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A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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myddle Englande that rose agaynste hym was depriued when he had reigned .iiii. yeres he was buried in the cathedrall churche of Wynchester EDgar brother to Edwyne began his reigne in Englande He was a prince of worthy memorye for hys manyfold vertues greately renoumed so excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices aswell in his maiestrates as other subiectes that neuer before his dayes was vsed the lesse felony by robbers or extorcion or briberye by fals officers He chastised also the great negligence couetousnes and vicious liuyng of the clergye he refourmed and brought them to a better order of stature he was but litle but of mynde valyant and hardy very expert in marciall policye he prepared a great nauy of shyppes which he disposed in .iii. partes of his realme and had souldioures alway prest and ready agaynste the incursions of foreyn and strange enemies be reigned xvi yeares He buylded Peters Bury Thorney Ramsey and many other was buried at Glastenbury Ludwallus prince of Wales payd to hym yerely in name of tribute .3000 wolues by meane wherof within .iiii. yeares in England and Wales myght scantly be founde one wolfe This Edgare in his floryshing youthe was some deale geuen to the luste of the flesshe whyche he afterwarde greuousely repented In his tyme as well the Danes as all other people in Englande vsed the vice of great drinking The kyng therfore rode through the realme and put downe many alehouses and would suffer but one in a village or town except it were a great borough and ordeined certayne cuppes with pynnes and nailes and made a lawe that who soeuer dranke past that marke at one draught shoulde forfayt a certayne payn wherof the accuser should haue the one half and the ruler of the Towne the other halfe It is written by Fabyan and others that Edgar bring at Chester entred the ryuer of Dee and syttynge in the bote he toke the rule of the helme and caused .viii. kynges to row hym vp down the riuer vnto S. Iohns church and from thens to his palaice in tokē y t he was lord king of so many prouinces EDward the sonne of Edgar by his fyrst wyfe began hys ceigne ouer this realme contrary to the mynd and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her alliance In all kyndes of honest vertue this man might well bee compared to his father and began hys Reygne wyth suche modestye and myldenesse that hee was woorthylye fauoured of all menne Excepte onely Elfryde whyche euer bare a grudge agaynste hym for so muche as she desyred to haue the gouernaunce of the Realme for her owne soonne Egelrede Edwarde whyle hee was huntyng in a forrest by chaunce loste hys companye and rode alone to refreshe hym at the Castell of Corffe where by the counsayle of hys stepmother Elphrede he was traiterously murthered as hee satte on his horse When hee had reigned .iii. yeares hee was buryed at Shaftesbury After his death God shewed for hym dyuers myracles Wherfore he is numbred among the sayntes and martirs Before the death of thys Edward appeared a blasynge starre of meruailous greatnes It is of some authors writen that the forsaid Elphrede afterwarde take great penaunce and that she buylded twoo Monasteryes of Nonnes Almesbury and Warwell in whyche Warwell she after liued a solitarie lyfe tyll she dyed EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kyng Edgar and Alphrede was ordeyned kynge of Englande and crowned at Kingstoune He was goodly of shape and visage but wholly geuē to idlenes and abhorred all princely exercises a louer of ryotte lecherie and dronkennes and vsed extreme cruelty towardes his subiectes hauyng his eares open to all vniust complaintes In feates of armes of all men moste ignorant his crueltie made hym odious to his subiects and his cowardise encoraged straunge ennemies to inuade his kyngdome By meanes whereof thys lande was sore afflicted with warre famyne and pestilence In his tyme decayed the noble kyngdom of England and became tributarie to the Danes whereby the Danes when they had spent the sayd tribute fel streight again to robberye and arryued in sundry places of Englande as in the Isle of Thenet In Cornewall and Sussex and after many damages by them done and ryche gyftes receaued of the Kynge they retourned into theyr countreye for a tyme. But shortly they agayn entred this lande in so many places that the kynge Etheldrede was to seeke to whiche coast he should fyrst go to withstande hys enemies In conclusyon for aduoydyng of further daunger he was compelled to appeare them with great summes of money but when the money was spente they fell to newe robbyng and cessed not to spoyle the land and lastly besieged Lōdon And to augment the kyngs sorow Elphricus that then was admirall of England traiterously fledde to the Danes And after beyng reconciled fledde to them the seconde tyme While this cruel warre continued in England by meane of a byshop named Elphegus a peace was concluded at whiche tyme as Polidore wytnesseth the kynge made his lande tributarie to the Danes the payment wherof from the summe of ten thousand poundes in few yeres was raised to fifty thousand The bloudy flixe the burnyng feuer wyth dyuers other maladies vexed the people throughout all Englande Etheldred kyng of England toke to wyfe Emma the syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandie whyche for her beautie was called the Flower of Normandie Etheldrede beyng greatly inhanced in his mynd for this his mariage sent forth into al partes of his realme secrete and strayght cōmissions chargyng the rulers that vppon a certayne day and hower assygned the Danes whiche proudely vsed great crueltie in the land should be sodeinly slayn and so was if doone Which thyng was after cause of great misery For Swain kyng of Denmark hearyng of the murder of the Danes and beynge sore moued therwith landed with a strong armye in dyuers partes of thys realme and so cruelly without mercy and pity spoyled the countreye and slue the people that the englysh men wer brought to mooste extreeme and vnspeakable mysery But yet after certayne space a peace was intreated For whyche the Englyshemen payde thirtye thousande poundes Howbeit dyuers princes of the Danes styll continued wastynge the lande in dyuers places Swayn kyng of Denmarke repented of the former couenāts made with the englyshmen thinkyng to attayne to the whole dominiō of this land with a strong army entred fyrste Northumberland than myddle England and so wente foorthe tyll he came to London whyche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kent At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despairyng of all recouerie not ones proferynge to resyste his ennemies with his wyfe and children fledde to Richard duke of Normandy then possessed Swayn y e hole kingdom of this realm who spoiled the landes of s Edmunds But after his death succeded Canutus
ryches of the abbays to be brought into his treasory he made also the news Forest in the countreye of Southampton for the atchiuyng which enterprise he was forst to cast downe dyuers townes and churches .xxx. myles of length and replenysshed the same with wylde beastes and made sharpe lawes for the maintenance and increase of the same Auno .10 Roger erle of Hertforde Ranulphe earle of Norffolke conspired agaynste kynge Wyllyam beyng in Normandye both whiche were by hym outlawed and chased oute of the Realme And Waldiffe that was duke of Northumberland and Earle of Huntyngdon and Northampton who vttered the conspiracie was beheaded at Wynchester buried at Crowlande in Lyncolnshire Anno. 13. AT this tyme Oswalde Byshop of Salisburye was famous in England The kyng gaue the Erledome of Northumberlande to Waltar byshoppe of Durham who was after slayne by the men of Northumberland Anno. 15. RObert the eldest sonne of William by the counsell of Philippe kyng of France inuaded his fathers Duchye of Normandye wherwith Wyllyam beynge greately dyspleased gaue hys sonne a stronge battayle in whyche it fortuned Robert to mete vnwares in the field with his father and bare hym to the earthe But perceyuynge by the voyce who it was forth with he lept from his horse and saued his father By whiche dede he was reconciled and peace betweene them was agreed Anno. 16. Whyle kyng William of Englande was in Normandy the Northumbers rebelled About this .xvi. yere earle Waryng erle of Shrewsbury made two abbeis wherof the one was in the suburbes of Shrewsbury the other at wenloke Anno. 19. KYnge Wyllyam caused a newe manner of Tribute to be leuyed thoroughout this Realme for euery hyde of land that is twenty acres vi s. And not long after commanded a valuation to be takē of all lands fees and possessions and diligent serche also to be made what numbre of men and cattell were within this land And accordynge to the quantitie and number therof gathered an other payment Anno. 20. Englande was vered wyth manye plagues For greate morayne fell emonge cattelle brennynge feuers and hunger emong people greate bareynnesse vpon the earth and muche hurte was done in manye places by the mysfortune of fyre aud specially in Lōdor For Fabyan and other aucthors affirmeth that a part of Poules was brent at that same tyme namely the .vii. daye of Iuly Kyng William buylded two abbeys in Englande one at Battell in Sussex the other nere to London called Barmondsay He buylded the third at Cane in Normandy He ended his life y e ix day of Septembre and was buried at Cane in Normandie He had .v. children Robert to whom he gaue Normandy Richard who dyed in his youth William Ruffus and Henry which wer kinges after hym And one doughter named Adela who he gaue in mariage to Stephen Erle of Blo●s who gotte on her Stephen that after was kynge of England as sayth Hardyng VVilliam Rufus or VVilliam the Red kyng Anno regni .1 WIllyam Ruffus the seconde sonne of Willyam conqueror began his reygne ouer the realme of England the ninthe day of Septembre in the yeare of oure Lorde .1087 and deceased in the yeare of our Lorde 1100. the fyrst day of August so that he reigned .xii. yeare .xi. monethes lackyng .viii. dayes He was variable and inconstant of his demeanor very couetous and therewithall cruell For he burdened his people with vnresonable taxes He pilled the ryche and opprest the poore And caused many to lose their landes for small causes And what he thus got by pillyng of hys people be prodigally and wastfully spente in great banketting and sumptuous apparell And as one auctor writeth who wrate in the tyme of Henry the thirde he would neither eate drynke or weare any thyng but that it coste vnmeasurably deere And for an exaumple hee wryteth whiche is to be noted in these oure dayes that in a morning his chamberlayne bryngyng hym a newe payre of hosen he demanded what they cost his chamberlayn answered .iii. s. Wher with the kynge beynge wrothe as this author affirmeth saide as foloweth Fye a dibles q the king who sey so vile a dede Kyng to weare so vyle cloath but it costened more Bye a payre for a marke or thou shalt a corry sore A worse payre ynongh that other swithe hym brought And said they costned a mark vneth he them so bought Ye belamy q y e king these were wel thought In this maner serue me outher ne serue me nought OUt of this aucthor I haue taken the saying of K. William Ruffus because it importeth the simplicitie of apparel in those days vsed If kinges in those dayes ware hose of .xiii. s .iiii. d. the price then maye subiectes in these days imitate his chamberlayn to weare of inferior price of .iii. s. Whiche price he thought king W. Ruffus wold not haue disdained but as his chamberlayne spared the kynges priuie purse in byeng hose in those days So now some of meane lyuyng spare not theyr owne and others to employe vpon one paire whiche wold bye princes hose for a hole yere as this hystorie reporteth Robert Curthoise his elder brother came with an armie into Englande against William wherof when the said Willlā had knowledge he entreated peace Anno. 2. Dyuers Lordes of this realme conspired against William Ruffus and assaulted dyuers townes within Englād They stirred in like maner against him Robert Curthoyse duke of Normandy the second tyme. But William vanquished the traytours chased them oute of this realme and made peace wyth hys brother Robert This second yere was a great earthquake the .xi. daye of haruest that ouerturned many houses and churches in Englande Anno. 3. The Scottes spoyled Northumberland Wherfore William Ruffus prouided a nauie and sayled thither where after dyuers conflictes and skirmishes a peace was concluded Anno. 4. A great tempest fell on sainct Lukes day in sundrye places of Englande and speciallye in Wynchecombe where a great parte of the steple was ouerthrowen with thundryng and lyghtnyng in London the wynde ouertourned .vi. hundreth houses and the roofe of Bow church in Cheape wherwith was slayn mo than .xx. persones Anno. 5. In this yere William Ruffus wente into Northumberland repayred suche holdes and castels as the Scots by their warres had impaired and builded other there besydes as the Newe castell on Tyne c. This v. yere the roofe of Salisburye Churche was cleane consumed with lyghtnyng Anno. 6. In Englande fell wonderfull abundance of raine and after ensued so great frost that horses and cartes passed commonly ouer great ryuers when it thawed the great cakes of yce brake down many great bridges The Welshemen rebelled but they wer vanquished their duke or captain named Rees slayn in battaile And after when their woddes wer cut down they becam by litle little to more quietnes
whereof began the vsage custom y t the kings of England made their eldest sons dukes of Normandye Warre was renued betwene kynge Henry of England Lewes of France Anno. 18. Lewes inuaded Normandye wyth muche crueltie toke the Citie of Lingnes in Cause Wherfore kyng Henry assemblyng a strong armye met wyth Lewys in playne field and fought with hym a cruell and deadly battayle in the ende wherof Lewes was ouercome cōstrayned to flee the field Baldwyne erle of Flanders was there slayne and Henry recouered the town of Lingnes Anno. 20. Wylliam Duke of Normandie and Riicharde the sonnes of kyng Henry of Englande and Mary his doughter Richard earle of Chester with his wyfe the kynges nece and other to the number of .160 persons passyng from Normandie into Englande by ouersyght of the shyp maister were drowned sauing one butcher which escaped the danger Anno. 24. In this yeare the abbey of Readyng was begun to be buylded by kyng Henry the fyrst he also buylded Cisseter Wyndilsore and Woodstocke wyth the parke Anno. 27. The gray fryers came nowe fyrst into Englande and had theyr fyrst house at Canturbery as saythe Ro. Fabyan Maude the daughter of Kyng Henry after the deathe of her husbande the Emperour came into Englande to her father Anno. 28. The order of sainct Iohns Hospitalles Templars and other lyke beganne fyrste at thys tyme. Anno. 32. In this yere began Foūtains abbey Geffrey Plantagenet erle of Angew maried Maude y e empresse doughter of king Henry of which .ii. descēded Hēry secōd which reigned after Stephen About this time was builded y e priory of Nortō in the prouince of Chester by one Williā the son of Nichole Also the abbey of Cōbremore in y e same prouince was buylded about the same tyme. Robert Curthois dyed in prison and was buried at Glocester Anno. 33. Henry king of Englande because he hadde none issue mal● ordeyned that hys doughter Maude whiche had bene Empresse shoulde succede hym in the kyngdome Anno. 36. Kyng Henry of Englande beyng in Normandy with a fall of his horse toke his deathe and was buried at Reading when he had reigned .35 yeres .iiii. monthes and one day King Stephen Anno regni 1. STephen Erle of Boloyne the son of the erle of Bloys and Adela Wylliam Conquerors doughter aud nephewe to kynge Henry the fyrst tooke on hym the gouernaunce of this realme of England the seconde day of December in the yeare of our lorde 1135. and left the same in the yeare of our lord .1154 the .xxv. daye of October so that he reigned xviii yeres .x. monthes and .xxiiii. days This was a noble man and hardy of passinge comely fauor and personage in all princely vertues he excelled as in martiall policie gentylnes and liberalitie towarde all men and in especially in the begynnynge For although he had continuall warre yet did he neuer burden his cōmons with exactiōs Only he semed in this blame worthy that contrary to his othe made to Maude the doughter of Henry he was thoughte vniustlye to take on hym the Croune For which cause he was vexed with warres all the tyme of his reigne At this tyme was great trouble and slaughter in Englande for so muche as diuers of the nobles mainteined Maude the empresse agaynst Stephen whiche was in possession of the croune Kyng Stephen made warres against Dauid of Scotlande because he refused to do him his homage for Northumberlande and Huntyngdon whiche he helde by hys wyfe In thys warre the Scottyshe hystorie sayth the Earle of Glouceter was takē But at the length Stephen made peace and agreed with Dauid kyng of Scottes and receiued of hym homage after that he had wonne from hym certaine townes and castels and gaue to Henry the sonne of Dauid the erledome of Huntyngdon Anno. 2. A vayne rumour was spread in Englande of the death of Kyng Stephen which was cause of muche trouble and busynes in the realm For diuers of the lordes got them to their holdes whiche after might scantly with great laboure be quieted and pacified After whiche tyme Stephen passed ouer into Normādye against Geffrey erle of Angew the husband of Maude the empresse which was right heyre to the crowne● and whē he had quieted that Prouince he made Eustace his sonne Duke of Normandy and ioyned frendshyp and league wyth Lewes kyng of France Anno. 4. Dauid kyng of Scottes repentyng him of the former agremēt made with kyng Stephen and purposyng to recouer the crowne of Englande for Maude his nece cousyn and daughter of kynge Henry in moste cruelle wyse inuaded Northumberland where by meane of Thruston bishop of Yorke the Scottes had an ouerthrow and slayne in greate numbre and Dauid was constrayned to geue his sonne Henry in hostage for suretie of peace In the meane season kyng Stephen was occupied in ciuil warre agayn Robert erle of Gloucester others which fauoured the partes of Maude whome the kyng subdued part of them were forted to forsake the realme Anno. 6. Maude the empresse came into thys lande out of Normandie by ayde of Robert erle of Glocester and Ranulph of Chester made strong warre vpon king Stephen In the end whereof the kyngs partie had the worse and hymselfe takē prisoner and sent to Bristow there to be kept in sure hold But the Kentishe men and Londoners fauourynge the kyng warred vpon the rebelles and in opē field toke Roberte rle of Gloceter● But shortly after bothe the kyng the duke were deliuered out of prison by exchange And Stephen without delay assemblyng a strong armie in suche wyse pursued his enmies y t hee forced Maude with other of her frendes to forsake the realme This warre continued a longe time to the great domage of the realm About this tyme was foūded the abbey of Stratford Langthorn within .4 myles of London by a knyght called sir William de mount Fichet Anno. 10. About this time the Iewes crucified a chylde vpon Easter day at Norwiche in derision of Christe and his religion Anno. 11. Geffrey Plantagenet the husbande of Maude the Empresse who had long continued the warres against king Stephen of Englande wan from hym the duchy of Normandie and streight thervpon dyed and his sonne Henry succeded in the dukedome Anno. 12. Stephen kynge of Englande after long warre and muche trouble was agayne crowned kynge at Lincolne but Robert earle of Glocester made newe warre vpon hym in whiche he hadde the vpper hand of the kyng at Wilton so that the kyng was like to haue fallen into Roberts danger and escaped with muche paine Anno. 15. Thys yeare the ryuer of Thamis was so stronglye frosen that horse and cart passed ouer vpon the yee Anno. 17. Henry duke of Normādy in the quarell of his mother Maude with a greate puisance arriued in England and at the fyrst wonne the
so came to Lōdon wher when he had arested him with a certayn nūber of knightes he rode to Notynghā wan the castell after that the castel of Tikhil by force● and so called a coūsell of his lordes at Winchester where he reposed his brother Iohn then beyng in Fraunce crouned himselfe sone after again king of Englād in y e city of Winchester thē he called a parliament where he called agayne into his handes all suche thyngs as he hadde eyther geuen or solde by patentes or otherwise by whiche meanes he gathered a summe of money and sailed into Fraunce where shortly a peace was concluded betwene the two Kings for one yeare Then Iohn which hadde taken part with the Frenche Kinge against his brother made meanes to Elianor his mother by whose mediation he was reconciled and became a trewe Knight to his brother In this time there was one William with the longe bearde who moued the common people to seke libertie and fredome not to be subiect to the rich and mightie By whiche meanes hee drewe to hym many greatte companies and with all his power defended the poore mēs cause against the riche The King being warned of this tumult commanded him to cease from those attemptes But the people stil folowed him as thei before had doone and he made to them certaine orations openly taking for his Theme this sentence Haurietis aquas in gaudeo de fontibus Saluatoris Whiche is to saie Ye shall drawe in ioie waters forth of the welles of your Sauiour And to this he added I am sayd he the sauiour of poore men ye be poore and haue assayed longe the harde handes of ryche menne Now drawe ye therfore holsom water foorth of my welles that with ioye For the tyme of your visitation is to men This William was commanded to appere before the kynges counsel to answere for hym self in suche cases as should be layde against hym where he appered but with suche a multitude of people that the lordes were afrayde of hym and remitted hym with pleasaunt wordes for that tyme appointyng some priuily when he was alone and then to apprehende hym By whom he was after taken in Bowe churche in Cheape but not without sheddyng of blood for for he was forced to forsake the church which they fyered about hym And whē he was taken he was arrained before y e Iudges and with .ix. of his adherentes had sentence of deth and he wyth those ix were hanged the morowe after who of the simple people was after honored as a martyr in so muche that they reserued relikes of hym as it is declared at large by Robert Fabyan Anno. Reg. 9. Bailiffes Roger Blunt Nycolas Ducket This yere the warre was renued betwene kyng Richard of Englande and Philip of France in whyche eyther of them spedde dyuersly Anno Reg. 10 Bailiffes Cōstantin Fitz Arnold Robert le Beau Kyng Richard of Englande besieged the castell of Galiarde and was wounded with a quarrell that was shot from the wall and therof dyed the .vi. day of Apryll in the yeare of our Lorde .1199 when he had reigned .ix. yeares and .ix. monethes Hys bodye was buryed at Founteuerard his bowels at Carlyle his harte at Roan King Iohn Anno regni .1 IOhn brother to Richard aforenamed began his reigne ouer this realm of England the .vi. day of Apryl in the yere of our Lord .1199 and deceased in the yere .1216 the .xix. day of October He reigned xvii yeares .vi. monethes and .xiii. days Of person he was indifferent But of melancoly and angry complexion He contempned the byshop of Romes authoritie whiche if he had doone constantly with iudgement to refrayne abuses as he semed to doo for couetousnes and of a froward mynde vndoubtedly he had ben worthy commendation By his cowardnes and slouthfull negligence the crowne of Englande greatly decayed Anno Reg. 1. Bailiffes Arnold fitz Arnold Richard Fitz bartilmewe Philip kyng of Fraunce in the quarell of Arthur duke of Britayn whom certayn of the Lordes had named king of Englande made warre vpon kynge Iohn inuaded Normandye and tooke from hym dyuers castels and townes Kyng Iohn hearynge of thys warre in Normandye assembled a counsayle wherin was graunted to hym .iii. s. of euery plough lande thorough England besyde the subsydie of the spirituall landes and when he had made redy for his dosage he sailed into Normandy wher he spent the tyme to his losse and dishonour But aboute Mighelmas a truce was concluded betwene the two kings of Englande and of Fraunce This yeare was a deuorce betweene kyng Iohn his wife the Erle of Glocesters daughter because of nerenesse of bloode and after he was maryed to Isabel the doughter of the Erle of Engolesym in France by whom he had .ii. sonnes Henry and Richarde and .iii. doughters Isabell Elianor and Iane. An. R. 2. bailifs Roger Dorset Iames bartilmew aldermā In this secoud yere as sayth Fabian Raynulph Erle of Chester by thexāple afore shewed by king Iohn left his own wyse named Constance whiche he before had maried by counsell of Henrys the second and wedded one Clemens One Chronicle saythe he dyd so to haue issue but he therwith displeased God so muche that he wold suffer him to haue none issue but dyed without This yeare as is reported in Polychronicon the kyng of Scottes dyd homage to kyng Iohn at Lincolne An. Reg. 3. Bailiffs Waiser Fitz Ales Symon de aldermābury This yeare in Yorkeshire were sene v. Moones one in the east an other in the weste the thirde in the northe the fourthe in the southe and the fyfthe in the myddes of the other and went compassyng the other .vi. tymes as it were the space of an howre and vanyshed away soone after Philyp of France inuaded Normandie and toke diuers castels and townes whiche he gaue to Arthur duke of Britayne But shortely after the same Arthure with many other noble men wer taken prisoners by kyuge Iohn and led prisoners into Englaude In thys yeare wer chosen .xxv. of the most substantiall and wysest men of the Citie of London to mainteine and kepe the Assises of the same Citie of the whiche yerely the Bailiffs wer chosen and after the Mayre and Sheriffes wer taken of the same numbre Anno Reg. 4. Bailiffes Normand Blundell Iohn de Ely This yere fell excedyng lyghtnyng thunders and other stormes of wynde and rayn w t hayle of y e bignes of henne● egges which perished fruit corn houses and yong cattell Also spirites were sene in the ayre in likenes of fowles be ring fier in their billes which set fire on diuers houses as R. Fabian reporteth Philip of France continually made warre vppon the Duchye of Normandye tyll at the last be subdued the same to his dominion with the prouinces of Guyen Poytiers Britayn which before pertayned to the crown of Englād
made to knowe what persons assisted Lewys agaynst the kynge of whiche the kynge pardoned many of the laye menne but the spirituall men were put to suche fynes that they were compelled to lay all that they hadde to pledge to please the Kynge And also besydes that to sue to Rome to be assoiled Thys yeare Raynolffe Erle of Chester toke his iourney to the holy land Anno. 3. Serle Merser M. Iohn Wayle S. Iosenus Spicer S. A parliamente was holden at London by vertue whereof was graunted to the kyng .ii. s. of euery plough lande through Englande This yere as is mēcioned in Policronicon Thomas Couper kyng Henry began to buylde the newe worke of the churche of Westminster Anno. 4. Serle merser M. Rich. wimbeldeye S Iohn Wayle S Alexander kyng of Scottes maried the lady Iane syster of kyng Henry Thys yeare was great harme done in England by violēce of whirlwynds and fiery dragons spirites were sene flying in the ayre as affirmeth Robert Fabyan This yere was a proclamatiō made y t all strangers shold auoide the realm except such as came with merchādise to make sale of them vnder the kings saus conduct whyche was doone to auoyde Foukes de Brent and his complices who kept the castel of Bedford against the Kyng This yere was kyng Henry secondly crowned at Westminster This yeare Rainolph erle of Chester came out of the holy land into Englād began to build the castels of Charteley and of Beston and after he builded the abbey of Delacresse Anno. 5. Serle merser M. Richard Renger S. Iosence le Ios●e S. This yeare was a counsell holden at Oxenford of the byshops of England wherin one was condempned whyche taught that he was Iesus Christe and to confirme the same he shewed the tokens of woundes in hys handes body and feete he was therfore crucifyed on a Crosse at Alburbury tyll he died This yere as some write the grey Friers came fyrste into England and had their fyrst house at Canturbery Anno. 6. Serle merser M. Richard Renger S. Iosens Iosue S. A conspiracie was made against king● Henry by one Cōstantine in the citie of London for the which he was drawen hanged and quartered the morow after our Lady day Assumption Which conspiracie so moued the kyng that he was in mynde to haue cast downe the walles of the Citie Anno. 7. Serle merser M. Richard Renger S. Thomas Lābert S. This yeare Iohn kyng of Ierusalem came into Englande and required aide of kyng Henry to wynne agayne Ierusalem but he returned again with small comfort This yeare the kyng began the foundation of Salisbury mynster Anno. 8. Richard Renger M William Ioyner S. Thomas Lābert S. This yere the Lordes and gentllmen of Englande first granted to king Henry and his heyres the warde and mariage of theyr heyres which was then by lerned mē called the beginning of euils Anno. 9. Richard Renger M. Iohn Trauers S Andrew Bukerel S Richard the brother of kyng Henry ouercame the Frenchemen recouered Poyters and kept the Gascoyns in due obedience Anno. 10. Richard Renger M. Roger Duke S. Martin fitzwilliā S. This yeare the pleas of the crowne were pleaded in the tower of London Lewis kyng of France wan certaine castels in the countrey of Poyters and shortly after spoyled the citie of Aniow Anno. 11. Richard Renger M. Stephē Bokerel S. Henry Cobham S. In this yere was graunted by kynge Henry to the Sheriffes of the Citie of London the sheriffewike of London Midlesex for the summe of CCC poūd by the yeare It was also granted to y e city fre warrē that is to say free liberty to hunte a certain circuite about the citie It was also granted that the citisens of London shold passe tole free through out all England and also granted by the kynge that all weeres in the Thamis shoulde bee plucked vp and destroyed for euer Anno. 12. Roger Duke M. Stephē Buckerel S. Henry Cobham S. The liberties of the Citie were this yeare confirmed and to eche of the sheriffes was graunted to haue .ii. clerkes and two officers without any more Anno. 13. Roger Duke M. walter winchester S. Robert Fitz Iohn S. Kyng Henry sailed with an army in to Britayne agaynste Lewes kynge of France where after spoilyng the coūtrey a peace was concluded betwene the .ii. yong princes Anno. 14. Roger Duke M. Rich. Fitz Williā S. Iohn Wodborne S. This yere was ordeined by y e Maior and rulers of the Citie of London that no sheriffe of that citie shold continewe lenger in office then one yere because that they shoulde not by long continuance of office become couetous bribers Anno. 15. Roger Duke M. Michel of S. Cleue S Walter Guffilde S This yeare was much harme done in Lōndon by fyre which began in the house of a wydowe named dame Iane Lambert Anno. 16. Andrew Bokerel M Hēry Edmōton S. Gerrard Bate S. Uariance grew betwene kyng Henry and his lordes bycause he put from his seruice Englyshemen and trusted strangers as well in his counsayle as other offices nere about hym Anno. 17. Andrew Bokerel M. Symō Fitzmare S Roger Blunt S In this yere y e king began y e foūdatiō of the hospitall of sainct Iohn without the east gate of Oxenforde In whiche yere also fell wonderfull sore weather with suche thunder and lightning that the like had not ben sene And there folowed an earthquake to the great fear of the inhabitauntes of Huntyngdon and nere therabout Anno. 18. Andrew Bokerel M. Rafe Ashewy S. Iohn Norman S. This yeare the kyng put from hym the strangers and restored the English men to theyr offices The Iewes dwellyng in Norwyche were accused for stealynge of a chylde whom they purposed to haue crucified Frederike the Emperor maried Isabel sister of y e king of England Anno. 19. Andrew Bokerel M. Gerrard Batte S. Robert Ardell S. Kyng Henry maried Elinor y e daughter of the Erle of Prouance There appeared as it were hostes of men fyghtyng in the element The statute of Merton was first enacted at the parliament of Merton Anno. 20. Andrew Bokerell M. Henry Cobham S. Iorden Couētry S. Quene Elynor founded the hospitall of saint Katherins besydes the Tower of London for the reliefe of poore women Anno. 21. Andrew Bokerel M Iohn Thesalan S. Gerard cordinaner S. Octobonea a legate of the nynth Gregorie came into England and ordeined good ordinances for the Churche But not all to the pleasure of the yong clergie of Englande Wherefore as he one daye passed thorow Oxenford the scholers sought occasyon against his seruantes and fought with them and slue one of the same and put the legate in suche feare that he for his safegard tooke the belfray of Osney and there helde hym tyll
yelded vp to hym as ye maye reade at large in Iohn Frosard his chronicles Anno. 23. Iohn Lufkin M. Hēry Picard S. Simōwoseley S. In the end of this yere about August the pestilence begon in diuers places of England and specially at London and so cōtinued tyll that tyme twelue month Anno. 24. Williā Turke Maior Adam Bury S. Rafe Lynne S. This yeare was Calice lyke to haue ben betrayed but the kyng in tyme preuented it The Kynge caused to be coyned grotes and half grotes the whyche lacked of the weyght of his former coyne .ii. s .vi. d. of a pound troy And about the end of August ceased the death in London whiche was soo vehement and sharpe that ouer the bodies buried in churches and church yardes monasteries and other accustomed buryeng places was buryed in the Charter howse yarde of London as saith Fabyan .l. M. persons And also many persons of good credite yet liuyng in the citie of London affirm that they haue redde the like writen on a plate of laton fastened on a crosse of stone in the same Charter house church yarde and also to haue sene recorded in one olde Booke of the sayde Charter house that at that tyme the said mortalitie was so great that there remained not the tenthe person alyue throughout the realme Anno. 25. Richard Killingbury M. Iohn Notte S. wil. wocester S. This yere king Edward had a goodly victory vpon the sea against Charles the constable of France where he toke xxii of their shyppes Anno. 26. Andrew Aubery M. Iohn wroth S. Gibbō staindrop S. This yeare the castell of Guynes was yelden vnto the englishmen dwellyng in Calice by treason of a Frenche man Also this yere y e englishmen beyng in Britayn had a goodly victory ouer the Frenchemen where they tooke many noble men prisoners Anno. 27. Adam Francis Maior Iohn Peache S Iohn stodeney S This Sommer was so long dry that it was called after the dry sommer for from March tyll the latter end of Iuly fell lytle rayne or none by which reason corne that yere folowyng was scant Anno. 28. Adam Francis Maior Iohn Welde S. Iohn Lytle S. The Duke of Brunswyke made an appeale against Henry duke of Lancaster for whyche was waged battell in the frenche kynges courte and beynge bothe ready within the lystes to fyght the french kyng stayed the matter and toke the quarell into his handes so that either of them departed the field without any stroke striken Anno 29. Thomas Legget M. williā Totinghā S. Richard Smert S. For so muche as the townes in Flanders brake their promyse before tyme made by Iaques Dartnell and now fauoured the french partie king Edward remoued the market and staple of woll out of Flanders into Englande as to Westminster Chichester Lyncolne Bristowe and Canterbury Prince Edward the sonne of kynge Edward passed into Gascoyn where he made sore warre and destroyed castels and townes before hym and tooke the towne of Remorentine wyth other Also this yeare was the house of the Friers Angustines in London finished whiche was reedifyed by syr Humfrey Bobune earle of Hertforde and Essex whose bodye lyeth buried in the quier of the said house before the high aultar Anno. 30. Symond Francis M. Thomas Forster S Thomas Brādon S Edwarde prince of Wales nye to the citie of Poitiers ioyned battel with king Iohn of Frāce of whō the prince by his marcial policy wan a noble victory notw tstandyng that he had in his army but 800. souldiors on the french part were 6000. fighting mē In this conflict King Iohn was taken with his yong son Philyp and many of his nobles brought● into Englande Anno. 31. Henry Picard M. Rich. Nofinghā S. Thomas Dosel S. Great and royal iustes were holden in Smythfield before the kyng of Englād the frēch king being prisoner the kyng of Scottes and diuers other nobles Anno. 33. Iohn Stody M. Stephen Candish S. Barthol Frostling S. This yere Dauid le Bruze king of scottes was set at libertie when he had put king Edward suretie of .10000 mark for his ransom Anno. 23. Iohn Lufain M. Iohn Barnes S. Iohn Burys S. The englyshemen in Britaine tooke the towne of Ancore and dyuers other and put them to great ransome Anno. 34. Symon Duffild M. Simon Bedinghā S. Iohn Chichester S. Kyng Edward with his son the prince passed the sea to Calice and from thense rode through France by Picard Artois Roan Champayn and so foorth to Britaine euer destroying the countrey before him hys garrisons also made warre in Beauvoisin in Picardye in Brye in Campayn and spoiled well nere all the counntrey Moreouer the kynge of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandy Thus was the realm of France miserably beset at this tyme on all sydes At the last a finall peace was concluded betwene the kynges of Englande of Frāce on this cōdition that king Edward should haue to his possession the countreis of Gascoyn and Guyen Poytiers Lymosyn Baleuile Exantes Calice Guynes and diuers other lordships castels towns all the landes to thē belōging without knowlege of any soueraigntie or subiection for y e same and the king of France shold pay for his ransom 300000. crownes so King Iohn returned into France Anno. 35. Iohn Wroth M. Iohn Denys S. Walter Burney S. King Edward returned from Caleys into Englande and brought with hym many noble men of Frāce for hostages This yere men and beasts perished in England in diuers places with thunder lightning and fiends wer sene in mās likenes aud spake vnto men as they trauailed by the way Anno. 36. Iohn Peche M. Williā Holbeche S. Iames Tame S. This yeare was great death and pestilence in Englande which was called the second mortalitie in which died Hēry duke of Lancaster then was Iohn of Gaunt the kings third son which had maried the dukes daughter made duke of Lancaster Also there were sene this yere in the ayre castels and hostes of men fighting as sayth Fabian Anno. 37. Stephen Cādishe M. Io. of S. Albons S. Iames Andrew S. This yere was a great wynd in England wherwith many steples and towres were ouerthrowen King Iohn of Fraunce came into England and shortly after died at y e Sauoy in London Also this yeare was a great frost in Englande whiche lasted from the myddest of September to the moneth of Aprill Anno. 38. Iohn Notte M Rychard Croydon S. Iohn Hiltofte S. Prynce Edwarde sayled into Burdeaux and receyued the possession of Guyā that kyng Edwarde had newly gyuen vnto hym Anno. 39. Adam of Bury M. Symon Mordant S Iohn of Motford S This yere the kyng began the foundation of saynt Stephens chappell at Westmynster whiche was finished by Rycharde the second sonne of prince Edward Anno. 40. Iohn Lufkyn M. Io. Bukylsworth S Iohn
strong power came to London where they caused the kyng to cal a parliamēt whereof hearynge Alexander Neuyll Archbyshop of Yorke Syr Lionel Uere Marques of Deuelen syr Mychael de la Poole Chaūcellour erle of Suffolk fearyng punyshment fled the lande and died in straunge countreys The kynge by counsayle of the aboue named lordes duryng the parliament caused to be taken syr Robart Triuilian chiefe Iustice of Englande syr Nycholas Brembre late Maior of Londō syr Iohn Salysbury knyght of houshold syr Iohn Beauchampe Stewarde of the kyngs house syr Symon Burley syr Iames Bernes and syr Robert Belknappe knyghtes and a sergeaunt of armes named Iohn Uske the whiche by authoritie of the sayde parliament were conuict of treason and put to death at the towre hyll at Tyborne And Iohn Holt Iohn Locton Rychard Gray Wylliam Burgth and Robert Fuithorpe iustice with the other foresayde lordes which before had voyded the land were banished and exiled for euer Anno. 12. Sir Nych Twyford M. Tho. Austen S. Adam Gathill S. This yere the kyng kepte a great iustes in Smythfielde whiche continued xxiiii days This yere on the fifth day of August was the battayle of Ottyrborn where syr Henry Percy slewe the erle Douglas of Scotland and after was taken prisoner Anno. 13. Williā Uenour M. Iohn Walcot S. Iohn Loueney S. An esquier of Nauarre accused an englyshe esquire called Iohn Welshe of treason for the triall whereof a daye of fyght was betwene them taken to bee fought in the kyngs palais at westminster where they fought a strong fyght but Iohn Welshe was victor and constrayned the other to yelde Where he was dispoyled of his armour and drawē to Tyborn and hanged for his vntruth Anno. 14. Adam Bawme M. Iohn Francis S. Tho. Uiuent S. The duke of Lancaster vncle to king Richard sayled with a company of souldiours into Spayn to claym the realme of Cast●le for so muche as he had taken to wife the eldest daughter of kyng Peter that was expelled his kyngdom by Henry his bastard brother be conquered the countreye of Galice and made league with the kyng of Portugall but by great mortalitie whiche fell among his people he was fayne to dismysse his armye and shortly after loste all that euer he had wonne Anno. 15. Iohn Hind Draper M. Io. Chadworth S Henry Uamer S A bakers man bearynge a basket of horsebread in Fletestrete one of the bishop of Salisburies mē toke out a lofe y t baker requyryng his lofe the byshops man brake the bakers head whervpon folowed suche parties takyng that the Maior and Sheriffes and all the quyete people of the citie coulde not order the vnrulynes of the multitude there gathered togyther but that they woulde haue hym deliuered to them who brake the bakers heade or els to breake open the gates of the sayde byshops palaice who was the kynges high treasorer for the whyche the kynge seased the liberties of the Cytie and discharged the Maior and Sheriffes of the rule of the Citie and committed the gouernement therof to a knight of the court called sir Edward Dalingerige The citisens making great sute and labour to obtein the kynges fauoure coulde not thys yere obteyne it Anno. 16. William Stonden Grocer M. Gilbert Māfield S Tho. Newingtō S Thys yere by the great sute labour of doctor Grauesend then byshop of Lōdon the liberties were shortly restored in reward of whiche paynes he desyred the Maior wyth the citisens of London in their liueries to resort yerely on their ix pryncipall dayes to the Churche of Poules vnto the graue of the same byshop after his decease who lyeth in the myddle of the west end of the sayd churche and there to say De profundis c. As ye may reade in Robert Fabyan Anno. 17. Iohn Hadley Grocer M. Drew Barētin S. Rich. whittington S. A truce prolonged betwene France and Englande for .iiii. yeares Thys years dyed Quene Anne wyfe to kynge Rychard Anno. 18. Io. Frēche Mercer M Wil. Bramtō S. Tho. Knolles S. Aboute thys tyme was Wikliffe famous in England King Richard made a voiage into Ireland which was more chargeable then honorable And this yeare was greate tempest of wynde in England Anno. 19. Wil. More Uintener M Roger Elys S wil. Sheringhā S A truce for .xxx. yeares was made betwene England and France and kyng Richard toke to wife Isabell the daughter of Charles the Frenche kyng Anno. 20. Adā bame goldsmith M Tho. Wilford S. williā Parker S. The duke of Gloucester king Richardes vncle wyth the Earle of Arundell and other was put to cruel death for so muche as they rebuked the kyng in certayne matters ouer lyberally Anno. 21. Richard Whittingtō Mercer M. williā Askhā S. Io. wodcock S. Thys yeare deceased Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster He was buryed in Poules Churche on the Northe syde of the quyer The Duke of Hereforde and also the Duke of Norffolke were bothe banyshed the lande Anno. 22. Drew Barētin Goldsmith M. Iohn wade S Io. warner S Kynge Rycharde lette the realme of Englande to ferme to syr Wyllyam Scrope Earle of Wyltshyre and to .iii. knyghtes Busshy Bagot and Grene. And then in Apryll he wente wyth an armye into Irelande leauynge for hys Lieuetenaunte in Englande syr Edmund of Langley hys vncle and Duke of Yorke Kynge Rycharde beyng occupyed in Irelande Henry Bolynbrooke Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster whyche was banyshed into France beynge sente for of the Londoners came into Englande wyth a smalle power and landed in Holdernesse in Yorkeshyre to whome the Communes gathered in greate number whereof Kynge Rycharde hearynge aboute September he returned and landynge at Mylforde hauen he went to the Castell of Flynt in Wales where he rested hym entendynge to gather more strengthe In the whych tyme Henry Duke of Lancaster came vnto Brystowe where he tooke syr Willyam Scrope Ealre of Wylteshyre and Treasourer of Englande syr Iohn Bushy and syr Henry Greene. Syr Iohn Bagot was there taken but he escaped and fledde the other .iii. were iudged and put to execution Kynge Rycharde beyng in the castell of Flynte hys noble menne forsakynge hym was taken and by Henry duke of Lancaster sente to the tower of London where shortly after he yelded vp and resigned to the saide Henry all hys power and Kyngely tytle to the Crowne of Englande and Fraunce knowledgynge that he worthyly was deposed for his demerites and mysgouernyng of the Common weale King Henry the fourthe Anno Regni .1 HEnry the fourthe was ordeyned Kyng of Englande more by force as it appeared then by laufull succession or election Whyche thynge tourned hym to muche vnquyetnesse and caused often rebellyon in thys Realme of courage he was noble and valyaunt and after the Ciuile warres were appeased shewed hym selfe very gentill and louyng to hys subiectes He began hys reygne
called Anglia and the inhabitantes therof Angles or Englyshmen and the britaynes were called Walshemen whiche name they tooke of a duke called Wallus This happened .1791 yeres or as saith Fabian .1822 after that Brute fyrste arryued in thys lande After the conquest of Cesar .735 yeres From the entryng of the Saxons vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the tyme of Uortiger .236 or nere therabout Thus ended the reigne of the Britons and nowe foloweth the reigne of the Saxons Althoughe the Saxons had deuyded this realme into seuen seuerall kyngdomes yet I wyll nowe speake chiefely of the weste saxons in order because that in proces of tyme they subdued the other kynges and brought it agayne into one monarchie AMong the west saxons reigned a noble man called Iewe of greate power and wysedome and therewith valiant and hardy in feates of armes very expert he mainteyned such warre agaynste the Kentyshe Saxons that hee constreigned them to seke and intreate meanes of peace geuyng to hym for the same great gyftes This man buylded first the colledge of Welles the abbey of Glastenbury he payd the Peter pens fyrst to Rome When he had gouerned the west Saxons by the space of .xxxvii. yeres by the earnest labour of his wife Etheldreda which was an holy womā and abbesse of Backyng in Essex gaue vp his royall power and became a pore man and wēt to Rome on pilgremage he is of Beda called Hunne or Iewe. AFter hym Ethelarde was kynge of west Saxons in whose tyme the reuerend Beda was famous and wrote his boke called Anglica historia to Offrick kyng of Northumberlande Ethelarde reigned v. yeares ●Uthred was kynge of West saxons This man made warre vpon Ethelwald or Mercia and lyed therin diuersly In his tyme appered twoo blasynge sterres castynge as it were burnynge brandes towardes the northe He reygned .xvi. yeares Ethelwald before named as Hardyng writeth buylded the abbey of Crowlande The holy man Beda whiche for hys lernyng and godly life was renoumed in all y e world ended his last day about the yeare of Christ .734 he in his lyfe compiled .lxxviii. bookes SIgebert was made kynge of Weste Saxons he was cruell and tyrānous towards his subiects and changed anciente lawes and customes after hys owne will and pleasure And because a certayn noble man somedeale sharpely aduertised hym to change his maners he malitiously caused the same persone to be put cruelly to deathe And for soo muche as he continued in his malice would not amende he was depriued of all kyngely authoritie and lastely as a person desolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodd was slayn of a swineherde whose lorde and mayster when he had reigned as kyng he had wrongfully put to death when he had reigned iii. yeares KEnulphus of the lynage blood of Cerdicus fyrst king of West saxons reigned in the kyngdome .xxxi. yeares The vertue of this manne farre passed his fame At the begynnyng he appeased certayne murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposyng of his predecessour Sigebert Kenulfe kyng of Mercia buylded the abbey of Wynchecombe Offa a noble man reygned in Mercia or myddle Englande he had warre with theym of Northumberlande and for a tyme subdued theim He warred also agaynst Etheldred kyng of east angles and vanquyshed and tooke prisoner Egbert kyng of Kent Offa kyng of Mercia builded the abbey of saynt Albons he chased the britons or Welshemen into Wales and made a famous dike betwene Wales and the vtter boundes of Mercia whiche is nowe called Offa dike Kenulphus kyng of west saxons as he haunted to a woman whych he kept at Merton was slayne by treason of of one Clio the kynsemanne of Sigeberte late Kynge He was buryed at Wynchester BRithricus of the bloud of Cerdidicus was made kynge of weste saxons and knyghtely ruled his lande y e space of .xvii. yeres he maried one of the daughters of Offa kyng of Mercia by whose power hee expelled Egberte that was an vnder kyng in the lordship of west saxons In his tyme as saythe Fabyan it rayned blood from heauen whiche fallyng on mens clothes appered lyke crosses The Danes fyrst entred this land of Britayne but by the strength and puissance of Brithricus and other kynges of the saxons they were driuen backe and compelled to voyde the lande Brithricus was poisoned by his wife Ethelburga For whiche deede the nobles ordeined that from thenseforthe the kynges wyues shuld not be called Quenes nor suffred to sytte with them in places of estate EGbert the saxon whyche by Brithricus was chased oute of the Realme hauynge knowledge of the deathe of Brithricus returned onte of Fraunce and in so knightely wise demeaned hym selfe that he obteyned the gouernement of Weste Saxons hee tamed the welshe men vanquyshed Berthulphus kynge of myddle Englande and subdued to his seignorie and obeysance the Kentysh saxons eastsaxons and Northumbers reigned as kynge ouer the more part of Englād the space of .xxxvii. yeares and was buried at Wynchester The Danes with a great host entred this landd the second tyme and spoyled the Isle of Shepey in Kente agaynste whom Egbert the kyng addressed hym with his power whom the Danes forst to flee the field After which tyme som of the Danes continually abode in one place or other of this lande EEthelwolphus the sonne of Egbert began his reigne ouer y e more part of England This man in his youth was wyllyng to haue bene a priest entred y e order of subdeacon howbest after he maried a wyfe by whome he had .iiii. sonnes whiche reigned after hym successiuely He went to Rome where he repaired the englysshe schoole whyche was fyrst foūded by Offa kyng of Mercia This schoole was after tourned to an hospitall for englyshemen whyche came to Rome he fyrst founded the vniuersitie of Oxenford which some wryters attribute to Offa kyng of Mercia that was in the tyme of Charles the great .ix. yeres before this tyme. He reigned .xxiii. yeares and was buryed at Wynchester EThewlaldus after the death of his father began his reign in England he maried a woman whiche his father had kepte before as his concubine and dyed when he hadde not reygned fully one yeare EEthelbert the brother of Ethelwold was made king ouer the more part of Englande In the begynnynge of hys reigne the Danes entred the west part of the realme and spoiled the countrey afore them tyll they came to Wynchester and by strength toke it But by the kynge and his dukes they were forced to leaue Wynchester and in retiryng towardes their shyps they lost a great number of theyr men He reigned .vii. yeares and was buryed at Sherborne ETheldred the thyrde sonne of Ethelwolphus toke on him the gouernāce of Westsaxones and other Prouinces of Englande He was a man framed of nature
greuous ennemy and hard to be pleased Desyrous of warre abhorryng idlenes enclined somewhat to pryde lecherye and auarice but moste of all he was to be blamed because he semed vnnatural towardes his father as ye haue partly hearde of hym and his brethren what warres they raysed agaynst him In his time were many robbers and outlawes amongest y e whiche as Iohn Maiore in his fourth booke De gestis Scotorniū writeth Robert Hoode and lyttell John renoumed theues continued in woddes despoylynge and robbyng the goods of the ryche They kylled none but suche as would inuade them or by resistence for their owne defence The sayde Robert intertayned an hundred tall men and good archers wyth suche spoyles and theftes as he gotte Upon whome foure hundred were they neuer so stronge durste not geue thonset The tales and gestes of this Robert be comonly knowen by songes and balades vsed within this realme he suffred no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwyse molested Poore mens goodes hee spared abundantely releuyng theym wyth that whiche by theft he gotte frome abbeys and the houses of riche ●arles Whome the sayd Maior blameth for his rapyne and thefte but of all theues hee affyrmeth him to be the prince and the most gentle thefe In the fyrste yeare of thys Kynges reign the citisens of London obteined two officers to guide theyr Citie which were called Bayliffes whose names shall folowe here vnder Anno regni ● Bayliffes Henry Cornhyll Rychard Reinery In this yeare the Iewes were very brag here in thys realme for that theyr number was so greate But the cōmon people especially about London fell vpon them and despoyled them without pitie or mercye they so hated theym for theyr vsury and other euyll conditions The kyng though he were not lyttle dyspleased wyth these offenders yet coulde he doo no execution on them for the fact the numbre was so great wher by they all escaped without punishmēt Also thys yere the king set at liberty Elianor his mother whiche long before at the commandement of his father hi● husbande had ben kept close prisoner But after her enlargement the realme was muche gouerned by her As sayth Ranulph kynge Rycharde gaue ouer the Castels of Berwyke and Rokesburghe to the Scottyshe Kynge for the sūme of .x. M. li. for the charges of his voyage He also sold to the bishop of Durhā his own prouince for a great piece of money and created him erle of the same Wherfore the king said after in game I am a wondrous craftesman I haue made a new erle of an old bishop He gaue his brother Iohn many dignities as the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshyre and Cornewall and created hym Earle of Lancaster This yere the king was assoiled of y e offence that he had cōmitted in rebelliō against his father in recompence wherof as sayth Guido he voluntarily toke vpon him and promised to warre vpon Christes enemies But other authours affirme that his father hadde so wylled hym in his lyfe whervpon preparation was made towarde the perfourmance of thys iourney Anno reg 2. Bayliffes Iohn Herlyon Roger Duke In this yeare kyng Richard betooke the guidyng of this land to the bishop of Ely then beyng Chancellor of Englād sayled into Normandie when he had appoynted good gouernoures ouer that countrey he went to mete the frenche Kyng Philyp the seconde and hauyng made sure league one with an other went eyther of them the sayd yeare onward of their iorney toward Ierusalem In this meane time the Iewes in diuers places of thys Realme as at Lincolne Stamforde and Lynne were robbed and spoyled And at York to the numbre of four hundred and more had their maister vaynes cut and so bled to deathe Anno Reg. 3. baylyffes William Hauershall Iohn Bukmotte Kyng Richard in his iourney towardes Ierusalem subdued the Erle of Cypres then ioynynge his puisance with the French Kynges in Asia conquered Acon where ther grew betwene king Richard and Philip the frenche Kyng a greuous displeasure For whiche cause Philip shortly departed thens And cōmyng into France inuaded the contrey of Normandy And Iohn the brother of kyng Rychard tooke on hym the kyngdome of Englande in his brothers absence Kyng Richarde of England restored to the Christians the citie of Ioppa and in many battels put the turke to great sorowe Anno Reg. 4. Bayliffes Nycolas Duke Peter Newlay William byshop of Elye to whome kyng Richard had cōmitted the gouernance of England dyd many cruell deedes and oppressed the clergie and also the laitie He woulde commonly ryde with a thousand horses and greued abbeyes by meane of his guestes and his lodgyng with them Kyng Richard erchaunged Cypres wyth Guye of Lesyngham for the kingdom of Ierusalem Wherfore the king of Englande a long tyme after was called kyng of Ierusalem Anno Reg. 5. Bailiffes Roger Duke Richard Fitz Alyn Kyng Richarde hauynge knowledge that Phillyp of Fraunce inuaded Normandie and that Iohn his brother had made hymselfe King of England made peace wyth the Turkes for .iii. yeares and with a small company returnynge homewarde by Thrace was taken prisoner by the duke of Ostriches menne and brought to Henry the Emperour and there kept in strayte prison a yere and .v. monethes Where it is sayd that he slewe a Lyon and toke out his hart Anno Reg. 6. Bayliffes Williā Fitz Isabell Williā Fitz Arnolde William Longshampe bishop of Ely cōtinuyng his crueltie in England was lastly by strength of the lordes banished the lande Then he came to the kynge beyng prisoner alledgyng for hym selfe the best that he could but when he saw he myght not begyle the kyng with his sugred wordes he returned into Frāce there to tary the kynges commyng This yere Iohn the kings brother by the settyng on of the Frence kyng whē he herd of the imprisonment of his brother made great warr within the lād toke by strength the castels of Windsor of Notyngham and others And the Frenche kyng made stronge warre in Normandy Anno Reg. 7. Bailiffes Robert Beysani Ioke le Iosue Hubert bishop of Salisbury was by kyng Richard sent into Englād to haue the guidynge therof and also to treate with the lordes cōmons for the kings deliuerance howe he myght be set at libertie The sayde Hubert was by the monkes of Christes church in Cantorbury chosen archebyshoppe of Cantorburye Anno Reg. 8. Bailyffes Gerrad de Anteloche Robert Durant This yere as sayth Fabyan kynge Richarde was deliuered oute of prison for the summe of one C.M. poundes of sterlyng money for payment of which ransom all the woll of white monkes chanons was sold and rings and crosses of prelates with vessels and chalices of all churches through the land and .xvii. shrines were scraped and spoyled of the golde and syluer c. Kyng Richard being thus deliuered shortly after landed at Sandwiche
brought to Westminster .102 Iewes Lyncoln which were accused of the crucifying of a chylde at Lyncoln they were sent to the tower of Londō of these .8 were hanged and the other remayned long in pryson Anno. 40. Rich. Hardel Draper M. Mat. Bokerell S. Iohn Mynour S. This yere a peace was made betwene the citizens of London and the abbot of Waltham who had bene long in controuersie for toll that he demaunded of the citizens that came to Walthā faire but at the last the citizens were set free and bonde to no toll Anno. 41. Rich. Hardel Draper M. Rich. Ewyll S. williā Ashwy S. Great variance was betwene y e kyng and the Londoners in so much that the Mayor and dyuers Aldermen sherifes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the citie cōmitted to certeyne persons of the kyngs appoynting all the controuersie and hādlyng of this matter is at large entreted of by Fabiā This yere the kyng for so much as he had oftentymes promysed the restitutiō of certaine ancient lawes but neuer performed the same the lordes murmuring against him to appeace their malyce he helde a parliament at Oxenford which was after called the madde parliament because manye thynges weare there enacted which proued after to the confusion of the Realme death of many noble mē In confirmatiō of these actes were chosen .xii. piers called douze piers which had authoritie to correct the brekers of their ordinaunces These piers altered and chaunged many thinges according to their owne pleasure greatly to the discontenting of thy kynges mynde and disquietinge of the whole Realme as in Fabian and other histories doth at large appeare Anno. 42. Rich. Hardel Draper M. Th. fitz Rich. S. Ro. Catheliō S. This yere Hughe Bygot Iustice and Roger Turkeley kept their courtes in the Guyldhall of London and punished the Bakers vpon the tombrell where in tymes passed they were punished on the pyllory and they did many other thinges against the lawes of the citye but the citie had so be punished of late y t they durst say nothing therto Richard the kynges brother retourned out of Almayne into Englande Anno. 43. Iohn Gisors Peperar M. Iohn Adriā S. Ro. Cornhil S. Kyng Henry fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a peace on this condition that Normādy Angeow and Cenomanna shoulde euer after be in the possession of the Frenchemen and the kyng of Englande to haue Guien and that Lewis shoulde geue kyng Henry for his expēces in warr .150000 crowns for yerely tribute a .100000 crownes After whiche peare finished the kynge retourned into England A Iewe of Lewkesbury fell into a priuie upō the saturday and would not for reuerēce of his Saboth day be plucked out whereof the Earle of Glocester hearing that the Iewe did so great reuerence to his Saboth daye thought he would doe as muche to his holy daye whiche is sonday and so kept him there tyll monday at whiche season he was founde dead Anno. 44. Williā Fitz Richard M. Adā Brown S. Ri. Couētre S. In this yere the kyng commaunded a general assembly or meting at Paules crosse where the kyng in proper person commaunded the Mayre that the nexte daye after he should cause to bee sworne before his Aldermen euery stripplynge of .xii. yeres of age and vpwarde to be true vnto the king and his heyres kings of Englande and that the gates of the citie should be kept with harnissed mē Anno. 45. Wil. Fitz Richard M. Io. Northāton S. Rich. Pickard S. Kyng Hēry published at Paules crosse the byshops of Rome absolution for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyne the articles made in the parliament at Oxforde for whiche cause the barons of England begon to vtter their malice which they had long before conceived agaynst the kyng and caused an insurrection that continued thre yeres Richard earle of Glocester decased and Gilbart de Clare was earle after him Anno. 46. Th. Fitz Thomas M. Phi. Walbroke S. Richard Tailer S. This yere was so great a frost y e men rode on hors back ouer the thames The barons of Englād armed them against their kyng all this yere houered about London other places without any notabe act of rebellion saying y t they robbed spoyled aliens certeyn other persons whō they knew to be against their purpose specially they slewe y e Iewes in all places Anno. 47. Tho. Fitz Thomas M. Ro. Moūtpyler S. Osbern Buckessel S. 500. Iewes were slayne by the citizēs of Londō because one Iewe wold haue forsed a christian man to haue paid more then ii.d. for y e vsury of xx s for a weke Hugh le Spencer with the citizeus of London spoiled burnt the manours of Richard the kings brother which hither to had ben a great stay of the warre betwene the kyng and the nobles Nere to Lewys in Susser kyng Hēry and his barons fought a cruel battel in which the kyng hym self with Richarde his brother sir Ed. his son other noble men to the nūber of .25 were taken of the cōmōs wer slayn aboue .20000 Anno. 48. Tho. Fit Thomas M. Tho. Lamford S. Edward blune S. Debate variāce sel betwene Symon Moūtfort Erle of Lecester Gilbert de Clare Erle of Glocester chief capitains of y e barons which torned to their great euil For prince Ed. being now set at libertie allied him w t the erle of Glocester gathering to hī a great power warred so freshly vpon Symon of Leicester that at the ende he and Hughe spencer with many others of the nobles were slayn in the battayle at Euishā in Worcester shyre The same yere was holden a parliament at Wynchester where all the statutes made before at Oxforde were disanulled abrogate And all wrytinges made for the confirmation of the same cancelled and broken This yere the citie of London was in great daunger to haue bene destroied by the kyng for great ire and displeasure that he had conceiued against it because of the fornamed cōmocion of the which the citizens hauing perfit intelligence assembled them selues and tooke aduice diuers tymes what was best to be done At the last it was agreed wholy to submitte them selues bothe lyues goodes into the kynges bandes And for confirmation therof to make an instrument of their submission and to seale the same with the cōmon seale of the citie They agreed upon .viii. persones to carye the same and goyng to wyndsore where the king lay they met at Colbroke a knight called syr Roger Leyborn who turned them backe agayne and after they had discoursed the whole matter with hym he wylled them to delyuer to hym theyr submission vnder seale and he woulde moue the kyng in it whiche thyng they dyd And after syxe dayes thys knyght retourned to
the tyme of kynge Henry the syxt it was ordeined that the same ounce should be deuided into .xxx. partes called .xxx. pence and in kynge Edwarde the fourthe his tyme into .xl. partes called .xl. pence And in kynge Henry the eyght his dayes into .44 partes called 3.s S. ● but the weyght of the ounce troye and the measure of the foote was ordeined euer to be at one stynt Anno. 52. Allein Souch M. Thomas Basyng S. Robert Cornhyll S. Gylbert de Clare Earle of Glocester for vnknowen displeasure allieng hym selfe with the exiled gentilmen other nobles of Englande rose against the kyng and held the citie of London buildyng therin bulwarkes and caste dytches and trenches in dyuers places of the cytie and Southwarke and fortified it wonderously The kyng lying at the abbay of Stratforde also assaulted the same citie more then a moneth as it is to bee red in Fabian but by diligent labour vpon his partie and by the Legate and the kyng of Romaynes on the other partie Agrement was made betwene the king and hym In this meane tyme many robberies were done wherefore foure that bare the cognisance of the Earle of Darby were put in sackes and caste in the Thames Anno. 53. Aleyn South M. Williā de Durhā S. Walter Haruy S. Uariance fel betwene the felowships of goldsmythes and ●aylers of London whiche caused great rufflying in the citie and many men to be slayne For whiche ryot .xiii of the chiefe capitaines were arreigned cast and hanged Aleyn South was discharged of his Mayraltie by the kyng and Stephen Edworthe made constable of the towre and custos of the citie The disherited gentylmen were this yere reconciled to the kynges fauour And the fiue citizens which had remayned prysoners in the towre of Wyndsour the whych the Kyng had geuen to his son Edwarde when they had made theyr ende with greate summes of money were deliuered Anno. 54. Thomas fitz Thomas M williā Hadstock M Anketil de Aluern M The ryuer of Thamis was so harde frosen from the feast of S. Andrewe to Candelmas that men and beasts passed ouer on foote from Lambeth to Westmynster The marchandises was caried from Sandwiche and other hauens vnto London by lande The citie of Lōdon with the reuenues therof was geuen to prince Edward Anno. 55. Iohn Adriā vintener M. walter Potter S Iohn Taylour S Prince Edward sailynge into A●ia agaynst the infidels by his policy manly actes so demeaned hymself that often times he put the Turks to great shame disworshyp For despite wherof they suborned a false Sarasyn by whose treason he was wounded with a venemous dart and therof was longe sicke after This yere the liberties of London wer newely confirmed And this yeare the steple of Bowe churche in Cheape fell downe and slue many people both men and women Anno. 56. Io. Adrian vintener M. Greg. Rokesle S. Henry walleis S. This yeare deceased Richard king of Almayn and Erle of Cornwale brother to the kyng and was buryed at Hayles an abbey of white monkes by hym before tyme buylded In June began a great riot in the citie of Norwich wherethrough the monasterie of the Trinitie was burned And for that fact the king rode down made enquiry for the chief doers therof wherof .xxx. yong men were condemned drawen hanged and brent This yere were diuers prodigies and strange tokens sene in diuers places of Englande Anno. 57. Sir walter Haruy M Richard Pari● S. Iohn Bedill S. In the beginning of this yeare kynge Henry sickned and he called before him sir Gilbert Clare erle of Glocester and caused hym to be newly sworne to kepe the peace of the lande to the behofe of Edward his sonne then dyed the .xvi. day of Nouēber in the yere of our lorde 1272. when he had reigned .lvi. yeres xviii dais He was buried at Westminster vpon the southe syde of saincte Edward He buylded a greate part of the same Churche King Edwarde the firste surnamed Longshanke Anno regni .1 EDwarde the fyrst after the conqueste surnamed Longshanke began hys reigne ouer this realme of England the .16 day of Nouember in the yere .1272 and deceased the .vii. day of Iuly in the yeare .1307 so he reigned ●4 yeres .vii. moneths and .xx. dayes Of stature he was tall and mighty of body but nothyng grosse● his eies were somewhat blacke in tyme of anger semed fyerye Of suche a noble and valyaunt heart that his courage neuer faynted in moste harde and dangerous enterprises Of witt excellent of great towardnes and apt to euery thing that he him selfe applied Anno. 1. Sir walter Haruy knight M. Io. Horne S walter porter S In the end of this yere the kynge returned into Englād Ther was yet busines about chusynge of the Maior for dyuers would haue made such a Maior as they had lyked But for that tyme they were disappoynted whiche in the yeare folowyng vpon the same daye toke further effect Anno. 2. Henry walleis M. Nicolas wichester S. Henry Couentrie S. On the day of Symon and Iude whē Philyp Tailor which before was chosen to be Maior and should as that day haue taken his charge in the Guylde hall of London diuers citisens put hym besyde the maires seate set therin sir walter Haruy y e rumor wherof came tofore y e kyng who put them both out and chose Henry Frowike Custes of the citie who continued tyll Candelmas At which tyme Walter Haruy was set in auctoritie as Maior and continued the full of that yeare The kyng of Scottes dyd homage to kyng Edwards for the Kyngedome of Scotlande The kyng ordeined certayn new lawes for the welth of the realme emong the which was one that bakers making breade lackyng weight assigned after y e price of corne should fyrst be punyshed by losse of their breade and the seconde by enprisonment and thirdly by the correction of the pillorye Myllers for stealyng of corne to be chastised by the tumberyll And this to be put in execution he gaue auctoritie to all Mayres Bailiffes and other officers through Englād and specially to the Maior of London Anno. 3. Gregory Rockesle M. Lucas Batencourt S. Henry Frowycke S. Kyng Edward buylded the castell of Flynt and strengthened the castell of Rutland other agaynst the welshmen Anno. 4. Gregory Rockesly Maire Iohn Borne S. Rafe Blunt S. The statute of mortmayn was enacted by kyng Edward Michell Tony was hanged drawen and quartered for treason Anno. 5. Gregory Rockesle M Robert de Bracy S Rafe Fenour S King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Lewlyn prince of Wales the lordshyp of Froddesham This Dauid attended in the kynges courte and dyd vnto hym pleasant seruice to the intent to espie the kynges secrete counsel and if any thyng were done or spoken to the hurt of his brother that he
won muche of his landes But shortly after kyng Edwards commyug a peace was concluded for .ii. yeares and thens he went to Burdeaux The Scotts by the enticement of the frenchmen and settinge on of one William Wallace rebelled and put the englishmen to muche trouble and losse of many men emong which was sir Hugh Tresyngham This yere certain persons of the city of Lōdon brake vp the tonne in the ward of Cornhyll and toke out certain prisoners that thither were cōmitted by sir Iohn Britton for the which .ix. of them were greuously punished by long imprisonment and great sines The tunne aboue named is now y e cūdit in Cornhill The kyng comming againe into England and so to Winchester the citesēs of Lōdō made such labor vnto his grace that they obteined grant of their liberties that had in some part be kept from them by the terme of .xii. yeres or more Anno. 27. Henry Walleis M. Richard Reshā S. Thomas Sel● S. This yere the kyng made cruell war vpon the Scots and had of them a great victorie and then they yelded them selues agayn to his grace and mercy This yeare also the kynge called in certaine coynes of money called pollardes Crocardes and rosaries Anno. 28. Elis Russell M. Iohn Armencer S. Henry Fringrith S. Kyng Edward heryng of the vntruthe and rebellion of the Scottes made his third voyage against them wherin he subdued a great part of the land and toke the castel of Estriuelyn with other and made the lords sweare to hym fealtie and homage Anno. 29. Elis Russel M Luke Haueryng S. Rich. Champeis S. Thys yeare the Kynge gaue vnto Edwarde hys sonne the Princedome of Wales and ioyned there vnto the Dukedome of Cornewall and the crie dome of Chester Anno. 30. Iohn Blunt M. Robert Caller S. Peter Bosham S. This yeare the Kyng helde a greate parliament at Canturbery Anno. 31. Iohn Blunt Maior Hugh Pourte S. Simon Parys S. This yere Kyng Edward made great warres in Scotland where he had many great victories Anno. 32. Iohn Blūt M Williā Cōbmartein S. Iohn de Burford S. This yeare the Kyng caused great inquirie to be made of the behauior of his Iustices through out his realme which was called Broyly Baston Anno. 33. Iohn Blunt M. Roger Parys S. Iohn Lincolne S. Wylliam Wales whiche had don so many displeasures to Kyng Edwarde in Scotland was taken drawen hanged and quartred at London on S. Bartylmewes eue and his head sette on London brydge The nobles of Scotlande in a parliament at Westmynster volūtaryly were sworne to be true to the kynge of Englande and to kepe the lande of Scotlande to his vse against all persons Anno. 34. Iohn Blunt M. Raynold Doderil S. Wylliā Causon S. Robert le Bruse cōtrary to his othe to kyng Edwarde before made assembled the lordes of Scotland and caused hym selfe to be crowned When kynge Edwarde heard of this treason he went with haste into Scotlande where he chased syr Robert le Bruse and all the power of Scotlande and tooke many of the noble men prysoners Anno. 35. Iohn Blūt M. Symon Belet S. Godfrey de la cōduit S. The warres continuyng in Scotlād the noble kyng Edwarde ended his lyfe the seuēth day of Iuly in the yere .1307 When he had reigned .34 yeres ● monethes and .21 dayes He lyeth buryed at Westmynster in the chappel of saynt Edward vpon the south syde in a playne tōbe of marble at the head of his father King Edward the second Anno Regni .1 EDwarde the second sonne of of the first Edward prince of wales borne at Carnaruan began his reigne ouer the realme of England the vii day of Iuly in the yeare of our lord 1307. who was deposed the .25 day of Ianuary and in the yeare .1326 so that he reigned .19 yeres He was fayre of body but vnsted fast of maners and disposed to lightnes he refused the company of his lordes and men of honour and hanted the company of villeins and vile persous He gaue hym self to ouermuch drinkyng and lightly wold disclose thinges of great councell and beside that he was geuen to these vices of nature He was made muche worse by the counsail and familiaritie of certain euill disposed persons As Piers of Gaueston Hugh Spencer others whose wanton coūsaile he folowyng gane himself wholly to the appetite and pleasure of the body not regardyng to gouerne his commune weale by sadnes discretion and iustice Which thing caused first great varīace betwene him and his lords so that shortly he became to his lordes odible aud in the end was deposed from his kingdom Anno. 1. Sir Iohn Blunt M. Nicolas Pigot S. Michel Drury S. King Edward toke to wife Isabel y e doughter of Philip y e fayre king of France He gaue Piers of Gaueston the erledom of Cornwall the lordshyp of wallingford was ruled al by his counsell Anno. 2. Nicolas faringdō M. Williā Basyng S. Iohn Butler S. The kyng callyng to mynd the displesure don vnto him his familiar Piers Gaueston by the bishop of Chester commanded hym to the Tower of London where he was streightely kepte many dayes after But the lordes perceauyng the kyng geuen all to wantonnesse and that he was much prouoked thervnto by the meanes of Piers of Gaueston caused the kyng to banishe him the realme and so hee wente ouer into Irelande where the kyng notwithstandyng comforted hym wyth many rych gyftes and made him chief ruler of that countrey Anno. 3. Thomas Romain M. Iames of s. Ed. S. Roger Palmer S. The kynge and hys lordes were at great stryfe for the banyshmēt of Piers of Gauestone in so muche that the king would not be pleased vntill he were agayn restored This yere was the Ile of Rhodes recouered from the Turke by the knightes of the order of saynt Iohn Baptist. This yere the crouched friers came fyrst into England Anno. 4. Rychard Rofham M. Symon Croppe S. Pet. Blacknay S. Piers of Gaueston more and more encreased in so muche that he had the custody of all the kynges iewelles and tresure of the whyche as sayeth Fabian and other he tooke a table and a payre of tressels of golde and conueyghed thē with other iewelles out of the lande He also brought the kyng to manyfolde vyces as adultery and suche other Wherfore the lordes agayne banyshed hym out of England into Flaunders to the kynges great displeasure Anno. 5. Iohn Gysours M. Symō Merwod S. Rich. Wylford S. Piers of Gauestone was agayne by the kyng called out of Flaūders wherfore the lordes beyng confederate besieged hym in the castell of Scarborough where they tooke him and brought him to Gauersyde besyde Warwycke and smote of his head to the great discontētyng of the kynges mynde This yere the kyngs fyrst sonne named Edward was borne at Wynsore Anno. 6. Iohn
Oreland S This yere the kyng cōmaunded that Peter pence should no more be gathered nor payde to Rome This yere Prynce Edwarde had hys fyrst sonne whose name was Edward but he dyed at seuen yeres of age Prynce Edward entred Spayne with a great puysaunce where he ouercame the Spanyardes and Frenche men and expelled Henry the bastarde and set Peter in his former estate as kig of Spain But not long after the prynces retorne home agayne Henry repaired his army and warred vpon his brother so fiersly that in the ende he vtterly vanquyshed hym and put him to death and thē without resistance possessed the kyngdome of Spayne Anno. 41. Iohn Louekyn M. Iohn Warde S Williā Dickmā S This yere was borne the second son of Prynce Edward named Rychard Anno. 42. Iames Andrew M. Rich. Torgold S. Williā Dickmā S. This yere appeared Stella cometa that is a blasing starre And this yere the erles of Armenak of brett of Perygort with other nobles of y e duchie of Guyan appealed the Prynce of Wales in the Frenche kynges court that he had broken the peace and wronged them as in exacting of them ouer great sommes of money c. But the Frenche king deferred it for certayne causes to long here to reherse Anno. 43. Symon Mordon M. Adā wymbinghā S. Robert Gyrdler S. This yere the kyng of Fraunce proceaded in iudgement vpon the appellation before made by y e erle of Armenak the lorde of Bret and erle of Perygort agaynst Prynce Edward Wherupon discorde variance began to take place betwene y e two kynges and those lords which before were sworne to kyng Edward dyd nowe yelde dyuers townes of the coūtrey of Poytiers vnto the Frēch kyng The Duke of Lācaster aryued at Caleis and entred Fraunce with a company of souldiours wher not farre from Arde the Duke of Burgoyne lodged within a mile of his army with a great power the space of .xviii. dayes and neuer profered battell But lastly went away by nyght and then the Duke passed further into Fraunce Anno. 44. Iohn Chichester M. Iohn Pyell S. Hugh hoiditch S. This yere dyed Quene Phylip wyfe to Edward the thyrd she buylded y e colledge in Oxēford called quenes colledge In this yere was the thyrd mortalitie or pestylence wherof dyed much people Anno. 45. Iohn Bernes M. Wil. Walworth S Robert Gayton S Iohn Barnes Mayor of Londō gaue a chest with three lockes and a. 1000. markee to be lent to yonge men vpon sufficient gage so that it passed not one 100. markes and for the occupying therof if he were learned to saye at his pleasure Deprofundis for the soule of Iohn Barnes if he were not learned to saye Pater noster But howe so euer the money was lent at this daie the chest standeth in the chamber of London without eyther money or pledges for the same This yere the countrey of Lymosyn with other became obeysaunt to the Frenche kyng and fell from the kynge of Englande by reason that Prynce Edward had lately assessed vpon the inhabytantes of the countrey a great and greuous taske by meanes whereof he lost the loue of the people Anno 46. Iohn Barnes M. Robert Hatfild S. Adam Staple S. The Erle of Penbroke as he passed the sea to reskewe the castell of Rochel was encoūtred with a fleete of Spanyardes whiche kyng Henry of Castell had sent to ayde the Frenche kyng Of these Spanyardes after cruellfyght the Erle was taken and syr Guystarde de Angle and other to the number of .160 persons and the more part of his men slayne and drowned Anno. 47. Iohn Pyel Maior Iohn Phylpot S. Nycolas Brēber S. Iohn Duke of Lancaster entred by Calays into Fraunce passed throughout the Realme by Uermendoys and Campayne nyghe to turdeaux in Aquitane without battayle not withstāding the great hurt and domage they dyd to the townes countreys as they passed Anno. 48. Adam of Bury M. Iohn Aubery S. Iohn Fisshye S. Dyuers entreatyes of peace were made betwene the kyng of Englande Fraunce by meane of the byshoppe of Rome but none was concluded Anno 49. William Walworth M. Rychard Lyōs S W. wodhous S The entreatie of peace continued but not concluded but for foure monethes at the moste in which tyme of entreatie the Frenche kyng wan many holdes townes of the Englyshemen as well in Guyan as in Brytayne and in other places Anno. 50. Iohn Warde M. Iohn hadley S. Wil. Newport S. Many wonderfull sycknesses fell among the people as well in Italy as in England whereof there vsed an exceadyng great number Anno. 51. Adam staple M. Iohn Northampton S Robert Launde S Prince Edward departed out of this lyfe who was in his tyme the flower of chyualry He was buried at Caunterbury and then kyng Edwarde created Richard sonne of prince Edward prince of Wales and because the kyng waxed feble and sickly he betoketh rule of the lande to syr Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster who so continued duryng his fathers lyfe This yere kyng Edward the thyrde ended his lyfe at Rychemonde the .xxi. daye of Iune in the yere of our Lorde 1377. When he had reigned .50 yeres fyue monethes lackynge foure dayes and was buried at Westmynster he left behynde hym foure sonnes Lewes duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster Edmond of Langley duke of Yorke and Thomas of Wodstocke erle of Cambrydge Richarde the second Anno regni .1 RIchard the second sonne of Prince Edward of Wales was ordeyned kyng of Englande beyng as yet but eleuen yeres of age He began his reigne the .xi. daye of Iune in the yere of our lorde .1377 and left the same the .xxix. daie of September in the yere .1399 so he reigned .xxii. yeres .iii. monethes and eight daies In bountie and liberalitie he farre passed all hys progenitours but he was ouer muche geuen to reste quietnes and loued litle dedes of armes and martial prowesse for that he was yong he was moste ruled by yong counsayle and regarded nothyng the aduertysementes of the sage and wyse men of his Realme for the chiefe about hym were of no wysdome nor estimacion whiche thyng tourned this land to great trouble and him selfe in fine to extreame myserie Of hym Iohn Gower wryteth as Hardyng affyrmeth these verses in latyne folowyng Principio Regis oritur transgressio legis Quo fortuna cadit humus retrograda uadit Quomodo surrexit populus quem nō bene rexit Tēpus ad huc plangit super hoc quod Chronica tangit Stultorū uile cepit consiliū iuuenile Et sectam senium decreuit esse reiectam Tunc accusare quosdam presumpsit auare Vnde catallorum gazas spoliauit corum Whiche may be englyshed thus When this kyng fyrst began to reigne the lawes neglected were Wherfore good fortune him forsooke and thearth did quake for feare The people also whom
Anno. 6. George Monore Draper M. Iames Yarforde S. Iohn Mundye S. A peace concluded betwene England and France Lewes the french kynge coupled in mariage with lady Mary the kynges syster on newe yeres day folowyng he ended his life wherfore king Henry sent agayne for his syster by the duke of Suffolke and other This yere Richard Hunne a marchāt taylour of London was foūd hanged in Lollers tower Anno. 7. sir williā Butler grocer M. Henry worley S. Richard Gray S. Williā Baily S. Lady Mary kyng Henries daughter was borne at Grenewich in February Lady Mary the kynges syster before maried to the Frenche kyng returned into Englande and shortely after was maried to the duke of Suffolke Margaret Quene of Scottes kynge Henries eldest syster fled into Englād and laye at Harbottell where she was delyuered of a chyld called Margaret In Maie she came to London where she taried a whole yeare before she departed into Scotlande Anno. 8. Iohn Rest Grocer M. Tho. Seimer S. Rich. Thurstō S. This yere was suche a frost that all men wyth cartes myght passe betwene Westminster and Lambeth On May euen this maiors yeare the begynnyng of the .ix. yere of kyng Henry was an insurrection of yong persons agaynst aliens of the whyche dyuers were put to execution with theyr capitayne Iohn Lincolne a broker and the resydue came to Westminster with halters about their neckes and were pardoned This was called Euyl May day whereof ye may reade in Edward Hall And in May the Quene of Scottes returned to her countrey agayne Anno. 9. Sir Thomas Erme● Goldsmith M Th. Balorie S. Rich. Symō S. Many dyed in Englande of the sweatynge sicknes and in especially aboute London wherfore the terme was one day kept at Oxenford and adiourned agayne to westminster The admirall of Fraunce came into Englande as ambassadour with a great company of gentylmen The citie of Turney was delyuered agayne into the Frenche kyngs hande for the whiche he should pay vi C. thousande crownes and for the castell that the kynge buylded .iiii. C. thousand and 23000. poundes turnoys A peace was concluded betwene the kinges of England France and Castile for terme of their lyues Anno. 10. Thomas Myrfyn Skinner M. Iohn Alleyn S. Iames Spencer S. This yeare the Erle of Surrey was sente into Irelande as deputie and the Earle of Kyldare was of his office dyscharged Anno. 11. sir Iames Yarforde Mercer M. Iohn wilkinson S. Nicol. partrige S. This yeare was greate preparation made for the kyngs goyng into France to mete the frenche kyng at Arde. As Kynge Henry was at Canterburye wyth the Queene in a readynesse to haue passed the sea he hearde of the Emperoures commynge wyth whom he met at Douer and accompanied hym to Canterburie where after the Emperor had saluted the quene his aunt he toke shypping into Flanders the last day of May kyng Henry passed ouer to Calais and met with Francis the Frenche Kynge at the campe betwene Arde and Guysnes where was great triumphes and many goodly sightes in so sumptuous maner as the like had not ben sene Immediatly after he met with the Emperour with whome he went to Grauelyn and the emperor retourned wyth hym to Calais where he had great chere after whyche tyme they departed and kyng Henry returned into this realme Anno. 12. syr Iohn Bruge Draper M. Iohn Skeuingtō S Iohn Remble S In this Maiors yeare the .xvii. day of May whyche was in the .13 yere of the Kynge was the duke of Buckyngham beheaded at London for treason as ye may rede at large in Edward Hall his chronicles the .12 and .13 yeare of Henry the .viii. hys body with the head was buried at the frier Augustins at Lōdon Kyng Henry wrate a boke against Luther and therfore the byshop of Rome named hym defender of the faithe To whiche booke Luther aunswered very sharply nothyng sparing the auctoritie or maiestie of the kyng The frenche Kynge attached all Englyshe mens goodes at Burdeaux and deteyned the kynges tribute and the Frenche Quenes dower All frenchemen were attached in the citie of London and cast in prison The .v. day of Iuly the cardinall rode through Lōdon to Douer to mete with the Emperor beyng accompanied with ii Erles .xxxvi. knyghtes an C. gentilmen .viii. byshops .x. abbots .xxx. chaplaines all in veluet and satyn and .700 yeomen This yeare was a greate pestilence and deathe in London and other places Anno. 13. Sir Iohn Milborne Draper M. Iohn Britain S. Tho. Pargeter S. This syr Iohn Mylborne to his great commendation and the ensaumple of other the worshypfull of this citie buylded certaine almost houses wherein be placed .xiii. aged poore people who haue theyr dwellynges rente free and also .ii. shillinges .vi. d. the piece payde to them the fyrst day of euery moneth for euer The seconde daye of February the Cardinall declared howe the byshop of Rome had sent kyng Henrye the fif●e of defender of the christen faith and to his successours for euer Thys Charles the fyfthe Emperor of Rome came into England and was honourably receiued into London by the Maior the Aldermen and commons of the Citie the syrt of Iune the kyng hym self accompanying him from thens he went to Wyndsour and sate in the stall of the garter At this tyme was talke betwene the Emperour and kyng Henry for the mariage of Lady Mary the kyngs daughter being about the age of .vii. yeres after great feastes iustes and honourable entertaynment hee departed to Hampton and sayled from thense into Spayn Duryng this tyme the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admyrall brente Morles in Britayne and than retuurned into the Realme Not longe after hauyng an armye appoynted to hym by the Kynge hee passed ouer to Calaice and entred Pycardye and brent dyuers townes and castelles He besieged Hesdyng but because winter drewe nere he raysed his siege and returned home The Duke of Albanye began to enter this lande wyth a greate armye but hearyng that the Erle of Shrewesbury was commynge hee tooke a truce for vi monethes Anno. 14. Sir Iohn Mondye goldsmith M. Iohn Rudston S Jo. Champneis S The lorde Rosse and lorde Dacres of the Northe burned the Towne of Kelsey in Scotlande wyth fower score Uyllages and also dydde ouerthrowe eyghtene towers of stone with all their bulwarkes The Emperor Charles Kyng Henry of England Ferdinando duke of Austrige the byshop of Rome the citie of Venice and dyuers other in Italy were confederate against the frenche men The Turkes besieged Rhodes and on Christmas daye tooke it to the greate shame and rebuke of Christen men The lorde Marques Dorset wardeyn of the East marches brent dyuers villages holdes and other places in Scotlande The .xv. daye of Iune the Kynge of Denmarke and hys Quene aryued at Douer and the .xxii. day of Iune they came to London and laye at the byshop of Bathes
the towre wharffe of London where syr Edmond Walsyngham lieftenant of the Towre stayed them bothe and tooke bothe the captaynes and their men The vii daye of Aprill the lord maister of the Rhodes came to London and laye at saynt Iohnes in Smythfielde The .17 day of Iune y e terme was adiourned to Mighelmas after because of the sweting sicknes that thē reigned in London other places of this Realme This yere because of y e sweting sicknes ther was no such watch in Lōdō at Midsomer as beforetime had hē acustomed The vii day of October came to lōdō a legate from Rome called Cardinall Campegius who afterward with Cardinall Wolsey sate at the Black fryers in London where before them was brought in question the kinges mariage with Queene Katheryne as to be vnlawfull but they longe tyme protracted the conclusion of the matter whiche delaye kyng Henry tooke very displeasauntly in so muche that shortly after the Cardinall Wolsey was deposed frō the Chauncelorshyp of Englande c. as ye may reade in Edward Haule Anno. 20. S. Iohn Rudstone Draper M. Ra. warrē S. Iohn Lōg S. The .xxix. daye of Nouember the parysh priest of Hony lane and a yong mā that some tyme was vsher of saynt Anthonies schole bare fagottes at Paules and two other one a ducheman the other an Englysheman bare tapers of ware The .viii. daye of May a pouchmaker bare a fagot at Paules The .vi daye of September one Iohn Scot woodmonger did penaunce in Chepe and other places of y e citie goyng in his shert bare legged bare footed and proclamation made at the standard at Leden hal at Erace church vpō his demeanor against the Maior Aldermen and the shirifes The .xviii. daye of October was the Cardynall discharged of his Chauncelorshyp the kyng seased al his goodes and his palaice at Westmynster called Yorke place into his hādes and the 25. daye of the same moneth the Cardinall went from Yorke place to Ashere with xxx persons and no more and there to abyde tyll he knewe further the kynges pleasure The .xxvi. daye of October was syr Thomas More made Chauncelour of England and sworne kepte his rome all one daye Wyllyam Tyndale translated the newe testament into englysh and printed the same beyonde the seas A peace was agreed vpon betwene kyng Henry of Englande the Emperour the Frenche kynge the kynge of Boheme and Hungary The thyrd day of October the kyng came to his place of Brydewell and there he and his nobles put on their robes of parliament so came to the black friars and there sat in their robes began the parliament Anno. 21. Syr Raufe Dodmer Mercer M. Mich. Dormer S Wal. Chāpion S Cōmaundement was geuē by kyng Henry to the byshops that Tyndales translation of the newe testament shuld be called in and that they should see an other set forth to the profit of the people The xiii day of Ianuary was a great fyre in the Uintry and much hurt done The .24 day of Ianuary were .iii. mē one a Gascoyne and twoo Irishe men drawen from newgate to the towre hil and there hanged and quartered for coūterfeityng the kynges coyne The .xvi. daie of May was a gybet set vp in Fynsbury field and a mā hanged in chaines for murderyng doctor Myles Uicar of saint Brydes The .v. daye of Iuly was one hanged in chaynes in Fynsbury field for murdering mistres Kneuets mayde at saint Antolins parishe Kyng Henry vpon occasion of delay y t the byshop of Rome made in his controuersie of diuorcemēt through displeasure of such reports as he heard made of hym by the Cardinalles to the court of Rome and thirdly pricked forwarde by some councellors to folowe the example of the Germaynes lastly caused proclamation to be made in Septēber forbyddynge all his subiectes to purchase any maner of thing from the court of Rome Anno. 22. sir Th. Pargitour Salter M. wil. Daūcie S I. Choping S The .v. day of April was a cooke named Rychard Rose boyled in a cauldron of brasse in Smythfield for poysoning y e byshop of Rochesters seruaūtes other The Cardinall being before cast cōuict in a premunire in Nouember was arrested by the erle of Northūberland at Cawood and died at the abbey of Leicester the .28 day of Nouēber was there buried as he shuld haue ben brought to the tower of London The whole clergie of Englād beyng iudged by the kinges learned counsel to be in the premunire for maintaining y e power legatiue of y e Cardinal were called by proces into the kynges benche to answere wherefore in their conuocatiō they concluded a submissiō wherin they called the king supreme head of y e church of England and were cōtented to geue the kynge .100000 poundes to pardon them their offences touching the premunire by acte of parliament This yere the kyng purchased at his pleasure y e whole house of saint Iames and al the medowes about y e same And there made a fayre māsion and a parke and buylded many costly and commodious houses for great pleasure The .xix. daye of August the byshop of Norwich burned a batcheler of lawe called Thomas Bilney The .xxii daye of October one Paitmer a marchaunt and a glasier bare fagottes at Paules crosse Anno. 23. S. Nich. Lambert Grocer M. Ri. Greshā S Ed. Altam S The .xxvii. daie of Nouember was a monke of Bury burned in Smithfielde The .iiii. daye of December was one Ryce Grifyn a gentylman of Wales beheaded at the tower hyl and his man hanged drawen and quartered at Tyborne for treason The .xxvii. daye of Ianuary a Duche man bare a fagot at Paules crosse The last day of April was one Baynam burned in Smithfield The .xxv. daye of May was taken betwene London and Grenewiche twoo great fyshes called Herlpoles bothe a male and a female This yere the othe that the clergie was wonte to make to the byshoppe of Rome was made doyde by statute and a newe othe confirmed wherein thei cōfessed the kyng to be supreme head Syr Thomas More after sute made was discharged of the Chauncelorshyp the .xvi. daye of Maye And the fourth of Iune the kynge dubbed Thomas Audeley knyght and made hym keeper of the great seale And not long after lord Chauncelour of England Thomas Cromwell maister of the kynges Iewell house began to bee in great fauour with kyng Henry was nowe of his counsell The .xv daye of Iune were fyue men drawen from newgate to the tower hil and there hanged and quartered for coynyng of syluer and clyppyng of golde The fyfth daye of Iuly was a priest dwellyng at saint Androwes besyde the wardrop drawen from newgate to the tower hyll and there hanged and quartered for clippyng of golde Also in Iuly the
who was before the common sergeant of London as is aforesayd The .iiii. day of Iune a man and hys wyfe borne in Holland were burned in Smithfield for the arrians heresie The .xviii. day of Iune wer .iii. monks of the Charterhouse named Ermewe Midlemor Nudygate drawen to Tyborne and there hanged and quartered The .xxii. day of Iune was doctor Fysher byshop of Rochester beheaded at tower hyll his head was set on London bridge and hys bodye buryed wythin Barkyng churche The .vi. day of Iuly syr Thomas More was beheaded at the tower hyll for deniall of the kinges supremacie The erle of Kyldar dyed in the tower of London and his son Thomas Fitzgarret rebellyng in Ireland slewe the byshop of Deuelyng and toke the kinges ordynāce Wherefore kyng Henry sent thyther sir William Skeuington wyth a company of souldiours In October the kyng sent doctor Lee to visite the abbeys priories and nonneries in England to put out all religious persons that would go and all that were vnder the age of .xxiiii. yeres and all such monkes chanons fryers that were so put out the abbot or prior shold geue euery one in stede of their habite a priestes gowne and .xl. s. of money And the nonnes to haue such apparell as secular women weare and to goe where they would he toke out of monasteries and abbeyes their reliques and chiefest iewelles Anno. 27. sir Iohn Alleyne mercer M. Hūfr Monmothe S Iohn Cottes S The .xi. day of Nouember was a great procession at London by the kynges cōmandement wherin the waites of the Citie goyng formost folowed the chyldren of the grammer schole of the mercers chapell with theyr master the scholers of Sainct Antonies with theyr master and vsher the scholers of Poules schole with their master vsher then al the minstrels of London in theyr best apparell and the mayster of the sayde mynstrelles with his coller next went the crouched fryers the Austen fryers the whyte friers the graye fryers the blacke friers all in copes wyth theyr crosses and Candelsticks The chanons of saint Mary Auderies of sainct Bartholomewes of Esyng Spittle of sainct Spyttle wyth the pryours of the same houses wyth theyr Crosses candelstyckes and vergerers before theym then the clerkes of London in copes the priestes of London in theyr copes And then the Monkes of newe abbeye of Berdmondsay abbay and of Westminster al syngynge the Letanie with Faburden theyr Crosses candelstyckes and Uergerers before theim After them came Poules quier wyth theyr residensaries The byshoppe of London and the abbottes mytered in theyr Pontificalibus After theym came the Bachelers of the companye of the lorde Mayor in theyr beste apparell After them the Lorde Maior in a gowne of blacke veluet wyth a hoode of the same and the Aldermenne in theyr gownes of scarlette after theym the craftes of London in theyr degrees The numbre of copes that were worne in this Procession was .vii. C. and .xiiii. The laste daye of December the Lorde Maior of London gaue commandement to all paryshes in the same to brynge in before hym the names of all the Chauntries in theyr paryshes and who had the gyfte of the same The .viii. daye of Ianuarie dyed lady Katherine do wager at Kymbalton and was buryed at Peterborowe Quene Anne ware yelow for the mournyng In February were geuen to the king by a parliament with the consent of the abbottes all religious houses that were of .300 marke and vnder On May day beyng the .xxviii. yeare of kyng Henry he beyng at a Iustes at Grenewiche to the admiration of all men sodeynly departed to Westmynster hauynge onely with hym .vi. persons The next day lady Anne Bullein Quene was had to the tower and there for thynges layd to her charge shortely after beheaded the .xix. day of May. And on the ascension day folowyng the kyng ware white for mournyng The same tyme were apprehended the lorde Rocheforde brother to the said Quene Henry Noris Marke Smeton william Brierton and Francis weston all of the kynges priuie chamber whiche also aboute matters touchynge the Quene were put to death the .xxii. daye of Maye The weke before whitsontyde beyng the .20 day of Maye the kynge maried Lady Iane daughter to syr Iohn Seymor knyghte whiche at Whytsontide was openly shewed as Quene The .viii. day of Iune the Kyng held his hyghe courte of parliament In the whyche parliament tyme the byshops clergie of this realm held a solempne conuocation at Paules churche in London where after muche disputynge and debatyng of many matters they publyshed a boke of religion entitled Articles deuised by the kynges hyghnes In this boke is specially mencioned but .iii. sacramentes with the whiche the Lincolneshice men were offended and fearyng the vtter subuertion of theyr olde religion which they had lyued in so many yeares raised a greate commotion and gathered together wel nere .20000 men agaynst whom the kyng dyd sende a stronge power wherof when the rebelles had knowledge they desyred pardon brake vp theyr armie and departed euery man to his home but theyr capitains were apprehended executed This yere the .xix. day of Iune beynge saint Peters day the kyng held a great iustyng and triumph at Westmynster where were ordeyned .ii. lyghters made lyke shyps to fyght vpon the water the one of them burst in the myddest and a seruant of maister Kneuets in his harneys leapyng betwene bothe shyppes was drowned And in the other shyppe a gunne burste her chamber and mayned .ii. of the mariners The men of Lincolnshyre beyng pacified and quieted as ye haue heard immediately wythin syxe dayes after beganne a newe Insurrection in Yorkeshyre for the same causes But the rude people were more incensed thoroughe tales whyche were spreadde by certayne personnes as that all theyr syluer Chalices Crosses ●ewelles and other ornamentes should be taken out of theyr churches That no man should bee maryed or eate any deyntie meate in hys house but he should pay a tribute for the same to the kynge These people were gathered togyther to the noumber of forty thousand hauyng for their badges the .v. woundes with the figure of the Sacrament and Iesus written in the myddest and called theyr rebellion a holye pylgremage in token that they intended to fyghte for the maintenance of christen religion Anno. 28. Sir Rafe Warren Mercer M. Rich. Paget S. Will. Bowyer S. The .xii. day of Nouember sir Thomas Neweman bare a faggot at Poules Crosse for that he sange Masse withgood ale The .xiii. day of November one mayster Roberte Pagyngton a Mercer of London was slayne with a gunne as he was goyng to Masse at saynet Thomas of Akers nowe called the Mercers chapel but the murderer was neuer openly knowen Agaynste the rebelles of Yorkshyre aboue named the Kyng sent the duke of Norffolke the Duke of Suffolke the Marques of Excester and other
towards Rome ambassadours from the king quene councel The .xvi. daye of Marche a weaner which dwelled in Shorditche was burned in Smithfield The xiiii day of Aprill in Anno .1555 beyng Ester day a certain desperate person named Williā Flower with a wod knyfe wounded a priest as he was ministrynge the sacrament to the people in S. Margarets churche at Westminster for the whiche offence the said William Flower was burned at westmynster in saint Margarets church yarde the .xxiiii. day of Apryll In Maye the Lorde Cardynall Poole the lorde Chauncelloure of Englande the Earle of Arundell hygh steward of Englande and the lorde Paget wente ouer sea to Calyce and nere vnto Mark treated with the emperors and Frenche kynges Commyssioners for a peace to be had betwene the sayde princes Cardinall Poole beyng president there who returned agayne into Englande about the myddest of Iune without any agrement makyng On the tenthe daye of May a ladde called Wyllyam Fetherstone aboute the age of eyghtene yeares whoe named hym selfe to be kyng Edwarde the vi was taken about Eltham in Kente and conueyed to Hampton court there brought before the counsell who examined hym why he named hymselfe to bee kyng Edward he requirynge to be pardoned sayd he wist not what he did but as he was counsailed apperyng manyfestly to be a desperate foole and so was cōmitted to the marshalsey The .xxviii. day of May the aforesayd ladde was had out of the Marshalsey in a carte and so caryed throughe London to Westminster wyth a paper on hys head wherin was written that he named hym selfe kyng Edwarde And after that he had bene thus caryed round aboute Westmynster hall before all the Iudges and others he was then whipped about the sayde Hall and after set at lybertie The later ende of Iune was a certain muttering traiterously attempted about Wadehurst in Suffex but it was spedily perceyued and wyttyly repressed About the fyrste of Iuly Iohn Bradforde was burned in Smithfield This Bradforde was a man of very sober and honest lyfe and therefore the byshoppes woulde haue ben very glad to haue had hym recant and abiure his opinion The .xii. day of August the .3 yeare of quene Mary was a terrible fyght on the sea betwene the Duchemen and frenchmen nere vnto Romney marshe where as .xi. shyps were brent and sonke that is .vi. frenche shyppes and fyue greate hulkes and certayne hulkes taken by the Frenche men In the beginning of Septēber the king went ouer sea to Calice and so forthe to Brusselles in Brabant to visite the emperour his father The begynning of October fell suche rayne that for the space of vi days men mought row with boates in saint Georges field the water came into westminster hall and there stoode halfe a yarde depe Also into the palaice of westmynster and into Lambeth Churche that men mought row about the church with a whirrie The .xvi. day of October doctor Ridley and doctour Latymer were burned at Oxenforde Anno. M .3 P .2 wil. Garret haberdasher M Thomas Lee S. Iohn Machā S. In October and Nouember a parliamēt was holden in the which the quene beyng persuaded of the clergie that she could not prosper so long as she kepte in her handes the reuenues of the churche yelded vp vnto the spirituall menne the fyrste fruites and tenthes of all byshoprikes benefices and ecclesiasticall liuinges which in king Hēries time were by parliament annexed to the crowne before the ende of this parliamente dyed Stephen Gardener Chancellour of England on the .ix. day of Nouember and was buried at Wynchester and in hys place was appointed doctor Heath archbyshop of Yorke Philpot was burned the .xviii. daye of Nouembre Kyng Philyp beginnyng to gouerne the low countreys committed vnto him by his father about the .xviii. day of Ianuarie entred into Andwerpe and was receiued with great solemnitie The .iiii. day of Marche appered a blasyng sterre and continued the space of xii dayes William Fetherston who before had named hym selfe to be kyng Edward as you haue herd in the yere last past now said he had of late sene and spoken with kynge Edwarde for the whiche he was drawen to tyborne and there hanged quartered the .xiii. day of Marche The .xxi. day of Marche D. Cranmer archbyshop of Canterbery was burned at Oxford and the same daye the lorde Cardinall Poole song his fyrst masse at Grenewich in the friers church on sonday next folowynge he was consecrated archebyshop of of Caunterbury at the same friers churche with great solemnitie and on the .xxv. daye of Marche beyng the feast of the annunciation of our Ladye in the yeare .1556 he was stalled at Bowechurche in Cheape On Palmsonday euē being y e .28 of Marche part of the prison house of Newgate at Lōdon was burnt by casualtie of fire This yeare a certain conspiracie was made by certaine meane persons in England whose purpose was to haue robbed the quenes Escheker to this entent that they myghte bee able to mainteyne warre agaynste the quene This matter was vttered by one of the conspiracye whereby Udall Throgmorton Peckham Daniel and Stanton were apprehended for the same and dyuers other fled into France The .xxviii. day of Apryll Throgmorton and Richard Udall wer drawen to Tyborne and there hanged and quartered The .xix. of Maye Stanton was likewyse executed at Tyborne The .viii. daye of Iune one Rossy Dedyke and Bedle were also drawen to Tyborn and hanged quartered The .xxvii. daye of Iune were .xiii. persones brent at Stratforde the bowe for matters of religion The .viii. day of Iuly Henry Peckham and Iohn Daniel were hanged and headed at the tower hyll and theyr bodyes buried at Barkyng churche Anno. M .4 P .3 sir Tho. Offley marchāt taylour M. Wil. Harper S. Iohn white S. About this tyme began the hofe burnyng feuers and other strange diseases wherof died many olde persons so that in London there dyed frome the laste of Nouēber vnto the last of Decēber .vii. Aldermen whose names were Henry Herdson sir Richard Dobbes late maior sir Williā Larton late maior syr Henry Nublethorn late maior sir Iohn Chapneis blynde late maior sir Iohn Oliffe late sheriff sir Iohn Greshā late maior The .16 of December a smyth beyng a stranger borne was arraigned at Newgate for makynge counterfeated keyes wherwith to haue opened Newgate in the nyght and so to haue slayne the keper and lette foorth the prysoners at whyche tyme of his arraignement hauyng a knyfe about hym he thrust hym in who gaue witnesse agaynst hym so that he dyed therof for the whiche acte after that .xii. men had gyuen theyr verdict against him and iudgement passed he was immediatly takē from the barre and in the strete before the Iustice hall his hand beyng striken of his body was hanged on a new gybbet set vp for that purpose the same tyme the keeper of newgate was indicted for that the sayde
Henry the .vij. 169 Kyng of Castel lāded in Enlande 170 Kyng of Scottes slayne at Scottes fielde 174 Kyng H. the .viij. first defendour of the fayth 177 Kyng quene of Denmarke came into England 178 King H. the .viij. first named supreme head 184. Kynges palayce at S. Iames buylded 184. Kynges stable called the mewe● brent 188 Kyng Henry the .viij. first named kyng of Ireland 200 K. Henry the. viij went ta Boleyne 203 Kyng Phylyp of Spayn aryued at Southampton 231 K●yes counterfeyte to haue spoyled Newgate 236 L LOndon described 2 London brydge described 3 Lugge a Ryuer 4 Lengthe of this Iland 7 London buylded 9 Leicester buylded 11 London inlarged 18 Ludgate buylded eod Londō named Ludstone eod London Yorke and Carliō archebyshops 22 Lytle Brytayne cōquered 25 Lawes against quaffyng 43 Litle Iohn an outlawe 69 London brydge buylded 77 London lyke to haue bene spoyled 92 London gyuen to prince Edwarde 97 Laurence Ducket hanged in Bowechurche 100 Liberties of Lōdō seysed 129 Lyberties of London restored 130 Leaden hall in London buylded 147 Lorde Saye beheaded at the crosse in cheape 148 Lorde Aud●ley beheaded 107 Ladye Anne of Cleue receyued 198 Lyth Edenborow takē 203 M Mulmutius lawes 13 Malmesbury buylded 14 Marcian lawes 15 Mordred slayne 31 Mahomets fyrst begining 34 Money of abbeys broughte to the kyngs treasory 54 Monstrous fyshe fo 76. 151. 185 185 186 218 219. Madde parlyament 90 Mayre of London prisoner at Wyndsore 93 Mayre of London and foure aldermē geuē to y e prince 93 Men put in sackes throwen in Thames 96 Martyn colledge in Oxforde buylded 100 Market house called the stockes buylded 136 Murder in Whitchapel 143 Mary Magdalein colledge in Oxforde buylded 148 Margaret quene of Scottes K. Henry the .8 syster fled into England 175 Muster at London called the great muster 195 Mary Rose drowned 205 Muskleborough field 209 Murder at Feuersham 215 Murder by y e lord Sturtō 237 Monstrous byrthes 242 Mayd of Chester 247 N Newe Troy fo 9. Notable wayes made fo 14. Newe abbey in Wynchester buylded 41 Newe forest made 54 New Castel vpon Cyne builded fo 57. Noble men that cam in wyth William conquerour 52 Normandye loste 67 Newe woorke of Westmynster 82. 101 Norwiche spoyled 95 Newgate buylded 141 Newe Testament printed in Englyshe 183 Nicholas gybson his charytable dedes 195 Newgate on fyre 235 Newe hauen 242. 243. O Oppressers of the pore hanged 17. Oxforde buylded 38. Outlawes in England 6● One crucifyed 83 Othe to the Kynge 91 Order of the Rhodes putte downe 198 One hundred and .lx. persones hanged 166 P Porrex slewe hys brother Forrce 13 Porrex slayne by hys mother ibidem Picts fyrst inhabyte Scotlande 15 Pickeryng buylded 16 Prodigious sygnes fol. 17. 97. 66. 109. Peter and Paule crucifyed 21 Plenty of corne 28 Pelagius heresye in Englande fo 29. Porismouthe howe it toke that name 30 Peter pence fyrst payd 30 Priorye at Excester buylded 40 Peters bury buylded 43 Parlyamente at Oxenforde 48. People of Englande numbred 55 Plagues in england 5● Powles churche a fyre 55. 146. 141. Pestilence in England 28. 58. 117. 118. 120. 122. 125. 158. 168. 177. 202. 210. 241. Priorye of sainct Bartholomewes buylded 59 Priorie of saint Iames at Bristowe buylded 60 Priorye of Norton buylded 62 Pierce of Poumfret 79 Parliamente at Wynchester 92 Parliament at Northampton 95. 112. Parlyament at Shrewesbury 100 Parlyament at Gloucester fol. 101. Parliament at Canforbury 104 Parlyament at Oxenforde fol. 107. Peter pence forbydden to be payde 128 Plymmouth spoyled 134 Person of ●rotham 13● Parlyament at Leycester fol. 142. Part of London brydge fal● downe 145 Posterne by the tower sank by nyght 146 Procession 151 Printing fyrst inuented 152 Part of London wall new buylded 158 Perkyn Watbecke 166. 167. 168. Prince Arthure maryed fol. 169. Prisoners delyuered 170 Paules schole buylded 172 Parlyament at Black fryers 183 Priorie of Christechurche in London put down 185 Polled heades 188 Paules Churche laye at an anker 208 Procession forbydden 209 Prince of Orenge came into England 233 Parysh churches in London 244 Q Quenes colledge in Oxenforde buylded 122 Quenes Colledge in Cambridge buylded 171 R Rome buylded 12 Romayns refuse to defend England 27 Ramsey buylded 43 Rofe of Bow churche blowen downe 57 Rofe of Salisbury churche consumed 57 Rufus slayne wyth an arrowe 58 Readyng abbey buylded 61 Robert Hoode an outlaw● fol. 69. Raunsome payde for kynge Rychard 71 Rochester castel beseged 79 Robert Grossehead 81 Ryotte in London 96. 151 Ryot in Norwyche 97. Rhodes wonne frome the Turkes 106 Rebellyon in Kent 116 Rochester brydge buylded fol. 135. Robert Acton 138 Robert Chesley hys charitable dedes 145 Rychmont buylded 168 Rhodes taken by the Turkess 178 Roulande Hylle his charitable dedes 218 S Shyres in Englande fo 1. Seuerne a ryuer 4 Seuerne howe it toke that name 20 Shaffesbury buylded 11 Stamford buylded ibide Saynt Iohns towne in Scotland buylded 12 Spanyardes firste inhabyt Irelande 15 Salysbury buylded 19 Southampton howe it toke that name 21 Saynt Helene an Englyshe woman 24 S. Ursula of England 26 Scottes and Pyets inuade England eod Scottes and Pyets spoyle this lande 28 Saxons stewe .iiij. C. ix barons and earles 29 Seconde kyngdome of the Saxons 30 Saxons had the whole possession of this realme 34 Saint Augustine came into Englande eod S. Augustine at Canterbury buylded eod Saynt Paules at London buylded eod S. Andrewes at Rochester buylded eod S. Peters at Westminster buylded eod Seuenth kyngdome of the Saxons eod Saynt Beda an Englyshe man 36 Segebart depryued slayne by a swyne heart 37 Shaftsbury buylded 41 Saynt Peters at Glocester buylded eod S. Edmōds bury built 46 S. Edwardes lawes 50 Shrewesbury abbey buylded 55 Syr hundred houses blowen downe 57 Straunge syghtes in the ayre 58 Smythfielde a leystaw 59 Stratford abbey builded 64 Saynt Mary Auberys in Southwarke buylded 77 Strangers banyshed 82 Salysbury mynster buylded 83 Saint Iohns without Oxford buylded 85 S. Catherins nye London buylded 85 Symond Mountford earle of Leicester 92 Southampton robbed 114 S. Steuēs chapel at Westmynster buylded 221 Sauoy brent by rebels 126 Saynt Iohns by smythfield brent eod Shyne and Syon buylded folio 140 Straungers to be lodged in an englyshe hoste 124 Standard in cheape buylded 144 Symon eyre his charitable bedes 147.152 Sandwyche spoyled 151 Suburbes without Algate and byshope gate brēt 157 Sweatyng sycknes 164. 175. 182. Saint Anthonies in Londō buylded 167 Scarsitie of bread 181 Shyppe chassed to the tours wharfe 182 Small houses of Religion gyuen to kyng Henry the eyght 190 S. Gyles church at Crepis gate brent 205 Stewes put downe 206 S. Iohns colledge in Oxford buylded 225 Saynt Quintins 237. 238 Scarborowe castel takē 237 T THamys described 2 Twede a ryuer 3 Trent a ryuer 3 Troyan lawes 9 Towre of London fyrste buylded 14. 19. Temple nygh to tēple barre buylded 14 Third kingdom of Saxons fol. 30 Thorney buylded 41 Tribute to the
S. Austins at Canturbery S. Paules church iu Lōdon S. Andrews in Rochester Saint Peters at Westminster buylded 613 Mahomete fyrst begynnyng The vii kingdome Paulinus buylded the great churche at Lincolne Iron cuppes fastened by welles fountayns for trauayling mē to drynke on 635 The fyrste Schoole in Cambrydge buylded Policronica f. Columbe cronicis Colmanni The byshops see of Winchester buylded Glasynge brought fyrst into Englaud Chertesey in Southerye was afterwarde destroyed by the Danes 683 The kyng becam a monke The Ilande called vniuersally England 686 The colledge of Welles the abbey of Glastenbury newly builded The quene of West Saxōs was abbesse of Barkyng the kynge her husbande became a religious man 724 S. Beda in this tyme wrote in Englande 729 Two comets or blasynge starres Crowlande buylded Beda deceased 745 The kyng depriued and slayne by a swyneheard 748 Winchcombe abbey builded The abbey of S. Albons buylded The Kynge Kenulphus slayne 778 It rayned blood The Danes fyrst entred this lande The kynge poysoned by his wyfe 795 The Danes seconde entryng thys lande 832 Ethelwolphus gaue first tithes in Englande as Iohn Harding affirmeth An hospitall for englyshemen buylded at Rome Oxenforde buylded 855 856 The Danes third entryng this land 893 This kynge deuided y e day and nighte in iii. partes 8. howers to serue god .8 houres where suites of his people and viii houres to take his sleape reste The Danes landed in Northumberlande Kynge Edmunde slayne by the Danes Iohn Lidgate Women to kepe their chastitie disfigured them selues by cuttinge of theyr noses and ouerlyppes The king Etheldred slayn by the Danes The prioryist Excetor builded 872 The kynge counterfeated the mynstrell Shaftesbury Ethlingsey buylded The fyrste grāmer scole in Oxenforde buylded Newe abbey in winchester 901 This K. Edwarde is called Edwarde the senior Herford castell buylded The monastery of S. Peter at Gloceter buyldyd 925 The Kinge was crouned at Kyngston Iohn Lidgate 940 946 The Kynge crowned at Kyngs town 955 He was crouned at Kyngstoune A vicious kinge The kyng depriued 959 He was crouned at Bathsome saye at Kyngstoune This kynge builded and repaired xi abbeis in England as Wilton Peterborowe Thorney Ramsey c. The wolues in Englande destroyed Good lawes made agaynst quaffyng and alehouses Eight pety kyngs rowed kynge Edgar vp and down the ryuer of Dee 975 The Kynge crowned at Kyngston The kyng murdered by his stepmother A blasynge sterre Almsbery Warwel builded 978 The kynge crowned at Kyngston Englande became tributary to the Danes The Danes besieged London Great tribute sayd to the Danes The Danes sodeynly murdered slayne A great number of Danes aryue in thys lande London besiged by the Danes S Edmondes Burye buylded A great fire in London A boke in the Guylde hall of London named domes daye 1016 Edmūd with the Iron syd● 1038 Kynge Edmunde slayne with a speare thrust vp into his foundment as he sat on a priuy I iuste reward geuen Iohn Hars dynge 1018 A parliamēt at Oxforde Polidore Vergile 1038 1041 Reynolde of Chester Robert Fabian 1043 Robert Fabian William bastarde duke of Normandye Thomas Couper The lawes of S. Edwarde the confessor 1066 Willliā duke of Normandy conquered this lande Waltham abbey Thomas Couper 1067 Thomas Couper The names of Normanes and other that came with the conqueror 1068 Two castels buylded at Yorke one other at Notyngham and other at Lincolne 1069 1070 1072 Iohn Hardynge The new forest in South-hampton Iohn Hardynge Execution at Wynchester 1079 1081 10●● 1082 Srhewsbury and Wēloke bbeys buylded 1085 The numbre of men of cattell and howe many hydes of lande was noted in Englande A greuous reaction 1086 Great plages in England A parte of Poules churche was brent Battaile abbey and Barmondsey abbey builded 1087 It remaineth in recorde of good authoritie that the best payre of hose then to be bought for the kyng coste but .iii. s. as one Robert affirmeth who wrate in the tyme of Henry the thyrde 1088 A great earth quake 1089 1090 Greate tēpest in Englande The roofe of Bowchurche and syxe hundred houses in London blowē down 1091 Newe castell vpon Tyne buylded The roofe of Salisburye churche consumed with lyghtnyng 1092 Great frost The welshemen rebelled The dukedome of Normandy morgaged to y e kyng of England Chester abbey buylded 1093 The kyng of Scots slayne in Englande Greate pestilence 1094 Great morein of men Strange sightes sene in the ayre 1096 1097 Westminster hall buylded Iohn Rastall 1098 Great flouds A welle caste out bloud Great flames of fyre sene in the element 1099 Iohn Hardynge 1100 1101 A tribute payed to the duke of Normādy 1102 The priory the hospitall of S. Bartholomewe in Smithfielde was begun to be buylded Smith feld a laystowe 1103 1104 Teukesbury abbey builded 1105 Rebellion in Shropshire Cornwall 1106 A blasynge sterre 1107 1108 1109 The strong castell of Brystow builded Euisham abbey buylded 1112 A great earth quake Hyde abbey buylded A blasyng sterre 1114 1117 1119 The kynges chyldren drouned in the sea 1123 Readyng abbey Cisseter Windilsore Woodstocke buylded 1126 The gray friers first came into Englāde 1127 1131 Fountaynes abbey builded The priory of Norton and the abbeye of Combremore buylded 1132 1135 Henry the first toke his death by a ●all of his horse 1135 Hector Boice 1136 1138 1140 Kynge Stephen taken prisoner Stratford abbey buylded 1144 1144 1145 1148 A great frost 1150 1151 The abbeyes of Coggeshall of Fourneys and Feuersham buylded 1154 1155 1156 Two sonnes sene in the fyrmament The castel of Rutland and the abbeye of Basyngwerk buylded 1157 Thomas Couper 1159 1160 1161 Great fyre at Canturbery 1163 Thomas Becket bisshop of Canturbery 1167 K. Henries eldest sonne crowned hys rather beynge alyue 1170 1171 Thomas Gouper 1172 1174 The kynges sonne the seconde tyme crowned 1175 Henry the sonne of king Henry rebel● agaynst his father 1177 1179 1181 The Kynges son deceased 1184 1185 1187 1289 Thomas Couper Iohn Maiore Many outlawes in Englande The fyrst bailiffes in London 1189 Many Iewes slayne in Englande Quene Elianor released out of prison Ranulph of Chester Guido 1290 The Iewes in Englande were robbd many of them slewe them selues 1191 Kyng Rychard wēt to Ierusalem in his absence his brother rebelled in Englande 1192 Thomas Couper 1193 Kyng Richarde taken prisoner 1194 1195 1196 Great ransom payde for the kyng Kyng Rychard agayne crowned at Wynchester A preacher called Willliam wyth y e long bearde Williā with the long beard forced by fyre to flye oute of Bowchurche in cheape 1197 1198 Kyng Richarde wounded to deathe with a venemous arrow 1199 1199 The kynge toke .iii. s. of euery plough lande Kyng Iohn dueorsed 1200 Ranulph of ●●ester 1201 Fiue Mones sene in the firmament Robert Fabian xxv Gouernours of the Citie chosen 1202 Great tempest in Englande 1203 Great dearth of wheate in Englande 1204 England interdicted A monstrous fyshe taken 1205 Normandye loste 1205
Frenchmen Iohn Hardyng alledging Govver 1380 Gonnes firste inuented The Sauoye burnt S. Iohnes in Smithfielde spoyled Iack Straw slayne Why the city of Londō geueth the dagger in armes 1381 An earth quake 1382 A combate 1383 Execution at S. Albons 1384 1385 1386 1387 Robert Fabian 1388 A iustes in Smithfielde The battayll at Ottyrborn 1389 A combat Execution 1390 1391 A fraye in Fletestrete 1392 The liberties of London restored 1393 1394 Iohn Wiklef 1395 1396 Execution 1397 The duke of Hereford banished thys lande 1398 Englande let to feruie Kynge Rycharde taken prysoner by Henry Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster 1399 Ioh. Harding folowing M. Norham doctor in Theologie 1399 A guage of battayle A conspiracie agaynst kyng Henry the fourthe Exec●tion Kynge Rychard murdered Iohn Govver in hys booke named Vox clamantis 1400 Execution Rebellyon in Wales Great dearth of corne 1401 The cundite in Cornhyll buylded A batayle at Shrewesbury Execution 1402 Plymmouth spoyled by frenchmen 1403 Execution 1404 Execution 1405 Rochester bridge builded 1406 Execution Whityngton colledge buylded 1407 A great frost 1408 A great iustes ●● Smithfield 1409 Execution in Smythfield The markett house called the Stockes buylded 1410 Execution The Guylde haill in London newe buylded 1411 1412 1412 Ioh. Lidgate Syr Iohn Oldecastell 1413 EdvVarde Haule Rebellion Execution 1414 Execution Ioh. Harding folowing M. Norham doctor in Theologie The battayle of Agincourt 1415 1416 Robert Fabian A fraye in S. Dunstones churche A fraie in S. Dunstones churche 1417 Execution The parson of Wrothā with his concubine 1418 1419 1420 1421 Shene and Syon buylded 1422 Tho. Coper The kynges colledge at Cābrydge the Colledge at Eaton buylded Ioh. Harding after maister Norham 1422 Execution Newgate buylded 1423 Execution The kynge of Scottes maried at saynt Mary Adries in Southwarke 1424 The first custome payde by the marchauntes Robert Fabian 1425 A parliament at Leicester where the duke of Bedforde endued kyng Henry the sixt with the order of knyghthode then the king dubbed nere 40. knightes 1426 1427. A murder quit with murder 1428 1429 Iohn Lidgate 1430 A commotion at Abyngton Execution at Tyborne 1431 The Stādard in cheape buylded The kynge of Englād crowned at Paris in Fraunce 1432 A comete 1433 1434 A great frost 1435 Calleis besieged 1436 A part of Lōdon brydge fel downe Euery stranger payde to y e Kyng .xvi. d. the weeke 1437 1438 Thre hūdred men slayne Great dearth Xviii persons murdered Robert Fabian The Condyt in Fletestrete buylded An obyte for mayster Roberte Chicheley 1439 Execution at Tower hyll The posterne sanke 1440 Robert Fabian Edvvard Hal Thomas couper Execution 1441 A great fraye in Fletestrete 1442 Paules steple a fyre 1443 1444 Alsoulne colledge Bernarde colledge buylded in Oxenford 1445 Leaden Halle buylded 1446 Hūfrey duke of Gloucester arested at Burye Mary Magdalen colledge buylded in Oxenford 1447 1448 Roane yelded to the Frēche 1449 A Murder A commotion in Kent by Iacke Cade on Blacke heath 1450 1451 The duke of York begane a commotion 1452 1453 A battayle at saint Albons 1454 A great fraye in London by saintuary mē 1455 A ryot in Lōdon agaynst y e Lombardes 1456 Great fyshes taken Sandwitche spoyled 1457 A great procession 1458 The Science of pryntynge Bloreheathe fyeide Symōd Eyre deceased 1459 A battayle at Northamptō The Duke of Yorke made clayme to the crowne A battayle as Wakefielde 1460 The seconde battaile at S. Albons A battayle at Sherborn on Palmesondaye Kyng Henry the syxt fayne to flye the lād 1460 1461 1462 1463 A battayle at Exham Kyng Edward secretly maried Kyng Henry takē prysoner 1464 A new coign 1465 1466 1467 1468 A battayle at Banbery 1469 K. Edwards fled into Flāders Execution 1470 Barnet finde on Easterday A battayle at Teukesbury Crueltie The suburbes without Algate and Byshopsgate burnte Murder 1471 1472 1473 Execution ●● towre hyll 1474 The conduite in Cornehyll enlarged 1475 1476 A part of Lōdon wall new buylded 1477 Murder 1478 A great pestilence 1479 Execution 1480 1481 1482 1483 1483 Quene Elisabeth toke saintuary at west mynster Murder 1483 1484 A battayle at Bosworth K. Richarde slayne in the fielde 1485 1485 The greate Cundyte in Chepe newe buylded The first yeomen of the garde A sweatynge sycknes Arnolds chronicle of London The Crosse in Cheape buylded 1486 Kyng Henry the .vii. maried lady Elisabeth daughter to K. Edward the .iiii. A battayle at Stoke the 16 daye of Iune 1487 1488 A great taxe the Earle of Northumberlande slayn 1489 Desperation 1490 Execution Creplegate of London builded Arnoldes cronicles of London The Cōdite in Gracious strete 1491 1492 A fray in Lōdon agaynste the Styliard men 1493 Good cheape wheate and baye salte 1494 Herrynges at iii. s.iiii.d y e barreli Perkyn warbecke Great execution of .160 persons 1495 1496 Black heath ficide Execution Perkin Warbeck besiegeth Excetor 1497 EdVvarde Haule English marchantes receiued with procession 1498 Execution at saint Thomas watrynges S. Antonies church in Lōdon buylded 1499 Perkin werbecke other hāged drawē and quartered at London Execution at London A great pestilence The kynge quene sayled to Calyce 1500 Arnolds chronicles Richmonde Baynards castell Grenewich builded s. Anthonies churche fynyshed 1501 Prince Arthur maried Arnolde 1502 The death of Quene Elisabeth The kynge of Scottes maried 1503 Fyre on London brydge A new coyne 1504 150● The cundite at Byshops gate buylded The kynge of Castyle lāded in Englande 1506 Prisoners delyuered 1507 1503 The hospitall of the Sauoy buylded The new chapell at Westminster buylded by kynge Hēry the .vii. 1509 Kyng Henry maried ladye Katherin his fyrst wyfe 1509 Paules scole buylded 1510 1511 1512 A battayle on the sea 1513 Turney and Turwyn Edvvarde Haule 1514 1515 Lady Marye borne at Grenewyche 1516 A great frost All May day 1517 The sweatyng sycknes The Citie of Turney yelded frenche 1518 1519 1520 The duke of Buckynghā beheaded Edvvarde Halle 152● Kyng Henry fyrste nawed defender of the sayth The Emperours coming to London 152● The Rhodes taken by the turkes The kyng of Denmarke came into Englande 1523 1524 The golden rose sent from Rome The Cardinall first suppressed abbeis Kyng Henry in ieopardie to haue bene drowned The coyne enhaunced 1525 The goulde enhaunced 1526 Execution at Tyborne Great scarcitie of bread 1527 General peace proclaymed Generall procession Fyre in Thames strete A shyp chased to the tower wharfe A sweatynge sicknes A legate came from Rome 1528 The Cardinall discharged of the chauncelorshyp S. Thomas More made chauncelour The newe testament printed in english A parliament at the Black-friars 1529 Fyre in the Uyntrie Execution at the towre hyl Execution in Finsbury fielde Execution To sende to the court of Rome forbydden 1530 One boiled in Smythfield The Cardynall deceased The Clergie condemned in the premunire The kynge first named supreme head The kynges palace builded at S. Iames 1531 Execution in Smythfield Execution at Tybornd Execution in Smithfield Great
as wel to peace as warr Amōg his subiectes he was mylde gentill louyng and pleasant agaynst his aduersaries seuere fierce valyant and hardye He lyued in continual warre with the Danes whiche all the tyme of his reigne vexed this land with most deadly warres as Iohn Hardyng writeth he deuided the day in three partes .viii. houres to serue god viii to heare suites of his people and .viii. to take his sleps and reste A company of Danes landed in Northumberlande and after manye skyrmyshes and battayles to theym geuen by strength they possessed and held that countrey the space of .ix. yeares and got also the Citie of Yorke A company of the Danes entred the countrey of Norffolke where they slue the holy kyng Edmonde which gouerned the prouince of Norffolke because he wolde not forsake the faith of Christ. Of this kynge Edmunde Iohn Lidgate monke of Bury hath compyled a goodly treatice in englishe meter heroicall At Colyngham saint Ebbe abbesse cut of her nose and ouerlyppe and persuaded all her ●yuers to doo the lyke that they beyng odible to y e Danes mought better kepe theyr virginitie in dispite the Danes burned the abbeye and the Nunnes therin Also those Danes landed agayne in Southery and went forwarde tyll they came to Readyng and toke that towne and cattell at whiche tyme whyle Etheldred was busyed agaynste them he hadde woord of the landyng of Offrike kyng of Denmarke with an other companye to whome the Kynge gaue manye stronge battayles But in the ende he was put to the woorse and receyued a wounde whereof he dyed when hee had reygned .ix. yeres He buylded the priory of Chanons at Excetor and was buryed at wynbourne ALured the fourthe son of Ethelwolphus beganne his reigne ouer the more parte of England and reigned xxviii yeares This man was of fayre stature and comely personage no lesse renoumed in marciall policie thenne in Ciuille gouernaunce of hys commune weale Hee was wyse dyscreete and learned and raudured good Letters excellentlye well In youth somewhat he was disposed to the vicy of the fleshe and therefore besought god to chastise hym by some continuall sicknes wherby he might serue God the better and yet not to be made vnapte to worldly busynes Wherfore by the ordinance of God he was taken with the euil called Ficus and was ther of sycke a longe space The fyrste yeare of his reign in sundry places he fought vi tymes with the Danes by meanes whereof his people were so weakened that he was glad to make peace wyth his enemies The Danes brake the league made with Alured Wherefore in as secrete maner as he myght he assembled a chosen company and set vpon them sodainly and after the fyrst conflict held them so shorte that he constreigned theim to geue hostages for suretie of peace Alured was sore ouerset wyth newe companies of Danes but at length takynge to hym a valiant courage he enterprised to espye the maner of his enemies in this wyse he dyd on hym the habite of a mynstrell and with his instrument of musyke entred the tentes of the Danes and in shewynge theyin pastyme and songe hee espyed all their slouth and idelnes and heard muche of their counsell Then priuily returning to his armye with a chosen companye fell vpon the Danes in the nyght and slue of them a great numbre and lastly concluded a peace on condition that as many of them as woulde be christened shoulde inhabite the prouinces of East Angles and Northumberlande the other to depart into France As Guido writeth he buylded the house of nūnes at Shaftsburye and an other house of religion at Ethelyngsey By the counsell of Nottus Allured ordeyned the fyrst Grammer schoole in Oxenforde and franchised the towne with many great liberties He buylded the newe mynster in Wynchester and there lyeth buried EDwarde the Elder sonne of Alured began his reign ouer the most parte of Englande and gouerned this land well and nobly xxiiii yeares In knowledge of good letters he was not to be compared to his father But in honour worshyppe and marciall prowes nothynge inferiour and was also profitable to the cōmon weale in buildinge and repayringe many castelles tounes and cyties whyche were raced and broken by the Danes He in hys tyme builded Herford castel and adioyned to his lordship al this Iland sauing onely Northumberlande whiche was possessed of the Danes He lyeth buried at Wynchester by hys father in the new mynster and as Fabyan writeth he buylded the monasterie of S. Peter in Gloucester In this tyme a noble womā named Elfleda syster to kyng Edward gouerned y e prouince of middle Englād This woman whan she had ones assayed the paynes that women suffer in trauaylyng with childe euer after hated the imbracynges of her husbande sayinge That it was not seemely for any noble woman to vse suche fleshely lykynge wherof shold ensue so great sorow and payne She tamed the Welshmen and in dyuers battayles chased the Danes After whole death Edward helde that prouince in his owne hande ADelstane after the death of Edward senior his father begā his reign in Englād he was a prince of worthy memorie valiant wise in al his actes and brought this land to one Monarchye for he expelled vtterly the Danes subdued the Scots and quieted the Welshmen He reigned xv yeres and lieth at Malmsbury Of him Iohn Lidgate monke of Bury hath translated a goodly story out of Latin into english meter which was compiled in Latine by Girardus Cambrence EDmūd y e brother of Adelstan toke on hym y e gouernāce of this realm whose short reigne take from hym the renoume of most highe praises that should haue redoūded to hys posteritie for he was a man disposed of nature to noblenes iustice he reigned .vi. yeres and was buryed at Glastenburie ELdred succeded Edmunde his brother for his sonnes Edwyne and Edgar wer thought to yōg to take on them so greate a charge This Eldred hadde the earneste fauoure of the commons because hee was a greate maynteyner of honestie and also most abhorred naughty and vnruly persons for his expertnes in feates of armes he was muche commended Whereby he quieted and kept in due obeysance the Northumbers and Scottes and exiled the Danes He reigned .ix. yeares and was buried in the cathedrall church of Wynchester EDwine succeded his vncle Eldred in the kingdome of whome is left no honeste memorye for one heynous acte by him committed in the begynning of his reigne In the selfe daye of his Coronation he sodeynelye withdrewe hym self from hys Lordes and in the syghte of certaine persons rauished his owne kynswoman the wife of a noble man of his Realme and afterwarde slew her husband that he might haue the vnlaufull vse of her beautie whiche acte and for banyshings Dunstane he became odible to his subiects and of the Northumbers and people of
his sonne who inclosed y e same with a depe dyche and graūted to the inhabitantes therof great fredom And after builded a church ouer y e place of his sepulture and ordeined there an house of monkes enduyng them with fayre possessiōs And after it was vsed y e kings of Englād whē thei wer crouned sent for an offering their crounes vnto S. Edmondes shryne and redemed the same with a good price The englyshe men sente agayne for Etheldred out of Normandye who by the healpe of the Normans and present assistance of his commons expelled Canutus but shortly Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothynge that myght be destroyed with sworde fyre In whiche tyme king Etheldred ended his lyfe when he had reigned .xxxviii. yeares and was buried in the Northe Isle of Paules churche in London aboue the aultar Fabian saythe that in the seconde yeare of this kynges reigne a great part of the citie of London was wasted with fyre but how it beganne hys aucthor telleth not But ye shal vnderstand that this day the citie of London had moste housyng and buyldynge from Ludgate towarde Westminster and littell or none where the chiefe or hart of the citie is now except in diuers places was housynge but they stoode without order So that many townes cities as Cāterbury York and dyuers other in Englande passed London in buyldyng at those dayes as I haue sene sayth Fabyan by an old boke somtime in the Guyld halle of London named Domes daye But after the conquest it increased and shortly after passed and excelled all the other Aboute the .viii. yeare of this kyngs reign dyed Ethelwald byshop of Wynchester who was born in Wynchester and ther buylded an abbey of Nunnes as sayth Fabyan AFter y e deth of Etheldred great variance fell betwene y e englishe mē for the election of theyr kyng for y e citezens of London with certayn other named Edmund the son of Etheldred a yong man of lusty and valiant courage in martiall aduentures both hardy and wyse and one that could very well endure all paynes Wherefore hee was surnamed Ironsyde but the more part fauored Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene those two princes were foughten many great battayles in the which either party sped diuersly to the great slaughter of thē that toke their partes But lastly it was agreed that the two Captayns shold try theyr quarell betwene them selues onely In which fight although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hand yet be condiscēded to deuyde the realm and make Canutus felow with him in the kingdom whyche agreement was at laste concluded In this tyme there was an englishe Earle called Edricus which by hys falshode had wrought muche hurte to hys naturall country and lastelye was aucthor of the deth of the noble Edmund And therof himself brought fyrst knowledge to Canutus the Dane sayinge in this wyse Thus haue I doone Canutus for the loue of thee To whom hee answered sayinge For my loue thou hast murdered thyne owne soueraigne Lord whome I loued most entierly I shall in rewarde therof exalt thy head aboue all the lordes of Englande And foorthwith commanded hym to be headed and his head to be set vpon a spear on the hyghest gate of London These princes reygned together .ii. yeares Thys Edmund was buryed at Glastenburye VUhen Canutus was stablished in the kyngdom he had knowledge how Olanns king of Norway in his absence inuaded the coūtrey of Denmarke wherfore in all hast he sped him thitherward by the māhod of the english souldiors obteined of them a noble victory recouered Norway to his seignory wherfore when he returned into England he demeaned him toward all men as a sage gentle moderat prince and so continued .xx. yeares Canutus called a parliamēt at Oxēford where it was decreed that english men and Danes should hold the lawes of Edgare late kyng Canutus subdued the Scots wherby he was king of .iiii. kingdoms y t is to say of England Scotlād Denmark Norway After that he wēt into Denmark and so to Rome And after returned again into England Where he kept all his life tyme good iustice and did many charitable dedes And after his deathe was buried in s. Swithins at Winchester Of this Canutus Polidore hath writen a notable history in y e end of his vii boke of the historie of England HArold the sonne of Canutus by hys wyfe Elgina for hys swyftnes surnamed Harefote began hys reygne ouer thys realme of England In the begynning hee shewed some token of crueltie in that he banyshed his stepmother Emma and tooke from her suche iewelles and treasure as she hadde He reigned iii. yeares Hee was buryed at Westmynster and after at S. Clementes without Temple barre HArdikenitus king of Denmarke after the deathe of Harolde was ordeyned kyng of Englande He for the iniurie done to his mother Emma caused the corps of Harolde to be taken out of the sepulchre and smyting of the head caste it with the body into the ryuer of Thames where by a fysher it was taken vp and vnreuerently buried at S. Clementes as afore is sayd He burdeined his subiectes with eractions and tribute and in meat and dryncke was so prodygall that hys tables were spreade .iiii. tymes in the day and the people serued with great excesse whan he had reigned .iii. yeares he dyed sodeinly at Lambeth not without suspection of poysonynge and was buried at Winchester Hardikenitus beyng deade the Danes were beaten slayn and dryuen out of this lande into theyr owne countrey xxviii yeares after that Swayn began fyrst to reigne EDwarde the sonne of Egelrede or Etheldred by the aduice of Goodwyne and Leofricus Erle of Chester after the deathe of Hardikenitus was sent for out of Normandie to take on him the goueruaunce of this realme of Englande whiche hee guyded with much wisdome and iustice from whom issued as out of a fountaiue very godlinesse mercie pitie and liberalitie towarde the pore and gentylnes and iustice towards all men and in all honest lyfe gaue moste godly example to hys people He discharged the englyshmen of the great tribute called y e Dane gelt whiche was often before time leuied to y e impouerishyng of the people He subdued the Wes●hemen whiche rebelled and made warre vpon their borders The .xvi. yere of this kyng Edward died y e good Erle Leofricus erle of Mercia of Chester who was buried in the abbey of Couentrie which he hym selfe had caused to be buylded He purchased many great priuileges for the aforesaid towne of Couentrie Willyam bastard duke of Normandie about this tyme came with a goodly company into England and was honorablye receyued to whom the kynge made great cheere And at his returne enriched hym with great gyftes pleasures and as som write made promise to hym that if he died without issue the same
whiche tyme the lady hys wyfe myght neuer come to hym nor had any thyng to lyue vpon but what people of theyr charities woulde geue hyr or what she got by hyr nedle Anno. 12. William Hampton Fyshmō M. Iohn Browne S Th. Bledlowe S This Mayor was a good iusticer he punyshed in hys yere many Bawdes and Strompettes and caused them to ryde with raye hoodes and made a payre of Stockes to bee sette in euerye warde of the cytie Anno. 13. Iohn Tat Mercer M. William Stocker S Robert Bellisdon S In this yere the erle of Excester was founde dead in the sea betwene Douer and Calleys One Iohn Gose was burned at the tower hyll for heresy Anno. 14. Ro. Drope Draper M. Edmūd Shaw S. Thomas Hyll S. This Robert Drope Maior of Londō afore named buylded the east ende of y e conduite in Cornehyll Kynge Edwarde required of his subiectes a beneuolence whiche they gaue him and so he sailed into Fraunce with a great armie to aide the Duke of Burgoyne but by sute of the Frenche kyng a peace was concluded for seuen yeres Anno. 15. Robert Basset Salter M. Hugh prince S. Ro. colwich S. This Maior dyd sharp correction vpō Bakers for makyng of lyght bread in so muche that he set dyuers of them on the pyllory whose names I pas●e ouer And a woman named Agnes Deyntie was also there punyshed for sellynge of false mynged butter Anno. 16. Rauf Iosseleyn Dra. M. Rich. Rawfō S. Wil. Horne This yere by the dyligence of this Maior the newe wall of London from Creplegate to Byshopsgate was made as it nowe is the Maior with his company of the Drapers made all that part betwyxt Alballowes church in the same wall and Byshops gate of their owne proper costes and the other companies made y e other deale whiche was a great worke to be done in one yere cōsidering the purueyaunce of the stuffe Anno. 17. Humfrey Heyford Goldsmith M. Henry Colet S. Iohn Stocker S. This yere the Duke of Clarence seconde brother to the kyng beyng prysoner in the towre was secretly put to death and drowned in a barell of maluesey within the sayd towre Anno. 18. Richard Gardyner Mercer M. Rob. Herding S. Robert Byfeld S. This yere was a great dearth and also a great death at London and in dy●ers other partes of this Realme Anno. 19. Bartholo Iames Draper M. Thomas Ilam S. Iohn Warde S. This Thomas Ilam sheryffe afore named newely buylded the great conduyte in Cheape of his owne proprecostes This yere at the towre hyll were .4 felons hanged and burned for robbyng of a churche Anno. 20. Iohn Brown M. William Daniel S. William Bacon S. This yere the kynge requyred great sommes of money to be lent hym of the citizens of London who after diuerse assemblies graunted to lende him .5000 marke whiche was repaied agayne in the next yere folowyng Anno. 21. William Hariate Draper M. Robert ae S Wil. Wykyng S Rich. Chawry S This yere the Scottes began to stirre against whom kyng Edwarde sent the Duke of Gloucester and diuers other whiche retourned agayne without any notable battayle Anno. 22. Edmond Shawe goldsmith M. Wil. Whyte S. Iohn Mathew S. This Edmund Shaw builded Criple gate in London Kyng Edward makyng great prouision for warre into Fraunce ended hys lyfe the .ix. of Apryll in the yeare of our Lorde .1483 when he had reigned .22 yeares .i. moneth and v. dayes He was buryed at Wyndsor leauyng after him two sonnes Edwarde the prince Rycharde Duke of Yorke with .v. daughters as Elizabeth that after was quene Cicelie Anne Katherine and Bridget King Edward the fifthe Anno. 1. EDward the fyft of the age of .xi. yeres began hys reigne ouer this Realme of England the .ix. of Apryll in the yeare of our Lord .1483 and was murdred by Richarde Duke of Gloucester the same yere the .22 day of Iune so he reigned .2 monethes and .xi. days Thys Edwarde was neuer crowned but cruelly murdred by Richarde Duke of Gloucester his vnnatural vncle who after vsurped the Crowne and was called Richarde the third King Richard the thirde Anno Regni .1 RIchard the thyrd brother to Edwarde the fourthe thorough many cruel dedes lastly obteyned the Crowne of England Fyrst to compas his wycked and dyuelyshe purpose hee put to death those noble men which he thought wold not consent to hys mynde in all thynges the other he corupted with ryche gyftes then by hys vntruth and falshode he wrested from the quene Elizabeth beynge than in sanctuarie Rychard her yonger sonne and brother to the Prynce Thyrdly he caused to be publyshed at Poules Crosse by one doctour Shawe that Edward the fourthe hys elder brother was not ryghtely begotten of hys mother but by aduoutrye and therefore that neyther he nor hys chyldren had ryght to the Crowne or as some wryte he caused to be publyshed that the prynce his brother were not ryghtfully begotten of Queene Elizabeth and therfore the ryghte of the crowne to be his whiche in fyne he toke vpon hym and to make a perfect worke of his crueltie shortly therupon shamefully murdered the two yonge chyldren in the towre of London and vsurped the crowne two yeres and two monethes Anno Regni .1 Robert Bylisdō Habardasher M. Tho. Norlād S. W. Martyn S. Grudge began betwene kynge Rychard the thyrde and his nere friende the Duke of Buckyngham in so much that for displeasure therof the Duke cōspired with dyuers other noble men agaynst hym and intended to bryng into the lande Henry erle of Rychmonde as ryghtful heyre to the crowne This Hēry had fled into Brytayne fearyng the crueltie of Edward y e fourth for whiche conspiracie the saide Duke of Buckingham with dyuers other was shortly after taken and put to death Henry erle of Rychemounte aided with the Britaynes entended to arriue in Wales but hys nauie was so scattered with a contrary wynd that he was fayne to retyre backe agayne into Brytayne for that tyme. Dyuers noble men detestyng the tyranny of kyng Richard fled into Britayne and there adioyned them with the Erle of Richemount Anno. 2. Thomas Hyll Grocer M. Richard Chester S Tho. Britayne S Rafe Astrie S This Thomas Hill buylded the Cundyte in Gracious strete The noble prince Henry erle of Richmount with a small company of Frenchemen landed at Mylford hauen nygh Pembroke whose commynge when it was hearde of in Wales dyuers noble men with their retinue forsakyng Rychard gathered to hym in greate number so that his strengthe in short space greatly increased At a village nere to Leicester called ●osworthe he mette with his enemies where betwene them was foughten a sharpe battaile In conclusion kyng Rycharde with dyuers other was slayne and Henry obteyned a noble victory After whyche conquest he was immediatly crowned kynge of England in the field and
the dead corps of kyng Richard was broughte to Leycester and there buried at the Gray friers churche King Henry the seuenth Anno Regni .1 HEnrie the seuenth began hys reigne ouer this realme of England the .22 day of August in the yeare of our Lorde .1485 and deceased in the yeare .1509 the .xxii. day of Apryll So he reigned .xxiii. yeares and .viii. monethes he was a prince of meruailous wysedome and polycie and of great iustice temperaunce and grauitie He so behaued hym in the time of his Reigne that not withstandynge manye and greate occasions of trouble vnquietnes and warre Hee kepte his Realme in ryghte good rule and order Wherfore he was greately estemed reuerenced of foreyne princes Anno. 1. Hugh Brice M. Goldsmyth M. Iohn Tate S Io. Swanne S This yeare maister Thomas Ilam Alderman of London and marchant of the Staple at Calaice newe made the great Cundite in Cheape of hys owne goodes The Kynge ordeyned a numbre of chosen Archers and other stronge and hardy persons to geue daily attendance on his person whom he named yeomen of his garde This yeare was the sweatyng sycknes of the whyche a wonderfull multitude dyed and in London besydes other there dyed .ii. Maiors within .viii. dayes and .vi. aldermen This yeare the beautyfull Crosse in Cheape was newe buylded and made Towarde the buyldyng wherof Thomas Fysher mercer gaue .vi. C. marks Anno. 2. Sir Henry Colet mercer M. Iohn Perciuall S. Hugh Clopto● S. This yere the king maried Elisabeth eldest daughter of Edward the fourth by whyche meanes the twoo famylyes of Yorke and Lancaster the whyche had long caused diuision was knytt together in one About this tyme Francis Louell and Humfrey Stafford rebelled in y e north with them was Martin Swart Which commotion was quieted by the policy of the Duke of Bedford but not without bloud shedde For there was slayne the Erle of Lyncoln the lord Louell Martyn Swart other aboue .iiii. thousand And this yeare was borne prince Arthure in the moneth of September Anno. 3. Williā Horne Salter M. Iohn Fenkyll S. williā Remingtō S. This yere was quene Elizabeth crowned at Westmynster vppon saynt Katherines daye Anno. 4. Robert Tate Mercer M. williā Isake S Rafe Tinley S This yere was a taske of the .x. peny of all mens goodes and landes through which the commons of the northe slew the Earle of Northumberlande wherfore Chamberlayne their capitayn with other was hanged at Yorke Anno. 5. Williā white Draper M. williā Capel S Iohn Broke S This yeare one Roger Shauelocke slewe hym self For whole goodes was muche busynes betwene the kyngs amner and the sheryffe Anuo .6 Iohn Mathewe mercer M. Hēry Coot S. Ro. Reuell S. Hugh Hēberton S. Syr Robert Chamberlain beheaded This yere the Kyng required a beneuolence which was to hym granted toward his iourney into France Thys yeare Creplegate of London was new buylded at the costes and charges of syr Edmūd Shaw goldsmith late Maior of the same citie In Iuly was Henry the kyngs second sonne borne at Grenewiche This yeare the beautifull Cundyte in Gracious strete was begon to be buylded The stone worke wherof was fynished in the yeare .1494 But the fyrst water ran out therof on the .xix. day of March in the yere .1503 the .xix. yere of Henry the .vii. and not before Whyche Cundyte was buylded at the costes and charges of sir Thomas Hyll grocer as it doth appeare by certaine verses writen on the same Cundyte as hereafter followeth Thomas Hill knight late Maior of this citie with his wife dame Elisabeth of their charity For the loue of God weale of the cōmonaltie Of their costs onely thys thyng dyd edyfie Out of the ground with all thyngs necessary Anno. 7. Hugh Clopton mercer M. Tho. Wood S. Wil. Brown S. This yere kyng Henry toke hys voyage into France with a greate army to aide the Britōs against the french king Anno. 8. Wil. Martin skinner M. Wil. Purchas S wil. Welbecke S This yere was a peace concluded betwene the kings of England France and kyng Henry returned agayne into England And this yere was a fraye or ryote made vppon the Easterlynges or Stilliard men by Mercers seruauntes and other For the whyche dyuers of them were sore punished and the chiefe aucthors were kept long in prison Anno. 9. Rafe ●stry fish monger M. Robert Fabiā S Iohn wynger S This yeare wheat was solde for vi.d the bushell and baye salte at iii.d ob the bushell Anno. 10. Rich. Chawry salter M. Nicol. Alwin S. Iohn warner S. This yeare was white hearyng sold at xl.d a barell beyng good Dyuers gentylmen in England were appeached of treason and for fauoryng the conspiracie of Parkyn Warbeck of whiche some were pardoned and some put to death Perkyn Warbecke whyche by the counsayle of Margarete of Burgoyne namyng hymselfe Rycharde of Yorke Kynge Edwardes seconde sonne arryued in Kente where hee was dryuen backe by the Uplandyshe menne and other of the inhabitauntes of the countreye wyth the losse of dyuers of hys men and shortely after were hanged an hundred and three score persones of the forenamed Rebelles in dyuerse and sundrye coastes of Englande The .v. captains were Mountford Corbet Whitebelt Quintin and Genyne Anno. 11. Syr Hēry Colet mercer M. Tho. Kneisworth S Henry Somer S The Scots brake into the north partes of England by the setting on of Perkyn Werbecke and dyd muche harme to the borderers Anno. 12. Iohn Tate mercer M. Iohn Shaw S Rich. Haddon S This Iohn Tate builded saint Anthonies in London a goodly foundation as shall hereafter be declared Where kynge Henry made preparation for warre into Scotland by means of a payment that was graunted to the Kyng by act of parliament a new commotion was made by the Commons of Cornewall whyche vnder the leadyng of the lorde Audeley wyth Mighell Ioseph the Black smyth and dyuers other came to Blacke heath where the kyng met with them and discomfited the rebells and toke theyr Captaines which were shortly after drawen hanged and quartered The lorde Audeley was beheaded at the tower hyll the .xxviii. day of Iune Kyng Henry sent an army into Scotlande under the guydyng of the Erle of Surrey and the lorde Neuell whyche made sharpe warre vpon the Scots A mariage concluded betwene prince Arthur and lady Katherine the kyngs daughter of Spayn Perkyn Werbecke landed agayne in Cornewall and assaulted the towne of Excetour and other places but finally he toke the saintuarie of Beaudly and was after pardoned his life Anno. 13. Williā purchase mercer M. Bartholo Rede S. Tho. windought S. A peace proclaimed betwene the kinges of Englande and Scotlande for the terme of both theyr lyues Perkyn Warbecke endeuoured to steale away secretly out of the land but he was taken
one of the Sonne the .xxiiii. daye of Ianuary and three of the moone a straunge thyng and suche as had not happened since the tyme of Charles the great In the beginning of lent lorde Edward Seymer erle of Hertforde was made lieftenāt of the north partes and sent thether with an armie for y e defēce of that countrey The beginning of Marche Germine Gardyner Larke parson of Chelsey besyde London and Syngleton were executed at Tyborne for denying the kyng to be supreme head of the churche and shortly one Ashbee was lykewyse executed for the same The .xxii. daye of Marche the lorde Admirall with a great nauy departed from the port of Londō towardes Scotlande The fourth daye of Apryll a gonne poulder house called the black swanne standyng vpon east smythfielde was blowen vp with other houses nighe adioynyng and therein were burned fyue men a boye and a woman Upon Maie euen in the .36 yere of Henry the eyght died the lord Thomas Audeley hygh Chancellor of England After whome succeded lorde Thomas Writhesley Upon May daye the nauye sente by the Lord admirall which vntyll thys tyme had no good wynde tooke their voyage into Scotlande from Tynmouth wyth whom was the lorde Edwarde Seymor Erle of Hertford the kynges lieutenāt and generall captain of the army whiche the fourthe daye of May arriued at Lyth the hauen of Edenborough and toke the towne of Lyth and spoyled it after which they made toward Edenboroughe where at a certayne brydge the Scottes had layde theyr ordynance but by the pollicie and manhode of our captaines and souldiors the Scottes ordynance was won and discharged against them selues and thereby were put to flyght after thys the towne of Edenborough sente vnto the armye pretendynge to delyuer the towne vppon certayne condytions to the behofe of oure Kynge But when the armye entred they were inuaded by them for whiche cause the Towne was destroyed and cleane wasted Kyng Henry and the Emperoure agreed ioyntely to inuade the realme of France wyth two great powers About this tyme kyng Henry made great prouisiō for a voiage into France A proclamation made enhaunsynge the value of gold to the rate of xlviii.s and syluer to .iiii. shyllynges the ounce It is to be noted that at thys tyme the kynge caused to be coyned the base moneys whych was called down the fyfth yeare of Edwarde the .vi. and called in the seconde yere of Quene Elizabeth After the whytson holye dayes the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord pryuie seale with a great army tooke their voyage into Fraunce and besieged Mutterell where they laye vntyll the Kynge hadde wonne Boloygne Not longe after the Duke of Suffolke with many other noble men passed the seas and encamped before Boloigne on the East syde The xiiii daye of Iuly kyng Henry hym selfe wyth a goodly companye passed from Douer to Calaice and the .26 day encamped on the north syde of Boloygne after whose comyng the towne was so sore battered wyth gonneshott and certayne of theyr Towers beynge vndermyned soo shaken wyth force of gunne powder that after a monethes siege the captayne sente woorde to the kyng that he would yelde the towne to his behofe vpon condition that all whiche were within myght departe wyth bagge and baggage whiche conditions Kyng Henry mercyfully graunted and the Bulleynors departed one and other to the numbre of .4454 The .xxv. day of Septembre the kyng entred into hyghe Boloigne wyth the nobilitie of hys realme and the trompettes blowyng that it reioyced all the whole hoast to heare The fyrst daye of October kyng Henry departed frome Boloigne towarde Douer and at his goyng he dubbed .iiii. knyghtes at the water syde Ambassadours were sent both frome the Emperour and the french Kyng for peace to Kyng Henry but for so muche as he would not geue vp Boloigne nothyng was concluded The .ix. day of October in the night the frēch mē cam vnwares vpōth english mē in base Boloigne and slewe of theym a great number Howe beit they were shortly chased from thense and the base towne holden after in good quiete Anno. 36. Williā Laxton grocer Mai. Iohn Wilford S. Andrew Iudde S. This yere was taken by the Kynges shyps of the weste countrey and of the Englysh coast the numbre of .300 frenche shyppes and more The .xxvi. day of Ianuary there camped on the weste syde of Boloigne beyonde the hauen an army of Frenchemen to the number of .xviii. thousand and laye there ten days and the .vi. day of February they wer all put to flight by the Erle of Hertforde and the lorde admirall then beynge Lorde deputie of Boloigne The .vii. day of Iune in the .37 yere of kyng Henry the .viii. a great army of Frenchmen came nere to the hauen of Bulleyne and skirmished with the Englyshmen and thys armye beganne to buylde a fort whych before they departed they dyd accomplishe The French kyng prepared .ii. great armies agaynst the Englishmen one by sea an other by lande that vpon the sea was aboue .200 shyppes besyde galeys This nauye made shewe dyuers tymes to haue landed in the Isle of wyght at Portesmouth and other where but euer they perceyued suche prouysyon made by kynge Henry that nothynge was done woorthy memorye but that theyr sort by Boloine was in the meane tyme fynyshed Worde was brought that the french menne entended to lande in the Isle of Wyght Wherfore the kyng wente to Portesmouthe At whyche tyme of the kynges abode there a goodly shyppe of Englande called the Mary Rose wyth syr George Carewe the capitayne and many other gentylmen were drowned in the myddest of the hauen by greate negligence and folye Certayne frenche men landed in the Isle of Wyght but they were dryuen away with losse of theyr captaine and many souldiours In August the lorde Edwarde Seymor erle of Hertforde was sente by the Kyng into Scotland with an armye of xii thousande men where he destroyed dyuers towns and the middle marches and greatly endomaged the Scottes This yeare in Auguste dyed Charles duke of Suffolke a very noble gentylman and full of actiuitie This yeare the .xii. day of September the Churche of saynt Gyles without Creplegate was brent Anno. 37. sir Martin Bowes goldsmith M. George barnes S Rafe Alleyn S The .xxiiii. day of Nouember a parliament begon at Westminster where was graunted to the Kyng a Subsydie of ii.s viii.d of the pounde of mouable gooddes and .iiii. shyllynges the pounde in landes to be payde in twoo yeare and all Colleges Chauntryes and hospitalles were committed to the kynges order durynge hys lyfe to alter and transpose whyche hee promysed to doo to the glory of God and the common profyte of the realme Aboute thys tyme the Lorde admirall landed in Normandye and brente the suburbes of Traiport dyuers villages along the sea coast and destroyed and toke almost all the shyppes in the hauen which was a
prisoner had weapon about hym The .iiii. of Ianuarie a shippe passyng before Grenewiche the court beynge there shotte of her ordinaunce and one piece beynge charged with a pellette of stone was shot into the court but thankes be vnto God it dyd no hurt but passed through the walles The .xxvii. day of Februarye an ambassador came to London from the emperour of Cattay Moscouie and Russe lande who was honorably met and receyued at Tot●ham by the merchantes venturers of London rydyng in veluet coates and chayues of gold and by them conducted to the barres at Smithfield and there receiued by the lorde maior of London with the aldermen and sheriffes and so by the lorde Maior aldermen and merchant venturers conueyed thorough the Citie vnto maister Dimokes place in Fanchurch strete wher he lodged vntill the .12 of May next folowyng in the yere .1557 at the which tyme he toke hys iourney to Grauesend there toke shyppyng with the prymrose and iii. other shyppes to sayle to Moscouie The lorde Sturton with muche iniu●ye and crueltie murthered two men and for the same was araigned and condemned at Westminster the .ii. daye of Marche he was conueyed through London to Salisburye and there hanged with .iiii. of his seruantes the .vi. daye of Marche King Philip who had ben a good season in Flaunders to take the possession and gouernement of the low countreis ●● Marche returned into Englande and the .xxii. day he passed through London beynge accompanied with the Quene and the nobles of the realme but because greate trouble was towarde betwene hym and the kyng of France he taried not long here but about the third of Iuly next folowyng passyng the seas agayne into Flanders made great prouision for warre agaynste the Frenche kyng The quene thynking her husbandes quarell to be hers also proclaymed open war agaynst France and not long after sent ouer an army of one thousand horsemen .iiii. thousand footemen ii M. pioners to ayde kynge Philip whereof the erle of Pembroke was generall The .24 day of Aprill in the yere .1557 Thomas Stafford other englishmē to the numbre of .xxxii. persones commyng out of France toke the castell of Scarborough whiche they enioyed .ii. dayes and then were taken and broughte to London wher on the .xxviii. day of May the sayd Thomas Stafford was beheaded at the Tower hyll and vpon the morowe were three of hys companye drawen to Tyhorne and there hanged and quartered The tenthe daye of Auguste in the fyfthe yeare of Quene Marye were taken of Fraunce the chiefest Capitayns that the Frenche kyng hadde as foloweth The duke of Mo●tmorency Constable of France and his sonne called Monsieur de Meru the duke of Monpencier the duke of Longueuille the Mareshal of S. Andrew the Ringraue Coronal of the Almains Roche du Main the Conte of Roche foucaul● The Vicont of Touraine the Baron of Curton the Prince of Man●us besyde many gentylmen and Capitains Thys yeare on the .xv. daye of Iuly dyed the ladye Anne of Cleue at Chelsey and was buryed at Westmynster the .viii. day of August The .xviii. daye of Auguste was taken the town of saint Quintine by king Philyppe wyth the healpe of Englishe menne at the siege whereof the Lorde Henry Dudley youngest sonne to the Duke of Northumberland was slayne wyth a gunne This yeare before Harueste wheate was solde for .iiii. marke the quarter Malt at foure and fortye shyllynges the quarter Beanes at forty shyllyngs the quarter Rye at forty shillyngs the quarter and pease at .xlvi. shillinges .viii. d. But after harueste wheate was solde for .v. s. the quarter malt at .vi. s .viii. d ●ye at .iii. s .iiii. d. and in the countreye wheate was solde for .iiii. s. the quarter malt for .iiii. s. viii d. and in some place a bushell of rye for a pound of candels whiche was .iiii. d. Anno M .5 P .4 Thomas Curteys fishmōger S. Rich. Malarie S. Iames Altam S. The fyrst of Ianuary the frenchmen came to Calaice with a great army and layd siege thervnto and within .iiii. or v. dayes were maisters therof and shortly after wan all the pieces on that syde the sea To many it semed strange how that towne whiche so many yeares had bene fortified with all munitions that could be deuised shold nowe in so shorte space be taken of our ennemies It is to be noted that the counsell of England raysed great power to haue gone to the defence of that towne but such tempest rose as the like in many yeares had not ben sene wherby no shyppe could broke the sea and suche of the shyppes as aduentured were wonderfully shaken and forced by the saide tēpest to returne agayne with great daunger The French king also inuaded Flanders and spoyled and brent Dunkirke before kynge Philyp could come to the rescue but before the frenche men returned out of Flanders the Fleminges and the englyshe shyppes metyng with them vppon the sandes betwene Dunkirke and Grauelyne slewe of theym a great numbre Agaynst sommer greate preparation was made both on kyng Philyp and the Frenche kyngs parties and they reteined styll myghty armies of purpose to inuade eche other but nothyng beynge doone towarde wynter they brake vp their campes Thys Wynter the quarterne aques contynued in lyke maner or more behementely then they hadde doone the laste yeare At this tyme also dyed so many priests that a great numbre of paryshes in dyuers places of this realme were vnserued and no curates could be gotten for moneye This yeare in Iune were .vii. burned at one stake in Smythfield and in Iuly were syxe bnrned at Brainforde at one stake and dyuers other in other places Anno M. 6. P. 5. Sir Thomas Lee mercer M. Tho. Hawes S. Rich. Chāpion S. Kyng Philippe beynge absent oute of this realme Quene Mary beyng dangerously sycke ended her lyfe the .xvii. day of Nouember when ●he hadde reigned .vi. yeares .iiii. monethes and .xi. dayes The same daye dyed Cardynall Poole and a lyttell before two of her phifitions and dyuers byshops and noble menne whome the Quene had estemed greatly Quene Elisabeth Anno regni .1 AFter the decease of Queene Mary our gracious and soueraigne lady Elisabeth to the greate comfort of Englande was with ful consent proclaymed quene the .xvii. daye of Nouember in the yere 1558. Not longe after she came frome Hatfielde in Hartefordshyre where she then abode vnto the Charterhouse in London and wente frome thens to the tower there she remayned vntyll the xiiii day of Ianuary folowyng at which time the Lōdoners hauyng made sumptuous prouision she passed through the citie to her palaice at westminster shewyng very comfortable and gentil countenance vnto the people the next day folowing her grace was crowned in saint Peters church at Westminster by doctor Oglethorpe byshop of Carlile The reporte of this was very ioyfull to suche as in Quene Maries tyme for religions sake
William shold succede hym in the kyngdome of England Harolde the sonne of the Erle Goodwin went to Normādie wher he made faithfull promise to duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kyngdome to hys behalfe on whiche condition he brought with hym at his returne his brother Tosto The noble kynge Edwarde fynished hys laste daye whenne he hadde reygned foure and twenty yeares .vii. monethes and odde dayes Hee purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pycked out of them a certayn whych wer most profitable for the commons And therfore were they called the common Lawes For restitution whereof happened dyuers commotions and insurrections in this lande Hee was buryed at Westminster HArolde the eldeste soonne of Earle Goodwyne beynge of greate power in Englande and therewyth valyaunt and hardye tooke on hym the gouernance of thys Lande nothynge regardynge the promyse that he made to Wylliam duke of Normandye Wherfore when William sente to hym Ambassades admonysshynge hym of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene theim Harolde woulde in noo wyse surrendre to hym the kyngdome whyche Wyllyam claymed not only for the promyse that was made to hym but also because hee was the nexte of Kynge Edwardes bloudde In thys meane tyme Tosto whiche fledde oute of the Lande beyng moued agaynst his brother the kynge of Norway who entryng in the north partes of England with a great puisance discomfited .ii. Erles that gaue hym battaile But Harold in reskuyng his people slewe the kyng and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworshyp to their shyps When William Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meanes brynge Harolde to fulfyll hys promyse nor by treatie to yelde to hym the kyngdome by force he entred the lande to whome Harolde gaue stronge and sharpe battaile In the end wherof William by pollicy obteined the victorye chased the englishemen slewe Harolde and obteined the gouernaunce of this lande when Harolde had reigned but .ix. monethes Hee was buryed at Waltham abbey whyche hym self had buylded and was the last that reigned of the bloude of the Saxones in thys Realme This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arriuall of the Saxons or Angles in whiche space they reygned dyuersly Fyrst began the kyngdom of Kent the yeare of our Lorde .475 vnder Hengistus And after that .vi. other kyngdodomes at sundry tymes tooke theyr begynnyngs Whych all at the last were broughte into one Monarchie and subiect to the West Saxons by king Adelstane the yeare of our Lord .ix. hundreth thirtie eight Whiche monarchie continued .129 yeares durynge fiue and twenty of whych yeares the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde A Summarie of King william Conquerour Anno regid .1 WIllyam Duke of Normandye surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Roberte the syxte Duke of that Duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the confessor began his dominion ouer this Realme of England the .xiiii. day of October in the yeare of our Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yere .1087 the nynthe day of September and reigned .xix. yeres .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge theym wyth greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused dyuers to flee the lande into other countreies And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngedome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this common weale and ordeyned newe lawes at his pleasure profytable to hym selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people Thys Wylliam was wyse and politike ryche and couetous and loued well to be magnifyed He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comely stature but somdeale grosse bealyed sterne of countenaunce and strong in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Wyth thys Wyllyam Conqueroure entred into thys Realme dyuers noble menne and gentylmenne whose successoures for the moste parte to this daye doo remayne in greate honoure and reputation To whome he dysposed and gaue greatte possessions and reuenues And because those houses maye not bee vnremembred I haue thoughte good in thys place to recorde the names of theym as Iohn Hardynge in hys Chronycles dedycated to kynge Henry the syrte doothe particulerly recite theym That is to saye Gospatryke to whome he gaue all Cumbreland and made hym erle therof Perey Bohune Malot Bewchamp Menylebyllers Umframuile Le Uause Taylboys Musgraue Muschaump Bailiol Bruis Bepount Neuyle Sent Clere S. Poule Melchynes Menvile Albemarle Le Fortz Courtenay Albenay Councy Gournay Gaunt Beer Latimer Darcy Ayncorte Lescrope Maundeuile Ledespenser Purpoynt Momboucher S. Elo Seint Iohn Uernon Estontvile Delauale Euers Bonuile Belasyse Uescy Bouser Clarell Fitz Raufe Fitz Roger Fitz Waltar Fitz William Bulmers Fawcomberde Claruays Fitz Waryne Malory Longchampe Matrauersse Fitz Robert Mandit S. Quintine Fitz Thomas Fitz Henry Caunvyne Iohn le vicount Normanuile Forniuale Lassels Scrutuile Mantalent Manley Mortimer Claruayle Mountforde La Poole Lucy Ualence Lusours Longuile Ferrer Engayne Longspe S. Uay Lacy Longchamp Coluill Toures Lisle Tracy Chauncy Bowlers Mountagu Sourdeuyle Fulgers Belknap Coniers Someruile Champneys Longuillers Maners Fitz Urcy Glaunuyle Bewfort Chauser Mountpillers Mortayn Graunson Moruille Breton Broyne Gascoyne Daynvyle Chandose Paruynke Dabrygecourt Deuerose Keruyle Cheuercourt Fitz Hugh Cornuyle Morley Fitz Rayner Pudsay Harecourt Cheyny Dela hay Delamore Gargraue S. Omer Moyne Poynyng S. Richar Chartenay c. Hitherto gathered out of Hardyng The reste I haue collected oute of other good authors Pyget Bertrame Tochet Camoys Hauteney Warrayne Chauent Loueney Bygotte Mohant Marmylon Baylyffe Marrays Estraunge Monbray Audeley Ueer Souche Couderay Brabanson Brabason Butecort Bysette Bassette Tressy Caunuyle Iaunville Andgilham Bascoruile Chamberlaine Logenton Hastynges Muriell Bures Malebraunche Mortymer Dyne Lynnesey Fenys Boys Muse Peache Daubeney S. Amounde Riuers Meuille Chamburnon Uerdon Rydell Hanley Mortmayn Gower Botiller Fylberde Sent leger Paynell Traynell Peuerell Daniell Arundell Riuell Loueday Denys FitzNormāduk Rous Trusbutte Corbyne Mounteney c. Anno. 2. The town of Excetor the North-humbers rebelled whyche were both subdued and greuoufly punyshed This kyng Willyam buylded foure strong castells Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lyncolne whych he furnished with garrysons of Normanes Anno. 3. Canutus kyng of Denmark beyng encouraged thereto by certayne englyshe outlawes inuaded the northe partes of England passed through to York frō whens he was driuen backe by Williā and forced to flee into his own coūtrey Anno. 4. The Scottes wyth their kyng Malcolyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. William kyng of England made suche warre vpon the Scotts that he forced Malcolyne to doo to hym bothe homage and fealtie he also disherited Gospatrike and exiled hym the lande and gaue all Cumbrelande with the honour of Carlylle to Raufe Meschynes and made hym earle therof Kynge Wylliam by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and