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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12738 The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans Their originals, manners, warres, coines & seales: with ye successions, lives, acts & issues of the English monarchs from Iulius Cæsar, to our most gracious soueraigne King Iames. by Iohn Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Schweitzer, Christoph, wood-engraver. 1611 (1611) STC 23045; ESTC S117937 1,552,755 623

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where calling a Parliament in the presence of himselfe and of Dauid King of Scotland hee caused the Nobles and first before all other Stephen his Sisters Sonne who first did violate it to sweare fealty to her as to his lawfull and now onely heire by whom they should againe come to bee gouerned by the ancient English Roiall bloud from which he shewed her to bee descended which Oath was this that they should as much as in them lay after King Henries decease if hee died without Heire-Male establish her Queene of the Monarchy of Great Britaine now called England But whether they did or no saith Gemeticensis belongs not to mee to tell but this our Story shall hereafter relate and make knowne 48 Giraldus and Higden and some ancient Manuscripts affirme but with very little probability or credite that Henry the Emperour died not at this time as was giuen forth but that rather vpon a remorse of conscience for imprisoning his owne naturall Father Henry the third vnto death and also his Spirituall Father the Pope with his Cardinals repenting these outrages hee laid aside his Imperiall Roabe and secretly fled into England where at Westchester hee became an Hermite changing his name vnto Godscall where he so liued the space of ten yeeres and was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Werburga the Virgine Vpon which his suddaine flight and missing the Empresse Maud some say was suspected to bee guilty of his death and for that cause was kept continually in the Queenes Chamber Indeed that she abode still in Chamber with the Queene Paris records but hee giues a wiser reason thereof for that her Father did loue her exceedingly as being now his sole Heire and where should an Empresse rather liue then with a Queene a Daughter then with her Mother a faire Lady a Widow and an Heire of so great a Kingdom then where her Person might bee safest from danger her mind from inueigling and her carriage from suspition But as for that other idle coniecture it is razed out both by those Writers who record his Buriall and Monumentat Spire as Higden himself signifieth and also by the penne of William Gemeticensis who reporteth her to be a woman generally well thought of and approued among the greatest Princes of the Empire for her prudent and gratious behauiour towards the Emperour her husband insomuch that they became suiters vnto her seeking by all meanes to attaine her to gouerne them and to that end attended her to King Henry in Normandy to solicite the same to whom in no wise hee would giue his consent meaning to make her his Successor in the Kingdome Whereunto Malmsbury who then liued accordeth saying shee was very vnwilling to haue come out of those parts of the Empire where both her dowry and acquaintance lay and that the Princes of those Countries came more then once into England to haue her for their Empresse but that the King would not part with the Heire of his Crowne 49 But King Henrie afterwards desirous to bee free from the variances of these forraine Princes and hearing that Foulke Earle of Anion had giuen his Earledome with the territories of Gaunt and Turyn vnto his Sonne Ieffrey Martell surnamed Plantagenet himselfe minding to abide at Ierusalem whereof he was King in right of his wife Milissent the daughter of Baldwine de Burge lately deceased thought him the fittest to be linked into his alliance therfore concluded a mariage betwixt the said Ieffrey and his onely lawfull daughter Lady Maude the Empresse though partly against her liking as both Gemeticensis and Geruasius of Canterbury doth declare which was solemnized in Normandy the third of Aprill accordingly 50 That William sonne to the Curtoise was formerly fauoured by Earle Foulke wee haue shewed but now he was further followed with increase of Fortune and the French Kings aide onely for a rub in King Henries way for Charles Earle of Flanders being traiterously murdered by his owne People without any his issue to succeed him Lewis of France to make William faster to him set him in possession as the next heire in blood vnto that Larledome William being the sonne of Duke Robert and Robert the Eldest of Queene Maude the wife of the Conquerour and she daughter to Earle Baldwin the fifth whose issue Male now failing the right was from her deriued vnto this her Grand-child William 51 This Ground-worke vnto greatnesse King Henry disliked least by his Nephewes height himselfe might bee ouer topped and his blind fathers wrongs the sooner redressed therefore hauing by his daughters marriage made Aniou his from Normandy he inuaded France euen vnto Hespard where for eight daies he remained as secure as in his owne Kingdome and partly by feare partly by faire paiments wrought Lewis to withdraw his aide from yong William neither so ceased but that hee instigated William de Ypres to disturbe Williams state and did also draw a cerraine Duke named Theodorick out of Germany with a band of Flemmings who entred Flanders in Hostile maner 52 With these last Earle William a Prince for his age of imcomparable prowesse soone met and giuing them battell with an inuincible courage brake through the enemies troopes in such sort that they were discomfited and the Earle had the day whence in this heate of bloud hee marched vnto Angi a Castle of King Henries which after a strong siege being vpon the surrender by a small wound which Earle William receiued in his hand hee shortly died but not without immortall fame for magnanimity and valour 53 Were it not reported by some Writers of note I might here well passe ouer certaine presaging dreames as the Monkes interpreted them which King Henry had being ready now to goe into Normandy for to his seeming he saw a sort of rusticke plough-men with their Instruments of husbandry after them Souldiers with their weapons of Warre and lastly the Bishops with their Crosiers staues all of them angerly threatning and attempting his death wherewith hee was so perplexed that leaping out of his bed he called for helpe but seeing it but a dreame as a dreame he esteemed it and passed ouer into Normandy where long hee staied not but that his Daughter Maud vpon some displeasure departed from her husband and came with her Father into England Some write that she was the pro●…ker of certaine displeasures betwixt her husband and Father which so affected his mind with passions of wrath and griefe that many thought it was a great hastning of his end and indeede Malmsburie witnesseth that the King vpon his death-bed passionately mentioned the wrongs and indignities wherewith her husband had disquieted his mind Howbeit soone after this her departure from him by consent of the States who met at Northampton shee was reconciled to her husband sent vnto him vpon his intreaty and bare
still beating in their faces and there taking horse the same night got to the Castle of Wallingford to the great ioy and also admiration of all that were therein 39 In the meane while Earle Robert with Prince Henrie were arriued in England at Warrhame hauen and presentlie besieged the Castle there so to withdraw the King from siege of his sister but hearing of the happie escape of the Empresse came with young Henry vnto his mother whose sight made her forget the griefe and sorrowes that she had long indured Then was Oxford vpon conditions yeelded to the King and Wilton fired by the bastard Earle Robert The Towre of London with the Castles of Walden Pleises and Lincolne yeelded to Stephen the Castles of Warham and Portland yeelded to Robert The Earles of Chester and Essex surprized by the King William Martell the great fauourite taken and imprisoned by the Earle Thus sundrie yeeres passing with variable successes to and fro and euery yeere heaping on each side fresh calamities to the great ruine of the whole land the Empresse euen wearied with those warres and vncertaineties of successe went into Normandie chusing rather to be vnder the protection of her husband in peace then to raigne in England perplexed with troubles and to the same end she had not long before sent her young sonne Henrie to his father who desired to haue him rather heire of a Dukedome with safetie then of a Crowne with daylie hazard 40 Stephen that by a fresh surprizall of Randall Earle of Chester had got Lincolne and entring thereinto which no King before him durst doe for that certaine wizards had prophesied euilluck vnto such at christmas did there weare the Regall Crowne on his head and after the Empresses departure caused the Barons of England to sweare allegiance vnto Prince Eustace his sonne by which two complements hee supposed all had beene sure on his side and the rather for that the most faithfull puissant and euer-renowned Earles Robert of Glocester and Milo of Hereford the two great and glorious pillars which had by many Conquests supported their Anioueians cause were now conquered by death and the rest of the Nobles applying themselues to the Times kept themselues quiet in the absence of these Competitors all which gaue no little assurance vnto Stephens estate 41 But Henry Fitz-Empresse grown now from a Child thought it best a while to leaue Mercury for it is said hee was Bookish and to follow Mars so knowing his presence would preferre much his purposes for men would bee loth to hazard all for one who himselfe would neglect all hasted againe into England with an Armie of valiant and choice Souldiers to whom ioined the discontented Earle of Chester Roger the sonne of Miles deceased with many more Knights and Gallants of the English hee therefore tooke into the North and met with Dauid his cosen King of Scotland of whom hee was most honourably receiued and solemnely sacred with the Military honour of Knighthood and thence forward sought all occasions to prouoke both King Stephen and his sonne Eustace against him and hauing setled some courses with certain Peeres for the pursuit of his designes in England hee returned into Normandy to compose set forward some other businesses which might be auaileable for these his ends 42 Where long he staied not but that Geffrey his Father departed this life and left him his Heire both of Aniou and Normandy and the yeere following he matched in marriage with Eleanor Dutches of Guien and Aquitane lately diuorced from Lodowicke King of France for consanguinity and adultery saith Paris after shee had borne him two daughters Lodowicke fearing issue-male by this marriage to the disheriting of his said daughters greatly impugned Duke Henry and Stephen suspecting his greatnes now being Duke of Normandy Aniou Aquitane and Guien both of them sought each way to impeach his peace Lodowicke with Prince Eustace in the parts beyond seas and Stephen in England to make sure his succession sought to inuest the said Prince Eustace with the English Diademe both to preuent and vtterly depriue Henry Fitz-Empresse for euer for calling a Counsell at London King Stephen commaunded Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury to consecrate Prince Eustace for their King which hee refused to doe and that by commandement from the Pope whose holy See can deale on both sides as makes most for their aduantage alledging now that his Father was an vsurper and periured Intruder whereupon the honest Archbishop fled into Normandy and the King seized vpon al his possessions It may seeme that one cause of the Popes inclining to yong Henries title was to strēgthen him against his enemy King Lewis of France who had highly offended his Holines for casting the Popes Bulles whereby hee required the fruits of Vacancies of all Cathedrall Churches in France into the fire saying hee had rather the Popes Bulles should rest in the fire then his owne soule should frse in hell 43 King Stephen thus defeated of his purpose and seeing his Title questioned by the Church who had before approued it resolued to make it good by the sword for winning the Castle of Muby fortified Malmesbury and laid a strait siege vnto Wallingford against which hee erected the Castle Cranmerse to stoppe the passages of their reliefe or comming forth But Henry after hee had calmed the boisterous stormes of warre in the parts beyond the seas came ouer into England well appointed vnto whom also resorted many of the Nobility who yeelded vp themselues and aboue thirty strong Castles to the young Duke now well furnished hasted to raise the siege of Wallingford and there vndertooke a great enterprice for hee incircled the Bestegers with a great and deepe Trench whereby hee kept them from reliefe as they did keepe the Besieged 44 Stephen following hastily to succour his men though with the lesse edge for that hee neuer sped well in any assault of that Castle pitched downe his Tents euen neere his enemy and ready on both sides to giue battaile the Winter stormes were suddenly so troublesome that nothing could bee done but those somewhat ouerblowne and the Armies scarse three furlongs asunder as King Stephen was busied in disposing of his hoast and giuing direction for order of the battaile his horse vnder him rising with his fore-feet fell flat vpon the earth not without danger to his Rider and thus did he thrice ere he left which thing his Nobles secretly muttering interpreted for an vnlucky presage when William Earle of Arundell a bold and eloquent man went to him and aduised him to a peace affirming the title of Duke Henry to be iust that the Nobility on both parts there present were neerely linked in Alliances Bloud and how these stood affected was very doubtfull yea that Brethren were there assembled the one
chiefe seat to consult for remedies dismissed thence all the Students by reason of their multitude being aboue 15000 saith William Rishanger who then liued of those only whose names were entred into the Matriculation booke amongst whom being so many young Nobles the King doubted how they might bee affected to the Barons Whereupon many of them went to Northampton where then the Barons were strong and thither the King comming with his hoast and breaking in at the Towne-walles vpon Passion Sunday encountred his enemies amongst whom the Students of Oxford had a Banner by themselues aduanced right against the King and they did more annoy him in the fight then the rest of the Barons which the King who at length preuayled had vowed sharpely to reuenge but that his Councellors told him those Students were the sonnes and kindred of the Great-men of the Land whom if hee punished euen the Nobles who now stood for him would take Armes against him The King there tooke Simon Montfort the younger and foureteene other principall Barons and Knightes Banerets forty other Knights besides Esquiers c. Encouraged with this successe hee aduanceth the Standard royall toward Nottingham burning and wasting the Barons lands wheresoeuer hee came To diuert this tempest Simon Montfort hastneth to London and attemptes the taking of Rochester Castle which Iohn Earle of Warren defended for the King who comming to raise the siege takes Kingston Castle which belonged to the Earle of Gloucester then vnexpectedly falling vpon such as maintained the siege of Rochester while Simon was absent kils verie many and scatters the rest Then seiseth hee the Castle of Tunbridge and therein the Countesse of Gloucester whom notwithstanding he nobly set at large as professing not to warre against Ladies from thence the Cloud of power borne vpon the winges of indignation speedes to Winchelsea and receiues the Cinque-Portmen to grace setling at last in Lewis where himselfe rested in the Priorie and his sonne in the Castle whither the Barons sent letters to him protesting their loyall obseruance to his person but all hostisity to their enemies which were about him 100 But the King flaming with desire of reuenge sets slight by these vowed but fained fidelities and returnes a full defiance as to Traitors professing that hee takes the wrong of his friends as his owne and their enemies as his The King of Almaine Prince Edward with other of the Kings chiefe friends sent their like letters of defiance The Barons loath to let it come to the hazardous and vnkind triall of steele though they then encamped about sixe miles from Lewis not acquitting themselues in this repulse iterate their message with an offer to pay to the King thirty thousand pounds in satisfaction of such hurts as their people had done through the Realme so as the Statutes of Oxford might stand The king of Almaine whose honour they had toucht and spoild part of his inheritances hindred all harkening to any their offers 101 It came to a battel wherein Simon de Montford commands his traiterous Army to weare white Crosses on breast and backe to shew they fought for Iustice great was the effusion of bloud on both parts chieflie of the Scots vpon the Kings side of the Londoners vpon the Earles side whose Battalion lead by the Lord Segraue Prince Edward most furiously charged and had the execution of them for about foure miles which he pursued the more bloudily in reuenge of the extreame disgrace which they had offered vpon London Bridge to the Queene his Mother and after that the Garrison of Tunbridge followes and slew many at Croyden But while the Prince spent himself in that reuenge his Father who hauing his Horse slain vnder him had yeelded himself prisoner to Simon de Montfort his vncle the king of Romans and others great Peeres were taken and the whole hope of that day lost There fell in all on both sides about fiue thousand Prince Edward returning from the slaughter of the Londoners ed at Westminster on the Northside of the high Altar vnder a faire monument of stone with his Portraiture and the armes of him and others of his house and manie noble houses of that time 108 Richard the third sonne of King Henry and Queene Elenor bearing the name of his vncle Richard King of Romans Almaign deceased in his youth and lieth at Westminster enterred on the south-side of the Quire 109 Iohn the fourth sonne of King Henrie and Queene Fleanor bearing the name of King Iohn his grandfather deceased yong and at Westminster his bones lie enterred with his brother Richard 110 William the fift sonne of King Henry and Queene Eleanor is mentioned by Thomas Pickering a Priest of the monastery of Whitby in Yorkeshire who liued in the time of King Henrie the sixt and wrote a large Genealogie of the Kings of England and their issues ' and that he dying in his childhood was buried within the new Temple by Fleete-streete in London 111 Henry the sixt sonne of King Henry and Queene Eleanour is also reported by the same Pickering to haue died yong and to be buried at Westminster 112 Margaret the eldest daughter of King Henry and Queene Eleanor borne the twentie sixt yeere of her Fathers raigne 1241. was the first wife of Alexander the third King of Scotland married to him at Yorke An. 1251. by whome shee had issue Alexander and Dauid who died both before their Father without issue and Margaret Queene of Norway wife of King Erike and mother of Margaret the heire of Scotland and Norway that died vnmarried shee was Queene twenty two yeeres liued thirtie three deceased before her husband in the twenty third yeere of his Raigne the first of her brother Edwards in England and was buried at the Abbey of Dunferinling in Scotland 113 Beatrice the second daughter of King Henrie and Queene Eleanor was borne at Burdeaux in Gascoigne Iune 25. An. 1242. of her Fathers raigne 27. At the age of eighteene yeeres shee was married to Iohn the first Duke of Britaine sonne of Iohn the last Earle of the same and had issue by him Arthur Duke of Britanny Iohn Earle of Richmont Peter and Blanch married to Philip sonne of Robert Earle of Artoys Eleanour a Nunne at Amsbery and Marie married to Guy Earle of Saint Paul when shee had beene his wife twelue yeeres and liued thirty yeeres shee deceased in Britany in the first yeere of the Raigne of her brother King Edward and was buried at London in the Quire of the Grey Fryers within Newgate 114 Catherine the third daughter of King Henry and Queene Eleanor was borne at London An. 1253. of her fathers raigne 37. Nouemb. 25. being Saint Katherines day whose name was therefore giuen vnto her at the font by Boniface Arch-Bishop of Canterburie her mothers vncle who christened her and was her Godfather Shee died yong and at Westminster her bones lie enterred with her brother Richard and Iohn
blush and tremble as often as they shall dare to insin●…ate any thing against Gods wisdome in the Fabrick of the world as if the Craggy and desert places thereof had no vse in nature when omitting all other reasons of their being the conseruation of kingdomes and nations was thus by them effected We had an Herward in the Conquerours time as well as the Scots had a Walleys in this and we might perhaps at this houre haue beene without French mixtures if God had prouided our Country of such Wastes and deserts as either they or the Welshmen did enioy who for manie hundreths of yeeres after the ruine in Saint Peters Church at Westminster the twentieth day of Nouember in the first year of his Fathers raign Ann. Dom. 1272. in the same place and vnder the same Tombe where his brother Iohn lies with his picture also in the Arch aboue it 60 Alphons the third sonne of Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at the Towne of Maine in Gascoigne as his father and mother were in their returne towards England from Ierusalem Nouember 23. in the second yeare of his fathers raigne 1273. hee deceased at Windsor August 4. in the twelfth yeere of his age 1285. and was buried at Westminster in Saint Peters Church by Saint Bennets Chappell where his body lieth vnder the Tombe of his Brothers Iohn and Henry his Image also there portraied with theirs 61 Edward the fourth sonne of King Edward and Queene Elenor was borne April 25. in the thirteenth yeere of his fathers raigne 1284. at Caernaruan in Northwales and after the death of Lewelin ap Griffith in regard of the place of his Natiuity was by his fathers Creation with the consent of the Welsh made Prince of Wales the first of the sonnes and heires apparant of the Kings of England that bare that Title which afterward became ordinary to most of the rest hee was also Earle of Ponthieu and Chester and being made Knight by his father at London on Whitsunday in the thirty fourth yeere of his Raigne 1306. succeeded him the same yeer in the Kingdome of VVales 62 Elenor the eldest daughter of King Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at Windsor in the fiftieth yeare of King Henry her Grandfather shee was married with all Ceremonies of Proxie to a Deputy for Alphons King of Arragon sonne of King Peter who deceased A. Do. 1292. before the solemnization of marriage leauing his Kingdom to his brother Iames and his new wife to another husband who was married at Bristow in the two and twentieth yeere of her fathers raigne 1293. to Henry the 3. Earle of Barrie whose Earledome lay in the East-borders of Champaigne in France Shee had Issue by him Edward Earle of Barrie from whom descended the Earles and Dukes of that Country whose inheritance by Heires generall deuolued to the Kings of Arragon and from them again to the Dukes of Aniou that were Kings of Sicill Henrie another sonne of hers was Bishoppe of Troys in Champagny Helen her Daughter was marrird to Henry Earle of Bloys and Ioan to Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey she was his wife fiue yeeres and deceased 27. of her fathers raigne A. D. 1298. 63 Ioan the second daughter of King Edward and Queene Eleanor was borne in the first yeere of her fathers raigne 1272. at a City in the holy land sometime named Ptolomais commonly called Acon and Aker where her mother remained during the warres that her father had with the Saracens Shee was at eighteene yeeres of age married to Gilbert Clare called the Red Earle of Glocester and Hereford by whom shee had issue Earle Gilbert slaine in Scotland without issue Eleanor married first to Hugh Spencer in her right Earle of Glocester and after to William Zouch of Ricards castle Margaret first maried to Peter Gaueston Earle of Cornwal after to Hugh Audeley Earle also of Glocester and Elizabeth Lady of Clare married first to Iohn son and heire to Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster in Ireland mother of William Burgh Earle of Vlster and Grandmother of Elizabeth Dutchesse of Clarence secondly to Theobald Lord Verdon and lastly to Sir Roger Damary This Ioan suruiued her husband and was remarried to Sir Ralph Monthermere a Baron father to Margaret the mother of Thomas Mountacute Earle of Salisbury of whom the now Vicount Mountacute is descended shee liued thirty eight yeeres and deceased in the first yeere of her brother King Edwards raigne and is buried at the Fryer Austines in Clare 64 Margaret the third daughter of King Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at the Castle of Windsor in the third yeare of her fathers raigne and of our Lord 1275. When shee was fifteene yeeres of age shee was married at Westminster Iuly 9. in the eighteenth yeere of herfathers raign A D. 1290. to Iohn the second Duke of Brabant by whom shee had issue Duke Iohn the third father of Margaret wife of Lewis of Mechlin Earle of Flanders and mother of the Lady Margaret the heire of Brabant and Flanders who was married to Philip Duke of Burgundie 65 Berenger the fourth Daughter of King Edward Queen Elenor was born the 4. of her fathers raigne An. 1276. as Iohn Eueresden the Monke of S. Edmundsburie in Suffolke hath recorded in his booke of English Annales but other mention there is none but onely from him whereby it is likely that shee did not liue to be married but that shee died in her childhood 66 Alice the fifth Daughter of king Edward and Queene Elenor is by Thomas Pickering of the Monastery of Whitby who wrote the large Genealogie of the Kings of England and their issue reported to haue deceased without Issue 67 Marie the sixt daughter of king Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at Windsor April 22. in the eight yeare of her fathers raigne 1279. and at ten yeeres of age A. D. 1289. September 8. shee was made a Nunne in the Monastery of Ambresberie in Wiltshire at the instance of Queen Elenor her Grandmother who at that time liued there in the habite of the same profession although her Parents were hardly enduced to yeeld their consents to that course 68 Elizabeth the seuenth Daughter of king Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at the Castle of Ruthland in Flintshire in the thirteenth yeere of her fathers raigne An. 1284. When she was foureteen yeeres of age shee was married at London to Iohn the first of that name Earle of Holland Zeland and Lord of Freezeland who died within two yeeres after without Issue and shee was remarried to Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Lord of Breknoke and high Constable of England by whom shee had Issue Iohn and Humfrey both Earles successiuely after their Father Edward that died in Scotland without issue and William who being created Earle of Northampton while his Brothers liued after their deceases was also Earle of Hereford and Essex Lord of Breknok and high Constable of England and father of Earle Humfrey the tenth of
egresse whereupon the Duke of Lancaster caused thē to bee assaulted so both of them being taken by surrender were razed to the ground though some English first lost their liues among which was Sir Robert Swinarton a valiant Knight of Staffordshire and Iohn de Bolton a couragious Esquier of Yorkeshire whom the sodaine ruine of a Tower ouerturned by mining whelmed and slew outright Sharpened with the successe of this victorie they commit themselues to God and the Sea and prosperously arriue with the whole Fleet in the Port Corone or the Groyne in August 61 The French belike thought England could not furnish an other Army for France as she had for Spain wherupon there was now no false nor vain rumor spread again that the French would besiege Calis The King to secure that pretious transmarine part of his Dominions sent thither store of men and of all prouisions The most eminent person was Henry Lord Percie sonne to Henry Earle of Northumberland This was hee whom the Scots by-named Hotspur a young Gentleman in whom saith Walsingham the patterne of all vertue and martiall prowesse shined and indeed his nature did answere his by-name for hee made such ridings into the quarters about Calis that they could neuer wish a worse neighbour After which when the fame went that the French king would not delay or as they call it beleaguer Calis but rather inuade England hee returned to bee present where the greatest danger was expected At this time the English Seamen of warre brought two French prizes to Sandwich in which was taken a part of an huge strong Timber-wall which the French king preparing now for Englands inuasion had caused to bee built in length three miles in height twenty foot which had at euery twelue paces a Tower ten foot higher and each capable of ten men the whole to be a defence for the French encampments against our shot and a shelter for theirs there was also in the same Ships the Enginer and master workeman who was an Englishman and great quantities of powder and store of Ordinance together with the French Kings Master Gunner 62 There was in this time a great resemblance betweene England and France in the chiefe points of State As England had Richard so had France her Charles both young Kings Charles with an huge armie had prepared to inuade England but did nothing Richard with no lesse forces entred Scotland and did no great thing Richard had vncles which bare great sway in the Realme so had Charles Richard had his vncle Iohn more potent then the rest Charles had his vncle Lewis Iohn vpon his wiues title claimeth the kingdomes of Castile and Leon Lewis by the gift of Ioan the Queene claimes the Kingdomes of Naples and Sicil. Lewis went with an Army of thirty thousand horse into Italie to atchieue his claime with what force Iohn set forth you haue heard But Lewis died without obtayning Iohn preuailed so farre as to settle his child by marriage The King and great Lords of France were glad with any charge to enioy the absence of Lewis and Richard and his fauourites were not sad that the Realme was for the present rid of Iohn 63 The forces of the French prouided for this inuasion of England were reported in open Parliament which the King held about Michaelmas in London to consist of 15 Dukes 26. Earles two hundreth Lords an hundreth thousand souldiers and a thousand Ships assembled about Sluse with full purpose to take reuenge of all the euils which the English nation had formerly wrought in France and to destroy the English kingdome But though these reports were not fained for the French attended nothing in a manner but a faire gale of winde to bring them yet could not the King without Capitulations made by the Duke of Gloster obtaine any aides of money so that whereas it seemed to the King that by the Duke of Lancasters departure he was become more free yet had he left behind spirits much more stiffe and intractable O deare Countrey hadst thou not then beene apparantlie in Gods protection for the French hauing stayd for a wind till Hallontide and then hauing it halfe-way were beaten backe and the voyage made vtterly voyd certainely thy ruine had then beene certaine What shall wee thinke or say of those popular Lords by this gentle King armd to his owne bane with power and greatnes who vnder the specious pretext of reforming abuses did satisfie their enuie and inbred insolency 64 The King tels them that England is as they saw in manifest danger and prayes their succour in money what is the answere That the Duke of Ireland for now the Marquesse of Dublin was made a Duke and Michaell at the Pole so they scornfully called the Earle of Suffolke and other must be remoued Things are badly carried at home say they and they perhaps said truly but where was now the care of our Countrey God indeed turned from vs the mercilesse point of the French sword but here began the seeds of innumerable worse miseries neuer to be remembred without sighes and teares 65 The seedes we say of those fearefull calamities were then first here sowne whose sum a flourishing Writer in our age willing neerely to haue imitated Lucan as hee is indeed called our Lucan doth not vnfortunately expresse though hee might rather haue said he wept them then sung them but so to sing them is to weepe them I sing the ciuill warres tumultuous broiles And bloudy factions of a mighty land Whose people hauty proud with forraine spoiles Vpon themselues turne backe their conquering hand While kinne their kinne brother the brother foiles Like Ensignes all against like Ensignes band Bowes against Bowes a Crowne against a Crowne While all pretending right all right throwne downe But Robert de Vere saith Thomas Duke of Glocester and his party was vnworthily created Duke of Ireland and De la Pole the Lord Chancellour seemed to the onely great Lords for so they would seeme to be in the Kings debt Strange colours for Subiects to capitulate with their King vpon giuing their ioynt aides against the common enemy now ready with one destruction to ouerwhelme them all The time they tooke to worke this pretended amendment in state was not well fitted It sauoured of somewhat else besides the loue of common-weale Priuate ambitions and passions could not bee wanting in such oppositions This is some mens iudgement let the sequels shew how iust 66 There were called vp at this Parliament for defence of the Realme innumerable people out of al Shires which forces lay about London within twentie miles round and had no pay but liued vpon spoile These at last were licenced to depart to be ready at warning There was also the Lord Chancellour accused of we wot not what petty crimes for the abuses of following ages haue made them seeme so as for paying to the Kings Coffers but twentie markes yeerely
tumults King Stephen returnes into England Roger Houeden Math. Paris The King of Scots against King Stephen Ypodig Neustri ●…ed in Steph. Huntingdon lib. 8. The English Nobles against King Stephen Simon Dun. * Huntingdon 8. Malmes Nouel l●…b 2. pag. 105. Idem li. 1. pa. 102. Idem Earle Robert sends threats to King Stephen Idem Malmesb. No●…el lib. 1. Geruas Dorob Wil. Malm●…b English Peeres fortific against the King Henry H●…t lib. 8. Houeden * De Malt●…na King Stephens vsuall Oath Ma●…es N●…el lib. 1. Melmesb N●…l libro secund●… Ger. Dor. An. D. 1139. The King of Scotland his attempts against Stephen Simon Dun. Houeden Wendouer Hen. Hunting This field was fought in August An. 1138. neere the mouth of Humber Mat. Paris The great valor of Prince Henry of Scotland Mah. Paris Houeden alij Polyd. Uirgil Rand. Higden Earle Robert leaues England A Peace betwixt the King of England and Scotland Math. Paris Henry Hunt Houeden Henry Hunt A. Do. 1140 King Stephen pluckes downe the Castles Malmes Nouel lib. 2. Henry Hun. Houeden A great Councel at Oxford Geruas Dorob Malmesb. loco citato The Kings vsage of his Prelats Idem * I●…ford Paris Wendouer Paris Polychr lib. 7. cap. 18. Roger Houed The Empresse arriues in England Malmesb. Nouel lib. 2. Huntingdon Rog. de Wendouer * At Portsmouth saith Geruas Math Paris Earle Robert brings but 140. men to the winning of the Crowne of England * Malmesb. lib. 2. Stephen ha●…es to the Empresse Her politike excuse Ger. Dor. Roger. Houed Henry Hunt The Empresses power increaseth Geruasius Flemings came to King Stephens aide King Stephen besieges Wallinford Castle Geru Dor. The Bishop of Winchester entraps the Nobles Math. Paris Simon D●…n Roger Houed Malmsb. Nouel lib. 2. Niger Polydor. Nie. Tri●… King Stephen and his aduersaries pitch their Battle R●…n Higden Ranulphs Oration before the Battle Roger Houeden Henrie Hunt Earle Roberts Oration before the Battle Roger Houeden Henry Hunt Polychron Alain Duke of Britane Robert Mellent Hugh Bi-god Earle Albemarle Earle Simon King Stephens addresse to the Battle Math. Paris Simon Dunel Henry Hunt Roger Houeden Earle Robert Earle Ranulph The Welsh The Battles ioin●… Henry Hunt Wil. Par●… Mat. Paris Polydor. Ger. Dor. Mat. Paris King Stephens great valour Huntingdon King Stephen taken prisoner Ypodig Neustr. Malmesb. Nouel lib. 2. * Alias de Kain●… Huntingdon An. Reg. 6. Math. Paris The Empresse absolute gouernour of the Kingdome Charta Matild Imper●…ricis Geruas Dorob Huntingd. l. 8. Geru Dor. The Clergie approoues the Empresses title Wil. Malms Malmesb. Nouel lib. 2. The Empresse receiued into London Normandy falleth from King Stephen Will. Paruus Ger. Dor. Stephen desires liberty and not the Crowne Ypodig Neustr. King Stephen would be a Monk or Pilgrim * Bo●…gne and Mortaine The Empresse not facile to grant suites Her stifnesse incommodious * King Stephens wife The Nobles offended fall off from her Malmes Nouel lib. 2. The Londoners conspire against her Nic. Triuet Roger Houeden Ger. Dor. Malmesb. Nouel libro secund●… Henry of Winchester recalls his Excommunication * Idem loco citato The Empresse maintained at Milo his charges The Bishop of Winchester equiuocateth * Ego parab●… me Will Malmsb. Will. Malmes Geruas Dorob Hee fires Winchester * Alias The Couent at Hyde Malmesb. Ger. Dorob The Bishop of Winchester entrappeth the Empresse Malmsb. lib. 2. The Empresse carried as a dead Corse Wil. Walsingham Ypodigm Neustr. Malmes Ger. Dor. Earle Robert taken Malmes lib. 2. Will. Malmes Wil. Malmsb. An. D. 1142. The King and Earle Robert redeeme each other out of prison Roger Houeden * Malmesb. Math. Paris The warres renewed The Empresse besieged in Oxford Geruas Dorob Nic. Triuet Will. Neub Higden Walsingh Ypodig Ger. Dor. Math. Paris She escapes by a wile Wil. Malmsb. Simon Dun. Ypodig Neustr. Geru Dorob Prince Henrie arriueth Geruasius An. D. 1143. An. D. 1144 An. D. 1145. Math. Paris An. D. 1146. The Empresse and the Prince returne to Normandie An. D. 1147. Ger. Dorobor Kings durst not enter Lincolne before King Stephen Geruasius Earle Robert and Earle Milo die An. D. 1148. Prince Henry returneth into England An. D. 1149 Ger. Dor. Roger Houeden Ger. Dor. Prince Henry returneth into Normandy An. D. 1150 Math. Paris Henry Hunt Prince Henry marieth Eleanor diuorced by K. Iewes An. D. 1151 The Archbishop of Canterbury refuseth to consecrate Eustace King Ger. 〈◊〉 Dorob An. D. 1152. Henry Hunt Geruasius Idem K. Lewes casts the Popes Buls into fire * Fortè Newbery An. D. 1153. Henry Fitz-Empresse comes againe into England Ger. Dorob cap. 14 King Stephen and Fitz-Empresse ready to ioine battaile Henry Hunt Vnlucky presages to K. Stephen A Parley betwixt K. Stephen and Fitz-Empresse Ger●… Dorobor A truce concluded Math. Paris Eustace K. Stephens son like●… not the truce Iohn Textor Polycbr Ger. Dorob Prince Eustace dieth Polydor. Math. Paris The King and Fitz-Empresse accorded Geruas●… An. D. 1154 Prince Henry in danger by treachery Prince Henry goeth into Normandy King Stephen dieth Paris Booke of S. Albanes Iohn Stow. Ger. Do●… * The first Canon Regular in England was of this place Ann. 〈◊〉 and the Prior thereof was Alderman of London Stowes Suruey Stowes Suruey p. 105. Monarch 43. Henry second Ad A. D. 1135. The great expectation of King Henrie Math. Paris Henry Hunt Henry Hunt His accesse and Coronation Ypodig Neustr. Mah. Paris His first actions Mat. Paras Lib. Monast. S. Albeni Polyd. Vir. lib. 13. Ps●…do-Comites saith Mat. Paris Roger Houeden Roger. Houed Math. Paris ad A. D. 1155. Ger. Dorob Lib. Monast. S. Al. Math. Paris * Powel in hist. Camb. p. 222. mistakes a Bridge for a Castle In old Records indeede Bridge-North is called Bruge which caused that errour Powel writes that it was a Welsh man who shot the arrow at the King ibid. Roger Houed Annal. p. 2. Math. Paris ad an Dom. 1561. Polyd. Uirg in H. 2. Rog. Houed fol. 281 pag. 2. Annal. par 〈◊〉 Math. Paris Ypodig Neustri Hector Boetius lib. 13. C. 1. saith it was at London Hist. of Camb. Iohn Stow. Math. Paris * Roger Houeden Math. Paris Ypodigm Neustr. Rog. Houed Guliel Tyr. Houeden An. D. 1158. Mah. Paris ab A. D. 1158. vsque ad A. D. 1163. Rog Houed An. D. 1163. The great contention between the King and Becket Archbish. of Canterbury * Mat. Paris alis Leg end aur in vita Tho. * Polydor. l. 13. but M. Fox denies it * Gal. Wigorniēsis saith he was Doctor Oxoniensis Nubrigensis l 2. c. 16. vt conregnare videretur Geruasius ad An. 1154. Regis Rector quasi Magister * Fox in Acts. p 264. * Nubrig l 2. c. 16. Houcden Chron. de Passione mirac beati Th. MS. Fox p. 287. * Gal. Nubrig l. 2. c. 16. Math. Par ●…ad An. 1163. permissione Regia c. * Nubrig per operam manūque Regiam Geru Dorob The causes of the debate betwixt
north from Sutton vpon the Riuer Lug. But afterwards vpon repentance Offa remoued it vnto Hereford ouer whom Milfrid an vnder King of the Mercians built a most faire Church in memoriall of him which yet beares his name and is the Cathedral of that See His Bride Lady Elfrid much lamenting his contriued murther withdrew her self to Crowland in the Fennes and there vowed chastitie all the daies of her life notwithstanding some affirme that shee was wife to King Kenwolfe the successor of her brother Egfrid This King raigned the space of forty fiue yeeres as is set in the Table of our English Writers and died the yeare of Christs incarnation seuen hundred ninety three the eighteenth day of May and his Kingdome intruded vpon by the Mercians hauing had neither wife nor children that Historians make mention of after whose death the Kingdom of the East-Angles was brought to decay both by the Mercians West-Saxons and them of Kent so that by means of their violence that Prouince was destitute of her owne Gouernours the space of seuenty seuen yeeres vntill lastly the assaults of the Danes a new-come Guest and most dangerous Enemie caused the other Kings to stand vpon their Guards and rather to defend what they already had gotten then to seeke inlargement to the hazard of all at which time it is said one Offa to whom the right of that Crowne belonged vpon a religious deuotion tooke his pilgrimage to the Sepulchre of Christ and visiting in his way a kinsman of his whose name was Alkmund at the Citie Norhenberge in Saxonie there made his will wherin hee adopted young Edmund his heire the son of Alkmond and accomplishing his voiage in his return died at the Port Saint George from whence hee sent young Edmund his Ring and therwith ordained him King of the East-Angles Alkmund a Prince of great power in those parts maintained his sons rightfull election and with a sufficient power sent him to claime the kingdome These landing in the East of England at a place called Maydenboure built a roiall Tower which hee named and to this day is called Hunstantone situated vpon the North-west point of Norfolke that beareth likewise his owne name EDmund thus arriued was as willingly receiued and by the East-Angles made their king in whose time Hungar and Hubba two Danish Captains with an innumerable multitude of Heathen Danes entred the Land at the mouth of Humber and from thence inuaded Nottingham Yorke and Northumberland where without respect of age or sex they laid all wast and left the Land whence they departed like to a desolate Wildernesse From thence they came with the like furie into Edmunds territories and sacked Thetford a frequent City in those daies but he not able to withstand their violence fled into his Castle at Framingham wherein hee was of them besieged and lastly taken saith Abba Floriacens●…s in a village then called Heglisd●…ne of a wood bearing the same name or rather yeelded himselfe to their torments to saue more Christian bloud for it is recorded that because of his most constant Faith and Profession those Pagans first beat him with bats then scourged him withwhips he still calling vpon the name of Iesus for rage whereof they bound him to a stake and with their arrowes shot him to death and cutting off his head contemptuously threw it into a bush after he had raigned ouer the East-Angles the space of sixteene yeeres hauing had neither wife nor issue that is read of His body and head after the Danes were departed were buried at the same roiall Towne as Abbo terms it where Sigebert the East-Anglean King and one of his predecessors at his establishing of Christianity built a Church and where afterwards in honour of him was built another most spatious and of a wonderfull frame of Timber and the name of the Towne vpon the occasion of his burial called vnto this day Saint Edmondsbury This Church and place Suenus the Pagan Danish King in impiety and fury burned to ashes But when his sonne Canute had made conquest of this Land and gotten possession of the English Crowne terrified and affrighted as saith the Legend with a vision of the seeming Saint Edmund in a religious deuotion to expiate his Fathers sacrilege built it anew most sumptuously enriched this place with Charters Gifts and offred his owne Crowne vpon the Martyrs Tombe After the death of this Edmund the East-Angles Country was possessed by the Danes so continued about some fifty yeers vntil that Edward surnamed the Elder expulsed these Danes and ioined that kingdome a Prouince to the West-Saxons after it had stood three hundred fifty three yeeres A CATALOGVE OF SVCH BRITISH PRINCES AS WITHSTOOD THE SAXONS IN THEIR CONQVESTS FROM VORTIGER'NE THEIR FIRST MAINTAINER VNTO CADWALLADER THEIR LAST RESISTER CHAPTER XII NOw as we haue spoken of euery seuerall Saxon King that attained vnto and held possession of any part in the East South of this Iland vntill such time as their Crownes were worne by their Conquerors and the seuenfold diuided Heptarchy vnited into an absolute Monarchy so by order of History it is required that their opposers the Britains so long as they kept their ground and stood in defence of their owne rightful inheritance should be shewed who with as great a disdaine and valorous resistance vnder-went the yoake of the Saxons subiections as their ancient Ancestors had endeauoured to cleere themselues from the chaines of the Romans captiuity And vntill God and destinie withdr●… from them the hand of defence they mated the Saxons in all their designes For albeit that the Romans had robbed the Land of her strength and the aspired Vortigern called in these Strangers for his defence yet their purposes being wisely perceiued the execution therof was as presently practised and as eagerly pursued whilest the pillars that supported the frame of their gouerment stood vpon their owne Bases But the ground-work failing and those props not many the waight of all fell vpon some few whose acts and manly resistance Christ assisting shall further bee related as time shall bring them to the yeeres of their aduentures and carry our History thorow the affaires of their times Meane while as we haue recorded the names of their Ancestors and worthy forerunners the resisters of the Romans so now if you please behold the Catalogue of their Kings from the foresaid Vortigern the first subdued by these Saxons vnto Cadwallader the last of those British Princes who left to them his Land and went himself to Rome whose times stories according to those Guids that lead vs wee wil declare referring the credit thereof to our British Historians against whom howsoeuer some exceptions are and may be iustly taken yet are they not altogether to be cast off in the affaires of these ensuing Princes especially Gyldas and Ninius who liued in and presently after the times of those
to cut off long trauell these Danes by boates passed Humber where Hungar and Hubba beganne with fire and sword to lay all wast before them sparing neither Person sexe nor age The places respected for publike good and sacred Temples consecrated onely to God which all other Tyrants haue forborne these sauage men as the earths destroiers cast downe and trampled vnder their prophane feete among which for note were the goodly Monasteries of Bradney Crowland Peterborow Ely and Huntington all laid in leuell with the ground and their Votaries aswell the Nunnes as the Monkes murthered with their vnhumane and mercilesse swords to auoid whose barbarous pollutions the chast Nunnes of Coldingham defo●…ed themselues to their lasciuious eyes by cutting off their vpper lips and noses but to euerlasting remembrance they remain most faire and well beseeming faces of pure Virgins 6 These Pagans piercing further into the land came into the territories of the East-Angles wherein holy Edmund raigned King whose Martyrdome in most cruell manner they wrought he constantly calling vpon the name of Christ whereof wee haue already spoken and shall bee occasioned hereafter to speake 7 But in the last yeare of this Kings raign their raging power was most great for with a new supply two Danish Kings Sreeg and Halden entred into West-Saxia and at Reading the Kings towne intrenched themselues these forraging the Country were encountred with at Engl●…field by Ethelwolfe Earle of Barkeshire and his men who in skirmish slew one of their leaders and chased the rest backe to their Trench 8 These Danes fearing lest delaies would proue dangerous and knowing that the first successe is commonly seconded with further courage of hope foure dayes after shewed themselues in field ready to fight their hoast they diuided into two battalians whereof the one was guided by two of their Kings and certaine Earles were leaders of the other which when the English perceiued they also diuided theirs whereof King Ethelred had the leading of the first and Elfred his brother was Generall of the second the place was Assendon where their Tents were pitched and the day approached for battaile King Ethelred in his Tent staid so long in praiers that Elfred vpon a forward courage hasted to encounter the enemy and that with a most fierce and sharpe fight wherein hauing spent the most of their strengthes and ready to decline and giue backe Ethelred manfully entred the battaile and so seconded his brother and ouer-tyred Souldiers that hee made way by dint of his sword through the thickest of their almost-conquering enemies and with such losse of the Danish bloud drawne from the sides of one of their Kings fiue Earles and an infinite number of the common Souldiers that the streames therof seemed as an ouer-swelling tide altogether to couer the face of the field and is accounted for the noblest victory that the English till then had gotten of the Danes 9 Yet were not these Pagans therewith discouraged but gathering more strengthes and supplies from other parts foureteen dayes after made head againe against the English and pitching downe their standards at Basing abode the cōming of Ethelred and triall of battaile wherein successe was altogether altered for herein the Kings part was discomfited and the Danes the winners of the day 10 Thus both sides borne vpon rage hope in their heat of bloud prepare for new fight The Danes power was augmented with a further supply sent from beyond Seas and the English confirmed with hope of successe These meeting at Merton two moneths after the battaile of Basing encountred each others both boldly and bloodily wherein at first the English preuailed and the Danes were chased but their numbers the greater and fresh supply maintaining their 〈◊〉 they r●…uered themselues and wonne the day wherein King Ethelred receiued his deaths wound with such slaughter of his people that little wanted the end of all encounters to haue been afterwards attempted any more by the English 11 Great was the valour and resistance of this King for in his short time of Raigne as Writers record no lesse then nine set battales against the Danes he fought in one yeare to the great effusion of Christian bloud and to no little losse of the Danish power for in his raign fell of them one King nine Earles and of the common sort without number 12 He died at Wittingham of his wound receiued the three and twentieth day of April in the yeare of our Lord God eight hundred seauenty two and was buried in the Collegiat Church of Winburne in Dorcetshire where remaines his Tombe and his Armes vnto this day with this Inscription In hoc loco quiescit corpus Sancti Ethelredi Regis West-Saxonum Martyris qui Anno Domini 872. 23. die Aprilis per manus Dacorum Paganorum occubuit His Issue Elfred the eldest sonne of King Ethelred seemeth to be Grandfather to the noble and learned Ethelward who being Kinsman Counsellor and Treasurer to King Edgar wrote an history of his Country beginning at the first arriuall of the Saxons into England and continuing vnto his own time which history he dedicated to his kinswoman and cosen germane the Lady Mande Abbesse of Quedlingburg in Saxonie being the daughter of the Emperour Otho by Edgith his wife daughter of King Edward the elder and sister of Ethelstane and Edmund Kings of England Oswald a young sonne of King Ethelred is mentioned in a Charter of his Fathers by which he gaue lands to the Monastery of Abingdon neere Oxford and to which this sonne of his hath his name set downe for a witnes which Charter is yet extant recorded in a great Legiet-booke and Register of the Euidences of the lands sometime belonging to the said Monastery Thyre the daughter of King Ethelred is reported by the histories of Ireland to bee married to 〈◊〉 King of the Danes and to haue had issue King Harald which Harald by Queene Go●…hild his wife had issue Sweyn king of Denmarke Iringe king of Northumberland and Gonhild Queene of North-Wales King Sweyn by Queene Sigred his wife had issue C●…te King of England and Denmarke Ostryde wife of Duke Wolfe and mother of King Sweyn the yonger and Thyre the first wife of Earle Goodwin of Kent ELFRED THE TVVENTIE THIRD KING OF THE VVEST SAXONS AND TWENTIE FOVRTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS ACTS RAIGNE WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXXVI ELfred or Alfred the fourth sonne of King Ethelwolfe though he had beene annointed King at Rome by Pope Leo in his young years Fathers life time yet raigned he in no part of his dominions before the deathes of all his Brethren vnder whom hee serued in most of their warres assisting them likewise in all their counsels the land now miserably torne by the cruell incursions of the bloudy Danes was left vnto him both to redeeme and to raigne ouer by the death and Testament of King Ethelred his last
by the King For doubtlesse at that time the Bishops of Rome had not deuested our Kings of that prerogatiue His Wife 28 Elswith the wife of King Elfred was the daughter of Ethelred surnamed M●…hel that is the Great an Earle of the Mercians who inhabited about Gainesborough in Lincolnshire her mother was Edburg a Lady borne of the Bloud-roiall of Mercia She was married vnto this King in the twentieth yeare of his age being the second of the raigne of his brother King Ethelred and was his wife twenty eight yeares and liuing after him foure died in the year of grace nine hundred and foure and was buried in the Monastery of Nunnes which shee had founded at Winchester out of which afterwards King Henry the first took to his wife Ma●…d the daughter of Malcolme King of Scots by whom the roiall bloud of the ancient Kings of England became vnited to the Normans whereby he wanne much loue of the English nation His Issue Edward the eldest sonne and second child of King Elfred and Queene Elsewith was borne about the beginning of his Fathers raigne in the yeare of our Lord eight hundred seuenty one hee was brought vp in his Fathers Court and carefully attended and instructed by men of great vertue and knowledge in learning and in all other qualities and exercises conuenient for Princes He was maried and had diuers children hee was thirty yeeres of age before his Father deceased and then he succeeded him in his Kingdome and Monarchy Ethelward the second son fift and last child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith was borne about the midst of his Fathers raigne and about the yeare of our Lord eight hundred and eighty Hee was in his youth by his Fathers appointment and for the example of other young Nobles brought vp in the study of good Arts at the vniuersity of Oxford where saith Th. Rudburne and the Annales of Winchester he became a man very learned and a great Philosopher he had of his Fathers gift by his last Wil great liuings in the Counties of Deuon Sommerset South-Hampton ●…he proued a man of great iudgement and wisedome and liuing vntill he was aboue forty yeres old hee died the sixteenth day of October in the two and twenty yeare of his brother King Edwards raign Anno nine hundred twenty two and was buried at Winchester Elfleda the eldest daughter and first child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith his wife was married to Ethelred Duke of Mercia who in respect of this mariage was suffered to haue all roiall iurisdiction ouer that Country in as ample maner as the Kings thereof had enioied and after the decease of her husband which happened in the yeare of our Lord nine hundred and twelue shee continued the gouernement in the same sort eight yeares with such resolution and valiant resistance of the common enemy the Danes that she stood her brother Edward in great stead as in the relation of his life shall be further shewed She died the fifteenth of Iune nine hundred and nineteene and was buried in S. Peters Church at Gloucester leauing issue a daughter named Elswin whom King Edward her brother depriued of that Duchy which her owne mother enioied and he his crowne by her assistance Ethelgeda the second daughter and fourth child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith was neuer married but tooke vpon her the profession and vow of Virginity and was by her fathers appointment made a Nunne of Shaftsbury in the County of Dorset in the Monastery there founded by him who is also accounted the first of the Towne it selfe Shee was afterward Abbesse of the house and therein spent and ended her life and was there also buried Elfride the yongest daughter and child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith his wife was married to Baldwin the second surnamed the Bald Earle of Flanders sonne of Earle Baldwin the first and Queene Iudith his wife the widdow of King Ethelwolfe her Grandfather Shee was his wife thirty yeares and more shee suruiued him and was a widdow eleuen yeeres she died the seuenth of Iune in the yeere of our Lord nine hundred twenty nine being the fift of the raigne of King Ethelstan her Nephew She is buried by her husband in the Chappell of our Lady within the Monastery of S. Peter at the City of Gaunt She had issue Arnulfe the third Earle of Flanders progenitor of all the Earles of Flanders since his time Ad●…lfe Earle of Bol●…igne and Terwi●… EDVVARD SVRNAMED THE ELDER THE TWENTIE FOVRTH KING OF THE WEST SAXONS AND TWENTY FIFT MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXXVII NO greater were the griefes conceiued for the death of worthy Elfred then were the hopes of the people in his sonne Prince Edward whose valour had beene often approued against the raging Danes whose vertues were both many and princely not so learned as his Father neither so patient to vndergoe his chance but as glorious in martiall prowesse and as fortunate in al his fights vnder whose hand the Danes euery where fell and vnder his Monarchy all the English did stoope excepting the Northumbrians 2 He entred his raigne the yeare of Christs natiuity nine hundred and one and at Kingston vpon Thames was crowned and annointed with holy oyle The Danish warres continuing in a successiue maner fell as it were hereditaryly from the Father vnto the Sonne and ripened dayly towards their wished haruest Besides Ethelwald the sonne of Ethelbert the vncle to this King Edward young at his fathers decease and therefore perhappes held vncapable of gouernment shewed now the blossoms of vnder-sucking plants whose fruits are neither plenteous nor pleasant in tast for his humours euer working vpon discontents drew his thought onely how to make the possessor fall 3 He then entring action of rebellion tooke the towne of Winborne neere vnto Bathe and besides the allegiance due to his Prince in sacrilegious manner brake the hests of holy Church in deflowring and taking a Votarist to wife Edward the elder so called it may be in regard of this his Opposite with a selected Army repaired to Bathe and thence prepared for the field whose sight was so cockatrice-like to his cosen-Germans eye that in the night he bade his Nun and Winborne adew posting to Northumberland and proffering his seruice to the Danes that lay for aduantage of rapine and spoile 4 Him as a fitte instrument they created their King and forward in hope of some prosperous successe passed through the East-Saxons the East-Angles and the Mercians Countries and laden with robberies came to Crikelade in Wilt-shire whence they departed ouer Thamesis to Basingstoke and harrying the land before them with triumph returned vnto East-Anglia Edward thus endangered by these dreadfull enemies gaue them no aduantage by lingering delaies but followed their tract vnto Saint Edmunds Ditch whence in his returne the Danes gaue
deceased in the very prime of his youth before the death of his father or of his elder brother and before hee had done any thing in his life worthy of remembrance after his death 44 Edmund the third sonne of King Ethelred Queene Elgiua his first wife was borne in the eleuenth yeare of his fathers raigne and of Grace 989 and of all his fathers Children proued to be the only man that set his helping hand to the redresse of the estate of his Country distressed by the miserable oppressions of the Danes which hee pursued with such exceeding toile and restlesse hazards of his body as he was therefore surnamed Iron-side and when hee had followed those warres with great courage the space of seuenteene yeeres vnder his Father being come to twenty seuen of his owne age hee succeeded him in his Kingdome and troubles as presently shall be shewed 45 Edred the fourth sonne of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was born about the foureteenth yeare of his fathers raigne being the yeare of Grace 992. His name is continually set downe as a witnesse in the testees of his fathers Charters vntill the thirtie fift yeare of his raigne by which it appeareth that hee liued vnto the two and twentieth yeere of his owne age although I find no mention of him or of any thing done by him in any of our histories and it seemeth he died at that time because his name is left out of the Charters after that yeare 46 Edwy the fift sonne of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife suruiued his father and all his brethren and liued in the raigne of Canute the Dane who being iealous of his new-gotten estate and fearefull of the dangers that might accrew vnto him by this Edwy and such others of the English bloud roiall practised to haue him murthered which was accordingly done by them whom hee most fauoured and least suspected the yeare of our saluation 1017. 47 Edgar the sixt sonne of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was borne about the twentieth yeere of his fathers raigne beeing the yere of our Lord God nine hundred ninetie and eight He seemeth by the Testees of his fathers Charters to haue beene liuing in the one and twentieth of his raigne but beeing no more found in any of them after may be supposed by all coniectures to haue died in or about the same yeere beeing but the eleuenth after his owne birth and the seuenth before his fathers death 48 The eldest daughter of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife although her name bee not to bee found in any writer of those times appeareth notwithstanding to be married to one Ethelstan a Noble man of England who was the principall Commander of Cambridge-shire men at the great battle fought betweene them and the Danes wherein the English-men had the ouerthrow and this sonne in law of King Ethelred with the rest of the chiefe Leaders were slaine in the yeere of Christs Natiuity 1010. being the two and thirtieth of his father in lawes raigne 49 Edgith the second daughter of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife was married to Edrik Duke of Mercia who for his couetousnesse in getting was surnamed Streattone This Edrik was the sonne of one Egelrik surnamed Leofwin an elder brother to Egelmere the grandfather of Goodwin Duke of the West-Saxons and beeing but meanely borne was thus highly aduanced by this King notwithstanding he was euer a traitor to his Countrie and a fauourer of the Danes betraying both him and King Edmund his sonne to King Canut that he thereby might gette new preferments by him who worthily rewarded him as a traitor and put him to death 50 Elfgine the third daughter of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was the second wife of Vtred surnamed the Bold sonne of Earle Waldefe the elder Earle of Northumberland by whom shee had one onely child a daughter named Aldgith married to a Noble-man called Maldred the sonne of Crinan shee was mother of Cospatricke who was Earle of Northumberland in the time of William the Conquerour and forced by his displeasure to fly into Scotland where hee abode and was ancestor to the Earles of Dunbar and of March in that Countrie 51 Gode the fourth and youngest daughter of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife was first married to one Walter de Maigne a Noble-man of Normandy greatly fauoured by King Edward her brother who liued not long after the marriage and left issue by her a sonne named Rodulfe whom King Edward his vncle created Earle of Hereford This Earle Rodulfe died the one and twentieth of December in the thirteenth yeere of his vncles raigne and was buried at Peterborough leauing issue a young sonne named Harrald created afterwards by King William the Conqueror Baron of Sudeley in the Countie of Gloucester and Ancestor to the Barons of that place succeeding and of the Lord Chandois of Sudeley now being This Lady Gode after the decease of the said Water de Maigne was remarried to Eustace the elder Earle of Bulloigne in Picardy a man of great valour in those parts of France and a most faithfull friend to King Edward her brother which Earle was grand-father to Godfrey of Bulloigne King of Ierusalem albeit it seemeth he had no issue by this Lady 52 Edward the seuenth sonne of King Ethdred and his first by Queene Emme his second wife was borne at Islipe in the County of Oxford and brought vp in France all the time of his youth with his vncle Richard the third of that name Duke of Normandy mistrusting his safety in England vnder King Canute the Dane although he had married his mother but hee found the time more dangerous by the vsage of his brother Elfred at his beeing heere in the raigne of King Harrald sonne of the Dane Notwithstanding hee returned home when Hardiknut the other sonne beeing his halfe brother was King and was honourably receiued and entertained by him and after his death succeeded him in the Kingdom of England 53 Elfred the eight sonne of King Ethelred and his second by Queene Emme his second wife was conueied into Normandie for feare of King Conute with his eldest brother Edward and with him returned into England to see his mother then beeing at Winchester in the second yeere of King Harrald surnamed Harefoote by whose practize hee was trained towards London apprehended by the way at Guilford in Surrey depriued of his eie-sight and committed prisoner to the Monastery of Elie his Normans that came with him most cruelly murthered and hee himselfe soone after deceasing was buried in the Church of the said Monasterie EDMVND SVRNAMED IRONSIDE THE THIRTIE THREE MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS WARRES ACTS RAIGNE WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XLV EDmund the third sonne of King Ethelred and the eldest liuing at his Fathers death
offered them plenty to supply whatsoeuer should be needfull for the pompe of his funerall as also for their costs in trauell to and fro giuing strait commandement that none of his Souldiers should presume to molest them in this their businesse or in their returne Then went they in haste to the quarry of the dead but by no meanes could finde the body of the King for that the countenances of all men greatly alter by death but being maimed and imbrued with bloud they are not knowne to be the men they were As for his other regall Ornaments which might haue shewed him for their King his dead corps was despoiled of them either through the greedy desire of prey as the manner of the Field is or to be the first bringer of such happy newes in hope of a Princely reward vpon which purpose many times the body is both mangled and dismembred and so was this King after his death by a base Souldire gasht and hackt into the legge whom Duke William rewarded for so vnsouldier like a deed casshiering him for euer out of his wages and wars So that Harold lying stript wounded bemangled and goared in his bloud could not be found or known till they sent for a woman named Editha for her passing beauty surnamed Swan-shals that is Swans-necke whom he entertained in secret loue before he was King who by some secret marks of his body to her well knowne found him out and then put into a coffine was by diuers of the Norman Nobility honourably brought vnto the place afterward called Battle-bridge where it was met by the Nobles of England and so conueied to Waltham was there solemnly and with great lamentation of his mother roially interred with this rude Epitaph well beseeming the time though not the person Heu cadis hoste fero Rex à Duce Rege futuro Par paris in gladio milite valido Firmini iusti lux est tibi lucc Calixti Pronior hinc super as h●…c superatus eras Ergo tibi requiem deposcat vtrumque perennem Sicque precetur eum quod colit omne Deum A fierce foe thee slew thou'a King he King in view Both peeres both peerelesse both feard and both fearles That sad day was mixt by Firmin and Calixt Th' one help thee to vanquish t'other made thee lāguish Both now for thee pray and thy Requiem say So let good men all to God for thee call 51 This Kings raigne was not so ful of dayes as of great troubles being but the space of nine months and nine dayes in whom was completed the Period of the Saxons Empire in Britaine after they had continued from their first erected kingdome by Hengist in Kent the space of sixe hundred and tenne yeeres without any reuersement or interruption sauing the small Inter-Raignes of these three Danish Kings of whom we haue spoken And although Aimund of Breme in the fauour of his Danes sharply taxeth this Harold as being an impious man and for that by vsurpation he aspired to the Crowne yet doth Ealred the Abbot of Riuanxe the Legender of S. Edwards life much commend him for his courteous affability gentle deportment and Iustice and for his warlike prowesse none matchable vnto him and was reputed saith hee verily a man passing well furnished with all vertues befitting a Soueraigne commander and borne euen to repaire the decaied state of England had he not in the haughtinesse and opinion of his own valour and prudence so much addicted himselfe to his owne resolutions and too much neglected the wise deliberations of his best friends and counsellers His Wiues 52 The first wife of Harold whom he had maried and buried before he was King I find not named by any of our writers but that he had such a one appeareth where it is recorded that hee was a Widower what time he contracted the Conquerors daughter and that also he had children of such age that they made warres against King William in the second of his Raigne which it is probable he had not by Editha his Swannes neck but were legitimat and by this lawfull though namelesse Mother 53 Algith the second wife to King Harold was the widow of Gruffith ap Lhewelyn King of North-Wales the sister of Edwine and Morcar Earles of Yorkeshire and Chester and daughter of Algar sonne of Leofrick son of Leofwine all Earles of Chester Leicester and Lincolne She was married vnto him beeing then but Duke in the last yeare of Edward Confessors raigne and of Grace 1065. neither did shee long enioy him or her Queenly title after his aspiring to the Crowne for being resident in London when hee was slaine from thence shee was conueyed by her brethren to Westchester where she remained in meane estate and in good quiet which vsually most attends the meanest without any princely shew or name during the rest of her life which lasted a great part of the Conquerors raigne His Issue 54 Goodwine the eldest sonne of King Harold being growne to some ripenesse of yeares in the life of his Father after his death and ouerthrow by the Conquerour tooke his brother with him and fled ouer into Ireland from whence he returned and landed in Sommersetshire slew Ednoth a Baron sometime of his Fathers that encountred him and taking great preyes in Deuon-shire and Cornewall departed till the next yeare When comming againe hee fought with Beorn an Earle of Cornwall and after retired into Ireland and thence went into Denmarke to King Swayn his Cosen-German where he spent the rest of his life 55 Edmund the second sonne to King Harold went with his Brother into Ireland returned with him into England and was at the slaughter and ouerthrow of Ednoth and his power in Sommersetshire at the spoiles committed in Cornwall and Deuonshire at the conflict with the Cornish Earle Beorn passed and repassed with him in all his voiages inuasions and warres by sea and by land in England and Ireland and at the last departed with him from Ireland to Denmarke tooke part with him of all pleasure and calamity whatsoeuer and attending and depending wholly vpon him liued and died with him in that Country 56 Magnus the third son of King Harold went with his brothers into Ireland and returned with them the first time into England and is neuer after that mentioned amongst them nor elsewhere vnlesse as some doe coniecture he be that Magnus who seeing the mutability of humane affairs became an Anchoret whose Epitaph pointing to his Danish originall the learned Clarenciaux discouered in a little desolate Church at Lewes in Sussex where in the gaping chinks of an Arch in the wall in a rude and ouerworne Character certaine old imperfect verses were found which hee supposeth should bee thus read Clauditur hic Miles Danorum regia proles Magnus nomen ei magnae nota Progenici Deponens Magnum prudentior induit agnum Pr●…pete pr●…vita fit paruulus Anachorita H●…re lies a Knight of Danish regal●… He
dismembring others some of their hands some of their eies and some of their feete Egelwine Bishop of Durham hee imprisoned first at Abington then at VVestminster whose diet was either so sparing or stomack so great in forbearance or both for both are reported that ere long he died of hunger 30 Howsoeuer the Monkes of Ely kept their promise with William for betraying of the I le he contrariwise brake his for their preseruation and peace for by no means their praiers would enter his eares t●…l the sound of seuen hundred markes had opened the way to collect which they were forced to f●…ll both the iewels and ornaments of their Church which being brought to his receiuers there wanted whether by error or deceit a groat in weight form those daies greater summes passed by weight not by tale whereof when the King vnderstood hee in greate but captious rage denied them all composition for peace whereupon with much suite he was entreated to accept of a thousand Markes more to raise which they disfurnished their Monastery euen of things of necessary vse 31 But the English Fugitiues who had gotten the Scots to stick to them were not yet pacified but entring into Cumberland they wasted the Country before them vnto the Territories of Saint Cuthbert city of Durham to meet whom King Wi●…am sent Gospatrick who lately reconciled to his fauour and created Earle of Northumberland shewed the like measure of cruelty vpon the Scotish Abetters 〈◊〉 they had done against the English The Conqueror therefore not a little moued against King Malcolme for that his Country was a receptacle of his Rebellious Subiects and himselfe now the cheife Leader of the Male-contents into his Kingdome hasted into Scotland with a desire and purpose to haue done much more then hee was able to accomplish for entring Galloway hee more wearied his Souldiers in passing the Marish grounds and mountaines then with encounter or pursuite of the Enemy so that hee was forced to giue ouer his enterprize and then drew his forces towards Lothiam where King Malcolme and his English late being fully resolued there to end by battaile either his troubles or his life 32 But Malcolme wisely considering the euent of warre and that the occasion thereof was not for his own subiects but for a sort of forraine fugitiues beganne to thinke that the wrongs therein done to another hee could hardly brooke himselfe and sent therefore to William proffers of peace whereunto lastly the English King inclined and hostages deliuered vpon further Conferences what time as I take it vpon Stane-more not far from an homely hostilerie called the Spittle a Stone-Crosse on the one side of whose shaft stood the picture and armes of the King of England and on the other the Image armes of the King and Kingdome of Scotland vpon that occasion called the Roi-crosse was erected to shew the Limits of either kingdome some ruines of which Metre-marke are yet appearing for King William granting Cumberland vnto Malcolme to hold the same from him conditionally that the Scots should not attempt any thing preiudiciall to the Crowne of England for which King Malcolme did him homage saith Hector Boetius the Scotish writer and the English being reconciled to his fauour after hee had built the Castle of Durham returned as cleared from all Northren troubles 33 But his Norman Dukedome stirred somwhat vnto rebellion called King William into those parts where by the prowesse of the English hee soone brought all things to peace and returned for England better conceiting of that Nation especially of Edgar Etheling whom he courteously receiued and honorably maintained in ●…is Court allowing him a pound waight of Silu●… euery day to spend a rare example of a victorious Conquerour shewed vpon a man so vnconstant who twice had broken his oath of fidelity and dangerous to be so neere vnto his person being as he was a Competitor of his Crowne 34 Whiles the King was in Normandy Ralph de Ware Earle of Suffolke and Norfolke tooke to wife Emma the daughter of William Fitz-Osberne and sister to Roger Earle of Hereford cosen to King William and that without his consent by whose affinity he conceiued no small pride and euen on the wedding day when wine had well intoxicated the braine with a long circumstance perswaded his Guests vnto a Rebellion vnto whom yeelded ●…oger Earle of Hereford his Brides brother and Waltheof Earle of North-hampton with many other Barons Abbats and Bishops But the next morning when Earle Waltheof had consulted with his Pillow and awaked his wits to perceiue the danger whereunto he was drawne repaired straightwaies to Archbishop Lanfranke who was left Gouernour of the Land in King Williams absence reuealing vnto him their Conference and Treasons intended by whose aduice he went ouer into Normandie and there with submissiue repentance shewed the King what these Lords and himselfe had intended 35 The Earles therefore of Norfolke and Hereford whose state now lay open to chaunce as desperate men tooke themselues to Arms sought how to vnite their two powers into one This sudden sound of warre soone roused the Subiects so that Wolstane Bishop of VVorcester and Egelwine Abbat of Euesham hauing called to their aide Walter Lacie and Vrse the Sheriffe of Worcester so manfully withstood Earle Roger that he with his Army could not passe ouer Seuerne to joine with his brother Norfolke And he againe was so sore laide at by Odo Bishop of Bayeux and Geffrey Bishop of Constance who had assembled a mighty Army both of English and Normans that they constrained him first to Norwich where in the Castle he bestowed his Countesse and thence fled himselfe into Little Britaine whither shortly shee followed 36 William now returned from Normandy and some reliques of Rebellion remaining in the West he hasted thitherward where with small adoe hee got Earle Roger into his hands and condemned him to perpetuall prison the Welsh his Aiders of whom also were many at the said Marriage he vsed with great seuerity for of some he put out the eies of others he cut off the hands hanged some vpon gibbets and he that scaped best went into banishment neither Earle Waltheof notwithstanding hee reuealed the conspiracie escaped vnpunished for after that the King had taxed him with ingratitude he hauing formerly restored the Earledome vnto him he caused his head to be chopt off at Winchester although he had before promised his pardon and life his great possessions be ing his greatest Enemies for he is reported to haue been Earle of Northampton Northumberland and Huntington thought by the King to be fitter dignities for the Normans his followers and the desire of a new Marriage moued Iudith his wife not a little to set forward and hasten his death 37 These beginnings against the Welsh King William prosecuted farther entering into Wales with
of the Cathedrall Church where there remaineth a monument of him with an inscription entitling him a Duke and some suppose of Bologne 70 William the third Son of King William and Queene Maud was borne in Normandy in the 21. yere of his Fathers Dukedom ten yeeres before he was King 1159. hee was surnamed of the Red colour of his haire in French Rows in Latine Rufus he was brought vp vnder Lanefranke the learned Lumbard who was Archbishoppe of Canterbury of whom he receiued both instructions of knowledge and the order of Knighthood he serued vnder his Father at the battaile of Gerbereth in Normandy 1079 wherein hee was wounded and hee alwaies framed his actions so pleasing to his Fathers humor as that hee thought him much worthier then his elder brother to succeed in his Kingdome 71 Henry the fourth and yongest sonne of King William and Queene Maud his wife was borne in England at Selby in Yorkeshire the third yeere of his Fathers raigne and of our Lord God 1070 his childhood was trained vp in learning at Cambridge saith Caius but the ancient Annales of Saint Austins in Canterbury say he was Philosophiâ peregrè informatus instructed beyond Sea in Philosophy where for his notable knowledge in the Liberall Sciences he was surnamed by the French Beauclerk that is the fine Scholler Vpon his return he was made Knight being 16. yeers old by his Father at Westminster in Whitsontide the nineteenth yeer of his Raign Anno 1086. and thogh at his Fathers death he had nothing bequeathed him but Treasure yet afterward he succeeded his Brothers both in the Kingdome of England and Dutchie of Normandy 72 Cecilie the Eldest daughter of King William and Queene Maude his wife was borne in Normandy brought vp in England and carried againe into Normandy where in the ninth yeere of the Kings Raigne and the yeere of our Lord 1075. shee was by her Father on Ester day with great Solemnity offered vp in the Church of Feschampe vailed to be a Nunne in the Monastery there but was afterward elected by the Nunnes of our Lady at Cane to be Abbesse of their Monasterie founded by her Mother which she gouerned and where she died and was enterred 73 Constance the second daughter of King William and Queene Maud was the first wife of Allayne Earle of little Britaigne surnamed in the British Fergent in English Red. In regard of which marriage and his seruice done at the conquest of England his Father in law gaue him all the lands of Earle Edwine whereon he built the Castle and wherof he made the Earledome of Richmond which long after belonged to the Earles and Dukes of Britaigne his Successors although he had his children by an other wife for she died very yong and without issue and was buried in the Abbey of Saint Edmundsbury in Suffolke 74 Alice the third daughter of King William Queen Maud was married to Stephen Earle of Bloys in France and had issue by him William an Innocent Thibaud surnamed the Great Earle of Blois and Champain Stephen Earle of Mortain and Boleine who was King of England Henry a Monke of Cluny after Abbot of Glastenbury and Bishop of Winchester Mary married to Richard Earle of Chester and Emme wife of one Harbert an Earle of France and mother of Saint William Archbishop of Yorke Shee suruiued Earle Stephen her husband and in her widowhood tooke vpon her the profession of Religion in the Priorie of Nunnes at Marciguy in France where she ended her life 75 Gundred the fourth daughter of King William and of Queene Maud was married to William of Warrein a Nobleman of Normandy who was the first Earle of Surrey in England by whom shee had issue William the second Earle Progenitors of the Earles that followed and Rainold of Warren her second sonne who had also Issue Shee died in Child-bed three yeeres before her husband at Castleaker in Norfolke the 27. of May in the 20. yere of her fathers raigne being the yeere of our Lord 1085. and is buried in the Chapter-house of Saint Pancrase Church within the Priory at the town of Lews in the County of Sussex 76 Ela the fifth daughter of King William and his Queen Maud in her Child-hood was contracted in marriage to Duke Harald when he was in Normandy being then a yong Widower Notwithstanding hee refusing her tooke an other wife and vsurped the Kingdom of England after the death of King Edward whereby hee occasioned his owne ruine and Conquest of his Country which afterward ensued when her Father sought reuenge so much as some write to the discontentment of this Lady that for griefe of these mischances shee euer after refused marriage and led a single and solitarie life though others vpon better warrant collect that shee died yong and before William her Father set forth for England Harald himselfe pleading that hee was free from all couenants and promises to Duke William by reason of the death of this his daughter 77 Margaret the sixth and yongest daughter of King William and Queene Maud was in her childhood giuen in marriage to Alphonso King of Gallicia in Spaine that afterward was so renowned for the Conquest of the City Lysbon for his victories against the Mores and for the slaughter of their fiue Kings and was the founder of the Kingdome of Portugall the first King thereof and the first bearer of the fiue Shields of the said fiue Kinges which are to this day the Armes of the same But this Lady being thus contracted deceased before those things hapned and before shee came to yeeres of lawfull consent to the marriage VVILLIAM THE SECOND SVRNAMED R VFVS THE FORTIETH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH HIS ACTS RAIGNE AND VNTIMELY DEATH CHAPTER III. WIlliam posting for England Archbishop Lanfrank his earnest soliciter by liberall gifts giuen and promises made to abrogate the ouer hard lawes of his Father had the readier passage into the opinions of them that could doe most and the more to notifie his intended mild gouernment with other his noble inclinations to princely vertues as eye-witnesses of his fauours towards the English hee brought with him from Normandy Morcar the stout Earle of Chester and Wilnoth the sonne of King Harold both of them released out of prison and then held in especiall fauour with him But most of the States standing for Robert Curtoise his elder Brother a man deemed of a more liberall disposition and better temperature towards the Subiects their titles had beene tried by swords had not Lanfrank and Wulstan both wise reuerend Prelates by their Counsels and Mediations staied their hands 2 Consent thus gotten and all voices giuen for William he was crowned their King at Westminster vpon Sunday the twenty sixt day of September and yeere of Saluation 1087. by the hands of Lanfrank Archbishop of Canterbury vnder whom he had beene educated
no Necessity required alwaies couetous yet neuer thrifty and still gathering yet neuer enriching his Coffers All Ecclesiasticall promotions then vacant he assumed into his owne hands and kept the See of Canterbury without an Archbishop aboue foure yeeres setting to sale the free-rights of the Church and he that would giue most came soonest to preferment wherby both the Lands and good esteeme of the Clergy was daily diminished These greeuances were complained of vnto Pope Vrban but he ouer busied to forward an expedition of Christian Princes for the winning of Ierusalem had no leasure seriously to thinke vpon their estates or else lesse minde to diuert Kings out of their owne byas whose persōs he meant to reserue for his own gain 12 The Storme thus clecred without any thunder King Rufus set the eye of desire vpon Duke Roberts dominions who lately had done the like with his and suddenly burst into Normandy as Scipio did into Africke pretending reuenge of injuries done to his Kingdome first therefore surprizing the Castles of Saint Valery and Albemarle hee stored them with his owne Souldiers then piercing forward did great spoile in the Countrie Robert destitute of meanes and knowing his Normans euer vnfaithfull sent to Philip the French King desiring his assistance against this Brother-Enemy who preparing towards Normandy was stopped with such golden showres from King William that he could not passe so that Duke Robert was constrained to make a peace with his brother though for himselfe a very sorry one as saith Gemeticensis which as Paris reporteth was effected by twelue Princes vpon either part and the conditions as followeth that King William should retaine and enioy the County of Ewe with Fescampe the Abbacie of Mount Saint-Michael and all the Castles he had gotten in Normandy for the Duke it was agreed that his brother King William should aide and assist him to recouer thoselands territories beyond the seas which had beene belonging to their Father That all such Normans as had lost their liuings in England in taking part with Duke Robert should be restored and lastly whether of them should die first the suruiuer should be his heire 13 Peace thus established and both their powers vnited they bent altogether against Henry their yongest brother who fearing after-claps had strongly fortified the Castle of Mount Saint-Michael situated vpon the confines of Normandie and Britaine him whom they ought to haue prouided for saith Gemeticensis they went about to expell and all the Lent long laid siege aginst him It chanced one day as his men sallied out made a brauado in the face of their beleaguers King William alone more bold then wise rode against them thinking none so hardy as to encounter him single but presently a Knight slew his horse vnder him his foot entangled in the stirrupe hee was ouer-throwne his enemy therefore with drawn sword was ready to haue slaine him had hee not reuealed himselfe by his voice the armed men with great reuerence then tooke him vp and brought him another horse when the King not staying for the stirrup sprang into the saddle and with an angry countenance demanded who it was that ouerthrew him the Knight as boldly answered and shewed himselfe who he was by Lukes face quoth William for that was his oath thou shalt bee my Knight and be enrolled in my Checke with a Fee answerable to thy worth 14 During this seige Prince Henry being sore distressed for water and knowing Duke Robert to be of the milder temperature sent him word of his want desiring to haue that permitted which God had made common and giuen euen to brute beasts aswell as to men Duke Robert therefore commanded him to be supplied whereat William was wroth telling his Brother he wanted discretion policy in warre which allowed all aduantages to surprise the Enemy And dost thou said Robert esteeme more of water which is euery where to be got then of a Brother hauing no more but him and me In which dissension Earle Henry got thence and by policy tooke a very strong towne called Danford where presently was a reconciliation made amongst these three brethren who thereupon forthwith tooke the Seas together for England 15 About this time in the yeere of Grace 1091 and fourth of King Rufus his raigne one Eneon the sonne of Cadinor Lord of Dyuet mouing rebellion against Rees ap Tewdor Prince of Southwales drew to his side Iestyn Lord of Glamorgan vpon promise to become his sonne in law by the marriage of his daughter Iestyn notwithstanding iudging their faction too weake sent Eneon into England where hee was well acquainted to procure aide against Rees who entring conference of his businesse with Robert Fitz-hamon a worthy Knight of the Kings Priuie-Chamber wrought so far with him being a man easily drawne to the exercise of warre that for a Salarie hee vndertooke the seruice and with twelue Knights and a competent number of Souldiers went into Wales where ioining with Iestin in battle slew Prince Rees ap Tewdor with Conan his sonne Robert Fitzhamon now minding to return demanded his pay according to couenants which Iestine in some part denied alledging that Eneon had gone beyond his commission whereupon such discord arose that these friends fell out and Eneon thus touched in his reputation sided with the English against his owne Country-men whereupon a battaile was fought and Iustin with most of his Welsh slaine so that Robert with his followers obtained a fruitfull possession in those parts which by their posterties are enioied euen to this day whose names as they are found written in a British record were as followeth NAMES POSSESSION 1 William de Londres Ogmor 2 Richard de Grana Villa Neth 3 Pagan de Turberuile Coity 4 Robert de S. Quintin Lhan Blethyan 5 Richard de Syward Talauan 6 Gilbert de Humfreuile Penmarke 7 Roger de Beckrolles East Orchard 8 Raynald de Sully Sully 9 Peter de Score Peterton 10 Iohn Le Fleming Saint George 11 Oliuer de Saint Iohn Fonmon 12 William de Estirling Saint Donats 16 As these things were commenced betwixt England Normandy and Walles Malcolme King of Scotland entred into the English Marches as farre as to Chester in the Streete doing much harme whose farther outrage to preuent William incontinently hasted sending by sea a great Nauie of Shippes and by land his brother Robert though with much losse of either for his Fleet was torne by tempest and his horsemen through hunger cold perished in those barren parts at length the Kings come to an Interuiew where by the meanes of Edgar Atheling a peace was concluded to both their contents for William restored vnto Malcolme twelue Villages which he had held in England vnder his Father and gaue him yeerly twelue Markes in gold And King Malcolme for his part promised to keepe true peace with him as hee
him a sonne whose name was Henry for ioy whereof King Henry assembled his Lords and againe made his said Daughter and the lawfull Heires of her body his Successors in his Dominions 54 And then preparing againe for his last and fatall passage into Normandy tooke shipping vpon the Nones of August the very day wherein he first receiued the Crowne when hapned so wonderfull an Eclipse of the Sunne that Malmsbury the reporter faith himselfe then saw the starres plainly in the Firmament about the Sunne and that two daies after so great and fearefull an Earthquake hapned that the house where in himselfe sate was lifted vp with a double remoue and others say that out of riffes in the earth burning flames arose that could not be quenched which diuers iudged to be fatall prodigies of the deathes of those Princes that soone after ensued 56 For Robert the Curtoise after twenty sixe yeers imprisonment and blindnesse through griefe conceiued at the putting on of a faire new roabe too little for the King and therefore in kindnesse sent to Duke Robert to weare grew weary of his life as disdaining to bee mocked with his brothers cast cloathes and cursing the time of his vnfortunate Natiuity resused thenceforth to take any sustenance and so pined himselfe to death His body was buried at Gloucester in the Church of Saint Peter and middle of the Quire where to this day remaineth his Tombe with a carued Image of his feature as the monument of a most vnfortunate man 57 And not long after K. Henry in Normandy comming scarse very well from Hunting in the Forrest of Lyons and Towne of Saint Denys made his repast of a dish of Lampreyes which meat hee too wel loued but could neuer well digest whereupon he fell more grieuously sicke and the same still increasing after seuen daies sicknesse vpon the first of December the sixty fiue of his age and yeare of Christ Iesus 1135. when hee had raigned King of England thirty fiue yeeres foure moneths lacking foure daies Duke of Normandy twenty nine yeers and foure monethes he died in the said towne of S. Denys and from thence was conueied to Roan where his Bowels Eyes and Braines were taken out and buried the body also sliced and powdred with much salt was wrapped in a Buls hide to auoide the stinch beeing so intollerable a point fitting for such great Princes to thinke on in their great glory and pleasures to remember their fraile and humane condition that the Physitian who tooke out his braines was poisoned therewith and presently died wherupon some obserued that other Kings killed men in their life but he also * after he was dead thence was his Corps carried into England and honourably buried vpon the day of Christs Natiuity at Reading in Barkeshire in the Abbey that himselfe had there founded and endowed with large possessions 58 After his death saith Huntington and Houeden men spake their mind as freely of him as of any other dead man some commending him for these three glorious felicities Wisedome Victory and Wealth others condemning him for three especiall vices Couetousnesse Cruelty and Lechery some instances of which wee haue touched in the relation of his life the first three in obtaining and keeping the Crowne the last in his most grieuous taxations cruell handling and imprisoning his Brother and his incontinency of life shall presently appeare by his many illegitimate issues the fruites of his wantonnes and witnesses of his shame in that Princes who are to punish such sinnes in others ought themselues especially to be free from them for though their liuing fortunes stoppe mens tongues from vpbraiding yet after their death the tongues of the vulgar and pennes of the learned will make the infamy of their vices to bee immortall 59 He was for personage of a reasonable stature broad breasted well iointed and full of flesh amiable of countenance sharpe and faire eyes blacke of haire and that somewhat carelesly hanging on his forehead his mind was enriched with many vertues a follower of Iustice a louer of Religion seuere against theeues and all effeminate nicities So that hee commanded mens long haire which against God and Natures law was matchable at that time with womens to be cut off temperate of diet and neuer drinking but for thirst valiant in battaile yet very circumspect seeking rather to win by wise care then by effusion of bloud and by the report of most Writers excelled all the Princes of the World in his time in Mercy Wealth and Bounty vnto Monasteries the land hee defended by Garrisons of Souldiers planted on the Confines of his neighbour Princes building many Forts Bulwarkes and Castles besides twenty fiue Townes and Cities whatsoeuer was wisely or vertuously performed in his Gouernement is chiefly ascribed to his yonger yeares institution in true Learning and Philosophy which was the great furnishment of him vnto the Science of Regality being often heard to say that hee esteemed an vnlearned King but a crowned Asse In which regard saith Rossus hee tooke chiefe pleasure to reside in his new Palace which himselfe built at Oxford both for the delight he had in learned men himselfe being very learned and for the vicinity of his new Parke at Woodstocke which he had fraught with all kind of strange beasts wherein he much delighted as Lyons Leopards Lynces Camells Porcupins and the like His delight also in works of deuotion shewes it selfe both in the erection and indowment of the Collegiate and Episcopall Sees of Carlile and Ely as also of the Abbayes of Hide Circester Reading and the Priorie of Dunstable His Wife Queene Maud founded the Priorie of Holy Trinity within Algate and the Hospital of Saint Giles in the Fields so that by himselfe his Queene and other deuoted persons twenty foure foundations to religious vses if not more were erected in the raigne of this King His Wiues 60 Maude the first Wife of King Henry was the daughter of Malcolme the third surnamed Canmoir King of Scotland her mother was S. Margaret daughter to Edward sonne of Edmund the Ironside King of England She was married vnto him at London in the first yeare of his raigne Anno 1100. by Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury hauing formerly vowed her selfe a Nunne which some swore she did not for loue of single life but to auoide some vnworthy matches which her Father would haue imposed on her Her Coronation was at Westminster by the same Anselme on Sunday the eleuenth of Nouember in the same yeare She was his wife seuenteene yeeres and more famous for her learning loue to learning charity to the poore and all vertuous dispositions and deceased at Westminster the first of May in the eighteenth yeere of his raign and yeere of our Saluation 1118. where shee was buried in S. Peters Church on
Against whom the Northren Lords prepared at 〈◊〉 command of Thurstan Arch-bishop of Yorke 〈◊〉 King Stephen Lieutenant in those parts who beeing by sickenes kept from the Field appointed Ralph Bishop of Durham his General whose Inuectiue Oration before their ioyning of battaile occasioned vpon the foresaid misdeameanors of some vndisciplined Scotish is at large set down by Houedon Huntingdon Wendouer and others in the close whereof he absolueth from punishment of sin all such of his side as should die in this battaile which made the English more desperate in fight who so sorely pressed vpon their enemies that they forsooke their King he notwithstanding valiantly persisting til his dearest friends ernestly vrged him to auoid But his son Henry esteeming more of glory thē life rushed in amongst his retiring souldiers and with vndaunted courage perswading them to regard themselus and his presence with threat of shamefull deaths to all such as fled he held them in for a time till at length ouer-laid with the maine-battaile of the English the magnanimous Prince Henry likewise quitted the field bitterly cursing the frowardnesse of Fortune and the mischance that hapned that day 15 With like fortunate successe proceeded Stephen against his disobedient Barons and wanne from them the Castles of Hereford Gloucester Webley Bristow Dudley and Shrewsbury whereby hee weakned Earle Robert so much that he was constrained to flie into France and there instigated his sister the Empresse to come into England 16 These domesticke opposites thus remoued out of his way King Stephen re-addressed himselfe for the North to prosecute that which Thurstan had begunne first therfore winning the Castle of Leids he went into Scotland where by the persuasion prowesse of Mars and Vulcan saith Paris a Peace was concluded betwixt the two Kings and Stephen thence returning brought Prince Henry whom he created Earle of Huntingdon with him into England and at the siege of Ludlow Castle the aduenturous Prince was almost surprised where the besieged with an Iron Grapple pluckt him from his horse and so had taken him but that King Stephen himselfe with great valour and honour recouered him who hauing wonne the Castle went presently to Oxford whither newes was brought him that the Empresse was preparing for England 17 To make all sure as he went Stephen thought it good to demolish and race those Castles lately built hauing had experience to what troubles they had brought him and to preuent the building of new and namely that of the Diuise now as hee surmised in fortifying against him hee therefore sent for Roger Bishop of Salisbury the Founder both of that Castle as also those other of Sherborn Malmsbury a man who in a bad cause had stood King Stephen in good stead howsoeuer some enuying his greatnes had incensed the King against him and other Prelates as if they were fallen from his side The Bishop standing peremptorily on his innocencie yet mistrusting the euent craued the company of Alexander Bishop of Lincolne and of Nigell Bishop of Ely so with a great and well appointed traine repaired to Oxford vnto the Court where Stephen had summoned a Grand-Councell of the States 18 The King who expected of Church-men humility seeing them now armed as men for the field commanded his attendants to take armour likewise and so entring communication of diuers matters with his Peeres and Prelates their Souldiers casually meeting fell at variance where the Bishops friends had the worse so that many of them were wounded and the rest forsaking their masters ranne away This great assembly thus disturbed the King required the Bishops to satisfie his Court for these outrages of their seruants which satisfaction should be to deliuer the keyes of all their Castles to the King as pledges of their fidelity which they refusing the Bishops of Salisbury and Lincolne were laid hold of but Ely escaped to the Castle of Diuise Alexander was imprisoned till hee had y●…ded him his Castles of New-werke and Slaford Roger the Castles of Sherborne and the Deuises accounted then one of the goodliest Castles of Europe besides forty thousand Markes in siluer which losses the Bishop did not long suruiue The King imployed the money to purchase Lady Constance sister to Lewis King of France to be wife vnto his sonne Eustace all which was to strengthen himselfe against the Empresse Maud whose comming he continually feared now before his expectation she was landed in England at a fitte time for her designes when all the great Prelates who formerly were his chiefest friends were highly incensed against the King for such oppression of their Brethren 19 The place of her arriuage was at the port of Arundell into which Castle shee was ioyfully receiued by William de Albeny who had married Queen Adeliza the late wife to King Henry whose Dowrie it was from hence Earle Robert diuerting his course onely with tenne horse-men and as many Archers for in all hee brought ouer but one hundred and forty with him for so great an exploit passed throgh the Land vnto Wallingford and Gloucester soliciting his Complices for the aid of his sister the Empresse A man who then liued holds him in this bold attempt with so small forces no way inferiour to Iulius Caesar whom Liuie reports to haue begun his ciuill war and to haue set himselfe against the whole world onelie with fiue Cohorts of Souldiers 20 King Stephen as then lay in siege of Marleburgh Castle but hauing intelligence of this more dangerous an enemy dislodged thence and with all expedition made towards Arundell whereat the Empresse wanting her Counsellor was wonderfully perplext yet wanted not a womans wit to helpe at need insomuch that by the report of Geruasius lest her dignity and right might any way be endammaged shee tooke an oath that none of these the Kings enemies by her aduice or consent had entred the land but with condition to carry themselues orderly without impeachment of the honour and allegiance due to the King by which policy to giue it no worse name she so satisfied King Stephen whom al do censure for too much credulity and facility towards his foes that hee caused her to bee conuaied honourably vnto Bristow where she remained the space of two monethes and then got thence vnto Wallingford 21 Earle Robert in the meane while dispersed the newes of the Empresses approch vnto whose aid so many gathered that the same Monke reporteth no man was able to set downe their multitudes in context of historie much lesse by way of Computation then beganne saith he both labour and dolour which brought the whole Realme to a most grieuous diuision and in a maner to an vtter ruine for those that fauoured the King what euill soeuer could be wrought or imagined they did against them that tooke part with the Empresse and contrariwise Earle
the Welsh vntill the Fore-ward of the Kings horsemen beganne to shrinke backe and not without suspition of treason galloped away when presently the Earle of Chester encountred the Kings battaile of foote in whose strength he reposed most trust but it being ouerlaid with Assailants beganne also to faint and to flie leauing the King enraged both with his friends faint-heartednes and with his foes successe A very strange sight it was saith Paris there to behold King Stephen left almost alone in the field yet no man daring to approch him whiles grinding his teeth and foaming like a furious wild Boare he draue backe with his battle-axe whole troupes assailing him massacring the chiefest of them to the eternall renowne of his courage If but a hundred such had there beene with him a whole Army had neuer been able to surprize his person yet as hee was single hee held out til first his Battle-axe brake and after that his sword also with the force of his vnresistable strokes flew in peeces and he now weaponlesse and by an vnknowne doubtlesse an vn-noblehand stricken down with a great stone throwne at him was seized on by William of Kahames a most stout Knight and by Earle Roberts commaund preserued from any violence to his person was carried prisoner vnto Maud the Empresse at Gloucester thence was sent bound vnto Bristow where in the Castle he remained in safe custody 29 The Empresse hauing thus got the Lion in her hold triumphed not a litle in her own fortune now as sole Soueraign of Englands Monarchie commanded all businesse elected her Counsellors and bestowed many dignities where shee most fauoured Notwithstanding that shee altered not her stile of Empresse or Queene of Romanes may appeare by this her Broad-Seale ensuing vnder which shee granted the custody of the Tower of London vnto Geffrey de Mandeuil and his Heires couenanting with him therein that she would not make peace with the Citizens of London without the said Geffreis consent because they were his mortall enemies but this Earle being afterwards vnawares apprehended in the Kings Court at Saint Albans could not bee released till hee had surrendred both the Tower of London and other his Castles to the King Vpon these happy successes of the Empresse the States-men stood not any longer for King Stephen but their Faithes turning with his Fortunes all of them surrendred their allegiance vnto her the Kentish only excepted where Stephens Queene and William de Ypres maintained his quarrell to the vttermost of their powers THE TRVE SCVLPTVRE OF MAVD THE EMPRESSES BROAD SEALE APPENDANT TO HER CHARTERS 30 But the Empresse conducted in State to Winchester had the Regall Crowne of the Kingdome there deliuered her no man more forward then Henry the Bishop and Brother of Stephen who vpon the vowing to bee ruled by his aduise in affaires of Estate being then the Popes Legate solemnely in a Synode of the Clergie accursed all such as withstood the Empressae and blessed all them that assisted her interest but both hee and his friends forgot not to adde that wonted trayterous clause of their oath so long to keepe faith to her as shee kept her Couenants with them and so with applause of the people she came to London and after much perswasion and mediation for that the Citizens were very stiffe against her was receiued into the City with a roiall Procession 31 Neither was King Stephen thus defeated of England onely but Normandy also cast off the yoke of subiection for Geffrey of Aniou husband of the Empresse hauing some intelligence of this atchieued victorie induced the Normans to incline vnto him by publishing the captiuation of Stephen vnable now to relieue them or himselfe and Dauid King of Scotland for his part was not behind to set forward the claime of Lady Maud assuming in her behalfe the County of Northumberland 32 Maud thus established all now esteemed her as Fortunes deare darling and beheld her as their onely rising sunne the Prison walles ouershadowing the Presence feature and fauours of the now deiected vnfortunate Stephen whose sorrowful wife Queen Maud incessantly sollicited the Empresse in her husbands behalfe desiring his liberty but not his Crowne which hee was now contented to let her enioy and thereunto offered for pledges many great persons who protested for him to the Empresse that hee thenceforth would deuote himselfe vnto God either become a Monke or a Pilgrime Henry of Winchester also became a suiter vnto her in the behalfe of his Nephew Eustace King Stephens sonne that the Counties belonging before to the Father might bee conferred vpon the sonne 33 The Londoners likewise hauing receiued her into the City as their Lady thought now as most doe with new Princes they might haue what they would aske and became her importunate Suppliants that the ouer hard lawes imposed by her Father might now be remitted and those of King Edward might wholy bee in force But shee reiected all these Petitioners out of pride say some but it may seeme rather of policy holding it safest to passeaffaires of importance not vpon intreaty but by due aduice and to gouerne the subiect with a seuere austerenes rather then an indulgent lenitie But this too regular strictnes which might haue done well in a setled gouernment in this her yet greene and vnsecured estate proued not so behouefull For first Queene Maud sent to her sonne Eustace that their suites must bee obtained onely by warre willing him to make strong his partie by the assistance of the Kentish the Nobles likewise Stephens vndertakers repined that they were so slightly regarded or rather reiected and the Londoners also storming at the repulse of their desires deuised how they might take the Empresse their Prisoner and so redeem King Stephen to whom their affectiōs were euer firm but she hearing of their conspiracie fled secretly in the night and tooke into Oxford which in all her difficulties shee euer found true vnto her out of their loue both to her cause and to her Father threatning due reuenge for her late wrongs wrought it vpon the Nobles in prison and more then was due or decent vpon Stephen himself whom she commanded to be laden with Irons and to bee abridged of all princely seruices 34 Winchesters high mind not brooking the Empresses deniall of his suite in behalfe of his Nephew Eustace vpon secret conferences with Queen Mand by her lamentable entreaties began to melt in his affection towards the distressed King his brother in fine resoluing to trie the vttermost for him absolued all those whom before hee had excommunicated pretending that the Barons had all kept faith with her but shee had not kept touch with them and thinking this a fitte time to worke for his brother solicited the discontented Londoners in his behalfe and stored
against the other whereof must needs follow an vnnaturall warre betwixt them of dangerous consequence euen to him that conquested With these and the like allegations at last Stephen beganne to bend and a parley f●… peace was signified vnto the Duke Henry already warme for the battaile and his thoughts fixed on nothing lesse then peace could hardly moderate his youthfull affections yet at his friends importunity hee yeelded to conferre with King Stephen 45 The place for conference was so appointed that the riuer Thamesis parted the presence of these two Princes so that from either banke they saluted each others and after a long conference agreeing on a truce and vpon faire tearmes of amity departed commaunding all weapons and attempts of warre to be laid aside 46 But Eustace who hitherro had attended Fortune for the Crowne and now hopelesse to haue as his Fathers Successor was greatly displeased with this new moulded friendship and in a fury departed the field purposing to raise himselfe by his owne meanes and comming to Bury vrged the Monks of Saint Edmunds for money to set forward his heady designes But the wiser amongst them vnwilling to bee wagers of new warres which though ill for all sorts yet proued euer worst to the Clergie mens possessions denied his request wherewith enraged hee commanded his men to carry their corne and other prouision into his owne Castle situated hard by But being set at dinner wee reade of him saith mine Author that euen the verie first bit that hee put in his mouth draue him into a frensie whereof shortly after hee died whose body was interred at Feuersham in Kent 47 The death of Prince Eustace so much aduantaged Duke Henry that thereupon the truce in likelihood expiring many fell off vnto him and many Castles were deliuered as Bertwell Reading Warwicke Stamford and others whereat Stephen was not a little displeased and thinking to entrappe the yong venturous Duke with a strong Army followed him vnto Wallingford But God himselfe looking down from heauen saith Mathew of S. Albans made there an end of those long calamities by stirring the minds of chiefe men in the land to labour for peace such was Theobald Archbishoppe of Canterbury and Henrie Bishop of Winchester who hauing troubled the realm with fire and sword moued now to repentance wrought so effectually with his brother that hee enclined vnto a wished peace contented to adopt the Duke for his Son and Successor and so comming both together to Oxford a blessed sight to so distressed and distracted a Kingdome there did all the Nobles do fealty to him as to the vndoubted Heire of the land and the Duke to acknowledge this as a fauour yeelded him the honour of a Father and the roialtie of all Kingly power during his life 48 Notwithstanding the cleere Sunneshine of these faire daies was somewhat darkened with a cloud of treacherie and lewd attempts of the Flemings who enuying Englands peace vpon Barham Downes intended to surprise Prince Henry in his returne from Douer and presence of King Stephen In this conspiracie was William the Kings son though but yong who himselfe meaning to haue one cast at the Crowne instantly before it should haue been effected was through the wantonnes of his horse cast to the ground and with the fall brake his legge to whose assistance whiles euery one gathered and lamented Henry vpon secret notice of the treason hasted vnto Canterbury and thence to London and soone after ouer the seas into Normandy 49 And Stephen now after he had raigned eighteene yeeres ten moneths and odde daies departed this life at Douer in the Monastery of the Monkes of an Iliacke passion mixed with his olde disease the Emrods the twenty fiue of October and yeere of Christs Natiuity 1154. A most worthy Souldier saith Paris and in a word one who wanted nothing but a iust title to haue made him an excellent King in his ordinary deportment very deuout the fruites wherof we●… shewed in erecting with sufficient endowments ●…he Abbeyes of Cogshall in Essex of Furnesse in Lancashire the houses of Nunnes at Carew and Higham an Hospitall at Yorke and the Monastery of Feuersham in Kent where his Queene his sonne and lastly himselfe were enterred but since his body for the gaine of the lead wherein it was coffined was cast into the riuer So vncertaine is man yea greatest Princes of any rest in this world euen after buriall and restlesse may their bodies be also who for filthy lucre thus enuie to the dead the quiet of their graues His Wife 50 Maud the Wife of King Stephen was the daughter of Eustace Earle of Bulloigne the brother of Godfrey and Baldwin Kings of Ierusalem her Mother was Mary sister to Maud Queene of England wife of King Henrie her husbands Predecessor Shee was crowned at Westminster vpon Sunday being Easter-day and the two and twenty of March in the first yeare of her husbands raigne and of Grace 1136. and being Queene fifteene yeeres she died at Heningham Castle in Essex the third of May and yeere of Christ 1151. and was buried in his Monastery at Feuersham in Kent His Issue 51 Baldwin the eldest sonne of King Stephen and Queene Maud bearing the name of King Baldwin his vncle was born in the time of the raign of K. Henry his fathers vncle and died in his infancy during the raign of the same King He was buried at London in the Church of the Priorie of the Trinity within Algate which was a house of blacke Canons of the Augustinian order founded by Q. Maud the first wife of the foresaid King Henry the first 52 Eustace the second sonne of King Stephen of Queene Maud his wife being the heire apparant to them both when his Father was King was created Earle of Bolloigne which dignity was the inheritance of his mother Hee married Constance sister of Lewis the seuenth King of France daughter of King Lewis the Grosse who afterward was remarried to Raimond the third Earle of Tholouze for Eustace died before her without Issue by her the tenth day of August in the eighteenth yeere of his Fathers raigne and of Grace 1152. Hee was buried by his mother in his Fathers Monastery at Feuersham in Kent 53 William the third and yongest sonne of King Stephen and Queene Maud maried Isabell daughter and heire of William Warren the third Earle of Surrey with whom hee had that Earledome hee was in his Fathers life time Earle of Surrey Lord of Norwich and Peuensey in England Earle of Mortayne and Lord Eagle of Normandy After his fathers death King Henry the second made him Knight resumed those things that hee held of the Crowne restored him to all that his Father held before hee was King And so he was Earle of Bolloigne Surrey and Mortaine and being with him in his iourney to Tholouze died without issue in his returne home-Ward
in great numbers so as nothing seemed wanting but onely a good cause which such as it was Queene Elianor like an Alecto kept aliue so much as lay in her with perpetuall fomentations And indeed the scope of these confederats did require no lesse a combination it beeing to depose the Father whom it pleased them for countenance of their vngodly armes to repute no King because hee had crowned his sonne 66 Though nothing then could come more greeuous to the bleeding heart of a most louing father then such a warre yet not to bee vnprouided hee like a souldier prepares himselfe when faire meanes faild and found multitudes readie to liue and die with him the indignitie of the vnnaturall reuolt did so much inflame all honest courages which acknowledged him their Soueraigne 67 The particular accidents of the wars would fill a volume At one time Normandie Guien and Britane were inuaded by the confederats in France and at the same time Cumberland by the Scots But the King of England had friends in all those parts and himselfe hearing that Vernuil was besieged by the French King in person hee beganne at last to kindle hauing like a sleeping Lion sitten still all that while and for that the place had vpon parlea agreed to render if aid came not by a day hee arriued to their succour within the time sending King Lewis word that hee should gette him foorth of Normandie with speed or he would without faile come and see how hee did vpon that verie day Lewis meaning nothing lesse then to put his owne Crowne in danger while he sought one for his sonne in law and therefore in all the warre-time would neuer set vp his rest vpon a battell but willing otherwise to doe to King Henrie the father all the harme hee could by countenancing the faction and supporting the reuolted malecontents with his best meanes and knowing King Henry was a sower and terrible Prince when he came indeede to fight immediatelie raised his siege and with as much hast as hee might abandoned the place leauing his Camp tents and warlike prouisions behind and retired into France 68 And though King Henrie beginning now indeede to shake his dreadfull sword had many faire daies of his enemies mixt with some losses both of men and other strengths though not great nor many in regard of the ouerthrowes which on his behalfe were giuen For that in Britane his forces had in battell vanquished Hugh Earle of Chester Ralph de Foulgiers and slaine about one thousand and fiue hundred of their army in England Reignald Earle of Cornwall and Richard de Lucie had in bloudie battell ouerthrowne the insolent Earle of Leicester and entred the towne of Leicest●… by force and that he had the persons of the said Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester Ralph de Fulgiers and verie many other prisoners of especiall note and Nobility yet Lewis the French King moouing a parlea the father desirous to vse the good fortune of war to reclaime his rebells was so willing to make peace that hee might seeme to haue outgone expectation in the qualitie of his offers but through such wicked perswasions as were vsed preuailed not 69 A violent firebrand in this diuision was Robert Earle of Leicester beeing matched with a Ladie no lesse proud and stomachous then himselfe who at this meeting was not contented to haue affronted King Henrie the father on the behalfe of his yongue Lord and Master the sonne but after many words of reproach is said to haue laid his daring hand vpon his sword with purpose to haue strucken the King had he not been with-holden and where such spirits had to doe it is easie to gesse what kinds of counsell were like to be embraced and pursued hauing forsaken the father not for that the others cause was more honest but for that saith Thomas Walsingham the father King labouring to enlarge the regall power sought to set his foote vpon the neckes of the proud and haughtie 70 But God who ment to chastise the King and not to deliuer him vp into his enemies hands destroied those hopes that mooued the sonnes to their vnnaturall attempts for it was not long after when newes came into Normandy that his faithfull friends and seruants Richard de Lucie and Humphrey de Bohun high Constable of England together with the powers of Reignald Earle of Cornwall the Kings vncle Robert Earle of Glocester and William Earle of Arundell not farre from Burie couragiouslie encountred with the Earle of Leicester and his Flemings of whom aboue fiue thousand were slaine or taken and among the prisoners was the Earle himself and his Amazonian Countesse whose persons at his commandement were not long after brought ouer into Normandie 71 This great victorie and other good successe did so much aduantage the King that Lewis beginning to distrust the enterprize sought for sixe monethes truce for himselfe and had it granted but because there were yet in England two principall men the Earle of Norfolke and Roger Mowbray which held out hauing Leicester for their Randenou and seat of warre with no small numbers of partakers notwithstanding that Geffrey the Elect of Lincolne the Kings base sonne had taken two of Mowbraies Castles and done other good seruice for his Lord and Father the truce serued the enemie for no other purpose but to breath and to repaire himselfe 72 The father of whom Lewis said that hee seemed not to goe but to flie he went with such celerity from one place and Kingdome to another in the meane while recouers Xaincts from Richard his violent sonne weakning that partie by so much and would haue weakned it farre more but that aduertisments came post declaring such matter as made him speede into Normandie 73 Thither came vnto him out of England Richard the Elect of Winchester sent with all hast by the Kings Iustitiaries to lay open vnto him the dangerous estate wherin the Realme at that time stood For after that Philip Earle of Flanders had solemnelie sworne to inuade England in supportation of yongue Henries quarrell sundrie forces arriuing and ioining with Hugh Bigot Earle of Norfolke had taken and spoiled the Citie of Norwich and done otherwise much harme whereby the yongue King and his faction had taken great encouragement as if the die of warre were turned and aswell the yongue King as the Earle of Flanders were come with forces to the Coasts there to transport for England Moreouer Robert Earle Ferrers of Derby who was falne from the father had suddenly entred vpon Nottingham burnt the towne beaten out the Kings Garrison slaine the people and enricht with spoile retired to Leicester whether about the same time Anketill Malorie Constable thereof had also brought about two hundred prisoners taken at Northampton which he with slaughter of the like number of the Towns-men had also suddenly
surprised and taken so that the Realme stood doubtfull and in extreame perill to the encrease whereof William King of Scots being deepe in the confederacy inuaded England diuiding his Forces himselfe with part wasting Northumberland and Duncan a very cruell Captaine with the other destroying the westerne Borderers 74 The Father wonderfully stirred herewith leaues Normandy in as good assurance as the time would permit and sends before him to the Ships Eleanor his owne Queene and Queene Margaret his sonnes wife his sonne Iohn c. the Earle of Leicester and his Countesse with many other prisoners and a mighty Armie but the winde changing and hee compelled to stay in harbour at Barbefleet in Normandy where hee had taken shipping he is said God touching his heart to haue vttered these words with much remorse in the presence of al If my purpose in this voiage be for the peace of the Clergy and people and if the King of heauen shall vouchsafe to quiet and calme these troubles at my arriuall then for his mercies sake wee beseech him to send vs a prosperous winde But if he be against it and hath resolued to visit the Kingdome of England with the rod of his fury let him graunt mee neuer to touch the shore of that Country more His Praier thus vttred from the depth of soule was secunded with a fresh perie of wind whereupon setting saile hee arriued safe the same day with all his Nauie at the Port of Hampton in England 75 The next day he took his iourney towards Canterbury where as it appeareth the residue of his penance enioined him at his Absolution was to bee performed For besides the fore-mentioned conditions the Legates enioined him saith the Author of Beckets life some other thing secretly which came not to our knowledge yea the Legates themselues wrote in their owne letters that hee then promised to do voluntarily if yee list to beleeue it some things which was not fit for them to lay open in writing And well might they be ashamed thereof but if it were so vnfit to bee written how vnfit was it to be imposed on such a Soueraigne Prince what it was let Houeden report The King comming towards the Church where the late Archbishop was buried clad all in wollen went three miles barefooted insomuch that the very ground where hee went was bloody as was euidently seene much bloud running from his tender feet which were cut with the hard stones Neither yet was this the worst for afterall this He receiued Discipline at the hands of the Bishops of a great many Priests and of the Monks Geruasius names Abbots also wherby appears that euery seuerall sort were to haue a hand in that seruice Mathew Paris can tell you more plainly what that Discipling was viz. he receiued the Discipline of rods on his ba●…esh receiuing of euery religious man a great multitude of them being there gathered 3. or 5. ierkes a peece whence we may easily belieue Baronius and his Author spake within compasse who acknowledge hee receiued 80. lashes To such height was the Papall tyranny and pride grown towards those of whom God had said expresly Touch not mine Annointed 76 Yet some Monkes of that age attribute the happy and great successe which ensued to the reconcilement which King Henry thus made with God for the bloud of Thomas because it pleased God to deliuer his enemy William King of Scots into the hands of his souldiers about that very time did also with stormes beat backe into France his disobedient sonne the young King being now vnder saile for England scattering the whole Fleet and almost sinking it with tempest 77 The Kings other actions till his next returne into Normandy which was not long after because Lewis King of France and his sonne in law the young King Henry the head to which all this putrified humour drew with the Earle of Flanders had laid a strong siege to the City of Roan Thomas Walsingham comprehends in these few wordes He tamed his Rebels put his enemies to flight seized on their fortresses And so hauing in a manner miraculously quieted the Realme hee takes with him the King of Scotland the Earles of Leicester and Chester with other his chiefe Prisoners whom hee afterwards first imprisoned at Caen in Normandy then at Faleis but leauing his seditious wife behind him vnder straight custody hee arriues with his puissance in Normandy which being vnderstoode in the Confederates Campe the same brake vp and first setting fire on all the engines of warre retreated into France in such sort that the English souldiers laid hold vpon much munition and warlike furniture Roger Houeden a very sure Author saith that the confederates had onely besieged Roan vpon one side and that Lewis hearing that the victorious King Henry was within Roan did first send away the weake and worst of his Armie and then deceiuing the English with a solemne promise of returning the next day to enter into a conference with the King about making a finall agreement did depart so that Houeden aggrauates the dishonour of the retreat with the note of faith-breach 78 Let the greatnesse and felicity of this King bee now but sleightly looked vpon and it will appeare that no Prince of those times was hitherto so much bound to God for manifold fauours as hee The King and power of France after so many attempts with the young King of England and all their forces flying at his presence without any stroke strucken the valiant king of Scotland prisoner and the chiefest of his Rebels vnder his foote England assured Scotland dismaied Ireland retained Wales ministring souldiers Normandy in possession and all the coasting Regions Britaine Angiou Poictou Main Tourain Limosin Gascoign Guien c. from thence as farre as the Mountaines which separate Spaine from France vnder his dominion and the blessing of Peace shortly after ensuing vpon such termes as himself could reasonably wish made him like another Salomon to bee sought vnto his Wisedome and Magnificence being in such high credite through the Christian World that the Kings of Castile and Nauarre chose him sole Arbiter in their debate which to both their contentment he most wisely determined and then at one time in his Palace at Westminster were seene together the Ambassadors of Manuel Emperour of Constantinople of Fredericke Emperour of Romans of William Archbishop of Triers in Germany a mighty Prince of the Duke of Saxonie and of Philip Earle of Flanders Moreouer he had the gouernment of France for a time the Kingdome of Ierusalem offered him but refused and two of his daughters married to the two Kings of Castile and Sicilie 79 There was first therefore a truce taken betwixt the three Kings Lewis and the two Henries wherein Richard who stood out was left to his Fathers prosecution who ●…ing himselfe thus destitute after many flashes ●…paration to resist and
great conflicts with hi●…e put himselfe most humbly into his Fath●…●…cy and throwing himselfe with teares 〈◊〉 obtained the pardon hee begd and 〈◊〉 ●…ion to his most inward grace and fauo●… 〈◊〉 ●…istan fatherly wise happy Act 〈◊〉 ●…ercome with this vnexpected and 〈◊〉 ●…nes neuer desisted till hee had brought t●… young King to a finall attonement armes being laid apart vpon all hands The chief points of that wished peace were 1. That Henry the yong King with Richard and Geffrey his brethren should returne freed from all oathes of confederation to the King their Fathers obedience as to their Lord and Father 2. That Prisoners should be set at large without ransome on all hands 3. That William King of Scots the Earle of Leicester and Chester Ralph de Fulgiers other who had compounded for their ransome before this conclusion should haue no benefite of this exemption 4. That King Henry the Father should take assurance of loialty toward him by hostage or oath of such as were enlarged 5. That King Henry the son should ratifie that Grant which his Father the King had made to his son Iohn of some Castles yerely rents in England c. The Seale it selfe wherwith the yong king made this mentioned Ratification we haue here annexed 80 Touching King William of Scotland his fore-mentioned compounding our Historians all agree not some saying more some lesse but Hector Boetius a Scotish Historian of some credit with that Nation writes 1. That King William was to pay 100000. l. Striueling for his ransome the one half in present coin the other 50000. l. vpon time 2. That for assurance of that summe the Earledomes of Northumberland Cumberland Huntington should rest in morgage 3. That K. William should moue no warre against England for the retention of those lands 4. That for the moresecurity of the premisses the Castles of Berwick Edenbrough Roxbrough Striueling should bee deliuered to the English 81 In the meane while King Henry according to Couenants dischargeth out of captiuity nine hundred sixty and nine men of Arms taken in those late warres and King Henry the sonne discharged aboue one hundreth and hauing accomplished whatsoeuer might content or secure his Father they prepared for England where the ioious letters of their comming written by the Father had begotten great and longing expectations in the subiects which hee did saith Paris That whom the generall danger of warre had afflicted the common gladnesse might recomfort In their trauaile thitherward the confidence was such vpon this fresh reconcilement that one Chamber and table serued both for whom before one Kingdome was not wide enough They landed at Portsmouth vpon Friday 20. Maij 1175. 82 The face of England at this present was like that of a quiet skie and sea no blast no billow no appearing signe of discontentment which the better to continue King Henry the Father accompanied with the King his sonne omitted no office of a iust and prudent Gouernour visiting a great part of his Realme in person consulting ordering and enacting such lawes and courses as might most establish the good of Peace Hence it came that at London both the Kings were present in a Synode in which Richard lately chosen Archbishop of Canterbury did publish with the Kings assent certain Canons for the better gouernment of the Church of England beginning thus At the true fountaine of all happy rule that is to say at the honour of God and establishment of Religion Discipline c. amongst the rest this one Canon in especial words is enacted both by authority of the King Synode and indeed worthy for euer to bee in force That euery Patrone taking reward for any presentation should for euer loose the Patronage thereof And the same Kings not long after being at Woodstocke in accomplishment of such holy purposes by aduise of the Clergy prouided men to such Bishopricks Abbacies and principall cures as were vacant where King Henry the Father forgat not his true friend Iohn of Oxenford whom he preferred to the See of Norwich 83 From hence comming to Yorke he set those parts in peace whither William King of Scots* repairing sundry matters of importance were handled betweene the two Kings as likewise afterward at Windsor where the King had called a great assembly of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall Rotherick King of Connaught in Ireland at the suite of his Ambassadors the Archbishop of Thuamon and Toomund others of that nation subiects to Rotherick was receiued into protection fauour and became Tributarie K. Henry being vnwilling to fish with an hooke of gold which in warring vpon Ireland hee should seem to do In an other Parliament not long after at Northampton he caused England to be diuided into six circuits to each Circuit three Iusticiars Itinerants deputed and aswell to giue his lawes more free passage as also the better to secure himself he threw to the earth sundry Castles which had bin formerly kept against him as Leicester Huntington Walton Groby Stutesbury c. and had the rest both in his English and in his French Dominions committed to his disposition 84 The young King about these times discouered fresh alienations in his mind against his Father who yet dissembling all did arme notwithanding vpon the defensiue and replenished both England and Normandie with Garrisons which drew the sonne the sooner to come in 85 But the old King not vnwilling perhaps lest the Brethrens concord might proue no better then a conspiracy against the Father that his warlike Children should contend did nourish deb●…te among them Certaine it is that to diuert the warre from himselfe he appeased his sonne the King with an encrease of maintenance for himselfe amounting in the whole to an hundreth pounds Aniouin by the day and ten pounds of the same money for his wife the Queene and whereas Alice daughter of Lewis then King of France who was maried at three yeares of age to Richard second sonne of King Henry when hee was but seuen and now demanded of King Henry the Father to the intent that Richard her husband might enioy her the old King who was suspected to haue deflowred her for that time shifted of the deliuery of her person in such sort that peace was not hindered thereby 86 But while the yong King by his Fathers instigation sought by force to constraine young Richard to doe homage to him for Aquitaine and King Henry the Father for the same cause commaunded Geffrey his third son Duke of Britaine whom * some for his extraordinary perfidiousnes in this seruice toward his Father and manifold sacrilege cals the Child of Perdition to aide and assist his said elder brother while also the iealous Father out of the strife of his sonnes sought his own safety and in nourishing it had by the treachery of the said sonnes
Tikhill Marlborow and Ludgarfall with many other great Seigniories and aboue them all was also Lord of Ireland and at the last succeeded his brother Richard in all his-Dominions and was King of England 108 Maud the eldest daughter of King Henry and Queene Eleanor borne in the third yeere of her fathers raigne married to Henrie surnamed the Lion Duke of Saxonie Lothar that died yong Otho the fourth German Emperour and William borne at Winchester progenitor of the Dukes of Brunswicke who bare for their Armes the Coat of England with the two Lions as King Henrie his Grandfather bare before the match with Queene Eleanor and Maud married to Geffrey Earle of Perch Shee suruiued him and died in the first yeere of the raigne of her brother King Richard and was buried by her husband in the Church of S. Blase at Brunswicke 109 Eleanor the second daughter of King Henrie and Queene Eleanor was borne at Roan in Normandy in the eight yeere of her fathers raigne 1162. She was married to Alf●…se the ninth of that name surnamed the Good King of Castile in Spaine and had issue by him Sa●…ches that died in his infancie Ferdinando that died in his youth Henry King of Castile after his Father Blaunch Queene of France wife to King Lewis the 8. and mother of Saint Lewis Berengar married to Alfonso king of Lion Vrraca Queene of Portugall and Eleanor wife of Iames king of Arragon 110 Ioane the third and yongest daughter of king Henry and Queene Eleanor his wife was born at the City of Angiers in France in the moneth of October the 13. yeare of her Fathers raigne which was the yeere of our Lord 1166. when shee was eleuen yeeres of age shee was with great honour conueied to the City of Palermo and there married to William the second of that name king of Sicil Duke of Apulia and Prince of Capua vpon Sunday the 13. day of Februarie 1177. and was crowned Queene the same day at the same place Shee had a sonne by him named Boamund whom his Father when hee was returned from his Christning created Duke of Apulia but the child died first and the Father after leauing no issue And she suruiuing married againe and was the third wife of Raimund the fourth of that name Earle of Tholouz by him shee had Issue Raimund the last Earle of that house Bertrand Lord of Branquell Montelore and Saluiac and a daughter married to Berald of Elbeine Prince of Orenge His Naturall Issue 111 William the Naturall sonne of king Henry born of Rosamund the daughter of Walter Lord Clifford which Lady for her incomparable beauty was reputed with allusion to her name Rosa-mundi the Rose of the world the deare affection the king bare her caused both burning iealousie in the Queene and fatall ruine to her selfe albeit the amorous king for her secresie and security but what walles will not a iealous eye pierce through had built for her a most artificiall Labyrinth at Woodstocke in Oxfordshire with such cunning windings and intricate passages as had not Fate and Heauens reuenge on Adultery shewed the way the enraged Queen had not so soone beene rid of her Riuall nor that wanton Dame of her life Shee was buried in the Nunnery of Godstow by Oxford with this Epitaph Hac iacet in Tumba Rosa 〈◊〉 non Rosa munda Non redolet sed olet quaredolere solet Rose This Tombe doth here enclose the Worlds most be●…teous Rose passing sweet ere while Now ●…ght but edour vile But Hugh called the Saint Bishop of Lincolne thought the Hearse of a Harlot no fit spectacle for a Quire of Virgins to contemplate therefore himselfe in person caused her bones to be cast foorth of the Church which yet those chast sisters afterward recollected and placed there againe with much honour ●…cting a goodly Crosse thus inscribed to the honour of her memory Qui meat hac oret Signumque salutis adoret Vtque tibi detur requies Rosamunda precetur All you which passe this way This Crosse adore and pray That Rosamunas Soule may True rest possesse for ●…ye The first Sonne which by her King Henry had was the said William surnamed in French Longespee in English Long-Sword He was Earle of Salisburie in right of Ela his Wife Daughter and h●…ire of William Earle of that County son of Earle Patrick by whom hee had Issue William Earle of Salisbury Stephen Earle of Vlster Ela Countesse of Warwicke Ida Lady Beucham of Bedford and Isabell Lady Vescie his sonne Earle William the second had Earle William the third Father of Margaret Wife of Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne hee died in the Castle of old Salisbury and was buried in the Cathedrall Church of the New City in the ninth yeare of the raigne of king Henry the third 112 Geffrey an other Naturall sonne of king Henry was borne of the Lady Rosamund aforesaid This man in his tender youth was by his Fathers procurement made Archdeacon of Lincolne and after Bishop of that See which hee held aboue seauen yeeres without consecration and then resigning it in the yeare 1181. into the hands of Richard Archbishop of Canterbury and his Father hee was made Chancellour of England and afterward by his brother king Richard hee was aduanced to the Archbishopricke of Yorke being consecrated at Tours in France An. 1191. which See he gouerned with good approbation But in the time of his Brother King Iohn hee vnderwent many difficulties by opposing the Kings purposes who therefore made seisure of his whole state and An. 1207. he left the Land and after fiue yeeres banishment died viz. Ann. 1213. 113 Morgan an other Naturall sonne of King Henry is thought by some because so small mention is made of him to haue beene of no long life after his birth and to haue beene borne of some woman in Wales where this Christian name is most commonly vsed and whither this King vpon many occasions sometimes resorted But some others whose studious paines deserue much thankes of posteritie report that hee was gotten on the wife of one Rodulph Bloeth or Blewet a knight and liued both to bee Prouost of Beuerley and to be elected to the Bishopricke of Durham when comming to Rome for a dispensation because his Bastardie made him otherwise vncapable the Pope willed him to professe himselfe Blewets lawfull son and not the Kings Naturall promising to consecrate him on that condition but he vsing the aduise of one William Lane his Clerke told the Pope that for no worldly promotion he would renounce his father or deny himselfe to bee of roiall bloud so blind were some Prelats of those times who esteemed spirituall functions to be but worldly promotions RICHARD THE FIRST DVKE OF NORMANDY GVYEN AND AQVITAINE c. THE FORTIE FOVRTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER VI. RICHARD succeeding to his deceased Father Henrie brought forth that wonder which a Writer ofthat age
thus celebrated Mira cano Sol occubuit Nox nulla secuta est A Wonder strange I write the Sun did set yet was no Night Meaning that though Henry were dead yet the glory and happinesse of the land was not thereby clouded for that Richard was another Sunné and in some respects farre the more bright and farther shining of the two as hauing for honour of Christian Cheualrie wholy consecrated his warlike minde and actions to the seruice of God and readuancement of the Crosse of Christ dishonoured by the Infidels in Asia in which enterprise hee was so feruently zealous that from the time of his Fathers death in whose vowes it had beene hee 〈◊〉 scarse any thing else disposing the affaires of his Estate but not carelesly as some would impose as of things which did but onely vnder-serue and conduce to the maine and principall end of aduancing his Sauiours glory whereunto hee iudged that action did tend 2 Hauing therefore ordered his weightier businesses in 〈◊〉 and other his transmarine Dominions in ●…gland by his letters set the Queen his Mother at liberty from that captiuity wherein her late husband the king had long detained her who sensible of others woe by her owne did afterward exercise many works of mercy in that kind he cuts ouer hither aswell to receiue all the rights of Soueraignety and to settle the same as also to leuie me●…nes for proceeding in his intended holy voia●…e together with Philip king of France and other Christian Potentates 3 And though before his Coronation most Writers doe not call him a King yet sure it is that he and others did immediately and vnquestionably vpon the first accruement of the interest which was at his Fathers last gaspe exercise all the offices of the roiall power for so hee restored Robert Earle of Leicester to his whole estate So plaine it is that our Gouernment allowes not the dangerous conuulsions emptie spaces of an Interregnum such as in meer electiue States are cōmon if not continual 4 But in nothing more could this noble Prince shew his iudgement though he were otherwise Sagacis ingenij of a sharpe and searching wit then in this That hee banished from his familiarity as my Author saith hated all those of what profession so euer they were who had forsaken his Father and both retained and enricht those other who had loially stood for him against himselfe in al assaies 5 At his Coronation which was most magnificently performed at Westminster by Baldwyne Archbishop of Canterbury the pointes of the Oath which hee made to God and the Kingdom of England at the Altar vpon the holy Euangelists before the Prelates Nobles and whole people were these 1. That all the daies of life he would beare peace honour and reuerence to God and holy Church and the Ordinances thereof 2 That in the people to him committed hee would exercise right iustice and equitie 3. That hee would blot forth naughty lawes and peruerse customes if any were brought vpon his Kingdome and would enact good lawes and the same in good faith keepe and without mal-E●…gyn Which oath being most solemnly taken and the sacred vnction performed the Archbishop standing at the Altar forbad him on the behalfe of Almighty God to assume that honour vnlesse hee had a full purpose to keepe what hee had sworne whereto Richard assenting and with his owne hands humbly taking the ponderous Crowne Imperiall from off the Altar in signification as is probable that hee held it onely from God hee deliuers it to the Archbishop who thereupon accomplished all the Ceremonies of Coronation 6 Which Act was accidently han●…eld and auspicated with the bloud of many Iewes though vtterly against the Kings will who in a tu mult raised by the Ocean were furiousliè murthered which though it were afterward punished by the Lawes might seeme a presage that this Lion-hearted King as his by-name Ceur-de-Lion did import should bee a speciall destroier of the Enemies of our Sauiour 7 After counsell therefore first moouer in all worthy enterprises Money was in his first and chiefest cares for raising whereof to furnish the intended pilgrimage he fold morgaged estated and by a thousand princely skills as if he should neuer 〈◊〉 come againe added incredible heapes to those huge sums which hee had scruzed out of Stephen de Turnham his fathers Treasurer amounting to eleuen hundred thousand pounds sterling if some say true all hoorded by King Henry What could indeed be said enough for such a voiage and it was a cogitation woorthy so glorious a purpose so to order his estate as if hee were not to returne at all because looking-backe doth vnbend and soften resolutions 8 As for men and soldiers the Prelats Friars and other Preachers had stirred vp innumerable by their manifold exhortations the Arch-bishoppe of Canterburie hauing trauailed through Wales in person for that purpose going afterward with the King to Palestine where also he died in pulpits and priuate conferences sounding nothing but the Crosse and Passion of Christ calling the world to reuenge his cause vpon the Pagans and setting soules o●…re with vehement gestures actions and perswasions But the ●…ngdome of England he ordered thus 9 The onely maine danger of the 〈◊〉 ab●… 〈◊〉 in his brother Iohn Earle of 〈◊〉 of whose ambition hee was some what 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 knowing that King Henrie not long before his death had intended the Crowne to him to conquer therefore his appetites with bountie and munificence and to take away all murmuration in him for want of Princelie competencies King Richard did as it were share the Realm with him giuing him sixe Earledomes Cornwall Dorset Sommersette Nottingham Derby and Lancaster besides Castles Honors Manors Forests and much other riches and finallie the Earledome of Gloster with the Heire of that Countie to bee his Wife though the Arch-bishop of Canterburie forbad the Nuptialls alledging shee was within degrees of consanguinitie 10 But lest through euill nature or aduise Earle Iohn should conuert those so great gifts to the subuersion of the bestower Hee entrusted him with no part of the Regall power as the Key and secret of his proper safetie but laide the maine burthen of Gouernment vpō William Longchamp Bishop of Ely chiefe Iustitiar and Lord Chancellor of England and Papall Legate a person out of all suspition for aspiring to the Crowne whereby was conferred vpon him whatsoeuer either King or Pope could grant for accomplishment of his authoritie so that he might well be stiled Prince and Priest of England as hee was one the most powerfull subiect for the time that perhaps this Realme hath had for though the King had as it were ioined with him in Commission one Hugh Bishop of Durham for the parts of England beyond Humber yet as it hapned in the Consulship of Caesar and Bibulus that nothing was reported
of Bibulus but all of Caesar so did Long champ in a short time easilie make himselfe sole and absolute his sway burying in silence the name and endeauours of his Colleague 11 Thus the summe of commaund or the Souereigne power it selfe was in the Chancellor as Viceroy but for defence and preseruation of his iustice hee * did subordinate or associate to those Bishops William Earle of Arundell Hugh Bardolfe William Marshall Geffrey Fitz-Peter William Brunor Robert de Wh●…tfield Roger Fitz-Re●…rey wherein hee did shew his loue and care of the English Nation as also of Iustice it selfe for that many of these were of the most honourable Peeres of the Land and not men bred-vp or formerly enured to make Iustice or their owne Tongues venall for a fee honour beeing the rule of their proceedings and strength of priuate fortunes with their Princes fauour the pillar to susteine that honor 12 There remained to prouide for before hee left England the neighbour-hood of Scotland and Wales which might otherwise make vse of his absence to his preiudice But Rhese ap Gruffith of whom there is extant a short but elegant Panegyris Prince of South-Wales beeing already in amitie came as farre as Oxford toward him but because the King who was there came not in person to meete him as his father King Henrie had done the Prince notwithstanding Earle Iohn the Kings only brother had conducted him from the Marches with speciall honor tooke it in so high scorne and indignation for euen the meanest from whom seruice or loue is expected will againe expect regard that hee foorthwith returned into his Countrey without once saluting the King who by this neglect lost Rheses loue as vpon the like omission and vnrespectiuenesse Augustine the too supercilious Monke did leese the affections of the Monkes of Bangor Rheses owne countrie-men in another part of Wales 13 As for william King of Scots a verie worthie Prince hee iourneied hither to King Richard into England and heere concluded a firme friendship which hee kept verie religiously euen in the greatest troubles of King Richard to the glorie of himselfe and his Nation and as some write sent his Brother D●…d with 5000. Scots to serue him in the sacred w●…res The chiefe points of their ●…tion were 〈◊〉 That for ten thousand Markes Sterling then paid the Castles of Rockesbrough and Berwicke cautionarie Castles or g●…ge places for part of his ransome should be restored 2. That he should haue all such deedes instruments and charters made by him to the late King Henrie which had by constraint or duresse beene obtained and himselfe to be freed from all encombrances claimes or pretensions whatsoeuer 3. That he should haue all such dignities as his brother Malcolm held in England for which King William did there make fealtie and all such Lands as his Ancestors did hold of the English Crowne 14 The State of England being thus in the maine and other meane points established King Richard crost the Seas into France to Philip king therof according to appointment that from thence with minds forces vnited they might set forward vnder the Ensigne of the Crosse which after some stay occasioned by the death of the French Queen they did vpon these Christian and friendly termes 1. That each of them preserue the others honour and beare faith to him for life and member and earthly dignity 2. That neither of them shall faile the other in their affaires but that the King of France shall helpe the King of England to defend his land euen as hee would defend the City of Paris if it were besieged and Richard King of England shall helpe the King of France to defend his land euen as he would defend his City Roan if it were besieged This being fairely engroft and afterward ratified with oath and sent by the kings themselues in person the Earles and Barons sware in solemne manner that they would not trespasse against their fealty nor stirre any warre in either of the kings Dominions so long as they were in that pilgrimage on the other side the Archbishops and Bishops did firmly promise in verbo veritatis in the word of truth that they would accurse and excommunicate al such as did transgresse this agreement 15 Thus after some necessary staies these two the greatest Monarks of the West set forward ouer land toward the publike seruice of Christianity with such numbers as thēselues thought best which were so great that hauing aduanced not without some little losse of people by the fall of the Bridge ouer the riuer Rhene at Lions which brake by reason of the throng beyond the said violent streame they parted company Philip passing ouer the Alpes into Italy and Richard to the Sea-side at Marsilia there to meete with his Nauie which being compact of all the chiefe Ships in England Normandy and other his French Dominions was there appointed to attend 16 But the voiage being very long and King Richard comming to the Port before his Fleet after eight daies expectation there waxing impatient of delay embarkt himselfe in twenty hired Gallyes and ten great hulkes or Busses a kind of shipping as it seemes peculiar then to the Mediterranean seas and set saile toward Messana in Sicilia the Rendeu●…w of both the kings and of their Armies in which passage lying at Anchor on occasion in the mouth of the riuer Tyber not far from Rome * Oct●…ianus the Bishoppe of Hostia repaired vnto him desiring him in the Popes name that hee would visite his Holinesse which the King denied to do laying to the Popes charge many shamefull matters touching the R●…ish Simony and Couetousnesse with many other reproaches allcadging that they tooke 700. Markes for consecration of the Bishoppe of Mains 1500. Markes for the Legatiue power of William Bishop of Ely but of the Archbishop of Burdeaux an inf●…ite summe of money whereupon hee refused to see R●…e Thus after sundry accidents and commings on land hearing that his Nauy was safe he * staied for them by the way and then came to anchor not long after to wit 23. of September before the City of Messana with so great a shew of power and sound of Warlike Instruments and other signes of Maiesty in the sight of Philip and his French and of many other Nations there assembled that it stroke horror into the Inhabitants saith Houeden and moued no small enuy in the hearts of his confederates 17 From this time forward as it may seem the Enemy of Concord feeding the maleuolent passions of men with perpetuall matter of debate the king of France was neuer truly king Richards friend in heart but vpon the same day whither streightned in prouisions or otherwise hee left the king of England but by contrary wind was driuen backe before night where after many troubles and quarrels betweene the English and Sicilians the two kings peaced againe and setled
violence or to engage others in the impietie gaue three thousand Markes of King Richards ransome to make siluer Censers through all the Cistercian order who generally refused the gift as parcell of an accursed spoile for as for those* seuenty thousand marks which hee forgaue to King Richard with as bad a purpose being to hinder peace betweene him and the French as he had taken the other vniustly they are not to be accounted as restitution but as the wages of sinne reuenge forsooke him not being pursued by his owne wife the Heire of the Crowne of Sicilia in reuenge of some cruelties done to her Countrimen and after reconcisement with her falling dangerously sicke he died at Messana excommunicated for King Richards cause And albeit hee had in his life time sent his Chancellour out of Burgundie of purpose to offer King Richard recompence for the iniuries he had sustained and although Constantia the Empresse had sent the Archbishoppe of Messana while the Emperours body lay aboue ground without buriall to Pope Celestine in humble manner praying Christian buriall yet vnlesse the mony which hee had extorted from the King of England were restored hee could by no entreaties obtaine it which accordingly was promised 54 Neither were the King of Englands afflictions vnprofitable vnto him for they gaue him occasion to reforme his life taking home to him his Queene Berengaria whose society for a long time he had neglected though she were a roiall eloquent beauteous Lady and for his loue had ventured with him through the world 55 King Richard after his ioyous returne into England hauing at the Abbey of Saint Edmunds in performance of his vow as may seeme offered vp the rich Imperiall Standard of Cursac Emperour of Cyprus which hee tooke among the spoiles of the Griffons Campe thence he marched and tooke in by surrender such Castles as the seruants of his brother Iohn beleeuing that the King was not returned held against him but Henry de Pumeray who had fortified Saint Michaels Mount in Cornwall hearing for certaine that King Richard was come died for very feare And now forty daies of summons being exspired which were allowed to Earle Iohn Hugh Bishop of Couentry for making their appearance to answere to such heinous matter as was prepared and they not appearing Iohn was adiudged by the Peeres and States of England to haue forfeited all that hee might forfeit in the Realme and the Bishop to be punishable by the Ecclesiasticall censures as hee was a Bishop and likewise as an Officer of the King by the Laitie Richard afterwarde bestirres himselfe to draw in money more greedilie then did become so great a Maiesty wherein yet saith * one he was rather to be pardoned then accused for that hee was presently to lead a mightie Armie against the French 56 But first of all to wipe away both the sadnes and contumelie of his late restraint for a better fortunes beginning he caused himselfe to be crowned againe at the City of Winchester which celebritie was honoured with the presence of William king of Scotland who bare a sword before King Richard betweene which two Princes there* followed great amity and tendernesse of loue then beeing granted to him and his successors Kings of Scotland a certaine pension with sundry other allowances and princelie attendances from the first day of their friendlie entrances at any time into England til their returne 57 The King likewise caused a new broad Seale to bee made requiring that all Charters granted vnder his former should be confirmed vnder this whereby he drew a great masse of money to his Treasurie subscribing such renued Charters thus This was the tenor of our Charter vnder our first Seale which because it was lost and in the time of our beeing captine in Almaine was in the power of another wee caused to bee changed c. Some haue obserued that as this Richard was the first of the English Kinges who bare Armes on his Seales as appeareth by the former so was hee the first who carried in his shield three Lions passant borne euer after for the Regal Arms of England And whereas we see heere the Moone in her full which in the other was but a Crescent which is the Turkish Ensigne it may seeme to be done Emblematically in that sence as wee read of another Prince who going against the Turkes gaue a Crescent with this word Plenior redibo I will returne more full The true draught of this second Seale we haue here annexed 58 A good Author reports that after this the King being at dinner at Westminster and receiuing aduertisement of the siege laid to Vernoil by his restlesse enemie Philip of France sware that hee would neuer turne his face till hee had gotten thither with his Armie to fight with the French whereupon hee caused the wall to be cut through the signe of which breach appeared aboue two hundred yeares after neuer resting till with an hundred great Shippes hee had crost the seas from Portsmouth into Normandy where the onely rumor of his approch made the French King raise his siege and without stroke or sight of his magnanimous Enemie but not without losse and shame to quite the field 59 Neither was his clemency lesse then his courage whereof needs no greater testimony then when vpon Earle Iohns dutifull submission his mothers intercession he so freely forgaue him as that he calmely said Would that thy fault may so be forgotten of me as that thy selfe maiest keepe in memorie what thou hast done and afterward restored his possessions vnto him the Earle from that time forward becōming his true Knight doing him very noble seruices especially against the French who had seduced him as a louing brother faithfull Leege-man whereby he made amends for his former excesses and fully recouered the hearty affection of his Lord and brother 60 There were after this sundry skirmishes takings of Prisoners and Townes and conferences betweene the French and English moued belike by such as religiously tendered the effusion of Christian bloud so as no great matter was yet effected that which was being rather by Stratagems and starts then by battle but within * thirty seuen daies after the French mens flight from Vernuil King Richard in reuenge of that desolation which the French King had brought vpon the City of Eureux where he neither spared age sexe nor Church comming to Vendome with purpose to surprise the King of France had the spoile of the French Campe their King a thing almost incredible now the second time flying without battle Many of the French were slaine and taken together with much treasure the Chappell roiall the Indentures of such as had left Richard to serue King Philip and all the * tents carriages and other furnitures for warre and from hence marching in Poictou and Engolisme hee had such successes
for by whose arriuall the King seemed to be possessed of those his desires before his golden letters arriued at Rome to craue them 54 For this Legate was infected with the like itches Ambition and Auarice as his Master and therefore King Iohn knew how to demerite his fastnesse and loue by supplying him with like ointments whereby the Archbishop and Barons soone perceiued that the Legate was wholy Regall and the King Papall which iealousie made both their Actions more distastfull The Ouert and professed end of his comming being to release the Interdict hee first tampered a little to accord the King and Prelates vpon couenantes of Restitution towardes which though the king offered ten thousand marks yet the Prelates repining at the Legates partiality to the King in approuing that offer chose rather to suffer the whole land to grone vnder that vnchristian and truly-styled Curse then to defalcate any iot of their couetous demaunds Vnder which colour the Popes Agent a fitte helue for such a hatchet brake his mind to the King of a more secret principall cause of his Legacie which was for the contriuing of a more validous and vnexceptionable conueyance of his Kingdomes to the yoake of Romish Soueraignety pretending doubtlesse as Pandulph had done that hee could neuer be safe or quiet but vnder the powerfull protection of the Popes winges What iust exceptions the World might take to the former Graunt his Holinesse was not ignorant it being an Act in the King both of manifest* Periurie against his oath at his Coronation and also of* Constraint * Circumuention and * Feare hee being driuen thereto by the Pope himselfe who had set vp both the French power and his owne Barons against him an Act of one * actually excommunicate as also were the * Witnesses conuersing with him in that action whereto as neither the * next Heyres nor the * Clergy nor * Body of the Kingdome gaue any consent so an * open disclaime thereof was made by the very Principall man there present in the name as is likely of all the rest and that all was ingrossed with so many grosse * vntruthes as if done most voluntarily without any feare or force in a general Assembly of the Barons onely by a diuine inspiration and because the King had nothing fitte to pacifie God for his sinnes but the giuing away of his Kingdomes Well might the Pope blush at these shamelesse abusions and therefore if now the King standing on calmer termes can be wrought to ratifie his former Graunt though the dealing bee more fraudulent yet the Act will seeme more colourable because sauouring of lesse constraint and more free deuotion But if we looke with an vnpartiall Eye wee shall see both the plight of King Iohn and the action of Innocentius still like it selfe the Interdiction still burthening his land his Barons more molestious to him then forraine foes his Prelates greedily grating on him to empouerish his meanes his Archbishop stopping all proceedings against forraine or home-bred enemies and if hee had thwarted the Popes commaund herein hee foresaw farre greater stormes at hand then hee had hitherto escaped Thus in desire to settle his Kingdomes quiet for his owne time and in hope perchance that his Successors would as since by diuine blessing they haue vindicate it againe from such an enforced slauery hee condescended to renue his Charter of Subiection knowing belike that his expresse reseruation to himselfe and his Heires of all due administration of Iustice all Liberties and Regalties as being excepted out of the Graunt was forcible of it selfe to make it vnforceable For how hath hee his wonted power of Iustice who was supreme and is made subordinate how his wonted liberties who was absolute is made Homager and Pensioner how his fore-vsed Regalities whom another may name and command as his vassall Yet this Charter adorned with a Golden Bull fitte for the Roman Phalaris whereas the former was but sealed with wax was at a meeting in Saint Paules Cathedrall Church pretended for other businesses about the Interdict presented for more authenticke solemnity at the High-Altar where in the King and Legates presence the Archbishoppe of Canterbury himself also both a Cardinal and a Legat in this acting the office of a stout Patriote and noble Prelate as the Archbishop of Dublein had done at the first Graunt stept forth and in the name of the whole Clergy and Kingdome boldly and earnestly presented at the same Altar in solemne manner his Appeales against that Charter so execrable to the whole world as likewise formerly he had vsed all possible endeuor to diuert the kings hart frō that subiection to the Pope and Court of Rome That the Peeres of the land accorded with the Archbishop in the Appeale and more then in Appeales both the Kings owne letters to the Pope saying they openly professed that they forcibly made head against him because hee had so enslaued his land and their owne bitter exclamations against it so frequently in Authors reiterated doe demonstrate and yet both the Archbishop and other Barons are so cunningly named in the Popes Transcript as if they had not onely beene present and witnesses at the doing but also approuers of the deed What comfort then had Innocentius of renouncing his old Charter and thus shuffling for a new Surely but little it seemeth especially when he saw both his owne Creatures in England thus oppugne it and Christian Princes abroad yea King Iohns mortall enemies who not onely denied that England notwithstanding this Transaction was any patrimony of S. Peter and condemned the Pope for holding an errour so pernicious to all Kingdomes but also vowed to die before they would yeeld that any King can of his owne will make his Kingdom Tributary and his Nobles slaues to others By which vniuersall detestation of this the Popes vsurping it is not improbable though for the present hee flourished the Transcript thereof which hee sent into England with the Preface of Christ and Melchised●…h being Kings and Priests and that therefore in one person of Christs Vicar as the Soule and the Body so both Kingdome and Priesthoode did now concurre that yet ere long hee was no lesse ashamed of this latter then of his former Charter Whereto well suteth his testimony who writes that a Parliament was held at London the yeere 1214. Where the Archbishop sate as President with all the Clergy and Layty wherein by commandement of the Pope the Charter Fealty and homage by which the King was obliged to the Pope was absolutely released on the 7 day of Iuly which if bee true no maruaile if the Court of Rome cannot produce though often challenged thereto this Charter whereof so much they vaunt Notwithstanding some vnquiet Spirits aspiring long after to
eldest Daughter and Child of K. Iohn and Queene Isabel his last wife was the first wife of Alexander the second King of Scots married vnto him in Yorke Iunij 25. Anno 1221. who returning into England to visite her Brother deceased at London and was buried in the Nunnery at Tarent in Dorsetshire 4. Martij in the 21. yeare of her Brother king Henries raigne in England and the 23. of king Alexander her husbands in Scotland Anno 1236. 70 Eleanor their second daughter was first married to William Marshall the yonger Earle of Pembroke and after his decease without issue and seuen yeeres Widow-hood remarried to Simon Montfort Earle of Leicester sonne of Simon Earle Montfort in France by Amice Daughter of Robert Blanchman Earle of Leicester who maintaining the Barons warres against King Henry her brother was slaine at the battaile of Euesham in the 19. yeere of her brothers raigne 1265 after whose death shee and ●…er Children were forced to forsake England she died in the Nunnery at Montarges in France Henry her eldest sonne was slaine with his father at Eueshan Simon the second was Earle of Bigorre and ancestor to a Family of Mountfords in those parts of France Almaricke her third sonne was first a Priest and Treasurer of the Cathedrall Church in Yorke and after a Knight and a valiant seruitour in sundrie warres beyond the Seas Guy the fourth Sonne was Earle of Angleria in Italy and Progenitour of the Mountfords in Tuscaine and of the Earles of Campo bachi in the Kingdome of Naples Richard the fift sonne remained priuily in England and changing his name from Mountford to Wellesborne was ancestor of the family of Wellesbornes in England She had also a daughter named Eleanor borne in England brought vp in France and married into Wales to Prince Lewellen ap Griffith 71 Isabel their yongest daughter was born An. 1214 when shee was 21. yeeres of age shee was married being the 6. and last wife to the Emperour Frederick the second at the City of Wormes in Germany 20. of Iuly 1235. Shee had issue by him Henry appointed to bee King of Sicily and Margaret wife of Albert Landgraue Thurin shee was Empresse 6. yeeres and died in Childbed Decemb. 1. of her husbands Empire 31. of her brothers raign 38. Anno 1241. 72 Iane or Ione the daughter naturall of King Iohn by Agatha Daughter of Robert Ferrers Earle of Darby marryed to Lewin Prince of Wales Anno 1204. her Father gaue with her the Castle Lordshippe of Elinsmore in the Marches of Southwales she like a most louing Child gaue her Father secret intelligence of the Treasons intended against him by the Welsh and English 73 Geoffrey Fitz-Roy a base son who transported some Souldiers into France when Archbishoppe Hubert forbad the King his father to goe thither 74 Richard who married the daughter heire of Fulbert de Douer who built Chilham Castle in Kent which Castle hee had with her and had Issue by her of which som families of good esteem are descended stant Lords at Newarke where the Generall assembly for that seruice was appointed The whole Army after the Musters rested there some dayes which they spent not in vanities but in deuotions receit of the Sacrament humbling themselues before the offended Maiestie of God and so all of them saith Paris being prepared resolue eyther to return victorious or to die in defence of their country their Soueraignes right and their owne Liberties and possessions all which seemed now to lie at stake To giue them the greater edge and spirite Wallo with great solemnity accurseth Lewis and his Coadiutors and thus the Army marcheth towards Lincolne and the Lewisians there in siege of the Castle the King himselfe being left with a strong guard at Stow about eight miles short of Lincolne accompanied with Wallo and others there without perill of his person to attend Gods pleasure in the euent of the enterprise Vpon their approch if the Counsell of some English Lords had beene followed the Lewisian Army had issued forth of the City giuen them battle in the opē field but the Earle of Perch the French Generall thinking the Kings party to bee greater then it was for that the Noblemen and Bannerets thereof had each of them two Ensignes the one born with themselues the other aduanced among the Carriages which doubled the shew of their numbers they did thereupon change that course closed the Gates of the City and plyed their endeauours against the Castle more fiercely then before The Earle of Pembroke therefore lets Falcasius slip in at the Castle-posterne with his Arbalasters whiles others breake vp the South-gate of the City at which the Kings Army most couragiously entring and they of the Castle sallying out in Flancke of the Enemy scattered and vtterly defeated the Lewisians The Earle of Perch their Generall being enuironed with the Royalists and willed to render himselfe sware that hee would neuer become Prisoner to any English vpon which refusall he was run through the sight of his helmet into the braines and so dyed without speaking any word In this conflict being on Saturday in Whitson-weeke the force of naturall propension was apparent for notwithstanding the fierie resolutions of the Kings People yet when they saw the faces of their kinsmen friends countrimen on the other side that fury relented so strōgly that the most part of the reuenge fell vpon the Horses and not vpon the Horsemen whom onelie they laboured to make their Captiues The whole riches of the Lewisian Campe of the City of Lincolne became the booty and spoile of the Kings Armie whereupon this discomfiture was called Lewis Fair Neither did the Clergy of the place escape for the Popes Legate had commaunded that they also should be rifled to a penny as persons excommunicated in partaking with Lewis The Chase was but coldly fainedly followed vpon the flying Barons otherwise not a man could haue escaped wherein yet the chiefest Barons were taken with about 400. Knights besides Esquiers and of other sorts without note or number though some say that this number of Knights were slaine matrons and women of the towne flying by boate which they had no skill to gouerne were drowned Such as escaped the fight were not therefore past the danger for the Country people fell vpon them as they fledde killing great numbers so that almost all the footmen tooke vp their last lodgings before they could reach to London where Lewis was The Marshal of France the Chastellan of Arras and about two hundreth Knights came safely thither but were not otherwise then sowerly welcome of the Prince who laid vpon their cowardise the losse of all the rest His feare of being taken Prisoner iustly encreasing hee fortifies London by the best meanes hee can and dispatcheth Posts into France for more reliefe This great victory was much the stranger if as some write the fame
S. Salomon Rochester chiefe Iustice of Assises 4000. M. S. Richard Boyland 4000. Marks S. Thomas Sodentone 2000. Marks S. Walter de Hopton 2000. Marks S. William Saham Iustice 3000 Marks Robert Littelburie Clerk 1000. Marks Roger Leicester Clerk 1000. Marks Adam de Stratton beside other riches incredible 32000. Markes But with one Sir Thomas Weyland the Kings chiefe Iustice being found belike most false he dealt farre more sternely for he not only seised vpon all his moueable goods and Iewels which he had done to others but also vpon his immoueable and banisht him moreouer out of the Kingdome At which time the King constrained all his Iustices to sweare that from thence forth they would take no pension fee or gift of any man except only a breakfast or the like present O diuine and still necessary seuerity onely able to breake the pernicious combination of men that vnder the profession of law offices of Iustice make merchandize of honor iustice law and conscience which cannot in the end but ●…ring forth ruine and confusion 18 That tempest now which * Thomas Ersilton a Scottish Rimer is said to haue obscurely prophecied alluding to the troubles of Scotland by reason of King Alexanders death hapned about these times which raised so great and bloody contentions that it had almost blowne vp the regalitie of that kingdome by the very rootes For when by the violent fall from his horse King Alexander had most vnfortunately lost his life that Realme was wofully destitute of any apparent heire sundry persons stāding in competition for the same These things were thought to be foreshewed from heauen by many fearefull presages as extraordinary Meteors Flouds Fires and Pestilence But King Edward intending to sway that affaire and being vpon his way toward the borders the death of his royall consort and Queene which he lamented while himselfe did liue called him backe to the celebration of her funerals as her excellent virtues did well deserue To our Nation shee was a louing mother saith one the Column and pillar as it were of the whole Realme In her honour the King her husband who loued her aboue al worldly Creaturs caused those many famous tropheis or crosses to be erected wheresoeuer her noble coarse did rest as it was conueyed from Lincolneshire to buriall in Westminster Nor coulde any thing but the respect to other weighty matters now presently in hand with-holde our pen from paying to her memory a farre more copious commendation 19 Those mourning offices as mournfully performed the King repaires into Northumberland whither the greatest and sagest persons of the Scottish nation being come themselues hauing sought to him Edward makes claime to the superiority of Scotland and requires that the Competitors woud quietlie assent to his award alleaging that the Crowne of that Realme was held of him for more credit to which assertion he vouched sundry books and actss whereunto the Scots replied That they were ignorant that any such superiority belonged to the King of England neither could they make answere to such things without a King the head vpon whom it lay to heare such a denunciation and protested that other answere they ought not as then to giue in regard of their Oath which after the death of Alexander their King they had made one to the other and the same to keepe vnder paine of excommunication Whereupon the King deliuered to them his letters Patents in which he acknowledged that the comming of those Scots on this side the water of Twede should not be at any other time vrged to preiudice them for comming againe into England that is That their example should not so be drawne to an argument of King Edwards right ouer them as if they were to come againe vpon dutie so prudentlie iealous were these Patriots of their Countries liberty 20 The names of the Competitors were these according to Walsingham Erick King of Norway who appeared by his Attorneys Florence Earle of Holland Robert le Brus Lord of Annandale Iohn de Baliol Lord of Galway Iohn de Hastings Lord of Abergeuenny Iohn Comin Lord of Badenaw Patrick de Dunbar Earle of March Iohn de Vesci on his Fathers behalfe Nicholas de Sules William de Rosse These all peaceably submitted themselues for so much as concerned their seuerall titles to the Scottish Crowne to the finall award and arbitration of King Edward passing thereof an authentick Instrument vnto him who hauing giuen caution to restore the realme of Scotland within a certaine prefixed time to that party to whom the Crowne thereof should be adiudged had seisin deliuered to him the better to put the sentence in execution or say the writers of that nation they giuing him power to constraine the parties to stand to this sentence The whole carriage of which weighty businesse being so diuersly related and censured by the writers of both nations though for the present it be not material both Kingdoms now blessedly acknowledging one absolute Superiour wee will so trace the steps of truth in a middle way as resoluing neither to impeach the action of that glorious vmpier nor preiudicate the right of our noble sister nation The State of Scotland now was not without manifest perill for the Scots denying that their Kingdome was in anie point subalterne to the Crowne of England and King Edward either perswaded that it was so or resoluing and plotting now to make it so would not neglect the aduantage of this Akphalisis or want of a known head in Scotland 21 Vpon full ventilation therefore and scanning of all rights the maine doubt rested vpon Lord Brus and Baliol for the residue might seeme rather to affect the honour of hauing pretended title in blood to a Diademe then to haue colour to contend with either of them Great was the aduise and deliberation as there was cause which King Edward tooke therein for not trusting to his owne iudgement hee caused saith Hector Boetius twelue of the best Clerks or learned men of Scotland and twelue of England to concurre as Assessors with him in that great decision 22 While this weighty cause was in debatement there fell out deadlie strife betweene the English and Normans occasioned by one of them casually slaine by the English which mischiefe the King of France forwardly nourisht as thirsting for the dutchy of Gascoigne which best he might attain by troubling the forreine affaires of King Edward whom they saw now entangled at home in so weighty emploiments Whereupon the Normans slew sundry of the English and hung vp one vpon the mast of a Shippe whom they had taken at Sea but ere long after threescore English ships encountring with two hundreth saile of Normans laden with wines after a most bloody battel wherein many thousands of the French were slaine tooke with their whole fleete their full reuenge and brought them into England 23 At last yet King Edward returning to
Berwicke hauing with him the said twenty foure Assessors as it were a iury of either nation and with the good will and assent of the Scottish Lords gaue solemne iudgement with Baliol as being descended of the eldest daughter of Dauid Earle of Huntington a yonger sonne of Scotland whose issue the line of the elder brother being extinct was to inherite without question But the strife being betweene the descendents of the said Dauid of which the Lord Robert Bruce was also a principall reasons of importance were produced which drew many mens iudgements to incline to him as hauing a neerer interest to that Crowne But according to the sentence Baliol was solemnly crowned King of Scotland vpon S. Andrews day and in Christmas following repaired to King Edward at Newcastle vpon Tyne and there against the minds of many Scots did homage vnto him for the whole Kingdome of Scotland 24 Meanetime the French King pursued the reuenge of the Normans demanding restitution and citing King Edward iudicially to appeare to answere such wrongs as were done in Aquitaine who desirous to settle his owne affaires at home or as some write eager vpon a match for himselfe in France while he discouered either his vnwillingnes to appeare in that kind or to warre suffered himselfe by a French deuise to be meerely deceiued and put out of his possession of Gascoigne to the great mischeife and disaduantage of the English whereupon K. Edward highly incensed called a Parliament at London where Iohn king of Scotland was present and had the full consent of the whole Realme to regaine that honestlie by the sword which was craftilie gotten away by a cunning trick renouncing to the French his homage for Aquitain Wales also was at the same time full of troubles but the fires of rebellion there rashly kindled were not long after quencht with the blood of the Actors and thousands of their Complices 25 Baliol hauing thus obtained the Crowne of Scotland and finding his party by the homage which he had made to King Edward much empaired among the Scots who greatly repined thereat for regaining their loues attempted a secret combination with the French against the English which Edward ignorant of and requiring him by vertue of his homage to aid him with all his powers against the King of France discouered by Baliols delaies and trauerses the said conspiracie Whereupon he aduanced forward against the Scots with a puissant armie to Newcastle vpon Tyne The first blood which was drawne was of the English of whom the Scots slew almost one thousand in a village vnder the leading of one Robert de Ros who had fled from King Edward The City of Carlile likewise was assaulted and the County of Cumberland spoiled by seuen Earles of Scotland and their companies which to Edward was not greatly displeasing as was said for that the first hostile acts were done by them whom he had a full purpose to subdue that at last he might bee sole in Albion which had not God reserued for other times we might wonder he effected not 26 King Edward therefore presented himselfe before the strong Towne of Berwick with a mighty host there to auspicate his entrance to a conquest of Scotland and after summons sent to the Towne abode one whole day without offer of violence The Townesmen refusing to render had a victory of the English Marriners who rashly entring with twentie and foure Ships into the harbour were repelled with the losse of foure of their vessels which was soone reuenged by the forceuble taking of Berwick where Hector Boetius saith there was exercised great cruelty by the English In the Towne the Flemish Merchants who were smothered by the English with fire had a very strong house in the maner of a Tower from whence they leueld at the entring of the English with darts and iauelins one of which casually slew Richard of Cornewal a gallant Gentleman brother to the Earle of Cornwal which in an army heated with former contumelies for the Scots vpon the slaughter and repulse which they had made of the English marriners published certaine rimes in derision as VVhat wenys King Edward with his Longshancks To haue wonne Berwicke all our vnthancks c. together with the remembrance of many fresh shrewd turnes might stirre vp bloody effects After the Towne was thus taken the Castle after stood not long out but rendred it selfe Sir William Dowglas captaine therof was detained prisoner and as some write Sir Robert Bruce others were suffered to depart vpon oath to beare no armes from thenceforth against the King of England The losse of this important Towne and Castle was very great for it was the key and common Bulwarke of Scotland 27 While the English at this place were busie to cast a very deepe ditch to hinder the sodeine inroades of their enemies Iohn King of Scotland sent two religious men to the King of England with letters in which alledging that he was by Oath bound to defend his owne kingdome and people he renounced his homage and fealtie as extorted by violence and void in it selfe being made without assent of the three estates of his Realme The resignation was admitted King Edward commanding his Chancellor to record the same for perpetuall memorie as a iustification of his proceedings 28 The Scots hereupon vnder the conduct of the Earles of Bucquhan Menteth Strathern Ros Athol Marr and other of their nobility made an incursion into England whence with the spoiles of two religious houses and other booties they returned But Patrick Earle of Dunbarre came to King Edwara submitting himselfe and the Castle of Dunbarre by this submission being vnder King Edwards protection was regained by Scots For recouerie or surregaining whereof the King sent Iohn Earle of Surrey and Sussex and William Earle of Warwick who were entertained with battel by the Scottish nation of whom the English after cruell fight obtained a victory of great importance the chase holding about eight miles in which the slaughter was not small The siege of Dunbarre being reinforced King Edward had it yeelded vnto him at his comming wherein were taken three Earles sixe or seuen Barons besides many knights and Esquires which were all sent prisoners to diuerse Castles of England and if some say true not put to the sword as Hector transported perhaps with hatred to Edward writes contrary to his word and faith giuen 29 King Edward knowing as well how to vse a victorie as to get it hauing a present spirit vpon all aduantages and turnes of fortune takes the Castle of Rocksbrough and for a finall end to this affaire marcheth to Edenburgh it selfe the chiefe Towne of Scotland which was shortly rendred Then tooke they Striueling also and draue Baliol to the Castle of Forfar where Iohn Comin Lord of Strabogie submitted himselfe to King Edward About this time there came
that name and last of that house who died without Issue male she had also by him two daughters Elenor married to Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and Margaret to Hugh Courtney the first Earle of Deuonshire Shee was this Earles wife foureteene yeers liued thirty three deceased in the ninth yeere of the raigne of king Edward her brother A. D. 1316. and was buried in the Church of S. Iames at the Abbey of Saffron VValden in Essex 69 Beatrice the eight daughter of King Edward and Queene Elenor bare the name of Beatrice Dutchesse of Britannie her fathers sister she is by some Genealogists mentioned to haue liued till she was marriageable but yet no mention being made of her match it seemeth she died vnmarried 70 Blanch the ninth daughter of king Edward and the last of Queene Elenor is so mentioned by Thomas Pickering and some others but not at all by Thomas Ebraham a Monke who made a Pedegree of the Kings of England but shee is by the rest reported to haue died in her childhood 71 Thomas the fifth sonne of king Edward and the first of Queene Margaret his second wife was borne at a little village in Yorkshire called Brotherton Iune 1. in the nine and twenteth yeere of his fathers raigne Ann. 1300. hee was created Earle of Norfolke and Earle Marshal of England which Earledomes the last Earle Roger Bigod leauing no Issue left to the disposition of the King his father He had two wiues of which the first was Alice the daughter of Sir Roger Hayles of Harwich in Suffolk by whom hee had issue Edward who married Beatrice the daughter of Roger Mortimer the first Earle of March but hee died before his father without Issue and two daughters Margaret twice married first to Iohn Lord Segraue by whom shee had Elizabeth Dutchesse of Norfolke wife of Iohn Lord Mowbray from whom the Mowbrayes Howards Dukes of Norffolke and Earles Marshall descended secondly to Sir VValter Manny a Knight of Cambray and by him had Anne wife of Iohn Hastings the elder Earle of Pembroke and mother of Earle Iohn the yonger that died without Issue his yongest daughter Alice was married to Sir Edward Montacute and had by him three daughters Elizabeth and Ioan married to VValter and VVilliam two of the Vffords and Maud that died vnmarried The second wife of this Earle Thomas was Mary the daughter of VVilliam Lord Ros and widow of Sir Ralph Cobham who suruiuing him without Issue by him shee was married the third time to VVilliam Lord Brerose of Brember 72 Edmund his sixt sonne by Queene Margaret was borne at Woodstocke in Oxfordshire August 5 in the thirtieth yeare of the raigne of his Father A. 1301. Hee was created Earle of Kent and married Margaret daughter of Iohn and sister and sole heire of Thomas Lord VVakes of Lydel in the County of Northampton by her he had Issue two sonnes and one daughter Edmund his eldest sonne was Earle of Kent after his father and died vnder age without wife or issue Iohn the yonger was Earle also after his brother he maried Elizabeth the daughter of the Duke of Gulike and died like vise without Issue His daughter was Ioan for her beauty called the faire Maid of Kent first maried to William Mountacute Earle of Salisbury and from him diuorced and remarried to Sir Thomas Holland in her right Earle of Kent and by her father of Thomas and Iohn Holland Duke of Surrey and Earle of Huntington and lastly shee was the wife of Edward of Woodstocke the Blacke Prince of Wales and by him mother of King Richard the second This Earle Edmund was beheaded at Winchester the 1●… of March in the fourth yeere of King Edward his Nephew 73 Eleanor the tenth daughter fifteenth child of King Edward and the last child of Queene Margaret his second wife was borne at Winchester the sixt day of May in the fiue and thirtieth and last yeere of her fathers Raign being the yeere of our Lord 1306. shee deceased in her Child-hood and was buried in S. Peters Church at Westminster by her brother Iohn Henry and Alfons vnder the monument before named with her picture ouer it EDVVARD THE SECOND LORD OF IRELAND AND DVKE OF AQVITAINE c. THE FORTIE-EIGHTH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XI THat the Mind is not deriued from Parents certainely the second Edward called of Caeernaruon might if nothing else abundantlie shew being of a most valiant wise and fortunate father an vnlike sonne yet not to beginne our description of his courses with preiudice of his person we will so temper our stile that by his owne actions sincerely related rather then by any verball censures the man may bee iudged This cannot be denied that whereas from the Conquest till his time England though it endured by Gods iust iudgements many bitter sad and heauy stormes through some headinesse ambition or other sicknesses of mind in the Princes thereof yet had she Men to sway and gouerne her and those distempers were as the perturbations incident to vigorous dispositions whereas vnder this Edward who could neither get nor keepe it seemed to endure the leuities of a Child though his yeeres being about twenty and three might haue exempted him from so great infancie of iudgement as his raigne discouered 2 Neuer came Prince to the crowne with more generall applause then he so great hopes of doing well his Victorious father Edward of VVinchester had left vpon him besides the right of succession whose last warning and terrible adiurations you haue heard with the vtter contempt and breach whereof to the destruction of himselfe and his friends hee in a manner auspicated his gouernement 3 After that Edward had in his best maner prouided for the affaires of Scotland where at Domfrees many of the Scottish Lords did their homage to him as they had to his Father the first taske which hee gaue of his future behauiours at home was a rigorous reuenge taken by him vpon Walter de Langton Bishoppe of Chester Treasurer of England and principall Executor of the last Will of the deceased King whose body was not as yet interred but by the care of the Executors conueied with funerall pompe to VValtham and after sixteen weekes to VVestminster where vnder a plaine monument the same at this present rests The Bishoppes crime was a kind of good freedome which hee vsed in the late Kings daies in grauely reprouing the Prince for his misdemeanors and shortning his waste of coine by a frugall moderation and particularly for that he had complained of Peirs Gaueston wherupon ensued Prince Edwards imprisonment and the others banishment and therefore comming now to the Crowne hee arrested the Bishoppe by Sir Iohn Felton Constable of the Tower and imprisoned him in VVallingford Castle seising vpon all his temporall goods and credites there being not a man in the Realme who durst speake a word on his behalfe so
Lewis the French Kings sonne would haue had the Infant at his Baptisme named Lewis but the English Lords would not permit who therfore was after his Fathers and Grandfathers name called Edward This was hee who afterward raysed the honour of English Cheualrie to so high a point by his famous victories in France and elsewhere 17 The euill will which the King bare in his mind against the Barons for their ouer-ruling his affections and the death of Gaueston by sundry bad offices and sycophancies of the French at Windsor was rubd so hard vpon that it grew raw againe before it was halfe healed Therefore in a Parliament at London the king sharpely charged those presumptuous Lords with their contempt against him in the spoiles they had committed at Newcastle and which most afflicted his languishing spirit in taking and wickedly killing Peirs Gaueston To all which they stoutely answered that they had not offended in any point but deserued his roiall fauour for that they had not gathered force against him but against the publike enemie of the Realme c. How beit to preuent the feared mischiefe of ciuill Armes by the working of the young Queene of the Prelates and Earle of Glocester the Lords in open Court at Westminster humbled themselues to the King praying grace and the King granted to such of them as would desire the same his gracious pardon The whole house of Parliament seeing the kings wants of their own accord granted a Fifteenth al parts hereupon returned with ioy and peace but not long after the Lord Guy de Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke who in this Parliament was appointed to be of Priuie Councell with the King deceased being as by the Barons wel-willers it was said impoisoned by such of the Kings secret friends as did maligne him 18 The mischieuous effects of the Kings former misgouernment beganne now most perillouslie to discouer themselues For the Scots his neighbours who could not bee ignorant of all such griefes and maladies as festred in the heart and entrals of England had long since made their timely vse thereof adhering so to the vndaunted Bruce that by degrees hee had gotten a great strength and was againe publikely receiued and obeied for King of Scotland from most places whereof hee draue the English and in contempt of Edward committed great spoile by slaughter of People burning of Townes in Northumberland and other Acts of hostility The principall charge of Scotland for King Edward had beene entrusted to the Lord Iohn Cumin a Scot Earle of Bucquhan whom King Robert had vanquished in battell and was now while Edward sate bewitched with most vnworthy languishments grown potent sending his Brother Edward Bruce to besiege the Castle of Striuelin which was in the hands of the English 19 The King of England awakened out of his slumbers with these Alarums marched thereupon with a very great Armie toward the said Castle It pleaseth Hector Boetius putting off as it were the Historian to report maruellous thinges of the numbers of Souldiers which came with King Edward in this iourney for if he say true there were not fewer then one hundreth and fifty thousand horsemen and as many thousand footmen and that we may not suspect the multitude to bee far greater then either the cause required or the realm of England could well afford hee informeth vs that besides the English there were in his aid at this time Hollanders Zelanders Brabanders Flemings Picards Boloners Gascoignes Normans with much people of many other Regions and that besides these three hundreth thousand men of warre there were infinite families with their women children seruants and houshold-stuffe but because other Writers doe ingenuously grant and containe probable matter enough for the honour of the Scottish Nation in this iourney wee will as neare as wee can being things to vs neither vp nor downe in regard of the long time since these hostilities hapned truely and freely though briefly informe our selues hereof 20 The Earles of Lancaster Warren Warwicke and Arundel the greatest Peeres of the land refused to attend their King in this seruice for that hee had delaied to ratifie the points of their desired liberties and prouisions for the pretended better gouernment of England by himselfe so often consented vnto In which as their loyall affection cannot bee much admired so it is certaine that King Edward hereby vndertooke that voyage with farre the lesse force eyther of men or counsell Neuerthelesse his hoast was great enough if numbers did sway in such affaires more then religion discipline and valour to haue effected more then it selfe did suffer But King Edward and his people rather seemed to goe toward a Wedding or a Triumph then to a battell adorning themselues with all sorts of riches gold siluer and the like toies in a kind of wanton manner correspondent to the humour of the Prince whom they followed 21 In this iourney it was made manifest what true and sober valiancie could effect against light brauery and insolency King Robert lodged with his forces being inferiour in numbers to the English not farre off where was nothing but a religious deuout and modest care quickned after manifold calamities with a most noble desire to recouer the libertie of their Country and to settle the same into the hope whereof they were the rather erected by a fresh victorie which they had obtained that day vpon certaine of the English horsemen King Edward on the contrary part nothing esteeming so sleight a presage resolued vpon the very next being Midsommer or Saint Iohn Baptists day to take a terrible reuenge vpon the Scots but how to effect the same the care was not excessiue for in his Campe Wassaile and Drinkehaile were thundered extraordinarily as accounting themselues sure of the victory which kind of impiousselfe-trust if God Almighty did not sometime scourge with iust and terrible confusions what outrages would not bee executed 22 Farre otherwise the Bruces Army which by his commandement spent the euening in making humble confession of their sinnes that they might saith our Author bee ready on the morrow to receiue the blessed Sacrament as accordingly they did Moreouer to leaue nothing vndone which might aduance their cause the Scots had digged before their Battalions certaine trenches or dikes three foot deepe and three foot broad which hauing fixed sharpe stakes in them with their points vpward they couered so with hurdles that footemen treading warily might passe but not troupes of horse Next to Gods anger against the English whom courtly Pride and Sloth had now effeminated this stratageme was the cause of their ruine for whereas they reposed much vpon their Cauallerie in these Pit-falles the fury of their charge was intercepted and broken the riders being miserablie slaine by the Scots whom King Robert marching formost on foot had presented most couragiously to the enemy 23 The King of England not altogether
carelesse neither yet by his care able to doe much as one whom God was not well pleased with had ordered his battels with some aduise but vpon the dismall and vnexpected discomfiture of his horse in those mischieuous holes or ditches was enforced after some troubled resistance to leaue to the Scots the greatest victory that euer they had before or after Hardly could K. Edward bee drawne to flie the courage which it became such a Monarch to haue then first disclosing it selfe till by his friends hee was enforced to seeke his preseruation by that more necessary then noble meanes and with him besides others the Lord Hugh Spencer whom our Courtier cals a ●…aint hearted Kite betooke himselfe to like remedie 24 All things proued vnfortunate to the English in this iorney for when they perceiued their Cauallerie thus miserably ouerthrowne in the ditches they shot their arrowes compasse with purpose to kill or gall such Scots as came to the execution but did them little or no harme as they who were armed in the fore-parts and in stead of that slew their friends whose backes being toward them were vnarmed 25 The losse fell much vpon the Noblest for there were slaine in this Battell Gilbert Earle of Glocester a man of singular valour and wisdom the Lord Robert de Clifford and besides other Lords about seuen hundreth Knights Esquiers and men of Armories Of the rest the slaughter could not bee but great though much the lesse in regard the Scots fought on foot Hector saith that there were not slaine fewer then fifty thousand English no Writer else that hitherto wee can meet with exceedes the fifth part of that number the riches gotten by spoiles and ransomes of the English were doubtlesse very great Among the number of prisoners the principall was H●…y de Bohun Earle of Hereford but recouered af●…rd by exchange for King Roberts wife who all this while was detained in England This battell was fought at Banocksbourne neere Striuelin in Scotland 26 From this ouerthrow King Edward escaping to Berwicke King Robert who to his great glory as hauing himselfe beene trained vp among the English vsed such as were taken prisoners with singular humanity sent thither to him the bodies of the Earle of Gloster Lord Clifford that they might receiue honourable interrement among their owne friends But Edward vnder whose vnfortunate leading the English name sustained so great dishonour and dammage withdrew to Yorke resoluing therein onely Princelike to assemble new force and either to bee reuenged or to die But all enterprises and attempts of that nature miscarried for aboue twelue yeeres after insomuch that great feare raigned among the Northern̄e English who lay open to the first brunts and violences of the Scots ouer whom many faire dayes shone And to augment the calamities of the North many of the disloiall English conspired with the enemie and iointly spoyled the west parts of Northumberland nothing being secure but that which wals defended 27 God to humble the English who through long prosperities had forgotten both themselues him drew not backe his heauy hand so for seldom hath so terrible a famine beene heard of here as succeeded to this ouerthrow so that for moderation of prices a Parliament was assembled at London but saith Walsingham as if God had beene displeased at the said rates which not long after were repealed things grew scarser day by day and the dearth was generally such that vpon Saint Laurences Eue there was scarsely bread to be gotten for sustentation of the Kings owne family This famine which lasted about two yeeres was accompanied with much mortality of people 28 But neither the dishonours taken in Scotland nor innumerable afflictions and discontentments at home made Edward suspend the celebration of his Gauestons funerals whose Body with great pompe hee caused to bee transferred from the place of his former buriall which was among the Friers Preachers at Oxford to Kings-Langley in Hertfordshire where hee in person with the Archbishoppe of Canterbury foure Bishoppes many Abbots and principall Churchmen did honour the exequies but few were present of the Nobility whose great stomackes would not giue them leaue to attend Somewhat also to sweeten these generall acerbities Lewelin Bren and his two sonnes were brought vp prisoners to London hauing burnt many towns vpon the Marches and committed some murthers with their Welsh adherents 29 Meane-while the state of the Kingdome was miserable there being no loue betwixt the King and the Peeres nor any great care in him or them of the common affaires neuerthelesse they assembled at a Parliament in London where no great matter was concluded for the famine and pestilence encreased The famine was growne so terrible that horse dogs yea men and children were stolne for food and which is horrible to thinke the theeues newly brought into the Gaoles were torne in peeces and eaten presently halfe aliue by such as had been longer there In London it was proclaimed that no corne should be conuerted to Brewers vses which Act the King moued with compassion toward his Nation imitating caused to bee executed through all the Kingdome otherwise saith Walsingham the greater part of the people had died with penury of bread The bloudie flux or dissenterie caused through raw and corrupt humors engendred by euil meat and diet raged euery where and together with other maladies brought such multitudes of the poorer sort to their end that the liuing could scarse suffice to bury the dead 30 The King was now in so great dislike and distrust with the Lords and Barons that they would not appeare at Clarendon where hee held a great Councell To augment this fatall auersion a certaine Knight belonging to Iohn Earle Warren stole away from Caneford in Dorsetshire the wife of Thomas Earle of Lancaster chiefe of the Lords faction not without the Kings consent as it was said and brought her to the said Earle Warrens Castle at Rigate with great pompe and in despight of the Earle whom one Richard de Saint Maurice a wretched lame and bunchbackt Dwarfe challenged for wife pretending that he was formerly contracted and had lien with her which she the greatest and noblest Inheretrix of her time did openly confesse to her immortall infamie incurring alas saith Walsingham the publike note of a most filthie strump●…t This deformed Elfe hauing mighty seconds durst hereupon claime the Earledomes of Lincolne and Salisburie as in her right and in the meane time the name and honor of Thomas the great Earle was baffold as it were by a light and wicked woman 31 The parts of England beyond Humber were now more and more afflicted for such as till then had opposed themselues against the Scots in defence of the Country perceiuing all things left at large in stead of Protectors became Tyrants saith our Author of defenders destroyers and of valiant Champions treacherous Chapmen so that as
betweene the hammer and the anuile the Scots vpon the one side and these false English on the other all was lamentable and brought in a maner to nothing and this face of things continued there about foure yeeres 32 Neither did the King seeme to haue any will or power to relieue the common calamities but rather to conuert his whole both wits and forces vpon reuenges against the Lords who vnder pretence of their extorted prouisions manifestly withdrew their loues seruice and duties from him wherfore feeling himselfe thus weake and disfurnished he besought the spirituall assistance of Pope Iohn the two and twentieth who thereupon sent certaine Cardinals to set all things in quiet without bloudshed Betweene the King and Earle of Lancaster they established a peace who in a certaine plaine neere Leicester met embraced and kissed each other but when they could not worke the like with the Scots they put that Country vnder Interdict 33 For they as it is the manner of prosperity after the victory at Banocksbourne which clearely got them Scotland did beginne to bethinke themselues of gaining new Empire in Ireland Thither Edward Bruce Brother of King Robert had passed with an Army procuring himselfe to be crowned King thereof by fauour of some of the Irish Nobility whom neuerthelesse about three yeeres from his first entrance the English vnder the conduct of the Archbishoppe of Armagh and of Iohn Lord Brinningham Iusticiar of Ireland valiantly encountred where together with his late vsurped Kingdome hee lost his life There were slaine in that battell many honourable Scots besides the new King Edward and aboue fiue thousand others his head was cut off at Dundalke saith VValsingham but Hector Boetius writes that he was slaine in the battell it selfe Thus did God temper one with another and the iust reioycement which the Scots had conceiued of their so happie victory ouer the English at Banocksbourne was sowred with this losse 34 But King Robert as a most expert and vigilant Prince did not suffer this ioy to continue long to the English for by practise with one Peter Spalding to whom King Edward had entrusted the keeping of Berwicke hee recouered it from the English saith Harding By treatie with Peace Spalding and treason after it had remained twenty yeers in their possession which when King Edward thought to haue wonne againe the Scots diuerted him from the siege with incursions and slaughters of his people in other parts of England not failing much of surprising the Queene in a village not farre from Yorke where she soiourned during the siege at Berwicke the plot being laid and drawne between the Scots and some perfidious English whom King Robert had mouied for that purpose But Spalding after the treason done had the reward of a Traitour for King Robert put him to death 35 To giue some breathings after these so manifold troubles a truce was agreed vpon and confirmed betweene the two Kings of England and of Scotland for the space of two yeeres which brought forth confusion and not refreshment For thus it hapned The King vpon the commendation of the Lords themselues had made Hugh de Spenser Lord Chamberlaine who being at the least of equall insolence vices and ambition to Gaueston so wrought that hee succeeded in short time to all the graces of familiarity and power which euer Gaueston enioyed as in like sort to all his hatred and enuie Hugh his father an ancient Knight the better to strengthen his sonnes courses was likewise imploied and grew in speciall fauour with the King who afterward also created him Earle of Winchester but the father in manners vnlike to the sonne was ruined rather by a naturall tendernesse then any malicious will The sonne as hee was of shape most louely so the verie spirit it selfe of pride and rapine carried him to all sorts of intollerable behauiours and oppressions that Gaueston might with good reason seeme to be wished for againe Against these two who wholy swayed the vnfortunate King Thomas Earle of Lancaster and in a manner all the Barons of the Kingdome who meant the King should loue none but with their leaue did swell with such impatience that not contented with the wast of their lands they neuer rested till by the terror of ciuill Armes those two fauourites father and sonne were banished they thus reuenging vnder publike pretexts both publike iniuries and their owne 36 In all contentions which hapned betweene the King and his Lords Queene Isabel had euer hitherto beene a maker of Peace doing therein worthy offices but the euill starres of the Earles of Lancaster and Hereford would not suffer her to continue any longer so for the Queene being denied lodging one night at the Castle of Leedes in Kent which belonged to the Lord of Badlesmere one of the Earles faction she withdrew her good conceite and was an author to the King of presently reuenging that dishonour who vpon her complaint came in person with many thousand Souldiers before the Castle tooke the Captaine and put both him and all the men therein to shamefull death Moreouer longing to bee righted against the Lords for their late insolencies marched on to Circester taking many Castles and besieging others The Lords who little suspected any such sodaine assaults prouiding in the meane time for their defence 37 Thither repaired to him at his commandement Hugh Spenser the sonne who had houered vpon the Sea expecting from thence the successe of things vpon the land The Lords who had falne from their Soueraignes good conceit and wanting now their wonted Mediatri●… the Queene lay open to all the mischiefe which enemies could work them by the King who as taking his regall power and authority to be in danger resolued wisely and manfully to die in the quarrell or to bring the Lords to be at his commandement Meane time the iudgement giuen against the Spensers was reuersed as erroneous and their reuocation decreed at London by the Arch-bishoppe of Canterburie and his Suffragans 38 The Lords not all of a like temper began to misdoubt and many of them forsooke their Chiefe the Earle of Lancaster and rendred themselues to the King or were apprehended among which were the two Rogers Mortimers who were committed to the Tower of London and others to Wallingford Castle The faction weakened by this defection made head in the North vnder the Earle of Lancaster who now was to sight for his life Thither the King marcheth and with the onely shew of his Armie made the Earle to flie from Burton vpon Trent whose forces in their retreat or flight behaued themselues outragiously 39 But Gods heauie displeasure and the Arme of the Kings power left them not so for at Burrowbrigge Humfrey de Bohun was slaine by a Welshman who thrust him into the body with a Speare from vnder the Bridge and the Earle of Lancaster himselfe with other principall men
King that many more went voluntary then constrained All which puissance was notwithstanding thus eluded 12 About this time died strucken with leprie Robert Bruce King and recouerer of Scotland and the most approued Warriour of the world in that age by whose losse it was soone found how much the vertue and fortune of one man are worth in any Nation But before hee died that peace was made with the Scots by the meanes of the Queene and the Lord Mortimer which is so much dispraised by our Writers and in the end proued capitall to the principall Actor Mortimer 13 For at this treaty it was that the King then in his Minority sealed Charters to the Scots at Northampton whose contents were contriued by the Queene the said Lord Mortimer and Sir Iames Dowglasse without the priuity of the English There was also deliuered to them that famous Euidence called the Ragman Roll and the King acquited them of all claime and pretence of right to the Superiority of Scotland rendring backe sundrie Iewels taken by the English from the Scots among the which was one speciall called the Blacke Crosse of Scotland There was it also granted that all Englishmen should leese their lands in Scotland vnlesse they would inhabite vpon them and becom Liege-men to the King therof besides many other things to the high discontentation as was the humor of those times of the English Subiects Moreouer vnder the specious colour of restitution of dammages King Robert was to pay to King Edward thirty thousand Marks sterling with which as the meed of treason the Lord Mortimer was afterward publikely charged and for the same and other his crimes was executed as a Traitour Finally vpon the seuenth of Iuly Dauid Bruce Prince of Scotland a child of seuen or eight yeeres old and sonne and heire to King Robert married Ioan sister to K. Edward at Berwicke by which peace the English were made-obnoxious to some reproaches the Scottish Nation in scorne calling the said Lady Iane Make-Peace 14 And therefore saith one of this part of King Edwards raigne that drawne aside with euill aduise by reason of his age hee committed many foule errors in State at the beginning of his Gouernment which is also the generall opinion of all our Writers whereunto this verse is by some applied Vae pueri terrae saepissimè sunt ibi guerra Where Children Rulers are There oft is woe and war 15 There died likewise about this time Charles the Faire King of France to whom King Edward had not long before done homage for his Dutchie of Gascoigne the third and last sonne of Philip the Faire King of France by whose decease the Crown of that noble Kingdome deuolued to this our Edward King of England in right of his mother Queene Isabel And because vpon this Title king Edward did afterward claime the said Crowne wee will here once for all instruct you in the iustice thereof 16 Three sonnes there were of King Philip the Faire to wit Lewis Hutin Philip le long and Charles the Faire who all successiuely raigned in France one after the other and none of them leauing any Issue at such time as king Edward made his claime the whole right seemed to be in Isabel the onely Child of the said Philip which had any issue for an other sister which shee had died an Infant 17 The case thus seeming plaine was not for such accepted by the French who receiued to the Crowne Philip of Valoys whose father Charles of Valois was yonger Brother to Philip the Faire aduancing the Brothers sonne before the daughters son not following the propinquity or descent of blood but the meliority of sexe vpon which ground they had also freshly put by Ioan daughter of Lewis Hutin preferring Philip le long her vncle The French in barre to her interest pretended a fundamentall law or entaile by which no woman was inheritable to the Crown of France and in defence of that opinion withstood King Edward afterward with so much losse and calamity though that very law made Edwards title the stronger as himselfe truely pleaded hee being the Male albeit his right descended by the Female 18 This Title to so glorious a Monarchy though it accrewed to the English by this match with Queen Isabel yet doth Walsingham freely pronounce That neither that affinity nor any other contracts with the French was euer auaileable or brought any benefite to England which opinion as it may seeme strange so will it answere a wise Readers paine in the fruit to obserue through the course of our stories whether the said graue Writer had iust occasion so to speake or no. Another conceit there was of this Edwards marriage with Philippa the Earle of Henaults daughter which about this time was consūmated though Philip de Valoys king of France by intrusion as our Annales repute him was her vncle her mother being his owne sister 19 There stood now at home against the stream of the Queene and her Lord Mortimers absolute sway some great personages who did not wholy allow their doings among which was the Kings vncle Edmund Earle of Kent whose death they shortly procured Meane-while the more to despite and dare their ouerlookers Roger Mortimer was created Earle of the Marches of Wales at a Parliament holden at Salisburie at which time also Iohn of Eltham the Kings Brother was made Earle of Cornwall and the Lord Butler of Ireland Earle of Ormond From whence the Lord Henry Earle of Lancaster and sundry other of the Peeres seeing the King troden as it seemed to them vnder foot did absent themselues meditating ciuill armes for redresse who notwithstanding by the labour of Simon de Mepham Archbishop of Canterbury was reconciled This Archbishoppe very worthily also excommunicated all such as had any hand in the sacrilegious parricide of that noble and loiall Prelate Walter Bishoppe of Excester or any waies violated him their aiders complices or abettors whosoeuer But after the Coronation of Philip the yong Queene in another Parliament at Winchester the said Earle Edmund was condemned for conspiring to deliuer his brother late King of England whom likely inough by Mortimers practise he was drawne into an absurd beliefe to bee still aliue Thus for deuising to set a dead man at liberty this noble Earle Edmund the kings half vncle had his head strucken off though from Noone till fiue at night hee stood at the place of death without the Castle-gates none being found to behead him till a base wretch of the Marshal-sea was sent and did it so little conscience did the malice and ambition of his potent aduersaries make of shedding the Roiall bloud which by Gods iuster iudgement was not long vnreuenged 20 To supply which losse to the regal stemme with a very large amends the young Queene Philip at Woodstocke in Oxfordshire vpon 15. Iune being Friday brought forth her first begotten
dammages for a prime man among them the Lord William Dowglasse was taken prisoner by the English not without losse of many his men Before which time by no honourable meanes the new King of Scotland was driuen to seeke his safety by flight into England 27 King Edward considering those foiles which his father had endured and the oportunity of the time neither holding himselfe lyable in honour to that contract made on his behalfe by the predominant sway of his mother and her Paramour Mortimer as wherein hee tooke both himselfe and the rights of his Crowne to haue beene wronged in his minority which in point of gouernement hee was more bound to respect then his Sisters estate and for that hee was informed that the Towne and Castle of Berwicke belonged to the Crowne of his Realme hee raised his power and hauing with him Edward the new-crowned of Scotland hee laid siege to that Towne and Castel in May. But before hee did this there is who writes that he summoned his brother in law King Dauid to doe homage and fealty vnto him which when Dauid would not yeeld to doe nor confesse hee ought no more then his father King Robert hee made that a ground for the iustice of his warre as reputing the Acts and releases at Northampton void 28 To the rescues of Berwicke Archimbald Dowglas Earle of Angus Gouernour of Scotland for King Dauid came with a puissant Army and gaue King Edward battell at Halydon-hill where with a lamentable slaughter of his people he was vanquished and slaine This battell deuoured in a manner all the remainders of the Scottish Nobles which preserued it selfe at Dupline by retrait or by absence from that field There perished besides Archimbald the Earles of Ros Sutherland and Carricke three sonnes of the Lord Walter Steward whose issue afterward raigned in Scotland when warre and death had made way to that line by extirpation of the Male-Competitors in the races of Bruce and Baliol and at least foureteene thousand others with the losse say some of one Knight and ten other Englishmen Our Writers affirm that the Scots were at this battell threescore thousand strong and that there were slaine eight Earles 1500. horsemen and of the common Souldiers fiue and thirty thousand which is not improbable for so much as Hector confesseth they were stopped in their flight and put to the sword vpon all sides without mercy 29 Hereupon Berwicke was rendred which the King of England detained as a supposed parcell of his Patrimony and dismissed the Baliol to the gouernment of the Scottish Kingdome with sundrie Lords and others of the English And now the bloudie tallies and cruell scores seemed euen betweene the two puissant though then vnkind neighbour-Nations and Edward throughly redeeemed the dishonour sustained at Banocksbourn by his late father deliuering his younger yeeres from that contempt in which his enemies might otherwise haue holden him as they had done at the entrance of his raign playing vpon the English with Truffes and Rounds of which this one is euery where noted Long beards heartlesse Painted hoods witlesse Gay coates gracelesse make England thriftlesse 30 As for the subornation of poisoning Earle Thomas Randal and the hanging of Sir Alexander Setons two sonnes contrarie to faith and law of Arms at Berwicke with the like staines which one would faine leaue vpon this victorious Prince wee haue found no colour of warrant but his owne liberty of auouching which therfore our freedome of not beleeuing him shall as easily take away and cancell Neither would wee so farre haue touched this iarring string of discord betweene these two Nations but that each out of their owne harms of old may haue the more true sense of their felicity by their new harmonicall concordance 31 After that the Nobles of Scotland had vnanimously confirmed Baliol in the kingdome thereof and sworne vnto him faith and allegiance at Perth hee repaired to the King of England at Newcastle vpon Tine where hee submitted to Edward King of England as his Father had done to Edward the first and with the like successe for by occasion of such his submission our Writers say the Scots as before they had done fell off againe Which auersion or defection was augmented vpon priuate quarrels and titles of inheritance to lands of great value betweene powerfull Competitors and by other particular reuenges to which a people so continually exercised in fight and battels were not slowlie prone 32 Notwithstanding all which the Balliols party hauing once had all the Holds of Scotland at their commandement fiue onely excepted Dumbritaine Lough●…ijm Kildrummie Vrwhart and the pile of Lowdon Edward king of England hauing with him the Balliol and a sufficient Army preuailed so much that there was no appearance of rebellion whereupon hee tooke backe with him the Lord Edward Balliol late crowned king of Scotland of whose sted fastnes hee was saith Hector alwaies iealous returned leauing Dauid Cu●…in Earle of Athol gouernour for the parts beyond the Scottish sea with sufficient force and authority as was iudged to take in such strengthes as yet stood out but needed not his royall power or presence for their expugnation 33 The King of England hoping now that all was well there had newes brought vnto him not long after at the Parliament at London that the Scots were out in Armes againe whereupon hee obtaines aid of money from his Subiects for repressing their attempts promising to goe against them in person The Lord Robert Stewart sonne of the Lady Mariorie Bruce daughter of King Robert vpon whose line the remainder of the Crown of Scotland had beene estated was the man that first lifted vp the head of his Country in this dangerous sad and desolate condition though put into action vpon a priuate iniurie done vnto him by the Earle of Athol to whom diuers did adhere though the quarrel seemed properly to be the said L. Roberts for that if the Bruces were cut off his hopes perished in them The Earle of Murray and he were then chosen gouernours for King Dauids party but by reason of the diligence and power of Dauid Earle of Athol they were not able as yet to conuene or effect any thing against the English neuerthelesse it was not long before they slew the said Earle Dauid At this Parliament the King of England purposed to goe vpon his owne charge into the Holy-Land and to send the Archbishoppe of Canterbury to deale with Philip de Valois King of France for appointing a certaine time wherein they two with their vnited forces might take their voyage thither from which the desire of obtaining the Crowne of France vpon the fore-mentioned title did quickly diuert him 34 Mean-while in accomplishment of the Parliaments expectation King Edward after Michaelmas marched againe into Scotland with an Armie and sent his Nauie to the Forth
as made vp the former account Sr. Reginold C●…ian who that day bare the Oriflamb was likewise slaine of the common Souldiers there died about sixe thousand Great God of victories how abundantly diddest thou in these dayes blesse thine English The list of Prisoners comprehended these great names Iohn King of France Philip his sonne afterward Duke of Burgoin The Archbishop of Sens Iames of Burbon Earle of Pontheiu Iohn of Artois Earle of Eu Charles his brother Earle of Longu neuile Charles Earle of Vendo●…e The Earles of Tankeruile Salbruch Nassaw Dampmartine La Roch and many other great Lords and about two thousand Knights Esquiers and Gentlemen bearing Armories The English at this iourney tooke an hundreth Ensignes 117 Now albeit nothing wanted to the title of a perfect victory yet in two points the incomparable Prince out-went that fame and merite for hauing vanquished the person of the French Monarch by force of battell hee much more ouercame his heart with true and princely curtesie deliuering his mind in a stile and kind of eloquence so ponderous proper graue and naturall and with that statelie humility as onely the best soule with the best breeding could be capable of and yet hee spake not more officiously then he performed really More then all this The next day causing his Chapleins and the other Priests of the Armie to celebrate diuine seruice hee put off from himselfe the whole glory and gaue it most deuoutly to God which being first done he in the sight and hearing of the Prisoners highly commends and most heartily thankes his Souldiers with speeches full of sincerity and life sealing his words to euery one as his present meanes would permit with liberall deeds largesse 118 Then hauing setled all other things hee marcheth with ioy and iust triumph to Burdeaux the Archiepiscopall See and chiefe Citie of his dominions in France How the newes were entertained in all places of the English Empire is not hard to coniecture but specially by King Edward who tooke speedy order by Simon Archbishoppe of Canterburie that eight dayes together should be spent in giuing God the thankes and glory But the Prince hauing sufficiently refreshed and rested his people set saile for England with his Prisoners where hee happily arriued in Plimmouth and was most ioifully welcome euery where At his comming to London where at that time a magnificēt Citizen Henry Picard hee who afterward at one time so noblie feasted the 4. Kings of England France Scotland and Cyprus was Lord Maior which receiued him with exquisite honour the multitudes of people comming to see the victorious Prince the French King and his sonne the Lord Philip and the rest were such that they could hardly get to Westminster betweene three of the clock in the morning and noon but who will thinke the humour of the gazing vulgar worth the noting 119 Great Edward sauing that hee forgat not the Maiesty of a Conquerour and of a King of England omitted no kind of noble curtesie towards the Prisoners King Iohn and his sonne were lodged vnder a sure guard at the Sauoy being then a goodly Pallace belonging to Henry Duke of Lancaster the rest in other places Dauid King of Scots was at this time straitly kept at the Castle of Odiam but not long after when hee had endured about eleuen yeeres imprisonment at the incessant suit of Queen Ioan his wife sister to king Edward was deliuered his ransome was one hundreth thousand Markes striueling and a condition to rase certaine Castles 120 About this time Isabel Queene Dowager of England and mother of King Edward hauing first seene her sonne the most respected King of all Christendome deceased and was interred at London in the Church of the Friers-Minors there To her birth France was slenderly beholding as being about this time in most wofull and broken state through occasion of that title which the English challenged by her it suffering more by farre vnder their puissance then ●…uer it did since the times of the Romans Charles the Dolphin Duke of Normandie who had escaped from the battell of Poitiers gouerned during his fathers imprisonment but by the dangerous practises of Charles King of Nauarre and bad disposition of the Parisians toward the deliuery of their Soueraigne hee was lamentably encumbred and beset with mischiefes not being able to worke as yet his fathers liberty Moreouer the English vnder Sir Robert Knowles Sir Iames Pype and Thomalin Foulk and others did commit great wasts and heaped huge wealth by incursions ransomes and other warlike licence in Britaine and Normandy vnder the title of seruing the Nauarrois To bee briefe all France swarmed with dissolute souldiers of sundry Nations which hauing no Generall made hauocke at their pleasure They were called people without an head and by innumerable insolencies made the wretchednesse of Anarchy apparent In England also swarmed another sort no lesse burthenous to the commonwealth and Church which were the foure orders of Franciscan Friers whom the English Clergy found to be so pernicious to the regiment of the Church that they selected that renowned Clerk Richard Fitz-Ralph who was Chancelour of the Vniuersity of Oxford Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland to appeare in person before the Pope and there alleage the intollerable harmes by them accrewing to the Laity the Clergy and the Vniuersities together with their disobedience to Gods word their auarice and pride All which that noble Prelate learnedly performed as appeareth by the handling of his 9. propositions against them which are extant In his second proposition he sheweth how ordinary a matter it was with them to allure youth without consent of their parents to enter their Orders which made men withdraw their sonnes from the Vniuersities least the Fryars should so steale them away whereby saith he it came to passe that whereas in his owne time there were thirty thousand Students in Oxford soone after there were left but sixe thousand But how infinitely these Friarlie swarmes encreased in all lands may appeare by that strange offer made by the Generall of this one Order to Pope Pius who promised to bring him being then about a Turkish Expedition thirty thousand cunning warriors out of the number of Saint Francis Fryars and yet enough should remaine at home to performe the deuotions But the Pope had such vse of those Fryars that Armachanus preuailed not in the matter though he proued the cause stoutly and manifestly against them because ah for pity saith our Authour the Clergy stucke not close as they promised and the Fryars had great store of money to procure fauour in the Court of Rome But here in the English Court two Cardinals one of them hee of Pierregost who had so diligently trauelled for a conclusion at the battell of Poictiers could not with two yeeres labour draw any thing to such an head
both by Clergy and Laity Hereupon the Lord Henry Percy Hotspur who had redeemed himself was called from his charge at Callis and made Warden of the Marches against Scotland Thomas Moubray Earle of Nottingham succeeding in the Captaineship of Calys The Dukes chargefull emploiment in France bare no other flower then a yeeres short truce 89 The Kings wants still encreasing with his imploiments the Londoners carried away with euill counsell did a thing most vnworthy of their Citie and themselues and it might to them haue proued as hurtfull as it was vnworthy at such time as the King desired the loane but of one thousand pounds which was not onely churlishly denied but a certaine Lumbard honestly offering to lend the same was badly vsed beaten and almost slain Their liberties for that and other disorders are seised and their proper Magistracy dissolued Guardians being giuen them first Sir Edward Dallinging then Sir Baldwin Radington and their Maior and some chiefe Citizens layed in prisons farre off from London The punishment brought the fowlenesse of their errors to their sight but by the Duke of Glocesters intercessions who did not vnwillingly lay hold vpon such occasions of popularity the king and Queene are wonne to enter the City which gaue them triumphall entertainement The sea is not sodainely calmed after a tempest neither a Princes anger By degrees yet and not without deare repentance they were at last restored to their former condition in all points 90 The king declaring his purpose to crosse into Ireland had an aide of money conditionally granted foure yeeres truce by the trauaile of the two Dukes of Lancaster and Glocester being concluded in France This yeere was farther notable for many great Funerals Constance Dutchesse of Aquitaine and Lancaster a Lady of great Innocency and deuotion the Countesse of Derby her daughter in law Isabel the Dutchesse of Yorke and a Lady noted for too great a finenesse and delicacy yet at her death shewing much repentance and sorrow for her loue to those pestilent vanities left this present life But all the griefe for their deaths did in no sort equall that of the kings for the losse of his owne Queene Anne which about the same time hapned at Sheene in Surrey whom he loued euen to a kind of madnesse but Ladies onely died not for Sir Iohn Hawkwood whose cheualrie had made him renowned ouer the Christian world did in this yeere depart an aged man out of this world in Florence where his ashes remaine honoured at this present with a stately Tombe and the statue of a Man at Armes erected by the gratitude of that State and City which chiefly by his conduct courage and valour to this day admired amongst them was preserued The Italian Writers both Historians and Poets highlie celebrating his matchlesse prowesse enstyle him Anglorum decus decus addite genti Italicae Italico prasidiumque Solo. Englands prime honour Italies renowne Who vpheld all Italie from sinking down But the Duke of Lancaster hauing all things ready sets saile to Burdeaux there with the consent of the State to take possession of his lately granted Dutchie 91 The King doth the like for Ireland where that sort of the Irish which are called the wild had greatly inuested the English Pale and other good Subiects there to the great dammage of the Crown of England In the times of Edward the third Ireland yeelded to the kings coffers thirty thousand pounds yeerly but now things were so grown out of order that it cost the King thirty thousand Marks by yeere To reduce the rebellious himselfe conducts thither an Armie attended vpon by the Duke of Glocester the Earles of March Nottingham and Rutland all the Irish being commanded to auoid out of England The terror of the preparatiōs shining presence of a king which aboue al worldly things is pleasāt to the Irish had such effects that sundry great men were compelled to submit themselues To supply the Kings wants growne in the Irish expedition Edmund D. of Yorke the Kings vncle and Custos or Warden of England called a Parliament at London whither the Duke of Glocester repaired to declare the Kings wants and hath contributions granted Neuerthelesse so strong a party against the Clergy Fryarly abuses of those times discouered it selfe therein that the Archbishop of Yorke the Bishop of London and others prest ouer Sea to the King at Dublin beseeching him to returne the sooner to represse the Lollards so called they the embracers of Wicliffes doctrine and their fauourers who sought not onely as they vntruly pretended to wring away all the possessions of the Church but that which was worse to abrogate and destroy al Ecclesiasticall constitutions whereas they aimed onely at the redresse of exorbitancy in the Papal Clergy The King hereupon returnes by whose arriuall and authority those consultations of the Laity were laid downe Sir Richard Storie a seruant of his had been forward against the Prelates of him therefore hee takes an oath vpon the holy Gospell that he should not hold such opinions any longer The Knight takes that oath and we saith the King doe sweare that if thou doest breake it thou shalt die a most shamefull death The rest hearing the Lion roare so terribly drew in their hornes and would be seen no more 92 The King caused the body of the late Duke of Ireland to bee brought into England His exceeding loue to him was such that he commanded the Cypresse chest wherein his body lay embalmed to bee opened that hee might see view handle and openly expresse his affection The dead remaines of that noble young Gentleman by his birthright Earle of Oxford and by race a Vere were buried at the Priorie of Coln in Essex there being present the King himselfe the Countesse Dowager of Oxford the Dukes mother the Archbishoppe of Canterburie with many Bishops Abbots and religious persons but few of the Lords for they had not as yet digested the hate they bare him 93 The Duke of Lancaster was this while in Aquitaine where he had sought to winne the people with incredible largesse to accept of his Soueraignty according to the tenor of King Richards grant Little did he then thinke that within lesse then sixescore and three yeeres after an Ambassador of King Henry the 8. should write thus of Burdeaux it selfe the Capitall City of Gascoign and Guien Anglorum nulla ferè vestigia remanent c. There are saith that learned Gentleman scarse any foot-prints of the Englishmen remaining In the Churches and other places newly refreshed and reedified such Armories of the English as stood were vtterly blotted and defaced yet in the Church of the Fryers Preachers the Armories of the Duke of Lancaster stand entire in a Glasse-window and in the oldest wall of the City those also of England though consumed in a manner with age The Lawes Statutes and Ordinations which were
of England whose glorious life and acts next insue 56 Thomas Duke of Clarence President of the Councell to King Henry the first his brother and Steward of England He was slaine at Beaufort in Anion without any issue He married Margaret daughter to Thomas Holland Earle of Kent the widow of Iohn Beauford Earle of Somerset 57 Iohn Duke of Bedford Regent of France in the time of King Henry the sixt Duke also of Anion and Alanson Earle of Cenomannia Harecourt of Kendall and Dreux Viscount Beaumont He married first with Anne daughter to Iohn Duke of Burgundy Secondly with Iacoba daughter to Peter de Luxemburgh Earle of Saint Paul And died without any issue 58 Humfrey was by his brother King Henry the fifth created Duke of Glocester was Protectour of the Kingdome of England for 25. yeeres in the time of King Henry the sixt in whose first yeere hee styled himselfe in his Charters thus Humfrey by the grace of God sonne brother and vncle to Kings Duke of Glocester Earle of 〈◊〉 Holland Zeland and Pembroke Lord of Friestand Great Chamberlaine of the Kingdome of England Protector and Defendor of the same Kingdome and Church of England Hee was a man who nobly deserued of the common wealth and of learning as being himselfe very learned and a magnificent Patron and benefactor of the Vniuersity of Oxford where hee had beene educated and was generally called the Good Duke Hee married first Iacoba heire to William Duke of Bauaria Earle of Holland who as after was knowne had first beene lawfully troth-plighted to Iohn Duke of Brabant and therefore was afterward diuorced from the said Humfrey His second wife was Elianor daughter to Reginald Baron Cobham de Scarborough Queene Margaret wife to King Henry the sixt repining at his great power in swaying the King state socretly wrought his ruine hee being murthered in his bed at Burie dying without any issue 1446. His body was buried at Saint Albans yet the vulgar error is that he lyes buried in Saint Pauls 59 Blaunch married to William Duke of Bauaria and Emperour 60 Philip married to Iohn King of Denmarke and Norway HENRIE THE FIFTH KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND THE TWO AND FIFTIETH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XV. AMongst the many Monarchs of this most famous Empire none is found more complete with all heroicall vertues then is this King of whose life by order and successe of story wee are now to write which is Henry of that name the fifth the renowne of England and glory of Wales Of whom what was spoken of Titus in the flourishing times of the Romans may for the time of his raigne be truly verified in him both of them being the-louely darlings and delightfull ioy of Mankind But as Titus is taxed by his story-Writers in youth to haue been riotous profuse wastfull and wanton for which as he saith with the dislikes of men he stept into the throne so if wee will beleeue what others haue writ Henry was wilde whiles hee was a Prince whose youthfull prankes as they passed with his yeers let vs haue leaue here to rehearse and leaue them motiues to our owne vse as hee made them for his 2 His birth was at Monmouth in the Marches of Wales the yeer of Christs assuming our flesh 1388 and the eleuenth of King Richards raigne his father then a Subiect and Earle of Derbie Leicester Lincolne afterwards created Duke of Hereford in ri●…ht of his wife then of Lancaster by the death of his father and lastly by election made the Soueraigne of England that vnfortunate Richard being deposed the Crowne His mother was Mary second daughter and coheire of Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Northampton high Constable of England as we haue said 3 His young yeeres were spent in literature in the Academie of Oxford where in Queenes Colledge he was a Student vnder the tuition of his vncle Henry Beauford Chancellour of that Vniuersity afterwards Bishoppe of Lincolne and Winchester and lastly made Cardinall by the title of Eusebius But his Father obtayning the Crowne and himselfe come to the age of twelue yeeres had the succession thereof entailed on him by Parliament and accordingly was created Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and presently had the Title of the Dukedome of Aquitaine conferred vpon him the better to effect the thing then intended which was to haue obtained in marriage young Queene Isabel late wife to the murthered King Richard daughter of Charles the sixt King of France 4 From Oxford Prince Henry was called to Court and the Lord Thomas Perey then Earle of Worcester made his Gouernour but being himselfe false to the Father could giue no good example vnto the sonne whose hostile attempts in the field of Shrewsburie cost that disloyall Earle his head and almost had done Prince Henry his life who in battell against him was wounded in the face with an arrow This marke of his manhood with the ouerthrow of Hotspur in that bloody conflict were hopefull signes of his following successe which presently were seconded with as fortunate proceedings against Owen Glendowr that scourge of his Country and Arch-rebell vnto Englands peace whom this Prince so pursued through the vast mountaines of Wales that from the Dennes of those deserts hee durst not shew his face but therein perished by famine natures other wants though the Prince had then scarcely attained vnto sixeteene 5 But growne from his tutors command or controll and come to the yeers for dispose of himselfe as his youth stood affected so were his consorts and those many times whose conditions were none of the best whether led by an inclination of youth which commonly lets the raine loose vnto Will or to know that by proofe which other Princes doe by report I will not determine yet vnto the latter doe I rather incline knowing that Salomon the wisest of Kings did so himselfe and rather by Rosse I am lead who writeth that Prince Henry in Oxford had in great veneration such as excelled in vertue or learning and among many two hee nameth Thomas Rodban of Merton Colledge a great Astronomer by him preferred to the Bishopricke of S. Dauids in Wales and Iohn Carpenter of Oriel Colledge a learned Doctor of Theologie whom hee aduanced to the See of Worcester But let vs heare how his wilde oates were spent and with what increase the haruest was got The translater of Liuie who wrote the storie of this worthy Prince and dedicated his paines to King Henry his sonne affirmeth for truth that many actions he did farre vnfitting his greatnesse of birth and among other doth taxe him with no better then theft who in the raigne of his Father accompanied with such as spent their wits vpon other mens spoiles laide waite in the way for his Rents receiuers and robd them of that which
13. of Richard 2. which disabled the Alien Religious to enioy any Benefices within England and now fearing to nourish a snake in his bosome King Henry forbad the French from all preferments Ecclesiasticall and those Priors Aliens conuentual who had institution and induction to put in security not to disclose or cause to be disclosed the counsell nor secrets of the Realme and that the French might hold his dealings honourable and open hee sent Antilop his purseuant at Armes vnto King Charles with letters of defiances next making Queene Ioan his mother in Law the Regent of the land he drew his forces vnto Southampton commaunding his followers there to attend him in readinesse by the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist ensuing 30 Charles the French King expecting present inuasion sent his Ambassadors vnto Iohn the sixt Duke of Britain who had married his daughter with an hundred thousand Crowns to leuie forces for his aide and a Iewell worth fiue thousand Crownes more to himselfe which the Duke promised to come in person to performe And as it is reported King Charles sent to Scrope Grey and Cambridge all three in especiall fauour with the King a million of gold to betray Henry into his hands or to murther him before hee should arriue in Normandy These to make their faction stronger though Scroope was Lord Treasurer Grey a Priuie Councellour Cambridge the sonne of Edmund Duke of Yorke meant to draw in Edmund Earle of March the sonne of Roger Mortimer and lineally the heire vnto Lionell Duke of Clarence the next in succession for the house of Yorke and reuealing their intended purpose forced him to sweare to their secresie which if hee refused they threatned his death whereupon he required but an howres respite which hardly granted he went to the King and reuealed the conspiracie euen the night before the day that hee meant to put to sea 31 The parties apprehended and brought before him in presence of many nobles King Henry thus spake With what horrour O Lord may anie true English heart consider that you for pleasing of a forreine enemy should imbrue your hands in our blood as also in the blood of our brethren to the ruine of your owne natiue soile reuenge herein touching my person though I seeke not yet for the safegard of you my deare friends and for due preseruation of the Realme I am by place and office to minister remedy against these Offenders Get you hence therefore you miserable wretches to receiue the iust reward of your deserts wherein God giue you repentance for your so foule sinnes 32 Notwithstanding this their offence their inditement as it standeth in the Record includes matter of other quality that Richard Earle of Cambridge of Conesburgh in the County of Yorke and Thomas Grey of Heton in the Countie of Northumberland Knight for that they in the twentieth of Iuly and third of King Henry the fifts raigne at Southampton had conspired together with a power of men to haue lead away the Lord Edmund Earle of March into Wales and to haue procured him to take the Gouernment of the Realme in case that King Richard the second were dead with a purpose to haue put forth a Proclamation in the name of the said Earle as heire to the Crowne against King Henry by the name of Lancaster vsurper and further to haue conuayed a Banner of the Armes of England and a certaine Crowne of Spaine set vpon a Pallet layd in gage to the sayd Earle of Cambridge into Wales As also that the said conspirators had appointed certaine into Scotland to bring thence one Trumpington and another resembling in shape fauour and countenance King Richard And Henrie Scroope of Masham in the Countie of Yorke was likewise indited as consenting to the Premisses Thus well appeared their purpose though Richard Earle of Cambridge considering the possibility of his owne issue had secretly carried that businesse whose sorrowfull letter of his owne hand writing as it came to ours we thinke not amisse here to insert Most dreadfull and Soueraigne Liege Lord I Richard Yorke your humble subiect and very Leigeman beseech you of grace of all manner of offences which I haue 〈◊〉 or assented vnto in any kind by stirring of other folke egging me vnto wherein I wot well I haue highly offended to your Highnesse beseeching you at the reuerence of God that you like to take mee into the hands of your mercifull and piteous grace thinking yee will of your 〈◊〉 goodnes my Leige Lord my full trust is that you will hau●… consideration though that my person be of none valew your high goodnesse where God hath set you in s●… high estate to euery Leigeman that you longeth plent 〈◊〉 to ●…ue that you like to accept this my simple request for the loue of our Lady and the blessed holy Ghost to whom I pray that they moue your heart euer to all pittie and grace for their high goodnes Notwithstanding this his humble petition vpon the sixt of August following hee with Scroope and Grey were beheaded and his body with head enterred in the Chappell of Gods-house in South-hampton whose apprehensions arraignements and deaths were so followed each after others as the French knew not but that the treason had successe and their returned Ambassadours told it for certaine that King Henry had either dismissed his Army or which was thought more true himselfe was slaine by the Conspirators so easie an entrance hath babling report into the wide eares of credulous desire 33 But King Henrie now ready to embarke his men vpon Wednesday the seauenth of August with fifteene hundred Saile tooke to Seas attended with sixe thousand speares and twenty foure thousand footmen besides Gunners Enginers Artificers and Labourers a great number and the fifteenth of the same month cast Anchor in the mouth of Seyne at a place called Kideaux about three miles from Harflew where he landed his men and falling deuoutly vpon his knees desired Gods assistance to recouer his right making Proclamation vpon paine of death that Churches should be spared from all violence of spoile that Churchmen women and Children should not be hurt abused or wronged then giuing the order of Knighthood to many of his followers hee assigned his Standards to men of most strength and courage which done he tooke the hill neere adioyning and thence sent his spiall to the Towne of Harflew making that the first assay of his fortunes in France But before we enter any further discourse in the affaires of that Kingdome it shall not be amisse to speake of things commenced in England before that King Henry tooke to the Seas 34 The Churches throughout Christendome hauing beene disquieted the space of twentie nine yeers and now growne intollerable through the schismaticall ambitions maintained by three Papall Monarchs mounted into Saint Peters seate each of them grasping the Chaire with so fast a fist that the ioints thereof
deposed King Henry and with speed to bee crowned himselfe at Alhallontide next yet finding such amasement and silence hee sends them his pedigree and his claime in writing that they might the better consider yeelding as it seemes to be ordered therein according to their generall agreement during the treaty whereof he would not visite King Henrie alleadging himselfe was peerelesse in England The maine points of his Title were as followeth King Edward the third had issue Edward Prince of VVales VVilliam of Hatfield Lionell Duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaunt D. of Lancaster Edmund D. of Yorke Thomas D. of Glocester and VVilliam of VVindsor Edward Prince of Wales dyed liuing his Father and left issue Richard the second King of England who died without Issue as did also William King Edwards second sonne 85 Lionel the third sonne had issue Philip his daughter and heire married to Edmund ●…ortimer Earle of March who had Issue Roger Earle of March who had Issue Edmund Earle of March Roger Anne and Eleanor which Edmund Roger and Eleanor died without Issue Anne the heire of that house marrieth Richard Earle of Cambridge the sonne of Edmund Duke of Yorke fifth sonne to King Edward the third which Earle of Cambridge had Richard commonly saith the Booke called Duke of Yorke 86 Iohn of Gaunt the fourth son and younger brother to Lionel had Issue Henry who immediately after King Richards resignation vnrighteously saith the Booke entred vpon the same for that Edmund Earle of March sonne of Roger Earle of March and of Philip daughter and heire of the before said Lionel Duke of Clarence elder brother to Iohn Duke of Lancaster was then aliue and that aswell the said Henry eldest son to Iohn Duke of Lancaster as his descendents haue hitherto holden the Crowne of England c. vniustly for that himselfe the said Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke was the lawfull heire being the sonne of Richard Plantagenet Earle of Cambridge and of Anne before said 87 This was the effect of the Duke of Yorks title which for the points of the Pedegree was very true though in barre thereof the friends of King Henry without denying any part of the premises being all of them more euident then that they could be honestly denied had not a little to say for him for they could among other things alleadge that Richard the second resigned vp his Crowne and Regality at large and that none else making claime but Henry Duke of Lancaster hee was thereunto by the consent of all the three Estates admitted that Richard Earle of Cambridge was for high Treason attainted and executed and his Issue made incapable of any inheritance that this Richard his sonne now challenging the Crowne of England being restored by the meere clemency and goodnesse of this King Henry the sixt had voluntarily acknowledged him for his lawfull Soueraigne and sworne the same and that the said Richard was finally for treason attainted and adiudged vninheritable they could hereunto haue added sundry Acts of Parliament made to establish the right of the Lancastrian line the succession of three Kings all Henries that is to say the fourth fifth and sixth the politicke addresses of the first of those Kings the noble victories of the second and the holy life of the third which three Kings liues contained of raigne about threescore yeeres in which number this was the nine and thirtiethof King Henry the sixth who was descended of the male line and the Duke of Yorke but of a female of which female line none had euer been in possession of the Crown Great and weighty points if any and the rather to bee considered for that King Henries person beeing in very truth Prisoner no act of his to establish Yorkes title could bind in law or conscience and the lesse for that hee had a wife and by her a sonne who was at liberty and ready with Armes to free his father or hazard to destroy the whole English name But they who on Yorks behalfe abstractiuelie disputed these highest questions knew a rule of law which saith Iura sanguinis nullo iure ciuili dirimi possunt ' and the Lancastrians were not without their speculatiue and remote considerations to countenance the particulars of their cause Thus we see that in Monarchies though the noblest forme of Regiment where lineall succession is the rule of inheritance there sometimes fall out as great and as indeterminable difficulties as where Election designeth the Successor whereof the French tragedies which our Nation made among them and now these in England are without all exception the most fearefull instances For France had heretofore her time of affliction but now O dearest England it was thine 88 While this weighty controuersie was debated a Crowne which hung for garnishment in the middle of the roofe where the Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament met to consult and the crown which for like cause stood vpon the highest Tower of Douer Castell fell sodainely down which were vulgarly construed to portend That the raigne of K. Henry was at an end and that the Crown should be transferred from one royall line to another But the Queene her sonne Prince Edward and her fast friends in the North the seate of their hopes being nothing discouraged at their late ill fortunes prepare all the forces they can to recouer K. Henrie and the Kingdome which thing whiles they are pursuing the conclusion of the Parliament concerning the crown was That Henry the sixth should raigne and bee King during his life the remainder to rest in Richard Duke of Yorke and the lawfull heires of his body in generall tayle King Henries heires to bee excluded The Duke in the meane time is proclaimed heire apparant and called Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall Earle of Chester and Protector of England The agreement was engrossed sealed and sworn vnto The Queene will haue nothing to doe in this bargaine being so dangerous and preiudicious to her selfe her husband and her sonne and therefore when the King at the Duke of Yorkes instigation sent for her to repaire vnto him shee relying vpon the Dukes of Sommerset and Excester and other the Kings friends vtterly refuseth Henry continueth king The Armes therefore which she taketh for his deliuerance haue the more iustice The Duke of Yorke missing the prey hee expected leaues the king with the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of Warwicke at London himselfe with the Earles of Salisbury and Rutland and certaine forces setteth forward to Wakefield to pursue the Queene and her sonne sending direction to the Earle of March that hee should follow with all his power The Castell of Sandall standeth pleasantly vpon a small hill in view of the faire town of VVakefield there the Duke of Yorke comming thither vpon Christmas Eue reposeth himselfe and expecteth the encrease of his numbers The Queene aduertised thinkes it wisdome to fight before the Duke grow too strong and thereupon marcheth forward hauing
Nun in the Nunnery of Dartford in the same County founded by K. Edward the third where shee spent her life in contemplations vnto the day of her death 126 Marie the fift daughter of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was promised in marriage vnto the King of Denmarke but died before it could be solemnized in the Tower of Greenewich the Sunday before Pentecost the twentieth two of her fathers raigne and yeere of Grace 1482. and was buried at Windsore 127 Margaret the sixth daughter of K. Edward the fourth by his wife Queene Elizabeth died an Infant without other mention in our Authors 128 Katherine the seuenth daughter of King Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife and the last of them both was married vnto William Courtney Earle of Deuonshire and Lord of Ocha●…pton vnto whom shee bare Lord Henrie after the death of his father Earle of Deuonshire who by King Henrie the eight was created Marquesse of Excester in Anno 1525. His Concubines 129 Elizabeth Lucie is certainly known to haue been King Edwards Concubine though nothing so certainly mentioned whose Ladie or of what Parentage shee was that shee was conceiued by him with child is before declared but who that child was is as obscurely laid downe therefore in these things we must be silent and leaue the doubts to be resolued by others Three other concubines this king had whereof Shores wife was not the least beloued whose life falleth further to be spoken of in the Raigne of the vsurper Richard where her storie shall be shewed more at large His naturall Issue 150 Arthur surnamed Plantagenet the naturall sonne of K. Edward the fourth whose mother as is supposed was the Lady Elizabeth Lucie was created Viscount Lisle by King Henrie the eight at Bridewell in London the twentie sixth of Aprill and yeere of Saluation 1533. which title was conf●…red vpon him in right of his wife Lady Elizabeth sister and heire vnto Iohn Gray Viscount Lisle and the late wife and then widdow of Edmund Dudley who bare vnto this Viscount three daughters which were Bridget Frances and Elizabeth all of them afterward married This Arthur Lord Lisle was made Lieutenant of Callis by the said K. Henry which Towne some of his seruants intended to haue betraied to the French for which their fact himselfe was sent to the Tower of London but his truth appearing after much search the King sent him a rich ring from his owne finger with such comfortable wordes as at the hearing thereof a sudden ioy ouercharged his heart was so immoderately receiued that the same night it made an end of his life whose body was honorably buried in the same Tower 151 Elizabeth the naturall daughter of K. Edward the fourth was married to Sir Thomas Lumley Knight the sonne of George Lord Lumley who died before his father shee bare vnto the said Sir Thomas Richard afterward Lord Lumley from whom the late Lord Lumley did descend EDVVARD THE FIFTH KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE AND LORD OF IRELAND THE FIFTIE FIFTH MONARCH OF THIS LAND HIS RAIGNE AND DEATH For the most part written by Sir Thomas Moore CHAPTER XVIII THe father thus dying in the strength of his yeeres and the sonne left to rule before he was ripe the Synders of dissensions which the sicke King had lately raked vp presently brake forth into a more raging flame for the king and Queenes blood that should haue supported young Edwards estate the one side being suspicious and ●…e other prouoked by the execrable desire of soueraignty left the tender king a Prince of such towardnes as his age could conteine destitute and vnarmed which if either kind or kindred had holden place must needes haue beene the surest pillars of his defence The raigne of this King if we may so cal the shorttime of his Soueraignty began the same day that his father died though he was neuer Crowned nor yet commanded the affaires of the Kingdome as an absolute Monarch his young brothers fortunes being ballanced with his 2 For Richard Duke of Gloucester by nature their vncle by office their Protector to their Father beholden to themselues by Oath and Alleagiance bounden all bands broken that holdeth man and man together without any respect of God or the World vnnaturally contriued to bereaue them not onlie of their dignity but also theirlines But forsomuch as the Dukes demeanour ●…reth in effect all the whole matter whereof the raigne of this yong and fift Edward must intreat it●… therefore conuenient somewhat to shew you ere we goe further what man this was and from whom he descended that could find in his heart so much mischief to conceiue 3 Know first then that Richard Duke of Yorke a noble man and a mighty beganne not by warre but by law to challenge the Crowne putting his claime into the Parliament where his cause was either for right or fauour so farre foorth aduanced that King Henries blood albeit he had a goodly Prince was vtterly reiected the Crowne by the authoritie of that high Court intailed to the Duke of Yorke and his issue male in remainder immediately after the death of King Henrie But the Duke not induring so long to tarrie intending vnder pretext of dissention and debate arising in the Realme to preuent his time and to take vpon him the rule in King Henries life was with many other Nobles slaine at Wakefield leauing three sonnes Edward George and Richard all of them as they were great states of birth so were they great and stately of stomacke greedy and ambitious of authority and impatient of partners 4 For Edward reuenging his fathers death depriued king Henry and attained the Crowne The second George Duke of Clarence was a goodly Noble Prince and in all things fortunate if either his owne ambition had not set him against his brother or the enuie of his enemies his brother against him For were it by the Queen and Lords of her blood which highly maligned the Kings kindred as women commonly not of malice but of nature hate them whom their husbands loue or were it a proud appetite of the Duke himselfe intending to be King at least-wise hainous treason was laid to his charge and finally were he faulty were he faultlesse attainted he was by Parliament and iudged to death as we haue saide 5 Richard the third sonne of whom we now entreat was in wit and courage equall with either of them in body and prowesse farre vnder them both little of stature ill-limmed and crook-backed his left shoulder much higher then his right very hard fauoured of visage and such as in States is called warly in other men otherwise he was malicious wrathfull and enuious yea and from afore his birth euer froward For it is for truth reported that the Dutchesse his mother had so much adoe in her trauaile that shee could not be deliuered of him vncut and that he came into the
no prosperity no aduersity no chaunce no distance of places or times shall once make vs of thee vnmindefull The most modest King hauing ended his speech doth foorthwith saith our Author seriously deliberate with his Councell what was to bee done heereafter It may probably seeme that he had withdrawne into the North to inuite Perkin by occasion of his absence the rather to take Land that so hee might draw all his dangers into one place and decide them in a Battell if his Subiects should reuolt to Perkin in any numbers or if they did not then might he fall into his hands by landing vnwarily vpon trust of the peoples fauour and so by a more compendious and easie way settle his Estate of which he failed but little by the said counterpolicy of the Kentishmen In regard whereof in the first Act of Councell praise and thankes were decreed to them with which Sir Richard Gylford Knight was presently sent away and order taken for the erection and watching of Beacons vpon the Coasts 41 The Dutchesse on the other side seeing the South of England proue so drie and barren to her driftes conueighes againe her Idoll into Ireland where shee well knew there could not want partakers and Perkin himselfe daring to entertaine the hope of a Crowne for by so long personation of a Kings sonne and heire ambition had throughlie kindled his youthfull blood was now no little cause of bringing things to an issue by his owne forwardnesse Maximilian King of Romans whither as one willing to keepe the English busied Henry hauing forbidden his Subiects all traffike with the Flemmings and all other of his sonne the Archdukes Subiects or as crediting the fiction and therefore led thereunto in honour and conscience Charles also King of France but specially the Dutchesse of Burgundy by whom this bubble was first blowne vp and put abroad did concurre to the molestation of King Henry Maximilian and the French King more secretly but the Dutchesse with all her Oares and Sailes plied it in open view Borne vp by these supporters he the rather easily drew the Irish to assent to his pretext but his counsell weighing with themselues that the Irish-mens friendship how firme so euer was insufficient in respect of their nakednesse and pouerty to worke their wishes hee according to such aduises as were taken before his departure from his Creatrix crosseth into Scotland for feare of punishment saith Andreas if perhaps by the Kings true Subiects within Ireland hee should chaunce to bee apprehended but the euent shewes that it was not onely for his more security but principally to strengthen his enterprize with the Scotish aide whereof in those daies hee had small reason to bee doubtfull and his case was such that no third course was left vnto him but either to fight and conquer or liue branded with immortall infamy both of Cowardize and imposture Henry hearing these things was not slacke to prouide for his iust defence greatly carefull vpon what coast this wandring clowd would at length dissolue it selfe in what effects soeuer and therefore obserued all his waies with as much curiosity as was possible 42 Iames the fourth a yong Prince of great hope was at that time King of Scots to whom this bold counterfeit being specially recommended for the true Richard Duke of Yorke by the King of France and vndoubtedly much more by the Dutchesse of Burgundy repaires and had most courteous entertainement and audience the effect whereof Andreas thus coucheth That the King was finally deceiued by errour as most of other though most prudent Princes had beene before But the rare impudency of the Lad that connexion which his darings had with so many great Princes deserue not to bee so slenderlie ouerpassed Hee therefore being in honourable manner accompanied and brought to the presence of King Iames had words to this effect That Edward the fourth late King of England leauing two sons Edward and Richard Duke of Yorke both very young Edward the eldest succeded their Father in the Crowne by the name of King Edward the fifth that their vncle Richard Duke of Glocester to obtaine the Kingdome purposed to murder both but the instrument emploied by him to execute the execrable Tragedy hauing cruelly slaine King Edward the eldest of the two was mooued to saue Richard his brother whom neuerthelesse the world supposed to haue beene alike barbarously made away though falsely supposed for that himselfe there present was that very Richard Duke of Yorke brother of that vnfortunate Prince King Edward the fifth now the most rightfull and lineall suruiuing heire Male to that victorious and most noble Edward of that name the fourth late King of England * That hee in his tender age thus escaping by Gods mercy out of the County of London was secretly conueied ouer the Sea whither when hee was brought the party who had the conueiance of him in charge suddenly forsooke him and thereby forced him to wander into diuerse Countries where he remained certain yeeres as vnknown til at length he came to the true vnderstanding of himselfe In which seasonit hapned one Henry son to Edmund Tydder Earle of Richmund to come from France and enter into the Realme and by subtill and fowle meanes to obtaine the Crowne of the same which to him the said Richard rightfullie appertained That Henry as his extreame and mortall enemie so soone as he had knowledge of his being aliue imagined and wrought all the subtill waies and meanes he could to deuise his finall destruction That the said mortall enemie hath not only falsely surmised him to be a fained person giuing him nicknames so abusing the world but that also to deferre and put him from entrie into England hee hath offered large summes of money to corrupt the Princes with whom he had beene retained and made importune labour to certaine seruants about his the saide Kichards person to murder or poison him and others to forsake and leaue his righteous quarrell and to depart from his seruice as Sir Robert Clifford and others That euery man of reason may well vnderstand that the said Henry needed not to haue moued the foresaid Costs and importune labour if he had beene such a fained person That the truth of his cause so manifest moued the most Christian King Charles and the Ladie Dutchesse Dowager of Burgundie his most deare Aunt not onely to acknowledge the said truth but louingly also to assist him That now because the Kings of Scotland Predecessors of the said King Iames had oftentimes supported them who were reft and spoiled of the said Kingdome of England as in freshest memory King Henrie the sixth and for that he the said King Iames had giuen cleare signes that he was in no noble quality vnlike to his royall Auncestors he so distressed a Prince was therefore moued to come and put himselfe into his hands desiring his
haue the aide succour and helpe of their subiects and true liegemen 46 The tide of people being thus vp Flammock and the blacke Smyth hauing firme promise of the Lord Audleys personall helpe lead them forth toward Kent where they doubted not greatly to encrease their numbers and had in likelihood so done but that the singular diligence and wisdome of the King frustrated their hopes by sundry Princely Arts. Yet they flow on and to shew what they durst doe they slew in their way at Tauntford the Prouost of Perin one of the Commissioners for the Subsidie and marching forward without offering other violence Iames Tuichet Lord Audley ioines himselfe at the City of Wels vnto them according to secret agreement and becomes their Generall From Wels they proceed to Salisburie thence to Winchester and so toward Kent where the Countrey was setled and prouided But the King farther doubting that the Scots would take fresh occasion by these seditious vproares to inuade the borders of his Realme dispatched Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey a Peere of excellent vertue to defend those parts with the helpe of the Bishopricke of Durham and the Marches till these homecommotions were appeased that then the Lord Dawbeney might with a iust and full Army prosecute the warre against the Scots But Iames their King perceiuing the end of the English intestine warres would be the beginning of his troubles thought it best by way of anticipation to weaken his enemy before hand as much as hee could and thereupon fiercely inuaded Northumberland againe and besieged Norham Castell belonging to Richard Fox whom the King for his noble seruices and deserts had now aduanced from Exceter and Bath and Wels vnto the Bishopricke of Durham But the Scotish King hopelesse to winne the Castell though hauing done much hurt both to it and to the country withdrew his people before the Earle of Surrey could approach with his Army wherein was the Earle of Westmorland the Lords Dacres Strange Neuill Latimer Lumley Scrope Clifford Conyers Darcy the Baron of Hilton and many Knights as Percie Bulmer Gascoigne Penington Bigot Bowes Elarker Parr Wharton Strangwith Constable Ratcliffe Sauile Gower Musgraue Mallerie Loder Eueringham Stapleton Wortley Pickering Heron Gray Ridley Griffith Fenwicke Ward Strycland Bellingham Curwen Warcop Tempest Metcalfe and others who missing the enemy marched after into Scotland and tooke such reuenge as the shortnesse of their so daine prouisions would enable 47 The Rebels on the other side whom king Henry thought not good to encounter in their first heates but suffered them to tire their fury and surbate themselues with a long march the countries as they past being forelaide from ioyning with them comming neere to Kent found few or no partakers there but the Country strongly defended against them by the Earle thereof the Lords Aburgenie and Cobham with other principall men and their followers which made diuers of the Rebels secretly shrinke and abandon the enterprise But the Lord Audley Flammocke Michael Ioseph and the rest kept on their way and encamped vpon Blackeheath between Greenewich and Eltham from the top whereof they might behold the Citie of London the whole brauery of that Horizon Here they resolue to abide the King or to assaile London The King on the other side by the diligence of the Lord Maior and other the Magistrates secured the City which was full of feare and businesse himselfe enuironed with his Nobles the choice of the South hearing where the Rebell was encamped resolued by dint of sword to deliuer his people from tiring expectations and for that purpose marcheth out of London and encamps in S. Georges field where he lay that night The next day when he vnderstood that the Enemie had drawne forth his People and set them in Battell-ray he sends out Henry Bourchier Earle of Essex Edmond de la Pole Earle of Suffolk Sir Rice ap Thomas and others with certaine Cornets of horse and Companies of Archers to beset the hill and the descents thereof while Giles Lord Dawbeney with the strength of his Armie chargeth the Enemy in Front whom with some slaughter they draue from the Bridge at Deepford strand and then mounting the hill he and the Earles charge the maine squadrons on all sides and without much labour breake and defeate them The number of the Rebels slaine is vncertainely reported the ods being betweene two thousand and three hundreth The Kings armie returned fewer by three hundreth Fifteen hundred rebels were taken Prisoners the takers had their Prisoners goods granted them Iames Lord Audley Flammocke and the Smith were taken and executed To all the rest mercy was seasonably extended The Lord Audley led from Newgate to Towerhill in a coate of his owne Armories painted on a paper reuerst and torne there paid his head for being a Head to that heady Route Flammocke and the Smith were quartered Memorably strange was the comfort with which this Blacksmith is said to haue cheered vp himselfe at his being drawne to execution saying That yet he hoped thereby that his name and memorie should bee euerlasting Who could beleeue that the desire of a long-lasting name howsoeuer should take the affections of so meane a person Such therefore was the end of this insurrection but the times being queasy the King wiselie forbare to take any seuere reuenge vpon more then onely vpon the chiefe Leaders for he was trulie informed that this calamitie had not broken the willes of the Cornishmen who remained ready for any desperate sudden occasion and therefore he abstained from needlesse exasperations insomuch as that the quarters of Flammocke and the Smith being once appointed to haue beene set vp in Cornwall for terror were onely fixed about London the King thinking good to temper his iustice euen in such a circumstance 48 His next care was so to order the warre against Scotland that the Peace whose foundations he had laid a far off might bee made to his more honor because the iniuries sustained by the youthful errour of King Iames were too publike to bee altogether forgotten hee sent the Earle of Surrey the Lord Neuill and others to inuade the Scotish borders with an Army who pursued the reuenge with great vehemency Meane-while there arriueth in Scotland Peter Hyalus an Ambassador from Ferdinando and Elizabeth King and Queene of Spaine as from friends equally well affected to both parties to mediate a peace between the two Kings of England and Scotland which perhaps in their owne persons would not easily haue beene brought about the point of honour might thereunto haue giuen such empeachment But this was the way to a peace which King Henry foresaw there being not onely a strict bond of loue betweene him and Ferdinando but an ouerture if not a secret conclusion to match his eldest sonne Prince Arthur with the young Lady Katherine daughter of Spaine who for her excellent vertues was well worthy
English and the Duke of Burgundies subiects Shine also was burnt and being new builded called Richmund for which and the like it will be fittest to haue recourse to vulgar Annals 62 The Coast of State now seeming clearefrom al thickning weather Ferdinando and Isabella King Queen of Spain according to the points of agreemēt betweene them and King Henry concerning their fourth daughter the Lady Katherine borne at Alcala de Finari or Complutum sent her royally appointed in a goodly Flete to England there to fulfill in person what hitherto had beene onely treated of who after many difficulties tooke land at Plimouth in October Ferdinando her father was the sonne of Iohn King of Arragon and Sicilia and although he was vnlearned as being brought vp among armes and souldiers yet by vsing the familiarity of wisemen he also became very wise and proued that great Prince which first in these latter times recalled the old glorie of Spaine and reared it to such an enuious magnitude as that the iealousie thereof hath bred no small quarrels in Christendome For by his marriage with Isabella sole sister and heire to Henry the fourth King of Castile and Leon he raigned in right of his wife and iointly with her oner those two Kingdomes and their appurtenances who together saith Marineus of Sicilia did admirable things and workes most holy They recouered the huge City and Kingdome of Granada and part of Andaluzia from the Moores after they had beene in violent possession thereof seuen hundreth and fourescore yeeres and hauing purged those places from the filth of Mahomets superstitions built Churches to the honour of Iesus Christ by occasion whereof Ferdinando was surnamed the Catholike King The walles of the Citie of Granada at the time of the surrender which after about tenne yeeres warres was by V●…bdelis King thereof made to Ferdinando and Isabella had twelue miles in compasse and in the same twelue Gates and a thousand towres enclosing seuen Hilles couered with building innumerable people and inestimable riches the Spanish forces at this conquest were about 12000. Horse one hundred thousand foot The said King and Queene besides many other their mighty actions did also first discouer America by Christopher Columbus thereby brought a whole new world to the notice of Christendom Isabella her self descended of the blood roial of England being daughter of Iohn the second King of Castile Leon son of Henrie the third King of Castile and Leon and of Katherine his wife daughter of Iohn Duke of Lancaster third sonne of our Edward the third of triumphall and neuer-dying memorie was a Ladie whose like the Christian world had seldom any of that wisdome grauity chastity and of so laborious a deuotion that she did not onely day by day performe the Canonicall and howerly taske of prayers vsed by Priests but many other and brought vp her children accordingly 63 The Lady Katherine being about eighteene yeeres old and borne of so great so noble so victorious and vertuous parents is with iust maiesty and solemnity openly married in Paules Church to Arthur Prince of Wales aged about fifteene yeeres and eldest sonne to Henry the seuenth King of England and of Elizabeth his wife The Archbishop of Canterbury assisted with nineteene Bishops and Abbots mitred ioyned their hands and performed all the other Church rites vpon that great day The vulgar Annals can tell you the splendor and glorie thereof in apparrell iewels Pageants banquets guests and other princely complements the onely weighty businesse of many weaker braines A graue Lady as som haue written was laid in bed between the Bride and Bridegrome to hinder actuall consummation in regard of the Princes greene estate of body but others alleadge many arguments to proue that matrimoniall performance was between thē howsoeuer her self when that afterward came in question appealed to the conscience of K. Henry the eight her second husband if hee found her not a maide But Prince Arthur enioyed his marriage a very short while for in Aprill following hee died at Ludlow being vnder sixteene yeeres of age being a Prince in whose youth the lights of all noble vertues did cleerely beginne to shine His aptnesse to learn was almost incredible for by the report of his Master hee had either learned without booke or otherwise studiously turned and reuolued with his own hands eies these authors following In Grammar Garin Perot Sulpicius Gellius and Valla In Poetrie Homer Virgil Luc●…n Ouid Silius Plautus and Terence In Oratorie Tullies Offices Epistles Paradoxes and Quintilian In Historie Thucydides Liuie Caesars Commentaries Suetonius Tacitus Plinius Valerius Maximus Salust Eusebius Wherein wee haue beene particular to signifie what Authors were then thought fitte to bee elementary and rudimentall vnto Princes and by their example to all of Noble or gentle birth whose superficiall boldnesse in books in these frothy dayes is become most scandalous and iniurious to the honour and vse of learning 64 But before the vntimely expiration of this great hope of England King Henry weary of warres and tumults and desirous to lay the beginnings of a long peace by most inward friendship with all his great neighbours had concluded a match betweene Margaret his eldest daughter and Iames the fourth King of Scotland the assurance whereof was published in the February next before Prince Arthurs death at Paules Crosse in reioycement whereof Te Deum was sung and other signes of publike ioy declared The Bishoppe of Rosse saith that the Earle of Bothwell did openly handfast or espouse the said faire Lady in the name of King Iames at Pauls Crosse being Saint Paules day This contract was brought about in manner following After that the storme of warre had by mediation as before said beene throughly laid betweene the two sister Nations it chanced certaine of the Scots by their suspitious behauiour and rough Phrases to prouoke the Garrison of Norham Castle to issue who in the bickering slew and hurt some of them and droue the rest away King Iames expostulates this violence very sharply by letters with King Henry who returned most satisfactory answeres Richard Fox Bishop of Durham whose the men and Castell were wrote also many deprecatory letters humbly praying the Scotish King to accept amends wherunto hee in the end inclined and hauing some matters of farre greater moment to impart desired the Bishops presence in Scotland knowing his deepe wisdome and great grace with his Soueraigne which King Henry gladly assented vnto The meeting was at Melrose an Abbey of Cistertian Monkes where the King abode who hauing roundly vttered to the Bishoppe his offence conceiued for the breach of good termes at Norham Castell and yet being finally pleased to receiue satisfaction hee then secretly discouered his whole mind the summe whereof was That the king of England would be pleased to giue to him in mariage the
Lady Margaret his eldest daughter as a pledge of indissoluble amitie The Bishoppe promised his best diligence and accordingly after his returne laboured therein with King Henry who most gladly hearkened thereunto Whereupon the Scotish King sent the Archbishoppe of Glasco the Earle of Bothwell and others to demand the Lady in marriage Their entertainement was hearty and princely But when the proposition came to scanning at the Councell table it had not currant passage at first for there were who obiected as an inconuenience That by this marriage the Crowne of England might come to the Scotish line by the issue of Lady Margaret Whereunto it is said King Henry made this answere What if it should for if any such thing should happen which Omen God forbid I see it will come to passe that our Kingdome shall leese nothing thereby because there will not bee an accession of England to Scotland but contrarily of Scotland vnto England as to that which is farre away the most noble head of the whole Iland seeing that which is lesse vseth to accrue to the ornament and honour of that which is much the greater as Normandy heretofore carue to be vnder the dominion and power of the English our forefathers When this was said the whole boord of councell receiued it as an Oracle it went cleare about That Margaret should be married to the King of Scotland With this answere and other instructions the Scottish Ambassadors were sent home who afterward returned into England with full authority satisfaction to all Henries propositions whereupon ensued the before said publishment of assurances at Paules Crosse. It was a principall Article in this agreement That no Englishman should enter Scotland nor Scot into England without commendatory letters from their Soueraigne Which Article was reputed a speciall meane to preserue the peace inuiolable 65 But ere the young Lady her selfe was conuaied into Scotland her brother Prince Arthur died and in * February next ensuing their mother also Queene Elizabeth as shee lay in Child-bed within the Tower of London The King to repaire his mind with fresh consolations in aduancing his onely remaining sonne Henry Duke of Yorke created him suddainely Prince of Wales Earle of Chester Flint within few dayes after his mothers decease Thus was Arthurs losse supplied howsoeuer Henry made Prince espoused soone after though with much reluctation the Lady Katherine his elder brothers widdow vpon the fiue and twentieth of Iune at the Bishoppe of Salisburies house in Fleetstreet And in this wise by prouiding so worthy a wife for him though to say truth her great Dowet was the chiefe motiue the king thought that the estate of England was sufficiently setled wherfore conuerting his cares to the accomplishment of affinity with Scotland hee most sūptuously furnished his deerest eldest daughter for her iourney himself in person trauelled frō Richmund as farre with her as C●…leweston beside Northampton where his mother the Countesse lay after certaine dayes spent in solace the King gaue her his blessing with fatherly counsell and exhortation and committed the guard and conduct of her person principally to the Earles of Surrey and Northumberland and to such Ladies and Gentlewomen as were appointed to that seruice a great company of Lords Knights Esquiers men of Marke attending them as farre as Berwicke At S. Lamberts Church in Lamer Moore within Scotland the King attended by the principall of his Nobles receiued her from the hands of the Earle of Northumberland and the next yeere after married her at Edenborough in the presence of all his Nobility The King gaue great entertainement to the English and shewed them iusting and other pastimes after the Scotish fashion The Scotishmen saith the Bishoppe of Rosse were not behind but farre aboue the Englishmen both in apparrell rich Iewels and massie chaines many Ladies hauing their habiliments set with Goldsmith worke garnisht with Pearle and Stone of price with gallant and wel trapped horses Diuerse Ladies also and young Gentlewomen of England attending Queene Margaret remained there and were well married to certaine Noblemen of Scotland whose progenie liues honourably there euen at these dayes The effect of this marriage is grauely described by the same Bishop in these words There was perfect peace and sincere amity betweene the two Realmes of England and Scotland a long time after And verily during the life of King Henry the seuenth no cause of breach was ministred by either of the Princes but they continued in great loue and friendshippe and mutuall societie contracting of marriages continuall enterchange of Merchandize betwixt the Subiects of both the Realmes as they had beene AL vnder the obedience of ONE PRINCE where through Iustice Policy and Riches did flourish and abound throughout the whole Isle of Albion And of this marriage is Iames the sixth descended being that ONE PRINCE vnder whose obedience AL are now gouerned as vnder the sole and lawfull lineall Monarch of great Britaine for this Iames the fourth had Issue Iames the fifth hee had Issue Queene Mary shee had issue our present Soueraigne the great grandchild of the said Queene Margaret eldest daughter of K. Henrie the seuenth 66 Which effects of peace and riches as they could not but bee comfortable to so wise a King as Henry they being the fruit as it were of his owne iust labours so let vs now obserue the last worldly cares of his raigne and vpon what obiects hee fixed his mind freede from the awe of open challenges of the Crowne and from throwes at his maine which with what art valour and felicity hee at first atchieued and with how great hazards troubles and bloudie businesses he brought it to such passe that neighbour Kinges reputed it safe to entermarry with his family wee haue already heard Two principall points tooke vp the last Scenes of his life for the rest of his time hee wholy employed either in the seruice of Almighty God wherin hee was so diligent that euery day he was present after the deuotions of those times at two or three Masses oftentimes hearing godly Sermons or in building wherewith hee kept his senses busied The one of the two chiefe points was to watch ouer the waies of his wiues kindred the remaining branches of the turbulent and vnfortunate house of Yorke whose growth and greatnesse hee supposed might at some time or other ouertoppe his owne the other was vnder opinion of iustice to encrease his treasure out of the common purses wherby he seemed onerous to many somwhat obscured the brightnes of his former glory at leastwise diminished his opinion with the generality Concerning his courses holden with his wiues kindred the laterall issues and staddles of the Plantagenets it fell out thus which by * occasion of the accidentall landing of Philip King of Spain at this time wherby the Earle of Suffolkes taking was procured we thought it best to handle here together
driuen by tempest in the moneth of Ianuary into England as hee meant to haue passed through the sleeue or English Ocean into Spaine there to take possession of that Kingdome and other the appertinances 69 The chiefe Ship of the Nauie Roiall wherein the King was and two other all the rest being scattered by the fury of the weather into seueral places and other Ports of England thrust into ●…arbour at Falmouth Himselfe weary and sicke with the violent tossings of the Sea whereunto hee had neuer as it seemes beene vse●… would needes come on shore and refresh his spirits though the principall men about him disswaded that course as foreseeing it would procure a longer stay then the nature of their occasions would perhaps well beare And so indeed it fel out for being now in another Princes though his friends dominions where he had no power ouer himself nor others the rumor of arriuall stirring the men in authority thereabout Sir Thomas Trenchard Knight with the suddē forces of the Coūtrey not knowing what the matter might bee came thither and vnderstanding the royall quality of the person inuited him with all humble humanity to his house and foorthwith dispatched postes to Court not long after Sir Iohn Car●… Knight with a great troupe of armed men repaired also pursuing the like humble entreaties which the King fearing constraint because they were but subiects and durst not let him passe without their Lord and Masters leaue necessarilie yeelded vnto Vpon notice of this mightie Princes casuall arriual King Henry presently commanded the Earle of Arundel to entertaine him till himselfe could come who very magnificently did so with three hundred Horses by Torch-light and in the meane while King Henry himselfe prepares Philip perceiuing that whatsoeuer speed his affaires required yet now there was no remedy but to stay thought not good to expect his approach but to preuent it and came vpon the spurre to Windsore that he might be gone againe the sooner after whom Queene Ioan his wife came leasureably The rest of this entertainement because it hath matter of weight and is well set downe by Polidor Vergil it shall suffice vs to follow his footsteps At Windsore the two Kings after long and seuerall discourses beganne to conferre about renewing their league Henry required that Edmund Earle of Suffolke might be deliuered vp into his power which Philip denied to be a thing that he could doe as holding it most vnreasonable to be the author of his death whom he had taken into Protection but when at the last he found that no excuse nor reason could satisfie for that Henrie voluntarily offered to saue the Earles life he promised to doe therein what he desired and presently tooke order for his sending ouer According whereunto King Henry to draw out the time till he had the wished prey conueied King Philip to London to shew him the head City of his kingdome out of which after a little stay hee reconducted him The Earle in the meane time who conceiued horror at the first newes of King Philips landing in England as fatall to him and resolued that no hope was longer to be reposed in the faith of forraine Princes came ouer not vnwillingly presuming that after pardon of life hee might also in time regaine his liberty or if that hope failed yet should he at lestwise obtaine to die and bee buried in his Countrey But King Philip and his Queene hauing feasted with her sister the Princesse of Walles departed England The Earle was brought through Flanders to Calleis vpon the sixeteenth of March and landed at Douer vpon the foure and twentieth of the same conueighed thither by Sir Henrie Wiat and Sir Iohn Wiltshire with threescore men in armour of the Garrison of Calleis and at Douer Sir Iohn Louel and others receiuing him guarded him safe to the Tower of London King Philipp not long after his landing in Spaine deceased being not thirtie yeeres old That tempest which draue him into England was holden by the people as prodigious for it blew down the golden Eagle from the famous Spire of Pauls Steeple being of Copper richly ouerguilt of fourty pounds weight in length foure foote and in breadth three which also in the fall thereof brake and battered the signe of the Blacke Eagle in Pauls Church-yard in the place where now the Schoole-house stands This accident euen then made some coniecture that the Emperour Maximilian whose Imperiall Ensigne the Eagle is should suffer some losse accordingly saith Polydore as indeed he did by the death of King Philippe his sonne Which if any supersticiously delight in Calculations of that blind nature we may well parallell with that lightning which stroke the letter C. out of Caesar in the inscription of Caesar Augustus his statue wherupon it was gathered that Augustus should liue but one hundreth daies after and then bee called a God Aesar the remaining syllables so signifying in the old Hetruscan tongue which accordingly hapned 70 Thus was the Earle of Suffolke brought backe and the King anchored his quiet at the safe custody of his person within the Tower The other wordly point wherein he chiefely bestowed his ages care was to gather money though by courses seeming very grieuous and full of bitternesse the too griping greedinesse and too-profuse lauishnesse of money in Princes being both alike offensiue to a well setled estate Some excuse his doings herein amongst whom Polydor is chiefe as not proceeding from any deprauation or vncorrected affection of his nature but from an opinion and forecast of generall profite because a Princes humor of gathering tendeth though with distast of particular men to the good publike whereas his profusenes though with some particular mens profite endeth in the empouerishment of the whole And Henry himselfe protested saith Polydor hee did it not for loue of money but with a purpose to bridle the fierce minds of a nation bred vp among factions though they saith the same author who felt the smart and were wounded by his Instruments cried out they were not so much the darts of seuerity which did hit them as of anarice Yet Polydors Apologie may be current for it is not to bee doubted but that such vse the King might propound himselfe and yet withall we can hardly find any commendable root thereof the wayes being so importune and harsh by which hee raised money Let vs heare in this point the obseruatiue Knight Of nature saith hee Henry coueted to accumulate treasure which the people into whome there is infused for the preseruation of Monarchies a naturall desire to discharge their Princes though it bee with the vniust charge of their Counsellors and Ministers did impute vnto Cardinall Morton and Sir Rcinald Bray who as it afterward appeared as Counsellors of ancient authority with him did so sound his humor as neuerthelesse they tempered it Where it is truly said it afterward appeared for till
curious and exquisite building he and Bishoppe Foxe first as is reported learned in France and thence brought with them into England He died about the age of fiftie two yeeres vpon the two and twentieth of April hauing raigned twenty three yeeres and eight moneths A right noble wise victorious and renowed King and one whose piety would haue beene farre more eminent then all his other vertues if from the beginning the malignant quality of the times would haue permitted him to liue in quiet He specially honoured the remembrance of that Saint-like Man Henry the sixth the founder of his Family and Propheticall fore-teller of that fortune which now hee died seised of whom also he laboured to haue Canonized for a Saint but that Pope Iulio held that honour at two high a rate It is reckoned by some writers of that age among his principall glories that three Popes Alexander the sixth Pius the third and Iulius the second did in their seuerall times with authority and consent of the Cardinals elect and chose him for chiefe defensor of Christs Church before all other Christian Princes In his last will and Testament after the disposition of his soule and body hee deuised and willed Restitution should bee made of all such moneis as had vniustly beene leuied by his Officers A most pious and truly Christian care wherby also appeareth that hee hoped the wrongs done vnder him were not so enormous nor innumerable but that they might fall within the possibility of redresse The description of his whole man is had in the beginning of his life and the course thereof described in his Actions There remaine of his wisdome many effects and those as his fame likely to continue for euer His Wife 71 Elizabeth the first Childe Legitimate and eldest daughter of King Edward the fourth was at the age of nineteene vpon the eighteenth of Ianuarie and yeere of Christ Iesus 1485. married vnto King Henry the seuenth whereby was vnited the long contending Families of Lancaster and Yorke and the Roses red and White ioined into one to the great ioy of the English Subiects Shee was crowned at Westminster vpon the fiue-and twentieth of Nouember the third of her husbands Raigne and of Grace 1487. Shee was his wife eighteene yeeres and twenty foure daies and died in childe-bed in the Tower of London the eleuenth of February euen the day of her owne Natiuity the eighteenth of her husbands Raigne and yeere of our Saluation 1503. and is buried at Westminster in the most magnificent Chappell and rich Monument of Copper and gilt where shee with her husband lie entombed His Issue 72 Arthur the eldest sonne of King Henrie the seauenth and of Queene Elizabeth his wife was borne at Winchester the twentith day of September the yeere of Grace one thousand foure hundred eighty sixe and the second of his Fathers raigne In whose fifth yeere he was created Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Earle of Chester and at the age of fifteene yeeres one month and twenty fiue daies vpon the foureteenth of Nouember in the yeere of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred and one espoused the Lady Katherine daughter to Ferdinando King of Spaine shee being then about eighteene yeeres of age in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul London and presently sent into Wales the better to gouerne that principality by his owne Presence enioyed his marriage bed onely foure moneths and ninteene daies departing this life at Ludlow the second of Aprill the yeere of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred and two of his Fathers raigne seuenteene and of his owne age fifteene yeeres sixe moneths and thirteene daies His body with all due funerall solemnities was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Maries in Worcester where in the South side of the Quire he remaineth entombed in Touch or Iette without any remembrance of him by picture 73 Henrie the second sonne of King Henrie the seuenth and of Queene Elizabeth was borne at Greenwich in the Countie of Kent the two and twentieth of Iune in the yeere of Grace one thousand foure hundred ninety and one being the seuenth of his Fathers raigne In his Infancy he was created Duke of Yorke and Marshall of England and so trained vp in his youth to literature as hee was rightly accounted the best learned Prince in Europe and by the death of his brother succeeded his Father in all his Dominions whose Raigne and Acts are presently to be related 74 Edmund the third sonne of King Henry and of Queene Elizabeth was borne in the yeere of Christ one thousand foure hundred ninetie fiue and in his young yeeres was created Duke of Sommerset which Title hee no long time enioyed being taken away by death at Bishops Hatfield before hee attained fully to fiue yeeres of age the yeere of Grace one thousand foure hundred ninetie and fiue and fifteenth of his Fathers Raigne and his body lieth interred at Saint Peters in Westminster 75 Margaret the eldest daughter of King Henrie and of Lady Elizabeth his Queene was born the nine and twentieth day of Nouember the yeere of Christ 1489. and fifth of her fathers raigne shee at the age of foureteene was married vnto Iames the fourth King of Scotland the yeere of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred and three vnto whom shee bare Iames the fifth Arthur and Alexander and a Daughter which last three died all of them young and after the death of King Iames being slaine at Flodden Field in fight against the Engglish shee was remarried vnto Archibald Douglas Earle of Anguisse in the yeere of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred and foureteene vnto whom shee bare Margaret afterward espoused vnto Mathew Earle of Lennox Father by her of the Lord Henrie who died at the age of nine moneths and lyeth interred in the vpper ende of the Chancell in the Parish Church of Stepney neere London vpon whose Graue is engrauen in brasse as followeth Heere lieth Henry Steward Lord Darle of the age of three quarters of a yeere late Sonne and Heire of Mathew Steward Earle of Lennoux and Lady Margaret his wife which Henrie deceased the XXV III. day of Nouember in the yeere of our Lord God 1545. Whose Soule Iesus perdon Her second sonne was Henrie Lord Dernley a Noble Prince and reputed for person one of the goodliest Gentlemen of Europe who married Marie Queene of Scotland the royall Parents of the most roiall Monarch Iames the first King of great Britaine and of the Britaine World And her third sonne was Charles Earle of Lennox father vnto Lady Arbella 76 Elizabeth the second daughter of King Henry and Lady Elizabeth his Queene was borne the second day of Iuly one thousand foure hundred ninety two and died the foureteenth of September and yeere of Christ one thousand foure hundred ninetie fiue and is interred at Westminster 77 Mary the third blossome of the Imperiall Rose-tree of England was first wife to Lewis King of France who liued not
Sauage bearing her Traine * and Doctor Lee doing the rites of their coniunction who was afterwards consecrated Bishop of Chester Couentree and Lichfield and President of Wales 83 The Romanists much fearing that Babel would downe if Queene Anne might bee heard against wicked Haman sought to vnderproppethe foundations thereof with certaine deuises of their owne and that the same might passe without note of suspition they laid their forgery euen vpon Heauen it selfe whose pretended Oracle Elizabeth Barton commonly called the holy maide of Kent was made to bee and the pillers of this godlesse Fabricke were Edward Bocking a Moncke by profession and doctor of Diuinity Richard Masters Parson of Aldington the Town wherein she dwelt Richard Deering a Monke Hugh Rich a Frier Iohn Adestone and Thomas Abell Priests put to their helping handes and Henrie Gould Bachelour of Diuinity with Iohn Fisher the Reuerend father of Rochester imploied their paines to daube these downe-falling walles with their vntempered Morter The Scribes that set their pens for her Miracles were Edward Thwaites Gentleman and Thomas Lawrence Register besides Hankherst a Monke who writte a letter that was forged to bee sent her from Heauen and Richard Risby and Thomas Gould were the men which dispersed her Miracles abroad to the world This holy maide Elizabeth made a Votarisse in Canterbury was taught by Bocking her Ghostly Father and suspected Paramour to counterfeit many fayned trances and in the same to vtter many vertuous words for the rebuke of sinne vnder which more freely shee was heard against Luthers Doctrine and the Scriptures translation then desired of many neither so onely but that shee gaue foorth from God and his Saints by sundry suggestiue Reuelations that if the King proceeded in his diuorce and second marriage he should not raigne in his Realme one moneth after nor rest in Gods fauour the space of an houre But the truth discouered by Gods true Ministers this Oracle gaue place as all other such did when Christ by his death stopped their lying mouthes for her selfe and seuen of her Disciples were executed for Treason at Tiborne and the other sixe put to their fines and imprisonment With the like counterfeit reuelations and fained predictions this Generation of Hypocrites had brought Edward Lord Stafford Duke of Buckingham vnto his vnhappy ende when as by the working of Iohn de la Court his own Confessor together with Nicolas Hopkins a Monke of the Carthusian Order in the Priorie of Henton in Somersetshire who by his visions from heauen forsooth heartned him for the Crown but before his owne Coronet could aspire to that toppe hee worthily lost both head and all vpon Tower-hill for his treason Ann. Dom. 1521. Vnto such sinnes the world was then subiect and into such conceites their reputed holines had brought them not onely among the simple and vnlettered but euen with them that seemed to bee learned indeed for by certaine predictions foreshewing a great deluge Prior Bolton of Saint Bartholmewes in London was so fearefull that hee built him a house vpon the height of Harrow hill storing it with prouisions necessary to keepe himselfe from drowning in A. D. 1524. 84 But the Popes Holinesse fearing the euent of the game if euery man might set and cast at his Crowne thought it high time to lay hand on his own State and to keepe what was left lestal would bee gone to which end he sollicited many Christian Princes to stand on his part and among them sent his Brief vnto Iames the fift king of Scotland desiring his assistance against King Henry of England whom in his Consistory hee had pronounced to bee an Heretike a Schismatike a manifest Adulterer a publike murtherer a committer of Sacrilege a Rebell and conuict of Laesae Maiestatis for that hee had risen against him who was his Lord. And therefore he had iustly depriued him of his said Kingdom and would dispose the same to him and other Princes so as they would assist to recouer the same a very good prouision and very well foreseene for notwithstanding these boisterous blasts from Rome the King kept his Crowne and was rather feared of the Popes best Abetters then did feare any potent power that the world could afford whose thoughts were now busied for the Coronation of his Queen 85 For Queene Anne conceiued and perceiued with Child her royall Coronation was forthwith prepared which with all royall obseruances vpon the first of Iune being Whitsunday was performed and the seuenth of September following shee bare into the world that excellent Princesse which afterwardes proued the mirrour of the world euen Lady ELIZABETH our late and most famous Queene 86 True it is that the zealous conuersation of this godly Queene gaue great encouragements vnto many more publikely with boldnes to professe the Gospell so that the Ministers formerly fled in case of Religion returned againe into England where the new Testament translated by Tyndall was read but with such dislikes to the Bishoppes that they got it to be burnt Notwithstanding to tickle the Kings eare they preached against the Popes supremacy and tooke the oath for the King themselues abolished his authority by Act of Parliament and suppressed many Monasteries leauing their reuenewes to the Kings will faire introductions indeed for what they intended as the sequell of the sixe Articles by them procured doth manifestly shew and those purposely made against the maintainers of the Gospell whereof Queen Anne was the chiefe who first was most fauourable to those learned Diuines that laide mans saluation vpon the Rocke Christ next in procuring a tolleration from the king for them whose doctrine did daily vndermine the Papall foundation lastly she by no means would consent to marry the King vntill a lawfull diuorce was had for his separation from Lady Katherine his brother Arthurs wife which thing this Pope greatly withstood these were causes sufficient to moue his Holinesse to bend his brow and by his Instruments in Court to cutte off the principal mouer who foreslowing no time tooke the Ball before his rebound 87 For the Queene deliuered of a dead Child and the Kings affection wandring elsewhere gaue them occasion to worke on that Subiect which God in his wisdome would haue downe lest his deliuerance from the bondage of darkenesse should be attributed to any fleshly arme or that shee who then sate in the throne of the worlds full felicity should fixe her senses on so fickle a Center who hauing had experience what it was to bee a Prince must henceforth practise the patience of a poore prisoner which in the third yeere of her marriage and second of May to act the wofull Scene of her Tragedy shee came vpon the Stage being sent to the Tower of London and charged with high Treason against the King at whose first entrance shee fell on her knees before
of Nouember at a place beyond Carliel called Solem-mosse where were taken Prisoners the Earles of Cassils and Glencarne the Lords Maxwell Flemming Summerwell Oliphant and Grey Sir Oliuer Sinclere and others to the number of one and twenty men of account who were conueighed to London and committed to the Tower For griefe of which losse and suspition of his Nobility King Iames fell into a melancholy Passion which the birth of his new borne Princesse rather increased then gaue him any cōfort so as hee deceased the foureteenth day of December following foreshewing saith Leslie great troubles to follow in Scotland 119 Newes brought neere at one instant of the death of King Iames birth of the Princesse his daughter King Henry intended to doe that by the match of a marriage which long had beene assayed by the sword of Mars all things so consorting as it did he hauing one onely sonne then aboue fiue yeres of age and Scotland no heire beside this new borne daughter their yeeres suiting a consent for marriage the whole Iland offering both the ioynter and dowry and that which most moued their chiefe Nobility in his owne hands to be moulded for this designe as if heauen it selfe had bid the banes 120 Those Prisoners therefore which had remained in the Tower only two daies vpon the twenty one of December he sent for to Westminster the Earles and Lords all suited in Gownes of blacke damaske furred with Cunny whereafter some words of friendly reproofe they were bestowed among the English Nobility who vsed them according to their estates and the third day in Christmas were inuited to the Court at Greenewich where they went before the King to 〈◊〉 Chappell were royally feasted and the motion then made for the establishing of peace by the Coniunction of the two Princes whereunto the Scotish were as willing as the English proffered all forward assistance to haue it accomplished So that these Nobles were deliuered without other ransome and richly rewarded at their departure from Court 121 These returned into Scotland declared what they had done and so effectually followed the busines that in a Parliament assembled of the three Estates the marriage was confirmed and a peace proclaimed to continue betwixt the two Realmes the space of tenne yeeres which agreements were sent into England by honourable Ambassadors and there interchangeably sealed betwixt these Potent Estates But Cardinall Bet●… Archbishop of Saint Andrewes fearing least Scotland would change the Church Orders 〈◊〉 England had done the Bible already read in their owne language and the Popes vsurped power called in Question as then it began to be by the feruent preaching of Friet Guiliam to the great liking of most of the Lord made some exceptions against the Earle Arraine the new chosen Gouernour and second person in the Land being neerest in blood to the young Queene And the French King not liking this vnion with England sought by all meanes to 〈◊〉 the same match to effect which he sent the Ea●…le of Lennox to perswade with the Gouernour with great proffers and promises of assistance but finding him faithfull vnto King Henry presently made faction for the French wherein hee drew the Queene mother the Earles Huntly Argile M●…trosse Menteith and many more Peeres the Cardinall amongst them euer the chiefe 122 Earle Lennox thus growne into credite with the Queene mother 〈◊〉 made strong by her adherents that fauoured the French presently claimed to be Gouernour of Scotland being the second person of degree in the Realme and withall to haue the custody of the young Queene who with he●… mother were forth with taken from 〈◊〉 vnder the charge of the Gouernour Arrai●…e and brought vnto Striueling strongly guarded with the continuall presence of the Lords 〈◊〉 Ersk●… Fle●…ing and Ruthwen least Queene Mary should be conueyed into England vnto King Henry These violent courses caused great Emulations among the Scotish Nobility each of them siding as their affections were setled but lastly agree to set the Crowne on their young Queenes head prepared for the solemnity whereunto all the Lords came excepting those that stood for England and from them the Gouernour with much adoe was drawne to be present at the Coronation but that accomplished and the state affaires consulted vpon it was agreed that the French Kings suite should be fauoured and that the Earle Arran should be Gouernour still whereat Earle Lennox conceiued such displeasure as he became wholy for King Henrie ioined himselfe with the Earles of Augus Gle●…carne and Cassils the Lords Maxwel Summeruell Gray and others that stood with the English for the match with Prince Edward 123 King Henry then hearing what was done and intended sent presently into Scotland to demand the Custody of the young Queene and that certaine Scotish Noblemen might be appointed to guarde her in England vntill shee came to yeeres of consent according to Couenants formerly concluded which no waies would be granted and thereupon he prepared an Army thetherward vnder the Conduct of Lord Edward Sei●…er Earle of Hertford Lieutenant Generall by Land accompanied with the Earle of 〈◊〉 and a Fleete of two hundred saile by Sea whereof Sir Iohn Dudley Vicount Lisle was Admirall 124 To the aide of the Scots the Peopes holinesse was very forward who sent them the Patriarch of Venice as his Legate Orator to perswade their Resolutions with whom the French King sent Monfieur la Broche and Monfieur Menager to lead them to fight and fifty thousand Crownes of the Sun to su●…taine the Charge with munition worth ten thousand Crownes more It seemeth by Lesly that part of this siluer fell into the Earle Lenn●… his hand and that therewith he made head against the Gouernor but not able to match him sent vnto King Henry for aide with proffer of his seruice against the French side which so well was accepted of Henry as he made him his Nephew by giuing the Lady Margaret his sisters daughter to be his wife 125 Th●… English thus seconded with this vnlooked for Allyance Cardinall Beton thought good to binde all to the Gouernour who with the Authority of the Queene Dowager proclaimed Lennox an Enemy to the State But in the meane while the Admirall of England was entred the Frith and at new Hauen landed his men where ioining his to the land Seruice they altogether marched thence towards L●…th himselfe leading the Vaward Shrewsbury the Rereward and the Lord Lieutenant the maine Battell These comming to Lieth spoiled the Town and thence to Edenbrough burnt the City and wasted the Country for seauen miles about this done they set fire vpon Haddington and 〈◊〉 and then the whole Army returned vnto Barwicke 126 Whilst things thus passed in Scotland and the maine purpose resting in suspence King Henry well knew where the greatest rub did lie in his way which was the French
among the Nobles 20 Lastly that whereas the Lords assembled at London onely to consult vpon a charitable communication to be had with the Protector for his misgouernment of the King and Realme hee contrariwise sent letters of credence to many places and persons that the said Lords were no lesse then high Traitors to the King and great disturbers of the whole realme All these accusations notwithstanding the young King so labouring it he was released from the Tower the sixt of February following vnto his free liberty though not vnto his former authority and so remained vntouched for the space of two yeeres and two dayes 61 Whilest these his and other troubles were commencing in England the Lord Grey of Wilton left Lieutenant of the North remained in Scotland where many feates of warre were vndergone and many Forts fortified and some taken such were Lowden Hadington and Yester at whose assault certaine opprobrious speeches in most contemptuous manner were vttered by a Scotish man against King Edward of England whereat the Lord Grey was so offended as vpon composition for the deliuerie of the Castell all were let goe with life onely that person excepted and his name knowne to bee Newton was appointed to die for the same but hee denying the words imposed them vpon one Hamilton a man valorous inough and wrongfully touched who denied the accusation and challenged Newton the combat which hee accepted and in performance slew Hamilton though more at disaduantage then for lacke either of courage or strength The victor was rewarded with a great chaine of gold and the gowne that the Lord Grey ware at the present though many maligned and accused him still to bee the vtterer of those base words 62 The English keeping foot still in Scotland burnt Dawketh and Muskelburgh and fortified Hadington both with munition and men spoyling the Country saith Bishoppe Lesly all about Edenburgh Lowthian and Mers repairing of Forts and placing of Garrisons as if they meant there to remaine and abide but their young Queene being conuaied into France and the Scots aided with the assistance of the French so quit themselues that they voided their land of the English and recouered of them all they had lost In which times of variable successe the King but a child the Nobles at variances and the combustuous Commons obedient to neither the French sought to recouer the holds that the English had in their Country and first by stealth meant to surprise the fortresse of Bulloig●…berg vnto which enterprise seuen thousand were chosen vnder the conduct of Monsieur Chatillon 63 These secretly marching in the night with ladders and furniture meete for the enterprize approached within a quarter of a mile vnto Bullingberg fort amongst whom was an English Souldier discharged out of their pay for that he had taken a French woman to wife This Carter for so was his name got entertainement vnder Chatillon and now vnderstanding whereabout they went hastily made from his Company and gaue the Alarum to his Countrimen within the Fort where Sir Nicholas Arnalt Captaine of the peece caused him to bee drawne vp betwixt two pikes to the height of the wall vnto whom hee declared the attempt in hand among them stood so valiantly in defence of the fort that hee gaue many a wound and ●…ed some himself by him and this meanes the Peece was quit from surprisall and the slaughter of the French so great that fifteene Wagons went laden away with dead Corps 64 This losse sustained and the English masters in those parts of their Maine the French sought to trie fortune for their Isles in the Seas namely ●…nesey and Iersey possest and subiect to King Edwards Crowne their preparations were great and their Marshallists many which notwithstanding with such losse were beaten backe from their 〈◊〉 as a thousand men at Armes were ●…ine in the attempt the successe so vnfortunate as the French for feare of further discouragement forbad ●…e report and made an inhibition not to mention the expedition of that iourney 65 Neuerthelesse the French King ceased not his desired purposes till hee had got by ●…nder 〈◊〉 Black●…sse Bulloignberg and the town of Bulloigne it selfe though bought at a deare rate and deliuered with great griefe to the English vnto such a lamentable state and dishonourable composition was the good King Edward brought by the bandings of his great Counsellors and insurrections of his vnruly Commons after which calamities a great and mortall disease followed namely the sweating sicknesse that raged extreamely through the land wherein died the two sonnes of Charles Brandon both of them Dukes of Suffolke besides an infinite number of men in their best strengths which followed onely Englishmen in forraine Countrey no other people infected therewith wherby they were both feared and shunned in all places where they came 66 And to fill vp the dolours of these dolefull times the good Duke of Sommerset was againe apprehended euen when the least suspition was of any vndirect workings for vpon his first releasement to linke a firme loue betwixt him and the potent Earle of Warwicke his most malignant a marriage was contracted betwixt the Lord Lisle his eldest sonne heire and the Lady the Earles eldest daughter which was solemnized with great ioy at Sheene in presence of the young King this amity was outwardly carried with all faire shewes for a time thogh inward hatred lay secretly hid as by the sequell incontinentlie appeared for after a solemne creation of many Estates wherein the Earle of Warwicke had his style raised to bee Duke of Northumberland vnto whose rayes at that time most of the Courtiers cast their eyes the sparkes of emulation began presently to breake forth where the simplicity of the one gaue aduantage to the other to compasse that which long had beene sought 67 The Duke of Sommerset not well aduised and yeelding too much vnto Sycophant flatteries was put in feare of some sodaine attempt intended against him and therefore counselled to weare vnder his garment a coate of defence which hee accordingly did and being so armed came vnto the Councell Table supposing no man had known of any such thing but his bosome being opened and the Armour perceiued hee was forthwith apprehended as intending the death of some Counsellor and by Northumberland so vehemently taxed who in Counsell was euer the principall man that hee was forthwith attached and sent to the Tower vpon the sixteenth of October with the Lord Grey of Wilton Sir Michael Stanl●…p Sir Thomas Arundel Sir Ralph Vane and Sir Mile●… Partridge and the next day the Dutchesse his wife was likewise committed all of them for suspition of treason and fellonie and he standing so indited vpon the second of December following was arraigned at Westminster attended with the Axe of the Tower Billes Halberds and Pollaxes a great number 68 His inditement was for
Rob. Fabian An. D. 1036. Mat. Westminster Wil. Malms Peter de Iohan. Henry Hunt Floriacensis Encom Emma 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rand Higden 〈◊〉 Polychr 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cap. 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Henry Hunting Malmsb. Hen Hunting Stow. Monarch 36 Hardi-Canut An. D. 1040. Simon D●…nel Mat. West●… Iohn Stow. in his Suruey of London 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wil. 〈◊〉 d●… 〈◊〉 Aug. R●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Polyer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wil. Mal●…bury Goodwins diuelish policy Henry Hunt Wil. Malmsbury Mat. Westminster Simon Dun. Goodwins gifts Aimundus Bremensis M. S. cap. 108. Idem cap. 109. Idem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Si●… D●… Matth. West Lambert 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 book●… 7. cap. 44. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 An. D. 1042. Henry Hunting Polydor. Rand. Higden Legend Aur. in vit S. Edward Wil. Malmsbury Henry Hunt lib. 〈◊〉 Polycr li. 6. ca. 18. Philip 〈◊〉 Rand. Higden Marian. Scotus Alfred Beuerel Iohn Rouse Rand. Higden in Polychr lib. 6. cap. 24. Cambd. Britan. de Danis Albert. Crantius Aimund●… Bremensis Matth West King Edward de signeth the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eng●…sh-man An. D. 1053. Mat. Westmin●…er Chron. of Wales Wil. Malmsbury Rand. Hig. Malmsb. Rand. Higden Matt. West Si●…on Dun. Booke 1. chap. 27. Henry Hun●… Simon Dunel Wil. Malmsbury Ran. Higden Mat. Westminster Simon Dun. Ran. Higden 1. Cor. 7. 5. Holinsh. Rand. Higden in Polycr lib. 6. ca. 2●… Geruasius of Canturbury Wil. Malm●…b Polycr li. 〈◊〉 ca. ●…4 Scal. Chron. Wil. Malms Ordalium a triall of offenders by fire Rand. Higd. Wil. Malmsb. vita Edwardi Marian. Scot. 1. Cor. 7. 5. Egitha some call her Chr●… W●…l Ingulphus in hist. W●…l Melm●…b Ezek. 1●… 4. Edwardi vitae Edwardi legend eiusdem vit●… M. S. Saint Peter himselfe came down from heauen to the first dedication of that place if the foresaid M. S. er not T. Cliff●…rd Simon D●…n King Edward the founder of S. Mary Otery Colledge S●…w 124. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. W●…st Polyd●…r Vit. S. Edward An. D. 1055 Matth. West Simon Dun. An. D. 1058 Simon Dun. An. D. 1063. Mat. West Chro. Wal. Wil. Malms Mat. Westminst●…r Matthew Paris in Will Hen. Hunting Rand. Higd. Gemeticensis Wil. Malmsbury Mat. Westminst Marian. Scotus Mat. Westminster M. Thom●… Mille●… in Harold Wil. Malmsb. Rand. Higden in Polychr lib. 6. cap. 25. Alur Ri●…l Ran. Higden Polyer lib. 6. ca. 29 Matth. W●…st Si●… D●… Hol●…sh Camb. Brit. Alfred Benerl●…y Spec●… Histor. Rich. C●…st Flor●… Histor. Ed●… Maria●… Polyer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ca. 2●… Subiects loue the Soueraignes strength Rand. Higden in Polyc. lib. 6. cap. 29 Gemeticensi●… Bishop of 〈◊〉 Roger Ho●…d Si●… Mo●…t of Dur●…am ●…lter Co●… Mat. Westminster Ran. Higden Wil. Malmsb. Mat. Westm. Simon Dunel Wil. Malmsb. Henry Hunting Mat. Westminster Simon Dun. Mat. Westm. Cambd. Brit. Henry H●… Fox Acts and Monumenta Rand. Higden Rand. Higden in Polycbr li. 6. c. 29. 〈◊〉 in vita Caesar. Wil. Malmsb. Mat. Westminst Rand. Higden Caesar in Cōment Tho. Ni●…s Wil. Malmsb. Henry Hunting Chron. de 〈◊〉 Wil. Ge●… Mat. Westminster Giral Cambr. Io●…n le Tai●… in his history of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bremensis cap. 169. Maria●… I●… Rest. Math. Par●… Host. 14. 6. In the 〈◊〉 of the learned Knight Sir 〈◊〉 Sigebertus Wil. Gemitticen G●…lt Couen 〈◊〉 Woodbridge Aimund Brem chap. 1●…9 Allured Ri●…lle 〈◊〉 M Ferres Ca●…b in Sussex * Gr●… * A 〈◊〉 Iohn Capgraue Saxo Gram●…aticus lib. 11. 2. Cor. 4. 6. Gen. 49. ●…7 C●…bd Brit. 〈◊〉 de Nor●… 〈◊〉 Ro●… Albert Krant Polyer lib. 6. 〈◊〉 1. Rollo his dream Alb. Crantius The dreame expounded by an English Christi an Captiue Rollo sendeth to sound King Alstan Rollo commeth to Alstans Court Will. Gemetic lib. 2. cap. 6. Alstans bounty to Rollo Alstane faith to his friend Rollo the first Duke of Normandy Angiers Records M. S. Rand. Higden lib. 6. cap. 1. William Longespee second Duke of Normandy Polycr Richard I. the third Duke of Normandy * Emma Wal●…g Ypodig Neust. * Or 〈◊〉 Wals. ibi * Or 〈◊〉 ibi Richard 〈◊〉 the fourth Duke of Normandy Ran. Higden callth him Richard the third Richard 3. the fifth Duke of Normandy Robert 〈◊〉 the sixt Duke of Normandy Ran. Higden in Polycr lib. 6. c. 〈◊〉 Wil. 〈◊〉 of Roan Wil. Malmsb. li. 3. ca. 1. Rand. Higden 〈◊〉 Polyc. lib. 〈◊〉 cap. 〈◊〉 Wil. Malmsb. lib. 3. Monarch 39. William the Conquerour An. D. 1066 Simon D●… Lib. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Pope powerfull to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wil. 〈◊〉 Trees cut downe to hinder William passage Iohn Stow. King Williams Coronation William fortifieth against inuasions Polydor. Math. Paris Iohn Stow. Archbishop Stigands perswasion of the Kentish Thom. Sprot The Kentish policie against King William Stigands Oration Wil. Thorne Simon Dun. Odo Bishop of Bayeux made Earle and gouernour of Kent Henry Hunt Poly●…r Ypodigma Neu●… Mari●…us The Welshmen tooke Armes against William Matth. West lib. 2. An. D. 1067 The lands of the English giuen to the Normans Warres euen in peace Mat. Paris The English became strangers Many Nobles flie out of England Mat. Paris Mat. Westm. King Malcolme 〈◊〉 Lady Margaret King William sendeth for Edgar out of Scotland An honourable saying The loue of alliance Fire and candle forbid at certain houres vnto the English M●… Westminster Goowin and Edmund out of freland inuade England Ca●…d D●… Excester yeelded to King W●…liam An. D. 1068 The Normans slaine in the north Polydor. An. D. 1069 M●…b Paris Mat. Westm. lib. 2. The Danes with English fugitiues inuade England Lib. ●…bor M. 5. Yorke set on fire by her owne souldiers The Danes victors ouer the English Willims policy to weaken the English Wil. Malmsb. The North miserably wasted An. D. 1070 Polydor. The English hated and banished Math. Paris Roger Wind. Wil. Malmsb. Ex Archi●… Colleg. Vniuersit Oxen. Tun. Apol. l. 2. Wil. Thorne Marianus Gerua Doraber M. Mils in Will Conq. Mard lawes imposed vpon the English King William his Seale An. D. 1072 Wil. Malms The English rise against William 1. King 12. 6. King William sworn vnto King Edwards lawes Lib. S. Alban M. S. in vita Fretheric A good speech ill taken King Williams angry answere Lib. S. Alban Simon Dun. Math. Paris King William worketh vpon aduantage Ran. Higden Henry Hunt Math. Paris The I le of Ely fortified against William Ingulphus King William assaulteth the I le of Ely Roger Wind. The Scots inuade Cumberland The Abbot would hold his howsoeuer the rest fared Iohn Stow. A small peece of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 made more 〈◊〉 pa●… The English enter into ●…land 〈◊〉 with small successe Polydor. Matth. Par●… Henry Hunt Gemeticensis A stone Cross●… erected for a Meere marke to both the Kingdomes Hector Boetius * That is Kings Crosse. Cambden Brit. Hector ●…oet lib. 12. Cap. 10. An. D. 1074 Wil. Malms Math. Paris The bounty of King William towards Edgar Etheling I●…n Stow. A conspiracy intended and reuealed Mat. Westm. Henry Hunt Simon D●… Iohn Pike An. D. 1075 William returning vseth seuerity against the English Wil. Malmsb. Henry Hunt A kinde-hearted Wife An. D. 1076 Mat. Paris Matth.
Welsh Henry Hunt Flor. Wigorn. The Welsh subdued Math. Paris Henry Hunt * Lawyers cal this Ayde a file marrier Polydor. Hist. lib. 11. saith this was the first president but falsely for both this and that other at knighting of the Kings children are mentioned in the graūd Cust●…mier of Normandy and was in vse amongst the Romane Emperours Suetonius in Caligula The English Kings Eldest Sonnes Dukes of Normandy Will. Thorne An. D. 1115 Math. Paris An. D. 1116 Polydor. lib. 11. Ger. Dor. The beginnings of our Parliaments The difference betwixt this and the Ancient v●…e of the State Campaigne Henry Hunt Offence and cause of debate betwixt King Henry and King Lewis of France Attempts to dispossesse K. Henry of Normandy Henry goeth to secure Normandy Math. Paris An D. 1117 Flor. Wigor An. D. 1118 An. D. 1119 A pitcht field betwixt the Kings of England and France An. Reg. 20. Malmes lib. 5. Math. Paris The Army of the French King The Army of the English King Heny Hurt The King dangerously assailed Ypodig Neustrl And as brauely acquits himselfe 〈◊〉 Earle of Flanders slaine An. D. 1120 Ge●… Dor. Prince William marrieth the Duke of Anious daughter Roger. Houed Prince William doth homage for Normandy * Haresteer Prince William puts to Sea A most lamentable shipwrake William Malmes * Sodomitic●… labe insects 〈◊〉 omnes saith Paris Prince Williams pitty to his sister cost him his life Malmsb lib. 5. de Reg. Onely one of all his traine escapeth The chiefe of those who then perished Math. Paris Iohn Stow. Rand. Higden An. D. 1121 Eadmerus King Henry marieth againe Gemiticensis Geru D●…ob Henry Hunt Mat. Paris Rand. Higd. in Polyc. lib. 7. ca. 15. A Cholericke Prelate * Math. Paris ad An. 1119. Eadmerus * Polyc. lib. 7. c. 15. * Paris An. 1113. Roma sub Vrbano Anno 1094. * Paris there cals it Their ancient Custome and An. 1112. it had con tinued 300. yeres and vnder 60. Popes Will. Malmes Goodwins Catalogue Math. Paris Will. Malmes Wil. Malmsb. Rand. Higden Cor●… Walles New attempts in Wales An Army conducted against them The King struck with an Arrow King Henries vsuall Oath Malmes lib. 5. A Peace concluded Iohn Castor Chron. Wallia An. D. 1122 The Normans set vp Duke Roberts sonne He marrieth Sibyl daughter to the Earle of Aniou Rand. Higd. in Polyb●… lib. 7. c. 16. An. D. 1123 Roger Wind. Math. Paris King Henry repaires the Castles of Normandie An. D. 1124 Henry Hunt Math. Paris Tankeruile takes the Traterous Earles in Normandy Mat. West●… An. D. 1125 Cardinall Cremensis the Popes Legat to restrain Priests marriages Polychr lib. 7. cap. 16. Hen. Hunting lib. 7. Houed in He●…r 5. Taken with a whore the same day hee celebrated the Sacrament Mat. Paris Huntingdon Rog. Higden * Viz. An. D. 1129. Polydor. Math. Paris Huntingdon Roger Houed An. D. 1126 Emperour Henrie the Kings Sonne in law dieth The Empresse comes into England The Peeres sweare fealty to Empresse Dowager the Kings daughter Malmes Nouel lib. 1. Huntingd. lib. 8. Antiq. Manuscr Giral I●…iner Polych lib. 7. c. 16. Houed in Hen. 1. Henry the Emperour supposed not to be dead * Gemetic p. 680. * As being now called of God saith Tre●…isa * Iohn Stow. The Empresse falsely suspected Math. Paris * Polyer lib. 7. c. 16 Will. Gemet The good esteem of the Empresse Malmes Nouel lib. 1. An. D. 1127 Matth. Paris Will. Gemet The Empresse married to the Earle of Anion Gemeticensis Ger. Dor. William sonne to Duke Robert made Earle of Flanders Mat. Paris Williams title to Flanders An. D. 1128 King Henry inuaded France Mat. Paris He vseth meanes to disturbe Flanders Earle Williams great valour Math. Paris He dies of a smal wound in his hand Huntingdon lib. 7. Will. Malmes in Nouella Historia Higden The Empresie departs from his husband A. Do. 1131 Roger Houed Houeden in Henric 1. Huntingdon Hist. lib. 7. Malmes nouell lib. 1. The Empresse to her husband Hen. Huntingdon lib. 7. An. D. 1131. Ger. Dor. Math. Paris An. D. 1133 Will. Malmes in nouel lib. 1. The Kings last voiage into Normandy presaged to be fatal Polychron lib. 7. cap. 17. An. D. 1134 Robert Curtoise dieth in prison Math. Paris Matth. West King Henry dieth in Normandy Houeden Wil. Malms Math. Paris An. D. 1135 Will. Gemet Math. Paris Polychr l. 7. c. 17. Math. Paris Henry Hunt l. 8. Mat. Westminst Math. Paris Simon Dun. Huntingdon l. 8. Houed●… Rand. Hig. in Polychr lib. 7 ca. 17. * His especiall preheminence * His especiall vices Princes vices come to light after their deaths Description of his person and qualities William Gemet cap. 10. Math. West 1. Cor. 11. 14. Higden l. 7. c. 12. Malmes lib. 5. Will. Gem. cap. 22. * Malmesb. lib. 5. in Hen. 1. * Rossus that Pallace he called Beau-mount where afterward King Richard the the first was born He built also the Castle at Woodstocke * Paris An. 1132 * Higden l. 7. c. 14 Goodwine Catologue of Bishops Malmes lib. 5. * Great head His first Wife Malmes lib. 5. Wil. Malms Ibidem His second Wife She was euer barren Maud. Richard Eufem Robert Richard Raynold Robert Gilbert William Henry Maud. Maud. Iulian. Elizabeth Monarch 42. Stephen An. D. 1135 King Henries Issue defeated of the Crowne by Stephen Malmes Nouel lib. 1. Wil. Walsingham Floriacensis King Stephen his descent * Some call her Adela others Alice Wil. Gem. Stephens brother his chiefe Agent Malmsb. Nouel lib. 1. Math. Paris Henry Hunt Archbishop of Canterbury Stephens abettor A traiterous position Rog. de Wendouer Math Paris Malmsb. Nouel lib. 1. Idem * O●… high Steward Mat. Paris Tho. Wal. Ypodigma Neustria * Idem Fealty sworne to Stephen Malmes Nouel lib. 1. Mat. Westm. Stephens louely qualities Will. Malmes Ibidem Rand. Higden Roger Houed Will. Malmes lib. 1. nouel Allegeance sworne conditionally to the King Idem King Stephens faire promises Huntingdon lib. 8. Houeden Hen. Huntingdon * Malmes nouell lib. 1. Kings Stephens Charter * This Henry imprisoned the Pope * Dated apud Oxenford 1136 reg 1 Wl. Malmsbury Huntingdon Roger Houed Wil. Malmsb Houeden Geruas Dorob Math. Paris Malmes Nouel lib. 1. Castles generally raised in England VValsingham Ypodig ad Ann. 1151. Excester first resists King Stephē Hen. Hunting lib. 8. Flor. Wigorn. Polydor. A. Do. 1138 Ypodigm Neustr. Math. Paris Will Gemet Hect. Boetius lib. 12 cap. 17. Simon Dun. Math. Paris Henry Hunt lib. 8. Chron. Wall●…a Tumultuous attempts in Normandy Pari●…ensis W●…lsingh Tpodig Malmb Nouell lib. 1. Stephens elder Brother laie●… claime Idem Stephen goeth into Normandy Will. Newb. Ger. Dorobor He makes league with France Huntingdon lib. 8. Houeden Math. Paris His son E●…stace Duke of Normandy Stephen buieth his elder brothers Title Ypodigm Neustr. Roger Wend. Houeden Huntingdon lib. 8. Mat. Paris He stoppeth the Empresses husbands mouth with money An. D. 1138. Ann. Reg. 3. Geru Dorob England againe in
1172. King Henri●…s doings in Ireland Girald Camb. lib. 1. H●…b exp Ca. 31. 32. c. Religion established by a Synode at Cashell * Idem cap. 33 34. * Easter day after noone saith Math. Paris Ypodigm Neustr. Giral Camb. Hib. exp lib. 1. c. 38. Math. Paris Sabellicus Ennead 9. lib. 5. Mat. Westm. Nic. Tri●…es Holinsh. pag. 83. * Math. Paris * Ypodig Neustr. * Roger Houeden * Math. Paris Ypodig Neustr. * Th. Wals. in Ypodig Neustri An. D. 1173. * Roger Houed * Math. Paris * Poly●… 〈◊〉 * Ypodig Neust●… * Houeden * Math. Pari●… The outragious and disloiall behauiour of the Earle of Leicester * Roger Houed Ho●…rsh * Ypod. Neustr. The Kings victorie in England he beeing ab●…ent * Polyd. Uirg Henry Hunt Holinsh. ●…n H. 2. * Gallos quidam vocat * Houeden and Polyd. Virg. sa●…h 10000. were ther●… slaine * Math. Paris * Polyd. Virg. Lewis King of France concludes a truce * Mat. Paris * Ypod. Neust. * Math. Paris Great new dangers against the King * Rog. Ho●…d King Henry sailes into Normandy * Vita B. Th. l. 4. c. 5. * Epist. ad●… Archi. Rauen. apud Houeden * Rog. Houed i●… H. 2 p. 308. * Mat. Paris Ann. 1174. Walsingh Nubrigensis Capgra●… Geruas Dorob c. * Apud Baron An. Dom. 1174. * Math. Paris Rog Houed Ypodig Neust. Hector Boetius 13. li. c. 3. saith the King was taken 13. lul Ann. Dom. 1174. * Ypod. Neust. * Rog. Houed * Mat. Paris Ypod. Neust. * Rog. Houed The great felicity of King Henry An. D. 1175. * Mat. Paris Ypodig Neust. * Rog. Houe * Math. Paris * Roger Houede An. D. 1175. The Articles of Peace * H●…eden Math. Paris Nic. Tri●…et Walsingh c. * Polyd. Uirg Hist. Angl. lib. 13. * Hect. Boe. transla lib. 13. cap. 5. The points according to the Scotish Authors Math. Paris Rog. H●…ed An. D. 1175. Constitutions at London the Kings beeing present Geruasius Rog. Houed Houeden in H. 2. fol. 310. Symonie was losse of Patronage for euer The Kings at Yorke * Polyd. Virg. Parliament at Northampton An. D. 1176. The first Iusti●…iars Itinerants Holinsh. 〈◊〉 Hen. 2. Houeden * Math. Paris Roger Wend. Ma●…se * Rog. Houed Polyd. Virg. * Tho. 〈◊〉 in Ypod. Neust. Polyd. Virg. in Hen. 2 call●… her A●…ela * Rog. Houed * Rog. Wend. Math. Paris Th Wals. in Tpodig Neustr. An. D. 1183. * Rog. Houe King Henrie the sonne dies in the flower of his y●…uth * Rog. Wend. MS. Math Paris Them Wals. Tpodig Neust. Rog Houed An. D. 1183 An. D. 1184. * Math. Paris Roger Wend. * Rog. Houed Mat. Paris * Roger Houed fol. 358. King Henry refis seth the kingdom of Ierusalem * Rog. Houed fol. 35●… An Inscription vpon the Temple Church * Ran. Higden Polyd. Virg. in Hen. 2. Heraclius departs An. D. 1185. Roger Houed King Henry giues Iohn his sonne Ireland * Giral Camb. lib 2. exp Hib. c. 5. Houeden Ius Belli social is that right which accrews to Princes or States who aid one another * Beda * Cam. pag. 730. * Chr. H●…b apud Camb. pag. 795. * Houed fol. 359. pag. 1. 2. * Houeden fol. 359. pag. 1. An. D. 1186. * Idem pag. 360. Militari conflict●… saith Houeden An. D. 1188 * Roger Houed fol. 365. Math. Paris * Epist 〈◊〉 2. ad Patriar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rog. Houed pag. ●…7 An. D. 1189. An. Reg. 35. * Rog. Houed King Henries death Holin●… pag. 119. in 〈◊〉 2. An. D. 1189. Accidents after his death which was when he had raigned 34. yeers 7. monethes and 4. daies beeing 63. yeeres of age * Roger Houede He was buried at 〈◊〉 * Serr●… in Le●… the y●…ger * Paulus 〈◊〉 in Lu●…ic 7. who call●… her Leo●…ra Ross●… War●…ic alij Ger●… Dorob An. D. 1181. * M. Ferrers * Goodwin of the 〈◊〉 of Durham Iohn Stow in the life of King Iohn Monarch 44 Richard I. An. D. 1199 King Richard orders his estate * R●…g H●…ed Mat. Paris c. Rand. Higde●… in 〈◊〉 1. * Ger. 〈◊〉 Kingly power before Coronation Rog. Houed fol. 374. * Ger. Dorobor King Richards choise of friends and seruants * Radulp. de Diceto apud Too Wals. in Ypod. Neustr. Chiefe matters at the Coronation of Richard * Rog. Houed fol. 374. 〈◊〉 slaine at the Coronation * So Martiall cals the multitude Richard p●…rueis for the Holy Land * Gir. Ca●…b * Rog Houed Math. Paris His pro●…on for 〈◊〉 * Geruasius * Mat. Paris al●… Roger Houed * Rex Sacerdos Mat. Par●… * 〈◊〉 li. 〈◊〉 c. 〈◊〉 Rog. Houed Iustice is best where it brings Honour rather then riches Rog. Houed The agreement betweene the two Kings of England and Scotland Hector 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 13. cap. 7. Hector 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…000 〈◊〉 Houeden The agreement betweene the Kings of France and England * Ger. Dor. * H●… The agreement solemnely ratified on all parts * Math. Paris The Kings of France and Eng land set forward to the Holy Land * Roger H●…d Mat●… Paris The Citie of Mes sana in Sicilia the Rende●…u of the Kings * Act M●…n pag. 314. Roger Wend. Math. Paris Rog. H●…ed King Richards Sicilian affaires Rog. Ho●…ed fol. 383. * Ide●… ibid. Act. M●… in R. 〈◊〉 The accord betweene King Richard and King Tancred Arthur King Richards next heire * R●…g H●…ed fol. 386. Threescore thou sand ounce●… of gold giuen to King R●…chard King Richards sureties or Sponsors The Pope King Richards surety * Ger. Dor. * Rog. Hou fol. 392 Act. and Mon. p. 316. * Iohn Stow. in Rich. 1. A Christian example of King Richard * Ro. Houed f. 388 Holin p. 12●… col 2. * Ro. Hou ibid. Ro. Houed in Ric. 1 Paulus Aemilius in Philippo 2. Houed p. 388. No new opinion that the Pope is Antichrist * Houed p. 392. Psal. 82. v. 1. 6. Idem Houedens printed Copy hath 〈◊〉 as if the Pope had thrown do●…e the Emperour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is more probable with relation to cor n●… A D. 1191. The King of France le ts ●…aile for the Holy-Land * Ro. Hou●…f 392. * Ypod. Neust. Mat. Par. ad A. D. 1191. Yood. Neust. * ●…Houed King Richards Nauie scattered * Ypod. Neust. Math. Paris * Houed Ger. Dor. Hect. Boet. l. 13. cap. 7. * Houed fol. 39●… King Richard subdues the Isle of Cyprus Ro Houed Mat. Paris Ypodig Neust. Ger. Dor. Act. and Mon. p. 320. Holin p. * Lusignian * Rog Houed pa. 392. Act. and Mon. p. 319. * Rog Houed Mat. Paris Ypod. Neust. * Ger. Dorob Act and Mon. p. 318. Rog. Houed The City of Acon rendred Mat. Paris Ypod. Neust. * Rog. Houed fol. 395. King Richard vpon certaine conditions permits the King of France to depart Roger Houed fol. 394. p 16. R●… Higd. in Polyer lib 〈◊〉 cap. 27. Iu●… 〈◊〉 Ger. Dorob * Rog Houed Math. Paris Disorders in England Guil.
de Newburgo l. 4. c. 14. Rog. Houed Mat. Paris Nubrigens l. 4. c. 18 * Houed in Rich. 1 p. 391. Nubrig l. 4. c. 18. * Uelut delicata muliercula Nubrigens l. 4. c. 17 Houeden p. 401 * Nubrigens l. 4. c. 17. Houeden p. 399. Houeden in Ric. 1. p. 392. Guil. de Newburgo l. 14. * Guil. Nubrig l. 4. 6. 25. * Ro. Houed f. 408 Nubrigens l. 4. 6 25. Mat. Paris saith they were 7000. Camels and makes no mention of Mules or horses Math. Paris in Rich. 1. Sabellic Enn. 9. l. 5 Polyd Virg. l. 14. Ger. Dor. * Rog. Hou f. 417. Poly Verg. lib. 14. * Mat. Paris * Polyd. Verg. lib. 14. Rog. Houed f. 414. Polyd Verg lib. 14 An. D. 1193 * Mat. Paris * Polyd Verg l. 14 Rog. Houed f. 408. * Math. Paris * Ger. Dor. * Hardings Chr. cap. 138. Pretences for the detinue of King Richard * Mat. Paris ad An. D. 1192. Ger. Dor. who writes that the Archduke set vp his Standard in the chiefe place of the City of Acon to the iniurie of King Richard Guil. de Nouobur go lib. 4. cap. 24 lib. 5. cap. 16 This description fitteth a like sect novv in the vvest Ypod. Neust. p. 455. Edit An D. 1603 The copie of the said letter see Nubrig l. 5. cap. 16 Mat. Par. ad An. Dom. 1193. The face of England in her Kings captiuity * Ger. Dor. Rog. Houed f. 40●… The attempts of Iohn King Richards brother Ger. Dorob Rog. Houed Math. Paris Tpod. Neust. * Rog. Houed Ger. Dor. * Rog. Hou f. 412. * Ger. Dorob Martiall women in ●…oan * Rog. Houed f. 414 Lanquet ad A. D. 1191. The Articles of King Richards liberty King Richard crovvned King of Prouince c. A new and foule treason of Earle 〈◊〉 discouered * Ro. Houed f. 418. In Ianuary saith Nubrig di●… Parisi B. Mariae saith another * Rand. Higden in Polycr lib. 7. cap. 28. Fabian Roger Houed Nubrigens l. 4. c. 41 Mat. Paris Ypod Neust. The ioyful meeting between the King and Archbishop Ger. Dor. King Richards wrongs reuenged vpon the Duke of Austria Mat. Paris Ro. Houed f. 4●…5 Panui Cestr. Polichr l. 7. c 27. * Ger. Dor. Tpod. Noust Iohn Stow in Rich. 1. Holin pag. 147 ad A. D. 1195. Polyd Virg l 14. * Mat. Paris ad Ann. Dom. 1196. King Richards iniuries reuenged vpon Henrie the Emperour Roger Houed fol. 431. * Rog. Hou f. 440. * Iohn Stow in R. 1 * Rand. Higden in Polycr lib. 7. cap. 26. King Richards doings after his returne Mat. Par. Ro. Houed f. 392. Houed fol. 418. Math Paris * Rog Houe f. 420 Hect. Boat l. 13. cap. 8. Ro. Houed f. 419. Iuter Chart 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 D Rob. Cotton Equi●… * Wherein are 2. Lions rampant combattant vvell ●…ting that Ceur-de L●… * 〈◊〉 Ypod. N●… * In 〈◊〉 daies who ●…ued vnder Henry 5. Ro. Ho●… f. 421. Mat. Paris Ypod. Neust. King Richard forgiues his brother Iohn * Nubrigens l. 5. c. 5 * Tho Wals in Ypodig Neust. fol. 456. * Houed fol. 428. * Nubrig l. 5. c 5 Ran. Higd. in Ioh. li. 7. c. 29. * Ger. Dor. Ypod Neust. * Ypod. Neust. fol 456 Nubrig l. 5. c. 2. Rog. Houed f. 421. * Rog. Hou sol 422 A. D. 1195. Ro. Houed 428. King Richards amendment of life and dayly exercise * Rog Houed pa. 436. Polyd Virg. l 13. * Mat. Paris * Nubrig l. 4. c. 26 Vide ibidem with Picardus his notes Nubrig l. 5. c. 16. An D. 1197 * Ro. Houed f. 438 * Ot Rutters who s●…ued on any side for wages therfore called by Houeden nefanda gens and accursed in the Lateran Counsel Ger. Dor. Guil. Nubrig l. 5. c. 30. Gen. 37. 33. * Holin in Rich. 1. Mat. Paris * Nubrig l. 5. c. 30. The Popes answere to the Bishop Holin * Child in discretion not in yeeres for Philip was old inough Houed p. 443. The famous victory of Gisors Houed Math. Paris Ypod. Neust. Ger. Dor. M. S. Rog. Wend. M. S King Richards warlike handiworke In his letter to Philip Bishop of Durisme Ro. Houed f. 445. * Die●… mon Droit the motto of the English Kings seemes hence to be deriued * Ro. Hou s. 447 Math. Paris * Mat. Paris An. D 1193 Rog. Houed f. 449 Houed ibid. Houed f. 429. This Chaluz the Engl●…sh d●…d cal Castle Galliard saith Fabian * Ger. Dorob Roger Houed Mat. Par. Ypod. Neust. * Ger Dorob Houed cals him Carnifex * Ro. Wendouer * Rog. Hou f. 449. * Mat. Paris Ypod. Neust. Rog. Wendouer Ger. Dor. * Constitit ante pedes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. * Rog Houe s. 44●… Idem fol. 450. King Richards will Houed fol. 449 * O●…nia 〈◊〉 sua saith Houed * Rog. Wendo Math Paris * Ro. Houed Mat. Paris * Fabian * And yet a Starre he gaue in his deuise as is seene in both his Seales Ypod. Neust. * Ger. Dorob * Math. Paris in Rich. 1. and his Epitaph Neustria tuque 〈◊〉 Cor inexpugn●… Regis * Mr. Ferrers * A●…ilius Houeden * Mat. Paris p. 113 Mr. Ferrers Mr. Millet King Richards three Metaphoricall Daughters Monarch 45 An. 1199. Greatest happines not in greatest dignities The principall Actors in K. Iohns tragicall raigne a Borne after his Fathers death who died at Paris 1186. Cal. Aug. Ypod. Neustria Giraldus Hib. expug c. 22. Philip the 2. of France Innocentius the 3. b In 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 other 〈◊〉 Earle Iohns 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so 〈◊〉 Kingdome c Quem tenerrime diligebat Guil. Nubrig d Gerald Hib. expug l. 2. c. 31. e Ger. Dorob M. S. f Guil. Nubrig g Rog. Houed in Ric. 1. h Triuet M. S. Roger Houed Ypod. Neust. and al except wilful Polydor. i Rog. Houed alij The titles of both competitours k Iure propinquitalis Testamento Successor Walsing Ypod. Anno 1199. Triuet l Iure communi Paul Aemil in Philip. 2. Earle Iohns helps for the Kingdom m Rog. de Wendouer M. S. n Rog. Houed in Ioh. o Math. Parisians Hist. Maior Earle Iohns Agents p Wendouer M S. in Ioh. q Houeden in Ioh. Duke Arthurs Adherents * Thomas de Fu●…nes r Paris Hist. Ma●…or s Idem The beginnings of hatred betwixt Earle Iohn and the Prouincials t Rog. Hou in Iohn u Iudici●… consuetudo ib. Mat. Westminst saith Iudicium Ius consuetudo x Polyd. Verg. l. 25 y Walsing Ypodig Borne An. 1187. die Paschae his father dying before in August z Solainuidia c Polyd. ibid. a Houeden Iohn proclaimed King in England b Polyd Virg. l. 15 c Rog. de Wen. MS Constance committeth Arthur to Philip King of France * Maguisicis verbis c. Polyd Verg. l. 15. d Iob. de Serres in Phil. August e Nich. Triuet MS. The beginning of hatred betwixt K. Iohn King Philip. f Math. Paris King Iohn taketh and ruineth Maunz g Rog. Houeden Queene Eleanor comes to
her sonnes aide h Wendouer MS. Mat. Paris i Hollensh Polydor. k Marchadiune cum ruia sua Rog. Houed Queene Eleanor taketh ruineth Angiert l Mat. Paris m Gladio Ducatus Nic. Triues M S. n Houeden King Iohn crowned Duke of Normandy l An. aetat 32. Walsing Ypodig The fittest age as a. Sam. c 5. v. 4. Dauid was 30. yeere olde when he began to raigne m Rog. Houed King Iohns hinderances how remoued * Ric. Earle of Clare Ranulph Earle of Chester William Earle of Tucesbury Walram Earle of Warwicke Wil. de Mowbray c. Pretence of liberties the plague of the State * Sub bac conuent●…ne Houcd n Rog. Houed The first seed of the ensuing troubles o Vergil hist. l. 15. p In Sussex 8. Cal. Iun. Houed Iohn crowned King of England True honestly is only true Polycy q Mat. Paris r Singularie Columna stabilitatu ibid. s Vir profunds pectoris Incomparabilis sapientia ibid. t Omnium qui Coronationi interesse debuerant Wendouer M S. u The second roote of ensuing treasons x Polydore forgeth a sleight speech of hisovvne brain and Hollinsh as idly followes him Archbishop Huberts Sophisticall Oration verbatim y Mat. Paris Hist. Maior z Printed Copies read Semei falsly for Ishai 1. Sam. c. 16. a The examples doe not shew it for they were of Gods particular commandement which was not now b He ascribes that to the Holy Spirite which after he confesseth to proceed from his owne deuise c For his Father and two Brethrē Kings his Mother Queene first of France after of England Arthur nothing so d Iohn de Serres in Phil. August e Mat. Paris N●…●…usi ambigere f Idem ibidem g Rog Houed Mat. Paris Hubert forecasts to bridle the King h Giraldus Camb. saith he was Principis frenum See vit Archiep. Cant. in Hubert i Rog. Wendouer Triplici Sacramento inuolutus Rex King Iohn first doth reward his three Agents l Rog. Houeden d●… gloriaretur in potestate illa Archiepiscopall dignity m Polydore Francus re●… dissimulanit n Pol. Verg. o From Shoreham to Deepe 13. Cal. Iuly Nich. Triuet p Rog. Houed q In Crastinum Assumptionis Houed ib. A Truce with the French r With Henry the second and Richard vide supra Double dealing most vnseemely in a Prince s Crastine Ass●… Math. Paris t Militari Cing●…lo ibid. u Feria 6. ante Assumptionem Houeden x Rog. Wend●…er MS. A League betwixt England and Flanders y Houeden which Wend●…er and Paris call Wail●… An Enteruiew of the Kings of England and France z Wend●…er a Rog. Houeden b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wogesin Houed V●…ocasinum Poly●…r V●…o-Casium 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 King Philips vnreasonable demaunds l 1. R●…g 2 22. m N●…t nec 〈◊〉 Par●… The Parley ends in discord n Rog. Houed o Houeden p Math. Paris q Of whom see in Richard the 1. 〈◊〉 r Mat. Paris s Paris Houeden saith but 2000. t Nic. Tri●…et M. S Rog. Houeden King Io●… pursue●… Philip from place to place u Rog. Houeden fol. 452. x Rog. Houed y Princeps Exercitus Arthuri H●…cd ●…8 King Philips wrongs to Arthur z Mat. Paris Rog. Houed Arthur reconciled to King Iohn a Rog. H●…d Arthur flyeth from King Iohn b Paul 〈◊〉 saith Guydo was her second Husbband but it appeares otherwise by Houeden and others King P●…lip and the Emperors ha tred encreaseth the malice betwixt King Iohn and Philip. c Otho the fourth sonne of Henry Duke of Saxony and Maud daughter of K. H. 1. d Rog Houed f. 457. e Mat. Paris f Mat. Paris g Mat. Westmin An. 1198. h Rog. Houed f. 452. The Emperour offers his aide to K. Iohn i Idem ibid. An. 1200. The Kings interuiew againe k Rog de Wendouer M. S. Paris Houed Articles of attonement l Nich. Triuet MS m Vide Chartam apud Houed p. 463 * Houed f. 456. n Paris 11. Cal. Iul. o Walsing Ypod. A. 1200. p Home Io●…annis Houed q Ypod. Neust. Loco cit King Philip yeelds vp Arthur to King Iohn against his vow The Emperours two Brethren sent to King Iohn r Houed f 456. s Eboraci saith Houed perchance for Ebroica 〈◊〉 t Nich. Triuet in Rich. 1. M. S. u Rog. Houed King Iohns care of his oath to K. Philip. x Wendouer Houed f 457. y So called by Wendouer Paris Mat. Westminst Houed c. but our Heralds Glouer Milles Ferrers c call her Isabel. z Grandchild to Rob. base-brother of King Iohn a Ioh. de 〈◊〉 b Ypodigma c Apud Houed d Ibid. f. 463. e Idem f. 457. f ib. f. 458. g Ib. Consuet 〈◊〉 463. h Idem f. 439. i Houed k See the description of Huntington shire l Sonne of H. 2. by Rosam●…d m Houed f. 453 n Wendouer M S. o Wendo p Causa multiplex 〈◊〉 Paris q Polyd. Virg. l. 15. r Gra●… l. 3. s Wend. Houed t Strenuus Ani●…sus Houed Cambrens u Houed x Su●… detrectantibus Militiam Triuet MS. y Polyd. l. 15. z ibid. * 8. Id. Octob. Paris * Dominica ante festum Dionys. * Paris Houeden The Interuiew of the Kings of England and Scotland a Houeden b At Dunferli●… Houeden c Shee was Grandchild to King Edmund Ironside and wife to King Malcolme 3. of Scots d Houeden e So Houeden VValsing Westm. but Hector and Polydor by error say at London f 11. Cal. Decemb. Houed g Idem h As Saint ●…iswides Church in Oxford i King Stephen before dared to enter the City Paris in Steph. * Cant. Dublin Raguse * Now called Bore ●…ill k Triuet M. S. VValsing The funerals of Hugh Bishop of Lincolne l See Polydor l. 15. m In Wendouer Paris Legend of S. Hugh n Paris hist. ●…ai * Negligent Polydor saith he died An. 1207. Reg. Iob. 6. o Rog. Houed The manner of Bishops funerals in those dayes p Mat. Paris more Pontific●… p. 197. King Iohns great humility q See Hollinsh in K. Iohn The Cisterians deny aid to K. Iohn r Houed f 462. K. Iohns facility to pardon offenders s Rog. Houed ib. * The great welth of that Order consisted in cattle and wooll t The Beauteous place an Abbey in Hampshire by New-F●…rest u valued at the dissolution vnder H. 〈◊〉 at 428. l. 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d. q yeerly x Cambden●… Hampshire y Exod. 21. v. 14 The first breaches betwixt the King and his Clergy a Apud Mat. Paris pass●… The Clergy stand on a threefold exemption 1 Of their Persons 2 Of their pōssessions 3 Of their Prelacies b See in K. Henry the 1. c Successit 〈◊〉 de Oxe●… in 〈◊〉 Norwic. Iob. de Gray D●… Io●… regis Hou f. 458 〈◊〉 Hereford Rex ●…dit ●…gydip ibid. d Mat. Paris in Guil. 2. e Rog Houed Offence taken by the King against Archb. Hubert of Cant. f Rog. Houeden Habe●… hollow heart to K. Iohn g Polyd. Verg. l. 15 Hubert resisteth the Kings chiefs officer h Houeden
pestilent tenour of the letters * Ro. Wend. MS. Mat. Paris Alexander Bishop of Chichester cleareth himself from disloyaltie The English Bishops deale with the King about redresse of the common euils Obiections against the Bishop of Winton and the Poictouines The outrages of the Marshalline faction * Quae exlex est Math. Paris The King facile●… in taking and leauing fauourites Of Princes Counsellors and Fauourites The king remoues the Bishop of Winchester and others from his Councell England purged from Poictouines The Earle Marshal dieth in Ireland * Partie per pale Or vert ouer all a Lyon rampant gules The king laments the Earles death Ann. 1235. The king cals home his rebels Hubert de Burgh is reconciled Gilbert brother to the late Earle Marshal hath his brothers lands honours * Math. Paris ad An. 1239. The practise to destroy the late Earle Marshal openly read * Rog. de Wend. M. S. Math. Paris The king sits in Westminster with the Iudges on the Bench. The king himselfe giues sentence on the Bench. The Bishoppe of Winchester went to Rome for hee was in Pope Gregories Armie against the mutined Romans say both Wendouer and Paris ad An. 1●…35 The diuine vertue of charity actually commended by God * Of Alboldes●… a village in Cambridgeshire A miraculous conf●…sion of hard heartednesse toward poore Christians * Mat. 5. 7. * God hath a care of the liberall * An. 1235. An. reg 19. The Iewes conspire to crucifie a child The Emperour marrieth the kings sister The magnificence of the Nuptials * At Wormes in August * Rog. de Wend. MS. Mat. Paris Marriage consūmated by calculation of the Stars * Rog Wendouer in hist. MS. in Biblioth D. Roberti Cotton Baronetti * K. Henry 3 of * Richard king of the Romans * Ioan Queen of Scots * Isabel. * Quasi Capientes vrsi deuouring Beares quoth Paris * Mat. Parid. * Idem ad An. 1227 * Ibidem * Math Paris 〈◊〉 seth this word * Polyd. Virg. lib. 16. Armiger quidam literatus saith Par●… but pag 566 ●…hesame M. Paris a●…th his name was Clement and a Clerke * Margaret Biset The Traitor drawne in sunder with horses * Holinsh. p. 123. * Because Kings are annointed * Because in holy Scriptures they are called Gods * Mat Paris ●…d A. D. 1242. Paris Idem * In Walling ford Castle * 16 Iunij Lo●…ini Paris * Mat. Paris Ann. 1239. Great faults in the Lords towards the King Worthy iustice done vpon a Court-Rat or Promoter Math. Paris Allegations for Antioches Primacy aboue Rome Hubert Earle of Kent tost with a new Court-storme Strabo A strange description of a king * Ypod. Neust. * Mat. Paris * Cambden Brit. in Kent this man died An. D. 1243. An. 1240. England a most Christian Country * Mund●…ssimam terram Paris * Paris * Imperatoris liter●… apud Paris An. 1241. * Edmund a Saint thoughdying an Exile in detestation of the Popes oppressions An. 1242. A reg 26. The King goes to recouer Poictou * Cadum The French Kings preparations to resist * Vide s●…pra at his de●…ing from England A most Christian feare of the Christian King * Io. Tili Chron. * Math. Paris Isabel Queene D●…ger forgeth writings to draw her sonne the King into France Mat. Par. p. 570 Poictou lost by the Eng●…sh Xaincts also and Xainctoing The French Earle of March compared by the King to Iudas Hertold an example of loyalty The effect of the kings iourny into Wales * Hist. Camb. A iudgement of God on a withholder of church lands * Gyr●…ld Cambren * 3. Reg. cap. 1. vers 21. An. 1246. A. reg 30. * Mat. Paris The French King reiecteth the Popes motion as vnchristian Dauid Prince of Wales * Articuli super Gr●…amin a pud Paris * See their seuerall Letters in Paris * Math. Paris * 〈◊〉 Episcoporum Mat. VVest * Paris * Iohannes Anglicus England the Popes Asse * Genes 16. 12. Ann. 1247. * Mat. VVes●… Math. Paris Ioh. London c. * In Crasti●… Purificationis * Ibidem An. 1248. A. reg 32. The seditious Nobles exposlu l●…te their gree ●…ances with the King in stead of granting mony The king driuen to sell his Iewels and Plate to the Londoners A. D. 1249. An. reg 33. Simon Earle of Le●…cester returnes with honour out of Gascoign Hampshire purged of theeues by the King himselfe sitting in iudgement A. D. 1250. A. reg 34. Walter Clifford makes an officer eat the kings writ wax and all The king lesseneth the charge of his Houshold Thirtie thousand markes wrung from one Iew in a few yeeres The king prea●… cheth to the Couent * Paris * The pope was now fled from Rome for feare of the Emperour * Liuie * He calles i●… 〈◊〉 profitable Al●…s deed Paris An. 1251. A strange description of the Kings par●…mony or pouerty * Notwithstanding any former commandement * Or former priuiledge * Mat. Paris Sir Philip Darey appeacheth Sir Henry Bath a bribing Iudge of treason The disorderly weake and violent carriage of trial●… The King proscribe●… Sir Henry Bath Sir Iohn Mansel stayes the Kings seruants from killing Bath * Two thousand Marks * Additam ad Math. Paris An. 1252. Alexander the third King of Scots espouseth the Lady Margaret Six hundreth Oxen spent at one meale * Mat. Paris The young King of Scots a suter to the King for bringing Philip Louel into fauour againe * Circumsedentium The most witry and princely in●…inuations of the young king to the king his father in Law Philip Louel reconciled to the king Simon Earle of Leicester rather to be called Sinon as the Gascoigns said * Per Papa auarisia●… to●… 〈◊〉 infortunium Paris The Kings hope to recouer Normandie frustrated The common opinion of the Kings designe for the holy Land A perilous bolde Dialogue between the Countesse of Arund l and the King An. 1253. An. reg 37. The king of Spaine claunes Ga●…coign Simon Earle of Leicester refuseth high honour in France to auoid the suspition of disloialty to England Magna Charta confirmed help●… the king to mony The kings oath to obserue that confirmation The king requesteth the king of Spaines sister to be giuen for wife to his sonne Edward The King of Spaine quitteth his claime to Ga●…coigne The king of Spaines aduise to the king of England His most noble protestation The king of Romans what and who The English tongue in the dayes of Mathew Para agreeable to the Dutch The huge sums of ready money which Richard King of Romans had of his owne at his Election * 6. Cal Iun. di●… Ascension●… * Contra antiqua statut●… libertates Paris * Mat Paris in hist ma●…ori The Vniuersity of Oxford the second Schoole of the Church next Paris protected by the king The King commend●… the cause of his sonne Edmund for the kingdome of Sicilia Note that by this it appeares Edmund was not
* Tho. Wals. * 1 Februa King Edward prouided for warres with Scotland Mortimers high practises * Ypod. Neust. * Tho. de la More * Tho. UUals. * Grafton * Grafton Tho. de la More The late King Edward murthered * Annali * Hector Boet. ●…mnes A bloudie fallacy or Sophisme * Tho. de la Moor The Actors forced to flie the Country * Ioh. Stow. * Lanquet Grafton Fabian Tho. de la Moore * Tho. de la Moor Tho. Wals. The murthered Edwards bodie laid to view * Walsingham * Ranulp Cest. Tho. VValsing Fabian * Polyd. Verg. l. 18 * Tho. de la Moor. The Scots enuironed escape Adam Merimouth Holinsh. Act. Mon. * Froishard Ypod. Neust. Hector Boet. * Fox in Acts Mon. * Hect. Doct. * Grafton * Tho. VValsin A. D. 1328. Tho. Wals●…n Edw 3 Hect. Boet. writes that King Robert died 7. Iun. A. D. 1329. An. reg 24. whom wee haue therein reason to beleeue The peace with Scotland at the Parliament of Northampton * Act. Mon. Tho. Wals. * Geor. Buchan Hect. Boet. * Fox Fabian Grafton E. S. lib. 3. commentariol de rebus gestu Brit. * Vowels Holinsh. * Polyd. Verg. * ●…ex Sa●…ca which law as their greatest Lawyers since acknowledge no whit concerneth the French Crowne Ho●…tomanni Francogall●…a cap. 8. * Chart. Original Ed. 3 de iure suo in Reg. Gal. * Ypod Neust. 〈◊〉 E●…w 2. King Edward marries Philip the Earle of Henaults daughter * Tho. VValsing in fine Edw 2. * This worthy Prelate founded Exceter Colledge and also Hart-hall in Oxford Edmund Earle of Kent the Kings vncle put to death by practise * Tho. Wals. Harding An. D. 1329. The Blacke Prince borne Adam Merim The fall of Mortimer * Bedford saith Adam Merimouth Bereford saith Holinshead Burford saith Stow. * Adam Merim Ypod. Neust. * Holinsh. The manner of Mortimers surprise at Nottingham Uide Io. Stowes Annals * Mirr of Mag. * Hector Boet. Ypod. Neust. Hect. Boet. The Balliols two victories against the Scots The great slaughter of Scots at Dupline or the water of Erne * Adam Merim Tho. VValsing * Scutifers The Baliol crowned king of Scotland Hect. Boet. Georg. Buch. * Adam Merim Tho. UUals. Berwick besieged by the English Rich. Grafton King Edwards victory at Halydon-hill * Hector Boet. * Adam Merim Walsingham * Ypod. Neust. Berwicke rendred Fabian * Hect. Boet. * Hect. Boet. An. D. 1333. * Adam Merim Ypod. Neust. * Hect. Boet. Edward King of England againe in Scotland with an Armie * Hect. Boet. * Adam Merim The Lord Robert Stewart against the Baliol. * Hect. Boet. * Adam Merim King Edwards ouerture for the Holy Land The King of England once more with an Armie in Scotland * Ypod. Neust. * Lib. 15. Sacrilege punished * Hect. Boet. * Fabian out of the French Stories Grafton * Hollinsh A. D. 1334. King Edward the fourth time in Scotland with an Armie * Adam Merim * Hect. Boet. * Adam Merim Bellind trans of Hect. Boet. lib. 15. cap. 7. * In Iuly * Fabia●… * Histor. lib. 19. The King of Englands prerogatiue T●… W●…lsin * Polyd. Ver. li. 19 An. D. 1338. The first quarteting of the French Armories with the English * Adam Me●…m Tho. Wals. in Edward 3. Ypod. Neust. * In Guli●…l 1. l. 9 The Armes of England set before those of France at the first Sir Robert Cotton hath such a seale of Q. Is●…bel * Adam Merim Tho. VValsing King Edwards pardons and grants in lieu of his Subiects contributions A Strategem of the loyall * Tho. VValsin Gagiun Serres Tho. Wals. A very great victorie at Sea obtained by King Edward * Serres Holinsh. * Rich. Southw * Serres * Pol. Virg. lib. 19. * Tho. VVals * Serres * Ypod. Neust. The chief points of the Truce * Walsingham The most noble order of the Garter instituted A. D. 1350. An. Reg. 24. The Patent of the foundation beares date 22. Reg. Edw. 3. saith Stow who neuerthelesse placeth the first feast thereof at this yeare * Cambd. Brit. in Barksh * 〈◊〉 cauillationibus Polyd. Verg. l. 19. in Edw. 3. * Pe●…es D. Gulliel 〈◊〉 Dethick Equitem auratum oli●… Garter principalem Armorum Reg●… Cambden in Brit. * Cambden * Vt militarem vir●…em honoribus praemijs atque splendors decora●…et * Camd. vbi supr●… * Stow in Edw. 3 * Polyd. Verg. in Edw. 3. * Hist. Angl. lib. 26. in Hen. 7. * In Concordiae symbolum saith Camden * Ioh. Canta●…z Imperat. Constant. in Apolog. 3 * 23 Apr. * Camd. quà supra Folio 28. * Polyd. Verg. * Faer Qu. C●… 1 lib. 1. * Pol. Virg. in Ed. 3. * Epitha Thamis apud Cambd. * Serres King Edward in France with bloody colours Froissard * Giou. Villain * Serres * Polyd. Verg. omnes * Serres The great battel of Crescie Serres saith but 60000. The English put into battell Frolssard Holinsh. Graston * Grafton * Grafton Not an Englishman on horsebacke in this battel * Froissard The culpable ignorance and negligence of Generals * Poly. Verg lib. 19. * Grafton * Serres * Holinsh. * Serres The Auriflambe of France and Dragon of England * Sir Tho. de la More apud Iohn Stow. * Gag●… Elements of Armories * Serres * Hollinsh Froissard * Walsingham * Gio Villam The Genowayes defeated * Polyd. Virg. l. 19. The Earle of Alansons furious temerity * Serres The first confusion of the enemy * Grafton The French horse charge the English battalions Battell The king of Bohemias high resolution and death * Lanquet King Edward refuseth to aide his sonne the Prince * Paul Aemyl in Philip. 6. Serres Holinsh. His most noble answere * Paul Aemyl in Philip 6. Serres Holinsh. King Philips person farre engaged escapes by ●…light * Serres Ypod. Neust. Adam Merim Serres saith that King Edward came at last to the battell and vvith his comming made an end thereof The former words sent to his sonne which are also in Serres infinuate nothing lesse Hollinsh King Edward and the Prince meet The modest and wi●…e behauior of the English * Gr●… * Ypod. Neust. Holinsh. The French are againe encountred and vtterly broken Paul Aemyl saith that the English set vp French Banners and by that stratagem drew them to destruction * Froissard * Wil. Northbr●…gh apud Rob. de Auesbur●… * Ypod. Neustr. The field viewed by Heralds * Grafton * Wil. Northb. Serres * Serres Polyd. Virg. l. 19 * Sir Tho. de la More apud Iohn Stow. Harding * Serres * Iohn Stow. * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Wil. Nort●… * Serres 〈◊〉 also reckon●… 〈◊〉 Earle of ●…ys 〈◊〉 at this bat●… who was aliue sundry 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * VVil. Northb. * 26 27. A●…g A. D. 1346. * Polyd. Verg. * VVil. Northb. * Polyd. Verg. Calais besieged * Serres saith 30 September A. D.
Alain Chartier * Vpon Easter Eue. Enguerrant de Monstrelet Enguerrant de Monstr His death Tho. Wals. * Augusti 30. Fabian * Some reckon but 11. dayes Stow addeth fiue monethes more Boet. l. 16. c. 19. Polydor. Ioh. Stow. A●…ls His works of deuotion * Ioh. Rossus * Th. Gascoign in Dict. Theolog. Tho. Wals. Stow. Annal. The manner of his bringing into England * France England Ireland Legend des Flamens Monarch 53 Henry VI. * Dan. cap. 2. v. 21 Henry the sixth began his raigne the last day of August being the day of his Fathers death Anno 1422. * Tit. 〈◊〉 * Ioh. Til. Chr. * Stowes Annal. * Polyd. Verg. hist. lib. 23. * Paul Aemyl in Car. l. A Parliament at Westminster * The leuie therof was 5. Nobles on euery sacke of wool * Polyd. Verg. bist lib. 23. The Regents Oration to the French * Paul Aemyl in Car. 7. * Crauant saith Polyd. who placeth this action in the following yeere The bounds of the English Regency in France * Stows Annal. * Polyd. Verg. l. 23 * Stows Annals * Polyd. Verg. l. 23 The whole field-forces of the English in France vnder the Duke of Bedford * Rob. Fab. * Polyd. V●…rg lib. 23. * Gagwin * Paul Aemil. * Hect. 〈◊〉 l. 16. The Regent●… victory at Ver●…il in Perch * Stowes Ann●…l * Hect. Bo●…t li. 16. This battell was fought 7. of Aug. Anno Domini 1425. saith Stow. * Poly. Verg. li. 23. * I●… Carol. 7. The murtherers of Iohn Duke of Burgoin excepted in capitulations * Rob. Fab. Chro●… Iames the first King of Scots set at liberty out of England * Hect. ●…oct l. 17. Grafton * Rob. Fab. 1. C●… The title of Mortimer to the Crowne sought to be crusht * Hal. Chron. Camb. 〈◊〉 The Duke of Glocester rashly marieth another mans wife * G●…r Hist●… by Edw. Gri●…st The Duke of Burgoin challenged by the Duke of Glocester to fight * Stowes Annal. An. D. 1425. A. Reg. 4. * Stowes Annal. Court-factions in England * See Foxe his Martyrologe in H. 6. * Polyd. Verg. Lib. 23. The new Constable of France miscarrieth in his first enterprize * Ho●… The Duke of Bedford returne●… into England to appe●…se the Court factions The Protector and the Bishop made ●…ends * Hol●…sh The King receiue●… Knighthood and dubbeth Ri●…ard Duke of Yorke A. D. 1427. A. reg 5. The Regent and the Lord Talbot with fresh forces passe into France Talbot●… 〈◊〉 * ●…agwin * P●…l A●…ll The siege of Orleance * Polyd. Uerg. * Paul Aemyl * Polyd. Virg. l. 23 The Earle of Salisbury ●…aine with a great shot before Orleance * 〈◊〉 * Polyd. Uerg. * Paul Aemyl * Fabi●… The siege continued notwithstanding the Earles death Orl●…ce offers to become Burgundian but the English would not admit thereof * Serres ●…amlet by Edward Grims●… Ioan the martial maid miraculously sent to deliuer Orleance and Fr●… * P●…l Aemyl * Serres Inuentar * Poly. Uerg. * Serres Inuentar * Polyd. Verg. * Gerard. Seg de Haillin some other French Authors Serres out of the Originall Copie translated by Edw. Grimst●… The Virag●… her letter to the English General before Orleance * Serres The description of Ioan la Pucelle de Dieu or the maid of God The siege of Orleance raised * S●…wes A●…ls The reflux or ebbe of the English greatnesse in France Polyd. Verg. * Stows Annal. The L. Talbot taken in battel * Polyd. Verg. Charles crowned King of France at Rheimes * P●…l Aemyl Ioh Til. Chr. Ioan taken prisoner Chron. de Bretaig apud Holinsh. p. 604. * Serres saith by the bastard of Vandome Holinshed She is burnt for a witch at Roan * Tit. L●… Pata●… D●…cad 1. * See Holinsh. in Hen. 6. The French got this sentence to be reuersed by the Pope 26. yeeres after * Stow. K. Henry in to come in person into France Richard Duke of Yorke made Constable of England A. D. 1431. A. Reg. 10. Henry crowned King of France in Paris * P●…l Aemyl * Ioh. Tyl Chr. * Polyd. Verg. * Ga●…orum to distinguish it seemeth from the former meere titular of Galli●… Rex so also the French King●… vsually stile themselues * In Custodia Io. Guill●…m H●…raldi pe●…iss Dat. H. 6. 7. * Inter Chart●… Colleg●… Et●… The King returnes into England The Protector breakes an insurrection at Abington in the Shell * Stowes Annal. A mutinie beginning in Callais appeased The Duke of Bedford marrieth the Earle of Saint Pauls daughter * Holinsh. * Serre●… * Ioh. Til. Chron. * Paul Aemil. Renate Duke of ●…rrain and Barre taken prisoner * Polyd. Verg. l. 23. * Paul Aemil. The miserable face of France by occasion of th●…se warres * Poly. Verg. * Serres Inuent The Commons of Normandy rise against the English * Holinsh. * Polyd. Uerg. The Earle of Arundel slaine * Paul Aemyl * I●…ent of Fr. * E●…nius 4. 〈◊〉 ●…ners of ●…he English French and Burgundians Holinsh. * Polyd. Verg. lib. ●…3 Serres in Char. 7. Serres * Serres The French and Burgundian agree 24 Sept. 1435 * Polyd. Verg. * In C●…l 7. The incredible rate at which K. Charles purchased the Burgundians good * Paul Aemyl * Polyd. Uerg. * Paul Aemyl A. D. 1435. A. reg 14. The Burgundian renounceth to the Regent his friendship with England * Inuent of Fr. The Duke of Bedford Regent of France dieth at Paris * Cambden in Bedfordshire saith he was slaine in battell before Ve●…noyle * Master Cambden loc cit●…t * Stowes Annals but Master Cambden saith it was Charles 8. Cambd. ibid. King Lewis his Princely testimony of the late Regents vertues Richard Duke of Yorke made Regent of France * Holinsh. Stow Annal. The Parisians conspire to dispossesse the English * Paul Aemyl * Serres Inuent by Edw. Gri●…st The City of Paris yeelded vp to the French * Rob. Fabians Chronicle Gagwin * 27. Feb. A. D. 1436. The new Regent comes with an Army into France * Stows Annal. Calais besieged by the Burgundian The Protector of England rescues Calais with a great Fleet and ho●…t * Polyd. Verg. l 13 He returns with hon●…ur into England * Serres Rob. Fab. * Serres * Polyd. Verg. l. 23. An. D. 1437 Katherine Queen 〈◊〉 of England * P●…l Aemyl * Polyd. Verg. King ●…nry the 7. her Grandchild * Stowes Annals The Dutchesse Dowager marrieth Wood●…le Elizabeth wife to Edward 4. 〈◊〉 daughter of that bed The murder of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the first of Scotland * Hect. B●…et l. 17. The new Regent doth nothing * Iauent of Fr. * Stow. p. 616. Harflew recouered by the Duk●… of Sommerset The Earle of Warw●…cke comes Regent into France and Yorke returne●… A. D. 1438. The Duke of Yorke Regent againe King Charles and his sonne recon ciled against the English The siege of P●…ntoyse * Serres King Charles pursued by the Duke of Yorke Pontoys
of the battels I●… Stow. A mistaking of the soul●…ieis which was the losse of the field Great Warwick●… slaine in fight Marques Montacute slaine in battell Nobles and others slaine at Barnet field Edw. Hast. Ioh. Stow. Rob. Fabian saith 1500. The Duke of Sommerset and the Faile of Oxford fled into Wales Rich. Grast Edward triumpheth and o●…eth his banner in S. Pauls Queene Margaret with Prince Edward landed at Wey●… The Lords comfort Queene Margaret Queen●… Margarets care for Prince Edward her sonne The opinions of the Lords King Edward prepareth against Queen●… Margaret King Henry committed to the Tower of London The ordering of Queene Margarets battels The ordering of K. Edwards battels The battell at Tewkesbury Edw. Hall This battell was fought vpon Saturday the 4. of May the 11. of K. Edwards raigne and yeere of Christ 1471. L. Wenlocke slain for not following Sommerset Lords slaine at Tewkesbury Prince Edward apprehended The Duke of Sommerset and others executed Prince Edward apprehended and 〈◊〉 answers Prince Edward most shamefully slaine Queene Margaret taken out of her Sanctuary The Northerne men submit vnto K. Edward Bastard Fanconbridge Captaine of the Lancastri Fauonbridge assaileth London The Citizens withstood his ●…ance Fauconbridge forced backe to his ship●… K. Edward with his Captiue Queene Margaret enter London King Henry ●…urthered in the Tower by Richard Duke of Glocester K. Henry carried bare-faced through the streetes of London Stowes Annals K. Henry b●…ied 〈◊〉 Chertsey and 〈◊〉 to Windsor The 〈◊〉 of K. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The vertues of K. Henry Holinshed Camb. Brit. in descript of Surrey Kings Colledge in Cambridge and Eaton in Barkshire found 〈◊〉 by K. Henry Queen Margaret ranso●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bastard Fauconbridge with his vnruly crew yeeld to King Edward Bastard Fauconbridge pardoned of life and rewarded with Knighthood Rob. Fabian Bastard Fauconbridge beheaded A. D. 1472. Henry of Richmond fled into Britaine The storie of Iohn Earle of Oxford Waters brake out of the Earth Iohn Stow. Annals The Earle of Oxford sent prisoner into France The hard and inhumane vsage of the Countesse of Oxford The storie of Lord Henry Holland Duke of Excester Phil. Comines lib. 3. cap. 4. Ed. Hall The vnlouing parts of an vnlouing wi●…e Ioh. S●…w The Lord Henrie supposed to haue been drowned The Archbishop of Yorkes goods seized vpon K. Edward sends into Britaine to recouer Richmond and Pembrooke K. Edward abrogates King Henries lawes Burgundie sends for aid into England against France A. D. 1474. K. Edwards expedition into France Phil. Comines lib. 4. cap. 5. The great preparation of King Edward King Edwards 〈◊〉 Lewis his conference with the English Herald Lewis his conference with the English Herald K. Lewis moneth Gartar to be a meanes for peace Phil. Com. lib. 4. cap. 7. A counterfeit Herald sent to K. Edward The Heralds perswasions An English Herald sent to King Lewis The Duke of Burgundy commeth to the King Edw. Hall ●…ol 231. Burgundies hot speech vnto K. Edward K Edwards reply to his brother of Burgundy Burgundy departeth displeased from King Edward The conference for peace 〈◊〉 Amiens Co●…ioners for peace Conditions of the peace Lewis his liberality for ●…oy of the peace Ph. Com. l. 4. c. 9. The kings of England and France d●… to see each others 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 place of the kings A. D. 1475. Aug. 29. The 〈◊〉 of the two kings The Kings swear the league K. Lewis loth that Edward should visite Paris A. D. 1475. Sept. 2●… Henry Earle of Richmond ●…ught after by K. Edward An intent pretended which as●…r came to passe Ralph Holinsh. pag. 701. Henry ●…arle of Richmond taketh Sanctuary The English Ambassador complaineth to the Duke of Britaine His Answere Sir Tho. Moore King Edward beloued of his subiects and loueth his subiects Io. Stow. K. Edward sent for the Maior and Aldermen of London to his huntings K. Edward somwhat licention slie giuen K. Edwards three Concubines Thomas Burdet accused of treason Eng●… Register of Gray-Friers L●…don The story of George Duke of Clarence T●… attainder of the Duke of Clarence Iohn Stow. A. D. 1478. Rich. Graft A false prophecie of G. E. Phil. Comin lib. 4. cap. 10. The Duke of Clarence is suiter vnto Marie the daughter of Burgundie Io. Serres Clarnce imprisoned by his brother King Edward George Duke of Cla●…ce condemned by Parliament And drowned in a But of malmesay K. Edwards ●…pentance for his brothers death The Duke of Clarence his issue Edward and Margaret the children of Clarence beheaded King Edward deceiued in King Lewis 〈◊〉 Serres Lady Elizabeth called 〈◊〉 the Daulphin A. D. 1480. Io. Les●… Lady Cicely motioned in matriage vnto 〈◊〉 Prince of Scotland Lewis King of France interposeth the contract betwixt Prince Iames and Ladie Margaret Iames King of Scotland much ●…dded to his 〈◊〉 will Alexander Duke of Albanie banished Scotland Iohn Earle of Marre bled to death K. Iames threatneth warre against England Richard Duke of Glocester made the Kings Lieutenant against Scotland The Duke of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Scotland 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 Holinsh. p. 707. Phil. Comines lib. 6. chap. 2. and 9. King Lewis dall●…th with King Edward King Edward vvould not beleeue vvhat was confidently tolde him A 〈◊〉 pret●… ded against France King Edward falleth ●…ke Thom. More King Edwards speeches at his death The perils of discord Tender youth is 〈◊〉 infected Great variance for small causes King Edwards good counsell What the nature of ambition is King Edwards vsuall oath King Edwards last request The raigne and death of King Edward Phil. Com. lib. 4 cap. 10. King Edward described Ph. Com. l. 6. c. 2. 〈◊〉 A. D. 1478. Stow. Edward 5. Monarch 55 King Edwards raigne vnfortunate and 〈◊〉 Aprill 19. A. D. 1483. Richard Duke of Yorke Richard Duke of Gloucester an vnnaturall vncle vnto the young King and his brother Richard Duke of Yorke was the father of Richard Duke of Glocester Women commonly maligne their husbands 〈◊〉 The description of Richard Duke of Glocester Richard Crooke-backe a good souldier He vvas the cause of Clorence his death Richard of Gloucester intended to be King e●…en whiles K. Edward liued The speech of Pottier at King Edwards death The vncle contriueth the destruction of his Nephewes Richards deepe pollicy King Edwards care to set peace betwixt the Queenes kindred and his The Queenes iealousie against the Lord C●…berlaine King Edward repaireth towards London The Queenes kindred only about the Prince The Duke seeketh to displace the Prince The crafty complaints of Richard Duke of Gloucester The effect that his pollicy took The conclusion of his designes Another crafty pollicy of Duke Richard The Queene yeldeth to the Dukes perswasion The Lords meet at Northampton The Keyes of the Inne kept by Richard Duke of Glaucester The L. Riuers much troubled at the sodaine action The L. Riuers imprisoned in Northampton The Dukes come to the King A quarrell picked in the kings presence Accusations against the Queens kindred
should aide the Britaines or no. Charles King of France practiseth to 〈◊〉 Britaine to his Empire Ambassadors out of France to King Henrie Iohn Norde●…s Middlsex lit H. The Lord Wooduile slaine in Britaine * Paulus Ac●…yl in Carol. 8. The Battel of S. Albine wherein the French preuaile King Henrie opens the cause in Parliament The Parliament grants aide of money to support the warre of Britaine Polyd. Uirg Eight thousand English sent tardie into Britaine Iob. Stow Annal. * Polyd. Verg. l. 26. * Polyd. Verg. * Hollinsh Iob. Da●… MS. * Polyd. Verg. The Duke of Britain●… dies and the English returne The beginning of new stirres in Yorkeshire Iob. Stow ex Iob. Skelton * Polyd. Verg l. 26 Iob. Stow. Annal. The Earle of Northumberland slaine by the people in a tumult The King in person in Yorkeshire Iob. Stow Annal. Sir Iob. Egremond Captaine of the Rebels escapes to the Dutchesse of Burgundy * Bern. Andr. MS. * 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Polydor. Uirg King Henry ●…n vaine seekes to reconcile the Scot●… to their King Io. Lest. Bish. of Rosse Iames the third King of Scotland slaine in battell by his Subiects * Io. Stow. Annal. K. Henries bountie to a stranger for Learnings cause * Polyd. Verg. l. 26 The first reuiuer in this age of pure La●…ne and choise learning Godwins Caral of P. 〈◊〉 in Bath c. pag. 309. Paul 〈◊〉 * Hadri●… 6. Warre with France and the causes The yong Dutchesse married by proxie * Stowes Annal. * Bern. And. MS. The French carried the practise of marriage with the inheretirex of Brita●… most artificially * Polyd. Uerg. * Iob. T●…l C●…n * Lu Marin lib. 20. de reb Hispan Britaine annexed to France Maximilian vnprouided to 〈◊〉 with Henry * Addit to Fab. Chron. The Londoners large contributions to the king King Henries popularities in London * The Merchant Taylors A. D. 1492. An. reg 8. The chief Lords names who serued in thi●… voiage Boloigne besieged by K. Henry * Polydor cals him Desquerdo * Bern. Andr. MS. Reasons mouing the Kings to a peace * Phil. de Com. * Arnol. Ferron Hist. ad A. D. 1492. Polyd. Vergil in Hen 7. * Stow. Annal. The high points of wisdome practised by King Henry in atchieuing his ends * Bern. Andr. MS. * One hundreth eighty six thousand two hundreth and fifty pounds English I. Da. of Her MS Holinshed * Polyd. Verg. Forraine pensions of what vse or hazard * Ber. Andr. Henry returnes * 17. Decemb. I. Sto Annal. 〈◊〉 Henry returned * Andr. Thol MS The Dutchesse of Burgundy addresseth a Pseudo Rochard against Henry * Polyd. Verg. * Bern. Andr. MS. * Polyd. Verg. Causes mouing the Dutchesse to beare K. Henry so mortal hatred * Infra 〈◊〉 prox sequent * Videinfia § prox Perkin Warbecke fits the Dutchchesses turne by exact representation of a Richard Plantagenet * Pancerollus * Holinsh. 10. Da. MS. A summarie relation of Perkins first fortune after he was published * Stow Annal. * Ber. Andr. M. S. Perkin in Flanders with the Dutchesse * Stow Annal. Sir Rob. Clifford signifies to his friends in England that Perkin was the true Duke * Bern. Andr. MS. * Stow Annal. * Polyd. Verg. * Iohn Da. of Her M. S. King Henries countermines and courses against this Pseudo Richard * S. Robert Clifford wun away from the Dutchesse * Proclam of Perkin as a King Rich. MS. penes Sir Rob. Cotton * Polyd. Uirgin Hen. 7. The maine argument prouing that King Edwards sons were both of them murdered * Sir Tho. More The Dutchesse of Burgundies tvvo monstrous birthes * Lambert and Perkin were about fifteen yeeres old saith Polydor at the time of their appearance * Bern. Andr. MS. * Stow Annal. Po●…ydor cals him but a knight K. Henry expects Sir Rob. 〈◊〉 in the Tower of London Sir William Stanley Lord Chamberlaine accused * Polydor. Uirg l * Ioh. Stow. Annal. * Illum tutari in regnum addu●… cere premiseras * Polyd. Verg. Stanley Lord Chamberlaine beheaded * Sir Tho. Moore in Rich. 3. Perkin vpon the Kentish Seas Polyd. Verg. Stowes Annal. * Bernard Andr. saith about 400. * Bern. Andr. MS. The Kings praier and speech to God Io. Stow Annal. Perkin sailes into Ireland * Bern. And. MS. * Stowes Annal. His great forraigne friends * Io. Lesl. Epis. Ross. * Bern. Andr. Perkin sailes into Scotland * Bern. Andr. Perkins successe in Scotland 1. L●…a Epis. Ross. The effect of Perkins speech to Iames the fourth King of Scotland MS. Perkini proclam penes D. R. C. Baronet * Polyd. Verg. l. 26. * MS. Perkini Proclamati * Polydor lib. 26. * MS. Per. Procl * Epis. Ross. * Polyd. Verg. l. 26. Perkin credited and aided matrics into the blood roiall of Scotland * Pern 〈◊〉 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Scots inua●… Northumberland in Perkins quarrell and retaine * Procl Per. MS King Henry prepares for reuēge * Add. to Fab. The Cornish rebellion * Polyd. Verg. 〈◊〉 Stowes Annal. Holinshed Perkins Proclamation The Earle of Warwicks emprisonment obiected Popular insinuations by Perkin * Polyd. Verg. Principe●… 〈◊〉 virtute preditum * Episc. Rosse Polyd. Verg. The Scots inuade and retire * I. Stow Annal. A. D. 1497. Iun. An. Reg. 12. The King moued against the Rebels Blackeheath field * Polyd. Verg. Hall * Io. Stow. Annal. * Polyd. Verg. The Blacke-smithes comfort at his death Holinsse Stowes Annal. * Addit to Fab. A Spanish Ambassador procures a truce betweene England and Scotland * Cambd. in Deuonshire Imaginarius Scenicus princeps The Queene of Spaine troubled by a counterfeit * Franc. Tarapha in Hen. 4. Luc. Merinaus Sicul. Perkin Warbecke practised out of Scotland The Cornish call in Perkin Warbeck King Henry setleth peace with neighbour Princes * Id●… M●…l Perkin stirres the Cornishmen * Bern. Andr. MS. The City of Excester assaulted by Perkin The Exce●…rians policy in defenting fire by site * Polyd. Verg. Perkin at Taunton * Polyd. Virg. The King and his people match toward him * Polyd. Verg. Perkin flies from his hoast Perkins wile take and honourably vsed by the king * Epis. Ross. The King at excester Polyd Verg. sine sp●… 〈◊〉 sede sine fortune Perkin yealde himselfe to the King * Polyd. Verg. The king returne to London with Perkin * Ioh. Stow Annal. 28. Nouemb. * Bern. And. MS. * English voyage by Ricb. Hackl * Bern. And. MS. * Engl. Heroick Epist. * Io. Stows Annal. Perkin set openly in the Stocks c * Hollinsh Perkin maketh an anatom●…e of his descent or lineage Perkins education o●… bringing vp Perkin a notable land-loper The Irish would haue Perkin take vpon him to bee the Duke of Clarences sonne They beare Perkin downe vvith oathes that hee is King Richards bastard They call him Duke of Yorke A. D. 1498. An. Reg. 14. Perkin in the Tower and
courage Holinshed Hist. of Ireland Kildar receiued into Dublin with procession The French king imprisoned at Madril G●…ard Queene mother soliciteth King Henry Dislikes 〈◊〉 the Emperour and K. Henry Peace betwixt England and France Signed with 〈◊〉 ovvne 〈◊〉 in Ann. 1526. The great Dominions of the Emperour Guicchard Rich. Turpin G. C●… A. D. 1528. The Kings Oration to his Nobility Edward Hall The Kings complaint The commendation of Queen Katherine George Couen Learned men assembled to decide the Kings marriage The testimonies of many Vniuersities sent vnto Rome Iohn Stow. pag 9●…1 Cardinall Campeiu commeth into England The King and Queene summoned to appeare personally in the Court at Blacke Fryers Queene Katherines speech to the King Queene Katherine departed the Court. The Kings report of his Queene The King excuseth the Cardinall King Henries conscience and care The Bishoppe of Rochester contradicteth the Archbishop of Canterbury Cornelius Agrippa yeeldeth to the proposition The Popes vsurpation forbid by Parliament ●…x Parl. 24 H. 〈◊〉 K. Henries marriage dissolued by Parliament Fox Mart. 1197. Katherine Dowager Holinsh. pag 93●… Pope Clement 7. adiudgeth the marriage lawfull The thunderings of Pope Clement 7. Sleidan com li. 9. The discent of Anne Bullen Sir Godfrey Bullen Lord Maior of London Anne 1457. Sanders in Schis Angl. Anne Bullen religion Sleid. com lib. 9. Anne Bullen Created Marchionesse of Pembrooke A. D. 1532. Octob. 11. K. Henrie complaineth of the dull Pope King Henrie allowed the Pope 60000. Angels monethly Iohn Stow pa. 946 Anne Dom. 1533. Nou●…mb 14. Vpon S. Erkenwalds day saith Hollinshd and Groston King Henry maried Anne Bullen * The Pope Elizabeth Barton the false Oracle or the Romanists The assisters of this false Prophe●…esse Read Statue in Anne 25. of King H. 〈◊〉 The counterfetings of Elizabeth Barton Edward Hall Ioh. Stow. Holinsh. Cranmer Cromwell Latimer * Elizab. Barton Edward Bocking Richard Deering Richard Risby Richard Maister Henry Gould Two Monkes Iohn Stow. Edward Duke of Buckingham beheaded Holinshed The vaine feare of Prior Bolton The Pope inciteth Iames King of Scotland against England Iohn Lesly High treason The Pope giues England to him that could get it Queene Anne crowned Lady Elizabeths birth A. D. 1533. Fox Martyr 1366. Statut. Parl. H. 28. cap. 10. Queene Anne a great louer of the Gospell A. D. 1536. Ian. 29. Queene Anne deliuered of a dea●… Child Queene 〈◊〉 sent to the Tower M●…ch Sandt The 〈◊〉 of Queene Anne Cromwels letter to the King vnder his own hand Archbishop Cranmers let 〈◊〉 to the King Sleidans Com. l. 10 L. Rochford No●…is West 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Marks beheaded May 15. Queene Anne condemned and beheaded Robert Greene. Queene Annes speech at her death Ex MS. The audacious dealings of the Rebels Slanderous vntruths against the King The oath of the Pilgrims The Earle of Shrewsbury maketh against the Rebels Ex MS. R. Coe Thomas Duke of Norfolke Lord Lieutenant of the North. Pardon and peace offered to the Rebels Ex Original MS. The demands of the Commons The whole drift was to down with the Gospel An vncharitable and vnchristian motion Holinsh. pag. 944. Aske executed Luk. ●…2 36. Spirituall men Commotioners Monkes hanged for rebellion Idols and Monasteries suppressed by Parliament A. D. 1538. The Roode of Grace broken at Pauls Crosse. Lamb. Peram in Boxeley Our Lady of Walsingham and other Images burnt Cambd. Brit. 645. Monasteries in England 90. Colledges 110. Religious Hospitals 2374. Chaunteries and free Chappels Eras. Dialogue W. Lamb. Peram The state and opinion of Tho. Beckets Shrine Iohn Stow. The great riches of Beckets Shrine The great reuenewes of the Monasteries Supplication of Beggars The great reuenewes of the Friers 2. Cor. 12. 14. D●…ut 25. 4. Apoca. 9. Iere. 13 26. Many suffered death for the Gospell before that Martin Luther wrote Queene Anne Bullen a fauourer of the Gospell staied the rage against the Professours King 〈◊〉 doings displeased many Chri●… Princes Camb. Brit. Lord Marquesse and others beheaded A. D. 1539. Ian. 9. Ioh. 〈◊〉 King Henry married Anne of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6. An. 1540. 〈◊〉 Mart. 1296. The sixe Articles deuised 32. H. 8. chap. 10 35. H. 8. cap. 5. Lord Cromwell imprisoned In a letter writ●… ten by himself●… Ex MS. An●… 32. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cap. ●…5 Queene 〈◊〉 diuorced by Parliament Cromwell affect his death 〈◊〉 ted by 〈◊〉 ment Ex MS. D. 〈◊〉 No such things as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 poseth 〈◊〉 Cromwell N●… 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 well to cause 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lady 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A. D. 1540. 〈◊〉 A. D. 1541. May 17. Margaret Coun tesse of Salisbury beheaded Lord Dacres hanged Stat. in 33. of H. 〈◊〉 cap. 21. Since the eight of August 〈◊〉 Queene Katherine and the Lady Iane Rochford beheaded The 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cted S●…t H. 8. 28. c. 10. 〈◊〉 H. 8. 3●… c. 4. The fixe bloody Articles enacted Iohn Fisher. Sir Thomas Moore beheaded Fox Mart. pap 1363. Anne Askew her story Io. Bale Cent. 8. ●…ol 669. Rom. 1. 16. Three conuersions by N. D. pag. 495. Anne accused by no rule of Christianity 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 compared The Counter Newgate and the Tower 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ned in Smithfield 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 suppose Three 〈◊〉 on s pag. 493. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Queene 〈◊〉 rines life laid 〈◊〉 Ibid. co●… p 494. 〈◊〉 three con●…ersions The Lord Chancellor lost his commission The Queene seeth the sentence of her death Queene Katherine visiteth the King who falleth in conference with her about 〈◊〉 Act. and Mon. Queene Katherines wise answer The Lord Chancellors purpose to apprehand the Queene Henry assumeth the name of King of Ireland A. 154 confirmed by Parl. 35. Hen 〈◊〉 Iohn 〈◊〉 The Kings of England and Scotland appoint to meet at Yorke A. D. 1542. An expedition into Scotland The Scotish noblemen refuse to inuade England The Lord 〈◊〉 of the We●…-Borders y●…eld to the Kings perswasions * Willi●… 〈◊〉 saith Stow. The mistaking of th●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Kings 〈◊〉 Generall The Scotish No●… in 〈◊〉 of their generall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Solem-mosse Gra●…n saith foure and twentie The death of K. 〈◊〉 of Scotland A marriage intended betwixt Prince Edward and the young Queene of Scotland The Scotish prisoners honourably entertained The Scotish Prisoners released without Ran. some Io●… 〈◊〉 The marriage of Prince Edward and Queen Mary concluded by Parliament Cardinill 〈◊〉 against the 〈◊〉 ringe with England The French King set●… faction in Scotland The Queene and Queene mother conueyto ed 〈◊〉 Queene Marie of Scotland crowned The Earle of Lennox falleth from the Queene mother King Henry d●… mandeth the young Scotish Queene An Army 〈◊〉 into Scotland Io●…n Leslie Iohn Leslie The Pope and French King send aide into Scotland Math. Earle of Lennox marrieth Lady Margaret Earle Lennox proclaimed an enemie to the state The English en●… Scotland A. D. 1544. Defiance sent into France Io●… Stow. Bolloigne besieged Io●… Sleid●… 〈◊〉 Bolloigne wonne R. Gra●…con Iohn Serres
Martyrs Tombe Most rich and roiall Iewels hee gaue the Church of Winchester wherof one is recorded to bee a Crosse worth asmuch as the whole reuenew of England amounted to in one yeare vnto Couentry hee gaue the Arme of S. Augustine the great Doctor which he bought at Papia in his returne from Rome and for which hee paid an hundred talents of siluer and one of gold 15 The magnificent greatnes of this glorious King so ouerflowed in the mouthes of his flatterers that they extolled him with Alexander Cyrus and Caesar and to be possessed with power more then humane to conuict these his fawning ouerprizers being then at Southampton he commanded saith Henry of Huntington that his chaire should be set on the shore when the sea beganne to flow and then in the presence of his many attendants spake thus to that Element Thou art part of my dominion and the ground whereon I sit is mine neither was there euer any that durst disobey my commaund or breaking it escaped vnpunished I charge thee therfore presume not into my land neither wet thou these robes of thy Lord but the Sea which obeyeth only one Lord giuing no heed to his threates kept on the vsuall course of tide first wetting his skirts and after his thighes when suddainely rising to giue way for the still approching waues he thus spake in the hearing of all Let the worlds inhabitants know that vaine and weake is the power of their Kings and that none is worthy the name of King but he that keepes both heauen earth and sea in obedience and bindeth them in the euerlasting law of subiection After which time he would neuer suffer the Crowne to bee set vpon his head but presently crowned therewith the picture of our Sauiour on the Crosse at Winchester vnto such strong illusions were those godly Princes lead by the guides that euer made gaine of their deuotions 16 From the example of this Canutus saith Peter Pictaniensis Chancellor of Paris arose the custom to hang vp the Armor of worthy men in Churches as offerings consecrated vnto Him in whose battails they had purchased renowne either by victory and life or in their Countries seruice attained to an honourable death And surely howsoeuer this King is taxed of ambition pride and vaine-glory for which some haue not stucke to say that he made his iourney to Rome rather to shew his pompe and riches then for any humble deuotion or religious intent yet by many his intercurrent actions and lawes of piety enacted hee may iustly bee cleared of that imputation as also by the testimony of Simon Monk of Durham who reporteth his humility to be such that with his owne hands he did helpe to remoue the body of S. Aelphegus at the translation of it from London vnto Canterbury whom the Danes notwithstanding his Archiepiscopall sacred calling before had martyred at Greenwich and by the testimony of Guido Polydore Lanquet and others he was a Prince of such temperance and iustice that no other in this West of the World was so highly renowned or might bee compared vnto him in heroicall vertues or true humility 17 Saxo Crammaticus Albertus Krantius the Writers of the Danish histories deduce Canutus by a lineall succession through the line of their Kings in this manner Hee was say they the sonne of King Swaine surnamed Tingskeg by Sigred his wife the widow of Erick by whom she had Olafe Scotconning King of Sweyden vnto which Sweyne she bare also Ostrid a daughter the mother of Thira the mother of King Sweyne the yonger The elder Sweyne was the sonne of King Harold surnamed Blaatand by Gonhild his Queene who bare him also Iring King of Northumberland and Gonhild Queene of North-Wales The father of Harold was King Gormo●…d whose Queene was Thira the daughter of King Ethelred the twenty third Monarch of England who bare vnto him the said Harold and another Canute both most valiant Princes which two Gallants inuading this land were for their braue resolutions by their Grandfather proclaimed heires apparant to all his dominions the credite of which relations I leaue to my forenamed Authors but Canute the elder brother died very soone after being deadly wounded in the siege of Dublin in Ireland where perceiuing death at hand hee gaue strict charge to his attendants to keepe the same verie secret till the City were taken that so neither his owne Army should bee daunted nor the enemy encouraged by the losse of the Generall Gurmo his aged Father to digresse but in a word so incredibly loued him that hee had vowed to kill with his owne hands any person whosoeuer that should tell him the newes of his sonnes death which when Thira his mother now heard of shee vsed this policie to make it known to the King her husband Shee prepared mourning apparrell for him and all other things fitting for funerall exequies laying aside all Regall robes and ceremonies of princely state without intimating any cause of this sad solemnity which the old King no sooner perceiued but he lamentably cried out woe is me I know my sonne is dead and with excessiue griefe he presently died But to returne from that Canutus to close vp the raigne of this our Monarch in hand 18 In whom the Danish glories hauing ascended to the highest beganne now againe to decline towards their wane by the death of this great King who after hee had in great glory raigned aboue nineteen yeeres deceased at Shaftesbury in the county of Dorset the twelfth of Nouember the yeere of Christs Incarnation 1035 and was buried in the Church of the old Monastery at Winchester which being after new built his bones with many other English Saxon Kings were taken vp and are preserued in guilt coffers fixed vpon the wals os the Quire in that Cathedrall Church His Wiues 19 Algiue by most writers a concubine to King Canutus was the daughter of a Mercian Duke named Elfhelme who is said to haue beene Earle of Northampton and her Mothers name was Vlfrune Inheritrix of the Towne Hampton in Stafford-shire from her called Vlfrun-Hampton now Woller-hampton This Lady Alfgiue to make Canutus more firme to her loue her selfe being barren is reported to haue fained Child-birth and to haue laid in her bed the sonne of a Priest whom Canute tooke to be his owne and named him Swaine him afterwards hee created King of Norway which lately hee had conquered from Olaffe called the Martyr The like policie saith Higden and others shee vsed in bringing forth Harold her second sonne who was say they the sonne of a Sowter notwithstanding I thinke the condition of the mother who liued in disdaine and died in disgrace rather caused this report to be blazed then any such basenes of birth in the sonnes 20 Emma the second wife of King Canute was the widow of King Ethelred the Vnready and from the time of her first
Wolfe and sister to Sweyne the yonger King of Denmarke by Estrich his wife who was sister to Canute the great King of England and himselfe the second sonne of her borne whose elder brother was Sweyne that died on pilgrimage in his returne from Ierusalem and his yonger were Tosto Wilnod Grith and Leofrick 9 A former wife Earle Goodwin had whose name was Thira the sister of Canute a woman sold vnto wickednesse for making marchandize of Englands beauteous virgins into Denmarke shee solde them there at deare rates to satisfie her owne vnsatiate auarice and the lusts of the lasciuious Danes till a iust reward of Gods wrath fell on her by a thunderbolt falling from heauen wherewith shee was slaine to the great terrour of the beholders One sonne by her Earle Goodwin had who when hee was past childs age riding vpon a horse the gift of his Grandfather the King proudly giuing him the reine and spurre was violently borne into the riuer Thamesis and so sodainely drowned Thus much being premised of Harold before hee was King his raigne life and death wee will now addresse to declare 10 Edwards life ended and nothing determined touching his successor Harold the second day after being the day of his buriall made himselfe King none of the Nobility disliking what hee had done for courteous hee was of specch and behauiour and in martiall prowesse the onely man as Wales well witnessed more then once friended by affinity with many of the Nobles and by his new marriage with Edgitha the daughter of Algar sister of the Earles Morc●…r and Edwin and late wife to Gruffith ap Lhewelyn Prince of Wales hee expected to bee both sided and assisted if his cause came either to triall or voice 11 And the time hee well saw fitted his entrance for Sweyne King of Denmarke most dread by the English was entangled with the Sweden wars and William the Norman that made claime from King Edward at variance with Philip the French King the friends of Edgar in Hungarie and himselfe a stranger ouer young for rule all which concurrents made Harold without deliberation or order from the State to set the Crowne on his owne head regardlesse of all ceremony and solemne celebration for which his act as a violator of holy rites hee too too much offended the Clergy 12 The day of his Coronation was vpon Friday the fifth of Ianuary being the feast of the Epiphany and yeere of Saluation 1066 none either greatly applauding or disapprouing his presumption except onely for the omission of manner and forme to redeeme which and to re-gaine the good will of all no sooner attained hee the seate roiall but he remitted or diminished the grieuous customes and tributes which his predecessors had raised a course euer powerfull to winne the hearts of the Commons to Church-men hee was verie munificent and carefull of their aduancements and to grow more deepely into their venerable esteeme hee repaired their Monasteries but most especially that at Waltham in Essex which hee most sumptuously new built and richly endowed giuing it the name of Holy Crosse vpon occasion that such a Crosse found farre westward was brought thither by miracle vt tradunt and therefore hee chose out this place to powre forth his supplications before hee marched to meete Duke William in the field Moreouer to satisfie such Nobles as affected young Edgars iuster title he created him Earle of Oxford and held him in speciall fauour in briefe vnto the poore his hand was euer open vnto the oppressed he ministred iustice and vnto all men was affable and meeke and all to hold that vpright which on his head he had set with an vn-euen hand and depriued him of vnto whom hee was Protector 13 Three seuerall reports are affirmed of Edwards dispose of the Crowne the first was to the Norman Duke who made that the anker-hold of his claime the second was to young Edgar vnto whom hee was great vncle and the last vnto this Harold himselfe for so saith Edmerus and also Marianus who liued at the very same time and writeth that Harold thereupon was sacred and crowned by Aldredus Archbishop of Yorke so that hereby hee is freed by some from the imputation of intrusion and wrong 14 His State thus standing and his subiects contentment day●…y increasing presently it was somwhat perplexed by an Ambassage sent from the Norman putting him in mind of his couenant and oath aswell for the custody of the Crowne to his behoofe as for the solemnazion of the mariage contracted betwixt his daughter and him 15 Harold who thought himselfe now surely seated in the hearts of his Subiects and therefore also sure in his Kingdome answered the Ambassadors That he held their Masters demaund vniust for that an oath extorted in time of extremity cannot bind the maker in conscience to performe it for that were to ioyne one sinne with another and that this oath was taken for feare of death or imprisonment the Duke himselfe well knew but admit it was voluntarily and without feare could I said he then a subiect without the allowance of the King and the whole State giue away the Crownes succession to the preiudice of both surely a Kingdome is of a better account then to bee so determined in priuate onely betwixt two With which kind of answeres he sent the messengers away 16 The Norman who till then thought England sure to be his and had deuoted his hopes from a Duke to a King stormed to see himselfe thus frustrated on the sudden and in stead of a Crown to haue scornes heaped on his head therefore nothing contented with this sleight answere returned his Ambassadors againe vnto Harold by whom hee laid his claime more at large as that King Edward in the Court of France had faithfully promised the succession vnto him and againe afterwards ratified the same to him at his being in England and that not done without consent of the State but confirmed by Stigandus Archbishoppe of Canterbury the Earles Goodwin and Syward yea and by Harold himselfe and so firmely assured that his Brother and Nephew were deliuered for pledges and to that end sent vnto him into Normandy that hee had no way beene constrained hee appealed to Harolds owne conscience who besides his voluntary offer to sweare contracted himselfe to Adeliza his daughter then but young and now departed life vpon which foundation the oath was willingly taken 17 But Harold who thought his owne head as fit for a crowne as any others meant nothing lesse then to lay it downe vpon parley and therefore told them flatly that howsoeuer Edward and he had tampered for the Kingdome yet Edward himselfe comming in by election and not by any title of inheritance his promise was of no validity for how could hee giue that whereof he was not interessed nor in the Danes time was euer like to be And tell your Duke said he that our
was Robert Archbishop of Roan and the third was called Maliger his daughters were Hawisa the wife of Geffrey Earle of Britaine and mother to Alane and Guye his sonnes Mand espoused Euldes Earle of Chartiers and Blois and Emma called the Flower of Normandy was Queene of England both by the English King Ethelred and Canutus the Dane to both which shee was married 23 Richard the second surnamed the Good was the fourth Duke of Normandy and ruled the same for twenty foure yeeres In whose time the Normans began to be great and gracious in England the marriage of his Sister making their way his first wife was Iudith the Sister of Geffrey Earle of Britaigne by whom he had issue Richard the first Duke of Normandy and Robert the sixt William a Monke and Nicholas Abbot of S. Andrewes his daughters by her were Alice that died yong and another of the same name maried to Reinold Earle of Burgoine and Eleanor espoused to Baldwin the fourth Earle of Flanders who bare vnto him Baldwin the fifth father of Maud that was Queene of England and wife to the Conquerour 24 The second wife to Duke Richard the second was Estrike Sister to Canute King of England from whom he purchased a Diuorce without any issue begotten on her body and then taking for his thrid wife a faire Gentlewoman named Pauia had issue by her William Earle of Arques and Mauger Archbishop of Roane 25 Richard the third of that name and fifth Duke of Normandy in the second yeere of his Dukedome died an vntimely death not without suspition of Poyson ministred by Robert his younger brother who presently was inuested in the Dutchie for that he left no issue of his body to succeed 26 This Robert Duke Richards Brother was a man of a magnanimous spirit and of such bounteous liberality as is vncredible Hee comming to the City Phalesya in Normandy chanced to see a most goodly and beautifull damosell dancing among others of her familiar consorts her name was Arlet of meane parentage the daughter of a Skinner saith Higden whose pleasing feature and comely grace so pleased the Duke that taking her to his bed he begot on her William his onely sonne who proued the onely man of the Normans blood and after vpon a remorse of conscience vndertooke a pilgrimage vnto Ierusalem from whence hee neuer againe returned Arlet in Roberts life time was married to Herlaine a Norman Gentleman but of meane substance to whom ●…he bare Odo Bishop of Baion by his halfe-brother William created Earle of Kent and Robert created Earle of Mortaigne a man of a dull and grosse wit a daughter named Emma wife to Richard count of Auranches a Prouince in Normandy the mother of Hugh Lupus Earle Palatine of Chester And thus farre bre●…ly I haue thought good to prosecute the Line of the Normans for the better illustration of our English Stories 27 Duke Robert intending his pious pilgrimage vnto the holy land assembled all his Nobility vnto the City Fiscan where he caused them to sweare fealty vnto 〈◊〉 sonne William being then but seuen yeares old committing him to the Gouernance of one Gilbert an Earle of much integrity and prudence and the defence of that Gouernment vnto Henry the French King and so in the eight yeare of his Dukedome set on his voyage for Ierusalem who entring Iurye and not able to trauaile was born in a litter vpon the Saracens shoulders and neere vnto the Citie meeting a returning Pilgrime desired him to report in his Country what he there saw which is said hee that I am carried to Heauen vpon the Diuels b●…cke but so farre was he borne that he neuer returned being preuented by death which the Norman Peeres hearing made vse thereof for their owne ambitious ends without any regard of young William their Pupill and Soueraigne and grown into factions greatly troubled the Peace of their Country wherein Earle G●…bert the Protector was slaine by Randulphus the young Dukes Cosen-Germane 28 The beginner of these stirres was another of his kinsmen euen 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the sonne of Duke Richards daughter brought vp with Willam in his youth and euer in his most especial esteeme who vpon a vaine hope to aspire to an Earldome got the aide of the Vicounts Nigell and Randulph but tooke such a fall before he could ascend the highest step that in losing his footing he lost therewith his head 29 Strife also arose betwixt yong William and his Vnckle William the base-borne Earle of Archis Whereupon King Henry of France who till then had held this Wolfe by the eare fearing some hazzard to himselfe if he should now let him go thought it best to aid the Earle in his cause and therefore sent him supplie vnder the leading of some men of note but William so begirt his Castle with strait siege that hee caused the Earle by famishment to yeeld vp his Fort and droue the French with disgrace out of the field where with such successe he still prospered that Henry now to secure his own Confines sent Odo his brother for Prefect into those Parts that lay betwixt the Riuers Reyn and the Seyn 30 William as watchfull as the French King was jealous sent against Odo Robert Count Aucensis Hugh Gornacensis Hugh Mountfort and William Crispine all of them stout Souldiers which so brauely bare themselues that Odo was the first man that made away and the restof the French saued themselues by flight 31 William that had sworne a league with King Henry and in his Minority had euer found him his gracious Guardian was loth to endanger the breach of his Oath or the duty that loue and deserts had obliged him vnto and therefore by this Stratagem hee sought to dislodge the French In the silence of Night when in the Kings Campe all were at rest he caused to be cried aloud the flight of Odo and his discomfiture with no lesse terrour then it was which rang so shrill in the eares of the French that Henry thought best to be gone leauing William the absolute Lord of Normandie 32 Which he valiantly defended and vprightly gouerned all the daies of King Henry whose death presently caused an alteration of State for he leauing Baldwine surnamed the Gentle and fifth Earle of Flaunders Tutor to his yong Sonne Philip the quarrell betwixt those two Princes had an end Baldwine on the one side so working his Pupill and on the other the Normane who was his sonne in law that a most firme League was ratified betwixt them and kept vnuiolated so long as William was a Duke where wee will leaue him in prosperitie and peace and proceed in our intendment as he did in his Conquest here in England VVILLIAM SVRNAMED THE CONQVEROVR THE THIRTIE NINTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN AND FIRST OF THE NORMANS HIS LIFE RAIGNE ACTS WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER II. BAttle Field wonne with the losse of little lesse then sixty eight
followers where Robert and seuen hundred of his Normans were slain one onely escaping who brought the bloody news thereof to King William which hapned in the third of his raigne the twenty eight of Ianuary and yeere of Christ 1068. The depth of Winter notwithstanding he posted into the north whose only terror danted all further attempts so that taking some of the Authors of this rebellion he cut off their hands and some of their heads conceiuing hereupon more hatred against the English and in that spleene of displeasure returned to London 16 Whiles these insurrections were on foot in England the fugitiue English in Denmarke so far preuailed with King Swaine that they procured his aid to recouer their rights and the rather as they alleadged for that the Crowne of England was his descending from those that had before made conquest therof hee therefore sent a puissant Nauie of three hundred saile well fraught with souldiers vnder the conduct of Osburne his brother and Harold and Canute his sonnes who arrining in Humber landed their men for Yorke and wasted the Country all the way as they went vnto whom shortly ioined Edgar and his associates out of Scotland so that their Army was exceedingly strong Whose approch so terrified the Yorkers that for very griefe thereof their Archbishop Aldred who was wholly become the Normans fauourite died and the Norman Garrisons that there kept lest the enemy should haue any shelter or succour set their suburbs on fire the flame whereof carried with an ouer-high wind soone consumed a great part of the City it selfe and therein the faire Cathedrall Church of S. Peters with a famous Library thereto adioining 17 The Citizens and Souldiers thus beset with sodaine flames thinking to secure their liues frō the fire did enhazard them on the fury of the sword for comming vnawares vpon these hardy and well appointed Danes were forced to come to a disordered fight wherein though for a time they behaued themselues most valiantly yet being ouerlaid were discomfited with the slaughter of three thousand of their men The Danes swelling with this prosperous successe tooke into Northumberland bringing all to their obeisance where they came and the two yong gallants were therby so fleshed incouraged that they intended to haue marched to London had not the extremity of winter enemy to all warlike enterprise s hindred them yea and William as willingly would haue beene doing if the same cause had not kept him backe but when the time of the yeare was fit for warre hee gathered a great host whereof the English were chiefe this being his policy to vse their weapons each against others wherby their strengths might bee lessened that so whosoeuer lost his Normans might winne these ioining battaile with the enemy fought it out manfully and lastly making a breach into a wing of the Danish army therewith so daunted the rest that all of them gaue backe and fled Harold and Canute to their ships Edgar Atheling by swift horse into Scotland Earle Waltheof who with his owne hands had slaine many a Norman that day was reconciled to King William now left conquerour of the field whose wrath was so kindled against these Northerne disturbers that he wasted all the faire Country betwixt Yorke and Durham leauing al desolate for threescore miles space which nine yeares after lay vntilled without any inhabitant when grew so great a famine that these Northerns were forced to eate the flesh of men 18 The Conquerour after these troubles bare more hatred vnto the English whose inconstancie so he accounted their vnquenched desire of liberty he daily dreaded especially the Nobles and men of power whereupon hee beganne to deale yet more roughly for light causes thrusting out some of them into exile and depriuing more of their lands and goods seizing most part of euery mans reuenews into his owne possession as gained by a lawful conquest causing them to redeeme them againe at his hands and yet retained a propriety thereof vnto himselfe by receiuing an annuall rent and other prouisions and seruices whereof if they failed their lands were vtterly excheated to the crown neither spared hee the Corporations of Cities Townes Monasteries or Episcopall Sees but tooke from them their ancient liberties and priuiledges whose redemptions set at what rate it pleased himselfe soon weakened their estates which was the onely thing hee aimed at and therefore often blamed Canutus for his ouermuch gentlenes extended towards those whom he had conquered whose steps therein hee ment not to tread 19 He charged the Clergy with armour horse and money for the maintenance of his wars wherin the Bishops and Abbots were taxed at very great summes which hee caused to bee registred and laid vp in his treasury so that hee did not onely bereaue their Abbies and Monasteries of all their gold and siluer but by the report of Roger Windouer laid hands vpon their Chalices and rich shrines and for their further vndoing established by decree that no English Scholler should come to promotion In which respect also whereas King Alfred had for the maintenance of many learned Diuines which might instruct his people in the Faith in their owne vulgar tong founded a goodly Colledge in Oxford to be maintained wholly at the Kings charges which was accordingly performed and roially continued in all his successors raigns King William desiring vtterly to destroy the English tongue and preaching therein decreed that the said annuall expence should neuer after bee allowed out of the Kings Exchequer to the great impairing both of learning and religion To further all which proceedings his holy Father Pope Alexander the second set in a foote sending two Cardinals and a Bishop from the See Apostolike who in a Councell degraded Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury Egelwine Bishop of the East-Angles besides diuers other Bishops and Abbots of the English nation depriued for no euident cause but onlie to giue place to the Normans in fauour of the King 20 The ancient lawes of the land he abrogated for the most part ordaining new nothing so equall nor so easie to bee kept which his lawes although they neerly concerned the English therefore ought of them to haue beene familiariy knowne were notwithstanding written in the harsh Norman tongue which they vnderstood not so that many persons partly by the iniquitie of the law it selfe partly by ignorance in misconstruction often also by the sleightes of Pleaders and Iudges who might pretend for law what they list were wrongfully condemned in forfeiture of goods lands yea and also of life and generally so intangled with their vnknowne interpretation and tortured with their delaies turmoiles and trauerses that they rather chose to giue ouer their suites then to follow them with their endlesse vexations He caused likewise his Broad seale wherewith he confirmed his Deeds and Charters to be inscribed on
disunion gaue his Brother all occasions of enmity who was ready enough of himselfe to make the least very great For besides this present displeasure conceiued against Duke Robert he added others and this especially that he had wilfully wasted the Inheritance which his father had left him to wit the Dukedom of Normandy hauing nothing now almost in that Dominion besides the City of Roane which he would haue parted with also had not the Cittizens thereto denied their consents 16 Neither was it the least motiue to King Henries displeasure that his traiterous subiects were so willingly receiued by his brother for besides Robert Beliasme and others William Earle of Mortaigne in Normandy and of Cornwall in England the sonne of Robert halfe brother to the Conquerour because the Earledome of Kent which he made claime vnto as heire to his vnkle Odo was denied him in a discontent got him into Normandy where besides his valiant assaults of the Kings Castles and Souldiers hee much endangered the possessions of Richard Earl of Chester then a child and the Kings Warde so that the flames of warre raised by these seditions seemed to be blown from England vnto the parts beyond the Seas and to fire the territories of the English there neither is it easie to declare saith Houeden what misery the meane while by exactions the land felt here at home 17 For the King incited into Normandy vpon these occasions by large distributions of money carried out of England wonne the Normane Nobility to reuolt from their Lord and tooke the Towne and Castle of Cane by composition and burnt Bayon with the beautifull Church of Saint Maries whereupon the Priories of Normandy yeelded themselues vnto his Protection by whose example the Britaines and those of Aniou did the like so that their Castles and forts were filled with the Garrisons of King Henry Duke Robert in no wise able to resist which done Henry with triumph returned into England 18 The Curtuoise by his Normans thus vncourteously dealt with saw it was bootelesse against so great a streame to striue and therefore thought best to lay away weapons and to become himselfe a Mediatour for Peace With which resolution taking the seas hee followed his brother vnto Northampton where humbling himselfe in a more deiectiue manner then either his birth or owne nature could well brooke desired the Kings peace both in respect of their brotherly vnion and the regard of his owne accustomed clemency willing him to consider that warre was not only vnnaturall betwixt brethren but that a reproch euer followes the chariot of the Victor desiring him not to triūmph in his ouerthrow who was now ready to render all that he had into his hands but King Henry muttering to himselfe turned away from his brother without any answere 19 For God saith Paris not pleased to giue the effect though the Beau-clearke felt a remorse in conscience for vsurping his Kingdome being indeed very learned and well vnderstanding the duties both of equity and law and thereupon beganne both to feare some violent insurrection of the subiects and also the reuenging wrath of God vpon him for his trecherous and vniust dealings towards his elder brother to whom vndoubtedly the Kingdome by all right did appertaine yet stood hee rather in feare of men then God whose fauours he cunningly laboured to keepe whom he meant to please another time by building of an Abbey for his satisfaction Duke Robert then seeing and detesting the Kings swolne pride posted backe vnto Normandy to gather his powers Henry also held it good policy not to giue passage vnto Roberts wrath knowing him a Souldier and well waying his desperate estate and therefore calling his Lords vnto London in an assembly tickled their eares with these delectable and smooth words 20 My friends and faithful Counsellors and natiue Countrimen you know by true report how my Brother Robert was elected and by God himselfe called to be the fortunate King of Ierusalem and how vnfortunately or rather insolently he refused that sacred estate whereby hee is now most iustly reprobated of God you also know by many other experiments his pride and arrogancy for being a man of a warring humor hee is not onely impatient of any peace but also wilfully desireth to trample vpon you as men of abiect and contemptible disposition vpbraiding you for idle droanes for belly-gods and what not But I your King naturally inclined to bee both humble and peaceable take delight in nothing more then to do you good to maintaine your tranquillity and ancient liberties as I haue often sworn vnto you and meekely and willingly to yeeld my selfe to your aduises whereby I may circumspectly gouerne you as a clement Prince and to that end euen now will I confirme if your wisedomes so thinke fit your ouer-worne and vndermined Charters and will roborate them most firmely with a new oath and ratification Meane while all the lawes which the holy King Edward by Gods inspiring did establish I doe here commaund to bee inuiolably obserued hereby to moue you to adhere stedfastly vnto mee in repulsing cheerefully willingly and powerfully the wrongs offered me by my brother shal I say nay by my most deadly enemy yours and of the whole English Nation For if I bee guarded with the valours and affections of Englishmen I shall scorne the threates of him and his Normans as forcelesse and no whit to bee feared And with these faire promises which yet afterwards hee vtterly neglected hee so wonne the hearts of them all that they would die with him or for him against any hostility whatsoeuer 21 Duke Robert gone and preparing for warre Henry thus setled in his peoples affection followed him with all expedition hauing in his company the choice Nobility of England Normandy Gaunt and Britaine so that hee was exceedingly strong With Robert for men of chiefe account were Robert Beliasme Earle of Shrewsburie and William Earle of Mortaigne in like displeasure with the King and therefore armed with the like desperate boldnes 22 Henry with his Army had pierced into Normandy euen as farre as Tenerthebray a Castle of the Earle of Mortaigne vsing all meanes possible to surprise the same for whose rescue the Duke with these his Consorts made all diligence to dissolue the siege and after some few skirmishes ioined a bloody battaile brauely fought on each part where at the first onset the Kings power though much greater in number went down but by their multitude and manhood especially through the * Kings example and encouragement they soone preuailed where Duke Robert with Earle William and sundry others of good note manfully fighting in the very presse of their enemies were taken prisoners but * Robert Beliasme escaped by flight And thus as Mathew Paris obserued Gods Iustice Mercy tooke effect his Iustice vpon Robert for his refusall of Ierusalems title and vnto Henry his
that wherein elections voices are equall or concord wanting the Pope may gratifie whome hee please vnto which wee now may adde a third no lesse arduous insolent that the Pope may strike vp Elections both where and of whom and with and without what consent him listeth Which lewd obtrusion that it galled the King to the quicke wee need not maruaile if wee ballance in one scale the Popes meere will and pleasure in the other the dishonour to thè King thus to be triced out of that which so vehemently and with his owne presence hee took care to see effected the preiudice to his Crowne to be defeated of Soueraigne assent the hazard to the State to haue his Enemy a Phillippine and French fauourite the chiefe man ouer his English besides wrongs more particular as both the disgrace to his best-deseruing Counsellour the disloyalty of the Monks first to choose without his licence then to mocke him with a second choice next to beguile him with oaths after to trauaile vpon his excessiue charge and lastly to doe and vndoe all with their periurie With all which so farre the Kings patience surfetted that he beganne on them to disgorge his wrath who with him beganne these affronts proscribing first all those Monkesas Traytors and afterward writing his letters to the Pope with relation of those great wrongs to Himselfe and exceptions to Langton vowing immutably to stand for his own Elect and to die in defence of the Liberties of his Crowne putting the Pope in mind that Rome reapt more gaine from England then from all the Trans-alpine Regions threatning also if he were now crossed in this hee would stoppe all from crossing the Seas to Rome nor would any longer emendicate their forraine Iustice sith his owne Kingdomes so abounded with Bishoppes and learned men of most accomplished perfection in all professions 39 If when this Kings Father vttered some such threats to Gratian the Popes vassall hee then replyed Sir doe not threaten vs for wee feare no menaces because wee are of such a Court as vseth to be imperious ouer Emperours and Kings which as a remarkable Apothegme Baronius sets forth in greater letters we may then guesse how this great Lord of that Court did himselfe brooke such tart salutations Nay the effects bewray it when in his sublimed Reply hee snebs the King for comminatory obraydings and contumacious malepartnesse and threatens him that if he do not by referring himselfe wholy to his good pleasure seeke to deserue his Grace hee should plunge into those difficulties whence hee should hardly euer get forth intimating that himselfe being vnworthy vicegerent to him vnto whom euery knee in Heauen Earth Hell must bow must in the end needs haue the vpper hand and that to resist him is to oppugne God himselfe and his Church for which glorious Becket spilt his bloud These were indeed bloody words to affright the King with expectance of more such blowes and bloody stripes from Rome as had lighted on his Father And hee threatned no more then he acted for thereupon hee sent his doubled Apostolicall command the one general to all the Prelates for submitting and adhering resolutely to Langton the other to some particular Bishops for conuenting the King and Interdicting his whole Kingdome if him they found still contumaciously rebelling Neither was hee more insolent in the command then they in the execution wherby on a day ill suiting so vnchristian an Action this flourishing Church though the King had sworne their banishment and confiscation if they did it was depriued of the very face of Christianity for many ensuing yeeres as if not Innocentius Christs Vicar but Iulian his professed Enemy had mured vp the doores of the Christians Temples for despight of their God 40 But this High-Priest had forgotten what another taught him and a he himsefe sometimes thought about interdicting France for their Kinges offence that better it was one should suffer then a whole Nation perish whereas now for the Kings only crossing the Popes good pleasure God is censured to loose his worshippe and all the People to hazard their soules liuing almost like Infidels without Gods seruice and blessed Sacrament yea and dying like dogges tumbled into euery ditch But what did such wofull effects fasten onely on the Layty The Clergy bare their part too whom the flames of the Kings iustly incensed wrath did so scorch that his Dominions were too hote for their abode for their persons hee proscribed and sent packing to the Pope their reuenewes hee confiscated their Bishoprickes Abbeyes and Priories hee deputed to Laymens custody their women for such as had not wiues had Lemmans were dearely ransomed and euery where they suffered wrongs without ordinary protection of Iustice. Whereof though our vulgar perfunctary Writers produce no other reason but the onely ouerflowing of the Kings gall as if first stirred by some few delinquent Bishops through furious reuenge it ouer-whelmed the whole Clergy yet indeed these were but the due chasticements of their generally disloyall hearts As to instance when the King sent his mandate to S. Albans that not regarding the Popes commaund in the Interdict they should continue the celebration of Gods seruice the Abbot calling his Monkes into the Chapter-house perswaded them to obey God rather then Man meaning the Pope rather then the King and to beare resolutely the Kings anger whom God in due time would bring to an end What maruaile then if the Clergy carried so generally with this streame of a forraine vsurped power against Gods seruice and their Soueraignes godly desire and due authority were likewise generally inuolued in that reward of their disloialty And yet euen in the Clergy many of eminencie detested these cruell and irreligious courses of the Pope Philip the Bishoppe of Duresme and his Successor with the Bishops of Norwich and Winchester heartned the King to contemne the Papall curse the Cicestertian Abbots neglecting the Interdict continued their diuine celebrations till the Pope suspended them for their contempt Alexander Abbot of the Benedictines a Diuine of exquisite learning published in his Sermons that their present calamities were no reproch to their Soueraignes proceedings but due rewards of the Subiects hainous trespasses because kings ought to gouerne yea and strongly bridle all disobedient Subiects whomsoeuer but as for Popes they ought not to intermedle in the ciuill affaires and regiment of any Princes ouer their vassals seeing Peter himselfe receiued no power but onely in matters appertaining to the Church And though the Pope were reuenged on him for his plaine truth and some Monkish humors haue aspersed other such men with bitter reproches yet what may bee thought both of these the Popes courses of such his opposers a late Iesuite no partiall man to Princes sheweth saying that many and godly wise men at that time did wish
that Sir Godfrey de Crancumb Knight with three hundred armed men was sent to apprehend the Earle in Essex Hee hauing intelligence of their approach fledde into a Chappell at Brentwood which adioyned to his lodging from whence those rough Souldiers haled him hee holding in one hand a Crucifix and in the other the Sacrament and sent for a Smith to make for him shackels of yron But when the Smith vnderstood that it was for Hubert de Burgh Earle of Kent he refused vttering such words if Mathew Paris doe not Poetize as did well shew that honourable thoughts are somtimes found in the hearts of men whose fortunes are farre from honour for hauing first drawne a deepe sigh hee said Doe with mee what yee please and God haue mercy on my soule but as sure as the Lord liues I will neuer makeyron shackles for him but will rather die the worst death that is For is not this that most loyall and couragious Hubert who so often hath preserued England from being destroyed by strangers restored England to England He who faithfully and constantly serued his Soueraigne Lord King Iohn in Gascoigne Normandy and else where that he was compelled to eate the flesh of horses whose high courage euen Enemies admired he that so long defended Douer Castle the Key of England against all the exquisite sieges of the French and by vanquishing them at Sea brought safety to the Kingdome What need I rehearse his excellent doings at Lincolne and Bedford Let God be iudge between him and you for vsing him so vniustly and inhumanely repaying good with euill nay requiting his most excellent deserts with the worst recompence that can be But Sir Godfrey and his blacke band regarded not such speeches but otherwise binding the Earle hard they set him on horsebacke and so conuayed him to the Tower of London 35 This breach of Sanctuary being made knowne to Roger Bishoppe of London whose Diocesse it was he confidently tels the King that if the Earle were not restored to the Chappell hee would excommunicate all the Authors of that outrage The Earle is accordingly restored but the Sheriffes of Essex and Hertford at the Kings commandement with the powers of their counties besiege the Chappell so long that at last they hauing cast a Trench about it that none might goe in or out the Earle was compelled to come forth and render himselfe bearing all things with an equall mind as one that had a cleare conscience before God which hee professed to haue While the Chappell was thus beset round the Kings indignation was so violent that hee forbad all men once to make mention of Hubert in his hearing No maruaile then if it bee said that the Princes indignation is death The Archbishoppe of Dublin neuerthelesse was not deiected but with praiers and teares besought the King who remained as yet inexorable Huberts enemies possessing his soule and senses Hubert therefore is againe imprisoned in the Tower There was no sacrifice as it seemes could appease the Kings i●…e but that of the Earles Hoord of gold and other riches which the Knights Templars had in their custodie vpon trust without Huberts consent refused to deliuer Hubert therefore willingly yeelds which when the Depositaries did giue vp the value seemed incredible This hoording perhaps was Huberts crime whereof being thus purged he had hope to recouer out of these deadly pangs and conuulsions of fortune and himselfe to bee made capable of curing Well the king obtains this precious booty but his enemies would haue his bloud also saying sith hee was conuicted of theft and fraud it was meet he should die a most shamefull death It seemes they thought that the verie finding of so much treasure was a conuiction of fraud in the getting and that the King must bee interpreted to haue lost whatsoeuer the Earle had gained But the displeasure of the King was mollified with this golden balme for hee answered them thus Hubert from his childhood hath as I haue heard faithfully enough serued my vncle King Richard and my Father King Iohn and if he haue done ill towards me hee shall neuer therefore die an euill death For I had rather be reputed a foolish or a negligent King then a cruell Tyrant or a bloudy man toward him who hath long serued mee and mine ancestors nor will I weigh more his euill deedes which are not as yet manifest nor proued true then all his good deeds which are plainelie knowne to the Realme and to vs all Hereupon Hubert had all such lands granted vnto him as eyther King Iohn had giuen or himselfe had purchased There vndertooke for him to the King as sureties the Earles of Cornwall and Warrenn Marshal Ferrars and himselfe was committed to the Castle of Deuises there to abide in free Prison vnder the Custody of foure Knights belonging each of them to one of these foure Earles This Court-storme thus in part ouerblowne let vs take our standings to view what other weather followed and what countenance of things in this Kingdome did next present it selfe to the world 36 The King being naturally as it seemes addicted to repose himselfe vpon some one mans counsell was now wholy swayde by Peter de Rupibus Bishoppe of Winchester who had therefore wrought the Earle out of grace that hee might soly raigne and predominate in the gentle King Which the better to effect the Bishoppe procures him to displace the English Officers and in their roomes to surrogate Poictouines and Britons who comming ouer to the number of about two thousand he stuffes his Castles with them and in briefe did as it were wholy entrust himselfe his treasures strengthes and the Realme to them So that Iudgements were committed to the vniust Lawes to the Out-lawes Peace to Wranglers and Iustice to wrong-d●…ers Such as would haue praied redresse for these abuses were interrupted and put off by the Bishoppe of Winchester Among them who were remoued from their places in Court was one Sir William de Redune a Knight and Deputy Marshall to Richard Earle of Pembroke This was to the Earle very displeasant which ioyned with a consideration of the publike cause and danger he associates vnto him certaine of the great Lords as was the fashion of those Lording times vpon euery discontent and in the Company of them aduanceth confidently to the King whom in the hearing of many hee reproueth for that he had through sinister aduise called in the Poictouins to the oppression of the Realme of his naturall subiects of their Lawes and Liberties humblie therefore hee beseecheth him that hee would spedily reforme such abuses which threatned the imminent subuersion both of the Crowne and Kingdome which if hee did not himselfe and other Lordes would so long withdraw their attendance as he entertained Strangers The Bishoppe hereunto makes answere That the King might well and lawfully call in what Strangers himselfe
in the space betweene the Chappels of King Edward and Saint Bennet EDVVARD THE FIRST LORD OF IRELAND AND DVKE OF AQVITAINE c. THE FORTIE-SEVENTH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER X. EDward who followed K. Henry in wearing the English Crowne but far out-went him in all regall vertues was abroad at the time of his fathers death still pursuing his high desires for the Holy Warres wherein what he performed being yet but a Prince against the publike enemies of Christians it shall not bee impertinent to touch before wee come to his actions as a King hauing already remembred with what valour and felicity hee had subdued his Fathers domesticke enemies setled the peace of his Kingdome and reestablished the raines of Soueraignty in his Fathers hands which those potent Rebels had formerly extorted 2 King Lewis of France whose perswasions had enflamed this noble-spirited Prince to associate him in this glorious quarrell hauing first set forth for the enterprise lay now in siege of Tunis in Africa where Prince Edward with all his forces arriuing the French King greatly reioycing in his wished presence together with the King of Nauarre and other Princes of his Army went forth to meet him and receiued him in the kisse of Peace This place which they beleaguered was as then not great yet by reason of the situation it greatly impeached the Christians in their passages through those Seas being built out of the scattered ribs and wasted ruines of that mighty and famous City Carthage riual once in Maiesty and Ambition with ancient Rome as contending with her about the Empire of the World Therefore to secure the Mediterranean Seas it was thought necessary to beginne that enterprise for Asia with this in Africa but not long after Lewis yeelding vppe his holy Soule to God at the siege and sicknesse by reason of the heates in those Regions for it was August raig of homage to seize vpon the whole Fee of the said Prince marcht with an Armie into Wales his good fortune there was accidentally augmēted by a prize which foure shippes of Bristol tooke about the Isles of Sillie wherein the daughter of Simon Montfort late Earle of Leicester who according to a secret contract betweene their friends went to be giuen in marriage to Lewelin and Aimericke her brother were surprised but shee found honourable vsage of the King her neere kinsman 11 Meanewhile Lewelines affaires by the manhood and diligence of Pain de Canusijs and others who had takē West-Wales in broght it to the Kings peace thriuing but poorely and the saide Prince feeling the foundations of his safetie beginning manifestly to faile and shrinke from vnder him sued for peace and had it vpon such termes which in likely-hood were not as Polydor Virgil would haue it seeme granted by King Edward lest he should leese his cost and care by warring against bogs and mountaines In the conditions of Peace which was procured with great difficulty the most remarkeable as carrying the shew of a farre greater riches in the possession of the Welsh euen at that time then some preiudicated can easily beleeue were these 1. That the Prince should pay to the King for his peace and goodwill fifty thousand pounds sterling the payment whereof should bee in the Kinges will and grace that is as wee conceiue it how much thereof the Prince should pay or not pay and when 2. That the said Prince should haue the Isle of Anglesey in Fee-farme of the King to him and to the lawfull issue of his body in generall taile for fiue thousand Marks readie money for gressom or a fine in hand paid the yeerly rent of a thousand Marks The rest of the articles being about eight amounted to so much as a plain Conquest or dissolution of the Principality of Wales after Lewelins death who was to enioy the same during his time vpon conditions 12 Now whereas the said Lewelin had three Brethren Dauid whom King Edward fauoured Owen and Rodericke it was enioyned to him at this conclusion made by the Lord Robert Tiptoft and certaine other Commissioners vpon eyther side appointed that hee should appease and satisfie his said Brethren but because Dauid was afterward a principall Actor in the calamities which fell vpon himselfe his house and his Country we must not neglect to speake somwhat particularly of him This Gentleman for some causes flying into England from his Brother Lewelin for his faithfull seruice to the State of England was there honoured contrary to the manner of his Nation with the order of Knighthood and receiued also by the bounty of King Edward for his maintenance the Castle of Denbigh with lands to the yeerly value of one thousand pounds and the Daughter of the Earle of Derby being then a Widow to wife with all which bounty the King did but entertaine a reuealer of his secrets as some not improbably doe affirme The State of Wales thus composed and the Castle of Aberistwith which seemes to bee the same that by another is said to haue beene built in West-Wales at Lāpader Vaur being built by King Edward for assuring those parts the King as he was munificent and roiall the more to tie Lewelins faith gaue vnto him the Lady of whose surprise at Sea we haue mentioned to be his consort honouring the Nuptials with his owne presence and his Queens And whereas Alexander King of Scots came about the same season into England to treat with Edward concerning important affaires and had formerly sent to the Welsh warres certaine aides of the Scots the said Alexander being iealous on his Countries behalfe that those aides might bee interpreted to haue beene sent vpon duty obtained letters testimoniall from King Edward declaring that they were not sent of duty or in respect of seruice due 13 Though King Edward were thus desirous to gaine the Welsh-Nation rather by his largesse then puissance hauing so honourably vsed Lewelin hee could not yet retain their hearts for whether it were which some to amoue the note of ingratitude turbulency from them affirme for that there was partiality vsed by the English officers in distribution of iustice vpon the Marches or which seems to some as likely for that they aspired in vaine to their ancient liberty being miserably seduced with certaine blind prophesies the Welsh betooke themselues afresh to Armes for Dauid himselfe whom the King had laden with so many benefites and graces became to them a principall leader and to giue them full assurance of his fastnesse to their cause reconciling himselfe to his brother the Prince he sodainely and treacherously vpon Palme-Sunday seised the Castle of Hawardin surprising Roger de Clifford a noble famous Knight whom the King had dispatched into those parts as Iusticiar of all Wales and slaying such vnarmed men as offered to resist that violence whence
to the English campe great numbers of Welsh souldiers with whom he releeued many of the English footemen tyred with seruice sending them backe into England Thither also came the Earles of Vlster with bands of Irish. 30 The King of England prospering thus passeth with his army ouer the Scottish Sea where while he kept the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist at Perth or Saint Iohns Towne there came messengers from Baliol and the Lords his factors to sue for mercy which was granted vpon condition that they should render themselues to him as his subiects Hector Boetius saith that after this agreement wherein Anthonie Bishop of Durham was vsed Iohn Comin brought Baliol void of all kingly habiliments with a white rod in his hand to the English campe at Montros where he resigned his whole right that he either had or might haue to the Crowne of Scotland into king Edwards hands and made thereof a formall Charter in French and at the same time also for feare of life gaue his sonne Edward for hostage and assurance of his fealtie by which final disclaime the Lord Bruces right might seeme now vnquestionable But this resignation being thus made king Edward returnes to Berwick where all the Nobles of Scotland at a Parliament there holden were sworne to be loyall and true subiects to king Edward for euer after and hereof a solemne instrument was sealed by the said Lords of whom Iohn Comin of Badenaw was first bearing date at Berwick in the twentie fifth yeere of the reigne of their Souereigne Lord King Edward 31 Iohn the late King was sent to the Tower of London and there was honourably attended hauing liberty for twenty miles about The Scottish Lords were confined within Trent ouer which Riuer they might not passe toward Scotland vpon paine of life The custody of Scotland was committed to Iohn de Warrenn Earle of Surrey and Sussex and the Treasurershippe thereof to Hugh de Cressingham but William de Ormesby was ordained Iusticiar with this particular commandement that hee should take the homages and fealties of all such as held lands of the King And the more to shew his purpose vtterly to dissolue the distinct Regality of Scotland and to vnite it to the English Monarchie as hee had done Wales hee tooke out of Edinbrough the Crowne Scepter and Cloath of Estate offering them vp at Saint Edwards shrine in Westminster if the Author mistake not for at Saint Thomas at Canterbury hee offered vp Baliols Crowne saith another and besides many other Acts tending to the abolishment of the Scottish Name which Hector relates as the burning their Records abrogating their lawes altering their forms of diuine seruice and transplanting all their learnedst men thence vnto his Vniuersity of Oxford hee tooke out of the Abbey of Scene the Marble Chaire in which the Kings of Scotland were wont to bee crowned and sent the same to Westminster for Priests to sit therein at Celebration This Chaire is the same vpon which was engrauen the famous Propheticall Distichon Ni falat fatum Scoti quocunque locatum Inuenient lapidem regnare tenentur ibidem If Fates goe right where ere this stone is pight The Regall race of Scots shall rule that place Which by whomsoeuer it was written we who now liue finde it happily accomplished But these great Acts of this yeere brought to the Commons of England small commodity vpon whom the charge of the warres lay heauily and it is not often found that the people gaine much by their Princes Conquests 32 The force of Scotland with a greater force being thus for the present broken who would suppose that it could once again haue lifted vp the head and that chiefly by the particular vertue of a priuate man as it after hapned which hee had the more oportunity to doe for that the King of England was diuersly diuerted by occasion of warres in Gascoigne for recouery of his owne and for aid of his friends in Flanders whom the French did afflict in hostile manner The Captaine of the reuolted troupes in Scotland was one William Wallace the sonne of Sir Andrew Wallace of Cragie Knight though some vpon hearesay write contemptibly of his course of life as of a publike robber who by the assistance of such as were outlawed for refusing to doe their homage to King Edward draue William de Ormesby the Kings Iusticiar out of Scotland Which King Edward hearing discharged Iohn Comin of Badenaw and the Earle of Bucquhan from their confinement to the entent that hee might by their endeuours the sooner settle matters but withall hee gaue Iohn de Warren Earle of Surrey commission to leuie an Army and the king loath to bee hindred from his other destinations easily yeelded to such requests as were propounded on the Scots behalfe for that time The voyage which hee had then in hand was to transport from Winchelsea an Armie to assist the Earle of Flanders his confederate 33 England at this time was not without great discontentments which Humphrey de Bohun Earle o●… Hereford and Essex Constable of England and Roger Bigot Earle of Norfolke Marshall of England did countenance for present satisfaction whereof the King yeelded among other things to confirme Magna Charta and Charta de Foresta and that there should no Subsidie nor taxation bee leuied vpon the people without the consent of the Prelates Peeres and people But before this time and while the King was absent out of the land the Scots vnder the leading of VVilliam VVallas put to flight the Earle VVarren and all the English Forces which were with him taking them at aduantage as they were passing ouer a narrow Bridge neare vnto the Castle of Striuelin the slaughter of the English was not smal There Hugh de Cressinghām Treasurer of Scotland for King Edward feel in battell whose dead body for speciall hatred borne vnto him the Scots did flea diuiding his skinne among them The King hearing of this ouerthrow commands the Lordes of England by his letters to bee ready to assist the said Earle VVarren his Custos or Guardian of Scotland with their Forces in the Octaues of S. Hilary at Yorke and also to proclaime such of the Scottish Lords as came not thither enemies of the State but they kept themselues within Scotland and came not Whereupon the English Captains marched to the rescue of the Castle of Rocksbrough whence VVilliam VVallace fled vpon notice of their approach to raise his siege But King Edward aduertised of these accidents hauing taken a truce for two yeeres with the King of France by mediation of Bonifacius the Pope who interposed himselfe non tanquam Iudex sed amicabilis Compositor saith VValsingham not as a Iudge but as a friendly Composer made hast into England where his presence was extremely wanting but in his way home at a Towne called Ardeburg all the Scots almost which hee had brought with
him to serue in the Flemish warres forsooke him and went to Paris 34 After his arriuall in England hee summoned a Parliament at Yorke giuing the Scots a day to appeare thereat which they not doing nor acknowledging that they ought to doe hee entred with a mightie Army into their Country his Nauy laden with victuals coasting along which by contrary winds being holden off for a time put the Scots the rather in hope of victory by reason of the scarsity of prouisions among the English but three dayes before the Scots appeared the shippes came and plentifully refresht the fainting souldiers Hereupon the king led forward his people and vpon the next morning a terrible showt being heard from the Scottish host the English ranne to armes but the kings horse affrighted with the sodaine tumultuous noise as hee was putting foote in stirrup threw him to the earth and striking with the hinder heeles brake two of his ribs who neuerthelesse vpon the same horse proceeded in person to the battell VVillam VVallace who had wonne to himselfe by many his hardy enterprises a singular opinion among the Peeres and people hauing set his Scots in array whose numbers far exceeded the English vsed euery where this short speech vnto them in stead of Orations I haue brought you to the King hop gifyee kun For their more security hee had fixed betweene them and the English certaine Pales or stakes bound together with ropes which the English Vauntguard brake downe and came to strokes The first which fled were the Scottish Horsemen leauing their Infanterie or battels of foote open to that great destruction which followed the victory resting clearely to the English 35 Our Scottish Author writes that by reason of emulation against VVallace the Scots burning in mutuall hatred made the enterprise easie to their enemies which as it may bee verie true so certainely there was scarse anie battell betweene the two Nations in which more Scottish bloud was spilt then in this for thereof Sebastian Munster seemes to meane saying that there were slaine threescore and ten thousand which though wee take not to bee the true number for some haue threescore thousand others not so many yet shewes it that the slaughter was vast as it could not otherwise bee the Scottish footmen valiantly fighting as it were to the last man Bloud worthy to haue beene shed on both sides against another kind of enemy then Christians the deformity of which effusions may iustly represent to vs the blessed estate of our now setled vnion This victory was obtained by the English vpon Saint Mary Magdalens day at a place called Fawkirke from which VVilliam Wallace opening his way with his Sword escaped The Welshmen deserued ill of the King at this iourney for that they foreslowed to charge vpon the Pallisado or fence of the Scots in hope the English being vanquished which by the inequality of their numbers they presumed would happen that themselues might ioyntlie with the Scots execute vpon King Edward the hatred which they bare him for the euils hee had brought vpon their nation After this victory the King tooke sundry places and returned into England by Carlile 36 The two yeeres truce formerly taken betweene the English and French was now by the interceding of Boniface Bishoppe of Rome turned to a setled peace who among other things brought it about that K. Edward should marry the French kings sister Margaret and Edward the kings sonne the same kings daughter though saith Walsingham hee aduanced not the good of his Realme by this match in any point To this affinity were added the greater strengthes of a domesticke quiet for the king whom wars had together made renowned aged graciously wisely yeelded to confirm such grants of laws and liberties as the Earles and Barons the pretended Conseruators of the Peoples interest did declare were by his promise to bee confirmed to them at his returne from Scotland and which hee accordingly did in a Parliament holden at London vpon prorogation in Quindena Paschae where for their fuller satisfaction hee left out this Clause in the end Saluo iure coronae nostrae sauing the right of our Crowne and what at this time was wanting he made vp afterward in a Parliament at Stamford 37 But that he might not seeme willing to deny the Pope any iust request or not to know the sweetnesse of an others freedome he deliuered to the hands of the Popes Nuntios Iohn the late King of Scotland vpon their assuming for King Edwards indemnity whom they conueied to his inheritance in France where vpon euery side vnfortunate he remained as vnder the note of a false seducer and of a periur'd person in king Edwards iudgement and with out anie part of his regall office ouer the Scottish nation who found that the peace which King Edward made in other places did but turne to their more grieuous affliction for albeit they had gotten Striuelyn by surrender of the English and began with an immortall desire of their ancient Liberty to assemble again vnder William Wallace yet the time was not come of their deliuerance for King Edward according as it was formerly appointed hauing accomplished his marriage with the French Kings sister at Canterbury made it his whole affaire to finish the annexation of Scotland to the Crowne of England 38 He therefore accompanied with his sonne and a dreadfull Army pursued the matter so close that whereas the Scots had gotten together againe in exceeding great numbers vnder their seuerall Captaines whose Enuie had caused Wallace to giue vp all such authority as the commonwealth of Scotland had formerly granted vnto him for preseruation of their freedomes and flying before King Edward whose fortune in warre had worthily made him terrible that day in Walsinghams iudgement had beene irrecouerably fatall to the Scottish name if the English had beene able to haue followed them in their Armour ouer their bogges and mountaines or that the Welsh had with their naturall nimblenesse supplied the same Sure it is that Edward held himselfe so fast in possession that hee neither would grant the Scottish Lords their Baliol to raigne ouer them which they requested saith Walsingham nor suffer them to redeeme such lands of theirs as hee had giuen to the English among them 39 Armes failing and the Scots hauing made their way in the Court of Rome procured inhibitory letters from the Pope which were brought by one Lumbardus into Scotland but the King swearing a terrible oath said that he would not desist Neuerthelesse the Scots after a few dayes requested the King to let them liue in peace till they had taken counsell of the Peeres and of the King of France threatning that otherwise the Pope would take the matter vpon him But the King with a disdainefull smile answered Haue you done homage to mee as to the chiefe Lord of the Kingdome of Scotland and now suppose that I
issue RICHARD THE SECOND KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND THE FIFTIETH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND TROVBLES CHAPTER XIII RIchard of Burdeaux sonne to that Great Star of English Cheualrie Edward by-named the Blacke Prince and grand-child to the most renowned Edward the third both of them lately deceased was crowned in the eleuenth yeare of his age and vpon the sixteenth day of Iuly Seldome hath been seen so magnificent a Coronation as that of this young King but the thing which gaue a better lustre of hope at his beginning then the shine and maiesty of that publike Act was the wise course which in this his childhood was taken to wit the reconciliation of the Lord Iohn Duke of Lancaster and the Citizens of London with the restitution of Sir Peter de la Mare Knight Speaker in the late Parliament whom King Edward had committed to prison at the instigation of Dame Alice Peeres now banisht and confiscated not onely to former liberty but likewise to fauour and honor extraordinary 2 At this Coronation which as matters not vnworthie to bee kept aliue wee following the immethodicall order of the Record haue here for perpetuall memory thought good to abridge out of authentike Monuments Iohn the Kings eldest vncle vnder the stile of Iohn King of Castile and Le●… and Duke of Lancaster by humble petition to the King claimed to bee now Steward of England in right of his Earledome of Leicester and as he was Duke of Lancaster to beare the Kings chiefe sword called Curtana and as Earle of Lincolne to cutte and carue at the royall Table before the King His petitions being found iust were confirmed to him and to his Assignes the two Earles of Derby and Stafford the first to beare the Sword while the Duke should be busied about other offices as Steward and the other to cut and carue The Duke then in great estate held this the Kings high Court of Stewardship in the VVhite-hall of the Kings Pallace at Westminster Knight the Constable thereof which yet the Earle of Northumberland vpon the ninth day after recouered by force putting those who had surprized it to the sword 9 Neither was the spirit of the English after it began to requicken idle elsewhere for as Sir Robert Rous had diuers wayes vexed the French and taken Ol●…uer the brother of that renowned Bertrand de Glequin prisoner so Sir Iohn de Harleston Captaine of Cherbrough after him slew and took diuers French in a skirmish These the few foregoing drops of greater approaching showers For Sir Hugh Caluerlee and Sir Thomas Percy made admirals of the narrow Seas tooke many rich prizes and exploited sundry other things very praise worthily bringing home the acceptable newes of the dislike which the Britons had conceiued against the French Kings Gouernment for he commanded them to render vp to him all their strengths Castles and walled Townes and many of them who refused to obey hee put to death 10 These emploiments and fresh designes for other like found need of pecuniary supplies whereupon in a Parliament holden at London it was agreed that for supply of the Kings wants the Commons should be spared and the burthen be wholie vndergone by the able The rates then of that taxe were these Dukes Archbishops Earles and Bishops at ten marks each mitred Abbots at as much besides fortie pence for euery Monke vnder their subiection Briefly saith Thomas Walsingham there was no religious person man or woman Iustitiar Sheriffe Knight Esquire Parson Vicar or Chauntry Priest free from this tax●… rated according to the value of their yeerely receipt●… 11 We formerlie mentioned how Iohn Shakell the other companion of Robert Haulee so execrablie murdered in Gods-house was taken He now vpon condition that the King besides 500. markes in money should giue him lands to the yeerely value of one hundreth markes and should also found and sufficiently endow at the Kings costs a Chantrie with fiue Priests for their soules whom the kings Officers had wickedly murthered he rendred vp his Hostage the eldest but naturall sonne of the said Earle of Dean At the discouery and bringing-forth of whom all men were stroken with wonderfull loue and admiration for the yong Gentleman hauing giuen his faith not to disclose himselfe appeared in the shape of a base groome in which vnknowne to all the world but his Master hee had of his owne accord lurked An example of such a point of perfect honestie as cannot be forgotten without iniurie 12 The same yeere the Lord Iohn Mountford whom the French had driuen out being inuited home by his Barons returned into his Dutchy of Britaine accompanied with the valiant Knights Caluerley and Percy aforesaid where he his friends and followers were receiued with singular honor Soone after Sir Iohn of Arundell brother to the Earle of Arundell being sent into Britaine to aid the Duke was with many other valiant Knights and Esquires drowned It is imputed by our Author to a iust effect of Gods anger against the said Sir Iohn and his houshold for their manifold vices and outrages practised by him and them before they set out from England for which they had the bitter curses of the people and the Angell of destruction to execute those imprecations vpon the delinquents 13 But the action of ●…iding did more deepely import then that it should bee abandoned for the losse of that vnfortunate fellowship and the exceeding riches which were with them therefore the Lord Thomas of Woodstock Earle of Buckingham with Caluerlee Percy Knols Windleshores or Windsor verie valiant knights other competent forces was sent to assist the Duke of Britaine But because the French Galleys houered vpon the narrow Seas they landed at Calleys and from thence march through France spoiling Countries burning townes the French not daring to empeach them and killing people till they and their whole equipage came safe into Britaine 14 There were about these times ciuill diuisions in France for the Duke of Burgundie younger brother of King Charles lately dead being made Guardian of the person and dominions of his Nephew Charles then in minority had the Duke of Aniou being an elder brother to the Duke of Burgundie a mortall enemie Their bloudy quarrels fell out luckily for the English aides in the Dutchie of Britaine out of which as Duke Iohn had beene driuen for adhering to his father in law the late king Edward so the English did their best to vphold him in it as there was cause 15 The French in these extremes are releeued by their ancient diuersion for the Scots entring about that time with fire and sword into Cumberland and Westmerland and the forrest of Inglewood draue away much Cattle slew the Inhabitants rifled the booths and houses of Perith in the Faire time killing and taking many and driuing away the rest The Earle of Northumberland preparing a bloudy
by the Duke of Bury one of the French Kings vncles to frustrate this enterprize he alleaged that the King of England had mustred ten thousand horsemen and one hundreth thousand Archers for his defence whereas the Admirall Iohn de Vienna affirmed that hauing seene the forces of the English they were but eight thousand horsemen and threescore thousand foot and he might well say hauing seene for though Aemylius bring him in speaking to the French King and vaunting that he had encountred them yet nothing is truer then that the English returned out of Scotland without the least offer of battell The Admirall was willing indeed to haue fought but when he saw our Armie from the hil-tops his furie gaue place to reason 50 While the Armie was vpon the way toward Scotland the Kings halfe-brother the Lord Iohn Holland wickedly slew the Lord Stafford sonne to the Earle of Stafford not farre from Yorke being vpon his iourney to the Queene whose fauoured Knight he was For which heinous homicide the King seised vpon his whole estate denying to his mothers most earnest praiers any pardon or grace for his brother Which was to her so greeuous that within fiue or sixe daies after shee gaue vp the Ghost at Wallingford The young Lord tooke Sanctuary at Beuerley and the King by his iustice herein wanne the hearts of the said Earle of Stafford the Earle of Warwick the Lord Basset and other great men of Staffords kindred and friends neither did this empeach at all the present voyage 51 The Scots and French in Scotland seeing themselues vnable to withstand such forces had so retired themselues and all their goods that when the English should come they as Walsingham pleasantly saith could see no quicke things left but onlie Owles That which was greene in the fields the horses deuoured or trampled down yet such harme as the materials of buildings were capable of was done Edenburgh also and the noble Abbey of Mailrosse were fired The Duke of Lancaster perswaded the King to march beyond the Frith or Scottish Sea as his great Ancestors had done to seeke out his enemies but he very suspicious that the Duke gaue him this counsell with a purpose to betray him to destruction by famine and want which he was there to looke for expressed much displeasure and returned The Dukes wordes notwithstanding and behauiour were tempered with much duty and modesty but that would not serue till the Lords peeced their affections together by intercession in the best manner the time would suffer But the English host was scarce returned and discharged when the Scots and French sodeinely powred themselues forth vpon our Countrey and did whatsoeuer hurt the shortnes of time in their incursion could permit 52 To resist and endammage the French there were appointed Admirals for the narrow Seas the Master of Saint Iohns and Sir Thomas Percie Knight the Earle of Northumberlands brother who did nothing worthy their fame or place Only the Townesmen of Portsmouth and Dart maund forth a few ships at their owne perill and charge wherewith entering the riuer of Sein vpon which the renowned Citties Roan and Paris are situated suncke some of their enemies ships tooke others and among them one of Sir Oliuer de Clisson's the goodliest that France had The successe answered their hopes and they were enriched with the spoiles of their aduersaries whom thus they compelled to beare the charge of their proper mischiefe 53 Meanewhile that the French lay at Sluse attending the approch of their kings vncle the Duke of Burie who fauoured not this enterprize of inuasion but sought aswell by delaies as by perswasion and authority to make it frustrate they of Ga●…t had gotten the Towne of Dam by the good liking of the Inhabitants to whom the French gouernment was odious For recouery whereof the French King drew his armie prepared against England to the siege of Dam which the same being first secretlie abandoned after a moneths siege and many repulses giuen to the French was by him recouered This and other things did so protract the great expedition intended that after wast of infinite treasure Charles returned home without hauing seene England which was by these meanes most graciouslie freed by God from so dangerous and greatly-feared an impression But that the English might the better endure the same Iohn King of Portugall hauing lately in a great and bloodie battell where some of the English deserued well of him ouerthrowne the Castilians and thereby setled his estate sent into England sixe Gall●…ys throughly well appointed for Sea-seruice though as God would there was no need of them 54 Of those French which after the Cloude of warre at Sluce was dispersed into ayte passed ouerland into their Countreys many were taken and slaine by the Gauntiners Their nauie was not lesse vnfortunate for at one time the English of Callis tooke of them eighteene and the rage of weather brake and sunke diuers so that this Brauado was not onely costly to the French by reason of the charges but hurtfull in the losse of time men shippes and hoped glorie Such are the euents of humane enterprises where God is not pleased to giue successe The English thus deliuered from feare make a road into France out of Callis and with a prey of foure thousand sheepe and three hundreth head of great cattell besides an hundreth good prisoners returned safe to their Garrison 55 The multitude of memorable things which present themselues to vs in the liues of our English Monarches is such that if wee did not vse choise and in their relation breuity wee should not relieue our Readers of that molestation with which the vaste volumes of former labours doe oppresse the memorie The Laitie at the Parliament now holden at London had yeelded to aide the King with a Fifteenth vpon condition that the Clergie should succour him with a Tenth and an halfe against which vniust proportion William de Courtney Archbishop of Canterbury most stifly opposed alleadging that the Church ought to bee free nor in any wise t●… bee taxed by the Laitie and that himselfe would rather die then endure that the Church of England the liberties whereof had by so many free Parliaments in all times and not onely in the raign of this King been confirmed should be made a bond-maide This answere so offended the C●…mons that the Knights of the Shires and some Peeres of the land with extreme fury besought That Temporalities might bee taken away from Ecclesiasticall persons saying that it was an Almesdeed and an Act of Charity so to doe thereby to humble them Neither did they doubt but that their petition which they had exhibited to the King would take effect Hereupon they designed among themselues out of which Abbey which should receiue such a certaine summe and out of which another I my selfe saith a Monke of Saint Albans heard one of those Knights confidently sweare that hee
odious to the English died at Paris in exile bequeathing such goods as hee had there to Robert Duke of Ireland who also breathed out his griefes in banishment and died at last in Brabant 83 The Duke of Lancaster the meane while returnes into Gascoigne out of Spaine and not long after into England The successe of that voyage being made to claime the Crowne of Castile and Leon was briefly this Iohn King of Castile alledged that Constance the Dukes wife was not right heire but he For albeit the Lady Constance was eldest daughter and heire to Peter sonne of Alfonse whose father Fernand the fourth was sonne of Sanchez the fourth and he sonne of Alfonse the tenth all Kings of Spaine successiuely yet that neither Constance Peter Alfonse Ferdinand nor Sanchez had the right His reason was for that Alfonse the tenth chosen Emperour of Almaine had before he begat the said Sanchez an elder sonne called Ferdinand de la Cerda who married Blanch the daughter of Saint Lewis King of France from whom descended Alfonse de la Cerda who entituled himselfe King but died without issue and Fernand who had a daughter married to Iohn sonne of the Infant of Portugall Emmanuel mother to the Lady Ioane wife of King Henry the second father of Iohn King of Castile defendant 84 This Apologie made by the Castilian would not serue for kingdomes are not vsed to be pleaded for by Bil and Answere The English and Portugals ioine their forces To the Duke by reason of his wiues presence manie did voluntarily submit themselues all did not for Don Aluarez de Perez on the behalfe of his Lord the King of Spaine offred to stop the Duke in his march to Burgos and was ouerthrowne Other aduentures that warre afforded but sicknesse hapning in the English Armie consumed many of the principall and among them the Lord Fitzwalter with other Lords Knights Esquires and men of armes almost three hundreth Moreouer the penurie was such that sundrie reuolted to the enemy to get reliefe which being seene of the King of Portugal he told the Duke he would set vpon them as Enemies but hee said no for that he knew they did it onely for lacke of foode Thus hauing said he held downe his head as he sate on horsebacke and wept most bitterly secretly powring forth his praiers to almighty God and most humbly beseeching mercy From which time forward his affaires in Spaine succeeded happily 85 The warres had beene ●…harpe and tedious but the end acceptable For Don Iuan king of Castile a Prince of no euill conscience seeing the right which the Duke of Lancaster vrged and foreseeing what calamities might happen hereafter if as was feared the French should match with him sought and obtained a firme peace The Principall conditions were That the Lord Henry his sonne and heire should marry the Lady Katherine daughter and heire to the Duke and Constance his wife That the Lord Henry during his fathers life should be called Prince of Asturia and Katherine his wife Princesse That for default of issue betweene the young Princely couple the Crowne should come to the Lord Edward Duke of Yorke who had married the other daughter of King Peter That the king of Spaine should lade eight Cars with wedges of gold for the Duke or as some write pay two hundreth thousand nobles toward the defrayment of the Dukes huge charges That finallie he should giue sufficient Caution for an Annuitie of ten thousand pounds during the liues of the said Duke and Dutchesse to be duly paid to their vses at the City of Bayon in Gascoigne 86 The King at such time as the Duke of Lancaster returned was at Reading whither he had commanded the Peeres to repaire To that meeting the Duke makes hast aswell to present his dutie to his Soueraigue as to be an authour of loue and peace betweene the king and Lords against some of whom the King was not thought to be verie fauourably disposed Which he gratiously effected as seeming to addict his mind to offices of piety and publike benefit Certainely the wisdome and moderation of the Duke of Yorke his brother were such in all the late and other tumults that he is not so much as once named among the factious which Christian spirit if it had raigned in all the rest England had neuer beene polluted with such infinite bloodshed of her noblest Children neither had the goodlie fabricke of state laden with innumerable trophees falne vnder that most hideous Chaos which succeeding ages saw and sighed for 87 The King vpon the Duke of Lancasters returne whether hee felt the keeping of Aquitaine an vnprofitable burthen or the absence of his vncle the Duke a thing worthie to be purchased at anie rate certaine it is that in a Parliament held at London he vested in him that famous Dutchy by deliuering the Cap of State and Ducal Rod whither hee shortly went to take possession His sonne Henrie of Bullingbroke Earle of Derbie loath to spend his houres in sloath but desirous to pursue renowne by martiall Acts in forreine parts sailed ouer to the warres in Prussia where in sundry enterprizes against the Lithuanians he wan great honor which by comparison of King Richards Calmnes prepared a way for him in the Englishes affections to points more eminent 88 The Pope now vnderstood that the English State began againe to be sensible of Romish encroachments and as in a former Parliament they had enacted against all Collations of Bishoprickes and dignities by the Pope with banishment to all which did accept such Collations and death to al that brought in any excommunications from the Pope to hinder the execution of that Act so in this last Parliament another seuere Act was made against such as went to the Pope to procure any such prouisions A Proclamation also was made at London * that all beneficed men then being in the Court of Rome should returne by a day prefixed or loose all their liuings The Pope himselfe saith Walsingham troubled with so great a thunder-clap sent with all speed into England to perswade the King that such Statutes as had beene thus made in their preiudice who followed the Court of Rome and such other clauses as tended to the dammage of that See should be made void whereto the Kings answere was that the Popes Nuntio must expect till the next Parliament At which Parliament the King as also the Duke of Lancaster seemed to haue some respect to the Pope whose messenger was their Present but the Knights of the house would not in any wise giue their consents that such Rome-gadders should without due punishment pursue their wonted course longer then till the next Parliament To furnish the Duke of Lancaster into France to treat of a peace and vpon condition that the King should that yere inuade Scotland large contributions were there made
them to encrease their numbers were that Henry of Lancaster meaning the King was fled with his sonnes and friends to the Tower of London and that King Richard was escaped Maudlen also one of Richards Chapleins tooke vpon him the person of his said Lord the more strongly to seduce the multitude by so bold and perilous a fiction Thus seemed they to fit their words and sute their Arts to the place At Sunning Richard they said was at Pomfret for there the guile had beene transparent but at Circester Richard was not at Pomfret but present 17 How beit the successe was not answerable to the deuise for besides that King Henry was in the heart of his strengths at London where sixe thousand men were put into a readines and would come vpon them like a storme the Townesmen of Circester assailed the Lords tooke them and because their Town was fired of purpose by some of their followers the better to recouer them while the quenching found the people employment haled them forth and without longer tarriance seuered their heads from their bodies The Earle of Huntington with a trustie Knight of his Sir Iohn Sheuele hauing after the faile at Windsore in vaine attempted to escape by Sea was taken by the Commons at Pitwel perhaps Prittlewel in Essex brought first to Chelmsford and lastlie to Pleshie the house of the late Duke of Glocester whose Ghost a tragicall Poet would suppose did haunt his persecutors for reuenge where partlie also by this Earles instigation the said Glocester was first arrested The Commons out of whose hearts the image of that Duke was not vanished at the Countesse of Herefords instigation who was the Dukes widdow tooke satisfaction vpon the Earle with the escheate of his head which there was sundred from his shoulders The Lord Spencer called Earle of Glocester one of the Conspirators had like execution done vpon him by the Commons at Bristol Some other of them were put to death at Oxford and some at London where Iohn Maudlen the Counterfeit Richard who as it seemes was a beautifull and goodlie person and one William Ferby were drawne hanged and headed The Bishop of Carleol neuerthelesse was by the Kings clemencie preserued aliue after the condemnatory sentence There were nineteene in all whereof two had beene Dukes put to death for this conspiracy most of which were men of speciall note 18 The designes and misfortunes of King Richards friends being made known vnto him could not but worke strongly in a soule opprest with griefe but whether so strongly as to make him resolue by voluntary abstinence to starue himselfe as the fame went may bee doubted though it be past doubt that King Henry was not sorrie hee was dead howsoeuer That he was starued seemes verie plaine though as it is not certaine neither yet vnlikely that King Henry was priuy to so foule a parricide so neither is it knowne but that Richard might as well be starued of purpose as starue himselfe Master Stow a man for honest industry very praiseworthie saith that king Richard was fifteene daies and nights together kept in hunger thirst and cold till hee died How true that was in the circumstance who knows but in the point of staruing hee is clearelie with Walsingham and a Knight liuing about those times calleth it a death neuer before that time knowne in England Harding also liuing vnder King Edward the fourth agrees of the rumour of staruing Master Cambden saith of Pomfret Castle that it is a place principum cade sanguine infamis but seemes to insinuate that some other torments were most wickedly practised vpon this King as made out of the way with hunger cold and vnheard-of torments Polydore therefore may in this bee beleeued who writes of this poore deposed Monarke that which may well be called vnheard-of torments his diet being serued in and set before him in the wonted Princely manner he was not suffered either to taste or touch thereof Idle therefore seemes his dreame who writes hee was murthered in the Tower and not more credible theirs who tell vs of Sir Peirs of Extons assault and the murther basely by him acted vpon this most miserable Princes person but much more are they to blame who negligently for credit of the fable quote Walsingham in whom no syllable of such a thing is found Onely Hector Boetius wils vs to belieue that Richard fled disguised into Scotland was discouered to King Robert and honourably entertained but Richard who would no more of the world gaue himselfe wholy to contemplation and both liued died and was buried at Striueling Which fond fable hath neuerthelesse somewhat in it for that some personated Richard might so doe is neither impossible nor improbable and indeed it was so 19 The late King Richard thus cruelly and heinously murthered for in regard of pining death the seeming fable of his fight with Sir Peirs of Exton was a sport it being both noble and full of comfort for a man of honour and courage to die with weapon in hand King Henry causeth his dead body to bee brought vp to London O Henry if thou wert Author or but priuie though for thine owne pretended safetie and for that errors cause which is lewdly mis-called reason of state of such a murther we doe not see how the shewing of the people his vncouered face in Pauls did either conceale or extenuate the execrable crime But to let the world know that there was no hope nor place for a Richard that course was vsed which may the rather confirme the truth of his enfamishment for a violent death by braining could not but deforme him too much and it is most probable that such a death would bee sought as might least appeare Surely he is not a man who at the report of so exquisite a barbarisme as Richards enfamishment feeles not chilling horror and detestation what if but for a iustly condemned galley-slaue so dying but how for an annointed King whose Character like that of holy Orders is indeleble The tragicall spectacle of his dead body perhaps because it moued too much both pittie and enuie was after a while transported without honor to Langley in Hartfordshire where the last rites were performed by the Bishop of Chester the Abbats of S. Alban and Waltham but neither King Henry present as at the exequies in London and the great Lords and such other as were had not so much as a funerall feast bestowed on them for their labour But Henry the fifth in the first yeere of his raigne with great honour did afterward cause those royall remaines to be interred in the Sepulture of his Ancestors at Westminster Among the riming Latine verses of his Epitaph ye may maruell to reade these considering vpon what points he was triced out of Maiestie and State Ecclesiam fauit elatos suppeditauit Quemuis prostrauit
bed there lay hidden a Galtrop or Engine with three small yron pikes long slender and passing sharpe all of them with their points set vpward but God so disposing it the King before hee laid himselfe downe perceiued them and thereby auoided that hidden mischiefe but who was actor therein it doth not appeare 25 This appeares that the splendors of his new regality had drawne vp many thicke and poisonous cloudes of enuie and practise to darken if it were possible the farther brightnesse thereof Neither was it long before it grew to some extremity For Owen Glendowr vpon the causes beforesaid wasting the Lord Reynald Grayes lands was encountred by him as presuming that Owen and his friendes might easily be ouercome but the contrary hapned for there in fight hee lost very many of his companie and was himselfe taken Prisoner This fortune made the swelling mind of Owen ouerflow in vaine hopes who compelling the said Lord to marry his daughter yet obtained hee not his liberty the sooner but died say some in the power of Owen if perhaps our Author mistake not the Lord Gray for Edmund Lord Mortimer Earle of March who indeed did marrie so after hee was also ouerthrowne by the said Owen with the slaughter of aboue a thousand principall persons of Herefordshire assembled vnder his conduct to resist the Welsh inuasions and there also himselfe was by trecherie taken prisoner 26 Walsingham doth write that about this time sundrie conspiracies were discouered in the yolke as it were or embrion the whole hopes whereof rested vpon calumniations and forgery for by the first they traduced in libels Henries actions so to make him hatefull and by the second they diuulged that Richard was still aliue thereby to raise an head of separation Henry thus galled in his honour and endangered in the main resolued to spare none vpon whom the crime or concealement was found The first of them that fell vnder his iustice was a Priest of Ware with whom was taken a list or roll of names which hee had gathered supposing them such as in regard of benefites receiued would liue and die for King Richard which vanitie of his created trouble to many till it appeared that he had therein wronged them as persons who were vtterlie ignorant both of the man and matter Whereupon hee was drawne and hanged The like fate had Walter Baldocke Prior of Lawnd who confest that he had concealed others counsels against the King though himselfe had acted nothing A Frier Minor also being taken with some other of his Order for like intendments was asked What hee would doe if King Richard were aliue and present hee confidently answered that hee would fight for him till death against any whosoeuer which cost him his life being drawn and hanged in his Fryars weeds Neither did this hard fortune fall onely vpon the Clergy for Sir Roger Claringdon Knight reputed the base sonne of Edward late Prince of Wales together with an Esquier and seruant of his finished the affection which they bare to the deceased Richard by hanging Not long after eight Franciscan Fryars or Minorites were taken conuicted hanged and headed for the like causes which made the King an heauy Lord to that whole Order It is said that somewhat before this knot was discouered the diuell appeared in the habit of a Minorite at Danbury Church in Essex to the incredible astonishment of the parishioners for at the same time there was such a Tempest thunder with great fire-bals of lightning that the vault of the church brake and halfe the Chancell was carried away 27 But howsoeuer these out-branches were pared away the rootes of all the practise lay deeper out of sight for the Percies Henry Earle of Northumberland Thomas Earle of Worcester and Henrie Hotspur Lord Percy because perhaps they thought they had done wickedly in helping to set vp Henry beganne to imagine that bloudy mischiefe which afterward was prosecuted This malice the late successe of Owen Glendowr against the Lord Mortimer Earle of March taken prisoner as is said with no little slaughter of his Herefordshire men did perhaps nourish for that hee saw an enemie appeare who was not vnlikely to proue an able member of a greater rebellion Certainely the King hauing in September led an Armie into Wales to take reuenge vpon his Rebels was in great danger to haue perished with sodaine stormes and raines the like whereof none of his people had euer felt or seene so that after he had done some wasts vpon the Country hee returned The common fame went that Owen was a Coniurer and had raised those hideous tempests by hellish arts they seemed so excessiue which whether true or false did yet impart no little strength to the Welsh faction 28 The Kings fortune was happier in the North where his Lieutenants had two faire victories the one at Nisbet and the other at Halidowne-hill neere to a village called Woller And although the first was not a small one yet the other deserued the name of a iust battell and garland To the Scots hauing with aboue ten thousand men vnder conduct of Archibald Earle of Dowglas whom the Scots nick-named Tyne-man because he neuer wanne field though no sort of true manhood was wanting in his person made great spoiles in England as farre as to Newcastle and were now vpon returne Henrie Percie Earle of Northumberland the noble Henry Hotspur Lord Percie his sonne and George Earle of Dunbar who fled as you haue heard out of Scotland with the forces of the Countries there about not meaning to let them to passe in so slight a sort opposed themselues The chiefe feare was wrought by the English Archers who first with their stiffe close and cruell stormes of arrowes made their enemies footmen breake and when the noble Dowglasse descended to the charge with his choisest bands himselfe being in a most rich and excellently tempered armour and the rest singularly well appointed the Lord Percies Archers making a retreat did withall deliuer their deadly arrowes tam viuidè tam animosè tam grauitèr saith our Monke so liuely so couragiously so grieuously that they ranne through the men of Armes bored the helmets pierced their very swords beate their lances to the earth and easily shot those who were more slightly armed through and through There were taken prisoners the Earle of Dowglas himselfe who notwithstanding his armour of the best proofe had fiue wounds and lost an eye Murdake Stewart Earle of Fife eldest sonne to Robert Duke of Albanie George Earle of Angus the Earles of Murrey and Orkney the Lords Montgomerie Erskin and Grane with about fourscore Knights besides Esquiers and Gentlemen There were slaine the Lords Gourdon and Swyntonn Belindens Boetius cals them Knights with sundrie other men of honour and marke beside store of common souldiers The riuer Tweed to shew it selfe meere English did likewise fight for them by
offer to him the Dutchy of Aquitaine entire and in as full a manner as euer his Predecessors enioyned the same without excepting any thing so as they themselues will hold and acknowledge to hold their lands in those parts directly of the said King and deliuer as much of them as they can into his possession and will doe their vtmost to conquer the rest for him Vpon condition on the other side 1. That the King of England and his Successors should assist the said Lords against the Duke of Burgundy for the murther committed vpon the person of the late Duke of Orleance 2. That he should assist against the said Duke of Burgundy and his fauourers till they had repaired all the losses which they their friends and tenants had susteined through that ●…ccasion 3. That he should help to settle the quiet of the realme c. 50 These Offers being put into the balance with the Articles vpon which the Duke of Burgundy had obteined succours ouerweighed them so farre that about the midst of August before all those which had beene sent with the Earle of Arundel to the contrarie part were returned into England aydes were decreed to the Duke of Orleance to the wonder of all men who vnderstood not the secret so that Thomas Duke of Clarence Edward Duke of Yorke the Earle of Dorcet and very many other principall men with a competent puissance were sent ouer to ayde the Duke of Orleance the Earle of Angolesme remaining hostage in England for the sure payment of one hundred and nine thousand Crownes for performance of the other Articles They came on shore in Normandy but whither the confederates moued with the perill into which their Country Nation should by these meanes be precipitated or for some other causes though none indeed so iust as the sorrow and shame for their so disloyall a combination with the Capitall enemies of France the Duke of Orleance contrary to agreement came not at the appointed time and place whereupon the English burnt spoiled and tooke much riches in the Castles Countrey and good Townes therewith to satisfie themselues till the Duke of Orleance should see them payd At last yet the Dukes of Clarence and Orleance came to a treaty after which the English campe rose peaceably and marcht into Aquitaine there to winter it selfe the Duke of Orleance returning to his owne While these matters were in hand the Lord of Heyle Marshall of France with many other Lords and about foure thousand men of armes layd siege to a certaine strong place in Gascoigne which Sir Iohn Blunt Knight with three hundred souldiers not onely defended but draue them also from the siege taking prisoners twelue of the principall and about sixe score other Gentlemen * The King liued not to see the carriage and fortune of these warres for falling sicke at Eltham in the Christmas time at which our ancient authors begin to draw the circles of their yeeres but recouering himselfe a little he repaired to London about Candlemas there to hold a Parliament the end whereof he liued not to see but vpon the twentieth day of March finished his short but politicke and victorious reigne in peace and honour had not the iniustice of his first entrance left a dishonorable stayne vpon his worthiest actions 51 The vulgar Chronicles tell vs a strange Story the truth whereof must rest vpon the reporters The King say they lying dangerously sicke caused his Crowne to bee set on a Pillow at his beds head when suddainely the pangs of his Apoplexie seizing on him so vehemently that all supposed him dead the Prince comming in took away the Crown which his father reuiuing soone missed and calling for his sonne demanded what the meant to bereaue him of that whereto hee had yet no right The Prince boldlie replied Long may you liue Soueraigne Father to weare it your selfe but all men deeming you were departed to inherite another Crowne this being my right I tooke as mine owne but now doe acknowledge for none of mine and thereupon he set the Crowne againe where he found it Oh sonne quoth hee with what right I got it God onely knoweth who forgiue me the sinne howsoeuer it was got sayd the Prince I meane to keepe and defend it when it shall bee myne with my sword as you by sword haue obtained it Which the King hearing hee entered discourse of aduise shewing him that hee feared some discord would arise betwixt him and his brother Thomas Duke of Clarence who with better respect had borne forth his youth then Prince Henry had done and whose distemper was like to breed great troubles if it were not in time stayed If my brethren quoth Henry will be true subiects I will honour them as my brethren but if otherwise I shall assoone execute iustice vpon them as on the meanest of birth in my Kingdome The King reioycing at this vnexpected answere both prudently and Christianly charged him before God to minister the law indifferently to ease the oppressed to beware of flatterers not to deferre iustice nor yet to be sparing of mercy Punish quoth hee the oppressors of thy people so shalt thou obtaine fauour of God and loue and feare of thy Subiects who whiles they haue wealth so long shalt thou haue their obedience but made poore by oppressions will be ready to make insurrections Reioyce not so much in the glory of thy Crowne as meditate on the burthenous care which accompanieth it mingle loue with feare so thou as the heart shalt be defended in the midst of the body but know that neither the heart without the members nor a King without his Subiects helpe is of any force Lastly my sonne loue and feare God ascribe all thy victories strength friends obedience riches honour and all vnto him and with the Psalmist say with all thankes Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but to thy holy name be giuen the laud and praise 52 Vpon what soile these most Christian true and excellent Councels fell the following life will shew being nothing else but a full representation in act of such things as are here in precept only shewing to the world how diuine a beautie Christian goodnes hath His Wiues 53 The first wife of King Henry the fourth was Mary one of the daughters and heires of Humfrey de Bohum Earle of Hereford Essex and Northampton Constable of England c. Shee dyed An. D. 1394. before he came to the Crowne 54 His second wife was Ioane Queene daughter to Charles the first King of Nauarre shee being the widow of Iohn de Montford Sirnamed Streani Duke of Britaine and died without any Children by King Henry at Hauering in the Bower in the County of Essex 1437. the tenth day of Iulie in the fifteenth yeere of Henry the sixt and was buried by her husband at Canterbury His Children 55 Henry the Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall Earle of Chester and afterward King
ordinary mouth of that high Court hee saluted and spake to them at large concerning the premises where as hee vttered the mind of his place by anothers tongue so hee elsewhere prosecuted all affaires by other mens hands and Organs 4 The Duke of Bedford as the nature of his place exacted to settle and preserue the State of France for his young Nephew the King together with Philip Duke of Burgoigne who as yet continued a stedfast friend to the English Soueraignety knowing the Daulphin busie to recouer France strengthned the confines of their gouernment with Garrisons assembled their powers and laboured to retaine the hearts of their owne party The Duke of Bedford Regent of France had words to them to this effect in open assemble That they should not violate their plighted and sworne alleagiance neither by themselues endeauour nor endure that by others their Soueraigne Lord young Henry should be defrauded of his inheritance or that the hatreds and enmities which now beganne to die betweene the French and English names should through the practises of most faithlesse men be renued and reinflamed That they would remember how by Gods speciall fauour and goodnesse the two Kingdoms of France and England were vnited vnder one most faire and goodly Monarchie in an eternall league and lately so established that no humane force could r●…st That albeit they had sustained dammage by the warre yet the same would bee recouered with aduantage if they honored loued and obeyed their lawfull Soueraigne Lord King Henry and prosecuted his enemies with extremity according to bounden duty This Oration found plausible admission in shew Henry is proclaimed King of England and of France and such chiefes as were present did their homages taking oath to be true The like Obligation and Sacrament of alleagiance was put vpon all the French through the English Dominions in France 5 Charles who as sonne and heire to the late King entitled himselfe King of France by the name of Charles the seuenth being then about the seauen and twentieth yeere of his age full of courage and new hopes gathered what force he could his chiefe Leuies were made in Daulphynois and Italy from whence for money he drew sundry troupes But the best sinews of his Army moued in certain thousands of the Scotish Nation which serued vnder him The first steppe which the Charolines or forces of Charles made into hostile action was vnfortunate for comming to raise the siege which the English held about Crepan they were put to flight with the losse of about two thousand of their numbers This was noble in Charles and his Charolines that their minds sunke not at the horrour of such an euill Omen It was saith Aemylius of them resolued to encounter aduerse fortune with encrease of courage The Regent on the other side was vigilant vpon all occasions the power of his Regency extended it selfe without contradiction through Vimew Pontieu and Picardie from Paris to Reines Chalons and Troyes vp to the water of Loyr and the Sea A goodly scope of territory and absolutely the best of France That late losse foile of the Charolines was repaired shortly after by an ouerthrow in skirmish which they gaue to the English party from whom with the slaughter of about fifteene hundreth they recouered a great booty specially of Cattel which the English had gotten in the Countries of Nugion and Main but thus intercepted vpon their return into Normandy Charles which Paul Aemylius omitteth doubteth that successe for Meulan vpon Sein is by him taken where all the English are put to the sword but the possession was short and the reuenge speedy Thomas Montacute Earle of Salisbury a man saith Polydor more like the old Romans then people of that age so great was his vertue and cheualrie hauing with him Iohn of Luxemburg Generall of the Burgundian horsemen recouers the place killing all the French which were found therein 6 At the Citie of Amiens in Picardie the three great Dukes of Bedford Regent of France Burgoign and Britaine meet to consult of the whole course summe of affaires There they renued the League adding that each should be others friend and that all of them should defend King Henries right with their best forces For the better assurance of this profitable amity the Regent then a Bachelour tooke to wife the Lady Anne sister to Philip Duke of Burgundie while the Regent was absent from Paris vpon these iust occasions the Parisians who not long before had sent Ambassadors into England to acknowledge their obedience to King Henry practised with Charles to deliuer their City The Regent had notice of this dangerous treason and with his presence retained them in duety The chiefe Actors paied their liues for satisfaction of the trespasse In good time there arriued out of England ten thousand fresh Souldiers Ouer them hee ordeined Captaines the famous Earle of Salisbury William Pole Earle of Suffolke Robert Willoughby and others Himselfe lead about with him for the generall seruice eighteene hundred horsemen and eight thousand foote With these field-forces the maime of the English estate in France was held together though not without difficulty and diuers aduentures In them he tooke from Charles sundry strong Townes and Fortresses as Crotoy Baside Riol Rula Gyrond Basile Mermound Milham Femel Seintace and many other 7 The Regents chiefe designe was to draw Charles to fight hoping by his ouerthrow to conclude many daies workes in one For this cause he drew into Normandy Charles was then in Tourain where he mustereth his people The Regent prospers in the meane time and takes by siege a place of good importance presuming so to dare the French out to a Battell Iohn Duke of Alanson is sent with an Army and instructions to fight if occasion serued but Charles himselfe was not suffered to hazard his person Not farre from the Towne of Vernoil which the English had taken before the Duke of Alanson and his Charolines could succour it the two Armies embattelled themselues The fight began with shot which seeming not quicke enough to dispatch the work the battels came to hand-stroaks where for some houres there was maintained a constant and doubtfull battell with great furie on both sides The English enured to the French warres hauing borne the first heats of their enemies which are in that Nation most ragefull by perseuerance vtterly brake and put them to flight The Regent himselfe with a battle-axe fought most fiercely winning immortall honor in that bloody iourney There were slaine of the enemies side Iohn Earle of Boughwhan Constable of France Archenbald Dowglas Duke of Tourain and Lieutenant of France Archembald his sonne Earle of Wigton with many other of the Scots Of the French there were slaine the Earle of Vantadowr and sundry others In all there died vpon that side certaine thousands None writes of fewer then foure or fiue thousand nor
any of aboue fifteene The great number of the slaine is not the measure of a victory but the vse and effects which it drawes The Duke of Alanson himselfe was taken prisoner with about two hundred others of speciall worth The English paid for this noble victory the bodies of about two thousand of their souldiers which lost life there for it was fought vpon faire termes in the open fields and carried by meere manhood That which followeth till the siege of Orleance Paul Aemylius comprehendeth in some few lines The fierce Conquerour besiegeth Mants in Main and with Ordinance beates downe part of the wals It yeelds heereupon The English Garrison left therein after the taking not being sufficient to containe the Towne in due subiection is compelled to flie to a Tower for their safetie the enemies which were admitted into it by the Burgers enioying the rest The Lord Talbot the most noble Captaine of the English presently arriues to the rescue and puts the malefactors to death The English Empire extends it selfe to the Riuer of Loyr Charles they call in scorne the King of Berry Thus roundly he In nine Articles and capitulations drawne and concluded at the yeelding of M●…nts this was one as perhaps it was in euery like occasion That if any persons were found within the City which had beene consenting to the murther of Iohn Duke of Burgoin father to Philip Duke of Burgoin in full reuenge whereof he had hither to adhered to the English that they should simply bee at the Regents mercy 8 The chiefe things which passed in England during these happy proceedings in France were briefly these Iames Steward the young King of Scots hauing beene casually taken vpon the Sea in the reigne of King Henry the fourth and after his fathers death not sufficiently tendered nor respected by the Scots remained still a Prisoner The rather therefore to hinder the Scots that was the hope from aiding the French it was now thought fit by the Councell of England to enlarge him Which was accordingly done vpon pledges Not long after the which he married the Ladie Iane daughter to Iohn Earle of Sommerset neere cosen to King Henry Principall setters forward of this marriage as by likelihood of his liberty also to honour their family with a Kingly alliance were the Earle of Sommerset and the Bishop of Winchester both of them Beauforts who together with sundry other of the English Nobility conducted the new married Couple to the Scottish Borders Much of his ransome was abated and his new kinsemen bestowed vpon him store of plate gold and siluer among other gorgeous Ornaments suit of hangings in which the labors of Hercules were most curiously wrought But this wise King hauing had the benefit of excellent and Princely education in England did not suffer any obligations contracted in the time of his durance to preponderate with him the Generall state of Scotland whose freedome did much depend vpon the fortune of France whereby the maine drift of his enlargers was not much aduanced The reason notwithstanding which lead this action was probable and so much the more commendable for that it was tempered with humanity The forreine mischiefe thus howsoeuer intended hereby to be auoided or qualified Sir Iohn Mortimer a dangerous firebrand at home being Prisoner in the Tower was arraigned for many treasonable speeches vsed to a yeoman seruant to Sir Robert Scot keeper of the Tower of London to draw the said yeoman to let him escape promising him great matters The points of his speeches were as that fellow charged vpon him in open Parliament 1. That the said Mortimer meant to flie into Wales to the Earle of March and with an armie of forty thousand men to enter England and strike off the Protectors head and the Bishop of Winchesters 2. That the Earle of March ought by right to bee King of England and if the Earle would not that then hee himselfe was next heire 3. That if he could not safely reach to the Marches he would saile to the Daulphin of France and there serue with honor which he was assured of For these ouertures of escape and conspiracie the Knight was drawne hanged and headed Of whose death no small slander arose Perhaps he that writes so doth meane that the whole was but a stratageme to rid him out of the way Edmund Lord Mortimer Earle of March the party whom the said knight mentioned was sent not long after with many other Lords and competent numbers of men into Ireland where he deceased without issue whose great patrimony descended to Richard Plantagenet Earle of Cambridge the fatall disturber of the Realme of England vpon the pretence of Mortimers title to the Crowne 9 The amity with the Duke of Burgoin which the English had hitherto found so auailable toward their Conquests hauing otherwise receiued some few slight flawes was now in danger of vtter breaking vpon this occasion Humfrey Duke of Gloucester Protector of the Realme following councell vnworthy of his person and place contracted himselfe with the Lady Iaqueline of Ba●…aria Inheretrix of Holland Zeland Hena●…lt and many other faire dominions in the Netherlands notwithstanding that Iohn Duke of Brabant her former husband was then liuing and that the suit of diuorce commenced by Iaqueline depended still betweene them The Duke of Burgoin held with Brab●…t This bred bitter humor in the Duke of Glocester who being not vsed to meet with any rubs or confrontments and now when in person he came with an armie to take seison of Henault in right of his supposed wife finding himselfe hard set vnto by the aids which Burgoin ministred to the Duke of Brabant he challengeth Combat of the Duke of Burgundy calling him traitour It was accepted and the lie strongly thrust vpon Gloucester who leauing the light Lady at her Towne of Monts in Henault returned into England doing nothing of that for which at that time he came Mediation tooke vp the quarrell afterward betweene the Duke of Burgundy and him Not long after the returne of the Duke of Gloucester into England the first marriage which had beene made and consummated betweene the Duke of Brabant and the said Lady Iaqueline was pronounced lawfull by Pope Martin the fifth Hereupon the Duke of Glocester hauing susteined many losses aswell of friends as treasure in punishment of that great sinne in taking anothers wife forthwith marries Eleanour daughter to Reignald Lord Cobham of Sterborough whereby he made her amends for that vnlawfull familiarity which had formerly passed betweene them Meanewhile the Court of England doth well shew that the King was an infant for it was full of dangerous emulations and sidings the Duke of Gloucester whose high office it was to tender the welfare of the King and State laying sundry grieuous accusations against the Cardinall Beaufort sonne of Iohn Duke of Lancaster Bishop of Winchester and Lord
a Parliament begun at Westminster the fifteenth of Ianuary he was attainted of high treason but whether guiltie or guiltles to men saith Grafton that haue made large inquisition yea and of such as were of no small authority in those daies the certaintie thereof was hid and could not truly be disclosed but by coniectures which as often deceiue the imaginations of fantasticall folke as declare truth to them in their conclusions 105 I am not ignorant that some haue alleaged the cause of this Noble mans death to arise from a foolish prophecie whereof saith Comines the English-men are neuer vnfurnished this as the Cab●…sts who vsed to make an art of their letters gaue forth forsooth that a G. should raigne after an E. which must needes be George Duke of Clarence though Gloucester more craftie lay in winde for the game This indeed troubled the King not a little but the Queene and her blood much more and therefore of both King and Queene Duke George was mistrusted and greatly maligned in all that he did Who now a widower for Warwicks daughter was dead sent vnto his sister Margaret the Dutchesse of Burgundie to worke a marriage for him with her husbands daughter the Lady Marie Against which the Queene most earnestly interposed her selfe and sollicited the Ladie in the behalfe of Lord Anthonie Earle Riuers her brother whereby great discontent was ministred to the Duke and new iealousies daily bred in the Kings breast 106 Iohn Serres the French Historian interlacing the life of King Lewis with the Acts of K. Edward and his brethren saith confidently that the English King so much affected the league and alliance with France as that he caused his brother Clarence to be put in prison because he intended to haue past the Seas to succour the Dowager of Burgundie Ladie Margaret his sister vpon whose Territories King Lewis encroached after the death of Duke Charles her husband slaine at the battell of Man●…y 107 But howsoeuer Clarence had offended certaine it is that he was found guilty by the foresaid Parliament and the eleuenth of March following after he had offered his Masse-penny in the Tower of London was drowned in a But of Malmesey whose body was buried at Tewkesburie in Glocestershire by the bodie of his Dutchesse Ladie Isabell Countesse of Warwicke who being with Child died of poison a little before And although the King had consented to his death yet no sooner was it done but that he wished it againe vndone and was so greeued at the remembrance as when anie made suite for the life of a condemned he would openly say Oh ●…fortunate brother for whose life no 〈◊〉 would make ●…ite This good Duke for so was he called left issue behind him Edward Earle of Warwicke and Margaret afterwards Countesse of Salisbury both of them infants and followers of their fathers fortunes he a continuall Prisoner at foure and twentie yeeres of age vnder Henry the seauenth was beheaded vpon the Tower-hill and shee at sixtie two lost hers within the Tower and time of King Henrie the eight 108 But how dainty soeuer King Edward was of the breach of amitie betwixt him and the French King in regard whereof he suffered Mary the yong Dutchesse of Burgundy the daughter of his owne sisters husband to bee molested by 〈◊〉 of the French and all in fauour of the contract commenced betweene the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lady 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 daughter yet did 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ou●… 〈◊〉 For Ambassadors ●…ploied 〈◊〉 accomplishing ●…of they of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without 〈◊〉 o●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…he new were sent without 〈◊〉 while indeed Lewis 〈◊〉 working for his sonne another way First to match him with Mary Dutches of Burgundy but that refused with Margaret of Flaunders daughter to Duke Maximilian sonne to Fredericke the Emperor and to hold the world from suspition in the meane while Ladie Elizabeth the Infanta of England was in the French Court vsually called Madame the Daulphin and all things in France so soundly carried as Edward suspected no leake in the Caske for now growne fat and vnable for paines he both gloried in his nine famous victories at home atchieued and seemed sufficientlie satisfied that his yeerely tribute from France was so truly paied 109 At the same time Iames the third of that name King of Scotland sent his Ambassadors vnto Edward to obtaine the Lady Cicelie the Kings second daughter to be ioined in marriage with his sonne Iames the young Prince which was well listened vnto by Edward and his Counsell and least the motion should goe backe a great summe of money lent to the Scottish King with this condition that at a certain time appointed it should be at K. Edwards choise whether his daughter should match with that Prince or else to haue the said summe againe repaid Against which alliance and league as Lesly reporteth Lewis of France much repined and to annihilate the same sent Dr. Ireland a certaine knight and another religious man to moue King Iames to make warre against England 110 These no Peace-makers for Christ but firebrands of Belial blew the smothered sparkes of dissention into a flame of bloody warre which fell the more heauy vpon Scotland for that K. Iames much wedded vnto his owne will and altogether ruled by men of meane worth whom himselfe had aduanced from nothing had not only neglected by their instigations the loue of his Nobles but also banished the Realme of Scotland Alexander Duke of Albany his second brother and had caused the veines of Iohn Earle of Marre his other brother to be opened whereby he bled to death these and other discontents alienated his Subiects hearts from him which laid the land more open vnto the English Inuaders and yet to draw them more deadly against him relying vpon his ownevalor and the assistance of France he sent word vnto Edward that he should not aid his owne sister of Burgundy against K. Lewis being the Scots Allie as also with threats of warre commanded him to deliuer to his Ambassadors the Duke of Albanie then residing in the English Court and lastlie to make good and repay dammages done vpon the Scottish Borders 111 King Edward not a little inraged at these double dealings euen in the winter season mustered his men prep●…ed his artillery and rigged his ships that nothing should be vnready at the next Spring which no sooner was come but that he ordained for his Lieutenant his brother Richard Duke of Gloucester who with Henrie Earle of Northumberland Thomas Lord Stanley the Lord Louell G●…stock and others the Duke of Albany marching vnto Gloucesters banner with twenty thousand strong repaired into the North and first ●…sieged the strong Towne Berwick then en●…ing the chiefe City Edenborough vrged K. Iames to performe his couenants concerning the marriage betwixt Prince Iames his sonne with Lady Cicely before agreed vpon
his Act against Andrew Barton and would abide the last drop of his bloud in the Vant-gard of the field 14 King Iames most readily accepted the offer and by his Herauld Hay sent the Earle word that if he were as then in Edenbrough yet would hee most gladly come to fulfill his desire and withall sent his letters for the iust occasions giuen him to inuade England as hee did The day approached and the Scots keeping the higher ground the Earle marched vpward along the riuer and by two Bridges passed ouer with his hoast making still forward as thogh he ment either to haue taken into Scotland or else to circumuent K. Iames his returne which hee perceiuing hasted downe the hill putting from him his horse raised his roiall Standard and as a most valiant Chiefetaine encouraged his Souldiers to the fight 15 The Scotish Ordinance discharged from aboue ouershot the English with very small dammage and the ground of no difficult ascent gaue them the easier accesse so that Sir Edmund Howard who lead a wing to the Vant-gard whereof his brother the Admirall was Captain got almost to the height against whom the Earles of Lennox and Argile with their Battels of Speares on foot so violently encountred that they beat down and brake the wing of the English wherein many were slaine and the horsemen disbanded and put to flight but presently recalled ioyned themselues againe to the great battell which by this time had attained to the toppe of the hill King Iames that saw this first brunt performed made full account that the day was his owne supposing verily the English had fled and therefore most valiantly he aduanced forward not staying for the reregard to second his battel and encountring the Earles Battalion a bloody fight was performed with the losse and life of many a man but strength neere spent and the Scotish somewhat disioyned through force of a great shore of arrowes falling among them Sir Edward Stanley hauing three bands reserued for the like purpose with a fresh onset inuaded the open sides of the enemy whose force was so violent that the Scots no longer were able to stand but tooke downe the hill vnto flight which the Earles of Lennox and Argile perceiuing did their best to stay them and fighting most valiantly themselues were slain in the same place 16 King Iames then perceiuing the wings of his Battell distressed and gone and that the enemy began to enclose him about with a stout resolution incouraged his men willing thē to regard the person of their King their own honor their valiant Ancestors and now their present imploiments that their blood might bee bought deare to the English and the Scotish valours recorded for euer in the volumes of fame for this their one daies work thereupon rushing among the thickest began a most eager bloody battel and piercing through with a strong hand went so far that he had almost ouerthrown the Earles Standard thus busied in doubtfull chance the Lord Howard and Sir Edward Stanley hauing discomfited the enemy in either wing returned in the face of the maine battell and the Lord Dacres with his Horse-men came vpon their backes so that the Stotish were forced to fight in a round compasse but being ouer-laid the Kings Standard was strucken downe and himselfe most valiantly fighting slaine in the middest of his enemies with whom died three Bishops whereof one was Alexander Archbishop of Saint Andrewes the Kings base sonne two Abbots twelue Earles and seuenteene Lords Kent vnto Black-heath neere vnto Greenewich was there mette and receiued by the Duke of Norfolke many Knights but many more Prelates where in a Tent of Cloth of Gold he shifted himselfe into his Cardinall Roabes which was edged about with most rich Ermine and thence rode to London in more pompe and estate then Christ did to Ierusalem when Hosanna was sung 32 Eight Mules hee had laden with necessaries belonging but those made no shew in proud Wolseis eies therefore twelue more hee sent him to furnish his Pageants through the streets of London these either wanton or ashamed to bee wondred at plaied the skittish Iades indeed For in Cheape-side as this Triumph foorth passed these beasts by breaking their Collers and escaping their Leaders cast their Carriages and Coffers vpon the cold ground whose lids flying open laid most of their riches to the sight of the people For from some of them fell olde Breeches Bootes and broken shooes from others torne stockings tottered ragges olde Iron and horse shooes and for fainting by the way therein was bestowed and now cast abroad broken meate mary-bones rosted egges and crusts of bread ywiffe worth the keeping this Shipwrack made vpon the Shelues of Cheape-side no need it was to bid the muliters to bestirre them who like good thrifty marriners saued from spoile as much as they could and trussing vp their trinkets laded againe these wantons with the wealth of the Cardinal who good man was iogging on afore with his Crosses Pillars Gilt-axe and Mace vnto Pauls Church where hee was mette with many mitred Bishops and attended vpon to Bath place where we will leaue him and returne to the place where wee left 33 The vnity agreed vpon betwixt England and France a meeting was motioned for the two Kings and to that ende great preparation made aswell of the one as of the other But in the heate of this businesse King Henry had word that Charles his Queenes Nephew and new made Emperour would visit him in England which accordingly hee did accompanied with the Queene of Arragon and a most Royall Traine and was as Roiallie entertained by King Henry the cause of his comming was to hinder the peace concluded with France for although this Emperour were young and but newly established yet was hee wise and well foresawe the hurt that this amity with France would bring him and therefore came in person of purpose to disswade the Kings mind and to stay his entrance with the French if he could but finding Henry so forward in those proceeds he baited his hooks with golden gifts to the Cardinall and wanne him wholly to his deuotion 34 King Henry passing the Seas vnto Callis met with King Frances at a place appointed and for that purpose newly built betwixt the Townes of Guisnes and Arde where to describe the Iusts Banquets and Maskes were to fill vp with Hall Grafton and Holinshed whole sides of excessiue great Cost At Callis also the same time the Emperor with his Aunt the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Sauoy landed whither King Henry and his Queene repaired to the no little grudge of the French King though he kept it to himselfe and consented vnto the ancient league tripertite betwixt these three Monarches which done the Kings returned into their owne Realmes 35 Displeasures shortly arising betwixt the Emperour and the French King King Henry assaied to
the crowne As bad his claim as his per on deformed but both made good by flatterers in Parliament Great pitie that so faire stemmes should being forth so bad a branch All promises were not kept as afterward it proued The Lord our God is a consuming fire Deut. 4. 24. A charitable minde in shew but in truth a crafty intent The effect of our English Parliaments The Crowne entailed to king Richard and his heires Prince Edward made heire apparant by Parliament What cannot the Parliament effect where all giue way to the sway of time Eccles. 9. 4. King Richard like vnto Galba a had Subiect but a good Prince King Richard accepteth the Crowne and beginneth his raigne with great applause The new Kings clemency and affability K. Richards dealings double construed The Northerne sent for to the Kings Coronation Iohn Harding Cont●…er A. D. 1485. States 〈◊〉 by K Richard At Beere or Berry Ex Regist. Oxon. MS. A letter written for the Vniuersity o●… O ●…ra in the behalfe of D. Morton * Virgil. Pa●…e Subiect●… c. Salust Dat. Ox●…ij in Eccles. S. Mariae Vi●…g 4. Sex●… Bishop Morton committed to the custody of the Duke of Buckinghom The great estate of King Richards coronation Buckingham most richly attired at the kings coronation The order of the Kings proceedings to be crowned Rich. Groston The order of the Queenes proceedings to receiue the crown The King and Queene solemnly annointed and crowned Sir Th●… Mooe The time of King Richards raigne full of calamities 〈◊〉 made of the two Princes deathes King Richards progresse towards Glocester Remora a little fish i●… reported to haue such strength as it will stay the course of any ship vnder saile The feares of K. Richard King Richard complotteth the death of his Nephewes King Richard his letter to Sir Robert Brakenbury Sir Robert Brakenburies answere vnto Iohn Greene King Richards complaint of Ingratitude Iames Tirrell made the Instrument of murther The parts of Sir Iames Tirrel King Richard consu●…red vpon his Nephewes murders sitting on a homely seate Sir Iames ready to fulfil the kings mind in the murther of the Princes The words of Prince Edward when he heard that his ●…ncle should be King The faithfull seruants of the Prince remoued from him Sir Th. Moore Prince Edward and his brother murthered in a featherbed Their bodies were buried vnder a paire of staires The body of the two Princes remoued and buried no man knowes where Hardings continuer The murtherers confesse the deed and maner of their ●…th The report of Sir Tho. Moore The vnconstant state ofmans life Gods iustice and reuenge vpon the murtherers Io. Harding Ruenge of murder repaid The guilty conscience of King Richard Outward enemies arise against King Richard The forward affection of the Duke of Bckingham towards the Duke of Glocester The Duke of Buckingham fals in dislike of king Richard The occasions of the Kings and Dukes falling asunder Buckingham fained himselfe sick not to attend K. Henry The feares of the Duke of Buckingham No such suspition betwixt the King and the Duke as was said to be Sir Thomas Mores opinion of Buckingham The diuers opinions of the King and Dukes falling out The story of Bishop Morton Morton w●…d vnto King Edwards side The vnion of Lancaster and Yorke first set 〈◊〉 by Bishop Morton Morton made Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Chancellor and Cardinall His wisedome and experience The deepe polllicy of B. Morton The communication of the Duke and D. Morton Buckingham exciteth the Bishop to reueale his deepest secret It is dangerous to deale in Princes affaires A pretry tale p●…hily applied The desire of the Duke to know his meaning Edward ●…ll The Dukes protestation of secrecy The Bishop dealeth plainly with the Duke The dutie of all men towards their natiue countreys The change of state vnder the tyranny of the vsurper Blood cryeth for bloody vengeance The Bishop perswadeth the Duke to take the Crowne vnto himselfe The next dayes conference The Duke discloseth himselfe vnto the Bishop The Protector desired the crowne till the Prince came to the age of 24. yeeres The Protectors words to the Councell Change of State change of manners Why Buckingham fell from the Vsurper Margaret Countesse of Richmund The doubts of the Duke of Buckingham The great and waighty charge of a King Buckinghams resolution concerning the Crown The communication of the Countesse of Richmond with the Duke of Buckingham Henry Earle of Richmond and Ladie Elizabeth must make the vnion With whom and how to begin the intended desigues Reinold Bray the Instrument Bishop Morton escapeth from Brecknocke disguised Lewis a Phi●…tian another Instrument Lewis breaketh the intent vnto Queene Elizabeth The meanes to raise the Queens daughter to her right Queene Elizabeth readily receiueth the motion The Queene sendeth to the Countesse The two mothers agreede Vpon the vnion Many drawne into faction against K. Richard Vrswicke sent into Britaine Hugh Conway sent into Britaine Earle Richmund breaketh with the Duke of D●…ine The Duke of Buckingham it sent for by the King The Duke of Buckingham refuseth to come to the Court. Commotions begun King Richards expedition towards 〈◊〉 The Duke prepareth against the King Great matters le●…ed that the complices could not 〈◊〉 The Duke of Buckingham ●…peth in s●…cres The 〈◊〉 dispersed Many fled into Br●…taine to Earle Henry A proclamation for the apprehension of the Duke of Bu●…kingham Banister betraied his Lord the Duke of Buckingham Buckingham beheaded Banister looseth his reward but findeth punishments A Commotion in Kent King Richard sendeth to the Duke of Britain The Kings brother in law beheaded Earle Henry shipped for England A subtle traine laid for the Earl Earle Henry returneth into Britaine The Lords meet in Britaine The Lords svvear fealty vnto Henry Henry others attainted by Parliament William Collingborne executed for the time K Richard maketh peace with Scotland Iob de la Pole Earle of Lincolne proclaimed heire apparant Offers made to the Duke of Britaine Peter Landose Landose promised to deliuer the Earle Bishop Morton giueth Henry notice of his danger King Charles granteth his safe conduct to Henrie Earle Henry hardly escaped The Duke of Bri taine displeased at Landose The honorable dealings of the Duke of Britaine Iohn Earle of Oxford commeth to Earle Henry Iohn Earle of Oxford in great fauour with Henrie Bishop Fox in great fauor with King Henry The preferments of Bishop Fox Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford founded by Bishop Fox King Richard intendeth to match with his Neece A subtill deuice Many faire promises intending foule ende Queene Elizabeth brought into 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 King Edwards fiue daughters deliuered to the Tyrant their vncle Queene Elizabeth sendeth for the Marquesse her sonne Queene Anne hindreth the purpose of the King King Richards fained sorrow * Of Canterbury King Richard refraineth his Queenes bed A report giuen foorth that Queene Anne was dead Queene Anne feareth her owne death Her death and buriall place
marriage was called in England Elfgiue after the name of most of the former Queens which had succeeded Saint Elfgiue Shee was married vnto him in the moneth of Iuly and yeere of Christ Iesus one thousand and seuenteene beeing the first yeere of his raigne whose wife shee was eighteene yeeres and suruiuing kept still at Winchester vnto which Church shee gaue nine Manours according to the number of those firy Plow-shares that shee was forced to goe vpon for her purgation in the raigne of Edward her sonne as shall bee said This Church shee adorned with many goodly vestures and verie rich Iewelles and deceasing in this City the sixt of March the yeere of Grace one thousand fiftie and two and ninth of her sonne King Edwards raigne was buried in the Church of S. Swithine neere vnto Canutus her husband His Issue 21 Sweyn the eldest sonne of Canute by Lady Alfgiue was borne before his father was King of England and before his fathers death was constituted King of Norway lately conquered from King Olafe the Martyr where hee beganne his Raigne in the yeere of mans saluation one thousand thirty and fiue beeing the eighteenth of his fathers Raigne in England and after he had with dislikes ruled that Realme the space of fiue yeeres hee was reiected of the Norwegians his subiects and deceasing without heire of his body left the Kingdome to the natiue heire Magnus the sonne of Olaffe who had beene wrongfully dispossessed by Canute 22 Harold the second sonne of King Canute and of Lady Alfgiue was also born before his father obtained the English Crown for his exceeding swiftnes was surnamed Hare-foote He remained with his father in England after he had disposed of Denmark to Hardi-canute and Norway to Sweyne his brethren expecting something in reuersion But perceiuing at his fathers death that England was also appointed to his brother Hardi-canute hee tooke the aduantage of his absence and assumed the Soueraignety of this Kingdome to himselfe 23 Hardi-Canute the third sonne of King Canute and his first by Queene Emma his wife was borne about the beginning of his fathers Raigne and towards the end of the same was constituted King of the Danes and designed to succeede him after his death in the Kingdome of England But beeing absent then in Denmark was disappointed by his brother Harold who succeeded his father after whose death he also succeeded him 24 Gunhilda the daughter of King Canute and of Emma his Queene was the first wife of Henrie the Third Romane Emperour sonne of the Emperour Conrad the second of that name surnamed Salike shee was a Lady of a surpassing beauty which either mooued her husbands mind vnto ielousie or the ouer-lauish report thereof to breede surmize of incontinencie for accused shee was of adulterie and to defend her cause by combat none could be found till lastly her Page brought with her from England seeing no other would aduenture for her innocencie entred the list himselfe but a youth in regard of the other Combatant beeing a Giant-like man yet in fight at one blow cutting the sinewes of his enemies legge with another he feld him to the ground where presently with his sword hee tooke his head from the shoulders and so redeemed his Ladies life After which hard vsage the Empresse Gunhilda forsooke her husbands bed and by no meanes could bee brought againe vnto the same but tooke the holy vaile of a Nunne in the Town of Burges in Flanders where she spent the rest of her life and after her death was buried in the Collegiate Church of S. Donatian being the principall of that town where her Monument remaineth besides the north dore of the same Church vnto this day 25 Another Lady of the like sanctity is reported to be the daughter of King Canut and the second wife of Godescalke Prince of the Vandals by whom he had Henry King of that Nation They both are said to haue suffered Martyrdome for the faith of Christ he first at the City of Lenzim and she after at Michelenburg being most cruelly tortured to death with whips This Lady vpon sundry strong inducements cannot be reputed legitimate which moued Andrew Velley a Danish Writer in our time to be therin of a diuers opinion from Adam of Breme and Helmoldus who liued fiue hundred yeeres before him HAROLD THE SECOND DANISH KING RAIGNING INENGLAND AND THE THIRTIE FIFT MONARCH OF THE LAND HIS RAIGNE AND ACTS CHAPTER IIII. CANVTVS being dead Hardicanute his sonne by Queene Emma then in Denmarke Harold his elder but base brother foreslowed not the opportunity offered for seeing himselfe in his fathers life time neglected and by will at his death England with that of Denmarke heaped vpon Hardicanut as quicke in apprehension as hee was of footmanshippe whereof arose the surname Hare-foot made strong his side by the Londoners and Danes Mercians Northumbrians very many yea and some great Personages amongst them affecting his claime but Goodwin of Kent who had the Queene and her treasure in keeping stood in his way pretending himself Guardian of her Children the will of Canutus who appointed his sonne by her to succeede 2 The opposition grew strong and the factions ripened euen ready to seede onely the lingering of Hardicanute gaue leaue vnto Harold to better his side by daily supplies and the feares of ciuill sedition moued the Nobility to argue with wordes and not weapons the title depending betwixt these two brethren At Oxford they met where the presence of the one downe-peized the absence of the other so that their voices went onely with Harold and presently proclaimed and consecrated him King 3 He beganne his raigne the yeere of Christs humanity 1036. and was very solemnly crowned at Oxford by Elnothus Archbishoppe of Canterbury though for a time hee was very vnwilling to performe that seruice for it is reported that hee hauing the regall scepter and Crowne in his custody with an oath refused to consecrate any other for King so long as the Queenes children were liuing For said he Canutus committed them to my trust and assurance and to them will I giue my faith and allegiance This Scepter and Crowne therefore I here lay downe vpon this Altar neither doe I denie nor deliuer them to you but I require by the Apostolike authority all Bishops that none of them presume to take the same away neither therewith that they consecrate you for King as for your selfe if you dare you may vsurpe that which I haue committed to God on this his Table Notwithstanding that great thunder clappe was allaied with the showres of golden promises of his iust and religious Gouernment intended though present experience manifested the contrary 4 For saith the auncient Writer of the booke called Encomium Emmae Harold no sooner was established King but that he sought means how to rid Queen Emma out of the way and that secretly for openly hee
to the Kings commaund and his owne Oath hauing receiued consecration and thereupon forbidden by the King to put foot againe within his Dominions his holines commanded his New-Creature should be installed against all right and custom without professing any subiection to the See of Canterbury and threatned with his curse to interdite both Prouinces till that was performed The cause of the Popes indignation against Ralph is supposed to bee for that hee had receiued his Inuestiture of the King who contrary to the Canons of the late Romane Synode did still challenge and practise that * Regall prerogatiue 43 Whether it were about this contention of Inuesting or about a Fryer of the Holy Sepulchre whom as Malmsb. saith the King had imprisoned or about Thurstans hard vsage certaine it is that the Pope much desiring to haue priuate talke with the King came to him into Normandy and so at Gisors conferred saith Paris the Great King and the high Priest but notwithstanding the Popes threates or intreates Thurstan was kept in banishment full fiue yeares and then for the Popes pleasure was restored But at this meeting the King was so liberall of rich gifts to the Pope and his Cardinals that therfore the Pope saith a Monke held him a most wise and eloquent perswader and his actions very iustifiable But it seemeth the Cardinals were neither so eloquent nor learned as they should be for that saith hee two youthes in the Kings Company sonnes of the Earle of Mellent learned both and therefore fitte to be with that learned King reasoning of some points with them and disputing Scholler-like with Logicall Syllogismes the G●…d Rabbies vsed to other exercises at Rome then studying were quite grauelled and had nought to say but that more learning was in these Westerne parts then they had thought But as these Church-stirres did not a little disquiet the King so also did new Welsh tumults raised by Meredith ap Blethyn who with the three sonnes of Cadogin Encon Madoc and Morgan sore troubled the Kings people and peace by breaking into the Marches and especially into Cheshire where they burned two Castles The King therefore making towards them had sent his maine Armie to conduct the Carriages whilst himselfe with a small Company tooke a neerer way through the Mountaines and Straites which being forelaid by the Enemy was with great courage set vpon and through the aduantage of the Place many of his men slaine and more hurt by the Welsh Archers whose showers of Arrowes rained thicke vpon them from the higher ground amongst which one was so leuelled at the King that it strucke him on the breast yet being surely armed did him no hurt but hee therewith all wonderfully dismaied and by likelihoode fearing some treason amongst his owne for then hee swore by our Lords death his vsuall oath that no Welsh-man shotte that Arrow but one of his owne Prouincials and considering that by these his ouer-rash proceedings his glory purchased in more famous parts might againe bee lost in this wild and rude Country came to a Parley Peace receiuing of the King a thousand head of Cattle and leauing Kord Fitzwarren Lieutenant of the Marches returned to England where hee held three Parliaments in the same yeare one at Norwich another at Northampton and the third at London 44 The Normans still repining at the Captiuity of Robert their late Duke and standing well affected vnto his Sonne thought now the time fitting Prince William being dead to raise the other William his Cosen Germane into his place who as the Monke of Chester affirmeth married Sybil the other daughter of Foulke Earle of Aniou with whom hee receiued the Earledome of Cenomannia vpon displeasure that King Henry withheld the formers dowry in England The chiefe in this action was Robert Earle of Mellent who was lately fallen off from the King Henry therefore hasting into Normandy besieged his Castle Pont-Audomar and tooke it and at that time built a large and high wall with many Bulwarkes about the Tower of Roan repaired the Castles of Caen Arches Gisors Faleise Argenton Damfort Vernon Ambres and sundry others 45 In the meane time Earle Mellent desirous to bee reuenged vpon the King associated Hugh Earle of Montfort and others vnto his aide who entring Normandy with fire and sword did much harme as they went thinking to bring all to their obeisance against whose outrages William Tankeruile the Kings Chamberlaine and Lieutenant in those parts addressed himselfe and training them into danger of an Ambush laid for that purpose after long fight tooke them both prisoners and presented them to his Master whereby the warres ceased for a time in those parts 46 In this the Kings absence but yet with his licence Iohannes Cremensis the Popes holy Cardinal came into England sent by Honorius the Second there to redresse the still continued sinne-seeming abuse of the Clergy in retaining and vsing according to Gods owne Ordinance the Society of their wiues This Pontificall Prelate was entertained by all the Bishops and Abbots with great and costly Presents and afterward being solemnely set in a Councell at London vpon the birth-day of the Blessed Virgine made a soleme Oration in praise of Virginitie and Chastity with a terrible inuectiue against the maried Priests and to amplifie their sinnes the more hee shewed what extreme impiety it was to rise from the bed of vnlawfull lust for so was their chaste Marriage termed and with polluted hands to touch the Sacrament of the body of Christ but the same night following he * hauing that very day consecrated that holy Sacrament was himself taken with a Whore the matter being so apparant that it could not bee hid neither ought it to be silenced saith Huntingdon to the great reproach of those most vnchaste boasters of Chastitie as both Paris and Higden themselues doe confesse and so hee returned to Rome with shame enough but with little successe in that intended businesse till some few yeers after King Henrie seeming very desirous to settle his pretensed continency in the Clergy in a Councel held at London obtained through simplicity of the Archbishop of Canterbury saith Paris that himselfe shold haue the execution of iustice and punishments of the Priests that offended either in keeping of their wiues or vsing of Concubines for likely those that liked not the one loued the other as well as Cremensis but euen then also the Kings end being onely to get in summes of money which hee had still occasions to vse euery man redeemed his liberty by his purse and matters rather proued worse then any whit reformed 47 Whilest King Henry about his said affaires lay in Normandy newes was brought him that Henry the Emperour his sonne in law was dead whereupon hee presently sent for his Daughter the Empresse and with her he returned into England
Glequin makes his vse of all occasions and workes much harme to the English party in Guien and Britaine But in Britaine Sir Robert Knols did so nobly acquit him selfe on the behalfe of his Souereignes sonne in law the Duke that he only seemed a fit parallel to Glequin like as hee stopt the current of his fortune was borne at Gaunt the chiefe Towne of Flaunders Anno 1340. and 14. of his fathers raigne In his Childhood he was created Earle of Richmond which title was afterward recalled in and bestowed vpon Iohn Duke of Britanny who married his sister to whose Dutchy it had formerly belonged Hee had three wiues the first Blanch daughter and Coheire and in the end the sole heire of Henry Duke of Lancaster sonne of Edmund surnamed Crooch-back in whose right he was at the first Earle and after Duke of the same and with that Dutchy also Earle of Leicester Derby and Lincolne and high Steward of England He had issue by her Henry of Bullingbrooke Earle of Derbie after Duke of Hereford and lastly King of England named Henry the fourth who first placed the Crowne in the house of Lancaster Philip wife of Iohn the first King of Portugall and Elizabeth married first to Iohn Holland Earle of Huntingdon brother of Thomas Duke of Surrey and after him to Sir Iohn Cornwall Baron of Fanhope His second wife was Consiance the eldest daughter of Peter King of Castile and Leon in whose right for the time he entituled himself King of both these realmes by her he had issue one onely daughter named Katherine married to Henry the third sonne of King Iohn in possession before and in her right after King of both the said realmes His third wife was Katherine the widow of Sir Hugh Swinford a Knight of Lincolnshire eldest daughter and Coheire of Payn Roet a Gascoigne called Guien King of Armes for that Countrey his yonger daughter being married to Sir Geoffrey Cha●…cer our Laureat Poet. By her hee had issue borne before matrimony and made legitimate afterward by Parliament holden in the twentieth yeere of King Richard the second Iohn Earle of Sommerset Thomas Duke of Excester Henry Bishop of Winchester and Cardinall and Ioane who was first married to Robert Ferrers Baron of Wemme and Ouesley in the Counties of Salop and VVarwicke and secondly to Raph Neuil the first Earle of Westmerland Shee and all her brethren were surnamed Beaufort of a Castle which the Duke had in France where they were all borne in regard thereof bearing the Porculleys of a Castle for the cognizance of their family This Duke in the thirteenth yeere of his Nephew King Richard at a parliament holden at London was created Duke of Aquitaine but in the sixt yeere after hee was called home and this Title recalled in and in the third yeere after the sixtieth of his age Anno 1399. he dyed at Ely house in Holborne and lyeth honourably entombed in the Quire of Saint Paul Edmond their 5. sonne surnamed of Langley was created Earle of Cambridge Anno 1362. in the same Parliament wherein Lionel was created Duke of Clarence Hee was afterward made Duke of Yorke Anno 1386. and married Isabel daughter and Coheire to Peter King of Castile and Leon. His sonne Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke took to wife Anne Morti●…er heire of the foresaid Lionel elder brother to Edmund Langley William another of their sonnes surnamed of Wynsore where he was borne dyed yong and is buried at Westminster Thomas the youngest sonne of King Edward and Queene Philip surnamed of Woodstocke where hee was borne was first Earle of Buckingham created by his Nephew King Richard the second on his Coronation day An. 1377. by whom after also he was made Duke of Glocester 1385. The Earledomes also of Essex and Northampton and the Constableshippe of England fell to him by right of his wife Eleanor the only daughter and heire of Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Hee was a man of valour wisdome and vigilancy for the behoofe of the King his Nephew and the State but those noble vertues distempered with too much wilfulnesse froward obstinacy bred him first Enuy and afterruine For the King surmising him to bee a too seuere obseruer of his doings consulted with Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke how to make him away whom Mowbray vnawares surprizing conuaied secretly to Callis where he was strangled 1397. 20. of his Nephewes raigne Himselfe in his life had prouided a goodlie tombe at Playsie in Essex his owne Towne and the vsuall seat of the great Constables of England where hee founded a Colledge whither his body was brought and laid with all funerall pompe but afterward it was translated to Westminster where also lyeth Eleanor his wife who dyed 1399. Their issue was Humfrey Earle of Buckingham who dyed at Chester of the pestilence An. 1400. Anne married first to Edmund Earle of Stafford by whom shee had Humfrey Duke of Buckingham secondly to William Bourchier Earle of Eue by whom she had Henry Earle of Essex Philippa Ioane Isabell who died all issulesse Isabel the eldest daughter and second childe of K. Edward and Queene Philip was married at Windsore with great pompe to Ingelram of Guisnes Lord of Coucy Earle of S●…ysons and after Arch-Duke of Austria whom K. Edward his father in law created also Earle of Bedford 1365. by whom shee was mother of two daughters Mary married to Henry of Barre to whom shee bare Robert de Barre and Ioane the wife of Lewis of Luxemburg Earle of S. Paul and Philip the wife of Robert de Veere Earle of Oxford Duke of Ireland and Marquesse of Dublyn this Robert in the heigth of his fortunes forsooke his noble Ladie and married one Lancerona a Ioyners daughter by report which came with King Richard the seconds wife out of Boheme and being for his pride and abusing the Kings eare to the hurt of the State driuen out of the land by the nobles hee dyed at Louain in great vexation of mind and extreme penury An. 1392. Isabel his wiues mother was buried in the Church of Fryars Minorites neer Algate in London Ioane their second daughter and third child was borne 9. of her fathers raigne An. 1335. B●…ng 14. yeres of age shee was desired in marriage by solemne Embassage from Alphons the eleuenth King of Castile and Leon sonne of King Ferdinando the 4 was espoused by Proxie intituled Queene of Spaine and conueyed into that Countrey where shee presentlie deceased of a great plague that then raigned so as the King comming to meete her to solemnize the espousals with great griefe accompanyed her to Church only at her funerall 22. of her fathers raigne An. 1348. Blanch the 3. daughter died yong and lieth buried at Westminster Mary their 4. daughter was married to Iohn Montford Duke of Britaine Margaret their youngest daughter was the first wife of Iohn de Hastings Earle of Pembroke but shee dyed without