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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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the taile the which they gaue her for a bridle in her hand and in a mockerie sent her out at one of their gates The Emperour taking iust indignation against this iniury besieged them seuen yeares before they could enter but at the last constraining them to yeeld hee ruinated and sacked the Towne with great effusion of bloud He receiued some to mercie but it was vpon this cōditiō that if they would saue their liues they shuld draw out with their teeth a Figge from behind of the she Asse Many chose rather to die then to suffer that ignominy Others desiring to liue did whatsoeuer was commanded them Frō hence comes a iust mockerie amongst the Italians to shewe the thumbe betwixt two fingers and say Ecco la fico beholde the Figge Crantes reciteth this Story in his 6. booke of Saxonia Frederic sent Embassadors vnto the King of France to take away that schisme from Rome they agreed to meete in a certaine place very conuenient for France and Almaine and that was at Dijon Thither came Henry king of England the king of Scotland the king of Bohemia Alexander would not bee there saying he was not ordained by his authoritie The King of France was not there in fauour of Alexander Frederic not well content that he and so many Princes had thus lost their paines commaunded Victor to drawe into Italie but Victor died in the way at Luques and in his place Guido Bishop of Cremone was chosen who afterward was called Paschall the third vnto whom the Emperour Frederic the Duke of Bauiere the Count Palatin in Rhene the Lantgraue of Turinge the Bishops of Magdeburg of Breme of Treuers of Colongne and of Banberge promised him obedience R. Barns Amaricus the brother of Baudwin was the sixt King of Ierusalem Sigeb Alexander in the meane while held a Councell at Tours But at Rome the Vicegerent of the Pope Alexander the Bishop of Prenestine died and in his place was substituted Iohn Cardinall of the Church of S. Peter He by siluer and other meanes drewe to Alexander the most part of the Romane Citizens and did so much as they created new Consuls such as fauoured the said Alexander They recalled Alexander out of France and he was well receiued at Rome the Bishop of Pauie was put out for that he held on the Emperours side Frederic the third time went into Italie against certaine that rebelled and came to Rome to knowe the cause of those Popes Alexander would not appeare but drewe backe as before The Townes of Italie rebelled against the Emperor at the perswasion of Alexander and they conspired together The Millainois reedified their Towne in fauour of this Alexander and called it Alexandria Frederic the fourth time returned into Italie with a great Armie against the rebells but Henry Leon Duke of Saxonie corrupted by siluer as is thought left the Emperour and returned into Saxonie with his company The Emperour required him not to faile him in that great need but he lost time therefore was hee constrained to withdrawe from Italie and returne into Almaine in a seruants apparell and that with great difficultie Behold how by Popes the world hath euer beene troubled The yeare of Christ 1173. Saladin slew his Lord the Calyphe and raigned in his place Chron. Euseb The yeare of Christ 1175. Frederic the fift time returned into Italie but at the perswasion of his Confessor he conuerted his Armes against the Turkes and passing through Hungarie came vnto Constantinople occupied many Townes and places of the Turkes as Philomenia and Iconium after he came into Armenia the lesse finally euen to Ierusalem Whilest Frederic was thus busied with the Turke the Pope Alexander with his confederates ceased not to thinke how they might destroy him To the end then that hee should not returne victorious the Pope sent to the Souldan the Image of the Emperour which he caused to be drawne very liuely by an excellent Painter with Letters by which he gaue aduertisement vnto the Souldan to sley or destroy the said Emperour by treason if euer hee pretended to liue in peace The Souldan hauing receiued the said Popes Letters with the Emperours figure sought by all meanes to come to his purpose but occasion fell not out so soone But finally as the Emperour returned from the conquest of Ierasalem being in Armenia one day as it was very hotte hee withdrew into a wood with a fewe of his people and with his Chaplaine and not thinking of any daunger there made his people goe aside and hee and his Chaplaine lighted off their horses vnapparelled themselues and so refreshed them in a running streame of water There was hee surprised by the ambushes which the Souldane had laid and were carried through the wood vnto the Souldan His people knowing nothing of his taking sought him all the next morning The brute came vnto the Campe the Emperor was drowned and by the space of an whole moneth they sought him in the floud where he washed The Emperour being brought before the Souldane feigned himselfe to be the Emperors Chaplaine but the Souldan knowing him by the Image the Pope sent him maintained that he was the Emperour of the Christians and indeed commanded that straight some should bring him the said Image and that the Popes Letters should be read The Emperour astonished at this treason confessed the truth and demaunded fauour Certaine time after the Souldan sent him away vnder certain couenants agreed betwixt them The Emperour returning assigned a day at Noremberg and assembling his Court declared the Pope Alexander his treason shewing his Letters and the Image Briefly euery one promised him helpe to pay his ransome and to doo iustice of the said Alexander In this time of darknesse and horrible tempests after the Grashoppers and vermine of begging Friers which deuoured the title graine of the world here gaue the Lord again a light as it were the breake of day The beginning of the Waldois Peter Waldo a Citizen of Lions beganne by litle and litle in this time to cleare the thicke darknesse therof and this was as a first and litle beginning of the Instauration of the Christian doctrine and religion The Historie is this In the Towne of Lions as many of the chief of the Towne in Sommer time to recreate themselues and talke together one amongst them suddenly fell downe dead in the presence of others amongst which was this Waldo a rich man who more then all other men was mooued and surprised with feare and an apprehension of the humane frailtie and began to think the spirit of God drawing him more nearly to repencance and to meditate true pietie more then euer hee had done before He began then to giue much more almes to open his house to all and to speake of penance and true pietie to such as for any cause came vnto him This feare was of God the fruite and the ende sheweth it in this person But the feare that
at large The Councell of Laterance was begunne by Iulius this yeare 1512. Leo his successor continued the said Councell the ende whereof was the 16. of March 1517. This horrible monster died the yeare following after he had begun the said Councell that is the yeare 1513. hauing committed an infinit number of murders and wickednesses vnheard of before he died the yeare 1513. the 21 of Februarie before the Councell which he had assembled at Rome was ended See Functius in his Commentaries There was an Almaine called Conrade Garbelius who made of him Tetrastike in Latine verses whereof the sence was this Hee that hath for his father a Genoua for his mother a Grecian and that is borne in the Sea it is impossible he should be good The Genouaes are deceiuers the Grecians are lyars and there is no securitie nor faithfulnesse in the Sea Thou Iulius hast in thee all these things We read a certaine Commētarie of the Doctors of Paris against the Lutherans being drawne on by a diuellish rage had by force the carnall company of two young children of a noble house which the Queene Anne of France had sent to Roberte Cardinall of Nantes to teach Melancton amongst others hath written certaine Latine Verses how that Iulius meaning to go to warre cast S. Peters keyes into Tiber and tooke the sword of S. Paul saying Seeing the keyes of S. Peter serue vs to no purpose it may be S. Pauls sword will do something Gaston de Fouex the Kings Nephewe was sent into Italie and tooke Bolongne and Bresse by force The Swisses alreadie practised by the Pope passed into Italie On Easter day the yeare 1512. the French got a battaile at Rauenna and tooke the Towne against the Pope the Spaniards and the Venetians Gaston died there aduauncing himselfe with too small a company vpon his enemies Iulius practised with the Emperour and the King of England to assaile the King of Fraunce in diuers places of his Kingdome Ferdinand king of Spaine tooke and occupied against all right vnder colour of excommunication the Arrathame of Iulius the kingdome of Nauarre The King of England beeing assured of succours from Flaunders discended to Calais but the king of Scotland Iames the fourth and the king of France his Allie entered into his Countrey but lost a great battaile and was himselfe slaine They did litle in Guien or Normandie whether they sent two Armies Afterward the French and they fought vpon the Sea Two faire Ships well furnished that is the Regent of England and the Cordelier of France grapled one with the other And the most part of such as were within were either burnt or drowned A peace was published betwixt the King and the Venetians The English men besieged Terwine At the Iourney of Sporrs the French fared ill The Townes of Terwine and Tornay were taken by the English Anne de Britaine the wife of king Lewis the 12. and before the widowe of Charles the eight dyed at this time leauing two daughters Claudia which afterward espowsed Francis de Valois and Renee at this present widowe of the Duke of Ferrara Leo the tenth of that name borne at Florence of the house of Medices before called Iohn de Medices being Cardinall of the title of S. Mary in Dominica beyond all mens expectation was elected Pope and succeeded Iulius Hee had beene very diligently instructed in good Letters in his first youth and had had learned schoolemaisters Amongst others Angelus Politian a man very learned as well in the Greeke as Latin tongue this was the cause he loued so much men of learning and knowledge Being of the age of thirteene yeares hee was chosen Cardinall by Innocent the 8. and in the 30. of his age he was chosen Pope of Rome This Leo of his owne nature was debonaire gentle and peaceable but he was too much gouerned by such as were enemies of rest and cruell after whose wills many things were done very disloyally The King Lewis died the first day Ianuarie 1514. hauing raigned 17. yeares He was called the Father of the people a title which fewe kings had after him The greatest pleasure that Pope Leo had was delicately to nourish himselfe in all things pleasant to the flesh and such delights as would soonest drawe men into all wicked concupiscences He tooke great pleasures in Singers and Musitians to recreate his spirit at Table as hee dranke and made good cheare Hee bare an irreconciliable hatred vnto the Gospell of the kingdome of God which he persecured in the person of Luther and many others For as one day the Cardinall Bembo vttered before him a certaine thing drawne from the Gospell he answered him mocking It hath euer sufficiently bene knowne what profit that Fable of Iesus hath brought vs and our company This marchant gaue hereby sufficiently to be knowne that he was that Antichrist which S. Paul called the man of sinne and the sonne of perdition He spread abroad through the world certaine pardons and Indulgences full of all impietie yea and ridiculous to the end to heape vp siluer to maintaine his pleasures to nourish his whores and enrich his bastards And heerein he serued himselfe with Mendicant beggers which in infinit number traced and ranne ouer all Christian kingdomes One called Sampson of Millaine a Friar heaped vp by that meane so great a summe of siluer in diuers Countries that the world was astonished thereat as a thing contrarie to nature For he one day offered the summe of an hundreth and twentie thousand Ducats for the Papacie This Pope Leo created in one day one and thirtie Cardinalls and by that meanes pursed vp a great sum of siluer And that same day were seene very horrible signes and wonders the yeare 1521. at which time Soliman Emperor of the Turkes tooke Rhodes On the day of Christs Natiuitie as Leo went out of his chamber to goe sing Masse at the breake of the day after their maner a marble couer well couched and laid fell suddenly downe so that many of his company were there slaine and amongst others the Captaine of the Swisses gard By such a presage God shewed that the Popedome should shortly perish because of the enormeous and detestable wickednesse committed therein He greatly inriched at other expences his bastards and erected and lifted them vp to principalities and dignities as well Secular as Ecclesiastice Hee created Duke of Mutine Iulian whom some said was his Nephewe his sisters sonne and Laurence Duke of Vrbin and married the one that is to say Iulian with the Duke of Sauoyes sister and the other with the the daughter of the Countesse of Bolongne But hee had depriued the true Duke of Vrbin of the possession of the Duchy to the ende hee might establish one of them in his place hee sought also to doo the like to the Duke of Ferrara but it was in vaine As for his Nephewe Iulius hee made him a Cardinall The yeare 1421. and
of Brabant In Cyonia a Citie of Muschouie within a pleasant valley the tombe of P. Ouidius Naso was found with this Epitaphe Hic situs est vates quem viui Caesaris ira Augusti Latio cedere iussit humo Saepe miser voluit patrijs succumbere tectis Sed frustra hunc illi fatadedere locum Genebrardus The 18. day of March the Prince of Orange being in Antwerpe quiet and in the greatest fortune that hee was euer was shot in his house as he was rising from the table in the middest of all his seruants with a Pistoll by one Iohn Scarigni a Biscaine mooued therevnto by zeale of Religion as hee pretended the bullet hitting him vnder his right Iawe passed forth through the windowe and although hee was supposed dead yet was he cured and liued and the offender was presently slaine by his guard and all such as were found accessary were executed Cardinall Albert Arch-duke of Austria was made gouernour of Portugall Ieronimo Conestaggio Don Antonio departed for France from the Terceres leauing Emanuel de Sylua in his place with 500. Frenchmen vnder the charge of Baptist Florentine and Charles a French man their Captaine In the moneth of August the Forces of Don Antonio king of Portugall skirmishing with Phillip king of Spaine in a battaile at Sea at S. Michaels Mount were discomfited Heere Strossius the Generall of the Forces of France with the losse almost of all his Army was in the ende discomfited Genebrardus There was one thing worthy of obseruation in the fight at Sea Within the Gallion of S. Mathew a Priest called Iohn de Iaem Chaplaine vnto the Marshall of the field a man which had seene the warres during the fight being vnder lowest deck of the Gallion when hee sawe so much wilde fier cast by the French heauing their shot and seeing the hurt which the Cannon did he died onely of feare and amazement hauing receiued no wound Phillip after the death of Diego his eldest sonne who was sworne Prince of Portugall at Tomar hee would likewise that the same oath should bee made in the person of Phillip his second sonne being then sicke and for the swearing of him hee assembled the estates at Lisbone resolute to accomplish this ceremonie before his departure At that time the Duke of Alua consumed with a continuall feauer died in the Pallace at Lisbone in the Kings owne quarter being of the age of three score and fourteen yeares During his sicknesse hee was greatly fauoured of the king who did visit him a litle before his death but after it the next day the Portugalls obserued that he went publikely to Masse without any shewe of discontentment in him contrary to the custome of their Kings who vpon the death of one of lesse qualitie hauing done many notable seruices to the Crowne relied themselues for a time the which seemed the more straunge for that King Emanuel vpon the death of a noble Pilot withdrew himselfe three dayes Ieronimo Conestaggio He arrogating too much to himselfe caused a statue of brasse to be erected for him in the Citadell of Antwerpe which the king willed afterwards to be beaten downe Charles Borgia Duke of Candia a man of greater vertue then experience succeeded in his place Vpon the 28. of Iune Peregrin Bartu Lord Willougbie was sent Embassador to Frederick the second with the Garter The Prince of Orange hauing recouered his hurt came abroad His wife Carola lineally discended from the right noble house of Montpensier with ouermuch ioy of his recouerie within three daies after died of a plurisie D. Chytreus In this yeare of our Lord 1582. this Pope by anticipating tenne daies in the yeare gaue himselfe to correct the Calender and to eternize his name this Calender he called Gregorianum and by his decree all Christian Princes obeying the Romish Sea gaue commandement to cut of tenne daies in the moneth of October so as for the fift day they should generally write fifteene the which was done to fitte the meanes and principall aspects wherein the heauens were when as our Redeemer Iesus Christ suffered that they might celebrate Easter and the other Feasts vpon their proper dayes The which they had not formerly done for that the true course of the Sunne which makes the yeare being certaine minutes of an houre lesse the time which they vntill then had taken for a yeare It seemed that in the course of so many yeares so small a difference had mounted vnto tenne dayes so as by this equallitie it was made cōformable to the time past Ieron Con. D. Chytreus Phillip caused the bones of Sebastian late king of Portugall to be brought out of Affricke the which with king Henries that were at Almerin he would before his departure see solemnly interred in the Church of Belem neare to the other Kings of Portugall At this time were revnited all the kingdomes of Spaine which from the entrance of the Moores into Spaine 860. and so many yeares fithence haue bene diuided M. Cyprian Valera D. Saunders the Popes Nuntio and Legate who came from Rome with Iames Fitzmoris in Iuly in the yeare 1599. to beare Armes in Ireland against her maiestie after that hee had wandred vp downe three yeares together with the Earle of Desmond and Syr Iohn his brother hee fell sicke of an Irish Ague and a Flixe and lay in the wood Clennetisse which wood is full of withies bryers thornes and through which is no passage where partly through his sicknesse but chiefly through famine and want dyed Hollenshed The Earle of Desmond was taken by one Kollie an Irishman in an old house alone and there slain whose head was sent into England and set vpon London bridge Amias D. of Leneux so created in the yeare 1579. was now in this yeare vpon displeasure banished Scotland and enforced to returne into France in whose exile was performed an olde prophecie That a man of fiue shillings should buy all the Dukes of England Scotland For when this Duke was out of the Scottish kingdome there was neither Duke in that Countrey nor in England Idem Henry King of Nauarre when hee vnderstood that the Archbishop of Cullen was in great distresse and the many traiterous practises of the Pope against him hee sent his Embassador to the Electors Princes of Germanie who professed the true doctrine of the Gospell First for the establishing of a generall concord by a generall Synode of the Churches in Germanie France England and other Countries imbracing the true Religion Then that these Princes of the reformed Church should by oath all ioyne their powers against the Pope his adherents which that hee might the better perswade hee set downe in his Letters the imminent daungers ouer the principall kingdomes in Europe which professed the true Faith As many as in Spaine or Italie were suspected for the truth were put into the Inquisition and so martyred In France
be a body wounded to death sent their Embassadors to the K. desiring him to open his eyes to the teares his eares to the complaints of his poore subiects to heare the requests of his neighbours for his owne good the quietnes and honor of his faith his name and reputation The K. answered that he knew what was necessary for himselfe and his subiects that according to the cause and for their good and tranquillitie he had made and changed his ordinances as all Princes in Christendome vse to do and that for his part hauing the feare of God the loue of his subiects liuely ingrauen in his heart hee would do nothing against the honour of his conscience nor the fatherly care he had of his people With which answere they returned not well pleased This yeare Augustus Duke of Saxonie one of the Princes Electors new come from hunting suddenly died being of the age of 60. yeares and was buried at Friberge Genebrardus There died likewise at the same time Margarite of Austria the base daughter of Charles the fift and mother of Alexander Duke of Parma and Gouernour of Belgia Charles Count Palatine married Dorithie the daughter of William Duke of Brunswick at Cella D. Chytraeus On the fourth day of Iune L. Edward Earle of Rutland went Embassador into Scotland for a ratificatiō of a firme bond of peace betweene Elizabeth Queene of England Iames the sixt K. of Scots vpon certain causes necessary and important which was confirmed at Barwicke the 19. of Iune where the Embassadors of Scotland were likewise present I. Vowell The 16. of Iuly not farre from Barwick the borderers of both the Nations of England and Scotland assembled to determine for recompence of all such iniuries as each people offered to other at what time the Lord of Fernhurst Warden of the Scottish borders Iames Steward Earle of Arrane then Chauncelor and Syr 〈◊〉 Russell Knight Lord Russell and Syr I. Forster Knight Warden of their middle Marshes came with their company When the Wardens were set vpon the bench there did suddenly arise amongst the people a contention whereby followed at the first some small fray which beeing perceiued by the Lord Russell hee arose from the bench and called for his horse who meaning to appease the matter went amongst the prease at what time a certaine number of shot comming on him he was suddenly but most vniustly slaine with a peece amongst the rest discharged against him by a Scot borne about that place suspected by the most to be the Lord of Fernhursts brother The losse of which noble Gentleman being of so great a hope was much lamented and that especially for his vntimely death so iniuriously by the Earle of Arrane as the common report went procured and so suddenly performed hee in the 35. yeare of his age did bereaue the Realme of England of a goodly young person well stayed in gouernment bountiful wise and vertuous whose death happened the day before that his honourable father the Earle of Bedford departed this world I. Hooker Fourteene thousand Heluetians who were Catholickes and commaunded to appeare by the King of Nauarre went to the aide of the holy League but before they tooke their iourney they all receiued the Sacrament and swore that they did beare Armes onely for the defence of the Catholicke faith but if the king shuld be found to do any fauour to the Heluetians they promised to lay downe their weapons and returne Anth. Cicarella A Parliament was held in Nouember both for the continuing of the defence of the lowe Countries against the King of Spaine and as for the determining of the treacherous practises of the Queene of Scot shee was forthwith conueyed to Foderinghay Castle in Northampton Shire which sometimes belonged to the Dukes of Lancaster where being tried by the Nobles of the Realme shee was found guiltie and afterward beheaded She was crowned Queene of Scots when she was but 18. moneths old and after in the sixt yeare of her raigne called into France where at 15. yeares she was married to Frances the second then the Dolphin of France being 14. yeares of age with whom she liued three yeares After whose decease she returned into Scotland and was married to Henry Arlye at the age of 22. by whom she had one onely sonne Ieames the sixt now king This husband dead she was married the third time to the Earle of Bothuell who died in prison after this she liued 18. yeares in England Genebrardus Gulielmus Gonzaga Duke of Mantua departed this life whom his onely sonne Vincentius succeeded being of the age of 25. yeares Idem Syr F. Drake returned out of America came into Zeland the other fleete went towards India who tooke two ships out of S. Thomas I le and the Gouernour thereof The one of them perished the other was brought home a rich prize This yeare at Zutphen in Gilderland S. Phillip Sidney Englands Mars and Muse was shot in the thigh with a Musket whereof he died His body was conueyed into England and honourably buried in Powles I. Vowell Frederick king of Denmarke sollicited by the king of Nauarre for aide against Guise sent his Embassadors to Henry king of France who should entreate that the peace of the reformed Religion graunted before by the king and confirmed by oath might bee kept with the king of Nauarre and his followers D. Chytraeus At Augusta after the superintendent was cast out the estate of the Ministers of the Church waxed euery day worse For after that the Gregorian Calendar was receiued of them the pontificall Magistrate assured to himselfe authoritie and right of choosing and calling the Ministers of the Church which priuiledge the Elders and Gouernours of the Church had before with the Ministery held it by the authority of the Emperor who sent Commissioners to that end into the Citie But when the Ministers of the Church would not agree to them they were all commanded to depart the Citie before Sunne set and others of the same confession were called from Noriberga and other places and substituted in their places Whom when the people could not heare nor vse their seruice the pontificall Magistrate besides the garrison that was alreadie in the towne brought more souldiers thereby to terrifie them and bring them to obedience D. Chytraeus Iulius Bishop of Wurtzeburg began to vse great crueltie towards them of the confession of Augusta in his Diocesses banishing many of them and constraining them to sell their goods in so short a space that they left the third part to him William Lantsgraue of Hesse his neighbour disswaded him from this crueltie but following the example of Balthasar Abbot of Fulden who greatly persecuted his subiects vnder the praetext of Religion hee not only incurred the hatred of all men but was depriued of all titles and dignities Idem This yeare vpon the 27. of September Stephen Bathorus King of Poland Prince of Transiluania
said Councell it is ordeined that the Apocalips should be accounted Canonicall In the said Councell Priests were reprehended because after the Lordes praier they communicated and blessed the people wherefore in the 17. Chap. they are forbidden to communicate alone but with all the assembly after the ordinance of Iesus Christ It was also ordeined that after the Lords praier the blessing should follow And then only they should receiue the Sacrament of the bodie and blood of Christ in this order that is the Priests and the Deacons should make the Communion before the Aultar the Clarkes in the hearts and the people out of the heart The Masse yet was not as is at this day wherein Priests communicate alone In the Councell of Bracare 1. and 2. held in Spaine it was ordeined that if any did not confesse the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost three persons to be one same substance vertue and power as the Apostolike Catholike Church teacheth should be excommunicated and accursed In the 19. chap. If any beleeue soules and bodies to be subiect to the Starres as the Painims say and the Priscillianists maintaine let them be excommunicated and accursed In the 36. chap. that they should bury no dead bodies in Churches but without The Councell of Bracare 2. in the 14. chap. All they are anathematized which abstaine from eating flesh vpon superstition The same was ordeined in the Councell of Toledo 13. Note by this which is said that the Spaniards more then any other resisted the forbidding of meates and of single life Dagobert King of France raigned 14. yeares and during his raigne he gaue great reuenewes to Churches and caused to be builded the Abbey of S. Denis in France and placed there the three aforesaid bodies of S. Denis Eleutherius and Rusticus in Tombes couered with fine gold and enriched with precious stones And it wold hardly be beleeued the great riches of gold siluer and precious stones the Townes and other goods which he gaue to the said Church and Abbey of S. Denis which they yet possesse at this day He founded also the Abbey of S. Amande nigh Tournay and endowed it with great reuenewes All his study was to gather and wheresoeuer hee went to take Relickes to enrich the Abbey of S. Denis In so much that for that cause hee was called the Theefe of Relikes And as Clouis the first of that name had his trust in S. Martine of Tours so this had in the bodie of S. Hilarie of Poitiers In so much that hauing taken and rased the said Towne destroyed the Temples yea that of S. Hilarie he caused to carry the Coffin with other Relickes to S. Denis in France The cause of this sacking spoile was because the Poitiers had giuen succours of people and siluer to the Gascoignes which rebelled against him Moreouer Dagobert was a man so giuen to women that he Instituted a Colledge whither hee caused to resort the fairest women and apparelled them like Queenes for which thing being reprehended of S. Amand he sent him to exile But Gaguin saith he was after reuoked Seuerin Pope ruled at Rome two yeares His study was to repaire Churches to endowe them with many ornaments and encrease the reuenewes therof Supp Chron. Fasc Temp. His election was ratified by Isacheus exarche For thē the election of Popes was nothing vnlesse it were authorised by the Emperour or his Lieftenant Naucler The treasures of the Church of S. Iohn de Lateran were pilled by Maurice Gouernor of Rome Isacheus exarche of Italie one part of the bootie was sent to Constantinople to Heraclius This was the yeare that the said Heraclius endured that great wound of the Sarrasins Naucler In the time of this Pope dyed Mahumet the yeare 637. and after began to be worshipped of his followers Mahumet signifieth Fury or Indignation Aman Bishop of Traict baptized Sigebert the sonne of Dagobert King of France Chron. Iohn Pope 4. of that name borne in Dalmatia ruled at Rome about two yeares He ordeined that whosoeuer should take away any Church goods should be bound to restore fourfold Naucler The yeare 640. Lent began to be kept in England Chro. Sigeb Rotharis King of Lombards was an Arrian and all his people after his example In so much that there was almost no Citie nor Towne which had not two Bishops the one a Catholicke and the other an Arrian Suppl Chron. Theodorus a Grecian the sonne of Theodorus Bishop of Ierusalem gouerned the Romane Church 6. yeares 5. months and 18. dayes Supp Chron. Dagobert gaue to the Abbey of S. Denis a Faire and Market called Le Lendy betwixt Paris and S. Denis The Emperour Heraclius being aged gaue trust to Diuinations and Enchauntments of diuels This is the first Emperour that ruled in the East since the Empire was transferred thither who hath hadde that infamie to haue lost the Empire of Asia and to haue bene of the heresie of the Monothelites and Eutechians After he had thus polluted himselfe by these arts heresies and incest of his niece he died of a newe and straunge disease namely that the purses of his testicles turned vpside downe with the priuie member alwaies stiffe Insomuch that whensoeuer he vttered his vrine it sprinkled his face if a table had not beene placed about his nauell to driue it backe Egnatius and others recite the same Constantine his sonne of his first wife Eudoxia succeeded in the Empire but his mother in lawe Martine caused him to be poisoned before he had raigned a yeare and so she raigned with her sonne Heracleonas about two yeares Nauclerus rehearseth that the said Martine committed that fact by the Councell of Pirrhus Bishop of Constantinople an heretike who returned from his exile of Affrike after the death of the said Heraclius The Senate of Constantinople made the tongue of the said Empresse to be cut out and the nose of the said Heraclionas and cast them both into exile They also caused Pyrrhus to bee most shamefully put to death whom Paul succeeded as wicked an heretike as his former predecessor The Pope Theodorus in the Church of S. Peter the Cleargie and the Church being present excommunicated and declared the aboue named Paul Patriarke of Constantinople an heretike and his adherents and hauing mingled wine with Inke in a Challice he writ with his owne hand the excommunication to signifie that it was inuiolable as if Iesus Christ had writ it with his owne bloud Consider here how much the Church then although it was wholly giuen to superstitions did abhorre such as confounded the two natures in Christ. This Theodorus instituted the blessing of the Sierge on Easter Saterday Constance Emperour sonne of the said Constantine and of Gregorie his wife called otherwise by some Constantine the 3. raigned 28. yeares He was a tyrant and an heretike and persecuted the Catholiques He fauoured the heresie of Paul
Rome 18. yeares This Pope a very daungerous pestilence added vnto the Articles of the Faith Transubstantiation as a 13. Article See the Decretalls Tit. 1. De summa Trin. side Catholica ca. Firmiter credimus This Decretall was made the yeare of Christ 1215. promulged in the Councell of Lateran Where were the Patriarkes of Constantinople Ierusalem 70. Archbishops 400. Bishops 12. Abbots 800. conuentuall Priors and many Embassadors of kings princes to stop the Sarasins For there was a Croisado published therfore was there demanded the 4. peny of all rents He commaunded that the Canon of the Masse should be receiued as if it came from and were ordeined of the Apostles See the Decretals Dit 46. De celebratione Missarū ca. 6. cū He commanded confession in the Priests eare that is that he which came to be capable of deceit should confesse himselfe at the least once in the yeare to his owne Pastor See the Decretals Tit. 38. chap. Omnis vtriusque sexus In the said Councell of Lateran it was ordeined that the Canonization of Saints might not be done but by the Pope There also was condemned the booke of Ioachim Abbat against Peter Lombard Now was the error of Almaric Bishop of Chartres of whom we shall hereafter speake and of the Albigeois against which Innocent made preach the Croisado There was also ordeined that if Princes had offended one an other the correctiō therof shuld appertain vnto y e Pope Nauc The yeare of Christ 1199. the Emperour Henry dyed at Palerme Being sore heated in the pursuit of an Hart he drunke so much of a Fountaine that he rankeled his bodie Philip brother of the said Emperour Henry Duke of Souabe obtained the Empire and raigned 8. yeares He was crowned at Magunce Innocent hated Philip and was against his election The Bishop of Colongne and other Princes as well seculars as of the Cleargie seeing themselues despised that they had not bene called to the electiō of the said Philip vpon an assembly at Aix they chose for Emperour Otho the sonne of Henry surnamed Lyon Duke of Saxonie and Bauiere and was crowned by the Archbishop of Boulongne so was there a diuision in the Empire whereof great mischiefes came in Almaine by Rapines pillings fires warres Robberies Benefices Ecclesiasticall became litigious and much siluer did runne to Rome Naucler and Vrsperg Otho then 4. of that name Duke of Bauiere and Saxonie a man proud and hardie raigned three yeares being a fauourite of Pope Innocent who had said that he would either take away Phillips Crowne or he should take away his Vrsperg There happened then great discord in Almaine by the Popes treason who procured Phillips death Otho of Wittilispach Count Pallatin entered into the Emperor Phillips chamber at Bamberge and slew him traiterously with a dagger the ninth yeare of his raigne His Esquire seeing this being greatly troubled began to crie and being wounded in the cheeke fell downe The traytor fled to the Bishop of Bamberge a companion of the conspiration in the Popes fauour who notwithstanding was afterward slaine by the Emperours Marshall nigh Ratisbone being hid in a poore cottage See Naucler After the death of the said Phillip the Pope sent vnto Otho to come to Rome to be crowned and so he was the yeare 1209. Adolphe Bishop of Colongne who sometimes was on Phillips side was deposed by the Pope and died in exile Naucler and likewise the Bishop of Sutry before the said Phillip was Emperor because he had absolued him frō an excommunication The yeare of Christ 1210. Otho whom the Pope so much loued in despite of Phillip the Emperour is now become the Popes mortall enemie yea euen to be excommunicated and in full Councell declared to be deposed from his Empire with commaundement from the said Innocent that none should hold him for Emperor nor obey him acquitting his subiects of the oath they ought him Naucler This done he sent Letters to the Archbishop of Magunce that he should declare the said Otho through all his Cities to be excommunicated and deposed frō his Empire in full Councell held at Rome which he did Wherevpon the Princes of Almaine inuaded his Bishoppricke and put all to fire The cause wherefore the Pope published the said excommunication was because Otho occupied Romandiole the patrimonie of the Romane Church Otho then fearing a new chaunge left Italie and returned into Almaine which hee found all troubled for the said excommunication The Abbey of S. Antoigne by Paris a religion of women was founded about this time The Sea of Hist. The king Phillip gaue to the Church of S. Denis diuers precious reliques which the Emperour Baudwin had sent him frō Constantinople that is to say the true Crosse of a foote long also the haires which Iesus Christ had in his Infancie one of the thornes of the Crowne one side and foure teeth of S. Phillip the cloathes wherein Iesus Christ was wrapped in the maunger and the purple garment which he had on at his passion See the Sea of Hist. Such as were great in this world submitted their greatnesse vnto those toyes and trifles more then childish The yeare of Christ 1212. Otho hauing assembled the Princes at Noremberg shewed the Popes subtil deu●●s against him and that vniustly he persecuted him From thence hee led his Armie into Turinge against his enemies which tooke the Popes part After he came into Saxonie where his marriage was celebrated with the daughter of king Phillip who died foure daies after Iohn King of England King Richard his brother made his kingdome subiect to the Romane Pope For a signe whereof he promised to pay yearely fiue markes of gold Suppl Chron. or 1000. markes of sliuer See the Annales of France After Otho had bene Emperour 4. yeares Frederic 2. of that name sonne of Henry 6. king of both Sicilies and of Ierusalem succeeded and after his election made in Almaine hee was annointed and crowned at Aix and Otho depriued of his Empire died the yeare following of a fluxe of bloud Naucler and the said Frederic raigned 44. yeares or 33. after Suppl Chron. Innocent edified the Hospitall of the holy Ghost and gaue vnto it great reuenewes He repaired the Church of S. Sixtus He gaue vnto all the Churches of Rome the waight of a pound of siluer to make their Challices on vpon condition that none should sell or alien them The foure Sects of begging Friars S. Francis an Italian of a Towne called Assisium was in this time S. Dominike a Spaniard of Caliroga in the Diocesse of Lexonia in this time also The said Dominike went to Rome and prayed the Pope Innocent in the said Councell of Lateran to confirme his order of Iacobins but hee would not consent therevnto Albert Patriarke of Ierusalem made the rule of Carmes the first Author of the said order in Siria The Pope approued the order of the
grieuous punishments that within 3. daies he should renounce the rights of his Empire The crueltie of this Emperour was maruellous This Emperour came to Francford and being readie with all his power to do that which was enioyned him required by his Embassadors that he would receiue him into grace This Pope answered the Embassadors that he would neuer pardon Lewis vnlesse first he confessed all his errors and heresies and dismissed himselfe of the Imperial dignitie put into his hands himselfe his children and all his goods and that he would promise to take nothing of all those things but by his consent And he gaue a Formularie vnto the Embassadors and commaunded them to present it vnto Lewis What forme or fashion is there here I will not say of a Pastor but of a man onely Lewis shewed this Formularie to the Princes to the Electors and to the Embassadors of the Imperiall Townes The Princes detested some of the Articles for that they were laid by the Pope to the ruine and destruction of the Empire and they promised the Emperour succours if hee would defend the rights of the Empire as hee had done before yet they prayed Clement by their Embassadors that he would leaue off such Articles inuented to the detriment of the Empire but the Embassadors returned without doing any thing Clement laying the cause of all those things vpon Lewis sought the ruine of him and his children Wherfore the Thursday before Easter he excommunicated him very cruelly and renewed all the rigorous processes made by Pope Iohn and declared him an heretike and a schismatike he also sollicited the Electors to chuse an other Emperour He depriued the Archbishop of Magunce of his dignitie and of the priuiledge authoritie to chuse because that knowing the Emperors innocencie he would not violate his maiestie As for the other Electors the new of Magunce he of Treuers and Colongne being corrupted by force of gifts and presents by the king of Bohemia declared Emperour Charles the fourth sonne of Iohn King of Bohemia who was sonne of Henry seuenth of that name who was crowned at Bohemia during the Empire of Lewis but hee was not reputed a lawful Emperour no not after the death of Lewis as may be seene Who can here rehearse the horrible warres which proceeded of the wickednesse of this Clement against the Empire Twentie thousand French men were ouerthrowne by Edward King of England who discended into Normandie and came euen to Paris destroying all the Countrey It was called the battaile of Cressy where there was great effusion of French bloud Chron. Euseb Callais was yeelded to the king of England after it had endured extreame famine A great famine was in all Italie accompanied with a pestilence and mortalitie which was almost vniuersall It continued till the yeare 1350. See the Histories of Almaine France Lewis the fourth was poysoned as is said hauing drunke of the Cup of Iane Dutchesse of Austrich which came to see him and feeling himselfe grieued he would needs goe on hunting and beeing in the wood hee fell from his horse as if hee had bene stricken with a Palsey whereof he died soone after At the article and point of death hee cryed O my God bee merciful vnto me a poore sinner Munster and others After his death there was yet more trouble then before The Electors were sollicited to elect Edward king of England but he refused the election as a thing too troublesome After they chose Frederic Count of Misne but hee loued better to maintaine peace with the Bohemians then to charge himselfe with the titles of the Empire At Francford one part of the Electors chose Gunther of Scwartymbourge who accepted the Election as being sufficiently munited and puissant to hold good against the Emperor Charles who then remained at Magunce But Gunther a litle after was poisoned and died at Francford so Charles raigned alone Let all people know hereby the detestable tirannie that Popes haue exercised through all the world spreading the seedes of seditions and warres The Empire was brought into great calamitie for Charles to the end to leaue his sonne successor did so corrupt the Electors with store of gifts and promises that hee gaged vnto them the publike reuenew of the Empire which they yet detaine at this day and therefore the Romane Empire could not relieue it selfe For then did the Electors constraine Charles to sweare that he would neuer reuoke that he had engaged The Empire being ouerthrowne the Turke assailed the Church of Iesus Christ and ruinated many of them in Europe putting all to fire and sword and laying vpon them that miserable yoake of Mahomet But how can Christian Princes driue backe Ottoman and his successors out of the Church of Christ if they first represse not the Turkish Pope an houshold enemie This Pope Clement reduced to the fiftieth yeare the Iubile wherof hath bene spoken to the end by that meanes to gather more gold and being absent from Rome hee made it be celebrated the yeare of the Lord 1350. All the length of the said yeare there were at Rome euery day to the number of fiue thousand Pilgrimes entring and going out as easily might be counted Thus saith Peter Premonstre The bringing in the obseruation of the ceremonie of Iubile is a renowncing of Iesus Christ who hath brought vs the agreeable time and the yeare and day of saluation and perpetuall pardon 2. Cor. 6.2 In this time a company of people of diuers Nations were assembled making a Sect which did beate and whip themselues going from Towne to Towne from Borough to Borough and from Village to Village There came one time 200. from Souabe and amongst them was one Prince and two Gouernours whom they obeyed One day being before the Monasterie of Spire in the day about one of the Clock they made a round and stripped themselues naked except that they had shirtes like hose from the thighes to the heeles and so fell prostrate vpon the earth one after an other in forme of a Crosse and whipped themselues singing and Inuocating God they also laid their faces towards the earth praying for themselues and for all such as did them good likewise for them that did euill vnto them They had certaine Priests amongst them and some Lettered people there were also Gentlemen and Handicraftsmen women and children If any man Inuited them to dinner they durst not go nor take any almes without the leaue of their Gouernours But they whipped themselues twise a day and each one once in the night secretly They spake not to any woman They all carried Crosses both before and behinde in their apparell hattes or Caps Their whips were tied to their robes and they remained no more then one night in a Parish From the Towne of Spire there were more then an hundreth which raunged themselues in their company Yet none was receiued of their band vnlesse they promised
Others that they would not pay it and so was there a schisme in the Churches of Almaigne Naucler Petrarke dyed about this time So did Boccace of the age of 62. yeares Abb. Trit Simon de Cassia was in this time and S. Bonauenture whom Gregorie 2. made Cardinall and Bishop of Albe Abb. Trit Amurathes was slaine with the blowe of a Dagger by the seruant of a Christian called Seruianus For that the said Amurathes had slaine his maister Peter de Premonstre hath left by writing that in this Popes time there was a kinde or new Sect of diuellish people as well men as women which without any shame daunced hardely And he said that in the yeare of the Lord 1375. they came frō Aix in Almain into Henaut and from thence into France Some said this signified the returne of Pope Gregorie his Cardinals to Rome These thought they daunced in a flood of blood although such as were present with them saw no such thing The common people iudged that these people were ill baptized by Priests which keep whores and harlots and therefore they determined to haue risen vp against the Cleargy to slay them and pill their goods but that God remedied it by the meanes of certaine coniurations that which followeth in the said author The yeare of Christ 1375. the English men and Brytons with other people to the number of fortie thousand and more fell vpon the Countries of Alsarce and Sangania and tooke Cities and Castles and raced them to the ground violated virgins and wiues burned Churches and Monasteries and after many other tyrannies they attempted also vpon the Bernois but a great multitude of them and their Duke were slaine and discomfited by the said Bernois at Frowenbrun the rest were assailed by other Swisses and were ouerthrowne and so they all perished miserably Fascic temp The Emperour Charles sought to stretch out the limits of his kingdome of Boheme partly by siluer and partly by warres and other meanes which was cause that he gaue to Iohn Henry his brother the Countrey of Morauia to the end he might renounce the right he had in the kingdome of Boheme Long time after he also caused the Princes Electors to elect Wencelaus his sonne King of the Romanes Finally after many requests hee obtained that he demaunded the yeare of grace 1376. and gained the Princes which elected Wencelaus King of Romanes being but 15. yeares of age After his coronation he espoused Ihehanne or Iane daughter of Albert Counte of Holland and Duke of Bauiere But the yeare following Charles dyed which was the yeare of grace 1378. and of his Empire 33. Hee was an Emperour worthie of praise sauing that he regarded more his kingdome of Boheme then the publike weale of his Empire For knowing his Sonne should succeede him in the Empire hee corrupted the Electors by great and faire promises the which being not able to accomplish hee gaged vnto them the publike taxes and tributes and brought the Romane Empire into that calamitie wherein it is at this day For the Electors retaine that vnto themselues which should be the Emperours A great number of the poore of Lyon were burnt at Paris in the place de Greue The Sea of Histories The Colledge of Benuais was founded at Paris the yeare 1372. otherwise called the Colledge des Dormans because it was founded by three brethren called Dormans the one was Bishop of Beauuais the other Archbishop of Angiers and the other Chauncellour of France Wencelaus sonne of Charles fourth of that name was chosen king of the Romans beeing but 15. yeares of age at the pursuite of his Father and crowned at Aix la Chappelle with his wife the daughter of Albert Duke of Bauiere and Counte of Holland But this Wencelaus was euil made of bodie and spirit his bodie crooked and of an effeminate courage He was borne at Nuremberge and his mother dyed at his byrth Assoone as hee was made king of Boheme and of the Romanes incontinently he gaue himselfe to all Idlenes and dissolution following his pleasures caring for nothing but to make good cheare And because he vsed great tyrannie in the end the Barons of the kingdom tooke him kept him in prison the space of 4. moneths til he was brought forth by his brother the Marquesse called Iohn but he became no better His subiects then seeing that all the Country was infected with his orders tyrannies whoredomes dissolutions they complained to his brother Sigismond king of Hungarie and he was againe taken and imprisoned in Austriche but escaping out of prison he returned into his kingdome and returned to his first manners The Electors of the Empire often admonished him but hee cared not therefore he was depriued of his Empire at Bopard Baiazet fourth King or Emperour of the Turks the sonne of Amurathes after the death of his Father slewe his brother Soliman traiterously and so alone enioyed the Empire of the Turkes the yeare of the world 5335. after Christes Natiuitie 1373. To reuenge the death of his father he made war against Marke Lord of Bulgaria ouercame and slewe him and so subiected a great part of his Country A little after he ouerranne Hungarie Albania and Walachie and did great hurt tooke many Christians and led them into Thracia prisoners In his enterprises and affaires he was so hotte and so suddaine that he was called Baiazet Hildrin that is to say thunder from heauen He brought vnder as it were all Greece being aided with the goods and graces of nature both in body and spirit He besieged Constantinople by the space of eight yeares Wherevpon the Emperour sailed into France requiring succours which was graunted him yet got Baiazet victorie of the French Hungarians Almaines Syrians and Misians in one assembly against him after hee returned to Constantinople and there was no other meane to conserue the Empire of Constantinople but that Tamberlan who was Lord of a certaine Countrie of East Scythia towards Parthia hauing as it were an infinit number of people put to the sworde in one onely battaile on the Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates 2. hundreth thousand Turkes and ouercame Baiazet and bound him with chaines of Gold and put him into a Cage of Iron and so ledde him through all the Countreys of Asia and Syria In the which miserable estate the said Baiazet died He raigned twentie and sixe yeares Edward King of England who had so many victories in France died of the age of 74. yeares the yeare 52. of his raigne Charles the 4. and Wencelaus his sonne came into France to accord the French and the English but they returned without doing any thing because of the death of the Queene and her daughter Isabel The Pope Gregorie after he had done all that belonged to a good Pope as Platina saith being tormented with an intollerable paine of the blather deceased the yeare of the Lord 1378. Some say that
Religion then that of the Protestants Moreouer if they thought good of it hee had a great desire to send Theologians and learned men into Amaigne or else if they woulde they might sende theyr learned Diuines into Fraunce to communicate together of certaine points of Religion The Senate of Auspurge receiued the doctrine of the Gospell The 24. of Iuly the Town of Munster is besieged and by might taken by the Count d'Obersten Captaine of the Armie and by their Bishop About the end of the moneth of Ianuary Iohn de Leiden Head of the Anabaptists Coipperdolin and Chrechring his companions being tyed to postes were slaine at Munster the Head alone confessing his fault and something repenting Henry King of England had by his wife Anne Bullen a faire daughter called Elizabeth The Emperour entred into Prouence with his Armie but wanting victualls for his Campe he was constrained to retyre to Gene. A great number of his souldiers dyed and amongst others his Lieutenant Anthonie de Leue. Francis the King of France his eldest sonne dyed at Tournon vpon Rosne of the age of 18. yeares Sebastian de Moncucul an Italian was drawne with 4. horses For giuing him poyson as it is said Perone besieged by Henry Count de Nassau and by Adrian d'erouy Count de Reux There arose a great sedition in England against the King For that bee had plucked downe and banished the Popes authoritie The Emperour by Sea returned from Genes ouer into Spaine Alexander de Medices Duke of Florence is slaine by Lawrence his kinsman promising him the enioying of a Ladie his neighbour of excellent beautie Iames the fift King of Scotland espowsed Magdaline king Francis his eldest daughter The Emperours Armie in Artois vnder the conduction of Florent de Bure tooke by force S. Paul besieged Terouanne but could not winne it The eleuenth of October was borne Edwarde King Henry his sonne of England of Iane Semer which he tooke to wife after Anne Bullen Anne de Mont-mourancy is created Constabled France which is a soueraigne degree of honour which office had bene vacant 15. yeares since the reuolt of Charles de Bourbon The Emperour and the king Francis assembled Nice where the Pope was to make a peace betwixt them and although they accorded not in the principall yet they concluded a truce betwixt them for tenne yearers Margarite the Emperors bastard-daughter after the death of the aforesaid Alexander is married vnto Octauian the Popes sonne in lawe Henry of England caused the Relickes of S. Thomas of Canterburie to be taken out of his Schrine and made them publikely to be burnt The Emperour and king Francis met at Aignes mortes in Languedoc and entertained one an other Charles d' Egmond Duke de Gueldres deceased very olde and William Duke of Cleues possessed his Countrey as well by the dead mans will as by the Nobilitie of the Countrey Castelubro a Towne of Illyrica in the gulfe of Ambracia is taken from the Turke by the Emperour and the Venetians allied together Touching this Pope Paul amongst a great number of his acts I will recite but this litle following that the world may know how great their sanctitie is which the Papists maintaine with an his voyce to be Peters succors and the Vicars of Iesus Christ This Paul was an Astrologian a Magician and Diuine and amongst his most familiars had one called Denis Seuila a Magician whom therefore afterward hee made a Cardinall with one named Gaurice of Portugall Cecius and Marcell Negromancians and wicked villaines Of these did hee enquire the fortune of himselfe and his bastards He got his red hatte in this maner Hee had a sister called Iulia Farnese which hee deliuered to Pope Alexander that hee might be a Cardinall and Bishop of Hostia and to finde meanes to pay his debts For those good Popes commonly are so inflamed with whoredome that they make no difficultie to promise redde hats and Bishopprickes to such as will bring them their sisters or else that which is more horrible their young bretheren to violate Many by such practises obtaine great riches fatte Benifices And as Agrippa saith there is no shorter way then that to come therevnto This murderer poysoned his mother and a Nephewe to this end that all the succession of the Farneses might fall vpon him Moreouer seeing the other of his sisters whose carnall company he had sometime had followed too openly the maners and conditions of them of the house of Farnese and that shee loued more the company of others then his hee poysoned her also Beeing a Legate in Marke d'Ancone in the time of Iulius the second hee most wickedly abused a maide issued of a noble house of that Towne For hee counterfeited and disguised himselfe feigning to bee one of the Gentlemen of the Legates house so vnder the colour of a promise to marrie her deflowred her Who after shee knew the truth what hee was and that shee was not his legitimate wife but his whore at the least by the Canon lawe shee became almost out of her wittes And of this marriage came that great Porteenseigne and Captaine of all Buggerers and Sodomites Peter Lewis As one Nicholas de Chesme found him one day adulterously abusing his wife Laurea Farnese who was the saide Pauls Neece hee wounded him so well with his dagger that hee carried the marke thereof all his life Hee slewe with poyson Bosuis Sforza the husband of his daughter Constance whom before hee had often vsed as his whore to the ende hee might more at his ease and with greater libertie enioy her This Dotard very tyrannously oppressed them of Peruse and droue from the Seignorie Ascanius Columne a very iust Prince This detestable Robber and Rouer tooke and vsurped for himselfe the Towne of Camer after hee had driuen away the Lady thereof which was a woman endowed with a rare and singular religion and prudence and did so much with his practises with Cardinalls that hee exchaunged the said Citie of Camer which was not his owne with the townes of Parme and Plaisance to the end to make his sonne Lewis Lord maister of them Which act afterward by a iust iudgement of God was cause of the death of the said Peter Lewis He often consulted with his Cardinalls how hee might hinder a Nationall Councell in Almaine and commaunded his Embassadors that they should enflame the hearts all Princes against the King of England Anne de Cleues sister of William Duke of Cleues is accorded in marriage to the king of England In the moneth of Maya Comete appeared in the ayre and almost the same day deceased Elizabeth the Emperours wife In August Castelnouo in Illirica is taken againe vpon the Emperor by Barbarosse the great Turkes Lieftenant almost all the garrison of the Spaniards slaine The Citizens of Gaunt rose vp against Mary Regent in the lowe Contries for the Emperour for which cause it was need-full for him to haste
at large in the booke of Martyrs which I haue set forth At the Iourney of Carignan in Piemont nigh Cirisolles the Emperialists vnder the conduction of Alphonsus Dauall are discomfited by the Prince d' Anguien The Emperour taketh againe Luxembourge by composition he taketh Ligni and the Castle after S. Dedier where Rene Prince of Aurange was stricken with a bullet and died to the great griefe of the Emperour Anthonie Duke of Lorraine died not so much of age as of griefe to see the warre so nigh him yea euen as it were in his Countrey Francis his sonne succeeded him who married the Emperours Neece The King of England laid siege before Bologne and in the end tooke it by composition The Emperor being incamped vpon the Riuer of Marne the Count Guillam de Furstemberge was taken by certaine French horsmen as he sounded the Watch. The Emperor being at Soisson made peace with the king of France the 24. of September In the moneth of March Lewis Palatin Elector deceased and had Frederic his brother his successor Henry de Brunswic a sworne enemie of all vertue making no account of Marie the sister of Vlrich Prince of Wittemberge his wife but giuing himselfe to an whore one of his wiues Damzells by whome hee had seuen children was accused by the Protestants in a full Audience of Estates the fift of Aprill and to the end the thing should be more secret they caused to be made an Image like to an whore by certane Apostate women when this was done they caused her to bee buried with great pompe and magnificences after they had made all the Priests thereabouts say Masses Vigills and all the Seruice accustomed to be done by the Papists at the buriall of their dead To this he had nothing to answere but remained confounded The King of France caused a Fort to be built vpon the sea banke nigh Bullen to hinder the victualling of the Towne holding his Armie thereabouts Charles Duke of Orleance the king of France his sonne who should haue bene sonne in lawe or in other alliance of the Emperour the ninth day of September beeing of the age of 23. yeares was taken away by a malladie which held him but fewe dayes Guillam de Fustemberge prisoner at Paris after he had payed 30000. Skutes for his raunsome was set at libertie in the lowe Countrie with the Emperour who honourably and amiably receiued him The Sorbonists of Paris were assembled at Mèlun by the Kings commaundement to determine of Articles to propose at the Councell After long disputation they thought it best wholy to followe them which they had lately caused to be disputed on at Paris The Theologians at Louaine writ 32. Articles of the same subiect that they of Paris Peter Bridly minister in the Church of the Straungers at Strasbourge was secretly called vnto Tornay by such as were there desirous of the Gospell after hee had some litle while caught there the 19. of Februarie he was cruelly burnt with a litle fire See the booke of Martyrs Francis Duke of Lorraine died leauing a sonne a litle child The Bishop of Mets his Vncle and his mother were appointed his Tutors The daughter of Ferdinand married to the sonne of the king of Poland dyeth also This Pope Paul had assigned the Councell of Trent as is said not to remedie the euills of Christianitie for the tranquilitie of consciences or to place Religion in a good seate and estate to the honor and glory of God but to tread vnder feet his truth and to oppresse the Ministers of his word In which place seeing that he did not all he would the yeare 1546. vnder colour that the ayre was there corrupted he transported himself vnto Boulongne to the end by that meane hee might the better take away all libertie from Christians to say their opinions and to hinder the reformation of the Church This Antichrist raised horrible and straunge warres against the seruants of God pursuing them by fire sword imprisonments and all other sorts of punishments Yea he spared not his Cardinalls namely Fulger and Contarien after they had tasted the sauour of the word of God nor the Bishop of Pontus Iohn Baptist nor his brother Paulus Vergerius Bishop of Iustinopoli The chiefe amongst the tormentors were his Nephewes the Cardinall Farnese and Octaua Duke of Parma his brother which beyond all measure glorying therein the yeare of our Lord Iesus Christ 1546. as they were vpon their departure frō Italie into Almaine to make warre vpon the Protestants they vaunted brauely and fiercely that they would make such an effusion of the Lutherans bloud that their horses should swim therin And the meane while that good holy Father Paul tooke his pleasure with his daughter Constance after the old maner They say also that that old man stinking as a Goate sollicited to whoredome an other his Niece who was a very honest maide and no lesse laudable for her honestie and chastitie then for her excellent beautie This Pope as Baleus saith had in his Tables the number of 45000. whores whereof he exacted euery moneth tribute to the end they might haue libertie to exercise their whoredome and as saith the booke intituled Eusebius Captiue they are greatly esteemed they kisse the Popes feete they talke very familiarly with him they frequent day and night with him But such as trust onely in Iesus Christ and embrace the true doctrine are held by the Pope for heretickes and of him are banished set in prisons and stockes and punished by fire sword and Gallies The Elector Palatin reformed in his Countrey the doctrine and Popish ceremonies and receiued the Gospell The Conference of Reiusbourge is held See Sleidan The 7. of Ianuary the Councell began at Trent Alliance betwixt the Pope and the Emperour concluded the 26. of Iune to reduce the Almaines vnto the obedience of the Pantople The Pope binding himselfe to deliuer 200000. Ducats into the hands of the Venetians Moreouer to furnish ten thousand footemen Italians and fiue hundreth light-horsemen waged for sixe moneths Moreouer permitting the Emperour to sell of the reuenew of the Monasteries of Spaine to the valew of 100000. Crownes and to take the moitie of all Ecclesiasticall liuings In the end a peace was made betwixt the kings of France and England vpon conditiō that Bologne should remaine English vntil the king had payed the siluer by him promised On Satterday the 7. of August of this yeare 1546. the Towne of Maligues was in such sort handled with Thunder and Lightning that of long time there had not bene seene the like The Thunderbolt fell vpon a Tower called Saderpoort that is to say the gate of Canon powder where there was more then 800. Barels of Gunpowder which being on a flame augmented the tempest and first laid on the earth that which was about it after it so embraced the Towne that without abundance of raine mingled with the thunder it was thought
all should haue bene consumed by fire The next morning which was Sunday there was found so many dead bodies stinking that in all hast of necessitie a great ditch was made to burie them by Cartfulls Of wounded there were found more then an hundreth and fiftie A woman great with child was found stiffled who being opened the childe receiued baptisme A damzel casting her selfe out of a bed to open a windowe in the streete called Blochstranssem the tempest so cut off her necke that the head hung at the remaining skinne a very sad and horrible spectacle In a corner of a street where is the Pallace Bernard a Tauerner called Croes beeing discended into a Seller to drawe Beere for his ghuests of which one company were playing at Cardes the house in a moment was throwne on the earth and the gamesters ouerwhelmed wth their Cardes in their hands none of that house remained safe but the Host by meanes of the vaulted Caue or Seller into which he was discended Three or foure dayes after this accident there were many found in Caues and Sellers which were dead of hunger others stiffled others lay in traunses and swounds with feare and incredible stench of the thunder There was a man and a woman found that were carried away and hanged betwixt the braunches of a Tree The Towne which before was adorned with exquisite buildings was now altogether disfigured and as it were rent in peeces The Suburbes of Neckerfpful was almost all ruinated The Pallace of Bergues and that of Madame Margarite and the Emperours were cleane ouerthrowne The house of Lombards they are they which lend siluer to vsurie from top to bottome was ruinated The Hosterie of the Postmaister was destroyed and the stable with the horses were all carried away One part of the Monasterie of the Augustines and of the Temples and Churches of the Towne were broosed and broken downe And if the storme had not broken his forces in the ouerthrowe of the house of the Count d'Hostrat there had beene no likelihood that any house in the Towne or thereabouts had remained whole There were found many hewen stones throwne by the Tempest sixe hundreth paces off to the great damage of the places where they fell The glasse windowes through all the streetes were broken The fall of Tyles and the cry of persons was horrible and fearefull Thus the Lord sometimes makes men feele his terrible and fearfull power In Iune the Emperour sent the Cardinall of Trent to Rome to conclude that cōfederacie with the Pope who had now deliuered siluer to the Captaines of warre for the warre in Almaine On the other side the Duke of Saxe and the Lantgraue leuied people in all haste The Emperor being demanded the causes of the warre he answered it was onely meant against rebells culpable of treason He sent Embassadors to the Swisses praying them to remaine stil in their auncient amity And that hee onely determined to chastice certaine mutinous people The Protestants purposed in August to besiege Seiusbourge so meaning to fight against the Emperor but as they passed leisurely ten thousand footmē of Italie came to the Emperors succours the last of August and 500. horsmen whose Captaine was Octauius Farnese the Popes sonne in lawe The Count de Bure who had leuied people in the lowe Countries passed Phine in the moneth of August nigh Mets and in September ioyned himselfe to the Emperour Great troupes of the Popes friends of all estates ranne vnto the Councell of Trent In the number of which amongst others were two notable Archbishops the one of Vspale in the Countrey of the Gothes called Olaus the great and the other of Armacane in Ireland They were poore Archbishops which had litle but winde and smoake of Archbishops and were entertained of the Pope at fifteene crownes a moneth and therefore thought hee good they should be at this Councell vnder those titles and to take place amongst others that the world might beleeue that there were yet found in farre Countries as Gothia and Ireland people which reuerence his name and submit themselues to his obedience Herman Archbishop of Colongne by the counsell and aduice of his Estates and of his meer will surrendred and gaue ouer his estate of a Prince and his Electorship and withall remitted vnto the people the oath of fidelitie wherby they were bound vnto him Adolp Schauembourge is chosen in his place who straight chaunged Religion through all the Countrey of Colongne At Genes a sedition rose vp The Count Fliscan was Captaine of them who fell into the sea and was drowned whereby the furie of the seditious was much lessened Yet the Lord Ioanuin d' Aure was there cut in peeces The Emperour laid the cause vpon the Farneses and amongst others vpon Peter Lewis Duke of Plaisance Henry king of England dyed about the end of Ianuarie hauing instituted Edward his sonne of the age of nine yeares and after him he substituted Mary his daughter by his first wife and after her Elizabeth by his second wife Vnder this young King Edward the doctrine of the Pope was driuen out of England and the Gospell put in the place by the authoritie of the Duke of Sommerset his Tutor and Vncle by the mothers side and of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie The Councell of Trent diuided some of the venerable Fathers retired to Bolongne because a Phisitian who was in the Popes wages told them that the aire of Trent was not wholesome The other Bishops which were vnder the Emperors obedience remained at Trent A sedition at Naples of the Bourgesses against the Spaniards because that Peter de Tolledo Viceroy sought to bring in the Spanish Inquisition concerning Religion The last of March Francis king of France after hee had raigned 32. yeares died at Ramboillet Henry 2. of that name his son succeeded him in this yeare and the same day he was borne that is to say the last of March. Anne de Montmourancie now hauing bene absent from the Court sixe yearers was againe called Such as before were in honour and credit some were laid in prison others were deposed or lost their credit and honour Peter Martir a Florentine professor of Theologie is called from Strasbourge into England and Bernardin Ochinus a man renowmed in Ilalie for his eloquence Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus the last king of Hungarie and Boheme the wife of Ferdinand king of the Romanes a fertile mother for children died about this time The 24. of Aprill the Emperor vsing extreame diligence and subtiltie passed the Riuer of Abis and suddenly tooke the Duke of Saxonie who hauing but a weake Armie was discomfited and be himselfe after he had fought all the day wounded in the left cheeke was taken and carried away prisoner The seuenth of May the Emperor condemned him to be beheaded yet at the earnest intercession of the Elector of Brandebourge he yeelded him his life and in the place thereof
I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
Conrad Gesner of Zurich a Phisitian learned in the tongues and humane sciences laborious and painfull amongst others and who very diligently writ a perfect and full historie of all beastes foules fishes and creeping things died also in the moneth of December leauing infinite other writings in all sorts of litterature alreadie Imprinted and others to Imprint About the end of this yeare the King Phillip sent from Spaine into the lowe Countries an Edict wherby he ordained that the auncient and new placarts against them of the Religion should be executed that the Inquisition shuld be throughly established and the Inquisitors fauoured in the exercise of their charge that the decrees of the Councell of Trent should be receiued and obserued from point to point These Letters Patents were the cause of all the troubles following and not yet ended The 7. day of Ianuary 1566. Michael Gillier a Monke of Lombardie being come from one degree to an other till he was Cardinall finally was chosen Pope and called himselfe Pius the fift The 21. day of the said moneth the Emperour Maximilian second of that name held his first Imperiall Iourney at Ausbourge where the affaires of Religion was handled Frederick Count Palatin de Rhene and chiefe Elector of the Empire a Christian and magnanimous Prince constantly maintained the pure doctrine and the true reformation established in his Countrey by meanes whereof he made himselfe redoughted of all such is resisted him either openly or secretly and was well beloued of the Emperour and of the greatest in Almaine He was then accompanied with the Prince Cassimere his sonne who kept him good company and a great company of the Nobilitie In the moneth of March and in the other following hapned great troubles in Scotland and finally the King himselfe was strangled in the night and the chamber wherein hee was ouerthrowne with Cannon powder An Earle of that Realme espowsed his widow but being ouerthrowne in battaile by the Nobilitie he fled out of the Realme The Queene thingking to saue her selfe in France was stayed prisoner in England Iames the sixt the sonne of her and her slaine husband at this present King of Scotland of the age of fifteene or sixteene yeares is a Prince of great hope In the same moneth of March at the Imperiall Iourney at Ausbourge the Emperour there assisting it was decreed that the affaires of Religion should remaine in their present estate but for the affaires of the Empire they prouided especially for the warre against the Turkes In the beginning of Aprill certaine great Lords and Gentlemen of the low Countries leagued themselues in good number against the Inquisition pretending the same to be contrary to the liberties of the lowe Countrie The people banded themselues and the Assemblies of them of the Religion began to encrease In so much that the fourth of May there was publike preaching at Antwerpe without the Towne fiue weekes after within the said Towne At the same time such as were leagued against the Inquisition were surnamed les Gueux The cause hereof was for that some of the principalls going to present a request to the Councell of the estate the Sieur de Barlaimont their aduersary said to an other Councellor that sate nigh him Voici mes Gueux Great and litle after that tooke a deuise wearing apparell of gray cloath and peeces of money about their necke hauing on the one side the kings Image and on the other side a beggers dish with this Inscription Faithfull to the king euen to the begers dish In the moneth of Iune Iuly and the other following fell a sharpe warre in Hungary against the Turkes but the end was not very good for the Hungarians and Almaines lost many men in diuers encounters also many strong holdes especially at Zigeth which was besieged by Soliman himselfe who dyed a fewe dayes before the taking thereof Selim the second of that name succeeded his father Soliman was acknowledged and crowned Emperour of the Turkes in the moneth of September and soone after transported himself into Hungarie to prouide for the affaires of that warre and then straight departed towards Constantinople leauing one of his B●ss●es called Pertaw to continew who with a puissant Armie of Turkes and Tartarians forraged Hungarie and Transyluania committing very straunge saccagements and cruelties The Vainoda of Transyluania called this Bassa to his succours to recouer certaine places occupied by the Hungarians but perceiuing such succours did wholly ruinate ouerthrow himself he sound means to surprize the Tartarians cut them all in peeces and so dissipated all that Turkish Armie first himselfe beeing well chastifed for drawing such people into his Countrey Iohn Functius a learned Chronographer amongst all them of our time Matthias Horst and Iohn Shnell Ministers of the Gospell at Conigsprucke in Pruse were beheaded the 28. of October for the crime of conspiracie against the Prince Albert who had established the Osiandrisme that is to say the dreames and errors of one Andrew Osiander concerning Christian righteousnesse and other points of Diuinitie which errour these three maintained and would haue reuenged themselues of Albert who had purged his Countrey of that infection The death of Soliman the great whip of Christendome gaue some release vnto Almaine Selim preparing himselfe to make warre vpon Venetians but the Emperour decreed a new warre within Almaine it selfe against Frederick of Saxonie sonne of the dead Elector taken in battaile by Charles the fift The cause heereof was that Iohn Frederick supported and gaue refuge vnto William Grembach and other Gentlemen which were banished out of the Empire because of the murder of Melchior Zobel Bishop of Wirthbourge Augustus Elector Duke of Saxony the Cosin-germaine of Iohn Frederick had the charge of this warre whervnto he prepared himselfe in the moneths of October and Nouember and about the end of the yeare he laid siege before the Towne of Goth where there was a Citadell or Castle one of the strangest in Almaine Iohn Frederick Grombach and others were there which sustained the siege certaine moneths They of the Religion encreased maruellously in Flaunders Brabant and in many other Prouinces of the lowe Countries and their affaires got so forward that the 20. day of August the Images in the Churches of Antwerpe were broken in peeces The Images of other Townes were vsed incontinently after the like handling euen with an incredible swiftnesse by the simple people with such an astonishment of euery one that none of the Magistrates opposed themselues against them William de Nassau Prince of Orange Gouernour of Antwerpe hauing done what he could to hold things in an euennesse and considering that it should be impossible for him to withstand the tempest which he sawe comming gaue place to the time and resolued to retire himselfe into Almaine admonishing other Lords to do the like seeing men made account to think vpon meanes to conserue the priuiledges of the
haue bene a continual prisoner then to be deliuered after such maner D. Chytraeus Two things gaue an alarum to he League one the assembly at Mountauban the other the voyage of the D. d'Espernon to the K. of Nauarre which it tooke as brands to kindle her fire and began to send out Commissions in all places in the kings name who disauouched them prohibited the raising of souldiers The first point of their disliking shewed the reason which mooued the Cardinall of Bourbon the Princes Lords Townes and Commons beeing Catholickes to oppose themselues against the heretikes Secondly because they were offended that the Parliament which they would haue had to be holden concerning warres to be made against the Huguenots had beene reuoked Thirdly to breake the Edict of pacification Fourthly because they stood in feare that if the King should die without children there would rise great trouble for the succession of the Crowne whereof the King of Nauarre had great hope since the death of Monsieur the kings brother by the practice of his friends and fauourers of the king Fiftly because of the great preparations of warre made both within and without the Realme that should be readie by the 15. of Aprill then next ensuing to execute that which they said had beene concluded in an assembly at Magdebourge the 15. of December 1584. against y e religion the king and his subiects by the which it was agreed that the Queen of England should furnish 5000. Rutters 4000. Switzers 12000. English Count Palatine Prince Cassamire and the D. Pomeranie each of them 4000 Rutters The Lantgraue of Hesse two thousand 500. The Duke of Wittemberge 2000. The Lords of their League besides the Queene of Englands Forces 5000. Switzers The Kings Protector and Consull of Scotland 2000. Scots The King of Nauarre the Prince of Conde their Associats twentie and fiue thousand Harquebusiers and 4000. horse that had sworne neuer to make peace with the King of France but with all their consents to maintaine the Prince of Orange in the lowe Countries against the King of Spaine and to helpe the Emperour to get the Domaines of the Empire withholden by the Pope and to send their deputies from all places in the moneth of March to Basill and Switzerland there to determine the differences of the Lords Supper Sixtly because those of the religion would not yeeld vp the Townes by them held for the assurance of the execution of the Edict of peace Seuenthly because of the vniuersall abuse suffered in placing of Officers in leauying of monies and by inuention of excessiue oppressions laid vpon the people And lastly against such as at abusing the Kings fauour and authoritie had in a manner seazed vpon his person impeached the ordinary accesse of honest men vnto him consumed the Kings treasures braued the Nobilitie out of the libertie of iustice spoiled the Cleargie of their Tithes and perswaded the King that it was necessary for his seruice to weaken and diminish the authoritie of the Catholicke Princes and Lords Vpon these iust occasions they said they were forced to meete in armes H. of Fr. The League made warre against the Huguenots seazing vpon the best Townes of the Catholickes in all the Realme Religion was preached in Guyenne and they went to driue it out of Picardie the Huguenots were Rochell and the Leagues Army marched straight to Paris they were at Mountpellier and the League set vpon Marsaille which by meanes of the second Consull of the Towne they tooke who afterward was hanged Antwerpe a Citie Brabant the most famous Towne of all Belgia and Europe after Alexander Farnese Duke of Parma had stopped their passage by the Riuer by the space almost of an whole yeare constrained by famine and the daily tumult of the common people who desired peace returned to the obedience of the king of Spaine yeelded to the Duke vpon very meane conditions On the 26. of Iune arriued at London Deputies for the Estates of the Netherlands or lowe Countries and on the 29. of the same they came to Greenwich where by vertue of their commission from the vnited Countries they presented to her Maiestie the soueraigntie of those Countries to wit of Brabant but the commission for the siege of Antwerpe not fully authorised of Gelder of Flaunders Holland Friseland Zeland and Vtrick I. Hooker The Queene of England of her most gracious compassion and mercie tooke into her protection and defence the estate of Poland and Zeland Syr Frances Drake Generall of the English Nauie tooke his voyage to the coasts of Spaine and America that thereby hee might weaken the power of king Phillip hee tooke the greene Promontory where the ships that are to goe to America lie at Roade Then came he to Hispaniola an Iland of S. Domingo in the beginning of Ianuary where he stirred vp the slaues of Affrica and Aethiopia who had there their Colonies and were so cruelly handled that many times in dispaire they offered violence to themselues to fight for their libertie who being armed by thē killed the Spaniards and deliuered vp the I le He tooke all their gold which was ready shipped for Spaine 254. peeces of Ordinance and returned richly laden with gold into England before Autumne with 23. ships D. Chytraeus At this time was the conspiracie of Anth. Babington Salisbury Tytchbourne Abington c. against our most gracious Soueraigne incited thereto by Mary Q. of Scots who for this traiterous attempt were arraigned conuicted condemned executed according to the law made for traitors A great victory hapned to the Queen in Ireland against the E. of Arrane and L. Feruhurst who were banished out of Scotland These practised with the Guise the Spaniards brought with thē 3000. Scots into Ireland and at Conocke they were put to the sword by S. Ri. Bingā gouernor of that prouince Chytraeus Vpon the 8. day of September Robert E. of Leicester accompanied with diuers honorable personages Captaines and souldiers with a traine to the number of 50. sailes of ships and hoyes set forward toward Flushing where he was princely entertained by Graue Maurice second son to the deceased Prince of Orange I. Hooper The Pope excommunicated the King of Nauarre the Prince of Conde declaring him incapable to the succession of the Crowne of France abandoning his person and his Countries for a pray to such as could obtaine it but they sleigthly regarding it opposed themselues against it The K. of Nauarre complained himselfe to all the estates of France in that they had caused the succession of a king being yet aliue to be decided in the Court of Rome made the title of a Prince of the bloud to be iudged by the Pope and suffered the Consistorie to giue that which belonged not vnto them he sent his Letters to the Cleargie the Nobilitie and the Commons The Princes of Germanie that sought to aide such as were of their religion perceiuing France to
King of the Vandales persecuteth the Christians and dieth of vermine 472 Hospitalls 164 Hospitall of the holy Ghost builded at Rome 474 Hospitaliers called the knights of S. Iohn of Porsale 321 H. K. of Nauarre 643 Heluetians 658 Huguenots 667 H. the 3. K. of France 669 H. 4. King of France crowned 686 He is absolued of the Pope 691 Hussites do reiect all humane traditions 221. Are assaulted by Sigismond Emperour and the Pope 691 Hypona besieged by the Vandales 346 I IAcobius founded vpon Pope Honorius his dreame 351 Iacobius of Berne 494 Idolatrie finds the Pope a defender thereof 209 Idolatry of them of Gaunt 228 Idolatrie of Chaplets 362 Iohn Baptist preacheth 4 Iohn Apostle and Euangelist dyeth 27 Iohn of Antioche heretike and a Iew compiled the Alicoran 190 Iohn king of England subiected his Crowne to the Pope 227 Ignatius cast to beasts 31 Innocent the first 146 Iohn the 1. Pope 167.2.169 Iohn surnamed Teutonicus opposeth himself against the Popes demaunding of tenthes in Almaine 421 Iohn Duke of Britaine slain with a wall 262 Iohn 22. an heretike 392 Iohn de Roquetaillade martyred 421 Iohn Colunban and Frances Vincent the first Iesuites 417 Iohn Wickliffe 443 Iohn Gerson 443 Iohn Hus commendeth the doctrine of Wickliffe to the people 426 Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage go to the Councel and are burned 442. Their death Ibid. Iohn 24. saluted of an Owle is much troubled 440. Hee flyeth from the Councell of Constance Iohn Paleoleauge Emp. of Constantinople 400 Iohn Guttenberge inuentor of Printing 455 Iohn Pusters Called Gurman and Peter Sheffert sell their printing Ibid. Iohn Huniades escapes from the battaile 372. Dyeth Ibid. Iohn Iustinian of Geneua beheaded 391 Iohn an English man burnt 479 Iohn Fissers author of the repentants order 364 Iohn Picus Prince of Miradula 297 Iohan of Orleance a maide burnt 448 Ierome died 149 Ierome Sauanaroll burned 229 Iulius Max. Emperor slaine 54 Iust. of faith 147 Iulius Philipp Emperour 57 Ierusalem diuided into 2. Sects 4 Is in sedition 6. Left of the Christians is besieged 22. Horrible famine 23 Ierusalem taken 23 Ierusalem changeth the name 34 Ierusalem taken by Cosroes king of the Persians 121 Ierusalem taken by the Mahometists 282 Ierusalem taken by the Christians 299 Ierusalem raced euē to the foundations 92 Images broken 57. Taken out of Churches 29. Restored Ibid. Taken away and burnt forbidden to honor them vpon paine of death 54. Throwne downe by Sabin K. of Bulgaria Ibid. Images and paintings abolished in Churches 223 Images set vp by Hyren 223. Impugned by Charlemaine Ibid. Imbert Dauphin of Viēna makes himselfe a Iacobin 426 Indians brought to the Romane Church promise to keepe the Sacrament of confirmatiō 439 Indulgences do penetrate euen to such as are in purgatory 498 Inuention to pray for the dead 122 Inuestatures agreed to Henry reuoked 239 Inuestatures resigned to Pope Calixtus 25 Ionathes high Priest slaine by Ioseph 49 Ioseph the Historiographer 26 Iouinian a Christian Emper. 122 Iesuites originall 417 Ireneus is slaine 50 Isaach Exarch ratifieth the election of Stephen 123 Italy and Burgoine subiected to Arnulphe 100 Italy the sea of seditions 224 Italy in great factions 427 Italy gouerned by three Cardinalls hauing the power of Senators 361 Italy afflicted by the Turkes 373 Iubile first 299 Iubile remitted to fiftie yeares 412 Celebrated at Rome Ibid. Iubile of 25. yeares to 25 yeares Iubile celebrated by Alexander the 6. 371 Iohn de Austria 623 Iohannes Basilides 649 Iames king of Scots besieged and taken 660 Innocent 9. 678 His death Ibid. Irish rebellion 630 Iewes and Leonards punished for poysoning waters 406 Iewes crucifie a Christian chude 466 Iulian Medices slaine in hearing Masse 396 Iustin Emperour 166 Iustin the Pelagian dieth out of his wits 225 Iustinian seduced by Antsenius to depart from his error Ibid. Iustinian compileth the Romane lawes 171 Dieth of phrenzie Iustinian Emperor breaketh his faith giuen to the Sarasins 222 Sent inta exile Ibid. Kisseth the Popes feet 230. His head is cut off Iul. an Emp. 100. His death 122 K KIngdome of Cyprus 473. Of Aragon made a pray by the Pope King of Bulgaria dooth receiue the faith 251 King of the Romans Emp. diuers names but of one substance 460 King Phillip 2. 635 King of Nauarre excommunicated 657 King Phillip displeased with the Pope 670 He dieth 708 King of Er● excōmunicated 668 King of France conuerted 683 L LAntgraues 366 Lambert Bishop of Liege rebuketh Pepin for adultery 274 Lewis 184 Laudo Pope 264 Lansrancus the first author of Transubstantiation 285 Laurence Deacon of Rome suffereth Martyrdome 68 Laurentius Valla 245 Laurence de Medices excommunicated 333 Legends of Saints forged 182 Leger Bishop martyred 320 Leo Emperour burneth Images 257 Leo Emp. of Constantinople slain in his Pallace 343 Leontius and Tiberius Emperors beheaded 376 Letanies the great instituted 154 Leuites 5 Libertie to preach the Gospell in France 215 Liberius the Arrian canonized 256 Lombards raigned in Italy 262 Lombards haue the Empire conuerted to the faith 279 They occupie the Exarchate Linus 20. His death 25 Libraries 95 Licinius Emperour 81 Longin Gracian the first Exarch in Italy 176 Lotharius dieth a Monke 277 Lewis Debonaire giueth power to the Romane Cleargie to elect the Pope 345 Lewis sonne of king Phillip first came to Artois 301 Lewis S. marketh blasphemers with an hotte Iron 299 Lewis Emperour declared heretike by the Pope 297 Crowned by 2. Senators of Rome Ibid. Giueth a reason of his faith 390 Lewis Archbishop brake his neck in a daunce 154 Lewis Duke of Orleance murdered at Paris 453 Leo the 10. Pope 153 Lucian the Apostate 30 Lucius king of England receiued the faith 44 Lucius B. of Rome martired 564 Lucrece daughter wife daughter in law to the Pope 484 Luitprandus king of Lombards besiegeth Rome 297 Leopold D. of Austriche takes the King of England prisoner 322 Lupus Bishop of Troy approueth Letanies 167 Luquois entreateth the libertie of their common-wealth 312 Liuonia or Lisland conuerted to the faith 362 Lēt attributed to Telesephorus 35 First Lent in England 194 Lotharius Emperour 233 Liberius Emperour 113 Luther 106. Excommunicated 504 Lewis Beltram Friar 671 M MAhomet an Arabian a false Prophet 189. Adored after his death 221 Mahomets Alcaron 190 His Paradise lawes and ceremonies Ibid. Mahomet and the Pope conferred together 192 Mahometists take Ierusalem 282 Maister of the Synagogue 52 Mancinellus 486 Manes heretike broiled aliue 99 Manichees books burnt at Ro. 27 Manicheus againe condemned are cast out of Rome 151 Mantell episcopall 253 Marke preacheth in Egypt 15 Marke the Euangelist dyeth 19 Marcelline offereth a graine of incense to Idolls 203 Marcian heretike 40 Marcion heretike 38 Margarite Queene of Nauarre condemned to perpetual prison for fornication 375 Marriage publike 30 Mariage forbidden to Priests 91 Mary the mother of our Lord dyeth 15 Martian Emperor slaine 149 Martine Empresse hath her tongue cut out 216 Marcell Bishop
THE Estate of the Church With the discourse of times from the Apostles vntill this present Also of the liues of all the Emperours Popes of Rome and Turkes As also of the Kings of Fraunce England Scotland Spaine Portugall Denmarke c. With all the memorable accidents of their times Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike Gentleman LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede 1602. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPfull Syr VVilliam VVray of Glentworth in the Countie of Lincolne Knight THis worke Right Worshipfull called the Estate of the Church from the beginning of the raigne of the Emperour Augustus to the first yeare of Rodolph the second now liuing First written in French by I. Crispinus and lately translated into our mother tongue by a Gentleman of desert at the request of my very friends I haue bene intreated to propagate to this present time For him although some hold that translation is not capable of that elegance as is the original because the one hath full libertie of inuentiō the other is by necessitie tyed to obseruation yet in my opinion the Author hereof for his faithfull significant indeuour therin hath deserued to be ranked with the choisest inuentions For my selfe in the continuation as I haue alwaies in matters of small consequence shewed the mightie perturbation of my mind feare so in this labour of extraordinary moment especially in presuming of protection vnder your worships patronage I am confounded since the shewe of my deuotion is begun with so meane a sacrifice for to this heape I haue onely added an handfull In the whole discourse is set downe at large the originall of Papacie that slaughter-house of consciences the aduancing increasing therof the beginnings of all heresies the persecutions of the faithfull the chaunge of religions the decrees and Councells of Bishops the Canonie and lawes of the Church The iudiciall knowledge wherof is a light illuminating the blindnesse of soules and deliuering them from the more then Cimerian darkenesse of ignorance This rectifieth the iudgement of man and teacheth him rightly to distinguish between true Religion and superstition who both haue one ground which is his soule This prospectiue shewing the spots and errors of the Church of Rome with the darke sullen colours of hypocrisie heresie which two venemous wormes like snakes do poyson and infect the florishing estate of a setled Church will manifest the right Diaphonia and concord thereof But iealous of this ouer-boldnesse I take my leaue humbly dedicating my poore labours to your Worships true-iudicial consideratiō desiring withal your gentle hand of approbation to this essentiall testimony of my most dutious loue Your Worships humbly at commaund IOHN CRISPIN to the Church of Iesus Christ SVch as apply their spirites to collect Histories ought to look vnto this principall marke to propose as in a glasse the power wisedome iustice and admirable bountie of the liuing and eternall God to the ende hee may lesse nothing among men of that which appertaineth vnto him As indeed he proposeth and setteth out nothing in the world be it in the person of kings or of such as be of base condition wherein he meanes not to shew that it is hee which setteth his hands to all things that men may learne to depend vpon him to hope for all good things at his hands and to honour and tremble vnder his iudgements When we see an Historie that some kingdome hath bin established and brought into good estate which before was dissipated diuided or else that some man hath bene deliuered from some great calamity and hath recouered some prosperitie behold heere is a glasse to let them know which reade such things what good and happie issue they may attend at Gods hands after long and troublesome calamities if they trust in him Againe if we encounter such an example that a Common-wealth which otherwise was of no great force to resist many enterprises attempted against it yet it standeth fast only making it selfe strong vpon the succours it looked for at Gods hands behold here a Painter to represent vnto vs liuely with what wisedome God worketh breaking the counsels of the proud which abuse their power to confound and oppresse such in the middest of which he hath established his seate to be honoured Moreouer when such witnesses appeare as the greatnes force magnificence the long spreading stretching of great Monarchies cannot often hinder but all this hath bin ouerthrowne or at the least comen to some decay this is an other portrait which should make vs thinke vpon the admirable iudgements of God raigning who therein shewe euidently has strong and outstretched arme from aboue and would giue men to know that if he can reduce and bring to nothing powers established in so apparant assurance farre more easily can he ouerthrow euery arrogant and proud head to the end there may be no humaine creature of what condition or estate soeuer it be which trembleth not in the consideration of such wonderfull iudgements Moreouer so many chaunges and straunge mutations which the discourse of time bringeth vs do demonstrate vnto vs what may be the assurance and felicitie of all the frame of the world and what may be the common condition of men As indeed there is nothing so well gouerned vnder the Sunne be it neuer so well ordeined and established which is not subiect to diuers chaunges We see the Crownes of kings fall downe to the earth the scepters of Emperours bruised yea broken in pieces the glory of Common-weales fade and decaie but ambitiō proud ingratitude insatiable auarice of such as were ordeined to rule and acknowledged not God are the cause of such ouerthrowes and mutations But since all men seeke to finde some firme estate wherein they may subsist stand the reading of such examples should bring them to behold their God who is the firmitie assurance of all things and without whom nothing can remaine firme one minute of time And as he hath shewed this assurance in the middest of his Church against all tempests and stormes and against all the assaults machinations of Antichrists as is clearly shewed in this present collection so should this bee the refuge of euery one to finde out that hee would seeke for The Church may well be shaken but it can neuer be ouerthrowne for it leaneth vpon the foundation of the truth of God It may be tossed by tempests waues stormes but her ancre ascendeth euen to heauen and is sure held by the hand of him which cannot be remoued out of his place But contrary men perceiue not the stormes and tempests which are to settle and sinke the great kingdomes of the world yet it is so that without being shaken they fall vanish away as of thē selues But the spirituall kingdome of the sonne of God which is his Church ought not to be esteemed after the daungers of this present life for it is
he liued for a great Priest Montanus was of Phrygia of a Towne called Ardaba Hee called himselfe the Paraclet Hee forbadde marriage and inuented and instituted Fastes Against those Heretickes writte Apollinaris Hierapolitaine and before him Milciades and Apollonius Appelles the Disciple of Marcian whome Theodotius called the great Hereticke put a beginning to God Also that Christ appeared in a fantasticke bodie Tatianus and his followers Encratites and Seuerians in this time These abstained from all kindes of flesh and drunke no wine They blamed Marriage as well as fornication They cast off the Epistles both of S. Paul and S. Peter The Doctrine of Christian libertie beganne at this time to bee greatly obscured and by little and little the errour tooke encrease For although yet there was no forbidding to vse the good thinges or God yet the Historie of Alcibiades recited in Eusebius Booke 5. Chap. 3. sheweth that by little and little men beganne to place a certaine Religion in seruices forged at pleasure This Alcibiades was one of the Martyres which suffered death in Gaul vnder Marcus Antonius Verus the Emperour Hee vsed to liue so austerely as hee did eate onely bread and drunke water In so much that beeing in prison hee would vse no other diet Attalus a Romane a man renowned amongst the Martyrs being also imprisoned shewed Alcibiades a better way and brought him to this point that after hee vsed indifferently the creatures of God without scruple and with thankesgiuing Eleutherius borne in Greece at Nicopolis ruled at Rome 15. yeares and more Hee made a commaundement against the heresie of the Seuerans which then raigned that no Christian for any ceremonie should reiect any sort of meates whereof there is an accustomed vse Also that none should be dismissed of his Office vnlesse first hee be accused and conuinced of crime That Bishops should finish nothing in an accusation intended against a Bishop without knowledge of the Pope but they might determine by Sentences the causes of other Church people That a Clarke may not be drawne into any cause but before his Bishop from whom if there were cause of suspition he might appeale Christian Religion then greatly augmented and came into farre greater suertie then before Lucius King of England and his Countrey receiued the Faith Many Nobles of Rome with their wiues and children were conuerted and Baptized The said Lucius left his Kingdome and went to preach the Faith first in France after in Almaine where hee was martyred Smyrna in Asia whereof Policarpus was Bishop was ouerthrowne by Earthquake and for the repaire of it tributes and tallages were laid Commodus the 18. Emperour raigned 13. yeares cruel luxurious incestuous of his owne Neeses hee held in his Pallaice three hundreth Concubines and three hundreth buggering boyes In a wicked rage he slew Lucilla his sister Being at the hot houses and but pricked with a Flea he cast the maister of the house into the Furnace Ireneus Bishop of Lions flourished The Temple of Serapis burnt in Alexandria The Capitoll at Rome and the Librarie burnt by lightning Apollonius a Senator of Rome accused to be a Christian presented to the Senate a booke conteining a defence of the Christians He was beheaded because the Imperiall lawe had so ordeined it Heereby appeares that Popes or Bishops of Rome were not as at this present they are Apollonius a man of authoritie could not shunne the sentence of death onely because he was a Christian hauing so many friends at Rome The Imperiall Lawe then was that such as were in Iudgement conuicted to be Christians should be punished with death Commodus made die many Noble persons It is recited in the History of the Martyrs of Gaule that the Painims sollicited and by torments constrained the seruants of Christians to confesse of their maisters things impossible once to be imagined Namely that they did eate the flesh of litle children that they committed paldiardizes and whoredomes such as is vnlawfull to name In so much as they which before had vsed some moderation in Christians causes gaue themselues greater licence to exercise crueltie against them This happened at Lions and at Vienne Eusebius reciteth it in his Epistle of the faithfull of Lions and of Vienne in Chap. 1. of the 5. booke At Rome the Pallace and the Temple of Vesta and of Peace and the greatest part of the Towne was consumed by fire Commodus the 13. yeare of his Empire was strangled of the age of 32. yeares by the counsell of Martia his chiefe Concubine who fauoured the Christians and other her friends which he had condemned to death because they shewed him certain his insolencies but they by this meanes preuented him and little there wanted that the bodie of this Tyrant was not drawne into Tyber by the common people Aelius Pertmax the ninteenth Emperour held the Empire by the space of sixe moneths His couetousnesse caused his death for retaining his souldiers wages He was of the age of seuentie yeares Didius Inhanus of Millaine 20. Emperour raigned foure or seuen or two moneths as some say Hauing slaine his predecessor hee was slaine of his Successor of the age of 56. yeares For his auarice he was hated of all Some say he was slaine by a souldier of little estimation within his Pallaice Victor Bishop of Rome borne in Affricke ruled tenne yeares He ordeined that such as would not reconcile themselues should be depriued of the Table of the Lord. Hee instituted that vnlesse it were in cases of necessitie Catholicke Baptisme should be celebrated in the time of the feast of Easter As we may see in the first Decretall Epistle attributed vnto him It were incredible if all Historians did not witnesse it that for the day of celebratiō of the feast of Easter so great a schisme should happen in the Church that of a dissention and question thereof so terrible a warre should come and all by this Victors meanes who would needs haue the feast of Easter celebrated on the Sunday because of the mysterie of the resurrection and would not haue the Fastes broken but on that day Victor writ to Policrates who was a Ruler amongst the Bishops of Asia and gaue commaundement in his Letters whereat all the Bishops of Asia were greatly offended Septimus Seuerus Pertinax borne in Affrica 21. Emperour raigned 18. yeares and dyed of the age of 70. yeares in England Many Sinodes were held in diuers Prouinces touching the Feast of Easter vpon what day it should be celebrated and by common accord it was agreed that the saide Feast of Easter should be celebrated vpon the Lordes day on which was his Resurrection and on no other day But the Bishops of the Countrey of Asia were of a contrary opinion saying that they should keepe the customes of of their Auncestors touching that Which Victor seeing would needs haue depriued generally all the Churches of Asia and
witnesseth Sabellicus Enne 7. lib. 8. Arithimus Bishop of Nichomedia after he had made a confession of his Faith hee was beheaded with a great troupe of Martyrs Serena Dioclesians wife endured constantly martyrdome This persecution was so cruell that none were spared Hermanus Gigas In Europe at Rome aboue all places was there greatest number of Martyrs The Prouost Rictiouarus in Gaul made a great massacre especially at Cullaine at Treuers and towards Moselle Beda writeth that this persecution came euen into England and then that Saint Alban a man very renowned receiued the crowne of Martyrdome From this time they beganne to finde out diuers kindes of torments but how much the more horrible they were so much more exquisite appeared the constancy of Martyrs Eusebius saith he beheld the persecution made at Thebaida and saith that the glaues axes and swordes of Tormentors were blunted and turned againe with so great slaughter and were altogether tyred when the Christians with ioy of hart singing Psalmes presented them selues to death Sulpitius in the holy history li. 2. saith that Christians then more ardently desired martyrdome then the ambition of the Cleargie afterward demaunded Bishopprickes Beda de temptat and Orosius lib. 7. cap. 25. Dioclesian crooked with age after he had assaied all cruelties that could be deuised to extirpate the Christians willingly dismissed himselfe of the charge of the Empire and went to Nichomedia and being tossed with rage and fury led a priuate life Maximian his companion who obeyed him as the lesser the greater deposed himself at the same time in the Towne of Milaine Dioclesian at Solone passed his time as a Gardener This change was made after they had raigned together the space of twentie yeares What deaths they had shal be told hereafter Marcel borne at Rome one Benets sonne was chosen Bishop about the 20. yeare of Dioclesian after the Chronicle of Henry the first He was a true Pastor of the Lords Church In the booke of Councells there is attributed vnto him two Epistles The one to them of Antioch wherein he exhorteth to follow the Romane Church and that without authoritie thereof no Sinode can bee called But any bodie may see it is but a counterfeyt and not agreeing with the time which then was The other written to Maxentius is altogether impertinent wherein after he hath commended Christian charitie hee reciteth things which are as pertinent so the time of that Church as conuenient to haue bene written to a Tyrant who afterward was named Emperour Such Epistles doo sufficiently shewe that they wore forged by them which after thrust themselues into the sheep-folde of the Lord not to feed but to rule He confirmed in the faith Maurice as hee came from Syria to goe into Gaul with the Legion which was called of Thebes Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Maximin or Maximian were made Augustes to goe through with the warres which their predecessors Dioclesian and Maximian Herculeus left Eutropius the Father of Constantius a Romane knight of a noble house was discended from Aeneas The Empire as thus parted that Constantius gouerned Gaul Spaine Italie and Affrike and Galerius which Dioclesian had adopted giuing him his daughter Valeria the rest namely Slauonia Greece and the East Yet Constantius who was neither ambitious nor couetous refused Affrike Italie cōtenting himselfe with Spaine Gaul which he gouerned well and peaceably was well beloued of his subiects and no enemy of the Christian faith He had two wiues the first Helena which was of base condition of whom he had Constantine the great which wife he was constrained to leaue and take Theodora the daughter of the wife of Maximian Herculeus He died of a mallady in England two yeares after Dioclesian had deposed himself from the Empire for long time before had he bene made Caesar and adopted by Dioclesian Some attribute vnto him those two yeares of raigning beginning from the natiuitie of our Lord 505. See Pomp. Laet. During his raigne there was stirres of warre He was called Chlorus for the colour of his bright shining face Ignat. Lib. 1. He had of his wife Theodora Constantius who was father of Gallus and Iulian. Maximian Herculian solicited Dioclesian to take again the Empire Some say Dioclesian answered if he once vnderstood the pleasure of Gardens hee would neuer thinke of raigning The Historiographers write that Dioclesian dyed in a rage and fury feeling an infection in all his members See Nicepho lib. 7. cap. 20. Some say hee poysoned himselfe tenne yeares after he deposed himselfe from the Empire fearing Constantine and Licinius who bitterly reprehended him as a fauourer of Maxentius See Eutrop. lib. 9. and Bapt. Igna. lib. 1. Seuerus was adopted and made Cesar by Galerius when Constantinus had left the administration of Italie and of Affrike and to Seuerus was giuen the charge of the saide Countries But at Rome Maxentius was made Emperour by the Pretorian souldiers and without contradiction of the Senate Seuerus not thinking himselfe strong enough to resist Maxentius thought to retire into Slauonia to Maximin but hee was entrapped and ouercome at Rauenna Pompon Laet. Maxentius sonne of Maximian Herculian being chosen Emperour by the Pretorian souldiers in a tumult and hauing gotten the victory vpon Seuerus waxed proud and gaue himselfe vnto pleasures cruelties Then Maximin or Maximian the sisters sonne of Galerius who also by him was made Cesar with Seuerus and had once the charge of the East adopted Licinius which he left in Slauonia after comming to make warre vpon Maxentius was tolde of the treason of his people and so retyred See Pomp. Laet. in the life of Constantine and Galerius Galerius then hauing made Licinius Cesar as is said a litle time after fell into a terrible disease which fretted his entralles whereof he died This was because of his exceeding great lecherie towards all and horrible crueltie towards Christians For an vlcer he had in his bladder did eate his priuy members and as all that part of his bodie rotted wormes came out and no remedie could be found for it So the Phisitians abandoned him For the stench was so intollerable that neither Phisitian nor other durst approach vnto him Wherefore in the ende hee dyed of a death worthy such a man after hee had raigned two yeares alone and with the Cesars and companions of his Empire the space of 16. yeares In the persecution moued by Maxentius Marcel Pastor of the Church of Rome was apprehēded to sacrifice vnto Idols and to renownce his office but hee despised all threatnings and smiled which the Tyrant Maxentius seeing commaunded he should be beaten and chased out of the Towne He retyred into an house of a widowe named Lucine and there secretly maintained a Church Which the Tyrant hearing made a stable of it for horses and other beastes of the house there locked vp Marcel Being thus condemned he left not to do the office of a true Pastor by Epistles which
Gothes then entered into Italie by the disloyaltie of Rufin which as it is said fell vpon his owne head by the iust iudgement of God Stillico a Vandall by Nation hoping to lift vp Euchere his sonne to bee an Emperour raised vp the Sueuians Vandales and Alenems and other people to the number of 200000. conducted by theyr King Redegastus or Radagastus who afterward was discomfited in the straite of Appenin After Radagastus a new Armie of Gothes came into Italie hauing for their Captaine Alricus or Alaricus who was sollicited by the Emperour Honorius to leaue the Countrey of Italie and to discend into Fraunce which then was so occupied with French Burgonians and other Nations that Honorius dispaired to hold it But as Alaricus prepared his departure Stillico thought to haue surprised him on the sudden beeing vpon Easter day there being a truce betwixt them not yet expired Alaricus the next morning came against Stillico and to be reuenged besieged the Towne of Rome Honorius being at Rauenna The treason of Stillico being disclosed hee caused him to bee beheaded so receiued hee the reward of his infidelitie Then was there found no Captaine for the warre to leuie the siege before Rome wherefore the Towne was taken by Alaricus after it had endured long time the siege This was about the fifteenth yeare of the Empire of Honorius and of the Lords Natiuitie 412. and from the foundation of Rome 1164. Alaricus neither burnt nor wasted Rome but gaue commaundement that they should be spared which fled vnto the Temples of the Christians He died soone after Adolphus succeeded him and came to Rome but by the meanes of Placidia the sister of Honorius he spared Rome and tooke his way towards Gaul and Spaine and so the Gothes left Italie and occupied Spaine which Alaricus before had inuaded and got the domination thererof In so much that the kings of Spaine that came after discended of them Diminution or the Romane Empire From henceforward the fourth Monarchie receiued such calamities that in place to rule and haue straunge people in subiection it selfe was made a seruant vnto barbarous Nations The Towne of Rome the seate of the said Monarchie in lesse then 139. yeares was foure times taken by the Gothes Vandales and other barbarous people The first is that alreadie recited by Alaricus The 2. by Gensericas the Vandall vnder Martinian the yeare 456. The 3. by Totila King of the Gothes which was the most grieuous oppression that euer Rome endured For it was taken and burnt the yeare 21. of Iustinian and from the foundation of Rome 1300. and of Christ 548. The 4. it was sacked three yeares after the other namely the yeare of Christ 551. as shall be seene in this Historie The Pope Siricius added the Anthems to the Psalmes He made a Lawe that orders that is to say the ceremonies and obseruations which they vse in the consecration of their Church-people should be celebrated and giuen by certaine spaces of time betwixt one an other Ambrose Bishop of Millaine was his familiar and writ vnto him some Epistles which are amongst his workes One in the number 49. and the other in the number 54. wherein hee calles him his Father He died about the yeare 399. hauing occupied that seate 15. yeares after Socrat. lib. 7. chap. 9. and Sozom. lib. 8. chap. 25. Anastasius the first of that name borne at Rome succeeded him and gouerned about three yeares Hee ordained that euery one should heare the Gospell standing and not sitting Hee cast out of the Ministerie such as wanted or were maimed in any of theyr members or subiect to any disease Hee ordained that none beyond the Seas should bee admitted to any Ecclesiasticall estate without hauing a Testimoniall sealed with fiue Bishops This was because of the Manechies which came from Affrike to corrupt Churches Chrysostome borne at Antioch disciple of Libanius the Sophister and an Auditor of Andragatius a Philosopher forsooke the estate of an Aduocate and followed Euagrius with two other his companiōs Theodorus and Maximus which after were Bishops after they had well profited in holy scriptures in the Monasteries For then Monasteries were publike Schooles and Abbots or Priors which gouerned them did publikely teach the holy scriptures Innocent the first of that name borne at Albe preferred the seate at Rome before all others and ordained that it should not be subiect to any other He commaunded the faithfull to fast on the Saterday to the ende that that day they might with Mary Magdalen mourne for Iesus Christ being in his graue He ordained that the Pax should be giuen at Masse and that a Temple which once had beene consecrated should be so no more Hee made certaine lawes concerning the Iewes Painims and Monkes and made the Sacrament of Vnction of such as were sicke Chrysostome was often sicke of a disease of the stomacke therfore he abstained from eating in company He was hardie and liberall in reprehension and aboue all in his publike Sermons and therefore was he hated of the Cleargie He resisted Gaiuas an Arrian who begged of the Emperour a Temple in Constantinople for his people See the Tripart Hist Chap. 6. Lib. 10. Constantinople was diuinely aided against Gaiuas who sending souldiers in the night to burne the Emperours Pallace a great multitude of armed men were seene come against them three nights which made them desist and leaue off their enterprise Chrysostome was sent in ambassage towards the said Gaiuas who had wasted all the countrey of Thrace who met the said Chrysostome and commaunded his owne children to kisse his knees and he himselfe kissed his hand Certaine Monkes Egipt Antropomorphites maintained that God had a body whereabouts came many contentions amongst the Bishops Insomuch that the Arrians and Catholiques in the night slew one an other There was an earthquake in Constantinople The siluer Image of Eudoxia was placed nigh to the Temple of S. Saphie and playes celebrated in her honour Chrysostome crieth out against it and in a Sermon vnder the name of Herodias taxeth Eudoxia whereof beeing angry she suborned people to sley Chrysostome but the people guarded him both day and night he was afterward exiled into Pontus The Church of Constantinople so increased by the Chrysostonites that many of them were put to diuers torments After his exile there happened at Constantinople in September a great haile and foure dayes after died Eudoxia See the forealleadged booke Chap. 15.16 20. The Pernitious errour of Pelagius In the time of Innocent Pope of Rome there was in the Countrey of England one called Pelagius who began to teach that we are not iustified by Gods mercie for Iesus Christes sake without Merite but that through our owne workes and naturall vertues we acquire true and perfect righteousnesse before God Against this Pelagius many good Doctors of this time writ but aboue all Augustine hath shewed that by faith onely we are Iustified
all madnesse that whilest they of the Cleargie be compelled to relinquish the company of their owne lawfull wiues they become afterward fornicators and adulterers with other women and wicked ministers of other sinfull filthinesse These be they which bring vnto the Church of God this Heresie as blinde guides leading the blinde that it might be fulfilled which the Psalmist speaketh of as foreseeing the errours of such men and accursing them after this manner Let their eyes be blinded that they see not and bowe downe alwaies their back For as much then ô Apostolicall Sir as no man which knoweth you is ignorant that if you through the light of your discretion had vnderstood and seene what poysoned pestilence might haue come vnto the Church through the sentence of your decrees they would neuer haue consented to the suggestions of certaine wicked persons Wherefore we counsell you by the fidelitie of our due subiection that with all diligence you would put away so great slaunder from the Church of God and through your discreet discipline you would remooue the Pharasicall doctrine from the Flocke of God So that this only Sunamite of the Lordes vsing no more adulterous husbands doo not seperate the holie people and the kingly Priesthood from her Spowse Christ Iesus through an irreconciliable diuorcement seeing that no man without chastitie not only in the virgins state but also in the state of Matrimonie shall see our Lorde Iesu who with the Father and the holy Ghost liueth and raigneth for euer Amen This Epistle sheweth vs as it were with a finger that in all times the truth of the Lord hath found a passage through the middest of the Furies of this world raising vp faithfull Ministers to oppose themselues against the horrible discipations of the aduersaries The Sarrasins came from Affricke into Italie vnto the Territorie of Beneuent before whome went the Emperour Lewis the second being ayded by his brother Lotharie who dyed in the way at Plaisans Pal. Floren. The King of Bulgaria receiued the Faith made himselfe a Monke and left the kingdome to his sonne who reiected the Faith In so much as his Father came out of the Monasterie and went against him in battaile and hauing obtained victorie put out his sonnes eyes and held him in prison giuing his kingdome to his younger sonne and after returned to his Monastery Naucler and Sigeb The body of Saint Innocent Pope was transported from Rome into Saxonie by the Duke of Saxe Chron. Sigeb Michael Emperour of Constantinople made a fellowe and companion of his Empire one called Basile a Macedonian a puissant man by whom afterward hee was slaine Nauclerus Lewis sonne of Lewis de Bonaire king of Germanie Vncle of Lewis 2. Emperour obtained a victorie against the Cleuois and caused their Dukes eies called Rastrix to be put out because he had falsified his faith Naucler After the death of Nicholas Pope the seate was emptie eight yeares seuen moneths and nine or ten daies as some say Abb. Vrsp. The Britons were vanquished of the French vnder Charles le Chauue king of France Naucler The Normains being ouercome receiued the faith Naucl. The Countrey of Holland was erected into an Earledome or Countie and Flaunders likewise whereof Baudwin was the first Count. Adrian Pope second of that name the sonne of Talarus Bishop ruled at Rome fiue yeares The Emperour hauing sent his Embassadors for the Popes election the Cleargie and Romane people attended not their comming but vsurping the authoritie of choosing proceeded to the election The Embassadors mal-contented the subtil Romanists laid the fault vpon the common people as hard to represse and appease being stirred They satisfied with this excuse saluted Adrian with the name of Pope Platina R. Barns Soone after came Letters from the Emperour signifying that the election pleased him and because strangers could not know the qualitie of him which should be elected he graunted the election to the Citizens Naucler and Cor. Abb. Adrian then ordained that no Lay-man should thrust himselfe into the election of the Pope Naucler 63. Dict. Cap. Nullus He sent three Legates to the Bulgarians who were newly conuerted namely Siluester Leopard and Dominic to ordaine the affaires of that Church after the Romane fashion but after perswaded of the Grecians they cast off the Latine Priests and receiued the Greekes which afterward engendred great hatred betwixt the Latine and Greeke Church and all the diuision of the aforesaid Churches came onely for the Primacie and for the diuersitie of Ceremonies Robert Barns and Nauclerus Edmond the last King of the East Angles was slaine by the Painims of Denmarke Anno. 871. and was Canonized a Martyr Alfredus or Aluredus the 7. English king was crowned by the Pope Adrian Polydore Lib. 5. The Greciās vsed bels by the benefit of the Venetiās Sabell About this time a Councel was held at Constantinople which was called the eight generall Councell Adrian sent thither his Legates Donatus Bishop of Ostia Stephen Nephesin and Marinus a Deacon of the Romane Church R. Barns Ignatius who vniustly was depriued of his Patriarchall dignitie was restored and Photin some call him Phocas was reiected and excommunicated Sabellicus in his 9. booke 1. cap. It was there ordained that they of Bulgaria should be subiect to the Romane church the Emperour Basilius contradicting it Here it was also ordained that no Lay-man should be admitted to the election of a Pope an Archbishop a Patriarke or Bishop but that the Bishop should be chosen by the Cleargie of the Chapter R. Barns Adrian excommunicated Lotharius King of Lorraine brother vnto the Emperour Lewis for his adulterie but comming to Rome as he returned from the warre against the Sarrasins as some say Nauclerus alleadgeth to excuse himselfe receiued the Communion with his Princes but they all died within the yeare And the King Lotharius himselfe died in the way in the Towne of Plaisance Fascic Temp. Chron. Vrsperg and Sigeb In Lombardie nigh Brize it raigned bloud three dayes and three nights after Nauclerus and the Chron. Sigeb And in Fraunce there was a great multitude of Graffe-hoppers with sixe winges fiue feete and two teeth which destroyed all grasse hearbes and Trees They were driuen into the English Seas by the force of exceeding great windes and againe by an other winde they were returned vpon the Sea sandes vpon the putrifaction wherof came such a pestilence that great multitudes of men dyed saith Sigeb Naucler saith that the third part of men died Iohn Scotus a learned man was called from France into to England by Alfredus King there who founded the Schoole at Oxenford where the said Scotus gouerned but after making himselfe a Monke he was slaine by the Monkes of that couent as he was teaching he was cunning in the Greeke tongue and translated into Latin the Hierarchie of S. Denis Naucler Iohn Pope 9. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome ten yeares Suppl Chron. being a
full of fish Profitable then it is to exercise the Ministerie of the Church in the right part by which misterie the diuell is vanquished and a great number of soules is brought to Iesus Christ but surely it is not so of the labour which is taken on the left hand of the ship for therein faith staggereth and heuinesse ruleth when men finde not that which they seeke For who will beleeue that one man can serue God and Mammon both together and please his will sticke to reuelations of the flesh and of bloud and offer to Christ gifts and presents such as appertaine vnto him And without doubt the sheepheard which watcheth not for the edifying of the Flocke prepareth an other way a roaring Lyon which seeketh euery way whom he may deuour Behold say I the straunge and before vnheard deedes of him which is called thy father who taketh from the sheepfoldes the good sheepheards and in their places setteth his Nephewes and parents and others ignorant of Letters dumbe and deafe which vnderstand not the bleating of the sheepe neither care for the byting of the wolues which like hirelings carrie away the fleeces reape others haruests the hands of whom also serue to the pottes and their backes turne away from burthens Hereby it plainely appeareth the Priests office was left the seruice due vnto God was subtracted and the custome to giue Almes abolished by which things the holy deuotion of Kings Princes Christans are abolished This then is a thing which ought to be found very strange in the iudgement of euery one that whereas Iesus Christ commaunded to pay tribute vnto Kings for himselfe for Peter this man against his will whose Vicar he saith he is who hath cast backe from himsselfe the kingdomes and iudgements of the world seekes to subiect vnder his domination Kings and Princes vnder the title of his stile because all that he hath set downe in writing to be his he attributeth vnto himselfe Nay what doth he more with thee ô daughter Behold he draweth from thee whatsoeuer he thinketh good and yet hee holdeth not himselfe contented to take of thee the tenth part of thy grounds but euen the first fruites of the Benefices of thy Ministers to the end that as well for himselfe as for such as are of his bloud he might constitute a new patrimonie of good and holy wills of the founders Moreouer he alreadie imposeth other execrable things for the wages of his Curriers which he sendeth into England which carrie away not onely the victualls of thee and thine but also rent of their skinnes and their flesh like dogges Meriteth he not to be compared to Nabuchodonozor who destroyed the Temple and spoiled it of the vessells of Gold For that which he did this doth he also He spoiled the Ministers of the house of God and depriued them of that which was necessarie for his seruice And this here doth as much And surely the condition of them which are slaine by the sword is better then the condition of such as be any thing bitten with hunger For the first are straight dead but the other is consumed by the stirrilitie of the earth Let all such as passe by thy way ô daughter haue compassion on thee for no sorrowe is like to thine For alreadie because of thy great dolour and teares which thou hast shead thy face is blacker then coales in so much as thou art no more knowne in the streetes Thy father hath set thee in clowdie and darke places he hath made thee drunke with wormewood and gall Lord see the affliction of thy people harken vnto their sobbings and come downe For the heart of this man is harder then the heart of Phaua● who would not suffer that thy people should goe a● libertie but onely in the force of thy hand But this afflicted and plagueth not onely vpon earth but also after death For after death he deuoureth the goods of all Christians vnder colour that they died without making testaments The Church of England doth sufficienly know that the French men casting the eyes of their concupiscence vpon that kingdome sought in time past to haue reduced it vnder theyr power but it is to be feared that that which they could not hitherto bring to passe is now supplied by the coniuration of that man as of a new enemie For if the treasures of the Kingdome faile and that the Priesthood be ouerthrowne verily it shall he made lesse puissant against the enemies To the end that thou ô daughter and thy Priest should not fall into a miserie of any longer endurance it is expedient for the saluation and safetie of thee and thine that thou ô Christian King and the great Lords of thy kingdome which haue adorned thee with great and excellent Benefices and which in such a case ought to maintaine and defend both thee and those Benefices should resist the coniurations and conspirations of that man who not hauing regard to God but for the aforesaid things and to enrich his parents and for his owne nest lifting himselfe vp as an Eagle by the aforesaid things and other Impostes by him imposed he hath collected all the siluer of England by a new domination Let not then thy dissembling simplicitie in this case cause the ruine of thy kingdome and thy selfe and take heed thy remedie come not too late The Lord God take the vaile frō off the heart of this man and giue him a contrite and humble hart and make him knowe the traces of the true God whereby hee may be drawne frō darknesse and constrained to forsake those wicked labours wherof we haue spoken that the vine which the right hand of God hath planted may be filled with good grapes For take heed vnto the Lords words to the Prophesie of Ieremie to put back such enterprises who saith thus Thou sheepheard which hast dispersed my people put thē out of their habitations behold I will visit vpon thee the malice of thy into prises and no man of thy seed shall sit vpon the seat of Dauid nor haue more power in Iuda Let thy neast be made barran and ruinated as So-Some and Gomorrhe But if it so fall out that being nothing feared by these words he cease not his enterprises nor make restitution of that which he hath taken then let thē sing for him that shall be so wickedly hardned the 108. Psalme As for vs we will each day openly sing praises through Iesus Christ to him vnto whom all things serue Thus the light by litle and litle came forward and ouercame the mightie darknesse Clement 5. ruled in Auignon 8. yeares and 10. monethes This Pope was a Gascoin sonne of Bernand a warrior and a Gentleman borne in Burdeaux before called Bextrand Goth Bishop of Coseran and Archbishop of Burdeaux he being absent in France was chosen at Peruse by the Cardinalls there resident Iohn le Maire saith it
from the Sonne as the Father They agreed also to Purgatorie and the Romane Pope to be the primate of the Catholicke Church which they had neuer done before now but euer were of contrarie opinions But as soone as they were come to their Countrey againe at the perswasion of Marcus Bishop of Ephesus they againe denied the two last Articles Plat. Vola and Naucler It is straunge that the Grecians which haue beene so slowe to acknowledge and confesse so true a doctrine of the holy Ghost are now so quick and light to accord so friuolous and false a thing that is to receiue and beleeue against all holy scripture that there is a Purgatorie and Romane Pope to be Primate of the Catholicke and Vniuersall Church wherevnto the first generall Councell had openly resisted in the time of Constantine the great In the said Councell of Florence the Armenians and Indians were also brought into the vnion of the Romane Church and promised to keepe and maintaine the Sacrament of Confirmation Naucler This Pope Eugenius confirmed Annates vpon all Benefices Hee Canonized S. Nicholas Tolentin of the order of the Hermits of S. Augustine Bessarion Cardinall flourished and his house at Rome was open to euery man of knowledge like a Colledge Vadian Sigismond of the age of 70 yeares died and was buried in Hungarie in the citie called Albe His wife Barbara was without all religion and without God insatiable in all paliardize and whoredome Shee mocked her damzels because they fasted and prayed saying they must liue iocondly and merily and take all their pleasures during this life for after death the soule perisheth with the bodie The Councell of Basill continued still and proceeded against Eugenius the fourth who after many times cyting and not appearing was publikely deposed by the authoritie of the Councell the tenth of Iuly Eugenius mooued herewith incited the Dolphin of France who after was called king Lewis the 11. to lead a great Armie in to the Countrey of Ferrara and Alsarce and to come to Basill Wherefore the said Councell brake vp and herevpon came many mischiefes See Naucler Albert the fift of that name Duke of Austrich and second king of the Romanes of that name sonne of Albert the fourth Duke of Austrich was scant 10. yeares olde when his father died of poyson fighting against Iosse Marquesse of Morauia but being yer vnder Tutors which were his vncles there was great strife betwixt them for his tutelage Therefore Vienna and all the Countrey of Austrich endured great calamities till Albert came to age and was dispatched of his tutelage and planted a peace in Austrich which was before full of theeues and of Intestine warres After the yeare 1422. he espowsed Elizabeth the doughter of Sigismond and had with her in marriage the noble Townes of Maruia But after the death of Sigismond he was chosen king of Hungaria by the consent of all the principall of the Countrey and Crowned the yeare of grace 1438. After this he was also made king of Bohemia and that came because there was a great alliance betwixt the Kings of Boheme and the Dukes of Austrich whereby they had ordained betwixt them that whensoeuer one of the houses remained without heire-male of the other they should create a king He was also chosen king of the Romanes by the common accord of all the Princes Electors The yeare 1459. the 17. day of Nouember in the Councell of Basill after the deposition of Eupenius the Cardinalls elected Amedeus of Ayme Duke of Sauoy and called him Felix the fift so came into the Church the 23. schisme and diuision which endured the space of sixteene yeares Some followed Eugenius others Felix some said they were newters and so obeyed neither one nor the other The Kings of France England Spaine Scotland obeyed the Pope Eugenius For although he was deposed yet held he good during his life This Councell of Basill assembled with great authoritie was notwithstanding dissipated and broken by one onely Pope That of Constance deposed three and ordained the fourth This could not bring about to depose one Fasci Temp. In the Councell of Basill it was forbidden that secular Princes Councellors and Communalties vpon paine of excommunication should not bee so hardie to greete and submit the Churchmen with tallies and common collection Fasci temp Augustine of Rome was condemned an heretike in the said Councell and there was confirmed the Conception of the Virgin Marie to bee kept as a solemne Feast But to the contrarie see Epiphanius in his 3 Booke and 12. Tome 68. and 69. heresie See also S. Bernard in the Epist 154. to the Canons of Lions The said Councell then confirmed that the Virgin Marie was conceiued without originall sinne it also confirmed her visitation In this time was a Councell held of the French Church at Bourges in Berry and there was published the pragmatike sanction which is all the marrow and substance of the Canons of the Councell of Basill to bee expresly obserued for euer Iohn le Maire The Duke Aime of Sauoy after the death of his wife Margarite of Bourgongne had left his Ducall estate and withdrew himselfe into an hermitage pleasant and delightfull called Ripaille vpon the Lake of Lansanne which he had caused to bee sumptuously builded and so left the gouernment of his signiories to his eldest sonne Lewis father of Duke Phillebert of Sauoy Beeing then in his said place of Ripaille the said Duke Anne with tenne knights all hermits wearing great beardes and simple cloathing and writhen staues full of knottes in great renowne of sanctetie of life was by the said Councell elected to be Pope as is said the 17. of Nouember the yeare 1439. and the 17. day of December the election was denounced vnto him and he went vnto Basill and was there solemnly crowned in the presence of two of his eldest sonnes Before this ceremonie his Beard was taken from him and in a small time he learned the Romane office He created some Cardinalls of great estimation and vertue Iohn le Maire The Emperour being called to goe into Hungarie sound himselfe greatly tormented in the moneth of August with an intollerable heate which hee thought to haue taken away by colde viands which brought to him a fluxe of the belley euen to bloud whereof he died the yeare 1439. nigh Strigoma after hee had beene Emperour almost two yeares Hee left two daughters and his wife with childe who soone after brought forth Ladislaus Frederic Duke of Austrich after Albert was Emperour of Rome He loued peace and rest restrained and brideled easily them of Austrich which stirred strifes and commotions So extinguished he the warre alreadie commenced by Matthias king of Hungarie by agreement with him Likewise this Frederic making warre against the Flemmings to haue his sonne Maximilian whom they detained prisoner appeased and contented them by the punishment of some and so taking and receiuing his
the consent of all the Cardinalls This man being in Venice in his hypocrisie inuented a new Sect of Monkes called Iesuites as if our Sauiour Iesus had ingendred such Popish Idolaters After this beeing made Cardinall as he departed from Venice to Rome he said vnto his Monkes which asked him whither he went Whither I go you cannot come now Abusing the scripture and prophaning the Lords words hee meant hereby that he left them shut vp in a Cloister in pouertie and miserie that he went vnto Rome to come vnto an high and mightie estate and dignitie wherevnto they could not come He writ a booke sometimes vnto Paul the third touching reformation of the Church but being become Pope he cared neither for Iesus Christ nor his Church In that booke he confirmeth almost all the poynts that we vse to reprehend in the Papists namely that the Church is so ruinated in Poperie that it is no more the Church of Iesus Christ but of the diuell For saith he Popes heape vp Doctors after their owne fancies and desires That Cardinalls and Bishops are cause that the name of Christ is blasphemed amongst people which vnder the colour of keyes gather great summes of money That wicked people are prouided for That Symoniacke Marchandices are greatly practised That Prelates burne with ambition and couetousnesse That horrible sinnes and iniquities are committed in Monasteries That the Towne of Rome is full of whoredomes and many such like More enormious and wicked things are committed at Rome then that which Theatin rehearseth in that booke for hee there only toucheth the vices abuses that are found in their common maner of liuing without making any mention of the contempt of the doctrine there vsed On Thursday the 16. day of May of this yeare there hapned a tumult at Geneua about 10. of the clocke in the night by the conspiracie of some which had for their stirrers Captaines certaine of the petit Councell of the Towne which not being able to beare so happie a prosperitie of the Gospell determined to chase away such as into that Towne had come from France to shun persecutions And as in the night time they ranne too and fro they cryed as for a false ensigne and token that the French were in Armes and the Towne betrayed but the French men stirred not out of their houses The commotion was bridled and stayed by certaine Lords of the Towne As for the seditious people some amongst them were executed others saued themselues by flight But the cause wherefore they would haue driuen away the French amongst others was because lately there were many of them receiued for Burgesses by meanes whereof their faction was weakened and the other part strengthned by the number of the new Burgesses which had bene added therevnto The French at this time raced many Castles by the Count Montferrat that they might haue victuals in greater assurance For if the enemie had occupied them Casal had bene brought into great necessitie In these parts was there a Towne called Vlpian which is of great importance The Spaniards held it then and it was revictualled at the comming of the Duke of Albe who had gathered together a great number of people Mariembourge also which the yeare before had beene taken in the lowe Countries from the Emperour was at the same time againe victualled by the French In the Countrie of Grisons there is a Towne nigh Italie called Lucarne which appertaineth vnto the whole communaltie of the Swisses The Citizens thereof required that they might be permitted to liue according vnto the reformation of the Gospell But because their Superiours and they were not of one Religion there was vpon deliberation diuers opinions Some agreed vnto their demaund others sought to hinder it So that there appeared towards some intestine and ciuill dissention yet in the end they of the Towne preuailed which wished that they should remaine in the Religion of their Auncestors and that they amongst them which accorded not therevnto might goe dwell otherwhere So were there found a great number which forsooke their naturall Countrey and withdrew vnto Zurich where they were receiued ioyfully and much relieued in their pouertie A great number of Vessels laden with all kindes of Marchandize came by Sea from Spaine towards Flaunders but vpon the coast of Normandie they were assailed with all force by the French which had espied them The combat amongst them was horrible many ships both of the one part and of the other were burnt and many sunke many a valiant man died there as wel by the sword as by burning and drowning The French in the end carried away some number of ships which they tooke into Diepe Hauen from whence they departed This happened in the moneth of August in the end of which moneth Phillip of Austrich repassed from England into Flaunders accompanied with a great number of English Gentlemen to finde the Emperour his father at Bruxels In September George Count de Montbellard the Duke of Wittemberge his Vncle tooke to wife Barbe the Lantgraues daughter The dissention of the Lords Supper and the presence of Christs body which had continued the space of thirtie whole yeares amongst the learned renewed againe in this time and there were published by certaine Ministers of Hambourge and Breme certaine litle bookes namely against Caluin and Iohn Alasco Caluin after answered them in earnest so did also Bullinger and Alasco who dedicating his booke to the King of Polongne greatly complained that without knowledge of the cause that without any disputation or amiable talke but onely vpon a certaine preiudice their doctrine was condemned after the maner of the Papists who in lieu of arguments from holy scripture proceed not but by force and commaundement The Marquesse of Marignan dying at Millaine the Cardinall of Trent was sent into Lombardie by the Emperour and King Phillip to bee there Gouernour At Naples the Duke of Albe was constituted About Christmas day the Pope according to his custome created new Cardinalls and amongst others Iohn Gropper the Archbishop of Cologne his Councellor Then also the Cardinall Poole being made Deacon Cardinall prest as they say began to say Masse For by the Popes lawe Deacons haue not yet that power In the beginning of Ianuarie happened great stormes and tempests in Saxonie Misne and Boheme Thunders and Lightnings which endaungered many places especially Churches In the same moneth at Vitodur in Suetia a litle Towne within two leagues of Zurich appeared in the night in one of the towers of the Church there a sparkling fire making such a noise as the Burgesses on all sides ran to put it out being come thither they found no flame yet it twise appeared that is to say the 4. 14. of the said moneth After this certaine of the Cantons of Suetia sollicited by the Pope got them to Rome whereas many maruelled King Phillip after he had receiued of his father the gouernment
at that seruice but he refused to kisse the dish or pax offered by the Cardinall of Ausbourge who sung the Masse whereat the Cardinall was so despited that he said vnto him If thou wilt haue no blessing receiue a curse euerlasting Other deputies of the Townes and Princes of the confession of Ausbourge entered not into the Church Certaine time after Othon Henry Elector Palatin left his dignitie and estates to Frederick who reformed his Countrey after the pure doctrine whereof he shewed himselfe a constant and faithfull protector with an admirable wisedome and moderation The Diethmarsois yeelded themselues vnto Frederick the 2. of that name king of Denmarke about the end of the moneth of Iune after they had couragiously maintained the war and receiued diuers battailes before they gouerned themselues without yeelding any subiection vnto any person But now they yeelded to gouernment about 35. yeares after the death of Henry de Supphon minister of the word of God whom they had cruelly put to death in the Towne of Meldorf where the truth of the Gospell encreased greatly by the preachings of that man The first day of Ianuary that Christian king of Denmarke of the age of 56. yeares died and about three weekes after died also Christierne his Cosin and predecessor who for his vniust wicked dealings was driuen away of his subiects straying out of his own kingdome the space of 10. yeares thinking to come thither again was taken vpon these and after locked in prison where he reamined 17. years vntil his death being vs the age of 78. Laurence Priarli Duke of Venice Heroides Duke of Ferrare died the same year y e one in●●● the other in Octo. Paul 4. hauing bin Pope 4. yeares 2. moneths 27. daies died the 18 day of August 1559. of the age of 85. yeares Scant had he yeelded vp his spirit but the Romane people which wished death vnto him because of his warres exactions and 〈◊〉 brake the prisons of the Inquisition deliuered the prisoners fired the whole building threw downe the Popes Image cutting off the head and right hand 〈…〉 which were drawne three dayes 〈◊〉 〈…〉 cast 〈…〉 And it was 〈◊〉 that the Armes of the family of ●●r●ffes should be plucked downe from all places of the towne and burst in peeces which was 〈◊〉 the same day His body was in daunger to haue bene handled as his Images and so had bene but that they kept certaine dayes 〈◊〉 a●●●d and strong hand from the people He was also very violent in his Popedome not only toward his enemies many of which were yet in prison but also towards his seruants and friends The 26. day of the said moneth of August Phillip d' Austrich king of Spaine hauing set in order his affaires in Flaunders and the lowe Countries made saile from the Hauen of Flushing into Spaine pretending to set vpō the Turke seeing he was agreed with the king of France Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the dead king Henry being accorded vnto him for wife and committed vnto the king of Nauarre other to conuoy her euen vnto the frontiers of Spaine But being embarked with a great number of ships and all the riches which his father had heaped vp out of Almain Italy with a great quantitie of the rich Tapistry of Flaunders as he approached the port of S. Iames in Galicie so great a tempest arose that of all that magnificall furniture and riches gotten together with so long time and so great trauell nothing arriued in safetie but the sea was made heire of those riches euen in the sight of the Spaniards As for him that tempest spared him so litle that scant could he set foote in any 〈◊〉 but the vessel wherein he was was ready to sinke into the bottome of the sea This losse chafed him so much the more against them of the Religon especially of the lowe countries which were there persecuted with fire and sword before after his depart●●● In England the Churche got vp vnder the pe●c●●ble gouernment of Elizabeth As for Scotland many came vnto the Gospell and they so multiplied that soone after they remained maisters The Papall seate being vacant the space of foure moneths by the aduise of the Cardinalls Iohn Angelus de Medicis Cardinall was chosen Pope about the end of December and was crowned the sixt day of Ianuary 1560. naming himselfe Pius the fourth he liued in the throne of error fiue yeares eleuen moneths and fifteene dayes He confirmed the election of the Emperour Ferdinand which his predecessour would not approue hee also iustified and set at libertie out of prison certiane Cardinalls and Bishops At the beginning of this said moneth Elizabeth of France was brought to the limits of Spaine deliuered into the hands of the Cardinall de Burges of the Duke d'el Infantasque King Phillip his deputies vnto whom they brought her and there was great triumphs in the celebration of the marriage which they called the firme bond to holde vnited the kingdomes of France and Spaine Charles Prince of Spaine receiued the homages of many Townes insomuch that for a time there was nothing but reioycings Iusts Feasts and Bankets through all King Phillips Countries but this mirth endured no long time as shall be seene hereafter For the estate of France the Churches had many troubles this yeare For the violent and illegitimate domination of the house of Guise which ruled the king and the kingdome at their pleasure the recoyling of Princes and great Lords the despising of the states and other cōfusions brought in by these new gouernours stirred a great part of the Nobilitie to ioyne themselues together to get the King out of the hands of such people and to procure by good order that things might return into their auncient estate And because this could not be executed but by armes they assembled certaine troupes vnder the conduct of Godfroy de Barry seur de la Renaudie and other valiant Captains to come vnto Amboise to seaze the Duke of Guise and the Cardinall of Lorraine to make an account of their administration But hauing bene discouered and betrayed long time before they came into the field this enterprise did but ●●uenome make more cruell the Lords of Guise Insomuch that they put to death a great number of Lordes Captaines Gentlemen and souldiers at Amboise And because the most part of them professed the true religion then in France called Lutherisme the Cardinall charged the Churches that they had made this enterprise yea they dealt with y e princes of the blood royall namely with Anthonie de Burbon king of Nauarre and his brother Lewis de Burbon prince of Conde after with the houses of Montmorencie of Chastillon determining to roote vp churches houses all at once to effect which the Lordes of Guise made infinit preparatiues all this yeare both within without the realme they also found meanes to draw the king of Nauarre
and the Prince vnto the court after stared them prisoners and handled the prince very rigorously On the other side their forces assembled on all sides to ouerrun the realme The king of Spain should enter into Bearne to ruinate destroy the queen of Nauarre and to solemnise the entry of the Estates the prince should haue bene publikely beheaded afterward straigt vpon the conclusion of the Estates the Armies marched to sacke and spoyle such as were suspected and the people were suffered and countenanced to runne vpon all such as were religious to dispatch them with out other Inquisition And to the end to leaue none aliue the King should cause all the Princes Lords and Knights of the order to sweare and seale all the articles of Sorbone sending to the fire without longer proces all such as denied it The Chancelor did the like with such as were of the order d'la longe robe about the court The Parliaments Prelates had charge to do the like with such as belonged to Iustice and to the Cleargie Likewise Ladies honorable womē were not forgotten This being done the Inquisition of Spain entred into France to begin new tragidies But as all things were vpon the point to be executed God cut the strings thereof striking the king Francis with an Apostume in his eare wherewith after he had languished certain dayes he was finally stifled and dyed the fift day of December 1560. hauing only raigned 17. moneths This death ouerthrew the disseines and purposes of the Duke of Guise and constrained the aduersaries of the reformed Church to yeeld some reliefe vnto the faithfull who had that yeare giuen them in mockery the Huguenots because of their night assemblies to muse deuise new subtilties and persecutions whereof we will God willing speake briefly in the years following but yet the Churches in that yeare prospered in all Prouinces with infinite witnesses of God his fauour towards his and of his iudgements vpon his enemies of all estates Some of the Religion were publikely executed in diuers places but for one which died there came a thousand to the doctrine of the Gospell In so much that it was incredible the great number of persons which this yeare and that following forsooke the Romane Religion to come vnto the Christian This yeare Scotland was troubled with a ciuill war by the practises of some which would needs commaund all ouer vnder the colour of maintaining the Romane Religion but they frustrated of their hope and the reformed religion began then to set foote in that kingdome by the fauour and assistance of Elizabeth Queene of England The Queene widowe of Iames the fift died in the moneth of Iune Martin Bucer and Paul Phagius whose bodies had bene buried and burned foure yeares before in England by the sollicitations of Cardinal Poole were established in their first honor and their memorie publikely celebrated the 30. of Iuly The 10. day of Aprill before died that very learned and modest person Phillip Melancton an excellent ornament of all Almaine after whose decease many wicked spirits troubled the Almain Churches which during his life they durst not haue enterprised Ioachim Camerarius a man very learned and his great friend hath described his life The moneth of Ianuary before tooke also from this world Iohn Alasco a Gentleman of Polonia one very affectionate to the aduancement of the kingdome of Chist whose memory is precious in all Churches About the end of the same yeare Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy warred vpon them of the vale of Angrogne and their neighbours professing the doctrine of the Gospell which after assaying all meanes of peace to conserue it offering their Prince all that good subiects should do defended themselues though fewe in number so couragiously and were assisted of God that after many combats they were left in peace which at this present they enioy the fauour of Margarite of France Duchesse of Sauoy amongst other humane meanes seruing them greatly both then and afterwards In the same Countrey of Piemont were seene many prodigious wonders the like in France Austrich Pologne Almain At the begginning and vntill the end of this yeare 1561. the French Churches encreased openly shewed themselues Katherine de Medices Queene mother hauing all affaires in her hand was counselled by the Princes of the house of Bourbon by the Admirall and other great Lords of the Religion by meanes whereof the greatest of the Romane Religion entred into league with them and so made priuie preparation for great troubles and vexations after hapning In the moneth of Ianuary the Princes and great Lords being assembled at S. Germaine in Laye an Edict was made the seuenteenth of the said moneth which on the one side gaue some release and libertie vnto them of the Religion and on an other side curbed and brideled them After the Councell assigned on the ninth day of September following was a conference and disputation at Poissy betwixt the Doctors of the Romane and reformed Churches In that same moneth the Electors and Princes of Almaine being assembled at Neubourge in Turinge to take Councell for maintaining the confession of Ausbourge by them presented vnto the Emperour Charles the 5. Anno 1530. gaue audience about the beginning of February the Popes Embassadors which commaunded them to send their Embassadors vnto the Councel assigned at Trent to effect which they offred for the Pope their M. such safe conduct as was possible to desire The 7. of February the Electors and Princes made answer that they found it strange that the Pope being the cause of all the cōfusions then in the Church should go about to assemble a Councel to assigne it vnto them whom he had nothing to doo to command that they did not neither euer would acknowledge any soueraigntie to belong vnto the Romane seate yea they were assured that it appertained not vnto the Pope to conuocate or call a Councell And after they had shewed the orders and filthinesse of the Romane Church and that it were good to regard and looke vnto the meanes to procure a generall and free Councel they sent away their Embassadors and after they writ vnto the Emperour Ferdinand that they all with a commō aduise agreed vnto the confessiō of Ausbourge afterward they published in an Imprinted writing their causes of reculation against the Councell of Trent These Embassadors went into diuers other places to the same effect but they receiued no good answere o any King Prince or great Lord making profession of the Gospell but especially the Queene of England would not giue leaue to the Abbot Martinengue who was sent by the Pope vnto her to passe the sea to come into England The 5. day of March the Pope caused to bee strangled in the night time in the S. Angelo the Cardinall Charles Caraffe he beheaded also in an other prison the Counte of Palliane and certaine other Cardinalls the next day shewing all their bodies
themselues Iane d' Albert Queene of Nauarre an excellent Princesse came thither to find her brother in lawe the Prince of Conde brought with her her son Henry then very young From that time that campe of the Religion was called the Army of the Princesse They presented and published many Remonstrances which serued for nothing and Churches were dissipated and dispersed in the most part of Prouinces and very rigorous Edicts published against them of the Religion Henry Duke of Aniou and brother of King Charles the ninth being then chiefe of the Army of the Catholicke Romanes The Chauncelor d'l'Hospitall perswading to peace was sent to his house and his Seales giuen to an other The Almaines and other Straungers were sollicited on both sides to come to their succours The Emperour behaued himselfe very wisely in this behalfe The 21. day of October sixe Theologians of the part of Augustus Elector of Saxonie and as many on the side of Iohn William Duke of Saxonie were assembled at Aldenbourge to agree the controuersies hapning amongst these Theologians vpon certaine points of Christian doctrine The Duke Iohn William assisted there personally that conference and disputation continued vntill the beginning of March in the yeare following and there was at large disputed vpon Iustification and many Articles depending thereon As the acts of the disputation do shewe The 25. of this moneth Paul de Ridnend sieur de Mouuans a braue and valiant souldier amongst the French Captaines much affectioned towards Religiō was ouerthrowne with his footmen of Prouence and Daulphine by the companies of horsemen of the Duke Montpensier of the Count de Brissa● and other Catholicke Romanes were slaine in the field with a great number of souldiers and losse of many Ensigne Such as escaped ioyned themselues to the Princes Army The 12. of Nouember the Captaine la Coche a Gentleman of Dauphine was ouerthrowne with his troupes by the Duke d' Aumale betwixt Metz and Sauerne He was taken and after put to death About the ende of Nouember the Prince of Orange not beeing able to take order in the affaires of the lowe Countries withdrew into Almaine with certaine warriours attending the departure of the Duke de Deux Ponts who prepared to giue succours to the Princes In the meane while the French Armies besieged and tooke diuers places remaining in the field notwithstanding the rigour of winter which killed a great number of souldiers Christopher Duke of Wittemberge and Count de Montbelliard died the 28. of December About the same time 5500. Reisters conducted by Philibert Marquesse de Bade and other great Lords of Almain passed Rhene and soone after they entred The Queene of England about the 23. of Nouember tooke three Spanish ships laden with great riches The sixt of Ianuary she made a reason of her action in an Imprinted writing Wherein she shewed how litle the Duke of Alua his menaces astonished her During the moneths of Ianuary and February the next Countrie to Strasbourge was seene full of people of warre Almaines readie to enter France The Prince of Orange was in great distresse about pleasing of the Reistres but in the end he appeased them and ioyned himselfe to the Duke de Deux Ponts who before he departed wrote largely vnto the King the reasons that mooued him to succour the Princes and them of the Religion and the next morning mounted on horsback and the 12. of March he mustered where there were found seuen thousand and sixe hundreth Reistres well mounted besides the troupes of the Prince of Orange and of certaine French Lords and Gentlemen and certaine Lansquenets footemen The last day of February the Duke of Alua adiourned by publike Edict all fugitiues of the lowe Countries to appeare in person within six weekes after vpon paine of confiscation of their goods They doubting his crueltie thought it better to loose the sleeue then the arme In so much that no person returned therfore the Duke fatted himselfe with confiscations and continued also to feede himselfe with the bloud of such faithfull as he could catch The thirteenth day of March Lewis de Bourbon Prince of Conde fighting valerously in the battaile fought nigh to Coignac in Poictu amongst the troupes and Army of the Catholickes was ouerthrowne from his horse to the ground taken prisoner vpon his faith and against all right diuine and humane slaine with a Pistoll behinde on his head by one called Montesquian The Catholicke Romanes made great reioycings at that death thinking to haue gained as much as if they of the Religion had now no helpe at all There were also great triumphes made at Rome Many Gentlemen and valiant Captaines were slaine with the Prince The Admirall de Chastillon hauing gathered together his troupes vnder the authoritie of Henry de Bourbon Prince of Nauarre and of Henry de Bourbon Prince of Conde sonne and successor of Lewis both of them as yet very young hartned so euery one that the Catholicke Romanes willing to pursue their victory with an inconsiderate boldnesse were beaten downe before Coignac had other notable great losses after that The Princes the Admirall the Lords Gentlemen Captaines and souldiers of the Army renewed their former oath to do their duties in opposing themselues against the violence of the enemies to procure a good peace to the glory of God to the rest of the churches of al the kingdome The Queene of Nauarre brought the Prince her sonne into the Armie and after hauing made many good remonstrances and reasons to encourage and stirre him to the performance of his dutie towards God and his Country she retired into Rochell Then waxed the warre hotter then before with diuers exploits and chaunces on both sides The estates of the Empire were assembled at Francford the 14. day of Aprill to prouide for the affaires of Almaine In the same moneth the Pope sent vnto the Duke of Alua as a recompence of so great paines as he had taken to maintaine the Popedome an helme and a paire of gloues blessed with great ceremonies on Christmas day Paul the third sent the like present vnto the Emperour Charles the fift after he ouercame the Protestant Princes The seuenth day of May Francis de Colligni Sieur d' Andelot Colonell of the French footemen very affectionate towards the maintaining of the true Religion a Knight without all feare and greatly dreaded of the Gospells enemies died of poison in the Towne of Saintes Many other great Lords and Gentlemen of the Religion died in the same manner before and after by the cunning art of certaine poysoners sent through Fraunce and better recompenced for such execrable acts then the wisest valiantest and faithfullest seruants of the Crowne The Duke de dreux Ponts being entred into France maugre the hinderance of Claude d'Lorraine Duke d' Aumale besieged and tooke Charite a Towne placed vpō the Riuer of Loire and passing forward to ioyne himselfe
the Count de Lodron theyr Captaine After by the space of certaine moneths hee remained peaceable in his gouernment of the lowe Countries which he forraged at his pleasure heaping vp a maruellous bootie to himselfe The third ciuill warre tooke an end in France and the Edict of pacification was published in the Parliament of Paris the 11. day of August Iohn Brencius a Minister in the Duchie of Witemberge of the age of 69. yeares and who had begun to preach write after the first Doctors of our time died the 11. day of September Certaine yeares before his death he had published by diuers Imprinted bookes a new opinion to maintaine the carnall presence of Iesus Christ in his holy Supper The summe of this opinion willing to attribute to the flesh of Iesus Christ a presence in all places as well as to his diuine nature was that the humane and diuine nature being inseperably vnited in one alone person the humane is in each place as well as the diuine But in the explication of this mysterie he maintained that the personall vnion of these two natures in Iesus Christ doo onely signifie that they are together not otherwise in Iesus Christ then in S. Peter and other seruants of God according to the essence But as to the efficacie that all the properties of the diuine nature are really and indeed dispersed and communicated to the humane nature so that thereby hauing egall maiestie and power with the diuine the said diuine nature worketh and doth nothing without it Although the authoritie of this person serued to the increase of this dangerous errour yet there wanted not for many learned men which opposed themselues betimes against this errour and prooued euen to Brencius himselfe without that either he or any of his Disciples could answer pertinently therevnto that if such an opinion of the vbiquitie of the flesh of Iesus Christ and of the personall vnion of the two natures according to the definition of Brencius were true the two natures of Iesus Christ should be seperated euen according to the essence as well in Iesus Christ as in S. Peter and other the faithfull and Christ should be God after the flesh Behold a blasphemie which establisheth the heresie of Nestorius seperating the two natures of Christ and which on the other side confoundeth the properties of those two natures as did the heretike Eutiches Notwithstanding that they discouered to Brencius the absurdities and blasphemies rising vpon his opinion yet left not he to maintaine it hauing a Disciple called Iames Andreas who with certaine other that after rose vp added errors vnto errors And which is worse Brencius in the end of his life in the place to humble himselfe before God for so molesting the Churches in the making of his testament thundred against the Churches which approoued not his vbiquitie being so farre audacious euen he alone who could not vnto the purpose reply to the arguments of certaine Doctors which liuely refuted him as to condemne all the Churches of France England Scotland Suetia and others This testament was maintained by his Disciples and from that time till this instant hath caused great euils and kindled a fire which cannot be extinguished if God set not too his hand in some especiall maner The last day of October East and West Friseland Holland Zeland Brabant and other places thereabouts were sore tormented and beaten with a straunge tempest of windes and two dayes after the Sea swelled and hauing broken and ouerthrowne her dikes and leuies drowned many Countries and infinite people and cattaile with such an astonishment of all that it was feared all the lowe Countries would haue bene swallowed vp There happened as much in the Balthike sea especially at Hambourge There was also great ouerflowings of waters in France about the end of this yeare About this time the Turke made quicke warre vpon the Venetians in the I le of Cyprus with a puissant Army which by assault tooke Nicosia one of the greatest Townes thereof wherein there was made a cruell and bloudie butcherie of the besieged in the moneth of September The fourteenth day of Nouember Phillip King of Spaine espowsed his Nieco Mario the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian The 17. of Nouember a great Earthquake hapned at Venice Ferrara and other places of Italy whervpon followed maruellous tuines and desolations especially at Ferrara The 26. and others following Charles King of Fraunce espowsed at Mezieres Elizabeth the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian The 16. of December the Riuer of Rhene so ouerflowed that in 80. yeares had not beene seene the like wherevpon many discourses published remembring the miseries passed and the wonders happening teach vs euery one to feare and preuent the euils to come The 11. of the same moneth the Emperor assembled the estates at Spire to prouide for the affaires of Almaine and to giue audience vnto straunge Embassadors The Kings of Denmarke and Snede made peace together the 13. of the same moneth hauing bene at warre together 10. yeares or there abouts The 20. of that moneth the Embassadors of the Protestant Princes made a long oration to the King of France beeing then at Villers to exhort him aboue all things to keepe his Edict of pacification which he promised to doo The French Churches lifted vp their heads after many stormes Ieachim Elector of Brandebourge died the second day of Ianuary and 11. dayes after deceased also his brother Iohn Marquesse of Brandebourge The 13. day of March Iohn Vaiuoda of Transiluania suffering himselfe to be gouerned by a pernitious heretike called Blandrata one that counterfeited himself a Phisitian was slaine by the drugges of the said Blandrata and died without heires by meanes whereof Stephen Bathory was chosen Vaiuoda in his roome The 28. day of May began a disputation betwixt Peter Datherius Minister of the Gospell and 15. Preachers Anabaptists in the presence of Frederick Elector Palatin who had giuen them safe conduct The Articles in the disputation to the number of 13. touched that which is in chiefe debate at this day betwixt them and the reformed Churches namely of the authoritie of Canonicke bookes of the old and new Testament of the vnitie of the diuine essence and of the destination of the three persons subsisting therein of the one flesh and humane nature of Iesus Christ borne of the Virgin Mary of the Israelitike and Christian Church of originall sinne of little children of iustification of the resurrection of the flesh of excommunication and diuorce of the proprietie and possession of goods of the Magistrate and of criminall iustice of an oath of the Baptisme of litle children and of the communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper This disputation was set downe in writing and continued from the 28. of May vntil the 19. of Iune without any fruite because of the obstinacie of the Anabaptists
the promulgation of the Councell of Trent and the constitution of the Inquisition was vrged by the Popes Legate against the intercession of the Senate and the liberties of the Church of France That in England by the treacherous practises of the Iesuites the hearts of her maiesties subiects were drawne from their alleagiance As for the Scots such matters were set abroach euen in the Court that those of the better sort and such as studied for the common good and peace of the realme by the dissention of some Nobles and the Kings youth were banished which vnlesse it were presently remoued it would hazard the estate of their Church and raise warre betweene England and Scotland The miseries of Belgia it being so ouerpressed by the Spanish powers and they euery day encreasing promise no good successe to their Church In Heluetia by the Popes contributions subtilties and the most turbulent preachings of the Iesuites these two yeares haue bene ciuil warres Insomuch that the Bernates imbracers of the reformed Religion should be oppressed by the power of the D. of Sauoy The Churches of Suecia stand wauering whilest the Popish ceremonies are there kept and Iesuites frequent the Court and feare least their perswasions should alienate their King And for Germanie in the which by the care sinceritie of the most mightie Princes the surest and safest harbours are giuen to the Churches the Pope doth what in him lyeth to confound and ouerthrow In Coloine he hath stirred vp such tragedies against that Princely Elector the ende whereof vnlesse it be brought vpon his owne head he hopeth wil be the confusion of all Germanie This Embassage although it was beningly receiued of all the Princes to whom it came yet new disputations troubles arising in France about the death of Alanson the dangers encreased D. Chytreus Georgius Ernestus the last Prince of Henneberge died this present yeare Idem Elias Thacker was hanged at S. Edmonds-Bury in Suffolke and Iohn Copping for spreading certain bookes seditiously penned by one Robert Browne against the booke of commō praier established by the lawes of the realme their bookes as many a could be found were burnt before them I. S. Iohn Lewis who named himselfe Abdiot an obstinate heretike denying the Godhead of Christ and holding diuers other detestable heresies much like to his predecessor Mathew Hamond was burned at Norwich Albertus Alasco free Baron of Lasco Vaiuode or Palatine of Syradia in Poland arriued at Harwiche in Essex and on the last of April came by water to Winchester house in Southwarke where he remained for the most part of his abode Frances of Valois Duke of Alanson attempted diuers exployts in the lowe Countries the issue whereof fell out to his misfortune wherefore feeling himselfe sicke he retyred from Dunkerke towards Fraunce where hee fell into so straunge a iudgement that euen the Phisitians beganne to doubt him for a flixe of blood issued so continually out of his nose and mouth that they were still forced to hold him a Basen whereinto hee voyded the cleare and pure blood whereof he dyed Some say this happend either by his riotousnesse in the lowe Countries or for griefe of the hard successe of his affaires there or by Salcedas meanes that was executed His death weakened the most drowsie heads it brake all the bonds that staied the proceedings of the League and caused it presently to waine at Chalouns Rhemes Troy Dyon and Mezeiuel Historie of France The tenth of Iuly William Nassau Prince of Orange in the one and fiftie yeare of his age was slaine with a Bullet by Balthazar Gerardus otherwise called Serach See Genebrardus This villaine beeing taken aliue confessed that hee was neither set on by the French nor Spanish but did it of his owne minde thinking that thereby hee did God good seruice foorthwith hee was punished with such a death as the qualitie of so hainous a fact deserued Yet a certaine writer of Coloine setteth him downe for a Martyr See Dauid Chytraeus H. Earle of Darbie by the Queenes maiestie was sent Embassador to Henry the third the French King the 30. of Ianuary to inuest him with the order of the Garter Hyperas the eight day of April and Briges which next to Gaunt is the chiefe Citie of Flaunders a little before the Prince of Orange his death in the moneth of May was recouered by the Prince of Parma all former offences forgotten so that they would restore the Catholicke religion of Rome and performe true allegiance to the king of Spaine Assoone as the League perceiued that diuers Townes had made great fiers for ioy of her byrth it was presented to the Pope that he might giue it his blessing auouch it for his and declare it to be for the Catholicke Apostolicke and Romish Church But Gregorie the 13. desiring to shewe himselfe the Father of all Christians and a Pastor and not a dispearser of his flocke considering that the raising of Armes against a most Christian Catholicke king was wholy contrary to the doctrine of the Gospell the examples of Christ and his Apostles and the lawes of policie and state certified the Leagues Deputies that he could not approue their inuentions and to conclude sent them back againe without an answer And not long before he dyed hee said to the Cardinall Est that the League should neuer haue Bull Letter nor Commission from him for hee knew not what they meant and that hee would not serue for a fire-brand to kindle a warre which he could by no means quench In the prime of this yeare the first of April S. Walter Raleigh tooke his voyage for the discouery of that land which lieth between Norembega and Florida in the West Indies and returned in August following preparing afterwards for a second voiage S. H. Gilbert attempted to discouer with intention this country of Norembega to settle an English Colonie there in the yeare 1578. accompanied with a company of Gentlemen of good calling and ten sailes of all sorts of shipping but the iourney tooke no successe for all their ships inforced by some occasion or mischance made their present returne that only excepted where his brother S. W. R. was Captaine who tooke his course to the West Indies but for want of vittailes other necessaries when he had sailed as farre as the Ilands of Cape de Verde vpō the coast of Affrica he was cōstrained to set saile and returne for England But S. H. G. enterprised the voyage the second time and set to sea with three shippes and pinnases this yeare 1584. in which iourney he lost his life This yeare also S. W.R. encouraged by the reports of his men of the goodnes of the soile and the fertillitie of the country which they had discouered the last yeare past and now by her maiestie called Virginia furnished with 8. sailes of all sorts set them to the sea appointing S. Richard Greenfeeld his Lieutenant enioyning him either to
by reason of the desolatiō of the Citie and the smal number of Musulmans Now since such multitudes professe the religion of Mahomet that they need more Churches it is meete that the Christians should yeeld to them After this the Spanish Liedger at Venice wrote that Amurathes had spoyled all the Christian Temples and made them his owne and had commaunded to be done so with them at Ierusalem his anger was so great towards the Patriarke that hee caused him to be bound in chaines to be shamefully carried through the Citie and from thence sent him to Rhodes One cause of his anger towards him was that he vnderstood that he had receiued the Popes new Calender into Greece other Christian churches of the East to the great offence of many An other for that he pronounced a sentence of diuorcement against a mightie man in Greece who the better to be reuenged vpon the Patriarke renounced his faith turned Turke liuing afterwards in Amurathes Court and continually incyting him against the Patriarke Finally when in a Synode it was decreed as the Turke willed that a company of the Grecians shouuld be carried into the Desarts and there erect a Colonie and the Patriark had said it was very hard iniust Theophilus Hieroneonaclus Perachonnius told the Turke hereof who abdicated the Patriark and put Pachonnius in his place who being a rude and vnlearned man after hee had beene in the place one yeare was remooued and Theoseptus succeeded who was inaugurated the yeare 1585. William Carter of London at a Sessions in the Old-bayly was there indighted arraigned and condemned of high treason for printing a seditious and traiterous booke in English Intituled A Treatise of schisme and was for the same according to sentence pronounced against him drawne hanged and quartered I. St. Two and thirtie Seminaries Massing Priests and other late prisoners in the Tower of London Marshall-sea Kings bench and other places were embarked in the Mary Marlin of Colchester to bee transported ouer into the coasts of Normandie to bee banished this Realme for euer by the vertue of a Commission from her Maiestie before specified In the beginning of this yeare at Riga in Liuonia a great hurly burly happened amongst the Citizens about the Popes new Calender which presently burst out into open sedition D. Chytraeus Henry Archbishop of Breme Osuaborge Padeborne Duke of Saxonie the sonne of Frances the elder a Prince endued with vertue wisedome clemencie and learning in the flower of his youth being of the age of 35. yeares was called out of this World Idem Pope Gregorie the thirteenth of that name a Bolonist called before Hugo Boncompagno beeing of the age of eightie yeares dyed at Rome the eleuenth day of Aprill when he had ruled in the Sea the space of thirteene yeares and a litle more This Pope renewed the hatred of his predecessor Pius the fift against the Queene of England and so practised by all manner of meanes one while by force as it appeareth by the great Armada sent into Ireland and had a miserable ende an other while by craft and deceit as was seene in the great traytor Parry and others by him sent who had also miserable end It was the common voyce and fame in Rome that this Gregorie before hee was Pope and also beeing Pope had his concubine of whom hee had also title sonnes which said vnto him such Graces as made him to laugh and beeing Pope such was the grace that Phillippicus his sonne said that the Pope his father gaue him 5000. crownes a yeare M. Cyp. Val. Felix Pereto called Sixtus 5. was borne in a Village called Montalto neare to the Citie of Firmo which is in the Marches of Ancona he was of the order of the Franciscans Cardinall of Montalto In this Pope the common saying of Spaine was fulfilled Rex por natura y papa por ventura A King by name a Pope by aduenture for so poore was his father that hee was a Swine-heard Felix in his childhood was very poorely brought vp but shewing some sparkes of wit a gentlewoman for Gods sake cloathed him with the habit of S. Frances and entreated the Warden to receiue him into his couent where hee studied the liberall sciences and schoole diuinitie and in those sciences hee much profited In the end being now of age he was made Inquisitor In which office such was his carriages as feawe could abide his crueltie and so it hapned that he called before him a Magnifico of Venice who being come hee intreated discourteously inhumanely This gentleman vnaccustomed to h●●re such iniuries and disgraces as by that which after he did for reuenge to the L. Inquisitor appeareth stomacked the matter A feawe daies after this Gentleman encountred the Inquisitor and when he sawe him he commanded his seruant with a good cudgell which he carried to abate the fiercenesse of the vnhappie Pereto Felix being thus cudgelled returned to Rome and recounted his mischance to Pope Pius 4. The Pope hereat disdaining sent him backe to Venice with much more authoritie and power then before When hee was returned to Venice hee presented his commission to the Seignorie The Seignory beeing wise and knowing the quarrelous humour of this man and well perceiuing that hee came with a desire to bee reuenged commaunded a Waxe candle to bee lighted and Felix if hee were wise precisely to depart theyr dominion and iurisdiction before that candle were consumed This Felix vnable to doo otherwise returned eftsoones to Rome and complained to the Pope The Pope seeing this man meete for his seruice made him Maister of his Pallace After this when the Spanish Inquisition of all men how high so euer feared and liked of none held the Archbishoppe of Tolledo for suspected of heresie the Pope sent Felix into Spaine to heare this cause The Generall of the Franciscans the chiefe dignitie among them now happened to die This dignitie gaue the Pope whom a feawe yeares after the same Pope made Cardinall In the conclusion when Gregorie was dead Felix by the meanes of his good friends in Spaine was made Pope and called himselfe Sixtus the fift This name he tooke in memorie of Sixtus 4. who was as he a Franciscan Friar M. Cyp. Val. This Pope talking one day of his base birth and parentage saide that hee came from a most illustrious house for said hee the vpper part of the roofe thereof beeing alwaies torne and vncouered the Sunne daily made it most glorious with his beames Anthonius Ciracella de vitis pontificum The Princes of the Empire with the K. of Denmarke sent their Embassadors in the moneth of March to the Emperor at Prage to entreat for the enlargement of Iohn Frederick Prince of Saxonie whom hee held in prison the space of 18. yeares which although the Emperor condiscended to in word only yet he bound the captiue Prince with such hard conditions that he had rather
touching the Eucharist generally receiued 245 Elutherius Bishop of Lyons and his dreames 78 Eugenia daughter of Phillip king of Alexandria martyred 76 Eutalius Priest cause of the 4. Schisme 137 Euaristus B. 30. Martyred Ibid. Elutherius Pope 43 Eutichian K. of Rome 71 Eutychians and Arrians reiected from Constantinople 79 Exarches in Italy 176 Exarches cease in Italy 211. Is giuen to the Pope 218. asked againe by Constantine Excommunication conuerted into abuse 257 Excommunication written with Inke mingled with wine in the Challice 239. For temporall goods 329 Exorcists 91 Eusebius Bish of R. 18 Euerguacenes 143 F FAbian Bishop and his election miraculous 56 Martyred with his wife Darfosa Ibid. Fable of the Stigmates of S. Frances 389 Fausta maintaineth her husband Costantine in superstition 100 Faelix Bishop and his Decretalls and martyrdome 82 Faelix Bishop of Rauenna hath his eyes put out 202 Faelix and Elephandus condemned for heresie which they repent 226 Faelix 5. renounceth the Popedome 480 Ferrara vsurped by the Venetians 110 Feasts denounced to the people 93 Feasts of all Saints instituted 112 Feasts of the Sacrament called Feste Dieu 121. Confirmed 149 Fastings 139 Feast of the speare and nailes Feast of the transingration Feast of dedication 716 Festus gouerneth Iudea 19 Flagellers or whippers 117 Flaunders made a Countie 290 Flower-delyce of France 426 Forbidding to eate flesh annathenized 235 Florentines buy their libertie Florentines interdicted 440 Absolued by Vrban the 6. 446 Florian brother of Tacitus 70 Vsurped the Empire and is slaine Ibid. Florus mooued the Iewes to war 18 Fraunce followeth the fashion of the Romane Masse 207 France diuided into certain kingdomes 197 France agreeth in their Ecclesiasticall singing with the Romanes 256 Frances Dandalus D. of Venice 425 Frances Curiario Vicar of the Empire taken of the Venetians and slaine in prison 452 S. Frances canonized 383 Frances Petrarke 420 Fratricelli condemned and persecuted 384 Fredegunda sleyeth Chrisperic 203 Fredegunda flaine in the Church Ibid. Frederic Barbarossa goeth into Italy 329 Hee is excommunicated of Alexander the third 344 Felix Bishop of Rome 71 Formosus Pope 258 Ferdinand 1. 554 Frederic Barbarossa is surprised by the Souldan and set at libertie 273 Troden vnder foote by Alexander the third 348 Frederick the 2. declared an enemie to the Church 389 He is constrained to lead an Armie into Siria 390 Frederick the 2. excommunicated and depriued of his Empire by Innocent the 4. 393 Frederick 2. being angred at the Pope made many notable persons die 363 Frederick D. of Austrich beheaded at Naples with others 399 Frederick Count of Misne elected Emperour 441 Frederick D. of Brunswic elected Emp. slaine by the Count de Waldec 317 Frisons receiue the faith 266 Frodesque Saluiat Archbishop of Pise hanged 479 Fulco succeeded Baudwin in the Kingdome of Hierusalem 363 Fuscus ouercome by Derpains 300 Fulbert Bishop of Chartres made Stirps Iesse 322 G GAmma inuented 284 Galeaze Duke of Millaine 456 Galerius Max. eaten with wormes 80 Gallien Emperour 72 Gallus Emp. he and Vclutian are slaine Ibid. Ganclon betrayeth the Peeres of France 257 Gantier Diuelot slaine in the Church 78 Gautlier d' Annoy an adulterer scorched and hanged 430 Geneua and Orleance founded by Aurelian Geneua ordaines a Duke 80 Geneuiefue the Parisians Diana 179 Gregorian Calender 642 Refused 647 Gregory 13. Pope dieth 651 Gregory the 14. 677 Gerard Brazut Hildebrands instruments to kill Popes 537 Gibelins set vp 357 Gnostiques 35 Godfrey of Bullen king of Ierulem 353 Gratian perswades 3. Popes 19. to depose themselues 306 Greekes graunt Purgatory and the Pope to be primate of the Church 427 Gregory one of the foure Doctors of the Church 206 Gregory calleth himselfe the seruant of seruants 79. And will not iudge an vniuersall Bishop Ibid. Gregory celebrateth the Supper in the vulgar tongue Ibid. Gregory the 2. Pope opposeth himselfe against the ordinance to burne Images 190 Gregory the fourth accepted not the Popedome vnlesse the Emperour allowed the election 221 Gregory Alias Hildedrand defended Symonie and single life 345 Gregory the seuēth cast the Host into the fire Ibid. Gregory the 7. a liuely picture of Antichrist Gregory the 7. after his death tormented in hell doth great myracles 340 Guelphes the Popes fautors and Gibelins the Emperours 390 Guilbert Archbishop of Rauenna taken vp againe 16. yeares after buriall 256 Guido Aretine the first inuentor of the Gamma the notes 284 Guillaine Pion Duke of Aquitaine founder of the first Monasterie of the order of Augustine Friars 219 Guillian Orseure shewed that the Pope is Antichrist 227 Guillaine Count de Holland chosen Emperour against Frederick the second 257. Is slaine Ibid. Guiniard Bishop of Nantes martyred 294 Guisards audition 300 Guy de Lusingam last king of Ierusalem 357 Gaule began to be called France 188 Gordian Emperour 56 Grashoppers out of the bottomelesse pit 461 Guns inuented 432 H HAalon K. of the Tartarians ouercommeth the Persians 177 Helchesites heretikes 25 Henry the 8. Emperour inuented the combat of tournies 65 H. the 3. vpon his marriage day draue away all Morris-players and such like 284 H. the 4. Emperour sheweth a deiection of heart vnworthy an Emperour 130 H. 4 poysoned by his sonne vnburied by the space of 5. years 315 H. the 5. resigneth the inuestitures to the Pope 334 H. Lātgraue of Thuring elected Emperour dieth 361 H. the 6. will needs bee crowned at Rome 349 H. the 7 poysoned in an Host. 357 H. the 1. K. of England depriued of his right by an Archbishop 223 Henry Carperell Prouost of Paris a false Iudge condemned 422 Heliogabalus Emp. 51 Hilary 1. Pope 157 Herculian Bishop of Peruse hath his head sawne Heresie of Ebion 29. Nicholaits 29. Menander 29. Basilides 35. Saturnine 35. Cerinthus 40. Valentine 35 Marcian and Montanus 35 Carpocrates Gnastici 35. Cerdin 38. Cataphryges 42. Apalles 42. Talianus 142. Fratricelli 420. Seuerians 43 Theodorus 57. Proclus and Berillus 62. Noetus and Sabellius 64. Of the Manichees 71. Arrius 95. Pelagius 82. Acephales 84. A quaternitie 47. Of many Monkes 22. Of Iohn Bishop of Constantinople 302. Athenians and others 89. Prifallian 30.12 Monothelites 214. Of Constantius 363. Of Paul the successor of Pyrrhus 249. Of Peter the successor of Patriarch 223. Constant by him abiured 229. Of Machoris Bishop of Antioche Monothelite 215 Heresie of a Councell 309 Heresie pernitious of Transubstantiation 359 Herman of Saxe elected Emperour 257 Herod stirreth persecutiō 2. And dieth by a horrible iudgement Ibid. Herod Antipas beheaded Iohn 4 Herod Tetrarch banished to Lyons 6 Herodes Agrippa beheaded Iames. 9. His death 15 Herodias wife of Phillip Herodes 4 Houres Canonicall sung by note 357 Hildebrand causeth eight Popes to die 427 Hildericke king of the Vandales restoreth the Catholickes 461 Hirene assembleth a Councell at Nice 222. Causeth her sonnes eyes to be put out 223 Holland erected into a Countie 259 Homousis and Essence 99 Hungarie and Boheme become one kindome 371 Honorius