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A20577 The history of the ancient and moderne estate of the principality of Wales, dutchy of Cornewall, and earldome of Chester Collected out of the records of the Tower of London, and diuers ancient authours. By Sir Iohn Dodridge Knight, one of his Maiesties iudges in the Kings Bench. And by himselfe dedicated to King Iames of euer blessed memory. Doddridge, John, Sir, 1555-1628. 1630 (1630) STC 6982; ESTC S109765 59,203 160

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Iustice and a Chancery Forests Chaces Parkes Woods Warrens Hundreds Comots c. and all other Hereditaments as well vnto the said Principalitie as vnto the said King in those parts then belonging To have and to hold the same vnto the said Prince and his heires Kings of England This lymitation of Estate of this Principalitie vnto the Prince and his heires Kings of England may seeme strange to our moderne Lawyers For how is it possible that the Kings of England can inherit the Principalitie sithence the Principalitie being the lesser dignitie is extinguished in the Kingly estate being the greater for in Praesentia maioris cessat id quod minus est Forasmuch as the Heire apparant of the Crowne being Prince is presently vpon the death of his auncester Eo instante in himself King and the Principalitie as the lesser not compitable with the Kingdome being the greater But when I consider that this age wherein this Charter was penned was a learned age of Iudges and Lawyers by whose aduice no doubt in a matter of this importance this Charter was penned and this age much commended for exquisit knowledge of the Laws by those learned men that liued in the Succeeding times I cannot but thinke reuerently of Antiquity although I cannot yeeld sufficient reason of their doings therein For I am taught by Iulianus that learned Roman Lawyer Non omnium quae a maioribus constituta sunt ratio reddi potest Wherof also Naratius there yeeldeth a reason Etideo rationes eorum quae constituuntur inquiri non oportet alioquin multa ex ijs quae certa sunt subuerterētur Neuertheles forasmuch as al the Charters in the ages following made to the Prince doe hould the same manner of lymitation of estate I am perswaded some mystery of good policy to lye hidden therein which as I conceaue may be this or such like The Kings of England thought to conferre vpon their Prince and Heire apparant an estate of fee simple in the lands that they bestowed vpon him for a lesser then an Inheritance had not beene answerable to so greate a dignitie And yet they were not willing to giue him any larger estate then such as should extinguish againe in the Crowne when he came to bee King or dyed for that hee being King should also haue the like power to create the Prince ce of his Heire apparant and to inuest him into that dignitie as he being the father was inuested by his Progenitor For the wisdome of the Kings of England was such as that they would not depriue them selues of that honour but that euery of them might make new Creations and inuestures of the Principalitie to their eldest sonne or next succeeding Heire apparant and that those Lands so giuen vnto the Prince might when he was King be annexed knit and vnited againe to the Crowne and out of the Crowne to be of new conferred which could not so haue been if those Lands had been giuen to the Prince and his Heires generalls for then the Lands so giuen would haue rested in the natural person of the Princes after they came to the Kingdome distinct from the Crown Lands might as the case should happen discend to others then those which were his Heires apparant to the Crowne And herein I do obserue a difference between the Principalitie of Wales giuen to the Prince and the Dutchie of Cornwall giuen vnto him For euery Prince needeth and soe hath had a new Creation and Inuesture But he is Duke of Cornewall as soone as he is borne if his Auncester be then King of England and if not he is Duke of Cornwall Eo instante that his father is King of England as shall be more euidently proued hereafter by matter of Record when I shall come to speak of the Dutchy of Cornwall The said King also by another Charter dated the twentieth of September in the said seauenth yeere of his raigne granted vnto the said Prince all arrerages of rents duties accompts stocks stores goods and chattels remaining in all and euery the said parties due or of right belonging vnto the King and thereupon the Prince accordingly was possessed by virtue of these Charters of all these aforesaid It resteth here that we set down the totall annuall value of the said Principality of Wales by itselfe as it appeareth vpon a diligent survey thereof taken in his fiftieth yeere of the reigne of the said King Edward the Third of England and in the seuen thirtieth yeere of his reigne of France The Suruey of the Principality of Wales is drawne out of a long Record and to avoide tediousnesse the value of the Reuenewes of euery County or Shire is here set downe and then the totall of the whole omitting the particulars of euery Manour Lordship Towne or other profit in euery of the said Counties The setting downe whereof at large would haue been exceeding cumbersome and intricate It is therefore in this manner The Prouince of Northwales The summe totall of the Princes reuenewes in the County or Shire of Carnaruon 1134. l. 16. s. 2. d. ob q. The summe totall of the reuenewes of the Prouince in the County of Anglesey 832. l. 14. s. 6. d. ob q. The summe totall of the reuenewes in the County of Merioneth amounteth vnto 748. l. 11. s. 3. d. ob q. The perquisits and profits of the Sessions of the Iustices of Northwales The summe totall of all the former reuenewes in Northwales amounteth vnto 3041 l. 7. s. 6. d. q. Whereof deducted for the yeerly fee of the Iustice of Northwales and so there remained the summe of 3001. l. 7. s. 6. d. q The Prouince of Southwales The summe totall of the yeerly reuenew of the Prince-in the County of Cardigan 374. l. 11. s. 3. d. q. The summe totall of the yeerly reuenew of the Prince arising in the County of Carmarthen 406. l. 1. s. 7. d. The fee farme of Buelt 113. l. 6. s. 8. d. Montgomery 56. l. 13. s. 4. d. Perquisits and profits of the Sessions of the Iustices of Southwales 738. l. 6. s. 9. d. ob Perquisits of the Courts of Hauerford 41. l. 5. s. 3. d. ob The summe totall of the reuenew in Southwales 1730. l. 4 s. 11. d. ob Out of which deducted for the fee of the Iustice of Southwales fifty pounds there then remaineth 1680. l. 4. s. 11. d. q. The totall of all which the reuenewes of the Principality of Wales cast vp in one intire summe together 4681. l. 12. s. 5. d. q. This Survey was made vpon this occasion as it seemeth after the death of the Prince called the Black Prince the Princesse his wife was to haue her dower to be allotted vnto her out of those Reuenewes which could not bee without an extent and suruey thereof first had by Commissioners thereunto appointed And because the yeerly value of the said reuenewes by reason of the sundry casuall profits thereof were more or
Also there was a Charter of the grant of the lands of the said Principality Earldome of Chester and Flint dated the twenty seuenth of February in the said fift yeere of the said King made vnto the said Prince The said King Henry the seuenth by his Charter bearing date the twentieth day of March in the eight yeere of his reigne did constitute and appoint the said Prince Arthur to bee his Iustice in the County of Salope Hereford Glocester and the Marches of Wales adioyning to the said Shires to enquire of all liberties priuiledges and fraunchises being possessed or claimed or which then after should be possessed or claimed by any person or persons and which were to bee seized into the Kings hands and of all escapes and fellons and those Inquisitions so from time to time to be taken to certifie into the Chancery And by the same Charter gaue him power to substitute and appoint others vnder him for the better execution of the same which after wards by commission was executed accordingly And the said King also by his Charter bearing date the fourteenth of Iune in the eight yeere of his reigne made and constituted the said Arthur Prince of Wales and Gouernor and Warden of the Marches of England towards Scotland and substituted as his Lieutenant and vice-warden vnder him Thomas Earle of Surrey for the due execution thereof Likewise the said King by his letters patents dated the fift day of Nouember in the ninth yeere of his reigne in augmentation of the reuenew of the Prince did grant vnto the said Prince the honor Castle and Lordship of Wigmore and diuers other Castles Mannors and Lands which sometime had beene belonging to the Earledome of March which came to the Crowne by King Edward the fourth who was himselfe Earle of March before he assumed his regall estate To haue and to hold during the pleasure of the King yeelding yeerly the rent of two hundred pounds This Prince was sent into the Marches of Wales for the gouernment of that Country and in the seuenteenth yeere of the reigne of the said King his father had a Councell of very wise and worthy persons assigned vnto him as namely Sir Richard Poole chiefe Chamberlaine of the said Prince Sir Henry Vernon Sir Richard Crofts Sir Dauid Phillips Sir William V dall Sir Thomas Englefield and Sir Peter Newton Knights Iohn Wilson Henry Marian Doctor William Smith President of his Councell and Doctor Charles where not long afterwards the said Prince died in the Castle of Ludlow without issue After the death of the said Prince Arthur King Henry the seuenth by his letters patents dated the eighteenth of February in the 19. yeere of his reigne in Parliament created Henry then his onely soune who after was King Henry the eight and whom before that in the 11 th he had made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by another Charter of the same yeere Constable of the Castle of Douer to be Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester being then about the age of twelue yeeres to haue and to hold to him and his heires Kings of England for euer being the like limitation of estate and with the like inuesture as in former times had beene accustomed But whether the said King did grant the lands and reuenewes belonging to the said Principality vnto the said Prince Henry or no as hee had done vnto Prince Arthur his brother doth not appeare by any Charter that as yet thereof can be found After the death of King Henry the seuenth the said Prince Henry was King of England by the name of King Henry the eight he had issue a sonne called Henry who dyed very yong hee likewise had issue the Lady Mary afterwards Queene and the Lady Elizabeth our late Soueraigne of most happy memory and lastly Prince Edward the yongest in yeeres who first reigned after the death of his said father by the name of King Edward the sixt But there cannot be found any Charters among the records whereby it may appeare that any of them were created Princes of Wales or whereby any of the reuenewes of the said Principality were giuen or conferred vnto any of them so that it seemeth they were Princes generally by their birth and not Princes of Wales by any creation or investure for in a record of an accompt of the Dutchy of Cornwall in the time of the said Prince Edward he is called by the name of the Prince of England and not by the name of the Prince of Wales And thus much touching the succession or rancks of the Princes of Wales which I haue drawne in an historicall although a plaine and homely manner thereby the better to take away the harshnesse of the particularities of records intermingled therewith which of themselues although they affoord profitable knowledge yet they doe carry with them small delight but also for that the variety of things in those succeeding ages in the sundry occurences and accidents thereof doe yeeld good matter of obseruance and worthy memory representing as it were the English State for the time of more then two hundred yeeres together Now therefore do rest neuerthelesse three things concerning the said Principality to be further considered of First in what manner and order the said Principality and Marches of Wales were gouerned and directed vnder the said Prince Secondly what officers aswell domesticall as others the said Princes had about them and their fees as farre forth as I could come to any certaine knowledge thereof And thirdly an abstract of the reuenewes of the said Principality as they now stand in charge and be esteemed to your Maiesty whereby may bee perceiued what in time past the said reuenewes haue beene and in what case they now stand The manner of the gouernment of the Principality and Marches of Wales THe said Principality being vnder the gouernment of the Princes of the Welsh blood whose ancient patrimony yet remained vntill the Conquest thereof by King Edward the first as before hath beene shewed was guyded gouerned and directed by their owne municipall and homebred Lawes and the Customes of their Country Most of which had their commencement from the Constitutions of one of their ancient Princes called Howell Dah as their Historians haue recorded But being reduced vnder the yoke by the said King Edward he diuided certaine parts of that Territory into Shires as hath beene declared he caused the Welsh Lawes to bee perused some whereof he did allow and approue some others he did abrogate and disanull and in their place appointed new altogether according to the English manner of executing Iustice Hee caused to be deuised ce taine Briefes Writs or formulaeturis and he instituted their manner of Processe pleadings and course of their Iudiciall proceedings All which things doe manisestly appeare by the act of Parliament made at Rithlan in Wales called therefore Statutum Walliae which afore is remembred and when they want a writ of forme
THE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT and moderne Estate of The Principality of Wales Dutchy of Cornewall and Earldome of Chester Collected out of the Records of the Tower of LONDON and diuers ancient Authors By Sir IOHN DODRIDGE Knight late one of his Maiesties ludges in the Kings Bench. And by himselfe Dedicated to King IAMES of euer blessed memory LONDON ¶ Printed by Tho. Harper for Godfrey Em●ndson and Thomas Alchorne M. DC XXX TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY JAMES BY THE GRACE OF GOD King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. My most dread Soueraigne and Liegelord AMong temporall blessings giuen from God and powred vpon men this is not the least for a man to behold the fruit of his owne body surculum exradice an impe or graffe the Oliue branches about his table the hope of his posterity the image of himselfe and the staffe of his old age The consideration of the want whereof caused that good Patriake out of the bitternesse of his soule to cry and make his complaint vnto his God in these words Behold I goe childlesse and the Steward of my house is Eleazer of Damascus loe to me thou hast giuen no seed wherefore a servant of mine house must bee mine heire But to be furnished with masculine issue and to haue his first borne of that sex to whom the Birthright is due as to the sanctfiied of God and the preseruer of his name and patrimony is a double blessing vnto all men much more vnto Kings the Lords anointed whereby his horne is established his subiects in the middest of the day present do behold the Sunne that shall arise vpon them the day suceeding and haue their hearts setled to say vnto their Soueraine wee and our seed will serue thee and thy seed for euer This made the Propheticall King in the day of his departure to blesse God and say Blessed be the Lord my God who hath caused mine eyes to see this day that one of mine own loynes shall fit vpon my Throne But contrariwise was Achah accursed of whom God said he would not leaue him one mingentem ad parietem threatning as it were by that circumlocution to root out all issue male of Achab that might succeed him And hence it is that all Potentates of the world haue highly respected and aduanced in the eyes of their subiects their heire apparant and giuen and conferred vpon him very high and eminent titles of honor Of the Romans he was called Caesar and Princeps juventutis as the principall of all their hopes in their posterity Of the French he is honored by the name of the Dolphin of that part of the Country being his patrimony And in like manner in this our Country of England the Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester He is next his father the chiefe in the Realme and by course of the ciuill Law is to sit at his right hand in all solemne assemblies of state and honor So that not without reason did King Edward the third King of England place Richard his grandchild and next heire apparant in his solemne feast at Christmas at his table next vnto himselfe aboue all his Vncles being the sonnes of that King and men manifoldly renowned for their prowes and virtue And yet hath not the Prince any Kingly prerogatiues allowed vnto him by the Lawes of this Realme in the life of his progenitors other then such as are due vnto other Noble men that hee might acknowledge himselfe to bee but a subiect and whereof he is put in remembrance euen by the Poesy that he vseth in the old English or Saxon tongues in this forme conceiued Ie dien I am a seruant The due consideration whereof hath caused me by the encouragement of an honorable learned and worthy Councellor my Lord of Buckhurst your Maiesties Lord high Treasurer of England and my very good Lord and being eased therein by the carefull paines and industry of a Gentleman Mr. Richard Connock his seruant in some conuenient method after my rude and vnlearned manner to set downe what the ancient and true estate of his excellency the Lord Prince hath beene what it now is and how impaired and to what estate and dignity by your Maiesties high and Princely wisdome it may againe be reduced Beseeching your highnesse of your accustomed clemency to pardon this my bold attempt and to accept my poore trauels therein with that gratious aspect as you do the manifold gratulations of other your Maiesties louing subiects Your Maiesties loyall and obedient subiect I. D. ABSTRACTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS concerning the Contents of this HISTORIE THe originall and antient estate of Wales before and vntill the Conquest thereof by King Edward the First in the eleuenth yeere of his Raigne Edward of Carnaruon so called because he was born at Carnaruon Castle in VVales and sonne to King Edward the First constituted Prince of VVales and the policy vsed therein by King Edward the First The creation of Edward sirnamed the blacke Prince to be Prince of VVales and the antient manner of the inuesture of the Princes of VVales The strange limitation of the estate of the Lands of the said Principality and the reasons thereof and the difference betweene the Principality of VVales and the Dutchy of Cornewall for the eldest sonne and heire apparant of the King of England is Duke of Cornewall as soone as be is borne or as soone as his father is King of England But he is created Prince of VVales by a speciall creation inuesture and donation of the lands thereunto belonging and not by birth The yeerely value of the reuenues of the Principality of VVales as the same were in the bands of the Prince commonly called the blacke Prince Richard sirnamed of Burdeaux sonne of the said blacke Prince was after the death of his father created Prince of VVales at Hauering at the Bower in the Countie of Essex by E 3. his Grandfather Henry of Munmouth sonne to King Henry the Fourth created Prince of VVales he was afterwards King by the name of King Henry the Fift Edward the sonne of King Henry the Sixt created Prince of VVales and Earle of Chester and for that hee was then very yong there was ordained by an Act of Parliament what allowance should bee made vnto the said Prince for his Wardrobe seruants wages and other necessary expences vntill the said Prince should be of fourteene yeers of age There was also a Counsaile of diuers honourable personages as Bishops Earles and others for the gouernement and direction of the reuenues of the said Prince which dispose the same accordingly with the assent and aduice of the Queene who was also especially appointed in that behalfe Edward the sonne and heire apparant of King Edward the Fourth created Prince of VVales and a Councell of honourable personages allowed to him also for the gouernement of his reuenues and the Lord Riuers Vncle by the mothers side of the