Take away such wicked Counsellors from before the King and his throne by new and stronger Covenants and better Counsellors shall be established in righteousnesse vers the 4. take away these drossie hearts from the Kings silver godly heart and there shall come forth a vessell for the finer who is the Lord to make thereof a vessell of honour for his own glory to doe his owne worke which is Revel 17. 5. And upon her forehead was written a name Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth this mystery is ver 8. The beast which thou sawest was to ascend out of the bottomlesse pit and is not because shee shall goe into perdition ver 9. here is the minde that hath wisedome or the minde of Gods intentions who is the God of wisdome the seven heads are seven mountaines on which the woman or whore or Antichrist sitteth ver 12. and the ten hornes which thou sawest are ten Kings or Kingdomes ver 17. whom God hath stirred up or put in their hearts and as one man to agree ver 13. and have one minde ver 16. to hate the whore the Pope of Rome and Antichrist of the earth and shall make her desolate and naked to shew her filthinesse and shall eate her flesh and burne her with fire even the fire of Gods wrath that shee may never take roote to appeare againe or any more Chap. 13. 18. Here is wisdome from heaven let him that hath spirituall understanding count the number of the Beast or the time of her desolation which shall be fulfilled in the yeare of Christ 1666. in Christ Col. 2. 3. are hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge and therefore are revealed to none but such as are in Christ and so a mystery to others for it is the number of a man by computation of mans nature which is 66. or a Prince or the prime Prince of the ten Kingdomes his age shall agree with 1666. and make up that number being added to 1600 for 1600. having 66. added unto it makes up 1666. Charles the first now King of England Scotland and Ireland his age doth agree to make up and to fulfill this prophesie who is the King of Englands Lyon the King of Beasts of Scotlands Unicorne the chiefe soveraigne expeller of all poyson of Popery and of Irelands Dragon the chiefe of all poysoning fierce Serpents and now have cause to be the most fierce in this worke because the whore Antichrist hath sucked out Irelands bloud in abundance these three Kingdomes are three of the ten Kingdomes and his Majestie a treble or three comprised lawfull King is to be the Lord Christs chiefest instrument to the destruction of the great whore or Antichrist the Pope who unjustly usurpingly and unlawfully weares the treble Crowne Now this worke of the Lord to destroy Antichrist must be done by the members of Jesus Christ which formerly have been of Antichrist of whom Peter saith in his first Epistle Chap. 2. ver 10. In time past were not a people and without mercie because yee were of Antichrist but now are the people of God and have obtained mercie because yee have forsaken Antichrist and are now the members of Jesus Christ therefore as now all things stand the Parliament or representative body of the Land as by the Lords providence are lawfully called by the Kings Writs thereby laying aside his regall power and the Commons voyces wholly committing all things unto them have power lawfully according to Solomons tenent by if need require a violent force even from before or out of the Kings presence Pro. 25. 5. To take away these forenamed evill Counsellors from the King that his throne in righteousnesse may be established unto him and then as in the 4. ver the Lords refining worke of seperation by a thorow reformation in taking the Atheisticall and Papisticall drosse from the silver members of Iesus Christ quite out of these Dominions but as Paul saith 2 Thes 2. 3. 7 8 9 10. Let no man deceive you by any meanes for the mystery of iniquitie doth alreadie worke onely he who now letteth will let untill he be taken out of the way who are the Kings evill Counsellors Papists Atheists traytors and all such as is before mentioned therefore away with them and then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth even him the Pope Antichrist whose comming is after the working of Sathan devillish with all deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish for want of the knowledge and love of the truth in Christ that they might be saved and when such wicked ones are taken from his Majestie then as Jethro Exod. 18. 21 22. Counselled Moses so doe yee his Majestie to provide out of all the people able men such as feare God men of truth hating covetousnesse making such Rulers and Iudges and State Counsellors as it is Deut. 16. 18 19. that thereby both King and people may all as one man goe on amaine in the Lords refining worke of Reformation in these three Kingdomes by turning out of them all Antichristian drosse that nothing of it may remaine ever any more to defile the silver truths doctrines or members of Iesus Christ who must be first reformed from errors and then be informed in the truths of Iesus Christ for without a true knowledge there can be no good obedient practice and then the Lords second worke of actuall destruction will goe on the better against that Beast Antichrist to the glory of God in their destruction the Iewes conversion and Gentiles further information and confirmation FINIS