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A23561 A breuiat cronicle contaynynge all the kinges from Brute to this daye and manye notable actes gathered oute of diuers cronicles fro[m] Willyam Conquerour vnto the yere of Christ a. M.d.c.lii.; Chronicles of England. 1552 (1552) STC 9968; ESTC S4659 60,362 218

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cruell bataile the vyctory fell to the Englysh mē and wanne the towne where were slayne of the Scotes .xxv. M. and after warde the kynge of Scottes submitted him selfe to kynge Edwarde of England A battel at fankyrke In the .xxvi. yeare kynge Edward being in flaunders the Scottes rebelled and chose them a newe kynge called Wales and entred Northumberlande But the nexte yeare after kinge Edward gathered a great power and entred scotlande and at a place called Fankerke he mete with the Scottes where betwene them was foughte a cruell battayle but at the ende the Englyshmen had the victorye and slewe of the Scotes to the nōbre of .xxxii. M. and Walis theyr new chosen king fled in to the marysses and the common people yelded them to the kyng of England About the .xxxii. yeare Edward the kinges eldest sonne commytted dyuers ryots to the great dyspleasure of hys father wherefore the kynge enprysoned his sonne and other that were of his companye The king put his sō in prisons Also a bout the .xxxiii. yeare of kynge Edwarde the fyrste Wales the Scot was taken and brought to London and there put to death A bataile in scotlād Anone after many Lordes and bisshoppes of Scotlande came and yelded them selues to kynge Edwarde But Robert le Bruse contrary to his oth rebelled agaynste kinge Edwarde and shortlye after the kinge with a great hoste wente into Scotland where he met with Roberte le Bruse at a place nyghe saynte Iohns towne where was fought a cruell batayle the victory fell to the Englysh men and vii.m Scottes were slayne and Roberte le bruce fled to the kynge of Norwaye and dyuerse lordes were taken who were sent to London and there put to death The deth of kīg Edward the fyrste In the .xxxv. yeare kynge Edwarde fell syke and dyed the .vii. daye of Iulye in the yeare of christ M.ccc.vii and is buryed at Westminster ⚹ Edwarde the second EDwarde the second of that name and sonne of the fyrst Edwarde and prince of wales beganne his Raygne ouer England the .xxiiii. day of February the yere of Chryst M.ccc.vii and raygned xviii yeres thys edward was faire of body but vnstedfast of maners and disposed to lyghtnes For he refused the companye of hys Lordes and men of honoure and haunted a monge vylaynes and vyle persones he gaue him selfe also to ouer muche drynkinge and lyghtlye wold disclose thynges of great counsaile And besides that he was geuen to these vices of nature what yll counsayle maye doo he was much worse by the counsayle and famylyaritie of certayne euyll disposed personnes as Pierse of Ganeston Hughe the Spencers other whose wanton counsayle he folowing gaue him selfe to the appetyte and pleasure of the body no thyng ordering his common weale by sadnesse discresion and Iustice whiche thinge caused fyrste greate varience betwene him and hys nobles so that shortlye he became to them odible and in the ende was depriued of his kingdome This kinge in the second yeare of his raygne The king maryed went into fraunce maried Isabell doughter to Philip le Belle kynge of fraunce and after with her returned īto englād About this time Piers of Ganeston behaued hym selfe ylle againste the Lordes and waxed so proude that he would reuyle them wherfore they sodenly rose Piers of ganestō be headed and beseiged him in the castell of Scarbroughe and at the last wan it and toke Piers and broughte him to a place nere to Warwike and there stroke of his heade where with the kinge was greatly dyspleased About the .vi. yere of this king Robert le Bruse heryng of the deuision betwene the king and his lords came agayne in to Scotland and there was amytted kinge A batayle at banockes borne wherfore kinge Edwarde prepared a greate Armye and wente in to Scotlande and nere to a place called Banockysbourne he mete with the Scottes where was betwene them a cruell battayle but the Englyshmen lost the felde and many of the lordes and great men of England were slayne and taken and the kīg fledde wyth greate daunger into Barwyke In the .ix. yeare of kynge Edwarde the Scottes wan Barwike The scottes won barwike and shortly after they entered Northumberlande and slewe man woman and chyld Aboute this time there was a greate dearthe in Englande of all thinges Great plages in England and after folowed greate Pestilence yet all these mocions mended not the kynge of his yll liuinge In the .xi. A bataile of mitton yeare of this king the Scottes entred Englande at a place in yorke shire called Mitton was fought a cruell batayle where the English men lost the felde and much people of the countrey slaine But the kinge was all ruled by Hughe Spenser the father and the sonne and the commons had thē in great hatred In the .xii. yeare of thys kinge there was a Parliament holden at London Spēcers banished where by the entreatinge of the lordes Hugh Spencer the father and Hugh Spencer the sonne were banished the Realme But it was not longe after but the kynge contrary to that ordynaunce made in the Parlyamente sente for these Spencers agayne and set them in hyghe aucthorytie A batel at brough bryge Shortly after the Lordes rose agaynst the kynge and at broughe bryge the kynges Captayne called Andrew of Harkeley met wyth thē where many of the Barons of englande were slayne and taken and afterward that the Earle of Lancaster and dyuers other of the Barons and knyghtes were putte to deathe In the .xvii. yeare of thys king the quene fearinge the tyrannye of the Spensors The quen fled the lande fled wyth her yonge sonne Edwarde into Fraunce to her brother Charles where she and her sonne was gentlye receyued of her brother which made great promyse to ayde her agaynst the tyrany of the Spencers Shortly after Charles the frēch kynge fearyng the Manassyng of the byshoppe of Rome forsoke his systers quarell The quene and her sonne driuen out of fraunce and commaunded her to auoyde his lande In the .xix. The quene with her son entered the lande yeare of kyng Edwarde quene Isabel and her sonne by the ayde and helpe of syr Iohn of Heynalde with a small companye of Heynowayes retourned into England to whome the nobles and commons gathered in greate nombre and pursued the kinge the Spensers and other enemies so narowlye that shortlye after they toke them and kepte the kinge in prisō at kenelworth the Spensours the Earle of Arundell Robert baldocke and other Tyrantes whiche of longe tyme had greued the reame were put to deth ¶ Edward the thyrd Edward the third of that name and sonne to Edwarde the second and of Isabell onelye doughter of Phillip le Belle after the deposynge of his father was crowned kynge the second daye of February the yeare of Christ M.ccc.xxvi Of kinge Edwarde the thyrde whē he was but .xv. yeres of Age.
amonge menne so sharpe that tillage of the earthe was put of for that yeare whereby ensued greace hunger and scarcitie in the yeare folowinge Greate morallity Westminster hall builded Abought the xi yeare of the king he builded Westminster halle In this yeare also the christen men wan Ierusalē after they had beseged it xxxix Ierusalē wonne by the Christen men daies and Godfry the soueraine captaine of the christen men was proclaimed kinge of Ierusalem The deth of williā Rufus This kyng William had great pleasure in hunting insomuch that he pulled downe many houses of religion to enlarge the newe eorest of Winsore for wilde dere but a Frenche knyght of his named water Cerel by the glaunsynge of hys arowe vpon a braunche when he shote at a harte in the sayde forest smot the kynge and wounded hym to deathe whereof he shortlye dyed in the yeare of oure Lorde M.C. wythoute anye yssue of his bodye and he raygned .xii. yeare and .xi. monethes and is buried at westminster Henry the firste HEnry the brother of Wyllyam Rufus and fyrste of that name for hys learnynge callyd Beweclarke and thyrd sonne to Wylliam Conqueroure was crowned kynge of England the .v. day of August the yere of our Lord M.c. and .i. This Henry was a noble prince in the fyrst yeare of his raygne he reformed the measure in England whiche of longe time were corrupted he vsed the lawes of saynt Edwarde Mesures restored sone after he was kynge he toke to wyfe Maude the syster of Edgare kynge of Scottes Thys man fauoured nothynge the vsurped powre of the byshop of Rome The king relesed of his tribut In the .iiii. yeare of this kyng Roberd curtoyse the kynges brothere came into englande and was well entreated of the kynge and Quene and there the duke released the kynge of his tribute of .iii. M. markes but it was not longe after by meanes of tale bearers and yll reporters that great variaunce fell betwene the kynge Duke Robert takē prisoner and the Duke of Normandy hys brother and shortlye thereupon deadlye warre was arrered in th end wherof duke Roberd was taken and kepte in perpetuall pryson at cardyffe by his brother who immediatlye seased vpon the duchye of Normandy and helde it in possession In the .vi. A rebeliō ī england yeare of kynge henry the fyrst the Earle of shrewysbury and the Earle of Cornewall rebelled againste kynge henry and after were taken and kepte in pryson as longe as they lyued About this tyme also the kyng ordayned strayghte lawes agaynst theues and other that vsed vnlawful meanes whiche were punished Punishemente for transgressours some with death some with losse of their eyes of their stones and other membres of man as theyr trespas requyred By the meanes of Anselme byshop of Cantorbury the preestes of England were constrayned to forgo theyr wyues whiche before was lawfull to be maryed The preestes were cōstraned to forgo their wiues Aboute the .xiii. An earthequake yeare of kynge Henries raygne was a great earthquake at shrewsburye and the ryuer of Trent was so drye that men myght go ouer drye shode warre betwene england Fraunce In the .xvii. yeare of king henries raygne began great varyence betwene Lewes frenche kinge and kynge henry of Englande and at the last was fought betwene them a cruell battayle where the Englyshe menne optayned the victory and the frenche king fled but shortly after a peace was concluded and wylliam the eldest sonne of kynge henry dyd homage to the frenche king for the Duchy of Normandy The kinges two sonnes drowned In the .xx. yere of Henry the first Wyllyam duke of normandye the kinges eldest sonne and Richarde his brother and Mary theyr sister Richard Earle of chester with hys wyfe the kynges nece and other to the nombre of a .c. and .vi. persons passing from Normandy into Englande by ouer syghte of the shypmaister were drowned and none scaped but one man Aboute the .xxvi. A law ordaned for preestes yeare of thys kynge there was a counsell holden at london wher it was determined that the abominable vices of the prestes shoulde be punished by the kinges offiters In the .xxii. maude the empresse made aire of the Realme yeare of kyng henries raigne bycause he had none other issue male ordayned that hys doughter Maude which had bene Empresse shoulde succede him in the kyngdome A boughte the .xxviii. maude the empresse maryed yeare one Geffery Plantagenet Earle of Angeo maried the saide Maude and by her had issue henry whiche henry after kinge Steuen was kinge of Englande This kinge henry the firste beyng in Normandy in the .xxv. The deth of kīg henry the fyrste yere of his reigne the second day of December in the yere of Christe a M a .c.xxxv. dyed some say of a surfet and some writers saye it was by a fall of a horse And his bodye was brought into England and is buried in the Abbey of Reding Of King steuen STeuen Earle of Boloine the sonne of the earle of blois and Adela williā Cōquerours doughter and Nephew to Henry the first toke on hym the gouernaunce of this realme of England throughe the counsaile of manye Lordes of Englande contrarye to theyr othe made to Maude the Empresse and was crowned king vpon saint Steuens day the yeare of Christ M.c. and xxxv Variance ī england At this time there was greate variance in Englād for king Steuen was thoughte to be kinge vniustlye for manie of the Lordes of Englande fauoured Maude the Empresse and other fauored Steuen who was kinge of the whiche folowed greate warre This kinge steuen beseiged diuers castels that belonged to Bisshops and other lordes and toke them by forse Castelles beseged and fortified them with his owne knightes and seruauntes to thentente to withstand the empresse whose comminge he euer feared In the seconde yeare of kinge Steuen there rose a greate rumor in Englād that king Steuen was deade whiche tales rose much variaunce in England for diuers of the lordes got them to their holdes whiche after might scantly be pacefied or quieted yll talles doth much hurte Shortly after the kinge wente A viage to normandy into Normandye and kepte warre with the Earle of Aniowe the husband of Maude the Empresse which was righte aire to the Crowne of England and when he had quietted that prouince he made Eustace his sonne duke of normandy A bataile the king taken prysoner In the .vi. yeare of king Steuen Maude the Empresse came in to England by the comforte of the Earle of Glocester and the Earle of Chester and made strong warre vpon kinge Stephen in the ende whereof the kinges partie was ouer come and him selfe taken prisoner and was brought to the Empresse who sente him to Bristowe to prison Shortlye after this bataile the kentish men and londoners rose toke parte with the king A
Henry ended his lyfe in the yeare of christ m.c.lxxxviii is beryed at founteuerarde in fraunce ¶ Rychard the fyrste RIchard the firste and second sonne of kynge Hēry the seconde was crowned kynge of Englande the iii. day of September the yere of Chryste M.c.lxxxix This man for hys valyantnesse and corage was called Curedde lion In the fyrst yeare of kyng Richarde the Londoners obtayned two offycers to gyde theyr cytie whiche were called baylyffes Two bayliffes gouerned lōdon The Iues spoiled at london About this time the Iues bare themselues very bolde in London in so muche that the people rose agaynste them and dyd robbe and kyll many of them without pytie But by cause the offendours were so manye they ascaped wythoute punyshment The king of scottes did hōage Also in this fyrst yeare Wyllyam king of Scottes came to Cantorbury and dyd homage to kynge Rycharde A preraraciō to recouer Hierusalem About this time the prynces of Christendom made great preparacyon to recouer Hierusalem and to ayde the Chrystyans in Asia In the thyrd yeare of king Richard the isle of cipres conquered he with a noble army toke his Iorney toward Hierusalem by the way he conquered the yle of Cypres and afterward he Ioyned wyth the french kynge in Asia and conquired Acon but shortlye after there fell great variaunce betwene kynge Richard of Englande and kynge Philyp of fraunce wherfor kinge Philip returne whome in to Fraunce and inuaded Normandy also he counsaled Iohn the brother to kynge Rychard to take vpon hym the kingdome of England in his bothers absence Shortly after kynge Rychard of England restored to the christians the citie of Ioppe The citie Ioppe wonne and in manye battayles put the Turkes to muche sorowe In the .iiii. The cruelty of the byshop of Elye yeare of kyng Richard and while he was in Assia william byshoppe of Elye to whome king Richarde had committed the gouernaunce of Englande practised muche crueltie as in depreuing of byshoppes and Abbottes and wolde ryde with a M. horses wherby he greued the place where he so iourned But at the last by strength the lordes put hym out of the land Kynge richard kīg of Hierusalem King Richard exchaūged Cipers with Guye of Lesingham for the kingdom of Hierusalem wherfore the kinge of Englande of a longe time after was called king of Hierusalem king Rychard takē prisōer In the .v. yeare king Richard hearing that king Philip of fraūce inuaded Normandy that Iohn his brother aspired to his kingdom toke peace with the Turkes for .iii. yeares and with a small company returned whomewarde by Thrace and there was trayterouslye taken prisoner by the Duke of Austrych and brought him to henry the Emperour and he was kept in streight prison a yeare and .v. monethes where it is said he slew a Lion and toke out his harte king Rychard deliuered out of prison In the .vi. yeare of kinge Rychardes raygne he payed his ransome whiche was a C.M. pounde and was deliuered and retorned to his countre and made sharpe warre vpon the frenche kynge and Iohn his brother at whiche tyme was fought diuers great batailes to the greate losse of both partyes In the .viii. peace betwene england and Fraunce yeare of kinge Rychardes reygne there was a peace concluded betwene Englande and fraunce for one yeare and Iohn submitted him selfe to his brother In the .x. Auriculen confecion first enuēted yeare of king Richards raygne Innocent the .iii. Byshop of Rome he firste compelled men to Auriculer confession and forbad the Sacrament to be ministred to the layetie vnder both kyndes Shortlye after the warre was newe arered betwene England and fraunce wherfore kinge Richarde sailed againe into Normandy and made newe warre vpon the french kynge in whiche warre they spede diuersly for some time the Frenche kinge wan holdes in Normandy and some time the kinge of Englande wan in Fraunce But at the last kinge Richard went to besege a Castell called Castell Gayllarde and as he rode aboute the Castell to auew it one marked him The deth of king richard the fyrste smot him with a Quarrell in the heade whereof anone after he dyed withoute yssue of his bodye in the yeare of Christ and in the .xii. yere of his reigne And is buried at Fountuerarde ¶ Kinge Iohn IOhn brother to the aboue named Richard was crowned king of England the xvii kīg Iohn cōtēyned the bishop of rome of a froward minde daye of Iuly the yeare aboue wrytten and reigne .xvii. yeares This kinge contemned the bishop of Romes aucthoryte whiche if he had done of conscience and for religions sake as he semed to do for couetousnes and of a frowarde minde vndoubtedlye he had bene worthy hye commendacion By his cowardnes and slothful necligence the signorye of Englande greatlye decayed In the first yere of kyng Iohns raygne kinge Philyp of Fraunce in the quarell of Arthur Duke of Brytaine whome sertaine of the lordes had named kinge of England made war vpon kinge Iohn and inuaded Normandy and toke from him diuers Castels and townes but after long Scirmishes warre begā betwen England Fraūce to the losse of both parties a peace was a greed which cōtinued not longe The king of scottes did hōage In this yere the king of Scottes came in to Englande and dyd homage and sware to be trewe leage man to king Iohn of of England In the second yere in yorkeshire wer sene v A sharpe wynter mones at ones in the element the next winter after was a sharpe winter hayle felle as byg as hennes Egges Arthur of Bretaine taken prisoner In the .iii. yere of kinge Iohns raygne kinge Philip of fraunce inuaded Normandy and toke diuers castels and townes which he gaue to Arthur Duke of Bretaine But shortly after the same Arther with many other noble men were taken prisoners by king Iohn and led in to Englande Englande enterdited In the .vi. yeare of this kinge the byshoppe of Rome demounced kinge Iohn with his whole realme accursed because he would not admit steuen Laughton to the bishoprike of Cantorbury But he lyttel regarded his curse nor obeyed hym nothing the rather Normandy loste In the .vii. yere of kyng Iohns Rayne kynge Philyp of Fraunce subdued to him the countre of Normandye which was not vnder the dominion of Fraunce in .ccc. yeares before Aboute thys tyme the Welchemen and Iryshmē rebelled whom kynge Iohn constrayned to redeme peace with greate sommes of money The welche men Irishe mē rebelled Aboute this time Philip Emperour of Almaine was murdered by the treason of the countye Palentyne The Emperoure murdered In the .ix The first mayre of London yere of kynge Iohns rayne was fyrste ordayned mayres and shyriffes in London and the fyrste mayers name was Henrye Fitz Alwyn and the fyrste shyriffes wer Peter Duke and Thomas
Nele Aboute the .xiii. kīg Iohn reconsiled to the byshoppe of Rome yeare of kinge Iohns rayne Philippe of fraunce made sharpe warre vpō England at the settynge on the Byshop of Rome Insomuch that kyng Iohn was fayne to submite him selfe to the Romish bishop who was boūde that aswell he as his ayres should hold the crowne of the byshoppe of Rome and should paye yearelye a M. Marke of syluer Iewes the frēch kinges sonne entred into englād In the .xvi. yeare of king Iohn great strife and varyaunce happened in England betwene the kyng and his Lordes and commons of his realme Insomuche that the kynge sente into flaunders for socoure and the nobles sent for Lewes the sonne of kinge Phylyppe of fraunce and him saluted as kinge mayntayned him in war against kynge Iohn to the great hurte of this realme of Englande Duryng the tyme of this warre King Iohn ended hys lyfe and died of the flixe at Newewarke vpon Trent the .xix daye of Octobre the yere of Chryst The deth of king Iohn But some Authors wryte that a Monke poysoned him at Swynested and is buryed at Worcester ¶ Henry the thirde HEnry the thyrd of of that name and eldest sonne to kīg Iohn by the ayde of certayne lordes of Englande was crowned kynge at .ix. yeares of his age whiche kinge wyth his aydes kepte sharpe warre whiche Lewes the frenche kynges sonne who by comnaunte of certayne Lordes of England claymed the crowne Iewes returned into fraūce but after certagne Skyrmyshes and battayles a peace was concluded so that Lewes shoulde departe into Fraunce and for his trauayle he had a m. Markes and so departed In the fyrst yeare of king henryes raygne were ordayned many lawes in Englande to the greate commoditie of his subiectes Magnacarta cōfirmed And the greate charter called Magnacarta was confirmed and diuerse articles added thereto In the forthe yeare Alexander kynge of Scottes maried Ioan the syster of kynge Henry of Englande The king of scottes maried In this yeare also there was a Proclamacion made througheoute Englande to auoyde straungers Straungers put out of the realme Because one Foukes de brent held the castell of Bedford against the kinges will The commīg in of the graye friers In the .v. yeare of kinge Henryes raygne the gray fryers of the order of Fraunces came fyrste into Englande A voiage into bretayne In the .xiii. yeare of kinge Hēry the thyrd he sailed into bretayne with a noble army agaynst Lewes kynge of Fraunce wher after spoylynge of the countre a peace was concluded betwene the .ii. yonge Prynces A varyaunce betwene the king his lordes In the .xvi. yeare of this Kinges raygne a variaunce kyndled betwene kyng Henry and hys lordes because he put frō his seruice Englyshe men and trusted straungers aswell in his counsell as other offices nere about him In the .xix. The king maried yeare kynge Henry toke to wyfe Elinour doughter of the Earle of Prouynce Aboute the .xxi. yere of king hēry the vniuersite of Parys concluded that no Preestes vnder paine of deadlye synne shoulde haue .ii. No preest ought to haue .ii. benefytes benefytes In the .xxxi. The liberties of lōdon loste yeare kynge Hēry seyased the Fraunchesse of the citie of London for a Iudgemente geuen a gaynste a Wydowe named Margaret vyell But shortly after they were restored In the .xxxviii. yere prynce Edwarde The fyrst prince of waies eldest sonne to kynge Henry maryed Elynour doughter to the kyng of Castell to whome king Henry gaue the principalitie of Wales and the gouernaunce of Gyen and Irelande whereof began fyrste that the kynges of England ordayned theyr sonnes prince of Wales The battaile at iewes In the .xlviii. yeare of Kynge Henryes raygne greate varyaunce was betwene the kynge and hys Lordes and commons In somuch that neare vnto Lewes kynge Hēry and his barons fought a cruell battayle where the kynge loste the felde where the kyng himselfe with Richarde his brother kyng of Romaines and syr Edward his sonne and other noble men to the nombre of .xxv. wer taken of the commons were slayne .xx. M. The king delyuered oute of prison The king and his brother wer deliuered vpon promyse made to performe certayne Actes made at Oxforde in the parliament before for suerty wherof Prynce Edward remayned as pledge Shortly after fell great varyaunce betwene the Earle of glocester and the Earle of Leyceter and Prynce Edwarde toke parte with the Earle of Glocester The battayle at killingworthe and at kyllyngworthe was foughte a cruell battayle the vyctory fell on prynce Edwardes parte Shortlye after syr Symonde mounford Earle of Leceter gathered a new army and mette Prynce Edward at Euesham where Syr Symonde the Earle was slayne dyuerse other that toke his parte The battayle at Euesham About the .liiii The liberties of lōdon loste yeare of kynge Henries raygne was such dyspleasure taken agaynst the Londoners that the kyng seased theyr liberties into his handes But after the citie by meanes of frendes payed a fine of .xx. M. Markes and so was restored to theyr lyberty In the .lv. A voyage into the holy land yeare of this kynge syr Edward the kinges sonne toke his iourney into the holy land and there he rescued the citie of Acres whiche was beseiged by the Soudan of surrey The deth of kinge henry the thyrde Duringe which voyage Prynce Edward beyng in the holy land kyng Henry hys father fell sycke at Westminster and dyed the .xvi. daye of Nouember the yeare of Christ and is buried at Westminster ¶ Edward the fyrst Edward the fyrst of that name and sonne to Henry the .iii. after he hard of the death of his father came from the holye lande And was crowned kynge at Westminster the .xix. The king of scottes did hōage to kynge Edward daye of August the yere of christ At which tyme Alexander kynge of Scottes was presente and did homage to kynge Edward Lewellyn of wales In the seconde yeare of kynge Edwarde the Kynge wente into Wales and subdued Lewellyn Princes of Wales which paied to the kynge for a fine l.m Markes In the .x. yeare of thys kinge Lewellyn Prince of Wales rebellyd A bataile in wales but after they pursued so the Welchemen that Lewellin and his brother Dauid fled but after Lewellyn was taken by syr Edmond Mortymer who smot of his heade and sent it to the kynge and after that his brother was hanged drawen and quartered In the .xiii. yeare of this kinge The liberties of lōdō seased the king seased the liberties of london into his handes because the Mayre toke brybes of the bakers And suffered them to sell breade vnder the syse In the .xxiiii. A bataile in scotlād yere of kinge Edwarde the Scottes dyuers tymes rebelled wherfore kynge Edwarde beseiged the towne of Barwyke where was fought a
Edward The king of scottes taken prisoner In the tyme of the seige before Callys Dauid of Scotlande by the settinge on of the french kinge warred on the borders of England But the quene assembled a strong armye as well of preestes as laye men and nere to Durham toke in batayle the kinge of Scottes prysoner with manye of his greatest Lordes and earles and slew of the common soudiers .xv. M. About the .xxii. A greate derth thorough out all the worlde yeare of kynge Edward the .iii ther was a wonderful famyn and Pestilence raygned throughout all the world In Italye scant the .x. person of an .c. was lefte on lyue In the citie of parys in Fraunce died L.M. and in the citie of London besyde the bodies buried in churches and churcheyardes and monasteryes and other places of buriall there was buryed in the charterhouse churche yerde .l. M. persons and aboue as wryteth Fabian In thys yeare the Captayne of Callys conspyred to betraye it agayne to the Frenchemen calis like to betrayed the historye whereof declareth wonderfully the great manhode pollycie liberalytie gentylnesse of the noble kinge Edwarde reade Frosarde the .c. and .v. Chapter of his fyrste boke The tirany of the byshop of rome c. Aboute this time kinge Edward was elected to be Emperour But he consyderynge the trouble vnquietnesse of the byshop of Rome refused it And then they chose the Marques of Messena whiche also refused it Gines yelded to the englishmē In the xxvii yere of king Edwardes raygne the towne and castel of Gines was yelded to the english mē A voyage into Gascoyne In the .xxix. yeare of kinge Edwardes raygne Prynce Edwarde of Wales with a stronge companye of Soudyers passed into Gascoyne where he made sore warre destroied Castelles and townes before hym with greate successe and toke the Castell towne of Rehemorentyne with other A voyage īto fraūce Aboute this tyme king Edward sayled to Calys began to make war vpon fraūce but shortly after he returned because the Scottes rose inuaded the Englysh borders In the .xxx. The battaile of poytiers yeare of kynge Edwardes raygne prynce Edward of Wales nie to the citie of Poytiers ioyned batayle with king Iohn of fraunce on whome the prynce wan a noble victory In this conflycte kynge Iohn was taken wyth hys yonge sonne Phillippe The fifth king takē prysoner there were taken .ix. earles the archebyshop of Sens and many other greate lordes Baronettes and knyghtes mē of name to the nombre of xvi.c and there were slayne the Duke of Burgoyne the Duke of Athens syr Iohn Cleremond Marshall of Fraunce with many lordes Baronetes knyghtes and menne of Armes to the nombre of xvii.c and iii. M of other meane persones And after this felde thus wonne the Prynce with his prysoners returned to Burdeaux And shortely after they sayled in to Englande where they were of kinge Edwarde noblely receyued In the xxxiii yeare kynge Edwarde with the Prynce his sonne wetne to Calys and so in to fraūce where he made sharpe warre A voiage īto fraūce and burned and destroyed the countre without mercye But shortly after by great entreaty ther was a peace concluded on this condicion that kinge Edward should haue to his propre possession the countres of Gascoyne and Guyan Poyters Lymosyn Beleuile Exanctes Calys Guines and diuers other lordshyps townes Castels and all the landes to them belonging without knowledge of any souerainte The frēch king raunsomed obeysaunce homage or subiection for the same and that the french kyng shoulde paye for his raunsome .iii Myllons of Scutes whiche amounte to v.c M. li. and so kynge Iohn was delyuered In the .xxxvii. yeare of kinge Edwarde The deth of the frēch king kynge Iohn of fraunce came into englande of his fre wyll to sporte hym and had greate chere And shortly after dyed at the Sauoy at London In this yeare also Prynce Edwarde toke possessyon of the Duchie of Guyen and Acquitaine and did homage to his father for the same Prince edward made duke of Guyen About the .xl. yeare of king Edward Dampeter of Spayne was expulsed his realme by his basterd brother Henry wherfore he fled to Prynce Edward whych was then at Burdeaux A bataile ī Spaine But this Peter by the ayde of Prynce Edwarde fought with his brother Henry and put him to flyghte and slue .v. M. of his men And restored Peter to dyuerse cities and holdes which he before had loste But not longe after the Prynce returned home and hēry repayred his army and warred vpon his brother so fearselye that in the end he vtterly vanquished hī to deth and then without resistence possessed the kingdom of Spaine In the .xlii. yere of kyng Edward new variāce begā betwen Englād Fraūce A voiage īto fraūce wherfore the duke of Lācaster was sent with an army into fraūce nere vnto Arde the Duke of Burgoyne lodged within a mile of the Englysh armye the space of xviii dayes and neuer profered batayle but at the laste stole awaye pryuelye by nyghte and then entered the Duke further into fraunce as Froysar sheweth at large In the .xliii. yeare syr Roberte knolles entered the realme of fraūce with a stronge army and wasted destroyed the countrie and passed euen by Parys ranged in batayle and without any notable battayle returned About the xlv yeare the french men made sharpe warre in Gyen Great variaunce ī Gascoine and many dyuers skyrmyshes wer betwene the frenchmē and the englysh men but most commonlye alwayes the englyshemen loste and the citie of Lymoge other cities rebelled against Prince Edward Wherfore Prynce Edwarde perceyuinge all this what for lacke of money and what for sykenes maladyes that he had he departed into England leuyng behynd him hys bretheren the Duke of Lancaster and the Earle of Cambryge to rule Gascoyne but sone after they came into Englande In the .xlvi. A ba●●●● 〈◊〉 yeare of kyng Edwardes raygne the Earle of Penbroke was sent with a great army to fortefye the towne of Rochell But he was met on the Sea wyth a companye of Spanyardes betwene whome there was a cruell fyghte but the Englishe men were discomfited and the earle of Penbroke was there taken wyth a .c.lx. mo prisoners and the most parte of his men slayne and drowned And sone after the towne of Rochel was yelded to the Frenchmen A voiage īto fraūce Also in the .xlvii. yere the duke of Lancaster landed at Calys with a myghtye armye passed throughe fraunce robbyng and spoylyng the countre euē to Burdeaux and wer neuer fought with saue onelye at a scirmyshe they loste .l. Speres and xx archers In the .l. yeare of this kynge there was suche syckenes and mortalite A greate deathe as well in Italy as in England the innumerable of people died The deth of Prince Edwarde In the .li.
yere Prince Edward of Englande departed out of this lyfe who was in his time the flowre of Chiualry and was buryed at Canterburye Also in the same yeare the .xxi. The deth of kinge Edward daye of Iune the yeare of Chryste a M.ccc.lxxvii kynge Edwarde dyed and is buryed at Westminster This king Edwarde when he dyed had .iiii. sonnes that is to say Lyonell Duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaunte Duke of Lancaster Edmonde of Langley Duke of yorke and Thomas of Wedstocke Earle of Cambrege ¶ Rychard the seconde RIchard the seconde of the name and son to Prince Edward eldest sonne to kyng Edward the thyrd beyng of .xi. yeres of age was crowned kynge of England the .xv. day of Iuly the yeare of Chryste a M ccc.lxxvii In the fyrst yeare of kyng Rychardes raygne the frenche kynge sente a great nauy to the sea The frēch men entered englād which entered in dyuers partes of thys realme and dyd moch harme wher they landed and at the laste came into Thames so to graues ende and brent parte of that towne and returned into fraunce agayne About this tyme the Earle of Cambrege the kynges vncle was sent into fraunce with .viii. M. A voiage īto fraūce mē and passed the water of Sōme and so forth to Troyse and wan it and so passed to the coūtre of Gascoine and so into Brytayne where syr Iohn of Mounford duke of Britayne gladly receyued them Iacke Strawe In the .v. yeare of this kynge the commons of Englande arose and specially in Estsex and Kente and made them capytaines of whō the chefe they called Iacke straw which came into the towre of London where the king was and there they toke the Archebyshop of Caūterbury the Lorde of saynt Iohns and a frere the kinges confessoure and at the towre hyll smot of theyr heades and slewe and robbed all straungers in Sothewarke and brente the Duke of Landcasters place called the Sauoy and dyd muche hurt and beynge assembled in Smithfeld vsed them selues verye proudely and vnreuerentlye against the kynge But by the manhode and wysdome of Wyllyam Waulworth mayre of London that rude company was disceuered and theyr Capitayne Iacke straw was slayne Iacke Strawe slayne Aboute thys tyme was a wonderfull great earthequake in Englande the lyke whereof was neuer sene before that day nor syns A greate erthquak In the .vii. yeare of kynge Rychard A voyage into flaunders Henry Spenser bishoppe of Norwitche wente into Flaunders at the commaundement of the bysshop of Rome with a great power and wan Dūkyrke and grauelyn and brente .xl. shyppes and muche goodes beyng within them but after there fell a disease of the flickes and other dyseases among his soudiers that he was fayne to returne into Englande The king maryed In the .viii. yeare kynge Rycharde Maryed the doughter of Viceslaus Emperour of Almaine A bataile on the sea In the .x. yeare of this king the earle of Arundell was sente into Guyan to strengthe the soudyers there but on the sea he met with a flote of Flemynges laden with Rochell wyne and set vpon them and toke them Amonge the which was taken the Admyral of fraunce Great variaūce betwene the king his Lordes commons In the .xi. yeare there was maruaylous greate trouble and dyscēcyon in Englande betwene the kinge and his counsayle and other nobles and prelates of the realme The commons by the ayde and comforte of the kinges vncles and other lordes of the realme that is to saye the Duke of Glocester the duke of yorke the earles of Darby of Arundell and of Notyngham put to death dyuers of the kynges counsel and chefe offycers and chased the duke of Ireland and other out of the realme for that they caused the kynge to burden his people with exactions and could make no iust accompt of the same when they were required In the .xv. The liberties of lōdon lost yeare there was a ryot in London wherfore the king seased the lybertye of the citie into his handes But shortlye after by the meanes of the quene doctor Grauesend bishop of London they were restored to theyr lybertyes In the .xviii. A voiage īto Irelād yeare king Richard made a voyage into Irelād which was more to his charge thē honor Hēry the iiii banyshed In the xxii yeare Henry Boling broke duke of Hareford and sonne to the Duke of Lancastre and the duke of Norfolke were banyshed out of the realme Shortly after Henry bolinbroke Duke of Herford Kinsh Rychard the ii deposed wich was banished into fraūce beyng sente for of the Lōdoners came into englande with a small power to whome the cōmons gathered in so gret multitude forsoke their Prince that not longe after at the castel of Flint they toke king Richard held hī as prisoner in the tower of Londō where he yelded vp resigned to the sayd Henrie duke of Hereforde all his power kingly title to the crowne of england fraunce knowleging that he was worthilye deposed for his demerites and misgouernynge of the common weale ¶ Henry the fourthe HEnry the fourthe sonne to Ihon of Gaunt late Duke of Lancaster and thirde sonne of Edwarde the thyrde toke possessiō of his realme of England the last daye of Septembre in the yere of oure Lorde a M. ccc.lxxxxix ¶ Anno dn̄i M.ccc.lxxxix Anno primo Henrici .iiii. Thomas knolles Grocer mayre William Hyde Ihon Walderne shyreffes In this yeare dyed kynge Rycharde the seconde In thys yere also certaine Dukes and Erles of England and other A cōspiraci againste the kyng were accorded to make a mūming on twelfe daye at nyghte trayterously to kyll the kynke than beynge at Wyndsore whiche beynge warned therof departed sodaynelye came to London made pursute after the sayd conspiratours which apprehended and taken were after by the lawe put to deathe In this yeare kyng Hēry sent syr Thomas Persy Erle of Worsiter with a goodly crue of soudiers into Aquitayne to ayde syr Robert knowlles leuetenaunte there A vyage into aquitayne and to parswad the people to theyr obeysaunce who dyd greatly stomacke the death of king Richard An act of Parliamente In this yeare was enacted by auctorite of Parliamente that no Lorde nor other man myght gyue anye gownes or lyueryes to anye of theyr tenaūtes or other persons onelye but to theyr household and menyall seruauntes In this yeare also was enacted that all repyers An other acte other fysshers from Rye Wynchelsee and other costes of the sea syde shoulde sell theyr fysshe theyr selfe in Cornehil Chepe other stretes of London to all men that woulde by theim Fysshemongers and all other that woulde bye the sayd fisshe to make sale agayne of it onely except ¶ Anno domini M. cccc an ii Hērici .iiii. Ihon Fraūces goldsmith mayre Ihon Wakele Wyllyam Ebot shyryffes In this yeare the French kyng sent Lorde Iames
a voyag into Normandy and wonne Caen with the castell and in conclusyon what by force rendering vp wan almost all the holdes in Normandy ¶ Anno domi M. cccc.xviii anno vi henrici quinti Richarde Morlowe yremōger mayre Hēry Rede Ihon Gedney shyrefes In this yere syr Ihon Oldcastel knyght lorde Cobham was hāged in cheines and after brente In this yeare the laste daye of Iuly the cytie of Roan was beseged bothe by water and by lande The citie of Roan beseged insomoche that by reason of famin they were cōpelled to fall to treatie and so the xix daye of Ianuary the cytie was yelded to the kynge And immeniatly after all Normandy yelded them selues also ¶ An. do M. cccc.xix an septimo henrici quinti Wylliā Seuenoke grocer mayre Ihon Parues Rauf Barton Ihon Bryan shyreffes In the tyme of thys warre in Fraunce there was great variaūce betwene the nobles of Fraūce and specially betwene the Dolphin variaūce betwene the lordes of fraūce the Duke of Burgon and the Duke of Orliaunce with other and there was a place appoynted to mete to treate for a peace and thether came the Dolphin the Duke of Burgonne and the sayd Duke kneling on his knees tellyng his tale to the Dolphin one Tavagny du chastel smote the Duke on the heed with a hachet so moste shamefully was mordered A communycatyon for a peace In this yeare there was a communycatyon for a peace betwene England and Fraunce but it toke small efecte wherfore the Kynge went forward with his conquest sent an armie to Ponthoyse with forse wanne it Pōthoise wonne to the great feare of the parisience and all Fraunce ¶ Anno do M. cccc.xx anno viii henrici quinti Richard whitinghā mercer mayre Robert whitingham Ihon Butler shyreffes A peace concluded betwene Fraūce England In this yeare in Maye was cōcluded a peace betwene the Kynge of Englande and the French kyng so that king Henry did mary lady Katheryne the Frenche kynges doughter at Troye in Chāpaigne after which mariage kynge Henry was proclamed heyre and regente of Fraunce In this yeare at Christmas the kyng of Englād kept such a noble house in Roan as Regē of Fraūce that to his courte all men resorted and fewe to the Frenche kynges courte and after Christmas he ordeaned his brother the Duke of Clarence his leuetenaūt generall both of Fraunce Normandy and on the morow after candelmas daye the kynge and the quene toke shippyng at Calis landed at Douer and on saynte Mathues daye folowynge the quene was crowned at westminster the kynge returned into Englande ¶ Anno do m. cccc.xxi an ix henrici quinti Wylliam Cambrydge grocer mayre Ihon Butler William weston shyreffes In this yere the Duke of Clarence made a rode into Aniowe where by a lūbard he was betraied and so was slayne with dyuers noble men more the death of the duke of clarence A voiage into fraūce Also in this yeare in Maye the kynge passed the sea with a noble army into Fraūce and pursued the dolphin on such wyse that he coude scant fynde any place to hyde himselfe in In this yeare the kyng beseged the cytie of Meaux in brye during whiche syege was borne at Wynsore the kynges sōne named Hēry the byrth of Kynge Hēry the syxte ¶ Anno do m. cccc.xxii an x. henrici quinti Robart Chychelye grocer mayre Rychard Iostlyn williā weston shyreffes The deth of Kynge Hēry the fyfte In this yeare kynge Henry the fyfte dyed the xxi daye of August In the yeare of oure Lorde next aboue mencioned whan he had reigned .ix. yeares and fyue monethes and xxiiii dayes and lyeth buryed at Westmynster ¶ Henry the syxt HEnry the vi began his reigne the fyrst day of Septembre in the yere of our lorde next aboue mencioned was crowne at Westmynster in the eyght yeare of hys reygne all whiche tyme before for insufficiency of age he was admitted to the rule of his vncles the Duke of Bedforde and Glocester he was of the age of viii monethes odde dayes and not aboue ¶ Anno domini m.cccc.xxxiii anno primo Henrici sixti Wyllyam walderne mayre William Estfeld Robert Tatersale shyreffes Thys yeare was the Duke of Glocester made protectour of Englande and the Duke of Bedforde regēt of Fraūce which Regent like a noble capitayne maytayned the warre against the Dolphin so longe as he lyued ¶ Anno do M. cccc.xxiiii anno secondo Henrici sixti Wyllyam Crowner drapen Mayre Nicolas Iames Thomas wadford shyref In this yere the Duke of Bedford Regēt of Fraūce The battayle of vernoyle made warre vpon the Dolphyn of Fraūce and vnto Englishemen fell the victory at the battayle of vernoyle where were viii M. Frenchmen slayne Also in this yeare was Iames Steward kynge of scottes delyuered which was prisoner in Englād long time before The king of scottes deliuered who for the realme of Scotlād did omage to the king of Englande and maryed the lady Iane doughter to the Erle of Somerset and cosyn to the kynge ¶ Anno domini M.ccc.xxv an tercio Henrici sixti Ihon Michell Mayre Symon Seman Ihon Bythwater shyreffes In this yeare the Duke of Glocester protecter of Englande sente vnto hys brother the Regente of Fraunce .x. M. men to mayntayne warre agaynst the Dolphin A voiage into fraūce In this yeare also was a battayle at vernoyle in perch betwene the Regēt the Duke of Alaūson The battayle of Vernocle in Perch the victory fell to the Englshe men where were slayne of Frenchmen Scottes .ix. thousand and vii C. and of Englyshemen xvi C. ¶ Anno domini M. cccc.xxvi anno quarto Ihon couentre marcer Mayre Wyllyam Mylted Ihon Brokeley shyreffes In thys yeare began a greate variaunce in Englande betwene the noble men of the realme for the Byshop of wynchester dyd enuye Of a noble prelat the lorde protector in so moch that the Lorde Regent of Fraunce was fayne to come into England to set theim at one ¶ Anno do M. cccc.xxvii anno quinto Henrici sixti Ihon Raynwell fyshmonger Mayre Roberte Arnold Ihon Heygham shyrefes ¶ Anno do M. cccc.xxviii anno sixto Henrici sixti Ihon Godney draper Mayre Robert Ocle Hēry Frowyke shyreffes Orliance beseged In thys yeare was Orlyaunce beseged by the thenglyshe men and as syr Ihon Fastolfe wente frome Parys towarde the army with vytales ther met him an army of frēchemen where after longe conflicte the Englysh men optained the victory where were .xxv. C. Frenchmē slayne and .xii. C. taken prisoners ¶ Anno do M. cccc.xxix anno septimo Henrici sixti Henry Berton skiner Maire Thomas Dushous Raufe Holande shyreffes In this yeare the seage brake vp before Orliaunce and wan many townes as Geneuile Meū Fort with diuers other and as the lorde Talbot was coming to Meū with v. M. men he was incountered with an
Iohn mylborne Iohn Rest shirif This yeare Henry the kynges sonne was borne at Richmonde The birth of king hēries fyrste sonne on newyeres daye and Iustes kepte at westminster and on saynt Mathewes daye the childe died ¶ Anno domini m. ccccc.xi anno tercio henrici octaui Roger Achilley draper mayre Nicolas Shelton Thomas Myrfyn shyryffes This yeare was the lorde Darsey sent into Spayne A voyage īto spaine to ayde the kyng of Spayne against the Mores but peace was made before hys aryuynge and so he returned home agayne This same season was syr Edwarde Poynynges sente into Gelderlande to ayde the Prynce of Chastell A voyage into gelderlande The same tyme the lorde haward toke Andrewe berton a C.lx Scotes and two fayre Shyppes ¶ Anno. domini m. ccccc.xii anno quarto henrici octaui wyllyam copynger Richarde haddon knyghte mayre Roberte holderne Roberte Fenrothern Shyryffes Thys yeare was Edward Delapole beheaded Edward delapole beheaded Thys yeare the lorde Marques dorset was sent into Spayne wyth x. M. men A voiage īto spaine and did much hurt in Guien and returned in wynter by reason of the flyx and on saynct Laurence daye the Regent and the Caricke were brente A battale on the sea whiche were two greate Spyppes ¶ Anno domi m. ccccc.xiii anno quinto henrici octaui Wyllyam browne mercer mayre Iohn Dawes Iohn Brute shyryffes This yeare the sayde Dawes dyed within the yeare and in hys place was chosen Roger Basford The lorde Admirall slayne Thys yeare syr Edward Howarde Lorde Admyrall of England was slayne on saint Markes daye in Bryttayne by muche hardynes The same yeare in Iune the kinge besyeged Tyrwyn and discomfyted the power of Fraunce at Boomie Tyrwin Turney wonne and toke the cyties Tyrwyn and Turney and returned without any more battayle offered durynge whiche tyme the kynge of Scottes enoyed Englande The king of Scottes slayne wyth an C.M. men and was slaine him selfe and .xii. Earles by the earle of Surry the kinges lyefe tenaunte wherefore the kynge created hym Duke of Northfolke and hys eldest sonne Earle of Surrey ¶ Anno domini m. ccccc.xiiii an sexto henrici octaui Georg monox draper Mayre Iames yarforde Ihon Mundy shyryffes A peace concluded betwene England fraunce This yere was a peace concluded betwene England and Fraūce and on saynt Denice day the frēch kynge maryed the Lady Mary the kynges syster and on Newyeres day after he dyed and therefore the kynge sente for her agayne by the Duke of Suffolke and other In this yeare was Rycharde hunne hanged in the Lollers Towre Richarde hun mordered ī lolers towre ¶ Anno do M. ccccc.xv anno .vi. henrici octaui Syr william Butler grocer mayre henry worle Rychard Gray shyriffes The sayde graye died within the yeare and for him was chosen william Bayle This yeare in Februarye was borne at Grenewitche the Ladye Mary the Kynges doughter In Aprill the Frenche Quene came into England The duke of sofolke maried the french Quene and was maried to the lorde Charles duke of Suffolke This yeare Margaret Quene of Scottes sister to the kynge fled into England and lay at Harbottell The quene of scottes fled in to englād and she was deliuered of a doghter called Margaret came to London in may and taried there a hole yeare before she returned ¶ Anno domine m. ccccc.xvi anno viii henrici octaui Iohn Rest grocer maire Thomas Semer Richard Thurstone shiriffes A great froste This yere was suche a Froste that al men with cartes might pas betwene westminster Lambeth yll Maye daye This yeare on maye euen was an insurreccion of yong persons against Alyens of the which diuers were put to execucion and the resedue came to westminster wyth halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned And the .xxiiii. daye of Maye the quene of Scottes returned into scotlande againe ¶ Anno do m. ccccc.xvii anno .ix. henrici octaui Syr thomas Exmew goldsmith mayre Thomas baudry Richard Simon shiriffes In this yere was the Terme adiourned to Oxford and agayne to London In October the Admyrall of Fraunce came into Englande and Turney was delyuered to the Frenche kynge agayne Turney geuē oure to the 〈…〉 ¶ Anno domini m. ccccc.xviii an x. henrici octaui Thomas Myrfin skynner mayre Iohn Allē Iames Spencer shyryffes Charles the v. elected emperoure In this yere at Frāckford Charles the .v. was elected Emperoure This yeare the Earle of Surrey was sent into Irelande a vsage in to yrelad ¶ Anno dom m. ccccc.xix anno xi henrici octaui Syr Iames yoxford mercer mayre Ihon wyllyam Nicholas Pheteryche shyryffes This yeare the kynge and the Frenche kynge met at the campe betwene Arde and Guynes The treumphe at Gynes where were greate triumphes After that the Kynge and the Emperoure mete a treūphe at Callis and the kynge wente to Grauelen wyth hym and he came to Calys wyth the kynge and had great chere and the kinge returned ¶ Anno domini m.ccccc.xx anno xii henrici octaui syr Iohn Bruge draper mayre Iohn Skeuyngton Iohn Keynde shiriffes The duke of bukingham beheaded This yere the Duke of Buckyngham was beheaded the .xxii. daye of maye In Iune the Cardinal went to Calys The cardinal wēt to Callys to intreate a peace betwene the Emperour the French kynge and taryed there tyll December with oute anye thynge concluded ¶ Anno domini m.ccccc.xxi anno xiii Henrici octa Syr Iohn Myl borne draper mayre Iohn Brytayne Thomas Pargetoure shyr This yere the frydaye before Penthecost that is to saye the .vi. daye of Iune Charles the fyfte Emperoure was honorably receyued into the citie of London of the Mayre Aldermen Themperour receiued into London and the Communaltye our souereigne lorde accompanying hym And from London he wente to winsoure and sate in the stall of the Garter and from thence to Hampton and sayled ouer the sea into Spayne a voiage ī to fraūce durynge whiche tyme the Earle of Surrey lorde Admirall brente Morles in Bryttayne and after landed at Calys and entred Picardye brente townes and castels and besieged Hesding but because of wynter he taysed hys seige returned The scottes īuaded Englāde Thys yeare the duke of Albany was entringe into Englande wyth a greate armye but when he harde that the earle of Shrowysbury was commyng to fyght wyth hi he toke a truce for .vi. moneths ¶ An. do M. ccccc.xxii an xiiii Henrici octaui Syr Ihon mondy goldsmith mayre Iohn Rudstone Ihon Champnies shiriffes The king of Denmarke cā into england for socoure Thys yere Christenrne kynge of Denmarke came into England in Iune This yere the earle of Surrey brente Iedworth A voyage īto scotlād and many other townes in Scotlande The Rodes wone by the turkes In this yeare the Turke besyeged the Roodes and vpon Chrystmas daye he toke