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A10672 Vox cœli, or Newes from heauen Of a consultation there held by the high and mighty princes, King Hen. 8. King Edw. 6. Prince Henry, Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth, and Queene Anne, wherein Spaines ambition and trecheries to most kingdoms and free estates of Europe, are vnmasked and truly represented, but more particularly towards England, and now more especially vnder the pretended match of Prince Charles with the Infanta Dona Maria. VVherunto is annexed two letters written by Queene Mary from heauen, the one to Count Gondomar, the ambassadour of Spaine, the other to all the Romane Catholiques of England. Written by S.R.N.I. Reynolds, John, fl. 1621-1650. 1624 (1624) STC 20946.4; ESTC S122495 52,043 108

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grieue for the Fleete Q. E. And I lament it E. 6. And I pittie it Q. A. And I bewaile it Q. M. And not to dissemble both Gondomar King Philip his Master the Pope my selfe and all the Romane Catholiques of England reioyce hereat for the Impotency and destruction of this Royall Nauy is the Harbinger to prepare the way and a step for King Philip to mount the Throne of Estate to plucke off King Iames his Crowne and to place and settle it on his owne head Q. E. O my Ships my Ships God knowes they were still deere to me because still necessary to England Where is my Drake where my Cumberland my Forbisher my Grinuille my Cauendish my Hawkins my Rauleigh and the rest Alas they want me and King Iames and England wants them for when they liued and I raigned our Valour could stop the Progression of Spaine Yea my Ships domineerd in his Seas and Ports and their Clouds of smoke and fire with their Peales of Thunder strooke such amazement to the hearts and terrour to the courages of Castille and her faint-hearted Castillians that every Spanish Bird kept his owne Nest not powerfull enough to defend themselues much lesse to offend any and least of all England who was then in her Triumphes in her lustre in her glory P. H. Grieue no more deere Aunt for the Nauy Royall of England for although Nottingham were remisse and carelesse herein yet braue Buckingham hath of late yeares set a new face on that Fleet and makes it not onely his delight but his glory to re-edifie and reforme them yea there is not a yeare passes him but he brings some new forth from their Dockes and puts in other olde although Cranfield resembling himselfe byte his lippes at the Charge thereof because he affirmes he hath other occasions to disburse and pay away the Kings Treasure Q. E. Nephew Wales I am glad to heare that Buckingham is so carefull of Englands Fleet-Royall and in very deed his Ambition Care and Zeale herein will infallibly purchase him much loue and honour of the whole Kingdome especially if he continue it H. 8. Me thinkes Scotland annexed and vnited to England should make it farre the stronger Q. E. But how can King Iames say England and Scotland is strong when he feares the power of Spaine and will not know or beleeue his owne E. 6. Yea it were much honour to the King and happinesse to his Kingdome and Subiects if in any poynt knowing the weaknesse thereof he would fortifie and reforme it Q. A. And it were a great happinesse for most Kingdomes and free Estates of Europe if they would follow the Examples of the Venetians and Hollanders who will neither trust nor loue much lesse feare Spaine P. H. And among the rest if England would follow it they should draw securitie out of danger whereas now her apparant danger is drawne and deriued from her apparant securitie Q. A. O that the King my Husband would thinke hereof P. H. O that the King my Father would make vse hereof Q E. O that King Iames my Heyre and Successor would not hearken or beleeue the contrary hereof H. 8. But this were the way to haue Warres with Spaine and King Iames I vnderstand is resolued to liue and dye in peace with them Q. M. Warre cannot be bought at a cheape rate Q. E. But it is pittie that peace should be bought at too deare and dishonourable a rate P. H. I haue alwayes beene informed that England still gets by her Warres with Spaine Q. E. I got by my Warres with Spaine and Spaine lost by it P. H. My Father and his Subiects lose by his Peace with Spaine and Spaine gets by it Q. M. When England hath lost her selfe shee can lose no more Q. E. But Sister your death was the death of the Popes hopes and of Spaines pretences to England P. H. But they both seeme to reviue and bud forth afresh if the Match betweene my noble Brother P. Charles and the Infanta of Spaine take effect Q. A. May Heauen deny the first and the King your Father never consent to the second Q. E. So shall Spaine euer feare England but neuer England Spaine Q. M. But I hope the contrary for in these dayes the King of Spaines Gold and his Embassadour Count Gondomar act wonders in England H. 8. Hath Gondomar propounded this match to King Iames P. H. O long since and he hath vowed to weare out his red leather Coach and greene buckeram Litter but he will see an end of it this Parliament Q. A. I thought indeede it was not for nothing that he makes Aesops Fables his daily pocket guest E. 6. How doth King Iames relish this match Q. M. His Exchequer is poore and King Philips Indies riches and therefore his Maiestie likes it so well as he will hearken to no other H. 8. How doth Prince Charles himselfe like this motion P. H. I know not how my Brother likes it but for my part I should ever haue preferred a Daughter of France to that of Spaine and I hope the match will not succeed because my Noble Brother Prince Charles is wise valiant and generous E. 6. But how doth the braue and graue Parliament savour this Spanish match Q. A. Few loue it most feare it But as the match so the Parliament is not yet ended Q. E. This would be Musicke indeede for the Romane Catholikes of England if it should take effect for the very first newes thereof made them flappe their wings as if they were readie to crowe Q. M. Yea for they hope and which is more they know that if it proue a match That the Infanta will soone introduce the Masse and Vsher in the Pope therefore they haue reason to reioyce at it P. H. But if the King of Spaine will not giue the summe which my Father King Iames demands will not they make it vp Q. E. It is probable and credible That their Holy Father the Pope and themselues will stretch both their purses and credits to knit the match H. 8. Why hath Gondomar such power with King Iames to hope to see this match effected Q. M. O yes for his Maiestie saith that his Master is an honest King and he a wise Servant The first all the world knowes and the second I hope England shall shortly feele at least if all hookes take P. H. Indeed if Gondomar can effect this match it is the direct way for him to be a Grande of Spaine and to procure a red Hat for his Sonne or Nephew Q. A. Was the Duke of Monteleone so rewarded for his French matches Q. M. He is alreadie a Grande of Spaine and hath the promise of a Ha● Q. A. Why then Count Gondomar need not feare for he hath as much policie as the Duke of Monteleone though not so much ostentation H. 8. Who made and concluded the match with King Philip Q. M. My selfe and the Parliament Q. E. Nay Sister put in
Woolsey and Gardyner and leaue out the Parliament for you onely proposed it them but for forme and had secretly concluded it before hand your selfe Q. M. Suppose I did I might doe it of mine owne authoritie and prerogatiue Royall Q. E. But you offred no faire play to the Parliament though in asking their aduise when the Contracts were ready to be sealed Q. M. But I had reason to follow mine owne Iudgement not their Passions H. 8. Nay nay Daughter you contrariwise followed your own passion not their Iudgements so God gaue limits to Philips Ambition and your owne desires by making you forsake earth he England E. 6. But wise King Iames is opposite to my Sister Mary aswel in Religion as sexe and therfore I hope nay I assure my selfe he will first consult this match with his Parliament ere he conclude it with Spaine P. H. If the voice of the Parliament be free and not enforced I make no doubt but the Pope the King of Spaine Gondomar and all our Recusants will come short of their hopes for the match H. 8. Daughter what benefits proposed you to the Parliament by your match with Spaine Q. M. Strength Profit Honour which England King Iames and Prince Charles will likewise now find if the match hold E. 6. As for strength if England would know its selfe it need not expect or hope for any from Spaine for Spaines assistance hath alwayes proued fatall and ruinous to those who haue vsed it And if England would assume the ancient generositie of her Ancestors and forsake her new fangled pride and prodigalitie Wee know it is strong enough to beate Spaine and all his Kingdomes and Prouinces no way so weake to feare that Spaine should make England a P●●uince for it were farre safer for England and Englishmen if they wore worse cloathes and had better hearts and swords and if they were more martiall and lesse effeminate Q. E. For Profit what Indies are richer then England For if England want money her selfe is still more powerfull and capable to inrich it selfe if it would be lesse vaine and more frugall and industrious c. What is a fewe hundred thousand pounds to England if England be thereby exposed to the danger of Spaine or that it be againe fetcht from them by the Bye as it was brought in by the Mayne for was profit ever cheape when it was bought with losse and repentance with teares and bloud or shall not euery Ducket be weighed and counterpoised downe with a farre greater preiudice and inconueniency for if the Match hold will not our Recusants looke a-loofe will not Spaniards be so ambitiously insolent to attempt to out-looke English will not the Pope steale in by degrees and the King of Spaine breake in either like a Torrent or a Thunderbolt when his Factors and Agents haue made all things ripe and in a readinesse will this be Englands profit P. H. For Honour England and Scotland were free Royall and ancient Monarchies when indeed Spaine was not Spaine but dis-ioynted and dissevered Provinces yea for Pompe State and Glory our Princes were Kings when their Kinges were scarce Princes nor their Princes Nobles Therefore GREAT BRITAINE by the Match can conferre and adde honour to Spaine but not Spaine to GREAT BRITTAINE Q. A. I could neuer yet affect the Match of Spaine for either of the two Princes my Sonnes for the Spaniard is by nature as trecherous as proud and although Northampton perswaded me thereto yet I loued true-hearted Salisbury who alwayes diuerted me from it as in the depth of his Allegiance and the profunditie of his wisedome Iudgement well fore-seeing they would proue fatall and ruinous to England E. 6. It is strange to see with what insatiable desire and Ambition Spaine couets England for he hath alreadie attempted it by treachery by force and now by the Match of his Daughter the Infanta to Prince Charles Q. M. You meane King Philip the 2. and not this present King Philip the 3 And as Don Iuan de Taris the Ambassadour of Spaine told King Iames at his first comming to the Crowne of England that the Ambition and malice of Spaine to England dyed with that Prince and was interred and buryed with him Q. E. But was this King Philip the third and his Councell neuer acquainted with that horrible Gunpowder Treason whereby it was intended and resolued that England should haue beene blowne vp ouerthrowne and ruined in a moment Q. M. O no he is too Catholike a King to haue hearkened much lesse to haue approued that Passionate plot Q. E. You might haue said that execrable and damnable plot of treason but that you will still seeke to diminish and extenuate Rome and Spaines Treasons Q. M. You infinitely wrong the Pope and King of Spaine to suspect much lesse to beleeue that they were acquainted with that Powder-plot Q. E. No went not Faulkes that hellish Incendary once to Rome about it and the younger Winter twice to Vallidolide Q. M. Yea about some other businesse it may be although I must confesse it was very immediately before that Treason was discouered P. H. Gondomar told me that both the Pope and King of Spaine abhord that Treason Q. A. I feare they abhord it for griefe it tooke not effect Q. M. If euer this King Philip hated England yee may be sure now he loues it for else he would neuer seeke to match his Daughter to it Q. E. What force and trechery cannot effect now affection in the match shall Wherein King Philip is of Lysanders minde who when the Lyons skinne will not serue he will sowe on a peece of the Foxes tayle E. 6. So he come into England he cares not by which way he ariue P. H. So the Daughter come not into England England neede not feare the comming of the Father Q. M. Count Gondomar will beate his head and his horse shoes but he will bring in the Daughter and already his hopes the probabilities are great for hee is exceeding great and familiar with King Iames. Q. E. Else he could neuer haue gotten open the Prisons-doores for the Romane Priests and Iesuites P. H. Nor haue made Rauleighs head to caper beyond his body Q. A. Nor haue kept backe an Armie from my Sonne and Daughter the King and Queene of Bohemia when so many hundred thousand valiant English Souldiers desired and longed to haue serued them in their warres Q. E. Nor haue shipt away so great a quantitie of Ordnance for Spaine which one of these dayes will returne Bullets to our hearts E. 6. Nor haue procured a gallant Fleete to secure the coast of Spaine against the Turkish Pyrates vnder coulour of going to Argier and Barbary P. H. That Fleete was fitter to haue gone to Mexico Q. A. So indeed it might haue returned with glory and Gold whereas now I feare it will with losse and repentance I will not say with shame Q. E. I know by Experience it is
E. What speake you Sister of the French matches with Spaine to this of England and Spaine for all the world knowes that the Estates of England and France are Diametrically opposite in point of Religion for France hath fortie Papists for one Protestant and England fortie Protestants for one Papist Q. M. But those Protesting Heretikes of England will sing another tune when they see the King of Spaine hath made their Countrey his Prouince P. H. Heauen forbid that euer England should sing the tune of Spaines Ballad or Spaine liue so long to make England see that dismall and bloudie day Q E. It were farre better that Prince Charles were married to an English Milke-maid and the Infanta of Spaine mew'd vp for a Nunne in a Cloyster Q. A. Yea for how can my Sonne Prince Charles thinke the King of Spaine loues him when he sees that vnder-hand he is a mortall and professed Enemy to his Brother and Sister the King and Queene of Bohemia Q. M. You mistake Madame for it is the Emperour Ferdinand and not King Philip that is their mortall Enemy P. H. If Philip had not vnder-hand powerfully assisted Ferdinand His Imperiall Maiestie had neither had legges to goe nor wings to flie into Prague and yet the King my Father will not assist his Sonne in Law King Fredericke Q. A. Yes to recouer the Palatinate if that were lost But Gondomar through his slye Crooches and sugred insinuations hath extorted a hope and some say wrested a Promise from King IAMES not to assist Bohemia but I hope the contrary Q.E. But will Spinola restore those townes he hath taken in the Pallatinate Q.M. Gondomar promiseth that Digby shall bring that home vnder his hand and seale onely hee saies t is fit that Spinola should be satisfied of his charges Q. E. That 's an old baffle and tricke of Spaine which vpon the matter will proue but a flat denyall Therefore if King Iames please to hearken to my advise I would send an Army thither and refetch these Townes of the Pallatinate from Ferdinand Phillip Al●e●tus and Bavaria with the point of the sword in despight of Spinola Tilly and Cordova P. H. If I were againe living in England I would so worke with the King my Father that this resolution of Queene Elizabeth should never dye but speedily bee put in execution for it is the safest cheapest shortest and Honourablest way for England yea what would not England doe for my deere and Royall Sister of Bohemia if the King my Father would but giue it the word of command Q. M. But content your selfe Nephew Count Gondomar hath promised that his Master King Phillip will giue King Iames content for the Townes of the Pallatinate Q. A. So Gondomar promised his Maiestie that Spinola should never attempt the Pallatinate and yet wee see the contrary and being false in this how or what reason haue wee to beleeue him to bee true in the match Q. M. England must beleeue him sith their King doth and wil. And herein I both triumph and glory P. H. Thus my Royall Father intreats where he should command and loues paine where he hath farre more reason to hate it Q. E. And this is my truest griefe and deepest affliction that King Iames will ●●●ll delight in contemplation when if his Maiesty will not all the world sees that King Phillip is vnder-hand deepe in action H. 8. It may be King Iames thinkes King Phillip to be of Hannybals minde who more feared Fabius not fighting then Marcellus fighting or of Pompey or Marcus Crassus their opinion who were more affraide of Cicero's gowne then of Caesars sword Q. M. No thing lesse for King Phillip loues King Iames his Gowne Pen yet no way feares his sword Q. E. But if King Iames inherited my resolution as he doth my Kingdomes I would make Spaine feare his sword and Rome either loue or obey his Pen and neuer consent to a Peace much lesse to the match Q. M. But why should King Phillip feare King Iames his sword sith hee never yet knew the way to draw it or why should his Catholike Maiestie feare the Councell of England sith it is apparant to all the World that the element and delight of their King is bookes not battailes the pen not the Pike H. 8. Why Know you not Daughter that King IAMES hath lately established a Councell of Warre and wherevnto thinke you tends that Q. M. To Peace I hope or rather assure my selfe Q. E. Then Sister yee are of neere intelligence with Gondomar for not long since in one of his dispatches to Spaine hee wrote the LL. of that Councell that they should not doubt or feare of the Councell of Warre of England for it was said he but a scarre-Crowe to feare not to hurt and would onely serue as a Vane on a house top rather for ornament then vse But if King Iames were of my minde his Councell of Warre should strike rather then threaten and send a Royall Armie into the bowels and heart of Castille ere they thought it could be readie to depart from the Ports of England Q. M. Not into Castille for then the Peace were quite broken betwixt ENGLAND and SPAINE P. H. Why then into Bohemia the Palatinate The Netherlands or the States of Venice or wheresoever the Castillian Regiments disturbe the publike Peace of Christendome E. 6. I see no reason to the contrary but England should be as soone in Armes and Action as Spaine Q. E. But it is the inchanting melody of the Match that brings England out of tune Q M. But in this Proposition and Parlee of the Match the King and Councell of Spaine speake faire termes and giue reall not verball content to King Iames. Q. E. So did Phillip your Husband and his Father by his Embassadors to mine at Bourbourg thereby to lull me asleepe when his great Armado was in a manner ready to weigh Anchor and set Sayle from Lisbone to inuade me and my England Q. M. But King Iames knowes Spaines affection and Gondomars sincerity to him and consequently to England in seeking this Match Q. A. But England knowes neither the affection of the Master or the sinceritie of the Seruant and therefore hath reason though not to feare yet to suspect both H. 8. It rather thinkes King Phillip of Pericles his opinion and Ambition who desired that the Iland in the Port of Piree mought bee removed sith it was a moate and beame in his eye P. H. The Morall is that Phillip would haue England a Prouince to Spaine but if the Match hold not Spaines Ambition Gondomares pollicie and both their trechery will proue too weake to performe so strong an execution Q. M. Then the King of Spaine will hate Gondomare as much as he vaunts the King of England loues him But I trust Count Gondomare hath liued too long to dote or be made a Child in his old age P. H. No no Gondomare is too young to dote and too old