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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08260 The vvarres of Svvethland With the ground and originall of the said vvarres, begun and continued betwixt Sigismond King of Poland, and Duke Charles his vnkle, lately crowned King of Swethland. As also the state and condition of that kingdome, as it standeth to this day. Nixon, Anthony. 1609 (1609) STC 18594; ESTC S119996 31,185 56

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still sounding foorth the prayses of Gustovus whose name shall neuer die so long as the memorie of the Swethen State indures CHAP. III. Ericke is crowned King of Swethland after the death and Funerall of his Father A marriage is plotted with Elizabeth Queene of England That failing another is tendered to the daughter of the King of Poland His brother Duke Iohn conspires against him AFter the death of Gustovus Erick his eldest sonne is with all generall applause and the Countries ceremonie crowned king of Swethland about the yeere of our Lord 1559. and in the same yeere an ouerture of mariage was made with Elizabeth Queene of England in the beginning of her raigne Duke Iohn his brother sent Ambassadour princely appointed in this negotiation who safely arriuing in England with his whole Fleete was honourably intertained Howbeit the matter of his Embassage was rather flattered then graunted rather fairely countenanced then embraced For some noble men at that time great in their places either in their owne respects or the honour of the Queene stood against it But the Queene her selfe did fairely intreate the Prince royally feasted him gaue him many princely gifts Told him in conclusion that she tooke the Tenor of his Embassage in very gratious manner Sent kind commendations to the king his Brother with this hopefull message that if it pleased him to take the paines to come into England she would take such order for his entertainement that hee should haue no iust cause to returne discontent For saith she I haue made this vow neuer to con●ract my selfe to any whom I haue not first seene The Duke thus furnisht with this answere takes his leaue imbarkes himselfe boyseth sayle arriues in Swethland and deliuers to the longing languishing King this hopefull doubtfull answere of the Quéene The young King imbraceth this newes and his brother for them flatters his fancie kisseth the Quéenes picture beguiles imagination buildes Castles in the ayre rigges his Fléete at Sea exhausteth his Treasure makes himselfe poore to enrich his hope which proued indéed farre aboue his Fortune The Winter following was spent in this preparation for England During which time Frederik then king of Denmarke a Wise and politike Prince stoodmuch against this Alyance with England foreséeing the danger that might redound to him in his neighbours marriage with so potent a Princesse sendeth Ambassadours to King Erick shewing both the inconuenience that would happen by marriage in a Countrey so farre remote as also the dangers that were like to ensue in ioyn●ng with a Quéene more strong then himselfe But the king gaue a deafe eare to this Embassage Continuing his preparations still for England Some say that in that Winter ryding betwéene Vpsale and Wasten Castle a Maide of excellent beautie but obscure parentage whose name was Gondole comming amongst others to behold the king who by chance casting his cies vpon her was so sodainly ensnared in her beautie that that poyson which he drew then into his heart by his eies did so corrupt the whole body of his affaires that at last he loste both his life and kingdome but others say it was the winter after But to returne to our voyage for England The kinges fléete being royalty rigd and all thinges ready for so great a busines the king tooke shipping about the beginning of May leauing Duke Iohn his brother Uicegerent in his place and sayling along the Coasts of Norway Report saith that Frederick king of Denmarke had procured certaine Witches in that Country to drowne or dispearse the Fléete of king Erick and by their spelles and deuillish incantations to Confound this intended Uoyage whether this bee true or no I know not but this is certaine that the king being vpon the coast of Norway such a strange foggy thicknes did so cloath the ayre that the kings Fléete had soone loste sight of one another And then followed such horrible thunders and vnheard of Tempests that it séemed heauen and earth had met together in the disturbance of this intendment The king being at his wits end long before hée came to his waies end was so perplexed in his thoughtes that he knew not what to do either to goe forward or to returne The sight of y ● Eye was so taken away by the the thicknes of Aire the beneūt of the Eare was consounded by the noyse of the thunder the waters rose so high as if they meant to kisse the Cloudes Noe light but what the flashes of lightning made which amased them all the raine fell so thicke that they could scarce kéepe the Hatches the maister calles to the Boatson and is not heard the Sternes-man cryes to the Maister and is not regarded Thrée daies togeather continued these thrée nightes of darknes wherin was séene neither sunne Moone nor starre the kinges Fléete was diuersly dispearst some into the coast of Denmarke others back againe into Swetland the king himselfe vpon the Coast of Norway looks euery hower for his buriall in the Sea At last entering into cogitation with himselfe he thought that God had suffered his pride to be thus punisht for that he vndertook a Mariage with such a Quéene whose fame and glory was so great as well from her State and gouernment as for the riches and strength of her Crowne and kingdome that entering into cosideration of it he held himselfe much vnworthy of such a fortune Upon this the king rashly vowes that if it would please God to deliuer him from that daunger he would giue ouer his ouer high attempt returne into his Countrey and learne hereafter to suite his desires to his estate At last these stormes haue end the king returnes according to his vow shortly after arriues in Swethland And thus fayled this Negotiation for England The king soone after his landing beginnes say some renewes say others his loue to his faire Gondole that afterward prooued as fatall to him as Cleopatraes loue to Anthony His eies were seldome off either her person or her picture His minde museth on nothing but the pleasures of her body his tongue speakes of nothing but her delightes and praises all publicke affaires are abandoned the pallaces are like a wildernesse desolate the Court is kept where Gondole hath her byding reason and regard of gouerment are now banished pleasure and sensuallitie made his Counsellors of Estate The Noble men would oftentimes aduise him but all in vaine his brother Duke Iohn did still smooth the Kings humors not as being enamoured o● his delights but as from hence drawing a subiect that happyly hereafter might serue his turne in case the Nobility as they beganne a little should afterwards wholly withdraw their affections from him Thus whilest the king followes his pleasures Duke Iohn pursues his purposes would oftentimes complaine to certaine of the Rexen-Roade which we call The Blood Royall of his brothers effeminate and vnlikingly gouernement but especially to Duke Charles his youngest brother yet no further engaging himselfe to danger then
and peaceable And set a side the staine of his brothers death he was doubtlesse a most excellent Prince and worthy of the Crowne and kingdome and although there were many times iarres betwixt him and his brother Duke Charles yet alwaies the matter was so handled that they were soone reconcilde againe By which were cut off all occasions of Ciuill warre In the twelfth yeare of his raigne his father in law the King of Poland dies for whose death the Quéene his daughter mourned heauily The young Prince Sigismond her Sonne was elected King of Poland and with an honourable conuoy being guarded thither was with all solemnity in all Princely manner Crowne King of Poland Shortly after Marries honourably into the house of Austria and in the twelth yeare of his raigne in Poland King Iohn his Father dies whose death being much bewailed of his subiects he was with appertaining solemnitie buried in the Chappell of the Kings in the Castle of Vpsale Duke Charles of Estergutland after the death of his brother sends into Poland for his Nephew Sigismond to come to receaue the Crowne of Swethland Sigismond takes heauily the death of his Father and deuines before hand of the troubles that followed in that kingdome Great preparation is made for his iourney into Swethland and doubting of his vnckles minde proiectes carrieth a great power of Poles with him to preuent all daungers The king arriues safely in Sweathland is with all honor and signe of loue receaued by his vnckle Duke Charles and the rest of the Nobilitie of Swethland He is honorably conueyed to Vpsale Castle where hee was louingly receaued of the Quéene his Mother whom he comforteth being a sorrowfull widdow for the death of King Iohn her husband Shortly after he was crowned K. of Swethland without any disturbance A Rex-day was held in the castle of Vpsale where all things being established Duke Charles is made vicegerent of the kingdome hauing with him ioynd in Comission foure Noblemen of the Rexen-road whose names were Hergusten Bonner Hersten Bonner his brother Herrerick Spare and Hartor Belk These fower Noble men being great in the kingdome but not very great with the Uicegerent were of purpose ioynd by the King in commission with the Duke to curbe or Controule all ouer haughty and headstrong attempts that the Duke might happely Commit by the greatnesse of his place and power in the absence of the King who was then ready to returne to Poland The Duke perceaues the drift but dissembles it before the Kings departure order was set downe by the King with the Duke and the Commissioners for the payment of certaine sommes of money which King Iohn his Father did owe vnto many Souldiours that were yet vnpaide since the time of expedition into Russia and vnto many Merchants of England Scotland and other Nations for the prosecuting of that warre After all things were thus setled and ordered the King returnes to Poland leauing behinde him that fire that afterward consumed the peace of the whole Kingdome for the Noblemen the Commissioners being commanded by the King that was euer iealous of his Unckle Charles to obserue and enforme his Maiestie of the manner of his gouernment did so oppose themselues against him in all his procéedinges and especially in the payment of this money that the Duke plainely perceiued that this new gouernment was but laide as a trap to ensnare his life A Rex-day was holden at Vpsale no order Concluded nor money paide and much adoe there was to kéepe them from factions the Commissioners would haue these summes paid out of the Subiectes purses the Duke out of the Common Treasury which the commissioners refuse alleaging the Kings want of money The Duke writes faithfully The Lords falsly to the King To whom they intimate feare of innouation and that the Duke by all likelyhoods aimed at the Crowne that he had paid parte of the money due to the Souldiours out of the Reuenues of the Dukedome to draw their affections to him that he sought to further the State and wealth of the Commons more then stood with the loyall nature of a Subiect that he kept the Porte and State of a King rather then a Deputie and that it was not like he would long yeeld his honors vnto Uassalage whose fortunes in such a minde and State as his might attaine to Soueraignty if preuention were not spéedily made The Duke intercepts these letters and sends them inclosed in his own vnto the King to whom he writes very humbly and with all protestations of duty and alleagance the king receaues the letters but beleeues the Lords and dist●usteth the Duke sendeth secretly to the Commissioners that they should sodainely surprise him depose him from his gouernement and to that end he sent his authority and finally to kéepe him prisoner his wise and children during life in a castle built of purpose for that stratageme within the dukedome of Litto Oh that the nature of fortune should be so fickle and vncertaine neuer singular either in her frownes or fauours but that commonly in the height of any hope it produceth some crosse accident of vnhappy misfortune The Duke notwithstanding hauing intelligence of this plot beganne to looke about him hasted into his owne dukedome and raised a great power of men Some say that if hee had but staide one hower longer in Vpsale the plot had beene effected and the Duke vtterly vndone The Lords were in a maze vpon the Dukes departure knowing that their deuise was discouered they now perceaued their owne weakenesse to resist the Duke being in power place and opinion and farre aboue them And though they had the Kings authority yet was he farre from them and they néer vnto their danger they knew not well what course to take sometimes they purposed to flie to the King and then they feared the waies were forelayd To stay in the Castle of Vpsale were no safety it being a place of pleasure not of defence whereupon they determined to depart from thence Thrée of them vnto the Castle of VVasten in the Dukedome of Finland and Hartourbelk to Calmer Castle Hauing theis Castles deliuered vnto them they purposed to stay there to vnderstand the Dukes procéedings and in the meane time dispatcht letters vnto the King of the particulars of these troubles The Duke as I sayd before hauing raised a great power of men marcheth spéedily towardes the castle of Vpsale but vnderstanding of the Lords departure towards Wasten bends his course thither It is a world to sée what numbers of men came vnto the Duke from all parts proffeting their seruice to him All which hee gently welcomed Some he entertained and the rest sent home againe with speciall charge to looke vnto the Kinges peace signifying further that the cause why hee was now vp in Armes was but to right himselfe of such wronges done by those Lords who neither loued the King nor him The Lords that were in the Castle of Wasten vnderstanding of the