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A65983 Severall remarkable passages concerning the Hollanders since the death of Queene Elizabeth, untill the 25th of December, 1673 Some animadversions thereupon, in answere to a scandulous pamphlett called Englands appeale to the Parliament, from the private caball at white hall. With the continuation of the case between Sr. VVilliam Courten his heires and assignes and the East-India Company of the Netherlands, faithfully recollected by E.W. armig: and rendred into English, French, and Dutch, for satisfaction of his particular friends, in England, France, and the low countriers. E. W. 1673 (1673) Wing W21; ESTC R219253 71,264 105

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could not bri●le their tongues The vulgar crying out that those who were not for them were against them In the yeare 1608. Sir R●●● Winnwood and Sir Richard Spencer adjus●ed the accounts with the States Generall and toke further security of the States of Holland for payment of the money due to King Iames upon the cautionary townes wich amounted unto the 〈◊〉 of 8184●8 Pound Sterling to be reimbursed to the crowne by severall 〈◊〉 payments The States 〈◊〉 all finding that 〈…〉 〈…〉 In the yeare ●●●● King 〈◊〉 and King 〈◊〉 the IV of France being Me●●●●urs for a peace betweene Spaine and the United Prownces of the Netherlands they preva●led with both parties for a Coll●tion of Armes and a T●u●e for twelve yeares which was agreed should commence from the yeare 160● whereby the States Generall were acknowledged to be free countries and had licences g●anted to trade unto the East-Indies where they had made some adventures before without permission and both the Mediatours became guarantees for the due performance of the Articles of that Truee Yet the Hollanders being not contented with that ●reaty imposed upon them as they sa●d by King Iames they entred into a league oftensive and de●en●ive with France Fearing that King Iames might obstruct their free fishing upon the Coast of England and Scotland W●●●h by the 〈◊〉 of nature and comm●n P 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b●●ngs to the Subjects of g●●at B●●●●●●gue A●ther the death of Henery the IV. the States Generall reneued their league with L●wis the XIII who toke upon him the protection of the United Netherlands and gave the States Generall the first title of HAUI● ET PUISSANIS SEIGNEURS LES ESTATS GENERAUX DES PRO●INCIES UNIES and the States of Holland the first St●le of GRAND ET PUISSAN●S SEIGNEURS LES ESTATS DE HOLLAND ET ●EST-FRIZE then those high and m●ghly Lords the States Generall and the great and mighly Lords the States of Holland and West-●●●zland made severall resolutions and Acts in their re●pective assemblies to receive noe Letters from any Prince or State whatsoever but whith the same style and address that the French King had done and made it knowne unto all the pub●●que M●n●sters then resident in the Hague to give their Masters notice thereof accordingly 〈◊〉 ver●●●●s the o●● English proverbe set beggers on 〈◊〉 back and they 〈◊〉 ride to the 〈◊〉 In the yeare 1612. King Iames demanded 300000. pound Sterling of the French King which was due to the Crowne of England for severall disbursments for Henery the IV. and others then Lowis the XIII assigned the like summes of money upon the States Generall unto King Iames who voluntarily acquitted the States theirof whereupon the French King seing King Iames soe generous acquitted twice as much more that was due to him from the States Generall T●●●● Kindne●●●s are not remembred by the Hollanders and Zelanders neither is their ●●gratitude forgotten by the English and French In the yeare after that King Iames and the Franch King had relea●ed the States of those two great ●ummes of money the High and mighly Lords sent their Embassadours to the Grand Seigneur at Constantinople and to the great Duke of Mos●ovia with whome they contracted Alliances of Commerce settled their Consuls and Factories at Aleppo Alexandria grand Cairo and Smirna Although they noe sheepe woods nor Mynes they would gett woole timber and other materials and people from all partes of the Earth to worke and not be content any longer with such a trade as they could naturally raise out of their owne Country by butter cheese and hempe but would nigross all ●ine Manafactures of silke woole and Mohaire besids their Navigation and Fisheries Making their Ch●●●e t●●nes C●●ies of refuge fortend●r cons●i●n●●s and bandit●s of a●● Nations who are protected there as ●r●e burgers being once admitted as inhabitants In the yeare 1614. the States General made a Placcate to prohibite all English Cloath Kersies and dozens that were died in the Cloath to be brought into the united Provinces upon pa●ne of 25. gilders a Cloath besides the con●i●●ation of the goods Whereupon severall persons in England made their Complaynt to the Councell-Table but finding noe redress the Marchant adventurers and Cloathiers sett upon making of Mixtures died in the woole rather then to lose all advantages of dying dressing and flocks woolen Cloath before that time being worne in blacks blewes redds and other single colours dyed in the Cloath This Nationall affront done by the H●llonders in th●se dayes when King James had the Keys of their Provinces in his Cus●●ly was a sufficient testimony of their insol●ncy and ingratitude and a faire warning for England to ●ind●r the growth of such Monsters that had soe sone forg●tten Queene Elizebeth and soe quickly sughted King James In the yeare 1616. the Hollanders upon a Composition made concerning the money lent by Queene Elizeb●th upon the Cautionary townes prevayled with King Iames to deliver up the Briel Flushing and Rammek●ns after they had been 31. years in the possession of the English at which time the French would have given double the mon●y for their redemption being forfeited to the Crowne of England for breach of Covenants by keeping the money soe many years in their owne hands beyond their Contracts and Obligations 〈…〉 not ●●ve 〈◊〉 soe 〈◊〉 to England either 〈…〉 In the y●are 1●19 the States Generall having fomented the civell w●●s in Germany by assisting the cons●derate Princes of the union with their Councell and Armes against the house of Austria upon preten●e that Hungary 〈◊〉 Bohemia were usurped against the peoples consent and 〈◊〉 H●●●ditary to the Austr●an Family that were 〈◊〉 Kin●●●mes as Poland and the Empire the S●●●●s Generall incourag●d ●redr●●k Pr●nce Pallatine to accept the 〈◊〉 of Boh●●●● prom●ssing h●m the●r further assistance be●ore he had the con●ent of Ki●g Iam●s his father in Law to intreague 〈◊〉 in that warr yett the Hollanders suftered him not only to be 〈◊〉 out of hi● new King●ome by the Spanish and Imp●r●●ll Tr●●●●s but also to be 〈◊〉 from the Palla●inate his owne inher●tance who ●l●dd with his Queene and her children to t●e H●g●e for shelter while the pore Prot●●ants in Germany had ●●●rty to b●gg in man● Churches and Even all this time the States Genera●● that promoted the wa●r lay 〈◊〉 with their Armes I● the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 had n●t a●t●rwards 〈◊〉 i●to the bew●●●s of 〈…〉 In t●e yeare 1620 the Holland●rs la●d their bloudy designes in t●e East-Indies where they comm●tted that h●rrid mas●a●re and sp●y●e at Am●●yna under a pretence that the Eng●●sh Factors combin●d to s●●ze the dut●h Mag●●●nes and war● hous●s whereupon they tor●ured the Marchants an● murther●d others of the Engli●h consi●●a●ed their goods and houses toke away their Is●an●s and ingrossed the w●●le spice trade at the Mulluc●o●s contrary to their owne 〈◊〉 and agreem●nt made with th● English Company pr●●end●ng they were 〈◊〉 by ●or●e●ure This ●●g●dy was soe execrable
that one of the dutch company who could not digest soe much bloud and inhumanity writt the true relation of the Strattagem and sent it over land to the English Factors at Aleppo who transmitted it to some Friends at Amsterdam where it was printed in English and dutch to the great Amazment of all man-kind then severall of the Jewes sold their actions in the East-India Company Esteeming their money not safe in the hands of such a corporation that had drawne soe much guilt upon themselves by their most barberous cruelty Foundations layd in bloud cannot support a fabrick ●●rg but the whole structure will sinck under its owne burthen In the yeare 1621. the truce with Spaine being expired the States Generall proceeded with their armies into ●landers and Brabant And in the same yeare they Established the West-India Company by pattent who watched for the Spanish plate fleets finding it a very profitible warr wherein they could both trade and fight by the benefitt of English and French Portes and shelter themselves for ree●u●tes upon all accidents of wind and weather in English harbours without Salvage or To●age Notwithstanding the Hollanders could not retall●●●● the 〈◊〉 upon th●ir 〈◊〉 or assist the English with a Caske of fresh wa● 〈…〉 In the yeare 1622. the State● Generall p●●●eving that the massacre at Amboyna had ●●de a 〈…〉 in Holland they putt forth a proclam●tion 〈◊〉 suppress all 〈…〉 at subject promising rewards to any persons that could d●scover the Authour of the History in the m●●●e time th●●r Emba●●adours ●usie● themselves at Whit●hall to take off the reproach and in●amy t●a●●●y upon them in England Where the S●●yn●s of that bloud will n●ver b● washed out The States Generall during the remaynder of King James his raigne held themselves secure against great Brittaigne that could ob●●ruct their Navigation and trade by the d●versions given to His Majestie concern●●● his onely Daughter and her children in Bohemia the Cont●nuall Complaynts of the Marchants trading to the East-Indies and the divisions and controversies raised in England and Scotland by the seperat●●ts and Brownists that the Hollanders had ●●rr●d up by their sed●tious practises and Pamphletts dispersed in all his Majesties D●min●on● against the Goverment of Church and State Whereupon great numbers of people were growne soe obstinate and uncharitable in England that rather th●n to Communicate with their Parochiall Congregations they chosed to live in America amongst the Pagans thinking to find a nearer way to heaven in new England then they were taught in great Brittaigne yett they followed the Hollanders stepps allowing God Almighty noe share in the goverment their Clergie being putt to pensions with liberty to trade for their better subsistance or to adventure their stocks in private men of warr Seperatists and Annabap●●●● being fallen from th●ir first principalls have craftily learned to defend thems●●ves by armes and like Hollanders and Zeelanders pretend they may take any thing from the enemies of Christ Jesus In the yeare 1625. King James died and likewise Prince Maurice then the States Generall sent their Embassadours into England to treat with King Charl●s the first concerning a league offensive and defensive against Spaine which they effected and agreed that it should continnue untill the Paltzgrave should be restored and the States Generall setled however that for the space of fifteene years neither party should treat upon any peace or truce without the consent of both This treaty being concluded at Southampton was signed the 25. of November 1625. whereunto the States Generall annexed their prote●●ation in theise words following viz That if his Majesty should not be satisfied within a prefixed time concerning the Massacre and spoyle of his subjects at Ambo●na committed by the Hollanders that then his Majestie might seeke satisfaction by reprisalls or other wise Which notwithstanding the protestation there was noe satisfaction or reparation obtained during the raigne of King Charles the frst As the Hollanders could never bring King James into any league soe King Charles could never b●●ng the States Generall to any performance The next yeare after the treaty the States Generall in stead of Equipping out Shpps against Spaine they send twenty Shipps of warr to ●●list the French King at Rochell and the Isle of Ree to the great oppression of the Protestants in that Kingdome where notwithstanding the new Alliance made by the Marriage betweene the King of great Brittaigne and H●nri●tta Maria a Daughter of France Yett Cardinall R●●hel●●●u contrary to promises and agreements depressed the Hugonetts at Home but assisted the Protestant Princes with men and money a broade holding it to be the interest of France to keepe under any rising party there but to incourage and strengthen them in all other places to oppose Spaine and the House of Austria their enemies The foure intire subsidies given to King Charles the first in the beginning of his raigne being expended with other monies towards reliefe of Nochell against the forces of France and Holland they both knew the depth of his Majesties p●●●se a●d the strenght of his armes during his time and toke their Meas●res accordingly knowing that his revenue was not sufficient for any action to question France or the States Generall for any s●oyles or incro●thments upon his Majesty or his subjects whatsoever In the yeare 1630. the King of Spaine desirous of a peace with England offered satisfaction for wrongs and injuries done then the King of great Brittaigne acquainted the States Generall thereof and would have included them in the treaty at Madrid according to the forementioned agreement but the States Generall upon the first rumour of an overture for peace entred into a further league with France and agreed upon Articles with that Crowne to devide the Spanish Netherlands Equally betweene the French and the United States and soe they left the King of England at liberty to doe what he pleased with the Spaniard the States Generall refusing a peace with Spaine upon any conditions whatsoever It was against the interest of Holland and their Religious concernments to end the warr soe longe as there were plate fleets and other spoyles to be had upon such easie termes During the subsequent tenn years when the King of great Brittaigne was at peace with France Spaine the States Generall and all the world in a common Amity with the Crowne of England excepting the East and West-India Companyes of the Netherlands a rebellion broake out in Ireland the Scotts invaded England and the whole Kingdome divided into Factions every man driveing on his owne perticular interest neglecting the publick during that longe vacation of Parliaments while the Hollanders ingrossed all manner of Navigations and traffi●que sayling in light built bottomes to English plantations The native seamen were then discouraged port townes decayed Cloathing townes depopulated trade insenceably declyned and the comon people became miserable and pore in the midst of plenty In the Conclusion of those tenn
of Spaine the French King the States Generall and many other Kings Princes and States Those Keepers haveing stamped their Coyne with the inscription of God with us on the one syde and the Comon wealth of England on the other Which proved a true motto ●f their dissolution In the yeare 1651. The Keepers of the Comon wealth of England As their ●ist Essay abroade sent M● Olvier St. Johns and M● Strickland their Embassadours extraordinary with a great Equipage and splendour unto the States Generall of the United Netherlands the substance of their instructions being to contract an everlasting league offensive and defensive against all the enemies of both comon wealths and to borrow a considerable summ of money upon the publique faith of their Masters to supply their present occasions and for incouragment thereunto The Embassadours told them of an Act of Parliament that should Naturallize all the United Netherlanders whereby they might have and injoy the same rights and priviledges equally with free borne subjects of England But the old crafty States men in Holland knowing that England would draw away their best Marchants and fishermen into better Ellements And that the publick faith was allready upon the taynters they rejected the first proposall and denied the second presuming to continnue their priviledges they had in the English seas and harbours upon their owne termes Then the English Embassadours told the States Generall that they must pay for their Herring fishing and make satisfaction and reparations for the spoyles and damages committed at Amboyna and upon Sir William Courten and his partners in the East-Indies Unto all which they persisted in the negative Then after some personal affronts offered to the Embassadours and their retinnue by the Kings party in the Hague they returned re infecta to make their report to the Councell of State at Whitehall who highly resented the indignity shewne to their supreame greatnes and suddainly resolued to chastise the Hollanders for their contempt without any formall declaration of warr and to that purpose Equipped out a fleete of Shipps The States Generall doeing the like they were demanded by the English Admiralls to strick their flaggs and lower their topp-sayles but the Hollanders refusing to give that acknowledgment unto their younger brothers they went both to it Catch that Catch could allmost three years together wherein the States Generall lost soe many Shipps and were soe often beaten in solemne fights that they sent their Embassadours over into England to treat with Oliver Cromwell who was stept into the Goverment under the title of Lord Protector to give him satisfaction in the premises It appeared then that although the Hollanders were insolent they were not invincible In the yeare 1655. Oliver Cromwell made an unprofitable peace with the States Generall without disarming them or taking caution against future spoyles and injuries granting unto the Marritine Provinces Holland Zeland and Frizland the same priveledges in the English Seas streams and havens that they had in former times When they were under the Dukes of Bourgundy and Arch-dukes of Austria notwithstanding The Kings of England gave them the liberty of Free fishing then upon the English Coast in consideration of the mutually assistance their Lords and Princes gave against France Amsterdam being then a pore fishing towne and content with the rest of the Hollanders to live upon their honest labour and industry with what they could gett by fish and the product of their owne Country as they did before the East and West-India Companies were Errected and before they had built soe many Shipps of warr out of the spoyles of Spaine Portugall and England Cromwell only compelled them to make some reparations to the English East-India Company for the spoyles at Amboyna and obliged them to referre all other differences concerning the English Damages to Commissioners which nevertheless they reglected to doe finding out expedients even in those days to evade their Articles A Po●… that the Hollanders have beyond any other Nations in the universe In the yeare 1655 Cromwell appeared most dreadfull to all partes of the world receiued noe addresses from Emperours Kings or Princes but under the style of deare Brother and most Screene highnes he concluded an Alliance with France made a warre with Spaine assisted in the taking of Dunkirke as Auxilliary and kept it a principall layed out for the Spanish plate fleetes Attempted Hispaniola and by a mistake toke Jam●aca then runn himselfe out of breath for want of money and dyed If usurp●rs in a divided Kingdome could ●●ate the Hollanders shake France and make Spaine tremble what may not the Lawfull Soveraigne doe with his Lords and Comons united in Parliament against the en●m●●s of the King of great Brittaigne France and Yreland In the yeare 1660 when a peace was concluded betweene France and Spaine upon the Match with the Infanta The Lords and Comons in England invited King Charles the second to come and take possession of his Crowne and Kingdomes The Hollanders then fearing another storme they stricke in with the new Ministers of State in France finding Cardinall Mazarine under a cloude but however the States of Holland treated the King of great Brittaigne at the Hag●e in his returne and all the Commissioners of English Lords and Comons in great glory and least it should be forgotten they also register their treatment in their Almanacks with the gifts presented by the States to His Majesty viz. Nine hunderd-thousand gilders in money and to the value of eight thousand gilders in Harlems ●amaske and ●iaper for His Majesties Table linnen which altogether amounted unto 9200 pound Sterling A small recompence for the affront in bannishing his Majesty and his Brother the Duke of Yorke and Duke of Gloucester out of their Provinces during Cromwells usurpation and for all the Shipps and goods they had lately taken with Spanish Comissions And gott condemned to their owne use as free prize at Oastend and other Spanish Portes Which ought to have bin puni●hed as Pyr●cy in the Hollanders and the Z●…ders by the Laws of Comon Amity and Commerce About six months after the King was arrived in England the States Generall sent M. r Symon van H●rne a Burgermaster of Amsterdam and Director of the East-India Company with M. r Michaell van G●gh their Embassadours Extraordinary to his Majestie to reneue the cheife Articles of Cromwells treaty which was made persuant to the treaty betweene Philip Arch-duke of Austria and Henery the VII in the yeare 1495. And withall to gett a generall abolition and extinguishment of all Actions for spoyles injuries and dammages whatsoever sustained by his Majestie or his Subjects at any time before his Majesties most happy restauration and gave such Documents alonge with them that if any objections should be raised against the materiall poynts in Cromwells treaty or that his Majestie was not obliged to allow the same that then they should insist upon the loss of all their Shipps and
in English bottomes and Cotton woole which is fallen from a noble to Ni●e pence as su●ars etc. are si●c● Sur●●●●m was surrendred to the Zelanders And since the new England Shipps with divers others d●tchified English men are yearly fraighted from ●ir●inea and Barbados that never arrives in old England but carried with syde windes into ●olla●d and the East Countries whereby His Majesty is not onely defra●ded of his Custumes ●nd his ●eam●n di●couraged but the goods undervalued which ought to he menaged to greater advantages of the King and his Kingdomes It is Convenient now to shew you when the house of Bourgundy became allied with the house of Austria And Austria with Spaine ●s also their respec●ive successions likwise the severall successions in the Crownes of England and France And consequently when the Hollanders and their confederated Provinces of the Union revolted from Spaine and Austria and made themselves Soveraigne States And after some observations thereupon give you a more perticular answere to Englands appeale And soe for this present yeare conclude A briefe description of the first Alliances betvveen the Houses of Bourgundy Austria and Spaine vvith the severall successions of Emperours Kings of Spaine Kings of England and France since that Alliance Philip Duke of Bourgundy the 30. Earle of Holland Zeland c. That first ●●s●●tuted the Order of the Golden F●…ce dyed in the yeare 146● leaving Charles his only Sonn and heire his Successour who was s●aine at the battaile of Nancy and left Maria Dutchess of Bourgundy his only Daughter heire that Married Maximillian Arch-duke of Austria Sonn and heire of Fredrick Emperour of Germany by whom she had Philip her only Sonn that Married Jane the Daughter of Ferdinand and Jsabella King and Queene of Arragon and Castile Emperours of Germany Maximillian the first that Married Maria de Vallois Duchess of Bourgundy begun his raigne Anno 1493 Charles the fift Married Jsabella Daughter of Don Emanuel King of Portugal and begun his raigne Anno 1520 Ferdinand the first Married Anna Ulad●slai Daughter of the King of Hungary and Bohem●a begun his raigne Anno 1558 Marua●llian the second Succeeded his Father he Married Maria the Daughter of Charles the fifth his neece and begun to raigne Anno 1564 Rodolphus Succeeded his Father Maximillian he dyed without Issue and begun to raigne Anno 1576 Mathias Succeeded his Brother Rodolphus he Married Ann the Daughter of Ferdinando Arch-duke of Austria and dyed without Issue begun his raigne Anno 1612 Ferdinando the second Succeeded his nephew Mathias and Married Ellenor Sister to the Duke of Mantoua he begun his raigne Anno 1619 Ferdinando the third Succeeded his Father he Married first the Infanta of Spaine and secondly the Daughter of the Duke of Tuscany begun his ra●gne Anno 1656 Leopoldus the Sonn of Ferdinando King of Hungary was Married first to Margaret the Daughter of Philip the IV. King of Spaine and Secondly to the Duchess of Insprugh after she had unkindly treated the Duke of Yorke begun his raigne Anno 1658 Kings of Spaine Philip the first in the Right of Jane his wife Daughter of Ferdinando and Jsabella King and Queene of Arragon and Caste●le begun to raigne Anno 1501 Charles the first Succeeded his Father Philip and was also Elected Emperour of Germany by name of Charles the fifth begun to raigne Anno 1519 Philip the second Succeeded his Father Charles and Married first Queene Marie of England and afterward Elizebeth the Daughter of Henery the second King of France and begun his raigne Anno 1556 Philip the third Succeeded his Father and Married Anna the Daughter of Maximilian the II. Emperour of Germany he begun his raigne Anno 1598 Philip the fourth Succeeded his Father he Married Isabella the Daughter of Henery the IV. King of France and after her decease Marie Anna the Daughter of Ferdinando the third Emperour of Germany begun his raigne Anno 1621 Charles the second Succeeded his Father Philip who was begot of Marie Anna began to raigne Anno 1665 Kings of France Lewis the XII descended in a directt line from Charles the V. surnamed the Wise Married Anna the Widdow of Charles the VIII and Daughter of the Duke of Brittaigne begun to raigne Anno 1499 Francis the firste Succeeded and began to raigne 1516 Henery the second Succeeded his Father he Married Catherin de Medecis Daughter of the Duke of Tuscany begun to raigne Anno 1547 Francis the second Succeeded his Father he died without Issue begun his raigne Anno 1559 Charles the nyneth Succeeded his Brother and died also without Issue he begun to raigne Anno 1560 Henery the third Succeeded his Brother quitting the Kingdom of Poland he Married Louysa de Vaudamont and died without Issue and with him Ended the race of the Vallois he begun to raigne Anno 1574 Henery de Bourbone Surnamed the IV. Succeeded His first wife was Margaret de Vallois for want of Issue by her he Married Maria de Medecis Daughter of the Duke of Tuscany he begun to raigne Anno 1590 Lewis the XIII Succeeded his Father he Married Anna the Daughter of Philip the III. King of Spaine begun to raigne Anno 1610 Lewis the XIV Succeeded his Father he Married Marie the Daughter of Philip the IV. King of Spaine by his first wife that was the Daughter of Henery the IV. and Grand Father to the French King that now is who begun to raigne Anno 1643 Kings and Queens of England Henery the seaventh followed Richard the third whom he slew at the batle of Bosworth being of the house of Lancastar he Married Elizebeth Eldest Daughter of King Edward the IV descended from R. Plantagenet Duke of Yorke the first and next heire to the Crowne and thereby ended the Civil warr betweene Yorke and Lancaster he begun his raigne Anno 1458 Henery the eight Succeeded his Father he had six wives first Katherin Infanta of Spaine Widdow of his brother Arthur Mother of Queene Marie second Ann of Bullaine Mother of Queene Elizebeth third Jane Se●mour Mother of King Edward the VI fourth Ann of Cleef fifth Katharin Howard sir Katherin Parr he begun to raigne Anno 1509 Coward the sixth Succeeded his Father who died without Issue he begun his raigne Anno 1546 Marie Succeeded her Brother she Married Philip the second King of Spaine and died without Issue she begun to raigne Anno 1553 Elizebeth Succeeded her Sister and Married not she began to raigne Anno 1558 King James of Scotland descended from a Daughter of Henery the VII Succeeded her He Married Ann the Daughter of Fredrick the II. King of Denmarke he begun to raigne over great Brittaigne Anno 1602 Charles the first Succeeded his Father King James he Married the Daughter of Henery the fourth King of France and begun to raigne Anno 1625 Charles the second Succeeded his Father and Married Katherin the Daughter of John the fourth King of Portugall begun his raigne Anno 1648 WHEN the Hollanders in the yeare